NOVEMBER2012 February 2014 C M Y K
A Korean taste Money and corruption are ruining the land, crooked politicians betray the working man [& woman], pocketing the profits and treating us like sheep, for Naga and we’reDish tired of hearing promises that we know they’ll never keep
axoni. In Korea we do not get bamboo shoot like the fermented ones we get am from Korea, and as a here. The bamboo shoot adds so much foreigner to India and Na- of flavor to the curry. I like the ways galand, I love trying out Nagas prepare the dish with axoni different kinds of cuisines. because it adds a different taste altoAs such I have tried a va- gether. It is interesting to find that the riety of Naga cuisines. Af- recipe for almost every Naga curry inter I came to Nagaland I cludes axoni which is a type of strong had the opportunity to taste a good smelling spice made of fermented number of different Naga dishes. soya bean. When I first tasted axoni, Compared to Korean cuisines, Naga the smell was very strong but slowly I cuisines are cooked with simple in- started to like the taste and it blends gredients. I found most Naga dishes really well with dried pork. salty and spicy. And the meat conNowadays we get all kinds of tains a lot of fats. In Korea we con- Korean spices, Thai food and Westsume a lot of sea food and vegetables ern food and ingredients in local and they are cooked with different stores but availing these foods is not spices and sauces. enough. We have to develop and proI like the way the different Naga mote our own indigenous food, and tribes prepare theirIt own in a to have our own specialty. And indeed is notdishes necessary explain for good people to do nothwhat is to the anyone ing”, said Edmund Burke. variety of ways. Of all the corruption dishes I have Naga Dish of Dried Pork with in Nagaland, nor to anyone And people like Anna Haztried, my favorite Naga dish is dried Bamboo Shoot and Axone is unique elsewhere in the world. are, Kejriwal, the Bhushan pork cooked with bamboo shoot andimpatiently and a real specialty. Indira Gandhi brothers, Kiran Bedi, and so Ji Young
Niketu Iralu
Accountant enabled me to aim became to satisfy the real needs of peounderstand the complicated ple. For decades we have given priority to connections in the finanlow-priced housing. We refused to speculate cial world. But above all it with our reserves of building land. If we had enabled me to cheat heavily indulged in such speculation we often could and famously dismissed and on, are shining examples of on the income tax. We had have made bigger profits than by building rationalized corruption as “a good people caring and darthree balance sheets: one for houses ourselves. Through our new policy we global phenomenon” when ing enough to do something the tax authorities, that was built a few thousand housing units at low cost. a journalist touched on certo defeat evil. And these completely crooked; one for It is true that as a consequence the profit martain scandalous scams of her close associates. good people are discovering the shareholders which was gin became smaller. But in spite of that the It revealed the doctrine of politics and governhow tough it is to defeat evil. fairly crooked; and one for income of the firm increased. ance she followed to consolidate her power In a recent discussion myself that was correct. Evebase to rule India and to pass on her dynastic on TV with industrialists and ry year it took two months Trust: Honesty is costly, but in the long run it Naga, surrounded by many tribes eachto establish these herethree ver-are manytrust. There was a period of legacy to her sons, and for them to do like- eing bankers, Deepak Parekh, pays. It creates wise. The nation discovered that none of the with economist and highly resions. I was successful and recession because similar yet unique tradition and kinds of cuisines oil price trebled. Quite a few scams directly implicating her and her family garded Chairman of Housyet I missed the essential building firms closed down but we always had delicacies in – some of them from the could be investigated by the CBI. The Bofors practices, ing Development while Finance food from each tribewhich makesand life worth livenough contracts case revealed this reality and the rest is history. overlaps Corporation, said “Corruping. I was bored and empty. State because of our reputation. with certain dishes speciallyI had to takeNagaland but my On November 8th President Hu Jintao tion is not going to go away pills to be fit known with rice,I think pork, beef, chicken, dog,andfavorite dish isRevolutionary one thatteamwork: One day I proof the People’s Republic of China, sternly told from our country. the more pills to sleep. the 2270 specially chosen delegates attending manner Kejriwal is going about is not right.” One weekend I met the organization posed to the Works Council to share 50% insects andThe worms, vegetables and chili sauce is very popular in Nagaland the Communist Party Congress in Beijing for justification and protection of corcalled Moral Re-Armament. It turned me of the profit with the workers. They were essential ourParekhs Nagaof dish. withbyBamboo Shoots. the once-in-a-decade leadership change proruptionin by the today’s India and 180 degrees around.– I Pork was fascinated the speechless. We kept our promise but did not cess that corruption in the ruling party could their readiness to deny space to voices of disidea of living to transform the world instead give them cash and instead invested the monBesides all this ‘Pork dish’ ofmakes my It is loved by one and all. prove “fatal” to its 63-year-long grip over the sent and protest against injustice from crusadonly for my own success. I was struck by ey in social benefit funds. One fund was for country: “If we fail to handle this issuetaste well, it ers like adds the ones the already feeling mentioned because the freedom of people I met who were totallywith cases of accident and sickness, another was a and of eating with Pork prepared bamboo could prove fatal to the party, and even cause the manner they are “going about is not committed to a world aim. It became the most very generous pension fund. We were 20 years relish.right” One of the famous and favorites of shoots is a great combo – the collapse of the state”. shows how complicated and hazardous expensive week-end of my life. I made up my ahead of the legislation of the Swiss Federal In the background of his reportmany. on the In the battle is for anyone taking it on. mind to take stock of my whole life. I wrote State. Thiswith team work many valumany occasions and celebration such the fats of pork mixed theresulted sourin taste of State of the Republic was the trial and sackWhat are we to do then? Is it at all down 20 points that would have to different. able suggestions from the workers for the asParty, weddings, parties, festivals, etc food bamboo shoots makes itrunning a great combination!! ing of two top ranking leaders of the worth trying “to be the change you want to practical of the firm, especially in the Bo Xilai and Railway Minister Liu Zhijun on see in the world”? Family: had to get honest with my wife. It was field of security. prepared are mostly on pork. without it Ifeels Chekawi shocking charges of corruption. Also ahead Aldous Huxley said, “Those who crusade, terribly hard. I thought she would divorce me. like is Times missing. of the something Congress a New York investiganot for God in themselves, but against the devil But she was most generous and merciful and Philosophy of our enterprise: 1. We put ! Galho how2. Service greatis more is imthy tive report revealed that Premier Wen Jiabao’s in others, do not succeed in making the world forgave me. It actually saved our marriage. people before profit. Indeed dishes are prepared in different ways such as Plain pork family had accumulated at least $ 2.7 billion in better”. Our endless discussions on corruption portant than getting. 3. He who much unity, Sweet in gives flavor; stew with dry shoots flavour with against chilly “hidden riches”signature during his ten-year rule.bamboo tend to be no more than crusading the powders Income Tax:and I decided to go and see the Minreceives much. 4. We commit ourselves to Beautiful toa faireyes; Unknew who the Presidentthe was pork devil in others. But instant interest and hopeunique are ister of Finance. He was totally perplexed to offer the best value for price and we other Everyone ingredients gives a lovely aroma and flavour. referring to when he talked of “Leading ofaroused by anyone who shows what crusading meet an honest businessman. He told me that regard it as our duty to make an effective resistable to mouth; Relieving Also, chopped size pieces before being ficials at Dried all levels, smoky especially pork high ranking offorin Godbig in oneself means and can do. I had toboiled pay no fine. But the unpaid taxes from contribution to the economic development to of stomach and joy to strength, ficials” sabotaging the balanced of the tomato, I had the privilegechilli of knowing Gottfried the past amounted to roughly 500,000 Swiss our country. in a thin soup that growth include potato, etc makes another nation by their unrestrained greed and grab. Anliker, a Swiss businessman, and taking part in Francs, a big amount for our small firm. My All this amazing developments O! out GALHO how I love you grew for great China taste can’t unrest be resist. Evenwith dried being above risks that the deepening in some missions him, inpork my work in Moralhanged father scolded me fearing I would ruin our of my decision to take every morning your Sweetness. the nation going out of control. But Hu Jintao Re-Armament, nowflames called Initiatives of Change.or building firm. But I stuck to the dictate of my enough time to reflect and listen to find new the furnace that slowly dry out by the in weeks sometimes could only talk about “unremitting efforts to Anliker inherited from his father a heart. The amount we had to pay in taxes has direction and to go back to the basic source. Mezhii then is ready to consumed. Hence, enjoyed stew naturally made multiplied from many times. Since that Through honesty I haveNeliavonuo combatmeat corruption”. struggling construction company the in Lucerne, found that undreamt “It was a conservative report. taste But Switzerland, 60 years ago. By the time initial payment the State has received millions of powers are liberated in me which formerly the meat also the crispy makes about more delicious. there is nothing there that suggests any breakhe handed it over to his successor, his daughter, of Swiss francs which it would not have if I had were blocked by a bad conscience. I experiAlthough allreforms”, through we company longsin the and pork through in political stated out Open the it wasyear the leading fieldprepare in Lunot made thator turn around in my life. enced the truth of the words of Christ: “The Magazine, an independent Hong Kong publicerne and one of the top in the nation, known But there is anotheryside. Because of make you free”. favourite Truth dishshallwould enjoy the aroma cooked but never satisfy instead longs to have in cation specializing in Chinese politics. for its unmatched achievements in economic my honesty I saved two months I used to use probably and the every Indeed meals. yetis awith fresh cooked oras huge chunks of pig before copped up corruption global phenomterms as well in how management and lafor defrauding the tax authority. be Dur-GALHOU Conclusion: I find it fascinating to be an emenon. India, the world’s largest “democracy”, bour brought the best out of one another. ing these two months I earned a great part ployer in the present day period of difficulties. reason is the simplicity using traditional long handled knives flavouring with axoneofnor fresh and “Communist” China with the most stirring I shall give his story as he had it writthe money our firm had to pay in higher We are called to be tools to show ourselves of this –the combining slogans for the bamboo down-trodden, the two makes emerg- another ten out in English for his visit to Nigeriato some So I experienced cheating dish results useful to others and so it is with our possesfermented shoots delicious taste it taxes. for meals. ing Asian super powers, are equally paralyzed years ago. in cheating ourselves, while honesty very soon sions. From this point of view I do not see myyet Whereas, We normally eat all meals around a fire, eating and different ingredients by corruption. What Titus Livius said of his decaleads to a sound economy. And so our firm self as an owner of our firm but as a temporary cooked withsteward theof it.” care dent society under Roman Empireof correctly “At the agefrom of 25 Iaworked very hard grew rapidly from 50when to 500 workers over and drinking hotthetea made tea leaves bamboo cup and assisted with describes the crisis of the two giants: “We have took the Swiss Federal Diploma in Accountabove our office staff. isChristian betterideal has not been tried pork dish norwhere meals assisting with Pork dish makes a trilling item of mother hand it“The reached the point we cannot bear ancy. I started 50 companies. They were so thanthing thewasmost expensive either ourto vicesits or their cure”. interwoven no one but what beNew aim – the important that I got and founddish wanting. It has been found difto fill fullest enjoying everythat strips ofI knew bite. “For evil to succeed it is only necessary longed to whom. My training as a Chartered a new concept of my job as an employer. My ficult and not tried”. - GK Chesterton.
We have reached the point where we cannot bear either our vices or their cure
Voice of the People TITUS LIVIUS
Being a pork lover every dish made of porks makes a blashful meals in meh! in the world. Joel Basumatari Abero Adahe.
Opinion is a theme-based supplement published on the third Saturday of every month. Here you are the artist, the writer, the ot an one since are a couple of photographer, the storyteller andeasy the creator of yourthere own opinion.
delicious Naga cuisines out there that can whet your appetite on any given day as you linger your thoughts on them!! Pork has almost become a synonym with Naga Cuisine so no surprise if my favorite dish has one. A rare or medium presmoked pork cooked slightly dried – tender meats and fats cut small sized spruced up with dried red chilies and some bamboo shoots. This fairly simple preparation served with steaming rice always makes a great treat for me!! Diwang
amboo shoot pork is one of my favourite 1 Naga dish because of its delectable taste, and the fine aroma pleasantly emanating, out of it gives the sense of smell to savour. A little seasoning and a bunch of king chilies makes the perfect dish for me!!! Pachulo Kath
Boost Your Energy by Eating the Proper Snacks
a week. For instance, why not make “gorp”? This hen your diet is full of nu- could be any blend of grains, nuts, dried tritious and vital foods, it is fruits, and some carob candies. You might up likely to contain a lot of snack the “treat” factor of this blend and combine it options. A banana, orange, with oil and honey to create homemade grahandful of raw nuts, bunch of raw veggies, nola treats or “cookies”. Many granola snacks and so many other unprocessed foods are can also be blended and formed into cookie part of your “every day” way of eating. and cake like snack bars too. You can add a bit of zing to snack time, Of course, if you want a real boost of enerhowever, by making recipes that use mostly gy without a lot of standing around and chewraw foods to create unique treats. In fact, you ing (and there are times when a ten to fifteen should gather a good list of “go to” snack rec- minute snack break is not possible), there is by ipesiLLuStratiON that put an emphasis on theSÜnGkÜM superfoods little to compare with smoothies and juices. of the live and raw food categories. By doing Made from fresh fruits, vegetables, and other so, you guarantee that you can enjoy a regu- ingredients, they are like liquid vitamins when lar array of high-protein nut and seed snacks, made properly. They are packed with enzymes super nutritious fruit and veggie snacks, and and can be as sweet or savory as you desire. even some pretty convincing “sweets” too. There are also some alternative snacks that For instance, you will eat three “square” few consider and yet which can give a huge meals each day. This is not enough to give amount of nutrition. For instance, roasted you the number of calories required, nor nuts and beans with spicy or sweet blends of will this supply you with the nutrition your flavorings can really replace the “junk food” body demands. Skipping meals can also options like pretzels, chips, and seasoned nut have a negative impact on your body, and EDmUnD so mixtures. BURkE You would get that salty or sweet you need to have a regular supply of healthy “fix” and yet avoid all of the artificial nonsnacks on hand. sense and unhealthy preservatives. Now, a lot of people - even those of us who Remember, however, that all food begins love whole food snacks - could get bored with with the raw ingredients, and if you skimp on seasonal fruits, prepared nuts, and the fresh- quality here it is going to decrease the value est vegetables. Rather than reaching for any of the foods and snacks you create. So, always sort of processed foods, however, you can use the freshest, healthiest, and organic foods just whip up a batch of snacks to put in the you can find and afford. Your taste buds and pantry and “peck away” at over the course of your body will thank you! Michael Janamian
“Among a people generally corrupt, liberty cannot long exist”
Christmas Feast JeNNifer riP LeStHat haydenEden Village Pork curry at New It is true, there are people, that don’t really care They go on with life and ignore the bad news But just remember some are simply unaware Some information still needs time to diffuse There are some people that simply choose to act blind They watch the world through candy coated glasses Know that there are others that were just left behind Much of what we learn is from our school’s classes We have been taught to live but not how to react We hear something so wrong we do not believe Some people are so lost they deny what is fact Despite all the truth some things we can’t perceive
So proud some are to play the part of the hero In truth many actions proved erroneous The falsity scores many, while truth scores a zero Some things start nice and then end felonious Let the free criminals pay all their rightly dues Now it is our turn to make a wrong a right Even those holding power, don’t let them abuse Never allow truth to take away your sight Be a rebel and tell the world all that is wrong Even if you’re mean, persuade that you are right Research to find the truth and you will become strong Change their brainwashed minds so all may shed some light Source:
Photos/Somi Mashangva
CORRUPTION The Root Of All Evil Marcia SekhoSe Nagaland, the state I was born in, rich in culture, welcomingnatured people, is unfortunately drowned in corruption. Anyone would say corruption is a common phenomenon in politics, but what I see in my state is more like a drug which has been abused to its core. It has been 41 years since Nagaland received its statehood, but till now not much development has taken place. Starting from electricity to roads and educational institutions which come later, the condition seems to be almost the same as it was ten years back. Nagaland is considered a backward place and we are really live up to this. The electricity problem is probably the worst problem we are facing right now; this year the residents have faced the worst conditions ever. The occurrence of the problem as we read seems to be due to the damaging of the electrical towers, but there were some rumors as to why the problems really occurred. I don’t even know what to say about the roads. The only time the roads get fixed is when some ‘eminent’ person comes to visit our state. After that it’s back to broken roads, potholes, etc. The main purpose of joining the government is to improve the conditions of the state, but here people join to steal the huge amount of money it receives. The developing states receive much more than the other highly developed states for improving the state from the Centre. Sadly, all this money is going to the pockets of the ‘great’ leaders we trust so much that we give our vote to them for leading us. The other states show so much hate and mockery towards us and instead of replying to them by showing that we can do better, we are only giving them more chances to do so. Our forefathers have fought
so much for the pride of our state and it us up to the current leaders to retain and preserve what they fought for. The leaders are supposed to work together for the benefit of the state. Of course there is corruption in every government, but if we look at the other states, their leaders are developing the state that the question of corruption does not rise at all. Nagaland is known for being a Christian state. There are so many programs held at our state and outside commemorating Christianity that prevails amongst us Nagas. It is also visible that in any political event that always starts with a prayer and the rest of the program follows. It is a shame that calling themselves Christians and following so many traditions, they are actually doing satanic works behind our backs. The money they use to live their lavish lives and show too, are not hard earned money, but money stolen which they do not deserve. Where is the Christianity in that? It is very shameful and embarrassing for the students aspiring to study and learn more that have to go somewhere else to seek education. Many students including me, face situations where we are laughed at, mocked at for coming from a ‘backward’ area. Had our leaders thought about the state, all these things would not happen. Then again, it would not be right to put the blame entirely on the government since it is us, the general public who has chosen them to lead us. We cast our vote for them so it is not justifiable that we just sit and complain about every bad condition in our state. It is our land so we should stand on our feet and do something about it. If one voice speaks and the others follow, it will surely make a difference. The rest of the world is advancing at such a rapid speed and here we are still worrying about our roads and electricity problems. Time is less, we should act soon.
Illustration By Atong Rothrong
Who Weed Out HowWill the world’s armies get fed An army marches on its stomach but what do different countries feed their troops? Corruption? Who gets smoked sprats or tinned cheddar – and who wants ‘three-year pizza’?
Emma Graham Harrison
Liba hopeSon,Thebtc, Pfutsero Gaurdian
er, some coffee and flavoured drink powder, muesli for breakfast and a little Dupont d’Isigny caramel.
he Taliban might be just a few hundred meters Germany Today, ram- halls tangible evidence that we are not nificant. There is a notion that, if we away, but inthe the mess of the US bases in pant corruption true to ourselves and southern Afghanistan, there are more press- we play games are aware and somber about small in ourundercooked with our tongue and actions. temptations, we can with stand the ing prevailing dangers lurking: eggs. Signs society is plainly Now, where does corruption big temptations. But if we neglect placed above the breakfast fry-up station warn recognized and come from? I opine that it starts and brush aside the small temptaagainst asking for an egg sunny side up: it’s availextensively disfrom the grass-root level. Much tions, we will stumble even when able over-easy only. The reason, as explained by cussed by us. I corruption starts from the public. we face big temptations. Similarly, patient cooks to bemused visitors, is that diseases might lurk in have heard Frequently, webiggest are involved in cor- if we are not serious and truthful in a runny yolk. Feeding soldiers in many a warzone is one of the people expressruption because we want to get small matters, we cannot be in the challenges for any army. Generals want to keep their soldiers ing their views our work done very healthy, and food done well, both in the “d-facs” (dining faci- hastily or just big matters. When we uproot the with burden and ready discontentlove –our liites) much and MREs (“meals to eat”, inbecause US armywespeak or life more than plants in our campus or surrounding, ment against corruption. As I think truth. I’m bringing out all these ide- we should not be idle to uproot the “ration packs”) can be a morale booster, a reminder of home in about our life today, the wave of the as because, to do away with corrup- small plants thinking that they are a hostile, alien place. ‘blame game’ that transpired in the tion, we need to know the nature of not clearly visible, for they will grow So for soldiers on the ground, one of the most important re‘garden of Eden’ in the beginning corruption and the factors leading and become big one day and trouble cent breakthroughs in military technology may be the “threeof human history is still sweeping to it. I reckon that our understandus again. year pizza”, described by its scientist creators as the “holy grail” across us and affecting us. We ofing of corruption is also very narCorruption, as I believe, starts of ration-pack food. tenPizza pointis at others forgetting that, row. Generally, when we talk about from minute things, which we often the most asked-for dish when troops are quizzed on three fingers are pointing at us. We corruption, we mean bribery, fraud, take it lightly. For instance, in some what they would like to see in their supplies, but it has taken The German ration pack contains severala signature sachets of grapedaringly say, politicians corrupt, extortion, exploitations, etc. But, simple paper work where years of research to come are up with a slice that tastes like the real contractors are bureaucrats includes is signed serv-biscotti, fruitelements, and exotic juice powderbytosome add toGovernment water, and Italian thing, yet can sitcorrupt, on the shelf without the corruption tomato sauce turningmany are corrupt, village leaders are on cor-the cheese. even those things whichbut wealso consider ants, we give some amount to them, the crust soggy or mould growing more familiar treats such as liver-sausage spread and rye rupt, people are corrupt, to be alright. saypotatoes, rupees ten or sour fifty cherry for Thebusiness US and other militaries have poured billions into these bread, goulash with andor fortwenty breakfast and underground workers are corrupt I cannot boldly say that the a signature. But, it can trigger even technologically impressive ration packs. Few commanding of- apricot jams. and that weBonaparte’s are clean and politicians the contractors or the bigger corruptions, since they have ficersconsider forget Napoleon apocryphal remarkor“an army free from corruption. I don’t mean bureaucrats are the marches on its stomach”, so ration packs have already come aworst UKcorruptors the taste of getting money in a very that these groups of people are not because I find corruption exists even small work. Then when it comes to long way from the cans of corned beef that one officer confidcorrupt, they might be, but we lamin my own institution. Here, please giving employment or a big contract ed were so hated by British soldiers, that on training exercises, baste and condemn them to be the don’t take me wrong, thinking that work or big projects, they will dethey threw them over a cliff, preferring hunger. Scientists and worst corruptors or sinners, albeit I’m trying to defame the reputation mand a larger amount of money. So, chefs have worked for years to produce tasty food that lasts for many others are worse than them. of my college expose the weak- according to my opinion, in order months in a sealed pouch or tin. We decided to test how or palatI mentioned in my nesses of us,from but it’s able theAsnewer ration packs are,previand begged a meal the a fact. I believe to weed out corruption, everyone ous write-up, Is Expert the institutions many countries“Everyone with soldiers in Kabulinfor all a charity dinner in aidhave some kind should be serious and careful about Defending Oneself”, we do not smellwereofrated corruptions If you can tell me the small matters. of schools in Afghanistan. The meals by a collection our own excreta, but aid smell only othnamecontractors of an institution As I interacted with some of of diplomats, officials, workers and security from is totally free ers excreta. Sadly,each many a times, weprivilege. of corruption, please let me know, I my friends, asking their view on how around the world, paying for the failThe to realize we pushreturned others towould a visit. to do away with corruption, they Estonianthat, ambassador Kabul like withtoanpay overto corruption, but criticizesprats, themstuffed peppers Corruption exists even in the shared their opinions which were weight suitcase full of smoked and halva. when they go wrong. For instance, Church I believe Only the Americans declined to contribute. Theyand were legally you will agree similar to my view. That is, everyone we talk a lot about the village leadwith me if your understanding of should change oneself before we forbidden from giving away their ration packs, embassy and ers and say that they are badly corcorruption is not military officials said apologetically, and no one was willing tonarrow. For in- point at others who are corrupted. A rupted. But the in rules. today’s world it’s stance, weinsee many Churches with friend of mine opines that everyone risk bending Fortunately, supplies trucked through amusing sometimes when weand conclosedaredoors and, in fact, they can- should check and examine one’s life Pakistan often vanish in transit, US packs for sale at $2 sider the way or system each in the “Bush bazaar”.on how they not keep them open because there and transform oneself to have a corareOn elected. In the past, almost eve- food is corruption. In a hostel,The students ruption-free society. It doesn’t the night, diners chose between from 11 countries, British pack is dotted with familiar brandsmean from Kenco ryone was reluctant theMost dopopular not keep from Denmark to Spaintotobecome Singapore. waseatables the Ital- or some handy that we never talk about others misand Typhoo tea to a mini bottle of Tabasco. The main ian pack: diners were undoubtedly by theoncountry’s cu-andcoffee chairman or secretary or financelured or in things the table go out for a takes or judge others, but we should courses British favourite, masala, and reputation, and the Council, surprise addition of a with splashdoors of grappa alinary member of the Village but stroll open, because include there the never consider thatchicken we are tikka free from vegetarian There’s also pork this and isbeans forthe breakfast, – the only onquite offer. Second were is thecorruption. French, whoPerhaps, once a these today, the alcohol trend is different. ideaspasta. corruption. In fact, one of included of redand wine,fighting but now serve onlytodryberations. Many area carton quarrelling appear silly or and insignificant important wetohave to “fruit lots of sweetsmost and snacks fromthings trail mix an apple Onethe surprise was the German people wereabout most corruption, for Village Council posts.pack – the meal when we deal but in it order weed outofcorruption pocket” that looksdolike mighttonot be out place in a school reluctant to try, but a runaway to thetoliver Recently, I heard that success there thanks we ought firstsaudig out the petite in our society today. Sometimes, lunchbox. Plus packets of Polos and, of course, plenty it’s of teabags. sage election spread and bread. was of rye leaders in a small vil- things that lead to corruption. Some- worth criticizing and condemning Still, most of the diners weren’t movedtimes, to renounce lage, and interestingly, few students when Iconvenread my Australia published ar- oneself. We should not always extional cooking. When asked to rate the meal, one wrote,across “1 onsilly spelling er- pect others to change and be comand workers who were in New Delhi ticles, I come a scalebrought of 1 to 1,000”. Thetobest bitvotes about the meal, added, were home cast rors in aheword or was grammatical errors placent with our lives. “thatthe I did not have to eat it”. Another added, I know for Village Council candidates. in a “now phrase whichhow I have overlooked, Change will not come from it will feel onorMars”. But not everyone hungry Surprisingly unsurprisingly, those went andhome hence, I had and a remorseful expe- politicians, Government officers and disappointed. “Tasteful but impractical wartime, ” said one Just because of leaders alone; it will come from all persuaded guys came by flight, paid in rience reading them. woman after polishing of course, a French meal.mistake in a word, the idea of us. We should be constantly reby the candidates. Andoff, I was stunned a single
to learn that the candidates spent of the whole sentence went wrong. minded by the phrase that, ‘everyItalylacs of rupees in the election I regretted thinking, if I have read one is a leader’. Indeed, there are some campaign. So, in this situation, the through more times seriously, that many things – schemes, funds, provillagers are sure that when those should not have happened. But un- jects and others that the illiterate candidates are elected, they will cer- desirable situations occur when we people do not know, so they can be tainly siphon off the money meant are careless. Remember, “A rotten taken advantage of and siphoned for the village through village funds, potato will rot the whole potatoes”! off by the knowledgeable or eduNREGS and others. So, will it be apt When I think about change, cated people easily. Consequently, in or right for the villagers to criticize I’m always reminded and inspired by such matter, we need some erudite the village leaders if they take vil- Leo Tolstoy’s popular quote, “Every- and wise leaders who can mobilize lage money more than they have body wants to change the world, but and tell people about these, educate spent in the election? Can’t we say nobody wants to change oneself”. In them, them and ensure The Australian ration assist pack has more small treatsthat than any of that villagers directly or indirectly fact, we often think and say that the they enjoy the privileges. the others. Most of it is packaged by the military, from a servsignal the candidates that they can politicians, bureaucrats, contractors, I wish some wise leaders ing of love-it-or-hate-it Vegemite to jam sandwich biscuits and be corrupt? This is the situation we business people, underground work- would emerge to influence people tubecorrupt, of sweetened milk. includes are facing today. ers and other leaders aare thatcondensed would not to The givebag money to a canopener-cum-spoon for getting at the Fonterra processed Consider about demanding while considering ourselves to be anybody for any job so that the sys- chedmoney for jobs! Many often grum- righteous and good. Although, tem will beofclean and fair dar cheese,not and main meals meatballs and one chilliday! tuna pasta. ble saying, it’s very hard to get job trying to lift up the head ofarethese I wish and everyone recognizes and reThere lots of sweets soft drinks, and two unappetisingThe Italian rationget packjobs contains a breakfast shotofofpeople, 40% alcotoday, we cannot without groups I would like to say alizes that to do away with corrupbars labelled “chocolate ration”. hol cordiale, powdered of biscotti, andcorrupted a dis- looking money, jobs aare boughtcappuccino, with mon-lotsthat they are to a great tion; one’s life should be positively posable camping forBut heating parts ofextent the meal, including a public. ey, so on and sostove forth. imagine because of the Spain For in- changed. I would like to say that if if all the people who apply for jobs stance, if a lazy student gets admis- we examine our lives and be transpasta and bean soup, canned turkey and a rice salad. Dessert is decide not to give any money to the sion in a very good institution and formed, and live a truthful and a power sport bar, canned fruit salad or a muesli chocolate bar. officers demanding, will they say studies there and she/he finds eve- faithful life, truth and faithfulness that without money nothing will be ryone studying hard, that student will hunt all those who are corrupt France worked out? We say politicians are will not be comfortable or free to and change them. But, if we are corrupt, but how much money do we go on living with his sluggish habits. not faithful and truthful, those who demand from them before election? He will be immensely influenced and are corrupt now will get bolder and How much do we spend in foods and dragged down by the environment, bolder, and become more corrupt in drinks? Why do we run after differ- where all the students work hard to the future. If we are still overruled ent candidates for money? We criti- achieve their goal. Likewise, if all by the concept that corruption will cize them, but when we are in need the people around a Government be stopped when the bureaucrats, of money, don’t we elevate them Officer in a locality are good and contractors, politicians, UG groups, very high and treat them like kings truthful, the officer will find hard to business people and other leaders even in the Church worship servic- be corrupt and deceitful. change their lives, I opine that there es? Are the people of the commuMany boldly are involved in is a long way for us to go to remove nity more corrupt or the politicians? corruption because they know that corruption. Who is corrupted? Who Many often complain about chasing they can stand because the people will weed out corruption? I believe The Spanish lunch pack has cans green beans with ham, the worshippers who have occupied around them are also not truthful. corruption can beofremoved when the front benches when some impor- They know that the people also everybody is concerned about one’sof powsquid are in vegetable oil, and pate. There is also a sachet tant personalities come to attend loose and corrupt. Thedered root vegetable of cor- soup, life and change. “Corruption peach in syrup for dessert starts and crackers Church service or Jubilee or other ruption is from small matters which from us and thus we have to weed handed out to go with the meal in place of bread (not shown). important programs. In fact, this is we consider to be trivial and insig- out corruption”.
A streamlined but sophisticated French ration pack offers There is a disposable heater with matches and fuel tabs, as well soldiers deer pâté, cassoulet with duck confit, creole-style pork as lots of tablets: Vitamin C, glucose, water purification, and reand a crème chocolate pudding. There is also a disposable heat- hydration.
Almond poppy seed pound cake, cranberries, spiced apple cider (the hot US non-alcoholic drink) and peanut butter and crackers make up this very American meal package. The main – pasta with vegetable “crumbles” in spicy tomato sauce – is less traditional, but the “flameless heater” shows off American tech skills – just add water to the powder in a plastic bag and it heats up enough to warm the plastic meal pouch. Canada
While there are Bear Paws snacks in the Canadian ration pack, there’s the shocking omission of maple syrup. You have the choice of salmon fillet with Tuscan sauce or vegetarian couscous for the main meal. There is also the makings of a peanut butter and jelly (raspberry jam) sandwich for breakfast. Norway
iLLuStratiON by aTonG roThronG
The fight for justice against corruption is never The Norwegian pack has American technology (the flameless heater) but British tastes. There is Earl Grey tea, beans and baeasy. It never has con in tomato sauce, a golden oatie biscuit and Rowntree’s Tooty Frooties.been and never will Estonia be. It exacts a toll on our self, our families, our friends, and especially our children. In the end, I believe, as in my case, the price we pay is well worth holding on to our dignity FRAnk SERPICO Stuffed peppers, chicken-meat pâté, smoked sprats, and liver sausage with potatoes make an eclectic menu here. Plus, crispbreads on the side, and halva with vanilla for dessert. Breakfast is muesli, a fruit pocket and honey.
A history of the Tomato Naga Food
Through The Lens
iLLuStratiON by SÜnGkÜM
mato, the turning point came ences to tomatoes in Europe in 1880 with the invention of was made by the Italian herbenturies be- the pizza in Naples, which has alist Pietro Andrea Matthioli, fore it became made the red, juicy fruit enor- who considered the toxic a key ingredi- mously popular in Europe ‘golden apple’ to be a nightshade and a mandrake - a ent in salads and North America. Nowadays, the tomato is class of foods known as aphand sauces, the BURkE present inEDmUnD nearly every cui- rodisiacs. humble and versatile tomato sine. It is hard to imagine a Like similar fruits and vegwas believed to be deadly. For about 200 years lasagne without a hearty red etables in the Solanaceae famthrough the end of the 19th sauce, or a sandwich without ily, which also includes the eggplant, the tomato garnered century, most Europeans thick tomato slices. a reputation for being not only But the tomato’s journey avoided consuming tomatoes, which were nicknamed ‘poi- from a list of poisonous sub- poisonous, but also seductive. According to a new book by son apples’ and were believed stances to cookbooks was not an easy one. Andrew F. Smith titled the The to cause sickness and death, According to the U.S. De- Tomato in America: Early Hisespecially among members of partment of Agriculture, the tory, Culture and Cookery, the the upper social classes. As it turns out, tomatoes wild tomato species are native public’s mistrust of the already fell victim to a simple misun- to western South America maligned fruit took a turn for derstanding: wealthy Euro- from Ecuador south to north- the worse following the 1597 peans used pewter plates to ern Chile and the Galapagos publication of John Gerard’s Islands. hayden poorly researched work on agserve food, which contained JeNNifer riP LeStHat The fruit were first record- riculture called Herball. high lead content. In the book, much of it Because tomatoes are ed outside the Americas in It is true, there are people, that don’t really care plagiarized from an earlier 1544 in Italy, where they were naturally very acidic, when cultivated firstthe as ornamental Theyongo on with ignore bad newsmanuscript on the subject, placed pewter platters,life the and or curiosity plants classified Gerard - a barber-surgeon by fruit lead, whichsome are simply unaware Butwould just leach remember a deadly time nightshade - a poi- trade – asserted that the enoften resulted in terminal lead Some information stillasneeds to diffuse poisoning, Smithsonian Mag- sonous family of Solanaceae tire tomato plant was ‘of ranke plants. and stinking savour,’ and deazine reported. There are some people that simply choose to act blind One of the earliest refer- scribed the fruit as corrupt, For the much vilified toThe Atlantic
“Among a people generally corrupt, liberty cannot long exist”
with toxic leaves and stalk. The barber’s warped view of the tomato came to define Europe’s attitude toward the foreign fruit for the next two centuries. The tomato was eaten by Aztecs in Mesoamerica as early as 700AD and called the ‘tomatl.’Legend has that that Spanish conquistador Hernan Cortez was the one who introduced the seeds of the fruit to southern Europe upon his return from an expedition to the New World in 1519. Up until the late 1800s, tomatoes were grown in European countries almost exclusively for decorative purposes. Smith wrote in his book that John Parkinson, the apothecary to King James I and botanist for King Charles I, ‘proclaimed that while Pork cooked with bamboo shoots and dry chilli love apples were eaten by the people in the hot countries to ‘coole and quench the heate and thirst of the hot stomaches,’ British gardeners grew them only for curiosity and for the beauty of the fruit.; The first known reference to tomatoes in the British American Colonies was made in the 1710 book titled Botanologia by herbalist William Salmon. But it took another 100 years for the shady fruit to make its way to the American table. By 1822, hundreds of tomato recipes appeared in local periodicals and newspapers. Even in the New World, the Rice with bamboo shoot chutney tomato had a hard time shaking its questionable reputation. For decades, many toma- SekhoSe Marcia to growers were concerned about the green tomato worm Nagaland, the so much for the pride of our state feastin on tomato leaves, state I was born and it us up to the current leaders which was regarded by some in, rich in cul- to retain and preserve what they to be ‘as poisonous as a rattleture, welcoming- fought for. The leaders are supposed snake.’ natured people, to work together for the benefit of It was later established the is unfortunately the state. Of course there is corrupdrowned in cor- tion in every government, but if we horned, unpleasant-looking ruption. Anyone look at the other states, their leadcritter with a taste for tomawould say cor- ers are developing the state that the toes was harmless. ruption is a com- question of corruption does not rise Today, tomatoes conmonare phenomenon in politics, but what at all. sumed around the I seeworld in myinstate is more like a drug Nagaland is known for being which been abused to its core. It a Christian state. There are so many countless varieties. Morehas than beentons 41 years since Nagaland re- programs held at our state and outone and a half has billion ceived its statehood, but till now not side commemorating Christianity of tomatoes are produced much development has taken place. that prevails amongst us Nagas. It is commercially every year. In Starting from electricity to roads and also visible that in any political event intestines with tomatoes 2009, the U.S. alone produced institutions which Beef educational come that always starts with a prayer and 3.32billion pounds ofthe freshlater, condition seems to be almost the rest of the program follows. It is a Photos/Toshi Longchar shame that calling themselves Chrismarket tomatoes.the same as it was ten years back.
They watch the world through candy coated glasses Know that there are others that were just left behind Much of what we learn is from our school’s classes
CORRUPTION The Root Of All Evil
Nagaland is considered a tians and following so many tradibackward place and we are really tions, they are actually doing satanic live up to this. The electricity prob- works behind our backs. The money lem is probably the worst problem they use to live their lavish lives and we are facing right now; this year show too, are not hard earned monthe residents have faced the worst ey, but money stolen which they do conditions ever. The occurrence not deserve. Where the is the job Christiandone. Othfound a of company called getting the problem as we read seems to be ity in that? The Sugar Lab, which er printers deposit chocodue to the damaging of the electriIt is very shameful and emmakes custom confections late by liquid extrusion. cal towers, but there were some ru- barrassing for the students aspiring for wedding toppers, advantage of thishave type mors as to why the problems really cake to study andThe learn more that of 3D printer is that it will party favors, promotions occurred. I don’t even know what to to go somewhere else to seek educasay about the roads. The and onlythe time tion.Systems Many students including print just about me, any face kind like. 3D the roads get fixed is when some we are laughed at, acquired The situations Sugar Labwhere of liquid or puree, making ‘eminent’ person comes to visit our mocked at for coming from a ‘backin September 2013 to har- it extremely versatile for state. After that it’s back to broken ward’ area. Had our leaders thought ness the Von Hasselns’ tal- food development. roads, potholes, etc. about the state, all these things would These other not deents for the future develThe main purpose of joining not happen. Then again,and it would velopments chocolate opment of printers. the government is to improve the conbe right to put the blameled entirely on ditions of the state, but here people the government since it is us, the gen-to powerhouse Hershey join to steal the huge amount of moneral public who has chosen to Hershey makes partner with 3Dthem Systems ey it receives. The developing states relead us. We cast our vote for them so investment last month on developceive much more than the other highly it is not justifiable that we just sit and Early in 2013, a team ing a device that makes developed states for improving the complain about every bad condition in of engineering andstate. robot- chocolate and other edstate from the Centre. Sadly, all this our ics students at the Uniible products. money is going to the pockets of the It is our land so we should ‘great’ leaders we trust so versity much that standbegan on our feet do something of Waterloo In and other words, 3D we give ouron votefeatures, to them for leading about it. If one voice speaks and startthe Depending experimenting with its printing is quickly us. The other states show so much hate others follow, it will surely make a such as the ability to print Chocolate Laser Sintering ing to resemble food repand mockery towards us and instead of difference. The rest of the world is inreplying color, toChefJet printtechnology from 3D that Printer, depos-at lication them by showing we which advancing such a rapid speed and ers range from $5,000 to its chocolate powder to science fiction: Just press can do better, we are only giving them here we are still worrying about our $10,000 per machine. create a three-dimensiona button and a machine more chances to do so. roads and electricity problems. Time is OurLiz forefathers fought less, we should act soon. Kyle and Von Has- have al candy. This approach to builds your dinner from
3D printers revolutionize food science WeJamie have been taught to livethis buttechnolnot how to react Swedberg mercialized, We hear somethingogy sohas wrong we dotonot believe the potential medicine, Some people are sorevolutionize lost they deny what is fact making it feasible pro- can’t perceive Despite all the truth some thingstowe
3D C M Y K
duce fully compatible artificial body parts from a So proud some are to playown the part of the hero printers, in the three deperson’s cells. In truth many proved erroneous cades since they wereactions invented, have primarily Layers of sugar truth scores a zero The falsity scores many, while been used for prototypBut now, with 3Dfelonious Some things start nice and then end ing. Instead of printing printers becoming steadiwith ink, they melt plastic ly more ubiquitous, reLet theand free criminals pay allminds their have rightly dues filament redeposit it searchers’ Now it is our turn make a wrong a right on a platform, building a to turned to printing food. three-dimensional shape The Even those holding power, letinthem abuse earliestdon’t research layer by layer. thistake area took placeyour as part sight Never allow truth to away However, 3D printers of the Cornell Univeraren’t limited to plastic. sity Fab@Home project, Be a rebel and tell world all that is wrong Medical researchers have the row stream of water in a where a team headed by food in custom shapes. Even if you’re mean, persuade that you are right also used the printers to associate professor Hod The ChefJet, a printer pre-programmed pattern. deposit layers of live stem Research to find theLipson truth willmanufactured become strong by South When the water hits the hasand beenyou printing cells onto matrices. The Carolina-based 3D Syssugar, it recrystallizes and edibles since 2007. Since Change their brainwashed minds so all may shed some light cells fuse together into then, several companies tems, works by spread- hardens it. This process is Source: living tissue and can be have designed printers ing a fine layer of flavored repeated for every layer, formed into structures that deposit edible mate- sugar on the printing sur- slowly building a piece of seln, a Los Angeles-based chocolate printing boasts scratch. It’s a long way from such as teeth and blood rials — in either liquid or face, then using an inkjet candy at about a rate of couple who are both ar- a high level of precision, prototyping to practicality, vessels. When it is com- powder form — to create print head to spray a nar- one vertical inch per hour. chitects, used a ChefJet to but it isn’t the only way of but the race has begun.