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Our Committees@Work
Equine Committee
The Equine Committee met at the MVMA Convention on January 26, 2023. Discussion was held on whether or not to continue the MVMA Summer Equine Seminar since the Allen family has decided to discontinue the memorial lecture we usually hold on Saturday and attendance has been lower. We decided to send a survey out to Missouri equine veterinarians to gauge interest in continuing to have this CE event before we make a decision as to whether we continue this program.
After a another successful MVMA Fall Equine Dentistry Seminar and Wet Lab in September 2022, we have decided to hold another seminar on September 29 – October 1, 2023. We had a full course in 2022 with 10 veterinarian participants and 3 veterinarians volunteering their time as wet lab assistants. Feedback from participants was that they were pleased with the education and practical experience they received. The format will be the same as the previous seminars and will be again held at the Longmeadow Rescue Ranch near Union, Missouri. The registration fee was raised to $675 to reflect increases in expenses.
The committee discussed a lack of coverage of equine emergencies in some regions of the state that is overwhelming the practices that are seeing emergencies. The MVMA Equine Committee will continue to monitor legislation and issues that will affect the practice of equine veterinary medicine.
Bruce Whittle, DVM, Chair
Emergency Management & Public Health Committee
The Emergency Management & Public Health Committee met on January 26, 2023 from 9-10 am. Items discussed during the meeting were the following:
• The Large Animal Technical Emergency Rescue Awareness & Operations class that took place on August 27 & 28 was summarized. The course was jointly taught by Boone County Fire Protection District first-responders, veterinarians from the College of Veterinary Medicine, and veterinarians from the Corps. The course emphasized the importance of working as a team during rescue situations, and there was a large emphasis placed on how to safely work around injured and/or entrapped large animals. Live exercises with horses, cattle and pigs were conducted. Difficult rescue scenarios (entrapments in overturned trailer, cattle guard and trench) were practiced using manikins. Twelve firefighters, 10 veterinary students and 5 veterinarians from the Corps completed the course.
• The Medical Reserve Corps is planning a state-wide conference for disaster volunteers on April 4-5 at the Stoney Creek Convention Center in Columbia, MO. Corps members are encouraged to attend.
• The AVMA Veterinary First Responder Certificate Program was discussed. The goal of this program is to provide a recognized training program so DVMs who wish to respond to disasters will be appropriately trained and credentialled. The training is 100% on-line, and it consists of courses offered on the AVMA’s Axon website and FEMA’s Independent Study website. All courses are free.
Dr. Vogelweid presented an update from the Mo. Department of Health and Senior Services which contained the annual number of cases of Rabies and tickborne diseases that occurred in 2022.
Cathy Vogelweid, DVM, Chair
Committee Volunteer Form
MVMA succeeds because members volunteer their time and talents for the benefit of their colleagues, the veterinary profession, the association, and animals. The MVMA has over 14 committees and task forces ranging from all interests and groups. If you are interested in learning more about them, you can go to: movma.org/page/ committee_application.

If you have an interest in a committee, or an interest in subject matter, please share those interests to the MVMA Executive Director and/ or fill out the MVMA Volunteer Form at the site mentioned above.

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