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Highlights & Actions of the MVMA Board
Missouri Veterinary Medical association executiVe Virtual Board Meeting aPril 11, 2021 JeFFerson city, Mo
Highlights and Actions of the MVMA Executive
Virtual/In Person Board Meeting April 11, 2021 at the MVMA office Jefferson City, Mo. The Missouri Veterinary Medical
Association met virtually and in-person on April 11, 2021 The following are highlights. All formal actions were moved and seconded by board members, and all motions carried, unless noted otherwise: • The MVMA Executive Board reviewed and approved the minutes and financial reports of the association. • Approved the budget for 2021-2022 • Reviewed the MVMA Strategic Plan • Reviewed Staff Changes: Julie Braun was promoted to Executive Director and Richard Antweiler is Senior Executive Director. • Heard and approved the candidate slate for vice president, as well as four candidates for the At-Large-Delegate positions. • AVMA District VII representative Chuck Lemme, DVM and MVMA Delegates to AVMA Carol Ryan, DVM and Chuck Barry, DVM reported to the board. • Dr. Cliff Miller, MVMA Legislative Committee chair reported on legislation and policy currently active in the Legislative Committee and at the Capitol including, VMDL funding, Prescription Drug Monitoring, animal abuse, breed specific legislation, facility inspections, and more. • Discussed the status of the veterinary diagnostic laboratory, and efforts on behalf of the college, and the MVMA, to secure funding for improvements needed. • Heard a report of the successful 2021 first ever virtual convention and reviewed the program for the in-person January 2022 convention at the Holiday Inn, Columbia, MO. CE presentations will be available post-convention for all subscribed to the MVMA CE platform. • MVMA has developed a robust online CE program available to ALL MVMA members with a $25 surcharge added to the dues statement. • Heard a report of the MU College of Veterinary Medicine by Dean Carolyn Henry, including the VMDL funding update, and the Dean’s commitment for 100 percent participation of faculty as MVMA members, • The MVTA compiled a Technician Utilization list that MVMA will submit to the MVMB (Licensing) Board for review in hopes of sharing with MVMA membership. • Discussed blending interested members into current committees and task forces where diversity, equality and inclusion could be discussed. • An inclusion statement was developed and added to the “Join” section of the MVMA website. • Electronic voting will be an option for MVMA members on the fall Executive Board election ballot. A unique identifier will be in place to eliminate duplicate voting. Member identification will not be made public and is for internal cross referencing only. • MVMA conducted a virtual Legislative Awareness week as a reminder to members to make a connection with their legislators. • More MVMA virtual activities were reported on including: MVMA’s first ever Veterinary Student Marketplace; Accreditation Day; and Student Legislative Hangout
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Minutes of this board meeting and other committee meetings can be accessed through the MVMA website, www.movma.org under the “Volunteer” tab.