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2022 MVMA Officer and At-Large Candidates
Note: Official ballots will be mailed on or before September 1, 2021. Candidate for President Elect
Dr. Matt Silvius was raised on a swine and cattle farm in Turney, MO. He graduated magna cum laude in 2007 from the University of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine. Dr. Silvius is a co-owner of Eagle Animal Hospital, a multi-site, eight doctor small animal hospital. Dr. Silvius has previously served two 3-year terms on the Board of the Missouri Veterinary Medical Association and is a recognized national leader in veterinary technology development. He is CEO and Co-Founder of the Independent Veterinary Network (IVN), one of the nation’s leading virtual veterinary technology companies. He is also a member of the KCVMA and AVMA. Dr. Silvius and his wife, Dr. Margaret McKeown Silvius, DVM, have two young children. Their household also includes Archie, a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and Sunny, a cat who has the rule of the house. Matt’s time away from business includes working outdoors, watching sports, and enjoying quality family moments. “It would be an honor to continue to serve our state veterinary association as Vice President. While serving the past 6 years on the MVMA executive board I have gained the experience to help me lead our association. My goal is to continue to support and preserve the important role veterinarians have in delivering healthcare for pets and preserving viable food sources. The current COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we practice in ways we could not have imagined just a few months ago. I want to ensure Missouri veterinarians have access to the latest technologies while we continue to protect the profession and the consumer. Therefore, in conjunction with traditional forms of operation, technology provides veterinarians with opportunities to build their practice while providing clients flexibility and options for animal health consultation.” Matthew Silvius, DVM
Candidate for Secretary-Treasurer
Dr. Shelia Taylor graduated from the University of Missouri-College of Veterinary Medicine in 1992. After practicing in private practice for several years, she took a teaching position and is currently an instructor in Bioclinical Sciences at Ozarks Technical Community College in Springfield, MO as well as continuing to practice medicine on a relief basis. Dr. Taylor currently serves on the MVMA Executive Board as Secretary-Treasurer and is a member of the Recent Graduate and Collegiate Task Force and Missouri Volunteer Veterinary Corps. “Since becoming involved in organized Veterinary Medicine, I have a much greater understanding of what our state and national organizations can do for us whether we currently work day to day in private practice, are in industry or regulatory medicine, academia, or wherever our veterinary education takes us. Serving as your SecretaryTreasurer for the past several years has made me appreciate the profession and the members of our association even more. Therefore, I am once again running for the position of Secretary-Treasurer because for your Association to work for you, we must have a financially sound association. The officer teams and state office have worked hard to maintain the standards of the association and I wish to continue that honored tradition in this position with the help of my fellow officers, district delegates, and you the members. Thank you for your time and your support.” Shelia Taylor, DVM
Dr. Linda Hickam grew up on a commercial cow/calf and backgrounding operation in Columbia, MO. She graduated from the University of Missouri-Columbia with a Bachelor Degree in Agricultural Education and minor in Mathematics, Master of Education and a Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine. She taught mathematics and Vocational Agriculture for 5 years before making a decision to apply for acceptance into the University of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine. Dr. Hickam’s professional career has enabled her to have a variety of experiences while always focusing on animal health and welfare. She has practiced in mixed animal veterinary clinics in Mexico and Centralia, MO, worked for MFA, Inc. as their swine veterinarian and the Missouri Department of Agriculture in several roles, program veterinarian, Epidemiologist, Assistant State Veterinarian and State Veterinarian. Dr. Hickam has received extensive emergency response training and attended several table top exercises to enhance responses to disease incidents, such as AI and FMD, and natural disasters. Her career has provided her the opportunity to travel internationally to assess disease programs, such as Avian Influenza, Foot and Mouth Disease and Tuberculosis, ensuring compliance to import requirements for livestock, poultry and animal products entering the United States. She is currently practicing veterinarian medicine at the Mexico Animal Hospital, Mexico, MO, providing relief work at Williams Veterinary Clinic, Mountain Grove, MO and has an active role in the family cow/calf operation. Dr. Hickam has served on several committees including Chairman and Vice-Chairman on the AVMA Committee on Disaster and Emergency Issues, the AVMA Antimicrobial Task Force, and other MVMA committees as well as holding offices on the Northeast District Missouri Veterinary Medical Association and served on the University of Missouri Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory Advisory Board. She was a member of the Missouri Veterinary Medical Board for several years, serving as Chairman and Vice-Chairman during her tenure. She serves on the American-International Charolais Association Junior Council and was the Missouri Junior Charolais Association Junior Advisor for several years, serving as the American-International Junior Charolais Leadership Conference and Livestock Show Chairman for three events held in Missouri. Dr Hickam is a member of the NCBA and has represented Missouri Cattlemen’s Association on the Cattle Health and BVD Committees at NCBA. She is a member of the Missouri Cattlemen’s Association and serves on the board for the Audrain County Cattlemen’s Association. Dr. Hickam attends Pleasant Grove Methodist Church. She is also active with the Centralia FFA Alumni and Friends providing support to the Centralia FFA Chapter. Dr. Hickam and her husband, David Fountain, reside in Thompson, MO and raise Charolais cattle. Her daughter, Dr. Tara Fountain, practices at a mixed animal veterinary clinic in Kansas. “Veterinary medicine has provided me an incredible career and opportunity to interact with veterinarians I hold in high esteem. I strongly believe in the strength of organized veterinary medicine and feel I have the experience and leadership skills to meet the future challenges of our profession. I would be honored to serve as Vice-President of the Missouri Veterinary Medical Association and cherish the opportunity to give back to the association.” Linda Hickman, DVM
Candidate for Vice President
Dr. Kacie Ulhorn grew up in Macon, Missouri. She attended college at Southwest Missouri State University, and graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Animal Science. She graduated in 2010 from the University of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine. Dr. Ulhorn joined the Hermann Veterinary Clinic immediately after graduation and is now a co-owner of that multi-doctor practice. She enjoys the variety of a mixed animal practice and is happy to work with livestock and pets alike. Dr. Ulhorn lives near Hermann with her husband Tim and their four children. They share their farm with 3 dogs, an awesome orange cat, a small beef herd, and a few goats. Dr. Ulhorn has previously served as East Central VMA treasurer and president, followed by two 3-year terms as the East Central VMA Delegate to the Board of the Missouri Veterinary Medical Association. Additionally, Dr. Ulhorn is a graduate of the inaugural class of the MVMA Power of 10 program and served on the planning committee when MVMA hosted the Heartland Veterinary Leadership Conference. She also led the task force that established the Ortu Stella young veterinarian award. Dr. Ulhorn has extensive leadership training through involvement in the National FFA Organization, where she was awarded her American Degree and served as Missouri State Officer. She is a member of St. George Catholic Church and the Hermann Jaycees. Four kids ago, when Dr. Ulhorn had free time, she enjoyed hiking, canoeing, gardening, traveling, and spending time with friends. Her current favorite hobby is coaching t-ball. “Organized veterinary medicine is very important to me. I truly love this career and serving our association would be an honor. Continuing the services MVMA currently provides our members and continually searching for emerging needs is very important to me. Veterinary medicine is always changing as are the needs of veterinarians and animal owners. I believe my skill set and experiences will allow me to serve our membership well. “ Kacie Ulhorn, DVM
Please return your ballots by October 1, 2021.
NOTe: Vice president candidates are listed alphabetically in the “Officer Candidate” article in this issue of the “Quarterly”. Candidates names and bios will be reversed on the official ballot mailed by September 1, 2021.
Note: Official ballots will be mailed on or before September 1, 2021. You will be asked on the ballot to vote for three (3) candidates out of the four (4) choices.
These positions were approved with the bylaw changes of 2018 and were in effect for the election of 2020. The top three vote-getters will win the positions. The At-Large Delegate one-year terms will begin with the January 2022 convention.
Richard Linn, DVM
Southwest District Richard Linn grew up in northwest Iowa where his dad was a veterinarian in a mixed practice in Gilmore City. After high school he attended Iowa State University for two years and then transferred to the University of Northern Iowa where he graduated with a B.A. in science education in 1974. He attended graduate school at NEMSU and graduated in 1977. For three years he taught biology in Bowling Green, Mo. He completed veterinary training at MU-CVM in 1983, and has been an associate veterinarian/business partner with Ozark Veterinary Clinic since 1985 I wish to be of service to our profession and to further represent the southwest district.
Lynn Martin, DVM, MPH, DACV
West Central District Lynn Martin (MU 2014 grad; DVM, MPH) is a diplomate of the ACVIM and professor of equine internal medicine at MU. Dr. Martin is chair of the Missouri Horse Council and member of the MVMA (Equine and Legislative Committees), AVMA, AAEP and ACVIM. Dr. Martin and her husband Brian were selected to serve on the Missouri Farm Bureau Young Farmers and Ranchers Committee and maintain a row crop and livestock operation. I have always considered organized medicine to be important for preserving the duty and responsibility of our veterinary profession for the communities in which we serve. A leadership role in the MVMA, while working closely with other members and stakeholders, furthers the integrity, education, and rights of our vocation.
Jason Nickell, DVM, PhD, DACVPM
greater Kansas City District Dr. Jason Nickell received the DVM degree in 2003 from the University of Missouri. After four years of mixed animal practice, Dr. Nickell attained a PhD in Epidemiology at Kansas State University in 2010. Dr. Nickell serves as Manager of Professional Services for Allflex Livestock Intelligence (a subsidiary of Merck Animal Health). Dr. Nickell is a Diplomate of the ACVPM and member of the MVMA (past chair of the MSFQAP), AVMA, AVC, and AABP. My motivation for applying reflects a desire to be more involved in our profession. Veterinarians provide a great service to their clients and community. However, to maintain relevancy, continuous improvement is necessary to maximize animal welfare, customer satisfaction, economic viability of food animal clientele, and the financial sustainability of current and future practice owners.
West Central District Tom Rose, DVM, MPH, DACVPM is a managing partner at Rolling Hills Veterinary Hospitals in Columbia, MO. A 1988 graduate of the MU CVM, he has practiced at Rolling Hills and volunteered locally ever since. In 2017 he completed a Master of Public Health degree at MU and in 2019 became a board-certified diplomat of the American College of Veterinary Preventive Medicine. Dr. Rose also works as an adjunct assistant professor in the MU MPH program. Most of my extracurricular activities over the years have been related to public education at the state and local level, serving on several boards and commissions, including the Columbia Board of education. I look forward to continuing to serve my profession on the MVMA board, applying what I have learned through my public health education, my policy work as an officer on several boards, and my experience managing a small business for 30 years.
NOTe: At-Large candidates are listed here alphabetically. Candidates’ names and bios will be reversed on the official ballot mailed by September 1, 2021.