Dimapur VOL. IX ISSUE 272
The Morung Express “
Our actions are the results of our intentions and our intelligence
Sahara chief Subrata Roy back in jail cell, hotel deal uncertain
[ PAGE 2]
Hong Kong warns democracy protesters [ PAGE 09]
[ PAGE 11]
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Acharya leads cleanliness drive at Nagaland House New Delhi
Cheryl Cole Named As The Most Dangerous Celebrity
Friday, October 3, 2014 12 pages Rs. 4 –E. Stanley Jones
India beats Pakistan to win hockey gold, qualifies for Rio Olympics [ PAGE 12]
ClEAN INDIA CAMPAIGN Do public consultations work? Modi aims to shake up sanitation Morung Express News Dimapur | October 2
Public Consultations on issues, for mandate, or mandate on issues, are not new to the Nagas—over the past couple of years the State of Nagaland has also adopted the model. In November 2013, then chief minister of Nagaland Neiphiu Rio, and this team, called a public consultation on the issue of exploration of oil and natural gas, as well as amendment to the Rules of Executive Business, Industrialization and Urbanization. We saw how that turned out. In September this year, current chief minister TR Zeliang, and his team, held a public consultation on the Nagaland Special Development Zones (NSDZs) and Nagaland Liquor Total Prohibition Act. Do consultations work as a model to get the free, prior and informed consent of the citizens of Nagaland on development projects due to affect their land and identity? “Holding such public consultations is a good decision in the right direction,” acknowledges social activist, Niketu Iralu, but only if they rise above being “public shows.” Lezo Putsure of the YouthNet agrees. “They are very important and the Government should always invite groups to keep talks open—it is a great step to involve the civil society in decision making,” says Putsure, happy to note that the Government has been “assertive” about development in the State. According to rights ac-
Public Information Dear Readers, The Morung Express will remain closed on October 3, 2014 on the occasion of Dussehra and will re-open on October 4, 2014. The next issue of the newspaper will be available in the market on October 5, 2014. Thank you for your continued support and understanding. Happy Holidays! The Morung Express
Thai scientists discover antibody to cure Ebola
Bangkok, octoBer 2 (IanS/eFe): Thai scientists Thursday announced the discovery of a new antibody against the Ebola virus and claimed that it is “more effective” than those that now exist. However, the new cure is still awaiting animal and human trials. “We are proud to have created a new antibody treatment for Ebola fever,” Udom Kachintorn, dean of the Faculty of Medicine at Siriraj Hospital, said at a press conference in Bangkok. “It is a new antibody structure, a new mechanism to kill the Ebola fever in the most effective manner,” said Udom, adding that he expected positive results when trials are conducted on animals in the laboratory and on humans. The researchers indicated that it would take a year for an experimental vaccine to be developed, although this period could be shortened with the availability of more funding and better facilities.
A public consultation was organized by the Nagaland State Government in Kohima on September 26, 2014. It deliberated the Nagaland Special Development Zones resolution passed in the NLA, as well as the Nagaland Liquor Total Prohibition Act. (Morung Photo)
tivist, Rosemary Dzüvichü, the Government (of Nagaland) has picked up a thing or two between the last year’s consultation and this one. This year, it had already requested civilbased organizations, said Dzüvichü, to consult within their units, and bring their ‘final decision.’ “The Naga Mothers’ Association took the resolution on the NSDZs very seriously— we consulted with all tribe units as well as legal experts,” she informs. Unlike in the last public consultation, according to Dzüvichü, the chief minister was “patient, jotting down people’s views and actually listening.” Representatives could also present written suggestions to the Government for further review. Meanwhile, there are organizations still “in the process” of studying what is on offer. “Everyone gave their own views but there
was no real consultation,” says president of Eastern Naga Peoples’ Organisation (ENPO), Chingmak Chang. “We are still in the process of studying the things—we have to consult the landowners without the intent to stop development activities. Many people do not understand the implications of such projects and we need to have our own consultations,” he notes, adding, however, “The Government should be equally keen to take the people’s views—as in Wokha, it should not use force on such issues.” With such a process underway, it is all the more significant to “keep the process clean” so that “no hidden motives can decide the outcome” of such consultations. “Details for such technical projects (as being consulted on) should be sufficiently understood—enough time should be given to think and
decide stage-by-stage,” asserts Iralu, wondering what the big rush is to push development schemes that could infringe upon the rights of the indigenous peoples, and have serious legal and constitutional repercussions. Time given for any actual consultation and discussion to happen, say commentators, was too less. And were people’s views genuinely sought? The primary organization to highlight the problem clauses of the NSDZ resolution, the Nagaland Tribes Council (NTC), remained uninvited to the consultation on the issue. “We have been raising the concerns of the people—we are opposing the issue, not the Government,” says NTC representative, Theja Therieh, who also feels that apart from just “opinion sharing,” expertise on the matter should be sought by the Government, and these presented to the people. The
Government of Nagaland did not have a single meeting with the NTC, calling to its consultation only “like minded” organizations (even they objected to clauses of the NSDZ resolution!). On the issue of the NSDZs, for instance, the ‘free, prior and informed consent’ of the landowners was far from taken, according to commentators. One laughs at the mere mention of the tall order, another explains, “DCs of the respective districts were instructed by the Government to take NOCs from the landowners concerned for the project—all they were given were high promises of a lucrative future instead of the implications of the project as well as the resolution’s clauses. Following the media attention on the issue, some of them have even withdrawn their NOCs!” Such information remained unavailable at the consultation. And then there are darker variables at play. “Who are the real landowners in the foothills of Nagaland today?” asks another commentator. If they are rich politicians and bureaucrats, he says, one can see why the push to rush through a problem resolution—these people will happily sell off the lands to huge private buyers from outside Nagaland. It benefits this class of people, and anyone who ‘does not want this development,’ as the chief minister stated at the consultation, ‘does not love Nagaland.’ Are the land loving people of Nagaland aware of all this through a public consultation?
A man walks on a railway track past piles of dumped garbage in Mumbai on Thursday.Millions of schoolchildren, officials and ordinary people picked up brooms and dustpans Thursday to join a countrywide campaign to clean parks, public buildings and streets. (AP Photo)
neW DeLHI, octoBer 2 (reuterS): His hands protected by torn orange gloves, Dalbira Singh has a grim job scraping waste from train toilets from the tracks at New Delhi’s Hazrat Nizamuddin station, a few minutes from Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s office. Like an estimated 1 million other Indians, Singh does the work because he was born into a low caste. His parents did the same work before him. “This is a disgusting job but no one will give me another. I am destined to be a toilet-cleaning man,” Singh said this week, picking up soiled sanitary towels and diapers before wiping the tracks with a cloth soaked in cleaning chemicals. But Modi, like Mahatma Gandhi, wants to change things so not only those born to a low caste work to keep India clean. On Thursday, a holiday for Gandhi’s birthday, Modi launched the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, or Clean India Mission, to modernise sanitation within five years. He
starting by trying to change attitudes and he set an example by taking a broom and sweeping up rubbish in a Delhi neighbourhood occupied by members of the Valmiki caste, whose lot in life is traditionally “manual scavenging”, a euphemism for clearing other people’s faeces. “Often we assume the job of cleaning up belongs to safai karmacharis and don’t bother to clean,” Modi said referring to cleaners. “Don’t we all of have a duty to clean the country?” To drive home his point, he ordered government workers including his ministers came to work on Thursday to sweep offices and clean toilets. ‘SOCIETY’S FAILURE’ Education will be vital if Modi is to change age-old attitudes towards hygiene and purity, and he will have to finish Gandhi’s bid to free India’s “untouchable” low castes. “Modi will have to deal with society’s failure to liberate the Dalits from the demeaning pro-
fession if he wants India to be as clean as Singapore,” said Pravin Panchal, a researcher at the Environmental Sanitation Institute think-tank. Less than a third of India’s 1.2 billion people have access to sanitation and more than 186,000 children under five die every year from diarrhoeal diseases caused by unsafe water and poor sanitation, according to the charity WaterAid. The United Nations said in May half of India’s people defecate outside - putting people at risk of cholera, diarrhoea, dysentery, hepatitis A and typhoid. The resulting diseases and deaths, mostly among the poor, cause major losses. Modi wants every home and school to have access to a toilet by 2019, in time for the 150th anniversary of Gandhi’s birth. To be successful, he will have to banish the widespread belief in the countryside that it is unclean to defecate inside and that only Dalits should deal with excrement. Related news on page 8
Nagaland prepares for ‘special guests’
(File Photo) Amur Falcons are seen perched on a tree in Wokha, Nagaland. The Amur Falcon would arrive from Mongolia, Siberia Northern China and Japan, would stay in Wokha district and adjoining areas for about two months, and then take off for South Africa.
Four lakh Amur falcons on the way guWaHatI, octoBer 2 (tHe InDIan expreSS): Nagaland – more particularly the people of Wokha district – are getting ready to receive some special guests; anywhere between four to five lakh Amur falcons are expected to arrive any time in the next couple of weeks. Amur Falcons would arrive from Mongolia, Siberia Northern China and Japan, would stay in Wokha district and adjoining areas for about two months, and then take off for South Africa, a wonderful journey – including a three-and-a-half-day non-stop flight across the Arabian Sea – that was satellite-tracked and documented for the first time in 2013. “While the arrival of the Amur falcons for roosting in Nagaland itself is a new phenomenon, the people of the district have on their part earned international accolades for having ensured, through community effort, that the birds are not disturbed during their two-month stay here,” said Satya Prakash
Tripathi, Chief Wildlife Warden of Nagaland, over the telephone from Kohima today. Nagas, known for their love for meat, had initially considered these birds as god-sent when they had first arrived about eight or nine years ago. But, even as several thousand birds were caught and consumed in the first few years, a tremendous effort to protect them had resulted in nearzerocasualty in 2013. “In 2012, we estimated that nothing less than 1.40 lakh birds were killed. But, thanks to the community’s positive response to a concerted joint initiative of the forest department and NGOs, we managed to save most of the birds last year,” said Bano Haralu, a journalist who is also managing trustee of Nagaland Wildlife & Biodiversity Conservation Trust (NWBCT). The Trust, Haralu said, carried out an awareness campaign involving teachers and school children, to whom the community responded very well. This conservation effort fetched the village council of Pangti, a village in Wokha, the prestigious Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) Earth Heroes Award, 2014 in “Save
the species award” category. “It was only last week that the village council of Pangti, the largest village in the district, took pledge to ensure not one bird would be harmed,” she added. The state forest department on its part is roping in village councils, student and women’s groups, gaon-burras, educational institutions, government officials, and even the army and para-military companies posted there to ensure a safe passage to the birds through Nagaland. “The government has also issued order by any village council will invite appropriate necessary action from the government including non-release of developmental funds,” said Chief Wildlife Warden Tripathi. Twenty-six to 30 cms in length, with an average weight of about 260 grams, the Amur falcon – Falco amurensis – is a small raptor of the falcon family that breeds in southeastern Siberia and Northern China before migrating in large flocks across India and and then onwards acoss the Arabian Sea to winter in Southern Africa. While the forest department has identified the existence of large number of termites and other insects in the area around Doyang hydro-electric project as an attraction for the birds, NWBCT is roping in Shashank Dalvi of the Bangalore-based National Centre for Biological Studies to conduct a proper scientific study this year. Wildlife Trust of India on the other hand has tied up with a local NGO called Natural Nagas to conduct a scientific study there. Amur falcons are now also being projected as an important economc proposition. The Nagaland Wildlife & Biodiversity Conservation Trust (NWBCT). for instance is planning to help villagers start home-stay facilities for tourists. “Tourists have already started flowing in. Last year Wokha had at least 2,000 tourists, including several foreigners, who came to watch the falcons,” said district tourist officer Toka Tuccumi.
3 October 2014
Land resources dept joins Swachh Bharat Mission
The Morung Express C
ASTD social work for Humanity
‘To evoke the spirit of work culture’ Morung Express News Dimapur | October 2
Dr. Menuosietuo Tseikha administering “Swachhta Pledge” to the participants during cleanliness drive programme on October 2. (Morung Photo)
Kohima, october 2 (mexN): Marking the nationwide launching of Swachh Bharat Mission, the state’s land resources department today undertook a cleanliness drive here and vowed to actively involve in this Mission by taking a Swachhta (Cleanliness) pledge. Organized by the Department of Land Resources- Project Implementing Agency (PIA), District Project Officer Kohima, the officers and staff of the department were engaged in cleaning road sides and DPO office premises.
The cleanliness drive also covered Meriema village wherein representatives from Watershed Committees and Self Help Groups joined the department in cleaning roadsides, waiting shed and marketing shed and later took a “Swachhta Pledge.” Addressing the gathering, land resources joint director Kruye Pienyu stressed on the need to propagate the message of cleanliness in all platforms so as secure a clean and healthy Nagaland. He also called upon each and every individual to adopt good sanitation and
hygiene practices. D r. Me nu o s i e t u o Tsiekha, District Project Officer, Land Resources, Kohima also challenged the villagers to make affirmation to maintain proper sanitation within their respective jurisdiction for a healthy and congenial atmosphere to live in. He said the department had initiated this cleanliness drive in pursuance with the directive from higher authority and to show its solidarity towards Swachh Bharat Mission. DPO said the department will also be covering all the districts in coming days.
Acharya leads cleanliness drive at Nagaland House New Delhi
PB Acharya, Governor of Nagaland, his wife Kavita Acharya, Yatachu Parliamentary Secretary along with the Nagaland House Staff New Delhi.
(TOP) View of Naga Cemetery at Lake View Colony, Dimapur before social work, taken on September 29, 2014. (BOTTOM) Naga Cemetery after social work conducted on October 2, 2014. (Photo by Imojen I Jamir)
groups, removed litter and unwanted outgrowths, while clearing clogged drains. The rutted approach roads to the three establishments were also filled in a bit with earth and gravel, which was donated by well-wishers. It was informed that the municipal authority would remove the accumulated waste. Coinciding with the sanitation exercise, blood donation drive and social awareness poster campaign was launched. The
ASTD informed that donors had already started volunteering for the blood donation drive days ahead, while adding that it will continue for a few more days. Dimapur Area Ao Pastors’ Fellowship conducted prayers for patients admitted at the District Hospital and CIHSR. “The underlying message of this initiative is to evoke the spirit of work culture among Nagas, particularly the young,” stated ASTD president, Supu
Jamir, while adding that it was a social work for humanity irrespective of religion, caste and creed. In line with the initiative’s slogan ‘Social Work for Humanity’, Jamir stated that the blood donation drive was initiated. “Helping the sick and the ailing… by donating blood, one can turn tears into smiles, he added. Meanwhile, the Medical Superintendent, doctors, nurses and staff of District Hospital Dimapur has expressed profound
New Delhi, octo ber 2 (mexN): PB Acharya, Governor of Nagaland and his wife Kavita Acharya lead the staff of Nagaland House New Delhi in the ‘Swachh Bharat Abhiyan’ on Mahatma Gandhi’s Birthday October 2. The Governor and the staff of Nagaland House New Delhi participated in the ‘Swachh Bharat Abhiyan’ by ensuring clean-
liness of the State Guest House premises and the surrounding area. They removed unwanted furniture lying in the office, guest house premises, weeding out the old files, cleaning of restaurant, dining places, toilets and regular removal of garbage within the premises and also pruning the trees sweeping the whole compound and outside the compound main road face
29, Aurangzeb Road. The cleanliness drive was followed by lunch provided by MP (Lok Sabha) Neiphiu Rio. Yitachu Parliamentary Secretary for School Education and other official staying at Nagaland House also took part in the drive. This was stated in a press release issued by Nagaland House New Delhi PRO Kuolie Mere.
Dimapur, october 2 (mexN): Vidhya Bhawan School Dimapur joined the Swachh Bharat Mission on October 2 in collaboration with the Junior Red Cross (JRC), Eco Club and the scouts and guides of the school. A press note stated that it was a team effort to undertake mass social work in and around the school premises as well as the neighbourhood. The JRC was led by Zakie Kire, Managing Committee Member, IRCSN. He appreciated the Headmaster, V.K. Shah for initiating to take part in the nation’s event and encouraged the teachers and the students to carry forward the good works. Along with the school team led by the Headmaster, the residents of the colony had also participated in the neighborhood cleanup, which was indeed befitting to the school and the colony as a whole. The Headmaster administered oath to all that they will carry on the mission Swachh Bharat “That I will keep my Neighbourhood clean”.
Participants during the awareness campaign organised by PHED Medziphema on Swachh Bharat Yatra at Medziphema Town Hall held on October 2. Zhothisa Dawhuo, Additional Deputy Commissioner, Medziphema was the chief guest. Dreamz Unlimited performed a drama while Er Tongpang, EE (PHED) Rural Division Dimapur led the Swachhta Pledge.
Mega cleanliness drive at Dimapur Railway Station
Dimapur, october 2 (mexN): Denizens of Dimapur district led by the Deputy Commissioner, Wezope Kenye launched the nationwide Swachh Bharat Mission by conducting a mega cleanliness drive at the Dimapur Railway Station on October 2. The programme organized by the Northeast Frontier Railways in collaboration with the Dimapur Municipal Council and active participated by various sections of the citizens, began with pledge taking led by the Deputy Commissioner Wezope
Kenye. While Dr. Stepphen Kamson the Senior Divisional Officer of the Railways welcomed the gathering, Yihamo Ovung, one of the senior most G.Bs. present led the assembly in invocation. DGM of NABARD Tiakala, Atokhe, Chief Executive Officer of DMC, Johnson, Enquiry Officer from the vigilance wing of N.F. Rly Maligaon DC Wezope Kenye exhorted the assembly to contribute to the success of the national program; the clarion call of the Prime Minister to ‘clean
up India’ to meaningfully celebrate the 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, the Father of the Nation who dreamed of ‘clean India’ in 2019. Besides the staff posted at Dimapur, NF Railway deputed officers from the Zonal Head Quarter, Maligaon and Divisional Head Quarter, Lumding and a contingent of Scouts and Guides from Lumding. Dimapur Municipal Council put men and machine to clear garbage from several garbage dumping sites within the Railway premises that have been
Swacchta Pledge
Participants during the National Sanitation Awareness Campaign programme at Dhansiripar organised by WSSO (PHED) at Doyapur Local Ground on October 2. I. Imkong chaired the programme, the pastor of Doyapur Dimasa Baptist Church pronounced the invocation, KG Sumi, WSSO director, Kohima delivered the keynote address and initiated the pledge taking. Doyapur Area Chairman exhorted the gathering while Imojungla, San & Hygne Consultant spoke on the importance of water and sanitation. Dreamz Unlimited also participated in the programme.
• I take this pledge that I will remain committed towards cleanliness and devote time for this • I will devote 100 hours per year that is 2 hours per week to voluntary work for cleanliness • I will neither litter not let others litter • I will initiate the quest for cleanliness with myself, my family, my locality, my village and my workplace • I believe that the countries of the world that appear clean are so because of their citizens don’t indulge in littering nor do they allow it to happen • With this firm believe, I will propagate the message of Swachh Bharat Mission in villages and towns • I will encourage 100 other persons to take this pledge which I am taking today • I will endeavour to make them devote their 100 hours for cleanliness • I am confident that every step I Central Institute of Horticulture, Medziphema along with the rest of the take towards cleanliness will help nation observed Swachh Bharat Mission on October 2 by undertaking the Swachhta Bharat pledge led by Dr. Lallan Ram, Director, CIH and orin making my country clean ganized cleanliness drive of the office and campus.
Churches Colony resolve on dumping of garbage
The Nagaland Postal Division alongwith the rest of the country observed the Swachh Bharat Campaign today. As part of this campaign, social work were carried out in all the Post Offices of Nagaland Division, where cleaning of the offices/ premises as well as plantation of trees were carried out. At Kohima Head Post Office, the Director of Postal Services, Nagaland Division, administered a cleanliness pledge ‘Swachh Shapath’ to all of the staffs.
gratitude to Ao Senso Telongjem Dimapur for their love, concern, support and cooperation rendered towards the hospital and conducting the social work in the hospital premises on October 2. DHD MS Dr. DK Mero in a press release thanked every voluntary blood donor for their noble act and wise decision to save others live through self-sacrifice. The Sümi Council Dimapur has also commented the Ao Senso Telongjem Dimapur for taking up the task of cleaning up some important places of public importance, which coincides with the Swachh Bharat Mission. Sümi Council Dimapur Chairman Kuhoi Zhimo in a press release expressed appreciation and gratefulness to the ASTD for their cleanliness drive. The places they have chosen are the ones, which compel people from all sections to visit irrespective of caste, creed and colour. “The Ao community has always been the frontrunner in every sphere of the Naga Society from our past,” while appreciating their effort, the Sümi Council Dimapur thinks that the “Sümis also need to follow their footsteps and contribute towards the betterment of the entire Naga Society.”
Vidhya Bhawan School joins Swachh Bharat Mission
The cleaning drive initiated by the Ao Senso Telongjem Dimapur (ASTD) on October 2 was carried out successfully with thousands turning up for the voluntary social work. An ASTD calendar event initiated in 2012, this year volunteers drawn from the federating units of the ASTD gave a facelift to the District Hospital, CIHSR and Naga Cemetery. The Ao Kaketshir Telongjem Dimapur and the Dimapur Ao Lanur Telongjem assisted the ASTD to carry out the task. It is the tradition among the Ao, particularly in the villages, to conduct mass social work at regular intervals, when all able-bodied men are bound by custom to participate. Estimated at around 20,000, the volunteers included both men and women, unlike in 2012 when only men participated. Equipped with basic implements, the volunteers divided into three
Dimapur, october 2 (mexN): Keeping in view the importance of creating healthy environment for healthy living, Churches Colony Welfare Board for Clean Environment has informed that the notifications served concerning timing for dumping of garbage set by the council i.e. morning before 6:00 am and evening after 6:00 pm shall be strictly implemented. Despite several information and fervent appeals made, it has been noticed that there are many defaulters who are in the habit of
dumping their waste/garbage during odd hours/restricted time as per their own wishes/timing as well as even in the restricted zone/ area thereby creating health-risk atmosphere for all. CCWB, Convenor, Omega G. Naga informed in a press release that dumping of leftovers such as fish scalps, feathers, intestines from chicken hatcheries, poultry, fish market that are located nearby the colony shall not be permitted with immediate effect from the date of publication of this notice.
All concerned are informed that the ‘Dumping Site’ located at the entrance of the colony via Khermahal has been declared as 'Garbage-Free Zone’ from October 1. This resolution has been adopted by the board in consultation with the council taking into consideration the welfare of the school/church goers and the business establishments adjoining the dumping site. Anybody found violating the rules as stated would be liable for serious prosecution under appropriate law of the colony.
lying unclear due to failure on the part of the contractor responsible to lift and remove the garbage. NFR, Dimapur Senior Divisional Medical Officer Dr. Stephen Kamson in a press release, on behalf of the organizers acknowledged Neiphiu Rio, MP & former CM of Nagaland for sponsoring the refreshments and other incidental expenses, and others who contributed towards the success of the program especially the heads of institutes who have responded positively within limited period of intimation.
An appeal from civil bodies for sanitation Kohima, october 2 (mexN): The NBCC Sanitation Committee has acknowledged the cooperation of many churches, in responding to the call of sanitation and for their whole hearted support in carrying out its mission, of clearing NH 29 and adjoining areas. In a release, Chairman, Kuolachalie Seyie on behalf of the Committee appreciated the churches for the positive response. He further appealed to one and all to contribute their might in making the cleanliness mission an ongoing process and for its success. Adding that mutual respect and coexistence goes a long way towards building a clean, healthy and beautiful Kohima, it hoped that inculcating civic sense in the denizens would bring notable transformation in the state capital and ultimately the state. Requesting for civility from those involved in stealing of flower pots and littering of traffic islands, he regretted that within a day or two of cleaning, the town was dirtied back, which showed a lack of regard for each other. The Committee is working in collaboration with Kohima Municipal Council (KMC), Kohima Chamber of Commerce and Industries (KCCI), Kohima Village Council (KVC), Public Health Engineering Department (PHED), Urban Development Department (UDD), Angami Students Union (ASU), Kohima Village Youth Organization (KVYO) in this regard.
LOCAL/RegiOnAL 3 Centre gives flood-hit Assam 674cr aid China entered Sikkim Friday
The Morung express
Guwahati, OctOber 2 (tNN): The Centre on Wednesday said it will give Rs 674 crore to the State Disaster Response Fund to help the Assam government overcoming the damage caused by the recent floods. Union home minister Rajnath Singh said of Rs 674 crore, Rs 386 crore has already been released. The Assam government recently wrote to the Centre, demanding Rs 1000 crore for restoration and rehabilitation in flood-hit areas. Singh, who did an aerial survey of flood-hit areas in western Assam and Garo Hills districts, said the Centre has released Rs 123 crore for Meghalaya. "Arunachal Pradesh has also suffered in the recent wave of floods and we have released Rs 70 crore for the frontier state. Another Rs
3 October 2014
Assam flood toll at 44, nearly 4 lakh still affected
Guwahati, OctOber 2 (pti): The flood situation in Assam remained serious with report of one more death on Thursday, taking the toll to 44 so far and affecting nearly 4 lakh people in the state. According to the daily flood report by Assam State Disaster Management Authority (ASDMA), one body was recovered in Morigaon district. With this, 20 persons have lost their lives in Goalpara, followed by 16 deaths in Kamrup Rural, six in Kamrup Metro and one each in Morigaon and Dhubri during the latest wave of floods in Assam. ASDMA said 242 villages across four districts are still affected in the flood with nearly four lakh people suffering due to the flood waters. In Goalpara, nearly 3.7 lakh people are affected, followed by around 15,000 in Kamrup Rural, it added. The authorities are operating 35 relief camps and shelter homes, where around 21,000 people are staying at this moment. Over 50,000 hectares of crop area are still under water across the state. In Goalpara, over 37,000 hectares of area have been affected, hitting nearly 83,000 farm families. In Goalpara, 81,582 houses were either fully or partially damaged due to the flood. Besides a large number of roads and bridges, ASDMA said there have been reports of severe damage of government infrastructure like schools, health centres and offices in many districts n account of the natural disaster. Meanwhile, Kopili river is flowing above the danger mark at Dharamtul in Nagaon, ASDMA said. The affected four districts are Goalpara, Kamrup Rural, Dhemaji and Nagaon. 20 crore has been sanctioned," he added. While 40 people have been killed in Assam floods, 55 died in Meghalaya 55 and 56 in Arunachal
Pradesh, said Singh. "We are very much saddened by the loss of lives and damage to property. The central government will help the state govern-
ments to tide over the crisis," he added. Singh also had a review meeting with Gogoi and Meghalaya chief minister Mukul Sangma. "I have
asked the chief ministers to submit the memorandum to the Centre as early as possible so that we can soon send an inter-ministerial team to the affected states to maximize our assistance," said Singh. The Assam government has already submitted a memorandum to Singh, seeking Rs 2010 crore for damaged infrastructure, Rs 660 crore for rescue and relief operations and Rs 6,700 crore as special assistance that includes Rs 3,500 crore for raising and strengthening embankments and Rs 1,000 crore for mitigating floods in Guwahati. The Union home minister's visit came in the backdrop of Gogoi's criticism against the Centre, accusing the latter of not displaying seriousness like Jammu and Kashmir to Assam floods.
during Ladakh face-off
New DeLhi, OctOber 2 (tNN): While Indian border troops challenged the PLA at Chumar in Ladakh over a road China was building, India's northern neighbour persisted in building two more roads into Indian territory: one in Sikkim and another in Ladakh several kilometres away from Chumar. Both these roads were destroyed by Indian forces upon discovery and a confrontation arose. However they were resolved without another standoff. Sources within the security establishment say even when Indian and China forces were locked in an eyeball to eyeball confrontation in Chumar for over a fortnight last month, China built a road about 200 metres into Indian territory in Sikkim. Notably, there is no border dispute with China in Sikkim
and the development thus had shocked Indian forces who viewed it as clear case of Chinese aggression. "As soon as Indian forces discovered it, the part of the road that stretched into Indian territory was broken down. This was objected to by the Chinese who said the road was well within their territory. It then took a long process of going through various records and convincing them that it was indeed our territory. Thankfully a standoff was averted," said a security establishment officer. Days before the Chumar standoff gained ferocity, sources say, China had similarly built a road 400 metre into Indian territory in the central part of Ladakh LAC. This too, sources said, was demolished by Indian forces even as China protested fiercely. A standoff was averted through talks at force level.
Sources said as China showed during the Chumar crisis that it was not ready to give an inch despite the bonhomie in the backdrop between PM Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping, Indian forces too are asserting themselves more aggressively with government backing such a move. Though the Chumar crisis has been resolved with matters now being discussed at diplomatic level, sources say there could be more such assertion of ownership of territory from both sides in the near future. There have already been over 400 incursions by the Chinese into Indian land this year with three months yet to go for the year end. Last year, Chinese forces made forays into disputed territory even in freezing temperatures of -40 degrees.
Delhi: 3 Assam students beaten up for taking photographs New DeLhi, OctOber 2 (ht): Clicking the pictures of an underconstruction building led to clashes between local residents and three people from Assam, including a woman. The three Assamese people and another person sustained minor injuries during the melee. The incident took place in south Delhi’s Prakash Mohalla near East of Kailash on Tuesday evening. Police have registered cross-FIRs at the Amar Colony police station against both the parties in connection with the clash.
All the four injured people were taken to AIIMS where they were provided medical attention and were later discharged. One of the Assamese persons is a journalism student at a college in Delhi and is also a part-time photographer. As per reports, he was clicking pictures outside an underconstruction building in the area. The building’s owner and another local arrived at the scene and objected to this. “An argument broke out between them and the two locals called their friends who arrived there
in a car. They began beating up the Assamese youth who screamed for help. His friend came to his aid joined him in the fight. In the meantime, someone informed the police after which the associates of property the owner fled,” said the senior officer. While the policemen were enquiring about the matter, an Assamese woman, known to the two students, arrived and alleged that locals molested and misbehaved with her. On the basis of her complaint, charges of molestation were added Accompanied by DCCI President, Hokivi Chishi, Muslim Council, members of Youth Association of Nagaland and others, the Deputy Commissioner Dimain their FIR. pur, Wezope Kenye (3rd from left) on Thursday evening visited Durga Puja pandals at various locations in Dimapur town. (Morung photo)
New Testament Bible in The Watchman approves of Three arm Chothe Naga released NSCN (IM) ‘moral policing’ peddlers apprehended
Dimapur, OctOber volved in some imbroglio, (STD) as well as HIV/AIDS. A lot of compromis2 (mexN): The Watchman [but] they have taken a Team has expressed its ap- positive stand on this issue es have weakened the preciation and support of and this accomplishment churches, it argued and NSCN (IM)’s action on “im- is much appreciated”, the urged them to stand firm on “good moral standard” moral activities” in public press note added. Stating that it has be- and also appealed the Naga places. In a press note, the president of the Watch- come a trend for young- society to “fast on Christian man, Pastor James Ngullie sters to indulge in “im- principles and discourage stated that a “strong arm moral activities” under the fornication”. Further encouraging authority and moral polic- influence of alcohol, the Rev. Dr. ZK Rochill, Senior Auxiliary Secretary, Bible So- ing” is needed to stop these Watchman maintained action on such activities in ciety of India, Dimapur Auxiliary releasing the Chothe “outright sin” by labelling that such activities have of- future, it appealed the peoten resulted in unwanted ple to “live a right Christian “evil as evil”. Naga New Testament on September 28. “Our freedom fighters pregnancy and a rise in sex- life” refrain from “immoral Dimapur, OctOber 2 community to read the NSCN (IM) may get in- ually transmitted disease lifestyle”. (mexN): The Bible Society Word of God and confess of India (BSI), Dimapur Aux- sins, so that God will bless iliary released Chothe Naga Chothe Naga community. Rev. Hranum Khiang, New Testament on September 28 at Phaipi Christian Executive Secretary, Chothe The department will be commencing Centre, near Pallel, Manipur. Naga Baptist Churches As- Dimapur, OctOber 2 (mexN): The Rev. Dr. Z. K. Rochill, sociation appreciated BSI Forest Department, Dimapur Division has the monitoring and checking of vehicular Senior Auxiliary Secre- ministry for making God’s informed the general public the depart- movement with the assistance of The Distary, Dimapur Auxiliary re- word available in Chothe ment will carry out routine patrolling in all trict administration and the Superintenleased the Bible. In his mes- Naga dialect. People from roosting sites of Amur Falcon to facilitate dent of Police, Dimapur, he informed. Requesting support from all the consage, Rochill reminded that different denominations the “safe migration” of the birds. In this connection, a notice from the Di- cerned Village Councils and students in its Israelites spent three hours participated in the release reading law of God and an- programme expressing their visional Forest Officer (DFO), Dimapur Y M initiative, the DFO warned that the violaother three hours confess- joy in the Lord, according to Jami IFS stated that movement with any form tors shall be penalized under the Wildlife ing their sins (Nehemiah press note issued by Y. Sar- of poison, trapping materials, and weapons Act, 1972 and notice of forfeiture of devel9:3). Likewise, he encour- ender, President of Chothe such as air gun or catapult in and around the opment funds will be initiated respective Village councils and VDBs. roosting areas will be liable for seizure. aged the Chothe Naga Naga Baptist Association.
DFO Dimapur to carry out routine patrolling
Dimapur, OctOber 2 (mexN): 29 Assam Rifles apprehended two arms peddlers along with two .22 pistols at 4th Mile, Dimapur on September 29. A press release from Assam Rifles identified that the individuals as Temjenungsang (24) and Aliba Longchar (20), both residents of Dimapur. They were later handed over to Diphupar Police Station, Dimapur along with recovered items. In another operation at Railway Colony, Dimapur, 29 Assam Rifles apprehended one arms peddler identified as Abel Sema (42), of Dimapur along with one pt 22 pistol. The apprehended individual along with recovered items was handed over to East Police Station, Dimapur.
Manipur to accord mega reception to Mary Kom Residents of 'cleanest village imphaL, OctOber 2 (iaNS): The Manipur government will accord a grand reception to Asian Games gold medallist boxer M.C. Mary Kom on her return to her home state, an official said here Thursday. Mary Kom, 31, defeated Kazakhstan's Zhaina Shekerbekova in the flyweight (48-51 kg) category to win gold Wednesday, becoming the first Indian woman to do so. As the news spread, people from all sections of the society reached her home at Meitei Langol, near Games Village in Imphal West, with bouquets and sweets. "The state government would accord a magnificent reception to Mary Kom on her return to Manipur," said Mairembam Prithviraj Singh, parliamentary secretary incharge of youth affairs and sports and tourism. "Mary Kom is a daugh-
M.C. Mary Kom
ter of Manipur and all Indians are proud for her," Singh told IANS. "After talking with the chief minister, we will plan the reception," Singh added. He said that after Mary Kom won a bronze in the London Olympics in August 2012, the Manipur government had given her
a cash reward of Rs.75 lakh and promoted her to the post of superintendent of police (sports). The state government had also allotted her two acres of land at Meitei Langol where she currently resides. After her London Olympic success, the Assam government rewarded her Rs.20 lakh, Arunachal Pradesh government Rs.10 lakh, North Eastern Council Rs.40 lakh and the union ministry of tribal affairs rewarded her with Rs.10 lakh. After her success in the 17th Asian Games at Incheon in South Korea, Assam Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi has congratulated the five-time world champion. "Her gold clinching performance has assumed more importance because she has become the first ever Indian woman boxer to have won a gold medal at the Asian Games," Gogoi said in a statement.
The Wakching Area Union Dimapur (WAUD) has convened a general meeting on 4th Oct’14, 10.00 AM at the residence of Shri.Y.M.Yolow Konyak (Pudam Phukuri). All the Wakching area citizens residing in and around Dimapur/Chumukedima have been requested to attend the meeting. (MR.LENGNYEI KONYAK) General Secy WAUD
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four km from the Bangladesh border, also participated in the campaign. "We usually clean our village (Mawlynnong village) every Saturday. But today the villagers also cleaned up the village as part of the launching of the Clean India mission," Khongthohrem said. Mawlynnong, which means "a cluster of stones" in the local Khasi dialect, is referred to as "God's own garden". "We have learnt about cleanliness from our childhood and, therefore, I am sure the people of Mawlynnong will continue to maintain this benchmark," he added. "People who visit us speak about our clean village when they go home, but what is important for them is to follow us in maintaining their surroundings and homes clean since cleanliness begins at home," Khongthohrem said.
It is for information to candidates who qualified in written interview for Hindi Teacher post that instead of appearing interview on 15-10-14,will have to appear on 17-10-2014. The schedule for 14th & 16th Oct’2014 remain unchanged. Further, request for re-evaluation of answer script will be accepted upto 10-10-2014 and the re-evaluation will be finalized on 11-10-14.
in Asia' praise Modi's mission NAGALAND
ShiLLONG, OctOber 2 (iaNS): Khasi tribesmen of Meghalaya's Mawlynnong, often described as one of "the cleanest villages in Asia", Thursday praised Prime Minister Narendra Modi for launching the Swachh Bharat mission that aimed at creating a 'Clean India' in the next five years. Governor K.K. Paul launched the Swachh Bharat mission at Polo grounds here by administering a pledge to the denizens. Paul appealed to the people of Meghalaya to clean up the country by cleaning their surroundings. "We are happy that our Prime Minister Narendra Modi has launched Swachh Bharat mission as cleanliness is very important in human life," Thomlin Khongthohrem, headman of Mawlynnong, told IANS. Like in the rest of India, the residents of this village located in East Khasi Hills
Dt. Kohima, the 29th Sept’2014
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Applications are invited for walk-in-interview for appointment of the following Guest Faculties in the various Academic Departments of the School of Engineering and Technology, Nagaland University, Dimapur. The engagement will be upto till 20th Dec 2014. The selected candidates will be paid @ Rs. 1,000/(Rupees One Thousand only) per lecture subject to a maximum of Rs. 25,000i (Rupees Twenty five thousand only) per month. The interview is scheduled on 10/10/2014 in the Office Chamber of the Dean, SET & SMS, D.C. Court Junction, Dimapur - 797112. The applicants have to produce all the original documents in support of their qualification/experience on the date of interview. SI. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6
No. of post/s Agricultural Engg. & Technology M. Tech in AET 1 M. Tech Information Technology 2 Information Technology Computer Science Engineering M. Tech in C.S.E 1 M. Tech in Electrical Engineering 1 Common Pool Common Pool M. Tech in LT/ C.S.E 1 Management MBA with specialisation in 1 HRM Department
Subject specialisation
Time 10.00 a. m. 11:00 a.m. 12:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 2;30 p.m.
Friday 3 October 2014
Global nuclear vendors’ India plans runs into Japanese hurdle New Delhi, OctOber 2 (AgeNcies): Even as the Indo-US joint statement issued on Tuesday renewed the pledge to set up nuclear parks in India powered by ToshibaWestinghouse and GE-Hitachi reactor technology, there could be two significant roadblocks. While the issue of the opposition by reactor vendors to India’s nuclear liability law continues to fester, an even bigger impediment in operational terms could arise from the fact that Japan continues to hold out on signing a nuclear deal with India. This could be a crucial determining factor as the two US reactor vendors, as well as a range of other global nuclear reactor manufacturers, source the most critical equipment in a reactor — the calandria or reactor vessel — from Japanese heavy forging major Japan Steel Works (JSW). Experts point to the fact that the transfer of Japanese technology to India for civilian use requires a nuclear pact, but Tokyo has so far desisted from initiating one as India has not signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). Globally, apart from Japan’s JSW, there are just three major heavy forg-
Be prepared to pay more for taktal tickets
ing capacities in operation worldwide that can fabricate large singlepiece pressure vessels for nuclear reactors– Creusot Forge (a subsidiary of France’s Areva group), Russia’s OMZ Izhora and Chinese state-owned firm China First Heavy Industries. But JSW dominates the nuclear forgings business, accounting for an estimated 80 per cent of the world market for large forged components for nuclear plants and owns the world’s only plant capable of producing the central part of a large-size reactor’s containment vessel in a single piece from a 600-tonne ingot, which reduces radiation risk. All the global suppliers are booked with orders for at least the next five years as the most critical issue for accelerating nuclear power plant construction is the availability of heavy engineering plants to make the reactor components, especially for units of over 1,000 MWe (mega watt electric). While Toshiba-Westinghouse’s AP1000 pressure vessel closure head and three complex steam generator parts can only be made by JSW, the Japanese firm has advance orders from GE-Hitachi for fabricating com-
ponents for its ABWR and ESBWR range of boiling water reactors. JSW also has the distinction of supplying the pressure vessels for Areva’s first two 1650 MWe EPR plants in Finland and France. Reactor vendors prefer large forgings to be integral, as single products, but it is possible to use split forgings that are welded together. These welds then need checking through the life of the plant. An NPCIL official said the process of bridging the difference over the substantive issues on the proposed India-Japan nuclear agreement in on and that both countries had made significant progress in the negotiations on civil nuclear cooperation. JSW has set up a marketing office in India in 2009 through a subsidiary — JSW India Pvt Ltd. While a Tokyobased Communications Group Manager for JSW had earlier indicated that the company expected a “strong and sustained growth” of the Indian market (for steel products and various kinds of industrial machinery), he had underlined that “the JapanIndia agreement for cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy is now under discussion, so we would like to watch how the things develop”.
Lozi Hyundai launched in Mokokchung MOkOkchuNg, OctOber 2 (MexN): Lozi Hyundai today opened the doors to its Mokokchung branch, located at IM Road near Imkongmeren Sports Complex. Lozi Hyundai Mokokchung is the first four-wheeler showroom in Mokokchung.
New Delhi, OctOber 2 (AgeNcies): The month of September brought in some festive cheer for the automakers as major car makers, including Maruti Suzuki, Hyundai and Honda, reported good growth in domestic sales with first-time buyers entering the car market. A series of new launches by automobile giants during the month also pushed sales. Market leader Maruti Suzuki registered 9.8 per cent jump in sales at 99,290 units during the month against 90,399 units in the year-ago period, driven by compact cars segment comprising Swift, Estilo, Celerio, Ritz and Dzire, which grew 18.1% to 43,304 units. On the back of a strong demand for its new Elite i20, Hyundai Motor India Ltd. (HMIL) registered a growth of 14.5 per cent. It sold 35,041 units compared to 30,601 units in September, 2013. HMIL Senior Vice-President (Sales and Marketing) Rakesh Srivastava said, “In this festive season, we are seeing a significant increase in first-time buyers and exchange buyers, which is very encouraging as it will accelerate the positive momentum already being experienced in the last few months.” Likewise, Honda Cars India Ltd. (HCIL) reported 45% increase in domestic sales at 15,015 units. “We continue to perform strongly with strong demand
for all our models during this festival period,” HCIL Senior Vice-President (Marketing and Sales) Jnaneswar Sen said. Toyota Kirloskar Motor Ltd (TKML) said its sales in the domestic market stood at 12,552 units during the month, up 4.46%t as compared to 12,015 units in the same month last year. Its Senior Vice-President (Sales and Marketing) N. Raja said, “We have registered growth this month. The industry is beginning to gradually turnaround. Positive market sentiment combined with the festive season is expected to boost sales in the coming months as well.” Homegrown auto major Mahindra & Mahindra’s domestic sales (vehicles of all categories) grew by 4.5% to 42,408 units. M&M Chief Executive (Automotive Division and International Operations) (AFS) Pravin Shah said, “We expect the ensuing festive season to bring in some much needed cheer with a slew of new launches from manufacturers.” For Tata Motors, sales of passenger vehicles in the domestic market stood at 11,931 units, down 7% from 12,839 units in September 2013. GM India’s sales declined by 37.38% to 4,413 units, while Ford India saw 36.22% drop at 6,786 units. For GM India, the numbers include 143 units of exports in September, marking the company’s maiden vehicle shipment to Chile.
Simple Rules - There is just one simple rule: “Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.”
SUDOKU Game Number # 3014
M. Bendangnukshi Longkumer, Senior Advisor MCCI, cut the inaugural ribbon to the doors of the new showroom. Speaking at the occasion, he showered praises on the owner and Managing Director of Lozi Hyundai, Ruokuonielie Kesiezie, for his decision to open the showroom
Amazon to sell packaged food & beverages in India
bANgAlOre, OctOber 2 (reuters): Online retailer Amazon.com Inc plans to sell packaged food and beverages in India from mid-October, the ET reported, citing a person familiar with the matter. Amazon, which has already started accepting bookings for Coca-Cola Zero - the beverage’s low-calorie variant, will eventually start selling fresh food in India, the ET said. Amazon is already in talks with brands like Kelloggs and Cornitos, the paper said. Amazon, which opened its Indian website last June, has drawn up the battle lines by slashing prices, launching same-day delivery, adding new product categories and embarking on a high-voltage advertisement campaign. In July, Amazon said it will invest a further $2 bn in India after the country’s largest e-tailer Flipkart attracted $1 billion of fresh funds, raising the stakes in a nascent but fast-growing e-commerce sector.
First-time buyers, festive season push car sales in September
New Delhi, OctOber 2 (AgeNcies): In what is being described as a measure to curb activities of touts, Indian Railways is going to increase the taktal fares of most popular trains. Half of the tatkal tickets will be sold as per the dynamic pricing, that is, depending upon the seat availability and the demand. Tatkaal tickets are already an additional premium paid on normal fares. It is learnt that dynamic pricing of tatkal tickets will ward off touts. However, Railways have failed to explain why passengers should pay more for a menace that the Railways is supposed to curb. The move assumes that 50% of tatkal tickets are currently being hoarded by touts to sell in black at a much higher price. Notably, under tatkal booking, a passenger has to pay Rs. 150 more than what is charged normally in sleeper class. For booking a berth in AC coach, one has to pay more than Rs. 300. If a passenger is not travelling after booking a seat, the ticket cannot be cancelled thereafter. Railway Minister Sadanand Gowda had hinted the fare hike while disclosing the annual railway budget 2014-2015.
The Morung Express
in Mokokchung and expressed hope that many more Naga entrepreneurs would come to Mokokchung for business ventures as there is ample scope for business in the region. The dedicatory prayer was offered by Rev. Ponen Longchar, Pastor of Mokokchung Town Baptist Church.
Infosys launches new solution for banks
New Delhi, OctOber 2 (Pti): The country’s second largest software services firm InfosysBSE 2.66 % today launched a new solution to help banks simplify transaction reconciliation processes. Infosys Transaction Reconciliation solution (ITRS) is a unified solution that helps banks automate and centralise their reconciliation across multiple channels, reduces costs by offering simple, easy-to-use tool for bank employees to perform reconciliation tasks and functions, it said in a statement. With automation and optimisation, the solution helps reduce the need for manual interaction and increases performance through auto-matching
and straight through processing, it added. With global spend on reconciliation expected to reach $1.27 bn by 2017, banks are increasingly looking for automated solutions. A unified reconciliation solution such as ITRS helps banks efficiently while meeting the regulatory needs, it said. The solution is capable of processing up to 50 million transactions per hour and reduces 15 to 50% of time taken to on-board reconciliation tasks. “A well-planned reconciliation helps banks reduce risks emanating from disparate systems and processes or manual interventions,” Infosys Executive Vice President and Head of Financial Services Mohit Joshi said.
Public DiscoursE UNTABA on Consultative Meet
he Consultative Meet on NSDZ and other issues initiated by the state government for discussion with civil societies and stakeholders on 26th September 2014 witnessed the remark by the state Chief Secretary, Banuo Z. Jamir that the burning inter-state border issue between Assam and Nagaland and the conflict at Ralang area will not be discussed since it has no connection with the NSDZ issue being discussed. On a whole the CS statement is misleading since UNTABA is of the view that both the issues are intrinsically linked. The dismissive manner in which the Ralang issue was brushed aside only shows that the state government and the bureaucracy has over the years treated this most dire issue with non-chalance. It is this attitude which is the single most important reason why Nagaland is still embroiled in border dispute with Assam even after 50 years of statehood. The government proposes setting up of NSDZ stretching from Khelma in Peren district to Tizit in Mon, that is, along the foothills of the state. Barring the legalities and the raging controversy over its clauses, the UNTABA has
no comments to make on this project except that there is no land to accommodate this ambitious project. Therefore, when the Chief Secretary says that there is no connection between the NSDZ and Ralang imbroglio, she is gravely mistaken as according to 1925 British Government of India notification, the Naga Hills district boundary starts from the foothills, that is, Samaguding or present Chumukedima. The 1925 notification is an injustice to Nagas since prior to this notification the Naga Hills covered vast areas of present-day Gologhat, Jorhat, Sibsagar and other districts of Assam as can be attested from historical records. However, subsequent agreements between Nagas and India, such as the 9-Point Agreement, 16 Point Agreement, etc., has not been able to alter or negate this notification which is a source of much heart burn for Nagas. While it’s clear that Nagas cannot accept the 1925 British notification since it negates the historical position of Nagas and our land, the fact of the matter is that Assam government considers this notification as final and binding. This irrational stand of the Assam government is the root cause of all the border skirmishes be-
tween the two states as witnessed in the past few decades, including present Ralang conflict. Therefore, technically speaking, since Assam considers Samaguding as the inter-state boundary based on 1925 notification, there are no lands in the foothills for the proposed NSDZ even if the ground reality may be different, thanks to legions of Naga pioneers who fought tooth and nail that the plains of Dimapur should remain in Nagaland, not Assam. While the intransigence of the Assam government over the 1925 notification being final is ridiculous, our bureaucrats and politicians cannot afford to take the issue lightly since the stake is very high for our Naga people. Unless senior policy makers in the government make an effort to understand the historical position of Nagas and its lands, it will be too much to expect the younger generation to fight for Naga rights. It’s time we make a sincere but collective effort to settle the issue once and for all in the interest of all Nagas. Hukavi T. Yepthomi Chairman United Naga Tribes Association of Border Areas (UNTABA)
Readers may please note that the contents of the articles, letters and opinions published do not reflect the outlook of this paper nor of the Editor in any form.
DIMAPUR Civil Hospital:
STD CODE: 03862
Metro Hospital: Faith Hospital: Shamrock Hospital Zion Hospital: Police Control Room Police Traffic Control East Police Station West Police Station CIHSR (Referral Hospital) Dimapur hospital Apollo Hospital Info Centre: Railway: Indian Airlines Chumukedima Fire Brigade Nikos Hospital and Research Centre Nagaland Multispecialty Health & Research Centre
Answer Number # 3013
Police Control Room: North Police Station: South Police Station: Fire Brigade: Naga Hospital: Oking Hospital: Bethel Nursing Home:
232224; Emergency229529, 229474 227930, 231081 228846 228254 231864, 224117, 227337 228400 232106 227607 232181 242555/ 242533 224041, 248011 230695/9402435652 131/228404 229366 282777 232032, 231031 248302, 09856006026
STD CODE: 0370
Northeast Shuttles
100/2244279 2222222 2222111 2222952 2222916 2243339 2224202
ACROSS 1. Literary genre 6. Friends 10. Carve in stone 14. Keen 15. Hodgepodge 16. Roman emperor 17. Liberates 18. Young sheep 19. Rectum 20. Days gone by 22. The bulk 23. Bite 24. Unreactive 26. Impassive 30. Metal 32. Classical Greek 33. Gloss over 37. Agreeable 38. Lustrous 39. Away from the wind 40. Snooping 42. Displeased look 43. Sweetie 44. Putting surfaces 45. They make wool 47. Compete 48. Computer symbol 49. A lively whirling Italian dance 56. Bluefin
57. A Freudian stage 58. Strips of potato 59. Black, in poetry 60. Solitary 61. Open, as a bottle 62. Shopping place 63. Make a sweater 64. Scallions
DOWN 1. Resist 2. Unusual 3. How old we are 4. Encounter 5. Insecticide 6. A small vascular growth 7. Wings 8. City in Peru 9. Temperance 10. Graniteware 11. Adult male singing voice 12. The outer layer of the Earth 13. Party thrower 21. Disencumber 25. Born as 26. Transgressions 27. Hard work 28. A single time 29. Officer 30. Front parts of human legs
31. Bell sound 33. Iota 34. Found in some lotions 35. Stitched 36. Female chickens 38. Talk about your business 41. Foot digit 42. Tense 44. Martini ingredient 45. Aqualung 46. Show respect towards 47. Hotel employee 48. Bit of gossip 50. Nameless 51. Hindu princess 52. Sea eagle 53. Bloodsucking insects 54. An escape of water 55. Vipers Ans to CrossWord 3020
DIMAPUR: 03862 232201/101 (O) 9436017479 (OC) CHUMUKEDIMA: 03862 282777/101 (O) 9856158740 (OC) WOKHA: 03860 242215/101 (O) 9862039399 (OC) MOKOKCHUNG: 0369 2226225/101 (O) 9436012949 (OC) PHEK: 8414853765 (O) 9862130954(OC) ZUNHEBOTO: 03867 280304/101 (O) 9856156876 (OC)
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STD CODE: 0369
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2226241 2226214
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2226216 2226263 2226373/2229343
TAHAMzAM (formerly Senapati) STD CODE: 03871 Police Station: Fire Brigade
222246 222491
For details & Test drive Contact: Urban Station, Near NSC Petrol Pump, 6th Mile Dimapur. Ph No : 240994 CURRENCY EXCHANGE CURRENCY NOTES BUY(Rs) SELL(Rs) US Dollars Sterling Pound Hong Kong Dollar Australian Dollar Singapore Dollar Canadian Dollar Japanese Yen
61 99.17 7.85 53.43 47.95 54.71 55.67
61.43 100.3 7.93 54.2 48.52 55.38 56.34
The Morung Express
Friday 3 October 2014
Villagers welcome Amur Falcons back to Nagaland pANgTI, OCTOBER 2 (MExN): The villagers of Pangti and adjoining villages “formally” welcomed the Amur Falcons back to Nagaland on October 1. The programme was facilitated by the Department of Forests, Ecology, Environment & Wildlife Nagaland in collaboration with the Wokha District Administration and Wildlife Trust of India. This special welcome programme for the winged visitors was held in Pangti Village Community Hall with the Minister of Forest, Nagaland, Dr. Nicky Kire as the chief guest. On the way to Pangti Village, a watchtower cum resting shed constructed by the Forest Department to facilitate the tourists expected to come and witness the spectacular migration of the Amurs this year was inaugurated by the Minister of Forest. He also released the uniforms for the 30 member patrolling squad employed by Wildlife Trust of India.
Dr Kire said that these Amur falcons are found everywhere in Nagaland including Longleng, Dimapur, Peren, Phek and even in Northern Angami areas and the villagers should understand that it becomes almost impossible to look into the needs of every village. However, he added that the Department will try its best to look into their concerns since these are genuine. He encouraged the people to look for examples everywhere, even in Nagaland itself, and try to emulate the good ones. He further stated that Nagaland is now world famous as the “Falcon Capital of the World” and people should work together with the various departments and NGOs to ensure that no harm comes to these birds and they are able to pass through Nagaland safely. He concluded by saying that this is the very place where Amur Falcon conservation started and so it has
Minister of Forest Dr. Nicky Kire addressing the programme held to welcome the Amur falcons back to Nagaland on October 1.
to continue and the people should carry on the legacy of being “informed and advanced people” and should continue to protect and conserve these migratory birds. The programme witnessed participation from 10 villages in and around the roosting area. The Pangti Village Council thank the Forest Department for enabling their
good works to be “recognised” and thereby making them the recipient of the Governors Commendation Certificate as well as the Royal Bank of Scotland Award to be received in November. They reaffirmed their commitment to ensure a safe passage for the migratory Amur falcons and requested for infrastructure devel-
opment in their village to cater to the needs of the growing number of tourists both domestic and international. The Amur Falcon Roosting Area Union (AFRAU) of Pangti Village also committed themselves to the protection of the birds and to cooperate with the Nagaland Forest Department. They requested security of
livelihood so that the reformed hunters would not go back to their old ways for survival reasons. The representatives of Englan Range and Sungro Range consisting of nine villages (Old & New Changsu, Old & New Riphyim, Ashaa, Sungro, Okotso, Old & New Aree) said that Amur falcons do not roost on their land, still they come in plenty to feed in their area and it is imperative that even their people should be sensitized for cause of conservation. The event concluded with the screening of “Flying Free”, a documentary on Amur Falcon conservation in Nagaland created and produced by the Nagaland Forest Department and Natural Nagas. This was done with the objective of motivating the locals to keep up their good work and to remind them that there great expectations from them by the national and international communities in the field of conservation.
India Mission Summit underway in Kohima WSSU censures AR ‘unwarranted raid’
KOHIMA, OCTOBER 2 (MExN): A four day long India Mission Summit under the theme “Celebrating the past, envisioning the future” got underway here this evening at NBCC Convention Centre. The Summit is in commemoration of 200 years of the American Baptist Foreign Mission Society and 175 years of its works in India. Plenary sessions on Christian Stewardship by Raja B Singh, Human Trafficking by Pranitha Timothy and Youth and Future Leaders by Jacob Isaac will take place on October 3 starting from at 10:15 AM. The evening service which starts at 5.30 pm will features Jaksil Sangma, the women secretary of Garo Baptist Church. 1,200 Baptist delegates from Bengal- Orissa- Bihar, North East and South India will celebrate their common heritage during this Summit. Speakers during the conference will help the congregation to assess the achievements and struggles in the past and the present situation, and to recommend ways to iden-
Opening service of India Mission Summit in Kohima on October 2
tify common mission focus areas in future. The Summit is organized by American Baptist International Ministries and hosted by Nagaland Baptist Church Council (NBCC) on behalf of the Council of Baptist Churches in North East India. The main programme include morning Bible Study on the Book of Revelation; presentation on the mega trends in the 21st century India and the impact on and response from
the Indian Church; and four workshops and group discussion on human trafficking, youth and future leaders, Christian stewardship and human rights and religious liberty. The evening programmes and the Sunday Morning service will feature five speakers of different geographic and ministry backgrounds. During the Summit, eleven 5-6 minutes –video/ PPT will be shown in different schedule featuring the
main 11 main partner organizations of International Ministries in India. There will be a special cultural programme on Sunday afternoon. A resolution committee was also formed to read the papers of the presenters and to listen to the messages and sharing during the Summit. A Joint Declaration/Resolution for the conferees will be adopted in the last evening service. The Summit will continue go on till October 5.
CTSU Inter School Meet 2014 concludes CHuMuKEDIMA, OCTOBER 2 (MExN): The Chumukedima Town Students' Union (CTSU) Annual Inter School Meet 2014 was held on September 27 & 29 with Minister of Roads and Bridges & Parl. Affairs, Nagaland
with Kuzholuzo Nienu, as the chief guest and Zakie Khate, President Angami Students' Union (ASU) as the guest of Honour. Students from the 26 school of Chumukedima Town came and competed in the following events.
Painting- 1st: Patkai Hr.Sec. School; 2nd: St.Joseph Hr.Sec. School; and 3rd: Little Flower School. Quiz - 1st: Nagaland Police Central School; 2nd: Christian School; and 3rd: Godwin Hr.Sec. School.
Dance - 1st: Godwin Hr.Sec. School; 2nd: Cosmopolitan School; and 3rd: St. Joseph Hr.Sec. School. Drama - 1st: Govt. Hr.Sec. School; 2nd: Godwin Hr.Sec. School; and 3rd: Mt. Mary Hr.Sec. School.
DIMApuR, OCTOBER 2 (MExN): The Western Sumi Students’ Union (WSSU) has vehement condemned the “wanton acts” 29 Assam Rifles their “modus operandi” of human rights violation against innocent and peace loving civilians. In a letter to the Deputy Commissioner (DC) Dimapur released to the media here, the WSSU General Secretary Aito Chishi, Vicepresident Holoto Yeptho and Speaker U/A, Tokato P Awomi stated that, at the wee hours of October 1, when the officials of WSSU were having their usual meeting at its president residence at NST Colony, Dimapur, around 20 AR per-
sonals in full combat gears came without any “rhymes or reason” started searching the house and verbally abused the officials. According to the press note, when the search prove futile, the commander refuse to identify himself and forced the unit students’ leader to sign a readymade “NOC statement format” without which they refuse to let the occupants free. Beseeching the DC’s prompt action against the condemnable act of the so-called “friend of the hill people” , the WSSU urged the DC to take up the case with “higher authority” for rectification of such acts and for the safety and secutiy of general public.
YAA denounces ‘cold blooded killing’ in Kiphire DIMApuR, OCTOBER 2 (MExN): The Yimchungrü Akherü Arih-ako (YAA) has vehemently condemned the cold blooded killing of Athrenu Yimchungrü (30), Leacy Speaker, FGN Yimchungrü Region, on September 29 evening at Longya Ward Kiphire Town. In a press note through its vice president, John Beri Yim, the YAA stated that, "No motive can warrant such a shameful and inhuman deed as such act had no place in a civilized society”.Contending that the killing occurred when East-
ern Naga People Organization (ENPO) has declared peace amongst the Naga Political groups within its jurisdiction, it appeal for strongest condemnation by all sensible citizens. The YAA further urged the enforcing agency not to take the incident lightly and caught the culprits at the earliest and award befitting punishment as per the provision of the law. The YAA also conveyed their heartfelt condolence to the bereaved family members and prayer of eternal peace for the departed soul.
MEx FILE Chief Minister’s extends greetings on Durga Puja KOHIMA, OCTOBER 2 (MExN): The Chief Minister of Nagaland, T R Zeliang on Thursday extended his heartiest greetings to all on the auspicious occasion of Durga Puja. “May the festival will spread the message of peace, prosperity and goodwill among the people”, Zeliang added.
CAC Tsg conducts prog TuENsANg, OCTOBER 2 (MExN): Sponsored by Legislator’s Forum on AIDS, the Churches Alliance in Community service in Tuensang town conducted a programme among different group of stakeholder to educate and warn the new generation on the rise of HIV/AIDS. Sentila, a positive person was the speaker.
CASU and AAUDD executives meeting DIMApuR, OCTOBER 2 (MExN): Coco Area Students' Union (CASU) executives, advisor, ahuna organizing committee and AAUDD executives meeting will be held on October 4 at the residence of Vikikhe at Thilixu Block II at 3: 00 pm.
CHK convene meeting KOHIMA, OCTOBER 2 (MExN): The Chakhesang Hoho, Kohima (CHK) has convened an executive meeting on October 6 at Mount Sinai Higher Secondary School, Old Minister’s Hill, Kohima by 3.00 pm. According to a press statement issued by CHK vice president Vethikhoyi Khamo, the meeting will deliberate on the “forthcoming tenure” and development activities of the Hoho. All affiliated unit presidents have been requested to send at least two representatives for the said meeting.
EUD General Meeting DIMApuR, OCTOBER 2 (MExN): The Emlotokujo Union Dimapur (EUD) will holding a general meeting at the residence of the union Banker, Hoshito Aye at Chekiye Village, 3rd Mile Dimapur on October 4 from 2 pm. The vice president of EUD, Kahuto Chisihi requested all the office bearers, advisors, executive members and general public of Emlotokujo to attend the meeting positively in a press note received here.
Kohima police seizes ganja KOHIMA, OCTOBER 2 (MExN): Kohima police personnel posted at Khuzama police check post seized ganja, weighing about 150 kgs, on September 25 at around 11:45 pm. The contraband sealed in 15 packets was concealed inside the rear of a truck bearing registration number NL-08 A 1353, bound for Dimapur from Imphal, informed SDPO Kohima, Shouka Kakheto in a press release. The driver of the truck identified as Subhash Khadka of Lairouching Village, PO/PS- Senapati, Manipur was arrested and the vehicle seized, it informed, adding a case has been registered in this connection at Khuzama Police station for investigation.
NFA and 442 management meeting DIMApuR, OCTOBER 2 (MExN): The Nagaland Football Association and 442 Management will have a will meeting on October 10 at Ura Hotel, near Indoor Stadium, Kohima at 01:00 PM. In this regard, all the concerned members are requested to attend the same without fail.
Sumi Hoho executive meeting on Oct 8 ZuNHEBOTO, OCTOBER 2 (MExN): The Sumi Hoho has scheduled its emergency executive meeting on October 8, 10:00 am at Sumi Hoho Ki, Zunheboto “to deliberate on some important issues.” Therefore, Sumi Hoho general secretary has informed all the executive members to be present at the meeting positively.
SYO decries ‘brutal assault’ pEREN, OCTOBER 2 (MExN): The Sieyhama Youth Organisation (SYO) has strongly condemned the brutal assault meted out to one its member, Khriezotuo Thepa by a group of GPRN/NSCN Cadres under the command of Dinikam at his resident Nkio Lodi, Peren on September 27. In a press note, the SYO president, Kehounei-u Thernuo and general secretary, Mhaphruoneizo Zumu stated that Dinikam has allegedly “threaten to chop” Thepa’s head if he spread out the news and also warned him “with bullets” if he return to his place of working. The SYO has appealed the concerned authority to book the culprits and urged all the right thinking citizens to condemn the “inhuman act”.
State BJP Kicks off Bye-Election in full gear Chuchuyimlang celebrates Gandhi Jayanti ‘uniquely’ DIMApuR, OCTOBER 2 (MExN): The Nagaland State BJP party Kick-off its official Bye-Election campaign at Tuophema Village Dahou (MP Theatre), Kohima on September 30 with the State BJP President Dr. M Chuba Ao along with the BJP candidate Visasolie Lhoungu and host of party functionaries. A press communiqué from the State BJP media cell state that, while addressing the gathering of 500 people present, the President informed that the Tuophema village and Ungma village (the president native village) share a traditional relationship of brotherhood for many years past. Pointing at the Mobile tower next to the Dahou, he said, the first cellular service in the State was inaugurated by the then NDA’s PM Atal Bihari Vajpayee during his visit to the State in October, 2003. “It was a sign of the BJP commitment to bring about development in the region” he added. He assured the electorates that the new BJP Govt. at the Centre would also bring about more development to the State under the dynam-
Seen in the Picture: BJP President Dr. M Chuba Ao on the left and Visasolie,BJP candidate at the right.
ic leadership of the present PM, Narendra Modi. Disagreeing with the notion that the forthcoming bye-election to 11 Northern Angami -II Assembly Constituency is a friendly contest as the NPF party, he maintained that the NPF should have given the opportunity to the BJP party if at all they want to display the true spirit of coalition as Alliance partners as they have enough MLAs in the assembly. Stating that progress and development of the State can happen only with a better State-Centre relationship, Dr.Chuba argued that only BJP Nagaland can solve the economic stagnancy. He also added that by electing the BJP candidate in 11 Northern Angami-II A/C, the
foothold of the present MP in the Centre will become stronger and create better prospect for former Chief Minister and present MP Neiphiu Rio in the NDA government. The Vice President BJP Nagaland Unit, R. Sopu said that his withdrawal from seeking the party ticket was for the greater interest of the constituency and enable the public form a firm support and work for the victory of the BJP Party. The BJP official candidate, Visasolie Lhoungu, in his speech appealed the public to “help him to help them” by casting their votes in his favour and give him the chance to work for the people under the motto of “Development from Grassroots” and to bring changes in the constituency.
MOKOKCHuNg, OCTOBER 2 (MExN): In a marked departure from the convention of focussing only on religious functions, the Christian Education Department of Chuchuyimlang Baptist Church (CBC) celebrated 145th Gandhi Jayanti and International Day of Nonviolence on October 2, 2014 at Anu Mai Amphitheatre at Chuchuyimlang village with array of events centring on peace, universal brotherhood and development. A whole day event based on the theme of “Self Reliance”, the main attraction of the historic day was the parade of 65 Gandhi lookalikes children dressed in the trade mark Gandhi attire. A photo exhibition on the life and teachings of Mahatma Gandhi was also inaugurated on the occasion. Gandhi medallions released in 1969 to mark the Gandhi Centenary celebration were distributed to the children. The main function was graced by veteran Gandhian social worker, Natwar Thakkar, who established the Nagaland Gandhi Ashram in this tiny hamlet in the year 1955.
Children participating in 'Gandhi look-alikes' parade at the Gandhi Jayanti celebration at Chuchuyimlang village, Mokokchung on Thursday, October 2.
In his welcome address, Director of CED, CBC Kilemsungba said, “The motivation to celebrate Gandhi Jayanti came from the famous saying of Mahatma Gandhi – My life is my message. Gandhi is more relevant in the present day context, particularly to the Christian community... [The] event is also in acknowledgement of the sacrifices of Thakkar for the people of Nagaland in general and Chuchuyimlang in particular. In him, we see a glimpse of Gandhi”.
Er. Daniel Meren, Dy. Director of NIELIT, Chuchuyimlang gave an account on the life sketch on the Father of the Nation. He said that the children have more to learn from the life of Gandhiji, who being an average student, always strove to remain honest against all odds. The main speaker, S T Nokdang, SDEO, Changtongya, in his keynote address emphasised on the need for skill development in order to be self reliant. “As against the adage, Hu-
man wants are unlimited, we should be guided in our daily lives through Gandhiji’s saying – Nature has enough for human needs but not enough for human greed -in order to be self reliant and also to realise sustainable development” he said. The Chuchuyimlang Village Council (CVC) Chairman, Sanen Pongen paid rich tributes to Natwar Thakkar and Nagaland Gandhi Ashram for the dedicated and selfless services rendered to the
people. He recalled contribution of the Ashram, which throughout its existence has implemented a range of developmental initiatives in the areas of Education and Skill development, Healthcare, Agriculture and Horticulture, Cottage and Micro enterprise and mainstreaming of differently abled persons. Thakkar expressed happiness on this historic initiative of the local community. He said, “In the 59th year of my stay at Chuchuyimlang, the citizens have come forward to acknowledge the importance of the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi and it gives me immense satisfaction to see this in action”. Other activities included distribution of gifts to senior citizens of the village by Gandhi Ashram. The CVC also gave away gifts to differently abled children. The winners of the poster painting competition were also presented with prizes. The day-long celebration culminated with the screening of the Oscar winning movie “Gandhi” directed by Sir Richard Attenborough.
The Power of Truth
The Morung Express FrIDAy 3 OcTObEr 2014 vOlumE IX IssuE 272
Along Longkumer consulting Editor
Cleanliness Campaigns Using Tradition & Social Capital
he social work conducted on October 2, 2014 by the Aos under the banner of the Ao Senso Telongjem Dimapur (ASTD) needs to be applauded for the positive message it carries—cleanliness, unity, charity, compassion and the common good. Held under the theme ‘Social Work for Humanity’, the volunteers, both men and womenfolk, cleaned places of public importance frequented and used by most Nagas such as the Civil Hospital, Referral Hospital (CIHSR) and Naga Cemetery. The social work also witnessed voluntary blood donation, social awareness poster campaign and prayers for patients in hospitals. Meanwhile, to refresh public memory, this is the second mass social work undertaken by the ASTD, the earlier one conducted on the same date of October 2, 2012. At that time too, thousands of volunteers had worked along National Highway 29, from Dillai gate and Golaghat gate all the way to Chumukedima, clearing up jungles, blocked drainages, filling potholes and sweeping dirt and garbage. What is to be noted is that unlike in the past when women folks were not allowed to participate in such community gathering, it was welcome to see their involvement this time. While our traditions and customs must be preserved, we need to be open to the idea of women’s participation in the affairs of our community as equal partners and also that their voice and concern can be better heard. The other aspect that needs to be appreciated is the unity displayed by all villages coming under the six ranges of the Ao country. It shows that whatever differences that may exist we can still live in peaceful co-existence and work together on common goals. This should be a good lesson for the Naga family, that factionalism, tribalism or party politics should not come in the way of our common humanity as one people. Coming back to the cleanliness drive, much before Prime Minister Narendra Modi came up with the idea to launch a massive fiveyear Swachh Bharat Abhiyan or Clean India campaign on Mahatma Gandhi’s 145th birth anniversary, which kick-started this October 2, the Aos in Dimapur, the Nagaland Baptist Churches Council (sanitation campaign) or for that matter Nagas in general have been undertaking such cleanliness drive through community initiative. Despite shortcoming in many areas, Nagas are also known for their vibrant tradition and knowhow, the rich social capital being one of them. This should be utilized for all-round social improvement besides aiding the government in undertaking development programmes. For Nagaland and its people, we should be encouraged to build on the success of our unique development models such as communitization or the Village Development Boards (VDBs) and to work towards contributing our innate knowledge for bringing about solutions including on sanitation and hygiene. Our biggest problem is that we have cultivated this uncivilized habit of keeping our surroundings, especially public places, dirty. We spit betel juice, throw our wastes or dump garbage on public property like road, drain or open spaces. The cleanliness campaigns undertaken from time to time should not only become symbolic events but will require sustained effort of all stakeholders in making cleanliness a way of life. A community code of conduct for public hygiene could be considered while there is also an urgent need to put the right kind of dustbins in public places so that waste is not scattered but collected for easy disposal. The cleanliness campaign ‘Swachh Bharat Abhiyan’ under the Modi government will reportedly cost over Rs two lakh crore. The government of India will do well to recognize the unique social capital of communities like the Nagas and devolve programmes that can creatively use such ingenuity to good effect, which will also help save a lot of tax payer’s money. (Feedback can be sent to consultingeditormex@gmail.com)
lEfT wiNg |
Shereen Lehman Reuters Health
Spouse personality may affect career
he personalities of husbands and wives may affect their spouses' success at work, suggests a new study. Husbands and wives who were conscientious and helped create satisfying home lives for their spouses were linked to future job satisfaction, promotion and income, researchers found. “The person that you marry and spend a lot of time with . . . can influence you in a different domain,” Joshua Jackson told Reuters Health in a phone call. Jackson, a researcher at Washington University in St. Louis, co-authored the paper with Brittany Solomon, a graduate student at Washington University. “Who they are within your relationship can influence who you are at your work - even though they're not there,” he said. While past studies have found that home life can influence work life and spouses can influence job satisfaction, Jackson and Solomon say little is known about whether a spouse’s personality is linked to success on the job. For the study, which is scheduled for publication in the journal Psychological Science, the researchers used information from the Household Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia survey from 2005 through 2009. Specifically, they looked at 4,544 heterosexual, married adults ranging in age from 19 to 89 years. The participants took a series of psychological tests in 2005 that assessed five broad measures of personality: openness, extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism and conscientiousness. Over the following four years, the researchers tracked the on-the-job performance of working spouses using annual surveys designed to measure job success. The participants reported their opinions on job satisfaction, salary increases and the likelihood of being promoted. The researchers found that workers who scored highest on those measures of job success tended to have spouses with a high score for conscientiousness. The relationship was the same for both men and women. It was also true for single and dual income couples, although a partner's conscientiousness had a bigger impact on a spouse’s income when they didn’t work themselves. The researchers identified three ways by which conscientious spouses may help their mates at work. For example, Jackson said, conscientious spouses are hard working, efficient and able to complete several chores around the house and other responsibilities outside their mate’s job. "And as a result you have more free time or more mental energy and you can use that to recover from a hard day at work,” he said, adding that some people could use that time to work more. “But the idea is that you're able to not be bogged down by extra responsibilities outside of one’s occupation,” he said. Another possibility is that the workers pick up on their spouse’s good behavior, Jackson said. The other possibility is that people who have conscientious partners tend to have better relationships throughout their lives, he added. Jackson said that more work is needed to know for sure what is behind the link. The results confirm the parental guidance that it’s better to marry a person who is conscientious than beautiful, Dr. Emanuel Maidenberg told Reuters Health in a phone call. Maidenberg, who wasn’t involved with the new study, is director of the Cognitive Behavior Therapy Clinic at the University of California, Los Angeles. He believes a person modeling their spouse’s behaviors is likely the driving force behind the link. “We tend to model behaviors, so if I'm in a relationship with somebody and specifically more so if I respect that person, then I am likely to start doing things in a way that will simulate what they do,” he said. Maidenberg added that it becomes a process of developing new habits that are functional, helpful and productive. “It seems like this is something that happens as a side effect of being in a relationship that is close and intimate,” he said. “You start doing things either to compliment your partner or to repeat their behaviors and this is how we develop habits that seem then to slip into the working environment.”
Stephan Brües Waging Nonviolence
How a Latin American peace group has persevered 40 years
las Garcia Noriega, a small man who wears glasses, is thoughtful and vivid, especially when he talks about his activities with Servicio Paz y Justicia, or SERPAJ. Founded 40 years ago in Medellin, Colombia, SERPAJ promotes nonviolent resistance and peaceful conflict resolutions throughout Latin America. “SERPAJ is not an NGO, but a social movement,” Garcia said. “We are doing big things with little resources.” In words like these, it is possible to hear the challenges of this kind of work and the pride he takes in doing it. Peace activists like Garcia who oppose all forms of violence — whether from the state, guerrillas, drug sellers or other militias — are caught between many armed groups in Colombia. Among the efforts SERPAJ supports is the Alternative to Violence Project, which works to address all forms of personal violence and is being implemented globally, especially by Quakers. Wherever it operates, however, the cultural and political backgrounds of the people it works with are always considered. “Of course these people have never heard about Gandhi or Martin Luther King before,” Garcia said with a smile, referring to the fact that many are too poor to have received a proper education. “But they know the spiritual background of nonviolence, the unity and equality of people and the harmony with nature. So, it is not that we teach them, but we learn from them.” Violence is a tool that is used on every level of society and it creates trauma in victims and culprits alike. “This is the reason why we are working with all of them,” Garcia said, “and also go into prison to heal the culprits.” Linking personal and political life For SERPAJ, nonviolent means of conflict resolution are not only important for personal life, but they are the most effective means for resisting political and economic repression. “We have learned from Jean Goss and Hildgard Goss-Mayr [from the International Fellowship of Reconciliation], from the theologians of liberation and from many indigenous and campesino movements that only nonviolent resistance could lead to a better future for the population,” said Anna Juanche, a coordinator for SERPAJ. “Goss-Mayr has told us that revolutionary activities should be nonviolent in order to break the spiral of violence, of reaction and counter-reaction.” On the other hand, Juanche explained that the experiences of social movements with political power have shown the people that they cannot trust politicians, even when they have risen from social movements, like the governments of Brazil or Bolivia. People must always engage in the difficult work of changing themselves and their society. “Nonviolence is a way of life, not just a tool,” declared Garcia. Learning nonviolent means of dealing with conflicts and overcoming trauma, mistrust and feelings of guilt takes a long time. In cities like Medellin, most people live in harsh conditions and struggle for survival. Mistrust is a consequence of criminality and a trigger for continual violence. “We have to break this circle,” Garcia said. “Building trust in oneself and others is the first step that we go into in our basic trainings.” Working against violence usually involves talking about personal experiences — about influences of families and peer groups — and about social injustice that often is the root cause of violence. What is important is sharing stories so that people do not feel alone and recognize that they can connect to others with similar experiences. And sharing personal experiences means breaking through mistrust in others and creating a sense of community. Healing trauma Although SERPAJ’s workshops deal with very seri-
HE trouble began in 2009, on a rickety boat in the Peruvian Amazon. As I relaxed with a beer, my friend Fiorella snapped my picture with my phone. “Oh!” she said. “That’s a Facebook profile photo for sure!” And it was. That started my varsity-level Facebooking — Facebooking as a verb, a premeditated crime against spontaneity. I drafted posts, and timed them for publication to maximize traffic (3 p.m. Eastern time caught people returning from lunch while nabbing West Coasters just beginning their break). Friends noted, with mixed subtext, that I was the most active user they knew. “I’m sure it gets exhausting,” one said. The shame began in 2012, when a friend at Yahoo told his brother, who told me: “You know whose Facebook game is on point? Richard Morgan.” Ugh. A knack for Facebook is like a knack for being the 20th caller and winning the Katy Perry tickets: There are no real winners. Like any addiction, mine crept up on me. I got my first Facebook friend on June 11, 2007 (hi, Cyrus!) but didn’t write my first status update until Sept. 17 of that year: “Richard is psyched to show his little brother around the city.” (Back then, you had to refer to yourself in the third person.) Facebook has tipped me off to viral stories. It’s gotten me dates. It’s reconnected me with classmates and co-workers. A major league baseball player friend-requested me. On Facebook Messenger, I’ve chatted with City Council members and the Winklevoss twins. Facebook is how I learned that Maya Angelou, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson, Gabriel García Márquez and Robin Williams had all died — and it helped me mourn them. It’s how I know when it’s raining in Los Angeles. Or when the sun sets in Brooklyn.
As part of peace education youth are painting walls with peace symbols.
ous and emotional experiences, they have their elements of joy and togetherness. “We are working with exercises in teams and trust building,” Garcia explained. “And we are using elements of Theater of the Oppressed by Augusto Boal. Loosening up is important to get into the mood of sharing personal stories.” In daily life, communication is important for preventing violent conflicts. Therefore learning about the unintended results of certain forms of verbal or non-verbal communication is a necessary tool. The next step during the workshops addresses this need by focusing on healing trauma. “Here victims are dealing with the traumas that violence has caused them, but culprits also are confronted with the stories of victims,” Garcia said. Culprits are not blamed, but invited to let themselves into the stories of victims, and then to explain why they have acted violently toward others. “Usually, at the end of the workshop, there is a ritual of remission between people and an oath to treat other people with respect.” People will not change the society if they have not changed themselves and their attitudes and mode of communication, Garcia said. Creative political action Activists like Garcia are not just engaged in workshops, but also doing explicitly political work. He vividly recounted creative activities against militarization in Medellin. When the Colombian military does its regular marches on July 20, the country’s independence day, SERPAJ and other groups working against militarism organize their own “March for Life” with music, dance and puppets against conscription and the forced recruiting of youth. They have used forms of theater in the metro of Medellin to initiate discussions about violence or militarism. SERPAJ Colombia has supported conscientious objectors and the peace communities of San José Apartado, who fight for the right not to be drawn into
the conflict by any armed groups. It also offers workshops on nonviolent action, observes peace processes and demonstrations in order to prevent them from turning violent, and is engaged in peace education. How Latin America has changed Since the transitions to democracy and election of leftist presidents throughout South America, the region appears to have improved, explained Patricio Labra Guzmán from Chile, the coordinator of SERPAJ Latin America. But the dictatorships forced countries to implement neoliberal economic policies, which many of these progressive governments have largely continued. “The World Cup in Brazil is the best example of this,” Guzmán said. “Billions of dollar went to a corrupt FIFA and multinational corporations.” On the other hand, social and land conflicts are vibrant, especially in Paraguay. In 2012, indigenous communities in Curuguaty were evicted from their ancestral lands by force because an agro-industrial company claimed the land for itself. Eleven people and six policeman were killed during the eviction. Some small farmers went on hunger strike in December 2012, after being arrested and presumably tortured by police. In February 2014, with their legal case still unsettled, five peasants accused of taking part in the deadly clashes in 2012, began another hunger strike in jail. “We were supporting them, because in a state of injustice you might need an extreme and painful action of hunger strike to achieve a life of dignity and freedom,” Labra said. On April 13, they ended their 58-day hunger strike, after they were taken to house arrest. While this marked a small success, an even more significant victory was won in June 2014, when the president of Paraguay returned over 34,000 acres of ancestral land to the indigenous Sawhoyamaxa community after positive decisions in both chambers of parliament and years of conflict. “There are some steps forward,” Labra said, “and some backward in Latin American politics.”
Kicking the Facebook Habit richard morgan NYT And I have a core group of friends there who are extremely kind. If a tree falls in the woods and nobody is there to hear it, my friend Lila will nonetheless like it and leave a comment. But the more bits of myself that I broadcast on Facebook, the more those bits metastasized, turning me into what people call our “Facebook self,” connecting with “Facebook friends.” When virality is a virtue, we all aspire to be Typhoid Mary, the patient zero who made Throwback Thursday, or the Ice Bucket Challenge, happen. In July, I posted 159 times to my 2,308 friends, or about five posts a day (peaking at 12), and got a total of 1,110 “likes,” or about seven per post (peaking at 228). Sometimes I commented on or liked my own posts, a pathetic kind of Freudian Möbius strip. There were two days in July when I didn’t post at all, but that chastity was undone by sharing videos posted by Diddy and Joseph GordonLevitt, a Barack Obama Throwback Thursday photo, and a status update by the astronomer Neil deGrasse Tyson. I was an old lady working the social-media slot machine. And my own likes felt perfunctory, never more so than my compulsion to like all the birthday notices posted on my page. Loading Facebook began to feel a lot like opening my inbox: lots of flotsam and jetsam. It ended like any relationship does: bit by bit, then all at once. I wanted out from under Facebook’s thumb. So in mid-August, I deactivated my pro-
file. (This can be undone at any time, unlike permanently deleting an account, a step that gives users 14 days to change their minds, and that I’m hesitant, for now, to take.) When my friends tried to check in on me, they saw only an Error 404-style page. A typical note from an over-30 friend was “Are you O.K.?” A typical under-30 note was “Did you block me on Facebook?” Their self-centered hysteria only amplified my abstinence. In our age of so-called social media, my act is inexcusably antisocial. I don’t tumble, tweet or Instagram. I am not linked in, nor have I pinned a pin on Pinterest. But no Facebook? Even in our most secluded moments, Facebook puts the spite in respite; we are expected to brag-post our feet on a lounge chair on some Greek isle, or our wet baby moments after its birth. It’s an orgy of insistent intimacy. I ached to abstain. Abstinence means nothing without temptation. During my hermitage, I’ve attended a free comedy show where Jim Gaffigan, Amy Schumer and Hannibal Buress gave surprise performances. I’ve been to a countryside wedding replete with colored smoke, homemade rockets and a 1-year-old’s first steps. I’ve dressed so well for a job interview that someone, not a bum, stopped me and asked me for a job in “asset management.” I’ve spied a pineapple on a lawn at Washington Square Park, the kind of onlyin-Manhattan quirkiness reserved for “How I Met Your Mother”; I told no-
body, although I have the photos. After I quit Facebook, statuses and posts tingled my fingertips, with nowhere to go. I realized how many photos I had taken more for Mark Zuckerberg’s sake than for my own. (But when God closes a Facebook window, he opens a text message. I’ve been on my smartphone more, slapping my patent-pending electronic high-five left and right: o/\o.) I caught myself watching folks in parks and subways looking at Facebook, so many blue-lit zombie stares. I guess that works for them, I told myself with my jealous-ex snark. It reminded me of my sister, who once eschewed meat and began calling it “carcass.” I wanted to scream, “Soylent Green”-style, “Facebook is made of people! Peeeeeople!” Truth be told, I missed being among the like-minded. If you fall deep enough down the well of likes upon likes, you can like anything, believe anything. Maybe you are that “Mad Men” character. Thanks to the likes — and “likes” — of James Franco, et al., Facebook brims with a billion do-it-yourselfie performance artists, turning our Fear of Missing Out into the fear of being missed. Facebook makes us all thumbsuckers. Others might like to their heart’s content but Facebook feels done for me. (Lo, a quandary: Do I reactivate my account to post this essay?) If I return, it’ll be with post-Lent shakiness: I know I can get by without it. The spell has been broken. Friends ask “What happened?” as if breakups always require conflict. Meh. As far as Facebook knows, I went out for groceries and never came back. Instead of posting a photo of the wedding I attended, and hoping he’d see it, I texted it to my friend Abdul. He wrote back something even a billion blue thumbs can’t express: “Love it.”
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3 OctOber 2014
RURAL DEVELOPMENT AND RURAL WOMEN: AN OVERVIEW Dr. Amod Sharma Head, Department of Agricultural Economics Nagaland University, SASRD Medziphema: Campus, Nagaland
omen comprise nearly half of the national population of a country. Globalization provided opportunities of education and employment to urban women and helped them to develop and posses all the rights equally with men. However, the women in rural areas are still lagging in education, social status, economic background, political matters, etc. and development of the country is patently linked with the status of development of rural women. Economic empowerment is one approach to enable women realize their inherent knowledge, skills and competences for creation of small business enterprises. There are shining examples from the developing countries to illustrate women entrepreneurs who started small and grew to large enterprises. Women are considered as the focal point and unifying force in the family. While their contribution to the family and society is considerable, they are subjected to numerous constraints undermining their potentials. They receive only small share in development opportunities and are often excluded from education, better jobs, participation in political system and better health care, decision making, etc. Besides, they suffer from physiological, social and cultural barriers, which hinder their empowerment. In rural areas, women are preoccupied with mostly household work-including the bearing and rearing of children. Accordingly, the opportunities for improving their conditions are limited. The Government of India and state governments have formulated social welfare, women empowerment and rural development policies for the betterment of women, backward classes and vulnerable groups. These schemes are discussed as under. Welfare Schemes of Government for rural women Following are a few Government Schemes, which aimed at empowerment of women, social welfare
and rural development in different aspects: (a). Integrated Development Programme (IRDP), (b). Development of Women and Children in Rural Areas (DWRCA), (c). Training of Rural Youth for SelfEmployment (TRYSEM), (d). Jawahar Rozgar Yojana (JRY), (e). Professional Women’s Development Network (PWDN), (f ). Karnataka Mahila Abhivarudhi Yojne (KMAY), (g). Streeshkti Programme, (h). National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA), (i). Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY), (j). Indiara Awas Yojana (IAY), (k). Swarnajayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY), (l). Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar Yojana (SGRY), (m). National Food for Work Programme (NFFWP), (n). Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojana (SJSRY) and (o). 15. Valmiki Ambedkar Awas Yojana (VAMBAY). A field survey work carried out by the author and research students with the help of structure survey schedule for the collection of data from 120 numbers of respondents by following the purposive random sampling methods from Dimapur and Kohima district during the academic year 2013-14. Based on the past studies the collected data was analyzed, interpreted and discussed for drawing the meaningful results. There are many selfemployment schemes for both men and women and also women empowerment schemes, which helped both men and women in rural areas to engage themselves in active income generation activities. Amongst the ongoing self-employment and women empowerment schemes for the respondents (all rural women), Stree Shakti Yojana is the most popular (frequency 114 and percentage 95) and NREGS is a less popular scheme (frequency 21and percentage 17.5) While from other set of data it was clear that after collecting information on awareness on the rural development, self-employment and women empowerment schemes, the respondents were asked on whether they have got benefit from these schemes. The collected information shows almost similar frequency. Of course, government formulated many policies and schemes to promote employment of the rural people in general and rural women in particular. But
still many of the women in rural areas are not aware about these programmes and schemes. Table 1. Government is Formulating Policies to solve Problems of Rural Areas and Rural Women Particulars
Don’t know / Can’t Say 13
(Sharma A. 2014. Field survey data) Table 1 reveals that it is satisfactory to note that as agreed by majority of the respondents, government is formulating policies to solve the problems of rural areas and rural women. Suggestions (i) Need to increase awareness about self-employment, rural development and women empowerment programmes among rural women, (ii) It is suggested to increase the financial outlay for encouraging employment opportunities in rural areas and (iii) It is highly recommended to encourage the small scale and cottage industries in the rural areas for the betterment and welfare of rural women. In general, it can be concluded that the central and the state governments have initiated and executed effectively self-employment and women empowerment programmes for development in the rural areas. But it is noted that still major portion of the rural population, especially women are unaware about these policies and programmes. So, awareness and knowledge of rural women on these women empowerment, employment and rural development policies is required through the voluntary organizations and Non-Government Organization. The rural development, women empowerment and employment generation policies discussed above are of immense help for the rural women so as to start income generating activities independently or give at least 100 days of employment for the rural women.
inger (Zingiber officinale) is one of the most popular and widely grown spices in the world. India is the leading country in ginger production. More than 70 per cent of total ginger production takes place in the North-East India. The crop is victim of many diseases and pests, which causes severe loss in yield. Among the various factors, bacterial wilt caused by bacteria (Ralstonia solanacearum) and rhizome rot caused by R. solanacearum and Pythium sps. are major limiting factors for lower productivity of the crop. Symptoms: The first conspicuous symptom of bacterial wilt is mild droop-
ing and curling of leaf margins of the lower leaves. Yellowing starts from the lowermost leaves and gradually progresses to the upper leaves. Water soaked spots appear at the collar region of the pseudostem and progresses upwards and downwards. The vascular tissues of the affected pseudostems show dark streaks. The affected pseudostem and rhizome when pressed gently extrudes milky ooze. Finally, the plants exhibit severe yellowing, wilting and collapse. Management: To combat the limitation of chemicals, presently plant disease management has been directed towards the environmentally safe and economically feasible bio-intensive strategy as the alternative means. Biological control is the best way to manage the crop pests as it checks pests by their own antagonists in an eco-friendly manner.
Weather based integrated agro advisory for the month of September
The application of biocontrol agents like Pseudomonas fluorescens, Trichoderma viride and Metarhizium anisopliae based bio-formulations prepared with talcum powder or vermicompost, applied as seed treatment and soil application or combination of both can be better biocontrol option for management of bacterial wilt of ginger and for production of organic ginger. For seed treatment, ginger rhizomes should be washed properly with clean water. A paste solution of each substrate based formulation should be prepared by mixing 1 kg of the formulation in 2 lit of water. To these paste slurry of the formulations, cleaned rhizomes are dipped @ 1 kg/10 lit of paste solution for 1 h to coat the rhizomes with the formulations. The coated rhizomes are
then removed from the slurry and spread in a cool and dry place (under shade for overnight) for drying. For soil application, each of the substrate based formulations is to be mixed with vermicompost/dry cowdung @ 1:10 ratio (1 kg formulation with 10 kg vermicompost or dry cowdung). The mixture is applied @ 100 gm/plant after 90 days of sowing, at the base of the plants. After application of the formulation, it is covered with organic mulches to protect from direct exposure to sunlight. It is found that there are also some biological properties of antagonists which enhance the growth and health of the plants along with combating the diseases. By this way we can minimize the bacterial diseases of ginger to some extent and get healthy organic ginger.
FALSE SMUT OF RICE CAN BE MENACE? E. Lireni Kikon1 and Tasvina R. Borah2 1. SMS (Plant Protection), KVK Longleng 2. Scientist (Plant Pathology), ICAR Nagaland Centre, Jharnapani, Medziphema
above and literally from between them. The disease is usually sporadic in a field and also Crops Advisories on an individual ear only a few grains are affected. However, in severe attacks many such 1 Vegetables For vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower, knolkhol, brocballs may aggregate together. Florets beside coli, radish, tomato nursery preparation should be started the balls may remain sterile giving chaffiness and arrangement for quality seeds should be done. alse smut caused by fungus (UstilagiSuitable varieties for our region: noides virens) occurs in almost all the to the panicle. 1. Cabbage – Green express (Hybrid), Rareball (Hyrice growing areas of the world. It affects brid), Pride of India (OP). rice panicles and is known to cause up to 44 2. Broccoli – Pushpa, princess. per cent loss. In the recent years the disease 3. Tomato – Pusa ruby, Arka vikash, Punjab swari. has emerged as one of the most devastating 4. Knolkhol – White Vienna. grain disease. In India the disease has been 5. Radish – Japanese white, Pusa chetki. observed in severe form since 2001 in major 6. Pea – Arkel Spread well decomposed cowdung 5 to 6 tones per rice growing states. In Nagaland, this disease hectare for the main field and mix it well in the soil by has been observed in some district both uncultivating the field. Keep the field clean by collecting der Jhum and Wet Terrace Rice Cultivation Symptoms – Jhum Symptoms - WTRC the stubbles and unwanted materials. (higher in WTRC) which has been gradually 2 Cucurbita- Crop rotation with non-cucurbitaceous crops should be increasing and spreading to other areas. The pathogen also survives through alterceous crops done as it helps in controlling many pest and diseases. nate host like barnyard grass (Echinochloa Economic importance 3 Toria Field preparation should be started for toria and arcrusgalli), common rice weed (Digitaria The disease causes both quantitative rangement for quality seeds should be done. marginata) etc. M-27, TS-36 and TS-38 are some of the varieties and qualitative losses. The losses in grain recommended for our region. yield occur due to chaffiness, reduction in Factors favouring the disease 4 Jhum Paddy Ensure uniform drying of the grains to avoid hot and test weight and sterility of the spikelets. The High relative humidity, low temperature (post harvest) wet spots and mechanical damage due to handling. yield losses have been estimated to vary and rainfall accompanied by cloudy days Avoid excessive drying of paddy to avoid breakage of between 0.2% - 49% in different states of during flowering favoured disease. the grains. the country. The chlamydospores (asexual The number of rainy days during flowerAvoid the losses in threshing and winnowing by betspore) also contaminate the rice grains and ing period influenced the disease inciter mechanical methods. straws with their antimitotic cyclic peptides dence more than the amount of rainfall. Follow sanitation during drying, milling and after millcompounds, which are poisonous to both Application excessive dose of nitrogenous ing to avoid contamination of grains and protect from human and animals. fertilizer particularly at flowering stage also insects, rodents and birds. play important role in increasing the sus5 Citrus leaf Citrus leaf miner moths are attracted to new flush of Damage Symptoms ceptibility of the plant against false smut. miner citrus trees. Avoid pruning live branches more than Symptoms are visible after flowering only. once a year, so that the cycles of flushing are uniform The effects of the pathogens on the host are Management and short. Once the leaves harden, the pest will not be visible when the parasite grows in the ova- • Sowing date and heading period of rice able to mine the leaves. Do not prune off leaves damry of the individual kernels and transforms could be planned to escape severe damaged by citrus leaf miner because undamaged areas them into large, velvety, green balls which are age. of the leaves continue to produce food for the tree. sometimes more than twice the diameter of • Avoid infected seeds for sowing. Livestock normal grain. At first the balls are small and • At the time of harvesting the diseased • Farmers are advised to administer proper vaccination schedule remain confined between the glumes. They plants should be removed first so that to protect their cattle from viral and bacterial diseases and should contact the nearest concerned authorities. gradually enlarge and become 1 cm or more sclerotia do not fall on the ground. • Organic manure/ cattle manure may be applied @ 2 ton per ha in diameter enclosing the floral parts. Young • Cultural practices like bunds and fields to maintain the natural productivity of the ponds. To avoid losses, spore ball is flattened, smooth, light yellow in cleaning reduce the incidence as the disease avoid application of manure at maximum water depth. colour and is covered by a membrane which has been reported on some of the weeds. • Prevailing high humidity may cause ammonia fumes which irritate burst later. The colour changes to orange, yelFalse smut of rice once considered a less the respiratory tract and eyes of the poultry. Good ventilation lowish green, green, olive green, and finally significant disease, now seems to be gaining provides a comfortable environment without draft. Farmers are to greenish-black. Inside the ball, the colour importance and if conducive climatic conadvised to provide clean drinking water round the clock and water is orange yellow on the periphery and nearly ditions prevail in the years to come it might troughs/ feeders should be regularly cleaned. Antibiotics or other white in centre. Although an affected glume is emerge as a threat to this rice belt. Therefore stress medications may be added to water if desired. encircled by the fungus, in mild infections it appropriate preventive and curative meaAgro Met Field Unit remains unaffected and is found closely stick- sures taken at the right time can keep the disICAR, Jharnapani, Medziphema ing to the centre of the ball which bursts out ease below the threshold level.
IMPORTANCE OF RAINWATER HARVESTING Christy B.K. Sangma (Scientist) and K. Vikramjeet (SRF)
ICAR Nagaland Centre, Jharnapani, Medziphema
t was observed last year i.e. 2013 the total rainfall received in Nagaland was 1670.70 mm and the rainy days during the year was only 99 days that is equivalent to 3 months. The amount of rainfall that we received in this state is quite high comparing to the long term national average i.e. 89 cm (890 mm). But inspite of the fact that we received high rainfall we suffer from severe water scarcity during winter. Majority of the population in the state depend on the underground water for daily water requirements. But that too during winter goes deep as the groundwater table is falling. With the current situation of global warming it is expected that the rainfall will not be normal i.e. the distribution pattern of the rainfall will be abnormal some places might experience flood like situations on the other hand some places might not receive a single drop of rainfall. In Northeast we are recognized for being poor in management of water resources and as far as groundwater is concern if not used in controlled manner may result into hydrological imbalance, deterioration of water quality and high energy will be required for pumping it to bring it to the surface. So age old practice of rainwater harvesting is the best option for collection of water for future use. Rainwater harvesting is catching the water where it falls and conserve it for various purposes, it includes conserving water through watershed management, from rooftops, storage in small tanks, farm ponds and jalkunds as rain is our primary source of water and all the secondary sources like rivers, lakes and groundwater are dependent on rain as primary source. The aim of water harvesting is to provide water for drinking and farming, especially for life-saving irrigation, and to increase groundwater recharge. Rainwater harvesting Rainwater harvesting can be for many purposes. One purpose is for the direct use i.e. for domestic uses, drinking water for livestock, for fishery, duckery and giving irrigation for the agricultural crops. Other purpose of harvesting is for recharging the ground water and recycling it. Some of the structures/methods use for both the purposes is listed below: Storage of water for direct use:-In this method rain water collected is diverted to a storage tank. The storage tank has to be designed according to the water requirements, rainfall and catchment availability and this can be achieved by various methods. (i) Farm Ponds:- A portion of the excess runoff water after allowing maximum in situ moisture conservation is collected in farm ponds. As far as possible the pond should be located in the lower patches of the field to facilitate better storage and less seepage losses. A farm pond of 150 m3 capacity with side slopes of 1.5: 1 is sufficient for each hectare of catchments area. The farm ponds may be circular, square or rectangular, plastic lined or concrete. (ii) Jalkunds: Jalkund is the direct water catch pit for storing rainwater in undulating topography for crop establishment. For construction of jalkund, bed and sides of the kund are levelled properly by removing rocks, stones or other projections and properly smoothened by plastering with a mixture of clay and cow dung in the ratio of 5:1. After clayplastering, about 3–5 cm thick cushioning is done with locally and easily available dry crop residue followed by laying down of 250 mm LDPE agri-film which check the seepage loss throughout the year. A 25 x 25 cm trench is dug out all around the kund and 25 cm outer edge of agri-film is buried in the soil so that the film is tightly bound from all around. At the same time side channels all along the periphery of the kund help to divert the surface run-off and drain out excess rainwater flow. Jalkund is then covered with thatch (5-8cm thick) made of locally available bamboo and grass. (iii) Rooftop rainwater harvesting: In rooftop harvesting, the roof becomes the catchments, and the rainwater is collected from the roof of the house/building. It can either be stored in a tank or diverted to artificial recharge system. This method is less expensive and very effective and if implemented properly helps in augmenting the ground water level of the area. (iv) Inter plot/insitu water harvesting: - In this method harvested water is directed to the crop. This method is suitable for area where rainfall is scanty. In this technique a portion of the area is cultivated & remaining area is used for harvesting water. Usually the uncultivated area is compacted or treated in such a way that runoff would be induced. Such method is suitable for arid regions. Recharging ground water aquifers: Ground water aquifers can be recharged by various kinds of structures to ensure percolation of rainwater in the ground instead of draining away from the surface. Commonly used recharging methods are: a) Recharging of bore wells: Rainwater collected from rooftop of the building is diverted through drainpipes to settlement or filtration tank. After settlement filtered water is diverted to bore wells to recharge deep aquifers. Abandoned bore wells can also be used for recharge. b) Recharge Pits: Recharge pits are small pits of any shape rectangular, square or circular, contracted with brick or stone masonry wall with weep hole at regular intervals. Bottom of pit is filled with filter media. Usually the dimensions of the pit may be of 1 to 2 m width and 2 to 3 m deep. These pits are suitable for recharging of shallow aquifers, and small houses. c) Soak away or Recharge Shafts: Soak away or recharge shafts are provided where upper layer of soil is alluvial or less pervious. These are bored hole of 30 cm dia. up to 10 to 15 m deep. Bore should be lined with slotted/perforated PVC pipe to prevent collapse of the vertical sides. d) Recharging of dug wells: Dug well can be used as recharge structure. Rainwater from the rooftop is diverted to dug wells after passing it through filtration bed. e) Recharge Trenches: Recharge trench is provided where upper impervious layer of soil is shallow. It is a trench excavated on the ground and refilled with porous media like pebbles, boulder or brickbats. Bore wells can also be provided inside the trench as recharge shafts to enhance percolation. The recharge trench can be of size 0.50 to 1.0 m wide and 1.0 to 1.5 m deep. f) Percolation tanks: Percolation tanks are artificially created surface water bodies, submerging a land area with adequate permeability to facilitate sufficient percolation to recharge the ground water. Percolation tanks should be built in gardens, open spaces and roadside green belts of urban area. The above mentioned methods are the simplest way of harvesting the rainwater as well as recharging the groundwater. Truly, rainwater harvesting provides an independent water supply to each household and a number of significant economic, social and environmental benefits can also be accomplished. The water provided by rain is also safe and it is also sustainable source of quality water if it is captured and stored in a correct manner.
The Morung Express in collaboration with the ICAR Research Complex for North Eastern Hill Region, Nagaland Centre will be publishing articles with regard to Agriculture and the farming community on the first Friday of every month.
Friday 3 October 2014
The Morung Express
Anger mounts as Kashmir floodwaters subside SRINAGAR, OctObeR 2 (AP): As floodwaters ripped through Indian-controlled Kashmir, Abdul Majeed spent five days holed up with his family in their attic, watching helplessly as army helicopters plucked tourists from hotel rooftops and government boats ferried officials to safety. “We shouted and signaled, but they ignored us,” the businessman said. The water has mostly receded, but Majeed’s anger has not. He vows to participate in antiIndia protests, dozens of which erupt daily, blocking the few roads that remain usable. “It’s clear to me that India treats Kashmiris as secondclass citizens,” Majeed said. Flooding in this conflictwracked Himalayan region in early September killed 281 people, destroyed at least 100,000 homes and caused an estimated $17 billion in damage. Hundreds of thousands of people may still be homeless by December, when temperatures typically dip below freezing. Kashmiris’ fury over what they view as a woefully inadequate government response is reviving calls for independence, tapping decades of animosity that fueled a 25-year separatist battle and an Indian military crackdown that left tens of thousands dead in the mostly Muslim region. Four weeks after the worst of the flooding, many of Kashmir’s villages and neighborhoods in the main city of Srinagar remain under several feet of water. Mountains of mud, garbage and abandoned cars line the roadsides. The stench of rotting animals hangs heavy in the air. Kashmiris have provided much of the flood relief on their own. Community kitch-
In this Wednesday, October 1, photo, a car lies in the debris of a house washed away by severe flooding in Srinagar. Four weeks after the worst of the flooding that killed 281 people, destroyed at least 100,000 homes and cause an estimated $ 17 billion in damage, many of Kashmir’s villages and neighborhoods in the main city of Srinagar remain under several feet of water. Mountains of mud, garbage and abandoned cars line the roadsides. The stench of rotting animals hangs heavy in the air. (AP Photo)
ens have fed tens of thousands, Kashmiri doctors working abroad have come home to help, and some 80 civic organizations, including many anti-India groups, have banded together under the umbrella Kashmir Relief Coordination. The Indian government has helped, but Kashmiris say it has tried to take too much credit. The army and government rescued some 250,000 people who were marooned, but Kashmiris note that local volunteers and aid groups rescued another million. “The state and army are even trying to appropriate our relief camps by filming them. That’s why we had to put up green flags,” local volunteer Mohammed Sadiq said at one volunteer relief camp embla-
zoned with a banner that read “Self-help is our duty. Self-determination is our right.” Political science professor Noor Mohammed Baba of Kashmir University said India promoted the army as the people’s savior in time of disaster, missing the greater picture of devastation and losing a “massive opportunity to bridge old gaps.” “India’s response to this unprecedented tragedy has reinforced Kashmiri nationalism and people’s mistrust in Indian rule,” he said. Both India and Pakistan claim Kashmir in its entirety, while each has administered a part of it since both countries gained independence in 1947. On the Indian side, an armed rebellion that erupted in 1989 has largely been suppressed,
later,” Hooda said. Still, India declined an offer from the United Nations to help. “They’re neither doing enough themselves nor allowing international aid. Four weeks have passed. There are only promises,” local aid worker Nissar Ahmed said at a roadside medical camp in Srinagar. In the immediate aftermath, Prime Minister Narendra Modi approved $1.83 billion in rescue and relief funds, but Kashmir’s finance department said Tuesday that no aid money had been released to the region’s coffers. Kashmir is now spending $100 million from its own relief budget. Indian workers have 200 water pumps working around the clock, and they’re distributing free food rations from dozens of relief tents. But many locals, who have long resented New Delhi’s control over the region, say it is too little, too late. Indian politicians have been scrambling to reassure and pla-
cate Kashmiris. The leader of India’s opposition Congress party, Sonia Gandhi, went on an aid mission to the region Monday, along with other top party members, including her son, Rahul. The region’s High Court on Tuesday ordered the state government to answer allegations of negligence in following flood protocols. With relief efforts still focused on sheltering victims and clearing debris, officials say it will be months before they can even look to rebuilding. The state is trying to help by offering discounted construction material “in view of nearing winter,” administrator Rohit Kansal said, but the first priority is still pumping water out of low-lying neighborhoods. That could leave hundreds of thousands homeless as winter falls over this Himalayan territory, with biting temperatures and snowstorms that render many roads impassable. Overnight temperatures already are
dropping to about 11 degrees Celsius (54 Fahrenheit). Many are able to stay with relatives or friends on higher ground, but tens of thousands could still be stuck in relief tents unless new structures are built quickly. “We don’t have anything else to lose, except our lives in the already cold weather,” said schoolteacher Muneer Ahmed, now sharing a tent with his parents, wife and two children. Their tent stands with two dozen others, each housing a family, on the outskirts of Srinagar. There are no bathrooms; a yellow tarp wrapped around a small stand of trees serves as a makeshift toilet. Every day, Ahmed has walked the kilometer (half-mile) to his flooded home to see if officials have pumped the water from the neighborhood. Every day, he has walked home disappointed, and increasingly bitter. “I know there are no quick fixes,” Ahmed said. “Yet again the government has failed us.”
but anti-Indian sentiment still runs deep. Anger flared within days after the floods. Even as Indian relief workers were passing out food rations, they faced a barrage of rocks and insults hurled by Kashmiri flood victims. Officials admit they were unprepared for the disaster. “The scale was so enormous that it was not possible to reach out to all areas. Whatever could be done, we tried to do,” Indian army’s commander of northern regions, Lt. Gen. D.S. Hooda, said on Monday. He added that 100 military bases, including army headquarters in Srinagar, were under water. “We had to rescue our soldiers first. You first have to get Kashmiri nomads walk past a pile of garbage dumped by the roadside as flood waters recede in parts yourself in order to help others of Srinagar. (AP Photo)
Sahara chief Subrata Roy back Pakistan says Kashmir a ‘legal ‘Zero-tolerance against any kind of targeting’ in jail cell, hotel deal uncertain issue’; demands plebiscite New DelhI/MUMbAI, OctObeR 2 (ReUteRS): Subrata Roy, the jailed head of Sahara conglomerate, is back in a cell after living in a makeshift prison office for two months while working on the sale of three luxury hotels in New York and London, a deal that is still hanging. The Supreme Court had allowed the tycoon to use an office, phone, Internet connection and three secretaries in the Delhi prison to facilitate the sale of three hotels including Grosvenor House in London and the Plaza in New York. Roy needs to raise 100 billion rupees ($1.6 billion) from the hotel sales to have a chance of obtaining release on bail. He has been moved back to a cell after a court-imposed deadline for the use of the office expired, although the businessman had requested more time, Tihar Jail spokesman Mukesh Prasad said. “He was asking officials. We told him we don’t have the power to extend those facilities,” the
spokesman said. said. “Roy and his team are Roy was jailed for con- working hard and trying their tempt of court in March amid best even in wake of the current restrictions that Roy is in now,” he said. A Sahara spokesman declined to comment. Sahara has said it is in talks with multiple potential buyers but has refrained from naming any suitors. In August, the Wall Street Journal’s online edition reported that the Sultan of Brunei had made a $2 billion bid for the hotels, but a spokesperson for the Sultan later dismissed the a long-running dispute with report as inaccurate. India’s capital markets watchLast month, a senior comdog over Sahara’s failure to re- pany executive told Reuters pay billions of dollars to inves- that the firm would rather tors who were sold outlawed mortgage its trophy overseas hotel properties than sell bonds. A source close to the com- them. Unlisted Sahara, best pany said Roy did not have known as the long-time forenough time to complete the mer main sponsor of India’s sale. national cricket team, paid “Any negotiation of big- 470 million pounds ($759 ticket items takes time, out of million) in 2010 for Grosvewhich maximum time gets nor House and about $570 spent on conducting due dili- million for the Plaza in 2012. gence and working out the It also owns the Dream Hotel current valuations,” the source in New York.
ISlAMAbAD, OctObeR 2 (PtI): Needling India, Pakistan today asserted that Kashmir is a “legal issue” and must be resolved through plebiscite as per the aspirations of the Kashmiri people. At the weekly briefing here, Foreign Office spokesperson Tasnim Aslam also made it clear that IndoPak talks were not a substitute to the UN resolutions on Kashmir which envisage plebiscite in the region. “Kashmir is a legal issue also and its legal position demands that the dispute must be resolved as per the aspirations of Kashmiri people through plebiscite,” she said. Aslam said that Simla Agreement between the two countries does not make UN resolutions ineffective. Her remarks come within days of Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif raking up the Kashmir issue at the UN General Assembly where he said the UN had passed resolutions to hold a plebiscite in Jammu and Kashmir more than six decades ago. “The people of Jammu and Kashmir are still waiting for the fulfillment of that promise,” Sharif said. India had strongly rejected the “untenable comments” made by Sharif, asserting that the people of the state have peacefully chosen their destiny in accordance with universally accepted democratic
principles. Speaking at UNGA, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had offered to engage in a serious bilateral dialogue “without the shadow of terrorism” while asking Pakistan to create an “appropriate environment” for that. At today’s briefing, Aslam also claimed that India never responded positively on Pakistan’s proposals to resolve the Siachen issue and for declaring Siachen a Peace Park including demilitarization of the territory. The Foreign Office spokesperson termed that Indian policy towards resolution of Siachen as “inflexible”. Former President Pervez Musharraf had claimed that Pakistan and India were close to clinching a deal on Siachen during his tenure. Aslam said India and Pakistan would have to resume talks for the sake of sustainable peace in the region. India had called off Foreign Secretary-level talks in August after Pakistan’s High Commissioner in New Delhi Abdul Basit had met Kashmiri separatist leaders ahead of the meeting, ignoring India’s warning that the move could derail the parleys. Aslam saw nothing wrong in Basit’s meeting with Hurriyat leaders, saying Pakistan regularly consults with them.
Clean IndIa CampaIgn: Modi says India can do it
New DelhI, OctObeR 2 (IANS): Prime Minister Narendra Modi Thursday symbolically wielded the broom in Dalit colony where Mahatma Gandhi once stayed to launch a unique nationwide campaign which seeks to change Indians’ mindset vis-a-vis hygiene and clean up the country in five years. In a spirited speech near the India Gate monument a short while later, Modi told a huge gathering that Indians had a responsibility to fulfill Gandhi’s dream by ridding the country of dirt and filth by 2019, the 150th birth anniversary of Father of the Nation. He asked Indians to make cleanliness a mass movement, urged youths to be part of the Clean India project and called upon people to use social media to share their role in making Indian cities and towns more liveable. Modi started the day by visiting Rajghat, the Gandhi memorial, to mark the 145th birth anniversary of the Mahatma, who was a strong advocate of cleanliness. On his way to Valmiki Colony which Gandhi made his home for 214 days in 1946-47, Modi suddenly halted his car, entered the Mandir Marg police station, saw the state of cleanliness and calmly picked up the broom to sweep away fallen leaves. Station House Office Satish Malik
told IANS that he was standing outside the police station when he saw Modi walk into it through a second gate. “I ran after him,” he said, recalling his and his colleague’s surprise. After a pep talk about cleanliness to the policemen, Modi reached the Valmiki Colony, where, after visiting the Valmiki temple, Modi took up a broom and swept a small area with party colleagues and residents to symbolically launch the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan or Clean India campaign. He used a dust pan to put the small pile of dirt into the bin. Visitors to India complain about the dirt, the absence of enough dust bins, choked drains, poor state of most public toilets as well as spitting and urinating in the open. Since becoming prime minister in May, Modi has said that India should become a clean place, like the developed world, by 2019. In his speech near India Gate where themissionwasformallylaunched,Modi said India could change radically if the citizens imbibed discipline. “Do citizens have no role in this? We have to change this mindset,” Modi said. “India can do it, the people of India can do it.” If Indians can reach Mars, they certainly can clean up the country, he said to applause from more than 5,000 school students besides people from all walks of life.
“It takes time to change established mindset. I know it is a difficult task. But we have five years,” he said. The prime minister named nine people - including cricketer Sachin Tendulkar, actors Priyanka Chopra and Salman Khan, and industrialist Anil Ambani - to spread the message of Clean India. He compared his slogan of “Clean India” to Mahatma Gandhi’s war cry of “Quit India” during the Independence movement. Modi, who returned from the US late Wednesday, said the Clean India drive should not be viewed from a political prism. “This is not about Modi... This is a people’s task.” The prime minister administered a pledge to the gathering to contribute at least two hours a week to keep their surroundings clean. Finally, followed by thousands of mainly young people, Modi walked down Rajpath to a road junction nearby. Thursday’s function had government departments, private companies and others unleash cleanliness drives in their own institutions. Power Minister Piyush Goyal announced construction of 1 lakh toilets in schools by public sector undertakings in a year. Rural Development Minister Nitin Gadkari, said every village would get Rs.20 lakh a year to target the goal of clean India.
Cleanliness pledge The following is the pledge Prime Minister Narendra Modi read out to mark the start of Clean India campaign Thursday: Mahatma Gandhi dreamt of an India which was not only free but also clean and developed. Mahatma Gandhi secured freedom for Mother India. Now it is our duty to serve Mother India by keeping the country neat and clean. I take this pledge that I will remain committed towards cleanliness and devote time for this. I will devote 100 hours per year, that is two hours per week, to voluntarily work for cleanliness. I will neither litter not let others litter. I will initiate the quest for cleanliness with myself, my family, my locality, my village and my work place. I believe that the countries of the world that appear clean are so because their citizens don’t indulge in littering nor do they allow it to happen. With this firm belief, I will propagate the message of Swachh Bharat Mission in villages and towns. I will encourage 100 other persons to take this pledge which I am taking today. I will endeavour to make them devote their 100 hours for cleanliness. I am confident that every step I take towards cleanliness will help in making my country clean.
New DelhI, OctObeR 2 (PtI): Ministry of External Affairs today received a report by African envoys expressing concern over attacks on their nationals, prompting the government to assure them that there was “zero-tolerance” against targeting of any particular nationality and necessary action will taken in the matter. “We have received a communication from the African envoys. We have assured them that there is zero-tolerance against any kind of targeting nationals. And police was probing the matter and necessary action will be taken in this regard,” External Affairs Ministry Spokesperson Syed Akbaruddin said. He also said that the ministry has informed them that once it receives the police report it will be shared. Three youth, identified as Mapaga (22) and Yohan (22) from Gabon and Guira (20) from Burkina Faso suffered injuries in their head and legs on Sunday when an angry crowd thrashed them after the trio allegedly molested a woman commuter who raised an alarm. The police, however said that they have not received any complaint in this regard from any woman. “We have registered a case of rioting, causing hurt and damage to public property and investigations are on,” said a senior Delhi Police official. Video footages of the incident, which has since then gone viral on social networking websites, showed a large crowd cornering the three youth at a Delhi Police booth where they were beaten up with security personnel nowhere to be seen. One of the three even climbed over the booth to save himself and was seen being pulled down by the crowd. As the mob continued to throw objects at the three youth, loud cheers were heard in the background while some people were seen shooting the act on their mobile phones.
Raj Thackeray blames Pawar for Sena-BJP split
NAGPUR, OctObeR 2 (PtI): MNS chief Raj Thackeray has blamed NCP chief Sharad Pawar for the 25-yearold Shiv Sena-BJP alliance split in Maharashtra ahead of the Assembly polls. “He (Pawar) told a senior BJP leader that you break the alliance with Sena and we (NCP) will support you,” Thackeray alleged. Addressing a meeting of MNS supporters in western part of the city last night, Thackeray claimed that one of his close confidantes had heard the conversation which was confirmed to him (Thackeray) by a journalist friend. He ridiculed the four parties – Congress, NCP, BJP and Shiv Sena – for the dramatic developments leading to break up in the two groups and blamed them for mess in the state. He said the Congress-led government was in power for 15 years in state, only because the opposition was grossly ineffective. “Give me the power, I will show you what development is,” the MNS chief asserted. “We are the first party in the state to come out with a blue print of development,” he pointed out and stated that if he failed to fulfil the aspirations of people of the state and bring the desired development, he would quit politics. Every politician promises roads, power and water during each election. These are the basic needs and people’s right, he said. “Why are they unable to provide these basic needs even after holding power for more than 60 years?” he asked. These political parties and their leaders are playing with (the sentiments of) voters, he further alleged. The voters must be aware whom to elect, he stressed. Continuing his tirade against migrants in Maharashtra, he alleged that outsiders possessed illegal arms as there was no check on the weapons that migrants carry with them. If MNS comes to power, it will close down all private security agencies and start government-regulated ones, Raj said.
the Morung express
Friday 3 October 2014
Hong Kong warns democracy protesters HONG KONG, OctOber 2 (reuters): Hong Kong authorities on Thursday urged thousands of pro-democracy protesters to immediately end their blockade of the city centre and said any attempt to occupy administrative buildings would be met with a resolute and firm response. The mostly young protesters have demanded Hong Kong’s leader, Leung Chun-ying, step down by the end of Thursday, threatening to occupy government buildings if he fails to do so. They have also called on China to introduce full democracy so the city can freely choose its own leader. Leung, appointed by Beijing, has refused to stand down, leaving the two sides far apart in a dispute over how much political control China should have over Hong Kong. Steve Hui, senior superintendent of the Hong Kong police force, said police would take action in accordance with the law if the protesters tried to enter government buildings. “Whenever there are violent and major incidents and crimes such as fighting and any other situation that jeopardises safety and public order, police will take resolute and firm action to restore public order,” Hui said, when asked how police would respond should the students carry through with their threat. “We assure that police will have enough manpow-
protesters on the streets fell on Thursday, the second of two-day public holiday, tension remained high and the demonstrations appeared far from over. Outside Leung’s office in the Central business district, protesters surrounded a police van that tried to enter the compound, prompting police to call reinforcements. Some protesters donned goggles and gas masks. Earlier, about 100 protesters blocked the main road leading to Leung’s office, some chanting, “Leung Chun-ying, Step Down!”
A student protester gets emotional while pleading for a peaceful resolution on Thursday, October 2, in Hong Kong. The student leaders of the protests are warning that if the territory’s top official doesn’t resign by tomorrow, they will step up their actions -- including occupying several important government buildings. They’d be risking another round of confrontations with police, who are unlikely to let government buildings be stormed. (AP Photo)
er to deal with every single situation.” Riot police used tear gas, pepper spray and baton charges last weekend to quell unrest, the worst in Hong Kong since China resumed its rule of the former British colony in 1997. The “Occupy Central” movement presents one of the biggest political challenges for Beijing since it violently crushed prodemocracy protests in Tiananmen Square in 1989. Protesters across the city have dug in, setting up
supply stations with water bottles, fruit, raincoats, towels, goggles, face masks, tents and umbrellas. The Hong Kong Federation of Students, one of the protest organisers, has urged people to surround more government buildings from Friday unless the authorities accepted their demands. Protest leaders add re s s e d s u p p o r t e r s camped near the government headquarters, preparing them for a potentially tense night ahead
including the possibility of police using tear gas. “In the coming days we will team up to support the movement and provide resources. We will fight until the very end,” student leader Joshua Wong said from atop a ladder, to huge cheers. The three main protest groups have started to work more closely together, trying to give a show of unity after some disagreements on tactics over the past several days. The Hong Kong gov-
ernment said the protests, now in their sixth day, were affecting public order and public services. “About 3,000 government officials will try their best tomorrow to return to work as (much) as possible. To maintain public service, the government headquarters must operate as usual,” the government said in a statement. “We urge the Occupy Central leaders and organisers to stop the movement immediately.” While the number of
Ready for the long-game China has dismissed the pro-democracy protests as illegal, but it faces a dilemma. Cracking down too hard could shake confidence in market-driven Hong Kong, which has a separate legal system from the rest of China. Not reacting firmly enough, however, could embolden dissidents on the mainland. A government source with ties to Leung said the Hong Kong leader was prepared to play a long-game, intervening only if there was looting or violence. “Unless there’s some chaotic situation, we won’t send in riot police ... We hope this doesn’t happen,” the source said. “We have to deal with it peacefully, even if it lasts weeks or months.” Leung could not be reached for comment. A front-page editorial
in the People’s Daily, the Communist Party mouthpiece, lauded Leung’s leadership and the police response to the protests. “The central government fully trusts Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying and is very satisfied with his work,” it said on Thursday. A pro-Beijing group told a news conference in Hong Kong their supporters would take to the streets to show support for Leung’s administration, raising the prospect of clashes between the two sides. The crowded suburbs of Kowloon and the neighbouring New Territories are home to an extensive network of pro-Beijing groups, some of which boast close ties to mainland companies and officials and have grown active in street counter-protests in recent months. Reputation under threat A top Chinese envoy has warned that the protests could tarnish the city’s reputation as one of the world’s leading financial hubs if they continued for a prolonged period. China’s ambassador to Germany, Shi Mingde, told Reuters that the city’s reputation as a financial hub was not under threat for now. “But if shares fall, if the unrest continues, then the social order and (Hong Kong’s) role as a financial centre will be in danger,” he said in an interview in Berlin. “This is neither in Hong Kong’s nor China’s
interest.” The city’s benchmark index, closed on Thursday for a holiday, plunged 7.3 percent in September. Spooked by the protests, which turned violent at the weekend when tens of thousands took to the streets, some banks and other financial firms have begun moving staff to back-up premises on the outskirts of the city. U.S. President Barack Obama told visiting Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, who earlier met Secretary of State John Kerry, that Washington was watching the protests closely and urged a peaceful solution. “The United States has consistently supported the open system that is essential to Hong Kong’s stability and prosperity, universal suffrage, and the aspiration of the Hong Kong people,” the White House said in a statement about the meeting, also attended by national security adviser Susan Rice. Universal suffrage is an eventual goal under the “one country, two systems” formula by which China rules Hong Kong. Under that formula, China accords Hong Kong some autonomy and freedoms not enjoyed in mainland China. However, protesters calling for free elections reacted angrily when Beijing decreed on Aug. 31 that it would vet candidates wishing to run in Hong Kong’s 2017 election.
Ebola deaths reach 3,338, but widely undercounted: WHO Rising rural wages in Asia will GeNeVA, OctOber 2 reduce extreme poverty: report (reuters): The death The worst Ebola outbreak on record toll from the world’s worst LONDON, OctOber 2 returns to labour on offer”. up to a third less than their Ebola outbreak on record reached 3,338 people out of 7,178 cases in West Africa as of Sept. 28, the World Health Organization said on Wednesday. It said the total number of new cases had fallen for a second week, but warned against reading any good news into the figures as they were almost certainly under-reported and there were few signs of the epidemic being brought under control. “Transmission remains persistent and widespread in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, with strong evidence of increasing case incidence in several districts,” the WHO’s update said. Although the spread of the disease appears to have stabilised in Guinea, where the epidemic originated, “it must be emphasized that in the context of an outbreak of EVD (Ebola virus disease), a stable pattern of transmission is still of grave concern, and could change quickly,” it said.
• The outbreak has killed 3,338 a significant number of doses will People who recover from Ebola people, or 47 percent of the 7,178 not be available until at least the infection develop antibodies that known to have been infected as first quarter of 2015. last for at least 10 years. of Sept. 28, predominantly in Li- • Ebola is not airborne. It is trans- • The U.S. Centers for Disease beria, Sierra Leone and Senegal. mitted through blood, vomit, diControl and Prevention (CDC) The disease - which emerged in arrhea and other bodily fluids. has estimated that the number of a remote forest region of Guinea Healthcare workers in West Afriinfections could rise to up to 1.4 in March - has also turned up in ca have been among the hardest million people by early next year Nigeria and Senegal, but officials hit by the outbreak. without a massive global intersay the disease has been con- • Ebola symptoms generally apvention to contain the virus. tained in those two countries. pear between two and 21 days af- • The United States, Britain, France, • There is no vaccine or cure for ter infection, meaning there is a China, Cuba and international Ebola, a hemorrhagic fever. In significant window during which organizations are pouring funds, past outbreaks, fatality rates have an infected person can escape supplies and personnel into the reached up to 90 percent. Ebola detection, allowing them to travaffected parts of West Africa. causes fever, flu-like pains, bleedel. However, they are not consid- • Ebola’s suspected origin is foring, vomiting and diarrhea. ered contagious until they start est bats. The virus was first iden• Pharmaceutical companies are showing symptoms. tified in 1976 in what is now working on experimental Ebola • Recovery from Ebola depends on known as Democratic Republic vaccines and antiviral drugs, but the patient’s immune response. of the Congo.
The WHO data, based on figures from ministries of health, showed 710 dead in Guinea, 1,998 in Liberia and 622 in Sierra Leone. The WHO report said both Guinea and Sierra Leone reported cases in previously uninfected districts bordering Ivory Coast. In Liberia, there remained “compelling evi-
dence obtained from responders and laboratory staff in the country that there is widespread underreporting of new cases, and that the situation in Liberia, and in Monrovia in particular, continues to deteriorate.” Two U.S. Navy mobile laboratories had arrived in Liberia and would be op-
erational by Oct. 5, while a Chinese team in Sierra Leone had begun testing up to 20 samples a day in Freetown. In two other West African countries, Nigeria - where eight people died - and Senegal, there have been no further suspected cases in more than 21 days, the incubation period of the disease. The WHO
deems an outbreak is over when two incubation periods have passed. Last week the U.S. Centers for Disease Control estimated there would be 8,000 cases reported in Liberia and Sierra Leone by Sept. 30, but said the true figure would likely be 21,000 after correcting for under-reporting.
“Once people get paid male counterparts, but the (tHOmsON reuters FOuNDAtION): The over $5 a day, they leave wage gap appears to be rise in rural wages now tak- the real misery of extreme narrowing, the report said. It also found that the ing place across Asia could poverty behind,” Wiggins lift hundreds of millions told the Thomson Reuters rise in rural wages has in of people out of extreme Foundation. “Another de- turn led to further rises in poverty in the next decade, cade of rural wage rises factory wages, leading to a new report showed on could see the end of ex- the relocation of factories treme poverty en masse in from Asia to poorer regions Thursday. Falling birth rates and a Asia, improving the lives where labour costs are lowgrowing demand for facto- of hundreds of millions of er, particularly Africa. “Increasing ry workers mean that rural wages “Another decade of rural wage rises rural wages in Asia could give will keep rising sharply across could see the end of extreme poverty Africa a huge the continent, en masse in Asia, improving the lives growth boost,” Wiggins said. according to the Overseas Devel- of hundreds of millions of people.” “This can already be seen opment Institute’s (ODI) report Rural people.” Average earnings outside Addis Ababa in Wages in Asia. The ODI is for male farm workers in Ethiopia with the arrival Britain’s leading indepen- China more than doubled of the first pioneer wave of dent think tank on inter- between 1998 and 2007, relocated Chinese plants. national development and rising to $7 a day from “This could be a game$3.02, the report showed. changer for African counhumanitarian issues. In Bangladesh, average tries, and they need to enThe study found that up to three quarters of the rural wages rose to $2.21 a sure they have a trained world’s poorest people, day in 2010 from $1.52 in workforce and basic infraparticularly those who earn 2005, a 45 percent increase, structure in place, otherless than the extreme pov- while India saw a rise of 35 wise they might miss this erty level of $1.25 a day, live percent between 2005 and boat.” The report analysed inin rural areas. ODI research 2012, to $2.91 a day from fellow Steve Wiggins said $2.15. Female rural work- formation from the 13 most that rural wages were cru- ers in China, India, Paki- populous countries in East, cial as they “mark the lowest stan and Bangladesh earn South and Southeast Asia.
‘Israeli occupation must end in 2016’
uNIteD NAtIONs, OctOber 2 (AP): The Palestinians are asking the U.N. Security Council to set a deadline of November 2016 for an Israeli withdrawal from all Palestinian territory occupied since 1967 including East Jerusalem in a new push to achieve independence. The circulation of the draft resolution to council members follows Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’ announcement to the U.N. General Assembly last Friday that he would ask the council to set a deadline for a pullout and dictate the ground rules for any talks with Israel. The draft resolution, obtained Wednesday by The Associated Press, would affirm the Security Council’s determination to contribute to attaining a peaceful solution that ends the Israeli occupation “without delay” and fulfills the vision of two states — “an independent, sovereign, democratic, contiguous and via-
ble state of Palestine” living side by side with Israel in peace and security in borders based on those before the 1967 Mideast war. The draft calls for intensified efforts, including through negotiations, to reach a peaceful settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and “a just resolution” of the status of Jerusalem as the capital of two states and of the Palestinian refugee problem. Its key provision calls for “the full withdrawal of Israel, the occupying power, from all of the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem, as rapidly as possible and to be fully completed within a specified timeframe, not to exceed November 2016, and the achievement of the independence and sovereignty of the state of Palestine and the right to self-determination of the Palestinian people.” The Palestinians already have the status of an observer state at the United
Nations. But they are likely to face an uphill struggle in the U.N.’s most powerful body where the United States, Israel’s closest ally, has veto power and has used it to block many Palestinian-related resolutions. Abbas told a meeting of the Palestinian leadership in Ramallah on Wednesday evening that the draft was submitted last Friday — the day he spoke — “and we hope to get an answer within a month.” “Of course we are not sure whether the Security Council will agree on it or whether we will get the right number of countries on our side. But whatever will happen, we have something to say. We put it in writing and this is clear. We don’t need to repeat it again,” he said. The Palestinian president is in a bind. He has been under pressure at home to devise a new strategy to achieve Palestinian independence. The devastating war in Gaza weakened Abbas, with his Hamas ri-
vals enjoying a surge of popularity among Palestinians. On the other hand, Abbas has said he is under pressure from the United States not to pursue a resolution with a withdrawal deadline, and Palestinian officials say the U.S. has signaled it will veto the resolution if necessary. U.S. Ambassador Samantha Power, asked Tuesday about Abbas’ call for a deadline, said: “We strongly believe that the only way of a negotiated solution is through negotiations between the two parties.” Israel’s U.N. Ambassador Ron Prosor said that by pursuing this draft resolution, “once again, the Palestinians are shooting in all directions, missing the real target.” “Their habit of bypassing negotiations by taking unilateral action and blaming everyone but themselves will only move the region further away from stability,” Prosor said in a statement to AP. “It’s time for the Palestinians to aim
higher and find constructive solutions, instead of avoiding a real dialogue. Only when they start taking responsibility, we will be able to move forward.” The Palestinian quest for Security Council action follows the failure of U.S.-brokered peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians led by Secretary of State John Kerry, and the recent 50-day war between Israel and Hamas, the Palestinian faction that controls the Gaza Strip. More than 2,100 Palestinians were killed in Gaza, the vast majority civilians according to the U.N., while 66 Israeli soldiers and six civilians in Israel were killed. The draft resolution calls on the parties to consolidate the Aug. 26 ceasefire agreement that ended the Gaza conflict and refrain from provocative actions, incitement and inflammatory rhetoric, especially with regard to East Jerusalem which the Palestinians want as the capital
Israeli solders move equipment to their base in a supermarket cart near the Israel Gaza border. (AP Photo)
of their independent state. It calls for the opening of all border crossings in the Gaza Strip and demands an end to all Israeli military operations, settlement activities, and “collective punishment” of Palestinians. It also calls for stepped up humanitarian assistance to Palestinian civilians and calls on U.N. member states
to contribute to the urgent reconstruction and economic recovery of the warbattered Gaza Strip. The draft also calls for deployment of “an international presence” throughout the Palestinian territories to protect Palestinian civilians. The Palestinians contend that Israel as an occupying power has a respon-
sibility under the Geneva Conventions to protect civilians in time of war and have failed to do so. They have been quietly seeking support for some outside method of protecting Palestinian civilians. The draft does not provide any details on what kind of “international presence” the Palestinians are seeking.
10 Welbeck treble gives Arsenal win Dimapur
3 October 2014
Arsenal's Danny Welbeck scores as Galatasaray's goalkeeper Fernando Muslera tries to stop him during the Champions League Group D soccer match betweenArsenal and Galatasaray , at the Emirates Stadium in London on Wednesday. (AP Photo)
LONDON, OctObEr 2 (AP): Danny Welbeck scored his first career hat trick as Arsenal overpowered Galatasaray 4-1 in the Champions League on Wednesday and survived with 10 men for the last half-hour after goalkeeper Wojciech Szczesny was sent off. Welbeck, who was allowed to leave Manchester United last month after his striking qualities were questioned by manager Louis Van Gaal, demonstrated just how he can thrive as a center forward. As Arsene Wenger celebrated his 18th anniversary at Arsenal, Welbeck thanked the manager for showing a "lot of faith in me." "I am delighted to repay him tonight," Welbeck said. "He has allowed me to play up front in my preferred position." Against a weak defense, Welbeck side-footed in the opener in the 22nd minute, swept in a second on the half-hour and, after Alexis Sanchez also netted, completed his hat trick at the start of the second half. Arsenal was cruising in the Group D encounter until Szczesny rushed off his line and brought down Burak Yilmaz, who then converted the resulting penalty. But Welbeck's spirited performance ensured Arsenal had already done enough to collect its first points in Group D after losing 2-0 at Borussia Dortmund last month. Dortmund secured back-to-back victories by
winning 3-0 at Anderlecht on Wednesday. Welbeck's first goal at home since joining for 16 million pounds (then $27 million) came after combining with another summer transfer window signing, Sanchez. The Chile international burst in from the left and slipped a ball through for Welbeck to sidefoot through goalkeeper Fernando Muslera's legs. Although Sanchez scuffed a shot wide after being teed up by Mesut Ozil, Welbeck's finishing was exquisite. The England striker raced onto a deep ball, headed it down and controlled it before clipping the shot into the bottom corner of the net. As Arsenal was showcasing its flair, Galatasaray could only offer flares in response — from its fans. The match was halted briefly to allow the red smoke to clear the pitch. Arsenal was as rampant at the start of the second half, and a flowing move led to Welbeck completing his hat trick in the 52nd minute. Welbeck lifted the ball over Muslera after latching onto Alex OxladeChamberlain's through ball, and then lapped up the adulation of the home fans. "Technically he is very sound — that was a surprise," Wenger said of Welbeck. "I didn't know he was so quick, honestly, but he can be electric ... and it's good to see that slowly he gains in confidence and finishes well."
Atletico edges past Juventus MADrID, OctObEr 2 (AP): A second-half strike by Arda Turan gave Atletico Madrid a 1-0 win against Juventus in Group A of the Champions League on Wednesday. All four teams in the group now have three points, with Malmo beating Olympiakos 2-0. Juventus dominated possession but paid for a lack of penetration up front when Juanfran Torres crossed from the right and Turan stabbed the ball home at the far post with goalkeeper Gianluigi Buffon stranded in the 75th minute. Juventus gradually took control as the first half wore on, with midfielder Claudio Marchisio unleashing a shot from 20 meters (yards) that flew wide of Miguel Moya's goal. After the break, the Italian side began to convert its overwhelming possession into pressure on the 2014 finalist's defense, only for Turan to grab the winner. "Fabulous, we were once again playing against a very great rival in a closely-fought match that was full of details that in the end favored us," Atletico coach Diego Simeone said. "They allowed us to win a game that we had to win." It was a tense, physical clash between a home side enjoying huge vocal
support at Vicente Calderon stadium and an Italian team that had not conceded a goal in its last 10 games in all competitions. Juventus had previously beaten Malmo 2-0, while Atletico had lost its group opener 3-2 at Olympiakos. In a combative start, Juventus defender Leonardo Bonucci was shown a yellow card for elbowing Mario Mandzukic in the face in the 12th minute. Atletico's Croatian international forward underwent surgery to repair a broken nose suffered in the loss at Olympiakos and had begun the match wearing a mask, but he removed it after the foul. As Atletico pushed forward, Mandzukic struck a rightfooted shot on target in the 25th minute but Buffon punched it out safely. Juventus midfielder Paul Pogba responded with a powerful drive that rose just wide of the far top corner of Moya's goal in the 33rd. Moya had a difficult moment, though, when he fumbled the ball in his penalty area and nearly tripped before falling on it in the 56th. Atletico captain Raul Garcia nearly scored an own goal when he fell to the ground while trying to clear a dangerous cross in the 80th minute as Moya watched helplessly.
The Morung Express
Real wins, Liverpool loses in CL
GENEVA, OctObEr 2 (AP): Real Madrid and Liverpool found their combined 15 European titles were no protection on the road in the Champions League on Wednesday. Ten-time champion Real Madrid trailed early against Bulgarian newcomer Ludogorets Razgrad, which was only formed as a club 13 years ago — in the same season the Spanish giant won its ninth title. After Ludogorets' stunning sixth-minute opener, Cristiano Ronaldo had a penalty saved and then scored with a second spotkick in the 24th, before Madrid got substitute Karim Benzema's 77th-minute goal to force a 2-1 win. "We played as equal to Real and I am delighted with our performance," Ludogorets coach Georgi Dermendzhiev said. Five-time winner Liverpool lost 1-0 at Basel, which specializes in beating English opponents, and trails Group B leader Madrid by three points before hosting the title holder next. "I thought we were too soft all over the pitch," Liverpool
Real Madrid's Ronaldo, left, vies for the ball with Ludogorets' Aleksandrov, right, during their Champions League group B soccer match at Vassil Levski stadium in Sofia, Wednesday, October 1. (AP Photo)
captain Steven Gerrard said, adding his team "didn't deserve anything" against Switzerland's champion. Borussia Dortmund won 3-0 at Anderlecht, and leads Group D by three points from Arsenal, which beat Galatasaray 4-1 de-
spite goalkeeper Wojciech Szczesny being sent off with 30 minutes left. Atletico Madrid, runner-up last season, beat Juventus 1-0 through Arda Turan's 75th-minute goal, and Malmo's 2-0 victory against Olympiakos left
Group A with all four teams on three points. Zenit St. Petersburg and Monaco drew 0-0 to share the Group C lead with four points, while Bayer Leverkusen beat Benfica 3-1. Ludogorets' fans have to travel 335 kilometers
(210 miles) to watch their team play at the national stadium in Sofia because the club's 6,000-seat arena does not meet Champions League standards. But the supporters soon had reason to celebrate after Brazilian midfielder Marcelinho headed in a cross flicked on to the far post. Ronaldo had a 10thminute penalty saved by goalkeeper Vladislav Stoyanov, but soon got a second chance to convert and close on Raul Gonzalez's record of 71 Champions League goals in the group stage and knockout rounds. Ronaldo has scored 69 goals — not including one in a qualifying-round match — and leads Lionel Messi by one in what promises to be a season-long duel. Veteran Basel forward Marco Streller has a more modest record yet his 52nd-minute strike against Liverpool followed his winning goal at Chelsea last season. Basel also eliminated Manchester United three seasons ago. "It was a perfect evening," said Basel coach Paulo Sousa, hailing a
"win against an historic club like Liverpool." Dortmund again eased to victory, though had only Ciro Immobile's third-minute goal to show for dominating the first half in Brussels. The Italy forward finished a pass from Japan playmaker Shinji Kagawa. Dortmund added two second-half goals from Adrian Ramos, another recruit from Colombia's World Cup squad. Zenit St. Petersburg and Monaco played out a drab 0-0 draw in Russia, leaving Leverkusen to do the entertaining in Group C. The German side, which lost in Monaco last month, closed the gap with a comfortable win against visiting Benfica. Veteran forward Stefan Kiessling scored in the 25th , after Brazil 'keeper Julio Cesar fumbled a shot by Son Heung-min, and the South Korea forward extended the lead nine minutes later. After Benfica's Eduardo Salvio pulled a goal back in the 62nd, Leverkusen restored its twogoal lead two minutes later when Hakan Calhanoglu converted a penalty.
The Nagaland State Bharat Scouts & Guides Association (NSBSG) held its 37th State Council Meeting on September 30 at State Headquarters Conference Hall, Kohima. On the occasion, Viheli and Haruiede Kamlak were awarded Himalayan Wood Badge (The highest award as an adult leader in the movement) by NSBSG vice president, Sano Vamuzo.
Rev. S. Luhevi Jimomi, Senior Pastor inaugurates the new Sunday School Building of Unity Village Sümi Baptist Akukuhou on September 28. K. Katoli Shohe, Associate Pastor Children has thanked all those who contributed selflessly for the building construction and the Board of Deacon for taking the initiative to complete the building in right earnest.
Dimapur Bangali Samaj, on account of Durga Puja distributed free clothes to more than 800 poor and needy Bengalis. A press release informed that old people, women, children and widow from various colonies like Y Zhimo Colony, Master Colony, D Colony, Metha Colony, Babulal Kachari Colony, Railway colony, west yard colony, chatteswary colony, SP Colony, Sematila, K Kire colony, Nagagaon, Circular Road and many other colonies in Dimapur received the clothes from the hands of K.K. Paul, president of Dimapur Bangali Samaj and special guest R Bagchi. Members of Sechü Zubza Village Council, VDB, women society, students union and youth organization posing for lens in front of the new community building which was inaugurated and dedicated on September 29 by Khriengulie Kuotsu, pastor Sechü Zubza Baptist Church. The village council has expressed gratitude to the government and all well wishers who have contributed in one or the other way towards the completion of the new community building located at Liezha B’ colony, Sechü Zubza.
Leo Club of Dimapur, celebrated Gandhi Jayanti at Mother Teresa Charitable Home on October 2. They distributed clothes, food items and etc under the chairmanship of Leo Sumit Jainl.
District Project Officer, Land Resource Department, Wokha, Tepunol Yore addressing the participants at the inaugural programme of the Weeklong Free ESDP on Food processing. The food processing training was launched on September 30. Earlier, President Wokha District Craft Association, Zubemo Lotha gave a brief introduction of the programme while Lichumo Murry, Inspector, Land Resource, Wokha exhorted the participants. The programme was chaired by Wonchibeni Lotha, while John Kikon, Pastor, KBES Mission Church pronounced the invocation. The Alempang Baptist Arogo Youth Ministry Crusaders’ Club organized a combined fellowship with the Mokokchung Town Baptist Arogo Youth Department Crusaders’ Club on the theme: “In Mind and Thought”. The interaction and discussions were on the topic “Alcoholism among the youth of Mokokchung”.
Students with their teachers during the field visit to Horticulture Farm, Pfütsero conducted by the Environmental Studies Teachers, Sudha Beryl, HoD, Department of Economics and Keneide-ii Leruo, HoD Department of Education, Pfütsero Government College for the BA V Semester students Resource persons Sr. Servia CMC and Sr. Florence CMC with the students of Salesian Colas part of their Project Work on September 29. Altogether 38 students took part in the programme. lege during an AIDS awareness programme for the students on October 1.
3 October 2014
Stepping Stones art and craft exhibition framed
tepping Stones, a pre school located at the ADC junction here, had a little celebration with its tiny tots today in the form of an Art and Crafts Exhibition. Parents were amply included in the show with a painting, flower dressing and salad
dressing competition for them, assisted at times, and curiously looked on at others, by their little children. On sale were different art and craft products—frames, clay pots, crafted bags, paper bags and wall hanger (pockets).
Style AND
“Art and craft is an important part of the curriculum here, which enables children to explore their inborn talents and gifts,” said a teacher while welcoming the gathering of parents and their wards. Today’s exhibition meant to showcase the cre-
ativity of the children who get ‘pre schooled’ at Stepping Stones. The activities for parents, on the other hand, meant to “create a platform for the children to see their parents in their creative best apart from seeing them as mere care givers.” Set at
hese luxurious calf leather handbags with beautiful silk detailing are helping women in Pakistan out of poverty. The Popinjay brand uses local artisans in rural Pakistan and offers fair wages, which allows them to become self-sufficient and provide for their families. The company is the brainchild of American-educated engineer Saba Gul. Saba, who is from Pakistan herself, says she felt The women who make the handbags (pictured in the mus- heartbroken at the lack of tard fields of Pakistan) are given a fair wage which enables opportunities for women in her home country but them to provide for their families it was hearing the story of a 12-year-old Afghan girl called Azaada Khan that inspired her to take action. Azaada pretended to be a boy for in order to be allowed to attend school during a time when girls had not rights to an education. This story inspired Saba to create a programme that could provide a livelihood and skills for young women in a similar predicament in Pakistan. So in 2011, Saba left
a successful career as an engineer in America and moved to Pakistan. In the summer of 2011 she launched the company's first handmade products under the label BLISS, which was relaunched as Popinjay in the autumn of 2013. Popinjay's mission is to provide fair-wage jobs for women when they leave school. The pilot programme originally began as a nonprofit scheme, which Saba funded with her own savings and money raised through an Indiegogo campaign. However, running a non-profit programme came with unforeseen complications for someone with a start-up mentality. Saba explains: 'I heavily underestimated the frustrations of raising nonprofit money. As a nonprofit, BLISS was unable to convince top-tier professionals to join because equity couldn't be part of the package.'
In January 2013, Saba rebranded BLISS as Popinjay, and started running it as a commercial business. The company moved from Attock to Hafizabad, which has high levels of female unemployment. Saba decided to focus on high-end handbag designs, which involved retraining the artisans and replacing cotton with fine leather and silks. The collection now includes 100 per cent calfskin leather totes, which sell for $420 (£260), and clutch bags with embroidered silk detailing for $185 (£114). The beautifully handcrafted bags can be bought online (but expect to pay $25/£15 for shipping to the UK) and are also available in boutiques across the US. The company now employs 150 women who earn $2.50-$3 (£1.50 - £1.85) per hour, which is two to three times what they were making at BLISS and approximately five times the national average in the garment trade.
a time of 40 minutes, the competition saw judges like DD correspondent and artist Avito Miacheo, renowned chef Liochan Ovung and deputy secretary to the Department of Health & Family Welfare, Akuno Meyase. This platform for parents also sought to let parents
meet each other, share experiences, and basically, be a part of growing up with their kids. The half day Exhibition also saw food stalls and a vibrant atmosphere of child-parent and parentparent bonding.
Cheryl Cole Named As The Most Dangerous Celebrity
Luxury Handbag Company lifts Pakistani women out of poverty
The Morung Express
Not literally, but the former Girls Aloud star's name is linked to the most sites with malicious software lurking within them. It’s official Cheryl Cole is the most dangerous person on the internet. At least, according to McAfee, an online security software provider who have analysed which celebrities have the largest amount of malicious websites associated with their name. Though Cheryl’s surname is now officially Fernandez-Versini, a much less memorable and, presumably, searchable handle following her second marriage this summer, her professional name still provides the biggest opportunity for hackers to exploit search terms. McAfee stated that 15% of the search results related to Cheryl Cole contained links to online threats such as hacking and malware, with the search terms ‘Cheryl Cole downloads’ and ‘Cheryl Cole mp4s’
proving the riskiest. Clicking on such links will often begin the process of phishing for personal details, as well as making the user a target for adware, malware, spyware and viruses. A McAfee spokesperson said about the results: “The desire for consumers to have access to the latest celebrity information can often make them vulnerable to cybercrime. Most consumers do not realise the security risks they are exposing themselves to when searching for celebrity videos and images online.” Daniel Radcliffe, star of the Harry Potter movies, is the second on the list of celebrities, with pop star Jessie J in third. Harry Styles is in eighth, with all four of his One Direction co-stars featuring below him in the top 20. Worldwide, US chat show host Jimmy Kimmel is the most dangerous celebrity search term with a shade under 20% of results
linked to sites with malicious content. This is the eighth year in a row that McAfee has conducted such a study, and as ever they also issued a list of basic safety precautions for online browsing alongside the ranking of celebs.
“The American Baptist International Ministries, is organising the India Mission Summit in partnership with the believers in India in commemoration of 200 years of the American Baptist Foreign Mission Society and 175 years of its work in India.”
Plenary Sessions on Mission Issues 21st Century India Mega Trends Human Trafficking Christian Stewardship Youth and Future Leaders Religious Liberty
Photo Exhibition – ‘A Visit to the Past’ At the Directorate of Irrigation & Flood Control (10 AM – 5PM) Worship
Bible Study
Plenary Sessions on Mission Issues
Interactive Cultural Celebrations
‘Celebrating the Past, Envisioning the Future’ C M Y K
Organised by:
October 2–5, 2014, NBCC Convention Centre, Kohima, Nagaland All believers are welcome to be a part of the programme
Local Host:
KKR reaches CLT20 final India beats Pakistan to win hockey
NEw DElHI, OCtObEr 2 (agENCIEs): Kolkata Knight Riders were not made to sweat too much as they brushed aside an uninspired Hobart Hurricanes to reach their first Champions League Twenty20 final, in the process making it 14 consecutive wins. After the Hurricanes' batsmen, barring the sprightly Shoaib Malik in front of his adopted home fans of Hyderabad, showed a lack of application against KKR's spin attack, Jacques Kallis and Manish Pandey stood up to their bowlers to pilot the IPL champions to victory with five balls to spare. The Big Bash runners-up never looked like really testing KKR after they set them 141, and their chances of reaching Saturday's final further slipped away as Kallis and Pandey forged a match-winning stand of 63. Pandey fell for a sprightly 40 to leave KKR needing 34 in 28 balls, but Kallis finished the job with an unbeaten 54, hitting the winning runs with a swivelled six. KKR's chase began brightly with Robin Uthappa hitting consecutive boundaries off Ben Hilfenhaus, but the wicket of Gautam Gambhir - clipping Doug Bollinger to midwicket - and Robin Uthappa - bowled when charging Xavier Doherty - lifted Hurricanes' mood. Pandey sparked the innings back to life following Uthappa's exit for 17 off 21 by walking down the track and helped by some gift-wrapped full tosses and halfvollies. He swatted consecutive fours off Ben Laughlin and then, getting a life on 22 when Ben Hilfenhaus overstepped, carted the same bowlers for two boundaries; next
to suffer was Doug Bollinger, whom Pandey swung over deep square leg for six. Pandey fell for 40, but with the run rate in control KKR were never in danger, and Yusuf weighed in with 14. Kallis brought all his experience into play with an assured 54. KKR's win was fashioned in the field, when after stand-in captain Doherty chose to field on what appeared a rockhard surface. Dominic Michael, playing just his second T20, popped a return which Andre Russell took diving to his right, to score 0, and within moments, Yusuf won an lbw shout against Aiden Blizzard, out for a golden duck. Blizzard got a bad call, however, as replays showed a thick inside edge. This left Ben Dunk and Malik to contend with Sunil Narine with the score 13 for 2; an unenviable task no matter who you are. Dunk collected three fours off the fifth over from Russell and looked very strong on the cut and clip off the pads, but Malik clearly was at ease against KKR's three-pronged spin attack on a slow surface. When Dunk fell for 39, cutting Kuldeep Yadav straight to point, Hurricanes were 46 for 3. It wasn't until the 13th over that Malik got some tempo, lofting Yadav down the ground for six and then tapping Narine backward of point for four in the 14th. Travis Birt charged at Narine and found long-on for 13 off 23 balls. An edgy Jonathan Wells didn't last long, bowled by a Piyush Chawla googly when making room to cut, and the late assault Hurricanes desperately needed never appeared despite Malik's assault on young Yadav.
WYSU Sports cum Literary Week underway
DImaPur, OCtObEr 2 (mExN): The Western Yimchungru Students’ Union’s 2nd Annual Sports cum Literary Week got underway at Old Showuba village, Dimapur on October 1. The opening ceremony was graced by Keviyani Thepa, Central Executive Committee Member of NPF Central Office Kohima as chief guest. Speaking on the occasion, the chief guest saying that youths are the backbones of tomorrow’s society reminded all the participants to take part in the events in true spirit of gamesmanship. Asserting that many youths of this generation are living in difficulties, he stated that the 21st century is an era of competition where excellence is the benchmark
gold, qualifies for Rio Olympics
INCHEON, OCtObEr 2 (PtI): A spirited Indian men's hockey team defeated arch-rivals and defending champions Pakistan 4-2 in a nerve-wracking shoot-out to end its 16-year gold medal draught in the Asian Games and earn a direct berth to the 2016 Rio Olympics on Thursday. It turned out to be a humdinger of a contest between the two sub-continental foes as both India and Pakistan refused to give an inch to each other in the entire 60 minutes of a keenly contested tussle. It took a shoot-out to determine the winner as both the teanm were locked 1-1 in the regulation time of the summit clash at the Seonhak Hockey Stadium. Pakistan started brightly and broke the deadlock as early as the third minute of the match through Muhammad Rizwan Sr before Kothajit Singh (27th) equalised for India in the second quarter. The two teams continued their battle after change of ends but failed to breach the rival citadels inspite of creating numerous scoring chances, forcing the match into the shoot-off. In the one-on-one shootoff situation, Akashdeep Singh, Rupinderpal Singh, Birendra Lakra and Dh-
India's team celebrate after winning the men's gold medal hockey match against Pakistan at the 17th Asian Games in Incheon, South Korea, Thursday, October 2. (AP Photo)
ramvir Singh scored for India, while Manpreet Singh turned out to be the fall guy. But all credit to Indian custodian and vice-captain P R Sreejesh, who produced breathtaking saves in the shoot-off to deny Pakistan's Abdul Haseem Khan and Muhammad Umar Butta. Muhammad Waqas and Shafqat Rasool scored the goals for Pakistan. By virtue of the coveted gold medal here, India have earned a direct qualification to Rio Olympics, while Pakistan will have to go through the qualifiers.
The last time India won the gold medal was in the 1998 Asian Games in Bangkok. The Indians were by far the better side on display in the fast-paced match as they controlled the proceedings with Pakistan relying more on counter-attacks. But it was Pakistan, who took the early lead when Rizwan Sr scored from a lightening quick counter that caught the Indian defence napping. An unmarked Rizwan Sr shot home past the outstretched legs of Sreejesh after he was fed by Rasool
from the right flank. Jolted by the goal, India went on the offensive and but what the forawrdline lacked finishing. Sparks are bound to fly in an IndoPak duel and today's match was no different as there was a heated exchange between the players of the two teams following an injury to a Pakistani player in dying moments of the first quarter. India continued their impressive display in the second quarter and secured their first penalty corner in the 22nd minute
in every aspect of life. Thepa pitched against the culture of getting into wrong habits, so that positive changes may come about in the Naga society. The chief guest further stating that he had high expectation in the student body called upon the union to take the community to greater heights. Earlier, WYSU President Amos welcomed the gathering while YBC Dimapur Pastor Athsan said the invocation. Western Yimchungru Hoho, Rijang Village council chairman Showuba Old, PKF Tochu, made an exhortation, SBC Showuba Pastor Tochumong said the benedic- INCHEON, OCtObEr tion. The program was chaired by WYSU 2 (PtI): India continued their stranglehold in Asst. Secretary Literary Kiutsu. women's 4x400m relay event in the Asian Games as its quartet ran a brilliant of her non-qualification for the Com- race to win the gold for the fourth time on the trot in monwealth Games will inspire the whole Games record time in the country,” Rio stated. He also paid trib- 17th edition on Thursday. ute to Mary Kom’s family members who The quartet of Priyanka have extended tremendous support and Panwar, Tintu Luka, Manencouragement to her. Rio observed that deep Kaur and M R PooMary Kom’s achievement is even more vamma won an easy race commendable considering the fact that in 3:28.68 to improve upon the earlier Games record of she is a mother of children. He hoped that her efforts will inspire 3:29.02 which was also in the youth of the nation so that India and the name of the gold-winthe Northeast will produce many more ning Indian team in 2010. This was the second gold champions in the years to come. for India from athletics after Seema Punia bagged the yellow metal in women's discus throw. Nagaland University FC Vs Tyrants FC, Japan won the silver in Khuzama @ 9.30 AM 3:30.80 while China bagged Rengma Students’ Union Vs Jovial FC (B) the bronze in 3:32.02. The Members of India's women's 4 x 400 meters relay team celebrate after winning the gold medal first lapper, Panwar was, at the 17th Asian Games in Incheon, South Korea, Thursday, October 2. (AP Photo) Kenouzou @11.00 AM DEF Kohima vs Piphema Students’ Union @12.30 PM Chedema Village Students’ Union vs Country Boys FC, Peren @2.00 PM NEw DElHI, OCtObEr to the South Korean. Sarita, who is now fac2 (PtI): L. Sarita Devi, who is enduring a torrid time, ing a disciplinary action by having lost her semi-final AIBA, though has got backbout controversially at the ing of media and also from Asian Games, on Thursday the promoters and supreceived a morale-boosting porters of the OGQ. "Olymsupport from the Olympic pic Gold Quest (OGQ) Gold Quest (OGQ), which supporters announced has decided to award the an award of Rs. 10 lakhs Manipuri boxer Rs 10 lakh. for boxer Sarita Devi. This Sarita's gold medal award was announced by dream ended abruptly in supporters of OGQ for the Incheon when judges de- courage and grit that she clared South Korea's Jina displayed in the boxing Park as winner despite ring at the Asian Games in that the Indian was a more Incheon," OGQ said in a dominating performer in statement. "In addition to the 60kg bout on Tuesday. this, OGQ also announced She lodged an appeal an increase of Rs. 10 lakhs against the verdict but lost in the training budget for and then chose an unprec- Sarita Devi. OGQ salutes edented way to express her Sarita Devi for the pride disappointment by refus- that she brought to the ening to accept the bronze tire nation with her recent medal at the podium cer- performances in the ring," emony and instead gave it the statement added.
India win women's 4x400m relay gold
Neiphiu Rio lauds Mary Kom
KOHIma, OCtObEr 2 (mExN): Nagaland’s lone Lok Sabha MP and Nagaland Olympic Association (NOA) president Neiphiu Rio extended congratulation to MC Mary Kom for her gold medal winning performance in the ongoing Asian Games. Rio, has stated that Mary Kom’s stellar performance is an inspiration to the entire nation especially for the youth of the Northeast and women in particular. “Her perseverance, discipline and hard work are benchmark of her success and her determination in the backdrop
15th NSF MARTYRS’ MEMORIAL TROPHY DAY 2 RESULTS Headwinds 3 – 1 Invictus Troy FC Naga Bazaar 5 – 4 Mima Students’ Union Barak FC 4 – 0 Alianza FC Koubru Sporting Club Manipur 2 – 0 Thelede FC Zapami DAY 3 FIXTURE (Oct 3):
DABA YM Youth Olympics underway
A player takes a corner during a football match at the two-day Youth Olympics organised by the Ao Baptist Church Youth Ministry on Thursday at DDSC Stadium, Dimapur. (Morung Photo)
DImaPur, OCtObEr 2 (mExN): The two-day Youth Olympics of Dimapur Ao Baptist Church Youth Ministry started today at DDSC Stadium, Dimapur. Jongshimanen Jamir, Associate Youth Director pronounced the invocation in the opening function while Imnatoshi Longkumer Youth Director delivered the welcome address. Deep Kumar, founder of
but Rupinder flick was brilliantly kept out by Pakistani goalkeeper Butt. India's consistent pressure finally bore fruit in the 27th minute when a smart Kothajit neatly deflected Gurbaj Singh's cross from the right to draw level and went into half-time locked at 1-1. In the last few minutes of the match, India had to go through some anxious moments but the backline held up well to take the match into shoot-off. The gold here is India's only third in the history of the Asian Games.
Faith In Action graced the Olympics as the chief guest while Faith In Action, World Champion in the 'Team Aerobic Competition' at the World Taekwondo Hanmadang, 2014, displayed a demonstration. Opong Longkumer, Games Commissioner initiated the Oath Taking followed by Lighting of Olympic Flame. Imnatoshi Longkumer, Youth Director in a press
note stated that Deep Kumar, a Hindu Convert, gracing the occasion and challenging the youths was a great encouragement. During the Opening Function, the youth ministry blessed the Faith In Action team by saying a special prayer for them in the ground. The closing of the Youth Olympics with the prize distribution will be held on October 3.
however, lagging behind her Japanese counterpart but Luka, who won a silver in 800m race, ran a brilliant race to recover the loss ground for India. India took a small lead after two laps before Mandeep widened the gap in the third lap after holding out a strong challenge from her Japanese counterpart. Poovamma, who won a bronze in 400m race, then anchored India to gold by blasting her way to the finishing line. This was the fourth time India has bagged gold in women's 4x400m relay in Asian Games as the country has been winning the event since the 2002 Busan Games. Mandeep Kaur, who ran an impressive third leg was part of that goldwinning quartet in the 2010 Guangzhou Games.
Olympic Gold Quest gives 10 lakh to aggrieved Sarita Devi
NAGA WRESTLEMANIA 3 (King Of The Ring Series 2014)
Register at 3E Office, Dzevi Building Near Kohima Local Ground, Opp.UBC Senior categories Lightweight Middleweight Heavyweight -
below 65 kg 65 to 78 kg above 78 kg
Juniors Open category -
14 years & below
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