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& Events
May 2023
April 2023
15 36th Annual MU-CVM Gentle Doctor Benefit. To be held at the Holiday Inn Executive Center, 2200 Interstate 70 Dr. SW, Columbia, Mo. 65203. Auction, great fun and food.
16 MVMA Spring Executive Board Meeting
29 MVMF Board Meeting
6 MU-CVM Open House. 9 am - 3 pm. Join CVM students in opening the college’s campus to visitors. Lots of exhibits, entertainment, and educational fun.
14 MU-CVM Graduation. 1 p.m. in Jesse Hall.
7-13 National Pet Week. Get your clinic involved by celebrating the human/animal bond. Go to www.petweek.org.
19-21 MVTRA Spring Trail Ride. Pinecrest Campground, Salem, Mo.
June 2023
9-10 Power of Ten Leadership Retreat. For veterinarians 10 years out or less. Slots still available.
July 2023
14-18 AVMA Convention held in Denver Colorado. Visit movma.org for details.
April 15, 2023
MU-CVM Gentle Doctor Benefit
36th Annual MU-CVM Gentle Doctor Benefit. To be held at the Holiday Inn Executive Center, 2200 Interstate 70 Dr. SW, Columbia, Mo. 65203. Join in on great fun, food, music and and silent auction to support the MU-College of Veterinary Medicine.