beauty treatments
ith a constant pressure of retaining a youthful look as we grow older, both men and women are seeking assistance to do so. With many celebrities now coming out publicly expressing regrets about their plastic surgeries like Courtney Cox, the question many ask is if there are alternatives to invasive treatments. According to Valeska Schubert (BBAIM) of VSR Medical Aesthetic Clinic at Wimpole Street, London, there are numerous effective non-invasive beauty treatments. Whilst invasive treatments may be lasting and deliver incredible results, there is always a risk that things go wrong with non-reversible results, even when treated by highly reputable clinics. Non-invasive treatments, on the other hand, will often need regular booster treatments. For those who are averse to invasive treatments that involve surgery, Valeska recommends treatments such as skin boosters, mesotherapy or face peels. With a degree in Medical Aesthetics from the British Board of Anti-Ageing Medicine as well as training with some of the leading cosmetic doctors in the USA, South Korea and Europe, she is one of the leading practitioners and authorities of non-invasive beauty treatments in the UK. Mesotherapy is a non-invasive non-surgical treatment. Mesotherapy is commonly known as biorejuvenation that rejuvenates the skin through transdermal micro-injections of a multi-vitamin solution and natural plant extracts. Whilst mesotherapy doesn’t work for around 5% of patients, the other 95% have seen spectacular results according
By Angelina Kali