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Health & Wellness
GENTLE YOGA Progress Park Center Ages: 16+
Bring more harmony into your life and reduce stress in the mind and body. This class will increase your flexibility, strength and well-being using yoga postures, meditation and breathing. No class MAY 30 or JUL 4. (Min 7/Max 25) DAY TIME BEGINS DEADLINE LENGTH PRICE M 9:30A APR 11 APR 4 6 WKS $41/49 TU/TH 6:10P APR 12 APR 5 6 WKS $60/68 M 9:30A MAY 30 MAY 23 6 WKS $41/49 TU/TH 6:10P MAY 31 MAY 24 6 WKS $60/68 M 9:30A JUL 18 JUL 11 6 WKS $41/49 TU/TH 6:10P JUL 19 JUL 12 6 WKS $60/68
POUND® Progress Park Center Ages: 12+
SWEAT. SCULPT. ROCK. POUND® is the world's first cardio jam session inspired by the infectious, energizing and sweat-dripping fun of playing the drums. This class will have different instructors on Monday and Wednesday. No class MAY 30 or JUL 4. (Min 7/Max 30) DAY TIME BEGINS DEADLINE LENGTH PRICE M/W 6:10P APR 11 APR 4 6 WKS $60/68 M/W 6:10P MAY 30 MAY 23 6 WKS $60/68 M/W 6:10P JUL 18 JUL 11 6 WKS $60/68
ZUMBA® Progress Park Center Ages: 12+
Come get a great workout! With heart-pounding Latin rhythms and easy-tofollow moves, you'll forget you are exercising and think you are at a dance party. Music selections are fast and slow to help tone and sculpt the body. No class MAY 30 or JUL 4. (Min 7/Max 30) DAY TIME BEGINS DEADLINE LENGTH PRICE M/W 7:15P APR 11 APR 4 6 WKS $60/68 M/W 7:15P MAY 30 MAY 23 6 WKS $60/68 M/W 7:15P JUL 18 JUL 11 6 WKS $60/68 FIT AND STRONG FOR SENIORS Progress Park Center Ages: 16+
Keep your quality of life with this fitness class for older adults. It is designed to improve range of motion, help maintain bone density, flexibility and increase muscular strength. The tools used are weights, fitness balls and elastic tubes combined with low-impact aerobics. (Min 7/Max 25) DAY TIME BEGINS DEADLINE LENGTH PRICE TU/TH 10:15A APR 12 APR 5 6 WKS $60/68 TU/TH 10A MAY 31 MAY 24 6 WKS $60/68 TU/TH 10A JUL 19 JUL 12 6 WKS $60/68
KETTLEBELL AMPD Progress Park Center Ages: 16+
Kettlebell AMPD is not your typical workout. It takes heart-pumping music and kettlebell moves, and combines them into 30 minutes of calorietorching fun! This program uses lightweight kettlebells in both traditional and non-traditional ways, to create a fun, effective full-body workout. This is a 30-minute class. (Min 7/Max 15) DAY TIME BEGINS DEADLINE LENGTH PRICE W 5:20P APR 13 APR 6 6 WKS $30/35 W 5:20P JUN 1 MAY 25 6 WKS $30/35 W 5:20P JUL 20 JUL 13 6 WKS $30/35
BOOT CAMP Progress Park Center Ages: 16+
Beginners, avid fitness enthusiasts or those looking to expand their fitness horizon can achieve great results with our Boot Camp class. A typical class consists of cardiovascular work, speed and endurance training, partner resistance, strength training with dumbbells, body bars, kettlebells, medicine ball drills and plyometrics! Participants can gain strength, tone up, build muscle and lose weight during this six-week, 40-minute class! (Min 7/Max 25) DAY TIME BEGINS DEADLINE LENGTH PRICE TH 5:20P APR 14 APR 7 6 WKS $41/49 TH 5:20P JUN 2 MAY 26 6 WKS $41/49 TH 5:20P JUL 21 JUL 14 6 WKS $41/49
FITNESS TRAIL WORKOUTS Multiple Locations Ages: 16+
Love walking or running outside but want to incorporate some strength training to your workouts or exercise in a group setting? Fitness Trail Workouts will incorporate body weight exercises as you walk or run on the trail. This class will have you sweating and smiling. (Min 7/Max 25) DAY TIME BEGINS DEADLINE LENGTH PRICE TU 5P APR 12 APR 5 6 WKS $41/49 TU 5P MAY 31 MAY 24 6 WKS $41/49
Unless otherwise noted, each Health & Wellness session lasts 55 minutes. Preregistration is required. If you would like to take a class that is offered twice a week but can only attend one of the days, please call (636) 639-2093 or email Xander.Garcia@wentzvillemo.gov for the once-a-week rate. YOGA OPEN LEVELS Wentzville Ice Arena Ages: 12+
Yoga incorporates a variety of postures to cultivate balance, flexibility and strength, while using flowing movements coordinated with your breath to create continuity between postures and to promote overall wellness. This open levels class provides modifications and variations to make it appropriate for any level. (Min 7/Max 25) DAY TIME BEGINS DEADLINE LENGTH PRICE SA 9A APR 16 APR 9 6 WKS $41/49 SA 9A JUN 4 MAY 28 6 WKS $41/49 SA 9A JUL 23 JUL 16 6 WKS $41/49
Not familiar with the weight room? Our certified Personal Trainers are available by appointment to show you how all the strength and cardio machines can be used and adjusted. Orientation includes weight room etiquette, safe-lifting techniques and guidance on using selectorized machinery and cardio equipment. The Weight Room Orientation is 45 minutes. Cost is $35/40.
You get so much more than a great workout when training with a Personal Trainer. You get personalized attention to your fitness goals with a customized training plan, guidance on proper form and technique, support, answers to fitness questions and a motivating coach. Each session will take into consideration where you are on the day of training, whether that is scaling back or ramping up. It’s time to overcome those plateaus and enhance your overall health and quality of life. Sign up for a one-time free consultation today to meet your certified personal trainer! Packages are available in 30- or 60-minute sessions. 30-MIN SESSIONS 60-MIN SESSIONS 3 PACK $79/99 $150/189 6 PACK $149/187 $275/339 12 PACK $289/359 $499/619
Group training is great for couples, friends, coworkers or family members wanting to get in shape together in a fun, personalized environment. It is led by a nationally accredited personal trainer who will tailor workouts to each individual’s needs. Get the benefits of camaraderie with accountability in a customized, superior workout experience. Group Training is for two or more participants. Price is per person. Sessions are 60 minutes and multiple packages are available to purchase. GROUP SESSIONS
(PER PERSON) SINGLE $35/45 3 PACK $95/119 6 PACK $175/219 12 PACK $345/430
Children between the ages of 12 and 15 are permitted to use the track under the direct supervision of a parent or guardian upon completion of a Youth Track Use Permission Form. This form can be found at the Front Desk at Progress Park. While adult supervision and the completed form allow them access to the track, please note that it does not grant access to the fitness areas. Join us on the streets of Wentzville for our Crossroads Beer Run! This exciting event includes a morning 5K race followed by an afternoon of sipping craft beer and listening to great local music! The Crossroads Beer Run is a beautiful, scenic course that will take you through downtown Wentzville and surrounding streets. All racers will receive a custom shortsleeve T-shirt*, custom glass, two 16-oz post-race craft beers and a postrace Bavarian pretzel with cheese. Racers under the age of 21 will receive two root beers from our root beer kegs! Interested in bringing the whole family? Kids 10 and under can participate in our FREE ¼-mile Kids Dash. We are also offering a Kids Package for ages 10 and under that includes a custom glass, T-shirt, two root beers and one pretzel for $15. This race will be chip timed. Awards will be given to the top overall male and female only. Packet pickup is SEP 15 from 3-5P and SEP 16 from 5-7:30P at the Wentzville Ice Arena. Day-of-race packet pickup and beer wristband are available from 7:30-8A; 5K race starts at 9A. Course and parking will be closed off at 8:30A. Beer wristbands will only be available for pickup at the race and only the racer may present a driver's license to receive a wristband. The ¼-mile FREE kids dash will begin 15 minutes prior to the 5K. (Min 100/Max 300) *To guarantee shirt quantity and size please register by AUG 17. **5K registration costs: $35 before JUN 30, $40 before AUG 27, $45 AUG 28 - SEP 16 and $50 on race day. No refunds after SEP 1. DAY TIME BEGINS DEADLINE LENGTH RACE PRICE SA 9A SEP 17 SEP 17** 1 DAY 5K $35** SA 8:45A SEP 17 SEP 17** 1 DAY 1/4 MILE FREE SA 8:45A SEP 17 SEP 17** 1 DAY KID'S PKG $15
*Note: A one-time Weight Room Orientation is required for anyone between the ages of 12-15 who wishes to use Progress Park Recreation Center’s weight room with parent supervision.
Did You Know?
“Working out with a crowd carries a plethora of intertwined benefits that include enhancing consistency, duration, motivation, conversation and inspiration.” (www.nbcnews.com) To register for a group fitness class, please call (636) 332-9236 or visit .
Get active. Stay active.