Inflight magazine CROATIA ljeto2014

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Nakladnik/Publisher Croatia Airlines Hrvatska zrakoplovna tvrtka Bani 75b, Buzin 10 010 Zagreb, Croatia tel. +385-1-616-00-66 faks +385-1-616-01-53 E-mail: URL:

Predsjednik Uprave/President & CEO Krešimir KuËko

Glavna urednica/Editor-in-chief Ksenija Ælof

Suradnici glavne urednice/ Editor-in-chief assistants Ana ΔulumoviÊ ŠoštariÊ i Davor JanuπiÊ

Dizajn/Design Ivana IvankoviÊ PrliÊ, Nenad VujoπeviÊ

Prijelom/Layout Nenad VujoπeviÊ

Direktorica marketinga/ Director Marketing Zlata PrpiÊ

Lektorica/Proof reader Mirjana Miholek

Prijevod na engleski/ English translation Lancon d.o.o.

Oglaπavanje/Advertising Croatia Airlines Gabrijela Lochert tel. +385-1-616-00-17 E-mail:

Promocija/Promotion Croatia Airlines tel. +385-1-616-01-26

Evo nas u najdinamiËnijem dijelu godine, kad vi najviπe putujete, a mi najviπe letimo… To nas uvijek raduje i æelimo vam pruæiti πto je moguÊe bolju uslugu. Ovog ljeta imamo i dodatni razlog za zadovoljstvo. Naπa tvrtka slavi 25. roendan. Sretni smo, dragi putnici, πto naπe slavljeniËke osjeÊaje moæemo podijeliti s vama. Stoga bih ukratko podsjetio kako je sve poËelo… Prije 25 godina, u zagrebaËkom hotelu Esplanade, 20. srpnja 1989. godine odræana je osnivaËka skupπtina nove hrvatske zrakoplovne tvrtke Zagreb Airlines (Zagal). Zagal je bio prvo dioniËko druπtvo u tadaπnjoj dræavi i upisan je 7. kolovoza u registar ondaπnjega Okruænog privrednog pod imenom Zagreb Airlines d.d. kao poduzeÊe za zraËni prijevoz. Poslije prvih demokratskih izbora 1990. godine Zagal je promijenio ime u Croatia Airlines. Kompanija se poËela ubrzano razvijati, usporedo s naπom mladom dræavom. Najprije smo letjeli unajmljenim zrakoplovom MD-82, zatim smo kupili svoje Boeinge i ATR-e, pa smo ih zamijenili najsuvremenijim Airbusevima i Dashevima… Danas povezujemo Hrvatsku s Europom a, zajedno s naπim partnerima, i s cijelim svijetom. Otkad smo 2004. godine postali Ëlanicom Star Alliancea, europska i svjetska odrediπta joπ su nam bliæa… Neizmjerno nas raduje spoznaja da vas naπim krilima vozimo do vaπih najmilijih, do dragih prijatelja, da spajamo ljude, da pomaæemo u ostvarivanju poslovnih kontakata, sklapanju dobrih poslova, razvijanju gospodarstva, da vam, zbog nas i naπih partnera, postaju dostupna i najdalja svjetska odrediπta… I, ne manje vaæno, da vas naπi zrakoplovi dovode do mjesta na kojima Êete uæivati, odmoriti se, opustiti, zabaviti, upoznati nove ljude i krajeve, divna mjesta na drugom kraju svijeta, ali i naπu prelijepu Hrvatsku. U ovom broju Ëasopisa uvodni dio posvetili smo naπem jubileju, a zatim slijede naπe uobiËajene teme. Izmeu ostaloga, moæete proËitati i intervju s uglednim zrakoplovnim struËnjakom g. Markom Schwabom, Ëelnikom Star Alliancea, kojemu zahvaljujemo na srdaËnoj roendanskoj Ëestitki. Od srca hvala i vama, dragi putnici, na dugogodiπnjoj vjernosti. Uvjeren sam da Êemo joπ dugo zajedno letjeti!

Dear passengers, Here we are in the most dynamic part of the year, when you travel the most, and we have the greatest number of flights... We are always happy about this and we want to provide you with the best possible services.

D. FabijaniÊ

D. FabijaniÊ

Poπtovani putnici!

This summer we have an additional reason to be satisfied. Our company is celebrating its 25th birthday. We are happy, dear travellers, to be able to share our celebratory feelings with you. So, let me briefly remind you about our beginnings... Twenty five years ago, on 20 July 1989, the founding assembly of the new Croatian airline company, Zagreb Airlines (Zagal), was held in the Esplanade Hotel in Zagreb. Zagal was the first joint stock company in the former state, and on 7 August it was entered in the register of the then District Commercial Court as Zagreb Airlines d.d., a company for air transport. After the first democratic elections in 1990, the name Zagal was changed to Croatia Airlines. The company began to develop rapidly, along with our young state. First we had a leased MD-82 aircraft, then we bought our Boeings and ATRs, and then we replaced them with the most modern Airbuses and Dashes. Today we connect Croatia with Europe and, together with our partners, with the whole world. Since we became a member of Star Alliance in 2004, European and international destinations have been even closer to us... We are extremely pleased to know that our wings take you to your loved ones and dear friends; that we connect people and assist in achieving business contacts, making good business deals, developing the economy, and that, together with our partners, we make even the most distant destinations worldwide accessible to you... And, of no less importance, we know that our aircraft take you to places where you can enjoy, rest, relax, have fun and meet new people and places; beautiful places around the world, but also in our beautiful Croatia. In this issue of the magazine the introduction is dedicated to our jubilee, followed by our usual topics. Among other things, you can read an interview with renowned aviation expert Mr Mark Schwab, the CEO of Star Alliance, whom we thank for his warm birthday wishes. We are sincerely grateful to you, dear passengers, for your long-term loyalty. I am confident that we will fly together for a long time!

Priprema/Photolitography Zrinski d.d., »akovec

Vaš, Sincerely yours,

Tisak/Print Zrinski d.d., »akovec

ISSN 1330-6278

Krešimir KuËko Predsjednik Uprave President & CEO



25 GODINA CROATIA AIRLINESA, NAŠ SREBRNI JUBILEJ Povijest hrvatske zrakoplovne tvrtke poËela se pisati 20. srpnja 1989. godine, toËno u podne. Ali kao roendan novoga hrvatskoga zraËnog prijevoznika uzima se 7. kolovoza. 16 Naπi zaposlenici

ROBERTO ©ANIΔ: SVE BIH PONOVIO Roberto ©aniÊ, danas rukovoditelj linijskog odræavanja zrakoplova, zaposlen je u Croatia Airlinesu od poËetka, punih 25 godina. 26 Razgovor: Mark Schwab

»ESTITAM CROATIA AIRLINESU USPJEŠNIH 25 GODINA Ove godine navrπava se 10 godina otkako je Croatia Airlines pristupio mreæi Star Alliance, a upravo u povodu toga razgovarali smo s Markom Schwabom, koji je na Ëelu te udruge. 60 Poluotoci

PELJEŠAC, KAD SE OTOK ZALJUBI U KOPNO Kad se otok zaljubi u kopno, uzajamnom se Ëeænjom i stapanjem iznjedri poluotok. Davno se takav proces zbio i na jugu Hrvatske, s Peljeπcem... 84 Kontinentalna Hrvatska

OGULIN, NEPOKORENI GRAD BAJKI Ogulin nikada nitko nije osvojio ni pokorio. U tom gradu, na pola puta izmeu Zagreba i Rijeke, roeni su mnogi velikani, meu kojima i poznata hrvatska spisateljica Ivana BrliÊ MaæuraniÊ. 106 Meridijani

NOVI STARI NEW YORK Iako nije najveÊi na svijetu, New York je grad svih gradova, poslovni Babilon sa sjediπtima tvrtki iz cijeloga svijeta, kulturni i gurmanski centar, kozmopolitski div. 110 Priroda

PROMATRANJE PTICA U HRVATSKOJ Hrvatska se ponosi svojom oËuvanom i raznolikom prirodom, od moËvara KopaËkog rita do planinskih πuma i livada na Velebitu. Svuda na tim staniπtima nalazimo ptice. 110 Moda

MODA OÆIVI GRADSKE ULICE Hrvatska modna scena oæivi za toplijeg vremena, pa se na zagrebaËkim pistama predstavljaju najpoznatija modna imena. 110 Festivali

HRVATSKA, GLAZBENO ODREDIŠTE LJETNIH FESTIVALA Ljetni festivali niæu se tijekom cijelog ljeta gotovo jedan za drugim. Ima ih viπe od dvadesetak, a održavaju se uglavnom na moru. 110 Poznati u zrakoplovu

LJUBAV NAŠEGA »ESTOG PUTNIKA DONIJELA NAM SVJETSKU IZLOÆBU Pronaπao je prostor, i u Muzeju za umjetnost i obrt organizirao izloæbu djela velikoga malezijskog slikara, svog oca Syeda Ahmada Jamala. 110 Dogaaji

KONCERT U ZRAKU Hrvatski nacionalni avioprijevoznik spremno je prihvatio zamisao o organizaciji posebnog leta, koji je rijetkost na europskoj, ali i na svjetskoj razini. 2


Ljeto/Summer 2014





25 YEARS OF CROATIA AIRLINES, OUR SILVER JUBILEE The history of Croatia Airlines started on 20 July 1989, at high noon. However, 7 August is considered to be the birthday of the new Croatian airline. 16 Our employees:

ROBERTO ©ANIΔ: I WOULD DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN Roberto ©aniÊ, now the head of aircraft line maintenance, has been employed at Croatia Airlines since its very beginnings, namely for 25 years. 26 Interview: Mark Schwab

CONGRATULATIONS TO CROATIA AIRLINES FOR 25 SUCCESSFUL YEARS This year marks Croatia Airlines’ tenth anniversary in Star Alliance, an occasion for us to catch up with Mark Schwab, the CEO of Star Alliance. 60 Peninsulas

PELJEŠAC, WHEN AN ISLAND FALLS IN LOVE WITH THE MAINLAND When an island falls in love with the mainland, their mutual longing and an amorous embrace spawn a peninsula. Such a process occurred in southern Croatia a long time ago and it involved Peljeπac. 84 Inland Croatia

OGULIN, UNCONQUERED CITY OF FAIRY TALES Ogulin was never neither conquered nor mastered. In this town, half way between Zagreb and Rijeka, many great people were born, including the renowned Croatian novelist Ivana BrliÊ MaæuraniÊ. 106 Meridians

A NEW OLD NEW YORK Although not the biggest in the world, New York is the city of all cities. It is the Babylon of business where companies from all over the globe have their headquarters. It is the centre of good food and culture; a cosmopolitan giant. 74 Nature

BIRDWATCHING IN CROATIA Croatia is proud of its preserved and diverse nature - from the marshy lands of KopaËki Rit to the mountain forests and meadows on Mt. Velebit. Birds can be found in all of these habitats. 74 Fashion

FASHION BRINGS LIFE TO THE CITY STREETS As it warms up, the Croatian fashion scene comes to life. Zagreb’s catwalks present the famous fashion designers. 74 Festivals

CROATIA, DESTINATION FOR SUMMER MUSIC FESTIVALS Summer festivals are held almost one after another during the entire summer season! Croatia hosts around twenty music festivals, which are mostly held on the coast. 74 Celebrities on board

THE LOVE OF OUR FREQUENT FLYER BROUGHT US A WORLD EXHIBITION He found a venue, and in the Museum of Arts and Crafts organised an exhibition of the renowned Malaysian painter, his father, Syed Ahmad Jamal. 74 Events

A CONCERT IN THE AIR The Croatian national carrier has readily accepted the idea of organising a special flight, which is a rarity in Europe, but also on a global level. 4


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1989. Moglo bi se reÊi da se povijest hrvatske zrakoplovne tvrtke poËela pisati 20. srpnja 1989. godine, toËno u podne. Naime, toga se dana, u zagrebaËkom hotelu Esplanade, okupila skupina poslovnih ljudi − entuzijasta, zaljubljenika u zrakoplovstvo − na osnivaËkoj

atia Airlines d.d., nacionalna aviokompanija za prijevoz putnika, robe i pošte. 1991. Prvi let Croatia Airlinesa u domaÊem prometu obavljen je unajmljenim zrakoplovom MD-82 5. svibnja 1991. godine na liniji Zagreb − Split. SljedeÊe godine hrvatska nacionalna aviokompanija postaje Ëlanicom Meunarodne udruge civilnih zraËnih prijevoznika IATA-e. Takoer, poËinje nabavljati i vlastite zrakoplove. 1992. Iz Hamburga 3. travnja 1992. dolazi prvi od pet Boeinga koji su u poËetnom razdoblju

skupštini Zagreb Airlinesa, odnosno Zagala. Ipak, kao roendan novoga hrvatskoga zraËnog prijevoznika uzima se 7. kolovoza 1989., dan kad je ta tvrtka i formalno poËela postojati, jer toga je dana upisana u registar TrgovaËkog suda u Zagrebu kao prvo dioniËko društvo u RH, pod imenom Zagreb Airlines d.d., poduzeÊe za zraËni prijevoz. Zagal je zapravo poËeo s radom 4. prosinca 1989. godine. Tad je iz sjedišta tvrtke, smještene u Poslovnom tornju ZagrepËanka na 19. katu, odaslano pismo potencijalnim poslovnim partnerima o usluzi prijevoza poštanskih pošiljaka. 1990. Otprilike pola godine poslije, toËnije 23. srpnja 1990., Zagal je promijenio ime. Postao je Cro8


tvorili flotu Croatia Airlinesa i koje je tvrtka kupila od Lufthanse. Poslije dva dana, dakle 5. travnja 1992., tim je zrakoplovom (9A-CTA) obavljen prvi meunarodni let Zagreb − Frankfurt. Bio je to poËetak stvaranja vlastite flote.

1993. VeÊ 4. lipnja 1993. u flotu se ukljuËio i prvi novi ATR (9A-CTS), a za tri tjedna, dakle 25. lipnja 1993., još jedan (9A-CTT). 1994. VeÊ godinu dana poslije, mladoj hrvatskoj zrakoplovnoj tvrtki pripala je osobita Ëast. Naime, u rujnu 1994. godine Sveti Otac Ivan Pavao II. prvi je put posjetio Hrvatsku, a 11. rujna iz Zagreba je otputovao u Rim zrakoplovom Croatia Airlinesa. Te godine izašao je i prvi broj putnog Ëasopisa Croatia, namijenjenoga putnicima u zrakoplovima, kojemu je cilj promicati baštinu i ljepote naše domovine. 1995. Uslijedio je ne samo komercijalni zamah, nego i usavršavanje na svim podruËjima poslovanja. Primjerice, u sijeËnju 1995. struËnjaci tehniËkog sektora Croatia Airlinesa veÊ su sami obavili prvi C-pregled na ATR-u. A 31. svibnja 1995. u flotu stiže i treÊi zrakoplov tog tipa (9A-CTU). Iste godine okreÊe se i nova stranica u poboljšanju kvalitete usluge i komunikacije s najvjernijim putnicima. Osnovan je Frequent Flyer Club, 25. ožujka. 1996. Potkraj iduÊe godine, dakle 1. prosinca 1996. Frequent Flyer Club i Diners potpisuju ugovor o suradnji i izdavanju prve co-branding kartice u Hrvatskoj. 1997. Godine 1997. poËinje još jedna velika obnova flote, a prvi korak bilo je potpisivanje ugovora o obnovi flote zrakoplovima Airbus 27. sijeËnja 1997. Prvi Airbus A320 (9A-CTF) u flotu je stigao veÊ 29. svibnja 1997., ali taj je zrakoplov bio unajmljen i nije bio dio potpisanog ugovora. U lipnju 1997. izdane su prve co-branding kartice Croatia Airlinesa i Dinersa. 1998. U sijeËnju 1998. Croatia Airlines postao je Ëlan Udruge europskih zraËnih prijevoznika AEA.



Dolazak prvoga zrakoplova iz ugovora o obnovi flote, Airbusa A319 (9A-CTG), sveËano je obilježen 21. sijeËnja 1998. U jesen te godine, toËnije 4. listopada, Croatia Airlinesu ponovno je pripala Ëast ugostiti Svetog Oca Ivana Pavla II., ovaj put u zrakoplovu A319 (Zagreb) na letu Split − Rim. 1999. S dolaskom nove flote pojaËavaju se komercijalne aktivnosti tvrtke. Tako je 28. travnja 1999. potpisan komercijalni (code share) ugovor s Lufthansom. 2000. U poËetku sljedeÊe godine, kako bi se dodatno poveÊala kvaliteta održavanja zrakoplova i poslovanje uskladilo s JAA regulativom, Sektor tehniËkih poslova Croatia Airlinesa podijelio se u Sektor inženjeringa i Sektor održavanja zrakoplova. Godine 2000. uspješno se završava prva faza obnove flote preuzimanjem, 23. lipnja 2000., posljednjega novog zrakoplova A319 u Hamburgu, koji je dobio ime grada Pule. Dakle, tada Croatia Airlines u floti veÊ ima sedam zrakoplova tipa Airbus, Ëetiri A320 i tri A319, a njihova su imena: Rijeka, Dubrovnik, Zadar, Zagreb, Vukovar, Osijek i Pula. Takoer, u floti su i tri ATR-a 42: Istra, Dalmacija i Slavonija.


Nastavljaju se i druge raznolike poslovne aktivnosti tvrtke, kako bi se postigli što bolji komercijalni rezultati i podigla kvaliteta usluge za putnike. Primjerice, 11. srpnja 2000. uvedeno je automatsko izdavanje zrakoplovnih karata u zagrebaËkoj gradskoj poslovnici Croatia Airlinesa na Zrinjevcu 17. Prvi put od osnutka Croatia Airlines zabilježio je milijun prevezenih putnika u jednoj godini, i to na dan 16. studenoga 2000. 2001. SljedeÊu godinu obilježile su uspješne aktivnosti i priznanja tehniËkim sektorima tvrtke. Naime, 16. listopada 2001. Croatia Airlines od njemaËkih zrakoplovnih vlasti (LBA) dobiva certifikat JAR 145, odnosno dozvolu kojom postaje ovlašten za bazno i linijsko održavanje inozemnih zrakoplova u svojim tehniËkim sektorima u skladu s najvišim europskim standardima. Dozvola omoguÊava i širi izlazak na europsko tržište te održavanje stranih zrakoplova i iz država Ëlanica JAA. Certifi kat JAR 145 u Zagrebu su sveËano uruËili predstavnici LBA, 25. listopada 2001., a toga je dana u hangar Croatia Airlinesa stigao i prvi Lufthansin zrakoplov (Dresden). Na njemu su u sklopu redovitog održavanja struËnjaci tehniËkih sektora obavili C-pregled.



2002. Od 2002. godine poËinje i zamah elektroniËkog poslovanja tvrtke, namijenjenoga putnicima. Uvedena je nova usluga FlyOnLine, kojom se od 22. veljaËe 2002. omoguÊuje rezervacija mjesta poslovnoga i ekonomskog razreda preko interneta. Nova je usluga dostupna na web stranicama, zatim FlyOnLine. 2003. U lipnju 2003. Sveti Otac Ivan Pavao II. i treÊi put leti zrakoplovom Croatia Airlinesa. Svetog Oca ugostili smo Ëak na tri leta, i to u zrakoplovu A319 koji nosi ime grada Pule: 6. lipnja na letu Rijeka − Dubrovnik − Rijeka, 7. lipnja na letu Rijeka − Osijek − Rijeka i 9. lipnja na letu Rijeka − Zadar − Rim. Te godine Croatia Airlines uvršten je, 16. lipnja, u kotaciju Javnih dioniËkih društava (JDD) na ZagrebaËkoj burzi. Ali, godina 2003. ipak Êe se najviše pamtiti po tome što je 17. srpnja zabilježen desetmilijunti putnik u povijesti tvrtke, na letu iz Splita u Frankfurt. U prosincu 2003. Croatia Airlines dobio je još

jedan certifikat - ISO 9001:2000, univerzalni standard za sustav kvalitete, prihvaÊen u Europi, koji najveÊu važnost pridaje kvaliteti usluge i zadovoljstvu putnika. Tako je dovršen projekt uvoenja integriranog sustava kvalitete prema trima meunarodnim normama − normi ISO 9001 te prema zrakoplovnim propisima JAR OPS 1 i JAR 145. 2004. Zrakoplovi Croatia Airlinesa dobili su 2004. godine novi izgled. Naime, u veljaËi 2004. poËeo je redizajn zrakoplova, koji se temeljio na pojednostavljenju i osuvremenjivanju bivšega. Prvi Airbus A320 (Dubrovnik) u novom ruhu sletio je u Zagreb 4. veljaËe, a novi vizualni identitet, prema idejnom rješenju dizajnerice Croatia Airlinesa, dobio je u Shannonu u Irskoj (tvrtka Shannon Aerospace Ltd.). Do poËetka svibnja redizajnirani su svi zrakoplovi u floti. Te godine, 1. lipnja, potpisan je i ugovor o suradnji izmeu Frequent Flyer Cluba Croatia Airlinesa i American Expressa, a odmah su izdane i prve zajedniËke kartice.

Ali ono što je najviše obilježilo 2004.g., a svakako se ubraja meu najvažnije dogaaje u povijesti tvrtke uopÊe, jest pristupanje Croatia Airlinesa Star Allianceu, najuglednijoj zrakoplovnoj udruzi u svijetu. Naime, 18. studenoga 2004. Croatia Airlines potpisao je u Frankfurtu ugovor o pristupanju u regionalno Ëlanstvo Star Alliancea. Ubrzo zatim, toËnije, 23. studenoga 2004., obilježena je petnaesta obljetnica hrvatske zrakoplovne tvrtke, u kojoj su sudjelovali predstavnici Vlade Republike Hrvatske, Star Alliancea i mnogi drugi ugledni poslovni partneri iz zemlje i inozemstva. A prigodnom je izložbom u KloviÊevim dvorima obilježena 29. studenoga 2004. deseta godina izlaženja putnog Ëasopisa Croatia. Kraj godine opet je pripao Star Allianceu i obilježen je sveËanošÊu službenog pristupanja Croatia Airlinesa zvjezdanoj udruzi 15. prosinca. Prvi domaÊi let s oznakama Star Alliancea, koje su postavljene na sve zrakoplove u floti, bio je na liniji Pula − Zadar − Zagreb, a prvi meunarodni let iz Skoplja u Zagreb. 2005. Godine 2005. vjerni putnici Croatia Airlinesa, dosadašnji Ëlanovi Frequent Flyer Cluba, postali su Ëlanovi programa Miles&More. To se dogodilo 1. travnja 2005. Te je godine hrvatska zrakoplovna tvrtka dobila i meunarodno priznanje za novi vizualni identitet svojih zrakoplova. Naime, na prvoj godišnjoj dodjeli nagrada ReBrand 100, koja je održana u ameriËkom Providenceu, u svibnju 2005., redizajn naših zrakoplova nagraen je u kategoriji Notable, prema izboru najuglednijih svjetskih struËnjaka za poslovni dizajn. A u lipnju 2005. na kompanijskim internetskim stranicama uvedena je usluga kojom se putnicima, osim on-line kupnje zrakoplovnih karata, omoguÊuje i on-line rezervacija i plaÊanje hotelskog smještaja. Od 27. listopada 2005. u funkciji su i nove internetske (web) stranice tvrtke. Najvažnija je novost fl eksibilnost odabira željenog putovanja, jer putnik odabire i kreira uvjete putovanja u skladu s osobnim potrebama i moguÊnostima.

1993. 10





− Amadeus e-Travel Airline Conference 2007 Award.

2006. SljedeÊe godine u zrakoplovima Croatia Airlinesa zabilježen je i petnaestmilijunti putnik. To se dogodilo 14. rujna 2006. na letu Zagreb − Frankfurt. U listopadu 2006., s poËetkom zimskog reda letenja, Croatia Airlines postaje prva zrakoplovna kompanija u regiji koja je uvela, i potpuno primijenila, elektroniËke karte. U prosincu 2006. još jedan meunarodni uspjeh tvrtke. Odlukom Meunarodne udruge zrakoplovnih prijevoznika (IATA) Zagreb je postao sjedište projekta BSP (Billing and Settlement Plan) za dio zemalja jugoistoËnog dijela Europe. 2007. Dana 19. travnja 2007. kompanija je donijela odluku o zamjeni svoga dosadašnjeg informatiËkog sustava zajedniËkom informatiËkom platformom Star Alliancea (Common IT Platform − CITP). RijeË je o tehnološkoj platformi nove generacije, koju je najveÊa zrakoplovna udruga na svijetu odabrala za podršku procesima pružanja usluge putnicima (Customer Management Systems). Udruga Star Alliance u Kopenhagenu je 13. i 14. svibnja 2007. proslavila svoj deseti roendan, na koji je bila pozvana i naša tvrtka, kao jedna od Ëlanica. Kraj svibnja obilježio je još jedan važan dogaaj. Naime, 31. svibnja potpisan je ugovor s kanadskim proizvoaËem zrakoplova Bombardier Aerospace o nabavi zrakoplova Dash 8-Q400. Obilježili smo i desetu godišnjicu prvoga leta zrakoplova Airbus u floti Croatia Airlinesa. Naime, prvi let obavljen je 1. lipnja 1997. godine na liniji Zagreb − London (Heathrow). U srpnju 2007. Croatia Airlines primio je uglednu nagradu za integraciju procesa plaÊanja zrakoplovnih karata preko interneta



2008. U zagrebaËku zraËnu luku iz proizvodnih pogona kanadskog proizvoaËa zrakoplova Bombardier Aerospace u Torontu 19. svibnja 2008. doletio je prvi novi zrakoplov Dash 8-Q400, koji je dobio ime Slavonija (9A-CQA). RijeË je o jednome od najsuvremenijih turboprop zrakoplova putniËke konfiguracije 76 sjedala. A drugi zrakoplov istog tipa stigao je 1. kolovoza i dobio ime Lika (9A-CQB). Tako je poËela obnova flote kratkog doleta, odnosno zamjena zrakoplova ATR-42. Uvedena je i nova internetska usluga pod nazivom Web check-in, kojom se putnicima omoguÊuje jednostavna i fl eksibilna registracija za let preko osobnih raËunala. To se dogodilo 15. rujna 2008. U istome je mjesecu, 22. rujna, potpisan i ugovor s Bombardier Aerospaceom o narudžbi još dva zrakoplova Bombardier Q400 NextGen. Uvedena je i usluga naplate izdavanja elektroniËke zrakoplovne karte Croatia Airlinesa, jedinstvena u svijetu, preko bankomatske mreže Privredne banke Zagreb 24. rujna. A 1. listopada 2008. u zagrebaËkoj zraËnoj luci otvoren je novi hangar Croatia Airlinesa, koji je struËnjacima tehniËkih sektora omoguÊio izvoz hrvatskog znanja, odnosno otvorio još šire moguÊnosti održavanja zrakoplova inozemnih aviokompanija − u sklopu te sveËanosti Croatia Airlines i Lufthansa Technik potpisali su ugovor o proširenju suradnje u poslovima pružanja tehniËkih usluga. A 26. listopada na liniji München - Zagreb obavljen je posljednji let zrakoplova ATR42 u floti Croatia Airlinesa. Bio je to zrakoplov registarskih oznaka 9A-CTT, koji je više od petnaest godina letio pod imenom Dalmacija. Dan prije posljednji let obavila je Istra. Na kraju godine još jedno priznanje − 15. prosinca poslovodstvu naše tvrtke uruËena je nagrada Vidi web 100 u kategoriji e-inovation. To je nagrada koja se desetu godinu zaredom dodjeljuje u zajedniËkom izboru Ëasopisa Vidi i tjednika Lider za najbolju uporabu ICT-a u netehnološkoj tvrtki.


2009. A od 30. ožujka 2009. u sklopu kompanijskog e-commerce projekta zaživjele su i prve mService usluge. Jedna je od njih usluga free SMS, a druga SMS PNR info. Lipanj je obilježio dolazak još dva zrakoplova Dash 8-Q400. TreÊi, koji je stigao 19. lipnja, nosi ime Istre, a Ëetvrti, koji se floti prikljuËio 28. lipnja, Dalmacije. Dvadesetmilijunti putnik u povijesti tvrtke zabilježen je 24. srpnja na letu iz Amsterdama u Zagreb. 2010. U veljaËi 2010. uvedena je usluga Let po mjeri, koja putnicima omoguÊuje samostalno planiranje putovanja, odnosno biranje letova, odreivanje cijene, polazišta i odredišta. U ožujku otvorili smo svoju stranicu na društvenoj mreži Facebooku. Obnova flote kratkog doleta završena je u travnju kada su u flotu ukljuËeni peti i šesti novi zrakoplov Dash 8-Q400 (NextGen), nazvani Zagorje i Primorje. Flota Croatia Airlinesa sada se sastoji od trinaest zrakoplova: sedam zrakoplova Airbus (tri A320 i Ëetiri A319) te šest zrakoplova Q400. Prvi put u povijesti tvrtke, 2. lipnja, uvedeni su izravni meunarodni letovi izmeu Zagreba i Atene. Potkraj godine u tvrtki je zaživjela i prva IPTV usluga - kupnja zrakoplovnih karata Croatia Airlinesa na MaxTV-u, koja je kao uspješni hrvatski visokotehnološki proizvod osvojila nagradu Teslino srebrno jaje. Osim toga, tvrtka je primila i nagradu za najbolji mobilni web u kategoriji Vidi web Top100.



2011. Europska mreža odredišta proširena je 21. travnja 2011. uvoenjem izravne linije izmeu hrvatskoga turistiËkog bisera Dubrovnika i grËke prijestolnice Atene. U svibnju je obilježena dvadeseta obljetnica prvoga putniËkoga leta, koji je obavljen izmeu Zagreba i Splita. Tog mjeseca struËnjaci tehniËkih sektora Croatia Airlinesa u Zagrebu su uspješno obavili modifikaciju putniËke kabine zrakoplova Airbus 320 njemaËke Lufthanse. Papa Benedikt XVI. na kraju svog prvog posjeta Republici Hrvatskoj putovao je našim zrakoplovom A320, iz Zagreba u Rim, 5. lipnja. To je Ëetvrti put kako je Sveta Stolica iskazala povjerenje hrvatskom nacionalnom avioprijevozniku za prijevoz katoliËkog poglavara. U poËetku listopada uvedena je iPhone aplikacija, Ëime se potvrdilo da tvrtka prati razvoj suvremenih tehnologija i uspješno ih primjenjuje. Od 21. studenoga u funkciji su i nove web stranice Croatia Airlinesa. Zbog još bolje informacijske strukture, veÊe preglednosti i vizualnih poboljšanja nove su web stranice u cijelosti prilagoene potrebama suvremenih putnika. 2012. Primjena najsuvremenijih tehnologija u tvrtki nastavljena je 3. sijeËnja 2012., uvoenjem dviju novih aplikacija: za iPad ureaje i za mobilne telefone s Android operativnim sustavom. Dana 5. travnja obilježena je dvadeseta obljetnica prvoga meunarodnoga leta, koji je 1992.g. obavljen na liniji Zagreb − Frankfurt. U ZraËnoj luci Zagreb 12. travnja predstavljen je novi izgled putniËke kabine zrakoplova Airbus 319. Sva Ëetiri zrakoplova tog tipa u našoj floti opremljena su visokokvali-

2001. 12



Našu flotu, 11. prosinca, napušta Airbus 320211 (9A-CTF), prvi zrakoplov tipa Airbus koji je letio pod oznakama Croatia Airlinesa. U floti je sada šest zrakoplova Airbus i šest Q400. Od 17. prosinca primjenjuje se komercijalna suradnja u prijevozu putnika izmeu Hrvatske i SAD-a s još jednim ameriËkim avioprijevoznikom, United Airlinesom. Na temelju uspješne provedbe svih planiranih mjera programa restrukturiranja, poslovna 2013. godina završena je s dobiti od 721.000 kuna, što je prva godišnja dobit nakon 2007.

tetnim, funkcionalnim i ergonomiËnim kožnim sjedalima Recaro, koja putnicima pružaju maksimalnu udobnost tijekom leta. Istodobno je kapacitet pojedinog zrakoplova Airbus 319 poveÊan sa 132 na 144 sjedala. Na temelju code share sporazuma 27. lipnja poËeli smo komercijalnu suradnju s ameriËkim US Airwaysom u prijevozu putnika izmeu Republike Hrvatske i Sjedinjenih AmeriËkih Država. U srpnju smo u zrakoplovima prevezli 236.890 putnika, najviše u povijesti tvrtke tijekom jednog mjeseca. Na temelju odluke Vlade RH dužnost predsjednika Uprave Croatia Airlinesa, 1. rujna, preuzima Krešimir KuËko. Dana 26. rujna uvedena je mobilna verzija web stranica i tako je putnicima još više olakšano putovanje zrakoplovom. Ukupno je u zrakoplovima tijekom godine zabilježen rekordan 1,951.501 putnik. 2013. 27. lipnja 2013. Agencija za zaštitu tržišnog natjecanja (AZTN) odobrila je program restrukturiranja tvrtke, koji se temelji na promjenama u poslovnom modelu mrežnog prijevoznika kroz strateško i tržišno pozicioniranje tri temeljna profitna centra: mrežnog letenja, sezonskog i Ëarter letenja te tehnike. U tehniËkom središtu tvrtke u Zagrebu, 5. prosinca, prvi je put uspješno obavljen D-check, najzahtjevniji tehniËki pregled komercijalnih zrakoplova. Obavljen je na inozemnom zrakoplovu Airbus 320, a zbog širenja usluga tehniËkog održavanja donesena je odluka o gradnji treÊega hangara u ZL Zagreb.


2014. U analizi meunarodnoga specijaliziranoga internetskog portala, koja je ukljuËivala 448 avioprijevoznika diljem svijeta, sigurnost letenja u Croatia Airlinesu ocijenjena je najvišom ocjenom i kompanija je uvrštena u najviši sigurnosni razred u civilnome zraËnom prometu. U ožujku smo primili još jedno vrijedno priznanje - Network Development Award 2013 − Short Haul Airline. Tu strukovnu nagradu dodijelila nam je ZL Bruxelles za razvoj mreže kratkolinijskih letova, zbog rasta putniËkog prometa na našoj liniji Zagreb − Bruxelles u 2013. godini od 41 posto.

1989 We could say that the history of the Croatian airline started on 20 July 1989, at high noon. It was on that day that a group of business people − enthusiasts who loved aviation − gathered at Zagreb’s Esplanade hotel at the founding assembly of Zagreb Airlines, i.e. Zagal. However, 7 August 1989 is considered to be the birthday of the new Croatian airline, namely the day when the company formally started to exist, since on this date it was entered into the register of the Commercial Court in Zagreb as the first joint-stock company in Croatia, under the name Zagreb Airlines d.d., poduzeÊe za zraËni prijevoz (air transportation company). Zagal, in fact, started its operations on 4 December 1989. It was on this day that the letter offering postal consignments trans-


port services was sent to potential business partners from the company’s headquarters, located on the 19th floor of the ZagrepËanka Business Tower. 1990 Some six months later, or more precisely, on 23 July 1990, Zagal changed its name. It became Croatia Airlines d.d., the national airline company for transporting passengers, cargo and mail. 1991 Croatia Airlines’ first domestic flight was carried out by a rented MD-82 aircraft on 5 May 1991, on the Zagreb − Split route. The next year, the Croatian national airline company became a member of the International Air Transport Association, IATA. Also, the company started to purchase its own aircrafts. 1992 On 3 April 1992, the first of five Boeings arrived from Hamburg, which initially formed the Croatia Airlines fleet and which the company bought from Lufthansa. Two days later, i.e. on 5 April 1992, the first international flight between Zagreb and Frankfurt was carried out by this aircraft (9A-CTA). It was the beginning of forming the company’s own fleet. 1993 Already on 4 June 1993, the first new ATR (9A-CTS) joined the fleet, and three weeks later, i.e. on 25 June 1993, another one (9A-CTT) joined the fleet as well. 1994 Only a year later, a great honour was bestowed on the young Croatian airline: in September of 1994, Pope John Paul II visited Croatia for the first time, and he flew from Zagreb to Rome on 11 September on a Croatia Airlines aircraft. The same year, the first issue of the in-flight magazine for plane passengers, Croatia, whose goal is to promote our country’s heritage and beauty, was published.



This was followed by not only a commercial upswing, but also improvements in all business segments. 1995 For example, in January 1995, the experts at Croatia Airlines’ technical sector independently carried out the first C-check of an ATR, and on 31 May 1995, the fleet was joined by another aircraft of this type (9A-CTU). The same year, a new page was turned in terms of improving the quality of service and communication with the most loyal passengers. The Frequent Flyer Club was founded on 25 March. 1996 At the end of the next year, on 1 December 1996, the Frequent Flyer Club and Diners signed a contract regarding cooperation and issuing of the first co-branding card in Croatia. 1997 In 1997, another big fleet renewal began, and the first step was the signing of the contract on renewing the fleet with Airbus aircrafts on 27 January 1997. The first Airbus A320 (9A-CTF) joined the fleet on 29 May 1997, but


this was a rented aircraft and was not a part of the signed contract. In June 1997, the first Croatian Airlines and Diners co-branding cards were issued. 1998 In January 1998, Croatia Airlines became a member of the Association of European Airlines (AEA). The arrival of the first aircraft under the fleet renewal contract, Airbus A319 (9A-CTG), was celebrated on 21 January 1998. In autumn, more precisely on 4 October, Croatia Airlines once again had the honour of welcoming Pope John Paul II, this time aboard the A319 aircraft (Zagreb) on the Split − Rome route. 1999 With the arrival of the new fleet, the company’s commercial activities intensified. Thus, on 28 April 1999, a code share contract was signed with Lufthansa. Early in the next year, in order to further increase the quality of aircraft maintenance and harmonize the operations with JAA regulations, the Croatia Airlines Technical Sector was split into the Engineering Sector and the Aircraft Maintenance Sector.



2000 In 2000, the first stage of fleet renewal was successfully completed, on 23 June 2000, with the takeover of the last new A319 aircraft in Hamburg, which was named after the town of Pula. At that time, Croatia Airlines already had seven Airbus aircraft in its fleet, four A320 and three A319 aircraft, and their names are: Rijeka, Dubrovnik, Zadar, Zagreb, Vukovar, Osijek and Pula. Also, the fleet included three ATR 42 aircraft: Istra, Dalmacija and Slavonija. The company’s other diverse business activities continued in order to achieve the best possible commercial results and raise the quality of passenger service. For example, on 11 July 2000, automatic air ticket issuing was introduced at the Croatia Airlines city office at Zrinjevac 17 in Zagreb. On 16 November 2000, for the first time since it was founded, Croatia Airlines recorded one million passengers carried in a single year. 2001 The following year was marked by successful activities and recognitions received by the company’s technical sectors. On 16 October 2001, Croatia Airlines received the JAR 145 certificate from German aviation authorities

2009. 14



(LBA), which is the license authorizing it for base and line maintenance of foreign aircraft at its technical sectors in line with the highest European standards. The license also allows broader access to the European market and maintenance of foreign aircraft from JAA member countries. The JAR 145 certificate was solemnly awarded by LBA representatives in Zagreb on 25 October 2001, and the same day the first Lufthansa aircraft (Dresden) arrived to a Croatia Airlines’ hangar. The technical sector experts carried out a C-check on it as part of regular maintenance. 2002 In 2002 an upsurge began of the company’s electronic operations for passengers. The new FlyOnLine service was introduced, which allows the booking of business and economy class seats over the Internet since 22 February 2002. The new service is available on the company’s website at FlyOnLine. 2003 In June 2003, Pope John Paul II flew aboard a Croatia Airlines aircraft for the third time. We welcomed the Holy Father on as many as three flights: in an A319 aircraft named after


the town of Pula on 6 June on the Rijeka − Dubrovnik − Rijeka route; on 7 June on the Rijeka − Osijek − Rijeka route; and on 9 June on the Rijeka − Zadar − Rome route. The same year, on 16 June, Croatia Airlines was listed among the Public Joint-Stock Companies (JDD) on the Zagreb Stock Exchange. However, 2003 will mostly be remembered by the fact that on 17 July the 10 000 000th passenger in the company’s history was recorded on the Split − Frankfurt route. In December 2003, Croatia Airlines obtained another certificate − ISO 9001:2000. This is a universal standard for quality systems that is accepted in Europe, and which gives the greatest importance to the quality of service and passenger satisfaction. This concluded the project of introducing an integrated quality system according to three international standards − the ISO 9001 standard and the aviation regulations JAR OPS 1 and JAR 145. 2004 The Croatia Airlines aircraft got a new look in 2004. In February 2004, aircraft redesign began, based on simplification and modernization of the former design. The first revamped Airbus A320 (Dubrovnik) landed in Zagreb on 4 February, and it got its new visual identity according to the conceptual solution by a Croatia Airlines designer in Shannon, Ireland (the company Shannon Aerospace Ltd.). By early May, all the aircraft in the fleet were redesigned. The same year, on 1 June, a contract on cooperation between Croatia Airlines Frequent Flyer Club and American Express was signed, and the first joint cards were issued immediately afterwards. But the event which left the deepest mark in 2004, and certainly one of the most important events in the company’s history, was Croatia Airlines joining Star Alliance, the world’s most eminent aviation association. On 18 November 2004, in Frankfurt, Croatia Airlines signed a contract on Star Alliance regional membership. Soon af ter, on 23 November 2004, the 15th anniversary of the Croatian airline was celebrated, with


lect and create trip conditions in accordance with their personal wishes and possibilities.

the participation of the representatives of the Government of the Republic of Croatia, Star Alliance and many other prominent business partners from Croatia and abroad. An exhibition at the KloviÊevi Dvori Gallery marked the 10th anniversary of the in-flight magazine Croatia on 29 November 2004. The end of the year was marked by the ceremony of Croatia Airlines officially joining Star Alliance on 15 December. The first domestic flight with Star Alliance symbols placed on all aircraft in the fleet was on the Pula − Zadar − Zagreb route, and the first international flight was from Skopje to Zagreb. 2005 In the year 2005, Croatia Airlines’ loyal passengers, who were members of the Frequent Flyer Club, became members of the Miles&More program. This was on 1 April 2005. The same year, the Croatian airline received an international recognition for the new visual identity of its aircraft: at the first annual awarding of the ReBrand 100 awards held in the U.S. in Providence in May 2005. The redesign of our aircraft received an award in the Notable category, according to the world’s most prominent business design experts’ choice. And in June 2005, a service was introduced on the company’s website which, in addition to purchasing air tickets on-line, allows passengers to book and pay for hotel accommodation on-line. Since 27 October 2005, the company’s new website has been in operation. The most important novelty is the flexibility in terms of selecting one’s trip, since passengers can se-


2006 The next year, on 14 September 2006, on the Zagreb-Frankfurt route, Croatia Airlines recorded its 15 millionth passenger. In October 2006, at the beginning of the winter flight schedule, Croatia Airlines was the first airline in the region to have introduced and fully implemented electronic ticketing. In December 2006, the company recorded yet another international success. Based on the decision of the International Association of Air Transporters (IATA), Zagreb became the headquarters for the BSP project (Billing and Settlement Plan) for several south-eastern European countries. 2007 On 19 April 2007, the company made a decision to replace its former information system with the Star Alliance’s Common IT Platform − CITP. This was a new generation technological platform which the world’s largest airline association selected to support the Customer Management Systems. On 13 and 14 May 2007, in Copenhagen, Star Alliance celebrated its tenth anniversary, and our company was invited as one of the members. The end of May was marked with yet another important event. On 31 May, a contract on the purchase of a Dash 8-Q400 was signed with the Canadian aircraft producer Bombardier Aerospace. We also marked the tenth anniversary of the first flight of the Airbus aircraft in Croatia Airlines’ fleet. The first flight was on 1 June 1997 on the Zagreb − London (Heathrow) route. In July 2007, Croatia Airlines received a prestigious award for the integration of the Internet-based flight ticket payment process − Amadeus e-Travel Airline Conference 2007 Award.

ity of the Canadian aircraft producer Bombardier Aerospace to Zagreb Airport. This is one of the most contemporary turboprop aircraft with a passenger configuration of 76 seats. Another aircraft of the same type arrived on 1 August and was named Lika (9A-CQB). With that, the renewal of the short range fleet started, i.e. the replacement of the ATR-42 aircraft. On 15 September 2008, a new internet service was introduced under the name Web check-in, which enabled simple and flexible registration of passengers for their flights using their personal computers. In the same month, on 22 September, a contract was signed with Bombardier Aerospace on ordering two more Bombardier Q400 NextGen aircraft. On 24 September, a globally unique payment service for the issuance of electronic air tickets through Privredna banka Zagreb’s ATM network was introduced. On 1 October 2008, a new Croatia Airlines’ hangar was opened at Zagreb Airport, which enabled the technical sector experts to export Croatian expertise, i.e. opened even more opportunities for the maintenance of foreign air companies’ aircraft. As part of the opening ceremony, Croatia Airlines and Lufthansa Technik signed a contract on expanding their cooperation in the area of technical services. On 26 October, on the Munich − Zagreb route, the last flight of the ATR42 aircraft in Croatia Airlines fleet was held. That was the aircraft bearing the registration code 9A-CTT,

2008 On 19 May 2008, the first new Dash 8-Q400, which was named Slavonija (9A-CQA), flew from the Toronto-based production facil-



which flew for over fifteen years under the name Dalmacija. One day earlier, Istra flew for the last time. At the end of the year we received yet another acknowledgement − on 15 December Croatia Airlines’ management was given the Vidi web 100 award in the category e-innovation. This award was given for the tenth subsequent year jointly by the magazine Vidi and the weekly Lider for the best use of ICT in a non-technological company. 2009 On 30 March 2009, as part of the company’s e-commerce project, for the first time we started offering mService. One of the services was free SMS, and another service was SMS PNR info. June was marked by the arrival of two more Dash 8-Q400 aircraft. The third one in the fleet arrived on 19 June bearing the name Istria, and the fourth one, which joined the fleet on 28 June, was named Dalmacija. On 24 July, on the Amsterdam − Zagreb route, Croatia Airlines recorded the twenty-millionth passenger in the company’s history. 2010 In February 2010, a new service, Let po mjeri (self-tailored flight), was introduced. This service enabled the passengers to plan their journeys by themselves, i.e. select the fl ights, prices, and departure and arrival points. In March we opened our profile page on the social network Facebook. The renewal of the short range fleet was completed in April when the fifth and the sixth new Dash 8-Q400 (NextGen) aircraft, named Zagorje and Primorje, joined our



fleet. Croatia Airlines’ fleet then comprised thirteen aircraft: seven Airbus aircraft (three A320s and four A319s) and six Q400s. For the first time in the company’s history, on 2 June, direct international flights between Zagreb and Athens were introduced. At the end of the year, the company introduced its fi rst IPTV service − the purchase of Croatia Airlines flight tickets via MaxTV, which won the award Tesla’s Silver Egg for being a successful Croatian high-technology product. Besides this award, the company also received the award for the best mobile web in the category Vidi web Top100. 2011 On 21 April 2011, the European destinations network was expanded with the introduction of a direct line between the Croatian tourist pearl Dubrovnik and the Greek capital Athens. In May we marked the twentieth anniversary of the first passenger flight, which was between Zagreb and Split. In the same month, the Croatia Airlines’ technical sector’s experts in Zagreb successfully completed the modification of the passenger cabin of the German Lufthansa’s Airbus 320 aircraft. On 5 June, at the end of his first visit to the Republic of Croatia, Pope Benedict XVI flew on our A320 aircraft from Zagreb to Rome. That was the fourth time that the Holy See entrusted the Croatian flag carrier with the transportation of the Catholic pontiff. In the beginning of October we introduced our iPhone application and once again confirmed that the company is up to date with the developments in modern technology and implements them successfully.

Since 21 November, the new Croatia Airlines web pages have been in function. Due to an even better IT structure, user-friendliness and visual improvements, the new web pages are fully adjusted to the needs of contemporary travellers. 2012 The implementation of state-of-the-ar t technologies in the company continued on 3 January 2012 with the introduction of two new applications: for iPad devices and for mobile telephones which use the Android operating system. On 5 April, we marked the twentieth anniversary of the first international flight, which took place on the Zagreb − Frankfurt route in 1992. On 12 April, at Zagreb Airport, we presented the new design of the passenger cabin in the Airbus 319 aircraft. All four aircraft of this type in our fleet are equipped with high-quality, functional and ergonomic Recaro leather seats, which provide maximum comfort to our passengers during the flight. At the same time, the capacity of each Airbus 319 was increased from 132 to 144 seats. Based on the code share agreement, on 27 June we started commercial cooperation with the American US Airways in the field of transportation of passengers between the Republic of Croatia and the United States of America. In July we transported 236,890 passengers, the largest number in one month in the company’s history. Based on the decision of the Croatian Government, on 1 September, Krešimir KuËko undertook the duty of the President of the Management Board of Croatia Airlines. On 26 September, we introduced a mobile version of our web pages, thus further facilitating air travels to our

passengers. In the course of the year, a record number of passengers was recorded on our aircraft, totalling 1,951,501 passengers. 2013 On 27 June 2013, the Croatian Competition Agency (AZTN) approved the company’s restructuring program based on changes in the business model of the network transporter through the strategic and market positioning of three basic profit centres: network flights, seasonal and charter flights, and the technical sector. On 5 December, in the company’s technical centre located in Zagreb, a D-check was performed for the first time, the most demanding technical check of commercial aircraft. It was performed on a foreign aircraft, an Airbus 320, and due to the expansion of the technical maintenance services, a decision was made on building a third hangar at Zagreb Airport. On 11 December, the Airbus 320-211 (9A − CTF), the first Airbus type aircraft which flew under the Croatia Airlines code, left our fl eet. Our fl eet then comprised six Airbus aircraft and six Q400s. On 17 December, commercial cooperation in the transport of passengers between Croatia and the USA started with yet another American airline, United Airlines. Due to the successful implementation of all planned measures within the restructuring

Kreπimir KuËko, predsjednik Uprave CA (lijevo), prima nagradu briselskoga aerodroma/Kreπimir KuËko, CA President & CEO (left), receives the Brussels Airport Aviation Award Network Development Award 2013 - Short Haul Airline

program, the business year 2013 ended with profits amounting to HRK 721,000, which was the first time that the company recorded profits at the end of a year since 2007. 2014 In the analysis carried out by the international specialised internet portal AirlineRatings. com, which comprised 448 airlines from all over the world, the safety of fl ights with Croatia Airlines was assessed with the

highest ranking and the company was included into the highest safety class in civilian air traffi c. In March, we received another valuable acknowledgement − Network Development Award 2013 − Short Haul Airline. This professional recognition was awarded to Croatia Airlines by Brussels Airport for the development of a short range network due to an increase in passenger traffic on our Zagreb − Brussels route by 41 percent in 2013.



Fotografije/Photos Filip Bundalo, Nenad Reberšak i/and Damir SenËar

Blanka VlaπiÊ i/and Ivana BrkljaËiÊ, 2002.

Hrvatska nogometna reprezentacija/ Croatian national football team, 1998.

Hrvatska skijaπka reprezentacija/ Croatian national ski team, 2002.

Ivica i/and Janica KosteliÊ, 2003.

Janica KosteliÊ, 2002.



Hrvatska rukometna reprezentacija gluhih Croatian national deaf handball team

Martina ZupËiÊ i/and Sandra ©ariÊ, 2008.

Hrvatska rukometna reprezentacija/ Croatian national handball team, 2004.

Hrvatski paraolimpijci/Croatian Paralympic athletes, 2012.

Hrvatska nogometna reprezentacija/ Croatian national football team, 2008.

Hrvatska Davis Cup reprezentacija/ Croatian Davis Cup team, 2005. Snjeæana PejËiÊ i/and Filip Ude, 2008.

Lucija ZaninoviÊ i/and Ana ZaninoviÊ, 2012.

Hrvatska vaterpolo reprezentacija/ Croatian national water polo team, 2012.

Giovanni Cernogoraz, 2012.

Martin SinkoviÊ, 2012.

Sandra PerkoviÊ, 2012. CROATIA AIRLINES




Roberto ©aniÊ, danas rukovoditelj linijskog odræavanja zrakoplova, kao i kolega mehaniËar Nenad Podrug, jedini su zaposleni u Croatia Airlinesu od osnutka tvrtke 1989. godine. I joπ ovdje rade. »etvrt stoljeÊa... Roberto ©aniÊ, now the Head of Aircraft Line Maintenance, as well as his colleague, mechanic Nenad Podrug, are the only employees who have worked for Croatia Airlines since 1989; for an entire quarter of a century! Piπe/By Dino KuËiÊ Fotografije/Photo Nenad Reberšak


vadeset i pet godina. »etvrt stoljeÊa. »ini se mnogo, ali vrijeme brzo prolazi. U dvadeset i pet godina Ëovjek se rodi, odraste, zavrπi πkolu, fakultet, zaposli se, dobije djecu i gleda ih kako rastu. A nema boljeg svjedoËanstva o prolaznosti vremena od promatranja vlastite djece kako rastu. Razgovarali smo s jednim kompanijskim dvadesetpetogodiπnjakom upravo o tome. Roberto ©aniÊ, danas rukovoditelj linijskog odræavanja zrakoplova, kao i kolega mehaniËar Nenad Podrug, jedini su zaposleni u Croatia Airlinesu od osnutka tvrtke 1989. godine. Razgovor s Robertom ©aniÊem poËeli smo listajuÊi posebno izdanje internoga glasila Croatia Airlinesa, objavljenoga u povodu desete godiπnjice kompanije. Svi koji bi pomislili da je rijeË o sijedome starijem gospodinu, iznenadili bi se. Istina, ima tu i pokoja sijeda, ali Ëovjek s kojim razgovaramo daleko je od te slike. Sa sjetom i mnogo emocija prisjetio se svojih poËetaka, nekih kolega koji viπe nisu s nama,



a bilo je i anegdota. Primjerice, kad smo naiπli na sliku naπega prvog Boeinga 737-200, a Roberto je sa smijeπkom prokomentirao: − SjeÊam se kako smo najprije stavili registraciju RC-CTA kao Republic of Croatia, ali onda smo shvatili da ne moæemo baπ samo tako staviti πto hoÊemo. Dakako, poslije je stvorena Republika Hrvatska koja je dobila meunarodnu registraciju 9A. PriËa o Zagalu poËela je u kolovozu 1989., a onda je Zagal, u srpnju 1990. godine, promijenio ime u Croatia Airlines. Prvi ugovori za poπtu i novine s velikim dostavljaËkim kuÊama (UPS; DHL; HP), snovi o komercijalnom letenju velikim zrakoplovima, s putnicima, poËeli su sa zrakoplovima generalnog zrakoplovstva, poput Cessne 310, na kojoj su piloti i mehaniËari uËili o zrakoplovstvu. Vjerojatno nema mnogo kompanija koje se mogu pohvaliti da doslovno u svom dvoriπtu imaju svoj najdraæi zrakoplov, onaj prvi. Croatia Airlines ga ima, u svom centru za tehniËko odræavanje, gdje je i danas na travnjaku.

©to je najznaËajnije obiljeæilo te poËetke, pitamo Roberta. − Na æalost, ne moæemo izbjeÊi spomenuti tadaπnja ratna zbivanja u Hrvatskoj. Tada je ograda zraËne luke Zagreb, njezina civilnoga i vojnog dijela, znaËila razgraniËenje dviju strana. U toj situaciji svakodnevno su ljudi iz vojnog dijela bivπe JNA, preko πumarka i ograde, bjeæali na civilni dio, gdje su bili ljudi i zrakoplovi Croatia Airlinesa, koji bi ih primili i vozilima odmah sklanjali na sigurno. Bio je dobar osjeÊaj pomagati tim ljudima. Ali moralo se i raditi. Zagal, pa zatim Croatia Airlines, znaËili su preokret i poËetak hrvatskoga civilnog zrakoplovstva, a najam velikih zrakoplova od Adria Airwaysa i kupnja Boeinga od Lufthanse te nabava novih ATR-a, definitivno su to i potvrdili. To je bio pravi poËetak. PoËeli smo ubrzo samostalno odræavati i vlastitu flotu. Dakako, i danas uspjeπno odræavamo zrakoplove, i za nas i za druge − kaže naπ sugovornik te dodaje: − Cijelo je to razdoblje za mene neprestano nosilo neπto novo, neprekidno usvajanje novih znanja, novih pristupa, pa i rjeπavanja problema, stresa i sliËno. Od nabavke Boeinga, za koji se iπlo na πkolovanje u Lufthansu u NjemaËku, ATR-a u Toulouse, do Airbusa, takoer u Toulouse i Dasha u Kanadu. Stalno se neπto novo uËilo, primjerice za pokuse motora, vuËe zrakoplova… mnogo toga. U tome se ne moæe stati, jer ako staneπ, neÊeπ samo stagnirati, nego Ëak i zaostati − kaæe Roberto, koji bi svakako preporuËio ovo zanimanje svima onima koji vole avijaciju ali su takoer pritom spremni i mnogo uloæiti. Osim stalnog usavrπavanja, tu je i rad u zahtjevnim uvjetima na atmosferskim plusevima i minusima, svetkom i petkom. Na pitanje kako vidi buduÊnost Croatia Airlinesa, Roberto istiËe nadu u dobru suradnju s novom ZraËnom lukom Zagreb-MZLZ te razvoj kompanije u joπ veÊu.

Biste li sve ponovili, pitamo ga na kraju naπeg razgovora. − O, da, svakako. Eh, da mi je ova pamet i ona mladost! − kaæe i smije se. Svoj poslovni vijek u Croatia Airlinesu usporeuje s gradnjom kuÊe. − DrukËije se osjeÊate æivite li u kuÊi koju ste gradili, nego kad kupite gotovu. Tako je i s kompanijom u kojoj radite. Kad gradite kompaniju, i u isto vrijeme radite u njoj, onda mnoge stvari πto se dogaaju, uzimate k srcu i stalo vam je. Djeca Croatia Airlinesa, naπi dvadesetpetogodiπnjaci, sad su odrasli, iskusni, zreli, u najboljim godinama. I odgajaju nove naraπtaje. A s Robertom smo veÊ dogovorili joπ jedan razgovor, kad proe sljedeÊih 25 godina, pa da se naemo na kavi u nekoj novoj, blistavoj zraËnoj luci, ali i dalje s pogledom na zrakoplove s crvenim i plavim kvadratiÊima na repu. ■


wenty five years. A quarter of a century. This seems like a lot, but time passes by quickly. In twenty five years a man is born, grows up, finishes school, university, gets a job, has children and watches them grow up. There is no better testimony of time passing by than watching your children grow up. We talked about just that with an employee who has been working with the company for twenty five years. Roberto ©aniÊ, now the Head of Aircraft Line Maintenance, as well as his colleague, mechanic Nenad Podrug, are the only employees who have worked for Croatia Airlines since 1989. We started our interview with Roberto ©aniÊ after flipping through a special edition of an internal Croatia Airlines’ journal which was published on the occasion of the company’s tenth anniversary. If you think this is a story about an elderly gentleman, you will be very much surprised. Yes, the truth is, he has some grey hairs here and there, but the man we talked to is so very different from that picture. With melancholy and loads of emotions, he remembered his very beginnings, some colleagues who are not with the company anymore, and some anecdotes. For instance, when we came across a photo of the first Boeing 737-200, Roberto commented on the picture with a smile. − I can remember that at first we used the registration code RC-CTA for the Republic of Croatia, but then we realised we couldn’t simply use whatever we wanted. However, the Republic of Croatia was later established and we received the international code 9A. The story of Zagal started in August 1989, and in July 1990 Zagal changed its name to Croatia Airlines. The first contracts for the delivery

of post and newspapers with large delivery companies (UPS, DHL, HP) and dreams about commercial passenger flights on large aircraft started with a general aviation aircraft, such as the Cessna 310, on which our pilots and mechanics learned about aviation. There are probably not many companies which can boast of literally having in their backyard their dearest aircraft; their very first one. Croatia Airlines keeps it in its technical maintenance centre. We asked Roberto what the most important events that marked the company’s beginnings were. − Unfortunately, we have to mention the war in Croatia at the time. Back then, there was a fence at Zagreb Airport which divided the civilian from the military part. Every day, through the grove and the fence, people from the military part, which belonged to the former Yugoslav Army, escaped to the civilian part, where there were Croatia Airlines’ aircraft and staff who took them in and drove them to a safe place. It was a good feeling, helping those people, but we had to work as well. Zagal, later on Croatia Airlines, meant a turning point and the beginning of Croatian civilian aviation which was further confirmed with the rental of large aircraft from Adria Airways, the purchase of a Boeing from Lufthansa, and the provision of new ATRs. That was the true beginning. Very soon we started performing maintenance on our own fleet. Indeed, at present we successfully perform not only maintenance on our own aircraft but we also offer these services to others. He remembers and adds: − For me personally, during that entire period I was constantly experiencing new things, expanding my knowledge, adopting new approaches, including how to deal with problems, stress and similar. This started with the

purchase of the Boeing, going to Lufthansa in Germany for training, then the purchase of ATRs and the Airbus in Toulouse, and finally the Dash in Canada. We were constantly learning about different things, such as engine tests, aircraft towing and many other things. You can’t stop learning, because if you stop, not only will you stagnate, but you will lag behind, says Roberto, who would definitely recommend this occupation to all those who like aviation, but only if they are willing to invest a lot. Not only do you have to continuously undergo professional training, but you must work in stressful conditions at various extreme temperatures, working days and holidays alike. When we asked him how he viewed the future of Croatia Airlines, Roberto pointed out his hope for good collaboration with the new Zagreb Airport − MZLZ, and the growth of the company. At the end of the interview we asked him if he would do it all over again. − Oh, yes, definitely. Eh, if only I knew then what I know now, he said and laughed. He compared his working years at Croatia Airlines with the building of a house. - You feel differently if you live in a house which you built compared to one you bought. The same is with the company you work for. When you build a company, and work in it at the same time, then you take things personally and you care. Croatia Airlines’ children are now 25 years older; they are experienced and mature grownups in their prime and they are bringing up the new generations. We have already arranged another interview with Roberto, 25 years from now. We hope to meet for coffee in the new, shiny airport building, but with the same view of our aircraft with the red and blue squares on the tail. ■ CROATIA AIRLINES


D. FabijaniÊ



Piπe/By Ksenija Žlof




Fotografije/Photos Ted Fahn




Croatia Airlines slavi svoj srebrni jubilej - 25 godina od osnutka. Takoer, ove godine navrπava se desetljeÊe otkako je Croatia Airlines pristupio mreæi Star Alliance, a upravo u povodu toga razgovarali smo s gospodinom Markom Schwabom koji je kao glavni izvrπni direktor na Ëelu udruge od 2012. godine.

Croatia Airlines is celebrating its Silver Jubilee; 25 years since the company was established. This year also marks Croatia Airlines’ tenth anniversary in Star Alliance, an occasion for us to catch up with Mark Schwab, who has been the CEO of Star Alliance since 2012. 24



godini smo mnogih obljetnica. Ponosni smo πto Croatia Airlines ljetos obiljeæava svoj srebrnu obljetnicu, 25. godiπnjicu osnutka. Ali draga nam je joπ jedna obljetnica. I naπ putni Ëasopis ove godine obiljeæava 20 godina neprekidnog izlaæenja. Ove godine navrπava se i 10 ljeta otkako je Croatia Airlines pristupio Star Allianceu, najveÊoj i najuglednijoj globalnoj udruzi zraËnih prijevoznika. I joπ jedna obljetnica, vaæna za zrakoplovstvo. Prvoga sijeËnja 2014. obiljeæena je i stota obljetnica komercijalnoga zrakoplovstva, a zaËetkom se smatra pionirski let Tonyja Jannusa od St. Petersburga do Tampe na Floridi. O svemu tome razgovaramo s g. Markom Schwabom, uglednim zrakoplovnim struËnjakom, koji je od 2012. godine na Ëelu udruge Star Alliance. ■ Ove godine Croatia Airlines obiljeæava 25. obljetnicu svog osnutka te desetu obljetnicu ulaska u Star Alliance. Kao iskusni struËnjak za zrakoplovstvo, kako ocjenjujete razvoj hrvatskoga nacionalnog avioprijevoznika u tom razdoblju? − Najprije, æelio bih Ëestitati Croatia Airlinesu i svim zaposlenicima 25. obljetnicu uspjeπnog rada. Rekao bih da se vaπa zrakoplovna tvrtka razvijala sliËno kao i vaπa zemlja. Nove neovisne dræave Ëesto nastoje uspostaviti veze s vanjskim svijetom radi stvaranja trgovinskih, turistiËkih i diplomatskih odnosa. Croatia Airlines sasvim je sigurno imao znaËajnu ulogu u tom zadatku. ■ Croatia Airlines veÊ je deset godina Ëlanica Star Alliancea, najveÊe i najutjecajnije udruge zraËnih prijevoznika, osnovane 1997. godine. ©to je Croatia Airlines donio Star Allianceu, a πto Star Alliance Croatia Airlinesu u tih deset godina? − Croatia Airlines pridruæio se mreæi Star Alliance 2004. godine, u sklopu tadaπnjeg koncepta regionalnih Ëlanica, radi proπirenja dosega mreæe Star Alliancea u istoËnim i jugoistoËnim dijelovima Europe. Istodobno hrvatski je nacionalni prijevoznik unaprijedio svoje usluge nudeÊi veze na letove, uglavnom preko europskih Ëvoriπta Star Alliancea unutar globalne mreæe, koja sada pokriva 1269 odrediπta u 193 zemlje. ■ Koje su ostale prednosti što ih Star Alliance pruæa putnicima Croatia Airlinesa? − Osim prednosti globalne mreæe, nudimo i πirok spektar pogodnosti putnicima Croatia Airlinesa. Uzmite za primjer pogodnosti za Ëeste putnike. Putnik koji postane Ëlan programa Miles & More moæe skupljati prijeene milje na letovima bilo koje od 26 Ëlanica mreæe Star Alliance. Te se milje zatim mogu iskoristiti za letove unutar globalnih mreæa svih Ëlanica. Takoer, putnici dobivaju takozvane statusne milje ako

putuju letovima Ëlanica mreæe Star Alliance, za koje se milje zbrajaju da bi se stekao status Star Alliance Gold ili Star Alliance Silver. ■ Moæete li objasniti πto sve ukljuËuju pogodnosti statusa Star Alliance Gold? − Kao vlasnik kartice Star Alliance Gold imate pravo na registraciju na posebnom πalteru neovisno o razredu kojim putujete, na dodatnu prtljagu, odmor u jednome od naπih 1000 salona, prvenstvo ukrcaja u zrakoplov i prvenstvo pri dobivanju prtljage pri dolasku na odrediπte. To je πiroka lepeza pogodnosti koje jedna zrakoplovna tvrtka sama ne bi mogla ponuditi. ■ Osim pogodnosti za putnike, πto sve Croatia Airlines kao tvrtka dobiva Ëlanstvom u Star Allianceu? − Sve naπe Ëlanice imaju koristi od Ëlanstva u mreæi Star Alliance. Podaci su povjerljivi, ali mogu reÊi da kvantificiramo ukupni ekonomski uËinak kako za Star Alliance, tako i za svaku naπu Ëlanicu. Ti uËinci variraju od prijevoznika do prijevoznika, no sigurno je da svaka Ëlanica ostvaruje znaËajan povrat na ulaganje. Ako pobliæe promotrimo tvrtku Croatia Airlines, vidjet Êemo da privlaËi transferne putnike iz ostalih Ëlanica mreæe Star Alliance u svoju vlastitu mreæu preko nekoliko europskih Ëvoriπta. Dakako, viπe putnika znaËi viπe prihoda. Takoer, sa svoga lokalnog hrvatskog træiπta Croatia Airlines moæe bolje konkurirati drugim zraËnim prijevoznicima jer nudi pristup Ëitavoj mreæi Star Alliance, a ne samo svoja odrediπta. Nadalje, svojim Ëlanstvom u mreæi Star Alliance, Croatia Airlines sudjeluje u razliËitim mjerama smanjenja troπkova, kao πto je zajedniËka nabava goriva, zajedniËko koriπtenje objekata u zraËnim lukama, zajedniËki IT sustavi itd. Samo Ëlanstvo u mreæi ne jamËi financijski uspjeh,ali koriπtenje moguÊnosti koje pruæa Star Alliance moæe pridonijeti ekonomskom uspjehu tvrtke, a svi znamo da je u 2013. godini Croatia Airlines ostvario dobit. Predsjednik Uprave Croatia Airlinesa gospodin Kreπimir KuËko i rukovodstvo kompanije dobro razumiju prednosti koje nude resursi i ekspertiza velike udruge. Katkad neka zrakoplovna tvrtka ima drugaËije potrebe od nekih drugih veÊih Ëlanica mreæe, pa u takvim situacijama gospodin KuËko jasno zastupa manje prijevoznike. Mi izvrsno suraujemo. ■ Postoje li u buduÊnosti neke prijetnje modelu zraËnih udruga, koje biste mogli izdvojiti? − Suprotno miπljenju koje iznose neki komentatori zbivanja u naπoj djelatnosti, mi ne mislimo da postoji rizik za naπ poslovni model. Da bi zraËni prijevoznici mogli ponuditi istinski globalni doseg, nužna je suradnja u nekom obliku udruge. BuduÊi da ne predviamo nikakve velike promjene u postojeÊem regula-

tornom okviru, Ëak ni u srednjoroËnom razdoblju, konsolidacija Êe se nastaviti odvijati na regionalnoj osnovi. ■ ©to Êe ove godine biti najvaæniji dogaaj kako za Star Alliance, tako i za Croatia Airlines? − Osim dviju obljetnica − 25 godina postojanja tvrtke Croatia Airlines i 10 godina Ëlanstva u mreæi Star Alliance − najznaËajniji je dogaaj naπe useljenje u nove prostore na Terminalu 2 (Queen’s Terminal) u zraËnoj luci London − Heathrow. To je izvrstan primjer onoga πto moæemo postiÊi u interesu putnika ako zraËni prijevoznici surauju. Kad se Croatia Airlines ovog listopada na Terminalu 2 pridruæi ostalim 22 Ëlanicama, putnici Êe doæivjeti novo iskustvo putovanja preko jedne od najznaËajnijih zraËnih luka u svijetu. ■ Na kraju naπeg intervjua, imamo dva donekle osobna pitanja. U zrakoplovstvu ste od 1975. godine, kad ste se zaposlili u Pan American World Airwaysu. Mnogo toga se u svijetu zrakoplovstva od tada do danas promijenilo. ©to biste izdvojili kao najvrednije i najvaænije promjene za struku, a πto za putnike? − U mojih gotovo Ëetrdeset godina koje sam proveo u zrakoplovstvu imao sam Ëast biti dio djelatnosti koja je preπla put od pruæanja usluga nekolicini bogatih do povezivanja πirokih masa u Ëitavom svijetu. Kao neposredni rezultat razvoja zraËnog prijevoza, gospodarstva su rasla, horizonti su nam se proπirili i svijet je ustinu postao manji. ■ Kakav je Vaπ osobni doæivljaj Hrvatske? Jeste li posjetili turistiËki neke dijelove Hrvatske? Planirate li posjetiti joπ neke? − Moja supruga i ja uæivali smo u posjetima Zagrebu. Volimo πetati ulicama i parkovima, zaustaviti se u nekom kafiÊu na otvorenome, pijuckati osvjeæavajuÊe piÊe i pustiti da nas obuzme æivahni πarm vaπega grada. Kuπali smo neke od slasnih lokalnih delicija, proveli mnoge sate u muzejima i snaπli se u istraæivanju umjetniËkih galerija u kojima smo uæivali u radovima lokalnih umjetnika, a i kupili smo nekoliko djela. Na naπem popisu stvari koje æelimo ostvariti jest sasvim sigurno i voænja od Zagreba do mora, pa onda polagano putovanje duæ vaπe prelijepe obale do Dubrovnika. ■


his is the year of several anniversaries. We are proud that this year Croatia Airlines marks its silver jubilee; 25 years since its establishment. However, we are proud of another anniversary − 20 years of the continuous issuance of our inflight magazine. This year we mark 10 years since Croatia Airlines joined Star Alliance, the largest and

most reputable global association of airlines. There is yet another jubilee important for the aviation industry. On 1 January this year, we marked the 100th anniversary of commercial aviation, i.e. the first pioneer flight of Tony Jannus from St. Petersburg to Tampa in Florida. These are the topics we talked about with Mark Schwab, a renowned aviation expert who has been leading the Star Alliance association since 2012. ■ This year Croatia Airlines marks the 25th anniversary of its incorporation and the 10th anniversary of joining Star Alliance. As an experienced aviation expert, how do you assess the development of the Croatian national airline during this period? − First of all, I would like to congratulate Croatia Airlines and all of its employees for 25 successful years. From my perspective the airline developed in a similar way to the country itself. Newly independent nations often seek to establish links to the outside world with the aim of creating trade, tourism and diplomatic relationships. Clearly Croatia Airlines has played an important role in this task. ■ For ten years Croatia Airlines has been a member of Star Alliance, the world’s longest serving airline alliance, established in 1997. What has Croatia Airlines brought to Star Alliance and vice versa over the ten years? − Croatia Airlines joined Star Alliance in 2004 under the then existing regional member airline concept, with the aim of expanding Star Alliance’s network reach in Eastern and Southern parts of Europe. At the same time Croatia’s national airline was able to enhance its own customer proposition, by offering seamless connections largely via the European Star Alliance hubs to a world-wide network which currently covers 1,269 destinations in 193 countries.

■ What other customer benefits can Star Alliance provide to Croatia Airlines passengers? − In addition to the global network, we offer a range of benefits to Croatia Airlines customers. Take the frequent flyer benefits as an example. A traveller enrolled in Miles & More can collect miles when flying on any of the 26 Star Alliance member airlines. These miles can then be used to fly on any of the member carriers’ combined worldwide network. In addition, customers receive status miles when travelling on Star Alliance member airlines flights which count towards achieving Star Alliance Gold or Silver Status. ■ Can you explain, for example, what these Gold benefits include? − As a Star Alliance Gold Card holder you are entitled to check-in at the designated Gold check-in desks irrespective of class of travel, check-in an extra bag, relax at any one of our 1,000 lounges, be first to board the aircraft and the first to receive your luggage when you arrive at your destination. This is a wide array of benefits which an airline on its own would not be able to provide. ■ In addition to passenger benefits, what does Croatia Airlines as a company get out of being in Star Alliance? − All our member airlines benefit from their Alliance membership. The detailed figures are confidential, but we do quantify the total economic impact for the Alliance and for each of our member airlines. While this differs from airline to airline, I can tell you that every member enjoys a significant return on their individual investment. Taking a closer look at Croatia Airlines, the company attracts transfer passengers from other Star Alliance member carriers into its own network through various European hubs. More passengers translate into more revenue. CROATIA AIRLINES


From its home market Croatia, the airline can also better compete with other airlines as it can offer access to the entire Star Alliance network, rather than just its own destinations. Furthermore, through its Star Alliance membership Croatia Airlines participates in various cost reduction initiatives such as joint fuel purchasing, sharing airport facilities, common IT systems, etc. While merely being in the Alliance does not guarantee financial success, making use of the tools the Alliance provides can of course be a contributing factor to a company’s economic success, and we all know that Croatia Airlines has posted a profit for 2013 Overall, Mr. Kreπimir KuËko, Croatia Airlines’s President and CEO, and his management very well understand the advantages which can be drawn from the resources and expertise of the



wider alliance. At times, the airline may have different needs than some of our larger member carriers, and in those cases Mr. KuËko has a clear voice on behalf of our smaller member carriers. We work very well together. ■ Are there any threats to the model of airline alliances in the future which you could single out? − Contrary to the opinion voiced by some industry commentators, we do not see our business model at risk. For airlines to offer truly global reach, they will continue to cooperate in some form of alliance. And since we don’t foresee any major changes to the existing regulatory framework, even in the mid-term, consolidation will in essence continue to take place on a regional basis. ■ What will be the most significant event for both Star Alliance and Croatia Airlines this year? − In addition to the two anniversaries − Croatia Airlines’ 25th and 10 years in Star Alliance − the most significant event will be our move to our new home at London Heathrow Terminal 2, the Queen’s Terminal. This is a prime example of what can be achieved in the interest of the customer by all airlines working together. When Croatia Airlines joins the other 22 member carriers in Terminal 2 this October, passengers will enjoy a completely new travel experience through one of the world’s most important airports. ■ To round off our interview, two slightly more personal questions:

You have been in the aviation industry since 1975 when you were employed at Pan American World Airways. Many things have changed in the world of aviation since then. What would you single out as the most valuable and most important changes for the profession and for the passengers? − In my nearly forty years in aviation, I’ve had the privilege of being part of an industry which has gone from serving the wealthy few to connecting the masses across the entire globe. As a direct result of air travel, economies have expanded, peoples’ horizons have broadened and the world has truly become a smaller place. ■ How do you personally experience Croatia? Have you visited any parts of Croatia as a tourist? Do you plan to visit more of the country? − My wife and I have very much enjoyed our visits to Zagreb. We love strolling through the streets and parks; stopping at the open air cafes; sipping a cool refreshment and letting the flair of the vibrant city sink in on us. We’ve sampled some delicious local food, spent hours in the museums and worked our way through the many art galleries admiring (and picking up a few pieces) of local artists’ work. Definitely on our always wanted to do list is a drive from Zagreb to the sea and to slowly make our way along the beautiful coast to Dubrovnik. ■



most beautiful and celebrated national park, is also a part of UNESCO’s world heritage.

To je Hrvatska Republika Hrvatska smjeπtena je uz istoËnu obalu Jadranskog mora i u njegovu zaleu. Proteæe se od obronaka Alpa na sjeverozapadu do panonske ravnice na istoku. Povrπina je njezina kopna 56.542 Ëetvorna kilometra, a povrπina teritorijalnog mora 31.067 Ëetvornih kilometara. U Hrvatskoj æivi, prema popisu iz 2011. godine, 4,284.889 stanovnika. Duæina je morske obale 5835 km zajedno s otocima, otoËiÊima i grebenima. Otoka, otoËiÊa i grebena ima 1185, a naseljeno je 47 otoka. Sluæbeni jezik jest hrvatski, a pismo latiniËno. NovËana jedinica − kuna. Glavni je grad Zagreb (790.017 stanovnika), koji je ujedno administrativno, kulturno, akademsko i trgovaËko srediπte zemlje. Ustav Republike Hrvatske izglasan je 22. prosinca 1990., a meunarodno je priznata 15. sijeËnja 1992. godine. Hrvatska je od 1. srpnja 2013. g. Ëlanica Europske unije. This is Croatia The Republic of Croatia lies along the east coast of the Adriatic Sea and its hinterland. It stretches from the slopes of the Alps in the north-west to the Pannonian Plain in the east. Its land area is 56,542 km2 and the area of its territorial sea is 31,067 km2. By the 2011 census, Croatia’s population is 4,284,889. The length of its sea coast is 5835 km, including islands, islets and reefs. There are 1185 islands, islets and reefs, of which 47 islands are inhabited. The official language is Croatian, and the official script is Latin. The currency is the Kuna. The capital is Zagreb (790,017 inhabitants), which is also the country’s administrative, cultural, academic and economic center. The Constitution of the Republic of Croatia was adopted on 22 December 1990, and the country received international recognition on 15 January 1992. Croatia became an EU member state on 1st July 2013. Nacionalni parkovi Hrvatska ima osam nacionalnih parkova, od kojih su Ëetiri u planinskom podruËju (Paklenica, PlitviËka jezera, Risnjak i Sjeverni Velebit), a Ëetiri na obalnom podruËju (Brijuni, Kornati, Krka i Mljet). Njima, kao prostor osobito vrijedne prirodne baπtine, treba pridodati i podruËja pod strogom zaπtitom prirode, rezervate, spomenike prirode, parkove prirode. Zbog svih njih Hrvatsku mnogi smatraju jednim od najljepπih europskih vrtova. National parks Croatia has eight national parks, four of which are located in the mountain region (Paklenica, Plitvice 28


Lakes, Risnjak and Northern Velebit), and four in the coastal region (Brijuni, Kornati, Krka and Mljet). Besides these, certain areas under strict nature protection ∑ reserves, natural monuments and natural parks ∑ should be mentioned as a natural heritage of special value. They have all contributed to Croatia’s being considered one of the most beautiful gardens of Europe.

Proπlost za sadaπnjost Hrvatska obiluje kulturno-povijesnim spomenicima iz svih ra zdoblja, zbog burnih povijesnih zbivanja i prepletanja utjecaja ra zliËitih kultura. Njezinu obalu karak teriziraju utjecaji mediteranske kulture, mnogi antiËki spomenici, spomenici iz rimskog ra zdoblja i ranoga srednjeg vijeka, romaniËko-sakralna baπtina te niz oËuvanih karak teristiËnih mediteranskih urbanih cjelina. Kontinentalna Hrvatska dio je sred njoe uropsko ga kultur nog kruga i isti Ëe se mnogim prapovijesnim nala zima svjetske vaænosti, starim gradovima, utvrdama i dvorcima kasnoga srednjeg vijeka, kulturnim spomenicima i arhitek turom iz ra zdoblja baroka. Tri hrvatske urbane cjeline i dva spomeniËka kompleksa imaju status spomenika svjetske kulturne baπtine, koji dodjeljuje Unesco. To su kasnoantiËka Dioklecijanova palaËa, pregraena tijekom stoljeÊa u srednjovjekovni Split, gradovi Dubrovnik i Trogir te Eufrazijeva bazilika u PoreËu i katedrala sv. Jakova u ©ibeniku. Nacionalni park PlitviËka jezera, najljepπi i najpoznatiji hrvatski nacionalni park, takoer je dio Unescove Svjetske baπtine. A past for the present Croatia is rich in cultural and historical monuments from all eras, due to the turbulent events of history and the interlacing of influences of different cultures. Its coast is characterized by the influences of Mediterranean culture, numerous ancient remains, monuments of the Roman era and early Middle Ages, a Romanesque church heritage and a number of distinctive Mediterranean urban entities that have been preserved. Inland Croatia is a part of the Central European cultural circle and is distinguished by numerous prehistoric findings of world significance, by old towns, fortresses and castles dating from the late Middle Ages, and cultural monuments and architecture from the Baroque era. Three Croatian cities and two monumental complexes have the status of monuments of world cultural heritage accorded by UNESCO. These are the Late Antique Palace of Diocletian, remodeled through the centuries into the medieval city of Split, the cities of Dubrovnik and Trogir, the Basilica of Euphrasius in PoreË and the Cathedral of St. Jacob in ©ibenik. The national park of the Plitvice Lakes, Croatia’s

Hrvatska - turistiËki hit na Sredozemlju Hrvatska je posljednjih godina − ocjenjuju meunarodni turistiËki znalci i statistiËari − najveÊe turistiËko iznenaenje te hit-odrediπte na Sredozemlju. Prema podacima Dræavnog zavoda za statistiku, hrvatska turistiËka odrediπta na otocima, priobalje te kontinentalni dio zemlje, ukljuËujuÊi i glavni grad Zagreb, u 2012. godini u komercijalnim smjeπtajnim objektima zabilježili su oko 11,835.000 turista, od kojih je stranih oko 10,369.000. Turisti su ostvarili u komercijalnim smjeπtajnim objektima oko 62,743.000 noÊenja. Hoteli, turistiËka naselja i apartmani, hosteli, kampovi, sobe i apartmani u kuÊanstvima te ostale vrste smjeπtaja, kao i suvremeni nautiËki centri, opremljeni su u skladu s meunarodnim standardima. Bogata je kulturna ponuda, kongresna i wellnes ponuda, sportsko-rekreativni i zabavni sadræaji, charter ponuda (iznajmljivanje plovila za razonodu i sport), kilometri ureenih pjeπaËkih i biciklistiËkih staza, vinske ceste, izleti koji ukljuËuju razgledanje prirodnih i kulturnih vrijednosti… Hrvatska je blizu ne samo zbog svoga geografskog smještaja, nego i zbog mreæe zraËnih luka i kvalitetnih usluga nacionalnog avioprijevoznika Croatia Airlinesa te drugih zraËnih prijevoznika. I zbog svoje mreæe autocesta i poluau toce sta Hrvatska je bliæa ne go ikad. Ako ste pak odabrali odmor na jednome od mno gih hrvatskih oto ka, pri jevoz trajek tom ili hidrogliserom s kopna trajat Êe − i kad su posrijedi oni najudaljeniji − kraÊe od 2 sata. Ali njihova ljepota i neposredan dodir s iskonskom prirodom bit Êe tako nezaboravni kao da ste od svakodnevice miljama i miljama daleko... Croatia - a Mediterranean tourism success Croatia has be en a hit de stination and the biggest tourist surprise in the Mediterranean in the past few years, say statisticians and international exper ts in tourism. According to data from the Croatian Bureau of Statistics, the Croatian tourist destinations located on the islands, along the coast and in the continental part of the country, including the capital city of Zagreb, recorded roughly 11.8 million tourists (11,835,600 tourists) in commercial accommodation facilities in 2012, of whom around 10.4 foreign tourists. Tourists realized about 62,743,000 overnight stays. Hotels, tourist villages and apartments, hostels, camps, rooms and apartments in private homes and other forms of accommodation, such as modern nautical centres, are equipped in line with international standards. There is a rich cultural offer, together with the congress and wellness offer, sport-recreation and entertainment contents, the charter offer (renting sailing vessels for leisure and sport), many kilometres of well-groomed walking and cycling paths, wine roads, sightseeing

excursions that include natural and cultural treasures... Novac i naËin plaÊanja Ku na je na ziv novËa ne je di ni ce Re pu bli ke Hrvatske. U optjecaju su novËanice kuna (kn) i kovani novac kuna i lipa (lp). NovËanice su izdane u sljedeÊim apoenima − 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 i 1000 kuna, a kovani novac − 1, 2 i 5 kuna, te 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 i 50 lipa (100 lipa = 1 kuna). MoguÊe je plaÊanje kreditnim kar ticama (Diners, Visa, American Express, Eurocard i Mastercard) i euroËekovima. Novac se moæe podizati i na bankomatima.

Currency and payment methods The currency of the Republic of Croatia is called the Ku na (kn). In cir cu la ti on are ban knotes in Ku na and co ins in Ku na and Li pa (lp) ∑ one hun dredth of a Ku na. The ban knotes are issu ed in the fol lowing de no mi na ti ons: 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 and 1000 Ku na, whi le the de no mi na ti on struc tu re of the co ins is 1, 2 and 5 Ku na and 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 Li pa (100 Li pa = 1 Ku na). Pay men ts can be made by cre dit card (Di ners, Vi sa, Ame ri can Ex pre ss, Eu ro card and Ma stercard), as well as eu ro-chec ks. Ca sh can be wit hdrawn from AT Ms.

Kartografski laboratorij Križovan

ZEMLJOVID HRVATSKE MAP OF CROATIA Izravne domaÊe linije Direct domestic routes Odrediπta Croatia Airlinesa Croatia Airlines destinations stalne / regular sezonske ljetne / seasonal in summer

............................................ CROATIA AIRLINES


HOTEL BELLEVUE - 5 STAR OASIS FOR REST AND RELAXATION Opening: July 2014 ISLAND OF LO©INJ Croatia is well known as a Mediterranean country with the most indented coast and more than a thousand, beautiful islands. One of them, the

Charming harmony of the Bellevue Hotel has the power to transform your vacations into a rhapsody of pleasures. Outdoor and indoor relaxing zones with a specially designed SPA Clinic, have tailor-made medical, beauty and the terrace, thus you can enjoy fine-scented nature all day long. The Deluxe, Superior Sea or Atrium rooms will make you feel special but comfortable like you are at home.

island of Loπinj, is situated in the Northern part of Adriatic Sea, inside the Kvarner Bay. The unique beauty of Loπinj is in its crystal-clear sea, a home of more than 120 bottlenose dolphins, and 1.100 fine-scented aromatic and healing herbs. Moreover, this is the only island in the Adriatic’s that has a subtropical climate and natural healing benefits, thus is a perfect place for year-round holidays already for 130 years.

THE BELLEVUE HOTEL This summer, in July, the first five-star hotel will open its doors on Loπinj. Loπinj Hotels & Villas Bellevue Hotel will be a unique place of luxury as it is situated in the intimate ambience of beautiful »ikat bay. The tops of centennial pine trees embrace the Hotel from all sides while your view is seduced by the magical beauty of the vast blue sea. The Hotel’s unique architecture dates to 1966 and exudes spaciousness, providing lots of natural light for a sophisticated comfort. Fine-scented nature is not excluded − it blends with the Hotel in an impressive atrium.

health programs to help you heal your body and spirit. Relaxed, you will be able to enjoy the fine dining and selected gastronomy. The Hotel Bellevue offers special experience of natural ease of enjoyment, all year round. COMFORT With the skilful composition of modern design, unique materials and elegant scenery, the Bellevue Hotel offers a high standard of comfort in its spacious suites and rooms. You can choose between specially designed Presidential, Luxury, Bellevue, Executive, and Junior Suites for a dream vacation. Views of the green forest, the blue sea, and golden sunrays enrich the Hotel with their unique beauty. All the suites are equipped with a private Jacuzzi on

SPA CLINIC La Vie en Rose Allow us to transform your moments of relaxation into eternity. La vie en rose SPA Clinic combines ancient, holistic techniques with modern medicine to invigorate your body, and reduce stress to calm your mind. Selected luxury cosmetics, such as Malu Wilz, Thalion and Jean Klebert, and the most experienced therapists along with physicians will enable you to discover your new self − reach homeostasis in the most pleasant surroundings of our beautiful Clinic. Enjoy our SPA garden, a pool with seawater and a sunbathing area. MAGIC FOR ALL YOUR SENSES Relaxed and rested, you can use all of the senses to enjoy the scents and tastes in our gourmet restaurant, the lounge or bars. You will be surprised by the harmony of the traditional and modern gastronomy playing with exquisite local delicacies, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, aromatic herbs, fish, scallops or venison. At the Bellevue Hotel absolute delights of tastes and scents will pamper your taste buds, and we will make sure that you discover the unique jewels of Croatian and international vineyards. The choice is all yours.



Solana u Stonu Salt beds in Ston



Piπe/By Goran StojanoviÊ

Fotografije/Photos Damir FabijaniÊ

Poloæaj DingaË Location of DingaË



Malostonski zaljev i uzgajaliπte kamenica Bay of Mali Ston and oyster farm

Za vid svijeta u zrnu pijeska, i Neba u divljem cvatu, podræi beskraj na svom dlanu I vjeËnost u jednom satu... (William Blake, Znamenje nevinosti) 34


Kad se otok zaljubi u kopno, more je nemoÊno razdvojiti tu ljubav. Davno se takav proces zbio i na jugu Hrvatske s poluotokom Peljeπcem, Ëija je osobita ljepota duboko poloæena u prozirnu modrinu puËinskih obzora u kojima se i danas ogleda. CROATIA AIRLINES


Uzgoj kamenica Oyster farming

To see a World in a Grain of Sand And a Heaven in a Wild Flower Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand And Eternity in an hour… (William Blake; Auguries of Innocence) 36


Kamenice Oysters

When an island falls in love with the mainland, even the sea has no power to divide them. Such a process occurred in southern Croatia a long time ago and it involved Peljeπac, whose exquisite beauty is deeply embedded in the translucent blueness of the horizon which mirrors its image to this very day. CROATIA AIRLINES


Solana u Stonu Salt beds in Ston



Berba soli Salt harvesting



Mali Ston



Novi nasadi vinograda New vineyards



Napoleonov put Napoleon’s Road

Crkva sv. Mihovila Church of St. Michael



Ston sa zidinama Ston and the walls



Mjesto Kobaπ, Toni BjelanËiÊ (Gastro mare)/ Kobaπ, Toni BjelanËiÊ (Gastro Mare)



Jastozi; Vila Koruna, Mali Ston/ Lobsters; Villa Koruna, Mali Ston



Vinogradi na Peljeπcu/ Vineyards on Peljeπac



Vinar Frano Miloπ/ Winemaker Frano Miloπ












Poloæaj DingaË zimi/ Location of DingaË in winter



Poloæaj DingaË ljeti/ Location of DingaË in summer











OrebiÊ, muzej/ OrebiÊ Maritime Museum



OrebiÊ, noπnja/ OrebiÊ, traditional folk costumes



Samostan… iznad OrebiÊa i pogledi na peljeπki kanal/ Monastery… above OrebiÊ and views of the Peljeπac Channel






Zapadni dio Peljeπca/ Western part of Peljeπac




ekoÊ davno Peljeπac je, kao i danas, bio i ostao izvorna raskoπ u kojoj obitava Pan, boæanski zaπtitnik Prirode. Omeen Neretvanskim, Malostonskim, Mljetskim i Peljeπkim kanalom, u svojoj sedamdesetkilometarskoj duæini taj se poluotok veÊim dijelom pruæa usporedo sa smjerom kopna. S njim se dodirno spaja na poloæaju Stonske prevlake nastale u neprekinutom napjevu ljubavi jednoga davnog otoka s drevnim kopnom. Preteæno pjeskoviti nanosi πirine tek oko 1400 metara potvruju tu ljubavnu vezu, taj neprekinuti napjev æivljenja povezan uzajamnom svijeπÊu o zajedniËkoj sudbini. Vizualni podsjetnik jasno iskazuje da je ovo krajolik brdovita obilježja s priliËno kraπkih polja. Meu brdima nalazi se i najviπe, ono s imenom svetog Ilije, s vrhuncem od 961 metar nad morem, s kojega se otkriva veliËanstveni vidik na dinarske vrhove kopna, a s druge strane pogled uznosito lebdi prema jadranskim otocima KorËuli i Mljetu. Na njemu, jedinom u svijetu, raste dalmatinska iglica (Geranium dalmaticum), endemska biljka Ëiji simetriËni ruæiËasti cvjetovi krase i posebno izdanje nacionalne poπtanske marke. Obronci Svetog Ilije jedni su i od najbogatijih nalaziπta tri vrste samoniklih orhideja u Hrvatskoj. Peljeπac je i danas svojevrsna terra incognita, podruËje tajnovite jedinstvenosti, prirodni ures juænog primorja, bisernica kulture i baπtine, razvijenog vinogradarstva i vinarstva, πkoljkarstva, maslinarstva, ponegdje i tartufarstva. Bez sumnje, taj krajolik svojom ljepotom, tradicijom i obiËajima vrijedan je divljenja i osobita ushita. Povijest ovog poluotoka zalazi joπ u neolit, no pisani tragovi pradavnih zbivanja pojavljuju se tek nakon doseljavanja Ilira, koji su na ovom podruËju gradili svoja svetiπta i utvrde. U blizini zaseoka Nakovane kod OrebiÊa, jednoga od najstarijih peljeπkih mjesta, nalazi se takvo veliko i poznato ilirsko svetiπte. U njegovoj blizini nekad je bila i prapovijesna utvrda, gradina iz koje se odlazilo u ratne pohode bronËanim maËevima i πtitovima. Prema legendi, u zapadnom dijelu Peljeπca davno su æivjela tri brata kovaËa. Jednoga su dana odluËili podijeliti obiteljsku imovinu pa je jedan dobio kuÊiπte s kovaËnicom, gdje je i ostao æivjeti. Prema tom iskazu, naselje KuËiπte nazvano je po tom dijelu njegova nasljedstva. Drugi je zasluæio viganj, kovaËki alat, te se nastanio na mjestu koje je nazvano Viganj. TreÊi je priskrbio nakovanj, pa je podruËje u kojemu je odluËio osnovati svoj dom, nazvao upravo tako − Nakovane. Gotovo sve strane Peljeπca oplakuje more, Ëija se modrina Ëesto spaja s nebeskim obzorima. U tom plavetnilu izduæeno je kopno ispunjeno zelenom rapsodijom mediteranskog pokrova,

koje kaleidoskopski izvodi fortissimo sklada cvijeÊa i mirisa, ljudi i prirode, flore i faune. Prostor je to koji kao da ne pripada u nama poznati svijet, gdje katkad i oËi ne vjeruju da je tu ljepota doista i stvarna. Ova arkadija podsjeÊa na najljupkije prostore najljubavnijih zakutaka, po Ëijim padinama peljeπkih nabora zrije groæe, rode maslinici otisnuti u ljepoti nebeskog stvaranja. Joπ od srednjeg vijeka na taj prostor mnogi su polagali pravo. Gdje se god obilje prelijeva iz svoje punine, ljudi ga neosvijeπtenom potrebom posjedovanja osvajaju ratovima. Od vremena slabljenja Rimskog Carstva, na podruËje Peljeπca doseljavaju se Slaveni. U to povijesno razdoblje poluotok potpada pod Zahumlje, svojevrsnu tampon zonu izmeu hrvatskog kraljevstva, Raπke i Dubrovnika, zatim pod bizantske, dukljanske i ugarske vladare. Godine 1333., zbog proπirenja svojih posjeda, plodne peljeπke zemlje te unosne trgovine solju kroz resurse tadaπnje stonske solane, DubrovaËka Republika kupuje Peljeπac od cara Duπana i bana Stjepana II KotromaniÊa. Od tog vremena poluotok postaje gospodarski resurs velike vaænosti za Republiku. Veliko vijeÊe imenuje peljeπkog kneza i dva suca, koji su morali suditi o svim civilnim i kriviËnim stvarima. Gospodarski, Dubrovnik poËinje graditi stonske zidine na Prevlaci, kojima se spajaju dva grada, Ston i njegov umanjenik, Mali Ston. Kad su DubrovËani Peljeπac stavili pod svoju upravu, zatekli su feudalno ureenje koje su ublaæili, ne i dokinuli, podijelivši zemlju svojim graanima, vlasteli i puËanima. U petnaestom stoljeÊu Dubrovnik je iskazao osvijeπtenu vrijednost ljudskih prava. DubravaËka Republika bila je prva dræava u Europi te meu prvima u svijetu, koja je prije πest stoljeÊa, davno prije ostalih, daleke 1416. godine, na podruËju svoje nadleænosti, donijela zakonsku uredbu o zabrani ropstva i trgovine ljudima. Kad s kopna zaemo u peljeπku ljepotu, Ston je prvi vidljiv biser, srednjovjekovni gradiÊ Ëija povijest seæe u rano Ëetrnaesto stoljeÊe, s najduæima europskim kamenim zidinama dugima 5500 metara, uskih i tihih ulica, starih i otmjenih obiteljskih kuÊa. Sredinom petnaestog stoljeÊa stonske je zidine s utvrdama gradio firentinski arhitekt Michelozzo po narudæbi DubrovaËke Republike i one su, bez ikakve sumnje, jedan od najveÊih onodobnih graevnih pothvata. Zidine s trima tvravama, deset okruglih i s tridesetak Ëetvrtastih tornjeva te πest polukruænih bastiona tvore sloæeni obrambeni stonski korpus koji se oblikovao gotovo Ëetiri stoljeÊa zbog osobitosti terena na kojima je nicao. Taj srednjovjekovni fortifikacijsko-urbanistiËki pothvat imao je veliku vaænost, CROATIA AIRLINES


jer svojom je monumentalnoπÊu branio Ston i njegovu solanu, koja je DubrovaËkoj Republici donosila treÊinu ukupnih, veoma visokih godiπnjih prihoda. Veliki Kaπtio najveÊa je stonska utvrda, Ëetverokutna tvrava s visokim zidinama, koja je za davnih vremena branila svoj grad. Njegova gradnja poËeta je 1357. godine, a Ëesto je sluæila i kao prebivaliπte stonskog kneza. Danas se, kao i stonske zidine, detaljno obnavlja opravdavajuÊi svoje postojanje u otisku jedne vizije i jednog doba kada se Êutila napetost zbog namjera susjeda da osvoje ono πto im ne pripada, a πto se brani mudroπÊu i snagom kamenih zidina zagledanih u nebo. Ston i danas posjeduje najstariju, joπ aktivnu solanu u svijetu, koja je i u 21. stoljeÊu ostala odana tradiciji prirodnog naËina proizvodnje, ne mijenjajuÊi je joπ od antiËkih vremena. Kvaliteta stonske soli, i nakon mnogobrojnih stoljeÊa, iskazuje se postojanom ËistoÊom i prirodnoπÊu Malostonskog zaljeva, a vadi se procesom isparavanja morske vode kroz solila, posebno koncipirana polja za procese dobivanja toga nezaobilaznoga i dragocjenog natrijeva klorida, zaËina u ljudskoj prehrani. U Malostonskom zaljevu æivi devet vrsta πkoljaka. Poznata stonska kamenica, ostrea edulis, koja je ponijela slavu tog dijela Peljeπca kao potvreni prirodni afrodizijak osobita okusa. Kamenice su se ovdje uzgajale joπ od rimskog doba. Pouzdano se zna da je u vrijeme DubrovaËke Republike uzgoj kamenica veÊ bio dobro uhodan i iskljuËivo u dræavnim rukama. U Stonu se svake godine, na dan sv. Jakova, odræava Dan kamenica, velika sveËanost i slavlje organizirano njima u Ëast. U 16. stoljeÊu stonski knez Jakov SorkoËeviÊ Lovrov prouËavao je ribe i πkoljke dubrovaËkog kraja te ovako opisuje uzgoj stonskih kamenica: ©koljkaπ kojeg u naπim krajevima zovu pelegrina (jakovska kapica) nalazi se na dnu mora ispod pijeska. Pelegrin znaËi hodoËasnik. A to ime tim πkoljkama nije dano bezrazloæno. Oni naime πto su iz bogoljubnosti ili poboænosti iπli svetom Jakovu u Compostele ili na sveti grob naπeg otkupitelja Isusa Krista, ili se otamo vraÊali, takve su πkoljke najviπe sa sobom nosili, njima su obiËavali ukraπavati svoje kape, kao u znak svog hodoËasniπtva. Za stonsku kamenicu znali su mnogi europski kraljevi. Poznato je da je u vrijeme Austro− Ugarske Monarhije, usred ljeta, na beËki dvor redovito slan drveni sanduk pun stonskih kamenica, obloæen zelenilom, u posebnoj konavoskoj posudi. Tako su se one najbolje Ëuvale u prijevozu te svjeæe stizale na mnogobrojne carske stolove. Nedaleko od Stona nalazi se Prapratno, jedna u nizu slikovitih uvala Peljeπca s dugom pjeπËanom plaæom ovijenom borovom πumom. 64


More je ovdje biserno i toplo, a zbog valova ljetnog maestrala s Mljetskog kanala ta je uvala jedinstvena. Sunce zaista zaljubljeniËki voli ovaj poluotok. Priljubi se za nj dublje nego za neka druga mjesta gdje se tek udomaÊilo. Ovdje i cvrËci ditirambom istiËu svoju misiju, probuditi uspavanost u krajoliku. DubrovaËka vlast nad Peljeπcem trajala je do 1808., kada Francuska osvaja, a zatim i ukida DubrovaËku Republiku. Francuska je vlast bila kratka i nije ostavila znaËajnijeg traga na Peljeπcu osim Napoleonovog puta, koji je sagraen kao strateπka nuænost predodreena njihovom inferiornoπÊu na moru. Taj put graen je kako bi se kontrolirao poluotok, nadzirao Peljeπki kanal te zadræala KorËula i Mljet od utjecaja Engleza. Trasa od πezdesetak kilometara, od Stona do OrebiÊa i njegova Vignja na sjeverozapadu otoka, odreena vojnim potrebama, etapno je rasla, prolazeÊi kroz predjele zaklonjene gorjem od pogleda s mora. Nekadaπnja strateπka i vojna investicija, a danaπnja atrakcija, povezuje mnoge kulturne i prirodne znamenitosti s mnogim lokalitetima spomeniËkog znaËenja u topografiji zadivljujuÊeg raspona od prapovijesti do naπih dana, nerijetko poloæenih u nepristupaËne gorske predjele s predivnim vizurama od kojih zastaje dah. Peljeπac joπ od davnina krase nasadi vinove loze, a vrhunska vina kao πto su dingaË, postup ili plavac veÊ su dugo priznati u svijetu. Ovdje je vinogradarstvo i podrumarstvo jedna od najznaËajnijih gospodarskih djelatnosti s drevnom tradicijom poznatom i nekoliko stoljeÊa prije Krista. Nebrojeni vinogradi podizani su i njegovani na strmim peljeπkim padinama s bogatim bioloπkim i klimatskim raznolikostima koje vinu daju pun i snaæan, harmoniËan i raskoπan okus. Vino i maslinovo ulje biserni su proizvodi tradicijske baπtine peljeπkog podneblja. Uzgoj vinove loze i proizvodnja vina muπki je posao koji je zahtjevan, iziskuje ustrajnost i snagu, paænju i skrb. A maslina? Ah, maslina je kao majka. Ona nesebiËno daje i kad joj se malo prilazi. Ako joj se uzvrati ljubav, spremna je iskazati dobrotu s najboljim uljem na svijetu. Upravo to zbilo se u obitelji Miloπ iz Ponikva. U njih se osjeÊa velika ljubav prema slikovitosti krajolika koji ih nadahnjuje i strastveno ohrabruje u kreativnosti i ustrajnosti da prirodu pretoËe u iznimnu taktilnost nebeskog vina i ulja. Putem prema zapadu otoka nalazi se Kuna, mala urbana vizura slikovito smjeπtena u samom srcu peljeπke osobitosti. Uzdigla se na zelenoj visoravni, meu vinogradima i maslinicima, na samo πest kilometara udaljenosti od Ëudesne vale Crkvice, nekadaπnje polaziπne toËke puta vina, u kojoj se nalazi i ljetnikovac nekadaπnjeg stanovnika, glasovitog Mate

Celestina MedoviÊa, jednoga od najistaknutijih likovnih umjetnika u prvoj generaciji slikara hrvatske moderne. TraæeÊi prepoznavanje puta u kojem baπtina iskazuje sebe kroz æivotne vrijednosti svojeg stanovniπtva, dolazi se do OrebiÊa, grada koji obiluje desecima crkava i kapela, πto svjedoËi o bogatoj vjerskoj tradiciji ovog kraja. Cilj pustolovina i putovanja nije uveÊanje svjetovnog bogatstva i moÊi, nego sloboda. Zaista, teπko je pomisliti kako postoji nemali broj onih koji svojim æivotima iskazuju junaπtvo æivota osloboenog okova, a nikada neÊe biti zabiljeæeni u povijesti. »esto nam crkve, kulturni hramovi i mjesta za molitve pokazuju da neka zemljopisna toËka ili srediπte teæi vrijednostima koje istiËu unutarnju zadubljenost sklada fiziËkog ja s tvarnim svijetom koji nas okruæuje. U OrebiÊu su postavljene i mnogobrojne neorenesansne fontane iz devetnaestog stoljeÊa. Prvotno ime toga grada bilo je Trstenica, a danaπnje je dobio potkraj πesnaestog stoljeÊa, po velikaπkoj obitelji OrebiÊ Ëiji su Ëlanovi imali vaænu ulogu u njegovoj povijesti kao pomorski kapetani. Od sedamnaestog stoljeÊa peljeπki brodovi tvorili su vaæan dio dubrovaËke trgovaËke mornarice. Peljeπke brodovlasniËke obitelji postajale su sve moÊnije te poËinju ulagati u zajedniËke jedrenjake. Njihov se uspon nastavlja i pod vlaπÊu Austrije, sve do otvaranja brodogradiliπta koje je sveËano otvorio car Franjo Josip potkraj devetnaestog stoljeÊa. FranjevaËki samostan Vele Gospe, smjeπten iznad OrebiÊa, jedan je od najljepπih spomenika gotiËkoga graditeljstva, okruæen borovom πumom s najljepπim vidikovcem tog poluotoka, odakle se pruæa veliËanstveni pogled na Peljeπki kanal i otoke KorËulu, Mljet i Lastovo. Samostan posjeÊuje mnogo turista iz cijelog svijeta, koji su dirnuti kulturno-povijesnom baπtinom ovog kraja i samostanskim vidikovcem. U njemu su boravili i Petar Tolstoj, ruski plemiÊ i putopisac, njemaËki princ Philipp Coburg, britanski pisac Seaton Watson i mnogi drugi. »esto ga pomorci, prolazeÊi ispod samostana, tradicionalno pozdravljaju zvukom sirene, dok im franjevci odgovaraju zvonjavom crkvenih zvona s blagoslovom neba za mirno more i sretna putovanja. U dijelu samostana nalazi se i pomorski muzej, koji istiËe bogatu pomorsku tradiciju ovog kraja. Nedaleko od samostana nalazi se joπ jedan osobit vidikovac s obiteljskim gospodarstvom koje ispisuje priËu o peljeπkom tartufu (Tuber Astivum). Poznato je da se tartufarstvo u Hrvatskoj veæe za Istru. Ali to nije potpuna istina. I Peljeπac, na kraju dugog puta, nosi iznenaenje. Marija JurkoviÊ, zaljubljenica u prirodu, najprije je prouËila gljivarsku enciklopediju, zatim uvjerena kako istarsko tlo nije

jedino na kojemu se mogu pronaÊi tartufi, pošla u traganje za njima i na Peljeπcu. Intuicijom i upornoπÊu uspjela je u pretraæivanju crnogoriËnih πuma naÊi veÊe primjerke crnog tartufa. I danas uspijeva u tom naumu za gastronomske potrebe njezinih gostiju, na terasi okruæenoj maslinicima, πumama i vinogradima. Peljeπac vrvi jednostavnom raskoπi i razigranoπÊu svojih krajolika. Kroz oËi odmah prostruji radost, a misaoni procesi zastanu zateËeni vienim. Ne postoji odgovor na svjetlost koja osvjetljava ovaj poseban krajolik. Ona jednostavno izvire iz mediteranskog kolorita, ispunjenoga suncem u mirisnom raslinju, u vinogradima i maslinicima, u kamenu, nebu i moru. Peljeπac je slikovita poetiËnost urasla u oblikovno obilje, podatno i za najljepπa slikarska platna. Ovdje se moæe Ëuti i glazba, Ëije vibracije lako dopiru u prostor nutrine onih promatraËa koji zvuk traæe i u tiπini doæivljenoga. VeliËanstven je to prostor tradicije kojemu nije potrebno proricanje buduÊnosti. Ovdje je sadaπnjost osvijeπteni i neponovljivi trenutak koji povezuje vrijeme i prisnost s motivima krajolika utonuloga u vlastiti rasadnik ljepote. ■


or many a century, the splendid countryside of Peljeπac has been home to Pan, the divine patron of Nature. Seventy kilometres long and surrounded by the Neretva, Mali Ston, Mljet and Peljeπac channels, the peninsula stretches mostly parallel with the shore. It is connected with the mainland at the so called isthmus of Ston, which was a by-product of the uninterrupted song of love between the ancient island and the eternal mainland. Predominantly sandy layers, not more than 1400 metres wide, substantiate that amorous feeling; an uninterrupted song of life coupled with the mutual awareness of a common faith. A visual reminder clearly reveals a hilly landscape featuring numerous karst fields. At 961 metres above sea level, the highest peak, St. Elias, offers magnificent vistas of the Dinaric summits on the mainland on one side, and a clear, unobstructed view of KorËula and Mljet islands on the other. The peninsula is also home to the Geranium dalmaticum, an endemic plant whose symmetrical pink flowers are depicted on a special edition of the national postal stamp. The hillsides of St. Elias are among the most common localities for three types of wild orchids found in Croatia. To this day, Peljeπac remains a terra incognita of sorts, an area of mysterious uniqueness, a natural adornment of the southern Adriatic littoral, a pearl of culture and heritage, and a region famous for its wine, sea-shells, olives and truffles. Undoubtedly, the beauties, tradiCROATIA AIRLINES


tions and customs of this landscape are aweinspiring and one cannot help but celebrate the prudent frenzy of the cosmic creation that has been at play there. The history of this peninsula goes back to the Neolithic, but written evidence of specific historic events dates from the period after the arrival of the Illyrians, who built their shrines and forts in the area. A large and well known Illyrian shrine is located in the vicinity of the hamlet of Nakovane near OrebiÊ. A prehistoric fort once also existed nearby, serving as the starting point for military endeavours undertaken with swords and shields cast in bronze. Legend has it that three brothers who were blacksmiths lived in the western part of Peljeπac. One day they decided to split their family’s possessions, and so one of them ended up with the house and the blacksmith’s shop and remained living there. According to the story, the hamlet of KuËiπte was named after that part of the inheritance. Another was given bellows (viganj) and settled in the namesake place − Viganj, while the third got the anvil (nakovanj), and that is what he called the area where he decided to make his home - Nakovane. Peljeπac is washed by the sea from almost all four sides; its blueness often blends with the sky at the horizon. This blueness serves as a bed for a stretch of protruding land replete with a green rhapsody of Mediterranean foliage



and its kaleidoscopic fortissimo of flowers and smells, people and nature, flora and fauna, all co-existing in perfect harmony. This area is just out of this world and the mind can hardly believe the beauty of the nature that reveals itself to the eye. This Arcadia is reminiscent of the most delightfully love inspiring places. Within the creases of the slopes of Peljeπac grapes ripen and olive trees grow big making an imprint on the beauty of this celestial creation. Since the Middle Ages many have laid claim to this area. Wherever there is an abundance of resources, the subconscious need in humans for possession makes them wage wars to conquer it. Slav settlement of the peninsula coincided with the decline of the Roman Empire. In those days, the peninsula was first part of Zahumlje, a buffer zone of sorts between the Croatian Kingdom, Raπka and Dubrovnik, but later it fell under Byzantine, Doclean and Hungarian rulers. In 1333, the Dubrovnik Republic purchased Peljeπac from Emperor Duπan and Ban Stjepan II KotromaniÊ in order to expand its territory over the peninsula’s fertile land and take control of the profitable salt trade at the Ston salt beds. The peninsula soon became a very important economic asset for the Republic. The Grand Council of Dubrovnik appointed a rector of Peljeπac and two judges whose duty was to hear all civil and criminal cases. Dubrovnik embarked on constructing the wall of Ston at Prevlaka to connect the two towns; Ston, and its miniature version, Mali Ston. When Dubrovnik placed Peljeπac under its administration, the peninsula had a feudal system which the Republic did not abolish entirely but rather alleviated it by distributing land among its citizens, both patricians and plebeians. In the 15th century, Dubrovnik displayed a remarkable awareness of the value of human rights. Six centuries ago, way back in 1416, the Republic was the first state in Europe, and among the first in the world, to ban slavery and human trafficking in its territory. When entering the purity of Peljeπac’s beauty from the mainland, Ston is the first pearl that meets the eye. The history of the medieval townlet spans back to the 14th century. Its 5,500 metre long wall is the longest in Europe. Through the narrow and peaceful streets one gets to the old, noble family houses. In the mid-15th century, the Ston Walls were built by the Florentine architect Michelozzo on a commission from the Dubrovnik Republic. There is no doubt that it was one of the biggest construction enterprises at the time. The wall with three fortresses, ten round and some thirty square towers and six semicircular bastions constitutes a complex defence system

around Ston. Its construction lasted nearly four centuries due to the special requirements of the ground on which it was erected. This medieval fortification and urban enterprise was of great importance because it defended Ston and its salt beds whose production accounted for one third of the very high annual income of the Dubrovnik Republic. Veliki Kaπtio is the biggest fortress in Ston, a square edifice with high walls which at one time protected the town below it. Its construction started in 1357 and it often served as the residence of the rector of Ston. It is currently being meticulously reconstructed together with the rest of the Walls of Ston. Its existence is justified as an imprint of the vision of a time when one could sense the ill-will of the neighbours to conquer what did not belong to them; something that one defended with wisdom and the might of the stone walls facing straight up into the sky. Ston is still home to the oldest active salt plant in the world, which remains true to the tradition and the natural manufacturing process which has been applied since Antiquity. After many centuries, the quality of Ston salt is still a result of the pureness of the bay of Mali Ston, from which it is extracted by means of evaporating the sea water. There are specially designed fields which are used to obtain the valuable sodium chloride, a staple condiment in the diet of humans. The bay of Mali Ston is the habitat of nine types of shells. The best known among them is the Ston oyster, ostrea edulis, which as a proven natural aphrodisiac of exquisite taste has spread the fame of this part of Peljeπac. Oysters have been cultivated here since Roman times. During the time of the Dubrovnik Republic, oyster cultivation was already a well developed business controlled by the state. Every year, on St. James Day, Ston becomes the venue of the Oyster Festival, a big festivity organized in honour of the noble shell. In the 16th century, the Rector of Ston, Jakov SorkoËeviÊ Lovrov, studied the fish and shellfish of the Dubrovnik littoral and this is how he described the growing of oysters in Ston: The shellfish which our people call pelegrina (Cocquille St. Jacques) can be found at the bottom of the sea, below the sand. Pelegrin means pilgrim. The name was not given to the shellfish for no reason. Those who followed their love of good and piety and went on pilgrimages to St. James in Compostella or to the sacred tomb of our redeemer Jesus Christ, or returned from either of the two, took those shellfish with them; they used to decorate their hats with them as a symbol of their pilgrimage. Numerous European kings knew of the Ston oyster. In the times of the Habsburg Empire,



wooden crates lined with greenery full of Ston oysters in a special dish from Konavle were regularly sent to Vienna every summer. That is how they were best preserved during transport, and they arrived fresh at many imperial tables. Prapratno, one of the many picturesque bays of Peljeπac, featuring a long sandy beach surrounded by a pine-tree forest, is located in the vicinity of Ston. The sea is crystal clear and very warm, while waves caused by the Maestral wind blowing from the Mljet channel make this cove unique. The sun truly is in love with this peninsula. It clings onto it more deeply than most other places where it has also found its habitat. Even the local crickets declare it their mission to stir up the sleepiness of the landscape at the horizon with their harmonious dithyramb. The rule of the Republic of Dubrovnik over Peljeπac lasted until 1808, when France conquered and abolished the Republic. The French rule was short-lived and did not leave a significant mark on Peljeπac, aside from Napoleon’s Path built as a strategic necessity which counterbalanced their inferiority at sea. The path was constructed in order to control the peninsula, oversee the Peljeπac Channel, and keep KorËula and Mljet safe from English influence. According to military needs, the sixty kilometre path stretching between Ston and OrebiÊ and Viganj to the northwest of the peninsula was expanded step by step along the areas where hills obstruct direct views of it from the sea. The onetime strategic and military investment, nowadays a tourist attraction, has connected numerous cultural and natural landmarks as well as localities of historic significance since the beginning. It often passes though hard-to-access hilly areas that offer beautiful and breathtaking views. Peljeπac has always been adorned by vineyards; the local sorts DingaË, Postup and Plavac are well renowned worldwide. Winemaking is one of the most significant branches 68


of the economy in the area, with an ancient tradition dating back to several centuries before Christ. Numerous vineyards are cultivated on the steep hillsides of Peljeπac, whose natural diversity gives wine a full-bodied, strong, harmonious and very luxurious flavour. Wine and olive oil are the pearls of the Peljeπac tradition. Vineyard cultivation and winemaking are traditionally men’s jobs, demanding persistence, strength and care. How about the olives? An olive is like a mother: she gives selflessly, even if seldom approached. If she is given the slightest bit of love, she is ready to reciprocate with the finest oil in the world. This happened to the Miloπ family of Ponikve. Their love for the picturesque landscape is evident, as it inspires them and passionately encourages them in their creativity and persistence to turn nature into exquisite, heavenly oil and wine. To the west of the peninsula is Kuna, a small, picturesque, urban vista located in the heart of the exquisiteness of Peljeπac. It is perched on a green highland, among vineyards and olive groves, only six kilometres from the amazing cove of Crkvica, a onetime starting-point of the wine path, and a place where a onetime inhabitant, the celebrated Mate Celestin MedoviÊ, one of the most prominent artists of the first generation of painters of Croatian Moderna, had his summer residence. While seeking to recognize the path along which heritage expresses itself through the life values of the local population, I arrive at OrebiÊ, a town boasting dozens of churches and chapels which testify to the rich religious tradition of this area. The goal of adventures and travels is not to increase secular riches but to attain freedom. Indeed, it is hard to grasp that the number of those who will never go down in history, although they have lived courageously and free from chains, is anything but small. Often times, churches, cultural temples and places for prayer show that a geographic point or centre strives towards such values which stress an internal depth of harmony between the physical self and the world which surrounds us. OrebiÊ features numerous 19th century, neorenaissance fountains. The original name of this town was Trstenica, but it got its modern name in the late 16th century after the noble OrebiÊ family, whose members played significant roles as sea captains throughout history. As of the 17th century, the ships of Peljeπac were an important aspect of Dubrovnik’s merchant fleet. The ship-owners of Peljeπac were becoming increasingly influential and started investing jointly in sailing ships. Their success continued under Austrian rule, culminating with the

ceremonial opening of a shipyard by Emperor Franz Joseph in the late 19th century. The Franciscan monastery of Vela Gospa (Our Great Lady), located above OrebiÊ, is one of the most beautiful monuments of Gothic architecture. It is surrounded by a pine-tree forest and commands a most magnificent view of the Peljeπac Channel and the islands of KorËula, Mljet and Lastovo. The monastery is visited by numerous tourists from all over the world who are touched by its cultural and historic heritage, as well as the spectacular view. It was visited by the Russian nobleman and travel writer Pyotr Tolstoy, the German prince Philipp Coburg, and the British writer Seaton Watson among many others. The sailors on the ships that sail by traditionally greet the monastery occupants with their sirens, while the Franciscan monks reply by ringing the monastery’s bells, to send them blessings from heaven and wish them calm seas and safe journeys. A part of the monastery features a maritime museum, presenting the rich maritime tradition of the area. Located in the vicinity of the monastery is another excellent viewpoint from a family farm, with a special story about the Peljeπac truffle (Tuber Astivum). Truffle picking in Croatia is usually associated with Istria, but Peljeπac, on the other end of a long path, has surprises of its own. Nature lover Marija JurkoviÊ first studied the fungi encyclopaedia, and once she was convinced that Istrian soil was not the only fertile ground for truffles, she embarked on a search for them on Peljeπac. With great persistence, following intuition, she found large specimens of black truffles whilst searching the coniferous forests of the peninsula. Her success continues to this day, and she manages to meet the gastronomic needs of her guests, whom she serves on a terrace surrounded by olive groves, forests and vineyards. Peljeπac is laden with a simple luxury and playfulness of landscapes. Joy rushes through my eyes, and my thought process is interrupted, in awe of the sight. There is no explanation for the light that shines on this truly unique landscape. It simply springs from Mediterranean colours, filled with sun in the aromatic shrubs, in the vineyards and olive groves, the stone, the sky and the sea. Peljeπac is a picturesque, poetically shaped abundance, worthy of the most beautiful canvases painted by master artists. One can hear music there, while its vibrations easily penetrate even the insides of beholders who look for a sound in the silence of their experience. It is a magnificent space of tradition, which needs no fortune telling. The present there is a conscious and unique moment, which merges time and closeness with motifs of landscapes planted in its own garden of beauty. ■




Zagreb predstavljen iz novog ugla

Nova mobilna aplikacija Zagreb Be There s kojom turisti mogu odabrati nekoliko tematskih puteva za obilazak Zagreba i osvojiti nagrade The new mobile app Zagreb Be There allows tourists to choose from several thematic routes while visiting Zagreb and win rewards Nova mobilna aplikacija Zagreb Be There posjetiteljima Zagreba otkriva insiderski Zagreb i predlaže različite tematske puteve za obilazak glavnog grada Hrvatske. Aplikacija za sada nudi pet mogućih ruta od kojih svaka predstavlja Zagreb na ponešto drugačiji način, poput rute Space Explorer na kojoj se nalaze lokacije svih prizemljenih planeta sunčeva sustava iz umjetničkih instalacija Ivana Kožarića i Davora Preisa.

The new mobile app Zagreb Be There, reveals an insider view of Zagreb to visitors and offers various thematic routes for those visiting the Croatian capital. The app currently features five routes, each of which shows Zagreb in a somewhat different light. For instance, Space Explorer, takes you to all the locations of “Grounded Planets of the Solar System”, installations by artists Ivan Kožarić and Davor Preis.

Ruta Hidden Spots otkriva posljednji gornjogradski bunar, napušteno groblje u Jurjevskoj ulici ili oslikanu vodenu pumpu iz serije Pimp my Pump posvećenu Dini Dvorniku. Na ruti Indie Zagreb nalaze se, primjerice, Muzej prekinutih veza te Muzej ulične umjetnosti. Tu su još i rute Refreshing Zagreb i Classic Zagreb.

Hidden Spots reveals the last well in the Upper Town, an abandoned cemetery in Jurjevska Street, and a refurbished water pump, part of the series “Pimp My Pump” dedicated to Dino Dvornik. Along the Indie Zagreb route you can find the Museum of Broken Relationships and the Museum of Street Art. Also available are Refreshing Zagreb and Classic Zagreb.

Korisnici se trebaju prijaviti putem društvenih mreža na svakoj lokaciji do koje stignu, a kada dovrše rutu čekaju ih nagrade poput popusta na ulaznice u muzeje, Zoološki vrt, besplatno korištenje gradskih bicikala i slično.

Users check in at each location and when they have completed the route, a series of rewards awaits them, such as discounts on tickets to museums, the zoo, free use of city bikes, and so on.

Aplikacija funkcionira na iPhone i Android sustavima mobilnih uređaja i moći će se od 15. lipnja besplatno preuzeti s mikrostranice ili putem QR koda na lecima koji će se moći pronaći na svim važnijim turističkim punktovima u Zagrebu. Aplikacija je nastala u suradnji Turističke zajednice grada Zagreba te agencija Brlog i Bruketa & Žinić OM.

The app works on both iPhone and Android systems, and will be available for free download from the 15th of June from the microsite:, or via QR codes on flyers at all major tourist sites throughout Zagreb. The application was developed in cooperation with the agencies Brlog, Bruketa & Žinić OM, and the Zagreb Tourist Board.

Have you been taken back to the past in a time machine or can you actually see the characters from stories told long time ago standing right next to you? Everything is here: a nostalgic song, a bunch of ¾owers and the times we brought back to the streets of Zagreb because of you…

This international street festival turns Zagreb into an all-out party place. Be sure to join in on the fun!

Croatia’s largest open-air music event, placed on the list of 50 best festivals in the world. Check it out!

Fill your hearts with the spirit of Advent as the city streets, squares and parks are adorned with Christmassy delights. Treat yourself with Advent in Zagreb!




OGULIN NEPOKORENI GRAD BAJKI UNCONQUERED CITY OF FAIRY TALES U gradu u kojemu je roena glasovita hrvatska spisateljica Ivana BrliÊ MaæuraniÊ svake se godine u lipnju odræava Ogulinski festival bajki, a iz kreativne radionice Muze d.o.o. i uz potporu TuristiËke zajednice Ogulina, regionalne i lokalne samouprave te EU fondova niknula je tik do Bernardinove utvrde Ivanina kuÊa bajki. Ogulin je pun zanimljivosti za koje se svakako treba u duhu pripremiti i odvojiti za njih dovoljno vremena. Every year in June, the city which is the birth place of the famous Croatian writer, Ivana BrliÊ MaæuraniÊ, holds the Ogulin Fairytale Festival. Also, as a result of the creative workshops of the Muze ltd., along with the support of the Tourist Association of Ogulin, regional and local self-government bodies, as well as EU funds, Ivana’s House of Fairytales has been erected next to Bernardin’s fortress. Ogulin is full of interesting attractions for which one should prepare spiritually and allocate enough time. Piše/By Anika Rešetar Drvar Fotografije/Photos Damir FabijaniÊ


vako vrijeme ima svoje obiËaje, velikane i naËine vladanja. NekoÊ su to bili aristokrati koji su na temelju roda kojemu su pripadali i imanja koje bi naslijedili trajno obiljeæavalji kraj u kojemu bi vladali. MoÊniji i spretniji donosili bi odluke koje bi se ticale sudbine cijelog naroda. Tada su rod i Ëast znaËili ono πto veÊini danas znaËi politiËki poloæaj i materijalni status, tj. novac. Jedan od najslavnijih hrvatskih velikaπa u vrijeme turskih invazija bio je Bernardin Frankopanski (1453.−1529.), moÊan i ugledan aristokrat, veliki borac za domovinu, vojskovoa, diplomat i mecena. Bio je jedini sin hrvatskoga bana Stjepana III.Frankopana Modruπkog i njegove supruge Iæote, vojvotkinje d’Este iz Ferrare. BuduÊi da je aristokracija moÊ odræavala vojnim, politiËkim i æenidbenim savezima, Bernardin se 1476. godine æeni aragonskom vojvotkinjom Luisom Marzano, s kojom je imao devetoro djece. Æivio je u vrijeme turskih invazija

i sudjelovao u Krbavskoj bitki 9. rujna 1493., u kojoj je poginulo mnogo vojnika i gotovo svi hrvatski plemiÊi. Tada se Bernardin odluËio povuÊi prema sjeveru te je poËeo graditi i nove utvrde, a meu njima se osobito istiËe ogulinska tvra, sagraena neπto prije 1500. godine. Sjediπte obitelji preselio je iz Modruπa u Ozalj pa su se Bernardinovi potomci nazivali Ozaljski. Bernardinovi posjedi bili su Træan grad u Modruπu, Drivenik kod Crikvenice, Griæane u Vinodolu, Kaπtel u Ogulinu, Dubovac u Karlovcu, Burg u Ozlju, Ribnik kod Karlovca, utvreni grad BihaÊ, i bilo bi zanimljivo prouËiti mu æivot pun teπkih kuπnji i povijesne dogaaje kojima je bio izloæen u ruti pod nazivom Posjedi Bernardina Frankopana. Mnogi dokumenti dokazuju da je bio poznat domoljub koji je umio ljubiti narod svoj. Da fraza nije isprazna, potvruje i baπtina koju nam je ostavio, a osobito poznati govori kojima je pred europskim vlastodrπcima pokuπavao steÊi saveznike,

kao npr. 1522. pred mletaËkim duædom Grimanijem. Ali njegov je najpoznatiji govor Oratio pro Croatia napisan i odræan na latinskom jeziku 19. studenog 1522. godine u Nürnbergu, na saboru njemaËkih staleæa. Te su godine potkraj svibnja bosanski i mostarski paπa bili osvojili Knin i Skradin, a jedini se uspio obraniti Klis. Hrvatskim je zemljama bila potrebna pomoÊ pa je zato u Nürnberg poslan Bernardin Frankopan da zatraæi potporu. Govor je poslije dao otisnuti u knjizi koja sadræava i poslanicu papi Hadrijanu VI. Neki povjesniËari smatraju da je on u svojim diplomatskim aktivnostima bio prvi koji je na dramatiËan naËin upozoravao Europljane na vaænost Hrvatske kao predzia krπÊanstva (lat.antemurale christianitatis). Bernardin Frankopan bio je erudit koji je osobito ljubio i njegovao hrvatski jezik i glagoljsko pismo. Bibliju je dao prevesti na hrvatski jezik, a godine 1486. izdao je znameniti Modruπki urbar, knjigu kodeksa pravnih i CROATIA AIRLINES


druπtvenih normi. Dokument je izvorno pisan glagoljicom, a sadræaj ureuje odnose izmeu feudalaca i kmetova i vaæan je zbog obilja agrarnih i demografskih podataka. Govori mu, na æalost, nisu poluËili velik uspjeh jer Europljani su bili meu sobom posvaani, a dio njegovih imanja postaje dijelom Vojne krajine, kojom je u 16. st. ureena obrana zemalja Habsburπke Monarhije od Turaka. Ogulin je tako veÊ 1553. godine preπao u kraljevske ruke, a samo nakon nekoliko godina postaje sjediπte 13. kapetanije unutar novog obrambenog sustava. Da su stanovnici Ogulina bili dobri vojnici, svjedoËi i povelja od 3. oæujka 1622. godine, kojom ih Krsto Frankopan TræaËki oslobaa obaveza prema kneæevima Frankopanima. U spomen na hrabrost i viteπtvo osnovana je 30. svibnja 2004. povijesna postrojba - Frankopanska garda Ogulin (, kao spomen na osnivaËa grada Bernardina Frankopana i hrabre pretke zbog kojih Ogulin nikada nitko nije osvojio i pokorio. Prvi se put javnosti Garda predstavila 14. rujna 2004. godine - na Dan grada Ogulina i Æupe sv. Kriæa. Odore, oznake i oruæje izraeni su po uzoru krajiπnika Ogulinske pukovnije u Vojnoj krajini u 18. i 19. st. Nakon vojnika, u Bernardinovu utvrdu uselili su se i sad stoluju kustosi ZaviËajnog muzeja Ogulin. Muzej sadræava arheoloπku i etnografsku zbirku, sobu za obiljeæavanje poËetka hrvatskog planinarstva i alpinizma (toËno prije 140 godina!) i sobu memorabilija slavne autorice Ivane BrliÊ MaæuraniÊ, koja je u Ogulinu roena 18. travnja 1874. godine. Iste je godine u svibnju i krπtena imenima: Ivanna, Cornelia, Emilia i Henrietta. U to je vrijeme njezin otac Vladimir MaæuraniÊ, leksikograf, pisac, odvjetnik, povjesniËar i akademik HAZU sluæbovao u Ogulinu. Djed joj je bio Ivan MaæuraniÊ, prvi ban puËanin koji se, osim politikom, bavio i jezikom i knjiæevnoπÊu. Mnogi ga znaju kao autora spjeva Smrt Smail-age »engiÊa, a tek mali broj da je i autor tada novih hrvatskih rijeËi: raËunovodstvo, nosorog, sladoled, veleizdaja, velegrad, træiπno gospodarstvo. Ivana BrliÊ MaæuraniÊ bila je pripadnica velikoga roda, a da je bila vrlo vezana uz mnogobrojnu obitelj, potvruju mnogobrojna saËuvana pisma. Kao pripremu za putovanje u Ogulin ili kao njegov follow up vrijedi proËitati vrlo zanimljivu i pouËnu knjigu Sanje LovrenËiÊ U potrazi za Ivanom. Autorica je pomno istraæila arhivsku grau i nadareno i domiπljato doËarala æivot Ivane BrliÊ MaæuraniÊ i doba u kojemu je æivjela. U svom je æivotu Ivana BrliÊ MaæuraniÊ slijedila tri ideala, smatra LovrenËiÊ: ljubav prema domovini, ljubav prema bliænjima u nevolji i teænju prema ljepoti, iako je svjesna da od Baudelairea ljepota nije ni ideal koji se slijedi, niti sadræaj koji se opisu74


WITH EACH DROP WE CREATE LOVE FOR WINE You will immediately fall in love with this RosĂŠ. Its airiness makes it ideal to enjoy during the summer months, and the fruity taste and freshness will evoke the feeling of the first kiss. We love the wines we create for you. Sabina Salamun enologist Vina Laguna


je. Dobro, lijepo i istinito tako se iz romana preselilo u bajke! Svako dijete u Hrvatskoj proËitalo je u obaveznoj lektiri i roman (ne samo djeËji) »udnovate zgode πegrta HlapiÊa i PriËe iz davnine. ©egrt HlapiÊ doæivio je 140 izdanja i preveden je na 23 jezaka, a PriËe iz davnine priskrbile su autorici glas hrvatskog Andersena. To je i razlog da se u gradu u kojemu je roena Ivana BrliÊ MaæuraniÊ svake godine u lipnju odræava Ogulinski festival bajki, a iz kreativne radionice Muze d.o.o. i uz potporu TuristiËke zajednice Ogulina, regionalne i lokalne samouprave te EU fondova niknula je tik do Bernardinove utvrde Ivanina kuÊa bajki. Misija je Ivanine kuÊe bajki slaviti djelo Ivane BrliÊ MaæuraniÊ tako da se svijet njezinih bajki prikaæe na naËin koji inspirira kreativnost, znanje i ljubav prema knjiæevnosti. Pristup zato nije klasiËno izlagaËko informiranje koje slijedi kronologiju i predstavlja pojedinaËne teme. Dragana Lucija RatkoviÊ, autorica projekta, kuÊu je sagradila tako da potiËe stvaralaπtvo, maπtu i doæivljajnost posjetitelja uz pomoÊ novih tehnologija, web stranica, virtualnom bazom bajki i on-line knjiænicom. Postoji i izdavaËka djelatnost i cjelogodiπnji kreativni i edukativni programi namijenjeni djeci i odraslima. U prvih pet mjeseci od otvorenja 13. prosinca 2013. Ivaninu kuÊu bajki posjetilo je 7000 posjetitelja, prema rijeËima direktorice TZ Ogulin, Ankice PuπkariÊ. Tako je baπtina postala zamaπnjak kreativne industrije koja je pomalo uspavan grad pretvorila u zanimljivo turistiËko odredište. Ali princ koji je tu uspavanu ljepoticu probudio iz sna i udahnuo joj novu æivost, nosi ime A1 i autocesta je koja povezuje Zagreb i Split pa je tako Ogulin, osobito ZagrepËanima i RijeËanima, postao nadohvat ruke, leæi samo 2 km od izlaza na autocestu i oko 50 minuta voænje od oba grada. Nova prilika potaknula je mnoge da zasuËu rukave i

iskoriste novonastale πanse. Tako su primjerice lokalni poduzetnici Milan CeraniÊ i Milan RupËiÊ spasili zgradu hotela Frankopan iz 1878. godine (nalazi se tik do Bernardinove utvrde), renovirali je i uredili tako da odgovara zahtjevima suvremenih gostiju. U hotelu se gosti mogu dobro osjeÊati i zimi kad padne snijeg, ali i ljeti uæivati u Ëarima ladanjskog æivota. Jer glavna je zvijezda u Ogulinu priroda! Glavni se glumci zovu Klek i Dobra i daju peËat æivotu gradiÊa. Za Klek koji izgleda kao div koji spava i tako se usnuo nadnosi nad grad, staroslavenska legenda kaæe da se zamjerio vrhovnom bogu Perunu, dao u bijeg i kod Ogulina posustao i skamenio se od staha. Klek je sjeveroistoËni greben Velike Kapele. Njegova 200 metara visoka i okomita stijena predstavlja kolijevku hrvatskog planinarstva i alpinizma jer u Ogulinu je 1874. utemeljeno i prvo hrvatsko planinarsko druπtvo. Klek je botaniËki rezervat koji ljubitelji prirode rado posjeÊuju i pritom o prirodi uËe uz pomoÊ botaniËke staze. Druga srediπnja prirodna atrakcija, koja je u srediπtu grada, preko puta hotela Frankopan, jest nevjerojatan –ulin ponor. Kroz srediπte grada rijeka Dobra odluËila je zavrπiti svoj tijek i sakrila se u ponoru ispod strmih litica. Taj –ulin ponor nastavlja se sa špiljom Medvedicom u najduæi hrvatski speleoloπki objekt, u Ëijem je sustavu istraæeno Ëak 16.396 metara. Ponor je ime dobio po lijepoj –uli ili Zulejki, koja se, legenda kaæe, u bolu zbog nesretne ljubavi bacila u nj. A na samoj kamenoj litici nad ponorom prirodni je bareljef u obliku muπkog profila, za koji narod kaže da je kapetan Milan u potrazi za svojom –ulom. Legenda potjeËe iz 16. stoljeÊa i kazuje kako se Zulejka plemenita podrijetla odbila udati za starijeg plemiÊa, a Milan da je poginuo braneÊi frankopansku utvrdu u Tounju. Velika je opasnost doba u kojemu æivimo da se

Ivana’s House of Fairytales



ispeËen od pet vrsta braπna: pπenice, prosa, kukuruza, jeËma i raæi. Za kraj saËuvani podaci o tradicionalnim jelima podsjeÊaju da se u Ogulinu 1892. godine rodila Mira Seifert, poslije poznata kao Mira VuËetiÊ, autorica Zlatne knjige kuharstva, koja je odgojila i oplemenila mnoge hrvatske kuÊanice. Osim πto ih je u knjizi uvodila u tajne kuhanja, autorica ih je podsjeÊala i na obvezu ureivanja stola i πarmantnog primanja i zabavljanja gostiju. I kao πto meu jelima treba planirati predah kao meuslijed za razgovor uzvanika, tako i Ogulin treba posjetiti i uzeti si dovoljno vremena za okrepu i kreaciju novih doæivljaja i kasnijih uspomena. ■


very era has its customs, its greats and the different ways of governance. There was a time when aristocrats made an everlasting mark on the area they ruled, and their right to rule was based on their family ties and the possessions they inherited. The more powerful and resourceful ones made decisions that had a bearing on the destiny of an entire nation. At that time, the family name and honour signified what a political position and financial standing, i.e. money, signify today. One of the most famous and distinguished Croatian noblemen at the time of Turkish inva-

Maraschino since 1768.



A speciaal sort, rt, Pruunuss Ceraaasus s Maras asca succeeds exclusively at Croatiaan Coast. On the entire Wo Worl r d, itt is onl nlyy th this part of Mediterranean that ach hieves cherry fruuit of highesst arromatic and nutritional quality. ch SSuch qua uali lity t off th the fruit is pre rese s rved in ann anc n ient recipe of making a unique drink.. M raschino Ma no. Th Thee on o ly of its itts ki kind n . nd

zbog brzine i lake dostupnosti nepripremljeno otputimo u neki kraj pa onda mnogo toga propustimo. Ogulin je pun zanimljivosti za koje se svakako treba u duhu pripremiti i odvojiti za njih dovoljno vremena. Iako park kralja Tomislava tek naznaËuje negdaπnji klasicistiËki oblik, dobro je u njemu zastati i odmoriti se na nekoj od klupica. Tek se tada otvara duh i πarm maloga grada sa æupnom crkvom Uzviπenja sv. Kriæa iz 1781. godine, u kojoj je i krπtena Ivana BrliÊ MaæuraniÊ. U parku je i vrelo Cesarovac, spomenik klasicistiËkog oblika, sagraen 1882. godine nastojanjem generala Franje baruna FilipoviÊa, koji podsjeÊa na gradnju prvoga ogulinskog vodovoda. Okolica Ogulina izazov je za sportske ribiËe i nudi brojne moguÊnosti za rekreativce, plivaËe, daskaπe, πetaËe, bicikliste i veslaËke regate, a iscrpna ponuda nalazi se na stranicama TuristiËke zajednice grada: BuduÊi da je Ogulin na poloæaju koji nije ni Lika ni Gorski kotar, u jelovniku povezuje obiljeæja oba kraja. Ljubitelji divljaËi u tom Êe kraju doÊi na svoje, a od namirnica najpoznatiji su ogulinsko kiselo zelje i repa. Od jela slavni su ogulinska masnica i moπnje, smisan kruh i kljukaËa. Ogulinska masnica dizano je tijesto punjeno nadjevom od prženog luka, jaja i skorupa. Smisan kruh domaÊi je ukusan i mirisav kruh naπih baka,








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sions was Bernardin Frankopan (1453-1529), a powerful and prominent aristocrat, warrior, diplomat and patron. He was the only son of Croatian Viceroy Stjepan III Frankopan of ModruĎ€ and his wife IĂŚota, nĂŠe d’Este, Princess of Ferrara. Since aristocracy maintained its power not only through military and political alliances but also through marriages, Bernardin married Duchess Luisa Marzano of Aragon in 1476 and beget nine children with her. He lived during Turkish invasions and participated in the Battle of Krbava Field on 9 September 1493. Most of the soldiers and nearly all the Croatian noblemen died there. Bernardin decided to withdraw towards the north where he started building new forts. The fortress of Ogulin, built shortly before the year 1500, occupied a prominent place among them. He moved the seat of his family from ModruĎ€ to Ozalj, so Bernardin’s successors all added the designation Ozaljski to their family name. Bernardin’s properties included the towns of TrĂŚan in ModruĎ€, Drivenik near Crikvenica, GriĂŚane in Vinodol, KaĎ€tel in Ogulin, Dubovac in Karlovac, Burg in Ozalj, Ribnik near Karlovac, and the fortiďŹ ed town of BihaĂŠ. It would be interesting to take a tour of Bernardin Frankopan’s estates and get a glimpse of his life; full of trials and tribulations and the historic events he witnessed. Many documents indicate that he was a well known patriot who knew how to love his people. This is not just an empty phrase, as conďŹ rmed by the legacy he left us and particularly his speeches delivered before European power wielders among whom he sought allies, for example Grimani, the Dodge of Venice. However, his most famous speech, Oratio pro Croatia, was written and delivered in Latin on 19 November 1522 in Nurnberg at

a session of the German parliament. In late May that year, the Pasha of Bosnia and Mostar conquered Knin and Skradin, and the only town which managed to defend itself was Klis. The Croatian lands needed help, so Bernardin Frankopan was dispatched to Nurnberg to seek support. He had the speech printed in a book which also contained an epistle to Pope Hadrian VI. Some historians believe that his diplomatic activities were the first attempt to, in such a dramatic way, draw the attention of Europeans to Croatia as the Bulwark of Christianity (lat. antemurale christianitatis). Bernardin Frankopan was an erudite who fostered a particular love for the Croatian language and the Glagolitic script. He commissioned the translation of the Bible into Croatian, and in 1486 he published the famous Urbar of Modruπ, a book of codices of legal and social norms. The document, originally written in the Glagolitic script, regulated the relationship between the feudal lords and serfs. Its importance lies in the host of agricultural and demographic data it provides. Unfortunately, his speeches were not very successful because Europeans were all at odds with each other, and so in the 16th century some of his estates became part of Krajina, the military border area which served as the defence of the lands in the Habsburg monar-

chy against the Turks. Therefore, as early as 1553, Ogulin became royal property, and only a few years later the seat of the 13th Captaincy within the new defence system. The citizens of Ogulin were excellent soldiers, as testified to by a charter issued on 3 March 1622 by which Christopher Frankopan exempted them from all obligations towards the Frankopan family. To celebrate their courage and valour, a historical military unit, the Frankopan Guards of Ogulin, was established on 30 May 2004 (, as homage to the founder of the city, Bernardin Frankopan, and the courageous predecessors who made sure that Ogulin was never conquered or subjugated. The Guards’ unit was first presented to the general public on 14 September 2004, the day of the city of Ogulin and the Parish of Saint Cross. Their uniforms, insignia and weapons were all modelled after those worn in the 18th and 19th centuries by the soldiers of the Ogulin Regiment in the military border region. After the soldiers moved out, Bernardin’s fortress was settled by the curators of the Regional Museum of Ogulin who still reside in it. The museum boasts archaeological and ethnographic collections, a room which marks the beginning of mountaineering and alpinism in Croatia (exactly 140 years ago), and a room

Ivanina rodna kuÊa Ivana’s birth house



of the memorabilia belonging to the famous writer Ivana BrliÊ MaæuraniÊ who was born in Ogulin on 18 April 1874. That same year, in May, she was christened Ivanna, Cornelia, Emilia and Henrietta. When she was born, her father, Vladimir MaæuraniÊ, a lexicographer, writer, attorney-at-law, historian and a member of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, had worked in Ogulin. Her grandfather was Ivan MaæuraniÊ, the first plebeian viceroy who left his mark not only in politics, but in linguistics and literature as well. Many know that he was the author of the epic poem The Death of Smail Aga »engiÊ, but only few people know that he also coined many new words in Croatian, such as the words for accountancy, rhinoceros, icecream, high treason, metropolis and market economy. Ivana BrliÊ MaæuraniÊ was a member of a great family and remained much attached to it, as confirmed by many letters. In preparation for a visit to Ogulin, or a follow-up to it, one would benefit from reading a very interesting and educational book by Sanja LovrenËiÊ: In Search of Ivana. The author undertook meticulous research of the archives and then portrayed the life of Ivana BrliÊ MaæuraniÊ and her era in an inspired and clever way. During her lifetime, Ivana BrliÊ MaæuraniÊ pursued three ideals: love for her homeland, love for kindred souls in need, and the pursuit of beauty, although she was aware of Baudelaire’s words that beauty is neither the ideal to pursue nor a thing to describe. That is how the good, the beautiful and truthful made it into her fairytales. Every Croatian child has read (not only) the children’s books The Brave Adventures of Lapitch and Croatian Tales of Long Ago. The former has seen 140 editions and has been translated into 23 languages, whereas the latter has won the author the title of the Croatian Andersen. The latter is also the reason why every June the Ogulin Fairytale Festival is held in Ivana BrliÊ MaæuraniÊ’s birth place and why the Muze ltd. creative workshop has erected Ivana’s House of Fairytales next to Bernardin’s fortress, with the support of the Tourist Association of Ogulin, regional and local self-government bodies and EU funds. The mission of Ivana’s House of Fairytales is to celebrate the work of Ivana BrliÊ MaæuraniÊ by presenting the world of her fairytales in a way that inspires creativity, knowledge and love of literature. The approach, therefore, is not a classical exhibition of information which follows a chronology and presents individual themes separately. Dragana Lucija RatkoviÊ, the project author, built the house in such a way that it inspires visitors’ creativity, imagination, and experiences with the help of new technologies, a web page and an online library. There is also a 84


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publishing activity and year-round educational programmes intended for children and adults. During the first five months after the opening on 13 December 2013, Ivana’s House of Fairytales was visited by 7,000 people, according to the CEO of the Ogulin Tourist Association, Ankica PuπkariÊ. Thus, heritage has become a generator of the creative industry which has turned a dormant town into an interesting tourist destination. But the prince who has awoken this sleeping beauty and given her a new lease of life is known as A1, the highway which connects Zagreb and Split. As a result, Ogulin, only two kilometres from the highway and about a 50 minute ride from Zagreb and Rijeka, has been rediscovered by the citizens of those two cities. New opportunities have inspired many to roll up their sleeves and make the most of the situation. For example, local businessmen Milan CeraniÊ and Milan RupËiÊ have rescued the Frankopan Hotel which was opened in 1878 (right next to Bernardin’s fortress). They renovated it and adapted it to the requirements of the modern-day visitor. The hotel offers a pleasant and warm atmosphere both in wintertime, when there is a lot of snow, as well as in summertime, when patrons can enjoy the beauty of countryside living. Nature is king in Ogulin! The names of its shining stars which lend a special stamp to the life of this little town are Klek and the Dobra River. Klek, looking like a sleeping giant which towers over the town, features in an old Slavic legend according to which there was once a god, Klek, who got on the wrong side of the supreme god Perun and had to flee. He faltered near Ogulin and turned to stone from fear. Klek is the north-eastern ridge of the Velika Kapela range. Its 200 metre high vertical rock is considered the cradle of the Croatian mountaineering and alpinism movement since the first Croatian mountaineering society was established in Ogulin in 1874. Klek is a botanical reserve gladly visited by nature lovers who learn about nature while strolling along the botanical trail. The other central natural attraction, in the very centre of the town, across the street from the Frankopan Hotel, is the amazing –ula’s Abyss. While flowing through the very centre of town, the Dobra River decides to twist its flow and hide in an abyss at the bottom of vertical cliffs. –ula’s Abyss continues on to become Medvednica Cave. Together, they constitute the longest speleological feature in Croatia, of which as much as 16,396 metres have been explored. The abyss was named after beautiful –ula or Zulejka who, according to legend, threw herself into it because of unhappy love. On the very top of the stony cliff above the abyss is a natural bas relief depicting a male

face. People say that this is Captain Milan looking for his beloved –ula. The legend originates from the 16th century and speaks about a girl, Zulejka, who was from a noble family and who refused to marry an elderly nobleman, while Milan was killed while defending a Frankopan fortress in Tounj. A great danger of the times we live in lies in the speed and the easy access to places we want to visit, which sometimes means that we go there unprepared and risk missing a lot of things which should not be missed. Ogulin is certainly one place for which we should prepare mentally and allocate enough time. Although King Tomislav’s Park offers mere glimpses of its former classicistic shape, it merits a visit, a short stroll and a rest on one of its benches. Only then can one grasp the spirit and charm of the small town with the Parish Church of the Extolling of Saint Cross, an edifice built in 1781 where Ivana BrliÊ MaæuraniÊ was baptised. The park also features the Fountain of Cesarovac, a classicistic monument built in 1882 at the initiative of Baron FilipoviÊ as a memorial to Ogulin’s first aqueduct. The environs of Ogulin are a challenge for anglers; there are also numerous possibilities for recreationalists, swimmers, surfers, gliders, cyclists and regatta rowers. The entire impressive offer can be found on the web pages of the Tourist Association of Ogulin at: Since Ogulin’s position is neither in Lika nor Gorski Kotar, its culinary offer is a blend of delicacies from both these regions. Game lovers will come into their own here, while the staples featuring heavily on the menus are sauerkraut and beets. Dishes typical of the region are masnica of Ogulin, moπnje (hemp cake), smisni bread and kljukuπa (a potato Rösti). Masnica of Ogulin is made of leavened dough filled with sautéed onions, eggs and cream. Smisni bread is tasty and fragrant bread that our grandmothers used to bake with five different types of grain: wheat, millet, corn, barley and rye. To end the story of food, the records which have been kept of traditional dishes remind us that Mira Seifert, later known as Mira VuËetiÊ, the author of the Golden Book of Cooking, was born in Ogulin in 1892. Many a Croatian housewife learned and perfected their skills with her help. Besides sharing the secrets of good cooking with her readers, the author also educated them about the art of entertaining, setting the dinner table and being a charming hostess for her guests. And just as pauses between dishes are welcome at a dinner table to allow guests time for a pleasant chat, a visit to Ogulin should also factor in enough time for refreshments and the creation of new experiences and subsequent memories. ■






Iako nije najveÊi na svijetu, New York je grad svih gradova, poslovni Babilon sa sjediπtima tvrtki iz cijeloga svijeta, kulturni i gurmanski centar, kozmopolitski div koji prima pridoπlice iz 180 zemalja, jedini grad u SAD u kojemu ne moæete sresti tipiËnog Amerikanca, golemi druπtveni eksperiment iz multikulturalnosti, gdje se govori 170 jezika. Grad superlativa gdje je ono najbolje, najsjajnije i najveÊe mjerilo svega. Although not the biggest in the world, New York is the city of all cities. It is the Babylon of business where companies from all over the globe have their headquarters. It is the centre of good food and culture; a cosmopolitan giant which receives new arrivals from 180 countries; the only city in the USA where you cannot see a typical American; a huge social experiment in multiculturalism whose citizens speak 170 different languages. It is a city of superlatives, where only the best, the most splendid and the biggest are the measure of all things. Piše/By Davorka Vukov ColiÊ Fotografije/Photos Damir FabijaniÊ




ew York je vjerojatno jedini grad u svijetu koji u zbilji izgleda bolje nego na razglednicama, izjavio je ameriËki redatelj Ëeπkoga podrijetla Miloπ Forman. Imao je pravo. Posjetivπi nedavno Manhattan, ostala sam ponovno bez daha, baπ kao i trideset godina prije kada sam u njemu neko vrijeme æivjela, prateÊi supruga na duænosti dopisnika nekadaπnje novinsko-izdavaËke kuÊe Vjesnik. Ni fotografije, ni opisi, niti viπe od tisuÊu holivudskih filmova snimljenih u New Yorku ne mogu vam doËarati grad superlativa, mjesta gdje je ono najbolje, najsjajnije i najveÊe mjerilo svega. Prije tri desetljeÊa Ëinilo mi se da ne moæe bolje, zanimljivije i viπe, a onda je s vrha Empire State Buildinga puknuo pogled na nacionalni park nebodera, tu praπumu novih arhitektonskih ljepotica, izraslih na mjestima gdje su donedavna stajale zapuπtene Ëetvrti skladiπta, jeftinih stambenih blokova, dokova i zaraslih parkova. Vertikalni grad s bezbroj bljeπtavih dragulja, kako neki opisuju noÊni skyline Manhattana, otiπao je u nove visine, ugladio se i promijenio do temelja, u fiziËkom i duhovnom smislu, brzinom koju najbolje opisuje glumica Bette Midler napomenuvπi: Kad je u New Yorku tri sata, u Londonu je 1938.! Sedamdesetih godina iskusni su vam savjetovali da sami ne lutate East Willageom, odlazak u Bronx bila je opasna pustolovina, Harlem zabranjeni grad besprizornih, no New York je danas jedan od gradova s najniæom stopom kriminala u SAD. Joπ donedavna na

Manhattanu su æivjeli izrazito bogati i izrazito siromaπni, celebritiji i beskuÊnici na nekoliko koraka udaljenosti, a sada su ga zauzeli oni koji mogu kupovati basnoslovno skupe stanove i plaÊati astronomske stanarine. ProlazeÊi Sedmom avenijom s niskom nabildanih nebodera u kojima su se ugnijezdila sjediπta bezbrojnih tvrtki sa svih strana svijeta, sreÊete poslovni Babilon, kojim æurno kruæe stotine tisuÊa poslovnjaka u posloviËno tamnim odijelima i kravatama, svih boja koæe, narodnosti i jezika. Rockefellerov centar, taj poslovni Stonehenge, kako ga zovu, izgleda bolje no ikada, obnovljeno predvorje zgrade Chryslera sjaji u mramoru, mesingu i kristalu. Nije Ëudno πto kao financijski, bankarski, trgovaËki, medijski, modni i kulturni centar s 500 galerija, 150 muzeja, viπe od 100 kazaliπta, brojnih robnih kuÊa i 17.000 restorana predstavlja devet posto ameriËkoga gospodarstva i da je kojim sluËajem dræava, imao bi πesnaesti najveÊi BDP u svijetu. To je kozmopolitski div koji prima pridoπlice iz 180 zemalja, jedini grad u Americi u kojemu ne moæete sresti tipiËnog Amerikanca, golemi druπtveni eksperiment iz multikulturalnosti gdje se govori 170 jezika, od arapskoga i bengalskoga, do mandarinskoga. Da je ovdje sve podreeno æivotu na radnome mjestu, pokazuje i nestanak mnogih supermarketa na Manhattanu i poplava delikatesnih trgovina koje nude nepregledan izbor gotove gurmanske hrane za take out po, za tamoπnje prilike, banalno niskim cijenama. U New Yorku kao da viπe nitko nema vremena za kuhanje. Velika Jabuka postala je tako joπ zaposlenija, prometnija, bogatija, bljeπtavija, osobito u blizini mjesta sruπenih tornjeva World Trade Centra, gdje je dovrπen One World Trade Center ili Tvrava slobode (Freedom Tower), kako popularno nazivaju sada najviπi neboder Manhattana, visok 1776 stopa (541 metar), simbolizirajuÊi povijesnu godinu u kojoj je donesena Deklaracije nezavisnosti. Na samome mjestu nekadaπnjih Blizanaca, pod Ëijim je ruπevinama kobnog 11. rujna 2001. ostalo gotovo tri tisuÊe graana i vatrogasaca, danas se nalazi memorijalni centar i muzej u sjeÊanje na najveÊu i æivu ranu grada. Ova tragedija trajno ga je obiljeæila, a NjujorËani su se navikli æivjeti s pojaËanim mjerama opreza. Na obnovljenoj Grand Central stanici redovito moæete viati grupe od tri-Ëetiri specijalca u vojnim uniformama u stalnim ophodima, a na javnim mjestima poput nekih muzeja, poslovnih zgrada, turistiËkih atrakcija, Ëak Nacionalne knjiænice, sigurnosne su mjere nerijetko sliËne onima u zraËnim lukama. U posljednjih tridesetak godina neke su Ëetvrti doæivjele temeljitu gentrifikaciju, pretvarajuÊi



radniËke, boemske i devastirane dijelove u oaze dobrostojeÊih yuppija. Nekadaπnji Hell’s Kitchen na zapadnoj strani Manhattana bila je zapuπtena radniËka kolonija s napuπtenim dokovima, skloniπte irskih doseljenika, krijumËarsko carstvo alkohola u vrijeme prohibicije i mjesto krvavih mafijaπkih obraËuna, a sada je izloæba suvremene arhitekture s cijenama stanova koje su na izmaku proπloga stoljeÊa odletjele u nebo, Ëim su u vrijeme gradonaËelnika Michaela Bloomberga iznikli prvi neboderi, ukljuËujuÊi medijski Hearst Tower u 56. ulici i Osmoj aveniji. Æivopisni boemski Greenwich Willage i SoHo s otkvaËenim galerijicama, eksperimentalnim off-off teatrima i divljim noÊnim æivotom, bio je inkubator novih ideja, stjeciπte zakaπnjelih hipija i umjetnika svih vrsta pristiglih iz Europe i drugih strana svijeta. − Æao mi je πto nisam roen u Greenwich Willageu i znam da je njegov zrak koji udiπem prljav, ali to je mjesto gdje se dogaaju odluËujuÊe stvari − govorio je svojedobno John Lennon, za kojeg je New York ipak bio koban. Zrak je danas Ëist, a Greenwich Willage uπminkano mjesto s mondenim robnim kuÊama i otmjenim restoranima, gdje stanuju provjerene holivudske zvijezde i etablirani umjetnici. Prije tridesetak godina Harlem je bio afroameriËki geto, carstvo droge i kriminala, zbjeg za beskuÊnike i nezaposlene koji su æivjeli na socijalnoj pomoÊi, a danas proæivljava drugu renesansu. Renesansu doæivljava i Hoboken, gradiÊ plavih ovratnika prekoputa rijeke Hudson u susjednom New Jerseyu. Jedno od glavnih njujorπkih prometnih Ëvoriπta, kojim dnevno proe 50.000 putnika, bilo je sastavni dio njujorπke luke, s jakom industrijom i radniËkim naseljima, sivim gostionicama i trgovinama u kojima se prodavala æiva perad, a njegov skyline sada izgleda kao preslika Manhattana s finim restoranima i luksuznim apartmanima. I Brooklyn, pa i Bronx malo-pomalo postaju elitni centri. »ini se da je najveÊu promjenu doæivio Times Square, taj poËetak i kraj poznate kazaliπne Ëetvrti Broadway, u kojoj se godiπnje od ulaznica ubere milijarda dolara. Zajedno sa zapadnom stranom 42. ulice sjeÊam ga se kao mjesta koje su pristojni NjujorËani, odlazeÊi na neku predstavu, zaobilazili u πirokom luku. Kazališta su bila okruæena trgovinama s plastiËnim kiËem i drugorazrednom tehniËkom robom koju bi naivni turisti plaÊali zlatom, pornokinima, go-go barovima, pornošopovima, prodavaËima droge, uπmrkanim zgubidanima, samodopadljivim transvestitima, pimpovima i jeftinim æenskim i muπkim prostitutkama. Bio je to svakodnevni prizor na pohabanim ploËnicima, gdje ste usred dana ostajali bez novËanika, mjeπavina 92


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w ww.a bis-croa tia .com visokih scenskih dosega i mraËnih strana grada. Poznati mjuzikli Evita i Chorus Line ubirali su slavu u susjedstvu beskuÊnika utaborenih uz ventilaciju podzemne æeljeznice da ih grije u hladnim zimskim noÊima. A onda su gradski oci i neki novi kapital obrnuli priËu, pretvorivπi trg u bljeπtavo mjesto na kojem uzbueno pulsira New York. Mjesto dobrih novih hotela, restorana, multipleks kina, vriπteÊih reklama, tzv. jumbotrona koji konkuriraju Las Vegasu, diskretne policije, pjeπaËke zone kojom se valja rijeka turista i NjujorËana iz drugih dijelova grada, koji vikendom dolaze na Manhattan u potrazi za zabavom. To je sjediπte prestiænih medijskih i izdavaËkih tvrtki, MTV-a, ABC-ja, izdavaËa Voguea i New Yorkera, korporacije Thomson Reuters, vrativπi se duhom na poËetak proπloga stoljeÊa kada se ovdje usidrila redakcija poznatog New York Timesa, prva kazališta i glazbene dvorane. Nekadaπnji simbol propadanja sada je nadmoÊni simbol uspjeha, zabave i novoga starog Broadwaya, komercijalnijeg no ikada, gdje je kazališna produkcija i pet puta skuplja od londonske. U Ëetrdeset kazališta, viπe od trideset kazališnih kuÊa off-Broadwaya i niz malih kazaliπta off-off-Broadwaya nudi se vrhunski doæivljaj, a subotom uveËer i sam Times Square postaje

teatar s rijekom onih koji jure na predstavu, love ulaznice po niæim cijenama u posljednjem trenutku ili se zabavljaju gledajuÊi s goleme tribine postavljene nasred trga taj opojni koπmar zgrada, propagandnih poruka, ljudi i policije na konjima. Srediπte poroka pretvorilo se u blistavi obiteljski korzo. Æivot se tako seli na zapadnu stranu, pa je nekada najelitniji dio Manhattana na IstoËnoj rijeci u okolini kompleksa Ujedinjenih naroda i u neposrednoj blizini bogataπkog Sutton Placea, gdje smo stanovali u 51. ulici izmeu Prve i Druge avenije, sada priliËno zapuπten s umornim proËeljima i zatvorenim lokalima. UnatoË tomu, posjetitelj u New Yorku ne zapaža posljedice recesije i pobune protiv Wall Streeta, ali moæete ih vidjeti u tridesetak kilometara udaljenome Montclairu u New Jerseyu, prebogatoj oazi vukova s Wall streeta, gdje Ëesto ispred raskoπnih vila utopljenih u njegovanoj travi i vodopadima cvijeÊa ugledate natpis na prodaju. Elegantna Madison i Peta avenija sada su joπ elegantnije i joπ krcatije prestiænim robnim kuÊama, a u gradu svih gradova, s trgovinama svih trgovina, nema πto nema, od svemirskih odijela iz doba SSSR-a, grËkih amfora iz 6. stoljeÊa prije Krista i ljudskih lubanja, do maioniËarske opreme, elektroniËkog rjeËnika

za rjeπavanje kriæaljki i osobne vage i stuba za ostarjele kuÊne ljubimce. Ako niste sigurni πto vam treba, a nemate vremena, preporuËuju vam usluge neke od agencija koje nude vodiËe specijalizirane za tzv. pametni shopping. New York tako na sve strane doæivljava novi uzlet i ne da se, πto osobito naglaπava na mjestu sruπenih Blizanaca, danaπnjemu Memorijalnom centru gdje posebno mjesto zauzima jedno bjelogoriËno stablo. Nazivaju ga Survivor Tree, drvo preæivljavanja ili drvo æivota. Pronaeno je na zgariπtu World Trade Centera dugo poπto su spasioci izgubili svaku nadu da Êe ispod hrpe zguævanog Ëelika i pepela naÊi nekoga ili neπto æivo. Bilo je u jadnom stanju, ali nakon duge njege prolistalo je i vraÊeno na staro mjesto. Godine 2010. iπËupalo ga je olujno nevrijeme, no ponovno je posaeno i opet preæivjelo. Preæivjelo je i uragan Irene godinu poslije. Dovoljno da za NjujorËane postane Ëudesan spomenik ponosa i ustrajnosti. Informacije: NYC & Company: ■


ccording to American director of Czech descent, Milosz Forman, New York is probably the only city which looks better in reality than on postcards. How right he was when he said that. When I recently visited Manhattan, it left me breathless, just like CROATIA AIRLINES


thirty years ago when I lived there with my husband who served as a correspondent in New York for the former Vjesnik publishing house. Neither photos nor descriptions, nor over a thousand Hollywood movies shot in New York can really conjure up the city of superlatives, where only the best, the most splendid and the biggest is the measure of all things. Three decades ago I believed things could not be better, more interesting or higher, and then, the top of the Empire State Building commanded a breathtaking view of the national park of high-rise buildings, the forest of new architectural beauties which have sprung up at places formerly occupied only by abandoned warehouses, cheap residential quarters, docks and overgrown parks. The vertical city with a myriad of splendid jewels, as some describe the night skyline of Manhattan, has risen to new heights. It has received a thorough makeover, both physical and spiritual, at a speed best described by actress Bette Midler who said: When it’s three o’clock in New York, it’s still 1938 in London! In the seventies, those in the know would advise you not to wander on your own through the East Village; a trip to the Bronx would have been tantamount to living dangerously; and Harlem was a forbidden city of the unbelievable. Today, New York is among the cities with the lowest crime rate in the USA. Until recently, Manhattan was a place where the extremely rich and extremely poor, celebrities and the homeless lived a few steps from each other. Now, it has been occupied by those who can afford the price of exorbitantly expensive apartments or astronomically high rents. As you stroll along Seventh Avenue lined with a string of high-rise buildings which house the headquarters of companies from all over the world, you will find yourself amidst the business Babylon. Hundreds of thousands of business people sporting dark power suits and ties, of all skin colours, ethnicities and speaking all sorts of languages move brusquely along it. Rockefeller Center, the business Stonehenge as it is lovingly dubbed, is looking better than ever; the Chrysler Building lobby has been revamped with the most splendid materials: marble, brass and crystal. It is not surprising that this financial, banking, trade, media, fashion and culture centre with over 500 galleries, 150 museums, over 100 theatres, numerous department stores and a staggering 17,000 restaurants accounts for nine per cent of the American economy. If it was perchance a state, its GDP would be the 16th highest in the world. It is a cosmopolitan giant which receives new arrivals from 180 countries; the only city in America where you cannot meet a typical 94


American; a huge social experiment in multiculturalism where 170 languages are spoken, including Arabic, Bengali and Mandarin Chinese. Business is king here, and everything is second to it. This is why many supermarkets have disappeared while Manhattan has been inundated with delicatessens selling an almost endless choice of ready-made, gourmet, take-out meals at ridiculously low prices, in Manhattan terms. Nobody seems to have time to cook in New York any more. And thus the Big Apple has become even busier, more congested, richer, and more splendid, especially around the former World Trade Center towers, where One World Trade Center has been completed. At 1776 feet (541 metres high), the building popularly known as the Freedom Tower is currently the highest skyscraper in Manhattan; symbolically it represents the historical year when the Declaration of Independence was signed. The place which was occupied by the former Twin Towers until fateful September 11, 2001, when nearly three thousand citizens and firemen were

Vratite se s godišnjeg odmora samo s lijepim uspomenama!

Take back home only lovely memories from your vacation!

Nemojte dopustiti da Vama ili Vašoj obitelji bilo što upropasti ljetovanje ili službeni put!

Don’t let anything ruin your business trip or the holidays for you and your family!

Nova sredina, nova jela i začini u kombinaciji s opuštenom atmosferom, veće količine hrane i alkoholnih pića nego li je uobičajeno, uz posljedični mamurluk i moguća trovanja hranom uslijed visokih temperatura mogu dovesti do vrlo neugodnih probavnih tegoba koje znaju trajati tjedan i više dana i uništiti Vam ljetovanje.

A new environment, a relaxed atmosphere, local dishes and spices, consumption of food and alcohol in quantities that are larger than usual, can result in hangovers and food poisoning, especially due to high temperatures, and lead to very unpleasant digestive problems that can last a week or more and ruin your holidays.

Putnički proljev najčešća je bolest putnika (i turista!) i počinje naglo, s jakim i čestim vodenastim stolicama te mogućom mučninom, povraćanjem, grčevima u trbuhu, nadutosti, povišenom tjelesnom temperaturom i malaksalošću. Rijetko je opasan, iako može trajati i do 7 dana te imati nezgodne komplikacije kod ljudi koji istovremeno pate od upalnih bolesti crijeva, dijabetesa, metaboličkih bolesti ili kod imunokompromitiranih osoba.

Traveler’s diarrhea is the most common illness affecting passengers and tourists. Usually TD begins abruptly, with severe and frequent watery stools and possible nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps, bloating, fever and malaise. Although TD usually resolves within 7 days, for those who are prone to or simultaneously suffer from other diseases, such as inflammatory bowel disease, diabetes, metabolic disorders or for immunocompromised individuals it can become much severe and last longer.

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A quick and effective solution is Enterosgel, a unique and innovative medicinal detox device that selectively binds bacteria, viruses, toxins, alcohol and other harmful substances, preventing them from doing any damage, and eliminates them from your body.

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Enterosgel selektivno veže na sebe štetne tvari i izbacuje ih prirodnim putem te u probavnom sustavu djeluje poput spužve koja naš organizam čisti iznutra.

Enterosgel selectively abs absorbs harmful substances s stance and eliminate eliminates them from your body. In the digestive dige system, E Enterosgel, like a sponge, ccleans your body bod from the inside.

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It is used to treat: - Diarrhea iarrhea caused by bact bacteria, viruses, toxins and other ot ther harmful substances substance - Fo Food ood and alcohol poisoning poison (hangover) - D Digestive disorders and flatulence associated w the change of types of food you eat with - Food allergies and other allergic reactions - Enterosgel can also be u used in addition to antibiotic therapy.

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buried under the rubble, is now a memorial centre and a museum which commemorates the biggest living wound that this city has sustained. This tragedy has left a deep and lasting mark on it and New Yorkers have learned to live with heightened security measures. Specialists in military uniforms patrolling in groups of three to four are a regular sight at the newly refurbished Grand Central Station, while security measures at public places such as some museums, office buildings, tourist attractions and even the National Library often equal those at airports. Over the past thirty years or so, some neighbourhoods have been thoroughly gentrified as the workers’, bohemian and derelict parts of the city have been transformed into the oases of well-to-do yuppies. The former Hell’s Kitchen in the western part of Manhattan was a neglected workers’ colony with abandoned dockyards, a refuge of Irish immigrants, an empire of bootleg alcohol production and sale during prohibition, and a place of notoriously bloody mafia showdowns. Now, it is a showcase of contemporary architecture where the prices of apartments skyrocketed towards the end of the last century, as soon as the first high-rise buildings were constructed during the administration of Mayor Michael Bloomberg, including the media headquarters Hearst Tower on 56th Street and Eight Avenue. The colourful bohemian Greenwich Village and SoHo with its quirky galleries, experimental off-off theatres and wild night life were an incubator of new ideas, a refuge of new-age hippies and artists of all kind who had arrived from Europe and everywhere else. I regret profoundly that... I was not born in Greenwich Village... there might be a lot of dirt in the air you breathe, but this is where it’s happening, John Lennon once said, not knowing that New York would be fateful for him. Today, the air is clean, and Greenwich Village is a manicured place with fashionable department stores and elegant restaurants, a dwelling place of Hollywood stars and established artists. Thirty years ago, Harlem was an African-American ghetto, a kingdom of drugs and crime, a refuge for the homeless and jobless who lived on wellfare, and now it has been given a new lease of life. The same is also true of Hoboken, a blue collar town across the Hudson River in neighbouring New Jersey. One of New York’s main traffic hubs, which services 50,000 passengers a day, was once an integral part of New York Harbor, with strong industry and workers’ quarters, gray insipid diners and shops where one could buy living poultry. Its skyline is now a mirror image of Manhattan, with fine restaurants and luxurious apartments. Both Brooklyn and the Bronx are slowly becoming elite centres. It seems Times Square has been the most affected by changes, the beginning and end of the famous Broadway theatre district, with annual revenues from ticket sales amounting to a billion dollars. Together with the west side of 42nd Street, I remember it as a place given a wide berth by decent theatre-going New Yorkers. The theatres were surrounded by shops which stocked plastic knick knacks and second rate technical goods sold at first rate prices to naive tourists, pornographic movie theatres, go-go bars, porn shops, drug dealers, time wasters high on drugs, attention seeking transvestites, pimps, and cheap female and male prostitutes. Those scenes could be seen daily on worn out pavements where you could lose your wallet in broad daylight; a combination of the loftiest theatre achievements, on the one hand, and the darker facets of the city, on the other. The famous musicals Evita and Chorus Line were receiving accolades only a stone’s throw from the homeless who would set up camps close to the ventilation pipes which blew hot air up from the subway so they could keep warm during cold winter nights.



And then the city administrators and some new capital turned the story around and transformed the square into a splendid place where New York pulsates with excitement. A place with good new hotels, restaurants, multiplex cinemas, screaming advertisements − the socalled jumbotrons − a respectable competition to Las Vegas, discrete police officers, a pedestrian zone where a river of tourists and New Yorkers from other parts of the city can be seen flowing at weekends as they descend upon Manhattan in pursuit of entertainment. This is the headquarters of some very important and prestigious media and publishing companies: MTV, ABC, the publishers of Vogue and The New Yorker, and the Thomson Reuters Corporation. They take us back in spirit to the beginning of last century when the editorial offices of the once famous New York Times were anchored here together with the first theatres and music halls. The former symbol of decadence and decay is the current powerful symbol of success, entertainment, a new old Broadway, more commercial than ever, with theatre productions costing five times more than in London. The forty theatres, over thirty off-Broadway theatre houses and a string of small theatres off-off Broadway offer the most exquisite experiences, while on Saturday evenings Times Square itself becomes a theatre in its own right, with a river of those who are running to catch the beginning of their show, or trying to buy lower-priced tickets at the last moment, or simply be amused by watching the huge stands erected in the middle of the square, the imbibing chaos of buildings, commercials, people and police on horseback. The centre of debauchery and sin has become a splendid family promenade. Thus, life is moving to the western side, and what was the most elite part of Manhattan on the East River, close to the United Nations complex of buildings and immediately adjacent to the well-to-do Sutton Place where we used to live, on 51st Street between First and Second avenues, is now rather neglected, with a lot of tired facades and closed shops. Despite that, visitors coming to New York will be hard pressed to spot the consequences of the recession or the protest against Wall Street. However, the give-away signs can be seen only some thirty kilometres further away in Montclair in New Jersey, the super rich oasis of the Wolfs of Wall Street where most of the sumptuous villas immersed in manicured lawns and cascades of greenery and flowers have for sale signs in front of them. The always elegant Madison and Fifth avenues are even more elegant and more packed with prestigious department stores, and there is absolutely nothing one cannot find in this city of all cities and in its stores of all stores, from spaceship suits from the time of the Soviet Union, to Greek amphoras dating back to the 6th century B.C. and human skulls, to illusionists’ equipment, an electronic crossword puzzle dictionary, personal scales and an escalator for your aging pet. If you are not sure what you need, and you are hard-pressed for time to find it, you can seek assistance from an agency specializing in so called smart shopping. Everywhere you look, New York is experiencing new surges and it never gives up, as can be seen in the place of the former Twin Towers, the present-day Memorial Centre where a deciduous tree occupies a special place. They call it the Survivor Tree. It was found at the site of the fire at the World Trade Center long after recovery workers expected to find anything alive under the heap of crushed iron and rubble. It was a sorry sight, but after a lot of tender loving care, it had new growth. In 2010, the tree was uprooted during a storm. It was replanted at its original place and survived once again when hurricane Irene hit New York a year later. This was enough to become a miraculous symbol of pride and perseverance for New Yorkers. For more information: NYC & Company: ■




Hrvatska pruæa mnogo zadovoljstva posjetiocima. Stari kameni gradovi, oËuvana obala i slapovi PlitviËkih jezera poznati su πirom planeta. No, Hrvatska se ponosi oËuvanom i raznolikom prirodom, od moËvara KopaËkog rita do planinskih πuma i livada na Velebitu. Svuda na tim staniπtima nalazimo ptice, a one su magnet za mnoge ljubitelje prirode − promatraËe ptica (birdere ili birdwatchere). Visitors can look forward to a host of pleasant experiences in Croatia. Villages made of local stone, the pristine coastline and the waterfalls at Plitvice Lakes are famous world over. Croatia is proud of its preserved and diverse nature - from the marshy lands of KopaËki Rit to the mountain forests and meadows on Mt. Velebit. Birds can be found in all of these habitats, and they draw nature lovers − birders or birdwatchers, like a magnet.

Tekst i fotografije/Text and Photos Goran Šafarek


romatranje ptica u svijetu je razvijen oblik turizma. Samo u Velikoj Britaniji ima više od milijun registriranih promatraËa ptica. Tradiciju imaju i Nijemci, Nizozemci i ostali Europljani, ali i Amerikanci. Neki od njih prelaze cijele oceane i kontinente da bi vidjeli neku rijetku vrstu papige u Amazoni ili kljunoroπca na Borneu. U Europi postoji nekoliko izvrsnih lokacija za promatranje ptica. To su najËeπÊe velika moËvarna podruËja ili uska grla u migracijskim putovima. Poznat je Gibraltar kao nezaobilazna postaja u migraciji milijuna ptica, Doñana u ©panjolskoj te Camargue u Francuskoj, Eilat u Izraelu, da spomenemo one najbliæe. Hrvatska je takoer zanimljiv detalj u ptiËarskome mozaiku. PromatraËi ptica nisu samo ljudi koji Ëesto

borave u prirodi nego vrlo Ëesto i menadæeri, bankari, intelektualci koji se opuπtaju u prirodi. I joπ je znaËajnije što su ptice najatraktivnije za promatranje u proljeÊe, jesen i zimu, dakle za vrijeme turistiËkog zatiπja, pa bi u Hrvatskoj trebalo razvijati promatranje ptice. Za razliku od lova, jednu æivotinju mogu vidjeti stotine turista. A Hrvatska ima potencijala. U Hrvatskoj je nabrojeno gotovo 400 vrsta ptica, od kojih se gnijezdi njih 230. Tako je Hrvatska u europskom vrhu po raznolikosti ptica. Osim broja vrsta, zbog oËuvanih staniπta (staniπte=habitat) kod nas se mogu vidjeti neke rijetke vrste. Brgljezu kamenjaru, crnoglavoj strnadici i voljiÊu maslinaru hrvatska je obala zapadni dio rasprostranjenosti i nema ih u ostatku Europe, iz koje dolazi veÊina promatraËa

ptica. Hrvatski adut u ponudi su u prvom redu mediteranske, poput modrokosa, kamenjara, brgljeza kamenjara, orla zmijara, mrke sjenice, jarebice kamenjarke… Hrvatskim birdwatcherima zanimljive su neke vrlo rijetke vrste poput male Ëigre, zbog oËuvanog staniπta na dravskim πljunËanim sprudovima (gravel bars). Takoer, vlastelica gnijezdi se samo na nekoliko lokacija poput ninske solane. Gdje promatrati ptice u Hrvatskoj? Najlakπe je promatrati ptice ondje gdje se one masovno skupljaju. To su Ëesto moËvare (wetlands) i ostale vodene povrπine. Tu se najbolje vide patke, Ëaplje, guske i ostale ptice moËvarice. Najlakπe je promatrati ptice u nekome od zaπtiÊenih podruËja kao πto su



parkovi prirode, posebni rezervati… Ondje nema lova pa se ptice ne boje toliko ljudi. Kod nas su to poplavna podruËja (floodplains) Lonjsko polje i KopaËki rit, koji ionako veÊ imaju izgraenu infrastrukturu, kako za promatranje ptica, tako i za prijevoz, smjeπtaj i prehranu. Vransko jezero u Dalmaciji blizu je mora pa turisti mogu s plaæe brzo doÊi do trske i promatrati rijetke male vrance i male bijele Ëaplje. I suprotno, promatraËi ptica mogu skoËiti na plaæu, kad je aktivnost ptica najmanja, u podne. Vrlo su zanimljivi i ribnjaci (fi shponds). Na bjelovarskim i pokupskim ribnjacima, osim proizvodnje ribe mogu se vidjeti i jata ptica moËvarica. Crna mlaka potkraj Zagreba jest i Ramsarsko podruËje − moËvara (wetland) svjetski važna, a samo je pol sata udaljena od Zagreba. Delta Neretve takoer je Ramsarsko podruËje (kao joπ i Lonjsko polje i KopaËki rit). To je izvanredno moËvarno staniπte gdje bi promatranje ptica bio joπ jedan vaæan resurs uz proizvodnju lubenica, mandarina i ostalih kultura te, dakako, klasiËni turizam sunce-more. Sve su poznatija i niska, muljevito-moËvarna podruËja sjeverozapadne Dalmacije, prije svega u Zadarskoj æupaniji. Na morskim æalovima vide se Êurlini (waders), ptice koje gacaju po plitkoj vodi, mulju i pijesku. DugaËke noge i kljunovi omoguÊuju im hodanje i hranjenje po tome mulju i pijesku. U skupinu Êurlina pripadaju vlastelice, prutke, oπtrigari, pozviædaËi, æalari... Najljepπa mjesta za to su Uvale PlemiÊ i LjubaË, Veliko i Malo blato te Kolansko blato na Pagu. Na Pagu imamo i ureene osmatraËnice te staze, a na informativnim ploËama turisti se mogu informirati o vrijednostima faune ptica. SliËne su i solane koje su zadræale osnovna prirodna obilježja − plitke i muljevite vodene povrπine. Jedno od najljepπih gnjezdiπta morskog kulika i vlastelice jest Ninska solana sa svojim prirodnim taloænicama. Ondje, osim tih vrlo rijetkih ptica, može se vidjeti i proizvodnja morske soli. Neke ptice ne vole druπtvo pa ih trebati posebno traæiti. Tetrijeb æivi, primjerice, u velebitskim πumama i na livadama i treba prijeÊi mnogo kilometara da ga se nae. Na oËuvanim dravskim sprudovima gnijezde se Ëigre, kulici i ostale rijeËne ptice. Na puËinskim otocima poput Lastova i Visa gnijezde se i obitavaju eleonorin sokol i sredozemni galeb, a neke od tih ptica poput kaukala i gregule Ëesto se vide s brodova kako lebde iznad mora. Ornitoloπki kampovi mjesta su znanstvenog istraæivanja ptica. Podiæu se ornitoloπke mreæe s pomoÊu kojih znanstvenici hvataju ptice, prstenuju i neozlijeene hvataju. To je 108


prigoda izbliza vidjeti neke od ptica koje se u prirodi rijetko vide. Takvih kampova ima na, primjerice, UËki i Vranskom jezeru. Takoer, pogodni su centri za prihvat ptica. Ekocentar Caput Insulae − Beli na Cresu veÊ je sada poznat po bjeloglavim supovima. U Hrvatskoj je za takav oblik turizma specijalizirano nekoliko agencija, a veliku ulogu, i kao vodiËi i suradnici imaju i struËni ornitolozi, primjerice iz Udruge BIOM (BirdLIfe u Hrvatskoj). Kako promatrati ptice? Ptice se mogu promatrati u sva godiπnja doba. U proljeÊe i jesen na stotine tisuÊa ptica leti sa sjevera na jug i obratno. Zimi se mogu vidjeti zimovalice. Kasno proljeÊe doba je gnijeæenja i podizanja mladunaca. U toplo doba godine najbolje je vrijeme rano jutro i kasno poslijepodne i veËer. Ptice su tada najaktivnije, a i promatraËima nije vruÊe. Jedini je problem πto moraju vrlo rano ustati, ali isplati se! Promatrati ptice nije lako jer ptice su Ëesto plaπljive, a i male su. Treba im se stoga dobro pribliæiti. NajËeπÊe se koriste kuÊice za promatranje ptica, u kojima se Ëovjek moæe sakriti, a opet ima dovoljno mjesta za viπesatni boravak. Graevina je najËeπÊe poviπena, ali dovoljno prikrivena u okoliπu tako da je se ptice ne boje, a s vremenom se i naviknu na njih. ObiËno valja nabaviti terensku odjeÊu u sluËaju kiπe, vruÊine, komaraca ili drugih neugodnosti iz prirode. Negdje se ptice previπe ne boje ljudi pa kuÊica nije potrebna. Svakako, valja se dobro ponaπati uz ptice − ne galamiti, uniπtavati okoliπ, bacati smeÊe ili Ëak dirati gnijezdo ako je nadohvat ruke. Ptice je Ëesto teπko vidjeti golim okom pa su potrebna optiËka pomagala. Mnogi imaju dalekozor koji sitne toËkice pretvara u prepoznatljive objekte. PromatraËi ptica ËeπÊe gledaju u duguljaste durbine s joπ veÊim poveÊanjima od dalekozora. NemoguÊe je imati mirnu sliku na tako velikim poveÊanjima pa se durbini priËvrπÊuju na stative. Mnogi promatraËi ptice prepoznaju uz pomoÊ knjiga za raspoznavanje vrsta. Neki snimaju pjev ptica. Sve je popularnije i fotografiranje ptica, a za to su potrebni veliki teleobjektivi. Oprema je teπka pa se fotografira ptica iz stalnih ili privremenih zaklona. To su Ëesto veÊ postojeÊe osmatraËnice, ali i maπtovito maskirani zakloni. Dobro izvedene osmatraËnice nalaze se na otoku Pagu (blata), Vranskom jezeru, Lonjskom polju… ■


irdwatching is a popular type of tourist activity around the world. In Great Britain alone, there are over Showroom Zagreb, Radnička cesta 1A, Croatia +385 (1) 6055 570; +385 (0)99 844 2232 a million registered birdwatchers. The tradition also exists in Germany, the Netherlands and other European countries, as well as in America. Some people will cross the oceans and continents to see a rare species of parrot in the Amazon or a hornbill in Borneo. There are several excellent birdwatching locations in Europe. By and large, these are marshy areas or along the bird migration bottlenecks. Gibraltar is an important stopover site for millions of migrating birds. Other popular birding destinations are Doñana in Spain, Camargue in France and Eilat in Israel, to mention but a few of the closer ones. Croatia is also an interesting detail in the mosaic of birdwatching. Not only do birdwatchers spend a lot of time outdoors, but they often come from the ranks of managers, bankers and intellectuals who resort to nature for relaxation. More importantly, birding is an activity which takes place in spring, autumn and winter, during the tourist lull. Therefore, the message is clear: birdwatching needs to be developed in Croatia. As opposed to hunting, one animal can be observed by hundreds of tourists. And with nearly 400 recorded bird species, of which 230 are nesting birds, when it comes to bird variety, Croatia certainly has potential on a par with the top European birding destinations. Apart from strength in numbers, some very rare species indeed can be seen here due to the well preserved habitats. The Croatian littoral is the westernmost habitat of the Cirl Bunting, the Black-headed Bunting and the Olive-tree Warbler, which cannot be seen in the rest of Europe, the origin of

most birdwatchers. Croatia’s selling points are primarily Mediterranean species, such as the Blue Rock Trush, the Common Rock Trush, the Western Rock Nuthatch, the Short Toed Snake Eagle, the Sombre Tit, the Rock Partridge… Croatian birdwatchers are also interested in some very rare species, such as the Little Tern which live in the well preserved habitats on the gravel bars along the Drava River. Also, the Black-winged Stilt nests in very few locations, one of which is the Nin salt pans. Where does one go to watch birds in Croatia? The easiest places to watch birds are where they flock in large numbers. Most predictably, these are wetlands and other water surfaces. These are the best places to observe ducks, herons, geese and other wetland birds. The easiest way to go about birdwatching is to visit some of the protected areas, such as the nature parks and special reserves. These places are off limits to hunters so birds are not so afraid of people there. In Croatia, the floodplains of Lonjsko Polje and KopaËki Rit already have the necessary infrastructure for birdwatching, transportation, board and lodging. Vransko Lake in Dalmatia is close to the sea so tourists can make it from the beach to the reed in no time and observe the very rare Pygmy Cormorant and the Great Egret. The opposite is also possible: birdwatchers can hop to the beach when the birds are least active: at noon! Fishponds are also interesting. In the fishponds around Bjelovar and along the Kupa River, besides

the production of fish, you can observe flocks of marshy birds. Crna Mlaka near Zagreb, a Ramsar wetland of international importance, is only a half hour drive from Zagreb. The Neretva River Delta is another Ramsar wetland (just like Lonjsko Polje and KopaËki Rit). In this fantastic wetland habitat birdwatching would constitute another important resource to boost the already well developed growing of watermelons, tangerines and other produce, and obviously, be an added value to the classical sun and sea holiday. Increasingly better known are the low-lying marshy areas of northwestern Dalmatia, primarily in Zadar County. On the seashores









you can see waders, birds that waddle through the shallow water, mud and sand. Their long legs and beaks allow them to walk on and feed in the mud and sand. The group of waders comprises the Black-winged Stilt, the Common Sandpiper, the Eurasian Oystercatcher, the Whimbrel, the Common Ringed Plover… The most beautiful birding places are PlemiÊ and LjubaË bays, Veliko and Malo Blato and Kolansko Blato on Pag. There are well amended observation posts and trails on Pag, while information boards offer information about the value of the bird fauna. Similar places are the salt pans which have retained their basic natural characteristics − shallow and muddy water surfaces. One of the most beautiful nesting places for the Kentish Plover and the Black-winged Stilt is the salt pans in Nin with their natural mud layers. Besides watching rare birds, one can also see how sea salt is extracted there. Some birds shy away from company so one has to look for them. The Western Capercailliee lives in the forests and meadows of Velebit and one has to tread many kilometres to find it. The well preserved shoals along the Drava are the nesting places of terns, plovers and other wading birds. The offshore islands, such as Lastovo and Vis, are the nesting places and habitats of the Eleonora’s Falcon and the Yellowlegged Gull, and some of these birds, like the Cory’s Shearwater and the Mediterranean Shearwater, can often be seen floating above the water from ships. Ornithology camps are places where scientists study birds. Ornithological nets are erected to help scientists catch birds which are then caught unharmed and ringed. This is the opportunity to get close and personal with some of the birds which are rarely seen in nature. Such camps exist, for example, on UËka and at Vransko Lake. Conducive to birdwatching and studying are also bird reception centres. The Caput Insulae − Beli Centre on Cres is already famous for the Griffon Vulture. Several tourist agencies in Croatia specialize in this type of tourism, and professional ornithologists play important roles as guides and associates. Many of them are members of the BIOM (Bird Life in Croatia) Association. CROATIA AIRLINES


How to watch birds? Birds can be watched in any season. In spring and autumn, hundreds of thousands fl y from north to south and vice versa. In winter, one can observe nesting birds. Late spring is the time when birds nest and raise their young. During the warm part of the year, the best time to watch them is early morning and late afternoon and evening. That is when the birds are the most active and it is not too hot for the birdwatchers. The only problem is that they have to get up early, but it pays! Watching birds is not easy because birds are often timid, and they are small. Therefore, one has to get really close to them. Birdwatching huts are convenient as one can hide in them, and yet they provide enough room for a longer stay. The structure is usually elevated and also quite well camoufl aged so birds are not scared and with time they get used to them. One has to be equipped with outdoor clothing in case of rain, heat, mosquitoes or other adverse elements. In some places birds are not too scared of people, so birdwatching huts are 114


not necessary. In any case, one must know how to behave around birds − one must not shout, spoil nature, litter or even touch a nest if it is within reach. Birds are not easy to spot with the naked eye, which is why optical devices are needed. Many birders have binoculars which transform the tiny dots into recognizable objects. Birdwatchers often use bird spotting scopes with even greater magnification than binoculars. It is impossible to obtain a still image with such large magnifications so bird spotting scopes are mounted on tripods. Many birders recognize birds with the help of specialized books. Some of them record the birds’ singing. Ever more popular is taking photos of birds, but for that one needs telephoto lenses which produce high magnification. The equipment is heavy so birds are photographed from permanent or temporary shelters. These may be the already existing observation posts, but they can also be imaginatively camouflaged shelters. Good observation posts can be found on the Island of Pag (Blato), at Vransko Lake and Lonjsko Polje. ■



Cro-a-Porter, modna kuÊa Arileo




Piše/By Dubravka Prpić Znaor Fotografije/Photos Arhiva/Archive, Cro A Porter, Fashion Week

Hrvatska modna scena oæivi s toplijim danima, pa se na zagrebaËkim pistama predstavljaju najpoznatija modna imena tijekom, nakon toga ubrzo je Cro A Porter, a zatim Zagreb Fashion Week, koji traju po Ëetiri do pet dana. The Croatian fashion scene comes to life with the warmer days. Zagreb’s catwalks present the famous fashion designers, first at, soon after at Cro A Porter, and then at Zagreb Fashion Week. Each of the events are held for four to five days.


izajneri nude uglavnom æenske, te neπto manje muπke kolekcije. Lokacije su obiËno velike hale, poput ZagrebaËkog velesajma, i od ove godine filmski studio Jadran, koje su se pokazale kao dobra i prostrana mjesta gdje stane mnogo gostiju, kao i iza pozornice, gdje se, iz dana u dan, izmjenjuju ne samo dizajneri i njihova nova roba, nego i brojni modeli, vizaæisti, stilisti, frizeri, garderobijeri... Sve to zaËinjeno je medijima koji ne samo na pisti, nego i u backstageu prate pripreme te biljeæe napredak i razvoj modnih autora. Neki se autori predstavljaju iz sezone u sezonu, no uvijek su tu i imena koja na modne revije dovode uvijek dobrodoπlu novu energiju i svjeæu krv. Velik dio hrvatskih dizajnera koji se predstavljaju na danima mode posjeduje i vlastita prodajna mjesta, ili njihov rad pak nude neke concept prodavaonice u Zagrebu i drugim gradovima. Okvirno gledano, ponuda se

moæe razvrstati u nekoliko kategorija: jedni nude veËernje haljine, drugi vole minimalistiËki pristup i konceptualno odijevanje temeljeno na crnoj i bijeloj, a treÊi stvaraju raskoπne, gotovo teatralne kreacije idealne za nastupe, i svi oni kod nas imaju svoju vjernu publiku. ©to se tiËe muπke ponude, tu su uglavnom urbani stilovi koji kombiniraju streestyle, kao i army trendove, uvijek moderne za jaËi spol, ali i klasiËna odijela za poslovnjake. BuduÊi da se hrvatski dizajneri predstavljaju dvaput godiπnje, za one koji imaju trgovine to je izvrsna prilika da se malo i o njima piπe i Ëita, te se oni obiËno oslanjaju na ulogu medija u svemu tome, a tu su i poznate osobe kao zaËin svakoga modnog spektakla. No, ipak, ovdje je moda u prvom planu, tu su imena poput Jurja Zigmana (CAP), Tea PeriÊa za Mak, Borisa Pavlina (CAP), Ksenije VrbaniÊ (CAP), Madam Demode (Cap), Aleksandre DojËinoviÊ (FHR), Roberta Severa i Branka

BasletiÊa (FHR), Envy Rooma (FHR), Ivice KlariÊa (FHR), Branke Donassy (FHR), Envy Rooma (FHR), Borisa BanoviÊa (FHR), Neba (CAP), Ivice Skoke (FHR), Anamarije Ricov (FHR), Martine Felje (FHR), Krie Design (FHR), Jet Lag (CAP), Etne Maar (CAP), Linee Exclusive (CAP), Spirit by T.B. (CAP) i joπ nekolicine, obiËno onih Ëije su revije najposjeÊenije, i upravo su ti autori meu najpoznatijima na naπoj sceni. Novija imena poput brenda Coded Edge (FHR), zatim autorice Marije KuluπiÊ (FHR), Manuela Maligeca (CAP), Sonje Lamut (CAP), Vedrane Mastele (CAP), Twins (CAP), Marija VijaËkiÊa (CAP), Even East (CAP)... donose nove stilove na naπu scenu, vuku je naprijed i prezentiraju mlade modne snage. Iako je recesija, kao i sve, pogodila i naπe dizajnere, ipak se u posljednje vrijeme sve viπe na naπim ulicama nosi i njihova roba, a upravo ovakve modne revije osvjeπÊuju CROATIA AIRLINES


Modna kuĂŠa Ledenko, Cro-a-Porter



Ivan Man, Cro-a-Porter

Fashion Week Zagreb, Kralj i Krajina, Robert Sever



Boris Pavlin, Cro-a-Porter



javnost o njihovu radu. Hrvatska modna scena ima joπ i Zagreb Fashion Week, no njihova jaËa strana strani su dizajneri koji dolaze iz drugih zemalja. ObiËno ga posjeÊuju ne samo naπi, nego i strani gosti koji se tih dana nau u Zagrebu, upravo radi raznolike i kombinirane ponude naπih i stranih imena. NajveÊi su pljesak na ovosezonskom Fashion Weeku Zagreb dobili dizajneri Sara LonËariÊ, Kralj i Krajina, Zjena GlamoËanin, Ivana PopoviÊ i Iva KaraËiÊ. I dok je Ivana PopoviÊ veÊ dugi niz godina prisutna na hrvatskoj

Madame Demode, Cro-a-Porter

modnoj sceni, sa svojim ruËno oslikanim konceptualnim haljinama (autorica je akademska kiparica po struci) mlae autorice Sara LonËariÊ i Zjena GlamoËanin istaknule su se izgraenom formulom za stil: Sara njeguje jednostavnost i sklad, a Zjena kombinira etno sa svih strana svijeta, od naše Posavine do Afrike i Rusije. Samo jedan pogled na hrvatsku modnu scenu dovoljan je da se zapazi raznolikost dizajnera i modnih potpisa - od klasiËnoga prêt-à-portera do tehnika koje oponaπaju haute couture. ■


he designers mainly present their women’s collections and to a smaller extent their collections for men. The locations are usually large halls, such as at Zagreb Fair, and for the first time this year, at the Jadran Film Studio. These have proven to be appropriate because they are large and can host many guests and provide a roomy backstage where an army of designers and their products, but also numerous models, visagists, hairdressers, stylists and other staff can prepare for the shows. The shows are

Mario VijaËkiÊ, Cro-a-Porter



followed by media representatives who follow not only the events on the catwalk but also the preparations backstage and monitor the development and progress of the fashion designers. Some authors present every season, but there are also new names which bring a very much welcomed new energy and fresh blood to the fashion shows. Many of the Croatian designers who participate in the Zagreb Fashion Days have their own shops, or their products are offered in certain concept shops in Zagreb and other towns. Generally speaking, the offers can be grouped into a few categories: some designers offer evening wear, other prefer a minimalistic approach and conceptual designs based on black and white, while the third group of designers create luxurious, almost theatre-like garments which are ideal for public performances, and they all have their faithful followers. As for men’s fashion, the collections are mainly characterised by urban street styles and army trends, which are always popular with the stronger gender, but also classic suits for businessmen. Since Croatian fashion designers present to audiences twice a year, these are excellent opportunities for shop-owners to get some media coverage and they quite rely on their role. Also, the fashion shows attract many celebrities as part of every fashion spectacle. However, the fashion designs are the heart of these events, and the names such as Juraj Zigman (CAP), Teo PeriÊ for Mak, Boris Pavlin (CAP), Ksenija VrbaniÊ (CAP), Madam Demode (CAP), Aleksandra DojËinoviÊ (FHR), Robert Sever and Branko BasletiÊ (FHR), Envy Room (FHR), Ivica KlariÊ (FHR), Branka Donassy (FHR), Boris BanoviÊ (FHR), Nebo (CAP), Ivica Skoko (FHR), Anamarie Ricov (FHR), Martina Felja (FHR), Krie Design (FHR), Jet Lag (CAP), Etna Maar (CAP), Linea Exclusive (CAP), Spirit by T.B. (CAP) and others are among the most famous designers on the Croatian fashion scene and attract the largest number of visitors. Certain newer names, such as the brand Coded Edge (FHR), the designers Marija KuluπiÊ (FHR), Manuel Maligeca (CAP), Sonja Lamut (CAP), Vedrana Mastela (CAP), Twins (CAP), Mario VijaËkiÊ (CAP), Even East (CAP), etc., bring new styles to the Croatian scene, push it forward and represent the new young players. Although the recession has severely hit Croatian designers, like everybody else, we can notice that their designs can recently be seen on the street more often than before. Fashion shows such as these raise public awareness of their works. Another important event on the Croatian fashion scene is Zagreb Fashion Week, but its strength lies in the foreign designers coming from other countries. This event is often visited not only by the locals but also by foreign guests who are attracted to Zagreb by a variety of both Croatian and foreign names in the world of fashion. At this season’s Fashion Week Zagreb, the designers Sara LonËariÊ, Kralj i Krajina, Zjena GlamoËanin, Ivana PopoviÊ and Iva KaraËiÊ received the greatest round of applause. Ivana PopoviÊ has been present on the Croatian fashion scene for many years with her hand-painted conceptual dresses (the author is an academic painter by profession), while the young authors Sara LonËariÊ and Zjena GlamoËanin stood out because of their refined formula for style − Sara promotes simplicity and harmony, while Zjena combines ethno styles from around the world, from Croatian Posavina to Africa and Russia. Even a quick glimpse of the Croatian fashion scene is enough to notice the variety of designers and fashion signatures − from the classic prêt-a-porter to the techniques which resemble haute couture. ■



NAJBOLJE HRVATSKE MINERALNE VODE BEST CROATIAN MINERAL WATERS Jana - prirodna negazirana mineralna voda Prirodna mineralna voda Janaa nas asta t la je prije 7000 god odin i a i potječe iz 800 m dubokog izvora koji see nalazi u mjestu Sve veta Jana. Zahvaljujući dubini izvora, Jana je izuzetno no dobro zaštićena od bilo kakve vrste zagađenja.

Jamnica prirodna gazirana mineralna voda JJamn mnic icaa je bes ic e pr prij ijekorno čis i to osv svje ježa žava v ju uće pić i e pogodno za svakodnev dn e nu nu upo potrebu,, a posseb ebno no za ljljetni nih vr vruć u in uć inaa i pr p i pojačanom znojenjju. Osobito to je om omilje jena u gas astr tron onom om mij ijii i ugostiteljstvu. Krasi ju jjeed diins nstv tven enos ostt ok okusa, izb zbal alan ansi sira ran n sa sast s av a minerala te prirodna gaziranost no st.. Njenu N u kva vali lite tetu tu potvr ottvr vrđu đuju đu j bro ju rojn jnee do d maće i svjetske nagrade i priz pr izna nanj nja. a. Ja J mn mnic icaa je nos o it itel elji jica c znaka Hrvatska kvaliteta, a 2003. godi go diine n na sa s jm jmu u Aq Aqua ua Expo u Paarizu dobi do b la je pr pres esti tižn ž u na n grad a u Eauscaar za najb na jb bol olju ju gazir iran anu prirodnu mineraalnu vodu vo du.

Jamnica – carbonated natural mineral water Jamnica is a perfectly clean refreshing drink suitable for e eryday use, especially in ev summer heat and for increased perspiration. It is particularly favoured in the gastro and hospitality industries. It is characterized by a unique taste, balanced mineral contents and natural carbonation. Its quality is confirmed by a n mb nu m er of domestic and internat ational awards and certificate ca tes. Among others, Jamnica hass be ha been en aw warded the Croatian Quallit Qu ityy ma mark rk and won the prestigi ti giou o s EA ou EAUS U CA US CAR R aw award d as the best be st car arbo bo ona nate t d wa te wate terr at a the A uaa Exp Aq xpo o 20003 wat ater er fai air in i Pari Pa r s. s



Janina čistoća i svježina rezultat je prirodnogg pr p ocesa filtracije tij i ekom kojeg prolazi kroz debeli sloj mineralnih stij ijena te se prirod dno obogaćuje mineralima kao što su kalcij, magnezzij i silicij. Izbalan nsiran mineralni sastav daje Jani jedinstven okus svjjež ežine i lakoće kojii ju čini tako poželjnom za piće. Jana je hrvatska najpoznatija i u svijetu najpriznatija voda u boci što potvrđuju brojne svjetske nagrade i priznanja. Trenutno je u tijeku marketinška kampanja Jana „vodaa s porukom“ u okviru koje su na etiketama aplicirane poruke, a aktu ualni su citati svjetski poznatog pisca Paula Coelha. Potražite i vi poruku na bocama Jane!

Jan - non carbonated natural Jana mineral water m Natural mineral water Jana came to life ov N over 7000 years ago and freely flows from one of the deep pest wells in the world, located 2500 feet below the Earrth’s surface, in n the village of St. Jana. Due to the de depth of the welll, Jana is exceptionally well protect cted ed of any kind of contamination. Jana’s purity and freshness are the result of thee long natural process of filteringg through thick laayers of mineral rock and therefo ore Jana has been naturally enriched with mineraals ls, including calcium m, magnesium and silica. Th Thee exceptionally balanc nced mineral composition givees Jana the uniquelyy li light and fresh taste that at makes it so delightful to o drink. Jana iss Cr Croatia’s most awarded and a world renow wned bottled water, highlighted by a number of in nternational awards and certtifi ificcates. There is an on-go g in ng marketing camp pai aiggn Jana “wat with ter ith th thee message”” within ithi which hi h the messages are ap ppl plie ied d on the labels and curr rren entlyy topical are th the quotes of world-renowned d writer Pau ulo Coelho o. F nd your message on Jan Fi ana bottle!








Piše/By Dubravka Prpić Znaor Fotografije/Photos Arhiva festivala/Festival Archive

Posljednjih nekoliko godina Hrvatska se na glazbenoj karti svijeta postavila kao vaæno turistiËko odrediπte upravo za ljubitelje izvrsnih koncerata, pa se ljetni festivali niæu tijekom cijelog ljeta gotovo jedan za drugim. Ima ih viπe od dvadesetak, uglavnom na moru. In recent years Croatia has positioned itself on the music map of the world as an important tourist destination for fans of excellent concerts, so summer festivals are held almost one after another during the entire summer season! Croatia hosts around twenty music festivals, which are mostly held on the coast.


uristiËka sezona obogaÊena glazbom i dobrim tulumima izvrsna je poslastica za sve æeljne odmora za pamÊenje. ©to se tiËe vrste, festivali nude brojne bendove koji Êe zadovoljiti sve moguÊe ukuse, a osim elektroniËke glazbe, tu su i rock, pop, indie stilovi koji su se provjereno pokazali kao savrπena opcija za zabavu na otvorenom. Festivali se uglavnom održavaju na ZrÊu, u Tisnom, u Splitu, na Hvaru i BraËu, te u Puli, Rovinju...

INmusic, Jarun Zagreb



No, tu je i veÊ tradicionalni popularni INmusic koji veÊ devet godina oduπevljava ZagrepËane i njihove goste tijekom vruÊih lipanjskih dana, taman u poËetku ljeta... INmusic festival svrstao se meu najpopularnije europske festivale, a ove godine na Jarunsko jezero dolaze izvrsna imena kao πto su Black Keys, The Pixies, MGMT, Flogging Molly i mnogi drugi. Hvarani i njihovi gosti veÊ u drugoj polovici lipnja uæivat Êe u novom izdanju FOR festivala, gdje Êe, meu ostalima, nastupiti i Klaxons, Darkside, Factory Floor / Erol, Alkan, Tensnake, Bok Bok,Maurice Fulton, Kelela... Nedaleko od Hvara nalazi se BraË, na Ëijoj Êe se plaæi Acapulco u poËetku kolovoza zakuhati atmosfera, tijekom festivala Voi’sa: trodnevni spektakl otvara dvojac Mo’Horizons Soundsystem iz NjemaËke, koji Êe rasplesati ekipu live actom Ralfa i predivne Denis na vokalu. U svome Êe prepoznatljivom ritmu acid i nu−jazza, trip hopa i funka, zaËinjenih vruÊom dozom latin&bossa nove zakuhati atmosferu na plaæi. Osim toga, oËekuju se nastupi hrvatskog benda TBF, zatim su tu Eddy Ramich, Oli Dobolli, Acilectro (Pille, Lushi,

Feta), Banana Zvuk, Kid Va, Bocca Sofistifunk, Duda Dudes, Ivan ©kvorc live sax, Marinac Q Master, Ishfaq, Funkytrain, Daff, Sunshine M−J, Voi’Sa kolektiv te vizualne poslastice iz Studija Barande. Ipak, prvo glazbeno odredište u Hrvatskoj mnogima Êe biti ZrÊe, plaæa koja je prije desetak godina bila mjesto s jednim diskoklubom, a danas postala veoma posjeÊeno odredište s brojnim klubovima u kojima tulumi traju 24 sata − zabava je neprestano u ponudi. Hideout Festival na ZrÊu poËinje potkraj lipnja, a nudi Ëetvrto izdanje i autore plesne glazbe poput Loco Dicea, Modeselektora, Jamieja Jonesa, Penduluma, Chase & Statusa, koji su poznati i na Ibizi, te nastupaju u Berlinu, Amsterdamu i Londonu. Dan nakon πto zavrπi Hideout, poËinje Spring Break, na kojemu Êe okupljene zabavljati slavna imena kao πto su Ministry Of Sound, DJ Antoine i DJ Duo Diamonds. Fresh Island festival potkraj srpnja na ZrÊu nudi nastupe Method Mana i Redmana − a na njihovoj su se pozornici veÊ naπli autori poput Nas, Eve, Snoop Dogg aka Snoop Lion, A$AP Rocky, KRS One, Iggyja Azalea i mnogih. Kako je plaæa ZrÊe udaljena od naseljenih mjesta, svojom je ljepotom, uza πljunak i smjeπtaj u uvali, veÊ godinama idealna za koncerte na otvorenom. Tako nakon Fresh Island festivala okupljeni Êe moÊi uæivati u festivalu Loveweek, koji Êe zapravo ujediniti klubove Papaya, Aquarius i Loveboat. Program Êe ukljuËivati dvadesetak DJ−a, meu kojima su i Breakfastklub, Compact Grey, George Cooper, Florian Paetzold, Juliet Sikora, Marmat, Kosta Radman... Njihovi Êe se nastupi izmjenjivati jedan za drugim, kako zabava ne bi stala ni minute tijekom sedam dana... Nakon Loveweeka, ZrÊe ne staje sa zabavom, veÊ uskoro poËinje novi festival, Electrobeach Croatia. RijeË je o najveÊem francuskom festivalu elektroniËke glazbe koji dolazi na ovo podruËje, i to prvi put! Vrijeme − poËetak kolovoza, kad se na hrvatskoj obali oËekuje najviše turista. Nakon Electrobeacha poËinje Barrakud, traje punih pet dana, a oËekuju se performansi impozantnih imena kao πto su Sven Väth, Ellen Allien, Dubfire, Carl Lia, Art Departament, Adam Beyer... Samo dva dana nakon Barrakuda poËinje Sonus festival, na istome mjestu, te okuplja Ëak pedesetak techno DJ-eva. Jedan od najposjeÊenijih ljetnih hrvatskih festivala svakako Êe biti Ultra Europe u Splitu, koji Êe polovicom srpnja ugostiti slavna imena kao πto su David Guetta, Tiesto, Afrojack, Armin Van Buuren, Carl Cox, Hardwell... Prvi se put taj festival odræao proπle godine, a na koncerte, tijekom Ëetiri dana odræavanja, sja-

INmusic, Jarun Zagreb

INmusic, Jarun Zagreb

FOR festival, Hvar

INmusic Ultra Europe festival, Split

INmusic, Jarun Zagreb

Iggy & The Stooges, INmusic, Jarun Zagreb



tilo Ëak 100 000 ljubitelja glazbe iz 75 zemalja! Joπ jedno osobito glazbeno odredište u Hrvatskoj je prekrasno mjesto Tisno na Murteru, gdje Êe se izredati festivali The Garden, Electric Elephant, Suncebeat i Stop Making Sense. RijeË je o plesnim festivalima koji Êe jednu od najljepπih lokacija u Hrvatskoj pretvoriti u meku dobrih vibracija. ■

A Human Jukebox INmusic, Jarun Zagreb

James Blake, FOR festival, Hvar



tourist season enriched with music and exciting parties attracts all those who seek memorable vacations. As for the types of music, the festivals host numerous bands which will satisfy all types of preferences. In addition to electronic music, rock, pop and indie have proven to be ideal for open-air parties. The festivals are mostly held in ZrÊe, Tisno, Split, Pula, Rovinj, on the islands of Hvar and BraË, etc. The season starts in June with the traditional INmusic Festival. It has been held for nine years at the very beginning of the summer season, attracting people from Zagreb and their guests. The INmusic Festival has become one of the most popular European festivals, and this year it brings some great names to Jarun Lake, such as the Black Keys, The Pixies, MGMT, Flogging Molly and many other. In the second part of June, the people from Hvar and their guests will enjoy a new edition of the FOR Festival, which will host the Klaxons, Darkside, Factory Floor/Erol, Alkan, Tensnake, Bok Bok, Maurice Fulton, Kelela, to mention but a few. In the vicinity of Hvar, on the island of BraË, on Acapulco Beach, the atmosphere will heat up in the beginning of August during the Voi’Sa Festival. The three-day spectacle will be opened by the Mo’Horizons Soundsystem duo from Germany. Ralf’s live act and the beautiful Denis on vocals will make everybody dance. Their characteristic rhythm, combining acid and nu jazz, trip hop and funk, spiced with a hot pinch of latin and bossa nova will certainly heat up the atmosphere on the beach. Also, we expect performances by the Croatian bands TBF, Eddy Ramich, Oli Dobolli, Acilectro (Pille, Lushi, Feta), Banana Zvuk, Kid Va, Bocca Sofistifunk, Duda Dudes, Ivan ©kvorc live sax, Marinac Q Master, Ishfaq, Funkytrain, Daff, Sunshine M-J, Voi’Sa Kolektiv and visual attractions from Studio Baranda. However, for many visitors the number one Croatian music destination will be ZrÊe, the beach which had only one disco club ten years ago and today is an exceptionally popular destination with numerous clubs where one can party round the clock ∑ the entertainment never stops. The Hideout Festival on ZrÊe starts at the end of June. This year’s fourth edition will host the

authors of dance music such as Loco Dice, Modeselektor, Jamie Jones, Pendulum, Chase & Status, which are well known on Ibiza and perform in Berlin, Amsterdam and London. One day after Hideout, another event starts, Spring Break. Visitors will be entertained by some famous names such as Ministry of Sound, DJ Antoine and DJ Duo Diamonds. At the end of July, the Fresh Island Festival on ZrÊe offers performances by Method Man and Redman ∑ who are known for bringing musicians on stage such as Nas, Eve, Snoop Dogg aka Snoop Lion, A$AP Rocky, KRS One, Iggy Azalea and many others. The beach of ZrÊe is located far from the island villages, and with its position in the bay and the beautiful pebble beach it has been an ideal destination for open-air concerts for several years. Hence, after the Fresh Island Festival, visitors will be able to enjoy another festival, called Loveweek, which will unite the clubs Papaya, Aquarius and Loveboat. The program will comprise some twenty DJs, including Breakfastklub, Compact Grey, George Cooper, Florian Paetzold, Juliet Sikora, Marmat, Kosta Radman... Their performances will take place one after another so that the party never stops, not even for a minute, during the seven days of the festival. After Loveweek, the entertainment does not stop on ZrÊe, but continues with yet another festival, Electrobeach Croatia. This is the largest French festival of electronic music and it is coming to Croatia for the first time! It will be held at the beginning of August when the largest number of tourists is expected on the Croatian coast. After the Electrobeach Festival, the Barrakud five-day festival starts. The performances of certain impressive names are expected, such as Sven Väth, Ellen Allien, Dubfire, Carl Lia, Art Department and Adam Beyer. Only two days after Barrakud, the Sonus Festival starts at the same location and will gather as many as around fifty techno DJs! One of the most visited Croatian summer festivals will certainly be Ultra Europe in Split. In the middle of July this festival will host some famous names, such as David Guetta, Tiesto, Afrojack, Armin Van Buuren, Carl Cox, Hardwell, etc. The festival was held last year for the first time and in four days it attracted as many 100,000 music lovers from 75 countries! Another exceptional music destination in Croatia is the wonderful village of Tisno on the island of Murter, which will host the Garden, Electric Elephant, Suncebeat and Stop Making Sense festivals. These are dance festivals which will turn one of the most beautiful locations in Croatia into a mecca of good vibrations! ■

Ultra Europe 2013., Split, Armin Van Buuren

INmusic, Jarun Zagreb

INmusic, Jarun Zagreb

INmusic, Jarun Zagreb Hvar, festival FOR

Ultra Europe 2013. Split

INmusic, Jarun Zagreb

Mo’Horizons, festival Voi’Sa, BraË

Voi’Sa festival, Supetar, BraË

Tame Impala, FOR festival, Hvar

INmusic, Jarun Zagreb

FOR festival


INmusic, Jarun Zagreb


Barrakud festival, Zrテ各, Pag

FOR festival, Hvar Airbourne, INmusic, Jarun Zagreb Carpe Diem, Hvar, FOR festival

INmusic, Jarun Zagreb FOR festival, Hvar

INmusic, Jarun Zagreb



INmusic, Jarun Zagreb

Popis ljetnih festivala u Hrvatskoj Voi’Sa festival, Supetar BraË

FOR festival 19.6. − 23.6.2014. Hvar INmusic Festival, 23.6. − 25.6.2014. Zagreb Hideout Festival 30.6. − 4.7.2014. ZrÊe/Pag The Garden Festival 2.7. − 9.7.2014. Tisno Spring Break 5.7. − 9.7.2014. ZrÊe/Pag Electric Elephant 10.7. − 14.7.2014. Tisno Ultra Europe 11.7. − 13.7.2014. Split HTC Day & Night 14.7. − 18.7.2014. ZrÊe/Pag Momento Demento 15.7. − 21.7.2014. Primislje Soundwave 17.7. − 21.7.2014. Tisno Seasplash Festival 17.7. − 21.7.2014. Pula Lost Theory 22.7. − 28.7.2014. GraËac/Deringaj Fresh Island, 23.7. − 25.7.2014., ZrÊe/Pag Suncebeat 23.7. − 30.7.2014. Tisno Loveweek festival 26.7. − 2.8.2014. ZrÊe/Pag Stop Making Sense 31.7. − 3.8.2014. Tisno Voi’Sa 1.8. − 3. 8.2014. Supetar/BraË BaËvice Beach Festival 1.8. − 2.8.2014. Split Ferragosto Jam 2.8. − 4.8.2014. Jezero, Orahovica Electrobeach Croatia 4.8. − 7.8.2014. ZrÊe/Pag Barrakud 9.8 − 16.8.2014. ZrÊe/Pag Pannonian Challenge 13.8. − 17.8.2014. Osijek Sonus 18.8. − 22.8.2014. ZrÊe/Pag Dimensions Festival 27.8 − 31.8.2014 Pula Outlook Festival 3.9. − 7.9.2014 Pula Unknown Festival 8.9. − 12.9.2014. Rovinj

List of Summer Music Festivals in Croatia FOR Festival 19.06. - 23.06.2014 Hvar INmusic Festival 23.06. - 25.06.2014 Zagreb Hideout Festival 30.06. - 04.07.2014 ZrÊe/Pag The Garden Festival 02.07. - 09.07.2014 Tisno Spring Break 05.07. - 09.07.2014 ZrÊe/Pag Electric Elephant 10.07. - 14.07.2014 Tisno Ultra Europe 11.07. - 13.07.2014 Split HTC Day & Night 14.07. - 18.07.2014 ZrÊe/Pag Momento Demento 15.07. - 21.07.2014 Primislje Soundwave 17.07. - 21.07.2014 Tisno Seasplash Festival 17.07. - 21.07.2014 Pula Lost Theory 22.07. - 28.07.2014 GraËac/Deringaj Fresh Island 23.07. - 25.07.2014 ZrÊe/Pag Suncebeat 23.07. - 30.07.2014 Tisno Loveweek Festival 26.07. - 02.08.2014 ZrÊe/Pag Stop Making Sense 31.07. - 03.08.2014 Tisno Voi’Sa 01.08. - 03. 08.2014 Supetar/BraË BaËvice Beach Festival 01.08. - 02.08.2014 Split Ferragosto Jam 02.08. - 04.08.2014 Jezero, Orahovica Electrobeach Croatia 04.08. - 07.08.2014 ZrÊe/ Pag Barrakud 09.08 - 16.08.2014 ZrÊe/Pag Pannonian Challenge 13.08. - 17.08.2014 Osijek Sonus 18.08. - 22.08.2014 ZrÊe/Pag Dimensions Festival 27.08 - 31.08.2014 Pula Outlook Festival 03.09. - 07.09.2014 Pula Unknown Festival 08.09. - 12.09.2014 Rovinj

FOR festival, Hvar, Veneranda

Ultra Europe 2013, Split





a jednome od najslikovitijih dijelova Kvarnera smjestila se crikveniËko-vinodolska rivijera. Stoljetna tradicija zdravstvenog turizma, veoma povoljan geoprometni poloæaj, veliËanstvene prirodne ljepote i vrijedna povijesno-kulturna baπtina samo su neke od blagodati ovoga kraja. Blaga i povoljna mediteranska klima i mikroklima, Ëist zrak i more te intenzivni mirisi ljekovitoga mediteranskoga bilja, poput lovora, ruæmarina i kadulje, od davnina su ovdje glavni izvori zdravlja. Raznolikost prirodnih krajolika, od morske obale preko romantiËne Vinodolske doline, pa sve do kontinentalnog πumskog predjela, oËarat Êe vas veÊ pri prvome susretu. »eznete li za tim da u istome danu plivate u kristalno Ëistome moru, u toplom zagrljaju sunca i druπtvu nestaπnih predstavnika morske faune, da se proπetate po pjeπËanoj plaæi udiπuÊi mirise Sredozemlja, a zatim veËer provedete na zabavi u gradu ili pak u miru zelenoga

staza, Nebeska staza, Staza Rimljana i Staza degenije), ali i sadræajima koje krije, poput prekrasnog vidikovca, drevne kapelice ili zelenog paπnjaka. Biciklisti Êe uæivati u dugim opuπtajuÊim voænjama biciklistiËkim stazama uz more ili u unutraπnjosti, a ronioci u okruæju predivne flore i faune podmorja. Dok avanturisti paraglajderi istraæuju krajolik Vinodola iz ptiËje perspektive, iskusni Êe jedriliËari osvojiti beskrajno plavetnilo, a ribolovac uhvatiti ribu svog æivota. RomantiËari Êe svoj Ëarobni kutak pronaÊi na πetnici Ljubavnoj cestici u Crikvenici, u tiπini stoljetnih borova na plaæi ili u Mediteranskome labirintu ljubavi, koji Êe ih okrijepiti i osnaæiti njihovu ljubav. Adrenalinski park u Crikvenici osvojit Êe srca malih i velikih istraæivaËa, a nezaboravno iskustvo oËekuje sve hrabre padobrance i skijaπe na vodi. Prekrasne prirodne i ureene plaæe bit Êe jednako gostoljubive prema najmlaim gostima æeljnima zabave i igre, πetaËu ili ra-

zalea, izabrali ste pravo mjesto za odmor. Uz gostoljubive i ugodne domaÊine, na Rivijeri Crikvenica doËekat Êe vas slikovita turistiËka mjesta Crikvenica, Dramalj, Jadranovo i Selce. Za sve æeljne rekreacije i boravka u netaknutoj prirodi, najbolji vodiËi bit Êe mreæa sedam planinarskih staza i πetnica, od kojih je svaka posebna po svome imenu (Staza valova, Staza krπa i kuπa, Staza litica, Zelena

zigranom psiÊu, koji Êe svoje mjesto pronaÊi na plaæi za kuÊne ljubimce u Crikvenici. Zbog blizine, u svakome se trenutku moæete zaputiti u samostalno ili organizirano istraæivanje i upoznavanje ljepota obliænjih gradova, otoka i nacionalnih parkova. Na svakome koraku pratit Êe vas vidljivi tragovi uzbudljive proπlosti, a tradicija je i dio mnogih dogaanja koja tijekom godine prezentiraju bogatstvo raznolikosti. Svakako vrijedi osjetiti duh srednjovjekovlja na Danima Frankopana potkraj lipnja u Crikvenici, u srpnju uæivati u antiËkom ugoaju na Danima Ad turresa, posluπati i vidjeti tradiciju na (Sr)etnom Selcu, ili se opustiti na Meunarodnom ljetnom karnevalu u Novom Vinodolskom i Vinodolskim ljetnim veËerima. Kolovoz je pak pravo vrije-



me za viπednevno uæivanje na tradicionalnoj Ruæici Vinodola u Vinodolu i Novom Vinodolskom ili Ribarskome tjednu u Crikvenici. No, to nije sve. Boæanstveni mirisi i neodoljivi mediteranski okusi, intenzivne boje i ukusna domaÊa kapljica iz Vinodola samo su neka od gastronomskih i enoloπkih iznenaenja. Jednostavnost ukusne izvorne kuhinje oËarat Êe i najzahtjevnije gurmane, koji tradicionalne specijalitete, pripremljene od zdravih domaÊih namirnica, mogu kuπati u restoranima i na gastro dogaanjima ili ih i sami pripremati uz pomoÊ tiskanih knjiga recepata. Rivijera uæitaka, zdravlja i sunca izmamit Êe osmijeh na lice svim naraštajima, od pustolova, ljubitelja æivotinja i obiteljskoga pa do gosta æeljnog zabave, uzbudljivih doæivljaja ili odmora u druπtvu netaknute prirode.


n one of the most picturesque parts of the Kvarner Bay lies the Crikvenica-Vinodol Riviera. The area’s long tradition of health tourism, its particularly favourable geographical position, the magnificent natural surroundings, and the valuable historical and cultural heritage, are just some of the features that make this destination so special. Its mild Mediterranean climate and microclimate, the clean air and sea, and the intense fragrances of medicinal Mediterranean plants such as laurel, rosemary and sage, have always been the main sources of health. The diversity of the natural landscape − from sea coast to the romantic Vinodol Valley and the woods of the hinterland − are sure to enchant you at first sight. If you are looking for a destination where, in the same day, you can

swim in a crystal clear sea and enjoy the warm embrace of the sun, admire the fascinating sea life, stroll on a sandy beach breathing in the scents of the Mediterranean, and then in the evening have fun partying in town, or relax in the quiet of a green hinterland, then this is the right choice for you. Your attentive hosts on the Crikvenica Riviera are ready to welcome you in the charming tourist resorts of Crikvenica, Dramalj, Jadranovo and Selce. For those in search of recreation and the opportunity to spend time in unspoilt nature, there is a network of seven walking paths and hiking trails, distinguished by their specific names (the Waves Trail, the Karst and Sage Trail, the Cliff Trail, the Green Trail, the Heavenly Trail, the Roman Trail, and the Degenia Trail) and the attractions they offer, such as great viewing points, ancient chapels, and verdant landscapes. Cyclists will enjoy riding along the sea or on the trails in the hinterland, and diving enthusiasts will be thrilled by the stunning marine flora and fauna. Those more adventurous spirits can explore the landscape of Vinodol with a paraglide for a bird’s eye view, while experienced sailors can set out to sea in their boats, and those interested in fishing could make the catch of their life. Romantics can find their favourite spot on the quaint Love Path in Crikvenica, in the quiet of the pines on the sandy beach, or in the Mediterranean Labyrinth of Love, which can help reinvigorate and improve your love life. The Crikvenica Adrenalin Park will win the hearts of young and not so young adventurers; for those who are brave enough, water skiing and parasailing always promise an unforgettable experience. The area’s wonderful natural and well-tended beaches are ideal for little ones looking for fun and games, as well as visitors who enjoy long strolls along the coast, and those who need space for their pets, as Crikvenica proudly hosts a dedicated dog beach. Thanks to its favourable location, this area can be a perfect starting point for individual or organised tours to nearby towns, islands and national parks. The traces of an eventful past can be found at every turn. Tradition is the basis of the numerous events organised throughout the year to present the area’s rich cultural diversity, such as the Frankopan Days medieval festival at the end of June, the Ad Turres Days antiquity festival in July, the (Sr)etno Selce festival which presents local traditions, the International Summer Carnival in Novi Vinodolski, and the Vinodol Summer Evenings. August is dedicated to the traditional Rose of Vinodol wine festival in Vinodol and the Fishermen’s Week in Crikvenica. And that’s not all. The divine fragrances and

irresistible flavours of the Mediterranean, and the intense colours and delicious wines from Vinodol Valley, are just some of the distinctive features of the local cuisine. The simplicity of the delicious recipes will delight even the most demanding gourmets, who can sample traditional specialities prepared with healthy local ingredients in the area’s restaurants and during food festivals. For those wishing to try their cooking skills, there is a book of traditional recipes. The Riviera of joy, health and sun is the ideal destination for all generations of visitors, from adventurers and animal lovers to families and those looking for entertainment, excitement and relaxation in the great outdoors.

TuristiËka zajednica grada Novoga Vinodolskog/Novi Vinodolski Tourist Board TuristiËka zajednica Vinodolske opÊine/ Municipality of Vinodol Tourist Board

TuristiËka zajednica Grada Crikvenice/ Crikvenica Tourist Board


135 Prilaz braće Kaliterna 10/1, 21000 Split, Croatia tel/fax: +385 (0)21 490 032, 490 033, 490 036

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Edward Bernays Visoka πkola za komunikacijski menadæment prva je visokoobrazovna institucija u Hrvatskoj, ali jednako tako i u regiji, koja je poËela s izvoenjem cjelovitog akademskog programa na podruËju komunikacijskog menadæmenta i odnosa s javnoπÊu. Iako u Hrvatskoj postoje i drugi fakulteti te privatne πkole koje izvode srodne programe, treba znati kako je Bernays ipak prva institucija koja je na ovom specifiËnom akademskom podruËju sjedinila preddiplomsku i diplomsku razinu obrazovanja. Ali, ponajveÊa je prednost Bernaysa u tome što se obra zovanju buduÊih naraπtaja

Atraktivna lokacija u centru Zagreba/ Attractive location in the centre of Zagreb



struËnjaka za odnose s javnoπÊu pristupilo s uvaæavanjem potreba realnog træiπta rada, odnosno zahtjeva koje Êe to isto træiπte sutra postaviti pred studente. ©to to konkretno znaËi? Bernaysovi studijski programi uvelike se oslanjaju na obveznu studentsku praksu u nekoj od 35 partnerskih institucija, na temelju koje je svakom studentu omoguÊeno stjecanje praktiËnih znanja i vjeπtina u struci. Studentima se tako zapravo omoguÊava daljnji napredak i usavrπavanje vlastitih kompetencija, pri Ëemu temelj predstavljaju prije usvojena teorijska znanja. Studenti preddiplomskog studija Mediji i kultura druπtva odlaze na praksu u medijske kuÊe, a studenti diplomskog studija Odnosi s javnostima znanje steËeno na predavanjima nadograuju radom u najboljim agencijama za odnose s javnoπÊu i marketing. Ako je suditi po 120 upisanih studenata na preddiplomski i diplomski studijski program u prvoj godini djelovanja, takav pristup obrazovanju kao kvalitetan i uËinkovit prepoznaju i buduÊi naraπtaji struËnjaka za odnose s javnoπÊu. Akademski program kojim bi se ponosio i utemeljitelj suvremenog PR-a U svibnju ove godine obiljeæena je prva godiπnjica djelovanja Edward Bernays Visoke πkole za komunikacijski menadæment povodom koje su organizirana razliËita dogaanja

Dekan Damir Jugo i prodekan Zdeslav Milas/ Dean Damir Jugo and Vice Dean Zdeslav Milas

u kojima su sudjelovali studenti, predavaËi, zaposlenici i mnogi drugi koji su svojim angaæmanom podræali djelovanje ©kole. Meu brojnim uglednicima iz akademskog, medijskog, strukovnog i poslovnog svijeta, jedno se ime ipak istaknulo u obiljeæavanju prve godiπnjice Bernaysova djelovanja. RijeË je o Anne Bernays, kÊeri Edwarda Bernaysa, utemeljitelja modernih odnosa s javnoπÊu po kojemu ova visoka πkola nosi ime. Iako je veÊ prije, uz davanje suglasnosti da se πkola nazove po njezinu ocu, izrazila oduπevljenje zbog takve inicijative, Anne Bernays svojim je dolaskom u Zagreb dodatno naglasila vaænost oformljivanja visokoobrazovne institucije koja nudi cjeloviti program visokog obrazovanja na podruËju odnosa s javnoπÊu. ©toviπe, u svom je predavanju pred velikim brojem okupljenih uzvanika poruËila kako je zadivljena kvalitetom obrazovnog programa koji se na Bernaysu provodi te dodala kako bi njezin otac takoer bio veoma ponosan jer takvi sustavi i povezanosti nastavnog programa i træiπta te prakse kakav ima Bernays nema niti u SAD-u. Njezine rijeËi hvale zacijelo joπ viπe dobivaju na teæini zbog toga što je rijeË o eminentnoj profesorici sa SveuËiliπta Harvard i cijenjenoj spisateljici. U povodu obiljeæavanja godiπnjice Edward Bernays Visoke πkole za komunikacijski menadæment odræana je i konstituirajuÊa sjednica Akademskog savjeta, tijela koje je osnovano radi daljnjeg unaprjeenja Bernaysovih studijskih programa. Ovo savjetodavno tijelo Bernaysa okuplja više od 40 uvaæenih Ëlanova, meu kojima su uspjeπni poduzetnici, medijski i strukovni struËnjaci te istaknuti Ëlanovi akademske zajednice iz Hrvatske i inozemstva. PraÊenje potreba træiπta i novi trendovi u obrazovanju Iako je priËa o Edward Bernays Visokoj školi za komunikacijski menadžment sluæbeno poËela tek prije neπto viπe od jedne godine, treba znati kako su entuzijasti okupljeni oko te institucije godinama radili na kreiranju akademskog programa koji Êe u svim

aspektima zadovoljavati aktualne potrebe studenata i træiπta rada. Potvrda za to doπla je 8. svibnja 2013. godine, kada je od Ministarstva znanosti, obrazovanja i sporta pristigla Suglasnost za obavljanje djelatnosti visokog obrazovanja. − Dobivanje suglasnosti za rad od resornog ministarstva bila je konaËna potvrda kvalitete programa koji provodimo, a 120 upisanih studenata dodatan su pokazatelj velikog interesa za komunikacijski menadžment meu mladim ljudima. Koncept obrazovanja koji Bernays primjenjuje, a koji uz nastavu ukljuËuje i stjecanje praktiËnog iskustva s razlogom je pobudio veliko zanimanje kod studenata. Naime, struËne službe na ovoj Visokoj školi veÊ za vrijeme studija usmjeravaju studente prema potencijalnim poslodavcima kako bi stekli što primjenjivije praktiËno znanje te ih vode kroz Centar za razvoj karijera kako ne bi bili ostavljeni da nakon stjecanja diplome sami razmišljaju kome Êe se i gdje obratiti za svoj prvi posao. U godinama ispred nas želimo opravdati povjerenje koje su nam studenti iskazali te, kvalitetom studijskog programa i moguÊnostima koje im otvaramo što se tiËe praktiËnog obrazovanja i usavršavanja, nadmašiti njihova oËekivanja − istaknuo je Damir Jugo, dekan Edward Bernays Visoke škole za komunikacijski menadžment. Bernays je, uz uËinkovito kombiniranje teorijske i praktiËne nastave, takoer nametnuo i odreene nove trendove u viskom obrazovanju. Pritom osobito valja istaknuti Bernays Masterclass, redovita tematska predavanja na kojima gostuju domaÊi i regionalni eksperti iz podruËja odnosa s javnoπÊu, gospodarstva i politike, te Bernays Akademiju, seriju interaktivnih predavanja na kojima studenti dodatno razvijaju vlastita znanja i kompetencije. ■ Edward Bernays College of Communication Management is the fi rst high school education institution in Croatia and in the

Proslava prve godiπnjice djelovanja Bernaysa/ Anniversary of Bernays’ first year of operation

region which provides an integral academic curriculum in communication management and public relations. Although there are other colleges and private schools in Croatia offering similar curricula, it should be noted that Bernays is the first institution of its kind which provides both graduate and postgraduate education in this very specific academic field. However, the biggest advantage of Bernays lies in the fact that it has approached the education of future generations of communication and public relations experts by taking into account the actual marketplace and its requirements of future students. What does this mean? Bernays curricula signifi cantly rely on the students’ compulsory practical work in one of 35 partner institutions. Owing to that cooperation, each and every student is offered the opportunity to gain practical skills and knowledge in the field. This approach allows students to further enhance and improve their existing competencies, basing their progress on previously acquired theoretical knowledge. Graduate students of the Media and Society Culture module gain hands-on experience in various media companies, while graduates of Public Relations boost their theoretical knowledge by working in the best public relations and marketing agencies. Judging by the 120 graduate and postgraduate students in the first year of Bernays operations, it seems that the future public relations experts have recognized the quality and effectiveness of this approach to education. Academic curriculum that the founder of modern PR would be proud of In May of this year, Edward Bernays College of Communication Management marked its anniversary which involved the participation of students, lecturers, staff and many others who support the school’s activities.

Among the many prominent names from the academic, media, trade and business worlds, one definitely stood out at the marking of the first anniversary of Bernays operations. It was Anne Bernays, the daughter of Edward Bernays, the founder of modern public relations for whom the school was named after. Anne Bernays had already expressed her delight when approached with the request that the school be named after her father, and she gladly supported the initiative. By coming to Zagreb she additionally emphasized the importance of setting up an institution of higher education in the field of public relations. Moreover, in her lecture given before the large number of invited guests, she said that she was impressed by the quality of the school’s curricula and she added that her father would have also been extremely proud of the system implemented at Bernays, i.e. the synergy of theory, practice and business which does not exist even in the USA. Her words of praise certainly carried additional weight due to the fact that she is a prominent Harvard University professor and an acclaimed author. One of the events organized to mark the anniversary of Bernays College was the founding session of the Academic Council, a body which was set up to further Bernays teaching curricula. It is composed of 40 members including successful entrepreneurs, media and industry experts, as well as prominent members of academic communities from Croatia and abroad. Monitoring market requirements and new trends in education Although the story of Edward Bernays College of Communication Management was officially launched only slightly over a year ago, the enthusiasts who stand behind that story had worked hard for years to create an academic curriculum which would meet the needs of both the students and the labour market in all of its aspects. The final confirmation arrived on 8 May 2013 when the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports gave Bernays its stamp of approval to start offering high school education, said Damir Jugo, the dean of the college. Besides effectively combining theoretical and practical education, Bernays has also introduced some new trends in higher education. Among them are Bernays Masterclass, which includes regular themed lectures given by local and regional experts in the fields of public relations, business and politics, and Bernays Academy, which is a series of interactive lectures which allow students to further advance their own knowledge and competencies. ■ CROATIA AIRLINES





irisi liËke palente ili zagorskih æganaca s kiselim mlijekom, slatkasti okus domaÊega kukuruznog kruha, prπuta, maslina, miris kuhanog zelja i kobasica, sarme, slanih srdela, paπticade, okus zagorskih πtrukli ili Ëvaraka, miris fritula ili pak roæate... S aplikacijom Hrvatska kuhinja turisti mogu krenuti u istraæivanje svakoga gastro kutka Hrvatske, na πest jezika − uz hrvatski, cjelovit sadræaj Hrvatske kuhinje dostupan je na engleskom, njemaËkom, talijanskom, francuskom i πpanjolskom jeziku. Uz funkcije klasiËne kuharice, koja za svako istaknuto domaÊe jelo donosi sastojke i naputke za pripremu, aplikacija Hrvatska kuhinja korisnicima omoguÊuje i pristup gastro vodiËu s geokodiranom kartom, pomaæuÊi im tako pronaÊi porijeklo hrvatskih nacionalnih delicija, a uz svako pojedino jelo mogu otkriti i vrhunske hrvatske ugostiteljske objekte i restorane u kojima mogu kuπati ta jela. − Strani turisti viπe ne kupuju ukoriËene teπke i skupe vodiËe, nego sve πto ih zanima prilikom planiranja putovanja i odabira turistiËkog odredišta i pristizanja na nj æele imati uza se, u svom pametnom telefonu. Hrvatska je poznata kao zemlja vrhunskih gurmanskih doæivljaja, a aplikacija koju smo izradili svakom gostu Hrvatske nudi ono najbolje od tradicijske kuhinje naπih baka − istiËe Andreja HorvatiÊ, autorica projekta mobilne aplikacije Hrvatska kuhinja i direktorica tvrtke Pro and d.o.o., uz Ëiju je upornost tijekom dvanaest mjeseci, uz podrπku Ministarstva poduzetniπtva i Ministarstva turizma Republike Hrvatske, nastajala aplikacija.



− Ideja za razvoj aplikacije jednostavno se rodila iz stvarne potrebe, jer turisti i svi oni koji prenose vijesti o naπoj kuhinji uvijek govore o osobitoj gastronomiji i okusima koji se pamte. I kako to nekomu pokazati, dati da kuπa? Vjerujem da je i iseljenim Hrvatima bila nemoguÊa misija objasniti naπu kuhinju − dosad, i ja se iskreno nadam da Êe je upravo oni predstavljati na najbolji naËin, srcem i duπom, prepriËavajuÊi okuse na koje smo ih u aplikaciji podsjetili. Hrvatska kuhinja je mobilna aplikacija koja prenosi naπu gastronomsku baπtinu, koju smo na ovim prostorima stoljeÊima brusili pod raznim utjecajima i danas zaista imamo πto ponuditi. Osim klasiËne kuharice, aplikacija je pravi gastro vodiË prepun fotografi ja i vjerujem da Êe uskoro mnogi turisti kucati na vrata agencija diljem svijeta sa æeljom: i ja bih u tu Ëarobnu i ukusnu Hrvatsku − zakljuËuje Andreja HorvatiÊ. InaËe, mobilna aplikacija Hrvatska kuhinja u cijelosti je hrvatski proizvod − uz autorstvo Andreje HorvatiÊ, aplikaciju je razvio tim tvrtke Interactive1, a dizajnerski peËat koji kombinira rustikalni izgled starinske kuharice, uz prepoznatljive crvene kvadrate hrvatske πahovnice, potpisuje tvrtka Grafikon. Mobilna aplikacija Hrvatska kuhinja dostupna je cijelom svijetu preko iPada, iPhona, Android telefona i tableta, te je u ponudi za download u App Storeu i Google Play Storeu, s izravnim poveznicama za skidanje na sluæbenoj web stranici: ■


he scents of polenta from Lika or that from Zagorje with sour milk, the sweet taste of home-made corn bread, prosciutto, olives, the scent of cabbage and sausage stew, sarma (stuffed cabbage leaves), salted sardines, paπticada (slow cooked beef roast), the taste of Zagorje πtrukli (cottage cheese puff pastry) or Ëvarci (pork crackling), the scent of fritule (fritters) or roæata (custard pudding)... With the application Croatian Cuisine, tourists can explore every gastro corner in Croatia in six languages. In addition to Croatian, the entire content of Croatian Cuisine is available in English, German, Italian, French and Spanish. Along with functioning as a classic cookbook, which offers the ingredients and preparation instructions for each home-made dish, this application also enables the users to access a gastro-guide with a geo-coded map to help them fi nd the origin of Croatian national delicacies, and for each dish they can fi nd the best

Hrvatska kuhinja naziv je nove hrvatske mobilne aplikacije koja u obliku inventivnoga gastronomskog vodiËa kroz Hrvatsku korisnike aplikacije u prvom redu vodi u istraæivanje izvornih i tradicionalnih hrvatskih jela.

Hrvatska kuhinja (Croatian Cuisine) is the name of a new Croatian mobile application; an innovative gastronomic guide through Croatia, which takes its users on an exploration of original and traditional Croatian dishes. CROATIA AIRLINES


Croatian restaurants at which to try them. − Foreign tourists do not buy hard cover, heavy and expensive guide books any more, but they want to have, in their smartphones, ever ything they are interested in when planning their journey, selecting a tourist destination and arriving there. Croatia is well known as a country which offers premium gourmet experiences, and the application we have created offers visitors to Croatia the best of the traditional cuisine of our grandmothers, says Andreja HorvatiÊ, the author of the mobile application project Croatian Cuisine and director of the company Proand d.o.o., who has invested her efforts for more than twelve months into creating this application with the support of the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and the Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Croatia. The idea for developing this application resulted from the actual necessity, because tourists and all those who pass on the news about our cuisine always talk about the specifi c gastronomy and unforgettable tastes. How do you show this to someone, have them taste it? I believe that Croatian ex-patriots have been on a mission impossible to explain our cuisine − at least until now. I sincerely hope that they will now put their hearts and souls into spreading the word about the tastes we remind them of in this application. Croatian Cuisine is a mobile application which demonstrates our gastronomic heritage, which in this region has been polished for centuries and under different infl uences and that is why we truly have a lot to offer. Besides offering classic recipes, the application is a true gastronomic guide abundant with photographs, and I believe that many tourists will soon start knocking at the doors of agencies all over the world with a wish: I too want to go to that wondrous and tasty Croatia, concludes Andreja HorvatiÊ. The mobile application Croatian Cuisine is an entirely Croatian product. Along with Andreja HorvatiÊ, the author of the project, the application was developed by a team at the company Interactive1. Its design, which combines the rustic appearance of an old-time cookbook and the distinguishing Croatian red checks, bears the signature of the company Grafi kon. The mobile application Croatian Cuisine is available throughout the world via iPad, iPhone, and Android telephones and tablets. It can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play Store, with direct links for downloading it on the offi cial website: ■ 142


Otk rijte zašt Otk pivvo br. 1 u H pi Discover why Žu Ožujsko pivo najomiljenije je jjee rvaatskoj. i najprodavanije pivo u Hrvatskoj.

Ožujsko ppivo is the most popular and best best-selling beer in Croatia.

Ožujsko pivo ima tradiciju dugu više od 120 godina, jošš od 1892. kada se počelo proizvoditi u Zagrebačkoj pivovari. Jedan je od najstarijih jstarijih brendova s neprekinutim kontinuitetom proizvodnje u Hrvatskoj. Proizvodi oizvodi se samo od ode. Pune je zlatne prirodnih sastojaka: ječmenog slada, kvasca, hmelja i vode. boje, osvježavajućeg okusa, fine gorkaste arome, pitko, s postotkom alkohola od 5,0%. Poslužuje se ohlađeno na 5°C s bijelom kompaktnom paktnom pjenom. Dobitnik je mnogih zlatnih medalja i priznanja za kvalitetu tu koji potvrđuju izvrsnost ovog proizvoda.

Ožujsko has more than th 120 years of a brewing tradition. It was in 1892 when it was produced the th first time in Zagreb brewery and it is one of the oldest products with uninterrupted continuity of production in Croatia. It is made unin from natural ingredients – barley, yeast, hops and water. Ožujsko has a ingr goldenn color, is refreshing, has smooth taste & fine bitter flavor. It is best re served at 5°C with w rich and compact foam. It has won numerous gold medals dals and awards awa for its quality which only confirms its excellence.

Dobilo je ime po mjesecu ožujku jer se u povijesnim vremenima nima sma smatralo matralo tralo da je upravo pivo proizvedeno u ožujku, zbog dostupnosti sti kvalitetnih sastojaka, najkvalitetnije. U današnje vrijeme tehnologijee to nije toliko važno, ali Zagrebačka pivovara i dalje konstantnim inovacijama ijama i ulag ulaganjima u proizvodnju vodi brigu o kvaliteti Ožujskog piva i oduševljava Hrvate i turiste 365 dana u godini. U Hrvatskoj ćete često umjesto Ožujsko čuti Žuja. Naime, Ožujsko je jedino hrvatsko pivo s nadimkom – koji su mu nadjenuli enuli nuli rema ema upravo potrošači – što dovoljno govori o odnosu Hrvata prema njihovom omiljenom pivu. Također, od potrošača potječe i slogan ogan Žuja je zakon, što je i danas glavna okosnica Žujinih kampanja. ja ja. Žuja je tamo gdje su njezini potrošači – na nogometnim utakakmicama, koncertima ili jednostavno na odmoru i roštiljanju njuu uz prijatelje. Ponosni je sponzor Hrvatske nogometne reprezentacije ntacije žujsko j od 1998. godine, a od 2010. tradicionalno se održava Ožujsko Kup, najveći malonogometni turnir u Hrvatskoj, u kojem svaki Žujin potrošač može iskusiti žar borbe i natjecanja, ali u isto grade. vrijeme dobro se zabaviti s prijateljima i osvojiti vrijedne nagrade.

It was named name after the month of March (Croatian: ožujak), when traditionally ditionally the t best beer is made. With development of modern technology, innovations and investments in production this technology constant c seasonality is no longer important for the quality of Ožujsko pivo and now it can be b brewed all year round, delighting Croats and visitors 365 days a year. y In Croatia Croati you can often hear Žuja instead of Ožujsko. You see, Ožujsko is the only Croatian beer with a nickname – given by the consumers themselves – which speaks volumes of the c relationship between Croats and their favorite beer. Also, the relat elat slogan “Žuja rules!” comes from the consumers, and it serves sl sloga the backbone of all of Žuja's campaigns to this day. as th Žuja is always where its consumers are – at football games, concerts or simply at a relaxing barbecue with friends. It is a conc conce prou sponsor of the Croatian football team since 1998., and proud since 2010 it organizes the traditional Ožujsko cup, the biggest futsal tournament in Croatia, in which every consumer of Žuja the fervor of contest and competition, and have can experience ex great time with friends and win valuable prizes at the same time. a grea

ivala u Ožujsko je pivo i partner INmusic Festivala, najvećeg festivala Hrvatskoj, na kojem će ove godine u Zagrebu nastupati brojni olly i poznati bendovi kao što su Black Keys, Pixies, Flogging Molly mnogi drugi. Na Jadranskoj obali odvijaju se pak Ožujsko Balote turniri – prvenstvo Hrvatske u tradicionalnom i prepoznatljivom tljivom sportu regije – balotama. Turniri se odvijaju sve od Zadraa pa do Dubrovnika s više od 1.000 prijavljenih timova.

Ožujsko pivo is also a partner of the INmusic Festival, the biggest Ožujsk festival in Croatia, its lineup for this year in Zagreb including festiva festiv bands such as Black Keys, Pixies, Flogging Molly many famous f others. On the Adriatic coast Ožujsko organizes and many m Ožujsko bowls tournaments – the Croatian championship in the traditional recognizable sport of the region – bowls. Tournatraditio ments are held everywhere from Zadar to Dubrovnik with more than a 1.000 enlisted teams.

Zatražite od stjuardese jedno hladno Ožujsko pivo, uvjerite te se u kvalitetu najboljeg hrvatskog piva i provjerite zašto više od milijun Hrvata kaže: Žuja je zakon!

Ask a fflight attendant for a cold Ožujsko beer, experience the quality of Croatia's best beer for yourself and find out why than a million Croats say: Žuja rules! more th



VALAMAROV PRVI HOTEL S PET ZVJEZDICA VALAMAR’S FIRST 5* HOTEL Valamar Dubrovnik President 5* - potpuni doæivljaj odmora u Dubrovniku Iz svih soba i javnih prostora hotela pruæa se spektakularan pogled na more i Elafitske otoke Smjeπten u jednome od najljepπih gradova na svijetu, hotel Valamar Dubrovnik President 5* u svibnju je otvorio svoja vrata zasjavπi punim sjajem kao prvi Valamarov hotel s pet zvjezdica te jedan od najboljih hotela na Sredozemlju, koji Êe redefinirati pojam glamuroznog odmora u Dubrovniku. Potpunom preobrazbom vanjskog izgleda, poboljπanjem postojeÊih i dodavanjem novih usluga, gostima sada pruæa ne samo vrhunske uvjete za nezaboravan odmor i najbolji moguÊi boravak u hotelu, nego i novi doæivljaj samoga grada kao perjanice hrvatskog turizma. Svojim jedinstvenim poloæajem na plaæi zelenog poluotoka Babin kuk i to samo nekoliko minuta od Ëarobnog staroga grada, Valamar Dubrovnik President goste doËekuje nezaboravnim panoramskim pogledom i nenadmaπnim osjeÊajem zajedniπtva s prirodom i kristalno Ëistim morem. PoveÊanjem ukupnih kapaciteta za 111 jedinica i dodatkom dva potpuno nova smjeπtajna krila, hotel sada nudi ukupno 286 prostranih i suvremeno opremljenih soba, pet apartmana i predsjedniËki apartman. Sve su sobe orijentirane prema moru, omoguÊujuÊi tako svakom

gostu uæivanje u pogledu na Elafitske otoke, bez obzira na to u kojem su dijelu hotela smjeπteni. Svi hotelski sadræaji su obnovljeni, od recepcije, lobija, smjeπtajnih kapaciteta, restorana, barova, plaæe, Wellness & Spa zone s fitness centrom pa sve do unutarnjeg bazena, kako bi se visoka razina usluge osjetila u svim segmentima ponude. Hotel je takoer bogatiji za novi vanjski bazen sa sunËaliπtem i barom, a goste Êe pri dolasku doËekati grandiozna vizura novoga glavnog ulaza.

the world, the Valamar Dubrovnik President has redefined the meaning of a glam Dubrovnik holiday by becoming Valamar’s first 5* hotel and one of the best hotels in the Mediterranean. After a complete change of appearance and detailed refurbishment, it now offers the ultimate conditions for an unforgettable holiday and the most comfortable stay not only in the hotel but in the city of Dubrovnik in general. With its unique location on the beach at the very tip of the verdant and meditative Babin Kuk peninsula, only a few minutes from the enchanting Old Town, the hotel offers not only spectacular views but

Valamar Dubrovnik President 5* - a complete Dubrovnik holiday experience All rooms and public areas of the hotel are oriented towards the sea, providing stunning and unforgettable views of the Elaphiti islands Located in one of the most beautiful cities in also an unparalleled feeling of harmony with nature and the crystal clear sea. The total capacity of the Valamar Dubrovnik President was increased by 111 units and two brand new accommodation wings were added in order to offer 286 spacious and modern rooms, 5 suites and a Presidential Suite. All rooms are oriented towards the sea, providing a stunning and unforgettable view of the Elaphiti islands from each and every terrace. All hotel facilities have been completely renewed and upgraded in order to ensure an even more pleasurable stay, including the reception, lobby, accommodation, restaurants, bars, beach, Wellness & Spa zone with a fitness centre and an indoor swimming pool. The hotel now also has a brand new outdoor swimming pool with a sundeck and bar.





25., 26., 27. i 28.7. PREMIJERA | PREMIERE W. Shakespeare: ROMEO I JULIJA | ROMEO AND JULIET Jagoš Marković, redatelj | director

2. 8. LE CONCERT SPIRITUEL HERVÉ NIQUET dirigent | conductor


9., 10., 11. i 12.8. PREMIJERA | PREMIERE M. Držić: DUNDO MAROJE | UNCLE MAROJE Krešimir Dolenčić, redatelj | director web shop and tickets dubrovnik.festival tel. +385 (0)20 326 100

20., 21. i 22.8. Dubrovačke ljetne igre, Festival Ljubljana & SNG Maribor Dubrovnik Summer Festival, Festival Ljubljana & Slovenian National Theatre in Maribor PREMIJERA | PREMIERE OPASNE VEZE | DANGEROUS LIASONS Valentina Turcu & Leo Mujić, koreografija i režija | choreographers & director

24. 8. Six times Grammy nominee jazz diva NNENNA FREELON


Član Europske udruge festivala od 1956. Member of the European Festivals Association since 1956



Monk by Grupa

3angle by Grupa

Cloud by Sanja KnezoviÊ

Oblique by Numen/ForUse

PriËa Vaπe sobe

Every room has a story

Proteklih 15 godina Hrvatska je postala jedna od omiljenih ljetnih destinacija turista sa svih krajeva svijeta. Zbog prekrasnih plaæa, kristalno Ëistog mora, mediteranske hrane te izravnih i dobro raspoloæenih ljudi, turisti se vraÊaju u Hrvatsku, a svake godine sve viπe njih otkriva arhitektonsku raznolikost Zagreba i ostatka kontinentalne hrvatske. Baπ tu mediteransku senzualnost u paru s kontinentalnom racionalnoπÊu izravno iz Zagreba u domove i urede diljem svijeta donosi Prostoria. Prostoria je izvorno osnovana 2010., pod nazivom Kvadra te od samog poËetka blisko surauje s mladim dizajnerima kako bi stvorili jedinstven i dobro promiπljen suvremeni namjeπtaj. Svjeæ i inovativan dizajn, koriπtenje kvalitetnih materijala te perfekcionizam u izvedbi su prepoznati od strane struke te su nagraeni prestiænim nagradama: Red Dot Award winner 2012 - Revolve, Numen/ForUse Interior Innovation Award winner 2014 Polygon, Numen/ForUse Interior Innovation Award winner 2014 Up-lift, Redesign Kupci su takoer prepoznli kvalitetu dizajna i izvedbe kako klasiËnih sjedeÊih garnitura tako i inovativnih modela kao πto su Up-lift i Revolve koji imaju vrlo inteligentan naËin transformacije iz sofe u krevet, te nam njihovo zadovoljstvo jamËi dugoroËnu vjernost Danas je Prostoria moderan brend s tehnoloπki naprednom tvornicom, profesionalnim i struËnim osobljem, gdje se estetici pristupa kao osnovnoj ljudskoj potrebi, a pozitivne reakcije korisnika daju nam snagu i strast da nastavimo raditi to πto volimo − Budemo kreativni i izraujemo prekrasan namjeπtaj!

In the last 15 years, Croatia has become one of the world’s top summer destinations. The beautiful beaches, crystal clear waters, Mediterranean cuisine and lively locals mean that tourists keep coming back, and each year an increasing number discover the architectural diversity of Zagreb and the rest of continental Croatia. It is precisely this Mediterranean sensuality paired with continental rationality that Prostoria delivers directly from Zagreb into homes and offices around the world. Prostoria was founded in 2010 as Kvadra and has collaborated closely with young designers since the very beginning, in order to create unique and well though-out modern furniture. Its fresh and innovative design, its use of quality materials and its products defined by perfectionism have all been recognised by the industry, as well as awards including: Red Dot Award winner 2012 - Revolve, Numen/ForUse Interior Innovation Award winner 2014 Polygon, Numen/ForUse Interior Innovation Award winner 2014 Up-lift, Redesign Customers have likewise recognised the quality of the design and execution of both classic and modern pieces, such as Up-Lift and Revolve, characterised by the intelligent way in which they are transformed from a sofa into a bed, and it is this satisfaction that guarantees the long-term loyalty of our customers. Today, Prostoria is a modern brand with a high-tech factory and a professional and expert staff, and where aesthetics are regarded as a basic human need. It is our customers’ positive response that give us the strength and passion to continue doing what we love − being creative and producing beautiful furniture!




by Numen/ForUse

by Redesign

by Numen/ForUse





Piše/By Dubravka Belas Fotografije/Photos Azidi Amin

Ljubav i divljenje ono su πto je frequent flyera Croatia Airlinesa Syeda Nurhaqa Chaniaga natjeralo na ostvarenje gotovo nemoguÊega − da sâm poduzme sve kako bi proveo europski hommage ocu − pronae prostor, pripremi dopremu i organizira osiguranje djela velikog slikara Syeda Ahmada Jamala kako bi ih u Muzeju za umjetnost i obrt predstavio Zagrebu, Hrvatskoj, Europi. Love and admiration were the forces that made Croatia Airlines’ frequent flyer Syed Nurlhaq Chaniago accomplish the almost impossible ∑ singlehandedly doing everything in his power to organize a European homage to his father by finding a venue, preparing the transport and insuring the great painter’s, Syed Ahmad Jamal, works arrive safely and are presented to Zagreb, Croatia and Europe at the Museum of Arts and Crafts. Istok Energije / Energy East, 2010 akril na platnu / acrylic on canvas, 61 x 76 cm privatna zbirka / private collection



alezija je zemlja koja ne sliËi nijednoj drugoj: puna je obeÊanja i krhkosti. Zbog povijesti, kulturne i religijske raznolikosti bogata je, iznenaujuÊa i neodoljiva, izjavio je jednom prilikom Tariq Ramadani, πvicarski profesor islamskih studija. Ta se daleka, neodoljiva zemlja nalazi u jugoistoËnoj Aziji, granicu dijeli s Tajlandom, Indonezijom, Bruneima i Singapurom, koji je nekad bio sastavni dio zemlje. NajveÊi malezijski grad nosi ime Kuala Lumpur, πto bi u prijevodu otprilike znaËilo mutno rijeËno uπÊe, tako zvuËno, tako tajnovito. ProsjeËni je stanovnik Hrvatske percipira kao topli i egzotiËni raj plaæa i palmi s maglovitom slikom, krizom jedva dotaknute, uspjeπne ekonomije kakve obiËno nazivaju azijskim tigrovima. Izmeu Malezije i Hrvatske premalo je veza; tu je suradnja izmeu malezijskih i hrvatskih sveuËiliπta, u postupku je usuglaπavanja ugovor izmeu dviju vlada o kulturnoj suradnji. Sjajan bi uvod u tu suradnju mogao biti osobit dogaaj − izloæba oca moderne malezijske umjetnosti, umjetnika - Pelukisa Syeda Ahmada Jamala (1929.2011.), koja se od 7. do 29. lipnja odræava u u zagrebaËkome Muzeju za umjetnost i obrt. Slikar, kipar, dizajner, graditelj, profesor, pisac i enciklopedist, jedan je od najveÊih malezijskih umjetnika, nepodijeljeno cijenjen u svakom podruËju svojih svestranih, gotovo renesansnih interesa. Bio je kustos, pa i direktor Nacionalne umjetniËke galerije za Ëijega se mandata, zbog znalaËkih odabira i osobne umjetniËke osjeÊajnosti, ona razvila u uglednu ustanovu cijenjenu i izvan malezijskih granica. Zbog velikog doprinosa malezijskoj umjetnosti, 1995. godine prima dræavno priznanje nacionalnog umjetniËkog laureata. Ondje gdje su zakazale institucionalne veze ili nisu joπ ni zaæivjele, razliku tvore one osobne. Syed Nurlhaq Chaniago sin je velikog umjetnika, koji ima jedan tajanstven, ali vrlo Ëvrst razlog πto je upravo Zagreb i Hrvatsku odabrao za prvu europsku izloæbu Syeda Ahmada Jamala. Taj je razlog ljubav, ali tu Êe se naπa radoznalost zaustaviti. A ljubav i divljenje jest i ono πto je frequent flyera Croatia Airlinesa Syeda Nurhaqa Chaniaga natjeralo na ostvarenje gotovo nemoguÊega − da sâm poduzme sve kako bi proveo europski hommage ocu − pronae prostor, pripremi dopremu i organizira osiguranje djela velikog slikara kako bi ih predstavio Zagrebu, Hrvatskoj, Europi. Dakako, organizacija takvoga umjetniËkog dogaanja dodala je nove letne milje njegovim bodovima. Svoje duge sate

provedene u zraku Nurlhaq Ëesto krati Ëitanjem in-flight magazina, Ëiji posljednji broj upravo i sami Ëitate. Takve je Ëasopise kuÊi donosio sa svih svojih letova raznim kompanijama i godi nam njegova napomena da je veliki slikar, taj majstor vizuala, najboljim smatrao Ëasopis Croatia Airlinesa. Dok razgovaramo s njime, on Êe, isprva suzdræano, a zatim sve opuπtenije i sve strastvenije, kazivati o svome ocu umjetniku. Svakako, nije bilo lako odrastati uz Syeda Ahmada Jamala. Njegova svestranost i neprekidna aktivnost traæili su mnogo usamljeniËkih sati za koncentraciju i fokusiranje. Svi koji su ga poznavali, ne govore samo o velikom umjetniku, nego i dobrom, skromnom, pristupaËnom Ëovjeku koji nesebiËno dijeli sva znanja koja je stekao u viπe od pedeset godina rada. Nurlhaq se prisjeÊa kako bi umjetnik, za odræavanja svojih izloæbi, bio prisutan od otvaranja do zatvaranja galerije, od poËetka do kraja izloæbe, a ne samo na prenapuËenim, blistavim otvaranjima. Svakome koga je to zanimalo, rado bi odgovarao na pitanja o izloæenim radovima, vodio posjetitelje od slike do slike æeleÊi im objasniti svaki razlog stvaranja pojedinog rada, pa je tako naπao vremena i za obiËnog Ëuvara Nacionalne galerije. Taj Ëuvar i dalje radi u galeriji, no sada i sam moæe pomoÊi svima koji se u modernoj umjetnosti ne snalaze lako. Grupama studenata Jamal bi dræao prava mala i dragocjena predavanja o svjetlu, o bojama, o razlogu stvaranja svake od 292 slike koje je za svog æivota posveÊenog umjetnosti naslikao, od divovskih murala do ulja na platnu ili akrilika. Zanimljivo je da je moderna malezijska umjetnost imala suprotan put od zapadnjaËke, zasnovane na stoljeÊima dugoj figurativnoj tradiciji slika i skulptura. Malezijskom je tradicijom, naprotiv, dominirala apstrakcija i simbolika, stiliziranih motiva u batiku, drvu, kaligrafiji i tkanjima pa je iz njih izrasla Nurlhaq bin Sahil, Syedov sin / Syed’ son

Subotnje veËeri / Saturday Nights, 2006 akrilik na platnu/ acrylic on canvas Collection of National Visual Arts Gallery, Malaysia

potreba za novim pristupima prikazivanja prirode. Jamal piπe kako je upravo nedostatak velike vizualne tradicije omoguÊio malajskoj umjetnosti da bude slobodna od bilo kakvih stega. Jednako poput krajobraza, fascinirale su ga knjige, mnogo knjiga i enciklopedija koje je proËitao kao djeËak, ne sluteÊi vjerojatno da Êe Ëetrnaesti svezak Enciklopedije Malezije, o primijenjenim i vizualnim umjetnostima, urediti upravo on. Tijekom svoga dugogodiπnjeg djelovanja, Syed Ahmad prolazio je kroz razliËite umjetniËke faze; suvremenik i poznavatelj Matissea i njegovih preciznih poteza kistom, Miròovih shematskih vizija svijeta, apstraktnih krajolika de Staëla, bio je tijekom pedesetih zacijelo snaæno pod njihovim utjecajem, utjecajem kubizma i ekspresionizma, fauvizma, s uzbudljivim kombinacijama boja poput onih na poznatom autoportretu prikazanom i na zagrebaËkoj izloæbi. SlikajuÊi lokalne krajolike, nipah palme Ëijim nazubljenim listovima zemlja grli nebo, svjeæe zelenilo riæinih polja, ubavost ribarskih koliba i barki, svakako svjedoËi o ruralnom iskustvu svoga djetinjstva. Taj je poznati, domaÊi krajolik umjetniku-povratniku vraÊao osjeÊaj pripadnosti i kulturne identifikacije. SoËno zelenilo, sunËano æuto, natopljeno je svjetloπÊu u Ëast plodnosti zemlje. Jednako su uzbudljivi Jamalovi noÊni krajolici sa zvijezdama koje pulsiraju u svim moguÊim bojama, spajajuÊi nebeske sa zemaljskim obzorima. »ak i kad je postao najcjenjeniji umjetnik Malezije, nije mario za priznanja ili novac −slikanje je za njega bilo viπe od naËina samoizraæavanja, naËin æivota, ili æivot sâm, zbog potrebe da iskreno i bez tajni, bez ostatka, izloæi svoju duπu na platnima. Umjetnost je, smatra, neodvojiva od vjere − πtoviπe, izraz je te vjere i ljubavi − a obje je izraæavao na majstorski naËin. Njegova je autorska skromnost sukladna islamskom poimanju umjetnosti, koju,

kao ni prirodu samu, ne treba πtovati poput Boga, niti se stvaratelj umjetniËkog djela smije s njime usporeivati ili Ëak natjecati u kreaciji. U malajskoj je kulturi najcjenjenija osobina umjerenost, izbjegavanje bahatosti ili razmetanja, bilo bogatstvom, bilo sposobnostima. U umjetnosti Syeda Ahmada, Ëije je umjetniËko obrazovanje vezano uz londonsku Chelsea School of Art, osjeÊa se ambivalencija osobnog iskustva æivljenja u dva svijeta, u kojem su zapadnjaËki oblici izraæavanja i tehnike stopljeni s istoËnjaËkim simbolima i duhovnoπÊu. U njegovim djelima Zapad doista sreÊe Istok, a novo se isprepleÊe sa starim. Sve je u metafori, no svejedno mu slike na viπe razina odraæavaju vulkansku snagu i sigurnu, izravnu gestu. U staroj je malajskoj kulturi Jamala fascinirao trokut, tumpal, simboliËki element koji oznaËuje viπe pojmova − od bambusova izdanka do mitske, mistiËne planine. Najpoznatiji je ciklus apstraktnih prikaza planine Gudung Ledang, markantne viste njegovog rodnog Johora, mitskog obitavaliπta okrutne princeze i legendarnih stijena protkanih zlatnim æilama koje su, iz velikih daljina, svejednako privlaËile grËke i kineske tragaËe za bogatstvom i sreÊom. U potrazi za nacionalnim identitetom ni slojevi analitiËkoga kubizma, ekspresionizma i apstraktnog ekspresionizma, nisu bili smetnjom posizanju za lokalnim iskustvom kaligrafije i pisma jawi, arapskih slova prilagoenih malajskom jeziku, Ëije je pisanje tako Ëesto vjeæbao u djetinjstvu. Tako nastaje ciklus Tulisan (pismo) u kojem se glatki, zaobljeni, prepoznatljivi oblici arapskog pisma pretapaju s, oËiπÊenim od svega suviπnoga, gustim i æestokim potezima kista, taloæeÊi mnogo viπa znaËenja od formi iz kojih su potekli. − Moja umjetnost ima islamsku duπu i suvremenu formu − katkad je govorio. Nurlhaq, kojemu je od sve oËeve umjetnosti bila najdraæa svjetlost, tako vjerno doËarana na platnima uz CROATIA AIRLINES


traËkom ovozemaljske svijesti. Nurlhaq nam otkriva: posljednja tri majstorova platna bila su posve bijela. Sayed Ahmad Jamal, Pelukis, samozatajni, blagi Ëovjek umro je u srpnju 2011. godine, ugasivπi se lijepom i blagom smrÊu, reÊi Êe Nurlhaq na kraju razgovora. ■

M Basmallah (U ime Alaha / In the name of Allah), 2007 akril na platnu / acrylic on canvas, 183 x 122 cm privatna zbirka / private collection

koja je odrastao; godinama prateÊi oËev rad, bio je obasipan tom svjetloπÊu, nanoπenom u nekoliko slojeva. Vjeruje da je, moæda i nesvjesno, baπ ta izloæenost svjetlu, ta ozraËenost, uvjetovala odabir vlastitoga filmaπkog posla, uz koji je postao i ekspert za otkrivanje falsifikata Jamalovih slika. Upravo se zbog stremljenja k svjetlosti Jamal usudio koristiti i crnom bojom, u teπkim, ali energiËnim, pastoznim namazima − jer niπta tako, znao je, ne istiËe svjetlost kao πto to Ëini tama. Zbog svjetlosti Jamalov je opus ispunjen takvim æestokim, æivim bojama, da su ga prozvali guruom boja, guru warna, na Ëemu se temelji i lajtmotiv izloæbe u Muzeju za umjetnost i obrt. Svjetlost na kraju biva sublimirana u bijelo, izvor, zbroj i majku svih boja, bljeπtavu bijelu u koju uranjamo posljednjim Plod betela / Betel nut, 1982-1986 akril na platnu / acrylic on canvas, 208 x 208 cm Collection of National Visual Arts Gallery, Malaysia



alaysia is a country unlike any other: full of promise and fragility. Its history, cultural and religious diversity make it a rich, compelling and surprising land. This is what Tariq Ramadani, a Swiss professor of Islamic studies, once said about this distant, irresistible land in South-eastern Asia bordering Thailand, Indonesia, Brunei and Singapore. The last was once its integral part. The name of the biggest Malaysian city, Kuala Lumpur, translates roughly into a muddy confluence; a name so resonant and so mysterious. The average Croatian imagines Malaysia as a warm and exotic paradise, where beaches strewn with palm trees are seen through a haze; a country hardly touched by the global financial crisis, a successful economy of the kind usually referred to as an Asian tiger. There are too few links between the Malaysian and Croatian culture. Some forms of cooperation exist between Malaysian and Croatian universities. Negotiations on cultural cooperation are underway between the two governments. An exceptional event − the exhibition by the father of modern Malaysian art, artist Pelukis Syed Ahmad Jamal (1929-2011), which will be held between 7 and 29 June at Zagreb’s Museum of Arts and Crafts, could be a splendid introduction to that cooperation. A painter, sculptor, designer, builder, professor, writer and encyclopaedist, he was one of the greatest Malaysian artists, unanimously revered in every single sphere of his many-sided, almost renaissance interests. He was a curator, and then the director of the National Art Gallery. During his term in office, the institution gained fame beyond Malaysian borders owing to his knowledgeable choices and particular artistic sensibility. Due to his exceptional contribution to Malaysian art, in 1995 the state recognized him as a national artist laureate. Where institutional links have failed, or have not even been established, personal connections make all the difference. Syed Nurlhaq Chaniago is the great artist’s son who has a secret but a very strong reason for having chosen Zagreb in Croatia as the venue of the first ever European exhibition of Syed Ahmad Jamal’s works. The reason is love, but our curiosity has to stop there. Love and admiration were the forces that made this Croatia Airlines fre-

quent flyer accomplish the almost impossible − singlehandedly doing everything in his power to organize this European homage to his father by finding a venue, preparing the transport and insuring the great painter’s works so that they may arrive safely and be presented to Zagreb, Croatia, Europe. Obviously, the effort to organize such an artistic happening has added a lot of new air miles to his previous credit. To pass the long hours spent in the air, Nurlhaq often reads the Croatia Airlines in-flight magazine, not unlike yourself who are holding the latest issue in your hands. He used to bring home such magazines after flights with various companies, which is why we are flattered by his remark that the great painter and master of visual arts considered Croatia Airlines’ in-flight magazine the best. When he started talking about his artist father, he was rather restrained, and then, as he became more relaxed, his narrative became more passionate. Growing up along Syed Ahmad Jamal was certainly not easy. His versatility and fervent activity required a lot of concentration and long hours to gain focus. All who knew him speak not only of a great artist but also of a good, modest, accessible man who selflessly shared all the knowledge he had acquired during the fifty plus years of his professional activity. Nurlhaq remembers that his father was a constant presence during all of his exhibitions; from the moment a gallery opened until it closed, from the moment the exhibition was revealed until it was dismantled, and not only during the overcrowded glitzy exhibition openings. He would gladly answer questions about the exhibits from anybody who showed interest; he would take visitors from one painting to the next, looking to explain to them the reasons why each of the works was created. Thus, he found the time to talk to an ordinary guard at the National Gallery. The guard still works at the gallery, but now he is capable of helping all those who find it difficult to get a bearing in modern art. Jamal would gather groups of students and give them veritable on the spot lectures about light, colours and the reasons behind each of the 292 paintings he had created during his life dedicated to art, starting with gigantic murals to oils on canvass or acrylics. Interestingly enough, modern Malaysian art had a different development path than western art. While the latter was founded on the centuries-long figurative traditions in painting and sculpture, Malaysian art was traditionally dominated by abstraction and symbolism, stylized motifs in batik technique and woodwork, calligraphy and weaved fabrics. The need for new approaches to depicting nature arose from those traditions. Jamal wrote that it was



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precisely the lack of any substantial visual tradition that enabled Malaysian art to be unrestrained. Just like landscapes, he was fascinated by books. While reading books and encyclopaedias as a boy he certainly never even dreamt that some day he would be the editor of the 14th volume of The Encyclopaedia of Malaysia dealing with applied and visual arts. In the course of his long professional activity, Syed Ahmad went through different artistic phases; a contemporary of Matisse, he knew the artist and his precise brushwork; he was familiar with Mirò’s schematic visions of the world, deStaël’s abstract landscapes; during the 50s he was certainly under their strong influence, under the influence of cubism, expressionism, fauvism, with exciting combinations of colours like those in the so far unknown self portrait which will be exhibited in Zagreb. Local landscapes and nipa palms whose serrated leaves fill the embrace of the earth and the sky, the green freshness of rice fields, the quaintness of fishermen huts and boats in his paintings bear witness to his rural childhood experiences. What the familiar local landscape meant for the returnee artist was the feeling of belonging and cultural identification. The succulent green and the sunny yellow are soaked in the light to honour the fecundity of the soil. Equally exciting are Jamal’s nightscapes with stars pulsating in the full gamut of colures, connecting skyscapes with landscapes. Even when he gained the reputation as the most revered Malaysian artist, he did not care much for either the recognition or money; for him, painting was more than a way to express himself. It was a way of life, life itself. It originated from his desire to expose his soul on canvases, sincerely, without any secrets, completely. He believed that art is inseparable from religion. Moreover, that it is an expression of faith and love and he expressed both in a masterful way. As an author, his modesty was in sync with the Islamic notion of art, whereby neither art nor nature should be revered as if they were gods; neither should a creator of art be compared to God or compete with him in the act of creation. In the Malaysian culture, the most highly respected qualities are doing things in moderation, avoiding arrogance or parading one’s wealth or abilities. In the art of Syed Ahmad, who was educated at London’s Chelsea School of Art, one can feel the ambivalence which stems from a personal experience of living in two different worlds; the western forms of expression and techniques blend with eastern symbols and spirituality.

Indeed, the west indeed meets the east in his work, and all things new intertwine with all things old. Everything is about metaphor. All the same, his paintings reveal a volcanic power and an unerring, straightforward gesture on more than one level. As for the old Malaysian culture, Jamal was fascinated by a triangle, tumpal, a symbolic element which denotes several things − from a bamboo shoot to a mythical, mystic mountain. His best known cycle consists of abstract depictions of Gudung Ledang Mountain, a striking vista from his native Johor, the mythical dwelling place of a cruel princess and legendary rocks entwined with golden streaks which attracted Greek and Chinese adventurers who came from far afield in pursuit of wealth and happiness. Layers of analytical cubism, expressionism and abstract expressionism did not stand in his way when, searching for his national identity, he reached for the local experience of calligraphy and the Jawi script, Arabic letters adapted to Malaysian languages, which he often practiced in childhood. Those were the origins of his cycle Tulisan (letter) in which smooth, rounded, recognizable forms of letters in the Arabic script blend with dense and forceful brushstrokes, purified from everything unnecessary, while layer upon layer of meanings is piled up until their multitude surpasses the number of forms from which they originated. My art has an Islamic soul and a contemporary form, he used to say. In all of his father’s artwork Nurlhaq was taken most strongly by light, so faithfully depicted on the canvasses he grew up with; as he followed his father’s work for years, that light, painted in several layers, was lavished on him. He believes that the exposure to light, that irradiation, were instrumental in his choice of profession in the film-making business. He has also become an expert in detecting fake Jamals. Because of his strife towards light, Jamal dared to use black colour in heavy but bold, thick layers. He used to say that nothing brings out light like darkness. Because of light, Jamal’s opus is filled with so many strong vivid colours that he was dubbed the guru of colours, guru warna, which is also the leitmotif of the exhibition at the Museum of Arts and Crafts. Ultimately, light is transformed into white, the source, the sum and the mother of all colours, the luminescent white into which we dive with the last glimpse of earthly consciousness. Nurlhaq reveals: the last three master’s canvasses were totally white. Syed Ahmad Jamal, Pelukis, a self-effacing gentle man, died in July 2011. His death was gentle and beautiful, said Nurlhaq at the end of our conversation. ■ CROATIA AIRLINES



Piše/By Davor JanušiÊ Fotografije/Photos Marko Delbello Ocepek

Hrvatski nacionalni avioprijevoznik spremno je prihvatio zamisao o organizaciji posebnog leta, koji je rijetkost na europskoj, ali i na svjetskoj razini. The Croatian national carrier has readily accepted the idea of organising a special flight, which is a rarity in Europe, but also on a global level.




atum: 14. svibnja 2014. Vrijeme polijetanja: 19.30. Polaziπte: Zagreb. Odrediπte: Zagreb. Let u nepoznato. RijeË je o sadræaju posebne karte za 120 odabranih putnika, koji su te veËeri u putniËkoj kabini zrakoplova Airbus 319 Croatia Airlinesa prisustvovali jedinstvenom dogaaju − koncertu u zraku. Hrvatski nacionalni avioprijevoznik spremno je prihvatio zamisao o organizaciji posebnog leta, koji je rijetkost na europskoj, ali i na svjetskoj razini. Realizacija ovog dogaaja razumijevala je veoma zahtjevne i opseæne pripreme u cijeloj kompaniji, a one su se obavljale tajno jer let je bio iznenaenje i za putnike i za javnost. Kako bi se u poslovnom razredu pripremila pozornica za glazbenike, iz zrakoplova je trebalo izvaditi prva Ëetiri reda sjedala, a za to je bilo nuæno odobrenje tvrtke ovlaπtene za konfiguraciju zrakoplova. Veoma vaæna bila je i procjena svih moguÊih sigurnosnih rizika, a ponajviπe zbog alternativnog izvora napajanja glazbene opreme preko posebnih baterija. Oprema se testirala na temelju preporuka proizvoaËa zrakoplova Airbus kako bi se otklonila moguÊnost interferencije s navigacijskim i komunikacijskim ureajima zrakoplova. Uspostavljene su i detaljne procedure u sluËaju turbulencija, prilagoena je dokumentacija za let u pilotskim priruËnicima, a odræano je i viπe briefinga s posadom jer je, izmeu ostalog, za putnike





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Slovenska pjevaËica Alya u naπem hangaru/ Slovenian singer Alya in our hangar

Massimo oduπevio nastupom na letu/ Massimo delighted the audience with his performance

Massimo pjeva Sjaj u travi na 5000 m visine/ Massimo singing Sjaj u travi (Glow in the Grass) at 5000 metres



pripremljen i poseban servis (repovi πkampa i torta od jagoda). ViπemjeseËne pripreme potvrdile su da je let siguran i da je u Croatia Airlinesu samo nebo granica. Vrhunac priprema dogodio se neposredno prije polijetanja jer je, nakon dolaska zrakoplova s redovitog leta, za samo 90 minuta trebalo obaviti rekonfiguraciju, posebno urediti cijelu putniËku kabinu, postaviti glazbenu opremu te omoguÊiti pjevaËima posljednji tonski pokus prije nastupa iznad oblaka. I onda − odlazak u visine. Kada su piloti podignuli zrakoplov na oko 4000 metara, na najviπoj pozornici na svijetu izaπla je slovenska pop-pjevaËica Alya i zapjevala iznenaenim i oduπevljenim putnicima. U tim trenucima malo je tko znao da Operativni centar Croatia Airlinesa daje upute pilotima o najmirnijim podruËjima zraËnog prostora, kako bi se izbjegle moguÊe turbulencije. I dok je zrakoplov mirno letio iznad istoËne Hrvatske, u putniËkoj kabini ugoaj je dodatno zagrijao hrvatski pjevaË Massimo SaviÊ. VeÊina ushiÊenih putnika zapjevala je neke od njegovih najpoznatijih pjesama, dio je i zaplesao u ekonomskom razredu, viπe nitko nije sjedio na sjedalu… Hrvatski glazbenik, koji je priznao da se inaËe boji letenja, nakon devedesetominutnog leta i povratka u Zagreb kratko je saæeo dojmove svih sudionika leta: − Ovo je bilo ludo i jedinstveno iskustvo i volio bih ga ponoviti. ■



Massimo i Alya poslije nastupa/ Massimo and Alya after the show

Nazdravljanje uspjeπnom projektu − predstavnici slovenske agencije AVI, Croatia Airlinesa i pjevaËica Alya/ A toast to the successful project: representatives of the Slovenian agency AVI and Croatia Airlines with Alya

Alya je promovirala pjesmu Car/ Alya promoted her song Car (The Tzar)




ate: May 14, 2014. Takeoff time: 19:30. The starting point: Zagreb. Destination: Zagreb. A flight to the unknown. The event comprised special air tickets for 120 selected passengers who attended a unique event in the passenger cabin of Croatia Airlines’ Airbus 319 − a concert in the air. The Croatian national carrier has readily accepted the idea of organising a special flight, which is a rarity in Europe, but also on

a global level. The realization of this event entailed very demanding and extensive preparations throughout the company, and they were exercised in secret because the flight was a surprise for both the passengers and the public. In order to prepare a stage for musicians in the business class section of the plane, the first four rows of seats had to be taken out, and for doing so it was necessary to obtain the approval of the company authorized for aircraft configuration. The assessment of all potential security risks was very important, primarily due to alternative power sources for the musical equipment through special chargers. The equipment was tested on the basis of recommendations of the Airbus aircraft manufacturer in order to eliminate the possibility of interference with the navigation and communication devices of the aircraft. Detailed procedures in the event of turbulence were established, documentation was adjusted in the pilot’s flight manuals, and several briefings with the crew were held because, among other things, a special catering service was offered to the passengers (shrimp tails and strawberry cake). Several months of preparation confirmed that the flight was safe and that only the sky was the limit for Croatia Airlines. The highlight of the preparations took place shortly before take-off because, after the arrival of the aircraft from a regular flight, there was only 90 minutes to perform the reconfiguration, specifically arrange the entire passenger cabin, set up the music equipment and allow the singers to have the last sound check before the show above the clouds. And then - departure to high above. When the pilots lifted the aircraft to about 4000 meters, the Slovenian pop singer Alya stepped onto the highest stage in the world and started singing to the surprised and delighted passengers. In those moments there were few who knew that the Croatia Airlines’ Operations Centre was giving instructions to the pilots about the most tranquil areas of airspace, in order to avoid possible turbulence. And while the aircraft was smoothly flying over eastern Croatia, the ambiance in the cabin was further warmed by the Croatian singer Massimo SaviÊ. Most of the amazed passengers sang along to some of his best-known songs, some of them even danced in economy class, and no one remained sitting in their seats... The Croatian musician, who has admitted to being afraid of flying, after the ninety minute flight and the return to Zagreb briefly summed up the thoughts of all the flight’s participants: This was a crazy and unique experience and I would like to repeat it. ■

Party u hangaru poslije slijetanja: zrakoplov Croatia Airlinesa u bojama Mingla/ Party in the hangar after landing: Croatia Airlines’ aircraft in Mingl colours



LIPANJ/JUNE Zagreb i okolica/Zagreb and surroundings 23.-25.6., Zagreb INMUSIC FESTIVAL 2014./ INMUSIC FESTIVAL 2014 Ne samo zbog visokih temperatura, nego i zbog istinskog rocka koji u Hrvatsku dovode organizatori INmusic festivala, ljeto Êe poËeti u æestokom ritmu./Not only because of the high temperatures, but because of the genuine rock’n’roll brought to Croatia by the organisers of the INmusic Festival, the summer will kick off with intense rhythms. 27.-29.6., –urevac PICOKIJADA/PICOKIJADA Jedinstvenom scenskom predstavom na otvorenome –urevËani potkraj lipnja slave originalnu pobjedu nad turskom vojskom. Posjetitelji se mogu uvjeriti u podravsku gostoljubivost i kvalitetu priredbe koja je postala prepoznatljivi turistiËki proizvod naπe zemlje./At the end of June, the people from –urevac celebrate the victory against the Turkish army with a unique open air theatre performance. Visitors can experience their hospitality and the quality of the performance which has become a distinguishing tourism product of our country. 7.6.- 3.8., Marija Bistrica LJETO U MARIJI BISTRICI/ SUMMER IN MARIJA BISTRICA Manifestacija nudi razliËite kulturne, duhovne, sportske i ostale zabavne sadræaje tijekom ljeta s naglaskom na proslavi 13. srpnja, Blagdana Majke Boæje BistriËke, Dana OpÊine i Æupe Marija Bistrica./This event offers various cultural, spiritual, sport and other entertainment contents during the summer. The festivities will peak on July 13th, the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Bistrica, the Day of the Municipality and Marija Bistrica Parish. 28.6., »igoÊ DAN EUROPSKOG SELA RODA/ THE DAY OF THE EUROPEAN STORK VILLAGE U »igoÊu æivi oko 120 mjeπtana i joπ dvjestotinjak roda. S obzirom

na njihov skladan suæivot, »igoÊ je proglaπen prvim europskim selom roda, te je stoga organizirana manifestacija u sklopu koje posjetitelji mogu otiÊi u obilazak Lonjskoga polja ili uæivati u gastronomskoj ponudi. Suæivite se i vi sa selom koje su rode odabrale da im bude dom./»igoÊ has 120 villagers and about two hundred storks. Due to their harmonious coexistence, »igoÊ has been declared the first European Stork Village. As a result, the village hosts this event which offers the visitors a tour of Lonjsko Polje and a rich gastronomic offer. You too can experience this co-habitation with storks in the village they have chosen for their home. 27.-29.6., Koprivnica PODRAVSKI MOTIVI/PODRAVINA MOTIFS Podravski motivi jedna su od najveÊih kulturnih manifestacija ovog dijela Europe, u kojoj se proæimlju veoma atraktivni i osobiti sadræaji: sajam naivne umjetnosti − najveÊi sajam naive na svijetu, sajam starih obrta, folklor, sajam antikviteta i gastronomska ponuda podravskog kraja./ Podravina Motifs is one of the largest cultural events in this part of Europe. It combines many attractive and unique contents: the naive art fair − the largest naive fair in the world, the old crafts fair, folklore, the antiques fair and the gastronomic offer of the Podravina region.

Osijek i okolica/Osijek and surroundings Osijek, 29.6.-21.7. OSJE»KO LJETO KULTURE/ A SUMMER OF CULTURE IN OSIJEK OsjeËka Tvra, nekoÊ pozornica burnih povijesnih dogaanja, pretvara se u pozornicu vrhunskih umjetniËkih programa./Osijek’s Tvra, a one-time

* Za promjene u rasporedu poslije zakljuËenja Ëasopisa redakcija ne odgovara This schedule is valid on May 15th. Allow for change after this date.



stage of stormy historical events, has become a stage for excellent art programmes.

parts of Croatia. All events take place at the Cavtat summer stages and are free of charge.

Pula i okolica/Pula and surroundings

Zadar i okolica/Zadar and surroundings

lipanj−rujan/june-september GROÆNJANSKO GLAZBENO LJETO/A SUMMER OF MUSIC IN GROÆNJAN Pod pokroviteljstvom groænjanske Meunarodne glazbene πkole na malim gradskim trgovima i u crkvama odræavaju se koncerti. Glazbeni su stilovi najrazliËitiji - od jazza do komorne glazbe./Under the auspices of the Groænjan International Music School, a number of concerts take place in small town squares and churches. There will be various musical styles on offer, ranging from jazz to chamber music.

30.6.-4.8., Zadar 20. ZADARSKO KAZALI©NO LJETO/20 th ZADAR SUMMER THEATRE FESTIVAL U ambijentu zadarskih povijesnih graevina, koje svojom ljepotom veÊ stoljeÊima zadivljuju goste jadranske obale, održava se tradicionalna ljetna manifestacija, koja Êe vaπem odmoru tijekom ljetnih mjeseci dati osobito kulturno obilježje./This traditional summer event takes place in the ambiance of Zadar’s historical buildings whose beauty has been amazing visitors to the Adriatic coast for centuries. This event will give your summer vacation a special cultural feature.

Dubrovnik i okolica/Dubrovnik and surroundings 21.-28.6., Dubrovnik MIDSUMMER SCENE Novi festival na tvravi Lovrijenac na kojem Êe se svaku veËer u 21:30 prikazivati Shakespearov San ljetne noÊi na engleskom jeziku./The Fort of St. Lawrence is the venue for a new festival during which Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream in English will be staged each evening at 21:30. 28.6.-8.9., Cavtat CAVTATSKO LJETO/CAVTAT SUMMER Cavtatsko ljeto, kulturno-zabavna je manifestacija koja nudi koncerte klasiËne glazbe, jazza, dalmatinskih klapa, nastupe plesnih i folklornih skupina. Zavrπnica pripada susretu klapa, koji prvog vikenda u rujnu okupi dubrovaËke i ponajbolje klape iz drugih dijelova Hrvatske. Sve priredbe odræavaju se na cavtatskim ljetnim pozornicama i besplatne su./ Cavtat Summer is a cultural and entertainment event which offers classical music, jazz and Dalmatian a cappella (klapa) music concerts, as well as performances of dance and folklore groups. The final evening is devoted to Dalmatian klapa singers. On the first weekend in September, this event gathers the best klapa groups from Dubrovnik and other

Split i okolica/Split and surroundings 28.-29.6.,Veliko Grablje, Otok Hvar FESTIVAL LEVANDE/LAVENDER FESTIVAL U ovoj turistiËko-gospodarskoj manifestaciji moæete uæivati u ponudi najraznovrsnijih proizvoda od lavande, prezentaciji tradicionalnog

destiliranja lavande, domaÊoj hrani, izloæbama, radionicama, koncertima i mnogim drugim dogaanjima./During this tourist and business event, you can enjoy a wide offer of lavender products, presentations of traditional lavender distillation, home-made food, exhibitions, concerts and many other contents.


dogaanja./Karlobag was once called Vegium (the place of easy living). Every year this town prepares a series of events for its visitors. 26.7., OtoËac EKO-ETNO GACKA Manifestacija okuplja izlagaËe autohtonih proizvoda iz Gacke, Like i drugih hrvatskih æupanija. Upotpunjena je natjecanjima u kuhanju, igraonicom za djecu, nastupom kulturno-umjetniËkih udruga i nastupom glazbenih zabavnih grupa./This event attracts the producers of original handicraft products from Gacka, Lika and other Croatian regions. There are also cooking competitions, children’s play groups, performances by culture and art associations, and concerts by popular music groups.

Zagreb i okolica/Zagreb and surroundings

Pula i okolica/Pula and surroundings

16.7.-20.7., Zagreb 48. ME–UNARODNA SMOTRA FOLKLORA/48th INTERNATIONAL FOLKLORE FESTIVAL Ovogodiπnja smotra bit Êe posveÊena folkloru i drugim tradicijama Meimurja. Na tome malom podruËju sreÊemo brojne oblike tradicijske kulture, posebice folklornu, glazbenu i plesnu baπtinu./This year’s folklore festival will focus on folklore and other traditions of Meimurje. In this small region there are many examples of traditional culture, especially the folklore music and dance heritage.

1.7.-31.8., Labin LABIN ART REPUBLIKA/LABIN ART REPUBLIC Projekt oæivljavanja povijesne i kulturne baπtine srednjovjekovnoga istarskoga grada Labina. U srpnju i kolovozu Labin se pretvara u umjetniËku republiku. Njegovo Malo kazaliπte, crkva, stari trg, ulice i skaline preuzimaju ulogu pozornice./ This is a project for the revival of the historical and cultural heritage of the Medieval Istrian town of Labin. In July and August, Labin turns into a republic of arts. The Little Theatre, church, old square, streets and stairways take on the role of a stage. 5.7., Rovinj VE»ERI RIBARSKE TRADICIJE/ EVENINGS OF FISHERMEN’S TRADITIONS PosvjedoËite i vi oæivljavanju tradicije ljudi iz prekrasnoga istarskoga grada te sudjelujte u manifestaciji kojom se uz nekadaπnje obiËaje slavi i gradnja batane, a oko prizora njezina porinuÊa okuplja se cijeli grad u luci./Come and bear witness to traditions being revived in this beautiful Istrian town and participate in the event which celebrates the traditional customs and the construction of a Batana (flatboat). The entire town gathers along the harbour to observe the boat being launched into the sea. 12.-26.7., Pula 61. PULSKI FILMSKI FESTIVAL/ 61st PULA FILM FESTIVAL Filmski festival u Puli ubraja se u svjetski atraktivne fi lmske festivale na otvorenome. Pula je pravo mjesto na kojemu nacionalna kinematografi ja provjerava komunikaciju fi lma i publike, istodobno propitkujuÊi jedno-

Osijek i okolica/Osijek and surroundings 4.7. Slavonski Brod FI©IJADA/(FISH SOUP FESTIVAL) Na Fiπijadi se okuplja stotinjak natjecatelja Ëije prijateljsko kulinarsko natjecanje oko pripreme fiπa-pikantne riblje juhe, najviπe ide u prilog posjetiteljima. Ambijent dodatno uljepπava slavonsko vino i vesela pjesma tamburaπa./ The Fish Soup Festival gathers about one hundred participants. Their friendly culinary competition to prepare the spicy fish paprikash benefits onlookers the most. The ambience is further enhanced by Slavonian wine and the tunes of tamburica singers. GospiÊ i okolica/GospiÊ and surroundings 1.7.-1.9., Karlobag KARLOBA©KO LJETO/SUMMER IN KARLOBAG Mjesto lijepog æivljenja, kako se Karlobag nekad zvao (Vegium), svake godine svojim gostima prireuje niz

godiπnje umjetniËke dosege./ The Pula Film Festival is globally known as one of the most attractive open air film festivals. Pula is the place where the audience’s response to national cinematography is checked and the artistic achievements of the year are presented.

17.-27.7., Umag 25. VEGETA CROATIA OPEN UMAG/25th ATP VEGETA CROATIA OPEN UMAG Ljetni ATP turnir koji se u Umagu odræava viπe od 20 godina, vrhunac je turistiËke sezone u sjeverozapadnoj Istri i jedan od najvaænijih sportskih i druπtvenih dogaaja u Hrvatskoj. U gradu tih dana borave tenisaËi svjetskog ranga i ljubitelji bijelog sporta./ The ATP summer tournament which has been organised in Umag for more than 20 years represents the peak of the tourist season in northwest Istria and is one of the most important sport and social events in Croatia. During the tournament, this town hosts the world’s best tennis players and many lovers of this sport. 18.-21.7., SvetvinËenat 15. FESTIVAL PLESA I NEVERBALNOG KAZALI©TA/ 15th FESTIVAL OF DANCE AND NON-VERBAL THEATRE Festivalski program sastavljen je od suvremenog plesa, uliËnog teatra, radionica i okupljaliπte je brojnih plesnih umjetnika, pedagoga, struËnjaka, kritiËara, programatora festivala te, najljepπe od svega, brojne i odane publike./The festival program comprises contemporary dance and street theatre performances, as well as workshops, and has become a meeting point for numerous dancers, pedagogues, experts, critics, festival organisers and, most importantly, the numerous and loyal audience. www. 26.7. -30.7., Motovun MOTOVUN FILM FESTIVAL/ MOTOVUN FILM FESTIVAL Na festivalu moæete pogledati izbor filmova iz aktualne svjetske produkcije, neovisno o æanrovskom usmjerenju./ At the festival you can see a selection of films from current world production in different genres.

Rijeka i okolica/Rijeka and surroundings 5.7., Novi Vinodolski ME–UNARODNI LJETNI KARNEVAL/INTERNATIONAL SUMMER CARNIVAL Novi Vinodolski svoja gradska vrata otvara maπkarama i privremeno prepuπta vlast Ljetnom karnevalu./In July, Novi Vinodolski opens its doors to masked revellers and temporarily cedes power to the summer carnival. 4.-6.7., Opatija LIBURNIA JAZZ FESTIVAL Festival je postao najveÊi jazz-festival u Hrvatskoj i regiji zbog broja koncerata koji se odræavaju, broja posjetitelja koji se svake godine vjerno vraÊaju, te novih oboæavatelja jazza./This festival has become the largest jazz festival in Croatia and the region because of the large number of concerts, the numerous loyal visitors who come to this festival year after year and the new jazz lovers it attracts. 20.7.-24.8.,Osor 39. OSORSKE GLAZBENE VE»ERI/39 th EVENINGS OF MUSIC IN OSOR Festival klasiËne glazbe odræava se u Osoru od 1976. g. Koncerti se prireuju u osorskoj katedrali, a izvode se djela hrvatskih skladatelja./This classical music festival has been held in Osor since 1976. The concerts are held in the Osor Cathedral and the music of Croatian composers is performed. 25.-27.7., Rab RABSKA FJERA/ RABSKA FJERA (MEDIEVAL SUMMER FESTIVAL) U slikovitim povijesnim kostimima Rabljani gostima pokazuju svoje tradicionalne, umjetniËke i obrtniËke radove. Viteπki turnir predstavlja zavrπetak Rabske fjere./Wearing colourful historical costumes, the locals of Rab show their guests their traditional art and handicrafts. The Knights’ Tournament represents the finale of Rabska Fjera. Zadar i okolica/Zadar and surroundings 2.-9.7. Tisno, otok Murter GARDEN FESTIVAL Ujedinjeni u tjedan dana zabave, pustolovine i plesa pod zvjezdanim nebom, posjetitelji i zaljubljenici u glazbu mogu uæivati u jedinstvenom iskustvu.Tisno Êe i ove godine tijekom Festivala postati mediteranski centar klupske glazbene scene uz dolazak izvoaËa i gostiju iz cijeloga svijeta./ United in a week of entertainment, adventure and dance under the CROATIA AIRLINES


starry sky, visitors and music lovers can enjoy a unique experience. During the festival, Tisno becomes the Mediterranean centre of club music and welcomes performers and visitors from all over the world. 5.7.-15.8. Zadar 53. GLAZBENE VE»ERI U SV.DONATU/53rd MUSIC EVENINGS AT ST. DONATUS Meunarodni glazbeni festival odræava se u crkvi sv. Donata, gdje posjetitelji mogu uæivati u koncertima srednjovjekovne, renesansne i glazbe ranog baroka./This international festival is held in the Church of St. Donatus where the visitors can enjoy medieval, renaissance and early baroque concerts. ©ibenik i okolica/©ibenik and surroundings 29.-30.7., Vodice 12. VODICE JAZZ & BLUES FESTIVAL/12th VODICE JAZZ & BLUES FESTIVAL Nastupi eminentnih hrvatskih i stranih jazz & blues glazbenika i stilska raznolikost razlog su πto vodiËki festival privlaËi sve viπe ljubitelja ove glazbe./The performances of prominent Croatian and foreign jazz and blues musicians and the stylistic diversity of the festival are the reasons why the Vodice festival attracts an increasingly larger number of jazz and blues lovers. Split i okolica/Split and surroundings 1.7.-28.8. OMI©KO KULTURNO LJETO/ A SUMMER OF CULTURE IN OMI© Svojim gostima tijekom ljeta Omiπ nudi πiroki spektar zanimljivih dogaanja, a najpoznatiji je meu njima Festival dalmatinskih klapa./Omiπ offers its summer guests a wide range of interesting events, including the most popular one, the Festival of Dalmatian Klapa Singing. 1.7.-31.8., Kaπtela KA©TELANSKO KULTURNOZABAVNO LJETO/ A SUMMER OF CULTURE AND ENTERTAINMENT IN KA©TELA Za one koji vole klasiËnu glazbu u dvorcu Vitturi cijelo se ljeto odræavaju koncerti klasiËne glazbe i izloæbe. Zaljubljenici u tradicionalnu dalmatinsku kulturu svoje Êe mjesto naÊi i u starogradskim jezgrama i na feπtama, a na VeËerima dalmatinske pisme uæivat Êe u klapskoj pjesmi./For those who like classical music, concerts and exhibitions are organised in Vitturi Castle during the entire summer. Aficionados of the traditional Dalmatian culture 162


will come unto their own in the old towns and at fetes while they enjoy klapa singing during the Evenings of Dalmatian Songs. www.kaπ 5.-26.7., Omiπ FESTIVAL DALMATINSKIH KLAPA/ FESTIVAL OF DALMATIAN KLAPA SINGING Klapska pjesma posljednjih je godina doæivjela pravu renesansu. Omiπki festival okuplja ponajbolje klapske skupine kako bi oËuvale i promicale dalmatinske napjeve, ali i kako bi ih osuvremenile./ Over the past few years, klapa singing has gone through a renaissance. The Omiπ festival gathers the best klapa singing groups whose goal is to preserve and promote Dalmatian singing as well as modernize it. 14.7.-14.8. 60. SPLITSKO LJETO/ 60 th SPLIT SUMMER Uz DubrovaËke ljetne igre, to je festival s najduæom i najblistavijom tradicijom klasiËnog spektra scenskih umjetnosti (opera, drama, balet, koncert...), koji s vremenom πiri lepezu zbivanja: od jazz-koncerata i filmskih revija, do izloæbi, performancea i uliËnog kazaliπta./Along with the Dubrovnik Summer Festival, this festival has the longest and most brilliant tradition in classical scenic arts (opera, drama, ballet, musical concerts), and it continues to expand its range of events − from jazz concerts and film projections, to exhibitions, performance art and street theatre.

izvoaËi, glazbenici, performeri, glumci i zabavljaËi, trgovci… /During the festival Varaædin transforms into a town of laughter and joy, while its streets become a stage for numerous performers, musicians, actors, entertainers and traders… Vrbovec, 23.-25.8. KAJ SU JELI NA©I STARI/WHAT OUR ELDERS ATE VrbovËani predstavljaju tradicionalna jela, a gozbu prate sportska natjecanja i glazbeni program./The locals of Vrbovec present their traditional fare. Culinary feasts are accompanied by sports competitions and musical programmes. Osijek i okolica/Osijek and surroundings 18.8.-24.8., Vukovar 8. VUKOVAR FILM FESTIVAL/ 8th VUKOVAR FILM FESTIVAL Festival podunavskih zemalja Vukovar Film Festival jedini je filmski festival zajednice podunavskih zemalja i jedini koji se doslovno odræava na Dunavu. Osmiπljen je da promiËe i πiri kreativni uzlet filmaπa iz regije./The Danube Region Film Festival - Vukovar Film Festival is not only the single film festival of the Danube basin countries, but it is literally held on the Danube River. It has been established in order to promote and expand the creativity of film workers in the region.

Dubrovnik i okolica/Dubrovnik and surroundings 10.7.-25.8. 65. DUBROVA»KE LJETNE IGRE/65th DUBROVNIK SUMMER FESTIVAL Uæivajte u vrhunskim dramskim izvedbama i najljepπim djelima klasiËne glazbe ugodno smjeπteni meu drevnim gradskim zidinama./Enjoy exquisite theatre plays and the most beautiful pieces of classical music as you sit comfortably surrounded by the ancient city walls.

KOLOVOZ/AUGUST Zagreb i okolica/Zagreb and surroundings 22.8.-31.8.,Varaædin ©PANCIRFEST- FESTIVAL DOBRIH EMOCIJA/ ©PANCIRFEST - A FESTIVAL OF GOOD EMOTIONS Varaædin se pretvara u grad smijeha i radosti, na ulice izlaze mnogi

Karlovac i okolica/Karlovac and surroundings 29.8.-7.9., Karlovac KARLOVA»KI DANI PIVA/ KARLOVAC DAYS OF BEER U deset ljetnih dana, u slavu piva na desnoj obali karlovaËke rijeËne ljepotice Korane æivi Ëitav mali grad zabave i gastronomije. NajposjeÊenija puËka sveËanost u Karlovcu, tijekom koje gradom poteËe peta rijeka, rijeka piva./During these ten summer days, an entire little town of entertainment and gastronomy comes to life on the right bank of the beautiful river of Korana in order to celebrate beer. This is the most popular festivity in Karlovac, when a fifth river runs through the town − the river of beer.

Rijeka i okolica/Rijeka and surroundings 6.-9.8., Senj ME–UNARODNI SENJSKI LJETNI FESTIVAL/ INTERNATIONAL SUMMER CARNIVAL IN SENJ Uz mnoga popratna dogaanja, vrhunac festivala jest velika karnevalska povorka, a to što se odræava usred ljeta, festivalu daje osobitu draæ./In addition to many events, the carnival parade represents the grand finale of the festival. The fact that it is held in the middle of summer gives it a special charm. 15.8., Rijeka, Trsat HODO»A©ΔE NA VELIKU GOSPU/ PILGRIMAGE ON THE DAY OF THE ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY U Rijeci na Trsatu nalazi se Gospino svetiπte poznato po mnogim usliπenjima i hodoËaπÊima brojnih vjernika, osobito na dan Velike Gospe./The Shrine of Our Lady of Trsat on Trsat in Rijeka is famous for the many wishes which were granted and the mass pilgrimages, especially on the Day of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. 26.-30.8., IËiÊi LIBURNIA FILM FESTIVAL Filmski festival posjetiteljima nudi najkvaliteniji izbor domaÊih dokumentarnih filmova./This film festival offers its visitors a choice of the best Croatian documentary films. 29.-30.8., Vrbnik DANI VINA OTOKA KRKA/ DAYS OF KRK ISLAND WINES Posjetitelji mogu uæivati u cjelodnevnim degustacijama i prezentacijama vina, kupiti kvalitetna vina i kuπati autohtone krËke proizvode./Visitors can enjoy wine tastings and presentations all day; they can purchase quality wines and sample authentic Krk culinary fares. Zadar i okolica/Zadar and surroundings 2.-7.8., Starigrad Paklenica 4. STARIGRAD PAKLENICA FILM FESTIVAL/5th STARIGRAD PAKLENICA FILM FESTIVAL Posjetite SPFF − Meunarodni festival glazbenog dokumentarca. U sjajnom ambijentu Paklenice moæete pogledati tridesetak filmova svih kategorija kao i hrvatske premijerne filmove./Visit SPFF − The International Music Documentary Film Festival. The exquisite ambience of Paklenica will

©ibenik i okolica/©ibenik and surroundings 22.-23.8. ©ibenik VE»ERI DALMATINSKE ©ANSONE/EVENINGS OF DALMATIAN CHANSONS Ljubitelji klapske glazbe koja simbolizira æivot, povijest i tradiciju Dalmacije, zacijelo Êe uæivati u veËerima dalmatinske πansone./Lovers of klapa music, which symbolizes the life, history and traditions of Dalmatia, will surely enjoy the Evenings of Dalmatian Chansons. Split i okolica/Split and surroundings serve as the backdrop for projections of some 30 films of various genres and premieres of recent Croatian productions. 7.-10.8., Sali, Dugi otok SALJSKE UÆANCE/SALJSKE UÆANCE (SALI FIESTA) Uz TovareÊu muziku sudjelujte u Saljskoj noÊi i kuπajte riblje specijalitete./Listen to the sounds of Donkey Music, partake in Fishermen’s Night and taste fish delicacies during the nights in Sali.

16.-19.8., Split DANI DIOKLECIJANA/ DIOCLETIAN’S DAYS Kostimirana zabavnoglazbena manifestacija odnosno povijesni spektakl koji vjerodostojno prikazuje vladavinu cara Dioklecijana u Splitu./The costumed extravaganza of music and entertainment is a historical spectacle which serves to re-enact the era of Emperor Diocletian’s rule of Split. 1.-3.8., Sinj SINJSKA ALKA/ THE ALKA OF SINJ Svake godine u poËetku kolovoza u spomen na 1715. godinu i pobjedu

Sinjana u bitki protiv Turaka, odræava se Sinjska alka, tradicionalno viteπko natjecanje sinjskih alkara./Every year, in the beginning of August, the Sinjska Alka (a medieval knight’s tournament) marks the commemoration of the year 1715 and the victory of Sinj against the Turkish army. 15.8., Omiπ GUSARSKA BITKA/PIRATE BATTLE Omiπ postaje gradom gusara jer prireuje jedinstveni dogaaj - izvornu bitku omiπkih i mletaËkih gusara iz 13. stoljeÊa, temeljenu na povijesnim Ëinjenicama./Omiπ is taken over by pirates and a unique event: the reenactment of an original 13th century battle between pirates from Omiπ and Venice, which is based on historical facts.

koncertu novih kajkavskih popevki i drugim zanimljivim dogaanjima./ During the Week of Kajkavian Culture, visitors to Krapina can learn about Kajkavian culture, enjoy a concert of new Kajkavian songs and take part in other interesting events. Pula i okolica/Pula and surroundings 12.-14.9., PoreË GIOSTRA PoreËki povijesni festival posjetitelje tematski vraÊa u davnu povijest PoreËa, a glavna je atrakcija konjska utrka Giostra./The PoreË historical festival takes its visitors back into the distant past of PoreË, while the main attraction is the Giostra horse race. Dubrovnik i okolica/Dubrovnik and surroundings

RUJAN/SEPTEMBER Zagreb i okolica/Zagreb and surroundings 7.-13.9., Krapina TJEDAN KAJKAVSKE KULTURE/A WEEK OF KAJKAVIAN CULTURE U tjednu kajkavske kulture posjetitelji Krapine mogu se uvjeriti kako je aktualna kajkavska kultura i uæivati na

6.-12.9., KorËula KORKYRA BAROQUE FESTIVAL Meunarodni festival, na kojemu Êe se predstaviti vodeÊi ansambli i solisti specijalizirani za baroknu glazbu, dovoljan je razlog da posjetite KorËulu. /This international festival presenting leading ensembles and soloists specializing in Baroque music is enough of a reason for you to visit KorËula.










Miles & More Popunite i pošaljite / Complete and send off

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Molimo da napišete samo jednu adresu velikim, štampanim slovima / Please state only one address in capital letters Ime / Titula / Oslovljavanje / First or given name Title Salutation g / Mr. Dr. Ga / Mrs. Prof. Ulica i broj, zgrada / Street and number, building

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Molimo Vas da velikim štampanim slovima popunite polja podacima o svom trenutnom letu / Please fill in your current flight details in capital letters Broj karte, etix®, ETKT (npr. 220 3000000474) / Ticket number, etix®, ETKT (e.g. 220 3000000474)

Br. leta (npr. LH 180) / Flight No. (e.g. LH 180)

Datum odlaska (dd/mm/gggg) / Date of departure (dd/mm/yyyy)

Ruta (npr. Frankfurt−Paris) / Route (e.g. Frankfurt−Paris)

Osoban odabir naËina komunikacije* / Personal communication preferences* Æelim primati sljedeÊe i slažem se da se moji osobni podaci koriste za: / I would like to receive the following communication and agree to the usage of my personal data for communication: Miles & More Online Newsletter/ Miles & More Online Newsletter

Miles & More ponude posebno za Vas / Miles & More offers especially for you

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Informacije o proizvodima Lufthanse i ostalim Miles & More avio partnerima / Product information about Lufthansa and the Miles & More airline partners

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Podaci o Vašem Miles & More raËunu i Miles & More newsletter mogu jedino biti poslani elektroniËkom poštom. NeÊete ih primiti poštom; bilo kako bilo, svoj raËun milja u bilo koje vrijeme možete vidjeti na / Miles & More account information is only sent via the Miles & More online newsletter. There is no separate mailing.; however, you can view your mileage account anytime at

Odabirem jezik za komunikaciju / Preferred correspondence language:

NjemaËki / German

Engleski / English

Ovisno o državi koja se prikazuje u Vašoj adresi, moguÊe je da Êete moÊi odabrati jezik od njih nekoliko dodatnih. Jezik korespondencije može varirati ovisno o mediju. Kako biste provjerili svoj raËun ili ažurirali svoj profil, molimo posjetite / Based on the country shown in your address, additional languages may be available for you to choose from. The language of correspondence may vary depending on the medium. To check your account status or to update your profile, please visit Sudjelovanje u frequent flyer progamu Miles and More je podložno Pravilima i Uvjetima. Kako biste proËitali trenutna Pravila i Uvjete, molimo posjetite Registracija u Miles & More programu je besplatna. / Participation in the Miles & More frequent flyer program is subject to the Terms & Conditions. To read the current Terms & Conditions, please visit Registration in the Miles & More program is free of charge. * Imate pravo bilo kad povuÊi svoj pristanak, djelomiËno ili u cijelosti, tako da ažurirate svoj Miles & More profil online ili da nazovete Miles & More Servisni Centar na broj: 072 220 220 ili +49-69-66 10 23 30 10. Vaši dodatni komentari, za koje ne postoji predvien prostor, neÊe biti uzeti u obzir. / You have the right to revoke your consent at any time, inwhole or in part, by updating your Miles & More profile online or by calling the Miles & More Service Center at +49 - 69 - 66 10 23 30 10. Unfortunately all supplementary notes can not be considered.

Datum / Date

Potpis / Signature

Jednostavno je prijaviti se za Ëlanstvo: • preko interneta na web stranici • poπtom • telefaksom na broj +49 - 52 41 - 80 60 200 • kod osoblja u zrakoplovu Bit Êe nam zadovoljstvo ubiljeæiti Vam milje za trenutaËni let kao i za bilo koji drugi let koji ste ostvarili u posljednjih 6 mjeseci s Croatia Airlinesom, kompanijom Lufthansa ili nekim drugim partnerom u programu. Molimo Vas da gore unesete podatke o trenutaËnom letu. Retroaktivno ubiljeæavanje milja za druge letove moæete zatraæiti na stranici Molimo Vas da uvijek Ëuvate originalnu kartu za ulazak u zrakoplov (boarding pass) i kopiju putne karte dok Vam se milje ne ubiljeæe na raËun.

It’s so easy to register: • Online at • By fax +49 - 52 41 - 80 60 200

• By post • With one of your flight attendants

We will be happy to credit your account with the miles for this flight and for any other flights taken in the last 6 months with Croatia Airlines, Lufthansa or another Miles & More partner. Enter your current flight above. To have the miles for the other flights credited to your account, go to Please retain your original boarding card and passenger receipt (copy of your ticket) until the miles have been credited to your account.

Razred putovanja/ Service class

Klasa knjiæenja/ Booking class

Miles & More – veÊ sad poËnite prikupljati milje

Broj leta/

Flight number

Broj karte/

Miles & More – start collecting miles now

Document number

LUFTPOST Prostor za marku.


Please affix stamp here.


»im se poËnete koristiti svojom privremenom karticom Miles & More, milje Êe Vam se biljeæiti na raËun. Molimo Vas da pri svakoj rezervaciji navedete broj svoje kartice Miles & More. Trajnu karticu dobit Êete poπto prikupite najmanje jednu milju na svom raËunu. Milje za danaπnji let bit Êe Vam ubiljeæene na raËun ako na prednju stranu unesete sve potrebne podatke o letu.

Ime/First name

Miles will start landing in your account immediately after you start to use your temporary Miles & More Card. Please remember to state your personal Miles & More number every time you make a reservation. You will receive your proper Miles & More Card once you have collected one mile.


We will credit the miles for your current flight to your account once you have provided all the details of the current flight on the front.

Trajnu karticu dobit Êete poπto prikupite najmanje jednu milju na svom raËunu. We will send you your regular Miles & More Card as soon as you have earned one mile.

Miles & More

Kupujte eksluzivne proizvode u Lufthansa WorldShopu − moguÊa dostava u Hrvatsku! Otkrijte naπ πiroki asortiman zanimljivih proizvoda kao πto su putne torbe i kovËezi, dodatna oprema, elektroniËki ureaji i ostali nezaobilazni proizvodi za putovanje i kuÊu. Posjetite nas na ili u naπim prodavaonicama u zraËnim lukama. Moæete plaÊati gotovinom ili kreditnim karticama te Miles & More nagradnim miljama, a moguÊe je i kombinirati ta dva naËina plaÊanja. Shop for exclusive products at Lufthansa WorldShop − available for delivery to Croatia! Discover our wide assortment of interesting products such as luggage, accessories, electronics, and other must-haves for on the move or at home. Visit us at or in our airport shops. Available for purchase with cash or credit card, redeemable for Miles & More award miles, or a combination of both.

Osnove programa Miles & More

Introducing Miles & More

Miles & More najve Êi je program nagraivanja putnika u Europi i nudi Ëlanovima ra zliËite moguÊnosti prikupljanja milja i koriπtenja nagrada, kao i mnoge privlaËne pogodnosti. »lanovi prikupljaju milje koristeÊi se uslugama brojnih par tnera u programu. Milje se biljeæe za letove svih Ëlanica Star Alliancea i drugih kompanija par tnera, ali i za unajmljivanje vozila, odsjedanje u hotelima ili potroπnju preko kreditnih kar tica Miles & More.

Miles & More is the greatest frequent flyer programme in Europe, offering its members numerous possibilites for collecting and redeeming miles, as well as many at tractive privileges. Members collect miles by using the ser vices of many par tners in the programme. Miles are credited for flights of all Star Alliance members and other airline par tners, but also for renting vehicles from rent-a-car par tners or staying in participating hotels.

Zatra æite svoju Diners Club Croatia Airlines kreditnu kar ticu! n 5 ku na = 1 mi lja - za sva kih 5 ku na potro πe nih preko ove kar tice, biljeæi vam se 1 nagradna milja

Apply for your Diners Club Croatia Airlines credit card! n 5 HRK = 1 mi le - for every 5 HRK spent via this card, you collect 1 mile



Prikupljajte nagradne milje svuda - jednostavno plaÊajte svojom Diners Club kar ticom na bilo kojemu od 12,000.000 DC prodajnih mjesta u zemlji i inozemstvu. n Osvo ji te joπ vi πe mi lja - ko ri πte nje osta lih po godnosti Diners Cluba poput besplatnih online usluga, e-plaÊa nja ili trajnih naloga donosi vam dodatne milje. n 2 kar ti ce - 1 ra Ëun Mi les & More - ko ri stite li se istodobno privatnom i poslovnom kar ticom Diners Cluba i Croatia Airlinesa, prikupljene nagradne milje zbrajaju se na vaπemu raËunu Miles & More. n

Collect award miles ever ywhere - simply pay with your Diners Club Card in any of 12 million DC of fices in Croatia or abroad n

Collect ex tra award miles - by using other Diners Club benefits, such as free online ser vices, internet banking and e-paying, standing orders etc.


n 2 cre dit car ds - 1 Mi les & Mo re mem ber ship ac count - use your private and business card to collect award miles on the same membership account.

Zatražite svoju VISA Croatia Airlines kreditnu karticu! Croatia Airlines i Erste Card Club nude, osim companion kreditnih kartica (poslovnih i privatnih), i VISA Croatia Airlines samostalnu karticu, poslovnu i privatnu. Potroπnja od 14 kuna u Hrvatskoj na samostalnim karticama donosi 1 nagradnu Miles & More milju, a za potroπenih 7 kuna u inozemstvu dobiva se preko kartica u paru 1 nagradna milja Miles & More.

Apply for your VISA Croatia Airlines credit card! Croatia Airlines and Erste Card Club offer, besides a companion credit card (both business and private), a VISA Croatia Airlines stand-alone credit card, both business and private. You will get 1 Miles & More award mile for every 14 kuna spent via stand-alone credit cards whereas for every 7 kuna spent abroad via companion credit cards 1 Miles & More award mile will be credited to your account.

Zatraæite svoju Croatia Airlines American Express kreditnu kar ticu! n 4 ku ne = 1 nagradna mi lja - za sva ke 4 ku ne potroπene preko Premium kar tice biljeæi se 1 nagradna milja, odnosno za svakih 5 kuna potroπenih preko Standard kar tice n 2500 mi lja do bro do πli ce - za nove osnov ne Premium korisnike i 1250 milja dobrodoπlice za nove dodatne Premium korisnike n 1500 milja dobrodoπlice za nove osnovne Standard korisnike i 750 milja dobrodoπlice za nove dodatne Standard korisnike n Dvostruke nagradne milje - za potroπnju u poslovnicama Croatia Airlinesa i PBZ Card Travel American Expressa n UËlanjenje u Priority Pass bez naknade te pristup u viπe od 450 VIP salona u zraËnim lukama

Apply for your Croatia Airlines American Express credit card! n 4 HRK = 1 award mile - for every 4 HRK spent via Premium card, you collect 1 award mile, and for every 5 HRK spent via Standard card you collect 1 mile. n 2.500 wel co me mi les - for new ba sic Pre mi um card users and 1.250 welcome miles for new additional Premium card users. n 1.500 wel co me mi les - for new ba sic Stan dard card users and 750 welcome miles for new additional Standard card users. n Earn do u ble award miles - using the card to pay for travels at Croatia Airlines sales of fices and PBZ Card Travel American Expressa. n Free Pri ority Pa ss enrol lment- it ena bles you to access into more than 450 VIP airport lounges.

Ra zredi Ëlanstva i pogodnosti Koriπtenjem usluga par tnera u Miles & More programu prikupljate nagradne milje koje zamjenjujete za nagrade i statusne milje koje odreuju vaπ Ëlanski status, na temelju kojeg ostvarujete pogodnosti. Statu sne mi lje pri kup lja ju se re dovi tim letovi ma. Svaka tako ostvarena milja biljeæi se i kao statusna i kao nagradna milja. Uz 35.000 statusnih milja prikupljenih u jednoj kalendarskoj godini, steÊi Êete status Frequent Traveller, a za 100.000 statusnih milja u kalendarskoj godini oËe kuje vas status Se nator. »lanovi koji prikupe najmanje 600.000 HON Circle milja u ra zdoblju od dvije uzastopne kalendarske godine, stje Ëu status HON Circle.

Tiers and benefits By using the Miles & More par tners’ ser vices members collect award miles, which are traded in for awards; and status miles, which determine a member’s membership status and privileges. Status miles can be accrued on scheduled flights. Every mile accrued is recorded as both a status and an award mile. With 35,000 status miles collected in one calendar year members earn the Frequent Traveller status, with 100,000 status miles the Senator status, and members who collect at least 600,000 HON Circle miles within two consecutive calendar years, earn the HON Circle status.



Pogodnosti statusa Fre quent Traveller

Frequent Traveller privileges

- Executive Bonus - 25 posto više milja

- Executive Bonus of 25 per cent more miles

- neograniËena valjanost nagradnih milja za trajanja

- Accrued award miles have no expiry date


- Waiting list priority

- prednost na listi Ëekanja

- Check-in at the Luf thansa Business Class counter

- prijava za let (check in) na πalteru poslovnog razreda

- Free baggage allowance of 40 kg depending on

- 40 kg prtljage bez naplate, ovisno o odredištu i

the destination and the airline

zrakoplovnoj kompaniji

If piece concept is applicable 2 bags in

Ako je rijeË o komadnom prijevozu prtljage, 2 komada

to t a l ( E c o n o m y o r B u s i n e s s) a n d 3 b a g s i n

u ekonomskom ili poslovnom razredu, a 3 u prvom

the First Class

razredu putovanja Pogodnosti statusa Senator

Senator privileges

- Exe cutive Bonus - 25 posto više milja

- Executive Bonus of 25 per cent more miles

- neograniËena valjanost nagradnih milja za traja-

- Accrued award miles have no expiry date

nja statusa

- 50,000 miles in advance

- predujam od 50.000 milja

- Access to the Luf thansa Senator Lounge as well as

- uporaba Luf thansa Senator Lounge te Star Gold

to the Star Gold Lounges of Star Alliance par tners

Lounge par tnera u Star Allianceu

- High waiting list priority

- viπi prioritet na listi Ëekanja

- First Class check-in

- prijava za let (check in) na πalteru prvog ra zreda

- Booking guarantee up to 48 hours before depar-

- osigurano mjesto na letu za rezer vacije do 48 sati u

ture in the highest booking class in Business and

najvišoj ekonomskoj i najvišoj poslovnoj klasi

Economy class

- dodatnih 20 kg ili dodatni komad prtljage bez na-

- Additional 20 kg baggage allowance or an ad-

plate, ovisno o odredištu i zrakoplovnoj kompaniji

ditional bag depending on the destination and the

- komadni sistem prijevoza prtljage: 2 u ekonom-


skom, 3 u poslovnom i 4 u prvom razredu

- Piece concept: 2 in Economy, 3 in Business and

- dva e-vauËera za premještaj u viši razred putovanja

4 in the First Class

(upgrade), te dva vauËera prilikom svake obnove

- 2 e- Upgrade Vouchers and two e-vouchers each


time the status is renewed.

- Senator Premium Award

- Senator Premium Award

Pogodnosti statusa HON Circle

HON Circle privileges

- sve pogodnosti statusa Se nator

- All existing Senator privileges

- Exe cutive Bonus od 25 posto

- Executive bonus of 25 per cent

- predujam od 100.000 milja

- 100,000 miles in advance

- Status Se nator za supruænika ili par tnera, ovisno

- Senator status for your spouse or par tner depend-

o zrakoplovnoj kompaniji

ing on the airline

- šest e-vauËera za premještaj u viši razred putova-

- 6 e- Upgrade Vouchers and 6 every time the status

nja (upgrade) te šest prilikom zadržavanja statusa

is renewed

- dodatne pogodnosti koje nude par tneri programa

- Additional benefits of fered by Miles & More par-

osiguravajuÊi jedinstveno iskustvo putovanja

tners, rounding off the travel experience

- komadni sistem prijevoza prtljage: 2 u ekonom-

- Piece concept: 2 in Economy, 3 in Business and

skom, 3 u poslovnom i 4 u prvom razredu

4 in the First Class

Troπite milje

Spend miles

Prikupljene nagradne milje zamjenjujete za mnoge

You can exchange collected award miles for awards

nagrade: nagradne karte, premjeπtaj u viπi razred puto-

prepared for you: award tickets, upgrades, various

vanja (upgrade), ra zliËite nagrade kojima se moæete

travel awards.

koristiti pri putovanju (hotelski smjeπtaj, unajmljiva-

Please find detailed info at:

nje vozila).

Više informacija možete pronaÊi na:






Do kraja ljetnog reda letenja (25. listopada) mreæa letova prilagoena je aktualnoj træiπnoj potraænji, a okosnica poslovanja i dalje Êe biti letovi u meunarodnom prometu, u kojemu se i ove sezone oËekuje oko 90 inozemnih konkurenata. UoËi uskrsnih blagdana, koji tradicionalno predstavljaju poËetak turistiËke sezone u Hrvatskoj, uvedene su sezonske linije prema mnogim europskim træiπtima, a poveÊan je i broj tjednih letova na postojeÊim linijama. Najvaænije træiπte i ove je godine NjemaËka, a sezonski letovi uvode se i na træiπtima Velike Britanije, Francuske, ©vicarske, Austrije, Nizozemske itd. Najviπe sezonskih letova planirano je u odrediπta na jadranskoj obali, a osobito u Split i Dubrovnik. Novost su izravni sezonski letovi Split − Atena (subotom), kao i Amsterdam − Dubrovnik (utorkom), koji Êe se od 3. lipnja obavljati preko Pule. Na vrhuncu turistiËke sezone obavljat Êe se izmeu 90 i 100 na dan, a naπi Êe zrakoplovi pritom letjeti u gotovo 30 odrediπta u 18 dræava. Kao i lani, kompanija raspolaæe s flotom od 12 zrakoplova: πest zrakoplova Dash Q400 kapaciteta 76 sjedala, Ëetiri zrakoplova A319 sa 144 sjedala te dva zrakoplova A320. U zrakoplove A320 ugraena su nova, laganija i udobnija koæna sjedala Recaro, a zbog toga πto su tanja u odnosu na prijaπnja, u zrakoplove su ugraena dva dodatna reda sjedala te je kapacitet tog tipa zrakoplova (Airbus 320) poveÊan s dosadaπnjih 162 na 174 sjedala. THE SUMMER TIMETABLE OF OUR AIRCRAFT

By the end of the summer schedule (October 25) the flight network will be adjusted to the current market demand, and the backbone of the business will continue to be international flights, where around 90 foreign competitors are expected this season. On the eve of the Easter holiday, which traditionally represents the beginning of the tourist season in Croatia, seasonal routes to many European markets were introduced, and the number of weekly flights on the existing routes was increased. The most important market this year is again Germany, and seasonal flights have been introduced to the markets of Great Britain, France, Switzerland, Austria, the Netherlands, etc. Most seasonal flights are planned to destinations on the Adriatic coast, particularly to Split and Dubrovnik. The novelty is the seasonal direct flights Split − Athens (on Saturdays) and Amsterdam − Dubrovnik (on Tuesdays), which will be performed from 3 July through Pula. At the height of the tourist season there will

let; W&B za izraËun loadsheeta; Reporting za ispunjavanje odreenih izvjeπtaja te Flightman performance kalkulator za takeoff i landing. THE NEW ELECTRONIC FLIGHT BAG SYSTEM

be between 90 and 100 flights per day, and our aircraft will fly to nearly 30 destinations in 18 countries. Like last year, the company has a fleet of 12 aircraft: six Dash Q400s with the capacity of 76 seats, four A319 aircraft with 144 seats, and two A320s. The A320 aircraft now have new, lighter and more comfortable leather Recaro seats, and because they are thinner compared to the previous ones, two additional rows of seats have been installed and the capacity of this type of aircraft (Airbus 320) has increased from the previous 162 to 174 seats. NOVI SUSTAV ELECTRONIC FLIGHT BAG

Kako bi se joπ kvalitetnije pokrili procesi pripreme i rada letaËkog osoblja, u kompaniji je donesena odluka o zamjeni dosadaπnjeg EFB sustava Lido/FlightBag. Izabran je projektni tim sa zadatkom da pronae rjeπenje koje Êe inicijalno pokriti pilotske poslovne procese i na odreeni naËin spojiti radno mjesto cockpita s ostalim sustavima u kompaniji. Osim toga, vodilo se raËuna da se instalirani sustav u buduÊnosti moæe razvijati i prilagoavati potrebama pilotskoga radnog mjesta i kompanije.Novi sustav Electronic Flight Bag sastoji se od softwarea Flightman, raËunala Samsung ATIV Smart PC Pro XE700T1C, a za dræaËe na zrakoplovima izabrano je rjeπenje NavAero. Novo rjeπenje temelji se na portable EFB specifikaciji, a Flightman/Navaero omoguÊava buduÊu nadogradnju i moguÊnost spajanja EFB sustava na zrakoplovne sustave. OdluËeno je da Êe novi EFB sustav biti baziran na zrakoplovu te da Êe EFB raËunala biti instalirana na dræaËe, a napajanje strujom obavljat Êe se preko avionskih sustava. DræaËi su zasad instalirani u gotovo svim zrakolovima flote Airbus te u zrakoplovu Q400 registarskih oznaka 9A-CQF. Zbog lakπeg usvajanja novih modula implementacija je zamiπljena u dvije faze. Prva faza obuhvaÊa implementaciju modula: EFF (Electronic Flight Folder) za operativne planove leta; Dokumentacija (Large Content Manager); Performance Calculator (TOPAS) i Lido eRM za elektroniËke navigacijske karte. U drugoj fazi implementirat Êe se moduli eJourneyLog, koji omoguÊuju elektroniËko voenje naloga za

In order to even better cover the processes of preparation and operation of flight personnel, the company has made a decision to replace the previous EFB Lido/FlightBag system. A project team has been selected with the task of finding a solution that will initially cover the pilot business processes and in a way connect the cockpit workplace with other systems in the company. In addition, we took into account that in the future the installed system may be evolved and adapted to the needs of the pilot’s job and the company. The new Electronic Flight Bag system consists of the Flightman Software, Samsung ATIV Smart PC Pro XE700T1C computer, and the NavAero solution has been selected for the aircraft platforms. The new solution is based on the portable EFB specifications, while Flightman/NavAero allows future upgrades and the ability to connect the EFB system to the aviation systems. It has been decided that the new EFB system will be based on the aircraft and that the EFB computers will be installed on the platforms, while the power supply will be carried out through the aircraft systems. The platforms have so far been installed in nearly all aircraft of the Airbus fleet, as well as in Q400 with the registration code 9A-CQF. For an easier adoption of new modules, the implementation has been designed in two phases. The first phase includes the implementation of the module: EFF (Electronic Flight Folder) for operational flight plans; Documentation (Large Content Manager); Performance Calculator (TOPAS) and Lido eRM for electronic navigational charts. The second phase will comprise the implementation of eJourneyLog modules, which will enable electronic management of flight orders; W&B for loadsheet calculation; Reporting for filling-in certain reports; and the Flightman performance calculator for takeoff and landing. NOVO!

U naπim zrakoplovima uskoro kreÊemo s moguÊnoπÊu kupnje hrane i piÊa iz Uje sky bar ponude. U Sky shopu pronaÊi Êete mnoge autohtone hrvatske proizvode i delikatese. NEW!

Our aircraft will soon be offering the possibility to buy food beverages from Uje Sky Bar selection. In Sky Shop you will be able to find numerous authentic Croatian products and choice food. CROATIA AIRLINES




Sluπalice za suzbijanje buke Digitalni audio/MP3 ureaj n Elektronske igre n e-ËitaË n Prijenosna/Notebook raËunala n Prijenosni DVD/CD ureaj n Bluetooth ureaji n Kamere n Medicinski ureaji n ElektriËni brijaÊi aparat n

Dopuπtena ruËna prtljaga za putnike ekonomskog razreda: 1 komad n maksimalna teæina 8 kg n zbroj dimenzija do 115 cm (55x40x20) Dopuπtena ruËna prtljaga za putnike poslovnog razreda: 2 komada n maksimalna teæina 8 kg po komadu n zbroj dimenzija maksimalno 115 cm (55x40x20) ili 57x54x15cm (etui za odijela) Radi ograniËenog spremiπnog prostora u putniËkoj kabini te kada je veÊa popunjenost zrakoplova i dopuπtena ruËna prtljaga bit Êe Ëekirana i spremljena u prtljaæni prostor.

PO©TOVANI PUTNICI! Vaπe zadovoljstvo naπa je prva i najvaænija zadaÊa. Stoga stalno nastojimo poboljπati naπe usluge u zrakoplovu i na zemlji. Osluπkujemo vaπe æelje preko anketa, pisama te vaπih pismenih i usmenih prijedloga i, vjerujte, uvijek ih smatramo dragocjenima. Znajte da nam je svaki vaπ prijedlog dobrodoπao, a svaka napomena vrlo vaæna. Piπite nam stoga na adresu uredniπtva: Croatia Airlines, Ëasopis Croatia, Bani 75b, Buzin, 10010 Zagreb, e-mail: Molimo proËitajte nekoliko uputa vaænih za vaπu sigurnost i udobnost tijekom putovanja. Raduje nas πto ste za let izabrali upravo zrakoplov naπe kompanije. Potrudit Êemo se da vam let protekne πto ugodnije. UvaæavajuÊi svjetske zdravstvene i ekoloπke trendove, 1996. godine Croatia Airlines uveo je nepuπaËke letove na svim linijama. Zahvaljujemo vam πto se pridruæujete naπim nastojanjima da svijet bude zdraviji, ËiπÊi i ljepπi. RED SJEDENJA

UPUTE ZA SIGURNOST Prije uzlijetanja zrakoplova osoblje Êe vam dati nekoliko uputa πto valja Ëiniti u sluËaju opasnosti. One se odnose na tip zrakoplova pa ih paæljivo prouËite. Prigodom uzlijetanja i slijetanja svi putnici, ukljuËujuÊi i djecu, moraju se vezati sigurnosnim pojasima. PreporuËujemo da zbog vaπe sigurnosti i udobnosti ostanete privezani tijekom cijelog leta. Pri slijetanju molimo da ostanete na svojim sjedalima sve dok se ne iskljuËi znak obvezatnog vezivanja. Prilikom ulaska u neke zemlje valja popuniti odreene obrasce. Oni su vam dostupni u aerodromskoj zgradi pri ulasku u zemlju. Kako bismo vam olakπali i ubrzali taj postupak, naπe Êe vam ih kabinsko osoblje rado podijeliti tijekom leta. ELEKTRONIČKI URE AJI U RUČNOJ PRTLJAZI Upotreba elektroniËkih ureaja dopuπtena je iskljuËivo u zrakoplovnom radu, teæe i veÊe ureaje potrebno je pospremiti dok je upaljen znak obveznog vezivanja. Popis dopuπtenih elektroniËkih naprava: n Mobilni/Smart telefoni n Tablet raËunala

ZABRANJENI PREDMETI Zakonom je zabranjeno noπenje opasnog materijala i u predanoj i u ruËnoj prtljazi. U takve se ubrajaju eksplozivi, lako zapaljive tekuÊine, radioaktivni materijali i otrovi, oruæje, stlaËeni plinovi, korozivna i oksidirajuÊa sredstva. USLUGA TIJEKOM LETA U naπim zrakoplovima posluæujemo hranu i napitke bez naplate. U poslovnom razredu na svim letovima usluga ukljuËuje birana hrvatska jela, alkoholna i bezalkoholna piÊa te izbor domaÊega i stranog tiska. U ekonomskom razredu usluga ovisi o vrsti i duljini leta. Na domaÊim letovima posluæuje se samo voda, a na meunarodnim letovima usluga se sastoji od snacka i ponude piÊa. Na veoma kratkim letovima putnicima nudimo samo vodu, a na duljim letovima u ponudi su alkoholna i bezalkoholna piÊa te topli napitci. IskljuËivo u poslovnom razredu moæete naruËiti specijalnu vrstu obroka prigodom kupnje karte, ali svakako 24 sata unaprijed (vegetarijanski, muslimanski, dijetalni, a kosher 48 sati unaprijed). Putnicima nije dopuπteno konzumiranje vlastitih alkoholnih piÊa. Alkoholiziranim putnicima ne posluæuju se alkoholna piÊa. Puπenje je zabranjeno tijekom boravka u zrakoplovu. Toaleti su opremljeni detektorima dima. ■

Faze leta u kojima je dozvoljena upotreba elektroniËkih ureaja Vaπe je sjedalo rezervirano samo za vas. Napuπtate li sjedalo tijekom leta, molimo da se prije svakog slijetanja vratite na sjedalo.

Faze leta

Mobilni/ Smart telefoni, Tablet

Prijenosno Sluπalice za raËunalo suzbijanje buke

Funkcija teksta/razgovora






Kaπnjenje u polasku





Taxiranje za polijetanje










Tijekom leta




















*U navedenim fazama nije dopuπteno koristiti sluπalice prikljuËene na audio/MP3 ureaje 170


ABOARD OUR AIRCRAFT DEAR PASSENGERS! Your satisfaction is our first and foremost concern. That is why we are always striving to improve our services on board our aircraft and on the ground. We study your wishes by means of questionnaries, letters and spoken suggestions, which, believe us are always given every consideration. The mentioned improvements are an answer to your requests. With every new timetable we try to adapt ourselves increasingly to your needs, as well as to improve the existing services. Each one of your suggestions is most welcome, and every comment carefully read and very important to us. So please do not hesitate to write to us to the following address: Croatia Airlines, Inflight Magazine, Bani 75b, Buzin, 10010 Zagreb, E-mail:

predeparture announcements and safety demonstrations. During take-off and landing all passengers, including children, are required to fasten their seat belts. For your safety and comfort, we recommend that you keep the safety belt fastened during the whole flight. Some countries require that passengers complete a form on arrival. These forms are available at arrival terminals on entering the country. In order to facilitate this procedure, our cabin crew will be pleased to distribute such forms during the flight.

In accordance with health and environmental trends accepted throughout the world, Croatia Airlines introduced nonsmoking flights to all destinations in 1996. Thank you for joining our efforts in making the world a better, cleaner and healthier place to live in.

Your seat has been especially reserved for you. Should you leave your seat during the flight, please return to it before each landing. HAND BAGGAGE ALLOWANCE Economy Class passengers: 1 piece n max. weight 8 kg n total sum of dimensions up to 115 cm (55x40x20) Business Class passengers: 2 pieces n max. weight per piece 8 kg n total sum of dimensions up to 115 cm (55x40x20) or 57x54x15cm if it is a foldable garment bag Due to a limited storage space and when a flight is fully booked even approved carry-on baggage will be checked-in and stowed in cargo compartments. SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Prior to take-off the cabin crew will give you instructions regarding your safety and how to act in case of an emergency. The instrucions vary according to the type of the aircraft, so please pay attention to the flight attendant’s

e-Readers Laptop/Notebook computers n Portable DVD/CD player n Bluetooth devices n Personal cameras n Assistive medical devices n Electric shaver n

RESTRICTED ITEMS The law prohibits the transport of hazardous items in either checked-in or hand luggage. Such items are: explosives, flammable liquids and solids, radioactive materials and poisons, firearms, compressed gases, corrosive products and oxidizers. IN-FLIGHT SERVICES

Please read the instructions below, important for your safety and comfort during the flight. We are happy that you have chosen Croatia Airlines for your flight and shall do our best to make it as pleasant as possible.



PERSONAL ELECTRONIC DEVICES Electronic devices may only be used if they are in flight mode. Bulky personal electronic devices must be securely stowed whenever the seat belt sign is turned on. List of approved personal electronic devices: n Mobile/Smart phones n Tablet computers n Noise-cancelling headphones n Digital audio/MP3 player n Electronic games

We serve food and beverages free of charge in our aircraft. In business class on all flights the services include a choice of Croatian foods, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, as well as a choice of domestic and foreign print media. Our services in economy class depend on the type and length of the flight. On domestic flights we serve only water, and on international flights our services include snacks and an offer of beverages. On very short flights our passengers are offered only water, and on longer flights they are offered alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages as well as hot drinks. In business class only you can order a special meal when purchasing your tickets, however, this must be done at least 24 hours ahead (vegetarian, Muslim, diet, but kosher meals must be ordered 48 hours ahead). Passengers are not allowed to consume their own alcoholic beverages. Passengers that are considered under the influence of alcohol are not served alcoholic beverages. smoking is forbidden in the aircraft. The toilets are equipped with smoke detectors. ■

Use of electronic devices during different flight phases Flight phase

Hand Held PEDs (i.e. smart phones and tablets)

Larger PEDs (i.e. Laptops and notebooks)

Noisecancelling Headphones

Text and phone functions






Extended Ground Delay





Taxi-out for Take-off

























Taxi to Stand





*During critical phases of flight headphones must not be plugged to audio/MP3 players. CROATIA AIRLINES





FLEET Zrakoplovi Airbus A320-200, Airbus A319-100 i Dash8 - Q400 tvore naπu flotu. Our fleet consists of Airbus A320-200, Airbus A319-100 and Dash8 - Q400 aircraft.

Specifikacije / Specifications

Airbus A320-200

Airbus A319-100

Dash8 - Q400

Raspon krila / Wing span (m/ft)

34,1 / 111

34,1 / 111

28,42 / 93,24

Duljina trupa / Fuselage length (m/ft)

37,6 / 123

33,84 / 111

32,83 / 107,71

NajveÊa dopuπtena teæina u polijetanju / Maximum take off weight (kg)

73 500

70 000

29 257

NajveÊa visina leta / Maximum cruising altitude (m/ft)

11 920 / 39 100

11 900 / 39 000

7620 / 25 000

Povrπina krila / Wing area (m /ft )

122,40 / 1318

122,40 / 1318

63,08 / 679

NajveÊa letna brzina / Maximum cruising speed (km/h)

834 (450 KTS)

834 (450 KTS)

667 (360 KTS)

Pogonska grupa / Power-plants

motori / engines x 2 CFM 56

motori / engines x 2 CFM 56

motori / engines x 2 PW 150A

Broj zrakoplova u floti / Number of aircraft in fleet




Broj sjedala / Number of seats






Airbus 320-200 Jedan od najsuvremenijih putniËkih zrakoplova srednjeg doleta u svijetu. Raspored poslovnoga i ekonomskog razreda razlikuje se od jednoga do drugog leta.

One of the most modern midrange aircraft in the world. Flexible cabin layout, the ratio of business to economy class seating depends on actual booking.

Airbus 319-100 Jedan od najsuvremenijih putniËkih zrakoplova srednjeg doleta u svijetu. Raspored poslovnoga i ekonomskog razreda razlikuje se od jednoga do drugog leta.

One of the most modern midrange aircraft in the world. Flexible cabin layout, the ratio of business to economy class seating depends on actual booking.

Dash 8-Q400 Jedan od najsuvremenijih turbopropelerskih zrakoplova kratkog doleta kanadske proizvodnje. Raspored poslovnoga i ekonomskog razreda razlikuje se od jednoga do drugog leta.

One of the most modern turbo-prop short range aircraft, manufactured by Canadian manufacturer. Flexible cabin layout, the ratio of business to economy class seating depends on actual booking. CROATIA AIRLINES


• Zagreb Airport • Rijeka • Pula • Rab • Zadar Airport • Split Airport • Jelsa • Vis • Korcula • Lastovo • Polace (Mljet) • Dubrovnik • Ancona Airport



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St. Petersburg STAVANGER

Aberdeen Edinburg Belfast Dublin





Chisinau LYON




Genoa Madrid




Podgorica Bari Tirana

Palermo Catania


Beirut Damascus TEL AVIV Jerusalem Amman Q linije Croatia Airlinesa / Croatia Airlines’ services

Q u suradnji sa stranim zrakoplovnim kompanijama

in cooperation with partner airline

Partneri / Partners:


Brussels Airlines










Gates 11-21 Izlazi 11-21

International Arrivals & Departures Meunarodni dolasci i odlasci

2 Gates 1-7 Izlazi 1-7


Accessible to passengers only/ Samo za putnike




Accessible for all/ Dostupno posjetiteljima

Domestic Arrivals & Departures DomaÊi dolasci i odlasci




Check-in “A” Registracija putnika “A”


Check-in “B” Registracija putnika “B”



i S B

Parking Area/ Parkiraliπte




CROATIA AIRLINES Ticket Counter and Welcome Service Prodaja karata i Sluæba za skrb o putnicima


Business Class Lounge Zrinjevac Prostorije poslovnog razreda Zrinjevac


V.I.P. Salon, Conference Room Salon za konferencije


Diners Club Business Class Lounge Prostorije poslovnog razreda Diners Cluba


Restaurant Faust VranËi Ê


Panoramic View Panoramski pogled


Rent-a-Car Offices Najam automobila

Restaurant, Self-Service Restaurant Restauracija, samoposluæivaonica


Bank, Exchange Office Banka, mjenjaËnica

Coffee Bar Kavana


Customs Control Carinska kontrola



Duty Free Shop Bescarinska trgovina

Post Office, Telephone, Fax HPT (poπta, telefon, faks)


Newstand Novinarnica

Baggage Prtljaga


Passport Control Kontrola putovnica


Shops Prodavaonice

i i

Prijevoz iz grada u zraËnu luku i pristojba Prijevoz iz grada (s terminala) u zraËnu luku u veÊini je gradova u svijetu dobro organiziran. Cijena tog prijevoza nije uraËunana u cijenu leta.


Ground Transportation and Passenger Service and Charges In most cities of the world, transportation between the city terminal and airport is well organized. The fare for such transportation is not included in the amount paid for the air ticket.

5.00 9.00 13.30 17.30

U DUBROVNIKU autobusi za zraËnu luku polaze 90 minuta prije polijetanja zrakoplova, a u ZADRU 75 minuta prije leta. Autobusi iz zraËnih luka prema gradu polaze ubrzo nakon slijetanja zrakoplova.

ZAGREB - Polasci svakog dana iz ZraËne luke Zagreb prema gradskom terminalu (Autobusni kolodvor): Departures daily from the Airport to the Town Terminal (Main Bus Station, DræiÊeva St. bb): 7.00 8.00 8.30 9.00 9.30 10.30 11.30 12.00 12.30 13.00 13.30 14.00 14.30 15.00 15.30 16.00 16.30 17.00 17.30 18.00 18.30 19.00 19.30 20.00

In DUBROVNIK airport buses leave 90 minutes before the flight, and in ZADAR 75 minutes before the flight. The buses from the airports leave shortly after the aircraft’s landing. Kombi RIJEKA (ispred Autotroleja na JelaËiÊevu trgu) - Zagreb (zraËna luka) - Polazak u 5 sati. Kombi Zagreb (zraËna luka) Rijeka - Polazak u 15.30 sati.

Minibus service from RIJEKA (in front of the Autotrolej at JelaËiÊ Square) - Zagreb Airport - Departure at 5.00. Minibus service from Zagreb Airport - Rijeka - Departure at 15.30.

Flight Information Informacije o letovima Tourist Information TuristiËke informacije

ZAGREB - Polasci svakog dana s gradskog terminala (Autobusni kolodvor) prema ZraËnoj luci Zagreb: Departures daily from the Town terminal (Main Bus Station, DræiÊeva St. bb) to the Airport Zagreb: 5.30 10.00 14.00 18.00

6.00 10.30 14.30 18.30

6.30 11.00 15.00 19.00

7.00 11.30 15.30 19.30

7.30 12.00 16.00 20.00

8.00 12.30 16.30

8.30 13.00 17.00

Informacije o polascima autobusa / Bus departure information: Zagreb tel. (01) 6331-982, Split tel. (021) 203-119, Rijeka tel. (051) 330-207, 336-757, 098 472-539, Dubrovnik tel. (020) 773-377, 772-232, Zadar tel. (023) 250-094 Cijena jednosmjerne karte u Zadru iznosi 25 kn, u Zagrebu 30 kn, a u Dubrovniku 35 kn. The price of a one-way ticket in Zadar is 25 Kunas, in Zagreb is 30 Kunas and in Dubrovnik 35 Kunas. Autobusi iz ZAGREBA polaze sat i pol prije domaÊih letova te dva sata prije meunarodnih letova. Bus departures in ZAGREB are an hour and a half prior for domestic flights and two hours prior for international flights.





Edi MaletiÊ

Dragi putnici!

Putovanje je iskonska ljudska potreba za spoznajom svega πto ga okruæuje. Travelling is a basic human need to understand everything around us.

Hvala vam na lijepim fotografijama koje nam πaljete s putovanja. Pred nama su ljetni godiπnji odmori, a sigurni smo da Êe more, sunce i lijepo vrijeme pogodovati nastajanju novih prekrasnih snimaka. Nadamo se kako svoj odmor planirate s Croatia Airlinesom te kako Êete nam i dalje slati svoje fotografije s neobiËnih i zanimljivih mjesta s putovanja. Poπaljite nam svoje fotografije uz jednu reËenicu u kojoj objaπnjavate zaπto volite putovati i sudjelujte u naπem nagradnom natjeËaju. Pobjednika Êemo nagraditi s dvije povratne aviokarte po izboru za neko od odrediπta Croatia Airlinesa, a dva dobitnika primit Êe poklon-pakete. Fotografiju Ivana LjubiËiÊa odabrali smo kao najbolju u ovome broju te je nagraujemo dvjema povratnim zrakoplovnim kartama Croatia Airlinesa. Promidžbenim poklon-paketima nagradit Êemo Edija MaletiÊa i Katarinu KrstiËeviÊ. Pozivamo vas da nam nastavite slati svoje snimke jer vas i u iduÊem broju oËekuju vrijedne nagrade. Posjetite naπu web stranicu (Ponude/Nagradne igre i natjeËaji), pogledajte uvjete nagradnog natjeËaja i sudjelujte!

Jedino πto uvijek æelim, πto nikad ne bih odbila, jest sunËani lijeni ljetni dan na plaæi... The only thing I always desire, and would never say no to, is a lazy, sunny, summer day on the beach...

U svakome trenutku putovanje mi omoguÊuje da se punim, inspiriram. Da se izgubim u prijevodu. Travelling always fulfils and inspires me. It helps me to not get lost in translation.



Thank you for the wonderful photographs you have been sending us from your travels. Summer vacations are ahead of us and we are sure that the sea, the sun and the lovely weather will inspire you to take new beautiful photographs. We hope you are planning your vacations with Croatia Airlines and invite you to send us your photographs taken at unusual and interesting travel destinations. Send us your photos accompanied by a sentence which explains why you like travelling and take part in the photo contest. We will award the first prize winner with two return tickets on Croatia Airlines to a destination of your choice, while the second and third place winners will receive promotional packages. We have selected Ivan LjubiËiÊ as the author of the best photo in this issue; he is the winner of two Croatia Airlines return air tickets. Edi MaletiÊ and Katarina KrstiËeviÊ have won our promotional packages. We would like to invite you to continue sending us your photographs because valuable awards await you in the next issue, too. Visit our web page (Offers/Contests and competitions), see the conditions, and take part in the contest!

Ivan LjubiËiÊ

Katarina KrstiËeviÊ

Dear passengers!

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includes free entrance to 8 cultural institutions and 20 public transport rides

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No charge for children up to 12 years old

No charge for children up to 12 years old Includes free entrance to City Walls, Maritime Museum, Cultural-historical Museum in Rector’s Palace, Natural History Museum Dubrovnik, Home of Marin DræiÊ, Art Gallery Dubrovnik, Ethnographic Museum Rupe, DulËiÊ-Masle-Pulitika Gallery and discounts in restaurants, rent-a-car, souvenir shops... CROATIA AIRLINES


ADRESE Direkcija / Head office Bani 75b, 10 010 Buzin, Zagreb, Tel. (+385-1) 616-00-66 Fax (+385-1) 6160 153 E-mail adrese / E-mail addresses President’s Office/ Public Relations/ Marketing/ Customer Relations/ Sales/ Cargo/ Kontakt centar / Contact Center 072-500 505 samo za pozive iz Hrvatske Tel. (+385-1) 66 76 555 pon - pet/Mon - Fri 08:00 - 18:00 sub, ned, praznik / Sat, Sun, Holiday 09:00 - 15:00 Sluæba za korisnike / Customer Relations Dept. Fax (+385-1) 616-01-52 Miles & More kontakt centar / Miles & More Service Team 072 220 220 samo za pozive iz Hrvatske Brojevi telefonskog check-ina / Telephone check-in Dubrovnik 020-77 31 71 Pula 052-53 01 05 Split 021-20 31 83 Zagreb 01-456 21 05 PutniËka prodaja / Passengers sales Fax (+385-1) 61-60-270 BerislaviÊeva 1, 10 000 Zagreb Informacije o prijevozu robe / Cargo information office Tel. (+385-1) 61-64-573 Fax (+385-1) 61-64-575 Obzor putovanja / Obzor Holidays Ltd Tel. (+385-1) 487 31 68, 487 31 69, 481 96 38 Poslovnice / Town and airport offices Identifikacijski kod poslovnica u Hrvatskoj je/ Identification code for offices in Croatia is: HR-B-01-080037012 Amsterdam Tel. (+31-20) 316-42-80 Bruxelles 1930 Zaventem/Brussels Airport Box 31 Tel. (+32-2) 753-5132 Fax (+32-2) 753-5130 Dubrovnik 20 213 »ilipi, Dubrovnik ZraËna luka/Airport Dubrovnik Tel. (+385-20) 773-232 Fax (+385-20) 772-240 Frankfurt 60 313 Frankfurt Schillerstrasse 42-44, Tel. (+49-69) 92-00-520 Fax (+49-69) 92-00-52-51 London Concorde North Wing, Gatwick Airport Room 332, West Sussex RH6 0DW Tel. (+44-20) 8563-0022, Fax (+44-20) 8563-2615 Airport Heathrow, Terminal 1, Zone H Hounslow, Middlesex, TW6 1JZ Tel. (+44-20) 8745-4683 Fax (+44-20) 8754-7377 München 85 356 München Flughafen/Airport Verwaltungsgebäude Nord Ebene 4. Büro 4.1319 Tel. (+49-89) 975-92-730 Fax (+49-89) 975-92-736



ADDRESSES Paris 95731 ROISSY CDG CEDEX Roissypôle Le Dôme, Rue de la Haye BP 18913 Tremblay en France Tel. (+33-1) 48-16-40-00 Fax (+33-1) 48-16-55-11 Pula ZraËna luka/Airport Pula Valtursko polje 210, 52 100 Ližnjan Tel. (+385-52) 218-909, 218-943 Fax (+385-52) 211-998 Rijeka 51 000 Rijeka JelaËiÊev trg br. 5 Tel. (+385-51) 330-207, 336-757 Fax (+385-51) 335-931 Rim / Roma 00054 Fiumicino Aeroporto/Airport Leonardo da Vinci Torre Uffici 2, room 518 Tel. (+39-06) 5421-0021 Fax (+39-06) 5923-792 Sarajevo 71 000 Sarajevo ZraËna luka/Airport Tel. (+387-33) 789-600 Fax (+387-33) 789-602 Skopje 1000 Skopje ZraËna luka/Airport Tel. (+389-2) 3148-390, 3296-967, 3296-969 Fax (+389-2) 2520-921 Split 21 000 Split ZraËna luka/Airport Tel. (+385-21) 203-305, 895-298 Fax (+385-21) 203-125 Zadar 23 000 Zadar ZraËna luka/Airport Tel. (+385-23) 250-101 Fax (+385-23) 250-109 Zagreb 10 000 Zagreb Trg Nikole Š, Zrinskog 17 Tel. (+385-1) 481--96-33 Fax (+385-1) 481-96-32 Meunarodna zraËna luka Zagreb/ Zagreb International Airport Tel. (+385-1) 61-64-581 Fax (+385-1) 62-65-930 Zürich Tel. (+41-44) 261-08-40 Prodajni zastupnici / Sales agents Europa / Europe »eπka CK Blue Sky Travel Opletalova 57, 11 000 Praha 1 Tel. +420 222 222 235 Fax +420 222 220 237 GrËka / Greece Intermodal Air 25, Filellinon Str., 105 57 Athens Tel. +30 210 32 17 679, 32 17 750 Fax +30 210 32 49 152

Kosovo Airtour Bill Clinton 32, 10031 Prishtina Tel. +381 38 233 833 Fax +381 38 245 845 Airtour Prishtina International Airport Tel. +381 38 594 111 Fax +381 38 594 222 Portugal ATR - Actividades Turisticas e Representações Av. D. João II, Lt. 1.16.1 - 8º Andar, 1990-083 Lisboa Tel. +351 21 761 89 80 Fax +351 21 425 24 12 SlovaËka CK Blue Sky Travel Rajska 15, 811 08 Bratislava Tel./fax +421 2 5262 2375 Španjolska / Spain Global Representacion Turistica / GRT c/Valencia, 266, 4, 1, 08007 Barcelona Tel. +34 934 875 775 Fax +34 934 880 121 Turska ZENITH Services Ordu Caddesi, No. 12/1, Laleli Fatih 34134 Istanbul Tel. +90 212 513 2667, gsm +90 533 738 8470 Fax +90 212 512 4234 ZENITH Services Istanbul Ataturk Airport Tel. +90 212 465 5023 Fax +90 212 465 4092 Bliski istok Izrael Biaf Aviation Services Ltd 1 Ben Yehuda Street, Migdalor blgd. 12th floor, Tel Aviv 63802 Tel. +972 3 516 7181, 516 7140 Fax +972 3 516 7174 Australija / Australia Sky Air Services 7/24 Albert Road, Sth. Melbourne Vic. 3205, Tel. +61 3 9699-9355, Fax +61 3 9699-9388 Novi Zeland / New Zealand CTtravel Limited NZ PO Box 104-056, Lincoln North, Suite, 1/182 Lincoln Rd. Henderson, Auckland, NZ Tel. +64 9 837 9897 Fax +64 9 837 9898 Japan Air System Inc. Toranomon TBL Blgd., 8F 1-19-9, Toranomon Minato-ku Tokyo, 105-0001 Japan Tel. +81 3 3593 6740 Fax +81 3 3593 6534 Koreja / Korea Bohram Air Services 7F, Donghwa Bldg, 58-7 Seosomun-dong, Jung-gu, Seoul, Korea Tel: +82 2 754 6336 Fax: +82 2 779 8795 Tajvan, Kina, Hong Kong / Taiwan, China, Hong Kong Pacific Express Company Limited 8F, No 137, Nanking E. Road Sec. 2, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. Tel: +886 2 2515 2371 Fax: +886 2 2515 3463

Valamar Argosy Hotel 4* Dubrovnik’s new garden retreat

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