7:12 AM
» A S O P I S
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Korice2_4.indd 2
6/12/12 4:45 PM
Poπtovani putnici!
D. FabijaniÊ
Nakladnik/Publisher Croatia Airlines Hrvatska zrakoplovna tvrtka Bani 75b, Buzin 10 010 Zagreb, Croatia tel. +385-1-616-00-66 faks +385-1-616-01-53 E-mail: URL:
Direktor/President & C.E.O. SreÊko ŠimunoviÊ
Glavna urednica/Editor-in-chief Ksenija Ælof
Suradnici glavne urednice/ Editor-in-chief assistants Ana ΔulumoviÊ ŠoštariÊ i Davor JanuπiÊ
Uredniπtvo/Editorial staff Silvana Jakuπ, –uro TomljenoviÊ, Ksenija Ælof
Urednik fotografije/Chief in photos Damir FabijaniÊ Roman Gebauer, Miljen
Dizajn/Design Ivana IvankoviÊ PrliÊ, Nenad VujoπeviÊ
Prijelom/Layout Nenad VujoπeviÊ
Lektorica/Proof reader Mirjana Miholek
Prijevod na engleski/ English translation Lancon d.o.o. Oglaπavanje/Advertising Croatia Airlines Gabrijela Lochert tel. +385-1-616-00-17 E-mail:
Promocija/Promotion Croatia Airlines
vo nas u jeku turistiËke sezone, a vrijednost zraËnog prometa za kvalitetnu turistiËku sezonu nemjerljiva je. TreÊina svih turista, koji su lani zrakoplovom putovali u Hrvatsku, prevezena je na krilima Croatia Airlinesa, a pritom je broj putnika u meunarodnom prometu porastao za 15 posto. Tijekom ovogodiπnje turistiËke sezone naπi zrakoplovi izravno povezuju Hrvatsku s 25 europskih odrediπta, u suradnji s partnerima i s cijelim svijetom. Tako naπa tvrtka, kao dugogodiπnja Ëlanica najveÊega zrakoplovnog saveza na svijetu Star Alliancea, uspjeπno uËvrπÊuje poziciju regionalnog lidera u jugoistoËnoj Europi. Zrakoplovni savez Star Alliance u svibnju je obiljeæio petnaestu obljetnicu osnutka. Kako Croatia Airlines i Star Alliance neprijeporno dijele istu ljestvicu vrijednosti, na vrhu koje su putnici, u povodu tog jubileja putnicima se nude dodatne pogodnosti i nagradne igre, a viπe informacija moæe se naÊi na web stranicama udruge Star Alliance, kao i na stranicama naπeg Ëasopisa, koji je pred vama. Povjerenje putnika kontinuirano nastojimo pridobiti kvalitetom usluge na zemlji i u zrakoplovu. Stoga nas raduje πto je nedavno naπa kompanija upravo o tome dobila joπ jednu potvrdu. Naime, hrvatski graani smatraju da Croatia Airlines nudi najviπu razinu kvalitete meu aviokompanijama koje lete u Hrvatskoj. To je zakljuËak nezavisnoga znanstvenog istraæivanja træiπta QUDAL − DEEMA, u kojemu se mjerilo zadovoljstvo hrvatskih graana kvalitetom, a koje je proveo ugledni meunarodni Centar za istraæivanje træiπta GfK. U kategoriji aviokompanija Croatia Airlines uvjerljivo je osvojio prvo mjesto s 38,2 posto glasova ispitanika. A kako bi naπa usluga u zrakoplovu bila joπ kvalitetnija, i u ljetnim mjesecima nastavljamo gastronomsko putovanje hrvatskim krajevima, koje smo poËeli u Istri, u travnju. Od srpnja u naπim zrakoplovima hranom i piÊem predstavljamo bogatstvo i osebujnost izvrsne dalmatinske kuhinje. Dragi putnici, zahvaljujemo vam πto i ovog ljeta letite s nama. Æelimo vam ugodne trenutke u naπem zrakoplovu i u naπoj domovini.
Dear passengers! Here we are in the midst of the tourist season, and the value of the air transportation for a high quality tourist season is unparalleled. Last year, one third of all tourists who travelled to Croatia by plane flew on the wings of Croatia Airlines, and the number of passengers in international traffic grew by 15 percent. This tourist season, our aircraft directly connect Croatia with 25 European destinations and, in cooperation with our partners, with the entire world. Therefore, our company, as a longtime member of the largest airline network in the world, the Star Alliance, is successfully strengthening its position as the regional leader in South East Europe.
The Star Alliance airline network marked the fifteenth anniversary of its establishment in May. Since Croatia Airlines and Star Alliance undoubtedly share the same value system, at the top of which are the passengers, on the occasion of the jubilee the passengers are offered additional benefits and contests. You can find more information about these on the Star Alliance web page, as well as in our magazine in front of you. We continuously strive to gain the trust of our passengers through the high quality of our services, both on land and on our aircraft. Therefore, we are glad that our company has recently obtained yet another confirmation of its achievements in this particular area. Indeed, Croatian citizens think that Croatia Airlines offers the highest level of quality among the airlines which fly to Croatia. This is the conclusion of the independent scientific market research QUDAL − DEEMA, which measured the satisfaction of Croatian citizens with the quality of services. This research was carried out by the reputable, international GfK Market Research Centre. In the category of airline companies, Croatia Airlines convincingly took first place with 38.2 percent of the respondents’ votes. In order to further improve services on our aircraft, during the summer months we continue our gastronomic journey through the Croatian regions, which started with the region of Istria in April. From July on our aircraft you will be offered food and drinks which represent the richness and uniqueness of excellent Dalmatian cuisine. Dear passengers, thank you for travelling with us again this summer. We wish you many pleasant moments on our aircraft and in our country.
tel. +385-1-616-01-26 Priprema/Photolitography Zrinski d.d., »akovec
Vaš, Sincerely yours,
Tisak/Print Zrinski d.d., »akovec
ISSN 1330-6278
Uvodnik.indd 1
SreÊko ©imunoviÊ President & C.E.O.
6/12/12 4:19 PM
Razgovor: Luka ©uliÊ i Stjepan Hauser
HRVATSKO »UDO KLASI»NE GLAZBE Hrvatski violonËelisti Stjepan Hauser i Luka ©uliÊ nastupaju u najuglednijim dvoranama diljem svijeta. Objava njihove izvedbe hita Smooth Criminal na web portalu YouTube æivot im je odvela u sasvim neoËekivanom smjeru. 16 Okusi Hrvatske: Dalmacija
OKUSI DALMACIJE… Od srpnja do rujna vodimo vas na enogastronomsko putovanje Dalmacijom. 20 Gastronomija
DALMACIJA U SRCU I NA TANJURU Mediteranska kuhinja smatra se jednom od najzdravijih, najmaπtovitijih i najfinijih na svijetu, a Jadransko je more najljepπi zaljev Sredozemlja. 30 Enologija
VINA DALMACIJE Na spomen Dalmacije i vina u jednoj reËenici najËeπÊa je prva asocijacija crno vino. 46 Obala
©IBENIK, KAKVA LJEPOTA! ©ibenik je jedan od rijetkih gradova na svijetu kojemu ne trebaju panoramski letovi da bi Ëovjek vidio svu njegovu ljepotu. 60 Prirodne ljepote
KONAVLE, PASTORALNA DOLINA MIRISA I BOJA Na kraju jugoistoËne Hrvatske veliËanstven je krajolik u kojemu se poπtuju tradicijske zasade, graditeljska baπtina i ljepota æenskog ruha. Bez sumnje, stigli ste u Konavle! 90 Umjetnost
KORKYRA FESTIVAL, GLAZBENO PUTOVANJE EUROPSKIM BAROKOM Na dvanaest atraktivnih festivalskih koncerata publici Êe se predstaviti najpoznatiji europski solisti i ansambli specijalizirani za autentiËno izvoenje glazbe baroka i kasne renesanse. 99 Zagreb
LJETO NA STROSSU Traæite li najljepπi zagrebaËki prizor da se ovjekovjeËite, bilo analognim ili digitalnim fotiÊem, bilo najsuvremenijim iphoneom? Velika je vjerojatnost da Êete odabrati jedno od najromantiËnijih mjesta glavnoga hrvatskoga grada − Strossmayerovo πetaliπte. 126 Naša odredišta
OLIMPIJSKI LONDON Za ljubitelje sportskih spektakala top je odredište ovoga ljeta, nema sumnje, London. 143 Sport
HRVATSKI OLIMPIJSKI USPJESI U 20 godina samostalnoga olimpijskog puta hrvatskih sportaπa svjedoËili smo njihovim vrhunskim sportskim dostignuÊima, na koja podsjeÊamo i ovim tekstom koji je pred vama. 159 Inovacije
OKO NA NEBU Hipersfera je zraËni brod elipsasta oblika, koji bi, lebdeÊi 20 kilometara iznad Zemlje, trebao zamijeniti satelite i zrakoplove u industriji daljinskog istraæivanja. 2
Ljeto/Summer 2012
Sadržaj.indd 2
6/12/12 5:10 PM
Sadr탑aj.indd 3
6/12/12 5:10 PM
Interview: Luka ©uliÊ and Stjepan Hauser
CROATIAN WONDERS OF CLASSICAL MUSIC The posting of their performance of the hit Smooth Criminal on the web portal YouTube turned their lives in a completely unexpected direction. Since then, Stjepan Hauser and Luka ©uliÊ, Croatian cellists, have performed in the most prestigious venues around the world. 16 Flavours of Croatia
FLAVOURS OF DALMATIA… From July till September we will take you on an eno-gastronomic journey through Dalmatia. 20 Gastronomy
DALMATIA IN THE HEART AND ON THE PLATE The Mediterranean diet is considered one of the healthiest, most imaginative and most refined in the world, and the Adriatic Sea is the most beautiful bay in the Mediterranean. 30 Oenology
WINES OF DALMATIA When the words Dalmatia and wine appear in the same sentence, the first association is most often red wine. 46 Coast
©IBENIK, WHAT BEAUTY! ©ibenik is one of the rare cities in the world where you do not need to take a panoramic flight to see all of its beauty. 60 Natural beauty
KONAVLE, A PASTORAL VALLEY OF FRAGANCES AND COLOURS The south-easternmost tip of Croatia reveals a most magnificent countryside where traditional crops, architectural heritage and the beauty of women’s attire are held in high esteem. There is no doubt: you have arrived in Konavle. 90 Art
KORKYRA FESTIVAL, EUROPEAN BAROQUE MUSICAL JOURNEY At twelve attractive festival concerts, the most renowned European soloists and ensembles specialised in the authentic performance of baroque and late renaissance music will be presented to audiences. 99 Zagreb
SUMMER ON STROSS Are you looking to capture the most beautiful scene in Zagreb, either with an analog or digital camera or the latest iPhone? It is quite likely that you will choose one of the most romantic places in Croatia’s capital city − Strossmayer Promenade. 126 Our destinations
OLYMPIC LONDON The top destination for enthusiasts of sporting spectacles this summer is, without a doubt, London. 143 Sports
CROATIAN OLYMPIC SUCCESSES In the 20 years of the independent Olympic history of Croatian athletes we have witnessed many supreme sports achievements, which we would like to remind you of with this text that is before you. 159 Innovations
AN EYE IN THE SKY Hypersphere is an ellipse-shaped airship which is designed to float 20 kilometres above the Earth, replacing satellites and aircrafts in the remote sensing industry. 4
Ovo je vaπ vlastiti primjerak
This is your personal copy
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6/12/12 5:10 PM
14 1 4
Celebrities Celebr Cel ebriti ebr ities iti es on n board board boa o rd d
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EVERYTHING EV E VER ERY YT THI HING HIN NG F FOR OR OUR OR OUR P PASSENGERS ASSE AS SE ENG NGER ER RS SLAVEN SLA SL LAV LA VEN EN EN ÆA Æ ÆABO, BO, Ma BO, BO Manager anag ger er of of Gr Gro Ground ound u Ha Handling andl dling in ing Ag Agr A greem ee e eme ent nt ntss & Co C ont ntr ta act ctting in ing n Agreements Contracting
Sadržaj.indd 5
6/12/12 5:10 PM
Fotoilustracija/Photoillustracion: Damir FabijaniÊ
Piπe/By Ana Muhar
6 Intervju.indd 6
6/12/12 4:31 PM
6 Intervju.indd 7
6/12/12 4:31 PM
Objava njihove izvedbe hita Smooth Criminal na web portalu YouTube æivot im je odvela u sasvim neoËekivanom smjeru. Toga dana njihova verzija legendarne skladbe Michaela Jacksona imala je najveÊi broj posjeta od svih objavljenih videa. Otad nastupaju u najuglednijim dvoranama diljem svijeta. Oni su klasiËni glazbenici… Stjepan Hauser i Luka ©uliÊ, hrvatski violonËelisti. The posting of their performance of the hit Smooth Criminal on the web portal YouTube led their lives in a completely unexpected direction. On that day, their version of Michael Jackson’s legendary song had the most hits of all the posted videos. Since then they have performed in the most prestigious venues around the world. They are the classical musicians... Stjepan Hauser and Luka ©uliÊ, Croatian cellists. 8
iolonËelisti Stjepan Hauser i Luka ©uliÊ nisu novost na glazbenoj sceni; u posljednjih nekoliko godina nastupili su kao solisti na koncertima klasiËne glazbe u uglednim dvoranama širom svijeta. No objava njihove izvedbe hita Smooth Criminal na web portalu YouTube æivot im je odvela u sasvim neoËekivanom smjeru. Toga dana njihova verzija legendarne skladbe Michaela Jacksona imala je najveÊi broj posjeta od svih objavljenih videa, a mediji po svijetu raspisali su se o Ëudu klasiËne glazbe iz Hrvatske. Kad poËne video, nemate pojma πto Êe vas snaÊi, bio je komentar ameriËkog Huffington Posta. U samo dva tjedna poslije objave snimke na YouTubeu imali su viπe od tri milijuna posjetitelja. Vijest o mladim virtuozima proπirila se πirom svijeta. Uslijedili su pozivi za sudjelovanje na koncertima s nekim od najveÊih glazbenih legendi svijeta. Ugostili su ih neki od najgledanijih TV programa, kao πto su Ellen i Jay Leno. Svirali su i na iTunes Festivalu uz vodeÊa glazbena imena danaπnjice, druæili se sa zvijezdama diljem svijeta i nastupili u hit seriji Glee. Potpisali su ugovor za uglednu diskografsku kuÊu Sony, a danas brigu o njima vodi menadæment tim Eltona Johna. Jedno je sigurno: u æivotu tih mladih virtuoza iz Pule i Dubrovnika viπe niπta nije isto. ■ Prije nego πto ste se otisnuli na globalno glazbeno putovanje, vodili ste priliËno miran æivot klasiËnih glazbenika, s viπesatnim pokusima svakoga dana i koncertima klasiËne glazbe. Kakav je danas vaπ æivot? - Luka ©uliÊ: Svaka minuta donosi neπto novo. Danas ne moæemo znati gdje Êemo biti iduÊi tjedan. To je tako; moæda smo u Zagrebu, moæda uslijedi poziv za nastup u Londonu ili pak u New Yorku ili Los Angelesu. Neprestano se neπto mijenja, dogaaju se nevjerojatne stvari, a mi smo nauËili biti spremni na sve. Raspored nam je prebukiran, a svaka minuta isplanirana za sljedeÊih pet godina. - Stjepan Hauser: Prioritet nam je postao odmoriti se. Posljednjih godinu dana naš se æivot odvija nenormalnom brzinom i takav tempo ni na trenutak nije stao. Koncerti i turneje gotovo su svaki dan, a u stankama snimamo, dajemo intervjue, fotografi ramo se i putujemo. Neprestano smo na putu. To je doista iscrpljujuÊe, ali svjesni smo da je to cijena ovoga naπega uspjeha. Ali sad kad smo mladi, moramo to iskoristiti i πto viπe uæivati u toj predivnoj prilici. ■ Imate oboæavatelje diljem svijeta, a vaπe izvedbe popratili su, izmeu ostalih, NBC, BBC, FOX, Channel 4, EuroNews, The Huffington Post, portal MSN, Yahoo… Smatrate li da ste pruæili novu priliku kla-
siËnoj glazbi da ue u domove onih koji joj prije nisu bili naklonjeni? - Stjepan Hauser: Ljudima se klasiËna glazba prezentira dosadano i suhoparno i to je pogreπka mnogih izvoaËa klasiËne glazbe. Prezentira li im se s mnogo naboja, bola, emocija, ili radosti, entuzijazma, πarma, komunikacije i prenese li se publici poruka uvjerljivo, ljudi to odmah osjete i polude za klasiËnom glazbom! ■ Zaπto ste od svih glazbala odabrali violonËelo? - Stjepan Hauser: »im sam Ëuo Ëelo na radiju, a bilo mi je tek nekoliko godina, bio sam veoma malen, odmah sam osjetio te osobite vibracije i taj magiËan zvuk najbliæi ljudskom glasu. Nisam dvojio ni sekunde, odmah sam znao da je to jedini instrument na kojem æelim svirati. - Luka ©uliÊ: Moj je otac violonËelist, tako da je ljubav prema instrumentu prenio na mene. ■ Kad ste stvarali Smooth Criminal, jeste li zamiπljali da Êete svojom glazbom zadiviti cijeli svijet? - Luka ©uliÊ: Jednostavno smo æeljeli napraviti neπto novo i pokazati svijetu naπe talente. Nismo oËekivali da Êemo postati baπ takva senzacija, ali vjerovali smo u kvalitetu naπe glazbe. - Stjepan Hauser: Bilo je veoma mnogo odricanja i znali smo koliko vrijedimo. Ipak, ovo πto nam se dogodilo jest Ëudo! Ovo πto radimo veoma je neuobiËajeno, jer koristimo se samo dvama instrumentima, bez nekih dodatnih efekata i glazbala. ■ Govori se da imate mnogo oboæavateljica… - Stjepan Hauser: Istina, svaki dan primamo pisma oboæavateljica, ali sad nemamo vremena za djevojke. ■ Imate li tremu prije velikih koncerata? - Stjepan Hauser: Luka i ja nikad nemamo tremu. Vodi nas uzbuenje i adrenalin, ali nikad nemamo tremu. Baπ kao ni Elton John. ■ Spomenuli ste Eltona Johna. Kako je poËela suradnja s njim? - Stjepan Hauser: Elton John nazvao nas je osobno na mobitel kako bi nam rekao da je oduπevljen s nama. On veoma cijeni ovo πto radimo jer je, baπ kao i mi, studirao klasiËnu glazbu (na Royal College of Music u Londonu, na kojomu se πkolovao i Luka ©uliÊ, nap.a.) pa zaista razumije glazbu. Nakon prvog poziva, uslijedio je drugi - istoga dana ponovno nas je nazvao s konkretnom ponudom za sudjelovanje na turneji. Kako bi nas uveo u svoje koncerte, organizirao je posebne pokuse Ëitavog benda. Elton John fenomenalna je osoba. Druæimo se gotovo svaki dan i sad smo veÊ postali vrlo
6 Intervju.indd 8
6/12/12 4:31 PM
ioloncellists Stjepan Hauser and Luka ©uliÊ are not new to the music scene; in recent years they have performed as soloists at classical music concerts in the most prestigious concert halls around the world. However, when their interpretation of the hit Smooth Criminal appeared on the web portal YouTube, their lives turned in an unexpected direction. That day, their version of the legendary composition by Michael Jackson had the largest number of hits of all posted videos, and media throughout the world started reporting on the miracle of classical music from Croatia. When the video clip starts, you have no idea what will happen, was a comment in the American Huffington Post. In only two weeks after the video appeared on YouTube, they had over 3 million hits. The
news about the young virtuous players spread all over the world, followed by invitations to participate at concerts with some of the greatest musical legends in the world. They were invited to appear on the most popular TV programmes, such as Ellen and Jay Leno. They played at the iTunes Festival together with the leading musical names of today; socialized with celebrities all over the world, and appeared on the hit series Glee. They signed a contract with the renowned record label Sony, and now they are represented by Elton John’s management team. One thing is for sure: nothing is the same in the lives of these young virtuous players from Pula and Dubrovnik. ■ Before you embarked on your global musical journey, you led rather quiet lives as classical musicians, with rehearsals that lasted for hours every day and classical music concerts. What does your life look like today? - Luka ©uliÊ: Each minute brings something new. At the moment we do not know where we will be next week. It’s just like that; we may be in Zagreb, or we may be invited to play in London or New York or Los Angeles. Things change all the time, unbelievable things happen, and we have learned to be prepared for everything. Our schedule is overbooked, and each minute of our time is planned for the next 5 years. - Stjepan Hauser: Our priority now is to get some rest. Over the last year our lives have been moving at an abnormal pace and that tempo has not slowed down for a moment. We have concerts and tours almost every day, and during the breaks we have shootings, interviews, photo sessions or we are travelling. We are constantly on the road. This is all quite exhausting, but we are aware that this is the price of our success. Now, while we are young, we have to take advantage and enjoy this wonderful opportunity as much as possible. ■ You have admirers all over the world and your performances have been broadcast, among others, by NBC, BBC, FOX, Channel 4, EuroNews, the Huffington Post, the portal MSN, Yahoo… Do you think you have created a new opportunity for classical music to enter the homes of those who previously were not inclined to it? - Stjepan Hauser: Classical music is presented to people in a boring and dry way, which is a mistake made by many classical music performers. If you present it to people with lots of passion, pain, emotions, joy, enthusiasm, charm and communication, and if the message is delivered to the audience
Damir FabijaniÊ
bliski prijatelji. Rekao nam je da smo pokrenuli novi trend u glazbi. To nam puno znaËi. On je jedna od posljednjih æivuÊih legendi. U svakom nastupu daje sve od sebe. Svjesni smo da mnogo moæemo nauËiti od njega i o æivotu i o glazbi. ■ Nakon s Eltonom Johnom, uslijedio je nastup s joπ jednom glazbenom legendom, Georgeom Michaelom. Koja nova iznenaenja pripremate? - Stjepan Hauser: Na naπemu sljedeÊem CD-u bit Êe joπ zanimljivih gostiju Ëija imena joπ ne smijemo otkrivati. ■ Je li svakodnevno vjeæbanje napor ili dio æivota? - Stjepan Hauser: Sve je manje vremena za vjeæbanje, zbog mnogih putovanja i nastupa, ali cijelu svoju mladost i djetinjstvo posvetili smo violonËelu i glazbi. Dakako, katkad je bilo naporno, ali istodobno je postalo normalni dio æivota. Danas se viπe i ne pripremamo posebno za velike nastupe. Samo odemo na pozornicu i damo 110 posto od sebe. ■ ©to ipak smatrate svojim najveÊim uspjehom? - Stjepan Hauser: Previπe nam se nevjerojatnih stvari dogodilo u posljednjih godinu dana da bismo mogli jednu izdvojiti! ■ Koji je najbolji savjet πto ste ga dobili od kolega glazbenika? - Stjepan Hauser: Treba biti svoj i takav iÊi do kraja. ■ Koji je vaπ recept za uspjeh? - Stjepan Hauser: Vizija, originalnost i rad. - Luka ©uliÊ: Najvaænije je vjerovati u sebe jer kad si na pozornici, postojiπ samo ti. Nitko ti ne moæe pomoÊi da kvalitetno izvedeπ skladbu. Najvaænije je da znamo πto moæemo ponuditi kad se naemo na pozornici sami s naπim instrumentima. Mi smo, napokon, ipak samo dva deËka koji sviraju violonËelo…. ■
6 Intervju.indd 9
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in a compelling way, people will feel that immediately and go crazy for classical music! ■ Why did you choose the violoncello of all instruments? - Stjepan Hauser: As soon as I heard the cello on the radio, when I was just a little boy only a few years old, I immediately felt those special vibrations and the magical sound which is the closest to the human voice. I did not have doubts for a second; I immediately knew that was the only instrument I wanted to play. Luka ©uliÊ: My father is a violoncellist, so he passed on the love for that instrument to me. ■ When you were creating Smooth Criminal, did you imagine you were going to astonish the entire world with your music? - Luka ©uliÊ: We simply wanted to do something new and show our talents to the world. We did not expect to become that much of a sensation, but we believed in the quality of our music. - Stjepan Hauser: There were many struggles, but we knew what we were capable of. However, what has happened to us is a miracle! What we do is rather uncommon since we only use two instruments without any additional effects or other instruments. ■ Rumour has it that you have a huge following of female fans … - Stjepan Hauser: True, we receive letters from female fans on a daily basis, but at the moment we do not have time for girlfriends. ■ Do you get cold feet before big concerts? - Stjepan Hauser: Luka and I never get cold feet. We are excited and high on adrenaline, but we never have cold feet. Just like Elton John. ■ You have mentioned Elton John. How did you start working with him? - Stjepan Hauser: Elton John personally called us on our cell phone in order to tell us that he was thrilled with our music. He very much appreciates what we do, because he, just like us, studied classical music (at the Royal College of Music in London, where Luka ©uliÊ studied as well; author’s note) so he really understands music. After his first call, another one followed ∑ he called us again on the same day with a concrete offer to go on tour with him. In order to familiarize us with his concerts, he organized special rehearsals for the entire band. Elton John is a phenomenal person. We hang out together almost every day and we have become very close friends. He told us that we started a new trend in music. That meant a lot to us. He is one of the last living legends. He gives all of himself every time he is on stage. 10
We know we can learn a lot from him, both about life and about music. ■ After Elton John you played with another music legend - George Michael. Are there other surprises you have in store for us? - Stjepan Hauser: There will be other interesting guests on our next CD, but we are not allowed to reveal their names yet. ■ Is practicing every day strenuous or just a part of life? - Stjepan Hauser: Because of so much travelling and many performances there is less and less time for practicing, but we devoted our entire youth and childhood to the violoncello and music. Of course, there were times when it was rather strenuous, but at the same time it became a normal part of our lives. Today we do not need to especially prepare for big concerts any more. We simply go on stage and give 110 percent of ourselves. ■ What do you consider your greatest success? - Stjepan Hauser: Too many unbelievable things have happened to us over the last year to be able to single out just one! ■ What was the best advice you received from a fellow musician? - Stjepan Hauser: You should be faithful to yourself and stay that way to the end. ■ What is your recipe for success? - Stjepan Hauser: Vision, originality and work. - Luka ©uliÊ: The most important thing is to believe in yourself because when you are on stage you are on your own. No one can help you play your music well. The most important thing is that we know what we can offer when we are on stage alone with our instruments. At the end of the day, we are just two guys who play violoncello…. ■
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HRVATSKA To je Hrvatska Republika Hrvatska smjeπtena je uz istoËne obale Jadranskog mora i u njegovu zaleu. Proteæe se od obronaka Alpa na sjeverozapadu do Panonske ravnice na istoku. Povrπina je njezina kopna 56.542 Ëetvorna kilometra, a povrπina teritorijalnog mora 31.067 Ëetvornih kilometara. U Hrvatskoj æivi, prema popisu iz 2001. godine, 4,437.460 stanovnika. Duæina je morske obale 5835 km zajedno s otocima, otoËiÊima i grebenima.
Republic of
National parks Croatia has eight national parks, four of which are located in the mountain region (Paklenica, Plitvice Lakes, Risnjak and Northern Velebit), and four in the coastal region (Brijuni, Kornati, Krka and Mljet). Besides these, certain areas under strict nature protection ∑ reserves, natural monuments and natural parks ∑ should be mentioned as a natural heritage of special value. They have all contribu-
ZEMLJOVID HRVATSKE MAP OF CROATIA Izravne domaÊe linije Direct domestic routes Odrediπta Croatia Airlinesa Croatia Airlines’ destinations stalne / regular sezonske zimske / seasonal in winter
............................................ Otoka, otoËiÊa i grebena ima 1185, a naseljeno je 47 otoka. Sluæbeni jezik jest hrvatski, a pismo latiniËno. NovËana jedinica - kuna. Glavni je grad Zagreb (779.145 stanovnika), koji je ujedno administrativno, kulturno, akademsko i trgovaËko srediπte zemlje. Ustav Republike Hrvatske izglasan je 22. prosinca 1990., a meunarodno je priznata 15. sijeËnja 1992. godine.
This is Croatia The Republic of Croatia lies along the east coast of the Adriatic Sea and its hinterland. It stretches from the slopes of the Alps in the north-west to the Pannonian Plain in the east. Its land area is 56,542 km2 and the area of its territorial sea is 31,067 km2. By the 2001 census, Croatia’s population is 4,437,460. The length of its sea coast is 5835 km, including islands, islets and reefs. There are 1185 islands, islets and reefs, of which 47 islands are inhabited. The official language is Croatian, and the official script is Latin. The currency is the Kuna. The capital is Zagreb (779,145 inhabitants), which is also the country’s administrative, cultural, academic and economic center. The Constitution of the Republic of Croatia was adopted on 22 December 1990, and the country received international recognition on 15 January 1992. Nacionalni parkovi Hrvatska ima osam nacionalnih parkova, od kojih su Ëetiri u planinskom podruËju (Paklenica, PlitviËka jezera, Risnjak i Sjeverni Velebit), a Ëetiri na obalnom podruËju (Brijuni, Kornati, Krka i Mljet). Njima, kao prostor osobito vrijedne prirodne baπtine, treba pridodati i podruËja pod strogom zaπtitom prirode, rezervate, spomenike prirode, parkove prirode. Zbog svih zajedno Hrvatsku mnogi smatraju jednim od najljepπih europskih vrtova. 12
ted to Croatia’s being considered one of the most beautiful gardens of Europe.
Proπlost za sadaπnjost Hrvatska obiluje kulturno-povijesnim spomenicima iz svih razdoblja, zbog burnih povijesnih zbivanja i preplitanja utjecaja razliËitih kultura. Njezinu obalu karakteriziraju utjecaji mediteranske kulture, mnogi antiËki spomenici, spomenici rimskog razdoblja i ranoga srednjeg vijeka, romaniËko-sakralna baπtina, te niz oËuvanih karakteristiËnih mediteranskih urbanih cjelina. Kontinentalna Hrvatska dio je srednjoeuropskoga kulturnog kruga i istiËe se mnogim prapovijesnim nalazima svjetske vaænosti, starim gradovima, utvrdama i dvorcima kasnoga srednjeg vijeka i kulturnim spomenicima i arhitekturom iz razdoblja baroka. Tri hrvatske urbane cjeline i dva spomeniËka kompleksa imaju status spomenika svjetske kulturne baπtine, koji dodjeljuje Unesco. To su kasnoantiËka Dioklecijanova palaËa, pregraena tijekom stoljeÊa u srednjovjekovni Split, gradovi Dubrovnik i Trogir te Eufrazijeva bazilika u PoreËu i katedrala sv. Jakova u ©ibeniku. Nacionalni park PlitviËka jezera, najljepπi i najpoznatiji hrvatski nacionalni park, takoer je dio Unescove Svjetske baπtine.
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A past for the present Croatia is rich in cultural and historical monuments from all eras, due to the turbulent events of history and the interlacing of influences of different cultures. Its coast is characterized by the influences of Mediterranean culture, numerous ancient remains, monuments of the Roman era and early Middle Ages, a Romanesque church heritage and a number of distinctive Mediterranean urban entities that have been preserved. Inland Croatia is a part of the Central European cultural circle and is distinguished by numerous
prehistoric findings of world significance, by old towns, fortresses and castles dating from the late Middle Ages, and cultural monuments and architecture from the Baroque era. Three Croatian cities and two monumental complexes have the status of monuments of world cultural heritage accorded by UNESCO. These are the Late Antique Palace of Diocletian, remodeled through the centuries into the medieval city of Split, the cities of Dubrovnik and Trogir, the Basilica of Euphrasius in PoreË and the Cathedral of St. Jacob in ©ibenik. The national park of the Plitvice Lakes, Croatia’s most beautiful and celebrated national park, is also a part of UNESCO’s world heritage.
Hrvatska - turistiËki hit na Sredozemlju Hrvat ska je po sljed njih go di na - ocje nju ju meunarodni turistiËki znalci i statistiËari - najveÊe turistiËko iznenaenje te hit odrediπte na Sredozemlju. Prema podacima Dræavnog zavoda za statistiku, hrvatska turistiËka odrediπta na otocima, u priobalju te u kontinentalnom dijelu zemlje, ukljuËujuÊi i glavni grad Zagreb, u 2011. godini u komercijalnim smjeπtajnim objektima doπlo je oko 11,5 milijuna turista (11, 455. 677 turista), od kojih je 87% bilo stranih turista (9, 926. 674 stranih turista) .
Turisti su ostvarili u komercijalnim smjeπtajnim objektima oko 60 milijuna noÊenja (60 138 241 noÊenja), a od toga 91% noÊenja ostvarili su strani turisti (57, 343. 178 noÊenja stranih turista). Tradicionalno najbrojniji gosti su Nijemci (22,8%), a njih slijede gosti iz Slovenije (11,7%), Italije (9,1%), Austrije (8,8%), »eπke (8,0%), Poljske (5,7%), SlovaËke (4,2%), Nizozemske (4,1%), Rusije (2,7%), Ujedinjene Kraljevine (2,3%), πto je ukupno 79,4%. Turisti iz ostalih zemalja ostvarili su 20,6%. Hoteli, turistiËka naselja i apartmani, hosteli, kampovi, sobe i apartmani u kuÊanstvima te ostale vrste smjeπtaja, kao i suvremeni nautiËki centri opremljeni su u skladu s meunarodnim standardima. Bogata kulturna ponuda, kongresna i wellnes ponuda, sportsko-rekreativni i zabavni sadræaji, charter ponuda (iznajmljivanje plovila za razonodu i sport), kilometri ureenih pjeπaËkih i biciklistiËkih staza, vinske staze ceste, izleti koji ukljuËuju razgledavanje prirodnih i kulturnih vrijednosti…
Hrvatska je blizu ne samo zbog njezina geografskog smještaja, nego i zbog mreæe zraËnih luka i kvalitetnih usluga nacionalnog avioprijevoznika Croatia Airlinesa, kao i drugih zraËnih pri jevozni ka. Na te me lju mreæe au to ce sta i poluautocesta, Hrvatska je i cestom bliæa nego ikad. Ako ste pak odabrali odmor na jednome od mnogih hrvatskih otoka, prijevoz trajek tom ili hidrogliserom s kopna trajat Êe - i kad su posrijedi oni najudaljeniji - manje od 2 sata. Ali njihova ljepota i neposredan dodir s iskonskom prirodom bit Êe tako nezaboravni kao da ste od svakodnevice miljama i miljama daleko...
Croatia - a Mediterranean tourism success Croatia has been a hit destination and the biggest tourist surprise in the Mediterranean in the past few years, say statisticians and international experts in tourism. According to data from the Croatian Bureau of Statistics, the Croatian tourist destinations located on the islands, along the coast and in the continental part of the country, including the capital city of Zagreb, recorded roughly 11.5 million tourists (11,455,677 tourists) in commercial accommodation facilities in 2011, of whom 87% were foreign tourists (9,926,674 foreign tourists). Tourists realized about 60 million overnight stays (60,138,241 overnights) in commercial accommodation facilities, of which 91% of the overnights were realized by foreign tourists (57,343,178 foreign tourist overnights). Traditionally, the largest number of foreign guests came from Germany (22.8%), and they were followed by guests from Slovenia (11.7%), Italy (9.1%), Austria (8.8%), the Czech Republic
(8.0%), Poland (5.7%), Slovakia (4.2%), the Netherlands (4.1%), Russia (2.7%), and the United Kingdom (2.3%), which comes to a total of 79.4%. Tourists from other countries accounted for 20.6% of the overnights. Hotels, tourist villages and apartments, hostels, camps, rooms and apartments in private homes and other forms of accommodation, such as modern nautical centres, are equipped in line with international standards. There is a rich cultural offer, together with the congress and wellness offer, sport-recreation and entertainment contents, the charter offer (renting sailing vessels for leisure and sport), many kilometres of well-groomed walking and cycling paths, wine roads, sightseeing excursions that include natural and cultural treasures... Novac i naËin plaÊanja Kuna (kn) je naziv novËane jedinice Republike Hrvatske. U optjecaju su novËanice kuna i kovani novac kuna i lipa (lp) ∑ stoti dio kune. NovËanice su izdane u sljedeÊim apoenima - 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 i 1000 kuna, a kovani novac - 1, 2 i 5 kuna, te 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 i 50 lipa (100 lipa = 1 kuna). MoguÊe je plaÊanje kreditnim kar ticama (Diners, Visa, American Express, Eurocard i Mastercard) i euroËekovima. Novac se moæe podizati i na bankomatima. Currency and payment methods The currency of the Republic of Croatia is called the Kuna (kn). In circulation are banknotes in Kuna and coins in Kuna and Lipa (lp) ∑ one hundredth of a Kuna. The banknotes are issued in the following denominations: 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 and 1000 Kuna, while the denomination structure of the coins is 1, 2 and 5 Kuna and 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 Lipa (100 Lipa = 1 Kuna). Payments can be made by credit card (Diners, Visa, American Express, Eurocard and Mastercard), as well as euro-checks. Cash can be withdrawn from ATMs.
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Fotografije/Photos Damir FabijaniÊ
U prvom tromjeseËju predstavili smo vam Ëarobnu Istru, a od srpnja do rujna vodimo vas na enogastronomsko putovanje Dalmacijom, u kojoj Êe, vjerujemo, mnogi provesti svoj ljetni odmor. In the first quarter of this year, we presented the magnificent region of Istria to you, and from July till September we will take you on an enogastronomic journey through Dalmatia, where we believe many of you will spend your summer holiday. 16
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adamo se kako su vam putovanja naπim zrakoplovima od travnja joπ ugodnija, jer na svim letovima, u prvom redu u poslovnom razredu, uveli smo uslugu Okusi Hrvatske… kako bismo vas upoznali s enogastronomijom razliËitih krajeva naπe lijepe domovine. Na redu je Dalmacija. Pri predstavljanju Dalmacije i njezine gastronomije pomogao nam je kuhar Rudolf ©tefan iz konobe Pelegrini, koji je nam je pokazao kako se na suvremeniji naËin pripremaju jela tipiËna za dalmatinsku konobu. Konoba Pelegrini iz ©ibenika Ëlan je udruge Jeunes Restaurateurs d’Europe (JRE) i pripada u vrh hrvatske gastronomije. Pri izboru crnih i bijelih vina poznatih dalmatinskih vinara, koja Êemo vam ponuditi na letu, konzultirali smo suradnika Saπu ©piranca, vinskog struËnjaka. Putnici u poslovnom razredu moÊi Êe kuπati i maslinovo ulje Bracchia, a poslije jela uz desert bit Êe im ponuen tradicionalni dalmatinski digestiv. Putnicima u ekonomskom razredu bit Êe ponuene tipiËne dalmatinske slastice poput arancina, uπeÊerenih badema, bobiÊa i sl. Ukrcaj u zrakoplov pratit Êe karakteristiËna instrumentalna glazba skladatelja Alana Bjelinskog, a Dalmaciju kao aktualnu gastroregiju reprezentativno vam predstavljamo i u ovom Ëasopisu. Takoer, na videosustavu u zrakoplovu od srpnja prikazujemo poseban film o Dalmaciji. PodsjeÊamo, specifiËne proizvode pojedine regije moæete kupiti i u zrakoplovima, a informacije o novoj usluzi, kao i o svim drugim ponudama, dostupne su vam na naπim internetskim stranicama
vas, nadamo se, potaknuti i na neko novo putovanje Croatia Airlinesom... n
e hope you have found that travelling on our aircraft has been even more comfortable as of April this year, because on all our flights, especially in business class, we have introduced a new service − Flavours of Croatia, the goal of which is to acquaint you with the eno-gastronomy of different parts of our beautiful country. Dalmatia is next. In presenting Dalmatia and its gastronomy we were supported by Rudolf ©tefan, the chef at the Pelegrini Tavern & Wine Cellar, who showed us how to prepare dishes that are typical of a Dalmatian konoba, but in a modern way. The Pelegrini Tavern & Wine Cellar in ©ibenik is a member of the association Jeunes Restaurateurs d’Europe (JRE) and represents the very top of Croatian gastronomy.
Stoga, opustite se na naπim letovima i kuπajte probrana jela i piÊa hrvatskih krajeva, koja Êe CROATIA AIRLINES
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When selecting the red and white wines of renowned Croatian winemakers which we will offer on our flights, we consulted wine expert Saπa ©piranec. Our business class passengers will also have the opportunity to taste Bracchia olive oil, and after meals they will be offered a traditional Dalmatian digestive along with dessert.
Passengers in economy class will be offered traditional Dalmatian sweets, such as arancini (candied orange peels), sugar coated almonds, bobiÊi (meringue-like biscuits) and the like. While boarding, passengers will be welcomed by characteristic instrumental music by the composer Alan Bjelinski. Dalmatia, our current gastro region, is presented in the magazine you are reading. Also, from July onwards, we will show a special film about Dalmatia on the video system in our aircraft. Let us remind you that you can buy products that are specific to a particular region on our aircraft. Information about our new service, as well as all other offers, is available on our internet site Therefore, relax on our flights and taste the selected dishes and beverages from the Croatian regions. We hope they will encourage you to take another journey on Croatia Airlines. n
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Mediteranska kuhinja smatra se jednom od najzdravijih, najmaπtovitijih i najfinijih na svijetu, a kako je Jadransko more najljepπi zaljev Sredozemlja, gastronomija razvijena na njegovim obalama snaæno je obiljeæena tim statusnim superlativima i visoko pozicionirana na svjetskim ljestvicama gastronomske kulture. The Mediterranean diet is considered one of the healthiest, most imaginative and most refined in the world. Since the Adriatic Sea is the most beautiful bay in the Mediterranean basin, the gastronomy that has developed on its littoral is firmly marked by the superlative status of the land and occupies a high position on the global scale of gastronomic culture. 20
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Piše/By Željko Žutelija Fotografije/Photos Damir FabijaniÊ, HTZ (D. FabijaniÊ) CROATIA AIRLINES
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rvatska je turistiËka hit-destinacija, jedno od najomiljenijih ljetnih odrediπta na Sredozemlju, koju iz godine u godinu posjeÊuje sve viπe turista iz cijeloga svijeta. Na relativno malom prostoru od Istre do Konavala koncentrirano je nevjerojatno bogatstvo naturalnih razliËitosti u dodiru s fascinantnom ljepotom Jadranskog mora, kojemu je priroda podarila najljepπu flotu otoka na cijelome Mediteranu. Jadranski otoci, osobito srednjodalmatinski, mogu se mjeriti s najuzbudljivijim otoËnim arhipelazima u svijetu, od Pacifika do Indijskog oceana, a od najudaljenijih europskih odrediπta udaljeni su samo dva sata leta i nekoliko sati plovidbe brodom. To nije samo Mediteran kakav je nekad bio, na πto upuÊuje naπ turistiËki slogan, to je i Mediteran kakav bi trebao biti - uravnoteæenog suæivota ljudi i djeviËanske prirode, tradicije i suvremenosti, raskoπne kulturno-povijesne baπtine i puËke skromnosti u krπevitom podneblju, visokih standarda i autohtone ljupkosti. Na nekoliko desetaka kilometara od Splita, srediπta Dalmacije od Dioklecijanova doba pa sve do danas, planinski su krajolici jedinstvenog ugoaja, a samo stotinjak kilometara udaljeno Biokovo doima se poput alpskog krajobraza s kojega se pruæa pogled na cijeli Jadran. Sve te razliËitosti i osobitosti krajolika, kojim vijugaju tri kraπke rijeËne ljepotice - Zrmanja, Krka i Cetina - dio su podneblja u kojemu se raa i vrlo osobita gastronomija, organski povezana s tlom, klimom, vodnim bogatstvom i mukotrpnim radom utemeljenim na teæaËkoj tradiciji. Stoga je nemoguÊe potpuno doæivjeti Dalmaciju u svoj njezinoj veliËanstvenosti a da je ne kuπate. A kuπati Dalmaciju znaËi trajno se u nju zaljubiti i ta iskustva nesebiËno prenijeti svima koji to joπ nisu probali. Mediteranska kuhinja smatra se jednom od najzdravijih, najmaπtovitijih i najfinijih na svijetu, a kako je Jadransko more najljepπi zaljev Sredozemlja, gastronomija razvijena na njegovim obalama snaæno je obiljeæena tim statusnim superlativima i visoko pozicionirana na svjetskim ljestvicama gastronomske kulture. Talijanska kuhinja, razumljivo, odavno je brendirana kao globalni kulinarski pojam i mnogo poznatija od hrvatske, Ëije se europsko prepoznavanje vezuje uz osamostaljenje dræave, ali i sve ËeπÊe definira kao jedno od velikih gastronomskih otkriÊa, Ëemu znatno pridonosi i ljetna turistiËka invazija na Jadran. Dalmatinska kuhinja, kao osobitost mnogo πireg pojma mediteranske gastronomije, nudi iznenaujuÊe bogatstvo razliËitosti, vrlo Ëesto u harmoniËnom proæimanju svjeæih morskih namirnica, otoËkih delicija i kopnenih plodova dalmatinskog zalea. Svi ti elementi, sjedinjeni u jedinstveni pojam dalmatinske kuhinje ute-
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meljene na tradiciji, ali u novije doba i znatno osuvremenjene novim nutricionistiËkim i kulinarskim trendovima, tvore dostignuÊa koja se mogu mjeriti s najviπim svjetskim dometima na tom podruËju. NajjaËi su aduti dalmatinske kuhinje svjeæa riba, rakovi, πkoljke i mekuπci, pripravljeni na gradelama, na leπo, kao brudet ili ispod peke, a u novije doba vrlo Ëesto posluæeni i u sirovom stanju, uz dodatke zaËina i izvrsnih maslinovih ulja, uvrπtenih u najbolje svjetske vodiËe. Uz njeæne teksture tih morskih sirovina, moæda najboljih od svih danas ponuenih u svijetu, sljubljuje se jednostavno pripremljeno povrÊe izraslo u djeviËanskim uvjetima otoËkih polja, primjerice blitva, tikvice, graπak, πparoge, mahune, bob, πpinat, koromaË, artiËoke, kupus ili pak divlje trave (miπancija). Od salata nudi se domaÊa rajËica, rukola, svjeæi kupus, krastavci, zelena slata, radiË. Riba iz Jadrana nedostiæne je kvalitete, od puËke srdele, vjekovne hraniteljice dalmatinskog puka, do oborite ribe od kamena, kao πto su brancin, πkarpina, kovaË, zubatac, orada ili pak plavorepka delicija tuna, koja je u Japanu najcjenjenija morska delicija tamoπnje kuhinje. Na juænodalmatinskom podruËju najpoznatija je πkoljka Ostrea edulis, raritetna stonska kamenica kvalitetom neusporediva s oceanskim srodnicima, koja je izumrla na drugim podruËjima i preæivjela joπ samo u Maroku i Malostonskom zaljevu, u moru najveÊe ËistoÊe, u kojemu se u idealnim omjerima mijeπaju slatka i slana voda. StruËnjaci je smatraju jednom od najveÊih morskih delicija u svijetu. Na Peljeπcu se nikako ne bi smjelo propustiti kuπanje butarge, suπene riblje ikre od cipla ili brancina, vrhunskog specijaliteta tog podruËja. Na KorËuli pak svakako treba kuπati jedinstvene ærnovske makarune, autohtoni specijalitet koji se u izvorno tradicijskom obliku nudi joπ samo na tom otoku. RijeË je o specijalitetu koji nalaæe dugotrajnu pripremu juneÊeg mesa i vhunsko umijeÊe priprave posebno oblikovanog tijesta. BraËka janjetina proslavljeni je gastronomski pojam, a kad se od nje priprave i razliËite izvedenice, kao πto je vitalac (janjeÊe iznutrice na raænju, umotane u maramicu), janjeÊe tripice ili pak pirjana janjeÊa jetrica dolce garbo, otoËka gozba poprima razmjere rimskih bakanalija. Na Mljetu i Lastovu pravi Êe gurmani uæivati u jastozima tek izvaenima iz jastoæere, a za one sklonije kontinentalnijem jelovniku dalmatinsko zalee bit Êe pravo otkriÊe. MiljevaËki prπut, cetinske æabe i rijeËni rakovi, arambaπiÊi Cetinske krajine, razliËita mesna jela pripravljena ispod peke ili kuhana u bronzinu, bakrenom kotliÊu nad otvorenom vatrom, ili pak Ëudesni soparnik omiπkog kraja, kombinacija sitno nasjeckane
blitve u zapeËenu tijestu nalik na tanku slanu pogaËu, oduπevljavaju sve poznavatelje dobre hrane. Sva ta jela, pripremljena u vrhunskim restoranima kao πto su dubrovaËka Nautika, viπka Pojoda, splitski Noπtromo, zadarska Foπa, restorani na hvarskim Paklinskim otocima ili pak oni na Kornatima, dodatno su oplemenjena ambijentalnoπÊu u kojoj se nude. Svaki sastojak upuÊuje na drevne obiËaje, a jela imaju Ëvrstu poveznicu s podnebljem u kojem izrastaju i u kojem se pripravljaju. U dalmatinskoj kuhinji, osobito onoj povezanoj sa zaleem, Ëesti su i specijaliteti od divljaËi, primjerice zeËevine, veprovine ili pak moËvarnih ptica u dolini i na uπÊu Neretve. OvËji i kozji sirevi sastavni su dio ponude mnogih restorana, ali i one na agroturistiËkim imanjima, gdje domaÊini nude vlastire recepture. Sve te dalmatinske delicije najbolje je sljubljivati s vrhunskim dalmatinskim vinima kao πto su KrajanËiÊev Poπip, Burin ili Toljev DingaË, Miloπev Stagnum, Vukasov Plavac mali, Postup Mare MrgudiÊ, DubokoviÊeva Medvjedica, PlenkoviÊev Zlatan Plavac, TomiÊev Plavac mali i joπ mnoge druge vrhunske etikete kojima obiluje dalmatinsko podruËje, osobito juæne strane otoka i poluotok Peljeπac. ©to juænije, to finije i to izvornije, kaæu enogastro struËnjaci, koji dalmatinsko podruËje smatraju jednom od najljepπih gastronomskih oaza u svijetu. I Ëije miπljenje dijeli sve viπe stranih turista koji posjeÊuju najljepπi zaljev Sredozemlja. n
roatia is a hit destination with tourists; a Mediterranean favourite which has been recording an increasing number of tourists every year. The relatively small area stretching from the Istrian Peninsula to Konavle boasts an incredible wealth of environmental diversities underpinned by the fascinating beauty of the Adriatic Sea, towards which nature has been very generous and bestowed upon it the most remarkable fleet of islands on the Mediterranean coast. The Adriatic islands, particularly those in the central part of the Adriatic littoral, can be compared to some of the most exciting archipelagos in the Pacific or Indian Ocean. A short two-hour flight, followed by a few-hours’ sea crossing by boat separates them from even the most distant European destinations. This is not just the Mediterranean as it once was, as the Croatian tourist slogan has it, but indeed the Mediterranean as it should be − a place of balance between people and pristine nature, traditions and modernity, a remarkable cultural and historical heritage and the reticence of the populace who inhabit the karst environment, a land of high standards and original charm. CROATIA AIRLINES
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The mountainous countryside only a few dozen kilometres from Split, which has been the centre of Dalmatia from the times of Diocletian, offers a unique atmosphere. The Biokovo Range, some hundred kilometres away, looks like the Alps, and the view from the top stretches across the entire Adriatic. All of these diversities and features of the countryside, with three beautiful karst rivers meandering through it − the Zrmanja, the Krka and the Cetina − are the elements of an environment which has spawned a very special type of gastronomy that is organically connected to the soil, the climate, the water and the painstaking labour that has always been part of the local tradition. Thus it is impossible to fully experience Dalmatia in all of its splendour without having a taste of it. And having a taste of Dalmatia means to fall in love with the region forever and share that experience selflessly with all those who have not been initiated. The Mediterranean diet is considered one of the healthiest, most imaginative and most refined in the world. Since the Adriatic Sea is the most beautiful bay in the Mediterranean basin, the gastronomy that has developed on its littoral is firmly marked by the superlative status of the land and occupies a high position on the global scale of gastronomic culture. Italian cuisine, obviously, has long enjoyed global fame as a culinary brand and it is much better known than Croatian cuisine. Even the state of Croatia itself has been recognized in Europe only since it gained its independence not so long ago, but as of recently, that newly discovered cuisine has been more and more commonly defined as one of the major gastronomic discoveries, a fact much boosted by the summer invasion of tourists. Dalmatian cuisine, a special segment in the much broader term of Mediterranean gastronomy, offers a startling wealth of variety, very commonly characterised by a harmonious melee of fresh seafood, island delicacies and the produce of the Dalmatian hinterland. All of these elements, combined into a unique concept of Dalmatian cuisine that is rooted in tradition, have recently been enriched by new nutritional and culinary trends. The results are achievements on a par with the highest global achievements in that area. The biggest selling points of Dalmatian cuisine are fresh fish, crustaceans, shellfish and molluscs which are grilled, boiled, prepared as brodeto or cooked slowly under an iron bell. As of recently, they are served raw, with the addition of seasonings and excellent olive oil whose global fame has been confirmed by being listing in the best international travel guides. The delicate texture of these 28
seafood ingredients, perhaps the best that can be found in the world, marry perfectly with the simplicity of the vegetables grown in the unspoiled conditions in the fields of the Dalmatian islands, for example Swiss chard, zucchini, green peas, asparagus, broad beans, fava beans, spinach, fennel, artichokes, cabbage or self-grown wild plants known as miπancija. The most popular salad vegetables are tomatoes, arugula, fresh cabbage, cucumbers, lettuce and wild chicory. The quality of the Adriatic fish is second to none. The choice ranges from the modest sardines that have been the sustenance of Dalmatians for ages, to the white fish that dwells on the stony seabed such as sea bass, groper, John Dory, tooth fish, gilt-poll or perhaps the blue finned delicacy tuna, which features as the most delicious ingredient of Japanese cuisine. The best known shellfish in the southern part of the Adriatic is Ostrea edulis, a rare oyster from Ston. Its ocean relatives are nothing but a far cry to this species which has survived only in Morocco and in the Bay of Mali Ston, where the seabed is of the highest possible cleanliness and clarity, and where fresh and salty waters are mixed in equal rations. Expert considers it to be one of the greatest sea delicacies in the world. When on Peljeπac you should not miss the opportunity to taste botargo, cured roe of grey mullet or sea bass, the most exquisite regional specialty. On the island of KorËula, make sure to taste the unique autochthonous delicacy Ærnovo Macaruns. Nowhere else but on that island is it offered in its traditional form. This dish, made with stewed beef, takes a long time to prepare and a lot of skill to wrap the meat into specially shaped pastry. BraË lamb is a famous gastronomic term, with many derivatives made from it, for example vitalac (lamb innards grilled on a spit wrapped in belly offal), lamb tripe or sautéed lamb liver dolce garbo. With all that, an island feast tends to be on the scale of the Roman bacchanal festivals. On the islands of Mljet and Lastovo, true gourmets will come unto their own as fresh lobsters are taken out from lobster nets right before their eyes to be prepared in a most delicious way. For those more partial to a continental menu, the Dalmatian hinterland will be a true revelation. Prosciutto from Miljevac, frogs from the Cetina River, and river crabs, arambaπiÊi, from the Cetina valley, various meat dishes cooked under an iron bell or in a copper dish over an open fire, or perhaps the delightful soparnik lovingly prepared in and around Omiπ, with
finely chopped and seasoned Swiss chard baked on a thin sheet of dough; all of these delight connoisseurs and lovers of good food. All of these dishes are prepared by top restaurants, such as Nautika in Dubrovnik, Pojoda in Vis, Noπtromo in Split, Foπa in Zadar, restaurants on the Paklinski Islands of the coast of Hvar, or restaurants on the Kornati archipelago where their exquisite taste is enhanced by the atmosphere in which they are enjoyed. Each of the ingredients evokes ancient customs and the dishes are firmly rooted in the environment where the ingredients grow and where the dishes are prepared. Dalmatian cuisine, especially in the hinterland, is no stranger to dishes based on wild game, for example rabbit, boar, or swamp birds commonly eaten along the Neretva valley and estuary. Sheep’s and goat’s cheeses are found on the menus of many restaurants, and in rural households where the hosts make them to their own recipes. Dalmatian delicacies marry best with the top quality Dalmatian wines, such as KrajanËiÊ’s Poπip, Burin or Tolj’s DingaË, Miloπ’s Stagnum, Vukas’ Plavac Mali, Postup made by Mare MrgudiÊ, DubokoviÊ’s Medvjedica, PlenkoviÊ’s Zlatan Plavac, TomiÊ’s Plavac Mali and many other top labels that abound in Dalmatia, particularly the southern coasts of the islands and the Peljeπac peninsula. The further south one goes, the finer and more original the food, say the food and wine connoisseurs who consider Dalmatia one of the most beautiful gastronomic oases in the world. Their opinion is readily shared by the growing number of foreign tourists who visit the most beautiful bay in the Mediterranean. n
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Piše/By Saša Špiranec Fotografije/Photos Damir FabijaniÊ CROATIA AIRLINES
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Na spomen Dalmacije i vina u jednoj reËenici najËeπÊa je prva asocijacija crno vino. Druga redom jest plavac mali − vodeÊa crna sorta u Dalmaciji i Hrvatskoj. Ali, sva su dalmatinska vina raskošna. 32
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When the words Dalmatia and wine appear in the same sentence, the first association is most often red wine. The next association is Plavac Mali − the leading variety of red wine in Dalmatia and Croatia. However, all of the Dalmatian wines are magnificent. CROATIA AIRLINES
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midæ dalmatinskih crnih vina tako je uvjerljiv da mnogi posjetitelji iz zemalja koje okruæuju Hrvatsku smatraju kako je to zemlja iskljuËivo crnih vina. U prvom redu to je zbog plavca maloga, lokalno znakovito nazvanoga kraljem crnih sorata, tako snaænog imidæa da se o drugim sortama ne govori ili govori manje. Realnost je znaËajno drugaËija. Hrvatska je zemlja bijelih i crnih vina, s tim da je zastupljenost bijelih viπe od 60 posto ukupnog udjela, dakle, koliËinom bijela dominiraju. Ali, snaga, toplina i bogatstvo crnjaka od plavca malog oËito ostaju u memoriji posjetitelja jaËe utisnuti od obiljeæja ostalih sorata. Obiljeæja klime i tla Dalmacija je jedina vinska regija u Hrvatskoj koja ima svojstva tipiËne mediteranske regije. Sve druge regije zapravo su bitno hladnije, ukljuËivπi i one na obali poput Istre. Zbog toga su vina Dalmacije uvijek puna i snaæna, bogata fenolima i ekstraktom. Jednostavno reËeno, raskoπna. Za to je svakako zasluæna visoka insolacija, no vjerojatno je jednako zasluæan i tip tla. Svi najpoznatiji i najcjenjeniji dalmatinski crnjaci dolaze s istog tipa tla, sa strmina πkrtih zemljom i bogatih vapnencom, πto se sa visina od nekoliko stotina metara spuπtaju prema morskoj povrπini. Dalmacija
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takoer ima i svoje drugo, manje poznato lice, s kojega dolaze elegantnija i neπto jednostavnija vina. To su manja i veÊa polja s plodnim tlom, u kojima se loza mnogo lakπe obrauje nego na πkrtim i krπovitim padinama. S takvih lokacija obiËno dolazi druga etiketa. Dva lica Dalmacije: obalna i zalee Stilski Dalmaciju moæemo podijeliti na dva dijela. Prvi dio, koji moæemo nazvati obalna Dalmacija, otoci su i uski obalni pojas srednje i juænje Dalmacije, gdje se izrazito mediteranskoj klimi fantastiËno prilagodilo nekoliko sorata. Tu prije svih caruje spomenuti plavac mali jer od drugih crnih sorata, s iznimkom babiÊa i odnedavno zinfandela (aka crljenak, pribidrag), gotovo da viπe nema znaËajnijih povrπina. Ovaj potomak zinfandela i dobriËiÊa (obje su hrvatske sorte) postao je prije stotinjak godina tako popularan meu vinarima da je polako istisnuo ostale crne sorte diljem cijele regije. Postoji Ëak i narodna izreka koja glasi: Svaku sortu hvali, ali plavac sadi. S bijelim je sortama u tome istom dijelu neπto drugaËija situacija. Do prije desetak godina, otkad se s otoka KorËule poËeo πiriti poπip, svako je vinogorje imalo vlastitu dominantnu autohtonu sortu, koju je ljubomorno
Ëuvalo. Na KorËuli je to bio poπip, na Hvaru bogdanuπa, na Visu vugava, kod Dubrovnika malvasija, a na Peljeπcu rukatac. Ima tu joπ i dvadesetak drugih sorata, ali zajedniËki nazivnik svima jest da su to vina punog tijela, obiËno æivahnih kiselina, zrele i katkad egzotiËne voÊnosti s herbalnim notama. Drugi dio, to jest drugo lice Dalmacije moæemo nazvati dalmatinsko zalee i odnosi se na regiju πto se nalazi iza uskoga obalnog pojasa pa do duboko u unutraπnjost, te na sjevernu Dalmaciju, gdje su vinogradi takoer preteæno u unutraπnjosti. Ovdje caruju sasvim druge sorte poput plavine, babiÊa i lasina kod crnih, te kujundæuπe, maraπtine i debita kod bijelih. Zbog neπto svjeæije klime i hladnijih noÊi ovdje se takoer moæe naÊi i popriliËno internacionalnih sorata poput merlota, syraha ili chardonnaya. Ovdje, kao i u obalnoj Dalmaciji, postoji podjela na bolje poloæaje sa strmina, zaduæene za premium etikete, i na inferiorne iz ravnijih dijelova, zaduæene za drugu etiketu. Ali, vina dalmatinskog zalea razlikuju se od obalnih ponajviπe po svjeæini okusa i tipu aroma. Dok su voÊni tonovi u plavcima preteæno suha πljiva i zrela treπnja, u crnjacima iz zalea dominiraju crno bobiËasto voÊe, viπnja maraska, te herbalne note poput lista rajËice. Bijela CROATIA AIRLINES
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vina takoer su nijansu svjeæija i obiËno neπto niæeg alkohola. VodeÊe sorte i njihove obiljeæja Crne Plavac mali, raskoπno, zrelo i snaæno vino s aromama suhe πljive i suhe smokve kada dolazi s premium poloæaja, te neπto elegantnije, svjeæijega voÊnog profila kada dolazi s poloæaja u ravnijim dijelovima vinogorja. Najbolji proizvoaËi: Saints Hills, Bura, TomiÊ, Zlatan otok, Madirazza, MiliËiÊ, Stina, GrgiÊ, Kota Katarina, PZ Postup, PZ DingaË, Miloπ... BabiÊ, jednako je ogat i pun kao plavac, ali s neπto viπim kiselinama, pa je snaga uvijek dobro pokrivena svjeæinom. Kao u dobrih argentinskih malbeca. Najbolji proizvoaËi: Gracin... Crljenak (zinfandel, primitivo, pribidrag, kratoπija), ta popularna sorta ima sjajan omjer uvijek naglaπenih kiselina s priliËno visokim alkoholom, pa daje moÊna i slasna vina s veoma istaknutom voÊnoπÊu. Najbolji proizvoaËi: Krolo, Zlatan otok, Vuina... Bijele Poπip postoji u dva izdanja. Prvo je kao mlado jedno do dvogodiπnje svjeæe vino iz inoxa, iznimno osvjeæavajuÊa karaktera, veoma bogata mirisa u kojemu se voÊne arome isprepliÊu sa svjeæim travnatima. Drugo je kao odleæano vino πto izlazi na træiπte dvije godine poslije berbe i u idealnu formu dolazi u treÊoj godini, kad su arome kompleksnije i voÊnost se sreÊe sa zaËinskim notama hrasta. Najbolji proizvoaËi: KrajanËiÊ, Korta Katarina, GrgiÊ, Zlatan otok, PZ »ara, Toreta, Grabovac, Madirazza, Stina... Maraπtina (rukatac) danas najraπirenija dalmatinska sorta koja se moæe naÊi u dalmatinskom zaleu kao i na priobalju. Preteæno proizvodi jednostavnija osvjeæavajuÊa vina, a katkad, osobito u sjevernoj Dalmaciji, daje snaæna vina puna karaktera. Najbolji proizvoaËi: SladiÊ Joso, SladiÊ Marinko, DuvanËiÊ... Kujunuπa, lagaπno i vrlo pitko vino osvjeæavajuÊa karaktera, idealno uz riblja carpaccia ili predjela. Takoer dobro ohlaeno moæe biti idealno dnevno vino tijekom ljetnih mjeseci. Najbolji proizvoaËi: Grabovac, JerkoviÊ... Vugava, snaæno vino punog tijela s otoka Visa, koje zbog Ëesto visokih alkohola treba umjereno konzumirati. Izvrsnog je potencijala i neke vinarije rade izvrsna odleæana vina od te sorte. Najbolji proizvoaËi: Stina, LipanoviÊ... Malvasija dubrovaËka, dolazi u dva izdanja. Kao osobito slatko vino od prosuπena groæa koje se u Dalmaciji joπ zove Proπek, ili kao suho vino punog tijela izraæene mineralnosti. Najbolji proizvoaËi: Karaman, Crvik... 36
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+ 3 8 2 ( 0 ) 3 2 6 6 0 9 0 0 o r i n f o @ p o r t o m o n t e n e g ro . c o m w w w. p o r t o m o n t e n e g r o.c o m CROATIA AIRLINES
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Debit, lagano i njeæno vino gotovo neutralna karaktera i postojana okusa. Izvrsno osvjeæenje tijekom ljetnih mjeseci, a ako ga se vinificira ekstremno s dugaËkim maceracijama i odleæavanjima, daje kompleksna i snaæna vina. Najbolji proizvoaËi: Bibich... Najvaæniji poloæaji Dalmacija je jedina hrvatska vinska regija koja neka vina s najboljih poloæaja ne oznaËava imenom sorte, nego imenom poloæaja, kao πto je to tradicija u Pijemontu, Burgundiji ili Bordeauxu. To se doduπe odnosi samo na sortu plavac mali, Ëije ime obavezno izostane s etikete kada dolazi s poloæaja DingaË, Ivan Dolac ili Postup. Vinari s drugih premium poloæaja takoer katkad istiËu neko drugo ime do imena sorte kako bi istaknuli da je rijeË o osobitom vinu, pa se plavac mali moæe naÊi joπ pod imenima poput Zlatan plavac, Stagnum, itd. Moæe se zakljuËiti: i ako na vinu nije istaknuta sorta, zapravo je posrijedi plavac mali s veÊim ambicijama od toga da bude redovito, svakodnevno vino. Ostale sorte uvijek su istaknute na etiketi, osim kad je u pitanju stolno vino kojemu je isticanje sorte zabranjeno. Najvaæniji poloæaji za plavac mali: DingaË, Ivan Dolac, Postup, Sveta Nedjelja, Murvica, Mili i Trstenik. Najvaæniji poloæaji za babiÊ: Primoπten, Bucavac. Najvaæniji poloæaji za poπip: »ara, Smokvica, Defora, Makarska. n
he image of Dalmatian red wines is so strong that many visitors from countries surrounding Croatia believe this is a country of exclusively red wines. Plavac Mali, locally called the king of red varieties, is mostly responsible for this opinion. Its image is so strong that no one talks about, or rarely mentions, any other varieties. However, reality is quite different. Croatia is a country of both white and red wines, and white wines account for over 60% of the total production, which means that they are the leader in terms of quantity. However, the strength, warmth and richness of the reds made of Plavac Mali obviously make a stronger impression on visitors than the other varieties. Characteristics of Climate and Soil Dalmatia is the only wine region in Croatia which has the characteristics of a typical Mediterranean region. All the other regions are actually much colder, including other coastal areas such as Istria. This is why Dalmatian wines are always full-bodied and strong, rich with phenols and extracts. To put it simply, they are luxurious. One of the reasons for
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this is definitely the high level of insolation, but probably the type of soil as well. All of the most renowned and most appreciated Dalmatian reds originate from the same type of land - steep slopes, scarce with soil and rich with limestone, stretching from hilltops that are several hundred metres high down to sea level. Dalmatia also has another lesser known side of it, where the more elegant and somewhat simpler wines come from. These are the smaller or larger fields of fertile soil where it is much easier to deal with the vines than on the barren and rugged slopes. A different label is usually used for such locations. Two Faces of Dalmatia: Coast and Hinterland Stylistically, Dalmatia can be divided into two parts. The first one can be called Coastal Dalmatia, and comprises the islands and the narrow coastal belt of Central and Southern Dalmatia, where several varieties have fantastically adapted to the prominently Mediterranean climate. This is the area where the earlier mentioned Plavac Mali rules, because other red varieties, with the exception of BabiÊ, and as of recently Zinfandel (i.e. Crljenak or Pribidrag), can hardly be found on significantly sized areas. Some hundred years ago, this descendant of Zinfandel and DobriËiÊ (both are Croatian varieties) became so popular among wine producers that it pushed out other reds throughout the entire region. There is even a local saying which states: Praise every variety, but grow Plavac Mali. In the same region the situation is somewhat different when it comes to white varieties. Until some ten years ago, when Poπip started spreading from the island of KorËula, each vineyard had its own native variety which they jealously protected. On KorËula that variety was Poπip, on Hvar it was Bogdanuπa, Vis had its Vugava, the area near Dubrovnik had its Malvasia, and Peljeπac had Rukatac. There are another twenty or so varieties in this region, but the common characteristics are that these wines are full-bodied, usually vibrantly acidic, mature and sometimes have an exotic fruitiness with herbal tones. The other part, or the other face of Dalmatia, can be called Dalmatian Hinterland. It covers the region from the narrow coastal part to deep into the inland, and Northern Dalmatia where the vineyards are also situated mostly in the inland. Completely different varieties are dominant in this region, such as Plavina, BabiÊ and Lasina in terms of reds, and Kujundæuπa, Maraπtina and Debit among the whites. Due to a somewhat fresher climate and cooler nights, you can also find quite a large number of international varieties in this region, such 40
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Stanovi i poslovni prostori Bundek
CROATIA AIRLINES 41 Prodaja / zakup: Centar Bundek d.o.o., Nova Ves 17, Zagreb; tel. 0800 300 900 •
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as Merlot, Syrah or Chardonnay. Here, like in coastal Dalmatia, vineyards are divided into those which have better locations on the slopes and therefore deserve premium labels, and the vineyards that are located on flatter land and therefore are given another label. However, the wines coming from the Dalmatian hinterland are different from those from the coastal area mainly because of the freshness of taste and type of aromas. While the fruity tones in the Plavac varieties are mostly of dried plums and ripe cherries, the reds from the hinterland are dominated by black berries, amarena, and herbal tones such as tomato leaves. White wines are also slightly fresher and usually have a lower alcohol level. Leading Varieties and Their Characteristics Reds Plavac Mali, a luxurious, mature and strong wine with aromas of dried plums and dried figs when coming from a premium location. It has a more elegant and fresher fruity profile when coming from a location situated on the flatter parts of vineyards. Best producers: Saints Hills, Bura, TomiÊ, Zlatan Otok, Madirazza, MiliËiÊ, Stina, GrgiÊ, Kota Katarina, PZ Postup, PZ DingaË, Miloπ... BabiÊ is equally as rich and full as Plavac, but with somewhat higher acidity, so its strength is always well covered by freshness, just like in the good Argentinean Malbec wines. Best producers: Gracin... Crljenak (Zinfandel, Primitivo, Pribidrag, Kratoπija) is a popular variety which always has an excellent proportion of pronounced acidity and quite a high alcohol level, which creates powerful and delicious wines with rather prominent fruitiness. Best producers: Krolo, Zlatan Otok, Vuina... Whites Poπip is a variety which comes in two versions. The young version, one or two year old wine that has been in stainless steel barrels, has an exceptionally refreshing character and a very rich scent of fruity aromas that have been intertwined with the fresh aromas of grass. The other version is aged wine which is put on the market two years after it is harvested and it reaches its ideal form in the third year; the aromas are more complex and the fruitiness goes hand in hand with the spicy aromas of oak. Best producers: KrajanËiÊ, Korta Katarina, GrgiÊ, Zlatan Otok, PZ »ara, Toreta, Grabovac, Madirazza, Stina... Maraπtina (Rukatac) is currently the most widely used Dalmatian variety, which can be found both in the Dalmatian hinterland and 42
on the coast. It is mostly used to produce simpler wines with a refreshing character, and sometimes, especially in Northern Dalmatia, it is used to give strength to full-bodied wines. Best producers: SladiÊ Joso, SladiÊ Marinko, DuvanËiÊ... Kujunuπa is a light and very drinkable wine with a refreshing character; it goes ideally with fish carpaccio or hors-d’oeuvres. Also, when it is well-chilled, it is an ideal daytime wine during the summer. Best producers: Grabovac, JerkoviÊ... Vugava is a strong, full-bodied wine from the island of Vis. It should be consumed in moderation because of its high alcohol level. It has excellent potential and some wineries are producing excellent aged wines from this variety. Best producers: Stina, LipanoviÊ... Malvasija DubrovaËka comes in two version - either as an exceptionally sweet wine made from dried grapes, also called Proπek in Dalmatia, or as a dry wine with a full body and pronounced minerality. Best producers: Karaman, Crvik... Debit is a light and mild wine with an almost neutral character and stable taste. It is an excellent refreshment during the summer. When it is extremely vinified, with a long period of maceration and maturation, it creates complex and strong wines. Best producers: Bibich... Most Important Locations Dalmatia is the only Croatian wine region where certain wines from the best locations are not called by the variety, but by the name of the location, which is a tradition in Piemonto, Burgundy and Bordeaux. However, this is only true for Plavac Mali, which is never mentioned on the label if the wine comes from the location of DingaË, Ivan Dolac or Postup. Wine makers from other premium locations sometimes also use another name rather than the name of the variety in order to emphasise the distinctive quality of the wine; thus you can find Plavac Mali under other names such as Zlatan Plavac, Stagnum, etc. We can conclude that if the wine does not specify the variety, it is actually Plavac Mali with greater ambitions than to be a regular, everyday wine. Other varieties are always specified on the label, except in the case of table wines, when it is forbidden to specify the variety. Most important locations for Plavac Mali are: DingaË, Ivan Dolac, Postup, Sveta Nedjelja, Murvica, Mili and Trstenik. Most important locations for BabiÊ are: Primoπten and Bucavac. Most important locations for Poπip are: »ara, Smokvica, Defora and Makarska. n
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Obiteljsko poljoprivredno gospodarstvo ZLATAN OTOK d.o.o. - VINARIJA PLENKOVIΔ osnovano je 1986. godine u Svetoj Nedjelji na otoku Hvaru. Vinogradi su na vinorodnim poloæajima juænih padina otoka Hvara, gdje prevladava sorta Plavac mali, i u makarskom vinogorju podno Biokova, gdje je od 2004. godine vinograd na nadmorskoj visini izmeu 30 i 400 m.
Asortiman je sljedeÊi: Plavac mali, Crljenak (Zinfandel), Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah; a od bijelih sorti: Poπip, Æilavka, DubrovaËka malvazija te Chardonnay i æuti Muπkat. Vinarija godiπnje proizvodi oko 450.000 vrhunskih boca vina, a s novouzgojenim vinogradima oËekuje i veÊe koliËine. Postiæe uspjeh na razliËitim, kako domaÊim, tako i stranim natjecanjima i sajmovima poput: Vinovita
Zagreb, GAST Split, VINO Ljubljana, Zürich, Bordeux, Decanter, Sabatine itd. Izabrana je za vinariju 2005. i 2007. godine, a otkad postoji to priznanje, vinarija redovito osvaja jedno od prva tri mjesta. Viπe od stotinu nagrada, medalja i priznanja krasi prostorije vinarije i potvruje njezinu πampionsku tradiciju.
Vrhunski okus vina na vaπem stolu! Superior taste of wine on your table! 44
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The family horticulturist company ZLATAN OTOK d.o.o. - VINARIJA PLENKOVIΔ was established in Sveta Nedjelja on the island of Hvar in 1986. The vineyards are located in the vine-growing positions of the southern slopes of the island of Hvar, where Plavac Mali is the dominant variety, and in the Makarska vineyards at the foot of Biokovo Mountain, where we have had
a vineyard at the altitude between 30 metres and 400 metres above sea level since 2004. Our assortment of reds includes: Plavac Mali, Crljenak (Zinfandel), Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah; while the whites are: Poπip, Æilavka, DubrovaËka Malvazija, Chardonnay and Æuti Muπkat (Yellow Muscat). The winery produces around 450,000 bottles of premium wines per year, but with the newly-grown vineyards we expect even larger production. The company records successes at various domestic and international competitions and fairs, such as: Vinovita Zagreb, GAST Split, VINO Ljubljana, Zürich, Bordeux, Decanter, Sabatine, etc. It was selected the Winemaker of the Year in 2005 and in 2007, and ever since the introduction of this award, the winery has always ranked among the top three.
Over one hundred awards, medals and acknowledgements adorn the winery’s walls and confirm its championship tradition.
tel: +385(0)21 745 709
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©ibenik je jedan od rijetkih gradova kojemu ne trebaju panoramski letovi da bi Ëovjek vidio svu njegovu ljepotu. Dovoljno je popeti se bilo na koju toËku viπu od ostatka grada. Svaka tvrava, svaki krov, svaki trgiÊ meu kuÊama, sve skale, sve terace grada atraktivna su vidjelica s koje se otkrivaju stalno nove vizure. S utvrda se vide cijeli Kornati, a za lijepa vremena i otok Vis... ©ibenik is one of the rare cities in the world where you do not need to take a panoramic flight to see all of its beauty. It is enough to climb up to any point that is higher than the rest of the city. Every fortress, every roof, every small square between the houses, every staircase, every terrace of the city acts as an attractive lookout point from where you can constantly discover new vistas. From the fortress you can see all of Kornati, and on a clear day you can see the island Vis...
Piše/By Jadranka GrubaË Fotografije/Photos Ivo Pervan
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edini obalni grad koji se ne vidi s otvorena mora, u nisci hrvatskih jadranskih gradova, grad je ©ibenik. Pogledate li samo bilo kakvu kartu − pomorsku, autokartu, zemljopisnu, zraËnu snimku ili jednostavno utipkate google earth... vidjet Êete i zaπto: zato πto leæi na estuariju rijeke Krke koja kanjonom stiæe do grada i ©ibenskog mosta, a onda se pred licem ©ibenika iz prostrane, ujezerene luke, opet kanjonom probija k moru. VeÊ i zemljopisna slika ©ibenika kaæe − to je osobit, sasvim neobiËan jadranski grad, smjeπten i na rijeci i na moru... Mjestu na kojemu leæi, prilazi se s mora i kopna, Ëudesna je to konfiguracija poput prirodnoga, amfiteatarskoga gledaliπta, impresivne vizure, pa i ljudi su malo neobiËna kova − uvjetovani osobitom povijesnom priËom. I sve je to pomalo razliËito od uobiËajena koncepta starih gradskih aglomeracija na istoËnoj obali Jadrana. ©ibenik je, na primjer, jedan od rijetkih jadranskih gradova koji nema rimske, antiËke korijene, pa tako ni urednu urbanu strukturu kakvu nalazimo u ostalih, poznatih duæobalnih hrvatskih gradova. Mnogo sliËnosti meu njima donio je zajedniËki srednjovjekovni koncept, no ni jedan grad, kao ©ibenik, nema tu osobitu slikovitost i te faktore iznenaenja na svakom koraku, od zalaæenja iz uliËice
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u uliËicu, sa skala na skale, s trga na trg, s jedna na drugu urbanu etaæu, jer sav je na strmu terenu. ©ibenik je uvjetovala njegova topografija, konfiguracija terena na kojemu je nastajao poπto se zametnuo na utvrdi svetog Mihovila. Kad je upravo s toga mjesta, s te utvrde, hrvatski kralj Petar Kreπimir IV. o BoæiÊu 1066. godine dodijelio kraljevsku slobodu benediktinskom samostanu svete Marije u susjednom Zadru, na ispravi je pisalo da je nastala In Sibiniquo. I to je prvi, eto, kraljevski, spomen imena ©ibenika u njegovoj mnogo duljoj povijesti. Najimpresivniji je taj prilaz ©ibeniku s morske strane, s otvorena mora, uz otoke πibenskog arhipelaga i kroz sasvim uska vrata postavljena izmeu svjetionika Jadrija i renesansne tvrave svetog Nikole, kaæu, jedne od najljepπih pomorskih utvrda u Europi. Tvrava svetog Nikole prva je u nizu πibenskih atrakcija. Dala ju je podiÊi Serenissima u 16. stoljeÊu. Kroz uzak i krivudav Kanal sv. Ante, ondje gdje je Krka u neko prapovijesno vrijeme usjekla kanjon mjestimice dubok viπe Ëetrdeset metara, stiæe se na toËku s koje se otvara pogled na grad, pogled koji zaustavlja dah. Po obodnoj crti klisura Kanala uskoro Êe voditi atraktivna πetnica koju projektira jedan od najpoznatijih hrvatskih arhitekata Nikola BaπiÊ. CROATIA AIRLINES
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6/12/12 4:36 PM
Taste Croatia! enjoy your visit and take back great memories
'LGD %RüD > G L G Ҕ E ћ Қ Ҕ @ spreads and tapenades are Croatian products, made according to the original Dalmatian recipes. Our products are unique combination of natural and TXDOLW\ RUJDQLF LQJUHGLHQWV IROORZHG E\ ÀDYRXUV FRORXUV DQG aromas of the cuisine, climate and tradition of this region. 'LGD %RüD brand, specially named Dalmatia for other PDUNHWV KDV EHHQ DZDUGHG DQG LV YHU\ SRSXODU LQ SUHVWLJLRXV delicacy US stores. 'LGD %RüD brand is inspired by a real person – grandfather of the owner of Hermes International, company that produces these spreads and tapenades. He was born in Dalmatia DQG GHYRWHG KLV ZKROH OLIH WR ¿J DQG ROLYH FXOWLYDWLRQ DQG production of other fruit and that has inspired his grandson to FRQWLQXH KLV ZRUN ZLWK WKH VDPH ORYH DQG SDVVLRQ DV KH GLG
Na sve Ď&#x20AC;to nautiĂ&#x2039;arima, pomorskim doĎ&#x20AC;ljacima namjernicima, zaustavlja dah kad prilaze Šibeniku, nije ravnoduĎ&#x20AC;an ni domaĂ&#x160;i svijet, otoĂ&#x2039;ani koji svaki dan brodskom prugom stiĂŚu u Šibenik sa Ă&#x2020;irja, Kaprija, PrviĂ&#x160;a ili Zlarina. Kapetani prekooceanskih brodova koji uplovljavaju istim plovnim putem, Kanal sv. Ante drĂŚe jednim od najteĂŚih prilaza nekoj luci â&#x2C6;&#x2019; ruta im je slomljena meu strmim i stijeĎ&#x20AC;njenim obalama, a more, ujedno i rijeĂ&#x2039;no korito, puno morskih i rijeĂ&#x2039;nih struja, a i vjetra ne nedostaje. Kad na izlasku iz Kanala, ispod usamljene i prelijepe Vile Moj mir pred oĂ&#x2039;ima prsne pogled na Šibenik, toĂ&#x2039;no se vide njegovi povijesni slojevi: zaĂ&#x2039;et na tvravi svetog Mihovila, do mora se najprije spustio kroz gradski predjel Dolac, najstariji dio povijesne jezgre. S kastruma, Šibenik se u kaskadama, slapovima kuĂ&#x160;a, crvenih krovova, teraca i vrtova, crkvenih kampanela, spuĎ&#x20AC;ta na more, na istok i zapad, a nad tom raskoĎ&#x20AC;nom slikom nevelika grada straĂŚare tri povijesne tvrave: Sveti Ivan, Barone i Sveti Mihovil. BaĎ&#x20AC; kao dragulj u toj slici, negdje dolje u srediĎ&#x20AC;tu, pri moru, na tom zavodljivom licu Šibenika miruje katedrala svetog Jakova â&#x2C6;&#x2019; dovoljno je reĂ&#x160;i spomenik pod zaĎ&#x20AC;titom Unesca! Šibenik, razmjerno, danas ima funkcije, servise i infrastrukture kao svaki veĂ&#x160;i grad, 52
ali ĂŚivi laganim ĂŚivotom po mjeri Ă&#x2039;ovjeka. Patricijske viĎ&#x20AC;ekatnice u povijesnoj jezgri, zaĎ&#x20AC;tiĂ&#x160;enom spomeniku kulture, nisu napustili stanari. To je riznica arhitektonskih, gotiĂ&#x2039;kih, renesansnih, baroknih detalja, s dvoriĎ&#x20AC;nim bunarima, prolazima, restoranima i trgovinama u prizemljima, ili pak teĂŚaĂ&#x2039;kim kuĂ&#x160;ama koje i danas krasi slar, vanjsko stubiĎ&#x20AC;te, konoba i obor, dvoriĎ&#x20AC;te po tradicijskome Ď&#x20AC;ibenskom nazivu. Renesanski fratarski arboretum sv. Lovre, konobe, zalogajnice, restoranĂ&#x2039;iĂ&#x160;i svjetskog izgleda i renomea, 140 godina staro kazaliĎ&#x20AC;te, najljepĎ&#x20AC;a suvremena knjiĂŚnica u Hrvatskoj u zgradi arhitekta Ive VitiĂ&#x160;a, sve je to razmjeĎ&#x20AC;teno u nekoliko stotina metara hoda unutar suĎ&#x20AC;te urbane ljepote grada koji joĎ&#x20AC; odiĎ&#x20AC;e mirisima Dalmacije proĎ&#x20AC;lih vremena. Prolazite li kakvom uliĂ&#x2039;icom pod prozorima stana, znat Ă&#x160;ete po mirisima gdje se kuha ruĂ&#x2039;ak. Lijepo miriĎ&#x20AC;e i u nekadaĎ&#x20AC;njoj konobi palaĂ&#x2039;e Pelegrini â&#x2C6;&#x2019; TambaĂ&#x2039;a, ni desetak metara od portala katedrale sv. Jakova. Poznati ugostitelj Rudolf Štefan dao je urediti konobu Pelegrini. Arhitekti Damir LasinoviĂ&#x160; i Marko PaiĂ&#x160; iz biroa ARX rekonstruirali su interijer najviĎ&#x20AC;e Ď&#x20AC;to je moguĂ&#x160;e poĎ&#x20AC;tujuĂ&#x160;i konzervatorske
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6/12/12 6:53 PM
Adriatic Croatia International Club
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Chain of 21 charming ing ACI Marinas along the picturesque ue Adriatic coast wishes a warm welcome elcome in blue to all boaters sailing iling Croatia!
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smjernice i æelje maπtovitog ugostitelja. U podu je ostala golema kamenica za ulje, pokrivena debelim staklom. Mjesto je to i za privlaËiv stol s pogledom na proËelje katedrale, u dnu prostorije sanirana je ali ostavljena u prostoru golema litica, koja i danas diπe prirodnim æivotom jer za velikih kiπa ima vlastitu malu drenaæu. Ona je jedan od æivih primjera konfiguracije terena na kojemu je ©ibenik podignut i, takva, prava atrakcija lokala koji ima zacijelo najljepπu i najugodniju ljetnu terasu na ureenome obliænjem Trgu 4 bunara − pokrovu srednjovjekove gradske cisterne. Pelegrini je svakako kultno mjesto u πetnji starim gradom ©ibenikom. n
he city of ©ibenik is the only one in a string of towns on the Croatian Adriatic littoral that cannot be seen from the sea. Just look at any map, nautical chart, road map, aerial image or simply enter it into Google Earth... you will see why this is so: it lies on the estuary of the Krka River which reaches the city and the ©ibenik Bridge through a canyon, and then, in the face of ©ibenik and its spacious lake-like harbour, it flows towards the sea, again through a canyon. Even a mere geographical representation of
©ibenik says that this is a remarkable, a very remarkable Adriatic town, located on the sea as well as on a river... You can approach the town from the sea and from the hinterland. The configuration of the terrain on which it has sprung up is unusual: the ground looks like an impressive natural amphitheatre. Its inhabitants are also somewhat peculiar ∑ conditioned by an amazing history. Everything here is just a bit different from the standard concept of the urban agglomerations on the eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea. A case in point: ©ibenik is one of the rare Adriatic cities without ancient Roman roots, which is why it does not boast the strict urban structure commonly found in other well known Croatian towns along the coast. What ©ibenik has in common with the rest of them is a medieval concept. However, there is no other town as distinctively picturesque as ©ibenik; no other town offers as many surprise factors every step of the way ∑ as one street becomes the next, and as one gets from one flight of stairs to the other, from one square to the next, from one urban terrace to the other, through the town built entirely on sloping ground. The shape of ©ibenik has been conditioned by its topography; by the configuration of the terrain
upon which it continued to be built after its nucleus was conceived at St. Michael’s fortress. It was from that fortress that at Christmas 1066 the Croatian king Petar Kreπimir IV bestowed royal freedom upon the Benedictine monastery of St. Mary in the neighbouring city of Zadar. On the royal charter it was stated that it was drafted In Sibiniquo. That was the first, incidentally enough, royal memento of the name of ©ibenik in its much longer history. The most impressive approach to ©ibenik is from the seaside, from the open sea, sailing along the islands of the ©ibenik archipelago, through a narrow sea gate between the Jadrija light tower and the renaissance fortress of St. Nicholas. According to some, the latter is the most beautiful naval fortress in Europe. It is also the first site a sailor will encounter in the string of ©ibenik’s attractions. It was erected
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by the Serenissima in the 16 th century. A sail through the narrow and meandering St. Anthony’s Channel is a brief passage through a canyon; at places up to 40 metres deep, carved by the Krka River in some prehistoric times. And then, one reaches the point from which a vista of the city opens before one’s eyes and takes one’s breath away. An attractive promenade, designed by Nikola BaπiÊ, one of the best known Croatian architects, will soon lead along the brink of the cliffs around the channel. Even the locals, islanders who take regular daily ferries to arrive in ©ibenik from their homes on Æirje, Kaprije, PrviÊ or Zlarin, are not indifferent to this sight which leaves yachtsmen and weekend sailors speechless. Ocean liner captains who negotiate the same passage to sail into the harbour consider St. Anthony’s Channel one of the most challenging approaches to any harbour ∑ the route meanders between the steep and tightly squeezed seashores, and the sea and the seabed underneath threaten with maritime and river currents; and there is no shortage of wind either. As you exit the channel, at the point beneath the out-of-the-way magnificent villa Moj Mir (My Peace) a view of ©ibenik will burst in front of your eyes. Look carefully and you will clearly see all of its historical strata: it was conceived at St. Michael’s fortress, and its first path of descent to the sea was through the neighbourhood of Dolac, the oldest part of the historical nucleus. From the castrum, ©ibenik descends to the sea via cascades of houses, red roofs, terraces, gardens and church towers, spreading eastward and westward, while three historical fortresses: St. John’s, Barone and St. Michael’s guard over the splendid picture of the small city. As the brightest gem in that picture, somewhere in its middle, close to the sea, there is the imposing and serene Cathedral of St. James ∑ it suffices to say that it is a UNESCO protected monument. One does not have to fly over the city to be able to see the full extent of its exquisiteness, of those wonderful and interesting vistas: all it takes is to climb to any elevation higher than the rest of the city. Every fortress, every rooftop, every little square snugly nested among the houses, all the staircases and terraces are attractive vantage points from which new vistas open at every turn, and the fortresses command a view of the entire Kornati archipelago and even as far as the island of Vis on a particularly clear day... The modern-day functions, services and infrastructure of ©ibenik are proportionate to its
size, just like they would be in any other city, but it still enjoys a leisurely pace of life, appropriately fitted for human nature. The patrician multi-storey buildings in the historical city nucleus, which is a grade zero listed cultural monument, have not been abandoned by their dwellers. This is a treasure trove of architectural, gothic, renaissance and baroque features with wells in their courtyards, passages, restaurants and shops on their ground floors; alternatively, there are also workers’ cottages, whose typical features are the so-called slar, an outside staircase, a wine cellar or konoba, and the so-called obor, or a courtyard in the old ©ibenik dialect. The renaissance church arboretum of St. Lawrence, wine cellars, bistros, little restaurants whose décor are on a par with internationally renowned eateries, a 140-year-old theatre, the most beautiful modern library in Croatia housed in a building designed by architect Ivo VitiÊ; all of these things are within a few hundred metres of each other. This is the pure urban beauty of the city which still exudes the fragrances of Dalmatia of yesteryear. As you walk down a little alleyway, passing under an open window of an apartment, the smell will immediately let you know if a delicious meal is being prepared inside. Another source of tantalizing smells is the former tavern of the Pelegrini − TambaËa Palace, not even ten metres from the main entrance to the Cathedral of St. James. A well known restaurateur, Rudolf ©tefan, has had it transformed into the Pelegrini Tavern & Wine Cellar. Architects Damir LasinoviÊ and Marko PaiÊ from the ARX studio for architecture and design have restored the interior thoroughly and meticulously, all the while fully observing the strict conservationists’ guidelines and also respecting the wishes of the imaginative owner. A huge stone container for storing oil has been left in the floor and covered with a glass lid. This is the most attractive seating place as it offers a full view of the cathedral’s façade. At the far end of the dining hall a huge rock has been cleaned and left to decorate the space and live a life of its own. During heavy rains, it benefits from its own natural drainage system. It serves as a living example of the configuration of the terrain on which ©ibenik was erected and it is thus the restaurant’s true attraction. Another attraction is what must be the most beautiful and comfortable terrace for summer alfresco dining in the nearby Square of Four Wells ∑ which also serves as the roof of the medieval city water cistern. Pelegrini is certainly a must-stop place during your walk through the streets of the old city of ©ibenik. n
6/12/12 4:36 PM Info telefon: 0800 7890
Erste banka i Croatia Airlines 3RÿHWDN VYDNRJ SXWRYDQMD $ V NLP 9L EDQNDULWH"
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Kakvo je pravo stanje hrvatskog træiπta nekretnina? What is the true state of Croatian real estate? Da bismo otkrili pravo stanje hrvatskog træiπta nekretnina, intervjuirali smo Renata LibriÊa, direktora Real Estate Databank (R.E.D. Star), najbræe rastuÊe on-line tvrtke koja nudi nezavisne informacije o træiπtu komercijalnih nekretnina diljem jugoistoËne Europe (JIE). Danas je R.E.D. Star percipiran kao mjerilo kvalitete i transparentnosti. Da biste saznali viπe, posjetite To reveal the true state of Croatian real estate we have interviewed Renato Libric, CEO of Real Estate Databank (R.E.D. Star), a fastest growing on-line company that provides independent information on commercial real estate industry across south-east Europe (SEE). Today R.E.D. Star is perceived as a yardstick of quality and transparency. To learn more visit
Renato Libric / CEO Real Estate Databank for SEE
Kakvo je pravo stanje hrvatskog træiπta nekretnina? Neki bi rekli, træiπte u krizi srednjih godina, koje pluta u oËekivanju pristupanja Hrvatske u EU i vjerovanju da Êe meunarodni trgovaËki lanci i tvrtke iz Fortune 500 dolaziti u valovima samo kako bi popunili prostore praznih ureda i trgovaËkih centara. Vjerujemo da je to ipak manje izgledno s obzirom na sljedeÊe Ëinjenice. Neki investitori/developeri oËekuju poveÊanje vrijednosti nekretnina i rast najamnina nakon pristupanja Hrvatske EU. No, ne predviamo da Êemo svjedoËiti scenariju što je zadesio dræave koje su pristupile EU 2004. godine. Ipak anticipiramo daljnji pad tzv. investicijskog yielda koji Êe poveÊati vrijednost postojeÊih zgrada te umjeren, ali stabilan rast najamnina u iduÊih 24 mjeseci. Koje su Ëinjenice? Træiπte poslovnih prostora Ëini se najrazvijenijim i najdinamiËnijim segmentom na zagrebaËkom træiπtu, no mogao bi se naÊi na toËki zasiÊenja potkraj 2012. godine zbog nadolazeÊeg poveÊanja ponude u novosagraenim poslovnim zgradama. Træiπte suvremenih trgovaËkih centara, pak, upravo je zavrπilo svoj drugi ciklus razvoja te postalo vrlo zasiÊeno u odnosu na druge zemlje EU i srednjoistoËne Europe. Stoga ne vidimo viπe mjesta ni potrebe za gradnjom novih trgovaËkih centara u Zagrebu. Kako meunarodni investitori percipiraju lokalno træiπte nekretnina? Uglavnom kao oportunistiËko træiπte kojemu se mora pristupiti s dozom opreza. Oni su u potrazi za stvaranjem dugoroËnih lokalnih partnerstva, tzv. JV, kako bi smanjili svoju izloæenost riziku. Ovo je novi naËin poslovanja, transparentniji i poπteniji. Problem je jedino to πto nedostaje dovoljno lokalnih poslovnih ljudi koji razumiju ovu zapadnu vrstu modela partnerstva, gdje se rizici i nagrade podjednako dijele. ©to Ëini R.E.D. Star kako bi træiπte nekretnina postalo transparentnije? Koriπtenjem najnovijih tehnologija stvorili smo nevjerojatne on-line alate za ljude koji rade s komercijalnim nekretninama. Ti alati smanjuju rizik u procesu donoπenja odluka, te pomaæu direktorima u analiziranju i razumijevanju lokalnih træiπta. Svakim danom ti nas isti ljudi pozitivno iznenauju naËinima na koje se koriste naπim on-line alatima kako bi odræali i postigli konkretnu prednost. Takoer organiziramo jedinstvene regionalne dogaaje koji spajaju kljuËne igraËe iz industrije, gdje se na jednome mjestu povezuju, druæe i zakljuËuju velike poslove. Jedan takav
dogaaj jest i nadolazeÊi Retail Matchmaking and Educational dogaaj, koji Êe se odræati 27. - 28. rujna u hotelu Regent Esplanade u Zagrebu. ■ So what is the true state of Croatian real estate? A market in a mid-life crisis some would say, floating on expectations of Croatian EU accession and belief that international retailers and 500 fortune companies will come in waves just in order to fill remaining vacant offices and shopping centres space, however we believe this is less likely to happen due to the following facts. Some investors/developers expect property values to increase and rents to rise after EU accession. However, we don’t anticipate seeing this scenario which occurred in those countries that joined EU in 2004. Nevertheless, we do anticipate seeing reasonable yield compression and moderate but stable rental growth over the next 24 months. What are the facts? Office market seems to be most developed and dynamic market segment in Zagreb which might come to saturation point by the end of 2012, as a result of upcoming increased supply. On the other hand, retail market has just ended its second wave of developments and has become highly saturated in comparison to other EU and CEE capital cities. Thus, we don’t see any more room for new shopping centre schemes in Zagreb. How international investors perceive local real estate market? Mostly as an opportune market that must be taken with caution. They are looking to forge strong local JV partnerships in order to reduce their exposure to risk. This is a new way of doing business, a more transparent and fair. Problem is that there are not many local business people who understand this western type of partnership model of equal risk and reward sharing. What is R.E.D. Star doing to make the real estate market more transparent? By utilizing latest technologies we are creating amazing on-line tools for commercial real estate people. Tools that reduce risk in decision making process, tools that help executives analyse and understand local markets. We are constantly surprised with what real estate people do with these tools in order to achieve their competitive edge. Also, we organise unique regional events that bring key industry players together where they network, connect and conclude deals. One such event is upcoming Retail Matchmaking and Educational Event to be held from 27-28 September in Hotel Regent Esplanade, Zagreb. ■
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SEE Retail Matchmaking and Educational Event Covering: Slovenia | Croatia | Serbia B&H | Montenegro | Macedonia
Austria, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovenia, Croatia, B&H, Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro & Turkey
What is Retail Matchmaking?
Who takes part?
Retail Matchmaking has been developed as a speciďŹ c deal making event with an optimal and time eďŹ&#x192;cient format, focusing on connecting leasing professionals and retailers not yet present in the region in one place over two days, saving time, saving money and generating new business for all participants. Making it by far the most eďŹ&#x20AC;ective event in South East Europe.
t t t t t
Why should I take part?
How do I take part?
Retail Matchmaking is an excellent way to meet key leaders of the retail industry within a short period of time in one place and in a relaxed atmosphere. Close lucrative deals and build strong partnerships. Save time and money by booking one ďŹ&#x201A;igh rather than multiple, utilising the beneďŹ t of pre-structured meetings that are leasing focused.
To enable more successful business days, the event oďŹ&#x20AC;ers a meeting room exclusively for developers JOTJEF UIF *TUBOCVM 4VJUF PG UIF 3FHFOU &TQMBOBEF Hotel, with an additional business lounge for awaiting clients. We encourage you to take time to pre-arrange your meetings with those retailers you wish to meet prior to the event via our online meeting system.
To secure limited space available for developers contact now Davinia Young at CROATIA AIRLINES 57 To ďŹ nd update list of participants & to order your ticket vist XXX SFETUBS IS FWFOUT IUNM 44_Sibenik.indd 57
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utentiËna istarska kuÊa, Stancija Meneghetti, sagraena je na prekrasnom imanju koje se prostire na 120. 000 Ëetvornih metara. Stancija je nedavno potpuno obnovljena do najsitnijeg detalja i pretvorena u zelenu oazu luksuza najviπe kategorije, koja prima 10 gostiju. U sklopu stancije nalazi se i ekskluzivna vinarija. UnatoË zadræanoj autentiËnosti, svi su prostori najsuvremenije opremljeni i namjeπteni vrhunskim novim ili antiknim namjeπtajem iz 18. i 19. stoljeÊa. Privatnost je zajamËena velikom okuÊnicom tako da unutarnjem i vanjskom bazenu nije potrebna visoka ograda za zaπtitu od neæeljenih pogleda. Prvi susjedi tom otoku tiπine samo su zelenilo, vinogradi i maslinici… Istra je zemlja velike tradicije. Stari su Rimljani meu svojim teritorijima odabrali najbolja podruËja za svaki proizvod: pπenicu, ribu, vino, ulje, voÊe i povrÊe... Istra je odabrana kao jedno od najvaænijih podruËja za vino i ulje, osobito vaæna i zbog blizine susjedne Akvileje, jednoga od najveÊih gradova i luka u Rimskom Carstvu, mjesta na kojem se skupljala ljetina koja se zatim odvozila u Rim i ostale gradove Carstva. Godine 1853. austrijski admiral Hans Birch Dahlerup odluËuje na tome Ëudesno lijepom, ali pomalo zapuπtenom i zaboravljenom poluotoku sagraditi najveÊu ratnu luku Monarhije u Puli, πto rezultira procvatom cijele regije. Sagraena u neposrednoj blizini najveÊe austrougarske utvrde u ovom podruËju, Stancija
Meneghetti bila je mjesto za predah Ëasnicima i njihovim gostima, mjesto na kojemu su mogli popiti Ëaπu vina i pojesti dobar domaÊi sir i prπut. Nakon sloma Austro-Ugarske na stanciju se, na æalost, spustila patina zaborava i napuπtenosti. Nova stranica u povijesti stancije poËinje 2001. godine kad je preuzimaju i potpuno preureuju Romana i Miroslav Pilπo te obnavljaju zapuπtene i zasauju nove masline i loze. Timu se 2010. prikljuËuje Goran Hanæek, a Walter Filiputti, svjetski priznati enolog, preuzeo je brigu o vinima. Meneghetti je sinonim za naπu filozofiju, a to je kvaliteta æivota u suglasju s prirodom koja ga okruæuje i πtiti. Staviti u bocu ono πto vinograd kreira - naπ pristup enologiji Ëini se jednostavan, ali vrlo je kompleksan u svojoj realizaciji. Njegujemo esencijalistiËki pristup koji zna kako iz naπih vinograda dobiti ono najbolje. Naπa vizija kvalitete oduvijek je bila beskompromisna. Bere se ruËno, groæe u podrum i preπu dospijeva slobodnim padom, bez pumpi, vinifikacija se
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paæljivo vodi i odvija prirodnim putem. Znamo da izvrsnost ne poznaje okvire i granice tako da se trudimo naπim vinima uvijek dati meunarodni peËat, ali pritom saËuvati njihov istarski duh. U naπoj su ponudi dvije linije vina − premium linija Art in the bottle i linija istarskih vina Soul of Istria. Art in the bottle naπa je najekskluzivnija linija vina. Kupaæe Meneghetti Bijelo i Meneghetti Crveno vina su koja redovito osvajaju najviπa priznanja na domaÊim i meunarodnim ocjenjivanjima i plod su dugotrajne potrage za pravim odnosom izmeu sorti, zemlje i mikroklime. Soul of Istria naπa je nova linija istarskih vina, a Meneghetti Malvazija i Meneghetti Merlot, unatoË svojoj mladosti, pokazuju svu svoju kvalitetu i karakter. Ulja sa Stancije Meneghetti oduvijek predstavljaju vrhunske proizvode istarskog maslinarstva, koji u sebi sublimiraju uæitak i zdravlje. Pruæaju trijumf mirisa i okusa, a po svojim dubokim dojmovima ravnopravna su s velikim vinima. U kuhinji ta ulja daju onaj Ëaroban dodir, dodatak s kojim jela postaju jedinstvena i nezaboravna. Maslinici u sastavu naπeg imanja obiluju sortama rosulja, istarska bjelica, leccino te buæa, od kojih se rade naπa ulja koja redovito osvajaju najprestiænije svjetske nagrade. Najvrednije je svakako uvrπtenje u vodeÊi svjetski vodiË maslinovih ulja L’extravergine u izdanju za 2007. godinu, u kojem je ekstradjeviËansko maslinovo ulje Izbor proglaπeno najboljim uljem na svijetu u jednoj od najzahtjevnijih kategorija, maslinovih ulja intenzivno voÊnih aroma. n
he authentic Istrian house, Stancija Meneghetti, was built on a beautiful estate stretching over 120,000 square metres. Stancija has recently been completely renovated to every last detail and converted into the highest category luxurious green oasis which can host 10 guests. Part of Stancija includes an exclusive winery. Although the authenticity has been preserved, all of the rooms have been equipped and furnished with the most modern, high quality new and antique furniture from the 18th and 19th century. Privacy is guaranteed by the large surrounding area, and therefore there is no need for a fence as protection from unsolicited viewers when enjoying the indoor or outdoor swimming pools. The first neighbours to this island of tranquillity are the countryside, vineyards and the olive groves… Istria is a land of great tradition. The ancient Romans used to choose the best regions all over their territories for each of their products: wheat, fish, wine, olive oil, fruit and
vegetables... Istria was chosen as one of the most important areas for wine and olive oil. It was especially significant because it was close to the neighbouring Aquileia, one of the largest towns and ports in the Roman Empire, where crops were gathered and then transported to Rome and other cities throughout the Empire. In 1853, the Austrian admiral Hans Birch Dahlerup decided to build the largest naval port of the monarchy in Pula, on this beautiful but somewhat neglected and forgotten peninsula, thus bringing prosperity to the entire region. Built in the immediate vicinity of the biggest Austro-Hungarian fort in this area, Stancija Meneghetti was a special place where officers and their guests would come to rest, drink a glass of wine or eat good homemade cheese and prosciutto. Unfortunately, Stancija was forgotten and abandoned after the fall of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire. A new chapter in the history of Stancija began in 2001 when it was taken over and completely renovated by Romana and Miroslav Pilπo, who restored the neglected olive trees and vineyards, as well as planted new ones. Goran Hanæek joined the team in 2010, while Walter Filiputti, a world renowned oenologist, took charge of the wine. Meneghetti is the synonym for our philosophy: a quality of life that is in harmony with the nature that surrounds and protects it. We bottle what the vineyard creates − our approach to oenology is seemingly simple, but very complex when it comes to its realization. We prefer the essentialist approach, which means getting the best we can from our vineyards. Our vision of quality has always been uncompromising. The grapes are harvested manually, and arrive in the cellar and the wine press by free fall, without pumps, and the vinification is done carefully and naturally. We are aware that excellence does not know boundaries and limitations, so we strive to give our wines an international character, but at the same time preserve their Istrian spirit. Our offer comprises two lines of wines − the premium line Art in the Bottle and a line of Istrian wines Soul of Istria.
Art in the Bottle is our most exclusive line of wines. The blends Meneghetti Bijelo and Meneghetti Crveno are wines which regularly win the highest awards in domestic and international competitions, and are the result of a long search for the right balance between varieties, soil and microclimate. Soul of Istria is our new line of Istrian wines, and Meneghetti Malvazija and Meneghetti Merlot, despite their youth, have shown excellent quality and character. Olive oils from the Stancija Meneghetti estate have always been superior products of Istrian olive oil production; embodying both pleasure and health. They offer a triumph of scents and tastes, and the impressions they make are equal to those of top wines. In the kitchen these oils give that magic touch which turns ordinary dishes into unique and unforgettable ones. The olive trees on our property abound in many different varieties, such as Rosulja, Istarska Bjelica, Leccino and Buæa, which are used for the production of olive oils which regularly win the most prestigious international awards. The most valuable is definitely our inclusion in the world’s leading olive oil guide L’extravergine. In the 2007 edition, our extra virgin olive oil Izbor was selected as the best oil in the world in one of the most challenging categories; olive oils with intensely fruity aroma. n
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Piπe/By Goran StojanoviÊ
Fotografije/Photos Damir FabijaniÊ
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- ©to je to? - Volijera. - ...A Ëemu sluæi? Hervé Joncour zagledao se u crteæe. - Prvo je ispuniπ pticama, πto viπe moæeπ, a onda je jednoga dana, kada ti se dogodi neπto lijepo, πirom otvoriπ, promatrajuÊi ih kako odlijeÊu. (Alessandro Barico, Svila) 62
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- What is this? - An aviary. - ...And what is it for? Hervé Joncour looked intently at the drawings... - You fill it up with birds, as many as you can, then one day when something good happens to you, you throw it open and watch them fly away. (Alessandro Baricco; Silk) CROATIA AIRLINES
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Na kraju jugoistoËne Hrvatske, veliËanstven je krajolik u kojemu se poπtuju tradicijske zasade, graditeljska baπtina i ljepota æenskog ruha. U njemu je lako osjetiti mediteranske mirise, doæivjeti kolorite prirodnih ljepota, dotaÊi ritmiËnu uzbudljivost pulsirajuÊih energija koje u svakom dobronamjernom posjetitelju otvaraju vidike zaËuujuÊe ljepote. Bez sumnje, stigli ste u Konavle! 64
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The south-easternmost tip of Croatia reveals a most magniďŹ cent countryside where traditional crops, architectural heritage and the beauty of womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s attire are held in high esteem. It is easy to smell Mediterranean fragrances there, to experience the colourfulness of the beauties of nature and feel the rhythmical exhilaration of the pulsating energies which open the magically beautiful vistas to a wellmeaning visitor. There is no doubt: you have arrived in Konavle. CROATIA AIRLINES
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eliku, vodoravnu i plodnu dolinu sa sjeveroistoËne strane omeuje brdski masiv Snijeænice i Bjelotine, a s juga visoravan zavrπava konavoskim stijenama − Ëudesnim kamenim Ëipkama, jedinim klifovima na podruËju jadranske obale, koji se neprekinuto proteæu 20 kilometara. Zapadni ulaz, ujedno i najuæi konavoski prijelaz, s prostora je Oboda i Cavtata − njegova upravna, kulturna i turistiËka srediπta, a juæni je iskazan visinom brda Kobile u uvali u Bokokotorski zaljev, omeen poluotokom Prevlaka s Rtom Oπtro. Morski su mu vidici zaokruæeni Æupskim zaljevom koji s dubinskim modrinama te zelenim poluotocima i otocima nude krajolik otvorena kolorizma. Osnovnu æivotnost Konavala donosi voda koja mu se unosi i u samo ime − konali − kao istaknuta vizura vodovodnih kanala za natapanje doline i nekadaπnjega rimskog agera, obradiva i plodnog zalea Cavtata, koji je joπ u 2. stoljeÊu prije Krista na mjestu grËke kolonije Epidaurum nastao kao vaæan trgovaËko-pomorski centar i sjeciπte rimskih putova. Izvornu plodnost Konavala podupire i rijeka Ljuta. ObiËno smatramo da rijeke postoje oduvijek, misleÊi pritom na nekoliko posljednjih tisuÊljeÊa pisane povijesti. Kad je Ljuta u pitanju, ima viπe indicija koje govore da rijeka 78
nije postojala u antiËko doba... U Konavlima postoji predaja po kojoj je rijeka provrela u 11. stoljeÊu… istiËe Niko KapetaniÊ u knjizi Mlinovi na rijeci Ljutoj u Konavlima. Po predaji nakon sedamnaest dana podzemne tutnjave u podnoæju brda Runjavog izbiπe dva izvora…a ispod Snijeænice u Konavlima treÊi, od kojeg potjeËe rijeka Ljuta. Dolaskom u sklop DubrovaËke Republike 1427. godine, na Ljutoj se nalaze Ëetiri mlina. Zbog opskrbe mnogo pomoraca i njihovih trgovaËkih jedrenjaka, kao i zbog intenzivnog razvoja poljoprivrede, Republika veÊ u poËetku 16. stoljeÊa utrostruËuje broj mlinova za æitarice, a do 19. stoljeÊa sagraeno ih je ukupno petnaest. I danas, veÊim dijelom obnovljeni, svojim kamenim priËama pokazuju skladnost dimenzioniranih objekata Ëije se graditeljsko umijeÊe uËilo i nasljeivalo od pradavnih i bezimenih graditelja mea, zidina i gradina, u tehnici elementarnoga kamenog stila u suho. Mlinovi su oduvijek bili i nezaobilazan dio konavoske ruralne arhitekture visokoga estetskog dometa, kao i konavoska sela koja su se razvijala kao obiteljske zajednice pod zaπtitniπtvom nekog sveca, Ëije je ime nosila i njihova obliænja crkva. Vjeπti graditelji zidali su kuÊe s nepravilnim kupolama i voltama, kamenim gumnima za vrπenje æita, kriænim svodovima u konobama.
Tu su i nezaobilazne kominate, jedinstveni primjeri autohtonoga konavoskoga graditeljstva, æbukana kroviπta piramidalnih formi nad velikim kuÊnim ognjiπtima, bez drvenih konstrukcija ili drugaËijih uËvrπÊenja. Kamenoklesarska umijeÊa vide se u izradi bazena za mlinove, kamenica i gustijerni za vodu, koje i danas sluæe obiteljskim gospodarstvima i svojom osobitoπÊu pokazuju naslijee, tu bogatu baπtinu koja oblicima istiËe prostor na kojem je nastala. »udesno je i Konavosko polje - plodonosno, blagorodno, Ëudotvorno, bogatstvom raspjevano − povoljno za uzgoj vinove loze, povrÊa i kukuruza. Na padinama Snijeænice rastu masline i koπtuniËavo voÊe. U brdima caruje kamenjar u ekspresionistiËkoj uzbudljivosti nadilaæenja vrijednosti lokalnog. U njemu raste oskudno grmlje i aromatiËno bilje, ponegdje ima listopadne πume hrasta, crnog cera i graba. Pogled na Jadransko more rijetko je spokojan. Vjetrovi se spominju ËeπÊe nego valovi. Moæda zato πto nenadano mijenjaju raspoloæenje, Êud i stremljenja. Svojim naletima oni iskazuju snagu promjena te prolaznika bræe uËe æivotu, usponima i padovima, mirnim puËinama, ali i naglim olujama. Konavle su u svojoj viπestoljetnoj povijesti proæivljavale tegobnu zbilju razliËitih vladara. Ovaj kraj poljoprivredne i pomorske tradicije svojim je poloæajem omoguÊavao viπestruki tranzit putnika i robe, trgovinu i naseljavanja, koja su na graniËnim prijelazima uvijek strogo kontrolirana i πtiÊena. StoljeÊima je, Ëak i u dvadesetome, ovaj prostor bio i ostao znakovita crta razdjelnica istoka i zapada, zaviËaj koji je stvarao i ruπio æivot u Ëestim suËeljavanjima svjetova zbog interesa, ostavljajuÊi na njemu duboke tragove svojih bitaka. Oduvijek su branitelji konavoskih prostora znali vrijednost obranjenoga i obnovljenog doma. Zauzvrat, ovaj kraj uvijek ih je nanovo ispunjavao novom snagom i nadahnuÊima, darivajuÊi im odvaænost u ustrajanju da oËuvaju slobodu i tradiciju, poniznost, i prihvate sve πto se dogaa u æivotu, ukljuËujuÊi hrabrost, dobrotu i strpljivost. Sokol-kula u Dunavama konavoski je simbol upravo takve slobode. Sa svoje stijene na kojoj se trajno ugnijezdila, gleda prema jugu na pitomo i prostrano Konavosko polje te preko Ilijina brda na πiroko more, dok prema sjeveru s opreznoπÊu promatra gorske lance… Poloæaj tvrave sugerira postojanje utvrde na istom mjestu joπ iz vremena Ilira, Grka i Rimljana…No, konaËni oblik i dimenzije dobiva u vrijeme DubrovaËke Republike 1419. godine kad dubrovaËka vlada Konavle proglaπava svojim feudalnim posjedom, kojim
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upravlja knez ustoliËen u Pridvorju. Tvrava je, uz obrambenu ulogu, sluæila za pohranu municije i oruæja, ali i za zalihe æita i vina mjesnog stanovniπtva ako bi doπlo do napada neprijatelja − navodi Kate Bagoje u svome znanstvenom radu. Zapovjednik ili kaπtelan kule boravio je i dræao njezine kljuËeve na πest mjeseci mandata koji je dobio od Republike. Tijekom navedenog razdoblja njemu i osobnim slugama nije bilo dopuπteno napuπtati utvrdu, a straæari, skladiπtar i kapelan mogli su to Ëiniti samo u iznimnim situacijama. Tvrava je, kao mali grad, imala posebne zgrade za straæare, za smjeπtaj djece i æena obliænjih sela u sluËaju opasnosti, zgradu za municiju, skladiπte hrane, stan kaπtelana, gustijerne za vodu. Zbog Ëudesnog krajolika koji okruæuje to zdanje, tiπine i samotnosti, to je mjesto izolirano, pa je malo tko od dubrovaËkih vlastelina dolazio ovamo radosna srca, nego stalno na oprezu, jer opuπtanja na osjetljivoj granici kojom su iπli hajduci i lakomi pljaËkaπi gotovo da i nije bilo. Sokol-kula, koja se danas temeljito obnavlja, napuπtena je u poËetku 18. stoljeÊa i prepuπtena uspomenama, u ovome arkadijskom okruæju prirodnih ljepota. Odmakavπi se od mora, u sredini konavoske doline leæi Pridvorje, srediπnje naselje koje veÊ i nazivom pri-dvoru najbolje govori o dræavno-pravnoj upravi nekadaπnje Dubro-
vaËke Republike nad Konavlima. U njemu se danas, u ostacima, nazire zdanje Dvora, koji je u 15. stoljeÊu sagradila Republika za izbornoga konavoskog kneza. Tijekom uprave Republike nad ovim krajem, smijenilo se 520 knezova dubrovaËke vlastele, a i hrvatski pjesnik i dramatik Ivan GunduliÊ bio je dvaput za nj biran. Ovdje se, na sjevernom rubu Konavoskog polja, nalazi i kompleks franjevaËkog samostana s crkvom sv. Vlaha, kamena ljepota i simbol vjerskog æivota Konavala, s najveÊom platanom u ovome kraju. Samostansko zdanje sagraeno je 1438. godine i do danas viπe puta obnavljano. »udesna ljepota, crkva sa zvonikom, samostanska zdanja, prostran atrij s kolonadom i terasom. To je mjesto sabranosti i smirenja. Na morskoj obali, u πirokom priobalju s dva poluotoka i dvije luke, smjestio se Cavtat, gradiÊ uronjen u zeleno ozraËje blage mediteranske klime, s urbanom jezgrom leæerne otmjenosti. U antici nosio je ime Epidaurum, a danaπnje potjeËe iz latinskoga Civitas Vetus, drevni grad. StoljeÊima je taj grad, preteËa Dubrovniku, graen po kanonima prirodnoga i stvaralaËkog sklada u duhovnome i materijalnom smislu, kao kakav gospodin s profinjenim manirama jednostavnog svjetonazora, uronjen u svijet vlastite tiπine. I danas je ostao u neraskidivoj povijesnoj vezi s Dubrovnikom, njegovim kulturnim i slobodarskim duhom.
Cavtat je njegova druga ponositost, drugi porat, ozraËje skladnosti i pomorskog obilja u kojemu su se joπ za DubrovaËke Republike gradili ljetnikovci, crkve, ulice i rive; u kojemu su Konavljani oduvijek imali svoj kulturni i upravni centar, srediπte sudske i trgovaËke vlasti. Grad je to klasiËnog primjera dubrovaËkog urbanizma, u kojemu je i danas oËuvan raspored ulica nalik na dubrovaËku Ëetvrt Prijeko. Ovdje su niknuli i u njega se vraÊali publicist Frano Supilo, znanstvenik, pravnik i skupljaË slavenskoga etnografskog naslijea Baltazar BogiπiÊ, operni tenor Tino Pattiera. U njemu se istiËe rodna kuÊa Vlahe Bukovca, danas muzej izrazito toploga i ambijentalnog ozraËja s atelijerom i galerijom umjetnina jednoga od najznaËajnijih hrvatskih slikara akademskog realizma. Kneæev dvor, nekadaπnje sjediπte dubrovaËkog kneza iz 16. stoljeÊa, nalazi se uz cavtatsku rivu. U njemu je danas BogiπiÊeva zbirka umjetnina pod pokroviteljstvom Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti. Na uzvisini ponad grada mauzolej je obitelji RaËiÊ, remek-djelo kipara Ivana MeπtroviÊa. Pinakoteka æupne crkve sv. Nikole Ëuva, pak, vrijedne, stoljeÊima prikupljene umjetnine. U Konavlima priroda prelazi u umjetnost, a svoje granice ocrtava osobitostima oblika i nadahnutom izvornoπÊu. Ovdje ljudi vole svoj kraj, njegovo pulsiranje, snagu i kreativnost. U njemu se osjeÊa uzajamna upuÊenost i pradavno prijateljstvo prirode i Ëovjeka. To je Ëaroban prostor DræiÊevih pastorala, gdje ja vrlo jasno razaznajem svijet vila od svijeta zemljana, koji se tu prepliÊu krasnom simbiozom, istiËe Antonija RuskoviÊ RadoniÊ, jedna od najpoznatijih dubrovaËkih slikarica, nadahnuta zaviËajnim krajolicima slikarskog prostora jake tradicije Vlahe Bukovca, Ive DulËiÊa, Antuna Masle, Celestina MedoviÊa i Josipa Trostmana. U Grudama, gdje joj je i galerija, osniva i Muzej svile. − Ljubav prema tradiciji u ovo naπe brzo potroπaËko doba jedina je slamka spasa naπe duhovnosti − kazuje Antonija i nastavlja: − Oduπevljava me ideja odræivog razvoja koja je u Konavlima æivjela prije stotinjak i viπe godina, bilo da je rijeË o proizvodnji svega potrebnoga u kuÊanstvu, bilo o arhitekturi, poljoprivredi, narodnoj medicini, umjetnosti konavoskog veza... Dudov svilac davno je stigao u Konavle i zadræao se sve do posljednjeg rata. Kao i Hervé Joncour iz Baricova literarnog djela Svila, u kojemu je kao glavni lik dudove svilce kupovao u dalekom Japanu te ih nosio u Francusku, i gospoa Marija RadoniÊ iz Konavala prije dvadesetak godina, tijekom
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koji s konavoskim brdima i selima Jasenice, Brotnice, ©iljeπci, Duba, StravËa i Kuna zraËe ljepotom svoje krajobrazne i graditeljske arhitekture, nenaruπena izgleda i magiËna zanosa. Konavle su sklad polja i brda, rijeka i mora, koja Ëuvaju obiËaje i prenose tradicijske vrijednosti. Ovdje more dodiruje visoravni, a mediteranski ugoaj ispunjava tiπina. Na ovome krajnjem jugu zmajeva repa Hrvatske, kao kakva pulena na pramcu tradicijskog broda, Konavle zbore o sebi na sasvim osobit, istanËan i izrazit naËin. Govor je to koji treba paæljivo sluπati i Ëuti, rijeË u koju ne treba upadati dosjetkom. Tek tada bit Êe vam jasno da ste doπli u rajski vrt, joπ zanosno prikriven u sebi. ■ posljednjeg poraÊa, iz Francuske nanovo donosi dudove svilce u svoj kraj. Svilac je u Europu stigao iz drevne Kine te tako nije europska vrsta, ali u Europi, posebice u francuskoj Provansi i u naπim krajevima, poæivio je stoljeÊima. DubrovaËka Republika poticala je proizvodnju svile u Konavlima i bilo je kaænjivo djelo bacanje njihovih jajaπca. S velikim poπtovanjem njegovani su u ovom kraju, a æene bi na Uskrs nosile njihova jajaπca i na blagoslov u crkvu. U proπlosti svilena su vlakna dudova svilca sluæila i za podvezivanje pupkovine u novoroenËadi te za πivanje rana. BuduÊi da je proces transformacije dudova svilca u leptira prava Ëarolija, sliËna mistiËna ljepota ostvaruje se i u djevojaËkim sobama konavoskih kuÊa, u kojima se stoljeÊima razvija metoda vaenja niti svile iz Ëahurastih punÊela iz kojih svilac-spavaË biva probuen u leptira-letaËa, a zapredanje, bojenje i Ëuvanja svilenih niti ostaje umjetnost pretvorena u konavoski vez æenske noπnje. Ovaj vez, pojedinim dijelovima noπnje, pokazuje status i dobnu razliku nositeljica, a svojim skladom odraæava estetiku, funkcionalnost i vitalitet Konavala, izvoriπte toga hrvatskoga folklornog blaga, ljepotom poznatoga i u dalekom svijetu. Uz noπnju, niπta manje nije poznat i tradicionalni konavoski æenski nakit − veriæice, nauπnice posve jednostavnoga, neupadljivoga i skladnog dizajna. Na prostoru Konavala mnogi su i spomenici kulture Ilirske nekropole s oko 115 kamenih gomila slobodnostojeÊih kamena ispod Δilipa − reljefi prikaza Mitre i bika, borbe dobra i zla, svjetla i tame, iz 2. stoljeÊa − uklesani u æivu stijenu u MoËiÊima, te u podrumu BogiπiÊeve kuÊe u Cavtatu, crkvica sv. Dimitrija u Gabrilima kao jedini primjer predromaniËke starohrvatske arhitekture… Δilipi, Gruda, PopoviÊi, RadovËiÊi, MoËiÊi, otoci Supetar, Mrkan i Bobara, Veliki ©kolj i SupetriÊ te poluotoci Molunat i najjuænija Prevlaka æivotopisna su mjesta, prirodni krajolici 82
he large, horizontal and fertile valley is bordered in the northeast by the mountain ranges of Snijeænica and Bjelotina. In the south, the plain ends in the so-called rocks of Konavle; looking like magical lacework in stone, these are the only cliffs on the Adriatic Coast and they extend for a total of 20 kilometres. The western entrance into the valley is also the narrowest passageway into Konavle coming from the direction of Obod and Cavtat − the latter being its administrative, cultural and tourist centre. Konavle’s southern border runs along Kobila Hill at the very entrance to the Bay of Boka Kotorska, outlined by the peninsula of Prevlaka and its promontory Oπtro. On the seaside, the view stretches all the way to the Bay of Æupa; the deep blue sea and the green peninsula and the islands offer a landscape similar to an open palette bursting with colours. Water is the lifeline of Konavle, and this fact is reflected in the region’s name which derives its origin from the word konali (or canals). As early as in the 2nd century B.C., the city of Cavtat developed in the place of the former Greek colony Epidaurum, as an important trading and maritime centre and a crossroads of Roman trading routes. It sat comfortably among a network of irrigation canals which ran through a Roman ager in the arable and fertile hinterland. Konavle owes its fruitfulness to the River Ljuta. It is commonly believed that rivers have always been here, meaning for the last several millennia of recorded human history. The Ljuta, however, did not exist in the antiquity. At least there are no indicia to that effect. According to a Konavle legend, the river appeared on the surface in the 11th century..., says Niko KapetaniÊ in the book Mills on the River Ljuta in Konavle. According to the legend, after having roared underground for seventeen days, three springs broke ground: two at the foot of Runjavo Hill, and one at
the foot of Snijeænica in Konavle, the latter becoming the spring of the River Ljuta. When Konavle became part of the Dubrovnik Republic in 1427, there were four mills on the Ljuta. Due to the large number of sailors who needed to supply their merchant sailing ships, and due to the fast development of agriculture, already in the early 16th century the Republic tripled the number of grain mills; a total of 15 were constructed before the 19 th century. They still exist. Most have since been renovated and their tales carved in stone tell the stories about the harmony of the dimensional objects. The mill building legacy was passed on from ancient nameless builders who also built boundary walls and stone dwellings by applying the technique of the elementary dry wall stone construction. Mills have always been a quintessential part of the rural architecture of Konavle. They represented a high level of aesthetic achievement, just like the villages in Konavle that started their life as communal family courts built under the devout patronage of the saint to which the church closest to them was dedicated. Skilful builders constructed houses with irregularly shaped domes and archways, threshing barns, and rib vault ceilings in wine cellars. There were also the kominate, very unique and quite typical examples of the autochthonous and well developed Konavle architecture. Those were roughcast pyramidal roofs constructed above open hearths, without wooden joinery or any other type of fixtures. Stonemasonry skills are also reflected in the construction of mill basins, stone containers for oil and water cisterns, which are still used by family businesses and farms while acting at the same time as highlights of the beauty of an area deeply steeped in heritage. The Konavle Valley is simply wonderful − fruitful, abundant, miraculous, bursting with riches − conducive to the cultivation of wine, vegetables and corn, while olives and stone fruit grow on the slopes of Snijeænica. The stony landscape reigns supreme in the hills, overwhelming the value of all things local with expressionist exhilaration. Sparse shrubbery grows there, amidst grazing meadows and aromatic plants, from time to time interrupted by deciduous forests of oak; the Macedonian oak and hornbeam. A view of the Mediterranean is rarely serene. Winds get mentioned more often than waves, perhaps because they are moody and whimsical and often change aspirations. Their gusts demonstrate the might of change and give passers-by a quick lesson on life, surges and falls, calm seas and sudden storms.
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DUBROVNIK D U B R O VNIK K 06. 06. - 08. 08. 09. 09. 2012. 2012. ** dates dates and and d program pro ograam og m subject subjec sub je t to jec to change chan h ge
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Wind does not take away the colour from those that cross its path, but sometimes it dilutes it, and moderates their joy or sorrow. During its several-centuries-long history Konavle has experienced the burdensome reality of various rulers. The wealth of this area steeped deeply in agricultural and maritime traditions offered multiple opportunities for the transit of goods and people; trading and settling were strictly controlled and protected at the border crossings. For centuries, including even the 20 th century, this area was and remains a signifi cant separation line between the east and the west, a land which often created life and then destroyed it through frequent clashes and collisions involving the worlds whose interests conflicted here and left the deep marks of all of their battles. The defenders of Konavle have always been aware of the worth of the area they defended, of the home regained and restored. To reward them, the region has kept on filling them with new strength and inspirations, providing them with the bravery to endure in preserving their freedom and traditions, and the humility to accept everything that came their way, including valour, goodness and patience. Sokol Kula fortress in Dunave is the symbol of that kind of freedom in Konavle. From the rock on which it is forever perched, it looks towards the south at the tame and vast Konavle field, and to the wide sea across Ilijino Brdo hill; it casts a careful eye to the north, observing the mountain ranges there… The fortress’ position suggests that a pre-existing fortification had been on the same place, dating back to the reign of the Illyrians, Greeks and ancient Rome… However, the edifice we see today gained
its final shape and dimensions during the reign of the Dubrovnik Republic in 1419, when the Dubrovnik authorities proclaimed Konavle its feudal property under the rule of a rector-elect whose seat was in Pridvorje. Besides for defence, the fortress served for storing ammunition and weapons, as well as the local supplies of wheat and wine in case of an enemy attack, says Kate Bagoje in her scientific paper. The fortress commander would be appointed by the Republic for a term of six months during which he held its keys. During that period, neither he nor his personal servants were allowed to leave the fortress, whereas the guards, warehouse supervisor and the chaplain could do that only exceptionally. The fortress functioned as a small town with dedicated buildings for the guards and for the accommodation of children and women from the neighbouring villages that had come under attack; it had an ammunition depot, food storage facilities, an apartment for the commander, and a water cistern. Despite the awesome countryside that surrounds this edifice, silence and solitude have made it quite desolate, so very few of the Dubrovnik noblemen came here with a heart full of joy. They knew that they could not drop their guard for a moment. There was hardly any moment of relaxation on the volatile border roamed by brigands and rapacious plunderers. Sokol Kula, which is being meticulously renovated, was abandoned in the 18 th century, left only to memories, asleep in its Arcadian environment abounding in natural beauties. A bit further from the sea, in the centre of Konavle Valley lies Pridvorje − the central settlement whose very name, which trans-
lates roughly into courtside, clearly testifies to the administrative powers of the former state of Dubrovnik over Konavle. The remains of that court can still be seen in the village. It was erected in the 15th century by the Republic as the seat of the rector elect of Konavle. A total of 520 rectors, all from the ranks of the Dubrovnik nobility, governed the area while it was under the Republic’s administration. Croatian poet and dramatist Ivan GunduliÊ held the post twice. Here, at the northern boundary of Konavle field, is a sacral complex consisting of a Franciscan monastery and the Church of St. Blaise, a beautiful edifice constructed in stone and the symbol of the religious life of Konavle. The biggest plane tree in the region is also found here. The monastery, built in 1438, has undergone several reconstructions. An awesome beauty in the epiphany of a wasteland; a church with a belfry, residential convents, a spacious atrium with a colonnade and a terrace − this is a place for gatherings and a place of serenity.
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The little town of Cavtat is located on the littoral, reaching deep into the hinterland and boasting two peninsulas and two harbours. It is immersed into the green ambience of a mild Mediterranean climate and its urban nucleus is the epitome of leisurely elegance. In ancient time it was known as Epidaurum. Its present name originates from the Latin Civitas Vetus − an ancient city. For centuries, this town which predates Dubrovnik has developed according to the canons of harmony between nature and human creation, in spiritual as well as material sense, like a gentleman with refined manners and simple worldviews, submerged into an inner world of his own silence. Its historical ties with Dubrovnik, with the latter’s cultural and freedom loving spirit, have never been severed. Cavtat is Dubrovnik’s second source of pride, its second harbour, its setting of harmony and naval abundance; a place where summer villas, churches, streets and waterfronts were built already during the reign of the Dubrovnik Republic. Cavtat has always been the cultural and administrative centre of Konavle, the seat of its judiciary and commerce. The city is a classic example of Dubrovnik’s town planning which is reflected in the fact that the layout of its streets is very similar to Dubrovnik’s Preko neighbourhood. Cavtat is the birth town and place to which some famous Croatians kept returning, such as publicist Frano Supilo, scientist, lawyer and collector of the Slav ethnographic heritage Baltazar BogiπiÊ, as well as tenor Tino Pattiera. One of the more notable houses in the town is the birthplace of Vlaho Bukovac, which nowadays houses a museum with a very warm and ambient character. The atelier and the gallery feature the works of the painter who was one of the most important Croatian representatives of academic realism. The rector’s palace, the former seat of the 16th century rector of Dubrovnik, is located next to Cavtat’s waterfront. It currently houses BogiπiÊ’s collection of artefacts and 86
operates under the patronage of the Croatian Academy of Arts and Scientists. On the hilltop overlooking the city is the mausoleum of the RaËiÊ family, a masterpiece by sculptor Ivan MeπtroviÊ, while the pinacoteca of the Parish Church of St. Nicholas safeguards valuable works of art which have been collected over the centuries. In Konavle, there is a thin line between nature and art. The boundaries are marked by special forms and inspired originality. The locals love their region, its pulsating rhythms, its power and creativity. There is a prevalent feeling of mutual respect and longstanding friendship between nature and man. This is an amazing area of DræiÊ’s pastorals, where I clearly discern between the realm of fairies and the realm of humans; they intertwine here in a wonderful symbiosis, says Antonija RuskoviÊ RadoniÊ, one of Dubrovnik’s best known painters. She finds inspiration in her native countryside, an area boasting very strong artistic traditions, whose most notable representatives are Vlaho Bukovac, Ivo DulËiÊ, Antun Masle, Celestin MedoviÊ and Josip Trostman. She has opened a silk museum in Grude, next to her gallery. Love of tradition in this era of consumerism is the only straw of salvation for our spirituality, says Antonija, and continues, The idea of sustainable development delights me. It existed in Konavle over a hundred years ago, whether we are talking about the production of all the bare necessities for the household, or architecture, agriculture, popular medicine, the art of Konavle embroidery... The silkworm of the mulberry tree arrived in Konavle a long time ago and stayed here until the last war. Just like Hervé Joncour from Baricco’s literary piece Silk, in which the main protagonists purchased silkworms in faraway Japan and brought them to France, Mrs. Marija RadoniÊ from Konavle brought silkworms from France and reintroduced them into her region sometime in the post-war period. Silkworms were originally brought to Europe from China, which means that they are not an autochthonous European species, but have lived in Europe for centuries, particularly in French Provence. The Dubrovnik Republic encouraged the manufacture of silk in Konavle. Discarding silkworms’ eggs was an act punishable by law. The bugs were treated with a lot of respect by the locals, and at Easter women would take the eggs to church to be blessed. In the past, silk threads obtained from the silkworm of the mulberry tree were used to tie off the umbilical cords in newborn babies and to suture wounds. Just like the transformation of a silkworm
into a butterfly is nothing short of a miracle, a similar mystical beauty happens in the rooms of young girls in the houses in Konavle. For centuries, the locals have been using a method of extracting silk thread from the cocoons where silkworm sleep until the moment comes for them to emerge and be transformed into fl ying butterfl ies. The weaving, dyeing, and preservation of silk threads is an art form that ends in the transformation into embroidery on the costumes of the women of Konavle. The embroidery on various parts of the costume reflects the status and age of the woman who wears it; its harmoniousness is the best example of the aesthetics, functionality and vitality of Konavle. This is a source of Croatian folklore heritage, which is known for its beauty all over the world. Apart from the national costume, no less known is the traditional Konavle jewellery; earrings of a very simple, unassuming and harmonious design. There are a number of monuments of culture in Konavle: an Illyrian necropolis below Δilipi featuring approximately 115 stone tombs − free standing stones; Mitrej − a Mithraic relief representing the God Mitra and a bull, a struggle of good and evil, light and darkness, dating back to the 2nd century A.D. − carved into a living rock in MoËiÊi; and in the basement of BogiπiÊ’s house in Cavtat is the little Church of St. Demetrius in Gabrili, as the only example of Pre-romantic style in old Croatian architecture… Δilipi, Gruda, PopoviÊi, RadovËiÊi, MoËiÊi, the islands of Supetar, Mrkan and Bobara, Veliki ©kolj and SupetriÊ, and the peninsulas Molunat and the southernmost Prevlaka are vibrant places, which along with the natural landscapes and hilltops of Konavle and its villages Jasenice, Brotnice, ©iljeπci, Duba, StravËa and Kuna which exude the beauty of its landscape and architecture, their unspoiled appearance still inspires a magical exultation. Konavle is a harmony of fields and hills, rivers and the sea; all of which safeguard the customs and pass on traditional values. Here, the sea makes a deep impact on the plateaus, and the Mediterranean atmosphere is pregnant with silence. At this far end of the dragon’s tail that is Croatia, like a little figurine on the bow of a traditional boat, Konavle tells its own story in a very special, discerning and expressive way. It does it in a dialect that needs to be listened to and heard carefully, an utterance that should not be interrupted with a witty remark. Only then will you begin to understand that you have arrived in the Garden of Eden, still hidden in itself in a most ecstatic way. ■
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- grad za sva godiπnja doba - a city for all seasons D
ubrovnik je grad za sva godiπnja doba. Svako dubrovaËko godiπnje doba ima svoj osobit πarm, i topli ljetni dani kad turisti hrle u Grad, ali i blagi, mirni zimski mjeseci.
Svaki dan, bez obzira na vremenske uvjete, pruæa brojne moguÊnosti za istraæivanje i uæivanje u Dubrovniku zimi. Nadahnite se zadivljujuÊom arhitekturom toga povijesnoga
grada, izgubite u zanimljivim sporednim ulicama, provedite dio svog vremena u jednoj od brojnih umjetniËkih galerija i muzejima, opustite se u kafiÊu ili ugodite sebi u jednome od restorana. Prepustite se osobnom ritmu kako biste zaista uspjeli upoznati Dubrovnik. Tijekom jeseni i zime Dubrovnik ima izravne zrakoplovne veze s europskim gradovima: Rimom, Frankfurtom, Münchenom, Parizom i Londonom. Iskoristite poseban zimski vikend−program koji je kreiran kako bi pokazao najbolje od onoga πto Grad nudi. Kuπajte fina domaÊa vina u vinogradu, uæivajte u koncertu DubrovaËkog simfonijskog orkestra, upoznajte bogatu povijest uz pratnju vodiËa, sami uberite kamenicu i kuπajte je, predajte se æivoj noÊnoj zabavi, kušajte tradicionalnu dubrovaËku kuhinju... Zaboravite stres i napetost vaπega uobiËajenoga dnevnog ritma i prepustite se ljepoti i æivotnim uæicima - moru, suncu i svjeæem zraku u nezaboravnom Dubrovniku. Dubrovnik zaista jest grad za sva godiπnja doba! ■
ubrovnik is a city for all seasons. Each season has its distinctive charm, from the warm summer days when tourists flock to the city to the mild and calm winter months when a peace falls over Dubrovnik. On any given day, no matter what the weather is like, there are numerous opportunities to explore and enjoy Dubrovnik through the winter. Be inspired by the breathtaking architecture of the historic city, lose yourself in the quaint side streets, spend some time in one of the many art galleries and museums, relax in a café or indulge yourself in a restaurant. Take life at your own pace with the time and space to really get to know Dubrovnik. During the autumn and winter periods Dubrovnik has direct air connections with the European cities Rome, Frankfurt, München, Paris and London. Take advantage of a winter special weekend program organised to showcase the best the city has to offer. Taste fine local wines in a vineyard, enjoy a concert by the Dubrovnik symphony orchestra, learn the rich history with a guided tour, try your hand at harvesting oysters, let your hair down with the lively nightlife and experience traditional Dubrovnik cuisine. Forget the stresses and strains of your modern day routine and enjoy the simple things in life: the sea, sun and fresh air in unforgettable Dubrovnik. Dubrovnik: truly a city for all seasons. ■
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Welcome to Dubrovnik, the City of Festivals!
2 1 Weekend Festival Ana in Dubrovnik 2 Dubrovnik Summer Festival 3 - 4 Festival of Chamber Music „Julian Rachlin & Friends” 5 Fireworks in Dubrovnik 6 Re-vel-in Electronic Music Festival 7 Dubrovnik International Opera Festival „Hommage Tino Pattiera”
Tino Pattiera”
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Piše/By Zlatko Madžar Fotografije/Photos Damir FabijaniÊ
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Korkyra Baroque Festival novi je glazbeni dragulj na europskoj umjetniËkoj karti. Na dvanaest atraktivnih festivalskih koncerata, koji Êe se odræati u prvoj polovici rujna u gradu KorËuli, publici Êe se predstaviti najpoznatiji europski solisti i ansambli specijalizirani za autentiËno izvoenje glazbe baroka i kasne renesanse. The Korkyra Baroque Festival is a new musical jewel on the artistic map of Europe. At twelve attractive festival concerts, which will be held in the first half of September in the city of KorËula, the most renowned European soloists and ensembles specialised in the authentic performance of baroque and late renaissance music will be presented to audiences.
eÊ je u 15. stoljeÊu Petar Casola zabiljeæio kako je KorËula izbruπena kao lijepi dragulj, a u 17. stoljeÊu nepoznati hrvatski pjesnik tome drevnome jadranskom gradu posvetio ju ovaj stih: Ornamente od svijeta, famozna KorËulo!… Zbog Festivala Korkyra, koji je veÊ u svome prvom izdanju zamiπljen i izbruπen kao lijepi dragulj, u rujnu Êe vrhunska barokna glazba postati raskoπnim ornamentom toga staroga grada, koji se u svome bogatome kulturnom naslijeu osobito diËi ljepotom mnogih crkava, graanskih palaËa i samosvojnih urbanistiËkih rjeπenja. Novopokrenuti Korkyra Baroque Festival zamislio je i utemeljio zagrebaËki dirigent Saπa BritviÊ, koji se u svojim brojnim simfonijskim, opernim i zborskim projektima s osobitom straπÊu i pozvanoπÊu najradije posveÊuje izvoenju æanrovski raznorodnih djela glazbenih velikana iz razdoblja baroka i kasne renesanse. Koncerti barokne glazbe u srediπtu su pozornosti ljubitelja glazbe diljem svijeta. Vjerojatno je i stoga pokrenut ovaj vrlo ambiciozan festival posveÊen upravo glazbi baroka i kasne renesanse, pri Ëemu je zacijelo bio nesluËajan i lokacijski odabir prelijepoga grada KorËule. Kaæemo li za grad KorËulu da je biser jadranske obale, onda je to gotovo eufemizam. Jer,
takav sklad prirodnih ljepota, dubokog plavog mora, razvedenog reljefa i harmoniËne gradnje grada, koji datira joπ iz antiËkih vremena, teπko je danas pronaÊi u svijetu uopÊe. Pridodamo li tome kako je KorËula grad burne i bogate povijesti, gdje brojne crkve i palaËe iz epoha gotike, renesanse i baroka svjedoËe o neprekinutom nastojanju tamoπnjih umjetnika da uljepπaju i oplemene otoËku svakodnevicu, eto idealne pozornice za sveËanost stare glazbe koja je, uostalom, nastajala u isto vrijeme kad i te majstorske graevine. U europskoj festivalskoj praksi odavna se ispostavilo kako je ciljana specijalizacija kulturnih manifestacija jedini kljuË koji pouzdano otvara vrata magiËnome sretanju vrhunske umjetnosti i znalaËke publike. Takvom pristupu odsad se pridruæuje i Hrvatska. U pomnome programskom profiliranju Baroknog festivala Korkyra, maestru BritviÊu uvelike je pomoglo njegovo iskustvo osmiπljavanja i voenja ZagrebaËkog festivala barokne glazbe, koji je imao sjajan odaziv publike. ZABAF, kako su ga od milja zvali ZagrepËani, imao je sretan ali kratak æivot, tijekom kojega je znatno unaprijedio i obogatio kulturnu ponudu hrvatske prijestolnice u ljetnim mjesecima. U ovoj pak najavi vaæno je naglasiti kako novopokrenuti korËulanski festival sa ZABAF-om dijeli jednako CROATIA AIRLINES
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beskompromisan pristup kvaliteti i svjestan odabir tzv. povijesno osvijeπtenog interpretiranja glazbe baroka i kasne renesanse. No, za razliku od Zagreba, gdje se autentiËni barokni prostori pogodni za izvoenje stare glazbe mogu nabrojiti na prste jedne ruke, cijela je KorËula jedinstvena barokna pozornica, koja jednako zadivljuje svojim sakralnim zdanjima (katedrala sv. Marka, crkva sv. Nikole, crkva Svih Svetih) kao i neodoljivim ambijentima Atrija gradske vijeÊnice, mnogim pjacetama, kalama i dvoriπtima. Uistinu, hvale je vrijedna izazovna namjera da novi festival ponovno oæivi tu zaboravljenu KorËulu; Ëudesnu KorËulu, u koju Êe upravo barokna glazba vratiti zvuke, okuse i mirise davno proπlih vremena, zbog Ëega Êe cijeli grad, barem tih deset dana u prvoj polovici rujna, æivjeti i disati opojnim
dahom vrhunske umjetnosti. Tako Êe i turisti, osim najljepπeg mora i sunca na svijetu, imati i dodatni razlog da svoj ljetni odmor produlje i uËine ga bitno sadræajnijim. Upravo je to bila kljuËna premisa maestra BritviÊa za pokretanje festivala, pri Ëemu je njegov sjajan projekt zduπno podræala ekipa Michaela Unswortha iz svjetski ugledne PalaËe LeπiÊ Dimitri, a Grad KorËula i DubrovaËkoneretvanska æupanija, Ëak i u ovim kriznim vremenima, iskazali su se vaænom i vrijednom potporom. Pridodamo li svemu tome i visoko pokroviteljstvo predsjednika Republike Hrvatske dr. Ive JosipoviÊa, sa zadovoljstvom moæemo ustanoviti kako je Festival Korkyra veÊ u startu prepoznat kao znaËajan iskorak u razvoju za Hrvatsku tako znaËajne simbioze vrhunske umjetnosti i turizma, pri Ëemu Êe korËulanska festivalska ponuda biti podjednako privlaËna kako glazbenim entuzijastima, tako i vrhunskim znalcima. Æelimo stoga vjerovati kako tek roeni Barokni festival Korkyra, nakon ovako ambicioznog poËetka, oËekuje daljnji razvoj i izgledno uvrπtenje meu ponajbolje europske festivale toga tipa. Na dvanaest atraktivnih koncerata Barokni festival Korkyra predstavit Êe nam ugledne soliste i ansamble iz cijele Europe, koji Êe od 7. do 16. rujna publiku povesti na zanimljivo glazbeno putovanje baroknom Europom. U programu festivala, osim provjerenih baroknih veliËina Bacha, Händela, Vivaldija ili Corellija, potkrale su se i neke neobiËnosti, istinski rariteti, pa Êe se, primjerice, maestro BritviÊ i njegov festivalski tim posebno pozabaviti slavnom tradicijom korËulanske Moreπke. Posrijedi je, dakako, pradavni ples koji je u 15. i 16. stoljeÊu osvajao europske dvorove, a jedino se na KorËuli joπ i danas pleπe u gotovo nepromijenjenom obliku; tu unikatnu korËulansku scensku pantomimu
BritviÊ Êe napokon opskrbiti njoj jedino primjerenom baroknom glazbom. Jer, moreπke su u razdoblju renesanse i baroka pisali gotovo svi skladatelji od ugleda, od Hrvata Julija SkjavetiÊa do Talijana Claudija Monteverdija. Tako Êe se u autohtonoj korËulanskoj inaËici te drevne maurske priËe, nakon puna tri stoljeÊa, ponovno sjediniti nepravedno razdvojeni svjetovi autentiËnog plesa i njegove izvorne glazbene pratnje. Pouzdano su jamstvo za niz osobitih umjetniËkih doæivljaja, koji ljubitelje barokne glazbe oËekuju i u ambijentalno autentiËnom okruæju grada KorËule, uistinu birani izvoaËi, od kultnih engleskih sastava Academy of Ancient Music i Red Priest, preko kontroverznoga i provokativnog ansambla La Venexiana, profinjenog Le Parlement de Musique, sve do Hrvatskoga baroknog ansambla i Akademskog zbora Ivana Gorana KovaËiÊa, koji Êe izvesti Händelov velebni oratorij Mesija, a sofisticirani ugoaj suita i koncerata Bacha i Vivaldija naπa Êe publika moÊi doæivjeti pod umjetniËkim vodstvom violinistice Laure Vadjon. »estitajuÊi maestru BritviÊu na doista sjajnoj programskoj koncepciji novopokrenutoga te otprve i u izvoaËkome pogledu vrlo reprezentativnoga meunarodnog festivala, morali smo ga napokon upitati: zaπto se pokraj tolikih prelijepih gradova na hrvatskoj obali Jadranskog mora, nimalo ne dvojeÊi, odluËio upravo na grad KorËulu. Ne skrivajuÊi ushit u jednome nam je dahu odgovorio: - Jedna jutarnja πetnja KorËulom, a bilo je to u rano proljeÊe, otvorila mi je oËi (i uπi): u KorËuli svi pjevaju! Svatko pjeva svoju melodiju, a pritom su odreda posrijedi bogati i pastozni glasovi kakvima se u tolikom obilju najvjerojatnije ne moæe podiËiti nijedno drugo podneblje. Tradicija je vokalnosti na KorËuli neπto πto se veÊ po sebi razumijeva; u tome muzikalnom gradu gotovo da i nema obitelji Ëiji barem jedan Ëlan ne pjeva u nekoj od mnogih bratovπtina ili klapa. Stoga ne sumnjam kako Êe KorËulani otprve prepoznati ovaj bogat festivalski dar barokne glazbe; πtoviπe, i oni sami dat Êe svoj prinos raskoπnome tkanju rujanskih glazbenih sveËanosti, koje Êe zacijelo biti dostojne velike ljepote i bogate povijesti njihova neusporedivoga grada. Vaπim brojnim Ëitateljima otkrili smo samo poneke od festivalskih poslastica, a mnoga druga iznenaenja otkrit Êe i sami ako se od 7. do 16. rujna odluËe skrasiti u prelijepom gradu KorËuli. Dobro nam doπli! n
s early as in the 15th century, Petar Casola said that KorËula was like a finely cut jewel, while in the 17th century, an unknown Croatian writer devoted the following lines to this ancient Adriatic town: Ornament of the world, famous KorËula!…
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Thanks to the Korkyra Festival, whose concept shows it will be a finely cut jewel even at its first edition in September, the high quality baroque music will become a splendid ornament of this ancient town of rich cultural heritage, which especially takes pride in the beauty of its numerous churches, civic palaces and distinctive urban constructions. The newly initiated Korkyra Baroque Festival was created and established by Saπa BritviÊ, a conductor from Zagreb. In his numerous symphonic, opera and choir projects he has devoted extraordinary passion to the performance of compositions by baroque and late renaissance greats of different genre. Concerts of baroque music are the centre of attention of music lovers all over the world. That was probably the reason why this ambitious festival was established. It is devoted to the music of the baroque and late renaissance periods, and selecting the beautiful town of KorËula for its venue was not a random choice. To say that the town of KorËula is the pearl of the Adriatic coast is almost a euphemism! Such harmony of natural beauties, the deep blue sea, a well-indented relief and the harmonious construction of the town, dating back to ancient times, can hardly be found anywhere else in the world. If we add that KorËula is a town with a turbulent and rich history, where numerous churches and palaces from the Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque periods testify to the continuous attempts of local artists to embellish and enrich the everyday life on the island, it becomes obvious that this is an ideal stage for the celebration of ancient music, created during the same period as KorËula’s masterpieces of construction. In European festival practice it has long been known that specialised cultural events are the only key to open the doors to a magnificent encounter between excellent art and a knowledgeable public. Croatia is now a country which follows such an approach. In the very careful profiling of the programme for the Korkyra Baroque Festival, maestro BritviÊ relied on his experience in creating and leading the Zagreb Baroque Music Festival, which was excellently accepted by audiences. ZABAF, as it was called by the people of Zagreb, had a very happy but short life; during which it significantly improved and enriched the cultural offer in the Croatian capital during the summer months. It is important to emphasise that the newly initiated KorËula festival and ZABAF share the same uncompromising approach to quality and careful selection of the so-called historically conscious interpretation of baroque and late renaissance music. However, unlike the Za94
greb event, where authentic baroque spaces appropriate for performances of historical music can be counted on the fingers of one hand, the entire town of KorËula is a unique baroque stage, which always astonishes with its sacral buildings (St. Mark’s Cathedral, the Church of St. Nicolas, the Church of All Saints) and the irresistible atmosphere of the City Council atrium, numerous squares, narrow streets and courtyards. The challenging intention to revive this forgotten KorËula with the newly initiated festival is truly praiseworthy. The baroque music will bring back the sounds, tastes and scents of times long gone to the wondrous KorËula, and because of that the entire town will, at least for ten days in the first half of September, live and breathe the intoxicating spirit of top quality art. Hence, in addition to the most beautiful sea and sun in the world, tourists will have another reason to extend their summer vacations and make them significantly richer. This was the key starting point for maestro BritviÊ to establish the festival. His excellent project was strongly supported by Michael Unsworth team from the globally renowned Palace LeπiÊ Dimitri, while the Town of KorËula and Dubrovnik − Neretva County, even in this time of crisis, have shown their important and valuable support. If we add to all this that the festival will be held under the high auspices of the Croatian president, Dr. Ivo JosipoviÊ, we can gladly conclude that the Korkyra Festival has been recognised from its very start as an important step for Croatia in the development of a symbiosis between high quality art and tourism, and that KorËula’s festival will be equally attractive to music enthusiasts and knowledgeable experts. Therefore, we believe that the newly-born Korkyra Baroque Festival, after such an ambitious beginning, can expect to be further developed and quite probably will be recognised as one of Europe’s best festivals of this type. From the 7th to the 16th September, at twelve attractive concerts, the Korkyra Baroque Festival will present some of the most renowned soloists and ensembles from all over Europe, who will take the audience on an interesting musical journey through baroque Europe. The festival’s program, in addition to the established baroque greats such as Bach, Handel, Vivaldi and Corelli, will also host some unusual, truly rare performances. For instance, maestro BritviÊ and his festival team will especially focus on the famous tradition of KorËula’s Moreπka. Moreπka is an ancient dance which won over the European courts in the 15th and 16th century, and only in KorËula has it kept its almost unchanged form. Maestro BritviÊ will
enrich this unique KorËula pantomime with the only type of music suitable for it ∑ baroque music, because during the renaissance and baroque periods the Moreπka was written by nearly all renowned composers ∑ from the Croatian Julije SkjavetiÊ to the Italian Claudio Monteverdi! Hence, KorËula’s authentic version of the ancient story about the Moors ∑ three full centuries later ∑ will reunite the unjustly separated worlds of authentic dance and the original music which used to accompany it. A reliable guarantee for the many exceptional artistic experiences which await the lovers of baroque music in the authentic ambiance of the town of KorËula are the carefully selected performers: from the legendary English groups Academy of Ancient Music and Red Priest, to the controversial and provocative ensemble La Venexiana, the sophisticated Le Parlement de Musique, the Croatian Baroque Ensemble (Hrvatski barokni ansambl) and the Academic Choir Ivan Goran KovaËiÊ, which will perform Handel’s magnificent oratorio The Messiah. The audience will also experience a sophisticated atmosphere of suites and concerts of Bach and Vivaldi under the artistic leadership of violinist Laura Vadjon. When congratulating maestro BritviÊ on his excellent programme concept of the newly initiated and, judging by the performers, already outstanding international festival, we had to ask him why he decided, without doubt, to hold the festival in KorËula, out of all the other beautiful towns on the Croatian side of the Adriatic. Not even trying to hide his enthusiasm, he answered in a single breath: - A morning walk through KorËula in the early spring opened my eyes (and ears); everybody sings in KorËula! Everybody sings their melody, and all of these voices are so rich and intense and in such abundance, and I am sure no other region can boast the same! The tradition of vocal talent in KorËula is something that is selfexplicit; in this musical town it would be difficult to find a family that does not have at least one member who sings in one of the numerous fraternities or a cappella groups. That is why I have no doubt that the people of KorËula will immediately accept this splendid festival of baroque music as a gift. Moreover, they themselves will contribute to the rich structure of the September musical celebration, which will certainly be worthy of the exceptional beauty and history of their incomparable town. We have revealed only some of the festival’s specifics to your numerous readers, but there are many other surprises for them to discover on their own if they decide to visit the wonderful town of KorËula between the 7th and 16th of September. Welcome! n
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poËetku 20. stoljeÊa utjecaj Belle Époque te sklad egzotiËnoga bilja i mediteranske klime oblikovali su Opatiju u jedno od omiljenih ljeËiliπno-turistiËkih odredišta, visokoga europskoga graanstva i plemstva. I danas se ta πarmantna ljupkost iz razdoblja Austro-Ugarske Monarhije joπ zapaæa na jadranskom Bad Ischl. Zbog crvenih kamelija koje cvatu u izobilju, to mjesto, zvano od milja obala kamelija, opËinilo je ne samo cara Franju Josipa i njegovu ljubav Katharinu Schratt, nego i slavne skladatelje poput Puccinija, Mahlera, Lehara i Kalmana. Nije stoga sluËajno Opatijska rivijera jedna od najljepπih koncertnih lokacija u Europi. Nezaboravan je pogled na Kvarnerski zaljev i otoke Krk i Cres s terase Hotela Kvarner (sagraenoga 1884.), nekoÊ sjediπta najelegantnije kavane na svijetu. Terasa Hotela Kvarner vodi do Kristalne dvorane, koja predstavlja blistavi primjer imperijalne arhitekture. Festival Kvarner skladno prati bogatu tradiciju omiljenog odmaraliπta visokog druπtva s kraja 19. stoljeÊa, pritom pruæajuÊi ambiciozan glazbeni program i osjeÊaj zadovoljstva na svim osjetilnim razinama. Festivalom Kvarner æeli se vratiti tradicija dolaska gostiju, kreativaca srednje Europe, koji Êe ovdje uæivati u kulturi, gastronomiji i stvaranju novih vrijednosti. Festival Kvarner u 2012. godini podijeljen je u dva razdoblja: prvi dio traje od 1. do 10. lipnja 2012., a drugi od 1. do 7. rujna 2012. Prvi dio posveÊen je iskljuËivo koncertima i serijama koncerata, na primjer nastavku ciklusa posveÊenog Beethovenu, koji je poËeo 2011. godine. Do 2014. u Opatiji Êe biti izvedeno svih devet Beethovenovih simfonija. U prvom festivalskom razdoblju moÊi Êe se uæivati u izvedbama velikih meunarodnih glazbenih imena kao πto 96
su Jordi Savall i Nigel Kennedy, fascinantnih ansambala rane glazbe Accordone i L’Arpeggiata, te virtuoza poput Albene Danailove, Martine Filjak i Monike Leskovar. Srediπnje mjesto drugog dijela 1.-7. rujna 2012. zauzet Êe operni projekt Ëiju su realizaciju omoguÊili meunarodno partnerstvo i subvencija Europske unije (u Programu Kultura 2007.-2013.). Europski orkestar Purpur, koji ukljuËuje i hrvatske glazbenike, a veÊ je gostovao u programu Festivala Kvarner i izazvao veliko oduπevljenje, izvest Êe operu Armida Josepha Haydna. U rujnu Êe se uz ekskluzivni klasiËni program opatijskoj publici ponovno predstaviti i Ensemble Berlin, koji okuplja Ëlanove Berlinske filharmonije. t the beginning of the 20 th century, the mix of Belle Époque, exotic vegetation and Mediterranean climate in the enchanting Kvarner Bay made Opatija the preferred spa location for European high nobility and the upper levels of society. Today, the charm that dates from the period of the AustroHungarian monarchy is still to be found at the Bad Ischl of the Adriatic. Thanks to the red camellias that flourish abundantly here, this delightful place is known as the camellia coast, and its charms attracted not only Kaiser Franz Josef and his mistress Katharina Schratt, but also composers such as Puccini, Mahler, Lehar and Kalman. No wonder, then, that the Opatija Riviera in Croatia clearly remains one of the most beautiful concert locations in Europe today. The panoramic view over Kvarner Bay and the islands of Krk and Cres from the terrace of the Hotel Kvarner (built in 1884), once home to the most elegant cafe in the world, is unforgettable. The terrace leads directly into the Cristal Salle, a showpiece of impe-
rial architecture with glittering chandeliers. This unique ambience is where the Festival Kvarner, will be seen and heard. The Festival follows the great tradition as the favourite summer resorts of High Society at the end of the 19 th century, and is offering a programme for today’s cultural enthusiasts, who want their enjoyment to extend to all the senses. Festival Kvarner aims to restore the tradition of the region by offering culture, gastronomy and added value to its guests from all over Europe. In 2012 Festival Kvarner is divided into two periods: the fi rst part runs from 1 to 10 June, the second from 1 to 7 September 2012. The first part is devoted to an exclusive series of concerts and performances. For example, following the cycle devoted to Beethoven, which started in 2011, until 2014 all of Beethoven’s nine symphonies will be performed in Opatija! In the first period, the festival’s guests will be able to enjoy also performances of great international musicians including Jordi Savall and Nigel Kennedy, fascinating ensembles of early music like Accordone and L’Arpeggiata and virtuosos like Albena Danailova, Martina Filjak and Monika Leskovar. In the second part of Festival Kvarner (1 - 7 September 2012) an opera project will be the focus. Its realization was facilitated by international partnerships and subsidies of the European Union (Culture Programme 2007-2013). The European Orchestra Purpur, which had already appeared at Festival Kvarner and caused great excitement, will perform Joseph Haydn’s opera Armida. In September Festival Kvarner will also present an exclusive classical programme by reintroducing the Ensemble Berlin.
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1.-10. lipnja 2012./1.-10. June 2012 Beethoven III 1. lipnja/1 June 2012., 20.00 h/8.00 PM Hotel Kvarner | Cristal Salle Orkestar Purpur/Orchestra Purpur Michael Fendre Martina Filjak BEETHOVEN | RACHMANINOV MARE NOSTRUM 2. lipnja/2 June 2012., 20.00 h /8.00 PM Hotel Kvarner | Cristal Salle Jordi Savall Hespèrion XXI MARE NOSTRUM ALL’IMPROVVISO 3. lipnja/3 June 2012., 20.00 h/8.00 PM Hotel Kvarner | Cristal Salle L’Arpeggiata ALL’IMPROVVISO FRA’ DIAVOLO 7. lipnja/7 June 2012., 20.00 h/8.00 PM Hotel Kvarner | Cristal Salle Accordone FRA’ DIAVOLO Nigel Kennedy Quintet 8. lipnja/8, June 2012., 20.00 h/8.00 PM Hotel Kvarner | Cristal Salle NIGEL KENNEDY Beethoven IV 9. lipnja/9 June 2012., 20.00 h/8.00 PM Hotel Kvarner | Cristal Salle Festival Kvarner Orkestar/Orchestra Monika Leskovar Albena Danailova Hans Peter Ochsenhofer BEETHOVEN | BRAHMS | ODAK Steude Quartett 10. lipnja/10 June 2012., 11.00 h/11.00 AM Hotel Kvarner | Cristal Salle Steude Quartett BEETHOVEN | CHERUBINI
Concertante 10. lipnja/10 June 2012., 20.00 h/8.00 PM Hotel Kvarner | Cristal Salle Opatija Orkestar Purpur/Orchestra Purpur Ivan RepuπiÊ Volkhard Steude Holger Groh Elmar Landerer Wolfgang Härtel Christoph Hartmann Audun Halvorsen HAYDN | MOZART | SORKO»EVIΔ | VAUGHAN WILLIAMS 1.-7.rujna.2012./1.-7. September 2012 Purpur Clarinotts 1. rujna/1 September 2012., 20.00 h/8.00 PM Hotel Kvarner | Cristal Salle Orkestar Purpur/Orchestra Purpur Andreas Ottensamer Daniel Ottensamer Ernst Ottensamer COPLAND | MENDELSSOHN-BARTHOLDY | MOZART | VERDI Haydn Opera Armida 2. rujna/2 September 2012., 20.00 h/8.00 PM Ljetna pozornica/Open Air Stage | Opatija Orkestar Purpur/Orchestra Purpur Charlotte Dellion Pauline Texier Martin Piskorski David Tricou Konstantinos Klironomos n.n. Gerald Stollwitzer Michael Fendre HAYDN
Ensemble in Residence 6. rujna/6 September 2012., 20.00 h /8.00 PM Hotel Kvarner | Cristal Salle Ensemble Berlin Haydn Opera Armida 7. rujna/7 September 2012., 20.00 h/8.00 PM Ljetna pozornica/Open Air Stage | Opatija Orkestar Purpur/Orchestra Purpur Charlotte Dellion Pauline Texier Martin Piskorski David Tricou Konstantinos Klironomos n.n. Gerald Stollwitzer Michael Fendre HAYDN
Ensemble in Residence 4. rujna/ 4 September 2012., 20.00 h/8.00 PM Hotel Kvarner | Cristal Salle Ensemble Berlin BACH | MOZART Haydn Opera Armida 5. rujna/5 September 2012., 20.00 h/8.00 PM Ljetna pozornica/Open Air Stage | Opatija Orkestar Purpur/Orchestra Purpur Charlotte Dellion Pauline Texier Martin Piskorski David Tricou Konstantinos Klironomos n.n. Gerald Stollwitzer Michael Fendre HAYDN CROATIA AIRLINES
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azvano po slavnome i omiljenome katoliËkom biskupu Josipu Jurju iz 19. stoljeÊa i ukraπeno starinskim kandelabrima, Strossmayerovo πetaliπte na Gornjemu gradu otkriva zanimljivu zagrebaËku povijest. Odatle se Zakmardijevim stubama uËas spustite na glavni gradski JelaËiÊev trg, a uspinjaËom na Ilicu. Ili, oËekujuÊi kad Êe podne da s kule LotrπËak pukne slavni griËki top, s pogledom na Donji grad, na Novi Zagreb i na cijeli grad, u hladu raskoπnoga drvoreda posjedite u druπtvu s Gustlom, bronËanim kipom pjesnika Antuna Gustava Matoπa, kojega je tu kipar Ivan KoæariÊ posjeo 1978. godine. Na ©tros, kako ZagrepËani to svoje πetaliπte zovu od milja, bake i djedovi dovode unuËad u πetnju i da se prisjete davnih ljubavnih rendesa, a tinejdæeri tu i danas zakazuju dejt i, markirajuÊi iz πkole, razmjenjuju prve poljupce. »ak i menadæeri u odijelima i kostimiÊima na svoje afterwork partyje skreÊu u Gornji grad, pogotovo ljeti kad poËne Ljeto na ©trosu. Od 2000. godine organizira ga gradski duet Kraljevi ulice, diplomirani ekonomist Zlatko PetroviÊ-Pajo i Miran VeljkoviÊ-Hadæi, agronom koji je diplomirao na pËelarstvu i zavrπio srednju glazbenu πkolu. Otkad su prije gotovo tri desetljeÊa zasvirali u pariπkome metrou, razmiπljali su kako da taj jedinstveni uliËni duh presele u svoj grad. Kako Zagreb nema metroa, uliËne sviraËe oæivjeli su za Univerzijadu, 1986. godine postali su Kraljevi i stvorili jedinstveni gradski cestagram, a dio njega je kultni ©tros, kamo dovode cijelo ljeto i cijeli grad, te Montmartre, pretvarajuÊi ga u Strossmartre. Kad naiete na Paju i Hadæija da sviraju na nekoj veselici, kompanijskom eventu ili zaista na ulici pod svojim prepoznatljivim πeπirima i pod vedrim nebom, pod repom kod JelaËiÊa ili u zrinjevaËkom paviljonu, zacijelo osjetite kako biste se najradije okrenuli oko sebe da provjerite ne snima li moæda netko opet Tko pjeva zlo ne misli, najbolji i najpopularniji hrvatski film svih vremena. Uz njihovu svirku zaista svi misle i osjeÊaju se baπ dobro. Takvo svevremensko ozraËje okruæuje slavne zagrebaËke Kraljeve ulice. Ta πto je Hadæiju i Paji odsvirati πtogod od omiljenih starinskih, starogradskih popijevki, ciganskih ili ruskih romanca iz vremena dok su ovim prostorima drugi kraljevali i carevali, proskribiranih πlagera iz vremena socijalistiËke obnove i gradnje ili uspjeπnica iz mladosti tih starih rokera? U njihovim je nestaπnim æicama (i na dvadesetak albuma!) cijeli vremeplov: od Serbus dragi Zagreb moj do Sante Lucije te sevdalinki, dalmatinskih festivalskih i meksikanskih iz πezdesetih godina.
Piše/By Božica Brkan
Fotografije/Photos Ivo Pervan & Arhiva TZGZ/ZTB Archives
Traæite li najljepπi zagrebaËki prizor da se ovjekovjeËite, bilo analognim ili digitalnim fotiÊem, bilo najsuvremenijim iphoneom? Velika je vjerojatnost da Êete odabrati jedno od najromantiËnijih mjesta glavnoga hrvatskoga grada ∑ Strossmayerovo πetaliπte na Gornjemu gradu. Are you looking to capture the most beautiful scene in Zagreb, either with an analog or digital camera or the latest iPhone? It is quite likely that you will choose one of the most romantic places in Croatia’s capital city − Strossmayer Promenade in the Upper Town. CROATIA AIRLINES
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ZagrebaËki je purgerski dijalekt, a sad veÊ i vrlo urbani æargon, pun deminutivËiÊa. U njima je, govoreÊi kojekakve jezike, hrvatska metropola naslagala slojeve svoje uzbudljive povijesti, noseÊi se s njome i dostojanstveno i gorko duhovito, pomalo kabaretski, na vlastiti raËun. Samo oni koji grad ne poznaju u duπu misle da je hladan i da se, poput kakve umiπljene frajlice, dræi na distanciji. DemantirajuÊi ih, Hadæi & Pajo su, ne samo dnevnu gradsku sobu, kultnu ©picu s Gajevom, Zrinjevac, Cvjetni trg…, nego cijeli Zagreb i samim ZagrepËanima i njihovim gostima ponovno posve otvorili kao jedinstvenu pozornicu za brojne svoje priredbe, hepeninge, vrlo pomno osmiπljene improvizacije. S ulice se drugaËije vidi, drugaËiji je to pogled na svijet, pouËavaju radosni πto i stranci tu, tvrde, prokajkaju. U Zagrebu se od davnina govori kako netko se kupa na moru, a netko doma u lavoru, pa za one koji i za vruÊih ljeta ne odlaze na jug, na Jadran, Kraljevi ulice kreiraju kraljevsku zabavu. ObogaÊuju i uzavreli asfalt i turistiËki i kulturno hrvatsku metropolu toliko da su ovjenËani i visokim dræavnim odlikovanjima. Njima je vjerojatno viπe stalo do priznanja graana kojima uveseljavaju ljeto i do osmijeha turista koji ozraËje πto im ga podare, ponesu doma. Stalo im je i do oboæavatelja koje su stekli u najπirem sastavu 2008. godine predstavljajuÊi Hrvatsku na Pjesmi Eurovizije. Pjevali su ∑ Pjesmu za novËiÊ. Hadæi se jednostavno ne moæe naprehvaliti Drage BritviÊa i Zvonka ©piπiÊa, koji su mu otvorili oËi Ëim je, kaæe, u njihovoj slavnoj πansoni Milioner otpjevao da dolar i lira su hrpe papira… ∑ Kad smo 1997. godine osmislili i postavili svoj prvi festival Cest is d’best, nismo slutili da Êe se iz toga razviti tako mnogo dogaaja. Za nas su svaki gradski trg, ulica i svaki kvart inspiracija i nepresuπno vrelo moguÊnosti za nove projekte koji Êe oplemeniti naπ zagrebaËki naËin æivota. Tako se ljepπe osjeÊamo mi, a vjerujemo i drugi ∑ kaæe Hadæi otkrivajuÊi kako Êe Kraljevi ulice potkraj 2012. proslaviti veÊ frtalj stoljeÊa s vama. Tri godine poslije Cest is d’best 2000. godine, startalo je Ljeto na ©trosu ∑ Strossmartre, a zatim u razmacima Martin je u Zagrebu, Markov sajam, Ljetno kino… Kraljevi ulice zavladali su nepovredivo i ljetom i srediπtem Zagreba ∑ slikom, fotografijom, hranom i piÊem te, dakako, zvukom, glazbom. Knjiæevnik boem Saπa Merπinjak nadahnuto je ispriËao njihovu Kraljevsku priËu ovako: - Kao i u veÊini srednjoeuropskih gradova, na izgled hrvatske metropole i raspoloæenje njezinih graana bitno utjeËu meteoroloπke prilike, osim ako nije rijeË o Kraljevima ulice. 100
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Oni nisu nikakva πminka na licu grada, oni su njegova duπa. Premda im je nebo jedini πeπir, oni odista dominiraju Splavnicom ili prolazom Harmica: ni najsluËajniji prolaznik ili putnik namjernik ne moæe odoljeti a da barem na tren ne zastane pred njima. Svaka urbana otuenost i briga kao da odjednom ustuknu pred raskoπi njihovih evergreena. Hadæi i Pajo, zbog vrhunskog profesionalizma i ljubavi spram glazbe koju tako nesebiËno daruju, veÊ odavna postali su prepoznatljivim zagrebaËkim toponimom. Ljude zatvorene u stanove-spavaonice i u sebe, i starije, koji imaju mnogo briga a malo novca, a i mlae, koji najradije komuniciraju cyberspaceom, Kraljevi ulice izvukli su van i natjerali ih da se druæe. Da se ugodno druæe. Tak smo nasaeni, tumaËe. ∑ Ako bismo Zagreb promatrali kao svoj stan, onda bi nam ©tros bio balkon prepun zelenila, spas za vruÊe ljetne veËeri. Joπ ako na tome balkonu stalno imate pristojne tulume protiv kojih se Ëak ni susjedi ne bune, eto vam opisa Ljeta na ©trosu ∑ kaæu Kraljevi ulice strasno brojeÊi Ëak stotinu vruÊih ljetnih veËeri koje se mogu provesti pod starim kestenima uz izvrsnu glazbu najboljih klupskih bendova u gradu, lutkarske predstave za djecu ili pubkvizove, modne revije, stand-up komiËare, nadahnute slikare te likovne radionice i izloæbe, a sve uz fino vino i, moæda, πetajuÊi ne samo sa svojom ljubavi, nego i s kuÊnim ljubimcima, jer baπ tu izabiru i najljepπega zagrebaËkog psa mjeπanca, uliËara, dakako. I, da, obvezatno morate doÊi 30. lipnja na vatrometni jedinstven doËek - pola nove godine. n
amed after the famous and beloved Catholic bishop Josip Juraj Strossmayer from the 19th century, and decorated with antique candelabra street lamps, Strossmayer Promenade in the Upper Town reveals the interesting history of Zagreb. From here you can descend the stairs known as Zakmardijeve Stube to Ban Josip JelaËiÊ Square, the main city square, or take the funicular to Ilica Street. Or, you can linger around until noon when the famous GriË cannon is fired from LotrπËak Tower. The tower commands a view of the Lower Town, New Zagreb and the entire city. You can sit in the shade of the gorgeous alley and join Gustl, a bronze statue of the poet Antun Gustav Matoπ, which the sculptor Ivan KoæariÊ placed here in 1978. Grandmas and grandpas come to Stross, as the promenade is affectionately known to the citizens of Zagreb, for walks with their grandchildren and to reminisce about their romantic rendezvous of long ago; teenagers
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still arrange dates here and share their first kisses while playing hooky from school. Even power dressed business men and women head to the Upper Town for their after work parties, especially during the summer when Summer on Stross starts. Since 2000, this event has been organized by the city duo of the Kings of the Street, the economist Zlatko PetroviÊ-Pajo and Miran VeljkoviÊ-Hadæi, an agronomist with a degree in beekeeping and a secondary music school diploma under his belt. As soon as they descended upon Paris almost three decades ago to play music in Paris metro stations, they immediately started thinking how to move that unique street spirit to their own city. Since Zagreb does not have a metro, they revived street musicians during the Universiade and in 1986 they became the Kings and created a unique urban streetscape. The cult Stross is part of it. They bring the entire city there; they bring the entire summer there, for that matter, and transform it into Strossmartre. When you come across Pajo and Hadæi sporting their recognizable hats, playing at a party or corporate event, or indeed on the street under the clear blue sky, or under the tail of Ban Josip JelaËiÊ’s horse on the main square, or in the pavilion on Zrinjevac, you must feel the urge to look around and check if someone is recording Tko pjeva zlo ne misli (He who sings thinks no evil), the best and most popular Croatian film of all times. Everyone really feels good and thinks only good thoughts while listening to their music. Such a timeless atmosphere surrounds Zagreb’s famous Kings of the Street. Hadæi and Pajo can play any of the beloved old songs typical of Zagreb, romantic gypsy or Russian songs dating back to the times when other kings and emperors ruled the area, proscribed hit songs from the time of socialist renewal and development, and hits that topped the charts in the old rockers’ youth. What they can produce on their playful strings (and what they have recorded on as many as 20 albums) is nothing short of a time machine: from Serbus My Dear Zagreb to Santa Lucia, as well as Bosnian melancholic sevdalinka (folk music), tunes from Dalmatian festivals of popular music and Mexican hits from the 60s. The purger dialect of Zagreb, now considered a very urban jargon, is full of diminutives. The various languages that are spoken in the Croatian metropolis have found their way into that jargon, building on top of each other and reflecting the exciting Croatian history − a history that the city lives with courteously, putting up with it with bitter sweet deco104
rum, and turning it into a cabaret at its own expense. Only those who do not know the city inside out think of it as cold and aloof, as if always putting on airs and graces like a young girl. All those have been proven wrong by Hadæi and Pajo who have opened not only the city’s living room, the popularly known ©pica from the main square to Gajeva, and on to Zrinjevac and the Flower Square, but actually the entire city of Zagreb and given it to the citizens and guests of Zagreb as a unique stage where they can organize their numerous events, happenings and very well thought out improvisations. Things look different from the street as the street provides a different worldview. They claim that even foreigners have started using the typical kaj under their influence, and they obviously rejoice in that fact. Zagreb has a very popular old saying according to which those in the money spend summers on the coast, and those less welloff must satisfy themselves with a soak in a washbasin. The Kings of the Street are here to create a royal party for those who do not head south to the Adriatic Coast during the scorching days of summer. Their contribution to the cultural and tourist life on the hot streets of Zagreb is so great that they have even been acknowledged with the highest state decorations. They, in their turn, probably care more about the recognition by their fellow citizens, whose summers they make more bearable, and about the smiles on the faces of tourists to whom they give so generously and who tend to take home the atmosphere they create. They also care about their admirers, most of whom they won over in 2008 when they represented Croatia at the Eurovision Song Contest. The title of their song was Romanca or A Song for a Dime. Hadæi simply does not have enough words of praise for Drago BritviÊ and Zvonko ©piπiÊ, who opened their eyes with their famous chanson Millionaire and its words about dollars and liras being nothing but heaps of papers… - When we conceived and launched our first Cest is d’best Festival in 1997 we could not even dream that so many events would develop from that. For us, every city square, every street and neighbourhood are a new inspiration and a fathomless well of possibilities for new projects which will enrich the way we live in Zagreb. This makes us feel better, and we believe that it makes others feel better too, says Hadæi, letting us in on the fact that in late 2012 the Kings of the Street will celebrate a quarter of a century in our midst. Three years after the first Cest is d’best, Summer on Stross − Strossmartre was launched
in 2000, followed by Martin is in Zagreb, Marko’s Fair, Summer Cinema, all in fairly regular intervals. The Kings of the Street reign supreme over the summer and over the city centre − with painting, photography, food and drink, and last but most certainly not least, with music. A poet and bohemian, Saπa Merπinjak, has told their Royal story in a very inspired way: - Like in most of central Europe, weather conditions have a huge impact on the appearance of state capitals and the mood of their citizens. This is also true of Zagreb but it does not apply to the Kings of the Street. They are not mere makeup on the face of the city; they are its very soul. Although the sky is their only cap, they really dominate the small street Splavnica and Harmica passage; not even the most chance passerby or the most accidental tourists can resist the temptation to stop in front of them even if just for a moment. Every form of urban alienation retreats before the sumptuousness of their evergreens. Owing to the supreme professionalism and love of music which they so selflessly impart, Hadæi and Pajo have long become a recognizable toponymy of Zagreb. The Kings of the Street have reached out to people who live insular and isolated lives in their own dormitory-like apartments, elderly people with a lot on their mind and little in their pockets, as well as young people, who would rather communicate via cyberspace, and forced them to come out and socialize. To enjoy one another’s company. This is just the way we are, they explain. - If we thought of Zagreb as our apartment, then Stross would be our balcony full of greenery; our salvation for the hot summer evenings. If there was constantly a good party on that balcony that even the neighbours did not mind, then you would have a description of Summer on Stross, say the Kings of the Street, passionately counting the hundreds of hot summer nights that can be spent under the old chestnut trees. These parties include excellent music by the best club bands in town, puppet shows for children and pub quizzes, fashion shows, stand-up comedians, inspired painters and art workshops and exhibitions, and all of this is accompanied by fine wine. You will perhaps want to take a stroll not only with your loved one, but with pets as well, because there just happens to be a competition for the most beautiful of Zagreb’s mongrel dogs, the vagabonds, of course. And one more thing; you absolutely must come on 30 June to the unique fireworks celebration of the Half New Year. n
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Piše/By Dubravka Belas Fotografije/Photos Ivo Pervan i Tomislav Šklopan
Znate li πto je zelena potkova i gdje se ona nalazi? Moæda se æelite prepustiti strasnom upoznavanju izvornih zagrebaËkih jela... i kolaËa? Ili Êete na nekoj od kavanskih terasa popiti ponajbolji aromatiËni espresso i uæivati u promatranju prolaznika i nadasve lijepih ZagrepËanki.... A moæda trebate vodiËa na znakovnom jeziku? Znate li gdje je stari grad Medvedgrad i kako se tamo dolazi? Trebate individualiziranu πoping turu? Æelite upoznati parkove prirode u okolici Zagreba? Zanima vas gdje se odræava sajam antikviteta? Poite u turistiËke informativne centre i, nema sumnje, ondje Êete dobiti odgovore na sva vaπa pitanja. Do you know what the Green Horseshoe is and where it is located? Are you succumbing to temptation to taste the original dishes of Zagreb...and its pastries? Or will you satisfy yourself by sitting on one of the cafe terraces watching the passers-by and the truly beautiful women of Zagreb while sipping the best aromatic espresso coffee? Do you need a tour guide who knows sign language? Do you know where the ancient medieval town of Medvedgrad is and how to get there? Are you looking for an individualized shopping tour? Do you want to see the nature parks around Zagreb? Are you interested in visiting the antique fair? Head for the Tourist Information Centre (TIC) and you will undoubtedly get the answers to all your questions. CROATIA AIRLINES
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oznati satiriËar Lenny Bruce rekao je kako mrzi male gradove jer kad jedanput vidiπ top u parku, nemaπ ondje πto drugo raditi. Zagreb nije veliki grad, jedan je od onih Ëija veliËina, danas veÊ rubno, odgovara starom naËelu po kojemu ni jedan grad ne bi smio biti tako velik da iz njega, jednoga jutra, ne biste mogli jednostavno − iπetati. I Zagreb, poput malih gradova, ima svoj top koji svima rado pokazuje. Nije, doduπe, smjeπten u parku, nego na vrhu srednjovjekovne kule i joπ je u uporabi. Ne baπ onako kako je izvorno zamiπljeno, ali zato posve u skladu s notornom zagrebaËkom miroljubivoπÊu. Viπe od stotinu posljednjih godina svakoga se dana iz njega, toËno u podne, s propisnom bukom, ispali kugla od papira. Pjesma kaæe: top s GriËa prepolovi dan... I dok ZagrepËani ravnoduπno provjeravaju satove, neupuÊeni se prolaznici katkad i preplaπe. Ptice nakratko utihnu i, kao po zapovijedi, πumeÊi krilima, podignu se u zrak, a djeca pod Kulom LotrπËak pritrËe pokupiti oprljene papiriÊe. Kula je, pak, uz katedralne tornjeve na susjednom breæuljku, jedna od najpoznatijih gradskih vizura i jedna od najstarijih, od srednjega vijeka saËuvanih graevina. Davno, kad je bila sastavni dio juænih zidina, s nje su odjekivala zvona upozoravajuÊi na zatvaranje gradskih vrata.
...from your idea...
Da biste iz profanoga Gradeca stigli na biskupski Kaptol, morali ste proÊi kroz velika, Kamenita vrata. U gradove se nekad samo tako i ulazilo − kroz velika gradska vrata koja bi se na veËer zatvarala, πtiteÊi od osvajaËa, lopova i sve klateæi koja bi lutala od grada do grada. Vrata su oznaËavala ne samo prijelaz izmeu dvaju svjetova, poznatoga i nepoznatoga, nego i odabir, ostati s jedne strane vrata znaËilo bi prihvatiti sve πto je poznato, domaÊe, toplo i mirno. Odabrati drugu stranu, znaËilo je pustolovinu, poziv na putovanje u nepoznato, nepredvidivo. Danas su vrata Zagreba posve drugaËija, bilo da u grad stiæete avionom, vlakom, autobusom ili automobilom. Ta se imaginarna vrata nikad ne zatvaraju − nikoga viπe ne trebaju πtititi, u zoru ne treba Ëekati njihovo otvaranje, niti poæuriti poπto zvona oznaËe veËernje zatvaranje. I dalje su to mjesta ulaska u nepoznate u svjetove koji toliko nalikuju jedni na druge, a opet su uvijek posve drugaËiji. I ta je razlika i njezino otkrivanje razlog i svrha svakog putovanja iz razonode, iz radoznalosti…da bi se nastavilo s traganjem − za blagom ili spoznajom ili bijegom, ali uvijek pronalaæenjem nekoga, neËega, ili tek samoga sebe. Na ulazima viπe ne straæare Janusi i Ganeπi. Velike drvene, æeljezne, zlatne − kljuËeve gradova the reality...
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viπe ne dræe straæari, konsijeræi, ili vratari. Vrata Zagreba danas su turistiËki informativni centri. U vrijeme u kojemu je pojam turizam bio najËeπÊe vezan uz predodæbu more − sunce − plaæa, otvaranje prvoga zagrebaËkog TIC-a davne 1975. godine bilo je vezano uza sluæbenu politiku imperativa neromantiËnog naziva razvijanja kontinentalnog turizma. No, ubrzo su povratne informacije potvrdile kako je bila rijeË o punom pogotku i nasuπnoj potrebi posjetitelja Zagreba. SljedeÊi je centar otvoren neposredno prije odræavanja studentskih olimpijskih ugara, Univerzijade, u vruÊe ljeto 1987. godine. Zagreb je tada potvrdio svoju otvorenost namjernicima, uπminkao je uvelike svoje lice za tu priredbu na kojoj je sudjelovalo gotovo πest i pol tisuÊa sportaπa iz 122 zemlje. Osvjeæena su gradska proËelja, otkriven zdenac Manduπevac na glavnome trgu, ureeno zagrebaËko more − Jarun, otvoren Muzej Mimara. A onih je πest i pol tisuÊa sportaπa, i tko zna koliko njihovih pratitelja, izvjestitelja i TV ekipa, Zagreb i njegovu bogatu okolicu upoznavalo uz pomoÊ predanih turistiËkih informatora. Ostali su TIC-ovi otvoreni uza spomenuta suvremena gradska vrata − u zraËnoj luci, na æeljezniËkom i autobusnom kolodvoru te na mjestu gdje autocesta na zapadnoj strani uklizuje u grad, dijeleÊi se
zatim u gradske ulice. Taj centar, smjeπten uz motel Plitvice u LuËkom, u blizini jedinog kampa u okolici Zagreba, otvara se sezonski, za vrijeme ljetnih odmora. Taj je autonomni objekt uspjeπno autorsko djelo hrvatskih arhitekata i dizajnera. Strateπki je smjeπten tako da zainteresira i prolazne putnike, one koji se u gradu nisu imali namjeru zadræavati, da ipak dan ili dva provedu u Zagrebu i upoznaju se barem dijelom s bogatstvom njegove turistiËke ponude. Svi drugi zagrebaËki TIC-ovi otvoreni su tijekom Ëitave godine. Da biste, uvijek u premalo vremena, doista upoznali neki grad, osjetili ritam njegovih ulica i duπu njegovih stanovnika − jer grad su, ipak, napokon, ljudi − danas se moæete pripremati i krstareÊi internetom, joπ jednim, virtualnim, gradskim vratima. No, jedno su kibernetske informacije, a drugo ljubazno i nasmijeπeno lice koje vam na vaπem jeziku odgovara na sva moguÊa pitanja i potpitanja, strpljivo objaπnjava sve πto vas zanima o zagrebaËkoj povijesti i kulturi, gradskim znamenitostima i legendama, moguÊnostima smjeπtaja, izloæbama, o koncertima i o gastronomiji, o gradskoj okolici i svim moguÊim korisnim adresama od crkava do restorana, od fakulteta, putniËkih agencija, do kazaliπta, zabave i noÊnog æivota. Upravo nam tu komponentu, u CROATIA AIRLINES
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svojemu prostranom uredu u srcu Zagreba, s oËekivanom ljubaznoπÊu i neoËekivanim entuzijazmom naglaπava Kreπimir Raπan, direktor Sluæbe za usluge posjetiteljima. U srediπnjem TuristiËkom informativnom centru na Trgu bana Josipa JelaËiÊa usmene obavijesti dobit Êete na osam svjetskih jezika, ukljuËujuÊi japanski i kineski. I dok svoje sugovornike u centru neÊete moÊi umoriti svojom radoznaloπÊu, sve πto se niste sjetili pitati, pronaÊi Êete u suvremeno dizajniranim brošurama, programu priredaba za vrijeme vaπeg boravka ili planu grada, koji se u centrima besplatno dijele. Dobro je znati da opÊi prospekt o gradu Zagrebu TuristiËka zajednica grada tiska na 28 jezika; uz uobiËajene svjetske jezike, moÊi Êete zatraæiti svoju broπuru i na, primjerice, finskome, danskome, πvedskome, grËkome, korejskome, hebrejskome, turskome, ukrajinskom jeziku, pa Ëak i na esperantu. Broπure su prilagoene svakom putniku, onomu koji Êe se ovdje zadræati samo nekoliko sati ili nekoliko dana, kao i onomu tko je u Zagreb moæda doπao studirati. Æelite li upoznati grad bez sluæbenoga turistiËkog vodiËa, moæete to uËiniti sami, uz pomoÊ brošure Korak po korak. prevedene na devet jezika koja predlaæe obilazak grada pjeπice poËevπi od srediπnjega trga s fontanom Manduπevac, Ëiji je izvor, vjerovalo se, nekad bilo glavno sastajaliπte vjeπtica. Te su ga nestaπne dame i zaËarale, pa se govorilo − dok je njegova voda joπ bila pitka − da se onaj tko bi popio gutljaj vode s Manduπevca, uvijek vraÊao u Zagreb. Ali razgledati znamenitosti moæe se i na mnoge druge naËine − sljedeÊa Êe vam broπura predloæiti turistiËki autobus hop on-hop off, koji svakih 90 minuta, za lijepa vremena, dakako, polazi s Kaptola. Kao i toliki drugi europski gradovi, i Zagreb se moæe razgledati romantiËnom voænjom fijakerom, baroknom koËijom koju vuku bijeli lipicanci. OdluËite li se za pak za Glazbenu razglednicu Zagreba, doæivjet Êete grad kroz glazbu, povijest i arhitekturu, doznati poneπto o hrvatskom podrijetlu kravate i zavrπiti veËer koncertom. Moæete odabrati i Æensku stranu Zagreba − saznati poneπto o slavnim ZagrepËankama, poput operne dive Milke Trnine ili vrhunske skijaπice Janice KosteliÊ, no istodobno Êete neπto Ëuti i o prvoj zagrebaËkoj studentici ili prvoj dimnjaËarki. Grad moæete razgledati i u druπtvu s profesorom hrvatskog jezika, koji Êe vas u πetnji upoznati s korisnim frazama i osnovama hrvatskog jezika. Æelite li Zagreb doæivjeti iz zraka pa se odluËite na panoramski let nad gradom, to moæete uËiniti i danju i noÊu. U programu ZagrebaËki πtikleci saznat Êete pikanterije iz gradskog druπtvenog æivota, a u RomantiËnom Zagrebu nauËiti 110
neπto o najljepπim ljubavnim priËama grada. Tu Êete emotivnu ekskurziju zavrπiti posjetom jedinstvenoj svjetskoj atrakciji − Muzeju prekinutih veza. Iz toga Êete neobiËnog sabiraliπta uspomena izaÊi pomalo smeteni i uzburkani raznovrsnim osjeÊajima, smijehom, ali i suzama koje pobuuju njegovi neobiËni eksponati prikupljeni po cijelome svijetu. I, da, moÊi Êete ovdje pronaÊi jednako zanimljive suvenire − od olovke koja se moæe prelomiti i podijeliti izmeu bivπih ljubavnika, do gumice za koju tvrde da briπe loπe uspomene. Blue Bike Tour osigurat Êe vam bicikle i kacige za cijelu obitelj i na posve drugaËiji naËin omoguÊiti otkrivanje grada, kontrasta izmeu staroga i novog Zagreba ili vas provesti posebnom turom kroz umjetniËku instalaciju Solarnog sustava. U ponudi su i razgleda grada i Tajne GriËa, VjeπtiËje kolo, Knjigom po Zagrebu, Æidovska baπtina, ili neki drugi program, na vama je samo da se odluËite i izaberete. Zagreb uistinu ima mnogo jedistvenosti. Jedna je od njih, na primjer, mumija iz Egipta, koja se Ëuva u Arheoloπkome muzeju, stara dvije i pol tisuÊe godina, umotana u laneni povoj s najduljim etrurskim tekstom na svijetu. Znate li πto je zelena potkova i gdje se ona nalazi? Koje su najomiljenije zagrebaËke kavane i gdje su ponajbolji restorani? Moæda se æelite prepustiti strasnom upoznavanju izvornih zagrebaËkih jela... i kolaËa? Ili Êete na nekoj od kavanskih terasa popiti ponajbolji aromatiËni espresso i uæivati u promatranju prolaznika i nadasve lijepih ZagrepËanki.... A moæda trebate vodiËa na znakovnom jeziku? Znate li gdje je stari grad Medvedgrad i kako se tamo dolazi? Trebate individualiziranu πoping turu? Kako stiÊi na Culture Mile i obiÊi sve muzeje i galerije? Ili na Green Mile − ili Mile of Good Tastes and Flavours? Æelite upoznati parkove prirode u okolici Zagreba? Gdje pronaÊi skromnu sobu, hostel ili hotel s pet zvjezdica? Zanima vas gdje se odræava sajam antikviteta? Poite u TIC i, nema sumnje, dobit Êete ondje odgovore na sva vaπa pitanja. A ako ste baπ osobito veliki individualac i mislite da Êete sve sami bolje istraæiti, ipak, ako se jednom izgubite negdje u kolopletu zagrebaËkih ulica, pogledajte bolje oko sebe, potraæite mlade ljude u paru od kojih jedan ima istaknuto veliko slovo „i“, a drugome je na odori otisnut plan grada. Od svibnja do listopada svakoga dana od 9 do 17 sati, nedjeljom od 10 do 18, ti hodajuÊi informatori obilaze srediπte Zagreba i na nekoliko svjetskih jezika turistima spremno daju traæene informacije. A Zagreb, Zagreb ima joπ toliko toga πto æeli pokazati namjernicima. Kako i ne bi, kad
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njegova priËa poËinje u prapovijesti − moæda upravo od πpilje Veternice na jugozapadnim obroncima Medvednice, brda koje ga danas πtiti od sjevernih vjetrova, kao πto ga je nekad πtitila od osvajaËa. A na sunËanoj strani planine za leima grad je napredovao sve do mirne rijeke koja mu protiËe pod nogama. Tako smjeπten, na sjeciπtu putova i protoka putnika sa svih strana svijeta, polako se, ali sigurno, razvija veÊ viπe od tisuÊu godina. I danas, kad je prekoraËio rijeku, ostao je gradom po mjeri Ëovjeka. Kaæu da su putovanja uvijek na neki naËin i ostavljanja. Da nisu samo otvaranje vrata, nego i njihovo zatvaranje za sobom, kako bi se moglo iÊi dalje. U ovom sluËaju, i da bi se vratilo. U Zagreb, grad u kojemu Êete se osjeÊati ugodno, Ëak i ako doete sami. n
he well known satirist Lenny Bruce said that he hated small cities because, once you’ve seen the cannon in the park, there’s nothing else to do. Zagreb is not a big city; its size, only just respects the old principle according to which no city should be so big that you cannot walk out of it in a morning. Zagreb, like many other small cities, has its cannon which it happily shows to all. Admittedly,
you will not find it in a park, but rather on the top of a medieval fortress, still serving a purpose. Not the original purpose, mind you, but the one well-suited to the proverbial peace-loving nature of Zagreb and its citizens. For over a hundred years, a paper cannonball is fired from it every day to mark noon with an appropriate level of noise. A song says: the cannon from GriË breaks the day in two... While the citizens of Zagreb take the opportunity to check the accuracy of their watches, the undiscerning passers-by are sometimes startled. Birds stop chirping for a moment and take to the sky with their wings fluttering as if they have been given an order to do that, while the children who find themselves at the foot of LotrπËak Tower run closer to its walls to collect the charred pieces of paper. The tower itself, together with the belfries of the cathedral on the adjacent hilltop, is one of the best known vistas in Zagreb and one of its oldest and best preserved medieval buildings. In the past, when it was part of the southern city wall, the citizens would be alerted by bell-ringing that the city gate was about to be closed. In order to get from civic Gradec to clerical Kaptol, you had to pass through the big Stone Gate. That was the only way to enter cities in the past − through large city gates which would be closed during the night, thus protect-
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ing the citizens from conquerors, plunderers and all sort of riff-raff that wandered aimlessly from one city to the next. City gates were not just passages between two different worlds, the known on the one hand and the unknown on the other, but they also represented a choice to be made: to stay behind the gate meant the acceptance of all things familiar, domestic, warm and peaceful. Choosing the other side of the gate meant adventure, an invitation to a journey into something unknown and rather unpredictable. Today the gates of Zagreb are completely different, whether you arrive by plane, train, bus or car. Those imaginary gates never close − they do not need to protect anybody; at dawn you do not have to wait for a gate to open or haste back indoors after the bell announces its closing in the evening. Gates still mark an entrance into unknown worlds which look so much alike, and yet, always prove to be different. That difference and a quest to discover is the reason and purpose of all leisure travel. Curiosity compels us to keep on searching for treasure, for truth or escape, but the ultimate goal is always finding somebody, something or finding oneself. Janus or Ganesha no longer stand guard at any of the gates. The big wooden, iron or
golden keys to the city are no longer kept by the guards, concierges or gatekeepers. Today, the Tourist Information Centres are the gates to the city. At the time when the notion of tourism was commonly linked to the image of the sun-sea-beach holiday, the first Zagreb TIC opened in 1975, as part of the official policy and as the economic imperative hidden behind the very non-romantic name of the development of continental tourism. Very quickly, however, feedback confirmed that the effort was a big hit with Zagreb’s visitors who had simply craved a place like that. The next centre was opened on the eve of the Students’ Olympic Games, the popular Universiade, in the summer of 1987. Zagreb then confirmed it was open to visitors; it had undergone a major makeover for the event which gathered nearly six and a half thousand athletes from 122 countries. The city’s facades were repainted; the Manduπevac Well in the main city square was reopened; Zagreb’s sea − Lake Jarun, was landscaped; and the Mimara Museum opened its door to visitors. The six and a half thousand athletes and the unknown number of their escorts, reporters and TV crews got to know Zagreb and it beautiful countryside with the help of dedicated tourist informers. The next TIC offices were opened at or near the CROATIA AIRLINES
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aforementioned modern city gates: at the airport, train station, main bus station, and at the place where the westbound highway flows into the city and continues as city roads spreading out in different directions. The centre, located next to the Plitvice Motel in LuËko, close to the only camping site in Zagreb and its environs, is opened seasonally, during the summer holiday season. This autonomous facility is the successful brainchild of Croatian architects and designers. Its strategic location was chosen to attract even the transit passengers who had not intended to spend any time in the city and make them curious enough to wish to spend a day or two in Zagreb and get to know at least part of its rich tourist offer. All the other TIC offices in Zagreb are open all year round. Modern-day travellers all seem to suffer from the same predicament − too little time to get to know a city, to feel the rhythm of its streets and last but not least, the souls of its citizens. After all, people are the most important wealth of any city. Today, your homework in preparation for a city break may include searching for information on the internet; yet another, albeit virtual, city gate. However, finding information on the cyber net is one thing, whilst the kind and smiling face of a person who is able to answer all your questions patiently, in your own 114
language, and tell you all about the history and culture of Zagreb, its highlights and legends, accommodation choices, exhibitions, concerts and gastronomy, the city’s countryside and provide you with all the possible useful addresses of churches, restaurants, high schools and universities, travel agents, theatres, and places where you can be entertained or enjoy night life is quite another proposition. In his spacious office in the heart of Zagreb, Kreπimir Raπan, the Visitor Services Manager, emphasised this very component with expected kindness and unexpected enthusiasm. In the central TIC office, at Ban Josip JelaËiÊ Square, you can receive information in eight different languages, including Japanese and Chinese. Whilst you will not be able to exhaust the wealth of knowledge of the centre’s staff with your curiosity, whatever you do not remember to ask there you will be able to look up in on a tourist city map, or in the guide of events taking place during your stay, or in the modernly designed brochures handed out for free at the information centres. It is worth noting that the principal brochure of the city, published by the Zagreb Tourist Board, can be obtained in 28 different languages; in addition to the languages most commonly spoken by tourists, you can ask for your brochure in
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Finnish, Danish, Swedish, Greek, Korean, Hebrew, Turkish, Ukrainian and even Esperanto, to mention but a few. The brochure caters for all types of travellers; for those who intend to stay merely a few hours, perhaps a few days, or even those who have come to study in Zagreb, for example. If you want to get to know Zagreb without the help of licensed guides who can be booked at a TIC office (where else), you will be well advised to do it Step by Step. This is the title of a brochure printed in nine languages which proposes a city tour on foot, starting from the main city square and featuring the Manduπevac Well. Its source, as was once believed, was the main rallying point of witches, ill-behaved ladies who cast a spell on it. Legend has it that while the water in the well was still drinkable, whoever drank from it would fall under the spell and keep on returning to Zagreb. Needless to say, there are other ways to explore the city and its highlights: another brochure proposes the hop-on/hop-off tourist bus which departs every 90 minutes from Kaptol − providing the weather is good, of course. Just like many other European cities, Zagreb can also be seen during a romantic ride in a baroque coach driven by white Lipizzaner horses. If you choose The Musical Picture
Postcard of Zagreb, you will experience the city through music, history and architecture; you will learn something about the Croatian origin of the tie and end the visit with an evening concert. You can choose the Female Side of Zagreb and learn a thing or two about famous women who lived in Zagreb, for example the opera diva Milka Trnina or the world famous skier Janica KosteliÊ. During the same tour you will also hear about the first female student who enrolled at Zagreb University or the first female chimney sweep. You can tour the city in the company of a Croatian language teacher who will teach you some useful Croatian phrases and the basics of Croatian during a pleasant stroll. If you wish to experience Zagreb from above, a panoramic flight can be arranged for you during day or night. The ZagrebaËki ©tikleci (The Titbits of Zagreb) programme is full of spicy little stories from the social life of Zagreb, and during the Romantic Zagreb Tour you will hear some of the most beautiful love stories that have taken place in the city. This emotive excursion will finish with a visit to a very unique museum and the world renowned attraction - The Museum of Broken Relationships. You will emerge from this unusual collection of memories somewhat confused and shaken by all sorts of feelings
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having laughed and cried at this unusual exhibit collected from all over the world. And yes, there will be atypical souvenirs galore − including a pen that can be broken and split between former lovers and a rubber eraser reputed to erase all bad memories. Bicycles and helmets will be provided for the entire family who want to take the Blue Bike Tour. The tour is intended for those who wish to see the city from a totally different perspective as well as experience the contrast between the new and old parts of Zagreb, or pass through the art installation of the Solar System. On offer are also the Secrets of GriË, The Witches’ Circle, Around Zagreb with a Book, Jewish Heritage and other programmes − you only need to decide and chose one of them. Zagreb really has many unique features. One of them is an Egyptian mummy which is safeguarded in the Archaeological Museum. It is two and a half thousand years old, and wrapped in linen bandages with the longest Etruscan text in the world. Do you know what the Green Horseshoe is and where it is located? What are the most popular cafes in Zagreb and where are the best restaurants? You may easily find yourself succumbing to temptation and becoming passionate about the original dishes of Zagreb...and its pastries. Perhaps you will satisfy yourself by sitting on one of the cafe terraces watching the passers-by and the truly beautiful women of Zagreb while sipping the best aromatic espresso coffee. Do you need a tour guide who knows sign language? Do you know where old Medvedgrad is and how to get there? Are you looking for an individualized shopping tour? Or do you wish to find out how to get to the Culture Mile and visit all the museums and galleries there? Or perhaps the Green Mile − or the Mile of Good Tastes and Flavours? So, do you want to see
all the nature parks around Zagreb? Or are you looking for accommodation - a modestly priced room, a hostel or a five-star hotel? Are you interested in visiting the antique fair? Head for the TIC and you will get the answers to any questions you may think of. If you are the kind of person who like to do things on their own because they think they will be much better off exploring the city alone, and if you get lost in the labyrinth of Zagreb’s streets, turn around and look for young people walking in pairs, one with a large letter „I” and the other with a print of the city map on theirs. From May to October, every day between 9 A.M. and 5 P.M., and on Sundays between 10 A.M. and 6 P.M., these ambulating tourist informers cruise the city centre and provide tourists with information in several foreign languages. And Zagreb, Zagreb has so much more it wishes to show its visitors. This is not surprising bearing in mind that its story started in prehistory, possibly in the Veternica Cave on the south-western slopes of Mt. Medvednica, the range which protects the city from northerly winds just like it once used to protect it from the onslaughts of conquerors. The city has developed on the sunny side of the slopes with the mountain behind its back, and it has spread all the way to the docile river that flows at its feet. At that location, at a junction and the crossroads of routes which bring passengers from all over the world, it has developed slowly but surely for over a thousand years. Even today, after the city has crossed the river, it is still just the right size for a pleasant life. Common wisdom has it that travelling is leaving something behind. That it is not just a door being opened, but also a door being closed to allow us to move forward. In this case, also to return - to Zagreb; a city where you feel comfortable even if you come alone. n
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Dizajn / design by Ru탑a Hodak
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Piše/By Ana Lendvaj Fotografije/Photos Vanja Šolin
Modeli, models by (Katarina, Lucija, Marija) Šminka, make-up/Marija Koprtla Frizura, hair styling/Sanja Jakupec
VeÊ viπe od 60 godina postoje hrvatski modni autori koji umjetniËki promiπljaju modu. For more than 60 years Croatian fashion designers have created fashion in an artistic way.
odna umjetnost u Hrvatskoj starija je od datuma kojim se obiljeæava njezina obljetnica. VeÊ viπe od 60 godina postoje hrvatski modni autori koji umjetniËki promiπljaju modu. UkljuËeni su otad i u Udruæenje likovnih umjetnika primijenje umjetnosti Hrvatske, pa ipak slave tek 35. godiπnjicu svoga postojanja u svojoj galeriji. Modna se umjetnost prije, naime, radila samo kao skica. Modeli su se crtali, raspravljalo se o njima, ali nisu se izraivali prema tim idejnim skicama sve do 1976. godine, kad su osnovali Sekciju za oblikovanje odijevanja i veÊ se nazivom sekcije naznaËilo da se modeli oblikuju, a ne samo skiciraju. Danas znamo da najveÊa modna imena u Hrvatskoj dolaze iz ULUPUH-ova gnijezda
ili ulaze u njega: Branka Donassy, Dæenisa PecotiÊ, Nada Doπen, Ante TonËi VladislaviÊ, Snjeæana Vego, Davor KlariÊ, Renata SvetiÊ, Milena Rogulj, Ruæa Hodak, duo I-gle, duo Boudoir i mnogi drugi. Pojam primijenjene modne umjetnosti je i stvoren kad je netko od autora svojim radom nadmaπio lijepo oblikovanu odjeÊu, dodao joj umjetniËku crtu. Od modnoga je obrta odavno tako nastao umjetniËki obrt. Put hrvatske modne umjetnosti desetljeÊima se i razvijao od umjetniËkog obrta do modnog dizajna, a posljednjih godina i do art dizajna. VeÊ osamdesetih godina grupa modnih Ëlanova ULUPUH-a nazvana Modagram programski se oslanjala na suvremeni modni dizajn viπe nego na primijenjenu umjetnost u izvornom smislu. Danas su oni artdizajneri. Artizirali su hladnu dizajnersku gestu stvorivπi dodanu vrijednost dizajnu. I najljepπe primjere suvremene hrvatske modne umjetnosti. Kamera Vanje ©olina snimila je neke od njih. n
ashion art design in Croatia goes back even before the date of its anniversary! For more than 60 years Croatian fashion designers have created fashion in an artistic way. And since then they have been members of the Croatian Association of Applied Fine Arts, and yet they are celebrating only their 35th anniversary in their gallery. In the past, fashion art appeared solely in the form of sketches. Models
were drawn and discussed, but they were not made according to the sketches! At least not until 1976 when the Section for Fashion Design was established and the very name of the section implied that the models were not only sketched but also produced. Today we know that the greatest fashion names in Croatia come from ULUPUH’s nest or join it: Branka Donassy, Dæenisa PecotiÊ, Nada Doπen, Ante TonËi VladislaviÊ, Snjeæana Vego, Davor KlariÊ, Renata SvetiÊ, Milena Rogulj, Ruæa Hodak, the design duo I-gle, the duo Boudoir and many others! The concept of applied fashion art was created when some of the authors surpassed the beautifully fashioned clothing with their actual works. They added an artistic touch to them. A long time ago fashion craftsmanship developed into arts craftsmanship. Over the decades, the path of Croatian fashion art developed from arts craftsmanship into fashion design, and over the recent years into art design! As early as in the 80s, a group of ULUPUH members called Modagram had a program which relied on contemporary fashion design more than on applied art in its original sense. Today, they are art designers. They made art out of a cold design concept, creating a value-added design, and produced some of the most beautiful examples of contemporary Croatian fashion art. Vanja ©olin’s camera captured some of them. n CROATIA AIRLINES
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Dizajn/design by I-GLE (Martina Vrdoljak RaniloviÊ i Nataša MihaljËišin)
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Dizajn/design by Nada Došen CROATIA AIRLINES
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Dizajn/design by Dženisa PecotiÊ
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$'9$1&( <285 &$5((5 Through advanced theory and current case studies students develop leadership skills. The program enables them to apply the latest economic knowledge and prepares them for successful corporate leadership on today’s dynamic marketplace.
MASTER OF SCIENCE Service Leadership and Innovation Human Resource Development
Participants learn how to design effective strategies, shaping their managerial skills, develop innovative services tailored to the needs of end users, encourage creative and innovative ways of thinking, learn how to align the quality of service with the highest international standards and effectively manage human resources.
The American College of Management and Technology (RIT/ACMT), in Zagreb, offers you the opportunity to get a Master of Science degree from a leading U.S. university, Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), for two Master of Science programs: Human Resource Development and Service Leadership and Innovation. All classes are in English and all of the top-ranked lecturers come from Rochester Institute of Technology, NY, USA. The structure of the programs You will find high business education standards and an experienced faculty committed to teaching, a place of accelerated learning, similar to what one might find in a multinational corporate experience. A master’s degree can be completed while maintaining full-time employment status with courses offered in the evenings and on the weekends. Both programs are intensive; each consisting of 12 courses including an independent graduate project/thesis. Interested candidates must hold a bachelors degree (or an equivalent 4 year degree).
Human Resource Development The Master of Science in Human Resource Development program prepares participants to influence the human assets of an organization to positively impact organizational outcomes. The program in Zagreb is delivered by Rochester Institute of Technology which has been offering this Master of Science program for more than 25 years.
The program is designed for participants who are eager to build new competencies in training, instructional design, talent management, and employee development; managers who want to encourage employees to reach their potential; and individuals interested in starting a career in the human resource field. The curriculum combines a competency-focused program with the solid scholarship, writing, and analytical skills required of today’s human resource professional.
Service Leadership and Innovation Master of Science in Service Leadership and Innovation provides participants with advanced economic knowledge and understanding of business management with a focus on the services segment. The program is multidisciplinary, designed for professionals from different fields who wish to acquire advanced knowledge and skills in the field of management and leadership in order to build effective managers.
Internationally recognized diploma Upon graduation, participants gain an internationally recognized diploma, a Master of Science in Service Leadership and Innovation, or a Master of Science in Human Resource Development from the American university Rochester Institute of Technology, which secures them more competitiveness in the labour market and new business opportunities worldwide.
RIT/ACMT offers Bachelor of Science programs: t Information Technology (Dubrovnik, Zagreb) t International Business (Zagreb) t Tourism, Hospitality and Service Management (Dubrovnik)
Highest business education standards The curriculum of study is aligned with the highest standards of business education at the Rochester Institute of Technology. According to the prestigious U.S. Princeton Review and U.S. News & World Report magazines, RIT University master programs were named one of the best in the United States.
To learn more about RIT/ACMT’s Bachelor of Science and Master of Science programs please contact: Dubrovnik, Don Frana Bulića 6, t.+ 385 (0) 20 433 000
Zagreb, Ilica 242, t. +385 (0)1 643 9100 CROATIA AIRLINES
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Dizajn / design by Branka Donassy
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Travel through time Putujte kroz vrijeme Experience nine adventures, treat your taste buds to a myriad of new flavours close to home, in Istria. Go on a journey through the amazing past of this peninsula through Istria Inspirit’s re-enactments, feasts and plays. Be a guest at a Roman feast, stroll through Napoleon’s town, escape from a murky dungeon, watch an inquisition and burning at the stake, meet mythological creatures from the past, dance at a baroque ball or dive into the darkness of a deep coal mine. Enjoy performaces of well-versed actors at authentic locations and gastronomic delicacies from that particular period, included in every event. Try the foods of Roman emperors and poor fishermen, then dance and enjoy the amazing history the Istrian peninsula has to offer.
Doživite devet avantura, isprobajte bezbroj okusa, a sve to na dohvat ruke, u Istri. Provedite nezaboravne sate u dalekoj prošlosti, oživljenoj kroz Istra Inspirit programe. Budite gost na rimskoj gozbi, prošećite Napoleonovim gradićem, pobjegnite iz tamnice, prisustvujte spaljivanju vještice, upoznajte čudesna bića iz davnina, zaplešite na baroknom balu i zaronite u mrak rudnika. Na putovanju kroz vrijeme pratit će vas vrhunski glumci, u prirodnom okruženju, a svaki izlet u prošlost uključuje i gastronomski užitak tog vremena. Jedite kao rimski car ili siromašni ribar, pa plešite, zabavite se, iznenadite i razonodite u čudesnoj prošlosti Istre.
Mythical creatures of Istria
Jules Verne: Escape from the castle
The Miner’s Republic
1000 bc
Labin 1900
Mare the witch
The lighthouse of love
Old Buzet
Booking & information tel: + 385 (0) 52 880 088 e-mail:
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Piše/By Ana Muhar Fotografije/Photos Vanja Šolin
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Za ljubitelje sportskih spektakala top je odredište ovoga ljeta, nema sumnje, London. Britanska Êe metropola 27. srpnja zasjati u znaku olimpijskog plamena i tako nastaviti tradiciju koja je poËela prije gotovo tri tisuÊe godina u staroj GrËkoj. Ovoga ljeta London postaje jedini grad u povijesti u kojemu su Olimpijske igre modernog doba odræane Ëak triput. The top destination for enthusiasts of sporting spectacles this summer is, without a doubt, London. On 27 July the British metropolis will shine in the light of the Olympic flame and thus continue the tradition that began nearly three thousand years ago in ancient Greece. This summer London will become the first city in history to have hosted the Olympic Games three times.
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Olympic Stadium - interior Design: Populous CROATIA AIRLINES
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ao domaÊin s jedinstvenom tradicijom, jasno je da London ne smije razoËarati. Dodatan pritisak stvara i to πto se u utakmici za status domaÊina Olimpijskih i Paraolimpijskih igara 2012. godine borio joπ jedan sjajan grad: Pariz. Za svoj imperativ London je odabrao i jedinstvenu formulu ∑ u prvome je planu projekta ono πto Êe se dogoditi poπto se olimpijski plamen ugasi. Iako svijet iπËekuje trenutke vrhunskog sporta, za graane Londona kruna igara bit Êe njihovo naslijee. S Olimpijskim i Paraolimpijskim igrama London dobiva posve novo pregrae koje Êe, nesumnjivo, postati poæeljna adresa stanovanja. Ponos i spomenik projekta London 2012. mjesto je njegova odræavanja ∑ Olimpijski
park. Odluka o njegovoj lokaciji iznenadila je mnoge ∑ Ëvoriπte neuglednih predgraa Hackney, Leytonstone, Stratford i Pudding Mill na krajnjem istoku grada malo se kome Ëinila kao poæeljno odrediπte za uvjerljivo najvaæniji sportski dogaaj na svijetu. No, Jerome Frost, u ime organizacijskog odbora Olympic Delivery Authority, objaπnjava: − London je specifiËno mjesto odræavanja takve sportske manifestacije. Mi se ne trebamo koristiti Olimpijskim igrama kako bismo u svijesti javnosti postavili grad kao svjetsku metropolu. London to jest i bez igara. Zato se koristimo ovom prilikom da predstavimo sasvim novi model takvog projekta u kojemu Êe grad dobiti potpuno novo predgrae, koje Êe biti ne samo turistiËka atrakcija, nego i nova adresa za mnoge graane. Tako su Olimpijske igre postale jedinstveni masteroplan gradskog redizajna. Stratfordu, zagaenomu i zapuπtenom podruËju istoËnog Londona, potpuno je promijenjeno lice; impresivne graevine povezane su mostovima, zasaeno je Ëak 4000 stabala i postavljeno obilje zelenih povrπina, koje je pripremalo Ëak 60 znanstvenika kako bi oneËiπÊenu zemlju ∑ obujma tako velikoga da bi mogao napuniti Royal Albert Hall, jednu od najveÊih koncertnih dvorana u zemlji ∑ osposobili za sadnju. Sagraeno je i umjetno brdaπce s kojega se pruæa pogled na srediπte Londona i iskopana rijeka Lee za koju je prije malo tko znao, jer zagubila se u gomili otpada zapuπtenog Pudding Milla. Danas, æivahna i Ëista, vijuga ispod mostiÊa. Olimpijski park svojevrsni je showroom neËega o Ëemu Britanci gotovo da i nemaju konkurencije: vrtlarstva. Naime, jedna od atrakcija Olimpijskog parka bit Êe tipiËni, iako znatno uveÊani, engleski vrt. Cijeli park cvjeta i zeleni se engleskom travom. Kako bi osigurali impresivne vrtove, znanstvenici su pronaπli naËin da odgode cvjetanje i osiguraju da cvijeÊe ostane lijepo puna tri mjeseca. Za cjelokupnu investiciju takvih razmjera u normalnim okolnostima trebalo bi 25 godina, govore nam organizatori. U Londonu je sve stvoreno za πest godina. Tijekom gradnje na gradiliπtu bi u jednom danu radilo viπe od 12.000 radnika. Ukupno je u projektu London 2012. ukljuËeno 30.000 osoba. Jedan je od vaænih predstavnika te vrijedne skupine Jim Heverin, predstavnik slavnog arhitektonskog ureda Zaha Hadid Architects, koji potpisuje jednu od najzapaæenijih zgrada Olimpijskih i Paraolimpijskih igara ∑ Aquatics Center. − NaËin na koji je London pristupio projektu, jedinstven je; njihova je odluka bila da sport
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na neki naËin bude stavljen u drugi plan. Ovim se projektom oni koriste kao neËim Ëime mogu obnoviti dio grada koji prije nije privlaËio razvoj. Olimpijske igre dolaze i odlaze i uvijek postoji politiËka rasprava o njihovoj skupoÊi i onome πto uistinu ostavljaju gradu. Mislim da je London uspio u onome πto su mnogi prije priæeljkivali; πto se tiËe Olimpijskih i Paraolimpijskih igara, nije rijeË samo o glamuru i slavi, nego i o onome πto ostaje gradu − govori Heverin, koji je projekt ovoga proljeÊa predstavio i ZagrepËanima na poziv Britanskog veleposlanstva u Zagrebu. Fokus tima Zahe Hadid, sastavljenoga od sedamnaest arhitekata, bio je da nakon igara Aquatics centar ne ostane neiskoriπten. Tijekom Olimpijskih i Paraolimpijskih igara to Êe biti mjesto odræavanja natjecanja u plivanju, paraolimpijskom plivanju, ronjenju i sinkroniziranom plivanju, s prostorom za 17.000 gledatelja. No, impresivna graevina, s krovom u obliku vala duæine 160 metara, uveseljavat Êe posjetitelje i poslije igara, kad Êe biti prostor za plivanje, kojim Êe se sluæiti lokalne zajednice, πkole, klubovi kao i profesionalni plivaËi, uz 2500 mjesta za gledatelje. Poruka je londonskih arhitekata jasna. O arhitekturi ne treba Ëitati, nego je doæivjeti. NadahnuÊe za to golemo zdanje s dva bazena i jednim dodatnim za ronjenje Zaha Hadid je, kako je sama opisala, pronaπla u fluidnoj geometriji vode u kretanju. Posjetiocima zgrade Ëinit Êe se kao da im se pribliæava golemi val. Srediπnja je graevina parka olimpijski stadion, koji Êe tijekom igara primati 80.000 posjetitelja, πto je, kako bismo si lakπe predoËili, neπto manje od populacije Pule. Ovdje Êe se, izmeu ostaloga, odræati ceremonije otvaranja i zatvaranja Olimpijskih igara. Impozantna je graevina Velodrom, prvo mjesto u svijetu koje ujedinjava sve biciklistiËke discipline. Obloæena u sibirsku borovinu, djeluje kao da je sva od drveta. S paletom impozantnih zdanja i vrtoglavim sportskim rezultatima, dogaaj Êe nesumnjivo biti nezaboravan za posjetitelje iz cijeloga svijeta. No, Ëak i London, koji je naviknuo na status jednoga od najposjeÊenijih turistiËkih odrediπta svijeta, osposobljavanje infrastrukture tijekom igara smatra velikim izazovom. Procjenjuje se da na dan otvaranja igara, 27. srpnja, na Heathrow slijeÊe 10.000 stranih novinara i najmanje 500.000 ostalih putnika. Broj zaprimljene prtljage toga dana na Heathrowu bit Êe viπe od 200.000. Broj dopuπtenih letova veÊ je smanjen, sa 44 polijetanja i slijetanja po satu na 36 polijetanja i slijetanja. OËekivanih 240 dræavnih letova i 3000 privatnih bit Êe preusmjereno u druge zraËne luke. Ni Obaminu Air Force One neÊe biti moguÊe 136
sletjeti na Heathrow. Prometna infrastruktura za gradske je vlasti istodobno izazov i test, baπ kao uostalom i cijeli projekt London 2012. Preureenom stanicom podzemne Stratford navodno Êe se koristiti 800.000 osoba. U stankama od sportskih dogaanja posjetitelji Êe zacijelo proπetati shopping centrom Westfield Stratford, najveÊim u Europi, na gotovo 200.000 Ëetvornih metara. U iduÊih nekoliko godina, procjenjuje se, umjesto 300 stanovnika koji su æivjeli na mjestu parka, æivjet Êe nekoliko tisuÊa. Gradi se i πkola za 1500 uËenika. Blokovi zgrada, koji Êe biti dom za 10.000 sportaπa iz cijelog svijeta i gotovo 7000 zaposlenika Olimpijskih i Paraolimpijskih igara, nakon ovoga ljeta postat Êe stambeni. Zato se svaki blok zgrada razlikuje ∑ djela su to sedmorice razliËitih arhitekata; izvoaËi su mislili na to da nakon igara to treba postati Ëetvrt za sebe i imati izgled naselja, a ne sportskog parka. Olimpijski park nazvan je prema kraljici Elizabeti II., koja ove godine slavi Dijamantni jubilej. Nakon kraljice Viktorije, ona najduæe vlada monarhijom u povijesti Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva. Uza sportsku krunu svijeta − Olimpijske i Paraolimpijske igre ∑ London je ovoga ljeta uistinu kraljevski grad. n
s a host with such a unique tradition it is quite clear that London can not disappoint. Additional pressure comes from the fact that another great city competed in the battle for the status of host of the Olympic and Paralympic Games of 2012: Paris. London chose a unique formula for its imperative ∑ the forefront of the project focused on what would happen after the Olympic flame was extinguished. While the world is awaiting great sporting moments, for the citizens of London the crown of the games will be their legacy. The Olympic and Paralympic Games will provide London with a completely new suburb which will undoubtedly become a desirable residential address. The pride and monument of the project London 2012 is the place it will be held ∑ Olympic Park. The decision regarding its location came as a surprise to many ∑ the junction of the drab suburbs of Hackney, Leytonstone, Stratford and Pudding Mill on the far eastern edge of the city did not seem like a desirable destination for the most important sporting event in the world. However, Jerome Frost explained this choice to the Organizing Committee of the Olympic Delivery Authority: − London is a specific venue for this type of sports manifestation. We do not need to use the Olympic Games as a way to inform the public that this is a world metropolis.
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8QIRUJHWWDEOH ([SHULHQFHV ([FOXVLYHO\ ([SHUWO\ :LWK Globtour Event. Havens of horticulture
Explore Croatiaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s natural bounty in botanical gardens and arboretums. 7UHHV DQG VKUXEV SODQW DQG Ă RZHU collections.From the Adriatic coast to inner Croatia, havens of natureâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s beauty.
White Gold Prospecting 6DOW ² D VRXUFH RI 'DOPDWLD¡V ZHDOWK VLQFH DQFLHQW WLPHV ² ZKLWH JROG 'LVFRYHU KRZ VHD GURS EHFRPHV VDOW crystal and explore its culture. From Nin to Pag to Ston, from saltpickers to cheese-turners to lace-makers. &RPH SURVSHFW IRU ZKLWH JROG LQ WKH unspoilt beauty of its natural heritage.
Literary Legends
Step into the era of Croatiaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s most FHOHEUDWHG ZULWHUV :LWK 6HQRD WR WKH FDIp KH PDGH KLV RZQ With Matos to the beauty in his dreams. With brave Zagorka and then the mother of &URDWLDQ IDLU\WDOHV LQWR KHU VHFUHW ZRUOG &RPH H[SORUH RXU OHJHQGDU\ ZULWHUV ² DQG their legends.
The exciting northern croatian coast
just 150 km from Zagreb FUN RIJEKA CITY BREAKS : Become an insider of Rijeka! The original HiTech WiFi tour Women`s fashion tour ....... FUN LOCAL CUISINE COOKING CLASSES FUN LOCAL DANCING CLASSES
Play That Song Again
Take a romantic journey, back to Zagreb and Opatija of the 50s and 60s. Summer terraces and cabaret clubs, vintage cars and orchestras. Dancing and live music at every corner, playing that song again.
Taste the Place $ QHZ FKDSWHU LQ WKH DQFLHQW VWRU\ RI &URDWLDQ ZLQH ([SORUH HDUO\ ZLQHPDNLQJ DQG WUDGLWLRQDO barrel-craft. Discover picturesque vineyards and gently rolling country. $QG WDVWH WKH FXOWXUH RI WKRVH ZKRVH story it is. Experience Croatia with the experts. Contact us on: +3851 488 1113
Raznolika sjevernojadranska obala
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122_ London.indd 137
6/12/12 4:58 PM
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122_ London.indd 138
6/12/12 4:58 PM
London is already that, without the Games. Therefore, we are taking this opportunity to present an entirely new model for this type of project in which the city will gain a completely new suburb, which will not only be a tourist attraction but a new address for many of the city’s citizens. The Olympic Games have become a unique master plan for urban redesign. Stratford, a polluted and neglected area in the east of London, has been given a complete facelift; impressive building have been connected by bridges, roughly 4000 trees have been planted and there is now plenty of green space which was previously contaminated land. As many as 60 scientists worked to prepare the soil for planting, and its volume was so vast that it could fill the interior of Royal Albert Hall, one of the largest concert halls in the country. An artificial hill has been constructed which commands a view of the centre of London, and the Lee River has been dug out. There are few people who even knew this river existed as it had been lost below the mounds of waste in abandoned Pudding Mill. Today, vibrant and clean, the river meanders under the bridges. Olympic Park is a sort of showroom for something that the British hardly have any competition in: gardening. Namely, one of the attractions of Olympic Park will be the typical, although significantly enlarged, English garden. The entire park is blooming and is green from the English grass. In order to guarantee impressive gardens, scientists found a way to delay flowering and ensure that the flowers remain beautiful for three full months. The organizers tell us that under normal circumstances an investment of this magnitude would require 25 years. In
London, everything was created in six years. During construction there were more than 12,000 workers on the site in one day. In total, the London 2012 project included 30,000 people. One of the important representatives of this hardworking group of people is Jim Heverin, the representative of the famous architectural company Zaha Hadid Architects, which is responsible for one of the most distinguished buildings of the Olympic and Paralympic Games ∑ Aquatics Center. − The way in which London approached the project was quite unique; their decision was to put sports in the background, in some way. They used this project as a way to regenerate a part of the city which had not previously attracted development. The Olympic Games come and go and there is always a political debate about their high cost and what they really leave the city. I think that London has succeeded in what many others had desired earlier; that the Olympic and Paralympic Games are not only about glamour and fame, but about what remains in the city, says Heverin, who presented this project to the citizens of Zagreb earlier this spring at the request of the British Embassy in Zagreb. The focus of the Zaha Hadid team, which was comprised of 17 architects, was for the Aquatics Center to continue to be used after the Games. During the Olympic and Paralympic Games this venue, which can accommodate 17,000 spectators, will host the competitions in swimming, paralympic swimming, diving and synchronized swimming. However, the impressive structure, with a roof shaped like a 160 meter long wave, will entertain visitors even after the Games. It will be a place for
swimming that will serve the local communities, schools, clubs and professional swimmers, and will have 2,500 seats for spectators. The message from the London architects is clear: Architecture should not be read about, but rather experienced. According to the company’s Zaha Hadid herself, she found the inspiration for this huge building with two pools and another one for diving in the fluid geometry of water in motion. Visitors to the building will have the impression that they are being approached by a huge wave. The central building of the park is the Olympic stadium, which during the Games will receive
122_ London.indd 139
6/12/12 4:58 PM
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80,000 people; slightly less than the population of Pula. Here the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic Games will take place, among other events. Another imposing building is the Velodrome, the first place in the world that combines all cycling disciplines. Clad in Siberian pinewood, it seems as if the entire structure is made of wood. With a range of impressive buildings and head spinning sporting results, the event will undoubtedly be an unforgettable experience for visitors from around the world. However, even for London, which is used to the status as one of the most visited tourists destinations in the world, making its infrastructure function without a glitch during the Games is considered a huge challenge. It is estimated that 10,000 foreign journalist and at least 500,000 other travellers will land at Heathrow Airport on the opening day of the Games, 27 July. There will be more than 200,000 pieces of luggage received at Heathrow on that day. The number of permitted flights has already been reduced, from 44 takeoffs and landings per hour down to 36. The expected 240 domestic flights and 3000 private flights will be redirected to other airports. Not even Obama’s Air Force One will be allowed to land at Heathrow. The transport infrastructure is both a challenge and a test for the city administration, just like the entire London 2012 project. The revamped Stratford subway station will apparently be used by 800,000 people. During breaks from the sports events visitors will surely talk a walk through the Westfield Stratford shopping centre, the largest in Europe with almost 200,000 square meters. It is estimated that over the next few years the 300 or so residents who used to live in the area which is now covered by the Olympic Park, will increase to a few thousand. A school for 1500 students is also being built. The blocks of buildings that will be home to 10,000 athletes from all around the world and the nearly 7,000 employees of the Olympic and Paralympic Games will become residential buildings after the summer. That is why each building block is different and the work of seven different architects; the developers thought that after the Games this should be a neighbourhood in itself and have the appearance of a village, not a sports park. Olympic Park is named after Queen Elizabeth II, who this year celebrates her Diamond Jubilee which makes her the longest reigning monarch in the history of the United Kingdom after Queen Victoria. Along with being the crown of world sports − the Olympic and Paralympic Games − London will truly be a royal city this summer. n
6/12/12 4:58 PM
LANVIN, BALENCIAGA, AZZEDINE ALAร A, YVES SAINT LAURENT, GIVENCHY, BALMAIN, MAISON MARTIN MARGIELA, RICK OWENS, 67(//$ 0&&$571(< &ะด/,1( %85%(55< 3525680 0$51, 9,211(7 $/(;$1'(5 :$1* $&1( )$/,(52 6$57, 0$,621 0,&+(/ 720 %,116 (5,&.621 %($021 1$7$/,$ %5,//, 1,&+2/$6 .,5.:22' *,$19,72 5266, %85$. 8<$1 3285 0$5,$ /,1'$ )$552: /8;( 12,6 5(' /,1( 67(,'/ )/$00$5,21 6.,5$ 0DULD =DJUHE 0DVDU\NRYD 0DULD 'XEURYQLN 6Y 'RPLQLND EE 2XWOHW 'XEURYQLN &YLMHWH =X]RULรพ Outlet Zagreb, Centar Kaptol, Nova Ves 17 01-4860843 CROATIA AIRLINES 141
122_ London.indd 141
6/12/12 4:58 PM
138_ Olimpijski uspj.indd 142
6/12/12 5:08 PM
Ovog ljeta na Olimpijskim igrama, koje Êe se treÊi put u povijesti odræati u Londonu, bodrit Êemo hrvatske vaterpoliste, rukometaπe, atletiËare, bicikliste, gimnastiËare, hrvaËe, jedriliËare, strijelce, taekwondaπe, veslaËe… U 20 godina samostalnoga olimpijskog puta hrvatskih sportaπa svjedoËili smo njihovim vrhunskim sportskim dostignuÊima, na koje podsjeÊamo ovim fotografijama i tekstom koji je pred vama. At the Olympic Games this summer, which will be held in London for the third time in history, we will cheer on the Croatian athletes in water polo, handball, athletics, cycling, gymnastics, wrestling, sailing, shooting, taekwondo, rowing... In the 20 years of the independent Piše/By Manuela Senteri i/and Radica Jurkin, HOO Fotografije/Photos Nenad Reberšak i/and HOO
sada, dame i gospodo, siguran sam da nitko od vas neÊe ostati sjediti. Ustanimo i pozdravimo: Hrvatska prvi put na Olimpijskim igrama! − tim je rijeËima sluæbeni voditelj sveËanosti otvaranja Zimskih olimpijskih igara (ZOI) u Albertvilleu 8. veljaËe 1992. najavio prvu hrvatsku olimpijsku delegaciju. Hrvatski su sportaπi prvi put nastupili na olimpijskim igrama pod vlastitom zastavom, i to samo 17 dana poπto je Meunarodni olimpijski odbor (MOO) privremeno priznao Hrvatski olimpijski odbor (HOO). Prvo malobrojno sportsko izaslanstvo, meu kojima ugledno klizaËko ime Sanda DubravËiÊ ©imunjak, prva i jedina πefica Misije, te prvi predsjednik HOO-a i danas poËasni Ëlan MOO-a Antun Vrdoljak, potvrdit Êe dirljivost Ëasnog i dostojanstvenog uvoda u sve iduÊe izvanredne olimpijske nastupe hrvatskih sportaπa, koje pratimo do danas. VeÊ nekoliko mjeseci poslije, na Olimpijskim igrama u Barceloni 1992., hrvatski su sportaπi na najbolji moguÊi naËin predstavili svoju domovinu. Goran IvaniπeviÊ i Goran PrpiÊ osvojili su u konkurenciji parova broncu, nakon Ëega je Goran IvaniπeviÊ u pojedinaËnoj konkurenciji osvojio joπ jedno bronËano odliËje. IvaniπeviÊ, Ëetverostruki olimpijac, osvajaË dviju bronËanih olimpijskih medalja,
Olympic history of Croatian athletes we have witnessed many supreme sports achievements, which we would like to remind you of with these photos and text that are before you.
najuspjeπniji je hrvatski tenisaË svih vremena. Osvojio je 22 ATP turnira, a njegova priËa o osvajanju Wimbledona 2001. jedna je od najljepπih ikad ispriËanih u svijetu sporta. Naime, nakon tri poraza u wimbledonskim finalima, za nastup 2001. bila mu je potrebna pozivnica organizatora. Nije mogao igrati na osnovi rankinga, jer u tom je trenutku bio 125. igraË svijeta. Ipak, organizatori su mu dali pozivnicu, æeleÊi se na najljepπi naËin oprostiti od trostrukog finalista. Nitko nije vjerovao u njegovu pobjedu. Od 1877., otkad se igra u Wimbledonu, igraË s pozivnicom nije doπao do zavrπnice, a kamoli osvojio turnir − do 2001., kad je IvaniπeviÊ nakon velike teniske drame slavio naslov wimbledonskog prvaka. Na OI Barcelona 1992. poËela je i jedna velika hrvatska sportska bajka. Koπarkaπi su osvojili srebrnu medalju igrajuÊi u finalu protiv reprezentacije SAD-a. Upravo zbog prvog nastupa ameriËkih profesionalaca iz NBA lige na olimpijskim igrama, turnir u Barceloni bio je u srediπtu zanimanja svjetske sportske javnosti. Bio je to nezaboravan dvoboj velikana poput Michaela Jordana, Larryja Birda, Magica Johnsona, Scottieja Pippena, Tonija KukoËa, Dine Rae i legendarnog kapetana Draæena PetroviÊa. Draæen, trostruki olimpijac, osvajaË dviju srebrnih i jedne bronËane medalje, 1992. CROATIA AIRLINES
138_ Olimpijski uspj.indd 143
6/14/12 6:13 AM
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6/12/12 5:08 PM
IX[e`ĂžbX Z\jkX ,' >i\\e >fc[ :\ekXi \kX X $( (' ''' QX^i\Y K\c1 '( -++ *-'. =Xo1 '( -++ *-'/ `e]f7c\jgfekj%_i E\f[fca`m` Xid ]iXeZljb\ ^Xjkifefd`a\ Gim` Xlk\ek`Ăže` ]iXeZljb` i\jkfiXe l QX^i\Yl%
igraĂ&#x2039; New Jersey Netsa, slovio je za najboljeg Europljanina koji je do tada igrao u NBA ligi. Na ĂŚalost, samo godinu dana poslije, u 29. godini, tragiĂ&#x2039;no je stradao, a Hrvatska je ostala bez jednoga od najveĂ&#x160;ih svojih sportaĎ&#x20AC;a svih vremena. Njemu u Ă&#x2039;ast u parku Olimpijskog muzeja u Lausannei otkriven je 1995. spomenik, a 2002. uvrĎ&#x20AC;ten je u KoĎ&#x20AC;arkaĎ&#x20AC;ku kuĂ&#x160;u slavnih (Hall of Fame). VeĂ&#x160; na Olimpijskim igrama u Atlanti 1996., zbog zlatnog odliĂ&#x2039;ja rukometaĎ&#x20AC;a, hrvatska je zastava podignuta na najviĎ&#x20AC;i jarbol pobjedniĂ&#x2039;kog postolja i odsvirana hrvatska himna. Bilo je to prvo hrvatsko momĂ&#x2039;adsko zlato. Drugo su odliĂ&#x2039;je, srebrno, osvojili izvanredni vaterpolisti. Na OI u Sydneyu 2000. dizaĂ&#x2039; utega Nikolaj PeĎ&#x20AC;alov osvojio je prvu hrvatsku zlatnu medalju u pojedinaĂ&#x2039;noj konkurenciji, a u Ateni 2004. okitio se i broncom. U Sydneyu se iskazao i naĎ&#x20AC; veslaĂ&#x2039;ki osmerac, osvojivĎ&#x20AC;i broncu i ostavivĎ&#x20AC;i iza sebe veslaĂ&#x2039;ke velesile poput Italije i SAD. Na Igrama u Ateni 2004. rukometaĎ&#x20AC;i su ponovili uspjeh i donijeli drugo zlatno rukometno odliĂ&#x2039;je samostalnoj Hrvatskoj. Duje Draganja, sa srebrom iz Atene, zasluĂŚan je za prvu hrvatsku medalju u plivanju od osamostaljenja. ViĎ&#x20AC;estruki olimpijci, veslaĂ&#x2039;i SiniĎ&#x20AC;a Skelin i NikĎ&#x20AC;a Skelin, osvojili su srebro, a Mario AnĂ&#x2039;iĂ&#x160; i Ivan LjubiĂ&#x2039;iĂ&#x160; bronĂ&#x2039;anom medaljom u tenisu u igri parova zaokruĂŚili, po broju medalja, najplodnije olimpijske igre od hrvatske samostalnosti. Na OI u Pekingu 2008. svoju su izvrsnost pokazale redom hrvatske sportaĎ&#x20AC;ice, njih Ă&#x2039;etiri, uz Filipa Udea, prvog i zasad jedinoga hrvatskoga gimnastiĂ&#x2039;ara s olimpijskom medaljom. Njegovo je srebro na konju s hvataljkama izniman domet vrijedan posebnog mjesta u hrvatskoj sportskoj povijesti. Blanka VlaĎ&#x20AC;iĂ&#x160; CROATIA AIRLINES
138_ Olimpijski uspj.indd 145
6/12/12 5:09 PM
je osvojila srebro u skoku u vis ∑ prvo hrvatsko atletsko odliËje na olimpijskim igrama u povijesti hrvatskog sporta. Snjeæana PejËiÊ osvojila je prvi dan igara broncu u streljaπtvu i prva je hrvatska sportaπica koja je osvojila olimpijsku medalju na ljetnim olimpijskim igrama. BronËane su bile i taekwondaπice Martina ZubËiÊ i Sandra ©ariÊ. Na ZOI u Salt Lake Cityju 2002. svjetski je sport u punom sjaju upoznao novu skijaπku kraljicu Janicu KosteliÊ, koja je osvojila ni manje ni viπe nego tri zlatne i jednu srebrnu medalju. Bile su to prve hrvatske olimpijske medalje u zimskim sportovima uopÊe. Poslije, na ZOI u Torinu 2006. godine, osvojit Êe joπ po jednu zlatnu i jednu srebrnu. Janica, trostruka olimpijka neponovljive olimpijske karijere, najuspjeπnija je alpska skijaπica u povijesti zimskih olimpijskih igara i najbolja hrvatska sportaπica svih vremena. Osvojila je pet naslova svjetske prvakinje, tri naslova pobjednice svjetskog kupa, u kojemuje pobjeivala 30 puta u svim disciplinama. Na olimpijskim je igrama prvi put nastupila u Naganu 1998., gdje je kao 16-godiπnjakinja bila najmlaa alpska skijaπica. ZOI u Torinu 2006. navijestile su briljantnu olimpijsku i sportsku karijeru JaniËina brata Ivice KosteliÊa, koji je osvojio srebrnu medalju, prvu hrvatsku olimpijsku medalju na zimskim olimpijskim igrama u muπkoj konkurenciji uopÊe. Na ZOI Vancouver 2010. briljirao je s joπ dva srebra, a da je jedan od najsvestranijih skijaπa danaπnjice, potvrdio je osvajanjem Velikoga kristalnog globusa u sezoni 2010./2011. godine. Igre u Vancouveru, upisom bronËanog odliËja Jakova Faka u biatlonu, potvrdile su da je kapital hrvatskoga zimskog sporta neiscrpan. U 20 godina samostalnoga olimpijskog puta hrvatskih sportaπa svjedoËili smo vrhunskim sportskim dostignuÊima. HOO kao vrhovno sportsko tijelo Hrvatske briæno je vodio raËuna o razvoju hrvatskog sporta. U svim svojim zadacima za partnere je imao jednako tako druπtveno odgovorne hrvatske kompanije, meu kojima je i Croatia Airlines, koji od 2001. godine prevozi hrvatske olimpijce na olimpijske igre te je sluæbeni zraËni prijevoznik svih hrvatskih sportaπa. U Londonu, dvostrukom domaÊinu Olimpijskih igara (1908. i 1948.), od 27. srpnja do 12. kolovoza 2012. odræat Êe se igre XXX. olimpijade − OI London 2012. Olimpijadom nazivamo razdoblje od Ëetiri kalendarske godine, koje poËinje 1. sijeËnja u godini odræavanja olimpijskih igara, a zavrπava 31. prosinca Ëetvrte godine te se neprekinuto broje od Prvih olimpijskih igara modernog doba u Ateni 1896. godine. Tako je 1. sijeËnja 146
138_ Olimpijski uspj.indd 146
6/12/12 5:09 PM
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138_ Olimpijski uspj.indd 147
6/12/12 5:09 PM
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138_ Olimpijski uspj.indd 148
6/14/12 6:23 AM
2012. poËela, a 31. prosinca 2015. zavrπit Êe XXX. olimpijada. Hrvatska olimpijska delegacija u Londonu 2012. mogla bi imati stotinjak natjecatelja. Do zakljuËenja ovog broja nastup na igrama u Londonu osigurali su vaterpolisti i rukometaπi u momËadskim sportovima, a u pojedinaËnima atletiËari, biciklisti, gimnastiËari, hrvaËi, jedriliËari, strijelci, taekwondaπi i veslaËi. Vjerujemo da hrvatska i svjetska sportska javnost s razlogom raËunaju na izvanredne sportske dosege mnogobrojnih sportaπa, meu kojima su Sandra PerkoviÊ u atletici, sestre blizanke Ana i Lucija ZaninoviÊ u taekwondou, veslaËki Ëetverac, jedriliËari, rukometaπi i vaterpolisti. Æelimo im mnogo uspjeha! n
nd now, ladies and gentlemen, I am sure no one will be able to stay in their seats. Let us stand up and greet them: Croatia is at the Olympic Games for the first time! − these were the words of the master of ceremonies at the opening of the Winter Olympic Games in Albertville on 8 February 1992, when he announced the first Croatian Olympic Team. Croatian athletes competed under their own flag at the Olympic Games for the first time only 17 days after the International Olympic Committee temporarily acknowledged the Croatian Olympic Committee. The first delegation was small in number, comprising, among others, Sanda DubravËiÊ ©imunjak, a renowned name in figure skating and the first and only female head of the delegation, as well as the first president of the Croatian Olympic Committee and currently an honourable member of the International Olympic Committee, Antun Vrdoljak. He can confirm that the first appearance of Croatian athletes was very emotional and dignified, and this led to the excellent Olympic results that followed which we have all witnessed since then. A few months later, at the Olympic Games in Barcelona in 1992, Croatian athletes presented their country in the best possible way. Goran IvaniπeviÊ and Goran PrpiÊ won a bronze medal in the doubles tennis competition, and after that Goran IvaniπeviÊ won another bronze medal in the singles tennis competition. IvaniπeviÊ competed four times at the Olympic Games and won two Olympic medals, thus becoming the best Croatian tennis player of all times. He won 22 ATP tournaments, while the story about winning the 2001 Wimbledon is one of the loveliest success stories of all times in the world of sports. Indeed, after three defeats in the Wimbledon finals, he required an invitation from the organiser for the 2001 competition.
138_ Olimpijski uspj.indd 149
He could not compete on the basis of his ranking, because at the time he was ranked 125th in the world. However, the organisers invited him to the competition, in order to say goodbye to a player who had reached the finals three times. No one thought he was going to win. Since 1877, when the Wimbledon tournament was first established, a player with an invitation to compete has never made it to the finals, not to mention has won the tournament - not until 2001, when IvaniπeviÊ ended a big tennis drama and climbed to the throne of Wimbledon. At the 1992 Barcelona Games, the Croatian sports fairy tale started. Our basketball players won a silver medal in the finals against the USA team. Indeed, because of the first appearance of professional athletes from the American NBA at the Olympic Games, the tournament in Barcelona was the centre of attention for the sporting public worldwide. It was an unforgettable battle between the greats, such as Michael Jordan, Larry Bird, Magic Johnson, Scotty Pippen, Toni KukoË, Dino Raa and the legendary captain Draæen PetroviÊ. Draæen, a three-time Olympic competitor, the winner of two silver medals and one bronze medal, a player on the New Jersey Nets in 1992, was known as the best European basketball player ever to play in the NBA. Unfortunately, only a year later, when he was 29, he tragically died and Croatia lost one of its greatest athletes of all times. In 1995, in the park of the Olympic Museum in Lausanne, a monument was dedicated in his honour, and in 2002 he was inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame. As early as the Olympic Games in Atlanta in 1996, thanks to the gold medal won by the handball team, the Croatian fl ag reached the highest point of the winners stand and the Croatian anthem was played. It was the first Croatian gold medal in team sports. The second Croatian medal, a silver one, was won by our excellent water polo athletes. At the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games, our weight lifter, Nikolaj Peπalov, won the first Croatian gold medal in an individual competition, and at the 2004 Athens Games he received a bronze medal. In Sydney, the Croatian eight with coxswain rowing team won a bronze medal, beating out some powerful countries, such as Italy and the USA. At the 2004 Athens Olympic Games, the handball team repeated its success and brought another gold medal to independent Croatia. Thanks to Duje Draganja and his silver medal in Athens, Croatia won its first medal in swimming since its independence. The multiple Olympians, rowers Siniπa Skelin and Nikπa
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6/14/12 6:23 AM
Skelin, won a silver medal, while Mario AnËiÊ and Ivan LjubiËiÊ won a bronze in doubles tennis, therefore rounding out the most successful Olympic Games since Croatia’s independence based on the number of medals. At the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, Croatian female athletes showed their excellence, together with Filip Ude, the first and so far the only Croatian gymnast with an Olympic medal. His silver medal in the pommel horse competition was an exceptional achievement, worthy of a special place in Croatian sports history. Blanka VlaπiÊ won a silver medal in the high jump competition − the first Croatian athletic medal at the Olympic Games in the history of Croatian sports. On the first day of the Games, Snjeæana PejËiÊ won a bronze medal in shooting and became the first Croatian female athlete to win an Olympic medal at the Summer Olympic Games. The taekwondo athletes Martina ZubËiÊ and Sandra ©ariÊ also won bronze medals. At the 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Olympic Games, the global world of sports became acquainted with a new ski queen in all her glory, Janica KosteliÊ. She won as many as three gold medals and one silver medal. Those were the first Croatian Olympic medals in winter sports ever. Later on, at the 2006 Torino Winter Games, she won another gold
medal and again a silver medal. Janica, a three time Olympic competitor with an unmatched Olympic career, is the most successful alpine skier in the history of the Winter Olympic Games and the best Croatian athlete of all times. She won the World Championship five times and the World Cup three times, where she recorded 30 victories in all the disciplines. She first competed at the Olympic Games in Nagan in 1998, when she was only 16 and the youngest alpine skier. The 2006 Torino Winter Games heralded the brilliant Olympic and sports career of Janica’s brother Ivica KosteliÊ, who won a silver medal, the first Croatian Olympic medal at the Winter Games in men’s competition. At the 2010 Vancouver Winter Games he was brilliant and won another two silver medals, and in the 2010/2011 season he confirmed his status as one of today’s most all-round skiers by winning the Big Crystal Globe. The Vancouver Games will also be remembered for the bronze medal won by Jakov Fak in the biathlon, which confirmed Croatia’s unlimited potential in winter sports. In the 20 years of the independent Olympic history of Croatian athletes we have witnessed many supreme sports achievements. The Croatian Olympic Committee, as the highest Croatian sports authority, carefully monitors the development of Croatian sports. In all its activities, the Committee partners up with socially responsible Croatian companies, including Croatia Airlines. Since 2001, Croatian Olympic competitors have travelled to the Olympic Games with Croatia Airlines, and the company is the official airline of all Croatian athletes. From 27 July until 12 August 2012, London, the two-time host of the Olympic Games (in
1908 and in 1948), will host the XXX Olympiad − the 2012 London Olympic Games. The Olympiad is a period of four consecutive calendar years, beginning on 1 January of the first year the Olympic Games take place and ending on 31 December of the fourth year. The Olympiads have been numbered consecutively since the first Olympic Games of modern times in Athens in 1896. Thus the XXX Olympiad started on 1 January 2012 and will end on 31 December 2015. The Croatian Olympic Delegation at the 2012 London Olympic Games may comprise around 100 competitors. At the time this magazine went to print, the water polo and handball teams had secured their participation at the Games in London in team sports, while we will have representatives in athletics, cycling, gymnastics, wrestling, yachting, shooting, taekwondo and rowing in individual sports. We believe that the Croatian and world public have a reason to count on excellent results by many of our athletes, including Sandra PerkoviÊ in athletics, the twin sisters Ana and Lucija ZaninoviÊ in taekwondo, as well as our men’s quadruple sculls rowing team, yachtsmen, handball and water polo players. We wish them all lots of success! n
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Piše/By Tatjana BartakoviÊ Fotografije/Photos Arhiva/Archives DesignAgenda
rad Hvar jedno je od vaænih turistiËkih odrediπta u Hrvatskoj, koje je Lonely Planet svrstao meu prvih pet svjetskih odrediπta za 2012. godinu. A tijekom ljeta, toËnije od 14. srpnja do 15. kolovoza, u jednoj od poznatih renesansnih graevina u Dalmaciji, galeriji Loggia grada Hvara, njegovim posjetiteljima prezentirat Êe se Ëetrdesetak selektiranih proizvoda iz Ëetrnaest domaÊih dizajn brandova (i onih koji to tek postaju). RijeË je o izloæbi Razum&OsjeÊaji, koja se predstavila i u Zagrebu, a premijerno je prikazana i na Beogradskom tjednu dizajna u lipnju. Izloæbu je osmislila Tatjana BartakoviÊ, urednica novog internetskog magazina za inovaciju dizajnom Izloæbom su, kako napominje njezina autorica, predstavljeni zreli vjesnici prekretnice u povije-
sti suvremenoga hrvatskog produkt dizajna, a rijeË je o prototipovima koji su sazreli do proizvoda u svjeæe pokrenutim manufakturama dizajnera, u industriji i hotelijerstvu. Ta nova generacija inovativnih projekata viπe nije samo galerijski artefakt jednog neproizvodnog konteksta, nego predmet æelje mnogih korisnika, dostupan u prodaji i izvan granica Hrvatske. − Nacionalni produkt dizajn, jednako kao i arhitektura, dio je ponosa svake zemlje, jer on je zrcalo njezine konkurentne proizvodnje. Sada u Hrvatskoj slavimo svjeæu træiπnu afirmaciju produkt dizajna, pripovijedajuÊi o njemu pripovijesti, jer one su odraz naπeg identiteta. Æelite li ih podijeliti s nama, doite na izloæbu ovog ljeta u galeriju Loggia na Hvaru ili na − kaže Tatjana BartakoviÊ. n
he town of Hvar is one of the important tourist destinations in Croatia, which has also been ranked among the first five world destinations for the year 2012 by Lonely Planet. During the summer, from 14 July to 15 August, the Loggia Gallery of Hvar, one of most renowned renaissance buildings in Dalmatia, will be the venue for the presentation of around forty selected products by fourteen local brand designers (including those that have yet to become brands). We are talking about the exhibition Common Sense & Sensibility, which has already been held in Zagreb and its premiere was at the Belgrade Design Week in June. The exhibition was conceived by Tatjana BartakoviÊ, the editor of a newly-established internet magazine for innovations by design,
Design Hotel (Maistra, Rovinj, 2011.) / 3LHD architects Element collection in hotel Lone (Element, Intera) CROATIA AIRLINES
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The author of the exhibition points out that it presents certain mature heralds of turning points in the history of contemporary Croatian product design, i.e. prototypes which have matured to products in the freshly-established designers’ manufactures, in the industry and hotel management. This new generation of innovative projects is no longer just a gallery’s artefacts of an unproductive context, but objects of desire for numerous customers, which are available for purchase outside Croatia as well. − National product design, just like architecture, is part of a country’s national pride, because it is a mirror of its competitive production. Croatia is now celebrating the new market recognition of its product design and telling stories about them, because they are a reflection of our
OBLO, didaktiËka igraËka/3D spherical puzzle (Great Circle Works, 2010.) Dizajn/Design: Marko PavloviÊ
identity. If you would like to share them with us, be our guest at the exhibition to be held this summer in the Loggia Gallery of Hvar, or visit, says Tatjana BartakoviÊ. n
BOYA, pribor za crtanje/crayons (Maja MesiÊ Products, 2012.) Dizajn/Design: Maja MesiÊ
PodmetaËi/coasters Felt Flakes (Blablab, 2011.) Dizajn/Design: Ivana VuËiÊ, Orsat FrankoviÊ
SOMEWHERE CITY, The Playful Labyrinth (MoMa NY & STRANGEco) / Dizajn/Design: Goran Lelas
MINI ME, stolna lampa/table lamp Filip Gordon Frank, 2012.) Dizajn/Design: Filip Gordon Frank
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Samoljepljivi kalendar/EVERLASTING ADHESIVE CALENDAR (Blablab, 2011.) Dizajn/Design: Ivana VuËiÊ, Orsat FrankoviÊ
HERE HARE THERE HARE (Little Horse and Baby Beuys, 2011.) / Dizajn/Design: Maja i Mejra MujiËiÊ
StoliÊ/stool Crooked, Dizajn/Design: Ana TevπiÊ
Wave, tabure/pouf (Data by Despot, 2008.) Dizajn/Design: Svjetlana Despot
Sofa Revolve, (Kvadra Design, 2011.), Dizajn/Design: Numen/ForUse+BratoviÊ&Borovnjak CROATIA AIRLINES
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FKY polica/shelf (Element by Intera) / Dizajn/Design: Numen/ForUse
MODEL, lamp (Grupa Products, 2010.) Dizajn/Design: Filip Despot, Tihana Taraba, Ivana PaviÊ.
GOLI&BOSI, Design Hostel (Split, 2010.) / Architecture in tourism
PORTHOS, coffee table (Manufakturist, 2011.) Dizajn/Design: Mia Bogovac, Dora –urkesac, Maπa Milovac.
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spije li grupi od 25 mladih inæenjera, uglavnom magistara i dok tora znanosti s podruËja zrakoplovstva, materijala, automatike, razvojnih programera, matematiËara i elektroniËara da nakon 120.000 uloæenih inæenjerskih sati rada sretno zavrπi treÊu i posljednju fazu izrade Hipersfere, u skoroj Êe buduÊnosti nad nama bdjeti oko s neba. Hipersfera je zraËni brod, vrsta bespilotne letjelice, stratosferska platforma prozirnoga, elipsastog oblika napetoga reπetkastom strukturom od ugljikovih vlakana. Na dvadeset kilometara visine iznad Zemlje, dvostruko viπoj od one za promet civilnog zrakoplovstva, a niæoj od one na kojoj kruæe sateliti, taj ∑ kako tvrde struËnjaci revolucionaran − izum trebao bi zamijeniti i satelite i zrakoplove u industriji daljinskog istraæivanja, sektora u koji se u svijetu ulaæu milijarde dolara na godinu. Uspjeπno je izraen i ispitan prvi prototip letjelice u skali, promjera oko 3 metra, tijekom viπe od 500 sati leta. Razvijen je i veÊi dio sljedeÊega, veÊeg prototipa u skali, promjera 15 metara. U viπe od dvije godine rada uloæeno je osam milijuna kuna, a u nastavku razvoja tvrtka Hipersfera planira udvostruËiti broj zaposlenih. PraktiËniji i jeftiniji, a ujedinjujuÊi najbolja svojstva satelita i zrakoplova, taj kruti upravljivi helijev balon moæe ponijeti senzore za snimanje i nadzor te komunicirati s baznom stanicom, πaljuÊi podatke u stvarnom vremenu. Idealan je za upravljanje prometom u stvarnom vremenu, nadziranje dræavnih granica, rano otkrivanje poæara, bit Êe izvrstan u znanstvenim istraæivanjima koja zahtijevaju snimanja nepristupaËnih terena, koristan oceanografima, meteorolozima, kartografima, policiji, vojsci i privatnim tvrtkama kojima je suviπe skupo sadaπnje koriπtenje satelitom. Oko s neba ideja je dr. Bojana PeËnika, astrofiziËara s doktoratom njemaËkog Instituta Maxa Plancka, koji je svoj mladenaËki san odluËio pretvoriti u stvarnost. Zajedno s prijateljem, ekonomistom Robertom Grilcem, osnovao je tvrtku Hipersferu, napravili su detaljan poslovni plan i pokucali na vrata Poslovno-inovacijskog centra Hrvatske ∑ BICRO (Business-Inovation Center of Croatia). − Ljudi nam nerijetko dolaze s idejom, ali bez poslovnog plana, no njih dvojica stigli su sa sjajnom idejom i s izvrsno pripremljenim planom ∑ sjeÊa se direktor Centra BICRO Dalibor MarijanoviÊ prvih susreta s mozgom projekta
Piše/By Davorka Vukov ColiÊ Fotografije/Photos Nina Djurdjevic/CROPIX & Hipersfera d.o.o.
Hipersfera je zraËni brod elipsasta oblika, koji bi, lebdeÊi 20 kilometara iznad Zemlje, trebao zamijeniti satelite i zrakoplove u industriji daljinskog istraæivanja. RijeË je o revolucionarnoj ideji na granici otkriÊa male grupe inovativnih inæenjera iz Hrvatske, jednoj od onih koje veÊ Ëetrnaestu godinu razvija i unapreuje Poslovno-inovacijski centar Hrvatske BICRO, nudeÊi svoju pomoÊ malim i srednjim tvrtkama.
Hypersphere is an ellipse-shaped airship which is designed to float 20 km above the Earth, replacing satellites and aircrafts in the remote sensing industry. This is a revolutionary idea, or even a discovery, by a small group of innovative engineers from Croatia, and is one of the ideas which have been developed and improved for fourteen years by the Business Innovation Center of Croatia, BICRO, which offers its assistance to small and medium-sized enterprises. CROATIA AIRLINES
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dr. PeËnikom i menadæerskim πefom Grilcem. ∑ Pred nama je stajala tvrtka koja je mogla ponuditi spoznaje na granici otkriÊa. Takve projekte u svijetu obiËno kreiraju veliki dræavni instituti i vojni sektor s golemim proraËunima, a ovdje se pojavila mala privatna tvrtka s malo novca i velikom æeljom. Angaæirani su struËnjaci sa Strojarskog fakulteta, koji su potvrdili da letjelica moæe letjeti (ili lebdjeti) na zamiπljenim visinama, dvojac PeËnik-Grilc okupio je ekipu mladih struËnjaka, sagradili su Ëak hipobariËnu komoru za testiranje materijala u ekstremnim uvjetima, identiËnima onima na visini od 20 kilometara, od prvoga su dana u vezi s Agencijom za civilno zrakoplovstvo RH, s kojom su uskladili specifikacije letjelice itd. BICRO je sufinancirao 70 posto sredstava potrebnih za prvu fazu razvoja projekta, a 160
ostatak su financirali privatnici iz Hrvatske. U prvu fazu razvoja letjelice, izradu prototipa promjera jednoga i pol metra, uloæeno je dvije godine rada i 120.000 radnih sati. Slijedila je kompleksnija druga faza, u financiranju koje je takoer sudjelovao BICRO, izrada prototipa promjera petnaest metara, koji se ispitivao na visini od pet kilometara. − Bilo je zanimljivo pratiti kako naπi vrhunski struËnjaci razvijaju proizvod koji vjerojatno na sliËan naËin nastaje u Nasi − kaæe Dalibor MarijanoviÊ. Projekt Hipersfere idealan je primjer onoga zbog Ëega je prije gotovo 14 godina Vlada Republike Hrvatske osnovala Poslovnoinovacijski centar Hrvatske − BICRO, kao srediπnju ustanovu za razvoj i unapreenje inovacijskoga i tehnologijskog sustava s namjerom da potpomogne tehnoloπki razvoj u zemlji. BICRO je tako postao partner mnogim inovatorima i poduzetnicima u pretvaranju ideje u invenciju, invencije u proizvod, te pomoÊ u plasiranju proizvoda na træiπte ∑ kaæu u Centru − stvarajuÊi mreæu istraæivaËa, inovatora, investitora, menadæera i poduzetnika spremnih unapreivati inovativnost, poduzetniπtvo i gospodarstvo. Centar danas nudi razliËite programe financiranja, poput RAZUM-a (razvoj na znanju utemeljenih poduzeÊa), kojim osigurava poËetno fi nanciranje novoosnovanih tvrtki ili fi nanciranje novog proizvoda/usluga. TEHCRO je program ulaganja u unapreenje i razvoj tehnologijske infrastrukture, IRCRO potiËe suradnju malih poduzeÊa i znanstvenoistraæivaËkih institucija, a programom PoC (Proof of Concept) procjenjuje se træiπni potencijal izuma. Program EUREKA potiËe meunarodne istraæivaËko razvojne projekte te jaËa europsku konkurentnost. BICRO je takoer posrednik u provedbi strukturnih instrumenata EU kroz Operativni program za regionalnu konkurentnost, te je glavni partner za transfer tehnologije unutar hrvatskog konzorcija Europske poduzetniËke mreæe − EEN (Enterprise Europe Network), koju tvori viπe od 600 institucija u viπe od 50 dræava i povezuje viπe od 4000 struËnjaka iz podruËja poduzetniπtva, inovacija i transfera tehnologije. Preko mreæe inovativni projekti iz Hrvatske mogu se besplatno prezentirati i ponuditi svoje tehnologije i inovacije na meunarodnom træiπtu. Da se u financiranje izrade letjelice Hipersfera nije ukljuËio BICRO, projekt bi vjerojatno teπko doπao do tako uznapredovale faze razvoja. A BICRO pomaæe u razvoju ideja malih i srednjih poduzeÊa s najrazliËitijih podruËja, od grafiËkoga i web dizajna, naprednih materijala u tekstilu, proizvodnje
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kruha, gradnje brodova i alarmnih sustava, do kargo-vagona, Ëak izrade violinskog podbratka, a financira izmeu 50 i 70 posto sredstava od ukupnog proraËuna prijavljenog projekta. Ipak, 40 posto projekata dolazi s podruËja informacijske i komunikacijske tehnologije (ICT), πto je razumljivo u ovome zrelom dobu ICT revolucije, iako se u Centru veÊ naveliko pripremaju za biotehnoloπku revoluciju. VeÊinom iz sredstava Instrumenta pretpristupne pomoÊi Europske unije (IPA), financirat Êe otvaranje Inkubacijskog centra za bioznanosti i komercijalizaciju tehnologije (BIOCentar), investicija vrijedna viπe od osamnaest milijuna eura. Ministarstvo znanosti, obrazovanja i sporta pokrenulo je hrvatski projekt tehnologijskog razvoja (Science and Technology Project ∑ STP) kojim se podupire hrvatsko gospodarstvo preko razliËitih programa Ëija je svrha unapreenje sustava znanosti, poboljπanje znanstvene infrastrukture, poticanje akademskog poduzetniπtva i razvijanje poticajnog okruæja za razvoj i rast na znanju utemeljenih poduzeÊa. − Inovacija je samo ono πto potvrdi træiπte ∑ kaæe direktor Dalibor MarijanoviÊ ∑ a da bi je imali, morate imati tim ljudi, investicije, proizvodni proces i træiπte. To je ono πto tvrtka godinama gradi, pa je naivno oËekivati da Êete jednim programom pokriti cijeli taj spektar potreban da ideju pretvorite u novi proizvod. U traæenju najuËinkovitijih rjeπenja, BICRO se oslonio na iskustva zemalja sliËne veliËine i ekonomija kao πto su Izrael i Finska. A bude li sve kako treba, Hipersfera bi mogla biti jedan od onih prekretniËkih proizvoda koji bi, poput finske Nokije, hrvatskom gospodarstvu mogli priskrbiti tehnoloπki predznak, potvrdu inovativne i kvalitetne proizvodnje. A zvuËi obeÊavajuÊe: jedan zraËni brod Hipersfera pokriva 2500 Ëetvornih kilometara (15 bi ih moglo pokrivati cijelu Hrvatsku) uz rezoluciju snimljene slike istovjetnu ili bolju od satelitske, pri Ëemu nije u orbiti, pa je lansiranje i servisiranje mnogo jednostavnije i neusporedivo jeftinije od satelita. Za razliku od satelita, koji su u trenutku lansiranja opremljeni vrhunskom tehnologijom, ali ne mogu se nadograivati, letjelica Hipersfera moæe stalno iÊi ukorak s najnovijom tehnologijom. BuduÊi da je stacionarna (iako se moæe kretati 60 kilometara na sat), snimke istog podruËja moæe kontinuirano slati u realnom vremenu, πto satelit ne moæe. Koristi se zraËnim prostorom tzv. G klase, najmanje reguliranim jer u njemu nema mnogo prometa, pa nikomu ne smeta, ali ostaje u sustavu kontrole leta. Kontrola je letjelice jednostavna 162
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Freehold Resort Home Ownership on the Adriatic Sea
Take advantage of this rare opportunity to own one of 25 recently released one and two bedroom residences. These fully appointed and professionally managed residences, ranging in size from 44 to 111 square metres, are situated in the ďŹ ve-star Dubrovnik Sun Gardens Resort only 11 kilometres from the historic Old Town of Dubrovnik. Ownership offers full access to amenities at this stunning waterfront resort, including a 201-room Radisson Blu hotel, award winning spa, sports centre and ďŹ tness facilities, a variety of restaurants and bars featuring local and international cuisine, swimming pools, beach and water sports activities.
Ä&#x2018;ĆŤ Ownership starts from â&#x201A;Ź 170,000 The information set out above is a general outline only and does not constitute part of an offer or contract and any statements made are without responsibility on the part of Dubrovacki Vrtovi Sunca d.o.o. Copyright Dubrovacki Vrtovi Sunca d.o.o 2012.
ĆŤ +.1ĆŤÄ Ä&#x152;ĆŤÄ&#x201A;Ä&#x20AC;Ä&#x201A;Ä&#x192;Ä&#x2026;ĆŤ . Ă&#x2020; Ä&#x152;ĆŤ .+ 0% ĆŤĆŤÄ&#x2018;ĆŤĆŤ !(!,$+*!Ä?ĆŤĹ?ĆŤÄ&#x192;Ä&#x2030;Ä&#x2020;ƍĨÄ&#x20AC;ÄŠÄ&#x201A;Ä&#x20AC;ĆŤÄ&#x192;Ä&#x2021;Ä ĆŤÄ&#x2021;Ä&#x2020;Ä&#x20AC;ĆŤĆŤÄ&#x2018;ĆŤĆŤ 4Ä?ĆŤĹ?ĆŤÄ&#x192;Ä&#x2030;Ä&#x2020;ƍĨÄ&#x20AC;ÄŠÄ&#x201A;Ä&#x20AC;ĆŤÄ&#x192;Ä&#x2021;Ä ĆŤÄ&#x2021;Ä&#x2020;Ä Ä&#x152;ĆŤ ÄĄ) %(Ä?ĆŤ.!/% !* !/ÄŽ 1 .+2*%'/1*# . !*/Ä&#x2039; +)ĆŤĆŤÄ&#x2018;ĆŤĆŤ333Ä&#x2039; 1 .+2*%'/1*# . !*/Ä&#x2039; +) CROATIA AIRLINES
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za ljudskog operatera, jer rijeË je o pametnom zraËnom brodu, programiranome da sam reagira na uvjete u kojima se nalazi... − Za izradu prototipa u pravoj veliËini od 40 metara treba osigurati financijska sredstva, zavrπiti i testirati prototip od 15 metara ∑ kaæe dr. PeËnik ∑ a πto je letjelica veÊa, veÊi joj je uzgon i tako moæe letjeti na veÊoj visini. Da bi se dosegla operativna visina od 21 kilometra, mora biti relativno velika, ali i ekstremno lagana (ukupno oko 1000 kilograma). BuduÊi da je primjena veoma πiroka, ulagaËi mogu biti iz dræavnog sektora, tradicionalni fondovi riziËnog kapitala ili strateπki partner koji ima resurse i distributivne kanale za globalnu eksploataciju tehnologije. − U razliËitim smo fazama pregovora kako s domaÊim, tako i sa stranim investitorima. Za dovrπetak razvoja letjelice treba petnaest milijuna eura, a konzervativna je procjena komercijalnog potencijala razvijene tehnologije oko jedne milijarde. Zainteresiranih je mnogo, ali nema mnogo onih koji raspolaæu dovoljnim ulagaËkim kapitalom, a istodobno imaju znanja i iskustva s podruËja aeronautike i mogu shvatiti veliËinu i πirinu komercijalnog potencijala − kaæe dr. PeËnik. Za suradnju s tvrtkom Hipersfera zainteresirano je nekoliko znanstvenih i istraæivaËkih institucija, i hrvatskih, i meunarodnih, pa tako i jedna europska nacionalna svemirska agencija æeli u suradnji s njima razvijati svoj sustav za free-space lasersku komunikaciju. − TehniËka strana projekta teπka je, izazovna i vrlo zanimljiva, ali to je manji dio problema ∑ kaæe dr. Bojan PeËnik. ∑ Mnogo je teæe uvjeriti vaæne donosioce odluka da je mala grupa inovativnih inæenjera iz Hrvatske sposobna razviti napredni aeronautiËki sustav s jakim globalnim komercijalnim potencijalom. n
f the group consisting of 25 young engineers, most of them holding M.S. or Ph.D. degrees in aeronautics, materials and automatics, as well as development programmers, mathematicians and electrical engineers, manages to successfully complete the third and the final stage of building Hypersphere after 120,000 engineer work hours invested, the eye in the sky will watch over us in the near future. Hypersphere is an airship, a type of unmanned aerial vehicle; a transparent, ellipse-shaped stratospheric platform, strung by lattice structure made of carbon fibers. At 20 kilometres above the Earth, twice as high as the altitude of civil aviation, and lower than the altitude at which satellites circle the Earth, this invention ∑ revolutionary, as experts claim ∑ should replace both satellites and aircrafts in the remote sensing 164
industry, a sector into which billions of dollars are invested annually around the world. The first scale prototype of the aircraft has been successfully built and tested; it is about 3 metres in diameter, with over 500 hours of flying. The greater part of the next, larger scale prototype, about 14 metres in diameter, has also been developed. Throughout more than two years of work, 8 million HRK has been invested, and as the development continues, the company Hipersfera plans to double its number of staff. More practical and cheaper, yet integrating the best qualities of satellites and aircrafts, this solid, dirigible helium balloon can carry recording and monitoring sensors and communicate with the base station, sending data in real time. It is ideal for managing traffic in real time, monitoring state borders and for early fire detection; it will also be an excellent tool in scientific research which requires filming inaccessible areas, and useful to oceanographers, meteorologists, cartographers, the police, army and private companies which cannot afford to use current satellites. The eye in the sky is the idea of Dr. Bojan PeËnik, an astrophysicist who obtained his Ph.D. at the German Max Planck Institute, and who decided to make his teenage dream a reality. Together with his friend, economist Robert Grilac, he founded the company Hipersfera, created a detailed business plan and knocked on the door of the Business Innovation Center of Croatia (BICRO). - People often come to us with an idea, but without a business plan. However, the two of them came with an amazing idea and an excellently prepared plan. Before us was a company which could offer findings bordering on discovery, says BICRO’s manager Dalibor MarijanoviÊ, recalling the first meeting with the project’s brain, Dr. PeËnik and its business manager Grilac. Around the world, such projects are usually created by large state-owned institutes and the military sector with huge budgets, and here was a small, private company with only a handful of money and great aspirations. Experts from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering were hired and they confirmed that the aircraft could fly (or float) at the projected altitudes, and the duo PeËnik-Grilac assembled a team of young experts; they have even built a hyperbaric chamber to test the materials under extreme conditions, identical to those at 20 kilometres altitude, and from the very first day they communicated with the Croatian Civil Aviation Agency, with which they coordinated the aircraft’s specifications, etc. BICRO cofinanced 70 percent of the funds necessary
for the first stage of the project, while the rest was financed by private businessmen from Croatia. Two years of work and 120,000 work hours have been invested into the first stage of the development of the aircraft, namely the building of a prototype about 1.5 metres in diameter. A more complex second stage followed, and BICRO also participated in the financing, namely the building of a prototype 15 metres in diameter, tested at the altitude of 5 kilometres. − It was interesting to see our top experts developing a product which is probably built in a similar way at institutions like NASA, Dalibor MarijanoviÊ says. − The Hypersphere project is a perfect example of the reason why, almost 14 years ago, the Government of the Republic of Croatia founded the Business Innovation Center of Croatia ∑ BICRO, as the central institution for developing and improving the innovation and technological system, aiming to help technological development in the country. BICRO thus became a partner to many innovators and entrepreneurs in transforming an idea into an invention, and an invention into a product, and assisted in placing the product on the market, creating a network of researchers, innovators, investors, managers and entrepreneurs willing to promote innovation, entrepreneurship and economy, BICRO’s staff says. Today, BICRO of fers dif ferent funding programs, like RAZUM (the development of knowledge-based enterprises), through which it secures initial funding of newly established companies or funding of new products/services. TEHCRO is a program for investment into the improvement and development of technological infrastructure; IRCRO promotes cooperation between small enterprises and scientific research institutions; while the PoC (Proof of Concept) program evaluates the market potential of an invention. The EUREKA program promotes international research and development projects and strengthens European competitiveness. BICRO is also a mediator in the implementation of the EU structural instruments through the Regional Competitiveness Operational Program, and is the principal partner for technology transfer within the Croatian consortium of the Enterprise Europe Network ∑ EEN, consisting of more than 600 institutions in more than 50 countries, and bringing together more than 4,000 experts in the areas of entrepreneurship, innovation and technology transfer. Through the network, Croatian innovative projects are given the opportunity to freely present and offer
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their technologies and innovations on the international market. If BICRO had not gotten involved in the funding of the building of the Hypersphere aircraft, the project would have had great difficulty in reaching such an advanced development stage. And BICRO also helps small and medium-sized enterprises’ ideas in diverse fields, ranging from graphic and web design, advanced textile materials, the production of bread, building of ships and alert systems, to cargo cars and even creating violin chinrests, providing between 50 and 70 percent of the funding for the total budget of the submitted project. However, 40 percent of the projects belong to the area of information and communication technologies (ICT), which is no surprise in this mature age of ICT revolution, although BICRO has already started its preparation for the biotechnological revolution. The founding of the Incubation Center for Biosciences and Technology Commercialization (BIOCenter), which is an investment worth more than 18 million EUR, will be financed mostly from the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance of the European Union (IPA). The Ministry of Science, Education and Sports has started the Croatian Science and Technology Project (STP), supporting the Croatian economy through different programs, the aim of which is to promote the science system, improve scientific infrastructure, encourage academic entrepreneurship and develop a stimulating environment for the development and growth of knowledge-based enterprises. - Innovation is only what the market validates, and in order to achieve it, you need to have a team of people, investments, a production process and the market. This takes years for a company to build, and it would be naive to expect that a single program could cover the entire spectrum necessary to turn an idea into a new product, manager Dalibor MarijanoviÊ says. Searching for the most efficient solutions, BICRO has relied on the experiences of countries that have a similar size and economy, such as Israel and Finland. And if everything goes as planned, Hypersphere could be one of the turning-point products, which could, like Nokia did for Finland, give the Croatian economy its technological prominence; a confirmation of innovative and high-quality production. And it sounds promising: a single Hypersphere airship covers 2,500 km2 (15 could cover the whole of Croatia), with a recorded image resolution equal or better than that provided by satellites; however, it is not in orbit, and therefore launching and
maintenance is much simpler and nowhere near as expensive as with satellites. Unlike satellites, which are equipped with top-range technology at the moment of launching but cannot be upgraded later, the Hypersphere aircraft can keep up to date with the latest technology. Since it is stationary (although it can travel at 60 km/h) it can continuously send recordings of the same area in real time, which a satellite cannot. It uses the so-called Class G airspace, with the lowest regulation level, as there is not much traffic in it and therefore it will not be a disturbance, and yet can remain in the flight control system. The control of the aircraft is simple for a human operator, as this is a smart airship, programmed to respond to surrounding conditions... − To build a prototype in the actual size of 40 metres, funds must be secured, and the 15 meter prototype must be completed and tested, Dr. PeËnik says. − Also, the larger the aircraft, the greater its aerodynamic lift and it can therefore fly at greater altitudes. In order to reach the operational altitude of 21 kilometres, it must be relatively large, but extremely light (a total of about 1000 kg). Since the application is extremely broad, investors can be recruited from the state sector, traditional risk capital funds or strategic partners with resources and distribution channels for global exploitation of technology. − We are at different negotiation stages, both with domestic and foreign investors. It would take 15 million EUR to complete the development of the aircraft, while conservative estimates of the developed technology’s potential is in the range of one billion. Many people have shown interest, but there are not many who have sufficient investment capital and, at the same time, sufficient knowledge and experience in aeronautics to grasp the scale and extent of the commercial potential, Dr. PeËnik says. Several scientific and research institutions, both Croatian and international, are interested in cooperating with the company Hipersfera, and a European national space agency also wishes to cooperate with the company to develop its free-space laser communication system. − The technical aspect of the project is difficult, challenging and very interesting, but this is the smaller part of the problem, says Dr. Bojan PeËnik. − It is much harder to convince important decision-makers that a small group of innovative engineers from Croatia is able to develop an advanced aeronautical system with a strong global commercial potential. n CROATIA AIRLINES
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REGATA TISUΔU OTOKA THOUSAND ISLANDS RACE Rijeka - Porto Montenegro - Rijeka, 20 - 30. 9. 2012.
ijeËki jedriliËarski klub i Yacht Club Porto Montenegro sa zadovoljstvom objavljuju novu regatu uzduæ jedne od najljepπih obala na svijetu: Regata tisuÊu otoka, koja Êe se odræati od 20. do 30. rujna 2012. Jedrenje od Rijeke do Porto Montenegra i natrag znaËi da regata prolazi meu doslovno tisuÊu otoka. Otoke Unije, Susak, Premudu, Dugi otok, Kornat, Vis, Lastovo i Mljet u prvoj etapi, koja kreÊe iz Rijeke, treba ostaviti desno, a u drugoj etapi, koja kreÊe iz Porto Montenegra ostaviti lijevo. Osim nekoliko oznaka na startu i cilju, nema drugih ograniËenja kursa, i na volju je svakoj posadi da odabere najbolji kurs. Start prve etape predvien je u nedjelju, 23. rujna, iz Rijeke, s vremenskim ograniËenjem od tri dana za dolazak u Porto Montenegro. Uzduæ rute od tristotinjak milja, flotu oËekuju tehniËki izazovi navigacije izmeu mnogo otoka i kanala hrvatske obale i fascinantnog zaljeva Boke kotorske, ali isto tako i nagrada iznenaujuÊom ljepotom okruæja poznatom diljem svijeta. Nakon dodjele nagrada za prvu etapu u Porto Montenegru u srijedu, 26. rujna, flota starta u Ëetvrtak, 27. rujna, u obratnom smjeru prema Rijeci, a regata se zakljuËuje dodjelom nagrada 30. rujna u Rijeci. Organizatori vjeruju da Êe regata privuÊi πiroki krug natjecatelja. Neki Êe iskoristiti priliku jedriti uzduæ ove nevjerojatno lijepe obale u druπtvu ostalih, neki se prepustiti izazovu dva tjedna prije Barcolane u Trstu, a neki Êe htjeti iskoristiti to odobalno natjecanje kao pripremu i trening tri tjedna prije Rolex Middle Sea Race na Malti. PrihvaÊaju se takoer jedrilice s dvoËlanom posadom i one-design jedrilice ili one istog modela kao zasebne kategorije. Prijaviti se mogu jedrilice duže od 9.0 m, sa ORC Club ili ORC International svjedodæbom razvrstanja i indeksom stabiliteta veÊim od 110. Prije starta u Rijeci odræat Êe se i promidžbena regata na kojoj Êe svaka jedrilica ugostiti jednog novinara, koji Êe se moÊi i tako upoznati s jedriliËarskim vjeπtinama. Oglas regate, on-line obrazac prijave i svi 166
detalji o kursu, mjestu odræavanja i logistici dostupni su na:
rganizers from the Sailing Club of Rijeka (SCOR) and the Porto Montenegro Yacht Club are pleased to announce a new race for offshore sailors interested in sailing along one of the most beautiful coastlines in the world: The Thousand Islands Race, to be held over 20-30 September 2012. This new race will be held in two parts: starting on Sunday, 23 September from the historic port city of Rijeka, Croatia, the fleet will leave the islands of Unije, Susak, Premuda, Dugi Otok, Kornat, Vis, Lastovo and Mljet to starboard and finish at the new harbor of Porto Montenegro in Tivat, Montenegro. Over this distance of about 300 miles, the fl eet will face the technical challenge of navigating among the many islands and
channels of the Croatian coast and fascinating Boka Kotorska bay of Montenegro, but will be rewarded with the stunning beauty of this region, known around the world for its character. After a prize giving in Porto Montenegro on Wednesday, 26 September, the fleet will then race back to Rijeka, starting on Thursday, 27 September, with a prize giving scheduled for Sunday, 30 September in Rijeka. Organisers see this race as attracting a broad spectrum of entries. Racers may want an opportunity to sail this incredible coast in the company of others, some may want to have a challenge two weeks prior to the Barcolana race in Trieste, or some may want an offshore race tune-up three weeks prior to the Rolex Middle Sea Race in Malta. Accepted are also boats sailed by two people and one-design boats or boats of same production model as separate categories. Entries need only be over 9.0 m in length, have an ORC Club or ORC International certificate and a Stability index greater than 110. A fun tune-up race will also be held on Saturday, 22 September to promote the race and give local media some exposure to the event. Notice of Race, on-line entry form, course, venue and logistic information can be found at:
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»ovjek koji je kuÊi donio mnogo medalja s Olimpijskih igara te svjetskih i europskih prvenstava i igrao u najjaËim klubovima i ligama na svijetu, Ëest je putnik u zrakoplovima Croatia Airlinesa. On je vaterpolist Igor HiniÊ. The man who has brought home several medals from the Olympic Games, as well as from World and European championships, and has played for the best clubs and leagues in the world is a regular passenger on Croatia Airlines flights. We are talking Piše/By Siniša PaviÊ Fotografije/Photos HOO
about the water polo player Igor HiniÊ.
s lea otresa protivniËke bekove pa zabija kljuËne pogotke. Nakupilo se tu vaterpolskog staæa − u prvoj ligi zaigrao je kao petnaestogodiπnjak, a u reprezentaciji je od 1995. godine, odigravπi viπe od Ëetiri stotine utakmica. Ima HiniÊ zato i letaËkog staæa. U bazenu je viπe od 20 godina, u avionima, kaæe, tek neπto malo manje od toga. − Istina je, priliËno se staæa u zraku skupilo, ali tek sam prije koju godinu poËeo skupljati nagradne milje. Sve se bojim, neÊu ih prikupiti dovoljno − kaæe nam uza πirok osmijeh. Majstor vodenoga sporta, ljubitelj ribolova i lova, i u zraku se osjeÊa kao kod kuÊe. Pritom hvali osoblje koje i te kako ima razumijevanja za gorostase nalik na njega. − Moram kazati kako nam na Ëekiranju redovito izlaze u susret. Ostave nam ona mjesta kod izlaza za nuædu, gdje ima viπe manevarskog prostora za nas visoke − priznaje HiniÊ. Ne treba stoga sumnjati kako Êe onaj skori let prema Londonu, na Olimpijske igre, HiniÊu pete po redu, biti ugodan. Igor se, naime, lani u jednom trenutku odluËio oprostiti od reprezentacije. »inilo se da tijelo dobroÊudnog Diva s Kvarnera viπe ne moæe izdræati tu koliËinu udaraca koju vaterpolski centri tijekom utakmice istrpe. No akcija London vratila ga je u okrilje reprezentacije, na radost selektora Ratka RudiÊa i svih zaljubljenika toga sporta. Sve se Ëini lakπim kad je u momËadi jedan od ponajboljih vaterpolista u Europi i na svijetu. HiniÊ, doduπe, naglaπava kako je samo jedan od onih koje je selektor RudiÊ pozvao da se izbore za jedno od trinaest raspoloæivih mjesta
amislite da se ukrcate u avion Croatia Airlinesa, udobno se smjestite, a pokraj vas sjedne − div! Div s Kvarnera, 202 centimetara visok i 110 kilograma teæak, od kojega dobroÊudnijega nema, osim ako niste na suprotnoj strani plivaliπta. Igor HiniÊ, proslavljeni je hrvatski vaterpolski reprezentativac, Ëlan Hrvatskog akademskog kluba Mladost, majstor koji i u dobi od 37 godina s lakoÊom
u reprezentativnoj momËadi. No, kad se u London doe, æelja je jedna. − Realno je da se ova momËad bori za medalje i mislim da Êemo opravdati ta oËekivanja − poruËuje Igor. Ali na letu do Londona neÊe se govoriti o taktici. Nemaju vaterpolisti, kaæe HiniÊ, taj obiËaj. Sukladno modernim vremenima, veÊina ih na uπi stavi sluπalice pa se tako zabavljaju za leta. HiniÊ Êe, pak, po starom dobrom obiËaju, nastojati sjesti kraj fizioterapeuta Mladosti i reprezentacije Damira LuketiÊa, s kojim uvijek nae zajedniËke teme za razgovor. Svakako, lako je moguÊe da se ukrcate u zrakoplov, udobno se smjestite i ugledate − Diva s Kvarnera. DobroÊudnoga, zar ne?! − Dakako. Mi sportaπi osobe smo koje su se i preko sporta nauËile ponaπanju, tako da straha nema - veselo Êe HiniÊ, Ëovjek koji nakon svih tih godina uæiva u poslu koji voli i koji i i te kako dobro radi. I pritom putuje, a svi zajedno pamtimo letove poput onoga kakav Êe, ne treba u to sumnjati, biti let iz Londona. n
magine you board a Croatia Airlines aircraft, settle comfortably into your seat, and next to you sits − a giant! A 202 centimetre tall giant from Kvarner weighing 110 kilograms, and who could not be a more kind-hearted human being, unless you are an opponent on the other side of a swimming pool. Igor HiniÊ, the famous Croatian water polo national team member, a member of the Croatian Academic Water Polo Club Mladost, a professional who even at the
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Enjoyed the conference? We take joy in finding your publications. Do something with an impact and we will find your traces in media for you. Anytime, anywhere.
age of 37 can easily shake opposing defenders off his back and score key points. The man who has brought home quite a number of medals from the Olympic Games, as well as from World and European championships, and has played for the best clubs and leagues in the world is a regular passenger on Croatia Airlines flights. He has accumulated great water polo experience − at the age of fifteen he was already playing in the first league, and since 1995, when he joined the national team, he has played more than four hundred games for it. This also explains why HiniÊ has so much flying experience. He has been in pools for more than 20 years, and he says that he has been in planes just a bit less than that. − The truth is I have quite some experience in the air, but it was not until just a few years ago that I started collecting award miles. I am afraid that I will never collect enough, he tells us with a big wide grin. This water sports professional, and fishing and hunting enthusiast, feels quite at home on a plane. While at the same time he praises the staff for their incredible understanding of giants like himself. − I must say that at check-in they always try to accommodate us. They reserve seats for us in the emergency exit rows where there is more room to manoeuvre for people our height, admits HiniÊ. There is no reason to doubt, therefore, that the upcoming flight to London, to the Olympic Games, the fifth in a row for HiniÊ, will be comfortable. At one point last year Igor had decided to retire from the national team. It seemed that the body of the good natured giant from
Kvarner could no longer sustain the number of hits that a water polo centre player tends to suffer during a game. However, the prospect of participating in the Olympic Games in London made him return to the team, to the delight of the coach Ratko RudiÊ and all the fans of that sport. Everything seems easier when a member of the team is one of the best water polo players in Europe and in the world. HiniÊ, however, points out that he was only one of the many players that coach RudiÊ had invited to try out for one of the thirteen available places on the national team. But, when it comes to London, there is only one desire. − This team has a good chance of winning a medal and I think we will fulfil those expectations, says Igor. However, no one will be talking about tactics on the flight to London. HiniÊ says that water polo players do not have that habit. In line with modern times, most of the players entertain themselves by putting on headphones during the flight. HiniÊ himself will, as usual, try to sit near Damir LuketiÊ, the physiotherapist for Mladost and the team, with whom he always finds something to chat about. Certainly, it may happen to you too: you may board that plane, sit back comfortably and spot − the Giant from Kvarner. A kind-natured giant, right?! − Of course, we athletes are people who hone their good behaviour through sports, so you should not fret, HiniÊ says tongue-in-cheek; a man who after all these years loves and enjoys what he does and does it so well, indeed. By the by he travels, while all of us remember flights like the one from London will certainly be. We have no doubts about that at all. n
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LIPANJ Zagreb i okolica/Zagreb and surroundings 27.6., Zagreb STING U ZAGREBU/STING IN ZAGREB U zagrebaËkoj Areni Sting Êe izvoditi svoje popularne hitove./Sting will perform his popular hits in Arena Zagreb. 24.6., –urevac PICOKIJADA/COCKERELS Jedinstvenom scenskom predstavom na otvorenome –urevËani potkraj lipnja slave originalnu pobjedu nad turskom vojskom./At the end of June, the people of –urevac celebrate the original victory over the Turkish army with a unique outdoor stage performance. 25.6.-4.8., Marija Bistrica LJETO U MARIJI BISTRICI/ SUMMER IN MARIJA BISTRICA Tijekom ljeta odræavaju se susreti KUD-ova, planinara, razliËitih sportskih radionica, zabavne veËeri itd./ Throughout the summer, there are gatherings of Culture & Art Societies, mountaineers, various sports workshops, evening entertainment, etc. 26.6., »igoË DAN EUROPSKOG SELA RODA/ DAY OF THE EUROPEAN STORK VILLAGE »igoË je proglaπen prvim europskim selom roda, te je stoga organizirana manifestacija u sklopu koje posjetitelji mogu otiÊi u obilazak Lonjskoga polja ili uæivati u gastronomskoj ponudi./ »igoË has been declared the First European Stork Village, and therefore an event has been organized at which visitors can tour Lonjsko Polje or enjoy the gastronomic offer. 29.6.-1.7., Koprivnica PODRAVSKI MOTIVI/ PODRAVINA MOTIFS Posjetite Koprivnicu jer grad se pretvara u izloæbeni prostor posveÊen naivnoj umjetnosti Hlebinske slikarske πkole./Visit Koprivnica as the city is transformed into an exhibition space dedicated to the naive art of the Hlebine Naive Art School. 176
Karlovac i okolica/Karlovac and surroundings 23.6.-4.9., Karlovac KARLSTADT FESTIVAL/ KARLSTADT FESTIVAL Festival sjedinjuje sva kulturna dogaanja u gradu. Na dan grada, 13. srpnja, bit Êe najsveËanije i oËekuje vas niz dogaanja./The festival brings together all the cultural events in the city. The day of the city, 13 June, will be the most festive and you can expect a number of events. Osijek i okolica/Osijek and surroundings 29.6.-21.7., Osijek OSJE»KO LJETO KULTURE/ OSIJEK SUMMER OF CULTURE OsjeËka Tvra, nekoÊ pozornica burnih povijesnih dogaanja, pretvara se u pozornicu vrhunskih umjetniËkih programa./ The Osijek For tress, once the stage of turbulent historical events, turns into a stage for top artistic programmes. Pula i okolica/Pula and surroundings lipanj-rujan/June−September, Groænjan GLAZBENO LJETO U GROÆNJANU/GROÆNJAN MUSICAL SUMMER Organizirani pod pokroviteljstvom groænjanske Meunarodne glazbene πkole na malim gradskim trgovima i u crkvama odræavaju se koncerti. Glazbeni su stilovi najrazliËitiji - od jazza do komorne glazbe./Organized under the auspices of the Groænjan International Music School, concerts are held in the small city squares and in churches. There are a wide variety of musical styles − from jazz to chamber music. 21. i/and 22.6.,TiÊan-Viπnjan ASTROFEST Jedinstveno dogaanje privlaËi veliku paænju ljubitelja neba, zvijezda i duhovne New age-glazbe./It is a unique event that attracts great attention from admirers of the sky, stars and spiritual New Age music.
Rijeka i okolica/Rijeka and surroundings 29.-30.6., Novi Vinodolski ME–UNARODNI LJETNI KARNEVAL/ INTERNATIONAL SUMMER CARNIVAL Novi Vinodolski svoja gradska vrata otvara maπkarama i privremeno prepuπta vlast Ljetnom kanevalu./ Novi Vinodolski opens the gates of the city to masqueraders and temporarily cedes power to the Summer Carnival. Zadar i okolica/Zadar and surroundings 29.6.-3.8., Zadar ZADARSKO KAZALI©NO LJETO/ ZADAR SUMMER THEATRE FESTIVAL Posjetitelji mogu uæivati u kazaliπnim predstavama, plesnim koreografijama i vrhunskim izvedbama hrvatskih i inozemnih glazbenika./Visitors can enjoy theatre performances, dance choreography and superb performances by Croatian and international musicians. 24.-25.6., Biograd FESTIVAL KRALJEVSKIH GRADOVA/FESTIVAL OF THE ROYAL CITIES Jedinstvena prezentacija odræiva razvoja na kojoj sudionici predstavljaju starinske obrte, ekoloπke proizvode i suvenire./This is a unique presentation of sustainable development at which the participants present ancient crafts, ecological products and souvenirs. Dubrovnik i okolica/Dubrovnik and surroundings 23.6. - 9.9., Cavtat CAVTATSKO LJETO/ CAVTAT SUMMER Posjetite li Cavtat moæete uæivati u koncertima klasiËne ili jazz glazbe, klapskoj pjesmi, nastupima folklornih skupina.../Visitors to Cavtat can enjoy concerts of classical or jazz music, a cappella songs, performances by folklore groups...
SRPANJ Zagreb i okolica/Zagreb and surroundings 1.-30.7., Zagreb ZAGREBA»KE LJETNE VE»ERI/ ZAGREB SUMMER EVENINGS ©etajuÊi ulicama grada, iza svakog ugla dopiru zvuci romantike. Na veËerima nastupaju afirmirani glazbenici, kao i mladi entuzijastiËni glazbenici koji pridonose aktualnosti programa./ While walking through the streets of the city, the sounds of romance are around every corner. Renowned musicians perform at the Evenings, as well as enthusiastic young musicians who contribute to the relevance of the programme. 18.-22.7., Zagreb ME–UNARODNA SMOTRA FOLKLORA/INTERNATIONAL FOLKLORE FESTIVAL Ove godine smotra je posveÊena djeci, a nastupit Êe domaÊa i folklorna druπtva hrvatskog iseljeniπtva./This year’s festival is dedicated to children, and will feature local groups as well as folklore associations of Croatian immigrants. Osijek i oklolica/Osijek and surroundings 6.7., Slavonski Brod FI©IJADA/ FI©IJADA − FISH STEW FESTIVAL Fiπ, pikantna riblja juha, jedan je od zaπtitnih gastronomskih simbola Slavonije. Na brodskoj se Fiπijadi svake godine okupi mnogo natjecatelja Ëija jela morate kuπati./Fiπ, a spicy fish stew, is one of the protected gastronomic symbols of Slavonia. Every year at the Fish Stew Festival in Slavonski Brod many competitors come together whose dishes you must taste. GospiÊ i oklica/GospiÊ and surroundings 15.7.-31.8., Karlobag KARLOBA©KO LJETO/ KARLOBAG SUMMER Mjesto lijepog æivljenja kako se Karlobag nekad zvao (Vegium), svake godine svojim gostima prireuje niz dogaanja./Karlobag, a place of easy living, as it was once known (Vegium), organizes a series of events for its guests every year.
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23.7., OtoËac EKO-ETNO GACKA/ECO-ETHNO GACKA Manifestacija okuplja izlagaËe autohtonih proizvoda Like. Upotpunjena je natjecanjima u kuhanju, igraonicama itd./This is an event which gathers exhibitors of local produce from the Lika region; complete with cooking contests, games, etc. Pula i okolica/Pula and surroundings 1.7.-15.8., Labin LABIN ART REPUBLIKA/LABIN ART REPUBLIC Labinsko Malo kazaliπte, crkva, stari trg, ulice i skaline preuzimaju ulogu pozornice na kojoj nastupaju razliËite kazaliπne skupine i glazbenici./The Labin Small Theatre, the church, the old square, streets and stairways become stages on which various theatre groups and musicians perform. 5.-15.7., Umag STUDENA CROATIA OPEN/ STUDENA CROATIA OPEN I ove Êe se godine u Umagu igrati tenis s top igraËima ATP ljestvice. Sportska natjecanja praÊena su zabavnim dogaanjima./Again this year, top-ranked ATP tennis players will play in Umag. Various entertainment events will accompany the sporting competition. 14.-28.7., Pula FESTIVAL IGRANOG FILMA/ THE PULA FILM FESTIVAL Festival igranog filma u Puli ubraja se u svjetski atraktivne filmske festivale na otvorenom. Rijetko se koji svjetski festival moæe pohvaliti ambijentom kojeg pruæa projekcija filmova u povijesnim prostorima Kaπtela i antiËke Arene./The Pula Film Festival is one of the world’s attractive outdoor film festivals. Rarely can a world festival boast the ambiance that is offered by film screenings in historic venues such as the Castle of Pula and the ancient Arena.
20. -23.7., SvetvinËenat 13. FESTIVAL PLESA I NEVERBALNOG KAZALI©TA/ 13th DANCE AND NON-VERBAL THEATRE FESTIVAL Jedinstveno i omiljeno okupljaliπte plesnih struËnjaka i ljubitelja plesne umjetnosti, koji dolaze popratiti festivalski meunarodni program sastavljen od suvremenog plesa, uliËnog teatra, radonica i sl./This is a unique and favourite gathering place for dance professionals and enthusiasts of artistic dance who come to follow the festival’s international program consisting of modern dance, street theatre, workshops, etc. 23.-27.7., Motovun MOTOVUN FILM FESTIVAL/ MOTOVUN FILM FESTIVAL Na festivalu moæete pogledati izbor filmova iz aktualne svjetske produkcije, neovisno o æanrovskom usmjerenju./ At the festival you can watch a selection of films in current world production from a variety of genres. Rijeka i okolica/Rijeka and surroundings 6.-8.7., Opatija LIBURNIA JAZZ FESTIVAL/ LIBURNIA JAZZ FESTIVAL Tijekom festivala moæete uæivati u sviraËkom umijeÊu nekih od najdarovitijih jazz- virtuoza, ali i aktivno sudjelovati u jazz-radionicama./ During the festival you can enjoy the music-playing skills of some of the most talented jazz virtuoso, as well as actively participate in jazz workshops. 20.7.-26.8., Osor OSORSKE GLAZBENE VE»ERI/ OSOR MUSICAL EVENINGS U osorskoj crkvi Marijina Uznesenja odræavaju se koncerti naπih vrhunskih instrumentalista./Concerts by our top instrumentalists are held in the Church of Saint Mary of the Assumption in Osor.
25.-27.7., Rab RABSKA FJERA/RABSKA FJERA Rabljani oæivljavaju uspomenu na nekadaπnji izgled njihova grada dok je slavio svoju slobodu i samostalnu opÊinu - municipij./The people of Rab revive the one-time appearance of their city when they celebrated their freedom and independent municipality Zadar i okolica/Zadar and surroundings 1.7.-31.8., Preko, Ugljan, Kali, Kukljica KULTURNO LJETO OTOKA UGLJANA/ SUMMER OF CULTURE ON THE ISLAND OF UGLJAN Æelite li upoznati otok Ugljan i njegovu kulturu te aktivno provesti svoj odmor, sudjelujte u mnogim zanimljivim dogaanjima./If you would like to get to know the island of Ugljan and its culture, as well as have an active summer holiday, take part in the many interesting events. 4.-11.7.2012., Murter,Tisno GARDEN FESTIVAL /GARDEN FESTIVAL Tisno na otoku Murteru postat Êe ove godine tijekom Festivala mediteranski odnosno europski centar klupske glazbene scene, uz dolazak izvoaËa i gostiju sa svih strana svijeta./During this year’s festival, Tisno on the island of Murter will become the centre of the Mediterranean and European club music scene with the arrival of performers and guests from all over the world. 5.7.-15.8., Zadar GLAZBENE VE»ERI U SV.DONATU/MUSICAL EVENINGS IN ST. DONAT Tijekom glazbenih veËeri u crkvi sv. Donata odræavaju se koncerti srednjovjekovne, renesansne i glazbe ranog baroka./Concerts of medieval, Renaissance and early Baroque music will be held during the musical evenings in St. Donat Church ©ibenik i okolica/©ibenik and surroundings 28.-30.7., Vodice JAZZ FESTIVAL/JAZZ FESTIVAL Na festivalu nastupaju eminentni hrvatski i strani jazz-glazbenici. Stilska raznolikost i potvreni status izvoaËa razlog su πto vodiËki festival privlaËi sve viπe poklonika jazza./The most eminent Croatian and foreign jazz musicians will perform at the festival. Stylistic diversity and the confirmed status of the performers are the reason why the Vodice festival attracts more and more jazz aficionados.
Split i okolica/Split and surroundings 1.7.-31.8., Stari Grad LJETNE PRIREDBE U STAROME GRADU/SUMMER FESTIVAL IN STARI GRAD U Starome Gradu, drevnom Farosu na otoku Hvaru, oËekuju vas mnoga kulturna, zabavna i sportska dogaanja./ You can expect many cultural, entertainment and sporting events in Stari Grad, the ancient Pharos on the island of Hvar. 4.-30.7., Omiπ FESTIVAL DALMATINSKIH KLAPA/FESTIVAL OF DALMATIAN KLAPA Klapska pjesma posljednjih je godina doæivjela pravu renesansu. Omiπki festival okuplja ponajbolje klapske skupine kako bi oËuvale i promicale dalmatinske napjeve, ali i kako bi ih osuvremenile./Klapa (a cappella) songs have experienced a real renaissance in recent years. The Omiπ festival brings together the best klapa groups in order to preserve and promote the Dalmatian melodies, but also to modernize them. Dubrovnik i okolica/Dubrovnik and surroundings 10.7.-25.8., Dubrovnik DUBROVA»KE LJETNE IGRE/ DUBROVNIK SUMMER FESTIVAL Uæivajte u najljepπim djelima klasiËne glazbe i vrhunskim dramskim izvedbama ugodno smjeπteni meu drevnim gradskim zidinama./Enjoy the most beautiful pieces of classical music and the best drama performances comfortably surrounded by the ancient city walls. KOLOVOZ Zagreb i okolica/Zagreb and surroundings 19.-28.8., Varaædin ©PANCIRFEST/©PANCIRFEST Varaædin se pretvara u grad smijeha i radosti, na ulice izlaze mnogi izvoaËi, glazbenici, performeri, glumci i zabavljaËi, trgovci.../Varaædin is transformed into a city of laughter and joy, and the streets are taken over by many artists, musicians, performers, actors and entertainers, traders...
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24.-26.8., Vrbovec KAJ SU JELI NA©I STARI/WHAT DID OUR ANCENTORS EAT VrbovËani vam predstavljaju tradicionalna jela, a gozbu prate sportska natjecanja i glazbeni program./The people of Vrbovec present their traditional dishes, and the feast is accompanied by sports competitions and a musical programme. Osijek i okolica/Osijek and surroundings 25.-29.8., Vukovar VUKOVAR FILM FESTIVAL/ VUKOVAR FILM FESTIVAL Predstavlja jednu od najvitalnijih kinomatografija svijeta - filmove podunavskih zemalja./The festival presents one of the most vibrant cinematographies of the world by showing films made in the countries of the Danube River Basin. Rijeka i okolica/Rijeka and surroundings 6.-11.8., Senj ME–UNARODNI SENJSKI LJETNI FESTIVAL/ INTERNATIONAL SENJ SUMMER CARNIVAL Uz mnoga popratna dogaanja, vrhunac je festivala velika karnevalska povorka. Pritom mu to πto se odræava usred ljeta daje osobitu draæ./Along with numerous other events, the climax of the festival is the big carnival parade. The fact that it is held in the summer gives it a special charm. 15.8., Rijeka, Trsat HODO»A©ΔE NA VELIKU GOSPU/PILGRIMAGE ON THE DAY OF THE ASSUMPTION OF MARY U Rijeci na Trsatu nalazi se Gospino svetiπte poznato po mnogim usliπenjima i hodoËaπÊima brojnih vjernika, osobito na dan Velike Gospe./In Trsat in Rijeka there is a Marian Shrine which is known for its many answered prayers and pilgrimages by many believers, especially on the Day of the Assumption of Mary. 24.-25.8., Vrbnik DANI VINA OTOKA KRKAVRBNIK 2012./ISLAND OF KRK WINE DAYS-VRBNIK 2012 Posjetitelji mogu uæivati u cjelodnevnim degustacijama i prezentacijama vina, kupiti kvalitetna vina i kuπati autohtone krËke proizvode./Visitors can enjoy a whole day of tastings and presentations of wines, buy quality wines and taste the indigenous products of Krk.
Zadar i okolica/Zadar and surroundings 1.-14.8., Pag PA©KO KULTURNO LJETO/PAG ART FESTIVAL Festival u Pag dovodi vrhunske glazbenike pa Êe tako i ove godine paπkim posjetiteljima prirediti vrhunski glazbeni doæivljaj./This festival brings top musicians to Pag, and so this year again an ultimate musical experience will be prepared for the visitors to Pag. 10.-12.8.,Sali, Dugi otok SALJSKE UÆANCE/SALI CULTURE FESTIVAL TovareÊa muzika poziva vas na dane slavlja i opuπtene atmosfre. Sudjelujte u Ribarskoj noÊi i kuπajte riblje specijalitete, u Saljskoj noÊi.../The TovareÊa Muzika (Donkey Music), a male group of singers and musicians, invites you to days of celebration and a relaxed atmosphere. Participate in Fishermen’s Nights and try the fish specialty dishes, in the Sali nights... ©ibenik i okolica/©ibenik and surroundings 7.-10.kolovoz/August, ©ibenik TERRANEO FESTIVAL Festival je koji vam nudi odliËan glazbeni program, nastupe stranih i domaÊih bendova, DJ gostovanja i druga zabavna dogaanja. Terraneo savrπeno dopunjuje turistiËku ponudu regije koju Ëini primamljivim odrediπtem urbanih ljudi æeljnih dobre zabave./The festival offers you an excellent musical program, including performances by foreign and Croatian bands, DJ guest appearances and other entertaining events. Terraneo is a perfect addition to the tourist offer of the region, thus making it an attractive destination for urban people who want to have a good time. 20.-21.8. ©ibenik VE»ERI DALMATINSKE ©ANSONE/EVENINGS OF DALMATIAN CHANSONS Posluπajte cijenjenu klapsku glazbu koja simbolizira æivot, povijest i tradiciju Dalmacije./Listen to the revered klapa (a cappella) music that symbolizes the life, history and traditions of Dalmatia.
people of Sinj remember the victory of the Cetina people over the Turkish army by holding a traditional knights tournament of the Sinj Alka. RUJAN Zagreb i okolica/Zagreb and surroundings 2.-9.9., Krapina TJEDAN KAJKAVSKE KULTURE/ KAJKAVIAN CULUTRE WEEK Posjetitelji Krapine mogu se uvjeriti kako je aktualna kajkavska kultura i uæivati na koncertu novih kajkavskih popevki i drugim zanimljivim dogaanjima./Visitors to Krapina can see just how current the kajkavian culture is and enjoy a concert of new kajkavian songs and other interesting events. Pula i okolica/Pula and surroundings 7.-9.9., PoreË GIOSTRA/GIOSTRA − PORE» HISTORICAL FESTIVAL Povijesni festival posjetitelje tematski vraÊa u davnu povijest PoreËa, a glavna je atrakcija konjska utrka Giostra./ The theme of the festival takes visitors back to the ancient history of PoreË, and the main attraction is the Giostra horse race.
Rijeka i okolica/Rijeka and surroundings 5.-8.9., IËiÊi LIBURNIA FILM FESTIVAL/ LIBURNIA FILM FESTIVAL Ovaj filmski festival posjetiteljima nudi najkvaliteniji izbor domaÊih dokumentarnih filmova./This film festival offers visitors the best quality selection of domestic documentary films. Dubrovnik i okolica/Dubrovnik and surroundings 6..-22.9., Dubrovnik FESTIVAL JULIAN RACHLIN&FRIENDS/ FESTIVAL JULIAN RACHLIN& FRIENDS Violinist Julian Rachlin i njegovi prijatelji nastupaju pred dubrovaËkom publikom, pruæajuÊi joj vrhunski glazbeni doæivljaj./Violinist Julian Rachlin and his friends perform before a Dubrovnik audience while giving them a superb musical experience. 7.-16.9., KorËula KORKYRA BAROQUE FESTIVAL Posj eti te Ko rË ulu i uæi va j te n a meunarodnom festivalu na kojemu Êe se predstaviti vodeÊi ansambli i solisti specijalizirani za baroknu glazbu./Visit KorËula and enjoy an international festival which presents leading ensembles and soloists specializing in baroque music.
Split i okolica /Split and surroundings 5.8.,Sinj SINJSKA ALKA/SINJSKA ALKA Sinjani se prisjeÊaju pobjede naroda Cetinske krajine nad turskom vojskom, prireujuÊi tradicionalno viteπko natjecanje sinjskih alkara./The
* Za promjene u rasporedu poslije zakljuËenja Ëasopisa redakcija ne odgovara This schedule is valid on June 12th. Allow for change after this date.
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Star Alliance, prva uistinu globalna zrakoplovna udruga, osnovana je 14. svibnja 1997. godine. Taj je dogaaj promijenio civilno zrakoplovstvo. Prijevoznici osnivaËi − Air Canada, Lufthansa, Scandinavian Airlines, THAI i United - shvatili su da Êe u skladu s rastuÊom globalizacijom postati sve vaænija i potreba za viπe meunarodnih putovanja u sve viπe odrediπta. BuduÊi da to nijedna zrakoplovna kompanija ne bi mogla sama realizirati, tih pet prijevoznika osnovalo je udrugu Star Alliance s ciljem da postane vodeÊa globalna udruga zraËnih prijevoznika za visokovrijednoga meunarodnog putnika. U 15 godina Star Alliance proπirio se s pet zrakoplovnih kompanija, koje su zajedno nudile ukupno 6000 dnevnih letova prema 578 zraËnih luka, u 106 zemalja, na mreæu koja ukljuËuje 25 kompanija koje prevoze viπe od 600,000.000 putnika na 20.500 dnevnih letova prema 1293 zraËne luke u 190 zemalja. Pridruæivanje Croatia Airlinesa tom uglednom zrakoplovnom savezu 2004. g. bilo je priznanje da se poslovanje kompanije temelji na najviπim meunarodnim zrakoplovnim standardima. »lanstvo u udruzi omoguÊilo je Croatia Airlinesu poslovanje na novim træiπtima, optimalizaciju reda letenja i poslovne mreæe, racionalizaciju troπkova te niz drugih pogodnosti, kao πto su koriπtenje zajedniËkog know-howa i informatiËkog sustava. Croatia Airlines takoer nastoji svoje poslovanje najviπe πto je moguÊe prilagoditi potrebama træiπta i putnika, i to kvalitetom usluge koja se temelji na sigurnosti i toËnosti letenja, poznavanju træiπta i suradnji s uglednim avioprijevoznicima. U povodu obljetnice Star Alliance zahvaljuje svojim putnicima na 15 godina vjernosti. Star Alliance - The Way t he Ear t h Connects
CROATIA AIRLINES NEWS of becoming the eading global airline alliance for the high-value international traveller. In 15 years, the alliance has grown from five airlines offering a combined total of 6,000 daily flights to 578 airports in 106 countries, to a network of 25 airlines carrying more than 600 million passengers on 20,500 daily flights to 1,293 airports in 190 countries. When Croatia Airlines joined this renowned airline alliance in 2004, it was acknowledged as a company whose operations were based on the highest international air traffic standards. Its membership in the network enabled the company’s presence on new markets, the optimisation of its flight schedule and business network, the rationalization of costs and a number of other benefits, such as the use of common know-how and the IT system. Croatia Airlines also strives to maximally adjust its operations to the needs of the market and the passengers, by providing high quality services based on safety and accuracy of flights, knowledge of the market and cooperation with reputable carriers. On the occasion of marking its anniversary, the Star Alliance network thanks its passengers for 15 years of loyalty. Star Alliance - The Way t he Ear t h Connects KONTAKT CENTAR − NOVO RADNO VRIJEME
Informacije o letovima i sve druge korisne informacije moæete dobiti u Kontakt centru Croatia Airlinesa na brojevima telefona: +385 1 6676 555; 062 500 505 i *500 - za pozive preko mobilnih mreæa u Hrvatskoj i preko emaila: Novo je radno vrijeme Kontakt centra od ponedjeljka do petka, od 7 do 21 h, a vikendom i praznikom od 9 do 18 h.
Information on flights and all useful information can be obtained from the Croatia Airlines Contact Centre at the following telephone numbers: +385 1 6676 555, 062 500 505 and *500 − for calls through mobile networks in Croatia, or via email: The new working hours of the Contact Centre are Monday to Friday from 7 A.M. to 9 P.M, and weekends and holidays from 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. PREZENTACIJA VINA NA LETU
Na letu Zagreb - London 21. svibnja naπi su putnici mogli kuπati kvalitetna vina. Ideja o kuπanju vina na letu nastala je u suradnji s poznatim hrvatskim vinarima MatoπeviÊem i KozloviÊem, par tnerima Croatia Airlinesa pri kreiranju nove usluge u zrakopovu. Putnici su mogli kuπati - malvaziju (MatoπeviÊ - Alba i KozloviÊ - Santa Lucia), MatoπeviÊevu crnu Grimaldu (kupaæa merlota i terana) i KozloviÊev poluslatki muπkat. Vina su predstavili vinari osobno, uz asistenciju Saπe ©piranca, poznatoga vinskog struËnjaka. PRESENTATION OF WINES ON OUR FLIGHTS
On the Zagreb - London flight on 21 May, our passengers had the opportunity to taste the highest quality Croatian wines. The idea for wine tasting during flights was formulated during collaboration with the renowned Croatian wine makers MatoπeviÊ and KozloviÊ; Croatia Airlines’ partners for creating new services on our flights. Passengers had the opportunity to taste wines such as Malvazia (MatoπeviÊ - Alba and KozloviÊ - Santa Lucia), MatoπeviÊ’s Grimalda Red (a blend of Merlot and Teran) and KozloviÊ’s semi-sweet Muscat. The wines were presented in person by the wine producers, assisted by Saπa ©piranec, a well-known wine expert.
Star Alliance, the first truly global airline association, was established on 14 May 1997. That event changed civil aviation. The founding airlines; Air Canada, Lufthansa, Scandinavian Airlines, THAI and United, all realised that with growing globalisation the need for more international travels to a wider range of destinations would become increasingly important. As no airline on its own would be able to achieve this, these five airlines established the Star Alliance network with the aim 182
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Slaven Æabo, voditelj Sluæbe nabave zemaljskih usluga: Sve za putnike Slaven Æabo, Manager of Ground Handling Agreements and Contracting: Everything for our Passengers
Romeo IbriševiÊ
Piše/By Ksenija Žlof
a usluge naπim putnicima, koje su vaæne kako bi se osigurala πto bolja kvaliteta njihova putovanja, brine se, meu ostalima, i naπ kolega Slaven Æabo. Slaven je u Croatia Airlinesu od oæujka 2001. godine, kad se zaposlio na poslu referenta za domaÊe zraËne luke. U sklopu studija zraËnog prometa na Fakultetu prometnih znanosti u Zagrebu, obavljao je ljetnu praksu u naπoj Sluæbi nabave zemaljskih usluga, πto je, zbog njegova marljivoga i predanog rada, rezultiralo njegovim zapoπljavanjem na radnome mjestu referenta. Tijekom sljedeÊih godina obavljao je razliËite poslove u toj sluæbi, a zatim preπao u Odjel za meunarodne zraËne luke. Ubrzo je postao voditelj Sluæbe nabave zemaljskih usluga. - Sluæba se sastoji od πest djelatnika. Uvijek vlada dobra atmosfera i osobito smo ponosni na vrlo kvalitetan timski rad − kaæe Slaven. Osnovni poslovi kojima se bavimo odnose se na ugovaranje usluga zraËnih luka, kontrolu leta, hotelskih smjeπtaja i zemaljskog prijevoza. Sa spomenutim uslugama putnici se sreÊu pri registraciji za let u zraËnim lukama, pri ukrcaju i iskrcaju iz zrakoplova, a takoer i onda kad putnicima valja osigurati πto bolji hotelski smjeπtaj, osvjeæenja i druge usluge. 184
Slaven uspjeπno vodi i projekt Croatia Airlines on time, kojemu je glavni cilj poboljπanje toËnosti letenja. Naime, u prosincu 2010. godine spomenuti je projekt pokrenut radi maksimalnog poboljπanja toËnosti prometovanja. - Ponosni smo na to πto su naπi ciljevi postignuti. ToËnost prometovanja u 2011. godini poboljπana je za 10 postotnih bodova u odnosu na prethodnu godinu, kaπnjenja su smanjena za 14 posto, a ono πto nas osobito raduje jest zadovoljstvo putnika toËnoπÊu leta, koje je poraslo za osam postotnih bodova u odnosu na prethodnu godinu i na najviπoj je razini u posljednjih sedam godina. Dakako, naπ posao time nije zavrπen, jer i dalje se neprekidno trudimo poboljπati naπu toËnost, kao i naπ cjelokupni proizvod, kako bismo opravdali povjerenje putnika - rekao nam je Slaven Æabo. U sklopu svog posla Slaven Ëesto putuje i upoznaje zanimljive kolege i odrediπta. Iako je bio i u egzotiËnome i dalekom Kuala Lumpuru, viπe ga se, kaæe, dojmio London, u kojemu se veÊ osjeÊa kao kod kuÊe. Slaven je nedavno postao i sretni otac, dobio je sina Jakova i sada sve slobodno vrijeme i svu paænju posveÊuje malom Jakovu. ■
ur colleague, Slaven Æabo, is one of Croatia Airlines’ employees responsible for the services provided to our passengers, which are important for ensuring the highest quality of their travels. Slaven started working at Croatia Airlines in March 2001, when he was employed as a clerk for domestic airports. As part of his studies of air traffic at the Faculty of Traffic Science in Zagreb, he was assigned to our Ground Handling Agreements and Contracting Service for his summer internship. Due to his devotion and hard-work, he was later employed as a clerk. Over the next few years, he carried out different tasks in the same department, and
then he was transferred to the Department for International Airports. Soon after that he became the manager of the Ground Handling Agreements and Contracting Services. - The Service is comprised of six employees. The atmosphere is always good and we are especially proud of our high quality team work, says Slaven. - Our basic activities include contracting airport services, flight control, hotel accommodations and ground transportation. Our passengers encounter these services when registering for their flights at airports, when boarding and disembarking from the aircraft, and also when passengers should be provided with better hotel accommodation, refreshments and other services. Slaven also successfully leads the project Croatia Airlines on Time, whose main goal is to improve the punctuality of flights. This project was initiated in December 2010 with the aim of maximizing the punctuality of air traffic. - We are proud we have achieved our goals. The punctuality of air traffic in 2011 increased by 10 percent compared to the previous year; delayed flights dropped by 14 per cent; and we are especially proud of our passenger satisfaction with the punctuality of flights, which rose by eight percent compared to the previous year, reaching the highest level in the last seven years. However, our job is not done. We continuously strive to improve our punctuality, as well as our overall product, in order to justify the confidence that our passengers have placed in us, says Slaven Æabo. As part of his job, Slaven travels a lot and meets interesting colleagues and many destinations. Although he has visited even the far away and exotic Kuala Lumpur, he is more impressed by London, where he says he already feels at home. Slaven has recently become a lucky father. His son’s name is Jakov and he now spends all his free time with him and gives him all his attention. ■
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Croatia Airlines nagrauje autora najoriginalnije fotografije.
Zvonimir Brezovec
Fotografirajte i otputujte Letite Croatia Airlinesom, fotografirajte i osvojite zrakoplovne karte. Autor najoriginalnije fotografije bit Êe nagraen dvjema povratnim meunarodnim zrakoplovnim kartama Croatia Airlinesa.
Zaπto volite putovati ? Budite kreativni. Fotografijom i jednom reËenicom izrazite zaπto volite putovanja. Najbolju fotografiju izabrat Êe Sluæba promotivnih aktivnosti Croatia Airlinesa, a fotografiju Êemo objaviti u sljedeÊem broju putnog Ëasopisa. Crno-bijele, fotografije u boji ili dijapozitive dostavite do 10. kolovoza 2012. godine na adresu: Croatia Airlines, Sluæba promotivnih aktivnosti, Bani 75b, Buzin, 10010 Zagreb, Hrvatska. Ne zaboravite priloæiti kupon s dna stranice.
" g.
Uvjeti nagradne igre: - fotografije postaju vlasniπtvo Croatia Airlinesa - Croatia Airlines ne preuzima nikakvu odgovornost u sluËaju gubitka materijala - Croatia Airlines zadræava pravo koriπtenja fotografija u promidæbenim materijalima Croatia Airlinesa bez naknade - nagrada ne moæe biti zamijenjena za novac - djelatnici Croatia Airlinesa te Ëlanovi njihove uæe obitelji nemaju pravo sudjelovanja u nagradnoj igri
Croatia Airlines is rewarding the author of the most original photograph.
Ina Žerjan Kontrec
Take a photo and travel
Fly Croatia Airlines, take photographs and win two air tickets. The winner will receive 2 Croatia Airlines international round trip tickets.
Why do you love to travel ? Be creative. In one sentence and a single photograph express why you love to travel. Selection of the most original photograph will be made by the Croatia Airlines Promotion Department and the photograph will be published in the next issue of our inflight magazine. You should send us your B/W or color photographs and/or slides by 10th August 2012 to the following address: Croatia Airlines, Promotion Department, Bani 75b, Buzin, 10010 Zagreb, Croatia. Do not forget to include the coupon from the page bottom.
" Mr.
NAME SURNAME DATE OF BIRTH ADDRESS POSTAL CODE CITY COUNTRY TEL. NO. E-MAIL Conditions for participation: - photographs become the property of Croatia Airlines - Croatia Airlines does not assume any responsibility in case of the possible loss of the material - Croatia Airlines reserves the right to use the material in the Croatia Airlines promotional activities and materials, without an additional payment. - reward cannot be exchanged for money - employees of Croatia Airlines as well as the members of their immediate families, are not allowed to participate
Miles & More Broj leta/ Flight number
TrenutaËni let/Current flight Broj karte/Document number
Klasa knjiæenja/ Booking class
Datum polaska/Date of departure Linija (npr. Frankfurt–Pariz)/Route (e.g. Frankfurt–Paris)
Adresa (molimo vas da navedete samo jednu adresu)/ Address (please state only one address) ga/Ms
KuÊna/ Home Ime/First name
Poslovna/ Business Prezime/Surname
Ulica i broj/Street and number
Poπtanski pretinac/PO Box
Razred putovanja/ Service class Economy Class Business Class First Class
Molimo vas da unesete ime kompanije/Please enter name of company here
Poπtanski broj/Postcode
Datum roenja/Date of birth Dan/ Mjesec/ Day Month
Godina/ Year
Mobilni telefon/Mobile number Privatni/ Home
Poslovni/ Business
Ovime potvrujem* da od sljedeÊih (dolje oznaËenih) kompanija æelim primati SMS poruke s vaænim i najnovijim informacijama u vezi s mojim letom tijekom putovanja. /I hereby give my permission* for the following listed companies (ticked below) to send me important and up-to-date information regarding my travel itinerary by SMS during my travels. Deutsche Lufthansa AG, kompanija iz koncerna Lufthansa ili kompanije koje sudjeluju u programu Miles & More (ukljuËujuÊi Croatia Airlines) Deutsche Lufthansa AG, a company of the Lufthansa Group or joint operators of the Miles & More programme (including Croatia Airlines)
Drugi partneri programa Miles & More Other Miles & More partner corporations
e-mail adresa/E-mail address Privatna/ Home
Poslovna/ Business
Ovime potvrujem* da od sljedeÊih (dolje oznaËenih) kompanija æelim elektronskom poπtom primati obavijesti o ponudama, promocijama, novim uslugama i drugim zanimljivim temama vezanima uz Lufthansu, grupu Lufthansa i partnerske kompanije. /I hereby give my permission* for the following listed companies (ticked below) to send me information by e-mail about offers, promotions, new services and other interesting topics from Lufthansa, the Lufthansa Group, as well as partner corporations. Deutsche Lufthansa AG, kompanija iz koncerna Lufthansa ili kompanije koje sudjeluju u programu Miles & More (ukljuËujuÊi Croatia Airlines) Drugi partneri programa Miles & More Deutsche Lufthansa AG, a company of the Lufthansa Group or joint operators of the Miles & More programme (including Croatia Airlines) Other Miles & More partner corporations
Uvjete Ëlanstva u programu Miles & More moæete pronaÊi na web stranicama ili Ova vas prijava ne obvezuje ni na koji naËin. Ne budete li viπe htjeli primati obavijesti o naπim posebnim ponudama, u svakom trenutku moæete povuÊi pristanak za koriπtenje vaπih osobnih podataka u promotivne svrhe pozivom na telefonski broj + 49-1805-5959 (€0.12/min. preko fiksne mreæe u NjemaËkoj) * Znam da dopuπtenje dano Deutsche Lufthansi AG mogu povuÊi u svakom trenutku.
Poljski/ Polish
©panjolski/ Spanish
Japanski/ Japanese
Conditions of participation in our Frequent Flyer Programme Miles & More can be obtained on request on the Internet at and This registration places you under no obligation. If you no longer wish to receive our special offers, you can withdraw your permission to use your personal information for advertising purposes by contacting us on +49 -18 05 - 59 59 (€ 0.12/min. from a German landline). * I am aware that I can revoke this permission from Deutsche Lufthansa AG at any time.
Odabrani naËin komunikacije za Miles & More News i izvjeπtaj o stanju milja na raËunu/Preferred means of communication for Miles & More News and Miles & More account statements: Elektronski/ Poπtom/ Online Post
Jezik za komunikaciju/Preferred correspondence language Francuski/ Talijanski/ Engleski/ NjemaËki/ French Italian English German
Jednostavno je prijaviti se za Ëlanstvo: • preko interneta na web stranici • poπtom • telefaksom na broj +49 - 52 41 - 80 60 200 • kod osoblja u zrakoplovu Bit Êe nam zadovoljstvo ubiljeæiti vam milje za trenutaËni let kao i za bilo koji drugi let koji ste ostvarili u posljednjih 6 mjeseci s Croatia Airlinesom, kompanijom Lufthansa ili nekim drugim partnerom u programu. Molimo vas da gore unesete podatke o trenutaËnom letu. Retroaktivno ubiljeæavanje milja za druge letove moæete zatraæiti na stranici Molimo vas da uvijek Ëuvate originalnu kartu za ulazak u zrakoplov (boarding pass) i kopiju putne karte dok vam se milje ne ubiljeæe na raËun.
It’s so easy to register: • Online at • By fax +49 - 52 41 - 80 60 200
• By post • With one of your flight attendants
We will be happy to credit your account with the miles for this flight and for any other flights taken in the last 6 months with Croatia Airlines, Lufthansa or another Miles & More partner. Enter your current flight above. To have the miles for the other flights credited to your account, go to Please retain your original boarding card and passenger receipt (copy of your ticket) until the miles have been credited to your account.
Razred putovanja/ Service class
Klasa knjiæenja/ Booking class
Miles & More – veÊ sad poËnite prikupljati milje
Broj leta/ Flight number
Broj karte/
Miles & More – start collecting miles now
Document number
Prostor za marku.
Please affix stamp here.
»im se poËnete koristiti svojom privremenom karticom Miles & More, milje Êe vam se biljeæiti na raËun. Molimo vas da pri svakoj rezervaciji navedete broj svoje kartice Miles & More. Trajnu karticu dobit Êete poπto prikupite najmanje jednu milju na svom raËunu. Milje za danaπnji let bit Êe vam ubiljeæene na raËun ako na prednju stranu unesete sve potrebne podatke o letu.
Ime/First name
Miles will start landing in your account immediately after you start to use your temporary Miles & More Card. Please remember to state your personal Miles & More number every time you make a reservation. You will receive your proper Miles & More Card once you have collected one mile.
We will credit the miles for your current flight to your account once you have provided all the details of the current flight on the front.
Trajnu karticu dobit Êete poπto prikupite najmanje jednu milju na svom raËunu. We will send you your regular Miles & More Card as soon as you have earned one mile.
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Miles & More
Osnove Miles & More programa
Introducing Miles & More
Miles & More najveÊi je program nagraivanja putnika u Europi i nudi Ëlanovima ra zliËite moguÊnosti prikupljanja milja i koriπtenja nagrada, kao i mnoge privlaËne pogodnosti. »lanovi prikupljaju milje koristeÊi se uslugama brojnih par tnera u programu. Milje se biljeæe za letove svih Ëlanica Star Alliancea i drugih kompanija par tnera, ali i za unajmljivanje vozila, odsjedanje u hotelima ili potroπnju preko kreditnih kar tica Miles & More.
Miles & More is the greatest frequent flyer programme in Europe offering its members numerous possibilities for collecting and redeeming miles, as well as many attractive privileges. Members collect miles by using the services of many partners in the programme. Miles are credited for flights of all Star Alliance members and other airline partners, but also for renting vehicles from rent-a-car partners or staying in participating hotels.
Zatraæite svoju Diners Club Croatia Airlines kreditnu kar ticu! n 5 kuna = 1 milja - za svakih 5 kuna potroπenih preko ove kar tice, biljeæi vam se 1 nagradna milja n Dvostruke milje - osvajate za plaÊa nje turistiË kih aranæmana i zrakoplovnih karata u Diners Club Travelu n Prikupljajte nagrad ne milje svuda - jed nostav no plaÊajte svojom Diners Club kar ticom na bilo kojemu od 12,000.000 DC prodajnih mjesta u zemlji i inozemstvu.
Apply for your Diners Club Croatia Airlines credit card! n 5 HRK = 1 mile - for every 5 HRK spent via this card, you collect 1 mile. n Earn double miles - for paying package tours and flight tickets at Diners Club Travel n Collect award miles ever ywhere - simply pay with your Diners Club Card in any of 12 million DC offices in Croatia or abroad
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Osvojite joπ viπe milja - koriπtenje ostalih pogodnosti Diners Cluba poput besplatnih online usluga, e-plaÊanja ili trajnih naloga donosi vam dodatne milje. n 2 kar tice - 1 raËun Miles & More - koristite se istodobno privatnom i poslovnom kar ticom Diners Cluba i Croatia Airlinesa, prikupljene nagradne milje zbrajaju se na vaπemu raËunu Miles & More.
n Collect extra award miles - by using other Diners Club benefits, such as free online services, internet banking and e-paying, standing orders etc. n 2 credit cards - 1 Miles & More membership account - use your private and business card to collect award miles on the same membership account.
Zatražite svoju kreditnu karticu VISA Croatia Airlines! Croatia Airlines i Erste Card Club objavili su, osim companion kreditnih karica (poslovnih i privatnih), i VISA Croatia Airlines samostalnu karticu, poslovnu i privatnu. Potroπnja od 14 kuna na samostalnim karticama donosi 1 nagradnu milju Miles & More, a za potroπenih 7 kuna u inozemstvu se preko kartica u paru dobiva 1 nagradna milja Miles & More.
Apply for your VISA Croatia Airlines credit card! Croatia Airlines and Erste Card Club have issued, besides a companion credit card (both business and private), a VISA Croatia Airlines stand-alone credit card, both business and private. You will get 1 Miles & More award mile for every 14 kuna spent via stand-alone credit cards whereas for every 7 kuna spent abroad via companion credit cards 1 Miles & More award mile will be credited to your account.
Zatra æite svoju kreditnu kar ticu Croatia Airlines American Express! n 4 kune = 1 nagradna milja - za svake 4 kune potroπene preko Premium kar tice biljeæi se 1 nagradna milja, odnosno za svakih 5 kuna potroπenih preko Standard kar tice n 2500 milja dobrodoπlice - za nove osnovne Premium korisnike i 1250 milja dobrodoπlice za nove dodatne Premium korisnike n 1500 milja dobrodoπlice za nove osnovne Standard korisnike i 750 milja dobrodoπlice za nove dodatne Standard korisnike n Dvostruke nagradne milje - za potroπnju u poslovnicama Croatia Airlinesa i Jumbo Travel Ser vices PBZ Carda n UËlanjenje u Priority Pass bez naknade te pristup u viπe od 450 VIP salona u zraËnim lukama
Apply for your Croatia Airlines American Express credit card! n 4 HRK = 1 award mile - for every 4 HRK spent via Premium card, you collect 1 award mile, and for every 5 HRK spent via Standard card you collect 1 mile. n 2.500 welcome miles - for new basic Premium card users and 1.250 welcome miles for new additional Premium card users. n 1.500 welcome miles - for new basic Standard card users and 750 welcome miles for new additional Standard card users. n Earn double award miles - using the card to pay for travels at Croatia Airlines sales offices and Jumbo Travel Services of PBZ Card. n Free Priority Pass enrollment- it enables you to access into more than 450 VIP airport lounges
Razredi Ëlanstva i pogodnosti Koriπtenjem usluga par tnera u programu prikupljate nagradne milje koje zamjenjujete za nagrade i statusne milje koje odreuju vaπ Ëlanski status i pogodnosti πto ih ostvarujete. Statusne milje prikupljaju se redovitim letovima sljedeÊih zrakoplovnih kompanija: Croatia Airlines, Adria Air ways, Austrian Airlines, LOT Polish Airlines, Lufthansa (ukljuËujuÊi Luf thansa Regional i Luf thansa Private Jet), SWISS i svi zrakoplovni par tneri iz mreæe Star Alliance, Air Dolomiti i Luxair. Svaka tako ostvarena milja biljeæi se i kao statusna i kao nagradna milja. Milje HON Circle statusne su milje koje se prikupljaju letovima sljedeÊih kompanija: Croatia Airlines, Adria Air ways, Austrian Air lines, Air Dolomiti, Brussels Airlines, LOT Polish Airlines, Luf thansa (ukljuËujuÊi Luf thansa Regional i Luf thansa Private Jet), Luxair i Swiss International Airlines. Uz 35.000 statusnih milja prikupljenih u jednoj kalendarskoj godini, steÊi Êete status Frequent Traveller, a za 100.000 statusnih milja u kalendarskoj godini oËe ku je vas status Se nator. »la novi koji prikupe najmanje 600.000 HON Circle milja u ra zdoblju od dvije uzastopne kalendarske godine, stjeËu status HON Circle.
Tiers and benefits By using the Miles & More partners’ services members collect award miles, which are traded in for awards; and status miles, which determine a member’s membership status and privileges. Status miles can be accrued on scheduled flights operated by Croatia Airlines, Adria Airways, Austrian Airlines, LOT Polish Airlines, Lufthansa (including Lufthansa Regional and Lufthansa Private Jet), SWISS, all Star Alliance partners, Air Dolomiti and Luxair. Every mile accrued is recorded as both a status and an award mile. HON Circle miles are status miles that you collect on flights operated by Croatia Airlines, Adria Airways, Austrian Airlines, Air Dolomiti, Brussels Airlines, LOT Polish Airlines, Lufthansa (including Lufthansa Regional and Lufthansa Private Jet), Luxair and Swiss International Airlines. With 35,000 status miles collected in one calendar year members earn the Frequent Traveller status, with 100,000 status miles the Senator status, and members who collect at least 600,000 HON Circle miles within two consecutive calendar years, earn the HON Circle status.
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Pogodnosti statusa Frequent Traveller - Executive Bonus - 25 posto milja na zaista prijeeni ili standardni iznos za letove sljedeÊih kompanija: Croatia Airlines, Adria Airways, Air Canada, Air Dolomiti, Austrian Airlines, LOT Polish Airlines, Lufthansa (ukljuËujuÊi Lufthansa Regional i Lufthansa Private Jet), SWISS, US Airways, United, Brussels Airlines, Luxair i Continental. - neograniËena valjanost nagradnih milja za trajanja statusa - uporaba Lufthansa Business Class Loungea prilikom letova s nekom od Ëlanica Star Alliancea - prednost na listi Ëekanja - prijava za let (check in) na πalteru poslovnog razreda - 40 kg prtljage bez naplate, ovisno o odredištu i zrakoplovnoj kompaniji Ako je rijeË o komadnom prijevozu prtljage, 2 komada u ekonomskom ili poslovnom razredu, a tri u prvom razredu putovanja
Frequent Traveller privileges - Executive Bonus of 25 per cent on the actual flown miles or standard mileage amounts on flights operated by Croatia Airlines, Adria Airways, Air Canada, Air Dolomiti, Austrian Airlines, LOT Polish Airlines, Lufthansa (including Lufthansa Regional and Lufthansa Private Jet), SWISS, US Airways, United, Brussels Airlines, Luxair and Continental. - Accrued award miles have no expiry date - Use of the Lufthansa Business Class Lounges while flying with a Star Alliance Member - Waiting list priority - Check-in at the Lufthansa Business Class counter - Free baggage allowance of 40 kg depending on the destination and the airline If piece concept is applicable 2 bags in total (Economy or Business) and 3 bags in the First Class
Pogodnosti statusa Senator - Executive Bonus - 25 posto milja - neograniËena valjanost nagradnih milja za trajanja statusa - predujam od 50.000 milja - uporaba Lufthansa Senator Lounge te Star Gold Lounge partnera u Star Allianceu - viπi prioritet na listi Ëekanja - prijava za let (check in) na πalteru prvog razreda - osigurano mjesto na letu za rezervacije do 48 sati odnosno do 72 sata unaprijed, ovisno o razredu putovanja - 50 posto manje milja za suputnika na nagradnom letu, ovisno o zrakoplovnoj kompaniji - dodatnih 20 kg ili dodatni komad prtljage bez naplate, ovisno o odredištu i zrakoplovnoj kompaniji - komadni sistem prijevoza prtljage: 2 u ekonomskom, 3 u poslovnom i 4 u prvom razredu - dva elektroniËka vauËera za premjeπtaj u viπi razred putovanja (upgrade), te joπ dva za svako zadræavanje statusa - Senator Premium Award
Senator privileges - Executive Bonus of 25 per cent - Accrued award miles have no expiry date - 50,000 miles in advance - Access to the Lufthansa Senator Lounge as well as to the Star Gold Lounges of Star Alliance partners - High waiting list priority - First Class check-in - Booking guarantee up to 48 or 72 hours in advance depending on the booking class - A 50 per cent mile age discount for an ac companying per son on fl ig ht awar ds depending on the airline - Ad di ti o nal 20 kg bag ga ge al lowan ce or an addi ti o nal bag depending on the destination and the airline - Piece concept: 2 in Economy, 3 in Business and 4 in the First Class - 2 electronic upgrade vouchers and two more for every status retention - Senator Premium Award
Pogodnosti statusa HON Circle - sve pogodnosti statusa Senator - Executive Bonus od 25 posto - predujam od 100.000 milja - Status Senator za supruænika ili partnera, ovisno o zrakoplovnoj kompaniji - dva elektroniËka vauËera za premjeπtaj u viπi razred putovanja (upgrade), te dva prigodom zadræavanja statusa - dodatne pogodnosti koje nude partneri programa osiguravajuÊi jedinstveno iskustvo putovanja - komadni sistem prijevoza prtljage: 2 u ekonomskom, 3 u poslovnom i 4 u prvom razredu
HON Circle privileges - All existing Senator privileges - Executive bonus of 25 per cent - 100,000 miles in advance - Senator status for your spouse or partner depending on the airline - 2 electronic Upgrade Vouchers and 2 more for every status retention - Additional benefits offered by Miles & More partners, rounding off the travel experience - Piece concept: 2 in Economy, 3 in Business and 4 in the First Class
Troπite milje Prikupljene nagradne milje zamjenjujete za mnoge nagrade: nagradne karte, premjeπtaj u viπi razred putovanja (upgrade), razliËite nagrade kojima se moæete koristiti pri putovanju (hotelski smjeπtaj, unajmljivanje vozila). Više informacija možete pronaÊi na:
Spend miles You can exchange collected award miles for awards prepared for you: award tickets, upgrades, various travel awards. You can find more at:
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U NA©EM ZRAKOPLOVU RED SJEDENJA Vaπe je sjedalo rezervirano samo za vas. Napuπtate li sjedalo tijekom leta, molimo da se prije svakog slijetanja vratite na sjedalo.
PO©TOVANI PUTNICI! Vaπe zadovoljstvo naπa je prva i najvaænija zadaÊa. Stoga stalno nastojimo poboljπati naπe usluge u zrakoplovu i na zemlji. Osluπkujemo vaπe æelje preko anketa, pisama te vaπih pismenih i usmenih prijedloga i, vjerujte, uvijek ih smatramo dragocjenima. Znajte da nam je svaki vaπ prijedlog dobrodoπao, a svaka napomena vrlo vaæna. Piπite nam stoga na adresu uredniπtva: Croatia Airlines, Ëasopis Croatia, Bani 75b, Buzin, 10010 Zagreb, e-mail:
Molimo proËitajte nekoliko uputa vaænih za vaπu sigurnost i udobnost tijekom putovanja. Raduje nas πto ste za let izabrali upravo zrakoplov naπe kompanije. Potrudit Êemo se da vam let protekne πto ugodnije. UvaæavajuÊi svjetske zdravstvene i ekoloπke trendove, 1996. godine Croatia Airlines uveo je nepuπaËke letove na svim linijama. Zahvaljujemo vam πto se pridruæujete naπim nastojanjima da svijet bude zdraviji, ËiπÊi i ljepπi.
Sva Ëekirana prtljaga mora imati putnikovo ime. Besplatne oznake za prtljagu mogu se dobiti u svim prodajnim uredima Croatia Airlinesa. Oznaku za prtljagu stavite i unutar prtljage. Sve vrijedne stvari i predmete nosite sa sobom u zrakoplov. Osobnu ruËnu prtljagu odloæite iznad svojeg sjedala ili ispod njega, tako da teæi komadi idu ispod, a lakπi iznad, a da istodobno ne smeta drugim putnicima i posadi zrakoplova. UPUTE ZA SIGURNOST Prije uzlijetanja zrakoplova osoblje Êe vam dati nekoliko uputa πto valja Ëiniti u sluËaju opasnosti. One se odnose na tip zrakoplova pa ih paæljivo prouËite. Prigodom uzlijetanja i slijetanja svi putnici, ukljuËujuÊi i djecu, moraju se vezati sigurnosnim pojasima. PreporuËujemo da zbog vaπe sigurnosti i udobnosti ostanete privezani tijekom cijelog leta. Pri slijetanju molimo da ostanete na svojim sjedalima sve dok se ne iskljuËi znak obvezatnog vezivanja. Prilikom ulaska u neke zemlje valja popuniti odreene obrasce. Oni su vam dostupni u aerodromskoj zgradi pri ulasku u zemlju. Kako bismo vam olakπali i ubrzali taj postupak, naπe Êe vam ih kabinsko osoblje rado podijeliti tijekom leta.
mogu se rabiti sve vrijeme: sluπni aparati, ugraeni medicinski aparati, elektroniËki satovi, elektroniËki stimulatori æivaca. ZABRANJENI PREDMETI Zakonom je zabranjeno noπenje opasnog materijala i u predanoj i u ruËnoj prtljazi. U takve se ubrajaju eksplozivi, lako zapaljive tekuÊine, radioaktivni materijali i otrovi, oruæje, stlaËeni plinovi, korozivna i oksidirajuÊa sredstva. USLUGA TIJEKOM LETA U zrakoplovu raspolaæemo razliËitim vrstama alkoholnih i bezalkoholnih piÊa, kojima Êe vas stjuardese posluæiti zajedno s jelom. Prigodom kupnje karte, ali svakako 24 sata unaprijed, moæete naruËiti specijalnu vrstu obroka (oznaka: SPML), kao npr. vegetarijanski, muslimanski, dijetalni, a kosher 48 sati unaprijed. Ako ste naruËili poseban obrok, molimo vas da o tome na vrijeme izvijestite osoblje. Putnicima nije dopušteno konzumiranje vlastitih alkoholnih piÊa. Osoblje zrakoplova neÊe posluæiti alkoholna piÊa alkoholiziranim putnicima. Prije slijetanja osoblje Êe ukloniti sve πalice i Ëaπe. Puπenje nije dopuπteno tijekom cijelog leta, a u toaletima postoje i detektori za dim, koji se aktiviraju u sluËaju puπenja. MEDICINSKA POMOΔ U zrakoplovu imamo priruËnu ljekarnu sa svim potrebnim lijekovima za prvu pomoÊ (s lijekovima protiv bolova, flasterima i ostalim osnovnim medicinskim sredstvima). Za medicinsku pomoÊ obratite se kabinskom osoblju.
Sadaπnje odredbe zabranjuju uporabu odreenih prenosivih elektronskih naprava tijekom komercijalnih letova, zbog moguÊnosti ometanja navigacijske i komunikacijske opreme. Na letovima Croatia Airlinesa zabranjena je uporaba ovih elektroniËkih naprava: prijenosnih telefona, komercijalnih dvovalnih prijenosnika (npr. walkie talkie); amaterskih prijenosnih ureaja; CB prijenosnih ureaja: prijenosnih ureaja koji emitiraju RF energiju na odreenoj frekvenciji, perifernih ureaja za raËunala ili igre. Ovi se ureaji mogu rabiti kad zrakoplov nije na pisti, uzletu, poËetnom penjanju, prilazu ili fazama slijetanja: osobna raËunala (periferni ureaji kao πto su πtampaËi, vanjski disc driveovi itd. nisu dopuπteni); osobna raËunala s igrama, VHF skenerski prijamnici; CD diskovi; kasetofoni, videorekorderi; kalkulatori. SljedeÊi ureaji
U avionu moæete kupiti bescarinsku robu. Što se tiËe cijena, obratite se domaÊici zrakoplova. Roba se moæe platiti u sljedeÊim konvertibilnim valutama: euro, ameriËki dolar, funta, πvicarski franak i u nacionalnoj valuti kunama, te sljedeÊim karticama: Diners, Visa, American Express i EuroMaster Card. Zbog teæine aviona ili trenutaËnog nedostatka prostora ponuda moæe biti ograniËena, pa vas molimo da to uzmete u obzir. ■ DEAR PASSENGERS! Your satisfaction is our first and foremost concern. That is why we are always striving to improve our services on board our aircraft and on the ground. We study your wishes by means of questionnaries, letters and spoken
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ABOARD OUR AIRCRAFT suggestions, which, believe us are always given every consideration. The mentioned improvements are an answer to your requests. With every new timetable we try to adapt ourselves increasingly to your needs, as well as to improve the existing services. Each one of your suggestions is most welcome, and every comment carefully read and very important to us. So please do not hesitate to write to us to the following address: Croatia Airlines, Inflight Magazine, Bani 75b, Buzin, 10010 Zagreb, E-mail: Please read the instructions below, impor-tant for your safety and comfort during the flight. We are happy that you have chosen Croatia Airlines for your flight and shall do our best to make it as pleasant as possible.
Some countries require that passengers complete a form on arrival. These forms are available at arrival terminals on entering the country. In order to facilitate this procedure, our cabin crew will be pleased to distribute such forms during the flight. USE OF ELECTRONIC DEVICES Current regulations prohibit the use of certain types of portable electronic devices (PFDs) on board commercial flights, due to potential interference with navigational and communications equipment. On Croatia Airlines’ flights it is prohibited to use the following electronic devices: cellular telephones,
firearms, compressed gases, corrosive products and oxidizers.
SERVICE ON BOARD Both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages are available on board and are served with your meal. If you wish to order a special kind of meal such as vegeterian, dietary etc., you can do so when buying your ticket but must be 24 hours in advance. Kosher meals should be ordered 48 hours in advance. Make sure that your flight attendant is aware that you have ordered a special meal. Passengers are prohibited from consuming their own alcoholic beverages on board.
In accordance with health and environmental trends accepted throughout the world, Croatia Airlines introduced nonsmoking flights to all destinations in 1996. Thank you for joining our efforts in making the world a better, cleaner and healthier place to live in. SEAT ASSIGNMENT Your seat has been especially reserved for you. Should you leave your seat during the flight, please return to it before each landing. BAGGAGE All checked-in baggage must have the passen-ger’s name on the outside. Free identification cards are available at all OU ticket offices. We suggest that you place an identification tag inside your luggage as well. Carry all valuable and important items with you on the plane. Hand luggage must be stowed under the passenger seat or in the overhead compartment - heavy pieces below and lighter above the seat - in a way not to disturb other passengers or the cabin crew. SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Prior to take-off the cabin crew will give you instructions regarding your safety and how to act in case of an emergency. The instrucions vary according to the type of the aircraft, so please pay attention to the flight attendant’s predeparture announcements and safety demonstrations. During take-off and landing all passengers, including children, are required to fasten their seat belts. For your safety and comfort, we recommend that you keep the safety belt fastened during the whole flight.
commercial two-way transmitters (e. g., walkie-talkies); amateur radio transmitters; Citizen Band (CB) transmitters; 49-MHz transmitters, devices designed to radiate RF energy on a specific frequency; peripheral devices for computers or computer games. The following devices may be used when the aircraft is not in the taxiing, take-off, initial climb, approach or landing phases: personal computers (cable-connected peripheral devices such as printers, external disc drives, etc. are not permitted); personal computer games, VHS scanner receivers; compact disc players; cassette tape players; video recorders; calculators. The following may be operated at all times: hearing aids, implanted medical devices, electronic watches, electronic nerve stimulators.
The cabin crew are instructed to discontinue ser-ving passengers who appear to be intoxicated. All cups and glasses will be removed from the passenger areas prior to take-off and landing. Smoking is not permitted on any of Croatia Airlines’ flights. A fresh air vent and smoke detectors are located in toilletes and will be activated if smoking.
MEDICAL AID Painkillers, Band Aid and other essential medical items are kept on the aircraft. Ask your flight attendant should you need any assistance.
SKY SHOP RESTRICTED ITEMS The law prohibits the transport of hazardous items in either checked-in or hand luggage. Such items are: explosives, flammable liquids and solids, radioactive materials and poisons,
Duty free goods can be paid for in major currencies such as: Euro, US Dollar, British Pounds, Swiss Franks and national currency Kuna, whilst Diners, Visa, American Express and Euro-Master Card are also welcome. ■ CROATIA AIRLINES
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Avianca, TACA Airlines and Copa Airlines have joined Star Alliance. An extensive network, seamlessly connecting me to all the new business opportunities in Latin America. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a lot of connections, even for me. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve earned it.
Nicole German, Head of Marketing for Latin America, and Star Alliance Gold Status
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FLEET Zrakoplovi Airbus A320-200, Airbus A319-100 i Dash8 - Q400 Ëine naπu flotu. Our fleet consists of Airbus A320-200, Airbus A319-100 and Dash8 - Q400 aircraft.
Specifikacije / Specifications
Airbus A320-200
Airbus A319-100
Dash8 - Q400
Raspon krila / Wing span (m/ft)
34,1 / 111
34,1 / 111
28,42 / 93,24
Duljina trupa / Fuselage length (m/ft)
37,6 / 123
33,84 / 111
32,83 / 107,71
NajveÊa dopuπtena teæina u polijetanju / Maximum take off weight (kg)
73 500
70 000
29 257
NajveÊa visina leta / Maximum cruising altitude (m/ft)
11 920 / 39 100
11 900 / 39 000
7620 / 25 000
Povrπina krila / Wing area (m /ft )
122,40 / 1318
122,40 / 1318
63,08 / 679
NajveÊa letna brzina / Maximum cruising speed (km/h)
834 (450 KTS)
834 (450 KTS)
667 (360 KTS)
Pogonska grupa / Power-plants
motori / engines x 2 CFM 56
motori / engines x 2 CFM 56
motori / engines x 2 PW 150A
Broj zrakoplova u floti / Number of aircraft in fleet
Broj sjedala / Number of seats
Airbus 320-200 Jedan od najsuvremenijih putniËkih zrakoplova srednjeg doleta u svijetu. Raspored poslovnog i ekonomskog razreda razlikuje se od jednog do drugog leta.
One of the most modern midrange aircraft in the world. Flexible cabin layout, the ratio of business to economy class seating depends on actual booking.
Airbus 319-100 Jedan od najsuvremenijih putniËkih zrakoplova srednjeg doleta u svijetu. Raspored poslovnog i ekonomskog razreda razlikuje se od jednog do drugog leta.
One of the most modern midrange aircraft in the world. Flexible cabin layout, the ratio of business to economy class seating depends on actual booking.
Dash 8-Q400 Jedan od najsuvremenijih turbopropelerskih zrakoplova kratkog doleta kanadske proizvodnje. Raspored poslovnog i ekonomskog razreda razlikuje se od jednog do drugog leta.
One of the most modern turbo-prop short range aircraft, manufactured by Canadian manufacturer. Flexible cabin layout, the ratio of business to economy class seating depends on actual booking. CROATIA AIRLINES
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Flota.indd 194
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Chisinau LYON
Genoa Madrid
BRA» Bari
Palermo Catania
Partneri / Partners:
Zemljovid.indd 195
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Gates 11-21 Izlazi 11-21
International Arrivals & Departures Meunarodni dolasci i odlasci
2 Gates 1-7 Izlazi 1-7
Domestic Arrivals & Departures DomaÊi dolasci i odlasci
Accessible to passengers only/ Samo za putnike
Check-in “A” Registracija putnika “A”
Accessible for all/ Dostupno posjetiteljima
Check-in “B” Registracija putnika “B”
Parking Area/ Parkiraliπte
CROATIA AIRLINES Ticket Counter and Welcome Service Prodaja karata i Sluæba za skrb o putnicima
Business Class Lounge Zrinjevac Prostorije poslovnog razreda Zrinjevac
V.I.P. Salon, Conference Room Salon za konferencije
Diners Club Business Class Lounge Prostorije poslovnog razreda Diners Cluba
Restaurant Faust VranËiÊ
Panoramic View Panoramski pogled
Rent-a-Car Offices Najam automobila
Restaurant, Self-Service Restaurant Restauracija, samoposluæivaonica
Bank, Exchange Office Banka, mjenjaËnica
Coffee Bar Kavana
Flight Information Informacije o letovima
Customs Control Carinska kontrola
Tourist Information TuristiËke informacije
Duty Free Shop Bescarinska trgovina
Post Office, Telephone, Fax HPT (poπta, telefon, faks)
Newstand Novinarnica
Baggage Prtljaga
Passport Control Kontrola putovnica
Shops Prodavaonice
Prijevoz iz grada u zraËnu luku i pristojba Prijevoz iz grada (s terminala) u zraËnu luku u veÊini je gradova u svijetu dobro organiziran. Cijena tog prijevoza nije uraËunana u cijenu leta.
Ground Transportation and Passenger Service and Charges In most cities of the world, transportation between the city terminal and airport is well organized. The fare for such transportation is not included in the amount paid for the air ticket.
5.00 5.30 6.00 6.30
U DUBROVNIKU autobusi za zraËnu luku polaze 90 minuta prije polijetanja zrakoplova, a u ZADRU 60 minuta prije leta. Autobusi iz zraËnih luka prema gradu polaze ubrzo nakon slijetanja zrakoplova. In DUBROVNIK airport buses leave 90 minutes before the flight, and in ZADAR 60 minutes before the flight. The buses from the airports leave shortly after the aircraft’s landing. Kombi RIJEKA (ispred Autotroleja na JelaËiÊevu trgu) - Zagreb (zraËna luka) - Polazak u 5 sati. Kombi Zagreb (zraËna luka) Rijeka - Polazak u 15.30 sati. Cijena karte u jednom smjeru: 145 kuna. Minibus service from RIJEKA (in front of the Autotrolej at JelaËiÊ Square) - Zagreb Airport - Departure at 5.00. Minibus service from Zagreb Airport - Rijeka - Departure at 15.30. Price of a one-way ticket: 145 Kunas.
ZAGREB - Polasci svakog dana s gradskog terminala (Autobusni kolodvor) prema ZraËnoj luci Zagreb (do 27. listopada 2012.): Departures daily from the Town terminal (Main Bus Station, DræiÊeva St. bb) to the Airport Zagreb (until 27 October 2012): 7.00 7.30 8.00 8.30
9.00 10.00 11.00 11.30
12.00 12.30 13.00 13.30
14.00 14.30 15.00 15.30
16.00 16.30 17.00 17.30
18.00 18.30 19.00 19.30
ZAGREB - Polasci svakog dana iz ZraËne luke Zagreb prema gradskom terminalu (Autobusni kolodvor): Departures daily from the Airport to the Town Terminal (Main Bus Station, DræiÊeva St. bb): 7.00 8.00 8.30
9.00 9.30 10.30
11.30 12.00 12.30
13.00 13.30 14.00
14.30 15.00 15.30
16.00 16.30 17.00
17.30 18.00 18.30
19.00 19.30 20.00
Informacije o polascima autobusa / Bus departure information: Zagreb tel. (01) 6331-982, Split tel. (021) 203-119, Rijeka tel. (051) 330-207, 336-757, 098 472-539, Dubrovnik tel. (020) 773-377, 772-232, Zadar tel. (023) 250-094 Cijena jednosmjerne karte u Zadru iznosi 25 kn, u Zagrebu 30 kn, a u Dubrovniku 35 kn. The price of a one-way ticket in Zadar is 25 Kunas, in Zagreb is 30 Kunas and in Dubrovnik 35 Kunas. Autobusi iz ZAGREBA polaze sat i pol prije domaÊih letova te dva sata prije meunarodnih letova. Bus departures in ZAGREB are an hour and a half prior for domestic flights and two hours prior for international flights.
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Bock Katharina
Hvala vam na lijepim fotografijama koje nam πaljete i tako nas upoznajete s novim kulturama, odrediπtima, ljudima... Pred nama je dugo toplo ljeto koje je uistinu stvoreno za putovanje. Stoga, otputujete li, vrijedi zabiljeæiti lijepe trenutke i podijeliti ih s nama. Poπaljite nam fotografije i sudjelujte u nagradnoj igri. Glavna su nagrada dvije povratne zrakoplovne karte Croatia Airlinesa za odrediπte po vaπem izboru i poklon-paketi. Autora fotografije Ivana DoritiÊa odabrali smo kao najboljega u ovome broju te ga nagraujemo dvjema povratnim zrakoplovnim kartama Croatia Airlinesa. Promidžbenim poklon-paketom nagradit Êemo Katharinu Bock i Maju ©rut. Pozivamo vas da nam nastavite slati svoje fotografije jer vas i u iduÊem broju oËekuju vrijedne nagrade. Dear Passengers,
Ana Lepeπ
Thank you for the beautiful photos you have been sending to us, thus letting us learn about new cultures, destinations, people… A long, hot summer is ahead of us; perfect for travelling. Therefore, if you travel anywhere, it is worth capturing the beautiful moments and sharing them with us. Send us your photos and participate in our contest. The first prize winner will receive two return tickets on Croatia Airlines to a destination of your choice and promotional packages. We have selected Ivan DoritiÊ as the author of the best photo in this issue, and he is the winner of two Croatia Airlines’ return air tickets. Katharina Bock and Maja ©rut have won promotional packages. We would like to encourage you to continue sending us your photos because valuable awards await you in the next issue also. Putovanja mi daju osjeÊaj slobode i zadovoljstva. Travelling give me a sense of freedom and satisfaction.
Novi ljudi, nove kulture − to je moj æivot. New people, new cultures − this is my life.
Maja ©rut
Jelena Bakotin
SreÊa nije odrediπte, nego putovanje. Happiness is not the destination, but the journey.
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Hrvoje KenjeriÊ
Tina ©ariÊ
Volim putovati jer putovanja omoguÊuju da svijet oko sebe spoznam iz novih perspektiva. I love to travel because it enables me to see the world around me from new perspectives.
Ivan DorotiÊ - Prva nagrada/First prize
Putovanje otvara oËi za raznolikosti svijeta. Travel opens the eyes to the diversity of the world.
Oliver Kiehne
Paula Faiferman
Putovanje je druga realnost, gdje je sve lakπe i ljepπe! Travelling is another reality! One where everything is easier and nicer!
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ADRESE Direkcija / Head office Bani 75b, 10 010 Buzin, Zagreb, Tel. (+385-1) 616-00-66 Fax (+385-1) 616-01-53 E-mail adrese / E-mail addresses President’s Office/ Public Relations/ Marketing/ Customer Relations/ Sales/ Cargo/ Kontakt centar / Contact Center 062-500 505 samo za pozive iz Hrvatske Tel. (+385-1) 66 76 555 *500 za p ozive iz mob ilne mr eže Hr vatske pon - pet/Mon - Fri 08:00 - 20:00 sub, ned, praznik / Sat, Sun, Holiday 09:00 - 18:00 Sluæba za korisnike / Customer Relations Dept. Fax (+385-1) 616-01-52 Miles & More kontakt centar / Miles & More Service Team 062 220 220 samo za pozive iz Hrvatske Brojevi telefonskog check-ina / Telephone check-in Dubrovnik 020-77 31 71 Pula 052-53 01 05 Split 021-20 31 83 Zagreb 01-456 21 05 PutniËka prodaja / Passengers sales Fax (+385-1) 61-60-270 BerislaviÊeva 1, 10 000 Zagreb Informacije o prijevozu robe / Cargo information office Tel. (+385-1) 61-64-573 Fax (+385-1) 61-64-575 Obzor putovanja / Obzor Holidays Ltd Tel. (+385-1) 487 31 68, 487 31 69, 481 96 38 Poslovnice / Town and airport offices Identifikacijski kod poslovnica u Hrvatskoj je/ Identification code for offices in Croatia is: HR-B-01-080037012 Amsterdam WTC, Tower B, Level 4, Schiphol Boulevard 207, 1118 BH Luchthaven Schiphol Tel. (+31-20) 316-42-80 Fax (+31-20) 316-42-81 BeË / Wien Airport Office Objekt / Building 645, Room 115-116, A-1300 Wien Flughafen Tel. (+43-1) 7007 359-62 Fax (+43-1) 7007 359-63 Bruxelles Brussels Airport Box 31, 1930 Zaventem Airport office: Tel. (+32-2) 753-5133 Airport counter: Tel. (+32-2) 753-5132 Fax (+32-2) 753-5130 Dubrovnik ZraËna luka, Airport Dubrovnik 20 213 »ilipi, Dubrovnik Tel. (+385-20) 773-232 Fax (+385-20) 772-240 Frankfurt Schillerstrasse 42-44, 60 313 Frankfurt, Tel. (+49-69) 92-00-520 Fax (+49-69) 92-00-52-51 London 2 The Lanchesters, 162-164 Fulham Palace Road, London, W6 9ER, Tel. (+44-20) 8563-00-22, 0844 3710 310 (UK only) Fax (+44-20) 8563-2615
ADDRESSES Airport Heathrow, Room 531, Terminal 1, Zone K Hounslow, Middlesex, TW6 1JZ Tel. (+44-20) 8745-46-83 Fax (+44-20) 8754-73-77 München Flughafen Franz Josef-Strauss, Terminal 2, Verwaltungsgebäude Nord Büro B.4.1322, 85 356 München, Tel. (+49-89) 97-592-730/731 Fax (+49-89) 97-592-736 Paris Roissypôle, Le Dôme 1, 3th floor Rue de la Haye BP 18913 Tremblay en France 95731 ROISSY CDG CEDEX Tel. (+33-1) 48-16-4000 Fax (+33-1) 48-16-5511 Pula ZraËna luka, Airport Tel. (+385-52) 218-909 (+385-52) 218-943 Fax (+385-52) 211-998 Rijeka JelaËiÊev trg br. 5, 51 000 Rijeka, Tel. (+385-51) 330-207, 336-757 Fax (+385-51) 335-931 Rim / Roma ZraËna luka, Aeroporto Leonardo da Vinci Torre Uffici 2, Room 518 00054 Fiumicino Tel. (+39-06) 5421-0021 Fax (+39-06) 5923-792 Sarajevo ZraËna luka Sarajevo, Airport Khurta Schorka 36, 71 210 Sarajevo, Tel. (+387-33) 789-600 Fax (+387-33) 789-602 Skoplje ZraËna luka, Airport Tel. (+389-2) 3148-390, 2561 850 Fax (+389-2) 2520-921 Split Obala hrv. nar. preporoda 9, 21 000 Split, Tel. (+385-21) 362-997, 362-055 (komercijala) Fax (+385-21) 362-567 ZraËna luka, Airport Tel. (+385-21) 203-305, 895-298 Fax (+385-21) 203-125 Zadar ZraËna luka, Airport Tel. (+385-23) 250-101 Fax (+385-23) 250-109 Zagreb Zrinjevac 17, 10 000 Zagreb, Tel. (+385-1) 48-19-633 Fax (+385-1) 48-19-632 ZraËna luka Zagreb, Zagreb Airport, 10 150 Zagreb, Pleso Tel. (+385-1) 61-64-581 Fax (+385-1) 61-64-585 Zürich Limmatquai 138, 8001 Zürich, Tel. (+41-44) 261-08-40 Fax (+41-44) 261-08-83
Prodajni zastupnici / Sales agents Europa / Europe Crna Gora / OKI AIR MONTENEGRO d.o.o. Ivana VujoševiÊa 46, 81 000 Podgorica Montenegro Tel. (+382-20) 201-201 Tel./Fax (+382-20) 241-154 »eπka CK Blue Sky Travel Na Perštýne 1, 11 000 Praha 1 Tel. (+420-2) 2222-2235 Fax (+420-2) 2222-0237 GrËka / Intermodal Air 25, Filellinon Str. 105 57 Athens, Greece Tel. (+30-210) 32-17-679, 32-17-750 Fax (+30-210) 32-49-152 Kosovo Airtour Head Office: St. Luan Haradinaj #27 10031 Prishtina, Kosovo Tel. (+381-38) 233-833 Fax (+381-38) 245-845 Airport Office: Prishtina International Airport Tel. (+381-38) 594-111 Fax (+381-38) 594-222 Portugal / Global Portugal Representacoes (GRT) Rua Castilho, N˚ 5 − 1˚ andar, Sala 18 1250-066 Lisboa, Portugal Tel. (+351-21) 351-2982 Fax (+351-21) 351-2988 SlovaËka / CK Blue Sky Travel 1. poschodie, Rajska 15, 811 08 Bratislava Tel. (+421) 5262 2375 Španjolska / Global Representacion Turistica (GRT) c/Valencia, 266, 4/1a 08007 Barcelona Tel. (+34-934) 875-775 Fax (+34-934) 880-121 Turska / ZENITH Services Head Office: Ordu Caddesi, No. 206/1, Laleli 34134 Istanbul Tel. (+90-212) 513-2667 Fax (+90-212) 512-4234 Airport Office: Istanbul Ataturk Airport International Terminal Departure Floor Yesilkoy 34149 Istanbul Tel. (+90-212) 465-50-23, 465-40-92 Fax (+90-212) 465-40-92 Bliski istok / Izrael Biaf Aviation Services Ltd 1 Ben Yehuda St., Migdalor blgd. 12th Floor, Tel Aviv 63802 Tel. (+972-3) 516-7181, 516-7140 Fax (+972-3) 516-7174 SAD / USA Networld Inc. / Croatia America 300 Lanidex Plaza, Parsippany NJ 07054, Tel. (+1-973) 884-3401 Fax (+1-973) 428-3929 Toll free 888-462-7628 Australija / Australia Sky Air Services 7/24 Albert Road, Sth. Melbourne Vic. 3205, Tel. (+61-3) 9699-9355 Fax (+61-3) 9699-9388 Novi Zeland / New Zealand Croatia Times Limited Ltd. NZ PO Box 104-056; Lincoln North, Suite, 1/182 Lincoln Road, Henderson, Auckland, NZ Tel. (+64-9) 837-9897 Fax (+64-9) 837-9898 Japan Air System Inc. Toranomon TBL Blgd., 8F 1-19-9, Toranomon Minato-ku Tokyo 105-0001 Japan Tel. (+81-3) 3593-6740 Fax (+81-3) 3593-6534
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Radisson Blu Resort & Spa, Dubrovnik Sun Gardens
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