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Foundation Update
EvEnt HigHligHts from Your missouri vEtErinarY mEdical foundation Foundation update
2021 Animal Archives Pet of the Year
The Missouri Veterinary Medical Foundation (MVMF) has announced the winner of the 2021 Animal Archives “Pet of the Year.” The Archives offers an internet-based memorial program devoted to departed pets. This year’s winner is “Angela,” a twelve-year-old mixed breed dog owned by Cecil Caulkins of Jefferson City, “Angela” the 2021 Animal Archives Mo. She was honored by Pet of the Year. the Animal Medical Center, Jefferson City, Mo. and Sharon Keating. Angela was one of six nominees in this year’s competition. Nominees are chosen from the previous year’s submissions to the Archives. During 2020/2021, the public was invited to vote online for their favorite departed pet based on its life story and the bond between the pet and its owners. Votes from across the state were cast for the six candidates. An Honorable Mention goes to the other five Pet of the Year candidates: “Nisa”, “Mr. Radar”, “JoJo”, “Widget” and “Samuel”. “Angela was a large, very sweet dog I adopted from the Callaway Hills Animal Shelter. She had been at the shelter for a long time (8 years, I think) when I adopted her. I was sure she would die there because no one would adopt an old dog. So Angela became my girl, all 90 pounds of her. We spent 3+ wonderful years together. I wanted to give her the best life she could have, and I know I did that. And she brightened my life as well. I will miss her. I plan to adopt again.” – Cecil Caulkins Many thanks to the staff at Animal Medical Center for their care and concern for Angela over the years.
You can now view the next Pet of the Year candidates and vote for your favorite pet.
Go to the Animal Archives of Missouri website at www.mopetmemorial.com.
Veterinary Honor Roll Inducts Two New Members
The Missouri Veterinary Medical Foundation (MVMF) has announced the induction for two new members into the Veterinary Honor Roll of Missouri. On April 17, 2021 a ceremony was held at the Foundation’s Museum in Jefferson City, Mo. to honor Dr. Howard Pue and Dr. Steve Strubberg. Dr. Howard Pue is recently retired as the Missouri State Public Health Veterinarian. He has a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture and Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine from Oklahoma State University and a Master of Science in Veterinary Preventive Medicine from Ohio State University. He served from 1978 through 1997 in the United States Air Force as a base veterinarian and public health officer. Upon retiring from the Air Force in 1997, Dr. Pue joined the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services. He has served as Chief of the Office of Surveillance and Chief of Communicable Disease Control.
Dr. Steve Strubberg
grew up in Union, Missouri, with the intentions of becoming a physician. Driven by his love for science, the outdoors and animals, he soon discovered his passion lie in a different field. In 1989, he received his Doctorate in Veterinary Medicine from the University of Missouri. Following graduation, he assumed ownership and operated Hermann Veterinary Clinic, a mixed animal practice in Hermann, Missouri, for nearly 30 years. He was named the State Veterinarian of Missouri in April 2019. As Missouri State Veterinarian, his vision is to continue to advance animal agriculture within the state and provide health and care for each individual animal. Dr. Strubberg currently resides on a beef cattle operation in Gasconade County and has a stepdaughter and two grandchildren.
Dr. Howard Pue with Dr. Bill Jones (left) and Dr. Philip Brown. Dr. Steve Strubberg with Richard Antweiler (left) and Dr. Philip Brown.

Highlights and Actions of the Missouri Veterinary Medical Foundation
Saturday, April 17, 2021
The Missouri Veterinary Medical Foundation met Saturday, April 17, 2021 at the MVMA/MVMF Office/ Museum in Jefferson City, MO. The following are highlights: All formal actions were moved and seconded by board members, and all motions carried unless otherwise noted.
• Reviewed and approved the agenda for the April 17, 2021 meeting. • Reviewed and approved the minutes of the January 17, 2021 meeting. • Reviewed and approved the treasurer’s report. • Reviewed and approved the 2021-2022 budget. • Two positions per year have been made for Per Annum Board Delegates. These two new positions are open to interested parties. They are one-year terms. If you are interested in one of these positions, contact the MVMA office. • A partnership between the MVMF and Nestle-Purina was established. As pet owners visit the Purina Farms, and purchase a Pet ID Tag for their pet, Purina Farms will donate one dollar ($1.00) from every purchase to the Foundation up to $5,000.00. This period runs from April 1, 2021 – December 31, 2021. • The Grant Committee will review grant applications and decide on grants in the near future. The next scheduled Foundation Board Meeting is scheduled to be on Saturday August 28, 2021 immediately following the Honor Roll induction(s).
Full minutes of the MVMF Board and all other boards and committees can be accessed through the MVMA website, www.movma.org. Go to the home page, click on Volunteer tab.
missouri veterinary medical foundation veterinary museum of missouri

What strange objects does a veterinarian find in a cow’s stomach? in 1929, what did a veterinarian use to give fido his medicine? discover the answers to these questions, and see other strange and unusual objects at the veterinary museum of missouri. the museum has over 3,500 artifacts dating from the 16th century to the present, including: • manuscripts instructing missouri’s first settlers how to care for their horses; • a steamer trunk filled with instruments used by a late 19th century horse doctor; • an 1870s wooden operating table for small animals • 19th century instruments, such as a wooden balling gun, a hog catcher, a swiss trocar and farrier tools • a variety of strange and curious objects (horse pills, huge hairballs, kidney stones) visitors touch and explore bones, animal skins, hairballs, veterinarian tools, etc., and view specimens showing the stages of a calf embryo and animal diseases. it’s a great place for children and adults of all ages to have fun. visit us in Jefferson city, mo. take Highway 50 west to Highway 179. Exit and turn right. take first right onto country club drive. go about one mile and look for us on the left.