Boehringer Partners for Progress 2022

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An Invitation for Partnership with the Missouri Veterinary Medical Association



O Partners for Progress

al Association Missouri Veterinary MedicCity, MO 65109

, Jefferson 2500 Country Club Drive 59-7175 • Email: mvma@m 3-6 57 : Fax 573-636-8612 •

eted MVMA sponsorship to our year-round, multi-fac ion itat inv l cia spe a u yo er July each year. We would like to off gram runs August through pro e Th ss. gre Pro for rs reaching our program called Partne flexibility and efficiency in at gre m the es giv m gra t found the pro l places in their budgets tha Our current Partners have they are able to find severa t tha and , ers mb me ian over 1,700 veterinar m fit nicely. t components of this progra ducts. By splitting the cos entatives, territories, and pro res rep im oss he acr gel -In ead spr ger rin be eh The sponsorship can d MVMA sponsorship, Bo sponof a year-round, multi-facete ity recognition as an elite and component benefits als while getting high-qual go c cifi rs that spe yea ctst du pa in pro es ny pany representativ can work toward ma com h wit g rin fer con r invite you to nsorship afte nds need. I would like to sor. We developed this spo frie ry ust ind r ou ity ibil offer the flex thought this program would rtunity. po op g itin ads in take part in this exc 0 with 4 full-page full-color r amount is $4,850 ($6,15 nso ny spo ma ss the gre e Pro eiv for rec l rs gelheim wil The MVMA Partne this amount, Boehringer-In th Wi . y”) erl art Qu ry ina the “Missouri Veter lowing pages. benefits outlined in the fol can be arranged. rship period. Flexible billing nso spo this hin wit s fall n The 2023 conventio sponsorship you wish to use mine which benefits of this ter de , to ity ibil flex the e As you are probably aware In addition, you hav es and territory budgets. ativ of ent fits res ne rep , be cts ble du ngi pro s inta cost. The among your variou more than the sponsorship ll we rth wo are ed list fits the tangible bene . further enhance that value partnership. recognition and privileges your consideration of this to rd wa for k loo I s. ion e any quest Please contact me if you hav Sincerely,

Julie R. Braun Executive Director 573-636-8612

Benefits of Partnership ANNUAL CONVENTION Partnership includes up to two complimentary booths ($1,500 value) at the January 2023 Missouri Veterinary Medical Association’s Annual Convention. With MVMA registrants, and other associated group meetings like the Missouri Veterinary Technician Association, Missouri Licensing Board, and the MUCollege of Veterinary Medicine, the resulting attendance is over 700 persons including veterinarians, technicians, practice staff and students.

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Our Partners for Progress sponsors are given a presentation room and program time slot to attract an audience on your own with a CE-quality presentation of your choice.* Partnership also includes Boehringer-Ingelheim logo as part of our Partners For Progress page in the convention registration book and program, convention bags, convention app, and on a banner displayed in prominent areas.

e Partners ar with presented ation an appreci e th plaque at al nu MVM A an n. conventio

to the fo llow the Misso ing companies fo uri Vete rinary M r their premiere edical A ssociatio support of n.

Our Part

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Name Ba Conven dges.... Your ke tio y your name n’s CE sessions to attending all Silent Au , so of the ction. Ple attendin badge. The ba cial events an ase rem Speed Ne d me g and dge ember to tw the or we all-impo the meals you lists the days yo als is king.... ar your ba MVMA Sp u are rtant bid On Frida have ee dg d e. Ne de y, in style int you’ll wa tworking r number selected. It als nt o ev erv for to en iew the att t where CV end the event for sessions Foundatio has Ve M . n’s future po everyone. The ev Students move students and terinary Business Conven practicin from tab st-gradu ent is ge Ma na ge g le ation em are veterina Schedule tion After the ploymen d to students to table in this rians pa ment Associatio - Page 3 event, ev tim ir see n/ t. up for rou ed even king me eryone is Student General t. nd nto A -ro fun rsh inv bInformati ip, prece ited to the an on Don’t dr Study Hall... We ptorships d informative and Socia Foundatio ive back ’re offeri , and co l Events n’s Rece just for ng a de and forth ntacts for pti Pag on you! dic e , 4-5 ... Hang Silent Au out and ated room for stu ction an Early Ca Thursda do your d Drawing de reer Foru y CE Sessio studying nts so they ca ates (up . m. & ... ns n MV Be betwee to MA Acad n events stay up on their doctor. Dr 10 years out). fore the Awards emy stu Mini To Be enlig in the co pics htened Banquet on Satur through . Michael Black zy Study dies. as rec well Access to da Page 6 Hall Veterina will be presentin ent grads discu y, we’re having Studen ry Care. a t Continu Sponsoredg “. . . for the be ss the transition Forum for Rece dents for Mixer: Stories ing ne nt from Educatio fit of socie Graduby NVA. fro n Overv post-gra a roundtable dis m the Other ty . . .”: Ho student-docto Sid r to duation noring Ou Pages 6-9 iew veterina cussion with rec e.... Also on Satur r Oath Exhibit ry caree ent gradu da Ha rs. CE Lectu ates. Va y evening, join technolo ll Extravaganz luable tip re fellow MU gy while a.... Your De s 4:00 p.m scr -C for ren ch ipt VM ance to ewing navigati ion . on Frida ng into stuPages 10 s y afternoo old friendships view the latest your Buy a Stu -15 an inn n before the Foun d making new on ovations in ve CE Spea Tickets are dent Dinner. Vis terinary dation Re ker Bios es. Don’t it the reg only $25. me ce for dic Pages 17 ption an istrat Welcome And do -21 d $10,000 get the Exhibit ine and n’t a student ion desk to bu Hall Party Drawing y an MU on both forget Kid’s Ni Exhibiit and make at ! Hall Dia Fri them fee -CVM student gram our kids day and Satur ght.... This year’ l at home Saturda Page 22 day even program s y night din . child pe ing. Katie Kid’s Fun Night ner. Exhibitor r night incfor many years. Pro Ca gra stl e m s and Sp Th is children onsors will be att ludes dinner. Ple ere will be lots our childcare sp includes crafts, Page 33 mo of fun for ec ase be su ending, USDA Ac stop by 4-12 year ialist and has be vies and dinne re to cre sig the regist r, ditati n en in ch MVMA courses arge of ration de up on the regist olds and the ad Board covering on... as part of mi rat sk in the the multiple Members lobby up ion form. Also, ssion of $20 pe modules USDA’s Nationa r if your ch on arriva Back Co . See “CE l ild or l to sign ver Overview Veterinary Accre in. dit ” for days Holiday Inn Floor and tim ation, the conven es. Plan tion offers Back Co ver five

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What’s In


2022 M VM Ingelheim A Convention Pro also rece ives men gram with Boeh ri tion on signage nger-Ingelheim outside of Exhib logo. Boehringe it Hall. r-

* Subject to approval.

Benefits of Partnership MVMA EXECUTIVE REPORT E-News & “MISSOURI VETERINARY QUARTERLY” Magazine Partnership includes an advertising link and brief tag line in all eight issues of the “MVMA Executive Report” e-newsletter. This electronic newsletter is packed with timely information Missouri’s veterinarians need. Over 1,900 MVMA active and student members look forward to each issue. Appearing in each printed “Missouri Veterinary Quarterly” issue is a banner ad identifying Boehringer-Ingelheim as one of our Partners For Progress Sponsors.




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ad with Boeh

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“MVM A Exec utive

Report” elec tro

nic newslette r


Partnership can include a deep discount on a year-round, full-page advertisment in the MVMA’s full-color magazine, the “Missouri Veterinary Quarterly” (a $500 discount) . If you elect to be a Partner For Progress sponsor, you can receive a full-color ad in each issue. All for only $1,300.* The “Quarterly” is viewed by over 1,900 veterinarians, university educators, and veterinary students in Missouri and surrounding states. It is filled with the latest articles about veterinary medicine and association news.




The “Missouri Ve

terinary Qua rterly ”. Over 1,800 reader s.

* In addition to the basic PFP sponsorship price of $4,850.


In addition to an advertising discount in the Quarterly magazine, Boehringer-Ingelheim will receive a logo and link to the company website on the MVMA homepage. Also included is an online directory listing contact information for Boehringer-Ingelheim’s sales representatives (see next page). The directory is used year-round and is a popular resource for our members. You also have complete access to this directory and all other member-only areas of the website.




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bsite. to your we

Benefits of Partnership ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS Boehringer-Ingelheim will receive up to four (4) MVMA Associate Memberships for non-veterinarian individuals within the company ($1,252 value).




im ringer-Ingelhe Bureau, Boeh rs gs. ke tin ea ee Sp m t e Through th bers at Distric topics to mem can offer CE

The benefits of Associate Membership itself are something to talk about. Partners For Progress members also receive the opportunity to be listed on the MVMA Speakers Bureau for local VMA continuing education meetings.

ogress Partners For Pr ue. aq pl h ot bo

Partner for Progress Sponsor Your company here 2023

In addition to ind ividual online dir ectory listings as members, comp associate any representat ives‘ contact inf included online ormation is as a reference fo r our members.


A special section devoted to Associate Members appears in each issue. This section highlights our Partners for Progress members’ news and endeavors.




Partner With Our Leaders and Members.

2022 MVMA Officers

Benefits of Partnership ADDITIONAL BENEFITS

Your representative serves on our elite Advisory Council which is integrally involved in the speaker and vendor programs for the annual convention. Edward Migneco, DVM President

Matt Silvius, DVM President-Elect

Boehringer-Ingelheim will be on the Partners For Progress pre-mailing for Exhibitors. This allows extra time to get your first choice for booth location by returning your form earlier. You will receive a link to your website from the MVMA homepage ( Updates are made constantly to the MVMA website making it a truly useful site that our veterinary members visit frequently. Commercial links on the MVMA website will be limited to Partner For Progress Sponsors and partner programs. Partners for Progress members have first opportunities to sponsor district meetings and provide speakers to get in front of veterinarians on a local level.

Kacie Ulhorn, DVM Vice-President

Shelia Taylor, DVM Secretary-Treasurer

During the annual convention, attendees are given a punch card that drives them to our Partners for Progress booths. The winner receives a Yeti cooler. As a 2022-2023 PFP Sponsor, we will give BoehringerIngelheim a prime opportunity to be considered for providing a non-commercial speaker for continuing education at the annual convention in January 2023. The company will also be given the first level of opportunity to pick speaker sponsorships available at the MVMA Convention. As plans for other activities and projects develop, you can count on the fact that our Partner For Progress Sponsors will not be forgotten.




Marcy Hammerle, DVM Board Chair

Julie R. Braun MVMA Executive Director

Please join us. Missouri Veterinary Medical Association Julie R. Braun Executive Director 2500 Country Club Drive Jefferson City, MO 65109 Phone: 573-636-8612 • Fax: 573-659-7175 Email: • Website:

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Missouri Veterinary Medical Association 2500 Country Club Drive Jefferson City, Missouri 573-636-8612 Fax: 573-659-7175 Email:

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