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Poštovani putnici!
Raduje me što ste i ovom prigodom za svoje putovanje odabrali naš let. Dobro nam došli!
U ljetnom redu letenja za vas smo ponovno podignuli kvalitetu naše usluge i značajno proširili mrežu međunarodnih letova. Tako ćemo za vrijeme turističke sezone Hrvatsku povezivati s ukupno 28 međunarodnih odredišta, a naši će zrakoplovi letjeti na 50 međunarodnih linija. Kao novost izdvojio bih izravne linije iz Zagreba u Berlin, Stockholm i Tiranu te iz Splita u Istanbul. Zagreb ćemo povezivati sa 18, Split sa 21, a Dubrovnik sa 7 međunarodnih odredišta.
Posebno mi je drago što mogu najaviti još jednu iznimnu novost. Croatia Airlines sredinom ove godine očekuje isporuku prvoga novog Airbusa A220, kapaciteta od 149 sjedala, čime počinje obnova cjelokupne flote novim i tehnološki naprednijim zrakoplovima. Osim veće udobnosti za putnike, pridonijet će i očuvanju okoliša jer su opremljeni motorima koji po sjedalu smanjuju buku za 50 posto, imaju 25 posto nižu potrošnju goriva i emisije ugljičnog dioksida te 40 posto nižu emisiju dušikovih oksida. Tijekom leta putnicima će biti na raspolaganju pristup internetu, priključci za punjenje mobitela (USB-A i USB-C) u svakom sjedalu te druge pogodnosti kojima želimo omogućiti da se u svakom trenutku osjećate ugodno.
Kao uvijek, vjerujem da će vašoj opuštenosti na letu pridonijeti i naš putni časopis, koji je za vas u našim zrakoplovima već punih 30 godina. Zato smo uvodne stranice posvetili upravo toj obljetnici prisjetivši se malo kako je sve počelo. Na ostalim stranicama čekaju vas teme koje će vam približiti prirodne i kulturne ljepote naše zemlje. Odaberete li Hrvatsku kao svoje odredište za odmor i predah od uobičajene svakodnevice, doživjet ćete te ljepote vlastitim iskustvom te sigurno u njima uživati. To vam od srca želim.
Želeći da nastavite letjeti s nama, zahvaljujem vam na vašem povjerenju.
Dear passengers!
I am glad that you have chosen our aircraft for your flight. Welcome to our aircraft!
In the summer flight timetable, we have yet again raised the quality of our service, and have expanded our network of international flights significantly. More specifically, during the tourist season, we will be connecting Croatia with a total of 28 international destinations by operating flights on 50 international routes. I would like to single out as a novelty the introduction of new routes between Zagreb and Berlin, Stockholm and Tirana, and between Split and Istanbul. We will be connecting Zagreb with 18, Split with 21, and Dubrovnik with 7 international destinations.
I am particularly pleased to share another exceptional piece of news with you. Croatia Airlines is expecting the delivery, by midyear, of the first new A220 aircraft, whose seating capacity is 149. This will mark the beginning of the replacement of our entire fleet with new and technologically more advanced aircraft. Besides providing greater comfort for passengers, they’ll also contribute to the preservation of the environment because they’re powered by engines that deliver half the noise footprint per seat, a 25% decrease in fuel burn and CO2 emissions, and a 40% reduction in the emission of nitrogen oxides. During flight, you will have internet access, mobile phone chargers (USB-A, and USB-C) in your seat, and other conveniences to make you feel comfortable at all times.
As always, I believe that our inflight magazine, which has been keeping you company in our aircraft for 30 years, will help you to relax while flying. That’s why we dedicated the opening pages of our magazine to its anniversary, recalling how it all began. On the pages that follow, you’ll come across pieces that’ll introduce you to a number of Croatia’s natural and cultural attractions. Should you choose Croatia as your holiday destination and to escape your everyday life, you’ll get to experience them at first hand, which you’ll surely enjoy. That’s my wholehearted wish for you.
I hope that you continue flying with us, and I thank you for your trust.
Jasmin Bajić
Predsjednik Uprave / President & CEO
Naš putni časopis obilježava 30 godina objavljivanja. Tim povodom razgovaramo s uglednim fotografom Damirom Fabijanićem, koji je s nama od prvog broja.
Our inflight magazine is celebrating its 30th anniversary. We’re bringing an interview with renowned photographer Damir Fabijanić, who’s been with us since day one.
Proljeće _ Spring 2024
Hrvatska kulturna javnost ove godine obilježava 100. godišnjicu rođenja jednog od najznamenitijih slikara 20. stoljeća, Julija Knifera.
Croatia’s arts and culture scene is celebrating the centenary of the birth of one of Croatia’s most famous 20th century painters, Julije Knifer.
Više od dvjesto sunčanih dana godišnje, more i zrak visoke kvalitete i preko tisuću biljnih vrsta otok Lošinj čini destinacijom vitalnosti te zdravstvenog turizma.
Uredništvo ne odgovara za promjene u rasporedu događanja, za otkazivanje ili promjene datuma održavanja događanja nastale nakon objavljivanja časopisa.
Uredništvo ne odgovara za sadržaj oglasa, promotivnih i plaćenih PR tekstova te kvalitetu njihova prijevoda.
The editorial board cannot be held responsible for any changes that may occur in the scheduling of events or their cancellation after the magazine goes to press. The editorial board cannot be liable for the content of advertisments, promotional texts, and paid PR texts or the quality of their translation.
More than two hundred days of sunshine a year, sea and air of the highest quality, and over one thousand species of plants make the island of Lošinj a vitality and health tourism destination.
Radnička cesta 37b − Zagreb
tel +385 1 63 89 398 − restaurant tel 01/63 89 399 − delivery info@tekka.hr − www.tekka.hr
Luje Adamovića 31 − Rovinj tel +385 52 632 012 tekkabylone@maistra.hr www.maistra.hr
Modni dizajner Zoran Mrvoš ističe se po minimalističkom pristupu odijevanju. Njegov je izričaj u znaku skulpturalnih crno-bijelih formi koje se referiraju na modnu avangardu.
Fashion designer Zoran Mrvoš stands out thanks to his minimalist approach to fashion. His expression is defined by sculptural black and white forms that reference avant-garde fashion.
Nove atrakcije
Od 18. svibnja u središtu Zagreba očekuje nas nova atrakcija Muzej putovanja, zanimljiv sadržaj za turiste u virtualnom putovanju hrvatskim i svjetskim odredištima.
New attractions
On the 18th May, Zagreb downtown will see the opening of a new attraction − the Travel Experience Museum − where you’ll go on virtual trips to destinations in Croatia and the world.
Na Istru na prvi pogled asociraju predivni gradići na obali ili u unutrašnjosti, ali Istra nudi i jedinstven dragulj prirode, Stazu sedam slapova.
When you think of Istria, what first springs to mind are its beautiful coastal and inland townlets. However, Istria also boasts a marvellous gem of nature − the Trail of Seven Waterfalls.
Barcelona je središte u kojem sve vrvi umjetnošću, arhitekturom i zabavom. Ovaj put vas vodimo na nekoliko mjesta na otvorenome, gdje ćete zasigurno stvoriti lijepe uspomene.
Our destination BARCELONA’S BLOOM IN SPRING Barcelona is a hub of art, architecture, and entertainment. This time, we’re taking you to a few outdoor spots, where you’ll surely create fond memories.
Croatia Airlines
Hrvatska zrakoplovna tvrtka Bani 75b, Buzin 10 010 Zagreb, Croatia +385-1-616-00-66
pr@croatiaairlines.hr www.croatiaairlines.com
Predsjednik Uprave/President & CEO Jasmin Bajić
Glavna urednica/Editor-in-chief Ksenija Ælof
Suradnici glavne urednice/ Editor-in-chief assistants
Ana Ćulumović Šoštarić, Davor Janušić, Anamarija Jurinjak
Ivana IvankoviÊ, Miranda Herceg
Prijelom/Layout Miranda Herceg
Direktor Komercijalnih poslova/ Commercial Division Director Slaven Žabo
Nevena Erak Camaj
Prijevod na engleski/ English translation
Ana Janković
Croatia Airlines
Gabrijela Lochert +385-1-616-00-17 advertising@croatiaarlines.hr
Croatia Airlines +385-1-616-01-02
AKD d.o.o., Savska cesta 31, Zagreb
AKD d.o.o., Savska cesta 31, Zagreb
ISSN 1330-6278
Doživite okus bogate hrvatske vinske tradicije uz vinariju Testament. Naša vrhunska vina proizvedena su od pomno biranih autohtonih sorti uzgojenih po ekološkim principima. Posjetite Testament kušaonicu u srcu vinograda kako biste kušali nagrađivana vina i saznali više o našem procesu proizvodnje vina.
Experience the taste of Croatia's rich winemaking tradition with Testament Winery. Our premium wines are made from carefully selected indigenous varieties, grown in accordance with organic principles. Visit the Testament tasting room in the heart of our vineyards to sample our award-winning wines and learn more about our winemaking process.
Stražnice 2 (Jadrtovac), 22000 ŠIbenik www.testament-winery.com _ Fb: Testament Winery _ Instagram: @testamentwinery
Zlatni licitar predstavlja jedinstven spoj tradicije, simbola ljubavi i suvremenosti, pretočen u iznimno nosiv i efektan nakit s porukom. Kolekciju možete pronaći u zlatarni Lapidarium u centru Zagreba te svim boljim suvenirnicama.
Uniquely blending tradition, the symbol of love, and modernity, the Golden Licitar Heart is wearable and effective jewellery with a message. The collection is available at the Lapidarium jewellery store in Zagreb’s city centre, and other high-end souvenir shops.
Prijenosna stolna svjetiljka Igram studija Grupa dobitnica je nagrade Archiproducts Design Awards. Osim što potvrđuje predanost Grupe inovacijama, ovaj uspjeh naglašava međunarodnu prepoznatljivost brenda. Istražite Igram na www.grupa.com.
Designed by the Grupa design studio, the Igram portable table lamp is a winner of an Archiproducts Design Award. This success not only confirms Grupa’s commitment to innovations, but also highlights the brand’s international recognition. Explore Igram at www.grupa.com
Mirisni medaljon Rosetta from Slavonia nakit je koji se nosi i osjeća, a nadahnut je jednom od najljepših hrvatskih regija − Slavonijom. Rozeta je stilizirani kameno-stakleni prozor koji podsjeća na višebojni rascvjetani cvijet i koji se nalazi na đakovačkoj katedrali. Ovaj mirisni medaljon spoj je tradicije i modernog dizajna te se može personalizirati notama omiljenog parfema i s graviranom posvetom. Dostupan je u Lykke Gift Shopu u Petrinjskoj 28 i u City Center One East (Zagreb).
Inspired by one of Croatia’s most beautiful regions, Slavonia, the scented Rosetta from Slavonia locket is a piece of jewellery that awakens all your senses. The rosette is a rose window reminiscent of a flower in full bloom, one of the most notable examples of which is found on the Đakovo Cathedral. Blending tradition and modern design, this scented locket can be personalised with the notes of your favourite perfume, and engraved. It is available at the Lykke gift shop at 28 Petrinjska Street and in City Center One East (Zagreb). www.lykke.hr
Ova vinoteka u središtu Zagreba, u Martićevoj 12, jedna je od najpopularnijih destinacija za lokalne ljubitelje finih vina i delicija. Ovdje možete pronaći iznimno bogat izbor vina svih vrsta iz raznih vinogorja Hrvatske, kao i vina iz cijelog svijeta. Potražite i vrhunska, međunarodno nagrađena maslinova ulja iz Istre i Dalmacije, fine likere i destilate te vinski pribor.
Located in Zagreb’s city centre (12 Martićeva Street), this wine shop is one of the most popular destinations for local lovers of fine wines and delicacies. Here, you’ll find a rich selection of different kinds of wine coming from different vineyards from around Croatia, as well as wines from around the world. Be sure to also check out their top-quality, internationally awarded olive oils from Istria and Dalmatia, fine liqueurs, distillates, and wine accessories.
Naš putni časopis Croatia ove godine obilježava 30 godina postojanja. A ovaj malo neobičan intervju s povodom drukčiji je od svih drugih jer razgovaramo s našim suradnikom na zajedničkom projektu, koji je radio za časopis Croatia od prvog broja i koji kroz svoj rad govori ne samo o sebi nego i o nama.
Our inflight magazine, Croatia, is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year. What makes this interview somewhat unusual and different from all the other interviews we’ve conducted so far is the fact that this is an interview with one of our collaborators, someone who’s worked with us on this joint project of ours, someone who’s worked for the magazine since day one, and someone whose work speaks not only about him personally, but also about us as a team.
Damir Fabijanić, ugledni fotograf iznimno bogate fotografske karijere, od 1987. trajno je prisutan na domaćoj i međunarodnoj sceni, a njegove značajne komercijalne realizacije iz najrazličitijih područja često su se isprepletale sa samostalnim umjetničkim projektima. Kako sam kaže, dugogodišnja suradnja s Croatia Airlinesom jedna je od najupečatljivijih iz njegova opusa.
Vaš rad kao fotografa i urednika fotografije bio je upečatljiv u različitim časopisima koji su doživjeli i međunarodna priznanja, primjerice Oris i Iće&piće, no bi li se moglo reći da ste prva takva iskustva stekli upravo u putnom časopisu Croatia?
− Da me netko te davne 1994. pitao što bih i za koga volio snimati, rekao bih: Za Croatia Airlines! Potajna želja mi se ispunila. Da, prvi je bio putni časopis Croatia. Na inicijativu tadašnjeg direktora ubačen sam u započeti projekt kreiranja prvog broja putnog časopisa. Moglo bi se reći da sam se hrabro upustio u urednički dio, dakle ne samo posao urednika fotografije nego i šire, te u nešto o čemu tada baš nisam puno znao. Bio je to pionirski posao i u ono vrijeme nije bilo lako. Unatoč borbi s ondašnjim savjetima sa strane, broj je bio vrlo uspješan. Uz tipografski zadano ime časopisa na naslovnoj stranici, postavio sam kvadratnu fotografiju, detalj repa zrakoplova Croatia Airlinesa. Ta kvadratna fotografija na naslovnici traje svih 30 godina, a bila je sasvim u skladu s ondašnjim vremenom i na tragu logotipa Croatia Airlinesa i nacionalnih kvadrata.
Što najviše pamtite iz naših zajedničkih početaka, što biste izdvojili kao upečatljivu uspomenu?
− U drugom broju časopisa, kad sam
počeo raditi zajedno s vama kao glavnom urednicom, angažirali smo tada nepoznati dizajnerski par Bruketa&Žinić za dizajn i polako nastavili u započetom smjeru. Izdvojio bih naš prvi zajednički zadatak, intervju s Peterom Galbraithom, ondašnjim američkim veleposlanikom u Hrvatskoj. Da, bio je to izazovan, ali i zanimljiv zadatak. Vi ste ga fotografirali, dok sam s njim radila intervju za drugi broj našeg časopisa.
− Bio je to zahtjevan, ali i inspirativan posao. Kako sam od prije imao lijepu fotografiju američke zastave i platana pod snijegom sa Zrinjevca, gdje je tada bilo američko veleposlanstvo, na uvodnoj duplerici intervjua postavili smo fotografiju platana lijevo, a desno portret veleposlanika. Tako je igrom slučaja nastao vizualni koncept velikoga uvodnog intervjua koji je krasio svaki sljedeći broj. U trećem broju kompletiran je dream team, kako ga ja volim zvati, kreativnog dijela uredništva časopisa. Na natječaju, po izboru Vilima Vasate, autora logotipa Croatia Airlinesa, odabrana je nova netom diplomirana dizajnerica Ivana Ivanković, koja je od tada preuzela i unaprijedila dizajn časopisa i postavila visok standard ostalih korporativnih materijala. Nova, propulzivna kompanija obećavala je kreativnu slobodu u novim temama i neistraženim područjima. Od samog početka u kreativnom timu između nas troje, abecednim redom: Damir Fabijanić (22 godine urednik fotografije i glavni fotograf), Ivana Ivanković (30 godina grafička i produkt dizajnerica svih potreba Croatia Airlinesa) i Ksenija Žlof (30 godina glavna urednica, ali i novinarka u časopisu te dugogodišnja voditeljica kompanijskih odnosa s javnošću), postojalo je veliko međusobno profesionalno poštovanje i uvažavanje, što je stvorilo
povjerenje i sinergijski kreativni efekt. Od početka objavljivanja naš je putni časopis bio u funkciji promocije Hrvatske, hrvatskog turizma, gospodarstva, kulturne baštine, prirodnih ljepota... i to se do danas nije promijenilo. No u tim počecima, kad smo se tek trebali dokazati kao nova država na tlu Europe, ta je promocija bila posebno važna. − Bilo je to ratno i poratno vrijeme u kojem je Croatia Airlines sa svojim linijama i noseći u džepovima sjedala zrakoplova putne časopise obavljao važan posao promocije Hrvatske kao destinacije, poput nebeskog ureda turističke zajednice. Putni časopis Croatia Airlinesa bio je dojmljiv izlog cijele kompanije, kreativno isprepleten poveznicom tekstova, grafičkog dizajna i fotografije. Interno smo postavili kriterije po kojim su u svakom broju prezentirane ogledne teme s područja Istre i Dubrovnika i okolice te najbolje iz cijele Hrvatske. U doba prije interneta časopis je godinama obavljao važnu funkciju predstavljanja Hrvatske. Najveći komplimenti stizali su nam od stranaca koji su bili oduševljeni časopisom i nerijetko nam govorili da je to jedini putni časopis neke zrakoplovne kompanije koji ponesu sa sobom. Zanimljivo je da sam istodobno na natječaju Hrvatske turističke zajednice 1993. izabran kao autor prvih 16 plakata.
Kako biste opisali glavne značajke vaše kreativne uloge u suradnji s Croatia Airlinesom?
− Spomenuo bih najprije Goroslava Kellera, marketinškog savjetnika u samom početku nastanka kompanije, koji se izborio za dugoročnu strategiju kreativnog segmenta kompanije kroz dizajn i fotografiju. U mojem godišnjem ugovoru postavljen je značajan dogo-
Detalj klaustra franjevačkog samostana, Dubrovnik, siječanj 1990./ prosinac 1991. A detail of the cloister of the Franciscan monastery, Dubrovnik, January 1990/ December 1991
Nevjerojatna mi je činjenica da je ovaj časopis toliko godina, do danas, radila ista ekipa. Usuđujem se tvrditi da je to jedinstven slučaj u Hrvatskoj. Bilo bi to zgodno i provjeriti.
The fact that the same team has been working on this magazine for so many years is incredible to me. I dare to claim that this is a unique instance in the whole of Croatia. It would be interesting to check whether this is so.
vor − sav snimljeni materijal koji je usko vezan s djelatnošću Croatia Airlinesa (zrakoplovi, uslužne i tehničke djelatnosti, infrastruktura i dr. snimljeno za promotivne materijale) ostat će vlasništvo Croatia Airlinesa, a sav fotografski materijal za članke u časopisu (reportaže, ilustracije tema, snimljene teme iz mojeg fotografskog arhiva i dr.) ostat će moje vlasništvo nakon objave. To je važno istaknuti jer tako sam bio motiviran dati svoje najbolje autorske radove, a i ponuditi iznimne teme koje sam snimao za druge svrhe. Drugi je važan dio ugovora bio taj da sam postao i urednik fotografije u časopisu, čime mi je omogućeno da i selekcijom fotografija drugih fotografa utječem na ujednačenost fotografskog materijala u časopisu. Primjerice, u tehničkom smislu, u to analogno doba fotografije nisam dopuštao da se rade duplerice s filmova malog formata (35 mm) pa je i time postignuta ujednačenost. Smatram važnim istaknuti da sam u dogovoru s vama kao glavnom urednicom, dizajnericom Ivanom Ivanković te uz suradnju s pokojnim Nenadom Vujoševićem, koji je bio zadužen za prijelom časopisa, uvijek u časopis uvrštavao najzanimljivije teme koje sam snimao na brojnim putovanjima Hrvatskom, a putovalo se i snimalo i u inozemstvu. Istaknuo bih još jedan važan primjer kako je nastao koncept najveće teme u časopisu, prvi put u proljeće 2003. Prika-
zali smo gotovo sve važne otoke Jadrana (od najzapadnijih Brijuna, najjužnije Palagruže do najistočnijeg Koločepa), brojne hrvatske gradove i regije širom Hrvatske u ukupno 54 velike reportaže. Zaštitni znak reportaže bile su kvadratne fotografije u punom formatu (crni okvir).
U povodu 20. godišnjice objavljivanja časopisa Croatia postavljena je izložba u Muzeju za umjetnost i obrt u Zagrebu, za koju možemo reći da je na jednome mjestu pokazala bogatstvo i raznolikost tema časopisa Croatia, ali i drugih promotivnih materijala na kojima ste radili... − Izložen je velik dijapazon promotivnih materijala Croatia Airlinesa − od kalendara, godišnjih izvješća, plakata i ostalog korporativnog materijala. Upravo taj drugi segment, pod kreativnom palicom Ivane Ivanković i uz moju fotografsku pomoć, jedinstven je primjer u Hrvatskoj kako je jedna kompanija takvog značaja od samog nastajanja imala in-house kreativni tim, stoga nije bilo potrebe za angažiranjem vanjskih kreativnih agencija. O kvaliteti korporativnih materijala nabolje govori kultni status kalendara Croatia Airlinesa iz onog vremena, dobro poznat starijoj generaciji koja se doslovce trgala da dobije svoj primjerak. Nevjerojatna mi je činjenica da je ovaj časopis toliko godina, do danas, radila ista ekipa. Usuđujem se tvrditi da je to jedinstven slučaj u Hrvatskoj. Bilo bi to zgodno i provjeriti. I još
nešto. Često sam slušao pitanja kako to da si Croatia Airlines može dozvoliti tako luksuzan i još k tome besplatan časopis, a ja sam s guštom odgovarao: Časopis je luksuzan samo po svojim temama i likovnoj, dizajnersko-fotografskoj prezentaciji! Ali je i financijski isplativ zbog oglasa. Rekao bih da se smatralo prestižnim biti uvršten u časopis čak i u sferi oglašavanja. Ovdje moram istaknuti i iznimnu uspješnost specijalistice marketinga Gabrijele Lochert, koja je dugi niz godina zadužena za oglašavanje u časopisu.
Vratimo se malo i na druge segmente vaše profesionalne fotografske karijere. Na početku intervjua spomenuli smo vaš angažman na drugim projektima. Kako je sve počelo?
− Nakon dugogodišnjeg, vrlo ozbiljnog amaterskog djelovanja, pa i uz studiranje do titule diplomiranog inženjera strojarstva, te nakon pet godina rada u struci imao sam jaku želju i znatiželju da se iskušam na profesionalnoj fotografskoj sceni. Ta silna želja rezultirala je 1987. statusom samostalnog umjetnika − fotografa. Još u amaterskom dobu posvetio sam se najprije fotografiji arhitekture i pejzaža, temama koje je lako kontrolirati za vrijeme snimanja (motivi se ne miču), a to mi je omogućilo prve honorare i nabavu nove opreme. U gotovo četiri desetljeća profesionalnog bavljenja fotografijom bavio sam se, posebno po kriterijima
zapadnog tržišta, iznimnom širinom tema i područja fotografije (portreti, hrana, studijska, socijalna, konceptualna,…). Zapravo, upravo ta širina tema omogućila je da mi fotografija nikad ne dosadi i da se veselim svakoj novoj temi i zadatku.
Vaše fotografije, koje se najbolje mogu pogledati na virtualnim galerijama fabijanic.com, svjedoče o iznimnoj raznolikosti tema. No zanimljivo je još nešto. Otkako se bavite fotografijom, zanimljivo je vaše inzistiranje na naručenoj fotografiji kao dokazu kreativnosti i sposobnosti profesionalnog fotografa. Možete li to malo pojasniti?
− Jedan od postulata mojeg pristupa fotografiji jest da se profesionalni fotograf dokazuje na naručenoj fotografiji, tj. projektu. On ne čeka inspiraciju, on mora izvršiti narudžbu u zadanim uvjetima, roku i lokaciji, na visokoj autorskoj razini. Oduvijek sam se razilazio s kolegama fotografima koji podcjenjuju komercijalni rad, a brojne sam naručene fotografije, ili snimljene prilikom tog rada, iskoristio i za vlastite autorske projekte. Najbolji su primjer za to naručena snimanja za Zavod za obnovu Dubrovnika, osnovanoga 1979., povodom potresa na dubrovačkom potresu, započeto 1989., i snimanje okolice Dubrovnika (nekadašnjeg teritorija Dubrovačke Republike) 1990. za potrebe stalnog postava Etnografskog muzeja Rupe (koji je otvoren 1991.). Uz zadane motive snimio sam onako za sebe stotine drugih, koji su se kasnije idealno uklopili u moj najznačajniji samostalni projekt Dubrovnik…
Početkom 1992., u jeku Domovinskog rata, započinje i vaša angažirana internacionalna izlagačka djelatnost u kojoj ste iznimno uspješno fotografijom dočarali široj javnosti što se događa u Hrvatskoj.
− Odmah po početku Domovinskog rata (napad na dubrovačko područje započeo je 1. 10. 1991.) shvatio da imam snimljene ljepote svjetske baštine pod UNESCO-ovom zaštitom, a koje su se tada našle pod napadom. Započeo sam na vlastitu inicijativu animirati domaću i međunarodnu javnost materijalom u kojem su prepoznatljivi dubrovački motivi, koji pripadaju svjetskoj baštini, prikazani još netaknuti, a u prvoj prilici otišao sam u ratni Dubrovnik i započeo identično snimati nekad lijepe motive, sada razorene u ratu. Nakon ovih ratnih, pesimističnih parova (cijelo − srušeno), početkom obnove Dubrovnika snimao sam i brojne nove, optimistične parove (srušeno − obnovljeno). Ponosan sam što sam prilikom tri snimanja u ratu u Dubrovniku, kao i u ostalim dijelovima Hrvatske, sačuvao koncentraciju da se fotografski posvetim upravo fotografiranju uništavanja kulturne baštine, koju sam davno prije sličnih svjetskih primjera (npr. uništavanje Palmire) nazvao heritage cleansing. Godine 2018. završio sam samostalni projekt izložbe/knjige Dubrovnik… trećim, konačnim izdanjem knjige u kojoj je prikazano to turbulentno razdoblje u povijesti Dubrovnika: mir − rat − mir. Međunarodni odaziv bio je izniman, veći nego u domaćim institucijama, poput izložbi Dubrovnik, patrimonio de la humanidad u Centru cultural de la villa u Madridu kao prva hrvatska izložba u inozemstvu nakon
Tipične stranice velikih reportaža hrvatskih destinacija u putnom časopisu
Typical page layouts of big sections in the inflight magazine focusing on Croatian destinations
međunarodnog priznanja Hrvatske (15. 1. 1992.); zatim Dubrovnik (Arles, XXIII Les Rencontres Internationales de la Photographie,1992.), gdje sam nastupio kao jedini hrvatski fotograf na najznačajnijem svjetskom festivalu fotografije do danas, te Dubrovnik… u Parizu 1993. Ta je izložba u gradskom vodiču Pariscope proglašena izložbom tjedna (od 59 novootvorenih izložbi).
Uz značajan projekt Dubrovnik… bilo je tu još mnogo iznimnih nacionalnih projekata.
− Uz komercijalni rad neprestano radim i vlastite projekte važnih nacionalnih tema, ali i male, intimne projekte koji me vesele. Od nekih značajnijih velikih tema tu su knjige Boje zavičaja (Šibenik i okolica), Šibenska katedrala, izložba/mapa Paška čipka, knjiga Dubrovački ljetnikovac, konceptualni projekt U sredinu stvari te velika knjiga Pagradotok (grad i otok Pag), koja obuhvaća 45 godina autorskog fotografskog svjedočenja Paga s općepoznatim vizurama solane, sira i čipke, ali i intimnih motiva snimljenih još u mladosti. Jedinstvenost te knjige jest u tome da su sve fotografije likovno i tehnički jednake kvalitete, bilo da su snimljene prije 45 godina ili tek nedavno.
Naravno, u jednom intervjuu nemoguće je spomenuti sav vaš angažman koji na visokoj razini profesionalnosti i u različitim segmentima traje već gotovo 40 godina. No nakon 30 godina rada s nama, tijekom kojih ovaj časopis predstavlja Hrvatsku kao njezin prozor u svijet, zahvaljujemo vam na vašem iznimnom doprinosu koji traje od prvog broja.
− Uistinu sam ponosan što sam sudjelovao u ovako značajnom projektu od samog početka istražujući u hodu prave puteve. Zadovoljstvo je bilo raditi s ekipom koja je uvijek inzistirala na kvaliteti časopisa te prepoznala i kvalitetu mojeg rada. Najviše od svega, zadovoljstvo mi je i ponos što sam sve ove rezultate postigao s dizajnericom Ivanom Ivanković, sinonimom za sav dizajn u Croatia Airlinesu, i vama -kao glavnom urednicom, sinonimom za putni časopis, a da u tih trideset godina nije postojao ni trenutak nesporazuma u našem zajedničkom radu. Na kraju, dozvolite mi i moju osobnu ocjenu. Postoji još jedan bitan razlog ovako dugog rada iste ekipe na tako uspješan način. Od samog početka radili smo entuzijastično, ponekad i u nadasve pionirskim tehničkim i financijskim uvjetima, proizvodili smo rezultate dostojne svjetske konkurencije koja je radila u puno boljim uvjetima, a usudio bih se reći − ponekad i bolje! Čast mi je da sam toliko godina radio sa svima vama!
Damir Fabijanić, a respected photographer who’s had an extremely rich career, has been active on both the national and international photography scene since 1987. Throughout all this time, he’s been involved in a number of major commercial photography projects in a wide variety of fields, which have often intertwined with his independent, freelance projects that he’s worked on as a solo artist. His long-standing collaboration with Croatia Airlines is, as he himself says, one of his most memorable collaborations.
You’ve done some truly impressive work as both a photographer and photo editor in various magazines, some of which have won international acclaim, such as Oris and iće&piće. Was your involvement in the Croatia inflight magazine your first experience?
− Had someone asked me back in 1994 whom I would like to work for as a photographer, I would have said for Croatia Airlines
Karakteristični par fotografija za intervju u putnom časopisu
A typical page layout featuring a pair of photos introducing the interview section in the inflight magazine
My secret wish came true. Yes, the first-ever experience I gained was when I started working for this inflight magazine. On the initiative of the then CEO, I became involved in the project of producing the first issue of the magazine. You could say that it was daring on my part to venture into the business of editing a magazine. In fact, my job involved more than editing photographs. In other words, I took the risk of getting involved in something that I didn’t really know much about at the time. It was pioneering work, and it wasn’t easy back in the day. Despite the fact that we had to handle and deal with lots of unsolicited advice at the time, the first issue of Croatia was a success. Its cover had the typographically designed title of the magazine and a square photo of a detail of the tail of Croatia Airlines’ aircraft. A square photo featured on the cover as the design of the cover has survived for all these 30 years. It followed the trends at the time, it followed the idea of Croatia Airlines’ logo, and Croatia’s national red-and-white checkerboard.
What do you remember from our beginnings together? Is there an enduring memory that you’d like to share with us?
− While producing the second issue of the magazine, which is when I started working with you as the editor-in-chief, we hired the Bruketa&Žinić Design Studio who were completely unknown at the time. Slowly but surely, we continued in the direction we took. I’d single out our first joint assignment, the interview we did with Peter Galbraith, the US ambassador to Croatia at the time.
Yes, it was indeed a challenging yet exciting assignment. You photographed him while I interviewed him for the second issue of our magazine.
− It was a difficult yet inspiring assignment. Given that I already had a beautiful photo of the American flag and snow-covered American sycamore trees in Zrinjevac Park, where the American embassy used to be back then, the left page of the opening double-page spread of the interview had the photo of the American sycamore trees, and the right page a portrait of the ambassador. Quite by chance, the visual concept of the magazine’s first big interview was born, and it remained the visual concept of all the interviews produced and printed in each subsequent issue. By the third issue, the creative dream team, as I like to call it, of the magazine’s edi-
Jedan od postulata mojeg pristupa fotografiji jest da se profesionalni fotograf dokazuje na naručenoj fotografiji, tj. projektu. On ne čeka inspiraciju, on mora izvršiti narudžbu u zadanim uvjetima, roku i lokaciji, na visokoj autorskoj razini.
One of the postulates of my approach to photography is that commissioned photographs or projects help professional photographers establish themselves, commissioned work helps professionals prove their worth. When you accept a commission, you can’t just wait around to be inspired by something. Instead, commissioned photographs require that you deliver them as per the agreed terms and conditions, deadline and location, and that they be of high artistic quality.
torial staff was completed. This was when designer Ivana Ivanković, who was fresh out of university then, was selected by Vilim Vasata, the author of Croatia Airlines’ logo, and then hired. She took over and improved the magazine’s design, and set high standards for Croatia Airlines’ other corporate materials. What this new and fast-growing company guaranteed was freedom of creative expression in exploring unexplored fields and in creating new content. From the very beginning, the creative trio − which included, in alphabetical order, me, Damir Fabijanić who worked as the magazine’s photo editor and chief photographer for 22 years, Ivana Ivanković who’s been Croatia Airlines’ graphic and product designer for 30 years, and you, Ksenija Žlof, Croatia’s editor-in-chief, journalist and contributor, as
well as the head of the company’s public relations − always had a lot of respect for each other professionally, and we always showed appreciation of each other’s work, which created the basis of our mutual trust, and which boosted our creative synergy.
Since the very beginning, the purpose of our inflight magazine has been to promote Croatia, Croatia’s tourism, economy, cultural heritage, natural attractions, etc. This has not changed to this day. But back then, when we had yet to prove ourselves as a newly established country on European soil, this promotion was particularly important, wasn’t it?
− In both wartime and the post-war period, Croatia Airlines did important work on promoting Croatia as a destination with its flights and inflight magazine in aircraft seat pockets. Croatia Airlines was like the sky office of the tourist board. Croatia Airlines’ inflight magazine has been an impressive showcase of the company as a whole, in which writing, graphic design, and photography interweave beautifully. We set some criteria in-house, which is why each issue of the magazine had a piece on the region of Istria, Dubrovnik and its surroundings, and the very best from the rest of Croatia. In the pre-Internet era, the magazine fulfilled the important function of representing Croatia. We received a lot of great compliments from foreigners who were delighted by our magazine, and who often told us that it was the only inflight magazine that they’d take with them. It’s interesting that, at that time, in 1993 to be exact, I was also selected by the Croatian National Tourist Board to design its first 16 posters.
How would you describe the main features of your creative role during your collaboration with Croatia Airlines?
− I would first like to mention Goroslav Keller. He was hired as a marketing consultant when Croatia Airlines was founded, and he was the one who fought for the adoption of a long-term creative strategy with the help of design and photography. A major deal was negotiated, and so my annual contracts stipulated that all the photographs which were closely related to Croatia Airlines’ activities, such as photographs of its aircraft, of the company’s services, technical activities, infrastructure, and the like, shot for promotional purposes will remain the property of Croatia Airlines, and that all the photographed material which was to illustrate the magazine’s articles, such as stories, article
illustrations, photographs from my personal archive, etc., will remain my property after publication. This is important to point out because what this did was to motivate me to offer my best work, and brilliant motifs that I had already shot for other purposes. My annual contracts also stipulated that I be hired as the magazine’s photo editor, which allowed me to influence the uniformity of the photographed material that was to appear in the magazine in the process of selecting photos taken by other photographers. Let me give you an example of what this meant technically speaking. Photography was still analogue at the time, so I refused to have double-page spreads be made out of small-format films, such as 35 mm film, which is how uniformity was achieved. I consider it important to also point out that, in agreement with you as the editor-in-chief, designer Ivana Ivanković, and in collaboration with the late Nenad Vujošević, who was in charge of the layout, the photographs I included in the magazine were always the most interesting ones that I had taken on the many trips I took not just within Croatia, but abroad as well. I’d like to point to another important example. More specifically, to the way in which the concept of the magazine’s feature story was first created in the spring of 2003. We printed pieces on almost all the major islands of the Adriatic, from the westernmost Brijuni Islands, the southernmost island of Palagruža, to the easternmost island of Koločep, and pieces on many of Croatia’s cities and regions. In total, 54 great stories, to be exact. Their hallmark was that they were all illustrated with full-format square photos that hadn’t been retouched at all as indicated by a black frame.
To mark the 20th anniversary of our inflight magazine, an exhibition was set up at the Museum of Arts and Crafts in Zagreb. Would you say that the exhibition showcased, in one place, the richness and diversity of the stories that the magazine had written about over the years, as well as of Croatia Airlines’ other promotional materials that you had also worked on?
− A wide range of Croatia Airlines’ promotional materials was exhibited. The exhibits included calendars, annual reports, posters, and other corporate materials. Precisely this corporate design segment, at the creative helm of which was and continues to be Ivana Ivanković whom I assisted photographically, is a unique case in Croatia
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because it illustrates that if a company of such significance as Croatia Airlines has a quality in-house creative team from the very beginning, it won’t have to outsource design expertise. The cult status that Croatia Airlines’ calendars achieved at that time, something that the older generation will remember because they’d literally be fighting to get one, speaks volumes about the quality of Croatia Airlines’ corporate materials. The fact that the same team has been working on this magazine for so many years is incredible to me. I dare to claim that this is a unique instance in the whole of Croatia. It would be interesting to check whether this is so. I’d like to add one more thing. I was often asked how come Croatia Airlines could afford to produce such a luxurious magazine and give it away for free. This is how I always replied, and with gusto: The magazine is luxurious only thanks to the stories it prints, and the way that these are then artistically presented in terms of design and illustrated with photographs. And it’s also profitable thanks to its advertising space. I’d also add that prestige was attached to having your advertisement appear in the inflight magazine. In this regard, I must underscore the absolute brilliance of marketing specialist Gabrijela Lochert, who’s been in charge of advertising in the magazine for many, many years.
Let’s go back to other segments of your professional career as a photographer. At the beginning of this interview, I’ve mentioned that you were involved in other projects, too. How did it all start?
− I had been doing serious, albeit amateur photography for many years not only prior to enrolling at university to study mechanical engineering, but also during my studies.
Once I graduated, I first worked in the profession, and about five years down the line I had this strong desire to try my hand at professional photography, it piqued my curiosity. This strong desire of mine resulted in me being granted the status of independent or freelance artist-photographer in 1987. Even as an amateur, I first devoted myself to architecture and landscape photography, motifs that are easy to control during shooting simply because they’re immobile. This was a source of income, which enabled me to buy some new equipment. During the course of my nearly four-decade long career as a professional photographer, I’ve done, particularly if we use the criteria of the Western market, many different types
of photography, and photographed a wide range of motifs, including portraiture, food photography, studio photography, social photography, conceptual photography, and so on. In fact, it was precisely this breadth that allowed me not to ever get bored of photography, and to look forward to each new project.
Your photos, which can all be viewed in your virtual galleries at fabijanic.com, testify to the exceptional diversity of the motifs you’ve photographed. But there’s something else that’s also interesting. Your claim and insistence that commissioned photography is proof of the creativity and ability of professional photographers is fascinating. Can you elaborate on this?
− One of the postulates of my approach to photography is that commissioned photographs or projects help professional photographers establish themselves, commissioned work helps professionals prove their worth. When you accept a commission, you can’t just wait around to be inspired by something. Instead, commissioned photographs require that you deliver them as per the agreed terms and conditions, deadline and location, and that they be of high artistic quality. I’ve always disagreed with my fellow photographers who undervalue commercial photography. In fact, I’ve used countless of the photographs that I’ve been commissioned to take or that I’ve taken during the shooting of commissions for my own freelance art projects. The best examples of this are the photos of Dubrovnik that I was commissioned to take in the aftermath of the 1989 earthquake by the Institute for the Reconstruction of Dubrovnik, which was founded in 1979, and the photos I was commissioned to take in 1990 of the surroundings of Dubrovnik, or what was once the territory of the Republic of Dubrovnik, by the Rupe Ethnographic Museum, which was opened in 1991, for the museum’s permanent exhibition setup. On top of the motifs I was commissioned to take photos of, I also took hundreds of other photos as well, which later fitted perfectly into my major freelance project called Dubrovnik... You started exhibiting your work abroad at the beginning of 1992, in the midst of Croatia’s Homeland War. You were extremely successful in portraying what was happening in Croatia to the general public through photography, weren’t you?
Naslovnice časopisa Oris i iće&piće te naslovnica knjige Pagradotok
The covers of the magazines Oris and iće&piće, and the cover of the book Pagradotok
Fiksna kamatna stopa za cijeli rok otplate kredita
• Kamatna stopa već od 4,95 % godišnja, fiksnauz policu osiguranja otplate kredita (EKS 5,96 %)*
• Iznosi od 1.500 EUR do 40.000 EUR
• Rok otplate od 24 do 120 mjeseci
*Za kredit u iznosu od 15.000 EUR, fiksnu kamatnu stopu od 4,95 %, rok otplate od 10 godina (120 mjeseci), otplatu u anuitetima, uz jednokratan trošak police osiguranja otplate kredita u iznosu od 3,90 % od iznosa kredita (585,00 EUR) te pretpostavku isplate kredita 1. 1. i plaćanje interkalarne kamate 1. 2. (61,88 EUR), efektivna kamatna stopa iznosi 5,96 %. Mjesečni anuitet iznosi 158,73 EUR. Kamata za razdoblje otplate kredita iznosi 4.047,82 EUR, a ukupan iznos koji klijent treba platiti je 19.694,70 EUR.
− At the very beginning of the Homeland War and the attacks on Dubrovnik which started on 1st October 1991, I realised that I had lots of photographs of Dubrovnik, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, which came under attack. On my own initiative, I started to arouse the interest of the public both nationally and internationally with my photographs of Dubrovnik’s recognisable motifs still intact, motifs which are part of world heritage. At the first opportunity, I travelled to wartime Dubrovnik and started taking photos of the same motifs which had once been beautiful, but were now destroyed in the war. These were my wartime, pessimistic pairs of photographs of Dubrovnik’s motifs, a photo of an intact motif paired with a photo of the same motif which was now destroyed, after which, once the reconstruction of Dubrovnik began, I also produced new, optimistic pairs of these same motifs, a photo of a destroyed motif paired with a photo of the same motif which was now reconstructed. I am proud that, during my three stays as a photographer in wartime Dubrovnik and other parts of Croatia as well, I managed to maintain my focus and attention because I wanted to dedicate myself to photographing the destruction of cultural heritage, which I dubbed heritage cleansing long before similar instances of destruction around the world took place, such as the destruction of Palmyra. In 2018, I completed my freelance project which comprised an exhibition and a book under the title Dubrovnik... when I published part three of Dubrovnik’s peace-war-peace trilogy, which deals with this particularly turbulent period in Dubrovnik’s history. The response that my
project received from institutions around the world was exceptional. In fact, it was greater than the response it received from national institutions. I first exhibited this project at the Centro Cultural de la Villa in Madrid under the title Dubrovnik, patrimonio de la humanidad, which was the first Croatian exhibition abroad following the international recognition of Croatia on 15th January 1992. Then came the Dubrovnik exhibition at the 23rd International Photography Festival in Arles, France, in 1992, where I was the only photographer from Croatia, and where no other Croatian photographer has ever exhibited except for me. And last but not least, there came the Dubrovnik... exhibition in Paris in 1993, which was declared exhibition of the week by the city guide Pariscope out of the 59 exhibitions on view in Paris at the time.
You’ve been involved in many other important national projects besides your major Dubrovnik… project, haven’t you?
− In addition to commercial photography projects, I also work on my own independent projects that are of great national import, as well as on small, intimate projects that bring me joy. Some of my more significant, major projects include the book Boje Zavičaja or the Colours of Homeland on the town of Šibenik and its surroundings, the book Šibenska Katedrala on the Šibenik Cathedral, the Paška Čipka exhibition and portfolio on the lace produced on the island of Pag, the book Dubrovački Ljetnikovac or The Villa of Dubrovnik, the conceptual photography project U Sredinu Stvari which translates as The Bull’s-Eye, and the large book Pagradotok on the town and the island of Pag, which includes photographs of Pag that I had tak-
en during the course of 45 years as a way of me bearing photographic testimony to Pag, photos that feature Pag’s well-known sights and motifs, such as its salt pans, cheese and lace, as well as intimate motifs that I photographed in my youth. What makes this book so unique is the fact that the photos it contains are of the same quality both artistically and technically regardless of whether I took them 45 years ago or only recently.
It’s, of course, impossible to ask you about all your work and all the different photography projects that you’ve been involved in for nearly four decades in a single interview. You’ve worked with us for 30 years, during which our magazine has been Croatia’s window to the world and vice versa, which is why we’d like to thank you for your exceptional contribution to our inflight magazine.
− I’m truly proud to have been involved in such an important project as this one from the very beginning, discovering the right path forward. It was a pleasure to work with a team that has always insisted on the quality of the magazine, and that recognised the quality of my work. What makes me truly happy and proud is that I have achieved all these results together with designer Ivana Ivanković, whose name’s synonymous with design at Croatia Airlines, and you, Ksenija, as the editor-in-chief, whose name’s synonymous with the inflight magazine, and that, in those thirty years, there were no misunderstandings between us. If you would allow me, I’d like to offer my personal assessment. There’s one more important reason why the same team has been this successful in working together for such a long time. We’ve been very enthusiastic about our work since the very beginning, we’ve worked in conditions that were at times trailblazing both technically and financially, we’ve produced results on a par with, if not better than, the results of the world’s best magazines whose editorial teams work in much better conditions. It was an honour to have worked with all of you for so many years!
Proljeće u Hrvatskoj nudi nevjerojatne mogućnosti za istraživanje i uživanje u jedinstvenim ljepotama zemlje. Očaravajući krajolici obasjani suncem prosuti su u tisućama boja, temperature zraka sve su više, a oni hrabriji već planiraju prvo kupanje u moru. Proljeće u Hrvatskoj odlično je doba za istraživanje čarobnih ulica punih povijesti, gubljenju u nepreglednim planinama, jedrenju kristalno čistim prostranstvima Jadrana ili uživanju u gastronomskim specijalitetima.
Nakon zime i s prvim duljim, sunčanijim i toplijim danima, ne samo da se priroda budi, već kreće i sezona posebnih gastronomskih delicija poput šparoga, artičoka i jagoda koje će probuditi gurmanske strasti u vama. Bogati proljetni jelovnik nudi priliku za uživanje u svježim i ukusnim namirnicama koje ovaj period godine donosi te stvaranje nezaboravnog gastronomskog iskustva. Uživajte u ovim ukusnim, lokalnim i domaćim delicijama koje će obogatiti vaš proljetni jelovnik!
Proljeće u Hrvatskoj također nudi savršenu priliku za uživanje u raznim ekstremnim sportovima i aktivnostima na otvorenom. Bilo da se odlučite za planinarenje, biciklizam ili rafting, svoj odmor
možete dodatno začiniti i s netaknutom, prekrasnom prirodom koju Hrvatska nudi. Uživajte u ugodnoj klimi i avanturi koju pružaju aktivnosti na otvorenom!
Ugodne temperature i toplo sunce čine proljeće u Hrvatskoj savršenim vremenom za istraživanje vinskih cesta, posebice u Slavoniji. Kušajte autentične sorte na predivnim lokacijama i uživajte u hrvatskom načinu života.
Ovo razdoblje donosi prekrasne dane stvorene za šetnje kroz vinograde i voćnjake u cvatu, tradicionalne manifestacije te obilje ukusne hrane i vina. Ovo je idealno vrijeme za istraživanje regija bogatih poviješću i kulturom te uživanje u prirodnim ljepotama.
Proljetno buđenje prirode idealno je vrijeme i za upoznavanje ruralnih krajeva Hrvatske. Otkrijte stare narodne običaje, poslušajte uzbudljive legende, isprobajte autentične težačke specijalitete i sanjajte mirise proljeća u parkovima prirode, Nacionalnim parkovima ili na romantičnim gradskim trgovima.
Proljeće predstavlja pravo neotkriveno blago za istinske ljubitelje prirode i
tradicije. Ovo razdoblje donosi prekrasne šetnje kroz vinograde i voćnjake u cvatu, tradicionalne manifestacije te obilje ukusne hrane i vina. Proljeće je idealno vrijeme za istraživanje ove regije bogate poviješću i kulturom te uživanje u njenim prirodnim ljepotama.
Istraživanje ruralnih područja Hrvatske može pružiti nezaboravno iskustvo koje često ostaje nepoznato mnogim posjetiteljima. Skriveni poljski putevi, neistražene plaže, planinarske staze i prirodne ljepote unutrašnjosti otoka ili planina nude autentične prilike za odmor i bijeg iz svakodnevnice koji oduzimaju dah svakim novim danom. Otkrivanje tih manje poznatih kutaka može donijeti novu perspektivu na ljepotu Hrvatske, pružiti jedinstvene doživljaje daleko od turističkih gužvi i ostaviti putovanje u Hrvatsku kao jedno predivno, nadahnjujuće i jedinstveno putovanje koje se pamti do kraja života.
Spring in Croatia offers incredible opportunities to explore and enjoy the country’s unique beauty. Enchanting landscapes illuminated by the sun are spilled in thousands of colours, the temperatures are getting higher, and the brave ones are already planning their first swim in the sea. Springtime in Croatia is a great time to explore the magical streets full of history, to get lost in the endless mountains, sail the crystalline Adriatic Sea, or enjoy gastronomic specialties.
After dark winter and with the first longer, sunnier, and warmer days, not only does nature wake up, but it is also the starting season of special gastronomic delicacies such as asparagus, artichokes and strawberries that will awaken your gourmet passions. The rich spring menu offers an opportunity to enjoy the fresh and delicious foods that this period of the year brings and to create an unforgettable gastronomic experience for you. Enjoy these delicious, local and homemade delicacies that will enrich your spring menu!
Spring in Croatia also offers the perfect opportunity to enjoy various extreme sports and outdoor activities. Whether you decide to go hiking, cycling, or rafting, you can spice up your vacation with the untouched, beautiful nature that Croatia has to offer. Enjoy the pleasant climate and adventure provided by outdoor activities!
Pleasant temperatures and warm sunshine make spring in Croatia the perfect time to explore wine roads,
especially in Slavonia. Taste authentic varieties in beautiful locations and enjoy the Croatian way of life.
This period brings beautiful days created for walks through vineyards and orchards in bloom, to see traditional events and to enjoy in delicious food and wine. This is the ideal time to explore regions with rich in history and culture and enjoy natural beauty.
The awakening of nature is the ideal time to get to know the rural areas of Croatia. Discover old folk customs, listen to exciting legends, try authentic Croatian specialties and dream of the scents of spring in parks, National parks, or romantic city squares.
This time of the year represents a true undiscovered treasure for true lovers of nature and tradition. This period brings beautiful walks through vineyards and orchards in bloom, traditional events and plenty of delicious food and wine. Spring is the ideal time to explore this region rich in history and culture and enjoy its natural beauty.
Exploring the rural areas of Croatia can provide an unforgettable experience that often remains unknown to many visitors. Off the beaten track roads, unexplored beaches, hiking trails and natural, pristine beauty of the inland of islands or mountains offer authentic and breathtaking opportunities to unwind and escape from everyday life. Discovering these lesser-known corners can bring a new perspective on the beauty of Croatia, provide crowdfree unique experiences and showcase Croatia as a wonderful, inspiring and unique trip full of memories.
Hrvatska kulturna javnost tijekom 2024. godine obilježit će 100. godišnjicu rođenja jednog od svojih najznamenitijih slikara 20. stoljeća, Julija Knifera. Osim u Hrvatskoj ova će se obljetnica obilježiti i u međunarodnim galerijama koje zastupaju suvremenu i konceptualnu umjetnost.
In 2024, Croatia’s arts and culture scene is celebrating the centenary of the birth of one of Croatia’s most famous 20th century painters, Julije Knifer. What’s more, this centenary is celebrated not only in Croatia, but in contemporary and conceptual art galleries around the world as well.
01 Meandar 2, 1960., ulje na platnu Meander 2, 1960, oil on canvas
02 Julije Knifer, Tübingen, 1988.
Julije Knifer nadaleko je prepoznatljiv umjetnik ponajprije po svojem ustrajnom korištenju i obradi motiva meandra, danas ikoničkog geometrijskog znaka. Geometrijski lik meandra i njegov zamjetan oblik koji je u svojim radovima ponavljao tijekom gotovo pedeset godina svojeg stvaranja nije se gotovo nikada ponavljao u istoj varijaciji. Knifer mu je uvijek iznova pronalazio nove mogućnosti konstrukcije, dinamike i varijacije, najčešće u crno-bijelom odnosu, a tek ponekad koristeći i boju. Meandar je Knifer ponavljao i primjenjivao u svakom mediju u kojem je stvarao, od skica, crteža, grafike, kolaža i slika, preko trodimenzionalnih skulpturalnih ili performativnih radova, murala i radova oblikovanih u brojnim javnim prostorima, bilo da je riječ o ulici, knjižnici ili stanici podzemne željeznice. Rođen u Osijeku, na istoku Hrvatske, 23. travnja 1924. godine, nakon Drugog svjetskog rata s obitelji seli u Zagreb. Ovdje upisuje Pravni fakultet, ali napušta studij te se pedesetih upisuje na Akademiju likovnih umjetnosti, tada jedinu umjetničku akademiju u Hrvatskoj, gdje
diplomira 1956. Već kao student počinje putovati Europom obilazeći muzeje i izložbe suvremene umjetnosti, a Pariz, grad u kojem će provesti posljednje desetljeće svojeg života, prvi put posjećuje 1957. godine. Meandre prvi put izlaže na izložbi Nove tendencije 1 u tada znamenitoj zagrebačkoj Galeriji suvremene umjetnosti 1961. godine. Iste se godine priključuje danas kultnoj umjetničkoj grupi Gorgona. Grupa je počela s radom 1959. godine i bila aktivna do 1965., a u njezinu konačnom sastavu djelovali su uz Knifera slikari Josip Vaništa, Marijan Jevšovar i Đuro Seder, kipar Ivan Kožarić, arhitekt Miljenko Horvat te povjesničari umjetnosti Dimitrije Bašičević Mangelos, Matko Meštrović i Radoslav Putar. Grupa je bila nekonvencionalna i zadirala u još neistražena područja suvremene umjetnosti te je ostavila značajan trag na sceni hrvatske suvremene umjetnosti do današnjih dana. I međunarodna karijera Julija Knifera započinje 1961. godine, kada izlaže u čuvenoj pariškoj Galeriji Denise René, na izložbi Međunarodne apstraktne i konstruktivističke umjetnosti
(Art Abstrait Constructif International). Njegova međunarodna prisutnost nakon toga više ne prestaje i izlaže već 1962. godine na izložbama Konstruktivisti (Konstruktivisten) u Städtisches Museumu u Leverkusenu te 1963. na VI. međunarodnom umjetničkom bijenalu u San Marinu, Beyond the Informal. Na Bijenalu u Veneciji nastupio je dva puta, 1976. i 2001., a na Bijenalu u Sao Paulu tri puta, 1973., 1979., i 1981.
Obilježavanje 100. godišnjice rođenja Julija Knifera u Hrvatskoj započinje izložbom u Muzeju likovnih umjetnosti u njegovu rodnom gradu, Osijeku. Izložba Papiri, iako predstavlja radove nastale na samo jednoj podlozi i jednom materijalu, onom koji čini značajan dio njegova umjetničkog opusa, predstavlja spektar njegovih istraživanja i vrlo široku primjenu različitih radnih tehnika i procesa, od prvih krokija do crteža debelim slojem grafita na papiru koje je Knifer, možemo reći, i izumio. Izložba uz skice, kolaže, crteže i pastele predstavlja i njegove dnevnike koje je redovito pisao od kraja pedesetih i koji su još uvijek tema istraživanja povje-
Julije Knifer živio je s obitelji u Zagrebu, ali je često radio u Njemačkoj i u Francuskoj. Nakon dužih boravaka u Vili Saint-Clair u Sèteu 1991. te u Vili Arson u Nici 1992. − 1994. godine, trajno seli u Pariz, gdje ostaje do kraja života. Umro je u Parizu 6. prosinca 2004. godine. Djela Julija Knifera nalaze u više javnih zbirki muzeja u Hrvatskoj, ali i u zbirkama najznačajnijih svjetskih muzeja, MOMA-i u New Yorku, pariškom Centre Georges Pompidou, londonskom muzeju Tate Modern, berlinskoj National Galerie i drugima.
Julije Knifer lived with his family in Zagreb, but often worked in Germany and France. Following his two longer stays in France, first in Villa Saint-Clair in Sète in 1991, and then in Villa Arson in Nice between 1992 and 1994, he ended up moving to Paris permanently, where he lived until his death. He died in Paris on 6th December 2004.
Julije Knifer’s works are in the holdings of several museums in Croatia, as well as in the holdings of the world’s major museums, such as MOMA in New York, Centre Pompidou in Paris, Tate Modern in London, the National Gallery in Berlin and others.
sničara umjetnosti. Istodobno s izložbom u Muzeju likovnih umjetnosti, u Državnom Arhivu u Osijeku bit će predstavljen izbor iz obiteljskog fonda fotografija i memorabilija iz vremena života obitelji Knifer u Slavoniji.
Institut za suvremenu umjetnost u Zagrebu, uz podršku i partnerstvo Ministarstva kulture i medija, Turističke zajednice grada Zagreba i Muzeja suvremene umjetnosti ovog proljeća organizira i međunarodni simpozij posvećen Juliju Kniferu. Na predavanjima i okruglim stolovima povjesničari umjetnosti, Kniferovi prijatelji, profesionalci iz Hrvatske, Francuske, Njemačke i SAD-a izlagat će o raznim aspektima umjetnikova rada, ali i o praksama predstavljanja suvremene umjetnosti u svijetu, turističkom potencijalu
suvremene umjetnosti, položaju umjetnika i tržištu umjetnina. Pariška Galerija Frank Elbaz, koja već dugo zastupa umjetnika, organizirat će u listopadu 2024. godine njegovu samostalnu izložbu, a njujorška galeriji Peter Freeman po prvi će put Julija Knifera predstaviti samostalnom izložbom u studenom ove godine. Muzej suvremene umjetnosti u Zagrebu, koji je još 2014. godine priredio veliku retrospektivnu izložbu Julija Knifera Bez kompromisa, i ove se godine pridružuje projektu; osim što ugošćuje navedenu konferenciju, sa suradnicima organizira izložbu radova Julija Knifera iz svojeg fundusa, radova koje ne viđamo dovoljno često u javnim prostorima galerija i muzeja. Posljednji veći projekt koji je pridonio istraživanju opusa i poznavanju procesa Kniferova rada knjiga je u nakladi njujorške nakladničke kuće Osmos. U toj knjizi prof. dr. Zvonko Maković i njemačko-njujorški kustos Christian Rattemeyer analiziraju do tada nedovoljno poznate Kniferove kolaže, a knjiga je bila predstavljena u jesen 2022. godine u Zagrebu. Sto godina od njegova rođenja, a i dvadeset godina od njegove smrti 2004., za stručnjake i publiku ostaje još dosta posla, ali i dosta užitka u razrješavanju enigmi umjetnosti Julija Knifera.
Rad na papiru za Julija Knifera predstavljao je područje slobode. Papir je bio najdostupniji materijal i materijal kojim je mogao manipulirati u svojem malom radnom prostoru. Slikarska platna bila su skupa, a rad na većim formatima zahtijevao je bolje prostorne uvjete. Ograničenja s kojima se susreće Knifer preokreće u svoju korist te na papirima u različitim tehnikama stvara serije i studije koje ga eksperimentiranjem dovode do sve pročišćenijih formi.
For Julije Knifer, working on paper meant working in the realm of freedom. Paper was a material he could most easily obtain, and a material he could easily manipulate in his small workspace. Canvases were expensive, and working on larger formats required far more space. Knifer turned the limitations he encountered to his advantage, and so he created series and studies on paper in different techniques, which led him, through experimentation, to increasingly refined forms.
Julije Knifer was a widely acclaimed artist most famous for his devoted use and treatment of the meander motif, today an iconic geometric symbol. Knifer worked with the geometric shape of the meander and its discernible pattern repeatedly during the course of his nearly five-decade long career as an artist, but almost never in the exact same variation. Knifer would always find new ways of constructing, dynamising, and varying the meander, most often in black and white, and only sometimes in colour. He repeated and applied the meander in every medium that he created
in, including sketches, drawings, graphic art, collages, paintings, three-dimensional works of sculpture or performance art, murals, and works of art in public spaces, be it a street, a library or a subway station.
Julije Knifer was born on 23rd April 1924 in the east of Croatia; in Osijek, to be exact. Following the end of World War II, he moved to Zagreb together with his family. In Zagreb, Knifer first enrolled at the Faculty of Law, but dropped out, and in the 1950s he enrolled at the Academy of Fine Arts, the only art academy in Croatia at the time, which he graduated from in 1956. It was already
01 Izložba Bez kompromisa, Muzej suvremene umjetnosti, Zagreb, 2014.
Without Compromise exhibition, Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb, 2014
02 Metro stanica, Toulouse, Francuska Metro station, Toulouse, France
03 Murali, Galerie Frank Elbaz, Pariz, 2018.
Wallpaintings, Frank Elbaz Gallery, Paris, 2018
during his studies that he started travelling around Europe, and visiting museums and exhibitions of contemporary art. The first time that he visited Paris, the city in which he would spend the last decade of his life, was in 1957. He exhibited his meanders for the first time at the New Tendencies 1 exhibition mounted in Zagreb’s famous Contemporary Art Gallery in 1961. In the same year, he joined the today widely acclaimed, iconic Gorgona art collective. The collective got together in 1959 and was active until 1965, and included painters Josip Vaništa, Marijan Jevšovar and Đuro Seder, sculptor Ivan Kožarić, architect Miljenko Horvat, and art historians Dimitrije Bašičević Mangelos, Matko Meštrović and Radoslav Putar. This avant-garde collective explored areas of contemporary art that hadn’t yet been explored, and left their mark on Croatia’s contemporary art scene by having influenced it in a way which is felt to this day. Julije Knifer’s international career also began in 1961, when he exhibited his work at the International Constructive Abstract Art (Art Abstrait Constructif
International) exhibition held in the famous Parisian Galerie Denise René, after which he never left the international art scene. In 1962 he exhibited at the Constructivists (Konstruktivisten) exhibitions held in the Städtisches Museum in Leverkusen, and in 1963 at the 6th San Marino International Art Biennale, Beyond The Informal. He exhibited at the Venice Biennale twice, in 1976 and 2001, and at the São Paulo Art Biennial thrice, in 1973, 1979 and 1981.
Celebrations of the centenary of Julije Knifer’s birth start in Croatia with Papers, an exhibition mounted in the Museum of Fine Arts in his hometown, Osijek. Although the Papers exhibition presents only the works he created using only one medium and one material, the one that makes up a significant portion of his entire oeuvre, it nevertheless represents a broad spectrum of his studies and a very wide range of applications of various working techniques and processes, ranging from his first sketches to his pencil drawings in which graphite is applied in thick layers, a technique that, it can be claimed, Knifer invented.
Along with sketches, collages, drawings, and pastels, the exhibition also presents his diaries, which he wrote regularly since the end of the 1950s, and which continue to be researched by art historians. Concurrently, the State Archives in Osijek will be presenting a selection of photographs from the Knifer family’s photo album and memorabilia from the life of the Knifer family in Slavonia. With the support of and in partnership with Croatia’s Ministry of Culture and Media, the Zagreb Tourist Board, and the Museum of Contemporary Art, the Institute for Contemporary Art in Zagreb is organising an international conference on Julije Knifer this spring. At lectures and round tables, art historians, Knifer’s friends, experts from Croatia, France, Germany, and the USA will be discussing various aspects of Knifer’s work, as well as the practices of presenting contemporary art in the world, the tourist potential of contemporary art, the position of artists on the market, and the art market itself. Having represented Knifer for a long time, the Frank Elbaz Gallery in Paris is setting up a solo exhibition of his work in October 2024.
Similarly, the Peter Freeman Gallery in New York will be introducing American viewers to Julije Knifer for the first time by mounting a solo exhibition of his work in November of this year.
Zagreb’s Museum of Contemporary Art, which organised in 2014 a large retrospective exhibition of Julije Knifer called Without Compromise, is also amongst those joining the project. In addition to hosting the above
conference, it is setting up an exhibition with its associates and collaborators of Julije Knifer’s works from the museum’s holdings, works that haven’t been on view in galleries and museums often enough. A book published by the publishing house Osmos from New York was the last major project that contributed to our understanding of Knifer’s oeuvre and artistic process. In this book, Prof. Zvonko Maković and the German-New York curator Christian Rattemeyer analyse Knifer’s collages that hadn’t been sufficiently explored. The book was presented in Zagreb in the autumn of 2022. Although we are now celebrating the 100th anniversary of his birth, and in 2004 we celebrated the 20th anniversary of his death, there is still a lot of work to be done by both experts and the public. However, there’s also a lot of pleasure to be found in solving the mysteries of Julije Knifer’s art.
Više od dvjesto sunčanih dana godišnje, more i zrak visoke kvalitete i preko tisuću biljnih vrsta, od kojih više od devetsto pripada autohtonoj flori, otok Lošinj čini aromaterapijskim središtem i destinacijom vitalnosti te zdravstvenog turizma.
More than two hundred days of sunshine a year, sea and air of the highest quality, and over one thousand species of plants, of which more than nine hundred are native, make the island of Lošinj an aromatherapy hotspot, and a vitality and health tourism destination.
Poznato još od antičkih vremena pod imenom Apsyrtides, cresko-lošinjsko otočje to je ime nosilo po legendi vezanoj uz mitskog junaka Apsyrta, kojeg su prema jednoj predaji ovdje ubili njegova sestra Medeja i Jazon, a prema drugoj njegovo su mrtvo tijelo valovi odvukli na otoke. Otoci Cres i Lošinj u svojoj su davnoj prošlosti činili cjelinu, ali su zbog potreba trgovine i Jantarskog puta razdvojeni umjetno prokopanim kanalom kod Osora. Bistro more, čist zrak, bogatstvo flore i faune, blaga mediteranska klima odlike su cresko-lošinjske otočne skupine, koja se proteže od sjeverozapada prema jugoistoku u dužini od 99 kilometara.
Na južnoj strani otoka Lošinja, sedmoga po veličini otoka na Jadranu, smjestio se Mali Lošinj, administrativno, kulturno i financijsko središte zapadnog dijela Kvarnera. Počeci Malog Lošinja sežu u 12. stoljeće, a prvi se put spominje 1398. godine pod imenom Malo Selo. Gotovo nenastanjen do sredine 13. stoljeća, Lošinj se do 19. stoljeća razvio u jednu od vodećih regionalnih pomorskih sila, a grad Mali Lošinj, iza Trsta, u drugu po važnosti luku na Jadranu kada je zahvaljujući moru i pomorstvu doživio svoje zlatno doba. Mještani su bili cijenjeni po svojoj vještini izrade jedrenjaka, ali i kao najbolji pomorci na Mediteranu. Upravo u tom
razdoblju definiran je arhitektonski izgled centra Malog Lošinja, koji je gotovo nepromijenjen ostao i do danas. Od 17. stoljeća brodogradnja je bila važna gospodarska grana u Malom Lošinju, a u 19. stoljeću bilo je ondje šest brodogradilišta. Po broju izgrađenih jedrenjaka jedno je vrijeme u austro-ugarskoj brodogradnji bio na drugome mjestu.
Ljetni se turizam počeo sve više razvijati poslije 1905. godine, kada su bila izgrađena kupališta, hoteli i pansioni na Čikatu, uvale koja je dio grada. Zaštićena je od svih vjetrova osim zapadnoga pa je stoga pogodna i kao luka. U njoj je 1534. izgrađena crkvica Navještenja Blažene Djevice Marije, popularno zvana Annunziata. Smještena je na rtu na kojem su se dočekivali i ispraćali jedrenjaci pa i danas lošinjski kapetani, prolazeći pokraj ovog rta, zatrube na pozdrav. Kroz povijest u uvali Čikat postojala su čak tri brodogradilišta. Sada taj predio krase nekadašnje vile austrijskog plemstva pretvorene u hotele i rezidencije, a najpoznatije su među njima Karolina, Diana, Hortensia i Saborka.
Godine 1996. u podmorju otočića Velih Orjula nedaleko od Lošinja na dubini od 45 metara pronađena je antička statua Apoksiomen, brončani kip mladog atleta. Ovo grčko djelo iznimne očuvanosti, ljepote
01 Mali zvonik crkve rođenja Blažene Djevice Marije
The small bell tower of the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
02 Pogled na Rivu lošinjskih kapetana, centar Malog Lošinja
A view of the Seafront of the Captains of Lošinj, the town centre of Mali Lošinj
01 Župna crkva je trobrodna, na oltaru su relikvije sv. Romula i slika Gospe
The three-nave parish church of Mali Lošinj, whose altar houses the relics of St. Romulus and a painting of the Blessed Virgin Mary
02 Muzej Apoksiomena u cijelosti je posvećen jednom eksponatu, skulpturi atleta Apoksiomena
The Museum of Apoxyomenos dedicated to one exhibit alone, the sculpture of an athlete called Apoxyomenos
izvedbe i umjetničke vrijednosti prema pretpostavkama datira iz 2. ili 1. st. pr. Krista. Pretpostavlja se da je statua bačena u more za vrijeme oluje u kojoj je predstavljala dodatni teret brodu na putovanju prema sjevernom Jadranu ili Italiji. Danas se može vidjeti u Muzeju Apoksiomena, jedinstvenome muzeju posvećenom isključivo toj
Postav Muzeja Apoksiomena čini devet različitih vremenskih i prostorno oblikovanih scena praćenih pripadajućom audio podlogom, u kojima posjetitelji od trenutka ulaska u muzej svim svojim osjetilima doživljavaju kompletnu Apoksiomenovu priču, od njegova pronalaska do povratka na Lošinj. Muzej je 2019. dobio nagradu European Museum of the Year Award za najkreativniji i najinovativniji muzejski postav odnosno prezentaciju skulpture.
The setup of the Museum of Apoxyomenos consists of nine different temporally and spatially designed displays accompanied by a corresponding audio background. From the moment you enter the museum, all your senses are put to work so you can experience the complete story of Apoxyomenos, including the moment he was discovered and the moment he was returned to Lošinj. In 2019, the Museum of Apoxyomenos received the European Museum of the Year Award for the most creative and most innovative museum display or presentation of sculpture.
predivnoj skulpturi koji se nalazi u palači Kvarner na rivi. Skulptura se može doživjeti i u sklopu podvodnog povijesnog parka koji se nalazi u sklopu ronilačkog centra smještenog u uvali Čikat. Postav parka čini ukupno 11 različitih eksponata, od replika topova iz 16. stoljeća, antičkih amfora, sidra iz 4. i 5. stoljeća i replike Apoksiomena koja je postavljena u uspravnom položaju u prirodnoj veličini.
Svakako treba izdvojiti i palaču Fritzi, koja je potkraj 19. stoljeća temeljito pregrađena i preuređena u povijesnu palaču s prepoznatljivim nizom četverolisnih prozora na glavnom pročelju. Godine 2007. postaje sjedištem novoosnovanog Lošinjskog muzeja te se u njoj čuva iznimno bogata umjetnička zbirka hrvatskih umjetnika. Tematski vidikovac Providenca pruža jedinstven pogled na cijeli otok i širu okolicu te objedinjuje 300 metara dugu poučnu stazu Apsyrtides i bar s lokalnim delicijama i vidikovcem. A jedna od tih delicija svakako je i lošinjski krokant, tradicionalna slastica koja se priprema za svečane prigode poput vjenčanja, krštenja i značajnih obljetnica. Izrađen ručno na tradicionalni način od karameliziranog šećera i orašastih plodova, najčešće od badema, oduvijek je simbol bogatstva i blagostanja. Miomirisni otočki vrt rasadnik je otočnog ljekovitog bilja gdje se može upoznati s bogatom florom otoka, ljekovitim svojstvima bilja i kupiti originalan otočni suvenir. U vrtu raste preko 250 vrsta samoniklog mirisnog bilja koje oplemenjuje lošinjsko-cresko otočje.
Obale oko grada vrlo su razvedene s mnogobrojnim uvalama, niske su i pristupačne te većinom stjenovite. Zbog borova koji
rastu na samoj obali, besprijekorno čisto more često je smaragdno zeleno. Dupini su česti posjetioci ovog područja te ih se može vidjeti kako razigrano plivaju uz brodove, ali i uz obalu. Mali Lošinj je i svjetsko središte sportskog podvodnog ribolova, u kojem su održavana svjetska, euroafrička i državna prvenstva te je tradicija ribolovnih natjecanja iznimno bogata.
Tradicija zdravstvenog turizma dulja od 125 godina, blaga klima, bogata bioraznolikost, kulturna i povijesna bogatstva, ugodna atmosfera, kilometarske šetnice uz morsku obalu te kroz unutrašnjost otoka, ovaj biser Kvarnera stavljaju u sam vrh turističkih destinacija na Jadranu te ga odlikuje epitet idealne destinacije za one željne mirnog i tihog odmora.
The islands of Cres and Lošinj were named Absyrtides by the ancients after the mythical hero of Absyrtus. According to one telling of the myth, Absyrtus was killed by his sister Medea and Jason exactly here, on these two islands, and according to another, his dead body was only washed ashore these two islands. In ancient history, the islands of Cres and Lošinj had once formed a single island, but due to the necessities of trade and the Amber Road, they were split into two by a canal dug out near the village of Osor. Crystal clear waters, clean air, a wealth of plant and animal life, and a mild Mediterranean climate are the most distinctive features of the Cres-Lošinj archipelago, which stretches across 99 kilometres from northwest to southeast.
The town of Mali Lošinj, the administrative, cultural and financial centre of the western part
01 Spomenik podvodnom ribolovcu, rad zagrebačkog akademskog kipara Ante Starčevića izrađen prema originalu riječkog kipara Vinka Matkovića
A monument to an underwater fisherman, the work of the Zagreb-born academically trained sculptor Ante Starčević modelled on the original work of the Rijeka-born sculptor Vinko Matković
02 U Malom Lošinju prva je i ujedno najstarija škola za jedrenje na dasci na Jadranu
Mali Lošinj is the home of the first and oldest windsurfing school on the Adriatic
of the region of Kvarner, lies on the southern side of the island of Lošinj, the seventh largest island in the Adriatic. Although the beginnings of Mali Lošinj date back to the 12th century, it was first mentioned in 1398 under the name Malo Selo or Small Village. While the island of Lošinj was nearly uninhabited until the mid-13th century, by the 19th century it developed into a leading regional maritime power, and the town of Mali Lošinj into the second biggest port on the Adriatic right after the port of Trieste. This was also a time when the island experienced its golden age thanks to the sea and seafaring. The local population’s skill in building sailboats and sailing ships was of high repute and was much sought-after, while they themselves were widely regarded as the best sailors the Mediterranean could offer. It was during this period that the architectural and urban layout of the town centre of Mali Lošinj was defined, which has remained pretty much unchanged to this very day. In the 17th century, shipbuilding became an important branch of Mali Lošinj’s economy, which in the 19th century resulted in there being as many as six shipyards in town. At one point, Mali Lošinj was in second place in the shipbuilding industry of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in terms of the number of sailing ships built. The building of swimming pools, hotels, and guesthouses in 1905 in Čikat Cove inside the
Otkrivanjem zdravstvenih učinaka otočne klime te nastajanjem nove privredne grane, turizma, otvorena je nova stranica u povijesti Lošinja. Tako počeci turizma u Malom Lošinju sežu u 1885. godinu, kada se kao prvotni oblik turizma na otoku pojavio zdravstveni turizam, a dana 21. siječnja 1885. godine zabilježen je prvi turist ovog otoka. Prvi hotel u Malom Lošinju izgrađen je 1887., a zahvaljujući iznimnim karakteristikama klime, Lošinj je 1892. proglašen klimatskim lječilištem ukazom Ministarstva zdravstva AustroUgarske Monarhije. Lošinj je postao jedno od omiljenih turističkih destinacija austro-ugarske aristokracije, koja je na otoku izgradila brojne vile i ljetnikovce koje ga i danas krase. I danas je Lošinj poznat kao klimatsko lječilište u liječenju bolesti dišnih putova i alergija. Idealan za tjelesni i duševni oporavak, posebno u zimskim, proljetnim i jesenskim mjesecima.
The discovery that the island’s climate is highly beneficial to human health, coupled with the development of a new branch of Mali Lošinj’s economy, the development of tourism, that is, marked the beginning of a new chapter in the history of Lošinj. The beginnings of tourism in Mali Lošinj date back to 1885, when travelling for health purposes or what we today call health tourism emerged as the first form of tourism on Lošinj. In fact, Lošinj saw its first-ever tourist on 21st January 1885. Mali Lošinj’s first-ever hotel was built in 1887. Moreover, thanks to the health benefits of the island’s climate, the island of Lošinj was declared a climatic health resort in 1892 by a decree issued by the Ministry of Health of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. In turn, Lošinj became one of the favourite tourist destinations of the Austro-Hungarian aristocracy, who built villas and summer houses on the island that continue to adorn it to this very day. Lošinj continues to be a famous climatic health resort, particularly for those requiring treatment for respiratory diseases and allergies, and is an ideal destination to retreat to for the healing of both mind and body, particularly in winter, spring, and autumn.
town sparked a boom in the development of summer tourism. Čikat Cove is protected from all winds except the westerlies, which makes it a perfect spot for a port. In 1534, the small Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, popularly referred to as the Annunziata, was built at the very point of the cape, where the locals would see their sailing ships off and welcome their return. Even today, Lošinj’s captains sound their horns in greeting when sailing past the cape. There were as many as three shipyards in Čikat Cove. Today, the cove is spotted with what were once the Austrian nobility’s villas, which have been converted into hotels and residences, the most famous of which are Karolina, Diana, Hortensia, and Saborka.
In 1996, in the seabed surrounding the islet of Vele Orjule not far from Lošinj, at a depth of 45 metres, an ancient bronze statue of a young athlete called Apoxyomenos was discovered. This beautifully executed and remarkably well-preserved Greek statue of exceptional aesthetic value is believed to date from the 2nd or 1st century BC. It is also believed that it was likely thrown off a ship and into the sea during a storm because its weight was most probably excess load for the ship carrying it and trying to ride out a storm on its way to the northern Adriatic or Italy. It is on view today at the Museum of Apoxyomenos, a one-ofa-kind museum dedicated exclusively to this wonderful sculpture housed in the Kvarner Palace on the seafront of Mali Lošinj. The sculpture can also be viewed in the Historic Underwater Park which is run by a diving centre in Čikat Cove. As many as 11 different exhibits are displayed in the Historic Underwater Park, and include replicas of cannons from
01 Pogled na malološinjsku rivu s jednog od mnogobrojnih restorana
A view of the seafront of Mali Lošinj from one of the many restaurants in town
02 Beach barovi neizostavan su dio turističke ponude u uvali Čikat Beach bars are an essential part of what’s on offer in Čikat Cove
03 Jedna od mnogobrojnih šetnica u okolici Malog Lošinja
One of the many promenades in the surroundings of Mali Lošinj
the 16th century, ancient amphorae, anchors from the 4th and 5th centuries, and a life-size replica of Apoxyomenos in an upright position. The Fritzi Palace is also worth singling out. At the end of the 19th century, it was thoroughly restored and transformed into a historic palace featuring an impressive row of quadrifoliate windows on the main facade. In 2007, it became the seat of the newly founded Lošinj Museum, which houses an extremely rich collection of art by Croatian artists. The theme Providenca lookout point offers spectacular vistas of the entire island and its wider surroundings, part of which is the 300-metre long Apsyrtides educational trail and a bar which serves local delicacies, and from which great views stretch. One of these delicacies is the Lošinj croquant, a local dessert traditionally prepared for such festive occasions as weddings, christenings, and important anniversaries. Traditionally made by hand from caramelised sugar and nuts, usually almonds, Lošinj croquant has always been a symbol of wealth and prosperity. Lošinj’s Fragrant Garden is a nursery of Lošinj’s medicinal plants, where you can learn about the island’s rich plant life, the plants’ healing properties, and buy original island souvenirs. There are over 250 species of wild aromatic herbs growing in the garden and enriching the Cres-Lošinj archipelago.
The coastline around Mali Lošinj is very indented and spotted with countless coves and bays. It’s also low and easily accessible, albeit mostly rocky. There are many pine trees growing right by the sea, which often makes Lošinj’s crystal clear waters seem emerald green. Dolphins are a common sight in Lošinj’s waters. They can often be spotted while playfully swimming alongside ships or along the coast. Similarly, Mali Lošinj boasts a long tradition of fishing competitions, which is why − thanks to having hosted world, Euro-African,
and national championships − it is also the underwater fishing capital of the world. Lošinj’s tradition of health tourism is 125+ years old. The island’s mild climate, rich biodiversity, cultural and historical heritage sites and treasures, pleasant atmosphere, and kilometres and kilometres of promenades and inland trails rank this pearl amongst the islands of Kvarner amongst the best tourist destinations of the Adriatic. The island of Lošinj is an ideal destination for those looking for some peace and quiet while on holiday.
Na Istru na prvi pogled asociraju predivni gradići na obali ili unutrašnjosti, bogata kulturna baština, jedinstvena gastronomska ponuda brojnih restorana, konoba i vinarija, ali Istra nudi i jedinstven dragulj prirode, Stazu sedam slapova.
When you think of Istria, what first springs to mind are beautiful coastal and inland townlets, a rich cultural heritage, and phenomenal food served in many of its restaurants, taverns, and wineries. However, Istria also boasts a marvellous gem of nature − the Trail of Seven Waterfalls.
Staza sedam slapova s razlogom je proglašena najljepšom i najatraktivnijom planinarskom stazom u Istri te svake godine privlači sve više i više stranih i domaćih posjetitelja. Ta po mnogočemu specifična šetačko-planinarska staza odlikuje se jedinstvenim prirodnim ljepotama među kojima dominira sedam slapova rijeke Mirne i njezinih pritoka. Obilježena je od 2006. i 2007. godine i prava je poslastica za sve ljubitelje netaknute prirode. Dio staze prolazi kroz razigrana korita rječice Drage i rijeke Mirne, u kojima je voda oblikovala slapove, jezerca i brzace. Jedan od najljepših ukrasa rijeke Mirne takozvane su kotle, neobična udubljenja u obliku kotlina koja je voda oblikovala u koritu rijeke. Početak je staze u malome mjestu Sveti Ivan kraj Buzeta. Već se ondje nalazi prvi putokaz za stazu koja je cijelom dužinom odlično obilježena. Odatle put vodi uzvodno obalom rijeke Mirne te se nakon kratke šetnje ulazi u šumu, gdje se počinju nizati slapovi i predivni prizori zelenila, kamenja, brzaca i jezera. Prava avantura počinje prelaskom Komarovog mosta preko pritoka rječice Drage, odnosno od
mjesta susreta rječice Drage i rijeke Mirne. Rječica Draga probila je sebi dubok kanjon, na mjestima viši i od 100 metara. Kanjon se proteže usporedno s kanjonom rijeke Mirne. Tu se krajolik mijenja, vegetacija je bujna i čini se kao da se uranja u jedan posve drugi svijet.
Nakon kraće šetnje stiže se do prvog slapa Zagona, koji je visok pet metara, a jezero podno slapa širine je 25 metara. Slijedi slap Bačva visok 8,8 metara i širine jezera 12 metara, na kojem se može vidjeti zanimljiv mehanizam protoka vode. Naime, voda ulazi u jedan tunel na vrhu slapa u kojem se vrtloži i izbija kroz donji otvor preko jedne kamene bačve. Ovaj slap zanimljiv je i zbog još jedne atrakcije − visećeg mosta. Prije trećeg slapa Vela peć nalazi se još jedna zanimljiva atrakcija ove popularne istarske staze. Šetajući stazom moguće je pogledati napuštena rudarska okna koja su dio ostavštine prošlog vremena, kada su ovdašnji istraživači krenuli u iskapanje kamenog ugljena. Iskapanje ugljena započeto je 1854. godine, ali je završeno nakon nekoliko mjeseci jer je ugljena bilo premalo. U okna se može i zaviriti ako uza se imate svjetiljke.
Napoleonov most, za koji legenda kaže da je sagrađen u vrijeme vladavine Napoleona, kameni je most iz 19. stoljeća Napoleon’s Bridge, which was, according to legend, built during the reign of Napoleon, is a stone bridge from the 19th century
Uska staza prolazi uz samu vodu pa i preko vode te ispod impresivnih stijena koje privlače iskusne penjače, a i kanjon plijeni svojom atraktivnošću. Uskoro se stiže do trećeg, najvećeg i najljepšeg slapa Vela peć, koji je visok čak 26,5 metara, a širok 5,6 metara. Ovo je ujedno i najdraža lokacija za fotografiranje izletnika, što ne iznenađuje jer se slap ulijeva u jezerce. Slap ima i liticu postavljenu na brid, tako da voda pada s obje strane! Nakon trećeg slapa slijedi kratki strmi uspon uz stijenu nazvanu Greben koji je potpomognut i osiguran sajlama, klinovima i stepenicama. Stijena je ujedno i posebnost ove staze jer je jedini uzvišeni dio s čijeg se vrha pruža predivan pogled na Buzet i kanjon rječice Drage. Ovo je ujedno prvi i posljednji strmi uspon na stazi.
01-02 Dijelovi staze prolaze kroz razigrana korita rječice Drage i rijeke Mirne, u kojima je voda oblikovala jezerca, brzace i slapove
Parts of the trail pass across the playful riverbeds of the Draga and Mirna rivers, where the water forms waterfalls, lakelets, and rapids
Put dalje vodi do raskrižja staze gdje se ravno ide do četvrtog, bajkovitog slapa Mala peć, visine oko 4 metra. Polušpilja nadvijena nad pitoresknim jezercem koje puni ovaj slap izgleda vrlo atraktivno i omiljeno je kupalište. Nakon uživanja kod Male peći treba se vratiti natrag do skretanja u šumu na kojem stoje putokazi za sela Kotle i Kuhari. Prije najveće atrakcije staze, sela Kotli u kojem se nalazi peti
slap, prelazi se preko predivnog kamenog mosta iz 19. stoljeća. Riječ je o Napoleonovu mostu koji se nalazi na tromeđi između katastarskih općina Roč, Buzet i Svi Sveti. Legenda kaže da je sagrađen u vrijeme vladavine Napoleona kao dio nedovršene brze ceste koja je trebala voditi od Buzeta prema Pazinu. Međutim, povijesni izvori upućuju na to da je sagrađen nešto kasnije. U vrijeme francuske uprave na tom je mjestu bio drveni most. Staza dalje vodi kroz napuštena sela Glistonija i Šćaveti te kroz naseljeno malo selo Kuhari, u čijim živopisnim kamenim kućama ljudi žive potpuno u skladu s prirodom. Peti slap nalazi se u selu Kotli, po mnogima najljepšem dijelu staze i jednom od najljepših kutaka u cijeloj Istri. Selo je svoje ime dobilo po kotlima − kotlinastim udubinama u stijeni koje je stvorila rijeka Mirne svojim prodiranjem. U blizini predivnih udubljenih stijena nalazi se i stara vodenica koji pokazuje kako se nekada živjelo. Poznata kao malin od Šampatića, stara je 400 godina i priljubljena je uz kamenu stijenu. U Kotlima se nalazi i restoran gdje se može predahnuti uz predivan pogled i probati istarske gastronomske specijalitete. Zbog svega navedenog lako je zaključiti da većina izletnika bira upravo Kotle za glavno mjesto odmora. Nakon Kotli i petog slapa put se nastavlja uz rijeku Mirnu i vodi do zadnja dva slapa, Zelenšćak i Grjok. Posebnost slapa Zelenšćaka jest u tome što se može hodati po krovu vodopada ispod kojeg se nalazi veliko jezero. Slap se spušta s visine od 8 metara u jezero široko 17 metara. Sedmi i
Staza Sedam slapova duga je oko 15 kilometara i kružna je, dakle može se obići i u jednom i drugom smjeru. Preporuka je ipak da se krene uzvodno jer se u tom smjeru slapovi nižu od prvog prema sedmom uz jasne oznake njihovih naziva, koji je sljedeći i koliko je udaljen. Idealna je za sve − i za aktivne i za malo manje aktivne pješake. Najteži dijelovi staze osigurani su užadi koja olakšava uspon te uz prikladnu odjeću i obuću prosječnom čovjeku neće predstavljati problem. Za obilazak staze potrebno je oko pet sati, bez zaustavljanja i stanke.
The Trail of Seven Waterfalls is some 15 kilometres long and is orbital, which means that you can hike it in either of two directions. However, we recommend that you hike it upstream because that’s the way the waterfalls line up from the first to the seventh, and the direction that the signposts point to with the information on them, including the name of the waterfall that you’re at, which one is next, and how far it is. It’s perfect for everyone, regardless of how active and fit you are as a hiker. The most difficult parts of the trail are secured by cables which help you climb them. If appropriately dressed and with the right shoes on, the Trail of Seven Waterfalls shouldn’t pose a problem for the average person. Without stops and breaks, it takes about five hours from start to finish.
ujedno zadnji slap zove se Grjok, visine 8 metara i jezera širokog preko 35 metara. Jezero u toplim dijelovima godina pruža odličnu priliku za plivanje i osvježenje.
Nakon svih sedam slapova, na povratku prema polaznoj točki, u tri se navrata prelazi riječno korito i ispod sela Pengari dolazi do početne pozicije staze.
Ova staza kao da je poslužila prirodi da pokaže svu svoju raskoš i snagu te iznova iznenađuje svojom kreativnošću stvaranja raznolikog terena i oblika na tako malom prostoru. Svaki ljubitelj planinarenja i prirode trebao bi barem jednom proći ovu stazu koja spaja najbolje od prirode, vrijednu povijest i atraktivnu gastronomsku ponudu.
The Trail of Seven Waterfalls is considered Istria’s most beautiful and magnificent hiking trail, and with good reason. It has been attracting an ever-increasing number of both foreign and local visitors year after year. Dominated by the seven waterfalls of the Mirna River and its tributaries, this incomparable hiking trail features a number of gems of nature. It was marked in 2006 and 2007, and is a real treat for all lovers of pristine nature. Parts of the trail pass across the playful riverbeds of the Draga and Mirna rivers, where the water forms waterfalls, lakelets, and rapids. One of the most beautiful decorations of the Mirna River are its cauldron-like pools, unusual depressions in the
shape of round pools formed by the river in the riverbed.
The trail starts in the village of Sveti Ivan near the town of Buzet. This is where the first signpost is, and the entire trail is well marked. From here, the trail leads upstream along the bank of the Mirna River. After a short walk, it enters the forest, where waterfalls and wonderful landscapes of greenery, rocks, rapids, and lakelets begin to line up. The real adventure starts once you cross the Komarov Bridge over a tributary of the Draga River; more specifically, at the point where the Draga and the Mirna rivers meet. The Draga River carved a deep canyon for itself, which is in places over 100 metres high, and which runs parallel to the Mirna River canyon. Here, the landscape changes, the vegetation is lush, and you’ll have the feeling as if you’re entering a completely different world.
After a short walk, you’ll reach the first waterfall, Zagon. It’s a 5-metre high waterfall, at the bottom of which there’s a 25-metre wide lake. Next comes the Bačva waterfall. It’s 8.8 metres high, and its lake 12 metres wide. Here, you’ll have the chance to observe an interesting mechanism; the water flow mechanism, that is. At the top of the waterfall, the river enters a tunnel, where it swirls, and then it exits through an opening at the bottom of a rock formation that looks like a barrel as its name in Croatian suggests. The Bačva waterfall boasts another fascinating attraction − a suspension bridge.
Before you reach the third waterfall, Vela Peć, you’ll first come across a curiosity on this popular Istrian hiking trail. You’ll have the opportunity to peek into abandoned mine shafts, a legacy of yesteryear, when local prospectors started mining for black coal. They started prospecting for coal in 1854, but abandoned their endeavour after as little as a few months because there was hardly any coal to mine. You’ll be able to peek into the shafts with the help of a torch. The narrow trail passes not only by and across the river, but also under impressive rock formations that attract experienced climbers. The canyon’s beauty is truly captivating. You’ll soon reach the third and grandest waterfall, Vela Peć. It’s 26.5 metres in height, and 5.6 metres in width. This is a favourite photography spot, which is not surprising given that the waterfall flows into a lakelet. There’s a perpendicular cliff right in the middle of this waterfall splitting it in half,
01 Staza vodi i uz kanjone impresivnih stijena koje privlače iskusne penjače
The trail passes through canyons and along impressive rocks that attract experienced climbers
02 Sedmi, a ujedno i zadnji slap Grjok, visine 8 metara i jezera širokog preko 35 metara
The seventh and last waterfall, Grjok, is 8 metres high, and its lake over 35 metres wide
03 Ljuljačka u podnožju stijene Greben
A swing at the foot of Greben Rock
which means that the water falls down the two sides of the cliff.
Once you leave Vela Peć, there’s a short yet steep climb up a rock called Greben. This part of the trail is secured by cables, bolts, and rungs. Greben is yet another special feature of this trail because it is the trail’s only elevation, from the top of which a wonderful view stretches of the town of Buzet and the Draga River canyon. This is the first and last steep climb on the Trail of Seven Waterfalls.
The trail then takes you to a fork. The branch straight ahead takes you to the fourth, 4-metre high waterfall of Mala Peć that looks like it’s straight out of a fairy tale.
The picturesque lakelet filled by this waterfall is overhung by a rock formation that makes it look like a cave of sorts, and is a favourite swimming spot. After you leave the waterfall of Mala Peć, head back to the fork, and take the path that enters the forest, which takes you to the villages of Kotli and Kuhari. Before arriving at the biggest attraction of the Trail of Seven Waterfalls, the village of Kotli where the fifth waterfall is, you’ll first cross a stunning stone bridge from the 19th century. Napoleon’s Bridge is on the border between the cadastral municipalities of Roč, Buzet, and Svi Sveti. Legend has it that it was built during the reign of Napoleon as part of a highway which was to interconnect the
towns of Buzet and Pazin, but which was never finished. However, historical sources indicate that it was built somewhat later because the bridge that was built there during the French administration of the region was a wooden one.
The trail then takes you through the abandoned hamlets of Glistonija and Šćaveti, and through the small inhabited village of Kuhari, whose inhabitants and their picturesque stone houses live in complete harmony with nature. The fifth waterfall is in the village of Kotli, which is, according to many, the most beautiful part of the trail, and one of the most beautiful corners in all of Istria. The village was named after its cauldron-like pools, unusual depressions in the shape of round pools formed by the Mirna River in the riverbed. There’s an old watermill in the vicinity, a testament to what life was once like. Known as Šampatić’s Watermill, it is 400 years old, and seems to be glued to a rock. There’s a restaurant in the village of Kotli, where you
01 Izlet se može upotpuniti posjetom predivnom Buzetu, koji se nalazi u blizini staze
You can round off your excursion with a visit to the beautiful town of Buzet near the trail
02 Kapelica pred kraj staze A chapel near the end of the trail
03 Kod petog slapa nalazi se selo Kotli, koje je dobilo ime po kotlinastim udubinama u kamenoj stijeni riječnog korita koje je oblikovala voda Nestled near the fifth waterfall is the village of Kotli, which was named after cauldron-like pools or unusual depressions in the shape of round pools formed by the Mirna River in the riverbed G.
can take a break while enjoying breath-taking views and mouth-watering Istrian specialities. It comes as no surprise that most hikers and holidaymakers choose the village of Kotli as their main resting place. After Kotli and the fifth waterfall, the trail continues along the Mirna River until it reaches the last two waterfalls, Zelenšćak and Grjok. What makes the waterfall of Zelenšćak special is the fact that you can walk across the roof of the waterfall, below which lies a large lake. The water falls from a height of 8 metres into a lake which is 17 metres wide. Grjok is the seventh and last waterfall of the trail. It’s 8 metres in height, and its lake over 35 metres in width. In the warm parts of the year, the lake is perfect for
swimming. Once you’ve seen all the seven waterfalls, on your way back to the starting point, you’ll cross the riverbed in three locations. Below the hamlet of Pengari, you’ll get to where you started out from.
The Trail of Seven Waterfalls seems to have been created by nature as a way of illustrating all its splendour and might. The power of nature’s creativity exemplified in the way in which it has produced varied terrains and peculiar natural formations within such a small space will surprise you time and time again. If you’re a nature lover and a hiking enthusiast, be sure to hike this trail at least once as it blends the best of nature, valuable bits of history, and fabulous food.
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Zaronite u gastronomiju s pogledom na Jadransko more i otkrijte najbolje čuvane tajne kulinarske čarolije Dubrovnika, otoka Šipana i čarobnog Malostonskog zaljeva. Priča počinje u skrivenoj oazi na otoku Šipanu − u BOWI, gdje se svaki trenutak osjeća poput zagrljaja rogača, smokava i maslina.
BOWA, što znači Best Of What’s Around, doista opravdava svoje ime. Smještena u idiličnoj uvali Vrbova, ova gastro destinacija pruža pravu gozbu za sva osjetila. Zamislite sebe kako uživate u svježem ulovu jadranske ribe, malostonskim kamenicama, ručno ubranom povrću i voću iz vlastita vrta. Sve to začinjeno domaćim šipanskim maslinovim uljem. Kroz svaki zalogaj osjetit ćete ljubav prema održivosti, podržavajući lokalne poljoprivrednike i ribare.
Nedaleko od BOWE, u čarobnom Malostonskom zaljevu otkrijte tajne uzgoja kamenica na Oyster Experienceu obitelji Šare. Smješten na samoj rivi u Malom Stonu, restoran Bota oduševit će vas izvornom autohtonom dalmatinskom kuhinjom, dok Bota Šare Dubrovnik spaja obiteljsku tradiciju s mješavinom azijskih i hrvatskih okusa.
A kada stignete u Grad Dubrovnik, Bota Palace u Širokoj ulici 2 na Stradunu dočekat će vas poput povijesnog blaga. Ova obnovljena dvokatnica iz 1667. godine oživljuje posebnosti juga Hrvatske,
01-02 Bowa, otok Šipan
Bowa, the island of Šipan
pružajući vam nezaboravno putovanje kroz povijest, gdje ćete se osjećati kao dio bogate tradicije. Ne propustite ova gastro čuda na jugu Hrvatske, gdje svaki obrok postaje nezaboravan doživljaj.
Immerse yourself in the cuisine of the south of Croatia with a view of the Adriatic Sea, and discover the best-kept secrets of the culinary magic of Dubrovnik, the island of Šipan, and the enchanting Bay of
Mali Ston. The story begins in a hidden oasis on the island of Šipan − in BOWA, to be exact − where every moment feels like an embrace of carobs, figs, and olives.
BOWA, which stands for the Best Of What’s Around, truly lives up to its name. Nestled in the idyllic Bay of Vrbova, this culinary destination offers a true feast for all your senses. Picture yourself savouring a fresh catch of Adriatic fish, Mali Ston oysters, hand-picked vegetables and fruits from their own garden, all of which is seasoned with locally produced olive oil sourced from the island of Šipan. With each bite, you’ll feel embraced by their commitment to sustainability, and support of local farmers and fishermen.
Not far from BOWA, in the enchanting Bay of Mali Ston discover the secrets of oyster farming at the Šare family’s Oyster Experience.
On the very waterfront in the village of Mali Ston, Bota Restaurant will delight you with its authentic Dalmatian cuisine, while Bota Šare Dubrovnik blends family tradition with a fusion of Asian and Croatian flavours.
And when you arrive in the city of Dubrovnik, Bota Palace at no. 2 Široka Street, which is right around the corner from Stradun Street, will greet you like the historical treasure that it is. This renovated two-storey building from 1667 brings the distinguishing features of the south of Croatia to life, while offering you an unforgettable journey through history, where you’ll feel like part of its rich tradition.
Be sure to check out these culinary wonders in the south of Croatia, where every meal becomes a memorable experience.
kvarner region tourist board
51410 opatija, nikole tesle 2, t +385 (0)51 272 988, e kvarner@kvarner.hr
“kvarner info - adriatic gate”, t +385 (0)51 623 333, 628 888, e info@kvarner.hr
Na Cvjetnu nedjelju, u mirisu ranoga proljeća, s uzvisina između Postira i Dola među koja su se usjekla polja, pred hodačem otvaraju se biblijski prizori. Crkvica Uzvišenja svetog Križa Isusa Krista Kralja u mjestu Postira na otoku Braču najmlađe je, a neki kažu i jedno od najljepših ostvarenja suvremene hrvatske sakralne arhitekture u protekla dva desetljeća.
On Palm Sunday, bathed in the scent of early spring, from the heights stretching between the townlets of Postira and Dol between which fields are sandwiched, biblical scenes unfold before your very eyes. The Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross of Jesus Christ the King in Postira on the island of Brač is the most recently built sacral building and, some claim, one of the most beautiful achievements of contemporary Croatian sacral architecture in the past two decades.
Kamen, loza, palma, maslina. Mogla bi biti Sveta Zemlja, a mogla bi biti i Dalmacija. Ni znatiželjno magare ne podcjenjuje svetost prizora jer, sjetimo se, kralj je naš jašući na njemu ponizno kročio prema gradu svoje muke. Na Cvjetnu nedjelju, u mirisu ranoga proljeća, s uzvisina između Postira i Dola među koja su se usjekla polja, pred hodačem otvaraju se biblijski prizori. Na sjevernoj strani otoka Brača, na pola puta koji od Supetra vodi u Pučišća, tik uz more smjestilo se mjesto Postira. Mjestašce ribara i težaka kojemu se s početkom ljeta utječu i mnogi željni šuma valova i tišine. S raskršća kod skretanja u mjesto, prije velikog zavoja, na brdu zvanom
Glavica bijeli se najmlađa od pet crkvi i kapela postirske Župe sv. Ivana Krstitelja. Najmlađe je, a neki kažu i jedno od najljepših ostvarenja suvremene hrvatske sakralne arhitekture u protekla dva desetljeća. Osjećati zahvalnost na daru života temeljna je ljudska potreba od pamtivijeka. Mnogo veća nego pitanje identiteta, iako Noini potomci širom svijeta taj osjećaj slave različitim jezicima. Riječju, bojom, zvukom, zemljom, drvom, kamenom. Običaj podizanja zavjetnih crkvi i kapela duboko je ukorijenjen u Dalmaciji pa tako i na otoku Braču. Jedna od osobitosti ovoga trećeg po veličini hrvatskog otoka jest i velik broj dobro očuvanih kamenih crkvica iz ranoga srednjega vijeka. Na tom tragu, dosljedni ideji da sintagma
spoj tradicije i suvremenosti ne označava smjer unatrag nego pogled okrenut budućnosti, hrvatski arhitekt Hrvoje Marinović i njegov tim zavjetni su san dr. Darka Jelinčića učinili vidljivim, opipljivim i monumentalnim. Naime, umirovljeni bečki kirurg svjetskoga glasa i izvanredni profesor na Medicinskom fakultetu u Beču, rođeni Postiranin dr. Darko Jelinčić odlučio je sagraditi crkvicu u starom očevu masliniku kako bi zahvalio Svevišnjem za sve što mu je podario u životu. Kao što kaže:
− Ona je moj uzvrat Gospodinu za sva dobra i za svu sreću koju mi je kroz život dao, ali i dar mojim Postiranima.
Projekt i radove dr. Jelinčić financirao je vlastitim sredstvima, iz novčanog fonda
01 Crkvica Uzvišenja svetog Križa Isusa Krista Kralja na otoku Braču uklopljena u biblijski ambijent kamena i maslina
The Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross of Jesus Christ the King on the island of Brač fitting in perfectly with the island’s biblical setting of stone and olive trees
02 Zavjetna crkvica na brdu Glavica iznad Postira najmlađa je od pet crkvi i kapela postirske Župe sv. Ivana Krstitelja
The votive church on Glavica Hill above the townlet of Postira is the youngest of the five churches and chapels of Postira’s Parish of Saint John the Baptist
03 Detalj zvonika s natpisom In cruce salus
A detail of the bell tower featuring the inscription In cruce salus
proizašlog od najviših počasnih zvanja koja mu je u ime Republike Austrije kao vrhunskom liječniku dodijelio bivši austrijski predsjednik Heinz Fischer. S neba palo, nebu se vratilo, jednostavan je i jasan dr. Jelinčić kada govori o svrsi svojih znanstvenih počasti. A kada smo već kod neba, evo što i projektanti Hrvoje Marinović, Ana Tomšić i Ana-Marija Unković o njemu kažu:
− Osim u bogatoj starohrvatskoj sakralnoj tradiciji, nadahnuće smo pronašli u krajobrazu otoka Brača, ali i u nebu, koje je ovdje, iznad velikih dalmatinskih otoka najvedrije na čitavom sjevernom i srednjem Mediteranu.
I doista, bjelinu oplata od bračkoga kamena zapljuskuje rumenilo sunca u svojem dnevnom hodu od praskozorja do sutona, dok interijer crkve umiva šareno svjetlo mozaika i vitraja hrvatskog akademskog slikara Josipa Botterija Dinija. Kameni ambon i oltar djela su pak njegova nećaka, akademskog kipara Duje Botterija. Arhitektonski pristup kojim se
Ova malena kuća Gospodnja svakoga će namjernika već sa svojih vrata opčiniti mirom i zagrliti vedrinom, onom istom s kojom ljudi ovoga kraja slave i radost i muku. Križ je slavlje, a ne poraz, rekao je msg. Nikola Eterović, još jedan Bračanin i apostolski nuncij u Njemačkoj u svojoj propovjedi 14. kolovoza 2020., nakon koje je svečano blagoslovio ovu zavjetnu crkvicu.
As soon as you enter this tiny house of the Lord, you’ll feel bewitched by the peace that resides in it, and embraced by its rapture, the same rapture with which the people of this region celebrate both the joys and pains of life. The cross is a celebration, not a defeat, said monsignor Nikola Eterović, apostolic nuncio to Germany born on the island of Brač, in a sermon he held on 14th August 2020, after which he consecrated this votive church.
01 Autori projekta inspiraciju su pronašli u spoju suvremene arhitekture, starohrvatske tradicije i otočkog krajolika
The architects drew inspiration from contemporary architecture, Old Croatian tradition, and the island’s landscape
02 Kvadratična apsida obložena bračkim kamenom
autorski trojac također vodio nije samo slijepo prikazivačko oponašanje graditeljskih i estetskih uzora rane hrvatske povijesti, nego njihovo kreativno potvrđivanje u stvarnom vremenu i prostoru. Vremenska kontekstualizacija nezaobilazna je kao dio likovnog koncepta kako bi upravo poruka, utjelovljena u zdanju, postala razumljiva. Malo, ljupko, a uzvišeno u svojoj minimalističkoj jednostavnosti. Otprilike osam kilometara južno od mjesta na kojemu je podignuta crkvica Uzvišenja svetoga Križa, na strmom brežuljku Miholjratu iznad Dola, nalazi se i jedna mala predromanička građevina, crkva sv. Mihovila iz 9. stoljeća. Put do nje dao bi se pretvoriti u lijepi pješački itinerar, nadahnut providnošću, ljepotom i snagom prirode. Bilo da ste vjernik ili možda samo ljubitelj dugih šetnji, ako se zateknete na Braču, prošećite njime.
Stone, grapevines, palms, olive trees. This scenery could be in the Holy Land, but it could also be in Dalmatia. Not even a curious donkey would minimise the sacredness of the scene because, let us be reminded, it was on a donkey that Jesus Christ the King humbly rode into the town of his torture. On Palm Sunday, bathed in the scent of early spring, from the heights stretching between the townlets of Postira and Dol between which fields are sandwiched, biblical scenes unfold before your very eyes.
You’ll find the townlet of Postira on the northern side of the island of Brač, halfway between the towns of Supetar and Pučišća, right by the sea. Postira is a townlet of fishermen and farmers, which many guests eager to soak up the sound of waves and enjoy some peace and quiet flock into at the beginning of summer. From the crossroads that takes you to Postira, just before the big bend on the hill called Glavica, you’ll
The square apse lined with Brač stone 01
spot the most recently built sacral building of the five churches and chapels of Postira’s Parish of Saint John the Baptist glittering. Some claim that it’s also one of the most beautiful achievements of contemporary Croatian sacral architecture in the past two decades. Feeling grateful for the gift of life has been a fundamental human need since time immemorial. It’s a need much greater than questions of identity, although Noah’s descendants the world over celebrate this feeling in different languages. In different words, colours, sounds, earth, wood, stone.
The custom of building votive churches and chapels is deeply rooted in Dalmatian tradition. This, of course, includes the island of Brač as well. Another peculiarity of Brač, Croatia’s third largest island, is that it’s the home of a large number of well-preserved stone churches from the early Middle Ages. Following in the footsteps of this tradition,
and remaining consistent with the idea that describing a design as a blend of the traditional and the modern doesn’t indicate a step backwards but a step towards the future, Croatian architect Hrvoje Marinović and his team made Dr Darko Jelinčić’s vow manifest, material, and monumental. Specifically, retired Viennese surgeon of world renown and associate professor at the Medical University of Vienna, Postira-born Dr Darko Jelinčić decided to build a small church in his father’s old olive grove to thank the Almighty for everything He had given him in life. This is what he has to say:
− This is my way of repaying the Lord for all the good things and for all the blessings that He has given me throughout my life, and a gift to my fellow townspeople of Postira. Dr Jelinčić financed the project and the construction of the church all by himself from the monetary awards that accompanied the highest honour he was awarded on behalf of the Republic of Austria by Heinz Fischer, former President of Austria. From heaven it came and to heaven it shall return, Dr Jelinčić is simple and clear when talking
about the purpose of the honours he’s received as a medical professional. Speaking of heaven, here is what architects Hrvoje Marinović, Ana Tomšić, and Ana-Marija Unković have to say about it:
− We drew inspiration from not only Croatia’s rich and long-standing tradition of sacral architecture, but also from the landscape of the island of Brač, and the sky, which is the clearest exactly here, above Dalmatia’s largest islands, in the entire region of the northern and central Mediterranean.
Indeed, the whiteness of the church’s Brač stone cladding is bathed in the glowing light of the Sun on its trajectory from dawn to dusk, while the interior is bathed in the colourful light of the mosaics and stained-glass windows created by the Croatian academically trained painter Josip Botteri Dini. The stone pulpit and the altar are the work of his nephew, the academically trained sculptor Duje Botteri. The approach adopted by the trio of architects was not to blindly reproduce the architectural and aesthetic models of sacral buildings from early Croatian
01 Interijer crkvice umiva šarenilo vitraja i mozaika hrvatskog akademskog slikara Josipa Botterija
The interior of the church bathing in the colourful light of stained-glass windows and mosaics created by the Croatian academically trained painter Josip Botteri Dini
02 Detalj vitraja s istočnog zida crkvice Uzvišenja svetog Križa
A detail of the stainedglass window in the east wall of the Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross of Jesus Christ the King
03 Unutrašnjost crkvice s pogledom na ambon i oltar, djela akademskog kipara Duje Botterija
The interior of the small church with a view of the pulpit and the altar, the work of the academically trained sculptor Duje Botteri
history, but rather to creatively confirm them in real time and space. Temporal contextualisation is unavoidable as part of the artistic concept for the message embodied in the building to become understandable. Small, delightful, and sublime in its minimalist simplicity. Some eight kilometres south of the spot where the Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross of Jesus Christ the King was built, on the steep Hill of Miholjrat above the townlet of Dol, there lies a small pre-Romanesque building − the Church of St. Michael from the 9th century. Inspired by the providence, beauty, and power of nature, the path that leads to it could easily be turned into a beautiful hiking itinerary. Whether you’re a believer or just a fan of long walks, if you happen to be on Brač, be sure to go on this hike.
Modni dizajner Zoran Mrvoš ističe se po minimalističkom pristupu odijevanju i na hrvatskoj je modnoj sceni poznat kao autor koji njeguje funkcionalan dizajn uz posebnu brigu o detaljima izrade. Njegov je izričaj u znaku skulpturalnih crno-bijelih formi koje lagano okružuju tijelo te se referira na modnu avanagardu. Nova kolekcija, predstavljena u zagrebačkoj Kuriji Modić Bedeković, staroj drvenoj kući očuvanoj zahvaljujući sestrama Milki i Vilmi Bedeković, donosi nam nove vizije klasične bijele košulje, za koju dizajner tvrdi da je jedna od osnova njegova rada.
− Žene su konstantno u potrazi za savršenom bijelom košuljom − naveo je autor, koji je poznat po košuljama raznih volumena, s više varijanti ovratnika. Neke su zapravo tunike pa dizajner ovime ulazi u sferu višenamjenskih modnih komada. Osim volumena košulja tu su i razne suknje te haljine koje također donose slobodu pokreta, a opet, silueta je fina i dotjerana. Majstor je i za kostime, odnosno sakoe, njegovi detalji na crnim formama inspirirani su patentnim zatvaračima, što daje pomalo rokerski dojam. Dizajner je nedavno pokrenuo još jednu etapu svojeg dizajna, a to su vjenčanice. Naime, hrvatsko tržište pokazuje interes za praktičan dizajn, a Mrvoš na tu scenu donosi vjen-
čanice koje su vrlo jednostavne i fluidne, naglašavaju tijelo te ga čine ženstvenim. Otvorio je i leđa, kao atraktivan stil haljine, ali i sakoa. U kolekciji su i odijela te bijele hlače kao alternativa mladenki koja želi nešto drugačije. Na kreacije aplicira i velike mašne; one su kontrast strogim, temeljnim linijama odijela, čime spaja tradiciju i modernost. Za njega je kruna dizajna kroj koji je savršen u svakom pogledu. Uglavnom radi po mjeri prema načelima održivog dizajniranja i korištenja najboljih materijala.
Famous for nurturing functionality in fashion design and for paying special attention to manufacturing details, fashion designer Zoran Mrvoš stands out on Croatia’s fashion scene thanks to his minimalist approach to fashion. His expression is defined by sculptural black and white forms that gently enwrap the body, and references to avant-garde fashion. His latest collection, presented in Zagreb’s Modić Bedeković Manor House, an old wooden house that has been preserved thanks to sisters Milka and Vilma Bedeković, introduces new visions of the classic white shirt, which, the designer claims, is one of the foundations of his work.
− Women are constantly looking for the perfect white shirt − says designer Zoran Mrvoš
PIŠE/BY Dubravka Prpić Znaor FOTOGRAFIJE/PHOTOS Marko Grubišićfamous for his shirts of various volumes and different collar designs. Some of his shirts are actually tunics, with which he enters the realm of multi-purpose fashion pieces. In addition to voluminous shirts, Zoran Mrvoš also designs skirts and dresses which don’t constrain freedom of movement, and whose silhouette is elegant and refined. He’s also a master of suits; jackets, to be precise. The details on his black jackets are inspired by zippers, which creates the impression that these are rocker jackets. Zoran Mrvoš has recently launched another line − a line of wedding dresses. More specifically, the Croatian market has shown an interest in practical design, which is why Mrvoš decided to launch a line of wedding dresses. They are simple and fluid, emphasise the body and make it feminine. He’s opened their back, which makes them an attractive style of dress, as well as the back of his jackets. The collection also includes suits and white trousers as an alternative for brides who’re looking for something different. His creations often feature large bows, which stand in contrast to the strict, fundamental lines of his suits. This is his way of combining tradition and modernity. For him, cuts that are perfect in every way are the very pinnacle of fashion design. He mainly designs made-tomeasure pieces using the principles of sustainable design and the best materials.
Kosim formama dizajner naglašava ženstvenost siluete
The designer uses oblique cuts and forms to highlight the femininity of the silhouette
Zahvaljujući dugoj i bogatoj tradiciji lončarstva i keramike, Petrinja je nadaleko poznata po lončarima, keramičarima te njihovim proizvodima. Stucka, glinena posuda koja zadržava temperaturu pića, simbol je petrinjskog lončarstva još od 18. stoljeća, a svim posjetiteljima znak dobrodošlice su dvometarske stucke koje krase ulaze u grad.
O petrinjskom lončarstvu i keramici Lončarstvom su se bavile obitelji prenoseći znanja generacijama. Izrađivanju keramike posvetile su se uglavnom umjetnice od kojih su mnoge studirale i izlagale svoje radove u Zagrebu, Münchenu, Parizu i Beču u vremenu u kojem je uloga žena bila ograničena na obiteljske i kućanske obveze. Prvi javni spomenik izradila je žena, prva hrvatska akademska kiparica, Mila Wod. Spomenik Stjepanu Radiću podignut je u Petrinji, 1936. godine na istoimenom trgu.
Danas u Petrinji stoljetnu tradiciju njeguju obrt Sunflower i udruga GRAK - Građanski aktivizam koji provode brojne projekte s ciljem edukacije, razvijanja znanja i vještina u izradi suvremene keramike, s ciljem revitalizacije lončarstva i keramike u Petrinji.
Europska ruta keramike
Petrinjsko lončarstvo i keramika trenutno prolazi proces zaštite nematerijalne kulturne baštine pri Ministarstvu kulture i medija, a Turistička zajednica Grada Petrinje od lipnja 2023. godine jedina je hrvatska predstavnica u Europskoj ruti keramike Vijeća Europe.
FLIK - Festival lončarstva i keramike Festival lončarstva i keramike pokrenula je Turistička zajednica Grada Petrinje 2021. godine.
FLIK nudi brojne radionice namijenjene svim generacijama, profesionalcima i umjetnicima. Zahvaljujući velikom interesu, nastavlja se stoljetna tradicija lončarstva i doživljava svoj ponovni procvat. Ove godine FLIK će se u Petrinji održati 18. i 19. svibnja 2024. uz radionice izrade skulptura i instalacija i pečenje gline raku tehnikom. Posjetitelji će u interakciji s majstorima i umjetnicima sudjelovati u radionicama i natjecanjima izrade suvenira, upoznati novi svijet keramike. Budite i vi dio ove lijepe priče! Dobrodošli!
01 Rad na lončarskom kolu Working on the potter’s wheel
02 Moderno dekoriranje tradicionalne keramike Modern-day decorations applied to traditional ceramics
Thanks to maintaining a long and rich tradition of pottery and ceramics, Petrinja is widely known for its potters, ceramicists, and their products. Stucka, a clay vessel that keeps the temperature of the liquid it contains constant, has been a symbol of Petrinja’s pottery since the 18th century. As an expression of Petrinja’s pride in its long tradition of pottery and ceramics, visitors to Petrinja are welcomed by the sight of two-metre tall stuckas adorning the entrances to Petrinja.
Petrinja’s pottery and ceramics
The practice of pottery used to be a family business of sorts, which is how knowledge of pottery has been passed from one generation to the next. Ceramics were mainly made by female artists, many of whom studied and exhibited their works in Zagreb, Munich, Paris, and Vienna at a time when the role of women was limited to familial responsibilities and household chores. Petrinja’s very first public monument was produced by a woman; namely, by Mila Wod, Croatia’s first academically trained female sculptor. Her monument to Stjepan
Radić was erected in Petrinja in 1936 on the square of the same name.
Petrinja’s centuries-old tradition of pottery and ceramics is today nurtured by the Sunflower sole tradership and the GRAK − Civic Activism association. With the aim of revitalising pottery and ceramics in Petrinja, the two have set up, and worked on many educational projects looking to disseminate knowledge and develop skills in the making of contemporary ceramics.
Petrinja’s pottery and ceramics tradition is at present in the process of seeking protection at Croatia’s Ministry of Culture
and Media as Croatia’s intangible cultural heritage. Similarly, the Petrinja Tourist Board is the only Croatian representative in the European Route of Ceramics, a Council of Europe-certified cultural route, which it joined in June 2023.
The FLIK Pottery and Ceramics Festival was launched by the Petrinja Tourist Board in 2021.
The FLIK Festival offers many different workshops intended for all generations, professionals, and artists. Thanks to much public interest, Petrinja’s centuries-old tradition of pottery continues. In fact, it
02 Uporabna keramika Everyday ceramics
03 Stucka, petrinjski originalni suvernir Stuckas, original souvenirs from Petrinja
has been experiencing a resurgence. This year’s edition of the FLIK Festival will be held in Petrinja on 18th and 19th May, and will include sculpture, installation, and raku firing pottery workshops. Workshop attendees will not only interact with pottery and ceramic masters and artists, but will also participate in souvenir-making competitions. Ultimately, they’ll get to know a completely new world, the world of ceramics. You’re invited to be a part of this beautiful story.
Welcome to Petrinja!
− vodeći medicinski centar izvrsnosti
Specijalna bolnica AGRAM vodeći je privatni zdravstveni sustav u regiji koji već 25 godina kroz prepoznatljivo i stručno iskustvo uspješno i kontinuirano podiže kvalitetu zdravstvenih usluga ističući prevenciju kao ključnu u suvremenom načinu življenja. Brza, kvalitetna usluga, znanje te individualan pristup svakom klijentu s ciljem podizanja svijesti o brizi za vlastito zdravlje imperativi su na kojima bolnica temelji svoje poslovanje. A upravo je to prepoznalo više od 120.000 zadovoljnih korisnika kojima se godišnje pruži više od dva milijuna medicinskih usluga. Ovaj jedinstveni razgranati sustav čini sedam suvremenih poliklinika u Hrvatskoj − u Zagrebu, Splitu, Zadru, Rijeci, Osijeku, Slavonskom Brodu i Varaždinu − i jedna u Sarajevu, u Bosni i Hercegovini.
Inovativnost i vrhunska tehnologija
Prateći najnovije svjetske zdravstvene trendove bolnica pruža cjelovitu zdravstvenu uslugu od prevencije i dijagnostike te intervencijskih zahvata i kirurškog liječenja na jednome mjestu i u jednome danu, čime je postala centar medicinske izvrsnosti i važan čimbenik u podizanju kvalitete zdravstva u regiji. Vodeći se filozofijom da su inovacije u medicini put do zdravlja, bolnica kontinuirano ulaže u najsuvremeniju dijagnostičku opremu dostupnu na svjetskom tržištu.
Izazovi suvremene medicine
U modernom operacijskom bloku bolnice nalaze se intervencijska kardiovaskularna dvorana namijenjena izvođenju dijagnostičkih i terapijskih postupaka iz područja intervencijske kardiologije i intervencijske radiologije, dok se u vrhunskoj integriranoj kirurškoj sali, jednoj od najopremljenijih u regiji, izvode endoskopski i kirurški zahvati najviše razine. Tako bolnica svakodnevno pruža široku paletu kirurških zahvata iz područja abdominalne kirurgije, ginekologije, plastične kirurgije i ortopedije kao i cijeli niz zahvata iz intervencijske kardiologije. Ovaj inovativni pristup usmjeren je na pacijenta, nosi niži rizik postoperativnih komplikacija i hospitalnih infekcija te omogućuje pacijentima brz oporavak i nastavak uobičajenog načina života i kod kompleksnih kirurških i dijagnostičkih postupaka.
Želite li za svoje zdravlje individualni pristup i vrhunsku uslugu, posjetite Specijalnu bolnicu AGRAM i učinite najbolje za svoje zdravlje. www.agram-bolnica.hr
The AGRAM Special Hospital is a leading private healthcare system in the region, which has successfully and continuously been raising the quality of healthcare services for 25 years by offering an outstanding and professional healthcare experience, while emphasising prevention as key to maintaining a modern lifestyle. Fast, quality service, knowledge, and an individualised approach to each client with the aim of raising awareness about the need to take care of one’s health are the imperatives around which the AGRAM Special Hospital centres its activities. This is exactly what has been recognised by more than 120,000 satisfied users, who make use of more than two million medical services every year. This exceptional branched system consists of seven modern polyclinics in Croatia − namely, in Zagreb, Split, Zadar, Rijeka, Osijek, Slavonski Brod, and Varaždin − and one in Sarajevo in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The AGRAM Special Hospital follows the latest global trends in healthcare, and offers a comprehensive healthcare service that inclu-
des prevention, diagnostics, interventional procedures, and surgical treatments in one place within a single day. This has made the AGRAM Special Hospital a centre of medical excellence, and an important factor in improving the quality of healthcare in the region. Guided by the philosophy that innovation in medicine is the path to health, the AGRAM Special Hospital continuously invests in the most advanced diagnostic equipment available on the global market.
The hospital’s modern operating wing houses an interventional cardiovascular room designed for the performance of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in the field of interventional cardiology and interventional radiology, while endoscopic and surgical procedures of the highest level are performed in the hospital’s top integrated surgical room, one of the best equipped in the region. In other words, the AGRAM Special Hospital offers a wide range of surgical procedures in the fields of abdominal surgery, gynaecology, plastic surgery, and orthopaedics, as well as a whole range of procedures in interventional cardiology. This innovative approach is patient-centred, reduces the risk of postoperative complications and hospital-acquired infections, and aids patient recovery enabling them to continue living their lives even after complex surgical and diagnostic procedures.
If you’re looking for a personalised approach to your health and top healthcare services, visit the AGRAM Special Hospital and do the best for your health.
Proljeće u Berlinu najljepše se osjeća u Vrtovima svijeta u rekreacijskom parku Marzahn. Kineski Vrt obnovljenog mjeseca ili japanski Vrt konvergentne vode vrhunac su suptilne azijske estetike. Renesansni vrt Toskane ili zeleni labirint po uzoru na park britanske kraljevske palače Hampton Court predstavljaju europsku ideju hortikulture, a kršćanski i orijentalno-islamski estetiku dvaju svjetonazora. Žičara spaja stanicu podzemne željeznice Kieneberg s centrom za posjetitelje parka Marzan. U travnju se održava japanski Festival trešnjina cvata.
For a stunning springtime experience in Berlin, head for the Gardens of the World in the Marzahn Recreational Park. The Chinese Garden of the Recovered Moon and the Japanese Garden of Confluent Water are the very pinnacle of subtle Asian aesthetics. The Italian Renaissance Garden and the green garden maze, modelled after the maze in the park of the British royal Hampton Court Palace, exemplify European horticultural concepts, while the Christian and Oriental-Islamic Gardens the aesthetics of two worldviews. There’s a cable car that connects the Kienberg subway station and the Marzahn Recreational Park. In April, be sure to check out the Japanese Cherry Blossom Festival.
Novost su u našem redu letenja i letovi Zagreb − Tirana i obratno. Leti se petkom i nedjeljom. Flights between Zagreb and Tirana are a novelty in our flight timetable. We operate them on Fridays, and Sundays.
Na našoj novoj liniji Zagreb − Berlin leti se triput na tjedan − utorkom, petkom i nedjeljom, a Split i Berlin povezani su našim letovima subotom.
We operate flights on our new Zagreb − Berlin route three times a week − on Tuesdays, Fridays, and Sundays. We also operate flights between Split and Berlin on Saturdays.
U središtu Tirane otvoren je Bunk’Art 2, supertajno nuklearno sklonište pretvoreno u muzej. Namijenjeno zaštiti elitnog osoblja policije i Ministarstva unutarnjih poslova, sklonište je osamdesetih godina tajno izgrađeno ispod Ministarstva unutarnjih poslova i otkriveno tek nedavne 2015. godine. Jedno je od posljednjih iz projekta bunkerizacije Envera Hoxhe jer se diktator paranoično bojao invazije imperijalnih sila. Prema službenoj procjeni Albanijom ih je posijano 175.000.
What was once a secret state nuclear bunker in the city centre of Tirana is now converted into a museum − Bunk’Art 2. Intended for the protection of Albania’s elite police and Ministry of Internal Affairs personnel, the bunker was built in secrecy under the said ministry in the 1980s, and was only discovered in 2015. It was one of the last bunkers of the bunkerisation project embarked on and built by Enver Hoxha because the paranoid dictator believed that imperial powers would invade Albania. According to official estimates, there are 175,000 bunkers scattered across Albania.
Split i Milano povezani su našim zrakoplovima dva puta na tjedan − četvrtkom i nedjeljom. We operate flights between Split and Milan twice a week − on Thursdays, and Sundays.
Tri desetljeća nakon otvorenja Muzej Vasa u Stockholmu i danas je najposjećeniji muzej u Skandinaviji. Nudi grotesknu priču o brodu Vasa, ratnom plovilu švedske mornarice koji nikada nije plovio. Prije tri stoljeća počeo se graditi kao običan ratni brod, ali kralj Gustav II. Adolf, zvan Vasa, naknadno se sjetio od njega načiniti najmoćniji i najljepši ratni brod toga doba, simbol moći švedske mornarice. Zbog stalnih preinaka i gomile ukrasa po kraljevoj zapovijedi, Vasa je pri svečanom porinuću otplutao jedva kilometar i potonuo. Pronašao ga je arheolog Anders Franzen i uspio ga u komadu izvući sa morskog dna.
Even three decades after its opening, the Vasa Museum in Stockholm continues to be the most visited museum in Scandinavia. It tells the grotesque story of Vasa, a warship of the Swedish navy that never sailed. Three centuries ago, the navy started building a regular warship, but King Gustav II Adolf, also known as Vasa, at one point decided to make it the most powerful and most beautiful warship, a symbol of the power of the then Swedish navy. Because of the countless modifications made to it and the ton of royal regalia added to it by royal command, at the launching ceremony, Vasa barely stayed afloat before it sank less than
Grad Milano odlučio je napuštenu industrijsku zonu u četvrti Porta Genova pretvoriti u kulturno središte. Bivšu čeličanu Ansaldo preobrazio je u otmjeni muzejski i izložbeni prostor namijenjen istraživanju svjetskih kultura. Stalne zbirke broje više od 9000 umjetničkih i zanatskih djela sa svih kontinenata. Među ovogodišnjim postavama poseban biser jest Picasso. Metamorfoza figure. Mlađe posjetitelje vjerojatno će zanimati Tetoviranje. Priče s Mediterana, povijest sedam milenija stare prakse tetoviranja, s naglaskom na Italiju i mediteransko područje.
The city of Milan decided to turn the abandoned industrial zone in the Porta Genova neighbourhood into a cultural centre, so it transformed the former Ansaldo steel plant into an exquisite museum and exhibition space dedicated to the exploration of world cultures. The museum’s permanent exhibits comprise over 9,000 works of art and crafts from all the continents. From amongst this year’s exhibitions, Picasso. Metamorphosis of the Figure is worth singling out. Younger visitors will surely be interested in Tattoo. Tales from the Mediterranean, an exhibition that explores the seven-thousand-year old history of the practice of tattooing, with an emphasis on Italy and the Mediterranean Basin.
a kilometre away from the shore. Archaeologist Anders Franzén found it and managed to pull it out in one piece from the bottom of the sea.
Na novoj liniji Zagreb − Stockholm letimo triput na tjedan − ponedjeljkom, srijedom i petkom. We operate flights on our new Zagreb − Stockholm route three times a week − on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
Bešiktaš, stara četvrt drvenih trokatnica na europskoj strani Istanbula
Bes ‚ iktas‚, an old neighbourhood of three-storey wooden buildings on the European side of Istanbul
Brojem stanovnika Istanbul je triput veći od Norveške i gotovo dvostruko od Austrije. Grad nekadašnjeg imperija toliko je narastao u vrijeme najveće moći i toliko nastavio rasti nakon raspada carstva da su četvrti postale pravi mali gradovi u gradu. Neke od najstarijih i najljepših zasigurno su one na Bosporu, vodenoj međi između europskog i azijskog dijela Turske.
Jedan od tih malih gradova u velikom gradu jest Bešiktaš, stara četvrt i općina na europskoj strani Istanbula. Ime mu dolazi od riječi bes tas (pet kamena) zbog pet kamenih stupova zabijenih u obalu za pristajanje brodova. Ovo rezidencijalno područje koje je nastajalo nakon osvajanja Konstantinopola izraslo je u neke od najslikovitijih dijelova Istanbula, poput Bebeka, Arnavutkoja i Ortakoja.
Nazivaju ga biserom Bospora. Naselje iz osmanlijskog doba nakrcano je nekim od najljepših palača i vila, a među njima
nalazi se golemo kameno zdanje u secesijskom stilu izgrađeno početkom dvadesetog stoljeća, vlasništvo egipatske plemićke obitelji iz doba kada je egipatsko plemstvo rado ljetovalo na Bosporu. Između starih zdanja ugnijezdile su se suvremene vile s bazenima, bajkovito njegovanim okućnicama i terasama s izravnim izlazom na more i vezovima za čamce. U tom raju uvijek je stanovala, a i danas živi društvena krema turskog društva, stalno ga dotjerujući, zbog čega je tako lijepa četvrt nazvana Bebek, na turskom beba ili lijep kao beba, a prema nekima je to skraćenica izraza zjenica Bospora
Priča ide ovako: godine 1468. sultan Mehmed II. Osvajač angažirao je zanatlije iz Albanije da poploče ulice Carigrada. Imigranti su odradili posao, nastanili se na obali Bospora nedaleko od Bebeka i nastao je Arnavutkoj, što na turskome znači albansko selo. Slijedili su ih Grci, Židovi i Armenci, podignuta je grčka pravoslavna crkva, džamija i sinagoge te je Arnavutkoj postao
02 Nijedna panorama grada ne može bez minareta neke od 3000 džamija
No panorama of Istanbul is complete without at least one minaret of the city’s 3,000 mosques
03 Trguje se i u Arnavutkoju, što na turskome znači albansko selo Trade is also conducted in Arnavutköy, which translates as the Albanian Village
presjecište različitih nasljeđa. Cijeli Arnavutkoj izgrađen je od drveta. Prvi red do mora zaposjele su impresivne vile sa secesijskim balkonima, obojane bijelo i u nijansama boje breskve i jorgovana. Iza njih se u brdo nižu uličice s uskim drvenim dvokatnicama jakih boja, ukrašene čipkastim balkončićima i erkerima, gdje su i ulične stepenice obojene pastelnim bojama.
I baš u tom dijelu Istanbula osnovana je 1863. američka privatna škola Robert College, najstarija izvan SAD-a, čiji je učenik bio nobelovac Orhan Pamuk.
Za razliku od mirnog Arnavutkoja, Ortakoj je pun umjetničkih galerija i studija, restorana, noćnih klubova, uličnih prodavača hrane i, dakako, turista. U bizantsko doba ribarsko selo, u osmanskom je izraslo u trgovačko središte. U njega su stizali trgovci s kopna i mora, iz Europe i Dalekog istoka, donoseći robu i nove običaje, kuhinju, arhitekturu i ideje, a kakofonija različitih jezika udarila je kozmopolitski pečat. U 19. stoljeću izrastao je u bogatu urbanu jezgru s poslovnim zgradama, bolnicom, školama, javnim kupalištima. Kao u Bebeku, istanbulska elita zaposjela je obalu Bospora velebnim ljetnikovcima, a sultan Abdulmecid I. izgradio golemu džamiju Bujuk Mecidije s iznimno visokim
minaretima i čudesnim unutarnjim dizajnom kako mjesto ne bi zaostajalo za najpoznatijim istanbulskim bogomoljama. Protok stvari, iskustava i ideja pretvorio je Ortakoj u središte kulture i obrazovanja, svojevrsnu koloniju zanimljivih pisaca, umjetnika i znanstvenika koji tu rade i žive.
In terms of population, Istanbul is three times larger than Norway and almost twice as large as Austria. The capital of a former empire had grown so extensively at the peak of its power, and continued to grow even more after its collapse that each of its districts became a real small town within a big city. Some of the oldest and most beautiful ones are those on the Bosporus Strait, a waterway between the European and Asian part of Turkey.
One such small town in the big city of Istanbul is Bes ‚ iktas ‚ , an old neighbourhood and district on the European side. Its name comes from the words bes ‚ ş tas ‚ or five stones because it has five stone pillars fixed into the shore for the mooring of ships. This is where some of the most picturesque parts of Istanbul are, neighbourhoods
such as Bebek, Arnavutköy, and Ortaköy, breath-takingly beautiful residential areas along the Bosporus that came into existence and started developing after the Fall of Constantinople.
The pearl of the Bosporus, Bebek, is a settlement from the Ottoman era. It’s the home of some of Istanbul’s most beautiful palaces and villas, one of which is a huge stone building built in the Art Nouveau style at the beginning of the twentieth century, and owned by an Egyptian noble family from a time when the nobility of Egypt enjoyed summering on the Bosporus. Modern villas with swimming pools, fabulously manicured gardens and terraces with direct access to the sea and moorings for boats are nestled between Bebek’s old buildings. This slice of paradise has always been the place of residence of the crème de la crème of Turkish society, who continually beautify it. The name of this gorgeous neighbourhood, Bebek, either means baby or beautiful baby, or is an abbreviation of the phrase the apple of Bosporus
The story of Arnavutköy goes like this. In 1468, Sultan Mehmed the Conqueror hired craftsmen from Albania to pave the streets of Constantinople. Once the Albanians were done with their work, they settled on the shore of the Bosporus not far from Bebek, and so the Albanian Village was born, which is what Arnavutköy means in Turkish. The Albanians were soon followed by Greeks, Jews, and Armenians, a Greek Orthodox church, a mosque and synagogues were built, which is how Arnavutköy became a place where different cultures meet. The whole of Arnavutköy is built of wood. The first row of houses right by the sea are impressive villas that feature Art Nouveau balconies, and that are painted white and in shades of
01 Restoran do restorana iza kojih vire najčuvenije znamenitosti nekadašnjeg Konstantinopola Restaurant after restaurant, behind which the most famous landmarks of what was once Constantinople rise
02 Impresivna džamija Bujuk Mecidije u Ortakoju, dijelu općine Bešiktaš
The impressive Grand Mecidiye Mosque in Ortaköy, which is part of the district of Bes ‚ iktas ‚
peach and lilac. Behind them, alleys packed with narrow wooden two-storey buildings painted in bright colours, and decorated with filigree balconies and bay windows, line the hill. Here, even the step streets are painted, in pastels. It is in this part of Istanbul that in 1863 the American private Robert College was founded, the oldest outside the USA, which was attended by the Nobel laureate Orhan Pamuk.
Unlike quiet Arnavutköy, Ortaköy is packed with art galleries and studios, restaurants, nightclubs, street food vendors and, of course, tourists. What was once a fishing village in the Byzantine era grew into a centre of commerce in the Ottoman era. Traders arrived here from land and sea, from Europe and the Far East, bringing with them not just goods, but also new customs, new cuisines, new architecture, and new ideas. It is this cacophony of different languages that afforded Ortaköy the label cosmopolitan. In the 19th century, it grew into a rich urban core with office buildings, a hospital, schools, and public baths. This is where Istanbul’s elite have their magnificent summer houses, and where, in wanting to make sure that Ortaköy doesn’t lag behind Istanbul’s most famous mosques, Sultan Abdülmecid I built the Grand Mecidiye Mosque with extremely high minarets and marvellous interior design. The free flow of goods, experiences, and ideas turned Ortaköy into a hub of culture and education, a colony of sorts of interesting writers, artists, and scientists who live and work here.
Letovi Split − Istanbul novost su u našem redu letenja. Iz Splita se leti u Istanbul utorkom, četvrtkom i subotom, a iz Istanbula u Split srijedom, petkom i nedjeljom.
Flights between Split and Istanbul are a novelty in our flight timetable. From Split to Istanbul flights are operated on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, and from Istanbul to Split on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays.
Zapljuskivana valovima Mediterana, Barcelona je središte u kojem sve vrvi umjetnošću, arhitekturom i zabavom. Osim što se može pohvaliti fascinantnom Sagradom Famílijom, najvećom nedovršenom katoličkom crkvom na svijetu, koju je dizajnirao katalonski arhitekt Antoni Gaudí, te brojnim drugim Gaudíjevim modernističkim znamenitostima, Barcelona je također mjesto na kojem ćete otkriti svjetove još trojice umjetnika rođenih u Kataloniji, naime Pabla Picassa, Salvadora Dalíja i Joana Miróa. Ovaj put, međutim, vodimo vas na nekoliko mjesta na otvorenome u kozmopolitskoj prijestolnici Katalonije, gdje ćete zasigurno stvoriti lijepe uspomene.
Gaudíjev prvi arhitektonski projekt
Pođimo prvo do Case Vicens, ljetne rezidencije obitelji Vicens koju je dizajnirao Antoni Gaudí. Izgrađena između 1883.
Kruna jedne od kupola smještenih na vrhu Case Vicens
The crown of one of the turrets on top of Casa Vicens
i 1885. godine, Casa Vicens njegov je prvi arhitektonski projekt, mjesto na kojem je posijao sjeme svojih kasnijih djela i premijerno predstavio svoj izniman talent. Casa Vicens smatra se remekdjelom arhitekture te je 2005. godine upisana na UNESCO-ov Popis svjetske baštine, nakon čega je 2017. godine konačno otvorila svoja vrata javnosti kao umjetnička galerija i muzej koji prikazuju kompleksne uzorke i gotovo nestvarne strukture po kojima je Gaudí postao poznat, i to na mjestu gdje je započeo njegov svjetski poznat umjetnički put. U prizemlju, na prvom i drugom katu te na krovu Case Vicens uživat ćete u otkrivanju Gaudíjeva talenta i dizajna, a u podrumu svakako potražite specijaliziranu trgovinu i knjižaru La Capell, u kojoj možete kupiti predmete i suvenire koji će upotpuniti vaš posjet te postaviti pitanja o Gaudíjevoj arhitektonskoj smjelosti i umjetničkoj slobodi.
Izgubite se u Parcu del Laberint d’Horta Prilikom proljetnog posjeta Barceloni, svakako svratite u Parc del Laberint d’Horta, bez sumnje jedan od zelenih dragulja glavnoga grada Katalonije koji se nalazi izvan standardnih turističkih ruta. Dizajniran 1791. godine, ovaj raskošni park veličine 55 hektara (od kojih se na 9 hektara rasprostiru vrtovi uređeni u eklektičnom nizu stilova poput maurskog, mediteranskog, neoklasicističkog i romantičnog) neusporedive ljepote najstariji je očuvani vrt u gradu s bezbrojnim cvjetnim gredicama, malim trgovima, visokim stablima, potocima, vodopadima, fontanama, jezercima, kanalima, skulpturama, prostorom za piknik, igralištem za djecu i, kako sam naziv parka govori − velikim labirintom od obrezanih čempresa. Pozivajući vas da se prvo izgubite, a potom pronađete put do središta labirinta gdje se nalazi kip Erosa, boga ljubavi, labirinti poput ovog potiču duboku osobnu transformaciju i duhovno prosvjetljenje s obzirom na to da su dizajnirani tako da predstavljaju čovjekovo putovanje kroz život, čiji je krajnji cilj otkrivanje vlastite sudbine. Bilo kako bilo, labirinti su i vrlo zabavni, a ovaj je park itekako vrijedan vašeg vremena. Valja napomenuti da s ciljem održavanja zapanjujuće ljepote parka svega 750 ljudi smije istodobno boraviti u Parcu del Laberint d’Horta, stoga svoj dolazak te potragu za mirom i tišinom svakako unaprijed isplanirajte.
Živahnost Palo Alta
S obzirom na to da na poznatoj tržnici La Boqueria u Barceloni može biti poprilična gužva, vodimo vas na uličnu tržnicu gdje ćete imati više prostora za disanje, a riječ je o Palo Market
Festu u Palo Altu. Izgrađena u kasnom devetnaestom stoljeću, Palo Alto je tvornica koja je temeljito renovirana i pretvorena u središte okupljanja kreativnih kompanija. Posljednjih je desetljeća Palo Alto postao jedna od referentnih točaka kulturnog života Barcelone, kao i raj za povrće zahvaljujući svojim spektakularnim horizontalnim i vertikalnim vrtovima. Sofisticirani i elegantni Palo Market Fest gozba je za svih pet osjetila jer ugošćuje štandove na kojima ćete pronaći lokalnu uličnu hranu proizvedenu od ekološki uzgojenih namirnica, knjige, modnu odjeću i dodatke, nakit, najnoviji dizajn, antikvitete, rukotvorine, ploče i mnoge druge fascinantne predmete, a usred kojih se održavaju radionice, koncerti i likovne izložbe. Palo Market Fest održava se vikendom otprilike jednom mjesečno, a cijena ulaznice iznosi 5 eura, no itekako se isplati posjetiti ga jer ćete na Palo Market Festu doživjeti autentičnije iskustvo Barcelone bez gužvi s obzirom na to da je ulaz ograničen.
Splashed by the waves of the Mediterranean, Barcelona is a hub of art, architecture, and entertainment. Boasting the fabulous Sagrada Família, the largest unfinished Catholic church in the world designed by Catalan architect Antoni Gaudí, and count-
less of his other modernist landmarks, Barcelona is also where you’ll discover the worlds of another three Catalan-born artists, namely Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dalí, and Joan Miró. This time, however, we’re taking you to a few outdoor spots in the cosmopolitan capital
Let’s first head for Casa Vicens, the Vicens family’s summer residence designed by none other than Antoni Gaudí. Built between 1883 and 1885, this was his very first architectural project, which sowed the seeds of his later works showcasing his extraordinary talent. Considered a masterpiece of architecture, Casa Vicens was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2005, and in 2017 it finally opened its doors to the public as an art gallery and museum that display the intricate patterns and surreal structural designs that Gaudí became famous for in the place where his world-famous artistic journey began. Besides enjoying Gaudí’s talent and designs on the ground, first and second floors as well as on the rooftop, be sure to check out the basement, which now houses the La Capell speciality store and bookshop, where you’ll find items and souvenirs to complement your visit, and inquire about Gaudí’s bold designs
During your visit to Barcelona in the spring, be sure to check out the Labyrinth Park of Horta, without a doubt one of the green jewels in the crown of the capital of Catalonia, just outside standard tourist routes. Designed in 1791, this elaborate 55-hectare (9 hectares of which are partially landscaped gardens laid out in an eclectic range of
styles, such as the Moorish, the Mediterranean, the neoclassical, and the romantic) park of matchless beauty is the city’s oldest conserved garden featuring countless flower beds, small squares, tall trees, streams, waterfalls, fountains, ponds, canals, sculptures, a picnic area, a children’s play area and − as the name of the park suggests − a large labyrinth created from pollarded cypress trees. Inviting you to first get lost and then find your way to the centre of the labyrinth where a statue of Eros, the god of love, is found, mazes such as this one are meant to inspire deep personal transformation and spiritual enlightenment given that mazes are intended and designed to represent one’s journey through life, the ultimate goal of which is discovering one’s destiny. Be that as it may, labyrinths are also a lot of fun, and this park is well worth the time. It’s worth pointing out that, to maintain the stunning beauty of the Labyrinth Park of Horta, a maximum of only 750 people are allowed to roam the park at any given time, so be sure to plan ahead for a day of some peace and quiet.
Vivacious Palo Alto
Because Barcelona’s famous La Boqueria market can get pretty crowded, we’re taking you to a street market where you’ll have more room to breathe − the Palo Market Fest in Palo Alto. Built in the late nineteenth century, Palo Alto was a factory which was thoroughly renovated and converted into a hub for creative companies. In recent decades it has become one of Barcelona’s cultural reference points, and a paradise for vegetables thanks to its spectacular horizontal and vertical gardens. A feast for all five senses, the sophisticated and stylish Palo Market Fest features stalls that sell local and organic street foods, books, fashion, accessories, jewellery, the latest design, antiques, crafts, records, and other fascinating finds, amidst which workshops, concerts and art exhibitions are held. It
takes place at the weekend approximately once a month and costs €5 to enter, but it’s well worth it for this is where you’ll have a more authentic experience of Barcelona that beats the crowds given that entry is limited.
Naši zrakoplovi povezuju Zagreb i Barcelonu tri puta na tjedan − utorkom, četvrtkom i nedjeljom.
We operate flights between Zagreb and Barcelona three times a week − on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays.
18.04.2024. -
Pridružite nam se na prvom
Dalmatia Boat Show-u u Marini Baotić u Segetu Donjem, Hrvatska! Join us at the first Dalmatia Boat Show in Marina Baotić in Seget Donji, Croatia!
24. 3. − 2. 4.
Za vrijeme Vele setemane (Velikog tjedna) u gradu Korčuli, tri drevne bratovštine prolaze ulicama u procesiji odjevene u tonige, noseći bogato ukrašene torce (svijeće), cereferale i kandelabre.
During Vela Setemana or the Holy Week, in the town of Korčula three ancient brotherhoods march through the streets in procession dressed in vestments, and carrying richly decorated candles, processional torches, and candelabra.
4. 4. − 7. 4.
Osječka Dvorana Gradski vrt ponovo je središte svjetske gimnastike. Gotovo 200 gimnastičarki i gimnastičara iz više od 30 zemalja svijeta u ovoj olimpijskoj godini tražit će vrhunske plasmane u Osijeku, a mnogima će to biti i posljednja priprema za Europsko prvenstvo u Riminiju, koje je na rasporedu krajem travnja.
Osijek’s City Garden Arena is about to become the capital of world gymnastics. This Olympic year, almost 200 gymnasts from more than 30 countries from around the world will be competing in artistic gymnastics in Osijek. For many, this will be their final preparation for the 2024 European Championships in Artistic Gymnastics in Rimini, which are timetabled for the end of April.
F. Šimićev, TZG Zadra/Zadar Tourist Board
5. 5.
Globalna utrka Wings for Life World Run, čiji je cilj pronaći lijek za ozljede leđne moždine, u svibnju se vraća u Zadar. U Zadru se ova humanitarna utrka čitavom rutom trči uz more.
The global Wings for Life World Run charity, which funds research projects aimed at finding a cure for spinal cord injuries, is returning to Zadar in May. The entire route of the Wings for Life World Run in Zadar is run along the seafront.
14. − 21. 4.
Riječ je o najznačajnijem festivalu dokumentarnog filma u državi i regiji, koji ove godine obilježava dva desetljeća postojanja. ZagrebDox je festival koji prikazuje najbolje kreativne dokumentarne filmove, a zbog svoje imaginativne forme i odabira tema jedinstven je u Hrvatskoj i Europi.
ZagrebDox, a leading documentary film festival in the country and the region, is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. The innovative format of ZagrebDox’s selection of documentary themes and screening the best documentary films is what makes it a one-of-a-kind festival in both Croatia and Europe.
25. − 28. 4.
Olimpijski, svjetski i europski prvaci stižu u Hrvatsku, a među njima je i dvostruka svjetska prvakinja Barbara Matić. Pridružite nam se na ovom prestižnom događaju u olimpijskoj godini u Areni Zagreb.
Croatia is about to host Olympic, world, and European champions in judo, one of whom is the two-time world champion, Barbara Matić. Join us at this prestigious event in the Olympic year of 2024 in Zagreb’s Arena.
16. 4. − 20. 4.
Sudjelujte na ovoj brdskoj biciklističkoj utrci s jedinstvenim doživljajem vožnje u samo pet dana na naša četiri kvarnerska otoka− Krku, Cresu, Lošinju i Rabu. Baška na Krku devetu je godinu zaredom domaćin prve etape, koja će se održati 16. i 17. travnja.
This is an epic mountain bike race, whose participants ride across four of the islands in the Gulf of Kvarner − namely, the islands of Krk, Cres, Lošinj, and Rab − in just five days. On 16th and 17th April, the town of Baška on the island of Krk is hosting the first stage of the race for the ninth year in a row.
Kad su prvi put dolazili u Hrvatsku, timovi i posade nisu znali što ih očekuje. Vrlo brzo shvatili su da će natjecanje na 50 nijansi asfalta postati jedan od najvećih izazova sezone. Hrvatska postaja Svjetskog prvenstva u rallyju u prve tri godine održavanja donijela je pravi vrtuljak emocija za natjecatelje, timove, gledatelje, ali i organizatore. Croatia Rally u prva se dva WRC izdanja odlučivao u posljednjim metrima, a svjetski mediji vrlo su ga brzo prozvali klasikom.
Sebastien Ogier postao prvi je pobjednik Croatia Rallyja u WRC eri. Bilo je to 2021. godine. Sljedeće godine Ogier nije došao braniti naslov, što je za pobjedu na posljednjem brzincu iskoristio Kalle Rovanpera. Baš poput Ogiera godinu dana ranije, na kraju sezone postao je svjetski
prvak. Najmlađi u povijesti, u dobi od samo 22 godine. Treći WRC Croatia Rally osvojio je Elfyn Evans. Natjecanje je uz brzinske ispite pratilo 400.000 gledatelja, a putem malih ekrana njih više od 58 milijuna.
Uvjeti za sudionike i organizatore Croatia Rallyja kroz sve tri godine bili su izazovni. No svake godine pomicale su se granice i postavljali novi standardi. Svjetska automobilistička federacija, FIA, dodijelila je Croatia Rallyju certifikat za zaštitu okoliša s tri zvjezdice, što je najveće dostignuće na polju održivosti. Sve je to dokaz da se tijekom organizacije ovog automobilističkog spektakla vodi briga o brojnim detaljima pa tako i predanosti očuvanju i zaštiti prirodnih resursa te poticanju sklada između zajednica i okoliša. U
provedbi Croatia Rallyja sudjeluje više od 2000 osoba, među kojima značajnu ulogu igraju volonteri.
Program WRC Croatia Rallyja 2024. počinje u četvrtak 18. travnja tzv. shakedownom te ceremonijalnim startom kod zagrebačkih fontana u večernjim satima. U petak 19. travnja vozi se osam brzinskih ispita na području Zagrebačke, Karlovačke i Primorsko-goranske županije. Još osam brzinskih ispita u Zagrebač-
01 Rally1 hibridni automobili u središtu Zagreba
Rally1 hybrid cars in Zagreb’s city centre
02 Power Stage u Kumrovcu Power Stage in Kumrovec
03 Pregrupiranje u Kumrovcu uoči posljednjeg brzinskog ispita
Regrouping in Kumrovec prior to the final special stage
koj i Karlovačkoj županiji na rasporedu je u subotu 20. travnja. Završnog dana, u nedjelju 21. travnja, vozi se na dobro poznatim lokacijama u Varaždinskoj i Krapinsko-zagorskoj županiji, dok će se ceremonijalni cilj održati kod zgrade INA-e u Novom Zagrebu. Posade očekuje 1883 km dugačak itinerar, od čega će 283 km pokriti 20 brzinskih ispita. Raspored natjecanja, rezultate i posebne ponude pronađite na aplikaciji Croatia Rally dostupnoj za Android i iOS pametne uređaje. Osim kroz aplikaciju ulaznice, koje se mogu zamijeniti za posebne FAN akreditacije, moguće je kupiti i putem portala www.ulaznice.hr. Gledatelje i natjecatelje ponovo očekuje oktanski spektakl kojemu će sjajnu kulisu stvoriti prekrasni hrvatski krajolici. Brojne kulturno-povijesne znamenitosti i bogata enogastronomska ponuda pridonijet će slici Hrvatske kao destinacije za cjelogodišnji turizam.
When they first came to Croatia, the teams and crews had no idea what to expect. They soon realised that the Croatian round of the World Rally Championship (WRC) on Croatia’s fifty shades of asphalt would soon become one of the biggest challenges of the season. The first three years of the Croatia Rally introduced a wave of emotions for all, including the competitors, the teams, the spectators, and the organisers. In the first two Croatian editions of the WRC, the winner of the Croatia Rally was decided in the last few metres of the race, which is why international media
outlets dubbed Croatia Rally a classic Sebastien Ogier was the first winner of the WRC Croatia Rally. This was in 2021. The following year, Ogier didn’t come to Croatia to defend the title, which Kalle Rovanperä used to his advantage − he won in the last special stage. Like Ogier a year earlier, at the end of the season Rovanperä became world champion, the youngest in history, at the age of only 22. The third WRC Croatia Rally was won by Elfyn Evans. The race itself and the special stages were watched by 400,000 spectators, and by more than 58 million on their television screens. The conditions that both the participants and organisers of all the three editions of the Croatia Rally had to face were challenging. But every year the boundaries were pushed back, and new standards set. The Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile or FIA awarded Croatia Rally a three-star environmental certificate, the highest level of certification in FIA’s environmental sustainability programme. FIA environmental accreditation testifies to the fact that, in organising this motorsport spectacle, care is taken of countless details, as well as to the fact that the organisers are committed to the preservation and protection of natural resources, and to the promotion of the need to maintain a balance between communities and the environment. More than 2,000 people participate in setting up the Croatia Rally, amongst whom volunteers play an important role.
The WRC Croatia Rally 2024 starts on Thursday, 18th April, with a shakedown and ceremonial start in the evening at Zagreb’s
Fountains. On Friday, 19th April, eight special stages will be held in the Zagreb, Karlovac, and Primorje-Gorski Kotar counties. Eight more special stages in the Zagreb, and Karlovac counties are timetabled for Saturday, 20th April. On the last day of the rally, Sunday, 21st April, stages will be held at well-known locations in the Varaždin, and Krapina-Zagorje counties, while the ceremonial finish will be crossed at the INA building in Novi Zagreb. The rally’s itinerary is 1,883 km long, of which 283 km are covered in 20 special stages.
To navigate the Croatia Rally schedule, results, and special offers, download the Croatia Rally app available for Android and iOS smart devices. Tickets, which can be exchanged for special FAN accreditation, are available through the Croatia Rally app and online at www.ulaznice.hr. Spectators and competitors are once again in for a real treat in the form of an octane spectacle set against a backdrop of Croatia’s beautiful landscapes. Croatia’s cultural and historical heritage sites, and a rich offer of foods and drinks will undoubtedly contribute to the image of Croatia as a year-round holiday destination.
01 Kameni most u Novigradu na Dobri, jedna od najpoznatijih lokacija
Croatia Rallyja
The stone bridge of Novigrad on Dobra River, one of Croatia Rally’s most famous locations
02 Ceremonijalni start na zagrebačkim fontanama Ceremonial start at Zagreb’s Fountains
Od 18. svibnja u središtu Zagreba očekuje nas nova atrakcija − Muzej putovanja. Svojim multimedijskim, interaktivnim postavom i raznovrsnim temama vezanim za fenomen putovanja ta kulturno-turistička atrakcija predstavlja jedinstven, zabavan, edukativan i zanimljiv sadržaj za turiste svih dobnih skupina u virtualnom putovanju hrvatskim i svjetskim odredištima.
On the 18 May, Zagreb downtown will see the opening of yet another attraction in the city − the Travel Experience Museum. This new cultural and tourist attraction is, thanks to its multimedia and interactive displays focusing on various themes relating to the phenomenon of travel, a unique, fun, educational, and interesting offering to visitors of all ages and backgrounds, which will take them on virtual trips to different destinations in both Croatia and the world.
Muzej putovanja (Travel Experience Museum) strateški je smješten u strogom centru Zagreba, gotovo na središnjem gradskom trgu, u prolazu Neboder na adresi Ilica 1. Pruža jedinstven doživljaj i novo iskustvo putovanja, a posjetitelja dočekuje velikom interaktivnom vanjskom površinom muzeja, koja upućuje na to da se u samom muzeju nalaze atrakcije koje treba otkriti. Suvremeni trendovi i fenomen putovanja globalno grupirani su u više tema i predstavljeni elaboracijom koncepta i povijesti putovanja s naglaskom na prezentaciji iskustva tj. doživljaja putovanja. Posjetitelj muzeja upoznat će tako svjetsku i hrvatsku materijalnu i nematerijalnu kulturnu baštinu. Posebna pažnja posvećena je prirodnim fenomenima koji naš planet čine tako posebnom i zanimljivim. Muzej će svojim aktivnostima, predavanjima, radionicama, gostovanjima svjetskih putnika i aktivista za očuvanje planeta
Suvremeni globalni turisti mogu u muzeju otkriti nove zanimljivosti, istražiti Hrvatsku i njezine prirodne i kulturne znamenitosti te po vlastitu odabiru pretražiti svjetske destinacije, zabaviti se i educirati.
At the Travel Experience Museum, modern-day world travellers will be discovering new interesting things, and exploring Croatia and its natural and cultural heritage sites. They will also be exploring destinations around the world of their choice, having fun, and learning.
Zemlje educirati djecu i mlade o važnosti održivog razvoja i klimatskih promjena. U multimedijskoj i interaktivnoj prezentaciji tema i sadržaja korištena je široka paleta suvremenih multimedijskih alata i najsuvremenije tehnologije, od klasične fotografije i videa, interaktivnih ekrana, interaktivne medijske fasade do virtualne stvarnosti i videa u VR 360 tehnologiji do tehnike proširene stvarnosti. Interes suvremenog putnika jest otkriti novo i doživjeti jedinstveno, nezaboravno iskustvo i emocionalno zadovoljstvo pa je postav muzeja koncipiran kao nova
spoznaja, edukacija i vrhunska zabava za sve segmente posjetitelja. Muzej nudi mogućnosti virtualnog obilaska brojnih atraktivnih svjetskih destinacija ili pretraživanja kulturnih i prirodnih atrakcija ili materijalnih i nematerijalnih fenomena pod zaštitom UNESCO-a koji su u Hrvatskoj i širom svijeta vezani uz putovanja. Najsuvremeniji pristup u prezentaciji omogućuje svakom posjetitelju da bude uključen u procese istraživanja i doživljaja novog, da sudjeluje u zabavi pojedinačno, grupno ili u obitelji, educira se i sudjeluje u različitim kreativnim i edukativnim radionicama. Iskustvo i doživljaj putovanja kroz različite fenomene vezane za putovanja, kroz povijesno-edukativni narativ od antike do danas i u budućnosti, počinje onog trenutka kada posjetitelji uđu u muzej; sva njegova čula doživjet će neko od putovanja, neko iskustvo ili neku spoznaju. Posjetitelj može pretraživati brojne teme iz povijesti putovanja: od prapovijesti, antike do velikih trgovačkih putova (Put jantara, Put
svile), pretražiti važne gradove na rutama u povijesti putovanja, ali i danas nezaobilazne turističke destinacije; pretražiti vjerska, hodočasnička putovanja i fenomene svih religija i najznačajnija hodočasnička svetišta u svijetu. Također, posebna su tema putovanja radi stjecanja novih znanja, otkrića i spoznaja i razmjene znanja, a iznimno su atraktivna tema europska GranTour putovanja i ponovno otkrivanje antike. Industrijski razvoj daje i neslućene mogućnosti za razvoj putovanja pa su vrlo atraktivno predstavljena prekooceanska putovanja početkom 20. stoljeća kao i putovanja željeznicom. Opći razvoj automobilske industrije dovodi do demokratizacije putovanja i pojave organiziranih oblika turizma ili kulture dokolice. Globalni razvoj putovanja zrakoplovom često omogućuje financijski vrlo povoljnu i brzu dostupnost svih odredišta širom svijeta. Doživljaj putem tehnologije SF putovanja u svemir sigurno će imati poklonike među svim segmentima posjetitelja, a svidjet će im se i mogućnost virtualne dostupnosti brojnih destinacija u svijetu.
Upravo se virtualni doživljaj egzotičnih destinacija, dalekih egzotičnih pejzaža, običaja, prizora, pustinja, visokih planina, vulkana i prašuma izmjenjuje sa svojevrsnim uranjanjem u pejzaž u posebno koncipiranoj LED sobi s pejzažima i optičkim iluzijama. Velike svjetske destinacije, gradovi i urbane sredine predstavljeni su u projekcijskoj sobi. Brojni svjetski putnici, istraživači, blogeri i putopisci u Muzeju putovanja naći će svojeg partnera i mjesto za objavu putopisa, prezentacije putovanja, zanimljivih predavanja i radionica. Muzej se želi pozicionirati kao ishodišna točka i mjesto inspiracije i planiranja novih putovanja.
Jedan dio u postavu muzeja, nazvan Open Travel, vezan je uz uspomene s putovanja. Ovo je ujedno poziv za doniranje Muzeja putovanja uspomenama vezanim uz putovanja. Donirane uspomene ili memorabilije mogu biti različite fotografije, razni audio i video zapisi, suveniri, uporabni i dekorativni predmeti, planovi putovanja, razglednice itd. Donatori muzeja čiji predmeti po stručnom odabiru budu izloženi u muzeju sudjeluju u nagradnim igrama u organizaciji Muzeja putovanja, koji postaje novi kulturno-turistički proizvod u gradu Zagrebu, namijenjen svima koji su motivirani i nadahnuti u cijelosti ili djelomično interesom za novim spoznajama, doživljajima i otkrićima novih destinacija i atrakcija.
Open Travel is a section of the museum’s displays dedicated to travel memorabilia. This means that the Travel Experience Museum welcomes donations of travel-related memorabilia, which can include different photos, various audio and video recordings, souvenirs, everyday objects and decorations, travel plans and itineraries, postcards, etc. Donors whose donations will be selected as museum exhibits will participate in prize games organised by the Travel Experience Museum, which is about to become a new cultural hotspot and tourism product of Zagreb intended for all who are motivated and inspired, whether in whole or in part, by an interest in new knowledge, new experiences, and new discoveries of new destinations and attractions.
The Travel Experience Museum is strategically located in the very city centre of Zagreb. More specifically, it is housed in the passageway of the skyscraper at no. 1 Ilica Street or pretty much on Ban Josip Jelačić Square. Welcoming its visitors with a large interactive exterior hinting at the attractions to be discovered inside the museum itself, the experience that the Travel Experience Museum offers its visitors is unique and new. Contemporary trends and
the phenomenon of international travel are grouped into several themes, and presented by elaborating on the concept and history of travel with an emphasis on the presentation of experience in general, and the experience of travel in particular. Visitors to the museum will get to know the tangible and intangible cultural heritage of the world and Croatia. Special attention is paid to natural phenomena which make our planet special and fascinating. One of the museum’s missions is to teach children and young people about the importance of sustainable development and climate change through the organisation of activities, lectures, workshops, guest appearances by world travellers and environmental activists fighting to save planet Earth. To present its themes and offerings interactively, the Travel Experience Museum uses a wide range of modern multimedia tools and state-of-the-art technology, ranging from classic photography and video, interactive screens, interactive media walls to virtual reality, 360° VR videos and augmented reality content. Modern-day travellers are interested in discovering new things and in having unique, unforgettable experiences which are emotionally satisfying, which is why the museum’s layout is designed to provide new insight and high-quality entertainment, and to be educational for visitors of all ages and backgrounds. The museum offers its visitors the chance to go on virtual tours of numerous fabulous destinations around the world or to discover cultural and natural attractions or various UNESCO-protected tangible and intangible world heritage sites related to travel in both Croatia and the world. The fact that the museum uses the most modern approach available in presenting its offerings allows visitors to be involved in the process
of exploring and experiencing something new, to participate in the fun individually, in groups or as a family, to learn something new, and to partake in various creative and educational workshops.
The experience of travelling through various phenomena relating to travel, through historical and educational narratives ranging from antiquity to the present day and the future, begins the moment visitors enter the museum. Visitors will go on new journeys, have new experiences, and gain new insights − through all their senses. Visitors will be able to explore different themes from the history of travel, such as travel during prehistory, in antiquity, and via major trade routes such as the Amber Road and the Silk Road; roam around important cities on major routes in the history of travel, and today’s major tourist destinations; tour religious sites, go on pilgrimages, and explore the phenomena of all the world religions, and the world’s major pilgrimage sites. Similarly, travelling for the purpose of exchanging and acquiring new knowledge, making new discoveries, and gaining new insights is a special theme. European Grand Tours and the rediscovery of antiquity are also highly sought-after themes. Industrial development created previously unimagined opportunities for the development of travel, so transoceanic voyages that started at the beginning of the 20th century and travelling by train are presented in much detail. The general development of the automotive industry led to the democratisation of travel and the emergence of organised forms of tourism and leisure culture. The global development of air travel often makes any destination around the world accessible and affordable. The chance to virtually travel to numerous destinations around the world, as
U sedam godina djelovanja, Radiochirurgia Zagreb izrasla je iz poliklinike u specijalnu bolnicu, referentni centar Siemensa za primjenu umjetne inteligencije u dijagnostici i liječenju onkoloških bolesti te jedan od vodećih regionalnih i europskih centara za liječenje karcinoma.
Naš stručni tim za liječenje karcinoma koristi nekoliko metoda od kojih je jedna stereotaksijska radiokirurgija. Ova metoda predstavlja značajan pomak u liječenju karcinoma, a njezina posebnost je u tome što se liječenje obavlja visokoenergetskim zrakama i omogućuje da se doze zračenja submilimetarskom preciznošću isporučuju izravno u tumor, bez korištenja klasične kirurške opreme, bez rezova i bez krvi, uz minimalan utjecaj tretmana na okolno zdravo tkivo i organe. Također, najčešće nema potrebe da ostajete u bolnici jer nakon tretmana odmah možete ići kući.
Za radiokirurgiju smo opremljeni linearnim akceleratorima Varian Edge i CyberKnife S7, linearnim akceleratorom koji omogućuje liječenje karcinoma uz pomoć umjetne inteligencije. Tehnološka izvrsnost bolnice dodatno je nadopunjena najnovijim visokonaprednim Varian Ethos linearnim akceleratorom.
Kada govorimo o dijagnostici, od prošle godine u rad smo uveli najsuvremeniji dijagnostički sustav Siemens
Biograph Vision 600 koji omogućava visokosofisticirane pretrage kao što je ultra HD PET MSCT Definition
EDGE/DE MSCT, bilo s niskodoznim CT-om (PET/low dose CT) bilo uz primjenu intravenskog kontrastnog sredstva (PET s dijagnostičkim MSCT-om). Potom, fuzijski ultra HD PET 3T MR VIDA koji predstavlja spoj HD PET-a s MR-om 3T koji omogućava fuzijski ultra HD PET/MR 3T prikaz cijelog tijela te izdvojenih anatomskih regija.
Važno je za napomenuti da je napredak tehnologije omogućio izvođenje Biološki vođene radiokirurgije, napredne radiokirurške metode zasnovane na praćenju radiofarmaka koji se ciljano nakuplja u tumorskom tkivu te izvođenje funkcionalnih radiokirurških zahvata poput liječenja aritmije srca uz pomoć radioablacije i radiokirurške talamotomije za pacijente s esencijalnim tremorom. Također, napredne radiokirurške zahvate po potrebi obavljamo i u općoj endotrahealnoj i.v. anesteziji.
Osim ovih uređaja, na raspolaganju imamo vrhunski opremljenu onkološko-kiruršku dvoranu uz pomoć koje smo prvi u ovom dijelu Europe u praksu uveli suvremenu adaptivno-hibridnu kirurgiju koja kombinira klasičnu kirurgiju s radiokirurgijom te nam omogućuje postizanje optimalnih rezultata liječenja.
Hrvatska i njezin glavni grad Zagreb nezaobilazna su turistička odredišta. Odsad će biti nemoguće zaobići Muzej putovanja, koji se nalazi u blizini drugih kulturnih i turističkih atrakcija, znamenitosti i brojnih mogućnosti za sve segmente posjetitelja.
Croatia and its capital Zagreb are bucket list travel destinations. From now on, avoiding the Travel Experience Museum will be impossible, given that it’s located in the vicinity of other cultural and tourist attractions, sights, and offerings for visitors of all ages and backgrounds.
well as to experience SF space travel with the help of technology will most definitely fire the imagination of visitors of all ages and backgrounds. The Travel Experience Museum boasts a specially designed LED room featuring landscapes and optical illusions for the creation of immersive virtual reality experiences of exotic destinations, faraway exotic landscapes, customs, sites, deserts, high mountains, volcanoes, and rainforests. Major destinations around the world, cities and urban environments are presented in the projection room. Many world travellers, explorers, bloggers, and travel writers will find a partner in the Travel Experience Museum, and a place where they can publish their travelogues, give presentations of their travels, and organise interesting lectures and workshops. The museum is looking to position itself as a starting point and a place of inspiration for new travels.
info@travelexperiencemuseum.com www.travelexperiencemuseum.com +385 91 2530604
Hrvatska provodi reformu turizma koja omogućuje razvoj turizma prema održivosti te odgovoran i otporan turizam u budućnosti. O tom važnom koraku razgovarali smo s ministricom turizma i sporta Nikolinom Brnjac. Hoće li reforma donijeti drugačiju turističku ponudu?
− Reforma će donijeti bogatiju i raznovrsniju ponudu za naše posjetitelje jer smo uz donošenje strateškog i zakonodavnog okvira osigurali i rekordna sredstva za ulaganja, posebno ciljana ulaganja u zdravstveni i aktivni turizam. Na taj način turistima ćemo ponuditi još više sadržaja zbog kojih će imati razlog posjećivati Hrvatsku tijekom cijele godine. Tu govorimo o raznim sportskim sadržajima za one koji su ljubitelji adrenalina i aktivnosti, zatim
veću i bolju ponudu lječilišta, kao i jačanje premium segmenta ponude. Pojačana su i ulaganja u male obiteljske hotele, koji svojim gostima pružaju personalizirani pristup i nezaboravnu dobrodošlicu.
Zbog čega se Hrvatska usmjerila na razvoj turizma prema održivosti?
U doba najvećih izazova za turizam, koji su počeli zdravstvenom krizom 2020. godine, nakon koje su uslijedili gospodarski i geopolitički izazovi praćeni izraženim klimatskim promjenama, razvoj održivog turizma zapravo i nema alternative. To potvrđuju i istraživanja u posljednje dvije godine, koja pokazuju kako su turisti počeli mijenjati navike putovanja, interese i prioritete. Sve više se traže održive destinacije koje nude boravak u očuvanoj prirodi, destinacije u kojima se može
U sjedištu ADAC-a u Münchenu hrvatskoj ministrici turizma i sporta Nikolini Brnjac uručeno je posebno priznanje za Zakon o turizmu, Kristofor medalja. Na fotografiji su, uz ministricu, Karlheinz Jungbeck, predsjednik Odbora za turizam ADAC-a, te Christian Reinicke, Predsjednik uprave ADAC-a At ADAC’s headquarters in Munich, Croatia’s Minister of Tourism and Sports, Nikolina Brnjac, was presented with the Kristofor Medal, a special award for Croatia’s Tourism Act. In the photo: Minister Nikolina Brnjac, Karlheinz Jungbeck, chairperson of ADAC’s Tourism Committee, and Christian Reinicke, CEO at ADAC
doživjeti autohtoni ugođaj i upoznati lokalni običaji, gastronomija i kultura, koje pružaju mir i sigurnost. Sve to Hrvatska već nudi svojim posjetiteljima, no potrebno je sustavno raditi na očuvanju resursa i obogaćenju ponude. Mislim da smo na dobrom putu i to prepoznaju i naši gosti. Iznimno sam ponosna što su u veljači naši napori nagrađeni i Kristofor medaljom, važnim odlikovanjem koje dodjeljuje najveći njemački autoklub ADAC. Vjerujem da i ta nagrada potvrđuje kako je smjer održivog turizma pravi i jedini smjer kojemu trebamo težiti.
Koji su skriveni aduti Hrvatske koje turisti još nisu otkrili?
Hrvatska ima toliko skrivenih dragulja da ćete, koliko god je puta posjetili, uvijek pronaći nešto novo. Kada sletite u Zagreb, za jedan sat možete doputovati do mora ili u planine, a nadohvat su ruke i prekrasne kontinentalne destinacije. Naših osam nacionalnih parkova i 12 parkova prirode nudi bezbroj fantastičnih doživljaja za obožavatelje prirode i avanturizma. U Hrvatskoj je pronađen najveći tartuf na svijetu, maslinova ulja nagrađena su na svjetskim smotrama,
Slatka je briga… jer Visa
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a niz je proizvoda zaštićenih oznakama izvornosti koje možete kušati u svim dijelovima Hrvatske. Gastronomija se sve više razvija, što potvrđuju i nove Michelinove zvjezdice i preporuke. Vinske ceste na obali, otocima i kontinentu oduševljavaju hedoniste iz cijelog svijeta, a nakon izgradnje Pelješkog mosta još su bliže prekrasne vinorodne regije pelješkog poluotoka i Korčule. Morske destinacije najpoznatije su posjetiteljima Hrvatske, a neke od njih, poput Šibenika, zadnjih su godina iznimno unaprijedile svoju ponudu. S druge strane, istraživanje kontinentalnih regija pruža uistinu raznovrstan i zanimljiv pogled na povijest, kulturu i prirodne ljepote. Gradovi poput Osijeka, Karlovca i Varaždina imaju očuvane povijesne jezgre, tvrđave i muzeje koji prikazuju bogatu hrvatsku kulturnu baštinu. U kontinentalnoj Hrvatskoj, posebice u regijama poput Zagorja i Slavonije, posjetitelji mogu uroniti u tradiciju, istraživati šarmantna sela, kušati lokalnu kuhinju i sudjelovati u kulturnim događanjima i festivalima. Uistinu, u svakom ćete dijelu Hrvatske pronaći nešto što će vas očarati, bez obzira na to dolazite li na dulji odmor ili samo na vikend, što je nakon prošlogodišnjeg pristupanja schengenskom prostoru postalo još jednostavnije i ugodnije, posebno za putnike koji dolaze zrakoplovima.
Croatia has implemented a reform of its tourism sector, which will allow for the development of the tourism sector in the direction of sustainability, and the development of a responsible and resilient tourism sector in the future. We talked to Croatia’s Minister of Tourism and Sports, Nikolina Brnjac, about this important step.
Will the reform of the tourism sector introduce changes to Croatia’s tourism product?
− The reform will make our tourism product richer and more diverse because we have not only adopted a strategic and legislative framework, but have also secured a record amount of funds for investments in general, and targeted investments in health and active tourism in particular. Croatia’s offerings will, in turn, increase, which will give guests all the more reason to visit Croatia throughout the entire year. What we’re talking about here are different sports facilities for those who’re into adrenaline adventures and activities, expanding and improving
our offerings of spas, and strengthening the premium segment of Croatia’s tourism product. Investments in small family hotels, which nurture a personalised approach to their guests, and which give their guests an unforgettable welcome, have also been increased.
Why has Croatia taken the direction of sustainability in developing its tourism sector?
− At a time when the tourism sector has been facing its biggest challenges yet, which were launched in 2020 by the public health crisis, after which economic and geopolitical challenges ensued followed by significant climate change developments, it’s become evident that sustainable tourism has no alternative. This is confirmed by research conducted in the last two years, whose results show that tourists have started to change their travel habits, interests, and priorities. There is an increasing demand for sustainable destinations where guests are looking to stay in well preserved nature, destinations where guests are looking to experience the local ambiance and get to know local customs, cuisine, and culture, destinations that provide peace and security. Croatia already has all of the above, so what we have to do is work systematically on preserving our resources, and enriching our tourism product. I think we’re on the right track, and our guests recognise that.
I am extremely proud that in February our efforts were awarded the Kristofor Medal, a special award given by Germany’s largest automobile club, ADAC. I believe that this award also confirms that taking the direction of sustainability in developing our tourism sector is the right and only direction that we should be heading towards.
What are Croatia’s hidden assets that its guests haven’t discovered yet?
− Croatia has so many hidden gems that no matter how many times you visit Croatia, you’ll always discover something new. You can reach the coast, the mountains or beautiful continental destinations within an hour of landing in Zagreb. Croatia’s eight national parks and twelve nature parks offer countless fantastic experiences for nature and adventure lovers alike. The world’s largest truffle was foraged in Croatia, Croatia’s olive oils have been awarded at world olive oil competitions, and Croatia boasts a large number of products which are protected as authentic and which you can taste in all parts of Croatia. Croatia’s cuisine has been
increasingly evolving, which is confirmed by new Michelin stars and recommendations. The wine roads on Croatia’s coast, islands, and continent have been delighting hedonists from all over the world, and now that the Pelješac Bridge was constructed, the beautiful wine-growing regions of the Pelješac Peninsula and the island of Korčula are also within easy reach. Croatia’s guests are most familiar with Croatia’s coastal destinations, some of which, such as Šibenik, have improved and expanded their offerings exceptionally in recent years. Similarly, exploring Croatia’s continental regions provides our guests a truly diverse and interesting view of history and culture, and an experience of the exceptional beauty of Croatia’s nature. Cities like Osijek, Karlovac, and Varaždin boast well preserved historic cores, fortresses, and museums that present Croatia’s rich cultural heritage. In continental Croatia, especially in regions such as Zagorje and Slavonia, guests get to immerse themselves in tradition, explore charming villages, taste local cuisine, and attend countless cultural events and festivals. Indeed, you’ll find something to be enchanted by wherever you travel to in Croatia, regardless of whether you’re coming to Croatia for a long holiday or just for the weekend, which has become all the easier and simpler, particularly for passengers arriving by air, thanks to the fact that Croatia joined the Schengen Area last year.
FESPO, Zurich 2024. Minister Nikolina Brnjac
representatives of Croatia Airlines
Dok se sve više približavamo
Olimpijskim igrama, koje će se od 26. srpnja do 11. kolovoza održati u Parizu, s plakata diljem Lijepe Naše pozdravljaju nas prigodnim porukama o sebi i svojem sportu brojni aktualni i bivši olimpijci. Hrvatski olimpijski odbor očekuje nastup do 50 predstavnika iz pojedinačnih sportova te, kad je riječ o ekipnim sportovima, dvije ili tri reprezentacije.
Nesumnjivo, brojnost hrvatske sportske delegacije u Parizu najviše ovisi o broju ekipnih sportova koji će se kvalificirati, a kvalifikacije završavaju 8. srpnja 2024. Podsjetimo, rekordnih 110 olimpijaca i olimpijki iz Hrvatske sudjelovalo je na Igrama u Londonu 2012. godine, a tada su naše ekipne uzdanice, uz rukometaše i vaterpoliste, bile još i rukometašice te košarkašice.
Nesporno se od jednog sporta na ovogodišnjim Olimpijskim igrama očekuje mnogo odličja. To je taekwondo. U modernom
taekwondou kakvog danas poznajemo Hrvatska je jedna od svjetskih velesila. Taekwondo u Hrvatskoj ima bogatu tradiciju, više od pola stoljeća. S više od 120 klubova, 8000 članova i vrhunskim sportskim rezultatima na međunarodnoj razini, taekwondo je jedan od najuspješnijih sportova u Hrvatskoj. Ova vještina prvi je put prikazana u Hrvatskoj daleke 1968. godine, a Hrvatski taekwondo savez osnovan je već tri godine poslije. Od tada pa do danas kroz taekwondo škole i klubove prošle su brojne generacije vrhunskih sportaša i trenera koji su ostali zapaženi u hrvatskom sportu i na međunarodnoj taekwondo sceni. U rekordnoj 2023. godini hrvatski su taekwondoisti i taekwondoistice ostvarili nevjerojatne rezultate; između ostalog na svjetskom su prvenstvu postali druga država svijeta s tek jednom medaljom zaostatka iza često nedodirljive Koreje, iz koje su vještina i sport taekwondoa potekli davnih pede-
setih godina prošlog stoljeća. Hrvatski taekwondo zapažen je i na olimpijskoj pozornici. Naši sportaši i sportašice čak su pet puta izlazili na olimpijsko postolje. U Pekingu 2008. Sandra Šarić i Martina Zubčić osvojile su brončane medalje. U Londonu 2012. Lucija Zaninović također broncu, kao i Toni Kanaet u Tokiju 2021. Iste godine nenadmašna Matea Jelić vratila se iz Tokija u Hrvatsku sa zlatnom medaljom. Ako bismo ukratko opisali hrvatski taekwondo fenomen, mogli bismo reći da ga karakterizira tradicija, izvrsnost i nezasitna želja za novim uspjesima. Nadamo se, već na olimpijskim igrama koje su pred nama. Za ljude koji se njime bave, taekwondo je više od sporta, taekwondo je način života. Ta je predanost nesumnjivo ključ njihova uspjeha. O tome nam osobno svjedoče mlade nade ovog sporta − Lena Stojković i Marko Golubić.
Članica splitskog taekwondo kluba Marjan i hrvatske reprezentacije Lena Stojković dvostruka je svjetska i europska prvakinja, dvije godine zaredom najbolja sportašica Hrvatske u izboru Hrvatskog olimpijskog odbora i najbolja sportašica Hrvatske u izboru Sportskih novosti, za koji glasa 250 sportskih novinara iz cijele države. − U životu me najviše oblikovao sport. U sportu sam od svoje četvrte godine. Poslije bitaka koje sam vodila sama sa sobom i kako sam se dizala poslije nekih neuspjeha, shvatila sam koliko me sport izgradio u čvrstu osobu. Poraz koji do kraja života neću zaboraviti bio je na svjetskom prvenstvu u Manchesteru 2019. Vodila sam u borbi za medalju i neshvatljivo prosula ve-
liku prednost. Bilo mi je samo 17 godina. Naučila sam lekciju, da kad vodim dvije runde, u trećoj moram dati sve od sebe i ne smijem izgubiti. Možda sam upravo zahvaljujući toj lekciji kasnije nanizala pet velikih zlatnih medalja na svjetskim i europskim prvenstvima i europskim igrama. Najdraža medalja mi je prvo europsko seniorsko zlato − kaže Lena i dodaje kako joj je velika odskočna daska svakako bio njezin taekwondo klub Marjan, trenutno najtrofejniji hrvatski sportski kolektiv, i kako bi svakako istaknula svojeg trenera Veljka Lauru Šišu, s kojim je još odmalena, i Tonija Tomasa.
Koliko god voljela teakwondo, Lena je vrlo realna i svjesna da to nije sport s kojim se može baviti cijeli život. Zato mnogo polaže i na obrazovanje, kaže da voli knjige i učenje, uvijek je bila odlična učenica, želja joj je završiti fakultet, diplomirati fizioterapiju, pomagati ljudima i imati svoju obitelj... Druga naša mlada nada taekwondoa jest Marko Golubić iz Zagreba, koji se također okitio titulom svjetskog prvaka. Prisjeća se svojih sportskih početaka: - Već kao dijete želio sam se baviti sportom. U školskoj dvorani bilo je mnogo raznih sportova koje smo mogli probati, a ja sam se od prvih trenutaka zaljubio u taekwondo. Od prvih turnira osvajao sam zlatna odličja i znao da sam spreman za velike stvari ako dovoljno jako zagrizem. Kako su godine prolazile, postao sam prvak Zagreba, prvak Hrvatske te osvajao brojne medalje po državnim i međunarodnim natjecanjima. Najveća želja mi je bila izboriti mjesto u hrvatskoj reprezentaciji, što mi je i uspjelo. Nakon što sam osvojio svoju prvu veliku medalju za Hrvatsku na juniorskom europskom prvenstvu, to mi je dalo veliki vjetar u leđa i motivaciju za ulazak u seniorski uzrast. Od toga dana trenirao sam i vježbao dva puta dnevno, što je bilo jako naporno uz srednjoškolske obveze, ali jedino se tako može stići do vrha. Odlično sam se uklopio u seniore pa sam već druge godine u seniorima osvojio titulu prvaka Hrvatske i izborio mjesto na svojem prvom velikom natjecanju za hrvatsku reprezentaciju. Znao sam da sam u svjetskom vrhu te nikada nisam odustajao od svojih ciljeva nego sam još upornije nastavio vježbati kako bih se jednog dana popeo na najviše postolje, dignem hrvatsku zastavu te slušam himnu Lijepe Naše. Nakon uzastopnih poraza u četvrtfinalima bio sam tužan, ali nikada
se nisam predavao i strpljivo sam čekao kada će doći moj dan. I došao je na svjetskom prvenstvu u Azerbajdžanu. Nakon pet napornih i teških borbi napokon sam osvojio svoju prvu veliku seniorsku medalju za Hrvatsku. Tog se dana pokazalo da svi oni porazi i padovi nisu bili uzalud nego su me učili strpljenju. Pokazao sam cijelome svijetu da jedan obični dečko iz malene zemlje može doći do velikih
stvari uz vjeru, naporan trud, rad i potporu stručnih ljudi te obitelji.
Našim taekwondoistima i svim drugim sportašima na Olimpijskim igrama u Parizu želimo puno uspjeha.
As we come closer to the Paris Summer Olympics, which will be held from 26th July to 11th August this year, countless current and former Olympians greet us from billboards and outdoor posters plastered all over Croatia, communicating messages about themselves and their sport. The Croatian Olympic Committee expects the Croatian delegation to be represented by up to 50 individual sport athletes and two or three national teams. Naturally enough, how big Croatia’s Olympic delegation in Paris is going to be essentially
depends on the number of team sports that will have qualified by 8th July 2024, when the qualifications end. It’s worth recalling that it was at the London 2012 Summer Olympics that Croatia was represented by a record number of Olympians − as many as 110, to be exact − when Croatia had high hopes for not just its men’s handball and men’s water polo teams, but its women’s handball and women’s basketball teams as well. At this year’s Paris Summer Olympics, Croatia has high hopes for one particular sport. Namely, taekwondo. In the world of taekwondo, Croatia is indeed one of the world’s great superpowers. Taekwondo in Croatia has a rich and long tradition, one which is more than half a century long. 120 clubs, 8,000 members, and excellent results at the international level make taekwon-
do one of the most successful sports in Croatia. The first time that taekwondo was demonstrated in Croatia was in 1968, and as little as three years later the Croatian Taekwondo Federation was founded. Since then, generations and generations of top athletes and coaches have been trained at taekwondo schools and clubs, athletes and coaches who’ve achieved great results on the world’s taekwondo scene. In terms of results, 2023 was a record year. At the World Taekwondo Championship, amongst other events, Croatian taekwondo athletes ranked second in the world, and boasted just one medal less than the often untouchable Korea, the country from which the art and sport of taekwondo originated in the early 1950s. Croatia’s taekwondo athletes have won as many as five Olympic medals, which makes them successful on the Olympic stage as well. In Beijing in 2008, Sandra Šarić and Martina Zubčić each won a bronze medal. In London in 2012, Lucija Zaninović won a bronze, as did Toni Kanaet in Tokyo in 2021. In the same year, the unbeatable Matea Jelić came home from Tokyo with a gold medal. If we were to describe the Croatian taekwondo phenomenon in a nutshell, it would have to be by using the terms tradition, excellence, and an insatiable desire for new successes. Let’s hope these successes ensue already at the upcoming Paris Summer Olympics. For people who train it, taekwondo is more than just a sport. Taekwondo is a way of life. This commitment is undoubtedly key to the success of Croatia’s athletes. We have spoken to two brilliant taekwondo athletes that Croatia has high hopes for at this year’s Paris Summer Olympics. Namely, Lena Stojković and Marko Golubić.
A member of Split’s taekwondo club Marjan and of Croatia’s national taekwondo team, Lena Stojković is also a two-time world and European champion, and was voted Croatia’s best athlete two years in a row by the Croatian Olympic Committee, and Croatia’s best athlete by Sportske Novosti (Sports News), a Croatian daily sports newspaper,
an award voted on by 250 sports journalists from the whole of Croatia.
− What has shaped my life the most is sport. I’ve been doing sports since I was four years old. After the many battles I fought with myself and once I realised that I learnt to bounce back after being defeated, I knew that I have sports to thank for my strength of character. The defeat that I’ll never forget is the one at the world championship in Manchester in 2019. I was fighting for a medal and was in the lead, but I ended up losing, I don’t understand how. I was only 17 years old. I learned my lesson, though. When I’m in the lead in the first two rounds, in the third I have to do my best not to lose. It is perhaps thanks to this lesson that I later won five gold medals at major sports events, such as the World and European Taekwondo Championships, and the European Games. My favourite medal is the first gold I won at the European championship in the seniors’ age group − says Lena, adding that she’s received the most support from her taekwondo club Marjan, a sports club which at present boasts the largest number of trophies in Croatia and which was a major stepping stone to Lena’s success, and her coaches Veljko Laura Šišo, with whom she’s been training since she was a small child, and Toni Tomas. As much as she loves taekwondo, Lena’s
very realistic and quite aware of the fact that taekwondo is not a sport she can do all her life. That is why she is focused on her education as well. She loves books and learning, and has always been an excellent student. Her goals are finishing her university degree, graduating in physiotherapy, and helping people. She also hopes to start a family.
Zagreb-born Marko Golubić, who came home from the 2023 World Taekwondo Championship as world champion, is the other athlete that Croatia has high hopes for at the Paris Summer Olympics this year. This is what he has to say about his beginnings: − I’ve always wanted to do sports. At the school gym, we could try our hand at many different sports, and as soon as I tried taekwondo, I fell in love with it. I won my first gold medals at the very first tournaments I competed in, and so I knew that I was ready for big things if I worked hard enough. I first became champion of Zagreb, then champion of Croatia, and I won many medals at both national and international competitions. I’d always dreamt of being selected for Croatia’s national team, which I succeeded in doing. Winning my first major medal for Croatia at the European Junior Taekwondo Championship boosted my confidence, and encouraged me to continue in the senior age group. From that day on, I trained hard twice a day, which was a bit of a challenge given that I was still in high school, but that’s the only way to get to the top. I fit in very well with the seniors, and two years down the line I won the title of champion of Croatia and a place in the Croatian national team. I knew that I was on top, and I never gave up on my goals, so I continued training even harder in the hope that, one day, I might climb the greatest of all podiums, raise the Croatian flag, and hear Croatia’s national anthem from that spot. After a few consecutive losses in quarterfinals, I was sad, but I never gave up. Instead, I waited patiently for my day to come. And it did at the world championship in Azerbaijan. After five tough and difficult fights, I finally won my first major medal for Croatia as a senior athlete. On that day, I learnt that all those defeats and falls of mine weren’t in vain. In fact, they taught me patience. I showed the whole world that a regular boy from a small country can achieve great things if he has faith, works hard, and has the support of professionals and his family.
We wish Croatia’s taekwondo and other athletes every success at this year’s Paris Summer Olympics.
Mia Dimšić, jedna od najcjenjenijih mladih hrvatskih kantautorica, izdala je novi album Monologue, svoje ukupno četvrto izdanje, ali prvo u cijelosti napisano i snimljeno na engleskom jeziku. Iako je iznenadio dio njezine publike, kantautorica napominje da je ovaj album dugo čekala:
− Monologue je moj prvi album na engleskom i ostvarenje velikog sna. Sve pjesme na njemu nastale su u posljednje dvije godine, ali u mojoj glavi on postoji puno, puno dulje. Monologue je ime dobio po svojoj prvoj i posljednjoj pjesmi,
ali i ideji da je svaka pjesma koju napišem djelić mojeg neprestanog unutarnjeg monologa. On je ponekad tužan i destruktivan, ponekad euforičan i naivan, ponekad nešto sasvim treće, ali na kraju dana najvažnije mi je da je iskren. Nadam se da će i slušatelji to osjetiti. Mijina diskografska karijera počela je potkraj 2015. godine, kad je udružila snage s Damirom Bačićem i Vjekoslavom Dimterom, svojim koautorima do danas, potpisala ugovor s Croatia Recordsom i izbacila svoj prvi singl Budi mi blizu. Svoj autorski dvojac upoznala je godinu ranije
tijekom sudjelovanja na ljetnoj turneji po Kanadi i SAD-u, na koju su je, kako joj se danas čini, spletom sretnih okolnosti kao ženskog vokalnog solista pozvali članovi tamburaškog benda Džentlmeni. Čini se da je ta sretna zvijezda nastavila putovati uz nju jer je njezin treći singl Život nije siv postao njezin najveći hit do danas i zauzeo vrhove top ljestvica potkraj ljeta 2016., a 2017. uslijedio je i istoimeni debitantski album, koji je postao najprodavaniji album u Hrvatskoj dvije godine za redom i osvojio nagradu Porin u šest kategorija, uključujući i dvije najprestižnije, za album i pjesmu godine na dodjeli 2018. godine.
Nakon božićnog albuma Božićno jutro i drugog autorskog izdanja Sretan put, još jednog najprodavanijeg albuma u godini nakon izlaska, njezin je sljedeći pothvat bilo pisanje i objavljivanje autobiografije Cesta do sna 2020. godine. Godine 2022. pobjeđuje na Dori, hrvatskom izboru za predstavnika na Euroviziji, i predstavlja Hrvatsku u Torinu u Italiji sa svojim prvim singlom na engleskome, pjesmom Guilty Pleasure. Upravo je to iskustvo, zajedno s nekoliko posjeta SAD-u, uključujući i posjet Nashvilleu i prvi nastup pred američkom publikom u njihovom Mockingbird Theateru 2018., bilo najveći kreativni
zamah za završavanje albuma Monologue. Materijal prikazuje kantautoricu u drugačijem svijetlu i donosi pjesme s detaljnim i iskrenim pripovijedanjem u maniri njezinih omiljenih autora kao što su Taylor Swift, Kacey Musgraves, Jewel, Willie Nelson, John Mayer i Ed Sheeran. Monologue je dostupan na svim digitalnim platformama.
Mia Dimšić, one of the most highly acclaimed young Croatian singer-songwriters, has just released a new album called Monologue. Although it’s her fourth album, it’s the first one she wrote and recorded entirely in the English language. Even though it came as a surprise to some of her fans, Mia notes that Monologue has been a long time coming.
− Monologue is my first album in English, and a big dream come true. I wrote all the songs on it in the last two years, but they’ve lived in my head for much, much longer. The album was named Monologue after the first and last song, but also after the idea that every song I write is a snippet of my constant inner monologue. Sometimes it’s sad and destructive, sometimes euphoric and naive, sometimes it’s completely random, but at the end of the day, all that matters to me is that it’s honest. I hope those who listen to my songs feel that as well. Her music career started in late 2015 when she joined forces with Damir Bačić and Vjekoslav Dimter, two songwriters she’s
been collaborating with ever since, when she signed a record deal with Croatia Records, and when she put out her first single Budi Mi Blizu (Stay Close To Me). She met the duo a year earlier while touring Canada and the USA. Mia was invited to this summer tour as a female solo performer by the tamburitza band Džentlmeni through what she now believes was a string of lucky coincidences. The same lucky star seems to have continued to follow Mia given that her third single Život Nije Siv (Life Ain’t Grey) went on to become her greatest hit so far, topping the charts in the late summer of 2016. This was followed by a debut album of the same name in 2017, which ended up becoming the best-selling album in Croatia for two successive years, and the winner of six Porin Music Awards, Croatia’s equivalent to the American Grammy Awards, including the most prominent categories of Album and Song of the Year in 2018.
After releasing a Christmas album called Božićno Jutro (Christmas Morning), and Sretan Put (Bon Voyage), her second and yet another best-selling album in the year after it was released, her next endeavour was writing and publishing an autobiographical album called Cesta Do Sna (The Road To A Dream) in 2020. 2022 saw her winning Dora, Croatia’s preselection for the Eurovision Song Contest, with her first single in English, Guilty Pleasure, with which she represented Croatia at the Eurovision in Turin, Italy. This experience − coupled with a number of subsequent visits to the USA, including the one in 2018 when she performed for an American audience for the first time at the Mockingbird Theater in Nashville, Tennessee − was Mia’s biggest creative drive for finishing her latest album. Monologue sheds new light on the singer-songwriter, showcasing her talent for intricate and honest storytelling inspired by her favourite songwriters, such as Taylor Swift, Kacey Musgraves, Jewel, Willie Nelson, John Mayer and Ed Sheeran. Monologue is available on all streaming platforms.
The cover of the new album of the young singer-songwriter Mia Dimšić, her first album recorded entirely in the English language
A springtime introduction to an exciting summer in Zagreb
Zagreb nudi raznolike mogućnosti za uživanje u ljetnim mjesecima, bilo da ste ljubitelj kulture, prirode, sporta ili vas jednostavno privlači opušten boravak u gradu.
Dugo i toplo zagrebačko ljeto donosi razne glazbene, filmske, kulturne i food festivale na otvorenome.
Upravo je to razlog zašto se u Zagreb dolazi i uvijek iznova vraća.
Bogato kulturno ljeto u Zagrebu Festival Open air Zagreb Classic pravi je uvod u glazbeno ljeto. Klasična glazba u prekrasnom ambijentu događaj je koji se ne propušta. Cijenjeni hrvatski i inozemni solisti i orkestri za mnogobrojnu publiku izvode prepoznatljive klasične i crossover skladbe. U njima ćete uživati u večernjim satima sjedeći na travnjaku pod vedrim nebom u najromantičnijem zagrebačkom
01 Zagreb Classic
02 Gornji grad
Zagreb’s Upper Town
03 Cest is d’Best
04 Dvorišta
parku na povijesnom Trgu kralja Tomislava.
− Zagreb Classic je najznačajnije kulturno događanje tijekom ljeta, koje Turistička zajednica grada Zagreba i ove godine organizira u suradnji s Gradom Zagrebom i partnerima. Vjerujem da će Zagreb Classic, kao i prošlih godina, biti sjajno posjećen zahvaljujući odličnim glazbenim programima, predivnom ambijentu i ugođaju.
Privlačna je to kombinacija zbog koje očekujem da će jedan od najljepših gradskih trgova biti pun ljudi željnih vrhunskog glazbenog doživljaja i toplih emocija − otkriva nam direktorica Turističke zajednice grada Zagreba Martina Bienenfeld.
Ljubitelje klasične glazbe svake godine u lipnju i srpnju privlače i Večeri na Griču, kad se vrhunski koncerti održavaju u atriju Galerije Klovićevi dvori na romantičnom Gornjem gradu. Tako će biti i ove godine, 43. put…
Zagrebački su muzeji i galerije cjelogodišnja riznica vrijednih izložaka. Ljeto u Muzeju suvremene umjetnosti poseban je multimedijski program koji priprema taj muzej.
Za autore i ljubitelje animiranog filma Zagreb je tradicionalno mjesto susreta na Svjetskom festivalu animiranog filma Animafest, koji se ove godine održava od 3. do 8. lipnja.
Doživljaji koji nas obogaćuju
Mnogo je događanja kojima su pozornica zagrebačke ulice pa neočekivani susreti izvođača i prolaznika stvaraju neponovljivu interakciju.
Tako su od 28. svibnja do 2. lipnja one pozornica najvećeg i najstarijeg uličnog festivala u zemlji Cest is d’Best. I ove će godine, baš kao i gotovo trideset prethodnih, ulični zabavljači svoju radost prenositi na prolaznike.
U lipnju se održavaju i Dani otvorenog grada, tijekom kojih se na više zagrebačkih lokacija predstavljaju različiti umjet-
nički programi posvećeni gradu Zagrebu. Tradicionalno, i to čak 58 godina, u drugoj polovici srpnja gradske ulice i trgove obogaćuju narodne pjesme, plesovi i običaji iz Hrvatske i svijeta u sklopu Međunarodne smotre folklora.
U srpnju se za posjetitelje, na radost Zagrepčana i turista, otvaraju inače prolaznicima skrivena gornjogradska dvorišta.
Događaj je to koji od 2014. godine privlači stanovnike i goste, što je potvrđeno i nagradama programu Dvorišta koje se dodjeljuju najkreativnijim i najinovativnijim projektima u turizmu.
Poznati hrvatski i inozemni street art umjetnici projektom Okolo opet će u kolovozu svojim instalacijama prenijeti posjetiteljima Zagreba snažnu poruku urbane kulture.
Gostovanja velikih svjetskih zvijezda koja ne želite propustiti
Prava su poslastica i ljetni festivali i koncerti na otvorenome na kojima gostuju najpoznatiji svjetski i domaći izvođači. Ljubitelji elektroničke glazbe 7. i 8. lipnja uživat će na LMF festivalu koji redovito ugošćuje svjetske poznate DJ-e uz vrhunsku glazbenu produkciju i odličnu atmosferu na zagrebačkom jezeru Jarunu.
Na radost brojnih ljubitelja rock i indie glazbe od 24. do 26. lipnja na Jarun se, nakon jednogodišnje pauze, vraća INmusic festival #16. The Smashing Pumpkins, The National, Dogstar, The Gaslight Anthem, Descartes a Kant, Paolo Nutini, Hozier, Gossip samo su neka od zvučnih imena ovogodišnjeg INmusic festivala. Dobitnik 17 Grammyja i jedan od omiljenih umjetnika današnjice Sting vraća se u Zagreb u sklopu svjetske turneje My songs, a gledati ga i slušati možete 27. svibnja u zagrebačkoj Areni.
Sportsko rekreacijski centar Šalata tijekom lipnja i srpnja bit će mjesto održavanja vrhunskih rock koncerata, a ugostit će svjetska imena kao što su Queens of the Stone Age, Corey Taylor, Dropkick Murphys i Khruangbin. U sklopu samostalne svjetske turneje pod nazivom The Mandrake Project u Zagreb u srpnju stiže pjevač Iron Maidena Bruce Dickinson, jedan od najvećih i najosebujnijih heavy metal vokala. U kolovozu, u sklopu europskog dijela turneje pod nazivom +-=÷x Tour, na zagrebačkom Hipodromu po prvi put u Hrvatskoj gostuje jedna od najvećih globalnih pop zvijezda Ed Sheeran. Dobrodošli!
Više informacija potražite na www.infozagreb.hr
Zagreb offers a variety of opportunities for you to enjoy the summer months, regardless of whether you’re into culture, nature or sports, or are simply looking to have a relaxed stay in the city. During Zagreb’s long and warm summer, there are various music, film, culture, and food festivals that you can enjoy outdoors. This is precisely the reason why our guests visit Zagreb and return to it time and time again.
Zagreb’s summer rich in culture
Zagreb Classic is an open-air festival that introduces summer to music. Classical music played in beautiful surroundings
01 LMF Festival
02 Međunarodna smotra folklora International Folklore Festival
03 OKOLO urbane intervencije AROUND urban interventions
01 M. Marin
is an event not to be missed. Esteemed Croatian and foreign soloists and orchestras will be performing classical and crossover music that everyone is familiar with. You’ll be enjoying their concerts in the evening under clear skies while sitting on the lawn of Zagreb’s most romantic park on the historic King Tomislav Square.
− Zagreb Classic is a major cultural event in the summer. It’s organised by the Zagreb Tourist Board in collaboration, this year again, with the City of Zagreb and its partners. I believe that, as in previous years, Zagreb Classic will be well attended thanks to the festival’s excellent music programme, wonderful ambience and atmosphere.
The festival’s offerings are alluring, which is why I’m expecting that one of Zagreb’s most beautiful squares will be packed with people looking forward to a superb musical experience and the stirring up of intense emotions − Martina Bienenfeld, CEO at the Zagreb Tourist Board, informs us.
Every year in June and July, Evenings in Grič also attract lovers of classical music. These fantastic concerts are performed in the atrium of the Klovićevi Dvori Gallery in Zagreb’s romantic Upper Town. This year’s 43rd edition won’t be any different.
Zagreb’s museums and galleries are a yearround treasure trove of valuable exhibits. Summer at the Museum of Contemporary Art is a one-of-a-kind multimedia programme organised by the museum itself. Animafest, the World Festival of Animated
Film, brings together authors and fans of animation in Zagreb. This year’s edition is taking place from 3rd to 8th June.
Enriching experiences
Zagreb and its streets often turn into a stage for the delivery of performances and the staging of events. In other words, there is plenty of room for unexpected encounters and interactions between performers and passers-by.
Accordingly, from 28th May to 2nd June, the streets of Zagreb will turn into a stage where those in charge will be the performers of Croatia’s biggest and oldest street festival, Cest is d’Best. Just like they have for nearly thirty years, the street entertainers partaking in the Cest is d’Best festival will be spreading joy this year as well.
In June, Zagreb’s Open City Days are held, during which various artistic programmes dedicated to the city of Zagreb will be presented at several locations in the city.
The second half of July has traditionally been reserved for folk songs, dances, and customs from Croatia and the world. This is when Zagreb’s streets will be hosting the 58th edition of the International Folklore Festival.
To the delight of the residents of Zagreb and their guests, July will yet again see the opening of the courtyards of Zagreb’s Upper Town, which are otherwise inaccessible and hidden from view. The attractiveness of the Dvorišta/Courtyards event − which
has been drawing visitors since 2014 − is testified to by the awards that the Dvorišta/ Courtyards’ programme has been presented in categories such as most creative and innovative project in the tourism industry. Within the framework of the Okolo//Around project, powerful messages of support for urban culture will once again be communicated via installations created by wellknown both Croatian and foreign street artists.
International stars you don’t want to miss
Summer festivals and open-air concerts staged by the most famous international
and local performers and artists are also a real treat.
On 7th and 8th June, lovers of electronic music will be enjoying the LMF festival, which regularly hosts world-famous DJs, whose music production is always topnotch, and whose ambiance on Zagreb’s Jarun Lake is unparalleled.
After a one-year break, and to the delight of many fans of rock and indie music, INmusic Festival is back! The line-up of this year’s 16th edition, which will take place from 24th to 26th June, includes, amongst others, the Smashing Pumpkins, The National, Dogstar, The Gaslight Anthem, Descartes a Kant, Paolo Nutini, Hozier, and Gossip. Winner of 17 Grammys and one of the most popular artists of today, Sting, is bringing his My Songs world tour to Zagreb as well. He’ll be performing on 27th May at the Zagreb Arena.
In June and July, the Šalata Sports and Recreation Centre will be hosting top rock concerts by big names such as Queens of the Stone Age, Corey Taylor, Dropkick Murphys, and Khruangbin. As part of a solo world tour called The Mandrake Project, Iron Maiden singer Bruce Dickinson, one of the greatest and most distinctive heavy metal vocalists, is also performing in Zagreb in July.
In August, Zagreb Hippodrome will be hosting, for the first time, one of the world’s biggest pop stars of today, Ed Sheeran, and the European part of his +-=÷x Tour. Welcome to Zagreb!
For more information, visit www.infozagreb.hr
Pet globalno relevantnih mislilaca, 15. svibnja u Zagrebu, hrvatskoj i regionalnoj poslovnoj zajednici predstavit će poslovne modele i trendove koji nas očekuju u budućnosti.
On May 15th in Zagreb, five globally renowned experts will unveil future business models and trends to the Croatian and regional business community.
Na pragu smo jedne od najvećih tehnoloških i civilizacijskih promjena, poručuju futurolozi: tehnologija drastično mijenja ustaljena pravila društva, a prijelaz prema održivosti jedna je od najznačajnijih društvenih promjena od Drugog svjetskog rata
Kako se pripremiti za ove promjene i unaprijediti poslovanje u novom okruženju?
Koji koraci se mogu poduzeti već danas?
Ovo su samo neka od pitanja na koja će Costas Markides, Felipe Gomez, Lasse Jonasson, Martin Kruse i Rahaf Harfoush odgovoriti tijekom svojeg gostovanja na konferenciji Future Tense powered by Lürssen, 15. svibnja u zagrebačkom Mozaik Event Centru
Uz teme liderstva, tehnologije i održivosti, posebna pažnja bit će posvećena tome što znači biti čovjek u svijetu u kojem strojevi preuzimaju zadatke koji su do sada bili karakteristični samo za ljude. O konkretnim poslovnima aktivnostima koje već provode govorit će vodeći predstavnici poslovne zajednice, a jedan od njih je Lürssen Design Center Kvarner, glavni partner ovogodišnjeg izdanja međunarodno nagrađivane konferencije. Future Tense powered by Lürssen okuplja lidere, donositelje odluka i stručnjake koji ne žele samo reagirati na promjene nego i aktivno oblikovati poslovanje i svoje buduće uloge.
Strateški partner konferencije ugledni je institut za studije budućnosti, Copenha-
gen Institute for Futures Studies (CIFS), globalni lider u promišljanju o budućnosti i izradama studija o budućnosti.
We are on the verge of one of the greatest technological and civilizational changes, as announced by futurists; technology is drastically altering the established norms of society, while the transition towards sustainability is one of the most significant societal changes since World War II
How to prepare for these changes and enhance business in the new environment?
What steps can be taken starting today?
These are just some of the questions that top experts Costas Markides, Felipe Gomez, Lasse Jonasson, Martin Kruse, and Rahaf Harfoush will address during their lectures at the Future Tense powered by Lürssen conference, on May 15th at the Mozaik Event Center in Zagreb.
Alongside topics of leadership, technology, and sustainability, particular attention will be given to what it means to be human in a world where machines are taking on tasks that were previously unique to humans.
Leading representatives of the business community will discuss specific business activities they are currently engaged in, with one notable example being the Lürssen Design Center Kvarner, serving as the general partner for this year’s edition of the internationally acclaimed conference. Future Tense powered by Lürssen brings together leaders, decision-makers, and experts who do not just want to react to changes but actively shape business and their future roles.
The strategic partner of the Future Tense conference powered by Lürssen is the esteemed Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies (CIFS), a global leader in futures thinking and future studies.
Proljeće u Osijeku, put u neotkriveno
Smješten u srcu slikovite regije Slavonije, Osijek je za mnoge istraživače Hrvatske neotkriven biser i ugodno iznenađenje. Ovog proljeća probudite istraživača u sebi i uronite u jedinstveno iskustvo koje predstavlja ovaj šarmantni grad i njegovi srčani domaćini.
Otkrivanje kulture i baštine
Kao grad bogate povijesti i kulture Osijek se posebno diči nekadašnjom utvrdom Tvrđom, povijesnom jezgrom grada s početka 18. stoljeća. Romantične ulice ispunjene baroknim zdanjima oživljavaju kafići, muzeji i sakralne i urbane znamenitosti, stvarajući atmosferu koja poziva na uživanje bez žurbe. U neposrednoj blizini kriju se secesijske palače koje krase Europsku aveniju, najljepšu ulicu grada. Inspirirajte se ljepotom secesijskih detalja i probudite fotografa u sebi.
Aktivan odmor
Poznat po svojim šetnicama te biciklističkim i sportskim stazama, grad u proljeće postaje savršena kulisa za uživanje na otvorenome. Šetnje parkovima, kilometarske vožnje biciklom uz
Glavni trg i konkatedrala sv. Petra i Pavla
Osijek’s main square and the Co-Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul
Dravu i razne sportske aktivnosti na svježem zraku samo su dio aktivne ponude grada. Za veće avanturiste okolica Osijeka nudi bogatstvo aktivnosti na otvorenome, uključujući biciklističke rute poput EuroVela 6 i 13 te istraživanje bogate flore, faune i vinograda najplodonosnije regije u Hrvatskoj.
Okusi proljeća
Kulinarska scena u Osijeku cvjeta tijekom cijele godine, s naglaskom na sezonskim delicijama koje odražavaju bogatu poljoprivrednu tradiciju Slavonije. Otkrijte svježe proljetne okuse domaćeg voća i povrća malih proizvođača na osječkoj tržnici, uživajte u slavnom slavonskom kulenu i specijalitetima od crne slavonske svinje, a sve možete upariti s izvrsnim vinima iz erdutskih, baranjskih, đakovačkih i drugih obližnjih vinograda.
Jedinstvene manifestacije
Proljeće donosi i početak kulturne sezone, pretvarajući trgove i otvorene prostore u pozornice za raznovrsne događaje. Od sportskih spektakala poput Ferivi polumaratona i DOBRO World Cupa, preko Sajma antikviteta koji oduševljava kolekcionare, do
uskrsnih svečanosti s tradicionalnim običajima i festivala poput
Osijek Craft Beer Festivala, koji nudi druženje uz bogatu ponudu lokalnih pivovara, gradski ritam u proljeće mami brojne posjetitelje iz čitave regije.
Nestled in the heart of the picturesque region of Slavonia, Osijek is a hidden gem and a pleasant surprise for many explorers of Croatia. This spring, why not awaken the explorer within, and immerse yourself in the unique experiences that this charming city and its warm hosts have to offer.
A city rich in history and culture, Osijek takes immense pride in its Citadel, a once civic and military fortress, and the city’s historic core from the early 18th century. Romantic streets lined with Baroque buildings come alive with cafes, museums, and sacral and urban landmarks, creating an atmosphere that invites you to enjoy the city without haste. In the immediate vicinity, you’ll come across the European Avenue, Osijek’s most beautiful street, lined with Art Nouveau palaces. Let the beauty of their Art Nouveau details inspire you, and awaken the photographer within.
Known for its promenades, and hiking and cycling trails, Osijek is the perfect backdrop to your outdoor enjoyment of spring. Walks in
01 Barokna jezgra Tvrđa Osijek’s baroque Citadel
02 Otkrivanje ljepota secesijskog parka Sakuntala na dva kotača Exploring the beauty of the Art Nouveau Shakuntala Park on two wheels
03 Bicikliranje uz rijeku Dravu s pogledom na Tvrđu Pedalling along the Drava River with a view of the Citadel
parks, long bike rides along the Drava River, and various sports activities in the great outdoors are only some of the city’s offerings. For the more adventurous, the surroundings of Osijek offer a wealth of outdoor activities, including cycling routes, such as EuroVelo 6 and 13, and exploring the rich plant and animal life, and the vineyards of Croatia’s most fertile region.
Osijek’s culinary scene flourishes throughout the entire year, with an emphasis on seasonal delicacies that reflect Slavonia’s rich agricultural tradition. Discover the fresh spring flavours of locally grown fruits and vegetables produced by small fruit and vegetable growers at Osijek’s farmers’ market, and enjoy the famous Slavonian kulen salami and pork specialities starring the Black Slavonian pig, all of which pair brilliantly with excellent wines from the vineyards of Erdut, Baranja, Đakovo, and other neighbouring wine-growing localities.
Spring also marks the beginning of the events season, during which Osijek’s public squares and open spaces are transformed into different stages for different events. Sporting spectacles, such as the Ferivi Half Marathon and the DOBRO World Cup, the Antiques Fair that delights collectors, Easter festivities swarming with traditional customs, and events such as the Osijek Craft Beer Festival, where you get to hang out with friends while sipping on one of the many locally brewed beers, build Osijek’s springtime rhythm, which has been attracting countless visitors from the entire region.
Slavonijom i Baranjom putuje se spontano i polako. Ondje se tako i živi − opušteno i bez stresa. A Slavonci su vam ljudine. Gostoljubivost im je zapisana u genetskom kodu, dio je njihove bogate tradicije. Ugostit će vas kao kraljeve, ponudit će vas najboljim što imaju, na glasu su po vrhunskim vinima i ukusnim jelima. Čisti hedonizam na istoku Hrvatske, gdje se Slavonija susreće s Baranjom, gastronomskim biserom hrvatskog Podunavlja.
Volite li pikantno, ovo je vaš raj
Kulen pod obavezno! Još ako je od autohtone crne slavonske svinje! Ovaj originalni suhomesnati proizvod sušen na dimu priprema se po zaštićenoj recepturi od najkvalitetnijih dijelova sjeckanog svinjskog mesa uz dodatak češnjaka, soli i nezaobilazne mljevene crvene paprike, koja mu daje potrebnu pikantnost. A pikantnost je zaštitni znak tradicionalne slavonske i baranjske kuhinje. I jela iz kotlića, fiš i čobanac, imaju tu prepoznatljivu notu, kao i tradicionalni perkelt od soma ili šaran na rašljama. Navedena jela možete pronaći u baranjskim ruralnim restoranima − u Bilju, Kopačevu, Vardarcu, Karancu, Suzi i Zmajevcu, vinskoj prijestolnici Baranje.
Vinska ruta se ne propušta
Vinska priča na istoku Hrvatske traje stoljećima, o njoj svjedoče jedinstvene povijesne vinarije u kojima se i danas proizvode
vrhunska vina. Najveći proizvođači vina u Hrvatskoj, najveći vinograd i najveća bačva u Erdutu, Belje s najvećim vinskim podrumom i jednom od najljepših vinskih cesta, vinska priča Slavonije i Baranje prepuna je superlativa. Regijom dominiraju četiri vinogorja: Feričanci, Đakovo, Baranja i Erdut, a u svima caruje graševina. Svaki četvrti trs pripada ovoj sorti; uživat ćete u njezinu širokom spektru − od pjenušca do predikata. Rijetko gdje u Hrvatskoj možete doživjeti toliko različitih vinskih aktivnosti, od noćenja i romantične večere u vinskom podrumu do vinsko-pješačkih tura i koncerta u vinogradu s jedinstvenim pogledom na Dunav.
Dvorci, kurije i utvrde
Pripovijetke o šarmantnim plemićima, graditeljima utvrda, velikim osvajačima i dvorskim damama polazni su motiv za istraživanje brojnih skrivenih kutaka ove regije. Zaustavite se i uslikajte selfie ispred dvorca u Valpovu, Donjem Miholjcu, Bilju ili ispred novouređenog dvorca u Našicama. Tikveški dvorac možete i posjetiti jer se u njemu nalazi posjetiteljski i interpretacijski centar Parka prirode Kopačkog rita, dok nikako ne smijete propustiti osječku Tvrđu − najživlju baroknu utvrdu u Hrvatskoj, u kojoj se nalaze brojni muzeji, restorani, kafići, noćni klubovi i hoteli. Osim Tvrđe, turisti ne propuštaju ni posjet Đakovu, koje je najpoznatije po katedrali, nadbiskupskoj palači, misnom vinu te plemenitim lipicanskim konjima koji se uzgajaju u đakovačkoj ergeli staroj pola milenija.
Biciklizam, planinarenje, veslanje…
Nema straha od viška kalorija ako u Slavoniji i Baranji hedonizam spojite s aktivnim odmorom u očuvanoj prirodi. Svakako ne propustite Kopački rit, najstariji hrvatski park prirode i jednu od posljednjih netaknutih močvara u Europi. Vožnja brodom, veslanje kajaka ili promatranje ptica samo su neke od aktivnosti u ovome zelenom prostranstvu, a ljubitelji biciklizma mogu otkriti neke od kružnih biciklističkih staza. Slavonija je umrežena tisućama kilometara lokalnih biciklističkih ruta, njome prolaze i dvije europske rute − EuroVelo 13, poznatija kao Ruta željezne zavjese, i EuroVelo 6, takozvana Dunavska ruta. Uživate li u planinarenju, uspnite se do Krndije ili osvojite najviše vrhove Banskog brda, koje unatoč skromnoj visini (svega 243m) pruža fantastične vidike na panonsku ravnicu.
The regions of Slavonia and Baranja are travelled effortlessly and slowly. That’s how people live there − in a laid-back and stress-free way. That makes them some the kindest people you’ll ever meet. Hospitality seems to be written in their genetic code, it’s part of their rich tradition. They’ll treat you like royalty, and offer you the best they have, such as their excellent wines and delicious foods. The east of Croatia, where Slavonia meets Baranja, the gastronomic gem of Croatia’s Danube River Basin, will pamper you with an experience of pure hedonism.
If spicy is your thing, this is your paradise Savouring the famous kulen salami is an absolute must, particularly if it’s made from the Black Slavonian pig, a local breed native to
Croatia. This typical smoked cured meat product is prepared by following its legally protected recipe strictly, using the highest quality finely chopped pork seasoned with garlic, salt, and the most essential spice − ground red hot paprika to make the bite spicy. Because spiciness is the trademark of Slavonia and Baranja’s traditional cuisine. This distinctive spicy note is also typical of Slavonia and Baranja’s traditional dishes cooked in a cauldron, such as freshwater fish stew called fiš paprikaš, shepherd’s stew called čobanac, catfish perkelt stew, and carp on a fork roasted over an open fire called šaran na rašljama. You’ll find these dishes and more in Baranja’s rustic restaurants in the villages of Bilje, Kopačevo, Vardarac, Karanac, Suza, and Zmajevac, Baranja’s wine capital.
The wine route not to be missed
The wine story of the east of Croatia is centuries long. This is testified to by the uniquely historic wineries which have been producing the highest quality wines − for centuries. The region of Baranja is where Croatia’s biggest wine producers are, Erdut Winery has the biggest vineyard and the largest wine barrel in Croatia, Belje Winery has the largest wine cellar and one of the most beautiful wine roads in Croatia. In other words, there is no lack of superlatives in the wine story of Slavonia and Baranja. The region is dominated by four wine-producing localities − Feričanci, Đakovo, Baranja, and Erdut − in all of which the grape variety that reigns supreme is Graševina. Every fourth grapevine is a Graševina grapevine. This means that you can be sure that you’ll get to savour an impressive array of Graševina wines, ranging from sparkling to predicate wines. Almost nowhere else in Croatia will you experience so many different wine-related activities, ranging from having a romantic dinner and staying the night in a wine cellar, to hiking vineyard trails, and attending concerts in vineyards with a stunning view of the Danube.
Stories about the elegance of nobility, about builders of forts, great conquerors, and ladies-in-waiting are reason enough for you to explore the many hidden corners of this region. Be sure to take a selfie outside the castles in Valpovo, Donji Miholjac, Bilje, outside the newly renovated manor in Našice or visit the Tikveš Manor as it houses the Kopački Rit Nature Park Visitor and Interpretation
Centre. Be sure to also check out Osijek’s Citadel, Croatia’s liveliest Baroque fortress, which houses many museums, restaurants, cafes, night clubs, and hotels. While in the region, check out the town of Đakovo as well, best known for its cathedral, archbishop’s palace, sacramental wines, and its noble Lipizzaner horses bred in the Đakovo State Stud Farm which was founded five centuries ago.
Cycling, hiking, rowing...
There’s no need to count calories or fear gaining weight in Slavonia and Baranja if you combine your hedonistic holiday in Slavonia with activities in Slavonia and Baranja’s well-preserved nature. Be sure not to miss Kopački Rit, Croatia’s oldest nature park, and one of Europe’s last intact wetlands. Boating, kayaking, and bird spotting are just some of the activities that you can take part in in this green expanse, while cycling enthusiasts have a number of orbital cycling routes to explore and enjoy. Slavonia boasts a vast network of cycling routes, including legs of two trans-European routes − namely, EuroVelo 13, better known as the Iron Curtain Route, and EuroVelo 6, also known as the Danube Route. If you’re into hiking, why not climb the slopes of Krndija Mountain or conquer the highest peaks of Bansko Brdo hill, which, despite the fact that it’s only 243 metres above sea level, offers fantastic views of the surrounding Pannonian Plain.
Centar za gaming industriju gradit će se u Novskoj. Projektiranje je završeno, a dobivene su i dozvole za gradnju, čime jedna od najpogodnijih hrvatskih poduzetničkih zona za ulaganje, Poduzetnička zona Novska, dobiva investiciju vrijednu 60 milijuna eura koja će se prostirati na 9 hektara površine. Gradnja centra kontinuitet je uspješne priče koja je započela otvaranjem Poduzetničkog inkubatora PISMO powered by A1 specijaliziranog za razvoj poduzeća iz područja videoigara, u kojem djeluje više od 80 mladih poduzeća koja zapošljavaju više od 150 osoba.
Sredstva za financiranje projekta osigurana su kroz Fond pravedne tranzicije. Prema projektu centar uključuje zgradu fakulteta koja se prostire na 12.000 m2, studentski dom s kompletnom studentskom infrastrukturom, poput restorana i ugostiteljskih objekata, bazenom i sportskom dvoranom. Studenski dom imat će 201 ležaj, a akcelerator 200 radnih jedinica i moderno opremljeni VR studio. Inkubator za testiranje
videoigara imat će 2500 sjedećih mjesta. Također, u sklopu centra predviđen je i niz sportskih igrališta uključujući rukometno, nogometno i odbojkaško, golf vježbalište, teretanu na otvorenome te teniske terene. S obzirom na rastući interes za gaming industriju, ovaj svojevrsni kampus bit će mjesto za obrazovanje i razvoj ali i centar za istraživanje novih tehnologija i inovacija u području videoigara. Privući će studente, istraživače, poduzetnike i stručnjake iz cijelog svijeta koji žele pridonijeti razvoju ove dinamične i inovativne industrije. Investitori projekta su Javna ustanova Regionalni koordinator Sisačko-moslavačke županije, Sisačko-moslavačka županija i Grad Novska, koji očekuju da će ovaj centar postati ključno središte za razvoj gaming sektora u Europi.
The town of Novska is about to see the start of construction of its Gaming Industry Campus. Architectural designs have been completed, and building permits have been obtained. This means that one of Croatia’s enterprise zones most suitable
of the PISMO powered by A1 Business Incubator, which specialises in the development of gaming companies, and which encompasses more than 80 start-ups that employ more than 150 people.
Funding for the Gaming Industry Campus project has been secured through the Just Transition Fund. According to the project, the campus will have a faculty building of 12,000 m2, and a student dormitory including all infrastructure − more specifically, restaurants and cafes, a swimming pool,
for investment, the Novska Enterprise Zone spreading across 9 hectares of land, is about to receive an investment injection worth 60 million euros. The construction of the Gaming Industry Campus is a continuation of the success story that started with the opening
and a sports hall. The student dormitory will be able to accommodate 201 students, the start-up accelerator will have 200 work units and a cutting-edge VR studio, while the video game testing incubator will be furnished with 2,500 seats. The campus will also boast a number of sports fields, including a handball court, a football field, a volleyball court, a golf training course, an outdoor gym, and tennis courts.
Given the growing interest in the gaming industry, the campus is envisioned as a centre of not only education and development, but also of research into new technologies and innovations in the gaming industry. It is expected to attract students, researchers, entrepreneurs, and experts from all over the world looking to contribute to the development of this dynamic and innovative industry. The project’s investors are the Regional Coordinator Public Institution of the Sisak-Moslavina County, the Sisak-Moslavina County, and the town of Novska, who expect the Gaming Industry Campus to become Europe’s gaming industry hub.
Introducing Dubrovnik as a city of science and invention, not just old forts and walls, the airport now carries the name of a renowned 18th-century scientist and philosopher who was born in Dubrovnik and went on to change the world.
To je Hrvatska
Republika Hrvatska smjeπtena je uz istoËnu obalu Jadranskog mora i u njegovu zaleu. Proteæe se od obronaka Alpa na sjeverozapadu do panonske ravnice na istoku. Povrπina je njezina kopna 56.542 Ëetvorna kilometra, a povrπina teritorijalnog mora 31.067 Ëetvornih kilometara. U Hrvatskoj æivi, prema popisu iz 2021. godine, 3,888.529 stanovnika. Duæina je morske obale 5835 km zajedno s otocima, otoËiÊima i grebenima. Otoka, otoËiÊa i grebena ima 1185, a naseljeno je 47 otoka. Sluæbeni jezik jest hrvatski, a pismo latiniËno.
Glavni je grad Zagreb (790.017 stanovnika), koji je ujedno administrativno, kulturno, akademsko i trgovaËko srediπte zemlje.
Hrvatska je međunarodno priznata 15. siječnja 1992. godine, a od 1. srpnja 2013. g. Ëlanica je Europske unije.
This is Croatia
The Republic of Croatia lies along the east coast of the Adriatic Sea and its hinterland. It stretches from the slopes of the Alps in the north-west to the Pannonian Plain in the east. Its land area is 56,542 km2 and the area of its territorial sea is 31,067 km2. According to the 2021 census, Croatia’s population was 3,888,529. The length of its sea coast is 5835 km, including islands, islets and reefs. There are 1185 islands, islets and reefs, of which 47 islands are inhabited.
The official language is Croatian, and the official script is Latin.
The capital is Zagreb (790,017 inhabitants), which is also the country’s administrative, cultural, academic and economic center. The Constitution of the Republic of Croatia was adopted on 22 December 1990, and the country received international recognition on 15 January 1992. Croatia became an EU member state on 1st July 2013.
Nacionalni parkovi
Hrvatska ima osam nacionalnih parkova, od kojih su Ëetiri u planinskom podruËju (Paklenica, PlitviËka jezera, Risnjak i Sjeverni Velebit), a Ëetiri na obalnom podruËju (Brijuni, Kornati, Krka i Mljet). Njima, kao prostor osobito vrijedne prirodne baπtine,
treba pridodati i podruËja pod strogom zaπtitom prirode, rezervate, spomenike prirode, parkove prirode. Zbog svih njih Hrvatsku mnogi smatraju jednim od najljepπih europskih vrtova.
National parks
Croatia has eight national parks, four of which are located in the mountain region (Paklenica, Plitvice Lakes, Risnjak and Northern Velebit), and four in the coastal region (Brijuni, Kornati, Krka and Mljet). Besides these, certain areas under strict nature protection ∑ reserves, natural monuments and natural parks ∑ should be mentioned as a natural heritage of special value. They have all contributed to Croatia’s being considered one of the most beautiful gardens of Europe.
Proπlost za sadaπnjost Hrvatska obiluje kulturnopovijesnim spomenicima iz svih razdoblja zbog burnih povijesnih zbivanja i prepletanja utjecaja razliËitih kultura. Njezinu obalu karakteriziraju utjecaji mediteranske kulture, mnogi antiËki spomenici, spomenici iz rimskog razdoblja i ranoga srednjeg vijeka, romaniËkosakralna baπtina te niz oËuvanih karakteristiËnih mediteranskih urbanih cjelina. Kontinentalna Hrvatska dio je srednjoeuropskoga kulturnog kruga i istiËe se mnogim prapovijesnim nalazima svjetske vaænosti, starim gradovima, utvrdama i dvorcima kasnoga srednjeg vijeka, kulturnim spomenicima i arhitekturom iz razdoblja baroka.
Tri hrvatske urbane cjeline i dva spomeniËka kompleksa imaju status spomenika svjetske kulturne baπtine, koji dodjeljuje Unesco. To su kasnoantiËka Dioklecijanova palaËa, pregraena tijekom stoljeÊa u srednjovjekovni Split, gradovi Dubrovnik i Trogir te Eufrazijeva bazilika u PoreËu i katedrala sv. Jakova u ©ibeniku.
Nacionalni park PlitviËka jezera, najljepπi i najpoznatiji hrvatski nacionalni park, takoer je dio Unescove Svjetske baπtine.
A past for the present
Croatia is rich in cultural and historical monuments from all eras, due to the turbulent events of history and the interlacing of influences of different cultures. Its coast is cha-
racterized by the influences of Mediterranean culture, numerous ancient remains, monuments of the Roman era and early Middle Ages, a Romanesque church heritage and a number of distinctive Mediterranean urban entities that have been preserved. Inland Croatia is a part of the Central European cultural circle and is distinguished by numerous prehistoric findings of world significance, by old towns, fortresses and castles dating from the late Middle Ages, and cultural monuments and architecture from the Baroque era.
Three Croatian cities and two monumental com-plexes have the status of monuments of world cultural heritage accorded by UNESCO. These are the Late Antique Palace of Diocletian, remodeled through the centuries into the medieval city of Split, the cities of Dubrovnik and Trogir, the Basilica of Euphrasius in PoreË and the Cathedral of St. Jacob in ©ibenik.
The national park of the Plitvice Lakes, Croatia’s most beautiful and celebrated national park, is also a part of UNESCO’s world heritage.
Hrvatska - turistiËki hit na Sredozemlju
Hrvatska je posljednjih godina − ocjenjuju meunarodni turistiËki znalci i statistiËari − hitodrediπte na Sredozemlju.
Hrvatska je blizu ne samo zbog svoga geografskog smještaja nego i zbog mreæe zraËnih luka i kvalitetnih usluga nacionalnog avioprijevoznika Croatia Airlinesa te drugih zraËnih prijevoznika. I zbog svoje mreæe autocesta i poluautocesta Hrvatska je bliæa nego ikad. Ako ste pak odabrali odmor na jednome od mnogih hrvatskih otoka, prijevoz trajektom ili hidrogliserom s kopna trajat Êe − i kad su posrijedi oni najudaljeniji − kraÊe od 2 sata.
Croatia - a Mediterranean tourism success
Croatia has been a hit destination in the Mediterranean in the past few years, say statisticians and inter national experts in tourism.
Croatia is close not only because of its geographic position, but also because of its network of airports and the top quality services provided by Croatia Airlines, its
national carrier, as well as other airliners. Also, due to its network of highways and semi-motorways, Croatia is closer than ever. If you have decided to spend your vacation on any one of the numerous islands in Croatia, even the most distant ones, it will take less than 2 hours by ferry or hydrofoil from the mainland.
Novac i naËin plaÊanja
Od 1. siječnja 2023. novčana jedinica Republike Hrvatske jest euro. Mogu
će je plaćanje gotovinom i kreditnim karticama, a novac se može podizati na bankomatima.
The currency of the Republic of Croatia is the euro (as of 1st January 2023). Payments can be made in cash and by credit card. Cash can be withdrawn from ATMs.
Odrediπta Croatia Airlinesa
Airlines destinations
/ regular
Predstavljen ljetni red letenja
Na turističkom sajmu ITB u Berlinu, u sklopu štanda Hrvatske turističke zajednice, 5. ožujka predstavili smo naše nove međunarodne linije i ljetni red letenja.
Naša mreža međunarodnih letova iz Zračne luke Zagreb značajno se širi uvođenjem novih izravnih linija Zagreb − Tirana, Zagreb − Berlin i Zagreb − Stockholm
Naši će zrakoplovi na novoj međunarodnoj liniji Zagreb − Tirana letjeti dvaput na tjedan − petkom i nedjeljom. Letovi na novoj liniji Zagreb − Berlin planirani su triput na tjedan − utorkom, petkom i nedjeljom. Letovi na novoj liniji Zagreb − Stockholm obavljat će se također triput na tjedan − ponedjeljkom, srijedom i petkom.
Tijekom ovogodišnje turističke sezone Zagreb ćemo povezivati sa 18 međunarodnih odredišta: Amsterdamom, Atenom (via Dubrovnik), Barcelonom, Bečom, Berlinom, Bruxellesom, Kopenhagenom, Frankfurtom, Londonom (Heathrow), Mostarom, Münchenom, Parizom, Rimom (via Split i via Dubrovnik), Sarajevom, Skopljem, Stockholmom, Tiranom i Zürichom. Novost su i izravni letovi Split − Istanbul, triput na tjedan − utorkom, četvrtkom i subotom, čime Croatia Airlines pruža još kvalitetniju prometnu povezanost ZL Split s međunarodnim odredištima. Ponovno su planirani i sezonski letovi Split − Oslo i Split − Skoplje koji su uvedeni lani, tako da će zrakoplovi Croatia Airlinesa tijekom ove sezone izravno povezivati ZL Split sa 21 međunarodnim odredištem, odnosno 22 zračne luke: Amsterdamom, Atenom, Bečom, Berlinom, Bukureštom, Dublinom, Düsseldorfom, Frankfurtom, Istanbulom, Kopenhagenom, Londonom (ZL Gatwick i ZL Heathrow), Lyonom, Milanom, Münchenom, Oslom, Parizom, Pragom, Rimom, Skopljem, Stockholmom i Zürichom.
Iz Dubrovnika su planirani izravni međunarodni letovi u sedam europskih metropola − Atenu, Frankfurt, München, Pariz, Prag, Rim i Zürich, a u domaćem prometu u Zagreb i Osijek. Nastavljaju se naši cjelogodišnji letovi Rijeka − München i Osijek − München. Osim širenja međunarodne mreže letova, Croatia Airlines nastavlja osiguravati i zračnu povezanost hrvatskih gradova i regija svojim letovima u domaćem redovitom prometu u sklopu kojeg su planirani letovi u 7 hrvatskih zračnih luka (Zagreb, Split, Dubrovnik, Zadar, Pula, Osijek, Bol na Braču).
Tijekom ljetne turističke sezone planirano je povezivanje Hrvatske s ukupno 28 međunarodnih odredišta, odnosno 29 europskih zračnih luka, a naši će zrakoplovi pritom letjeti na 50 međunarodnih linija.
Mreža međunarodnih i domaćih letova tijekom ovogodišnje turističke sezone prilagođena je tržišnoj potražnji za uslugom zračnog prijevoza, a širenjem mreže naših odredišta i povećanjem broja letova planiramo pružiti snažan doprinos razvoju hrvatskoga turističkog proizvoda i unapređenju prometne infrastrukture Republike Hrvatske.
Summer flight timetable presented
On the 5th March, we presented our new international routes and summer flight timetable at the ITB Trade Travel Show in Berlin on the stand of the Croatian National Tourist Board.
We are expanding our network of international flights from Zagreb
Airport significantly by introducing new routes between Zagreb and Tirana, Zagreb and Berlin, and Zagreb and Stockholm.
On the new international route between Zagreb and Tirana, Croatia Airlines will be operating flights twice a week, on Fridays, and Sundays. On the new route between Zagreb and Berlin, flights are planned to be operated three times a week, on Tuesdays, Fridays, and Sundays. Flights on the new route between Zagreb and Stockholm will also be operated three times a week, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
During this year’s tourist season, Croatia Airlines will be connecting Zagreb with 18 international destinations − namely, Amsterdam, Athens (via Dubrovnik), Barcelona, Vienna, Berlin, Brussels, Copenhagen, Frankfurt, London (Heathrow), Mostar, Munich, Paris, Rome (via Split, and via Dubrovnik), Sarajevo, Skopje, Stockholm, Tirana, and Zurich.
Another novelty in this year’s summer flight timetable are direct flights between Split and Istanbul, which will be operated three times a week, on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. With this new route, Croatia Airlines is helping to expand air connections from Split Airport to international destinations. Similarly, Croatia Airlines is planning to reintroduce the operation of seasonal flights on the Split − Oslo, and Split − Skopje routes, both of which were introduced last year. In other words, during this year’s summer season, Croatia Airlines will be connecting Split Airport directly with 21 international destinations or 22 airports − namely, Amsterdam, Athens, Vienna, Berlin, Bucharest, Dublin, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Istanbul, Copenhagen, London (Gatwick, and Heathrow), Lyon, Milan, Munich, Oslo, Paris, Prague, Rome, Skopje, Stockholm, and Zurich.
From Dubrovnik direct international flights are planned to seven European cities − namely, Athens, Frankfurt, Munich, Paris, Prague, Rome, and Zurich − and domestic flights to Zagreb, and Osijek.
In addition, Croatia Airlines is continuing to operate its year-round flights on the Rijeka − Munich, and Osijek − Munich routes. Besides expanding its international network of flights, Croatia Airlines is also continuing to interconnect Croatia’s cities and regions by operating scheduled domestic flights to seven Croatian airports (Zagreb, Split, Dubrovnik, Zadar, Pula, Osijek, Bol on the island of Brač).
During the upcoming tourist season, Croatia Airlines is planning to connect Croatia with 28 international destinations or 29 European airports by operating flights on 50 international routes. Croatia Airlines’ network of both international and domestic flights during this year’s tourist season has been adapted to market demand for air travel services. By expanding our network of destinations and increasing the number of flights we operate, Croatia’s flag carrier is planning to strongly contribute to the development of Croatia’s tourism product, and the improvement of the transport infrastructure of the Republic of Croatia.
Croatia Airlines sredinom ove godine očekuje isporuku prvoga novog zrakoplova A220, čime počinje obnova cjelokupne flote novim i tehnološki naprednijim zrakoplovima u tržišnom segmentu od 100 do 150 sjedala. U odnosu na prethodne generacije zrakoplova, prema podacima proizvođača, Airbus A220 se isporučuje s motorima najnovije generacije koji po sjedalu smanjuju buku za 50% i koji imaju 25% nižu potrošnju goriva i emisije CO2 te 40% nižu emisiju dušikovih oksida (NOx). Stoga i naši putnici mogu očekivati višu udobnost putovanja. Osim letenja u novim i tišim zrakoplovima, na raspolaganju će im biti i druge pogodnosti tijekom leta, kao što su pristup internetu, punjači za mobitel (USBA i USBC) u svakom sjedalu i komfornija putnička kabina.
Croatia Airlines is expecting the delivery of the first new A220 aircraft by midyear, which will mark the beginning of the replacement of our entire fleet with new and technologically more advanced aircraft in the market segment of 100 to 150 seats. Compared to previous generations of aircraft, according to the manufacturer, the Airbus A220 aircraft are powered by the latest generation of engines that deliver half the noise footprint per seat, a 25% decrease in fuel burn and CO2 emissions, and a 40% reduction in the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx). This, of course, makes the Airbus A220 aircraft more comfortable to fly in. While flying in our new and quieter aircraft, passengers will also have access to other conveniences, such as internet access, each seat equipped with mobile phone chargers (USB-A, and USB-C), and a more comfortable passenger cabin.
Iz Zagreba: Berlin
Iz Splita: Istanbul
Naše poslovne suradnje
Prepoznajući vrijednost kvalitetnih domaćih brandova, 18. prosinca 2023. potpisali smo ugovor o poslovnoj suradnji s domaćom platformom za upravljanje recenzijama Fast Review. Svjesni snage online recenzija, sretni smo što smo u Fast Reviewu pronašli pravog partnera, koji svojom inovativnošću zajedno s nama može na jednostavan način pratiti mišljenja naših putnika te nam tako pomoći da uslugu učinimo još kvalitetnijom, nastojeći ispuniti njihova očekivanja.
Kako bismo osigurali dodatnu vrijednost i još kvalitetniju ponudu putnicima i gostima koji odluče posjetiti Hrvatsku i njezine destinacije, vodeće specijalizirano poduzeće za luksuzni smještaj i plovila ORVAS d.o.o. i naša kompanija u realizaciju nove turističke sezone krenule su potpisivanjem ugovora 13. veljače ove godine. Ujedinjujući snage i prednosti svojeg poslovanja, obje kompanije vodile su se činjenicom da je Hrvatska zemlja koju sve više turista odabire kao kvalitetnu destinaciju za odmor. Croatia Airlines klijentima Orvasa koji odaberu svoj boravak u Hrvatskoj provesti u vrhunskim vilama ili pak na brodovima odobrava promo kod za popust od 15% na cijenu zrakoplovne karte, a Orvas našim putnicima također odobrava 15% popusta na cijenu najma za sve brodove u floti i vile u vlasništvu. Na taj način nastojat ćemo, uz povoljniju cijenu za naše putnike, približiti ljepotu i ponudu naše zemlje gostima koji dolaze u Hrvatsku.
Our business collaborations
Having recognised the value of quality Croatian brands, on 18th December 2023 Croatia Airlines signed a collaboration agreement with Fast Review, a Croatian online review management platform. Aware of the power of online reviews, we are happy to have found the right partner in Fast Review, who will help us to interact with passenger reviews easily thanks to their innovation. Ultimately, this will help us to make our service even better while we strive to fulfil passenger expectations.
With a view to providing added value and improving our offerings to guests who decide to visit Croatia and its destinations, ORVAS d.o.o., a leading specialist in luxury accommodation and yachting, and Croatia Airlines have finalised a collaboration agreement on 13th February this year as a way of getting ready for the start of the upcoming tourist season. In joining forces, the two companies have been guided by the fact that Croatia is a destination chosen by an ever-increasing number of guests as their choice number one. Thanks to this collaboration agreement, Croatia Airlines will offer ORVAS’s clients who’ve chosen to spend their holidays in Croatia in any of ORVAS’s luxury villas or yachts a 15% discount on the price of their airline ticket, while ORVAS will offer our passengers a 15% discount on the rental price for all the yachts in ORVAS’s fleet and the villas owned by ORVAS. What we’re attempting to achieve with this is bring the attractions and offerings of Croatia closer to guests arriving in Croatia at a more affordable price.
2 UNESCO sites | 2 national parks | 11 medieval fortifications
230 cultural monuments | 300 islands | 600 archaeological sites
Okusi Dalmacije u našem zrakoplovu Hrvatska je puna okusa, a Dalmacija nudi pregršt okusa s mirisima tradicije. Ako s nestrpljenjem očekujete kad ćete ugledati more i uvijek mu se rado vraćate, uživat ćete u dalmatinskim okusima i u našim zrakoplovima. A dalmatinski okusi nisu samo okusi − to su priče pričane tisućljećima, urezane u svaki naš kamen, uronjene u dubinu morskih prostranstava, u znoj naših vrijednih poljoprivrednika… Osobito je poznata dalmatinska marenda, koja nije doručak, nije brunch, ručak, a ni večera. Ona je slavlje koje se odvija od 11 do 13 sati i svi su pozvani, bez obzira na dob i društveni status. Topla je i jedinstvena, ponekad tajnovita; najbolja je kad se dijeli s obitelji ili prijateljima, ali vašem danu daje posebnu toplinu i ako ste sami.
Djelić dalmatinske gastronomije možete doživjeti i u našim zrakoplovima. Kušajte naš veliki snack box: krekere s maslinama, pršut, bobiće, ušećerene bademe i marmeladu od kapule te mali snack box: u kojem su krekeri s maslinama, pršut i ušećereni bademi. Okusi Dalmacije plod su naše tradicije, druženja, strasti i jedne posebne vrste hedonizma. Baš ih takve možete namirisati i dok ste visoko među oblacima.
While Croatia is indeed full of flavours, Dalmatia is filled to overflowing with tradition scented flavours. If you’re excited about spotting the sea from a window, and can’t wait to get there, you’ll definitely enjoy the flavours of Dalmatia in our aircraft. Because the flavours of Dalmatia are not just flavours − they’re stories which have been told for millennia, stories which have been engraved on every piece of stone and every pebble, stories which have been immersed in the depths of the sea, stories which have been the fruits of the labour of our hard-working farmers... Especially famous is Dalmatian marenda, which is not breakfast, it’s not brunch or lunch either, and it most definitely isn’t dinner. Dalmatian marenda is a celebration of food and life that takes place between 11 am and 1 pm, to which everyone’s invited regardless of age and social status. Dalmatian marenda is warm and inimitable, at times even a surprise. It’s best when shared with family and friends, but will warm your heart even if you have it all by yourself.
You’ll savour the flavours of Dalmatia in our aircraft as well. In our large snack box, you’ll find olive crackers, prosciutto, traditional Dalmatian almond biscuits called bobići, candied almonds, and onion chutney. Our small snack box contains olive crackers, prosciutto, and candied almonds. The flavours of Dalmatia are the fruits of our tradition, community spirit, passion, and a special kind of hedonism, which is exactly what your taste buds will experience while you’re still high in the sky.
Očekujemo iznimnu turističku sezonu
Exceptional tourist season expected
Nakon provedenog postupka usklađivanja redova letenja sa zračnim prijevoznicima, prispjele najave za letenje u Zračnu luku Split upućuju na to da je pred nama još jedna iznimno sadržajna turistička sezona u kojoj očekujemo daljnji rast prometa za približno 4% u odnosu na proteklu rekordnu godinu. Ponuđeni kapaciteti bit će značajan poticaj razvoju turističke industrije na srednjedalmatinskom području.
Ukupno 47 prijevoznika na svojim će linijama osigurati povezanost Zračne luke Split sa 96 odredišta. Najizraženija prometna potražnja
dolazi sa sljedećih tržišta: njemačkoga, britanskoga, francuskoga, nizozemskoga, hrvatskoga, talijanskoga, švedskoga, poljskoga, norveškoga, austrijskoga, švicarskoga, danskoga, irskoga, finskoga i španjolskoga.
Najznačajniji poslovni partner Zračne luke Split jest nacionalni prijevoznik Croatia Airlines, koji nudi najveći broj letova tijekom
cijele godine, a ove sezone zbog velikog zanimanja dodatno širi mrežu izravnih linija i to za Istanbul. Također, novost je ove sezone i linija za Keflavik, kojom će jednom tjedno upravljati islandski niskotroškovni prijevoznik Fly Play.
After Split Airport harmonised its flight timetable with airlines, the number of flights announced to be operated to and from Split Airport indicate that we have another exceptionally rich tourist season ahead of us, in which Split Airport’s air traffic is expected to increase by approximately 4% compared to the previous record year. The capacities offered by Split Airport will significantly contribute to the development of the tourism industry in the region of central Dalmatia. A total of 47 carriers will provide connections between Split Airport and 96 destinations. The most air traffic demand comes from the markets of Germany, the UK, France, the Netherlands, Croatia, Italy, Sweden, Poland, Norway, Austria, Switzerland, Denmark, Ireland, Finland, and Spain.
ukupno 47 prijevoznika na svojim će linijama osigurati povezanost Zračne luke Split sa 96 odredišta.
During the upcoming tourist season, a total of 47 carriers will be connecting Split Airport with 96 destinations.
Split Airport’s most important business partner is Croatia’s flag carrier, Croatia Airlines, which offers the largest number of flights from Split Airport throughout the entire year. Due to great demand, Croatia Airlines is further expanding its network of direct flights; this season, to Istanbul. Flights to Keflavik are another novelty this season. These will be operated once a week by Fly Play, a low-cost carrier from Iceland.
-1 EUR = 1 nagradna milja − za svakih
Croatia Airlines card
1 EUR potrošenih preko ove kartice, 1 nagradna milja
bilježi se
-2000 milja dobrodošlice na Miles & More računu za nove korisnike
-Putno osiguranje
- Milje ne zastarijevaju
-Dvostruke nagradne milje − za plaćanje u poslovnicama Croatia Airlinesa i PBZ Card Travela
Diners Club Croatia Airlines kreditna kartica
- 0,66 EUR = 1 nagradna milja − za svakih
0,66 EUR potrošenih preko ove kartice, bilježi se 1 nagradna milja.
-Prikupljajte nagradne milje svuda − jednostavno plaćajte svojom Diners Club karticom na bilo kojemu od 12,000.000 DC prodajnih mjesta u zemlji i inozemstvu.
-2 kartice − 1 račun Miles & More − koristite li se istodobno privatnom i poslovnom karticom Diners Cluba i Croatia Airlinesa, prikupljene nagradne milje zbrajaju se na istom računu Miles & More.
VISA Croatia Airlines kreditna kartica Croatia Airlines i Erste Card Club nude i VISA Croatia Airlines samostalnu karticu, poslovnu i privatnu. Potrošnja od 2 EUR uHrvatskoj na samostalnim karticama donosi 1 nagradnu Miles & More milju, a za potrošen 1 EUR u inozemstvu dobiva se preko kartica u paketu 1 nagradna Miles & More milja.
Više informacija možete pronaći na: www.milesandmore.com
-1 EUR = 1 award mile − for every 1 EUR spent via this card, you collect 1 mile -2000 welcome miles on Miles & More account for new basic members
-Travel insurance
-Miles do not expire
-Earn double award miles − using the card to pay at Croatia Airlines and PBZ Card Travel
Diners Club Croatia Airlines credit card
- 0,66 EUR = 1 award mile − for every 0,66 EUR spent via this card, you collect 1 mile
-Collect award miles everywhere − simply pay with your Diners Club Card in any of 12 million DC offices in Croatia or abroad
-2 credit cards − 1 Miles & More membership account − use your private and business card to collect award miles on the same membership account
VISA Croatia Airlines credit card Croatia Airlines and Erste Card Club offer a VISA Croatia Airlines standalone credit card, both business and private. You will get 1 Miles & More award mile for every 2 EUR spent via standalone credit card whereas for every 1 EUR spent abroad via companion credit cards 1 Miles & More award mile will be credited to your account.
Please find detailed info at: www.milesandmore.com
Dopuštena ručna prtljaga za putnike ekonomskog razreda je 1 komad, a za putnike poslovnog razreda 2 komada (težine do 8 kg i zbroja dimenzija do 115 cm).
Veće komade ručne prtljage spremite u pretince, a manje stavite ispod sjedala ispred vas, osim u redovima kod izlaza za slučaj opasnosti.
Dodatno, svaki putnik može ponijeti u kabinu:
- 1 komad osobne prtljage najveće dopuštene veličine 40x30x10 cm
- putuje li s djetetom do 2 g. - 1 dječja kolica ili autosjedalicu ili nosiljku te hranu za bebe
- bolesne i invalidne osobe mogu ponijeti ortopedska pomagala ili protetske naprave
The carry-on baggage allowance for economy class passengers is 1 piece and for business class passengers 2 pieces (weighing up to 8 kg, whose total sum of dimensions does not exceed 115 cm). Your carry-on baggage must be stowed in overhead compartments. All smaller bags must be placed under the seat in front of you, except in emergency exit rows. Each passenger may additionally take into the passenger cabin the following:
- 1 personal item whose maximum size does not exceed 40x30x10 cm (16x12x4 in);
- each passenger travelling with a child under 2 years of age is also allowed to take aboard 1 infant's carrying basket or a fully collapsible stroller/pushchair or a car seat and baby food;
- disabled passengers may also take 1 pair of crutches and/or braces or any other prosthetic device.
U zrakoplov se smiju unositi:
- tekućine kupljene u duty free prodavaonicama ili u zrakoplovu, pod uvjetom da su spremljene u prozirne plastične vrećice, zapečaćene prilikom kupnje (STEB) i ne smiju se otvarati do krajnjeg odredišta
- tekućine pakirane u pojedinačnim pakiranjima do 100 ml ili 100 g u prozirnoj plastičnoj vrećici sa zatvaračem do 1 litre
- tekućine koje se tijekom leta koriste u medicinske svrhe ili zbog posebnih prehrambenih potreba (dječja hrana). Ostale tekućine mogu se prevoziti u predanoj prtljazi.
The following can be taken aboard our aircraft:
- liquids purchased in airside duty free shops past the airport security check, provided they are stored in transparent plastic bags, sealed when purchased (STEB) and remain unopened until your final destination;
- liquids packed in individual packaging up to 100 ml or 100 gr and stored in a transparent plastic bag with a zipper (up to maximally 1 litre);
- liquids that are to be used during flights for medical purposes or for special nutritional needs (baby food). Other liquids can be transported in your checked baggage.
U kabini se istodobno mogu prevoziti
samo dvije životinje - dva psa ili dvije mačke. Prijevoz psa i mačke na istome letu nije dozvoljen. Životinje mogu putovati isključivo u torbi za nošenje i prijevoz kućnih ljubimaca, a tijekom cijeloga leta moraju biti u torbi ispod prednjeg sjedala. Životinje koje se zbog veličine ne mogu prevoziti u putničkoj kabini prevoze se u prtljažniku zrakoplova. Putnik je dužan pribaviti potrebnu dokumentaciju. Prijevoz životinja treba unaprijed rezervirati i dodatno se plaća u poslovnicama.
can be transported at the same timeeither two dogs or two cats. The transportation of dogs and cats on the same flight is not permitted. A passenger can carry only one pet bag to be held under the seat in front of the passenger throughout the entire flight. Animals that cannot be transported in the passenger cabin due to their size are transported in the aircraft hold if they meet certain conditions. Passengers are required to obtain all the necessary documentation. Animal transportation must be booked in advance at an additional charge to be paid in any branch office.
- elektroničke igre
- e-čitači
- prijenosna / notebook računala
- prijenosni DVD / CD uređaji
oničke naprave:
- Bluetooth uređaji
- mobilni / pametni telefoni
- kamere
- tablet računala
- medicinski uređaji
- slušalice za suzbijanje buke - digitalni audio / MP3 uređaji
The carrying of hazar
These ar
- električni brijaći aparati
- elektroničke igre
- e-čitači
Zabranjene elektroničke naprave:
- prijenosna / notebook računala - prijenosni DVD / CD uređaji
- samobalansirajući uređaji koji sadrže litijeve baterije nisu dozvoljeni u ručnoj i predanoj prtljazi
- Bluetooth uređaji
- kamere
- medicinski uređaji
- električni brijaći aparati
Zabranjene elektroničke naprave:
- elektronički uređaji za simuliranje pušenja
- samobalansirajući uređaji koji sadrže litijeve baterije nisu dozvoljeni u ručnoj i predanoj prtljazi
Electronic devices allowed aboard our aircraft:
- mobile/smart telephones
- tablet computers
- noise-cancelling headphones
- digital audio/MP3 players
- electronic games
- e-book readers
The use of electronic devices is allowed only in airplane mode. Heavy and large devices must be stored away while the seat belt sign is on.
- laptop/notebook computers
- portable DVD/CD players
Electronic devices allowed aboard our aircraft:
- Bluetooth devices
- mobile/smart telephones
- cameras
- tablet computers - noise-cancelling headphones
- medical devices
- digital audio/MP3 players
- electric shavers
- electronic games
- e-book readers - laptop/notebook computers
Electronic devices not allowed aboard our aircraft:
- portable DVD/CD players
- Bluetooth devices
- self-balancing devices that run on lithium batteries are not allowed in either your hand baggage or checked baggage
- cameras
- medical devices
- electric shavers Electr onic devices not allowed aboar d our aircraft:
- electric smoking simulation devices
- self-balancing devices that run on lithium batteries are not allowed in either your hand baggage or checked baggage
Zakonom je zabranjeno nošenje opasnoga materijala u ručnoj i predanoj prtljazi. To su eksplozivi, lako zapaljive tekućine i čvrste tvari, radioaktivni materijali, infektivne tvari i otrovi, oružje, stlačeni plinovi, korozivna i oksidirajuća sredstva itd.
- Molimo putnike da obrate pozornost na sigurnosnu demonstraciju. Možda ne letite prvi put, ali svaki zrakoplov je drugačiji i bitno je upoznati se s njim.
- U zrakoplovu nije dopuštena konzumacija vlastitog alkohola.
- Pušenje je zabranjeno tijekom cijeloga leta, uključujući e-cigarete.
The carrying of hazardous items and materials in either your hand baggage or checked baggage is prohibited by law These are explosives, flammable liquids and solids, radioactive materials, infectious substances and poisons, weapons, compressed gases, corrosive and oxidising agents, etc.
- Molimo da ne fotografirate posadu i putnike. Fotografiranje i snimanje u zrakoplovu moguće je jedino uz dopuštenje posade.
<- Molimo putnike koji koriste ton na elektroničkim uređajima da priključe slušalice ili smanje ton na uređaju kako ne bi ometali ostale putnike tijekom leta.
- Preporučujemo da budete vezani tijekom cijeloga leta.
ASvi su obroci i pića u našim zrakoplovima besplatni, a usluga ovisi o razr edu prijevoza, duljini leta i dobu dana. Nudimo vam mogućnost kupnje na letu u našem Sky shopu. Za posebne prigode postoji mogućnost kupnje torte i pjenušca koje poslužujemo na letu. Dopuštena je konzumacija samo onih alkoholnih pića koja su poslužena u zrakoplovu.
- Please pay attention to our safety demonstration. You may have seen it before but each aircraft is different and it is important to familiarize yourself with the aircraft you are currently on.
- Consuming your own alcohol on board our aircraft is not allowed.
- Smoking is prohibited throughout the flight. This includes the use of e-cigarettes.
- Please refrain from taking photographs of other passengers and crew. Taking photographs and filming on board may be exceptionally granted by the crew.
Dopuštene elektroničke naprave: - mobilni / pametni telefoni - tablet računala - slušalice za suzbijanje buke
To su eksplozivi, lako zapaljive tekućine i čvrste tvari, radioaktivni materijali, infektivne tvari i otrovi, oružje, stlačeni plinovi, korozivna i oksidirajuća sredstva itd.
- We kindly ask passengers to use headphones on their electronic device or to turn down the volume on their device to an appropriate level so as not to disturb other passengers during the flight.
- Whenever seated, we recommend keeping your seat belt on.
All meals and drinks aboard our aircraft are free of charge, and the service offered depends on the travel class, the length of flight and the part of day of the flight. During your flight, you can shop in our Sky Shop. For special occasions, a cake and sparkling wine can be purchased to be served during the flight. The consumption of only those alcoholic beverages that are served aboard our aircraft is allowed.
Preuzmite našu mobilnu aplikaciju i imat ćete sve što vam je potrebno prije i za vrijeme leta nadohvat ruke: kupnja aviokarata, red letenja, status leta, check-in, ponude i još mnogo toga...
Aplikacija je dostupna na hrvatskom, engleskom, njemačkom i francuskom jeziku.
Download it and have everything you need before and during your flight with us in the palm of your hand: flight booking, timetable, flight status, check-in, offers and more...
Our app is available in Croatian, English, German and French.
AMSTERDAM (AMS) Schiphol Amsterdam Airport terminal 1
Athens International Airport main terminal
BRUSSELS (BRU) Brussels Airport Zaventem terminal A
Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport terminal 2D
COPENHAGEN (CPH) Copenhagen Airport terminal 2
DUBLIN(DUB ) Dublin Airport terminal 1
DUSSELDORF (DUS) Düsseldorf Airport terminal B
Leonardo da Vinci - Fiumicino Airport terminal 1
FRANKFURT (FRA) Frankfurt Airport terminal 1
LONDON GATWICK (LGW) Gatwick Airport terminal S
LONDON HEATHROW (LHR) Heathrow Airport terminal 2
Lyon Saint-Exupery Inter national Airport terminal 1
MUNICH (MUC) Munich Airport terminal 2
SARAJEVO (SJJ) Sarajevo International Airport terminal B
Skopje Alexander the Great Airport main terminal
BERLIN (BER) Berlin Brandenburg Airport terminal 1
VIENNA (VIE) Vienna Airport terminal 3
ZURICH (ZRH) Zurich Airport terminal 1
Informacije o polascima autobusa / Bus departure information
Polasci svakog dana s gradskog terminala (Autobusni kolodvor, Držićeva bb) prema Zračnoj luci Zagreb
Polasci svakog dana iz Zračne luke Zagreb prema gradskom terminalu (Autobusni kolodvor, Držićeva bb)
Zrakoplovi Airbus A320-200, Airbus A319-100 i Dash8 - Q400 tvore naπu flotu. Our fleet consists of A320-200, Airbus A319-100 and Dash8 - Q400 aircraft.
Specifikacije / Specifications
Raspon krila / Wing span (m/ft)
Duljina trupa / Fuselage length (m/ft)
NajveÊa dopuπtena teæina u polijetanju / Maximum take off weight (kg)
NajveÊa visina leta / Maximum cruising altitude (m/ft)
Povrπina krila / Wing area (m²/ft²)
NajveÊa letna brzina / Maximum cruising speed (km/h)
Pogonska grupa / Power-plants
Broj zrakoplova u floti / Number of aircraft in fleet
Dvije kartice, jedna članarina
Odaberite paket kartica Diners Club Croatia Airlines i Visa Croatia Airlines, sudjelujte u nagradnom programu Miles & More i uživajte u brojnim pametnim pogodnostima.
- Milje skupljate na isti Miles & More račun uz neograničenu valjanost*
- Milje skupljaju osnovni dodatni i poslovni korisnici
- Skupljene milje možete udružiti s drugim korisnicima Miles & More nagradnog programa - Mogućnost korištenja usluga Airport Lounge salona**
- Aktivirajte usluge ASIST+ za pomoć na cesti i u kući
Zatražite paket kartica Diners Club Croatia Airlines i Visa Croatia Airlines 100% digitalno na diners.hr.
Dublin Lyon
Copenhagen Dusseldorf Berlin
Hamburg Gdansk
rbegaZ Milan
Osijek Rijeka
linije Croatia Airlinesa / Croatia Airlines' services u suradnji sa stranim zrakoplovnim kompanijama / in cooperation with partner airlines sezonske linije / seasonal routes
Napomena: Sve navedene informacije podložne su promjenama ovisno o trenutnoj situaciji s pandemijom izazvanom virusom COVID-19.
Note: All the information provided is subject to change based on the current situation related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Uni ted Airlines
Direkcija / Head office
Bani 75b, 10 010 Buzin, Zagreb, Tel. (+385-1) 616-00-66
Fax (+385-1) 6160 153
E-mail adrese / E-mail addresses
President’s Office/uprava@croatiaairlines.hr Public Relations/pr@croatiaairlines.hr
Kontakt centar / Contact Center
072-500 505 samo za pozive iz Hrvatske / only for calls from Croatia
Tel. (+385-1) 66 76 555
pon - pet/Mon - Fri 08:00 - 20:00
sub, ned, praznik / Sat, Sun, Holiday 09:00 - 15:00
Odnosi s korisnicima / Customer Relations Dept. Fax (+385-1) 616-01-52
Miles & More kontakt centar /
Miles & More Service Team
072 220 220 samo za pozive iz Hrvatske / only for calls from Croatia
Informacije o prijevozu robe / Cargo information office
Tel. (+385-1) 61-64-573
Obzor putovanja / Obzor Holidays Ltd
Tel. (+385-1) 487 31 68, 616 02 46 info@obzorputovnja.hr
Travel centri u zračnim lukama
Travel centar Dubrovnik
Zračna luka Dubrovnik
20 213 Čilipi
Tel. (+385-20) 773 332
Travel centar Osijek
Zračna luka Osijek
Vukovarska 67, 31207 Klisa
Tel. (+385-31) 284 611 agencija@osijek-airport.hr
Travel centar Pula
Zračna luka Pula
Valtursko polje 210, Ližnjan
Tel. (+ 385-52) 550 927 travel.centar@airport-pula.hr
Poslovnice / Town and airport offices
Identifikacijski kod poslovnica u Hrvatskoj je/ Identification code for offices in Croatia is: HR-B-01-080037012
Brussels Belgium
Tribes Brussels Central Station Koloniënstraat, 56 1000 Brussel - België
Tel. (+32-2) 753-5132 bruap@croatiaairlines.hr
Frankfurt Kaiserstrasse 7 60311 Frankfurt
Tel. (+49-69) 92-00-520 frato@croatiaairlines.hr
Paris Adresa za primanje pošte/ Mailing address
71 000 Sarajevo
ZraËna luka/Airport
Tel. (+387-33) 789-600 sjjto@croatiaairlines.hr
1000 Skopje
ZraËna luka/Airport
Tel. (+389-2) 3148-390, 3296-967, 3296-969 skpap@croatiaairlines.hr
21 000 Split
ZraËna luka/Airport
Tel. (+385-21) 203-305, 895-298 spuap@croatiaairlines.hr
23 000 Zadar
ZraËna luka/Airport
Tel. (+385-23) 250-101 zadap@croatiaairlines.hr
10 000 Zagreb
Trg Nikole Š, Zrinskog 17
Tel. (+385-1) 61-60-215 posl.zrinjevac@croatiaairlines.hr
Meunarodna zraËna luka Zagreb/ Zagreb International Airport
Tel. (+385-1) 61-64-581
Fax (+385-1) 62-65-930
REGUS-Croatia Airlines 19 Boulevard Malesherbes 75008
Tel.: (+ 33 1) 4816 4000 parto@croatiaairlines.hr
51 000 Rijeka
JelaËiÊev trg br. 5
Tel. (+385-51) 330-207, 336-757 rjkto@croatiaairlines.hr
Letzigraben 154, 8047 Zürich
Tel. (+41-44) 2610-840 zrhto@croatiaairlines.hr
Prodajni zastupnici / Sales agents
Europa / Europe
»eπka / the Czech Republic
CK Blue Sky Travel
Opletalova 57, 11 000 Praha 1
Tel. +420 222 222 235 czech@croatiaairlines.hr
GrËka / Greece
Intermodal Air, Airlines Representations 2, Marathonomachon str
16452 Argyroupoli − Greece
Tel. + 30 210 371 6381
Fax + 0030 210 324 9152 www.intermodalair.gr
APG Portugal
Rua Tojalinho da Areica, nr. 15 Bolembre
2705-553 São João das Lampas Portugal
Tel. +351 211 930 226 portugal@croatiaairlines.hr info@apg-portugal.com
Specialised Aviation Services srl. 17d Emil Garleanu Str, Voluntari, Ilfov County
Tel. +40 21 599 0108 romania@croatiaairlines.hr
Global Russia Marketing//GRM Bolshaya Sadovaya str. 10, office 20 (V), 2-nd entrance, 123001 Moscow, Russia
Tel.: +7 (495) 727-05-66 ou.mow@grm-russia.com
Konnogvardeysky blvd, 19, office 47, 190098 St.-Petersburg, Russia
Tel.: +7 (921) 905-88-73 ou.led@grm-russia.com
SlovaËka / Slovakia
CK Blue Sky Travel
Poštová 1, 811 06 Bratislava
Tel. +421 2 5262 2375 slovakia@croatiaairlines.hr
Španjolska / Spain
Global Representacion Turistica / GRT
Rambla de Catalunya, 61 5º 3ª, 08007 Barcelona
Tel. +34 934 875 775 spain@croatiaairlines.hr
Bliski istok / Middle East
Izrael / Israel
Biaf Aviation Services Ltd
1 Ben Yehuda Street, Migdalor blgd. 12th floor, Tel Aviv 63802
Tel. +972 3 516 7181, 516 7140 yael@croatiaairlines.co.il
Indija / India
STIC Travel Group
2nd Floor, Tower C, Cyber Greens, DLF Phase - III
Gurgaon - 122002, New Delhi
Ph: +91 (124) 4595300 croatia@sticgroup.com
Novi Zeland / New Zealand
CTtravel Limited NZ PO Box 104-056, Lincoln North, Suite, 1/182 Lincoln Rd. Henderson, Auckland, NZ
Tel. +64 9 837 9897 croatiaairlines@cttravel.co.nz
Air System Inc.
Shimbashi Frontier Building, 7F 3-4-5 Shimbashi Minato-ku Tokyo, 105-0004 Japan
Tel. +81 3 3593 6740 asipaxtyo@airsystem.jp
Koreja / Korea Bohram
1901-1, 19F
Coryo Daeyungak Tower, 97 Toegye-ro
Jung-gu, Seoul South Korea (04535) croatiaairlines@bohramair.co.kr
Tajvan / Taiwan
Pacific Express Company Limited
8F, No 137, Nanking E. Road Sec. 2, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel: +886 2 2515 2371 sales-service@pacificexpress.com.tw
Kina / China
Pacific Aviation Marketing
12H, Zaofong Universe Building 1800 West Zhong Shan Road
Xuhui District, Shanghai
Tel. +862164400032
Hong Kong
Pacific Aviation Marketing Ltd.
Unit 2503, Island Place Tower, 510 Kingís Road, North Point, Hong Kong.
Tel. +852 2926 2030 pamoperation@pam.com.hk
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