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Legislative Session Recap
We have had a successful 2021 legislative session! LegIsLatIve sessIOn ReCap
The Prescription Monitoring Senate Bill 61 that has been introduced year after year will become law after the Governor’s signature. We are happy to announce that we were able to keep veterinarians exempt from mandatory participation in this program. “16. The provisions of this section shall not apply to persons licensed under chapter 340.” A big win for the MU College of Veterinary Medicine, MVMA, Current and Future Veterinary Students, Veterinarians and Public Health: House Bill 19 was truly agreed and finally passed to include $15M for the Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory at the University of Missouri “For the design and construction of a new veterinary laboratory, provided that local matching funds must be provided on a 50/50 state/local match rate in order to be eligible for state funds pursuant to Section 173.480, RSMo”. The college plans to provide the $15 million match. Senate Bill 51 is the COVID Liability Protection Act. Sen. Tony Luetkemeyer, R-Parkville sponsored a bill that would shield businesses and healthcare providers from most COVID-related lawsuits, unless a high standard of proof could be met. Residents would have up to one year to pursue legal action in instances of medical malpractice and two years in cases of product liability or after an alleged exposure, like claiming the virus was contracted on a business’s premises.” Our very own Representative Kent Haden, DVM’s Bill 574 on the authority to inspect facilities is on the governor’s desk for signing. A long list of other bills, that the MVMA watchdogs were staying on top of, are listed our 2020-2021 MVMA Legislative Session Page www.movma.org/page/MVMALegislation2020. Thanks goes out to our Legislative Committee Chair, Dr. Cliff Miller; Legislative Consultants Mr. Heath Clarkston and Mr. Doug Nelson; and the MVMA Board of Governors for all the time put into zoom meetings, texts and calls to make this session a success for all Missouri veterinarians.
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