Wirral Well Being Magazine - Autumn

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‘It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.’ Charles Darwin

Much has changed since the last issue of Wirral Wellbeing and it seems inevitable that the pace of change will only increase as we move forward. How well do you manage the changing environment around you? How adaptable are you? As Charles Darwin says, ‘adaptability to change is key to survival’, but how can we not only survive but thrive? “We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude...I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with you...we are in charge of our attitudes.” – Charles Swindoll Your attitude and, how you react to life, is key to your wellbeing and success. Having the skills and tools to more positively manage your thoughts, words and emotions, can be helpful to you in all areas of your life. It can help you in your career and your relationships and importantly, it can help you improve your overall physical and mental wellbeing, including stress management, which I am increasingly being asked to help people with as part of my coaching services.

MENS SANA – Content Week 1 – Goal Setting – Discovering your Purpose with Ikigai Week 2 – Commitment Week 3 – Procrastination Week 4 – Achieving a Balanced Life Week 5 – Accepting your Reality Week 6 – Conformity Week 7 – Your Thoughts & Words Week 8 – Handling Stress Week 9 – Thinking & Living Creatively Week 10 – Mind Mastery Week 12 – Emotional Management Week 13 – Movement & Exercise

If you would like to IMPROVE YOUR OVERALL WELLBEING, as well as build your RESILIENCE, CLARITY and FOCUS in life, join me for the MENS SANA – ‘Healthy Mind’ coaching and personal development programme that I am deliver weekly, via zoom, over 13 weeks. Each session is 60 minutes. New programmes start in September and October. For dates and further information, email me caroline@4positivegrowth.co.uk or subscribe www.4positivegrowth.co.uk or follow me @4PositiveGrowth ‘If you want to make improvements to your life then the Mens Sana programme with Caroline Gavin is the place to start. Caroline is a fabulous coach and facilitator who has a generous spirit, an in-depth grasp of her subject and a natural ability to engage with people, whether in person or remotely. The weekly topics took us on a journey of discovery, the result of which was increased self-awareness and a clarity and focus which propelled us to achieve more than we ever thought possible. It was an enlightening experience and I would highly recommend it to anyone wanting to take their life to the next level. Thank you, Caroline.’ – MENS SANA client August 2020

4PositiveGrowth is a coaching and consultancy business focusing on helping individuals, teams and businesses be at their best. We offer Personal Life Coaching, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Team Coaching, and Coaching-Led Consultancy for strategic business success. For more information, please don’t hesitate to contact us on 07710 631181.

Welcome to the Autumn edition of Wirral Well-Being magazine.


Diane Tremarco Graphic Designer

Well what a few months we have all had! In spite of lockdown and having to batten down the hatches as a business for the last few months, I can’t say I didn’t enjoy the slower pace of life with more time to spend with the family. Yes, it felt tough at times, yes we had our rough days, yes we missed friends and loved ones and yes I had to brush up on maths for homeschooling... (didn’t I just). But on the whole and just like everyone else, we dug deep and got on with it. We took long walks with the dogs, we exercised and went on lovely bike rides, we did lots of art therapy and realised the important things in life. On the whole we muddled through grateful that the people we cared for were safe and well. We even managed to triple our online readership of which I am thrilled. So now I just want to say Thanks to the NHS and ALL THE KEY WORKERS...and help get my advertisers back out there again. I hope things are back to normal or getting there for most of us and I pray that it stays that way once and for all. Always happy to hear your stories and advice too and I hope you enjoy our latest edition.. stay safe and be well.. Laura x

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Digital Edition: www.wirralwell-being.co.uk

Email: wirralwellbeingmagazine@gmail.com WIRRAL WELL






Beauty Salon Commemorates Lives Lost to Covid-19 Many of us have been deeply affected by Covid-19 and it has claimed hundreds of lives in Wirral. Anne Roberts, owner of Anne Roberts Hair and Beauty, has commissioned an art installation at her salon in Oxton to commemorate those lives lost. The installation, ‘Remember Me Wirral’, consists of over 300 butterflies. Each butterfly represents a soul and are hand cut in recycled paper. Some butterflies have the name, birth date and sadly the day a family lost a loved one on them. A simple message of remembrance. Not to be forgotten. Butterflies are deep and powerful representations of life. Many cultures associate the butterfly with our souls. In some cultures, butterflies represent re birth, freedom, transformation and life. Designer, Sarah Higgs took a week (with the help of her children) to create the installation. “I hope people looking at the butterflies find optimism for the future, and enjoy the time to stop and reflect on how they want their new world lives to be” The butterflies relate all too closely to the salon as their receptionist Sharon McIvor tragically lost her beloved father, Harry to the virus. Harry was a huge Celtic fan and his butterfly was crafted in their colours. Anne Roberts Hair and Beauty, a Clarins Gold Salon, has itself undergone a transformation. In light of the Governments Directives, every precaution has been taken and indeed outlined in their Covid-19 statement online. For over thirty years this salon has served its community; rather fitting that now it is serving to commemorate those lost to the pandemic.

Photograph credits – Zak Sliwka | Sarah Higgs WIRRAL WELL



d e s cancer s e Bl with

My name is Leah Singh, I am 34 years old and have recently been cured from breastcancer.

I was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer in August 2nd 2019. As you could imagine, upon hearing this news my world was turned upside down. I couldnt believe what I was hearing. I had breastcancer and at such a young age and I was floored. I just couldnt phathom it atall. Once the reality had sunk in i just became numb to it. I knew what I had to do to beat this thing and I was ready. I decided I was going to vlog my cancer journey, one, as a coping mechanism and two, to help others who were in the same boat as me. I called my page Blessed with cancer. As the minute I was diagnosed I realised how incredibly blessed in life I was. I had amazing friends an family around me and i realised how special I was to everyone. I wanted to make sure that if i was going to have a disease such as cancer

that i would some how turn this awful situation into a blessing in my life. Being diagnosed with cancer was the toughest thing I had ever faced in life. I am also a single mum to my five year old daughter so things where incredibly tough. My whole world had been turned upside down and all of a sudden I was in this whirlwind of hospital appointments and treatment plans, it was all very surreal. My treatment plan included fertility treatment, chemotherapy, surgery and then finally radiotherapy. I went from being a person who hates to even take paracetamol to very intense medication. It was alot for me to digest, especially the fertility treatment and chemotherapy. I have never thought about whether or not I wanted more WIRRAL WELL



children in the future but to have that compromised or possibly taken away from me was a hard pill to swallow!! With me only being 32 at the time, I was offered fertility treatment as chemotherapy puts you into a early menopause and there’s no gaurentee that you will 100 percent come out of that once treatment had finished. Fertility treatment consisted of injecting hormones into my stomach for 2 weeks and then undergoing a small operation to recover my eggs for them to be frozen. 6 eggs where collected in total.

or they break you. My aim was to turn a really bad negative situation into a positive one and I really succeeded at this. No matter how tough and hard it got, I always managed to keep a smile on my face and power through. I never gave up once, and I think this is incredibly important in these circumstances. You have to put up a fight and do what you can in order to save your life.

Next step was the chemotherapy, i think it goes with out saying that this the part that scares people the most. Going through chemo wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be but it was still bad enough. I also opted for the cold cap which is worn by women in a attempt to keep their hair. The idea of the cold cap is to freeze your hair follicles and prevent your hair from falling out . Alot of woman are scared to use the cold cap as there are some horror stories about it, but i found it to be absolutely fine and didn’t get much discomfort from it. I saved my hair through the first cycle which lasted 12 weeks, but once I started on my second cycle which was way more harsher, my hair began to fall out on Christmas eve after the second round. I completed half of my second cycle before deciding to stop. My hair had really thinned so I decided that i was going to shave it off. On January 4th 2020 I shaved my hair off for charity on social media infront of thousands of people. I felt so liberated and empowering doing this. It was the best feeling ever and to my surprise i really suited a bald head. I went from having very long thick curly hair to absolutely nothing, but i embraced it. The next stage was surgery. I had a lumpectomy and it was absolutely fine, I found once you have been through chemo everything else just seems so easy. I recovered really quick after surgery. I seemed to breeze through my radiotherapy too, it wasn’t bad atall. Coming to the end of my cancer treatment, we was thrown into a pandemic so that was abit crazy. I wasn’t allowed anyone to accompany me during this stage and also rang the bell alone which I was gutted about as I really wanted my daughter there with me. I had such amazing strengh going through my treatment and I kept positive the whole time. Positivity is what got me through it as positivity is 80% of any battle. Even though my cancer journey was very tough and extremely dark at times, I feel like i have grown so much as a person through this experience. I am such a better person for it and It has given me a whole new look and attitude on life. I feel like i have come out the other side alot more stronger, wiser and happier which is bizarre. When we are faced with these traumas in life, it us up to us to determine how we deal with them. They either make you WIRRAL WELL



Suprising benefits of

Sea Moss




So what is Sea Moss some of you may ask... Sea moss, also known as Irish moss, is a powerful superfood filled with various nutrients and minerals. It’s brimming with antimicrobial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory agents that can keep your body running in tip-top condition It Supports Thyroid Health Thyroid hormone imbalance often leads to fatigue, extreme weight gain/loss, fertility issues, and frequent muscle pain. There are a number of things you can do to support thyroid health, and one of them is by consuming sea moss. Sea moss has always been a staple in alternative medicine, but it wasn’t until the early 21st century when the claims got backed by studies and research. One study even showed that sea moss might be effective in speeding up thyroid treatment among women. What makes eating sea moss a good way to support thyroid health is its high iodine content, a mineral that stimulates the production of thyroid hormones. Clears Respiratory System of Mucus Suffering from a blocked sinus? You can use sea moss to help clear your respiratory or lymphatic system. The high chloride, chlorophyll, potassium chloride, and omega-3 fatty acid contents of sea moss make it a good decongestant. They also have antimicrobial and antiinflammation properties that can help ease swelling and dissolve mucus. You can use this to combat the flu, common cold, and various allergic reactions. If the symptoms persist, however, make sure you consult with a medical specialist right away. Improves Overall Mood Potassium is a very important mineral that supports mental and emotional health. A deficiency in potassium can lead to confusion, depression, anxiety, nervousness, and fatigue. Since the body doesn’t store potassium for extended periods, you need to replenish your body with it regularly. And one way you can do so is by drinking your share of sea moss every day. Boosts Gut Health Sea moss has a thick, rich texture that soothes mucus membranes in the digestive tract. They coat each one in the gut and protect them from diseases such as an ulcer. Studies also suggest that sea moss provides prebiotic benefits during the digestion process. This includes functions such as removing bad gut bacteria, boosting gut immunity, and stimulating short-chain fatty acid production. Plus, sea moss is loaded with healthy dietary fiber. Getting enough of these every day is important so you can flush out harmful toxins and chemicals in your body. Improves Libido Levels and Sexual Performance Caribbean natives have been using sea moss as a natural

aphrodisiac for years now. Its high zinc content allows the body to produce more sex hormones, which play a key role in boosting libido levels. Also, the iron found in sea moss can help increase your endurance. It’ll pump your body with hemoglobin and keep the oxygen flowing throughout your bloodstream. Eases Joint Swelling The fish oils and fatty acids found in sea moss are excellent anti-inflammatory agents. They can help reduce joint swelling, improve flexibility, and promote overall mobility. Some of the people who can benefit from these include: Arthritis Patients: Try drinking sea moss shakes along with your arthritis medication. Doing so may give you more control over your joint inflammation and swelling. Athletes: Speed up joint recovery by drinking post-workout sea moss shakes. It will help with joint fluid production to keep your limbs loose and nimble. The Elderly: The body becomes more prone to inflammation as it ages. You can help suppress swelling by drinking antiinflammatory supplements such as sea moss. Supports Anemia Treatment Poor oxygen levels in your blood will negatively affect your hemoglobin and red blood cell count. To prevent the issue from worsening and turning into anemia, make sure you eat iron-rich foods such as sea moss. Iron is a very important mineral when it comes to fighting anemia. In fact, anemic patients heavily rely on iron supplements and medication for their treatment. Speeds Up Weight Loss The high iodine content of sea moss can stimulate the production of thyroid hormones, these control your appetite and metabolism. Plus, sea moss retains water making you feel full and suppressing cravings. To make the most of its weight loss benefits, try adding sea moss to your favorite diet shakes. You can even use it as a meal replacement if you really want to shed fat fast. Note: Talk to a nutritionist right away if you experience fatigue or tiredness while following a low-calorie diet. Not everyone is capable of functioning on a limited supply of calories and carbs. Soothes Skin Complications You can use the anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties of sea moss to help ease skin problems such as psoriasis, burns, dermatitis, and eczema. It has a rich, creamy, gel-like texture that’s soothing to the skin. Improves Blood Circulation Sea moss can help improve blood circulation by easing inflammation and creating a pathway for your blood to flow through. Good blood circulation can lead to better focus, spiked energy levels, and a stronger libido. There are various studies that show the number of trace minerals in the human body numbers as much as 102. However, some believe that this is actually 103. Regardless of where the number actually sits, seamoss holds a staggering 92 trace minerals that are found in the human body. Overall it promotes Health and Wellness in general so don’t be afraid to pop in a smoothie or ask for it in health food shops today.







Developing Equanimity Towards Others A simple way of describing “equanimity,” is the capacity to not be caught up with what happens to us, this doesn’t mean being detached or aloof, but rather having balanced emotion toward all living things and toward all inanimate things. With equanimity we develop the power to see things as they are without getting caught up by what we see. Through the practice of equanimity, we develop an inner calm and happiness.

Strangers can turn into either friends or enemies; remember everyone was stranger until you met them.

So when we think of living beings, our aim is to develop equal concern, equal regard, for everyone, for their well-being, whether they help or harm us, and to see that the labels that we put on others are often arbitrary, mistaken, and changeable. We need to overcome our prejudiced attitude of favouring certain people, being indifferent to some, and hostile to others. Here is a meditation to help us develop this view.

The relationship of friend, disagreeable person and stranger change constantly, one person can be all three within a short space of time: these categories are totally fluid and changeable, and there is no valid basis for our discrimination between them, wishing good things for our friend, bad things towards our enemy and being totally indifferent to the fate of the stranger.

The person we do not like may be someone else’s partner, child, or parent, and so are loved by others. Equally the person we do like, others may not like. The differences we see in people are superficial, based only on our mistaken and narrow self-centred views.

Adopt a comfortable position and spend a few moments relaxing and settling the body and mind. Concentrate on the breath for one or two minutes until your mind is calm and clear.

Conclude your meditation thinking: Your friend, enemy, and stranger are merely labels you attach to others and they all want happiness just as much as you do, in this respect, we are all equal. In fact, everyone is equal in deserving our care and compassion.

Visualise in front of you three people: a friend, someone you have difficulty with and a stranger.

Wishing you Peace and Happiness

First, focus on your friend and ask yourself “why do I feel attachment for my friend?” Then ask yourself “why do I feel aversion to the difficult person?” Finally ask yourself “why you feel so indifferent to the stranger?” In each case spend a few minutes thinking of the reasons you have come up with

Bill Seymour Buddhist Practitioner

Then think on what basis have I labelled these people as a friend, enemy or stranger? It’s likely our thoughts are based on what they do or don’t do for ME. Are they good, bad or indifferent from their own side or is it my mind which is categorising them is this way? Now focus on the friend, your experience tells you that a wrong word or act can turn them into an enemy. Remember that before you were friends your attitude towards them was the same as your attitude to the person you label as ‘stranger’. In the same way, focus on the disagreeable person and think about how a kind word a mutual interest may turn them into a friend.




AloeWithUs AloeWithUs -The highest quality aloe & bee products available globally for health & well-being, personal care, skincare to weight management for everyone (babies, toddlers, teens, adults, elderly & pets!) As an ex-health professional and a breast cancer survivor , I stumbled on this incredible find on my personal journey to a healthier lifestyle 4 years ago. Over time my family and I have gradually introduced supreme quality aloe vera products into our daily lives and experienced amazing health and skincare benefits. My mission now is simply to share our gains with those in our community. We all have a responsibility , and I hope a desire, to be the best version of ourselves especially in current times. Whether you are looking to help : • • • • • •

maintain natural energy levels support healthy digestion promote a healthy immune system assist natural beauty maintain a healthy weight or just switch to healthier and environmentally friendlier personal care or cleaning products

.....our vast range of pure inner leaf aloe vera gel-based drinking gels ,supplements or topical products are a MUST.






What most consumers are unaware of is that there are over 400 varieties of aloe vera plants on the planet but the maximum benefits are derived from the Aloe Barbadensis Miller variety and even then it is only the inner leaf gel that is beneficial. The Aloe Vera Company are the largest grower and manufacturer of aloe vera and aloe vera based products in the world owning over 80% of the world’s aloe fields and supplying products to over 160 countries for the past 42 years. Each leaf is handpicked at maturity leaving the plant intact and is washed and skilfully hand-filleted . All products carry the seal of approval for quantity and quality from the International Aloe Science Council (only approved for aloe products meeting their stringent standards) , are not tested on animals , are g-m and pesticide free and even come with a 60 day satisfaction guarantee! Please feel free to contact me . I am always happy to talk to anyone about which products may benefit them ; customers may also try before you buy and all products have a 60 day money back guarantee. Sheila Patel AloeWithUs


Care visits at home

Bluebird Care Wirral


Call us today to talk about how you can have care visits in your own home 0151 647 8676 WIRRAL WELL



The Hot Tub Place We are now situated at: have moved! 28A Tarran Way West, Moreton, Wirral, CH46 4TT

Hot tubs are very hard to get hold of as the covid-19 pandemic has put production under a lot of pressure due to the increase in popularity. Wait times are longer as a result with some deliveries delayed until early next year. The Hot Tub Place has stock in at the moment and more on the way. One of our most popular tubs is the Wellis Jupiter shown below. It boasts a host of wellbeing features: MyJet™ Massage - The special arrangement of jets provides intense neck and shoulder massages. MySeat™ Reclining Place - In designing the MySeat™ reclining place, Wellis designers eliminate the inconvenience caused by height differences. MyHip™ Jets - Professional waist and hip massage jets that help fat cells accumulated around the hip disappear.

Showroom visits strictly by appointment only - book online 14



Hot tubs are not just a way to relax, they are so much more! Did you know that there are real health benefits from using a hot tub on a regular basis? Reduces joint stiffness

Anyone with arthritis knows that applying heat to the joint will ease the pain. The Arthritis Research Campaign recommends using the hot tub as the source of that heat.


Hot tub jets provide therapeutic massage, stimulating the release of endorphins, which are the body’s natural painkiller. Why not try one of our aromatherapy oils to compliment your relaxation?

Better Sleep

Soaking in a Wellis hot tub, maybe chilling to your favourite song, will help ease your mind, relax your body and so aid restful sleep.

Can help weight loss

In clinical studies patients who used hot tubs lost an average of 3.5 pounds in weight without any new diet or physical exercise programmes. The weight loss was said to be from the hot water massage simulating the effects of exercise on the muscles.

Lower blood sugar levels

Working on the theory mentioned above were the hot tub simulates exercise, studies show that patients with type 2 diabetes who soak in a Wellis hot tub for 30 minutes a day, 6 days a week for 3 weeks, experience a reduction in blood sugar levels by an average of 13%.

Reduces blood pressure

A recent study at the Mayo Clinic recommended that relaxing in a hot tub can be beneficial for heart disease patients. It demonstrated that soaking in the hot tub for as little as 15 minutes will lower blood pressure.

Stress relief

Stress results in muscle tension, headaches, fatigue and soreness. Regular Wellis Hot Tubs use eases pressure in joints and muscles, while the heat increases blood flow to muscles and accelerates healing.

Next time you relax in your Wellis hot tub from The Hot Tub Place, just think about the wonderful health benefits you are treating yourself to! The Hot Tub Place has earned a reputation for delivering quality hot tubs and accessories at a great price. All sales are overseen by owner Al Cantrell to allow the very best customer service.


CALL: 0151 345 3670

www.thehottubplace.co.uk WIRRAL WELL






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Prices start at ÂŁ29.95 which includes the consultation, piercing, selected studs, aftercare solution and a six week check up.

Hallmark have an excellent reputation for earpiercing with over 40 years experience. We have two excellent ear piercers in Viccy and Lesley, both are fully qualified and insured. How it works

To begin, we have a consultation with the client when the piercer will check the earlobes to establish what earrings would be suitable, including long posts if required. Care and attention is given to mark the ears before we pierce to ensure an even result. We use the studex cartridge ear piercing system and have a wide range of earpiercing studs including hypoallergenic, gold and titanium studs. After the ears are pierced we use the cleansing solution to cool the ears. Our customers are delighted with our sterile conditions and the professional care and attention shown to them by our two excellent members of staff and as a result we get many recommendations. Ear piercing is to be booked in advance to ensure an earpiercer is available and we will, at that point, answer any questions you may have.

Hallmark Jewellers 10-12 Pensby Road, Heswall, CH60 7RE T: 0151 342 7721 | E: hallmark@hallmarkjewellers.co.uk | W: www.hallmarkjewellers.co.uk




Exceptional standards of care Situated in the heart of puddington, Cheshire, with views across to the Welsh hills, the Chapel house offers the highest levels of care and comfort in a safe, secure and friendly environment. We pride ourselves on our specialist dementia care and the needs and aspirations of those living with dementia symptoms. Our hand-picked team is highly experienced and able to provide a personalised service to every resident.

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● Countryside setting and attractive enclosed gardens For more information contact our registered manager Jackie Jones on 0151 336 2323 or email manager@chapelhouse.care




HESWALL LASER CLINIC Enhancing Your Natural Beauty As you already know here at Heswall Laser Clinic if something new and exciting is happening in the beauty/aesthetic industry we know about it! We are excited to be able to offer you this exclusive product! Set to become 2020’s most innovative product. We are one of the first exclusive stockists of the clinically proven fat reduction, made by a biochemical engineer and a lovely local lady!

By drinking water during and after the application, the gel and liquid fat solution leaves the body naturally. Over a 5 day period, 10 to 15 inches of fat can be lost. It had a 3 year clinical trial prior and 99.95% lost fat from the skin matrix, we have exclusivity of the product here in Heswall.

I can personally say I am in awe of this lady, her scientific knowledge and understanding of products and the skin is unreal! It’s been three years in development and statistics show, via the placebo, it is a fat remover not a dehydrate. Liquid Lipo in a bottle? I know it sounds too good to be true.

But How? Could this really work I thought?

After scanning and examining the years of research and results, I was surprised at the facts, research and evidence and even more impressed to view the THOUSANDS of results.

What is Liquid Lipo?

It’s a clinically proven gel that goes into the pores of the skin. Often through the skin layers and into the subcutaneous tissue, there are blockages or dead fat cells. These cells are only able to absorb more fat, they cannot be broken down or metabolised. Once the gel reaches beneath the surface under the dermis, it begins to open, breakdown or liquify the fat cells.


RRP - £250



Over the 2 hour period, the gel will aim to get through 1 to 2 inches of the aforementioned fat allowing it to merge with the gel.

Now located at: The First Shop, Milner Road, Heswall, CH60 5RZ Tel: 0151 342 8652 | www.heswalllaserclinic.com WIRRAL WELL



Food available to on our Facebook a Gluten free, veget Are you worried that to eat healthily, you have to scrap delicious foods? Not to worry, FitGrill’s expert-designed menu gives you the quality food you love, without the stress and guilt. Our meals are designed to be low-calorie, healthy and above all, delicious. Every meal purchased at FitGrill Wirral is not only customisable for your needs (such as allergies or food weight/calorie counting as well as basic requests), but our menu tells you exactly how many calories, carbohydrate, protein and fats you are consuming in said meal. This service is standard whether you eat in at one of our booths or tables, have your order delivered, or have your meals prepped by us fresh daily by our award winning chefs.




We are also hoping to have our website fully functional for a Wirral Delivery service soon. There is a set, all day menu (breakfast until 12:30pm) consisting of a wide variety of cuisines from as basic as plain chicken and wholegrain rice to low fat burgers with skinny sweet potato fries. For those who maybe want to eat healthier but don’t want to go to the extremes of “prep-life” or say the family of four who are a mixture of both scenarios - we can accommodate your needs. To complete your experience we have a children’s menu and also stock a selection of non alcoholic drinks, lower calorie beers & wines and low carb wine.

o order - details and menu can be found and Instagram accounts. tarians and vegans catered for.

FitGrill is open Monday through Saturday 9am - 10pm and Sunday 10am - 4pm There is free, high speed 500MB wifi on site for all customers and both wireless and wired phone charges on each booth. We extend the warmest welcome, even if you just pop in with a friend during the day for a coffee. 1a Village Road, Oxton, CH43 5SR 0151 200 0261 www.fitgrill.co.uk




Available for Weddings and Events. Prints available on request. Follow me on Instagram @MikesCaptures




Did you know that our service extends beyond care? With over 30 years’ experience provding high quality home support, we understand that care is more than just assisting with your dayto-day routines. It’s about giving you the additional help you need to live a safe, happy and comfortable life at home; whether that’s folding the laundry,

cooking nutritious meals or helping to look after your beloved pets. Our bespoke service extends to more than just care; it is a friendly face to bring you comfort; a helping hand around the house; and arm to lean on whilst you are out and about; and peace of mind that you have everything you need to feel safe and independent at home.

Care that supports every element of life In addition to assisting with personal care, medication administration and mobility support, our carers can also help you with:




Pet Care

Light Gardening


Your local branch would be happy to arrange additional support for you. For more information please contact your local care manager, Wirral on: 0151 318 9938 helpinghands.co.uk © Helping Hands Home Care, a division of Midshires Care Limited 2005 to 2020. All rights reserved. Registered office: Head Office 10 Tything Road West Alcester Warwickshire B49 6EP. Registered in England and Wales no. 3959933. Helping Hands Home Care is registered and therefore licensed to provide services by the Care Quality Commission (ID: 1-101671690) and the Care Inspectorate Wales (certificate number: W15/00000831/O001/0001).





An unwelcome guest Quinns Funeral Directors are located in Greasby, Hoylake and West Kirby on the Wirral and have been helping and serving local families since 1972. Our Simple Funeral £1950 A Dignified, Simple Attended Service A simple attended funeral will include, our professional service fees, bringing your loved one into our care, the ceremonial vehicle and team for the day and coffin. The other elements and costs of a funeral are the disbursements which are payments made to third parties on your behalf. These may include, for example, crematorium or cemetery fees, minister or celebrant fees, doctors’ fees for cremation and any other additional expenses or services. We will detail these costs on our estimate. We also offer prepaid funeral plans to give you peace of mind and save your loved ones unnecessary worry at an already difficult time. As long established funeral directors in Greasby, Hoylake and West Kirby, we support local charities, details of which are always displayed in our branch windows in an attempt to encourage people to call in and also lend their support. We also offer our premises, free of charge, for local people to meet and support each other whatever the cause or need. Please contact us by telephone 24 hours a day, or visit us, to find out more about how we are making a difference in your area, or how we can help support you. 217 Greasby Road, Greasby Tel:0151 677 2299 (24 Hours) www.quinnsfuneraldirectors.co.uk

Grief is our natural response to loss. It’s the emotional suffering you feel when something or someone you love is taken away. Despite us all experiencing grief at one time or another we are all different in how we process our emotions. Often, the pain of loss can feel overwhelming, leaving you to feel that you will never be the same again. You may experience all kinds of difficult and unexpected emotions, from shock or anger to disbelief, guilt, fear and of course a profound sadness. The pain of grief can also affect your physical health, making it difficult to sleep, eat, and causing panic attacks and anxiety. Often leaving you thinking there is no way to carry on. These are normal reactions to loss-and the more significant the loss, the more intense your grief will be. There is no set time that grief is with us, the grief you experience is as individual as you are. Coping with the loss of someone you love is one of the most difficult stages of life. We are Jamie & Sarah, As Independent Funeral Celebrants we offer an alternative approach to the traditional funeral service, allowing the loved ones to express their love in a personal way, respecting their beliefs in a place of their choosing. We believe that being able to have a personalised service is the first step towards the healing process, which is why we find it’s so important that the choice of the service of your loved one is Your choice. Edwards Funeral Celebrants Jamie Edwards & Sarah Townsend 07702813605 www.facebook.com/Edwardsfuneralcelebrant www.edwardsfuneralcelebrant.com




Phone: 0151 652 9944 Email: westwirral@apollocare.co.uk Website: www.apollocare.co.uk There is no place like home... Apollo Care enables people to remain living in their own homes for as long as possible by providing an individual holistic care package to suit the needs of the service user. Our care team are dedicated to providing excellent and professional standards of care to all of our service users. Choosing a care agency is often done during very difficult and stressful circumstances and we hope to provide peace of mind and reassurance to both our service users and their families.

Apollo Care we understand how much a trusted, friendly companion can mean.

Domiciliary Care Services Domiciliary care is a service we offer customers in the comfort of their own home. We provide domiciliary care services to children, adults and the elderly. We are regulated by Care Quality Commission and currently rated Good.

Dementia and Alzheimer’s Care From dealing with the day-to-day needs of your loved one to coping with the emotional vulnerabilities they experience; Apollo Care are here to help you deal with it every step of the way. We have experienced, specialist trained staff on hand throughout Merseyside, including; Wirral, South Wirral and West Wirral. “As a family we just wanted to say thank you to everyone involved in looking after Dad…the difference made not only to his life but to ours has been overwhelming, and your love and support has been second to none” John’s Family

Companionship Services For many of our service users we have found they don’t necessarily need home care, just would sometimes like a companion, someone to have a cup of tea and a chat with or to support them during various activities. At

Home Help Services Our home care attendants allow service users to remain in the comfort of their own home; much of our work involves providing extra care and assistance. Primarily our services involve the day-to-day care of the elderly; however we also provide a range of services which include Alzheimer’s and dementia care.




The Science of It would appear that although there has been an evolution of psychology over the past two decades with the emergence of positive psychology (the science of happiness), there has not been the reduction of mental health issues in society that you would expect with such concepts being developed, communicated to the world, and more readily available than ever before. In fact, statistics suggest quite the opposite with the percentage of the British population (children, young people and adults) with Mental Health issues continuously rising. The reasons for this rise are multiple, and on another day could be discussed, individually, at length, however, I do believe an element of responsibility lies with the lack of education in emotional intelligence for children and families. When I say emotional intelligence I am referring to the understanding and awareness of ones own emotions and the development of strategies in dealing with these emotions as and when they rear their heads.

The education system has been so preoccupied with ensuring the next generation produce optimal academic results each year that unfortunately the concepts of understanding the importance of ones own well-being has plummeted to the bottom of the priority list which, apparently, does not bode well for the future. The pressures of the modern world we now find ourselves in would suggest that the development of understanding yourself, and how to maintain positive mental health and well-being, is as crucial now as it has ever been; if not even more so. However, it would seem that the focus pendulum of the education system is now beginning to swing in the direction of building character, resilience, positivity and emotional intelligence in children and young people.


When the Katy Bird was appointed as Headteacher of Leasowe Primary School in 2016 she had a vision of creating the most inclusive mainstream school in Britain with a primary focus on teaching and developing emotional intelligence, positivity, resilience and mental strength whilst still delivering a quality academic education. It very quickly became clear that strategic moves needed to be made to support the positive mental health and well-being of not just it the pupils and staff, but also the families and community. This became the key priority that everything else hinged upon. Part of many strategic moves from the headteacher was to develop my role as the Pastoral Care / Mental Health & Wellbeing Manager and task me to lead a development of whole school and individual approaches to support the mental health and well-being of ALL stakeholders involved not only in the school, but throughout the local community. WIRRAL WELL


Happiness! Three years later in October 2019 Leasowe Primary were one of the first schools to be inspected under the new OFSTED framework and were rated as ‘Outstanding in Personal Development’; a huge achievement and step towards the headteachers ambitions. This inspection proved that, although there has been little change in regards to the massively high expectations for academic achievement through ‘one size fits all’ testing, there is now a massive emphasis on developing character, personality, resilience and strength of mind. This specific criteria of the inspection is measured by how well they deem the school to be supporting children in developing their character by way of; self reflection, understanding how to, and the link between, keeping physically and mentally healthy and essentially if schools are equipping children to become positive, contributing, respectful members of society.

However, the issue that appears to be immediately presented is this: how do schools do this? What systems and strategies do they put in place and how do they do this on a whole school basis? It would seem that schools are now being given the destination they need to arrive at, but with no compass; being left to their own devices to conjure up the systems, structures and strategies that they believe are appropriate and effective. This is a difficult task given that schools have for so long been given the prime, number one objective to achieve the highest possible grades through testing at the end of key stages; now they have to think outside the box to ensure that emotional intelligence, resilience and mental strength is being taught too. Although this is a great leap in the right direction, more solid direction and support is needed to create a feel of consistency and togetherness. At Leasowe Primary we found solutions before we were advised to because of the ethos presented by the headteacher; we were already focusing on what we believed children and young people need to succeed in life. We developed a Mental Health & Well-being Register that is informed by an in-house referral system, introduced specific, specialised staff coaching to support staff well-being and maintain inclusive practice, created an inclusive ethos throughout the school through wholesale changes, specific approaches and staff training, introduced weekly whole class emotional intelligence sessions through H;APT - a company who teach self management and well-being strategies to children and young people and we also developed a Family Liason Officer role which has now become an absolute necessity for family well-being support. Although we knew what we were doing was good, we wanted to make it better, pull it together into the complete whole school approach to personal development and positive mental health and wellbeing for all stakeholders. We then introduced The Rest Easy Method. This method and approach gave us a way to umbrella our structures and strategies and embed the teachings and practice of emotional intelligence into our curriculum and community on a daily basis to create positive habits for all; a positive way of talking, thinking and behaving for children, families and staff that we all use as part of a lifestyle.

The structures and systems we have developed, discovered and implemented are now flagship for the future of teaching and developing emotional intelligence in children and young people. Pupils and families who were not engaged, happy or achieving are now actively engaged with school, have gained momentum in finding their happiness and are supportive of each other within the community using the positive structures developed with school. Children who were previously trapped in a cycle of negative and challenging behaviours are now displaying respectful, happy demeanours with a desire to learn and support others. Understanding and regulating emotions is so embedded within the curriculum at Leasowe Primary that all pupils, staff and families are using the same language, techniques and strategies on a day to day basis; everybody is singing from the same hymn sheet and an increase in positive well-being in the school and community is evident for all to see. Moving forward, through a solid passion and belief in what we do at Leasowe, and a need to share our practice and methods to benefit others, paired with a strategic action plan of implementation, we have developed an outreach department to consult with other schools across Wirral. Additionally, we have developed a partnership and focus group with the therapeutic team from a local outstanding SEN residential school with a plan to distribute outstanding methods, structures, strategies and practice to all schools who engage. This is with a vision to create consistent approaches throughout the borough and beyond that will become embedded in the ethos and curriculum to promote positive mental health and well-being for all stakeholders. Our belief at Leasowe Primary is that sharing practice and developing a solid structure nationally to embed the teaching of emotional intelligence, character, resilience and mental strength is the way forward for the education system; the next step. Methods that work, created by experts and delivered by the experts on the front line. Proven ways to embed the education of emotional intelligence into the curriculum at no cost to any academic learning should be used to support the next generation of the nation to become the happiest, most resilient version of themselves as they venture into the world. If you would like any more information, advice or guidance regarding the implementation of whole school and individual strategies please feel free to contact Jimmy Cross on the following email address: crossj@leasowe.wirral.sch.uk If you would like to discuss tailored Mental health and wellbeing approaches and strategies for schools and families please visit www.jcwellbeingsupport.co.uk or email direct on jimmycrosswellbeing@gmail.com. Additionally, you can join my Facebook group ‘LPS Well-being Advice & Support’ and find me on Instagram at ‘jc_wellbeing_ support’ for daily support WIRRAL WELL



Brow Bar

Announces Support For Our NHS Heroes

Brow Bar has been providing eyebrow, eyelash and nail treatments for over 8 years.The salon in Acacia Grove was established 2 years ago. Jessica and her team of 5 staff look after over 60 people per week. Brow Bar, the established beauty salon in West Kirby, is looking forward to recognising our NHS heroes by pampering them with free, eyebrow, eye lashes, facials and nail treatments available once the salon reopens its doors for business. Jessica Peirce, founder of Brow Bar, said “We have been thinking about how we can support the amazing work that our NHS heroes are doing to keep us safe and fight this awful pandemic. Its hard when we are closed but the whole team at Brow Bar have decided to donate their time once we get to reopen to provide NHS staff with a treatment of their choosing for free. It’s our chance to let them relax and be taken care of for a change. We hope the prospect of a little pampering at the end of this difficult time for those who are giving up so much right now will give them something to look forward to. It’s simply our way to say thank you. More details will be published on our Instagram and Facebook pages when it looks likely that we’ll be opening again.” For further media information please call myself, Jessica Peirce: 07702 560747 or email: peircejessica@yahoo.co.uk

Contact Sharon: 07826547405 Sharon645@hotmail.co.uk

Herbalife Nutrition is a global nutrition company whose purpose is to make the world healthier and happier. We are on a mission for nutrition changing people’s lives with great nutrition products and programs - since 1980. As we get older and life gets in the way our energy can feel depleated and this affects are mental wellbeing.... we have programmes that can change this giving you back your energy, giving you back hours in your day... We have personalised programmes just for you. We are not all about weight loss we are about ensuring you fuel your body with the right nutrition. It all starts with a conversation so lets talk!




Heswall Building Services was established in 2001, with a philosophy of providing all of your building needs and never compromising on quality. We wanted to create a service that focused on excellence, speed and convenience. We are fully insured so you can be assured that all of our work is carried out safely, whilst respecting your property. We pride ourselves on customer satisfaction and continue to earn repeat business from our clients, many of whom have been coming back to us many years. At Heswall Building Services, we can carry out any building task no matter how big or small. Our experienced builders and tradesmen will carry out the work you require to a high standard and in an efficient manner. We are registered contractors with The Guilds of Master Craftsmen, so that you can rest safe in the knowledge that our work is of the highest standard. The Guild of Master Craftsmen assesses, promotes and supports excellence in workmanship - bringing you tradesmen you can trust. We are fully insured to give you peace of mind and we will tidy up after ourselves to cause you the minimum amount of disruption.

We provide a wide variety of services to match all of your builing needs, including:









Kitchens and more...

0151 342 9010 or 07954 590 908 info@heswallbuilding.co.uk WIRRAL WELL



Do you have or need dentures? We are here to help in any way we can. Patient well-being and dignity is absolutely paramount here at Bay One and something the whole team feel passionately about. We provide a personal and bespoke service and our clinical dental technicians will make your dentures in-house. So if you have any problems or need any advice concerning your dentures, please call us.

0151 933 1888


Bay One Denture Clinic

120 Knowsley Rd, Bootle, L20 4NR | T: 0151 933 1888 E: contact@bayonedentureclinic.co.uk www.bayonedentureclinic.co.uk WIRRAL WELL






Adult Mental Health First Aid Two Day (MHFA) This course teaches people how to spot the signs and symptoms of mental ill health and provide help on a first aid basis. MHFA won’t teach you to be a therapist, but just like physical first aid, it will teach you to listen, reassure and respond, even in a crisis.

Content covered •

What is mental health?

Stigma and discrimination


First aid for suicidal crisis

Alcohol, drugs and mental health


Personality disorders

Crisis first aid for acute psychosis

Eating disorders




Self care

Participants will leave with: − A deeper understanding of mental health and the factors that can affect people’s wellbeing − Practical skills to spot the triggers and signs of mental health issues − Confidence to step in, reassure and support a person in distress − Enhanced interpersonal skills such as non-judgemental listening − Knowledge to help someone recover by guiding them to appropriate support Be Well are based in the Bloom Building, Birkenhead. This creative space also houses The Open Door Centre, Convenience Gallery and The Community Autism Hub.

We also deliver half and one day MHFA England training alongside many different bespoke training options. To find out about MHFA or any other courses visit:: www.bewelllearning.com Email: support@bewelllearning.com or Call: 07738 731 953 / 07538 511 809 Follow us on social media @bewelllearning 32




Mens Mental & Physical Fitness Platform

Military Veteran owned business (Wirral) North West. Kaizen - The Philosophy and meaning of Kaizen is all about continuous improvements, from small ongoing positive changes,to bring about major all round mental and physical fitness. It is YOUR commitment to YOURSELF and YOUR family that will bring about positive change. Kaizen Mindset UK is a Men’s Lifestyle Transition Platform using the physical body, emotional heart, psychological mind and spiritual soul training & healing. The methods are, physical fitness based circuit training, and a 121 personal training environment, where everybody works at their own pace with ongoing encouragement from your fellow Kaizen Mindset Platform members. Foundations of Kaizen - Culture and that culture is based on teamwork - personal discipline - improved moral - environment and the people in it and suggestions & strategy for continuous personal improvement . As a Kaizen Mindset 121 Personal Training member you will receive confidential feed back and support on a daily & weekly basis to assist you with good coping strategies towards whatever (stressors) are bringing you discomfort. We are NOT qualified councillors, and we are NOT available too you outside of conventional and sociable hours ! We will discuss issues and offer advice from personal experience and countless years of research into Wellness where possible ... HOWEVER WE ARE Qualified Mental Health First Aiders and Certified Trauma Medics, Advanced Personal Trainers - Strength & Conditioning Coaches - Aiba Boxing England Coach & Black Belt Martial Arts instructors. And we do have a network of Councillors & other professionals working with us on the Wellness committee that are and we can help to sign post you and put you in touch. Every member of the Kaizen Mindset Platform are here for their own reasons, and have successfully adopted the aspects of physical fitness for both physical reasons and psychological improvement. The NHS at last has acknowledged Exercise for Mental Health Kaizen Men are men who are not afraid or ashamed to admit they require some level of support either, as well as medically advised or before seeking medical advice ! Just because you don’t feel your normal courageous, extroverted self doesn’t mean you are actually unwell, or you have what society may deem a stigmatised mental health issue. What is mental health definition - a person with whom regards to their psychological and emotional well being is under pressure!! (Stress) What is mental ill health disorders that effect your mood thinking & behaviour. (Stress) Doesn’t everyone have their bad days - weeks - months️ If you receive a physical injury you deal with it as fast as you can, if it’s a break it gets put in plaster to minimise movement

and protect from further damage ! WHY would you not treat a mental health related injury the same . What do we do when our PHYSICAL ILL HEALTH isn’t what it should be. We exercise more to increase our physical health, we run or we cycle or swim further, we lift weights. We join clubs that will assist in us getting physically fitter and stronger that improves our physical health AND we also feel some clarity from the brain fog of our current mental state due to endorphins released during exercise. So why when we are told we have MENTAL ILL HEALTH that needs attention due to prescribed conditions such as STRESS > PTSD > ANXIETY > DEPRESSION > ADD > ADDICTIONS > CPTSD > BDD > GREIF, and a whole raft of other conditions causing you sadness, Weight loss requirement, Auto immune issues, Confidence building etc etc ... Stress & vulnerability are the two biggest contributors to what is termed mental ill health. The external or internal stressors combine with our personal vulnerability to create the monster mental iIllness. We then reach for hard wired poor coping strategies such as drink drugs - sex - violence OR is there a better way. What can we do daily to relieve our over flowing Stressors PLEASE READ ON. Utilise the 5 routes to Wellness > Connect with people - it’s good to talk ! > Get active - Exercise the body & the mind by any form of exercise that works for you ! > Keep learning - Reading - Courses - On line learning platforms ! > Give back to others - Help and advise where you can from Empathy or qualification ! > Practise Mindfulness - Be in your moments - Meditate - Self awareness - Breathwork- Sound baths - Be kind ! Assess the 8 Dimensions of Wellness Intellectual > Physical > Social > Spiritual > Environmental > Financial > Occupational > Psychological Kaizen Mindset is based around the principles of Teamwork > Trust > Cooperation > Personal Discipline > Commitment > improved moral > Quality circles of people > We also incorporate the Virtues of Bushido ( A code of honour ) Integrity > Justice > Courage > Mercy > Politeness > Sincerity > Honesty > Loyalty > Self control > Kai = Change and Zen = Good or translated (Change for Good) FIT in body, FIT in Mindset We Grow Through What We Go Through!

Find us on Facebook @ Kaizen Mindset UK or Contact Darren on Mobile 07803592376




Anne Roberts, as the name would suggest, is the owner of Anne Roberts Hair and Beauty in Oxton, Wirral. Since 1989, her salon has been at the forefront of Wirral beauty and her industry knowledge is well respected. Here are some of Anne’s favourite products.

Clarins Hydra-Essentiel Bi-phase Serum - Normal to Dry Skin £45

Available from Anne Roberts Hair & Beauty, 80 Birch Road, Prenton, Oxton, Wirral, CH43 5UE If you have dry or dehydrated skin this gorgeous product is well worth having on your dressing table. A hydrating serum for parched skin with powerful natural hydration activator that boosts the skin’s hyaluronic acid production. I admit to using on my hands at times to give them maximum moisture. As light as it is comfortable, this intense hydrating bi-phase serum quenches irritated, dull, and uneven skin.

Espa Skin Stimulating Body Brush £20 www.espaskincare.com I try my best to use this Espa Body Brush as a gentle and therapeutic way to start my day before I shower. It’s quick and easy to do and has countless health benefits ~ dry body brushing is a fast and effective way to exfoliate, helping your skin absorb product faster, increase circulation, improve the appearance of cellulite, assist lymphatic drainage, improve muscle tone and stimulate the nervous system. It keeps my skin looking smooth and more radiant.

Do you have a beauty product to recommend? Maybe you have a skincare regime that you would like to share? We would love to hear from you. Feel free to drop me an email: anne@annerobertsoxton.com




Skinful Pure Marine Collagen Powder £35.00 www.barebiology.com

Whilst I’m mad about skincare, I know the importance of maintaining a clean and balanced diet for good health and good skin, but by adding a spoonful of Skinful into my daily diet I certainly notice a difference. I have been using the product for over 6 months and my skin feels clearer and my complexion much more even. Skinful is tasteless and mixes easily into your favourite drink or smoothie.

Care home thanks Heswall businesses have donated food and items to us. We have been A Heswall care home has thanked businesses in Heswall for their generosity over the past few weeks totally overwhelmed by their generosity. whilst in lockdown due to the coronavirus outbreak. “We really appreciated it when all the pizzas arrived from Domino’s. It was just what the staff needed! Also, the hand gel and face visors were well The Hazelwell provides residential, residential received and have helped contribute to our stock dementia, nursing, palliative and respite care levels of PPE. in Oldfield Road and staff have been ‘totally overwhelmed’ by donations from companies in the “We are keeping things as normal as possible for town. our residents during this time and the staff have been absolutely amazing. The Wirral was gifted Staff received pizzas from Domino’s Pizza in with some beautiful weather again this week so Heswall, hand gel from JPL Flavour Technology residents were able to sit outside and enjoy a in Neston, and face visors from Calday Grange refreshing drink on our fabulous terrace which was Grammar School , The Liverpool International lovely. Coaching Academy and Costa Coffee . The Hazelwell closed its doors in mid-March to non-essential visitors before the lockdown was announced but are accepting new admissions for residential, dementia residential and nursing care. The home, which opened in 2016, is set to open a brand-new dementia friendly floor which has been specially designed to help cater for those living with the condition soon.

“They are missing having visitors but we are setting up video calls and doing all we can so they get to see and speak to their loved ones as much as possible, and that’s making a real difference to their overall wellbeing. The Hazelwell is currently Covid-free and we are accepting new admissions so anyone interested can contact us via telephone or email to find out more.”

For more information call The Hazelwell on 0151 342 9654, email: info@thehazelwell.com The Hazelwell care home manager Sue Alexander said: “We would like to thank all the businesses who or visit www.thehazelwell.com

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