DNA We see Secretary Plus as a tree, where the essence of the company is the trunk, the branches being the local offices, and the leaves our people. It’s our people who make the company flourish, but it’s the trunk that makes it solid, rooted in the fertile ground of USG People, and steadily growing in its very own niche market.
Contents p. 04
Who we are and why we do what we do
p. 25
Purpose of the present document
What makes us special? 3.1 Entrepreneurship 3.2 Commitment
p. 05
Our Identity
3.3 Customer focus
1.1 Why do we exist?
3.4 Acknowledgement
1.2 Who are we?
3.5 Team spirit
1.3 What do we do?
p. 12
1.3.1 Temping
1.3.2 Recruitment & Selection
4.1 Brand management
1.3.3 Outsourcing Solutions
p. 25
Processes and operations
4.1.1 Logo Secretary Plus Project outsourcing / Direct Team
4.1.2 Target Group Management assistants Total outsourcing
4.1.3 Target Group clients Virtual outsourcing
(existing – former clients)
1.3.4 AssistantPlus.be
1.3.5 Blog Secretary Plus
4.2 Sales processes
Our strategy – how do we do it?
4.1.4 Target group general public
4.2.1 Lead generation
4.2.2 Sales
2.1 Corporate Planning - elaborating on our strategy
process in 9 steps
p. 41
Added Value
2.2 The pillars of our strategy
5.1 Client
Hidden Champions - Bestseller - Hermann Simon
5.2 Candidate
2.2.1 Product leadership
5.3 Corporate climate Innovation management
5.4 Image and brand
2.2.2 Investing in our people - Human Resources Job descriptions Recruitment strategy Training & development
5.5 Corporate Social responsibility p. 42
(European/country level)
2.2.3 International, intercultural and local identity
2.2.4 Successful parenting with USG People
Stakeholder (management)
Who we are and why we do what we do Purpose of the present document
ours has to deal with, and the way we deal with them in
Over the past few years, Secretary Plus has seen a steady
order to be successful and to distinguish ourselves from
and impressive growth, both on a national and on an
the competition. We will explain how our people think and
international scale. Many new faces have joined us in
work within the contexts of Secretary Plus and our parent
order to contribute to this evolution, and to make the
company USG People, be it on a national, an international
journey of Secretary Plus successful in a sustainable
or a corporate level. By explaining where and how we add
way. This will to grow requires the creation of a common
value, we define a clear positioning in our markets. Last
understanding of our aims, mission, vision, as well as of
but not least, our specific approach to Finance, Marke-
our history, which will be the basis of our “doing the same
ting, Sales and Performing is treated as a vital pillar that
thing in different markets”. Being local and global means
supports all these efforts on a daily basis.
having to be able to adapt to these different markets.
We see Secretary Plus as a tree, where the essence of
This is only possible if the basic identity of Secretary
the company is the trunk, the branches being the local
Plus is understood by, and transparent to, all our people,
offices, and the leaves our people. It’s our people who
whoever and wherever they are.
make the company flourish, but it’s the trunk that makes
The future is showing itself to be far more unpredictable
it solid, rooted in the fertile ground of USG People, and
than we ever imagined. In order to face this future,
steadily growing in its very own niche market.
Secretary Plus will have to stay the flexible, homogene-
The present document defines the very essence of Sec-
ous and focused organization it has become over the
retary Plus, the trunk of the tree. It allows you to under-
years, while transmitting its corporate genes to every
stand the identity of our company in order to adapt it to
new initiative branded Secretary Plus. It’s in challenging
the local markets and to grow a successful local business
times like these that successful organizations have to
– healthy and flexible branches growing on a solid trunk.
combine ability with agility. Today, Secretary Plus stands
After having read this document, you will have under-
for an organization that combines these two pillars of the
stood the way we think, and where we are heading.
organizational DNA. The present document, which we call
Moreover, if you identify with our vision, we will be more
the “DNA of Secretary Plus”, depicts our identity and our
than happy.
strategy: how we think, why we think that way, and where we want to go. It is a unique complement to our “Product
Enjoy your reading, and welcome to our shared journey
Book”, which explains our processes and operational
to success.
aspects – how we translate our thoughts into action. Starting with our mission and vision, the following pages
Christine van den Eynde
will introduce you to the various questions a company like
Vice President Secretary Plus Europe
Our Identity 1.1. Why do we exist?
Executive summary Secretary Plus is the market leader in innovative recruit-
Elements of the Visionary ProcessOur Mission
ment services for multilingual Management Assistants in Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, and the Netherlands. Established in 1990,
Secretary Plus aims at growth on an international level
Whatis our role to fulfil
by providing tailor-made services in a niche market and being a number one employer, thus building lasting
relationships with clients, employees and candidates.
What do we want to achieve
As a part of USG People, Secretary Plus successfully combines global reach with local roots.
Main activities are strategies
• temporary assignments • recruitment & selection • outsourcing solutions
performance indicators
Did we accomplish the targets
What factors are crucial to realizing mission & goals
• business community platforms • training • open academy
strategic initatives
What actions do we take to implement the strategy
With a strong and homogeneous communication strategy (internal/external) e.g. via online communities like
Secretary Plus is the market leader in innovative recruit-
www.assistantplus.be, www.secretariaplus.com or corpo-
ment services for multilingual Management Assistants,
rate blogs, http://blog.secretary-plus.com, Secretary Plus
within Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Spain,
aims at continuity.
Switzerland, and the Netherlands. Secretary Plus is a distinctive and strong brand that stands for exceptional customer and candidate quality. Secretary Plus targets to occupy a Top of Mind position with both candidates and customers providing tailor-made services, such as
recruitment, temping and outsourcing solutions, by
manner striving to fulfil the ever changing demands of
using excellent and proven selection methods. Being
both our customers and candidates.
a full-service organisation working with professional
In recognition of our ability to provide the highest quality
advisors we are a benchmark as well as a reference.
service to our customers and candidates we have been
In addition to the above mentioned goals, we are
presented with numerous industry awards such as best
constantly striving towards improving the image of the
employer award and innovation awards.
profession of management assistant. Secretary Plus
Secretary Plus delivers a service which is an impeccable
offers a lifetime career engagement ensure attracting
blend of people and process.
both the best Management Assistants and Partners.
Continuously endeavouring to be the pre-eminent partner of all multilingual management assistants and
We carry out this mission by
nurturing both personal growth and career development,
• Providing our people the best possible working
Secretary Plus has built an enviable reputation.
atmosphere • Providing the team members with permanent
1.2. Who are we?
education, and personal and professional development
Secretary Plus is a European Company with subsidiaries
• Operating within the framework of our identified core
in Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Spain,
values and strategic objectives
Switzerland and the Netherlands. We currently employ 280 people in 75 offices and are strongly rooted in the local business community.
Our vision The winning idea of Secretary Plus is our specialization in which we embrace innovation and operate in a creative
Organizational chart
Christine van den Eynde Vice President
Barbara Stadsbader
Harriet Aans
Céline Culinas
Yolanda Alvarez
Anna Relle
Laurence Dejumné
Chr. van den Eynde
Karin Korstanje
Temping, Recruitment, Outsourcing Solutions
Temping, Recruitment
Temping, Recruitment
Temping, Recruitment, Outsourcing Solutions
Temping, Recruitment
Temping, Recruitment, Outsourcing Solutions
Recruitment, Outsourcing Solutions
Temping, Recruitment, Outsourcing Solutions
16 branches
9 branches
3 branches
3 branches
4 branches
2 branches
2 branches
28 branches
assistantplus .be
secretariaplus .com
Secretary plus is a part of USG People, our parent compa-
1.3. What do we do?
ny. USG People is active through a large number of strong
Secretary Plus is the leader in finding, committing and
brands that jointly provide one-stop solutions in the
inspiring multilingual management assistants for assign-
field of staffing, secondment and HR and customer care
ments in various European countries. Clearly distinctive
services. With annual revenue exceeding € 4 billion in
from our competitors by the added value we provide, we
2008, USG People ranks fourth in Europe in HR services.
supply security and continuity for staff, assistants and
Headquartered in the Dutch city of Almere, the group is
principals by facilitating career development. Occupying
active in a large number of European countries including
the lead position with our customer groups, the lasting
the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany,
relationships we build with our clients are the foundation
Austria, Switzerland, Poland, France, Italy and Spain.
of our success. Characterized by confidence and courage,
The brand portfolio of USG People comprises Start People
our corporate climate is able to create new product
(Specialist Staffing and Professional Staffing) – Ad Rem
market combinations at the highest level of quality.
Young Professionals, ASA Student, Content, Creyf’s, Express Medical, Receptel, Secretary Plus, Technicum
We respond to the following customer needs
and Unique (specialist staffing) – Legal Forces,
• Reduction of effort in the client’s HR department
USG Capacity, USG Energy, USG Financial Forces,
• Immediate availability of candidates
USG HR Forces, USG Innotiv, USG Juristen and
• One stop shop
USG Restart (professionals) – Call-IT (other services).
• Knowledge of the client’s market sector
USG People is listed on the NYSE Euronext Amsterdam
• Guaranteed high quality
stock exchange and is included in the Amsterdam Midcap Index (AMX).
Our different tailor-made services are • temporary assignments • recruitment & selection • outsourcing solutions • business community platforms • training
Customer acitivity chain PRE-SALES
Storage: candidate, customer, contact persons, vacancy, CV parsing, visit planning
Search & match, interview planning & feedback, sell
Timesheet online, template- invoice/contract, after-sales/contact planning
Evaluation form, plan visit
Demand arises
Gives job Info
Sign offer
Interview customer & candidate
Receipt of profiles
Receipt of contract & sign
Receipt of invoice & pay
Send contract & invoice
Send invoice
Cold calling & prospect visit Greet, take note & plan visit
Strenghten contact
contact person
Find, create demand
Send profiles
Visits prospect of customer
Feedback to consultant
Prepare offer
Telephone interview
Onsite interview & testing
Discuss & select profiles for interview
Get feedback interview
Negotiate & convince influent, sell
Prepare contract
Enter timesheet & make invoice
After-sales customer
Discuss job opportunities
Presented & interview to customer
Get feedback interview
Prepare contracts & sign with candidate
Processing hours
After-sales candidate
Search & match
Contact candidate
Setup profile S+
Start search & match
Follow website, events, etc
Apply to Vacancy
Sign contract
Evaluation form, plan contact/visit
Management KPI’s | per week per office > 3fte Visits 8 prospects / 2 customers: call for appointment ratio 1/10 = 100 calls Demands 2 temping/outsourcing per week, 0.7 R&S per week Registration 8-10/week Starters 1 per week - fulfilment ratio Active placements 0.5 per week - 50% fulfilment ratio. Call to proceed in active placement 25 for 1 demand* 50% fulfilment = 0.5 active placement per week Placements 1.5 per week - 78 placements per year After-sale With 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 3 months, end of term (6 months) Prospect score 8 prospect visits per week (ratio 1/10 demand) 8 x 45* 10% = 36 prospect scores per year.
1.3.1. Temping
method of executing temporary assignments personally
The client’s reasons for a temporary staffing need can be
targets and addresses our two most important stakehol-
various, either based on a short-term requirement or on
ders: our clients and our candidates. We are convinced
the client’s wish to know someone’s professional talents
that every temporary assignment leaves a footprint in a
before recruiting the person as an FTE. This is why our
company history. We also think that there are no “small”
assignments, and this is why we always tailor-make
project-related tasks, strengthens the available know-
processes for every assignment. With simplified admi-
how and/or takes on specific tasks. By using Direct Team,
nistration and low overhead costs, we offer temping as a
the client joins forces with a top-level external employee,
flexible instrument to spread out HR costs. Professional
recruited from a constantly growing pool of specialists
advice and follow-up after the assignment consolidate
with specific experience and competences. The project
the relationship with, as well as between, the client and
nature of the collaboration keeps costs under control
the candidate.
with fixed pricing for the clearly defined period of the project.
1.3.2. Recruitment & Selection The fastest way to hire a multilingual management assis- Total outsourcing
tant as a permanent employee goes via Secretary Plus.
If a certain service does not belong to the client’s core
Our most significant advantages are the targeted and
activities and they want excellent support on-site, the
personal approach, simple administration, follow-up and
client can completely outsource their administrative
professional advice. In order to provide the client with the
support - as many office tasks as they wish, with
highest success rate possible, Secretary Plus offers a
practically no time limitations. Our assistant provides
4 month guarantee. Our clients and our candidates being
ideal office support on location, while the client dedica-
our best ambassadors, we aim at creating the perfect
tes their efforts to core activities. This results in a strong
match between both the client’s needs and those of
core focus without administrative concerns, optimal cost
the candidate.
management, as well as guaranteed continuity of work, workflows and quality. Secretary Plus’ professional selec-
1.3.3. Outsourcing Solutions
tion and evaluation, and straightforward administration
Secretary Plus Outsourcing Solutions gives our clients
leave the necessary “room to move” for the client’s core
the opportunity to outsource tasks and projects while
business and related activities.
they focus on their core business, thus offering a permanent guarantee for continuity. Top quality, quick integra- Virtual outsourcing
tion and continuity make our approach hassle-free and
If in an outsourcing scenario, the client has no need or
our clients’ lives easier, while simple administration and
no practical possibility for an external specialist or as-
low overhead optimize their processes and results. Our
sistant being physically present, Secretary Plus provides
expansive pool of multilingual management assistants as
the necessary support via virtual outsourcing. Again, we
well as our follow-up and professional advice are a gua-
provide advice, take over or manage the client’s secreta-
rantee for quality, both for the client and the candidate.
rial and administrative services that do not belong to the company’s core activities. In the case of virtual outsour- Project outsourcing / Direct Team
cing, we provide this service via our specialists off-site,
Direct Team is a flexible way to engage external specialists
from a home office or via one of Secretary Plus’ regional
for a period of a couple of months in order to back-up
offices. Virtual outsourcing is often the ideal solution
existing know-how or to support certain projects that do
for small to medium-sized companies, start-ups,
not belong to your company’s core activities.
companies in an M&A situation or any other situation
In this scenario, an external specialist takes over specific,
where an utmost flexibility has to be guaranteed.
Virtual outsourcing saves costs on office space and equipment as well as personnel costs. It guarantees the services of professionals in their field, based on a script which describes the work and includes clearly defined terms.
1.3.4. www.assistantplus.be AssistantPlus.be is the Belgian community portal of the management assistants’ community, powered by Secretary Plus. Assistant Plus provides additional value for the assistant, such as sharing of knowledge and skills, by being a true reference, a privileged partner, reliable and indispensable to the assistant when performing his/her tasks. More than a mere source of information, it is a virtual meeting place and platform for all assistants in Belgium. AssistantPlus.be is “the assistant‘s assistant”. It is clear, user-friendly and effective, simplifies the work of assistants, accelerates the search for information, promotes the exchange of knowledge and ideas, and lets assistants discover new products and services.
1.3.5. Blog Secretary Plus www.blog.secretary-plus.com The aim of the corporate blog is to provide a platform for all members of the Secretary Plus team to share their facts and figures, best practices, success stories, as well as internal news with the rest of the team. The purpose of this new communication channel is to facilitate conversation and discussion, to exchange our ideas and opinions, and to learn from one another. It is an easy and fast way to connect with the Secretary Plus community: it enables people to get to know each other better and contact colleagues from other offices more easily.
being all things to all people is a recipe for strategic mediocrity and below average performance
by Michael Porter (1985)
Our strategy how do we do it?
2.1. “Corporate Planning” - our strategy elaboration process in 9 steps Organizations have to adapt more and more quickly to a
Executive summary
rapidly changing environment. For Secretary Plus, this
The strategic aim of Secretary Plus is international
means that we know exactly what our core business is,
growth strongly focussed on its niche activity, rooted
we focus upon this core business, we know our competi-
locally and based upon top quality performance at all
tive advantage and use it to create and replicate models
levels of short, mid and long term activities. Guided by a
as a result. Secretary Plus aims at growth in changing
thorough 9-step “corporate planning” approach ranging
markets through local and international knowledge, profit
from setting objectives to monitoring results, we at
drivers and key success factors. As part of the develop-
Secretary Plus continually adapt and align our strategy
ment of strategies and plans to enable Secretary Plus to
to the situation on the various local markets as well as to
achieve its objectives, we use a rigorous process known
the global economy.
as “Corporate Planning”. This process is used both on an international and on a local level, where the local strategy is part of the international strategy.
Pillars of our strategy are: • product leadership through continuous innovation management
• Set objectives
• our Human Resources strategy based upon recognition,
-Defining what the organization is intending to do
growth, connectedness with leaders, connectedness
• Environmental scanning
with colleagues, and being a Best employer
-Internal appraisals of the organizations SWOT. This
• our Recruitment and Training & Development
requires an assessment of the present situation,
(European/country level) strategies
as well as of the portfolio of products and services
• our international, intercultural and local identity
including an analysis of their life cycle
• and our successful parenting with USG People
• Analysis of existing strategies -This analysis looks at the present situation of the company, the market and the existing plans • Key success factors (KSFs)
Whom do we serve?
What do we provide?
-Definition of key factors in the development of a corporate plan, which need to be addressed by the organization • Develop new and/or revised strategies -The analysis of strategic issues may mean the objectives and/or ways to reach them need to be
How do we realize all this?
What is our value proposition?
re-evaluated and redefined • Establish critical success factors (KSFs) -Definition of objectives, break points, tools…
• Preparation
• Monitor results
-of operational resources, teams, projects plans for
-Mapping against plans, taking corrective action which
strategy implementation
may mean amending objectives and/or strategies.
• Implement the strategy -Launch the defined strategy KSF model Secretary Plus
National presence
Image of a Top-Rated Player (leading brand)
Direct Team
Ability to attract the best secretaries
Personal, special approach
Ability to secure loyalty and enthusiasm
Attractive client portfolio
Offering status
Clearly worded and supported commercial processes with clear targets
Professional discussion partner for both client and candidate
Ability to make the best match
Swift supply
Differentiated Service Supply (both security and flexibility)
Clearly worded and monitored administrative processes and procedures (quality mgmt)
Constant product and process development
Tools including Dresscode, Digital Sales Tool
S+ Academy
Knowledge of secretarial job placement
Knowledge of the target group
2.2. The pillars of our strategy
customer loyalty, high profits, superiority in innovation,
Typical characteristics of a hidden champion
technology, core competencies, trendsetting and market
In Hidden Champions Professor Hermann Simon refers
to a group of companies of medium to small size that
• We retain long-term partnerships with customers
are low profile and highly profitable. They are typically
and suppliers, fuelling both our product innovation,
sustainable but wary of trumpeting their own success.
and profitability.
And yet, most impressively, they are often a leader in a
• Our employees are seen as long-term assets to be
narrow or niche market sector.
nurtured consequently, characterized by high productivity, low down time, stable industrial relations, low staff turnover and absenteeism and deep loyalty; they have the team-type culture in which social control
Lucrative niche Market leadership
is more effective than hierarchical formal control.
in Co
ns ta
g te ra st
Strong leadership The essence Ambitious goals
• We concentrate on narrow markets and through
Competitive advantages
er -t
Operates worldwide
selling point.
ng Lo
no va tiv e
• Secretary Plus emphasizes value, not price, as the main
determined focus become winners in them.
2.2.1. Product leadership customer Secretary Plus delivers the highest level of service, due to our constant innovation based upon our creativity, our implementation skills, and a rapid and efficient introduc-
Highly motivated employees
tion of new products and services into the market. By doing so, we achieve a sustainable improvement in Intensely customer-focused
our clients’ business, our candidates’ working life, and their overall satisfaction.
Outside circle - External opportunities Innovation management
Inside circle - Internal competencies
Constant innovation is a key to our success. As our clients The main reason for Secretary Plus’ success, is its
change, we do not only have to follow, but to lead. New
ability to pursue a long-term strategy. Good business
services, products, processes are tools to reach the top
strategy requires a long-term orientation and highly
and stay there. By innovation management, we mean
ambitious goals.
that our people also have to change, which is expressed by what they do and how they do it. Our eye for detail, our
• Our commitment is not to short-term results but to
emphasis on accuracy and our high quality standards
long-term market leadership.
result in continuous optimization of what we do, and how
• We are intensely customer-focused.
we do it. Our managers lead our innovation process as
• We aim for market leadership which means “directing all
part of our strategy, and as such it follows the strategy
our energy and concentration into one product to achieve
development process, adapted to the inherent needs:
Innovation management is… • Setting goals • Mobilizing efforts • Controlling & monitoring activities • Developing talents • Gain knowledge and apply • Collecting and allocating tools • Thinking of new structures (internally/externally) The impact of our innovation management is the creation of a sustainable competitive advantage. By doing so, we reduce the risk of failure and encourage people to share insights. Creative contributions are recognized and rewarded, and managers are expected to foster new ideas. Creativity and leadership are promoted within the teams which work in an informal, autonomous and decentralized manner, thus both encouraging and tapping Secretary Plus’ company networks. Innovative and useable ideas are supported with the right resources. We manage innovation in a way that substantially contributes to our creative, dynamic and proactive corporate climate.
we keep moving forward, opening new doors and doing things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths
by Walt Disney
2.2.2. Investing in our people Human Resources Job descriptions
If Secretary Plus is a tree, our people are the leaves.
job descriptions for the different positions inside
It’s the leaves that keep the tree alive, that capture the
the company:
Secretary Plus has established clear and precise
carbon dioxide, and that release the vital oxygen into the atmosphere. Today’s competitive business environment
1) District Manager
requires companies to constantly improve their level of
2) Office Manager
performance. A solid business plan, a great marketing
3) Assistant Office Manager
strategy, and a focus on the customer will get our organi-
4) Consultant
zation off to a great start, but unless we have committed, passionate employees to execute that plan, the energy
1) District Manager
is wasted. At Secretary Plus, we want to make each and
every person that works on our behalf feel valued and
Responsible for profitability and expansion of the assig-
part of a common goal: we want to make the lives of our
ned agencies. Responsible for performance and general
clients easier.
well-being of the teams in the assigned agencies.
Pillars of our HR philosophy:
Responsible for the operational and commercial effec-
We praise and appreciate our people and recognize them
tiveness of the assigned agencies. Coaching of staff:
for their achievements.
• Supportting human potential;
• Active participation in the monitoring, supervision and
We give them opportunities to learn, grow, and develop
development of the action plans;
skills that lead to advancement in their career,
• Translating the Secretary Plus business goals;
thus making them feel that they are a part of the career
• Translating nationally agreed upon procedures and
planning process.
systems into local implementation strategies.
Connectedness with Leader Our management shares information and has a solid
Co-shaping the Secretary Plus image by adding quality
relationship with their people, based on integrity and
to each action, with special attention to your exemplary
trust, one of our key components in creating an environ-
role. Problem solving within assigned agencies.
ment where our people are willing to go the extra mile. Connectedness with Colleagues
The Area Manager reports to the Regional Director or
Just as a solid relationship with their leader impacts our
to the General Manager. Training period: 6 to 12 months
employee’s willingness to apply discretionary effort, so
(depending on experience).
too does a strong relationship with their colleagues and co-workers.
Best employer
• Social Legislation with regards to temporary work;
We want to be the best employer of our people, thus retai-
• Ambitions (local IT systems);
ning them and attracting new talents in all our markets.
• The temporary employment sector and its specificities;
• Secretary Plus: company, who’s who, positioning on
2) Office Manager
the market;
• Internal business processes Secretary Plus
Responsible for profitability and expansion of the
(client & candidate);
assigned agency. Responsible for performances and
• The sales technique (prospecting, making appoint-
integration of own team.
ments, the structure of the sales conversation, promoting customer loyalty, customer database
• Sale of the Secretary Plus services;
• Handling of complaints;
• To new clients: prospecting;
• Intensive management skills with emphasis on coaching
• To existing clients;
and leadership.
• Initiate various commercial operations and sales activities, various;
• Forge customer loyalty;
• Creative Entrepreneurship (balancing the commercial,
• Management of the agency: financial, commercial,
financial, organizational and human dimension);
people and organizational;
• Communication (phone, face-to-face and written,
• In consultation with management, determine the
with clients, candidates and colleagues);
objectives of the agency;
• Organization of work & time management;
• Develop concrete action plans to achieve those
• Understanding of corporate life;
• Insight in approach for commercial operations;
• Translate the Secretary Plus business goals;
• Numerical insight with regards to monitoring of
• Promote the Secretary Plus image;
the budgets;
• Coach agency’s staff;
• Providing colleagues with necessary support;
• Recruitment, selection, placement and administration:
• Problem solving abilities.
as needed and depending on the size and occupancy of the office;
• Internal discussion of work processes;
• Mentality geared towards delivering quality, speed
• Analysis of the achieved results, both in terms of quality
and helpfulness;
and quantity.
• Willingness to work towards a common goal; • Flexibility;
The Office Manager reports to the Area Manager. Training
• Stress resistant;
period: 6 to 12 months (depending on experience).
• Excellent interpersonal skills; • Belief in products / services of Secretary Plus;
• Maturity (exemplary role in which temperament may
• Social Legislation with regards to temporary work;
need to yield to managerial ability);
• Ambitions (local IT systems);
• Responsibility & discipline.
• The temporary employment sector and its specificities; • Secretary Plus: company, who is who, positioning on the market;
• The various aspects related to the placement of a
3) Assistant Office Manager
temporary employee (complete process from A to Z:
selection, remuneration, social documents, contract
Offer solutions to companies in need of temporary
manpower by selling partnerships for flexible labour.
• The ideal treatment of a customer‘s order; • The sales techniques (prospecting, making appoint-
ments, structure of the sales conversation, customer
• Sale of the Secretary Plus services to new and existing
loyalty, customer database management;
relationships (clients, customer networks, market) by
• Handling of complaints;
initiating commercial operations and sales activities;
• Management skills (leadership, delegation,
• Forge loyalty among the target groups (customers and
temporary employees): professional service, handling of complaints, expressing commitment, identifying with
their situation;
• Ensuring high-quality communication (telephone,
• Co-shaping the image of Secretary Plus by infusing
face-to-face and written, with clients, agency staff and
everything you do with quality;
• Internal communication to the consultants on the
• Selection;
customer profiles and needs;
• Organization of work & time management;
• Recruitment, selection & placement of candidates;
• Ability to maintain perspective; • Commercial mindset;
The Assistant Office Manager reports to the
• Understanding of corporate life;
Office Manager. Training period: 6 months.
• Insight in approach to commercial operations; • Numerical insight with regards to monitoring of budgets
• Creative entrepreneurship (balancing the commercial,
• Social Legislation with regards to temporary work;
financial, organizational and human dimension);
• Ambitions (local IT systems);
• Providing colleagues with necessary support;
• The sector and its specificities;
• Problem solving abilities.
• Secretary Plus: company, who’s who, positioning on the market;
• The various aspects with regards to placement of
• Mentality geared towards delivering quality, speed
candidate from A – Z (selection, remuneration, social
and helpfulness;
documents, contract termination);
• Willingness to work towards a common goal;
• The treatment of a customer‘s order;
• Flexibility;
• The sales technique (prospecting, making appoint-
• Stress resistant;
ments, the structure of the sales conversation, forging
• Excellent interpersonal skills;
customer loyalty, managing customer and candidate
• Belief in products / services of Secretary Plus;
database, handling complaints).
• Maturity (exemplary role in which temperament may need to yield to managerial ability); • Responsibility & discipline.
• Commercial activities: active placements via phone,
• Ensure qualitative communication (telephone,
taking references;
face-to-face and written, with clients, candidates and colleagues);
The consultant reports to the Office Manager. Training
• Selection;
period: 3 to 6 months (depending on experience).
• Organization of work & time management; • Ability to maintain perspective;
• Understanding of corporate life;
• Social Legislation with regards to temporary work;
• Insight in approach to commercial operations.
• Ambitions (local IT systems); • The temporary employment sector and its specificities;
• Secretary Plus: company, who is who, positioning on
• Mentality geared towards quality, speed and
the market;
• The various aspects related to the placement of a
• Willingness to work towards a common goal;
temporary employee (complete process from A to Z:
• Flexibility;
selection, remuneration, social documents, contract
• Stress resistant;
• Excellent interpersonal skills;
• The ideal treatment of a customer‘s order.
• Belief in products / services of Secretary Plus. Skills 4) Consultant
• Ensuring high quality communication (telephone,
face-to-face and written, with clients, agency staff and
Offer solutions to businesses through flexible labour by
placing selected candidates at their disposal.
• Selection; • Organization of work & time management;
• Ability to maintain perspective;
• Recruitment of temporary labour (candidates);
• Commercial mindset.
• Selection of candidates for personnel requests; • Placement of temporary employees on existing requests
and by actively proposing candidates to companies;
• Mentality geared towards quality, speed and helpfulness;
• Administration regarding employment of interim forces:
• Willingness to work towards a common goal;
contracts, social documents, pay roll;
• Flexibility;
• Minimum one client visit per week;
• Stress resistant.
• Forge of client & candidate loyalty through professional service, handling of complaints, expressing Recruitment strategy
commitment, empathy;
Secretary Plus’ activity is based upon people. It’s only by
• Co-shaping the Secretary Plus image by infusing
retaining the best we have and attracting the best we can
everything you do with quality;
get that we can build the solid foundation of for sustainable business. This sustainability and growth is dependent
on the talent and ability of our people to deal with not
At Secretary Plus, we know that people don’t see (hear,
only present challenges but also future ones.
feel, believe …) what they think they see: what they see
Recruiting is part of our core business. We know that
depends on what they have learned to see, on the culture
recruiting is not just finding the right skills for a particular
they were raised in. This so-called “cultural blindness”
job. Based upon our job descriptions, we try to discover,
causes people to ignore or minimize the importance of
to attract and to keep the unique kind of talent that
cross-cultural issues.
represents the best possible combination of the flexibility,
If people don’t understand values different from their
willingness to learn, adaptability and agility our strategy
own, they will start generalizing and stereotyping. Stereo-
stands for. At Secretary Plus, we know that our people
types are about expectations not being fulfilled – and ex-
are our ambassadors, and this is why we recruit them
pectations are based upon deeply rooted own norms and
based on our resolve to have the perfect long term match
values. For instance, ways of expressing respect depend
between their personality and our identity.
on the culture - wearing a tie is a sign of respect in some cultures but not in others. Language is a major part of our Training & development (European/country level)
culture - in a culture where the language does not contain
The culture of Secretary Plus combines the efforts of
where the language does not make any distinction
employees, their supervisors and the business organi-
between male and female, gender equality is absolutely
zation as a whole. By constantly giving our people the
normal. At Secretary Plus, we transform these diffe-
necessary training and development, be it on technical
rences into competitive advantages. By understanding
or interpersonal skills, we provide them with the professi-
intercultural differences, as well as helping our people to
onal adaptability and agility they need in these turbulent
understand them, we turn cultural blindness into cultural
times. The trainings we provide are include:
responsibility, making our people open-minded intercul-
• Sales trainings (for all profiles)
tural ambassadors of Secretary Plus and our activities.
• Management trainings (office manager, area manager)
This open-mindedness and flexibility allows our people to
• Personal effectiveness (all profiles)
provide added value for the most diverse clients, in many
• Others
different contexts and situations.
2.2.3. International, intercultural and local identity
2.2.4. Successful parenting with USG People
Thinking globally and acting as well as managing locally
company. USG People is active through a large number
means much more than just speaking the local language.
of strong brands that jointly provide one-stop solutions
Intercultural management is about differences in values
in the field of staffing, secondment and HR and custo-
and helping to understand why different people feel
mer care services. The successful parenting relationship
the word „I“ people are more team oriented. In Finland,
Secretary plus is a part of USG People, our parent
between USG People and Secretary Plus is characterized differently about things. Secretary Plus’ core business
by the opportunities for improvement this relationship
being based upon multilingual management assistants
offers, the unique competences USG People offers in or-
so dealing with intercultural differences is our daily
der to achieve these improvements includes USG People’s
ability to avoid negative influences in a situation that
could reduce the value for Secretary Plus. Over the next
We achieve growth through the global rollout of success-
few years, USG People has a focused strategy based
ful proposals, along with value-added acquisitions.
upon further expanding the specialist staffing and professionals sector. USG People’s vision USG People strives to be an exemplary employer for its own employees and candidates: open, involved and putting people first. We aim to get the most out of each and every one of them, every day throughout their entire career. At the same time, clients trust that we always go the extra mile with our services and that we are constantly involved. The result of our efforts is the best possible balance between the organizational objectives of our clients and the individual ambitions of our employees and candidates. This is how we try to lead by example in business and society. Our core values are respect, development, passion, involvement and commitment to results. Parent strategy We stand out because of our multibrand strategy. This way of approaching the market is aimed at enabling brands with their own strong identity and position in specific market segments to flourish side-by-side. Our geographical focus is on Europe and we target a top five position in every country in which we operate by reducing our international brand portfolio within the next two years to ten core brands which serve all key market segments. The objective is to create stronger brands that are more recognizable - both online and offline - and easier for employers and candidates to locate. We strive to be the most profitable player in the European staffing and secondment market. We develop new technologies aimed improving our services and optimizing our processes and distribution channels. In the coming years we will focus on further expanding the specialist staffing and professionals segments.
if you want one year of prosperity, grow grain. if you want ten years of prosperity, grow trees. if you want one hundred years of prosperity, grow people.
by Chinese Proverb
What makes us special?
Processes and operations
Our success is firmly and solidly rooted in our philosophy,
“Organizations exist to enable ordinary people to do
shared by all our team members, guiding all our daily
extraordinary things.”
Ted Levit, Editor in Chief Harvard Business review
• Entrepreneurship • Commitment
A strategy is worthless without successful implementa-
• Customer focus
tion. At Secretary Plus, we have built an organization
• Acknowledgement
with clearly defined processes and operations meant to enable our people to achieve the most ambitious
3.1. Entrepreneurship
goals they aim at, while being able to rely on efficient,
Secretary Plus applauds those who embrace responsi-
innovative and ergonomic tools. These tools are:
bility and encourages its employees to innovate and take initiative, demonstrating their motivation, interest and
• A strategic, integrated marketing approach with high
passion for both their work and company.
impact activities to the three main target groups of
We acknowledge the unique resources, personal ideas
being management assistant (“find – bind – brand”),
and talents of every individual and actively encourage
clients and the general public, aiming to sow the seeds
each person to show us what they can achieve!
for a powerful sales process. • A highly efficient sales approach and process that is in
3.2. Commitment
line with and complementary to all marketing activities.
Secretary Plus is strongly committed to its employees
• A high-end quality of performing (sourcing, selection,
and its customers. Secretary Plus’s employees are
placement and follow-up) creating absolute top
strongly committed to their company and their customers.
satisfaction for clients and candidates, thus closing the
Our common objective is to achieve total customer
loop between marketing and sales.
satisfaction by demonstrating a 100% customer-focused
4.1. Brand management
mentality and by providing excellence in all our actions!
In today‘s fast-moving, complex business environment,
3.3. Customer focus
innovating quickly, reliably and effectively is an advantage
We always aim for the highest goal. This translates into
for achieving profitability and growth. Yet, all too often,
innovative actions to deliver best efforts and maximizing
organizations are unable to generate sufficiently creative
our skills to provide the best services.
ideas and effectively move them to market. In this changing context, marketing cannot be treated
3.4. Acknowledgement
as an isolated action, as it is deeply embedded in every
Secretary Plus respects the contribution of its emplo-
strategic activity.
yees to the company and recognizes their commitment,
The goal for Secretary Plus is to knit together marketing
performance and efforts. It considers it essential to make
and product development, technology assessment,
individuals feel valued and appreciated. Its purpose is
innovation, value-chain design, project execution and
to increase employee satisfaction and self-esteem.
talent management in order to achieve breakthrough
performance. The organizational relationships that are
• General managers will have more time to focus on
the result of this “knitting” facilitate knowledge transfer,
further growth of the company, development and
both within Secretary Plus and across the value chain.
strengthening of their teams.
Secretary Plus strives to validate and enhance quality
• Blue Ocean Strategy (don’t compete with your rivals,
throughout all the services it provides for and to enable all
make them irrelevant).
countries to identify and to monitor the excellent image
• Brand Management.
of the Secretary Plus Brand Manager. A European
• Customer Service Strategy & managing Customer
Marketing and Communication Manager is now respon-
sible for developing and maintaining marketing strategies
• Managing Innovation Process.
to meet organizational objectives, for analyzing market potential and profitability of various products and
4.1.1. Logo Secretary Plus
developing strategies to achieve the greatest number of
Main brand
sales in the market. This includes product development,
The logo of Secretary Plus is made up of a combination
advertising, and sales campaign programs, sales support,
of word mark and a logotype. Both have been specially
advertising and promotions, and website information.
designed for this logo. They may not be altered or replaced.
Added value • Creating corporate culture. • Corporate guidelines on marketing & communication. • Analysis of which market sectors will buy the company‘s products and how best to sell those products to the target market.
There are two design variants of the Secretary Plus logo
• International Product Book.
for special applications. The “impact version” is only used
• International Brochure, welcome map, Plusguide,
where maximum impact is required. Within the available
sales map.
height the word image in this logo variant has optimal
• International Website.
legibility. This logo is mainly suitable for such things as
• International partnership with EUMA
shop-front lettering, small advertisements, pens and
(European Management Assistant).
placards around sports fields. The “stack version” has
• Monitor the quality and professionalism of the
an overall more compact shape (square) which is more
niche market.
suitable for cases where there is insufficient space in
• Time & cost saving.
width terms, like sponsorship situations. The impact and
- 1 Marketing Manager with an overall view, developing
stack versions are always used in consultation with the
the strategy instead of 6 General Managers putting
project agency.
time and energy into marketing matters. - Contact/partnership with 1 (international) media partner, competitive prices. - Contact/partnership with 1 company for research & development on the website (job boards, e-recruitment).
The four colour versions of the logo The logos of Secretary Plus have four definite colour combinations: • The basis for applications is the logo in colour on a black background. • For applications where no black background is possible (e.g. shop front lettering of sponsoring situations) there In some cases – but only in consultation with the project
is a colour logo with a while background.
agency - the logotype may be used separately, but only
• For applications on a black background where no
when there is a full logo near the logotype. When used
further house style colours are available, there is also a
as support for a publication a separate logotype will be
white logo.
large and subdued in colour. The logotype is never used as
• If no house style colours are available and the white
formal idiom.
logo is also not feasible, the black logo may be used (e.g. a franking machine stamp).
Sub-brands USG People has a number of sub-brands. As with the logo
It is not permitted to use logos on background colours
of the main brand, the logos of the sub-brands comprise
other than black and white, or on photographic images.
a logotype and a word mark. The relevant label is attached to the word mark. There are no design variants for sub brand logos.
Bounding box All logos are placed in a bounding box. No other illustrative of textual elements are permitted in this box. The bounding box is included in the logo files and enlarged or reduced in size proportionally with scaling of the logo. The illustrations below show the bounding box and several sizes with the 100% logo in mm.
0 5 10
21 92
0 5 10 15 46
0 5
32 37 80
0 5
15,67 21
Minimum size The “readability� factor requires extra attention in the case of small applications. This readability partly depends on the application technique. With printed matter you can have a smaller size than with print work. With offset it is also important, whether the house colours are shown as support colour or as full colour composition. The table below shows the minimum size with the various options.
Main brands Offset
Pantone N/A
Minimum size 25%
48 l/cm (newsprint)
60 l/cm (offset paper)
80 l/cm (mc)
Minimum size
Sub-brands Offset
Minimum size
Pantone N/A
48 l/cm (newsprint)
60 l/cm (offset paper)
80 l/cm (mc)
Minimum size
It is not allowed! • to use the logos in other colours, colour combinations or shades. • to place the logos on other/non-specified backgrounds. • to change or replace the typography of the logo or to make new (sub)logos. • to adjust the bounding box around the logo. • to change the logo files in any way. • to alter the proportions and/or the position of the image and/or word mark in relation to each other. • to add design shapes to the logo such as a circle or other shapes around the logo; the logo must always be freestanding.
the winners will be those who deliver solutions from the users’ point of view. that is a big part of marketing’s job
by Jack Welch
House style colours Secretary Plus The primary colour palette comprises Pantone Rubine Red, Pantone Cool Gray 6, black and white. Pantone Cool Gray 9 are added for the sub-brands. Full colour composition percentages are determined for the Pantone support colours. These diverge from the standard values determined by Pantone and approach the colours as near as possible. As minor colour divergences are inevitable for the full colour translation it is advisable, where possible, to always use the support colour. The table below shows the full colour values alongside the RGB and RAL colours. Secretary Plus’s characteristic black bars (see formal idiom) are always printed with 40% cyan underneath the black.
Rubine Red
Coolgray 9
Coolgray 6
c 000 000 000 000 m 100 000 000 000 y 025 000 000 000 k
r 233 0 145 190 g 0
0 143 188
b 104 0 144 189 ral ral ral ral
4010 9005 7046 7040
hex# hex# hex# hex# e90068 000000 918f90 bebcbd
Secretary Plus’s secondary colour palette is free.
Akkurat light italic
Depending on the publication one can select from the
AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMm NnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXx YyZz123456789!?€
entire spectrum, - with the understanding that colours must not conflict. For each section of a publication (for example a spread from a brochure) only one secondary colour may be used. For example this may be attuned to a colour in the photography. Within Secretary Plus’s house
AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMm NnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXx YyZz123456789!?€
style the preference is not to work with shades of house style colours. The colours from the secondary colour palette are exclusively used as emphasizing colour. They are mainly visible within the typography of headings and subheadings. These colours will never be used for fields. Alongside the secondary colour, as a matter of preference, Rubine Red will always be present, at least an emphasis (e.g. as a page figure).
Arial italic
AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMm NnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXx YyZz123456789!?€
Typography Within the house style of Secretary Plus we distinguish
Arial bold
between on-line and off-line publications. Akkurat light
AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMm NnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXx YyZz123456789!?€
and light italic are used for off-line publications (e.g. printed matter and lettering. Arial (regular, italic, bold en bold italic) is used exclusively for all on-line publications such as templates within the office environ-
Arial bold italic
ment and the website. To ensure a broad typographic diversity Secretary Plus does not have any general standing guidelines for case, spacing and/or interspacing. These are indicated per type of application. However, it is specified that texts may never be filled out or centred. In general typography is ample/spacious with large headings in one or two colours positive or transparency on black surfaces or photography. Akkurat light
AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMm NnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXx YyZz123456789!?€
AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMm NnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXx YyZz123456789!?€ Formal idiom The image within all Secretary Plus’s publications is determined by a single band spread into three. Depending on application this band may be a narrow strip or a broad length. The use of strip comes under three headings: • A black bar with logo • A black bar without a logo • A bar that is filled in with photography.
The black strip with logo is preferably used at the bottom
4.1.2. Target Group Management Assistants
across the breadth of a publication. No other elements
Secretary Plus’ marketing approach targets three diffe-
may be placed in this strip. This black strip can be wide-
rent groups, namely the clients, the assistants (potential
ned at the top with extra black. Typography is permitted
and existing) and the general public. Due to this division,
within this extra black. In an exceptional situation (e.g.
messages have to be refined. All three of these segments
with PowerPoint) the thinnest white line is placed along
are to be considered as ambassadors for Secretary Plus,
the long side, so that this makes the black strip visible.
word-of-mouth marketing via the testimonial(s) of a trus-
The minimum height of the black strip in A4 presentations
ted person or group of people being the most efficient and
is 15 or 30 mm. Within this strip the logo is positioned
cost effective.
on 42.5% or 85%.The bounding box of the logo is centre
In order to guarantee a constant influx of highly quali-
within the height of the strip. ‘Plus’ in the logo always lines
tative management assistants, as well as the highest
out to the right with the type area of the statement. If the
possible retention, targeting this group can be broken into
strip is higher the logo remains on the position indicated.
three main objectives:
In key public statements (e.g. advertisements) there is usually a photo above the strip. The text will then be am-
Find, Bind, Brand
ply sized, in black, white, Rubine Red, a secondary house
style colour, or a combination of the two preceding colours
Recruiting new assistants passes via various channels,
in the photo. As an exception it is permitted to downplay a
such as:
strip of the photo to increase the legibility of the typogra-
• Fairs and exhibitions related to management support
phy. In some cases the strip may also be used vertically –
and HR related subjects.
but only in consultation with the project agency.
• Campus recruitment. • Direct mailings targeting registered but non-active assistants. • Website secretary-plus.com and local suffixes.
Cum andia dolor venim qui te de excest ne optatium reresti
• Regional and local marketing activities. • Community recommendations. Bind As soon as recruitment or registration has been accomplished, retention has to be the main focus of all marketing activities. We aim to achieve this via:
EsdsadIbus, cum andia dolor abo. Ut venim qui te de excest aspis ne optatium reresti cuptiis dolendae solorestrum nihilis et et aut aut liquis molestibus, volupta nat doloriatio dipis minus aut et laute ad untions enducium, vel ipsum reptatiaere venem. Et fugia
nis adigendi debitium quia de officabo. Temo doluptatur min non parum fugia nem es eum doluptatem estibus, utat Ficieni beate la nulpa volorehent vollaut emquiassinia demolor eperibeaqui dipiendel int utemodiae consequis illaboreiunt apitint enimosaniat officia.
• A fixed contract with a salary in case of sickness or inactivity. • In-house magazines and newsletters. • Networking events. • Secretary plus community – Offering management assistants a “vision”, a life-style, a way to connect through a virtual portal, workshops, events, a magazine, travel, fair, elections, blogs etc.
• Secretary Plus jobs – Offering management assistants
methods of finding a job, temporary labour, direct
USPs are both international (see mission and vision)
selection, direct team, 45+, etc.
and local. Local aspects have to be developed within
• Secretary Plus trainings – Offering management
the framework of a structured sales and marketing plan.
assistants different formulas for trainings, in person or
The USPs below are not exhaustive examples:
through E-learning, an international secretary plus
• Market leader.
university, traineeships etc.
• Secretary Plus has been and is the specialist for
• Corporate Social responsibility activities.
management support personnel.
• Community recommendations.
• Over 20 years experience. • Specialized divisions:
(NB: The 3 different divisions – community, jobs, training
- Personal Assistant & Office Management division
- work in an independent way but exchanging information
- Legal team
and sharing data base. It is important that the community
- International division
stays independent in order to maintain credibility.)
- Freelance Team - Direct Team
- @home Team
Secretary Plus’ branding has to be the branding of a
• Extensive national and international network of
market leader, which means e.a.:
70 agencies in 8 countries.
• Chief sponsor of the main Management Support Event.
• Broad range of recruitment channels: thanks to a
• Networking on congresses, events, fairs…
cooperation with schools, institutions, association.
with management support as the theme.
• The thoroughness of a recruitment agency, the flexibility
• PR with ex-post impact analysis.
of a interim agency.
• Market research and analysis (quantitative and
• Personal approach – consultants are advisors.
• Long term approach.
• Up-to-date website. • Corporate Social responsibility activities.
4.1.4. Target Group general public
• Community recommendations.
Objective of marketing in this segment is to create an image of instant recognition with the general public as
4.1.3. Target Group clients (existing - former clients)
a supplier of first class management support, which will eventually change into a buying/contacting impulse.
Besides the collateral impact of the marketing activities targeting management assistants, which contribute to
4.2. Sales process
brand awareness and a higher retention rate among
Although Secretary Plus has a common global identity
clients, specific marketing tools and activities targeting
- the presentation of which being the subject of the
clients have been developed and are being used.
present document – with overall sales targets and goals,
Tailor-made sales presentations, which are used as well
the local adaptation and implementation of systems
for marketing purposes as well as for sales meetings,
and approaches defined on a corporate level may vary in
contribute to a thorough positioning of Secretary Plus.
function according to the specific geographical market
it’s a funny thing about life; if you refuse to accept anything but the best, you very often get it by Summerset Maugham
Secretary Plus is evolving in. This implies that on every
level, and for every team member, clear and specific sales
targets are supposed to be reached, following KPIs that
A demand that is filled by Unique Top Assistants.
have been clearly defined, leading to concrete results that are to be obtained at the end of the value chain. From
% Placement
corporate to country, business unit, team, and individual
– the common sales goals that have been fixed will be
Number of fulfilled demands (requested headcounts) as
filtered through to each and every individual. Monitoring,
a percentage of total demands.
follow-up and performance management are locally specific, as well as the systems and MIS-systems used in
this particular context.
Prospect visits Definition
Face-to-face commercial encounter with a person who
has a direct say in human resource policy at a prospect.
The purpose of the contact is to create new business
A new candidate entered in the transactional system. A
(first visit / follow up / tender / negotiation & closing =>
candidate is counted only once. It is only referred to as a
no turnover this year or in the previous year).
registration once a validation check has been completed showing the candidate has not been registered with the
Customer visits
same legal entity before.
Definition Face-to-face commercial encounter with a person who
has a direct say in human resource policy. The purpose of
the contact is to expand existing business.
Number of temporary workers, seconded workers or recruitment starters, placed with a customer or prospect
New relations
as a result of a demand or a proactive proposal, in either
way it is the first contract with this candidate.
Clients that generated business at branch level within the selected entity in year N but not in previous calendar year.
% Starter Definition
Telephone calls active placement
The number of first placements as a percentage of total
Spontaneous proactive telephone call made 1. to propose a candidate when no vacancy has been
2. to follow-up a mailing proposing diverse candidates.
Open vacancy at a client or prospect which, thanks to
3. to propose a candidate on account of a job announce-
our specialization, can be filled via our temping services,
ment in the press, on a job site, ...
outsourcing solutions or recruitment & selection. Customer demands, Prospect demands.
To consider your call as a call active placement, you have
(press, networking events…), personal contact with
to speak to the right person. Remark: if your contact
clients and candidates, interaction with target groups via
isn’t available and therefore you can‘t propose your
online communities. Through a thorough follow-up of the
candidate, the call may not be registered as a call active
above mentioned pre-sales activities as past or present
placement, due to the fact that no real active placement
projects, we create a constant flow of leads on both a
has taken place. Attention! You register your call
personal and a general public level. Leads are handled
active placement only once. All following calls may not
with utmost speed by analyzing, evaluating and under-
be registered as calls active placement!
standing the client’s needs, in order to build a solid base for a successful sales process.
Active Placement Definition
4.2.2. Sales
A demand active placement is a demand that results
The sales process as such is one of the pillars of our
from a proactive proposal (initiative taken without there
success. Clearly defined in the Plus guide, it helps our
being a specific order), being:
consultants in their sales activities by providing guidelines for every phase of the sales process, whilst leaving
1. a call active placement.
the “room to move” they needed to adjust and adapt their
2. a mailing proposing diverse candidates, even if the
sales efforts to the specific situation that occur in mee-
client/prospect reacts on his own initiative and
tings with the client and/or prospect. This combination
contacts you before you had the opportunity to contact
of general guidelines with flexibility makes our sales
him. If you succeed, and a temporary worker can start
process homogeneous throughout the whole company, and
an assignment at your client (when there is a contract),
needs specific for every client-consultant relationship.
the active placement will be counted, even if the temporary worker who starts the assignment isn‘t the
Due to increasing ‘self service’ in Match making, value
candidate that you proposed in the beginning.
added services become a key asset for the future
3. number of temporary or seconded workers or recruit-
Secretary Plus company. Secretary Plus needs to estab-
ment & selection, placed with a customer as a result of
lish meaningful & valuable business services to sustain
a proactive proposal. (initiative taken without there
a “lifetime working relationship” with all stakeholders.
being a specific order). To realize this Secretary Plus needs to incorporate brand Call to an appointment
utilities; unique services that have marketing embedded
in them.
Telephone call aimed at generating an appointment with a client or a prospect.
Create a ‘trusted’ online platform for all stakeholders • Candidates
4.2.1. Lead generation
• Companies
Lead generation is based upon a strong interaction
• Secretary Plus Consultants (intra & extra co)
between marketing and sales activities via a powerful
• Social networks
combination of communication and PR-activities
Embrace social match making and plug in your value
impact. This results in a unique and omnipresent
added services to become the most trusted HR advisor.
corporate climate, characterized by a dynamic, business
• Recruiting, screening, selection, training and education,
oriented, but nevertheless human “look and feel” which is
assessment, administrative services…
perceived both internally and externally.
5.4. Image and brand
Value added
Secretary Plus is the leader in our market sector. This generates a positive image and a strong brand,
Secretary Plus aims at providing the highest added value
which both have to be constantly taken care of in order
to all stakeholders, from client to candidate and general
to maintain and strengthen our position. To our clients,
this means maximum reliability, a no nonsense approach, and a commitment to constant improvement. To our
5.1. Clients
people, our brand fosters pride and commitment, thus
Our clients require highest quality, homogeneous
generating high retention, long term thinking and a good
services, continuity and speed in delivery. Through our
corporate climate.
approach, we are not only able to meet their expectations, but to exceed them by constantly improving our services.
5.5. Corporate Social responsibility
Observation, adaptation and innovation, continuous and
At Secretary Plus, we insist on a strong commitment in
creative interaction with the whole market, these are the
our communities. Through various actions in the domain
key to the highest possible value Secretary Plus is able to
of corporate social responsibility, we aim to make our
add as market leader in our niche market.
society a better place to live for everybody.
5.2. Candidates and staff We provide security and continuity for staff, assistants and principals in facilitating career development. By doing so, we can be sure to guarantee highest retentio, thus providing highest continuity and constant quality for our clients.
5.3. Corporate climate Our people have to feel good at work. As Best Employer, Secretary Plus has a management style based upon coaching, pro-activity, walk the talk, result orientation and commitment to results. Responsibility, empowerment and successful delegation to autonomous people are at the center of every activity. Thanks to our flat, but well defined structure and our collaborative style, we are able to keep decision paths short, thus generating high
Stakeholder (management) Value distribution and corporate social responsibility (Strategy is not just about profits but also about the correct use of those profits)
To continue a long-term trusting relationship
Business partner
To establish win-win partnerships
To achieve a cooperative relationship with society
Seven values Have integrity and commitment Customer value comes first
Leverage partnerships
Remain innovative
Earn respect
Be internet professional
Foster mutual trust and respect
To build continuous growth
To be fair and sincere as an ‘Internet professional’
Employee and workplace To trust and respect each other