Top 10 Fitness Habits to Help You Get the Most of Your Cycling Workouts
Whether you are a serious cycler or a casual peddler, you need to stay in shape. You get the most out of your cycling workouts when you spend the time off of your bike wisely. Your downtime between biking sessions is important for recovery, and should also be used to prepare your body for the intense exercise you receive on your bike. Make the following 10 fitness habits a part of your daily life to get the most out of your cycling workouts. 1 - Eat Smart 3
It used to be that doctors
allowed us to blame much of our physical fitness problems on our ancestors. Hereditary and genetic makeup were thought to lend the predominant influence on your physical makeup. We now know better. Doctors, health professionals and nutrition researchers understand that as much as 70% of the influence on how you look and feel is dictated by your diet.
right when you need to make a push to mount a hill climb or finish off a race. Eating properly also provides your muscles with the minerals and nutrients they need to recover quickly.
A smart biker’s diet is pretty much like what everyone should be eating to stay healthy. Focus on dark green, leafy vegetables, fresh fruit and whole grains. You want to As a cyclist this means concentrate on healthy that you are what you eat. carbohydrates and steer You need plenty of energy clear of “bad” carbs found reserves to fuel intense in junk food, sugar and cycling sessions. You do energy drinks. Protein is not want to “hit the wall” definitely a part of a smart