October 11th 2014

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Dimapur VOL. IX ISSUE 280

The Morung Express “


Music can change the world because it can change people

Fresh report on Sunanda’s death ‘inconclusive’: Delhi police

Saturday, October 11, 2014 12 pages Rs. 4 –Bono

NMP+ activates Discrimination Response Team

17 vie to be the Naga Orpheus

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Hong Kong protesters regroup

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England routs San Marino; Switzerland loses again [ PAGE 12]

Nobel Peace Prize for Living with Schizophrenia Malala and Satyarthi They feel just like anyone of us Morung Express News

OSLO, OCTOBER 10 (AP): Malala Yousafzai of Pakistan and Kailash Satyarthi of India jointly won the Nobel Peace Prize on Friday for risking their lives to fight for children’s rights. The decision made Malala, a 17-year-old student and education activist, the youngest-ever Nobel winner. Malala was shot in the head by a Taliban gunman two years ago in Pakistan for insisting that girls also have the right to an education. Surviving several operations with the help of British medical care, she continued both her activism and her studies. Appropriately, she was in school at the time of the Nobel announcement and was expected to make a statement later Friday. Satyarthi, 60, has been at the forefront of a global movement to end child slavery and exploitative child labor since 1980, when he gave up his career as an electrical engineer. The grassroots activist has led the rescue of tens of thousands of child slaves and developed a successful model for their education and rehabilitation. He has also survived several attempts on his life. “This is an honor for all my fellow Indians, as well as an honor for all those children in the world whose voices were never heard before prop-

‘Good’ fat that fights diabetes discovered


NEw YORk, OCTOBER 10 (IANS): Fat is not all that bad. Scientists have now discovered a new class of molecules -produced in human and mouse fat - that protects against diabetes. Researchers found that giving this new “good” fat or lipid to mice with the equivalent of type 2 diabetes lowered their elevated blood sugar. The team also found that levels of the new lipids called called fatty acid hydroxy fatty acids (FAHFAs) are low in humans with a high risk for diabetes, suggesting that the lipids could potentially be utilised as a therapy for metabolic disorders. “We can add FAHFAs to the small list of beneficial lipids. These lipids can also reduce inflammation, suggesting that we might discover therapeutic opportunities for these molecules in inflammatory diseases such as Crohn’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes,” explained Alan Saghatelian, professor at the Salk Institute and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) in Boston. To determine whether FAHFAs are also relevant in humans, the team measured FAHFA levels in humans who are insulin-resistant and found that their FAHFA levels were lower in fat and blood, suggesting that changes in FAHFA levels may contribute to diabetes. “This work suggests that changes in FAHFA levels are a new mechanism in diabetes,” Saghatelian concluded.

Kohima | October 10

Kailash Satyarthi (AP Photo)

erly,” Satyarthi told India’s NDTV network. “(The Nobel will) boost the courage of Malala and enhance her capability to work for the cause of girls’ education,” he told The Associated Press. The Nobel committee’s announcement reflected a delicate diplomatic balance, naming one activist from Pakistan and another from India, two countries that are long-time bitter rivals; one Muslim and one Hindu; both sexes; an elder statesman of child’s rights and a youthful advocate who had herself been a victim. Committee chairman Thorbjoern Jagland said it was important to reward both an Indian Hindu and a Pakistani Muslim for joining “in a common struggle for education and against extremism.” The two will split the Nobel award of $1.1 million. By highlighting children’s rights, the commit-

Malala Yousafzai (AP File Photo)

tee widened the scope of the peace prize, which in its early days was given for efforts to end or prevent armed conflicts. Raised in Pakistan’s ruggedly beautiful, politically volatile Swat Valley, Malala was barely 11 years old when she began championing girls’ education, speaking out in TV interviews. The Taliban had overrun her home town of Mingora, terrorizing residents, threatening to blow up girls’ schools, ordering teachers and students into the all-encompassing burqas. She was critically injured on Oct. 9, 2012, when a Taliban gunman boarded her school bus and shot her in the head. She survived through luck — the bullet did not enter her brain — and by the quick intervention of British doctors visiting Pakistan. Flown to Britain for specialist treatment at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham, she un-

derwent numerous surgeries but made a strong recovery. “Showing great personal courage, Kailash Satyarthi, maintaining Gandhi’s tradition, has headed various forms of protests and demonstrations, all peaceful, focusing on the grave exploitation of children for financial gain,” the committee said. A well-known sociologist in India said the award this year would have a great impact on children’s lives in his country. “The world has come to recognize the extremely difficult situation in which a large number of children live in India, supporting themselves and their families by engaging in hazardous jobs,” said Dr A.N.S. Ahmed. “The award will have a deep impact not just on the Indian government but also on civil society, to work with passion and improve the condition of children by enforcing their rights.”

“Kelhou hau simo te…Vorketa teiso kuo bu la vor thienyü…” sang an in-patient of the Nagaland State Mental Health Institute on the World Mental Health Day. The lyrics can be loosely translated as ‘Life is a puzzle/mystery. If only the past could be re-lived.’ Under the theme ‘Living with Schizophrenia’, the State Mental Health Institute (SMHI), Kohima Aradura, celebrated World Mental Health Day on October 10. “Behind every emotion is a thought. We think that nothing can go wrong with our thoughts, we defend our sanity. In Schizophrenia, the main target is thought. The thoughts become disorder,” said Dr. P Ngully, a psychiatrist, and added that thoughts can be in the form of a delusion which affects a person and his social life, where he is not in touch with reality. While the media often tends to sensationalize schizophrenia as a case of split personality, Dr. Ngully informed that Schizophrenia is rather a splitting of the mind and not personality. He further asserted that empathy is crucial for treating and living with schizophrenic patients. “Many times, we do not empathize with them and ostracize them. We don’t understand

Some facts about Schizophrenia

• Schizophrenia affects 24 million people worldwide. • It is treatable • More 50% of people with Schizophrenia do not receive appropriate care or treatment • Three quarters of persons suffering with Schizophrenia develop between 16 and 25 years of age • India has 3500 psychiatrists for its 20 million Indians suffering from mental illness which means one psychiatrist for 10,000 people • In Nagaland, there are only about 8 Psychiatrists for its 22 lakh population which means one Psychiatrist has to attend to roughly 3 lakh people how much they suffer. It’s not their intention that they are suffering, they have no choice,” he stated while adding that Schizophrenia is a long process where the person slowly becomes withdrawn, apathetic and thus, should seek immediate intervention. To some extent the disorder can be hereditary if one has first degree relatives, however everyone is vulnerable to this disease. And while medicine is one of the most important treatments, Dr. Ngully pointed out that there are multiple approaches to treating the condition. First and foremost is the individual’s understanding that the disease is a universal suffering. Family participation, with empathy, during treatment is also crucial. Schizophrenia is treatable but can also recur. There are also cases where at least some patients are left with cognitive deficit and don’t come back to normalcy.

“They feel just like any of us,” stated Dr Viketoulie Pienyü, Sr. Specialist SMHI Kohima. Stressing on the need to understand the psycho-social needs of schizophrenics, Dr. Viketoulie said, “Family members need to exercise a lot of patience and understanding.” He affirmed that rehabilitating and improving the competency and skills of the schizophrenic is beneficial to both the patient and the caregiver and that the goal of rehabilitation is for a successful re-integration into the patient’s family, occupation and social life. Dr. Viketoulie further stated that meeting the spiritual needs of schizophrenics is another important factor in their treatment. Informing that “people do not die of Schizophrenia, they die of other complications,” he affirmed that need for strong family support, care and a holistic understanding of mental health.

While Nagaland lacks in infrastructure and facilities for treatment, Dr. G. Kemp, Principal Director, Health and Family Welfare, stressed on the need for social acceptance of schizophrenia, through awareness. “Like any other disease, it is treatable. The stigma which most of the time attached with Schizophrenia is because of indifference,” he added. Dr Temsulong Pongener stated that “the rising crime rate, rampant corruption and general unrest in people are clear signs that mental health and well being needs our attention. This careless attitude toward mental health is mirrored by the government and medical institutions where mental health is regarded almost as an afterthought.” He informed that barely 1-2% of the health budget is allotted to mental health and emphasized on the need for a dual approach that encompasses the preventive and curative aspects of mental health. To achieve this, he proposed that the media, NGOs, mental health professionals and government co-operate in reaching out to the community, beginning from the grass root level by spreading awareness, reducing stigma associated with mental illness and focusing on expanding the reach of mental health services.

Imbroglio with R&B Minister amicably settled: NFHRCC Nagaland need not be Morung Express News Dimapur | October 10

Minister for Roads & Bridges (R&B), Kuzholuzo Nienu and members of the Nagaland Foothill Road Coordination Committee (NFHRCC) met today and have amicably settled all disputes over work contract entitlement and lawsuits. The minister and the PWD (R&B) Department had been involved in a tussle with the Nagaland Foothill Road Coordination Committee (NFHRCC), thereby affecting the progress of the construction of the Foothill Road. Today’s meeting paves the way for full resumption of work.

The NFHRCC, at a press conference on Friday, informed that “the imbroglio between the R&B Minister and the NFHRCC was amicably settled on October 10” at a meeting with the Minister in Dimapur. The committee, while maintaining that it was a cordial affair, stated that all differences were settled. “The two parties after a lengthy discussion reached an understanding that all the issues pertaining to the Foothill Road construction such as the court cases filed by the NFHRCC recommended contractors [against the department] and the defamation case filed by the Minister will remain settled under the principle of ‘forgive and forget’,”

stated the NFHRCC. Stating that the settlement was an outcome of “wisdom exercised by the R&B Minister and for his understanding towards the immense need of the general public,” the NFHRCC chose however not to get into the details of the meeting. The meeting, the NFHRCC said, was facilitated by the Deputy Commissioner of Dimapur, Wezope Kenye and acknowledged the DC’s initiative. The meeting was held at the DC’s official residence. In the meeting, it was also resolved that the NFHRCC would work out modalities to take forward the construction of the foothill road.

Raise border issue in right perspective: UNTABA

DIMAPUR, OCTOBER 10 (MExN): The United Naga Tribes Association of Border Areas (UNTABA) today asserted that the Naga people “will never accept any observation or judgment that is detrimental to the historical rights of the Naga people.” The UNTABA stated this, through a press note, in reference to the border dispute between Assam and Nagaland states. It lamented that “successive governments of Nagaland have deliberately failed to raise the issue in the right perspective.” The UNTABA further said it is “appalled by the Nagaland Chief Minister’s admission that Nagaland has a ‘weak case’ in Court on border issue.” UNTABA said that the Naga people have “enough and readily available historical documents at hand” even pertaining to those prior to the advent of British Administration in Naga Hills…” UNTABA further stated that “taking the inability of

the Government of Nagaland as an undue advantage, the Government of Assam filed the Case in the Supreme Court of India in 1988 insisting the 1925 Notification of the then British Government of India… to be the final Inter-State boundary between the two State.” This, it reminded, is the “core issue of the case that is pending in the Supreme Court of India.” It said that the Supreme Court acknowledges that “such case can never be finally arbitrated by the Court itself;” as a result of which, the Court “recently issued an interim order directing the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) to take the responsibility in resolving the issue amicably.” UNTABA, however stated that it will “never accept any amicable settlement which fails to bring back all those areas of approximately 4,974.16 Square Miles or an area of 12,883.07 Square Kilometers that were arbitrarily

transferred to Assam by the stantiate its claims on the then British Government of border issue,” the NPF inIndia systematically.” formed that the CM had “only stated that the borNPF clarifies der issue between Assam The Naga Peoples’ and Nagaland was an old Front (NPF) today clari- problem and the case had fied that the Nagaland state landed up in the Supreme Chief Minister, TR Zeliang, Court of India as a result during the party’s CEC of the Writ Petition filed meeting on October 9, had by the Government of As“suggested that the best sam, and that certain docuway to settle the border ments which included digidispute would be to arrive tized maps were sought by at an amicable settlement the Hon’ble Court and for through mutual under- want of more documents standing and cooperation the case has been dragbetween the two Govern- ging on for a long period of ments on a give and take time.” basis...” As in any case, it The NPF informed that stated that the Supreme the CM had “also suggestCourt “would not be in a ed it is best that the issue be position to possibly demar- settled outside the court.” cate the boundary on its It further urged all conown.” Hence, the bound- cerned to “exercise extreme ary issue would take an in- caution and restraint, since definite period of time to the Border issue between come to a mutually accept- Nagaland and Assam is able conclusion, added a a sensitive matter and it press note from the NPF would not be in the interest Press Bureau. of the people and the State Clarifying that the Chief if wrong statements are atMinister had “never stated tributed to the Chief Ministhat Nagaland lacks docu- ter in his speech at anytime ments to prove or sub- in this aspect.”

a deficit state: Governor Nagaland Governor underscores need to collectively remedy wrongs Morung Express News Dimapur | October 10

Governor of Nagaland and Tripura, PB Acharya, today underscored the need to harness the rich natural and mineral resources in the state to make Nagaland progressive and economically dependent. “Nagaland need not be a deficit state”, the Governor said and added that the state with its huge deposits of pure gold, petroleum reserves and hydro potentials can make the state economically prosperous. But ironically, Acharya said that even at Raj Bhavan, there power cuts at least five times in a day. “India is rich but Indians are poor, Nagaland is also rich but Nagas are poor”, Acharya said. He added that it is the collective responsibility of all citizens to remedy the wrongs. The governor was speaking at the freshers’ socialcum-annual day of Unity College & Unity College of Teacher Education held here at the college campus. Acharya also noted that the “Integrity of the country is at stake in the North East Region” as all NE states share border with other countries. He however assured that the Modi government at the Centre has great concern for develop-

Governor of Nagaland and Tripura, PB Acharya (2nd right) with his wife, Kavita Acharya, management of Unity College and others after laying the foundation stone of Unity Girls Hostel building. (Morung Photo)

ment of the NE Region. But for development to come, Acharya said peace is a prerequisite and in this, the Church and educational institutions have crucial roles to play. The Governor also said that for any country or state to develop, education is the foundation and that empowerment of youth comes through education. “In today’s world, there is nothing more powerful than education and unity… Education opens our eyes and ensures that we can no longer be kept in the dark about issues concerning us and our future, and when we are united, limitless possibilities are opened”, Acharya said. Stressing that “unity in diversity” is the peculiarity of India, he said education should not be self-centred but encompass the varied communities with different languages, dresses and religions living in unity as one nation. Citing his own case, Acharya said that despite being an educated man

holding four different degrees, he was “ashamed” he did not know the then North East Frontier Agency (Arunachal Pradesh) was part of India when the news of Chinese invasion of NEFA was announced in the radio. Further, the Governor also reiterated his concern that 68% of teachers in government schools in Nagaland are proxy teachers and said this did not bode well for the future of students and the state. Acharya also laid the foundation stone of Unity Girls Hostel building. The Governor also launched the website of Unity College and released the college magazine and journal. Later, he also visited the hostel, SETAM, Nagaland University and ICFAI University at Sovima. Principal, Unity College, Dr. SK Chhabra, gave an academic report of the college and NM Ovung, chairman of Amity Welfare Society, which is the governing body of the college also addressed the function.







11 October 2014

hung SDPO Temsunochet, Makshi DPO, (DAPCU), S Bendang Aier (NMP+ Advisory Board Member), Dolim Chang (Dobashi) Advocate Watitemjen, Pastor Yapang of Ongpangkong Baptist Church Yimyu, journalists Longrangty Longchar and Imrongkumba, NMP+ President T. Temsu Jamir and Toshi Sangpi Project Coordinator Vihaan CSC. The main objective of the DRT will be to provide legal aid to PLHAs and those affected by HIV/ AIDS. The team will take up cases of discrimination in the society and intervene positively and resolutely. Besides, the DRT members will actively work towards the eradication of stigma

and discrimination of HIV/ AIDS in the society. However, whenever there are known cases of discrimination, the DRT will actively pursue the issue and take legal actions against those discriminating against the PLHAs. The DRT has been established under the active sponsorship of Vihaan Care and Support project under India HIV/AIDS Alliance. There are many cases of discriminations against PLHAs in the past. Many cases had gone unreported, but the NMP+ has actively intervened to those known cases of discrimination through seminars and awareness. However, keeping in mind that

the Constitution of India guarantees justice, liberty and equality and guarantees protection against discrimination and right to life, the NMP+ will be ensuring dignity of life to PLHAs through the Discrimination Response Team. It may be noted that NMP+ was established in the year 2008. It has more than five hundred members. It has been actively involved in the field of HIV/AIDS, and has been working for the welfare of the PLHAs and also those affected by HIV/AIDS. The NMP+ has been strongly working against stigma and discrimination on HIV/ AIDS for the past many years, and the activation of the Discrimination Re-

sponse Team would give leverage in the fight against stigma and discrimination on HIV/AIDS in the society. The NMP+ officials has requested all concerned to contact the NMP+ Helpline No. 9856730472, 9 8 5 6 2 4 0 6 1 2 o r 03692227547 to report any cases of discrimination on HIV/AIDS. The NMP+ assures that all cases of discrimination against HIV/ AIDS will be pursued positively and resolutely. Meanwhile, the NMP+ has also instituted a media cell with former NMP+ president Toshi Sangpi as the convener and some journalists who will be handling the different works related to media and publicity.

MAAM Trust Fund for Cancer Patients launched Our Correspondent

Mokokchung | October 10



NMP+ activates Discrimination Response Team Int'l Girl Child Day 2014

Mokokchung, october 10 (Mexn): The Network of Mokokchung District People Living with HIV/AIDS (NMP+) has activated its Discrimination Response Team (DRT), which will tackle any cases of discrimination against People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLHAs) in the society. NMP+ Media Cell today stated in a press note that the Discrimination Response Team consists of eleven members drawn from different fields and the team will work cohesively and positively to eradicate stigma and discrimination against HIV and AIDS in the society. The team members are Dr Amenla (Medical Officer, ART IMDH), Mokokc-


The Morung Express

In a noble gesture, the Mokokchung Arts & Aesthetics Management (MAAM) today launched a Trust Fund for Cancer Patients at the Imkongliba Memorial District Hospital here today with the Additional SP Mokokchung, Yanren Ngullie as the guest of honor. The trust fund dubbed as ‘MAAM Trust fund for Cancer Patients’ has been established from the proceeds of the recently held Miss Mokokchung beauty contest 2014 which was organized by MAAM on September 19 last. The guest of Honour, Yanren Ngullie, addl SP Mokokchung while speaking at the launching programme, highly appreciated the MAAM for their noble initiative in reaching out to the cancer patients being treated at the IMDH. While encouraging the MAAM to keep up their good work, Ngullie asserted that the government agencies always need the

Guest of Honor, Yanren Ngullie Addl SP Mokokchung, along with IMDH doctors, MAAM officials, Miss Mokokchung 2014 winners and cancer patients at the MAAM Trust Fund for Cancer Patient launching programme at IMDH Conference Hall on October 10. (Morung Photo)

help of the NGOs in discharging their duties and that it is because of the active participation of the civil bodies that the government can perform actively. He further encouraged the doctors and the hospital management authorities to use the trust fund and ensure that it reaches the targeted group. Oncologist Dr. Talitemsu said that cancer is one of the costliest diseases which

involve a lot of expenses while undergoing treatment like surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. He said that most of the cancer patients are from the lower section of the society who cannot afford the expensive cancer treatment. In this regard, he expressed heartfelt gratitude to the MAAM for the Trust Fund and added that his cancer patients at IMDH would be given a new life

and new hope while battling the disease. He further urged the general public, the different government departments, NGOs and individuals to continue to render their unconditional support towards the cancer patients in the society. The Medical Superintendent of IMDH, Dr Lima, while appreciating the noble venture of MAAM, encouraged the cancer patients present at the pro-

gramme not to lose hope in life. He said that medical science has made much progress and that cancer can be treated with the right treatment. He asked the patients to listen to the advice of their doctors and follow the right process of treatment. On the occasion, four cancer patients being treated at IMDH were also handed out cash amount of Rs 10,000 each by the Mokokchung Arts & Aesthetics Management. The programme was chaired Imsulemla Aier while the MTBA pastor Rev Ponen Longchar invoked God’s blessing. The MAAM president Asola Ozukum delivered the keynote address. It may be noted that around 30-40 cancer patients are treated every year at the IMDH. So far, the hospital has only one oncologist. The other oncologist is currently deputed at TB Hospital Mokokchung. The IMDH provides chemotherapy to the patients. The radiotherapy unit is still not functional due to lack of technicians.


Students take a pledge to commit themselves to be aware, not to remind silent and to protect a friend from any kind of violence on International Girl Child day.

kohiMa, october 10 (Mexn): To celebrate the International Girl Child day, Nagaland State Social welfare Board (NSSWB) & the State Resource Centre for women Nagaland (SRCW) in collaboration with Child Line Kohima, organized a programme at Government Higher Secondary School Seikhazou on October 9. International Day of the Girl Child is an international observance day declared by the United Nations, which was first started on October 11, 2012. It is observed to support more opportunity for girls, and increases awareness of inequality faced by girls worldwide based upon their gender. This inequality includes areas such as access to education, nutrition, legal rights, medical care, and protection from different types of discrimination and abuse that many girls around the world suffer from. The theme for this year is “Empowering Adolescent Girls: Ending the cycle of Violence“. On the occasion, Daisy Mezhur, Secretary of NSSWB& Mission Director of SRCW spoke on the theme and that “We must fight the good fight” to prevent all forms of abuse and violence. She encouraged the

Empowering Adolescent Girls: Ending the cycle of Violence students to work hard and strive to become Women and Men of substance so that they can be an asset to their family and the society. She highlighted the activities of the Nagaland Adolescent Girls Club (NAGC) and invited the students and the school to join the club and to “Live the Promise”. She sent a strong message to the students about different forms of abuse and violence that is happening and that they must stand up for their right and not remain victimized. R. Juliana Medom, Assistant State Coordinator of SRCW gave an introduction on “Know your rights” with the narration of “Komal- A story on Child sexual abuse”. She explained about the safe and unsafe touch which the children should be aware of and say ‘No’ to touches that make them uncomfortable. She also urged the students to be aware of the various instances of violence that is happening around them and to safeguard themselves. MhalesinoTepa representing the Child Line Kohima, presented about its objective and shared that

it is currently functioning in Dimapur District and will be shortly launched in Kohima District as well. The children in distress can call the toll free Child help Line No. 1098 which can be accessed 24*7. Gracy Aye, State Coordinator, SRCW introduced the signature campaign and the students took a pledge to commit themselves to be aware, not to remind silent and to protect a friend from any kind of violence. The programme was chaired by Vikono Kweho, Programme Assistant, Adolescent Girl Club (AGC). RubeivilieBelho, the Headmaster of the School appreciated the effort of the department and thanked them for addressing such an important social issue and further welcomed them to continue such activities. It may be mentioned that the NSSWB and the SRCW will be celebrating this special day in some of the schools in the project area of Mission Poorna Shakti to raise awareness and spread the message of ending different form of violence against Women and Girls.


World Mental Health Day: Living with Schizophrenia IGNOU and Hero MotoCorp Ltd signs MoU


DiMaPur, october 10 (Mexn): Serendip Guardians, an organization working in the field of mental health with a long term objective of venturing into the rehabilitation of trafficked women and children on Friday observed World Mental Health Day under the theme, ‘Living with Schizophrenia,’ at Chumukedima. The observation coincided with the first anniversary of the starting of Serendip Guardians (SG). However, Serendip Guardians was officially launched only on Friday. Speaking at the programme, Director of Bosco Institute Jorhat, Fr. Jerry Thomas said despite the wide prevalence of mental health issues that people encounter in their day-to-day activities, there were very few institutes and organizations working in this particular field in the country. Overwhelmed with the launching

kohiMa, october 10 (Mexn): Consequent upon the Prime Minister’s call of "Skilling India" and in line with the skill development initiatives of Govt. of India through National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) and Hero MotoCorp Ltd. joined hands for initiating skill development programmes. Accordingly, IGNOU and HERO signed an Agreement on SeptemSchool students show their support for creating awareness on mental health by appending ber 30, 2014 to consolidate their signatures at Chumukedima on Friday. (Morung Photo) of SG comprising of a team of young like-minded friends with the passion to bring meaningful changes in the society, Fr. Thomas expressed optimism that the committed team would create more awareness about mental health and spread its wings beyond the borders. He also stressed on the need to create awareness on mental hygiene alongside the is-

sue on mental health. Founders of SG, Rini Ghose and Sunny Kikon spoke briefly on how they started the organization. Scores of students from schools and colleges and representatives from various NGOs attended the programme. Posters creating awareness on mental health were exhibited at the venue. Later, those who at-

tended the programme participated in the signature campaign supporting the cause on creating awareness on mental health. The mission of SG is to create awareness on mental health thus inculcating a help seeking behavior, advocate for improving services and strengthening the psycho-social support of individuals.

their firm commitment towards the skill development and vocational education training. This industry-academia collaboration will result in a national educational endeavour in terms of addressing training, re-training and certification needs of working motorcycle technicians in the country. Additionally, a new initiative to train raw learners in order to create a pool of skilled technicians has also been envisaged in the collaboration. The programmes under

collaboration are to be designed and developed in strict adherence to National Skill Qualification Framework (NSQF). The Agreement was signed by Mr. Ajay Dikshit, Associate Vice President, Hero MotoCorp Ltd. and Mr. L. M. Pandey, Registrar (Admn) and Finance Officer, IGNOU on respective behalf in the gracious presence of Prof. M. Aslam, Hon. Vice Chancellor, IGNOU. Pro Vice Chancellors, Directors and faculty members of School of Engineer-


Sunep Lemtur, Director of Adonai Ministry with other organizers of the Nation Shakers Youth Conference during the meeting held on October 10.

DiMaPur, october 10 (Mexn): The Nation Shakers Youth Conference, organised by Adonai Ministry, which is aiming to stretch out its vision in all the districts of Nagaland,

will start from Peren district. “The central vision behind this youth conference is to prepare our young people for a greater Christian youth awakening movement in Nagaland, as

we all know that the present scenario of Nagaland has landed up in such a pathetic condition where the hopes of our young people are snatching out of their hands,” Sunep Lemtur said


Excise destroy contrabands

Dist Prohibition Committees set up to keep tab on liquor flow

Nation Shakers Youth Conference from today

in a press release. Sunep Lemtur, Director of Adonai Ministry will be the main speaker for this conference. At the first meeting of the organizers, he urge upon some pastors, ministers and the youth leaders to come and join hands together to fight against the unrest corruption for which we all are still fighting tirelessly. The first two days conference will be conducted at Jalukie Town Local Baptist Church on October 11 and 12, where many young people from different churches around Jalukie area are expected to gather together to mark the historical youth awakening movement in Nagaland. This conference will encourage our young people of Nagaland, to live a Christ centered life and to empower them through the life changing word of the living God, the organizers added.

ing & Technology, IGNOU were also present. On the occasion of Agreement signing, Dikshit stressed the need of skilled manpower in the industry. Prof. Aslam, in his address, reiterated the IGNOU’s commitment towards the development of skill based vocational programmes and sustainable programme design for addressing the learners’ need. This was stated in a press release issued by Dr. T. Iralu, IGNOU Regional Centre Kohima.

Excise officials alongwith officials from the district administration and civil society members seen disposing seized liquor at the Excise Commissioner's office, Dimapur on October 10. Morung Express News Dimapur | October 10

The department of Excise & Prohibition destroyed confiscated contrabands in the office of the Commissioner of Excise, Dimapur on October 10. The contrabands, comprising 1351 cases of liquor, 120 kgs of ganja, 105 grams of brown sugar, 15, 490 capsules of spasmo proxyvon and 300 tablets of nitrosun, were seized during March 2013 to September 2014. The destruction exercise was carried out in the presence of officials from the district adminis-

tration, the judiciary and the representatives from the civil society. Highlighting the effort of the Excise department, the Commissioner of Excise, Maongwati Aier stated that the department has detected and registered more than 7000 offences, while around 8000 offenders were prosecuted during the past three years. Stating that the department is doing its job under tremendous pressure and shortage of manpower, Aier added that it will continue its duties as an enforcement agency. Section 27 of

the NLTP Act, Aier added, even empowers ‘gaonburas’ (headmen) to enforce the Act. For stronger enforcement of the NLTP Act, Aier informed that the department has set up District Prohibition Committees in all the districts. The constitution of the Committees was finalized on October 9 and each will be headed by the Deputy Commissioner of the district as the chairperson and the district Superintendent of Excise as member secretary. The primary objectives of the Committees will be to

mobilize public opinion, making surveys of liquor consumption, providing counseling to help consumers wean away from intoxicants; while keeping a tab on movement of illicit liquor and assisting enforcement personnel. Aier informed that it he recently met his Assam counterpart and took up the matter liquor distilleries that has mushroomed along the Assam-Nagaland border, stretching from Namtola to Dimapur. Stating that the Assam Excise Commissioner assured to take all possible measures to prevent the flow of illicit flow of liquor into the state, Aier added that the Deputy Commissioner of Karbi-Anglong was further informed to take necessary preventive steps. Aier further appealed business enterprises from catering liquor while cautioning that it tantamount to cancellation of trade licence. The ADC, Dimapur, Elizabeth Ngullie while commending the effort of the Excise reminded that the responsibility of checking illicit flow of liquor lies with the general public and the administrative set up and not only the Excise.



The Morung Express


11 October 2014


Despair, sorrow sweep flood-hit Meghalaya tura, october 10 (ianS): "I don't know what to do and how to resume my life," says a sobbing Jafar Ali, whose wife and three children were swept away in the recent flash floods in the Garo Hills. "In a matter of minutes the flood waters claimed my wife, a son and two daughters while I was taking the other son to higher ground for safety," mourned Ali. "I wanted to rescue them all but I failed. I have lost my family and my house and there is nothing left but pain and sorrow," the distraught man told a visiting IANS correspondent. But the carpenter is a fighter. "I will have to restart life for the sake of my son who is too young to understand the magnitude of this tragedy." The floods and landslides in Garo Hills, in the western part of Meghalaya, the northeast Indian state bordering Bangladesh on

two sides, claimed 59 lives and severely affected lives of more than 200,000 people. At least 1,170 villages were submerged after a cloudburst over Garo Hills. Ironically, the cloudburst happened in the state whose name literally translates into 'abode of the clouds'. Diwakar Mann, another survivor, narrated how he managed to escape from the flood fury in Bholarbhita village. "I don't know how to show you where our house stood earlier," Mann said, pointing his fingers at the changed course of the Jinjiram river that overwhelmed over 300 households in the village. The village lost almost 80 percent of its land to the flood fury. Many victims are homeless. Houses in the village, located close to the Jinjiram river, a tributary of the Brahmaputra, simply disappeared. Erosion and slit deposit have changed the river

route, which now passes through Bholarbhita village, 105 km from Tura town. "There is no more Bholarbhita village. Everyone now calls this place Bholarbhita river. I don't know how to get back our land," Mann says, narrating the devastation caused by the Sep 23 flood fury. "The government is providing us temporary shelter and relief. We all know we have to get back on our feet. I am sure it is going to be tough as we have lost our land and resources," Mann said. Another flood victim, Abdul Karim, was on the verge of tears. "My house is gone, my money is gone and so is everything I ever owned. How do I feed my family after the government-provided relief runs out? I have to rebuild everything." Thousands of students in the flood-hit areas have lost their books, school uniforms and other educational items.

More than 200 school and colleges have been damaged by the flash floods. A few were washed away. The disaster struck when school examinations were a few weeks away. Many students in areas where the flood waters have receded have started rummaging through their damaged belongings hoping to find their books. "I am looking for my text and note books. If I can locate even a few, I will be lucky. But I don't think I will be able to get any of it," despaired Robina Dalbot Shira, a Class 10 student. Pravin Bakshi, the district magistrate of West Garo Hills, felt the causalties could have been more had not the North East Space Application sounded an alert. "The early warning system of NESAC warned of extremely heavy rains," Bakshi told IANS, adding the people had experienced floods in August too.

"The floods have been devastating... The scenes of devastation were difficult to believe. We saw piles of debris and broken homes everywhere. "It is a tragedy the state has never seen in the past, and it is going to be a herculean task to rebuild the affected areas," he explained. The official appealed to relief and aid agencies to visit the flood-hit areas in the Chibanang area and render all possible help. Chief Minister Mukul Sangma said: "We have not only lost precious lives but the quantum of damage is very high. "We have been moved back 10 years in our development programme. All major areas have been devastated. Everywhere we went, there were only sad stories. "The government is in the process of preparing a memorandum highlighting the suffering and destruction," Sangma told IANS.


a man urinates on a wall in Gauhati on Friday, october 10. india is considered to have the world's worst sanitation record despite spending some $3 billion since 1986 on sanitation programs, according to government figures. The country is now gearing up to spend 10 times that amount, as new Prime Minister narendra Modi makes garbage and sanitation troubles a key issue for his first year in office. (AP Photo)

12-hour bandh paralyses Chandel Bandh affects normal life in Central Assam

chandel, october 10 (Mexn): A 12-Hour Chandel bandh paralyzed movement of vehicles along NH-102 C (Pallel-Chandel Road) and Chandel -Chakpikarong via Sugnu Road. Called by Anal Naga Tangpi from 5 a.m. of the morning, the bandh was also effective at Chakpikarong sub division and western valley in Chandel district. However, no untoward incident was reported. The mini secretariat at DC complex and other government establishments bored a deserted look as low attendance was recorded due to the bandh. Shops downed their shutter and vegetable markets also wore a deserted look. Meantime, Anal Naga Tangpi (ANT) too observed Chakpi River protection Day with a simple function held at its head office located

at Panchai today. President of ANT Wng Kohring Victor while speaking on the occasion said the bandh was called to protest the step motherly treatment of the government and drew attention to the demands of the Chandel people. Saying that the road condition of the NH-102C with a mere stretch of 17 kms would be the most deplorable and pathetic type of road found in India, which has remained unattended for more than 7-10 years, he stated that ANT is left with no option and is determined to fight for justice in the court of Law in case the government fails to start up the road work of both NH-102C and Chandel to Chakpikarong via Sugnu Road before Christmas. Seeking explanation from the government with regards to its in-

ability to include Chandel Block under NERCORMP III notwithstanding the ultimate desire of the rural poor tribal minority people like Moyon, Monsang, Moyon and Lamkang residing in the upland areas Chandel block, the president went on to say that these minority tribes would be totally left out of the project. “If NERCORMP authority and the state government continue to work in this manner, they will surely get the bitterest curse”, the president added. As such, ANT demanded the same treatment for Chandel Block like that of Tengnoupal, Moreh and Khengjoy that is covered by NERCORMP III. Expressing unhappiness over the frequent transfer of DC, doctors, lecturers or teachers from the district, it sought revocation of the DC transfer order. Dwelling on the Chakpi River’s Protection Day, the president informed that October 10 is set aside by Anals as Chakpi River Protection Day and is observed at Chakpikarong in addition to district headquarters. It urged the people to remember the day every year to protect rivers, streams, mountains and trees. He also called on the government to cancel the Chakpi Multi Purpose Project. President of CNPO Ws Kanral Anal in a short speech during the occasion said all possible efforts should be taken up by the people of Chandel to protect Chakpi River which is the source of livelihood for all. He appealed all to abstain from unwanted human activities to help save the river and make Chakpi River flow naturally.

70 Indian border markets to be open to Bangladeshis

agartala, october 10 (ianS): India intends to set up 70 markets, colloquially called 'haats', on its border where Bangladeshis and Indians will be able to buy and sell, among other things, fish, spices, dairy and poultry products as well as handicrafts. "India in consultation with the Bangladesh government and respective state governments has identified 70 locations in five border states to set up the 'Border Haats' in a phased manner," said a union home ministry report made available to IANS. State governments of four northeastern states have also proposed to set up 15 'Border Haats' along the India-Myanmar border to develop trans-border local trades and business. "The 'Border Haats' would be allowed to sell local agricultural and horticultural products, spices, minor forest products (excluding timber), fresh and dry fish, dairy and poultry products, cottage industry items, wooden furniture, handloom and handicraft items," an official said. No local tax will be imposed on the trading. Both Indian and Bangladeshi currencies will be accepted, he added. The home ministry report said: "Of the 70 'Bor-

der Haats', 35 have been proposed along the border with West Bengal, followed by 22 in Meghalaya border, five in Tripura and four in Assam." Four locations to set up 'Border Haats' in Mizoram's border with Bangladesh have also been identified. "BSF (Border Security Force) authorities have also been involved in identifying the locations to set up the 'Border Haats' along the Bangladesh border," the report added. A senior official of the Development of North Eastern Region ministry said that state governments of Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Nagaland and Mizoram - which share 1,643-km unfenced border with Myanmar - have also suggested setting up 15 'Border Haats' along the India-Myanmar border. "The Nagaland and Arunachal Pradesh governments have suggested four 'Border Haats' each along their international borders with Myanmar while the Manipur government wanted four such local markets," the official told IANS on condition of anonymity. Two 'Border Haats' had already been set up in 2012 at Meghalaya's Kalaichar (India)-Baliamari (Bangladesh) and Dalora

(Bangladesh)-Balat (India). Each 'Border Haat' costs Rs.2.20 crore to Rs 2.45 crore to set up. West Bengal, Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram share 4,096-km border with Bangladesh and most parts of the boundaries are unfenced. Tripura Industry and Commerce Department Director and Special Secretary Pravin L. Agrawal said that during the visit of Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in New Delhi Jan 10-13, 2010, India and Bangladesh decided to set up the 'Border Haats' to boost local trade and for people-to-people contact. "Joint secretaries of Indian and Bangladesh governments' commerce ministries signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) Oct 23, 2010, and finalised the modalities to set up the 'Border Haats'," Agrawal told IANS. He said that trading in these bazars would be held once or twice a week, and in June 2012 in a revised agreement per day per head spending cap of $50 has been increased to $100. Agrawal said that one 'Border Haat' at Kasba in western Tripura and another at Srinagar in southern Tripura would be operational soon. The 'Border Haats' are

to be set up within five kilometres on each side of the international border. "Trade between Bangladesh and Tripura alone has increased from Rs.4.12 crore in 1995-1996 to Rs.343 crore in the 2012-13 financial year," the official said, adding that due to the domestic political turmoil in Bangladesh trading was hugely affected in last fiscal and the trade was recorded at Rs.230 crore in 2013-14. Agrawal said: "We expect that the trade between Bangladesh and Tripura alone would cross Rs.500 crore annually within the next three years. There is a huge scope of increasing trade between Bangladesh and northeastern states of India." Four northeastern states - Tripura, Meghalaya, Mizoram and Assam - share a 1,880-km border with Bangladesh, parts of which are unfenced and run through dense forests, making it porous and vulnerable. "If the existing border infrastructure is upgraded, the volume of trade and business between Bangladesh and northeastern states of India would be increased five to six times of the current level," the Tripura industry and commerce department official said.

Morigaon, october 10 (Pti): Normal life was affected today in the contiguous districts of Morigaon, Nagaon and parts of Kamrup (Metro) by a 12-hour Central Assam bandh called jointly by the All Tiwa Students Union and Tiwa Yuba Chatra Parishad demanding formation of a TAC under provisions of the 6th schedule. Markets, shops, educational institutions, banks and offices remained closed during the bandh and some vehicles were damaged on NH 37 by bandh supporters, police

said. The vehicles were damaged by pelting of stones at Roha, Jagiroad and Kothiatoli areas by the supporters of the bandh, the police said. The Hindustan Paper Corporation paper mill at Jagiroad in Morigaon district, however, functioned normally with CISF protection, they said. As a noconfidence motion was to be raised in the Tiwa Autonomous Council (TAC) office here against Chief Executive Member (CEM) Rama Kanta Deuri today, tension prevailed in the area necessitating deploy-

ment of additional police and security forces. The bandh was called to demand formation of a TAC under the provisions of the 6th Schedule and not under the present 'satellite system' whereby the Council has no boundary, no financial autonomy and is dependent on State Government budgetary support. A no confidence motion was to be raised by a majority of the TAC members in its general council meeting but the Gauhati High Court had yesterday by an order postponed the

meeting to October 28, Council sources said. The 36-member TAC has 29 elected members, one seat is vacant following the death of a member, while no poll has been held for the rest six, the sources said. Twenty members are from Congress and the rest from BJP, Asom Gana Parishad and Independents. The TAC was created on April 14, 1994 on ad hoc basis, they said, adding, the Council had its first election in 2009 when Rama Kanta Deuri became the CEM.

TWC slams molestation To Myanmar, in search of a lost clan of the Deoris tribe of Assam of woman in public

agartala, october 10 (ianS): The Tripura Women's Commission Friday severely condemned the assault on and molestation of a woman by a section of people in full public glare in Agartala, the capital of Tripura, official said. A 37-year-old woman was assaulted and molested by a group of people here, including women, earlier this week. Some people were consuming alcohol in the public to which the husband of the woman protested. The people, instead tried to force him to consume alcohol. When the woman tried to rescue her husband, she was assaulted and molested. No one from the crowd came forward to her rescue. The issue came to light when a local television channel aired the incident. "This incident was barbaric," Tripura Women's Commission's chairperson Purnima Roy told reporters. Deputy Superintendent of police (Central) Rajendra Datta said the victim has filed a complaint against 18 people, including some women.

661 committed suicide in Mizoram since 2005: NGO

aizawl, october 10 (Pti): At least 661 people, including 112 women, committed suicide in Mizoram since 2005 till date, Dr Zawmsanga Sailo of the Aizawlbased NGO New Life Charity Society (NELICS) said here on Friday. At a function held in the Pachhunga University College campus here on the occasion of the World Suicide Prevention Day, Sailo said the eldest person to commit suicide was 82-year-old and the youngest was eight years. He said an average 73 people committed suicide every year in the state and 63 people, including 19 women committed suicide since January till September nine this year. The highest incident of suicidal death in the state was in 2010 when at least 97 people, including nine women, committed suicide, he added. The function, sponsored by the National Health Mission, was organised by the Psychology department of the Pachhunga University College, the lone constituent college of the Mizoram University.

guwahati, october 10 (the hindu): A team of researchers has decided to visit Myanmar in search of a lost clan of the Deoris, a plains tribe of Assam, after preliminary investigation pointed to the tribe’s presence in the neighbouring country. “The Deoris, a plains tribe of Assam has four clans — Dibongia, Borgoyan, Tengaponia and Patorgoyan. While Deoris belonging to Dibongia, the Borgoyan and Tengaponia clans are found in Assam, the Patorgoyan clan was reported to be missing or lost. Some experts claim that the Patorgoyan clan assimilated with the Tiwa tribe in central Assam but there has been no scientific evidence to support the claim, which prompted a section of Deoris to begin a search. A preliminary investigation from September 30 to October 5 under the aegis of Jimach-

aya Giyan Aru Juktibadi Samaj has given positive indication of the presence of Deori people in Kachin province and near Yangon in Myanmar,” Phiju Kumar Deori, one of the team members, told The Hindu. Dr. Joganto Kumar Deori, Bogaram Deori, Dadul Devakrishna Barua and Lakhyapati Deori are the other members. “We believe that the Deori people living in Myanmar could be from the Patorgoyan clan. We will be able to identify them based on the deity they worship. The existing three clans worship three different deities — Bura Buri by Dibongias, Bolia Baba by Tengaponias and Kameswari by Borgoyans,” Mr. Deori said. Deoris, numbering about two lakh, are spread over seven districts of Tinsukia, Dhemaji, Lakhimpur, Sivasagar, Jorhat, Sonitpur and Dibrugarh.

KOHIMA CHRISTIAN BOOK FAIR Date : 7th -11th October 2014 Time : 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Venue : ABCC Self Reliance Building, 1st Floor, Near Peraciezie Baptist Church, High School Junction, Kohima  BIBLE  BOOKS  MUSIC  GIFTS For more information: 9862008081, 9612806771 Discount on all the books



public discoursE

Saturday 11 October 2014

The Morung Express

The importance of Sanitation


anitation is safely disposal of human excreta (faeces & urine), keeping oneself, house and surrounding clean so that a conducive condition is created for good personal and community health. It is making cleanliness a habit and a way of life. It is the maintenance of hygienic condition through services such as garbage collection and waste water disposal. Sanitation is the basic and general principles for governing the dignity and healthy life by preventing hazards of waste and proper disposal of sewage. Mahatma Gandhi father of the Nation during his leading to the national movement for independence has once said – “Sanitation is more important than independence”. Sanitation is not only for our environment but it is also important for our health, dignity and development. Clean water, sanitation, personal hygienic & good nutrition are the four foundation of good public health. Let us say – “Sanitation for health”. It is very important to keep us good health. Lack of proper sanitation and clean water has causes many diseases and the spread of diseases of the significant diseases that arises from poor sanitation is diarrhea and most of the affected are young children below the age of 5 years. More than 1000 children die every day in India because of diarrhea, cholera, malaria, hepatitis and other related diseases. As per the report of Nagaland Pollution Control Board an amount of 40 to 45 tons of garbage are waste everyday in Kohima town and the Kohima Municipal Council(KMC) could able to collect only 30 to 35 tones of gar-

bage everyday and the rest are remain in the waste bins or roadside bins and pollutes the environment. Waste management is based on the basic principles of three ‘R’ i.e Reduce, Reuse & Recycle. Reduce the amount of waste you throw. Do not buy items that you need to be thrown soon. Reuse items that you possess and thing before you throw away. Recycle waste safely, for recycling can save resources and energy. Another problem is little we generate and the approximate time it takes to degenerate such as organic waste like vegetables and fruit peels leftover foodstuff, etc takes 1-2 weeks to degenerate, paper 10-30 days, cotton clothes 2-5 months, wood 10-15 years, woolen items 1 yr, tin aluminum and other metal items like can 100 -500 years, plastic bags one million years and glass bottles which is undermined for its degenerate. Absence of good sanitation in Kohima town are such as lack of proper toilet facilities and drainage system, waste are disposed off in the street and creating a foul smell and terrible living conditions for inhabitants. Even the general public fails to do on their part such as when they see a newly constructed drain or even before completion they tend to throw all sorts of domestic waste thinking that drainage is waste bin. Not only that some people even built latrine and pigsty on top of the drainage and clogs the drains. During rainy season some of the citizens have uncivilized habits of opening septic tanks at peak hours. Taking advantage of rainfall they open their septic tanks and creating a very terrible and unbearable smell. Sometime the

smells are so strong that no matter what you do to make the smell disappear it won’t just go away and which is also very dangerous to the people with a health problem. Everyone has the right to live in a clean surrounding and a fresh air to breath but most of the citizens in Kohima are deprived of such rights because of the action of some few selfish and uncivilized individuals. Another category of citizens may be they keep their home and surrounding clean but when it comes to public utility, public places, streets and hospitals it is totally different and unclean. We see different kinds of garbage like bottles, cans, sweets and chips covers littering everywhere on the streets and roadside of the town. We also see the saliva spit of paan and tamed on the wall where it is written ‘Do not spit on the wall’. Our people have also uncivilized habits of urinating everywhere anytime whenever they feel like even not sparing the source of water. We also see a huge amount of garbage at the very foot of big sign board where it is written ‘Do not throw garbage here’. Mother Teresa said – “If everyone would clean their own doorstep the whole world would be clean”. Inadequate sanitation facilities and absence of hygienic facilities in the educational institutions leave tremendously decline the trend of enrolment and increasing dropouts among the school going children. Any school having no proper sanitation facilities, diseases like diarrhea and worm infection are likely to spread and these are two major health conditions that affect school age children, im-

Tea with Ketho

pacting their learning abilities. Everyone of us want to live a good and healthy life but many a time we miserably fail on our part to learn the ways and means of ensuring good health. Food, cloth and shelter alone cannot provide us a complete good health but also with sanitation a person is said to have secured sound health free from all kinds of harmful diseases. Therefore, Sanitation is the basic foundation of human growth and development. Since sanitation deal largely with ‘waste’ of which waste is defined as “any materials/ liquid that is left over after productive use or which is beyond any use in its current form and is generally discarded as unwanted”. Waste can be categorized into solid waste and liquid waste and if these wastes are not treated or disposed off properly then it can cause many human health and environment hazard. Sanitation is a very serious issue that is affecting most parts of the world especially the developing countries and India is no exception. When we speak about sanitation, it is not just about our toilets and infrastructure but it is also about our social and behavioral changes which cannot be achieved by overnight and will take time and the time to act is now. There is a need to change the mindset of our people. The U.S President Barack Obama said “Change will not come if we wait for someone or some other time. We are the one’s we have been waiting for. We are the change we seek”. Kezhokhoto Savi Asst. Professor Kohima Law College & President NVCO


are thinking big things such as your freedom to enter others’ food farms to steal. Think rationally and stay put. I have come to stay here; this is a very strategic location to stalk and hunt. Fruits in the Eastern Margins are ripening and many of my preys travel this route. Your demand for exit is irrational. I have to be always on guard and stay vigilant right here in the entrance to this ancient hole. Who laboured and who owned this burrow matters next.” Porcupine: “You have fed me; there is no doubt about it. I am pouch belly now. The 16-kilogram tapioca you came along with is full of carbohydrate, sugar and elements which promote my obesity. You have introduced other food habits which are not free from pollutants. My thorny litters always suffer from constipation as well as diarrhoea. I observe excessive quill falls. I am afraid they may turn pinkish red, helpless rat babies. The foods you have been supplying us is robbing my offspring since some three scores. Your giant size leaves us little space. My kids are frolicsome. Whenever they venture out during your absence while you stalk your prey, they used to return with other animals’ body smell they might have spent time with. Their hosts like their company, I guess.” Python:“You are backward I am forward. This gap will remain for

long time to go. Your best and very wise option is always the same as I have said since the day I arrived here. I know I have done some recognisable damages during my entry as you stiffly opposed.” Porcupine:“You mean to say that you meant no harm when you first came? You used to swing your whole length across this abode of mine; and there was nothing you spared, leaving the whole setting in terrible chaos. You pinned me hard against this rock and withdrew only when you started feeling the stabpain my thorns caused as they penetrated your inner membrane.” Python: “You and I are about conclusion. It’s good to be negotiating and promote our search for silence. Fights have not profited us both.” Porcupine:“Listen Mr python, every creation big like you and small like, has its own identity and the natural right to be so.Unity in diversity has virtue in it; it has propensity to exploit given the nature of others being inferior. Many destroy to prevent destruction at the same time. I am not what you are; neither you will be happy to attempt trying to sire me. We are very uncomfortable union. This must be fully said.” Python: “I have explained to you how strategic my stay here is for me, not for you. I have nothing to take away from you. When I leave I am leaving.” Porcupine:“So, to leave or to not



Simple Rules - There is just one simple rule: “Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.”

SUDOKU Game Number # 3021

leave or to stay or not to stay, is all your freedom, that you mean to say?” Python: “I mean no harm; I have repeated that several times. If you are not satisfied, we can still go on lively line of discussion such as this.” Porcupine: “You have not answered my question yet. Let me put it this way. Simple: You are the intruder. Therefore you must go. Lively or unlovely discussion is not the issue. You and I are unusual union, rather very uncomfortable peace.” Python: “Let us settle reasonably, my thorny friend. You always act like Snarly Su.” Porcupine:“I want undisturbed control over what is rightfully mine. We can be friendly; we are bound to be neighbourly. You can visit me, I can visit you.But you have arrogantly asserted holding right and ownership after this prolonged stay. I have recently started thinking to refuse whatever gifts including carrots, drum sticks and other stupefying stuffs you constantly brought. I understand your idea to pacify and insinuate me. This is really disturbing.” Python: “But your kids like them?” Porcupine: “Like is one, no denying; what will beset these innocent generation is entirely different. This family is a distinct and unique creation. We do not dream of becoming eagles or peacocks. We

elcome to ‘Tea with Ketho’!! Nagaland’s most loved tv show! I’m your host Ketho and here with us tonight is a very prominent political figure, a man of very high disposition holding a top post.

are happy to be what we are and will be. For the creator of all, one soul is every soul alive. This is a serious matter to me. This doctrine must be zealously preserved.” Python: “Think rationally, my friend. The day I depart life for you will become miserable; and your toiling for food will become tortuous and full of risks.” Porcupine: “I would rather opt for being free. Hunger and risk are all parts of every existence. Your big brother-keeper-tendency and your inclination to dominate me are nothing short of being conjoined heads to me. This is more miserable than being insignificant and looked down.” Python: “You have not seen what is really going outside. You are limited and you’re thinking backward. I feel what is mine is also yours; yours can be mine at the same time.” Porcupine: “And if I say I think differently and staunchly disagree with you, the matter must end there. And if you agree what I disagree with, you may honourably leave this home sweet, hole of mine. The rest I leave you and to your attitude.” Python: “I may grant you time to rethink.” Porcupine: “And that is what I call your attitude. This is my anxiety. That is our problem”

- Welcome sir, please, have a seat and relax, you must be exhausted from the very bumpy ride to our station on our pot-holed roads. - Not at all, I own 5 multi-terrain luxury cars, the best money can buy, so comfortable and the suspension is world class, you don’t feel a single speedbreaker or pothole. - Bet it doesn’t shake your conscience a bit. Please go ahead and enjoy your tea. - Ok, tell me Ketho, you started the show with the name ‘Coffee with Ketho’, why did you change the name? and ‘Ughhh!’ there’s no sugar in my tea! - Well sir, this is a state run facility and since your government hasn’t paid the employees for some months, we had to cut down on some basic necessities and change the name of the show. You’re lucky sir, I have only black tea with no sugar in my cup. Btw, you’re looking real good with black dyed hair and imported clothes. - One has to keep up with looks when you are representing your people and of course, helps attract the chicks at parties if you know what I mean hehehe! - Yes, I know what you mean, chicks young enough to be your daughters. Anyway, coming to the problems of the state. - What problems? Oh! Ok. Go on. - The public is worried if the center will clear our state’s deficit of Rs. 1234 crores. What steps are being taken by your people? - That’s silly, why would they be worried? It’s not like they’re gonna get any even if it’s cleared. - I see, yeah, so silly of us. Alright then, what are your thoughts about Nagaland being a dry state? - Hahaha! I know! What a joke right?! Me and my buddies toast to that every night and thank the church. The side income from the bootleggers doesn’t hurt either. - How many points do you think you have cleared from your speech during the election campaign? - How am I supposed to remember? My PA wrote it for me, I just read it out. - Alright sir, we have a small function next week, will you please grace the event by being the chief guest? - Chief guest huh? Leeches, all you want is donation, do contact my secretary. Anyway I have to rush out for an important meeting. - Thank you sir for giving us your precious time. Ladies and gentlemen, and that brings us to the end of tonight’s show since our guest has rushed off. See you next week, same time, same day, if I am not kidnapped.

S. Varah

Kethosilie Pienyu

Dispute Between Python And Porcupine

aga Porcupine: “You are intruding. Leave now. Your forced occupation over my home is not acceptable and therefore, resisted.” Indian Python: “I know when to leave and when not to leave. Stop singing about your idea of freedom to speak like that. I can crush you in no time should that you persist. And don’t ever think I am afraid of your spikes. My hide is full of scales made of impenetrable substance.” Porcupine: “You cannot swallow me, not that my quills are poisonous. They will be real irritants to your system, even hurtful. You will die a slow and painful death. Your powerful acids in the stomach can never neutralize them. Neither can you bend or shave me before you gulp me down. Even if you do that by sheer force by exerting your saliva profusely, your stomach will be perforated and your rectum excruciatingly pierced, when you defecate.” Python: “Following the day I found this hole somewhere three scores plus three I have been feeding you with many health-giving foods such as Carrots, Drum Sticksand other spurious Rroots. What are your wants? You have stopped working, you are fed and now so much fattened that your primitive work tradition is no longer relevant. Your calves here are making lot of sounds and noises because they are hungry. You





Answer Number # 3020

Civil Hospital:

STD CODE: 03862

Metro Hospital: Faith Hospital: Shamrock Hospital Zion Hospital: Police Control Room Police Traffic Control East Police Station West Police Station CIHSR (Referral Hospital) Dimapur hospital Apollo Hospital Info Centre: Railway: Indian Airlines Chumukedima Fire Brigade Nikos Hospital and Research Centre Nagaland Multispecialty Health & Research Centre


Police Control Room: North Police Station: South Police Station: Fire Brigade: Naga Hospital: Oking Hospital: Bethel Nursing Home:

232224; Emergency229529, 229474 227930, 231081 228846 228254 231864, 224117, 227337 228400 232106 227607 232181 242555/ 242533 224041, 248011 230695/9402435652 131/228404 229366 282777 232032, 231031 248302, 09856006026

STD CODE: 0370

Northeast Shuttles

100/2244279 2222222 2222111 2222952 2222916 2243339 2224202
































CROSS 1. Overact 6. Part of a comparison 10. Scattered 14. Kidney-related 15. Anger 16. Pearly-shelled mussel 17. Inscribed pillar 18. Two-toed sloth 19. Decorate with gold leaf 20. Supervisor 22. “Comes and ____” 23. N N N N 24. Roasting appliances 26. Thin 30. A vaulted recess 32. Beginning 33. Determine one’s position 37. Expunge 38. Wall climbers 39. Nile bird 40. Shabbiness 42. Periods of 60 minutes 43. France’s longest river 44. A Siouan language 45. All tuckered out 47. Chafe 48. Young cow 49. Shed light on

56. 53 in Roman numerals 57. Allies’ foe 58. Adult male singing voice 59. How old we are 60. Connection 61. Consumer of food 62. Short run 63. Seats oneself 64. Put on clothes

DOWN 1. At one time (archaic) 2. Anagram of “Meat” 3. 1 1 1 1 4. Chat 5. Any simple chemical 6. A framework of beams 7. Clue 8. Wings 9. A personality disturbance 10. Proposal 11. Scallion 12. Guiles 13. Gestures of assent 21. One or more 25. French for “Wine” 26. Mats of grass 27. Leg joint 28. Small island 29. Gar 30. Come up

31. Desserts 33. Not under 34. Adjoin 35. A rubber wheel on a car 36. Being 38. First letters 41. Charged particle 42. Clothed 44. Total 45. Type of antelope 46. Layers 47. Zwiebacks 48. Attired 50. 62 in Roman numerals 51. Fluff 52. Close 53. Initial wager 54. Foot digits 55. Makes a mistake Ans to CrossWord 3027

DIMAPUR: 03862 232201/101 (O) 9436017479 (OC) CHUMUKEDIMA: 03862 282777/101 (O) 9856158740 (OC) WOKHA: 03860 242215/101 (O) 9862039399 (OC) MOKOKCHUNG: 0369 2226225/101 (O) 9436012949 (OC) PHEK: 8414853765 (O) 9862130954(OC) ZUNHEBOTO: 03867 280304/101 (O) 9856156876 (OC)

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2226241 2226214

Civil Hospital: Woodland Nursing Home: Hotel Metsüpen (Tourist Lodge):

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222246 222491


























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60.89 97.73 7.83 52.97 47.79 54.18 56.24

61.32 98.83 7.92 53.73 48.36 54.84 56.92





The Morung Express

Saturday 11 October 2014

Governor meets bankers in Nagaland KOhima, OctOber 10 (mexN): Governor of Nagaland, PB Acharya, invited the Bankers in Nagaland to Raj Bhavan on October 9 to review the progress made under PMJDY and construction of toilets as instructed by him in the earlier meeting held on September 6, 2014. A press release from Lanuteka Imchen, Chief Manager, Lead Bank, Kohima informed that the Governor expressed concern over the slow progress in opening of accounts under the Prime Minister Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY). He directed all banks to

• Asks for Weekly Progress Report on PMJDY scheme • Directs banks to construct public toilets, utilize 2% of net profit for public welfare give utmost importance to opening of accounts and to give him “Weekly Progress Report” till January 2015. He also directed all Banks to construct at least one toilet before the end of November or beginning of December 2014 or before the start of Festival. State Bank of India, being the Lead Bank, was requested to construct 20 toilets before January 26, 2015, the release said, adding the Governor expects mini-

mum of 30-35 toilets before January 26, 2015. He advised the Banks to construct the toilets in public places, especially in places where more women come for marketing. Since availability of land is difficult in Nagaland, he advised the Bankers to request the land owners to donate land, convincing them that the toilets are meant for them only, the release added. He directed all Banks to submit “Fortnightly Progress

Report” to him. With regard to Swachh Bharat, the Governor directed all Banks to take up cleanliness drive, starting from their respective Bank Branches and localities as part of the campaign. This cleanliness drive should not be only symbolic, but permanent feature, he asserted and asked for action taken report to be submitted to him. Meanwhile, the Governor also directed all the

Banks operating in Nagaland to utilize 2% of their net profit for the welfare of the people in the State. Expressing concern that some Banks are here in Nagaland only to collect deposits and do not participate in the development of the State, he requested all Banks to utilize the money for people’s welfare and development of the State. He also advised the Banks to utilize 50% of the 2% net profit in empowerment of

education - sponsoring of poor students, maintaining of Govt. School’s building, etc. He further requested the bank officials to allow their wives to adopt one Govt. School, just as his wife, Kavita Acharya, adopted Government Middle School, ‘D’ Khel, Seikhazou, Kohima on October 8 to teach one subject at least twice a week. The Bankers were represented by State Bank of India, UCO Bank, Nagaland Rural Bank, Indusind Bank, ICICI Bank, HDFC Bank, Vijaya Bank, Bank of Baroda, Punjab & Sind Bank and Bank of India.

Cleanest village in BJP candidate assures to address plight of people in Botsa Pughoboto to get 5 lacs Our Correspondent Botsa | October 10

pughObOtO, OctOber 10 (mexN): Parliamentary secretary for IFC & Election Y. Vikheho Swu has announced “Cleanest Village Award” of Rs 5 lacs for the villages under Pughoboto Sub-division. Making the announcement on October 8 at the Pughoboto Sub-division Planning and Development Board meeting here, Swu informed that the award will be given once a year from Local Area Development Funds (LADF). The award will be given away during Thuwu-ni festival in the month of November 2015 next year, he added. A team of various government officials and NGOs will be constituted to carry out the inspection for the award, it was informed. Swu asked the department concerned to give necessary guidelines about cleanliness in the form of

pamphlet, while conveying the message of sanitation as integral to health and dignity to the villages. He also said Pughoboto sub-division has declared 2014-2016 as the “Year of economic development” with an aim to promote the standard of living and attain economic self-sufficiency. Presently various activities have already been initiated, among this, “I am focusing to make ‘Meat Production Centre’ in Pughoboto,” he stated. In this regard, he informed that piglets will be distributed to all the villages under LADF according to the size of the village. Swu also said that Thuwu-ni festival will be celebrated on November 10 at Pughoboto, for which, there will be a social work on November 4 from 6am to 7am. In this, he directed all the departments to participate in the social work.

Auto rickshaw found at Wokha WOKha, OctOber 10 (mexN): An unclaimed auto rickshaw which was found at Niropen colony, near ITI office, Wokha town on September 22 is currently in the custody of the Wokha District Auto Union. A press notification from Wokha District Auto Union (WDAU) President, Ponathung Jami and general secretary, Thungchamo Lotha stated that the particular auto bearing Engine Number 20Z WDB 2783; Chassis number 43046505, Body number MTZA23AZ3TWB26642X Bajaj RE145 neither have registration number nor is it registered with WDAU. According to the WDAU,

the particular auto was abandoned when some unknown persons were chased by the colony members after they were found stealing petrol and other items from other vehicles and later handed over to the union. In this connection, the union informed the rightful owner to claim the same from the union’s office with all relevant documents within 7 (Seven) days from the publication of the notification, failing which, the union will proceed for necessary action as per the WDAU resolution. For further information, one may contact 9402432294 & 9862992391.

Visasolie Lhoungu, BJP candidate for the forthcoming bye-election to the 11th Northern Angami II Assembly Constituency on Thursday assured help in delivering all weather road condition to the people of Botsa. Addressing election rally here, he also expressed concern over drop-out students of the area, and stated he would tie up with the various departments to make accessible various schemes to them so they can earn livelihood and sustain themselves. Lhoungu said the decision to contest the upcoming bye-elections was made out of his desire to work for the welfare of the downtrodden and weaker sections of the constituency. Further, he stated that “Development from Grass-

Visasolie Lhoungu, BJP candidate for the forthcoming bye-election to the 11th Northern Angami II Assembly Constituency and others at the election rally at Botsa on October 9. (Morung Photo)

roots” has been conceptualized out of an agenda to uplift the rural areas at the household level, and assured that if elected he will address the plight and grievances of the people of the area. Asserting that there are many flagship programmes at the Centre, he assured to help reach such packages to the deserving beneficiaries so the society will emerge equitable in many fronts.

Also, expressing concern over the less number of educated youth getting through NPSC and other competitive exams, he assured to initiate coaching classes or tuition for the aspiring candidates in order to push them forward and fit into various competitive exams. He requested the people to cast their precious vote in his favour, adding that their vote is the only answer to transfer

his vision for the welfare of the people. Meanwhile, Riikhetuo, chief agent of BJP candidate stated that electing Visasolie Lhoungu will be an advantage for MP Neiphiu Rio to get a good portfolio in NDA government at the centre and help the people in a greater way. Stating that this byeelection is the first election in Nagaland after Narendra Modi took over as Prime Minister, he requested the people to elect Visasolie and present him as a gift so that Modi will help the people in a big way. Nagaland state BJP vice president S. Jami also requested the people to vote for Visasolie to represent them, adding that a bright prospect will surround them if he is elected. Nagaland BJP secretary Aienla and Sevotso Seyie, Campaign director also spoke at the rally.

HIV/AIDS advocacy program held for church leaders Dimapur, OctOber 10 (mexN): In an effort to contain and create wider awareness on HIV & AIDS, especially among the general populace, the Nagaland Baptist Church Council (NBCC) through its development department (Nagaland Development Outreach- NDO) is taking the lead role in organizing advocacy program across Nagaland with special focus on the church leaders. NDO in partnership with the Legislatures’ Forum on AIDS (LFA) organizes programs in strategic locations where the need is felt more for such education, stated a press release issued by NDO office.

Torechu displeased with poor attendance of HoDs

Participants of the HIV/AIDS advocacy program held at Qhuhoyi Village Baptist Church on October 9.

On October 9, NDO along with the Western Sumi Baptist Churches Association (WSBAK) organized one day advocacy program at Qhuhoyi Village Baptist Church in Aghunaqha area. In the first session, Dr. Molusen Jamir (ART centre civil Hospital, Dimapur) spoke on the basics on HIV & AIDS, How it is transmitted, How to prevent. Dr. Molusen, according to the release, shared that HIV is no more considered only as a disease which needs medical attention, but to-

day, HIV is manageable, chronic and a social disease considering its widespread. He encouraged the church leaders to take initiatives in extending help and assistance towards people who are infected and affected. In the second session, the Development Secretary of WSBAK shared on care and support, stigma and discrimination from the church perspective basing on the gospel of Luke 10:2537. The resource person also quoted Dr. Patrick Dickson, “Faith is the ultimate-

ly much more powerful to fight against HIV & AIDS.” The release informed that the 108 participants from different church background resolved to encourage and provide assistance to go for blood test to nearest ART Centre. They also resolved to preach on HIV & AIDS during Sunday service. Further, they resolved to organize such program in the area from time to time. IEC Materials on HIV & AIDS supplied by NSACS office were distributed to the participants.

ANIDSAJF to check bogus employees Dimapur, OctOber 10 (mexN): The All Nagaland Inter-Departmental Field Staff Associations Joint Forum held its executive meeting on October 7 Kiphire District Planning and Development Board members attend the monthly meet- in Dimapur and resolved to go on a district wise veriing. (Morung Photo) the Chairman appealed to es and report will be sent to fication drive in departKiphire DPDB the DPDB members to im- higher authorities. The demeeting held on plement all developmental partment of Irrigation and October 8 work and projects equally in Flood control gave a Powboth the constituencies so erPoint presentation on the Our Correspondent that the district moves for- departmental activities. Kiphire | October 10 ward and the backward tag Water connectivity in Dimapur, OctOber all the 11 wards, Kiphire 10 (mexN): The Believers The monthly meeting of the is removed. Expressing displea- cultural exchange and Church Nagaland organKiphire District Planning and Development Board sure on poor attendance youth peace festival 2014, ised a free-gift distribution (DPDB) was held at the of HoDs, the DPDB chair- badminton champion- event at its Diocese Office conference hall of the Dep- man requested the head of ship by micro network, at Tenyiphe-I, Village Diuty Commissioner Kiphire department to at least stay approval of LADP 2014-15 mapur. The chief guest on with chairman DPDB & 15-20 a month in the sta- & proposal for establish- the occasion was Z. Mesen, parliamentary secretary tion. Speaking about the ment of GPS to 10 newly Principal Director, TreasurPWD housing & Excise T. third edition of the devel- recognized villages were ies & Accounts and guest of opment magazine of the the agendas discussed in honor was Er. Nimo Kath, Torechu on October 8. Addressing the meeting, DPDB ‘Moving forward,’ he the meeting. The meet- Executive Engineer (DeT. Torechu asked the DPDB also asked the members to ing also welcomed James sign) PWD (R&B) Kohima. members to give their best submit the list of activities Khullu Tikhir (EAC) and Rt Rev. B. Sunderaj, Bishop for the uplift of the district. so it can be incorporated in Vejoyo, EAC Seyochung. of Jorhat Diocese, graced The DPDB also awarded the program. He also urged the head of de- the magazine. Believers Church ZonVice chairman and DCA, cash for ‘Best DPDB Attenpartments not to bow down to the political pressure, but Chumremo Odyuo, who dance’ to Lirise Sangtam, al Leader Rev. Fr. Kasthang to do the right things. Re- also addressed the meeting, Asst Registrar, Co-opera- Kath in a press release inminding the members the said that surprise checking tive society and Vukhuhe, formed that the Believers complexity of the district, will be done in all the offic- Sr Treasury officer Kiphire. Church under its commu-

ments. A press release informed that employees not performing their duties from the date of appointment till date would be regarded as bogus/ ghost employees and will be terminated. The Forum in this regard, requested


MEx FILE IVR cancels designated dustbins Dimapur, OctOber 10 (mexN): The Industrial Village Razhuphe (IVR) Council in its emergency meeting held on October 9 resolved to cancel the earlier two designated “dustbins” within IVR “due to some unavoidable circumstances” until further notice. The meeting held at the Council chairman’s residence has also asked the villagers to manage their own waste within their own compound until an alternative arrangement is made. The council further notified the villagers as well outsiders not to throw/ dump their waster at the earlier designated dustbin. Anyone found dumping their waste at these places will be penalized as per the council’s resolution, cautioned a notification issued by Head GB cum chairman IVR, TL Angami and council secretary, Kenei Angami.

UBC Sanctuary Choir 25th anniversary KOhima, OctOber 10 (mexN): The Sanctuary Choir of Union Baptist Church Kohima is celebrating 25 years of choral music ministry this year. In commemoration of this milestone, the Sanctuary Choir is presenting an anniversary concert on October 12 at UBC from 4:30 PM onwards. The choir will comprise of members from 1988 till date and the repertoire will be the most popular songs the choir has sung over the years. Dr. Vivee Peseye, Dr. Atsi Dolie, Akho Savino and Sahu Peseye will be the conductors. Entry to the concert is free.

NTC Ist anniversary on Oct 12 KOhima, OctOber 10 (mexN): The Ist anniversary of Nagaland Tribes Council (NTC) launching daycum-dedication of NTC office will take place on October 12 at Red Cross Complex and Conference Hall, Hotel Ura, Kohima at 2:00 PM. Rev. Dr. L. Tsanso, e-Evangelist (SEA) will do the act of dedication and prayer. Greetings will be shared by NTC’s Ist president Thepfulhouvi Solo, while short speech will be delivered by Krurovi Peseyie, founding member NTC. Presidential address will be delivered by Lendinoktang Ao, president NTC. The programme will be chaired by C. Lima Imchen, IPS (Rtd), ECM, NTC while vote of thanks will be proposed by Nribemo Ngullie, general secretary NTC.

Prayer appeal for bye-election KOhima, OctOber 10 (mexN): The Forum For Fair Election 11 Northern Angami A/C-II, 2014 (FFE) has appealed to all the churches in Northern Angami A/C-II to pray for peaceful conduct of the bye-election, which is scheduled on October 15. In a press release, the forum urged to pray that all the believers will exercise their franchise in the principle of God, that the evil practices of the election will not take place in the area, and that peace will prevail.

PVSU informs on membership WOKha, OctOber 10 (mexN): Pongidong Village Students Union (PVSU) has informed that the annual membership 2014 collection for Dimapur has been entrusted to Soyinglo Humtsoe, women Coordinator PVSU. The collection will commence from October 12 at the residence of Oponthung Humtsoe during the Dimapur Pongidong Khumshum. Therefore, the union has requested all the bonafide members to cooperate. Further, the union informed that the 56th Annual Session of PVSU will be held from December 18-19, 2014 at Pongidong, where the union will select a new team of office bearers for the tenure 2015-17. In this regard, interested candidates have been asked to contact PVSU office bearers at the earliest.

Tripura Legislative Assembly members to visit Kohima KOhima, OctOber 10 (mexN): The Committee on Welfare of Scheduled Castes, OBC and Minorities of Tripura Legislative Assembly, comprising of the chairman, eight members, spouse of a member, and five officials will come on a two-day visit to Kohima. Informing this in a press release, Nagaland Legislative Assembly joint secretary Susieyana said that the visiting committee will make a courtesy call to the secretary, NLA and also visit places of interest

NPCC Executive Committee meeting KOhima, OctOber 10 (mexN): There will be an Executive Committee meeting of NPCC on October 13, 11:00 am at Congress Bhavan, Kohima. Therefore, all members concerned have been requested to attend the meeting positively.

Medizie Angami Krotho meeting

KOhima, OctOber 10 (mexN): There will be an emergency meeting of all the members of the Medizie Angami Krotho (Agri, Electrical, Forest Colony) Kohiall the Heads of Depart- ma at AEF Hall on October 12, Sunday at 4 pm. Therements to inform the asso- fore, all the members and concerned elders and youth ciation before submitting have been requested to attend the meeting positively. their employees’ documents according to the Bike recovered in Dimapur guidelines of the Office Dimapur, OctOber 10 (mexN): The office of the memorandum Order No. Union Territory NSCN (IM) found a bike (VN Pulsar) with WCEC-2/2013 dated Ko- no registration number at City Tower here on October 4. hima, August 22, 2014. Details of the bike: Engine no. – DHZCDM 86086, Chassis no. – MTZA11CZ7TCM93708. UT secretary, Khekuto Jakhalu has informed the rightful owner to claim the bike with valid documents within ten days from the date of issuing this information during office hour. One may contact 8575659190/ 9856071655 for queries. tion by extending help towards the poorest of the DC Peren informs poor, and also, shared the experience of witnessing pereN, OctOber 10 (Dipr): The Deputy ComBelievers church ministry missioner Peren Peter Lichamo has informed that spread across North East candidates who have submitted applications for the post of Dobashi Grade-II to report on October 14 at and West Bengal. Bishop B. Sunderaj 11:00 am for oral interview in the Office chamber of the highlighted the various Deputy Commissioner Peren. This should be treated departments of Believers as official call notice. Church, namely Community Development Project, ADC Planning Kohima informs Relief & Rehabilitation, KOhima, OctOber 10 (Dipr): ADC Planning & Bridge of Hope, Hospital Member Secretary DPDB, Kohima, Ketoho Luho has Ministry, Save Drinking informed to the members that in view of the forthWater Project etc. coming Bye-election in the 11 Northern Angami II A/C The program was held under the leadership of on October 15, the monthly DPDB Kohima meeting Rev. Fr. Kasthang Kath, Di- and approval of the LADP schemes for the current fimapur Zonal leader, Be- nancial year 2014-15 has been indefinitely postponed till further orders. lievers Church Dimapur.

Believers Church gifts the poor nity development project distributed 50 sewing machines and 50 bicycles to poor and underprivileged families for their income generation and livelihood and supporting their families. A total of 100 families benefited through the program. The chief guest appreciated the help extended towards public by the Believers Church and encouraged the ministry to continue with its Compassion Ministry. Er. Nimo Kath also spoke on the ministry of Believers Church as showing the Christian love through ac-



People, life, etc... Saturday | 11 october, 2014

The story of ancient Ahom Miscounting human trafficking & slavery and Lotha-Naga friendship Ronald Weitzer


he Lothas were one of the first tribes to migrate to the present place (Nagaland). Coming from China through many places like Burma, Manipur and the present Chakhesang and Angami places and finally arriving at Honoho hillock near Tseminyu, the present Rengma territory. After staying for a brief period in Honoho hillock, they looked down at the beautiful land (the present Lotha area) and wanted to migrate there. Since they were huge in number, it would not have been possible to live together in a certain place, so they decided to split into three groups. One group went down and established Phiro village. Another group established Tiyi Longchum(near present Wokha Town). The third group went down with a view to establish a village, the present Pyangsa Village but unknowingly crossed the place and went towards the plains and established a village at Koro. It is said that Koro village is approximately 1000 years old now. Slowly they extended their dominion to the vast forest area and in course of time came into contact with certain people at the other side of the forest. They found these people friendly and kind and so they befriended them. Later on they exchanged their goods on barter system. They were the first to come into contact with the outsiders (Ahoms) and also the first to bring salt to the hills. In this way the friendship between our ancestors (Nagas) and the Ahoms sprung up closely enhancing smooth trade and commerce. During that period, the Ahom Raja had requested the Lotha Nagas to supply him canes. And accordingly our forefathers at Koro Village collected canes in their dominated forest area and supplied to the Ahom Chieftain. Once, a group of people from Koro village went to the plains to supply canes to the Ahom Raja. A boy named Thungbemo had accompanied the group to help them in cooking and watching over the camp. He was a shy boy and spoke rarely. When the group went to deliver their goods to the Ahom Chieftain, Thungbemo was kept alone at the camp. He had a wound on his leg and when the flies disturbed him, Thungbemo stamped the ground while Hyung-Jin Kim


associated Press

cellphone smuggled into North Korea helped Lee Seo Yeon take on two missions: one emotional, one financial. But at first, she feared there might be some mistake. Listening in Seoul, the 40-year-old defector didn't recognize the voice on the other end. It was supposed to be a sister she hadn't spoken to since late 1998, when Lee left her family and waded through chilly, chest-deep waters to enter China. Lee's sister is not much older than she is, but the voice on the phone "sounded like an old woman's," she said. "But she remembered the scars I've got on my hip from when she asked me to sit on the edge of a chopstick for fun when we were little girls. She still remembers the name of my friend who lived next door. We talked about things like that, and I ended up crying." Once Lee was certain she was talking to her sister, a broker took the phone on the North Korean end. Lee transferred 2 million won ($1,880) to a South Korean bank account belonging to a KoreanChinese who was working with the broker, who confirmed the transfer and handed the phone back. The arrangement gave Lee's sister 70 percent of the money, with a 30 percent cut for the go-betweens. Smuggled phones, com-

jumping inorder to drive the flies away. That jumping stamp shook the ground with such force that even the Ahom Raja felt the rumble. Thungbemo, though a shy boy, had some supernatural powers gifted by God. The Ahom Raja sent for the visiting Lotha Nagas and examined them one by one to find out the person possessing such powers but was not successful in doing so. He then enquired whether they had another man with them. They told him that a boy was with them and was alone in the camp. The Ahom Raja asked them to bring the boy. Accordingly, he was brought before the Ahom Raja and hence he came to know the cause of the shaking of the earth. The Ahom Raja, immediately impressed Thungbemo, took out some betelnut from his mouth and put it into the mouth of Thungbemo. Amazingly, the boy, Thungbemo started speaking assamese language. The two became good friends and the Ahom Raja ordered his servants to clothe Thungbemo with decent assamese clothes and also gave him gifts. In this way, good and fast relationship sprang up between the Ahom raja and Thungbemo whom the Ahoms called Naga Raja. The Ahom Raja often sent his men to call Thungbemo and asked him to stay with him. Thungbemo faithfully extended his helping hand to the Ahom Raja whenever needed and in return the Ahom Raja showered him with many gifts. Once, the Ahom Raja requested Thungbemo to bring a horse for him. At that time there were no horses available in the Assam valley and hence the Ahom Raja had a great desire to own a horse. Thungbemo knew that horses were available in the valley of Manipur. He therefore undertook a long journey through the hills, rivers and valleys and finally reached Imphal. Thungbemo’s aunt got married to a Manipuri man and was living in Imphal. Thungbemo stayed with his aunt to find out where the horses were available. He was able to find two horses, one male and one female. He brought them to his aunt’s place and stayed for the night. When morning came, his aunt cooked food for him including 60 nos of swallow bird. His aunt came to know that some Manipuris

were searching for Thungbemo to have him killed. So she told Thungbemo to leave the place immediately. But Thungbemo did not listen to his aunt’s warning and went on eating up all the birds. Mean time, the Manipuris came and surrounded his aunt’s place. Sensing the danger, his aunt shouted loudly at Thungbemo to leave the place. Then she took off all her garments and struck the earth with her mekhela. While the Manipuris were looking on what was going on, Thungbemo rushed out and galloped away taking the two horses with him. Thungbemo reached his native village with the horses after three days. There is a footpath road that still exists in Pyangsa village which is called “Thungbemo Kuresulan” meaning the road where Thungbemo had pulled the horses. After reaching his native village Koro, Thungbemo became sick and also suffered from dysentery. Meanwhile the Ahom Raja sent some of his trusted men to enquire about the arrival of his friend Thungbemo. They found out that Thungbemo was seriously sick so they immediately went back to the Ahom Raja and brought medicines for Thungbemo. Soon he recovered from his illness after taking the medicine and after some time he took both the horses and presented to his friend, the Ahom Raja. The Ahom Raja was immensely happy to see the horses and accepted them happily. In return the Ahom Raja gave many valuable gifts to Thungbemo. Later on the Ahom Raja arranged a big feast and invited his friend Thungbemo and some Lotha Nagas from Koro village. They had strengthened their ties of friendship in this feast and exchanged gifts with each other. Another very extraordinary promise was made between the Ahom Raja and his friend Thungbemo that they would die on the same day. That was the promise made with each other in the presence of their kinsmen and friends. After some years, the Ahom Raja fell sick and died and was buried with all the military honours. As promised, the Ahom Rani thought that the Naga Raja, Thungbemo would also die on the same day. So she sent a contingent of soldiers including 50 men to the native village of

Thungbemo to bury the body. But they were surprised to find Thungbemo alive. They went back and reported the matter to the Ahom Rani. The Ahom Rani therefore sent one fly tied with poison in its body to kill Thungbemo. The fly flew to Thungbemo and was flying around to get a chance to poison him. Thungbemo came to know about it and he didn’t open his mouth for some days. But unfortunately he opened his mouth to yawn. Taking the advantage, the fly immediately entered his mouth and Thungbemo died instantly. Since the fly did not return, the Ahom Rani believed that the Naga Raja has died already. So she dispatched a contingent of 50 men with all the musical instruments to bury the dead body of Thungbemo at his native village, Koro. In that manner, the dead body of Thungbemo was buried at the outskirt of Koro village with all the military honors. They also put some costly ornaments along with the dead body and placed nine nos of big caldrons (kerahi) one after another and planted a banyan tree on top of the grave. The huge banyan tree still exists at Koro village which is the living witness of the story. It is still rumored that sounds of drums, trumpets and other musical instruments are heard from time to time. When these sounds are heard, people die in Koro village. This is a true story passed on by our forefathers of Pyangsa and its neighboring villages. The place of occurrence (Ahom Raja place) is believed to be the present Golaghat area. It was said that the Ahom raja lived in a place near the joining of two rivers, the present Doyang and Dhansiri rivers what our forefathers called “ Tchunyiko”(Black water) and “Tchunyomo”(Red water). In those days, only Ahoms and some original settlers lived in and around the present Golaghat. They were great friends to the Nagas and lived in peaceful coexistence. One of the best examples was the friendship between Thungbemo and the Ahom Raja. THE STORY OF TSOKASHAN AND HIS AHOM WIFE A long time ago, in a village (probably Pyangsa Village) there lived a man named Tsokashan. He was

Smuggled phones help North Korea defectors send money bined with a resourceful underground network of brokers inside and outside North Korea, are allowing defectors not only to connect with long-lost relatives, but to send them desperately needed cash. The process remains risky, both for people within the arm of North Korean law and defectors worried about getting cheated. The Chinese phones are illegal in North Korea, but cheap and widely available. One recent survey by a Seoul civic group of about 400 defectors suggested that one in every two defector families in the South send home money, mostly between 500,000 won ($470) and 3 million won ($2,820) per year. They do this even though most defectors struggle to make a living in the highly competitive, well-educated South. "Even though we have very small incomes here, we still eat rice at every meal," Seoulbased defector Choi Junghoon said. "If we don't buy new clothes, we can save some money to send to our family members in the North. That's a lot of money for them." Reconnecting with family — to talk or send money — is not always simple. Lee said several other brokers failed to connect her with her sister, after she paid them 200,000 won ($190) just for a chance to talk to her.

Under one common method of transferring money, defectors use online banking sites to wire money to a bank account of a KoreanChinese broker based in a Chinese town near the border with North Korea. The broker then takes out 20 to 30 percent of the money as commissions and asks a Korean-Chinese trader, who can freely cross the border into North Korea, to deliver the rest of the money to the defector's relatives. The step of carrying money across the border is not always necessary when the go-betweens are involved in separate operations of smuggling Chinese goods for sale in North Korean markets. For example, a North Korean broker who owes money to a Chinese supplier could pay the debt by giving a defector's family cash, if the supplier is also involved in the transaction. A transfer could require several go-betweens. A defector with no contacts in China may need help from another defector based in South Korea. And if a defector's family lives far from the Chinese border, a transfer will take more effort because North Korea restricts its citizens' movement and has poor transportation services. Ahn Kyung-su, a South Ko-

rean human rights activist who has interviewed many North Korean defectors, said brokers frequently cheated defectors in the early days, but the business has since become more orderly and lucrative, with brokers more concerned about retaining customers. At the same time, activists and defectors say North Korea has been cracking down, using equipment near the border to check for signals from Chinese mobile phones. It's not known how many North Koreans have been arrested for getting money from their relatives in South Korea or communicating with them. But activists who have interviewed defectors say many North Koreans have avoided trouble by using some of the money to bribe local officials. The money can be a lifeline. South Korea's central bank estimates North Korea's gross national income per capita last year at about 1.4 million won ($1,320). The average South Korean income was 43 times higher. But cash also goes further in the North; analysts say that in rural areas, a house can cost as little as $3,000. Lee wanted to do more than send cash. Her path to Seoul was long, with a repatriation to the North, an es-

very handsome, smart and energetic. He used to accompany other villagers to Assam for the purpose of selling and buying goods. Because he was smart and sincere, the Ahom Mahajon (shopkeeper) entrusted him to weigh the goods for selling and buying. Thereafter he became an expert in the profession. One day while he was busy weighing the goods, the daughter of the Mahajon saw him and started liking him. She came near Tsokashan and put something inside his mouth. Then and there Tsokashan started liking the girl too and very soon they became lovers. Tsokashan was not allowed to go back to his native village so he stayed with the Mahajon’s daughter. They were married afterwards and lived happily in the Ahom mahajon’s place. In course of time, they were blessed with seven sons. But in spite of living many years with his assamese wife and seven children, Tsokashan constantly remembered his first wife and his two sons at his native village. He was sad and kept thinking of them. The Assamese wife came to know why her husband was not happy. So one day she asked her husband to go to his native village and visit his first wife and his sons. Tsokashan happily agreed to visit his native village. Before leaving the place, his assamese wife gave him a bamboo container and instructed him not to open it until he reached his native village. Tsokashan started his journey to the hills but on the way he had a strong desire to know the content of the bamboo container. He therefore stopped at a place and broke open the bamboo container. He saw a ribbon-like piece of cloth nicely folded inside the container. He started pulling out the cloth slowly but the more he pulled the more the cloth that remained in the container and so the end of the cloth could not be found. So he tried to insert the cloth back inside the bamboo container but could not do so. He therefore took the whole lot in his hand and went back to his assamese wife. There he lived with his assamese wife and children and never got a chance to go back to his native village. It is believed that the decendents of Tsokashan are still living somewhere in and around Golaghat. Wozamo Odyuo Duncan Basti, Dimapur.

cape from a labor camp and two marriages, one in China and one in South Korea. But she never forgot the people she left behind. During that phone call in February, she learned that she was not the only one. "My sister told me she had thought I would have either died or severed contact with her because I was living well somewhere," she said. "I let my husband talk to my sister, and he told her that I've missed and talked about her a lot, and then she cried and cried, saying I didn't forget her." Lee said the phone talks were arranged after a fellow defector gave her the phone number of a man in North Korea who has an illegal Chinese mobile phone. After several phone talks with Lee, the man located her sister, took her to a border mountain where he could get Chinese mobile signals and called Lee. He immediately rang off to let Lee call back, apparently to save telephone charges. The broker was supposed to arrange a second telephone conversation to let Lee's sister tell her she got the money. But all he ended up delivering was a voice recording; he said it was of Lee's sister confirming the money transfer, but there was too much static for Lee to tell. "I told him I could not be sure it was my sister," she said. "But I told him I still appreciated that he arranged for me to talk to her."

Two recent ‘studies’ have attracted a lot of international attention. Each presents incredibly flawed findings. And these studies matter


he conventional wisdom is that human trafficking is a major problem today, victimizing millions of people every year. The estimates range widely: from 600,000 to 4 million annual trafficking victims and 8 to 27 million persons in slavery. In 2010, the US State Department asserted that 1.8 per 1,000 persons in the world (0.18 percent) are trafficked every year. No sources have ever been provided to document any of these figures, yet they were quickly recapitulated in the media and by various government and international agencies, giving them the veneer of credibility. However humanitarian their goals, many of the agencies and interest groups involved in anti-trafficking efforts have a vested interest in inflating the magnitude of the problem. The larger it appears, the greater the amount of attention human trafficking receives from the media, politicians, and the public. Government financial contributions to organizations involved in the trafficking arena, some of which have little or no expertise in the area, also increase with the exposure. Many independent analysts have criticized the lack of documentation for the estimates, but they have been completely overshadowed by those who insist the magnitude of the problem is both huge and growing worldwide.

posed, by Free the Slaves founder Kevin Bales, he justified it as simply a ‘guess.’ Given the incredibly unstandardized and fragmented information on which the Global Slavery Index is based, it has no more reliability than the 27 million figure. Yet, many media sources and government agencies (including the US State Department) have embraced these figures. The second report, ‘Does Legalized Prostitution Increase Human Trafficking?’, seeks to determine whether countries where prostitution is legal have better or worse trafficking records than countries where prostitution is illegal. Using a report on 161 countries from the UN’s Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), economists Seo-Young Cho, Axel Dreher, and Eric Neumayer ranked countries and tried to determine if their prostitution laws were related to their alleged prevalence of human trafficking. In doing so, they ignore the UNODC’s caution against using its report as a measure of the number of victims in any given country. UNODC highlighted the absence of a standard definition of trafficking across countries, the lack of transparency in data collection and reporting in many nations, the diverse nature of the sources, and the conflation of smuggling, trafficking, and irregular migration numbers by some countries. Cho and her colleagues acknowledge that their figures do “not reflect actual trafficking flows” and that it is “difficult, perhaps impossible, to find hard evidence” of a relationship between trafficking and anything else. They nevertheless use the UNODC report to draw bold conclusions about the relationship between trafficking and national prostitution laws. Even more problematic, the authors rely on aggregate national human trafficking figures – that combine labor, sex, and other kinds of trafficking – in their attempt to assess whether legal prostitution makes a difference. Thus, there is an embarrassing mismatch between the generic trafficking figures and prostitution law (for which only sex trafficking figures should have been used). By way of analogy, imagine using an analysis that compares nationallevel drug trafficking prevalence – all illegal drugs, that is – with the legal status of one drug, marijuana possession. This is not the only problem with the Cho study. Its authors examine trafficking at a single time point, which is something that should be tracked over time to include data from before and after the legal institutionalization of prostitution. They furthermore ignore the important question of whether, and how, prostitution laws are actually enforced. Their analysis is confined to ‘law on the books,’ ignoring the ways in which the law is, or is not, implemented on the ground.

Two recent trafficking reports Two recent ‘studies’ have attracted a lot of international attention. Each presents incredibly flawed findings. The first is the Global Slavery Index produced by the Walk Free Foundation. The report ranks 162 nations on the prevalence of slavery, which is defined rather broadly as human trafficking, forced labor, and slavery. The slavery index draws from a mix of unstandardized and thus non-comparable sources, including population surveys, estimates by governmental agencies and NGOs, and reports in the media. It also, rather bizarrely, ‘extrapolates’ from nations where some kind of estimate is available to ‘similar’ nations lacking such estimates. “For example, the prevalence ratio from the UK study was assumed to be relevant to other European island nations such as Ireland and Iceland, whereas the prevalence ratio for USA was assumed to be relevant to developed western European countries such as Germany.” Why the United States is “relevant” to Europe is not revealed. Imputing ‘similarity’ to different nations ignores their particularities, and such ‘extrapolation’ Why these ‘studies’ matter runs the risk of grossly distorting • First, both the slavery index the prevalence of slavery in any and the Cho report received given country. For countries for a lot of favorable media pubwhich no extrapolation was possilicity. They were embraced by ble, the creators of the index state policy makers in some counthat, “it was necessary to fall back tries, especially those seekon secondary source information,” ing greater criminalization of which are often anecdotal (NGOs, prostitution. media reports, local ‘experts’). • Second, if the claims or “findThese sources are especially probings” are unfounded they risk lematic when we remember that diverting attention and fundmodern slavery and trafficking are ing from other worthy causes. underground practices and very A ton of money has been difficult to detect. spent by governments and The Walk Free report names the international commuwhat its authors consider the ten nity on anti-trafficking pro‘worst’ nations on the slavery scale. grams over the past 15 years. Five of these are in Africa (Gabon, Yet, compared to the claimed The Gambia, Ivory Coast, Benin, high magnitude of the probMauritania) where information lem, few victims have been is lacking and hardly sufficient to located and assisted and justify such categorization, and similarly few traffickers have the other five are Haiti, Pakistan, been prosecuted worldwide. India, Nepal, and Moldova. Some analysts would argue that we can• Third, even if claims about not have any confidence in estinational-level victimization mates drawn from such societies, rates were roughly true, their as the data are so unreliable. The macro-level nature means authors also identify the ten ‘best’ that they have no practical nations, meaning those with the utility on the ground, where lowest slavery rates. All of these are trafficking matters most. Micro-level studies (in a city or rich nations in western Europe plus town) have clear advantages. New Zealand. They can provide: 1) more reConcluding that there are 29.8 liable victimization numbers million persons worldwide who because of the limited paare victims of forced labor, human rameters; 2) insights regardtrafficking, and slavery, the report ing the actual organization seeks to lend empirical credence to and dynamics of trafficking the dubious estimate by the orgarings; and 3) the potential nization Free the Slaves that there for identifying “hot spots” for are 27 million persons enslaved targeted deployment of enthroughout the world. When the forcement resources. 27 million figure was first pro-

Readers may please note that the contents of the articles, letters and opinions published do not reflect the outlook of this paper nor of the Editor in any form.



11 OCtOber, 2014

RANi GAidiNliu: The daughter of the ‘Naga’ Hills

G. Gwangphun A Research and Social Activist

Historical perspective on Nehru’s article of 1937; “In Surma Valley: The daughter of the Hills (Naga Hills) in prison”.


critical analysis and study on the life and work of Rani Gaidinliu can only justify her being called the National freedom fighter of India. This analytic study and finding is considered important for public education on the historical rights and records of the Nagas of then and now. Some writers have attempted to disown or distort her credibility by their biased or prejudiced writings with an intention to demean her. The civilized world looks upon such contempt writers with a sense of sorry and pity that they were born in the world. When the sons and daughters of the earth turn disrespectful to their fathers, mothers, elders, leaders and their heroes and heroines, humanity bow down in shame and disgraced before the civilized world, that such inhumane attitude is demeaning the rationality and status of human being in debasement and ignominy. Restoring the disgracing faces of humanity to its status of dignity and respect by confessional admitting and repenting respect to those in position is to be the work of the people in building the Nation. Lest our Nation falls short of the status and their history bear any right for the people. Nation or people without their history fall short of human civilization. Hence this analytical article is intended to testify the true historical account of Rani Gaidinliu as it is written or retold by writers and her contemporary witnesses. Her account was, is and shall ever be the history of the Naga people since distant past to Naga future. The present is an age of enlightenment and refined discovery. Our understanding and perception about human history ought to be to respect the persons for his/her place in history, for his/her contribution to the society and nation at large in which ever scale or measure created. Lenin once said, “All history is made up of the actions of individuals”. To her own people and Nagas at large, Rani Gaidinliu was mostly left in ignorance, kept undisclosed and side lined on tribal prejudice and resentment. Only dim rumours and pseudo information about her were propagated throu gh oral passing and over hearing of her account of struggle. The fact has created many doubts and controversies around beclouding the mind of the present Naga leaders and society. Whereas to the outside world and foreigners including the Indian leaders and historians, Rani Gaidinliu was inevitably known as a Freedom fighter of the Nagas; the brave Naga girl. “The Nagas has one foundation set on which they could assert their right to live as a people among the nations of the world because their case has been registered by a lady in the history of the world civilization” author unknown and non Naga. Let us see and know for ourselves, the truth left unpeeled or uncovered about this peculiar Naga lady who in the perception of one foreign renowned writer, R. Constantine, personified her as Maid of the Mountain. Also “the spirit of the wild” was ascribed to Jadonang and Gaidinliu. Ibid. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru in his article published when in his tour to Assam in the winter of 1937; “In Surma Valley: the daughter of the Hills (Naga Hills) in prison” captured


Morung Youth Express

the attention of the contemporary world. She was then looked upon as the queen of the Naga Hills culminating to called her “Rani of the Nagas”. In his word Nehru called her Rani Gaidinliu the Brave Naga girl who still lies in Prison somewhere in Assam”. The exact words were published in an Editorial column, in the ‘National herald’ on March 10, 1940. Nehru requested Lady Astor, the first lady MP of the British House of common to get Rani Gaidinliu released from the jail. Lady Astor in her reply letter dated 10 may 1939 informed Nehru that “the Secretary of state for India had stated that, the Movement among the Nagas has not yet died down, and would break out if she were released, and that she is at present considered a potent source of danger to the peace of Manipur state and the province of Assam”. He urged the premier of Assam, Shri. Gopinath Bordoloi to intervene in the matter and get Gaidinliu released from Jail. Nehru’s reply letter to Lady Astor on May 27 1939 tells of Nehru’s respect for the life of the Naga Rani and his consciousness of Human dignity and right to life of human person. He stated, “ the girl must be an unusually interesting person if she still supposed to be a potent source of danger to the peace of Manipur state and province of Assam had a very insecure foundation if it is rested on a girl in her twenties to be kept in prison indefinitely” (Quoted from, “A bunch of old letters, Bombay,1960” by Jawaharlal Nehru)

Rani Gaidinliu as a Freedom fighter: The British India raised Assam Riffles as their forces to fight against their attackers or enemies. It was in 1932 February 16th when Naga Raj Armies under the leadership of Gaidinliu attacked the Assam Riffles outpost at Hangrum, Zeme Village now in Assam state which has created a great deal of alarm to the British India. The Governor in council had therefore ordered to organize an intensive operation to capture Gaidinliu and her Armies. The Government in retaliation burned down several Villages in Naga hills. A sum of Rs. 5oo/- and exemption of house tax for ten years was offered for anybody or village whoever could inform her where about to arrest her. The DC of Naga Hills, J.P. Mills commissioned an operation mission to hunt down the Naga Raj armies by deploying the 3rd and 4th Assam Riffles with the assistance of SDO North Cachar Hills and an officer of Manipur state. The Angamis from Khonoma Village extended her with sympathetic support as there were some of her workers and agent being already stationed in Kohima. She later established her fortress in Naga Hills as puilwa after the pattern of Hangrum Assam Riffles Outpost. J.P Mills on getting a reliable information of her presence in Naga Hills deputed Captain McDonald of Assam Riffles, Hari Blah and EAC North Cachar Hills with hundred Riffle men and captured her by surprise raid on 17th October 1932. The political agent of the Manipur state Higgins then sentenced her life imprisonment in Imphal jail. All her life after the death of Jadonang was committed to fight against the forces of British India. There were certain misgiving and misinformation about her movement that was propagated in the Naga Hills when Naga National movement was emerging and being in operation. The fact that, she was not in any point against the Naga National movement except the difference in approach and variation

in mission purpose. She did purely fought against the British occupational forces which could possibly differ with the policy, strategy of Naga National Movement. NNM focuses against Indian occupational forces. Naga Raj Movement focused against British India Occupational forces. A.Z. Phizo knew well and in many of his communications mention of Jadonang movement as NNaga Revolt against the British. Phizo is said to have once met Rani Gaidinliu in Sibsagar Assam railways and asked her to go with him to London. As per her PS recounting, she told him (Phizo) that she would rather remain in the Homeland and fight for Freedom at home than to go far away from Home land. “It is no use trying to catch the rainbow up in the sky when the people at home on earth are crying for Freedom” Phizo later further insisted on taking her with him and sent Mr. Tadingpou his trusted associate, to go and bring Gaidinliu to join him. In the mean while, there were wrong information spread by one Angh of Zeliangrong Region NNC which unfortunately turned the tide of political differences resulted into dissension and needless division in opinion among Zeliangrong National workers. Further there was an undesirable political development which had led to divert the Naga Raj movement from British imperialism to Movement for Zeliangrong homeland with the influence of the contemporary political leaders during 1970s and 80s. Nevertheless this change of movement did not deface or deter the history of the Naga struggle for freedom from foreign occupational forces.

implanted with a bribing promise to release them if they would put the blame upon Jadonang of the crime. The inconspicuous game plan was successful as tragic fortune would have befallen him and the destiny of the Naga Raj movement was then sealed. In the criminal proceeding, a legal defence was denied and all witnesses kept silent. When all means and hope of life turned deaf to him, he was taken up to the scaffold and hanged. His last word recalled and recorded was, “I am innocent of the Crime” shouted at the top of his voice but the fate is already sealed and he was hanged. Prof. H.K Barpujari a renowned historian and justice stated on the matter of the trial and execution of Jadonang, “In the absence of positive evidence, a verdict cannot be passed that the case was pursued beyond all reasonable doubt. The alleged murder of Manipuris afforded the Government the much desired pretext to nip the movement in the bud. The establishment of the independent Naga Raj in the problem ridden frontier would endanger the British Indian Govt.” (Problems of the Hills tribes of the North eastern frontier from inner line to Macmohan, Vol III, 1982 p 1. By H.K. Barpujari)

On claim of Jadonang as Naga Messiah: As per official report about the new cult by DC of Naga hills, 1931, “Reports were received of a serious movement initiated by one Jadonang who set himself up in Kambiron in Manipur as a Messiah-king of the Kabui (Rongmei) and Kacha Naga”, the author Tajenyuba Ao, in his book, “ British Occupation of Naga country” page 201, stated, “ Jadonang’s claim appears to be connected with the old Naga Tradition of a Messiah King to which Dr. Hutton refers on page 252 of his ‘ Angami Naga’. “There is a belief in Khonoma and other Angami villages in the return of a king who will drive out the British and rule over ‘all who eat from the wooden platter,’ that is all Nagas”.(The Angami Nagas by Hutton). Tajenyuba Ao stated that, “There is no evidence, however that the Angamis are involved in the present trouble.” To ascertained the statement ‘Naga messiah’ as referred to Jadonang, his close associates and contemporary orally recounted that, Jadonang used to predict the coming events, and performed miracles like Jesus of the Jews. He is said to have slept three days and three nights on trans and woke up on the third day. After which he led his ardent followers on a mission travelling in the western parts of the Naga Hills. When his followers feel hungry and thirsty on the way, he would let his followers lick his hand and all would be quenched. He is said to have rode on a horseback and met the Britishers in Tamenglong in an act of defiant before the Britishers. Propagated also that, he used to ride on the back of a lion and appeared to his followers occasionally. On hearing such propagations, the Britishers even Higgins and writers might have assumed and called him the “Messiah of the Nagas”. However, he himself has denied just before the time of his death that he is god. The claims, prophecies and predictions of Jadonang cannot be totally taken to be accounted for or denied altogether but to leave it in mystery till such time when the Nagas shall be awakened by the spirit of discernment or alleviated to a height of human reasoning about survival and civilisation that may come beyond the present stage of the society. Analysed and perceived that, the truth about the Naga future and destiny shall be revealed in God’s time. Could it be that, we Nagas overlook the prediction to our own lost and regret which God might have used man like Jadonang to tell the Nagas to prepare and act in truth as God may purposed for the Nagas. The time for Naga political reformation and moral reawakening has come. We must seize the opportunity and time for change or we shall all perish together as fools or remain defeated and as oppressed people. I humbly appeal to all Nagas old and young, far and near, rich or poor, strong or weak to press on together toward the future where we shall ever live in Peace and free in our own Home land at last. God reign and rule over us!

Naga Raj movement and Naga Messiah: The term Naga Raj was first spelled by J.C. Higgins the British Political agent of Manipur mentioned in his report to the chief secretary of Assam. The concept of Raj and kingdom was not common to Nagas except Anghship common among Konyak Naga tribe. However, it could most probably termed with a show and tone of condemnation or challenge to Jadonang copying or using the term of the neighbouring custom and system of Kachari Kingdom, Maharaja of Manipur or accustomed way of using like King emperor of British Indian emperor. To Jadonang the general Naga people may be collectively called MAKAAM people when he said and predicted, “Makaam people will reign at last”, He and his successor Queen (Rani) Gaidinliu proclaimed the reign of Naga Kingdom in bold response to the British pronouncement. Ursula Graham Bower, in her book termed the Naga kingdom “Naga heaven; a millennium on earth”. According to her, she stated that “ for generations there had been a prophecy that one day a Naga king would arise, drive out the British, and rule over ‘all who eat from the wooden platter’-that is all Naga tribes”.(Naga path by Ursula Graham Bower). Jadonang used to advocate to his followers, “Meiteis have their king, Indian have also kings of their own. Why should we not have our own king? The whitemen and we are all human beings. Why should we be afraid of them? All men are equal, we are blessed people. Our days have come...we shall pray and worship God. With His grace we can become kings”. He has predicted the impending end of British Raj and the soon coming of Naga Raj. He stood steadfast on his philosophy of freedom of the Nagas till his last breath on the scaffold/gallow. His death was doubly implicated. One of alleging to have murdered four Manipuris and the one that of premeditated policy of nipping the Naga movement in the Bud by hanging Jadonang. Higgins through strict interrogation could not satisfactorily establish the evidence for the allegation against Jadonang of being the murderer and also alleged of being self proclaim as the Naga Raj. Spot verification and intensive investigation has proven that He was not in his Village where the murder took place at the time. He was at Lwangkau village far away from the murder spot. The real murderers were later confessed and admitted. As per Manipur administrative report 1931-32, one strong evidence of manipulative policy being played to implicate Jadonang of the Crime was The article is published as part of that among those under trial prisoners (those close associates and the research findings of the SCANET, relative of Jadonang) were fed and (Social Catalytic Analysis Network)

The Naga Blog is a forum on facebook where Nagas from Nagaland and around the world network, share ideas and discuss a wide range of topics from politics and philosophy to music and current events in Nagaland and beyond. The blog is not owned by any individual, nor is it affiliated to or associated with any political party or religion. The only movement it hopes to stir is the one raised by the voices of the Nagas every step of the way, amassing perhaps to mass consciousness one day. www.facebook.com/groups/thenagablog

Nagaland SSA Teachers' Association (NSSATA)

Chuba Amen: Dear SSA members. I want to request everybody to pray for my 11 months old daughter. She was diagnosed with allergic-asthma and under medication, and she has some infection in her chest as well as her Oxygen saturation level is below normal. I will blame the Govt.. squarely if anything happens to her, this would not have happened if I the govt had to keep us waiting for our salary. Since I didn't have enough money I had just rejected her illness as normal cough. However a couple of days back, I borrowed some money in interest 5% and had to take her to hospital. My worst fear came true and I was at a loss for words, anger and grief has already shaken me to my core. Now to add fuel to the fire, I have heard that our salary will be released only after some kind of AUTHENTICATION! Now if the Gov does not release our salary within this week, I think I will have to borrow more and my son is definitely going to be kicked off the school for not paying fees. Please pray for my family.

Confluence Rock Lungleng Naga: Conflunce is a Conference of the Naga Students' Unions (CNSU), congregating its leaders from different cities outside our Homeland (Nagalim). Purpose statement: To gather the hearts and the minds of leaders of Naga Students' Unions to collectively share and evolve strategies for noble impact in meeting various challenges confronting Students' community in particular and Naga Society at large. The 6th CONFLUENCE- Conference will be held in Guwahati from 24th27th October 2014, Naga Students' Union, Guwahati (NSUG) as its Host. Mr. Inito Shohe Naga is the Convenor for this Conference. It all started in 2008, under the leadership and initiative of Mr. Aran Chihui, the then President of Naga Students' Union, Bangalore. The 1st & 2nd CONFLUENCE -Conference were held in Bangalore, hosted by NSUB. For the 3rd CONFLUENCE, Mr. Joshua Thong Seb as the Convenor, NSU Delhi hosted in October 2011. Mr. Niketu Iralu came as the main speaker along with NSF leaders. The 4th CONFLUENCE was hosted by NSU Pune in October 2012, Mr.Rock Lungleng Naga as the Convenor. Justice W.A Shishak was the main speaker. Naga Students' Union, Shillong hosted the 5th CONFLUENCE in October 2013, where Mr. Nyanbemo Lotha Naga was the Convenor. This Conference is for the Naga Students' Unions leaders. And our Students' apex body -NSF had endorsed and supported since its beginning. We are glad to see CONFLUENCE Former steering team members leading their tribe Students' bodies at home #Joyson , Seve Ringa Vadeo ,Theophilus Rangmathat ....... Congrats. Yanpvuo Yanfo Kikon I want an opinion from all right thinking good Naga citizens. Is this totally absurd or a logical way of conducting a SURVEY! Where in this whole wide world does anybody conduct a survey this way? Nagaland Liquor Total Prohibition Public Voting Campaign where the VOTING CARD costs Rs.5?? I really wish to know the logic behind this survey, which Department initiated this and the sample they are targeting. If this Voting Campaign can reach 10,00,000 people means they earn Rs. 5 x 10,00,000 = Rs.50,00,000. Rupees Fifty Lakh A Good Cause should never come at a COST! Nagaland has a population of almost 20,00,000 and a definitive RESULT will only be solid if a considerable percentage of the population takes part in this SURVEY! Why to waste public money for such a Survey when we are living at this age of INTERNET AND FACEBOOK, where even a blog like TNB has 53,000 members. WE CAN CONDUCT A FREE ONLINE SURVEY RIGHT HERE! RIGHT NOW! WHERE PEOPLE CAN ASK ALL THEIR FRIENDS AND FAMILY MEMBERS ALSO TO VOTE AND COME TO A REASONABLE CONSENSUS!!! Now I wanna hear the opinion of the bloggers especially from research scholars on the ethical practices, logic and rationality behind conducting such a public survey Thejangukho Yalietsu: Holy cow! Who's behind that cash-spinning 'survey' now? What will be the degree of honesty, reliability and transparency of such a utopian survey through voting? Peter Rutsa: Irrespective whether I am a right thinking good citizen of Nagaland. This voting is HILARIOUS. Definitely a move inspired by Nagaland electioneering style and the various shows that sell voting cards. Amei Annyühü Konyak: This is totally absurd. People who have come up with such idea,better be ready with justified reasons which i doubt,will satisfy most.Such a hardtalk campaign should not become another ''money-making'' blame game issue. Make this important poll , a call thats answered by one and all. Tongpang Kumzuk Nemdaklee: yes we are way lacking behind in EGovernance,opinion etc. however in this above case i believe we can make best possible use of the E-Polls.yeah not everyone will be able to participate in it but i believe majority of the people will be able to participate in it and that too with well sound reason of their own for the decision.Also that way we'll be able to use less papers and also save towns from the litter to add misery to the already littered towns. Abu Pame: This is absolutely absurd and ridiculous. The concerned authority is taking advantage of the foolishness of the citizens. While trying to stop liquor, they are doing their business. If you are a denizen of Nagaland, advise the ignorant not to buy it. Mugha Chishi: Due to fund deficit in the state the government are in the ways of extracting money from the public through any silly means.....m sure the governments in some ways are responsible for this ....finger crossed.

(The Naga Blog was created in 2008 by Yanpvuo Kikon. This column in The Morung Express will be a weekly feature every Saturday)

Readers may please note that, the contents of the articles published on this page do not reflect the outlook of this paper nor of the Editor in any form.




Saturday 11 October 2014

The Morung Express

Toilets alone India-Pak clashes escalate won’t fix India into a humanitarian tragedy sanitation: study P.S. PORA, IndIA/SIALKOT, PAKISTAn, OcTObeR 10 (ThOmSOn ReuTeRS FOundATIOn): It was a balmy night when mortar struck the courtyard of Shahdin Mohammad’s home, killing his son and grandson and injuring three other family members who were asleep outside. He knelt on the ground, cradling his 12-year-old grandson, shouting for help, but by the time a neighbour arrived and drove them to the nearest clinic, it was too late. “The firing started at 2 a.m. and we had nowhere to go. We were outside our home and a shell landed right in front of us,” said Mohammad, a 65-year-old Indian farmer from Jeora Farm village. “That was the end of the world for me.” Located about one kilometre (0.62 mile) from India’s border with Pakistan, Jeora Farm is one of scores of villages in the disputed Kashmir region being hit by increasing exchange of fire between the two nations. During an 11 year lull in fighting along this stretch of the border after a 2003 ceasefire, villages grew on both sides, with brick buildings replacing mud huts and schools and wedding halls opening close to check-points but that peace is now shattered. In August when Mohammad’s family was killed, the firing went on for 45 days, affecting rice production and schooling for many children. This month has seen a renewed bout of fighting. The firing, usually restricted to military posts, has killed 23 civilians this year, the highest death toll in over a decade, and prompted accusations of the deliberate targeting civilians. This month nine Pakistanis and eight Indians were killed in the latest spat between the South Asian nuclear-armed neighbours. Amid the fighting some 20,000 Indians have fled to relief camps while at least 2,000 Pakistanis have sought shelter with relatives, or in open fields, out of the range of fire. “There is good reason for concern,” said Michael Kugelman, Senior Program Associate for South and Southeast Asia at the Woodrow Wilson International Institute for Scholars. “Not only are we seeing more civilian casualties

than is typically the case, but we’re also seeing cases of children wounded and killed by shelling ... It’s expanded into a humanitarian tragedy.”

Deliberate Targets India and Pakistan have fought three wars since independence from Britain in 1947, two of them over the mostly-Muslim region of Kashmir with its Himalayan mountains and fertile valleys which they both claim in full but rule in part. Although the tit-fortat artillery fire frequently rattles the so-called Line of Control (LoC), separating Indian- and Pakistanicontrolled Kashmir, the clashes have intensified. Indian military officials say there have been over 110 ceasefire violations by Pakistan so far this year compared to 347 in 2013 and 114 in 2012. Islamabad says there have been 227 violations by New Delhi this year, against 414 in 2013 and 230 the year before. But Chief Minister of Indian-administered Kashmir has accused Pakistan of a change in tactic and targeting civilians. “Such a large scale loss to the civilians clearly indicates they have changed their strategy from engaging in cross-firing with the forces on this side of border to specifically targeting the civilian areas,” Omar Abdullah told journalists this week. Pakistani military officials deny the claim. Major General Khan Tahir Javed Khan said the Pakistani army only fires mortars back and never at civilians. He claimed India has fired 19,733 mortars into his 193 km (120 mile) stretch of the disputed border so far this year, compared to 180 in 2012. “Our main fire is concentrated onto their posts, not onto their villages,” Khan insisted. One mortar hit Irum Shahzadi’s home in the Pakistani village of Dhamala early Monday as her three sons leapt out of bed, excited about celebrating the Muslim holiday of Eid. “I could not see anything, because of the dark (smoke), so I started groping on the floor. I found my younger son, and lifted him into my lap,” said Shahzadi, weeping uncontrollably. “My entire world has collapsed ... My sons ... one had no face, the other was

Indian villagers cover an army bunker with sacks of soil anticipating firing between India and Pakistan at the border area of Abdullian village in Ranbir Singh Pura, 35 kilometers (22 miles) from Jammu, India on October 10. Fighting in Kashmir between India and Pakistan subsided on Friday as Pakistan's prime minister Nawaz Sharif met with advisers and military chiefs to discuss the latest spasm of violence in the disputed Himalayan region, which has killed more than 20 civilians over the past week. (AP Photo)

UN chief calls for India-Pakistan dialogue unITed nATIOnS, OcTObeR 10 (IAnS): UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has expressed concern over the escalation of violence along the Line of Control (LoC) in Jammu and Kashmir and called for “dialogue” between India and Pakistan to resolve their differences. The statement by Ban stressed the bilateral aspect in asking New Delhi and Islamabad “to resolve all differences through dialogue”. Ban’s associate spokesperson Vannina Maestracci told reporters: “In a statement, the secretary-general said that he is concerned about the recent escalation of violence along the LoC between India and Pakistan. He deplores the loss of lives and the displacement of civilians on both sides.” She said: “The secretary-general encourages the governments of India and Pakistan to resolve all differences through dialogue and to engage constructively to find a long-term solution for peace and stability in Kashmir.” Pakistan has renewed its attempts to internationalise the Kashmir issue. Last month, Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif spoke at the UN General Assembly (UNGA) about its resolutions on Kashmir and “fulfilment of that promise”. On Tuesday, Pakistan’s UN Ambassador Masood Khan brought it up again, saying, Sharif “reminded the United Nations of its own responsibility”. Khan also said the UN Military Observer Group “must be enabled to play its role in monitoring the ceasefire”. India has rejected any role for the UN or other third parties in dealing with the Kashmir dispute. Responding to Khan at the UNGA Tuesday, Devesh Uttam, first secretary at the Indian Mission to the UN, said: “The onus of creating a positive environment is on Pakistan which is utterly failing to do so.” He said: “It is a matter of deep regret that Pakistan has violated the ceasefire.” hit in the chest and in the too scared to go out. arms.” Two of the boys died. But the biggest challenge facing villagers in this In The Line Of Fire stretch of border comes at In the lush Basmati night when the mortars fall. rice-growing plains of InIn the Pakistani village dia’s R.S. Pora sector, the of Dhamala, Wazir Bibi said skirmishes temporarily she and her four daughters displace thousands of peo- were always scared but ple who move into schools couldn’t leave. turned into relief camps “Every time I hear the and this can disrupt the blasts, if feels like my heart lives of everyone from chil- will burst from my body,” dren to farmers. said Bibi, 65. “We are wom“First, it was dry weath- en and poor, we cannot er that affected our crops. sleep in the fields, we have Then when it rained, the fir- nowhere to go.” ing drove us away from the village,” said Vicky Kumar, a “Hell’s village” farmer in Abdullain village However some villagon the Indian side. ers living along border said “We couldn’t apply fer- they had benefited from tilisers and this led to the 2003 ceasefire agreement. crop failing. We expect only In the Indian town of 50 percent yield this year.” Arnia, people farm their Children complain land right up to the interof not being able to go to national border and have school, saying even when turned their mud houses the guns fall silent, they are into two-storey structures

with satellite dishes and bathrooms. Residents proudly point to a wedding hall as a sign of normality, saying previously few marriages occurred here as families refused to marry their daughters to young men living in a place once nicknamed “Hell’s village”. Shops sell cement and floor tiles to feed a construction boom and a 30 km stretch of road from Jammu town to the border crossing of Suchetgarh is being widened to four lanes. The plan was to eventually open the area for trade between the two nations, but that seems a distant reality now. Islamabad and New Delhi blame one another for initiating the border shelling, both saying that they will not back down first. Pakistan on Thursday

said it was capable of responding “befittingly” to India, while India said Pakistan would pay an “unaffordable price” if it persisted with the shelling. The United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Thursday expressed concern over deaths and displacement of civilians, while human rights groups have warned of the violatation of international humanitarian laws if claims of targeting civilians are true. “They should investigate any allegations of violations including the indiscriminate use of weapons such as heavy artillery in densely populated areas, using civilians as human shields, or otherwise placing them at unnecessary risk,” said Meenakshi Ganguly, South Asia director for Human Rights Watch.

Fresh report on Sunanda’s death ‘inconclusive’: Delhi police new deLhI, OcTObeR 10 (PTI): The fresh report submitted to the police by AIIMS doctors on the reasons for the death of Sunanda Pushkar is “inconclusive”, according to Delhi Police and it may now go for advance forensic tests. Delhi Police Commissioner B.S. Bassi also dismissed suggestions that police had been lax in collecting evidence and that the probe should be handed over to CBI, asserting that the force was

“competent” to handle the case. “The forensic report is inconclusive. The status of our inquest is pending,” Mr. Bassi said on Friday. “The first thing I would like to tell you is that we still do not have a conclusive forensic report on the basis of which we can reach on any conclusion. As far as police is concerned our inquest is pending. “Whenever we will reach on any conclusion, when we get complete forensic evidence, conclusive evidence, then we will draw conclusion and then

we will be able to share any information with you,” the Delhi police chief told reporters. The 12-page “Subsequent Medical Board Opinion”, submitted to police on September 30 by a panel of AIIMS doctors, said that the medical board had again concluded like it did in its first report that her brain, kidney, lungs and liver were functioning normally and that her death was caused by poisoning. The new report by the three-member panel of

doctors, who had conducted the autopsy on her, was prepared on the basis of the findings of the Centre Forensic Science Laboratory (CFSL) which had examined Sunanda’s viscera. Asked whether the Delhi Police will now register an FIR in this connection, he said, “Inquest is pending, once inquest is complete and we reach any definite conclusion. Whatever is required will be done and whatever is required to be shared with the press will be shared.”

On suggestions whether the case should be transferred to CBI, Bassi said that the Delhi Police is “competent” to carry out the probe. Responding to the allegations made by the panel of doctors that the investigating officer did not have photographs of scene of occurrence, statements and other circumstantial evidence in the case, which has been considered as laxity on the part of the police, Mr. Bassi only said, “We believe in quest for truth

and whatever is required in the quest for truth we have been doing and we will continue doing”. The viscera report of CFSL in March had hinted at drug poisoning but police considered it as inconclusive. Police then asked AIIMS to re-examine the report and give its findings. Police may now seek another expert opinion from the Central Forensic Science Laboratory (CFSL) or go for advance forensic tests to clear the air, according to sources.

Badaun girls’ kin admit that they lied

new deLhI, OcTObeR 10 (Tnn): With CBI nowhere close to establishing the motive or identifying the killer in the sensational Badaun murders, the case is becoming murkier. The parents of the two deceased girls have admitted before the CBI that they leveled false allegations against five persons, arrested earlier; on the basis of what Baburam alias Nazru told them. Nazru, who is the main eyewitness in the case, saw the two girls and Pappu Yadav have an argument and a fight after which the girls, Pappu and Nazru - all went in different directions. But the

girls never returned home. CBI is now probing why Nazru, an uncle of the girls, concocted the story and asked the parents to say that the girls were taken forcefully from the village at gunpoint by Pappu Yadav and four others. The agency is also investigating the role of the parents and a third person in the murders. On the basis of admission by parents, Nazru, field investigations, polygraph tests and technical probe, the agency has arrived at the conclusion that the FIR was wrong. “It is now sure that Nazru misled the family about the sequence of events and they

believed him. The FIR was filed against five persons for abduction, gangrape and murders but Nazru and parents have now admitted that girls were never abducted,” said a CBI officer. Earlier, the original complaint to the police had claimed that Pappu, Awadhesh and Urvesh Yadav (brothers) and Constables Chhatrapal Yadav and Sarvesh Yadav forcefully took away the girls at gun point. During probe by CBI, Pappu Yadav admitted meeting the girls at the outskirts of the Katra Sadatganj village. “He was seen by Nazru, whose house was nearby. The girls were

interacting with Pappu Yadav with their consent. Nazru reached there and they had a scuffle. After a while, Pappu Yadav left for his house while Nazru and girls also went in two different directions,” said a senior CBI officer. CBI says that Nazru also has admitted to this sequence of event. The development comes a month after CBI claimed on the basis of polygraph test of families of the girls and Nazru that there were “inconsistencies in their statements” on key questions related to the case. Now, with family as well as Nazru admitting before

the CBI that the main accused Pappu, named in the Uttar Pradesh Police FIR, had not taken the two girls at gunpoint but rather fled after a scuffle when he was spotted with the girls by Nazru, has further confused the investigations. The two girls, aged 14 and 15, went missing from their house on the night of May 27 and their bodies were found hanging from a mango tree in Ushait area in Badaun the next day. In another inconsistency, during his lie detector test, Nazru had admitted he had a mobile phone. He had earlier denied possession of a phone. The mobile phone

was recovered from him and sent for forensic examination to ascertain whether any data had been deleted from the instrument, CBI said. Forensic evidence based on DNA tests conducted by CBI has ruled out any sexual assault on the two teenagers prompting the agency not to file a chargesheet in the case against the five accused who had cleared the lie detector test. The incident had sparked a national outrage with the Samajwadi Party government coming under fire for deterioration of law and order situation in the state.

new deLhI, OcTObeR 10 (AP): Building toilets in rural India, where hundreds of millions are still defecating outdoors, will not be enough to improve public health, according to a study published Friday. India is considered to have the world’s worst sanitation record despite spending some $3 billion since 1986 on sanitation programs, according to government figures. The country is now gearing up to spend 10 times that amount, as new Prime Minister Narendra Modi makes garbage and sanitation troubles a key issue for his first year in office. However, the new study — published Friday in the Lancet medical journal — suggests India needs to look beyond building toilet infrastructure and focus also on educating the masses and changing centuries-old habits and people’s preferences for doing their business outdoors. For the study, Indian and U.S. researchers looked into the effects of a 2011 government sanitation campaign in 100 villages in the eastern state of Orissa. They found almost no improvement in childhood rates of diarrhea, parasitic worm infections and other public health scourges that experts say contribute to childhood stunting, malnutrition and some $54 billion in lost productivity each year, according to the World Bank. The program was “effective in building latrines, but not all households participate,” lead author Prof. Thomas Clasen of Emory University in Atlanta said in a statement. Poor hygiene practices, water contamination and unsafe disposal of baby poop also likely contributed to the problem, he said, though the researchers said more work was needed to understand the complex problem and how to fix it. Experts note that many of the 640 million Indians still defecating in the open might opt not to use a toilet, even if they had one at home, thanks to widespread preferences for going outside. Another unrelated study looking at attitudes toward sanitation in five Indian states — Bihar, Hary-

ana, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh — found that 40 percent of homes that had toilets also had at least one household member who openly defecated. Most said that was because it was “pleasurable, comfortable and convenient,” according to the paper titled “Revealed Preference for Open Defecation,” published last month in Economic and Political Weekly. “Many respondents told us that defecating in the open provides them an opportunity to take a morning walk, see their fields, and take in the fresh air,” the paper’s authors wrote. “Many people regard open defecation as part of a wholesome, healthy, virtuous life.” While the attitudes may be somewhat of a symptom of reality in those states — which together account for almost half of all toilet-free households in India — they show that “latrine construction is not enough to substantially reduce open defecation in the northern plains states.” Few understand there is a connection between their outdoor ablutions and the fact that, each year, hundreds of thousands in India die from diarrheal diseases. William Easterly, an economics professor at New York University who specializes in development issues, also cautioned against the danger in seeing a single object, in this case a toilet, as a magical solution to solve a public health concern. “A few years ago, it was bed nets for malaria.” “Victories in sanitation and clean water in the U.S. and many other places were achieved by democratically accountable local and national health officials. There is no way to technologically bypass these political requirements,” said Easterly, who was not involved with the study. The Lancet study “shows a common failing of top-down programs in development,” he said. “A more bottom-up approach would seek to learn much more about local context and keep searching for solutions, which may differ from one context to another, anywhere in the complex web of interactions between human behavior and pathogens.”

India launches first-ever mental health policy new deLhI, OcTObeR 10 (IAnS): India Friday launched its first-ever mental health policy to provide access to good quality treatment to mentally ill people, specially from the poorer sections of the society. The policy, launched by union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan here, is backed up by the “Mental Health Action Plan 365”, which spells out the specific roles to be played by the Centre, the state governments, local bodies and civil society organisations. The government also came out with two booklets providing training modules for general physicians, and the common man. “Universal access to mental health care is a specific goal of the government. It would find substantial articulation in the evolving National Health Policy and National Health Assurance Mission (NHAM),” Harsh Vardhan told the media after the launch. The minister added that Oct 10, which is observed as the World Mental Health Day, wouldnowalsobeobservedastheNationalMentalHealth Day. Besides, “mental health institutes across the country would be remodelled on the lines of the National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences (NIMHANS), Bangalore”, Harsh Vardhan said. The policy aims to provide universal access to mental health care by enhancing understanding of mental health and strengthening leadership in the mental health sector at all levels. Among the major stakeholders identified for actualizing the objectives of the policy are the union government, local bodies like municipalities, schools and colleges, and the private corporate sector. “It will have a pro-poor orientation because only the creamy layer of society presently has access to mental healthcare in India,” Harsh Vardhan said. The minister added that the government would try and introduce the mental health bill in parliament in the next session. “A policy group worked dedicatedly to develop its recommendations. I thank them for recognising that the vast majority of the mentally ill people in India live in villages and there is literally no care available for them,” he said. “The World Health Organization has predicted that about 20 percent of India’s population would suffer from some form of mental illness by 2020.

the Morung express

How Maths can help curb Ebola epidemic LONdON, OctOber 10 (IANs): Swiss researchers have calculated new benchmark figures to precisely describe the Ebola epidemic in West Africa from a mathematical perspective. Their results may help health authorities to contain the epidemic. “Our computer programme is ready. If we are given access to current Ebola sequences, we will be able to gain a detailed insight into the spread of the epidemic literally overnight,” researchers noted. In the current Ebola epidemic, several estimates based on official data of recorded cases of illness were used to derive these figures. Using a statistical computer programme, a team led by Tanja Stadler, professor of computational evolution at ETH Zurich in Basel has now calculated these parameters based on the gene sequence of the virus in various patient samples. “A major benefit of our method is that we can use it to calculate unreported cases and therefore the true scale of the epidemic,” asserted Stadler. nThe virus sequences were obtained from blood samples taken from patients in Sierra Leone in the first few weeks after the epidemic migrated to the country from neighbouring Guinea in May and June 2014. Using the data made available to them, the ETH researchers were able to calculate an unreported case rate of 30 percent (patients of which blood samples were not taken). “However, this applies only to the situation analysed in Sierra Leone in May and June. We do not have any blood samples since June at all,” Stadler claimed. The researchers were also able to calculate the incubation period for Ebola (five days) and the infectious time. Patients can pass on the virus from 1.2 to 7 days after becoming infected. To obtain these values, the researchers created a phylogenetic tree based on the gene sequences of the virus samples. “The Ebola virus changes in the body of the patient from day to day, meaning that the virus sequence varies slightly from patient to patient,” Stadler explained. With the knowledge of the different sequences, the researchers were able to determine at what point in the past infection events happened between patients. From this, they were able to calculate the epidemiological parameters. “These epidemiological values are important in developing strategies to contain the epidemic and evaluate the effectiveness of these measures. Imposing a curfew is one such measure,” researchers pointed out.

Decaffeinated coffee good for liver New YOrK, OctOber 10 (IANs): Drinking decaffeinated coffee is good for your liver, shows a study. Higher coffee consumption, regardless of caffeine content, was linked to lower levels of abnormal liver enzymes. This suggests that chemical compounds in coffee other than caffeine may help protect the liver, showed the study. “Prior research found that drinking coffee may have a possible protective effect on the liver. However, the evidence is not clear if that benefit may extend to decaffeinated coffee,” said Qian Xiao from the National Cancer Institute in Bethesda, Maryland. Previous studies found that coffee consumption may help lower the risk of developing diabetes, cardiovascular disease, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, cirrhosis, and liver cancer. For the study, researchers collected data from the US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES). They enrolled 27,793 participants in age group 20 who were provided their coffee intake for a 24-hour period. The team measured blood levels of several markers of liver function, including aminotransferase (ALT), aminotransferase (AST), alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and gamma glutamyl transaminase (GGT) to determine liver health. Participants who reported drinking three or more cups of coffee per day had lower levels of ALT, AST, ALP and GGT compared to those not consuming any coffee, found the study. Researchers also found low levels of these liver enzymes in participants drinking only decaffeinated coffee. “Our findings link total and decaffeinated coffee intake to lower liver enzyme levels. These data suggest that ingredients in coffee, other than caffeine, may promote liver health. Further studies are needed to identify these components,” concluded Xiao. The study appeared in the journal Hepatology.

Lung cancer can be dormant for over 20 years LONdON, OctOber 10 (IANs): Lung cancers may lie dormant for over 20 years before suddenly turning into an aggressive form of the disease, says a study. Survival from lung cancer remains devastatingly low with many new targeted treatments making a limited impact on the disease. “By understanding how it develops we have opened up the disease’s evolutionary rule book in the hope that we can start to predict its next steps,” said Charles Swanton, professor at Cancer Research UK’s London Research Institute. The wide variety of faults found within lung cancers explains why targeted treatments have had limited success. Attacking a particular genetic mistake identified by a biopsy in lung cancer will only be effective against those parts of the tumour with that fault, leaving other areas to thrive and take over, the study pointed out. The study also highlighted the role of smoking in the development of lung cancer. Though early genetic faults are caused by smoking, as the disease evolved these became less important with the majority of faults being caused by a new process generating mutations within the tumour controlled by a protein called APOBEC. The research highlights the need to find better ways to detect lung cancer earlier when it’s still following just one evolutionary path. “If we can nip the disease in the bud and treat it before it has started travelling down different evolutionary routes we could make a real difference in helping more people survive the disease,” concluded professor Nic Jones, chief scientist at Cancer Research UK. The study appeared in the journal Science.


Hong Kong Students walk past barricades on a main road in the occupied areas at Causeway Bay district in Hong Kong on October 10. A pro-democracy protest that has blocked main roads in Hong Kong for almost two weeks could drag on for days yet, after talks aimed at resolving a bitter standoff between the city's government and student demonstrators collapsed Thursday. (AP Photo)

HONG KONG, OctOber 10 (reuters): Hundreds of protesters regrouped in central Hong Kong on Friday to push their call for democracy, a day after the government called off talks with students aimed at defusing a two-week standoff that has shaken communist China’s capitalist hub. Scores arrived with tents, suggesting they were in for the long haul despite a call by police to remove obstacles that have blocked major roads in and out of the financial centre, causing traffic and commuter chaos with tail-backs stretching for miles. Police said they would take action at an appropriate time, without specifying what. The government’s decision to call off the talks on Friday came as democratic lawmakers demanded anti-graft officers investigate a $6.4 million business payout to the city’s pro-Beijing leader, Leung Chun-ying, while in office.

Australia’s Fairfax Media this week revealed the business payout to Leung by an Australian engineering company. “For sure it will be jam packed with people later today in Admiralty after people get off work and students finish school,” said Joshua Wong, a 17-yearold who heads the group Scholarism that represents secondary school pupils. Admiralty is home to government offices next to the Central business district, giving the name to the “Occupy Central” movement, which has combined with the student protests, pushing the government to introduce universal suffrage. China rules the former British colony through a “one country, two systems” formula which allows wide-ranging autonomy and freedoms not enjoyed on the mainland and specifies universal suffrage as an eventual goal. But Beijing ruled on Aug. 31 it would screen

candidates who want to run for the city’s election for a chief executive in 2017, which democracy activists said rendered the notion of universal suffrage meaningless. Hong Kong Chief Secretary Carrie Lam said the talks with the students were off because of the strident demands for universal suffrage, which she said was not in accordance with the city’s mini-constitution, and because of their “illegal” occupation of parts of the city and calls for people to rally. China has also branded the protests illegal and on Friday criticised the U.S. Congress for sending the “wrong message” to demonstrators with its encouragement in a “deliberate attack” on China. The annual report to U.S. Congress by the Congressional-Executive Commission on China, released on Thursday, said the United States should increase support for democracy in Hong Kong and push for

Saturday 11 October 2014



protesters regroup

universal suffrage. “Something we have to do” Scenes of tear gas wafting between some of the world’s most valuable buildings, violent clashes, mass disruptions to business and commuter chaos have underscored the challenges Beijing faces in imposing its will on Hong Kong. Protest numbers have dwindled to just a few hundred people at sites around the city, but activists have managed to keep up their blockade of some major roads, to the frustration of some city residents. “This is something we have to do when we are young. It’s a process of short-term pain for longterm gain,” said John Wong, an 18-year-old university student. One student leader said the protesters would consider lifting their blocks

on some roads if the government let them use Civic Square, a grassy area next to government headquarters in Admiralty, media reported. The protesters are well equipped to sit it out, with supply stations stocked with essentials such as water, biscuits, noodles and cereals. They also have makeshift showers and dozens of tents have been erected where tired students can sleep. While the largely young crowds sit it out on the streets, their democratic lawmaker allies are stepping up pressure on the city government. On Thursday, they threatened to veto some government funding applications, although none that affect people’s daily lives, as they step up their civil disobedience campaign and try to paralyse government operations.

Taiwan prez urges China to move toward democracy tAIPeI, OctOber 10 (reuters): Taiwan’s president on Friday urged China to move toward a more democratic style of development, reiterating his strong support for pro-democracy demonstrations in Chinese-ruled Hong Kong. Ma Yingjeou used his speech at Taiwan’s National Day celebrations to discuss the island’s own democratic development in remarks that appeared to show Beijing that Taiwan would never give up its own democracy and rule of law. China and Taiwan have been ruled separately since defeated Nationalist forces fled to the island in 1949 after losing a civil war to the communists. China has never renounced the use of force to bring the now proudly democratic Taiwan under its control. The protests in Hong Kong seeking to democratically and directly elect the city’s chief executive have stirred concern in Taiwan that it could share the experience of Hong Kong should the island ever come under Chinese control. China is a rapidly developing economy, Ma said, adding that as it moves towards becoming a more prosperous society, its people will also want more democracy and greater rule of law. “Such a desire has never been a monopoly of the West, but it is the right of all humankind,” he added. He repeated that he firmly supported the pursuit of the people of Hong Kong to directly and democratically elect their own leader. Ma said while the democratic system was not perfect, it encouraged dialogue and the resolution of issues. “Thirty years ago, when Deng Xiaoping was pushing for reform and opening up in the mainland, he famously proposed letting some people get rich first,” Ma said, referring to one of China’s revered leaders. “So why couldn’t they do the same thing in Hong Kong, and let some people go democratic first?” Since taking office in 2008, the China-friendly Ma has signed a series of landmark economic and trade deals with Beijing. But deep suspicions remain, especially in Taiwan, which has shown little interest in wanting to rush political talks with China, whose leader Xi Jinping has shown no signs of loosening the Communist Party’s grip on power.

‘North Korea leader Kim is still in charge’

beIJING/seOuL, OctOber 10 (reuters): North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is in firm control of his government but hurt his leg taking part in a military drill, a source with access to the secretive North’s leadership said, playing down speculation over the 31-year-old’s health and grip on power in the nuclear-capable nation. North Korea’s state media, which usually chronicle Kim’s activities in great detail, have not mentioned any public appearances since he attended a concert with his wife on Sept. 3 and the official KCNA news agency indicated he did not attend an important political anniversary on Friday. In the previous two years, Kim marked the anniversary of the founding of North Korea’s Workers’

Party with a post-midnight visit to the Pyongyang mausoleum where the bodies of his father and grandfather are interred. But the report by KCNA did not mention Kim’s name in a list of high-level party and military officials who attended an event at the mausoleum on Friday. A flower basket from Kim was placed at the mausoleum, it said. The source with access to the North’s leadership, who has close ties to Pyongyang and Beijing, said on Thursday that Kim had hurt his leg while inspecting military exercises. “He ordered all the generals to take part in drills and he took part too. They were crawling and running and rolling around, and he pulled a tendon,” the source told Reuters on condition of anonymity. “He

injured his ankle and knee around late August or early September while drilling because he is overweight. He limped around in the beginning but the injury worsened,” the source said. Kim, who has rapidly gained weight since coming to power after his father died of a heart attack in 2011, had been seen walking with a limp since an event with important officials in July, which would imply he may have aggravated an earlier injury. Kim needs about 100 days to recuperate, said the source, whose information could not be independently verified. “Kim Jong Un is in total control,” said the source. Kim’s absence from public view is fuelling speculation over the state of his health and whether he may have been sidelined in a power

struggle. “The longer he remains out of the public eye, the more uncertainty about him, and the status of his regime, will grow,” said Curtis Melvin, a researcher at the U.S.-Korea Institute at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies in Washington. On Friday, South Korea’s Unification Ministry said it believes Kim remains in charge, citing a message conveyed by him via a delegation visiting last weekend, and Pyongyang’s continued public position that Kim leads the country. “So it appears it is being normally ruled by Kim Jong Un,” ministry spokesman Lim Byeong-cheol said. North Korean officials have denied that Kim’s public absence since early September is health-related and a U.S. official fol-

lowing North Korea said this week there were no indications he was seriously ill or in political trouble. It remains unclear why a leg injury would keep Kim out of the public eye for so long, although this is not the first time he has been missing from view. Speculation that Kim’s unusually long absence from public view may be due to ill health was fuelled by a North Korean television report late last month that said he was suffering from “discomfort”. Some North Korea watchers also suggest that Kim may have been sidelined in a power struggle, a scenario they say was reinforced by the unexpected visit on Saturday of a high-level delegation to the closing ceremony of the Asian Games in Incheon, South Korea.

Another interpretation of that visit holds that it was meant to convey stability in Pyongyang. The source with knowledge of Kim Jong Un’s health said rumours of a coup were “rubbish”. “It would have to be a very subtle coup indeed not to disrupt international travel plans,” said Andray Abrahamian of the Choson Exchange, a Singaporebased group running a programme for North Koreans in Southeast Asia. Abrahamian said it was unlikely Kim had been usurped. “Kim Jong Un has always shared power with other key figures and even if the internal balance of power has shifted, it is unlikely that they would want to remove him, given his unmatchable symbolic value. Again, though, everyone is guessing,” he said.

Palestinian unity Cabinet sets up Gaza operations

GAZA cItY, OctOber 10 (AP): The new Palestinian unity government toured Gaza and held a Cabinet meeting there for the first time Thursday, aiming to assure donor countries that absolute Hamas control has ended and that it can lead the rebuilding of the war-battered territory. The visit by the ministers came three days before an international pledging conference for Gaza, to be held in Cairo. In establishing a foothold in Gaza, the new Cabinet, which reports to Western-backed President Mahmoud Abbas, was trying to signal that the Palestinians’ paralyzing political split has come to an end. Hamas had seized Gaza from Abbas in 2007, leaving him with only parts of the West Bank. Still, the situation remains volatile. Hamas refuses to disband its security forces, even though it promises to support the new gov-

ernment of independent experts. Those security forces were in full view Thursday as the ministers inspected neighborhoods that were badly damaged in this summer’s 50-day war between Israel and Hamas. In the Gaza City neighborhood of Shijaiyeh, Hamas troops linked arms at one point to try to shield the Cabinet ministers — largely unsuccessfully — from a crush of curious onlookers. The chaotic scene illustrated how fragile security arrangements are under a reconciliation deal reached by Abbas and Hamas earlier this year. Forces loyal to Abbas are to take up positions near Gaza’s border with Israel, including crossing points, to facilitate the import of construction materials, but Hamas troops would likely remain in control elsewhere in the territory. Despite the uncertainty, the former political rivals said rebuilding is a

shared priority. More than 60,000 homes and more than 5,000 businesses were damaged or destroyed during the war, according to estimates by the United Nations and the Palestinian government. At the start of their visit, the Cabinet ministers, most from the West Bank, toured destroyed areas, including in the town of Beit Hanoun. “What we have seen today is horrible,” Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah said at the start of the Cabinet meeting in Abbas’ former residence. “I cried in Beit Hanoun when I saw how the people live and sleep. The priority is reconstruction” and political unification, he said. Later, Hamdallah and his ministers visited Ismail Haniyeh, the top Hamas leader in Gaza. Haniyeh’s house was destroyed by an Israeli airstrike in the recent war and he received the group in a building next to the debris. Haniyeh

said that the Cabinet’s visit signaled “the end of the (political) split and sends a message to the Palestinian people and the world that we have one government and one political system.” Haniyeh had served as prime minister for both the West Bank and Gaza after Hamas won parliament elections in 2006. He was fired by Abbas a year later, after Hamas seized Gaza by force. The takeover triggered a border blockade of Gaza by neighboring Israel and Egypt, and over the years, repeated reconciliation attempts failed. Hamas became increasingly unable to govern in Gaza as a result of new Egyptian border restrictions last year that drove it into its worst financial crisis since its founding in 1987. Earlier this year, a desperate Hamas agreed to hand over some authority to an Abbas-led unity government. The new gov-

ernment was formed four months ago to replace rival administrations — one led by Hamas in Gaza and the other headed by Abbas in parts of the West Bank. However, it hadn’t operated in Gaza until now because of unresolved disputes between the long-time rivals and because of the war. Palestinian unity is a consensus issue, with polls consistently showing a majority in favor of ending the political split. In Gaza, many hope the new government will be able to ease border restrictions and revive the crippled economy. “We hope they open the crossings and create jobs for young people,” said Mahmoud Sharif, 28, who sells cigarettes by the piece from a tray in a Gaza park. Sharif said he used to make a decent wage in a sewing workshop producing for the Israeli market before the border closure. Israel initially refused to

deal with the unity government because it is backed by Hamas. Since the Gaza war, Israel has signaled readiness to work with the Palestinian Cabinet, particularly on Gaza reconstruction. In a show of good will, Israel opened its Erez crossing into Gaza for the West Bank-based ministersonThursdayeventhough the crossing was meant to be closed for a Jewish holiday. The shift came after the international community, including the U.S., agreed to work with the new government on rebuilding Gaza. “The only way to have a long-term sustainable solution for Gaza is for the Palestinian Authority to assume full authority in Gaza,” U.S. State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki told reporters in Washington on Thursday. “So we support this interim technocratic government in its efforts and we view this meeting as a positive step in that direction.”




Saturday 11 October 2014

The Morung Express

Hamilton quickest 'I'd like to hug Strauss & patch up row' in Russian practice sOChI, OCTOBER 10 (REUTERs): Nico Rosberg made history as the first Formula One driver to set a timed lap at the inaugural Russian Grand Prix on Friday but championship leading Mercedes team mate Lewis Hamilton still ended up on top. Rosberg set a best time of one minute 42.311 seconds around the Sochi circuit, which snakes past some of the landmark venues used at this year's Winter Olympics, in a sunny morning session with Hamilton second. The Briton, who leads Rosberg by 10 points after winning the last three races, went top of the timesheets in an interrupted afternoon session with a best of 1:39.630. The red flag came out eight minutes from the end when Australian Daniel Ricciardo's Red Bull halted with a power unit failure. Mercedes are expected to wrap up the constructors' championship on Sunday with three races to spare, having won 12 of the 15 so far with eight onetwo finishes. Hamilton, the 2008 champion, is chasing his ninth win of the season. McLaren's Jenson Button was the early pacesetter as drivers got to grips with a layout compared to the former Valencia street circuit and Singapore, with the 2009 champion ending the morning as the third fastest. He also collected two fines totalling 1,100 euros ($1,391.72) for pitlane speeding and was sixth fastest in the second session. Ferrari’s Fernando Alonso was fourth and third in the two sessions, with Danish rookie Kevin Magnussen, Button's team mate, fifth and then second in the afternoon. The only Russian regular, Toro Rosso's 20-year-old rookie Daniil Kvyat, followed up seventh in the morning with eighth after lunch. That was still ahead of both Red Bulls, his 2015 employers, with four times champion Sebastian Vettel ninth

Marussia to run only 1 car at Russian GP

sOChI, OCTOBER 10 (AP): The Marussia Formula One team will run only one car at the inaugural Russian Grand Prix this weekend as a sign of respect for injured driver Jules Bianchi. The 25-year-old Bianchi suffered a severe head injury at last Sunday's Japanese Grand Prix in Suzuka and remains in critical condition in a hospital in Japan. His car rammed into a crane picking up another car that had skidded off the course in wet conditions. "Notwithstanding the presence in Sochi of Alexander Rossi, the nominated official reserve driver for the 2014 Russian Grand Prix, the team feels strongly that fielding a single car, that of driver number 4, Max Chilton, is the appropriate course of action under the difficult circumstances of the weekend," Marussia said in a statement. In the meantime, speaking to local newspaper Nice Matin in France, Bianchi's father Philippe said his son's condition remains critical at Mie General Medical Center. "There was no noteworthy change (in his condition)," Bianchi said. "Jules is fighting as he always did, the same way as if he was racing. He is strong." To honor Bianchi, Marussia said his car will remain in the team's garage at the Russian Grand Prix. "In support of Jules and his family, the team and their cars will carry the familiar #JB17 graphic, to ensure that although Jules is not with them in Sochi this weekend, he is, nonetheless, racing on with the Marussia F1 Team," a statement from the team read. Since the Frenchman's crash last Sunday, there has been an outpouring of sympathy and support to the driver, who is regarded as one of the sport's most promising talents. In Sochi, his colleagues are wearing helmet stickers in support. "I don't know how to put into words how truly devastated I am by what has happened to Jules," said Chilton, Bianchi's teammate. "The support from the F1 family has been incredible and all we can do is be there to support Jules' family at this difficult time. It is going to be a very emotional weekend for the whole team, but we will try to get through it and keep praying for Jules." Bianchi's car has renewed the debate about security in Formula One and FIA has opened an investigation to shed light on the accident's exact circumstances. While former FIA president Max Mosley called it a "freak accident," four-time world champion Alain Prost said it could have been avoided, saying the recovery vehicle should not have been on the trackside. after reporting a loss of power on the straight and Ricciardo 13th. All drivers took to the track with stickers of support for Jules Bianchi, Marussia's French driver who was severely injured in a crash in Japan last Sunday and remains in critical condition. Marussia announced before the session that they would have only one car running this weekend, with Bianchi's assem-

bled and left in the garage as a mark of respect. Chilton ended the first session with the slowest time but picked up speed in the afternoon. "I don't know how to put into words how truly devastated I am by what has happened to Jules," he had said before the session started. "It is going to be a very emotional weekend for the whole team, but we will try to get through it and keep praying for Jules."

LONDON, OCTOBER 10 (REUTERs): Kevin Pietersen wants to hug Andrew Strauss and resolve his differences with his former captain, the controversial ex-England batsman said on Thursday. Amid the furore that has followed this week's release of his new book, Pietersen's biggest regret is the fallout from his row with the retired Strauss. "I made lots of mistakes," the swashbuckling batsman told Talksport Radio. "I've been crucified publicly for them and I've apologised for them but my biggest regret is getting involved in all that messaging stuff at a time when Andrew Strauss was just about to finish his career." The South Africanborn duo featured in one of England's most successful teams but the pair have endured a frosty relationship

in recent years. In 2012 Pietersen sent disparaging texts about his then-captain to members of the South African team during a test series between the two nations. Strauss later wrote in his book that his former team

mate had "crossed the line" with his messages. Earlier this year Strauss, now a Sky Sports television commentator, was recorded making an offensive comment about Pietersen when he believed he was off-air. "Straussy and I were incred-

ibly good friends, we've got a patchy relationship at the moment, and I just wish I could give him a hug and say, 'man, can we just put this behind us'? "I like Straussy and I like [his wife] Ruth and I definitely hurt his final test match which I'm not proud

of at all." Strauss, who captained England between 2009 and 2012, believes the debacle surrounding Pietersen's book is having a detrimental effect on the squad. "All this tit-for-tat stuff doesn't help the England cricket team," Strauss told Sky. "The victim here isn't Pietersen, (former coach Andy) Flower or (former wicketkeeper Matt) Prior – it's the England cricket team, (skipper) Alastair Cook and (coach) Peter Moores who have got to take the side forward. "That, from my point of view, is the disappointing thing about this whole episode." Pietersen was sacked following the 5-0 Ashes defeat in Australia at the start of the year, with England saying Cook needed to be able to trust and rely on the backing of all his players.

Ishant Sharma replaces Ebola spreads fear injured Mohit Sharma in sports world

NEw DELhI, OCTO BER 10 (AgENICEs): Ishant Sharma has been added to India's ODI squad for the ongoing series against West Indies in place of pace bowler Mohit Sharma. "Mohit Sharma has aggravated his bilateral shin pain, and has therefore been ruled out of the ongoing series," said the BCCI in a release on Friday. This marks a return to the ODI setup after nearly ten months for Ishant. His last ODI appearance came in January during the tour of New Zealand, and since then he missed the Asia Cup, a series in Bangladesh and the five ODIs in England. The 26-year-old, who in 72 ODIs has taken 102 wicket, was axed after a poor series against Australia at home in October. Mohit, 26, has played 11 ODIs and has taken eight wickets at an average of 46.12 and economy of 5.18.

India lost the first ODI to West Indies in Kochi on October 8, during which Mohit conceded 61 runs in nine wicketless overs.

The second match is in New Delhi on Saturday, followed by fixtures in Visakhapatnam, Dharamsala and Kolkata.

MADRID, OCTOBER 10 (IANs): As the deadly Ebola virus extends its reach deeper into Europe, many African players with top European soccer clubs will soon be heading home for the Nov 10-15 African Nations Cup qualifiers. Ebola has claimed more than 3,400 lives in West Africa. Fears that players might come into contact with the Ebola virus led Spanish team Rayo Vallecano to ask Guinean striker Lassane Bangoura to leave his national team's training camp in Morocco and return to Madrid. Bangoura did so and said he would accept any sanctions imposed by the Guinean football association. "I do not want problems with Rayo Vallecano, which pays me every month," the player told reporters. "When they said that my teammates were concerned, I made the decision to come and talk to

them to tell them not to be afraid." African soccer's governing body, Confederation of African Football (CAF), decided to hold the first leg of the GhanaGuinea qualifier in Casablanca, Morocco, but has not yet decided what to do about the second leg, set for Guinea, a country hard hit by the epidemic. The CAF faces the same dilemma with the second leg of Cameroon-Sierra Leone, as Sierra Leone is another country with a large number of Ebola deaths. The Indomitable Lions of Cameroon have three players with Spanish clubs: Sevilla's Stephane M'bia, Osasuna's Raoul Loe and Barcelona's Fabrice Ondoa. Congolese Cedric Mabwati, on loan from Real Betis to Osasuna, joined his national team to face South Africa after undergoing medical checkups.


Numbers of electors for 11-northern Angami II A/C Don Bosco Tech AIDA Centre Dimapur new batch underway

KOhIMA, OCTOBER 10 (DIPR): Numbers of electors as on the last Date of Nomination and Corresponding to the authentic copy of the Roll to be supplied to 11-Northern Angami II A/C 39 Polling stations for use of mark copy in Bye- Election under the Election commission of India are shown as herewith. As per the record, under Chiephobozou sub-division name of Polling Stations with the total votes are Zhadima Upper is 717(M-332, F-385), Zhadima Lower-780 (M368, F-412), Teichuma-359 (M172, F-187), Botsa-584 (M-269, F-315), Tuophema Basa-854 (M415, F-439), Tuophema Bawe-634

(M-275, F-359), Nachama-396 (M181, F-215) Seiyhama- 525 (M-248, F-277), Nerhema Lower-658 (M301, F-357), Nerhema Upper-360 (M-185, F-175), Chiechama Bawe707 (M-341, F-366) Chiechama Basa-937 (M-463, F-474), Chiechama Phesazou- 608 (M-305, F-303), Gariphema-690 (M-327, F-363), Gariphema Basa 73 (M34, F-39), Ruosoma-704 (M-356, F-348), Rusoma Basa-724 (M-339, F-385), Phekerkriema Bawe- 213 (M-108, F-105), Kijümetouma-348 (M-173, F-175), Dihoma-701 (M335, F-366), Chiephobozou-930 (M455, F-475), Merema-873 (M-395, F-478) Thizama Village-373 (M-180,

F-193), Thizama 4th NAP-618 (M336, F-282), Cieswema Bawe-439 (M-205, F-234), Cieswema Basa-275 (M-134, M-141), Zlezou-193 (M-103, F-90), Phekerkriema Basa-98 (M-55, F-43), Tsiemekhuma Basa-200 (M95, F-105), Tsiemekhuma Bawe-198 (M-85, F-113), 10 IRB Zhadima-552 (M-544, F-8), Seiyha Phesa-87 (M48, F-39), Phezha 203 (M-96, F-107), Tuophe Phezou-58 (M-33, F-25), Zhadi Basa-776 (M-368, F-408) Touphe Bawe “B”-420 (M-199, F-221), Chiechama Pheluo-505 (M-240, F-265), Nerhe Model Village-364 (M-173, F-191), Kijumetouma Basa100 (M-45, F-55). The total numbers DIMAPUR, OCTOBER of votes is 18,834. 10 (MExN): The 11th Batch of the training at Don Bosco (DB) Tech, AIDA Centre was inaugurated by the Additional Director, some of the male birds af- Martha, Coordinator, DAN Directorate of Employment ter 2-3 months as chicken requested the farmers to & Craftsmen training, Govand can rear female birds work hard and prove it and ernment of Nagaland, Vanfor egg production and can told that they should not let danshan Patton on Octoearn Rs 18,000-20,000 from down the efforts of KVK Di- ber 9 with 81 new trainees 200 poultry birds in 6-7 mapur and ICAR Research under various field. Speaking on the occaComplex, Nagaland Cenmonths. sion, Vandanshan said NaV. C h e l l a d u r a i tre. The vote of thanks was galand Government has G.M.NABARD, speaking proposed by Dr. Ebibeni trained youths and placed on the occasion told that Ngullie, SMS Animal Sci- in various companies and you are lucky and fortunate ence, KVK Dimapur. appreciated the commendenough that KVK and ICAR Earlier she imparted able work of DB Tech across Research complex are giv- training on September 22 the country in providing ing training and provid- to 25, 2014 to the selected employment opportunities ing the poultry birds to the beneficiaries. A total of 35 to the rural unemployed beneficiaries of this village beneficiaries have attend- youths through intensive while the peoples staying ed the programme. 1800 in interior villages are not no of dual purpose poultry getting this opportunity. birds were distributed and He appealed the farmers 30 kg Garden pea variety to work hard and prove Arkel was also distributed PEREN, OCTOBER 10 that they can make it. Ms to the farmers. (DIPR): The monthly DPDB meeting of Peren district was held on October 9 at DC’s conference hall, under the chairmanship of the gathering: Vikheho tors serving under the three Peter Lichamo DC & vice Swu, Parliamentary Secre- associations, and all the lo- chairman DPDB Peren. tary, Irrigation, Flood Con- cal Church representatives The meeting began with trol and Election, Himato have been informed to at- review of the last DPDB Jimo, President, Sumi Ga- tend the session without meeting. Among others, zetted Officers Union, and fail. The Council members the ensuing Peren District Toniho Yeptho, President, of Sumi Baptist Convention Inter – departmental BadSumi Hoho Zunheboto. have also been requested minton Tournament which The center staff of three to reach the venue on Oc- was stated to be held tentaSumi associations (SBAK/ tober 24 evening for meet- tively from 12th to 14th NoSABAK/WSBAK), the pas- ing session. vember 2014 was reviewed

Poultry birds distribution at Nkwareu under TSP in Peren PEREN, OCTOBER 10 (MExN): One day training cum poultry birds distribution programme was organised on October 8 by KVK Dimapur, ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Nagaland Centre, Medziphema, in collaboration with DAN, Peren district and NABARD, Dimapur at the council hall Nkwareu village, Peren district under Tribal Sub Plan. The chief guest was V. Chelladurai, General Manager NABARD, Regional Office Dimapur. The programme starts with invocation prayer by Lono Chief Coordinator, Farmers Club Deukwaram. While wel-

coming the farmers Dr. Anamika Sharma, Programme Coordinator KVK Dimapur under the chairmanship of Dr. Bidyut C. Deka, Joint Director, ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region Jharnapani, Nagaland told farmers of Peren district that they are getting the opportunity; they should work hard and avail it for the better livelihood. Joint Director, Dr Bidyut. C Deka in his remark appealed the farmers to rear the birds at the backyard of their home for additional income from eggs and meat. In his remark he advised the farmers to sell

Sumi Baptist Convention biennial session

DIMAPUR, OCTOBER 10 (MExN): The 13th biennial session of Sumi Baptist Convention will be held at Mudutsugho Baptist Church under SABAK Association from October 25-26 with the theme "Together We Serve." Rev. Yevito Sumi, Executive Secretary, SBAK, Rev. S.

Vitoshe Swu, Executive Secretary, WSBAK and Dr. Botoholi Achumi, Secy. & Comm., NBCC will share the gospel message during the session, according to a press release from Rev. Khehovi Shohe, Director, Sumi Baptist Convention. Further, following Sumi leaders will exhort

training for 3months. He further pointed out that academic and degrees are not “enough to make a man employable” but need to be complemented with skills to become employable in any field. He also encouraged the trainees, that there is workforce demand in the market and companies prefers to hire skilled people who are competent and productive. “Lack of obedience, attentiveness, regularity and respectfulness are lacking among the Nagas”, he said and urged the trainees to learn such traits as they will be relocating mostly in mainland India to work. He also encouraged the parents to al-

low their wards to go out and get experience and come back and be independent. Ringu Pillai, National Placement Coordinator, DBTech, Delhi gave a brief report on DB Tech's activities been carried out in different centres in the country. He said till date DB Tech, AIDA centre, Dimapur has trained 700 rural unemployed youth in Hospitality, Beauty & Spa and Food & Beverages services. AIDA centre has placed 85% of the trained candidates in various service sectors like Taj Group of Hotels, Resorts and Palaces, ITC Hotels, JW Marriot hotels, Le-Meridien Hotels etc. Some of the distinguished guests includ-

ing Rev. Fr. Joshua,Principal of Don Bosco Higher Secondary School, Dimapur, Rev. Fr. M.D Varghese, Vice principal, Rev.Fr. Nebu Mathew, Rector and CentreIn-charge of DB Tech, AIDA centre, Ringu Pillai, National Placement Coordinator, Andrew Gangmei, State Coordinator-Operation, Vikato, MIS and staff of AIDA attended the function. Meanwhile, the first Parents' meeting of the 11th batch took place after the inaugural function with the active participation of 52 parents where they were briefed about the purpose and placement opportunities provided by the training.

Peren DPDB meeting held at length. The event of the tournament will include both men and women singles and doubles respectively. Mixed doubles of one team from each department can be represented. All regular Government employees serving under Peren district are eligible to take part as players. Last date of submission of entry fee and player’s list is fixed on 31st October 2014. Maintenance of roads and canal provisions at Jalukie Town by the ad-

ministration headed by Rhosietho Nguori SDO(C) Jalukie was applauded by the board, for the initiatives in spite of the many shortcomings, technical and local problems. The chairman lauded the efforts of the officer and further seek co-operation from the public to see the light of the day. Later, the chairman also briefed the board on the verification of work charge employees and casual employees in the district. He said that, the verification

team would visit every office on the appointed date to ascertain the genuine employees. The Head of offices and the DDO are to furnish records of such employees available to the verification team headed by D.C. himself before the 17th of October 2014. Earlier, three officers namely Imtimenla Project Director, Akokba Tarep EE Irigation and Anthony Yhome, Sub. R.C.S co-operation were introduced to the board as new members.




The Morung Express


11 October 2014


17 vie to be the Naga Orpheus


eventeen contestants are now vying to be the ultimate Naga Orpheus. They have given their best performances and it is now up to the judges and the people of Nagaland to help them go to the next round. Although, there were 18 contenders, one had to leave the competition because of ill health.


Mokokchung Kohima

Soyachunks (Nuton Basti) and School of Music and Art (Purana Bazaar)


4 1 0 2


28-years-old, Albert N Hau is a calm gentleman from Jalukie, who is an alumnus of Clark Theological College, Mokokchung. Albert grew up with gospel music, his passion for singing started as an excuse to forget his hardships in life, and gradually it became his strength.

Ura Hotel, Officer’s Hill near Red Cross Complex

New Age traders, Rangkau Complex

Mpom Pharmacy and Cholar Bakery


Senlikaba, the 20-year-old from Mokokchung started singing from an early age in churches. He has also performed in various occasions in college and hopes that one day he will become a professional singer.


Kevikhonuo, the 18-yearold from Kohima is a bubbly and courageous girl. She lost her father when she was very young and it became difficult for her family. Although her mom has so little to give, she never discouraged her daughter from chasing after her dream.


Avika Chophi, a 25-yearold from Dimapur started singing from an early age in churches and church related events. His fate took a turn when his brother’s band members asked him to join them since his brother was leaving for theological studies.



Wangyat Wangsu, a 17-year-old sweet boy from Dons Bosco HSS Dimapur is very passionate about singing. He is originally from Tizit in Mon district. He has performed at various school events and would want to take singing seriously.


Limayanger is a chubby adorable 16-year-old from Mokokchung, who loves to bring flavor to his performances. He says “singing makes me feel free”. Ariana Grande and Mariah Carey are his favorites. Also, he wishes that one day he would go higher.

Topeni Shohe, a 19-year-old is very passionate about singing although she aspires to become a doctor. She spent most of her childhood with her granny, who is a singer and a composer and had always encouraged her to sing. Since then she has not looked back to make her aspiration come true.


Marthel Jamir, is a sweet 24-year-old girl from Mokokchung, who lost her father when she was young but her step-dad filled the vacuum and made things better. Marthel’s desire is to sing and glorify God’s given talent to her.


21-year-old, Alemtemshi is a composed young man from SM College Dimapur originally from Mokokchung, who sings frequently in churches and other church related events. He said it was the church that inspired him to sing and it is his first time singing secular songs to an audience. Temshi is a diehard Michael Buble’s fan.

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Aniam, the 25-year-old from Longleng is also another fighter, who takes failure as a stepping-stone. Aniam was one of the finalists in a singing competition. His singing journey started from church and it has gradually moved on.



Idea Cellular (Opp. Boroda bank)

their platform. They are young, energetic and full of surprises. If you have missed the TV k telecast then tune in to our thin u YouTube channel – Naga o If y or she Orpheus Hunt 2014.


17-year-old, Kathuang Pamei is a cute little fighter from Dimapur, who takes failure as a challenge. Pamei had contested in other singing competitions and although he was not successful, it never stopped him from pursuing his dream.

Chenithung Kithan, the 20-year-old from Wokha is a big fan of Christian glam metal band Stryper. He is the vocalist of a Christian rock band – First Chapter. Chenithung’s aspiration is to pursue his singing career further.


Mention may be made that the contestants will be judged, based on 50% public voting and the other 50% on the judges’ points. The judges lined up for this NOH season are Ate Kevichusa, Tali Angh and James Swu. Like most celebrated artistes, most of the contestants started their singing journey from church as



Lipokienla Imsong, a 16-yearold is a quiet and pretty girl from Ungma village, Mokokchung. Her friends and parents always encourage her to carry on with her aspiration. She has been singing since her childhood and had participated at various competitions in school.


22-year-old, Tsalimong Sangtam is a punk rocker from Dimapur and an ardent fan of Greenday. It is now about 8 years, he has been singing. For Tsalimong being in the competition is not only about winning but also building his platform for his singing career.


Talimoa Imsong, a 17- year-old from Kohima is a spa therapist by profession but loves to sing. He is a devoted Bruno Mars’ fan. Tali likes to experiment with songs by giving a vibe of his own.


19-year-old, Kenei is a sweet and cuddly girl from Kohima, she admits that it was only recently she discovered her talent to sing. Kenei says that Kelly Clarkson is her inspiration and hopes that she would climb high one day.



Nukshijungla, the 19-year-old from Mokokchung is a spirited girl and with her around there is never a dull moment. A year ago, she was also a contender in a singing competition but she had to give up because of her exams. She loves singing and is very passionate about it.

Dreamz Unlimited joins DA dedication from Nagaland to Ireland Swachh Bharat’ campaign

Artists of Dreamz Unlimited, Dimapur presents “A Play on Sanitation” at the MMC Shopping Complex premises. (Morung Photo)



s part of the ‘Swachh Bharat’ campaign, the Public Health Engineering Department (PHED) Mokokchung Division today in collaboration with Dreamz Unlimited, Dimapur presented “A Play

on Sanitation” at the MMC Shopping Complex premises in its bid to spread awareness on importance of sanitation. Shoppers, visitors and all onlookers alike were conveyed the message about sanitation,

cleanliness and hygiene through the medium of the well animated play by the actors, tinged in a satiric tone. Executive Engineer of PHED Mokokchung Division, Yanger Pongen, while

addressing the people gathered to witness the play said that the ‘ambitious’ Swachh Bharat campaign envisages to ‘clean India’ by the year 2019 which happens to be the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, India’s Father of the Nation. He also said that his department as part of its ‘National Sanitation Awareness Campaign’ has been organizing various activities across the district including mass social works in the villages and building toilets in schools. Saying that a clean environment leads to a good life, he challenged the onlookers to practice cleanliness as a lifestyle and to spread the message about importance of sanitation. PHED Mokokchung Division will also be organizing a similar event on October 15, World Hand Washing Day at Straightway School, Mokokchung and an Exhibition cum Sales Day of ‘recycled waste’ on October 23 under the theme ‘Rethink, Reuse, Reduce, Recycle’.

r. Benjong Aier, Minister for Agriculture & Chairman NSAMB, Nagaland released a unique song titled ‘Potato.’ This song is one of its first kind ever composed in the history of world music - a dedication from Nagaland to Ireland for the millions who migrated, suffered and died during the “Great Irish Famine, 1845”. According to Dr. Benjong Aier, the song ‘Potato’ expresses about the importance of the crop for the people but due to the failure of this crop, famine broke out in Ireland affecting its ecoBenjong Aier, Minister for Agriculture (second from right) and Senti Longchar (middle) nomic and political condi- Dr. along with other officials during the release of the “Potato” song. tion. About 20-25 percent of the country’s population was reduced due to this crop failure. He said that, such a unique song would convey a message to the people about the significance of the crop. The artist and writer of this Date : 12th October, 2014 song is Senti Longchar ‘the Desert King’, who also reTime : 12 pm to 4pm cently released the first of its SPeCiAL RAte: kind song titled ‘Chaiberachi Rs. 650( Non Veg) / Rs. 550 (Veg) - King Chilly.’ It was informed in a press FoR tABLe ReSeRvAtion release that two well-known call @ 03862 241489 / 08415921118 musicians, Oren Mozhui and John Pfokrelo are the Niathu Resort, 7th Mile, man behind this music and Chumukedima, Dimapur song composition which was recorded at Clef Ensemwww.niathugroup.com ble Studio, Kohima.

Sunday Brunch at Niathu ResoRt










XX MDFA Trophy 2014

England routs San Marino; Switzerland loses again

LONDON, OctOber 10 (AP): England inflicted San Marino's 60th consecutive loss by routing world football's weakest team 5-0 in the 2016 European Championship qualifier on Thursday while Group E rival Switzerland surprisingly lost again. Wayne Rooney scored his 42nd international goal from the penalty spot to go within seven of England's all-time top-scorer, Bobby Charlton, but the captain wasted several chances to close the gap further. San Marino, which is joint bottom of FIFA's rankings with Bhutan, prevented England from scoring until the 24th minute through Phil Jagielka's header in a first-half when the 18thranked hosts lacked tempo. After Rooney's strike before halftime, Danny Welbeck and Andros Townsend netted after the break, and Alessandro Della Valle scored an own goal. "We kept plugging away Player of SSS and Lensar FC (Yellow) at the ongoing MDFA 2014 Trophy in Mokokchung in the first half when it was Thursday, October 9. difficult to break them down," England coach Roy OctOber 10 Match results: Star SC Hodgson said. "Our tempo 2nd Match: Arrjusanger FC Vs NU was up in the second half, Royal United (0) – (0) Walunir Ritsüng Lumami because it was hard for them OCYA (1) – (2) Fusion SC 3rd Match: Y/A Marepkong Vs to keep going in that second SSS (1) – (2) Lensar FC Shitilong SA half." England tops Group 4th Match: Arkong SC ‘A’ Vs Retsung SA OctOber 11 Matches: E after back-to-back wins @ Imkongmeren Sports Complex thanks to a superior differ1st Match: EAC XI Kubolong Vs Rising Mokokchung from 10:30 AM ence to Lithuania, which beat Estonia 1-0 on Saulius Mikoliunas' late goal. But Switzerland, which reached the World Cup round of 16 in DimAPur, OctOber 10 (mexN): The 1st Tiger 5 Night Tourney being organised Brazil, is surprisingly on zero by Stallion Club kicked off at the DDSC Stadium, Dimapur today. A press release re- points after following up last ceived here informed that in the inaugural function, the chief guest, Tito Yepthomi, month's loss to England by expressing his happiness to be a part of the tournament urged players to follow the going down 1-0 at Slovenia. examples of legendary footballer Dr. T. Ao. The chief guest also donated Rs. 1 Lakh Milivoje Novakovic scored to the organisers, the release added. The organisers have informed that 25 teams are an 80th-minute penalty afparticipating in the tournament which will run till October 12. ter Switzerland defender Jo-

Tiger 5 Night Tourney kicks off

England’s Wayne Rooney shoots at goal during the Euro 2016 Group E qualifying match between England and San Marino, at Wembley Stadium in London, Thursday, October 9. (AP Photo)

han Djourou brought down Kevin Kampl. With the top two guaranteed a place at the 2016 finals in France it would be unlikely for England to miss out on the expanded 24-team tournament. At Wembley, there were 55,990 fans — almost twice the population of San Marino — inside the 90,000-capacity stadium. It proved a frustrating start for England, with Welbeck having a shot deflected wide and Raheem Sterling denied by goalkeeper Aldo Simoncini. But after Simon-

cini fell as Sterling swung in a corner, Jagielka headed in his third England goal. Although England goalkeeper Joe Hart didn't have a save to make in the match, San Marino did manage to launch a counterattack in the 35th minute which resulted in Matteo Vitaioli finding the space to strike wide. With Simoncini producing a quick reaction save to block Welbeck's closerange shot, England's lead was extended only after Rooney was brought down by San Marino captain Andy Selva, and the England skip-

per scored from the spot. "Against teams of England's stature sometimes it's worse, and we played a great first half," San Marino coach Pierangelo Manzaroli said through a translator. "We thought it would be a difficult game form the start. We thought England would push hard form the start to try to close the match but we did well, and it was no surprise we could contain as well as we could." Poor defending, though, allowed halftime substitute Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain to produce a cross that Wel-

beck turned into the net four minutes after the break. But Rooney couldn't find a way past Simoncini again, with a header thwarted, a chip saved, and a weak attempt to round the goalkeeper yielding nothing. Andros Townsend came off the bench to double his England tally to two goals with a powerful left-footed strike in the 72nd. And Rooney's cross was inadvertently turned into his own goal by Della Valle. In their five matches, England has outscored San Marino 31-1.

Spain loses first qualifier since 2006 15th NSF Martyrs’ Memorial Trophy 2014 Modern College, Meriama VSU, Kicker's FC, Tangkhul SU move to pre-quarter finals

Players in action between Tangkhul Students’ Union (Red) and Addax FC (Yellow). (Morung Photo) Our Correspondent


T. Wati added another goal for the team. In the last match of the day, Tangkhul Kohima | October 10 Students' Union defeated Addax FC 2-1. The Modern College Kohima, Meriema Vil- goals for Tangkhul SU came through Thanglage Students' Union, Kicker's FC Chu- somi Ruivah and Paolingmei Gangmei. Kemukedima and Tangkhul Students' viphretuo netted a goal for Addax FC. Union today registered win in the respective match of the ongoing 15th edition of OctOber 9 results: NSF Martyrs’ Memorial Trophy here at Troy FC Naga Bazar 1 – 0 Christo Naga's the Kohima Local Ground and found the Club Zhavame pre-quarter berth. Naga United Club 9 – 0 Headwinds FC In the first match of the day, Modern Barak FC Peren 2 – 0 Orion FC College Kohima defeated Billy Graham FC Tiema-Khe Kidima 6 – 5 Koubru Sporting 2-1. Bokato H Sema netted two goals for Club Manipur (via tie-break; 1-1 AET). the team in the 9th and 24th minute while a solitary goal for Billy Graham FC came October 11 Matches: through Avi in the 33rd minute. Chedema Village Students' Union Vs LN In the second match, Meriema Village United FC Pughoboto @9.30 am Students' Union blanked Young Excels Freeman FC Chozuba Town Vs HQ IGAR Khonoma 2-0. The winning goal for Mer(North) @ 11.00 am iema VSU came through Neiphrezo Usou Hike FC Kohima Village Vs Guwahati and Petevizo Kezie-o. Naga Students' Union @12.30 pm Kicker's FC Chumukedima downed Phesama Youth Organisation Vs Tsosinyu United FC 5-0 in the 3rd match. T. Lamkang Students' Meren netted four goals for Kicker’s FC while Union Manipur. @2.00 pm

ZiLiNA, OctOber 10 (AgeNcies): Spain's eight-year unbeaten run in qualifying matches ended in a stunning 2-1 defeat at Slovakia in qualifying for the European Championship on Thursday. It was Spain's first loss in 36 qualifiers for the European Championship and the World Cup dating to 2006, and ended a run of 14 straight away wins. "This was completely unexpected," Spain coach Vicente del Bosque. "We didn't fail, they won this on their own merits. We played with patience but their keeper made some standout saves." Spain goalkeeper Iker Casillas did not, however, shine. He let the opener by him in the 17th minute when he failed to punch out Juraj Kucka's free kick. Paco Alcacer leveled for Spain in the 82nd, but fellow substitute Miroslav Stoch headed a cross past Casillas in the 87th with Spain caught looking for the winner that instead fell to the hosts in Zilina. Slovakia took the lead of Group C. Spain was left level on three points with Macedonia and Ukraine after they both rebounded from losses in their first matches. Besart Abdurahimi scored in injury time to grab Macedonia a 3-2 win at home over Luxembourg, while Ukraine won 2-0 at Belarus. Defender Aleksandr Martynovich scored an own goal in the 82nd to gift Ukraine the lead before Serhiy Sydorchuk added another goal in stoppage time. Striker Diego Costa has nine goals in as many games for his Chelsea club, but he again failed to find the net in his sixth appearance for Spain despite generating its best chances. After exiting the World Cup by losing its first two

Slovakia's Juraj Kucka, 3rd left, celebrates with teammates after scoring during the Group C Euro 2016 qualifying match between Slovakia and Spain in Zilina, Slovakia, Thursday, October 9. (AP Photo)

matches, Spain bounced back with a rejuvenated team to thrash Macedonia 5-1 in its first Euro 2016 qualifier. But the same problems in Brazil returned at Slovakia: Casillas, once considered among the best

in the world, again let a shot that was powerful but stoppable past him. Costa couldn't mesh with Andres Iniesta and David Silva in the tight spaces Spain's passing game causes, and its defense proved brittle

when faced with counterattacks. Despite fielding a starting 11 who all played at the World Cup, it fell to Alcacer to score his second goal in as many games to finally break through Slovakia's defense

when he timed his move to stay onside and reach Jordi Alba's lobbed pass. Del Bosque sent Alcacer and forward Pedro Rodriguez on in the second half at the cost of pulling defenders Raul Albiol and Juanfran Torres.


Published, Printed and Edited by Aküm Longchari on behalf of Morung for Indigenous Affairs and JustPeace from House No. 4, Duncan Bosti, Dimapur at Themba Printers and Telecommunications, Padum Pukhuri Village, Dimapur, Nagaland. RNI No : NAGENG /2005/15430. House No.4, Duncan Bosti, Dimapur 797112, Nagaland. Phone: Dimapur -(03862) 248854, Fax: (03862) 235194, Kohima - (0370) 2291952

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