Wirral Well-Being Magazine

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Ear Piercing at Jewellers & Diamond Merchants of Heswall

Prices start at ÂŁ29.95 which includes the consultation, piercing, selected studs, aftercare solution and a six week check up.

Hallmark have an excellent reputation for earpiercing with over 40 years experience. We have two excellent ear piercers in Viccy and Lesley, both are fully qualified and insured. How it works

To begin, we have a consultation with the client when the piercer will check the earlobes to establish what earrings would be suitable, including long posts if required. Care and attention is given to mark the ears before we pierce to ensure an even result. We use the studex cartridge ear piercing system and have a wide range of earpiercing studs including hypoallergenic, gold and titanium studs. After the ears are pierced we use the cleansing solution to cool the ears. Our customers are delighted with our sterile conditions and the professional care and attention shown to them by our two excellent members of staff and as a result we get many recommendations. Ear piercing is to be booked in advance to ensure an earpiercer is available and we will, at that point, answer any questions you may have.

Hallmark Jewellers 10-12 Pensby Road, Heswall, CH60 7RE T: 0151 342 7721 | E: hallmark@hallmarkjewellers.co.uk | W: www.hallmarkjewellers.co.uk

Welcome to the Spring edition of Wirral Well-Being magazine Excited to bring you our Spring edition of the Wirral Well-Being magazine. A positive publication packed full of health, fitness and wellness. We cover various health issues, how to get help locally, recovery stories, care in the community and general feel good advice. I want to thank Mike Stephenson (instagram: @MikeCaptures) for his amazing photography once again picked for our front cover competition after an increased number of entries for this edition. Well done capturing West Kirby’s Marine Lake in this way - breathtaking! You really have an amazing talent. I am delighted to be working with Mouse Media who are the new design and digital team for the magazine taking us to the next level. Diane Tremarco is not only a creative genius, but an old friend and colleague and it’s wonderful to be working along side her once again. Laura Seymour Editor/creator

Hope you enjoy x

For all enquires advertising and editorial - Tel: 07505 145614 | Email: wirralwellbeingmagazine@gmail.com

Digital version - www.wirralwell-being.co.uk

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Introducing ICare Meals on Wheels Hot meal lunchtime deliveries OR Frozen meal weekly deliveries ICare are looking to contact people within the Community that may require our services.

Also if required we are also able to provide an ICare Premium Service which includes a 15 minute stay with the customer where we can encourHealthy eating is essential for everyone. We can age them to eat, a well-being check and we can provide a nutritious, satisfying meal and sweet to do small household chores. be had at home. We also offer meals for special diet, cultural or religious requirements. We also provide a Home Shopping service, and sandwich pack delivered with hot meal ready for We can provide an introductory complimentary tea time. meal and sweet, to either an individual or group of people, to sample our service. Our Community Assistants are helpful, polite and punctual and undergo a rigorous selection process, where by they are trained and assessed Care are able to offer a delivery service of lunch in adult care awareness, police checked and DBS time Hot Meals or a weekly delivery of Frozen Meals over 365 days a year to suit the customers cleared. individual requirements.

If you would like to find out more please contact /Care on 0845 6041125 or email cuisine@icarecuisine.co.uk







What is this new craze sweeping the nation some of you may ask? Myself included and everyone I speak to lately are turning vegan! After watching ‘The Game Changers’ and then “What the Health’ its hardly surprising why. I have to tell you that this plant based diet has completely captured my attention and food creativity. So why go vegan? To stop harming animals? Yes this is a key fact for me, its been on my mind for years. I love animals, especially my dogs and when I think of the bond we share, knowing that dog in on the menu in some counties, it literally stops my heart. So this began the train of thought. We stay at a cottage in Wales many times a year and seeing the lambs bleating away in the fields makes me question their coming fate. So naturally becoming vegan demonstrates my compassion for animal. I heard a saying recently “If it has a face we don’t eat it” So this, for me, just rang true. But you just can not ignore the health benefits. Research shows that the vegan diet lowers blood pressure, cholesterol, reduces rates of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, some cancers, improves kidney functions, reduces pain from arthritis and the list goes on. Many athletes are turning to the diet, as compared to meat eaters, plant based diets contain more antioxidants which help with performance and improves recovery. It also increases oxygen flow leading to better endurance.

Plus its a great way to learn more about cooking well and nutrients. It helps us look at healthier plant based options from grains, fruit, nuts, vegetables, fibre and vitamins and to be more mindful what we eat. Its also true that I never realised how much of an impact the meat and dairy industry has on our carbon footprint and what a heavy burden it impacts the environment; From the crops, grain and water required alone needed to feed these animals; transport and different processes from farm to folk; habitat loss, extinction. The world is struggling to cope with increasing numbers of humans and farmed animals. It staggering to realise the effect its having globally. In Brazil alone over 5 million acres of land is being used to grow soya beans for animals in Europe. This land contributes to developing world malnutrition by driving impoverished populations to grow cash crops for animals rather than food for themselves. If your feeling inspired or this is something you are thinking of trying. Give it a go, don’t be scared, there is lots of help, advice and recipes out there. Many supermarkets and restaurants have more plant based products on offer. Go online do your research, take baby steps, don;t worry if you have the odd slip, its easier than you think and the benefits are amazing. Go on to the vegan society website for some more pointers and information. Be bold, after all were all just trying to be better versions of ourselves.






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AloeWithUs My name is Sheila Patel and I am an ex-health professional, a breast cancer survivor, and I am looking to help keep our community healthy. I started my own health and well-being business (AloeWithUs) after my recovery, to empower people with the knowledge that I have gained on my own journey. The company I work alongside is the largest grower and producer of aloe vera-based products in the world, (The Aloe Vera Company, Forever). As they own the land, plants, manufacturing facilities and distribution of all their products, each can be traced back to its source and so quality and purity can be ensured. All our products are safe, natural and GM free. They are of the highest quality as certified by the *IASC and can be used on new-borns right through to the elderly and even on animals. (None are tested on animals; in-fact they are tested on humans, the company directors, for use in animals!) I am passionate about the positive effect these natural products can have on your general well-being; looking after your body from the inside out and taking little steps to incorporate into your daily routine is key to performing to your optimum level in all areas of life! Aloe vera has been used for thousands of years for its natural soothing, cooling and moisturising properties on skin but it also has amazing benefits to support your health from the inside too. What most consumers do not know is that the maximum benefit of aloe vera comes from the inner-leaf gel, the extraction of which is time consuming and costly so many companies do not bother. The inner-leaf gel is rich in nutrients and over 75 have been identified scientifically as being beneficial, which is why I only use products from The Aloe Vera Company. My products range from personal care to skincare, nutrition to weight management, household to veterinary care and there is always something for EVERYONE! The Forever Aloe Vera Drinking Gels (and Infinite Skincare System) are my personal favourite products and have helped bring myself, my family and many friends to a level of health we never imagined. And that is why I share my story.



Please feel free to contact me . I am always happy to talk to anyone about which products may benefit them ; customers may also try before you buy and all products have a 60 day money back guarantee. Sheila Patel AloeWithUs





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Greatest Hits Radio Breakfast Show host Rossie backs new charity appeal, “Give Time Change Lives” tackling social isolation across the Wirral The Wirral charity Helplink, that provides practical help and friendship to older people in our community, has launched a new appeal to recruit volunteers; “Give Time Change Lives”. They currently have 64 people on their waiting list in desperate need of their support, but without new volunteers they simply can’t help them. The Greatest Hits Radio Breakfast Show host Rossie is supporting the new campaign and urges people to help if they can “I was introduced to Helplink last year, and they do an incredible job supporting older people across the Wirral. Life is so frantic and busy, but I would urge anyone with a couple of hours a week to spare to call Helplink to find out more.” Helplink volunteers spend some time each week supporting older people with shopping, lifts to medical appointments or social engagements, and call in to those who are housebound for a friendly chat. For many Helplink is a lifeline; they have no friends of family close by to help them. One volunteer Julie has been with Helplink for 3 years, and says it is the most rewarding thing she has ever done “I find the work incredibly rewarding and interesting. My regular clients have become friends and like to share the details of their week. They appreciate a supportive ear if they have had a difficult time, but more often than not we have a real giggle. Volunteering has given me as much joy as it has to the clients. It gives me a huge sense of satisfaction, I always feel that I am making a real difference to their lives”. In the past year Helplink’s volunteers have given 37,500 hours of support to over 850 older clients, but there are so many more vulnerable people on the Wirral who desperately need our help. Volunteers come to cherish their time with Helplink, it quickly becomes the highlight of their week. They meet some incredible people with inspiring stories and have a lot of fun along the way. Whatever time you can give you will make a huge difference. So why not give it a go and call today on 0151 648 3322 or email helplink@btconnect.com. 8 WIRRAL WELL BEING


community support

GIVE TIME, CHANGE LIVES We are helping to tackle social isolation amongst older people across the Wirral. Via our team of volunteers we offer transport, shopping and befriending. But we need more volunteers. Can you help? Volunteering for Helplink will change your life as well as theirs.

Please call 0151 648 3322 or visit www.helplink.org.uk Charity Number 1141281

Remembering the Kindness of Others Kindness is defined as the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate. We take for granted that throughout our lives we have been the recipient of immeasurable kindness from others. When we truly recognize this fact, then the wish to repay the kindness of others arises. To help us develop this sense of awareness of being the recipient of so much kindness we can meditate as follows: Adopt a comfortable position and spend a few moments relaxing and settling the body and mind. Concentrate on the breath for one or two minutes until your mind is calm and clear. Firstly, think of the help that we have received from our friends, the times they supported us both emotionally and practically. Don’t get caught up the idea that it is because they are friends, but just look at their help as simple acts of human kindness and generate gratitude for this help.

arise for the care, kindness and love that others have shown you and generate the wish to be kind to them in return. Allow your mind rest in these feelings If we consider something that we take for granted, such as making a cup of tea. Someone has grown and harvested the leaves, they have been processed, packed and shipped across continents to the store. How did the water get to our tap, the electricity to boil the water, the cup, spoon, milk, sugar - there is no end to the beings involved in providing us with that drink? We are only able to enjoy our tea due entirely to the kindness of others If we change our mindset, we change our world, if we change our world, we become much happier. Wishing You Peace and Happiness Bill Seymour - Buddhist Practioner.

Then think about the benefits we have received from those who have guided us through life, our parents, teachers, people at work who helped develop our skills. Think about being a child, as an infant we were totally helpless, without a mother’s protection we would never have survived into adulthood, who taught us to walk and talk? Even when we were being difficult, others still tried to help us. All the talents, abilities, and skills we have now are due to the kindness of the people who taught and trained us. What about the kindness from people we don’t know, strangers? We live in buildings built by others, eat food grown by others, drive along roads provided by others, our clothes are made by others? How could we survive without their kindness? Even people who annoy us provide a benefit, they give us an opportunity to develop patience, tolerance, and compassion, qualities that we need to become a better human being. In conclusion, recognize that you’ve received immeasurable benefit and help from numberless others throughout your life. Let a sense of gratitude




The importance of The importance of managing money...

managing money ... MORTGAGE & INSURANCE NEEDS

M O R T Gstress A G E - worrying & I N S about U R A money N C E has N Ebeen E D Slinked to migraines, Financial

heart disease, diabetes, problems with sleep and much more. Left

Financial stress - worrying about money has been linked to untreated these conditions can become life - threatening illnesses of migraines, heart disease, diabetes, problems with sleep and which can plunge you even further into debt. much more. Left untreated these conditions can become life - threatening illnesses of which can plunge you even At someinto stage in life, we all deal with money worries whether it be further debt.

struggling to save for a deposit for a house, not having enough saved

At stageorinretirement, life, we all taking deal with money worries whether it be forsome the future on too much debt or struggling to s save for deposit forto a illness. house, not having enough an unexpected drop inaincome due saved for the future or retirement, taking on too much debt or an unexpected in income due to from illness. Some 9.5 milliondrop people have suffered mental health issues as a

result of financial anxiety according to a recent study.

Some 9.5 million people have suuered from mental health issues as a result of financial anxiety according to a recent study.

So what can we do about it... Talk to someone, a friend, awe professional, family member, it this is So whatbe itcan do aabout ... the first step to taking control and we all need support. Talk to someone, be it a friend, a professional, a family member, this is the first step Knowing to takingexactly controlhow andmuch we allwe need support. Budget everything. have coming in and

going out will help us gain control of our finances.

Budget everything. Knowing exactly how much we have coming in andagoing out set will yourself help us gain of our finances. Make plan and somecontrol goals. Face your fears, as ignoring

them is not going to make them disappear.

Make a plan and set yourself some goals. Face your fears, as ignoring them is not going to make them disappear.

At Mortgage & Insurance Needs, we can help relieve that financial anxi-

etyMortgage in a number of differentNeeds, ways. we can help relieve that At & Insurance financial anxiety in a number of diierent ways.

● Consolidate Debts We Consolidate can help youDebts consolidate debts into one manageable monthly payment, helping you once again take control of your finances. We can help you consolidate debts into one manageable monthly payment, helping you once again take control of ● Reduce Your Monthly Outgoings your finances.

We can help you remortgage to secure a better interest rate and therefore,Reduce reduceYour yourMonthly monthly Outgoings payments. If you currently rent a property, we can help arrange a mortgage, which is likely to be a lower monthly We can help you remortgage to secure a better interest rate payment. and the therefore, reduce your monthly payments. If you currently rent a property, we can help arrange a mortgage, which is likely ● Secure Future Financial Stability to be a lower monthly payment.

We currently protect over 3,500 families on the Wirral, with protection packages include Life Insurance, Securethat Future Financial Stability Income Protection and Critical Illness Cover. This could prove to be one of the most important steps currently youWe could take ...protect over 3,500 families on the Wirral, with

protection packages that include Life Insurance, Income Protection and Critical Illness Cover. This could prove to be Likeone most everything you haveyou and own take is built of people, the most important steps could ... on your monthly

income. If you were to fall ill or have an accident and you no longer have the Like ability to work, youeverything could be left risk financially. most people, youathave and own is built on your monthly income. If you were to fall ill or have an accident and

noinformation longer have to of work, youand could be left at risk Foryou more onthe theability impacts money mental health:

financially. mind.org.uk/information-support/tips-for-everyday-living/money-money-and mental-health For more information on the impacts of money and mental health:

mind.org.uk/information-support/tips-for-everyday-living/money-money-and mental-health




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How Yoga Can Help You Globalisation has introduced new standards. Young people have so much external stimulus and pressures to succeed from parents, outside digital media and friendship groups that they are losing the ability to listen inwards to their own ideas. Latest research shows that young adults are the most stressed out age group in the USA.

Enhances emotional wellbeing The feeling of being stressed out is common amongst children and if left unaddressed can lead to chronic conditions. Introducing Yoga in childhood is an appropriate stress alleviator especially when delivered in school. Yoga can aid sleep and generally encourage more healthy balanced living.

As a mum of three Khalie Bache teaches Yoga to adults and children across Wirral. After attending a SEN meeting at her local school Khalie was approached to supply yoga at school. YogaTones was founded out of a desire to help schools create more positive, happier environments teaching children somatic ways to release stress and bring their bodies back into equilibrium.

Khalie Bache is a registered Yoga teacher (IYN/YAP 200), pre and postnatal teacher and children’s specialist yoga teacher including special educational needs. Khalie is also a Reiki Practitioner. All classes are taught via fun games with positive themes like compassion, gratitude, and strength. The aim is help young people become more empowered and stronger versions of themselves.

“Giving the children the gift of yoga is an amazing tool for life. Supplying yoga in school-based settings has enormous benefits to the student, teachers and care givers. Yoga develops mind body awareness, aids self-regulation, increases focus and attention, improves physical fitness and enhances emotional wellbeing. I am truly honoured to be delivering this service across Wirral�. Develops mind body awareness Learning how to pay attention to the mind and body children become aware of how stress can affect them. Simply put a stressed-out mind cannot learn. The child may notice that stress causes them to get knots in their stomach or become withdrawn. Developing mindfulness helps children recognise this behaviour and adopt simple breathing techniques instead of falling into the same old patterns. Improves Self-Regulation Many children lose control and simply lash out. Movement through yoga targets stress hormones. The child learns tools to de-escalate, stay calm and then communicate which are essential in order to help them function in and out of the classroom. Increases focus and attention Some children have real issues with attention span which can greatly impact on learning. Yoga links breath with motion bringing the child fully present into the moment. It is a fun way for the child to naturally develop this part of the brain increasing focus which can aid learning in the classroom. Improves physical fitness Yoga improves balance, strength, endurance, and aerobic capacity in children. It is an effective, alternative and inexpensive low risk training activity option for them. A strong body can digest food well, breathe better and withstand stress.




If you are interested in bringing this service to your school contact Khalie at yogatonesschools@gmail.com or follow her on Facebook at facebook.com/yoga.tones.me.

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Shacktastic! ‘The Shack’ was opened last summer and supports people with trauma or disabilities of all ages who find it difficult to go to mainstream places for fun and relaxation.




The Sensory Shack is the brainchild of foster parent, Sinead Holden who has over 30 years of foster care experience for local children at her home in Birkenhead. Based on the Beechwood Estate, Noctorum, ‘The Shack’ was opened last summer to meet the growing demands from children with learning, behavioural and physical difficulties who needed more than just medication, behavioural or physical therapy to help alleviate issues around trauma. The project, which is a non-profit organisation, supports people with trauma or disabilities can find it difficult to go to mainstream places for fun and relaxation. They have a range of services split over 3 rooms; a rhythm room, a theraplay/café room and a sensory room. The benefits of sensory activity on the brainstem on traumatised children and adults has proven to repair the damage and open up the repair so that other therapies can be added. They offer a safe and secure space to deliver a range of sensory and therapeutic services, activities, nutrition advice and support for the following groups :• • • • • • • •

Children, young people and adults suffering with mental health needs. Support for vulnerable groups, such as those with mental health issues. Support for ex-service personnel suffering with mental health needs. Post cancer care patients; including structured support to help with recovery. Older people (over 55) with health issues or who are isolated and would benefit from fun, friendly sessions. Children and adults who are considered disabled, or have SEN’s. Ex offenders, or those who are at risk of crime and anti-social behaviour because of mental health issues. Disadvantaged and disaffected young people and adults who would benefit from free structured sessions of sensory activity, education and workshops.

The project aims to provide support to carers and parents through sensory activities in a safe and inclusive environment for all ages. They cater for children and adults who are suffering from developmental trauma and give the disabled community and carers a place to relax, heal and grow. The Sensory Shack also has excellent links with relevant local partner agencies, such as schools, foster care organisations and Special Educational Needs organisations which allows the Shack to signpost individuals to services, activities, clubs and professional groups who can work with the us to help these people to improve their quality of life, health and well-being. For more information about how The Sensory Shack could help you, your child, or organisation please contact, Project Manager, Sinead Holden.

The Sensory Shack: T. 0785 858 8037 W. https://thesensoryshack.co.uk/ E. thesensoryshackwirral@gmail.com Address : Unit 16, Beechwood Drive, Beechwood, CH43 7ZU






CHRONIC PAIN - THE SILENT EPIDEMIC • 1 in 10 people in the UK suffer from chronic pain – which does not go away. • Over half of sufferers endure chronic pain all day, every day of their lives. • Many sufferers say they can’t remember what it is like not to be in pain. • Thousands of sufferers lose their jobs because the pain is so bad that they cannot work. • Pain stops sufferers enjoying walking, shopping, sleeping; even playing with their children Chronic Pain affects people of all walks of life, 43% of the population suffer from chronic pain. Research costs money, and there is always an urgent need to provide more funds for more research. The Pain Relief Foundation DOES NOT receive funding from the NHS or any other Government body. Instead, our vital work depends entirely on donations and the generosity of people like you.

PLEASE MAKE A DONATION TODAY Online at www.painrelieffoundation.org.uk OR LEAVE A LEGACY IN YOUR WILL. For help and advice, contact us. Pain Relief Foundation , Clinical Sciences Centre University Hospital Aintree ,Liverpool L9 7AL. Telephone: 0151 529 5820 E-mail: lorraine.roberts@painrelieffoundation.org.uk

www.painrelieffoundation.org.uk Registered Charity No. 1156227

Chronic Pain the Silent Epidemic Most people do not think of pain until it affects them personally, or those close to them; yet an astonishing 43% of the population experience chronic pain. Millions of adults are currently living with on-going discomfort including nearly one in three people of working age. Around 1 in 10 people suffer from such extreme levels of pain it is that is either moderately or severely disabling. Their pain becomes so consuming they are able to think of almost nothing else. In an ageing population these figures are set to rise. The terrible scourge of chronic pain remains one of the last unconquered frontiers of medicine. Chronic Pain is defined as lasting for three months or longer, and can include conditions such as arthritis, cancer pain, neuralgia, shingles, diabetic neuropathy, painful strokes, pain following limb amputation (phantom limb), Complex regional syndrome (CRPS), back pain and headaches Chronic pain is the silent epidemic because it isn’t as visible or as measurable as other conditions, despite the fact that it can have a devastating impact on quality of life. Chronic pain is costly at an individual and societal level; we need to challenge these conceptions. It is only through the research and educational work carried out in our Pain Research Institute that progress can be made in improving knowledge of chronic pain and its relief, and in training the specialists who will carry it out. But that depends entirely on YOUR support and the support of the public. 16



A Year in the Life of Mighty Max Our rollercoaster journey began on March 12th 2019 where 28 weeks into my otherwise normal pregnancy, I suddenly had reduced movements. Fast forward 24 hours and a hospital scan showed our baby boy had a twisted and blocked bowel, something that hadn’t showed up on any previous scans. He needed to be delivered by emergency c-section ASAP and within half an hour, I was on the operating table, terrified for my baby’s life. Mighty Max was born at 12.47pm and the room was silent as the doctors worked on keeping our baby alive. He was immediately put on a ventilator and taken upstairs to the ICU Neonatal Ward. As I’d had an epidural, I couldn’t go up and see him for another 10 hours. At 3lb 6oz, our little fighter was a strong weight for a baby born 12 weeks early, but looking at him in the incubator covered in tubes, he looked so tiny and fragile. A few hours later, Max was blue light transported to Alder Hey Childrens Hospital for emergency surgery. The surgeon removed 20cm of his bowel and put two stoma’s in, to help grow his lower intestine over time. Max was then transported to The Women’s Liverpool Neonatal Ward where he stayed for another 4 weeks.

After a long 5 months, 22 weeks, 154 day’s, we finally went home as a family. Max came home on oxygen and after 11 months, he was officially discharged last week. He’s now a much happier baby without all the stickers and tubing on his face! Max needs another operation in a few months time and hopefully that will close the chapter to a very rocky start. Miracle Max fought his way through more obstacles in a few months than most adults will in their entire life. The hospital care and support our whole family received was second to none and I couldn’t be more grateful. We want to raise awareness for these brilliant charities and raise as much money as possible to give something back. To the many people that showed us so much kindness and love, we want to be able to help other families in similar situations in the future. Our Mighty Max is 1in March and I’ll be making a scrapbook of his journey... what a story that’ll be to tell his friends!

Any parent that’s had a premature baby and been on a neonatal ward, will know the terrifying world you’re suddenly catapulted into. The feeling of constant, sheer dread in the pit of your stomach, not knowing if your baby will survive the day. The amazing Neo staff always explained exactly what was going on and did their best to comfort us. Finally at 12 days old, we were able to hold our little boy for the first time. He was connected to so many tubes, but having skin on skin with him was just incredible. Unfortunately our journey was far from straightforward and we ended up spending a total of 5 months in hospital with Max. After a month at The Women’s, we moved to Alder Hey Childrens hospital and lived at Ronald McDonald house for 4 months, totally free of charge. This charity is amazing and an absolute live saver for us to be close to our baby during an extremely difficult time. During our time in hospital, Max had 4 major surgeries, 12 blood transfusions, sepsis and too many blood tests than I’d like to remember. On top of everything, we found out a month in (on my birthday) that Max has Cystic Fibrosis (CF). This was a huge shock, especially as it turned out my husband Luke and I were unknowingly carriers (1 in 25 of us in the UK are CF carriers). CF is a serious genetic condition which results in many challenging symptoms, but with the right lifestyle, food choices and exercise, a huge difference can be made to the persons health. The CF specialist team at Alder Hey were unbelievably supportive and were there for us every step of the way.

lukemillwardbrowning@gmail.com WIRRAL WELL







in Recovery Battling Mental Health

Since my diagnosis, the leading question I’ve been asked is: ‘So, what has made you feel like this?’ Except, unless you have struggled personally with your mental health, it can be difficult to understand that there is not always a single reason or trigger. Like physical health, we all have a mental health. Imagine, if alongside a group of your peers, friends, colleagues or family you were given a surfboard and sent out into the ocean. Some would be happily riding the waves, while others would be slipping. Others may be silently drowning. For a long time, I felt as though I was drowning until I finally had the strength to stick my arms out from the water and scream for help. I won’t exaggerate and argue that asking for help was the easiest or most pleasant experience; it’s like the moment before you rip the wax strip from your leg – it’s extremely painful, but only for a second. Scary thoughts about asking for help: • Will anyone believe me? • Will everyone think that I’m an attention seeker? • Do I look sick? • But what if others are more worse off than me? • Will I feel better tomorrow? • Am I just tired? Unfortunately, these questions like to storm in hand-inhand alongside depression. Self-doubt and depression are best friends, constantly encouraging each other to grow and grow. Self-doubt is something that I have been struggling with for a long time; I have made it a goal of 2020 to work on it. For a while, these questions took over my life. I wasn’t sleeping, I didn’t care for food, I stopped showering, brushing my hair and I couldn’t focus for more than ten minutes. The questions acted as a hurricane in my mind as I sat waiting for my GP appointment. My heart was beating rapidly, my hands were shaking and I had managed to convince myself that everyone in the

waiting room was staring at me. Doctors are always late and during my waiting time I worked myself up to the point where I burst into tears before I could even explain myself to the doctor. For me, a bad day is waking up exhausted. It’s feeling trapped in my own mind. When I have ups, they are extremely up; I feel like I could run a marathon (I DEFINITELY COULDN’T!) and I want to jump on my bed and scream about how ecstatic I feel. On the other hand, this normally suggests that my bad days are rock bottom. My therapist told me that the thoughts in our heads are like books, if we cannot bear to hear the negative thoughts, close the book and put it back on the shelf. However, this is a lot easier said than done. During sixth form, our form tutor compared our International Baccalaureate course to a mountain and asked us where we felt we were: 1. Still climbing up the mountain 2. At the top of the mountain 3. Or across and climbing down the other side. At all the time, we all thought that the mountain motif was useless and hilarious (sorry Mrs. C!) Yet, I still find myself thinking back to that silly mountain. On bad days, I’m not anywhere near the mountain. I can’t even see the mountain (even with binoculars and my contact lenses in!!) Maybe instead I’m buried beneath the mountain or its peak has impaled me. I know it sometimes feels impossible that the sun will ever shine again. But, I can promise that it is possible for things to begin to get better. This is only the beginning. Feel free to follow the rest of my journey here: https://robyninrecovery.wordpress.com/




Adult Mental Health First Aid Two Day (MHFA) This course teaches people how to spot the signs and symptoms of mental ill health and provide help on a first aid basis. MHFA won’t teach you to be a therapist, but just like physical first aid, it will teach you to listen, reassure and respond, even in a crisis.

Content covered •

What is mental health?

Stigma and discrimination


First aid for suicidal crisis

Alcohol, drugs and mental health


Personality disorders

Crisis first aid for acute psychosis

Eating disorders




Self care

Participants will leave with: − A deeper understanding of mental health and the factors that can affect people’s wellbeing − Practical skills to spot the triggers and signs of mental health issues − Confidence to step in, reassure and support a person in distress − Enhanced interpersonal skills such as non-judgemental listening − Knowledge to help someone recover by guiding them to appropriate support Be Well are based in the Bloom Building, Birkenhead. This creative space also houses The Open Door Centre, Convenience Gallery and The Community Autism Hub.

We also deliver half and one day MHFA England training alongside many different bespoke training options. To find out about MHFA or any other courses visit:: www.bewelllearning.com Email: support@bewelllearning.com or Call: 07738 731 953 / 07538 511 809 Follow us on social media @bewelllearning 20



Painful Pelvic p

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Experience any of these?

urinating Pain when ex g or after s Pain durin t g pregnan in tt e g y lt u Diffic Fatigue

Helpline: 0808 808 2227 www.endometriosis-uk.org Charity no 1035810

However, there is no way for the blood to leave the body. This can cause inflammation, pain and the formation of scar tissue (adhesions). It can be a debilitating condition and affects around 1.5 million women in the UK. It can affect any woman or girl of child bearing age. Endometriosis is not an infection or cancer and cannot be passed from one person to another.

It could be endometriosis

endometriosis uk

Endometriosis is a condition where cells like the ones lining the womb grow elsewhere in the body. These cells react to the menstrual cycle each month and bleed.

Many women experience period pain, but if your pain is interfering with your everyday life it's best to see your doctor.

I have symptoms… what can I do? Support is available to help you manage your endometriosis. Talk to your GP and be sure to give them as much information about your symptoms as possible. Keeping a pain and symptoms diary can help you explain the symptoms you’re experiencing. Visit our website for guidance in talking to your GP. www.endometriosis-uk.org/visiting-your-doctor www.rcn.org.uk – search for endometriosis factsheet Endometriosis UK is a charity, no. 1035810, and we are financed through donations and fundraising. To make a donation or find out about fundraising activities please visit our website.

Holistic Therapies including: REFLEXOLOGY | REIKI | MEDITATION I’m Lesley, I am a fully qualified Reflexologist and a Reiki Master and have been practicing intuitively for 20 years. I offer personalised treatments, aftercare and lifestyle advice and am very focused on improving my client’s well-being. I also offer Crystal Work, 1:1 Meditation and well being events

Pain management, stress, anxiety, migraine, sleep, fertility and hormone issues and more

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An unwelcome guest Quinns Funeral Directors are located in Greasby, Hoylake and West Kirby on the Wirral and have been helping and serving local families since 1972. Our Simple Funeral £1950 A Dignified, Simple Attended Service A simple attended funeral will include, our professional service fees, bringing your loved one into our care, the ceremonial vehicle and team for the day and coffin. The other elements and costs of a funeral are the disbursements which are payments made to third parties on your behalf. These may include, for example, crematorium or cemetery fees, minister or celebrant fees, doctors’ fees for cremation and any other additional expenses or services. We will detail these costs on our estimate. We also offer prepaid funeral plans to give you peace of mind and save your loved ones unnecessary worry at an already difficult time. As long established funeral directors in Greasby, Hoylake and West Kirby, we support local charities, details of which are always displayed in our branch windows in an attempt to encourage people to call in and also lend their support. We also offer our premises, free of charge, for local people to meet and support each other whatever the cause or need.

Grief is our natural response to loss. It’s the emotional suffering you feel when something or someone you love is taken away. Despite us all experiencing grief at one time or another we are all different in how we process our emotions. Often, the pain of loss can feel overwhelming, leaving you to feel that you will never be the same again. You may experience all kinds of difficult and unexpected emotions, from shock or anger to disbelief, guilt, fear and of course a profound sadness. The pain of grief can also affect your physical health, making it difficult to sleep, eat, and causing panic attacks and anxiety. Often leaving you thinking there is no way to carry on. These are normal reactions to loss-and the more significant the loss, the more intense your grief will be.

Please contact us by telephone 24 hours a day, or visit us, to find out more about how we are making a difference in your area, or how we can help support you.

There is no set time that grief is with us, the grief you experience is as individual as you are. Coping with the loss of someone you love is one of the most difficult stages of life.

217 Greasby Road, Greasby Tel:0151 677 2299 (24 Hours) www.quinnsfuneraldirectors.co.uk

We are Jamie & Sarah, As Independent Funeral Celebrants we offer an alternative approach to the traditional funeral service, allowing the loved ones to express their love in a personal way, respecting their beliefs in a place of their choosing. We believe that being able to have a personalised service is the first step towards the healing process, which is why we find it’s so important that the choice of the service of your loved one is Your choice. Edwards Funeral Celebrants Jamie Edwards & Sarah Townsend 07702813605 www.facebook.com/Edwardsfuneralcelebrant www.edwardsfuneralcelebrant.com




Phone: 0151 652 9944 Email: westwirral@apollocare.co.uk Website: www.apollocare.co.uk There is no place like home... Apollo Care enables people to remain living in their own homes for as long as possible by providing an individual holistic care package to suit the needs of the service user. Our care team are dedicated to providing excellent and professional standards of care to all of our service users. Choosing a care agency is often done during very difficult and stressful circumstances and we hope to provide peace of mind and reassurance to both our service users and their families.

Apollo Care we understand how much a trusted, friendly companion can mean.

Domiciliary Care Services Domiciliary care is a service we offer customers in the comfort of their own home. We provide domiciliary care services to children, adults and the elderly. We are regulated by Care Quality Commission and currently rated Good.

Dementia and Alzheimer’s Care From dealing with the day-to-day needs of your loved one to coping with the emotional vulnerabilities they experience; Apollo Care are here to help you deal with it every step of the way. We have experienced, specialist trained staff on hand throughout Merseyside, including; Wirral, South Wirral and West Wirral. “As a family we just wanted to say thank you to everyone involved in looking after Dad…the difference made not only to his life but to ours has been overwhelming, and your love and support has been second to none” John’s Family

Companionship Services For many of our service users we have found they don’t necessarily need home care, just would sometimes like a companion, someone to have a cup of tea and a chat with or to support them during various activities. At

Home Help Services Our home care attendants allow service users to remain in the comfort of their own home; much of our work involves providing extra care and assistance. Primarily our services involve the day-to-day care of the elderly; however we also provide a range of services which include Alzheimer’s and dementia care.




Heswall Building Services was established in 2001, with a philosophy of providing all of your building needs and never compromising on quality. We wanted to create a service that focused on excellence, speed and convenience. We are fully insured so you can be assured that all of our work is carried out safely, whilst respecting your property. We pride ourselves on customer satisfaction and continue to earn repeat business from our clients, many of whom have been coming back to us many years. At Heswall Building Services, we can carry out any building task no matter how big or small. Our experienced builders and tradesmen will carry out the work you require to a high standard and in an efficient manner. We are registered contractors with The Guilds of Master Craftsmen, so that you can rest safe in the knowledge that our work is of the highest standard. The Guild of Master Craftsmen assesses, promotes and supports excellence in workmanship - bringing you tradesmen you can trust. We are fully insured to give you peace of mind and we will tidy up after ourselves to cause you the minimum amount of disruption.

We provide a wide variety of services to match all of your builing needs, including:









Kitchens and more...

0151 342 9010 or 07954 590 908 info@heswallbuilding.co.uk 24



The Tim Cogley Cardiac Screening Foundation was established in Spring, 2018 following the sudden death of 34 year old Tim in April the previous year. Tim, the youngest of Frank and Sheila’s 4 sons, died following a massive heart attack triggered by a previously unknown 75% cholesterol blockage of a coronary artery. He had displayed no prior symptoms, was fit, enjoying regular 6 a-side soccer and apparently in top physical condition. Subsequent scrutiny of the family tree indicated a possible genetic link to coronary heart disease (CHD), a number of early male deaths from cardiac arrest 2/3 generations back noted. Unfortunately, early family records had been minimal and discussion of medical history on that side of the family somewhat limited.

women) in Phases 1-3 had a risk score warranting urgent GP discussion, the Foundation is delivering on its objective. Further anonymised data analysis of Phase 4 is due imminently from Randox. Requests for screening continues at a high level, with an increasing number of large organisations considering participation as part of their employee health and well-being initiatives.

The Foundation is incredibly fortunate to have had from the very beginning the most amazing support from all Tim’s friends, support that grows with their brilliant, creative and novel ideas for fund-raising. Without that kindness, backing and generous giving of so many hours of free time, the charity just couldn’t be successful. The Foundation is also deeply grateful that so many other Determined to achieve a positive and lasting memorial, individuals and businesses continue to come forward reflective of the character and values of an outgoing, kind with offers of help. Trustees, Patrons, friends and family and popular young man, friends and family created the welcome all their contributions and suggestions and are charity. Its purpose is simple: to help save young lives really grateful for, and appreciative of, their most generby raising awareness and understanding of the imporous gifts, grants, donations and support of the various tance of a balanced and healthy lifestyle, and screening fund-raising programmes and events. for CHD. Knowledge of family history is clearly also vitally important. A huge thanks to everyone! Details of current and planned events are publicised Following consultations and with the support of senregularly in the media and on the Foundation Website and ior cardiologists and local GP Practices, notably The Facebook pages. Warrens, where the family is registered, the Foundation www.timcogleyfoundation.com launched in November, 2018, across Merseyside a programme of free health screening for 18-39 year old men and women, an age group not routinely screened for CHD by the NHS. Screening is undertaken through a partnership with Randox Health, the not-for-profit division of the global research and diagnostic health company. The clinically-approved process involves a short pre-screening questionnaire, and booking an approximately 15 minute appointment. Participants fast for 6 hours prior to venous blood samples which are tested for glucose concentration ( relating to diabetes risk), lipid profile results (including important Total Cholesterol: HDL cholesterol ratio), plus additional key biomarkers including kidney function tests. A confidential, unique and comprehensive online report of the findings is provided, with follow-up recommendations. Those between 25 and 39 also receive an invaluable 10 year CHD event risk score to discuss, if wished, with their own GP for optimal management of future cardiovascular disease risk. Almost 1200 screenings have been completed in the first 14 months, approximately 600 more expected during Phases 5 & 6 ( February to July, 2020). As 24 men (0 WIRRAL WELL



The Chapel House Dementia Resource Community Person Centred Care

Based within easy reach of Chester, Wirral and North Wales, Dementia Resource Community (DRC) encompasses all of our family run businesses. DRC has been successfully operating for over 30 years and continues to thrive by adapting to the changing needs of those we care for. We offer individualised, flexible, bespoke care provision for people with memory difficulties both within our home environments and within our local community. The professionalism, dedication, experience and compassion shared by all staff, management and family members ensure we offer person centred care. We believe that our clients and those who are important to them are fundamental to the decision making process.

The Chapel House

Chapel House is our nursing home which provides dedicated holistic care for individuals with dementia with heallth and care needs.

The Chapel House

Plessington Court

Plessington Court is our 19 bedroom residential care home for those with dementia who would benefit from 24 hour support in a homely country setting


Chapel House Lane, Puddington, CH64 5SW info@dementiaresourcecommunity.co.uk www.dementiaresourcecommunity.co.uk 26



Suicide - Now We Can All Help... Dozens of Wirral organisations trained in suicide first aid to establish “suicide safer communities.” A suicide-prevention centre in New Ferry is teaming up with local organisations across the borough in a bid to create “suicide-safer communities.” The Martin Gallier Project, based in New Ferry, has trained over 20 Wirral-based tattooists, hairdressers, taxi drivers, tradespeople and baristas in suicide prevention training since 2019. Thanks to generous joint funding from The Merseyside Community Investment Fund and The Price Parry Trust, members of the public and organisations can develop skills in live-saving suicide first aid. Through the delivery of a two-day interactive workshop, participants have received specialist training which seeks to reduce stigma and create “suicide-safer” communities. Known as Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training, or ASIST for short, suicide first-aid teaches participants to recognise when someone may be having thoughts of suicide. It also gives participants knowledge of how to support their immediate safety. Wirral-based healthcare professionals and care providers have already been using this specialist training for many years – but the founder of The Martin Gallier Project, Jessica Gallier, believes we all ‘have a role to play in creating suicide-safer communities.’ Jessica explains why it is crucial to train organisations in suicide awareness. “Suicide is much more preventable if a person is supported before reaching crisis point, and many had been seeking support at work – but unfortunately, those around them just didn’t have the understanding to respond appropriately. This potentially causes individuals to slip further into crisis.” Suicide prevention has long been a core mission for The Martin Gallier Project. Having lost her father Martin Gallier to suicide in February 2017, Jess decided to launch The Martin Gallier Project for two reasons: to keep her father’s memory alive and to ensure no one else falls through the cracks. And although an audit from the Wirral Intelligence Service in September revealed there was a decrease in suicide verdicts between 2016 and 2018, over half of all people who lost their lives to suicide in 2017 had received mental health support in the past. Of that number, 38% of all people who died by suicide in Merseyside and Cheshire had a previous attempt on their record. In line with this number, waiting times to access mental health support remain high, with people waiting up to 48 days before receiving a referral for talking therapies, counselling and emergency mental health treatment and up to two years for their first appointment. By delivering ASIST training to local organisations, The Martin Gallier Project hopes to improve outcomes for

the region – and thanks to their initiative in launching the project, participants are already making bold moves to creating suicide-safer communities. The Martin Gallier Project have now launched their own stamp of approval for “suicide safer organisations”, which can be spotted on the windows of selected premises. ASIST workshops will be available throughout the year, to all members of the public – and Jessica is proud of the work achieved so far. Jessica said: “Sometimes, we tend to trust and disclose our feelings to those around us, despite them not being a medical professional. “This training enables organisations to be able to deliver suicide interventions to their customers at the earliest possible opportunity, and each has gone on the save at least one life thus far. “We created the stamp of approval for organisations to proudly display in their workplaces so that those struggling with thoughts of suicide know they are in a safe place to disclose their plans and receive the support that could potentially save their life.” To learn more about how to sign your organisation up for the next round of ASIST training, please visit https://www. gallierhouse.co.uk/workshops. For more information about The Martin Gallier Project, please visit https://www.gallierhouse.co.uk/ Anyone can contact Samaritans for FREE any time from any phone on 116 123 even a mobile without credit. Other services available include the Papyrus Hopeline on 0800 068 4141 Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide on 0300 111 5065 CALM on 0800 58 58 58 Mind on 0151 512 2200 NHS 111 Wirral Pathfinders on 0151 334 2111




Care visits at home

Bluebird Care Wirral

wirral@bluebirdcare.co.uk 28



Call us today to talk about how you can have care visits in your own home 0151 647 8676

Flourish provides you with a personalised prescription to maximise Health and Wellbeing. We are a Doctor-led service providing a tailored holistic approach to give you the confidence and support to achieve your lifestyle goals. We will inspire and empower you to take control of your health. The Lifestyle Doctor will work with you to understand your current health and the areas that are negatively impacting your health. This will involve: We will help you think about the big picture when it comes to your health. We reflect on the factors in your lifestyle that impact your wellbeing. We will help you focus on the factors you want to address to support your whole health. Your Lifestyle Doctor will design a Personal Lifestyle prescription which focuses on YOUR goals. This can include: • • • • • •

Lifestyle coaching Nutritional advice Activity plan Physiotherapy Counselling /hypnotherapy Massage/reiki and mindfullness

Who will benefit? We understand that each person’s situation is unique. Your health and happiness starts and finishes with you. We help people who want to re-set or re-balance their lifestyle habits in order to feel better and Flourish. Many chronic illnesses are caused by lifestyle factors. Flourish are passionate about optimising your health and wellbeing through a ‘personal lifestyle prescription’ based on the four pillars of sleep, exercise, relaxation and nutrition. Examples of conditions we can help: • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Overweight and obesity Pre-diabetes Type 2 Diabetes not requiring insulin CVD risk Depression and anxiety lBS Chronic skin disease Eczema/psoriasis Fatigue Poor sleep Menopause Fibromyalgia Chronic pain

Dr Sue Smith and Dr Helen Kini are experienced GPs within the NHS who have developed a passion for Lifestyle medicine and its positive effect on peoples health. Flourish creates a space to explore and work with individuals to help them identify their own goals to become happier and healthier, it allows close working with aligned health professionals which will provide a team approach to individuals. Sue and Helen are great believers in the power of changing lifestyle as medicine and want to share this with as many people as they can.

We can help you ...

To find out more about Flourish for Life or to book a consultation, give us a call today on 0151 327 3361.




Anne Roberts, as the name would suggest, is the owner of Anne Roberts Hair and Beauty in Oxton, Wirral. Since 1989, her salon has been at the forefront of Wirral beauty and her industry knowledge is well respected. Here are a selection of Anne’s tried and tested products...

Retriderm - Protein-Rich Retinol Skin Serum As recommended on BBC’s “The Truth About…Looking Good” from £36 www.annerobertsoxton.com

I love this treatment product and we get lots of positive feedback from our clients as to how their lives (and skins) have changed thanks to Retriderm. You’ve probably heard about vitamin A quite a lot by now, so instead of boring you, here’s quick reminder… • Vitamin A works by normalising skin functions which enables it to correct many skin conditions. • Reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. • It works as a natural exfoliant, helping dead skin cells shed and resulting in a smoother, even complexion with a visible reduction of pigmentation and sun damage. • It reduces sebum production, which prevents an oily t-zone and eliminates breakouts. • It normalises blood flow to aid wound healing and help control Rosacea. • It rebuilds and supports the skin structure, improving skin strength and reducing the risk of scarring.

Dior Diorskin Forever Skin Correct Moisturising Creamy Concealer £21.25 www.johnlewis.com With over 30 colours to choose from Discover Forever Skin Correct, a fullcoverage, moisturising creamy concealer. A multi-use product, use Forever Skin Correct as a concealer, targeted foundation, contour cream and brightener to hide undereye circles, redness, blemishes, visible pores and imperfections in one sweep. Coverage is buildable for 24h wear, whilst the floral extract-enriched formula leaves skin feeling moisturised and refined.




Jade Roller & Gua Sha 100% Natural Jade Stone Face Roller www.amazon.co.uk - £14.93 Jade rollers aren’t a technical breakthrough in skincare, I have been using mine on my neck and around the eye area for over 15 years and they’ve been a staple in Chinese skincare routines since the 7th century. They are believed to have healing and protective properties and the benefits include; 1. Cooling and draining it helps to reduce puffiness and inflammation in the face 2. Brightens the complexion 3. Helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines 4. Increases blood circulation and helps skincare products to penetrate.

Helpful Numbers Mind

0151 512 2200

Help in a Crisis

01244 397397

Campaign Against Living Miserably 0800 585858

BAAM 0345 1300 286

Dementia Service

0151 729 2200

Macmillan Cancer Support

0808 808 DODD

Wirral Women’s Refuge

0151 643 9766

Diabetes UK

0345 123 2399

Stop Smoking ABL Wirral

0151 541 5656



Wirral Council

0151 666 2000

Rehab 4 Addiction

0800 140 4690

Domestic Abuse

0151 666 1392

Anxiety UK

08444 775 774

Victim Support

0151 353 4003

Wirral Safeguarding Children’s Board 0151 666 4123

ADHD Foundation

0151 237 2661

RASA - Sexual Abuse or Rape

0151 633 2151

Autism Together

0151 559 2399

Pain Relief Foundation

0151 529 5820

Distribution List Windsor’s Opulence Habibi Studio 13 Oakland Victoria Pharmacy Beckys Brekky Victoria Fish and Chips Claire’s Hairdressers My Dentists Bombers Bait and Tackle Starbucks Mediterranean Sea Subway Calle Cream Marino Cafe The Sea Side Cafe Irby Area Arrow Park Hospital Wirral Wet Rooms The Warrens Medical Centre Be Well Irby Pets Aroma lrby Fish and Chips The Flower House The Fig Tree Brunch Birkenhead St Caths Hospital Jakeies Jays Cafe The Pyramids Shopping Centres Wirral Hear Care Extra Help Sylvan Home Care Life Counselling Parkfield Medical Centre Birkenhead Market Wirral Mobility Maritime Business Centre Price St. Business Centre Bromborough /Bebbington Lancelyn Dance Wirral Mobility The Orchard Surgery Eastman Group Practice The Laundret House of Hair Hair Works Odeon Nail and Beauty Garden The Lash Lover The Village Voujon India Cherry Blossom Sea Breeze Fish Bar Smorgasbord Cafe Barbers 66 Victoria Hall

Clatterbridge Hospital Neston Holistic Centre Nicholas Parkgate Brimstage Maze Tig Deeside Bakery Nestonfarm Shop Escape Beauty Neston Sunbeds Neston Natural Health Hideaway Hair The Beauty Barn Williston Doctors Neston Surgery Neston Rec Raby Rd Dental Care Craxton Wood Health Spa Red Cliffs Dentists Elephant Cafe Neston High School Carr Farm Port Sunlights Garden Centres Gordales The Open Door Centre The Town Hall Birkenhead The Pottingshed Mini Monsters Williamson Art Gallery Gatehouse Opticians Be Well Floral Pavilion Costa All Breeds Dog Grooming Physio Works Wallasey Village Dental Practice Meadow Medical Practice The Lights Cinema Sue Makin Flowers Andreas Barbers Fleek Hairdressers Tattoo Studio Wallasey Pharmacy New Brighton Chiropodist Wirral Doggroomers Simply Fit Flyer Ashley Tea Rooms Anna Roche Hairdresser Body Care Hoylake Hoylake Holistics Honest to Goodness Library Dominos The Ship Hoylake Cottage Hospital Animal Dance Company Hilbre Estates Wells Pharmacy Pet Shop

Ambience Envy The Parade cCntre The Yogbar Hoylake School of Dance Hoylake Dental Practice The Quadrant J T Chiropractor Moreton Belle and Beu Hair Subway The Healthy Chinese Carlton Dentists Spoilt Brats Tranquil Hair and Beauty Attitude Moreton Health Clinic Moreton Medical Centre Maycroft Dental Practice Cafe Beans Sweet Images Turkish Barbers Rush Hair Verona’s Debonair Dogs Daisy and Jakes Greasby Wirral Hair Library Greasby Healthcare Great Options Ellie’s Clovers One Hair and Beauty Three Gables Nursery Greasby Dental Practice Wallasey/New Brighton Grove Road Surgery Inside Coffee Bar The Lighthouse Holistic Hub Rox Transfield Hair and Beauty Driltwood Cafe Remember When Tearooms Victoria Central Stollies Cafe Salon 58 Anna Roche Hair Predictions Holisic Center Ellie Hair Heswall Shelrakes Hear Care 0110 Lounge Subway The Gym Linghams Harrison Options Heswall and Pensby Doctors

Oakland Pharmacy Tyme Cafe Library Revilalaser Heswall Laser Clinic Toni and Guy Stones Cafe Joseph Hairdressers Heswall Tandoori Welcome Takeaway Caroline’s Newsagents Lower Heswall Paradox Tel Cafe Windsor’s Bluebell Cafe Vision Express Emma’s Cafe Slimming World Bowen Therapy Centre The Chirp & Physio Cinic Pensby Pizza Magic Andrew Collinge Hair and Beaut y Chris Malkin Physiotherapy Stuart Neville Hair The Nail Bar Possative Touch Pensby Dentists Dominos Hazelwell Cafe Home Positive Growth Clare House Advance Fitness West Kirby The Concourse Doctors Surgeries The Concourse Health Centre The Brow Bar Studio 54 Green Onion Cafe Whars Cutting Cafe Top Knots Aubergine Cafe West Kirby Libraries Sweet Pea Pizza Magic Tanskeys Nick Bellinger Hairdressers Positive Touch Hannah’s Cafe Toast Marigolds Hillbark Hotel Leverhulme and many more...

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