Nxgen PFP Book

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An Invitation for Partnership with the Missouri Veterinary Medical Association



O Partners for Progress

al Association Missouri Veterinary MedicCity, MO 65109

, Jefferson 2500 Country Club Drive ovma.org 59-7175 • Email: mvma@m 3-6 57 : Fax 573-636-8612 •

eted MVMA sponsorship to our year-round, multi-fac ion itat inv l cia spe a u yo er July each year. We would like to off gram runs August through pro e Th ss. gre Pro for rs ng program called Partne ity and efficiency in reachi m gives them great flexibil gra pro ets the dg nd bu ir fou e the in hav Our current Partnerss able to find several places members, and that they are our over 1,600 veterinarian gram fit nicely. t that components of this pro ducts. By splitting the cos entatives, territories, and pro res es rep vic oss Ser acr nt ead me spr Pay be gen sponsorship, Nx The sponsorship can MA MV d ete fac ltimu d, sponof a year-roun ity recognition as an elite and component benefits als while getting high-qual go c cifi rs that spe yea ctst du pa in pro es ny pany representativ can work toward ma com h wit g rin fer con r invite you to nsorship afte nds need. I would like to sor. We developed this spo frie ry ust ind r ou ity ibil offer the flex thought this program would rtunity. po op g itin ads in take part in this exc 0 with 4 full-page full-color r amount is $4,750 ($6,05 nso many spo the ss e gre eiv Pro rec l for wil rs nt Services The MVMA Partne this amount, Nxgen Payme th Wi . y”) erl art Qu ry ina the “Missouri Veter lowing pages. benefits outlined in the fol can be arranged. rship period. Flexible billing nso spo this hin wit s fall n The 2021 conventio sponsorship you wish to use mine which benefits of this ter de , to ity ibil flex the e As you are probably aware In addition, you hav es and territory budgets. ativ of ent fits res ne rep , be cts ble du ngi pro s inta cost. The among your variou more than the sponsorship ll we rth wo are ed list fits the tangible bene . further enhance that value Partnersship. recognition and privileges your consideration of this to rd wa for k loo I s. ion e any quest Please contact me if you hav Sincerely,

Richard Antweiler Executive Director rantweiler@movma.org 573-636-8612

Benefits of Partnership ANNUAL CONVENTION

the bit Hall at ntion Exhi mbia, Mo. e nv o C 0 202 enter, Colu ecutive C liday Inn Ex


Partnership includes up to two complimentary booths ($1,450 value) at the January 2021 Missouri Veterinary Medical Association’s Annual Convention. With MVMA registrants, and other associated group meetings like the Missouri Veterinary Technician Association, Missouri Licensing Board, and the UMCCollege of Veterinary Medicine, the resulting attendance is over 700 persons including veterinarians, technicians, office staff and students. Our Partners for Progress sponsors are given a presentation room and program time slot to attract an audience on your own with a CE-quality presentation of your choice.*




e Partners ar with presented ation an appreci e th plaque at al nu MVM A an n. conventio

Partnership also includes the Nxgen Payment Services logo as part of our Partners For Progress page in the convention registration book and program, convention bags and on a banner used at MVMA statewide meetings.

m 2020 Banner fro

onv MVM A C

ention. 2020 M VM A C onv pany als o receiv ention Program es menti on on si with Nxgen Pay gnage o ment Se utside o rvices lo f Exhibit go. Your Hall. com* Subject to approval.


“MVM A Exec utive

Report” elec tro

Partnership includes an advertising link and brief tag line in all eight issues of the “MVMA Executive Report” e-newsletter. This electronic newsletter is packed with timely information Missouri’s veterinarians need. Over 1,800 MVMA active and student members look forward to each issue. Appearing in each printed “Missouri Veterinary Quarterly” issue is a banner ad identifying Nxgen Payment Services as one of our Partners For Progress Sponsors.




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. t Services logo Nxgen Paymen

Missouri Veterin ary Medica Partner For Progres l Foundation s Member

MVMA Affin

ity Programs

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Partnership can include a deep discount on a year-round, full-page advertisment in the MVMA’s full-color magazine, the “Missouri Veterinary Quarterly” (a $500 discount) . If you elect to be a Partner For Progress sponsor, you can receive a full-color ad in each issue. All for only $1,300.* The “Quarterly” is viewed by over 1,800 veterinarians, university educators, and veterinary students in Missouri and surrounding states. It is filled with the latest articles about veterinary medicine and association news.




The “Missouri Ve

terinary Qua rterly ”. Over 1,800 reader s.

* In addition to the basic PFP sponsorship price of $4,750.


In addition to an advertising discount in the Quarterly magazine, Nxgen Payment Services will receive a logo and link to the company website on the MVMA homepage. Also included is an online directory listing contact information for Nxgen Payment Services’s sales representatives (see next page). The directory is used year-round and is a popular resource for our members. You also have complete access to this directory and all other member-only areas of the website.




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te. your websi

Benefits of Partnership ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS Nxgen Payment Services will receive up to four (4) MVMA Associate Memberships for non-veterinarian individuals within the company ($1,216 value).




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The benefits of Associate Membership itself are something to talk about. Partners For Progress members also receive the opportunity to be listed on the MVMA Speakers Bureau for local VMA continuing education meetings.

Associate Member booth plaque.

2020 In addition to ind ividual online dir ectory listings as members, comp associate any representat ives‘ contact inf included online ormation is as a reference fo r our members.


A special section devoted to Associate Members appears in each issue. This section highlights our Partners for Progress members’ news and endeavors.




Partner With Our Leaders and Members.

Benefits of Partnership

2020 MVMA Officers


Your representative serves on our elite Advisory Council which is integrally involved in the speaker and vendor programs for the annual convention. David Gourley, DVM President

Marcy Hammerle, DVM President-Elect

Nxgen Payment Services will be on the Partners For Progress pre-mailing for Exhibitors. This allows extra time to get your first choice for booth location by returning your form earlier. You will receive a link to your website from the MVMA homepage (www.movma.org). Updates are made constantly to the MVMA website making it a truly useful site that our veterinary members visit frequently. Commercial links on the MVMA website will be limited to Partner For Progress Sponsors and partner programs. Stay in the loop with key personnel from the company receiving the Executive Report E-newsletter.

Edward Migneco, DVM Vice President

You will receive an appreciation plaque and attentiongetting signage at the convention designating Nxgen Payment Services’s booth as a Partner For Progress supporting the Missouri Veterinary Medical Association. As a 2020-2021 PFP Sponsor, we will give Nxgen Payment Services a prime opportunity to be considered for providing a non-commercial speaker for continuing education at the annual convention in January 2021. The company will also be given the first level of opportunity to pick speaker sponsorships available at the MVMA Convention.

Shelia Taylor, DVM Secretary-Treasurer

As plans for other activities and projects develop, you can count on the fact that our Partner For Progress Sponsors will not be forgotten.




Carol Ryan, DVM Board Chair

Richard Antweiler MVMA Executive Director

Please join us. Missouri Veterinary Medical Association Richard Antweiler, Executive Director 2500 Country Club Drive Jefferson City, MO 65109 Phone: 573-636-8612 • Fax: 573-659-7175 Email: mvma@movma.org • Website: www.movma.org

Continuing Professional Education

Veterinary Student Programs

Serving members of the veterinary community in Missouri since 1891.

Public Education

Introducing New Products & Services

Legislative Advocacy

Community Service



Missouri Veterinary Medical Association 2500 Country Club Drive Jefferson City, Missouri 573-636-8612 Fax: 573-659-7175 Email: mvma@movma.org

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