Putni časopis CROATIA jesen 2022 / Inflight magazine Croatia autumn 2022

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Inflight magazine
Jesen/Autumn 2022

Poštovani putnici!

Dobro došli u naš zrakoplov.

Pred nama je još jedna jesen, a za nama uspješna turistička sezona u kojoj su mnogi od vas letjeli s nama i koristili naše usluge. Nadam se da ste na svojim putovanjima doživjeli lijepe trenutke te da će se oni nastaviti i u ovom jesenskom dijelu godine. A da vam let s nama bude što zanimljiviji, pobrinuli smo se i novim brojem našega putnog časopisa.

Zašto je Hrvatska i ljeti i zimi podjednako neodoljiva možete saznati već na prvim stranicama, u intervjuu s hrvatskom ministricom turizma i sporta Nikolinom Brnjac. Jesenske ljepote kontinentalne Hrvatske možete doživjeti u riječi i slici u temi o Dravi, rijeci koja je jednako privlačna promatrate li je iz zraka ili ako uz nju šećete. Vodimo vas i u svjetski geopark na Papuku u Virovitičko-podravskoj županiji, u kojem možete saznati jedinstvene priče o planetu Zemlji, stare pola milijarde godina. Usto se u tamošnjem kutku prirode možete i dobro odmoriti. U našem zrakoplovu, pak, možete kušati djelić gastronomije najistočnijeg dijela Hrvatske te osjetiti okuse Slavonije i Baranje. Ovog ljeta bili smo posebno ponosni na događaj u našoj najjužnijoj županiji − Dubrovačko-neretvanskoj − otvaranje Pelješkog mosta. Objavljujemo reportažu s mjesta događaja o tom neopisivo važnom trenutku u kojem je naša domovina spojena u jedinstvenu cjelinu.

Od naših odredišta u ovome broju pozivam vas na šetnju pariškim muzejima. U Parizu je izložbena sezona ove jeseni posebno živa, a naši zrakoplovi lete u francuski glavni grad svaki dan. Kad je riječ o letovima, ove jeseni ponovno povezujemo Zagreb s Dublinom te uvodimo letove iz Züricha u Split i Pulu. I na kraju, svim sportašima i navijačima koji putuju na svjetsko nogometno prvenstvo želim da u Kataru provedu nezaboravne i uzbudljive trenutke, a hrvatskoj reprezentaciji, čiji je Croatia Airlines službeni prijevoznik, mnogo uspjeha i dobrih rezultata. Unaprijed se radujem svim našim zajedničkim letovima i zahvaljujem vam što letite s nama.

Dear passengers!

Welcome to our aircraft.

A successful tourist season has just ended, in which many of you have flown with us and used our services. I hope that you’ve had truly beautiful moments on your travels, and that you’ll continue to have them in autumn as well. With another autumn ahead, I’m sure that the latest issue of our travel magazine will help you make your flight with us as interesting as possible.

Find out why Croatia is just as irresistible in summer as it is in winter on the very first pages in an interview with Croatia’s Minister of Tourism and Sports, Nikolina Brnjac. You’ll experience the autumn beauty of continental Croatia in a piece on the Drava River, whose beauty will leave you speechless regardless of whether you experience it from a bird’s-eye view or by taking a walk along its banks. We’re also taking you to a Global Geopark on Mount Papuk in the Virovitica-Podravina County, where you’ll learn about Earth’s fascinating, half-a-billionyear old history. You can also go on holiday there. You’ll also get to experience the culinary tradition and culture of Croatia’s easternmost region, and taste the flavours of Slavonia and Baranja already in our aircraft. We took great pride this summer in an event that took place in Croatia’s southernmost, Dubrovnik-Neretva county − the opening of Pelješac Bridge. We’re bringing a news report from the opening ceremony itself about this historic moment which has finally facilitated Croatia’s territorial continuity.

As for our destinations, I’m inviting you to take a stroll through the museums of Paris, whose exhibition calendar is always very busy, particularly this autumn. Our aircraft can fly you to the capital of France every day. In terms of our other destinations, we’re reconnecting Zagreb with Dublin, and introducing flights from Zurich to Split and Pula. And last but not least, I hope the FIFA World Cup in Qatar will create unforgettable memories and exciting experiences for all the athletes and fans travelling to Qatar. I also wish Croatia’s National Football Team, whose official carrier is Croatia Airlines, every success and great results. I’m looking forward to all our flights together. Thank you for flying with us.



S hrvatskom ministricom turizma i sporta Nikolinom Brnjac razgovarali smo o uspješnoj turističkoj sezoni i ambicioznim planovima za budućnost hrvatskog turizma.


We talked with Croatia’s Minister of Tourism and Sports, Nikolina Brnjac, about our successful tourist season, and ambitious plans for the future of Croatia’s tourism product.

24 Rijeke


Drava je jedna od posljednjih očuvanih nizinskih rijeka u Europi, gdje još opstaju sprudovi, rukavci, mrtvice, poplavna šuma i ostala vrijedna staništa.



Abounding with gravel-bars, side-arms, deadbranches, flooded forests, and other valuable habitats, the Drava River is one of the last preserved lowland rivers in Europe.




Pelješki most premošćuje Malostonski zaljev između Komarne na kopnu i Brijeste na Pelješcu, čime je konačno ostvaren kontinuitet Republike Hrvatske.


U Voćinu je otvoren novi Geo info centar, repozitorij znanja predstavljen na inovativan način kroz povijesno-kulturno, geološko i biološko bogatstvo Papuka.

Nature parks


A new Geo Info Centre was opened in Voćin, a treasure trove of knowledge about the historical, cultural, geological, and biological wealth of Mount Papuk presented in an innovative way.

Uredništvo ne odgovara za promjene u rasporedu događanja, za otkazivanje ili promjene datuma održavanja događanja nastale nakon objavljivanja časopisa.

Uredništvo ne odgovara za sadržaj oglasa, promotivnih i plaćenih PR tekstova.

The editorial board cannot be held responsible for any changes that may occur in the scheduling of events or their cancellation after the magazine goes to press. The editorial board cannot be liable for the content of advertisments, promotional texts, and paid PR texts.

Current affairs


Interconnecting the villages of Komarna on the mainland and Brijesta on Pelješac Peninsula, the Pelješac Bridge crosses the Bay of Mali Ston, and facilitates Croatia’s territorial continuity.

2 CROATIA AIRLINES 3/2022 Jesen/Autumn www.croatiaairlines.com2022 SADRŽAJ CONTENTS

Discover a new style of luxury at the first Radisson Collection hotel on Croatia’s Adriatic coast.


60 Arhitektura

PALAČA, POLJE I KUĆA Godišnja nagrada najboljih radova u arhitekturi uvijek privlači pozornost javnosti. Predstavljamo neke od nagrađenih radova u protekloj godini.


The annual awards for best architectural accomplishments regularly attract a great deal of public attention. We’re presenting some of last year’s award-winning works.

72 Hoteli


Jedinstvene priče svakog hotela zapisane su u njegovoj arhitekturi i eksterijeru, u osunčanom kamenu ili u stoljetnoj maslini koja raste podno njegovih prozora.



Each hotel’s unique story is written in its architecture and exterior, in its sun-kissed stone or in the centuries-old olive trees growing under its windows.

80 Moda


Modna dizajnerica Staša Randall radi po načelu održivog dizajna, ignorira trendove, njihovu površnost i brzinu te se priklanja kreiranju dugotrajnog modnog predmeta.


Staša Randall is guided by the principle of sustainable design, ignores trends, their superficiality, and fast fashion, and prefers to create long-lived fashion items.


Croatia HrvatskaAirlineszrakoplovna tvrtka Bani 75b, Buzin 10 010 Zagreb, Croatia tel.: URL:e-mail:+385-1-616-00-66pr@croatiaairlines.hrwww.croatiaairlines.com

Predsjednik Uprave/President & CEO Jasmin Bajić

Glavna urednica/Editor-in-chief Ksenija Ælof

Suradnici glavne urednice/ Editor-in-chief assistants

Ana Ćulumović Šoštarić, Davor Janušić, Anamarija Jurinjak

Dizajn/Design Ivana IvankoviÊ, Miranda Herceg

Prijelom/Layout Miranda Herceg

Direktor Komercijalnih poslova/ Commercial Division Director Slaven Žabo

Lektor/Proofreader Nevena Erak Camaj

Prijevod na engleski/ English translation Ana Janković


94 Naše odredište


Pariška je umjetnička scena iznimno bogata, a izložbena sezona posebno živa upravo ujesen. Posjetite Muzej oslobođenja, Centar Pompidou i Muzej Orsay.

Our destination


Paris’s art scene is bourgeoning, and its exhibition calendar very busy, particularly in autumn. Be sure to check out the Museum of Liberation, the Pompidou Centre, and Orsay Museum.

Croatia e-mail:tel.:GabrijelaAirlinesLochert+385-1-616-00-17advertising@croatiaarlines.hr


Croatia Airlines tel.: +385-1-616-01-02

Priprema/Prepress AKD d.o.o., Savska cesta 31, Zagreb

Tisak/Press AKD d.o.o., Savska cesta 31, Zagreb

ISSN 1330-6278


Zlatni licitar Golden Licitar Heart

Zlatni licitar predstavlja jedinstven spoj tradicije, simbola ljubavi i suvremenosti, pretočen u iznimno nosiv i efek tan nakit s porukom. Kolekciju možete pronaći u zlatarni Lapidarium u centru Zagreba te svim boljim suvenirni cama.

Uniquely blending tradition, the symbol of love, and mo dernity, the Golden Licitar Heart is wearable and effective jewellery with a message. The collection is available at the Lapidarium jewellery store in Zagreb’s city centre, and other high-end souvenir shops.


dućaniDELIIICIJEizsnova / dream stores

Tradicionalne recepture stare i do 100 godina, autohtoni sastojci i ljubav prema dobroj hrani temelji su Adria brenda. Praline od tamne čokolade s tradicionalnim dodacima te vrhunska domaća vina i rakije jedinstveni su proizvodi koji nas svakim gutljajem i zalogajem podsjećaju zašto volimo Hrvat sku! Pronađite ih u trgovinama DELIIICIJE.

Traditional recipes, local ingredients, and love of good food are the foundations of the Adria brand. Hand-made orange-, fig- or lavender-filled pralines, top-quality local wines and brandies are unique products whose every bite and every sip remind you why you love Croatia so much! Find them at DELIIICIJE stores. www.deliiicije.com


BILJKE.PLANTS hrvatski je brend specijaliziran za izradu samo održivih cvjetnih terarija u staklenim kupolama iz Zagreba (Ilica 74). Biljni terariji su trajne dekoracije koje se zalijevaju jednom u 6 mjeseci i namijenjene su za dekor interijera.

BILJKE.PLANTS is a Zagreb-based (74 Ilica Street) Croatian brand specialising in self-sustaining plant terrariums planted in glass do mes. Watered once every 6 months, plant terrariums are permanent interior decorations. www.instagram.com/biljke.plants/www.biljkeplants.com



KARAKA_DESIGN modni je brend iz Zagreba, osnovan 2002. godine. Dizajnu i konstrukciji pristupaju beskompromisno, ulažući poseban trud da u ovom vremenu brzog konzumerizma ljubiteljima dizajna ponude proizvod visoke estetske i funkcio nalne vrijednosti.

KARAKA_DESIGN is a Zagreb-based fashion brand founded in 2002. They do not accept compromise when it comes to design and construction, making a special effort in today’s world of fast fashion consumerism to offer design lovers products of high aesthetic and functional value.



U razgovoru s ministricom turizma i sporta otkrivamo zašto je ova godina u određenim segmentima bolja i od rekordne 2019., a posebno veseli što se vraća i zračni promet. Hrvatski turizam pokazao je snagu i u izazovnim vremenima, ali pred njim je i zahtjevno razdoblje transformacije. Ciljevi su ambiciozni − održivost, otpornost i inovativnost.

In an interview with Croatia’s Minister of Tourism and Sports, we’ve found out why, in some segments, this year’s results are better than in the record year of 2019. To top it all, we’re particularly happy to see air traffic recovering steadily. Croatia’s tourism industry has shown its strength even in challenging times. Nevertheless, it’s about to face and tackle a challenging period of transformation. The goals are ambitious − sustainability, resilience, and innovation.


Za nama je još jedna turistička se zona s kojom nesumnjivo, prema svim pokazateljima, možemo biti zadovoljni. No predaha nema. Turistički radnici već sada razmišljaju o cjelogodiš njoj turističkoj ponudi kao i o sljedećoj sezoni. S hrvatskom ministricom turizma i sporta Nikolinom Brnjac razgovarali smo o glavnim ciljevima i planovima za budućnost ove za nas iznimno važne gospodarske grane, ali i zamolili da prokomentira turističke rezultate u ovoj godini, koja ulazi u svoje zadnje tromje sečje.

 Bismo li mogli reći da nam se ovog ljeta vratio turizam? Možete li proko mentirati okolnosti s kojima se turizam morao nositi ove sezone?

Safe stay in Croatia od samog početka, Croatia Airlines pokazao je da je vjeran partner hrvatskom turizmu. Ove se godi ne broj aviolinija povećao, što je iznimna vijest, posebno u kontekstu cjelogodišnjih linija.

 Već se godinama zalažemo za razvoj cjelogodišnjeg turizma u našoj zemlji. Pomaci su očiti. Koliko smo daleko stigli i što još ostaje pred nama, kako u obal nom, tako i u kontinentalnom turizmu? − Kontinentalni turizam važan je segment naše ponude, a u kontekstu razvoja cjelo godišnjeg turizma njegov neizostavan dio. Turizam na kontinentu bilježi sve bolje re zultate, a dodatna ulaganja u turističku in frastrukturu kao i promociju višestruko se isplate. U tom segmentu imamo još dosta

tinentalne destinacije. Sve kontinentalne županije u ovom se trenutku nalaze na 95 posto noćenja uspoređujući podatke s istim razdobljem 2019. To nam je izvr stan pokazatelj da je kontinent sve više prepoznat kao odredište koji nudi upravo ono što turisti sve više traže − prekrasnu prirodu, bogatu kulturnu baštinu, autohto ne okuse i doživljaje.

 Mnogo se radilo na Strategiji razvoja održivog turizma do 2030. godine. Koji su ključni ciljevi te strategije?

− Fokus nam je na konkretnim ciljevima poput odgovora na izazove prekomjer nog turizma, razvojne potrebe turistič ki nerazvijenih područja, očuvanje i valorizaciju resursa, zadovoljstvo turista i pružatelja usluga te uključenost lokalnog stanovništva. U strategiji su adresirana četiri strateška cilja horizontalne prirode − cjelogodišnji i regionalno uravnoteženiji turizam, turizam uz očuvan okoliš, prostor i klimu, konkurentan i inovativan turizam te otporan turizam. I sama vizija održi vog turizma Hrvatske do 2030. godine podržava realizaciju Nacionalne razvojne strategije do 2030. godine i realizaciju nacionalnih klimatskih i energetskih cilje va te je usklađena s temeljnim politikama Europske unije i u skladu s očekivanim trendovima prema predviđanjima Svjetske turističke organizacije (UNWTO). Uspo redno se izrađuje Nacionalni plan razvoja održivog turizma do 2027. godine, koji će sadržavati operacionalizaciju prioritet nih područja kroz konkretne mjere, a po prvi je put izrađena i Strateška procjena utjecaja na okoliš.

Zelena i digitalna tranzicija danas je imperativ poslovanja, smatra ministrica The green and digital transitions are today a business imperative, the minister says

− Ponosna sam što smo unatoč pande miji pretprošle i prošle godine u Hrvatskoj ostvarili jako dobre rezultate. Ova godina u određenim segmentima bolja je i od rekordne 2019. godine i to nas ohrabruje za sve daljnje aktivnosti. Posebno veseli što nam se ove godine vraća zračni pro met, doduše uz određene izazove koji su posljedica teškog razdoblja u pandemiji. Kroz povezivanje Hrvatske i u izazovnim okolnostima kao i uključivanjem u projekt

prostora za pomake nabolje, no sustavno radimo na promociji i podizanju kvalitete turizma na kontinentu i u jadranskom zaleđu. To smo i adresirali u našoj Strate giji razvoja održivog turizma do 2030. U turistički slabije razvijenim područjima i u kontinentalnoj Hrvatskoj fokus je stavljen na razvoj ugostiteljske ponude, izgradnju novih smještajnih kapaciteta i turističkih atrakcija te poticanje posebnih oblika turizma koji pridonose cjelogodišnjem prometu. I ulaganja kroz Nacionalni plan oporavka i otpornosti (NPOO) predviđa ju investicije koje će pridonijeti razvoju nedovoljno razvijenih turističkih područja, što je od posebnog interesa za sve kon

U procesu izrade same strategije bili smo maksimalno uključivi i otvoreni za sve sugestije i prijedloge. Cilj nam je zaista bio stvoriti strateški dokument koji će adresirati sve ključne izazove hrvat skog turizma kao i definirati ciljeve koje trebamo realizirati u cilju razvoja održivog turizma.

 Više ste puta naglašavali da je cilj povećanje otpornosti i održivosti kroz zelenu i digitalnu tranziciju. Možete li to dodatno pojasniti?

− Zelena i digitalna tranzicija danas je imperativ poslovanja, a ne više pitanje volje ili želje. To podrazumijeva energet ski učinkovitu turističku infrastrukturu, korištenje obnovljivih izvora energije, ekoloških materijala, pametno gospoda renje vodama, otpadom te digitalizaciju turističkih usluga. Time povećavamo


otpornost turizma na sve češću pojavu globalnih izazova koji izravno utječu na industriju putovanja. Drago mi je da su mnogi turistički dionici to već i prepoznali te da to implementiraju u svoje poslova nje.

 Osigurana su značajna sredstva za in vesticije u Nacionalnom planu oporavka i otpornosti. Što će nam te investicije i taj plan donijeti kad je riječ o turizmu?

− Naš je glavni fokus na održivosti hrvat skog turizma, a Nacionalni plan oporavka i otpornosti i sredstva od 2,2 milijarde kuna koje smo osigurali za turizam pružili su nam mogućnost provedbe projekata i aktivnosti koje vode k ostvarenju tog cilja. Za ulaganja u javnu turističku infra strukturu na raspolaganju je 930 milijuna kuna i to za povećanje atraktivnosti slabije razvijenih destinacija, što će pri donijeti smanjenju prekomjernog turizma, odnosno rasterećenju preopterećenih destinacija i sezonalnosti. Planirana ula ganja usmjerena su na razvoj zdravstve nog turizma, ekoturizma, sportsko-rekre acijskih sadržaja i zona aktivnog turizma te kongresnog turizma, čime se pridonosi teritorijalnoj i socijalnoj koheziji na cije lom području Hrvatske. Kroz ulaganja u privatnu turističku infrastrukturu svrha je potaknuti ulaganja prihvatljiva za okoliš i učinkovitost resursa, posebice onih u turistički slabije razvijenim područjima, povećanje otpornosti i produktivnosti poduzeća, kao i bolje pozicioniranje na tržištu kroz uvođenje inovacija i digitalnih tehnologija, uključujući i transformaciju privatnih iznajmljivača u poduzetnike. Za taj segment osigurane su 1,2 milijarde kuna. Ovim ulaganjima želimo utjecati i na smanjenje učinaka prekomjernog turizma u najrazvijenijim turističkim po dručjima, potaknuti održivi i niskougljični rast turizma visoke kvalitete u slabije razvijenim turističkim područjima te ja čanje socijalne održivosti kroz povećanje zaposlenosti u lokalnim zajednicama.  Molimo prokomentirajte komunikacij sku poruku o održivosti hrvatskog tu rizma Hrvatska prirodno tvoja, odnosno Croatia naturally yours. Što na prvome mjestu želimo poručiti svima onima koji posjećuju našu zemlju, ali i nama sami ma, koji u njoj živimo?

− Hrvatska prirodno tvoja ili Croatia natu rally yours oznaka je održivosti hrvatskog turizma odnosno snažna poruka i turi stima i dionicima u sektoru da hrvatski

turizam primjenjuje prakse održivosti te da Hrvatska nudi visokokvalitetnu ponudu, pruža autentično iskustvo i vodi brigu o gospodarskome, društvenom i ekološkom utjecaju turizma. Vizualnim identitetom jasno poručujemo da slije dimo načela očuvanja okoliša, prirode i klime, obvezujući dionike u turizmu na kontinuitet doprinosa održivim praksama i aktivnostima. Oblik oznake predstavlja godove na drvetu, a boje sklad i proži manje plave i zelene Hrvatske u održivom turizmu. Pokrenuli smo i web stranicu održivog turizma na kojoj su dostupne informacije o strateškim aktivnostima razvoja održivog turizma u Hrvatskoj, važnijim dokumentima, izvorima finan ciranja, projektima, održivim praksama i eko-certificiranju, kao i o edukacijama, seminarima, konferencijama i događa njima te akcijama dionika u području održivog turizma. U narednom razdoblju planiramo jačati njezinu vidljivost i pre poznatljivost kako kod turističkih dionika tako i kod domaćih i stranih turista.

 Ponosni smo na uspjehe koji naši sportaši neprekidno ostvaruju u raznim sportovima. Kako ocjenjujete važnost sporta za turizam?

− Naši sportaši sigurno su među najve ćim promotorima Hrvatske u svijetu jer danas ćete teško doći u neki dio svijeta gdje nisu čuli za Luku Modrića, Davora Šukera i ostale naše Vatrene, kao i za Gorana Ivaniševića, Dražena Petrovića ili našu snježnu kraljicu Janicu Koste lić. Oni, kao i mnogi drugi koje nisam nabrojala, svojim uspjesima ucrtavaju Hrvatsku na sportsku ali i turističku kartu svijeta, i zbog njihovih postignuća prvi je dojam o našoj zemlji iznimno pozitivan te sam sigurna kako je i mnogima moti vacija za dolazak vidjeti zemlju gdje su odrasle legende koje su pisale sportsku povijest svijeta. S druge strane, Hrvatska je već prepoznata kao sjajan organizator najvećih sportskih natjecanja te kroz sport dovodi mnoge najveće svjetske sportaše i navijače i time izravno utječe i na turistički promet. Sigurna sam i kako se mnogi koji dođu jednom na neko na tjecanje vrate ponovo u nekom drugom aranžmanu jer kad jednom dođu u Hrvat sku, sigurno će se poželjeti vratiti.  Naša gastronomska ponuda razlikuje se na obali i kontinentu i svaka je zani mljiva na svoj način. Kolika je važnost gastronomije za turizam?

Kroz povezivanje Hrvatske i u izazovnim okolnostima kao i uključivanjem u projekt Safe stay in Croatia od samog početka, Croatia Airlines pokazao je da je vjeran partner hrvatskom turizmu.

Ove se godine broj aviolinija povećao, što je iznimna vijest, posebno u kontekstu cjelogodišnjih linija.

By connecting Croatia even in challenging circumstances, and by getting involved in the Safe stay in Croatia project from the very beginning, Croatia Airlines has demonstrated that it is a loyal partner to Croatia’s tourism product. This year, the number of flights and destinations has increased, which is exceptionally good news, particularly in the context of year-round air connectivity.

− Gastronomija je neizostavan dio tra dicije i kulturne baštine kojom turistima pružamo istinski doživljaj destinacije te postaje ključan element u turističkoj ponudi. Stoga, u hrvatskoj gastronomskoj ponudi nastojimo kroz lokalne namirnice, autentične okuse te kroz iskrenu i stra stvenu interpretaciju pokazati bogatstvo i raznolikost hrvatskog kulinarskog naslje đa. Značaj gastronomije i enologije za ukupnu hrvatsku turističku ponudu i kon kurentnost hrvatskog turizma prepoznat je i u novoj Strategiji razvoja održivog turizma do 2030., u kojoj fokus stavljamo i na poticanje izvrsnosti u gastronomiji u cilju stvaranja kvalitetne cjelogodišnje turističke ponude na cijelom području Hrvatske. Ponosni smo na naše resto rane koji su dio najpoznatijih svjetskih gastronomskih vodiča, ali i niz drugih koji kvalitetnom i ukusnom hranom osvajaju goste u cijeloj Hrvatskoj.


Uspjeh hrvatskog turizma ne trebamo mjeriti samo brojkama, koje su za dosadaš nji dio godine zaista odlične uzevši u obzir da trenutačno ostvarujemo gotovo istu razinu prometa kao u 2019. godini. Uspjeh je to što nas turisti sve više percipiraju kao destinaciju koja kroz cijelu godinu može ponuditi raznolik i bogat turistički sadržaj. To ide u prilog razvoju cjelogodišnjeg turizma, održivog i otpornog turizma koji vodi brigu o očuvanju kulturne i prirodne baštine, lokalnih običaja i identiteta. Prema sadašnjim pokazateljima u kontekstu prihoda već ostvarujemo bolje rezultate od onih rekordne 2019. godine. I prema procjenama HNB-a ova godina prihodima od stranih turista trebala bi premašiti onu pretpandemijsku kada je ostvareno 10,5 milijardi prihoda. Vrijednost fiskaliziranih računa je u prvih osam mjeseci ove godine premašila vrijednost čitave 2019. godine.

The success of Croatia’s tourism product should not be measured only in figures, although they have been truly excellent this year if we take into account that this year’s turnover so far is almost as high as the turnover generated in 2019. We put our success down to the fact that visitors increasingly perceive Croatia as a destination that offers diverse and rich visitor experiences throughout the entire year. This contributes to the development of a year-round, sustainable, and resilient tourism product which takes care of the preservation of our cultural and natural heritage, local customs, and identity. According to current revenue indicators, this year’s results are better than in the record year of 2019. Moreover, according to estimates provided by the Croatian National Bank, this year’s revenue from foreign tourists should exceed the pre-pandemic year, when HRK 10.5 billion in revenue was generated. Also, the value of fiscal receipts issued in the first eight months of this year exceeds the value of fiscal receipts issued in the entire year of 2019.

smo toga odradili, postavili temelje i isplanirali te nam sada predstoji zajedno s turističkom sektorom sve te reforme provesti u djelo. To je dugotrajan i složen proces, no cilj je jasan − hrvatski turizam u narednom razdoblju treba postati odr živ, otporan i inovativan. I u dijelu sporta čekaju nas strateške promjene koje će dodatno pridonijeti kvaliteti sustava sporta u Hrvatskoj. Novi Zakon o sportu omogućit će realizaciju niza mjera i ak tivnosti temeljem kojih ćemo još snažnije nastaviti podupirati naše sportaše, ali i sve hrvatske građane u bavljenju spor tom.

Another tourist season has come to a close. All indicators suggest that we can undoubtedly be satisfied with it. However, there’s no room for taking a break. Those working in the tourism industry have already started thinking about the next season, and about year-round tourism prod ucts. We talked with Croatia’s Minister of Tourism and Sports, Nikolina Brnjac, about the main goals and plans for the future of this extremely important sector of Croatia’s economy. We also asked her to comment on the tourism results of this year, which has entered its final quarter.

 Iako se o Hrvatskoj često govori kao o auto-destinaciji, nesumnjiva je i velika važnost avioturizma. Koja je, po Vašem mišljenju, uloga avioturizma općenito, a koja Croatia Airlinesa kao hrvatskoga nacionalnog prijevoznika? − Posljednjih godina, izuzevši period pandemije, udio gostiju koji dolaze u Hrvatsku zrakoplovom kontinuirano se povećava te se tako u posljednjih nekoliko godina povećao sa 11 na 19 posto. Ulaganjem u hrvatske zračne luke podižemo kvalitetu usluge i konkuren tnost čitave turističke ponude. Naravno, cilj je da nam broj aviolinija raste tijekom čitave godine, što osim prometne pove zanosti pridonosi i razvoju cjelogodišnjeg turizma. I taj dio smo posebno apostro firali u novoj strategiji, u kojoj je fokus na unaprjeđenju domaće i međunarodne prometne povezanosti. Kroz marketinšku suradnju s avioprijevoznicima, turopera torima i turističkim agencijama poticat će se otvaranje većeg broja zrakoplovnih linija i uvođenja sezonskih i cjelogodiš

njih zračnih linija s vodećih emitivnih turističkih tržišta. Također, avioprijevoz nam je iznimno važan u kontekstu jačanja kongresnog turizma i city breakova . Za dovoljni smo jer Croatia Airlines tijekom cijele godine povezuje Hrvatsku s nizom važnih turističkih destinacija. Nacional ni avioprijevoznik važan je dio našeg nacionalnog brenda, a let zrakoplovima Croatia Airlinesa zapravo je jako lijep uvod u otkrivanje ljepote i gostoprimstva Hrvatske.

 Koje je Vaše omiljeno zimsko odredište?

− Hrvatska je i ljeti i zimi podjednako neodoljiva. Svaki slobodni trenutak, kojih je zaista jako malo, pokušavam iskori stiti za druženje s obitelji i prijateljima na nekoj od naših lokacija. Moram priznati da se i sama i dalje iznenadim otkrivajući prekrasne nove destinacije u Hrvatskoj.

 Koji su Vaši planovi za budućnost, na čemu ćete najviše raditi?

− Pred nama je zahtjevno razdoblje transformacije hrvatskog turizma. Puno

 Could we say that tourists have finally returned this summer? Could you com ment on the circumstances that tourism has had to deal with this season?

− I’m proud that, despite the pandemic, we achieved very good results in Croatia both in the year before last and last year. In some segments, this year’s results are better than in the record year of 2019, which encourag es us in all future activities. We’re particularly happy to see air traffic recovering steadily this year, although it does face certain chal lenges arising from difficult pandemic times. By connecting Croatia even in challenging circumstances, and by getting involved in the Safe stay in Croatia project from the very beginning, Croatia Airlines has demon strated that it is a loyal partner to Croatia’s tourism product. This year, the number of flights and destinations has increased, which is exceptionally good news, particularly in the context of year-round air connectivity.

 We’ve been advocating for the devel opment of a year-round tourism product in Croatia for years. Marked shifts in this regard have been made. How far have we come, and what lies ahead in terms of both coastal and continental tourism?



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− Continental tourism is an important segment of our overall tourism product, and an indispensable part in the context of the development of Croatia’s year-round tour ism product. Croatia’s continental tourism results have been improving, with additional investments in tourism infrastructure and in promotion paying off many times over. There’s a lot of room for improvement in this segment, and so we’ve been working systematically on promoting and raising the quality of the tourism product both on the continent and in the Adriatic hinterland. This issue is addressed in our Sustainable Tourism Development Strategy in the Period until 2030. In regions of Croatia whose tour ism product is less developed and in conti nental Croatia, the Strategy focuses on the development of the hospitality industry, the construction of new accommodation facili ties and tourist attractions, and incentivises the development of special types of tourism products that contribute to year-round tour ism results. Also, the investments envisaged in the National Recovery and Resilience Plan include those that will contribute to the development of Croatia’s regions whose tourism product is less developed, which is of particular interest to all continental destinations. In terms of overnight stays, all of Croatia’s continental counties are cur rently at 95 percent compared to the same period of 2019. This is an excellent indicator suggesting to us that Croatia’s continental regions have increasingly been recognised as destinations that offer exactly what tour ists have been looking for: beautiful nature, rich cultural heritage, local flavours, and authentic experiences.

 A lot of work went into the Sustainable Tourism Development Strategy in the Period until 2030. What are the key goals of the Strategy?

− Our focus is on concrete goals, such as on the goal of responding to the challenges of excessive tourism or overtourism, to the development needs of touristically underde veloped regions, to resource conservation and valorisation, to building visitor and service provider satisfaction, and to local community engagement. The Strategy addresses four horizontal strategic goals: a year-round and a regionally more bal anced tourism product, a tourism product alongside environmental protection, nature conservation, and climate protection, a competitive and innovative tourism product, and a resilient tourism product. The very vi

sion of sustainable tourism in Croatia in the period until 2030 is in agreement with both the National Development Strategy of the Republic of Croatia in the Period until 2030, and Croatia’s national climate and energy goals. The Strategy is also harmonised with the key policies of the European Commis sion, and is in accordance with the trends forecast by the United Nations’ World Tour ism Organization. In parallel, the Ministry of Tourism and Sports is drafting a National Sustainable Tourism Development Plan for the Period until 2027, which will detail the operationalisation of priority areas through concrete measures. Plus, a Strategic Envi ronmental Assessment has been prepared for the first time. In drafting the Strategy, we were maximally inclusive, and open to all suggestions and proposals. Our goal was to create a strategic document that would not only address all the key challenges that Croatia’s tourism product has been facing, but also define the goals that we need to achieve with a view to developing a sustain able tourism product.

 You have repeatedly underscored that the goal is to increase resilience and sustainability through the green and digital transitions. Could you explain this idea in more detail?

− The green and digital transitions are today a business imperative, and no longer a matter of will or desire. This includes ener gy-efficient tourism infrastructure, the use of renewable energy sources and eco-friendly materials, smart water and waste man agement solutions, and the digitalisation of tourism services and products. This will increase the resilience of our tourism prod uct to the increasingly frequent emergence of global challenges that impact the travel industry directly. I’m glad that many stake holders in the tourism industry have already recognised this, and have been implement ing these ideas in their business practices and activities.

 Substantial funds have been allocated for investments in the National Recov ery and Resilience Plan. What will these investments and this plan bring us as far as Croatia’s tourism industry is con cerned?

− Our main focus is on the sustainability of Croatia’s tourism industry. The National Re covery and Resilience Plan and the HRK 2.2 billion allocated to the tourism industry gave us the opportunity to implement projects and activities that lead to the achievement

Hrvatska prirodno tvoja ili Croatia naturally yours oznaka je utjecajudruštvenomvodipružavisokokvalitetnuteprimjenjujesektoruiodnosnohrvatskogodrživostiturizma,snažnaporukaturistimaidionicimaudahrvatskiturizamprakseodrživostidaHrvatskanudiponudu,autentičnoiskustvoibriguogospodarskome,iekološkomturizma.

Croatia naturally yours is a label designating the sustainability of Croatia’s tourism product. In other words, it’s a strong message to both visitors and sector stakeholders that Croatia’s tourism industry applies sustainability practices, and that Croatia offers highquality tourism products and services, provides authentic experiences, and takes care of the economic, social, and environmental impacts of tourism.

of this goal. HRK 930 million is available for investments in public tourism infrastructure; more specifically, for investments in increas ing the attractiveness of touristically under developed destinations, which will contrib ute to reducing overtourism, or to relieving overloaded destinations and seasonality We planned investments to be aimed at the development of health tourism, ecotourism, sports and recreation facilities, activity and adventure tourism, and congress tourism, which will contribute to Croatia’s social and territorial cohesion. The purpose of investments in private tourism infrastructure

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Unatoč izazovima hrvatski turizam ponovno je pokazao svoju snagu i moć inovativnosti, na čemu zahva ljujem svim turističkim dionicima bez kojih ne bismo mogli bilježiti ovako izvanredne turističke rezultate. Iako smo s pandemijom naučili živjeti, geopolitičke okolnosti kao i globalni izazovi s kojima se svi suočavamo poruka su nam da se što prije treba mo okrenuti gospodarskoj, društve noj i ekološkoj održivosti. I na tome aktivno radimo. Time pridonosimo otpornosti sektora, što je iznimno bitno za daljnji uspjeh.

Despite the challenges, Croatia’s tourism product has once again shown its strength and the power of innovation, for which I thank all stakeholders in the tourism industry, without whom we wouldn’t have been able to achieve such extraordinary results. Although we’ve learned to live with the Covid-19 virus, the current geopolitical circumstances and the global challenges we’re all facing are a message to us all that we need to turn to economic, social, and envi ronmental sustainability as soon as possible. We’ve been actively working on this. This will contribute to the resilience of the tourism sector, which is extremely important for our future success.

touristically underdeveloped regions, and to strengthen social sustainability by providing employment opportunities in local commu nities.

 Could you please comment on Croatia naturally yours, a communication mes sage referencing the sustainability of Croatia’s tourism product? What is this slogan communicating to both Croatia’s visitors and nationals?

is to promote investments in solutions that are environmentally acceptable and that use resources efficiently, particularly in regions of Croatia whose tourism product is less developed, to increase the resilience and productivity of companies, and to improve Croatia’s market position by introducing in novations and digital technologies, including the transformation of private lessors into entrepreneurs, for which HRK 1.2 billion have been secured. With these invest ments, we're looking to reduce the effects of excessive tourism in Croatia’s touristically well-developed regions, to promote the development of sustainable and low-carbon tourism products of high quality in Croatia’s

− Croatia naturally yours is a label desig nating the sustainability of Croatia’s tourism product. In other words, it’s a strong mes sage to both visitors and sector stakehold ers that Croatia’s tourism industry applies sustainability practices, and that Croatia offers high-quality tourism products and services, provides authentic experiences, and takes care of the economic, social, and environmental impacts of tourism. Our visual identity clearly communicates that we follow the principles of environmental protection, nature conservation, and climate protection, obliging stakeholders in the tourism industry to continuously contribute to sustainable practices and activities. The shape of the label represents the growth rings of a tree, while the label’s colours represent the unity and close intertwinement of Croatia’s blue and green regions in sustainable tourism. We also launched a sustainable tourism website, where information is available on the strategic activities conducted in the field of sustainable tourism development in Croatia, important documents, sources of financing, projects, sustainable practices, environmental certification, training oppor tunities, seminars, conferences, events, and other activities conducted by stakeholders in the field of sustainable tourism. In the coming period, we’re planning to increase the label’s visibility and recognition amongst both tourism stakeholders, and domestic and foreign visitors.

 We take great pride in the successes achieved by our athletes in different sports. How do you rate the importance of sports for the tourism industry?

− Our athletes are certainly amongst the biggest promoters of Croatia in the world considering that, today, you’d be hard pressed to find anyone who hasn’t heard of Luka Modrić, Davor Šuker and the rest of Croatia’s National Football Team nicknamed Vatreni (the Fiery Squad), and of Goran Ivanišević, Dražen Petrović or our very own Snow Queen, Janica Kostelić. Their successes, as well as the successes of

many other Croatian athletes that I haven’t mentioned by name, put Croatia on the map in terms of both sports and tourism. Thanks to their achievements, the first impression of our country is extremely positive, and I’m sure that they’ve inspired many to visit the country that sporting legends and sports stars grew up in and made world sports history. Let’s also not forget that Croatia is already recognised as a great organiser of some of the biggest sporting events and competitions in the world, and that Croatia has hosted, thanks to such events and competitions, many of the world’s biggest athletes and fans, which has direct impact on tourism results. I’m sure that many who first come to Croatia to a sporting event make private travel arrangements to return at a later time, because once they come to Croatia for the first time, they’ll definitely want to come back.

 Croatia’s cuisine and culinary culture on the coast differs from the one on the continent, and each is interesting in its own way. How important is culinary cul ture for the tourism industry?

− Culinary culture is an indispensable part of tradition and cultural heritage, which pro vides tourists with an authentic experience of the destination, and is a key element in the tourism product. This is why we strive to show the richness and diversity of Croatia’s culinary heritage through locally grown in gredients, authentic flavours, and a genuine and passionate culinary interpretation. The importance of culinary and wine culture for Croatia’s overall tourism product and for the competitiveness of Croatia’s tourism is also recognised in the new Sustainable Tourism Development Strategy in the Period until 2030, which focuses on encouraging ex cellence in our culinary culture and tradition with the aim of creating a quality year-round tourism product in Croatia as a whole. We are proud of our restaurants that have made it to the world’s most famous food and restaurant guides, as well as of a number of others whose quality and delicious food keep winning over guests all across Croatia.

 Although Croatia is often considered a road destination, it is also a flight destination, and importantly so. In your opinion, what is the role of air travel in general, and what is the role of Croatia Airlines as Croatia’s flag carrier in this?

− In recent years, excluding the pandemic, the share of guests arriving in Croatia by plane has been continuously increasing.


More specifically, it increased from 11 to 19 percent in the last few years. By investing in Croatia’s airports, we’re increasing the quality of service, and the competitiveness of Croatia’s tourism product as a whole. Of course, our goal is to increase the number of flights available to Croatia throughout the entire year, which contributes not only to air connectivity, but also to the development of a year-round tourism product. This has been specifically highlighted in the new Strategy, in which the focus is on improving both national and international air connec tivity. By collaborating with airlines, tour operators, and travel agencies in the field of marketing, the Strategy promotes the introduction of a greater number of flights, particularly the introduction of seasonal and year-round flights from major emitting markets. Also, air connectivity is extremely important to us in the context of strength ening congress tourism, and city breaks and holidays. We’re happy because Croatia Airlines connects Croatia with a number of important tourist destinations throughout the entire year. Croatia’s flag carrier is an important segment of our national brand, and flying Croatia Airlines is actually a very nice introduction to discovering Croatia’s attractions and hospitality.

 What’s your favourite winter destina tion?

− Croatia is equally irresistible in both summer and winter. I try to spend the tiny amount of free time that I have with family and friends somewhere in Croatia. I have to admit that I myself continue to be surprised every time I discover a beautiful new spot in Croatia.

 What are your plans for the future, what will you focus on the most?

− What lies ahead is a challenging period of transforming Croatia’s tourism prod uct. We’ve already done a lot. We laid the foundations, and outlined the plan. Now we have to implement all these reforms in collaboration with those working in the tourism sector. This is a long and complex process, but the goal is clear; in the coming period, Croatia’s tourism product is to become sustainable, resilient, and innova tive. Furthermore, strategic changes will also be introduced in the sports sector, which will contribute to the quality of the sports system in Croatia. The new Sports Act will facilitate the implementation of a series of measures and activities, based on which we will continue to support our athletes even more strongly, as well as all Croatian citizens in taking part in sports. 

Zadovoljni smo jer Croatia Airlines tijekom cijele godine povezuje Hrvatsku s nizom važnih turističkih destinacija. Nacionalni avioprijevoznik važan je dio našeg nacionalnog brenda, a let zrakoplovima Croatia Airlinesa zapravo je jako lijep uvod u otkrivanje ljepote i gostoprimstva Hrvatske.

We’re happy because Croatia Airlines connects Croatia with a number of important tourist destinations throughout the entire year. Croatia’s flag carrier is an important segment of our national brand, and flying Croatia Airlines is actually a very nice introduction to discovering Croatia’s attractions and hospitality.


full of colours, tastes, and smells Autumn

In Croatia, autumn is a time of different harvests, all of which you can expe rience first-hand. Enjoy grape picking, visit olive groves during the harvesting season, go on a truffle hunt, or take part in picking chestnuts. Feel autumn in Croatia, with beautiful colours and delicious tastes.

Festivals celebrating the bountiful autumn harvest are an excellent oppor tunity to visit Croatia. Here are seven to taste end experiences in Croatia during the autumn.

Colourful pumpkins in different shapes and sizes are an irresistible delicacy of the autumn months. If you visit Ivanić Grad, you will experience entertain ment, find inspiration, and have the opportunity to taste culinary delicacies.

If you like to walk in the forest, think about mushroom foraging. Croatia is home to countless types of mushrooms, and mushrooms are part of the local cuisine. But be sure to pick mushrooms only accompanied by more experienced foragers who can tell the difference between edible mushrooms and their non-edible cousins.

In all regions of Croatia, autumn is the season of picking grapes and celebrating wine through festivals in numerous towns and villages. The events in conti nental Croatia are very festive, with Saint Martin's Day celebrations involving the ceremony of ‘baptizing’ new wine and indulging in a glass of fine wine.

The inhabitants of Lovran can’t wait to get a chance to talk about their marun chestnut variety, one of the world's most delicious types of chest nuts. The autumn treasure of Lovran grows on the slopes of Učka, where the sea embraces the mighty mountain. But, throughout Croatia, you can find a number of chestnut festivals, where you can taste delicacies made from chestnuts.

Grape ChestnutPickingFestivalsMandarinHarvest

In the valley of the river Neretva, between Ploče, Metković, and Opuzen, there is a vast area covered with lush citrus fruit orchards. The mandarin harvest is particular delicate because the fruits of this citrus cannot be pulled from the stems. Instead, they have to be carefully cut with clippers so that the mandarin remains on the stem, fresh and full of tasty juice.

Picking olives is a unique outdoor expe rience, allowing you to be a part of the exact process and taste the liquid gold produced in one of the many oil mills. The olive tree is deeply intertwined with the history of Croatia. Thanks to the unique climate, some of the best olive oils in the world are produced here. Along the Croatian coast, autumn is a time of olive picking, from Istria to Dubrovnik, while Brač will once again host this year’s 5th World Olive Championship, which will take place from October 13-16, 2022.

Olive TruffleHarvestDays

In Istria, the entire autumn period is one long truffle festival and the month of October marks the peak white truffle season. This opulent culinary treasure turns any dish into an haute cuisine rhapsody of flavours and aromas. Try your hand at the art of truffle hunting, taste typical dishes with truffles, and one of the prestigious Istrian wine varieties.

Autumn full of life

Explore Croatia during Autumn. Beautiful shades of red, orange, yel low, and brown colour will warm your heart. Taste delicious meals and feel autumn smells.

SerdarHrvojePhoto: PečanićDanicaMajaPhoto:
Visit Autumn Festivals Pumpkin MushroomFestivalsForaging

bogatstvo boja, okusa i mirisa Jesen

Gastronomija je neizostavan dio jesenskog odmora u Hrvatskoj. Jesen je doba obilja i berbe plodova prirode te razdoblje najraskošnijih gozbi. Tijekom jesenskog posjeta Hrvatskoj, uživajte u raskoši boja, okusa i mirisa tipičnih za ovo doba godine. Doživite drukčiji karakter Hrvatske.

berača koji poznaju jestive i nejestive gljive. Delicije spravljene od gljiva daju jesenskim jelima posebnu čar.


U jesen, poseban je užitak doživjeti berbu grožđa, berbu maslina, sud jelovati u lovu na tartufe i u branju kestena. Probajte im odoljeti. Ako ste u nedoumici koji su plodovi i doživl jaji jeseni u Hrvatskoj neizostavni, odabrali smo one koje će zadovoljiti najzahtjevnija nepca i oduševiti željne nezaboravnih iskustava.

Jesen je posebno doba za grožđe i vino. Svaka Hrvatska regija ima svoje pre poznatljive vinske sorte. No, osobito je veselo za blagdan Svetog Martina kad se održava ceremonija krštenja mladog vina, uz neizostavnu dobru kapljicu.

Berba maslina

Ako ste u potrazi za autentičnim iskus tvom, odaberite odlazak u maslinik i berbu maslina. Od Istre do Dubrovni ka, maslina je dio hrvatske povijesti, a zbog klime daju najbolja maslinova ulja na svijetu. Peto svjetsko prvenstvo u branju maslina održat će se 13. – 16. listopada 2022. u Postirima.

Plodovi buče, okrugli, duguljasti, manji, veći, žuti ili narančasti, jedno su od obilježja jeseni. Bučijada u Ivanić-Gradu jedinstven je festival, mjesto zabave i raznovrsnih doživljaja za nepce. Najrazličitiji okusi i mirisi pretvoreni u delicije slave jesensku kraljicu stola.

Lovranski su maruni posebni, jedni od najkvalitetnijih na svijetu. Rastu na padinama Učke, iznad mora. Ali, u kojem se god kraju Hrvatske u jesen našli, naići ćete na fešte posvećene kestenima. Boravak u prirodi i degus tacija pečenih kestena ili specijaliteta napravljenih od kestena, poseban su doživljaj čarolija jeseni.

Dani tartufa

Jesen u Istri obilježavaju tartufi, dok je u listopadu vrhunac sezone bije log tartufa. Naizgled obični gomolj, kralj je među gljivama, dok u jelima daje posebnu rapsodiju okusa i mirisa. Neizostavno je, uz jelo s tartufima, nazdraviti životu s kapljicom neke od istarskih sorti vina.

Jesen puna života

Doživite Hrvatsku u jesen, u različi tim nijansama crvene, narančaste, žute i smeđe boje. Isprobajte neodoljive okuse i doživite mirise jeseni koji će vas ispuniti toplinom i radošću. berba

Odlazak u prirodu u jesenskim mje secima može biti prava avantura po trage za gljivama. Ako ne poznajete gljive, berite ih u društvu iskusnih

Sočni su agrumi iz doline rijeke Nere tve slatko-kiseli užitak iz ove prirodne riznice. Mandarine su zaštitni znak neretvanske doline. Berba mandarina poseban je pothvat jer se plodovi ovog agruma ne mogu jednostavno trgati s peteljki. Umjesto toga, pažljivo se režu škaricama kako bi mandarine ostale na peteljci, svježe i pune ukusnog soka.

CROATIA AIRLINES 3/2022 23PečanićDanicaMajaPhoto:
discover your story at croatia.hr PROMO
Ušće Mure u Dravu, hrvatska Amazona The confluence of the Mura and the Drava rivers, Croatia’s Amazon
26 CROATIA AIRLINES 3/2022 01 Veliki šljunčani sprud A large gravel-bar 02 Dravski meandar, odlika živućih rijeka Drava’s meander, a feature of living rivers 01 02
03 Jato velikih vranaca letu flock of 04 Isprepleteni tok rijeke s mnogo rukavaca braided stream with many natural channels
04 03

Drava je jedna od posljednjih očuvanih nizinskih rijeka u Europi, gdje još opstaju sprudovi, rukavci, mrtvice, poplavna šuma i ostala vrijedna staništa.

Abounding with gravel-bars, side-arms, dead-branches, flooded forests, and other valuable habitats, the Drava River is one of the last preserved lowland rivers in Europe.


01 Jeleni na sprudu

Deer on a gravel-bar

02 Crna roda u lovu

A black stork preying

Rijeka Drava rađa se kao mali izvor u ružičastim stijenama talijanskih Alpa u Južnom Tirolu, putuje kroz živopisnu i dugu dolinu Pustertal u Austri ji, gdje se pojačava rijekama Isel i Möll, pa se razlijeva sa slovenskih brda prema srednjoevropskoj Panonskoj nizini. Ovdje ona teče Hrvatskom kao prirodna granica s Mađarskom prikupljajući okrepljujuće vode Mure i pridružujući se moćnom Du navu kod Osijeka. Ovdje je ona ukroćena branama i regulacijama. Drava je ulaskom u Hrvatsku u prijelazu iz srednjeg u donji tok, ali se ubrzo i osloba đa okova brana i postaje prirodna rijeka, jedna od rijetkih u cijeloj Europi. Probija se kroz šljunčane naslage kroz nekoliko rukavaca, a počinje i meandrirati. S jedne strane erodira obalu, a s druge taloži sprudove od šljunka koji stalno donosi, probija rukavce od kojih s vremenom

nastaju mrtvice. Upravo su poplave i dina mički procesi erozije i transporta šljunka ključ velike prirodne vrijednosti. Naizgled rušilački procesi zapravo stalno stvaraju i obnavljaju staništa.

Drava je najbogatija hrvatska rijeka vrsta ma riba, ima ih čak sedamdesetak. Jedna od njih, bolen, lovac je koji jakim repom udara ribice i time nadoknađuje nedosta tak jakih zuba, a lovi u pličinama. Ribice koje u panici skaču pokazuju gdje on lovi. Dravski sprudovi nisu samo nakupine nagomilanog šljunka nego jedinstveno stanište za mnoga živa bića. Tu se skri vene među kamenčićima gnijezde ptice čigre i kulici. Gnijezda su im male udubine u šljunku, a jaja baš poput kamenčića. U proljeće treba paziti kako se hoda po šljunku da ne biste stali na jaje ili kasnije na ptića, podjednako kamufliranog. Iako se ovdje ne gnijezde, ovamo slijeću i

01 02

ostale ptice u potrazi za hranom. Na go lom šljunku raste vrlo rijetka biljka kebrač. S druge strane sprudova rijeka je stvorila strmu, golu obalu koja se pomalo uruša va. Na najgornjim dijelovima s glinom, ni previše sipkom ni tvrdom, gnijezde se pti ce bregunice. Iskopale su metar dugačku rupu na kraju koje je gnijezdo. Često ih je na stotine parova, a kolonija djeluje poput košnice od ptica koje užurbano i nepre stano ulijeću i izlijeću hraneći mladunce. Susjedi su im pčelarice i vodomari, koji

se gnijezde na sličan način. Iako manje brojne, svojim šarenilom itekako nadokna đuju brojnost. Na brojnim mjestima od glavnog se toka odvajaju manji rukavci, vijugajući kroz šumu vrba čije se granje gura prema vodi, mjestimice obrasli trskom i ostalim vode nim biljem. Takvi rukavci ključ su zdravlja jedne nizinske rijeke. U njih ulaze šarani i ostala riba te se u vodenoj vegetaciji spo rotekućeg rukavca mrijeste. Mlade ribice ovdje zatim odrastaju, a potom se vraćaju

u maticu. U ovom prijelazu između kopna i vode susreću se životinje oba svijeta. U plitkoj vodi gacaju čaplje, a na doručak ili pojilo navraćaju srne i jeleni. Vidra i dabar ovdje rade svoje nastambe i dakako traže Starihranu.rukavci ponekad ostaju dugo vre mena odsječeni od glavnog toka te tada nastaje mrtvica. Lopoči, trska i ostale močvarne biljke gotovo u potpunosti prožimaju stajaću vodu po čijoj površini klize bjelouške u potrazi za žabama i

01 Pješački most preko Drave na Križnici A pedestrian bridge over the Drava in the village of Križnica 02 Kupanje na Dravi Swimming in the Drava River
01 02

ostalim plijenom. To je prava močvara, biološki iznimno vrijedno područje koje vrvi životom, a njezinu prirodnu vrijednost uspoređuju s tropskom kišnom šumom. Mjestimice je uz rijeku širok pojas gustih šuma vrba i topola. Ljeti je to gotovo neprobojna džungla gdje kupina i zlatnica osvajaju zrak s tla, a cijele zavjese hmelja isprepleću stabla u jedinstven, neprekinut zeleni zastor. Drveće ovdje stari i nakon razmjerno kratkog života, pada na tlo i tako ostaje, dok ga kukci i gljive mrve, po lako ga ali sigurno pretvarajući u humus. Potkornjaci tog trulog drveća nepresušna su hrana djetlićima koji i u zdravom, ali mekom drveću lako dube gnijezda. Ljudi su od davnina počeli naseljavati rije ku, koristiti se blagodatima rijeke. Ona je nudila hranu, ribu iz svojih mutnih dubina, kao i divljač iz poplavnih šuma. Savitljive, ali čvrste grane vrba služile su za izradu košara, biljka rogoz za cekere rogožare, britka trska za krov, ogradu i još mnogo toga. Prije električne energije snagu Drave upregnuli su mlinari na plutajućim drvenim mlinicama, čije je veliko kolo pokretalo mlinski kamen koji je mrvio žito u svježe, mirisno brašno. I davno prije industrijali zacije Drava je bila prometnica, gdje su se na splavi spuštala roba, trupci i ostale

vrijednosti. No bio je to težak život, ovisan o hirovima Drave i atmosfere. Umjetnici bez formalnog obrazovanja, talentirani seljaci zabilježili su taj život slikajući na staklu, stvarajući podravsku naivnu umjet nost. Mijo Kovačić jedan je od najboljih primjera za to, a iz njegovih slika može se vjerno prepoznati i mnoge vrste biljaka i životinja. 

03 Ribolov na Dravi Fishing on the Drava River 03 Kajaking na rijeci kod Varaždina River kayaking near Varaždin 03

Iako još uvijek iznimne prirodne vrijed nosti, Drava nije bila pošteđena nekih pogubnih ljudskih aktivnosti. Posljed njih godina Drava je bila poprište nastojanja dravskih ljudi da očuvaju rijeku od nerazumnog upravljanja. Ne samo da je spriječena gradnja ogromne hidroelektrane nego je cijeli njezin tok proglašen Regionalnim par kom Mura-Drava. Nadalje, UNESCO je proglasio Dravu, zajedno s Murom i Dunavom, rezervatom biosfere u programu Čovjek i biosfera. Na taj je način Drava postala dio Unescove svjetske mreže rezervata biosfere.

Although still of exceptional natural va lue, the Drava River hasn’t been spared from the impacts of disastrous human activity. In recent years, people living in the Drava River Basin in Croatia have been fighting for the preservation of the river and against unreasonable river management. They succeeded in not only stopping the construction of a giant hydroelectric power plant, but also in declaring the river’s entire watercourse a regional park − namely, the Mura-Drava Regional Park. In addi tion, together with the Mura River and the Danube, the Drava River became a member of UNESCO’s World Network of Biosphere Reserves.

The Drava River wells as a small spring in the pink rocks of the Italian Alps in South Tyrol, travels through the colourful and long Puster Valley in Austria, where it is joined by rivers Isel and Möll, and then it flows down from Slovenia’s hills towards the Pannonian Basin in Central Europe. Here, it flows through Croatia as a natural border with Hungary while collecting the invigorating waters of the Mura River, after which it joins the mighty Danube near Osijek. Here, it’s tamed by dams and


Croatia, the Drava transitions from its middle to lower course, although it soon breaks free from the shackles of dams, and becomes a natural river, one of few in all of Europe. It makes its way through gravel deposits via several side-arms, and begins to meander. It erodes one riverbank while depositing gravel-bars on the other and creating side-arms, which eventually end up as dead-branches. Floods, and the dynamic processes of erosion and the transport of gravel are the crucial factors that render the Drava naturally invaluable. In other words, seemingly destructive processes continually create and restore Drava’s habitats. Considering that as many as seventy fish species live in it, the Drava is Croatia’s natu rally richest river. One species, the asp, is a predator that preys on small fish by thrash ing its strong tail about as compensation for its less than strong teeth. This is also why it preys in the shallows. Where small fish jump about erratically is where the asp is fishing. Drava’s gravel-bars are not just deposits of

01 Snubljenje pčelarica na obalama rijeke Bee-eaters mating on the riverbank

02 Crvenokljuna čigra na gnijezdu

A common tern nesting

03 Mladunac velikog djetlića viri iz gnijezda u duplji

A great spotted woodpecker fledgling peeking out of its nest hole

accumulated gravel, but a unique habitat for many living creatures. Hiding amidst pebbles, terns and plovers nest here. Small depressions in the gravel are where their nests are, and their eggs look like pebbles. In the spring, you should be open-eyed whilst walking on the gravel, and pay close attention not to step on an egg or a hatch ling, which is just as camouflaged as the egg from which it hatched. Although they do not nest on Drava’s gravel-bars, other birds also land here in search of food because a

01 02 03

very rare tamarisk plant grows on Drava’s gravel-bars − namely, the German tamarisk.

On the other end of these gravel-bars, the Drava has created a steep, bare riverbank which is collapsing bit by bit. The uppermost parts of Drava’s riverbank abound with clay which is neither too loose nor too hard. This is where sand martins or bank swallows nest. They dig a meter-long hole at the end of which is their nest. Normally, there are hundreds of couples flocking about, making their colony seem like a beehive of birds that rush in and out feeding their young. Their next-door neighbours are bee-eaters and kingfishers, which build their nest in a similar way. Although bee-eaters and kingfishers are smaller in number, they make up for it with their colours.

In many places, smaller side-branches and side-arms branch off from the main water course, winding through a forest of willows whose branches push towards the water. These are in places overgrown with reeds and other aquatic plants. Such side-branch es and side-arms are key to the health of a lowland river. Carp and other species of fish find their way in and spawn in the aquatic forest growing in the slow-flowing waters of these side-branches and side-arms. It is here that their fry grow up, after which they return to Drava’s main watercourse. At the point where water transitions into land, animals from both worlds meet. Herons and egrets wade through the shallows, roe and red deer stop by for breakfast or a drink, while otters and beavers build their dens here and, of course, search for food. Sometimes Drava’s side-branches and sidearms remain cut off from the river’s main wa tercourse for extended periods of time. This is how dead-branches and dead-arms are formed. Water lilies, reeds and other marsh plants take complete control of the stagnant water, on the surface of which grass snakes slide in search of frogs and other prey. This is a wetland in the proper sense of the word, a biologically extremely valuable area teem ing with life, whose natural value is often compared to that of a tropical rain forest. Certain spots along the Drava are home to a wide belt of dense willow and poplar forests. In summer, these spots transform into an almost impenetrable jungle where dewberry and goldenrod conquer the air from the ground up, while blankets of com mon hop interweave with the trees creating an inimitable, uninterrupted green curtain. The trees here are short-lived and grow old

relatively quickly. They then fall to the ground and stay there, while insects eat away at and fungi crumble them, slowly but surely turning them into humus soil. The saproxylic beetles that live in these rotting trees are an inexhaustible supply of food for woodpeck ers that easily peck their nests in healthy yet soft Peopletrees.have been flocking to rivers, inhab iting river basins, and taking full advantage of all the wealth that rivers offer since time immemorial. Rivers have always offered an abundance of food − fish from their murky depths, as well as game from flooded for ests. Baskets have been made from flexible yet strong willow branches, bags have been woven from cattail leaves, houses have been roofed with and fences erected from sturdy reeds. Before using it to generate electricity, the power of the Drava was harnessed by millers on floating wooden mills, whose large wheel powered a millstone that ground grain into fresh, fragrant flour. Long before indus trialisation, the Drava was a thoroughfare, where goods, logs and other valuables were transported on rafts. This was a difficult life as it depended on the whims of the river and the vagaries of the weather. Artists who never acquired any formal, academic train ing in painting, talented peasants recorded this life by painting on glass. Unawares, they created an entire world-famous school of painting − the Hlebine School of Naive Art. Mijo Kovačić is one of the giants of Croatian Naive Art, whose many paintings are faithful representations of the many species of plants and animals found in the region of the Drava River Basin or Podravina in Croatia. 

01 Biljka močvarna potočnica uz dravske obale A true or water forget-me-not growing along the banks of the Drava River 02 Mladica crne topole raste na golom šljunku A black poplar sapling growing on bare gravel 03 Drava je u srcu lokalnog stanovništva The Drava River in the heart of locals
01 02 03
CROATIA AIRLINES 3/2022 35 JAPANESE RESTAURANT TEKKA RadničkaZAGREBcesta 37b − Zagreb tel +385 1 63 89 398 − restaurant tel 01/63 89 399 − delivery info@tekka.hr − www.tekka.hr TEKKA BY LONE LujeROVINJAdamovića 31 − Rovinj tel +385 52 632 www.maistra.hrtekkabylone@maistra.hr012

Izvrsna gourmet ponuda Istre

Istria’s gastronomyfamous

Kao poluotok u obliku srca na sjevernom kraju hrvatske jadranske obale, Istra je dom tri kulinarska blaga: tartufima, izvrsnim maslino vim uljima i visokokvalitetnim lokalnim vinima, uključujući autohtone sorte poput malvazije i terana.

Kulturom bogata regija jedino je mjesto na svijetu gdje se i crni i bijeli vrhunski tartuf mogu naći u većim količinama, a iskapaju ga posebno dresirani psi. Smatraju ga afrodizijakom, nazivaju ga istar skim zlatom i kraljem istarske gastronomije. Bilo da uživate u bijelom tartufu na tjestenini ili crnom tartufu u omletu ili čak u sladoledu s okusom tartufa, ove delicije imaju moć transformirati vašu hranu iz obroka u potpuno osjetilno iskustvo. Jeste li znali? Prozvana najboljom regijom na svijetu za proizvodnju ekstra djevičanskog maslinovog ulja u posljednjih 7 godina, ne čudi što je Istra proglašena novom Toskanom.

Ne propustite događanja tijekom jeseni 2022. • Uživajte u istarskom kulinarskom blagu na Zigante Danima tartufa koji se održavaju svakog vikenda tijekom listopada u čarobnoj Moto vunskoj šumi • Festival terana i tartufa u Motovunu, 22. 10. i 5. 11.

As a heart-shaped peninsula on the northern end of Croatia’s Adriatic coastline, Istria is home to three culinary treasures: truffles, exquisite

BlahaP._TartufiZigante∂ DuvalJ._TBIstria∂

EV olive oils and high-quality local wines, including indigenous varieties such as Malvasia and Teran.

The culture-rich region is the only place in the world where both black and white top-quality truffles can be found in larger quantities and dug by specially trained dogs. It is regarded as an aphrodisiac, and called Istrian gold and the king of Istrian gastronomy.

Whether enjoying white truffle atop your pasta or black truffle in your omelette, or even truffle flavoured ice cream, these delicacies have the power to transform your food from a meal to a full sensory experience.

Did you know? Dubbed as the best region in the world for Extra Virgin olive oil production for the last 7 years, it’s no surprise Istria has been heralded as the new Tuscany

Don’t miss events during Autumn 2022.

• Dine on Istria’s coveted culinary treasures at Zigante Truffle Days, taking place each weekend during October in the magical Motovun


The Festival of Teran Wine and Truffles in Motovun, Oct. 22 and Nov. 5.

tartufinaturaPietro&Pietro∂ KosinožićR._TBIstria∂
38 CROATIA AIRLINES 3/2022 kvarner region tourist board 51410 opatija, nikole tesle 2, t +385 (0)51 272 988, e kvarner@kvarner.hr “kvarner info - adriatic gate”, t +385 (0)51 623 333, 628 888, e info@kvarner.hr www.kvarner.hr Visit Platak www.platak.hr Visit Gorski kotar www.gorskikotar.hr © J. Mastrović© J. Mastrović © Studio Saršon © L. Tabako© L.© J. Mastrović© J. Mastrović© J. Mastrović© J. Mastrović © L. Tabako Tabako
CROATIA AIRLINES 3/2022 39 Visit KVARNERCroatia’s best kept secret © V. Bolf The routes of Frankopansthe www.frankopani.eu © V. Franolić © Z. Bakić © ART Redaktionsteam LargeVisitorCarnivoresCentre www.centar-velikezvijeri.eu Beli Visitor Centre and Rescue Centre for Griffon Vultures www.belivisitorcentre.eu © G. Sušić© G. Sušić© R. Mance© © G. Sušić© G. Sušić © G. Sušić© G. Sušić


Do Voćina se državnim i županijskim cestama stiže lako. Dva i pol sata vožnje od Zagreba, a iz Osijeka samo sat i 40 minuta. Jedan od mnogih razloga da posjetite upravo taj pomalo skrovit, južni kutak Virovitičko-podravske županije, uz planinarenje ili odmor u prirodi jest i doživljaj jedinstvene priče o planetu Zemlji, stare pola milijarde godina.

The ride to Voćin along state and county roads is an easy one. From Zagreb it’ll take you two and a half hours, from Osijek only an hour and forty minutes. Getting to experience first-hand a unique, half-a-billi on-year old story of planet Earth is, besides hiking and taking a break in nature, one of the many reasons to visit this somewhat hidden, south corner of the Virovitica-Podravina County.

Od njegova otvorenja početkom 2022. godine, Geo info centar u Voćinu posjetilo je oko 15.000 ljudi

Since its opening in early 2022, the Geo Info Centre in Voćin has already attracted some 15,000 visitors

Pomoću VR naočala put u virtualnu stvarnost jure, krede ili miocena zajamčen je i onim najmlađima With the help of a virtual reality headset, even the youngest can travel back to the Jurassic, the Cretaceous or the Miocene

01 Raznim interaktivnim i edukativnim sadržajima geologije povest će vas sve do Velikog praska the help of different interactive and educational exhibits, the geology exhibi tion hall takes you back all the way to the Big Bang

02 Postav povijesti Geo info centra

The history exhibition hall of the Geo Info Centre

03 Postav geologije Geo info centra

The geology exhibition hall of the Geo Info Centre

02 03

Uživopisnoj potočnoj dolini rijeke Voćinke, okružen pašnjacima, oranicama, voćnjacima i šumom u podnožju strmih padina sjeverozapadnog Papuka, nalazi se Voćin. Veduta pitomog naselja podno šumovita planinskog bila već na prvi pogled ostavlja dojam nekog dalekog utočišta. Volite li stijene? Raz mišljate li o njima kada vas put nanese do njih? Zavode li vas njihovi neobični oblici i postojanost kojom prkose vremenu? Papuk je geološki najraznolikija hrvatska planina.

Što je, dakle, UNESCO-ov svjetski ge opark? pitanje je istaknuto na početnoj stranici Parka prirode Papuk. Odgovor slijedi: UNESCO-ovi svjetski geoparkovi jedinstvena su geografska područja gdje se geološkim lokalitetima i krajolicima od međunarodnog značaja upravlja holistič kim konceptom zaštite, obrazovanja i održivog razvoja. Cilj programa takvih ge oparkova jest zaštita geoloških, geomor foloških, ali i ostalih njihovih vrijednosti te upravljanje područjem kroz edukaciju i

provođenje aktivnosti u skladu s ciljevima održivog razvoja, a na dobrobit lokalne Nazajednice.tragutih načela, početkom veljače 2022. godine u sklopu projekta Geo priče UNESCO geoparka u Voćinu je otvoren novi Geo info centar. Moglo bi ga se opi sati kao repozitorij znanja predstavljen na inovativan način kroz povijesno-kulturno, geološko i biološko bogatstvo Papuka. U multimedijskoj 3D kino dvorani prije sa mog postava u 15 minuta proputovat ćete ovim slavonskim gorjem od 21. stoljeća pa sve do trenutka velikog praska. Slijedi postav geologije. S interaktivnih geološ kih karata ovdje možete doznati sve o stijenama koje su na Papuku nastajale od kambrija pa do prije samo nekoliko tisuća godina, inicirati vlastite potrese, a pomoću VR naočala postati dio virtualne stvarnosti miocena, vremena Panonskog mora, najzanimljivijeg geološkog raz doblja Papuka prije 16 milijuna godina. Posebno je zanimljiv prikaz evolucije života, od kambrijskih trilobita i prvih

01 02

kopnenih biljaka preko amonita iz trijasa, sve do najvećih mesojeda svih vremena, Tyrannosaurusa rexa, iz vremena kada su Papukom grmjeli vulkani. Današnju floru i faunu Papuka upoznat ćete iz postava biologije do kojeg iz geoprizemlja vode stepenice. Interaktivni ekrani, zbirke leptira, kornjaša i kukaca te herbariji livadnog i šumskog bilja svjedoče o tome da biološka raznolikost ništa manje ne zaostaje za onom geološkom. Premda je bukva kraljica šuma, na Papuku postoji čak 13 šumskih zajednica. Tu su još i staništa gorskih potoka, izvora, livada i spilja. A onda se u cijeloj priči pojavio i čovjek! Kulturno-povijesna baština Papu ka koja se nastavlja u zadnjem postavu ispričana je pretežno kroz sirovine koje su ljudske zajednice iskorištavale u razdoblju od nekoliko milenija. Kamen, drvo, vodu. Najdojmljivija je srednjovjekovna baština, koju uostalom možete vidjeti i ako zavirite kroz veliko staklo kafića Centar na brdo ispod kamenih razvalina Staroga grada Voćina. Naoko malen, postav voćinskog

Geo info centra bogat je i zahtjevan pa za posjet valja planirati i do pola radnog

Velikdana.dio spoznaja koje ćete odavde po nijeti možete također opipati i u voćinskoj okolici. Tek malo dalje cestom, uzvodno uz šumski potok Djedovicu nalazi se Rupnica, najstariji i najznačajniji geološki spomenik prirode u Hrvatskoj, poznat po stupovima od abilitskog riolita, krednim vulkanskim stijenama starim oko 80 milijuna godina. Tri je kilometra dalje ka menolom Trešnjevica. Njegova posebnost očituje se u iznenađujuće velikom broju različitih vrsta stijena, nastalih u intervalu duljem od 300 milijuna godina. Ono po čemu će ga svatko prepoznati već na prvi pogled jesu tamne vulkanske žile unutar svijetlih metamorfnih stijena. Nastavite li još dalje cestom prema Požegi, zausta vite automobil u blizini Lovačkog doma Djedovica i prošećite poučnom stazom do najstarijeg živućeg stanovnika Papuka, hrasta starog 400 godina. Slijede graniti sa Zvečeva, migmatiti oko Brzaje i filoniti

01 Prikaz evolucije života u postavu geologije

A depiction of the evolution of life in the geology exhibition hall

02 Pomoću interaktivnih geo karata možete inicirati čak i vlastite potrese

By using interactive geological maps, you can even initiate your own earthquakes

03 Prikaz Tyrannosaurusa rexa, najvećeg mesojeda svih vremena, zaštitni je znak voćinskog Geo info centra

A model of the head of Tyranno saurus rex, the largest carnivore of all time, and a symbol of the Geo Info Centre in Voćin


na Vranovu. Po Papuku je raštrkano čak 48 geolokaliteta pa geoputovanju slavon skim gorjem nikad kraja! Ako dosad još i niste postali zaljubljenik u geologiju, mi neralogiju i stijene, nakon posjeta Voćinu to ćete sigur no biti. 

Surrounded by pastures, ploughlands, orchards, and forests at the foot of the steep, north-western slopes of Mount Papuk, the village of Voćin is located in the picturesque valley of the Voćinka River. At first glance, the vista of this gen tle-looking village at the foot of a wooded mountain ridge gives the impression of a distant refuge. Do you like rocks? Do you

find yourself thinking about them when the road takes you to them? Are you seduced by their unusual shapes and the perma nence with which they survive the ravages of time? Papuk is the most geologically diverse mountain in Croatia. A question that stands out on the Papuk Nature Park’s website is this: What is a UN ESCO Global Geopark? This is the answer: UNESCO Global Geoparks are unique geo graphical areas where sites and landscapes of international geological significance are managed with the help of a holistic concept that interweaves protection, education, and sustainable development. The goal of such geopark programmes is the protection of


the geological, geomorphological and other values of geoparks, whilst managing the area through education and the implemen tation of activities that are aligned with the goals of sustainable development, and that are for the benefit of the local community.

Following these principles, at the beginning of February 2022, a new Geo Info Centre was opened in Voćin as part of the GeoSto ries project of the UNESCO Global Geopark on Papuk. It could be described as a treas ure trove of knowledge about the historical, cultural, geological, and biological wealth of Mount Papuk presented in an innovative way. Before checking out the exhibition halls, first you’ll travel back in time. More specifically, the Geo Info Centre’s multimedia 3D cinema hall will take you back from the

01 Geolokalitet Trešnjevica

The Trešnjevica type locality

02 Tamne vulkanske žile unutar svijetlih metamorfnih stijena na geolokalitetu Trešnjevica

Dark volcanic veins running through light metamorphic rock at the Trešnjevica type locality


Prvorazredna zbirka brojnih varijeteta sedimentnih, magmatskih i meta morfnih stijena u rasponu nastajanja duljem od 500 milijuna godina. Zbog velike vrijednosti njegova geološ kog nasljeđa raštrkanog po gustim bukovim šumama, ili zatrpanog ispod njih, u rujnu 2007. godine proglašen je prvim hrvatskim geoparkom te članom UNESCO-ove svjetske mreže geopar kova sa sjedištem u Voćinu. Prostire se na površini od 524 km2 te je jedan i pol puta veće od samog Parka prirode koji je njegov sastavni dio.

Papuk is a first-class collection of countless varieties of sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic rock that formed within a span of over 500 milli on years. Thanks to its great geological value scattered throughout dense beech forests − or buried under them − in September 2007 it was declared Croatia’s first geopark, and a mem ber of UNESCO’s Global Geoparks Network based in the village of Voćin. It covers an area of 524 km2, and is one and a half times bigger than the Papuk Nature Park itself, which is an integral part of it.

first floor. Interactive screens, collections of butterflies, beetles and insects, and her bariums of meadow and forest plants bear witness to the fact that Mount Papuk is just as diverse biologically as it is geologically. Although the beech is indeed the queen of forests here, there are as many as 13 forest communities on Mount Papuk. Other habitats here include mountain streams, springs, meadows, and caves. And then, humanity appeared and took centre stage in the story! The cultural and historical heritage of Mount Papuk, which is presented in the last exhibition hall, is told mainly through the raw materials that human communities have exploited over a period of several millennia −

stone, wood, water. The most impressive is Mount Papuk’s medieval heritage, which you can also see at first hand if you look through the large window panes of Centar Cafe at the hill below the stone ruins of the Old Town of Voćin. Seemingly small, the set-up of Voćin’s Geo Info Centre is rich, so plan up to half a working day for a visit. You can see and experience at first hand the great many things you’ve learnt about here

03 Rupnica, najstariji i najznačajniji geološki spomenik prirode u Hrvat skoj Rupnica, a major and Croatia’s oldest type locality

21st century to the moment of the Big Bang in 15 minutes. The first exhibition hall is ded icated to geology. Interacting with geological maps, you’ll find out everything about the rocks that formed on Mount Papuk in the period from the Cambrian to just a few thou sand years back, initiate your own earth quakes, and by using a virtual reality (VR) headset travel back to the Miocene, a time when Mount Papuk was submerged under the Pannonian Sea, the most fascinating geological period of Mount Papuk from 16 million years ago year. Particularly interesting is the depiction of the evolution of life − from Cambrian trilobites, the first land plants and Triassic ammonites, all the way to the larg est carnivore of all time, the Tyrannosaurus rex, from a time when volcanoes reigned supreme thundering on Mount Papuk. The biology exhibition hall where you’ll get to know the plant and animal life residing on Mount Papuk at present is located on the


in the surroundings of Voćin. A little further down the road, upstream Djedovica forest brook, is Rupnica, a major and the oldest type locality in Croatia, famous for its col umns of albite rhyolite, Cretaceous volcanic rocks which are some 80 million years old. Trešnjevica Quarry is three kilometres away. What makes the quarry unique is a surpris ingly large number of different types of rocks

which were formed within a span of over 300 million years. What everyone will identify it by at first glance are the dark volcanic veins running through its light metamorphic rock. If you take the road to Požega, be sure to stop near the Djedovica Hunters Hut, and take a walk along the educational trail to the oldest living inhabitant of Mount Papuk − a 400-year-old oak tree. Next

come the Zvečevo granites, the Brzaja mig matites, and the Vranovo phyllonites. There are as many as 48 type localities scattered around Mount Papuk, so your geological exploration of the mountains of Slavonia can take as long as you want it to. If you’re not a fan of geology, mineralogy and rocks yet, after visiting Voćin you're very likely to become one. 

01 Pogled na Voćin s Papukom u pozadini

A view of Voćin featuring Mount Papuk in the background

02 Svetište VoćinskeGospe

The Shrine of Our Lady of Voćin 01 02

CROATIA AIRLINES 3/2022 WIND ROSEstarts in October The magic of WWW.BLUEKOTORBAY.COMTakethetimeforyourself.BREATHE IN VITALITY, BOOST YOUR ENERGY, REVITALIZE YOUR MIND AND BODY. W e are just a click... and a very few kilometers away, right where magnificent mountains meet the sea.
50 CROATIA AIRLINES 3/2022 SPONA KOJA ŽIVOT ZNAČI PELJEŠAC BRIDGE AKTUALNO CURRENT AFFAIRS 01 Noćni sjaj novoga mosta The glow of the new bridge at night PIŠE/BY Nevena Erak Camaj

Tog je ranog i vrelog jutra 26. srpnja priča dobila gotovo filmski završe tak. Na startu na odmorištu Brijesta polako su se okupljali natjecatelji i divili se trasi kojom će trčati. Plesači u narod nim nošnjama tražili su spas u natruhama hladovine, a limeni se orkestar uštimavao. Novinarske ekipe užurbano su se pripre male za bilježenje proslave povijesnog trenutka. Radnici su uklanjali prepreke s ceste i dotjerivali posljednje detalje.

Gotovo bih se zaklela da je u pozadini svirala glazba iz filma Vatrene kočije. Fotografije Pelješkog mosta puno smo puta bili vidjeli u medijima, no njegova se impozantnost i elegantnost mogla istinski doživjeti tek izbliza. A prvi koji su njime prošli na dan otvorenja bili su trkači, točnije nas 250. Mnoge je za sudjelovanje motivirala predivna medalja, one najspo sobnije činjenica da imaju priliku stati na postolje u neponovljivoj utrci, a sve nas prilika da izbliza prvi svjedočimo sponi koju smo dugo čekali.

Most dug 2404 metra koji se gradio nešto manje od četiri godine završen je šest mjeseci ranije, 27. siječnja 2022., a odonda su se obavljali posljednji radovi na vijaduktima i pristupnim cestama. Konstrukcija ovješenog tipa izgrađena je prema dizajnu slovenskog arhitekta Marjana Pipenbahera, široka je 21 metar, a visoka 55 metara, što je bio uvjet Bosne

i Hercegovine za neometan prolazak plovila do Neuma. Izgradnja Pelješkog mosta najveći je infrastrukturni projekt u Hrvatskoj, koji je s čak 85 posto sredsta va sufinancirala Europska unija.

Most premošćuje Malostonski zaljev između Komarne na kopnu i Brijeste na Pelješcu, čime je konačno ostvaren kon tinuitet teritorija Republike Hrvatske. Na zemljopisnoj karti tek sitni končić, uvelike će olakšati život poluotočana i otočana, olakšati protok ljudi, roba i usluga te otvoriti nove mogućnosti za razvoj turiz ma i gospodarstva naše zemlje.

Na jedinstvenoj utrci koju je organizirao DuMotion na kraju je, baš kako i priliči, slavilo dvoje mladih iz Dubrovačko-ne retvanske županije − Velolučanin Leo Zlokić bio je najbrži u muškoj, a Metkovka Lukrecija Krstičević u ženskoj konkuren ciji. Most su nakon utrke pješice mogli obići i ostali posjetitelji, a nakon sveča ne proslave koja je uslijedila iste večeri napokon je otvoren i za promet. Odonda su njime prošle tisuće vozila dnevno i teško je zamisliti da smo ikad živjeli bez njega. 

On that early, hot morning of 26 July, the story got an almost cinematic ending. At the starting point at the rest stop in Brijesta, competitors were slowly gathering and admiring the route they would

02 Most ovješenog tipa ima šest glavnih stupova i 13 raspona od čelika The cable-stayed bridge has six main pylons and 13 steel spans 01 02 Kralj/PIXSELLIgorIgorKralj/PIXSELL
52 CROATIA AIRLINES 3/2022 01 Prizor sa svečanogspektakularnogaotvorenja A scene from the spectacular opening ceremony 02 Trkači su se hrabro nosili s vrućinom The runners braved the heat 01 02 Kralj/PIXSELLIgor Lelas/PIXSELLMiroslav

be running along. Dancers in folk costumes were trying to find relief in the spotty shade, and the brass band was tuning up. News crews were darting around, preparing to mark the celebration of the historical mo ment. Workers were removing roadblocks and polishing up the final details. I could almost swear that the score of Chariots of Fire was playing in the background. We had seen the photographs of the Pel ješac Bridge in media outlets many times, but its grandeur and elegance could truly be experienced only up close. And the first to go across it on the opening day were runners, that is, 250 of us. Many were mo tivated to take part because of the beautiful finishers’ medal, the most competent ones by the opportunity to stand on the winners’ podium in a once-in-a-lifetime race, and all of us were driven by the chance to see first-hand the bond that we had long been waiting for.

The building of the 2404-meter-long bridge lasted almost four years and it had been

03-04 Neponovljiva trkačka trasa A once-in-a-lifetime running course 03 Jelavić/PIXSELLGrgo
Skupljajte nagradne milje uz pametniji način plaćanja. Odaberite paket kartica Diners Club Croatia Airlines i Visa Croatia Airlines, sudjelujte u nagradnom programu Miles & More i uživajte u brojnim pametnim pogodnostima. - Milje skupljate na isti Miles & More račun uz neograničenu valjanost** - Milje skupljaju osnovni dodatni i poslovni korisnici - Skupljene milje možete udružiti s drugim korisnicima Miles & More nagradnog programa - Mogućnost korištenja usluga Airport Lounge salona*** - Aktivirajte usluge ASIST+ za pomoć na cesti i u kući Više na www.erstecardclub.hr *Akcija vrijedi do 31.12.2022. **U skladu s Pravilima nagradnog programa za korisnike Diners Club Croatia Airlines i Visa Croatia Airlines kartice. *** U skladu s Posebnim uvjetima korištenja Airport Loungea za korisnike Diners Club kartica ČLANARINEBEZ ZA PRVUKORIŠTENJA*GODINU erstecardclub.hr Info telefon: 01 4929 555

completed six months earlier, on 27 January 2022, and what remained since were the finishing touches on viaducts and access roads. The cable-stayed construction was designed by Slovenian architect Marjan Pipenbacher; it is 21 meters wide and 55 meters high to meet the condition of Bosnia and Herzegovina for unobstructed passage of vessels to Neum. The construction of the Pelješac Bridge has been the largest infrastructure project in Croatia, with 85 per cent of the funds provided by the European

The bridge spans across the Mali Ston Bay between Komarna on the mainland and Brijesta on Pelješac, which finally enabled the territorial continuity of the Republic of Croatia. Just a tiny thread on the map, it will make the lives of people living on the peninsula and the islands much easier, facil itate the movement of people, goods, and services, and open up new possibilities for the development of tourism and economy in our country.

At the unique race organized by DuMotion, the befitting winners were two young people from the Dubrovnik-Neretva County − Leo Zlokić from Vela Luka was fastest in the male category, and Lukrecija Krstičević from

Metković was the first woman at the finish ing line. After the race, visitors were able to walk around and see the bridge, and after the celebration the same night, the bridge was finally open for traffic. Thousands of vehicles have passed the bridge every day since, and it is hard to imagine that we’ve ever lived without it. 

Rimac Nevera otvorila je Pelješki most The Rimac Nevera opened the Pelješac Bridge

Restoran Tajer restoran je domaće tradicionalne hrane na međimurski način. Nalazi se u Ulici kralja Zvonimira u neposrednoj blizini parka Maksimir i centra grada, no dovoljno udaljeno od vreve prometa za stvaranje svoje oaze mira i uživanje u domaćoj hrani.

U Tajeru ćemo vam poslužiti jela koja su možda i malo zaboravljena, a koja su spremale naše bake i mame, poput domaće goveđe juhe, sira s vrhnjem, patke pečene na ražnju sa sočnim mlincima, a neizostavna je i domaća međimurska gibanica koja je omiljena svim našim gostima. Smatramo da je bitno vratiti se okusima i mirisima djetinjstva pa samim time pozivamo i vas da pri svojem posjetu u predivnom Zagrebu navratite u Tajer, a mi ćemo se pobrinuti da to bude autentično i nezaboravno iskustvo!

Restaurant Tajer is a restaurant serving traditional local food in the Međimurje style. It is located in Ulica Kralja Zvonimira in the immediate vicinity of Maksimir Park and the city center, but far enough from the hustle and bustle of traf�ic to create your own oasis of peace and to enjoy in local Infood.Tajer, we will serve you dishes that are perhaps a little forgotten, and that were prepared by our grandmothers and mothers, such as homemade beef soup, young homemade cottage cheese with homemade sour cream, homegrown spit-roasted duck with juicy pasta tatters and the traditional layer cake with four different stuf�ings, which is a favorite dessert to all our Weguests.believe that it is important to return to the tastes and smells of childhood, so we invite you to visit Tajer during your stay in beautiful Zagreb, and we will make sure that it is an authentic and unforgettable experience!

Tel.: +385 1 4453 477, Ulica kralja Zvonimira 117, 117 King Zvonimir Street www.restoran-tajer.hr/ info@restoran-tajer.hr / FB: Restoran Tajer / IG: restoran_tajer

Kralj/PIXSELLIgor Hrvatski brend na This Croatian wine brand from a
jedinstvenom vinogradevinaje,mikrolokalitetu,vinskomnakojempremalegendi,grčkibogDionizimaonajboljeipodrume.
unique location, vineyards.godconnectedanecdotallytotheGreekDionysusandhislush


Svjesni smo da ljudi iznad svega cijene trenutke i priče u kojima su u mogućnosti biti potpuno svoji. Trenutci kojih se sje ćamo su oni koji su nas najviše dirnuli… Pritom osmišljavamo priče koje nam, pro izlazeći iz najljepših trenutaka, razigravaju maštu i snove pretvaraju u stvarnost. Kako započinje naša priča koja nadilazi granice prostora i vremena, mita i legende, zaljubljenosti i strasti? Legenda kaže da je grčki bog vina Dioniz, Rimljanima poznat pod imenom Bacchus, imao najbolje vinograde i podrume u Strumičkom vino

gorju. Ovaj kulturološki, povijesni i vinski mikrolokalitet se nalazi u jugoistočnoj Makedoniji smješten u dolini dviju rijeka Strume i Strumešnice koju odlikuje medi teranska klima. Dolina je okružena visokim planinama, a neprekidni lagani povjetarac, obilje sunčanih zraka (čak 210 sunčanih dana godišnje), oskudna kiša, idealna temperatura zraka za vrijeme vegetacije, niska relativna vlažnost zraka i pjeskovito tlo savršeni su preduvjeti za uzgoj vinove loze, odnosno grožđa. Upravo smo iz tih razloga odlučili zasaditi 800 ha vinograda


u tom povijesnom i vinskom mikrolokalite tu i izgraditi vinariju u njegovu središtu po najzahtjevnijim vinskim standardima kako bi se stekli svi preduvjeti za proizvodnju naših Touch vina. Kvaliteta vinove loze i grožđa pod stalnim je nadzorom, a posebice tijekom same berbe i prije početka prerade. Kontrolirana fermentacija traje obično 15-20 dana za crvena vina i oko 30 dana za bijela i rose vina. Nakon završetka alkoholne fermenta cije na crvenim vinima započinje malak tička fermentacija, a zatim naša TOUCH PREMIUM vina odlaze na dvogodišnje, a TOUCH RESERVE vina na jednogodišnje odležavanje u pomno selektirane bačve francuskog i američkog hrasta. Tehnički - savršeno izvedeno, no glavni tajni sastojak naših Touch vina je DODIR najdublje emocije ljubavi koji dosljedno prati svaki korak na putu stvaranja vinske Nakonbajke.

toga počinje čarolija… Poznata je činjenica da svaku dobru priču, pa tako i našu, ljubav, strast i predan rad uložen u uzgoj vinove loze i proizvodnju vrhunskih vina prati i zasluženi uspjeh.

Touch vina su prisutna na najzahtjevnijim tržištima Kine, Amerike (Kalifornija) i EU, a ovim ih putem predstavljamo i doma ćem tržištu. TOUCH vina su, prije svega, hrvatski brend, proizvedena i uzgojena na jedinstvenom vinskom mikrolokalitetu u svijetu. U zadnje dvije godine dobitni ci smo velikog broja zlatnih medalja na najprestižnijim svjetskim ocjenjivanjima vina kao što su Mundus Vini, Woman's International Trophy, Decanter, a posebno smo ponosni na dva uzastopna BEST OF SHOW i ove godine BEST PRODUCER od strane MUNDUS VINI-a. U početku bijaše Riječ, a na kraju ostaje troje: BOG, ČOVJEK i VINO. Dopustite da Vam TOUCH vina stvore nova sjećanja!!

We are all aware that people, above all, value moments and stories in which they are able to be completely themselves. The moments we remember most are the ones that touched us the most… In doing so, we create stories which, coming from the most beautiful moments, play on our imagination and turn dreams into reality. How does our story begin, which transcends the boundaries of space and time, myth and legend, love and passion? Legend has it that the Greek wine god Dionysus, known to the Romans as Bacchus, had the best vineyards and cellars in the Strumica. This cultural, historical wine micro-locality is located in southeastern Macedonia, in the valley of the two rivers Struma and Strumešnica, which is characterized by a Mediterranean climate. The valley is surrounded by high moun tains with continuous light breeze, plenty of

sun (as many as 210 sunny days a year), scanty rain, ideal air temperature during the growing season, low relative humidity and sandy soil are perfect conditions for growing vines or grapes. It is for these reasons that we decided to plant 800 ha of vineyards in this historical wine micro-locality and build a winery in its center according to the most demanding wine standards in order to meet all the prerequisites for the production of our Touch wines.

The quality of vines and grapes is constantly monitored, especially during the harvest and before processing. Controlled fermentation usually takes 15-20 days for red wines and about 30 days for white and rosé wines. After the end of alcoholic fermentation on red wines, malolactic fermentation begins, and then our TOUCH PREMIUM wines go for two years of aging and TOUCH RESERVE wines go for a year of aging in carefully selected barrels of French and American oak. Technically - perfectly executed, but the main secret ingredient of our Touch wines is a TOUCH of the deepest emotions of love that consistently follows every step on the way to creating a wine fairy tale.

After that, the magic begins…

It is a well-known fact that every good story, including ours, love, passion, and dedicated work invested in the cultivation of vine grapes and the production of top wines is accompa nied by well-deserved success. Touch wines are present in the most demanding markets in the world such as China, USA (California) and the EU, and we hereby present them to the domestic market. TOUCH wines are, above all, a Croatian brand, produced and grown in a unique wine micro-locality in the Inworld.thelast two years we have won a large number of gold medals at the world's most prestigious wine evaluations such as Mundus Vini, Woman's International Trophy, Decanter, and we are especially proud of two consec utive BEST OF SHOW and this year BEST PRODUCER by MUNDUS VINI.

In the beginning was the Word, and in the end there are three: GOD, MAN and WINE. Let TOUCH wines create new memories for you !!




Godišnja nagrada najboljih radova u arhitekturi, koju dodjeljuje Udruženje hrvat skih arhitekata, nikad ne prolazi nezapaženo. Nikakvo čudo jer nova arhitektonska ostvarenja obogaćuju i uljepšavaju prostor u kojem su niknula, a uljepšat će i stra nice našeg časopisa.

The annual awards for best architectural accomplishments awarded by the Croatian Architects’ Association never go unnoticed. No wonder, considering that novel archite ctural accomplishments make the space in which they’re erected richer and more be autiful. In the same vein, they’ll also make the pages of our magazine more beautiful.

01 Dorotić+Bosnić

01 Veliki atrij Providurove palače, pogled prema info pultu

The large atrium of the Prefect’s Palace, a view of the front desk

02 Veliki atrij Providurove palače, pogled iz crvenog erkera

The large atrium of the Pre fect’s Palace, a view from the palace’s red overhang

03 Veliki atrij Providurove pa lače, pogled prema stropu

The large atrium of the Prefect’s Palace, a view of the ceiling

Godišnja nagrada najboljih radova u arhitekturi, koju dodjeljuje Udruženje hrvatskih arhiteka ta, uvijek privlači pozornost javnosti. U našem časopisu predstavit ćemo neke od nagrađenih radova u protekloj godini.

Providurova palača Nagradu Viktor Kovačić za najuspješnije ostvarenje u svim područjima arhitek tonskog stvaralaštva osvojili su arhitekti Iva Letilović i Igor Pedišić za Providurovu palaču u Zadru. Providurova palača, zajedno s Kneževom, najmonumentalniji je građevinski sklop u povijesnoj jezgri grada Zadra. Dvije palače postupno su rasle i transformirale se od 13. stoljeća, a koncem 19. stoljeća ujedinjene su u kompleks Namjesništva namijenjen zemaljskoj vladi Dalmacije. Zahvaljujući višestoljetnim pregrađivanjima, rekon strukcijama i dogradnjama sukladno potrebama mnogobrojnih i heterogenih korisnika, prostori palača poprimaju labi rintski karakter koji se poput zamršenog klupka vune, osim po horizontali, proteže i po vertikali. Jedino što ovaj povijesni sklop čini djelomično preglednim jest niz otvorenih vanjskih prostora, atrija, vrlo različitih tlocrtnih gabarita. − Ovom rekonstrukcijom za sada je realizirana druga od ukupno planirane tri faze. Naš inicijalni zadatak bio je u ovaj iznimno prostorno heterogen sklop smjestiti muzej, Narodni muzej Zadar,

koji se sastoji od četiri autonomna odjela: Muzeja grada, Galerije umjetnina, Etnološkog odjela i Prirodoslovnog odjela objedinjenih u jednu instituciju. Svaki od tih odjela trebao je zadržati autonomnost izložbenih prostora, a dijeliti prateću infrastrukturu. Odlučili smo ovu povijesnu strukturu, zamrznutu sliku svih mijena i ožiljaka tijekom povijesti zadržati takvom kakva jest, ne destruirati zatečenu formu i unutrašnju strukturu − objašnjavaju arhitekti Iva Letilović i Igor Pedišić. Obnovom Providurove palače njezina vanjština ostala je nepromijenjena, dok je unutrašnjost u potpunosti preparirana. Na prvome katu Providurove palače smješteni su izložbeni prostori, prostori koji obavijaju centralni atrij i koji gotovo da nisu projektirani; oni su samo struktura te palače, ogoljena do kostiju i očišćena od svih suvišnih slojeva. Izložbeni prostori nižu se u jednu gotovo beskonačnu amfiladu, koja na koncu ipak završava u velikom atriju. Daljnjim uspinjanjem posjetitelj iz bjeline gotovo apstraktnog prostora biva izbačen u plavetnilo neba, među crvene krovove povijesnih struktura, posjetitelj se uspinje na stakleni hodnik i prolazi kroz otvorene i zatvorene prostore sklopa. Prolazi i kroz polivalentnu dvoranu i završava nad prazninom velikog dvorišta, preostalog, neobnovljenog dijela Providurove palače. Kneževa palača obnovljena je 2017. godine, a 2022. godine završena je

obnova dijela Providurove palače kao samostalne uporabne cjeline. Kneževa i dio Providurove palače ponovno su se povezale u jedinstven sklop, a dovršetak obnove čitavog kompleksa, odnosno posljednje, treće faze, odgođen je za neka iduća desetljeća.

02 Dorotić+Bosnić Dorotić+Bosnić

The annual awards for best architec tural accomplishments awarded by the Croatian Architects’ Association regularly attract a great deal of public atten tion. Our magazine’s presenting some of last year’s award-winning works.

The Prefect’s Palace

The Viktor Kovačić Award for overall excel lence in architecture was won by architects Iva Letilović and Igor Pedišić for their work on the Prefect’s Palace in Zadar. Together with the Rector’s Palace, the Prefect’s Pal ace is a monumental architectural complex that dominates the historic core of the city of Zadar. The two palaces were erected in the 13th century, after which they started gradually transforming. At the end of the 19th century, they were joined, and became the Governorate Complex intended for use by the National Government of Dalmatia. Thanks to centuries of reconstructions, and building partitions and extensions to satisfy the needs of the palaces’ many different users, the spaces and rooms of the palaces started resembling a labyrinth that, like a tangled ball of yarn, extends both horizon

tally and vertically. The only thing that makes this historic complex inspectable, at least in part, is a series of open outdoor spaces or atriums of very different floor plan sizes and −dimensions.Thisreconstruction completes the second of three phases. Our initial task was to place a museum in this spatially extremely heterogeneous structure; namely, the Zadar National Museum, which consists of four separate and independent departments that form one institution. These are the Zadar City Museum, the Zadar Gallery of Fine Arts, the Ethnology Department, and the Natural History Department. Each of the departments was to maintain its autonomy and have control over its exhibition spaces, and at the same time share the supporting infrastructure. We decided to keep this his toric structure in its original shape, freezing,

as it were, all the changes it has endured throughout the course of history, and all the scars it now bears. In other words, we didn’t want to destroy its present-day form and interior structure − architects Iva Letilović and Igor Pedišić explain. With the restoration of the Prefect’s Palace in Zadar, its exterior remained unchanged, while the interior was completely repaired. The exhibition spaces located on the first floor of the Prefect’s Palace surrounding the central atrium were barely touched. More specifically, they were stripped to the bare bones and of all the superfluous layers because they are the structure itself of the palace. The exhibition spaces are lined up as an endless enfilade, which eventually ends in a large atrium. By climbing up the palace’s floors, visitors are thrust from the whiteness of almost abstract space into the blueness of the sky, surrounded by the red roofs of historic structures. As visitors reach the palace’s glazed corridor, they pass through the open and closed spaces of the complex. They also pass through the palace’s multipurpose hall, and arrive at the edge above the empty space of a large courtyard, a section of the Prefect’s Palace that has yet to be renovated.

The Rector’s Palace was renovated in 2017, while 2022 saw the completion of the ren ovation of a part of the Prefect’s Palace as a unit that can function independently. The Rector’s Palace and part of the Prefect’s Palace were reconnected into a single com plex. The third and final phase of completing the renovation of the entire complex is yet to be embarked on.

01 Ostakljeni hodnik Providurove palače The glazed corridor of the Prefect’s Palace 02 Providurova palača, zračni pogled The Prefect’s Palace, a bird’s-eye view
02 BralaF.

Centar za posjetitelje i vidikovci Lonjskog polja

Lonjsko polje jedno je od najvećih europ skih močvarnih staništa koje kroz vrijeme i promjenu godišnjih doba drastično mije nja svoj krajolik. U ovom se prostoru odr žalo tradicionalno pašarenje, većinu godi ne krave, konji, svinje slobodno šetaju tim livadama, u prostoru širokog horizonta. Nakon poplava, među korijenjem i gra nama, ribe nalaze svoja mrjestilišta koja privlače golemi broj različitih vrsta ptica, od kojih neke tijekom godine migriraju po različitim kontinentima. Svi zajedno ovdje čine dio ekosustava koji uključuje i pripitomljene i divlje životinje, a naselja koja su s vremenom nastala uz meandre stoljećima žive u uskom suživotu s ovim dinamičkim pulsom prirode. Arhitekti Mia Roth Čerina i Tonči Čerina objašnjavaju nam svoj doživljaj projekta za koji su, zajedno sa suradnicima, dobili nagradu Bernardo Bernardi za najbolje oblikovanje u prošloj godini.

− Na projektu sustava za posjetitelje Lonj skog polja radimo od 2013., i taj je sustav mijenjao svoj opseg s vremenom. Do sada su izvedena njegova četiri elemen ta: centar za posjetitelje i tri vidikovca.

Centar za posjetitelje nalazi se u selu Osekovo, a ulaz je u Lonjsko polje najbliži Zagrebu. Umjesto prve namjere da se sagrade identične replike starih povijesnih graničarskih vidikovaca, predložili smo da se napravi niz promatračnica koje su specifične i konotiraju nešto lokalno

01 Dvije zgrade Centra za posjetitelje u Osekovu uokviruju trg The two buildings of the Visitor Centre in Osekovo framing the centre’s square

02 Jedna zgrada Centra za posjetitelje nudi informacije o Lonjskom polju, a druga dvoranu i interpretacijsku izložbu koja kroz interaktivne izloške govori o njegovim fenomenima

One of the two buildings of the Visitor Centre offers visitor information about the Lonja Field, while the other houses an auditorium and an interpretive exhibition that talks about the field’s phenomena with the help of interactive exhibits

poznato − biće, alat, pojavu. Vidikovci su ludički element polja, točke kojima se uspostavlja novi identitet, platforme za promatranje bogatog biljnog i životinjskog svijeta. Podjednako se referiraju na biljni i životinjski svijet koji ga okružuje, krajolik Moslavine koji je stoljećima nastajao kroz srastanje prirodnih promjena i ljudskog rada, vrsta koje je nastanjuju i mijena kojima je izložena. U međusobnom pak odnosu, oslobođeni od izravnih referenci, oni progovaraju samostalnim jezikom, izdaleka se čine dijelom kraja, kao neka mitologizirana lokalna bića, zaustavljena u pokretu. Markiraju teritorij kao što su to nekada činili čardaci, ali bez potrebe za granicama; omogućuju pogled na

01 MihaljevićM. MihaljevićM.

01, 03 Vidikovac u Čigoču

The Čigoč Observatory

02 Unutrašnjost vidikovca u Čigoču

The interior of the Čigoč Observatory

their eggs, which attract a huge number of different species of birds, some of which mi grate to different continents during the year. Together, they all form part of an ecosystem that includes both domesticated and wild animals. The people who’ve formed settle ments over time along the river meanders have lived in close coexistence with this dynamic pulse of nature for centuries.

Architects Mia Roth Čerina and Tonči Čerina explain their experience of working on

životinje, ali bez lova, čine nas sudioni cima krajolika a da nismo primijećeni. Nepomična fantastična bića brišu granicu i izjednačavaju jezik antropogenog i pri rodnog, vire u daljini kao novi bestijarij.

Visitor Centre and remote wildlife observatories in Lonja Field

Lonjsko Polje (Lonja Field) is one of Europe’s largest wetland areas, whose landscape changes drastically over time and with the changing of each season. In Lonja Field, the tradition of grazing has been maintained, which means that, throughout most of the year, cows, horses, and pigs roam about freely in these meadows, across a wide horizon. After floods, the roots and branches of trees turn into hatcheries for fish to lay

01 MihaljevićM. MihaljevićM.M.Mihaljević 02 03

the project, for which, together with their colleagues, they received the Bernardo Bernardi Award for best architectural design last year.

− We’ve been working on the Lonja Field visitor system project since 2013, and that system has evolved and changed in scope over time. Four of its elements have been completed so far; namely, the Visitor Centre in the village of Osekovo, and three remote wildlife observatories. Instead of the initial idea of building exact replicas of old, historic border watchtowers, we proposed building a series of unique observatories that connote something that the local com munity is familiar with: beings, tools, and phenomena. The observatories are a playful element of the field, points in space where a new identity is established, platforms for observing the field’s rich plant and animal life. They also refer to the plants and animals that surround it, the landscape of the region of Moslavina that has been created over the centuries thanks to a close and inextricable interweavement of the changes introduced by both nature and humans, and of the spe cies that inhabit it and the changes to which it is exposed. In relation to one another, freed from direct references, the observato ries speak a unique language of their very own. Resembling mythologised local beings

frozen in motion, from afar they seem to be part of the landscape. They mark the territory just like historic military observation posts and watchtowers called čardaks once did, but without the need for borders. They command a view of animals, but not their hunting. They make us be participants in the landscape without being noticed. They’re motionless fantastical creatures that erase boundaries and equate the language of the anthropogenic with that of nature, and they stand out and peer into the distance like a new bestiary.

01-02 Vidikovac u Repušnici The Repušnica Observatory

Nagradu Viktor Kovačić za najuspješnije ostvarenje u svim područjima arhitektonskog stvaralaštva osvojili su arhitekti Iva Letilović i Igor Pedišić za Providurovu palaču u Zadru. Arhi tekti Mia Roth Čerina i Tonči Čerina dobili su nagradu Bernardo Bernardi za najbolje oblikovanje, a najboljim ostvarenjem na području stambene arhitekture proglašena je Kuća dide Marka arhitekta Davora Bušnje, ko jemu je pripala nagrada Drago Galić. Radove je ocjenjivao stručni žiri u sa stavu: Krešimir Damjanović, Vjekoslav Gašparović, Krunoslav Ivanišin, Paula Kukuljica, Dinko Peračić, Vanja Rister (predsjednik), Rosa Rogina, Mojca Smode Cvitanović.

The Viktor Kovačić Award for overall excellence in architecture was won by architects Iva Letilović and Igor Pedišić for their work on the Prefect’s Palace in Zadar. Architects Mia Roth Čerina and Tonči Čerina are the recipients of the Bernardo Bernardi Award for best architectural design, and architect Davor Bušnja the recipient of the Drago Galić Award for best residential archi tecture for his Grandpa Marko’s House project. The works nominated were considered and reviewed by a panel of experts, comprising Krešimir Damjano vić, Vjekoslav Gašparović, Krunoslav Ivanišin, Paula Kukuljica, Dinko Peračić, Vanja Rister (chairperson), Rosa Rogi na, and Mojca Smode Cvitanović.

Ulazni prostor u Kuću dide Marka The entrance hall to Grandpa Marko’s House

Kuća dide Marka Kuća dide Marka proglašena je najboljim ostvarenjem na području stambene arhitek ture, a projektirao ju je Davor Bušnja, koji ovako opisuje svoje arhitektonsko rješenje: − Arhitektonsko rješenje temelji se na uklapanju novoga u staro, tj. ubaciva nju nove kuće u postojeću. Koncept uklapanja nove strukture u postojeću do sljedno je primijenjen u načinu korištenja materijala i gradbenih tehnika. Ovojnica postojeće kuće (vanjski kameni zidovi, ka mena plastika na pročeljima, krov) obnov ljena je korištenjem istih materijala kojima je kuća prvotno izgrađena uz primjenu izvornih ili sličnih građevnih tehnika. Nova kuća koja je uklopljena unutar postojećeg zidnog plašta građena je korištenjem suvremenih materijala i gradbenih tehnika. Na dodiru nove i stare kuće realiziran je novi višeetažni međuprostor predvorja i komunikacije koji formira dodatni prag prelaska iz javnog u privatni prostor.

Temeljitom rekonstrukcijom uklonjene su sve međukatne konstrukcije i uvedena je nova organizacija prostora. Javni prostor s kojeg se ulazi u kuću transponiran je unutar zidne ovojnice u vidu vertikalne praznine − voida Void sadrži predvorje koje se razlaže po vertikali povezujući dvije etaže spavaćih odaja s potkrovljem u kojem su smješteni zajednički sadržaji. Void je proporcijama, mjerilom i karakte rom poput dalmatinske kale koja postaje okosnica prostorne i programske struk ture. Interijerna kala povezuje trg ispred kuće s kominom i krovnom taracom, uspostavlja odnose unutar ovojnice kuće i evocira slojevitost veza (sličnosti) između kuće i grada. Kuća dide Marka jedna je od rijetkih samostojećih u staroj gradskoj jezgri Trogira. Riječ je o kući u kojoj je dida Marko rođen, u kojoj je odrastao te koja njegovom željom postaje mjesto za okupljanje šire obitelji, vikend druženja i ljetne odmore djece i unuka.


Grandpa Marko’s House

Grandpa Marko’s House was the best work in the category of residential architecture. It was designed by Davor Bušnja, who de scribes his architectural solution as follows: − My architectural solution is based on fitting something new into something old; in other words, on inserting a new house into an existing one. The concept of fitting a new

structure into an existing one was consist ently applied to the ways in which materials and construction techniques were used. The exterior of the existing house, that is, its external stone walls, the stone relief on its exterior walls, and its roof, were all renovat ed by using the same materials which the house was originally built with, and by using original or similar construction techniques.

01 Kuća dide Marka smještena je u staroj gradskoj jezgri Trogira

Grandpa Marko’s House is located in Trogir’s old town centre

02 Pogled na kuću s katedralom u pozadini A view of the house featuring the cathedral in the background

03-04 Prostor predvorja i komunikacije The entrance hall and communication area 02

03 04 ŽižićD.ŽižićD. ŽižićD.



03 organizacijaprogramskakuće

The spatial and functional organisation of the house

The new house, which is integrated into the existing house’s exterior walls enveloping, as it were, the new one inside it, was built by using modern materials and construc tion techniques. At the point where the new and the old house meet and join, a new multi-storey interspace serving as a hall and for communication was designed and built. It also forms an additional threshold for the transition from public to private space.

The complete reconstruction of the existing house included the removal of all existing floor structures, and the introduction of a new organisation of space. The public space from which the house is entered is referenced inside the wall envelope in the form of a vertical void. This void contains an entrance hall that unfolds vertically, connect ing two floors of bedrooms with a loft where the shared facilities are located. Given its proportions, scale, and character, the void resembles an old, narrow cobbled street in the historic core of typical Dalmatian towns called kala, which becomes the backbone of the house’s both spatial and functional structure. The house’s interior kala street connects the square outside the house with the shared facilities inside the house, including the roof terrace, establishes relationships within the wall envelope of the house, and evokes the layering of connec tions or similarities between the house and the city. Grandpa Marko’s House is one of few stand-alone or detached houses in Tro gir’s old town centre. Grandpa Marko was bor n and raised in this house, which is why he wanted to make this house be a place where his extended family could gather, where weekend get-togethers could be had, and where his children and grandchildren could spend their summer holidays. 

Spavaća soba s pogledom na predvorje A bedroom with a view of the entrance hall
Trg ispred kuće The square outside the house
Prostorna i
01 02 03 ŽižićD. ŽižićD.
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Rijetke su zemlje koje vam mogu pružiti nezaboravna autentična iskustva kroz cijelu godinu. Hrvatska je zemlja koja nudi upravo to. Bistro modro more, zelene bo rove šume i mirisni vinogradi, prekrasna netaknuta priroda, pitoreskne vizure te stoljetne palače i ljetnikovci svevremenski su doživljaji od kojih postajete bogatiji. Mjesta su to u kojima se postiže ravno teža duha i tijela, a tragovi tisućljetne povijesti pozivaju na istraživanje.

Hoteli unutar Storiesa, lanca jedinstvenih hrvatskih hotela, smješteni su u skrivenim uvalama i stijenama iznad mora, okruženi slikovitim arhipelagom otočića, među sto ljetnim maslinicima, u očuvanim ostacima srednjovjekovne kule, u samome srcu grada ili pak u gradskim palačama i dvor cima u kojima su nekada boravili carevi i plemićke Jedinstveneobitelji.priče svakog hotela zapisane su u njegovoj arhitekturi i eksterijeru, u

osunčanom kamenu ili u stoljetnoj maslini koja raste podno njegovih prozora. U njima se osjeća prošlost, ali i pronalazi nadahnuće za ispisivanje novih stranica. Oni pozivaju goste da kao pravi prota gonisti ispričaju svoju priču o boravku. U svakome od ovih mjesta pozvani ste uroniti u nezaboravne autentične lokalne doživljaje dok uživate u rijetkim vinima i ukusnoj hrani i udišete svjež zrak mirisne soli koji se prožima s aromama medite


ranskog bilja. Ovdje postajete obogaćeni za nova iskustva praćena čistim, elegan tnim i autentičnim luksuzom, spremni da ispričate svoju novu priču. U ovom izdanju ponosno predstavljamo: Meneghetti Wine Hotel & Winery − Bale, Istra, Hotel Adriatic − Rovinj, Istra, Design Hotel Navis - Opatija, Vestibul Palace − Split, The Pucić Palace − Dubrovnik.

There are few countries that can provide you with unforgettable authentic experienc es throughout the year. Croatia is a country that offers just that.

The clear blue sea, green pine forests and fragrant vineyards, beautiful pristine nature, picturesque views, and centuries-old palaces and summer houses are timeless, enriching experiences. These are places where you achieve the balance of mind and body, while traces of a thousand-year history invite exploration.

Hotels within Stories, a chain of unique Croatian hotels, are located in hidden bays and on rocks above the sea, surrounded by a picturesque archipelago of islets, among century-old olive groves, in the preserved remains of a medieval tower, in the very heart of the city or in town palaces and castles where once emperors and noble families resided.

The unique story of each hotel is written in its architecture and exterior, in the sunkissed stone or in the centuries-old olive tree that grows under its windows. You can feel the past in them, but also find inspiration for writing new pages. They invite guests to tell their story about their stay as true protagonists. In each of these places, you are invited to immerse yourself in unforgettable authentic local experiences while enjoying rare wines and delicious food and breathing in the fresh air of scented salt

permeated with the aromas of Mediterrane an herbs. Here you become enriched with new experiences accompanied by pure, elegant, and authentic luxury, ready to tell your new story.

In this edition, we proudly present: Me neghetti Wine Hotel & Winery − Bale, Istria, Hotel Adriatic − Rovinj, Istria, Design Hotel Navis − Opatija, Vestibul Palace − Split, The Pucić Palace − Dubrovnik. www.storiescroatia.com

01 Hotel Adriatic - Rovinj, Istra / Istria

02 Meneghettii Wine Hotel & Winery − Bale, Istra / Istria


Čarolija daleko od utabanih staza

Miracle off the beaten path


Čaroliju možete naći jedino daleko od utabanih staza. Na kraju vaše potrage nalazi se Meneghetti Wine Hotel & Winery − jedinstven hotel iz udruženja Relais & Chateaux okružen vinogradima obogaćenima cvrku tom ptica i aromatičnim mirisima koji dopiru sve do plaže Meneghetti. Smješten u blizini šarmantnog istarskoga grada Rovinja, ali okružen ma slinicima i prirodnim ljepotama Istre, ovaj je hotel rijetka oaza mira i tišine. Počastite se boravkom u jednoj od njihovih luksuznih vila s bazenima i istražite iznimnu lokalnu kuhinju sljubljenu s nagrađivanim vinima i ma slinovim uljima. Meneghetti Wine Hotel & Winery doista je mali svijet za sebe. Svijet koji možete doživjeti jedino ako krenete nepoznatim stazama.


Magic only happens off the beaten path. At the end of it stands the Meneghetti Wine Hotel & Winery − a unique Relais & Chateaux hotel with a working vine yard on site, graced with chirping birds, and aromatic scents, reaching all the way to the Meneghetti Beach. Located near the charming Istrian town of Rovinj, but surrounded by olive groves, and Istria's natural beauty, it is a rare oasis of peace and quiet. Treat yourself with a stay in one of their luxurious villas with pools and explore their remarkable local cuisine combined with awarded estate wines and olive oils. Meneghetti Wine Hotel & Winery is truly its own little world. A world that can only be experienced when you take the road less travelled.


Odraz rovinjske umjetničke scene

The expression of Rovinj’s art scene


Hotel Adriatic najelegantniji je rovinjski dnevni boravak koji spaja tradiciju, umjetnost i suvremeni dizajn. Ovaj otmjeni boutique hotel nalazi se u povijesnoj jezgri Rovinja i u cijelosti je nadahnut umjetničkim djelima izrađenima isključivo za hotel, stvorivši privlačnu kolekciju umjetnina. Više od stotinu unikatnih umjetnina izloženo je u cijelom hotelu, a posjetitelji hotela često im se dive i o njima razgovaraju uz čašu vina.


Hotel Adriatic is Rovinj’s most elegant living room which combines tradition, art, and contemporary design. This chic boutique hotel is located in Rovinj’s historic centre and is entirely inspired by artwork which was created exclusively for the hotel, creating a compelling art Overcollection.ahundred unique works of art are exhibited throughout the hotel and are often the topic of conversation over a glass of wine or an object of admiration of the hotel visitors.


Ljepota ujedinjuje različite svjetove

Beauty unites contrasting worlds


Design Hotel Navis moderno je dojmljivo zdanje koje je projektirao poznati hrvatski arhitekt Idis Turato. Među čvr stim linijama armiranog betona staklene ploče reflektiraju i prenose boju mora u savršeno skladnom spoju prirode i suvremenoga, luksuznog dizajna, što se dodatno odražava u umjetnosti koja prožima cijeli hotel. Oštre linije dizajna u suptilnom okruženju zelene i plave boje, međunarodno kulinarsko iskustvo koje ovisi o jutarnjem ulovu lokalnog ribara − Hotel Navis prilika je da doživite ljepotu koja spaja kontrastne svjetove.


Design Hotel Navis is a modern impressive building, designed by the great Croatian architect Idis Turato. Among the solid lines of reinforced concrete, glass panes reflect and capture the colour of the sea in a perfectly harmonious composition of nature and contemporary, luxurious design, which is further reflected in the art that pervades the entire hotel. The sharp lines of design, set in a subtle environment of green and blue, an international culinary experience that itself is dependent on the local fisherman’s morning catch, Hotel Navis is a chance to experience the beauty that unites contrasting worlds.


Mjesto koje je za sebe sagradio car Dioklecijan

The place that the emperor Diocletian built for himself


Vestibul je ulaz ili prolaz. Luksuzni hotel Vestibul Palace prolaz je do priče ispričane u okruženju rimske palače stare 1700 godina, smještene među mramornim lukovima, stupovima i hramovima u Splitu, jednom od najprivlačnijih hrvatskih turistič kih odredišta. Hotel Vestibul ugnijezdio se u odaje cara Diokle cijana i upečatljiv je spoj drevne povijesti i luksuza 21. stoljeća, a gostima pruža usluge, pogodnosti i iskustva dostojna cara i njegove pratnje.


A vestibule is an entrance, a passage. Luxury hotel Vestibul Palace is a passage to a story told amid the surroundings of a 1700-yearold Roman palace, set among marble arches, columns, and tem ples in Split, one of Croatia’s most attractive tourist destinations. Housed in emperor Diocletian’s imperial quarters, Vestibul Palace, a striking blend of ancient history and 21st century luxury, provides guests with the services, amenities, and experiences worthy of an emperor and his entourage.


Ponosni svjedok slavne prošlosti Dubrovnika


Stari grad pogled je u prošlost, mjesto koje obiluje tekstura ma, zvukovima, mirisima i osjetima koji nadilaze vrijeme. A u srcu Starog grada smjestila se palača Pucić. Izgrađena u 18. stoljeću, ova velebna građevina nekoć je bila dom dubrovačke plemićke obitelji Pucić. Obitelj Pucić ostavila je trag u dubro vačkoj povijesti političkim radom i ljubavlju prema umjetnosti. Godine 1895. palača je počela služiti kao hotel, nazvan hotel De la Ville, a tradicija gostoprimstva nastavlja se i danas. Pala ča Pucić uranja u povijest, prenosi vas u neko drugo vrijeme i bogatiji život, poput svjedoka slavne prošlosti Dubrovnika.


Dubrovnik’s Old Town is a window into the past, a place full of textures, sounds, smells, and sensations that traverse time. And in the heart of the Old Town sits The Pucić Palace. Built in the 18th century, this grand building was once home to Dubrovnik’s aristo cratic family Pucić. The Pucić family left their mark on Dubrovnik’s history through their political work and their love of art. In 1895 the palace began to serve as a hotel − called hotel De la Ville, and this tradition of hospitality continues today. The Pucić Palace immerses you in history, transporting you to another time and a richer way of life. It serves as a proud witness of Dubrovnik’s glorious past.

Proud witness of Dubrovnik’s glorious past


Hrvatska modna dizajnerica Staša Randall pokrenula je suvremeni, inovativni i minimali stički ženski brend odjeće Staša design prije sedam godina. Živi i radi u rodnoj Puli te svake sezone donosi novu kolekciju koja se stilski nastavlja na onu prethodnu.

Croatian fashion designer Staša Randall launched Staša Design, a contemporary, innovative, and minimalist women’s wear brand, seven years ago. She lives and works in her native Pula. Every season, she designs a new colle ction that, in terms of style, seems to issue from the previous one.

Staša je jedna od onih koji rade po načelu održivog dizajna, ignori ra trendove, njihovu površnost i brzinu te se priklanja kreiranju dugo trajnog modnog predmeta. Od tonova u jesenskim i zimskim kolekcijama donosi smirujuće pigmente prirode, koji instin ktivno stvaraju ugodu u nama, a od kroje va tu su oni komotni, udobni, s pokojom intervencijom za poseban štih.

− Moj je dizajn prepoznatljiv po stilu za svaki dan. Svaki odjevni predmet moguće je nositi na više načina, ovisno o stylingu i dodacima. Njegujem minimalističku estetiku koja počiva na održivim modnim postulatima, ali istovremeno istražujem i eksperimentiram s različitim materija lima koji u konačnici zaokružuju jednu posebnu estetsku priču. Volim čiste linije i opušten kroj, pa gledam da uvijek idem u tom smjeru − izjavila je Staša.

Od materijala koristi samo one prirodne, a kad poželi neki poseban detalj, tu su elementi poput bambus pločica.

− Privlačan mi je spoj drva i mekanih ma terijala. Kroz istraživanje bambusa stupila sam u kontakt s proizvođačem u Indiji. Trenutno od materijala koristim bambus svilu, pamuk, viskozu i tencel − to je kombinacija vlakna drveta i organskog

pamuka. U novim kolekcijama planiram koristiti nove tehnološki napredne materi jale poput poliestera od 100% recikliranih plastičnih boca − govori dizajnerica. Posljednjih se godina modna scena diljem svijeta sve više okreće održivosti, radi čega na sceni raste niša brendova koji su manji, no rade po ekološkim pravilima.

− Smatram da je to ispravan i dobar put. Kao što znamo, modna industrija druga je na popisu industrija koje najviše zagađu ju naš planet. Nažalost, konzumerizam, brzo i konstantno mijenjanje trendova nikako ne pridonose boljitku. Upravo je to velik razlog zašto bismo svi trebali malo usporiti i okrenuti se održivosti i ekologiji − ističe DizajnericaStaša.jeodmalena znala čime se želi baviti i već je u dobi od četiri godine počela šivati. Kreativnost joj je u genima, uz majku kazališnu kostimografkinju i tetu koja je radila u jednoj od najvećih hrvat skih modnih kuća. Uz njih Staša je nau čila ne samo tehnološki dio oblikovanja odjeće nego i onu poslovnu stranu, koliko je bitno znati proizvod plasirati na tržište. Danas je vlasnica jednog od hrvatskih brendova koji rade po održivim načelima proizvodnje, donoseći bezvremenski stil i čari samozatajnog minimalizma. 

PIŠE/BY __ Dubravka Prpić Znaor FOTOGRAFIJE/PHOTOS __ Matković & Vild
01 Silueta je jednostavna, prati liniju tijela te simbolizira sklad silhouettesDesign’sare simple, follow the contours of the body, and symbolise harmony
02 Čisti donosiminimalizamkontrastcrne i bijele Pure contrastaexpressedminimalismthroughblackandwhite 02

02 Dizajnerica predlaže decentne kombinacije istog tona The combinationselegant,recommendsdesignersingle-hue

Staša is a fashion designer who’s guided by the principle of sustainable design, who ignores trends, their superficiality, and fast fashion, and who prefers to create long-lived fashion items.

As far as colours are concerned in Staša’s autumn and winter collection, she centres on the calming pigments of nature, which seem to have a soothing effect on us. As for her cuts, they’re all cosy, and comforta ble, and feature an intervention or two as a finishing touch.

− My design is recognisable by its everyday style. Each item of clothing can be worn in several different ways, depending on your personal style, and accessories. I nurture a minimalist aesthetics based on sustain able fashion postulates, but at the same time I like exploring and experimenting with different materials that ultimately round off a special aesthetic story. I like clean lines and a relaxed cut, so I try to always go in that direction − Staša says.

She uses only natural materials, and when she wants a special detail, she reaches for elements like bamboo tiles.

− I find the combination of wood and soft materials appealing. My research on bamboo led me to get in touch with a producer in India. At present, I use bamboo

01 Posebno mjesto u kolekciji ima neutralna boja bijele kave The neutral colour of cafe latte holds a special place in the collection

Košulje, suknje, hlače, haljine i slični temeljni komadi savršeni su kao osnova odjeće onih koje žele nešto bezvre mensko. Dizajnericu inspirira i moderna arhitektura te jednostavni azijski stilovi, a ujedno ističe višenamjenski karakter kreacija.

Shirts, skirts, trousers, dresses, and si milar basic pieces are perfect for those who nurture a timeless style. Highli ghting the multi-purpose character of her creations, the designer is also inspired by modern architecture, and minimalist Asian styles.

Prirodni natural fabrics imbue
dajumaterijalimekanikreacijamafluidnidojam Soft
creationsStaša’swith fluidity

Od tonova u jesenskim i zimskim kolekcijama Staša nam donosi smirujuće pigmente prirode, koji instinktivno stvaraju ugodu u nama.

As far as colours are concerned in Staša’s autumn and winter collection, she centres on the calming pigments of nature, which seem to have a soothing effect on us.

silk, cotton, viscose, and lyocell, which is a combination of cellulose fibres and organic cotton. In my new collections, I plan to use new technologically advanced materials, such as polyester from 100% recycled plastic bottles − says the designer. In recent years, the fashion scene around the world has increasingly turned to sus tainability. This is why a niche of smaller, environmentally friendly brands is being

−created.Ibelieve that this is the right and good path to take. As we know, the fashion in dustry is second on the list of industries that pollute our planet the most. Unfortunately, consumerism, fast fashion, and changing trends uninterruptedly do not contribute to improvement in any way whatsoever. This is exactly the reason why we should all slow down a bit, and turn to sustainability, and environmentalism − Staša points out. Staša knew what she wanted to do from an early age, and started sewing at the age of 4. Creativity is in her genes, as it were, given that her mother’s a costume designer, and that her aunt worked in one of Croatia’s biggest fashion houses. Thanks to these two women, Staša learned not only the technology of design, but also the business of fashion; in other words, how important it is to know how to market a product. Today, she owns a Croatian fashion brand which is guided by the principle of sustainable pro duction, whose style is timeless, and whose simple minimalism is charming. 


Ljubav i fascinacija prema satovima, koja traje od malih nogu, pre tvorili su se u životni put majstora urara Pere Mamića. Na čelu tvrtke Mamić 1970 već više od pola stoljeća njeguje dragocjene satove koji su povjereni u njegove stručne ruke. Gospodin Mamić je svoje znanje i vještine dokazao na probi u sjedištu tvrtke Rolex u Ženevi te 1978. postao prvim službenim Rolexovim serviserom u Hrvatskoj, što ga je činilo jednim od dvojice u tadašnjoj državi. Urarska tradicija u obitelji Mamić prenosi se na nove generacije i nastavlja kroz redovitu edukaciju urara te pohađanje treninga i spe cijalizacija u sklopu Rolex programa. Kontinuirano ulaganje u stručni tim i preko pola stoljeća uspješnog rada u urarskoj industriji učinili su Mamić 1970 sinonimom stručnosti, kvalitete, preciznosti i pouz danosti. Također, službeni Rolex servisni centar tvrtke Mamić 1970 opremljen je najsuvremenijom opremom i statusom je ravnopravan Rolexovom servisnom centru u Ženevi.


S mnogo godina između servisa, Vaš sat zaslužuje iznimnu pažnju kako bi Vas pratio kroz život. Preporučeno je servisirati Rolex sat svakih 5 do 10 godina, ovisno o modelu i svakodnevnom nošenju, kako biste osigurali njegovu neprekidnu točnost i vodootpornost. Prije samog procesa servisiranja, naši stručni urari provode temeljitu dijagnostičku analizu Vašeg sata nakon čega slijedi početak servisa. Nakon kompletnog rastavljanja sata slijedi ultrazvučno čišćenje svih dijelova posebnim otopinama te se svaka pojedinačna komponen ta pažljivo ispituje. One koje više ne zadovoljavaju funkcionalne i estetske specifikacije tvrtke Rolex zamjenjuju se originalnim Rolex Mehanizamdijelovima. se pažljivo podmazuje najsuvremenijom formulom lubrikanata koja smanjuje trenje i sprečava habanje, a zatim se i elektronički testira kako bi se zajamčila njegova točnost vremena.

Mamić 1970 i Rolex − partnerstvo koje traje kroz vrijeme
Mamić 1970 and Rolex − a partnership that lasts through time

Velika pažnja posvećuje se i servisiranju kućišta i narukvice koje se precizno poliraju kako bi vratili njihov izvorni sjaj. Kućište se pažljivo sklapa, zamjenjuju se brtve i sat prolazi niz strogih tehničkih ispiti vanja kako bi se osigurala njegova vodootpornost, rezerva snage i preciznost. Naposljetku, nakon obavljenog servisiranja svaki Rolex sat popraćen je međunarodnim dvogodišnjim servisnim jamstvom koji pokriva zamjenske dijelove i rad urara. Službeni Rolex servisni centar možete posjetiti u centru grada Zagreba u butiku Mamić 1970 na adresi Ulica Frane Petrića 7.

The love and fascination for watches, which has lasted since childhood, turned into the life path of master watchmaker Pero Mamić.

As the head of the Mamić 1970 company, he has been caring for precious watches entrusted to his expert hands for over half a century.

Mr. Mamić proved his knowledge and skills at a probation at the Rolex Headquarters in Geneva and, in 1978, became the first official Rolex watchmaker in Croatia, which made him one of two in the country at the time.

The watchmaking tradition in the Mamić family is passed on to new generations and continues through regular watchmaker education and attending trainings and specializations as part of the Rolex program. Continuous investment in a professional team and over half a century of successful work in the watchmaking industry has made Mamić 1970 synonymous with expertise, quality, precision, and reliability. Also, the official Rolex service centre at Mamić 1970 is equipped with the most contemporary equipment and has the same statues as Rolex service centre in Geneva.


With many years passing between services, your watch deserves exceptional attention to accompany you through life. It is recommended to have your Rolex watch serviced every 5 to 10 years, depending on the model and daily wear, to ensure its continued accuracy and water resistance.

Before the servicing process, our highly skilled watchmakers conduct a thorough diagnostic examination of your watch, followed by the start of the service process. After the complete disassembly of the watch, all parts are ultrasonically cleaned with specially formulated solutions, and each individual component is carefully examined. Those

that no longer meet Rolex’s functional and aesthetic specifications are replaced with original Rolex parts.

The movement is carefully lubricated with the most advanced lubricant formula that reduces friction and prevents wear and is then electronically tested to guarantee its timing accuracy. Great attention is also paid to the servicing of the case and bracelets, which are precisely polished to restore their original shine. The case is carefully assembled, seals are replaced, and the watch undergoes a series of rigorous technical tests to ensure its water resistance, power reserve, and precision. Finally, once serviced, every Rolex watch is accompanied by an international two year service warranty that covers replacement parts and watchmaker’s work.

You can visit the official Rolex service centre at the Mamić 1970 boutique in 7 Frane Petric Street in the centre of Zagreb.  www.mamic.hr




Cijeli je svijet potresla vijest o smrti britanske kraljice Elizabete II., i to u godini njezina platinastog jubileja −70 godina vladavine. U tom razdoblju primila je 15 britanskih premijera, a prvi je bio Winston Churchill. Uvijek vrijedi posjetiti Buckinghamsku palaču u Londonu koja ima 775 soba, od kojih 19 raskošno uređenih svečanih dvorana, te vidjeti mnogo više od smjene straže pred tom dugogodišnjom službenom kraljičinom adresom. Kraljica Elizabeta II. bila je najdugovječnija britanska vladarica i najstariji monarh na svijetu.


The news of the death of Queen Elizabeth II came as a great shock to the world at large. What makes it particularly sad dening is the fact that it came in the year that celebrates 70 years of her service as queen − the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. During these 70 years, she received 15 British prime ministers, the first of whom was Winston Churchill. The Buckingham Palace in London and its 775 rooms, 19 of which are lavishly decorated state rooms, and Changing the Guard or Guard Mounting outside the Monarch’s official London address and administrative headquarters are always worth a trip. Queen Elizabeth II was Britain’s longest-reigning monarch and the world’s oldest head of state.


Oktoberfest počinje već u rujnu i traje do kraja prve nedjelje u listopadu. Ova najveća pučka zabava u Europi traje gotovo 200 godina, a počela je kao narodno veselje uz kraljevsko vjenčanje. Atmosfera je tako dobra da ga svake godine pohodi oko sedam milijuna posjetilaca. Mnogi su odjeveni u tradicionalne bavarske nošnje, u velikim šatorima limena glazba svira starin ske melodije, a uz pivo se poslužuju tradicionalna jela. Smije se posluživati samo posebno, certificirano pivo. Navečer i noću atmosfera je još luđa.


Oktoberfest opens already in September and closes at the end of the first Sunday in October. This biggest folk festival in Europe has been held for nearly 200 years, and started as a folk celebra tion of a royal wedding. Oktoberfest’s high-spirited atmosphere attracts some seven million visitors every year. Many wear their traditional Bavarian costumes, brass bands play old tunes in large tents, and besides beer, traditional dishes are served. Only certified beer is served. In the evening and at night the atmosphe re gets even crazier.

Unsplash/SudarC. Unsplash/FanD.
385 1 48 73 168


Ako ste u Zürichu, obvezna je šetnja kroz Bahnhofstras se, ulicu ekskluzivnih dućana odjeće, satova i nakita. Sva imena koja simboliziraju luksuz nastoje biti ovdje: draguljari i urari, dizajneri visoke mode, mnoge galerije s umjetničkim radovima koji su ozbiljna investicija, poduzeća koja simbo liziraju tehnološki napredak... Ova šetnja doživljaj je čak i ako samo kupite neku sitnicu, a ostatak vremena gledate izloge. Bahnhofstrasse je lokacija s najskupljim nekretnina ma u Europi i treća po skupocjenosti u svijetu.


When in Zurich, a walk along Bahnhofstrasse − a shopping street packed with exclusive clothing, watch, and jewellery shops − is a must. All the luxury brands aim at opening a shop here: jewellers and watchmakers, high fashion desi gners, many galleries with works of art that are a serious investment, high-tech companies... A walk along Bahnhof strasse will be an experience even if you only buy something small, and spend the rest of your time window shopping. Bahnhofstrasse is where the most expensive real estate in Europe is, and is the third most expensive street in the world.


Iz četvrti Stari grad, nova i sigurna žičara podiže izletnike na Trebević, jednu od planina što okružuju Sarajevo. Vrh Trebevića na 1629 je metara visine. Za vrijeme Zimskih olimpijskih igara 1984. sagrađena je tada najsuvremenija staza za bob, koja je danas šetnica. Žičara se polako podi že iznad Sarajeva i ulazi u predivne boje jesenske šume. Za pet-šest minuta iz centra grada uronit ćete u planinski raj. Na Trebeviću se račvaju pješačke staze Olimpijskih igara. Gore su i kafić i restoran.


From Sarajevo’s Old Town neighbourhood, a new and safe cable car takes excursionists to Trebević, one of the moun tains surrounding Sarajevo. The peak of Trebević is 1,629 metres high. What was the most modern bobsleigh track back in 1984, built for the Winter Olympic Games in Sarajevo, is today a promenade. As the cable car slowly rises above Sarajevo, it offers a beautiful vista of the forest draped in au tumn colours. Five to six minutes away from Sarajevo’s city centre, a mountain paradise awaits you. The Winter Olympic Games’ hiking trails fork at Trebević, at the peak of which there’s also a cafe and a restaurant.

Unsplash/FerreiraH. Unsplash/HasanovićM.


Kratka pariškimšetnjamuzejima

A quick stroll through Paris museums

Jesen u Parizu zvuči kao početak neke savršene priče. Na kon ljetne uspavanosti i najezde turista, ulice Pariza pola ko se prazne, dani su i dalje sunčani ali ugodno prohladni, pod nogama šušti zlaćano lišće, a na svakom koraku dočekuje vas neko novo iskustvo. Postoji li išta bolje? Pariška je umjet nička scena iznimno bogata, a izložbena sezona posebno živa upravo ujesen. Među brojnim izložbama koje Pariz trenutačno nudi povest ćemo vas u obilazak triju koje ne smijete propustiti. U šetnju ćemo poći od Muzeja oslobođenja, koji se nalazi u blizini slavnoga pariškoga groblja Montparnasse. Ondje do kraja godine možete pogledati izložbu o ratnim fotografkinjama, točnije njih osam - Lee Miller, Gerdi Taro, Catherine Leroy, Chri stine Spengler, Françoise Demulder, Susan Meiselas, Carolyn Cole i Anji Niedringhaus - koje su svojim djelovanjem pokrile 75 godina međunarodnih ratnih sukoba, od 1936. do 2011. Izložba prikazuje stotinjak dokumenata, više od 80 fotografija te desetke izvornih dnevnih novina i časopisa, a bavi se ulogom žena u vihoru rata, bilo da su borkinje, žrtve ili svjedokinje sukoba.

Duh ženske snage odvest će nas do druge lokacije, poznatoga Centra Pompidou, gdje se od 12. listopada 2022. do 16. siječnja 2023. održava retrospektivna izložba američke slikarice Alice Neel, feminističke ikone i jedne od najradikalnijih umjetnica 20. stoljeća. Na likovnu je scenu stupila u vrijeme kad su njome još vladali muškarci, a žene su bile prikazivane u idealiziranoj formi, kao boginje, muze ili seks simboli. Alice Neel iz korijena je pro mijenila slikarske konvencije portretima stvarnih ljudi iz različitih slojeva društva i upisala se među pionirke ženskoga pogleda u likovnoj umjetnosti. Pariška retrospektiva prilika je za otkrivanje njezina opusa s gledišta klasne i rodne borbe. Ovaj kratki muzejski obilazak završit ćemo u monumentalnoj zgradi nekadašnjeg željezničkoga kolodvora, a danas jednoj od najljepših izložbenih lokacija u Parizu, u Muzeju Orsay. U suradnji s Munchovim muzejom u Oslu, ovdje će se od 20. rujna 2022. do 22. siječnja 2023. održati izložba pod naslovom Edvard Munch, pjesma ljubavi, života i smrti. Iako je daleko naj prepoznatljiviji njegov Vrisak, ova će izložba posjetitelje upoznati sa stotinama Munchovih slika, crteža i grafika i otkriti često nepoznatu širinu njegova opusa. S obzirom na to da smo šetnju završili u muzejskoj četvrti, oni željni novih umjetničkih iskustava ovdje mogu nastaviti dalje, a ako ste ipak raspoloženi za nešto drugo, već će sam pogled na obližnje mostove ili predivni vrt Tuileries i Louvre s druge strane Seine uz čašu nekog toplog napitka biti i više nego dovoljan. 

Autumn in Paris sounds like the beginning of a perfect story. After the drowsiness of summer and the invasion of tourists, the streets of Paris are slowly emptying, the days are still sunny yet pleasantly chilly, golden leaves rustle beneath your feet, and new experiences lurk at every corner. Does it get any better?

The art scene in Paris is bourgeoning, and exhibition season kicks off especially in autumn. Among the many exhibitions that Paris currently offers, we’ll take you on a short tour of three exhibitions you simply cannot miss. We’ll start our stroll at the Museum of Liberation, located in the vicinity of the famous Montparnasse cemetery. Until the end of the year, you can see an exhibition on women war photographers, that is, eight of them − Lee Miller, Gerda Taro, Catherine Leroy, Christine Spengler, Françoise Demulder, Susan Meiselas, Carolyn Cole, and

PIŠE/BY Nevena Erak Camaj

02 Skulptura Polarni medvjed Françoisa Pompona u Muzeju Orsay Polar Bear sculpture by François Pompon the Musée d’Orsay

Pariška je umjetnička scena iznimno bogata, a izložbena sezona posebno živa upravo ujesen. Za svoj odlazak u Pariz možete odabrati bilo koji dan jer su Zagreb i Pariz povezani svakodnevnim letovima Croatia Airlinesa.

Paris has a lively art scene, and a very busy exhibition calendar, particularly in autumn. You can choose any day for your trip to Paris because Croatia Airlines connects Zagreb with Paris every day.

croatiaairlines.com m.croatiaairlines.com

Anja Niedringhaus − who covered 75 years of international conflicts between 1936 and 2011. The exhibition displays about a hundred documents, more than 80 photographs, and a dozen original news papers and magazines, highlighting the involvement of women in conflicts, whether they are combatants, victims or witnesses. The spirit of female strength takes us to another location, the famous Centre Pompidou. From 12 October 2022 to 16 January 2023, the centre is hosting a retrospective exhibition of American painter Alice Neel, a feminist icon and one of the most radical artists of the 20th century. She emerged on the art scene when it was still dominated by men, and women were portrayed in the idealized form, as goddesses, muses or sex symbols. Alice Neel upturned art conventions with her portraits of real people from different back grounds and became a pioneer of the female gaze in art. The Paris retrospective is a chance to discover her opus from the perspective of the class and gender struggle. We’ll finish this short museum tour at the monumental building of the former train station, and now one of the most beautiful exhibition venues in Paris − the Musée d’Orsay. In partnership with the Munch Museum in Oslo, from 20 September 2022 to 22 January 2023, the Musée d’Orsay will dedicate an exhibition to Edvard Munch titled A poem of love, life and death. Although he is most famous for his Scream, this exhibition is an opportunity to discover hundreds of his paintings, drawings, and prints and reveal the often-unknown diversity of his art. Since we’ve ended our walk in the museum quarter, those wanting new art experiences can move on, but if you’re in the mood for something else, the very view of the nearby bridges or the beautiful Tuileries Garden and Louvre on the opposite bank of the Seine with a hot beverage in your hand will be more than enough. 

d'OrsayéeMus-SchmidtPatrice 01 Muzej Orsay Musée d'Orsay 03 Muzej Orsay Musée d'Orsay
01 02 d'OrsayMusee-BoeglySophied'OrsayMusee-CrépySophie 03

Otkako postoji Rim, još od antičkih vremena, Rimljani su ljeti bježali na more ili na selo, a vraćali bi se tek kad najveće vrućine padnu. Tako je i danas. Jesen, od mjeseca rujna do studenoga, najljepše je vrijeme u Rimu. Zrak je ugodniji, raspoloženje na terasama kafića i restorana veselije, prolaznici su elegantnije odjeveni, grad je pun fantastičnih kulturnih, sportskih, zabavnih sadržaja. No ne nadajte se, gužve nisu manje nego za vrijeme pune ljetne sezone!

Ako u rimskom taksiju bespomoćno stojite zaglavljeni a kasnite, tješite se da su prometne gužve oduvijek bile dio života u Rimu. Stari Rim na vrhuncu je imao čak milijun stanovnika, a u doba antike nije nikad padao ispod 600 tisuća. No bio je građen u mnogo većim blokovima zgrada, s manje oprečnih ulica, a sav na brežuljcima i u zavojima, tako da stari kroničari pišu o nezamislivo dugim prometnim zastojima kočija, zaprežnih kola, konja i magaraca koji se glasaju, vozača i putnika koji viču jedni na druge dok satima čekaju da se pomaknu. Današnji Rim ima

Stari Rim živi i danas

The spirit of ancient Rome today

gotovo tri milijuna stanovnika, urbanizam je bitno drugačiji, život mnogo ugodniji, ali gužva je u genima grada. Rujan i listopad još uvijek su topli. Stari Rimljani rashlađivali bi se u dijelovima terma u kojima su bili bazeni, tzv. frigidariumi ma. Mnogi i danas postupaju slično pa provedu dan na jednom od bazena. Ima ih nevjerojatno luksuznih, u sklopu dobrih hotela, pa se ondje možete osjećati kao kakav rimski patricij. Ta rimska tradicija traje oko 25 stoljeća. Vrijedi pogledati ostatke rimskih termi Caracalla ili pak Dioklecijanove terme, da vidimo što je taj rimski car radio prije nego što se preselio u Split. Nitko ne tvrdi da su stari i sadašnji Rim isti, ali kad se zagleda mo u ono što je ostalo od starog Rima, bolje shvatimo koliko je povijesnih i kulturoloških slojeva ispod današnje moderne kozmopolitske metropole. Najbolje bi bilo da svaki posjet Rimu posvetimo jednom povijesnom razdoblju, a počnemo od antike! Arhitektonski i ambijentalno najčudesniji je spomenik hram Panteon, koji je sagradio car Hadrijan, a od sedmog je stoljeća crkva, no veličinu Rima najbolje možemo osjetiti u obilasku Foruma, koji je bio središte tadašnjega političkoga, ekonom skog i vjerskoga života. Čim popijete kavu i pojedete sladoled u jednom od kafića, odmah krenite do Koloseja! Taj amfiteatar

PIŠE/BY Ines Sabalić Konstantinov slavoluk The Arch of Constantine

nije bio samo poprište borbi sa 400 tisuća mrtvih gladijatora, nego i raznovrsnih igara i predstava. Amfiteatar bi napunili vo dom i odigravali simulacije pomorskih bitaka. Dovukli bi pravo drveće i žbunje i na nekoliko dana unutar amfiteatra načinili pravu šumu, doveli životinje i zvijeri i organizirali lov, a sve pred gledateljima. U dijelu Koloseja nalazi se i muzej bogu Erosu, da se malo oraspoložite. U ranom srednjem vijeku Kolosej je bio zanemaren, ali s vremenom je, kad je Rim postao papinski grad, opet oživio. Danas pape ondje za Uskrs hodaju Križni put. Dok planirate naredni posjet za papinski i barokni Rim, ne zaboravite i dobro jesti, popiti čašu talijanskog vina i uroniti u ovaj vječni grad. 

Since time immemorial, Romans would escape from their city in the summer, and head for the coast or the countryside. They would return only when the scorching summer heat subsided. Things have remained the same to date. The autumn months − September, October, and November − are the most beautiful time in Rome. The air is more pleasant, the ambiance on cafe and restaurant terraces is more cheerful, passers-by are dressed more elegantly, and the city is packed with fantastic cul tural, sporting, and entertainment events. But don’t get your hopes up! The city is just as crowded as during peak tourist season. If you’re stuck helplessly in a Roman taxi and you’re running late, take comfort in the fact that traffic jams have always been a part of life in Rome. At its peak, ancient Rome was home to as many as one million inhabitants, and its population never fell below 600,000. However, ancient Rome was built in much larger blocks of buildings and with fewer intersecting streets, all of which spread across hills and had many turns. This is why ancient chroniclers write about unimaginably long traffic jams of carriages, carts, horses neighing, and donkeys braying, drivers and passengers shouting at one another while waiting for hours to move. Today’s Rome is home to nearly three million inhabitants, and today’s urban planning is significantly different, which makes life in Rome

01 Fontana di Trevi, najveća barokna fontana u Rimu i jedna od najpoznatijih u svijetu Trevi Fountain, the largest Baroque fountain in Rome, and one of the most famed fountains in the world Hram Apolona Palatinskoga Temple of Apollo Palatinus Palatinsko trkalište u sklopu Domicijanove palače Palatine Hill Stadium inside the Palace of Domitian Zrakoplovi Croatia Airlinesa svaki dan povezuju glavni talijanski grad Rim s hrvatskim glavnim gradom Zagrebom preko Splita, najvećega grada na dalmatinskoj obali. Airlines connects Rome, the capital of Italy, with Zagreb, the capital of Croatia, via Split, the biggest city on the Dalmatian coast,
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much more pleasant. But, crowds and traffic jams have become inseparable from Rome.

September and October are still rather warm. To cool off, ancient Romans frequented frigidariums − one of the three main bath chambers of a Roman bath called the cold room. Many Romans today still do the same and spend an entire day at one of the city’s baths. There are incredibly luxurious ones. These are part of great hotels, where you can feel like a Roman patrician. This Roman

old. The remains of the Roman Baths of Caracalla or the Baths of Diocletian are worth a visit, particularly to find out what the Roman Emperor Diocletian did before he moved to Split. No one claims that ancient and present-day Rome are the same. However, when you look at what remains of ancient Rome, you’ll get a greater understanding of the many historical and cultural layers that lie beneath today’s modern cosmopolitan metropolis. Wouldn’t it be best if you dedicated each of your visits to Rome to one period in history? Why not start with Classical Antiquity?

Both architecturally and environmentally, Rome’s most stunning monument is the temple of Pantheon. It was built by Emperor Had rian, and in the seventh century it was converted into a Christian church. But the greatness of Rome can best be experienced at the Roman Forum, the centre of political, economic, and religious life at the time. Once you have an Italian espresso and enjoy a gelato in one of the surrounding cafes, head for the Colosseum. This amphitheatre was the backdrop not only to gladiator con tests which resulted in the death of 400 thousand gladiators, but also to various games and performances. Ancient Romans would fill the amphitheatre with water and play out simulations of naval battles. To organise an animal hunt before the eyes of spectators, they used to stage a real forest inside the amphitheatre for a few days by planting real trees and bushes inside it, and by introducing captured forest animals and beasts. The Colosseum also houses a museum dedicated to the god Eros, to lift your spirits. By the early Middle Ages, the Colosseum fell into disrepair. But over time − that is, when Rome became a papal city − it was rebirthed. Today, the Colosseum is where, on Good Friday, the Pope celebrates the Stations of the Cross. While planning your next visit to papal and baroque Rome, to completely immerse yourself in the Eternal City, don’t forget to eat well, and enjoy some Italian wine. 

Arheološki park Koloseja ArchaeologicalColosseumPark



27. 9. − 2. 10.

Ova međunarodna biciklistička utrka okuplja najbolje svjetske bicikliste iz Europe, Azije, Amerike i Australije koji će voziti trasu dugu više od 1000 kilometara u šest etapa diljem Hrvat ske. CRO Race za startove ili ciljeve odabire hrvatske gradove ili poznate lokacije poput nacionalnih parkova i parkova prirode, a prolazak kroz najljepše dijelove Hrvatske pruža nezaboravne doživljaje natjecateljima i publici.


This international cycling race gathers the world’s best cyclists from Europe, Asia, America, and Australia who co ver over 1000 kilometres in six stages across Croatia. The starting and finishing lines of all CRO Race stages are loca ted in Croatian cities or famous locations, such as national parks and nature parks, making sure that both competitors and spectators are given an unforgettable experience while passing through the most beautiful parts of Croatia.



23. 9. − 9. 10., VARAŽDIN

Riječ je o specijaliziranom festivalu rane glazbe i jednom od najeminen tnijih festivala te vrste u svijetu. Varaždinske barokne večeri održavaju se u baroknim crkvama i palačama u Varaždinu i izvan grada. Ovogodišnja je zemlja partner festivala Irska.


With music performances held in baroque churches and palaces in both Varaždin and its surroundings, this specialised early music festival is one of the most eminent festivals of this kind in the world. The festival’s partner country this year is Ireland. vbv.hr

www.crorace.com večeribarokneVaraždinskeArhiva UŽIVAJ U HRVATSKOJ ENJOY CROATIA




Prirodnu raznolikost otoka Ugljana i ove godine možete istražiti sudjelovanjem na ovom festivalu, koji želi naglasiti važnost zdravog i aktivnog načina života. Uz sportska natjecanja organizirane su i razne sportske radionice i zanimljiva predavanja.


You’ll get to explore the natural diversity of the Island of Ugljan by participating in this festival, which aims to raise awareness about the impor tance of living a healthy and active lifestyle. Besi des sports competitions, various sports works hops, and interesting lectures are also organised. zadaroutdoor.com



14. − 16. 10., OMIŠ

Središnje je mjesto događanja grad Omiš. A ovogodišnja utrka povezat će pet planina − Biokovo, Mosor, Omišku Dinaru, Primor sku kosu i Kozjak; tri rijeke − Cetinu, Žrnovnicu i Jadro te poznate povijesne i kulturne lokacije poput Fortice, Kliške tvrđave i antičke



With the town of Omiš as the central venue of the trail, this year’s race is interconnecting five mountains (Biokovo, Mosor, Omiš Di nara Mountain, Primorska Kosa, and Kozjak), three rivers (Cetina, Žrnovnica, and Jadro), and famous historical and cultural sites, such as the Starigrad Fortress called Fortica, the Fortress of Klis, and the ancient town of Salona. dalmacijaultratrail.com

KačanB. MesekM.



21. − 22. 10., MOTOVUN

Ova izložba i degustacija terana okuplja istarske vinare i ljubitelje vina. A u ponudi su i jela od tartufa koja se naj bolje sljubljuju s teranom, autohtonom istarskom vinskom



This Teran-tasting festival brings together Istrian wine makers and wine lovers. Besides this old Istrian variety of wine, truffle dishes are also on offer − because Teran and truffles are a perfect pair. www.istra.hr



23. − 30. 10., ZAGREB

Ovaj međunarodni filmski festival jedna je od najposje ćenijih kulturnih manifestacija koja se održava u kinima Europa i Tuškanac i u MSU-u. Od samog početka programski je usmjeren predstavljanju i promociji debi tantskih filmova i novih autora.


Aiming to present and promote debut films and aut hors, this international film festival is one of the most popular cultural events in Zagreb, which takes place at three locations: Europa Cinema, Tuškanac Cinema, and the Museum of Contemporary Art. www.zagrebfilmfestival.com



DANI ORISA 4. − 5. 11., ZAGREB

Riječ je o međunarodnom arhitektonskom simpoziju koji or ganizira Oris Kuća arhitekture. Ovo dvodnevno događanje održava se u dvorani Lisinski od 2001. godine, a dosad je na simpoziju sudjelovalo više od 300 predavača, vrhunskih stručnjaka iz cijelog svijeta.


Organised by the Oris House of Architecture, and held at the Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall (since 2001), this two-day international architecture symposium is hosting some of the biggest names in architecture. So far over 300 lecturers and experts have participated in the sym posium. www.oris.hr


Na Zagrebačkom velesajmu posjetite ovaj vodeći sajam knjiga, koji je omiljeno mjesto za susret svih generacija ljubitelja knjige. Izlagači predstavljaju najnovija izdanja, a možete sudjelovati i u panel ra spravama poznatih pisaca i zanimljivim radionicama.


This leading book fair held at the Zagreb Fair − where exhibitors present their latest publications, where famous writers partake in panel discussions, and where interesting workshops are held − is a popular meeting place for book lovers of all generations. www.zv.hr/interliber



Harmonija jeseni na Medvednici

Autumn harmony on Mt. Medvednica

Prema istraživanju Europske agencije za okoliš (EEA), Zagreb je zauzeo visoko drugo mjesto po ukupnoj zelenoj infrastrukturi, zelenim urbanim područjima i drveću u konkurenciji od 37 glavnih gradova. Ispred Zagreba je Oslo, a slijede ga Ljubljana, Helsinki, Vilnius i Madrid. Stoga Turistička zajednica grada Zagreba u svim promotivnim kampanjama naglasak stavlja na zeleno i održivo, a posebno ističe i Medvednicu kao omiljeno izletište Zagrepčana i njihovih gostiju, izjavila je direktorica TZGZ-a Martina Bienenfeld.

According to a study by the European Environment Agency, Zagreb took second place in total amount of green infrastructure, urban green spaces, and trees in competition with 37 capital cities. Oslo is ahead of Zagreb, which is then followed by Ljubljana, Helsinki, Vilnius, and Madrid. In line with this, all the promotion campaigns of the Zagreb Tourist Board focus on green spaces and sustainability, and single out Mount Medvednica as a favourite excursion spot for the people of Zagreb and their guests, says Martina Bienenfeld, CEO of the Zagreb Tourist Board.

Postoji li nešto ljepše od jesenske prirode? Svakog rujna, kad se smire ljetne vrućine i svi se po novno vrate u svoje svakodnevne rutine, Zagrepčani i Zagrepčanke upute se na Medvednicu u potrazi za spokojem koji donose šarmantni zvukovi šuškanja lišća. Ležerna šetnja ovdje otkriva čitav spektar jesenskih boja koje se prelijevaju po šumama i spuštaju po uzbrdicama, pozi vajući svakog da istraži bogatu jesensku ponudu gore iznad Zagreba. Medvednica je omiljeno odredište svih planinara koji spremno kreću u pohode do njezina najvišeg vrha, Sljemena. Čak sedamdesetak planinarskih staza vodi do ovog 1030 m visokog vrha, a po pla

nini se prostire i devet kružnih biciklističkih ruta. Suho lišće, lagani povjetarac i blago sunce stvaraju najljepši jesenski ambijent za sve rekreativce! Ovakav fizički napor često uzima dosta energije, no Medvednica uvijek brine o svojim gostima. Okrijepu, odmor i ležerno čavrljanje pružaju brojni planinarski domovi, gdje je svaki osmijeh ispunjen toplom zagrebačkom gostoljubivošću. Naravno, ljubav ide kroz želudac pa se na tanjurima njihovih kuhinja nalazi i raznoli ka gastro ponuda lokalnih specijaliteta. Oni koji se ne osjećaju spremnima na ovakve fizičke pothvate ne moraju brinuti − do vrha ih može dovesti i žičara Slje me, a i dalje će se moći diviti zemljanim


jesenskim tonovima vozeći se po njezinoj pet kilometara dugačkoj liniji. Dovoljno je samo uskočiti u jednu od 84 gondole i uživati u putovanju do Sljemena. No ne kriju se sve ovdašnje prirodne kre acije iznad površine − spilja Veternica i rudnik Zrinski kriju podzemna bogatstva Medvednice. Njihovi dugački hodnici, u kojima se svjetlost poigrava na stijenama apstraktnih oblika, predstavljaju tamnu, no jednako zanimljivu stranu zagrebačke Tajnegore. svih ovih prirodnih ljepota čuvaju se u sklopu Centra za posjetitelje Medved grad. Opuštanje i educiranje, istraživanje i proučavanje − unutar zidina Medvedgra da nalaze se tri interaktivne izložbe koje dijele sve zanimljivosti o Parku prirode. A ima ih zbilja mnogo! Ipak, ove izložbe nisu jedino što možete pronaći u Medvedgradu ove jeseni. Ova će srednjovjekovna utvrda 8. i 9. listo pada ugostiti i festival Srednjovjekovni dani na Medvednici. Tako će ovim starim gradom ponovno prošetati vitezovi, igrat će se srednjovjekovne igre, čut će se zvuk mačeva i zrakom će letjeti strijele. Temperature se smanjuju, boje se mije njaju, a Medvednica poziva na uživanje u jesenskim čarima! 

Is there anything more beautiful than nature in autumn? Every September, when the summer heat subsides and everyone falls back into their daily routine, the people of Zagreb head to Mount Medvednica in

search of tranquillity imparted by the charm ing sounds of rustling leaves. A leisurely walk on Mount Medvednica reveals an entire palette of autumn colours that spill over the forest and down the hills, inviting everyone to explore the rich autumn of the mountain above Zagreb.

Mount Medvednica is a favourite destina tion for all hikers who readily venture to its highest peak, Sljeme. As many as seventy hiking trails lead to this 1,030 m high peak, and there are also nine circular cycling routes on the mountain. Dry leaves, a light breeze, and a mild autumn sun create the most beautiful autumn ambiance for all Thisrecreationists!kindofphysical effort often takes a lot of energy, but Medvednica always takes care of its guests. You’ll come across refreshments, rest, and a casual, friendly chat in one of the many mountain lodges, where every smile radiates a warm hospital ity typical of Zagreb. Of course, the way to one’s heart is through the stomach, so their kitchens serve an extensive menu of local Thosespecialities.ofyou who do not feel ready for such a physical challenge need not worry − the Sljeme Cable Car can also take you to the top, and you’ll still get to admire the earthy autumn shades of the forest by riding its five kilometre long route. All you have to do is hop onto one of the 84 gondolas, and enjoy the ride to Sljeme. However, not all of nature’s creations lie above the surface − the Veternica Cave

and the Zrinski Mine hide the underground riches of the mountain. Their long corridors, in which light plays on rocks of abstract shapes, are the dark yet equally interesting side of Zagreb’s mountain.

The secrets of all these natural attractions are kept inside the Medvedgrad Visitor Centre. Relaxation and education, research and study − the walls of Medvedgrad Fortress host three interactive exhibitions displaying fascinating exhibits and stories about the Nature Park. And there’re really

However,many! these exhibitions are not the only thing you’ll find in Medvedgrad Fortress this autumn. On 8th and 9th October, this me dieval fortress will be hosting the Medieval Days on Mt. Medvednica festival. Knights will once again take over this ancient fortress, and medieval games will be played with swords clanging, and arrows swishing through the air.

As the temperature drops, and colours change, Mount Medvednica invites you to find pleasure in its autumn delights! 

01 Utvrda Medvedgrad Medvedgrad Fortress 02 Žičara Sljeme Sljeme Cable Car 03 Vrh Medvednice, Sljeme Sljeme, the peak of Mount Medvednica
02 03 Tekst/Text _ Turistička zajednica grada Zagreba/ Zagreb Tourist Fotografije/PhotosBoard_J. Duval, Arhiva TZGZ/ ZTB Archives PROMO

Zagreb, digitalnihprivremeniidealandomnomada

Dinamičan, a miran. Poseban, a lako dostupan. Zagreb je metro pola velikog srca, multikulturalan grad koji bogatstvom sadržaja i razvijenom IT industrijom pred stavlja idealnu opciju digitalnim nomadima u potrazi za privreme nim domom u srcu Europe.

Dynamic yet calm, special yet easily accessible, Zagreb is a mul ticultural city with a big heart, and an ideal option for digital nomads looking for a temporary home in the heart of Europe thanks to Zagreb’s wealth of facilities and developed IT industry.

Oni koji putuju svijetom i svako toliko promijene svoju adresu, oni koji su moderni istraživači i avanturisti − digitalni nomadi posluju u potpunosti online i imaju slobodu kretanja bilo gdje po svijetu. U Hrvatskoj će lako doći do potrebne vize za privremeni boravak koja se izdaje na jednu godinu, a njezin će ih glavni grad prigrliti i oduševiti svojom ponudom.

Kako? Krenimo od činjenice da je glavni grad Hrvatske uistinu lako dostupan i dobro povezan. Zrakoplovne linije s cije lim svijetom. Autobusne i željezničke linije s ostatkom Hrvatske i Europe. Mrežom modernih i sigurnih autocesta u Hrvatskoj predivan Jadran, sunce i more dostupni su za samo dva sata vožnje.

Oni koji pak odluče ostati u gradu mogu biti sigurni da im nikad neće biti dosadno. Zagreb je živahan grad bogate ponude: koncerti, ulični festivali, kazališne pred stave, filmske projekcije, umjetničke izlož be i brojna druga događanja iz područja kulture uvijek su otvorene opcije.

Za one koje ispunjava boravak vani i nepre stano kretanje, ovo je grad koji uistinu živi na otvorenome. Svaka je zelena površina idealna lokacija za rekreaciju. Terase zagre bačkih kafića uvijek su pune nasmiješenih ljudi koji upijaju sunčeve zrake, a tržnice i šoping centri omiljena su odredišta za druženje, kupnju i razgledavanje. Zagrep čani su druželjubivi, otvoreni i pristupačni te će svima rado objasniti gdje mogu nešto kupiti, a gdje dobro pojesti i popiti.

Zagreb, an ideal temporary home for digital nomads

Naime, gastronomska ponuda u Zagre bu zbilja je bogata. Restorani, pubovi, slastičarnice, konobe i take-out lokacije − izbora je mnogo, a namirnice su uvijek svježe i prepune okusa. Bilo da je riječ o tradicionalnoj lokalnoj kuhinji koja spaja selo i grad ili pak onima koje su svoj put našle iz zemalja diljem svijeta te vege ku hinji, ove su inovativne kombinacije prave poslastice za sva osjetila.

Postoji toliko opcija za one koji svoj ured mogu postaviti gdje god požele. Možda neki kafić u simpatičnoj uličici centra grada, možda jedan od brojnih co-wor king prostora. Mirne klupice u jednom od brojnih parkova ili one na plažama jezera Bundek i Jarun; ma možda samo dekica uz savski nasip i pogled na zalazak sunca. Čitav je grad prepun rješenja za svačije želje i ukuse.

U svakom zagrebačkom kutku, na svakoj ulici i u svakom kafiću i trgovini jedna je pojava uvijek prisutna: simpatična, nasmijana lica lokalaca. Nadaleko poznat po svojoj gostoljubivosti, Zagreb će sve putnike dočekati širom raširenih ruku i pobrinuti se za to da im ovaj dom zauvi jek ostane u predivnom sjećanju. 

Those who travel the world and change their address every so often, modern explorers and adventur ers − digital nomads − work exclusively online and have the freedom to explore the world. Obtaining a one-year long temporary residence permit for digital nomads is easy in Croatia, and its capital, Zagreb, delighting them with what it has to offer, makes sure they're warmly welcomed. How? Let’s start from the fact that the capi tal of Croatia is easily accessible and well connected. From Zagreb flights are avail able to any destination in the world, buses and trains run to the rest of Croatia and Europe, and Croatia boasts a network of modern and safe motorways, which means that the beautiful Adriatic Sea, the sun and the seaside are only two hours away by car. Those who decide to stay in the city can be certain that they’ll never be bored. Zagreb is a lively city with many things on offer: concerts, street festivals, theatre perfor mances, film screenings, exhibitions, and many other cultural events. For those who enjoy the great outdoors and love being on the move, Zagreb’s a city that truly lives in the open. Any of its green areas are ideal for recreation. Zagreb’s cafe

terraces are always packed with smiling faces soaking up the sun’s rays, while open-air markets and shopping centres are favourite destinations for socialising, win dow-shopping, and shopping. The people of Zagreb are friendly, open and approachable, and will be happy to explain where to shop for what, and where to eat and drink well. More specifically, the offer of food in Zagreb is really great. Restaurants, pubs, cake shops and ice-cream parlours, taverns, and takeaway restaurants − there are plenty of choices, and the ingredients are always fresh, and full of flavour. Regardless of whether it’s traditional local cuisine that fuses the flavours of the countryside and the city, or those that have found their way to Zagreb from different countries around the world to vegetarian and vegan cuisine, the innovative combinations offered in Zagreb are a real treat for all the senses.

There are many options for those who can set up their office wherever they want What about a cafe in a cute alley in the city centre, or perhaps one of Zagreb’s many co-working spaces, or a quiet bench in one of Zagreb’s many parks or those on the shores of lakes Bundek and Jarun? What about spreading a blanket on the Sava River embankment with a view of the sunset?

The entire city offers options that cater to everyone’s wishes and tastes.

In Zagreb's every corner, on every street, and in every cafe and shop, one thing never changes − the locals’ friendly, smiling faces. Widely known for its hospitality, Zagreb welcomes all its guests with open arms making sure that they’ll always remember their home in Zagreb fondly.

01 Vlaška ulica Vlaška Street 02 Strossmayerovo šetalište Strossmayer Promenade 03 Hrvatsko društvo likovnih umjetnika Croatian Association of Fine Artists 04 Park Bele IV The Park of Béla IV Tekst/Text _ Turistička zajednica grada Zagreba/ Zagreb Tourist Fotografije/PhotosBoard_Julien Duval, Arhiva TZGZ/ ZTB Archives
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OSIJEK dan u Osijeku in a single day

Pitate se što vidjeti u Osijeku u jednom danu? Na vašu sre ću, dolazite u grad po mjeri čovjeka u kojem najpoznatije znamenitosti možete obići bez žurbe. Ako ste prvi put u Osijeku, obavezno posjetite Tvrđu, utvrđeni dio grada iz kraja 17. i početka 18. stoljeća gdje ćete vidjeti neke od najznačajnijih primjeraka barokne arhitekture u Hr vatskoj. Glavni trg Tvrđe diči se baroknim kipom, tzv. Kružnim pilom, i zgradom bivše General-komande koji zajedno krase novčanicu od 200 kuna. Posjetite Muzej Slavonije ili Arheološki muzej koji će vam ponosno predstaviti bogatu povijest gra da, okolice, ali i svijeta. Sjednite u jedan od brojnih kafića na Trgu sv. Trojstva i uživajte u zvucima glazbenih instrumenata iz obližnje glazbene škole ili žustrim raspravama srednjoškolaca i studenata na pauzi između nastave. Šetnjom kroz pojas kraljevskih parkova i perivoja doći ćete u Europsku aveniju, ulicu s velebnim i raskošnim privatnim i jav nim palačama. Razgledajte jedinstveni secesijski niz koji se niže njezinom sjevernom stranom i upoznajte kipove sfingi i indijske

polunimfe Sakuntale u istoimenom secesijskom parku. Zaputi te se potom prema središtu grada i posjetite konkatedralu sv. Petra i Pavla i glavni gradski trg Ante Starčevića, na kojem se nalaze značajne palače poput zgrade Županijskog poglavarstva, nekadašnje palače Prandau-Normann. Na samom trgu i u nje govoj blizini nalaze se trgovačke radnje s odjećom, obućom ili zdravom hranom, suvenirnice, mjenjačnica i ostale potrebitosti. Ako tražite trgovačke centre, Osijek ih također nudi nekoliko, u centru i na periferiji grada, s pregršt trgovina za svakog kupca ali i zabavnim sadržajem i aktivnostima. Drugi dio dana započnite šetnjom po Promenadi i prelaskom Pješačkog mosta s kojeg se pruža nezaboravan pogled na grad. Dolaskom na lijevu obalu rijeke možete posjetiti površinom najveći zoološki vrt u Hrvatskoj, a ako ste raspoloženi za rekre aciju, prošećite se poučno pješačkom stazom Tvrđavica. Bez obzira na to zaputili se biciklom ili pješice, svakako iskoristite priliku da se u jednom smjeru provezete kompom, besplatnim ekološkim prijevoznim sredstvom koje za kretanje koristi samo strujanje Drave. U blizini se nalazi i najveća mlin-vodenica u Hr vatskoj koja je otvorena za posjetitelje i nudi jedinstven doživljaj puta kroz vrijeme u doba (sada već zaboravljenih) starih zanata. Zanimljiva prošlost i geografski položaj Osijeka očitava se u tradiciji jela koja su nastajala pod utjecajem različitih kultura. Poželite li počastiti svoje nepce okusima domaćih i starijih re cepata, probajte, primjerice, fiš paprikaš, perkelt od riječne ribe i domaće tjestenine, gulaš od divljači ili specijalitete od crne slavonske svinje, autohtone pasmine križane u okolici Osijeka. Želite li se počastiti suvremenijim i internacionalnijim izričajima, za večeru se možete počastiti prepoznatljivim i pristupačnim burgerima i wrapovima ili jelima azijske kuhinje, a od brze hrane tu je i nadaleko poznata slavonska pizza. Ne propustite sljubiti jelo s čašom vina osječkih vinara koji svoje vrhunske sorte uzgajaju u erdutskim i baranjskim vinogradima. Kako je Osijek grad piva okružen vinogorjima, saznajte i što nudi lokalna craft scena u jednoj od gradskih pivnica. 

Wondering what to see in Osijek in a single day? Luckily for you, Osijek’s a town that caters to all the needs of both its residents and guests, where you’ll get to see all its major sights without rushing.

01 Središte Osijeka i konkatedrala sv. Petra i Pavla Osijek’s city centre and the Co-Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul

01 Ostatak zidina i Vodena vrata Tvrđe

The remains of Osijek’s town walls and the Citadel’s Water Gate

02 Tradicionalno jelo perkelt traditional stew called perkelt park

park of the same name. Then head towards Osijek’s town centre to visit the Co-Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul, and the Square of Ante Starčević, boasting stunning palaces, such as the Prandau-Nor mann Palace which today houses the County Government. On the square itself and in its vicinity, there are clothes shops, shoe shops, organic food shops, souvenir shops, foreign currency exchange offices, and other facilities. If you’re looking for shopping centres, Osijek has several both in town centre and on the outskirts, with many shops catering to all shoppers, and offering fun activities and entertainment facilities.

If this is your first time in Osijek, a visit to the Citadel, a fortification dating from the end of the 17th and the beginning of the 18th cen tury, is an absolute must! This is where you’ll see some of the most valuable Baroque architecture in Croatia. The Citadel’s main square boasts the Baroque Votive Statue of the Holy Trinity, and the Gener al Barracks, an image of which is printed on the HRK 200 banknote. Be sure to also visit the Museum of Slavonia or the Archaeological Museum, which is where the rich history of the town, the region, and the world are proudly showcased. Why not have a drink in one of the many cafes in the Square of the Holy Trinity while enjoying the sounds of musical instruments coming from the nearby music school or the lively discussions of high school pupils and students during breaks.

Once you pass through a belt of royal parks, you’ll reach the Eu ropean Avenue, a street that boasts monumental both private and public palaces. Be sure to explore Osijek’s avenue of Art Nouveau buildings lining up to the north, and meet the statues of the sphinx and the Indian half-nymph Shakuntala mounted in an Art Nouveau

Why not start your afternoon with a walk along the Drava Riverside Promenade, and crossing Osijek’s Suspension Footbridge, from which unforgettable views of the town are offered. Once you cross the Drava and find yourself on the left bank, be sure to visit Croatia’s biggest zoo by area, and if you’re looking to spend some time in the great outdoors, why not take a walk along the Tvrđavica hiking trail. Regardless of whether you go by bike or on foot, be sure to take the opportunity to take at least one single ride on Kompa, a free-ofcharge environmentally friendly means of river transport propelled only by the current of the Drava. You’ll find the largest watermill in Croatia nearby. It’s open to the public, and offers a unique expe rience of travelling through time to the age of (now forgotten) old Osijek’scrafts.

fascinating past and geographical location are reflected in Osijek’s culinary tradition that was influenced by different cultures. Why not treat yourself to a traditional local dish, such as freshwa ter fish stew called fiš paprikash, the Hungarian-style freshwater fish perkelt stew served with homemade pasta, game goulash or any pork speciality starring the Black Slavonian pig, a breed of pig crossbred in the surroundings of Osijek and native to Croatia. If you prefer more contemporary and international culinary interpretations, why not treat yourself to a popular and affordable burger, wrap or an Asian dish. As for fast food, you can always try the widely known Slavonian pizza. Be sure to pair your meal with a glass of wine produced by Osijek’s winemakers who grow their top varieties in the vineyards of the region of Erdut and Baranja. Given that Osijek’s a town of beer surrounded by vineyards, find out what the local craft beer scene has to offer in one of Osijek’s many pubs. 

03 Sakuntala
Shakuntala Park 01 02 03d.o.o.SolutionsĐurkić/HorizontM.TZgradaOsijeka/OsiijekTouristBoardM.Đurkić/HorizontSolutionsd.o.o. PROMO

Discover the best wineries in eastern Croatia

Ako se 220 godina tradicije može smatrati mladošću, reći ćemo da se najmlađa od četiriju velikih vinarija Osječko-baranjske županije smjestila u Feričancima zapadno od Našica. Čuvena po svojim frankovkama, u posljednje vrijeme doživljava dubinski preobražaj, prerastajući u jedan od najinovativnijih vinskih brendova u Hrvatskoj. Među inim, feričanska vinarija tržištu nudi prvo hrvatsko vino s etiketom koja pruža iskustvo proširene stvarnosti (AR). Ipak, bez obzira na stupanje u high tech fazu svojeg razvoja, Feričanci su i dalje vjerni korijenima. Uostalom, i naziv njihova novog krovnog brenda − Enosophia (grč. mudrost vina) − vrlo je blizak onoj staroj da je u vinu istina! Istina je i to da predstavljajući druge dvije velike slavonsko-ba ranjske vinarije ne možemo pobjeći atributu naj naj, ma koliko on možda djelovao izlizano. Kako, primjerice, prešutjeti da se možete podičiti najvećim povijesnim vinskim podrumom u zemlji, ako to ne zna čak ni većina vinskih znalaca? A upravo je takav pola milenija star podrum vinarije Belje, ponosa vinogradarske Baranje, poznate i kao majke vina. Koji kilometar sjeverozapadno, na pitomim obroncima baranjske Planine, Belje vam nudi doživljaj jednog od najsuvremenijih vinskih postrojenja u Hrvatskoj, kao i pogled s fantastičnog vidikovca okupanog morem baranjske vi nogradarske simetrije i složne obitelji graševine, pinota, traminca, chardonnaya, sauvignona i dr. Dalje na istoku, na krajnjem rubu Hrvatske, okupane Dunavom i suncem Panonije, smjestile su se erdutske vinarije, osim po gra ševini, poznate i po svojim chardonnayima, pinotima i tramincu.

Najveća od njih, ona Erdutskih vinograda, iza sebe ima gotovo tri stoljeća tradicije, a pod sobom − najveći plantažni vinograd u Hrvatskoj (490 ha)! A kad je najveći vinograd, ni bačve ne mogu biti manje. Tako se ovdje nalazi i grdosija od 75.000 litara, velika poput jednosobnog stana te službeno jedna od najvećih drvenih vinskih bačava na svijetu!

Ako vam silna vinska kvantiteta kojim slučajem prisjedne, smiraj uvijek možete potražiti u tristotinjak godina staroj đakovačkoj nadbiskupskoj vinariji, nadaleko čuvenoj po duhovnom miru koji pobuđuju njezin misni chardonnay te osobito traminac (uključu jući njegove izborne i ledene berbe). Đakovačka vina dolaze s mikrolokacija Trnava i Mandićevac, gdje nepce može uživati i na još nekoliko duhovnošću nadahnutih vinskih adresa (npr. vinarija Apostol). Kad smo kod manjih, no ne manje vrijednih slavonsko-baranjskih vinarija, ne treba dvaput isticati da svako od naša četiri velika vinogorja krije i prave bisere obiteljskih vinarskih tradicija: vina Katavić u Feričancima/Zoljanu Našičkom; Brzica u Erdutu, Danu bio u Aljmašu i Antunović u Dalju; niz obiteljskih vinara na potezu od Kamenca i Kneževih Vinograda, preko Suze do romantičnih vinskih gatora (podruma) Zmajevca, srca malih vinara Baranje, ali i šire (dovoljno je reći da se ovdje, primjerice, nalaze i resto ran-vinarija Josić, i najdugovječnija slavonsko-baranjska vinarska dinastija, Gerštmajeri). Ako ih ne stignete obići sve, ne brinite. Reprezentacija najboljeg od malih i velikih čeka vas na jednom mjestu − u Regionalnoj vinoteci u srcu osječke Tvrđe. 

Vinski nadbiskupijeĐakovačko-osječkepodrum The wine cellar of the Roman Đakovo-OsijekArchdioceseCatholicof DespotD.
Otkrijte najbolje vinarije istoka Hrvatske

If220 years of tradition can be considered youth, we will say that the youngest of the four large wineries of the Osijek-Baranja County is in Feričanci west of Našice. Famous for its own sort Frankovka, recently experienced a deep transformation, growing into one of the most innovative wine brands in Croatia. Among other things, the Feričanci winery offers the first to the market Croatian wine with a label that provides an augmented reality (AR) experience. Howev er, regardless of joining the high-tech phase of their development, Feričanci are still faithful to their roots. After all, the name of their new one of the umbrella brand - Enosophia (Greek: wisdom of wine) - is very close to the old one that there is truth in wine! It is also true that we cannot escape representing the other two big Slavonian-Baranja wineries attribute the best, no matter how shabby it may seem. How, for example, can you keep quiet about the fact that you can boast of the largest historic wine cellar in the country, if even most wine connoisseurs don’t know about it? And that’s exactly what the half-millennium-old cellar of the Belje winery is, the pride of winegrowing Baranja, also known as mothers of wine. Some kilom eters northwest, on the gentle slopes of the Baranja Mountain, Belje

offers you the experience of one of the most modern wine plants in Croatia, as well as a view from a fantastic vantage point bathed in the sea of Baranja winegrowing symmetry and the harmonious family of Graševina, pinot, traminac, chardonnay, sauvignon, etc.

Further to the east, on the very edge of Croatia, bathed by the Dan ube and the sun of Pannonia, the Erdut wineries are located, apart from Graševina, also known for their Chardonnays, Pinots and Traminac. The largest of them, Erdut vineyards, has almost three centuries of tradition behind it, and under it − the largest plantation vineyard in Croatia (490 ha)! And when it’s the biggest vineyard, there can’t be barrels either less. So here is also a monstrosity of 75,000 liters, as big as a one-room apartment and officially one of the largest wooden wine barrels in the world!

If you happen to have a large quantity of wine, you can always look for it in the 300-year-old archbishop’s winery in Đakovo, famous far and wide for the spiritual peace evoked by its mass chardonnay and especially traminac (including its selective and ice harvesting). The wines of Đakovo come from the micro-locations of Trnava and Mandićevac, where the palate can also be enjoyed at several more spiritually inspired wine addresses (eg Apostol winery).

When it comes to the smaller, but no less valuable wineries in Slavo nia-Baranja, it doesn’t need to be emphasized twice that each of our four large vineyards hides real pearls of family winemaking traditions: Katavić wines in Feričanci/Zoljan Našički; Brzica in Erdut, Danubio in Aljmaš and Antunović in Dalj; a series of family winemakers along the route from Kamenac and Kneževi Vinogradi, via Suza to the romantic ones the wine gators (cellar) of Zmajevac, the heart of the small winemakers of Baranja, but also beyond (suffice it to say that here, for example, the restaurant-winery Josić and the longest-lived Slavoni an-Baranja winemaking dynasty, the Gerštmajers, are located). If you don’t manage to visit them all, don’t worry. A representation of the best of small and large awaits you in one place - in the Regional Wine Shop in the heart of Osijek Tvrđa.  Baranjski gatori traditional wine cellars Tour

02 Erdut 03 Wine&Bike
Erdut MilićN.mediaEfektM.Banić01 02 03 PROMO

MARIJAN KUSTIĆ Nogomet je sport broj jedan u svijetu

Football is the number one sport in the world

U razgovoru s Marijanom Kustićem, predsjedni kom Hrvatskoga nogometnog saveza, zavirili smo u svijet nogometa te saznali kako on vidi ulogu ovoga najpopularnijeg sporta današnjice. Narav no, uz neizbježno pitanje s kakvim ambicijama aktualni viceprvaci svijeta, naši popularni Vatreni, odlaze na svjetsko prvenstvo u Katar.

In an interview with Marijan Kustić, president of the Croatian Football Federation, we took a peek into the world of football, and found out how he sees the role of football, the most popular sport of today. We also asked the unavoidable question of what the ambitions are of the current vice-champions of the world at the upcoming FIFA World Cup in Qatar. That is, what goal have Croatia’s National Football Team nicknamed Vatreni (the Fiery Squad in translation) set themselves for Qatar.

Da je svijet sporta mnogo više od natjecanja i igre, postaje osobito vidljivo na velikim sportskim smotrama poput svjetskih prvenstava i Olimpijskih igara. Za većinu Hrvata nogomet je oduvijek bio sport broj jedan i mnogo više od borbe za neko odličje. Kad igra hrvatska reprezentacija, cijela nacija diše kao jedan, utakmice se ne propuštaju, ulice su puste, a kafići puni jer se na nekom velikom ekranu pomno prati svaki korak Vatrenih uz zdušno zajedničko navijanje. I odjednom svi postaju vatreni navijači, čak i oni koji inače baš i ne prate nogomet. Uoči svjetskog nogometnog prvenstva razgovarali smo s Marijanom Kustićem, predsjednikom Hrvatskoga nogometnog saveza koji nam je otkrio s kakvim očekivanjima hrvatska nogometna reprezentacija odlazi u Katar.

 Cijela Hrvatska s ponosom prati uspjehe hrvatske nogomet ne reprezentacije. Na prošlom SP-u letvica je visoko podignu ta. S kakvim ambicijama odlazimo na svjetsko nogometno prvenstvo ove godine?

− U Rusiji smo doživjeli nešto nezaboravno i neopisivo, najljepši mjesec hrvatskog nogometa, možda i sporta općenito. Naša nas je reprezentacija malo razmazila − u 20 godina dva puta je osvojila medalju na svjetskim prvenstvima, a zamislite, samo su Francuska i Njemačka osvojile više medalja u tom razdoblju. To je nevjerojatan podatak. Time želim naglasiti koliko je teško

postići takav veličanstven rezultat u konkurenciji najboljih svjetskih reprezentacija. Za hrvatski nogomet najvažnije je da se reprezentacija plasira na završne turnire, i to smo učinili plasmanom u Katar. Za zemlju od četiri milijuna ljudi to je uspjeh i to moramo uvijek ponavljati. Međutim, to ne znači da u Katar ne idemo s ambicijom, dapače. Hrvatska je u lipnju u Danskoj i Francuskoj pokazala iznimnu kvalitetu i potencijal te s puno optimizma idemo u Dohu. Imamo odličan spoj iskusnih igrača koji su u karijeri osvojili sve, poput Modrića, Perišića, Kovačića ili Lovrena, i mladih koji su gladni uspjeha, a imaju golemi potencijal, poput Gvardiola. Uz njih je izvrstan stožer kojim sjajno rukovodi izbornik Dalić, tako da imamo reprezentaciju koja može sa svakim u boj. Zato se iznimno radujem Svjetskom prvenstvu te sam uvjeren da će Vatreni ponovno cijeloj naciji dati razloge za veselje.

 Gdje će i kako biti smješteni hrvatski reprezentativci, jeste li zadovoljni uvjetima?

− Svjetsko prvenstvo u Kataru bit će nešto sasvim drugačije od dosadašnjih natjecanja jer sada praktički u jednom gradu imate 32 reprezentacije, sve navijače, osoblje FIFA-e, medije i sve druge osobe povezane s prvenstvom. To ujedno znači da je izbor hotela bio relativno ograničen i mogu sa zadovoljstvom reći kako je savez osigurao reprezentaciji jednu od najboljih mogućih opcija kad je riječ o smještaju i treningu. Bit ćemo smješteni u

01 Izbornik hrvatske nogometne reprezentacije Zlatko Dalić i predsjednik Hrvatskoga nogometnog saveza Marijan Kustić The coach of Croatia’s National Football Team, Zlatko Dalić, and president of the Croatian Football Federation, Marijan Kustić 02 Hrvatska nogometna reprezentacija na čelu s kapetanom Lukom Modrićem Croatia’s National Football Team led by captain Luka Modrić Sopta/HNSD.

hotelu Hilton Doha, jednom od samo nekoliko ponuđenih hotela koji imaju izlaz na more, odnosno nisu u samome gradu, što ekipi ipak osigurava određeni komfor. Pritom nam je bilo vrlo važno što je uz taj hotel vezan odličan trening centar pa ne sumnjam da će reprezentacija imati odlične uvjete za rad.  Koliko je zahtjevno voditi tako značajnu organizaciju kao što je HNS? Koji su vaši najveći izazovi i prioriteti? − Iznimno sam ponosan što imam privilegiju biti na čelu jedne tako međunarodno uspješne organizacije. Naša reprezentacija najpopularniji je sportski kolektiv u zemlji, a naš savez prepoznat kao jedan od ne samo najuspješnijih već i najorganiziranijih srednje velikih saveza u Europi. Strateški brinemo za tri velika područja − za sve naše reprezentacije, za nogometna natjecanja i klubove te za upravljanje savezom, pri čemu mislim na područja od infrastruktura preko marketinga i komunikacija do financija. To je zahtjevan, izazovan, kompleksan i prije svega odgovoran posao, ali olakšava ga činjenica što u savezu imamo dovoljan broj kvalitetnih, predanih i iskusnih djelatnika koji znaju što HNS čini uspješnim. Teško je u jednom kratkom odgovoru sažeti sve ono što smatram važnim, ali od početka djelovanja u savezu stavljam velik naglasak na izgradnju infrastrukture, što je jedino područje u nogometu u kojem Hrvatska zaostaje za drugim zemljama. HNS pritom ne može jedini biti odgovoran za infrastrukturu; to je zadaća i za nacionalnu i lokalnu vlast te za klubove, no svakako pomažemo koliko god možemo. Ogroman iskorak bilo je potpisivanje novog ugovora o TV pravima kojim smo osigurali našem klupskom nogometu 44 milijuna eura u iduće četiri godine − na to sam jako ponosan i vjerujem da je povijesni iskorak za napredak naše lige.

 Svijet nogometa mnogo je više od natjecanja i igre. U čemu vidite pozitivnu ulogu tog sporta kada je riječ o utjecaju na mlade i općenito?

− Nogomet je u svijetu sport broj jedan, a u Hrvatskoj je to još izraženije − u smislu masovnosti nogomet je u Hrvatskoj poput svih ostalih sportova zajedno. Mi kontinuirano imamo približno 100.000 registriranih mladih nogometaša, što je ogromna brojka u zemlji naše veličine, koja nas obvezuje da maksimalno odgovorno pristupimo vođenju tih mladića i djevojaka, pa i dječaka i djevojčica. Pritom ne mislim samo na nogometnu perspektivu nego i njihovu zaštitu od vršnjačkog ili bilo kakvog nasilja, verbalnog ili fizičkoga. Dugoročno, želimo ulogu u društvu još bolje iskoristiti kako bismo kroz nogomet educirali i nogometaše i navijače o izazovima poput rasizma,

ksenofobije i bilo kojeg oblika diskriminacije. Toliko je dobrobiti bavljenja sportom da ih je teško sve nabrojati, ali u kontekstu šireg društva najvažniji je učinak koji bavljenje sportom ima na zdravlje; brojna istraživanja dokazuju kako su čak i ekonomski gledano ti učinci iznimno povoljni za društvo. Drugim riječima, svaki euro koji društvo uloži u sport višestruko se vraća kroz uštede u zdravstvu, da ne govorimo o drugim ekonomskim prednostima. K tomu, sport vas uči timskoj igri, odgovornosti, stvara radne navike, razvija natjecateljski duh, omogućuje vam da putujete puno više nego vršnjaci, a na kraju krajeva donosi puno veselja, emocija i strasti. Zato mi je i danas najdraže biti na nekoj utakmici mlađih uzrasta i vidjeti tu radost koju donosi nogometna lopta.

 Od bivše predsjednice Kolinde Grabar-Kitarović dobili ste odlikovanje Red Danice hrvatske s likom Franje Bučara za izniman uspjeh hrvatske nogometne reprezentacije na prošlom svjetskom prvenstvu. Što vama osobno znači to priznanje? − Svakome od nas tko je bio dio reprezentacije u Rusiji cijelo to prvenstvo ostat će u najljepšem sjećanju. Svjesni smo koliko je taj put do finala značio cijeloj naciji, vidjeli smo to po slavljima na trgovima tijekom prvenstva, kao i na dočecima diljem Hrvatske za našu reprezentaciju. Ponosan sam što je taj izniman uspjeh prepoznala i tadašnja predsjednica Kolinda GrabarKitarović, koja je reprezentaciji dala i podršku na nekoliko utakmica u Rusiji. Siguran sam da je svaki reprezentativac, član stožera i član delegacije iznimno ponosan na to značajno državno odlikovanje, pa tako i ja − miješaju se osjećaji časti, privilegije i zahvalnosti.

 Croatia Airlines i HNS uspješno surađuju već dugi niz godi na. Kako ocjenjujete važnost te suradnje? − Iznimno me raduje što hrvatska reprezentacija leti Croatia Airlinesom. Smatram prirodnim da naš nacionalni avioprijevoznik bude partner naše nacionalne reprezentacije, ali kako obje organizacije djeluju na otvorenom tržištu, morali smo pronaći dobar model suradnje koji odgovara i HNS-u i Croatia Airlinesu. Zahvaljujem rukovodstvu Croatia Airlinesa što prepoznaje vrijednost naše reprezentacije, a mi se, bez ikakve kurtoazije, najugodnije osjećamo u našim avionima, s našim kapetanima i našim posadama. Od onog legendarnog povratka u Zagreb nakon moskovskog finala letimo s Croatijom te sam uvjeren da će tako biti u godinama koje dolaze. 

That the world of sports is much more than just competitions and games becomes particularly obvious at large sporting events, such as world championships and the Olympic Games. For the vast majority of Croatians, football has always been the number one sport, and much more than trying to win a medal at a competition. When Croatia’s National Football Team play, the entire nation unites into one, no match goes unwatched, the streets are emptied out, and the cafes packed because close attention is paid to every step of Croatia’s National Football Team nicknamed Vatreni (the Fiery Squad in translation) on a big TV screen, and their matches are cheered on heartily and collectively. And all of a sudden, everyone becomes a massive fan, even those who don’t regularly follow football. Before they travel to compete in the FIFA World Cup in Qatar, we spoke with Marijan Kustić, president of the Croatian Football Federation, who revealed to us what ambitions Croatia’s National Football Team are going to Qatar with.

02 Sopta/HNSD.

 The whole of Croatia follows the successes of Croatia’s Na tional Football Team with great pride. At the last World Cup, the bar was raised high. What ambitions have we set ourselves for this year’s World Cup in Qatar?

− In Russia, we experienced something unforgettable and indescrib able. It was the most beautiful month of Croatian football, perhaps even of sports in general. Our National Football Team spoiled us a little. In 20 years, Croatia won two World Cup medals, and in the same period, get this, only France and Germany won more medals. That’s incredible data. All I want to underscore with this is just how difficult it is to achieve such a magnificent result when competing against the world’s best national football teams. The most important thing for Croatian football is for the national team to qualify for the FIFA World Cup, which we did. For a country of four million people, this is truly spectacular, and we must always repeat this. However, this doesn’t mean that we have no ambitions for Qatar; quite the contrary. In June, Croatia showed exceptional quality and potential in Denmark and France, and we are travelling to Doha with a lot of optimism. We have a great blend of experienced players who’ve won everything in their careers, such as Modrić, Perišić, Kovačić or Lovren, and young people who’re hungry for success and have enormous potential, such as Gvardiol. They’re supported by excel lent staff brilliantly led by coach Dalić, which means that we have a national team that can compete against anyone. That’s why I’m very much looking forward to the World Cup, and I’m convinced that our Vatreni will once again give the entire nation reasons to rejoice.

 Where will Croatia’s National Football Team players be accommodated? Are you satisfied with the conditions agreed upon?

− The World Cup in Qatar will be completely different from previous competitions because now you’ll practically have 32 national teams, all fans, all FIFA staff, all the media, and all other people connected with the World Cup in one city. This means that our choice of hotel was relatively limited. I can say, with great pleasure, that the Croatian Football Federation provided the national team with one of the best possible options when it comes to accommodation and training. We’ll be staying at the Hilton Doha, one of only few hotels that are on the coastline, that is, one of few that aren’t in the city itself, which will provide the team with a certain level of comfort and conveni ence. At the same time, what is very important to us is that there is an excellent training centre attached to the hotel, so I have no doubt that the national team will have excellent working conditions.

 How challenging is it to lead such an important organisation as the Croatian Football Federation? What are your biggest challenges and priorities?

01 Svečani doček Vatrenih u Zračnoj luci Franjo Tuđman nakon što su na svjetskom nogometnom prvenstvu u Rusiji 2018. osvojili srebrnu medalju Croatia’s National Football Team welcomed festively at the Franjo Tuđman Airport after winning the silver medal at the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia

02 Slavlje na splitskom Poljudu nakon još jedne pobjede Celebrating at Poljud Stadium in Split after another victory

− I’m inordinately proud to have the privilege of being at the helm of such an internationally successful organisation. Our national football team is the most popular sports collective in the country, and our football federation’s recognised not only as one of the most suc cessful, but also as one of the most organised medium-sized feder ations in Europe. Strategically, the federation takes care of three big areas. These are all our national teams, all football competitions and clubs, and management of the federation, which includes football facilities, marketing, communications, and finance. It’s a demanding, challenging, and complex job that entails a lot of responsibilities, all of which is made easier by the fact that the federation employs a sufficient number of high-quality, dedicated, and experienced employees who know what makes the Croatian Football Federation successful. It’s difficult for me to give a short answer that would list all the things I consider important. However, since the beginning of my mandate and activities in the federation, I have put a lot of emphasis on building football facilities, which is the only area in foot ball in which Croatia lags behind other countries. But, the Croatian Football Federation cannot be the only one responsible for football facilities; this is a task for both the national and local authorities, as well as for the clubs, although we help as much as we can. A huge step forward was the signing of a broadcast rights deal, which secured Croatia’s club football 44 million euros over the next four years. I’m very proud of this, and I believe it’s a major step forward for the Croatian Football League.  The world of football is much more than competition and play. Sports are believed and said to play a positive role in the lives of young people and in general. Could you please expand on this idea?

− Football is the number one sport in the world. In Croatia, this is even more pronounced. In terms of the number of people involved in football in Croatia one way or the other, it’s like all the other sports combined. We regularly have some 100,000 registered young football players, which is a huge number for a country of our size. This obliges us to handle the management of these young men and women, and of boys and girls, fully responsibly. Here, I’m not refer ring only to their future in football, but also to the prevention of peeron-peer abuse, and protecting them against such abuse. In the long term, we want to make even better use of our role in society with a view to educating through football both football players and fans about the challenges posed by racism, xenophobia, and all forms of discrimination. Doing sports brings so many benefits that it’s difficult to list them all. But in the context of the society at large, playing sports has a major impact on health; many studies prove that, even

01 LugarovŠ.

from an economic point of view, these effects are extremely favour able for society. In other words, every euro that society invests in sports is returned many times over through savings in the health care system, not to mention other economic advantages. Besides, playing sports teaches you the value of teamwork and responsibility, and develops good work habits, and a healthy competitive spirit. Plus, thanks to playing sports, you get to travel much more than your peers. This ultimately brings a lot of joy, positive emotions, and passion. That’s why, even today, my favourite thing to do is to be at a youth football match to see and experience at first hand the joy that a football can bring.

 From former President of Croatia, Kolinda Grabar Kitarović, you received the Order of the Croatian Morning Star bearing the image of Franjo Bučar for the exceptional success that Cro atia’s National Football Team achieved at the last World Cup. What does this recognition mean to you personally?

− For each and every one of us who was part of Croatia’s nation al team in Russia, that particular World Cup will be etched in our memory. We’re aware of how much our journey to the finals meant to the nation as a whole, we saw it in the way our successes were celebrated on the squares of Croatia, as well as in the way in which our national team was received all across Croatia after the World Cup. I’m proud that this exceptional success was also recognised by the then President of Croatia, Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović, who cheered on our national team at several matches in Russia. I’m sure that each and every member of the national football team, member of staff, and member of the delegation is immensely proud of this significant state award, me included. I feel honoured, privileged, and grateful, all at the same time.

 Croatia Airlines and the Croatian Football Federation have been collaborating successfully for many years. How would you assess the importance of this collaboration?

− I’m very happy that Croatia’s National Football Team is flying Croatia Airlines. I consider it natural for our flag carrier to be a partner to our national football team. But, as both organisations operate on the free market, we had to find a good collaboration model that suits both the Croatian Football Federation and Croatia Airlines. I thank the manage ment of Croatia Airlines for recognising the value of our national team, who feel most comfortable aboard Croatia Airlines aircraft, and flying with Croatia Airlines captains and crews, and I don’t say this just to be polite. We’ve been flying Croatia Airlines since that legendary return flight to Zagreb after the Moscow final, and I’m convinced that our collaboration will continue in the years to come. 

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Godine bogate teniske povijesti i uspjeha

Hrvatski teniski savez ove godine obilježuje 110 godina postojanja, otkako je 13. lipnja 1912. osnovana Sekcija za Lawn Tennis pri Hrvatskom športskom savezu.

On 13th June 1912, the Lawn Tennis Section was set up at the Croa tian Sports Association. That means that the Croatian Tennis Associati on is celebrating its 110th anniversary this year. archivesClubTennisPunčecPunčec/FranjoFranjoklubaTeniskogArhiva


teniski savez ove godine slavi veliki jubilej − čak 110 godina postojanja. Da je tenis uz mačeva nje, klizanje, gimnastiku, skijanje i nogomet jedan od najstarijih organiziranih sportova, dobro je poznato, no čak ni oni koji s više entuzijazma prate bijeli sport možda ne znaju da se u Hrvatskoj tenis igra već goto vo 150 godina te da organizirani ustroj traje više od jednog stoljeća. Točnije, traje od 13. lipnja 1912., kada je na

II. redovnoj Skupštini Hrvatskog športskog saveza osnovana Sekcija za Lawn Tennis, koju je vodio Hinko Würth, veliki entuzijast i ljubitelj svih sportova, ali prije svih tenisa i nogometa. Osnivanje te sekcije bilo je preteča modernog djelovanja sportskog saveza, i po organizacijskim kriterijima i po postavljenim ciljevima, pa se upravo taj datum nalazi u Statutu današnjeg HTS-a, a Hinko Würth u bibliografiji navodi kao prvi predsjednik.

Tenis je krajem 19. stoljeća u cijeloj Europi bio sve popularniji pa iznimka nije bila ni Austro-Ugarska Monarhija, u čijem se sastavu tada nalazila Hrvatska. Ipak, u tom je razdoblju gotovo isključivo bio vezan uz visoke vojne časnike ili bogate građanske obitelji, na čijim su se imanjima gradila igrališta, pa se tenis igrao na domjencima, a rijetko kao oblik rekreacije.

Povijest tenisa u Hrvatskoj ujedno je bogata uspjesima, bez obzira na to pod čijom su zastavom ostvareni. Neki od prvih sjajnih rezultata bili su u Davis Cupu, a po sebno onaj iz 1939., kad je reprezentacija Jugoslavije bila pobjednik Europske zone, a onda je u međuzonskom finalu u Bostonu izgubila od Australije. Tih su godina Franjo Punčec, Josip Palada, Franjo Kukuljević i Dragutin Mitić bili iznimno uspješni. Do osamostaljenja i uspostave Republike Hrvatske posebno velike rezultate ostva rivali su Nikola Pilić i Željko Franulović, a među legendama tog razdoblja nalazi se i ime Bore Jovanovića. HTS kao samostalni savez u neovisnoj Hrvatskoj djeluje od 23. ožujka 1991., a godinu potom postao je punopravni član Međunarodnog teniskog saveza (ITF) i Europskog teniskog udru ženja (ETA). Nakon osamostaljenja 1991. tenis još više postaje jedna od sportskih perjanica. Goran Ivanišević dugo je bio jedna od najvećih svjetskih zvijezda ovog sporta (osvajač Wimbledona 2001. te u još tri navrata finalist), a naslove na Grand Slam turnirima u pojedinačnoj konkurenciji osvajali su još Iva Majoli (French Open u Roland Garrosu) i Marin Čilić (US Open). Izvanredne karijere ostvarili su i Ivan Ljubičić i Mario Ančić, a posljednjih godina u konkurenciji igrača parova u samom su svjetskom vrhu Nikola Mektić, Mate Pavić i Ivan Dodig.

Years packed with great tennis history and successes

Jednako tako, u ekipnoj konkurenciji hr vatski tenis može se pohvaliti osvajanjima Davis Cupa 2005. i 2018. (jedna od rijetkih reprezentacija koja ima više od jedne titule u tom natjecanju) te s još dva nastupa u finalima (2016. i 2021.), a na Olimpijskim igrama hrvatski su tenisači do sada osvojili čak pet medalja: Goran Ivanišević broncu pojedinačno i u paru (s Goranom Prpićem)

u Barceloni, Ivan Ljubičić i Mario Ančić broncu u paru u Ateni, a novi blistav trenu tak bila je potpuna dominacija u konkuren ciji parova u Tokiju: Nikola Mektić i Mate Pavić osvojili su zlato, a Marin Čilić i Ivan Dodig srebro.

A budućnost? Petra Marčinko prošlu je sezonu završila kao najbolja juniorka svijeta, a Mili Poljičak ove je godine osvojio juniorski Wimbledon pojedinačno te Ro land Garros u paru. Uglavnom, čini se da ni nakon prvih 110 godina nema straha za ono što slijedi hrvatskome tenisu! 

TheCroatian Tennis Association is celebrating a great anniversary this year − its 110th anniversary, to be exact. It is a well-known fact that tennis is − besides fencing, skating, gymnastics, skiing, and football − one of the oldest organised

sports in the world. However, even those who follow tennis with great enthusiasm may not be familiar with the fact that, in Croatia, tennis has been played for almost 150 years, and that the organised form of tennis has been played for more than a century. More specifi cally, it was on 13th June 1912 that the Lawn Tennis Section was set up at the 2nd regular Assembly of the Croatian Sports Association. This new section was led by Hinko Würth, a great enthusiast and lover of all sports, but above all of tennis and football. The Lawn Tennis Section and its establishment were the forerunner of the modern-day activities of the Croatian Sports Association, both in terms of organisation and in terms of the goals that were set. This is why this date is listed in the Statute of today’s Croatian Tennis Associ ation, and Hinko Würth in the bibliography as its first president. At the end of the 19th century, tennis was gaining in popularity throughout Europe; the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which included Croatia at the time, was no exception. In that period, however, tennis was almost exclusively associated with high-ranking military officers or wealthy families, on whose estates tennis courts were built. This meant that tennis was played at banquets, and rarely as a form of recreation.

The history of tennis in Croatia abounds with successes, regardless of the flag that they’ve been achieved under. Some of the first great results were Davis Cup results. In 1939, for instance, the Yugoslav national team won the Europe Zone, but then lost to Australia in Boston in the Inter-Zonal play-off. Franjo Punčec, Josip Palada, Franjo Kukuljević, and Dragutin Mitić were hugely successful at the Intime.the years prior to the Republic of Croatia declaring its independence, particularly great results were achieved by Nikola Pilić, and Želj ko Franulović. The name of Boro Jovanović is also amongst the legends of that period. Coinciding with Croatia’s declaration of inde pendence in 1991, it was on 23rd March of the same year that the Croatian Tennis Asso ciation started operating independently, and as little as a year later it became a full member of both the International Tennis Federation (ITF), and the European Tennis Association (ETA). This was also when tennis became one of Croatia’s flagship sports. Goran Ivanišević

01 Teniske legende Franjo Punčec i Josip Palada Tennis legends Franjo Punčec and Josip Palada 02 Osvajači Davis Cupa 2018. u Lilleu u Francuskoj 2018 Davis Cup winners in Lille, France ĆužićM.

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Kao prvi korak prema širenju tenisa u Hrvatskoj najčešće se navodi igranje engleskih vlasnika tvornice tanina u Županji počevši od 1881., ali vrlo je brzo došlo do napretka i u drugim dijelovima, ponajviše u sjeverozapadnoj Hrvatskoj, Slavoniji i Splitu. Osnivanje teniske sekcije u sklopu HŠS-a 1912. bio je veliki organizacijski korak, baš kao i osnivanje Teniskog saveza Jugoslavije u zagrebačkoj Zlatnoj kruni, koje je uslijedilo 27. kolovoza 1922. Sjedište saveza bilo je u Zagrebu, a i cijelo vodstvo Saveza činili su Hrvati, jer ne samo što je u tom razdoblju tenis bio najjači upravo u Hrvatskoj nego je organizacijski segment u drugim dijelovima Kraljevine Jugoslavije bio vrlo slab, osim donekle u Ljubljani i Beogradu.

The spread of tennis in Croatia is most often attributed to the English owners of a tannin factory in Županja, who were first seen playing tennis in 1881, after which it quickly spread to other parts of Croatia; most notably to north-west Croatia, Slavonia, and Split. The establishment of the tennis section within the framework of the Croatian Sports Association in 1912 was a major step in setting tennis up organisationally, as was the establishment of the Yugoslav Tennis Association on 27th August 1922 at the Golden Crown inn in Zagreb. The Yugoslav Tennis Association was headquartered in Zagreb. Moreover, the Association’s entire leadership was made up of Croats because tennis was the strongest in Croatia in that period, and the organisational segment in other parts of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia was very weak, except to some extent in Ljubljana and Belgrade.

Slavlje u zrakoplovu Croatia Airlinesa na povratku s Olimpijskih igara u Tokiju. Osvajači zlatne medalje u konkurenciji parova Nikola Mektić i Mate Pavić te Marin Čilić (u sredini) koji je u paru s Ivanom Dodi gom osvojio srebro

Celebrating on Croatia Airlines’ return flight from the Tokyo Olympic Games. Olympic gold medallists in tennis doubles Nikola Mektić and Mate Pavić, together with Marin Čilić (in the middle) who, playing against the former two, won the Olympic silver with Ivan Dodig

has long been one of the greatest tennis players in the world − he won the Wimble don singles’ title in 2001, was a Wimbledon runner-up on three occasions, and won the Grand Slam Cup. Besides Ivanišević, the Grand Slam singles’ title was also won by Iva Majoli (French Open in Roland Garros), and Marin Čilić (US Open). Extraordinary careers were also built by Ivan Ljubičić, and Mario Ančić, and in recent years, Nikola Mektić, Mate Pavić, and Ivan Dodig have been mak ing a name for themselves in tennis doubles, having already made it to the very top. In tennis doubles, Croatian tennis boasts two Davis Cups (i.e., 2005, and 2018); in fact, we’re one of few national teams that won more than one tennis doubles’ title. Croatian tennis doubles also made it to the Davis Cup finals on two occasions (i.e., in 2016, and 2021). As far as the Olympic Games are con cerned, Croatian tennis players have won as many as five medals so far: Goran Ivanišević a bronze in both singles and doubles (with Goran Prpić) in Barcelona, Ivan Ljubičić and Mario Ančić a bronze in doubles in Athens, and then there’s the historic moment and absolute dominance of Croatians in doubles tennis at the Tokyo Olympics where Croatia’s Nikola Mektić and Mate Pavić won the gold while playing in the final against Croatia’s Marin Čilić and Ivan Dodig who won the silver. What about the future? Petra Marčinko finished last season as the best junior tennis player in the world, while Mili Poljičak won the Wimbledon junior singles’ title and the junior doubles’ tournament at Roland Garros this year. All in all, it seems that, even after the first 110 years of organised tennis in Croatia, the future looks as bright as it always has for Croatian tennis. 


To je Hrvatska Republika Hrvatska smjeπtena je uz istoËnu obalu Jadranskog mora i u njegovu zaleu. Proteæe se od obronaka Alpa na sjeverozapadu do panonske ravnice na istoku. Povrπina je njezina kopna 56.542 Ëetvorna kilometra, a povrπina teritorijalnog mora 31.067 Ëetvornih kilometara. U Hrvat skoj æivi, prema popisu iz 2021. godine, 3,888.529 stanovnika. Duæina je morske obale 5835 km zajedno s otocima, otoËiÊima i grebenima. Otoka, otoËiÊa i grebena ima 1185, a naseljeno je 47 otoka. Sluæbeni jezik jest hrvatski, a pismo latiniËno. NovËana jedinica − kuna. Glavni je grad Zagreb (790.017 stanovnika), koji je ujedno administrativno, kulturno, akademsko i trgovaËko srediπte zemlje. Hrvatska je međunarodno priznata 15. siječnja 1992. godine, a od 1. srpnja 2013. g. Ëlanica je Europske unije.

This is Croatia

The Republic of Croatia lies along the east coast of the Adriatic Sea and its hinterland. It stretches from the slopes of the Alps in the north-west to the Pannonian Plain in the ea st. Its land area is 56,542 km2 and the area of its territorial sea is 31,067 km2. According to the 2021 census, Croatia’s population was 3,888,529. The length of its sea coast is 5835 km, including islands, islets and reefs. There are 1185 islands, islets and reefs, of which 47 islands are inhabited.

The official language is Croatian, and the offi cial script is Latin. The currency is the Kuna. The capital is Zagreb (790,017 inhabitants), which is also the country’s administrative, cultural, academic and economic center.

The Constitution of the Republic of Croatia was adopted on 22 December 1990, and the country received international recogniti on on 15 January 1992. Croatia became an EU member state on 1st July 2013.

Nacionalni parkovi

Hrvatska ima osam nacionalnih parkova, od kojih su Ëetiri u planinskom podruËju (Paklenica, PlitviËka jezera, Risnjak i Sjeverni Velebit), a Ëetiri na obalnom podruËju (Brijuni, Kornati, Krka i Mljet). Njima, kao prostor osobito vrijedne prirodne baπtine,

treba pridodati i podruËja pod strogom zaπtitom prirode, rezervate, spomenike prirode, parkove prirode. Zbog svih njih Hrvatsku mnogi smatraju jednim od najljepπih europskih vrtova.

National parks

Croatia has eight national parks, four of which are located in the mountain region (Paklenica, Plitvice Lakes, Risnjak and Nor thern Velebit), and four in the coastal region (Brijuni, Kornati, Krka and Mljet). Besides these, certain areas under strict nature pro tection ∑ reserves, natural monuments and natural parks ∑ should be mentioned as a natural heritage of special value. They have all contributed to Croatia’s being considered one of the most beautiful gardens of Europe.

Proπlost za sadaπnjost Hrvatska obiluje kulturno povijesnim spomenicima iz svih razdoblja zbog burnih povijesnih zbivanja i prepletanja utjecaja razliËitih kultura. Njezinu obalu karakteriziraju utjecaji mediteranske kulture, mnogi antiËki spomenici, spomenici iz rimskog razdoblja i ranoga srednjeg vijeka, romaniËko sakralna baπtina te niz oËuvanih karakteristiËnih mediteranskih urbanih cjelina. Kontinentalna Hrvatska dio je srednjoeuropskoga kulturnog kruga i istiËe se mnogim prapovijesnim nalazima svjetske vaænosti, starim gradovima, utvrdama i dvorcima kasnoga srednjeg vijeka, kulturnim spomenicima i arhitekturom iz razdoblja baroka.

Tri hrvatske urbane cjeline i dva spomeniËka kompleksa imaju status spomenika svjetske kulturne baπtine, koji dodjeljuje Unesco. To su kasnoantiËka Dioklecijanova palaËa, pregraena tijekom stoljeÊa u srednjovjekovni Split, gradovi Dubrovnik i Trogir te Eufrazijeva bazilika u PoreËu i katedrala sv. Jakova u ©ibeniku. Nacionalni park PlitviËka jezera, najljepπi i najpoznatiji hrvatski nacionalni park, takoer je dio Unescove Svjetske baπtine.

A past for the present Croatia is rich in cultural and historical monu ments from all eras, due to the turbulent events of history and the interlacing of in fluences of different cultures. Its coast is cha

racterized by the influences of Mediterranean culture, numerous ancient remains, monu ments of the Roman era and early Middle Ages, a Romanesque church heritage and a number of distinctive Mediterranean urban entities that have been preserved. Inland Croatia is a part of the Central European cul tural circle and is distinguished by numerous prehistoric findings of world significance, by old towns, fortresses and castles dating from the late Middle Ages, and cultural monuments and architecture from the Baroque era. Three Croatian cities and two monumental com-plexes have the status of monuments of world cultural heritage accorded by UNE SCO. These are the Late Antique Palace of Diocletian, remodeled through the centuries into the medieval city of Split, the cities of Dubrovnik and Trogir, the Basilica of Euphra sius in PoreË and the Cathedral of St. Jacob in The©ibenik.national park of the Plitvice Lakes, Cro atia’s most beautiful and celebrated national park, is also a part of UNESCO’s world heritage.

Hrvatska - turistiËki hit na Sredozemlju Hrvatska je posljednjih godina − ocjenjuju meunarodni turistiËki znalci i statistiËari − hit odrediπte na Sredozemlju. Hrvatska je blizu ne samo zbog svoga geografskog smještaja nego i zbog mreæe zraËnih luka i kvalitetnih usluga nacionalnog avioprijevoznika Croatia Airlinesa te drugih zraËnih prijevoznika. I zbog svoje mreæe autocesta i poluautocesta Hrvatska je bliæa nego ikad. Ako ste pak odabrali odmor na jednome od mnogih hrvatskih otoka, prijevoz trajektom ili hidrogliserom s kopna trajat Êe − i kad su posrijedi oni najudaljeniji − kraÊe od 2 sata.

Croatia - a Mediterranean tourism success

Croatia has been a hit destination in the Mediterranean in the past few years, say statisticians and inter national experts in Croatiatourism.is close not only because of its geographic position, but also because of its network of airports and the top quality services provided by Croatia Airlines, its


national carrier, as well as other airliners. Also, due to its network of highways and semi-motorways, Croatia is closer than ever. If you have decided to spend your vacation on any one of the numerous islands in Croatia, even the most distant ones, it will take less than 2 hours by ferry or hydrofoil from the mainland.

Novac i naËin plaÊanja

Ku na je na ziv novËa ne je di ni ce Re pu blike Hrvat ske. U optje ca ju su novËa ni ce ku na (kn) i kova ni novac ku na i lipa (lp), (100 lipa = 1 ku na). Mo gu Êe je pla Êa nje

kre ditnim kar ti ca ma (Di ners, Vi sa, Ameri can Ex pre ss, Eu ro card i Ma ster card) i eu ro Ëe kovi ma. Novac se moæe po diza ti i na ban ko ma ti ma.

Currency and payment methods

The cur ren cy of the Re pu blic of Cro atia is cal led the Ku na (kn). In circu lati on are ban knotes in Ku na and co ins in Ku na and Li pa (lp) ∑ one hun dred th. Pay ments can be made by cre dit card (Di ners, Vi sa, Ame ri can Ex pre ss, Eu ro card and Ma ster card), as well as eu ro-chec ks. Ca sh can be withdrawn from AT Ms.

Odrediπta Croatia Airlinesa Croatia Airlines destinations stalna / sezonskaregularljetna / seasonal in summer

motorway, fast roads toll station tunnel, bridge other main roads national parks

nature parks international border crossing petrol stations (0-24)

UNESCOfeairportsrryroutesWorld Heritage


Dobili smo nagradu Conventa Hall of Fame 2022

Na sajmu Conventa u Ljubljani 25. kolo voza našoj je kompaniji uručena nagrada Conventa Hall of Fame za 2022. godinu. Ova se nagrada dodjeljuje pojedincima ili organizacijama koji su ostavili vidljiv trag i svojim neprocjenjivim zalaganjem pridonijeli razvoju regionalne kongresne industrije i sajma CroatiaConventa.Airlinesdugogodišnji je partner ovog sajma. Zajedno s organizatorima sajma prolazili smo dobra i manje dobra vremena, u svakom trenutku svjesni zna čaja kongresnog turizma za sve uključene dionike, ali i društvo u cjelini. Razvoj nije moguć bez stalnog usavršavanja, kao ni napredak bez novih dostignuća, a upravo su ovakvi sajmovi mjesta na kojima se zna nje i iskustvo nesebično dijele te dolazi do novih ideja i rješenja. Razdoblje koronakrize na svakog sudionika na tržištu ostavilo je trag. Svjesni činjenice da u kongresnoj industriji stajanja ne smije biti, upravo kao ni u civilnom zrakoplovstvu, podržali smo ovaj vodeći regionalni sajam.

We received the Conventa Hall of Fame award for 2022

At the Conventa fair in Ljubljana, our company was presented with the Conventa Hall of Fame award for 2022 on 25th August. This award is given to individuals or organisations that have left their mark, and contributed to the develop ment of the region’s conference industry and the Conventa fair with their invaluable efforts. Croatia Airlines is Conventa’s long-stand

ing partner. Together with the organisers of Conventa, we’ve had some good times and some not so good times. Yet, we’ve always been aware of the importance of the confer ence industry for all the stakeholders involved, as well as for society at large. Development is not possible without continued improvement, nor is progress without new achievements, and fairs, such as Conventa, are places where knowledge and experience are selflessly shared, and where new ideas and solutions are found. The Covid-19 crisis left its mark on each and every market participant. Aware of the fact that standstills are lethal to the confer ence industry, just like to civil aviation, Croatia Airlines continues to support this leading fair in the region.

Deutsche Bahn postaje intermodalni partner Star Alliancea

Deutsche Bahn (DB) od 1. kolovoza postaje prvi svjetski intermodalni partner

Star Alliancea, globalne zrakoplovne udruge. Time DB i zrakoplovna industrija šalju još jedan snažan signal za ekološki prihvatljivijom evolucijom industrije puto vanja. U okviru nove suradnje putnici DB-a i zrakoplovnih kompanija koje su članice Star Alliancea moći će udobno započeti ili završiti svoje putovanje u ekološki prihvat ljivim vlakovima. Njemačka je prvo tržište, a DB prvi svjetski partner u novoj inicijativi. Star Alliance planira proširiti intermodalna partnerstva u budućnosti.

Deutsche Bahn became Star Alliance’s intermodal partner

Pronađite naše najpovoljnije letove Na našim web stranicama www.croatia airlines.com možete potražiti naš Best prices kalendar i pronaći najpovoljniji let za svoje željeno odredište. Stoga odaberite odredište, usporedite cijene te kupite naj povoljniju aviokartu i uživajte u odmoru.

Find our cheapest www.croatiaairlines.comflights, our company web

site, now features our Best Prices Calendar that finds the cheapest flight to the destination of your choice. To enjoy a holiday, all you have to do is pick your destination, compare prices, and buy the cheapest airline ticket.

On 1st August, Deutsche Bahn (DB) became Star Alliance’s first intermodal partner. With this, DB and the aviation industry have sent another strong signal that an environmentally friendly evolution of the travel industry is taking place. As part of this new intermodal partner ship, the passengers of DB and Star Alliance member airlines will be able to start and/or end their journey comfortably on eco-friendly trains. Germany is the first market, and DB the first partner in this new Star Alliance initiative. Star Alliance plans to expand intermodal partnerships in the future.

Novi putnički salon Star Alliancea u zračnoj luci Rio de Janeiro

Okus Slavonije je u zraku Na svim našim letovima putnicima nudimo besplatan servis hrane i pića koji se razli kuje ovisno o razredu prijevoza, duljini leta te dobu dana. Zahvaljujući suradnji s Turis tičkom zajednicom Osječko-baranjske žu panije i Hrvatskom turističkom zajednicom naši dragi putnici već u zrakoplovima mogu osjetiti dašak Slavonije i uživati u ukusnom slavonskom zalogaju i našem letu.

The flavours of Slavonia in the air

On all our flights, our passengers are served complimentary food and drinks, which differ depending on the class of travel, flight duration, and the time of day. Thanks to our collaboration with the Osijek-Baranja County Tourist Board and the Croatian National Tourist Board, our passengers can now ex perience a part of Slavonia’s culinary culture and tradition in our aircraft, and enjoy both a delicious Slavonian snack and our flight.

Star Alliance proširio je uslugu plaćenog pristupa putničkim salonima, a putnici od kolovoza mogu boraviti i u modernom salonu u zračnoj luci Rio de Janeiro. Osim besplatnog pristupa za Star Allianceove Gold korisnike i putnike u odgovarajućim putničkim razredima aviokompanija u član stvu Star Alliancea, salon će odsad primati i sve ostale putnike Star Alliancea bez obzira na status članstva ili putnički razred. Putnici mogu unaprijed rezervirati i kupiti vauče re za pristup salonu na web stranici Star Alliancea, www.staralliance.com.

New Star Alliance airport lounge at Rio de Janeiro airport

Star Alliance has expanded its paid lounge access service. Starting in August, passengers now have access to Star Alliance’s modern lounge at the Rio de Janeiro airport. Besides complimentary access for Star Alliance Gold Status customers and passengers in eligible


travel classes on Star Alliance member airlines, the lounge will now also welcome all other Star Alliance passengers regardless of membership status or travel class. Passengers can pre-book and purchase lounge access vouchers on Star Alliance’s website, www.staralliance.com

Povećavamo broj linija i letova u zimskom redu letenja U predstojećem zimskom redu letenja (30. 10. 2022. − 25. 3. 2023.) planirani su redoviti međunarodni letovi iz Hrvatske u 13 europskih odredišta, a našim će putnicima biti na raspolaganju ukupno 19 međunarodnih linija. Pritom planiramo obaviti više od 8500 redovi tih letova i ponuditi oko 869.000 sjedala, što je 28 posto više letova i sjedala u odnosu na zimski red letenja 2021./2022. Novost su naši izravni međunarodni letovi Split − Zürich i Pula − Zürich srijedom i Produljujemosubotom.

letenje na našoj redovitoj liniji Rijeka − München utor kom, četvrtkom i nedjeljom te na liniji Zagreb − Dublin četvrtkom i nedjeljom. Letovima na međunarodnoj liniji Osijek − München po nedjeljkom i petkom tijekom cijele godine povezivat ćemo naš istok Hrvatske sa svijetom. Tijekom zimskog razdoblja naši će zrakoplovi izravno povezivati Zračnu luku Zagreb s ukupno 13 međunarod nih odredišta − Amsterdamom, Bečom, Bruxellesom, Dublinom, Frankfurtom, Kopenhagenom, Londonom (Heathrow), Münchenom, Parizom, Rimom (via Split), Sarajevom, Skopljem i Zürichom. Iz Zračne luke Split planirani su letovi u četiri međunarodna odredišta, odnosno našim su putnicima na raspolaganju svakodnevni letovi za München, Frankfurt, Rim i Zürich. Povećanjem broja naših linija i le tova i tijekom predstojećih zimskih mjeseci planiramo pružiti snažan doprinos razvoju hrvatskoga turističkog proizvoda te unapređenju prometne infrastrukture Republike Hrvatske.

Number of routes and flights in 2022/2023 winter timetable increases

In the upcoming winter timetable (30th October 2022 − 25th March 2023), from Croatia scheduled international flights to 13 European des tinations are planned, and a total of 19 international routes will be made available to our passengers. More specifically, we’re planning to operate more than 8,500 scheduled flights, and offer approximately 869,000 seats, which is a 28 percent increase in the number of flights and seats offered this winter compared to the number of flights and seats offered in the 2021/2022 winter timetable. We’ve also introduced direct interna tional flights on Wednesdays and Saturdays between Split and Zurich, and between Pula and Zurich.

We are continuing to operate scheduled international flights on Tues days, Thursdays, and Sundays between Rijeka and Munich, and on Thursdays, and Sundays between Zagreb and Dublin even in the winter timetable. Also, we will be connecting the east of Croatia with the world throughout the entire year by flying on the international Osijek-Munich route on Mondays and Fridays. During the winter season, we will be connecting Zagreb Airport directly with a total of 13 international des tinations − Amsterdam, Vienna, Brussels, Dublin, Frankfurt, Copen hagen, London (Heathrow), Munich, Paris, Rome (via Split), Sarajevo, Skopje, and Zurich. From Split Airport, daily flights to four international destinations are planned; more specifically, to Munich, Frankfurt, Rome, and Zurich. By increasing the number of routes and flights during the coming winter months, we’re looking to contribute to the development of Croatia’s tourism product, and the transport infrastructure of the Republic of Croatia.

croatiaairlines.com HrvatskaPuna okusa CroatiaFull of flavours Slavonski zalogaj na letu Slavonian snack on board

Okusi Slavonije i Baranje u zrakoplovunašem

The flavours of Slavonia and Baranja in our aircraft

Hrvatska, puna okusa − Slavonski zalogaj

Ako s vašeg sjedala u našem zrakoplovu s visine promatrate raznovrsnosti naji stočnije hrvatske regije, Slavonije i Bara nje, vidjet ćete zemlju okupanu moćnim rijekama i netaknutim šumama, prošaranu žitnim poljima i prostranim pašnjacima te urešenu osunčanim vinogradima. Letjeti − vjekovna čovjekova težnja. Jesti − svakodnevna potreba. Zamislite zemlju u kojoj tradicionalne recepture korijenje vuku pola milenija u prošlost, kao što je to slučaj sa slavonsko-ba ranjskim kulenom, vrhunskom suhome snatom delicijom. Istražite zemlju čiji su hedonistički duh satkali mnogobrojni narodi, ugrađujući u njezinu gastronomi ju najbolje od svojih kulinarskih znanja, umijeća i naslijeđa. Baš su takve, primje rice, slavonsko-baranjske slastice i jela od tijesta, spravljene prema receptima njemačkih doseljenica iz 18. stoljeća, a na način kako su to činile južnopanonske Šokice. Kad pak s visine ugledate otoke zelenila uz pitoma, uspavana sela, znajte da ste u slavonskom vrtu i voćnjaku, mitskoj bašči. Regija poznata po mesnim specijalitetima zapravo je podjednako dugovječna i u tradiciji uzgoja vrhunskog voća i povrća te njegovoj preradi u uma ke, zimnice, džemove i, naravno, rakije, koje će vas lansirati u neko drugo vrijeme i drugu osjetilnu dimenziju. Najistočnija hrvatska regija poznata je i kao regija vina. Slavonsko-baranjske povijesne vina rije spadaju među najstarije i najreprezen tativnije u ovom dijelu Europe. Zato, ime Baranja, prema legendi doslovno znači vinska majka. Ovdje možete pronaći naj veći povijesni vinski podrum u Hrvatskoj, kao i najveći vinograd u zemlji. Paleta ovdašnjih vina šarolika je, prikladna za


sljubljivanje s raznovrsnim specijalitetima od mesa, ribe, tijesta i biljaka. Valja odvojiti vrijeme za istraživanje tih prelijepih krajolika koje ste možda već doživjeli iz aviona. Posjetite Slavoniju i Baranju, prošećite tim krajevima i uvjerite se da je gurmanski doživljaj ondje uistinu savršen. 

Croatia, Full of Flavours − Slavonian snack

If from your seat in our aircraft you no tice from a bird’s-eye view the diversity of landscapes of the easter nmost region of Croatia − Slavonia and Baranja − you’ll see a land streaked with mighty rivers and pristine forests, dotted with wheat fields and spacious pastures, and adorned with sunkissed vineyards.

Flying − an age-old human aspiration. Eating − a daily need. Picture a country whose traditional recipes go back half a millennium, as is the case with Slavonian kulen salami, a superb cured meat delicacy. Explore the country whose hedonistic spirit has been woven by many different nations, incorporating the very best of their individual and unique culinary knowledge, skills, and heritage into its culinary culture. Such are, for example, the desserts, and doughbased and pastry dishes of Slavonia and Baranja. These dishes are made by following the recipes of German immigrants from the 18th century, but in the way in which they’ve been prepared by the housewives of Šokci, a South Pannonian ethnic group of

Croatians that settled in Slavonia. You’ll also see islands of greenery next to tame, sleepy villages. These are Slavonia’s mythical gar dens called bašča, and orchards. The region known for its meat specialities boasts an equally long tradition of growing top-qual ity fruits and vegetables, and processing them into sauces, preserves, jams and, of course, brandies, which will launch you into another time and another sensory dimen sion. Croatia’s easternmost region is also famous for its wines. The historic wineries of Slavonia and Baranja are amongst the oldest and most stunning in this part of Europe. This is why, according to local lore, the name Baranja literally means mother of wine. It’s here that you can visit the biggest and oldest wine cellar, as well as the biggest vineyard in Croatia. Baranja boasts many different varieties of local wine, all of which are perfectly paired with Baranja’s many meat-, fish-, dough-, pastry-, and vegeta ble-based specialities.

Be sure to take time to explore Slavonia and Baranja’s beautiful landscapes which you may have already noticed from our aircraft. Visit Slavonia and Baranja, and take a walk in the region. The region’s gourmet experience is truly perfect. Try it and see for yourself. 


Djelić gastronomije Slavonije i Baranje možete doživjeti i u našim zrakoplo vima. U sklopu promotivnog projekta Hrvatska puna okusa (Croatia Full of Flavour), Croatia Airlines, Hrvat ska turistička zajednica te Turistička zajednica Osječko-baranjske županije osmislili su kako do kraja studenoga na našim letovima možete uživati u okusima najistočnije hrvatske regije. U poslovnom razredu nudimo veliki snack box - kulen, namaz od čvaraka, šape, kiseliš i krekere s kukuruznim brašnom i crvenom paprikom, a mali snack box sadrži kulen, krekere s kukuruznim brašnom i crvenom paprikom i slavonske šape. Putnici ekonomskog razreda mogu prikratiti vrijeme putovanja grickajući krekere s kukuruznim brašnom i crvenom paprikom.

You can experience a part of Slavonia and Baranja’s culinary culture in our aircraft. As part of the Croatia, Full of Flavours promotional project, Croatia Airlines, the Croatian National Tourist Board, and the Osijek-Baranja County Tourist Board have joined forces to promote the flavours of Croatia’s ea sternmost region on our flights until the end of November. In business class, we serve a large snack box which includes Slavonian kulen salami, pork graves spread, pickled vegetables, crackers with corn flour and red pepper, and Sla vonian paw-shaped walnut cake called šape, while in our small snack box we serve Slavonian kulen salami, crackers with corn flour and red pepper, and Sla vonian paw-shaped walnut cake called šape. Economy class passengers will pass the time snacking on crackers with corn flour and red pepper.

01 Veliki slavonski snack box − slavonski kulen, namaz od čvaraka, kiseliš, krekeri s kukuruznim brašnom i crvenom paprikom, slavonske šape Big Slavonian snack box − Slavonian kulen, pork graves spread, pickled vegetables, crackers with corn flour and red pepper, walnut cake

02 Mali slavonski snack box − slavonski kulen, krekeri s kukuruznim brašnom i crvenom paprikom, slavonske šape

Small Slavonian snack box − Slavonian kulen, crackers with corn flour and red pepper, walnut cake

Slavonski kulen Slavonski kulen zaštitni je znak Slavonije i Baranje i izvoran hrvatski proizvod. Ovaj spoj najkvalitetnijeg svinjskog mesa i biranih začina u Hrvatskoj se proizvodi stoljećima

Slavonian kulen Kulen is a trademark of Slavonia and Baranja and an original Croatian product. This blend of the finest pork meat and carefully selected spices has been produced in Croatia for centuries


ravnice idealan su prostor za sadnju žitarica. Slavonsku pšenicu i kukuruz zamijesili smo u ukusne krekere, čiji će vam okus dugo ostati u pamćenju


continental plains are ideal for growing cereals. We took Slavonian wheat and corn and blended them in tasty crackers with a memorable flavour

CROATIA AIRLINES 3/2022 129 HeadOnEast Croatia Vinograd, omiljeni grad. Vineyard, dearest yard. facebook instagram website @visitslavoniabaranja @visit.slavonija.baranja visitslavoniabaranja.com

Visa Gold Croatia Airlines kartica

-5 kuna = 1 nagradna milja − za svakih 5 kuna potrošenih preko ove kartice, bilježi se 1 nagradna milja

-2000 milja dobrodošlice na Miles & More računu za nove korisnike 1000 milja dobrodošlice za dodatnog člana -Putno osiguranje

Milje ne zastarijevaju

-Dvostruke nagradne milje − za plaćanje u poslovnicama Croatia Airlinesa i PBZ Card Travela

Diners Club Croatia Airlines kreditna kartica

-5 kuna = 1 nagradna milja − za svakih 5 kuna potrošenih preko ove kartice, bilježi se 1 nagradna milja -Prikupljajte nagradne milje svuda − jednostavno plaćajte svojom Diners Club karticom na bilo kojemu od 12,000.000 DC prodajnih mjesta u zemlji i inozemstvu. -2 kartice − 1 račun Miles & More koristite li se istodobno privatnom i poslovnom karticom Diners Cluba i Cro atia Airlinesa, prikupljene nagradne milje zbrajaju se na istom računu Miles & More.

VISA Croatia Airlines kreditna kartica Croatia Airlines i Erste Card Club nude i VISA Croatia Airlines samostalnu karticu, poslovnu i privatnu. Potrošnja od 16 kuna uHrvatskoj na samostalnim karticama donosi 1 nagradnu Miles & More milju, a za potrošenih 8 kuna u inozemstvu dobi va se preko kartica u paketu 1 nagradna Miles & More milja

Više informacija možete pronaći na: www.milesandmore.com

Visa Gold Croatia Airlines card

-5 HRK = 1 award mile − for every 5 HRK spent via this card, you collect 1 mile

2000 welcome miles on Miles & More account for new basic and 1000 welcome miles for new additional card users

Travel insurance

Miles do not expire

-Earn double award miles − using the card to pay at Croatia Airlines and PBZ Card Travel

Diners Club Croatia Airlines credit card

5 HRK = 1 award mile − for every 5 HRK spent via this card, you collect 1 mile

Collect award miles everywhere − simply pay with your Diners Club Card in any of 12 million DC offices in Croatia or abroad

2 credit cards − 1 Miles & More mem bership account − use your private and business card to collect award miles on the same membership account

VISA Croatia Airlines credit card Croatia Airlines and Erste Card Club offer a VISA Croatia Airlines standalone credit card, both business and private. You will get 1 Miles & More award mile for every 16 HRK spent via standalone credit card whereas for every 8 HRK spent abroad via companion credit cards 1 Miles & More award mile will be credited to your Placcounteasefind

detailed info at: www.milesandmore.com




DopuštenaPRTLJAGAručnaprtljaga za putnike ekonomskog razreda je 1 komad, a za putnike poslovnog razreda 2 komada (težine do 8 kg i zbroja dimenzija do 115 Većecm)komade ručne prtljage spremite u pretince, a manje stavite ispod sjedala ispred vas, osim u redovima kod izlaza za slučaj opasnosti. Dodatno, svaki putnik može ponijeti u -kabinu:1komad

osobne prtljage najveće dopuštene veličine 40x30x10 cm

- putuje li s djetetom do 2 g. 1 dječja kolica ili autosjedalicu ili nosiljku te hranu za bebe

- bolesne i invalidne osobe mogu ponijeti ortopedska pomagala ili protetske naprave


The hand baggage allowance for economy class passengers is 1 piece and for business class passengers 2 pieces (weighing up to 8 kg, whose total sum of dimensions does not exceed 115 cm).

Your hand baggage must be stowed in overhead compartments. All smaller bags must be placed under the seat in front of you, except in emergency exit rows. Each passenger may additionally take into the passenger cabin the following: - 1 personal item whose maximum size does not exceed 40x30x10 cm (16x12x4 in);

- each passenger travelling with a child under 2 years of age is also allowed to take aboard 1 infant's carrying basket or a fully collapsible stroller/pushchair or a car seat and baby food;

- disabled passengers may also take 1 pair of crutches and/or braces or any other prosthetic device.


U zrakoplov se smiju unositi:

- tekućine kupljene u duty free prodavaonicama ili u zrakoplovu, pod uvjetom da su spremljene u prozirne plastične vrećice, zapečaćene prilikom kupnje (STEB) i ne smiju se otvarati do krajnjeg -odredištatekućine pakirane u pojedinačnim pakiranjima do 100 ml ili 100 g u prozirnoj plastičnoj vrećici sa zatvaračem do 1 litre

- tekućine koje se tijekom leta koriste u medicinske svrhe ili zbog posebnih prehrambenih potreba (dječja hrana). Ostale tekućine mogu se prevoziti u predanoj prtljazi.



The following can be taken aboard our aircraft:

- liquids purchased in airside duty free shops past the airport security check, provided they are stored in transparent plastic bags, sealed when purchased (STEB) and remain unopened until your final destination;

- liquids packed in individual packaging up to 100 ml or 100 gr and stored in a transparent plastic bag with a zipper (up to maximally 1 litre);

- liquids that are to be used during flights for medical purposes or for special nutritional needs (baby food). Other liquids can be transported in your checked baggage.

30 cm 40 cm 10 cm 20 cm 55 cm 40 cm 20 cm 20 cm 100ml100ml 8kg
Please place this bag under the seat in front of you. Not for exit rows.

Dopuštene elektr


- digitalni audio / MP3 uređaji

- elektroničke igre

- e-čitači

- prijenosna / notebook računala


The carrying of hazardous items and materials in either your hand baggage or checked baggage is prohibited by law.



U kabini se istodobno mogu prevoziti samo dvije životinje - dva psa ili dvije mačke. Prijevoz psa i mačke na istome letu nije dozvoljen. Životinje mogu putovati isključivo u torbi za nošenje i prijevoz kućnih ljubimaca, a tijekom cijeloga leta moraju biti u torbi ispod prednjeg sjedala. Životinje koje se zbog veličine ne mogu prevoziti u putničkoj kabini prevoze se u prtljažniku zrakoplova. Putnik je dužan pribaviti potrebnu dokumentaciju. Prijevoz životinja treba unaprijed rezervirati i dodatno se plaća u

U kabini se istodobno mogu prevoziti samo dvije životinje - dva psa ili dvije mačke. Prijevoz psa i mačke na istome letu nije dozvoljen. Životinje mogu putovati isključivo u torbi za nošenje i prijevoz kućnih ljubimaca, a tijekom cijeloga leta moraju biti u torbi ispod prednjeg sjedala. Životinje koje se zbog veličine ne mogu prevoziti u putničkoj kabini prevoze se u prtljažniku zrakoplova. Putnik je dužan pribaviti potrebnu dokumentaciju. Prijevoz životinja treba unaprijed rezervirati i dodatno se plaća u poslovnicama.


On the same flight, only two animals can be transported at the same time either two dogs or two cats. The transportation of dogs and cats on the same flight is not permitted. A passenger can carry only one pet bag to be held under the seat in front of the passenger throughout the entire flight. Animals that cannot be transported in the passenger cabin due to their size are transported in the aircraft hold if they meet certain conditions. Passengers are required to obtain all the necessary documentation. Animal transportation must be booked in advance at an additional charge to be paid in any branch office.

On the same flight, only two animals can be transported at the same time either two dogs or two cats. The transportation of dogs and cats on the same flight is not permitted. A passenger can carry only one pet bag to be held under the seat in front of the passenger throughout the entire flight. Animals that cannot be transported in the passenger cabin due to their size are transported in the aircraft hold if they meet certain conditions. Passengers are required to obtain all the necessary documentation. Animal transportation must be booked in advance at an additional charge to be paid in any branch office.

- prijenosni DVD / CD uređaji

oničke naprave:




uređaja dopuštena je isključivo u zrakoplovnom radu, a teže i veće uređaje potrebno je pospremiti dok je upaljen znak obaveznoga vezanja.


- Bluetooth uređaji

- kamere

- mobilni / pametni telefoni - tablet računala

- medicinski uređaji

- slušalice za suzbijanje buke- digitalni audio / MP3 uređaji

These are explosives, flammable liquids and solids, radioactive materials, infectious substances and poisons, weapons, compressed gases, corrosive and oxidising agents, etc.

- električni brijaći aparati

Zabranjene elektroničke naprave:

- elektroničke igre - e-čitači

- prijenosna / notebook računala- prijenosni DVD / CD uređaji - Bluetooth uređaji - kamere

- samobalansirajući uređaji koji sadrže litijeve baterije nisu dozvoljeni u ručnoj i predanoj prtljazi

- medicinski uređaji


- električni brijaći aparati Zabranjene elektroničke naprave: - elektronički uređaji za simuliranje pušenja

The use of electronic devices is allowed only in airplane mode. Heavy and large devices must be stored away while the seat belt sign is on.

- samobalansirajući uređaji koji sadrže litijeve baterije nisu dozvoljeni u ručnoj i predanoj




electronic devices is allowed only in airplane mode. Heavy and large devices must be stored away while the seat belt sign is on.

Electronic devices allowed aboard our aircraft:

- mobile/smart telephones - tablet computers- noise-cancelling headphones - digital audio/MP3 players

Electronic devices allowed aboard our aircraft: - mobile/smart telephones - tablet computers - noise-cancelling headphones - digital audio/MP3 players - electronic games - e-book readers - laptop/notebook computers - portable DVD/CD players - Bluetooth devices - cameras - medical devices - electric shavers

- electronic games

- e-book readers- laptop/notebook computers - portable DVD/CD players

Electronic devices not allowed aboard our aircraft:

- Bluetooth devices - cameras - medical devices - electric shavers

- self-balancing devices that run on lithium batteries are not allowed in either your hand baggage or checked

Electronic devices not allowed aboardour aircraft:

- electric smoking simulation devices - self-balancing devices that run on lithium batteries are not allowed in either your hand baggage or checked baggage


Zakonom je zabranjeno nošenje opasnoga materijala u ručnoj i predanoj prtljazi. To su eksplozivi, lako zapaljive tekućine i čvrste tvari, radioaktivni materijali, infektivne tvari i otrovi, oružje, stlačeni plinovi, korozivna i oksidirajuća sredstva



- Molimo da u svakom trenutku slijedite upute posade. Ako se putnik u zrakoplovu ponaša tako da ugrožava zrakoplov ili bilo koju osobu ili imovinu u zrakoplovu, zadržavamo pravo stavljanja putnika na crnu listu.

- Molimo putnike da obrate pozornost na sigurnosnu demonstraciju. Možda ne letite prvi put, ali svaki zrakoplov je drugačiji i bitno je upoznati se s njim.

- U zrakoplovu nije dopuštena konzumacija vlastitog alkohola.

- Pušenje je zabranjeno tijekom cijeloga leta, uključujući e-cigarete.

The carrying of hazardous items and materials in either your hand baggage or checked baggage is prohibited by law. These are explosives, flammable liquids and solids, radioactive materials, infectious substances and poisons, weapons, compressed gases, corrosive and oxidising agents, etc.

-Molimo da ne fotografirate posadu i putnike. Fotografiranje i snimanje u zrakoplovu moguće je jedino uz dopuštenje posade.

- Preporučujemo da budete vezani tijekom cijeloga leta.


- U slučaju evakuacije ostavite svu prtljagu u zrakoplovu.


- We kindly ask you to follow the instructions of crew at all times. If a passenger's conduct endangers the aircraft or any person or property on board we reserve the right to put such passengers on our internal blacklist.

Svi su obroci i pića u našim zrakoplovima besplatni, a usluga ovisi o razredu prijevoza, duljini leta i dobu dana. Nudimo vam mogućnost kupnje na letu u našem Sky shopu. Za posebne prigode postoji mogućnost kupnje torte i pjenušca koje poslužujemo na letu. Dopuštena je konzumacija samo onih alkoholnih pića koja su poslužena u zrakoplovu.

- Please pay attention to our safety demonstration. You may have seen it before but each aircraft is different and it is important to familiarize yourself with the aircraft you are currently on.


- Consuming your own alcohol on board our aircraft is not allowed.

- Smoking is prohibited throughout the flight. This includes the use of e-cigarettes.

Dopuštene elektroničke naprave:

- mobilni / pametni telefoni

- tablet računala

- slušalice za suzbijanje buke

uređaja dopuštena je isključivo u zrakoplovnom radu, a teže i veće uređaje potrebno je pospremiti dok je upaljen znak obaveznoga vezanja.

ZABRANJENI PREDMETI Zakonom je zabranjeno nošenje opasnoga materijala u ručnoj i predanoj prtljazi. To su eksplozivi, lako zapaljive tekućine i čvrste tvari, radioaktivni materijali, infektivne tvari i otrovi, oružje, stlačeni plinovi, korozivna i oksidirajuća sredstva itd.

- Please refrain from taking photographs of other passengers and crew. Taking photographs and filming on board may be exceptionally granted by the crew.

- Whenever seated, we recommend keeping your seat belt on.

- In case of an evacuation leave all the luggage behind.

All meals and drinks aboard our aircraft are free of charge, and the service offered depends on the travel class, the length of flight and the part of day of the flight. During your flight, you can shop in our Sky Shop. For special occasions, a cake and sparkling wine can be purchased to be served during the flight. The consumption of only those alcoholic beverages that are served aboard our aircraft is allowed.

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Održivi razvoj u Croatia Airlinesu

Sustainable development at Croatia Airlines

UCroatia Airlinesu održivi razvoj znači aktivno praćenje rastućih obveza kompanije, praćenje trendova, usklađi vanje sa željama kompanije i korisnika te stvaranje tehničko-tehnoloških uvjeta za njihovu primjenu. Interakcija dionika sva kako je dio toga. Veću je važnost održivi razvoj dobio i prije pristupanja Hrvatske Europskoj uniji potrebom uspostave sustava mjerenja emisija CO2, što je uči njeno 2010. godine. Ulaskom Republike Hrvatske u EU 2013. godine u dnevnom životu kompanije ništa se nije značajno promijenilo, što upućuje na pripremljenost Dokompanije.sljedeće veće nadogradnje sustava došlo je 2016. uvođenjem međunarodnih normi ISO14001/50001 za upravljanje zaštitom okoliša i energetskom učinkovi Tijekomtošću. godina fokus se sve više usmje rava na smanjivanje emisija CO2, no ne smijemo zaboraviti ni važne svakodnevne aktivnosti poput zbrinjavanja otpada. U tehničkoj bazi Croatia Airlinesa svakod nevno se odvijaju aktivnosti na održava nju zrakoplova pri čemu nastaje neopa san i opasan otpad, a gotovo je svaki djelatnik praktično uključen u održivi razvoj. Osim pažnje koja se posvećuje racionalnoj uporabi materijala poput boja, ulja, kompozita i sličnoga, otpadni mate rijali pažljivo se razdvajaju i zbrinjavaju pri čemu se dokumentacijski prate od ulaza u proces do odgovornog zbrinjavanja kao konačnog izlaza iz procesa. Time se osigurava čist, a ujedno i siguran okoliš za djelatnike i za lokalnu zajednicu. Kako dalje? Croatia Airlines kao dionik velikih promjena u zračnom prometu teži nultoj stopi emisije CO2, a cilj je da se ostvari do 2050. godine. U svakod nevnom poslovanju očekuje isključivo održive materijale, energetski učinkovitije zrakoplove, uporabu održivih zrakoplov nih goriva (tzv. SAF, Sustainable Aviation Fuel), a time i čišći zrak, tlo i vode. 


implementing and achieving the company’s sustainable development goals includes actively moni toring the company’s growing commitments, following trends, harmonising user needs with those of the company, and creating the necessary technical and technologi cal conditions for their implementation and achievement. Stakeholder interaction is certainly part of it.

The issue of sustainable development gath ered momentum even before Croatia joined the European Union. This was prompted by the need to set up a CO2 emissions meas urement system, which was set up back in


the Republic of Croatia joined the EU in 2013, nothing of significance in the com pany’s daily life has changed, which indi cates that the company was well prepared.

The next major upgrade of the company took place in 2016 with the introduction of ISO 14001, an international standard speci fying the requirements for an environmental management system, and ISO 50001, an international standard specifying the requirements for establishing, implement

ing, maintaining, and improving an energy management system.

Over the years, the company’s focus has increasingly shifted to the reduction of CO2 emissions, although we must not lose sight of important daily activities, such as waste disposal and management. At Croatia Airlines’ technical centre, aircraft mainte nance activities take place every day, which generate both non-hazardous and hazard ous waste. This means that almost every employee is practically involved in imple menting and achieving the company’s sus tainable development goals. Besides making sure that materials, such as paints, oils, composites and the like, are used rationally, all waste materials are carefully separated and disposed of; more specifically, all waste materials are documented from the point at which they enter the company to the point at which they’re disposed of responsibly and leave the company. This ensures a clean and safe environment for both employees and the local community.

What’s next? As a stakeholder in major changes in air traffic, Croatia Airlines is com mitted to achieving net zero CO2 emissions by 2050. In its daily operations, the com pany expects to use exclusively sustainable materials, more fuel-efficient aircraft, and sustainable aviation fuel or SAF, all of which should contribute to cleaner air, soil, and water.

 LugarovŠ.

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Mobile app for an easier way to travel!

Preuzmite našu mobilnu aplikaciju i imat ćete sve što vam je potrebno prije i za vrijeme leta nadohvat ruke: kupnja aviokarata, red letenja, status leta, check-in, ponude i još mnogo Aplikacijatoga... je dostupna na hrvatskom, engleskom, njemačkom i francuskom jeziku.

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AMSTERDAM (AMS) Schiphol Amsterdam Airport terminal 3

ATHENS (ATH) Athens International Airport main terminal BRUSSELS (BRU) Brussels Airport Zaventem terminal B PARIS (CDG) Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport terminal 2D COPENHAGEN (CPH) Copenhagen Airport terminal 2

DUBLIN(DUB ) Dublin Airport terminal 1

DUSSELDORF (DUS) Düsseldorf Airport terminal A ROME (FCO) Leonardo da Vinci - Fiumicino Airport terminal 3 FRANKFURT (FRA) Frankfurt Airport terminal 1 LONDON GATWICK (LGW) Gatwick Airport terminal S LONDON HEATHROW (LHR) Heathrow Airport terminal 2 LYON (LYS) Lyon Saint-Exupery Inter national Airport terminal 1 MUNICH (MUC) Munich Airport terminal 2 SARAJEVO (SJJ) Sarajevo International Airport terminal B SKOPJE (SKP) Skopje Alexander the Great Airport main terminal BERLIN (BER) Berlin Brandenburg Airport terminal 1 VIENNA (VIE) Vienna Airport terminal 3 ZURICH (ZRH) Zurich Airport terminal 2

Informacije o polascima autobusa / Bus departure information


dana s gradskog terminala (Autobusni kolodvor, Držićeva bb) prema Zračnoj luci Zagreb Departures daily from the Town Terminal (Main Bus Station, Držićeva bb) to the Zagreb International Airport: 5.00 - 5.30 - 6.00 - 6.30 - 7.00 - 7.30 - 8.00 - 8.30 - 9.00 - 10.00 - 10.30 - 11.00 - 11.30 - 12.00 - 12.30 - 13.00 13.30- 14.00 - 14.30 - 15.00 - 15.30 - 16.00 - 16.30 - 17.00 - 17.30 - 18.00 - 18.30 - 19.00 - 19.30 - 20.00

Polasci svakog dana iz Zračne luke Zagreb prema gradskom terminalu (Autobusni kolodvor, Držićeva bb) Departures daily from the Zagreb International Airport to the Town Terminal (Main Bus Station, Držićeva bb): 7.00 - 8.00 - 8.30 - 9.00 - 9.30 - 10.30 - 11.30 -12.00 - 12.30 - 13.00 - 13.30 - 14.00 - 14.30 - 15.00 - 15.30 16.00 - 16.30 - 17.00 - 17.30 - 18.00 - 18.30 - 19.00 - 19.30 - 20.00

Za više informacija, molimo nazovite / For more information, please call: ZAGREB (01) 6331-982, 6331-999 SPLIT (021) 203-508 RIJEKA (051) 330-207, 336-757 DUBROVNIK (020) 773-377 ZADAR (020) 250-094

terminali / Arrival terminals

Zrakoplovi Airbus A320-200, Airbus A319-100 i Dash8 - Q400 tvore naπu flotu. Our fleet consists of A320-200, Airbus A319-100 and Dash8 - Q400 aircraft.

Specifikacije / Specifications

Raspon krila / Wing span (m/ft)

Duljina trupa / Fuselage length (m/ft)

NajveÊa dopuπtena teæina u polijetanju / Maximum take off weight (kg)

NajveÊa visina leta / Maximum cruising altitude (m/ft)

Povrπina krila / Wing area (m²/ft²)

NajveÊa letna brzina / Maximum cruising speed (km/h)

Pogonska grupa / Power-plants

Broj zrakoplova u floti / Number of aircraft in fleet

Airbus A320-200 35,8 / 117 37,6 / 77.00012311.900/39.000122,40/1318834(450KTS)motori/engines x 2 CFM 56 2

Airbus A319-100 35,8 / 117 33,84 / 111 64.000 / 75.500 11.900 / 39.000 122,40 / 1318 834 (450 KTS) motori / engines x 2 CFM 56 5

Dash8 - Q400 28,42 / 93,24 32,83 / 107,71 762029.257/ 25.000 63,08 / 679 667 (360 KTS) motori / engines x 2 PW 150A 6

Broj sjedala / Number of seats 144/150 76174

Airbus A320-200

Airbus A319-100

Dash8 - Q400


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CROATIA AIRLINES 3/2022 143 London BrusselsAmsterdam Dubrovnik FrankfurtMunichParis SplitViennaZurich DusseldorfCopenhagenBerlin Lyon Code Share Partners Ai r Canada Asia na LOT Pol ish Airlines Swiss International Air Lines Ai r AustrianFranceAir li nes Luftha nsa TAP Por tugal Air BrusselsIndia A ir li nes TurkishSAS Airlines SingaporeKLM Airl ines Unite d Airli nes Star Alliance Members Aege an Air C ana da Air China Air India Air New Zeala nd ANA - All N ippon Airways Asi ana EthEgyptAirCroaCopBrussAAustrianAirlinesAirlinesviancaelsAirlinesaAirlinestiaAirlinesiopianAirlines Eva Air LO T Pol ish Airlines Luf tha nsa Sca nd in avian Airlines Shenzhen A irlines Singap ore Airl ines Sout h African Airways Swi TAPssAir Po r tug al Thai Airwa ys In terna ti onal Turkish Airl ines Uni ted Airlines RomePula Sarajevo Athens Zadar Napomena: Sve navedene informacije trenutnoj situaciji s pandemijom izazvanom Note: All the information provided is subject to change based on the current situation A MAP OF DESTINATIONS Prague Istanbul Geneva Hamburg Gdansk Poznan Warsaw Vilnius Gothenburg Stockholm OsloStavangerBergen Helsinki Trondheim lines' services im kompanijama / in cooperation with partner airlines Singapore Trade Air Skopje OsijekrbegaZRijekaBolMilan

Direkcija / Head office

Bani 75b, 10 010 Buzin, Zagreb, Tel. (+385-1) 616-00-66 Fax (+385-1) 6160 153

E-mail adrese / E-mail addresses President’s Office/uprava@croatiaairlines.hr Public Cargo/cargo@croatiaairlines.hrSales/sales@croatiaairlines.hrMarketing/advertising@croatiaairlines.hrRelations/pr@croatiaairlines.hr

Kontakt centar / Contact Center

072-500 505 samo za pozive iz Hrvatske / only for calls from Croatia Tel. (+385-1) 66 76 555 pon - pet/Mon - Fri 08:00 - 20:00 sub, ned, praznik / Sat, Sun, Holiday 09:00 contact@croatiaairlines.hr15:00

Odnosi s korisnicima / Customer Relations Dept.

Fax (+385-1) http://www.croatiaairlines.com/Claimhttp://www.croatiaairlines.com/hr/Zahtjev616-01-52

Miles & More kontakt centar / Miles & More Service Team

072 220 220 samo za pozive iz Hrvatske / only for calls from Croatia

Informacije o prijevozu robe / Cargo information office Tel. (+385-1) 61-64-573

Obzor putovanja / Obzor Holidays Ltd Tel. (+385-1) 487 31 68, 616 02 46 info@obzorputovnja.hr

Travel centri u zračnim lukama

Travel centarZračnaDubrovniklukaDubrovnik20213ČilipiTel.(+385-20)773332airport.ticketingoffice@airport-dubrovnik.hr

Travel centarZračnaOsijekluka Osijek Vukovarska 67, 31207 Klisa Tel. (+385-31) 284 agencija@osijek-airport.hr611

Travel centarZračnaPulaluka Pula Valtursko polje 210, Ližnjan Tel. (+ 385-52) 550 travel.centar@airport-pula.hr927

Poslovnice / Town and airport offices

Identifikacijski kod poslovnica u Hrvatskoj je/ Identification code for offices in Croatia is: HR-B-01-080037012

Brussels BelgiumTribesBrussels Central Station

Koloniënstraat, 56 1000 Brussel - België Tel. (+32-2) bruap@croatiaairlines.hr753-5132

Frankfurt Kaiserstrasse 7 60311 Frankfurt Tel. (+49-69) frato@croatiaairlines.hr92-00-520

Paris 95731 ROISSY CDG CEDEX Roissypôle Le Dôme, Rue de la Haye BP 18913 Tremblay en France Tel. (+33-1) parto@croatiaairlines.hr48-16-40-00

Rijeka 51 000 JelaËiÊevRijekatrgbr. 5 Tel. (+385-51) 330-207, 336-757 rjkto@croatiaairlines.hr

Sarajevo 71 000 Sarajevo

ZraËna luka/Airport Tel. (+387-33) sjjto@croatiaairlines.hr789-600

Skopje 1000 ZraËnaSkopjeluka/AirportTel.(+389-2)3148-390, 3296-967, skpap@croatiaairlines.hr3296-969

Split 21 000 Split

ZraËna luka/Airport

Tel. (+385-21) 203-305, 895-298 spuap@croatiaairlines.hr

SlovaËka / Slovakia

CK Blue SkyPoštováTravel1, 811 06 Bratislava

Tel. +421 2 5262 slovakia@croatiaairlines.hr2375

Srbija / Serbia

Travel CentarTopličind.o.o.Venac 19-21 11000 Beograd


23 000 Zadar

ZraËna luka/Airport Tel. (+385-23) zadap@croatiaairlines.hr250-101

Zagreb 10 000 Zagreb

Trg Nikole Š, Zrinskog 17 Tel. (+385-1)



Letzigraben 154, 8047 Zürich Tel. (+41-44) zrhto@croatiaairlines.hr2610-840

Prodajni zastupnici / Sales agents

Europa / Europe »eπka / the Czech Republic CK Blue SkyOpletalovaTravel 57, 11 000 Praha 1 Tel. +420 222 222 czech@croatiaairlines.hr235

GrËka / IntermodalGreeceAir,Airlines Representations 2, Marathonomachon str 16452 Argyroupoli − Greece Tel. +30 210 371 6381 Fax + 0030 210 324 9152 ww.intermodalair.gr


Tojalinho da Areica, nr. 15 2705-553Bolembre São João das Lampas Tel.Portugal+351 211 930


office 20 (V), 2-nd 123001entrance,Moscow, Russia

Tel.: +7 (495) Konnogvardeyskyou.mow@grm-russia.com727-05-66blvd,19, office 47,

190098 St.-Petersburg, Russia

Tel.: +7 (921) ou.led@grm-russia.com905-88-73


Tel. +381 11 202 80

12th floor, Tel Aviv 63802

Tel. +972 3 516 7181, 516 7140 israel@croatiaairlines.hr

Indija / India

STIC Travel Group

2nd Floor, Tower C, Cyber Greens, DLF Phase - III Gurgaon - 122002, New Delhi Ph: +91 (124) Contactcroatia@sticgroup.com4595300person:Gurpreet


Intermodal Air, Airlines Representations 2, Mmarathonomachon str 16452 Argyroupoli - Greece, Tel. +30 210 3716381 Fax + 30 210 www.intermododalair.gr3249152

Novi Zeland / New Zealand

CTtravel Limited NZ

PO Box 104-056, Lincoln North, Suite, 1/182 Lincoln Rd. Henderson, Auckland, NZ Tel. +64 9 837 croatiaairlines@cttravel.co.nz9897


ShimbashiInc. Frontier Building, 7F 3-4-5 Shimbashi Minato-ku Tokyo, 105-0004 Japan Tel. +81 3 3593 asipaxtyo@airsystem.jp6740

Koreja / Korea Bohram 1901-1, 19F Coryo Daeyungak Tower, 97 croatiaairlines@bohramair.co.krSouthSeoulJung-gu,Toegye-roKorea(04535)

Tajvan / Taiwan Pacific Express Company Limited

8F, No 137, Nanking E. Road Sec. 2, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.

Tel: +886 2 2515 sales-service@pacificexpress.com.tw2371

Kina / PacificChinaAviation Marketing

12H, Zaofong Universe Building 1800 West Zhong Shan Road Xuhui District, Shanghai Tel. Jenniferhuo@pam.com.hk+862164400032

Hong PacificKongAviation Marketing Ltd. Unit 2503, Island Place Tower, 510 Kingís Road, North Point, Hong Kong.

Tel. +852 2926 pamoperation@pam.com.hk2030

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