Fig® West Chester Fall 2015

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FIG Ee R IS F ME e ta k I T H W YOU

the good taste issue fig 速 fall 2015 | issue no. 16 | the fresh, fashionable, & flavorful of west chester, pennsylvania

PUBLISHER Moxie House, LLC EDITOR Deborah Brandt MANAGING EDITOR Allison Snavely-Villano DESIGN Jena Miller Shani Tucker Josh Seibert PRODUCT MANAGER Amy Hynes

a special thanks

to Taylor’s Music Store & Studios for providing their noteworthy instruments for our introduction. See more on page 30. 16 West Gay Street

WRITING Nicole Patterson COMMUNICATIONS Theresa Yerger PHOTOGRAPHY Mike Miville STYLE DIRECTOR Marie Kojitani BRAND STRATEGIST Emma Parnham SUPPORT STAFF Cynthia Sawaya CONTRIBUTORS acac West Chester Eileen Acello Suzanne Adams Jen Anderson Brian Fahey Julie Funk Devin Gage Stephanie Hanson Jennifer Hetrick Malcolm Johnstone Dr. Sharon Kelly MacElree Harvey, Ltd. Stephanie Markstein Catherine Quillman Rebecca Tirrell Talbot ADVERTISING To find out how you can strategically and effectively market your business through the Fig® communications package, contact Allison Snavely-Villano at

F i g ® W est C hester i s s u p p o rte d b y l o c a l b u s i n esses & o r g a n i z a t i o n s . J o i n u s i n cre a t i n g a thr i v i n g d o w n t o w n c o m m u n i t y — sh o p l o c a l th i s f a l l & y e a r - r o u n d !

Other Fig® destinations Lancaster, PA Kennett Square, PA Doylestown, PA Bethlehem, PA Columbia, SC

on the cover

Local impressionist artist John Hannafin painted “Ballad on the Horace Pippin Bench” 24"X24" oil on canvas. Learn more at

a fall thank you

Fig® is sponsored by the West Chester Business Improvement District (BID); they believe in the power of a unified downtown. Moxie House, LLC has made every attempt to ensure that all information contained in this publication has been obtained from reliable sources, but all such information is provided “as is” with no guarantee of completeness or accuracy. The views of contributors do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of Moxie House, LLC. Moxie House, LLC cannot be held responsible for errors or omissions contained in, or reliance made upon the contents of this publication. Copyright: Copyright 2015 © Moxie House, LLC. All rights reserved. Photography or design contained in Fig® shall not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without the specific written permission of Moxie House, LLC. Contact 717.394.7737 or

west chester h a s a

what is fig®?


Fig® is a hyper-local, super-social guide to shopping, dining, arts, and events in great destinations. Fig® believes in the power of creative communication to inspire, engage, and educate. Find out more about Fig®’s mission to create economic sustainability and collaborative communities at

keep up with all things social

Join the conversation with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest! Fig® social channels are dynamic, engaging resources featuring daily coverage of local entertainment, events, food, fashion, and more.

/figwestchester @figwestchester @figwestchester /figmagazine community supporters

Thank you to these businesses who support a thriving downtown: acac Fitness & Wellness Centers, Leardi Family Dentistry, Chaddsford Winery, Heron Crest Studios, Michael’s Motor Cars, Garden Spot Village, Studio 882, Crozer-Keystone Health System, and Christiane David Gallery. See them starting on page 42.


People think in stories. We all seek inspiration in order to enrich our lives, discover new ideas, and share our personal histories. Creativity runs deep in West Chester and the stories can be found in our town’s heritage. The earliest families believed in education and expression through the arts. Those forethoughts continue to weave through the streets of West Chester and compose a culture of creativity. Imagination can be found everywhere. The richness of artistry is found in music, theatre, art, nature, and even reaches into our culinary experiences. We have it all. West Chester University brings talent that chooses to stay and perform. The deep beat of the tenor drum marching down Gay Street resonates to our children’s delight. Our artists are supported by the Chester County Art Association—started by the longstanding Wyeth tradition. We are building Uptown Theatre for residents and visitors to enjoy a varied theatrical experience. Our parks are arboretums to look for faces hidden in the peeling bark of sycamore trees. The food we eat is created by artisans who master and infuse their craft with pride. West Chester is a muse. John Hannafin painted our cover at the Horace Pippin’s red bench in Everhart Park. Mary Cassatt once looked out onto High Street as a girl; perhaps she glimpsed the domestic scenes that would thrust her work to worldwide fame. West Chester is where I choose to write my story, create my memories, and find my passions. Join with me in discovering all the originality this community offers. Cheers,

allison snavely-villano Meet the entire creative & talented team who make Fig® possible at


giving back | fall 2015 | volunteer. donate. give back.

Karen Delaney, CCAA Executive Director

giving back:

k a re n d e l a n e y

the chester county art association (located at 100 North Bradford Avenue in West Chester) has been giving back to the community since its establishment in 1931. Founded by renowned painters and illustrators N.C. Wyeth, William Palmer Lear, among others, and art critic Christian Brinton, the CCAA was born to share art with the community. The CCAA is able to serve Chester County and strengthen the community’s art conscious through year-round classes, programs, and outreach initiatives for adults and children. This summer alone, more than 600 kids enjoyed a robust tenweek art camp. With forty-five different exhibition opportunities happening this 4

year, the CCAA is also proud to have regular rotation at places like Starbucks, Bryn Mawr Trust, and Oakland’s Corporate Center in Exton—giving their nearly 700 artist members a public presence. This fall, the CCAA has the great privilege to showcase seventeen N.C. Wyeth oil paintings. “Sixteen of the seventeen N.C. Wyeth artworks are illustrations of a compilation of poems. They are beautiful, stunning images and I cannot wait until they come here,” says Executive Director Karen Delaney. Wyeth’s works will be on public display at the CCAA for a small fee from October 10th to October 18th. The pieces are part of a private collection on loan from The Hill School in Pottstown;

and one famous painting, “The Giant,” from the Westtown School in Westtown. This exhibit will be the first time they are on public display in West Chester since their creation. “This is a unique and rare and special opportunity for us to honor all of our founders and really just tell the story to the community,” Karen says. Some 85 years after its inception, the CCAA is still serving its mission and tradition to be a source of inspiration and creativity to connect artists, students, patrons, and the wider community— through art. Visit to find out about classes, membership, donations, and great events like ClayDays.





Sunday, 11AM-8PM

100 N. Bradford Avenue West Chester, PA 19382 Also on exhibit:

Paintings by charter member George Gillett Whitney, literary works by Christian Brinton and early letters by former CCAA director William Palmer Lear. Meet our founders.

Show made possible courtesy of The Hill School & Westtown School.



C H I L D R E N ’ S



Photo by Patrick M. McCoy


Opening Gala Art Sale & Exhibition Winterthur October 23, 2015 6:30pm-9:30pm

sponsored by:

Art Exhibition and Sale continues Sat & Sun, Oct 24-25, 10am-4pm

Call 302-655-4288 for tickets or visit

brandywine ballet & the brandywine singers will be joining together october 23 – 25 to present

carmina burana

Resident Choreographer Nancy Page has set her ballet to the inspirational music of Carl Orff, portraying the medieval collection of poems and texts about life, fortune, and fate. The Brandywine Singers and their percussion orchestra, under the direction of Jonathan Kreamer, will bring Carmina Burana’s epic score to life. Don’t miss this extraordinary Chester County collaboration.

Also premiering alongside Carmina Burana is Swan Lake - Act II, by Philadelphia-based choreographer Meredith Rainey.

Right (left to right): Donna L. Muzio & Nancy Page of Brandywine Ballet, Jonathan Kreamer, Lara Forgy Kennedy & Marcia Sommers of The Brandywine Singers. Above: Artists of Brandywine Ballet & The Brandywine Singers. Photos taken at West Chester University’s Emilie K. Asplundh Concert Hall.

tickets available at or call the box office: 610.696.2711 7

eyewear a s i n d i v i d u a l a s y o u a re

west chester: 127 north high street 610.738.7150

doylestown: 10 south main street 215.340.1725 9

1 . Marcia Gasser An award-winning, juried watercolor artist, exhibiting at galleries, shows, and street fairs. She is most known for her pet portraits. Her paintings are dominated by the animal’s eyes, bringing the pet to life. 610.692.2267 2 . Ree Gallagher

Gallagher brings together nature, color, design, handwork, and history to create pieces that empower the wearer’s spirit. 610.388.1694

3 . Denise Vitollo

Denise, a well-traveled and versatile artist who works in pastels and watercolors, explores color and how it is influenced by light and shadow. She accepts a wide variety of commissions and instructs private students. 610.430.7880

4.a Fall Registration starts now! Classes begin September 19. New this fall: Professional Youth Program. Acting and musical theatre classes for children through adults. 484.995.2915


m eet y o u r cre a t i v e c l a ss


al artists i m a g i n a t i o n th a t i n s p i res

The artists of West Chester are a collective mirror, reflecting our life and culture in unexpected ways—with lifelike realism and abstract shape—with thought and feeling. This fall, support the artists who make West Chester an arts destination. VISIT A GALLERY | COMMISSION AN ORIGINAL | TAKE A CLASS

5 . Steven Mogck

Steven Mogck is a mixed media artist residing in West Chester, Pennsylvania. His paintings have been selected by curators from The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Guggenheim Museum of Art, and The Gladstone Gallery in New York City for various exhibitions. Steven studied Illustration at Pratt Institute and graduated from West Chester University with a BFA in studio arts. Over the last year, Steven has been featured in group shows at The Bridgette Mayer Gallery and Philadelphia City Hall. 484.477.3998


women’s clothing & accessories unique gift ideas


years in downtown west chester!

styled for you f a sh i o n


12 37 west gay street 610.436.8272

l i fe

whimsical home goods baby gifts Coming Soon a new online KALY store with

f u n f a ct ! Mary Cassatt, the renowned American painter and printmaker, lived in West Chester with her family at age 9. She lived on High Street where local painter, and our front cover artist, John Hannafin grew up!



all ages At FigŽ, we know it’s important for artists of all ages to create.

This page features artwork from art students at CCAA: Top (left to right): Maddie A., Hanah R., and Noah M. Below: Kellen R. Right: Maddox C.

With the help of the Chester County Art Association, young creators and makers are encouraged to forge a meaningful relationship with their inner artist.


seasonal beauty where a rt & n a t u re c o m e t o g ether

Glass pumpkins by

luke adams glass Norwood, MA

Representing North American & regional artists

funky finds & unique gifts for every occasion

14 133 west market street 610.719.0170

fair-trade products

m eet west chester ’ s

local galleries

presented by

John Hannafin

Carol Giblin

john hannafin

church street gallery

“I had a dream to be an artist from a very young age,” says John Hannafin who has made it a lifelong quest to paint images of West Chester, the Brandywine Valley, and beyond. His art inspires everyone it touches, energizes the personal and professional space it inhabits, and delights the soul. Commissions, original work, and prints available.

Carol Giblin, along with artist John Suplee, has opened an art gallery in the truest sense—celebrating works from select artists of the region. Each month Church Street Gallery brings a new featured artist that is generally highlighted by a theme. It’s eclectic, fun, and always presented with the care and thought great art deserves.

19 south church street #2a west chester, pa 19382 484.883.6596

119 north high street west chester, pa 19380 610.738.3350

Rob Hoffecker

z gallery

109 west gay street west chester, pa 19380 610.696.5515 Care and selection are bywords of Z Gallery. Providing professional service for framing of the treasured art you value, their attention to detail makes every project special. Browse through their selection of artwork where something for every taste and style is sure to be found.

the west chester business improvement district (BID) celebrates small, family-owned businesses that have become the hallmark of downtown West Chester. Learn more about the resources the BID offers at

authentic | fall 2015 | authentic. true. west chester.

Angela Guerriero


a n g e l a g u err i er o

music is a language that connects internal emotions with external tactility. Angela Guerriero has spent many years helping students communicate through the transformative power of music. Angela is an Assistant Professor of Music Education at West Chester University. She lectures three days a week, teaching undergraduate and graduate classes to music education and early childhood education students. Her courses range from “Teaching Music to Special Learners” to “Integrating the Arts within the Elementary Classroom.” Many of her WCU students are interested in learning how to teach students with autism, physical disabilities, or other behavioral differences. Outside of the classroom, Angela can be found at her private practice, Tempo! Music Therapy Services. With locations in West 16

Chester and King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, and Nutley, New Jersey, Tempo! is dedicated to promoting the emotional and social wellbeing of individuals and families, improving their quality of life through the arts. Ranging from children to adults and spanning all abilities and disabilities, Angela’s goal is to have a positive impact on everyone she comes in contact with— helping to enrich lives through music and the arts. “I’m a lifelong learner and I love to teach. I love working with people,” she says. “I volunteered with the Special Olympics a few times. It’s a wonderful and very positive organization,” she says. Angela and the staff of Tempo! were recently asked to carry the torch in the Special Olympics Unified Relay Across America. “It was an

absolute honor to do that—a once in a lifetime opportunity.” Angela is a Board Certified Music Therapist, with Masters Degrees in Music Therapy and Music Education, who is continuously honing her skills through education and outreach programs. Her current work includes offering sensory friendly concerts—an amazing opportunity for those families who have children with autism who might not be able to attend a traditional concert. Angela is proud to be serving the community through education for the future and acts of service to the community. Her authenticity resonates loud and clear. Learn more about Angela and Tempo! at

p re p a r i n g f o r l i v es o f

caring leadership

ADMISSIONS OPEN HOUSE Sept. 21 | 12:30 pm Oct. 24 | Noon flexible tuition available

Educating Boys & Girls in preschool through 5 th Grade Innovative & enriched curriculum in the context of Quaker values, including STEAM studies, Smart Table and Makers Space | Interdisciplinary Literature & History | Music, Studio Art, & Art History | Mindfulness Training | Raised Bed Gardens & Resident Hens | Learning Partnerships with the West Chester University Honors College, Kennett Symphony, Chester County Historical Society, Echo Hill Environmental School | Intergenerational Program with Hickman Home 415 north high street 610.696.2937


feathers are flying at the art trust Social. Inquisitive. Mischievous. Problem-solvers. Bossy. Inspiring. 6 artists use the crow as their inspiration. The result – art that takes flight.

Artists’ Reception & Gallery Walk | October 2 | 2015 Refreshments provided by La Baguette Magique | 5:00 pm > 9:00 pm | Open to the public

exhibition runs september 23 > November 13 | 2015 IT’S A BANK. IT’S A GALLERY. IT’S BOTH. As The Art Trust’s corporate sponsor, Meridian Bank both funds our yearly budget and donates their West Chester branch walls, allowing us to share over 100 artists’ work each year. We invite you to stop in and enjoy the artwork at any time.

T HE A RT T RU ST.O RG 16 West Market Street | West Chester, PA | 484.467.1664 | Hours | 9 am > 4:30 pm | M > F

Gallery at Meridian Bank

Generous support provided by:



OCTOBER 2 5 pm  – 9 pm

Art shows throughout Downtown West Chester. Bring friends and make an evening of it!

Galleries: Sunset Hill Fine Arts Gallery The 5 Senses Visual Expansion Gallery The Art Trust Gallery at Meridian Bank Church Street Gallery Explore more than 20 additional one night show host locations. For a complete list visit Enjoy FREE on-street metered parking* *Beginning at 5 pm!

Mark your calendar: FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 2015 for the Mars Drinks Old-Fashioned Christmas parade presented by QVC!

Presented by:

Highly Trained Stylists • Expert Color Techniques • Women & Mens cutting • Facial Waxing Cosmetics • Deva Curl stylists • Extensions • Formal Styling

the art of hair and makeup the c u l t u re o f st y l e

Wardrobe courtesy of Tish Boutique Style & makeup by Thomas Crisp & John Barrett

20 west chester: 150 east gay street 610.314.4300 exton: 826 north pottstown pike 484.872.8457

Fall pre-season sale going on now! Tommy Ciccarone getting fitted for a custom sport coat

custom tuxedos available for purchase & rent. ask about special wedding party pricing.

upscale | affordable american made | custom suits from $795

131 west market street 484.905.7098 21

Historic Restoration Chimney Relining Chase Covers and Chimney Caps Masonry Repairs Custom Stone & Brick Work Re-pointing dryer vent cleaning Masonry Stain Removal Stucco Repair Chimney Inspections chimney sweeping gutter cleaning

Davey Dickens, Owner, Dickens Chimney Restoration

restoring chester county 22 610.470.7583

Mary Manning, owner, & Hugo.

visit the

n ew g a l l er y

for a fresh perspective, visit the NEW Visual Expansion Gallery space at 132 North High Street. Come celebrate over 40 years of custom framing, antique maps, and local art in downtown West Chester—discover local art in a new location. 132 north high street 610.436.8697


g et e v e n m o re fresh & lo cal f u n — d e l i v ere d str a i g ht to yo u r i n b ox e v ery wee k . Plan your weekend with fig® Datebook

j o i n the c o m m u n i t y : i n p r i n t + on li n e



You’re invited to be a part of our annual holiday issue—celebrating West Chester’s best local shopping, dining, arts, events, and services. Space is limited. Contact to save your spot!

Fig® Datebook makes it easy to be in the know! Our weekly e-newsletter is a carefully curated selection of local events intended for readers who love all things West Chester. Get involved in community happenings, read a blog post from our local contributors, learn more about that new restaurant in town—Fig® Datebook covers it all! Sign up today at

Join us at 8, 9, & 10:30 every Sunday morning

sunday, october 4

The Brandywine Singers Chester County’s premier choral ensemble | 4 pm MASS Choral Music of the Romantic Period featuring the Missa Choralis of Franz Liszt, and four motets by Anton Bruckner. Jonathan Kreamer, Artistic Director; Marcia Sommers, Assistant Director.

sunday, november 1

The Beech Trio | 4 pm Chamber music for this enticing trio of instruments. Featuring Martin Beech, violin; Robert Hoch, clarinet; Donna Beech, piano.

column classics

The fine arts series of First Presbyterian Church is in its 19th year of programs and exhibits and has been dedicated to bringing the finest in music and art to the heart of Chester County. All programs are free; an offering will be received and a reception will follow the concerts listed above.

24 130 west miner street for more information on these events call 610.696.0554 or visit

Samantha, Nan, Maegan (seated on floor), Tim, Kathy, Cindy, Alex (seated on floor), Julia, Thea, Michael, & Andrea (not shown).

S taff

P icks r

t ou see k ou o C h e c s Sh e l f t i n g k ss c e i s P b f Staf we’re o ason . t wha r this se ove


west chester reads

one for you and one for them… Cross something off both your lists—your own wishlist and your holiday gift list, in our welcoming boutique bookshop. Our knowledgeable staff will guide you to the perfect book for all the hard-to-shop-for people in your life. west goshen center, 967 paoli pike





26 visit to learn more about the west chester university music program

Watch the West Chester University “Incomparable” Golden Rams Marching Band this Thanksgiving in the 89th Annual Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade on NBC!

musical talents

During August of 2015, fifteen excellent young pianists and their teacher from China came to refine their craft at the Samuel Barber Summer International Piano Institute at West Chester University’s College of Visual and Performing Arts. They worked with West Chester University’s talented piano faculty in master classes and private lessons, culminating in two impressive performances at the end of the session. The Piano Institute offers a workshop of intensive study comprising master classes and private lessons, with

emphasis on technique, interpretation, and repertoire. Participants enjoy daily access to air conditioned private practice facilities equipped with new Steinway grand pianos and opportunities for weekly individual conferences. Public performance opportunities are offered to all students who wish to participate. For further Information contact Dr. Timothy Blair, Dean, School of Music 610.436.2739.

28 visit to learn more about the west chester university music program

1953 J.P. and Lawrence MacElree walk outside the Chester County Courthouse

Rachel L. McCardell, Paralegal



Patrick J. Gallo, Jr., Esq.

Founder W.W. MacElree speaks at the Sesqui-Centennial of Chester County

To us, the history of our law firm means more than a timeline of events; it’s a chronicle of how we have developed relationships as trusted family and business lawyers, with the thousands of clients who have placed their trust in us over the 135 years we have been in business.

west chester location: 17 west miner street 610.436.0100



COMPREHENSIVE, QUALITY HEALTH CARE IN THE CURE ISCHESTER WITHIN REACH AND SOUTHERN COUNTY NOW CLOSER TO YOU THAN EVER BEFORE. Introducing the Abramson Cancer Center at Chester County Hospital Since 1982, cancer patients and their families have trusted Chester County Hospital for our excellence and expertise, and turned to us for our compassion and convenience. Now, as part of Penn Medicine’s Abramson Cancer Center, a world leader in cancer treatment and research, we can offer even more advanced therapies and innovative cancer care, right here at home. From early detection, diagnosis, treatment, education and outreach — to research, clinical trials and support groups — we’re bringing

701 East Marshall Street, West Chester

the cure within reach. At Chester County Hospital, we treat you like a member of our own family, providing accessible cancer care in a patient-friendly environment. Our cancer specialists are experienced in the most up-to-date procedures and have streamlined access to the latest technologies and clinical trials at Penn Medicine. With a team-based, collaborative approach, we’ll create the most convenient, personalized, treatment plan to meet your specific needs.

Our scope of services includes:

Our cancer care teams include:

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Navigating the cancer treatment process can be a complex and confusing journey. Here at Chester County Hospital, we have patient support services in place to help guide you and your family through your experience with the disease. Serving as a link between patients, physicians and services, our cancer care coordinators provide the education, support and resources you need.

To make an appointment, call 800.789.PENN (7366), or visit

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Oncology Nurses Radiation Therapists Research Nurses Cancer Data Center Care Coordinators Social Workers Nutritionists Nurse Practitioners

Penn Medicine’s Abramson Cancer Center at Chester County Hospital. We’re bringing innovative, compassionate cancer care within reach. Why? Because your life is worth Penn Medicine.

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the l a test tre n d s m eet c l a ss i c st y l e

new looks for fall

vince bcbg rebecca taylor sanctuary ecru lilly pulit z er dl 1 9 6 1 premium denim cynthia vincent milly amanda uprichard

36 138 east gay street 610.692.7500 shop with us online!

e x p er i e n ce

music, dance, performances, and distinguished speakers r i g ht here i n west chester


an evening with dan rather

Get your groove on to PhillyBloco’s raucous mash-up of samba, funk, and reggae, all set to the irresistible beats of Brazilian carnival! Learn more:

For more than forty years, former CBS News anchor and “60 Minutes” correspondent Dan Rather has been the embodiment of the intrepid broadcast journalist. As a speaker, few can match the authority, experience, and perspective Rather offers on world events and the passion he displays in defense of journalism.

september 26 7:30 pm Emilie K. Asplundh Concert Hall Philips Memorial Building General Admission: $10

November 6 8 pm Emilie K. Asplundh Concert Hall Philips Memorial Building Orchestra: $25 Balcony: $20

the united kingdom ukulele orchestra

October 16 7:30 pm Emilie K. Asplundh Concert Hall Philips Memorial Building Orchestra: Adults $20 Seniors/Students $15 Balcony: Adults $17 Seniors/Students $13 An unusual orchestra with an eclectic repertoire consisting of everything from classical to rock, from oldies to current hits, and even from long-forgotten treasures to those pieces one prefers to forget! Learn more:

“keyboard conversations®” with jeffrey siegel

october 21 7:30 pm Philips Autograph Library Philips Memorial Building FREE admission*

His enthusiasm is contagious, his credentials are world-class, and his virtuosity is astounding. American pianist and Steinway artist Jeffrey Siegel’s “Keyboard Conversations®” is a brilliantly polished concert-with-commentary format in which captivating remarks precede virtuoso performances of piano masterpieces.Learn more:

original soul sounds of philly Presented by Uptown! Entertainment Alliance and LAR Enterprises november 14 7:30 pm Emilie K. Asplundh Concert Hall Philips Memorial Building VIP Seating: $55 Orchestra: $45 Partially Obstructed Orchestra: $40 Balcony Front: $45 Balcony: $40 Russell Thompkins, Jr. and the New Stylistics, along with William Hart and the Delfonics, bring the Motown of the North to WCU!

story pirates

December 5 2 pm Madeleine Wing Adler Theatre Performing Arts Center General Admission: Adults $8 Seniors/Students $5 It’s an entire show that’s made up on the spot! Watch as the cast creates a show before your very eyes based on audience suggestions. Learn more:

*No tickets are required. Seating is limited and on a first come, first served basis.

for additional performances & tickets: 610.436.2266 or 37

social mission What is the Fig® Social Mission all about? At Fig®, we believe in the power of a community that works together to identify needs and find solutions—one that creates community connections and is passionate about helping its neighbors. We believe in the mission of The Charles A. Melton Arts and Education Center—our 2015 Social Mission Partner. Please consider giving to them with your dollars and your time this year.

the ch a r l es A . m e l t o n a rts a n d e d u c a t i o n ce n ter Saturday, October 10, 2015 | 6 – 10 pm 501 East Miner Street, West Chester Semi-Formal | $100 per person You’re invited to join the Melton Center for the 2015 Gala: Honoring Our Past & Embracing Our Future. The Melton Center’s mission is to promote understanding and cooperation between all people while contributing to the overall value of our community. The special evening will feature a variety of unique auction items as well as great food, drinks, and music. There will also be a few unexpected surprises along the way, making it a night to remember! All of the evening’s proceeds will benefit the Melton Center’s tireless work toward providing and expanding educational, cultural, and recreational programs to the West Chester community. Visit for more information or call 610.692.9290 to get your tickets! Tickets for this event are limited and no tickets will be available at the door.

Mo’ne Davis, ESPY Award Winner Dr. Greg Weisenstein, President of West Chester University

enjoy these 3 honorable speakers at the 2015 gala

g et i n v o lv e d t o d ay ! Visit to learn how you can make a difference in the local community. 38 501 east miner street 610.692.9290

Regina Horton Lewis, Past Chester County Woman of the Year

this autumn Left to right: Joan Childs, Allyn Halsey, Kathy Procaccio, Tom Procaccio, Devin Wilkins, Carley Mack, Kaitlin Petrone, Davide Creato, Andrea Creato, Terri Haines, Lauren Stotz, & Lauren Bilinski

painting in the vineyard september 19 | 12 – 2 pm

Music by Dan Frantz & Food by Koi on the Go. Penns Woods Winery teams with Pinot’s Palette to bring you exciting painting classes at the Vineyard! No Artistic Talent Required. Canvases, brushes, paints, and aprons supplied. Class includes glass of wine and live music. $48/person.

paint in pumpkin land!

h a n g o u t i n o u r b a c k ya r d

october 24, 25, & 31 Choose & decorate your pumpkin from the Penns Woods Pumpkin Patch and decorate it! 21+ enjoy wine by the glass/bottle. Live music and food trucks on select days. Fun Halloween activities for children! $15 – 18/per person includes pumpkin & decorating materials.

fondue for two begins

weekends in november & december Choose a local cheese or chocolate fondue and favorite glass of wine! Fondue is infused with a Penns Woods Wine and includes in-season complements for dipping! $18.99/couple.

for more information about these and other upcoming events visit or call 610.459.0808 124 beaver valley road, chadds ford 610.459.0808


now farming more than 200 acres in westtown

2013 chester county farmer of the year

our business is growing! come find o u t wh a t f a r m fresh re a l ly m e a n s MONDAY – SATURDAY: 9 am – 6:30 pm SUNDAY: 9 am – 6 pm Pete Flynn (owner) with wife Amy & their two children

40 1225 east street road 610.399.3711 petesproducefarm.corn

sip & stroll sidewalk sale

f a l l events

august 22 | 10 AM  –  5 PM An exciting West Chester retail sidewalk sale event with special promotions offered by participating stores and restaurants. Enjoy great end-of-summer savings while sipping refreshments from a vast assortment of unique shops and restaurants in historic downtown West Chester. On-street parking is FREE until 5 pm, and the Justice Center Garage is always FREE on weekends.

west chester railroad summer picnic special Sundays through SeptEMBER 20 | 12 PM

Take a 90-minute train ride on one of America’s oldest railroad routes through the Chester Valley. Ticketed event. See details at

swingin’ summer thursday September 3 | 6:30 – 9:30 pm Bring the whole family downtown for Swingin’ Summer Thursdays. Enjoy great band entertainment, wonderful food, crafters, clowns, jugglers, and more. Gay Street is closed to traffic for this festival event.

budweiser clydesdales first friday September 4 | 6 – 8 pm With the popularity of last year’s visit from the Budweiser Clydesdales, it’s only natural that they are coming back to downtown West Chester to participate in First Friday. Watch this historic event as the fuzzy-footed giants clippity-clop along Gay and Market Streets from 6 – 8 pm. It starts at Gay and Matlack Streets, proceeds west to Darlington, then south to Market, then east to Walnut Street.

wc fashion showcase & girls night out

united kingdom ukulele orchestra at wcu

September 17 | 7:30 – 10 pm Stylish looks from downtown boutiques featuring local models highlight the annual WC Fashion Showcase starting at 7:30 pm at the Chester County Historical Society (225 North High Street). Complimentary wine and hors d’oeuvres. Ticketed event.

October 16 | 7:30 pm WCU Live! presents the perfect blend of British comedy and great music with the theme “I Got Uke Babe” performed by an orchestra of eight, each playing on what has been best described as newly-hatched baby guitars. Directed by Peter Moss. 7:30 pm at Emilie K. Asplundh Concert Hall, Philips Memorial Building. Ticketed event. Details at

chester county restaurant festival September 20 | 12 – 5:30 pm The Brandywine Valley’s biggest food festival has expanded to Market Street. The annual Chester County Restaurant Festival brings in more than 60 restaurants and food vendors plus 120 crafters and information booths. Seven bands will perform on three stage areas. Free-will donations.

phillybloco at wcu

Find even more Fig® events, updated daily, on our events calendar at

halloween parade October 28 | 7 pm Enjoy the costumes, kids, and fun starting at 7 pm for the West Chester Halloween Parade in downtown West Chester. Parade gathers on Market Street between Church & Darlington and continues down Market and up Gay Street. Free parking at the Justice Center Garage (Market & New Streets). Call the West Chester Parks and Recreation for more information at 610.436.9010.

September 26 | 7:30 pm WCU Live! presents PhillyBloco, Brazilian music to shake your body and soul, so be prepared to dance! Modeled after the blocos of Rio de Janeiro with their large percussion sections and harmonic/vocal accompaniment, you’ll experience the power of twelve drummers, electric guitar, bass guitar, vocals, horn section, accordion, and Brazilian dancers. Emilie K. Asplundh Concert Hall, Philips Memorial Building. Ticketed event.

November 6 Shops and boutiques are open late and showing off their newest seasonal fashions and giftware. Browse the in-store specials while enjoying refreshments. See the shops that are participating in ThinkShopBuy... LOCAL (TSBL) for some sweet deals A program of the Greater West Chester Chamber.

west chester chili cook-off

originalsoul sounds of philly at wcu

October 11 | 10:30 am – 3:30 pm West Chester Rotary presents an opportunity for everyone to vote for the best chili on Gay Street in downtown West Chester from 10:30 am – 3:30 pm. Learn more at

first friday

thank you

Fig® is sponsored by the West Chester Business Improvement District (BID); they believe in the power of a unified downtown.

on the following pages, you’ll find our

Community Supporters— businesses committed to a thriving downtown economy. Although they may not be located in the borough, they believe in the power of buying local and shopping small. Take time this fall to visit these businesses—and tell them you found them in Fig®!

November 14 | 7:30 pm Uptown Entertainment Alliance and WCU Cultural Affairs present Russell Thompkins, Jr. and the New Stylistics, with William Hart & the Delfonics, bringing the Motown of the North to West Chester. 7:30 pm at Emilie K. Asplundh Concert Hall, Philips Memorial Building. Ticketed event. See details at



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enrolling is easy. visit our website today!

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Dedicated to bringing the highest level of dentistry, supported by state-of-the-art equipment and techniques with the individual attention and care you deserve.

Left: Robert K. Leardi, D.M.D., P.C. Above: Stephanie Rector, R.D.H.; Mary Pat Gearhart, R.D.H.; Debra Dunleavy, R.D.H.; & Danielle Loahn, R.D.H. (Not pictured)

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t a stef u l se l ect i o n s f o r

good gifting

e x c i t i n g e x p er i e n ces th i s f a l l

flyers wine release weekend October 3 & 4 Experience the new vintage with Flyers alumni and hockey-themed activities.

trick-or-treat tasting weekends October 10 & 11, 17 & 18, 24 & 25, 31 & Nov. 1 Adult trick-or-treating with wine pairings included. Costumes encouraged!

Visit c hadd for a f ull lis t fall & year-r of ound happe nings.

food truck & foliage fest

November 7 & 8 Celebrate Autumn in the Brandywine Valley with local wine and food trucks.

44 632 baltimore pike, chadds ford 610.388.6221

the artists of heron crest studios invite you into our studios for our annual art along the creek show and sale. Friday, November 13 Opening Reception 6 – 9 pm. Music by Off ’n Ensemble and The Trolley Stoppers Saturday, November 14 11 am – 5 pm Sunday, November 15 11 am – 5 pm Saturday, November 21 11 am – 5 pm Sunday, November 22 11 am – 5 pm

Heron Crest Studios

On floor Elizabeth Breakell: • Deborah Flanagan: Seated Fran Gibson: • Ann Guidera-Matey: Heidi Hammel: • Barbara Tollen: Margo Johnson: • Lisa Liebman: Standing Alexis Davis: • Lisa Spradlin: Mary Kay Attanasi: • John DiLello: Pat Scarano: • Amy Valuck:

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cr o z er b r i n t o n l a k e

celebrates 10 years o f q u a l i t y c a re

Some of the dozens of outstanding caregivers who make up the Crozer Brinton Lake team.

when crozer-keystone health system opened the crozer medical plaza at Brinton Lake in Glen Mills back in 2005, the health system was ahead of the curve in terms of bringing high-quality, patient-centered health care services in an outpatient setting to

this part of the region. We’re proud that the community embraced us immediately, and it’s been the dedication and loyalty of our patients that has allowed us to expand our services into the comprehensive Crozer Brinton Lake complex. We now offer more than two dozen medical

specialties and centers for cancer care, medical imaging, outpatient surgery, pain management, sleep medicine, and more. Everything’s Better at the Lake. Visit

46 crozer brinton lake: 300 evergeen drive, 500 evergreen drive, & 145 south brinton lake road in glenn mills

Molly S Photography

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that delight discerning customers. Whether vintage and classic cars for serious car enthusiasts, like this rare 1949 L-Series Allard in original condition (one of only seven in the U.S.), or top-quality late-model, certified used cars for everyday use—we will find it for you. And yes, the Allard is for sale.

We have expertise in both buying and selling vintage and classic cars. We also offer on-site appraisals and manage the sale of estate cars and complete car collections. Is there a great old car in your garage that you would consider selling? We would love to see it! Give us a call at 717.392.2888 or visit

922 north queen street 717.392.2888


dick johnson embraces the Garden Spot Village lifestyle— he has a heart for music and a passion to share his gift. From time to time he fills the Village Square with musical inspirations worthy of a concert hall.

48 433 south kinzer avenue, new holland 717.355.6000

Katie Groves, owner

START HERE “From traditional to contemporary styles, we offer exceptional furnishings for every room in your home. Visit us to see the latest styles from our brands, including Baker Furniture, Hickory White, Kindel, CR Laine, and Julian Chichester. And don’t forget to ask about our design services.” — katie groves, owner

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Christiane David’s personality is as vibrant as her paintings. The Belgian-born artist creates bold dramatization of color, texture, and dimension though her art. Her landscapes, animals, portraits and florals inspire collectors across the globe. Visit her on Gallery Row in the City of Lancaster.

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figÂŽ is your guide to sh o p p i n g, di n i n g, a rts, & e v e n ts

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Photos courtesy of Timlyn Vaughn

Announcing THE WINNERS of the th annual


P R E S E R VAT I O N AWA R D S Hors d ’oeuvres and a light buffet by Limoncello. Wine & Beer included.

5:30pm thurs, october 22, 2015 2 2 5 n h i g h s t, w e s t c h e s t e r , p a 1 9 3 8 0

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A. Roy Smith

Brandywine Heating & A.C.

Arthur Hall Insurance

Smithworks Design Communications


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