October 6th 2014

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Dimapur VOL. IX ISSUE 274

The Morung Express “


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By Sandemo Ngullie

Monday, October 6, 2014 12 pages Rs. 4

I know that I am intelligent, because I know that I know nothing

No criticism of Shiv Sena to respect Bal Thackeray’s memory: Modi

‘Biodiversity of North-East India’

Respect is all a woman wants: Deepika

[ PAGE 2]

Hong Kong protesters make concessions


Sharapova, Djokovic lift China Open [ PAGE 12]

[ PAGE 09]

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nagaland government needs to nagaland govt & the Border issue strengthen security of women

NSCW chairperson calls for reinstatement of fast track courts, setting up forensic lab in Nagaland Morung Express news Dimapur | October 5

September in Nagaland witnessed a series of atrocious crimes against women and children – from a husband “cutting” the genStop all repairing works! The roads are becoming itals of his wife to alleged rapes and murders of miimpassable. nor girls. Notwithstanding popular opinion that The Morung Express the Nagaland is relatively safer POLL QUESTIOn for women than the mainVote on www.morungexpress.com land India, there is a worrySMS your answer to 9862574165 ing rise in violence against women in the State. Does the proposed The causes to these Nagaland Special Development Zone gender-based crimes, Prof. (NSDZ) infringe upon the Temsula Ao, Chairperson, rights in Article 371 (A)? Nagaland State Commission for Women (NSCW) stated are, “total lack of disciYes no Others pline in social behavior” and Can the Naga people find a Common Ground to “incompetence of the auresolve differences? thorities to maintain proper surveillance of women’s seYes 52% curity in general.” 33% no In an email interview 15% Others with The Morung ExDetails on page 7 press, Prof. Ao said there are many measures the Nagaland State government can effectively initiate to deter increasing crimes against women and children. She DIMAPUR, OCTO- advocated for re-instateBER 5 (MExN): The ment of Fast Track courts for Ao Senden in its Presi- speedy disposal of cases redential Council meeting lated to such crimes. “But it held on October 4 has is not enough to do so on paseriously deliberated per only,” she asserted. “The on the press release of proper infrastructure like Naga Hoho, which was designated courts, appointin response to the NSCN ment of special judges and (IM) press statement on strengthening the Women Changki issue which ap- Cells in police stations with peared in local dailies on senior experienced personSeptember 17, 2014. Ac- nel are some of the most cording to a press note issued by Prof Sangyu Yaden, President and Tsupong Longchar, General Secretary, the meeting took serious note of what it termed as the “lackadaisical attitude” of the Naga Hoho led by President P. Chuba Ozukum for countering the Morung Express news Ao Senden Resolution dated July 19 and noDimapur | October 5 tification on August 6, 2014, by addressing the Human trafficking continpresent issue in the me- ues to pierce the very core dia. Stating that P. Chuba of the human conscience. Ozukum has been in the While its existence as a social Naga Hoho office rep- menace is widely accepted, resenting Ao Community for four consecutive a lack of collective will conterms and on all these tinues to be in the way of adoccasions, the Ao Sen- dressing the problem. A concept note on an den has given endorseupcoming seminar on hument for his nominations despite having so man trafficking states that many other candida- in the north-east, Nagatures, the Ao Senden la- land included, and its bormented that P. Chuba dering countries, traffickOzukum had never been ing of women and children supportive to the deci- is very much prevalent, sion of his community. but it has so far not drawn “Henceforth, the Ao Senden withdraw the man- so much public attention date of P. Chuba Ozukum or support. The seminar to Naga Hoho to safe our scheduled on October 7 community from further and 8, organised by Miqlat destruction and with ef- Ministry under the aegis fect from 4th October, of the Nagaland Baptist 2014, he is no more con- Church Council Women’s sidered to be a represen- Department, seeks to cretative of Ao Community ate awareness and sensitise to the Naga Hoho”, the the masses while paving Ao Senden stated. In this the way for stronger coordiregard, if the Naga Hoho fails to take appropriate nation between stakeholdactions against P. Chuba ers tasked with or has taken Ozukum for involving in up the responsibility of ad“anti- Ao activities” with- dressing human traffickin 10 days, the Ao Senden ing. Stakeholders imply the may be compelled to government machinery, execute necessary steps NGOs, activists, individuas per the established als as well as the churches. cultural norms of the Ao The concept note cited community, the Ao Sen- political instability coupled den further stated. with socio-ethno conflicts Full text in page 4 and poverty in the region

Ao senden resolves


In this file photo, Naga women are protesting crimes against women. Despite the statistics, which put Nagaland as one of the safest places in India for women, the State, in recent years, has seen perpetual increase in violence against women. Photo by Caisii Mao

essential measures to be undertaken by the government,” she added. Also, she underlined that a Forensic Laboratory must be set up in the State to procure authentic evidence so trials can move at the desired pace. She cited the example of the July 4 murder case in Dimapur, where the “murder accused have been acquitted for lack of valid evidence because for nearly a year the state police were awaiting results from such a lab in Kolkata,” and called it “a terribly regrettable and sorry state of affairs in which justice for a woman has been so cruelly denied.” So, does the patriar-

chal set-up of the society perpetuate male violence against women? Prof. Ao in the affirmative responded that “this is true mostly in domestic violence cases where the males overstep their authority over the family and often inflict physical violence on women as their male right.” She enunciated that awareness regarding the safety of women must begin in the family, and society as a whole must be proactive to curb violence in the homes. “Many times people do not want to get ‘involved’ in such matters saying that these are ‘private’ matters and even when the woman/wom-

en seek justice elsewhere, the concerned families always interfere in the name of ‘reconciliation’ without really trying to take care of the root cause of such conflicts.” In such cases, she said, NGOs can play an effective role in initiating real action against the offender. In Prof. Ao’s opinion, life imprisonment rather than death penalty should be the maximum punishment for sex offenders. “However, the imposition of the death penalty can be left to the wisdom of the court to deal with unspeakable and the most horrendous crimes like the one which happened at Dimapur on July 4, 2013.” Further, she stressed that

the society must realize the enormity of increasing rate of crimes against women in Nagaland. The agencies involved in monitoring women’s issues, including the NSCW as well as the Churches must work in close co-operation with each other in combating the “grave social menace,” she affirmed. She also emphasized that the protective network for women’s safety and security must be a ‘priority’ of all governmental schemes. And, wherever such schemes have been initiated, like Women Cells in the police force, Prof. Ao added, much more infrastructural enhancement is needed urgently.

DIMAPUR, OCTOBER 5 (MExN): An Action Committee on the Ralan issue visited the affected area led by the Convener, Advisor, Coconvener and five executive members, including chairman LHD and SDO (Civil) Ralan on October 3, 2014 According to the spot assessment report filed by the Action Committee, it was informed that along the Bokajan – Wokha road from Yanpha village, SSB/ CRPF pickets manned by 3-5 personnel were set up every 200-250 meters and several Assam Police Armed posts put in place. Further, along the road from Tontongo junction (Bokajan – Wokha road) to Liphayan (Governor’s Camp), presence of neutral forces (SSB/CRPF) was found to be “highly concentrated” with security pickets set up every 200-250 meters. The report stated that the dwellings and granaries destroyed and burned during the recent border incident were not yet reconstructed on either side of the road. The Action Committee also interacted with Village Council Chairmen, GB’s and DB’s and prominent public leaders of the affected area. It was highlighted during the interaction that the Assam Police continue to give protection to the tenants and assist them to return, whereas the “Naga Landowners” are prevented from returning by the Assam Police backed by the

neutral forces, the report stated. It was further disclosed that the Assam Government was providing monetary (Rs. 50, 000 per tenant) as well as material relief to the tenants. However, the Nagaland Government has not extended any assistance to the affected Nagas till date, the report said. The Action Committee pointed

Action Committee on Ralan incident points out Nagaland state govt’s poor response

out the urgent need for State security forces (NAP/IRB) as demanded by the affected people. “The urgency is very apparent because paddy harvesting is approaching”, stated the Action Committee, while adding that there was strong apprehension that if the Nagaland Government failed to address the problems as mentioned above before the paddy harvest, the situation will “explode into un-imaginable proportion”. The report of the Action Committee was issued by Ralanthung Yanthan, Convenor, T. Ovung, co-convenor, Er W. Kithan, Advisor and Ejanthung Ngullie, Secretary.

Discuss. Retrospect. Initiate. Act. KSU demands for ‘immediate’ Seminar on human trafficking to focus on stronger coordination among stakeholders


as the major contributing factors. While in Nagaland, it stated that it may not be visible on the surface “but a deeper look reveals this social menace have already crept into Naga society” and fast growing to be a serious concern. “Nagaland, a remote state on the periphery of India’s economic rise, is of late becoming a ‘pick up’ zone for the trafficking network,” it stated. The seminar seeks to get the churches more actively involved in addressing the problem. “A lot of times the Church has been held responsible for not contributing enough (for addressing) social issues,” the concept note stated. “Therefore, this seminar also aims to bring in people both from the Church and practitioners and other stakeholders and honestly deliberate on the issue, see where we are failing and how we can better work together hand in hand instead of pin pointing one another.” According to Asha Zhanuo Sanchu, director of Miqlat Ministry, the main idea is to rope in the churches and the Bible colleges to the movement. “Everyone tend to blame the Church for not doing enough to address social

problems. But the church can be a great platform,” Sanchu said. Having threadbare discussions among stakeholders, pointing out drawbacks and coming up with something concrete and applicable will go a long way in addressing the problem, she said. “We’re all stakeholders as individuals. In our own way we’re playing our parts, but we tend to blame one another… if only we could come together as a team and address this issue jointly.” The seminar will have Rev. Dr. Lauran Betthel, a human rights activist, and Director of International Christian Alliance on Prostitution as the key resource person. Rev. Dr. Betthel has vast experience in this area with over 30 years of work. Sanchu felt that interacting with Rev. Dr. Betthel will be a learning experience for local stakeholders, while her inputs on human trafficking from a global perspective will be of great benefit. The seminar will facilitate panellists from the Nagaland Police, State Resource Centre for Women, “practitioners” or activists involved in intervention programmes, and Rev. Kapi Gangmei of Asia-Pacific Baptist Federation.

black topping of college road

DIMAPUR, OCTOBER 5 (MExN): The Konyak Student’s Union (KSU) has expressed sadness over the deplorable condition of the road that leads to Wangkhao College and the Industrial Training Institute (ITI) in Mon. Basing on the complaint from the agitated students and staffs of both the institutions, the Union had in the past appealed to the district administration for maintenance of the road as it “hampers students from accessing to the college.” According to a press note from the KSU President Loungai Wangnao and Assistant General Secretary Hamshen Konyak, during summer, the road becomes “totally un-motorable even for the college buses.” The KSU, based on the detailed project report (DPR) received in the year 2013, declared its utmost discontentment on how the work was being supervised, executed and implemented. “Neither the construction works were carried out as per the DPR nor the government had investigated on its mismanagement but instead completion certificate was allotted,” alleged the KSU. “Such corruption shall not be tolerated by the Union either from the Contractor or the government in future.” The two most impor-

‘Poor attendance in class effected on account of the deplorable road condition’

This photo released by KSU shows the condition of the road to Wangkhao College and ITI in Mon worsened by the rain.

tant institutions (Wangkhao College & ITI), the KSU asserted, were the assets of Mon district and the entire Konyak populace in general. “Though the institution is located at Mon, it shouldn’t be considered as the responsibility of the concern MLA but the said responsibility should be jointly initiated by all the 9 (nine) Konyak elected members,” stated the KSU. In this regard, the KSU

appealed to all the Konyak elected members to retrospect and introspect on the present condition of stagnancy that prevails in the system today. “Such state and condition needs joint efforts from all section of leaders in understanding the common problem and issues concerning the educational infrastructural stagnancy and development that exist in the land of Konyaks.”

The KSU pointed out that on account of such negligence, the students had faced immense hardship walking on the road and in attending classes. “Poor attendance in the class is also one of the major factors which affect the healthy career of the education that has directly effected on account of the deplorable road condition,” the KSU stated. It was informed that in the past, the students had boycotted the classes and had appealed to the department concerned for construction of the roads, but till date, nothing had been initiated and the condition remains the same. The union lauded the DPDB for the positive response and initiating temporary maintenance of the roads by filling stones, however, it stated that such temporary maintenance will only last for this dry season. The KSU has demanded for inclusion, sanctioning, and for immediate commencement of the road construction from Mon town to the institutions into a fully black topped road before the next rainy season. In this regard, the union requested the Minister for Road and Bridges to intervene to the plea of the students’ community for inclusion of the college roads project under any budget source without delay.






Book on traditional Naga and Christian ideas of God released

Eyingbeni Hümtsoe-Nienu (right) with Kuzopoyo Tunyi, Pastor of Chakhesang Mission Compound Church, releasing the book on October 3.


Dimapur, OctOber 5 (mexN): A book entitled ‘God of the tribes: Christian perspective on the Naga ancestral idea of the supreme being’ was released and dedicated by Kuzopoyo Tunyi, Pastor of Chakhesang Mission Compound Church (CMCC), during a CMCC youth camp at Rüzazu, K. Bawe in Phek district on October 3. The book is authored by Dr Eyingbeni Hümtsoe-Nienu, a senior faculty at Clark Theological College, Mokokchung. The book is a result of years of research and study involving an interdisciplinary approach that includes perspectives from cultural anthropology, Christian history, biblical studies, and most importantly from Christian theology, stated a press release received here. The book investigates the pre-Christian/ traditional Naga belief in the Supreme Being and uncovers substantial links with the Christian idea of God. “The relationship between the two ideas in the


one God serves as a challenge to modern Christians to honor God with their entire life in a manner that our pre-Christian ancestors did and more,” it added. According to the note, the book will be resourceful for both secular and theology scholars and professors for in-depth knowledge on both traditional Naga religion and Christian doctrine of God, and will be particularly insightful for all who are interested in understanding Naga traditional faith and its relevance for Christian faith and practice and vice-versa. Published by Clark Theological College (ISBN: 978-81-921392-8-9), the 314 pages book is reasonably priced at Rs 380/- and can be ordered directly by writing to godofthetribes@ yahoo.com or visiting page www.facebook.com/eying.humtsoe. Phone inquiry can be done on 8414882994. It will also be made available in leading book stores around Nagaland shortly.

The Morung Express C

Gift in the Pot – book of poems inspired by women potters

Dimapur, OctOber 5 (mexN): A book of poems entitled “Gift in the Pot: Earth Poetry” by J. Longkumer was released today at Book Marc here. It was officially released by Dr. Temsula Ao, Chairperson of Nagaland State Commission for Women, and also, mother of the author. A press release informed that Meribeni Ngully, in her opening remarks, highlighted the simplicity and honesty of the author’s poems, which have deep connection with life. Meanwhile, Dr. Lanusangla Tzudir, (Proprietor, Publisher & Chief Editor of Heritage Publishing House) called the book a celebration of one of the ageless inheritance from our ancestors and a reminder of the wonderful craft of pottery which has been serving as the functional purpose and essence of our everyday life and living. Further, she said the book is a rich tribute to the unsung heroes – the womenfolk, who, over the ages have tirelessly engaged with the ‘earth’ in keeping this knowledge of culture alive. She lauded the author for her commendable work of converting the ageold ‘passion’ of the potters into a literary ‘work of art’, at the same time, encouraged everyone to take it as a responsibility to encourage the story tellers in their effort towards recapturing

Dr. Temsula Ao, Chairperson NSCW (M) releasing the book along with the author, Dr. J. Longkumer (L) and the Proprietor, Publisher & Chief Editor of HPH Dr. Lanusangla Tzudir (R).

“Created from the yielding clay Touching lives, connecting generations The ageless inheritance from our ancestors Moulding the essence of our being.” Gift in the Pot – J. Longkumer

our traditional heritage, our roots and our identity. The author, J. Longkumer spoke about her book as a celebration of the rich cultural heritage that has prevailed across time and generations of women pot makers of Changki, Longjemdang and Japu, who have ensured that the craft is neither relegated to history books nor museums or become just a vague memory. “The ancient craft handed down to this very day is a measure of the honour bestowed to the

giving Earth by these women, a living tradition which has given us a distinct identity.” She said that her book is a tribute to these women – grandmother, mother, daughter, sister – whose knowledge, sheer hard work and passion have kept alive the craft of pottery that had inspired her to write poems. She acknowledged her mother Dr. Temsula Ao, who had fuelled the passion in her to be independent and resolute and also being a constant source of encouragement towards

realising her talents. Dr. Temsula Ao called it a rare privilege to formally launch the book of poems by her very own daughter. She highlighted that the book tries to explore the intricacies of the art of pot making and about the gift of life that each pot has signified since ancient days and also about the reverence that ought to be shown to the humble pot and its architect. She also acknowledged Dr. Lanusangla Tzudir as a person who has been instrumental in ushering in a new era for the emerging intelligentsia among the Nagas today. Gift in the Pot: Earth Poetry (ISBN: 978-93-8050071-3) is priced at Rs 200/- and will be available at Heritage Publishing House and SIGNET BOOKS, Dimapur.

222 Naga youths to undergo training in Pune Dimapur, OctOber 5 (mexN): A sending off-cum-orientation programme of trainees selected under skill entrepreneurship training, a joint initiative of HP Institute, Maharashtra, and Nagaland Development Outreach (the development wing of Nagaland Baptist Church Council) was held here at NMM conference hall, Fellowship Colony, on Sunday. Two hundred and twenty two Naga youths (both boys and girls) belonging to various church associations affiliated to NBCC have been selected to undergo a 6-month training in travel, tourism and hospitality, electrical and electronic and automobiles sectors at HP Institute, Pune, Maharashtra. Along with HP Institute and NDO, the department of Employment & Craftsmanship Training, Government of Nagaland, is also sponsoring the training. Additional director, Employment & Craftsmanship Training, Vandan Lotha, in his address exhorted the trainees to be obedient and deligent during the train-


ing period. He said though Nagas are known for their hospitality, yet they are lacking in showing respect and courtesy, which are essential attributes in the hospitality industry. Vandan also said Naga youths should give up the dependency mentality and try to earn their own livelihood by venturing into private sectors where job opportunities abound. “If you are willing to work, then you can always find work. But if you are not willing to work, then you will not find any work. Only you can create or generate work,” the additional director said. Asenla of HP Dimapur branch gave a brief outline of the training course and also advised the trainees on various do’s and don’ts while on training. NDO board member, Dr. Mughavi also exhorted the trainees. Earlier, director NDO, SC Pongener, delivered the welcome address and assistant director NDO, H Asangla Phom, proposed vote of thanks. The programme was chaired by NDO member, A Vikheho Chishi.

Health awareness camp at Kidima village KOhima, OctOber 5 (mexN): A health awareness camp was organized at Kidima Village by physicians Dr N. Sezo Rote, Dr Kedusato, Dr Krosakhol, Dr Vichovol and Dr Akhrie along with nurses from Kidima on October 5. The medical camp was organized to promote good health amongst Kidima villagers, a press release informed, adding the villagers turned out in large number and made use of the free health service. Different kinds of ailments were diagnosed including dental and eye, according to the note. The villagers have expressed happiness at the service of the doctors and nurses.


‘Biodiversity of North-East India’ Bomb blast in Wokha; orgs condemn


JaKhama, OctOber 5 (mexN): St. Joseph’s College, Jakhama, held its annual national seminar on the topic “Biodiversity of North-East India” from October 3 to 4. Professor B.K. Konwar, Vice Chancellor of Nagaland University (NU) was the keynote speaker for the programme held at the college auditorium. Stressing on the conservation of biodiversity in Nagaland, Professor Konwar covered various topics concerning flora and fauna, research and commercial programmes, as well as traditional and biotechnology methods of application. He also underlined the possibility of food processing, medical plants, animal-environment man-


St. Joseph’s College, Jakhama holds national seminar



6 October 2014

WOKha, OctOber 5 (mexN): A crude bomb exploded in Wokha town on October 5 at around 1:30 am. The Zuvotong Colony Union (ZCU) and Zuvotong Colony Youth Organisation (ZCYO) have condemned the blast which occurred near the residence of Zuvotong Colony Union vice chairman William Patton. According to a joint press statement issued by ZCU chairman Robin Humtsoe and ZCYO president Chumchamo R Ovung, the explosion damaged the building Speakers, participants and others at the national seminar of St. Joseph’s College, Jakhama and vehicle (Bolero) of agement, bio-fertilizers like Bose Institute, Kolka- ence, St. Joseph’s College, the ZCU vice chairman. However, there were no and germplasm, a press ta, Tata Institute of Social Jakhama. release received here in- Sciences, Guwahati, AsuAccording to the note, injuries reported of the formed. He encouraged all fii Christian Institute, Se- the seminar proved to be present to contribute to the napati and Model Christian both informative and fruitful preservation of biodiversity College, Kohima. for students and other guests stating that, with awareness This year’s national present and hopeful to bring among students, “a bright- seminar was organized by changes in the future. er day will come for us.” the Science Stream headed A short valedictory The rest of the seminar by Sister Nancy A.C., Dean function followed up to saw speakers from places of the Department of Sci- conclude the seminar.

residents. “Crafting such kind of fear psycho in the mind of the innocent public is highly intolerable

and condemnable by one and all,” ZCU and ZCYO asserted. The two bodies further appealed to the

law enforcing agencies to take the matter seriously and investigate the case at the earliest.


Land Resources department launches ‘Swachh Bharat’

Kidima Catholic Youth Association Day observed

KOhima, OctOber 5 (mexN): St. Francis Xavier Church, Kidima observed the 26th Kidima Catholic Youth Association (KCYA) Day with Reverend Father Thomas Muttathil, Parish Priest as main celebrant under the theme “Every day I will bless you, and praise your name forever and ever” (Psalm 145:2) from October 4- 5. Reverend Father Thomas Muttathil in his intro-

An explosion in Wokha town on October 5 at around 1:30 am damaged building and vehicle of a resident. (Photo Courtesy/ Thungdemo Kyong)

ductory note appealed to the youth to be a protector and guide of the church. Stating that God expects his people to bear a good and sweet fruit instead of sour grapes, Father Thomas emphasized on good and evil in man’s life. He challenged the youth to continue having good spirit of faith for the greater glory of God. Krovito George, Catechist of St. Francis Xavier Church, Kidima also

exhorted the youth and asked them to give thanks to God now and then that, human beings are intelligent with wisdom amongst God’s creations. “Youth are the prime age in one’s life that can change and do great things to the society,” George stated. He also encouraged the youth to obey their parents which could bring peace and joy to their homes. George further cautioned the Catho-

lic faithful not to denounce their religion for the sake of marriage. Two houses, namely Emeritus Pope Benedict and Pope Francis competed in solo, duet, quartet, double quartet and group hymns. Volleyball competition was also organized. KCYA members working in different places across the State and from various parishes attended the annual session.

Dimapur, OctOber 5 (mexN): As part of the historic campaign for clean India, the Department of Land Resources, Nagaland has officially launched ‘Swachh Bharat’ with a programme held at New Chumukedima village. In an attempt to reach out to the villagers to make cleanliness a mass movement, Director of Land Resources, Mhathung Yanthan and Additional Director, Hoto Yeptho accompanied by Hekato Yeptho, District Project Officer, Land Resources Dimapur attended the programme Director, Land Resources Mhathung Yanthan and Additional at New Chumukedima. Launching the camDirector, Hoto Yeptho leading the cleanliness drive at the launch of Swachh Bharat at New Chumukedima village. paign, Mhathung Yanthan

stated cleanliness is most vital for healthy living. He said clean India will be a tribute to Mahatma Gandhi who had a penchant for cleanliness in his personal habits and strongly promoted it in society. The department and villagers pledged for cleanliness in the society. Land Resources Dimapur also distributed dust bins, donated by the DPO Dimapur, to the villagers. Under the initiative of Land Resource Dimapur, Swachh Bharat was also observed in all the IWMP villages in Dimapur district, Land Resources office and along the national highway leading to the State capital.

WSBAK Children Festival 2014 concludes


Dimapur, OctOber 5 (mexN): The three-day Children Festival organized by Christian Education Department of Western Sumi Baptist Akukuhou Kuqhakulu (WSBAK) culminated today. The festival was held at Thahekhu village ground from October 3 to 5 with ‘Alhou Yehkippe’ as the theme. About a thousand children from more than 150 churches under WSBAK participated. Exhorting the congregation at the morning service today, Khehovi Yeputho, Chairman WSBAK said Christian education is fundamental not only for spiritual growth of children, but it also gives a parallel platform to mould the children to be better

The gathering on the last day of WSBAK Children Festival, which was held at Thahekhu village ground from October 3 to 5.

equipped in social context of life. He said that Christian Education Department initiated children festival has been successful in bringing children together to celebrate and rejoice in the righteousness of Christ. Khehovi also shared with the children the im-

portance of one’s own language and cultural identity. Dr. Botoholi, Secretary, Education & Communication, NBCC was the speaker of the morning service, while Rev. S. Vitoshe Swu, Executive Secretary, WSBAK was the speaker of the afternoon service. Husheli Rai, Child

Counsellor DCPU, Tuensang and Y. Vishiho Shohe, Secretary, Christian Education Department, WSBAK were the other speakers of the festival. Praise and worship team of WSBAK led the congregation in music, besides special number

presentation by children of WSBAK mission centre and Hevishe BA, skit presentation by SBA Padumpukhuri and SBA Purana Bazaar and closing act by Thahekhu BA. The WSBAK Children Festival 2016 would be held at Shoxuvi village.



The Morung Express

‘There is no respect for human life’ harish V. nair


Daily Mail

amning reports submitted to the Supreme Court by two panels of judges have confirmed that armed forces personnel were involved in rapes and killing of innocent people in Manipur 'under the cover' of the controversial Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act (AFSPA). The reports, one of them submitted by the Manipur government to the apex court two weeks ago, have triggered fresh demands from human rights activities for a probe by a special investigation team into 'nearly 1,700 extra-judicial killings in the past 35 years' and withdrawal of the AFSPA from the northeastern state. 'Crimes against women, more particularly relating to sexual harassment committed by armed forces, are now increasing in some states like ours. 'They (armed forces) think themselves placed at the elevated status of impu-

Northeast Briefs NEFR cancels 10 trains GUWAHATI, OcTOber 5 (PTI): Northeast Frontier Railway today cancelled 10 trains, and changed the schedules and routes of three others due to damage in tracks by flood waters in Lower Assam. In a statement, NF Railway spokesperson said the trains have been cancelled "in view of the breaches in the New Bongaigaon-Goalpara Town-Kamakhya section of Rangiya division". Apart from the cancelled trains, NF Railway has diverted two trains and rescheduled one train, the spokesperson added.

Ulfa, GNLA cadres killed in Assam GUWAHATI, OcTOber 5 (IANS): The army gunned down two armed militants and foiled an attempt by the rebels to abduct a government servant in Assam Sunday. An army statement said that while one of the slain cadres belongs to the antitalk faction of the United Liberation Front of Asom, the other was from the Meghalaya-based militant outfit Garo National Liberation Army. The incident took place at Balaikhawar village of Goalpara district. The statement said a joint team of the army and the Goalpara police launched an operation in the area late Saturday night following a tip-off that militants might try to kidnap a government employee.

Armed forces 'raped or killed' nearly 2000 Manipur civilians in 35 years say judges

nity by the legislation and think wrongly they are given licence to do whatever they like,' said the latest report on incidents during 2004-08 that was compiled by a group of serving and retired judges of district courts in Manipur. The cases A probe by M. Manoj Kumar Singh, District Judge of Imphal East, confirmed the rape of a 15-year-old schoolgirl by two army personnel on October 4, 2004. She committed suicide the same day. Upendra Singh, a retired district judge, reported the death of Amina, a young mother who was shot by CRPF personnel while putting her baby to sleep at home. The report said Amina died when a CRPF team, chasing a criminal, entered Naorem village, surrounded her home and fired indiscriminately. In another report, Judge Manoj Kumar Singh

PIL hearing These reports were submitted in connection with a PIL being heard by the apex court. The PIL was filed in 2012 by the Extra Judicial Executions Victims' Families Association, whose cause was taken up by senior advocate and rights activist Colin Gonsalves. 'Our PIL stands vindicated by the reports of the judicial panels. We will now urge the court to immediately set up a SIT to probe all such killings since 1979,' Gonsalves said. 'In a functioning democracy eyewitness accounts would be immediately acted upon, leading to registration of murder cases, but in Manipur such FIRs are not accepted at the police station, no investigation done and no disciplinary action taken,' the PIL says. No respect The apex court has

6 October 2014

GUWAHATI, OcTOber 5 (HINdUSTAN TImeS): Assam’s valleys are used to floods. But what hit the state’s western region, bordering Meghalaya, last month was unprecedented; people there had never imagined that killer waters would rise up in moments and sweep their entire lives away. Ask cousins Nayan and Rupam, 13. They both lost their parents when a flash flood — the result of incessant rainfall from September 20 to 23 — struck Kamarpara, a village of potters 100 km west of Guwahati. River Singra, flowing down from the hills of adjoining Meghalaya to join the Brahmaputra downstream, never seemed like a threat to these villagers on higher ground. “We shifted here from a floodprone area. We were wrong to think that the floods wouldn’t chase us,” says village elder Nakul Kumar, 69. In Dilinga village nearby, Padma Das, 66, recounts the ‘water attack’. “Suddenly, we found ourselves in 10 feet of water. Our houses are damaged and paddy fields ruined,” he says. These Assam villages were perhaps luckier than Bholarbitha in Meghalaya’s West Garo Hills district. River Jinjiram, a tributary of the Brahmaputra, wiped out more than 80% of this village’s 300 homes. “Our village used to be inundated every monsoon, but this time was different. The current of the water was too strong; it was as if we were hit by a cyclone in liquid form,”

Economic Affairs in next 2 months.” The government is contemplating concessions to exploit more hydrocarbon resources in the Northeast. In view of logistical and technical challenges as well as limited weather window in these areas, it may introduce a total exploration period for 10 years, comprising first phase of 6 years and then 4 years in the 2nd phase. The oil ministry also believes that there may be a possibility of extending tax holiday from current seven years to 10 years for future NELP rounds. The policy, which is under works, would also aim for time-bound clearances from ministries of environment, defence, home affairs and state governments. All acitivities required for taking these clerances are targeted to be made simpler and ITenabled.

A man tries to lift a damaged car that got washed away in the flash floods at Krishnai village in Goalpara district of assam recently. (AP Photo/Anupam Nath)

says Zubair Hussain. Villages in this part of Meghalaya, close to Bangladesh, are acquainted with Bordoichila, the annual springtime storm eulogised in Assamese folklore. But this year’s floods were an unprecedented disaster. Meteorologists attribute it to unusually high post-monsoon rain, but ecologists blame it on climate change, encroachment on hill slopes and a degradation and even partial destruction of a network of wetlands that once were natural absorbers of excess rainwater. In Meghalaya, chief minister Mukul Sangma admitted that illegal stone quarries have affected the ecology of the hills and the course of rivers. “Letting people [mostly migrants] settle on riverbanks and sandbars

has complicated matters,” says environment scientist JD Goswami. “All this is making the flooding more intense and more widespread.” He has a point; this year, most of the 179 victims across Arunachal Pradesh, Assam and Meghalaya were from areas beyond traditional flood-prone zones. And in the urban bustle of Guwahati, where a construction boom has claimed many beels or expansive ponds, a total of six died from drowning, electrocution and landslides. Rescue operations began fairly promptly, as the affected areas have an active Border Security Force presence, in addition to the Army and units of the National Disaster Response Force. Union minister of state for home Kiren Rijiju and

union minister of state for sports and youth affairs Sarbananda Sonowal — both originally from the region — responded relatively quickly on behalf of the Centre, arriving to take stock of the situation. But the victims, particularly in Meghalaya, complained of not receiving adequate relief. This is a persistent problem in the flood-prone north-east. Though 179 people have been killed by flooding here in 2014 alone — 68 in Assam, 56 in Arunachal Pradesh, and 55 in Meghalaya — only Rs. 887 crore has been allocated in relief by the Centre; Rs. 674 crore of this for Assam. By comparison, when the city of Mumbai was inundated in the 26/7 deluge of 2005 — nine years ago — the Centre allocated Rs. 476 crore in relief funds.


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Assam to set up 'Green Brigade' to ensure cleanliness GUWAHATI, OcTOber 5 (IANS): Days after Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the Swachh Bharat campaign, Assam Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi Sunday announced the setting up of a "Green Brigade" to keep the state clean. "We will constitute Green Brigade and permanent committees to keep the localities neat and clean. Awards will also be given for cleanliness drive," he said while launching the 'Clean Assam Campaign' here. Gogoi, who launched the campaign in the city's Ga-

neshguri area, said his government would take up the cleanliness drive in a mission mode across the nook and corner of the state. "We had launched Clean Guwahati Campaign in February 2012 in front of Cotton College, Jail Road, Manipuri Basti and other places. "However, the campaign did not continue for long. But this time the cleanliness drive will be a continuous process in Guwahati and other parts of the state," he said. "As we take proper care of our body, wear clean clothes,

so also we must keep our surroundings clean to keep disease at bay," Gogoi said. Ap p re c i a t i n g t h e Swachh Bharat Abhiyan spearheaded by Modi, he said: "We support any good cause and our government, with the help of public organisations, NGOs and individuals, would make an all-out endeavour to make Assam clean and green." Gogoi said the campaign would begin in all educational institutions, government offices and public institutions in a phased manner.

Rijiju urges NE people to prove their worth GUWAHATI, OcTOber 5 (TNN): Union minister of state for home affairs Kiren Rijiju said he is trying to form a global platform to develop a feeling of unity among the people of the northeast. While taking part in the first-ever Arunachal Carnival in Guwahati, Rijiju also urged locals to prove their worth instead of agitating for rights. "I'm thinking of forming a global platform for the people of the northeast who are living in different places across the world. It will not just inculcate a sense of unity but also help in many other ways. Recently, during a visit to Brooklyn Institute, I was overwhelmed to see the excitement of the NE

Falling off the map: Did India notice floods in North East?

ONGC and Oil India to get blocks in NE on nomination basis GUWAHATI, OcTOber 5 (THe FINANcIAl exPreSS): Staterun oil and gas exploration companies ONGC and Oil India may be offered blocks on nomination basis in the Northeast region keeping in view their strategic location and the experience of working in these frontier areas. This is part of a comprehensive startegy currently being prepared by the Narendra Modi government to accelerate exploration and production activities in the hydrocarbon-rich Northeastern states. An oil ministry official said that “The petroleum ministry and Directorate General of Hydrocarbons are working on a comprehensive package to ramp up exploration and production acitivities in the Northeast. The policy would be put before the Cabinet Committee on

investigated the shooting of Yumnam Robita Devi, 52, on April 9, 2002 as she waited for a bus at Pangei Bazar. A passing convoy of CRPF personnel was ambushed by insurgents. 'In retaliation', the report said, 'the personnel turned to the civilians and fired indiscriminately. Ms Devi, who ducked on the floor of the market, was spotted and shot dead.' In April 2013, a commission headed by former Supreme Court judge Santosh Hegde inquired into six killings by armed forces and police and found the allegations to be true. It had concluded that seven victims in the six cases, including a 12-year-old boy, did not have criminal antecedents and were not involved in any insurgency-related matter. The report pointed out that 'four out of these six cases shockingly followed an identical pattern'.

been asking the Centre to 'do something' in Manipur as uncontrolled powers given under the AFSPA could lead to unjustified killings in fake gun battles and shootouts. 'There is no respect for a human life, an Indian's life. If you (the Centre) keep areas under security forces for a long period of time, then these things are bound to happen. 'The Centre should now do something for Manipur. This must end. Manipur has to be fully integrated with the country. You keep a state alienated for 10-15 years and such things would occur,' the court had told the previous UPA government last December. When Additional Solicitor General Paras Kuhad said the number of killings had substantially come down from around 350 to 50 in the past three to four years, the court had snapped back: 'Please refrain from arguing on the basis of the number of deaths. You are being insensitive'.


Meanwhile, across 28 districts in the north-east — 23 of these in Assam — floods have caused losses worth an estimated Rs. 4,350 crore in infrastructure damage and crop loss this year alone, with Assam accounting for Rs. 2,010 crore of this loss. “We are trying our best to provide succour to the victims besides offering compensation to families of those who have died,” says Assam chief minister Tarun Gogoi. Meanwhile, even online — where some local NGOs have gone to try and raise funds and material for relief operations — the response has been nothing like the outpouring, say, in the wake of the recent Kashmir floods. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has announced Rs. 2 lakh as compensation for the families of each person killed, promising to do more for the region as rainbearing clouds threaten more havoc over the coming weeks. For the time being, though, the states and Centre are still arguing over who should do how much. As Patricia Mukhim, editor of The Shillong Times, says: “The northeast will always remain a periphery. It needs bombs and blood and dead bodies to make news.”

people there. Then I thought of forming something that will connect us across the globe," Rijiju told TOI. Terming bandhs and strikes as deadly diseases for society, Rijiju said, "We should be confident and prove ourselves before the rest of the country, because respect does not come in charity." He said the region needs more Mary Koms than bomb blasts, militants or border disputes. Taking stock of the condition of roads in Arunachal Pradesh, he said, "We need to do a lot of work. We do not want conflicts with China, but we want to develop the infrastructure and communication in the border areas," he said.

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GRATITUDE BY FAITH IN ACTION FOUNDATION Words are not enough to express our gratitude to all the well-wishers who has helped us Physically, Financially and Spiritually during our journey to South Korea. It's through people like you that Jesus shows His love for us. You are God's greatest blessings. Thank you for your kindness & thoughtfulness when we needed it the most. We convey our especial heartfelt thanks to: 1. Shri. Neiphiu Rio, Hon'ble MP, Nagaland. 2. Collective leadership of NSCN (IM) through. Home Kilonser Vikiye Awomi. 3. Shri. Baliram Sharma (Voters India Voters) New Delhi. 4. Shri. Khriehu Liezietsu, Parliamentary Secy. Youth Resources & Sports, Kohima. 5. Shri. Khekaho Assumi, Hon'ble MLA 6. Mrs & Mr. Yehoto Zhimorni, GB, Y. Zhimo Colony, Dimapur. 7. Shri, Abu Metha, PS to MP, Nagaland. 8. Y. Zhimo, Colony Council. 9. Shri. Inato Achumi, Y. Zhimo Colony. 10. Shri. Omega Yepthomi, President Business Association Dimapur. 11. Shrimati, Amen Jamir, Supervisor Medical Dept., Peren 12. All the Media fraternity of Nagaland. Faith in action Foundation



public discoursE

Monday 6 October 2014

The Morung Express

Nagas: Are We Anti Or Pro Development


s a concerned Naga citizen, I have been reading and reflecting on various articles published in the print media by different individuals and organisations on the issues of development and state government’s policies. At the same time there has been lots of discussion around it and many people have given their comments and opinions. While some individuals/groups have gone to the extent of accusing some of the civil society organizations like the Naga Hoho and others. While asserting our fundamental rights of freedom of speech and expression, one should not misuse the intrinsic value of our freedom. After all as Naga, I believe everyone wants to see a prosperous and developed Nagaland like any other states or cities in the world. Everybody talks about development of Roads, infrastructures, railways and air connectivity, proper communication sys-

tems, proper traffic movements. But many seem to be talking in the air without taking into consideration the practical realities. What is all about Article 371 (A)? Does the article deny our rights to appropriate development of the state? Does the article indicate that, if we develop Nagaland state, our rights over land ownership will be lost or forfeited? I am fully convinced that Rights over land and its resources needs to be protected at any cost, but while doing so, are we to stop development and welfare of the people? No sensible Naga will compromise on the rights over its land and its resources. But while keeping in mind our rights, we must also seriously explore the possibility of alternative development which is acceptable to the people and are within the framework of our interests and rights. Everyone seems to claim that we are for development but unless we collaborate and

create space for the agencies and people to come to consensus about what kind of development we are looking for, we may still struggle to really see the desired changes we want to bring in the society. Let us be more realistic and practical. Let our idealism be in paper and reality in the ground. Many criticisms on Nagaland Special Development Zone are made by people who agree to disagree the very purpose of developing the state. They know it but refuse to accept it for reasons best known to them, and are working hard to confuse the people and creating divisions among the Nagas. Nagaland Tribes Council (NTC) has been mobilizing people and spreading propaganda against the state’s development policy without trying to understand the policy. I feel many of the members of the NTC are frustrated leaders and politicians who are being funded by some vested interest groups to meet their

whims and fancies. Indigenous Nagaland citizen cannot be taken for a ride. In good spirit and to build a healthy society, we need critics and everyone accepts constructive criticism, but unfortunately today our Naga society is in a mess due to some unscrupulous people writing in the print media criticising every step of the government and other Civil Societies without realising that we are the pillars of the government. Many organisations are formed today just to project themselves as a saviour, aspiring for power and personal gain by tarnishing the images of people who have committed their lives for the well being of the society. Their slogans and mottos are well accepted but the motives behind is very divisive and destructive. Rallies against Govt, are organised all over Nagaland but tomorrow posterity will curse. Let us have humane heart for the poor common fellow being who cannot analyse or reason like

anyone of us. I would rather encourage the state government to come up with modalities on the proposed policy on NSDZ and invite people’s participation and debate over it and come to amicable agreement. But before understanding the intent of the policy and holding proper discussions, if we are to post-mortem and reject it, it is like naming a child before birth it is rather ridiculous. I wonder why many Naga intellectuals who have far and wide knowledge and experiences refuse to contribute or decide to remain silent on such crucial issue. I am sure many have travelled across India and the world at large and have seen for themselves how civilization and development are taking place and how people are participating and contributing to all round development processes. Let us sincerely contribute in building a strong and prosperous Naga society. Let our culture and tradition be an

example to the world instead of suppressing it. Lastly which government says that protective laws will be erased? To my understanding, as per the news report, the govt. proposes to relax certain laws that would be suitable to the people of Nagaland. Let us not spend sleepless nights to misinterpret somebody’s speeches/ views/opinions rather think how best we can contribute for our society. For the sake of writing and expressing our thoughts, let us no longer fool our people. Everybody knows the background and profile of those writers and leaders and where they stand today. Let us not avenge each other by our defeat or frustration. May good sense prevail amongst my beloved Nagas. God has created us to be unique and special people, let us not fail each other. Moa Longkumer A Concern Naga Youth Bayavu Hill Kohima

Ao Senden points out Naga Exhaustive dialogue on Sovereignty he ACAUT members are were peacefully dreaming and able limit. The ACAUT with or Hoho’s ‘lackadaisical attitude’ conscientious, sensible scheming to barter away the without intention became an-


Human Rights violation and suffering experienced by the certain sections of people at Changki Village is due to negligence of District administration and Law enforcing agencies. Thereby leaving the minority virtually at the mercy of the criminals. The meeting is fully convinced and clear that after getting the blessing of Ao Senden over all these years unfortunately P. Chuba Ozukum has never been supportive to the decision of his community. Henceforth, the Ao Senden withdraw the mandate of P. Chuba Ozukum to Naga Hoho to safe our Community from further destruction and with effect from 4th October, 2014, he is no more considered to be a representative of Ao Community to the Naga Hoho. In this regard, if the Naga Hoho fails to take appropriate actions against P. Chuba Ozukum for involving in anti-Ao activities within 10 days, the Ao Senden may be compelled to execute necessary steps as per the established cultural norms of the Ao community. The Ao Senden is fully aware and determined that this time the apex body is confident to settle the Changki issue knowing that it has been the desire of the Ao Senden for a long term solution which can benefit all the citizens within the Changki Village.

he Ao Senden in its Presidential Council meeting dated the 4th of October, 2014, seriously deliberated the press release of Naga Hoho on NSCN (IM) press statement on Changki issue which appeared in local dailies, 17th September, 2014. The conflict and human Rights violation in the Changki Village has created serious implications, complicating the matter more sensitive among the Aos over the last eight years. Having based on cultural tradition, the Ao Senden places the citizen rights and public welfare as its top priority and has resolved to do so till a permanent conducive atmosphere is created at Changki Village. After noticing the initiatives taken against the violation of Human rights by Changki Ayim Asem Senso Mungdang on the minority, the Secretary to the GPRN Kilo Affairs, Th. Rainam, on behalf of the Govt., has made an appreciation which is duly acknowledged by the Ao Senden. The Meeting seriously take note of the lackadaisical attitude of the Naga Hoho lead by President P. Chuba Ozukum for countering the Ao Senden Resolution dated the 19th July and notification 6th August, 2014, by addressing the present issue in the media. P. Chuba Ozukum has been in the Naga Hoho Office representing Ao Community for forth consecutive terms and on all these occasions, the Ao Senden has given endorsement for his nominations despite having so many other candidatures. While it is clear that the long years of

Prof Sangyu Yaden President Ao Senden Tsupong Longchar General Secretary, Ao Senden


and responsible class of people and i believe they are also patriots like any NPG, it is therefore obligatory on their part to properly visualise the term “Sovereignty Tax” from the political perspective and not merely denigrate “Sovereignty” as “Taxation” issue. They need to know that the fruit of Nagaland state has been purchased by sacrifices of thousands of Naga patriots and the struggle continues. Had there been no sovereignty struggle the Nagas would still be partly backward hill and NHTA under Assam underrepresented and neglected. Mr. Khekiye Sema knows well of the predicament since his respected father late Khelhoshe Sema were few enlightened Nagas who represented the Nagas in Assam Assembly. They should also understand why Nagas are still exempted from paying income tax to GOI. While the rest of the Nagas were being hunted and haunted like beasts in the jungles under India’s military onslaught during 1950-1980s, i believe Mr. Khekiye Sema and the likes in the ACAUT

blood soaked Naga struggle to GOI in the form of present Nagaland state. The effort of ACAUT to zealously protect Nagaland state is highly laudable, they however without regret ignores the genesis of Nagaland state, the price that has been paid in the blood of thousands Naga patriots and the political ramifications that has direct bearings on the destiny of the Nagas. Although, Nagaland state is just one legacy of NPG, the ACAUT intends to superimpose Nagaland state on NPGs and their struggle. The ACAUT needs to be reminded of their primary objectives- to protest, expose and abolish market monopoly i ,e mafia type organised control of wholesales and dealerships by certain NPG in Dimapur, multiple taxations by NPGs and resultant excessive inflations. This movement had not only garnered the support of masses but even NPG like NSCN (Khaplang). The enthusiastic support of the people perhaps overwhelmed them and they started diluting sovereignty and taxation beyond reason-

ti-sovereignty and anti-Naga struggle by collaborating with the business class and Indian security agents leading to arrests of many genuine NPGs members citing extortion. The ACAUT campaign against multiple- taxation should not have assumed negative political contours against NPGs. That will be the testimony of ACAUT in the political history of the Nagas and our struggle for sovereignty. The ACAUT also should have avoided branding the entire NPGs as mere wealth seeking agencies as the NSCN/ GPRN with or without taxation shall continue the struggle for sovereignty no matter how disdainful it may appear before ACAUT. It is now for ACAUT to investigate and understand as to who are more corrupt, either NPGs, market monopolisers, political and bureaucratic echelons or themselves. No entity should escape from the prying eyes. Finally, the ACAUT shall be credited with the term “sovereignty tax” much to the grinning of common Naga’s adversary and aggressor. Isak Sumi

ASTD Social Work: Something to Emulate


he social work carried out on the 2nd Oct 2014 by the Ao Senso Telongjem Dimapur which was assisted by the Ao Students Union Dimapur and the Dimapur Ao Youth Organisation under the theme ‘Social Work for Humanity’ with a mamooth participation of more than 20000 volunteers in the Naga Cemetery, Dimapur District Hospital and the Referral Hospital (CIHSR) with voluntary blood donation and the Dimapur Area Ao Pastors Fellowship praying for patients in hospitals is indeed an exemplary example exemplified for all to be emulated by other Naga tribes too. It is the visionary and the farsightedness of the Aos which makes them remarkably stand out from the rest and is the reason of being the forerunners of every positive aspects of social, religious and economic sphere in the Naga society. Though many others undertake programmes which seem to be beneficial for themselves only, this was one. The constructive pioneership to initiate and lead the way for others is indeed praiseworthy and something to be noted. It is the second time such kind of programme has being undertaken on the same day some years back which now coincided with the National Government’s Swaach Bharat Abhiyan or Clean India Campaign which kicked-off on the Father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi’s 145 birth anniversary. From the foundation of Christianity in their land to driving out of illegal Bangladeshi immigrants from their hometown of Mokukchung in 2007, they had foreseen this danger when most of the other Nagas were still asleep and are still pretending to be asleep as there is a saying ‘ it is more difficult to wake up a person who is sleeping than pretending to be asleep’. As our government, churches, apex civil organisations and even national workers are still pretending to be asleep on the threat of the issue of illegal immigrants. The other attraction of this social work was the posters with slogans like ‘Work without pay is a sin and pay without work is crime’ ‘Nagas should come out of the debt zone through hard work and courage not by begging’ etc. But the best slogan ever which beat and won the hearts of all was ‘PLYING LUXURIOUS VEHICLES ON DEPLORABLE ROAD CONDITIONS IS NOT A SYMBOL OF DEVELOPMENT’, Hope our leaders who have all procured luxurious vehicle siphoning public money and putting the state into a debt trap all reads this and if they know what shame is let them. May other tribes also emulate you so that our fragmented society come more closer through this kind of common objects and goals for our society through this kind of selfless endeavors because God helps those who helps themselves and service to humanity is a service to God. Keep up the good work, we others have so much to learn from you. Jonah Achumi Dimapur

Readers may please note that the contents of the articles, letters and opinions published do not reflect the outlook of this paper nor of the Editor in any form.



Simple Rules - There is just one simple rule: “Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.”

SUDOKU Game Number # 3016




Answer Number # 3015

Civil Hospital:

STD CODE: 03862

Metro Hospital: Faith Hospital: Shamrock Hospital Zion Hospital: Police Control Room Police Traffic Control East Police Station West Police Station CIHSR (Referral Hospital) Dimapur hospital Apollo Hospital Info Centre: Railway: Indian Airlines Chumukedima Fire Brigade Nikos Hospital and Research Centre Nagaland Multispecialty Health & Research Centre


Police Control Room: North Police Station: South Police Station: Fire Brigade: Naga Hospital: Oking Hospital: Bethel Nursing Home:

232224; Emergency229529, 229474 227930, 231081 228846 228254 231864, 224117, 227337 228400 232106 227607 232181 242555/ 242533 224041, 248011 230695/9402435652 131/228404 229366 282777 232032, 231031 248302, 09856006026

STD CODE: 0370

Northeast Shuttles

100/2244279 2222222 2222111 2222952 2222916 2243339 2224202



























ACROSS 1. Infectious agent 6. Not “To” 10. Part of an ear 14. Mountain crest 15. Was a passenger 16. Require 17. Submarine detector 18. Ends a prayer 19. Dry 20. Fanatic 22. Workbench attachment 23. Timbuktu country 24. Personification 26. Boorish 30. Hotel 31. 52 in Roman numerals 32. Pinnacle 33. Dregs 35. Warning signal 39. It points north 41. Diagonal 43. Drop to one’s knees 44. Certain 46. Religious sisters 47. Confederate soldier 49. Mesh 50. Deep cut 51. Less difficult 54. Throat-clearing sound

56. Solitary 57. Beside the point 63. Fiber source 64. Russian parliament 65. Forbidden 66. Ear-related 67. Misled 68. A mixture of metals 69. Welt 70. Terminates 71. Scallions

DOWN 1. Flower holder 2. Weightlifters pump this 3. Lease 4. Salt Lake state 5. Truth ___ 6. Feebleness 7. Type of lettuce 8. Poems 9. Not physical 10. Ineffectual 11. Excellence 12. African antelope 13. More peculiar 21. Travels on water 25. Ampule 26. Torture device 27. Atop 28. A Greek territorial unit

29. Live through 34. Malcontents 36. Shade of blue 37. Flows 38. Netting 40. Away from the wind 42. Tropical nut 45. Without a weapon 48. Headgear for a horse 51. Arm joint 52. Heart artery 53. Escargot 55. Iron or steel 58. Wreckage 59. Sheltered spot 60. Competent 61. Cozy corner 62. Playthings Ans to CrossWord 3022

DIMAPUR: 03862 232201/101 (O) 9436017479 (OC) CHUMUKEDIMA: 03862 282777/101 (O) 9856158740 (OC) WOKHA: 03860 242215/101 (O) 9862039399 (OC) MOKOKCHUNG: 0369 2226225/101 (O) 9436012949 (OC) PHEK: 8414853765 (O) 9862130954(OC) ZUNHEBOTO: 03867 280304/101 (O) 9856156876 (OC)

MON: 03869 251222/101 (O) 9436208480 (OC) KIPHIRE: 8414853767 (O) 8974304572 (OC)

Toll free No. 1098 childline


KOHIMA: 0370 2222952/101 (O) 9402003086 (OC)

TUENSANG: 8414853766 (O) 8414853519




STD CODE: 0369

Police Station 1: Police Station 2 :

2226241 2226214

Civil Hospital: Woodland Nursing Home: Hotel Metsüpen (Tourist Lodge):

2226216 2226263 2226373/2229343

TAHAMzAM (formerly Senapati) STD CODE: 03871 Police Station: Fire Brigade

222246 222491


























For details & Test drive Contact: Urban Station, Near NSC Petrol Pump, 6th Mile Dimapur. Ph No : 240994 CURRENCY EXCHANGE CURRENCY NOTES BUY(Rs) SELL(Rs) US Dollars Sterling Pound Hong Kong Dollar Australian Dollar Singapore Dollar Canadian Dollar Japanese Yen

61 99.17 7.85 53.43 47.95 54.71 55.67

61.43 100.3 7.93 54.2 48.52 55.38 56.34




ex-Servicemen meets cM Submit memorandum with four-point demand

Kohima, october 5 (mexN): The Naga Ex Servicemen Association (NESA) has submitted a memorandum to the chief minister of Nagaland, highlighting the grievances faced by the Ex-Servicemen. A seven-member team of NESA led by its chairman Col S Rengma called on Chief Minister T R Zeliang at his residential office, Kohima on October 4 and submitted the memo. A press release from Media Cell, Chief Minister’s Office informed that the NESA in its memorandum underlined that the Sate is unable to absorb the retiring personnel as there is no industries or PSUs like other States, and the only



The Morung Express

In its memorandum, the Naga Ex Servicemen Association put forward four demands: Extension of service under Directorate of Sainik Welfare be stopped to all ESM from outside the State; No post be made permanent so to ensure ESM get equal opportunity for re-employment; In case there is no ESM capable for the job, dependent ESM be given opportunity; and All vacancies of post should be advertised in local dailies so to ensure ESM residing in remote villages are also informed. The NESA memChief Minister of Nagaland T R Zeliang with the Naga Ex Servicemen Association mem- bers appealed to the State bers at his residential office, Kohima on October 4. Government for urgent atavenue available is to be departments. The nodal men (ESM) is the Director- tention to their demands appointed as State govern- department to look after ate of Sainik Welfare/Rajya and redressal of the same at the earliest. ment employee in selected the welfare of Ex-Service- Sainik Board.

Guv greets on Id-ul-Zuha

Kohima, october 5 (mexN): The Governor of Nagaland, P B Acharya extended his warm greetings and best wishes to Muslim Community of Nagaland on the auspicious occasion of Id-ul-Zuha. “May this festival inspire all of us to work for an eternal peace, burying our differences and animosities”, he said The festival of Id-ul-Zuha is celebrated across India and around the world with traditional enthusiasm and gaiety remembering the supreme sacrifice of Prophet Ibrahim. Tovihoto greets The Parliamentary Secretary for IT&C, Science & Tech, Technical Education and Taxes, Tovihoto Ayemi has extended his warmest greetings to the Muslim community on the joyous occasion of Id-ul-Zuha. “May the auspicious occasion of Idd bless the Muslim community and others alike with peace and bring joy to your heart and home”, he added. He further urged the people to remember the helpless, downtrodden and the needy people during the festival and foster and strengthen in social harmony in the society.

ABCC Young Fathers’ Brigade in progress at Seithekema DimaPUr, october 5 (mexN): The Young Fathers’ Brigade organised by the Mens’ department of the Angami Baptist Church Council (ABCC) have witnessed an impressive turnout of nearly 700 young Angami fathers all walks of life. Organised under the theme, “Build up your strength in union with the Lord and by means of his mighty power” (Ephesians 6:10), the “Brigade” which started on October 2 at Seithekema ‘A’ and will conclude on October 6. According to a press release from the Brigade Brigadier, Kezhokhoto Savi & Brigade Publicity Director Dzuvihol Kweho, devotional services, Bible Study, quiet time, seminar, sanitation, praise & worship are regularly conducted in the Brigade with the object to raise good father to run families, good leaders to help the church and a man of integrity to lead the society in the fear of God. It further added that, the Brigade

kick started on October 2 with “a special a way of lighting candle” by Yakieu Khro with greetings by the Brigade Director, General Daso Paphino and dividing the fathers into six companies with respective camps and organizational structure. Dr. V Atsi Dolie Executive Director, Angami Baptist Church Council (ABCC) unfurled the Brigade flag and took salute to six companies in parades on October 3 as the Chief Guest. He also inspected all the camps. Besides the regular programs, it added, several competitions such as group song singing, tati, volleyball, tug-of-war, etc were conducted on October 3 and 4 and a walk down to Noune Resort, Dimapur was organised on early hours of October 4 as part of morning exercises and sightseeing. Special quiet time were also conducted led by Brigade Brigadier Savi and sharing by Brigade chaplain Rev. Mekhale Yhoshu.

6 October 2014

designed by NEZCC to address the challenges posed by advent of modernity and its resultant impact in society, especially among the urban youth. According to the press note, the training programme culminated in a simple function at NEZCC where the students shared their experiences and benefits from the training. The

the Certificates to the participants. He also thanked the Resource Persons for their support and cooperation extended in making the training programme a success. In the next group, 3 experts and 25 students from Yimchunger Community will commence their leaning programme for next 10 days beginning October 6, informed the press note.

Parliamentary Secretary for IT&C, Science & Technology, Technical Education and Taxes, Tovihoto Ayemi inaugurating the welcome gate at Nepali Gaon, Dimapur on October 2. (Morung Photo)



New Ministers’ Hill Panchayat informs Kohima, october 5 (mexN): The New Minister Hill Panchayat has informed the general public that the panchayat in its general meeting on September 28 has “reaffirmed” a sets of resolution passed earlier on October 2012 regarding the conduct of public within

its jurisdiction. According to a press note from the Panchayat Chairman, Neibo-o Kire and Member Lima Imsong, the sets of resolution includes:A fine of Rs. 500 for throwing sewage in Nullahs; A fine of Rs 1000 for discharging Septic tanks in

Nullah before 11 pm; Strict prohibition of the use of alcohol and other Intoxicants in an around View Point near Little Flower Higher Secondary School; No vehicle will be allowed to park near View Point after 8.30 pm; and Strict imposition of fencing or chaining of domesticated dogs.

Seminar held for AGEI ministers and executives

DimaPUr, october 5 (mexN): The Leader’s Spiritual Refreshing Seminar for the ordained ministers and executives of the Assemblies of God of East India (AGEI) was held from October 2 – 4 at Bethesda Higher Secondary School, Dimapur under the theme “Refreshing comes from the Lord” (Acts 3:19). Rev. Moses Murry, Rev. Dr. D. Angam, Rev. ThebemoYantham, Rev. David Marbaniang, Rev. Dr. Jacky SImte, Rev. Dr. Nongrem, Esther Murry and Aiborbansuk Thabah were the speakers. During the Seminar, Rev. Moses Murry and his wife shared about their participation in the 100 years centennial celebration

of Assemblies of God (AG) in Springfield, MO, USA. Rev. Murry informed that about 5000 foreign delegates attended from over 120 countries. He stated that AG is one of the fastest growing missions in the world with 67.5 mn believers and 3,50,000 recognized churches presently. The world Assemblies of God leaders have set goals to have 100 mn believers and 5 lakhs recognized churches by 2020 to fulfill “Vision 2020”, he added. As per a press note 78 ordained ministers and executives attended the seminar, after which, they went to Jaipur to attend the Southern Asia Mission Conference scheduled for October 7 to 9.

Finance Deptment bids adieu to new CS Kohima, october 5 (mexN): A felicitation programme was organised by the Finance Department for the new Chief Secretary (CS) of Nagaland, Toshi Aier, IAS on October 1 at the Department Conference Hall. In a press communiqué, the Secretary of Finance Department, Y Kikheto Sema, IAS also stated that the function bid farewell to Toshi Aier as Additional Chief Secretary & Finance Commissioner. Describing their former head as the “man in black” whose initiative has been the driver force of the finance department, Y. Kikheto Sema said that Aier was a “man of principle and action” with an analytical mind for reasoning and precise decisions. Sema also said that he has shared the best year of his working with Aier and wished him the best as a Chief Secretary. Echoing Sema, Taliremba, OSD also described Toshi Aier as a simple and person

Toshi Aier during the felicitation cum farewell programme of the Finance Department at Kohima on October 1.

whose decisions were straight and precise. Speaking on the occasion, Toshi Aier stressed on the need for a team work in any work place for the smooth functioning of a department and maintained that under the abled leadership of Sema, the Finance Department

Training for Sangtam students concludes Gospel of Christ had brought us out DimaPUr, october ZCC, D Vashum stated Joint Director of NEZCC 5 (mexN): As part of the that the ongoing series was Talinokcha, and gave away from darkness into light: T R Zeliang ongoing series of “Tribal Community Learning Programme”, 25 students from the Sangtam Community successfully completed their training programme today at the NEZCC, Dimapur. They were the thirteenth group in the ongoing series and trained under three resource person. In a press note, the Deputy Director of NE-


Our Correspondent Kohima | October 5

Chief Minister T R Zeliang today said that gospel of Christ had brought us out from darkness into light. Delivering greetings during the India Mission Summit organised by the American Baptist International Ministries, and hosted by NBCC here, he said the Nagas first received the Gospel of Christ about 142 years ago (in 1872) from the missionaries sent by the American Baptist International Ministries. “The Gospel had really worked miracles for the Nagas, and within a relatively short time, Nagas embraced Christianity, and Nagaland became a land of Christians,” he said. He said the Gospel of Christ had brought us out from darkness into light, and converted us from "Head hunters to soul hunters". The Chief Minister thanked the American Baptist International Ministries, and their missionaries who came to Nagaland, particularly the pioneer missionaries such as Rev. E.W. Clark and Rev. C.D. King, for bringing the gospel to Nagas and “for all the abundant blessings we have been receiving

through their ministry.” Thanking the Baptist International Ministries for choosing Kohima as the venue and the NBCC for hosting the "great Summit", the Chief Minister believed that the Christians of Nagaland will receive new strengths and spiritual blessings through this summit, which is expected to provide meaningful time of worship, fellowship and interactions. He termed the Summit’s theme "Celebrate the Past, Envision the future", as very appropriate, “as it would enable the delegates and participants to recount the struggles and achievements of the first ' generation of Missionaries in India, and be thankful to them for their sacrifices, and for what we are today. “ “It would also enable us to assess the tasks at hand, and to focus our missions for the future,” he said. Further, he hoped that the delegates and other participants of this summit have had a comfortable and memorable stay in Kohima. He also called upon them to carry back happy and sweet memories of their visit to Nagaland and continue to be the ambassadors and benefactors of Nagaland its people, in whatever way they can, and wherever they may go.

has been running efficiently and will continue to do so in the days to come. The programme was chaired by V Kezo, OSD, Budget who also described the new CS as a great person, blessed by God, and working with him has been a learning experience for the OSD.

condolence Chief Minister Kohima, october 5 (mexN): The Chief Minister of Nagaland, T R Zeliang has expressed his deep sorrow over the demise of Sahu Yiese, Addl Director of Printing & Stationary, who passed after a brief illness in October 5. In a brief condolence message, the Chief Minister described Late Yiese as a dedicated and hard working officer, who has made immense contribution to the modernization of the department and stated that he will be fondly remembered by all those who knew and work with him. “On behalf of the State Govemment, and on my owm behalf, I convey my deepest condolences you and all family members of Late Sahu Tiese”, Zeliang added. He also offered his prayer of solace to the bereaved family members and eternal peace for the departed soul.

Parliamentary Secretary for Printing and Stationery The Parliamentary Secretary for Art & Culture, Printing and Stationery, Er. Kroprol Vitsu has also expressed over the untimely demise of the Addl. Director of Printing and Stationery, Sahu Yiese on October 5. In a press note, Parliamentary Secretary described Late Yiese as a sincere, dedicated and efficient officer and his sad demise has created a vacuum for the department which will be hard to fill. In his own behalf as well as the department, he conveyed deepest condolences to the bereaved family of Late Yiese and offered prayer of peace to the departed soul.

Public SPace

he Church has a pivotal role and a significant voice among the Nagas. As a religious institution, it generally enjoys a respected authority and a recognised platform, so much so that any social, cultural and even political gathering among the Nagas begins and ends with a pastor’s prayer! In some villages, the pastor of the church often serves as the unofficial advisor/consultant to many a village councils’ deliberations. The term Church is used here advisedly, that represent the visible, structural organisation of the followers of Christianity among the Naga people. Christianity is a religion that the Naga people embraced as a response to the work of missionaries from America beginning the last quarter of the nineteenth century. In the recent years, there is a myriad of volumes available on the critical analyses of conversion to Christianity and the ensuing changes

The church and Naga Women and transformations it initiated. Conversion to Christianity also established the Church as a powerful institution in the Naga society. Modernization and its defining feature, i.e., professionalization are the most immediate and visible changes Christianity ushered into Naga society. Putting it in a simplified way, Christianity introduced modern education, which led to their participation in the socio-economic and political structures set-up by the British colonial power. Naga women acquired modern education and participated in modern professions in the newly initiated socio-economic structures without much systemic resistance. Modern education particularly was provided for both men and women around the

same time, with the establishment of mission and government schools. This is evident in the national census, wherein literacy percentage between male and female among Nagas is almost in equal numbers. Hence, the paradox in Naga society, Christian mission and the church opened the doors to modern education and professions for Naga women, at the same time, this same church today helps maintain a society that excludes women and resists women’s equal participation in Naga society. Right from the days of the American Baptist mission, Naga women were employed as bible women, Naga women were organised into structured associations (according to records, the missionary C.E. Hunter played a role). It can be said that when

American missionaries brought the discourse of women’s empowerment as prevailing during their days in America, it was not resisted by the locals, but once the missionaries left, the church has remain frozen in time in its attitude towards women. On our own we have done very little, we have not gone beyond what the missionaries established: women leaders of women department in the churches, education for women but have not taken up with seriousness the systemic discrimination, patriarchal mind-set and practices, the sexual violence against women. (Interestingly, the American Baptist churches, which is the historic source of Naga Christianity is one of the most socially progressive churches in the world, for e.g. women are

full-fledged pastors etc, etc.) Acquiring an education and having women departments in the churches are quite different from equal respect and equal participation of women in the society and in the church. The Baptist missionaries as children of their times, initiated education and limited participation of women in the church, I hope the Naga church of today will take up the cause of women’s empowerment and equal acceptance in society as urgent need of contemporary times. The church among the Naga people should lead the advocacy movement for women’s equal participation in the society and the church. The church should demonstrate an inclusive community. The church should provide resources and leadership in the movement

against gender discrimination, violence, bias and prejudice against women. I write this advisedly because the church has a prominent voice and role among the Nagas. However, there is also the flipside, where the church (religion) can be interpreted as the source of all rigid orthodoxy. Consequently, such interpretation result in the fundamentalist approach to religion and its role in society. And one hopes that Naga Christians do not understand religion, in our case Christianity, as fundamentalists do, because religious fundamentalists are causing enough misery and violence in different parts of the world. The church that is prophetic and committed to establishing a just society leads in challeng-

ing structures and practices that exclude half of the population from equal participation, respect and recognition. Today, many churches in different parts of the world are leading reforms in economic, environmental justice, and gender justice. One hopes that the Naga Church, will awaken its reformist spirit and lead in ushering a just society. We read of decreasing influence and importance of the Church in many traditional Christian nations, perhaps, one reason is its rigidity with traditions which are not inclusive that repulses the younger generations. Christianity has been among the Naga people almost 150 years, I hope young Naga people will continue to find relevance and meaning in the Church, that provides a vision and practice of equality and respect for every member of the society. Dr. Atola Longkumer Bangalore

The Morung Express is introducing “Public Space” as part of our intention to provide deliberate space for the opinions of the people to be expressed and heard through this newspaper. Nonetheless, The Morung Express points out that the opinions expressed in the contents published in the “Public Space” do not reflect the views and position of the newspaper or the editor.



The Power of Truth

The Morung Express MonDAy 6 ocTobEr 2014 voluME IX IssuE 275

Along Longkumer consulting Editor

Corruption: Need for Code of Conduct


amil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalitha (who has since resigned) has been found guilty in an 18-year-old disproportionate assets case by a Special Court in Bangalore, and sentenced to four years in jail, besides imposition of a fine amounting to Rs 100 crore. Further she has been disqualified to contest elections and cannot hold a public office for ten years. While the lengthy judicial process of 18 years is a matter of concern, nevertheless this is truly a remarkable verdict that will hopefully, in the years to come, transform our corrupt political system for the better. Jayalalitha is certainly not the only corrupt politician or Chief Minister in India. Many of our leaders here in Nagaland, past and present could well face similar charges and conviction for indulging in corruption if the law was to be applied as in the case of Jayalalitha. Corruption has thrived in India, Nagaland included, because for years now, it was seen as a “low risk high profit business”. Hopefully the latest verdict of conviction in the case of Jayalalitha will make corruption into “high risk activity” and as such deter people not to indulge in corruption. As per the case, which has been going on since 1996, Jayalalitha is accused of acquiring at least Rs 66.65 crore in assets that could not be explained by her known source of income. This corrupt wealth included 2,000 acres of land, 30 kg of gold and 12,000 sarees. As per the charges, the value of Jayalalitha’s assets increased to Rs.66.65 crore when she demitted office in 1996 after a five year stint. Before assuming office as Chief Minister on July 1, 1991, the value of her assets was Rs.2.01 crore, it was alleged. Disproportionate assets are something that most people in Nagaland will also be familiar with. It is both a problem as well as indication of corruption prevailing in our system. Coming back to the corruption case against Jayalalitha, the sad truth is that even the institution of the judiciary has corrupt elements within who will try to subvert the process of justice. The corruption case against Jayalalitha had to be transferred to neighboring Karnataka after it was found by the Supreme Court that the public prosecutor appointed by the Jayalalitha government was hand in glove with the accused. Just having the pillar of judiciary is not enough to fight corruption but we need men of integrity to run these institutions, only then can we expect fair play and justice. Efforts in the past to check corruption failed because the guilty under the existing judicial system do not generally get punished. As per data available, the conviction rate in the Indian courts is only 6%. There are huge number of cases pending in the Indian courts and the average time taken for disposal of cases ranges from 10-20 years. The case of Jayalalitha is a rare exception but hopefully this will become the rule. But for all this to happen, a sustained effort must be made at all levels to put in place measures to fight corruption. What about Nagaland? Can we depend on customary laws or Article 371 (A) when it comes to the fight against corruption? Our legal luminaries must shed light on this. The government both past and present has shied away from tackling corruption and this can be seen in the manner we function. It is not just the bureaucrats but the political class, including our Ministers and Parliamentary Secretaries must also file annual property returns. Other States are doing this while at the Centre, the Prime Minister has asked all Ministers to submit details of their assets, liabilities and business interests. As per the Code of Conduct, after taking office and so long as he remains in office, the Minister shall furnish annually by the 31st August to the Prime Minister, a declaration regarding his assets and liabilities for the previous financial year. What is more, ministers must “ensure that his family members do not start or participate in business concerns engaged in supplying of goods or services to the government…” Similar code of conduct is much needed here in Nagaland if we want to set up a healthy tradition to check corruption in public life. Can our new Chief Minister take a similar initiative as done by Prime Minister Narendra Modi? (Feedback can be sent to consultingeditormex@gmail.com)

lEfT wiNg |

Vishal Gulati IANS

Live and let live: Himachal court bans animal sacrifice


ive and let live. This idiom has summed up the landmark 110-page humane judgment of the Himachal Pradesh High Court that banned the age-old tradition prevailing in most areas of the hill state to sacrifice animals to "appease" various gods and goddesses in their pantheon. Invoking 'parens patriae', a doctrine that grants authority of the state to protect persons who are legally unable to act on their own, a division bench consisting of Justice Rajiv Sharma and Justice Sureshwar Thakur observed: "The practice of animal and bird sacrifice is abhorrent and dastardly." The bench, in its interim order Sep 1, had banned the sacrifice of animals in temples, saying they cannot be permitted to be killed in a barbaric manner to "appease" the gods. Taking cognisance of holding Jagati Puch - the convention of oracles - in Naggar in Kullu district Sep 26 to decide whether the ban on animal slaughter is acceptable or not, the judges observed: "The extra-constitutional bodies have no role." "They can't issue directives to the followers not to obey the command of law. They cannot be permitted to sit in appeal over the orders and judgments of the court...any religion congregation cannot become law unto themselves." Maheshwar Singh, the local legislator and chief representative of Lord Raghunath, the Kullu Valley's chief deity who called the 'Jagati Puch', told IANS it was unanimously decided to reject the high court ban. He said 266 assembled deities endorsed that the animal sacrifice was part of their age-old custom. Interestingly, the high court's judgment came on the same day when the Jagati Puch was called Sep 26. At the Jagati Puch, which is held only in extraordinary situations, the invitation is sent to oracles who speak for the gods and they publicize what they claim to be divine verdicts. Petitioner and animal rights activist Sonali Purewal said the practice of animal slaughter is prevalent in Chamunda Devi temple in Kangra, Hadimba Devi temple in Manali, Chamunda Nandi Keshwar Dham in Kangra, Malana in Kullu, Shikari Devi temple in Mandi, Bhima Kali Temple in Sarahan and in Ani and Nirmand in Kullu district, Shillai in Sirmaur district and Chopal in Shimla district. According to Purewal, who is with the People for Animals NGO, it takes 25 minutes to kill a buffalo. At times, the buffalo runs amuck to save itself. The animals are mercilessly beaten up and chilies are thrown into their eyes. "Superstitions have no faith in the modern era of reasoning. The animal sacrifice of any species, may be a goat or sheep or a buffalo, cannot be, in our considered view, treated as essential part of religion. It may be religion's practice but definitely not an essential and integral part of religion," the court said. "Hindu religion, in no manner, would be affected if the animal sacrifice is taken out from it. We have to stand up against the social evils," the court added. "The animals have basic rights and we have to recognize and protect them. The animals and birds breathe like us. They are also a creation of god. They have also a right to live in harmony with human beings and the nature." Reaffirming its interim order, the bench reiterated: "No person throughout the state shall sacrifice any animal in any place of public religious worship, including all land and buildings near such places of religious worship which are ordinarily connected to religious purposes." "Sacrifice causes immense pain and suffering to the innocent animals. The innocent animals cannot be permitted to be sacrificed to appease the god/deity in a barbaric manner. Compassion is the basic tenet in all religions. The practice of animal sacrifice is a social evil and is required to be curbed," the bench added.



Rolien Hoyng and Murat Es

Umbrella revolution: the academy reflects


ong Kong: the former British colony that still runs double-decker buses and drives on the left; the fast-paced, vertical global city and glamorous finance hub; on a map of China, the autonomous region is only a dot. The recent mass protests disrupt these well-established images of Hong Kong and call for a new narrative, even though colonial history, neoliberal urban governance, and Chinese authoritarianism all bear on the current situation. What is now being branded the Umbrella Revolution of Hong Kong is seeing its sixth day. Events in Hong Kong erupted on 28 September, when the occupation of Civic Square near the government headquarters by striking students and citizens was violently suppressed. As a result, people flooded the streets and the civil disobedience movement Occupy Central with Love and Peace (OCLP) began earlier than its original launch date of 1 October, choosing instead to ride the momentum inspired by the students. The demands, as formulated by OCLP, call for the resignation of the unpopular Chief Executive Chun-ying Leung and the withdrawal of China’s National People’s Congress Standing Committee regarding its proposed framework for the 2017 elections. According to this proposal, any candidate for the top position of Chief Executive in Hong Kong must meet two criteria: 50 percent approval by a de facto proBeijing nomination committee, and ‘patriotism’ as determined by the central government in Beijing. As international scholars currently based in Hong Kong, we move around the world, and our research interests lie at the intersection of urban struggles and democratic politics. From this vantage point and on the ground at the protests, we want to highlight Hong Kong’s particular context and history in relation to certain globalizing forms of political expression. To this end, we interviewed and listened to fellow academics and student activists, as well as graduate students from mainland China in Hong Kong. The first question we posed to our academic colleagues concerned historical legacies: are the current protests about changing Hong Kong or changing China? Denise Ho, who teaches contemporary Chinese history, explained that at the time of Hong Kong’s handover from Britain to China in 1997, it was expected that China would eventually adopt democracy and Hong Kong’s promise for constitutional democracy would be realized alongside this development: “but from speculating about the ‘coming collapse of China’ to explaining why the Chinese state has only grown stronger, this hope is now thrown into doubt.” Siu-Leung Li, who is a professor of cultural studies, echoes Ho’s point about the waning expectation that “Hong Kong would have democracy when China had it.” Li explains that a new sense of local Hong Kong identity - separate from China’s - has emerged, borne of frustration with Beijing’s totalitarian control over Hong Kong’s own political reform process. He argues: “few would still think of changing China in order to change Hong Kong. Hong Kong will fight for itself, Hong Kong will fight for its own survival.” Mee Kam Ng, an urban geographer, emphasises that Hong Kong’s unique and forward-looking character is at stake: “this is all about trying not to change Hong Kong into another Chinese city. You have to know that Hong Kong has always been the revolutionary base in recent Chinese history.” Considering the growing conviction about Hong Kong’s distinct identity and future, allusions to events in Chinese history that attempt to explain present Hong Kong in terms of China’s past are highly contested. Those opposing the student strikes and OCLP draw historical parallels with the Cultural Revolution’s Red Guards who violently attacked both figures associated with the former establishment and perceived moderates. Rejecting such claims, Ng states: “the students are no Red Guards. The Red Guards were ‘instigated’ by political struggles within the Communist Party. The Red Guards had no idea about what democracy was.” Li remarks that the references by pro-Beijing commentators to ‘Red Guards’ constitute the “tell-tale sign of the schizophrenia of those people, some of whom actually were Red Guards themselves back then, or were zealous supporters of Mao and the Cultural Revolution.” Other observers have drawn a parallel with the pro-democracy student uprisings that culminated in the onslaught of Tiananmen Square in 1989. In response, Ho thinks that the Tiananmen analogy “does not give enough credit to the [current] movement to build something that is new, that is specific to Hong Kong, and that is forward-looking rather than backward-looking. We all know how Tiananmen ended, so I wish this were not such a common analogy.” These historical readings by themselves are inadequate since rather than rising from a regional history only, Hong Kong’s uprising also partakes in contemporary urban struggles and democratic movements in global cities under neoliberal governance elsewhere. For those who have followed protest movements such as the Occupy movement of 2011 in the US and the Gezi Uprising of 2013 in Turkey, Hong Kong’s adaptation of globalizing forms of political expression is obvious. In fact, posting pictures of Hong Kong’s scenes of protest on social media makes our friends in Istanbul tear up as they are reminded of the days of the Gezi Uprising. As we have observed the unfolding protests in Hong Kong, we have noted many examples of globalizing forms of political expression. Protesters deliberate in small groups and use soapboxes for impromptu speeches. Iconic imagery circulating through social media, street art, and spontaneous performances of ‘Do You Hear the People Sing?’ are all highly affective forms of communication. Under the banner of ‘boycott classes, keep learning’, Hong Kong’s student strike introduced public lectures by academics, open and mobile classrooms, libraries on the street, and even classrooms designated for parents of secondary-school students who have joined the protests. Such methods consciously underscore decentralized self-organization. Kelvin Wu, a recent university graduate and a social activist, commented on Hong Kong’s developments: “I am impressed by the people and the autonomy they demonstrated after the student strike and the first police crackdown. We started to organize ourselves at this scale and to coordinate the whole occupation by building barricades, arranging the locations of sit-ins, reporting the movements of the police, and initiating public discussion. All these were done without strong leadership or hierarchical communication.” As such, Wu glimpses the possibility of the emergence of a new kind of politics. “The fact is that there is now no single leadership in all these ‘occupied zones.’” People are gaining “experiences of a different form of governance, one that is based on

The World’s Politest Protesters

Hong Kong student protesters help recycle garbage during a quiet moment at the protest site on October 1, 2014 in Hong Kong. (Photo: Paula Bronstein/Getty Images)

srdja Popovic and Tori Porell

he protest movement that has sprung to life in Hong Kong now represents the most serious challenge to Beijing’s authority since the Tiananmen protests of 1989. Beijing is obviously worried: Earlier this week it banned the photosharing site Instagram and ramped up censorship on the popular Chinese social media site Sina Weibo to unprecedented levels. But while the threat to Beijing’s power is real, the danger isn’t evident on Hong Kong streets: Rather than presenting scenes of smashed shops or violent confrontations with the police—the sort of images we have grown accustomed to in Cairo, Ukraine, and other sites of popular protests against oppressive regimes—the photos from central Hong Kong show smiling students sitting around doing their homework, passing out donations of food, and meticulously picking up litter—even sorting out the recyclables. What, then, is different about these Hong Kong demonstrators? And how might their almost exaggerated politeness help them against the notoriously severe Chinese Communist Party? The answers to these questions can be found in the appropriately titled “Manual of Disobedience.” Published online several days before the Occupy Central campaign was set to begin, the document (written in Chinese and English) is part how-to guide and part philosophical mission statement. It details the movement’s tactics, the rules for nonviolent protest, the legal codes that may be violated, and the exact procedure to follow should someone be arrested. It also implores protesters to “avoid physical confrontation, but also to avoid developing hatred in [their] heart,” and explains that the protests must be a model of the values that they are striving to see in their society, namely “equality, tolerance, love, and care.” The protesters understand that these values will not only help win over sympathizers, but lay bare the illegitimacy of the regime if it moves against them with excessive force. These aren’t youthful idealists; these are savvy political operators who understand the secrets of successful nonviolent resistance. The proof of this fact is playing out in the streets of Hong Kong right now. After the protesters’ first

attempt to block the financial district was met with volleys of teargas from riot police, the people in the street did not fight back, leaving society shocked and emboldened by the authorities’ outrageous use of force. The next day, thousands more people turned up with signs supporting the students, condemning police tactics, and calling for the resignation of Hong Kong leader C.Y. Leung. Although it may seem obvious that a protest movement must win popular support to combat oppression, it is no easy feat, and something we have seen movements in dozens of countries fail to accomplish. The staunch adherence to nonviolence Occupy Central has demonstrated takes preparation, training, and discipline—a combination that’s very rare for many movements. Most of the time, organizers aren’t prepared to handle the crowds that surge into the streets, and with no way to maintain calm and cohesion, too many movements have been derailed by a few thrown rocks or smashed storefronts. Governments seize on the smallest acts of disorder or violence as excuses to crack down. However, Occupy Central’s organizers seem to have come prepared. By issuing the manual and attempting to train their activists, they have maintained a united front and warded off the pitfalls that plague too many social movements. No one has a crystal ball for knowing what Beijing will do next. Right now the government appears to be set to try to wait the protesters out, hoping that their presence and the disruption of daily life will eventually alienate the movement from wider society. However, Occupy Central has positioned itself well, almost no matter the outcome. If, as many people fear, mainland authorities crack down Tiananmen-style, the training and the discipline the protesters have displayed will serve them well, galvanizing support and isolating the Chinese authorities. On the other hand, if Beijing realizes the dilemma it faces, it will have no choice but to negotiate with Hong Kong’s protest leaders, a show of weakness that may ultimately inspire more yearning for democracy and even further protests. For now, while it is amusing to watch the most polite protesters in the world keeping up with their schoolwork and keeping the streets clean, their politeness actually demonstrates why they have become such a powerful force to reckon with.

true participation of people of all backgrounds and classes.” Wu is convinced that even though OCLP and the student federation are too busy to press for sustainable political change along such lines, perhaps this different form of governance can be advanced by “the many participants of the movement and social activists who are encouraged by the opportunity.” Wu further delineated the composition of the current protest movement, suggesting that diversity is as important an aspiration in Hong Kong as it was in the US Occupy movement and the Gezi Uprising in Istanbul. Besides OCLP, the student federation, some political parties, and pressure groups, there are organizations concerned with issues such as labour rights, feminism, affordable housing, and social justice. Wu added: “some seek to demonstrate the importance of different social groups - women, new immigrants, workers, ethnic minorities - participating in the movement for political reform and universal suffrage.” Such advocates have stepped in to organize public discussions and gatherings on the street, bringing together urban residents who heretofore have had little interaction with each other. But the potential positive impact of such globalizing forms of political expression must be further evaluated in their current context. First, in Hong Kong the aim for diversity is not always compatible with the claim to a distinct local identity. SouthAsian minorities, domestic workers from Indonesia and the Philippines, and recent immigrants from mainland China are easily marginalized by such a configuration of identity. For this last group, those who have arrived in Hong Kong from China recently, Ng warned that there are many barriers to their participation. They do not necessarily support the Chinese government but “usually prefer to be silent. Without knowing their everyday life experiences in China, it is perhaps difficult to understand the fear they harbour deep in their hearts.” Secondly, below the recent unifying slogans of ‘true democracy’ and ‘C.Y. Leung, step down,’ Hong Kong’s protest movement is riven by different interests and aims. It is unclear through what mechanisms these differences can be negotiated within the protest movement. Some would like to expand the definition of democracy upheld

by OCLP and address empowerment and inclusion in much broader terms. During a meeting of the Civic Party that we recently attended, one student leader expressed her expectation that constitutional democracy could tackle the high inequality between rich and poor in Hong Kong. By contrast, during a recent open discussion in Mong Kok, an NGO representative who works with laidoff women workers argued that until the whole politicaleconomic system is transformed, electoral rights would not guarantee a more equal society. Attention must also be paid to Hong Kong’s context within greater China. Two graduate students from mainland China, who we shall refer to as Xiaofan and Viola, related that while they had visited the protests, they found the demands of the students and OCLP unrealistic in the light of Beijing’s uncompromising stance. China could permit itself to refrain from responding and remain indifferent. By consequence, Viola argued, the movement cannot provide any positive vision for the future or concrete direction forward. In the face of mass protests, the undemocratic Chinese and Hong Kong governments might well use a strategy rather similar to that self-declared beacon of democracy, the US. Xiaofan thinks that like the US, China will wait for the protests die down, for internal quarrel and disorientation to break out, or for public rejection to turn against the disruption of ‘normal’ life. Kelvin Wu further observed that while many say that the worst outcome in Hong Kong would be an even more violent crackdown by the Chinese army, equally bad might be a “return to the same social inequality and neoliberal style of government.” Ironically, at a time when protest movements elsewhere tend to seek alternative sources of political authority, Hong Kong demands representative democracy. Recall that Occupy in the US distanced itself from institutionalized politics including the political parties and trade unions. Similarly, in Turkey protesters contested the government’s victories at the ballot box, arguing that privileging this technique of rendering the ‘will of the people’ merely supports a majoritarian take on democracy. However, democracy as a lived aspiration and a struggle that inspires people may be more valuable than the actual political systems that carry the title. The struggle that Hong Kong experiences now holds this inconclusive moment.


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6 OctOber 2014


alk into the Cordi' family home, and you see photographs of solemn men, one after another, staring down from the walls. These images tell the story of one of Italy's most powerful mafia families, as brutal as it is sad. There is Cosimo — husband, father and reputed clan boss — gunned down on a bicycle during a turf war. And Salvatore, the eldest son, recently ordered into solitary confinement while serving a 30-year murder sentence. There's Domenico, jailed for Mafia crimes, and Antonio, battling depression in a prison psychiatric ward. Then there's Riccardo, the youngest, still a boy with melancholy eyes. Antonia Spano', the family matriarch, pauses before his portrait. By age 16, Riccardo seemed destined to go the way of his brothers; that's the rule of blood in Calabria's powerful 'ndrangheta clans, a global force in the cocaine trade. But his mother is tired of making prison pilgrimages up and down Italy, and wishes for him a different fate. And even in the 'ndrangheta, there's a chance for destiny to be derailed. Two summers ago, Riccardo became the first of about 20 young men from some of the most notorious crime families ordered by a court into exile, into a kind of rehab away from the mob. This daring tactic by a judge is threatening the 'ndrangheta by taking away its most precious asset: its sons. INSIDE THE FORTRESS This southern region of Italy is the dark heartland of the 'ndrangheta clans, now among the world's most dangerous organized crime syndicates, eclipsing even the more famous Sicilian Cosa Nostra. Here in the forbidding Aspromonte mountains, clansmen of decades past kept kidnap victims in chains for months and even years, drawing ransoms that funded an international drug-trafficking business. These days, the 'ndrangheta runs a multibilliondollar narcotics empire, and launders money from resorts in Italy to pizzerias in Germany. The 'ndrangheta is built on family relationships and strategic marriages, making it highly impervious to turncoats and infiltrators. And one of its most important families is the Cordi's. Spano's home sits within a compound of clan residences, cut off from the outside by a forbidding steel fence. The matriarch walks through formal rooms with marble-topped tables and displays of crystal goblets, typical of affluent Calabria households, into a spotless kitchen that once hid a secret bunker. No precaution is too extreme for a family whose past is writ in blood. Riccardo was 1½ when his father became another cadaver in a decades-long feud in Locri between the Cordi' and Cataldo families. So many bullets ripped through Cosimo's head that fall day, as he rode his bike on a country road, that he was almost decapitated. Riccardo never knew his sister Paola, who died of a brain tumor at age 10. A few months later, the surgeon who operated on her was gunned down outside the entrance to the Locri hospital. Investigators never solved the slaying. When Riccardo was 12, he watched wide-eyed on the patio here, half-hidden by plants, as police stormed Spano's kitchen looking for fugitives including Pietro Criaco, a clansman on Italy's most wanted list and close family friend. They opened a wooden cabinet door under the gray stone counter and came across a trap door. It led to an underground bunker, complete with electricity and room enough for three men. Criaco wasn't there. But not long afterward he was captured as he tried to flee across rooftops in a nearby town— wearing pajamas. JUDGMENT DAY Judge Roberto Di Bella knew all about this violent Cordi' past when he faced Riccardo in court on a July day two years ago. He had even sent Riccardo's older brothers to jail as juveniles. The day had begun well for the 16-year-old and his family. In the juvenile court of Reggio Calabria, Di Bella declared the boy not guilty of attempted theft and damage to a police car. There wasn't enough evidence for a conviction. Who would testify against the son of one of Calabria's most notorious 'ndrangheta families? But the judge wasn't finished. Something in Riccardo's silent, tough-guy stance reminded him of the cold, contemptuous manner of Antonio, the Cordi's' second-to-last son.


Italy fights the mafia with new strategy: Banish Sons Frances d'emilio Associated Press

The work didn't come naturally. Riccardo was always buttoned up, wearing a jacket, even at outings at the sea. "He moved stiffly," said Debora Colicchia, who works at the center. But "he came willingly, and when he couldn't come, he called." "I had the feeling that he was discovering the child in himself, because he had a childhood as an adult." One day, another supervisor recalled, Riccardo surprised everybody by clucking like a hen to make the children laugh. Riccardo's exile wasn't all hard work. On Saturday nights, Interdonato took Riccardo out for pizza and some beers, and even to discos. Riccardo was eventually allowed to visit home every other weekend. He took the ferry by himself to Calabria, where a family member would meet him. Each time Interdonato held his breath: Would he return? Each time, he did. Once he brought nougat for the kids at the center as a Christmas treat. BRUSH WITH REBELLION Just weeks before the end of exile, Riccardo rebelled. He didn't want to wait for his next visit home. Maybe he missed his mother's cooking. Or his girlfriend. If he broke the terms of his exile, he would fail probation over a past brawl in Calabria. That would give him a rap sheet — a formal entry point into criminal life. Riccardo packed his bags. He didn't care. He wanted out. Interdonato pleaded with him not to leave, but the boy was adamant. It took somebody else to make him listen: His mother. The 'ndrangheta mom — who once spurted venom at the judge for taking away her son — had had a change of heart. Antonia Spano' crossed the Strait of Messina with a cream cake as a thank-you for Interdonato.

In this June 26, 2014 photo, Riccardo Cordi' stands on a terrace in Reggio Calabria, Sicily, Italy with the Strait of Messina in the background. Cordi' was exiled to Messina during a pioneering anti-mafia program for juveniles, a kind of rehab away from the mob. (AP Photo/Adriana Sapone)

After Di Bella convicted Antonio of a weapons charge in 2002, Antonio dropped his steely facade and confided that he wanted to shed the mantle of budding mafioso. He wanted to leave Locri. But with a widowed mother and Riccardo at home, that dream was impossible. Maybe things could be different for the youngest brother. Riccardo was as old as Antonio was when he appeared in Di Bella's courtroom. He gave every indication that he, too, was destined for the path of crime. According to a juvenile court document, the psychologist who spoke with Riccardo before the ruling observed that the boy showed a "certain resignation to a life marked" by crime. Di Bella concluded that removal was the only way to save Riccardo from "an otherwise inescapable destiny." So, with a stroke of the pen, the judge banished him. And not just from the Cordi' home, but also from Locri, the seaside stronghold where so many of his kinsmen were slain, and from Calabria itself. Antonia Spano' seethed. Her eyes burned. All she could think was that the state was about to take yet another of her men — her last son — away from her. "So, I won't see my son?!" she cried. "How can I see my son?!" The judge told Spano' to her face that she was incapable of handling her son, just like his brothers. Riccardo had been staying out late at night, hanging around with adults with criminal records, cutting class, flunking courses. "This is an 'ndrangheta family," he told her. "We want to avoid having Riccardo end up in jail, or slain like your husband. ... If you don't like it, we'll take him away anyway." Di Bella invoked a law that allows the state to remove minors from parents deemed unable to properly raise them, often children of drug addicts. Why not children of clansmen? BANISHMENT BLUES The months passed. Social workers always seemed to have some excuse not to take Riccardo away from the Cordi' home. One happened to have a vacation day; another was sick. In the end, the police were called in. Expecting resistance, the officers arrived in force. But there was no fight. Just Riccardo emerging wet from a shower.

Riccardo was whisked away to the sleepy hamlet of Roccalumera, across the Strait of Messina from Calabria. Home was now a facility for troubled youths, where nobody cared that Riccardo was a Cordi', a clan prince. Rules were rigid, including no going out at night. Everyone made their own bed and sat down for meals at a communal table. For two days, Riccardo refused to eat. He felt like an inmate doing time. A few months later, he was transferred to a four-bed group home in Messina, just in time for the start of the school year. He took public buses to a vocational high school in a rough neighborhood. Riccardo, then 17, also bonded with an unlikely ally, a wiry psychologist 11 years older named Enrico Interdonato. Interdonato had helped found the Messina chapter of Addiopizzo, a group of brave young Sicilians who encourage business owners to rebel against paying systematic "protection" money to Cosa Nostra. The pairing was a bold one — for, investigators contend, one of the Cordi' sources of income is shaking down businesses on their turf. Interdonato became Riccardo's shadow. To help Riccardo begin to comprehend the terrible human toll of organized crime, the psychologist took him to commemoration ceremonies for the victims of Cosa Nostra. He was always introduced incognito, so neither Riccardo nor the families would feel embarrassed or upset. If the psychologist acted as a surrogate brother, a Messina construction company owner practically became Riccardo's second father. Mariano Nicotra recounted what happened when he refused to pay protection money to the neighborhood Mafia boss. His car was torched. His daughter was ostracized by schoolmates. Nicotra even gave away the family dog, because Mafia threats made walks too dangerous. Nicotra saw something in the shy, taciturn Riccardo that few back home even bothered to look for: a normal kid. If you want, he told Riccardo, there will always be a job waiting for you at my company. Slowly, Riccardo began to change. Twice a week, he helped out at an after-school center for children from broken homes, even though doing something for nothing is an alien concept in the 'ndrangheta. Many had one parent, even two, in jail. Some fathers were convicted Mafiosi.

The Morung Express

MAKING A WISH On his 18th birthday — Feb. 8, 2014 — Riccardo's exile ended. The after-school center treated him to a birthday cake ringed with strawberries. In a photo, the teenager with the arresting good looks is intent on blowing out the candles. What is the young man wishing? Stretching out on a couch back at home, Riccardo smiles bashfully at the idea of a career in fashion, a world that has always appealed to him. But it's just as possible that he'll work in a relative's electronics shop after he finishes high school next year. It's too soon to judge the success of Di Bella's pilot program; it will take years to see whether a taste of the clean life can separate the 'ndrangheta's sons from the syndicate. But the strategy is grabbing attention, and some 200 residents turned out in a town square in Reggio Calabria this summer for a discussion about it. The exile approach costs roughly six times less a day than keeping someone in an Italian prison, social workers say. And if it keeps another generation from growing up to be drug kingpins or killers, the potential savings are priceless. As for Spano', she is overjoyed to have her son home again — but also torn. She knows that for his own good, perhaps for his safety, he must leave Locri. Youth unemployment in Italy's south is staggeringly high, and for many youths the only reliable employer is organized crime. "I want Riccardo to get a job. Maybe in Rome," Spano' said. "Maybe I'll go with him." Ever the reserved teen, Riccardo is taciturn. All he will say about the initial shock of his exile is, "It was tough. I was counting the days." However, in a letter to Corriere della Sera newspaper, published on May 8, 2014 on its front page, he expresses his feelings more clearly. He takes pains to say that he is not repudiating his family or Calabria, but also thanks Di Bella for giving him a chance at a fresh start. "I did things, met people, lived in places I never knew," he wrote. And he pays tribute to Interdonato, the psychologist. "One morning, together with that guy, I went to see the sea. You could see Calabria, my land. This time, however, I saw it from another perspective: I was seeing it from another place. "But it was I who was different." EDITOR'S NOTE: The Associated Press gained a rare look inside one of the 'ndrangheta's most powerful families. The story of Riccardo Cordi's journey across the Strait of Messina into banishment is reconstructed from interviews with Riccardo and his mother; the juvenile court magistrate who sent him away; the psychologist and the company owner who befriended him; social workers; police video; court documents; and local newspaper clips.


Can the naga people find a Common ground to resolve differenCes? Some of those who voted YES had this to say: • Finding a common ground is the only solution for the Nagas. We are made up of so many tribes, groups and organizations, and so the only way forward is for all of us to have the will to agree to a common ground. No group or tribe can dominate the others. But finding common ground is not so easy because over the years we have become corrupted and our individual greed has become bigger than our common ground. So we need good leaders who have love for their people to lead the society. • Yes, Though the past shows the difficulty, there's the possibility. • Yes if we humble ourselves, respect one another, and respect one another’s identity. • Yes, if there is a true leader (reformist) arises from our society. For Nagas, it is the urgent need of an hour. • Yes. But are we willing? • Yes, money talks and is common to all groups • Yes, if our present younger generation take up the challenge. • Encouraged to see Yes and we must strive together and bury our differences and see our common identity. May We truly seek God's face and ask Him sincerely. • Nothing is impossible to change if one's will.... • Yes, when we realize that the only hope for the Naga people is for us to come together. • Yes, If only our NPG's learn to forgive each other. • Yes. reconciliation a must !! • Yes, Educate the younger generation and the results will follow • Yes, if we believe in forgive and forget.

NPGS should stop acting superior to other groups. • This is the only way left for the Nagas to salvage themselves from a path of division and enmity. Our divisions within the factions has only allowed India to become stronger and today we are dancing to their tunes and fancies. I feel so ashamed that Nagas are so cheap. We have forgotten our patriotism because our factions are behaving so badly. New leaders need to be promoted so that common ground is realized. • The recent referendum in Scotland should be a lesson for all. In 1951, around 99% of the Nagas voted for sovereignty. Today, if a referendum is organized, how many Nagas will vote for sovereignty? I can assure you, that the picture will be completely different. This is mainly because our so called leaders and factions are not doing what they should be doing. They are only engrossed with their factions and their superiority. They have stopped fighting for all Nagas and our Naga public today has lost hope in their commitment to the cause. For Nagas, we have no other choice but to come together and unite on common ground.

or political party. This is the reason why Nagas cannot find Common Ground. If we are to do so, we should first change the present leaders and allow new lead-

Ground now. Because of the ceasefire gas must find common ground to live as there is no more tension and also bea nation or perish. The esteem Colleccause our NPGs are behaving more or tive Leadership and those others holding less like the Indian army once behaved, to topmost executive post of the NPGs the Naga public are tired and fed must speak the truth and dare to live the up. Our leaders are not into Comtruth even sacrificing their own dear life mon Ground, they are only into after all what good is nationalism without their personal pockets. patriotism and self sacrifice...Giving up • The hard heartedness of the arms and considering non violent moveNPGs towards naga reconciliation ment is the easiest way to achieve our has dampened the spirits and hope goal in the present 21st century but of of the naga people. How can we course that would be most impractical the naga public follow them when thing for the NPGs.. then the only oththey are not willing to listen to the er option is that, a nation can only take peoples appeal for unity and forbirth upon the blood of martyr leaders... giveness. God forbid, don't let history remember • No. Nagas are too fond of leadyou for wrong reason! ing, but no one is interested in fol- • The hide and seek policy of the various lowing. This is the problem. We political groups who fails to come out have too many leaders but no folwhen they are requested to represent lowers, and this is the disease that their party in an open discussion is one is killing the Nagas. biggest roadblock in forming or coming under one umbrella. Some of those who voted • Now, what exactly is the meaning of the OTHERS had this to say: question here, Naga people? or you • Common Ground is the only viable mean by the differences of Naga unoption for the Nagas. But the Naga derground groups... If you mean by the people do not seem to be serious whole general mass of Nagaland, I don't enough about this issue. Just recentthink there is much *differences* among ly the NSCN (IM) did not participate the people, but if it is between the variin the DNSU Common Ground disous NPG's, then, NO.. they can not find cussion for reasons best known to a common ground unless they discard them. They may think whatever they off all their Ego's, anarchism, unregulatwant to and they will have their own ed acts of corruption etc and be humble justifications but for the Naga public enough to really really think for the good this decision of the NSCN (IM) is goof "Nagaland" they can never find a comSome of those who voted ing to back fire. They are looking at mon ground to resolve their differences... YES no OTHERS no had this to say: things only through their own opinion • Introduction of mass-based organisa• No, I don’t think so. but they fail to think about how the tion and organising state-wide mass • No. While Common Ground is the best ers with genuine concern for the people Naga people are looking at them. They rally and taking public plebiscites on the way, our leaders are too selfish and are to take their place. need to know that Common Ground is matter pertaining to naga Unity and to leading our people astray. They are only • A big fat NO the only way that we can march forward. bring any naga solution and differences concerned about their own faction, tribe • No, no one is interested in Common • Options have inevitably ran out, the Nais the only suggestion i can say







Monday 6 October 2014

The Morung Express

‘no criticism of shiv sena to respect Bal Thackeray’s memory’ KOlhApur, OctOber 5 (iANS): Prime Minister Narendra Modi hit out at the CongressNCP Sunday as he stormed their bastions in prosperous western Maharashtra while campaigning for the Oct 15 assembly elections, but said he would not criticize former ally Shiv Sena to respect the memory of its late founder Bal Thackeray. Addressing election rallies in the two cities here Sunday afternoon, Modi said he was accused of not criticizing the Shiv Sena in the ongoing campaign. “These are first (state) elections to take place in the absence of the late Balasaheb Thackerayji. He was the man who always stood for the rights of the people, I will not disrespect his memory. “I have decided not to say a single word against Shiv Sena. It is my way of respecting Balasaheb Thackeray’s memory. Our bond with Shiv Sena goes beyond politics,” Modi said, attempting to mollify the Sena with which the state BJP snapped its 25-yearold alliance last month. Training guns on the Congress and Nationalist Congress Party, who also parted ways, he accused them of misusing the name of Chhatrapati Shivaji. “I ask them, who named the Mumbai Airport after Chhatrapati Shivaji? It was the Atal Behari Vajpayee government at the Centre,” he said. He charged CongressNCP of rampant corrup-

‘BJP back-stabbed Bal Thackeray by snapping ties with Shiv Sena’

NAShiK, OctOber 5 (pti): Sharpening attack on erstwhile ally BJP, Shiv Sena on Sunday accused it of backstabbing late Sena supremo Bal Thackeray by snapping ties with his party over seat sharing in Maharashtra Assembly polls. “BJP grew in Maharashtra by holding the hand of Shiv Sena. However, as soon as the party came to power at the Centre, it snapped ties with the Sena. By doing this, the BJP has back-stabbed late Balasaheb Thackeray,” Shiv Sena’s youth wing president Aditya Thackeray said here last night. However, hours later, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said he will not a utter a word against Shiv Sena during the campaign for the October 15 Maharashtra polls as a mark of respect to Bal Thackeray. “This is the first election in

absence of late Bal Thackeray, for whom I have great respect. I have decided not to utter a single word against Shiv Sena. This is my tribute to Balasaheb Thackeray,” Modi said at a rally in Tasgaon on the second day of his campaigning. Balasaheb always considered Sena’s alliance partner BJP as a family, Aditya Thackeray said adding, “Nonetheless, the BJP parted ways with us over seat sharing.” Aditya was speaking at an election rally held here for Shiv Sena candidates Ajay Boraste (Nashik-Central) and Chandrakant Lavate (Nashik-East). Accusing the Congress and NCP of indulging in corruption and holding them responsible for the problems like load shedding in the state, Aditya asked people to defeat these parties.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi addresses a public rally ahead of Maharashtra state assembly elections in Mumbai on Saturday, October 4. (AP Photo)

tion during their 15-yearlong reign in Maharashtra and alleged that they did not even spare homes meant for Kargil widows, in a reference to the Adarsh Society scam in Mumbai. Targetting NCP president Sharad Pawar, who has criticized him for abandoning the PM’s work to campaign in the state, Modi said it was surprising that during (Pawar’s) tenure as agriculture minister,

there were 3,700 farmers suicides in the state. “If he had taken the right steps then, the farmers would not have suffered so much,” Modi declared, urging the people to give a full mandate to his Bharatiya Janata Party. Modi said when he had campaigned in Sangli during the Lok Sabha elections, the voters had trusted him by giving him more than what he sought, especially

Indian jihadist group calls for attacks on western nationals

New Delhi, OctOber 5 (AgeNcieS): Ansar al-Tawhid fi’Bilad al-Hind, a group of Indian jihadists based in Pakistan’s northwest border area, has called on supporters to stage attacks on western nationals, in an Eid message released online late on Friday. “If you are in the fortunate position to kill an American or European, whether French or Australian or Canadian, or other unbelievers who have declared war on the Islamic State, then do so,” the declaration exhorts followers in India. The exhortation was made in a speech delivered by Maulana Abdul Rehman al-Nadwi al-Hindi — a pseudonym, Indian intelligence services believe, for fugitive jihadist Sultan Abdul Kadir Armar, a 39-yearold former resident of Bhatkal in Karnataka who trained as a cleric at the Dar-ul-Uloom Nadwat-ul-Ullema seminary in Lucknow. “Kill the mushrik (idolators) wherever you find them… shoot them if you can, stab them, throw stones at their heads, poison them, run them over, burn their fields — and if you are unable… spit in their faces,” he says in the speech. “Target the security forces, the agents, and the helpers of the oppressors, cut down their beds (so they might not rest), harry their every moment”. He adds: “Spilling the blood of civilians and soldiers are both permitted… (for) the blood of an unbeliever is like the blood of a dog”. Indian jihadists have been involved in attacks on western nationals — the suicide bombing of Glasgow airport in 2007, conducted

by Bangalore-origin scientist Kafeel Ahmad, and a September 2010 Indian Mujahideen (IM) attack outside Delhi’s Jama Masjid which left two Taiwanese tourists injured. This is, however, the first call by any mainlyIndian jihadist group to attack western nationals. Ansar al-Tawhid fi’Bilad al-Hind — or the Companions of Monotheism in India — is made up of breakaway members of the IM, whose Karachi-based leadership is wanted by Interpol for a series of urban bombings that has claimed hundreds of lives since 2005. In his speech, “Maulana Abdul Rehman” says his call is the outcome of western air strikes on the Dawlah Islaymiyya — or Islamic State declared by jihadist leader Ibrahim alAwwad al-Badri in parts of Iraq and Syria. He pledges loyalty to al-Badri, acknowledging his status as Caliph, or ruler of all Muslims. “The Prophet established a state in Medina, just a few kilometres large, and it swelled to thousands of kilometres. The hypocrites and apostates fear this will happen again, and have united to extinguish the light of Allah to be extinguished,” he says. “Rise, stand and defend the Islamic State, wherever you are… Rise and defend your Muslim brothers, whose homes, property and honour are under attack. If we fail, dishonour greater than all imaginable dishonour awaits us. But if we succeed, which with Allah’s aid we will, then our honour will be restored, and we will become rulers of all lands, kings of all the world,” he says.

since BJP had never won the Sangli Lok Sabha seat. “I thank you for your support then. This election is to give Maharashtra stability and progress. BJP promises you full accountability. Give us a majority,” he urged. Travelling to neighbouring Kolhapur, Modi said he was overawed by the public response at the rally. “I have come to Kolhapur before, but had never

such a huge response. The Congress-NCP are criticizing my Maharashtra tour. They are not worried about Modi, but the crowds present here,” he said. He urged for such a majority for the BJP that after the assembly elections, a magnifying glass would be needed to search for the CongressNCP in Maharashtra. The PM accused Congress-NCP of pushing back the state by 15 years.

EC to revise photo electoral rolls AgArtAlA, OctOber 5 (iANS): The Election Commission has ordered all states to do a special summary revision of photo electoral rolls with Jan 1, 2015 as the qualifying date to get enrolled, an official said Sunday. “The special summary revision would not be held in Maharashtra, Haryana, Jharkhand and Jammu and Kashmir” in view of upcoming assembly polls, an Election Commission official told IANS here. Maharashtra and Haryana go for assembly polls Oct 15 while election in Jharkhand and Jammu and Kashmir are due this year. To make the voters’ list error free, an intensive training to electoral registration officers, assistant electoral registration officers and booth level officers would be given in their states. “Senior officials would supervise the training,” the official added. A massive campaign involving booth level agents of all recognised parties would be carried out so that no eligible person fails to get enrolled.

“Is there anything left? They have looted everything. Do you want them to loot Maharashtra again? The Congress has even forgotten Mahatma Gandhi, they only want the (currency) notes with Gandhi on them,” he quipped. This was Modi’s second day of whistle-stop election tours in Maharashtra and he is expected to address 20 rallies in nine days around the state.

Bengal explosion: Left, BJP point fingers at Mamata, Trinamool KOlKAtA, OctOber 5 (iANS): The opposition Left Front and the BJP Sunday pointed fingers at the Trinamool Congress over the Oct 2 blast in West Bengal in which two suspected militants were killed and one injured. Rubbishing the charges, the Trinamool in turn accused the Left and the BJP of maliciously spreading canards against the state government. Claiming that the building in Burdwan district’s Khagragarh area, where the explosion occurred, housed a Trinamool office, Left Front chairman Biman Bose accused the state police of destroying evidences and hindering investigations. Bose told the media: “The signs are ominous. Not only the house where the explosion occurred had a Trinamool party office but those involved in the incident, including the house owner and those who rented it, are close to the ruling party.” He also accused the police of destroying evidences and covering up the probe into the incident in which two women have been arrested and remanded in police custody. The police have also detained another person in this connection. He said: “According to media reports, literature about banned Muslim outfits has been found from the house but the police have destroyed those and are trying to hinder and cover up the probe. The state government must, therefore, come out clean on the issue.” Speaking in the same vein, BJP national secretary and party’s observer for the state Siddharth Nath Singh described Bengal as a “safe haven” for “jihadis” and anti-nationals. “Under this regime, Bengal is increasingly becoming a safe haven for jihadis and anti-nationals. IM operatives and Bangladeshi infiltrators were living in that house which is owned by a Trinamool leader and also had a Trinamool office,” Singh said in New Delhi. “This incident has put question marks on the Mamata (Banerjee) government,” he said, accusing the police of destroying important evidences and criticising them for not promptlyinformingtheNationalInvestigatingAgency(NIA). Rubbishing all the charges, Trinamool national general secretary Mukul Roy accused the BJP as well as the Left Front of spreading canards against Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee and her government. He said: “The comments made by Singh and Bose are irresponsible and aimed at bringing disrepute to the chief minister and the state government. While this government has been tirelessly working for the welfare of the people, the Left and the BJP have been spreading canards.”

Ex-Jharkhand minister held for Maoist links

New Delhi, OctOber 5 (iANS): Former Jharkhand minister and Congress legislator Yogendra Sao has been arrested in New Delhi for alleged links with Maoist guerrillas, police said Sunday. “Sao was arrested by a CID team with the help of Delhi Police from a house in Subhash Nagar on Saturday night. He will be brought to Ranchi on transit remand,” police spokesman Anurag Gupta told reporters in Delhi. Gupta said a Criminal Investigation Department (CID) team was camping in New Delhi. A Hazaribagh court last month issued an arrest warrant against Sao over his alleged links with the rebels. Sao, 50, resigned from the cabinet over the issue last month. He allegedly raised two criminal organisations -Jharkhand Tiger, a group linked to the Maoists, and Jharkhand Bachao Andolan. A police official said that till now, 11 members of these organisations have been arrested

for their involvement in several heinous cases in Jharkhand. Police last month arrested five members of Jharkhand Tiger group in Hazaribagh. Police sources said those nabbed have admitted that the groups were raised with Sao’s support. They also revealed that Sao was providing arms, ammunition and vehicles for committing murders besides carrying out extortions and kidnappings for ransom. Sao is involved in 13 cases of murder, attempt to murder, rioting, criminal intimidation and extortion in the state. “The Jharkhand Police had informed us that Yogendra Sao was hiding in Delhi to evade the police dragnet. A joint operation was launched with Jharkhand Police and Sao was apprehended Saturday evening,” said Additional Commissioner of Police (Crime Branch), Ashok Chand. “He has been taken on transit remand by the Jharkhand Police,” he added.

Patna stampede: Bihar govt vows to punish people responsible for ‘lapses’ pAtNA, OctOber 5 (pti): The Bihar government on Sunday vowed to punish those responsible for “lapses” that led to the stampede at the historic Gandhi Maidan here on October 3, leaving 33 people dead and 29 injured. The government has instituted an inquiry into the tragedy and it is being conducted by Home Secretary Amir Subhani and Additional Director General of Police, Headquarters, Gupteshwar Pandey. “The state government is not going to spare anyone responsible for ‘lapses’ that led

to the stampede outside the Gandhi Maidan,” Water Resources Department Minister Vijay Chaudhary told PTI. He said that the probe team would jointly hold a public inquiry at the district collectorate on October 7 to hear accounts of eyewitnesses and other people willing to depose. The state government would also publish advertisements in newspapers appealing to the people to share information about the incident, he said. On the lack of lighting arrangement at the venue on the day of the

Dusshera festivity, Chaudhary said that the state government was aware of the matter, but would await the probe report to act. He said that the injured were getting “proper treatment” in the Patna Medical College and Hospital (PMCH). PMCH Superintendent Dr Lekhindra Prasad said that seven of the injured had been admitted to the Intensive Care Unit of the facility. The ADG (Headquarters) Gupteshwar Pandey said that the probe team had taken statements of the in-

jured persons at the PMCH, magistrates and police officers deputed on duty for the Dustook out a march, led by state unit president Arun Kumar, from the Income Tax roundabout to the Gandhi Maidan to express their solidarity with the victims and their families. The Left parties have blamed the state government, the district administration and the police for their ‘lapses’ and demanded an impartial probe and stringent action against those officials responsible for it, CPI(M) leader Sarvodaya

Sharma said in a statement after a meeting of state leaders of the Left parties. Warning the state government against hushing up the probe into the incident, the CPI(M) leader said that if that happened, the Left parties would launch an agitation to pressure the government to carry out a thorough probe and punish the guilty officials.shera festival at Gandhi Maidan. Pandey said that the probe would be completed within a week and a report would be submitted to the state government.

‘Fair and efficient probe can curb corruption’ New Delhi, OctOber 5 (iANS): Only a “fair and efficient probe through field investigation” can curb corruption, a court here has said while acquitting two accused in a graft case for want of evidence. “However, the single most important factor directly affecting the efficacy of the Prevention of Corruption Act in fulfilling the objective of curbing corruption is the need of a fair, honest, efficient and thorough field investigation,” Special Judge Alok Agarwal said in a recent judgment that has only now been made available. “Field investigation lays the foundation on which the edifice of trial is to be erected,” he said. He further said that a missing link or a fragile one, left in the foundation, especially, if detected late, is usually “not re-inforceable”. “The resulting crash is all the

more agonising because time and resources spent in the meanwhile cannot be retrieved,” Agarwal said. The court’s ruling came last week while acquitting P. Dasgupta, then the deputy drug controller general of India, and J.K. Singh, chairman, 21st Century Finance Ltd, who also owns Mesco Laboratories Ltd., a pharmaceutical company. According to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), J.K. Singh and Dasgupta had direct official dealings. It further said that Dasgupta had approved the issuance of a licence to Mesco Laboratories to import raw material from West Germany during 1991-92 and from Vietnam during 1992-93. The CBI said that during investigations it was found that Dasgupta obtained farm land in Gurgaon in the name of his dependent daughter from Ansal Properties

and Industries Ltd. on payment of Rs.9.90 lakh which was made by 21st Century Finance. The court framed charges in November 2007 against Dasgupta for criminal misconduct and J.K. Singh under provisions of the Prevention of Corruption Act. Both accused had pleaded not guilty. The prosecution named 15 witnesses to support its case. The court observed that no incriminating evidence was found against the accused during the examination of the witnesses. It noted that Dasgupta was a public servant at the time and in that capacity had official dealings with Mesco Laboratories. “However, there is absolutely no evidence on record to show that he (Dasgupta) had ever met the chairman of that company or even that he knew who the chairman

was. He, being a deputy drugs controller at that time, was concerned with the technical requirement for approving import of a drug or its raw material; and the composition of its board of directors could not have been his concern,” the court said. The court added that prosecution has failed to prove that Dasgupta ever knew J.K. Singh. “This is because of the missing link of any relation between the two of them whether personal or professional,” the court said. “This link could have been established only in field investigation, which the investigating officer has failed to do.” “No overt act has been attributed to accused Dasgupta in demanding or accepting or agreeing to accept any valuable thing from accused Singh or in fact, from any other person,” the court said.

Indian Muslims offer special prayers at the Qutb-e-Alam shrine ahead of Eid al-Adha, in Ahmadabad on Sunday, October 5.Muslims are marking the Eid al-Adha, that commemorates the willingness of the prophet Ibrahim to sacrifice his son in accordance with God’s will, though in the end God provides him a sheep to sacrifice instead. On the start of Eid al-Adha, Muslims slaughter sheep, cattle and other livestock, and give part of the meat to the poor. (AP Photo)


the Morung express

Monday 6 October 2014

Hong Kong protesters make concessions HONG KONG, OctOber 5 (AP): In an apparent concession to authorities warning pro-democracy protesters to clear Hong Kong's streets by the beginning of the work week, students occupying the area outside city government headquarters agreed Sunday to remove some barricades that have blocked the building's entrance during the weeklong demonstrations. But it was not immediately clear how significant the apparent truce was and how much it would defuse the standoff, with many protesters vowing to stay in the area. The partial withdrawal also appeared to be part of a strategy to regroup in another part of town. Television footage from the scene showed a protest representative shaking hands with a police officer and the two sides removing some barricades together. About 300 demonstrators remained standing peacefully outside the government's main building, and did not appear to have intentions to move. Across the harbor in Hong Kong's Mong Kok district, protesters appeared divided about whether to stay put or decamp to the city's Admiralty area, the main protest site. The atmosphere in Mong Kok was relatively relaxed as people began to clear out, though many said they were headed home and not to another protest area. "I don't know what the next step is, but I will not retreat. The people you see here will not retreat," said Burnett Tung, an 18-year-old student who has served as a volunteer at a food supply station outside government headquarters all week.

A pro-democracy student protester wakes after a night on the occupied roads of the financial district Hong Kong on Sunday, October 5. Bolstered by a massive rally overnight, Hong Kong’s pro-democracy activists were defiant on the eighth day of protests Sunday in the face of attacks by opponents and government warnings to clear the business district streets they have occupied to press their demand for reforms. (AP Photo/Wally Santana)

"The leaders of the movement are the citizens. We're leading the movement, not them," said Roy Wong, 21, referring to some protest leaders who called for a retreat from Mong Kok. Tens of thousands of people, many of them students, have poured into the streets of the semi-autonomous city over the past week to peacefully protest China's restrictions on the first-ever direct election for Hong Kong's top leader, promised by Beijing for 2017. But with the standoff between the protesters and the government in its eighth day, tempers were flaring and patience was waning among residents who oppose the occupation of the streets and the disruption it has brought. Police using pepper

spray clashed with protesters overnight, after officials said they intended to have key streets open for schools and offices by Monday morning. Large crowds of demonstrators scuffled with police in the blue-collar Mong Kok district, a flash point that has seen violent clashes between pro-democracy student protesters and their antagonists throughout the weekend. Police said they had to disperse the crowds with force because protesters had provoked officers with verbal abuse, while the students accused police of failing to protect them from attacks by mobs intent on driving them away. The students say police allied themselves with criminal gangs to clear them, but the government has vehement-

ly denied the accusation. Hong Kong's leader, Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying, appeared on television Saturday evening to urge everyone to go home, saying key roads paralyzed by protesters needed to return to normal by Monday. "The government and the police have the duty and determination to take all necessary actions to restore social order so the government and the 7 million people of Hong Kong can return to their normal work and life," Leung said. Police said they had arrested 30 people since the protests started Sept. 28, and that 27 police officers had been injured while on duty in the protest areas. "To restore order, we are determined and we are confident we have the

capability to take any necessary action," said police spokesman Steve Hui. "We have to make correct assessments, then depending on the prevailing situation, we will consider all necessary measures." Asked to clarify the authorities' demands for clearing areas near government offices, Hui would say only that government workers needed to work. "There should not be any unreasonable, unnecessary obstruction by any members of the public," he said. The atmosphere on the streets was tense Sunday amid fears police may use pepper spray and tear gas to disperse the protesters, as they did last weekend. The University of Hong Kong, among others, warned students to leave the streets.

"I am making this appeal from my heart because I genuinely believe that if you stay, there is a risk to your safety," said Peter Mathieson, the university's president. "Please leave now. You owe it to your loved ones to put your safety above all other considerations." The protests are the strongest challenge to authorities in Hong Kong — and in Beijing — since the former British colony returned to Chinese rule in 1997. Beijing has promised that the city can have universal suffrage by 2017, but it says a committee of mostly pro-Beijing figures must screen candidates for the top job. The protesters also are demanding Leung's resignation, but he has refused to step down.

The next steps are uncertain, after student leaders called off planned talks with the government until officials respond to claims that police tolerated attacks by alleged mobsters. The movement has largely been free-forming, and many who take part are uncertain of what comes next. The government said Sunday that it was happy to talk to the students, and that it hoped protest leaders would cooperate and allow the reopening of the roads outside the government's headquarters. "I believe there will be lots of people who want to stop the police from clearing this place," Jack Fung, a 19-year-old student, said at the government headquarters Sunday morning. "But if the police use rubber bullets, or real bullets, there will be many people who will leave the place, because it will be too dangerous." Fung said he supported allowing civil servants to go back to work Monday, but he believed protesters should block Leung from entering his office. In Mong Kok, the violence calmed later Sunday, but rowdy crowds kept up loud and heated street arguments. Many residents and businesspeople are fed up with the disruption, saying they want to return to normal life as soon as possible. Police officers carrying guns patrolled the area, and at least one officer was seen carrying tear gas canisters. "This is a public place, people need to use this road, people need to live here," said Johnson Cheung, 26, who works in a duty-free shop. "The students don't need to make a living, their parents pay for them. But we have jobs, we have to live."



Energy drinks may ruin your sleep

LONdON, OctOber 5 (IANS): Although energy drinks may enhance athlete's performance, they also cause insomnia and nervousness, a study said. The study carried out by experts from the Camilo Jose Cela University (UCJC), Spain evaluated the positive and negative effects of energy drinks on athletes. "Athletes felt they had more strength, power and resistance with the energy drink than with the placebo drink," said Juan Del Coso Garrigas, in-charge of the Exercise Physiology Laboratory at UCJC. "However, the energy drinks increased the frequency of insomnia, nervousness and the level of stimulation in the hours following the competition," Juan Del Coso added. For the study, sportsmen (football, basketball, rugby, volleyball, tennis and hockey players) took the equivalent of three cans of energy drink or an energy drink placebo before a sports competition. Athletes increased their sporting performance by between three to seven percent but at the same time, the consumption also led to side effects typically found with other caffeinated drinks, the findings showed. The concentration of caffeine (32 mg/100 ml of product) present in energy drinks provides a total of 80 mg of caffeine per 250 ml can, the authors noted.Energy drinks mainly contain carbohydrates, caffeine, taurine and B vitamins, with little difference in ingredients amongst the main energy drink brands, the researchers explained. Energy drinks do not provide more energy than other soft drinks, but they do have an "energising" effect related to the stimulation provided by caffeine, the authors concluded.

“No problem at all” for NKorea leader Kim's health, says official

Muslims perform a morning prayer marking the Eid al-Adha holiday on a street in Bali, Indonesia on Sunday, October 5. Traditionally Muslims all over the world slaughter cattle and goats, with some distributing the meat to the needy, during the holiday which honors the prophet Abraham for preparing to sacrifice his son Ishmael on the order of God, who was testing his faith. (AP Photo/Firdia Lisnawati)

Israel criticises Sweden’s plan to recognise state of Palestine JerUSALeM, OctOber 5 (reUterS): Israel has described a plan by Sweden's new centreleft government to recognise the state of Palestine as being ill-considered in the absence of Middle East peace negotiations. Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven's announced the move during his inaugural address to Stockholm's parliament on Friday. Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman on Sunday said Lofven had "hastened to make declarations ... apparently before he could delve into the matter and understand it is the Palestinians who have constituted the obstacle to progress" in reaching a peace accord with Israel. Writing on Facebook, Lieberman also said he would summon the Swedish ambassador for a "conversation" at Israel's Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem. Meanwhile Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas said the Swedish announcement was "great and honourable" and he hoped other countries would follow suit, according to the official Palestinian news agency WAFA.

Palestinians seek statehood in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, adjacent East Jerusalem and the blockaded Gaza Strip. They have sought to side-step stalled peace talks by lobbying foreign powers to recognise their sovereignty claim. The U.N. General Assembly approved the de facto recognition of the state of Palestine in 2012 but the European UnionandmostEUcountries have yet to give official recognition. In his speech Lofven said the Israeli-Palestinian conflict must be solved with a two-state solution, negotiated in accordance with international law. "A two-state solution requires mutual recognition and a will to peaceful co-existence. Sweden will therefore recognise the state of Palestine," said Lofven. Israel says it wants to resume peace negotiations with Abbas but that he must dissolve a unity government formed with Hamas Islamists who control Gaza and preach the Jewish state's destruction. Israel and Hamas have fought several wars, most recently over 51 days in July and August.

SeOUL, OctOber 5 (reUterS): A senior North Korean official on a rare visit to South Korea has denied reports that the country's young leader Kim Jong Un is ill, saying there is "no problem at all," a South Korean minister said on Sunday. Speculation that Kim's unusually long absence from public view may be due to ill health was fuelled by a North Korean TV report that he was suffering from "discomfort," which was regarded as an implicit acknowledgement that he was sick. Kim, 31, who is frequently the centrepiece of the isolated country's propaganda, has not been photographed by state media since appearing at a concert alongside his wife on Sept. 3.

North Korea’s leader Kim Jong Un

"I said to Secretary Kim Yang Gon while in a car there was a report that (Kim Jong Un) was in 'discomfort' and asked him how was his health, and Secretary Kim said there was no problem at all," South Korea's Unification Minis-

ter Ryoo Kihl-jae told KBS television on Sunday. Kim Yang Gon is a senior official of the North's ruling Workers' Party and a long time aide close to the North's leaders who was part of a high-level delegation that made a surprise

visit to the South on Saturday. Ryoo is South Korea's main policymaker on interKorean affairs and was host to Kim, Hwang Pyong So, a top military aide and confidant to Kim Jong Un who headed the delegation, and

Choe Ryong Hae, another close adviser to the leader. North and South Korea agreed on Saturday to resume reconciliation talks after Pyongyang sent its most senior delegation ever to its neighbour at just 24 hours' notice. Kim Jong Un had been seen walking with a limp since an event with key officials in July and in a prerecorded documentary broadcast by state media in late September appeared to have difficulty walking. Kim has rapidly gained weight since coming to power after his father died of a heart attack in 2011, photos released by state media show. North Korea observers speculate Kim's weight and family background may have contributed to his condition.

Japan volcano victims leave photographs of last moments tOKYO, OctOber 5 (AP): The victims include hiking enthusiasts from a major insurance company. Members of a group of nature lovers studying wild plants. A construction manager who snapped about 100 photos — found on his scratched and dented camera — to show his wife what she was missing because she had to work that day. More than 50 people died when Mount Ontake, a popular hiking destination in central Japan, erupted without warning on Sept. 27 in the country's deadliest volcanic eruption since World War II. Together, they paint a typical picture of weekend recreational hikers in Japan. A few children and senior citizens, but mostly middle-aged working people enjoying the first Saturday of the fall foliage season. Most were between 30 and 59 years old, and lived within a few hours' drive or train ride from the mountain. Three were children, and only five were 60 or older.

In this Saturday, September 27, 2014 file photo taken by 59-year-old hiker Izumi Noguchi who fell victim to the eruption of Mount Ontake, and was offered to Kyodo News by his wife, Hiromi, Friday, October 3, a hiker standing on the summit shrine compound on Mount Ontake watches dense plumes of gases and ash billowing from the crater as the volcanic mountain starts to erupt in central Japan. Construction company employee Noguchi was climbing alone, as his usual hiking companion, his wife Hiromi, had to work, she told Japanese broadcaster NHK and other media. His compact camera was banged up, but the memory chip inside was undamaged. She printed all 100 shots. (AP Photo/Kyodo News, Izumi Noguchi/File)

"The best season for the leaves just started, the weather was beautiful, it was the weekend, and it was lunchtime," said Masahito Ono, a Nagano prefecture tourism official. Hiking has become one

of Japan's most popular outdoor activities. The core fans are middle-age climbers with some experience, but there's a growing number of beginners: healthconscious senior citizens and fashionable women

who sport a casual "mountain girl" look. The number of hikers in Nagano surged to 730,000 last year, a 30 percent increase from five years ago. With modest slopes and a ropeway that takes visitors

part way up, 3,067-meter (10,062-foot) Mount Ontake is one of the easier climbs in the region, recommended as a day-trip for beginners. Several hundred people are believed to have been on the mountain when it erupted at 11:52 a.m. Rescuers have found 51 bodies, and at least a dozen other people are still missing. Most of the bodies were found at the summit, with others on a trail a short way down. Hideomi Takahashi, 41, was among nine climbers from a major Japanese insurance company, Sompo Japan Nipponkoa Holdings Inc. They worked at two branches near Tokyo. Only three survived. At Takahashi's funeral on Thursday, his family showed a close friend an iPhone with at least six photos from what would be the last few minutes of his life: a cotton candy-like cloud floating next to the mountain in a clear blue sky, a sacred gate to a mountaintop shrine, some of his colleagues making their way up. The last photo, apparently shot by a colleague,

shows Takahashi standing next to the "Mount Ontake summit" sign, giving a thumbs-up. "When I saw the iPhone still worked, I thought it's like a miracle," said the friend Hiroyuki, who asked that only his first name be used after he was criticized online for posting some of the photos on Twitter. He has since taken the tweets down. Takahashi seems happy in the final photo, but he's not quite smiling. "Maybe he saw signs of the eruption," Hiroyuki said, adding he has trouble accepting that his best friend died, leaving behind his wife and two children. Construction company employee Izumi Noguchi, 59, was climbing alone, as his usual hiking companion, his wife Hiromi, had to work, she told Japanese broadcaster NHK and other TV stations. His compact camera was banged up, but the memory chip inside was undamaged. She printed all 100 shots. The last one is of an enormous plume billowing from the crater behind a mountaintop lodge.




Monday 6 October 2014

The Morung Express

Hamilton wins crashmarred Japanese GP

Indian Super League (ISL) founding chairperson Nita Ambani, center, poses with players from left, Swedish footballer Fredrik Ljungberg who will play for the Mumbai team, English footballer David James, who will play for the Kerala Blasters team, French footballer David Trezeguet, who will play for the Pune team, French footballer Robert Pires who will play for the Goa team, Italian footballer Alessandro Del Piero, who will play for the Delhi Dynamos team, Spanish footballer Joan Capdevila, who will play for the North East United team, Spanish footballer Luis García, who will play for the Atlético de Kolkata team and French footballer Mikaël Silvestre who will play for the Chennaiyin team during the unveiling of the ISL trophy in Mumbai, India, Sunday, October 5. The eight-team ISL kicks off on October12. (AP Photo)

Atletico sunk at Valencia while Barca march on


Mercedes driver Lewis Hamilton, center, of Britain holds up the trophy, with second placed teammate Nico Rosberg, left, 5 (ReuteRs): Atletico and third placer Red Bull Racing driver Sebastian Vettel of Germany during an award ceremony after winning the Japanese Madrid failed to build Formula One Grand Prix at the Suzuka Circuit in Suzuka, central Japan, Sunday, October 5. (AP Photo) on Wednesday's notable

suZuKA, OctObeR 5 (ReuteRs): Britain's Lewis Hamilton won a wet and sombre Japanese Grand Prix on Sunday to extend his Formula One lead over Mercedes team mate Nico Rosberg to 10 points with four races remaining. The race started behind the safety car due to heavy rain and ended without celebration after Marussia's Jules Bianchi was taken to hospital following a crash that left the young Frenchman seriously injured. Rosberg, who had started on pole position, finished second following a third deployment of the safety car and then red flags being displayed. Germany's quadruple world champion Sebastian Vettel, who is leaving Red Bull for Ferrari at the end of the season, took third place with the result based on positions after 44 of the scheduled 53 laps. Australian Daniel Ricciardo, who

would otherwise have been on the podium, was fourth for Red Bull. The drivers tense faces as they waited to step on the podium told the true story of the afternoon, with Bianchi foremost in their thoughts. No champagne was sprayed, with the top three merely clinking the bottles and taking a quiet swig before placing them back on the floor. "The driver is not conscious and has been sent to the hospital by the ambulance because the helicopter cannot go in these conditions," said a spokesman for the governing International Automobile Federation (FIA). "It's obviously a real anti-climax to hear that one of our fellow colleagues is seriously injured so that's really the main worry," said Hamilton, who would otherwise have been delighted with his third win in a row

and one of his most impressive performances. The victory was Hamilton's eighth of the season but first at Suzuka. The 2008 champion's only other win in Japan was at the Fuji circuit with McLaren in 2007. SAFETY CAR The race started as scheduled but behind the safety car due to rain from an approaching typhoon that threatened to intensify through the evening. The cars completed one lap and were then led back into the pit lane to await a re-start. "Lewis is saying the conditions are so poor he cannot see you," Rosberg's race engineer told the German as the two Mercedes threaded their way carefully around the circuit. When the race resumed, again behind the safety car, Ferrari's Fernando Alonso was an immediate casualty with his car gliding to a halt.

When the safety car came in after eight laps, the battle was on with Hamilton chasing Rosberg in the spray and passing him in a breathtaking moment of bravery on lap 29 after their first pitstops. The Briton was 16 seconds clear of the German when the race was stopped, the margin later reduced to 9.160 in the final results. Compatriot Jenson Button also shone in the wet, making the right call to run in third place for McLaren before then dropping back to fifth at the finish. Finland's Valtteri Bottas was sixth for Williams, ahead of Brazilian team mate Felipe Massa, as the team consolidated third place overall and pulled further away from Ferrari. Germany's Nico Hulkenberg was eighth for Force India, with Frenchman Jean-Eric Vergne ninth for Toro Rosso and Mexican Sergio Perez 10th for Force India.

Champions League success against Juventus when they were beaten 3-1 at a resurgent Valencia in La Liga on a day of records for leaders Barcelona on Saturday. Valencia's stirring victory at their Mestalla stadium briefly lifted them to the top of the table before in-form pair Lionel Messi and Neymar struck in a 2-0 triumph at Rayo Vallecano, who had two players sent off, to restore Barca's twopoint lead. Barca are the first La Liga team to avoid conceding a goal in their opening seven matches of the season. Valencia, who last won the title in 2004, have started the campaign in impressive form and made a thrilling start at the Mestalla to race into a 3-0 lead by the 13th minute. Atletico centre back Miranda put through his own net in the sixth minute, Andre Gomes finished

Valencia denounce own fans after Atletico bus pelted MADRID, OctObeR 5 (ReuteRs): Valencia have denounced fans of the club who pelted the Atletico Madrid team bus with objects before Saturday's La Liga match at the Mestalla. Television footage showed objects which appeared to be cans of drink striking the Atletico bus as it arrived at the stadium before mounted police intervened to disperse the crowd. "Valencia CF profoundly regrets the throwing of objects at the Atletico Madrid bus on its arrival at the Mestalla," the club said on their website. "The club will do everything in its power, together with the police, to find the perpetrators and, if identified, they will not be allowed at the Mestalla in the future," they added. superbly after a fine run a minute later and Nicolas Otamendi nodded in at a corner to leave the champions reeling. Mario Mandzukic pulled a goal back in the 29th minute when he followed up a Tiago effort to head home before Atletico squandered a chance for a second on the stroke of halftime. Valencia goalkeeper Diego Alves, a penalty specialist, saved Guilherme Siqueira's weak spot kick, the 13th the Brazilian has stopped in 31 faced in La Liga. Italy winger Alessio Cerci had a miserable afternoon after coming off the bench for Atletico in the second half, picking

up two yellow cards. The second card was awarded in added time when he sprung the offside trap and put the ball in the net but the referee ruled he had used his arm to control it. Barca took time to get going at Rayo's Vallecas stadium in the Madrid suburbs before Messi scored a typically brilliant effort in the 35th minute. The fourtimes World Player of the Year ran on to a lofted Gerard Pique pass, shrugged off a defender and sent a wonderful dinked effort over keeper Tono into the net from a tight angle on the left of the area. Neymar added a second a minute later when he picked up a

Munir El Haddadi layoff and smashed a low shot into the bottom corner. Rayo defender Jorge Garcia Morcillo was shown a second yellow card while Substitute Javier Aquino also picked up his second yellow card for Rayo in the first minute of added time. Chile keeper Claudio Bravo, Barca's new arrival from Real Sociedad, set a record for minutes unbeaten at the start of a La Liga season. During the first half Bravo surpassed the previous best of 560 minutes set by former Barca and Sociedad keeper Pedro Maria Artola in 1977 and has now gone 630 minutes without conceding.

Nishikori lifts Japan Open title Lewandowski, Robben strike Aries Academy to conduct twice as Bayern crush Hanover coaching, competition

tOKYO, OctObeR 5 (AP): U.S. Open runner-up Kei Nishikori beat the No. 4-seeded Milos Raonic of Canada 7-6 (5), 4-6, 6-4 in the final of the Japan Open on Sunday to win his fourth ATP Tour title of the season. With a typhoon bearing down on the Japanese capital, the fourth-seeded Nishikori won his second straight tournament and the seventh of his career with a hard-fought victory at Ariake Colosseum. The contest was a contrast in styles, with Raonic relying on his big serve and Nishikori utilizing his speed and mobility to force his opponent into many unforced errors. Raonic had 22 aces in a match that featured few long rallies, while Nishikori managed just one. Sunday's match was a replay of the 2012 final when Nishikori beat Raonic in three sets to become the first Japanese man to win the event. "It was great to win today," said Nishikori. "It was hard to return against him. He was serving really well, with a high percentage and speed." After the first set was on serve until the tiebreaker, Nishikori took a 4-2 lead only to see Raonic run off three straight points to go up 5-4. Nishikori took the set on an amazing save of Raonic's serve, followed by a power-

Kei Nishikori of Japan holds his winning trophy after defeating Milos Raonic of Canada in their final match at the Japan Open tennis championships in Tokyo, Sunday. (AP Photo)

ful crosscourt forehand. Raonic had break points in the first and fifth games of the second set, but could not capitalize. He finally broke to lead 4-3 and took the set with on serve with an ace. The eighth-ranked Raonic saved three break points in the second game of the final set, but was unable to convert when he had one of his own in the seventh. Nishikori clinched the

match by breaking in the 10th game when the Canadian netted a return. Roanic has reached the Japan Open final for the past three years. He lost to Juan Martin Del Potro of Argentina here in 2013. "It's disappointing to lose again in the final," noted Raonic. "The last two years have been more disappointing than the first one against Kei."

beRLIn, OctObeR 5 (ReuteRs): Bayern Munich's Robert Lewandowski and Arjen Robben scored twice each as the champions crushed Hanover 96 4-0 in the Bundesliga on Saturday to go four points clear at the top as rivals Borussia Dortmund lost to Hamburg SV. The Bavarians, who have now kept a clean sheet in their last seven games in all competitions having won six, took charge inside 13 minutes through Lewandowski, who controlled a superb Rafinha pass, and Robben after he pounced on a Hanover mistake. Lewandowski benefited from another superb through ball in the 38th minute, this time form Juan Bernat, for his fourth league goal of the campaign. Robben also got a second goal, slotting the ball home 11 minutes from time as undefeated Bayern moved up to 17 points with the team in a good mood as they prepare for an official Oktoberfest beer festival visit on Sunday. "Maybe it was our best performance yet (this season)," Robben, who improved his already sparkling record to 59 goals and 42 assists in 110 Bundes-

liga games, told reporters. "We played very aggressively up front and created a lot of chances. We should have scored even more but 4-0 is good enough," said the Dutchman, who added that it was now time to celebrate with a beer at the city's Oktoberfest.

MOKOKchung, OctObeR 5 (Mexn): The Aries Air Rifle & Pistol Academy Nagaland will be conducting a coaching clinic cum open competition here at Mokokchung from October 8 onwards at the Cosmos Hall. As per the information provided, the coaching DORTMUND CRISIS But there was no party clinic for junior category atmosphere in Dortmund, who lost 1-0 to relegationthreatened Hamburg as they continued a disastrous league start with bIRMInghAM, OctOtheir fourth defeat in seven beR 5 (AP): Yaya Toure games on the back of their and Sergio Aguero prodominant midweek Cham- duced late moments of pions League win over An- brilliance to earn Manderlecht. Pierre-Michel La- chester City a 2-0 win over sogga snatched the winner Aston Villa on Saturday, in the 35th minute following keeping the champions in an Adrian Ramos mistake touch with English Premier as last season's runners-up League leader Chelsea. dropped to 13th on seven Toure dribbled to the points, 10 behind Bayern afedge of the penalty area ter seven games. Hamburg moved off the bottom to in the 82nd minute and 17th on five points. Dort- curled a left-footed shot mund posed little threat for past American goalkeepmuch of the game and left er Brad Guzan, who proit late to push for the equal- duced a string of secondiser. They failed, however, half saves to keep Villa in to beat Hamburg keeper the game. Aguero, one of two City Jaroslav Drobny in a frantic finale with the 34-year- players to hit the post when old also doing well to deny the score was 0-0, rifled in Ramos from point blankrange in the 72nd.

Nagaland U-14 team, winner of the 55th Subroto Cup International Football Tournament alongwith Kelie Zeliang, Director, Youth Resources and Sports; Asa Khate, Administrator, Greenwood Higher Secondary School (holding trophy) and other during a felicitation programme held at DDSC Stadium, Dimapur on October 5. The Nagaland U-14 team won the 55th Subroto Cup International Football Tournament by beating Government Model High School, Chandigarh 5-4 on penalties in the final at the Ambedkar Stadium on September 30. Goalie Jesse was adjudged the best goal-keeper while team coach Mughato was adjudged the best coach of the sub-junior (U-14) tournament.

(8-15 years) will be held on October 8 and for the seniors it will be 9th and 10th while on the October 11 is set as the date for the open championship. Interested participants for the same have been informed to get their names registered on or before October 7 at Cosmos Hall. The registration

fee will be Rs. 2000/- per head which will cover the cost of pellets, refreshments and other expenses. It is also informed that all the necessary kits along with rifle and pistol will be provided during the clinic. Further enquiries can be made by contacting Wati Imchen at 9862118137.

Man City strikes late to beat Villa a fierce shot from 20 yards in the 88th to ensure there was no way back for Villa, and guarantee the visitors a fourth win in seven matches in the defense of their title. Toure's first league goal will silence those who have criticized his contribution to City's cause this season after his stunning 2013-14 campaign, when he scored 24 times in all competitions. "I'm not a machine," Toure said, "I'm a man. The most important thing for me is to try my best. I need to work harder and continue going." Aguero scored his fifth goal of the campaign when

he collected a pass on the edge of the area, and drove a low effort just inside the post. Villa, whose strong start to the season has faded thanks to successive defeats to Arsenal, Chelsea and City, will be buoyed by the return of Christian Benteke after six months out with a ruptured Achilles tendon. The Belgium striker appeared as a second-half substitute. "It was a big effort from us," Villa manager Paul Lambert said. "We defended strongly but they have quality all over the pitch, and we were dead all over the pitch by the end."

Honda leads Milan to win over Chievo

ROMe, OctObeR 5 (AP): Keisuke Honda scored his fourth goal in six matches as AC Milan ended a three-game winless streak in Serie A with a 2-0 victory over visiting Chievo Verona on Saturday. Sulley Muntari celebrated his 250th match in Serie A by giving Milan the lead in the 55th minute with a looping volley from beyond the area after a cross from Honda was headed away. Honda then secured the points with a precise free kick over a Chievo wall in the 78th. Having scored only one goal in the Italian league last season after joining

Milan in January, Honda is thriving in the more attacking system under new coach Filippo Inzaghi. "He's a serious professional. He always arrives at training two hours early, which I appreciate," Inzaghi said. "I'm happy for him because he deserves the applause from our fans." Milan moved into a tie for fourth with Sampdoria and Hellas Verona, which beat Cagliari 1-0 earlier with a late goal from Panagiotis Tachtsidis. The trio are four points behind leaders Juventus and Roma, who meet on Sunday. Udinese is three points back in third. At the San Siro, Chievo

started with a trio of former Milan players in attack: Valter Birsa, Alberto Paloschi and Maxi Lopez. Milan countered with Fernando Torres spearheading a 4-2-3-1 formation, and he was dangerous on a pair of occasions in an otherwise dull first half. Chievo could have equalized in the 70th but substitute Dejan Lazarevic wasted a 3-on-1 opportunity by trying to score alone, and was stopped by defender Mattia De Sciglio. At Verona's Bentegodi Stadium, Tachtsidis found the target in the 89th with a long, powerful shot from beyond the area that was out of the goalkeeper's reach.



The Morung Express

6 October 2014


11 C M Y K


Glimpses of the 3-day Children Festival organized by the Christian education department, Western Sumi Baptist Akukuhou Kuqhakulu (WSBAK), which started on October 3 at Thahekhu village. Hundreds of children from different Churches attended the festival. (Morung Photos)

Satyamev Jayate 3

Need to make sports integral part of school curriculum: Aamir Khan


oncerned over children not participating in outdoor activities, Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan today strongly lobbied for making sports an integral part of school curriculum in the country. Interacting with media here after the airing of the first episode of the new season of ‘Satyamev Jayate’, the 49-year-old actor said, “Our children have the right to be taught sports as they are taught Maths or English. “There is a strong need to reach out to children of weaker sections of society for teaching them sports. Sports should be made integral part of curriculum of main education.” On the habit of new age children interested in indoor games, Aamir said, “It frightens me that children play alone and are cut off from the rest of the world. Outdoor games help in connecting with people.” The ‘Dhoom 3 ‘ star said that intake of drugs by the youth is also a matter of concern. “We will come out with an episode in future to

Sachin says the first episode invoked a feeling of deja vu in him


ollywood superstar Aamir Khan returned to the small screen with the third season of issuebased show Satyamev Jayate and discussed how sports can change ones life. The first episode of this season emphasised on rehabilitation through sports as the 48-year-old actor appealed to youngsters to stay away from drugs and make sports their addiction instead. The first story revealed the tale of a juvenile delinquent Akhilesh who was tempted into playing football for a few hours instead of doing drugs. Akhilesh went on to coach children and even captained the Homeless World Cup in Brazil keep children away from drugs,” he said. Talking about ‘Satyamev Jayate’, the actor said, “I am not the hero of the show. I get you introduced to the hero, the people who have been doing good things in their life.” Aamir said that the issue-based show has had an impact on the society and government in different

in 2010. The next guests were Commonwealth Games gold medallists, Babita Kumari and Geeta Kumari - two sisters born in a remote village of Haryana, who fought against all odds to fulfill their dream of becoming professional wrestlers. There were also other inspirational sports stories, which were brought to light by Aamir. The show ended with the appearance of badminton player Saina Nehwal and the question whether governing sports bodies should be left only to sports persons. The topic of discussion in the first episode was hailed by former cricketer Sachin Tendulkar, who feels sports plays an important role in building a country’s future.

states, including Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra which have taken decisions like distribution of generic medicines free to poor and raising the sex ratio. He admitted that there is a need to highlight certain issues concerning Bollywood as well. Aamir said that each individual had a capacity to do something and must

Respect is all a woman wants: Deepika C M Y K


eepika Padukone is gearing up for her next big ticket Bollywood film, Happy New Year. She will be seen in the role of Mohini. Apart

from Deepika, the movie boasts of A list Bollywood stars. So if she’s in news for Happy New Year, till about recently she was caught in the midst of a huge controversy after a leading Eng-

lish newspaper tweeted a rather unflattering picture of hers. She fought back and garnered a huge support from all quarters including her fraternity. In an interview to The Hin-

du, Deepika clearly mentioned that ‘respect’ is what a woman wants. This was in response to a question about what is that one thing that she wants on and off screen.

Clooney buys Amal £5m UK home


eorge Clooney bought his wife the £5 million mansion where they are spending their UK honeymoon. The Hollywood star married Amal Alamuddin last Saturday (27.09.14), and he treated his new bride to the home an hour away from London, which is where they are reportedly considering raising a family. A source told The Sun on Sunday newspaper: ‘’George has all the money in the world but wanted to give Amal something special to mark their marriage. ‘’Buying her a house must be up there with the most expensive wedding gifts in history, but the thought behind it was to give them a proper place to

call home in the future. ‘’George will still travel the world for his movies, but they intend for this to be their British base. They want it to be the place where they bring up a family. They have already talked about having kids.’’ The home will allow human rights lawyer Amal to continue her work in London, and the newlyweds hope to spend most of their time there. As well as a panic room, the mansion also features living quarters for ‘The Monuments Men’ star’s security team. George Clooney, right, flanked by his wife Amal Alamuddin, arrives at the Cavalli Palace for the civil marriage ceremony in Venice, Italy, Monday, Sept. 29, 2014. (AP Photo)

Megan Fox believes she has spirit guides



egan Fox thinks that she has spirit guides that decide her life path. Fox has revealed that she no long gets mad at thing that happen to her because she believes that it is all part of her destiny. She said: “It makes it impossible to view yourself as a victim in any circumstance because you understand you chose it or it was chosen for you by spirit guides and there’s a reason for every encounter and opposition. “You’re meant to benefit eventually but you have to be aware because that helps you learn the lessons so much quicker. Otherwise you’ll walk in a circle and find you meet the same types of people and make the same mistakes until you address it and transcend it. “I think

Oprah still supports Lindsay

even in very small ways - like if you’re in traffic and everyone is p***ed off and shouting, ‘F**k’. But you can’t make me mad with that s**t anymore. It’s not important and it doesn’t mean anything.” And the ‘Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’ star has turned to meditation to help her keep a positive outlook on life. Asked if she feels self-doubt, she told Loaded magazine: “At times. But it’s not part of my daily existence. Meditation is something I do to stay positive. “If you stay positive with your mind then inevitably you will attract positivity and the times I’ve faced the most adversity in my life, it wasn’t actually from outside forces. It was things I brought into my own world from my own negativity.”

contribute towards bringing change in the country. “If I can’t solve any problem that does not mean I sit idle, keep quiet and become a fence sitter. This country belongs to all...Contribution from everybody is needed for bringing a change,” he said. Aamir ruled out any plan to join politics, saying, “I enjoy my work.


edia mogul Oprah Winfrey lent her support to Lindsay Lohan by watching her play titled “Speed-thePlow”. “@LindsayLohan backstage at her new play in London. #SpeedthePlow,” Oprah wrote on Instagram, reports eonline.com Lohan was “thrilled” to have Oprah and actress Lupita Nyongo in the audience. “I’m a lucky girl!” Lohan said in a message on Instagram. She has been performing on the stage since Sep 24.

Oprah’s arrival proves she still has faith in Lohan, who opened her life up to cameras on the Oprah Winfrey Network docu-series “Lindsay”. Recently, Lohan had claimed that her controversial stint on Winfrey’s show left her little choice but to relocate overseas. The OWN docu-series, which exposed her alcohol relapse, alleged miscarriage and many emotional meltdowns on the small screen last spring, made her a target in her hometown New York.

Big B sees cinema as an integrator


egastar Amitabh Bachchan says he is “proud” to be part of the film fraternity, which acts as an integrator. “Cinema in today’s times is perhaps the only integrator left, in this fast disintegrating world ... Proud to be in its fraternity,” the 71-yearold tweeted Sunday. A star, who rose on the film firmament during the 1970s, has so far retained his charm and his fan following is growing even today. If he was known for big hits like “Deewar”, “Zanjeer”, and “Don” during his prime, in the past over a decade he showed his versatility with films like “Baghban”, “Sarkar”, “Bunty Aur Babli” and “Paa”. His wife Jaya, son Abhishek and daughter-in-law Aishwarya Rai are also film


stars. He will turn 72 Oct 11 and his kitty is full with assignments -- he has Vidhu Vinod Chopra-produced film in hand and he recently wrapped up filming for R. Balakrishnan aka Balki’s “Shamitabh”. Currently, Amitabh is hosting reality game show “Kaun Banega Crorepati” on the small screen.

‘Racial prejudice’ disclaimer given with ‘Tom & Jerry’ show


amous cartoon show ‘Tom and Jerry’ is being presented with a disclaimer about racial prejudice, it has been revealed. The classic cat and mouse cartoons, some made more than 70 years ago, carry a warning for subscribers to Amazon’s streaming subscription service, reportedly. “Tom and Jerry shorts may depict some ethnic and racial prejudices that were once commonplace in American society. Such depictions were wrong then and are wrong today,” reads the warning. There have been claims of racist stereotyping in the depiction of a black maid in the cartoon series. The wording is similar to disclaimers accompanying some collections of the cartoons on DVD. The warning was attacked as ‘empty-headed’ Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone poses for photogby cultural commentator raphers during a photo call for the film, Happy New YearSLAM, at the Montcalm hotel in central London, Sunday, and professor of sociology, Frank Furedi, who said it October 5. (AP Photo)

was a form of a “false piousness” and a type of censorship which “seems to be sweeping cultural life”. Tom and Jerry was first produced by the MGM film studio in 1940. The cartoons, directed by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera and produced by Fred Qui-

mby, ran until 1957, with carefully choreographed chase scenes set in the homes and gardens of suburban America. The claims of racism are longstanding. When the original versions were shown on US television in the 1960s some scenes were edited. There have also been complaints about the characters smoking cigarettes, with changes made to recent screenings.



Chelsea beat Arsenal to extend league lead Tottenham ends 4-match wait for Premier League win

LONDON, OctOBEr 5 (AP): Chelsea extended their lead at the top of the Premier League table on Sunday to 5 points over Manchester City, after beating Arsenal 2-0 in a feisty London derby. On an eventful afternoon at Stamford Bridge, Chelsea goalkeeper Thibaut Courtois was forced off following a collision with Alexis Sanchez, while rival managers Jose Mourinho and Arsene Wenger clashed on the touchline. Eden Hazard opened the scoring for Chelsea in the 27th minute, coolly slotting home a penalty past Arsenal keeper Wojciech Szczesny. The Belgium international earned the penalty himself, darting his way into the Arsenal area, only to upended by defender Laurent Koscielny. Diego Costa continued his rich vein of scoring, making sure of three points for the home side when he chipped the ball over Szczesny after latching onto an exquisite Cesc Fabregas pass. Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger has now faced rival manager Jose Mourinho 12 times in the Premier League, but has yet to beat him. At White Hart Lane, Mauricio Pochettino got the better of his Southampton successor Ronald Koeman as Tottenham ended its four-match wait for a Premier League win with a 1-0 victory on Sunday. Christian Eriksen scored with a 20-yard strike in the 40th minute to deny Koeman's side a seventh straight win in all competitions. All eyes were on Pochettino, where he was taking on his former club for the first time since ending a successful 18-month stint at St Mary's to lead Spurs. The win was a timely shot in the arm for Tottenham ahead of the international break, having failed to win its last four top-flight matches and lost its previous two home league games.

Sharapova, Djokovic lift China Open

BEIJING, OctOBEr 5 (AGENcIES): Russian Maria Sharapova overcame Czech Petra Kvitova 6-4 2-6 6-3 while Serbian Novak Djokovic routed thirdseeded Tomas Berdych 6-0, 6-2 to lift the women’s and men’s China Open title respectively. Wimbledon Open champion Kvitova broke Sharapova in the very first game but Russian showed greater intensity towards the end to prevail in a contest that lasted two hours and 28 minutes. French Open champion Sharapova broke her opponent twice to claim the first set but Kvitova unleashed 15 winners in the second to force a decider. Sharapova Chelsea's Cesc Fabregas, centre, passes the ball as Arsenal's Alexis Sanchez, right, goes raised her game in the third to tackle during their English Premier League soccer match between Chelsea and Arsenal set to lead 5-3 before serving out the match and raisat Stamford Bridge stadium in London Sunday, October 5. (AP Photo) ing her hands in celebraAt Old Trafford, Ration after Kvitova buried a damel Falcao scored his return into the net. first goal for Manchester On the men’s side, topUnited in a 2-1 win over ranked Novak Djokovic Everton on Sunday as the won his fifth China Open Red Devils won consecu- Day 5 Results tive Premier League games Hike FC Kohima Village 2-1 Gideon FC (Hike FC KV: title in dominating fashion Sunday. Djokovic was one for the first time under Mhalesatuo 37’, 45’; Gideon FC: Bonito 40’) manager Louis Van Gaal. Phesama Youth Organisation 2-0 Street Hawk FC Ko- point away from handing Berdych a "double bagel" Angel Di Maria opened hima (Phesama YO: Neisalietuo Kuotsu 44’, 64’) the scoring for the hosts Chuziezou FC Thizama 2-1 New Market XI (Chuziezou — a 6-0, 6-0 defeat — but before United 'keeper Da- FC Thizama: Teiso 4’, Ruokuo 12’; New Market XI: vid de Gea saved a pen- Megovilie 44’) alty from Leighton Baines. Addax FC 11-10 Native Feathers via tie-breaker (1-1 The England international AET; Addax FC: Keviphretuo 36’; Native Feathers: Khithen picked out Steven Na- uwangbo Kaurilta 43’) ismith, who put the teams October 6 Matches level in the 55th minute. Falcao, who joined 4th NAP Thizama Vs Orion FC Kohima @ 9:00 AM United on loan from Mo- Tiema-Khe Kidima Vs Strivers FC Kohima @ 11:00 AM naco during the summer, Freeman FC Chozuba Town Vs Asian Mission College missed four chances but Keyake @ 12:30 PM finally scored a poacher's Tsosinyu United FC Vs Oriental College Kohima goal as United and sealed @ 2:00 PM his team's win seven minutes later, slotting home past Tim Howard after di Maria's shot landed in the Colombian's path. (King Of The Ring Series 2014) De Gea made a stunning save in stoppage time Register at 3E Office, Dzevi Building to tip over the bar Bryan Near Kohima Local Ground, Opp.UBC Oviedo's left-foot shot from 20 meters. De Gea was deSenior categories cisive throughout, denying Lightweight below 65 kg Leon Osman and OvieMiddleweight 65 to 78 kg do after stopping Baines' Heavyweight above 78 kg penalty kick. Baines had scored 14 penalties from Juniors 14 attempts before his atOpen category 14 years & below tempt at the bottom left was th thwarted by De Gea. LAST DATE-10 OCTOBER 2014



Maria Sharapova of Russia poses with her trophy for photos after she defeated Petra Kvitova of the Czech Republic during the women's single final at China Open tennis tournament at the National Tennis Stadium in Beijing, China, Sunday, October 5. (AP Photo)

the Czech player fought off arms in celebration. match point, then broke The Serb improved Djokovic to win his first his sparkling record at the game and raising both China Open to 24-0. Mean-

while, Sharapova moved up to number two in the world rankings after claiming the title.


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