Ca zima 2016 2017

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CROATIA Putni časopis _ Inflight Magazine

Zima _ Winter 2016 / 2017

Putni časopis _ Inflight Magazine

Vaš vlastiti primjerak _ Your personal copy

Zima _ Winter 2016 / 2017

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Š. Lugarov

Poštovani putnici!

Dear Passengers,

Završava još jedna kalendarska godina, u kojoj smo nastojali učiniti sve kako biste se vi u našim zrakoplovima uvijek osjećali ugodno. Nastojat ćemo i dalje poboljšavati našu uslugu, a novi obroci u poslovnom razredu još su jedan korak u tom smjeru. Od ove zime, naime, putnici poslovnog razreda mogu uživati u ukusnim obrocima pripremljenima po autohtonim hrvatskim receptima. Kraj godine uvijek je prigoda da posebno zahvalimo svim našim poslovnim partnerima na predanoj suradnji. Istinski zahvaljujemo svima, ali izdvajamo jednu, za nas važnu, obljetnicu. Već 15 godina naša je tvrtka ovlaštena za tehničko održavanje inozemnih zrakoplova. Lufthansin zrakoplov bio je prvi na kojemu su naši stručnjaci obavili različite radove. Iskreno zahvaljujemo našim kolegama na neprekinutoj suradnji i povjerenju koje su nam darovali. Ali, ponajviše, dragi putnici, zahvaljujemo vama koji birate našu kompaniju kao pouzdanog partnera na putu do odredišta. Dijelimo s vama radost što će vas naši zrakoplovi i u ove blagdanske dane voditi do vaših najmilijih. Želimo vam mnogo lijepih trenutaka u danima koji su pred vama i u cijeloj godini.

Another year has ended in which we have put forward the utmost effort in providing our customers with the most comfortable experience possible on board one of our flights, and we feel obliged to continue improving that service. Introducing a new Business Class menu was one step in that direction. Beginning this winter, Business Class passengers can enjoy delicious inflight meals created from autochthonous Croatian recipes. This time of year is the perfect opportunity to acknowledge all our business partners for their commitment to our work. We are truly grateful to everyone, and we are especially proud of another landmark moment. For the last fifteen years, our company has been certified for the technical maintenance of foreign aircraft, the very first of which was a Lufthansa airliner, and our specialised technicians have performed various checks and repair services. We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to our many associates and partners for their ongoing cooperation and support, and for putting their trust in us. Moreover, dear passengers, we would like to extend our appreciation to all of you as well for choosing to fly with Croatia Airlines to your destination of choice. We take great pleasure in bringing you closer to your loved ones for the holidays. Please accept our best wishes for the many memorable moments you will have in the coming days and throughout the new year.

Sretan vam Božić i nova godina!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Krešimir KuËko Predsjednik Uprave / President & CEO



Razgovor Umjesto umjetnost, volim reći stvaranje Goran Petercol jedan je od najprisutnijih hrvatskih umjetnika u međunarodnom kontekstu danas. Interview Instead of art, I prefer the term creation Goran Petercol is one of the greatest Croatian artists with international presence today.


Obala Rovinj, grad atraktivnih događanja Rovinj je grad u kojemu svatko može naći svoj razlog posjeta i pronalaženja sadržaja što ga privlače. The Coast Rovinj, a city of attractive events Anyone can find a reason to visit Rovinj or something that interests them about the city.

Zima/Winter 2016

Ovo je vaπ vlastiti primjerak This is your personal copy


52 Izložbe Orašar, najljepša božićna bajka U blagdanskom ozračju izložbeni prostori zagrebačkoga Muzeja za umjetnost i obrt rezervirani su za izložbu Orašar. Exhibitions The Nutcracker - A Magnificent Christmas Tale In the spirit of the holiday season, the exhibit areas of the Zagreb Museum of Arts and Crafts are of reserved for The Nutcracker.


Projekti Hotel kao umjetničko djelo Stoljetna zgrada hotela Adriatic jedna je od najprepoznatljivijih građevina u Rovinju, važna za njegov identitet. Projects Hotel as a work of art A hundred years old building is one of the most recognizable structures in Rovinj, and it is of great importance for the city’s identity.


Inland Croatia Aquatika, an amazing freshwater world Aquatika, the new and only freshwater aquarium in this part of Europe, has opened in Karlovac.

A. Grubelić

Kontinentalna Hrvatska Čudesan slatkovodni svijet Aquatike U Karlovcu je otvorena Aquatika, novi i jedini slatkovodni akvarij u ovom dijelu Europe.

Nakladnik/Publisher Croatia Airlines Hrvatska zrakoplovna tvrtka Bani 75b, Buzin 10 010 Zagreb, Croatia tel. +385-1-616-00-66



Otoci Šolta, povratak iskonu Otok samo devet nautičkih milja udaljen od obale i središnjega grada Dalmacije, oduvijek mami u svoje okrilje.


Predsjednik Uprave/President & CEO Krešimir KuËko

Glavna urednica/Editor-in-chief

Islands Šolta, a return to its roots The island, just nine nautical miles from the shores of Dalmatia’s central city, has always had special allure.

Ksenija Ælof

Suradnici glavne urednice/ Editor-in-chief assistants Ana Ćulumović Šoštarić, Davor Janušić, Anamarija Jurinjak, Natalija Osvald, Zlata Prpić


92 Tradicija Ljepota grkokatoličke crkve U Ćirilometodskoj ulici u Zagrebu i danas se nalazi katolička crkva posvećena Svetoj braći Ćirilu i Metodu, koji su suzaštitnici Europe. Tradition The wonder of the Greek Catholic Church The church consecrated to the holy brothers Cyril and Methodius, who have been declared Co-patrons of Europe, still has its address in St. Cyril and Methodius Street.

78 Naša odredišta Bruxelles, način života Ukradete li slobodno vrijeme između sastanaka ili ste u turističkom posjetu gradu, vjerojatno biste željeli raditi ono što rade pravi Briselci. Our Destinations Brussels, a way of life If you can steal away between meetings or you are simply visiting a city as a tourist, you world probably like to do as the locals of Brussels do.

Ivana IvankoviÊ, Nenad VujoπeviÊ Prijelom/Layout Nenad VujoπeviÊ Direktor prodaje i marketinga/ Director of Sales and Marketing Boris Kolka

Lektorica/Proof reader Mirjana Miholek Prijevod na engleski/ English translation Lancon d.o.o. Oglaπavanje/Advertising

98 Poznati u zrakoplovu Filip Merčep, neumorni putnik Svestrani udaraljkaš i briljantan marimbist neupitne glazbeničke karizme.

Croatia Airlines Gabrijela Lochert tel. +385-1-616-00-17 E-mail: Promocija/Promotion Croatia Airlines

Celebrities in our aircraft Filip Merčep, a Relentless Traveler A versatile percussionist and a brillant marimbist with unquestionable musical charisma.

tel. +385-1-616-01-02 Priprema/Photolitography Zrinski d.d., »akovec Tisak/Print Zrinski d.d., »akovec

ISSN 1330-6278



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Goran Petercol jedan je od najprisutnijih hrvatskih umjetnika u međunarodnom kontekstu danas. Živi i radi na relaciji Rijeka-Rovinj te surađuje s Galerijom Gregor Podnar u Berlinu, Galerie Ursula Krinzinger u Beču i drugima. Razgovarali smo u Rovinju, umjetnikovu rodnom gradu, i to ne slučajno...


Piše/By _ Vanja Žanko

Robert Sošić

Goran Petercol is a Croatian artist with the greatest international presence today. He currently lives and works in Rijeka and Rovinj, and works with the Gregor Podnar Gallery in Berlin, the Ursula Krinzinger Gallery in Vienna and others. This conversation took place in Rovinj, the artist’s birthplace, and it wasn’t by accident. Fotografije/Photos _ Vanja Šolin

Arhiva Galerije Gregor Podnar / Gregor Podnar Gallery Archive

UMJESTO UMJETNOSTI, VOLIM REĆI STVARANJE INSTEAD OF ART, I WOULD SAY IT IS A CREATION 01 Simetrija, 2009. Staklo, beton Symmetry, 2009, Glass, concrete 02 Sjene. Svjetlosna instalacija u Travesía Cuatro, Madrid Shadows, light installation at the Travesía Cuatro, Madrid.




rada utjelovljuju dosljedne i jasne principe

01 Negativ, 1995. Svjetlosna instalacija u M6 Galeriji, Riga Arhiva Galerije Gregor Podnar

u dovođenju različitih elemenata rada u harmonične odnose. Polazeći od vlastitog tijela i njegova odnosa s umjetničkom

Negative, 1995 Light installation at the M6 Gallery, Riga Gregor Podnar Gallery Archive 02 Goran Petercol postavlja radove u Hotelu Adriatic u Rovinju

vrsni nastavak fizičkog dosega i pokreta. Stoga je osobito zanimljiv rezultat vezan uza specifične trenutke i situacije iz umjetnikove neposredne okoline, za koje ima istančani senzibilitet. Minimalnim sredstvima, često i nematerijalnim elementima poput svjetla, umjetnik ostvaruje maksimalni efekt. Pozicionirani ste u vrh umjetničkih praksi današnjice i kontinuirano pozivani da izlažete u relevantnim muzejskim i galerijskim institucijama. Između ostalih,



Goran Petercol installing his works on the walls of the Adriatic Hotel in Rovinj, Maistra d.d. Archive

materijom, njegovi radovi postaju svoje-



noćnoj šetnji praznim ulicama Rovinja 1963. godine, Goran Petercol dugim ekspozicijama bilježio je

svoje prve radove fotografskim aparatom i ne sluteći možda njihovu kasniju ulogu. Njegova je noćna šetnja, eksperiment mladog čovjeka, rezultirala fotografijama koje su danas stalno izložene u Hotelu Adriatic u Rovinju, postavši dijelom međunarodne zbirke suvremene umjetnosti tvrtke Maistra. Povod za ovaj razgovor bio je nastavak suradnje umjetnika Gorana Petercola i mene kao kustosice zbirke Hotela Adriatic na projektu rezidencijalnog programa za umjetnike Umjetnik susreće kuhara. Njegovi procesi



05 Simetrija, 2010. Arhiva Galerije Gregor Podnar Symmetry, 2010 Gregor Podnar Gallery Archive 06 Simetrija, stilizacija, 2014. Svjetlosna instalacija, tapeta, tuš na zidu Arhiva Galerije Gregor Podnar

Robert Sošić

Symmetry, Stylization, 2014 Light projection, wallpaper, Indian ink on the wall Gregor Podnar Gallery Archive


03 Rovinj ‘63, 1963 / 2015. Otisak u lightboxu Arhiva Galerije Gregor Podnar Rovinj ‘63, 1963 / 2015 Print in lightbox Gregor Podnar Gallery Archive 04 Negativ, 1996. Svjetlosna instalacija u Galeriji Medium, Bratislava Arhiva Galerije Gregor Podnar Negative, 1996 Light installation at the Galeria Medium, Bratislava Gregor Podnar Gallery Archive

Zoran Alajbeg

Martin Marenčin



to su Muzej suvremene umjetnosti u Zagrebu, Muzej moderne i suvremene umjetnosti u Rijeci, Moderna Galerija u Ljubljani, Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig u Beču, Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie u Karlsruhe i IFA Galerie u Bonnu. Jedan ste od rijetkih umjetnika prisutnih na najvećim svjetskim bijenalnim manifestacijama: 46. venecijanski bijenale umjetnosti, 22. saopauluški bijenale i 4. istanbulski bijenale. Vaši radovi zastupljeni su u značajnim javnim kolekcijama, kao Arteast Collection 2000+ / Moderna Galerija u Ljubljani, Ludwig Múzeum u Budimpešti, MUMOK u Beču, Muzej suvremene umjetnosti u Zagrebu, Watermill Collection



u New Yorku. Koji su osnovni principi i taktike koje razvijate u Vašem umjetničkom stvaralaštvu?

01 Refleksije, 2005. Svjetlosna instalacija s Kulom Lotrščak i Dvercem, Zagreb Arhiva Galerije Gregor Podnar

Vaša suradnja s Hotelom Adriatic nastavlja se i rezidencijalnim programom Umjetnik susreće kuhara, u sklopu kojega ste sreli kuhara Andrewa Gaskina i zajedno s njim promišljali i stvarali večeru za goste zainteresirane za svijet umjetnosti danas. Gastronomija i kulinarstvo imaju svoje afirmirane i provjerene forme i očekivanja i u tom segmentu novost koju donosi ovakav eksperiment jest uvođenje neočekivanih formi i kombinacija, te stvaranje prostora medijacije auten-

Jasenko Rasol

Reflection, 2005 Light installation with Kula Lotrščak and Dverce, Zagreb Gregor Podnar Gallery Archive

- Zanimaju me utjecaji onoga što me okružuje, što je u mojem susjedstvu. S čim imam kontakt. Zato mi može biti poticajno i ono čime se bavim (umjetnost) i ono što je prisutno uz to bavljenje. Što me fizički dodiruje. Ne mogu razmišljati, na primjer, o nekom hotelu nego o konkretnom hotelu, o onome koji poznajem. Konkretnije, na primjeru odabira radova za Hotel Adriatic, ne doživljavam hotel po sebi nego hotel i susjedno svjetlo na trgu ili hotel i znanje o gostu u hotelu, što je kao informacija moralo doći do mene i u tom sam sudaru dobio poticaj. Tada hotel vidim uvećan za postojanje tog susjedstva. Svako od

ga pronaći u svemu. I opet, stvaranje u kontekstu umjetnosti jest umjetnost, i u tome je smislu ograničeno. Pridavanjem značenja sporednom stvaranju, podsjećam na cjelinu koja je od umjetnosti šira.


nabrojenih zajedništava potiče me na nove logičke zaključke, mijenja mi percepciju zasebno svakoga od njih. Kao kad stolac postaje materijalno veći za količinu tijela koje na njemu sjedi ili žlica postaje integralni dio ruke koja ga drži. Ili obrnuto, kad u istoj situaciji tijelo vidim veće. Iako dodirom izjednačeni, omogućuju mi izbor da jedno vidim kao bitno, a drugo kao sporedno. Teško mi je govoriti o tome i biti precizno jasan. Svaka je stvar nastala po nekoj njenoj logici, rezultat je nekoga neizrečenog koncepta, kao da sam okružen različitim stvaranjima. Tako osjećam, zato nastojim, kad je to moguće, ne upotrijebiti pojam umjetnost. Umjesto toga, volim reći stvaranje, jer možemo


tičnoga svakodnevnog života, koji se utjelovljuje u receptima, namirnicama ali i šire - u načinu stvaranja i razmišljanja. Koji su Vama bili zanimljivi trenuci takve razmjene iskustava i ideja?

- Ono što sam sebi zadao da trebam razriješiti jest smisao odnosa umjetnosti i gastronomije. Smisao dodirivanja tih dviju vrsta stvaranja. Prizvao sam vlastito životno iskustvo u kojemu u stankama tijekom crtanja pripremam jelo. Tako se stvaranje u kulinarstvu (bez obzira na doseg kvalitete) doslovce nastavlja na stvaranje u vizualnoj umjetnosti. Ta banalna situacija razrješava situaciju u kojoj dovodimo u vezu jednu i drugu vrstu stvaranja, dokazuje da ona proizlazi iz istinitosti života, a ne iz nasu-

mičnog miješanja jednoga s drugim. Tako je tekao i razgovor sa chefom Andrewom. Držeći se svaki od nas vlastitog teritorija, pažljivo smo propitivali tuđi, nalazeći zajednička mjesta. Na primjer, sjećam se njegova sladoleda od vanilije s maslinovim uljem i cvijetom soli; bez obzira na to što je po sebi zanimljiv, osjećao sam da je izrečen kao smjernica za pravac razmišljanja, zapravo približavanja naših teritorija. Kad bih sažeo ideju povezivanja naša dva teritorija stvaranja, odgovor bih našao u izjavi chefa Alaina Chapela, koji kaže da treba jesti istinu. Kontinuirano surađujete s Galerijom Gregor Podnar iz Berlina, koja Vas zastupa već niz godina. Kakav je Vaš odnos s

jesu li se neki formati poklapali s određenim razdobljima vaše umjetničke prakse?

- Kad uzmem papir kako bih na njemu nešto nacrtao, uzeo sam nečiji gotov proizvod kako bih na njemu nešto dodao. To nacrtano prisvaja papir i stavlja ga u kontekst umjetnosti. I obrnuto, taj papir utječe na ono što je nacrtano, stvarajući kompoziciju unutar formata. Pitao sam se, što ako crtam na nekoj stijeni ili zidu gdje su rubovi neodređeni ili dovoljno daleko, da se odnos do rubova izgubi te tako crtež kao da prestaje biti komponiran u format. Tako sam se spontano snašao u vanjskom prostoru, unutar arhitekture, uzimajući za podlogu stvarne zidove. Na tako velikoj površini umjesto njezinih rubova usmjerio sam se na rubove vlastitog dosega.

galerijom i koji se zanimljivi procesi rada,

His working process embodies consistent and clear principles of bringing different elements into a harmonious relationship. Starting with the artist’s own body and its relationship to the artistic material, his artworks become a sort of continuation of his physical reach and movement. Therefore, a particularly interesting result is related to specific moments and situations in the artist’s immediate environment, for which he has a striking sensibility. Using minimal tools, often even non-material elements like light, the artist achieves a maximum effect. The motive for this interview was a continuation of the collaboration between Artist Goran Petercol and myself, the custodian of Hotel Adriatic’s collection, which was part of the artists’ residential program project entitled: The Artist Meets the Chef.

prostori prezentacije i strategije razvoja

U Vašem radu stvaranje rada bitan je

karijere kriju iza jedne takve kvalitetne

sadržaj rada. Što u konačnici znači da je

You are positioned at the top of today’s


izgled rada određen radnim procesima i

artistic world and have been continuously

- S Gregorom surađujem dvadeset godina. Ponekad ga osjećam više kao prijatelja nego kao galeristu tako da nisam siguran s koje pozicije imam njegovu podršku što se u prvom redu sastoji od vjerovanja u ono što radim. Ta je podrška konstantna i mnogo mi znači. Ne ovisi o promjenama trendova, tržištu i sličnim stvarima koje povremeno čine nečiji rad zanimljivim ili nevidljivim. Imam potpunu slobodu što ću raditi, a ostalo je njegovo, tako nekako izgleda naš poslovni dogovor. Primjerice, dogovorio je moju prvu suradnju s kustosom Herculesom Goulartom Martinsom, koji me uvrstio u prvu izložbu novog prostora galerije Jaquelines Martins u São Paulu. Herculesa sam pozvao na večeru u Rovinj, jer morao sam mu objasniti pitanja oko postavljanja radova. Na izložbi neću biti prisutan, a datumi su se poklopili. Ispalo je da je njegovo sudjelovanje na večeri imalo pravi radni smisao, uz to popraćen rijetkim luksuzom. Kako je djetinjstvo proveo na moru u Brazilu, imam dojam da je dodatno uživao, jer na odlasku mi je rekao da mora ponovno doći u Rovinj.

postupcima povezivanja elemenata u cje-

invited to display your work at relevant

linu. Koji su vam postupci u tom procesu

museum and gallery institutions, some


of which include the Museum of Con-

- Umjetnik svojim radom uvijek upućuje na vlastitu poziciju, opisuje sebe. Taj je opis ponekad rezultat stvaranja, kojega umjetnik može i ne mora biti svjestan, ali isto tako može ga koristiti da bi sebe prikazao na željeni način. Na primjer, netko slika žestokim bojama, nekontroliranim gestama jer ne može drugačije, ali on može na isti način slikati jer želi biti umjetnik koji tako slika. Ili pripadati nekom umjetničkom razdoblju, stilu, trendu… biti tradicionalan ili, rekli bismo, avangardan. Ovim kratkim opisom označujem svoj interes koji mi je dao osnovu da se koristitim različitim konceptima stvaranja. Ako se, na primjer, koristim jednim konceptom koji me jasno određuje na jedan način i iz njega izvedem formu što pripada dijametralno suprotnom konceptu, tada blokiram mogućnost da me se odredi. Možda je upravo logika njihova doticanja najbliža  onome što sam ja.

temporary Art in Zagreb, the Museum of

U svom radu koristite i kombinirate različite materijale i tehnike, stvarate dvodimenzionalne i trodimenzionalne umjetničke radove. Vaši radovi reflektiraju Vaš fizički doseg u odnosu prema formatu podloge i prostoru u kojemu djelujete. Ta podloga može biti stijena, zid, pod, papir određene dimenzije. Kako određujete format podloge a zatim i format rada, te


n 1963, walking around Rovinj’s empty streets at night, Goran Petercol created his first long-exposure photographic work, without even realizing the role it would play later. His nightly walk, a young man’s experiment, resulted in photographs, which are, today, on permanent display at the Hotel Adriatic in Rovinj, and have become a part of the international contemporary art collection of the Maistra Company.

Modern and Contemporary Art in Rijeka, the Modern Gallery in Ljubljana, Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig in Vienna, Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie in Karlsruhe and the IFA Gallery in Bonn. You are one of only a handful of artists who have been present at the world’s largest biennale events: the 46th Venice Art Biennale, the 22nd São Paolo Biennale and the 4th Istanbul Biennale. Your works of art are represented in important public collections, such as the Arteast Collection 2000+ / the Modern Gallery in Ljubljana, the Ludwig Museum in Budapest, MUMOK in Vienna, the Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb, and the Watermill Collection in New York. What basic principles and strategies do you develop in your artistic creations?

- I am interested in the impact of my surroundings, my neighborhood, whatever I come into contact with. Therefore, my work (art), as well as what is present alongside my work, can be stimulating for me. Whatever physically touches me. I cannot, for example, reflect on the general idea of a hotel, but only on a specific hotel, one I’m familiar with. To be more specific, I’ll use the example of when I selected works for the Hotel Adriatic; it was not the hotel per se, but the hotel and the light in the square nearby, or the hotel and the knowledge


_ 11

about one of its guests, which reached me as a piece of information, and this collision of sorts created an impetus for me. I then saw the hotel amplified by the existence of this neighborhood. Each of these associations encourages me to come to new logical conclusions, which affects my perception of each of the elements. Like when a chair is materially enlarged by the mass of the sitting body or a spoon becomes an integral part of the hand that holds it. Or the other way around, when I see the body as larger in the same situation. Although made equal by contact, I’m given a choice to see one element as essential, and the other as ancillary. It’s difficult to speak about this and be precise and clear. Each thing is created in accordance with a specific logic; it is the result of an unspoken concept, as if I’m surrounded by different creations. This is how I feel and because of this, I try not to use the term art whenever possible. I prefer the term creation because we can find it in everything. And yet again, creation in the context of art is art, and is, thus, limited. By giving meaning to an ancillary creation, I point out the whole, which is broader than art. Your collaboration with the Hotel Adriatic continues by way of the residential program, The Artist Meets the Chef, through which you met Chef Andrew Gaskin. Upon reflection with him, you created a dinner for guests interested in today’s world of art. Gastronomy and cuisine have their tried and true forms and expectations, and in this segment, the novelty brought about by such an experiment is the introduction of unexpected forms and combinations, and the creation of a mediating space of authentic daily life, embodied in recipes and ingredients, but also beyond - in creating and thinking. Which moments of this exchange of experience and ideas were interesting to you?

- The task I gave myself to solve was the meaning of the relationship between art and gastronomy. The meaning of contact between these two types of creation. I called upon my own life experience when I prepared food during breaks from drawing. Thus, culinary creations (regardless of the level of quality) literally build upon creations in visual art. This trivial situation resolves the situation where we connect both types of creation, and it proves that it results from the authenticity of life, rather than from the


random mixing up of one and the other. This was also the flow of my conversation with Chef Andrew. With each of us holding onto our own respective territories, we carefully explored the other one’s, finding overlaps. For example, I remember his vanilla icecream with olive oil and fleur de sel; besides being interesting in and of itself, I felt that it was a statement of his direction of thought, or rather, a way of bringing our two territories closer together. To summarize the idea of connecting our two creative territories, I would like to quote Chef Alain Chapel, who said that one should eat the truth. You have continuously worked with the Gregor Podnar Gallery from Berlin, which has represented you for years. What is your relationship like with the gallery and what interesting working processes, presentation spaces and career development strategies are behind an excellent story like this?

- I have worked with Gregor for twenty years. I sometimes think of him more as a friend than a gallery manager, so I’m not sure from which aspect of the relationship his support comes from, but it primarily consists of believing in what I do. This support is constant and means a lot to me. It does not depend on changes in trends, the market and such things which occasionally make someone’s work either interesting or invisible. I have full freedom to choose what I’m going to do, and the rest is up to him - this is the core of our business agreement. For example, he arranged my first collaboration with Custodian Hercules Goulart Martins who included me in the first exhibition on the new premises of the Jaquelines Martins Gallery in São Paulo. I invited Hercules to dinner in Rovinj, as I had to explain certain issues related to setting up my art since I could not be present, and the dates overlapped. It turned out that his participation in the dinner was meaningful with respect to my work, and was also accompanied by a rare luxury. Since he spent his childhood near the sea in Brazil, I was under the impression that he enjoyed it all the more, because when we were parting ways, he told me that he simply had to visit Rovinj again. You use and combine different materials and techniques in your work, creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional works of art. Your artworks reflect your

physical reach with respect to the format of the background and space in which you work. This background can be a partition, a wall, a floor, a sheet of paper of a certain size. How do you choose the format of the background and then the format of your work; and have certain formats coincided with specific periods of your artistic practice? - When I take a piece of paper in order to draw something on it, I’ve taken someone else’s finished product in order to add something to it. The drawing assimilates with the paper and places it in the context of art. And the other way around - the paper affects the drawing, creating a composition within the format. I have often wondered what would happen if I drew on a partition or a wall where the edges were either indistinct or not in close proximity, so that the relationship with the rim was lost, and the drawing was in a way no longer incorporated in the format. Thus, I spontaneously found my way into the outside space, within architecture, taking actual walls as the background. With such a large surface, instead of its edges, I focused on the limits of my own reach. In your work, the creation of the work itself is an essential content of the work, which ultimately means that the work’s appearance is determined by the working processes and the techniques of connecting elements into a whole. Which techniques are important in this process? - Through his or her work, an artist always points to his own position, describes him or herself. This description is sometimes the result of creation, for which the artist can, but does not necessarily have to be aware of; and he or she can also use it to present him or herself in the desired way. For example, someone paints using dazzling colors and uncontrolled strokes because he cannot do it any other way, but someone can also paint in this way because he wants to be an artist who paints this way; or he may want to belong to an artistic period, style or… to be traditional or, let’s say, avant-garde. This short description is what interests me, and which has formed the basis for my using different creative concepts. If, for example, I use one concept which defines me clearly in one way, and then derive a form from it, which belongs to an opposite concept, I thereby hinder the possibility of being defined. Maybe the logic of their mutual  interaction is closest to what I am.

Nebeska udobnost dostojna svakog hotela. Ili onog koji Şeli usrećiti svoga gosta.


Rovinj je grad u kojemu svatko može naći svoj razlog posjeta i pronalaženja sadržaja što ga privlače. Upravo zbog svoga osobitog šarma Rovinj ima i dugogodišnju tradiciju u privlačenju umjetnika i posjetitelja likovnoga i općenito umjetničkog senzibiliteta. U njemu su djelovali i još djeluju i mnogi istaknuti umjetnici i zvjezde estrade. Anyone can find a reason to visit Rovinj or something that interests them about the city. Due to its particular charm, Rovinj has been attracting artists and visitors with artistic sensibilities for many years. It has been home to many renowned artists and popular musicians.

Piše/By _ Slobodan Bukvić Fotografije/Photos _ Alan Grubelić

Na putu prema Rovinju... On the way to Rovinj...


Trg Pignaton / Pignaton Square CROATIA AIRLINES 4/2016

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Crkva sv. Eufemije / Church of St. Euphemia

Matteottijev trg / Matteotti Square



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Ulica Grisia / Grisia Street


ovinj, ili, kako ga još zovu, plavi dragulj Jadrana, ima svoj osobit i jedinstven šarm i ljepotu. To je slikovit romantični grad sa starim kamenim kućama, uskim ulicama i životopisnim trgovima. Na vrhu grada dominira crkva svete Eufemije, koja je ujedno i zaštitnica grada Rovinja. Gotovo tijekom cijele godine u Rovinju se održavaju vrlo zanimljive kulturne, zabavne, poslovne i sportske manifestacije. Raznolikost tih sadržaja upotpunjuje se i brojnim zgodnim restoranima, kafićima, galerijama i uličnim šarolikim ponudama i zbivanjima, gdje se osjeća prava punoća života. Boravak u Rovinju još je potpuniji i sadržajnijii zbog blizine niza turističkih odredišta u njegovoj okolici, kao što su Limski kanal, Poreč, Umag, Pula, Brijuni, kao i mnoga gastronomska i vinska odredišta u srcu Istre. Ne propustite kušati vrhunske istarske specijalitete i upotpuniti taj gurmanski doživljaj već dobro poznatim i renomiranim istarskim vinima. Upravo je jedno od tih vina sorte muškat nedavno dobilo i svjetsku medalju za kvalitetu na međunarodnom sajmu vina u Londonu. Ali i to nije sve! Rovinj pruža nešto što pripada u vrh svjetske turističke ponude. To su veoma atraktivna i vrhunska događanja koja si samo svjetski poznate turističke destinacije mogu priuštiti. Jedno od takvih događanja jest i održavanje u Rovinju Red Bull Air Race, utrke posebnim avionima za te namjene, od koje zastaje dah. Riječ je o najbržim utrkama na svijetu, koje zahtijevaju vrhunske pilote, posebnu i vrlo zahtjevnu organizaciju i, naravno, značajna financijska ulaganja. Dovoljno je spomenuti da se utrka avionima održala u samo najeminentnijim turističkim gradovima kao što su Abu Dhabi, Las Vegas, Kuala Lumpur, Chiba u Japanu, Ascot u Velikoj Britaniji, Budimpešta i drugim poznatim i prepoznatljivim turističkim odredištima. Povijest tih avioutrka datira još iz 1909. kada je u francuskom gradu Reirsu bila prva takva avioutrka. Danas imaju milijune obožavatelja u svijetu, koje privlače velike brzine i do 370 km /sat u niskom letu, zahtjevne prepreke koje prolaze vertikalnim manevarskim okretima i drugim nevjerojatnim akrobacijama koje se izvode sukladno postavljenim pravilima utrke. Sve je tako brzo i puno adrenalina da često goto-


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vo samo stotinka sekunde čini razliku između pobjednika i ostalih natjecatelja tih utrka. Da je riječ o osobitom događanju govori i to što je Ministarstvo turizma Hrvatske proglasilo Red Bull Air Race u Rovinju najznačajnijim događajem u 2015. godini. Spomenimo i drugo veoma važno događanje na koje Rovinj može biti ponosan: Rovinj Beach Polo Cup ili, kako ga nazivaju, kraljevski sport, i to polo na pijesku. Okupile su se u Rovinju poloekipe najboljih igrača iz Argentine, Velike Britanije, Njemačke, Švedske, Švicarske, Austrije, SAD i drugih zemalja uz pedesetak dresiranih argentinskih polo-konja. Bili su tu i najbolji svjetski polo-igrači poput Argentinca Uwea Zimmermanna, zatim Britanca Marca Holmesa, koji je inače poznat i po tome što često igra s kraljevskom obitelji, osobito s prinčevima Harryjem i Williamom. Zanimljivo je da su se polo-igre održavale još davnih 20-ih godina prošlog stoljeća na otoku Brijuni i da su se vratile baš u ove krajeve nakon više od gotovo 100 godina. Polo-turnir održao se na posebno uređenoj Porton Biondi plaži u Rovinju. Sudionici polo-turnira prodefilirali su na konjima i po gradu, što je bilo osobito atraktivno. Da je riječ o zaista osobitom događaju, govori i to što su takvi poloturniri na pijesku održani u samo svjetski poznatim turističkim mekama poput Miamija, Dubaja, Mallorce, Ibize, St. Moritza i u još nekim poznatijim i ekskluzivnijim turističkimj gradovima. Povijest polo-natjecanja počela je gotovo prije više od 2000 godina u Perziji, zatim

Rovinjska ribarnica / Rovinj Fish Market

se proširila u Indiju, te iz Indije u Britaniju. Danas su Argentinci vodeći u svijetu u toj sportskoj disciplini. Njihov spomenuti polo-igrač Uwe Zimmerman bio je i pobjednik rovinjskog Polo Beach Cupa. Kao i sva velika svjetska događanja, njihov sastavni i nezaobilazni dio jest glamur. Tako se na ovom polo-turniru u Rovinju pojavila i Ivana Trump, zatim Philip Zepter sa svojom luksuznom jahtom i mnogi drugi uzvanici i poznate ličnosti. Da dva vrlo atraktivna događanja nisu iznimka nego pravilo, da se u Rovinju gotovo već tradicionalno podržavaju i održavaju osobito važne manifestacije, dovoljno je spomenuti samo neke od njih: To su već dobro poznat svjetski festival senzualnih latinoplesova u lipnju


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Rovinjska trĹžnica / Rovinj Market

Balbijev luk / The Balbi´s Arch

svake godine, u kojima sudjeluje čitav grad, njegove plaže, a u noćnim satima po klubovima čini vam se da ste u nekom tipičnom latinogradu s plesačima zaljubljenicima tih strastvenih plesova iz gotovo cijeloga svijeta. Jednako tako zanimljiv, ali za drugu vrstu obožavatelja, tu je i rovinjski tradicionalni međunarodni jazz-festival na kojemu je ove godine nastupao i poznati karizmatični jazz-saksofonist Joshua Redman. Kad smo već kod saksofona, spomenimo i međunarodni rovinjskli festival puhačke glazbe. Oni koji vole sport, dolaze na svoje jer tu je i tradicionalna jedriličarska regata krstaša, pa međunarodni turnir mladih u nogometu i rukometu. Ove godine održana je Porsche Parada Europe. I za ljubitelje glazbe Rovinj organizira tradicionalni međunarodni festival barokne glazbe i izložbe svjetskih slikara poput Dalija, Picassa, a sve do početka listopada održavala se i zanimljiva izložba slika Marca Chagalla. Moglo bi se i dalje nabrajati, ali bolje je i ugodnije za vas da sami dođete u Rovinj i uvjerite se i oduševite njegovim šarmom i veoma zanimljivim događanjima. Ovaj se grad zaista trudi, i u tome uspijeva, da se oni koji u njega dođu, gotovo po pravilu, ponovno sa zadovoljstvom i vraćaju. Osim vrhunskih hotela i usluga u sklopu vodeće hrvatske grupacije Maistra, tu je i predivna priroda i čisto more, svjetski gotovo luksuzno, uređene, ali i romantične prirodne plaže, osobito gastronomska ponuda za svakoga i poznata vina renomiranih istarskih vinara, bogati kulturni i sportski sadržaj uz veoma atraktivna događanja gotovo tijekom cijele godine. Sve to zajedno pruža posjetiteljima neobjašnjivi osjećaj ispunjenosti i zadovoljstva jedinstvene rovinjske atmosfere. 


ovinj, also known as the blue jewel of the Adriatic, has a specific charm and beauty. It is a picturesque, romantic city with old, stone houses, narrow streets and picturesque squares. The top of the city is dominated by the Church of St. Euphemia, the patron saint of Rovinj. Throughout most of the year, Rovinj is host to very interesting cultural, entertainment, business and sporting events. The diversity of these happenings is complemented by numerous interesting restaurants, cafes, galleries and various street vendors selling their wares; it’s where the real fullness of


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life can be felt. Spending time in Rovinj is even better due to the vicinity of an array of nearby tourist destinations, such as the Lim Channel, Poreč, Umag, Pula, Brijuni, as well as numerous gastronomic and wine destinations in the heart of Istria. Do not miss tasting the exquisite Istrian specialties and renowned Istrian wines. One of these wines, the Muscat, recently won a medal for quality at the London International Wine Fair. That is not all, however! Rovinj also offers something that belongs to the best of global tourism. These are very attractive, top class events, which only globally-renowned destinations can afford. One such event is the Red Bull Air Race, a breathtaking air spectacle performed with specially-designed aircraft, it is the fastest race in the world, requiring top class pilots, a special and very demanding organization, as well as significant financial investment. This race takes place only in the most eminent tourist cities such as Abu Dhabi, Las Vegas, Kuala Lumpur, Chiba in Japan, Ascot in Great Britain, Budapest and other famous and recognizable tourist destinations. The air races date back to 1909, when the first such race was held in the French city of Reirs. The races already have millions of fans across the world who are attracted to high speeds (up to 370 km/h in low flight), and to the performance aspect of the event, such as the demanding obstacles with vertical manoeuvres, turns and other incredible stunts performed according to the established race rules. Everything is so fast and packed with adrenaline, it is oftentimes a hundredth of a second which makes the difference between the winner and other race competitors. This event is so special that the Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Croatia declared the Red Bull Air Race the most significant event of 2015. Another very important happening, which Rovinj can be proud of, is the Rovinj Beach Polo Cup, held in mid-May. Rovinj was host to teams from Argentina, Great Britain, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, Austria, USA and other countries, with some fifty trained Argentinian polo horses. Among them were some of the best polo players in the world, including Uwe Zimmermann from Argentina, and Marc Holmes from Britain, known for his frequent games with members of the British Royal Family, especially princes Harry and William. Interestingly, polo games first took place back in the 1920’s on the


Brijuni Islands, and they have returned to the area after almost 100 years. The polo tournament took place at the Porton Biondi Beach in Rovinj. Participants in the polo tournament rode through the city on their horses, which was a particularly attractive sight. It is truly a special event, because such polo tournaments on sand take place only in globally-renowned tourist meccas, such as Miami, Dubai, Mallorca, Ibiza, St. Moritz and other well-known and exclusive tourist cities. The history of polo goes back 2000 years in Persia. It then spread to India, and from there, it came to Great Britain. The Argentinians are, nowadays, among the best in the world at this sport. Their aforementioned player, Uwe Zimmerman, was also the winner of the Rovinj Polo Beach Cup. Glamour is a crucial part of all major, global events, so the Rovinj polo tournament was attended by Ivana Trump and Philip Zepter on his luxurious yacht, as well as many other famous VIP guests. These two attractive events are not an exception, however, but more of a rule. Rovinj has traditionally supported and organized important events. Just some of them are: the globally-renowned Festival of Sensual Latino Dance, taking place in June, across the entire city and on its beaches, while the nightclubs offer an atmosphere typical of Latin America with dancers of these passionate dances coming from all over the world. Attracting a different crowd, there

is also the equally-interesting, traditional, international Rovinj Jazz Festival, which this year, featured a performance by famous and charismatic Jazz Saxophonist Joshua Redman. Speaking of saxophones, we must mention the International Rovinj Festival of Wind Instruments. For those who like sport, there is the traditional sailboat regatta, as well as international youth football and handball tournaments. This year, there was also the Porsche Parade Europe. For fans of music, Rovinj also organizes the traditional International Festival of Baroque Music, as well as exhibitions of works by globally-renowned painters, such as Dali and Picasso, while an interesting exhibition of paintings by Mark Chagall has been on show since early October. We could keep going, but it would be better if you visited Rovinj and experienced its charm for yourself. This city really tries its best, and succeeds because most who visit it once happily return again. Apart from top class hotels and services as part of the leading Croatian hotel group, Maistra, Rovinj also boasts beautiful scenery, a clean sea, fancy and romantic beaches, a gastronomic package suited to everyone, famous wines by renowned Istrian winemakers, a diverse cultural and sporting program, as well as other attractive events throughout the year. This unique Rovinj atmosphere offers visitors an inexplicable feeling of fulfilment and pleasure. 

D. Blažević


Soba s radom Zlatana Vehabovića Unsolicited Room with the artwork by Zlatan Vehabović Unsolicited


D. Blažević

Hodnik u hotelu Hotel corridor


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Hotel Adriatic u Rovinju tvori neponovljivi ambijent u kojemu su interpretirani njegovi povijesni slojevi, a umjetničkim intervencijama unesen je suvremeni kozmopolitski duh. Stoljetna zgrada tog hotela jedna je od najprepoznatljivijih građevina u Rovinju, važna za njegov identitet. The Adriatic Hotel in Rovinj features an original ambiance derived from its historic layers, while artistic improvements add a contemporary, cosmopolitan spirit. A hundred years old hotel building is one of the most recognizable structures in Rovinj, and it is of great importance for the city’s identity.

D. Fatur

Piše/By _ Vanja Žanko


01_02 Vizualni identitet i dizajn tiskanih materijala: Lana Cavar, Marino Krstačić Furić, Ana Tomić Visual identity and design of printed materials: Lana Cavar, Marino Krstačić Furić, Ana Tomić 03

Soba s radom Charlesa Munke Bez naziva

Room with the artwork by Charles Munka Untitled

04 Otvorena kuhinja hotela u Brasserie Adriatic

D. Fatur

The open kitchen of the Adriatic Hotel Brasserie




vaki tip prostora unutar hotela Adriatic u Rovinju tretiran je specifično i odiše drugačijom atmosferom: zajednički je prostor udoban, u mediteranskim tonovima, i isprepleće se s krajolikom, hodnici crno obojenih zidova osvijetljeni svjetlosnim umjetničkim instalacijama vode do samo 18 bijelih i prozračnih soba s pogledom na gradsku rivu i venecijanske kuće natkrivene krovovima od terakote. Stoljetna zgrada tog hotela jedna je od najprepoznatljivijih građevina u Rovinju, važna za njegov identitet, što ne čudi s obzirom na to da se nalazi u središtu grada, fokusu svih događanja. Tako i svaki gost hotela postaje dio lokalne atmosfere i življenja, a ponekad je teško reći dominiraju li prizemnim prostorom Rovinjani ili gosti. Tu su se smjestili Caffe Bar Adriatic sa stotinjak vrhunskih viskija iz cijelog svijeta, od Japana pa do onih klasičnih irskih, i restoran Brasserie Adriatic s jelima inspiriranima francuskom Rivijerom te obogaćenima lokalnim, svježim namirnicama i plodovima mora. Hotel je sagrađen 1913. godine na atraktivnoj lokaciji uz more, kao jedan od prvih hotela u regiji i jedini u urbanom tkivu grada Rovinja. Prošlogodišnjom sveobuhvatnom obnovom eksterijer je zadržao tradicionalni, autentični povijesni izgled, a novi interijer, za koji su zaslužni Studio Franić Šekoranja s 3LHD-om vizualno je bogat, eklektičan, suvremen, klasičan i elegantan, s mnoštvom tekstura, tonova i boja. Svaki je detalj razrađen: grafički dizajneri Lana Cavar, Marino KrstačićFurić i Ana Tomić osmislili su vizualni

identitet, a dizajn uniformi osoblja kreirale su dizajnerice iz Studija I-gle. Glavno su obilježje interijera site-specific instalacije, nadopunjene manjim radovima koji su pažljivo postavljeni/odloženi u interijeru svake sobe, čiji su autori renomirani međunarodni umjetnici iz Hrvatske, Slovenije, Austrije, Italije, Njemačke i Francuske. Umjetničku kolekciju hotela, u kojoj će uživati znatiželjni gosti u potrazi za drugačijim iskustvom, tvori više od stotinu komada muzejske vrijednosti. Umjetnike i umjetnine odabrala je kustosica Vanja Žanko. Oni rade u različitim medijima a na projektu ih je sjedinila aktivna želja za dubljim povezivanjem s prostorom te aktivacijom lokacije i njezine baštinske vrijednosti. Vizualni umjetnici zastupljeni radovima u prostorima hotela jesu: Abdelkader Benchamma, Jasmina Cibic, Igor Eškinja, Chris Goennawein, Kristina Lenard, Federico Luger, Charles Munka, Goran Petercol, Valentin Ruhry, Sofija Silvia, Saša Šekoranja, Massimo Uberti, Zlatan Vehabović, Žižić/Kožul. Hotel Adriatic organizira različite kulturne događaje za goste i stanovnike grada, pozicionirajući se kao zanimljiva platforma za suvremene umjetničke izričaje. Uskoro počinje s rezidencijalnim programom za vizualne umjetnike Umjetnik susreće kuhara, u kojemu povezuje suvremenu gastronomiju i vizualnu umjetnost. Ovaj projekt slijedi kreativni okret Maistre, s obzirom na to da tvrtka već nekoliko godina podupire vrhunske umjetničke talente, predstavljajući sinergiju globalnih trendova luksuznog turizma i lokalne

D. Vlaović D. Blažević




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01 Hodnik hotela s radom Massima Ubertija Varco Corridor with the artwork by Massimo Uberti Varco 02 Brasserie hotela Adriatic

Adriatic Hotel Brasserie

03 Bar s radovima Saše Šekoranje Staklenik

S. Silvia

Bar with the artworks by Saša Šekoranja Greenhouse

D. Blažević


D. Vlaović




01 Brasserie s radovima Sofije Silvije Zlatni vrt i Jasmine Cibic Flights of Fancy

S. Silvia

Brasserie with the artworks by Sofia Silvia Auric Garden and Jasmina Cibic Flights of Fancy.


02 Vizualni identitet i dizajn tiskanih materijala: Lana Cavar, Marino Krstačić Furić, Ana Tomić Visual identity and design of printed materials: Lana Cavar, Marino Krstačić Furić, Ana Tomić 03 Soba s radom Zlatana Vehabovića Unsolicited Room with the artwork by Zlatan Vehabović Unsolicited



if the ground floor is dominated by locals or guests. There is the Caffe Bar Adriatic with around a hundred top class whiskeys from across the world, from Japan to the traditional Irish blends, and the Brasserie Adriatic restaurant, with dishes inspired by the French Riviera and made from local, fresh ingredients and sea fruit. The hotel was built in 1913 on an attractive location by the sea, as one of the first hotels in the region and the only hotel in the urban area of Rovinj. After last year’s extensive renovations, the traditional, authentic and historic appearance was kept on the outside, while the new interior - work of the Franić Šekoranja Studio and 3LHD, is visually rich, eclectic, contemporary, classical and elegant, with lots of textures, shades and colours. Every detail was meticulously planned: graphic designers Lana Cavar,

Marino Krstačić-Furić and Ana Tomić came up with the visual identity, while the uniform design was the work of designers from the I-gle Studio. The main features of the interior are the site-specific installations, complemented by smaller works that have been exhibited/placed in the interior of every room, designed by renowned, international artists from Croatia, Slovenia, Austria, Italy, Germany and France. The hotel’s art collection, which is sure to intrigue curious guests looking for a different experience, consists of more than a hundred valuable museum pieces. Artists and artworks were selected by Custodian Vanja Žanko. Although they work with different media, the project brought these artists together out of a respective desire to connect deeply with the area, to uplift the location and increase

D. Fatur

kulture. Program je razvijen s kustosicom Vanjom Žanko i umjetnikom Tomislavom Brajnovićem, a namijenjen je umjetnicima koji u radu tematiziraju mediteranski kontekst i pritom vrijednim umjetničkim opusima grade značajne međunarodne karijere. Gastronomija i kulinarstvo imaju svoje afirmirane i provjerene forme i očekivanja, i u tom segmentu novost koju donosi umjetnički eksperiment uvodi performativnost, neočekivane forme i kombinacije, posebnost instalativnog postavljanja stolova, ambijent, pribore, posreduje neku novu uzbudljivu i neočekivanu priču. Umjetnicima se ovdje nudi vrijeme za refleksiju i prostor za nova iskustva, usporavanje umjesto uobičajenog imperativa novih umjetničkih produkcija na rezidencijalnim programima. Tijekom boravka umjetnici se preko niza aktivnosti s različitim lokalnim partnerima upoznaju s gastronomskom i umjetničkom kulturom koja se njeguje u samom gradu i Istarskoj županiji. Svoj boravak umjetnici završavaju večerom koju pripremaju s glavnim kuharom hotela Andrewom Gaskinom za profesionalce iz različitih svjetova i sektora. Tijekom večere umjetnik gostima predstavlja svoj umjetnički rad na osobnoj razini - koji može biti izravno vezan uz fenomen hrane i stola kao platforme za komunikaciju i umrežavanje, ali predstavljen uz kulinarska iskustva, recepte i kuhanje. Održana je nulta probna večera s Goranom Petercolom, rovinjskim umjetnikom međunarodne reputacije, kojom je inaugurirana  ideja rezidencijalnog programa.


S. Silvia

ach area within the hotel Adriatic in Rovinj has been treated specifically, and has a different atmosphere: the common area is comfortable and features Mediterranean tones intertwined with the landscape, while the hallways with their black walls are lit by art installations and lead to only 18 white and airy rooms with views of the city promenade and Venetian houses covered with terracotta roofs. A hundred years old hotel building is one of the most recognizable structures in Rovinj, and it is of great importance for the city’s identity, which is not surprising because it is located in the city centre - the heart of all events. Thereby, every hotel guest becomes part of the local atmosphere and lifestyle, and sometimes it is difficult to tell 03


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D. Blažević

Brasserie s radovima Gorana Petercola Hommage Pieru Manzoniju Brasserie with the art works by Goran Petercol Hommage to Piero Manzoni


D. Vlaović

Dizajn službene odjeće potpisuju I-gle / Official uniforms designed by I-gle

the value of cultural heritage. Visual artists whose works are featured in the hotel are: Abdelkader Benchamma, Jasmina Cibic, Igor Eškinja, Chris Goennawein, Kristina Lenard, Federico Luger, Charles Munka, Goran Petercol, Valentin Ruhry, SofijaSilvia, Saša Šekoranja, Massimo Uberti, Zlatan Vehabović, Žižić/Kožul. The Adriatic Hotel organizes various cultural events for its guests and for citizens of Rovinj, and has positioned itself as an interesting platform for contemporary artistic expression. It is soon starting its residential program for visual artists, An Artist Meets a Chef, which brings together modern gastronomy and visual art. This project is consistent with Maistra’s creative turnaround, since the company has been supporting talented artists for several years now, presenting the synergy of global trends in luxury tourism and local culture. The program was developed in cooperation with Custodian Vanja Žanko and Artist Tomislav Brajnović, and is aimed at artists whose work features Mediterranean motifs, and whose valuable artistic works are helping them establish noteworthy, international careers. Gastronomy and cooking have their tried and true forms and expectations, but this segment is being expanded by artistic experimentation and is beginning to include performance, unexpected forms and combinations, where the table setting, the ambiance and cutlery choice and placement offers a new, exciting and unexpected story. Artists are given time to reflect and space for new experiences; there is a slowing down instead of the usual pressures of artistic production that come with residential programs. During their stay, through an array of curing activities with various local partners, artists get to know the gastronomic and artistic culture encouraged in the city and the entire Istrian County. Artists end their stay with a dinner, which they prepare for professionals from various worlds and sectors, with Hotel Chef Andrew Gaskin. During the dinner, artists present their personal artwork individually - the artwork of food that is, where the table becomes a platform for communication and networking, and the art is manifested through culinary experience, recipes, and manner of cooking. A trial dinner just took place with Goran Petercol, a globally-renowned artist from Rovinj, which inaugurated the residential  program.


turistiÄ?ka zajednica kvarnera the kvarner county tourism office 51410 opatija, nikole tesle 2 t +385 (0)51 623 333, 272 988 e

Croatia’s best kept secret

M. Krištofić


NAJLJEPŠA BOŽIĆNA BAJKA The Nutcracker A Magnificent Christmas Tale

Piše/By _ Vesna Ledić

U blagdanskome ozračju Božića i početka nove godine grad Zagreb svojim stanovnicima i putnicima namjernicima tradicionalno nudi poprilično raznovrsnih umjetničkih doživljaja, među kojima pozornost publike, gotovo po pravilu, već godinama osobito privlače tematski osmišljeni izložbeni projekti Muzeja za umjetnost i obrt. Izuzmemo li bogat stalni postav, ove su zime svi izložbeni prostori u prizemlju toga popularnoga zagrebačkog muzeja rezervirani za izložbu Orašar - najljepša božićna bajka. In the season of Christmas and the New Year, the city of Zagreb traditionally offers its citizens and visitors a variety of art happenings. Usually, the biggest attention grabbers are the themed exhibitions of the Museum of Arts and Crafts. Apart from the diverse, permanent exhibits, all exhibit areas on the ground floor of this popular museum in Zagreb will be reserved for The Nutcracker - A Magnificent Christmas Tale.


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Ženski kostim - Vila šećera Muški kostim - Princ Kostimograf: Jelko Yuresha Kolekcija Yuresha Female Costume - The Sugar Plum Fairy Male Costume - The Prince Costume Designer: Jelko Yuresha The Yuresha Collection

Ženski kostim - Vila šećera Kostimograf: Norman McDowell, 1960. Kolekcija Yuresha Female Costume - The Sugar Plum Fairy Costume Designer: Norman McDowell, 1960. The Yuresha Collection



zložba Orašar - najljepša božićna bajka, koja se u Muzeju za umjetnost i obrt može razgledati do 26. veljače 2017., donosi slojevito koncipiranu priču o slavnoj povijesti toga planetarno popularnog baleta, počevši od njegove praizvedbe (Marijinsko kazalište u Sankt Peterburgu, 18. prosinca 1892.) sve do današnjih dana. Autorski trolist toga velikoga izložbenog projekta tvore Vesna Ledić (autorica idejnog koncepta i voditeljica projekta), dr. sc. Arijana Koprčina (autorica i kustosica izložbe) i Saša Šekoranja (autor postava izložbe). U suradnji s brojnim muzejskim djelatnicima i vanjskim stručnim suradnicima omogućuju začudan pogled izbliza na ovaj bajkovit balet. Pred posjetiteljima je raskošna niska izloženih artefakata: hrvatski i inozemni kostimi, oglavlja i scenski nakit, raznovrsni rekviziti, dokumentarne fotografije, privatna kolekcija drvenih lutaka… Posudba Državnog baleta iz Berlina, postavljenoga 2013. u koreografiji Vasilija Medvedeva i Jurija Burlake, osobito je zanimljiva jer njihovo je raskošno uprizorenje Orašara vjerna rekonstrukcija izvornih scenografskih rješenja i originalne koreografije iz 1892. godine. Jednako je značajna i posudba iz Zaklade milanskog Teatro alla Scala. Osobitost tih milanskih kostima iz 1969. godine u tome je što su specijalno kreirani za Scalinu ambicioznu produkciju Orašara, koji je tom prigodom prvi put zaživio u koreografiji znamenitoga ruskog baletana Rudolfa Nurejeva. Prekrasni milanski kostimi nose pak autorski potpis svestranoga grčkog umjetnika Nicholasa Georgiadisa. Nurejev je u milanskom Orašaru tumačio i ulogu pomalo ekscentričnog Drosselmeyera, nastupajući u kostimu koji zacijelo predstavlja jednu od najvećih atrakcija zagrebačke izložbe. Kako je Nurejev gotovo uvijek otkupljivao one kostime što su specijalno za njega i bili kreirani, to se u milanskoj riznici scenskog ruha čuvaju samo dva njegova kostima, koje upravo stoga brojni poklonici baletne umjetnosti doživljavaju kao svojevrsne relikvije. Ova kompleksna izložba Muzeja za umjetnost i obrt donosi i izbor iz kolekcije kostima Belinde Wright, primabalerine Londonskog festivalskog baleta, poslije preimenovanog u Engleski nacionalni balet. Nakon smrti Belinde Wright, zbirku je 2007. naslijedio njezin dugogodišnji

Erio Piccagliani, Zaklada Teatro alla Scala / Fondazione Teatro alla Scala

Rudolf Nurejev i Carla Fracci, 1971.

Rudolf Nurejev and Carla Fracci, 1971.

Državni muzej za kazalište i glazbu Sankt Peterburg / The St. Petersburg State Museum of Theatre and Music

Enrico Piccagliani

Pavel Froman Scenografski predložak - Dvorac, 1931. Pavel Froman Set Designer - The Castle, 1931.

I.A. Vsevoložski Nacrt kostima za Ples snježnih pahuljica, 1892.

I.A. Vsevoložski Costume Design - The Waltz of the Snowflakes, 1892.


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Arhiv Zavoda za povijest hrvatske književnosti, kazališta i glazbe HAZU / Archives of the Institute for the Histry of Croatian Literature, Theater and Music of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts

Zagreb School of Economics and Management

01 Ženski kostim - Snježna pahuljica, ansambl, 2013. Rekonstrukcija kostima - kostimografkinja Tatiana Noginova Državni balet Berlin Female Costume - The Snowflake, Ensemble, 2013. Costume Reconstruction - Costume Designer Tatiana Noginova The State Ballet Berlin 02 Muški kostim - Ujak Drosselmeier / Princ Kostim posebno izrađen za Rudolfa Nurejeva 1977. Zaklada Teatro alla Scala

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plesni i životni partner - Hrvat Jelko Yuresha. Izložba Muzeja za umjetnost i obrt donosi i povijesni prikaz zagrebačkih izvedaba baleta Orašar, koje su odreda ostvarene na sceni Hrvatskoga narodnog kazališta, na kojoj je 1931. godine Orašar prvi put izveden pod svojim izvornim ruskim nazivom Ščelkunščik (Щелкунчик), zaslugom Margarete Froman koja je potpisala koreografiju i režiju te integralne hrvatske praizvedbe Orašara. Nakon tridesetogodišnjeg izbivanja, Orašar se tek 1970. vratio na zagrebačku scenu, i to u koreografiji i režiji Waczlawa Orlikovskog. S obzirom na to da je Orlikovskyjev majstorski oblikovan Orašar u Zagrebu obnavljan u tri navrata (1974., 1984. i 2004.), upravo su na toj dugovjekoj predstavi odgojene generacije hrvatskih plesača i poklonika klasičnog baleta. U navedenim produkcijama svoj su značajan doprinos dali i scenograf Zlatko Bourek (1984., 1997. i 2004.), kostimograf Leo Bei (1970. i 1974.), te kostimografkinje Ika Škomrlj i Diana Kosec-Bourek (1984., 1997. i 2004.), koje su reinterpretirale kostimografska rješenja Lea Beija. Počevši od 9. prosinca 2011., Orašar se na sceni zagrebačkoga HNK-a, pred uvijek prepunim gledalištem, već petu sezonu zaredom izvodi u koreografiji i režiji Dereka Deana, te u kostimima i scenografiji Roberte Guidi de Bagno. Po izboru Zlatka Madžara, zagrebačku izložbu o baletu Orašar kontinuirano prati decentna reprodukcija integralne tonske snimke Orašara P.I. Čajkovskoga op. 71 (izvedba: Orkestar Marijinskog kazališta

pod ravnanjem V. Gergijeva), a u izdvojenoj, individualnoj slušaonici posjetitelji mogu, po vlastitome izboru, neometano uživati u još dvjema velikim izvedbama ulomaka iz skladateljeva orkestralnog izvornika te u jednoj sjajnoj klavirskoj preradbi (izvedbe: Lenjingradska filharmonija


Srećko Budek

Mario Krištofić

Male Costume - Uncle Drosselmeyer / The Prince Costume especially made for Rudolf Nureyev, 1977. The Teatro alla Scala Foundation

pod ravnanjem J. Mravinskog, Berlinska filharmonija pod ravnanjem M. Rostropoviča, klavirski duo M. Argerich i N. Economou). Vrhunska scenska ali i jedinstvena muzeološka prezentacija tog remek-djela klasičnog baleta grad Zagreb velikim slovima upisuju na kulturnu kartu svijeta. 


he Nutcracker - A Magnificent Christmas Tale, featured at the Museum of Arts and Crafts until the 26th of February, 2017, brings a layered story of the globally-popular ballet’s famous past, starting with its premiere at the Mariinsky Theatre of St. Petersburg on December 18, 1892, until today. The three creators of this major exhibition project: Vesna Ledić (author and project manager), Arijana Koprčina, Ph.D. (author and curator) and Saša Šekoranja (exhibition designer), in cooperation with numerous museum employees and external expert associates, offer a magical inside view of this fairy tale ballet. It includes an array of exhibited artefacts, including Croatian and foreign costumes, headwear and stage jewellery, various props, documentary photographs, a private collection of wooden dolls… The loan from the Berlin State Ballet, choreographed by Vasily Medvedev and Juri Burlaka in 2013, is specifically interesting because their lavish adaptation of The Nutcracker was a true to life reconstruction of the original scenography and choreography from 1892. The loan the Museum of Arts and Crafts secured from the Teatro alla Scalla of Milan is likely just as significant. The Milan costumes from 1969 are special because they were created specifically for Scala’s ambitious production of The Nutcracker, which was the first occasion this ballet was choreographed by renowned Russian Ballet Dancer Rudolf Nureyev. The beautiful costumes from Milan were designed by Greek Artist Nicholas Georgiadis. In Milan’s Nutcracker, Nureyev also played the role of the somewhat eccentric Drosselmeyer, performing in a costume that will surely be one of the greatest attractions at the Zagreb exhibition. Since Nureyev almost always purchased costumes created especially for him, two of his costumes that are part of the holdings in Milan are considered relics by numerous fans of ballet. This complex exhibition at the Museum of Arts and Crafts also features a selection from the collection of costumes worn by Belinda Wright, the prima ballerina of the London Festival Ballet, later renamed the English National

Mario Krištofić

Pavel Froman Scenografski predložak - Snježne pahuljice, 1931. Arhiv Zavoda za povijest hrvatske književnosti, kazališta i glazbe HAZU Pavel Froman Set Designer - The Snowflakes, 1931. Institute for the History of Croatian Literature, Theater and Music HAZU


Ballet. After the death of Belinda Wright, the collection was inherited in 2007 by her dance and life partner of many years Croat Jelko Yuresha. The Museum of Arts and Crafts exhibition also provides historic insight into all of the Zagreb performances of The Nutcracker ballet, all of which occurred on stage at the Croatian National Theatre, the first one taking place in 1931 under the original Russian title Ščelkunščik, thanks to Margareta Froman, who choreographed and directed the full Croatian premiere of The Nutcracker. After a thirty-year absence, The Nutcracker returned to the Zagreb scene in 1970, choreographed and directed by Waczlaw Orlykowski. Since Orlykowski’s masterfully done version of The Nutcracker was performed in Zagreb three times (1974, 1984 and 2004), numerous generations of Croatian dancers and aficionados of classical ballet were trained during this long-running show. In terms of the aforementioned productions, great contributions were made by Scenographer Zlatko Bourek (1984, 1997 and 2004), Costume Designer Leo Bei (1970 and 1974), and costume designers, Ika Škomrlj and Diana KosecBourek (1984, 1997 and 2004), who reinterpreted the costume design of Leo Bei. As of December 9, 2011, for the fifth consecutive season, The Nutcracker is being performed on stage at the Zagreb Croatian National Theatre, choreographed and directed by Derek Dean, with costumes and set design by Roberta Guidi de Bagno. At the choosing of Zlatko Madžar, Zagreb’s exhibition about The Nutcracker presents the soundtrack of the original recording of Tchaikovsky’s The Nutcracker op. 71, performed by the Mariinsky Theatre Orchestra, conducted by Valery Gergiev, while a separate, individual listening-room offers visitors an opportunity to choose between and enjoy two other major performances of excerpts from the composer’s orchestral original, and one excellent cover for two pianos, performed by the Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Jevgeny Mravinsky; and the Berlin Philharmonic, conducted by Mstislav Rostropovich, and pianists Marta Argerich and Nicholas Economou. An excellent stage performance, as well as a unique museum exhibit about the masterpiece of classical ballet has definitely placed Zagreb on the cultural map of the world. 


Djeca u tunelu akvarija Children in the aquarium tunnel


Piše/By _ Ivana Kaleb Vuletić Fotografije/Photos _ Saša Pjanić

U Karlovcu je otvorena Aquatika, novi i jedini slatkovodni akvarij u ovom dijelu Europe. Nijedna europska zemlja nema tako raznolike i očuvane rijeke kao Hrvatska. Hrvatske su rijeke golemo bogatstvo, ali još nedovoljno otkriveno. Postav u karlovačkom akvariju prati tok tipične krške rijeke, pružajući detaljan, zanimljiv, poučan i uzbudljiv pogled u čudesan slatkovodni svijet. Aquatika - the new and only freshwater aquarium in this part of Europe has opened in Karlovac. No country in Europe has such diverse and wellpreserved rivers like Croatia does. Croatian rivers are huge, but still relatively unexplored sources of wealth. The Karlovac Aquarium follows the course of a typical karst river, offering detailed, interesting and educative insight into the magnificent world of freshwater living.


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Šaran / Carp


latkovodni akvarij Aquatika u neposrednoj je blizini Foginova kupališta na Korani, u središtu Karlovca, kojemu je Hrvatska turistička zajednica 2011. godine dodijelila nagradu Zeleni cvijet za najbolju javnu plažu na kontinentu. Kom-


Prikaz voda stajaćica / Display of still waters

pleks akvarija moderna je arhitektonski i krajobrazno posebno osmišljena cjelina, koja se svojom arhitekturom, osobito zelenim krovovima, prirodno uklapa u okružje rekreativne zone grada Karlovca. Javna ustanova Aquatika - Slatkovod-

ni akvarij Karlovac nastala je u sklopu projekta pod nazivom Slatkovodni akvarij i muzej rijeka - aquarium, koji je sufinancirala Europska unija iz Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj u sklopu Operativnog programa Regionalna konkurentnost. Nositelj projekta bio je Grad Karlovac, a partneri Hrvatski veterinarski institut, Hrvatski institut za biološku raznolikost, Gradski muzej Karlovac i Pan - udruga za zaštitu okoliša i prirode. U 25 akvarijskih bazena prikazano je više od 100 vrsta slatkovodnih riba, od čega čak četrdesetak endemskih vrsta. Svojim radom, osim funkcije akvarija, imat će zadatak predstaviti tradicijsku kulturu, geološku prošlost i način života uz rijeke te biti na raspolaganju znanstvenom sektoru. Akvariji u Aquatici biotopski su, što znači da vjerodostojno prikazuju tipičnu kršku

rijeku, te je zbog toga u akvarije posađeno i bilje iz naših rijeka. Svaki posjetitelj tako može doživjeti riječni tok od izvora do ušća. - Morunu ćemo s vremenom pokušati nabaviti za akvarij. Najveća je riba Aquatike sibirska jesetra mase 15 kg. To je drevna vrsta, nešto kao slon među sisavcima. U osjetljive se vrste ubraja i kečiga, koju imamo u akvariju, no ona je manjih dimenzija. Bit će zastupljene ribe iz cijele Hrvatske, a kojih ima oko 150 vrsta, najviše u Europi poslije Turske s azijskim dijelom, a tome broju mi težimo - kaže naša sugovornica Margarita Maruškić Kulaš, ravnateljica Aquatike i naglašava: - Želimo da najveća vrijednost našeg akvarija bude ta što ćemo preko turizma, znanosti i obrazovanja poučavati o biološkoj raznolikost da bismo generacijama koje dolaze u baštinu ostavili

Babuška / Prussian carp

Plotica / Pigo


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Djeca vole akvarij Children love the aquarium Hrvatske invazivne vrste Croatian invasive species


prirodne ljepote naše zemlje. Osobitost je Aquatike i njezin suvremeni dizajn, koji su projektirali stručnjaci iz nagrađivanog Studija 3LHD iz Zagreba. Aquatika je projektirana na građevinskoj čestici veličine 8327 četvornih metara kao dvoetažna građevina s prizemljem i podzemnom etažom. Objekt ima 2781 četvorni metar, a akvarij će odjednom moći primiti 150 posjetitelja. Aquatika će imati i mnogo dodatnih sadržaja. To je najprije kongresna dvorana kapaciteta 70 osoba u kinopostavu, a nalazi se u akvarijskom dijelu kompleksa, uz poseban ulaz za one koji žele samo iznajmiti dvoranu, bez ulaska u akvarij.

Osobita je po tome što se u njoj vide dva akvarija. Zatim, tu je edukacijska dvorana/igraonica opremljena namještajem za djecu i ozvučenjem. Nadalje, spomenimo čitaonicu u kojoj će se od otvorenja do 1. svibnja 2017. nalaziti zbirka Speleoteka u gostima. Riječ je o speleoteci iz fundusa speleoloških udruga iz Karlovca, a sastoji se od knjiga, časopisa, tematskih separata, brošura i dijela audiovizualne građe, a ima otprilike 5000 pojedinačnih naslova. Napokon, Aquatika će opremati vlastitu znanstvenu čitaonicu iz područja prirodnih znanosti, a imat će i café bar sa zimskim radnim vremenom od 8 do 19 sati svaki dan, trg kao javni prostor za druženje i igralište za djecu - dva manja dječja igrališta s vanjske strane kompleksa, s pogledom na Koranu. Slatkovodni akvarij Karlovac atrakcija je u svakom smislu: ekološkom, obrazovnom, turističkom, znanstvenom ili jednostavno zbog svoje originalnosti i toga što akvarij slatkovodnih voda ne postoji nigdje u široj regiji, osim u srcu Hrvatske, okružen četirima rijekama - u Karlovcu. 

Exclusive living standards in the heart of Zagreb


he Aquatika Freshwater Aquarium is located in the vicinity of the Foginovo bathing area on the Korana River, in the centre of Karlovac, which won the Croatian Tourist Board’s Green Flower award for Best Public Beach in continental Croatia in 2011. The aquarium complex is very modern, and its architecture, especially the green roofing, naturally blends in with the recreational zone of Karlovac. Aquatika - The Karlovac Freshwater Aquarium is a public institution that was founded as part of the Freshwater Aquarium and Museum of Rivers project, co-financed by the European Union out of the European Regional Development Fund within the framework of the Regional Competitiveness Operational Program. The project leader was the City of Karlovac, while project partners were the Croatian Veterinary Institute, the Croatian Institute for Biodiversity, the City Museum of Karlovac, and the Pan - Association for Environment and Nature Protection. The 25 aquarium pools feature more than 100 species of freshwater fish, some 40 of which are endemic. Apart from its functioning as an aquarium, it will also present the traditional culture, geological past and the way of life by the river, as well as be at the service of the scientific sector. The aquaria at Aquatika are biotopes, which means our intent was to show a karst river as realistically as possible, which is the reason we included river plants in the aquaria, too. Each visitor can, thereby, experience a river’s flow from its source to the estuary. - We will eventually try to get a beluga for the aquarium. The largest fish at Aquatika is a Siberian sturgeon weighing 15 kg. It is an ancient species, something like an elephant among mammals. Another sensitive species we already have is the sterlet, but it is a smaller fish. We will have fish from all over Croatia, some 150 species, which is the largest number in Europe, after Turkey, the

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Idealno za obiteljski posjet Ideal for a family visit

Hrvatske endemske vrste u špilji Croatian endemic species in the cave Pogled na akvarij sa slapovima View of the aquarium with waterfalls

Asian part, and that is the number we strive towards, says our interlocutor Margarita Maruškić Kulaš, Aquatika Director and points out: The greatest value of our aquarium will be teaching about biodiversity through tourism, science and education, so that upcoming generations can experience the natural beauties of our country. Aquatika is also unique for its contemporary design - the work of experts from an awardwinning architectural firm in Zagreb - Studio 3LHD. Aquatika was built on an 8,327 square meter parcel as a two-storey building with a ground floor and an underground level. The building spreads across 2,781 square metres, and can accommodate up to 150 visitors at the same time. Aquatika will also boast many other amenities, including a cinema-like congress hall for up to 70 people, located in the aquarium part of the complex, with a special entrance for those who wish to rent just the hall, and includes no access to the aquarium itself. It is a special venue because two aquariums can be seen inside. There is also an educational hall/play area equipped with furniture for children and a sound system. Furthermore, we must mention the reading area. Between its opening and May 1, 2017, Aquatika is set to feature the Speleoteka u gostima (Speleological Reference Library) collection - a collection from holdings of speleological associations from Karlovac, consisting of books, magazines, themed excerpts, brochures and some audio-visual materials, numbering around 5000 individual titles. Finally, Aquatika will equip its own scientific library in the field of natural sciences, and it will also feature a café bar with daily winter working hours between 8 a.m. and 7 p.m., a public square area, and a play area for kids - two smaller playgrounds on the outer side of the complex with a nice view of the Korana. The Karlovac Freshwater Aquarium is an attraction in every sense: ecological, educational, touristic, and scientific. Also, it is based on an original concept - there are no other freshwater aquariums in the wider region, except in the heart of Croatia, in Karlovac, surrounded by  four rivers. Javna ustanova Aquatika - Slatkovodni akvarij Karlovac nastala je u sklopu projekta pod nazivom Slatkovodni akvarij i muzej rijeka - kaquarium, koji je sufinancirala Europska unija iz Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj u sklopu Operativnog programa Regionalna konkurentnost 2007.- 2013. u iznosu od 36,200.000 kuna, a ukupna je vrijednost projekta 37,000.000 kuna. The Aquatika Public Institution - the freshwater aquarium in Karlovac was established as part of the Karlovac freshwater Aquarium and Museum of rivers - the Kaquarium Project, and was co-financed by the European Union out of the European Regional Development Fund, within the 2007-2013 Regional Competitiveness Operational Programme, in the amount of HRK 36.2 million. The total value of the project was HRK 37 million.




Piše/By _ Jelica Marišić

Fotografije/Photos _ Ivo Pervan

02 Grohote, u pozadini Split Grohote, Split in the background


01 Srednje Selo

Od davnina gledaju se preko mora Split i Šolta. Otok samo devet nautičkih milja udaljen od obale i središnjega grada Dalmacije, oduvijek mami u svoje okrilje. Svima koji su je pohodili, od njezina postanka do danas, dala je Šolta dio svog kolača. A stvarali su je trudom i mukom težaci, ribari, japnari (proizvođači vapna), pomorci, slikari, pjesnici... Split and Šolta have been facing each other across the sea since the distant past. The island, just 9 nautical miles from the shores of Dalmatia’s central city, has always had special allure. Anyone who has ever come to Šolta has enjoyed a slicepiece of the pie. Šolta was built with an effort and struggle by peasants, fishermen, lime manufacturers, seamen, painters, poets…

Ispred Splita površina slana jedan otok posred je Jadrana. Otok Šolta tu prebiva mali svakim vjetrom ćuškaju ga vali...

Eugen Buktenica Đenko, Doživljaji šoltanskog naroda, Grohote, 1950.

In front of Split A salty surface A single island In the middle of the Adriatic. This is where Šolta A small island resides Every time the wind blows Waves crash on its shores...


Eugen Buktenica Đenko, Doživljaji šoltanskog naroda, (Experiences of the People of Šolta), Grohote, 1950


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01 Ante Buktenica Peculo, Grohote 02 Donje Selo 03 Detalj autohtone graditeljske baštine, Srednje Selo Detail of an autochthonous heritage building, Srednje Selo 04 Ulaz u tradicionalni stambeni kompleks - dvor, Grohote Entrance into a traditional housing compound - dvor, Grohote 05 Domaći specijaliteti začinjeni maslinovim uljem Olynthia, Gornje Selo


Home-made specialties seasoned with Olynthia olive oil, Gornje Selo

04 05

06 07


06 Galerija Buktenica&Buktenica, Grohote Buktenica&Buktenica Gallery, Grohote 07 Tradicionalan način pokrivanja kuća kamenim krovovima, Srednje Selo Traditional roof tiles made of stone, Srednje Selo 08 Crkvica sv. Mihovila u šoltanskom polju iz 14./15. stoljeća, zaštićen spomenik kulture RH St. Mihovil’s Church from the 14th/15th century, a protected cultural monument 09 Dinko Sule, prozaik, slikar, pjesnik, Grohote Dinko Sule, writer, painter, poet, Grohote 10 Tipična uličica u središtu Donjeg Sela A typical narrow street in the centre of Donje Selo 09



01 Marina, Maslinica 02 Stari način popločavanja ulica, Kuparića put, Grohote Old-style cobblestone street, Kuparića Put, Grohote 03 Pogled na vrtove Grohota Garden view, Grohote 04 Vicko Buktenica, slikar, Grohote Vicko Buktenica, painter, Grohote 01






ovoljno blizu, a dovoljno daleko... rekao bi svaki Šoltanin vjeran svom škoju, a i svaki putnik namjernik kojemu je Šolta ciljano odredište za odmor u tipičnome mediteranskome otočnome miljeu, puna mirisa i tradicionalnih okusa, prekrasnih zaštićenih uvala uz more te naseljima u unutrašnjosti otoka, koja odišu patinom starine i privlače okružjem još sačuvane ambijentalne arhitekture pučkih, izvornih graditelja koji ostaviše otoku u nasljeđe svoje dvore, crkve i povijesne spomenike. Da nije bilo toga prkosnoga, radu i jadu vičnoga, otpornog čovjeka od škoja, ne bi se Šolta othrvala bremenu prošlosti i sačuvala tradiciju, ne samo u kamenu, nego i u nastojanju k povratku svom iskonu. Otok se prvi put spominje u 4. stoljeću prije Krista pod imenom Olyntha, dolaskom Hrvata ime se kroatizira u oblik Sulet, a u vrijeme mletačke kolonizacije romanizira se hrvatsko ime u oblik Šolta. Najstarija naselja na otoku niknula su na visoravni u njegovoj unutrašnjosti - Grohote (od antičkog doba glavno šoltansko naselje), Donje Selo, Srednje Selo i Gornje Selo. Tu još danas pronalazimo prave bisere

tipične mediteranske arhitekture, koji se opiru vremešnosti i sporoj zaštiti, te modernim urbanističkim intervencijama što su mjestimice na rubu devastacije izvornog prostora. A upravo je ta lokalna graditeljska baština sastavni dio zavičajnog identiteta i neupitna vrijednost u turističkoj ponudi. Šolta je od pamtivijeka bila vezana za Split, koji ju je smatrao svojim posjedom.

06 Medarstvo Tvrdić, vlasnik Goran Tvrdić, Grohote Medarstvo Tvrdić, owned by Goran Tvrdić, Grohote 07 Tomislav Purtić, vinograd Dobričića, Srednje Selo Tomislav Purtić, Dobričića Vineyards, Srednje Selo



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01 Ženska klapa Čuvite, Donje Selo Čuvite - a women’s a cappella singing group, Donje Selo 02 VIS Kuparića Put na ulazu u baštinski dvorac-hotel Martinis Marchi, Maslinica VIS Kuparića Put at the entrance of the Martinis Marchi Heritage Hotel, a historic castle, Maslinica 01

Od 14. stoljeća Šoltani su splitskom plemstvu plaćali velike poreze i razne naknade. Prihodi od Šolte pokrivali su 60 posto rashoda grada Splita. Tek 1905. godine Šoltani su uspjeli otkupiti zemljište od Splita i tada počinje novo razdoblje u društvenoj i privrednoj povijesti otoka, no praćeno teretom masovnog iseljavanja. Iz svega toga izdigao se šoltanski čovjek te uznastojao obnoviti ono najvrednije što otok daje. Ante Buktenica Peculo u 87. godini života pravi je primjer upornosti i izdržljivosti čovjeka od škoja. Sâm obrađuje svoje masline, vinograd, vrt, proizvodi ulje, vino, rakiju, prošek. Udruga, pak, mladih Buđenje projektom Pokret otoka odlučno grabi naprijed programima edukacija i podizanja svijesti o potrebi uključivanja mladih u razvoj lokalne zajednice i potpori njihovoj strategiji o budućnosti života na otoku. - Ja imam svoju misiju, da ostavim budućim generacijama na uvid dio nasljeđa i bogatstva koje su nam naši stari, priroda i Bog ovdje podarili - riječi su Dinka Sule iz Grohota, slikara, pjesnika, prozaika, čovjeka koji ostavlja dubok trag u očuvanju prirodnoga i kulturno-povijesnog nasljeđa Šolte. - Turizam je danas glavna gospodarska grana na Šolti, a osnovno polazište djelovanja udruge Moja Šolta jest upravo da odredište čine ljudi - kaže predsjednica


udruge Višnjica Čerić. - Dio smo projekta Hrvatske turističke zajednice Hrvatska 365 i radimo na stvaranju destinacijskih proizvoda i povezivanju svih sudionika u turizmu preko Mape integrirane ponude Šolte. Turizam Šolte uključuje i proizvodnju tradicionalnih lokalnih proizvoda. Šolta se može pohvaliti s 22 otočna proizvoda koja nose oznaku izvornosti RH. Jedan je od njih glasoviti šoltanski med od ružmarina. Tradicionalno pčelarstvo već tri naraštaja njeguje Obiteljsko gospodarstvo Tvrdić u Grohotama. - Naš je moto Give bees a chance, na prezentacijama posjetitelje upoznajemo s tradicionalnim načinom proizvodnje meda i ostalih pčelinjih proizvoda, a povezani smo s proizvođačima iz cijelog svijeta - ističe Goran Tvrdić, koji je svojim pristupom i dobro plasiranom pričom ukorijenjenom u tradiciji dokazao da se može napraviti dobar posao na otoku. S tim bi se složio i Frane Kaštelanac, čija obitelj već četiri stoljeća u Gornjem Selu sadi masline i proizvodi maslinovo ulje. Ekološki uzgoj maslina, suvremeno opremljena uljara, prezentacije i prodaja na kućnom pragu, pokazali su se kao jamstvo za budućnost pod imenom Olynthia - natura d.o.o. Sporo, ali uspješno oporavlja se i Dobričić, autohtona sorta vinove loze od koje je Tomislav Purtić u Srednjem Selu napravio brand prepoznat-

ljivoga šoltanskoga vinskog okusa. A Vicko Buktenica, slikar naive nuove, nasljednik najvećega dalmatinskog slikara naive Eugena Buktenice Đenka, uredio je stričevu Spomen-kuću i Galeriju u Grohotama, koje su proglašene Centrom dalmatinske naive i postale nezaobilaznom točkom na turističkoj karti Šolte. Radionicama, kolonijama, izložbama, humanitarnim akcijama, nastoji prenijeti svoju ljubav prema slikarstvu, te tako pridonijeti očuvanju šoltanske slikarske tradicije. Tu, na tome šoltanskom škoju, iz kamena i škrapa povijest govori - o čovjeku, zemlji, trudu, dišpetu, guštu i vječnom nadahnuću. Dvorovima i kantunima pjesma odzvanja. Brodovi zaklon traže u sigurnim uvalama Stomorske, Maslinice, Nečujma, Rogača. Danas Šolta ispisuje neke nove stranice, s novom vizijom, s novim zano som, za one koji tek dolaze.


onveniently close, but far away enough, as any local of Šolta loyal to their island would say, but also most travellers who choose Šolta as their typical Mediterranean island holiday destination. The island is saturated with scents and traditional flavours, beautiful protected coves and settlements in the interior, which exude an old-world charm and attract visitors with their well-preserved architecture. Their creators, the original island builders,

vip weekend winter 2016/2017 from 01.12.2016. – 31.03.2017. (except 28.12.2016. – 03.01.2017)

have left a legacy of houses, churches and historical monuments on this island. Had it not been for the audacious, resilient islanders, used to hard work and misery, Šolta would not have endured the obstacles of the past and preserved its tradition, not just in stone, but in striving to return to its roots. The island was first mentioned in the 4th century B.C. as Olyntha; with the arrival of Croats, the name was Croatized to Sulet, and in the time of colonization by the Republic of Venice, the name was Romanized to Šolta. The oldest settlements on the island developed in the highlands in the interior: Grohote (the main settlement on Šolta since antiquity), Donje Selo, Srednje Selo and Gornje Selo. Here, one can still find true pearls of typical Mediterranean architecture that defy age, a slow conservation process, as well as modern urbanist interventions, which threaten to devastate this indigenous area. The local architectural heritage is an

integral part of the local identity and an unquestionable asset in the area of tourism. Since forever, Šolta has had ties to Split, which regarded it as property. Since the 14th century, locals of Šolta paid high taxes and various other dues to the nobility of Split. Income from Šolta made up for 60 percent of Split’s expenditures. Only in 1905 did the locals of Šolta manage to buy off the land from Split, which marked the beginning of a new period in the social and economic history of the island. This period, however, was also plagued by mass emigration. The modern man of Šolta rose from all that, striving to renew the best of what the island had to offer. At 87, Ante Buktenica Peculo is a true example of the persistence and resilience of an islander. He cultivates his own olive groves, vineyards and gardens, makes his own oil, wine, rakija and prosecco. On the other hand, through its project, Pokret otoka, the Buđenje (Awakening) youth association is making decisive steps forward with education programs and by



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raising awareness about the necessity of involving the youth in local community development and supporting their strategy about future life on the island. I have my mission - to leave part of the heritage and wealth bestowed upon us by our ancestors, nature and God for future generations to boast about. These are the words of Dinko Sule of Grohote, a painter, poet, prosaist, and a man who is making strides in preserving the natural, cultural and historic heritage of Šolta. Nowadays, tourism is the main branch of revenue on Šolta. The main guideline of the Moja Šolta (My Šolta) Association is that a destination is defined by its people, according to the president of the association, Višnjica Čerić. - We are part of the Croatia 365 project of the Croatian Tourist Board, and we are working on creating local products, and bringing together all participants in tourism and other related activities via the Map of the Integrated Offer of Šolta. Tourism on Šolta also includes the production of traditional local products. Šolta now boasts 22 products that are branded as original Croatian products. One of them is the famous rosemary honey of Šolta. Traditional beekeeping has been nurtured on the Tvrdić Family Farm in Grohote for three generations. - Our motto is: give bees a chance. We organize presentations in which we familiarize visitors with the traditional process of making honey and other products associated with bees. Also, we are connected with manufacturers from all over the world, says Goran Tvrdić, who has shown that a proper approach and a well-placed story based on tradition can result in good business on the island. Frane Kaštelanac, whose family has been cultivating olives and producing olive oil in Gornje Selo for four centuries, would agree. The ecological cultivation of olives, modern, oil-making facility, as well as presentations and sales from home have afforded some assurance for the future of Olynthia Natura, the company brand name. Dobričić, the autochthonous grape, turned into a recognizable brand of Šolta by Tomislav Purtić, is also on a slow but definite path to recovery. Vicko Buktenica, a naïve painter and successor of the greatest Dalmatian naive painter - Eugen Buktenica Đenko, opened his uncle’s Memorial House and Gallery in Grohote, which have both been proclaimed the centre of Mediterranean naïve art and have become an unavoidable destination on the tourist map of Šolta. With workshops, colonies, exhibitions and humanitarian actions, he strives to pass his love of painting on to others, thus contributing to the preservation of the painting tradition on Šolta. Here, on the island of Šolta, history is born out of stone and the clanking of rocks; stories are told about man, the land, hard work, and animosities, but also about joy and eternal inspiration. The sound of songs resounds through courtyards and street corners. Vessels seek shelter in the safe bays of Stomorska, Maslinica, Nečujam and Rogač. Nowadays, Šolta is writing some new pages, has a new vision, a  new enthusiasm, for those who are yet to come.



Ukradete li slobodno vrijeme između sastanaka, ili dolazite u posjet nekome tko je stalno na sastancima, ili ste u turističkom posjetu gradu, vjerojatno biste željeli raditi ono što rade pravi Briselci, jer to je zacijelo najbolji način da se upozna grad. Bruxelles je, iako veoma kompleksan u svom sastavu, srdačan i otvoren grad. If you can steal away between meetings, or if you are visiting someone who is always in a meeting, or you are simply visiting the city as a tourist, you would probably like to do as the locals of Brussels do because that would surely be the best way to get to know the city. Although it has an extremely complex infrastructure, Brussels is a very welcoming and open city. Piše/By _ Ines Sabalić

Fotografije/Photos _ Vanja Šolin

Deux Eglises

Zgrada Europskog parlamenta The European Parliament


Parlamentarij u kojemu se milijun i pol posjetitelja do sada upoznavalo s činjenicama iz života Europske unije The Parlamentarium, where a million and a half visitors have so far learned about life in the European Union


nogima se poznavanje Bruxellesa svodi na detaljni uvid u labirint hodnika Europskog parlamenta, impozantne palače Vijeća ili mnogih, razbacanih zgrada Europske komisije. Ali, što Briselci rade? Čitaju belgijske stripove i jedu pomfrit pa vafle, pri ruci im je jedno od 1150 registriranih vrsta belgijskog piva, a vani pada kiša? Dio toga možda je čak i istina, makar se pomfrit i vafli uglavnom jedu vani, a ne kod kuće, i premda se posljednjih godina vrijeme ovdje mijenja. Možda je samo

subjektivni osjećaj, ali više je sunčanih i svijetlih dana, kad ovaj grad zablista i može se doživjeti posve drugačije nego što očekujete. Što se tiče pomfrita, najpoznatiji je kiosk tj. fritkot Maison Antoine na Place Jourdan. Onamo ćete zacijelo skrenuti nakon razgledavanja Trga Schuman, gdje su sve glavne palače institucija Europske unije. Ako ste slučajno smješteni u gospodskoj i skupoj briselskoj četvrti Uccle, odšetajte do Chez Eugene i ondje ćete, preko pomfrita, zagristi u okus starog Bruxellesa. Ili, bolje rečeno, Belgije. Pomfrit je nastao

u davna doba, kad su flamanski gradovi cvali i bili izlog trgovačke i prosperitetne Europe, ali sela su bila kao prokleta siromaštvom i teško se oporavljala od ratova. Seljaci su pekli krumpir, jer ona ih je hrskavost izdaleka podsjećala na meso. Poslije su pržene krumpiriće kušali saveznički vojnici po rovovima i osigurali tome belgijskom proizvodu svjetsku slavu. Dakle, kušajte ih, s tim da ih danas ne umaču - kako stari recept nalaže, prije nego što se bace na tavu - u goveđi loj, nego se bacaju u ulje. Šetnja po fritkotima dobra je za upozna-


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Bozar, glavni i najpoznatiji briselski kulturni centar, gdje se održavaju koncerti klasične glazbe, izložbe i konferencije Bozar, the main and most renowned cultural centre in Brussels, a venue for classical music concerts, exhibitions and conferences

vanje grada, jer deset je najboljih kioska s pomfritom raštrkano po gradu. Kušajte i fritkot na trgu Flagey. To je ionako i hype mjesto grada, odlične neformalnosnobovske kombinacije. Taj trg je mjesto gdje se okupljaju umjetnici i sve druge slobodne profesije koji imaju ukus visoke klase, a neredovita primanja, no uvijek se nekako snađu i drže glavu iznad vode, i imaju računala apple. Na trgu Flagey odlična je koncertna dvorana, gdje gostuju vrhunski umjetnici, najčešće pijanisti, probrana svjetska


klasa, a to nije ni čudno, jer Bruxelles, gdje se održava izbor u sklopu Natjecanja kraljice Paole, jedno je od svjetskih središa klasične glazbe. Dakako, najveći je doživljaj, od kojeg ljubitelje klavirskih koncerata prođu srsi, kad velika Marta Argerich odluči izaći iz svoje duboke privatnosti pred svoju publiku. Vrlo često osjetljiva se umjetnica povuče u posljednji tren, ali kad svira, to su trenutci koji se pamte cijeli život. Druga velika briselska umjetnica jest Ann Teresa de Keersmaeker, plesačica

i koreografkinja koja vodi avangardnu plesačku skupinu Rosas, pa ako je njihov teatar na reportoaru, nemojte ga zaobići, jer dobit ćete uvid u jedan od slojeva toga kulturom bogatoga grada. Zamislimo da već sada razgledavate grad, i da ste ušli na glavni gradski trg, Grand place. Kad izvadite telefon za selfie, uhvatite i neku od prekrasno urešenih kuća, jer tako ćete zabilježiti duboku i simboličku europsku povijest. Kad je 1695. vojvoda od Villeroy sa svojom vojskom stigao pred ovaj trgovački

Galerie Ravenstein The Ravenstein Gallery

Prirodoslovni muzej The Museum of Natural Science

grad, sravnio je sa zemljom dotadašnji glavni trg i, kako je bio običaj, spalio ga nakon bombardiranja. Jedino je kamena oplata današnje Vijećnice odoljela, no i ona je napola ruševina. U samo četiri godine briselski cehovi i gilde, zanatske i trgovačke udruge, sagradile su ovo čemu se sada divimo. Kad je već bila prilika da se počne ispočetka, onda su dotadašnje kuće s vrtovima i dijelovi natkrivene tržnice zamijenjeni blještavo ukrašenim zgradama. Na tome mjestu doista možemo kontemplirati Europu

koja se rađa iz pepela, kad joj više nitko ne daje šanse. Zamislite koliko je moralo biti statističara koji su izračunali stabilnost zgrada, koliko graditelja, skulptora, zanatlija, poslovođa, koliko se profesija ovdje motalo i kojom se brzinom radilo. U gradskim arhivima piše da su se profesionalci tražili i vrlo skupo plaćali. Rad se isplatio, i to je nosilo novi optimizam. Svaki nacrt nove zgrade bio je dan na uvid gradskom vijeću, dakle političarima, koji se nisu smatrali najpametnijima, nego su konzultirali umjetnike i ljude od

ukusa uklapaju li se nove zgrade skladno u cjelinu. Cijela četvrt oko Grand place sagrađena je tih godina. Usred, pak, gradskog trga, spaljena su prva dva protestantska heretika u vjerskim ratovima koji su nakon toga desetljećima uništavali Europu, no i to smo preživjeli i oporavili se. Bruxelles je postajao sve važnije trgovačko i industrijsko središte. Najviše stanovnika Bruxelles je imao sredinom šezdesetih, oko milijun i pol, a nakon toga, što nije bio dobar znak, broj je opadao, jer građani su se, zbog kom-


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Mont des Arts

Park Cinquantenaire

pleksnih razloga, iseljavali po predgrađu. Danas ima oko milijun, ali doima se većim, jer dijelovi su grada sagrađeni gotovo imperijalno. Belgija je, zahvaljući trgovini, ali u prvom redu koloniji Kongo, bila izvanredno bogata zemlja. Bruxelles je pak, iako je nedaleko bio neusporedivi Pariz, a nedaleko i jednako tako bogati Amsterdam, iskakao kao mjesto gdje se odvijao neki međunarodni posao, gdje su zastajali i zadržavali se predstavnici stranih država ili vojski. Bruxelles je izabran za sjedište



tadašanjeg kluba zemalja iz kojega će izrasti današnja Europska unija zbog svoga geografskog položaja. Bio je na dva i pol sata vlakom do Pariza (obične željeznice bile su vrlo brze) - danas je na sat i deset minuta superbrzim Thallysom, na malo više od sat vremena od tadašnjega glavnoga grada Njemačke, Bonna, i otprilike toliko do Amsterdama. Ni London, koji se doduše priključio europskoj zajednici mnogo kasnije, nije bio veoma daleko, jer veza do Ostendea, odakle je trajekt vozio do Engleske,

također je bila vrlo dobra. Kad smo kod povijesti i kod politike, potražite na Grand place zgradu s guskom na pročelju. To je La Maison de Cygne, koju je sagradio bivši ceh mesara. Guska, od koje su radili foi gras, bila je njihov zaštitni znak. Poslije je ovdje bio restoran. Potkraj 19. stoljeća tu su nekoliko godina redovito ručavali Karl Marx i Friedrich Englels. Danas se tu nalazi jedan od najboljih briselskih restorana, vrhunske francuske kuhinje, chefa Dmitrija Stassera, koji je u lovu na

Zgrada Berlymont Europske komisije, Trg Schuman The Berlymont building, headquarters of the European Commission, Schuman Square

Michelinovu zvjezdicu što ju je restoran imao pa izgubio. Kad kažemo Bruxelles, to se najčešće odnosi na Regiju Bruxelles, uz Valoniju i Flandriju, jednu od tri ravnopravne belgijske pokrajine. Regija Bruxelles sastoji se od 19 općina, a svaka ima svoga gradonačelnika. Strogo rekavši, ime Bruxelles odnosi se samo na usko središte grada. Trg Schuman, gdje su Vijeće i Europska komisija, stroži je i formalniji, a u doba službenih sastanaka, policijsko osiguranje

izvanredno strogo. Dio oko Europskog parlamenta ležerniji je. Pred Parlamentom je trg Luxembourg, popularni Plux, gdje izlaze i zastupnici, i asistenti, i službenici. Iako bi se pomislilo da i ovdje vladaju ukočeni birokratski tipovi, nije tako. Uglavnom se okupljaju mladi ljudi koji stječu radno iskustvo u Parlamentu, a mnoge od njih, svakako ambicioznije, čeka i lijepa budućnost. Među njih dolaze i lobisti, novinari, predstavnici svih mogućih udruga i biznisa.

Osim uistinu udaljenog Anderlechta, gdje je moderni simbol grada, i simbol nekadašnje vjere u prosperitet, Atomium, sve se može neprimjetno obići pješice. Napokon, otmjena četvrt velikih muzeja, koncertnih dvorana i galerija, te kraljevske palače, vrlo je blizu. To je dio grada kamo zalaze briselska gospoda i gdje su se oduvijek i zadržavali. Ne znači niti da je taj dio ukočen i dalek, naprotiv, Bruxelles je, iako veoma kompleksan u svom sasta vu, srdačan i otvoren grad.


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Place Jourdan


Manneken Peace, djelo nekoga od mnogih umjetnika na briselskim proÄ?eljima Manneken Peace, one of many artistic works on the buildings of Brussels


or many people, Brussels is all about the labyrinth of hallways inside the European Parliament, the impressive palaces of the Council, or the numerous, scattered buildings of the European Commission. But, what do the locals of Brussels do? Do they read Belgian comics, eat fries and waffles, drink some 1,150 registered types of Belgian beer, and do it all while it’s raining? Part of that may be true, even though fries and waffles are usually eaten out, not at home, and the weather has been changing over the past several years. It may be a subjective feeling, but there

seems to be sunnier, bright days, when this city truly shines and it can be experienced in ways different than expected. As regards fries, the most popular is the Maison Antoine fritkot at the Place Jourdan, where one will inevitably end up after a visit to Schuman Square - the location of the main EU institutions. If you happen to have accommodations in the expensive, upper-class neighbourhood of Uccle, make sure to visit Chez Eugene, where you can taste old Brussels and Belgium in general. Fries go back a long way, to a time when Flemish cities flourished as merchant centres of a

prosperous Europe, while villages, on the other hand, were plagued with poverty and had a difficult time recovering from wars. Peasants baked potatoes in oil because its crunchiness somewhat reminded them of meat. Later on, fries were tasted by allied soldiers in trenches, putting this Belgian product on the fast track to global popularity. Give them a try, however. Nowadays, they are fried in oil, not beef fat like in the old recipe books. A fritkot tour is not a bad way to get to know the city, as ten of the best fry-kiosks are scattered across Brussels. Definitely try the fritkot on Flagey Square. It is the place most hyped-up in


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Večer u središtu grada, oko Bourse, zajamčeno je zanimljiva Evening in the city’s centre around Bourse is guaranteed to be interesting

the city, offering an excellent informalsnobbish combination; it’s the gathering spot for artists and other freelancers, with high class taste, but irregular income, who always get by somehow, keep their heads above water, but still manage to own an Apple computer. Flagey Square is also the location of an excellent concert hall that is often host to top class musicians, mostly globally-renowned pianists, which isn’t surprising because Brussels - host to the Queen Paola Competition, is one of the world’s capitals of classical music.


The greatest experience, which causes goose bumps in fans of piano concerts, however, is when the great Marta Argerich decides to emerge from her private cave and make an appearance for her fans. The sensitive artist, oftentimes, cancels at the last minute, but when she performs, they are moments to remember. Another major artist from Brussels is Ann Teresa de Keersmaeker, dancer and choreographer, who heads the avant-garde dance group, Rosas. So, if their theatre company is in the repertoire, make sure to visit and gain

insight into another cultural layer of the city. Let’s imagine you are already sightseeing in the city, and you have entered the main city square, the Grand Place. When you take your phone out to take a selfie, make sure to catch some of the beautifully-decorated houses in the background, and capture the deep and symbolic history of Europe. In 1695, when Duke Villeroy and his army arrived in front of this merchant city, they levelled the main square, bombing and burning it, as was routine at the time. Only the stone shell of the contemporary City

Fontana na Mont des Arts Fountain at Mont des Arts

Council remained. In only four years, the guilds and trade unions rebuilt what we admire today. Since they had an opportunity to start over, houses with gardens, as well as parts of the covered market, were replaced by prominently decorated buildings. We can truly imagine Europe being reborn from the ashes, after no one gave it another chance. Just imagine how many structural engineers calculating the stability of buildings were needed; builders, sculptors, craftsmen, foremen and other workers must have been present there, all at once,

in order to build at such a fast pace. The city archives state that professionals were highly sought after and well-paid. The work paid off, and this introduced new optimism. Each new building design was submitted for approval to the City Council, to politicians who, knowing they were out of their element, consulted artists and people with taste in order to make sure that the new buildings fit in with the surroundings. The entire neighbourhood around the Grand Place was built in those years. In the middle of the city square, however, the first two

protestant heretics were burned during religious wars, which devastated Europe over the following decades. Europe, however, survived from that, and fully-recovered once again. Brussels had become an increasingly important trade and industrial hub. The city had the largest population in the mid 1960’s, around a million and a half, but the number has dwindled since, mostly due to citizens moving to the suburbs for various complex reasons. The city, nowadays, numbers around a million inhabitants, but it certainly seems bigger, because parts of


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Briselski barovi i kafići ne inzistiraju na vanjskom luksuzu nego na ugodnosti The bars and coffee shops in Brussels do not insist on a luxurious appearance, but rather on comfort

the city have been built up in an imperial style. Belgium has been a very rich country thanks to trade, but also very much thanks to its colony - the Congo. Although in the vicinity of incomparable Paris, and equallyrich Amsterdam, Brussels has always stood out as a place of international business and a destination for representatives of foreign states and armies. Brussels was chosen as the headquarters for the club of countries that were to form the modern day EU, mostly due to its geographic position. It was two and a half hours away from


Paris by train (regular railways were very fast); today, it is connected by a superfast Thalys train and only an hour and ten minutes away), just over an hour away from the onetime capital of Germany - Bonn, and approximately the same distance from Amsterdam. Even London, which joined the EU much later, wasn’t far away because the connection with Oostende, and ferries regularly crossing to England, was also very good. Speaking of history and politics, look for a building located at the Grand Place, with a goose on its façade. This is

La Maison de Cygne, built by the former butchers’ guild. The goose, which foi gras is made from, was their trademark. Later on, the building housed a restaurant. In the late 19th century, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels were regular lunch customers for several years. Nowadays, it is the location of one of the best restaurants in Brussels, offering top French cuisine, owned by Chef Dmitri Stasser, and a Michelin Star hopeful. The restaurant already had it once, but lost it. When we speak of Brussels, we mostly mean the entire region of Brussels, one of

Saint Gilles

three equal Belgian regions that also include Wallonia and Flanders. The Brussels region consists of 19 counties, each with their own mayor. Strictly speaking, however, Brussels is just the city centre. Schuman Square, the location of the Council and the European Commission, is stricter and more formal, and police security is very tight during official meetings. The area around the European Parliament is more relaxed. In front of the Parliament is the Luxembourg Square, popularly known as the

Plux, a popular place among representatives, assistants and clerks alike. Although one might think the place is packed with stiff, bureaucratic types, that is not the case. It is mostly a gathering place for young people getting work experience at the Parliament, and many of them, especially the ambitious ones, have a bright future to look forward to. They are joined by lobbyists, journalists, and representatives from various associations and businesses. Apart from the more distant Anderlecht, where Atomium, the contemporary symbol

of the city and its faith in prosperity is located, everything in the city is within walking distance. A fancy neighbourhood comprised of large museums, concert halls and galleries is not far off. It is the part of town reserved for the upper class of Brussels, and it has always been like that. It does not mean that this part of the city is uptight; on the contrary… Brussels is very complex in its structure, but a  very welcoming and open city.


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Piše/By _ Anika Rešetar Drvar Fotografije/Photos _ Romeo Ibrišević

Jedna od najposjećenijih zagrebačkih gornjogradskih ulica, u kojoj se često istodobno zateknu po dvije, tri skupine turista, svakako je Ulica sv. Ćirila i Metoda, koja povezuje Markov trg s kulom Lotrščak i panoramskim vidikovcem kod poznate uspinjače. U Ćirilometodskoj ulici nalazi se i danas katolička crkva posvećena Svetoj braći Ćirilu i Metodu, koji su zaštitnici Europe. One of the bussiest streets in the Zagreb Upper Town, where one can often come across two or three groups of tourists at the same time, is certainly St. Cyril and Methodius Street which connects St. Mark’s Square with Lotršćak Tower and the vantage point next to the famous funicular. The church consecrated to the holy brothers Cyril and Methodius, who have been declared Co-patrons of Europe, still has its address in St. Cyril and Methodius Street.


ako je crkva katolička, dakle ima istu hijerarhiju s papom na čelu, isti moral i isti temeljni vjerski nauk, grkokatolička se crkva na zagrebačkom Gornjem gradu razlikuje izgledom i obredom od onih u kojima se mise slave po rimskom obredu. Malo je znano da Katolička Crkva, a catolicos znači sveopći, univerzalan, štuje i njeguje dvadeset i dva ravnopravna obreda, a jedan od njih jest i bizantski obred. Grkokatolička liturgija jest liturgija pjesničkog izričaja i mistične duhovnosti, za razliku od mise po rimskom obredu, koja se po strukturi i molitvama nekako više obraća razumu. Upravo zbog toga i katolici rimskog obreda dolaze u tu crkvu na svetu liturgiju jer mogu se ispovijediti i pričestiti, a kako liturgija zvuči, možete i čuti na adresi: watch?v=on_dOiHzItM. Upravo manjinski obred podsjeća na raznolikost i ljepotu univerzalnog katoličanstva koje nije

vezano uz kategoriju nacionalnosti nego vjeroispovijesti. Kad u nedjeljna jutra počnu zvoniti zvona kršćanskih crkava u Zagrebu, pozivaju kršćane na bogoslužje u čijem je središtu Isus: njegov život, smrt i uskrsnuće. Naraštaji vjernika svjedoče tada o pozivu što im ga je uputio Bog i o Božjoj ljubavi koju su iskusili. Pa kad dolaze na misu, tad se Bogu obraćaju pjesmama hvale i slave i upućuju molitve za uslišanje. Crkva naučava da gdje su dvojica ili trojica sabrana u moje ime, tu sam i ja među njima (Matej 18,20). Za kršćanske vjernike zvonjava je najava skorog okupljanja župljana. Ćiril je monaško ime Konstantina, koji je poznat po tome što je svete knjige s latinskoga i grčkoga prevodio uz bratovu pomoć na staroslavenski jezik i za tu je svrhu izumio i novu abecedu zvanu glagoljica. Kao i mnogi sveci tog doba, braća su ostavila sjaj dvora, gladni Boga, zaredili

se i odlazili u razne krajeve naviještati Riječ Božju, a time i spasenje. Njihov rad i život oduvijek je cijenio osobito papa Ivan Pavao II. pa ih je Apostolskim pismom Egregiae virtutis od 31. prosinca 1980. godine proglasio suzaštitnicima Europe. Za vrijeme svete liturgije izmjenjuje se ljepota staroslavenskoga i hrvatskog jezika. Voskliknite Gospodevi, vdja zemlja, pojte že imeni jego, dadite slavu hvalje jego, tekst je prve antifone (pripjevne pjesme) čiji prijevod glasi: Sva zemlja neka pjeva Gospodu, pjevajte Imenu njegovu, dajte hvalu slavi njegovoj! Nedjeljom se, osim u Velikom postu, služi liturgija sv. Ivana Zlatoustoga, rođenoga u Antiohiji oko 345. godine. Nadimak Zlatousti - Krizostom dobio je zbog svoje iznimne rječitosti i divnih propovijedi po kojima je ostao zapamćen. Zaštitnik je propovjednika i prognanika, a najpoznatije propovijedi one su o svećenstvu, kao i ulomak koji slijedi: Krist je sa mnom, koga da se bojim? Pa uzdigli se protiv mene i valovi, i mora, i bijes prvaka, sve je to za mene slabije od paučine. I da me nije zadržala vaša ljubav, ni danas ne bih bio odbio da otputujem drugamo. Uvijek naime kažem: Gospodine, budi volja tvoja, da činim što hoćeš ti, a ne što hoće ovaj ili onaj. To je moja utvrda, nepomična stijena i štap koji se ne savija. Ako to Bog hoće, neka bude. Ako želi da ostanem ovdje, zahvaljujem mu. Gdje god bude htio, iskazujem mu hvalu. A najbolji i dostojni nastavljač vrsnog govorništva i uvjerljivog navještanja u tradiciji Ivana Zlatoustog u Hrvatskoj bio je grkokatolički svećenik don Ante Živko Kustić (1930. - 2014.). Zauzimao se bezrezervno za ekumenizam, a često je tvrdio da



hrvatstvo nije rezervat katolika, da jednako tako dobar može biti i musliman, evangelik i ateist, ali da je važno da je čovjek. No tko su zapravo katolici bizantskog obreda? Grkokatolici su nositelji istočnog kršćanstva. U Hrvatskoj ih je najviše u Žumberku, kao i ostalim gradovima okoli-

ce: Karlovcu, Samoboru i Jastrebarskom. Odnos rimokatolika i grkokatolika slikovito je opisao don Živko Kustić napisavši da je to ista katolička crkva u dva različita izvanjska oblika; to je kao dvije narodne nošnje, dvije različite pjesme ili dva različita kola u istom narodu. Povijest ove grane

kršćanstva piše se od 16. stoljeća kad u Hrvatsku dolazi veća skupina uskoka. Budući da se broj grkokatoličkih vjernika u Zagrebu stalno povećavao, to se od sebe nametala potreba za gradnjom posebne crkve, jer sjemenišna kapela postala je premalena za vjernike i neprikladna za



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cu svoga postojanja, u izradi je i nosač zvuka s melodijama koje mire dušu, tješe srce i rađaju nadu. Nedjelja na zagrebačkome Gornjem gradu tako je rezervirana za vjernike i skupine turista. Većina je zgrada spomenički zaštićena i svjedoči o prolaznosti života mnogih i mnogih generacija i tako podučava smjernosti, strahopoštovanju i pomalo  zaboravljenome Memento mori.


slavljenje javnog bogoslužja. Tako je godine 1828. uza sjemenište dograđena crkva sv. Bazilija Velikoga. Godine 1885. križevački biskup Ilija Hranilović dao je po nacrtu arhitekta Hermana Bolléa tu crkvu produljiti i sagraditi zvonik, a crkvu posvetiti sv. Ćirilu i Metodu. Ćirilometodska se ulica do 1935. godine zvala Gospodska ulica, a kad je crkva dobila naslov konkatedrale, ulica dobiva ime po slavenskim apostolima Ćirilu i Metodu, koji su živjeli u 9. st., a danas su suzaštitnici Europe. Na pročelju crkve ističu se mozaici sv. Ćirila i Metoda i sv. Petra i Pavla. Ikone na ikonostasu oslikao je znameniti ikonograf E. A. Bučevski. Poslije su na zidove crkvene lađe stavljene tri velike slike akademskog slikara Ivana Tišova (Rođenja Kristova, Uskrsnuća i Posljednjeg suda). Crkva je potpuno obnovljena za vrijeme župnikovanja Nikole Kekića, sadašnjega biskupa, a župu je nedavno preuzeo mladi otac Danijel Hranilović, podrijetlom sa Žumberka. Iako vjernici žive na teritoriju cijeloga grada, crkva je nedjeljom lijepo popunjena. Prevladavaju stariji, gotovo podjednako muškarci i žene, ali ima i mladih i djece. Nije lako uvijek doći, primjerice, s Borongaja na Gornji grad, ali nastoji se očuvati tradicija i vjera otaca, kazuje mladi otac na uobičajenom druženju nakon svete liturgije nedjeljom. Muški zbor pjeva druge nedjelje u mjesecu na liturgiji u 10,30 sati, a mješoviti sastav zadnje nedjelje u mjesecu u isto vrijeme. Budući da ove godine proslavljaju 85. godišnji-


lthough the Greek Catholic Church in the Zagreb Upper Town church is catholic, meaning that it respects the hierarchy headed by the Pope and that it shares the same fundamental moral teaching of the Catholic Church, it differs from those where the liturgy is celebrated according to the Roman Rite in appearance and the form of the rite it follows. It is not common knowledge within the Catholic Church that the word catolicos means universal, and that there are as many as 22 equal liturgy rites. One of them is the Byzantine Rite. It is a liturgy of poetic expression and mystic spirituality, unlike the Roman Catholic Mass, whose structure and prayers are more appealing to common sense. This is why Roman Catholics choose to come to this church for the Divine Liturgy; they can confess and receive Communion. To hear what the liturgy sounds like, go to https:// Minority rites are a reminder of the variety and beauty of the universal catholic faith, which is not tied to the category of nationality, but rather to denomination. When the bells of the Christian churches in Zagreb start ringing on a Sunday morning, they invite Christians to come to church to celebrate Jesus: his life, death and resurrection. Generations of believers testify to the call of God and God’s love as they have experienced it. During service, they worship God with songs of praise and glory, and send him their prayers to be heard. This is what we find in Church teaching: for where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them (Mathew 18:20). For Christian believers, the ringing of a church bell heralds an imminent gathering of faithful parishioners. Cyril is the monastic name of Constantin, who became famous for having translated sacred books from Latin and Greek into Old Slavonic with the help of his brother. In order to be able to do that, he invented

a new script called Glagolitic. Like many saints of that time, the brothers forsook the glamour of the court to worship God; they took vows and roamed the world to prophesy God’s Word and salvation. Assigning great value to their work and life, Pope John Paul II issued the Egregiae virtutis Apostolic Letter on December 31st 1980, whereby he proclaimed them co-patrons of Europe. The beautiful words of Old Slavonic and Croatian are used in turn during the Divine Liturgy. Voskliknite Gospodevi, vdja zemlja, pojte že imeni jego, dadite slavu hvalje jego, a verse sung in the first antiphon translates into: Shout with joy to God, all the earth; sing to His Name; give glory to His praises. Barring the period of Fast, the liturgy served on Sundays is the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom. He was born in Antioch circa 345. He owes his nickname, Chrysostom, the Golden-mouthed, to his remarkable volubility and beautiful sermons for which he is most famous. He is the patron saint of preachers and expelled people, and his most well-known sermons about priesthood include the following passage: If Christ is with me, who shall I fear? Though the waves and the sea and the anger of princes roused against me, they are less to me than a spider’s web. Indeed, unless you, my brothers, had detained me, I would have left this very day. For I always say: Lord, your will be done, not for this fellow or that would have me do, but what you want me to do. That is my strong tower, my immovable block, my staff that never gives way. If God wants something,

let it be done! If he wants me to stay here, I am grateful. But wherever he wants me to be, I am no less grateful. In Croatia, the best and the most worthy continuator following in the tradition of his excellent oratory skills and persuasive teaching, was Greek Catholic Priest Ante Živko Kustić (1930 - 2014). He was a fervent advocate of ecumenism and he often claimed that Croatdom was not a Catholic reserve, that a Muslim, Evangelist or an atheist could be an equally-good, and that the most important thing was their humanity. But who are actually the Catholics of Byzantine Rite? Greek Catholics are the custodians of Eastern Christianity. In Croatia, most of them live in Žumberak and in neighboring cities: Karlovac, Samobor and Jastrebarsko. Don Živko Kustić has described the relationship between Roman and Greek Catholics in a very colorful way stating that this is the same Catholic Church in two different external forms; the two are like two folk costumes, two different songs or two different dances practiced by the same nation. The history of these two branches of Christianity goes back to the 16th century when a big group of Uskoks (soldiers) arrived in Croatia. As the number of Greek Catholic worshippers continued to grow in Zagreb, a need arose to build a special church when the seminary chapel became too small and unfit for public services. Thus, in 1828, the Church of St. Basil the Great was built next to the seminary. In 1885, the Bishop of Križevci commissioned Architect Herman Bollé to make a design for an extension and a belfry and consecrated the church to St. Cyril and Methodius. Up until 1935, the name of the Ćirilometodska was Gospodska (Noble Street). When the church was declared a co-cathedral, the street was renamed after the Slavic apostles, Cyril and Methodius, who had lived in the 9th century and who have since been declared co-patrons of Europe. The church façade depicts mosaics of St. Cyril and Methodius and St. Peter and Paul. The icons on the iconostasis were painted by famous Iconographer E. A. Bučevski. Subsequently, three

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large paintings by Ivan Tišov were mounted on the walls of the church nave: The Birth of Christ, Resurrection and The Last Judgement. The church was completely renovated during the ministry of Nikola Kekić, the current bishop, while the diocese has only recently been taken over by a young father named Danijel Hranilović, a native of Žumberak. Although worshippers are scattered all over the city, the turnout for both Sunday liturgies is quite impressive. Most of the churchgoers are older men and women in nearly equal numbers, but there are also youngsters and children. It is not always easy to make it to service, i.e., from Borongaj to the Upper Town, but the desire to preserve tradition and the faith of the fathers prevails, said the young father during the customary get-together after the Divine Liturgy on Sunday. The male choir sings on the second Sunday of the month during the 10:30 liturgy, while the mixed choir sings on the last Sunday of the month at the same time. Since they are celebrating their 85th anniversary this year, they will be releasing a compact disc featuring songs which bring appeasement to the soul, comfort to the heart and overall hope. Sundays are reserved for churchgoers and groups of tourists. Government buildings, the Parliament and the Supreme Court are empty on Sundays and the conspicuous absence of people in business suits makes a Sunday in the uper Town somehow detached from everyday life and so much more dignified. Most of these old buildings are protected. Having seen many generations come and go, they testify to the transience of life and thus, teach us about humility, awe and the  somewhat forgotten Memento Mori.


POZNATI CELEBRITES u našem zrakoplovu / in our aircraft

Filip Merčep, marimbist Neumorni putnik A relentless traveler Piše/By _ Zlatko Madžar Fotografije/Photos _ Branko Hrkač


vadesetpetogodišnji hrvatski glazbenik Filip Merčep, svestrani udaraljkaš i poglavito briljantan marimbist, zarana je počeo graditi - sada već i respektabilnu! - međunarodnu karijeru. Njegova neupitna glazbenička karizma temelji se na osebujnu spoju goleme energije i izvanredne samokontrole, sviračke perfekcije i improvizacijske maštovitosti, visoke profesionalnosti i mladenačke otkvačenosti… S neumornim europskim putnikom Filipom kratko smo porazgovarali uoči njegove prve sjevernoameričke turneje. Brojne koncertne obveze vode Vas diljem svijeta. Jesu li ta stalna putovanja samo profesionalna nužda ili Vas ona, već po sebi, istinski vesele? - Putovanja i nastupe diljem svijeta zapravo smatram najboljom kombinacijom. Nove sredine i krajolici djeluju motivirajuće i pobuđuju novu kreativnu energiju, a to se onda i čuje na mojim koncertnim nastupima. Sa sjajnim Marimba kvartetom Katarzyne Myćke, koji je stacioniran u Njemačkoj, upravo se pripremam za prvo gostovanje u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama, kamo smo pozvani na prestižni udaraljkaški skup na kojemu će se - u organizaciji Percussion Art Society International Convention - u Indianapolisu okupiti najbolji solisti i ansambli iz cijeloga svijeta. Iskazana mi je osobita čast da ondje koncertno predstavim vibrafon OneVibe, kako je nazvan novi instrument tvrtke MarimbaOne, na čijim glazbalima i sviramo u našem njemačkom ansamblu. Osim nastupa u Indianapolisu, očekuje nas i kraća turneja po Istočnoj obali te u središnjoj Americi, a ja ću održati i soli-


stički koncert na Univerzitetu za glazbu u Miamiju, gdje ću predstaviti svoje novo autorsko djelo, koje je nastalo kao rezultat četverogodišnje potrage za vlastitim umjetničkim identitetom. Vaši su roditelji i stariji brat profesionalni glazbenici, što uvelike objašnjava i Vaš generalni odabir životnog poziva. No zašto ste odlučili biti baš udaraljkaš, koji na koncertnoj sceni - uz današnju veliku konkurenciju - jedino može opstati ako podjednako dobro vlada nekolicinom poprilično različitih udaraljkaških glazbala? - Moj godinu i pol dana stariji brat Lovro

zarana se odlučio baviti glazbom, koja je - zahvaljujući njemu - i mene počela malo-pomalo zaokupljati. Majka i otac zdušno su nas poticali da se predano bavimo i raznoraznim izvannastavnim aktivnostima jer, kao profesionalni muzičari, oni su itekako dobro znali kako je teško uspjeti na glazbenoj sceni. No upravo na primjeru naših roditelja, Lovro i ja zarana smo se uvjerili da je život profesionalnih glazbenika zapravo prekrasan, i to je bilo odlučujuće. U glazbenoj školi počeli ste učiti svirati na klaviru, a tek su zatim na red došle i udaraljke, zar ne?

udaraljke i elektroniku, koju smo ljetos praizveli na Osorskim glazbenim večerima. Kad bih vam pak želio predočiti sve nove glazbene zamisli koje mi se sada roje u glavi - e za to bi nam bilo potrebno sve vrijeme podužega međukontinentalnog leta, recimo, u Sjedinjene Američke  Države!


R. Grozić

ilip Merčep, a 25-year-old Croatian musician, versatile percussionist and, primarily, a brilliant marimbist, started to build his - now impressive - international career early on. His unquestionable musical charisma rests on a distinct blend of vast energy and extraordinary self-control, technical perfection and spontaneous creativity, a high degree of professionalism and youthful quirkiness… We briefly spoke to Filip, who is a tireless traveler around Europe, on the eve of his first tour of North America.

U Filipovom domu stalno je svirala klasična glazba. Kao dijete najprije je zavolio Ravelov Bolero i neprekinuti solo malog bubnja. Classical music was played in Filip´s home all the time. As a kid, he first came to love Ravel’s Bolero and the incessant solo of the small drum.

- U našem domu stalno je svirala klasična glazba. Kao klinac najprije sam zavolio Ravelov Bolero, u kojemu je moju pozornost najviše zaokupljao neprekinuti solo malog bubnja. Unatoč tomu, u glazbenoj sam školi počeo učiti svirati na klaviru, a onda sam kao desetogodišnjak iznenada odlučio da ću se baviti judom. Nakon brončane medalje u judu, osvojene na Državnom prvenstvu Hrvatske, napokon sam odlučio da pokušam spojiti ono što je naizgled nespojivo - udaranje i glazbu. Tako sam se definitivno priklonio udaraljkama, koje su i bile moja prva glazbena ljubav. Osim solističkih nastupa, kako onih posve samostalnih tako i onih uz orkestar, vrlo često nastupate i u raznim hrvatskim i inozemnim udaraljkaškim ansamblima. Na kojim sve projektima sada radite?

- Sada sam zaokupljen poprilično različitim projektima. U Marimba kvartetu svjetski glasovite poljske marimbistice Katarzyne Myćke izvodimo mnoštvo skladbi koje su ciljano napisane baš za takav sastav, ali povremeno radimo i iskorake, pa tako, primjerice, sada često - zajedno s naratorom - izvodimo našu marimbističku verziju Saint-Saënsova Karnevala životinja. Tim projektom naš predivni instrument želimo približiti djeci, čak i onoj najmlađoj. Posve drugačiji i mnogo ležerniji repertoar izvodim pak sa sedmoricom vrsnih sviračkih kolega u SUDAR Percussion Ensambleu, koji je glazbena kritičarka Irena Paulus proglasila najotkvačenijom grupom muzičara na ovim hrvatskim prostorima. Odlučili smo načiniti svoje aranžmane nekoliko skladbi Jean-Michela Jarrea, pionira elektroničke glazbe. Nekoliko njegovih skladbi uživo smo snimili u prestižnom RSL studiju, a njegovu smo skladbu Oxygen IV objavili u obliku spota. Na scenski atraktivnim nastupima ansambla SUDAR publika se, ponesena našom energijom ali i našim aranžmanima, često podiže na noge. U novije vrijeme sve više osjećam potrebu da se kao glazbenik počnem izražavati i na autorskoj razini. Upravo sam se stoga, u kreativnom zajedništvu s dragim prijateljem Nicolasom Sinkovićem, počeo baviti i elektroničkom glazbom. Naš prvi rad bila je koautorska skladba Dijalog - za

You have made numerous concert appearances around the world; are these constant travels - in your case merely a professional necessity, or do they bring you true pleasure in and of themselves? - I believe that travelling while performing around the world is the best combination; a new environment and diverse landscapes are motivating and stir up creative energy, and this transpires at my concerts as well. I am currently preparing for my first guest performance with Katarzyna Myćka’s amazing Germany-based Marimba Quartet in the United States, where we have been invited to a prestigious percussionist convention, organized by the Percussion Art Society International Convention, which is set to bring together the best soloists and ensembles from around the world in Indianapolis. I was given the special honor of promoting the vibraphone, OneVibe, during the concert. This is the name of the new instrument manufactured by MarimbaOne, whose instruments we use in the German ensemble. In addition to the Indianapolis performance, we also have a short tour of the East Coast and Central America ahead of us, and I will be giving a solo concert at the Music University in Miami, where I will be presenting my new work, which came out of a four-year pursuit for my own artistic identity. Your parents and your older brother are professional musicians, which largely


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You started learning to play the piano, and then, percussion instruments came later, didn’t they? - Classical music was played in our home

- I’m currently immersed in a number of diverse projects. With the Marimba Quartet, founded by famous Polish Marimbist Katarzyna Myćka, we perform many pieces which were written especially for such an ensemble, but we also veer off from this

Putovanja i nastupe diljem svijeta zapravo smatram najboljom kombinacijom. Nove sredine i krajolici djeluju motivirajuće i pobuđuju novu kreativnu energiju, a to se onda i čuje na mojim koncertnim nastupima. I believe that travelling while performing around the world is the best combination; a new environment and diverse landscapes are motivating and stir up creative energy, and this transpires at my concerts as well. all the time. As a kid, I first came to love Ravel’s Bolero, which captured my attention, mostly it was the incessant solo of the small drum. Despite this, I started learning to play the piano at music school, and then, as a 10-year-old, I suddenly decided to pursue judo! After winning a bronze medal in judo at the Croatian State Championships, I finally decided to merge two seemingly disparate things - hitting stuff and music! Thus, I chose to play percussion instruments, which were, in any case, my first love in music. In addition to solo performances, both the ones where you perform completely alone and the ones where you are a soloist accompanied by an orchestra, you frequently perform as a member of different percussionist ensembles, some Croatian, some international. Which projects are you currently working on?


pattern occasionally. So for example, we now often perform our marimba version of Saint-Saëns’ Carnival of the Animals together with a narrator; through this project, we aim to familiarize the children, even the young ones, with our beautiful instrument. It is a completely different and much more laid-back repertoire that I perform with seven of my accomplished musician friends in the SUDAR Percussion Ensemble, which Music Critic Irena Paulus described as the quirkiest group of musicians in Croatia. We decided to make our own arrangements of several pieces by Jean-Michel Jarre, the pioneer of electronic music. We have recorded several of his compositions at the prestigious RSL Studio, and we published his piece Oxygen IV as a music video. During SUDAR Ensemble performances, which are very attractively-staged, the audience, enthralled by our energy, but also by our musical arrangements, often stands up.

Arhiva ZF

explains your choice of vocation, but how did you decide to be a percussionist who is able to survive on the concert scene, given today’s intense competition, not having mastered several percussion instruments, which are quite different from each other? - My brother Lovro, who is a year and a half older than me, decided to go into music early on. Thanks to him, music started to captivate me too, little by little. Our mother and father enthusiastically encouraged us to pursue diverse extracurricular activities with commitment since - being professional musicians - they knew all too well how difficult it would be to succeed in the music business. So, the example of our parents helped Lovro and I realize early on that the life of a professional musician was beautiful, and this was the deciding factor.

Filipova neupitna glazbenička karizma temelji se na osebujnu spoju sviračke perfekcije i improvizacijske maštovitosti, visoke profesionalnosti i mladenačke otkvačenosti… Filip`s unquestionable musical charisma rests on a distinct blend of rests on distinct bend of technical perfection and spontaneous creativity, a high degree of professionalism and youthful quirkiness…

I have felt an increasing need recently to express myself as a composer. This is why, in creative collaboration with my dear friend Nicolas Sinković, I have started to pursue electronic music. Our first work together was the piece that we co-wrote, A Dialogue - for Percussion and Electronic Instruments, performed for the first time this summer at the Osor Musical Evenings event, within our multi-media designed concert project, which took place at several locations in Osor. If I wanted to inform you of all the new musical ideas currently dancing around in my head, well, it would take as long as an intercontinental flight to the  United States!


Borovo proslavilo 85 godina uspjeha Borovo celebrates 85 years of success

Piše/By _ Dubravka Prpić Znaor



Kompanija Borovo preživjela je turbulentna vremena i sada je jedan od hit brendova u Hrvatskoj: 85 uspješnih godina Borovo je proslavilo izložbom Povijest cipele u zagrebačkoj Laubi. - Borovo je ove godine obilježilo punih 85 godina otkako je proizveden prvi par obuće. Tom smo prigodom ovu izložbu otvorili u Gradskome muzeju Vukovar, a u studenome, koji je postao simbolom stradanja i obrane Hrvatske, imamo potrebu govoriti o našem Borovu, ne samo zbog kontinuiranoga upornoga i mukotrpnog rada, nego zbog toga što su upravo Borovo i njegovi djelatnici imali veliku ulogu u obrani Vukovara i Hrvatske - istaknuo je predsjednik Uprave Borovo d.d. Gordan Kolundžić. Na izložbi vidjeli smo zbivanja koja počinju davne 2800. godine prije Krista, s početaka vučedolske kulture koja je ilustrirana svima poznatom vučedolskom čizmicom. U početku 20. stoljeća pojavljuje se obuća kakvu poznajemo danas. Tada počinje i


Borovo celebrates 85 years of success. The Borovo shoe manufacturer has survived some turbulent times and is now considered one of Croatia’s leading brands. 2016 marks the 85th year since the Borovo company manufactured its first pair of shoes. To commemorate the landmark moment, a History of Shoes exhibition was held at the Lauba Art Gallery in Zagreb. In honour of the occasion, we opened an exhibition at the Vukovar City Museum in November. A symbol of Croatian suffering and national defence, Borovo needed a voice, not because of the 85 years of painstaking hardwork it had put in, but because the company and its employees played a huge role in the defence of Vukovar and Croatia itself, stressed President of Brorovo’s Management Board Gordan Kolundžič. The exhibition showcased displays dating back to 2800 BC, just as the Vučedol Culture began. An illustration of this was the famous Vučedol boot exhibit. At the beginning of the 20th century, footwear as we know it today started to appear on the market. It was then that the story of Borovo began, the story of rubber boots, galoshes, and leather sandals.

Arhiva Borova

borovska pripovijest, pripovijest gumenih čizama, kaljača i kožnih opanaka.


01 Nova, gumena kolekcija predstavljena je kao novitet sezone A new, rubber shoe collection is the novelty of the season. 02 Borovo u Laubi, umjetničkom prostoru gdje je prezentirana povijest cipele kao i prošlost te slavne vukovarske kompanije

Borovo at the Lauba Gallery - an artistic showroom houses the History of Shoes exhibit, as well as portrays the history of this famous company from Vukovar.

03 The Big Blue linija je čije je ime nadahnuto plavetnilom Dunava The Big Blue line was inspired by the blueness of the Danube.


Cabinet.K: kosturko u ime ljubavi Cabinet.K: Bones in the name of love Piše/By _ Dubravka Prpić Znaor Fotografije/Photos _ Zvonimir Ferina

Hrvatska umjetnička scena obiluje autorima koji rade malo drugačiji dizajn: jedan je od njih Vedran Kirin, koji je nedavno predstavio novu kolekciju Cabinet.K ukrasnih tanjura. Stakleni unikati dotjerani su decoupage tehnikom i printevima koje je autor iscrtao na listovima starih enciklopedija. U svakome motivu može se pročitati neka poruka, preko slike ili natpisa na tanjuru, a prevladavaju emocije i ljubav - objasnio je Vedran. Kao što vidite, njegova je inspiracija - ljudska anatomija. Pomalo mračnu i hladnu temu Vedran je raznježio porukama i motivima ljubavi, no to nipošto ne djeluje prekičasto, nego upravo suprotno, moderan dizajn idealan je za ukrašavanje zidova ili čak svakodnevno korištenje. Njegovi unikatni ručno rađeni tanjuri oduševili su mnoge zaljubljenike u posebne dizajnerske komade, a dio ponude otputovao je u Argentinu. Vedran je prije desetak godina među prvima na našim prostorima otvorio dućan s retro i vintage dekoracijama, a svoj je rad nastavio brojnim umjetničkim projektima, koji završavaju i izvan granica Hrvatske. The Croatian art scene is abundant with designers who are a little different in their design aesthetic. One such artist is Vedran Kirin who has recently rolled out his new Cabinet.K Collection of decorative plates. The glass items are made using a decoupage technique and prints which the designer drew on the pages of an old encyclopedia. Every motif, be it a written message across an image or just background writing on a plate, abounds with feeling and





love, explains Vedran. From his artwork, it is apparent that his inspiration is the human anatomy. Although his images portray a cold darkness, they are softened by the motifs and messages of love, which in no way come across as being overly-kitschy. In fact, the opposite is true. The artwork’s modern design is ideal for decorating walls and is crafted for daily use. His unique, hand-made plates have thrilled lovers of specialty-design decor, and one offer from a client even led him to Argentina. Ten years ago, Vedran was the first on the Croatian design front to open a store and sell retro and vintage decor. Nowadays, his work continues through various artistic projects, some of which have taken him abroad.

01 Anatomija i organi vječita su inspiracija umjetnika Vedrana Kirina Anatomy and the human body are inspirations for artist Vedran Kirin. 02 Njegovi tanjuri stavljaju se na zid, ali mogu se rabiti i za jelo His decorative plates can be mounted on walls, or used daily for serving food. 03 Vedran na predstavljanju svojih radova u umjetničkoj trgovini Habiter Chic Vedran displays his artistic work at Habiter Chic.

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Advent u zagrebačkom tunelu Grič Advent in Zagreb’s Grič Tunnel

Piše/By _ Dubravka Prpić Znaor


Nedavno je zagrebački stari dio grada dobio još jednu atraktivnu lokaciju, ne samo za turiste, nego i za domaće, na kojoj je do sada održano nekoliko modnih revija i predstavljanja: obnovljen je tunel Grič koji spaja Mesničku i Radićevu ulicu. Zbog spoja umjetničke instalacije, prigodnog uređenja prostora, videoprojekcija i bogatoga glazbenog programa prostor tunela u ovome razdoblju posebno je mjesto u inače bogatom programu Adventa u Zagrebu 2016. godine. Posjetite također: Dvorišta - adventsko izdanje, Advent na Vranicanijevoj livadi, Advent u Galeriji Klovićevi dvori, Advent na Štrosu, Modni advent, Kod Rudolfa, Advent u Dizajn distriktu, Advent u Tunelu, Novi advent, Ledena bajka Djeda Mraza, Advent na Zrinjevcu, Ledeni park, Advent na Europskom trgu, Fuliranje, Zagrebačka božićna bajka, Žive božićne jaslice, ArtOmat, S božićnih balkona Zagrebu, prigodni programi u MUO, HNK i Etnografskome muzeju te, naravno, Advent i Nova godina na Trgu bana Jelačića. Not long ago, the old part of town got yet another must-see attraction, but it’s not just for tourists. Lately, the locals have been flocking to this recently-renovated venue, located between Mesnička and Radićeva Street, to put on fashion shows and other promotional events. Art installations, functional interior design elements, video projections, and a varied musical program add to the festive atmosphere


01 Računalne 3D projekcije ukrasit će inače jednolične zidove tunela ispod Griča 3D video projections beautify the one-dimensional, cement walls of the Grič Tunnel. 03 Obilježje zagrebačkog adventa je i odlična ponuda zabavnih i kulturnih sadržaja The Advent in Zagreb is characteristically known for its entertaining and cultural events. 02 Advent u Zagrebu prošle je godine proglašen najboljim u Europi Last year’s Advent in Zagreb was proclaimed the best in Europe.

of the Advent in Zagreb. Visitors to the Grič Tunnel will enjoy Zagreb’s rich advent tradition in this special venue. Also visit: the Advent issue of Dvorišta (Gardens), Advent at the Vranyczany Meadow, Advent at the Klovićevi Dvori Gallery, Advent on Strossmayer Promenade, Fashion Advent, Advent at Rudolf’s, Advent in the Design District, Advent in the Tunnel, New Advent, Santa Clause’s Ice Fairy Tale, Advent at Zrinjevac Park, Advent at the ice park, Advent on European Square, Fuliranje, Zagreb’s Christmas Fairy Tale, a live nativity scene, ArtOmat, concerts from selected balconies in Zagreb, events at the Museum of Arts and Crafts, the Croatian National Theatre and the Ethnography Museum, and, of course Advent and a New Year’s Eve celebration on Ban Jelačić Square.

02 03


Metropola postaje prava glazbena meka od 0 do 24 Zagreb, the Next Music Mecca - from 0-24


Piše/By _ Dubravka Prpić Znaor Fotografije/Photos _ Goran Berović

Zagreb potkraj godine postaje europski glazbeni centar: Croatia Winter Music Festival u Areni Zagreb trajat će od 31. prosinca 2016. do 6. siječnja 2017. Program počinje u subotu, 31. prosinca, partyjem Zagreb 360° New Year’s Eve: ljubitelji plesne glazbe u 2017. ući će uz Armina van Buurena, Sandera van Doorna, MOTija, Juliana Jordana, Davida Gravella i Juicy M. Armin van Buuren prvi put stiže na veliki stage Arene Zagreb, a za novogodišnju večer pripremio je poseban DJ set. U nedjelju, 1. siječnja održat će se repriza dočeka REPLAY 360° NYE uz nastupe vodećih hrvatskih i regionalnih D.J.-ja i Flower Power, legendarni program kluba Pacha s Ibize. Posjetitelje u ponedjeljak, 2. siječnja očekuje HEART uz glavne zvijezde večeri Juliana Jordana i Davida Gravella. U utorak, 3. siječnja LAUNDRY donosi nastupe Sick Individualsa, Kure i Thomasa Newsona. U srijedu, 4. siječnja na ENTER ZAGREB PARTY PRESENTS WRONG CROWD u zagrebačku Arenu stižu R3hab, Lvndscape i Justin Oh. Četvrtak, 5. siječnja, predzadnji dan festivala, označava lagani povratak u stvarnost nakon party tjedna uz program ARMADA. Poznata izdavačka kuća, čiji su izvođači, među ostalima, Dash Berlin, Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike, W&W i Lost Frequencies, u Zagreb dovodi niz vrhunskih D.J,-ja. Stižu Rodg B2B Ruben de Ronde, Jochen Miller, David Gravell, Mark Sixma, Omnia i Jorn van Deynhoven. Posljednji dan Croatia Winter Music Festivala, petak, 6. siječnja, na programu je ULTRA EUROPE COUNTDOWN uz tech-house i techno D.J.-ja Ferrecka Dawna, Redonda, Headhunterze i Raidena. U sklopu dnevnog



dijela programa, u ponedjeljak i utorak, 2. i 3. siječnja u Arenu Zagreb stižu najbolji igrači koji će sudjelovati na Zagreb Gaming Areni. Tijekom dva dana održat će se turniri u igrama League of Legends, FIFA i Overwatch. Poseban doživljaj bit će turnir u igri Hearthstone, koji u Zagreb dovodi neke od najboljih svjetskih igrača. By the end of the year Zagreb becomes European music centre: the Croatia Winter Music Festival runs from 31st December 2016 till 6th January 2017. Programme starts on Saturday, 31st December with Zagreb 360° New Year’s Eve party. Dance music fans will enter the 2017 with Armin van Buuren, Sander van Doorn, MOTi, Julian Jordan, David Gravell and Juicy M. Armin van Buuren arrives to the large stage in Arena Zagreb for the first time and he prepared a special DJ set for the New Year’s Eve. Sunday, 1st January hosts rerun of the New Year’s celebration with REPLAY 360° NYE that will bring performances of leading Croatian and regional DJs and Flower Power, legendary programme of the Pacha club from Ibiza. Visitors will on Monday, 2nd January enjoy HEART with Julian Jordan and David Gravell. LAUNDRY on Tuesday, 3rd January, brings performances of Sick Individuals, Kura and Thomas Newson. On Wednesday, 4th January, ENTER ZAGREB PARTY PRESENTS WRONG CROWD brings R3hab, Lvndscape and Justin Oh


01 Novogodišnji tulumi u Zagrebu veoma su posjećeni New Year’s Eve celebrations bring in crowds of visitors to Zagreb. 02 Armin van Buuren, svjetska zvijezda, posjetit će Hrvatsku u sklopu ovoga velikog festivala Armin van Buuren, world’s top DJ, is set to visit Croatia during the Winter Music Festival. 03 Elektronička glazba u Hrvatskoj je popularna već godinama Electronic music has been gaining popularity in Croatia for years.

to Arena Zagreb. Thursday, 5th January brings audience closer to reality after party week with programme ARMADA. Well known label that publishes works by Dash Berlin, Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike, W&W and Lost Frequencies brings a host of excellent DJs to Zagreb. Rodg B2B Ruben de Ronde, Jochen Miller, David Gravell, Mark Sixma, Omnia and Jorn van Deynhoven are on their way. The last day of the Croatia Winter Music Festival, Friday, 6th January brings ULTRA EUROPE COUNTDOWN with tech-house and techno DJs Ferreck Dawn, Redondo, Headhunterz and Raiden. Within daily programme, Zagreb Arena will host the best gamers who will take part at Zagreb Gaming Arena on Monday and Tuesday, 2nd and 3rd January. Two-days event will host tournament in League of Legends, FIFA and Overwatch. Hearthstone will make a special event as it brings some of the world’s best players to Zagreb.


Riječki karneval

Arhiva Karnevala Rijeka

The Rijeka Carnival

Piše/By _ Dubravka Prpić Znaor 01

Dok svi žive godinu s četiri, Rijeka je, kradući zimi, stvorila svoje i jedinstveno peto godišnje doba. Ime mu je Karneval. A karneval se u Rijeci oduvijek piše velikim slovom i živi svim srcem. Počinje 17. siječnja, na blagdan sv. Antuna ili, kako bi to ovdašnji puk kazao, na Antonju. Dan velike Međunarodne karnevalske povorke, 26. veljače 2017. godine, sublimacija je svega što joj je tijekom petoga godišnjeg doba prethodilo. Defile je to riječke maškarane posebnosti koja se temelji na tradiciji. U svakom šavu prekrasnih kostima, u svakom vijku alegorijskih kola, u svakoj gradskoj ili prigradskoj karnevalskoj grupi, živi ta maškarana riječka posebnost. Na kraju prikaza, ostaje samo poziv: Budi što želiš! Dođi na Riječki karneval!


01 Rijeka je, kradući ponajviše zimi, ali pomalo i proljeću, stvorila svoje i jedinstveno peto godišnje doba - ime mu je Karneval


Više informacija:

a capital C. It’s yet another event to be celebrated to the fullest. The Carnival opens January 17th, 2017, on the Feast of Saint Anthony, or what the locals refer to simply as Anthony’s Day and closes with the International Carnival Parade on February 26th, 2017, which is an accumulation of the preceding month’s fifth-season festivities. Masked processions and special marching bands are part of the Carnival’s tradition. The streets come alive with beautifullyadorned costumes, allegorical floats, and groups of masquerading revellers. Both city folk and suburbanites alike turn out for the special occasion. The festive ambience of the town calls to them: Dress up or come as you are to the Rijeka Carnival!

While most people get to live through only four seasons, Rijeka citizens, stealing temporally from the winter, get to experience a fifth season - a unique time of year called the Carnival. And that’s Carnival with

Program: 17.1.2017. The Burning of the Pust - St. Anthony’s Day 20.1.2017. Carnival Queen Pageant and the Handover Ceremony of the Town Key

Program: 17. 1. 2017. Antonja - podizanje pusta 20. 1. 2017. Izbor Kraljice riječkog karnevala i primopredaja ključa Grada 4. 2. 2017. Carnival Snowboard Session 2017 11. 2. 2017. 26. maškarani autorally Pariz - Bakar 18. 2. 2017. Dječja karnevalska povorka 26. 2. 2017. Međunarodna karnevalska povorka


Rijeka, stealing temporally from the winter and a little from the spring, has created a fifth season - a unique time of year called the Carnival. 02 Karneval je s godinama izrastao u vrhunsku turističku atrakciju The Carnival has grown into a must-see tourist attraction over the years. 03 Ovu manifestaciju tvore ponajprije ljudi u čijim žilama stoljećima kola maškarana krv, odnosno tradicija maškaranja, koja se prenosi s koljena na koljeno This event consists mainly of people who have had centuries of carnival blood running through their veins.

4.2.2017. Carnival Snowboard Session 2017 11.2.2017. Masked Paris-Bakar Auto-Rally 18.2.2017. Children’s Carnival Parade 26.2.2017. International Carnival Parade More information:


ZAGREBDOX Međunarodni festival dokumentaraca The International Documentary Film Festival Piše/By _ Dubravka Prpić Znaor

For the last twelve years, the metropolis of Zagreb has been presenting top documentary films at the end of the winter calendar ZagrebDox 2017 wil be held from February 26th to March 5th. This influential international festival enables viewers and practitioners alike to gain insight into the latest developments of documentary filmmaking, stimulate national screen production and strengthen both regional and transborder cooperation and cultural exchange. It not only showcases the best creative docu-


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01 ZagrebDox je mjesto na kojemu se možete upoznati s recentnom regionalnom produkcijom ZagrebDox is the place to go to learn about recent developments in regional production. 02 Natjecateljski program festivala podijeljen je na međunarodni i regionalni The Competition Program of the festival comprises an international and regional category. 03 Ovaj festival dokumentaraca privlači tisuće obožavatelja koji uživaju u odličnoj filmskoj umjetnosti This film documentary festival attracts thousands of fans who take pleasure in watching great filmmaking.

copyright ZagrebDox

VeÊ dvanaest godina metropola potkraj kalendarske zime predstavlja top-dokumentarce - izdanje festivala ZagrebDox za 2017. odræat Êe se od 26. veljaËe do 5. oæujka. Riječ je o utjecajnome meunarodnom festivalu Ëija je misija gledateljima i struËnjacima pruæiti uvid u recentnu dokumentaristiËku produkciju, potaknuti nacionalnu dokumentarnu proizvodnju i ojaËati meunarodnu te regionalnu suradnji na području koprodukcija. Programska orijentacija ZagrebDoxa organiziranje je specijaliziranog festivala koji prikazuje najbolje kreativne dokumentarne filmove, zbog čije je imaginativne forme i odabira tema taj festival jedinstven u Hrvatskoj i u Europi. Natjecateljski program festivala podijeljen je na meunarodni i regionalni. U meunarodnome se prikazuju najbolji svjetski autorski i kreativni dokumentarni filmovi snimljeni i producirani u posljednjih godinu dana. Ujedno je cilj da filmovi imaju neπto novo, hrabro i pomaknuto, gotovo neustraπivo.


mentary films, but its imaginative forms and selection of themes makes this special festival distinct within Croatia and Europe. The Competition Program comprises an international and regional category. The international category presents the best artists from around the world and the most creative films produced in the last year. Not only that, but each of the films possess a never-seen-before quality - a certain something that exemplifies bravery, unexpectedness, and fearlessness.


Zagreb i okolica / Zagreb and surroundings do/until 8. 1. 2016. ADVENT U ZAGREBU / ADVENT IN ZAGREB U Zagrebu vas i tijekom ovogodišnjeg adventa očekuje veoma bogat program s nizom novih sadržaja poput Modnog adventa, Adventa u Dizajn distriktu, Adventa u tunelu itd., iako je već lani naš glavni grad osigurao titulu najbolje božićne destinacije u Europi./Named Best European Destination for Christmas last year. During this year’s advent celebration in Zagreb, visitors can look forward to an extraordinary range of Christmas programming, including all new events like the Fashion Advent, Advent in the Design District, Advent in the Tunnel etc.

2. 12. 2016. - 15. 1. 2017., Grabovnica pokraj/ Grabovnica near Čazma BOŽIĆNA PRIČA OBITELJI SALAJ/ THE SALAJ FAMILY CHRISTMAS FAIRYTALE Ovogodišnja Božićna priča počinje u početku prosinca. Imanje je okićeno s gotovo dva milijuna lampica, a očekuje vas bogat program i gastronomska ponuda./ This year’s Christmas story opens at the beginning of December at the Salaj Family Farm. Decorated with over two million Christmas lights, visitors can expect a wonderful atmosphere, and excellent cuisine.

* Za promjene u rasporedu poslije zakljuËenja Ëasopisa redakcija ne odgovara * This schedule is valid until November 15th. Allow for changes after this date.

31. 12. 2016., Marija Bistrica MARIJA BISTRICA - DOČEK NOVE GODINE U PODNE / MARIJA BISTRICA - COUNT DOWN THE NEW YEAR AT NOON Na kraju adventskog programa u slikovitome mjestu u kojemu se nalazi naše najpoznatije marijansko svetište, Mariji Bistrici, svake godine održava se podnevni doček nove godine. Stoga ako u istom danu želite dvaput dočekati novu godinu, svakako dođite ovamo. Program veselog dočeka počinje u 10:30 h, a osim glazbenih nastupa, u ponudi je i prigodna ugostiteljska ponuda./ Every year at noon, Marija Bistrica holds a New Year’s party at the famous shrine of the Virgin Mary, marking the end of the advent program. So, those who want to bring in the New Year twice in one day may join the festivities at 10:30

a.m. The program includes musical performances and an array of food and drink. Rijeka i okolica / Rijeka and surroundings 31. 12. 2016., Fužine FUŽINE - DOČEK NOVE GODINE U PODNE / FUÆINE - COUNT DOWN THE NEW YEAR AT NOON Originalna manifestacija ispraćaja stare i dočeka nove godine točno u podne, u središtu Fužina. Gastonomska ponuda, domaći glazbeni sastavi i vatromet jamče vam nezaboravan doček./ Count down the New Year in an original way in the centre of Fuæine. The food and drink stalls, local musical performances and fireworks display guarantee an unforgettable time. Božićna priča obitelji Salaj

D. Kirin

The Salaj Family Christmas Fairytale


I. Brautović

Festa sv. Vlaha The Feast of Saint Blaise

31. 12. 2016. - 6. 1. 2017. ULTRA EUROPE FESTIVAL / THE ULTRA EUROPE FESTIVAL Zagreb će biti domaćin sedmodnevnog događanja Croatia Music Week, koji počinje spektakularnim novogodišnjim dočekom u zagrebačkoj Areni. Ultra Europe festival također se održao ovo ljeto četvrti put zaredom u Splitu, a posjetilo ga je više od 100.000 ljudi./ Zagreb plays host to Croatia Music Week, a seven-day event, which kicks off with a spectacular New Year’s celebration at the Arena Centar in Zagreb. The Ultra Europe Festival, which has attracted over 100,000 visitors to date, is also taking place this summer in Split for the fourth year in a row.


Zagreb i okolica / Zagreb and surroundings 3. i 5. 1./ 3 & 5. 1. 2017, Zagreb SNOW QUEEN TROPHY 2017 / THE SNOW QUEEN TROPHY 2017 Na atraktivnim utrkama na zagrebačkom Sljemenu sudjeluju najbolji slalomaši iz cijeloga svijeta. U ovo već tradicionalno događanje uključuje se i publika iz središta grada. Svakako vas očekuje dobra zabava i gastronomska ponuda na Sljemenu i u središtu grada./ The slalom races on the slopes of Zagreb’s Sljeme Mountain attract world-class skiers, as well as locals from the nearby city centre. Visitors are sure to be entertained and pleased by the local cuisine on the mountaintop and in town.

25. i 26. 1. 2017./ 25 & 26. 1. 2017 MOSKOVSKI CIRKUS NA LEDU / THE MOSCOW CIRCUS ON ICE Uživate li u izvedbama žonglera, klaunova i njihovim akrobacijama, svakako dođite u Arenu Zagreb i pogledajte spektakularnu predstavu u kojoj će nastupiti ovaj poznati cirkus na ledu. U toj predstavi prepunoj predivnih blještavih kostima i dinamičnih i vrtoglavih cirkuskih točaka na ledu uživat ćete u svakom trenutku, ali i otkriti čaroliju ljudskog pokreta./Visitors who enjoy jugglers, clowns, and acrobatic feats can come to the Arena Centar in Zagreb and watch the spectacular performances of this famous circus group on ice. Enjoy every minute of this enchanting show, packed full of dazzling costumes, and dynamic and head-spinning events on ice, which magically showcase the beauty and skill of human movement.

Osijek i okolica / Osijek and surroundings 22. 1. 2017, diljem Hrvatske/ throughout Croatia VINCEKOVO / THE DAY OF SAINT VINCENT Svaki vinogradar koji drži do sebe i svoga truda zaputit će se na Vincekovo u svoj vinograd i obilježiti početak rezidbe vinove loze. Obično se kuša staro i mlado vino te priprema slastan zalogaj prema običajima pojedinog kraja./Every winemaker worthy of the name heads to his or her vineyard on the Day of Saint Vincent to prune vines. A typical celebration includes the wine tasting of old and new wine as well as a buffet of regional culinary specialties.


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17. 1. - 1. 3. 2016., Rijeka RIJEČKI KARNEVAL / THE RIJEKA CARNIVAL Pridružite se mnoštvu maski i prepustite dobrom raspoloženju na ulicama Rijeke. Poslije svečane predaje ključa grada u ruke maškara, uvodna je manifestacija Izbor Kraljice Riječkog karnevala. Slijede Dječja karnevalska povorka - 18. veljače, te veliko finale, Međunarodna karnevalska povorka - 26. veljače./ Enjoy the masquerade celebration and street festivities in Rijeka. Once the key of the city is officially handed over to the master of the carnival by the mayor, the city participates in an election for Rijeka’s carnival queen. A children’s carnival is subsequently held on the 18th of February and is followed by the carnival’s grand finale - an international carnival procession on the 26th of February. VELJAČA/FEBRUARY

Zagreb i okolica / Zagreb and surroundings 6. - 9. 2. 2017., Zagreb ZAGREB CHOCOFEST / ZAGREB’S CHOCOFEST Na festivalu bit će predstavljene najkvalitetnije čokolade i kava. Očekuje vas i zabavni program, degustacije i predstavljanja - u znaku čokolade./ Visitors to the festival are presented with the best in quality chocolate and coffee. With taste tests and special promotions, a good time promises to be had by all - and all in the name of chocolate! 9. 2. 2017., Zagreb GRUPA GREGORIAN U ZAGREBU / GREGORIAN COMES TO ZAGREB Gregorian, njemačko-engleska pop-grupa, ponovno stiže u Zagreb. Etablirani bend poznat


po modernoj interpetaciji srednjovjekovnoga gregorijanskog korala u sklopu turneje dolazi u Arenu Zagreb. Njihov spektakularan pjevački ali i scenski show do sada je pogledalo više od 1,300.000 ljudi u više od 20 zemalja svijeta./ The German-English pop band is playing at the Arena Centar in Zagreb. The established band is famous for their modern interpretations of songs in medieval Gregorian chant. This spectacular singing production has attracted more than 1.3 million spectators in over 20 countries worldwide.

Samoborski fašnik The Samobor Carnival

26. 2 - 5. 3., Zagreb ZAGREBDOX Renomirani međunarodni festival dokumentarnog filma koji poseban naglasak stavlja na regionalni program, zbog čega je dodatno zanimljiv za one koji se na jednome mjestu žele upoznati s recentnom regionalnom produkcijom. Osim natjecateljskih, ZagrebDox nudi vam i niz nenatjecateljskih programa./This reputable international documentary film festival showcases documentary films from the region and attracts filmmakers who have a special interest in the latest regional production. ZagrebDox offers submissions for both competitive and non-competitive programs. 21. 2. - 4. 3. 2017., Samobor SAMOBORSKI FAŠNIK / THE SAMOBOR CARNIVAL Ovaj je fašnik jedna od najstarijih pokladnih svečanosti u Hrvatskoj, kojom se Samoborci opraštaju od zime i otvaraju proljeću i predstojećoj godini. Desetak dana ulicama toga lijepoga grada vladaju maštovite maske i veselje./ One of the oldest carnival celebrations in Croatia has the locals bidding farewell to winter and paying homage to the new year. During the ten-day festivities, the streets of Samobor are taken over by masked parades and a lively atmosphere.

I. Pavlović

Rijeka i okolica / Rijeka and surroundings

Dubrovnik i okolica / Dubrovnik and surroundings 2. i 3. 2., Dubrovnik FESTA SV. VLAHA / THE FEAST OF SAINT BLAISE Sv. Vlaho zaštitnik je grada Dubrovnika, a festa u njegovu čast za Dubrovčane znači poseban izraz njihove višestoljetne vjere. Tradicionalni dio proslave počinje euharistijskim slavljem, a poslije mise slijedi procesija u ranim jutarnjim satima. Blagdan ovoga sveca ujedno je i Dan Grada Dubrovnika./ Saint Blaise is the patron saint of Dubrovnik, and a feast in his honor is held annually as the locals’ way of showing their centuries-long devotion and faith. The traditional part of the celebration begins with morning mass and a procession of churchgoers. The Feast of Saint Blaise is celebrated together with the City of Dubrovnik Day. OŽUJAK/MARCH Zagreb i okolica / Zagreb and surroundings 4. 3. 2017. MAŠA I MEDVJED NA LEDU / MASHA AND THE BEAR ON ICE Omiljeni junaci interaktivnom predstavom i animacijama povest će vaše mališane u šumsku pustolovinu ispunjenu smijehom i dobrom glazbom. U spektakularnoj predstavi na ledu sudjeluje više od 30 akrobata, plesača i profesionalnih klizača./ Your favourite characters take center stage at this animated interactive show that transports your little ones into a forest adventure filled with laughter and good music. The spectacular performance on ice boasts over 30 acrobats, dancers and professional figure-skaters.


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To je Hrvatska Re­pu­bli­ka Hrvat­ska smjeπte­na je uz istoË­ nu oba­lu Ja­dran­skog mo­ra i u nje­go­vu za­le­u. Pro­teæe se od obro­na­ka Al­pa na sje­ve­ro­za­pa­du do pa­non­ske rav­ni­ce na isto­ku. Povrπina je nje­zi­na kop­na 56.542 Ëe­tvor­na ki­lo­me­tra, a povrπina te­ri­to­ rijalnog mo­ra 31.067 Ëe­tvor­nih ki­lo­me­ta­ra. U Hrvatskoj æivi, pre­ma po­pi­su iz 2011. go­di­ne, 4,284.889 stanovnika. Duæina je mor­ske oba­le 5835 km za­jed­no s oto­ci­ma, oto­Ëi­Êi­ma i gre­be­ni­ma. Oto­ka, oto­Ëi­Êa i gre­be­na ima 1185, a na­se­lje­no je 47 oto­ka. Sluæbe­ni je­zik je­st hrvat­ski, a pi­smo la­ti­niË­ no. Nov­Ëa­na je­di­ni­ca − ku­na. Glav­ni je grad Za­greb (790.017 sta­nov­ ni­ka), ko­ji je ujed­no ad­mi­ni­s­tra­tiv­no, kul­tur­no, aka­dem­sko i trgo­vaË­ko sre­diπte zem­lje. Hrvat­ska je međunarodno priznata 15. siječnja 1992. godine, a od 1. srpnja 2013. g. Ëlanica je Europske unije. This is Croatia The Re­pu­blic of Cro­a­tia li­es along the ea­st co­a­st of the Adri­at­ic Sea and its hin­ter­land. It stret­ches from the slo­pes of the Al­ps in the nor­th-we­st to the Pan­no­ni­an Pla­in in the ea­st. Its land area is 56,542 km2 and the area of its ter­ri­to­ri­al sea is 31,067 km2. According to the 2011 cen­sus, Cro­a­tia’s popu­la­ti­on was 4,284,889. The len­gth of its sea co­a­st is 5835 km, in­clu­ding islan­ds, islets and re­efs. The­re are 1185 islan­ds, islets and re­efs, of which 47 islan­ds are in­ha­bi­ted. The of­fi­ci­al lan­gu­a­ge is Cro­a­ti­an, and the of­fi­ ci­al script is La­tin. The cur­ren­cy is the Ku­na. The ca­pi­tal is Za­greb (790,017 in­ha­bi­tan­ts), which is al­so the co­un­try’s ad­mi­ni­s­tra­ti­ve, cul­tu­ral, aca­de­mic and eco­no­mic cen­ter. The Con­sti­tu­ti­on of the Re­pu­blic of Cro­a­tia was adop­ted on 22 De­cem­ber 1990, and the co­untry re­ce­i­ved in­ter­na­ti­o­nal re­cog­ni­ti­ on on 15 Ja­nu­ary 1992. Croatia became an EU member state on 1st July 2013. Nacionalni parkovi ­­Hrvat­ska ima osam na­ci­o­nal­nih par­ko­va, od kojih su Ëe­ti­ri u pla­nin­skom po­dru­Ëju (Pa­kle­ni­ca, Pli­tviËka je­ze­ra, Ri­snjak i Sje­ ver­ni Ve­le­bit), a Ëe­ti­ri na obal­nom po­dru­Ëju (Bri­ju­ni, Kor­na­ti, Krka i Mljet). Nji­ma, kao


pro­stor oso­bi­to vri­jed­ne pri­rod­ne baπti­ne, tre­ba pri­do­da­ti i po­dru­Ëja pod stro­gom zaπti­tom pri­ro­de, re­zer­va­te, spo­me­ni­ke pri­ro­de, par­ko­ve pri­ro­de. Zbog svih njih Hrvat­sku mno­gi sma­tra­ju jed­nim od naj­ ljepπih eu­rop­skih vrto­va. National parks Cro­a­tia has eig­ht na­ti­o­nal par­ks, fo­ur of which are lo­ca­ted in the mo­un­ta­in re­gi­on (Pa­kle­ni­ca, Pli­tvi­ce La­kes, Ri­snjak and Nor­ thern Ve­le­bit), and fo­ur in the co­a­stal re­gi­on (Bri­ju­ni, Kor­na­ti, Krka and Mljet). Be­si­des the­se, cer­ta­in are­as un­der strict na­tu­re pro­ tec­ti­on ∑ re­ser­ves, na­tu­ral mo­nu­men­ts and na­tu­ral par­ks ∑ sho­uld be men­ti­o­ned as a na­tu­ral he­ri­ta­ge of spe­ci­al va­lue. They ha­ve all con­tri­bu­ted to Cro­a­tia’s be­ing con­si­de­red one of the mo­st be­a­u­ti­ful gar­dens of Eu­ro­pe. Proπlost za sadaπnjost Hrvat­ska obi­lu­je kul­tur­no-po­vi­je­snim spo­ me­ni­ci­ma iz svih ra­zdob­lja, zbog bur­nih po­vi­je­snih zbi­va­nja i pre­ple­ta­nja utje­ca­ja ra­zli­Ëi­tih kul­tu­ra. Nje­zi­nu oba­lu ka­rak­te­ri­ zi­ra­ju utje­ca­ji me­di­te­ran­ske kul­tu­re, mno­gi an­tiË­ki spo­me­ni­ci, spo­me­ni­ci iz rim­skog ra­zdob­lja i ra­no­ga sred­njeg vi­je­ka, ro­ma­ niË­ko-sa­kral­na baπti­na te niz oËu­va­nih ka­rak­te­ri­stiË­nih me­di­te­ran­skih ur­ba­nih cje­li­na. Kon­ti­nen­tal­na Hrvat­ska dio je sred­ njo­e­u­rop­sko­ga kul­tur­nog kru­ga i isti­Ëe se mno­gim pra­po­vi­je­snim na­la­zi­ma sv­jet­ ske vaæno­sti, sta­rim gra­do­vi­ma, utvrda­ ma i dvor­ci­ma ka­sno­ga sred­njeg vi­je­ka, kul­tur­nim spo­me­ni­ci­ma i ar­hi­tek­tu­rom iz ra­zdob­lja ba­ro­ka. Tri hrvat­ske ur­ba­ne cje­li­ne i dva spo­me­ niË­ka kom­plek­sa ima­ju sta­tus spo­me­ni­ka sv­jet­ske kul­tur­ne baπti­ne, ko­ji do­dje­lju­je Une­sco. To su ka­sno­an­tiË­ka Di­o­kle­ci­ja­no­ va pa­la­Ëa, pre­gra­e­na ti­je­kom sto­lje­Êa u sred­njov­je­kov­ni Split, gra­do­vi Du­brov­nik i Tro­gir te Eu­fra­zi­je­va ba­zi­li­ka u Po­re­Ëu i ka­te­dra­la sv. Ja­ko­va u ©ibe­ni­ku. Na­ci­o­nal­ni park Pli­tviË­ka je­ze­ra, naj­ljepπi i najpozna­ti­ji hrvat­ski na­ci­o­nal­ni park, ta­ko­ er je dio Une­sco­ve Sv­jet­ske baπti­ne. A past for the present Cro­a­tia is rich in cul­tu­ral and hi­sto­ri­cal monuments from all eras, due to the tur­bu­

lent even­ts of hi­story and the in­ter­la­cing of in­flu­en­ces of dif­fe­rent cul­tu­res. Its co­a­st is cha­rac­te­ri­zed by the in­flu­ences of Me­di­ter­ ra­ne­an cul­tu­re, nu­me­ro­us an­ci­ent re­ma­ins, mo­nu­men­ts of the Ro­man era and ear­ly Mid­dle Ages, a Ro­ma­ne­sque chur­ch he­ri­ta­ ge and a num­ber of di­stin­cti­ve Me­di­ter­ra­ne­ an ur­ban en­ti­ti­es that ha­ve be­en pre­ser­ ved. Inland Cro­at­ia is a part of the Cen­tral Eu­ro­pe­an cul­tu­ral circle and is di­stin­gu­i­shed by nu­me­ro­us pre­hi­sto­ric fin­din­gs of wor­ld sig­ni­fi­cance, by old tow­ns, for­tre­sses and ca­s­tles da­ting from the la­te Mid­dle Ages, and cul­tu­ral mo­nu­men­ts and ar­chi­tec­tu­re from the Ba­ro­que era. Three Cro­a­ti­an ci­ti­es and two mo­nu­men­tal com­-ple­xes ha­ve the sta­tus of mo­nu­men­ts of wor­ld cul­tu­ral he­ri­ta­ge ac­cor­ded by UNE­ SCO. The­se are the La­te An­ti­que Pa­la­ce of Di­o­cle­ti­an, re­mo­de­led thro­ugh the cen­tu­ri­es in­to the me­di­e­val city of Split, the ci­ti­es of Du­brov­nik and Tro­gir, the Ba­si­li­ca of Eup­hra­ si­us in Po­reË and the Cat­he­dral of St. Jacob in ©ibe­nik. The na­ti­on ­ al park of the Pli­tvi­ce La­kes, Cro­ a­tia’s mo­st be­a­u­ti­ful and ce­le­bra­ted na­ti­o­nal park, is al­so a part of UNE­SCO’s wor­ld he­ri­ta­ge. Hrvatska - turistiËki hit na Sredozemlju Hrvat­ska je po­sljed­njih go­di­na − ocje­nju­ju meu­na­rod­ni tu­ri­stiË­ki znal­ci i sta­ti­sti­Ëa­ri − hit-odre­di­πte na Sre­do­zem­lju. Hrvat­ska je bli­zu ne sa­mo zbog svoga geograf­skog smještaja, ne­go i zbog mreæe zraË­nih lu­ka i kva­li­tet­nih uslu­ga na­ci­o­nal­ nog avi­o­pri­je­vo­zni­ka Croatia Air­li­ne­sa te dru­gih zraË­nih pri­je­vo­zni­ka. I zbog svoje mreæe au­to­ce­sta i po­lu­a­u­to­ce­sta Hrvat­ska je bliæa ne­go ikad. Ako ste pak oda­bra­li od­mor na jed­no­me od mno­gih hrvat­skih oto­ka, pri­je­voz tra­jek­tom ili hi­dro­gli­se­rom s kop­na tra­jat Êe − i kad su po­sri­je­di oni na­ju­da­lje­ni­ji − kraÊe od 2 sa­ta. Croatia - a Mediterranean tourism success Cro­a­tia has be­en a hit de­sti­na­ti­on in the Me­ di­ter­ra­ne­an in the pa­st few ye­ars, say sta­ti­ sti­ci­ans and in­ter­na­ti­o­nal ex­per­ts in to­u­ri­sm. Croatia is close not only because of its geographic position, but also because of

its network of airports and the top quality services provided by Croatia Airlines, its national carrier, as well as other airliners. Also, due to its network of highways and semi-motorways, Croatia is closer than ever. If you have decided to spend your vacation on any one of the numerous islands in Croatia, even the most distant ones, it will take less than 2 hours by ferry or hydrofoil from the mainland. Novac i naËin plaÊanja Ku­na je na­ziv nov­Ëa­ne je­di­ni­ce Re­pu­bli­ ke Hrvat­ske. U op­tje­ca­ju su nov­Ëa­ni­ce

ku­na (kn) i ko­va­ni no­vac ku­na i li­pa (lp), (100 li­pa = 1 ku­na). Mo­gu­Êe je pla­Êa­nje kre­dit­nim kar ­ti­ca­ma (Di­ners, Vi­sa, Ame­ ri­can Ex­pre­ss, Eu­ro­card i Ma­ster­card) i eu­ro­Ëe­ko­vi­ma. No­vac se moæe po­di­za­ti i na ban­ko­ma­ti­ma.

card), as well as eu­ro-chec­ks. Ca­sh can be wit­hdrawn from AT­Ms.

Currency and payment methods The cur­ren­cy of the Re­pu­blic of Cro­a­tia is cal­led the Ku­na (kn). In cir­cu­la­ti­on are ban­kno­tes in Ku­na and co­ins in Ku­na and Li­pa (lp) ∑ one hun­dred­th. Pay­men­ts can be ma­de by cre­dit card (Di­ners, Vi­sa, Ame­ri­can Ex­pre­ss, Eu­ro­card and Ma­ster­

ZEMLJOVID HRVATSKE MAP OF CROATIA Odrediπta Croatia Airlinesa Croatia Airlines destinations stalna / regular sezonska ljetna / seasonal in summer

motorway, fast roads toll station tunnel, bridge other main roads national parks nature parks international border crossing petrol stations (0-24) airports ferry routes UNESCO World Heritage


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Inspirirani Hrvatskom Inspired by Croatia

Jela koja predstavljamo i poslužujemo u poslovnom razredu naših zrakoplova osvježene su verzije autohtonih recepata primorske i kontinentalne Hrvatske. The dishes we present and serve in the business class are a refreshed version of the autochthonous coastal and continental Croatian recipes.

Piše/By _ Leopold Botteri Fotografije/Photos _ Šime Lugarov


Vodeći hrvatski chef Dino Galvagno na novome je jelovniku radio nekoliko mjeseci Top-notch Croatian Chef Dino Galvagno worked on developing the new menu over several months


elovnik poslovnog razreda lice je svake zrakoplovne kompanije. Imajući to na umu, pokrenuli smo projekt Inspirirani Hrvatskom (engl.Inspired by Croatia), u sklopu kojega je kreiran i novi meni našega poslovnog razreda. Najbolji način za predstavljanje hrvatskih delicija jest korištenje autohtonih namirnica i recepata. A kada smo se odlučili za taj put, logičan nam je izbor suradnika na jelovniku bio splitski Uje oil bar, koji se koristi isključivo lokalnim namirnicama i prezentira ih prema tradicionalnoj recepturi. S njima je na meniju surađivao i proslavljeni hrvatski chef Dino Galvagno, čija je misija upotrijebiti namirnice uzgojene, ulovljene ili ubrane u lokalnom okružju. Jela koja predstavljamo osvježene su verzije autohtonih recepata primorske i kontinentalne Hrvatske. Dino Galvagno i Leopold Botteri, vlasnik Uje oil bara, na jelovniku su radili nekoliko mjeseci analizirajući ponudu drugih zrakoplovih kompanija i dostupna iskustva svjetskih chefova, koji su već locirali određene namirnice i okuse što su ukusniji u zrakoplovu. Tom iskustvu pridodali su i rezultate vlastitih testiranja, istih obroka začinjenih različitim intenzitetom i pripremljenih na različite načine, u realnom okružju na visini krstarenja. Rezultat višemjesečnog rada jest jelovnik u kojemu mogu uživati putnici poslovnog razreda. Na meniju je nekoliko uspješnica iz Uje oil bara, oplemenjenih namirnicama bogatima umamijem, ali i jela koja je Dino Galvagno kreirao posebno za ovu prigodu. Svoj revival na ovom će meniju doživjeti i nekoliko tradicionalnih hrvatskih jela poput pašticade ili purice s mlincima, prilagođenih zahtjevnim uvjetima koje mora  zadovoljiti hrana u zrakoplovu.


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ood and drink in Business Class has become the most important feature of every airline. Keeping this fact in mind, we implemented the Inspired by Croatia project, which led to the creation of our new Business Class menu. We figured the best way to present the delicacies of Croatia was to use autochthonous ingredients and recipes. So logically, the first thing we did in creating our menu was to work closely with the Uje Oil Bar in Split, which uses only locallygrown ingredients and presents them in a traditional way in their recipes. Collaborating with us on the menu was famous Croatian Chef Dino Galvagno whose approach it was to only use foods grown, caught or harvested in the local environment. All the dishes on our menu are modernized versions of autochthonous recipes of coastal and continental Croatia. Dino Galvagno & Leopold Botteri, the owner of the Uje Oil Bar, worked for several months on the menu, analyzing the menu choices of competitor airlines as well as the feedback of experienced chefs around the globe who were already familiar with the specific ingredients and flavours suitable, and more palatable, for on-board dining. This research was incorporated into our own taste tests, where the same dishes were experimented with: seasoned at different flavour intensities and prepared in different ways in a real in-flight environment. The results from these several months of


Najbolji način za predstavljanje delicija Hrvatske jest korištenje autohtonih namirnica koje se pripremaju prema tradicionalnoj recepturi. Jelovnik, u kojemu mogu uživati putnici poslovnog razreda, rezultat je višemjesečnog rada. The best way to present Croatian delicacies is to use autochthonous ingredients prepared in accordance with traditional recipes. The menu, created for business class passengers, was carefully prepared for several months.

01 Kozice u limunovom soku s nektarinama osvježenje su za vaša nepca Shrimps in lemon juice with nectarines will refresh your palates 02 Tartlette od kozica jelo je koje je posebno osmišljeno za Croatia Airlines Shrimp tartlets have been specially created for Croatia Airlines



03 Splitska torta na jelovniku je zavrĹĄila nakon temeljite degustacije osam razliÄ?itih deserata Splitska Torta (Split Cake) found its place on the menu after a thorough degustation of eight different desserts 04 Chef Dino Galvagno pokazao je da confit od tune i proso tvore sjajnu kombinaciju Chef Dino Galvagno has shown that a tuna confit and millet make a perfect combination



Ceviche od jadranskih kozica s nektarinama Za ceviche: - 0,5 kg očišćenih jadranskih kozica - 1 nektarina - 2 ljutike - limunov sok - sol i papar - metvica - 3 stabljike celera Nektarine, ljutiku i celer narežite na ploške/kolutove. Kozice očistite od žilica. Metvicu grubo nasjeckajte. Sve sastojke začinite i nježno pomiješajte, pa zalijte limunovim sokom da budu potopljeni. Ostavite da prenoći prije posluživanja. Posluživanje: - ekstra djevičansko maslinovo ulje Ocijedite količinu cevichea koja će se koristiti. Stavite na sredinu zdjelice i pokapajte maslinovim uljem

Adriatic Shrimp Ceviche with Nectarines For the ceviche: - 0.5 kg Adriatic shrimp, peeled and deveined - 1 nectarine diced - 2 shallots finely chopped - juice of one lemon - salt and pepper to taste - roughly chopped mint leaves - 3 celery stalks chopped Combine all the ingredients together, then season with a good pinch of salt and pepper. Pour the lemon dressing over the mixture and lightly toss. The lemon juice should completely cover the shrimps. Let it marinate in the refrigerator overnight before serving.

The menu boasts the revival of several traditional Croatian dishes, such as stewed beef (pašticada) or turkey with flatbread (purica s mlincima), adapted accordingly, of course, to conditions required of in-flight  dining and meal preparation.

Dio novog jelovnika preuzet je iz Uje oil bara u Splitu: bijela riba marinirana u vinu i acetu balsamicu Part of the new menu has been taken from the Split-located Uje Oil bar: white fish marinated in wine and aceto balsamico

Uje oil bar

How to serve: - Extra virgin olive oil Drain the amount of ceviche to be used. Serve in the middle of a bowl and drizzle with extra virgin olive oil

research provided our Business Class passengers with a menu they could truly enjoy - a menu comprised of popular dishes from the Uje Oil Bar, processed ingredients rich in umami components, but also dishes Dino Galvagno created especially for us.


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Dubravkin put Restaurant & Wine Bar

Fotografije/Photos _ Duško Vlaović

Smjeπten u tuπkanaËkoj πumi, na samo nekoliko minuta hoda od srediπta grada, Dubravkin put koncipiran je kao restoran i wine bar. Interijer je ugodan, topao i moderan, a boravak na terasi pruæa predivan pogled na park i πumu. Filozofija restorana jest predstaviti gostima inovativan dining-koncept. Mediteranska kuhinja i jelovnik πefice Priske Thuring te profesionalno i usluæno osoblje koje vodi Marko Rundek, svakom Êe gostu pruæiti ukusno, elegantno i sofisticirano iskustvo. Dubravkin put svoje uporiπte pronalazi u timu ljudi koji vole ono πto rade i vjeruju u to. Predanost i posveÊenost poslu te jedinstvena znanja i vjeπtine gostima pruæaju ukusna, elegantna i sofisticirana iskustva. Priska Thuring, πefica kuhinje Dubravkinog puta, roena je u ©vicarskoj, a odrasla u Kanadi. Timu restorana pridruæila se 2015. godine. Priska opisuje svoj meni kao kulinarsku voænju po Mediteranu. Pri kuhanju koristi se uglavnom domaÊim proizvodima, istodobno neumorno traæeÊi nove male proizvoaËe kako bi pokazala koliko Hrvatska moæe ponuditi, a sezonski proizvodi kljuËni su za postizanje visoke razine kvalitete. Restoran surauje s mnogo lokalnih proizvoaËa, ribara i lovaca kako bi ujedno pomogli i zajednici. Mali proizvoaËi svojim proizvodima posveÊuju mnogo vremena, paænje i ljubavi, a to se


odraæava i na kvalitetu i okuse koji se nude na tanjuru. Svjeæi kravlji sir dolazi s breæuljaka sjeverno od Zagreba, paËje meso iz varaædinskog podruËja, riba stiæe od dalmatinskih ribara, kavijar od pastrve iz Zagreba, a povrÊe s glavne zagrebaËke trænice. Priskina neprestana potreba za istraæivanjem i putovanjima, na kojima osvjeæava stara i stjeËe nova kulinarska iskustva, proæima cijeli jelovnik. Pruæiti gostima nezaboravno iskustvo, iskušati nove stvari, uËiti o proizvodima - strasti su koje ju potiËu da sa svojim timom neprestano pomiËe granice. Meni za ruËak veoma je dinamiËan, mijenja se gotovo svaki tjedan, manje je zahtjevan i prilagoen ubrzanom tempu æivota koji veÊina od nas æivi. VeËernji jelovnik je fine dining u sklopu kojega se nude i dva degustacijska jelovnika. Wine bar, s dugaËkim drvenim barom i vinskom policom koja krasi ulaz u restoran, jedna je od osobitosti Dubravkina puta. Mnogo se truda i ljubavi ulaæe u stvaranje jedne od najveÊih i najpriznatijih ponuda vina u Hrvatskoj, od kojih se velika veÊina toËi na Ëaπe. Sommelier restorana ustrajno radi na poboljπanju kolekcije viπe od 500 razliËitih vina iz svih relevantnih svjetskih vinskih regija, uz naglasak na nevjerojatnoj raznolikosti i kvaliteti koju nude hrvatska vina. Izbor

Priska Thuring, šefica kuhinje / Executive Chef

kubanskih cigara i cigarillosa, klasiËni kokteli, spektakularan izbor viskija, ruma, konjaka, dæina te drugih svjetski poznatih piÊa i likera. Restoran raspolaæe i privatnom prostorijom naziva Val. Ambijent je prikladan za intimniji doæivljaj privatnih i poslovnih ruËkova, veËera i dogaaja te je idealan prostor za odvojene korporativne evente. Ovdje tim restorana organizira i konceptu-

alne veËere pod nazivom #VeceraUValu. Svaka veËera ima svoju tematiku koja za sve goste ostaje tajna do poËetka. Apsolutno sve, od hrane, piÊa, scenografije, postave stola, pa Ëak i glazbe u skladu je s odabranom temom. Ne znate što Êete jesti, ne znate koja Êete vina dobiti uz pojedina jela, ne znate kakvu Êete vrstu glazbe sluπati ili pokraj koga Êete pak sjediti. Jedino πto morate znati jest da ulazite u jedan od najboljih hrvatskih restorana i da Êe se za vas dobro pobrinuti skupina kreativaca i profesionalaca, koja zaista uæiva u osmiπljavanju i realizaciji tih veËera. Stoga rezervirajte svoje mjesto telefonom na broj +385 (0)1 4834 975 ili GPS koordinate: Lat: 45.820979 N, Lon: 15.974808 E Radno vrijeme: 11- 24 h, nedjeljom zatvoreno

Situated in the Tuškanac Forest, a short walk from the city centre, is the Dubravkin Put Restaurant and Wine Bar. The interior space is comfortable, warm and modern, while the terrace boasts a breathtaking view of the park and forest. The restaurant’s philosophy is giving guests an innovative dining experience. The Mediterranean cuisine and menu of Chef Priska Thuring as well as the professional dining staff led by Marko Rundek provides every guest with an enjoyable and elegant experience. A staff who love and believe in what they do is at the core of the Dubravkin Put Restaurant. The team’s determination, commitment to working hard, unique knowledge base and service skills allow diners to experience the utmost in taste and sophistication. The restaurant’s Executive Chef Priska Thuring, who was born in Switzerland, but raised Canada, joined the restaurant team in 2015. She describes her menu as a culinary journey through the Mediterranean and sources mostly locallygrown, seasonal ingredients, which she believes is key to achieving a high level of food quality. Priska is constantly in search of new, small-scale regional producers that show Croatia in the best light. To this end and to help the local community, the restaurant works with numerous local food producers, fishermen, and farmers. They are especially attentive to small growers they believe put the quality and flavors of Croatia on a plate. Dubravkin Put sources fresh cheese from farms north of Zagreb, duck meat from the Varaždin area, fish from the Dalmatian coast, trout caviar from Zagreb, and vegetables from the main farmers’ market in Zagreb. Priska’s need to constantly come up with new ideas and her quest for new gastronomic experiences permeates her entire menu. It’s this passion that drives her and her team to push culinary boundaries. This is turn, gives guests a memorable dining experience - where they can try out new delicacies, and learn about products.

One of the restaurant’s special features is the wine bar’s long wooden counter and wine rack, which decorates the entryway. A lot of sweat and tears has gone into creating one of the largest and most-recognized wine collections in Croatia, the vast majority of which is sold by the glass. The restaurant’s sommelier has worked hard on building a vast collection, which already contains 500 different types of wine from all the relevant wine-producing regions around the world, but there is a strong emphasis on Croatian wines - their variety and quality. There is also a wide selection of Cuban cigars and cigarillos, as well as an impressive selection of whiskey, rum, cognac, gin and other classic cocktails and liqueurs. The restaurant also boasts a private room called Val. The ambient is suitable for intimate parties or for business meals and special events, and is ideal for corporate gatherings. The team organizes conceptual dinners under the name: #VeceraUValu. Every dinner party has a theme, which is kept a secret until the event begins. Absolutely everything is a mystery - from the choice of food, beverages, scenography, table settings and seating arrangements to the specially-chosen music. Guests have no idea what they are going to get. The only thing they can be sure of is that they are walking into one of the best restaurants in Croatia and that they will be looked after by a creative and professional staff who take pride and pleasure in pulling off these kinds of original events. For reservations, please call: tel: +385 (0)1 4834 975 or email at: GPS coordinates: Lat: 45.820979 N, Lon: 15.974808 E Working Hours: 11 a.m. to midnight except Sundays

The dynamic lunch menu changes weekly, and is more simplified to fit in with the fastpaced lifestyle of diners today. The dinner menu is a fine dining menu which offers two tasting menu options.


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THE WAY YOU CAN GIVE SOMEONE THE WORLD We have selected some remarkable people from different parts of the globe, for the chance to win a trip of a lifetime. Cast your vote to help decide who will win this incredible Round the World journey.*

*Voting closes 31st October 2016. See website for full terms and conditions.

Miles & More

Osnove programa Mi­les & Mo­re

Introducing Mi­les & Mo­re

Mi­les & Mo­re vode­Êi je pro­gram na­gra­i­va­nja put­ni­ka u Eu­ ro­pi i nu­di Ëla­no­vi­ma ra­zli­Ëi­te mo­guÊ­no­sti pri­kup­lja­nja mi­lja i ko­ri­πte­nja na­gra­da, kao i mno­ge priv­laË­ne po­god­no­sti. »la­no­vi pri­kup­lja­ju mi­lje ko­ri­ste­Êi se uslu­ga­ma broj­nih par­tne­ra u pro­gra­mu. Mi­lje se bi­lje­æe za le­to­ve svih Ëla­ni­ca Star Al­li­an­cea i dru­gih kom­pa­ni­ja par­tne­ra, ali i za unaj­mlji­va­nje vo­zi­la, od­sje­da­nje u ho­te­li­ma ili po­tro­πnju pre­ko kre­dit­nih kar­ti­ca Mi­les & Mo­re.

Miles & More is the leading frequent flyer programme in Europe, offering its members numerous possibilites for collecting and redeeming miles, as well as many at­trac­ ti­ve pri­vi­le­ges. Mem­bers col­lect mi­les by using the ser­vi­ces of many par­tners in the pro­gram­me. Mi­les are cre­di­ted for flig­hts of all Star Al­li­an­ce mem­bers and ot­her air­li­ne par­tners, but al­so for ren­ting ve­hi­cles from rent-a-car par­tners or sta­ying in par­ti­ci­pa­ting ho­tels.

Ra­zre­di Ëlan­s­tva i po­god­no­sti Koriπtenjem usluga partnera u programu Miles & More prikupljate nagradne milje koje se mogu iskoristiti za nagrade. Statusne milje koje odreuju vaπ Ëlanski status, na temelju kojega ostvarujete pogodnosti, prikupljaju se na redovitim letovima prijevoznika Croatia Airlines, Adria Airways, Air Dolomiti, Austrian Airlines, Brussels Airlines, Germanwings, LOT Polish Airlines, Lufthansa, Lufthansa Regional, Luxair, SWISS, i svim Star Alliance partnerima. Uz 35.000 sta­tu­snih mi­lja pri­kup­lje­nih u jed­noj ka­len­dar­ skoj go­di­ni, ste­Êi Êe­te sta­tus Fre­qu­ent Tra­vel­ler, a za 100.000 sta­tu­snih mi­lja u ka­len­dar­skoj go­di­ni oËe­ku­je vas

Ti­ers and be­ne­fits By using the Mi­les & Mo­re par­tners’ ser­vi­ces mem­bers col­lect awards. Status miles which determine a member’s membership status and privileges can be accrued on scheduled flights operated by Croatia Airlines, Adria Airways, Air Dolomiti, Austrian Airlines, Brussels Airlines, Germanwings, LOT Polish Airlines, Lufthansa, Lufthansa Regional, Luxair, SWISS, and all Star Alliance partners. Every mi­le ac­cru­ed is re­cor­ded as both a sta­tus and an award mi­le. With 35,000 sta­tus mi­les col­lec­ted in one ca­len­dar ye­ar mem­bers acquire the Fre­qu­ent Tra­vel­ler sta­tus, with 100,000 sta­tus mi­les the Se­na­tor sta­tus, and mem­bers CROATIA AIRLINES 4/2016

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sta­tus Se­na­tor. »la­no­vi ko­ji pri­ku­pe naj­ma­nje 600.000 HON Cir­cle mi­lja u ra­zdob­lju od dvi­je uza­stop­ne ka­len­ dar­ske go­di­ne, stje­Ëu sta­tus HON Cir­cle.

who col­lect at le­a­st 600,000 HON Cir­cle mi­les wit­hin two con­se­cu­ti­ve ca­len­dar ye­ars, acquire the HON Cir­ cle sta­tus.

Po­god­no­sti sta­tu­sa Fre­qu­ent Tra­vel­ler - Exe­cu­ti­ve Bo­nus − 25 posto više nagradnih, statusnih i HON Circle mi­lja - ne­o­gra­ni­Ëe­na va­lja­no­st na­grad­nih mi­lja za tra­ja­nja sta­tu­sa - pred­no­st na li­sti Ëe­ka­nja - pri­ja­va za let (check in) na πal­te­ru po­slov­nog ra­zre­da - veÊi iznos prtljage bez naplate, ovisno o odrediπtu i zrakoplovnoj kompaniji te razredu prijevoza. Na letovima Croatia Airlinesa dva komada prtljage u ekonomskom ili poslovnom razredu.

Fre­qu­ent Tra­vel­ler pri­vi­le­ges - Exe­cu­ti­ve Bo­nus of 25 % for award, status and HON Circle miles - Ac­cru­ed award mi­les ha­ve no ex­piry da­te - Wa­i­ting li­st pri­o­rity - Check-in at the Bu­si­ne­ss Cla­ss co­un­ter - Increased free baggage allowance depending on destinations, airline and booking class. On flights operated by Croatia Airlines 2 bags in total (Economy or Business).

Po­god­no­sti sta­tu­sa Se­na­tor - Exe­cu­ti­ve Bo­nus − 25 posto više nagradnih i statusnih HON Circle mi­lja - ne­o­gra­ni­Ëe­na va­lja­no­st na­grad­nih mi­lja za tra­ja­nja sta­tu­sa - pre­du­jam od 50.000 nagradnih mi­lja - upo­ra­ba Luf­than­sa Se­na­tor Lo­un­ge te Star Gold Lo­ un­ge par­tne­ra u Star Al­li­an­ceu - vi­πi pri­o­ri­tet na li­sti Ëe­ka­nja - pri­ja­va za let (check in) na πal­te­ru prvog ra­zre­da - osi­gu­ra­no mje­sto na le­tu za re­zer­va­ci­je do 48 sa­ti u najvišoj klasi knjiženja u ekonomskome i poslovnom razredu - prednost pri ukrcaju i iskrcaju prtljage - dodatni komad prtljage bez naplate, ovisno o odrediπtu i zrakoplovnoj kompaniji. Na letovima Croatia Airlinesa dva komada prtljage u ekonomskom, tri komada prtljage u poslovnom razredu - 2 e-vouchera za premještaj u viši razred putovanja (upgrade), prilikom postizanja statusa Senator te prilikom svake obnove statusa. - Senator Premium Award - Companion Award

Se­na­tor pri­vi­le­ges - Exe­cu­ti­ve Bo­nus of 25% for award, status and HON Circle miles - Ac­cru­ed award mi­les ha­ve no ex­piry da­te - Miles advance of up to 50,000 award miles - Ac­c e­s s to the Luf ­than­s a Se­n a­tor Lo­u n­g e as well as to the Star Gold Lo­u n­g es of Star Al­li­a n­c e par­tners - High wa­i­ting li­st pri­o­rity - Fir­st Cla­ss check-in - Bo­o­king gu­a­ran­tee up to 48 ho­urs before departure in the highest booking class in Business and Economy class - priority baggage handling - An additional bag depending on destinations, airline and booking class. On flights operated by Croatia Airlines 2 bags in Economy, 3 bags in Business - 2 e- Upgrade Vouchers on achieving Senator status and for every Senator status renewal. - Senator Premium Award - Companion award

Po­god­no­sti sta­tu­sa HON Cir­cle - sve po­god­no­sti sta­tu­sa Se­na­tor, najviša prednost na listi Ëekanja - pre­du­jam od 100.000 nagradnih mi­lja - Sta­tus Se­na­tor za su­pru­æni­ka ili par­tne­ra, ovisno o zrakoplovnoj kompaniji - 6 e-vouchera za premještaj u viši razred putovanja (upgrade) prilikom postizanja statusa HON Circle te prilikom svake obnove statusa - dodatni komad prtljage bez naplate, ovisno o odrediπtu i zrakoplovnoj kompaniji. Na letovima Croatia Airlinesa dva komada prtljage u ekonomskom, tri komada prtljage u poslovnom razredu

HON Cir­cle pri­vi­le­ges - All exi­s ting Se­n a­tor pri­v i­l e­g es highest waiting list priority



- 100,000 mi­les in advan­ce - Se­na­tor sta­tus for yo­ur spo­u­se or par ­tner depending on the airline - 6 e- Upgrade Vouchers when becoming an HON Circle Member and every time the status is extended - An additional bag depending on destinations, airline and booking class. On flights operated by Croatia Airlines 2 bags in Economy, 3 bags Business

Tro­πi­te mi­lje

Spend mi­les

Pri­kup­lje­ne na­gradne milje za­mje­nju­je­te za mnoge na­gra­ de: nagradne zrakoplovne kar­te, pre­mje­πtaj u vi­πi ra­zred pu­to­va­nja (up­gra­de), ra­zli­Ëite nagrade ko­ji­ma se mo­æe­te ko­ri­stiti pri pu­to­va­nju (Miles & More hotelski partneri, Miles & More rent-a-car partneri), kupnju te u Lufthansa WorldShopu.

You can ex­chan­ge col­lec­ted award mi­les for awar­ds pre­pa­red for you: flight awards, upgrades, various travel awards (Miles & More hotel partners, Miles & More car rental partners), shopping and lifestyle awards, and Lufthansa WorldShop.

Za­tra­æi­te svo­ju Di­ners Club Cro­a­tia Air­li­nes kre­dit­nu kar ­ti­cu!

Ap­ply for yo­ur Di­ners Club Cro­a­tia Air­li­nes cre­dit card!

5 ku­na = 1 nagradna mi­lja − za sva­kih 5 ku­na po­tro­ πe­nih pre­ko ove kar­ti­ce, bi­lje­æi vam se 1 na­grad­na mi­lja n

Pri­kup­ljaj­te na­grad­ne mi­lje svuda − jed­no­stav­no pla­ Êaj­te svo­jom Di­ners Club kar­ti­com na bi­lo ko­jemu od 12,000.000 DC pro­daj­nih mje­sta u zem­lji i ino­zem­s­tvu. n

n 5 HRK = 1 award mi­le − for every 5 HRK spent via this card, you col­lect 1 mi­le

Col­lect award mi­les ever ­y whe­re − sim­ply pay with yo­ur Di­ners Club Card in any of 12 mil­li­on DC of­fi­ces in Cro­a­tia or abro­ad



n 2 cre­ d it car­d s − 1 Mi­les & Mo­re mem­b er­s hip ac­co­unt − use yo­ur pri­va­te and bu­si­ne­ss card to col­lect award mi­les on the sa­me mem­ber­ship ac­co­unt.

Zatražite svoju VISA Croatia Airlines kreditnu karticu!

Apply for your VISA Croatia Airlines credit card!

Croatia Airlines i Erste Card Club nude i VISA Croatia Airlines samostalnu karticu, poslovnu i privatnu. Potroπnja od 14 kuna u Hrvatskoj na samostalnim karticama donosi 1 nagradnu Miles & More milju, a za potroπenih 7 kuna u inozemstvu dobiva se preko kartica u paketu 1 nagradna milja Miles & More.

Croatia Airlines and Erste Card Club offer a VISA Croatia Airlines stand-alone credit card, both business and private. You will get 1 Miles & More award mile for every 14 kuna spent via stand-alone credit cards whereas for every 7 kuna spent abroad via companion credit cards 1 Miles & More award mile will be credited to your account.

Zatražite svoju Croatia Airlines American Express karticu!

Apply for your Croatia Airlines American Express card!

2 kar­ti­ce − 1 ra­Ëun Mi­les & More − ko­ri­stite li se isto­ dob­no pri­vat­nom i po­slov­nom kar­ti­com Di­ners Clu­ba i Cro­a­tia Air­li­ne­sa, pri­kup­lje­ne na­grad­ne mi­lje zbra­ja­ju se na va­πemu ra­Ëu­nu Mi­les & Mo­re.

4 HRK = 1 award mile − for every 4 HRK spend via this card, you collect 1 mile


4 kn = 1 nagradna milja − za svakih 4 kune potrošenih preko ove kartice bilježi vam se 1 nagradna milja


2000 milja dobrodošlice na Miles & More računu za nove korisnike, 1000 milja dobrodošlice za dodatnog člana


Bez plaćanja upisnine i članarine za prvu godinu korištenja (do 30.09.2016)




2000 welcome miles on Miles & More account for new basic and 1000 welcome miles for new additional card users

Free enrolment and annual membership fee for first year (until 30.09.2016)


Travel insurance


Putno osiguranje


Miles not expire


Milje ne zastarijevaju



Earn double award miles − using the card to pay at Croaita Airlines and PBZ Card Travel

Za­tra­æi­te svo­ju Cro­a­tia Air­li­nes American Express kre­dit­nu kar ­ti­cu!

Ap­ply for yo­ur Cro­a­tia Air­li­nes American Express cre­dit card!

4 ku­ne = 1 nagradna mi­lja − za sva­ke 6 ku­ne po­tro­πe­ne pre­ko Pre­mi­um kar­ti­ce bi­lje­æi se 1 na­grad­na mi­lja, od­no­ sno za sva­kih 7 ku­na po­tro­πe­nih pre­ko Stan­dard kar­ti­ce

n 4 HRK = 1 award mi­ le − for every 6 HRK spent via Pre­mi­um card, you col­lect 1 award mi­le, and for every 7 HRK spent via Stan­dard card you col­lect 1 mi­le.

2000 mi­lja do­bro­do­πli­ce − za no­ve osnov­ne Pre­mi­ um ko­ri­sni­ke i 1000 mi­lja do­bro­do­πli­ce za no­ve do­dat­ne Pre­mi­um ko­ri­sni­ke

n 2.000 wel­co­me mi­les − for new ba­ sic Pre­mi­um card users and 1.000 wel­co­me mi­les for new ad­di­ti­o­nal Premi­ um card users.

1000 mi­lja do­bro­do­πli­ce za no­ve osnov­ne Stan­dard ko­ri­sni­ke i 500 mi­lja do­bro­do­πli­ce za no­ve do­dat­ne Stan­ dard ko­ri­sni­ke

n 1.000 wel­co­me mi­les − for new ba­ sic Stan­dard card users and 500 wel­co­me mi­les for new ad­di­ti­o­nal Stan­ dard card users.

Dvostruke nagradne milje − za plaćanje u poslovnicama Croatia Airlinesa i PBZ Card Travela




Dvo­s­tru­ke na­grad­ne mi­lje − za po­tro­πnju u po­slov­ni­ca­ ma Cro­a­tia Air­li­ne­sa i PBZ Card Travel American Expressa (uz naknadu za pristup).

Earn do­u­ble award mi­les − using the card to pay for tra­vels at Cro­a­tia Air­li­nes sa­les of ­fi­ces and PBZ Card Travel American Expressa. (visit charge applicable).



Više informacija možete pronaÊi na:

Please find detailed info at: CROATIA AIRLINES 4/2016

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CROATIA AIRLINES NOVOSTI CROATIA AIRLINES NEWS sudionika hangarima Croatia Airlinesa u Međunarodnoj zračnoj luci Zagreb.

20. OBLJETNICA LETENJA NA LINIJI ZAGREB - SARAJEVO U sarajevskoj zračnoj luci 19. listopada 2016. obilježili smo 20. obljetnicu kontinuiranog letenja na međunarodnoj redovitoj liniji Zagreb - Sarajevo. Na svečanosti, koja je održana u najvećoj i najvažnijoj zračnoj luci Bosne i Hercegovine, istodobno je obilježeno i dvadeset godina uspješne poslovne suradnje Croatia Airlinesa i Međunarodnog aerodroma Sarajevo. Naš prvi let na redovitoj međunarodnoj liniji Zagreb - Sarajevo bio je u kolovozu 1996. godine putničkim zrakoplovom ATR42. Prvi smo sletjeli u obnovljenu sarajevsku zračnu luku i ponovno je otvorili za civilni zračni promet. Od tada pa sve do danas naši zrakoplovi tijekom cijele godine svakodnevno povezuju glavne gradove Hrvatske i Bosne i Hercegovine.

20TH ANNIVERSARY OF ZAGREBSARAJEVO ROUTE The 19th of October 2016 marked the 20th anniversary of the first regularly- scheduled international route from Zagreb - Sarajevo. A ceremony was held at the Sarajevo International Airport, the biggest and most important airport in Bosnia and Hercegovina, to commemorate the landmark moment. The date also marked the twentieth year of Croatia Airlines’ working relationship with the Sarajevo airport. The first regular international flight from Zagreb to Sarajevo took place in August 1996 on commercial flight ATR42. We were the first to land in the renovated airport, which had re-opened for civilian traffic. Since then, our aircraft have operated daily throughout the year to con-


nect the major cities throughout Croatia to those in Bosnia and Hercegovina.

ODRŽANA STRUČNA KONFERENCIJA Konferencija Airline E&M Central, Eastern & Southern Europe održana je u Zagrebu 9. i 10. studenog 2016. godine. Croatia Airlines ugostio je sve sudionike konferencije. Dvodnevna konferencija okupila je priznate stručnjake iz regije pa tako i iz našeg Sektora tehničkih poslova. Razmatrane su aktualne teme vezane uz pružanje MRO usluga (usluga održavanja, popravaka i remonta aviona, motora i aviokomponenti) koje zaokupljaju stručnjake iz tehničke branše s našeg područja kako bi se i nadalje nastavila te razvijala najbolja praksa u pružanju različitih tehničkih usluga. Prvoga dana konferencije održana su zanimljiva izlaganja i niz panela u kojima su sudjelovali i naši kolege. Drugoga dana konferencije nastavljeno je sa stručnim predavanjima, a poslije završetka službenog dijela organizirali smo posjet svih

The Airline E&M Central, Eastern & Southern Europe Conference was held in Zagreb on 9-10 November 2016. Croatia Airlines hosted all conference participants. The twoday conference brought together recognized experts from the region as well as experts from our technical sector. Topics discussed focussed on issues related to MRO services provision (maintenance services, repairs and complete overhaul of aircraft, engines, and other aviation components) which were of interest to the technicians in our region so that best practices in technical service provision could be further developed. Day one of the conference boasted interesting presentations and panel discussions, which included members of the Croatia Airlines’ team while the second day was devoted to lectures. Once the conference was officially closed, a tour was organized at the Zagreb International Airport for all Croatia Airlines’ conference participants.

DVJESTOTI C- PREGLED Sigurnost letenja postiže se visokom razinom održavanja zrakoplova, i to u skladu s najvišim svjetskim zrakoplovnim standardima. Od 2001. godine naša je kompanija ovlaštena i za tehničko održavanje inozemnih zrakoplova u tehničkom središtu u Zagrebu. Tako je tijekom prosinca i dvjestoti Luftansin zrakoplov Airbus A320 došao na red za C-pregled u našim hangarima. Suradnja je počela prije petnaest godina. Točnije, 25. listopada 2001. g.,

D. Fabijanić

F. Fočo


Volim putovati!

u Zagreb je, na prvi C-pregled, stigao Lufthansin Airbus A320, D-AIPU. Uspješna suradnja nastavlja se do današnjih dana u obliku različitih radova, C-pregleda, strukturalnih modifikacija, rekonfiguracija kabine itd.

200TH C CHECK Flight safety is achieved by maintaining high levels of aircraft performance in accordance with the highest world aviation standards. Since 2001, our company’s technical centre in Zagreb has been responsible for undertaking the technical maintenance of foreigh aircraft. In December, the Lufthansa Airbus A320 arrived in our hangars for the centre’s 200th C Check. Collaboration with Lufthansa began twenty-five years ago on 25 October 2001 to be exact. This was when the first C Check was carried out on Lufthansa’s Airbus A320, D-AIPU. Since then, we have been working with Lufthansa successfully on various works: C Checks, structural modifications, cabin reconfigurations etc.







T. Smoljanović



IMAMO PRVU AVIOMEHANIČARKU U našoj smo Tehnici nedavno zaposlili prvu aviomehaničarku. Zagrepčanka Tea Car prva je žena koja radi na poslovima tehničkog održavanja zrakoplova, a istodobno i prva aviomehani-

Kada i gdje god želiš...

čarka u hrvatskome civilnom zrakoplovstvu. Naša nova kolegica

Kupi aviokartu, prijavi se

već se prije upoznala s radnim ugođajem i poslovima u Sektoru

za let, spremi boarding pass

tehničkih poslova jer u našim je hangarima obavljala stručnu praksu tijekom srednjoškolskog obrazovanja. Kako bi mladoj kolegici dolazak u tvrtku i prvi radni dan protekao u što ljepšem ugođaju, pobrinuli su se kolege koji su joj organizirali svečanu dobrodošlicu.

OUR FIRST AVIATION MAINTENANCE MECHANIC Croatia Airlines’ Technical Centre has recently employed its first Aviation Maintenance Mechanic. Zagreb’s very own Tea Car is the first woman not only to perform aircraft maintenance duties

i otputuj u željenu destinaciju! Nova aplikacija također omogućuje provjeru reda letenja, statusa leta, posebnih ponuda te pruža sve informacije koje su vam potrebne prije leta. Preuzmi Croatia Airlines aplikaciju i organiziraj svoje putovanje brzo i jednostavno, koristeći mobilni uređaj.

with our company, but is also the first female to do so in the civil aviation industry in Croatia. Our colleague has had prior experience working in aviation-related jobs and even gained practical experience and technical training in our hangar while she was still a student in high school. To celebrate Tea Car’s new position and start date, as well as to make her first day on the job as pleasant as possible, a warm reception was organized for the new arrival.

072 500 505, +385 1 6676 555


Sluπalice za suzbijanje buke Digitalni audio/MP3 ureaj n ElektroniËke igre n e-ËitaË n Prijenosna/Notebook raËunala n Prijenosni DVD/CD ureaj n Bluetooth ureaji n Kamere n Medicinski ureaji n ElektriËni brijaÊi aparat n n

P. Strmečki

Dopuπtena ruËna prtljaga za putnike ekonomskog razreda: 1 komad n maksimalna teæina 8 kg n zbroj dimenzija do 115 cm (55x40x20) Dopuπtena ruËna prtljaga za putnike poslovnog razreda: 2 komada n maksimalna teæina 8 kg po komadu n zbroj dimenzija maksimalno 115 cm (55x40x20) ili 57x54x15cm (etui za odijela) Radi ograniËenog spremiπnog prostora u putniËkoj kabini te kada je veÊa popunjenost zrakoplova, i dopuπtena ruËna prtljaga bit Êe Ëekirana i spremljena u prtljaæni prostor.

PO©TOVANI PUTNICI! Vaπe zadovoljstvo naπa je prva i najvaænija zadaÊa. Stoga stalno nastojimo poboljπati naπe usluge u zrakoplovu i na zemlji. Osluπkujemo vaπe æelje preko anketa, pisama te vaπih pismenih i usmenih prijedloga i, vjerujte, uvijek ih smatramo dragocjenima. Znajte da nam je svaki vaπ prijedlog dobrodoπao, a svaka napomena vrlo vaæna. Piπite nam stoga na adresu uredniπtva: Croatia Airlines, Ëasopis Croatia, Bani 75b, Buzin, 10010 Zagreb, e-mail: Molimo proËitajte nekoliko uputa vaænih za vaπu sigurnost i udobnost tijekom putovanja. Raduje nas πto ste za let izabrali upravo zrakoplov naπe kompanije. Potrudit Êemo se da vam let protekne πto ugodnije. UvaæavajuÊi svjetske zdravstvene i ekoloπke trendove, 1996. godine Croatia Airlines uveo je nepuπaËke letove na svim linijama. Zahvaljujemo vam πto se pridruæujete naπim nastojanjima da svijet bude zdraviji, ËiπÊi i ljepπi. RED SJEDENJA

D. Fabijanić

Vaπe je sjedalo rezervirano samo za vas. Napuπtate li sjedalo tijekom leta, molimo da se prije svakog slijetanja vratite na sjedalo.

UPUTE ZA SIGURNOST Prije uzlijetanja zrakoplova osoblje Êe vam dati nekoliko uputa πto valja Ëiniti u sluËaju opasnosti. One se odnose na tip zrakoplova pa ih paæljivo prouËite. Prigodom uzlijetanja i slijetanja svi putnici, ukljuËujuÊi i djecu, moraju se vezati sigurnosnim pojasima. PreporuËujemo da zbog vaπe sigurnosti i udobnosti ostanete privezani tijekom cijelog leta. Pri slijetanju molimo da ostanete na svojim sjedalima sve dok se ne iskljuËi znak obvezatnog vezivanja. Prilikom ulaska u neke zemlje valja popuniti odreene obrasce. Oni su vam dostupni u aerodromskoj zgradi pri ulasku u zemlju. Kako bismo vam olakπali i ubrzali taj postupak, naπe Êe vam ih kabinsko osoblje rado podijeliti tijekom leta. ELEKTRONIČKI URE�AJI U RUČNOJ PRTLJAZI Upotreba elektroniËkih ureaja dopuπtena je iskljuËivo u zrakoplovnom radu, teæe i veÊe ureaje potrebno je pospremiti dok je upaljen znak obveznog vezivanja. Popis dopuπtenih elektroniËkih naprava: n Mobilni/Smart telefoni n Tablet raËunala

ZABRANJENI PREDMETI Zakonom je zabranjeno noπenje opasnog materijala i u predanoj i u ruËnoj prtljazi. U takve se ubrajaju eksplozivi, lako zapaljive tekuÊine, radioaktivni materijali i otrovi, oruæje, stlaËeni plinovi, korozivna i oksidirajuÊa sredstva. USLUGA TIJEKOM LETA U naπim zrakoplovima posluæujemo hranu i napitke bez naplate. U poslovnom razredu na svim letovima usluga ukljuËuje birana hrvatska jela, alkoholna i bezalkoholna piÊa te izbor domaÊega i stranog tiska. U ekonomskom razredu usluga ovisi o vrsti i duljini leta. Na domaÊim letovima posluæuje se samo voda, a na meunarodnim letovima usluga se sastoji od snacka i ponude piÊa. Na veoma kratkim letovima putnicima nudimo samo vodu, a na duljim letovima u ponudi su alkoholna i bezalkoholna piÊa te topli napitci. IskljuËivo u poslovnom razredu moæete naruËiti specijalnu vrstu obroka prigodom kupnje karte, ali svakako 24 sata unaprijed (vegetarijanski, muslimanski, dijetalni, a kosher 48 sati unaprijed). Putnicima nije dopuπteno konzumiranje vlastitih alkoholnih piÊa. Alkoholiziranim putnicima ne posluæuju se alkoholna piÊa. Puπenje je zabranjeno tijekom boravka u zrakoplovu. Toaleti su opremljeni detektorima dima. 

Faze leta u kojima je dopuštena upotreba elektroniËkih ureaja Faze leta Mobilni/ Smart telefoni, Tablet

Prijenosno raËunalo

Sluπalice za suzbijanje buke

Funkcija teksta/razgovora






Kaπnjenje u polasku





Taksiranje za polijetanje





Polijetanje DA



Tijekom leta



















*U navedenim fazama nije dopuπteno rabiti sluπalice prikljuËene na audio/MP3 ureaje


DEAR PASSENGERS! Your satisfaction is our first and foremost concern. That is why we are always striving to improve our services on board our aircraft and on the ground. We study your wishes by means of questionnaries, letters and spoken suggestions, which, believe us are always given every consideration. The mentioned improvements are an answer to your requests. With every new timetable we try to adapt ourselves increasingly to your needs, as well as to improve the existing services. Each one of your suggestions is most welcome, and every comment carefully read and very important to us. So please do not hesitate to write to us to the following address: Croatia Airlines, Inflight Magazine, Bani 75b, Buzin, 10010 Zagreb, E-mail:

predeparture announcements and safety demonstrations. During take-off and landing all passengers, including children, are required to fasten their seat belts. For your safety and comfort, we recommend that you keep the safety belt fastened during the whole flight. Some countries require that passengers complete a form on arrival. These forms are available at arrival terminals on entering the country. In order to facilitate this procedure, our cabin crew will be pleased to distribute such forms during the flight.

HAND BAGGAGE ALLOWANCE Economy Class passengers: 1 piece n max. weight 8 kg n total sum of dimensions up to 115 cm (55x40x20) Business Class passengers: 2 pieces n max. weight per piece 8 kg n total sum of dimensions up to 115 cm (55x40x20) or 57x54x15cm if it is a foldable garment bag Due to a limited storage space and when a flight is fully booked even approved carry-on baggage will be checked-in and stowed in cargo compartments.

S. Jungić

In accordance with health and environmental trends accepted throughout the world, Croatia Airlines introduced nonsmoking flights to all destinations in 1996. Thank you for joining our efforts in making the world a better, cleaner and healthier place to live in.

Your seat has been especially reserved for you. Should you leave your seat during the flight, please return to it before each landing.

PERSONAL ELECTRONIC DEVICES Electronic devices may only be used if they are in flight mode. Bulky personal electronic devices must be securely stowed whenever the seat belt sign is turned on. List of approved personal electronic devices: n Mobile/Smart phones n Tablet computers n Noise-cancelling headphones n Digital audio/MP3 player n Electronic games

RESTRICTED ITEMS The law prohibits the transport of hazardous items in either checked-in or hand luggage. Such items are: explosives, flammable liquids and solids, radioactive materials and poisons, firearms, compressed gases, corrosive products and oxidizers.

We serve food and beverages free of charge in our aircraft. In business class on all flights the services include a choice of Croatian foods, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, as well as a choice of domestic and foreign print media. Our services in economy class depend on the type and length of the flight. On domestic flights we serve only water, and on international flights our services include snacks and an offer of beverages. On very short flights our passengers are offered only water, and on longer flights they are offered alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages as well as hot drinks. In business class only you can order a special meal when purchasing your tickets, however, this must be done at least 24 hours ahead (vegetarian, Muslim, diet, but kosher meals must be ordered 48 hours ahead). Passengers are not allowed to consume their own alcoholic beverages. Passengers that are considered under the influence of alcohol are not served alcoholic beverages. smoking is forbidden in the aircraft. The toilets are equipped with smoke detectors. 

Use of electronic devices during different flight phases Flight phase

SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Prior to take-off the cabin crew will give you instructions regarding your safety and how to act in case of an emergency. The instrucions vary according to the type of the aircraft, so please pay attention to the flight attendant’s



Please read the instructions below, important for your safety and comfort during the flight. We are happy that you have chosen Croatia Airlines for your flight and shall do our best to make it as pleasant as possible.


e-Readers Laptop/Notebook computers n Portable DVD/CD player n Bluetooth devices n Personal cameras n Assistive medical devices n Electric shaver n

Hand Held PEDs (i.e. smart phones and tablets)

Larger PEDs (i.e. Laptops and notebooks)

Noise- cancelling Headphones

Text and phone functions






Extended Ground Delay





Taxi-out for Take-off






















Taxi to Stand






*During critical phases of flight headphones must not be plugged to audio/MP3 players. CROATIA AIRLINES 4/2016

_ 135

Zrakoplovi Airbus A320-200, Airbus A319-100 i Dash8 - Q400 tvore naπu flotu. Our fleet consists of Airbus A320-200, Airbus A319-100 and Dash8 - Q400 aircraft.

Specifikacije / Specifications

Airbus A320-200

Airbus A319-100

Dash8 - Q400

Raspon krila / Wing span (m/ft)

34,1 / 111

34,1 / 111

28,42 / 93,24

Duljina trupa / Fuselage length (m/ft)

37,6 / 123

33,84 / 111

32,83 / 107,71

NajveÊa dopuπtena teæina u polijetanju / Maximum take off weight (kg)

73 500

70 000

29 257

NajveÊa visina leta / Maximum cruising altitude (m/ft)

11 920 / 39 100

11 900 / 39 000

7620 / 25 000

Povrπina krila / Wing area (m²/ft²)

122,40 / 1318

122,40 / 1318

63,08 / 679

NajveÊa letna brzina / Maximum cruising speed (km/h)

834 (450 KTS)

834 (450 KTS)

667 (360 KTS)

Pogonska grupa / Power-plants

motori / engines x 2 CFM 56

motori / engines x 2 CFM 56

motori / engines x 2 PW 150A

Broj zrakoplova u floti / Number of aircraft in fleet




Broj sjedala / Number of seats




Airbus 320-200

Jedan od najsuvremenijih putniËkih zrakoplova srednjeg doleta u svijetu. Raspored poslovnoga i ekonomskog razreda razlikuju se od jednoga do drugog leta. One of the most modern midrange aircraft in the world. Flexible cabin layout, the ratio of business to economy class seating depends on actual booking.

Airbus 319-100

Jedan od najsuvremenijih putniËkih zrakoplova srednjeg doleta u svijetu. Raspored poslovnoga i ekonomskog razreda razlikuju se od jednoga do drugog leta. One of the most modern midrange aircraft in the world. Flexible cabin layout, the ratio of business to economy class seating depends on actual booking.

Dash 8-Q400

Jedan od najsuvremenijih turbopropelerskih zrakoplova kratkog doleta kanadske proizvodnje. Raspored poslovnoga i ekonomskog razreda razlikuje se od jednoga do drugog leta. One of the most modern turbo-prop short range aircraft, manufactured by Canadian manufacturer. Flexible cabin layout, the ratio of business to economy class seating depends on actual booking. CROATIA AIRLINES 4/2016

_ 137



St. Petersburg Aberdeen


Edinburg Belfast Dublin



Berlin Kassel Dusseldorf


Chisinau Lyon




Genoa Bologna Nice



Osijek Belgrade Bucharest


Prishtina Podgorica Bari Tirana


Palermo Catania


Beirut Damascus Tel Aviv Jerusalem Amman ■ linije Croatia Airlinesa / Croatia Airlines’ services

■ u suradnji sa stranim zrakoplovnim kompanijama

in cooperation with partner airline

Partneri / Partners: Air France


Austrian Airlines

Brussels Airlines


LOT Polish Airlines



Singapore Airlines

Swiss International Air Lines

Turkish Airlines

United Airlines

TAP Portugal


Air Canada

Fly to Dubrovnik

t +385 20 773 100 f +385 20 773 322 e w


Volim putovati! I love to travel!

Dolazni terminali / Arrival terminals

Prikupljajte nagradne milje, iskoristite besplatnu uslugu hrane i pića na letu kao i pogodnost web check-ina. Earn miles, get free drinks and snacks on board and take advantage of web check-in at no additional cost.

072 500 505, +385 1 6676 555

Moja aviokompanija.


ZRAČNA LUKA / AIRPORT Schiphol Amsterdam Airport Athens International Airport Barcelona El Prat Airport Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport Brussels Airport Zaventem Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport Copenhagen Airport Düsseldorf Airport Leonardo da Vinci - Fiumicino Airport Frankfurt Airport St Petersburg Pulkovo Airport Gatwick Airport Heathrow Airport Lisbon International Airport Lyon Saint-Exupery International Airport Malpensa Airport Munich Airport Nice Côte d'Azur International Airport Vaclav Havel Airport Prague Pristina International Airport Sarajevo International Airport Skopje Alexander the Great Airport Ben Gurion International Airport Berlin Tegel Airport Venice Marco Polo Airport Vienna Airport Zurich Airport

TERMINAL terminal 3 main terminal terminal 1 terminal 2 terminal B terminal 2D terminal 2 terminal A terminal 3 terminal 1 terminal 1 terminal S terminal 2 terminal 1 terminal 1 terminal 1 terminal 2 terminal 2 terminal 1 main terminal terminal B main terminal terminal 3 terminal A, C main terminal terminal 3 terminal 2

Informacije o polascima autobusa / Bus departure information


Polasci svakog dana s gradskog terminala (Autobusni kolodvor, Držićeva bb) prema Zračnoj luci Zagreb Departures daily from the Town Terminal (Main Bus Station, Držićeva bb) to the Zagreb International Airport: 5.00 - 5.30 - 6.00 - 6.30 - 7.00 - 7.30 - 8.00 - 8.30 - 9.00 - 10.00 - 10.30 - 11.00 - 11.30 - 12.00 - 12.30 - 13.00 13.30- 14.00 - 14.30 - 15.00 - 15.30 - 16.00 - 16.30 - 17.00 - 17.30 - 18.00 - 18.30 - 19.00 - 19.30 - 20.00 Polasci svakog dana iz Zračne luke Zagreb prema gradskom terminalu (Autobusni kolodvor, Držićeva bb) Departures daily from the Zagreb International Airport to the Town Terminal (Main Bus Station, Držićeva bb): 7.00 - 8.00 - 8.30 - 9.00 - 9.30 - 10.30 - 11.30 -12.00 - 12.30 - 13.00 - 13.30 - 14.00 - 14.30 - 15.00 - 15.30 16.00 - 16.30 - 17.00 - 17.30 - 18.00 - 18.30 - 19.00 - 19.30 - 20.00 Za više informacija, molimo nazovite / For more information, please call: ZAGREB (01) 6331-982, 6331-999 SPLIT (021) 203-508 DUBROVNIK (020) 773-377 ZADAR (020) 250-094

RIJEKA (051) 330-207, 336-757 CROATIA AIRLINES


Enesa Mahić

Dragi putnici!

Putujem zato što se neke boje i nijanse ne mogu pronaći kod kuće. I like travelling because there are nuances of colour you just can’t find at home.

Zahvaljujemo na lijepim fotografijama koje ste nam poslali za sudjelovanje u nagradnom natječaju. Pozivamo vas da iskoristite zimske ljepote i pokažete nam kako doživljavate zimu na svojim putovanjima. Vjerujemo da će vam Croatia Airlines i dalje biti vjerna pratnja kamo god krenuli. Uz jednu rečenicu u kojoj objašnjavate zašto volite putovati, pošaljite nam fotografiju i sudjelujte u našemu nagradnom natječaju. Pobjednika ćemo nagraditi s dvije povratne aviokarte po izboru za neko od odredišta Croatia Airlinesa, a dva će dobitnika primiti poklon-pakete. U ovom broju putnoga časopisa dvjema povratnim kartama Croatia Airlinesa za najbolju fotografiju nagrađujemo Enesu Mahić. Promidžbenim poklon-paketom nagradit ćemo Žarka Ristića i Zdenka Kušića. Pozivamo vas da nam nastavite slati svoje fotografije jer vas i u idućem broju očekuju vrijedne nagrade. Posjetite našu web stranicu (Ponude/Nagradne igre i natječaji), pogledajte uvjete nagradnog natječaja i sudjelujte!

Dear passengers!

Žarko Ristić

Thank you for sharing all your beautiful photographs with us. We invite you to immerse yourself in the spirit of the season and submit a winter wonderland image of a special travel experience for our photo contest. Remember, wherever you turn, Croatia Airlines is sure to be your faithful companion. Send us your photographs accompanied by a sentence which explains why you like travelling. We will be awarding the first prize winner with two return tickets on any Croatia Airlines’ flight to a destination of the winner’s choosing, while the second and third place winners will receive promotional packages. The best photo in this issue and the winner of two return tickets goes to Enesa Mahić. Promotional packages go to Žarko Ristić and Zdenko Kušić. We encourage you to continue sending us your photographs because in the next issue, valuable prizes await you again. Visit our website at: (Offers/Contests and competitions), see the terms and conditions, and take part in the contest!

Volim putovati jer osjećaj je kraljevski!

Sa svakim putovanjem bliže sam otkriću prirodnih ljepota. With every trip, I’m closer to discovering another natural wonder.


Zdenko Kušić

Travelling makes me feel like royalty!

Putujte po Hrvatskoj - udvoje! 2 povratne aviokarte već od 999 kn

Dvije povratne aviokarte za domaće letove već od 999 kuna! Cijena se odnosi na dvije osobe koje putuju zajedno u oba smjera. Karte je potrebno kupiti najmanje 21 dan prije putovanja, a putovati možete do 31. 5. 2017. U cijenu su uključene pristojbe zračnih luka i naknada za izdavanje karte (TSC), za kupnju na, a za kupnju na drugim prodajnim mjestima Croatia Airlinesa naplaćuje se dodatna naknada za izdavanje karte. Broj mjesta po promotivnoj cijeni na svakom je letu ograničen.

072 500 505, +385 1 6676 555 Moja aviokompanija.

Direkcija / Head office Bani 75b, 10 010 Buzin, Zagreb, Tel. (+385-1) 616-00-66 Fax (+385-1) 6160 153 E-mail adrese / E-mail addresses President’s Office/ Public Relations/ Marketing/ Sales/ Cargo/ Kontakt centar / Contact Center 072-500 505 samo za pozive iz Hrvatske / only for calls from Croatia Tel. (+385-1) 66 76 555 pon - pet/Mon - Fri 08:00 - 20:00 sub, ned, praznik / Sat, Sun, Holiday 09:00 - 15:00

Pula ZraËna luka/Airport Pula Valtursko polje 210, 52 100 Ližnjan Tel. (+385-52) 218-909, 218-943 Rijeka 51 000 Rijeka JelaËiÊev trg br. 5 Tel. (+385-51) 330-207, 336-757 Rim / Rome 00054 Fiumicino Aeroporto/Airport Leonardo da Vinci Torre Uffici 2, room 518 Tel. (+39-06) 5421-0021 Sarajevo 71 000 Sarajevo ZraËna luka/Airport Tel. (+387-33) 789-600

Odnosi s korisnicima / Customer Relations Dept. Fax (+385-1) 616-01-52 Miles & More kontakt centar / Miles & More Service Team 072 220 220 samo za pozive iz Hrvatske / only for calls from Croatia Informacije o prijevozu robe / Cargo information office Tel. (+385-1) 61-64-573

Skopje 1000 Skopje ZraËna luka/Airport Tel. (+389-2) 3148-390, 3296-967, 3296-969 Split

Obzor putovanja / Obzor Holidays Ltd Tel. (+385-1) 487 31 68, 616 02 46 Poslovnice / Town and airport offices Identifikacijski kod poslovnica u Hrvatskoj je/ Identification code for offices in Croatia is: HR-B-01-080037012

21 000 Split ZraËna luka/Airport Tel. (+385-21) 203-305, 895-298 Zadar 23 000 Zadar ZraËna luka/Airport Tel. (+385-23) 250-101

Bruxelles 1930 Zaventem/Brussels Airport Box 31 Tel. (+32-2) 753-5132

Zagreb 10 000 Zagreb Trg Nikole Š, Zrinskog 17 Tel. (+385-1) 481--96-33

Dubrovnik 20 213 »ilipi, Dubrovnik ZraËna luka/Airport Dubrovnik Tel. (+385-20) 773-232

Meunarodna zraËna luka Zagreb/ Zagreb International Airport Tel. (+385-1) 61-64-581 Fax (+385-1) 62-65-930

Frankfurt Frankfurt Airport Center 1 Gebäude 234, HBK 49 Hugo-Eckener-Ring 60549 Frankfurt Tel. (+49-69) 92-00-520 London Concorde North Wing, Gatwick Airport Room 332, West Sussex RH6 0DW Tel. (+44-20) 8563-0022, London Heathrow Airport, Terminal 2A, Departures, Zone B, Hounslow, Middlesex, TW6 1JZ Tel. (+44-20) 8745-4683 Paris

95731 ROISSY CDG CEDEX Roissypôle Le Dôme, Rue de la Haye BP 18913 Tremblay en France Tel. (+33-1) 48-16-40-00


Zürich Letzigraben 154, 8047 Zürich Tel. (+41-44) 2610-840 Prodajni zastupnici / Sales agents Europa / Europe »eπka / the Czech Republic CK Blue Sky Travel Opletalova 57, 11 000 Praha 1 Tel. +420 222 222 235 GrËka / Greece Intermodal Air 25, Filellinon Str., 105 57 Athens Tel. +30 210 32 17 679, 32 17 750 Kosovo Airtour Prishtina International Airport Tel. +381 38 594 111

Portugal APG - Portugal Rua Tenente Espanca, nº3 − 3º A, 1050 - 220 Lisboa Tel. +351 219 100 054 Rusija/Russia GRM (Global Russia Marketing) Bolshaya Sadovaya street 10, office 20, 123001 Moscow, Russia Tel. +7 495 981 14 00 SlovaËka / Slovakia CK Blue Sky Travel Rajska 15, 811 08 Bratislava Tel. +421 2 5262 2375 Srbija / Serbia INTERTRAVEL GSA Topličin Venac 19-21 11000 Beograd Tel. +381 11 310 89 69 Španjolska / Spain Global Representacion Turistica / GRT Rambla de Catalunya, 61 5º 3ª, 08007 Barcelona Tel. +34 934 875 775 Bliski istok / Middle East Izrael / Israel Biaf Aviation Services Ltd 1 Ben Yehuda Street, Migdalor blgd. 12th floor, Tel Aviv 63802 Tel. +972 3 516 7181, 516 7140 Australija / Australia Sky Air Services 7/24 Albert Road, Sth. Melbourne Vic. 3205, Tel. +61 3 9699-9355 Novi Zeland / New Zealand CTtravel Limited NZ PO Box 104-056, Lincoln North, Suite, 1/182 Lincoln Rd. Henderson, Auckland, NZ Tel. +64 9 837 9897 Japan Air System Inc. Shimbashi Frontier Building, 7F 3-4-5 Shimbashi Minato-ku Tokyo, 105-0004 Japan Tel. +81 3 3593 6740 Koreja / Korea Bohram Air Services 7F, Donghwa Bldg, 58-7 Seosomun-dong, Jung-gu, Seoul, Korea Tel: +82 2 754 6336 Tajvan, Kina, Hong Kong / Taiwan, China, Hong Kong Pacific Express Company Limited 8F, No 137, Nanking E. Road Sec. 2, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. Tel: +886 2 2515 2371

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Zima _ Winter 2016 / 2017

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