MVMA Quarterly Magazine-Winter 2021

Page 8


Help Encourage Student Participation at this Year’s MVMA Convention


ign up to provide a student with a meal ticket for the Saturday night post-awards dinner at the MVMA Convention.

MU-CVM students gather for a group photo after the Student Study Hall Reception in 2020.

At just $25 per ticket, you can help us welcome our veterinary students to MVMA. Your name or clinic name will be on the ticket if you wish, so students know who to thank. The dinner will be January 29, 2022, at the Holiday Inn Executive Center in Columbia. Sign up on your convention registration form to have these tickets provided to our veterinary students attending.

MVMA Board Approves Proposed Dues Increase Effective May 2022 The MVMA Board’s policy on dues increases is as follows:

The Board of Governors should always ensure association expenses are necessary and related to the MVMA’s mission and strategic plan.

If expenses justifiably rise, and other sources of income are satisfactorily exploited, the Board of Governors should consider proposing a dues increase at least every two years, of at least an average of 1.5% per year.

This policy is intended to accurately reflect the association’s ongoing cost of doing business, to avoid crisis management, and to avoid the need for very large dues increases.

It has been 2 years since a dues increase. In accordance with this policy, at its September meeting, the MVMA Executive Board approved a proposed dues increase of 3% which would be effective May 2022. This proposal will be presented for approval Saturday, January 29, 2022, at the General Membership Meeting, during the annual convention at the Holiday Inn Executive Center, Columbia, Mo.. 8

Minutes cont. from page 6.

• A brief overview was given by Mrs. Braun and Dean Henry regarding MU Extension Dairy Farm Experimental Stations downsizing. More info is needed from the university for further discussion. • Mr. Antweiler reported on the bicentennial time capsule item submitted by the MVMA and MVMF. • Discussed limiting the number of cooperate seats held on the board. The discussion will continue in the Membership Committee. • The 2021 Power of 10 has a full class and has completed two events this year including a leadership retreat. • Mrs. Braun reported on multiple events MVMA held and attended since the last board meeting: MOVVC Training, Equine Dentistry Weekend, State Fair, Fetch, V.E.T., Student Orientation, VBMA Reception, and District Meetings. • Veterinarian-client interactions and possible solutions were discussed for the Wellbeing Task Force to explore. • Veterinary Medical Board vacancies were reviewed and continues to appeal for the three expired terms to be reappointed. • Dr. Marcy Hammerle reported that herself, Stephanie Gilliam, RVT, and Mrs. Julie Braun had an appointment to discuss the Technician Utilization Document with the Licensing board in October. An MVMA task force has been appointed. • Dr. Mel Falk selected to be on the AVMA accreditation team for a site visit to Maple Woods Community College in October. • Foundation minutes were reviewed and Dr. Hammerle reported on the grant task force’s point system and selection of grant recipients. • Reports were also heard on Membership status; Academy; Future dates; and PAC. • The Board reviewed the minutes of all MVMA committees and other entities.

In Memory Matthew C. Garver, DVM Lee’s Summit, Mo.

Passed Away: June 20, 2021 Survived by his three children, Amy, Kristyn and Trent.

Glenn M. Schwab, DVM Leawood, KS

Passed Away: August 30, 2021 Survived by his wife Molly; and children, Wendy, John, Suzanne, Matthew, and Bedonna.

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