How Google Changed the Face of
Content Marketing
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Time and time again, Google tweaks its algorithms. According to the search engine giant, these changes are aimed at making search smarter and more relevant. Only quality content shows up on search with specific keywords. This is having a major impact on the way businesses go about their SEO, especially content creation.
“Google Changes�
that Impacted Content Development
Authorship was the two-way connection to confirm ownership where the content is linked with your Google+ profile. In 2012, rich snippets in the form of author AUTHORSHIP UPHEAVAL
images would appear in search results. In 2013, the profile pictures were dropped a major change in search around authorship. In the newer version, only a clickable author name is present.
Organic search centered on keywords was removed. From a privacy perspective, Google made everything secure by encryption and stopped providing keyword data. Users have to OLD KEYWORD TOOL REPLACED WITH KEYWORD PLANNER
login to their AdWords account to access the Planner. They can upload up to 10,000 keywords from their list to get performance data including search volumes by ad group, landing page and any other category they set up.
In August 2013, the search engine giant introduced „in-depth articles‟ which provide more information on a broad topic. These results are ranked IN-DEPTH ARTICLES LAUNCHED
algorithmically based on high-quality, in-depth content. Based on Google‟s guidelines, businesses can optimize their content to show up on search results.
With the Hummingbird update, conversational search queries have become important. This algorithm makes the results more relevant and useful especially when the person asks HUMMING BIRD
complex queries.
The aim of this Panda update was to remove low quality content MULTIPLE PANDA 2.0 UPDATES
websites and reward niche expertise with higher ranking.
Knowledge Graph was introduced in May 2012 to deliver information for popular searches in a fast visual EXPLOSIVE GROWTH OF KNOWLEDGE GRAPH
manner. It provides supplemental information on common queries in the sidebar. If you want to compare two objects or services, Knowledge Graph presents facts side-by-side.
Exploration through mobile devices is growing rapidly and uses conversational language for queries. A semantic technique, where the NEW WAYS OF ADDRESSING QUERIES
system includes various points like natural language, location, intention, specialized queries, is used to provide relevant answers.
IMPACT OF THESE CHANGES ON SEO These changes have made it necessary for businesses to create high quality, relevant, original content that meets the user needs. For instance, as Matt Cutts said, authorship should be a tool to gauge “the quality of the author.� So with good content, you will be able to retain your Authorship.
Again, now that the keyword tool is no longer available, marketers can depend on blogging metrics such as traffic sources, bounce rate, and social shares to measure the success of their content based on user behavior. Mobile content strategy has gained in importance with Hummingbird.
common phrase in online marketing. Since Google is penalizing the sites that are not optimized sites for mobile, marketers need to focus less on keywords and more on natural language and meaning underlying the content to address userâ€&#x;s needs.
The encryption of keyword data proved a major blow to many businesses. Except for ad clicks, all search data was made secure and private. Web analytic tools showed (Not Provided) as a significant chunk of the organic traffic of many businesses. Again, Googleâ€&#x;s message is the same - produce high quality content that is relevant to your audience to increase your search page ranking. Industry experts predict that Google will continue to make algorithmic updates and changes to improve the quality of the results. The bottom line is that adhering to SEO best practices and producing rich content can help you stay at the top of your game.