Inflight CROATIA jesen2017

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CROATIA Putni časopis _ Inflight Magazine

Jesen _ Autumn 2017

Putni časopis _ Inflight Magazine

Vaš vlastiti primjerak _ Your personal copy

Jesen _ Autumn 2017

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Š. Lugarov

Poštovani putnici!

Dear passengers,

Želim vam srdačnu dobrodošlicu u našem zrakoplovu. Uistinu mi je drago što sve više vas prepoznaje Croatia Airlines kao svoju kompaniju, s kojom udobno i pouzdano letite prema željenom odredištu. O tome svjedoče i prometni pokazatelji - u prvih šest mjeseci ove godine zabilježili smo rast putničkog prometa od deset posto, a u trećemu tromjesečju također bilježimo rast od oko osam posto u odnosu na isto razdoblje lani. Sve to pokazuje da se bližimo rekordnom broju od dva milijuna prevezenih putnika u jednoj godini, prvi put u povijesti tvrtke. Rast putničkog prometa, između ostaloga, rezultat je uvođenja čak osam novih međunarodnih linija u 365 dana. Novost je da ćemo u Barcelonu i Lisabon nastaviti letjeti i u zimskom redu letenja, koji počinje 29. listopada. Također, kako bi vaše putovanje bilo još jednostavnije, uveli smo za vas novi tarifni razred FlyEasy, koji vam omogućuje povoljnije putovanje, putujete li bez predane prtljage. Kao uvijek, vaše trenutke u našem zrakoplovu nastojimo dodatno obogatiti sadržajima iz našega putnog časopisa. O svjetskoj važnosti hrvatske baštine svjedoči multimedijska izložba u Zagrebu posvećena našemu genijalnom znanstveniku Nikoli Tesli, a kapelica sv. Martina u Starome Brodu dobila je europsko priznanje za zaštitu baštine. Od naših otoka predstavljamo vam Vrgadu, a od naših odredišta uvijek zanimljiv Helsinki... Nadam se, dragi putnici, da ćete uživati u ovome našem letu, kao i u odredištima do kojih vas vode naši zrakoplovi. Želim vam uspješne, zanimljive i lijepe jesenske dane.

I warmly welcome you aboard our aircraft. I am really glad that more and more of you recognise Croatia Airlines as your company, with which you can travel comfortably and reliably to the destination of your choice. This is also evidenced by traffic indicators ∑ in the first six months of this year, we recorded a ten percent growth in passenger traffic, and in the third quarter we also recorded an increase of about eight percent compared to the same period last year. All this indicates that we are getting closer to a record-breaking two million passengers flying with us in one year for the first time in the company’s history. This growth in passenger traffic is the result of, amongst other things, the introduction of as many as eight new international flight routes within the period of 365 days. The news is that we will continue to fly to Barcelona and Lisbon during the winter timetable as well, starting on 29th October. Also, with a view to making your trip even more convenient, we have introduced a new FlyEasy fare class, so you can now travel more affordably with no checked-in luggage. As always, we have done our best to enrich the moments you spend flying with us with the pages of our inflight travel magazine. The multimedia exhibition dedicated to our genius scientist Nikola Tesla in Zagreb and the Chapel of St. Martin in Stari Brod which was given the European award for heritage conservation testify to Croatian heritage being globally important. We also present our Vrgada islet, and of our destinations the always interesting Helsinki... I hope, dear passengers, that you will enjoy your flight, as well as the destinations that our aircraft are flying you to. I wish you successful, amazing and beautiful autumn days.

Krešimir KuËko Predsjednik Uprave / President & CEO




10 Razgovor KEIJI TAKIGUCHI JAPANSKA HRANA I HRVATSKA VINA IZVRSNA SU KOMBINACIJA Dio raznovrsne i bogate karijere japanskog veleposlanika u Hrvatskoj povezan je sa zrakoplovstvom. Dužnost veleposlanika, koju upravo obavlja, usporedio je s ceremonijom ispijanja čaja. Interview KEIJI TAKIGUCHI JAPANESE FOOD AND CROATIAN WINES ARE AN EXCELLENT COMBINATION A part of the varied and rich career of the Japanese ambassador to Croatia is connected with aviation. He compares the duty of ambassador, which he is currently performing, with a tea-drinking ceremony.

16 Kontinentalna Hrvatska NENAMETLJIVA LJEPOTA LEKENIČKOG KRAJA Kapelica sv. Martina u Starome Brodu na Kupi dobila je najviše europsko priznanje za velika postignuća u očuvanju i zaštiti baštine. Na području lekeničke općine, toga ljupkoga komadića Hrvatske, šest je takvih bisera hrvatske tradicijske kulture.

Inland Croatia THE SELF-EFFACING BEAUTY OF THE LEKENIK REGION The Chapel of St. Martin in Stari Brod on the Kupa River has received the highest European award for outstanding achievements in heritage conservation and protection. In the Municipality of Lekenik, this charming region of Croatia, there are six of these pearls of Croatian traditional culture.

Jesen/Autumn 2017

Ovo je vaπ vlastiti primjerak This is your personal copy 2 _ CROATIA AIRLINES 3/2017

32 Gastro PALAČINKE I GRAD Sve više raznolikih zagrebačkih palačinkarnica obogaćuje gastronomsku ponudu grada. Taj je trend nastao spontano, kao spoj poduzetničkog promišljanja i instinkta. Gastro PANCAKES AND THE CITY The ever-expanding number of different crêperies in Zagreb is one of the trends enriching the gastronomic offer of the city, which has emerged spontaneously as a combination of entrepreneurial reflection and instinct.





Islands VRGADA, A SELF-EFFACING BEAUTY As you descend to the south of the Zadar County, an islet that no car is allowed on, but all is within reach awaits you ∑ the self-effacing Island of Vrgada.

Š. Lugarov

Otoci VRGADA, SAMOZATAJNA LJEPOTICA Spuštate li se prema jugu Zadarske županije, naići ćete na otočić na kojemu nema automobila, a sve je nadohvat ruke - samozatajnu Vrgadu.

Nakladnik/Publisher Croatia Airlines Hrvatska zrakoplovna tvrtka Bani 75b, Buzin 10 010 Zagreb, Croatia tel. +385-1-616-00-66



Naša odredišta HELSINKI, GRAD KOJI ĆE VAS ORASPOLOŽITI Prvo što se osjeti u Helsinkiju, svjež je miris hladnoga mora i šuma. To je svježina koja podiže raspoloženje.


Predsjednik Uprave/President & CEO Krešimir KuËko

Glavna urednica/Editor-in-chief Ksenija Ælof

Our destinations HELSINKI, A CITY THAT RAISES YOUR SPIRITS The first thing that you feel in Helsinki is the fresh smell of the cold sea and forests. It is a freshness that raises your spirits.

Suradnici glavne urednice/ Editor-in-chief assistants Ana Ćulumović Šoštarić, Davor Janušić, Anamarija Jurinjak, Natalija Osvald, Zlata Prpić

Dizajn/Design Ivana IvankoviÊ, Nenad VujoπeviÊ



Moda MODNA HIBRIDNOST, SUVREMENA MODA I TIJELO Pročitajte što sve danas moda može predstavljati te kako ona utječe na oblikovanje identiteta.

Nenad VujoπeviÊ Direktor prodaje i marketinga/ Director of Sales and Marketing Boris Kolka


Fashion FASHION HYBRIDITY, CONTEMPORARY FASHION AND THE BODY Read about what today’s fashion can represent and how it affects the shaping of identity.

Mirjana Miholek Prijevod na engleski/ English translation Ana Janković Čikos Lancon d.o.o. Oglaπavanje/Advertising



Umjetnost JAGODA BUIĆ, VRHUNSKI KULTURNI DOGAĐAJ U RIMU Naša sjajna umjetnica jesenas izlaže u uglednome Muzeju MAXXI u Rimu.

Izložbe MULTIMEDIJSKO PUTOVANJE TESLINIM UMOM Izložba autorice Helene Bulaja Madunić prati Teslin životni put preko potpuno nove perspektive.

Art JAGODA BUIĆ, A GREAT CULTURAL EVENT IN ROME Croatia’s brilliant artist is exhibiting at the prestigious MAXXI Museum in Rome.


Exhibitions A MULTIMEDIA JOURNEY THROUGH TESLA’S MIND The exhibition by author Helena Bulaja Madunić follows Tesla’s life from an entirely new perspective.

Croatia Airlines Gabrijela Lochert tel. +385-1-616-00-17 E-mail: Promocija/Promotion Croatia Airlines tel. +385-1-616-01-02 Priprema/Prepress Zrinski d.d., »akovec Tisak/Press Zrinski d.d., »akovec

ISSN 1330-6278




Medea vina u Vivatu Medea wines at Vivat Vrhunska i osobita vina južnoistarske vinarije Medea te njihova nagrađivana maslinova ulja Salvela ubrajaju se kvalitetom u vrh onoga što Hrvatska nudi. Potražite ih u vinoteci Vivat fina vina u središtu Zagreba, Martićeva 12. The South Istrian Medea Winery’s top quality fine wines and their award-winning Salvela olive oils are considered to be the highest quality of what Croatia offers. They are sold in the Vivat Fina Vina wine shop in the centre of Zagreb at No. 12 Martićeva Street.

Paprenjaci BITE ART BITE ART pepper cookies Tradicionalni hrvatski paprenjaci obogaćeni jestivim reprodukcijama umjetničkih djela poznatih hrvatskih umjetnika. Nakon konzumacije kutija se pretvara u okvir i tako taj originalan suvenir i poslovni dar ostaje kao trajna uspomena. Traditional Croatian pepper cookies frame reproductions of works of art by renowned Croatian artists. After the treat has been consumed, the gift box transforms into a picture frame, making this unique souvenir and corporate gift a lasting memory.

Restoran Noel Noel Restaurant Noel kao životni projekt talentiranog chefa Gorana Kočiša i sommeliera Ivana Juga postao je jedno od najvažnijih gastro odredišta Hrvatske. Restoran integrira hrvatsku kuhinju u modernu europsku nudeći tea pairing jelovnike, bogatu vinsku listu i nenadmašne koktele. Noel, the life project of the talented chef Goran Kočiš and sommelier Ivan Jug, has become one of the top gastronomic destinations in Croatia. The restaurant integrates Croatian cuisine into modern European cuisine, offering tea pairing menus, a rich wine list and superb cocktails.


Pipi Želite li saznati što se pije u Dalmaciji, kušajte Pipi - slavni gazirani sok s okusom naranče. If you would like to know what the locals in Dalmatia drink, try Pipi ∑ the famous orange-flavoured fizzy soft drink.

Bar Mr. Fogg Mr. Fogg Bar Prvi konceptualni steampunk bar u Hrvatskoj dobio je ime po liku iz romana Julesa Vernea. Danas, kada je sve užurbano, u Mr. Foggu ulazi se u paralelni svijet Dreamland. Svijet interijerom budi maštu i odnosi misli svakodnevice. Put oko svijeta prisutan je i u sjajnoj ponudi pića. The first conceptual steampunk bar in Croatia was named after a character from a Jules Vernes book. Today, when everybody is forced into the rat race, Mr. Fogg Bar opens up a parallel world of Dreamland. A world that stimulates your imagination and dispels your everyday worries through the interior design itself. The journey around the world is also evident in the bar’s great offer of drinks.

Adria ∑ more okusa Adria ∑ A sea of flavours U širokoj paleti Adria proizvoda naći ćete jedinstvene ručno rađene, čokolade, praline, kekse i kolače, istarske tartufe, vrhunske ajvare i druge delikatese karakteristične za ovo podneblje. Vrhunska kvaliteta nadahnuta tradicijom. The wide range of products by Adria includes unique handmade chocolates, pralines, biscuits and cakes, Istrian truffles, top quality traditional sweet pepper chutneys (Cro., ajvar) and other delicacies typical of this climate and region. Top quality inspired by tradition.,



CHECK POINT Kolekcija VAU VAU Collection Otvarači za pisma i boce, svijećnjak, pritiskivač papira i organizator za sitne predmete na stolu - dio su kolekcije VAU od masivnog metala. Svojim dizajnom personaliziraju i oplemenjuju poslovni prostor i interijer doma. Dizajnirano i proizvedeno u Hrvatskoj. Letter openers, bottle openers, candle holders, paperweights and organisers for small desktop items are all part of the VAU collection made of solid metal. With their design, they are ideally suited for personalising work and home environments. Designed and manufactured in Croatia.

Logiq Tower Drvena slagalica Logiq Tower sastoji se od 15 unutarnjih i vanjskih dijelova te baze sa štapom u sredini. Slaganjem, igrač isprepliće unutranje i vanjske dijelove slažući ih na štap i oko njega. Logiq Tower ima ukupno 22.069 mogućih rješenja u četiri razine. The Logiq Tower wooden puzzle contains 15 inner and outer pieces, and a base with a central rod. By interlocking inner and outer elements, players assemble the pieces onto and around the central rod. Logiq Tower has a total of 22069 possible solutions at 4 different levels.

Paperbots Marko Zubak, diplomirani umjetnik, slikar i kipar, jedan je od petnaest najistaknutijih papertoy umjetnika u svijetu. Ove godine počeo je raditi na novoj seriji originalnih papirnatih robota koji su savršen dar, savršena skulptura, ili zidna instalacija. Marko Zubak, a graduate artist, painter and sculptor, is one of the fifteen most highly acclaimed papertoy artists in the world. This year, he started working on a new series of original paper robots ∑ a perfect gift, perfect sculpture or wall installation.,


Fotografije/Photos: S. Kovačić, Dalmacijavino, V. Vuković, Š. Lugarov, M. Gašparović, M. Zubak, Š. Šitum





Japanski veleposlanik u Republici Hrvatskoj Nj. E. Keiji Takiguchi nije samo čovjek iz svijeta diplomacije. Dio njegove raznovrsne i bogate karijere povezan je sa zrakoplovstvom. Za sebe kaže da nije karijerni diplomat te da će ovaj njegov angažman na mjestu veleposlanika ujedno biti prvi i posljednji. The Japanese Ambassador to the Republic of Croatia, His Excellency Keiji Takiguchi, is not just a man from the world of diplomacy. A part of his varied and rich career was also connected with aviation. He says that he is not a career diplomat and that this engagement of his in the position of ambassador would be his first and last.

Piše/By _ Ksenija Žlof

Fotografije/Photos _ Vjekoslav Skledar


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apanski veleposlanik Keiji Takiguchi došao je u Zagreb točno 366 dana prije nego što smo s njim razgovarali u veleposlanstvu na Zrinjevcu. Pokazao se kao vrlo komunikativna i pristupačna osoba u čijem se društvu osjećate ugodno i opušteno, a budući da nije, kako kaže, karijerni diplomat, najprije je razjasnio kako i zašto je preuzeo dužnost japanskog veleposlanika u Hrvatskoj. Vrlo je zainteresiran za našu zemlju i za glavni grad Zagreb, u kojemu će njegov privremeni dom biti još sljedeće dvije godine. - Dužnost veleposlanika koju upravo obavljam usporedio bih s jedinstvenom japanskom ceremonijom ispijanja čaja, čija je glavna odlika Ichi-go, Ichi-e, tj. nešto što se događa samo jedanput u životu, prvi i posljednji put. Za takvu ceremoniju domaćin se duhovno priprema jer svom gostu želi pružiti najsrdačniju dobrodošlicu. Budući da nisam karijerni diplomat, moj angažman u Hrvatskoj upravo je to - Ichi-go, Ichi-e. Sljedeće godine obilježit ćemo 25. obljetnicu diplomatskih odnosa između Japana i Hrvatske. Baš kao u duhovnoj pripremi za svečanost čaja, posvetit ću se tome vrlo predano, kako bismo što više unaprijedili odnose između Japana i Hrvatske.  Na što ćete se najviše usredotočiti u svome mandatu? - Neprekidno razmišljam o tome što mogu učiniti da veze između Japana i Hrvatske budu sve bolje. U Hrvatskoj je 20 posto bruto društvenog proizvoda povezano s turizmom. Dakle, poraste li broj japanskih turista koji dolaze u Hrvatsku, to će se odraziti i na hrvatsko gospodarstvo. Prvi korak u tom pravcu bili su razgovori koji su se održali u lipnju. Obje su se strane usuglasile da će se potruditi zaključiti Sporazum o zračnom prometu (Air Service Agreement) te da će se uvesti letovi i poticati tržište na povećanje broja čartera između dviju zemalja. Ljetos je nekoliko čartera došlo u Hrvatsku iz Japana i uistinu se nadam da će mnogo Japanaca preko televizijskih programa i preko drugih kanala saznati mnogo toga o Hrvatskoj. Primjerice, u lipnju je vrlo popularan japanski program opet emitirao prilog o Plitvičkim jezerima. Dakako, kako bih što bolje mogao opisati šarm i ljepote Hrvatske, moram je i osobno dobro upoznati, što znači da moram posjetiti mnoga mjesta kako


bih ih i sam osjetio. Želim učvrstiti veze između naših dviju zemalja i trgovinskom razmjenom. Prema statistici iz 2016. godine, Japan je tek na 42. mjestu u Hrvatskoj po trgovini. Želim poboljšati tu statistiku. A i hrvatski proizvodi mogli bi naći svoje mjesto u Japanu, osobito vina i poljoprivredni proizvodi. Također, japanske investicije mogle bi pridonijeti razvoju Vaše zemlje.  Koje ste dijelove Hrvatske dosad imali priliku posjetiti i što Vam se osobito svidjelo? - Budući da sam došao lani u srpnju, imao sam prilike posjetiti neke dijelove obale i uživati u prekrasnom ljetu u Hrvatskoj. Posjetio sam Pulu, Zadar, Šibenik, Split i Dubrovnik. Uživao sam ne samo u kulturnoj baštini i povijesnom nasljeđu, nego i u krajoliku, u bijelim kamenim planinama i kristalno čistome smaragdnome ili plavome moru. Sve to ima jedinstveni šarm. Posjetio sam također Sinj, Rijeku i Varaždin. Ti gradovi njeguju specifične tradicijske događaje. U Sinju sam uživao u Alki. Čuo sam da Alka ima tristogodišnju tradiciju. Natjecatelj u povijesnoj odori juri na konju i nastoji kopljem pogoditi središte mete. U Japanu imamo sličnu manifestaciju. Zove se Yabusame. Također jureći na konju, natjecatelj u kostimu samuraja, strijelom nastoji pogoditi metu. Varaždin je poznat po jesenskim Baroknim večerima. Uistinu, nadam se da bi i japanski glazbenici mogli nastupiti na tom festivalu u bliskoj budućnosti. Rijeku sam, na moju radost, uspio posjetititi za vrijeme poznatoga riječkog karnevala. Dakako, ima još mnogo jedinstvenih mjesta na kojima još nisam bio. Hrvati su mi ljubazno preporučili da posjetim jadranske otoke. Moram priznati da je godina dana mojeg boravka u Hrvatskoj premalo vremena da osjetim šarm i ljepotu ove zemlje.  Što Vas se dojmilo u hrvatskoj kulturi, umjetnosti i načinu života? - Uživajući u tradicionalnim kulturnim događanjima koje sam posjetio, stekao sam osobit dojam o ovoj zemlji. Čini mi se da u Hrvatskoj vrijeme prolazi relativno sporo. Prije godinu dana došao sam iz Tokija, u kojemu su ljudi stalno i oko svega u jurnjavi i gužvi. U Hrvatskoj nije tako. Čak i u Zagrebu možete sresti ljude koji uživaju u razgovoru i druženju s prijateljima, pijući šalicu kave negdje vani. Osobito od kasnog proljeća do sredine

jeseni. Na laganom proljetnom suncu ili ljeti, ispod suncobrana, kako bi izbjegli jarko sunce, očito uživaju u životu. Uvelike im zavidim na tome! Kad je riječ o umjetnosti, veseli me što sam imao prigodu uživati u baletnim izvedbama u Hrvatskom narodnom kazalištu u Zagrebu. U hrvatskom nacionalnom teatru pleše šest Japanaca. U Labuđem jezeru prošle zime obje glavne uloge plesali su Japanci. Glembajevi, predstava koja se temelji na glasovitoj drami Miroslava Krleže, prvi se put pojavila kao baletna inačica. I u tome su sudjelovali japanski plesači, u važnim ulogama. Oduševljen sam što su ih hrvatski ljudi tako toplo primili.  Kako Vi doživljavate ljude u Hrvatskoj? - Hrvati su pristojni i ljubazni. Najprije sam pomislio, jasno da su takvi, kad su okruženi velikom ljepotom. Normalno je da su ljudi ljubazni i ako nemaju briga. Poslije sam shvatio da je takvo razmišljanje naivno i posve pogrešno. Lani sam sudjelovao u različitim događanjima važnima za Hrvatsku. Jedno od njih bilo je obnavljanje uspomena na žrtve u Vukovaru 18. studenoga. Čuo sam da je Vukovar za vrijeme Domovinskog rata bio razoren i da su tisuće ljudi stradale u obrani grada, koja je trajala nekoliko mjeseci. Ove godine Hrvatska obilježava 25. obljetnicu međunarodnog priznanja. Mnoge zemlje, među kojima i Japan, priznale su neovisnost Hrvatske. Otada do danas hrvatski narod prošao je neopisivo dug i težak put da bi postigao ovo što ima danas. Shvatio sam da su ljude u Hrvatskoj upravo teškoće kroz koje su morali proći, učinile blagima i ljubaznima.  Kako uspijevate pomiriti poslovne obaveze i privatni život? Kako provodite slobodno vrijeme? - Volim šetati Zagrebom. Osobito mi je drag ovaj dio Zagreba, oko veleposlanstva, koje je smješteno na prekrasnom Zrinjevcu. Rado šećem i Kaptolom. Sa suprugom volim otići na kasni ručak u Tkalčićevu ulicu, punu restorana i kafića. Uživam u hrvatskoj kuhinji, rado kušam hrvatske specijalitete. A kad u mojoj rezidenciji održavam večere, poslužujemo japansku hranu, ali uvijek s hrvatskim vinima. Mislim da je to izvrsna kombinacija - japanska hrana i hrvatska vina.  Zacijelo mnogo letite. Kako provodite vrijeme u zrakoplovu?

- To ovisi o trajanju leta. Najradije čitam neki časopis i gledam filmove. Katkad i radim, pripremam se za nešto čitajući neke materijale. Svakako letenje ima prednosti kod poslovnih putovanja, kad je bitno stići u najkraćemu mogućem vremenu na odredište iz velikih udaljenosti. Letovi unutar Hrvatske kratki su, pa iz Zagreba u Split ili Dubrovnik stignete u  tren oka.


he Japanese Ambassador Keiji Takiguchi came to Zagreb exactly 366 days before we talked to him at the Embassy of Japan in Zrinjevac. He is a very communicative and approachable person, in whose company you feel comfortable and relaxed, and since he is not, as he himself puts it, a career diplomat, he first clarified how and why he assumed the duty of Japanese Ambassador to Croatia. He is very interested in our country and in our capital of Zagreb, where his temporary home will be for another two years. - I would compare the duty of an ambassador, which I am currently performing, with the unique Japanese tea-drinking ceremony whose main theme is Ichi-go, Ichi-e. It is something that happens once in a lifetime, the first and the last time. For the ceremony, the host prepares spiritually, because he wants to offer his guests his most cordial welcome. Since I am not a career diplomat, my engagement in Croatia is exactly that ∑ Ichi-go, Ichi-e. Next year, we are marking the 25th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Japan and Croatia. Just as in our spiritual preparation for the tea ceremony, I will dedicate myself very devotedly to improving the relations between Japan and Croatia as much as possible.  What will you concentrate on most during your mandate? - I am constantly thinking about what I can do to make the relations between Japan and Croatia even better. In Croatia, 20 percent of gross domestic product is related to tourism. So, if the number of Japanese tourists coming to Croatia increases, this will also affect Croatia’s economy. Discussions held in June were the first step in this direction. Both sides agreed to try to conclude an Air Service Agreement, and to introduce flights and encourage the market to increase the number of charter flights between the two countries. This summer, several charters flew to Croatia


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from Japan, and I really hope that many Japanese people will find out much about Croatia through TV programmes and other communication channels. For example, this June, a very popular Japanese programme rebroadcast a feature on Plitvice Lakes. Of course, in order to be able to describe Croatia’s charm and beauty as best as I can, I must get to know it myself, which means that I have to visit many places to experience them. I would also like to strengthen the relations between our two countries through trade exchange. According to statistics from 2016, Japan is only 42nd in Croatia in terms of

Also on horseback and wearing a samurai uniform, competitors try to hit the target with an arrow. Varaždin is famous for its autumn Baroque Evenings. I truly do hope that Japanese musicians will be able to perform at this festival in the near future. To my great joy, I managed to visit Rijeka during the famous Rijeka Carnival. There are, of course, many other unique places that I have never been to. Croats have kindly recommended visiting Croatia’s islands. I must admit that the one year of my stay in Croatia is too little a time to fully experience the charm and beauty of this country.

Ove godine Hrvatska obilježava 25. obljetnicu međunarodnog priznanja. Otada je hrvatski narod prošao dug i težak put da bi postigao ovo što danas ima. Shvatio sam da su ljude upravo teškoće kroz koje su morali proći učinile blagima i ljubaznima. This year, Croatia is marking the 25th anniversary of its international recognition. Since then, the Croatian people have come an indisputably long way to achieve what they have today. I have come to realise that it was the hardships that they had to go through that made the people in Croatia mild and kind.

trade exchange. I would like to see this statistic improve. Croatian products could indeed find their place in Japan, wine and agricultural products in particular. Also, Japanese investments could contribute to the development of your country.  What parts of Croatia have you had the opportunity to visit so far, and what was it that you particularly liked? - Since I arrived last July, I have had the opportunity to visit some parts of the coast and enjoy Croatia’s beautiful summer. I have visited Pula, Zadar, Šibenik, Split and Dubrovnik. I have enjoyed not only Croatia’s cultural and historical heritage, but also the landscape, its white stone mountains and crystal clear emerald or blue seas. All of it has a unique charm. I have also visited Sinj, Rijeka and Varaždin. These cities nurture very specific traditional events. In Sinj, I enjoyed the Alka. I have learnt that the Alka has a three-hundred-year-old tradition. Dressed in a historical uniform and on horseback, competitors try to hit the centre of a target with a spear. We have a similar festival in Japan. It is called Yabusame.


 What impressed you in Croatian culture, art and lifestyle? - Having enjoyed the traditional cultural festivals that I have, the impression I have gotten of Croatia is special. It seems to me that in Croatia time passes relatively slowly. A year ago I came from Tokyo, where people are constantly in a hurry. This is not so in Croatia. Even in Zagreb, you can meet people who enjoy talking to and socialising with friends while having a cup of coffee somewhere out. Especially from late spring to mid-autumn. In the light spring sun or during summer, under parasols to avoid the bright sun, they obviously enjoy life. I am very envious of that! As for art, I am glad that I have had the opportunity to enjoy ballet performances at the Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb. There are six Japanese ballet dancers dancing at the Croatian National Theatre. In last winter’s Swan Lake ballet show, both lead roles were played by Japanese dancers. In The Glembays, a show based on Miroslav Krleža’s famous drama, ballet was introduced for the first time. Japanese ballet dancers partook

in the project and were given important roles. I am thrilled that Croatians received them so warmly.  What is your experience of people in Croatia like? - Croatians are polite and kind. At first, I thought it was obvious why they are like that since they are surrounded by so much beauty. It is normal that people are kind when nothing is troubling them. I later realised that such thinking was naive and totally wrong. Last year, I participated in various events important for Croatia. One of them was Remembrance Day commemorating the victims of Vukovar on 18th November. I heard that Vukovar was completely destroyed during the Homeland War and that thousands of people were killed defending the city, which was under siege for several months. This year, Croatia is marking the 25th anniversary of its international recognition. Many countries, including Japan, recognised Croatia’s independence. Since then, the Croatian people have come an indisputably long way to achieve what they have today. I have come to realise that it was the hardships which they had to go through that made the people of Croatia gentle and kind.  How do you balance your professional duties and your private life? How do you spend your free time? - I like taking walks in Zagreb. I particularly like this part of Zagreb, around the embassy, located in the beautiful Zrinjevac park. I also take walks on Kaptol. With my wife, I like having late lunch in Tkalčićeva Street, full of restaurants and cafes. I enjoy Croatian cuisine, I love trying Croatian specialities. And when I hold dinner parties in my residence, we serve Japanese food, but always complemented with Croatian wines. I think it is an excellent combination ∑ Japanese food and Croatian wines.  You must fly a lot. How do you spend your time when on a plane? - It depends on how long the flight is. I prefer reading magazines and watching movies. Sometimes I work, I prepare for something by reading materials. In any case, flying has the advantage when travelling for business, when it is important to arrive to a long-haul destination in the shortest possible time. Flights within Croatia are short, so you get from Zagreb to Split or Dubrovnik in the twinkling of an eye. 


















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R. Ibrišević

Piše/By _ Dubravka Belas


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Detalj kapelice sv. Martina A detail of the Chapel of St. Martin


S. Pjanić

Za obnovu kapelice sv. Martina u općini Lekenik stiglo je nedavno veliko priznanje. Europska komisija i organizacija Europa Nostra objavile su dobitnike nagrade Europske unije za kulturnu baštinu za 2017. godinu, najvišeg europskog priznanja za osobita postignuća u očuvanju i zaštiti baštine. Među nagrađenima je i obnovljena kapelica sv. Martina u Starome Brodu na Kupi. Na području lekeničke općine šest je takvih malih bisera hrvatske tradicijske kulture, zaštićene kulturne baštine Republike Hrvatske. Sve ih vrijedi pogledati, jer svaka od njih ima neku svoju osobitost. The restoration project of the Chapel of St. Martin in the Municipality of Lekenik recently received a special acknowledgment. The European Commission and the Europa Nostra organisation announced the winners of the 2017 European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage, the highest European award for outstanding achievements in heritage conservation and protection, one of which was the restoration project of the Chapel of St. Martin in Stari Brod on the Kupa River. In the region of the Municipality of Lekenik, there are six such small pearls of Croatian traditional culture, protected cultural heritage of the Republic of Croatia. All of them are worth seeing, because each is special in its own way. S. Pjanić

Nagrađena kapelica sv. Martina u Starome Brodu The awarded Chapel of St. Martin in Stari Brod


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S. Pjanić



01 Detalj kapelice sv. Josipa u Cerju Letovanićkom The Chapel of St. Joseph in Cerje Letovanićko

S. Pjanić

02 Kapelica sv. Martina, detalj A detail of the Chapel of St. Martin



a granici dviju hrvatskih županija, zagrebačke i sisačko-moslavačke, zaokružena rijekama Kupom i Odrom, u ravničarskome kraju oranica, čreta i šuma, ispod osunčanih, vinorodnih obronaka obližnjih gorica, smjestila se Općina Lekenik, s 18 naselja i Lekenikom, najvećim mjestom i upravnim središtem. Na putu između Zagreba i Siska, na glavnoj državnoj cesti i željezničkoj trasi, prirodno se Lekenik razvijao kao središte aktivnosti ovoga kraja i kao trgovište. Slikovito i mirno mjesto nazvano je po lijepome vodenom cvijetu, likenu ili leknenu, samoniklom bijelom lopoču koji je zacijelo u izobilju rastao u močvarama ili uz rubove potoka Lekenčice, koji mjesto dijeli napola. Poput svih nizinskih naselja, i Lekenik se pruža uzduž glavne ceste s ograđenim pročeljima kuća i dvorištima i poljima iza njih. Jedan se događaj izdvaja iz duge lekeničke povijesti: 25. ožujka 1848. g. zaustavlja se na objedu pukovnik Josip Jelačić. Te su revolucionarne godine hrvatski intelektualci, okupljeni oko preporoditelja Ljudevita Gaja, zatražili od cara ostvarenje prava hrvatskoga naroda i moderniziranje zemlje, između ostaloga i postavljanje pukovnika Jelačića za hrvatsko-slavonskoga bana. I doista, toga dana carski je dekret o postavljenju sustigao budućega bana upravo u Lekeniku. Bio je to sretan trenutak i za lekeničkoga poštara Josipa Šimuna Klempaja koji se s Jelačićem već otprije poznavao, jer će, samo nepunih pet mjeseci poslije, ban Jelačić imenovati svoga znanca Klempaja, poznatoga u zemlji ovoj poštenjaka i veštoga lekeničkog poštara, verhovnim upraviteljem Hervatsko-slavonskog upraviteljstva pošta u Zagrebu. Tako će, u sljedećih 14 godina, lekenički poštar unaprijediti poštansko poslovanje u zemlji. Organizirat će sigurniji i jeftiniji prijenos pošiljaka, robe, pa čak i prijevoz ljudi, otvarajući nove poštanske urede i uvodeći mnoge linije poštanskih kočija. Posljedično, uspio je progurati gradnju novih i obnovu starih prometnica diljem Hrvatske, a organizirat će i neobičnu djelatnost hrvatske pošte - obavještajnodoušničku službu u sklopu koje će i on slati važna izvješća o pokretima vojnih trupa, za što će ga više puta i odlikovati. Omogućio je i prvu brzojavnu vezu Hrvatske sa svijetom, prije točno 177 godina, kada je banu Jelačiću u Beč Morseovim

kodom poslana telegrafska poruka iz Banskih dvora u Zagrebu. Uveo je u promet poštanske marke, čime se trošak prijenosa pisama prenio na pošiljatelja, te postavio poštanske škrinjice u koje su se mogla uložiti pisma i bez odlaska u poštanske urede. Lekenik se ponosi i time što je na više lokacija u samome mjestu, i u obližnjoj Maloj Gorici, 1971. godine snimljen film Guslač na krovu slavnoga Normana Jewisona. Sa svojom tradicijskom arhitekturom, drvenim kućama i čardacima, ovim naseljima nije bilo teško odglumiti skromni i slikoviti kraj negdje u carskoj Rusiji. Ovaj je ljupki komadić Hrvatske nastanjen (još) od prapovijesnih vremena, o čemu svjedoči kamena sjekira pronađena u šumi (Kalje) kod Lekenika, koja se čuva u Arheološkome muzeju u Zagrebu. Na području općine nalaze se i skupine noričko-panonskih tumula, zemljanih humaka kružnog tlorisa i ovalnih oblika, od kojih najveći, pod nazivom Turska glava, ima promjer od 27 metara i jasno je vidljiv uz ostatke antičke ceste Siscia - Emona. Mnogi su preostali fragmenti antičkih, ilirskih i rimskih te srednjovjekovnih nalazišta, obrasli poput začaranih dvoraca u trnovite kupine i zelene povijuše, i tako uspavani, čekaju da tek budu istraženi. Krunski su dragulji ovog prostora, čije se glavno mjesto u pisanim izvorima spominje već davne 1217., karakteristične drvene kuće za stanovanje, čardaci i kurije, često divno ukrašene rezbarijama, te drvene crkvice i kapelice. Zbog obilja šuma hrasta lužnjaka, njegovo je drvo, taj prirodan i samoobnavljajući građevinski materijal, dugo bio osnovna građa u ovim područjima. Sklad oblika, konstrukcija i vješta obrada od najstarijih su vremena obilježje pučkoga graditeljstva Turopolja, Pokuplja i Posavine. Počevši od palisada za obranu naselja, od utvrda i drvenih kula, do gradskih i seoskih domova, sa zidovima učvršćenima čak i klinovima od drveta i posebnim spojevima na uglovima. Hrast je sveto i snažno drvo, čvrsto je i dugovječno. Herkulova je toljaga od hrastova drveta, vole ga svi junaci i bogovi, pa Zeus ima svoj hrast u Dodoni, Jupiter u Rimu, a ima ga i slavenski Perun. Quercus robur, latinsko je ime hrasta lužnjaka i riječ robur doslovce se odnosi na snagu. Snaga i mudrost utkane su u drveni materijal kojega ovdje ima u izobilju već

R. Ibrišević

Kupa The Kupa River


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01 Detalj vrta Mance, najljepšeg u regiji, Lekenik A detail of the Mance Garden, the most beautiful in the region, Lekenik 04 Utrka kupskih čamaca Stari Brod ∑ Letovanić The Stari Brod-Letovanić boat race on the Kupa river

S. Pjanić


S. Pjanić


M. Kučera

03 - 05 Etno zbirka Škofač, Letovanić The Škofač Ethno Collection, Letovanić



S. Pjanić

S. Pjanić

S. Pjanić



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B. Antolec


B. Antolec

6000 godina. Ima li išta logičnije nego da u ovome kraju od njega budu sazdani i sakralni objekti - crkvice i kapelice raštrkane po vrhovima brežuljaka ili uz putove. I dok se drugdje grade velebne crkve i natječu se u veličini, raskoši, ljepoti i visini, kao da tornjevima žele dotaći oblake, ovdje, u lekeničkome kraju, više od svega vrednuje se skromnost. Pravoj i iskrenoj vjeri drugo i ne treba. Ona se jasnije ogleda u nevelikim, gotovo zatajnim gabaritima drvenih kapelica, u njihovoj nenametljivosti, u smjernoj opremi. Ljupke se hrvatske kapelice ničim ne izdvajaju od okolne prirode. Bog ovdje i jest priroda sama. Ponekad su tako malene da se vjernici često nalaze izvan kapelice i prate bogoslužje kroz prozore i vrata. Na području lekeničke općine šest je takvih malih bisera hrvatske tradicijske kulture, zaštićene kulturne baštine Republike Hrvatske: u Starome Brodu na Kupi, Cerju Letovaničkom, Brežanama Lekeničkim, Poljani Lekeničkoj, u Letovaniću, Vrhu Letovanićkome, na brdu Gradec u Vukomeričkim Goricama. Građene su između 17. i 19. stoljeća tradicionalnim pučkim načinom gradnje hrastovim planjkama i najveći su domet tradicijskoga barokno-


ga graditeljstva u Hrvatskoj. U ostatku Hrvatske sačuvano ih je još četrdesetak, a samo je sedam od toga broja potpuno očuvano zajedno sa svojim baroknim oltarima i oslikanim interijerima. Jedna od njih je kapelica sv. Martina u Starom Brodu. Njezina je osobitost u tome što su svi zidovi, strop lađe i predvorja te koritasti svod svetišta obloženi s 88 plitkih oslikanih drvenih ploča obrubljenih ukrasnim letvama. Ploče su oslikane motivima vrpčastoga simetričnog prepleta s kojega visi lišće, ruže, prepoznatljivi cvjetovi božura, tulipana i karanfila, nabrekli grozdovi s grančicama vinove loze, listovi akantusa, sve naslikano živim bojama, jedinom raskoši, pa su nalik na motive narodnoga veza i nošnji. Boje su nanesene u cijelom rasponu od zelene i plave do žute, narančaste i crvene, uz poneku umirujuću sivu i smeđu. Zbog sličnosti s izrezbarenim detaljima oltara koji prikazuje sv. Martina, pretpostavlja se da su ploče oslikane upravo u vrijeme postavljanja oltara, sredinom 18. stoljeća. Inventar kapelice potječe iz prve polovice 18. stoljeća i upozorava na putujuću slikarsku i kiparsku radionicu koja je djelovala u selima Pokuplja.

Za obnovu kapelice sv. Martina stiglo je nedavno veliko priznanje. Europska komisija i organizacija Europa Nostra objavile su prije nekoliko mjeseci dobitnike nagrade Europske unije za kulturnu baštinu za 2017. godinu, najvišega europskog priznanja za velika postignuća u očuvanju i zaštiti baštine. Od 202 prijave iz 39 europskih zemalja, nagrađeno je 29 projekata iz 18 zemalja. Između ostalih, nagrađen je projekt obnove kapelice sv. Martina. Ocjenjivački je sud obrazložio svoju odluku riječima: Ovaj je uzoran projekt istaknuo veliku vrijednost tradicionalne hrvatske arhitekture, dijela nacionalne baštine koji je proteklih stoljeća bio suočen sa zaboravom. Osjetljiva i krhka arhitektura pažljivo je i s mnogo poštovanja obnovljena, čime je oslikana ornamentika kapele došla do punog izražaja… Valja istaknuti osobito konzerviranje i restauriranje oslika, kao i način na koji se lokalne obrtnike, vlasnike i zajednicu uključilo u obnovu. Sve radove na kapelici koordinirali su i obavljali konzervatorske radove stručnjaci Hrvatskoga restauratorskog zavoda. Za mještane Staroga Broda, kapelica je oduvijek bila veoma važna, kao simbol višestoljetnog opstanka na ovom području,

R. Ibrišević


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B. Antolec



unatoč poplavama, te davnim i nedavnim ratovima. Ali kapelica je odoljela svim nedaćama, preživjela i opstala i, iako već ruševna i zapuštena, ostala u liturgijskoj funkciji sve do 2007. godine. Iz nje su se na posljednji put odvajkada ispraćali pokojnici, ali i prigodnim se proštenjima slavio veseli blagdan svetog Martina, prvog sveca koji nije bio mučenik, zaštitnika vinogradara, na čiji se spomendan prvi put pije novo vino. Položaj kapelice na prirodnoj uzvisini uz rijeku bio je i mjesto okupljanja za vrijeme poplava, jer divna, inspirativna, mirna Kupa ponekad bi postala neprijateljska. Ključevi kapelica najčešće se čuvaju u obiteljima iz obližnjih kuća, koje će ih rado otvoriti posjetiteljima, a obično su zadužene i za zvonjenje prije mise, na proštenjima ili za posljednjih oproštaja. I ostale drvene kapele lekeničke općine vrijedi pogledati, jer svaka od njih ima neku svoju osobitost. U središtu Letovanića, opjevanoga veselim narodnim stihovima kao sela pokraj Kupe u kojemu su cure ko jabuke, nalazi se kapela sv. Fabijana i Sebastijana, podignuta u 18. stoljeću. Kapela sv. Bartola u Vrhu Letovanićkom, okružena sa svih strana

01 Na Kupi uživaju u ribolovu i stari i mladi Both the old and the young enjoy fishing on the Kupa River

S. Pjanić

02 Kapela sv. Bartola, Letovanski Vrh The Chapel of St. Bartholomew, Vrh Letovanićki



vinogradima, građena je u drugoj polovici 19. stoljeća. U Cerju Letovanićkom kapela je sv. Josipa, primjer razvijene seljačke arhitekture 18. stoljeća. Unutrašnjost je i ovdje oslikana u duhu pučkoga baroka s karakterističnim biljnim motivima. Drveni inventar također je iz 18. stoljeća, a u drvenom zvoniku dva su zvona koja još zvone. Kapelica sv. Petra na brdu Gradec, u vinogradima Vukomeričkih Gorica, podignuta je prije 1668. godine i jedna je od onih koje su se podizale za malo kućanstava ili kućica vinogradara. Kapela Svetoga Duha u Poljani Lekeničkoj još jedan je primjer autohtonoga graditeljstva, s oltarnom slikom Duha Svetoga u liku goluba nad apostolima. Nije Lekenik poznat samo po povjesticama ili autohtonoj arhitekturi. Od devedesetih godina u ovome gostoljubivome mjestu s oko dvije tisuće stanovnika djeluje SOS - Dječje selo Lekenik, brinući se za djecu bez roditelja i roditeljske skrbi. Posljednjih desetak godina u Dječjem selu djeluje i SOS Društveni centar, koji ima knjižnicu, kreativne, dramske, glazbene, računalne i internetske radionice i sportske aktivnosti. Tu je nedavno pokrenuta i Parlaonica u kojoj


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n the very border of two Croatian counties, the Zagreb and the Sisak-Moslavina Counties, surrounded by the Kupa and Odra Rivers, in the flatlands of farm fields, marshald and forests, beneath the vine-growing slopes of nearby hills bathed in the sun, lies the Municipality of Lekenik with its 18 villages and Lekenik itself, the largest of settlements and an administrative centre. On the road between the Cities of Zagreb and Sisak, on a state road and a railway route, Lekenik has naturally developed as the centre of activity of this region and as a market town. This picturesque and peaceful town was named after a beauti-

26/05/2017 16:09

ful water flower, a liken or a leknen, a wild white water lily which must have grown abundantly in the swamps or on the edges of the Lekenčica Stream, which divides the town in two. Much like all lowland settlements, Lekenik too stretches along a main road with fenced off house fronts and courtyards, and fields at the back. One event is to be singled out from Lekenik’s long history: on 25th March 1848, Colonel Josip Jelačić stopped for a meal there. During this revolutionary year, Croatian intellectuals gathered around the Croatian national revivalist, Ljudevit Gaj, requested from the Emperor to grant the Croatian people its rights, including the modernisation of the country, and, amongst other things, the appointment of Colonel Jelačić as the Croatian-Slavonian Governor. Indeed, on that very day, the imperial decree on his appointment caught up with the future Governor precisely in Lekenik. This was also a moment of serendipity for the postman of Lekenik, Josip Šimun Klempaj. He already knew Jelačić, and less than five months later, Governor Jelačić appointed his acquaintance Klempaj ∑ known in this country of decent people and a clever postman of Lekenik ∑ as the Head of the Croatian-Slavonian Postal Administration in Zagreb. And so, in the coming 14 years, the postman of Lekenik worked on improving the business of postal delivery in the country. He set up a safer and cheaper delivery of parcels and goods, and even the transport of passengers, by opening new post offices and by introducing many post

Kapela sv. Josipa, Cerje Letovanićko The Chapel of St. Joseph, Cerje Letovanićko

S. Pjanić

djeca uče raspravljati i izražavati vlastito mišljenje bez sukobljavanja, vještinu koja nam je svima sve potrebnija. U lekeničkoj općini djeluje više kulturno-umjetničkih društava koja njeguju folklornu baštinu, i vrlo entuzijastična lekenička turistička zajednica koja organizira brojne priredbe radi očuvanja tradicijskog nasljeđa i običaja, ali i popularizira prirodne, kulturne i gastronomske znamenitosti lekeničke općine. Spomenimo i etnozbirku Škofač u Letovaniću, sportske klubove, veoma aktivno vatrogastvo, te velika očekivanja od poduzetničke zone Lekenik, koja dobrim geografskim položajem i raznim pogodnostima privlači gospodarstvenike i poduzetnike iz bliže i dalje okolice. Naoko miran krajolik može iznjedriti i nova iznenađenja: u lekeničkim su šumama nedavno pronađeni tartufi i održavaju se  natjecanja pasa tartufara...


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S. Pjanić


Etno zbirka Škofač, Letovanić The Škofač Ethno Collection, Letovanić


coach delivery routes. In consequence, he succeeded in pushing the construction of new and the reconstruction of old roads throughout Croatia, and he also set up an unusual activity of the Croatian Post ∑ an intelligence service and office, within which he too transmitted important reports on the movements of military troops, for which he received multiple decorations. He is also the one who facilitated Croatia’s first wireless connection to the world exactly 177 years ago, when a telegraphic message was sent from the Governor’s Palace in Zagreb to Governor Jelačić in Vienna using the Morse code. He introduced postage stamps to the market, having thus transferred the cost of delivery to the sender, and set up mailboxes where letters could be posted without needing to go to a post office. Lekenik is also proud of the fact that the movie Fiddler on the Roof, produced and directed by the famous Norman Jewison, was filmed on a number of locations in Lekenik itself and in the nearby village of Mala Gorica in 1971. With their traditional architecture, wooden and blockhouses, it

was not difficult for these settlements to act as humble and picturesque villages somewhere in imperial Russia. This delightful region of Croatia has been inhabited since prehistoric times, as evidenced by a stone axe found in a forest (Kalje) near Lekenik and exhibited in the Archaeological Museum in Zagreb. The region of the municipality also houses groups of Noric-Pannonian tumuli, circular and oval-shaped mounds of earth, the largest of which is called Turska Glava (Eng., Turkish Head), which is 27 metres in diameter and is clearly visible along the remains of the ancient Siscia-Emona Road. There are many Ancient, Illyrian and Roman, as well as Medieval remains, overgrown like enchanted castles, with wild thorny blackberries and green-leafed vines, dormant and waiting to be explored. The crown jewels of this region, whose central settlement was mentioned in written sources already in 1217, are characteristic wooden residence houses, blockhouses and curiae, which are often beautifully decorated with carvings, and little wooden churches and chapels. Thanks Creating value SINCE 2004

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to an abundance of European oak forests, this natural and self-renewing wood has long been a building material in this region. A harmony of shape, construction and craftsmanship has long been a characteristic feature of the folk architecture of Turopolje, Pokuplje and Posavina. Starting from palisades for the defence of settlements, forts and wooden towers, to town and country houses, with walls fixed with wooden wedges and characteristic corner joints. Oak is a sacred and strong tree, firm and long-lived. Hercules’s club is made of oak, all heroes and gods love it, and so Zeus has his oak tree in Dodona, Jupiter in Rome, and even the Slavic God Perun has one. Quercus robur is its Latin name, and the word robur refers literally to strength. Strength and wisdom have been woven into this wood, which has been growing in abundance here for over 6000 years. It is only logical that, in this region, even sacral buildings ∑ churches and chapels scattered across hilltops and along roads ∑ are built of oak. And while elsewhere grandiose churches were built competing in size,


splendour, beauty and height as if their towers aspired to touch the skies, here, in Lekenik, modesty is worth more than anything else. True and genuine faith asks for nothing else. This is clearly mirrored in rather small wooden chapels modest in size, in their unobtrusiveness, in their being equipped in appropriate measure. These charming Croatian chapels do not in any way stand out from the surrounding nature. Here, God is indeed Nature itself. Sometimes they are so small that the congregation stands outside during service. In the region of the Municipality of Lekenik, there are six of these small pearls of Croatian traditional culture, protected cultural heritage of the Republic of Croatia: in Stari Brod on the Kupa River, in Cerje Letovanićko, in Brežane Lekeničke, in Poljana Lekenička, in Letovanić, in Vrh Letovanićki, on Gradec Hill in Vukomeričke Gorice. They were built between the 17th and 19th centuries in the traditional folk manner of construction using oak planks and are the very top of traditional Baroque architecture in Croatia. In the rest of Croatia, some forty other chapels have been preserved, but only seven have


S. Pjanić


Detalj kapelice sv. Fabijana i Sebastijana, Letovanić A detail of the Chapel of St. Fabian and Sebastian, Letovanić


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M. Kučera

Vrt obitelji Mance The Mance family garden

remained fully intact, with their Baroque altars and frescoed interiors. One of them is the Chapel of St. Martin in Stari Brod. Its special feature is that all its walls, the ceiling of the nave and the lobby, and the barrel vault of its sanctuary are lined with 88 shallow painted wooden panels framed with decorative wooden boards. The panels are painted with motifs of a symmetrical ribbon weaving, from which leaves, roses, the recognisable peony, tulip and carnation flowers, swarming clusters of grapes and grape vines, and acanthus leaves hang, all painted in bright colours, the only bit of luxury, so that they resemble motifs used on folk embroidery and folk costumes. The colours applied range from greens to blues, to yellows, oranges and reds, alongside a few soothing grey and brown hues. Because of its similarity to the carved details of the chapel’s altarpiece showing St. Martin, it is assumed that these panels were painted at the time when the altar was installed in the middle of the 18th century. The chapel’s inventory originates from the first half of the 18th century and indicates a travelling painting and sculpture workshop that worked in the villages of Pokuplje. The restoration of the Chapel of St. Martin has recently received a special acknowledgment. Several months ago, the European Commission and the Europa Nostra organisation announced the winners of the 2017 European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage,


the highest European award for outstanding achievements in heritage conservation and protection. Out of 202 entries from 39 European countries, 29 projects from 18 countries were awarded, one of which was the restoration project of the Chapel of St. Martin. The jury’s decision reads as follows: This exemplary project has placed great importance on Croatia’s vernacular architecture, an aspect of the country’s heritage which has faced a decline in previous centuries. The delicate and fragile architecture has been respectfully and sensitively handled, and has enhanced the painted jewel-box like quality of this chapel... The excellent conservation of the painting is especially commendable, along with the way in which local craftspeople, the owners, and the community were encouraged to participate in the conservation process. All the works on the chapel were coordinated and the conservation work was carried out by experts of the Croatian Conservation Institute. For the locals of Stari Brod, the chapel has always been extremely important as a symbol of the many centuries of their survival in this region, in spite of floods, and ancient and recent wars. The chapel has, however, stood the test of time and survived, and, even though already ruinous and neglected, remained in liturgical function until 2007. In this chapel, the deceased are bid farewell and taken to their final resting place, but also the joyous Feast Day of St. Martin celebrated, the first saint who was not a martyr, but the patron saint of vine growers, on whose feast day new wine is drunk for the first time each year in the wine-making cycle. The location of the chapel on a natural rise along the river was also a gathering place during floods, given that the wonderful, inspirational and peaceful Kupa River would sometimes become hostile. The keys of the chapel are most often kept in families living in nearby houses that will readily open the chapel’s doors to visitors, and that are usually in charge of ringing the chapel bells before mass, on feast days or for funeral mass. The other wooden chapels of the Municipality of Lekenik are also worth seeing, because each is special in its own way. In the very centre of Letovanić ∑ lauded in cheerful folk verses as a village near the Kupa River where girls are like apples ∑ there is the Chapel of St. Fabian and Sebastian erected in the 18th century. The Chapel of St. Bartholomew in Vrh Letovanićki,

surrounded by vineyards on all sides, was built in the second half of the 19th century. Cerje Letovanićko is home to the Chapel of St. Joseph, an example of developed 18th century folk architecture. Its interior is also painted in the spirit of folk Baroque architecture with characteristic plant motifs. Its wooden inventory is from the 18th century, and its wooden bell tower houses two bells, which can still be rung. The Chapel of St. Peter on Gradec Hill in the vineyards of Vukomeričke Gorice was erected before 1668, and is one of those that were built for a small number of households or vineyard cottage owners. The Chapel of the Holy Spirit in Poljana Lekenička is another example of autochthonous architecture with an altarpiece in the image of the Holy Spirit portrayed as a dove hovering above the apostles. Lekenik is known not only for its historical stories in verse or its autochthonous architecture. Since the 1990s, this hospitable place with about two thousand inhabitants has also been house to SOS ∑ Lekenik Children’s Village, which takes care of parentless children and those without parental care. For the past decade or so, within the Lekenik Children’s Village, an SOS Social Centre has been active with a library, and holding creative, drama, music, computer and Internet workshops, and various sports activities. Recently, a Discussion Workshop called Parlaonica has been set up, where children are taught to discuss their issues and express their opinions without confrontation, which is a much needed skill. In the Municipality of Lekenik, there are several cultural artistic societies cultivating folklore heritage, and the very enthusiastic Lekenik Tourist Board, which organises numerous events with a view to preserving the region’s traditional heritage and customs, and popularising the natural, cultural and gastronomic attractions of the Municipality of Lekenik. Let us single out the Škofač Ethno Collection in Letovanić, sports clubs, an extremely active fire-fighters’ association and the great expectations of the Lekenik Business Zone which, owing to its brilliant geographic position and various amenities, attracts businessmen and entrepreneurs not only from the surrounding area, but also from afar. This apparently peaceful landscape still has a few surprises up its sleeve: truffles have recently been found in the forests of Lekenik and truffle hunting dog competitions held...


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Kava Tava

J. Krpan - Kava Tava, Å . Lugarov - Dolce Vita, Choco Cafe, La Ceperia


I GRAD P ANCAKES AND THE CITY Unatrag samo nekoliko godina Zagreb u cijelosti, pa tako i njegove periferne četvrti, poprimaju novi, veseliji identitet. I to baš najčešće raznovrsnijom ponudom hrane. I u Zagrebu se teza Louise Fresco o hrani kao o čimbeniku identiteta vrlo jasno potvrđuje. Sve više raznolikih zagrebačkih palačinkarnica jedan su od trendova obogaćivanja grada koji je nastao spontano, kao spoj poduzetničkog promišljanja i instinkta. Since only a few years back, both the entire City of Zagreb and its outskirt neighbourhoods have been acquiring a new, more cheerful identity. And this, most often through the offer of food diversifying increasingly. And so, in Zagreb, Louise Fresco’s thesis on food as a factor of identity has very clearly been confirmed. The ever-expanding number of different crêperies in Zagreb is a trend enriching the city, which has emerged spontaneously as a combination of entrepreneurial reflection and instinct. Piše/By _ Ozren Kanceljak


grada, pa sve do četvrti danas je jedan od najvećih izazova globalno povezanog društva. Kako dijeliti univerzalne vrijednosti, a biti opet svoj, jedinstven? Stalni su sukobi tradicionalista i novovjekovnih modernista. Identitet neke gradske četvrti kao i grada ili države nije i ne može biti fiksiran u određenom povijesnom trenutku. On može takav živjeti u filtriranim sjećanjima, ali identitet je živi organizam koji nastaje u interakciji starih i

novih stanovnika kao i utjecaja stvarnih i, u današnje doba, virtualnih iskustava što odgovaraju na želje, ambicije i snove ljudi koji su s pojedinim lokalitetom u nekom odnosu. Sve više raznolikih zagrebačkih palačinkarnica jedan su od trendova obogaćivanja grada koji je nastao spontano, kao spoj poduzetničkog promišljanja i instinkta i gotovo jednako snažnog prihvaćanja starosjedilaca i sve više turista.

J. Krpan - Kava Tava, Š. Lugarov - Dolce Vita, Choco Cafe, La Ceperia

rana je, na kraju…. nešto sveto. Nije riječ o sastojcima hranjivih tvari, niti o kalorijama. Bit je hrane u dijeljenju. U poštenju. Riječ je o identitetu. Tako je sažela srž hrane nizozemska znanstvenica Louise Fresco kad su je upitali zbog čega je cijeli svoj, ne samo akademski, život posvetila proučavanju raznih socijalnih, fenomenoloških pa i civilizacijskih aspekata hrane. A pitanje stvaranja identiteta neke države,

Fotografije/Photos _ Šime Lugarov, Jasmin Krpan


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Jedan od suvremenih zagrebačkih ugostiteljskih landmarka zacijelo su palačinkarnice Kava Tava, koje se nalaze na početku Tkalčićeve, najfrekventnije zagrebačke turističke pješačke ulice, ali i na popularnom trgu Britanac, gdje stari Zagrepčani tradicionalno uživaju u atmosferi starog placa te vikendom antikvarijata na otvorenome. Na pitanje kako je sve to počelo, vlasnici i inicijatori, bračni par Lana i Dodo Najjar, odgovaraju: - Naša tvrtka Tom Tom rodila se još 1998. godine, a iz nje je prije jednog desetljeća izrasla priča Kava Tava, koju danas širimo i kao franšizu u SAD-u. U potrazi za proizvodom koji vole sve generacije, prije 10 godina pronašli smo palačinke. Mi ih od prvog dana zovemo činkice, jer ih tako od milja nazivaju najmlađi kada im ih pripremaju bake, mame... Palačinka nam je u testu što smo ga proveli među naših tisuću posjetitelja spomenuta kao slatkiš koji svi u sto dana pojedu barem jedanput. Francuzi ih zovu creps, Hrvati i naši su-

sjedi palačinke, Amerikanci pancakes. O tajni uspjeha misle da je posrijedi prepoznavanje originalne smjese: - Kava Tava radi palačinke po svome tajnom receptu, izgledom najviše sliče američkim palačinkama, ali spravljene s twistom Kava Tava.

No, Kava Tava po mnogo je čemu i simbol novoga zagrebačkoga multikulturnog identiteta: - Kava Tava jest mjesto okupljanja i druženja. Sve je počelo od jednostavnog bara u kojemu se cijeli dan poslužuju doručci, ali možete navratiti





01 Kava Tava, Tkalča, ponosi se originalnom recepturom svojih činkica; bogate činkice s čokoladom i bananom Kava Tava, Tkalčićeva Street, proud of their original pancake recipe; rich pancakes with chocolate and banana 02 - 04 Eklektični interijer Kave Tave Kava Tava’s eclectic interior 03 Kava Tava, čokolada je izvor sreće, a borovnica više od ukrasa Kava Tava, chocolate is a source of happiness, and blueberries more than just decoration


na ručak ili večeru. Nepretenciozan jelovnik, ali sastavljen od proizvoda s malih zagrebačkih ekoloških farmi. Osim eklektičnoga pomalo otkvačenog uređenja, uvijek ćemo vas iznenaditi ljudima koji dolaze iz cijelog svijeta, Venezuele, Argentine, Brazila, Sirije, Kirgistana, Engleske, Perua... oni stva-

raju jedinstvenu atmosferu povezivanja ljudi, zanimljivih druženja. Kava Tava u pravom je smislu riječi mjesto okupljanja i druženja... U sklopu zagrebačkog hrama košarke, na ulazu u dvoranu Dražena Petrovića, gdje se nalazi i muzej posvećen najboljem košarkašu svih vremena, još

je jedna popularna zagrebačka palačinkarnica, Dolce Vita. Iako postoji nešto više od godinu dana, vrlo je brzo stekla veliku popularnost među đacima, studentima, zaposlenicima mnogo poslovnih tornjeva i turista koji obilaze Tehnički muzej, gostiju obližnjeg hotela Westin, a posebice sportaša i ljubitelja košarke.


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Da su palačinkarnice jedan od najbrže rastućih odlika novog identiteta grada, ponajbolje potvrđuju lokali Choco Café smješteni izvan strogog središta grada. Sa svojim inovativnim konceptom počeli su 2015. godine, iza ZET-ove remize, na Višnjevcu 2, a zatim u novozagrebačkom naselju Sopot, u blizini zgrade Porezne uprave. Ove godine proširili su se i na lokacije u naseljima Maksimir i Savica. Originalnim i vrlo ambicioznim konceptom kad svi posjetitelji kreiraju personalizirane slane ili slatke palačinke, sladolede, kad biraju veličinu, oblik i sadržaj, zasluženo su postigli popularnost i izvan četvrti iz kojih su poniknuli. - Očigledan je porast prodaje sladoleda jer nov je i atraktivan, a poslužuje se u 01

01 Dolce Vita u sklopu je košarkaškog centra Dražena Petrovića Dolce Vita within the Dražen Petrović Basketball Hall 02 Dolce Vita, slane palačinke uz koje godi domaće pivo Dolce Vita’s savoury pancakes complemented by craft homebrews 03 - 06 Dolce Vita, idealno mjesto za predah tijekom radnog vremena, slatke ili slane gablece Dolce Vita, an ideal place for a break during working hours, or a sweet or savoury bite to eat

Bračni par Ksenija i Miran Stubić, koji su vlasnici lokala i idejni začetnici toga moderno uređenog objekta, kažu da je svaka spravljena palačinka posebna priča, jer ne postoji dodatak koji gost poželi, a da ga oni nemaju u lokalu. Vrlo vrijedno i nadasve kreativno osoblje daje uvijek najviše što može, kako bi zadovoljilo svaku želju gostiju. U lokalu se uvijek rabe svježe namirnice renomiranih i provjerenih proizvođača pa je i kvaliteta palačinki neupitna i zaista odlična. U lokalu se organiziraju razna događanja, rođendani, a osobito treba spomenuti spravljanje torte od palačinki. Osim palačinki (slanih, slatkih i čokoladnih) s bezbroj sastojaka, nudi se i vrhunska kava Lavazza kao i mnogo vrsta domaćih i stranih piva, prirodnih sokova i shakea. 02




posebno osmišljenim kutijama pod nazivom Choco boxevi. U Choco Café priređuju se i dječji rođendani, a posobito se ističu i po zdravim palačinkama pa to komentiraju: - S dolaskom ljeta zapazili smo sve veće zanimanje za fit ponudom koja uključuje zdrave, niskokalorične namirnice. Stanovnici istočnije četvrti u blizini bolnice Rebro ili pak stadiona i parka Maksimir, odnedavno imaju svoju palačinkarnicu. Riječ je o palačinkarnici La Creperia, koja je smještena u novim zgradama na uglu Petrove i Bukovačke ulice i u maniri pravog street food lokala nudi raznovrsnu ponudu svojih palačinki. Vlasnik Filip Ileković obašnjava: - Veliki smo ljubitelji slatkoga, poznavatelji mnogih tradicionalnih recepata za palačinke i vafle, pa nam nije bio problem upustiti se u ovu pustolovinu. - Naša je palačinkarnica jedino mjesto u kojemu možete kušati naše originalne Krafnelle (posebno punjene krafne), a osim najvećih vafli i palačinki u gradu (promjer: 45 cm), nudimo tost i domaće craft pivo, koje se odlično slaže uz naše


delicije. Jedina smo palačinkarnica u kojoj možete iskušati Nellacino, također naš izum, koji je kombinacija Nutelle i espressa. Mašta i poduzetništvo, obogaćeni multikulturnim iskustvima, te želja pa i strast za kvalitetnim, maštovitim i bogatim slatkišima, obogatili su Zagreb. U tome, čini se, s jednakim zadovoljstvom uživaju stanovnici raznih zagrebačkih četvrti kao i sve više turista. Tako se postiže sklad sudjelovanja u globalnim trendovima, a ističući se originalnim, jedinstvenim rješe njima.


ood, in the end… is something holy. It’s not about nutrients and calories. It’s about sharing. It’s about honesty. It’s about identity. This is how a Dutch scientist, Louise Fresco, summarises the essence of food when asked about why she has devoted her entire both academic and private life to studying the various social, phenomenological and civilisational aspects of food. The question of the creation of identity of countries, cities, and even neighbourhoods

is today one of the biggest challenges of a globally connected society. How do you share universal values, yet be yourself, unique? Conflicts between traditionalists and today’s modernists are constant. The identity of a neighbourhood, a city or a state neither is nor can be fixed at a certain point in history. It can live so in filtered memories, but identity is a living organism which is generated through the interaction of old and new residents, as well as through the influence of real and, in today’s world, virtual experiences which respond to the desires, ambitions and dreams of people who are in a relationship with particular localities. The ever-expanding number of different crêperies in Zagreb is a trend enriching the city, which has emerged spontaneously as a combination of entrepreneurial reflection and instinct, and an almost equally strong acceptance by both the locals and the increasing number of tourists visiting Zagreb. One of Zagreb’s gastronomic landmarks today are definitely the Kava Tava (Eng., Coffee Pan) crêperies, one of which is located at the beginning of Tkalčićeva Street, Zagreb’s most frequented tourist pedestrian street, and the other at the popular Britanac (Eng., British) Square, where the people of Zagreb traditionally enjoy the atmosphere of an old open market and that of an outdoor antique fair during the weekend. When asked about how it all began, the owners and initiators, spouses Lana and Dodo Najjar reply: - Our company Tom Tom was born back in 1998, and the story of Kava Tava grew from it 10 years ago, and we’re today franchising it in the USA. - In our looking for a product that all generations love, 10 years ago we discovered that it is pancakes. We’ve called them činkice (Eng., the diminutive of the Croatian word for pancakes) since the very first day, because this is what the youngest call them when their grandmothers and moms



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make them pancakes. In a little study we’ve conducted amongst 1000 of our customers, it turned out that the sweet that everybody has at least once in a 100 days is ∑ the pancake. The French have crêpes, Croats and our neighbours pancakes, and the Americans flapjacks. They believe that the secret of their success lies in customers recognising their original batter recipe: - In Kava Tava, we have a secret recipe for our pancakes... they are most similar to American pancakes... but we do them with our own Kava Tava twist. But, in many respects, Kava Tava is also a symbol of Zagreb’s new multicultural identity: - Kava Tava is a social network place... It all starts with a simple bar where breakfast is served all day long, although you can also pop in for lunch or dinner. Our menu is unpretentious, but made up of ingredients and products that we buy from small eco farms from Zagreb. Here, beside our eclectic and somewhat quirky interior design, you’ll always be surprised with people coming from all over the world, Venezuela, Argentina, Brazil, Syria, Kyrgyzstan, Croatia, England,




01 Choco Café, dječje carstvo kolača, sladoleda i palačinki Choco Café, a children’s cake, ice cream and pancake empire 02 - 07 Sve palačinke Choco Caféa spravljaju se po željama svakoga gosta posebno All Choco Café pancakes are personalised, catering to all guest wishes







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year ago, it has soon gained immense popularity amongst pupils, students, employees of a large number of nearby businesses and tourists visiting the Technical Museum, guests of the nearby Westin Hotel, and particularly basketball players and fans. Spouses Ksenija and Miran Stubić, the owners of the Dolce Vita crêperie and the conceptual designers of its modernly decorated interior, say that each pancake that they serve is a special story because there is no pancake spread or topping that their guests may ask for that they do not have.

01 Krafnella, originalni slatkiš izmišljen u zagrebačkoj La Creperiji Krafnella, an original sweet invented at Zagreb’s La Creperia 02 La Creperia odiše atmosferom zagrebačkog street fooda La Creperia exudes an atmosphere of a Zagreb’s street food place 03 - 05 La Creperia se ponosi najvećim palačinkama u gradu La Creperia, proud of their biggest pancakes in town


Peru... and it is they that create a unique atmosphere of connecting people and fascinating company. Kava Tava is, in the real sense of the word, a true SocialNetworkPlace. Within Zagreb’s basketball shrine, at the very entrance to the Dražen Petrović Basketball Hall ∑ which also houses a museum dedicated to the best Croatian basketball player of all time ∑ yet another popular Zagreb crêperie is to be found. Namely, Dolce Vita. Although it was established just over a 02





Their hard-working and above all creative staff always do their best to satisfy each and every guest’s desires. Only the freshest ingredients from renowned and certified producers are used, and so the quality of the pancakes served there is top and truly great. Various events and birthday parties can be organised at the crêperie, with their pancake pie to be singled out as their speciality. In addition to pancakes (savoury, sweet and chocolaty) with countless spreads and toppings, they also serve topquality Lavazza coffee, as well as many different both local and foreign beers,

natural juices and shakes. That crêperies are one of the fastestgrowing features of the new identity of the city is best testified to by the Choco Café crêperies located outside the strict city centre. They set up their innovative concept in 2015, first at No. 2 Višnjevac Street in the neighbourhood of Remiza (the Head Office of ZET, the Zagreb Electric Tram) and then in the neighbourhood of Sopot in Novi Zagreb (near the Tax Administration building), and this year they expanded their business operations to the neighbourhoods of Maksimir and Savica. Thanks to their original and very ambitious concept ∑ all

their guests get to create their very own personalised savoury or sweet pancakes and ice creams by choosing their size, shape and ingredients ∑ they have deservedly become popular outside and beyond the neighbourhoods that they are located at. - Our sales of ice cream has increased because it’s new and appealing, and because it’s served in specially designed boxes called Choco Boxes. At Choco Café children’s birthday parties can be organised, with their healthy pancakes to be singled out as their speciality. Their comment is this: - We’ve come to realise that, with the arrival of summer, interest in healthy food options increases, and this includes healthy, low-calorie ingredients. The residents of a more eastern neighbourhood near the Rebro University Hospital Centre or the Maksimir Stadium and Park have recently come to have their own crêperie. Namely, La Creperia, which is located in the new building on the corner of Petrova and Bukovačka Streets. As a true street food place, they offer a whole variety of different pancakes. The owner Filip Ileković explains: - We’re big lovers of sweets, and know many traditional pancake and waffle recipes, and so embarking on this adventure was not a problem. - Our crêperie is the only place in town where you can try our original Krafnellas, specially stuffed doughnuts, and, besides the biggest waffles and pancakes in town which are 45 centimetres in diameter, we also serve toasts and craft homebrews, which complement our delicacies brilliantly. We’re also the only crêperie where you can try Nellacino, also our invention, which is a combination of Nutella and espresso coffee. Imagination and entrepreneurship enriched by multicultural experiences on the one hand, and an evident desire and passion for quality, elaborate and rich sweets on the other have enriched Zagreb, which is, it seems, enjoyed equally by both the residents of the various neighbourhoods of Zagreb and the increasing number of tourists visiting Zagreb. In other words, the crêperies of Zagreb harmoniously keep pace with global trends, yet stand out with their  original and unique offer.


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Čuli ste i čitali mnoge priče i legende, reklamne ponude za boravak i uživanje na jadranskim otocima, ali ovu zacijelo niste. Spuštajući se prema jugu Zadarske županije, čeka vas samozatajna Vrgada, otok na kojemu nema automobila, ali sve je nadohvat ruke - i trgovina, i nekoliko ugostiteljskih objekata, i crkva, i škola s igralištem… You must have heard and read many stories and legends, promotional offers inviting you to stay and enjoy the Adriatic islands, but you have surely not heard of this one. As you descend to the south of the Zadar County, self-effacing Vrgada awaits you, an island that no car is allowed on, but all is within reach ∑ a local grocery store, several restaurants, a church, a school and a playground... Tekst /Text _ Nives Marić & Dijana Vukoja Fotografije/Photos _ Alan Grubelić


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Pogled na otočić Artinu, glavnu Luku i Pakoštane A view of the Islet of Artina, the Main Dock Luka and Pakoštane Skladište Ribarske zadruge The Fishermen’s Cooperative warehouse


Plaža Podbrizi The Podbrizi Beach


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Staza do plaĹže Podbrizi A path leading to the Podbrizi Beach Podbrizi, pogled s mora Podbrizi, a view from the sea


Podbrizi, pogled s briga Podbrizi, a view from a hill


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Crkva Svete Trojice The Church of Holy Trinity



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01 Pogled na Vrgadu s brda Kapelica A view of Vrgada from the Kapelica Hill 02 Vrgadinska kala A kala (a narrow old street) in Vrgada



riroda je Vrgadu smjestila na samo dvije i pol nautičke milje nadomak Pakoštanima i s deset brodskih veza dnevno iz Pakoštana i Biograda na Moru, u sezoni, postaje nezaobilazno ljetno odredište. Vrgada na prvu osvaja ljepotom i ležernošću, a zadržava i stvara uspomene za pamćenje svojim jedinstvenim prirodnim okružjem koje tvori 15 manjih i većih otoka i otočića: Artina, Kozina, Kozinski Kamenčić, Obun, Sipnata, Rakita, Garmski Kamenčić, Obrvanj, Oblik, Gira, Lončarić, Vrtlić, Murvenjak, Školjić-prvi i Školjić-drugi. Umjesto zamornih gužvi na cestama koje vode iz grada do prepunih plaža, uđite u brod, udobno se smjestite na palubi i za manje od 30 minuta od kopna naći ćete se u oazi kristalno čistog mora gdje vas očekuju brojne šljunčane i pješčane plaže. Vrgadu i Vrgadine s kopnom povezuju dva broda, Vrgadinka i Lumbrikata, a njihove palube svjedoci su svakodnevnog života. Ljupki je to i malen otok površine 3,67 četvornih kilometara (dužine 3, a širine 1,3 kilometra). Veći dio površine otoka omogućuje šetnju gustom borovom šumom na sjevernoj i južnoj strani, a od južnog dijela prema zapadnom naići ćete na vrijedne Vrgadine koji obrađuju svoja skromna polja i tako održavaju čvrstu vezu sa zemljom. U jutarnjim satima


može se naići na baku koja ponosno nudi tek ubrane plodove svoga marljivog rada. Treba imati na umu da je voda i na ovom otoku vrlo dragocjena pa je obrađivanje polja zaista zahtjevan posao. Uplovljavanje u glavno pristanište Luka i nasmijani ljudi na molu, koji čekaju svoje drage i goste, znak su radosti koja se širi otokom, osobito ljeti, jer svako uplovljavanje donosi novu priču i nove izazove. Već prvi korak na Vrgadi omogućuje susret s ljubaznim mještanima, uglavnom stalnim starijim stanovništvom koje bezbrižno sjedi u hladu oleandra i smokve pred jedinom trgovinom na otoku i ćakula o dnevnim događanjima, tko se rodio, tko je umro, tko prolazi…Slika je to šarmantnog mediteranskog i vrgadinskog načina života koji mami ležernošću. Nije neobično ni vidjeti u rano jutro drvenu barku s ribarom koji vuče mrežu i vadi vršu punu ribe koju za nekoliko trenutaka, još živu, možete kupiti pred kućom ribara. Osobitost vrgadinskog ribolova jest tzv. ludar, tj. način ribolova u kojemu sudjeluje nekoliko ribara koji mahanjem mrežom i užadi plaše ribu kako bi je u što većoj količini izlovili. Od dijela toga ulova ribari katkad naprave pravu morsku deliciju - sušenu ribu, vrgadinsku hljandrovinu. Riba se suši na zraku i tako konzervira pa može dugo trajati i pravi je specijalitet

vrgadinske gastronomske ponude. Pronaći mir i uživati u intimi možete u nekoliko manjih uvala i dražica te pješčanih plaža Podbrizi i Pocrikve, odnosno Pržina. Plitko i čisto more te pjeskovito dno omogućavaju bezbrižno kupanje i uživanje. Na južnoj strani otoka u čarobnoj uvali Kranje gusta borova šuma idealna je za izlete i kampiranje. O višestoljetnom postojanju Vrgade svjedoči povijest. Najstariji zapis iz 1572. godine kaže da je tada na Vrgadi bilo 133 stanovnika, otprilike kao i danas. Epidemija kuge 1631.-1632. gotovo je opustošila Vrgadu. Sljedećih nekoliko godina mletačka uprava zaslužnom časniku vojske, tadašnjem vlasniku Vrgade, konteu Fariniju, omogućava naseljavanje otoka prebjezima iz Bosne, koji nisu htjeli prihvatiti muslimansku vjeru. Utvrda Gradina, crkva svetog Andrije, crkva Svete Trojice i barokni ljetnikovac Damiani najbolji su svjedoci zanimljive vrgadinske prošlosti. Koliko je utvrda Gradina bila važna govori podatak da je čuvala južni pristup Zadru, glavnom gradu bizantske Dalmacije te omogućavala sigurnu plovidbu i trgovinu bizantskim galijama. Izvori potvrđuju da je tvrđava na Vrgadi sagrađena ili potkraj petog ili u početku šestog stoljeća poslije Krista. Iz 9. stoljeća crkva je svetog Andrije, koja se nalazi na mjesnom groblju u uvali Pocrikva. Legenda kaže da je more na to mjesto iznjedrilo drveni kip sv. Andrije, koji je bio bizantski svetac, pa su Vrgadini svecu u čast podigli crkvicu, a kip postavili na oltar. Sveti Andrija i danas je zaštitnik ribara na Vrgadi. Crkva Svete Trojice na brdu Sudujam postala je župnom crkvom 19. listopada 1696. godine. Povijesni izvori govore da je prije na tome mjestu postojala vjetrenjača s mlinom, građena u kružnom obliku. Crkva je do danas zadržala ulogu župne u vjerskom životu Vrgade, a blagdan Svete Trojice na Vrgadi svake se godine obilježava kao mjesna fešta. Vrgadini toga dana pokažu i dokažu svoju gostoljubivost pa u svakom vrgadinskom domu možete uživati u tradicionalnim jelima i slasticama. Priča o ostacima baroknog ljetnikovca Damiani seže u vrijeme uspostave venecijanske vlasti nad Dalmacijom kada je Vrgada bila u posjedu mnogih vlastelinskih obitelji, tzv. konti (zadarski plemić Zloradis, konte Farini…). Kratko vrijeme (1652. -1681.) Vrgadom su

gospodarili knezovi Klokočići i oni Vrgadu prodaju Damianima (Damjanovići iz Škripa na otoku Braču) koji na otoku ostaju sve do 1921. godine kada im je nacionaliziran posjed. Konti Damiani dolaskom na Vrgadu grade ljetnikovac, čije ostatke i danas možemo obići. U Kontovu palacu, kako ga Vrgadini zovu, sačuvani su samo djelomično vanjski zidovi, a potpuno kapelica Gospe od Zdravlja. U kapelici se može vidjeti slika Gospe s Djetetom, uz koju je vezana legenda. Naime, konte je pokušao sa svojom obitelji i sa slikom Gospe s Djetetom napustiti otok, ali u dva ga je navrata olujna bura onemogućila. Tek u trećem pokušaju, pošto je Gospinu sliku vratio na oltar, bura je popustila i konte je uspio otploviti. Narod Vrgade s radošću i danas prenosi legendu o Gospinoj slici. Osim zanimljive prošlosti, Vrgada ima zanimljivu i sadašnjost. Neobično je i zgodno što danas na Vrgadi nema automobila. No, taj podatak ne uznemirava jer na Vrgadi sve je nadohvat ruke, i trgovina, i nekoliko ugostiteljskih objekata, i crkva, i škola s igralištem… Još jedna osobitost


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jesu mnogobrojne i raznobojne druželjubive mačke, vjerne pratiteljice na svakom koraku i u svakom kutku otoka. Glavna djelatnost današnjih Vrgadina jest turizam, a svojim gostima imaju što ponuditi, od robinzonskog ljetovanja do luksuzinih apartmana. Tijekom ljeta na Vrgadi se može uživati u etno-gastro događanjima Ribarske večeri i fešti posvećenoj svetoj Ani (26. srpnja). Ljubazni domaćini tradicijskim delicijama od ribe i morskih plodova kao i slasticama (fritule, kroštule, ušećereni bademi…) trude se doprijeti do okusnih pupoljaka svakoga gosta. Uz dalmatinsku pjesmu, klapske napjeve i vedre domaćine u narodnim nošnjama, boravak na ovome malenom otoku postaje nezaboravan. Svakom gostu, dobronamjernom putniku željnom novih iskustava, Vrgada pruža pravu morsku rapsodiju. Opuštajući miris bora, kristalno čisto more, krik galeba upotpunjuje sliku o mirnom, ležernom i ljupkom otoku samozatajne ljepote. Ne sumnjamo da ćete svojim dolaskom na Vrgadu uživati u tome što ste, na neko vrijeme, i vi postali dio toga neodo ljivog otoka.


ature placed Vrgada at only two and a half nautical miles away from Pakoštane, and with ten boat connections daily from Pakoštane and Biograd na Moru during the season, it is an unavoidable summer destination. Vrgada captivates you at first sight with its beauty and tranquillity, inviting you to make memorable memories with its unique natural surroundings including 15 smaller or bigger islands and islets: Artina, Kozina, Kozinski Kamenčić, Obun, Sipnata, Rakita, Garmski Kamenčić, Obrvanj, Oblik, Gira, Lončarić, Vrtlić, Murvenjak, Školjić-prvi i Školjić-drugi. Instead of getting tired in crowds on your way from city centres to overcrowded beaches, board a boat, get comfortable on the deck and in less than 30 minutes you will find yourself in an oasis of crystal clear waters where numerous pebble and sandy beaches await you. The Island and the people of Vrgada are connected with the mainland with two boats, Vrgadinka and Lumbrikata, and their decks are witnesses of everyday life. Vrgada is a charming small island of 3.67 square kilometres (3 kilometres long and 1.3 kilometres wide) in area. To the north











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and south, most of the island is covered in a thick pine forest that walks can be taken in, while the hard-working people of Vrgada are in the south-west, working in their humble fields and maintaining a strong connection with the land. In the early hours of the morning, you can come across a local old lady who is proudly offering the freshly picked fruits of her hard work. It should be kept in mind that water is very precious on this island as well, so working in the fields is hard work indeed. Sailing into the main dock Luka and the smiling people on the quay waiting for their loved ones and their guests is a sign of joy spreading around the island, especially during the summer, since each docking brings a new story and new challenges. As soon as you step onto the Island of Vrgada you meet friendly locals, mostly permanent residents, elderly people, who sit in a laid-back manner in the shade of oleander bushes and fig trees in front of the only grocery store on the island and chitchat about the day’s affairs and events, who was born, who died, who is passing... This is an image of a charming Mediterranean and Vrgadaesque lifestyle that entices with its easygoingness. It is not uncommon to see, in the early hours of the morning, a wooden boat with a fisherman pulling the net and a fishing tackle full of fish that you can buy still alive just a few moments later in front of the fisherman’s house. The fishermen of Vrgada fish in a specific way ∑ it is called ludar, and requires several fishermen who, by waving their nets and ropes, scare the fish to catch as many as possible. From a part of their catch, the fishermen make a real fish delicacy ∑ vrgadinska hljandrovina, dried fish à la Vrgada... The fish is air-dried and thus preserved so it can last for a long time and is a true speciality of Vrgada’s gastronomic offer. You can find and enjoy peace and quiet in several smaller bays and coves, and on the sandy beaches of Podbrizi and Pocrikva or Pržina. The shallow and clear waters and a sandy bottom make swimming all the more enjoyable. On the south side of the island, the magical bay of Kranje hides, whose dense pine forest makes it ideal for trips and camping. History testifies to the many-centuries-long existence of Vrgada. The oldest record from 1572 states that there were 133 inhabitants in Vrgada at the time, about as many as today. The 1631-1643 plague epidemic almost fully devastated Vrgada.



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In the following several years, the Venetian Administration allowed the deserving army officer and the then owner of Vrgada, Count Farini, to populate the island with defectors from Bosnia who refused to accept the Muslim faith. The Fortress of Gradina, the Church of St. Andrew, the Church of Holy Trinity and the Baroque Damiani Summer Mansion are the best witnesses of the fascinating history of Vrgada. Just how important the Fortress of Gradina was is testified to by the fact that it protected Zadar, the capital of Byzantine Dalmatia, from the south, and facilitated the safe sailing and trading of Byzantine galleys. Sources confirm that the Fortress of Gradina in Vrgada was built either at the end of the fifth or beginning of the sixth century A.D. The Church of St. Andrew is from the 9th century and is at the local cemetery in the Pocrikva Bay. Legend has it that a wooden statue of St. Andrew, a Byzantine saint, was washed ashore here, and so the inhabitants of Vrgada raised a church in honour of the saint, having placed the statue on the altar. St. Andrew is even today considered to be the patron saint of fishermen in Vrgada. The Church of Holy Trinity on the Sudujam Hill became a parish church on 19th October 1696. Historical sources say that, before the church was built, there was a round windmill in its place. To this day, the church has retained the role of parish church in the religious life of Vrgada, with the Feast of Holy Trinity celebrated every year as a local feast on Vrgada. On this day, the people of Vrgada demonstrate and prove their hospitality, and so in every house in Vrgada you get to enjoy traditional meals and sweets. The story of the remains of the Baroque Damiani Summer Mansion dates back to the time of the establishment of Venetian Administration over Dalmatia when Vrgada was in possession of many noble families, the so-called konti (Eng., counts; Zloradis, a nobleman of Zadar; Count Farini...). Over a short period of time (1652-1681), Vrgada was ruled by the Counts of the Klokočić Family, who sold Vrgada to the Damiani Family (the Damjanović Family from the village of Škrip on the Island of Brač) who remained on the island until 1921 when their estate was expropriated. Upon their arrival on the Island of Vrgada, the Counts of the Damiani Family built a summer mansion, whose remains can still be visited today. Only the exterior walls of the Count’s

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Palace, as the summer mansion is called by the locals, are partially preserved, while the Chapel of Our Lady of Good Health is fully preserved. The chapel houses a painting of Our Lady and Child, which a legend is attached to. More specifically, the Count tried to leave the island with his family and the painting of Our Lady and Child, but was stopped on two occasions by a violent storm. He managed to leave the island only on his third attempt and only once he returned the painting of Our Lady and Child to the altar, which is when the storm abated and so he managed to get off the island. To this very day, the people of Vrgada continue retelling the legend of the painting of Our Lady and Child with much joy. Apart from an interesting past, Vrgada also has an interesting present. The fact that there are no cars on the Island of Vrgada is as unusual as it is agreeable. Yet, this is not an inconvenience because, in Vrgada, everything is within reach, a local grocery store, several restaurants, the church, a school and a playground... The island’s other specificity are its many companionable cats of different breed, faithful companions at every step and corner of the island. The main activity of the people of Vrgada today is tourism, and they have what to offer their guests, from RobinsonCrusoe-like holidays to luxury accommodation. During the summer, the ethno-gastro event of the Fishermen’s Evenings and the Feast of Saint Anne (26th July) are to be enjoyed on the Island of Vrgada. Friendly hosts strive to cater to the taste of each guest with traditionally prepared fish and seafood delicacies and sweets (fritule and kroštule, both a local fried sweet delicacy, candied almonds...). Your stay on this small island is bound to be unforgettable thanks to Dalmatian songs and klapa singing, as well as your cheerful hosts dressed in folk costumes. The Island of Vrgada offers a true sea rhapsody to each and every guest, to all well-intentioned travellers looking for new experiences. The relaxing scent of pine trees, crystal clear waters and the screaming of seagulls completes the image of a quiet, laidback and lovely island of a selfeffacing beauty. There is no doubt that, with your arrival on the Island of Vrgada, you will enjoy the fact that, for some time, you too have become part of this irresisti ble island.


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d i l o H


with a view



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ORYX Rent-a-car ponovno najbolji u Hrvatskoj ORYX Rent a Car again the best in Croatia


ak tri poslovnice ORYX Rent-a-car drugu godinu zaredom proglašene su onima s najvišom razinom kvalitete usluge u Hrvatskoj. Naime, težeći sve većem standardu,, najveći svjetski online rent-a-car sustav koji godišnje ugovori više od 8,500.000 najmova vozila preko svojih 900 partnera na više od 50.000 lokacija diljem svijeta, i ove je godine programom Customer Favourite Awards izrazio zahvalnost svojim partnerima koji konstantno pružaju najbolje iskustvo klijentima. Tako su tri ORYX Rent-a-car poslovnice, konkretno one u Zračnoj luci Dubrovnik, Zračnoj luci Split i Zračnoj luci Zadar, osvojile ponovno to prestižno priznanje u Hrvatskoj i za 2016. godinu, što znači da su korisnici u ove tri zračne luke, od svih pružatelja usluga najma vozila, upravo ORYX Rent-a-car proglasili onim s najvišom razinom kvalitete usluge. ORYX Rent-a-car istaknuo se kvalitetom, što je ujedno i želja da svi zajednički klijenti svaki put uživaju u izvanrednom iskustvu iznajmljivanja automobila te da partneri dobavljači koji nude najbolju uslugu budu prepoznati po izvrsnim ocjenama klijenata i istaknutim pozicioniranjem na njihovom web servisu. ORYX Rent-a-caru, kao već poznatom nositelju brojnih nagrada za izvrsnu kvalitetu usluge i prepoznatljivost, ovo je već peta nagrada u nizu, koja uz Qudal, BestBuy, Customers’ friend i Superbrands dokazuje kvalitetu koju priznaju korisnici usluge.



s many as three ORYX Rent a Car offices have been declared, for the second consecutive year, to be the best in the quality of services they offer in Croatia. More specifically, striving to raise the level of standard, ∑ the world’s largest online car rental system that annually rents over 8.5 million vehicles through its 900 partner companies at more than 50,000 locations worldwide ∑ through its Customer Favourite Awards programme, this year too expressed its gratitude to their partners who continually provide the best customer experience. So three ORYX Rent a Car offices ∑ specifically, those at the Dubrovnik Airport, Split Airport and Zadar Airport ∑ yet again won this prestigious award in Croatia for 2016. In other words, at these three airports, users declared ORYX Rent a

Car services to be the best in the quality of services they offer from amongst all car rental service providers in Croatia. ORYX Rent a Car has stood out with its quality, which is what wishes to achieve ∑ for all shared clients to enjoy the extraordinary experience of renting a car every time, and for their partner suppliers offering the best service to be recognised by their excellent customer ratings and their prominent positioning on their online service. For ORYX Rent a Car, as an already widely known recipient of numerous awards for outstanding quality of service and recognisability, this is the fifth prize in a row which ∑ along with Qudal, BestBuy, Customers’ Friend and Superbrands ∑ proves their quality recognised by their clients.


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Finlandia Talo Huset Hall

Piše/By _ Ines Sabalić Fotografija/Photo _ Vanja Šolin


Prvo što se osjeti u Helsinkiju svjež je miris hladnoga Baltičkog mora i šuma. To je tonificirajuća svježina koja podiže raspoloženje, ali ne do euforije. Helsinki je još opušteniji od Stockholma, a manje skup i manje ekskluzivan od Osla. Ništa ovdje nije pretjerano. Zdravlje, čistoća, visoka tehnologija, solidarnost, modernost ∑ to su pojmovi oko kojih se organizira ovaj grad. The first thing that you feel in Helsinki is that fresh smell of the cold Baltic Sea and forests. It is a toning freshness that raises your spirits, although not up to the point of euphoria. Helsinki is even more relaxed than Stockholm, yet less expensive and less exclusive than Oslo. Here, nothing is exaggerated. Health, cleanliness, high technology, solidarity, modernity ∑ these are the ideas around which this city is organised. CROATIA AIRLINES 3/2017

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Luteranska crkva Temppeliaukio, orgulje, detalj Temppeliaukio Lutheran Church, a detail of the pipe organ

Č Kafić Aalto u Stockmannovoj knjižari Aalto Cafe inside Stockmann’s bookstore


etiristo je kilometara od Helsinkija do Osla, i isto toliko do Sankt Petersburga. Dva velika susjeda imala su golem utjecaj na Finsku i Fince, koji doduše nikad nisu, kao njihovi najbliži rođaci, Estonci, bili dio Sovjetskog Saveza. To su izbjegli i stoga su bili zadovoljni, ali najradije bi da se o tome previše ne govori. Neki je mladi Finac rekao da svoju zemlju i njezinu političku kulturu treba razumjeti kao šaptača medvjedu. Polako, polako, nježno... Niti veze s moćnim Šveđanima, niti s Rusima nisu bile lagane. Danas se to

Spomenik Sibeliusu, Mechelininkatu Sibelius Monument, Mechelininkatu

ne govori, jer imperativ je prijateljskoga i nekonfliktnog ponašanja i govora iznad svega. Ipak, kad se gleda sa strane, nemoguće je ne zapaziti velike turističke ekspedicije iz Stockholma u Helsinki. Mnogi Šveđani plove brodom u Helsingfors, kako se grad zove na švedskom, da bi uživali u provodu na brodu. Kad brod pristane u helsinšku luku, mnogi su preumorni za obilazak, prespavaju dan i čekaju noć za novi party. Ne zanima ih dovoljno. Njihov je dojam da je Helsingfors manji i manje atraktivan Stockholm. Kuće su niže, sreHelsinška katedrala Helsinki Cathedral

Umjetnički performans, Trg Senata Art performance, Senate Square CROATIA AIRLINES 3/2017

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KriĹžanje kod crkve Temppeliaukio / A crossroad at the Temppeliaukio Church

Sankonpaadenranta Rouholahti


Pothodnik / An underpass

Galerija Virka / The Virka Gallery

dište uže - makar niti u Stockholmu nije osobito veliko. Izvan strogog središta grada gradnja je relativno jednolična. U udaljenijim predgrađima Helsinkija ima naselja koja podsjećaju na ona u bivšim socijalističkim zemljama. Ali, dok u Stockholmu ili Malmöu - a to je sindrom kompleksnijeg problema - takva naselja nisu najbolje održavana, u Helsinkiju jesu. Kao i u nekim drugim europskim gradovima, gentrifikacija je promijenila izgled tih predgrađa nabolje. No, oni koji siđu s tih turističkih brodova, kao što nam kaže neka Šveđanka, ne zažale. Gradski šarm najbolje je osjetiti na bulevaru Esplanadi. Južnjačka kultura pijenja kave i terasâ probila se i do ove sjeverne prijestolnice i lijepo se udomaćila. Građani se poslije shoppinga odmaraju i promatraju zelenilo parkova. Posvuda su u Helsinkiju voda, svježina, zelenilo. Najpoznatiji je café Capelli. Možemo zatvoriti oči i zamisliti na mjestu današnjih gostiju ruske oficire kicoše, koji su u 19. stoljeću ovdje provodili dane, kartali i promatrali gospođice na promenadi. Café Capelli bila je i kavana helsinških umjetnika, pisaca i studenata. Zanimljivo, ali Finci vole i mnogo piju kavu. Zapravo je čudno što je ovdje prilično dobar talijanski espresso. No, i tome su Finci pristupili racionalno i sustavno: baristi su posao naučili u Italiji. Za vrijeme Hladnoga rata Helsinki je bio prirodna lokacija za snimanje špijunskih filmova jer najviše je od svih zapadnih gradova nalikovao na Sovjetski Savez, na Rusiju. Zapadne filmske ekipe tada još nisu mogle snimati na autentičnim lokacijama. Makar je Finska bila zapadna demokracija, Helsinki je imao u arhitekturi, u pročeljima kuća, maglama, kišama, snijegu, hladnoći, fizionomijama prolaznika, modi, nešto slično svome velikome socijalističkom susjedu. Govorimo o šezdesetim, a pogotovo sedamdesetim i osamdesetim godinama prošlog stoljeća. Vrlo uspješni Gorky Park i Telefon bili su snimljeni u Helsinkiju, koji je glumio Moskvu. Ali, nije to bio samo film. Helsinki je doista i bio mjesto sudara špijuna dva velika bloka, prava vojna granica. Daleko na sjeveru nije bio ničija velika briga, sami Finci gledali su kako da iz tog sraza izađu što manje oštećeni i što bolje budu ispod radara.

Promjena u toku povijesti, novo doba, najbolje se možda vidi na izletištu Suomenlinna, koje i danas često zovu švedskim imenom Sveaborg. Suomenlinna nije bila zamišljena kao izletište. Upravo obratno, to je sustav fortifikacija koji se proteže na šest malih otoka i koji je štitio ratnu luku. Tu luku i fortifikaciju sagradili su u 18. stoljeću Šveđani, uz francusku potporu, i temeljeći je na idejama genijalnoga francuskoga vojnog arhitekta fortifikacija Vaubana. Tvrđava je zamišljena i djelovala je kao obrana Skandinavije od sve jače Rusije. Pod njezinim okriljem i malo naselje u blizini razvijalo se u grad. Doduše, kad su tvrđavu 1808. zauzeli Rusi, iz nje su kontrolirali cijelu Finsku. Luka je bila naizmjenično u posjedu Šveđana, Rusa i Finaca, no danas se ondje biciklira, jede organska hrana, sluša glazba, treniraju sportovi i ide se na plažu. Naime, ljeta dugih dana, s mnogo sunca, zagriju atmosferu i zaista se može kupati. Uostalom, Finci su naviknuli na hladnu vodu. Legenda koju smo svi čuli da je Finska puna sauna - istinita je. Gotovo posvuda raširen je taj luksuz koji donosi dobro zdravlje i koji je ovdje način života. Posve je moguće zimi vidjeti gotovo sasvim gole ljude koji sjede ili stoje ispred zgrada i hlade se poslije saune. Zdravlje, čistoća, visoka tehnologija, solidarnost, modernost - to su riječi oko kojih se organizira ovaj grad. To se vidi posvuda: u Design Districtu ističu velike ambicije da način života grada postane europski važan. Središte grada oslobađa se od prometa, a javni promet minimalno onečišćava. Gdje god mogu, postavljaju solarne panele, kako bi štedjeli energiju i imali manje emisije štetnih plinova. Helsinki niti danas, sa 650.000 stanovnika, nije golem. Veliki uspon Helsinkija, zapravo, cijele Finske, počeo je sredinom 1970-ih. I država i privatne kompanije sustavno su slale mlade Fince na školovanje u Sjedinjene Države i velike europske centre. Oni su se vraćali i isto tako sustavno reformirali svoju zemlju. Skok od pedesetih i šezdesetih godina u industriji i životnom standardu gotovo je nezamisliv. Još je više Finska profitirala nakon 1995., kad je postala dio Europske unije. Kao i u svakoj suvremenoj ekonomiji, usluge su veliki dio bogatstva, ali također i vrlo sofisticirana tehnolo-

Luteranska katedrala / The Lutheran Cathedral

Sajmišni trg / The Market Square

gija. Istina, Nokia prolazi teže dane, ali cijeli svijet zna za Nokiju i imao je njezin proizvod. A imaju Nokiju i slične industrije, jer veoma su mnogo ulagali u istraživanja i razvoj. Ništa nije slučajno, niti u toj zemlji, niti u glavnom gradu. Sve je pametno i promišljeno. Grad Helsinki radi i na pojačanju svoje demografije, i smatra da bi za nekoliko desetljeća mogao narasti za najmanje sto tisuća stanovnika. Putovanje u Helsinki doživljaj je koji nema mnogo veze s uobičajenim turi-

Sajmišni trg / The Market Square CROATIA AIRLINES 3/2017

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Pogled s vrha hotela Solo Sokos Torni / A view from the top of Solo Sokos Hotel Torni

stičkim izletima, divljenjem arhitekturi ili znamenitim lokacijama. Ima, dakako, i toga. Na Senatskom trgu blještavo je bijela luteransko-evangelička katedrala, do koje se penje brojnim bijelim stubama, pažljivo sračunatima da previše ne umaraju noge. Na njima se odvija i suvremeni svakodnevni život, sastanci, ljubavni susreti, predah uz sendviče dok se promatra velika esplanada Trga Senata. Druga crkva koja se redovito navodi u paru s katedralom jest na obližnjem otoku Katanakokka. To je pravoslavni hram Uspenski, zlatnih kupola i toplo crvenih ciglenih zidova, pažljivo održavan. Sagrađen je u istoj epohi kao i katedrala i najveća je pravoslavna crkva u nekoj nepravoslavnoj europskoj zemlji. Makar je danas samo dva posto pravoslavnih vjernika u tradicijski luteranskoj zemlji, Uspenski je vrlo važan, jer povijest je religiozno političke podjele zanimljivija

nego što se na prvi pogled čini. Dvije su crkve važne kao dva podsjetnika, ali ono što se danas posjećuje i gleda u Helsinkiju, drugi su spomenici. Najbolji je primjer Kiasma, muzej suvremene umjetnosti. Ta smjela moderna arhitektura i stalni sadržaji, a ne crkve, simbol su suvremenog Helsinkija. Nije čudno što su se tako obogatili, nego je čudno i divljenja vrijedno kako su ostali jednostavni, prihvatili najbolje, a sačuvali određenu skromnost. Sve ovdje govori o tome kako je solidarnost očuvana. Nema divljega, destruktivnog egoizma. Ako išta, u Helskinki treba doći da se vidi ta velika životna lekcija, što se može kad se donose racionalne odluke i uči na pogreškama. Već je i posjet toj zemlji odmor, od načina na koji provode ono što drugi samo govore - na prvome mjestu stvarnu ravnopravnost žena i muškaraca - do toga kako su lagano uplovili u

Istočna strana zgrade Finlandia / The east wall of Finlandia Hall


modernost. Cijela zemlja, i njezin glavni grad, primjer su dobre prakse. Ovisi o ukusu, možete se cijelo vrijeme vući po kafićima na Esplanadi, po trgovinama velikih europskih lanaca, ili po malim dizajnerskim trgovinama u četvrti Design District. Design District također nije nastao slučajno, nego je rezultat dobrih odluka gradske uprave. U ovom slučaju dizajn se ne odnosi samo na estetiku uporabnih predmeta, nego se misli šire: na to kako da okolinu učinimo kreativnijom i promišljenijom. U Design Districtu možete i spavati i jesti u ambijentu koji je moderan, pa i avangardan, među mladim ljudima s tankim laptopima apple, a ujedno je i motivirajući. Drugačiji doživljaj pruža stara helsinška luka. Dakako, sve što se nudi na prodaju sa štandova ekološki je osviješteno i provjereno. Budući da je tako, iako smo daleko na sjeveru, neko voće ima okus i slast kakve u velikim europskim gradovima više ne možemo naći. Kao i u cijeloj Skandinaviji, izbor nije velik. To je uglavnom bobičasto voće, borovice i jagode - ali okus je nenadmašan. I ovdje, na tržnici u Staroj luci, vidi se sjevernjački egalitarizam i jednostavnost: svi ovamo dolaze, kušaju proizvode, jedu jednostavnu i ne preskupu hranu sa štandova: od obitelji koje su došle po tjedne zalihe, preko turista, do najvažnijih političara u zemlji. Sve što je povezano s turizmom izvrsno je organizirano, nenametljivo, a korisno  za upoznavanje grada.


here are four hundred kilometres from Helsinki to Oslo, as well as to Saint Petersburg. These two big neighbours have had an enormous influence on Finland and the Finns, who were never, unlike their closest cousins, the Estonians, part of the Soviet Union. They managed to avoid this and are happy because of it, but they prefer not to talk about it too much. A young Finn said that his country and its political culture should be understood as a bear whisperer. Slowly, slowly, gently... Finland’s relations were never easy with either the mighty Swedes or the Russians. This is not talked about today, because their imperative is friendly and non-conflicting behaviour and language above all else. However, when viewed from aside, it is impossible not to see large tourist expeditions from Stockholm to Helsinki. Many Swedes sail on boats to Helsingfors, which is what Helsinki is called in Swedish, to enjoy cruising and partying on boats. When they arrive in the Port of Helsinki, many are too tired to tour the city, and so they spend the day sleeping, getting ready for a new party the following night. They are not sufficiently interested in Helsinki. Their impression is that Helsingfors is a smaller and less attractive Stockholm. The houses are lower, the centre narrower ∑ although it is not particularly larger in Stockholm either. Outside the strict city centre, housing is relatively uniform. In the outermost suburbs of Helsinki, there are neighbourhoods that resemble neighbourhoods from former socialist countries. However, in Stockholm or Malmo ∑ and this is a syndrome of a more complex problem ∑ such neighbourhoods are not as maintained as they are in Helsinki. Like in some other European cities, gentrification has changed the appearance of these suburbs. But, those who do come off these tourist boats, as a Swede tells us, are not sorry that they have. The city’s charm is best felt on the Esplanadi Boulevard. The southern culture of coffee drinking and cafe terraces broke through to this northern capital and settled in nicely. After shopping, people rest and enjoy the greenery of parks. Water, freshness and greenery are found everywhere in Helsinki. The most famous cafe is Cafe Capelli. If you close your eyes, you can easily imagine in the place of today’s guests dandy Russian officers, who used to spend their days there in the 19th century, playing cards

and watching young ladies pass by on the promenade. Cafe Capelli was also the cafe of Helsinki’s artists, writers and students. Interestingly, Finns love and drink a lot of coffee. In fact, it is rather strange that Italian espresso is pretty good here. They have approached even the business of coffee making rationally and systematically: where else would the baristas be taught how to prepare coffee if not in Italy. During the Cold War, Helsinki was a natural choice of location for the shooting of spy movies, because out of all Western cities it resembled the Soviet Union or Russia the most. At the time, Western film crews were not yet able to shoot at authentic locations. Regardless of the fact that Finland was a Western democracy, Helsinki had something similar to its great socialist neighbour in terms of its architecture, house facades, fogs, rains, snows, coldness, the physiognomies of its people, fashions. We are talking about the sixties, and especially the seventies and the eighties of the last century. The very successful films Gorky Park and Telefon were shot in Helsinki acting as Moscow. But, this was not only about films. Helsinki was indeed a place where the spies of the two large blocs collided, a true military border. Far up in the north, Finland

Muzej Kiasma / Kiasma Museum

was no one’s big concern, and the Finns themselves looked to come out of this collision with as little damage as possible and to fly under the radar as best as possible. A change in the course of history, a new era, is best seen at the Suomenlinna excursion site, which is even today often referred to by its Swedish name of Sveaborg. Suomenlinna was not conceived as an excursion site. On the contrary, it is a fortification system that stretches across six small islands protecting the war harbour. The harbour and fortification were built in the 18th century by the Swedes with the

Turisti u crkvi Temppeliaukio / Tourists at the Temppeliaukio Church CROATIA AIRLINES 3/2017

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01 Kip Aleksandra II. ispred helsinške katedrale The statue of Alexander II in front of the Helsinki Cathedral 02 Detalj zgrade blizu pravoslavne crkve Uspenski A detail on a building near the Orthodox Uspenski Cathedral 03 Bračni par na stubama helsinške katedrale A married couple on the stairs of the Helsinki Cathedral 04 Pročelje željezničkog kolodvora The front wall of the central railway station






support of the French, having based it on the ideas of the genius French military fortification architect, Vauban. The fortress was conceived and functioned as a defence of Scandinavia against ever stronger Russia. Sheltered by it, the small settlement in its vicinity developed into a city. However, when the Russians occupied the fortress in 1808, from it they controlled the whole of Finland. The harbour was alternately owned by the Swedes, Russians and Finns, yet today people go there to ride their bicycles, eat organic foods, listen to music, practice sports and go to the beach. More specifically, the long days of summer with plenty of sunshine warm up the atmosphere and so you can really go swimming. After all, the Finns are accustomed to cold water. The legend that we have all heard that Finland is crowded with saunas is indeed ∑ true. This good-health-promoting luxury is almost omnipresent and is a way of life there. In the winter, it is quite normal to see almost completely naked people sitting or standing in front of buildings and cooling off after a sauna. Health, cleanliness, high technology, solidarity, modernity ∑ these are the ideas around which this city is organised. This is seen everywhere: Helsinki’s Design District highlights their great ambition to make the city’s way of life important within the European framework. The city centre is being freed from traffic, while public transport pollutes only minimally. Wherever possible, solar panels are installed with a view to saving energy and producing less harmful emissions. With its 650,000 inhabitants, Helsinki today is not a large city. The great rise of Helsinki and, in fact, the whole of Finland began in the mid-1970s. Both the state and private companies were sending young Finns to be schooled in the United States and major European centres systematically. Once they returned, they worked on systematically reforming their country. Finland’s great leap from the

fifties and the sixties in industry levels and standard of living is almost unimaginable. Finland profited even more after 1995 when it joined the European Union. As in any modern economy, the services sector is a large part of the country’s wealth, as well as highly sophisticated technology. True, Nokia has been experiencing difficulties, but the entire world knows about Nokia and has had its product. Finland’s similar industries also have their Nokias because they have been investing heavily in research and development. Nothing happens by chance either in the country or in its capital. Everything is smart and well thought-out. The City of Helsinki has also been working on boosting its demography, and it is believed that it could grow by at least one hundred thousand inhabitants within the period of only several decades. Travelling to Helsinki is an experience that has little to do with your usual tourist excursions, with admiring architecture or famous tourist attractions. There is, of course, that too. At the Senate Square, the white Lutheran cathedral glitters, to which a flight of white stairs leads, which were calculated and designed carefully so as not to tire your legs too much. On these stairs, modern everyday life unfolds, meetings of friends and lovers are arranged, breaks are taken with sandwiches with the esplanade of the Senate Square stretching before their eyes. The other church, which is regularly paired with the cathedral, is located on the nearby island of Katajanokka. This is the Orthodox Uspenski Cathedral with its gold domes and warm red brick walls, which have been carefully maintained. It was built in the same period as the Lutheran cathedral and is the largest Orthodox church in a non-Orthodox European country. Irrespective of the fact that today there are only two percent of Orthodox believers in this traditionally Lutheran country, Uspenski Cathedral is very important because the history of religious and political divisions is far more interesting than it may seem at first glance. These two churches are important as two reminders, but what is today visited and looked at in Helsinki are other monuments. The best example is the Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art. Its daring modern architecture and permanent exhibition setup ∑ and not the churches ∑ are a symbol of today’s Helsinki. It comes as no surprise that the Finns got so wealthy. But what does come as a

surprise and is admirable is that they have remained a simple people, that they have accepted the very best, and yet preserved a certain level of modesty. Everything there speaks volumes about how solidarity has been preserved. There is no wild, destructive egoism. If anything, Helsinki should be visited so as to see a great life lesson come to life, to see what can be achieved when rational decisions are made and mistakes are learnt from. Just visiting the country is in itself a vacation, from the way in which they have put into practice what others are only talking about ∑ this pertains, first and foremost, to the equality between men and women ∑ to the way in which they sailed into modernity so smoothly. The whole country and its capital are examples of good practice. Depending on your preferences, you can go cafe-hopping on the Esplanadi, or shop at large European chain stores or small designer shops in Helsinki’s Design District. Design District did not happen by chance, but was the result of good decisions made by the city administration. In its case, design does not refer only to the aesthetics of consumable goods, but is

thought of much more widely: how to make the environment more creative and well thought-out. In Helsinki’s Design District, you can also sleep and dine in surroundings which are modern, even avant-garde, amongst young people with their thin apple laptops, and inspiring. The old Port of Helsinki provides a completely different experience. Naturally, all that is on offer at the port’s market stalls is environmentally friendly and tested. Although you are far up in the north, some fruits have a taste and a sweetness that can no longer be found in large European cities. As in the whole of Scandinavia, the choice is limited. It is mostly different berries, blueberries and strawberries ∑ but their taste is unbeatable. The old port market too exudes northern egalitarianism and simplicity. Everyone goes there to taste and eat simple, yet not too expensive foods offered at the market stalls: from families who come to do their weekly shopping, through tourists to the most important politicians in the country. Everything related to tourism is very well organised, unobtrusive, and yet helpful in your getting to know Helsinki. 


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Matija ÄŒop, Monster Mummy in Funny Farm




ekcija za oblikovanje odijevanja Hrvatskog udruženja likovnih umjetnika primijenjene umjetnosti (ULUPUH) periodično predstavlja radove svojih članova unutar ciklusa izložbi krovnog naziva Vizije, apostrofirajući aktualnost modnog izraza koji iz sadašnjosti projicira moguću budućnost. Na jednoj od takvih izložbi s nazivom Vizije: modna hibridnost u galeriji Ulupuh, sudjelujelovalo je 17 autora i ponudilo odgovor na pitanje što sve moda danas može označavati i kako ona utječe na oblikovanje identiteta. Tzv. modnu hibridnost, kao jednu od dominantnih pojava u suvremenoj modi, detektirale su kustosice spomenute izložbe Petra Krpan i Jadranka Hlupić Dujmušić, modne dizajnerice, i postavile je kao temu i izazov za autore izlagače. Na izložbi su izlagali: Matea Banoža Blažević, Matija Čop, Patrizia Donà, Igor Galaš, Ruža Hodak, I-GLE (Nataša Mihaljčišin, Martina Vrdoljak Ranilo-


he Fashion Design Section of the Croatian Association of Artists of Applied Arts (ULUPUH) periodically presents the works of its members within exhibition cycles under the umbrella name of Vizije (Eng., Visions), highlighting the actuality of fashion expression, which projects a possible future from the present. At one of these exhibitions at the Ulupuh Gallery, namely Visions: Fashion Hybridity, 17 authors participated and offered an answer to the question of what fashion can mean today and how it influences the shaping of identity. This so-called fashion hybridity, as one of the dominant phenomena in contemporary fashion, was detected by the curators of the said exhibition, Petra Krpan and Jadranka Hlupić Dujmušić, both of whom are fashion designers themselves, having set it as both a theme and a challenge for the exhibitors, namely: Matea Banoža Blažević, Matija Čop, Patrizia Donà, Igor Galaš, Ruža Hodak, I-GLE (Nataša Mihaljčišin, Martina Vrdoljak Mario Treščec, Moja Šilterica / My Cap

Piše/By _ Petra Krpan

vić), Nataša Jeletić, Davor Klarić, Duje Kodžoman, Alida Mezić, Tihana Mikša Perković, Anđela Potočki, Milena Rogulj, Renata Svetić, Kristina Šepetavc, Mario Treščec, Ines Zrnc Gregorina te fotograf Vanja Šolin, koji je u mediju fotografije interpretirao njihove odgovore. Vizije su predstavile hrvatske modne dizajnere kao važne sudionike dizajniranja životnog stila i nove hibridne mode te dale raznolike interpretacije suvremene mode i njezinoga velikog utjecaja na čovjeka i  njegovu svakodnevicu.

Ranilović), Nataša Jeletić, Davor Klarić, Duje Kodžoman, Alida Mezić, Tihana Mikša Perković, Anđela Potočki, Milena Rogulj, Renata Svetić, Kristina Šepetavc, Mario Treščec, Ines Zrnc Gregorina and photographer Vanja Šolin, who interpreted their answers in the medium of photography. Visions presented Croatian fashion designers as important participants in designing lifestyles and new hybrid fashions, and gave a variety of interpretations of contemporary fashion and its great influence on  man and his everyday life.

Fotografije/Photos _ Vanja Šolin

Suvremena je moda hibridna, eklektična forma, koja označava novo tijelo, modu, ali i nove mogućnosti interpretacije modnog impulsa. Contemporary fashion is a hybrid, eclectic form, which signifies a new body, fashion, as well as new possibilities of interpreting the impulse of fashion. CROATIA AIRLINES 3/2017

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Anđela Potočki, Pajdaš / Pal


Davor Klarić, Bez naziva / Unnamed CROATIA AIRLINES 3/2017

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Duje Kodžoman, abNormal F60.4


Milena Rogulj, Slojevi / Layers CROATIA AIRLINES 3/2017

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Ines Zrnc Gregorina, Žena-kofer / Woman-Suitcase



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V. Šolin


Piše/By _ Mirjana Brabec


Izložba L’Equilibrio Asincrono (Asinkrona ravnoteža) u Muzeju MAXXI u Rimu, veličanstvenom zdanju Zahe Hadid, veliko je priznanje umjetničkim postignućima i modernosti Jagode Buić. Zagrebačka tapiseristica, slikarica, kiparica i kostimografkinja svjetske reputacije, čiji su radovi u zbirkama reprezentativnih muzeja poput njujorškog Meta, amsterdamskog Muzeja Stedelijk i Muzeja moderne umjetnosti u Parizu, jedina je naša umjetnica koja se može podičiti Grand Prixom svjetskog bijenala suvremene umjetnosti u Sao Paolu, nagradom koja je, po mnogima, u svijetu likovne umjetnosti poput Nobelove nagrade u književnosti. The L’Equilibrio Asincrono (Asynchronous Balance) exhibition at the MAXXI Museum in Rome, Zaha Hadid’s magnificent building, is a great acknowledgment of the achievements and modernity of Jagoda Buić, a Zagreb-based tapestry artist, painter, sculptor and costume designer of international repute, whose works are part of the collections of such representative museums as New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art, Amsterdam’s Stedelijk Museum and the Museum of Modern Art in Paris. She is Croatia’s only artist who was bestowed the honour of having been awarded the Grand Prix at the World Biennale of Contemporary Art in Sao Paulo, a prize which is, in the world of art, considered by many to be the equivalent of the Nobel Prize in Literature.


ao što je u svom umjetničkom izrazu u mnogo čemu bila prva, jedina i jedinstvena, Jagoda Buić prva je hrvatska umjetnica kojoj je MAXXI, rimski muzej suvremene umjetnosti, uz njujoršku MOMA-u jedan od najuglednijih u svijetu,

poslao poziv da u njegovom senzacionalnom prostoru izloži svoj umjetnički opus. - Dobila sam poziv muzeja MAXXI, koji se danas smatra jednim od najelitnijih muzeja na svijetu, svakako najljepši, jer to je jedno od posljednjih djela Zahe Hadid,

genijalne arhitektice, s kojom se, naravno, teško uspoređivati, ali mislim da je koncept mog rada u skladu s konceptom toga rimskog muzeja. To je doista sretna koincidencija. Prema Rimu imam osobit odnos, jer moj je otac od 1944. do smrti živio u Rimu, gdje se bavio paleografijom i umjetnošću. Vrlo mlad bio je gradonačelnik Splita i ban Primorske banovine i poslije rata u Rimu je započeo život ispočetka, posvećen paleografiji i umjetnosti u Vatikanskoj knjižnici. Ja sam u Rimu studirala i provela najljepše dane života. Bila je to 1952. i 1953. godina, kad su u talijanskoj metropoli stvarali Fellini, Mastroianni, Antonioni, koje ste mogli vidjeti za susjednim stolom, a koje sam poslije i upoznala. Dogodilo se da sam Rim doživjela u doba njegova velikog sjaja. Bio je to vodeći grad u svim područjima, od umjetnosti do mode. I prvu nagradu u životu dobila sam upravo u Rimu, kao studentica na međunarodnome modnom natječaju Kostim u Rimu. - Za mene ova izložba u Rimu znači krunu mojih izlaganja po muzejima diljem svijeta - rekla nam je uoči otvorenja rimske izložbe ta osobita autorica, koja je rođena u Splitu, studirala na Akademiji primijenjenih umjetnosti i dizajna te povijest umjetnosti u Zagrebu, diplomirala na Akademiji u Beču, studirala filmsku scenografiju u Cinecittà u Rimu i povijest kostimografije u Centro delle Arti e del Costume u Veneciji.

Bez naslova, 2016. / Without a Title, 2016 CROATIA AIRLINES 3/2017

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01 Jagoda Buić, slikarica, skulptorica, kostimografkinja, tapiseristica, 2009. Jagoda Buić, a painter, sculptor, costume designer, tapestry artist, 2009 02 Pokret, 2017. Movement, 2017


Fotografije/Photos: Massimo Brega, Deborah McNeil

Izložba u MAXXI-ju podijeljena je u dva dijela: retrospektivni prikaz umjetničinoga bogatoga i raznovrsnog opusa, koji uključuje raskošne tapiserije golemih formata što su je proslavile u svijetu, avangardne kostimogafije i scenografije i imaginativne, jedinstvene papirne kolaže iz ciklusa Carta Canta te, u drugom dijelu, radove nastale u posljednje dvije godine, iz ciklusa Lampedusa, impresivne instalacije

od metala i papira te radove iz ciklusa Scherzo, razigrane, maštovite metalne skulpture nastale od predmeta pronađenih na otpadu. - Jagoda je u izvanrednoj, nevjerojatnoj stvaralačkoj fazi. Oslobođena u svemu, rabi i kombinira različite tehnike, materijale i discipline nevjerojatnom lakoćom, koju prije nije imala (u toj mjeri), pri čemu mislim na lakoću u smislu slobode, u kojemu je o njoj govorio Italo Calvino, lakoću kao vrijednost 21. stoljeća. Jagoda je doista umjetnica modernističke orijentacije koja se u svom stvaralaštvu koristila različitim tehnikama i tehnologijama, uvijek ujedinjujući određenu strogoću arhitekture Exata i enformelističku sklonost materičnosti, a pronašla je svoju materiju, koju drugi nisu imali, gipku, živu, organičku... Njezine tapiserije istodobno su

statične skulpture u prostoru i skulpture koje gotovo teže elevaciji, dok su njezini noviji radovi oslobođeni gravitacije i teže levitaciji. Kontinuitet modernizma rezultirao je takvim zrelim radovima koji su, kad je riječ o radovima u željezu, gotovo objets trouves, razigrani, metaforični, s dosjetkom, poput svojevrsne igre materijalima i prostorima. (Umjetničina) Sloboda je rezultirala bogatim opusom, ona radi na temeljima vlastite prošlosti pa izložba na jednom katu pokazuje dio umjetničina kontinuiranog opusa, a na drugom posljednje cikluse koje je napravila u Provansi, u kojima je nadopunila svoje, uvjetno rečeno, lebdeće radove u formi krila i jedara, radove koji su nešto između skulpture i instalacije, instalacije koje u sebi sadržavaju težnju prema skladu, koji nije ni simetričan ni dogmatičan kaže kustos izložbe, kritičar i povjesničar umjetnosti Tonko Maroević, dodajući: - Imati izložbu u MAXXi-ju najveći je mogući domet, to je muzej otvoren budućnosti, a pristup njemu razumijeva prethodnu afirmaciju, riječ je o dugom kontinuitetu pristupa svetištima modernizma, od Sao Paola do Pariza. Impresivni opus Jagode Buić u prestižnome Muzeju MAXXI u Rimu, od 20. rujna do 1. listopada, zacijelo je jedan od najvažnijih kulturnih događaja godine. 



Crni galeb, 2013. / Black Seagull, 2013


n her artistic expression, Jagoda Buić has always been pioneering in many respects, unique and unparalleled. It, therefore, comes as no surprise that she is the first Croatian artist invited by Rome’s MAXXI Museum of contemporary art ∑ which is, besides New York’s MoMA, one of the most acclaimed museums in the world ∑ to exhibit her artistic oeuvre in its sensational exhibition space. - I received an invitation from Rome’s MAXXI Museum, which is today considered to be one of the most elite museums in the world, in any case, the most beautiful one, given that it is one of the last works done by Zaha Hadid, a genius architect. Her work is, naturally, incomparable, although I think that the concept of my work follows the concept of this Roman museum. This is indeed a happy coincidence. I have a special relationship with Rome, because my father lived in Rome from 1944 until he passed away, where he was involved in palaeography and art. He was the Mayor of the City of Split at a very young age and the Governor of the Primorje Administrative District, and, after the war, he started his life from scratch in Rome, where he dedicated himself to palaeography and art at the Vatican Library. I studied and spent the most beautiful days of my life in Rome. This was in 1952 and 1953, when Rome was home to Fellini, Mastroianni and Antonioni, whom you could see at an adjoining table, and whom I later met. I was fortunate enough to have experienced Rome at the time of its great glory. It was a leading city in many respects, from art to fashion. The very first prize I received in my life was also

in Rome. I was a student partaking in the international Costume in Rome competition. For me, this exhibition in Rome is the very pinnacle of all my exhibitions at museums all over the world ∑ said this outstanding artist before the opening of her Roman exhibition. She was born in Split, studied at the Academy of Applied Arts and Design, and the history of art at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb, graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, studied film scenography at Cinecittà in Rome and the history of costume design at Centro internazionale delle Arti e del Costume (International Centre of Art and Costume Design) in Venice. Jagoda Buić’s exhibition at the MAXXI Museum is divided into two sections. The first section is a retrospective exhibition of her artistically rich and varied oeuvre, which includes large-format luxurious tapestries with which she won world acclaim, avant-garde costume and set design, and imaginative and unique paper collages from her Carta Canta cycle, while the other section presents works she created in the last two years from her Lampedusa cycle, impressive metal and paper installations, as well as works from her Scherzo cycle, playful and imaginative metal sculptures made from objects found in the waste. - Jagoda is in an extraordinarily, incredibly creative stage. Freed in everything she does, she uses and combines various techniques, materials and disciplines with unbelievable ease, which she had not had before to the extent that she does now. And when I say with ease, I mean this in the sense of freedom, in the sense that

Italo Calvino talked about, ease as a value of the 21st century. Jagoda is indeed an artist of modernist orientation who has used different techniques and technologies in her creations, always unifying the strictness of EXAT’s (an abbreviation of Eksperimentalni atelje, in Eng. Experimental Atelier, a group of artists from Zagreb working during the 1950s) architecture and Art Informel’s tendency to materiality. She has indeed found her very own medium, which others have not had, pliant, lively, organic... Her tapestries are, at the same time, static sculptures in space and sculptures that almost aspire to elevation, while her newer works are freed from gravity and aspire to levitation. The continuity of modernism has resulted in such mature works that are, when it comes to her ironart, almost objets trouves, playful, metaphorical, witty, they are like a play with materials and spaces. The artist’s freedom has resulted in a rich oeuvre, (she works on the basis of her own past), and so one floor of the exhibition shows a part of the artist’s continuing oeuvre, while the other the last cycles she produced in Provence, in which she has supplemented her, conditionally speaking, floating works in the shape of wings and sails, works that are something between sculptures and installations, installations that contain in themselves a tendency towards harmony, a harmony which is neither symmetrical nor dogmatic ∑ says the curator of the exhibition, a critic and art historian Tonko Maroević, adding: - To hold an exhibition at the MAXXI Museum is an artist’s greatest possible achievement, it is a museum open to the future, and gaining access to it implies previous affirmation, and, in Jagoda’s case, this is about a long continuity of her having access to the shrines of modernism, from Sao Paulo to Paris. Jagoda Buić’s impressive oeuvre, exhibited at the prestigious MAXXI Museum in Rome from 20th September to 1th October, is most certainly one of the most important  cultural events of the year.


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Pametni novčanik Baggizmo Wiseward A smart wallet Baggizmo Wiseward Piše/By _ Tatjana Bartaković Fotografije/Photos _ Mladen Šarić


elika je vjerojatnost da ste do sada već nekoliko puta novčanik izgubili, zaboravili ga ponijeti ili su vam ga ukrali. Baggizmo Wiseward u praktičnoj upotrebi svoga vlasnika upozorava zvučnim signalom na mobitelu kad se udalji od novčanika i štiti njegov sadržaj od krađe...


Nedavnom pojavom card skimmera, danas se krađa može dogoditi neosjetno digitalno u bilo kojemu javnom prostoru. Gdje se god u tom trenutku nalazili, prisiljeni ste na blokiranje kreditnih kartica i ponovno vađenje osobnih dokumenata iz novčanika. Direktor tehnološkog startupa Baggizmo, Ladislav Jurić, sa svojim se timom bavio upravo tim problemom razvivši novi proizvod - pametni novčanik Baggizmo Wiseward, kojim se podigla razina zaštite nošenja osobne imovine, ovaj put uz pomoć integrirane tehnologije potpuno razvijene u Hrvatskoj. Razvijajući proizvode u sferi nosive tehnologije, Baggizmo je već prije dvije godine na svjetsko tržište, preko američkog Kickstartera, uspješno lansirao inovativno dizajniranu mušku torbu za nošenje elektroničkih uređaja kao odgovor na novonastale navike. - Upravo je torba Baggizmo bila poticaj za razvoj novog proizvoda, pametnog novčanika Baggizmo Wiseward koji posjeduje senzore i elektroniku kakvu nitko do ovog trenutka još nije razvio -

istaknuo je Jurić iz Baggizma. Baggizmo Wiseward u praktičnoj upotrebi svoga vlasnika upozorava zvučnim signalom na mobitelu kad se udalji od novčanika; ne možete li pronaći novčanik u neposrednoj udaljenosti, mobitelom možete pozvati novčanik te pokrenuti zvučni alarm; ispadne li vam tijekom rada novčanik na pod, dobit ćete zvučno upozorenje; ako je uređaj u silent mode, moći ćete ga locirati preko aplikacije te odrediti njegovu posljednju lokaciju; novčanik ima integriran UV scanner za novčanice, kojim se može provjeriti originalnost novčanice; moguće je i promijeniti boju RGB LED lampe sukladno potrebama i željama; integrirani NFC chip moguće je pretprogramirati podacima poput kontakta, linkom na web stranicu i sličnim informacijama. Pametni novčanik Baggizmo Wiseward na globalno je tržite lansiran preko kampanje Kickstarter koja je uspješno završila u srpnju ove godine, a za njezina je trajanja naručeno više od 400 primjeraka pametnog novčanika. Proizvod je stalno dostupan na 


S. Kovačić

t is very likely that, so far in your life, you have lost your wallet several times, that you have forgotten to take it with you or that it has been stolen. Practically speaking, Baggizmo Wiseward warns its owners with an audio alert on their mobile telephones when they move away from their wallet and protects the personal documents with integrated technology. With the recent appearance of a card skimmer, your wallet can be stolen without you even noticing, and this digitally in any public space. Wherever you are at the time that this happens, you end up having to cancel all your bank cards and re-obtain all your identity documents you had in your wallet. It is exactly this problem that the founder of the technological startup company Baggizmo, Ladislav Jurić, has been tackling with his team, having developed a new product ∑ the Baggizmo Wiseward smart wallet, which has raised the level of protection of personal property, this time with the help of integrated technology fully developed in Croatia. Developing products in the portable technology sector, two years ago via the American Kickstarter, Baggizmo successfully launched on the world market an inno-

Integriranu tehnologiju za Baggizmo Wiseward u cijelosti je u Hrvatskoj razvio tim Baggizma. The Baggizmo Wiseward integrated technology was fully developed in Croatia by the Baggizmo team.

vatively designed men’s carrying case for electronic devices in response to newly evolved habits. - The Baggizmo bag was an inspiration for the development of a new product ∑ the Baggizmo Wiseward smart wallet, which has sensors and electronics that no one has developed so far ∑ said Jurić from Baggizmo. Practically speaking, Baggizmo Wiseward warns its owners with an audio alert on their mobile telephones when they move away from their wallet. In case you cannot find your wallet in the immediate vicinity, you can call your wallet on your mobile telephone and activate a sound alarm. If you drop your wallet, you receive a sound alarm. If your mobile

telephone is in silent mode, you can locate your wallet by using an application and identify its last location. The wallet also has an integrated UV banknote scanner, with which you can check whether your banknotes are original or not. You can also change the colour of the RGB LED lamp to suit your needs and desires. An integrated NFC chip can be pre-programmed with such information as a contact number, a website link, and the like. The Baggizmo Wiseward smart wallet was launched on the global market via a Kickstarter campaign that was successfully completed in July this year, during which over 400 smart wallets were ordered. The wallet continues to be  available at


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Eva LaRue Hrvatske kronike, prvi dio The Chronicles of Croatia, part one


va LaRue, popularna holivudska glumica, zvijezda svjetski poznate televizijske serije Ekipa za očevid: Miami (CSI: Miami), posjetila je Hrvatsku. Prije dolaska nije imala nikakvih predodžbi o našoj zemlji možda i zato što nije, kao inače, istražila sve dostupno na internetu s obzirom na to da joj je cijelo putovanje isplanirao, kako kaže, fantastični tim Grupacije hotela Stories.


Popularna glumica Eva LaRue nije ništa manje poznata ni kao putopisna blogerica. Za sebe kaže da je opsjednuta putovanjima. Kao predstavnica brenda Stories, Grupacije jedinstvenih luksuznih hotela osnovane pri Hrvatskoj gospodarskoj komori, došla je u Hrvatsku kako bi posjetila hotele Stories i odsjela u nekome od njih. Za naš časopis opisala je svoje iskustvo, izdvojila omiljene hotele, a saznajemo i postoji li neka tajna veza između forenzike i glume te kojim se istančanim metodama služi u otkrivanju i razotkrivanju veličanstvenih odredišta svojih putovanja. - Bilo bi odlično kad bih imala svojevrstan znanstveni ili forenzički pristup planiranju putovanja, kao u seriji Ekipa za očevid, ali zapravo odluke o tome donosim uglavnom na temelju usmenih preporuka, časopisa za luksuzna putovanja, blogova i fotografija s društvenih mreža, nakon čega satima na internetu istražujem in-

formacije o odredištu koje sam odabrala - kaže Eva i dodaje kako joj se čini da je to ipak na neki način slično istraživanju kriminalističkog slučaja... Evo kako opisuje svoje otkrivanje Hrvatske fantastični tim Grupacije hotela Stories. Piše _ Eva LaRue Čim sletim, znam da sam izvan svojih okvira Obožavam letjeti! Ima nešto veoma uzbudljivo u letu zrakoplovom jer, čim sletim, znam da ću se naći izvan svojih okvira, na nekome posve novome mjestu, tada uživam u trenutku, ozarena poput djeteta te jedva čekam sve vidjeti i iskusiti. Tijekom leta iz Pariza u Split aviokompanijom Croatia Airlines osjetila sam jednako uzbuđenje. Kad smo sletjeli u Split, gliserom su nas odvezli do hotela Adriana Hvar Spa u Hvaru, čime su za Hrvatsku odmah

01 Izlet na Moro Beach iz Palače Lešić Dimitri A trip to the Moro Beach from the Lešić Dimitri Palace 02 Bonj, Les Bains, Adriana Hvar Spa Hotel


postavljena visoka očekivanja. Hotel je na nevjerojatnoj lokaciji! Nalazi se u predivnom, dražesnom gradu koji je poznat po noćnom životu, a osim toga Adriana ima vjerojatno najbolji švedski stol za doručak u Europi i izvrstan spa. Dobili smo privatni ponton koji se nadvija nad kristalno čistim morem uz klub na plaži Bonj, Les Bains. To je iskustvo koje se doista ne smije propustiti. Nikako ne smijete propustiti ni nevjerojatni kozmopolitski lounge bar Laganini na otočiću blizu Hvara, Palmižani. Reći ću samo da ćete na odlasku pustiti suzu. Grupacija hotela Stories okuplja 17 luksuznih hotela, od kojih se svaki diči svojom jedinstvenom poviješću ili pričom zbog koje je svako hotelsko zdanje osobito. Razmazili su nas neusporedivim gostoprimstvom, jer prilagođavaju se svakom posjetitelju, što smo osjetili čim smo kročili u vrhunski obnovljen splitski hotel Vestibul Palace, koji oduzima dah. Hotel se

nalazi u izvrsno očuvanoj Dioklecijanovoj palači staroj 1700 godina, koja je uvrštena na Unescov popis svjetske baštine. Sljedećega smo dana posjetili predivni hotel Martinis Marchi, smješten u dvorcu na otoku Šolti, do kojega smo dojurili u impresivnom gliseru u stilu Jamesa Bonda. Na tome se mirnome, bajkovitom otoku nalazi likovna kolonija u drevnome mjestašcu do kojega možete doći samo terenskim vozilom hotela Martinis Marchi. Zatim nas je put odveo u nezaobilazni Dubrovnik. Otmjeno uređen hotel Villa Dubrovnik nalazi se na najpoželjnijoj lokaciji s koje se pruža pogled na glasoviti Stari grad i zidine Dubrovnika, od kojih zastaje dah. Ako ste obožavatelj serije Igre prijestolja, nipošto nemojte propustiti tematsku turu istoimene serije u Splitu i Dubrovniku, tijekom koje se možete i fotografirati na izvornom željeznom prijestolju. Predivni hotel Pucić Palace u Dubrovniku vraća vas u prošlost i svjedoči o bogatoj dubrovačkoj povijesti, a ponuda obuhvaća i jedan od najboljih barova u gradu. Ako ste pak za mirniji i osobniji doživljaj Dubrovnika, tu je i romantični hotel Kazbek intimnog ozračja, smješten na izvrsnoj lokaciji u novoj marini, s izvrsnim gurmanskim restoranom. Palača Lešić Dimitri bila je naš drugi dom na otoku Korčuli (rodnome mjestu Marka Pola). Stari grad, tvrđava i zidine predivni su, gotovo netaknuti i tako dobro očuvani da vam se čini kao da ste se vratili u prošlost, u vrijeme kad su sagrađeni. Luksuzno uređenje soba ostavlja

bez daha. Ne bih se iznenadila da njihov glavni kuhar Marco Gajski, uskoro dobije Michelinovu zvjezdicu, jer hrana im je fantastična. Dopustite da vas razmaze vožnjom hotelskom jedrilicom do plaže Moro na otoku Stupe. Možete se zaustaviti kako biste izronili morske ježeve za predjelo. Riječ je o nedavno preuređenome turističkome mjestu koje podsjeća na Mikonos, gdje, osim u suncu i moru, možete uživati u veoma ukusnom ručku, izvanrednim vinima i pogledu. Zadar nudi nevjerojatnu kombinaciju povijesti i umjetnosti, što se najbolje vidi u profinjenom i otmjenom hotelu bogate povijesti, Bastionu - zadarskom dragulju. Njihova ponuda hrane i vina izvanredna je, a personalizirana usluga i gostoprimstvo zaista su bez premca. Jedan od mojih najdražih trenutaka putovanja bila je neočekivana izvedba serenade tradicionalne klape koju je hotel Bastion organizirao u Kneževoj palači, a nastupila je Klapa Kožino. Njihova a capella izvedba dirnula je ravno u srce, poput nečega što nije ovozemaljsko - jednostavno neopisivo! Potkraj večeri, uspjela sam posjetiti i Arheološki muzej Zadar te Muzej antičkog stakla, gdje sam na radionici uživo vidjela tehniku puhanja stakla. Za kraj mojega putovanja ostao je divni Šibenik, gdje sam se osjećala kao srednjovjekovna plemkinja kojoj se iz soba hotela Life Palace pruža pogled na znamenitosti i srce staroga grada. Jedinstvena ponuda sadržaja omogućila nam je posjet veličanstvenim slapovima



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01 D-Resort Šibenik 02 Pozdrav suncu, Zadar The Greeting to the Sun, Zadar 03 Palača Pucić, Dubrovnik The Pucić Palace, Dubrovnik 04 Martinis Marchi, Šolta 05 Villa Dubrovnik

Iskreno, toliko se toga može vidjeti i posjetiti da sam i nakon 16 dana putovanja žalosna što nemam više vremena. Već imam popis mjesta koja želim posjetiti tijekom sljedećeg dolaska, a uključuje otok Vis (gdje će se ove godine snimati Mama Mia II), Brač, Mljet, Kornate i još mnogo toga. Zatim posebne gradove poput Trogira, uvrštenoga na Unescov popis svjetske baštine i, dakako, kušanje vina i lov na tartufe u Istri. To će biti potpuno novo zasebno putovanje - Hrvatske kronike, drugi dio. Na svakom uglu, otoku, plaži, obali i gradu u Hrvatskoj, moja kći i ja bile smo kao obuzete jedinstvenom ljepotom, srdačnošću, gostoprimstvom, kulturom, poviješću i ukusnom hranom. Jao, i vinima! Pa čak i na povratnom letu Croatia Airlinesa, pri odlasku kući, imale smo priliku iskusiti nešto što se doživi samo jedanput u životu. Kapetan je pozvao Kayu i mene da posljednjih 10 minuta leta, pri slijetanju u Pariz, provedemo u pilotskoj kabini. Nevjerojatno iskustvo! Hrvatska je apsolutno predivna zemlja, s najljepšim kristalno čistim morem kakvo nigdje drugdje na svijetu nisam vidjela. Od grada do sela, sve je netaknuto, sigurno, dražesno, romantično i čarobno. To su priče koje vrijedi podijeliti. Zato ću im se uvijek iznova vraćati! 

Holtel Bastion



i prirodnim ljepotama Nacionalnog parka Krka, koje ne smijete propustiti. Očaravajuće! Posljednja postaja bio je hotel D-Resort u Šibeniku umjetničkog dizajna poznatog hrvatskog arhitekta i umjetnika Nikole Bašića, autora instalacija Pozdrav suncu i Morskih orgulja na povijesnoj šetnici u Zadru. Navodno u suradnji s Bradom Pittom planira graditi još jedno luksuzno turističko odredište na tom području tijekom sljedećih nekoliko godina. D-Resort nudi izvrsne spa sadržaje te tradicionalnu tursku kupelj i niz izvanrednih tretmana. Zbog opuštajućeg pogleda na tirkizno

more i marinu za jahte iz našega privatnog bazena u predivnoj, otmjenoj Villi, poželjeli smo ostati još tjedan dana. Vratit ću se... Bit će to Hrvatske kronike, drugi dio


Zaista sam zahvalna što je serija Ekipa za očevid doživjela takav uspjeh u Hrvatskoj jer sam kao predstavnica Grupacije hotela Stories imala priliku doživjeti izvanredne zgode te iskusiti nadahnjujuće i nezaboravne aktivnosti za koje drugi putnici možda nisu ni čuli ili nisu znali kako ih potražiti. Upravo zato i smatram da je važno podijeliti svoj plan puta. 05



he famous Hollywood actress and star of the globally popular TV series CSI Miami, Eva LaRue, paid a visit to Croatia. She had no preconceived ideas about our country before the trip, perhaps because she did not do her usual extensive Internet research beforehand, since, as she says, her itinerary was planned by the amazing team from Stories Hotels.

luxury travel magazines, blogs and social media photos, and then hours of Internet research once I’ve picked a spot ∑ says Eva, and adds that the whole process does seem, in a way, like investigating a case... Here’s how she describes her exploration of Croatia.

The popular actress is equally famous as a luxury travel blogger. She describes herself as being obsessed with travelling. As an ambassador for the Stories Hotels brand, a Croatian Unique and Luxury Hotels Group at the Croatian Chamber of Economy, she came to Croatia to visit and stay at Stories Hotels. Here she describes her experiences, picks her favorite hotels and tells us whether there is some secret connection between forensics and acting, as well as share her sophisticated methods of discovering and disclosing brilliant travel destinations. ∑ I wish I had some sort of CSI-like, scientific or forensic way of planning my travel itineraries, but, in reality, I find that I’m definitely influenced by word of mouth,

When I land, I know I will be outside my norm

By_ Eva LaRue

I love to fly! There’s something so exciting to me about air travel, because it means that when I land, I will be outside my norm, somewhere new ∑ it keeps me present and in the moment, with a childlike excitement and anticipation of what I will see, do and experience. On my flight from Paris to Split on Croatia Airlines I had that same feeling of excitement. When we landed in Split, we were whisked away by a speed boat to the Adriana Hvar Spa Hotel in Hvar, and immediately the bar for Croatia got set pretty high. This hotel has an unbelievable location! Set in a charmingly beautiful town

that famously comes alive at night, the Adriana has possibly the best breakfast buffet in Europe and a killer spa. They secured us a private pontoon, floating above the unbelievably crystal clear waters of the Bonj Les Bains beach club, which is a must! The amazing jet-set beach club at Laganini on the Island of Palmižana should also not be missed for any reason! There’s really no way to describe it other than you’ll want to cry when you have to leave.The Stories Hotels Brand boasts 17 hotel members, each with a unique history or story that makes every luxurious property incredibly special. We were pampered by unparalleled, personalized hospitality. From the first step through the perfectly preserved, breathtaking entrance of the amazingly renovated Vestibul Palace Hotel inside the 1700-year-old UNESCO World Heritage Diocletian Palace in Split. The next day we were transported to the beautiful Martinis Marchi Fortress on the Island of Šolta, in their awesome James Bond speed boat! This quiet, charming island comes complete with an artist colony housed in an ancient village ac-


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I will return... That will be a whole separate trip ∑ The Chronicles of Croatia, part two

cessible only by a Martinis Marchi off-road jeep. The next stop on our path was the unmissable Dubrovnik. The elegant design of the Villa Dubrovnik has the most coveted location and views of the famed Fortress City and the jaw-dropping Walls of Dubrovnik. And if you’re a fan, do not miss the Game of Thrones tour in Split and Dubrovnik with a photo on the Iron Throne! Steeped in history and a proud witness to Dubrovnik’s glorious past is the lovely Pucić Palace Hotel with one of the best bar hotspots in town. For a more private, peaceful side of Dubrovnik, there is the romantic intimacy of the Hotel Kazbek, with its wonderful gastronomic restaurant and a perfect spot in the new Marina. The Lešić Dimitri Palace was our castle away from home on the island of Korčula (home to Marco Polo). The old town, fortress and ramparts here are so beautiful, so pristine and perfectly preserved that you’d think you stepped back in time to the day they were built! The rooms are luxurious and stunningly decorated. I wouldn’t be surprised if their chef, Marko Gajski, ends up with a Michelin Star soon, the food is that fantastic! Let yourself be spoiled by taking the hotel’s private sailboat (with a stop to dive for sea urchin appetizers) to the new Mykonos design inspired hotspot, Moro Beach, on Stupe Island, for some sun, a swim and an absolutely delicious lunch, incredible wines and views! There is such a fantastic combination of history and art in the city of Zadar, and nowhere is that more evident than in the refined elegance of the history-


rich Bastion Hotel ∑ the jewel of Zadar! Their food and wines are delectable, and personalized service and hospitality went above and beyond. One of my absolute favorite moments of the whole trip was the surprise serenade the Bastion planned in the Rectors Palace Museum by a traditional klapa singing group, the Klapa Kožino! Their a-cappella voices were so soul-stirring and transcendent ∑ unbelievably gorgeous! Before the night was over, I also managed to squeeze in a glass blowing lesson at the Museum of Ancient Glass and a visit to the Archeological Museum of Zadar. Then off to my last stop in the pretty town of Šibenik, where I felt like medieval gentry surrounded by the views and sites from the lovely rooms of the Life Palace Hotel in the heart of the old city. Their unique activities brought us to the spectacular waterfalls and natural wonders in the heart of the Krka National Park, which should not be missed. Stunning! Our last stop was the D-Resort in Šibenik. Artfully designed by the famed Croatian architect and artist Nikola Bašić, who is known for his Greeting to the Sun and Sea Organ art installations on the historic promenade of Zadar. Rumor has it that he is partnering with Brad Pitt to build another luxury resort in the area in the next couple of years. The D-Resort has amazing spa amenities, with a traditional Turkish hamam and a host of glorious treatments. Our peaceful view of the turquoise blue sea and yacht marina from our private plunge pool in our beautiful sleek Villa made us want to stay another week.



I’m so grateful that CSI has been such a hit in Croatia because being a media ambassador for Stories Hotels has opened the doors to phenomenal experiences, and inspiring, unforgettable activities that maybe other travelers wouldn’t know about or know to ask for ∑ but that’s why I think it’s important to share my itinerary.Honestly, there’s so much to see and do that, even after 16 days, I’m heartbroken that I didn’t have the time to see more. Already on my list for next time are the islands of

Vis (where they will be shooting Mama Mia II this year), Brač, Mljet, Kornati and so many more. Also, special towns like the UNESCO City of Trogir, and of course wine tasting and truffle hunting through Istria. That will be a whole separate trip ∑ The Chronicles of Croatia, part two. At every turn, on every island, beach, coastline and city in Croatia, my daughter and I have been overwhelmed by the unrivaled beauty, friendliness, hospitality, culture, history and delicious food. Ooooh, and the wines! Even our flight out (on our way home) on Croatia Airlines was a oncein-a-lifetime opportunity ∑ Kaya and I were invited by the captain to sit in the cockpit for the last 10 minutes of the flight and arrival in Paris. An incredible experience! Croatia is absolutely gorgeous, with the most beautiful, crystal clear, clean water I’ve ever seen anywhere in the world! From city to village, everything is pristine, safe, charming, romantic and magical. These are stories worth sharing ∑ I will be back again  and again! www.EvaLaRue.Luxury; Twitter@imevalarue; Instagram @imevalarue


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Mirisna priča A fragrant story Piše/By _ Nikola Arbanas Fotografije/Photos _ Pixell


ami možemo učiniti tako malo, zajedno možemo učiniti tako mnogo - nadahnuta tim riječima Helen Keller, Udruga slijepih Zagreb pokrenula je društveno odgovorno poduzetništvo pod nazivom Sapuni s točkicama. Mnogi problemi na koje slijepe i slabovidne osobe nailaze u svakodnevnom životu, a ponajviše na tržištu rada, potaknuli su nekolicinu entuzijasta udruge da pronađu novo adekvatno zanimanje i stvore si bolje životne uvjete. Na kreativnim radionicama, na kojima je sudjelovalo nekoliko članova udruge, rodila se ideja o proizvodnji krutih suve-


nirskih sapuna. Projekt snažno podupire PR agencija Apriori World i g. Danijel Koletić. Iako u mraku, pod osjetilom dodira ruku, osluškujući zvukove padanja kapi eteričnog ulja, na radionicama su nastajali najmirisniji i najoriginalniji sapuni. Vidjevši da unatoč brojnim barijerama slijepe i slabovidne osobe vrlo vješto svladavaju proces izrade sapuna, odlučili su cijeli projekt komercijalizirati i tako zaposliti članove udruge. Tako se danas u zagrebačkoj Heinzelovoj ulici odvija proizvodnja tih kvalitetnih i maštovitih

Sudjelujte u kreiranju kutije odabirući motiv, naziv ili logo Participate in the creation of a gift box by choosing its motifs, names or logos

sapuna, koje izrađuje vrijedna petorka pod vodstvom magistrice kemije Barbare Šajinović. Osobitost sapuna jesu točkice koje se mogu osjetiti dodirom, a podsjećaju na Brailleovo pismo kojim se služe slijepe osobe. Njime se koriste i danas, usporedo ili, bolje rečeno, unatoč suvremenim tehnologijama. Ponuda se temelji na nekoliko sapuna, a to su Sapun grada Zagreba, Mozaik sapun i Personalizirani sapun. Svi sapuni ručno su izrađeni i od prirodnih su sastojaka. Za razliku od suvenir sapuna, personalizirani sapun

01 Suvenir, personalizirani i mozaik sapuni dio su bogate ponude Souvenir, personalised and mosaic soaps are part of their rich offer 02 Barbara Šajinović, magistrica je primijenjene kemije i voditeljica proizvodnje projekta Sapuni s točkicama Barbara Šajinović holds a Master’s Degree in Chemistry and is production manager of the Dotted Soaps project

možete sami oblikovati prema vlastitoj želji. Odaberite svoj natpis, boju, miris... Sudjelujte i u kreiranju kutijice odabirući motive, nazive, logotipove koje želite na njoj i darujte taj poseban proizvod. Stoga posjetite web stranicu i online trgovinu na www.sapunistockicama. com i postanite dijelom Naše mirisne


priče. Saznajte sve o originalnim proizvodima te svojom kupnjom pridonesite uspješnoj realizaciji i nastavku toga  važnog projekta.


lone we can do so little, together we can do so much ∑ inspired by Helen Keller’s words, the Zagreb Association of the Blind launched a socially responsible enterprise called Dotted Soaps. The numerous problems faced by the blind and the visually impaired in their everyday lives, particularly in the labour market, have inspired a few enthusiasts from the Association to find new, adequate job opportunities, and in doing so, improve their living standards. The idea of making solid souvenir soaps came about at creative workshops attended by several members of the Association. The project development is largely supported by the Apriori World PR agency and Mr. Danijel Koletić. Despite working in the dark, by using their sense of touch and listening to the sound of drops of essential oils, these

participants have successfully created the most fragrant and most original soaps. Upon having realised that, despite the many barriers, the blind and the visually impaired are very skilful at mastering the soap making process, they decided to commercialise the whole story and employ members of the Association. And so today, a hard-working group of five, led by Ms. Barbara Šajinović with a Master’s Degree in Chemistry, create these imaginative high-quality soaps at Heinzelova Street in Zagreb. The soaps’ distinctive feature are the embossed dots similar to the Braille alphabet used by the blind. Braille is still used today, together with, or rather, in spite of modern technologies. There are several types of soaps, including the City of Zagreb Soap, the Mosaic Soap and the Personalised Soap. All soaps are handmade and contain natural ingredients. Unlike standard souvenir soaps, these soaps can be personalised to your taste. You can choose your own inscription, colour, fragrance... You can also participate in the creation of a gift box by choosing its motifs, names, and logos, before you give this unique gift to someone special. So please make sure that you visit their website and online store at and become part of Our Fragrant Story. Learn everything there is to know about these original products and, with your purchase, contribute to the successful implementation and continuation of this  important project.



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Å . Lugarov



Meksikanac je, godina mu je 29, mlad, nasmijan, dobro raspoložen. Ima samo jednu želju - htio bi postati Hrvat! A sve je počelo nimalo slučajno i za sve je zaslužno školovanje, odluka da se od svih fakulteta i škola na svijetu odabere baš Zagrebačka škola ekonomije i managementa (ZŠEM). Mario Gómez is a Mexican. He is 29 years old. He is young, smiling, well-tempered. And Mario Gómez has but one wish ∑ he would like to become a Croat! And it all started not so much by chance with education to be blamed for it all, that is, his decision to enrol in the Zagreb School of Economics and Management (ZSEM) of all the faculties and schools in the world. Piše/By _ Mato Pejić

F. Šebek

Mario Gómez živi i radi u Zagrebu, u tvrtki Manning Global, obožava sarmu, zna sve navijačke pjesme hrvatske nogometne reprezentacije, obišao je Hrvatsku uzduž i poprijeko te i dalje ne dvoji kako je Hrvatska bogomdana zemlja. A sve je počelo nimalo slučajno i za sve je zaslužno školovanje, odluka da se od svih fakulteta i škola na svijetu odabere baš Zagrebačka škola ekonomije i managementa (ZŠEM). El Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey naziv je sveučilišta na kojemu je Mario studirao financijski menadžment. Na trećoj godini studija pruža se prigoda da u sklopu studentske razmjene ode nekamo koji semestar. Vagao je Mario opcije, vagao, pa uvidio da mu je Hrvatska mnogo bliže nego što se možda čini kada se gleda na zemljopisnoj karti. U trenu je otkrio brojne prednosti Zagrebačke škole ekonomije i managementa, recimo da je riječ o AACSB (The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business), prvoj akreditiranoj poslovnoj školi u Hrvatskoj, čime je ZŠEM ušao u zajednicu od samo pet posto najkvalitetnijih poslovnih škola u cijelome svijetu, zbog čega je i vodeća poslovna škola u Hrvatskoj. Usporedbe radi, u toj zajednici akreditiranih škola nalaze se renomirana sveučilišta diljem svijeta, primjerice Harvard, Yale, Stanford. Proučio je Mario program nastave, uvidio da mu i terminom i kvalitetom a i financijski odgovara Summer School što ga ima ZŠEM, program u trajanju od tri tjedna na kojemu se predavanja održavaju na engleskom jeziku, a okuplja mnogo međunarodnih studenata. Intenzivna nastava obogaćena je i izletima u Zadar, na Plitvička jezera i u Hrvatsko zagorje kako bi međunarodni studenti upoznali ljepote Lijepe naše. Jer, ne uči se tu samo štura teorija, nego se, na temelju toga što ZŠEM surađuje sa 130 sveučilišta u 55 zemalja, preko nastave uče i kulturološke razlike od zemlje do zemlje tako da završeni studenti nemaju baš nikakav problem raditi bilo gdje na svijetu poštujući običaje zemlje u koju dolaze i to što je poslovanje danas itekako globalnog obilježja. - Proučio sam nastavni plan i program te životopise predavača. Svidjelo mi se

što imaju i poslovnog iskustva, što imaju veze i s praksom, a ne samo s teorijom kaže nam Mario. I dobro je to Mario spoznao, jer na preddiplomskom studiju veliki se naglasak stavlja na praktičnu primjenu teorijskog znanja što su ga predavači, koji dolaze iz poslovne zajednice, stekli u Europi i svijetu. Za Marija je sretna okolnost bila i ta što

međunarodni odjel ZŠEM-a vodi također Meksikanac Javier Aquaio. Nakon razgovora dvaju zemljaka, odluka je pala, Mario leti u Zagreb. A ako je u startu i bilo malo respekta prema drugoj državi, školi, gradu, ljudima, svega je, sjeća se Mario, nestalo poslije povratka s prvog izleta za ljetne škole. Umjesto planirana tri tjedna, Mario ostaje u Zagrebu i na ZŠEM-u još jedan semestar i još tri tjedna ljetne


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cajem. Prepoznata je i kvaliteta Specijalističkih diplomskih stručnih studija (MBA programa). Nekoliko MBA specijalizacija uvršteno je među 200 najboljih na svijetu (Management, Marketing, Financije i bankarstvo, Upravljanje ljudskim potencijalima, Računovodstvo i revizija, Manage-

F. Šebek

F. Šebek F. Šebek

škole. Već se tada naslućivalo da bi se mogao jednom vratiti u zemlju u kojoj je, primjerice, prvi put vidio snijeg i u kojoj je zavolio onu već spomenutu sarmu, zemlju u kojoj se školovao, ondje gdje se kuju poslovni lideri, ekonomski stručnjaci i inovativni poduzetnici. Studij financija Mario završava u Meksiku. Zapošljava se, ali sve vrijeme kuje planove o diplomskom studiju. Kvantitativne financije ono su čime se želi baviti, a opcije su SAD, Meksiko, ili Zagreb. Zagreb mu se čini najboljim izborom, financijski povoljniji od drugih, a kvalitetom i bolji. Jer ZŠEM je jedina hrvatska škola te vrste uvrštena u kategoriju 4 palme, koja predstavlja izvrsnost top poslovnih škola sa značajnim međunarodnim utje-

ment informacijskih sustava), a specijalizacija iz Kvantitativnih financija uvrštena je među 100 najboljih na svijetu. A Mario Gómez baš bi to, program iz Kvantitativnih financija. Stoga se vraća u Zagreb i na ZŠEM. Danas je tu gdje je, zaposlen u Zagrebu, pri čemu je bilo važno i to što se ZŠEM Career centar brine o planiranju karijere svakog studenta, a povezuje studente i poslodavce. - Moram reći da zapažam veliku razliku u odnosu na prvi put kada sam došao. Manje je birokracije, a i grad je postao još ljepši, prava europska prijestolnica kazuje nam Mario. Zagreb je, napominje, miroljubiv i miran, ljudi ljubazni, a nema ništa ni protiv kulture pijenja kave, iako se još ne može načuditi toj ležernosti. Naime, u Meksiku se rijetko kad kamo ide a da nije s ciljem, a kamoli da se kava tako pije. Mario voli hrvatske otoke, Brač posebice, voli svoga zagrebačkog prijatelja i njegovu obitelj kod kojih je nedjeljom na obiteljskom ručku, jer poštovanje obiteljskih vrijednosti jedna od onih stvari što spajaju Meksiko i Hrvatsku. Što se, pak, ekonomije tiče, ističe kako je teško uspoređivati Meksiko sa sto deset milijuna stanovnika i Hrvatsku s četiri i pol milijuna. Zato je sa znanjem što ga je stekao na ZŠEM-u prezadovoljan. Uostalom, podijelio je to i sa svojim sunarodnjacima, tako da je nakon njegova iskustva u Zagreb i na ZŠEM pošlo nakon njega 55 studenata iz Meksika. Zasad! Mario Gómez postao je tako pravi ambasador ZŠEM-a i Hrvatske. Pitate li ga ima li išta a da mu se u Zagrebu ne sviđa ili mu smeta, zamislit će se pa se na kraju, ni uz najbolju volju, ničega neće moći sjetiti. Čak nije problem što meksičkoj hrani, koja se spravlja u zagrebačkim restoranima, kronično nedostaje malo ljutine. - Zanimljivo je to kako svaki stranac koji dođe u Hrvatsku, tu želi i ostati - reče nam na kraju razgovora Mario.

A kada je tako, onda je logično da mu je i Croatia Airlines pri srcu. Jer, mora li poslom u Njemačku, recimo u München, nema boljega nego avionom Croatia Airlinesa čim prije vratiti se kući u - Zagreb.  Mario Gómez lives and works in Zagreb in the Manning Global Zagreb office, he adores sarma (meat stuffed sauerkraut, a local speciality), knows all the Croatian national football team songs, has travelled all across Croatia and harbours no doubt that Croatia is a God-given country. And it all started not so much by chance with education to be blamed for it all, that is, his decision to enrol in the Zagreb School of Economics and Management (ZSEM) of all the faculties and schools in the world. El Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey. This is the name of the faculty that Mario studied financial management at. In his third year of studies, he was presented the opportunity to go abroad for a semester or two as part of a student exchange programme. Mario weighed and weighed his options carefully, and realised that Croatia was much closer than it might appear on a world map. He instantaneously recognised the many advantages of the Zagreb School of Economics and Management, the fact, for example, that it is the first AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) accredited business school in Croatia, with which ZSEM entered the community of the best or top five percent of business schools around the world, making it the leading business school in Croatia. For the sake of comparison, this community of accredited schools comprises such renowned universities from around the world as Harvard, Yale and Stanford. Mario examined the tuition programme in detail, and realised that the Summer School offered by ZSEM ∑ a three-week programme with lectures held in English bringing together a large number of international students ∑ suits him both in terms of the dates and the quality, including the tuition fee. These intensive courses are enriched with trips to Zadar, the Plitvice Lakes National Park and Croatian Zagorje, with a view to introducing international students to the beauties of Croatia. Because ZSEM’s Summer School is not only about teaching theory, but through teaching ∑ and this thanks to the fact that ZSEM collaborates with 130

universities from 55 countries ∑ ZSEM’s students also learn about cultural differences between countries. This means that students who finish the programme have no problem whatsoever working anywhere in the world respecting the customs of the host country which they go to work in, well aware of the fact that today’s business is very much global in character. - I studied the curriculum and the lecturers’ resumes. I liked that they also had business experience, that besides knowing the theory they also had practise in the field ∑ Mario told us. And Mario was correct in his observation, given that undergraduate studies place great emphasis on the practical application of theoretical knowledge, which the lecturers coming from the business community have acquired in Europe and the world. For Mario, the fact that the international department of ZSEM is led by a Mexican, namely Javier Aquaio, was a fortunate circumstance. Once the two compatriots spoke, a decision was made ∑ Mario flew to Zagreb. And even if at the beginning there was respect-infused fear of the other country, school, city, people, it all, as Mario recalls, disappeared once he returned from the first Summer School trip. Instead of the initially planned three weeks, Mario stayed in Zagreb and at ZSEM for another semester and another three weeks of its Summer School. It was rather obvious already then that he could, at one point, return to the country where, for example, he saw snow for the first time in his life and in which he fell in love with the aforementioned sarma, the country where he was trained at a school training business leaders, economic experts and innovative entrepreneurs. Mario finished his finance studies in Mexico. He got a job, but he continued making plans for his graduate studies. Quantitative finance is what he wanted to do. His options were: the USA, Mexico or Zagreb. Zagreb seemed to be his best option, financially more acceptable than the other two and better in terms of quality. Because ZSEM is the only Croatian school listed in the 4 Palms category gathering only top business schools with significant international influence. The quality of ZSEM’s MBA programmes has also been recognised. Several MBA programmes are ranked amongst the

Zagreb School of Economics and Management UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS | 240 ECTS > Economics and Management > Business Law and Economics > Business Mathematics and Economics GRADUATE STUDY PROGRAMS | 60 ECTS > MBA Program > Executive MBA Program > Executive MBA in HRM SUMMER PROGRAMS | 4–12 ECTS > Summer School > Summer Negotiations Languages of instruction: Croatian and English Apply at


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top 200 in the world (Management; Marketing; Finance and Banking; Human Resource Management; Accounting, Auditing and Taxes; Management of Information Systems), while the Quantitative Finance programme is ranked amongst the top 100 in the world. And Mario Gómez wanted to do this programme exactly ∑ Quantitative Finance. And so he returned to Zagreb and ZSEM. Today, he is where he is at, working in Zagreb, and what helped him a lot was the fact that the ZSEM Career Center is concerned with the planning of each student’s career through networking students and employers. - I must say I’ve noticed a big difference compared to the first time I was here. There is less bureaucracy, and the city has become even more beautiful, a true European capital ∑ Mario told us. Zagreb is, he says, peace-loving and peaceful, the people are friendly, and Mario has nothing against our coffee drinking culture, although he still cannot say he understands this laid-backness of ours because in Mexico people rarely go somewhere without a goal in mind, let alone drink coffee so leisurely. Mario loves Croatia’s islands, particularly the Island of Brač, he loves his Zagreb friend and his family whom on Sunday he has family lunch with, considering that respect for family values is one of the things that connect Mexico and Croatia. As for economics, Mario points out that it is difficult to compare Mexico with 110 million inhabitants and Croatia with only 4.5 million. Which is why he is so overjoyed to have acquired the knowledge he has at ZSEM. After all, after he shared his experience with his compatriots, 55 students from Mexico followed suit and came to Zagreb and ZSEM. For now! Mario Gómez has thus become a true ambassador of ZSEM and Croatia. When asked whether there is something he does not like or is annoyed with in Zagreb, he will take a few minutes to think long and hard about it and will not in the end be able to think of anything with the best will in the world. He does not mind even the fact that the Mexican food served in Zagreb’s restaurants chronically lacks a bit of spiciness. - It’s interesting that every foreigner who comes to Croatia wants to stay here ∑ Mario told us at the end of our interview. And when this is so, it is only logical that Croatia Airlines is also dear to his heart. Because when he has to travel to Germany for business, say, Munich, there is nothing better than to, flying with Croatia Airlines, come back home to Zagreb ∑ as soon as  possible.


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Multimedijska izložba Nikola Tesla ∑ Mind from the Future bit će postavljena u Meštrovićevom paviljonu u Zagrebu krajem studenog 2017. do 20. ožujka 2018. godine. Za naš časopis razgovarali smo s Helenom Bulaja Madunić, autoricom i kustosicom izložbe, koja nam je predstavila njezin koncept te opisala kako se realizirala. The Nikola Tesla ∑ Mind from the Future multimedia exhibition is set up at the Meštrović Pavilion in Zagreb at the end of November 2017 to 20th March 2018. For our magazine, we talked to Helena Bulaja Madunić, the author and curator of the exhibition, who presented her concept and described how the exhibition came to life. 01

Piše/By _ Ksenija Žlof


rosmedijski dokumentarni film Mehaničke figure - inspirirani Teslom, autorice Helene Bulaja Madunić, nakon 11 godina puta po cijelom svijetu, postaje prostorna galerijska instalacija kojom se želi posjetitelje i fizički prove-

sti kroz Teslin um. Da bi se to postiglo, kružni prostor galerije u Meštrovićevom paviljonu transformirat će se u Hotel Budućnosti, po uzoru na nikad realizirani Gaudijev projekt Hotel Attraction, u kojemu živi Teslin um, ali i mnogi drugi


Teslini i naši suvremenici, koji su, na tragu inspirativnih impulsa ljudskih kozmičkih veza, odlučili svoj život posvetiti apsolutu stvaranja. Izložba predstavlja autoričin krosmedijski narativni put Mehaničke figure - inspirirani Teslom i trebala bi biti kulminacija njezinoga umjetničkog izričaja inspiriranog Teslom. - Budući da je i Gaudijev plan ostao samo kao ideja na papiru, baš kao i Teslin toranj Wardenclyffe, naša interpretacija također želi apostrofirati važnost ideje. Preko šest narativnih prizora rekreiramo život u Teslinom snu, u kojem je tehnologija u službi čovjeka kao umjetnika života. Želimo posjetitelja uroniti u život iz bliske budućno-

sti, u kojoj čovjek živi u sinergiji s robotima u retro futurističkom okružju nove ere art décoa, koju zovemo Natura Futuristica, te u kojemu je spoj čovjeka i stroja potpuno poprimio prokreativno obilježje. Kroz izložbu pratit ćemo njegov životni put od rođenja pa sve do refleksija u suvremenom svijetu, ali preko potpuno nove, nikad prije istražene perspektive, fokusirajući se prije svega na utjecaj Teslinog rada u razvoju optičkih igračaka, fotografije, filma, animacije, glazbe, znanstvene fantastike, kognitivne psihologije, astronomije i umjetnosti, polazeći od ideje da biti inspiriran Teslom znači u sebi probuditi kôd kreativnog života, što je ujedno i glavna poruka koju ovom izložbom želim prenijeti široj javnosti - objašnjava autorica Helena Bulaja Madunić. Ona nakon 27 godina profesionalnog puta može za sebe reći da je zapravo istraživač, pripovjedač i skupljač specifičnih znanja koje preko poslova art direktorice, redateljice, producentice, ilustratorice, dizajnerice i scenaristice, obogaćuje i na specifične načine širi drugima. Iako konceptualno upravo tako osmišljena priča u obliku prostorne interaktivne filmske freske postoji u glavi autorice još od 2005., izložba je nešto što prvi put nije bila njezina osobna producentska inicijativa. Zbog inicijative Siniše Šare, vlasnika marketinške konzultantske agencije m1k, i Krešimira Renza Prosolija, CEO-a agencije Real grupa, koja je ujedno producentska kuća projekta zadužena i za promidžbu, počela je još jedna priča inspirirana Teslom, a producentsko razumijevanje važnosti ove izložbe ravnateljice HDLU-a Ivane Andabake, otvorilo je vrata predivnog prostora, kojemu nitko od inicijatora, kreatora i realizatora ovog projekta nije mogao reći ne. I tako je potkraj prošle godine odlučeno da izložba bude zajednički put priče o

Tesli, koja je veliki izazov za sve uključene u njezinu realizaciju. Publika će nesumnjivo uživati u ljepoti Teslinoga stvaralačkog duha, a hrvatska kulturna i umjetnička scena dobit će još jedno svjetsko kapitalno pionirsko djelo novoga pripovjednog žanra - Interaktivne filmske freske. Helena Bulaja Madunić razjasnila je po čemu je izložba Nikola Tesla - Mind from the Future drugačija od dosad viđenih izložbi u Hrvatskoj i regiji te napomenula kako ta izložba u Hrvatskoj, a i u regiji, pomiče gotovo sve granice umjetničkog stvaranja i promidžbe kulturološki značajnih projekata, počevši od toga što je pokrenuta i producirana većinski ulaganjem i naporima privatnoga poslovnog sektora, što je u regiji gotovo ravno znanstvenoj fantastici, preko potpuno profesionalnog odnosa u radu s umjetnicima, maksimalnog uvažavanja potrebe umjetničke inovacije, zajedničkog

rasta i stvaranja sadržaja za najširu moguću publiku bez imalo podilaženja. - Sve mi to doslovno daje krila i usrećuje me što mogu na takav način raditi i u Hrvatskoj. Naravno, u takvom okružju otvara se niz mogućnosti koje nama umjetnicima daju šansu da preispitamo klasične postavke što bi to izložba trebala biti i daje nam za pravo da ne moramo slijediti kruta pravila struke, tako da se našom izložbom zaista želimo potpuno otvoriti i postaviti si kao izazov pomicanje granica uobičajenih standarda i posjetitelju pružiti iskustvo, te ga potpuno zaokupiti, što bi ga trebalo potaknuti da nakon izložbe i sam postane kolekcionar znanja nadahnutih Teslom istaknula je H. B. Madunić. Iako planirana kao putujuća, ova izložba po obilježju i konceptu nikada neće biti jedna te ista. Samo je to već snažna konceptualna


01 Helena Bulaja Madunić, autorica, kustosica, art direktorica i koncept dizajnerica izložbe Nikola Tesla Mind from the Future Helena Bulaja Madunić, the author, curator, art director and concept designer of the Nikola Tesla ∑ Mind from the Future exhibition 02-03 Prizor iz filma Mehaničke Figure∑inspirirani Teslom u produkciji Mojih Čarobnih Misli, redateljice Helena Bulaja Madunić Scenes from Mechanical Figures ∑ Inspired by Tesla documentary film produced by the Moje Čarobne Misli production house and directed by Helena Bulaja Madunić 03


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Elena Degl'Innocenti, Max Pinucci, Helena Bulaja Madunić, međunarodni dizajnerski tim izložbe, HDLU srpanj, 2016., prve pripreme

Elena Degl’Innocenti, Max Pinucci, Helena Bulaja Madunić, the exhibition’s international design team, the Croatian Association of Artists (HDLU), July 2016, first preparations


Portret Tesle načinjen elektromagnetom jačine 0,5 tesle; autorice Marija Juza i Bernarda Cesar, studio Babushke, Umjetnička platforma Organizam A portrait of Tesla created by a 0.5 tesla electromagnet; authors Marija Juza and Bernarda Cesar, Babushke design studio, Organizam Art Platform

Skulptura Nikole Tesle ispred rodne kuce u Smiljanu, djelo akademskog kipara i redovitog profesora na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti Mile Blaževića A statue of Nikola Tesla outside his birth house in Smiljan by the academic sculptor and full professor at the Academy of Fine Arts, Mile Blažević

inovacija i u svjetskim razmjerima, u kojoj su i autor i kustos zajedno s umjetnicima u ulozi vječnog kreatora i aktivatora novih stvaralačkih ideja. Jezgru tima, uz Helenu Bulaja Madunić, kao centralnog kreativnog aktivatora u svim promišljanjima, kao producentsko sidro tvori Sascha Machiedo s iskustvom u radu na svjetskim umjetničkim i kulturnim projektima, od Guggenheima u New Yorku i Bilbau, preko Venice Art Biennalea do Louvrea u Abu Dhabiju. Uz njih, međunarodni tim izložbe tvore Max Pinucci i Elena Degl’Innocenti te njihov tim iz toskanskih studija za dizajn i interaktivno pripovijedanje MBVision i Animation Lights Project, s bogatim iskustvom u koncipiranju inovativnih pripovjedno-izložbenih događanja kreiranih najsuvremenijim tehnologijama. U timu je i istaknuti španjolski kustos i autor Miguel A. Delgado, koji je jedan od glavnih kustosa najveće biografske izložbe o Tesli postavljene u Madridu 2014. godine. Miguel je sukustos u selekciji umjetničkih djela nadahnutim Teslom u pop-kulturi. Kreativne silnice umjetničkog kolektiva Organizam, u

čijem sastavu djeluje dizajnerski studio Babushke pod vodstvom Marije Juze i Bernarde Cesar, zaslužne su za inovativni elektromagnetski vizualni identitet izložbe. Kazivačica Iva Silla, ilustratorica Hana Šoštarić, arhitektica Dinka Pavelić, spisateljica Nada Horvat, redatelj Lovro Krsnik, fotografski studio Romulić-Stojčić, modeler i projektant scenskih elemenata Marko Fuček, samo su neki od bliskih suradnika i asistenata Helene Bulaja Madunić, koji su sada uz nju aktivno uključeni u pripremu izložbe, koja pak predstavlja dugogodišnji rad mnogo međunarodnih i domaćih autora kao što su Mare Milin, Al Keddie, Ed Beals, Tomislav Babić, Laurie Anderson, Marina Abramović, Terry Gilliam (da spomenemo samo neke). Na izložbi će se svima njima aktivno priključiti i skupina novoodabranih hrvatskih umjetnika svih generacija inspiriranih Teslom. To su Mile Blažević, Pero Jelisić, Nikola Vudrag, Ida Blažićko, Vitar Drinković, Alma Trtovac, Ivana Ožetski, Patricija Purgar & Janko Ivčić. Ideja vodilja te integrirane i interaktivne multimedijske platforme jest promicati


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Izložba prati Teslin životni put, od rođenja pa sve do refleksija u suvremenom svijetu, ali preko potpuno nove nikad istražene perspektive. Biti inspiriran Teslom znači u sebi probuditi kôd kreativnog života. To je glavna poruka koja se izložbom želi prenijeti javnosti.

holding. Zahvaljujući nizu tvrtki, kulturnih institucija i organizacija koje su uvidjele potencijal projekta, sve naše ideje pretvorit ćemo u finalno djelo koje će se javnosti otkriti  krajem studenoga 2017. godine.

The exhibition follows Tesla’s path of life from birth to his reflections in the contemporary world, but from a completely new perspective, which has never been explored before. To be inspired by Tesla means to awaken in yourself the code of creative life. This is the main message that the exhibition aims to convey to the public at large.

fter having travelled the world for 11 years, the cross-media Mechanical Figures ∑ Inspired by Tesla documentary envisioned by Helena Bulaja Madunić has finally become a spatial gallery installation, whose aim is to guide visitors physically through Tesla’s mind. To achieve this, the circular space of the gallery in the Meštrović Pavilion is transformed into the Futuristic Hotel modelled on Gaudí’s unfinished Hotel Attraction project, in which Tesla’s mind lives, as well as many of both Tesla’s and our contemporaries, who have ∑ guided by inspirational impulses of human cosmic relationships ∑ decided to devote their lives to the absolute of creation. The exhibition represents one of the paths of the author’s cross-media Mechanical Figures ∑ Inspired by Tesla storytelling journey and is expected to be the culmination of her artistic expression inspired by Tesla. - Since Gaudí’s plan remained only an idea on paper, just like Tesla’s Wardenclyffe Tower, our interpretation also aspires to highlight the importance of ideas. Through six narrative scenes, we have recreated life in Tesla’s dream, in which technology is in the service of man as the artist of life. We would like to immerse our visitors in life in the near future, in which man lives in synergy with robots in a retro futuristic environment of the new era of Art Deco, which we call Natura Futuristica, in which the merging of man and machine has completely taken on a procreative character. The exhibition follows his path of life from birth to his reflections in the contemporary world, but through a completely new perspective, which has never been explored before, focusing primarily on the influence of Tesla’s work on the development of optical toys, photography, film, animation, music, science fiction, cognitive psychology, astronomy and art, starting from the idea that to be inspired by Tesla means to awaken in yourself the code of creative life, which is also the main message I wish to convey to the public at large ∑ explains exhibition author Helena Bulaja Madunić, who can, after 27 years of her professional career, say of herself that she is actually a researcher, storyteller and collector of specific knowledge, with which she enriches her work as art director, film director, producer, illustrator, designer and screenwriter, broadening others’ knowledge of the same in specific

Teslu - ne samo kao izumitelja, nego kao vizionara i humanista. Cilj je izložbe Nikola Tesla - Mind form the Future pozicionirati Teslu kao hrvatsku kulturnu baštinu, promicati i potaknuti umjetničku izvrsnost, originalnost, inventivnost i primjenu najnovijih tehnologija u područjima vizualne umjetnosti, ne bi li se hrvatsko umjetničko stvaralaštvo podiglo na novu svjetsku razinu. Ta će izložba, ostvarena

Marija Juza i Bernarda Cesar, studio Babushke, Umjetnička platforma Organizam Marija Juza and Bernarda Cesar, Babushke design studio, Organizam Art Platform


suradnjom partnera i sponzora, a u vrhunskoj prezentaciji Real grupe, biti produkcijska i umjetnička senzacija. Zbog projekta koji aktualizira nepovredivost vizionara i čovjeka ispred svog vremena, Hrvatska će biti još privlačnija turistima te se, zbog svega navedenog, očekuje rekordan broj posjetitelja, kao i ekvivalentno zanimanje medija i ostalih korisnika projekta. Izložba Nikola Tesla - Mind from the Future nedvojbeno ima velik potencijal ne samo za Hrvatsku, nego i svijet. Od autorice Helene Bulaja Madunić saznajemo i planove za budućnost izložbe. - Osim trajnoga multimedijskog fokusa, nakon međunarodne umjetničke prezentacije novog shvaćanja Nikole Tesle, koji je neiscrpna inspiracija suvremenih umjetnika, otvara se novi portal za izlazak hrvatskoga umjetničkog pothvata u druge svjetske metropole (putovima Nikole Tesle - Budimpešta, Prag, Pariz, New York), u obliku putujuće izložbe koja bi, nakon Zagreba, 2018. godine trebala biti postavljena u New Yorku. Putovanje s Nikolom Teslom završava na World EXPO-u u Dubaiju 2020. godine, pa će Hrvatska ovim projektom biti prisutna na značajnom i velikom svjetskom događaju koji će biti festival ljudske genijalnosti, a izložba u fokus stavlja upravo jednoga od najvećih genija u povijesti svijeta. Partner je izložbe Hrvatsko društvo likovnih umjetnika, a od početka projekt se odvija pod visokim pokroviteljstvom predsjednice Republike Hrvatske Kolinde Grabar-Kitarović. Pokrovitelji su i gradonačelnik Zagreba Milan Bandić, Grad Zagreb, Grad Karlovac, Ministarstvo kulture, Ministarstvo znanosti i obrazovanja te Ministarstvo turizma. Tvrtka Hrvatska elektroprivreda prepoznala je vrijednost toga globalno zanimljivoga umjetničkog projekta tako da je glavni sponzor izložbe. Croatia Airlines sponzor je projekta također, te Turistička zajednica grada Zagreba, Ericsson Nikola Tesla, Hrvatski Telekom, Badel 1862 i Zagrebački


ways. Although a conceptually thus designed story in the form of a spatial interactive film fresco has existed in the mind of the author since 2005, the exhibition itself is something that was not, for the first time, her personal producer initiative. Thanks to the initiative of Siniša Šare and Krešimir Renzo Prosoli, the CEO of the Real Group agency ∑ which is also the production house of the project in charge of promotion ∑ another story inspired by Tesla has been set in motion, and the producer understanding of the importance of this exhibition by the director of the Croatian Association of Artists (HDLU), Ivana Andabaka, opened the doors of a beautiful space, which no one from the initiators, creators and producers of this project could say no to. And so at the end of last year, it was decided that the exhibition would be a joint venture of the story of Tesla, which is a great challenge for everyone involved in its production. The public will undoubtedly enjoy the beauty of Tesla’s creative spirit, and the Croatian cultural and artistic scene will be given yet another world-famous pioneering work in the field of a new narrative genre ∑ interactive film fresco. Helena Bulaja Madunić explained what makes the Nikola Tesla ∑ Mind from the Future exhibition different from the exhibitions set up so far in not only Croatia, but also the region, underlining that this exhibition in both Croatia and the region pushes back almost all the boundaries of artistic creation and promotion of culturally significant projects, starting from the very fact that it has been initiated and produced for the most part through the investments and efforts of the private business sector, which equals science fiction in the region, to building a fully professional relationship with artists, fully appreciating the need for artistic innovation, growing jointly and creating a content for the widest possible audience without pandering. - All this literally gives me wings and makes me happy to be able to work in this way in Croatia as well. Naturally, in such an environment, a number of opportunities open up that give us artists both the chance to question the classic tenets of what an exhibition is supposed to be like and the right not to follow the strict rules of the profession. And so, with our exhibition, we would really like to completely open and challenge ourselves to go beyond some of the common standards and to give visitors a fully immersive experience, which should, once they visit the exhibition, stimulate them to become collectors of knowledge inspired by Tesla ∑ said Helena Bulaja Madunić. Although designed to be a travelling exhibition,


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given its character and concept, it will never be the same. This is in itself a powerful conceptual innovation on a world scale, where the author and the curator together with the artists are in the role of perpetual creators and activators of new creative ideas. Along with Helena Bulaja Madunić, the central creative activator in all reflections, the core of the team comprises Sascha Machiedo in the capacity of production anchor with experience in working on world-scale art and cultural projects, from the Guggenheim Museum in New York and Bilbao in Spain through the Venice Art Biennale to the Louvre in Abu Dhabi. Beside them, the international team of the exhibition includes Max Pinucci and Elena Degl’Innocenti and their team from the Tuscan design and interactive storytelling studios MBVision and Animation Lights Project, with extensive experience in designing innovative storytelling exhibition shows created with the help of state-of-the-art technologies. A member of the team is also the prominent Spanish curator and author Miguel A. Delgado, who was one of the main curators of the largest biographical exhibition of Tesla set up in Madrid in 2014. Miguel is a selection co-curator of Pop culture artworks inspired by Tesla. Those responsible for the innovative electromagnetic visual identity of the exhibition are the creative forces of the artistic collective Organizam (Eng., Organism) within the framework of the Babushke design


studio and under the leadership of Marija Juza and Bernarda Cesar. The storyteller Iva Silla, the illustrator Hana Šoštarić, the architect Dinka Pavelić, the writer Nada Horvat, the director Lovro Krsnik, the Romulić-Stojčić photography studio, the scenic element modeller and designer Marko Fuček ∑ are just some of Helena Bulaja Madunić’s closest associates and assistants, who are currently actively involved in preparations for the exhibition, which is the result of many years of work done by a large number of international and domestic authors, such as Mare Milin, Al Keddie, Ed Beals, Tomislav Babić, Laurie Anderson, Marina Abramović, Terry Gilliam, just to mention a few. The exhibition also actively involves a group of newly selected Croatian artists of all generations inspired by Tesla. These are Mile Blažević, Pero Jelisić, Nikola Vudrag, Ida Blažićko, Vitar Drinković, Alma Trtovac, Ivana Ožetski, Patricija Purgar and Janko Ivčić. The idea behind this integrated and interactive multimedia platform is to promote Tesla ∑ not only as an inventor, but also as a visionary and a humanist. The Nikola Tesla ∑ Mind from the Future exhibition aims to position Tesla as a Croatian cultural legacy, to promote and inspire artistic excellence, originality, inventiveness and the application of state-of-the-art technologies in the fields of the visual arts, with a view to raising Croatian artistic creativity to a new world level. This exhibition, brought about through the collaboration of partners and sponsors, and presented exquisitely by the Real Group agency, promises to be a production and art sensation. This project which brings to life an unassailable visionary and a man far ahead of his time makes Croatia even more attractive to tourists. Because of all

Arhiva autorice izložbe i arhiva izložbenog projekta Nikola Tesla - Mind from the Future /The archives of the author of the exhibition and the archives of the Nikola Tesla - Mind from the Future exhibition project

Predstavljanje projekta Nikola Tesla - Mind from the Future; Siniša Šare, Ivana Andabaka, Helena Bulaja Madunić, Ivica Lovrić, Sascha Machiedo, Krešimir Renzo Prosoli Nikola Tesla ∑ Mind from the Future project presentation; Siniša Šare, Ivana Andabaka, Helena Bulaja Madunić, Ivica Lovrić, Sascha Machiedo and Krešimir Renzo Prosoli

these reasons, a record number of visitors is expected. It is also expected that a great deal of interest by both the media and the project’s other users will be generated. Undoubtedly, the Nikola Tesla ∑ Mind from the Future exhibition has a great potential not only for Croatia, but also the world. Author Helena Bulaja Madunić also tells us about plans for the future of the exhibition. - In addition to a continuing multimedia focus, and following the international artistic presentation of a novel understanding of Nikola Tesla, who is an inexhaustible source of inspiration to contemporary artists, a new portal for the entry of this Croatian artistic venture into other world capitals opens (following the path of Nikola Tesla ∑ Budapest, Prague, Paris, New York) in the form of a travelling exhibition that should, after Zagreb, be mounted in New York in 2018. Our journey with Nikola Tesla ends at the 2020 World EXPO in Dubai. In other words, with this project, Croatia will be present at this important world-scale event, which will be a festival of human genius, and the exhibition focuses on one of the greatest geniuses in the history of mankind. The Croatian Association of Artists (HDLU) is partnering the exhibition, and the project has been developing since the beginning under the auspices of the President of the Republic of Croatia, Mrs. Kolinda GrabarKitarović. The Mayor of the City of Zagreb, Mr. Milan Bandić, the City of Zagreb, the City of Karlovac, the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Science and Education, and the Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Croatia are patrons of the exhibition. Hrvatska elektroprivreda, the Croatian national energy company, has recognised the value of this globally interesting art story, and so they are the main sponsor of the exhibition. Croatia Airlines, the Tourist Board of the City of Zagreb, the companies Ericsson Nikola Tesla, Hrvatski Telekom and Badel1862, and the Zagreb Holding are also sponsoring the project. Thanks to the fact that these companies, cultural institutions and organisations have recognised the potential of the project, all our ideas will be transformed into a final work to be presented to the public  at the end of November 2017.


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17. dani Orisa 17th Days of Oris

Piše/By _ Mirjana Brabec


J. Martinčič


01 RCR arhitekti, Les Cols Pavilions RCR Architects, Les Cols Pavilions

As in previous years, the 2000-seat Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall is certain to be full on 14th and 15th October. The speakers at this year’s 17th Days of Oris are RCR Architects (Spain), Schmidt Hammer Lassen (SHL) Architects (Denmark), OFIS Architects (Slovenia), Walter Angonese (Italy), Davor Mateković (Croatia), Go Hasegawa (Japan) and Vedran Mimica (Croatia). The Days’ programme is available at


02 Zimska koliba na planini Kanin OFIS arhitekata A winter cottage on Kanin Mountains, OFIS Architects 03 Mateković - Issa Grotto Hill House

P. Vuković

Oris House of Architecture is again gathering some of the biggest names of architecture and design from the region and the world on the Days of Oris, a symposium held for the 17th consecutive year in mid-October this year in Zagreb. First held in 2001 after the successful launch of the bilingual bimonthly magazine Oris ∑ whose 100th issue was printed in 2016 and which has built up a wide network of collaborators and authors over the years ∑ the Days of Oris have become an important two-day convention of professionals and anyone interested in issues of contemporary architecture and design.

H. Suzuki

Oris Kuća arhitekture i ove će godine sredinom listopada u Zagrebu okupiti važna imena arhitekture i dizajna iz regije i svijeta na simpoziju koji se pod nazivom Dani Orisa održava već 17. godinu zaredom. Pokrenuti 2001. godine, nakon uspješnog lansiranja dvojezičnoga dvomjesečnog časopisa Oris, koji je 2016. doživio 100. izdanje te s godinama stekao široku mrežu suradnika i autora, Dani Orisa postali su važno dvodnevno okupljanje struke i svih zainteresiranih za pitanja suvremene arhitekture i dizajna. Vjerujemo da će i ove, kao i prijašnjih godina, svih 2000 mjesta Koncertne dvorane Vatroslava Lisinskog, gdje se 14. i 15. listopada simpozij održava, biti popunjeno. Na ovogodišnjim Danima Orisa gostuju arhitekti biroa RCR (Španjolska), arhitekti biroa Schmidt Hammer Lassen (Danska), arhitekti biroa OFIS (Slovenija), Walter Angonese (Italija), Davor Mateković (Hrvatska), Go Hasegawa (Japan) i Vedran Mimica (Hrvatska). Program pratite na



Bez obzira na to spremate li se za putovanje ili krećete u kupnju, odaberite najbolju posadu – karticu Diners Club Croatia Airlines bez upisnine i članarine do 31.12.2017. Kartica omogućuje sve pogodnosti plaćanja Diners Cluba te skupljanje milja u najvećem europskom programu nagrađivanja putnika Miles & More*. * U skladu s Pravilima nagradnog programa Miles & More.


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Bijela noć White Night Piše/By _ Mirjana Brabec Foto/Photo _ Marko Vrdoljak

Posljednjeg dana rujna Zagreb se i ove godine pridružuje svjetskim metropolama koje organiziraju cjelodnevnu kulturnoumjetničku manifestaciju Bijela noć, kad brojni domaći i inozemni umjetnici, u početku jesenske sezone, raznovrsnim programima ožive gradske ulice i kulturne institucije. To je treća godina zaredom što se ta manifestacija koja je zaživjela u Parizu prije petnaest godina, a zatim su njezin program preuzeli i brojni svjetski gradovi, od Montreala preko Rige do Melbournea, održava u glavnom gradu Hrvatske. Njezine prve priredbe Zagrepčani i njihovi gosti imali su priliku vidjeti 2015., u sklopu festivala Rendez-vous, gostovanja francuske kulture u Hrvatskoj, kad je u pet mjeseci u 22 hrvatska grada Francuska preko 180 događanja predstavila svoj široki kulturni i svakodnevni život. Stoga ne propustite priliku da 30. rujna od poslijepodneva do sitnih noćnih sati obiđete grad, od Kaptola i Gradeca preko Uspinjače i Zrinjevca do Novog Zagreba, kako biste uživali u brojnim spektakularnim svjetlosnim instalacijama, atraktivnim umjetničkim intervencijama, performansima i koncertima na otvorenome. Tema je ovogodišnjih Bijelih noći Wild Zagreb. On the last day of September this year, Zagreb is yet again joining the world’s metropolises which organise a festival day packed with culture and art called White Night, with numerous both domestic and international artists bringing city streets and cultural institutions to life at the beginning of autumn. This festival ∑ which was first




01 Fantastičan trodimenzionalni mural kita francuskog street art umjetnika Etiena na Gradecu A fantastic three-dimensional mural of a whale by the French street artist Etien on Gradec 02

organised in Paris fifteen years ago, and which has since then been taken over by many world cities, from Montreal to Riga and Melbourne ∑ is held for the third consecutive year in the capital of Croatia. The people of Zagreb and their guests had the opportunity to enjoy the festival’s first edition in 2015 within the framework of the Rendez-vous Festival, a French culture tour of Croatia, when, during the period of five months and in 22 Croatian cities, France presented its wide cultural and everyday life through 180 events. So make sure not to miss the chance to visit the City of Zagreb from Kaptol and Gradec, through the Zagreb Funicular and Zrinjevac to Novi

02 Atraktivne vizualne instalacije prati i niz koncerata na otvorenome Attractive visual installations accompanied by a series of openair concerts 03 Prvoga dana listopada suvremena umjetnost ponovno će izaći na ulice Zagreba i brojnih drugih hrvatskih gradova On 1st October, contemporary art is packing the streets of Zagreb and many other Croatian cities

Zagreb, and enjoy spectacular lighting installations, attractive artistic interventions, performances and outdoor concerts on 30th September from the afternoon to the small hours of the night. The theme of this year’s White Night is Wild Zagreb.



Sve što radimo u Volvu, započinje s ljudima. Kada smo radili na novom XC60, mislili smo na sve koji su u vozilu i na one oko njega. XC60 je opremljen s našim naprednijim paketom sigurnosnih funkcija te vozaču osigurava dominantan pogled na cestu u predivno opremljenoj i mirnoj kabini. Odličan zračni ovjes kombinira vrhunsku udobnost i kontrolu; s visokom udaljenosti od tla prevladava sve vrste terena, od autoceste do najzahtjevnijeg bezpuća. Kada tome dodamo bezvremenski dizajn, premium audio sustav Bowers & Wilkins te intuitivnu tehnologiju, novi XC60 sinonim je za pouzdanu, inspirativnu i iznimno sigurnu vožnju. Provjerite ekskluzivnu ponudu za prve kupce novoga XC60 kod ovlaštenog Volvo partnera. Made by sweden CROATIA AIRLINES 3/2017

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Kombinirana potrošnja goriva: 5,1–7,7 l/100 km, emisije CO2: 133–176 g/km. Emisijski razred: EURO 6b. Emisije NOx: 0,0243 - 0,0366 g/km. Vrijednosti specifične emisije štetnih plinova u dizelskim motorima: 0,00028 - 0,00093 g/km, broj čestica: 0,00342 E+11 - 0,101 E+11. Ugljični dioksid (CO2) je najštetniji plin koji je jedan od uzroka globalnog zagrijavanja. Emisije štetnih plinova unutrašnjeg zraka iz prometa uzrokuju lošiju kvalitetu unutrašnjeg zraka. Slike su simbolične. Više informacija na ili kod ovlaštenog Volvo partnera.



Mrdujska regata Mrduja Regatta

Piše/By _ Ozren Kanceljak

01 Više od 300 sudionika očekuje se i na ovogodišnjoj Mrdujskoj regati More than 300 participants are expected to partake in this year’s Mrduja Regatta 02 U Mrdujskoj regati katkad sudjeluju cijele obitelji, od djeda do unuka i praunuka Sometimes entire families partake in the regatta, from grandfathers to grandchildren and great-grandchildren 03 Na prvoj regati sudjelovalo je samo sedam jedrilica Only seven sailing boats took part in the first regatta

Stipanovića. No, isto tako, Jedriličarski klub Labud iz Splita organizator je Mrduje - najveće i zacijelo najpopularnije hrvatske jedriličarske regate s više od 300 sudionika. Ovogodišnja utrka održat će se 7. listopada, a početak je predviđen u 11 sati. Prve je godine (1927.) na put od 22 nautičke milje do otočića Mrduja isplovilo sedam jedrilica matičnog kluba. Danas Mrduja privlači sve zaljubljenike jedrenja, ne samo iz cijele Hrvatske, nego i inozemstva. U njoj sudjeluju 80-godišnji veterani i njihovi praunuci, a pod jedra stanu cijele obitelji. To je regata koja čuva najljepše sportsko geslo o važnosti sudjelovanja. Split is indeed the capital of Croatian sailing. It is enough to point out that Split is the home of two of the most prominent Croatian sail-

Arhiva Jedriličarskog kluba Labud / The Archives of the Labud Sailing Club

Split je po mnogočemu glavni grad hrvatskog jedrenja. Dovoljno je spomenuti da je to dom dvojice najistaknutijih hrvatskih jedriličara, osvajača olimpijskih medalja i višestrukih pobjednika međunarodnih natjecanja Ivana Kljaković-Gašpića i Tončija

ors, Olympic medallists and multiple winners of international competitions, Ivan Kljaković Gašpić and Tonči Stipanović. Also, the Labud Sailing Club from Split is the organiser of Mrduja ∑ the largest and surely the most popular Croatian sailing regatta with more than 300 participants. This year’s regatta is to be held on 7 October and the start is timetabled for 11 a.m. In the first year (1927), seven sailing boats of the parent club set sail for the Islet of Mrduja, a 22-nautical-mile-long journey. Today, the Mrduja Regatta attracts lovers of sailing not only from Croatia, but also from abroad. The competitors include 80-yearold veterans and their great-grandchildren, and even entire families fit under sails. This is a regatta that has succeeded in adhering to the most beautiful sports idea about the importance of participating.



Arhiva JedriliÄ?arskog kluba Labud / The Archives of the Labud Sailing Club


ACI-CA-210x280-3mm-bleed-08-2017.indd 1

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11.8.2017. 10:55:21


Croatia rally Croatia Rally Piše/By _ Željko Štefanic Fotografija/Photos _ Uroš Modlic

Posljednjih pet godina Poreč je domaćin Croatia rallyju, utrci koja se bez prekida održava od 1974. godine. Tijekom desetljeća nekoliko se puta mijenjao itinerar, kao i gradovi domaćini, no dolaskom na najveći hrvatski poluotok Croatia rally načinio je novi iskorak. Dosad je bio dio europskog prvenstva, kao i Europskog rally trofeja, a kratkoročni mu je cilj dobivanje statusa utrke svjetskog prvenstva - WRC-a. Prekrasni istarski krajolici, povijesne znamenitosti, uske i skliske ceste kojima prolaze trase brzinskih ispita već godinama u Poreč i Istru privlače ponajbolje vozače iz Hrvatske, regije, ali i udaljenih europskih zemalja i drugih u svijetu. Sudionici utrke, ali i gledatelji očarani su enogastronomskom ponudom Istre te se uvijek rado vraćaju u Hrvatsku. Ovogodišnji 44. Croatia rally održat će se u Istri od 28. do 30. rujna, a sastoji se od 11 brzinskih ispita dugačkih 155 kilometara. Start i cilj bit će u Poreču, a utrka ima status kandidata na WRC-u. Ispuni li stroga očekivanja FIA-e, Croatia rally naći će se u kalendaru svjetskog prvenstva. For the past five years, Poreč has hosted Croatia Rally, a race that has been held interruptedly since 1974. During the decades, the rally route has changed several times, as well as the host cities, but having arrived at Croatia’s largest peninsula, Croatia Rally has taken a new direction. So far, it has been part of the European Championship, as well as the European Rally Trophy, and its short-term goal is to be given the status of a World Rally Championship (WRC) race. Beautiful Istrian landscapes, historical sites, the narrow and slippery roads of the speed




01 Pobjednici Croatia rallyja 2016., Vlasimil Majerčák i Michaela Vejačková 2016 Croatia Rally winners, Vlasimil Majerčák and Michaela Vejačková


test rally routes have for years been attracting to Poreč and Istria the best drivers from Croatia, the region, as well as from distant European countries and others in the world. Both the rally participants and its spectators are enchanted by the food and wine offer of Istria and are always keen on returning to Croatia. This year’s 44th Croatia Rally is held in Istria from 28 to 30 September, and includes eleven 155-kilometre-long speed test routes. Both the start and the finish lines are in Poreč, and the rally has a WRC Candidate status. If it fulfils FIA’s strict expectations, Croatia Rally will be listed in the World Championship calendar.

02 Pobjedničko postolje 43. Croatia rallyja na Trgu slobode u staroj gradskoj jezgri Poreča The winners’ podium of the 43rd Croatia Rally at the Liberty Square in the old town centre of Poreč 03 Brzinski ispiti po unutrašnjosti istarskog poluotoka po skliskim i uskim cestama izazov su posadama Speed tests in the hinterland of the Istrian Peninsula on slippery and narrow roads are a challenge for the crews



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Emisija CO2: 142 - 214 g/km. Kombinirana potrošnja goriva: 5,4 - 9,4 l/100km.


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Gledajte Festival Unseen See the Unseen Festival

01 SIMKA, Yellow Hop, 2012 02 The Penny Black Remedy, Maintaining Dignity In Awkward Situations, novi omot albuma / new album cover

From 27th September to 1st October, Cavtat’s public space is filled with film and (film) music by various authors. Although this is the very first edition of the festival, the Unseen Festival has already brought together a wide range of authors and institutions involved in the project.

The programme is primarily intended for young authors up to the age of 35 from Southeast Europe who are debuting their work, as well as for already established authors from Sweden, Germany and France, who are, besides showing their work, also holding public discussions or workshops. SIMKA, a duo of visual artists whose sculptures and video works are on the streets of Stockholm and Paris, and director and producer Benjamin Cantu, who is credited with this year’s selection of the 67th Berlinale’s Generation 14Plus youth programme, are also visiting Cavtat. Besides a film programme, the festival is also presenting the video works of visual artists. Each festival night ends with hanging out with DJs or rock, funk or electronic music concerts with a special announcement of an acoustic performance of the London-based The Penny Black Remedy rock band on the last night of the festival.




Fotografije/Photos: Kinoookus, TZ Općine Konavle, SIMKA, TPBR

Od 27. rujna do 1. listopada javni prostor grada Cavtata ispunit će se filmom i (filmskom) glazbom različitih autora. Iako je riječ o prvom festivalu Unseen, već je okupio široki spektar autora i institucija uključenih u projekt. Program je ponajprije namijenjen mladim autorima do 35 godina s područja jugoistočne Europe, koji prvi put prikazuju svoje radove, ali i etabliranim autorima iz Švedske, Njemačke i Francuske, koji će, uz prikazivanje, održati javne rasprave ili radionice. Cavtat će posjetiti SIMKA, duo vizualnih umjetnika čije se skulpture i videoradovi nalaze na ulicama Stockholma i Pariza, te redatelj i producent Benjamin Cantu, koji je zaslužan za ovogodišnju selekciju 67. Berlinalea u sklopu programa za mlade Generation 14Plus. Uz filmski program na festivalu će biti predstavljeni i videoradovi vizualnih umjetnika. Svaka festivalska večer završit će druženjem uz DJ-a ili koncerte rock, funk ili elektroničke glazbe uz posebnu najavu akustičnog nastupa londonskog rock-banda The Penny Black Remedy posljednje večeri festivala.


Piše/By _ Mila Pavlićević


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ŽIVOT GRADA CITY LIFE Zagreb, Varaždin, Opatija

Izazovi života, koncertni triptih Life Challenges concert triptych

Četvrt stoljeća djelovanja Hrvatskoameričko društvo obilježava nizom od tri koncerta virtuoznog violinista Stefana Milenkovicha i Zagrebačkih solista, jedinstvenih glazbenih majstora. U tri će grada ti umjetnici izvoditi djela poznatih skladatelja: Mendelssohna, Sarasatea i Paganinija. Dio prihoda Koncertnog triptiha Izazovi života, koji Hrvatsko-američko društvo realizira u suorganizaciji s Hrvatskom glazbenom mladeži i Meritum komunikacijama, darovat će se mladima bez odgovarajuće roditeljske skrbi. Neki će polaziti Outward Bound program iskustvenog učenja u prirodi, koji osnažuje da se postigne poduzetna znatiželja, izgradi ustrajnost, zajedništvo i suosjećanje te povjerenje u svoje sposobnosti za karakteran, samostalan i samosvojan život. Croatia Airlines partner je programa. Više informacija: Izazovi života / Facebook


Zagreb, Koncertna dvorana Vatroslava Lisinskog, srijeda, 25. listopada 2017., Varaždin, HNK, petak, 27. listopada 2017., Opatija, Dvorana Gervais, subota, 28. listopada 2017. The Croatian American Society is marking its 25th anniversary with a series of three concerts by the virtuoso violinist Stefan Milenkovich and the Zagreb Soloists, exceptional masters of the art of music. In three cities, these artists are performing works by famous composers: Mendelssohn, Sarasate and Paganini. Part of the proceeds of the Life Challenges concert triptych, organised by the Croatian American Society in collaboration with the Jeunesses Musicales Croatia organisation and Meritum Communications, will be donated to young people without adequate parental care. Some will join an Outward Bound programme of experiential learning in nature, which

empowers the pursuit of enterprising curiosity and builds persistence, fellowship and compassion, as well as confidence in one’s abilities for a life of integrity, independence and identity. Croatia Airlines is partnering the programme. For more information, check out: Izazovi života / Facebook. Zagreb, Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall, Wednesday, 25th October 2017; Varaždin, Croatian National Theatre, Friday, 27th October 2017; Opatija, Gervais Hall, Saturday, 28th October 2017 01 Stefan Milenkovich, virtuoz na violini Stefan Milenkovich, a violin virtuoso 02 Zagrebački solisti i zagrebačka katedrala u pozadini The Zagreb Soloists and the Zagreb Cathedral in the background

Fotografija/Photos _ Arhiva Zagrebačkih solista / Zagreb Soloists Archives

Tekst/Text _ Goran Stojanović

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Croatia Airlines American Express kartica Ostvari potencijal CROATIA AIRLINES 3/2017 _ * Pogodnost vrijedi ako dobijete barem jednu milju za kupnju Croatia Airlines American Express karticom te ako karticu koristite barem tri mjeseca. American Express ® je zaštićeni znak American Express Company. PBZ Card je ovlašteni izdavatelj American Express kartica u Hrvatskoj.


Rujan September


glazbeno-scenskih priredbi središnje Hrvatske, osnovan 1971. g. Ubraja se u najeminentnije festivale te vrste u svijetu./This specialised early music festival is one of the most significant music events of central Croatia founded in 1971, and is one of the most outstanding festivals of this kind in the world.


Zagreb i okolica Zagreb and surroundings

VEČERI try: Partner coun


a ner: Mađarsk Zemlja part

13. internacionalni festival eksperimentalnog filma i videa 13th International Experimental Film and Video Festival

28. 9.-1.10., Zagreb Na festivalu koji prati najnoviju produkciju avangardnoga i eksperimentalnog filma možete pogledati zanimljive filmove što će vam ih predstaviti autori./This is a festival that screens the latest production of avant-garde and experimental film presented by their authors. Tko pjeva zlo ne misli u HNK He who sings means no harm at the Croatian National Theatre

28.9., Zagreb Predstava je nadahnuta kultnim istoimenim filmom koji je jedan od najgledanijih i najomiljenijih u hrvatskoj kinematografiji. Rene Medvešek režirao je tu predstavu kojom želi dočarati nekadašnju zagrebačku svakodnevicu i odati hommage zagrebačkome

22.09. - 02.10.2017. ZLATNI SPONZORI

Pula i okolica Pula and surroundings


Za nacionalni festival Varaždinske barokne večeri financijsku potporu osigurali su:

Koncertni ured Varaždin Institut Balassi

Mađarski Institut u Zagrebu



Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović, predsjednica Republike Hrvatske


Ministarstvo kulture Republike Hrvatske


Koncertni ured Varaždin, A. Cesarca 1, Varaždin +385 42 311 907, www.� i na prodajnim mjes�ma sustava �

mentalitetu./The play is inspired by a cult film of the same name, one of the most watched and most loved ones in Croatian cinematography. The play, portraying Zagreb’s once everyday life and paying homage to Zagreb’s mentality, was directed by Rene Medvešek. Varaždin i okolica Varaždin and surroundings 47. varaždinske barokne večeri 47th Varaždin Baroque Evenings

2.9.- 2.10., Varaždin Taj specijalizirani festival rane glazbe jedna je od najznačajnijih

Dani tartufa u Istri Truffle Days in Istria

Listopad October Zagreb i okolica Zagreb and surroundings John Malkovich otvara sezonu u Lisinskom John Malkovich opening the season at the Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall

16.9.- 19.11., Livade Istarski bijeli tartuf jedan je od najcjenjenijih na svijetu. Prozvan je afrodizijakom i neponovljiva je okusa. Zri u tartufarskom trokutu između Pazina, Buja i Buzeta, a u jesen diljem Istre možete uživati u delicijama s tartufima./ The Istrian white truffle is one of the most highly valued in the world. It is known as an aphrodisiac and has a very unique flavour. It grows in the so-called truffle triangle between Pazin, Buje and Buzet. In autumn all over Istria, truffle delicacies can be savoured.

7.10., Zagreb

22.- 24.9., Vižinada, Motovun, Istarske toplice

Niz od četrnaest veličanstvenih koncerata u sezoni ciklusa Lisinski subotom 2017./2018. u Koncertnoj dvorani Vatroslava Lisinskog u Zagrebu otvorit će popularni holivudski glumac John Malkovich, koji će nastupiti uz pratnju Varaždinskoga komornog orkestra./The popular Hollywood actor John Malkovich is opening this season’s series of fourteen magnificent concerts within the 2017/2018 Saturday at Lisinski concert cycle at the Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall in Zagreb. He is performing accompanied by the Varaždin Chamber Orchestra.

Međunarodna biciklistička MTB

Zagreb KOM 12

MTB Parenzana Cube Iz arhive Koncertnog ureda Varaždin / Archive Concert agency Varaždin

line that interconnected Trieste and Poreč a hundred years ago.

utrka svake godine okuplja sve više ljubitelja biciklizma. Staza se

13.- 21.10., Zagreb

proteže mjestima kojima je prije stotinu godina prolazila željeznička pruga Parenzana, povezujući Trst i Poreč./This international MTB cycling race has been attract* Za promjene u rasporedu poslije zakljuËenja Ëasopisa redakcija ne odgovara * Allow for possible changes after this issue has gone to press.


ing an increasing number of cycling enthusiasts year after year. The race route follows the Parenzana railway

Na ovome međunarodnom festivalu komorne glazbe možete poslušati vrhunske izvedbe./ This is an international festival of chamber music bringing top performances.

The Great Gatsby Ballet

ja pounjskog kraja. Raznolik i zanimljiv program, uz neobičan šarm toga maloga grada uz rijeku Unu, svake godine privlači mnoge posjetitelje. Ove godine održava se jubilarna, dvadeseta Kestenijada./Make sure you visit one of the most beautiful and most visited events of the Una River region. The varied and interesting programme of the Chestnut Festival (Cro., Kestenijada) ∑ this year to be held for the 20th consecutive year ∑ and the remarkable charm of this small town on the Una River has been attracting many visitors year after year.

Marunada Chestnut Festival

Studeni November

21.10.- 5.11., Lovran

Zagreb i okolica Zagreb and surroundings

14.10., Zagreb Baletni blockbuster i neponovljivi spektakl koji će se održati u zagrebačkoj Areni. Jedinstven projekt obuhvaća više umjetničkih sfera i pruža neponovljiv doživljaj, a temelji se na romanu F. Scotta Fitzgeralda./This is a ballet blockbuster and a one-ofa-kind spectacle to be held in the Zagreb Arena. Based on F. Scott Fitzgerald’s book, this is a unique project that embraces a number of art fields providing the audience with an unforgettable experience.

Jesen u Lici Autumn in Lika

3.- 5.10., Gospić

6.- 8.10., Hrvatska Kostajnica

Izložba se i ove godine odvija na Trgu Stjepana Radića u Gospiću, a duže će trajati zbog velikog zanimanja posjetitelja i izlagača. Predstavit će se i kulturnoumjetnička društva i udruge koje promiču tradicijske vrijednosti ličkoga kraja./This year’s exhibition is again set up at the Stjepan Radić Square in Gospić, and is planned to last longer due to great visitor and exhibitor interest. The exhibition also presents cultural artistic societies and associations nurturing and promoting the traditions of the Lika region.

Posjetite jednu od najljepših i najposjećenijih manifestaci-

Rijeka i okolica Rijeka and surroundings

Sisak i okolica Sisak and surroundings Kestenijada Chestnut Festival

The Great Gatsby Ballet promo

Gospić i okolica Gospić and surroundings

Lovranski marun jedna je od najkvalitetnijih vrsta kestena, a Marunada u Lovranu gozba za gurmane. Na Kvarneru će vam ponuditi tradicionalne pečene marune i različite slastice spravljene od kestena, uz koje možete kušati i kvalitetna domaća pića./ The Lovran chestnut is one of the best quality chestnuts, and the Chestnut Festival (Cro., Marunada) in Lovran a feast for gourmands. Traditional roasted chestnuts and various chestnut sweets and delicacies are sold brilliantly complemented by quality homemade drinks.

Zadar i okolica Zadar and surroundings Biograd Boat Show

20.- 23.10., Biograd na Moru Biogradski jesenski nautički sajam postao je okupljalište predstavnika i ljubitelja hrvatske nautičke industrije i najveća je izložba plovila u srednjoj Europi./The Biograd Boat Show has become a gathering place for representatives and lovers of the Croatian shipbuilding industry, and is the largest exhibition of vessels in Central Europe.

Koncert Bryana Adamsa Bryan Adams Concert

9.11., Zagreb Bryan Adams nastupit će prvi put u zagrebačkoj Areni. Jedan je od najprodavanijih izvođača čije romantične hitove rado slušamo te stoga ne čudi što je taj svestrani umjetnik dobitnik mnogih nagrada i nominacija./Bryan Adams is holding a concert for the first time in the Zagreb Arena. He is one of the best-selling performers in the world whose romantic songs are widely listened to, so it comes as no surprise that this versatile artist has won many awards and nominations. Zagreb Film Festival

11.- 19.11., Zagreb Festival će se održati u zagrebačkim kinima Europa i Tuškanac. Moći ćete pogledati filmove koji nisu komercijalni nego teže umjetničkim ostvarenjima. Projekcije filmova praćene su i koncertima./The Zagreb Film Festival is held at Zagreb’s Europa and Tuškanac cinemas. This festival showcases non-commercial films of great artistic import, with film projections accompanied by concerts.


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Popularno Martinje tradicionalni je običaj sjeverozapadnih krajeva Hrvatske, a posebno se obilježava u Zagrebačkoj županiji./The widely popular Feast of St. Martin (Cro., Martinje) is a traditional wine

Nikola Tesla, one of the world’s greatest scientists and a visionary, held at the Meštrović Pavilion in Zagreb.

Prosinac December Zagreb i okolica Zagreb and surroundings Advent u Zagrebu Advent in Zagreb

2.12.2017.- 7.1.2018., Zagreb Zagreb u adventsko vrijeme nudi mnogo događaja koji će zadovoljiti i najzahtjevnije posjetitelje. Zabava, gastronomija i blagdanski ugođaj očekuju vas na ulicama i trgovima./During the season of Advent, Zagreb is staging countless events that are promising to satisfy even the most demanding of

christening custom of the northwestern parts of Croatia, with the Zagreb County paying particular attention to its observance. Macchiaioli u Modernoj galeriji The Macchiaioli at the Modern Gallery

16.11.2017. - 21.1. 2018., Zagreb Posjetite izložbu i razgledajte vrhunska djela hrvatskih slikara pejzažista (J. Miše, V. Varlaj, V. Becić, Lj. Babić, I. Job, M. Tartaglia i dr…) koja, uz djela vodećih talijanskih slikara s prijelaza 19. u 20. st. (Telemaco Signorini, Guglielmo Ciardi, Gennaro Favai, Guido Cadorin i dr.), jasno svjedoče da je moderno hrvatsko slikarstvo, nastalo na obalama Jadranskoga mora i u njegovu zaleđu u osvit 20. st., posve europsko slikarstvo./This is an exhibition of top works by Croatian landscape painters (J. Miše, V. Varlaj, V. Becić, Lj. Babić, I. Job,


visitors. Do not miss the entertainment and gastronomy on offer, and a true Christmas atmosphere created in the streets and squares of Zagreb. Koncert Sare Brightman Sarah Brightman concert

21.12., Zagreb U sklopu turneje Royal Christmas Gala ta će glazbenica i njezini gosti nastupiti u zagrebačkoj Areni. Dočekajte stoga Božić uz jednu od najboljih svjetskih sopranistica./As part of the Royal Christmas Gala tour, Sarah Brightman and her guests are performing at the Zagreb Arena. Celebrate the arrival of Christmas with one of the world’s best soprano singers.

Izložba Nikola Tesla - Mind From The Future Nikola Tesla ∑ Mind from the Future exhibition

Potkraj/The end of 11.2017.20.3.2018., Zagreb Multimedijska izložba u čast Nikole Tesle, jednoga od najvećih svjetskih znanstvenika i vizionara, bit će postavljena u Meštrovićevom paviljonu u Zagrebu./This is a multimedia exhibition honouring

TZ GZ, S. Kaštelan

11.11., Dugo Selo, Samobor, Sv. Ivan Zelina, Velika Gorica, Jastrebarsko

M. Tartaglia and others), which ∑ in addition to works by leading Italian painters from the turn of the 20th century (Telemaco Signorini, Guglielmo Ciardi, Gennaro Favai, Guido Cadorin and others) ∑ clearly demonstrate that modern Croatian painting created at the same time on the shores of the Adriatic Sea and in its hinterland is indeed European painting.

TZ GZ, S. Kaštelan

Martinje Feast of St. Martin

TZ GZ, S. Kaštelan

TZ GZ, S. Kaštelan


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To je Hrvatska Republika Hrvatska smjeπtena je uz istoËnu obalu Jadranskog mora i u njegovu zaleu. Proteæe se od obronaka Alpa na sjeverozapadu do panonske ravnice na istoku. Povrπina je njezina kopna 56.542 Ëetvorna kilometra, a povrπina teritorijalnog mora 31.067 Ëetvornih kilometara. U Hrvatskoj æivi, prema popisu iz 2011. godine, 4,284.889 stanovnika. Duæina je morske obale 5835 km zajedno s otocima, otoËiÊima i grebenima. Otoka, otoËiÊa i grebena ima 1185, a naseljeno je 47 otoka. Sluæbeni jezik jest hrvatski, a pismo latiniËno. NovËana jedinica − kuna. Glavni je grad Zagreb (790.017 stanovnika), koji je ujedno administrativno, kulturno, akademsko i trgovaËko srediπte zemlje. Hrvatska je međunarodno priznata 15. siječnja 1992. godine, a od 1. srpnja 2013. g. Ëlanica je Europske unije. This is Croatia The Republic of Croatia lies along the east coast of the Adriatic Sea and its hinterland. It stretches from the slopes of the Alps in the north-west to the Pannonian Plain in the east. Its land area is 56,542 km2 and the area of its territorial sea is 31,067 km2. According to the 2011 census, Croatia’s population was 4,284,889. The length of its sea coast is 5835 km, including islands, islets and reefs. There are 1185 islands, islets and reefs, of which 47 islands are inhabited. The official language is Croatian, and the official script is Latin. The currency is the Kuna. The capital is Zagreb (790,017 inhabitants), which is also the country’s administrative, cultural, academic and economic center. The Constitution of the Republic of Croatia was adopted on 22 December 1990, and the country received international recognition on 15 January 1992. Croatia became an EU member state on 1st July 2013. Nacionalni parkovi Hrvatska ima osam nacionalnih parkova, od kojih su Ëetiri u planinskom podruËju (Paklenica, PlitviËka jezera, Risnjak i Sjeverni Velebit), a Ëetiri na obalnom podruËju (Brijuni, Kornati, Krka i Mljet). Njima, kao


prostor osobito vrijedne prirodne baπtine, treba pridodati i podruËja pod strogom zaπtitom prirode, rezervate, spomenike prirode, parkove prirode. Zbog svih njih Hrvatsku mnogi smatraju jednim od najljepπih europskih vrtova. National parks Croatia has eight national parks, four of which are located in the mountain region (Paklenica, Plitvice Lakes, Risnjak and Northern Velebit), and four in the coastal region (Brijuni, Kornati, Krka and Mljet). Besides these, certain areas under strict nature protection ∑ reserves, natural monuments and natural parks ∑ should be mentioned as a natural heritage of special value. They have all contributed to Croatia’s being considered one of the most beautiful gardens of Europe. Proπlost za sadaπnjost Hrvatska obiluje kulturno-povijesnim spomenicima iz svih razdoblja, zbog burnih povijesnih zbivanja i prepletanja utjecaja razliËitih kultura. Njezinu obalu karakteriziraju utjecaji mediteranske kulture, mnogi antiËki spomenici, spomenici iz rimskog razdoblja i ranoga srednjeg vijeka, romaniËko-sakralna baπtina te niz oËuvanih karakteristiËnih mediteranskih urbanih cjelina. Kontinentalna Hrvatska dio je srednjoeuropskoga kulturnog kruga i istiËe se mnogim prapovijesnim nalazima svjetske vaænosti, starim gradovima, utvrdama i dvorcima kasnoga srednjeg vijeka, kulturnim spomenicima i arhitekturom iz razdoblja baroka. Tri hrvatske urbane cjeline i dva spomeniËka kompleksa imaju status spomenika svjetske kulturne baπtine, koji dodjeljuje Unesco. To su kasnoantiËka Dioklecijanova palaËa, pregraena tijekom stoljeÊa u srednjovjekovni Split, gradovi Dubrovnik i Trogir te Eufrazijeva bazilika u PoreËu i katedrala sv. Jakova u ©ibeniku. Nacionalni park PlitviËka jezera, najljepπi i najpoznatiji hrvatski nacionalni park, takoer je dio Unescove Svjetske baπtine. A past for the present Croatia is rich in cultural and historical monuments from all eras, due to the turbu-

lent events of history and the interlacing of influences of different cultures. Its coast is characterized by the influences of Mediterranean culture, numerous ancient remains, monuments of the Roman era and early Middle Ages, a Romanesque church heritage and a number of distinctive Mediterranean urban entities that have been preserved. Inland Croatia is a part of the Central European cultural circle and is distinguished by numerous prehistoric findings of world significance, by old towns, fortresses and castles dating from the late Middle Ages, and cultural monuments and architecture from the Baroque era. Three Croatian cities and two monumental com-plexes have the status of monuments of world cultural heritage accorded by UNESCO. These are the Late Antique Palace of Diocletian, remodeled through the centuries into the medieval city of Split, the cities of Dubrovnik and Trogir, the Basilica of Euphrasius in PoreË and the Cathedral of St. Jacob in ©ibenik. The national park of the Plitvice Lakes, Croatia’s most beautiful and celebrated national park, is also a part of UNESCO’s world heritage. Hrvatska - turistiËki hit na Sredozemlju Hrvatska je posljednjih godina − ocjenjuju meunarodni turistiËki znalci i statistiËari − hit-odrediπte na Sredozemlju. Hrvatska je blizu ne samo zbog svoga geografskog smještaja, nego i zbog mreæe zraËnih luka i kvalitetnih usluga nacionalnog avioprijevoznika Croatia Airlinesa te drugih zraËnih prijevoznika. I zbog svoje mreæe autocesta i poluautocesta Hrvatska je bliæa nego ikad. Ako ste pak odabrali odmor na jednome od mnogih hrvatskih otoka, prijevoz trajektom ili hidrogliserom s kopna trajat Êe − i kad su posrijedi oni najudaljeniji − kraÊe od 2 sata. Croatia - a Mediterranean tourism success Croatia has been a hit destination in the Mediterranean in the past few years, say statisticians and international experts in tourism. Croatia is close not only because of its geographic position, but also because of

its network of airports and the top quality services provided by Croatia Airlines, its national carrier, as well as other airliners. Also, due to its network of highways and semi-motorways, Croatia is closer than ever. If you have decided to spend your vacation on any one of the numerous islands in Croatia, even the most distant ones, it will take less than 2 hours by ferry or hydrofoil from the mainland. Novac i naËin plaÊanja Kuna je na ziv novËane jedinice Republike Hrvatske. U optjecaju su novËanice

kuna (kn) i kovani novac kuna i lipa (lp), (100 lipa = 1 kuna). MoguÊe je plaÊanje kreditnim kar ticama (Diners, Visa, American Express, Eurocard i Mastercard) i euroËekovima. Novac se moæe podizati i na bankomatima.

card), as well as euro-checks. Cash can be withdrawn from ATMs.

Currency and payment methods The currency of the Republic of Croatia is called the Kuna (kn). In circulation are banknotes in Kuna and coins in Kuna and Lipa (lp) ∑ one hundredth. Payments can be made by credit card (Diners, Visa, American Express, Eurocard and Master-

ZEMLJOVID HRVATSKE MAP OF CROATIA Odrediπta Croatia Airlinesa Croatia Airlines destinations stalna / regular sezonska ljetna / seasonal in summer

motorway, fast roads toll station tunnel, bridge other main roads national parks nature parks international border crossing petrol stations (0-24) airports ferry routes UNESCO World Heritage


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sx18353_AZ_Croatia_Airline_Bordmagazin_210x280mm_RZ2_PFADE.indd 1

01.09.17 10:42

Miles & More

Osnove programa Miles & More

Introducing Miles & More

Miles & More vodeÊi je europski program nagraivanja čestih putnika i nudi Ëlanovima razliËite moguÊnosti prikupljanja milja i koriπtenja nagrada, kao i mnoge privlaËne pogodnosti. »lanovi prikupljaju milje koristeÊi se uslugama brojnih partnera u programu. Milje se biljeæe za letove svih Ëlanica Star Alliancea i drugih kompanija partnera, ali i za unajmljivanje vozila, odsjedanje u hotelima ili potroπnju preko cobrand kreditnih kartica Miles & More.

Miles & More is the leading european frequent flyer programme, offering its members numerous possibilites for collecting and redeeming miles, as well as many attractive privileges. Members collect miles by using the ser vices of many partners in the programme. Miles are credited for flights of all Star Alliance members and other airline par tners, but also for renting vehicles from rent-a-car par tners or staying in par ticipating hotels.

Razredi Ëlanstva i pogodnosti Koriπtenjem usluga partnera u programu Miles & More prikupljate nagradne milje koje se mogu iskoristiti za nagrade. Statusne milje koje odreuju vaπ Ëlanski status, na temelju kojega ostvarujete pogodnosti, prikupljaju se na redovnim letovima prijevoznika Croatia Airlines, Adria Airways, Air Dolomiti, Austrian Airlines, Brussels Airlines, Germanwings, LOT Polish Airlines, Lufthansa, Lufthansa Regional, Luxair, SWISS, i svim Star Alliance partnerima. Uz 35.000 statusnih milja prikupljenih u jednoj kalendarskoj godini, steÊi Êete status Frequent Traveller, a za 100.000 statusnih milja u kalendarskoj godini oËekuje vas status Senator.

Tiers and benefits By using the Miles & More par tners’ ser vices members collect awards. Status miles which determine a member’s membership status and privileges can be accrued on scheduled flights operated by Croatia Airlines, Adria Airways, Air Dolomiti, Austrian Airlines, Brussels Airlines, Germanwings, LOT Polish Airlines, Lufthansa, Lufthansa Regional, Luxair, SWISS, and all Star Alliance partners. Every mile accrued is recorded as both a status and an award mile. With 35,000 status miles collected in one calendar year members acquire the Frequent Traveller status, with 100,000 status miles the Senator status, and members who collect at least 600,000 HON CROATIA AIRLINES 3/2017


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»lanovi koji prikupe najmanje 600.000 HON Circle milja u razdoblju od dvije uzastopne kalendarske godine, stjeËu status HON Circle.

Circle miles within two conse cutive calendar ye ars, acquire the HON Cir cle status.

Osnovne pogodnosti Miles & More statusa

Miles & More benefits in brief

Frequent Traveller - Executive Bonus − 25 posto više nagradnih, statusnih i HON Circle milja - neograniËena valjanost nagradnih milja za trajanja statusa - prednost na listi Ëekanja - prijava za let (check in) na πalteru poslovnog razreda i veÊi iznos prtljage bez naplate, ovisno o odrediπtu i zrakoplovnoj kompaniji.

Fre quent Traveller - Exe cutive Bonus of 25 % for award, status and HON Circle miles - Accrued award miles have no ex piry date

Senator - Executive Bonus − 25 posto više nagradnih i statusnih HON Circle milja - neograniËena valjanost nagradnih milja za trajanja statusa - predujam od 50.000 nagradnih milja - uporaba airport lounge - viπi prioritet na listi Ëekanja - prijava za let (check in) na πalteru prvog razreda - prednost pri ukrcaju i iskrcaju prtljage - dodatni komad prtljage bez naplate, ovisno o odrediπtu i zrakoplovnoj kompaniji - 2 e-vouchera za premještaj u viši razred putovanja (upgrade), prilikom postizanja statusa Senator te prilikom svake obnove statusa

Se nator - Exe cutive Bonus of 25% for award, status and HON Circle miles - Accrued award miles have no ex piry date - Miles advance of up to 50,000 award miles - Airport lounge access - High waiting list priority - Fir st Class check-in - priority baggage handling - An additional bag depending on destinations and airline. - 2 e- Upgrade Vouchers on achieving Senator status and for every Senator status renewal.

HON Circle - sve pogodnosti statusa Senator, najviša prednost na listi Ëekanja - predujam od 100.000 nagradnih milja - Status Senator za supruænika ili partnera, ovisno o zrakoplovnoj kompaniji - 6 e-vouchera za premještaj u viši razred putovanja (upgrade) prilikom postizanja statusa HON Circle te prilikom svake obnove statusa - dodatni komad prtljage bez naplate, ovisno o odrediπtu i zrakoplovnoj kompaniji

HON Cir cle - All existing Se nator privile ges, highest waiting list priority - 100,000 miles in advance - Se nator status for your spouse or par tner depending on the airline



- Waiting list priority - Check-in at the Busine ss Class counter and increased free baggage allowance depending on destinations, airline.

- 6 e- Upgrade Vouchers when becoming an HON Circle Member and every time the status is extended - An additional bag depending on destinations and airline.

Troπite milje Prikupljene nagradne milje zamjenjujete za mnoge nagrade: nagradne zrakoplovne karte, premjeπtaj u viπi razred putovanja (upgrade), razliËite nagrade kojima se moæete koristiti pri putovanju (Miles & More hotelski partneri, Miles & More rent-a-car partneri), kupnju te u Lufthansa WorldShopu.

Spend miles You can exchange collected award miles for awards prepared for you: flight awards, upgrades, various travel awards (Miles & More hotel partners, Miles & More car rental partners), shopping and lifestyle awards, and Lufthansa WorldShop.

Zatraæite svoju Diners Club Croatia Airlines kredit nu kar ticu! n 5 kuna = 1 nagradna milja − za svakih 5 kuna potroπenih preko ove kartice, biljeæi vam se 1 nagradna milja. n Prikupljajte nagradne milje svuda − jednostavno plaÊajte svojom Diners Club karticom na bilo kojemu od 12,000.000 DC prodajnih mjesta u zemlji i inozemstvu. n 2 kartice − 1 raËun Miles & More − koristite li se istodobno privatnom i poslovnom karticom Diners Cluba i Croatia Airlinesa, prikupljene nagradne milje zbrajaju se na vaπemu raËunu Miles & More.

Apply for your Diners Club Croatia Airlines credit card! n 5 HRK = 1 award mile − for every 5 HRK spent via this card, you collect 1 mile

Zatražite svoju VISA Croatia Airlines kreditnu karticu! Croatia Airlines i Erste Card Club nude i VISA Croatia Airlines samostalnu karticu, poslovnu i privatnu. Potroπnja od 14 kuna u Hrvatskoj na samostalnim karticama donosi 1 nagradnu Miles & More milju, a za potroπenih 7 kuna u inozemstvu dobiva se preko kartica u paketu 1 nagradna milja Miles & More.

Zatražite svoju Croatia Airlines American Express karticu! n 4 kn = 1 nagradna milja − za svake 4 kune potrošene preko ove kartice bilježi se 1 nagradna milja 2000 milja dobrodošlice na Miles & More računu za nove korisnike, 1000 milja dobrodošlice za dodatnog člana


n Collect award miles ever ywhere − simply pay with your Diners Club Card in any of 12 million DC of fices in Croatia or abroad

2 credit cards − 1 Miles & More membership account − use your private and business card to collect award miles on the same membership account. n

Apply for your VISA Croatia Airlines credit card! Croatia Airlines and Erste Card Club offer a VISA Croatia Airlines stand-alone credit card, both business and private. You will get 1 Miles & More award mile for every 14 kuna spent via stand-alone credit cards whereas for every 7 kuna spent abroad via companion credit cards 1 Miles & More award mile will be credited to your account. Apply for your Croatia Airlines American Express card! n 4 HRK = 1 award mile − for every 4 HRK spend via this card, you collect 1 mile 2000 welcome miles on Miles & More account for new basic and 1000 welcome miles for new additional card users



Putno osiguranje


Travel insurance


Milje ne zastarijevaju


Miles do not expire

n Dvostruke nagradne milje − za plaćanje u poslovnicama Croatia Airlinesa i PBZ Card Travela

Zatraæite svoju Croatia Airlines American Express kredit nu kar ticu! n 6 kuna = 1 nagradna milja − za svakih 6 kuna potroπenih preko Premium kar tice biljeæi se 1 nagradna milja, odnosno za svakih 7 kuna potroπenih preko Standard kar tice 2000 milja dobrodoπlice − za nove osnovne Premium korisnike i 1000 milja dobrodoπlice za nove dodatne Premium korisnike n

1000 milja dobrodoπlice za nove osnovne Standard korisnike i 500 milja dobrodoπlice za nove dodatne Standard korisnike


n Earn double award miles − using the card to pay at Croaita Airlines and PBZ Card Travel

Apply for your Croatia Airlines American Express credit card! n 6 HRK = 1 award mile − for every 6 HRK spent via Premium card, you collect 1 award mile, and for every 7 HRK spent via Standard card you collect 1 mile. n 2.000 welcome miles − for new basic Premium card users and 1.000 welcome miles for new additional Premium card users. n 1.000 welcome miles − for new basic Standard card users and 500 welcome miles for new additional Standard card users.

Dvostruke nagradne milje − za potroπnju u poslovnicama Croatia Airlinesa i PBZ Card Travel American Expressa

Earn double award miles − using the card to pay for travels at Croatia Airlines sales of fices and PBZ Card Travel American Expressa.

Više informacija možete pronaÊi na:

Please find detailed info at:




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koji su uvedeni 2016. godine. Tako je naša kompanija u 365 dana uvela čak osam novih međunarodnih linija. Croatia Airlines zbog pozitivnih trendova putničkog prometa te povećanog opsega letenja, osobito tijekom ljetne turističke sezone u kojoj je obavljala 105 letova na dan, ove godine planira prevesti rekordnih 2,000.000 putnika, prvi put u povijesti tvrtke.

POSITIVE BUSINESS TRENDS MILIJUNTI PUTNIK U 2017. GODINI Našeg milijuntog putnika u ovoj godini zabilježili smo 4. srpnja u Splitu na letu OU413. Ovogodišnja je jubilarna putnica Julia Susanne Halbritter, a putovala je iz Frankfurta u Split na godišnji odmor. Na prigodnoj svečanosti u splitskoj zračnoj luci, koja je održana nakon slijetanja zrakoplova, darovali smo milijuntoj putnici dvije povratne zrakoplovne karte za jedno od naših međunarodnih odredišta po izboru.

MILLIONTH PASSENGER IN 2017 Our millionth passenger this year was recorded on 4th July in Split aboard flight OU413. Our millionth passenger was Julia Susanne Halbritter travelling from Frankfurt to Split on vacation. At a ceremony at the Split Airport, which was held immediately after the plane landed. We presented our millionth passenger with two return flight tickets to one of our international destinations of her choice.

POZITIVNI TRENDOVI U POSLOVANJU U prvih šest mjeseci ove godine Croatia Airlines bilježi rast putničkog prometa od 10 posto, a u tom je razdoblju našim zrakoplovima prevezeno oko 80.000 putnika više nego u istom razdoblju lani. Pritom je u međunarodnom prometu zabilježeno 11,6 posto više putnika, a u domaćem redovitom prometu 5 posto više putnika. Rast putničkog prometa, između ostalog, rezultat je uvođenja četiri nove sezonske linije u svibnju ove godine - iz Zagreba u Stockholm, Oslo, Helsinki i Bukurešt, a nastavili su se obavljati i sezonski letovi u Lisabon, Milano, Prag i Sankt-Peterburg,


In the first six months of this year, Croatia Airlines recorded a 10 percent increase in passenger traffic, and, during the same period, our aircraft transported approximately 80,000 passengers more than over the same period last year. International passenger traffic accounted for 11.6 percent more passengers, while regular national passenger traffic for 5 percent more. This growth of passenger traffic is the result of, amongst other things, the introduction of four new seasonal flight routes in May this year ∑ from Zagreb to Stockholm, Oslo, Helsinki and Bucharest, along our seasonal flights to Lisbon, Milan, Prague and St. Petersburg, which were introduced in 2016. More specifically, within the period of 365 days, our company has introduced as many as eight new international flight routes. Due to such positive trends in passenger traffic and an increased flight volume, particularly during the summer tourist season with 105 flights per day, Croatia Airlines is planning, for the first time in the company’s history, to fly a record-breaking 2,000,000 passengers this year.

STAR DAY U CROATIA AIRLINESU U Galeriji Klovićevi dvori u Zagrebu, 11. srpnja, svečano smo obilježili 20. godišnjicu osnutka Star Alliancea. Podsjećamo, Croatia Airlines pridružio se Star Allianceu 2004. godine, najprije kao regionalni član, a 2010. godine i kao punopravni. Od tada do danas Croatia Airlines, i na temelju članstva u udruzi, unaprijedio je svoj mrežni proizvod dodanim vrijednostima za putnike, što je istodobno pridonijelo konkurentnosti tvrtke i kvaliteti usluge. Na svečanosti je bio prisutan i Jeffrey Goh, glavni izvršni direktor Star Alliancea, uz mnoge zaposlenike naše kompanije.

Krešimir Kučko i/and Jeffrey Goh

STAR DAY IN CROATIA AIRLINES On 11th July in the Klovićevi Dvori Gallery in Zagreb, we celebrated the 20th anniversary of the foundation of Star Alliance. Croatia Airlines joined Star Alliance in 2004, first as a regional member, and in 2010 as a full member. Since then, and thanks to its membership in the Alliance, Croatia Airlines has improved its online products with added value for passengers, which has, in turn, contributed to the competitiveness of the company and its quality of service. The ceremony was also attended by Jeffrey Goh, Chief Executive Officer of Star Alliance, along with many of our employees.


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NAŠ NOVI PROIZVOD ∑ FLYEASY Croatia Airlines uveo je novi tarifni razred FlyEasy, koji vam omogućuje da putujete povoljnije uz određene uvjete - ostvarujete pravo na prijevoz jednog komada ručne prtljage do 8 kg, a prijevoz predane prtljage nije uključen u cijenu. Stoga, putujte povoljnije bez predane prtljage.

Lisbon starting from

već od


OUR NEW PRODUCT ∑ FLYEASY Croatia Airlines has introduced a new FlyEasy fare class which brings you more convenience during your travels under certain conditions ∑ you can transport 1 piece of hand luggage up to 8 kilograms in weight, while the transport of checked-in luggage is not included in the price. So, you can now travel more conveniently with no checked-in luggage.


Barcelona starting from


već od

Barcelona: svaki četvrtak i nedjelja do 7.1.2018. / every Thursday and Sunday until 7JAN2018 Lisabon/Lisbon: svaki ponedjeljak i petak do 8.1.2018. / every Monday and Friday until 8JAN2018


Croatia Airlines, tijekom predstojećega zimskog reda letenja (29.10. 2017. - 24.3. 2018.), prilagodit će prometovanje svojih zrakoplova u domaćemu i međunarodnom prometu potrebama putnika u zimskom razdoblju. Novost je da ćemo u Barcelonu i Lisabon letjeti i tijekom zimskog reda letenja. Tako u Barcelonu možete otputovati četvrtkom i nedjeljom te uživati u osobitostima arhitektonskih zdanja, noćnom životu i shoppingu. Također, vrijedi posjetiti i Lisabon, ponedjeljkom i petkom, jer taj je grad jedna od najljepših europskih prijestolnica. Sve informacije o našim letovima možete pronaći na ili te na tel. +385 1 6676 555 / 072 500 505.

NEWS IN THE WINTER FLIGHT TIMETABLE During the upcoming winter flight timetable (29th October 2017-24th March 2018), Croatia Airlines will adjust both its domestic and international flights to the needs of its passengers during the winter period. The news is that we will continue to fly to Barcelona and Lisbon during the winter timetable as well. More specifically, you can travel to Barcelona on Thursdays and Sundays, and enjoy the beauty of its architecture, nightlife and shopping. Lisbon is also worth visiting on Mondays and Fridays, given that it is one of the most beautiful European capitals. For further information about our flights, please visit or, or call at +385 1 6676 555 / 072 500 505.

TURNS OUT THE MAN WHO’S SEEN IT ALL, HASN’T. To celebrate our 20th Anniversary, we sent National Geographic travel writer Robert Reid around the world, to have five unique cultural experiences. Watch his journey at culturalexperiences


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A. Grubelić

and on the ground. We study your wishes by means of questionnaries, letters and spoken suggestions, which, believe us are always given every consideration. The mentioned improvements are an answer to your requests. With every new timetable we try to adapt ourselves increasingly to your needs, as well as to improve the existing services. Each one of your suggestions is most welcome, and every comment carefully read and very important to us. So please do not hesitate to write to us to the following address: Croatia Airlines, Inflight Magazine, Bani 75b, Buzin, 10010 Zagreb, E-mail:

PO©TOVANI PUTNICI! Vaπe zadovoljstvo naπa je prva i najvaænija zadaÊa. Stoga stalno nastojimo poboljπati naπe usluge u zrakoplovu i na zemlji. Osluπkujemo vaπe æelje preko anketa, pisama te vaπih pismenih i usmenih prijedloga i, vjerujte, uvijek ih smatramo dragocjenima. Znajte da nam je svaki vaπ prijedlog dobrodoπao, a svaka napomena vrlo vaæna. Piπite nam stoga na adresu uredniπtva: Croatia Airlines, Ëasopis Croatia, Bani 75b, Buzin, 10010 Zagreb, e-mail: Molimo, proËitajte nekoliko uputa vaænih za vaπu sigurnost i udobnost tijekom putovanja. Raduje nas πto ste za let izabrali upravo zrakoplov naπe kompanije. Potrudit Êemo se da vam let protekne πto ugodnije. UvaæavajuÊi svjetske zdravstvene i ekoloπke trendove, 1996. godine Croatia Airlines uveo je nepuπaËke letove na svim linijama. Zahvaljujemo vam πto se pridruæujete naπim nastojanjima da svijet bude zdraviji, ËiπÊi i ljepπi.


D. Fabijanić

Your satisfaction is our first and foremost concern. That is why we are always striving to improve our services on board our aircraft

Please read the instructions below, important for your safety and comfort during the flight. We are happy that you have chosen Croatia Airlines for your flight and shall do our best to make it as pleasant as possible. In accordance with health and environmental trends accepted throughout the world, Croatia Airlines introduced nonsmoking flights to all destinations in 1996. Thank you for joining our efforts in making the world a better, cleaner and healthier place to live in.

RED SJEDENJA Vaπe je sjedalo rezervirano samo za vas. Napuπtate li sjedalo tijekom leta, molimo da se prije svakog slijetanja vratite na sjedalo.

SEAT ASSIGNMENT Your seat has been especially reserved for you. Should you leave your seat during the flight, please return to it before each landing.

RU»NA PRTLJAGA Dopuπtena ruËna prtljaga za putnike ekonomskog razreda: 1 komad n maksimalna teæina 8 kg

zbroj dimenzija do 115 cm (55x40x20) Dopuπtena ruËna prtljaga za putnike poslovnog razreda: 2 komada n maksimalna teæina 8 kg po komadu n zbroj dimenzija maksimalno 115 cm (55x40x20) ili 57x54x15cm (etui za odijela) Radi ograniËenog spremiπnog prostora u putniËkoj kabini te kada je veÊa popunjenost zrakoplova, i dopuπtena ruËna prtljaga bit Êe Ëekirana i spremljena u prtljaæni prostor. n

HAND BAGGAGE ALLOWANCE Economy Class passengers: 1 piece n max. weight 8 kg n total sum of dimensions up to 115 cm (55x40x20) Business Class passengers: 2 pieces n max. weight per piece 8 kg n total sum of dimensions up to 115 cm (55x40x20) or 57x54x15cm if it is a foldable garment bag Due to a limited storage space and when a flight is fully booked even approved carry-on baggage will be checked-in and stowed in cargo compartments. UPUTE ZA SIGURNOST Prije uzlijetanja zrakoplova osoblje Êe vam dati nekoliko uputa πto valja Ëiniti u sluËaju opasnosti. One se odnose na tip zrakoplova pa ih paæljivo prouËite. Prigodom uzlijetanja i slijetanja svi putnici, ukljuËujuÊi i djecu, moraju se vezati sigurnosnim pojasima. PreporuËujemo da zbog vaπe sigurnosti i udobnosti ostanete privezani tijekom cijelog leta. Pri slijetanju molimo da ostanete na svojim sjedalima sve dok se ne iskljuËi znak obvezatnog vezivanja. Prilikom ulaska u neke zemlje valja popuniti odreene obrasce. Oni su vam dostupni u aerodromskoj zgradi pri ulasku u zemlju. Kako bismo vam olakπali i ubrzali taj postupak, naπe Êe vam ih kabinsko osoblje rado podijeliti tijekom leta.

Faze leta u kojima je dopuštena upotreba elektroniËkih ureaja Faze leta

Mobilni/ Smart telefoni, Tablet

Prijenosno raËunalo

Sluπalice za suzbijanje buke

Funkcija teksta/razgovora






Kaπnjenje u polasku





Taksiranje za polijetanje










Tijekom leta




















*U navedenim fazama nije dopuπteno rabiti sluπalice prikljuËene na audio/MP3 ureaje


SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Prior to take-off the cabin crew will give you instructions regarding your safety and how to act in case of an emergency. The instrucions vary according to the type of the aircraft, so please pay attention to the flight attendant’s predeparture announcements and safety demonstrations. During take-off and landing all passengers, including children, are required to fasten their seat belts. For your safety and comfort, we recommend that you keep the safety belt fastened during the whole flight. Some countries require that passengers complete a form on arrival. These forms are available at arrival terminals on entering the country. In order to facilitate this procedure, our cabin crew will be pleased to distribute such forms during the flight.

U takve se ubrajaju eksplozivi, lako zapaljive tekuÊine, radioaktivni materijali i otrovi, oruæje, stlaËeni plinovi, korozivna i oksidirajuÊa sredstva.

RESTRICTED ITEMS The law prohibits the transport of hazardous items in either checked-in or hand luggage. Such items are: explosives, flammable liquids and solids, radioactive materials and poisons, firearms, compressed gases, corrosive products and oxidizers.



PERSONAL ELECTRONIC DEVICES Electronic devices may only be used if they are in flight mode. Bulky personal electronic devices must be securely stowed whenever the seat belt sign is turned on. List of approved personal electronic devices: n Mobile/Smart phones n Tablet computers n Noise-cancelling headphones n Digital audio/MP3 player n Electronic games n e-Readers n Laptop/Notebook computers n Portable DVD/CD player n Bluetooth devices n Personal cameras n Assistive medical devices n Electric shaver

ZABRANJENI PREDMETI Zakonom je zabranjeno noπenje opasnog materijala i u predanoj i u ruËnoj prtljazi.

S. Jungić

ELEKTRONIČKI URE�AJI U RUČNOJ PRTLJAZI Upotreba elektroniËkih ureaja dopuπtena je iskljuËivo u zrakoplovnom radu, teæe i veÊe ureaje treba spremiti dok je upaljen znak obveznog vezivanja. Popis dopuπtenih elektroniËkih naprava: n Mobilni/Smart telefoni nTablet raËunala n Sluπalice za suzbijanje buke n Digitalni audio/MP3 ureaji n ElektroniËke igre n e-ËitaË n Prijenosna/Notebook raËunala n Prijenosni DVD/CD ureaj n Bluetooth ureaji n Kamere n Medicinski ureaji n ElektriËni brijaÊi aparati

se sastoji od snacka i ponude piÊa. Na veoma kratkim letovima putnicima nudimo samo vodu, a na duljim letovima u ponudi su alkoholna i bezalkoholna piÊa te topli napitci. IskljuËivo u poslovnom razredu moæete naruËiti specijalnu vrstu obroka prigodom kupnje karte, ali svakako 24 sata unaprijed (vegetarijanski, muslimanski, dijetalni, a kosher 48 sati unaprijed). Putnicima nije dopuπteno konzumiranje vlastitih alkoholnih piÊa. Alkoholiziranim putnicima ne posluæuju se alkoholna piÊa. Puπenje je zabranjeno tijekom boravka u zrakoplovu. Toaleti su opremljeni detektorima dima.

U naπim zrakoplovima posluæujemo hranu i napitke bez naplate. U poslovnom razredu na svim letovima usluga ukljuËuje birana hrvatska jela, alkoholna i bezalkoholna piÊa te izbor domaÊega i stranog tiska. U ekonomskom razredu usluga ovisi o vrsti i duljini leta. Na domaÊim letovima posluæuje se samo voda, a na meunarodnim letovima usluga

We serve food and beverages free of charge in our aircraft. In business class on all flights the services include a choice of Croatian foods, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, as well as a choice of domestic and foreign print media. Our services in economy class depend on the type and length of the flight. On domestic flights we serve only water, and on international flights our services include snacks and an offer of beverages. On very short flights our passengers are offered only water, and on longer flights they are offered alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages as well as hot drinks. In business class only you can order a special meal when purchasing your tickets, however, this must be done at least 24 hours ahead (vegetarian, Muslim, diet, but kosher meals must be ordered 48 hours ahead). Passengers are not allowed to consume their own alcoholic beverages. Passengers that are considered under the influence of alcohol are not served alcoholic beverages. smoking is forbidden in the aircraft. The toilets are equipped with smoke detectors.

Use of electronic devices during different flight phases Flight phase

Hand Held PEDs (i.e. smart phones and tablets)

Larger PEDs (i.e. Laptops and notebooks)

Noisecancelling Headphones

Text and phone functions






Extended Ground Delay





Taxi-out for Take-off

























Taxi to Stand





*During critical phases of flight headphones must not be plugged to audio/MP3 players. CROATIA AIRLINES 3/2017

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Fly to Dubrovnik

t +385 20 773 100 f +385 20 773 322 e w 144 _ CROATIA AIRLINES 3/2017

Zrakoplovi Airbus A320-200, Airbus A319-100 i Dash8 - Q400 tvore naπu flotu. Our fleet consists of Airbus A320-200, Airbus A319-100 and Dash8 - Q400 aircraft.

Specifikacije / Specifications

Airbus A320-200

Airbus A319-100

Dash8 - Q400

Raspon krila / Wing span (m/ft)

34,1 / 111

34,1 / 111

28,42 / 93,24

Duljina trupa / Fuselage length (m/ft)

37,6 / 123

33,84 / 111

32,83 / 107,71

NajveÊa dopuπtena teæina u polijetanju / Maximum take off weight (kg)

73 500

70 000

29 257

NajveÊa visina leta / Maximum cruising altitude (m/ft)

11 920 / 39 100

11 900 / 39 000

7620 / 25 000

Povrπina krila / Wing area (m²/ft²)

122,40 / 1318

122,40 / 1318

63,08 / 679

NajveÊa letna brzina / Maximum cruising speed (km/h)

834 (450 KTS)

834 (450 KTS)

667 (360 KTS)

Pogonska grupa / Power-plants

motori / engines x 2 CFM 56

motori / engines x 2 CFM 56

motori / engines x 2 PW 150A

Broj zrakoplova u floti / Number of aircraft in fleet




Broj sjedala / Number of seats




Airbus 320-200

Jedan od najsuvremenijih putniËkih zrakoplova srednjeg doleta u svijetu. Raspored poslovnoga i ekonomskog razreda razlikuju se od jednoga do drugog leta. One of the most modern midrange aircraft in the world. Flexible cabin layout, the ratio of business to economy class seating depends on actual booking.

Airbus 319-100

Jedan od najsuvremenijih putniËkih zrakoplova srednjeg doleta u svijetu. Raspored poslovnoga i ekonomskog razreda razlikuju se od jednoga do drugog leta. One of the most modern midrange aircraft in the world. Flexible cabin layout, the ratio of business to economy class seating depends on actual booking.

Dash 8-Q400

Jedan od najsuvremenijih turbopropelerskih zrakoplova kratkog doleta kanadske proizvodnje. Raspored poslovnoga i ekonomskog razreda razlikuje se od jednoga do drugog leta. One of the most modern turbo-prop short range aircraft, manufactured by Canadian manufacturer. Flexible cabin layout, the ratio of business to economy class seating depends on actual booking. CROATIA AIRLINES 3/2017

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Edinburgh Belfast Dublin





Chisinau LYON





Genoa Bologna NICE





Podgorica Bari Tirana

Palermo Catania

Partneri / Partners:

n linije Croatia Airlinesa / Croatia Airlines’ services


Beirut Damascus TEL AVIV Jerusalem Amman

n u suradnji sa stranim zrakoplovnim kompanijama

in cooperation with partner airline

Air France

Air India


Austrian Airlines

Brussels Airlines


LOT Polish Airlines



Singapore Airlines

Swiss International Air Lines

Turkish Airlines

United Airlines

TAP Portugal


Air Canada










Volim putovati! I love to I love to travel! travel!

S. Jungić



Dolazni terminali / Arrival terminals ODREDIŠTE / DESTINATION

FlyEasy - putujte povoljnije bez predane prtljage! Prikupljajte nagradne milje, Kupite kartu u FlyEasy tarifnom iskoristite besplatnu uslugu hrane razredu koji uključuje 1 komad i pića na letu kao i pogodnost ručne prtljage do 8 kg. web check-ina. FlyEasy - travel light at more Earn miles, get free drinks and affordable prices! snacks on board and take Buy a FlyEasy ticket and fly with advantage of web check-in at one piece of cabin baggage no additional cost. max 8 kg.

072 500 500 505, 505, +385 +385 11 6676 6676 555 555 072

Moja aviokompanija. aviokompanija. Moja


ZRAČNA LUKA / AIRPORT ZRAČNA LUKA / AIRPORT Schiphol Amsterdam Airport Schiphol Airport StockholmAmsterdam Arlanda Airport AthensInternational International Airport Athens Airport Barcelona Prat Airport Barcelona ElElPrat Airport Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport Brussels Airport Zaventem Brussels Airport Zaventem Paris Charles Gaulle Airport Paris Charlesdede Gaulle Airport Copenhagen Airport Copenhagen Airport Düsseldorf Airport Düsseldorf Airport Leonardo da Vinci - Fiumicino Airport Leonardo da Vinci - Fiumicino Airport Frankfurt Airport Frankfurt Airport Helsinki Airport St Petersburg Petersburg Pulkovo Airport St Pulkovo Airport Gatwick Airport Gatwick Airport Heathrow Airport Heathrow Airport Lisbon Airport LisbonInternational International Airport Lyon Saint-Exupery International Airport Lyon Saint-Exupery International Airport Malpensa Airport Malpensa Airport Munich Airport Munich Airport Nice Côte d’Azur International Airport Nice Côte d'Azur International Airport Oslo Airport Vaclav Havel Bucharest HenriAirport CoandaPrague International Airport Pristina International Airport Vaclav Havel Airport Prague Sarajevo International Airport Pristina International Airport SarajevoAlexander Internationalthe Airport Skopje Great Airport Skopje Alexander the Great Airport Ben Gurion International Airport Ben Gurion Berlin TegelInternational Airport Airport Berlin Tegel Airport Venice Marco Polo Airport Venice Marco Polo Airport Vienna Airport Vienna Airport Zurich Airport Zurich Airport


TERMINAL terminal 3 terminal 3 2 terminal mainmain terminal terminal terminal 1 1 terminal terminal 2 2 terminal terminal terminal B B terminal terminal 2D 2D terminal terminal 2 2 terminal A terminal A terminal 3 terminal 3 terminal 1 terminal 1 1 terminal terminal 1 1 terminal terminal S S terminal terminal terminal 2 2 terminal terminal 1 1 terminal terminal 1 1 terminal 1 terminal 1 terminal 2 terminal 2 terminal 2 terminal 2 F terminal terminal main1terminal mainterminal terminal 1 terminal mainBterminal B mainterminal terminal main3terminal terminal terminal terminal A, C3 terminal A, C main terminal main terminal terminal 3 terminal 3 terminal 2 2 terminal

Informacije o polascima autobusa / Bus departure information


Polasci svakog dana s gradskog terminala (Autobusni kolodvor, Držićeva bb) prema Zračnoj luci Zagreb Departures daily from the Town Terminal (Main Bus Station, Držićeva bb) to the Zagreb International Airport: 5.00 - 5.30 - 6.00 - 6.30 - 7.00 - 7.30 - 8.00 - 8.30 - 9.00 - 10.00 - 10.30 - 11.00 - 11.30 - 12.00 - 12.30 - 13.00 13.30- 14.00 - 14.30 - 15.00 - 15.30 - 16.00 - 16.30 - 17.00 - 17.30 - 18.00 - 18.30 - 19.00 - 19.30 - 20.00 Polasci svakog dana iz Zračne luke Zagreb prema gradskom terminalu (Autobusni kolodvor, Držićeva bb) Departures daily from the Zagreb International Airport to the Town Terminal (Main Bus Station, Držićeva bb): 7.00 - 8.00 - 8.30 - 9.00 - 9.30 - 10.30 - 11.30 -12.00 - 12.30 - 13.00 - 13.30 - 14.00 - 14.30 - 15.00 - 15.30 16.00 - 16.30 - 17.00 - 17.30 - 18.00 - 18.30 - 19.00 - 19.30 - 20.00 Za više informacija, molimo nazovite / For more information, please call: ZAGREB (01) 6331-982, 6331-999 SPLIT (021) 203-508 DUBROVNIK (020) 773-377 ZADAR (020) 250-094

RIJEKA (051) 330-207, 336-757 CROATIA AIRLINES


Mario Sečen

Dragi putnici!

Volim putovati jer samo je nebo granica I like travelling because the sky’s the limit.

With each travel, I’m closer to the discovery of natural beauty.

Dajući vam drugi pogled na svijet, putovanja izvlače ono najbolje iz vas Giving you a different view of the world, travelling draws out the best in you.

We have received many beautiful photographs from your travels during the summer season. We can indeed conclude that you have had lots of fun and discovered new beauties of the world. Autumn can also be attractive to new travels, so we invite you to continue participating in our competition. We believe that Croatia Airlines will continue to be your faithful companion wherever you go. Explain to us why you like travelling in a single sentence, send us a photograph and participate in our competition. The first prize winner will be rewarded with two return air tickets to one of Croatia Airlines’ destinations of their choice, and two consolation prize winners will each receive a gift package. In this issue of our inflight travel magazine, we are rewarding Mario Sečen for best photograph with two Croatia Airlines return tickets. Andrea Vrabec and Jelena Horvatek are each awarded a promotional gift package. We invite you to continue sending us your photographs because the next issue of our magazine also has valuable prizes in store for you. Visit our website at (Offers/Prize contest), check the terms and conditions of the competition and participate!

Andrea Vrabec

Jelena Horvatek

Dear passengers!

Sa svakim putovanjem bliže sam otkriću prirodnih ljepota


Primili smo mnogo prekrasnih fotografija s vaših putovanja za vrijeme ljetnog razdoblja. Po njima možemo zaključiti da ste se lijepo zabavili i otkrili nove svjetske ljepote. Jesen može biti također privlačna za nova putovanja i stoga vas pozivamo da i dalje sudjelujete u našemu nagradnom natječaju. Vjerujemo da će vam Croatia Airlines i dalje biti vjerna pratnja kamo god krenuli. Uz jednu rečenicu u kojoj objašnjavate zašto volite putovati, pošaljite nam fotografiju i sudjelujte u našemu nagradnom natječaju. Pobjednika ćemo nagraditi s dvije povratne aviokarte po izboru za neko od odredišta Croatia Airlinesa, a dva će dobitnika primiti poklon-pakete. U ovom broju putnoga časopisa dvjema povratnim kartama Croatia Airlinesa za najbolju fotografiju nagrađujemo Marija Sečena. Promidžbenim poklon-paketom nagradit ćemo Andreju Vrabec i Jelenu Horvatek. Pozivamo vas da nam nastavite slati svoje fotografije jer vas i u idućem broju očekuju vrijedne nagrade. Posjetite našu web stranicu (Ponude/Nagradne igre i natječaji), pogledajte uvjete nagradnog natječaja i sudjelujte!

Volim putovati! I love to travel!

Karte u jednom smjeru unutar Hrvatske već od 220 kn! Poletite iz Zagreba u Split, Dubrovnik, Pulu ili Zadar, kao i obratno, po cijeni karte u jednom smjeru već od 220 kn. One way tickets inside Croatia starting from 220 kn! Fly one way between Zagreb and Split, Dubrovnik, Pula or Zadar, at the price starting from 220 kn.

072 500 505, +385 1 6676 555

Moja aviokompanija. My airline.

Direkcija / Head office Bani 75b, 10 010 Buzin, Zagreb, Tel. (+385-1) 616-00-66 Fax (+385-1) 6160 153 E-mail adrese / E-mail addresses President’s Office/ Public Relations/ Marketing/ Sales/ Cargo/ Kontakt centar / Contact Center 072-500 505 samo za pozive iz Hrvatske / only for calls from Croatia Tel. (+385-1) 66 76 555 pon - pet/Mon - Fri 08:00 - 20:00 sub, ned, praznik / Sat, Sun, Holiday 09:00 - 15:00 Odnosi s korisnicima / Customer Relations Dept. Fax (+385-1) 616-01-52 Miles & More kontakt centar / Miles & More Service Team 072 220 220 samo za pozive iz Hrvatske / only for calls from Croatia Informacije o prijevozu robe / Cargo information office Tel. (+385-1) 61-64-573

Pula ZraËna luka/Airport Pula Valtursko polje 210, 52 100 Ližnjan Tel. (+385-52) 218-909, 218-943 Rijeka 51 000 Rijeka JelaËiÊev trg br. 5 Tel. (+385-51) 330-207, 336-757 Rim / Rome 00054 Fiumicino Aeroporto/Airport Leonardo da Vinci Torre Uffici 2, room 518 Tel. (+39-06) 5421-0021 Sarajevo 71 000 Sarajevo ZraËna luka/Airport Tel. (+387-33) 789-600 Skopje 1000 Skopje ZraËna luka/Airport Tel. (+389-2) 3148-390, 3296-967, 3296-969 Split 21 000 Split ZraËna luka/Airport Tel. (+385-21) 203-305, 895-298

Obzor putovanja / Obzor Holidays Ltd Tel. (+385-1) 487 31 68, 616 02 46


Poslovnice / Town and airport offices Identifikacijski kod poslovnica u Hrvatskoj je/ Identification code for offices in Croatia is: HR-B-01-080037012


23 000 Zadar ZraËna luka/Airport Tel. (+385-23) 250-101 10 000 Zagreb Trg Nikole Š, Zrinskog 17 Tel. (+385-1) 481--96-33

Bruxelles 1930 Zaventem/Brussels Airport Box 31 Tel. (+32-2) 753-5132 Dubrovnik 20 213 »ilipi, Dubrovnik ZraËna luka/Airport Dubrovnik Tel. (+385-20) 773-232 Frankfurt Frankfurt Airport Center 1 Gebäude 234, HBK 49 Hugo-Eckener-Ring 60549 Frankfurt Tel. (+49-69) 92-00-520 London Concorde North Wing, Gatwick Airport Room 332, West Sussex RH6 0DW Tel. (+44-20) 8563-0022, London Heathrow Airport, Terminal 2A, Departures, Zone B, Hounslow, Middlesex, TW6 1JZ Tel. (+44-20) 8745-4683 Paris 95731 ROISSY CDG CEDEX Roissypôle Le Dôme, Rue de la Haye BP 18913 Tremblay en France Tel. (+33-1) 48-16-40-00


Meunarodna zraËna luka Zagreb/ Zagreb International Airport Tel. (+385-1) 61-64-581 Fax (+385-1) 62-65-930 Zürich Letzigraben 154, 8047 Zürich Tel. (+41-44) 2610-840 Prodajni zastupnici / Sales agents Europa / Europe »eπka / the Czech Republic CK Blue Sky Travel Opletalova 57, 11 000 Praha 1 Tel. +420 222 222 235 GrËka / Greece Intermodal Air 25, Filellinon Str., 105 57 Athens Tel. +30 210 32 17 679, 32 17 750 Kosovo Airtour Prishtina International Airport Tel. +381 38 594 111 Portugal APG - Portugal Rua Tenente Espanca, nº3 − 3º A, 1050 - 220 Lisboa Tel. +351 219 100 054

Rumunjska/Romania Specialised Aviation Services srl. 17d Emil Garleanu Str, Voluntari, Ilfov County Tel. +40 21 599 0108 Rusija/Russia GRM (Global Russia Marketing) Bolshaya Sadovaya street 10, office 20, 123001 Moscow, Russia Tel. +7 495 981 14 00 SlovaËka / Slovakia CK Blue Sky Travel Rajska 15, 811 08 Bratislava Tel. +421 2 5262 2375 Srbija / Serbia INTERTRAVEL GSA Topličin Venac 19-21 11000 Beograd Tel. +381 11 310 89 69 Španjolska / Spain Global Representacion Turistica / GRT Rambla de Catalunya, 61 5º 3ª, 08007 Barcelona Tel. +34 934 875 775 Bliski istok / Middle East Izrael / Israel Biaf Aviation Services Ltd 1 Ben Yehuda Street, Migdalor blgd. 12th floor, Tel Aviv 63802 Tel. +972 3 516 7181, 516 7140 Australija / Australia Sky Air Services 7/24 Albert Road, Sth. Melbourne Vic. 3205, Tel. +61 3 9699-9355 Novi Zeland / New Zealand CTtravel Limited NZ PO Box 104-056, Lincoln North, Suite, 1/182 Lincoln Rd. Henderson, Auckland, NZ Tel. +64 9 837 9897 Japan Air System Inc. Shimbashi Frontier Building, 7F 3-4-5 Shimbashi Minato-ku Tokyo, 105-0004 Japan Tel. +81 3 3593 6740 Koreja / Korea Bohram Air Services 7F, Donghwa Bldg, 58-7 Seosomun-dong, Jung-gu, Seoul, Korea Tel: +82 2 754 6336 Tajvan, Kina, Hong Kong / Taiwan, China, Hong Kong Pacific Express Company Limited 8F, No 137, Nanking E. Road Sec. 2, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. Tel: +886 2 2515 2371

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