Inflight Magazine CROATIA Spring 2017

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CROATIA Putni časopis _ Inflight Magazine

Proljeće _ Spring 2017

Putni časopis _ Inflight Magazine

Vaš vlastiti primjerak _ Your personal copy

Proljeće _ Spring 2017


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Š. Lugarov

Poštovani putnici!

Dear Passengers!

Raduje nas što i ovom prigodom putujete našim zrakoplovom. Proširili smo mrežu letova, prilagodivši je vašoj povećanoj potražnji. Odsad ćemo za vas iz hrvatskoga glavnoga grada letjeti u Stockholm, Helsinki, Oslo i Bukurešt, a već smo lani obogatili našu ponudu povezavši Zagreb s Lisabonom, Pragom, Milanom te Sankt Peterburgom. Dakako, i ostale hrvatske gradove Split, Dubrovnik, Pulu i Osijek, i dalje ćemo povezivati s mnogim odredištima diljem Europe, a u suradnji s našim partnerima iz udruge Star Alliance, i s cijelim svijetom. Naša udruga Star Alliance ove godine slavi 20. rođendan. Čestitamo svima u Star Allianceu taj vrijedan jubilej. Ove godine obilježavamo i 25. obljetnicu našega prvoga međunarodnoga leta. Naš je zrakoplov 5. travnja 1992. godine prvi put poletio na liniji Zagreb - Frankfurt, koja je u međuvremenu postala naša najfrekventnija međunarodna linija. Ujedno obilježavamo i 25. obljetnicu uspješne suradnje sa zrakoplovnom tvrtkom Lufthansom te Lufthansom Technik. Nedavno su stručnjaci tehničkog centra Croatia Airlinesa obavili i 200. veliki pregled na Airbusu te tvrtke. Srdačno zahvaljujemo kolegama iz Lufthanse na tako dugotrajnoj i kvalitetnoj suradnji. A osobito zahvaljujemo vama, dragi putnici, na povjerenju koje nam iskazujete tijekom svih tih godina. Veselimo se svakome vašemu idućem letu s nama, te vam želimo ugodne trenutke u našem zrakoplovu, kao i u gradu u koji letite.

We are glad that you are, once again, travelling on Croatia Airlines. We have expanded our network of flights, adapting it to your increased demand. From now on, we will be flying from the Croatian capital to Stockholm, Helsinki, Oslo and Bucharest. Last year, we already enriched our flight service by connecting Zagreb to Lisbon, Prague, Milan and St. Petersburg. Other Croatian destinations - Split, Dubrovnik, Pula and Osijek, will continue to be connected to many cities throughout Europe and, in cooperation with our partners at Star Alliance, with the entire world. This year, our association, Star Alliance, is celebrating its 20th anniversary. We would like to extend our congratulations to all Star Alliance members on this important jubilee. This year also marks the 25th anniversary of our first international flight. Our aircraft carried out its first flight on April 5, 1992 on the Zagreb - Frankfurt route, which has since then, become our most frequent international route. We are also celebrating 25 years of successful cooperation with Lufthansa Airlines and Lufthansa Technik. The experts at Croatia Airlines technical centre have recently completed their 200th overall check on Lufthansa’s Airbus. We sincerely thank our colleagues from Lufthansa for such a long-term and successful partnership. However, we particularly thank you, dear passengers, for the confidence you have placed in us over the years. We look forward to each of your next flights on Croatia Airlines, and we wish you many pleasant moments on board our aircraft, as well as at the destinations you are flying to.

Krešimir KuËko Predsjednik Uprave / President & CEO





Razgovor RAJKO GRLIĆ: KAMERA TRAŽI DUBINSKU LJEPOTU Rajko Grlić jedan je od najznačajnijih hrvatskih redatelja i najnagrađivaniji domaći autor. Njegovi se filmovi vrte na svim kontinentima. Interview RAJKO GRLIĆ: THE CAMERA SEEKS TO CAPTURE INNER BEAUTY Rajko Grlić is one of Croatia’s most prominent film directors and most awardwinning filmmaker. His films are shown on all continents.


Prirodne ljepote TAJNA RTA KAMENJAKA Istarska obala poznato je turističko odredište, no još je sačuvala prirodne vrijednosti, poput krševitog rta Kamenjaka. Natural Beauties THE SECRET OF CAPE KAMENJAK The coastline of Istria is a well-known tourist destination, but it has managed to preserve its natural wonders, such as rocky Cape Kamenjak.

Proljeće/Spring 2017

Ovo je vaπ vlastiti primjerak This is your personal copy


42 Baština BETINA, BAŠTINA GRAĐENA SRCEM Taj mali grad i danas svijetli u mraku, kao kakva slikovita i očuvana ljepotica prepoznatljiva po pučkoj, tradicijskoj, dalmatinskoj, graditeljskoj i duhovnoj baštini. Heritage BETINA, A HERITAGE MADE WITH LOVE This small town still lights up the darkness, like a picturesque, well-preserved beauty, recognizable for its traditional, Dalmatian shipbuilding and spiritual heritage.


Otoci LOŠINJ, OTOK ZDRAVLJA I VITALNOSTI Ne propustite priliku da posjetite Lošinj i uvjerite se u njegovu ljepotu i osobitost te osjetnu zdravstvenu učinkovitost. Islands LOŠINJ, THE ISLAND OF HEALTH AND VITALITY Don’t miss the opportunity to visit Lošinj and take in the beauty, uniqueness and obvious health benefits for yourself.


Fashion KLISAB: DESIGNERS OF MOVEMENT AND FLOW This young designer duo are launching a new collection this spring, paying attention to more of a woman’s needs, which will be a slight departure from previous silhouettes.

A. Grubelić

Moda KLISAB: KREATORI SLOBODE POKRETA Mladi dizajnerski dvojac ovog proljeća predstavit će lagani odmak od dosadašnje siluete razmišljajući još više o ženinim potrebama u odijevanju.

Nakladnik/Publisher Croatia Airlines Hrvatska zrakoplovna tvrtka Bani 75b, Buzin 10 010 Zagreb, Croatia tel. +385-1-616-00-66



Naša odredišta STOCKHOLM, LJEPOTICA NA VODI Stockholm zovu i Venecijom sjevera upravo zbog mnogo otoka i kanala kojima je premrežen.


Predsjednik Uprave/President & CEO Krešimir KuËko

Glavna urednica/Editor-in-chief

Our Destinations STOCKHOLM, A BEAUTY ON WATER Stockholm is referred to as the Venice of the north due to its numerous islands and canals.

Ksenija Ælof

Suradnici glavne urednice/ Editor-in-chief assistants Ana Ćulumović Šoštarić, Davor Janušić, Anamarija Jurinjak, Natalija Osvald, Zlata Prpić




Podržali smo SANJAJTE SVOJE SNOVE, U POKRETU Kad letimo, približimo se našim snovima. Kad smo u pokretu, stvaramo nova iskustva. Iz tih iskustava nastala je i utrka Run Croatia.

Gastro GASTRONOMIJA VISOKO LETI Maja Brekalo, stjuardesa i blogerica zaljubljenica je u kuhanje i hranu, pritom i veliki gurman, koji svoju strast dijeli sa svima zainteresiranima.

We Supported ENVISION YOUR DREAMS, SET THEM IN MOTION When we fly, we come closer to our dreams. When we are on the move, we create new experiences. Run Croatia was created on such an impulse.

Gastro GASTRONOMY FLYING HIGH Maja Brekalo, flight attendant and blogger, is extremely fond of cooking and food; she’s a true gourmand who lives to share her passion with anyone interested.

Ivana IvankoviÊ, Nenad VujoπeviÊ Prijelom/Layout Nenad VujoπeviÊ Direktor prodaje i marketinga/ Director of Sales and Marketing Boris Kolka

Lektorica/Proof reader Mirjana Miholek Prijevod na engleski/ English translation Lancon d.o.o. Oglaπavanje/Advertising

124 AVIONI SA SRCEM I DUŠOM Zračnih luka ne bi bilo bez zračnih brodova. S tih mjesta sastanaka i opraštanja, s njihovih stajanki i platformi otiskuju se veliki zračni brodovi... zrakoplovi. AIRPLANES WITH HEART AND SOUL There would be no airports without airships. From these places of comings and goings all kinds of aircraft get off the ground...

Croatia Airlines Gabrijela Lochert tel. +385-1-616-00-17 E-mail: Promocija/Promotion Croatia Airlines tel. +385-1-616-01-02 Priprema/Photolitography Zrinski d.d., »akovec Tisak/Print Zrinski d.d., »akovec

ISSN 1330-6278



Discover the natural beauty of the Istrian Peninsula at four outstanding Park Plaza beach resorts overlooking the crystal-blue Adriatic. #parkplazamoments

CHECK POINT Tabure Papeete Papeete Poufs Tabure Papeete Taburei Papeete Papeete Pouf s nastaju namatanjem

filca oko središnje osi, poput rolade. Savršen spoj igre i stvaranja. Taburei Papeete nastaju namatanjem Papeete footstools formed by filca oko sr edi nje osi,are poput rolade. wrapping fabric around a central axis, Savr en spoj igre i stvaranja. like rolled pastry. The perfect combination Papeete footstools ar e formed by on of play andaround creation. wrapping fabric a central axis, rolled pastr y. The perfect combinat ion of play and cr eation.

Vodič Zagreb VodiË Eat Zagreb Gastro-Guide Eat Zagre Zagreb Gastro-Guide -- Eat b Vodič kroza zagrebačku gastronomsku scenu EAT ZAGREB obvezatna je turistička oprema za kvalitetan boravak u Zagrebu This guide through Zagreb’s gastro scene is an essential tool for tourists wanting a high-quality experience during their stay in Zagreb.

Audio Epilog - zvučnik ICE Audio Epilog - ICE Speaker Hrvatsko otkriće UMJETNOSTI ZVUKA, koje oduzima dah. Zvučnik ICE reflektira temeljne vrijednosti svog proizvođača i pruža fascinantan, višeslojan uvid u mnogo ekspertnih područja. This Croatian-made ART OF SOUND takes your breath away. The ICE loudspeaker reflects the fundamental values of its manufacturers and provides fascinating, multi-faceted insight for experts in a variety of markets.


Toz Penkala glinamol Toz Penkala Glinamol Poznati hrvatski brend ponovno je pokrenuo proizvodnju svojih pisala po kojima su bili poznati po cijelom svijetu. The Croatian pencil company is re-introductiong a line of writing instruments which made them famous

Gliser Bura 8,5 The Bura 8.5 Speedboat

the world over. +385 1 6298 821

Hrvatski gliser elegantnog izgleda, namijenjen profesionalcima na svim svjetskim morima! The elegantly-designed speedboat from Croatia is suited for all professional seafarera!

Grupa - stolić Dot Grupa’s Dot Table Stolić Dot predstavlja logičan nastavak estetike proizvoda studija Grupa, koju odlikuju čiste linije i funkcionalan dizajn, baš poput njihove linije rasvjetnih tijela. The dot side tables are meant to be the continuation of the Grupa Products collection of lighting fixtures, sharing their visual style and character. Fotografije/Photos: D. Dubokovič, P. Fabian, D. Kunić, D. Leđenac, Š. Lugarov

Restoran Monte Monte Restaurant Monte iz Rovinja prvi je hrvatski restoran dobitnik Michelinove zvjezdice, najprestižnije oznake iz gastronomije. Monte in Rovinj is the first Croatian restaurant to receive a Michelin Star - the most prestigious of gastronomic archievements.




Zagreb - Beč oko 1900. Zagreb - Vienna in about 1900


zložba Izazov moderne Zagreb - Beč oko 1900. propituje istodobnosti likovnih pojava i umjetničkih motiva na području slikarstva, kiparstva i arhitekture. Bečki intelektualni inovatori u glazbi, filozofiji, arhitekturi i slikarstvu te, dakako, psihoanalizi, pioniri su kulturne preobrazbe Europe koja će promijeniti tijek umjetnosti te odrediti temeljne smjernice suvremenosti. Sigmund Freud, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Gustav Mahler, Karl Kraus, Arthur Schnitzler, Gustav Klimt, Koloman Moser, Josef Hoffmann, Otto Wagner ili Adolf Loos kreirali su nove postulate koji će definirati modernog čovjeka. Zagreb je




01 Gustav Klimt, Prijateljice (sestre), 1907., Klimt Foundation, Beč∂ Gustav Klimt, Friends (sisters), 1907, The Klimt Foundation, Vienna 02 Robert Auer, ilustracija za kalendar (mjesec rujan), 1902. - 1904. Privatno vlasništvo Robert Auer, Calendar illustration (September), 1902-1904, Private Collection 03 Haljina koju je za svoje modele po uzoru na reformiranu haljinu dizajnirao Bela Csikos Sesia, Muzej za umjetnost i obrt A dress for his models inspired by a reformed dress designed by Bela Csikos Sesia, The Museum of Arts and Crafts

Fotografije/Photos _ Arhiva Klovićevih dvora/The Klovićevi Dvori archive

Piše/By _ Petra Vugrinec

G. Vranić

zbog specifične geopolitičke povezanosti s austrougarskom prijestolnicom na svoj način prihvaćao bečku kulturu i umjetnost zrcaleći bečke fenomene u svojim pandanima. Usporedivi su tako: Ring i tzv. Zelena potkova, Udruženje likovnih umjetnika Austrije i Društvo hrvatskih umjetnika njihove izložbe Secession i Hrvatski Salon, te izložbene zgrade secesije i Umjetničkog paviljona. Obje su grupe pokrenule izdavanje programatskih časopisa: Ver Sacrum u Beču, Mladost i Život u Zagrebu. Nastojanja bečke i zagrebačke secesije umjetnika okupljenih u novoosnovanim udruženjima bila su ista: borba za autonomiju umjetničkog čina, potreba profesionalizacije likovnoga života, te revizija dosadašnjega likovnoga jezika. Vremenu njegova umjetnost, umjetnosti njezina sloboda! Prvi su se put na istoj izložbi našla remekdjela protagonista bečke i zagrebačke moderne: Gustava Klimta, Kolomana Mosera, Josefa Hoffmanna, te Vlahe Bukovca, Ivana Meštrovića i Viktora Kovačića, da spomenemo samo najpoznatije. Više od nekoliko stotina eksponata slikarstva, skulpture, arhitekture i primijenjene umjetnosti prikazuje odnos dvaju gradova u osvitu modernoga doba. Izložba Izazov moderne: Zagreb - Beč oko 1900. pozvana je u bečki Belvedere, te će je u listopadu 2017. moći razgledati i bečka publika.

Ugostivši remek-djela bečkih secesionista, Zagreb se uvrstio na ekskluzivni popis europskih kulturnih središta kojima je omogućen živi susret s djelima Gustava Klimta. Gostovanjem, pak, naših protagonista u europskoj kulturnoj prijestolnici Beču, naš likovni prilog srednjoeuropskim modernim tijekovima napokon će postati nezaobilaznim čimbenikom. Izložba se može razgledati u zagrebačkim Klovićevim dvorima do 7. svibnja 2017. 


he Challenge of Modernism: Zagreb - Vienna in about 1900, examines the simultaneity of artistic phenomena and artistic motifs in painting, sculpture and architecture. Viennese intellectual innovators in music, philosophy, architecture, painting, and, of course, psycho-analysis, were the pioneers of this cultural transformation throughout Europe that changed the course of artistic development and determined the basic guidelines of modernity. Sigmund Freud, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Gustav Mahler, Karl Kraus, Arthur Schnitzler, Gustav Klimt, Koloman Moser, Josef Hoffmann, Otto Wagner and Adolf Loos created new postulates which defined modern man. Due to specific geopolitical connections with the Austro-Hungarian capital, Zagreb has always accepted the Viennese culture


and arts in its own way, and reflected the Viennese phenomena in comparable ways. Examples include: the Ring in Vienna and the so-called Green Horseshoe in Zagreb; the Austrian Association of Visual Artists and the Croatian Association of Fine Artists; exhibitions like, The Secession, and Zagreb Salon; and the Secession building for exhibitions, and the Croatian Art Pavilion. Both groups initiated the issuance of programmatic magazines: Ver Sacrum in Vienna, Mladost (The Youth) and Život (Life ) in Zagreb. The efforts of Vienna and Zagreb-based Secession artists gathered




in the newly-established associations were the same: the struggle for artistic autonomy, the need to professionalize artistic life, and the revision of the artistic language to date. Art of the times, freedom of art! For the first time, a single exhibition shows the masterpieces of Modernists of both Vienna and Zagreb: Gustav Klimt, Koloman Moser, Josef Hoffmann, and Vlaho Bukovac, Ivan Meštrović and Viktor Kovačić, to mention but the most renowned. Several hundreds of exhibits of painting, sculpture, architecture and applied art show the relationship between the two cities at the dawn of the modern age. The Challenge of Modernism: Zagreb - Vienna in about 1900 has also been invited to the Belvedere in Vienna, where in October 2017, Viennese audiences will have an opportunity to visit it. By hosting the masterpieces of Viennese Secessionists, Zagreb has positioned itself on an exclusive list of European cultural centers where you can see the original works of Gustav Klimt. On the other hand, as a result of the visiting exhibition of Croatian artists in the European cultural capital of Vienna, our artistic contribution to middle-European Modernism will finally become an indisputable fact. You can visit the exhibition at Klovićevi Dvori in Zagreb until May 7, 2017. 

04 Gustav Klimt, Portret žene u crnom, 1894., Belvedere, Beč∂ Gustav Klimt, Portrait of a Lady in Black, 1894, The Belvedere, Vienna 05 Robert Frangeš Mihanović, Ljeto, 1903., Gliptoteka HAZU, Zagreb Robert Frangeš Mihanović, Summer, 1903, The Glyptotheque, The Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Zagreb


Biznis S NAMA ne poznaje granice! Dođi u Tele2, uzmi BIZNIS RASPALI ili BIZNIS EKIPNU tarifu i poklanjamo ti 1000 min i 1GB svaki mjesec za roaming unutar EU. EU

Detaljnije na CROATIA AIRLINES 4/2016

_ 11



Rajko Grlić jedan je od najznačajnijih hrvatskih filmskih redatelja. Sve granice odavno je nadrastao - one regionalne, zemljopisne, političke, mentalne... Najnagrađivaniji je domaći autor. Priznanja je, od Cannesa nadalje, dobivao za režiju, scenarije, produkciju. Rajko Grlić is one of Croatia’s most prominent film directors. He outgrew all borders and limits a long time ago - regional, geographical, political and mental... He is Croatia’s most award-winning filmmaker. From the Cannes Film Festival to other festivals, he has won awards for directing, screenwriting, and production.


Piše/By _ Dubravka Belas

Fotografije/Photos _ Vanja Šolin


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osljednji, dvanaesti igrani film Ustav Republike Hrvatske, redatelja Rajka Grlića, još je prije premijernog prikazivanja u Hrvatskoj dobio nagrade na nekoliko svjetskih festivala, od kojih su najznačajnije Grand Prix Amerika na Montreal World Film Festivalu i najnovija nagrada za najbolji film na Međunarodnom filmskom festivalu u Santa Barbari. Njegovi se filmovi vrte na svim kontinentima, na redovitom kinorepertoaru. Retrospektive je, osim u Parizu, San Franciscu, Amsterdamu, imao u još desetak gradova diljem svijeta. Već je njegov prvi amaterski film Cigla dobio više od dvadeset nagrada, a priznanjima je okrunjeno i dvadesetak njegovih dokumentarnih filmova, te televizijske serije u kojima je surađivao. Filmovi Bravo Maestro, Samo jednom se ljubi, U raljama života, Ljubavni život Budimira Trajkovića, serija Grlom u jagode, samo su najpoznatiji otisci jedne iznimne umjetničke osobnosti. Diplomiravši na Filmskoj akademiji u Pragu, istraživao je i stjecao nova iskustva i na Sveučilištu Columbia u New Yorku, te na Odsjeku za televiziju i film Kalifornijskog sveučilišta u Los Angelesu. Za svoj interaktivni CD ROM Kako snimiti vlastiti film, dobio je osam međunarodnih nagrada, među kojima i Grand Prix za najbolji multimedijalni projekt na Njujorškome filmskom festivalu. Nekoliko je godina predavao filmsku režiju na zagrebačkoj Akademiji dramske umjetnosti, a već je godinama eminent scholar na Sveučilištu Athens u Ohiju, gdje predaje filmsku režiju. Profesionalan i točan, ugodan sugovornik, nimalo zvijezda, strpljivo i tečno objašnjava kako je sve počelo - Kao što svaka ozbiljna familija mora imati jednog šašavog strica, tako sam i ja imao jednog. Pravi veliki svjetski čovjek, znanstvenik, vodio je u Ženevi laboratorij Ujedinjenih naroda, i otkrio metodu kojom se može odrediti godinu i lokaciju u kojoj je droga nastala, puno je putovao. Imao je čudan hobi: volio je film i pravio male, šašave filmove. Njegov najpoznatiji film zove se Luk i voda. Doslovno, jedna glavica luka sljemenskim potokom plovi nekih pet minuta... takve je stvari radio. Tako je jednom za Božić iz Ženeve donio jednu Bell & Howell kameru, koju još imam, kojom sam snimio pet-šest amaterskih filmova. I tako je počela moja igra filmom. Kad vam je 16, 17 godina, obično pišete pjesme o nekoj uzaludnoj ljubavi u nadi


da će neka cura to jednog dana pročitati... Vjerojatno s istim nakanama čovjek snima filmove, a meni je to omogućila ta mala kamera. Prvi mi se film zvao Cigla, i govorio je o običaju koji je bio tu na Gornjem gradu, da fakini, kad vide ljubavni par, tu ciglu prodaju mladiću, a on je, u strahu da ne izbije tučnjava, kupuje; napravio sam takvih pet-šest pričica, počeo ići po festivalima, dobivati nagrade. Jedna takva nagrada za amaterski film odvela me i u Prag. Bio je to Festival amaterskog filma Hrvatske sredinom šezdesetih i uz prvu je nagradu išla stipendija za studij na Filmskoj akademiji u Pragu, s uvjetom polaganja prijamnog ispita, što nije bilo nimalo lako. Nagradu sam dijelio s Lordanom Zafranovićem, upoznali smo se na sceni, otišli u Prag, položili prijamni ispit koji je trajao dva tjedna i obojica postali studenti Praške akademije.  Odrastali ste u to relativno bezbrižno i sigurno doba s kamerom u ruci. Što Vas je osobito zanimalo, koje ste filmove voljeli gledati u kinima? - To je bilo vrijeme kad je kinematografija, prava, službena, državna kinematografija bila velika, ali je usporedno živjela i underground kinematografija. To su bile šezdesete, svuda u svijetu radili su se ti underground filmovi, eksperimentalna kinematografija. Položio sam ispit za amatera u Kino klubu Zagreb, gdje su se razni doktori, filozofi, inženjeri, poput doktora Pasinija, igrali filmom i filmskom formom, a ja sam, kao klinac, to upijao poput spužve. To je bio neki moj filmski svijet. U kinima sam gledao sve: to je bilo doba kad sam se zaljubio u Talijane, od Viscontija do Antonionija, to je polako i vrijeme kad počinje francuski novi val. Osim toga, uvijek sam strašno volio vesterne, to mi je bila velika slabost i sretan sam što sam jednom u životu uspio napraviti vestern. To su bili filmovi s kojima sam ja rastao, europski film, on je tada bio intelektualno jači (pubertet zahtijeva jače doze inteligencije, smije se). A onda sam otišao u Prag i zapravo ozbiljno počeo gledati film.  Pola godine provodite u Americi, pola godine u Hrvatskoj. Što Vam nedostaje od Amerike kad ste u Zagrebu, a što od Zagreba u Americi? - To je kao i s hranom... Mi smo ispočetka odavde nosili hranu, jer činilo nam se da se nikako ne možemo naviknuti na američku. Onda smo ustanovili da nam tamošnja hrana prija mnogo više nego

ova koju donesemo i obrnuto. Mi ovdje živimo ovdašnji život, a ondje živimo život koji je ondje. To su dva prilično različita svijeta, ali vjerojatno čovjek u sebi ima nekoliko ličnosti pa je dobro i da hrani nekoliko ličnosti, nekoliko života paralelno. Osim toga, kad vam se jedan život učini malo zasićen samim sobom, strašna je povlastica imati mogućnost uskočiti u neki drugi.  Kako ste počeli predavati? Što Vam znači rad sa studentima, kako mjerite uspjeh u tome? - Čim sam se vratio iz Praga, zamolili su me da vodim predavanja iz režije i montaže, ali ubrzo sam otišao u film. Akademija je tada imala stav da se čovjek mora opredijeliti, hoće li raditi filmove ili će

predavati. Meni se to činilo apsurdnim, ali filmovi su mi bili draži. Drugi sam put na zagrebačkoj Akademiji predavao ’88./’89. kad je Krešo Golik odlazio u mirovinu i inzistirao na tome da samo ja preuzmem njegovu klasu. Radio sam to dvije godine. Nisam nikada pokušao biti samo profesor, mislim da je to na filmu pogubno, jer onda čovjek počne raditi svoje filmove preko studenata. Ja radim svoje filmove, a sa studentima radim njihove filmove i sve što ih pokušavam naučiti, pokušavam radom na njihovim filmovima. Sada s četiri studenta, iz Irana, Turske, Kolumbije i Amerike, pripremam igrani film u kojemu će svaki ispričati jednu dionicu. To ćemo raditi godinu dana, to je moj Masterclass.

Kad ne snimam filmove, uzmem studente i s njima radim malo veće projekte, a kad snimam, uzmem nekoliko studenata i dovedem ih na snimanje. Njima je to najkorisniji oblik škole, jer tada su prvi put na profesionalnom setu, uđu u nešto što nalikuje na stvarni svijet. Vodio sam ih na snimanje u Njemačku, u Češku, dvaput u Zagreb. Moja pozicija u Ohiju je takva da to mogu miješati. Predajem zato što mi je to dodir sa stvarnošću. Ti su momci i cure kojima predajem u poslijediplomskoj klasi, što znači da su stariji od 25 godina, i više nisu samo djeca očarana kamerom, nego ljudi koji su odlučili da film bude njihov život. Od njih učim neki potpuno novi pogled na svijet. Imam povlasticu čuti potpuno drugačije viđenje svijeta i filma

od moga vlastitoga. I taj je stalni reality check strašno zdrav, bez njega je teško praviti filmove. Jer čovjek lako odleti... tako da oni meni daju isto toliko, ako ne i više, od onoga što ja dajem njima. Kad sam prvi put došao na Columbiju u New York, 1985. godine, dekan Columbije bio je moj dekan iz Praga, Daniel František, i rekao mi je: znaš, uspjeh se škole u Americi ne mjeri po tome koliko nastavnici misle da su dobri, nego samo po tome što su studenti napravili, što su snimili, koje su nagrade dobili. Dakle, postoje prilično jasna mjerila. Prije dvije, tri godine moja je učenica, kojoj sam držao Masterclass, pobijedila na festivalu u San Sebastianu. Kad vam se to dogodi, znate da niste

uzalud nešto radili. U Americi, njima je veoma teško nakon škole ući u film. Oni doduše ulaze, ali upitno je na kojoj je to razini, ulaze li kao dvanaesti organizator ili kao šesti pomoćnik režije, što je već put k nekoj režiji. Pokušavam s njima raditi veće forme jer to im omogućuje brži iskorak. Kratkih filmova ima na tisuće i u tome se izgube. Ako uspiju s većom formom, imaju jači domet i mogu s tom formom i nastaviti.  Što Vam danas znači Zagreb? - Zagreb je moj rodni grad, nekakva lokacija moje obitelji. Svaka druga kuća ima neki komadić uspomene na nekoga tko je tu živio. To je moje rodno mjesto, od njega ne možete pobjeći, niti ga možete promijeniti. Ja volim taj miris Zagreba, i tu se osjećam dobro. Idealne je veličine, gradić na rubu Europe, beskonačno ugodan za život, u kojemu manje-više sve znate, a ipak se možete sakriti. Tako da je ova mjera, koja nikako da dođe do tih milijun stanovnika, meni strašno draga mjera za jedan grad. To je moj dom iz kojega odlazim i vraćam se, iz kojega su moji generacijama odlazili i vraćali se. Prije nekoliko stoljeća izabrali su Zagreb i ostavili u njemu neke tragove. Julius Hühn, litograf i prvi fotograf, na primjer, bez kojega se ne bi znalo kako je izgledao Zagreb 19. stoljeća, moj je šukundjed. Mnogi su u mojoj obitelji ostavljali nekakve male tragove svog postojanja u ovom gradu, a ja sam samo jedan od njih - koji svojim filmovima pokušava ostaviti mali kamen pokraj puta. Od mojih dvanaest filmova, devet se događa u Zagrebu.  Što je ono najbolje što ste dobili u nasljeđe od svojih roditelja, majke Eve, novinarke i spisateljice, te oca Danka Grlića, humanističkog filozofa i pisca? - Veselje. Veselje kojim se prihvaća život, otvorenost i potreba za nekim druženjima i razmjenama, bijeg od mržnje, zatvorenosti, skučenosti. Ta otvorenost i ta glad za životom, a pogotovo taj smijeh, taj srednjoeuropski smijeh koji je tako drugačiji od ostalih, taj polugalgenhumor, taj švejkovski humor, kao otpor prema sudbini, nešto je što mi je golem dar moje obitelji.  Koliko je Vašu umjetnost odredila sudbina Vaše obitelji; oni potresi, smrti, ratovi, prevrati, ljudski i materijalni gubici što sustižu ljude koji žive u zanimljivim vremenima? - Kad imate takvu obiteljsku povijest, ne

možete od nje pobjeći: ja nikad nisam radio film baziran na faktografiji moje obitelji, ali ta turbulencija, ta strašna jakost struje i promjena i vrtlozi života koji se ovdje svako malo događaju, te su sudbine tako čudno vrtjele da mi to jednostavno omogućuje da svojim junacima dam hrabriji iskorak nego što bih inače to radio. Jer vidio sam što se sve može dogoditi čovjeku na ovim prostorima. Mnogo sam puta razmišljao o snimanju filma po knjizi svoje majke, po njezinoj autobiografiji Sjećanja, ali nisam nikad imao hrabrosti ući u nešto što mislim da je financijski nesvladivo.  Jedan od recenzenata Vašeg Ustava Republike Hrvatske piše da ste ispleli granitno gnijezdo čovjekoljublja, drugi ga smatra najhrabrijim hrvatskim filmom novog milenija koji budi nadu u bolje sutra bez mržnje, treći ga naziva najboljim filmom snimljenim u samostalnoj Hrvatskoj... Odradili ste velik i dobar posao, jeste li odahnuli ili žalite što je ta priča dovršena, kao kad pročitate zadnju stranicu dobre knjige? - Odahnuo sam, jer put je bio dug, ali ovaj put ne mogu reći da je bio težak. Imao sam ponudu produkcije Interfilma iz Zagreba, htjeli su raditi sa mnom, složili smo se da to radimo, skupili novac ili ne, što redatelju daje golemu lakoću da će snimiti film. Ante Tomić, pisac, koscenarist i ja tri smo godine tekst, polako, nikamo nam se nije žurilo - mi smo u godinama kad nam se više nikamo ne žuri - polako smo ga slagali, počeli s produkcijom. Skupio sam glumačku ekipu koja je bila fantastična za igru s njima, što je redatelju najvažnija stvar. Imao sam produkciju koja me je pratila, sjajnu mladu ekipu s kojom sam prvi put radio, radili smo u nekome miru i tišini, u ta se tri mjeseca nije čuo ni jedan povišen glas - sve je išlo beskonačno mirno, svi su imali apsolutnu koncentraciju, to je bio takav film koji je zahtijevao taj mir. Onda smo čekali da se filmu nešto dogodi; imali smo španjolskog agenta koji je vrebao kamo će ga staviti, stavio ga je u Montreal i dogodio mu se Grand Prix. S tim pečatom ide lakše i ovdje i po svijetu.  Koliko treba otklona da biste počeli novu priču, novi film? - Kad završite film, imate dugu fazu kad se pitate ima li uopće smisla uskočiti u neku tako kompliciranu mašineriju. Ležite u krevetu i razmišljate, ima li smisla ustati još jedanput i sve to ponovno obaviti,


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animirati stotine ljudi, razgovarati s nekoliko stotina ljudi, to je dugi, dugi proces, ako me zanima snimati filmove ovdje. Jer ovdje me boli, u Americi me ne boli, ondje još i sad gledam taj život nekako sa strane, bez obzira na to koliko sam dugo ondje, ne tiče me se toliko. Ovdje me svaka glupost boli, a dok vas ne boli, o tome nema smisla govoriti.  Kako to da ste se u odabiru Glogovca za ulogu Profesora koristili tehnikom contracastinga? - Nekad morate ići raznim logikama. Birate karaktere: dobar glumac, to naučite s vremenom, mora biti ličnost. Tehnike su nešto što svako bistro biće lako nauči. Ako iza te tehnike ne leži kompletno, kompleksno, duboko, mračno, teško

po svojem izgledu, po svojemu moralnom ljudskom habitusu odgovarali i mogli glumiti taj lik, ali to nije rezultiralo onim što sam tražio.  Jesu li se naljutili na Vas? - Jesu, sigurno, strašno je ozbiljnom glumcu reći: hvala, nemoj se ljutiti, ja sam izabrao je najgora rečenica.  Jednom ste rekli da volite krasti dušu glumcima. Što ste time mislili? - Imate dva osnovna načina u radu s glumcem, da imate napisan tekst i pokušate glumca pretvoriti u vaš lik, oblikovati ga potpuno na njegovu tijelu kao da na neku žičanu konstrukciju nanosite gips i pokušavate napraviti to glumačko tijelo. Drugi je način da pisani lik što ������������� više pri���� lagodite karakteru glumca, ponudite mu

dokučivo ljudsko biće, nemate što tražiti, kamera će proći kroz njega. Masa divnih, prelijepih cura na platnu izgleda potpuno prazno. Ta površna ljepota ništa ne pomaže. Kamera traži dubinsku ljepotu. I onda pokušate to naći, probate prizore, na tisuću načina doći do toga ima li neko lice ono što tražite. Mi smo za dvoje glumaca pisali - za Dejana Aćimovića i Kseniju Marinković, jer prije sam radio s njima i znao sam tko su oni i što mogu, a za Profesora sam godinu dana tražio i neke fantastične glumce mučio po tri ili četiri puta, vraćao ih, nehumano to radio, premda sam se stalno ispričavao, da bih došao, da bih vidio postoji li to u njima. To su bili manje-više ljudi koji su

da bude ono što jest, a ja ću dodati ono što meni treba. Čini mi se da mi je druga metoda bliža, jer onda dobijem čovjeka koji glumi iz sebe, a samo mu malim finesama, fizičkim ili jezičnim, dodajemo miris karaktera. Ali karakter je, zapravo, on. Radio sam s Rodom Steigerom, velikim glumcem školovanim u Actors Studiju, čija je metoda da uroni u lik i ponaša se kao lik i na setu i izvan njega. On 24 sata nosi isti kostim, govori s vama kao lik. On je ušao u lik i više nije ništa drugo.  Može li Ustav, ljubavna priča o mržnji, u ovim turbulentnim vremenima išta promijeniti nabolje? Ima li kultura misiju? - Ne vjerujem da filmovi mogu mijenjati



svjetove, ne mogu mijenjati ništa veliko. Oni su za sitne, male promjene. Film može pružiti neku emotivnu vezanost za nekoga koga inače ne biste nikad pogledali. Ono što film može učiniti za vas jest, kad jednom sretnete takav lik, da ga gledate s malo više razumijevanja, ništa više. A ako nekoga pogledate s malo više razumijevanja, to je golemo što jedan film može napraviti. Filmovi su poput sukusa naših života, u tim likovima negdje prepoznajemo sebe ili nekoga koga znamo, i onda možemo saznati o njemu nešto više i gledati ga s više razumijevanja. Čim vi nekoga tako gledate, on za vas prestaje biti zbirna imenica, postaje pojedinačna osoba. Čim on dobije ime i prezime, postaje netko tko vas zanima i tu se otvara mogućnost komunikacije. Svakako je uloga kulture postavljati pitanja, otvarati pitanja koja čovjek u sebi ne artikulira dovoljno jasno. Ta pitanja ne moraju biti samo politička, ona mogu biti ljudska pitanja, estetska. Umjetničko djelo nešto je što nas zaustavi i postavi pitanje na koje vi u komunikaciji morate nečim odgovoriti. To je najviše što umjetničko djelo može učiniti. To su dobro upakirana pitanja pružena preko stvarnih ljudi, stvarnih života, nešto opipljivo. Što se manje čini kao pitanje, time je jače.  Karl Gustav Jung upozoravao je da ni glad, ni potresi, ni mikrobi, ni karcinomi, nisu takva opasnost kao što je čovjek čovjeku. Može li kultura dati odgovor na to? - Može. Kultura je jedino po čemu postoje ovakvi mali narodi, male zemlje. To je nešto što najprirodnije i najlakše liječi rane, jer mi smo još i danas u ranama otprije 25 ili 50 godina. Jedina medicina koja tu ima ikakve izglede jest ljudski razgovor, a to je kultura. U Južnoj Africi, nakon silnih nesreća, godina mržnje i ubijanja, nadbiskup Desmond Tutu uveo je razgovore po četvrtima. U njima je spojio žrtve i krvnike, te policajce i te ljude koje su tukli i ubijali. Danima su ih tjerali da jedni drugima izgovore sve što imaju. To čišćenje jest važno. U Pragu gdje sam studirao, ispred Akademije na Vltavi bili su drveni kavezi jer, po nekom tadašnjem češkom zakonu, kad se iz ribnjaka, iz mulja izvade šarani, morali su pet tjedana plivati u rijeci, čistiti se od mulja i tu ih se dopremalo da se očiste od mulja. Jedini kavez za čišćenje mulja kod nas može biti kultura... Platforma za dijalog jest kultura.

 Davno ste u trenutku razočaranja zapisali u bilježnicu intrigantan naslov: sto najboljih filmova koje nikad neću snimiti. Četiri od njih, jedan uspješniji od drugoga, morali ste u međuvremenu prekrižiti. Ostalo je još mnogo priča, podloga, za koji sljedeći film? - Ne znam, vidjet ćemo hoće li se dogoditi. Bilježnica ima već tristo stranica... vidjet ćemo. Ante Tomić i ja nešto šu�� škamo, možda se dogodi. Možda se i ne dogodi. 


ajko Grlić’s most recent (and twelfth) feature film, The Constitution of the Republic of Croatia, even before its premiere in Croatia, won prizes at several worldwide festivals, the most significant of which were the American Grand Prix at the Montreal World Film Festival and the latest Best Film Award at the International Film Festival in Santa Barbara. His films are shown on all continents, playing regularly in cinemas. Besides Paris, San Francisco and Amsterdam, he has had retrospective screenings in about a dozen cities around the world. His first amateur film, The Brick, has won more than twenty awards, and about twenty of his documentaries, as well as television series have also won awards. Films like, Bravo Maestro, You Only Love Once (Samo jednom se ljubi), In the Jaws of Life, Budimir Trajković’s Love Life; and television series, like, The Unpicked Strawberries, are just some imprints of an exceptional artistic personality. Graduating from the Film Academy in Prague, he explored and gained new experiences at Columbia University in New York, as well as from the Department of Television and Film at the University of California in Los Angeles. He won eight international awards for his interactive CD-ROM, How to Make Your Movie, one of which was the Grand Prix Award for Best Multimedia Project at the New York Film Festival. He taught film directing at the Zagreb Academy of Dramatic Art, and has been an eminent scholar at Athens University in Ohio for years, where he teaches film directing. Professional and punctual, easy to talk to, and without the pretentiousness of a star, he patiently and readily explains how it all began. - Every family has a crazy uncle, and mine was no exception. He was a worldly man, a scientist; he ran a UN laboratory in Geneva and discovered a method that could determine the year a drug was produced as

well as its location. He also travelled a lot. He had a strange hobby: he loved movies and he made small, silly movies. His most well-known movie was called Onion and Water. In the movie, an onion bulb literally floats on a creek on the slopes of Sljeme for about five minutes - this is the kind of stuff he made! Once, he brought a Bell&Howell camera from Geneva for Christmas, which I still have, and with it, I made five or six amateur movies. Thus, I began playing around with film-making. When you’re 16 or 17, you usually write poems about unrequited love, hoping that a girl will read them some day. One makes movies probably with the same motive, and this small camera made it possible for me. My first movie was called The Brick, which was about pranksters hanging around in Zagreb’s Upper Town; they would play practical jokes on young couples, convincing the young men to buy a brick, which they did out of fear of being beaten up. I made up five or six stories like that, then I started frequenting festivals and getting awards. One of these amateur film awards took me to Prague. It was Croatia’s Amateur Film Festival in the mid-1960s, and the first prize also included a scholarship to study at the Film Academy in Prague, provided that you first passed the admission exam. The award was given to both me and Lordan Zafranović; we met on stage, travelled to Prague together, passed the admission exam, which lasted two weeks, and we both became students at the Prague Academy.  You grew up during relatively carefree and safe times, with a camera in your hand; what was of particular interest to you? What kind of movies did you want to see in cinemas? - This was a time when cinematography, real, official, state-sponsored cinematography, was big, but there was also a parallel, underground cinematography. Those were the 1960s, when there were underground movies and experimental cinematography was everywhere in the world. I passed the amateur exam at the Zagreb Cinema Club, where doctors, philosophers and engineers, like Dr. Pasini, played with film and the cinematic form. Being a kid, I soaked it up like a sponge. This was a sort of cinematic world for me. I watched all kinds of movies at the cinema. This was when I fell in love with the Italians, from Visconti to Antonioni; this was also the time when the French

New Wave was starting. In addition to all this, I have always had a great fondness for westerns; this was a big soft spot of mine and I am happy to have been able to make a western at least once. These were the movies that I grew up with. The European film industry was intellectually stronger back then (puberty requires a stronger dose of intelligence, he laughs). And then, I went to Prague and started watching movies religiously.  You spend half a year in America, and half a year in Croatia. What do you miss about America when you’re in Zagreb, and what do you miss about Zagreb when you’re in America? - It’s the same as with food...In the beginning, we brought food with us

from Croatia because we had a feeling that we wouldn’t be able to get used to American food. Then, we realized that we enjoyed the food there much more than the food we had brought with us and vice versa. We live a Croatian life here and an American life there. These are two quite different worlds, but we have several personalities inside us, so it is good to feed those various personalities, to live several parallel lives. Besides, when you get sick and tired of one life, it’s a real privilege to be able to switch over to another life.  How did you start teaching? What does working with students mean to you. How do you measure your success in this area?


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- As soon as I returned from Prague, they asked me to hold lectures in film directing and editing, but I soon went into film-making. At the time, the Academy had a policy whereby it was necessary to choose one or the other - film-making or teaching. I thought it was absurd, but I preferred making movies. The second time I taught at the Zagreb Academy was in 1988/1989, when Krešo Golik retired and insisted that I take over his class. I did it for two years. I never tried to be just a professor because I believed it to be a disastrous choice for a film-maker, since you then start making movies through your students. I do my own movies, and with students, I do their movies, and everything I try to teach them, I try to teach

occasions. My position in Ohio allows me to mix things up. I teach because it keeps me in touch with reality. The young men and women I teach are in postgraduate classes, which means they are older than 25, so they are no longer just kids fascinated by the camera; rather, they are adults who have decided to dedicate their lives to movies. I get to see a completely different perspective through them. I am privileged to be exposed to a view of the world completely different from my own. And this reality check is incredibly healthy; it is difficult to make films without it. Because one tends to fly off so easily… so, they are giving me just as much, if not more, than what I’m giving them.

them while working on their movies. At the moment, I am working on a feature film with students from Iran, Turkey, Columbia and America. Each of the four are working on telling his or her own story. The project will take about a year; this is my Masterclass. When I’m not shooting a movie, I take on larger projects with my students, and when I’m shooting, I take a few students with me to the set. For them, this is the most useful form of education because this is their first visit to a professional set, and they have a chance to experience something resembling the real world. I’ve taken them to sets in Germany, the Czech Republic, and to Zagreb on two

When I first came to Columbia in New York in 1985, the dean at Columbia was my dean from Prague, Daniel František, who told me: You know, in America, the success of a school is not measured by how good the teachers think they are, but by the achievements of students, by the movies they make, the awards they win. So, there are quite clear standards. Two or three years ago, a student who was in my Masterclass was a winner at the San Sebastian Festival. When this sort of thing happens, you know that what you have done was not in vain. Students have a hard time getting into film-making after school in America. They do, but the question is at which level? It’s one thing



to be the twelfth organizer and another to be the sixth directing assistant, which can be considered a path towards a directing career. I try to do larger formats with them, since it allows them to progress faster. There are thousands of shorter films, and they get lost in this branch. If they succeed with a larger format, they have a farther reach within the industry and can continue with the format.  What does Zagreb mean to you today? - Zagreb is my birthplace; it’s my family’s habitat. Every other house reminds me of someone who used to live there. This is the place where I was born; I can’t escape it or change it. I love the smell of Zagreb, and this is where I feel good. Its size is ideal: a smaller town on the edge of Europe. It’s incredibly cozy; it’s where you know pretty much everyone, but you can still maintain your privacy. So, its size, a population of less than a million, is what I really like about the city. This is my home, the one that I often leave, but still return to over and over again as other members of my family have done for generations. Several centuries ago, they chose Zagreb and left their traces in it. Julius Hühn, lithographer and Zagreb’s first photographer, without whom we would not know what Zagreb looked like in the 19th century, was my great-greatgrandfather. Many in my family have left small imprints of their existence in the city, and I am merely one of them - each of my movies is like a small stone left at the side of the road. Out of my twelve movies, nine are set in Zagreb.  What was the best thing that you inherited from your parents, your mother Eva, journalist and author, and your father, Danko Grlić, humanist philosopher and writer? - Joy. The joy with which I accept life, the openness and need for socializing, the need to flee from hatred, closed-mindedness, restriction. This openness and lust for life, and laughter, especially Central European laughter which is so different from other kinds of laughter; this half-gallows humor, this Švejkian humor, is a kind of resistance to fate - this is a great gift from my family to me.  To what extent was your art defined by the fate of your family, by all those turmoils, deaths, wars, upheavals, human and material losses which fall upon people living in interesting times?

When you have a family history like mine, you can’t escape it. I’ve never made a movie based on the life of my family, but the turbulence, the changes, the powerful currents of life, which happen every now and then, which have spun our destinies in such a strange way that it allows me to give my characters a much more courageous storyline than I otherwise would have been able to. I have often considered the idea of making a movie based on my mother’s memoir, Memories, but I never had the courage to start such a project because I believe it would be financially unfeasible.  One of the reviewers of your movie, The Constitution of the Republic of Croatia, writes that you have weaved a granite nest of philanthropy; another considers it the most courageous Croatian film of the new millennium, stirring up hope for a better future without hatred. Having done a huge and high-quality job, have you breathed a sigh of relief, or are you sad that the story has come to an end, like when you read the last page of a good book? - I took a sigh of relief because it was a long journey, but I can’t say that it was difficult this time. I got an offer from the Interfilm Production Company from Zagreb. They wanted to work with me, and we agreed that we would work together on this whether we managed to raise the money for it or not, which made it very easy for the director to shoot the movie. Ante Tomić, author and co-screenwriter worked with me on the text for three years, slowly. We were in no rush - we were both at an age where we were in no hurry to get anywhere. We composed the screenplay, bit by bit, and then, started the production. I gathered a team of actors who were fantastic to work with, which is the most important thing for a director. I had a production team that followed me, an amazing young team that I worked with for the first time. We worked in a quiet and peaceful atmosphere over those three months and not a single voice was raised. Everything moved along incredibly calmly. We were all absolutely focused as this was the kind of movie which required this kind of calmness. Then, we waited for something to happen with the movie; we had a Spanish agent who was undecided as to where to send the movie, but he finally sent it to Montreal,

which resulted in the Grand Prix. This quality stamp of approval made it easier for the movie to be received both in Croatia and around the world.  How much downtime do you need to start a new story, a new movie? - When you finish a movie, you enter a long phase when you wonder whether it makes sense at all to embark on such a complicated journey. You lie in your bed and wonder, does it make sense to get up and do this all over again? Do I have the strength to motivate hundreds of people, talk to hundreds of people? This is generally a long, long process. Making movies here brings me pain, while in America it doesn’t, since I still look at that life from the sidelines, regardless of all

are many stunning girls whose expressions are completely blank onscreen. They have no presence. This superficial beauty does not help them at all. The camera requires a deeper beauty. So you try to find it; you rehearse scenes; you try a thousand ways to find out if a face has what you’re looking for. We wrote our screenplay for two actors - for Dejan Aćimović and Ksenija Marinković, since I had worked with them before and I knew who they were and what they could do. I spent a year searching for the Professor, torturing some fantastic actors three or four times, asking them to return. I was really brutal, apologizing the whole time, in order to get to it, to see if they had it. These were people, more or less, who by

the time I’ve spent there. It doesn’t affect me as much. Here, every bit of nonsense brings me pain, but without pain, there is no point in telling a story.  Why did you choose to cast Glogovac against type for the role of the Professor? - Sometimes you need to use different methods. You choose characters: a good actor, as you discover in time, must have a personality. Techniques are something that any bright person can easily grasp. But if there is no complete, complex, deep, dark, hard-to-understand human being behind the casting technique, then you don’t have anything to work with; the camera will go right through them. There

their appearance, by their moral, human makeup, were a match and could have played the character, but it did not lead me to what I was looking for.  Were they angry with you? - I’m sure they were. It is a terrible thing to say to an actor: thank you, don’t be mad, but I chose someone else…’ This is the worst phrase you can utter.  You once said that you liked to steal an actor’s soul. What did you mean by that? - There are two basic ways of working with an actor: first, you take the written text and try to turn the actor into your character, shape him completely as if you were putting plaster on a wire structure,



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and sculpting the actual body. The other method is to tweak the written character to match the actor’s personality as closely as possible, to offer the actor the possibility of being what he is, and you add what you need on top of that. I think the second method is closer to my heart because I get a man who plays himself, and we only add the scent of the character through subtle changes, whether physical or linguistic. But he is, in essence, the character himself. I worked with Rod Steiger, a great actor trained at the Actors Studio; his method was to dive into the character and act as the character both on and off the set. He wore the same costume 24 hours a day; he talked to you like his character. He merged with the character and was no longer his normal self.  Can The Constitution, a love story about hatred, change anything for the better in these turbulent times. Does culture have a mission? - I don’t believe that movies can change worlds; they can’t change anything big. They are meant for small, subtle changes. A movie can make you emotionally bond with someone you otherwise wouldn’t have noticed. What a movie can do for you is that. When you encounter a person like that, you look at him or her with a little more understanding, nothing more. And if you look at someone with a little more understanding, that is a huge thing for that movie to do. Movies are like the quintessence of our lives; somewhere in those characters, we recognize ourselves or someone we know, and then, we are given the opportunity of finding out more about them so that we can understand them better. As soon as you look at someone like this, that person is no longer a part of the collective; he or she becomes an individual. As soon as you learn these characters’ first and last names, they become someone you’re interested in, thus opening up the possibility for communication. The role of culture is, by all means, to ask questions, raise questions that one does not articulate clearly enough for oneself. These questions need not be just political, they can also be humanistic or aesthetic. A work of art is something that stops you in your tracks and asks you a question that you need to answer in the course of the communication. This is the most a work


of art can do. These are well-presented questions, raised by real people, with real lives, something tangible. The smaller a question seems, the stronger its impact.  Karl Gustav Jung warned that neither famine nor earthquakes, microbes nor cancer are as dangerous as man is towards his own kind. Can culture provide an answer? - It can. Culture is the only thing through which such small nations, small countries exist. It is the most natural and best thing to heal wounds, and we’re still wounded from what happened 25 or 50 years ago. The only medicine is human dialogue, that is, culture. In South Africa, after tremendous misfortunes, years of

 A long time ago, in a moment of disappointment, you wrote down an intriguing title in your notebook: The One Hundred Best Movies I Will Never Make. In the meantime, you had to strike four movies off the list, each one more successful than the next. Many stories, their foundations, have remained. Perhaps for the next movie? - I don’t know. We’ll see what happens. The notebook already has three hundred pages… We’ll see. Ante Tomić and I are working on something that might happen. But then again, maybe it won’t. 

hatred and killing, Bishop Desmond Tutu introduced conversations into neighborhoods, bringing together the victims and the executioners, the police officers and the people who they beat and killed. For days, they made them tell each other all they had to say. This catharsis was important. In Prague, where I was a student, there were wooden cages on the Vltava River in front of the Academy because according to Czech law in force at the time, when carp were taken out of the muddy ponds, they had to swim in the river for five weeks to remove the mud, so they were brought to these cages to be cleaned of the mud. For us, the only mud-cleaning cage can be culture. Culture is the platform for dialogue.

01 Scena iz filma Ustav Republike Hrvatske A scene from The Constitution of the Republic of Croatia


02 Scena iz filma Neka ostane među nama A scene from Just Between Us 03 Scena iz filma Neka ostane među nama A scene from Just Between Us 04 Snimanje filma Karaula Schooting of The Border Post

Nebeska udobnost dostojna svakog hotela. “Dvije najvažnije i najviše korištene stvari u našem životu su cipele i krevet jer smo ili u jednom ili u drugom.”

Technogel jastuk anatomic zahvaljujući naprednom Techogelu, jastuk se samostalno oblikuje prema fizičkoj strukturi korisnika te posjeduje unikatna toplinska, elastična i higijenska svojstva.

Madrac Luxury Plus visine 27 cm - izuzetno kvalitetan madrac visokog nivoa udobnosti s pojačanom džepićastom opružnom jezgrom, oblogama od HR pjene i teškogorivom navlakom.

Krevet Mediteran s uzglavljem - čvrst i stabilan, udoban i

kvalitetan, izrađen od kombinacije Bonnell opružne jezgre, masivnog drva i iverice te je tapeciran dekorativnom tkaninom.

Lijepo je znati da hotel u kojem noćite ima kvalitetan, hrvatski madrac na kojem možete bezbrižno spavati. Zato ćemo vam potvrditi da se kvaliteta Hespo proizvodnje očituje u velikom broju opremanja hotelskih objekata. Svi znamo da ćete sebi rijetko dopustiti da dva puta loše spavate u istom hotelskom objektu. Kvalitetno spavanje je onaj segment našeg života koji nam omogućuje da se odmorimo i obnovimo snagu za dan koji slijedi, a ujedno je i centar interesa naših godišnjih odmora.

Tekst i fotografije/Text and Photos _ Goran Šafarek

R. Ibrišević


Istarska obala poznato je turističko odredište, no još je očuvala prirodne vrijednosti, od ušća rijeka, ali i njihovih negdašnjih tokova, danas ispunjenih morem poput Limskog kanala, do krševitog rta Kamenjaka.

Stjenovita obala Kamenjaka idealna je za istraživanje i igru najmlađih The rocky shore of Kamenjak is ideal for children’s play and research

The coastline of Istria is a well-known tourist destination, but it has managed to preserve its natural wonders from river mouths and what were once river flows which are today flooded by the sea, such as Limski Channel all up to the rocky Cape Kamenjak. CROATIA AIRLINES 1/2017

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starska obala naša je turistička perjanica, sa starim gradovima kakav je Rovinj, brojnim apartmanima, hotelima, kampovima ... Iako su još Rimljani zapazili taj divni kultivirani mediteranski krajolik maslinika, vrtova crvene zemlje, priroda još izvire na svakom koraku, a unatoč turističkom razvoju, obala i dalje skriva svoje draži. Desetak kilometara južno od Pule odvaja se od obale izbočen duguljast i vrlo razveden poluotok gdje se usko isprepleću more i kopno, a osobito je obala stjenovita, prikladna naziva Kamenjak. Strši poput kraka hobotnice u more devet kilometara, no poluotok je prepun dubokih uvala i rtova koji su razvitlali obalnu crtu na čak trideset kilometara. Valovi su na kraju tih sjenovitih uvala nasuli ljupke šljunčane plažice, a tirkizno more naviješta dno od valutica. Jedna je plaža čak pješčana, no većina je obale gruba, iako istodobno egzotična. Nadvila se nekoliko metara nad morem kao bedemi utvrde, često u dvije ili tri stube, što su negdašnji slojevi drevnoga toplog mora iz kojega je i nastao taj čvrsti vapnenački kamen. Te su stube, polomljene u veće blokove, žrtve tektonskih sila koje su ih tisućljećima prelamale. Ti su blokovi nadalje napukli u manje cjeline poput tisuća ladica nekoga divovskog ormara. Konačni oblik dali su vječni valovi i morske mijene, koji su izrezbarili i izoštrili najniže stijene. Iako se čini da ovdje na udaru žarkog sunca, silnog vjetra i soli valova ništa ne može uspijevati, u njihovim pukotinama, u zoni prskanja morskih valova, uspijeva nekoliko vrsta otpornih biljaka, poput rešetkaste mrižice, uskolisnog slaka i pustenastog jarmena, kojemu je Kamenjak jedno od posljednjih staništa u Hrvatskoj. Kamenjak u svojim bedemima pruža i 01 Jato cipala u plićini A flock of mullets in shallow waters 02 Ispucali slojevi stijena otkrivaju geološku prošlost Kamenjaka The cracked layers of rocks reveal the geological history of Kamenjak 03 Spužve svojom bojom oživljuju dno Kamenjaka The vivid colours of sponges bring the sea bottom of Kamenjak to life

jednu tajnu. Treba otići u uvalu Pinižule i pogledati čudne otiske, ovjekovječene u stijeni. Tri prednja prsta jasno se ističu od ostalih nepravilnih crtarija majke prirode. Još je bolje do otočića Fenoliga, gdje su ti izumrli teškaši ostavili na stotine tragova, suvenir pradavnih vremena. Tada je Istra bila negdje u tropima, putujući desecima milijuna godina prema sadašnjoj poziciji. Fenoliga je najbogatije nalazište otisaka dinosaurovih stopala u Europi, a utvrđeno je da oni pripadaju četveronožnom dinosauru iz skupine sauropoda, koji je po procjenama bio visok oko 3 metra, dugačak 11 metara i težak oko 13 tona. Danas umjesto dinosaura obalama hodaju

njihovi udaljeni srodnici - ptice. Na stotine galebova odmara se uz more, u blizini njihovih gnjezdilišta po otočićima Istre i sjevernog Jadrana. Slično je i s morskm vrancima, izvrsnim roniocima koji krstare uz Kamenjak i zaranjaju za ribom. Nakon uspješnog lova, odmaraju se i suše široko raširena krila na nekome od kamena, kao da se mole bogu mora Neptunu. Ljeti pak stijene napuče kupači. Privučeni zovom toploga i bistrog mora, divljine i egzotike poluotoka, našli su na obali mir i privatnost, bijeg od masovnog turizma i kiča prenatrpanih uređenih plaža. Večer je najljepše doba dana kada splasne žarkost sunca, kada se sjedine užarena kugla i

more. Položene i ravne stube omogućuju prostiranje ručnika i opuštanje. Udaljenije stijene pružaju potpuno sjedinjavanje s prirodom bez krpice na sebi, što se tolerira ovdje. Vrhunac kupanja na Kamenjaku jest plivanje i ronjenje. More uz Kamenjak očuvano je i bogato, a već kratak zaron pokazuje raskoš podmorja. Kamena stuba i pod morem se polagano spušta prema sve većim dubinama. Uz najbrojnije crneje, u pličini plove orade, cipli, salpe i ostale vrste riba. Morske struje donose veliku količinu hranjivih tvari, pa je more uz Kamenjak bogato ribom, a zapadna strana poluotoka koridor je za sezonsku


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ID kod: HR-AB-01-08289885; Izvor fotografije: TZ Brela

migraciju orada, brancina i drugih riba prema mrijestilištima. Podmorje Kamenjaka dijeli obilježja sjevernog dijela Istre i sjevernog Jadrana općenito. To je relativno plitko more, nešto manje slanoće od južnog Jadrana, s više hranjivih tvari i manje vidljivosti zbog prevladavajućeg mulja s pjeskovitog dna. Dno se, unatoč dubinskim prigušnim bojama, još šareni od brojnih alga, spužvi, zvjezdača i ostalih slabo pokretnih stanara. Između njih viri riba pirka, koja radoznalo pokazuje svoje nepravilne, tamne crvenkastosmeđe pruge i veliku plavu mrlju na trbuhu. Vire i glavoči te ostale ribe, a uz malo truda naći će se i sitni, ali šareni puževi. Livade morskih cvjetnica posidonija, odnosno morske trave djeluju tamno i odbijajuće, ali bogate su zajednice algi, beskralježnjaka i riba. Uz malo sreće naći će se periske, elegantni konjic dugokljunić kako viri iz posidonije... Povremeno se vidi sredozemna medvjedica, a 2014. godine pogotovo se zadržavala ženka. Nažalost, uginula je od starosti. Plitki sjeverni Jadran jedno je od dvaju najznačajnijih staništa glavate želve u Jadranu. Kupače neprestano prožima miris morske soli, ali i opojni mediteranski parfem eteričnih i drugih ulja biljaka s poluotoka. Šuma iznad stijena pruža i spasonosni hlad u podne kad se i stijene usiju. Visoki i razgranati borovi ljeti odzvanjaju ljubavnom pjesmom cvrčaka, no mali umjetnici dobro su skriveni, priljubljeni za hrapavu koru stabala. Kamenjakom ipak dominiraju bušici (garizi), kamenjari i suhi sredozemni travnjaci ljekovitih biljaka kadulje i kovilja. Botaničari su nabrojili šestotinjak vrsta biljaka, među kojima nekoliko rijetkih vrsta. Posebno se ističe tridesetak vrsta orhideja, među kojima i dvije endemične - istarska kukavica i njezin hibrid. Upravo u proljeće postaje Kamenjak šareni vrt prepun orhideja, oko kojih zuje kukci. Orhideje kokice oblikom se cvjetova pretvaraju da su pčele i bumbari i tako zavaravaju prave leteće kukce da ih opraše. Oko njih i drugih biljaka leprša pedeset vrsta danjih leptira. Svako malo šmugne neka gušterica ili čak zmija. Gmazovi ovdje nalaze mnogo hrane, a skrovišta su im među stijenama i grmljem te, dakako, na obilju sunca. Na središnjem dijelu poluotoka nekad je rasla i šuma hrasta crnike i crnog jasena, no nestala je stoljetnim poljoprivrednim korištenjem. Mještani okolnog naselja

Premanture obrađivali su masline i mala polja. U tome im je pomagalo autohtono istarsko govedo, nabitoga sivog tijela i široko razmaknutih rogova. Ljudi su se njime nekada koristili za oranje, nošenje tereta, danas se više uzgaja za proizvodnju mesa. Od 2012. godine na Kamenjaku je uređen tor za čuvanje goveda, gdje se može pogledati i naučiti ponešto o tome tihom promatraču povijesnih mijena u Istri. Danas je Kamenjak zaštićen od urbanizacije kao značajni krajobraz Gornji Kamenjak i značajni krajobraz Donji Kamenjak i medulinski arhipelag. No, poštuje se tradicionalna kulturna baština, baš kao i ona prirodna. Štoviše, očuvanje

travnjačkih površina važno je za opstanak orhideja i drugih travnjačkih biljaka. Na Kamenjaku nema stalnih naselja, pa je priroda uvelike očuvana, a kako je ljeti to popularno kupalište, preko njega vodi nekoliko neasfaltiranih cesta. Samo nekoliko čvrstih objekata pruža okrepu, poput poznatog Safari bara na vrhu poluotoka. Kamenjak je osobito djelo majstora valova koji surađuju sa suncem i začinjavaju ljepotu tog poluotoka daškom morske soli. Predivno mjesto za istraživanje, ali i jednostavno uživanje zaljubljenika u prirodu i more. Mjesto na kojemu će zacijelo svatko naći razlog da ponovno dođe na Kamenjak. 


he Istrian coastline is Croatia’s flagship tourist attraction boasting old towns, such as Rovinj, countless tourist apartments, hotels, camps... Even though it was already the Romans who had fallen for this magnificent cultured Mediterranean landscape of olive groves and red earth gardens, nature at its best nevertheless springs at every step, and in spite of the development of tourism, the coastline still hides charms to be discovered. Ten kilometres south of Pula, an oblong and very indented peninsula protrudes into the sea, where the sea and particularly rocky land are closely intertwined. It is Cape Kamenjak. It extends nine


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Rt Kamenjak iz zraka An air view of Kamenjak

Orhideja u cvatu An orchid blossom

Orhideja u proljeće

Kupanje uz ribe

An orchid in spring

Swimming with the fish

Brojne jedrilice u jednoj od uvala Kamenjaka Numerous sailing boats in one of the bays of Kamenjak

R. Ibrišević R. Ibrišević


R. Ibrišević



01 Replika dinosaura, ostaci geološkog razdoblja Krede Dinosaur replica, geological remains from the Cretaceous Period

R. Ibrišević

02 Safari bar skriven u gustišu bambusa, tik uz morsku obalu Safari bar hidden in a thicket of bamboo along the coastline 03 Svjetionik Marlera čuva brodove od nasukavanja na 11 nenastanjenih otočića u blizini Rta Kamenjaka The Marlera Lighthouse keeps ships from running aground on 11 uninhabited islets near Cape Kamenjak 04 Čudesni otisci dinosaura ovjekovječeni u stijeni Magnificent dinosaur footprints preserved in the rock 04


kilometres into the sea like an octopus arm abounding in deep coves and capes, which stretch the coastline out to as much as thirty kilometres. Waves have filled these shady coves with charming little pebble beaches whose turquoise waters unveil their bottoms made of boulders. One beach is even sandy, although most of the coast is rough, but at the same time exotic. Towering a few meters above sea level as walls of a fortress, often in two or three cascading steps, these are ancient layers of an ancient warm sea from which this solid limestone rock had been created. These steps are broken into larger blocks, the victims of tectonic forces fracturing them over the millennia. These blocks further cracked into smaller units resembling thousands of drawers of a giant closet, and their final shape was given by the eternal waves and tides having carved and sharpened the lowest rocks. Although it seems that nothing can grow on these rocks basking in the bright sun and pounded by the mighty wind and the salt of the waves, their crevices, spots being splashed by the waves, are a home to several types of resistant plants, such as the sea lavender or marsh rosemary, bindweed or morning glory and woolly chamomile, which Cape Kamenjak is one of the last habitats to in Croatia. Kamenjak also keeps a secret. The PiniŞule Bay houses strange-looking footprints immortalised in stone. Three front fingers stand out clearly from Mother Nature’s other irregular scribbles. These are even clearer on Fenoliga Island where these extinct heavyweights had left hundreds of footprints, a souvenir from ancient times, when Istria was somewhere in the tropics traveling tens of millions of years to its present position. Fenoliga Island is the richest dinosaur footprint discovery site in Europe. It was discovered that these footprints belonged to the fourlegged sauropod dinosaur and it was estimated that they were about 3 meters tall, 11 meters long and weighed about 13 tons. Today, instead of dinosaurs, this coast is walked on by their distant relatives - birds. Hundreds of seagulls rest by the sea, in close proximity to their nesting grounds on the islets of Istria and the northern Adriatic. There are cormorants as well, superb divers cruising along Cape Kamenjak diving for fish. After a successful hunt, they relax and dry their widespread wings on the rocks, as if praying to Neptune, God of the Sea. In summer, these rocks are taken over by bathers. Drawn by the call of the warm and clear sea, the wilderness and exoticism of the peninsula, what they find on these shores are peace and privacy, an escape from mass tourism and the kitsch of overcrowded city beaches. The evening is the most beautiful time of the day when the brightness of the sun settles, when the glowing orb and the sea unite. Towels can be spread on the flat steps of Cape Kamenjak and relaxation can commence. The remoteness of the more removed rocks allows for fully merging with nature and skinny-dipping, which is tolerated here. Swimming and diving are the highlight of sea bathing on Cape Kamenjak. The seawater along Kamenjak is well preserved and rich, and even a short dive displays the


R. Ibriťević

01 Tradicijsko istarsko govedo An Istrian traditional cattle 02 Putokazi na Kamenjaku Landmarks on Kamenjak



splendour of the underwater world. In the sea, the stone steps continue descending slowly towards increasing depths. Damselfish abound in the shallow waters swimming along sea bream, mullet, salema porgy and other species of fish. The sea currents bring a large amount of nutrients along, and so the sea along Cape Kamenjak is rich in fish, with the west side of the peninsula being a corridor for the seasonal migration of sea bream, sea bass and other fishes to their hatcheries. The underwater world of Cape Kamenjak shares the characteristics of the northern part of Istria and the northern Adriatic in general. Its waters are relatively shallow, less saline than the southern Adriatic, contain more nutrients and its level of visibility is lower because of the prevalence of silt stirred up from its sandy bottom. Despite colours being muffled at its depths, the sea bottom is nevertheless brimming with colour thanks to the many algae, sponges, starfish and other slowly moving tenants of its depths. Peeking between them is the painted comber, curiously showing off its irregular, dark reddish-brown stripes and a large blue stain on its belly. The bottom is also dotted with goby and other fish, and with little effort even small yet colourful snails can also be found. Posidonia sea-grass meadows, commonly called seaweed, may seem dark and repulsive, but are actually rich communities of algae, invertebrates and fish. With a little luck, you can come across the noble pen shell and the elegant long-snouted seahorse peeping out of posidonia meadows... The Mediterranean monk seal can also be seen at times, and in 2014 a female monk seal dwelled around the Cape. Unfortunately, she died of old age. Also, the shallow waters of the northern Adriatic are one of the two major habitats of the loggerhead turtle in the Adriatic. Swimmers are constantly splashed by the smell of sea salt on the one hand, and the intoxicating Mediterranean fragrance of aromatic herbs and plants from the peninsula on the other. The woods just above the rocks offer salutary shade at high noon when even the rocks glow with heat. In summer, the tall and thick pine trees echo the love song of crickets, but the little artists are well hidden tightly sticking to the rough bark of trees. However, Cape Kamenjak is dominated by undergrowth, rockeries and dry Mediterranean grasslands of sage and

windfeder. Botanists have listed some six hundred species of plants, including several rare species. Particularly noteworthy are some thirty species of orchids, including two endemic ones - the Istrian coward orchid and its hybrid. It is in spring that Cape Kamenjak becomes a colourful garden full of orchids buzzed round by insects. With the shape of their flower, the so-called popcorn orchids pretend to be bees and bumblebees, attracting this way real flying insects to pollinate them. Around them and other plants, some fifty species of butterflies flutter. Every now and then, a lizard or even a snake slips past. Reptiles have plenty of food here, and can easily find a hiding place amongst the rocks and bushes and, of course, plenty of sunshine. A holm oak and manna ash forest once grew in the central part of the peninsula, but it disappeared owing to centuries of agricultural use. The inhabitants of the surrounding settlement of Premantura cultivated olive trees and worked in small fields, helped by the indigenous Istrian cattle with a firm and rocklike grey body and widely spaced horns. It was once used for ploughing and carrying loads, while today it is farmed more for meat production. In 2012 a stable for keeping cattle was built on Cape Kamenjak, where you can watch and learn about this quiet observer of historical changes in Istria. Today, Cape Kamenjak is protected against urbanisation by Upper Kamenjak, Lower Kamenjak and the Medulin archipelago having been listed in the category of important landscapes. Both the natural and traditional cultural heritage are respected. Moreover, the preservation of grassland areas is important for the survival of orchids and other grassland plants. There are no permanent settlements on Cape Kamenjak, and so nature is well preserved, and given that in summer it is a popular sea bathing area, there are several dirt roads leading through it. Only a few concrete-made buildings offer refreshment, such as the famous Safari Bar at the very tip of the Cape. Kamenjak is an extraordinary masterpiece of master waves working closely with the sun, with the beauty of this peninsula being seasoned with a dash of sea salt. For both sea and nature lovers, Cape Kamenjak is a wonderful place to explore, but also to simply savour. A place that everyone is very likely to find a reason to return to once again. î ?

the kvarner region tourism office 51410 opatija, nikole tesle 2, t +385 (0)51 272 988, f +385 (0)51 272 909, e “kvarner info - adriatic gate�, t +385 (0)51 623 333, 628 888, F +385 (0)51 623 334, e

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Fotografije/Photos _ Arhiva Turističke zajednice Lošinja/Lošinj Tourist Board archive


Piše/By _ Slobodan Bukvić

Ako ste bili na Lošinju i njegovom čarobnom arhipelagu, tada već znate da je to zaista pravi otok zdravlja i vitalnosti. Niste li slučajno bili, onda ne propustite priliku da posjetite taj otok i uvjerite se u njegovu ljepotu i osobitost te osjetnu zdravstvenu učinkovitost. If you’ve ever been to Lošinj or its magical archipelago, then you already know it’s truly the island of health and vitality. If you haven’t, then don’t miss the opportunity to visit the island and take in the beauty, uniqueness and obvious health benefits for yourself.


tok Lošinj i njegov arhipelag imaju svoju već tradicionalnu specifičnost. Umjerena mediteranska klima s gotovo 2600 sunčanih sati godišnje kao i idealna kombinacija aerosoli u zraku stvaraju osobit ugođaj koji ide u prilog i zdravlju i vitalnosti. Bogatstvo zelenila raznovrsnih vrsta borove šume i mnogobrojno mediteransko ljekovito i drugo mirisno bilje pridonose osjećaju da se zaista diše punim plućima. Ljekovite odlike Lošinja otkrivene su još u antičko vrijeme, ali pravi značajniji početak razvoja zdravstvenog turizma počeo je 1892. godine kada je Lošinj proglašen klimatskim lječilištem. Počele su se graditi vile i ljetnikovci austrougarske aristokracije koja je vrlo brzo prepoznala dobrobit za zdravlje tog otoka. Vile i ljetnikovci iz tog razdoblja danas su zanimljivo kulturno i turističko nasljeđe.

U Lošinju se zapaža da se na tom otoku tradicionalno poboljšavaju turističke infrastrukture i ponude. Na Lošinjskom je arhipelagu više od 250 kilometara prekrasnih šetnica i pješačkih staza. Baš za sve - kako za one koji uživaju u šetnjama i bicikliranju po ravnim dijelovima uz more, tako i za one nešto aktivnije i vitalnije koji vole i šetnje i planinarenje po brdovitim predjelima zelenog Lošinja. Osobit je doživljaj popeti se na brdo Osorčicu s kojega se pruža predivan pogled na čitav Lošinjski arhipeleg i druge susjedne otoke. Šetnje i bicikliranje uz more nezaboravan su doživljaj. Otkriva se ljepota predivnih uvala s kristalno čistim plavotirkiznim morem. Uvala Čikat osobito je prikladna za takve užitke. Specifičnost i osobitost otoka njegova je bujna vegetacija. Zanimljivo je da na tom

otoku postoji gotovo 1018 biljnih vrsta, od kojih je čak 939 autohtono, a 230 se ubraja u ljekovita bilja. Upravo to stvara na Lošinju specifični užitak udisanja čistog zraka punog aerosoli i prirodnoga mirisnog bilja, gotovo u svako doba godine. Tradicija i briga oko njegovanja toga prirodnoga biljnog bogatstva očituje se na Lošinju u nizu prigodnih događanja koja se koriste ljekovitim i mirisnim biljem kao izvorom zanimljivih programskih turističkih ponuda. To su na primjer Dani Ambroza Haračića svake godine u svibnju. Profesor Ambroz Haračić bio je začetnik u otkrivanju toga biljnog bogatstva prije više od 120 godina. Zatim tu su i Dani aromoterapije koji omogućuju upoznavanje vrijednosti i primjene aromatičnih ulja dobivenih iz bora, limuna, mirte, smilja, kadulje, ružmarina, lovora, lavande i drugih biljaka. Nezaobilazna je njihova primjena u mnogobrojnim wellness centrima, a prodaju se i kao lošinjski suveniri. Otvaranjem Muzeja Apoksiomena još se više posvećuje pažnja specifičnoj mediteranskoj prehrani koja se posebice potencira u Danima Apoksiomenove antičke kuhinje. Zdravlje i vitalnost nezamislivi su bez sportskih sadržaja. Upravo je to na Lošinju tradicionalno razvijano i usavršavano. Tu ćete naći bezbroj teniskih igrališta na kojima su vježbali i mnogi poznati tenisači poput Gorana Ivaniševića i Ive Karlovića te mnogi drugi. Tu su i sadržaji za rukomet, odbojku, kuglanje, minigolf i, naravno, zastupljeni svi nautički sportovi te osobito podvodni ribolov. Ovdje je održano i svjetsko prvenstvo, a održava se i već tradicionalni novogodišnji kup u podvodnom ribolovu. Turistička hotelska i kamp ponuda na Lošinju vrhunska je i raznovrsna.


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Tu će svatko naći ono što mu treba i što si želi i može priuštiti. Želite li vrhunski luksuzni hotel, tada si priuštite nedavno novopreuređeni hotel Bellvue i boutique hotel Alhambra u zaljevu Čikat, koji imaju 5 zvjezdica. Posebno je zanimljivo uređena privatna plaža tih dvaju hotela te šetalište uz more sa sjajnim osvjetljenjem i ugođajem. Ne propustite ni predivne lošinjske šetnje tim dijelom uvale Čikat te otkrijte ljepotu zvjezdanog neba nad Lošinjem. Neće vas zacijelo razočarati ni hoteli Aurora, Vespera na Malom Lošinju i hotel Punta na Velom Lošinju, kao ni hotel Apoksiomen u središtu staroga i slikovitoga Malog Lošinja. Svi su oni preuređeni (s 4 zvjezdicei) i svi pružaju vrhunski turistički smještaj i sadržaje. U svim hotelima gastronomska je ponuda bogata, a ne nedostaje ni vrhunskih vina. Hotel Aurora s atraktivnom Sunčanom uvalom, vanjskim i unutarnjim bazenima s morskom vodom i drugim sadržajima u sklopu svog Wellness centra zacijelo će vas oduševiti. Ako dolazite s djecom, onda je za to vrlo prikladan hotel Vespera, koji je namijenjen obiteljima. U hotelu Punta u Velom Lošinju, na izvrsnoj lokaciji i s velikim, gotovo olimpijskim bazenom te svim raspoloživim sadržajima, dobro je mjesto da poboljšate svoju vitalnost. I hotel Apoksiomen u središtu Malog Lošinja ima svoje draži za one koji žele doživjeti ljepotu i sklad toga gradića. Za ljubitelje kamp ljetovanja tu je kamp Čikat s novim sadržajem Aquaparka i osobito zanimljivim vodenim atrakcijama za djecu, ali i odrasle. Ono što zaslužuje osobitu pohvalu lošinjskog turizma jest neupitna briga i doprinos za stalno razvijanje zanimljivih sadržaja gotovo svih hotela i lošinjskog otočja kao cjeline. Oni nastaju gotovo tijekom cijele godine. I tu se upravo vidi velika razlika i kvaliteta u odnosu na neke druge hotele i mjesta koja tome ne posvećuju dovoljno pozornosti. Suvremeni turisti danas traže, osim sunca, mora i prirode, kvalitetne i zanimljive sadržaje. To je ono što proširuje turističku sezonu. Gotovo cijele godine u svim mjesecima održavaju se zanimljivi turistički programi. Spomenimo samo neke dobro osmišljene programske sadržaje u Lošinju kao što su: Zdravlje na dlanu, Proljetno buđenje, Wellness doživljaj, Mirisi i okusi Lošinja, Slatka dokolica, Aktivni na odmoru, Program vitalnosti, Mirisna jesen, već spomenuti Dani Apoksiomenove kuhinje, Berba maslina na otoku Lošinju i druga zanimljiva i

privlačna tematska događanja. Svi sudionici turističkih usluga zaista zaslužuju komplimente za ono što danas prezentira i postiže turizam na Lošinju. Štoviše, njihovi ambiciozni planovi i novi projekti zajedno s podrškom Uprave grada i dalje stvaraju nove kvalitene turističke sadržaje. Lošinjski turizam doživjet će još veći i značajniji uzlet nakon otvaranja zračne luke kao i planirane megamarine u sljedećim godinama. I na kraju treba spomenuti za Lošinj i veoma značajno otvorenje Muzeja Apoksiomena. Potvrdilo se da je riječ o osobito važnom kulturnom, turističkom I sveopćem doprinosu daljnjeg razvoja i napretka toga predivnoga i osebujnog otoka. 


he Island of Lošinj and its archipelago enjoy a distinct tradition. Its moderate Mediterranean climate with over 2600 hours of sunlight a year along with its ideal combination of natural aerosol in the air create a distinctive and favourable atmosphere that contributes to overall health and wellness. The lush greenery of diverse pine trees and numerous Mediterranean herbs and other aromatic plants ensure that one is breathing at full capacity. The healing properties of Lošinj were discovered in ancient times, but it wasn’t until 1892 that Lošinj was pronounced a climate resort and important developments in health tourism began. The Austrian-Hungarian aristocracy, quickly recognizing the health benefits of the place, built villas and holiday homes there. Today, these villas are considered part of the island’s cultural and touristic heritage. Lošinj, therefore, takes great care to preserve tradition by improving tourism infrastructure and services. The Lošinj archipelago boasts more than 250 kilometres of picturesque walking paths and hiking trails. There’s something for everyone - from those who enjoy walking and cycling on level ground along the shoreline, to those who desire more physical activity, such as walking and hiking up the mountainous green slopes of Lošinj. Climbing to the top of the Osorčica hill is especially worthwhile due to breathtaking views of the entire Lošinj archipelago as well as the neighbouring islands. Walking or cycling along the shore is an unforgettable experience. The archipelago’s sandy coves and crystal clear turquoise water, especially Čikat Bay, are idyllic. What makes the island truly special is the abundance of vegetation. Interestingly, there are almost 1,018


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island’s tourism sector, and the undeniable care and effort which has gone into the continuous development of accommodation facilities and services across all hotels and throughout the archipelago as a whole. This kind of dedication goes on for most of the year - a stark contrast in quality compared to other hotels and places elsewhere that don’t put the time and effort in. Nowadays, tourists are not only looking for sun, sea, and time to spend in nature, but also for a high standard of quality in service provision. It is this factor that prolongs the tourist season on the island. On Lošinj, there are interesting programs and events to enjoy throughout the year, some of which include: Health in the Palm of Your Hand, Spring Awakening, Wellness Experiences, Fragrances and different plant species, 939 of which are autochthonous, and 230 which are picked for medicinal purposes. The clean air, full of aerosol and natural aromatic plants, makes breathing on Lošinj a pleasure at any time of year. There is a tradition of the cultivation of such rich flora and the medicinal and aromatic plants are used for numerous tourism events. A good example of this is the Ambroz Haračić Days event that takes place every year in May. Professor Amroz Haračić discovered these plants more than 120 years ago. Then there are Aromatherapy Days that aim to bring recognition to the value of essential oils obtained from pine, lemon, myrtle, immortelle, sage, rosemary, laurel, lavender and other plants, many of which are used in numerous wellness centres around the island or sold in local souvenir shops. The opening of the Apoxyomenos Museum has brought attention to the Mediterranean diet, which is showcased during the Apoksiomen Antique Cuisine Festival. Of course, reaching a state of health and wellness is unthinkable without access to sports and recreation centres, but Lošinj is traditionally rooted in sports, and this is an area they have clearly developed and perfected. Many famous tennis players, such as Goran Ivanišević, Ivan Karlović and others, are known to have practised on the numerous tennis courts there. There are facilities for other sports as well: handball, volleyball, bowling, minigolf, and all aquatic and nautical sports of course, most notably spearfishing. Not only were the World Championships held there, but the New Year’s Cup in spearfishing as well, which is an annual tradition.


The accomodations package on Lošinj is top-notch and diverse, with hotels and camp sites suitable for a variety of needs and affordable. If a luxury hotel is to your liking, then the recently-renovated, five-star Hotel Bellevue or Boutique Hotel Alhambra on the Čikat Bay is the place for you. Of special interest are the well-kept, private beaches of both hotels, and the waterfront promenade with its amazing light and atmosphere. Don’t miss walking along the beautiful Čikat inlet under a starry night on Lošinj. You won’t be disappointed by the Aurora or Vespera Hotel in Mali Lošinj either, by the Punta Hotel on Veli Lošinj, or by the Apoksiomen Hotel in the centre of old, picturesque Mali Lošinj, all of which have been refurbished to a four-star rating and boast first-class accommodations and facilities. All the hotels enjoy a varied menu and first-class wine selection. Hotel Aurora will not fail in amazing you with its attractive Sunny Bay, outdoor and indoor seawater pools, and other superb facilities, like the hotel’s wellness centre. If you’re travelling with children, then the familyoriented Vespera Hotel is a more suitable option. The ideal location of Hotel Punta in Veli Lošinj is on par with bigger hotels, and its Olympic-size swimming pool and other available facilities is a good place to boost your vitality. The Apoksiomen Hotel in the centre of Mali Lošinj has its own charm for those wishing to experience the beauty and harmony of this little town. Lovers of camping holidays, both children and adults alike, will enjoy Camp Čikat’s water-park and other recreational water areas. What is particularly praiseworthy is the

Tastes of Lošinj, Sweet Idleness, Active on Vacation, Vitality Program, Scent of Autumn, the afore-mentioned Apoxyomenos Antique Cuisine Festival, Olive Harvest on the Island of Lošinj, and other interesting events sure to attract. All tourist agencies and service providers on Lošinj deserve accolades for the tourist package offered there. Moreover, with the support of City Council, their ambitious planning and upcoming projects, such as the opening of a new airport and mega marina in the years to come, are sure to create a further growth spurt in tourism programming. Another thing worth mentioning about Lošinj is the opening of the Apoksiomen Museum. It has already proven to be a unique and valuable cultural and touristic contribution to the overall development and advancement of this exquisite and highly-distinct island.


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Svaku svoju pobjedu nad prirodom, nad njezinim nesklonim silama, čovjek s mora nalazi u slici broda. Dovršeno djelo nema ljepšeg simbola od porinuća, od lađe duha, osposobljene za nove plovidbe.

I. Frangeš (1920. - 2003.)

After each of his victories over nature and its unkind forces, a man of the sea turns to an image of a boat. A finished work has no greater symbol but the launching of the boat’s spirit prepared for new voyages.

I. Frangeš (1920 - 2003)

Na sjeveroistočnoj obali otoka Murtera stoljećima živi Betina, radišno i susretljivo mjesto, urbani biser. Taj mali grad i danas svijetli u mraku, kao kakva slikovita i očuvana ljepotica prepoznatljiva po pučkoj, tradicijskoj, dalmatinskoj, graditeljskoj i duhovnoj baštini. Betina je najpoznatije sjedište vrsnih tradicijskih brodograditelja. On the north-eastern side of Murter, there is the centuries-old, industrious and friendly village of Betina, an urban pearl. This small town still lights up the darkness like a picturesque, well- preserved beauty, recognizable for its traditional, Dalmatian, shipbuilding and spiritual heritage. Betina is the renowned headquarters of top-class, traditional shipbuilders.


etina se smatra jednim od najljepših mjesta na Jadranu. Ovdje se iz umjetničkih ruku kalafata i dalje rađaju drveni brodovi, dodiruje more, grade svjetovi novih vizija, živi tradicija srca pretočena u graditeljsku i duhovnu baštinu. To mjesto posjećuje se i zbog skladnih ulica, autentične baštine i dobrih ljudi. Svakomu se otoku pripisuju neka od ljudskih osobina kao što su usamljenost, siromaštvo, obilje, zajedništvo i životnost, smiraj ili sabranost. Ljepota tih morem izdvojenih prostora iskazuje se i u dubinama još neotkrivenih tajni, koje se oku promatrača ne otvaraju potpuno i odmah. Otočni krajolici, ubačeni u prostore morskih pučina, postojano svjedoče svoj mir i snagu te gledaju na budućnost kao na kakvu ponovljenu prošlost. Razbacana kopna u moru oduvijek su bila čudesan svijet, u kojemu se došljaci često otkrivaju sa suvišno izgovorenom riječi. More i udaljenost kopna upućuju otočane na sebe, na odmaknutost spram svijeta, na sadašnjost koja ne dopušta bijeg u druga vremena i prostore. Zato se sa starosjediocima bliskost ne osvaja na prvu, naprotiv, ona se stječe tek s vremenom i zasluženim povjerenjem. U srednjodalmatinskom dijelu hrvatskog Jadrana nalaze se čudesni Kornati, najgušći arhipelag u Sredozemlju s čak sto pedeset kamenih svjetova koji su ovdje utonuli u rapsodiju pučinskih obzora. Njihov sjevernodalmatinski predstavnik otok je Murter, koji je s kopnom povezan pokretnim mostom. U njegovim kamenim vizurama i danas se iščitava povijest Tisnog, Jezera, Betine i istoimenog Murtera, manjih urbanih središta, koja, kao i more, imaju svoju dubinu i sjećanja; gdje zvone stara zvona i odjekuju glasovi prastare duše Mediterana. Još su drevni Liburni zapazili ljepotu i draž tog otoka, bacivši ovdje svoja sidra. Poslije i starorimska civilizacija nije odoljela njegovoj ljepoti, osnovavši na njemu Colentum, nekad pristaniš-

ni grad, koji s brojnim ruševinama rimskih ljetnikovaca, freski i mozaika iskazuje stil života tadašnjih careva Nerona (37.-68.) i Vespazijana (9.-79.), čiji se novac pronašao tijekom prvih arheoloških istraživanja. Danas je veći dio Murtera prekriven stoljetnim stablima maslina i smokava, tradicionalnim kulturama koje je radišno stanovništvo oduvijek pomno podizalo. Osim zemljoradnje, otočani su odavno dobro poznati i po tradicijskoj brodogradnji, ribarstvu i stočarstvu. I ovdje se, kao i na mnogim drugim otocima, osjeća prkos vječitog sukoba elemenata u postojanju: kamena, vjetra i vode. Dijalektička misao zacijelo je rođena u blizini vode. Još bdijemo nad odgonetkom smislenog odgovora na pitanje: zašto kamen redovito gubi bitku s elementom vode, te kako taj rukom neuhvatljiv i protočan element u kontaktu sa stijenama ostvaruje snagu pobjede. Na sjeveroistočnoj obali otoka Murtera stoljećima živi Betina, radišno i susretljivo mjesto, urbani biser u kojemu se nematerijalna baština umijeća tradicijske brodogradnje anđeoski spustila u njega. S gotovo devet stotina stanovnika, taj mali grad i danas svijetli u mraku, kao kakva slikovita i očuvana ljepotica prepoznatljiva po pučkoj, tradicijskoj, dalmatinskoj, graditeljskoj i duhovnoj baštini. Ime mu potječe od keltske riječi bet - usta, a govori o prirodnoj formaciji betinske luke koja, poput usta, štiti brodove od naleta vjetra. Betina je najpoznatije sjedište vrsnih tradicijskih brodograditelja. Prije dva stoljeća ovdje je djelovalo čak dvadeset sedam obiteljskih brodogradilišnih škverova, drvenih brodogradilišta i pet kovačnica. Preteča betinske, bila je drevna korčulanska tradicijska brodogradnja, koja se s tog otoka, sredinom 18. stoljeća, prenijela na otok Murter, u Betinu. Te davne 1745. godine Paško Filipi sa svojim je sinovima stigao s Korčule kako bi u Betini utemeljio novi brodograditeljski škver. Nedugo za njim ovamo je stigao i


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priznati brodograditelj Uroda, te drugi tradicijski majstori Žurić, Šandrić, Burtina. Uskoro je to mjesto ostvarilo procvat drvene brodogradnje i postalo nadaleko poznato duž jadranske obale i otoka. Rad drvetom i gradnja drvenih brodica oduvijek su bili ispunjeni posebnim ganućem umijeća nastajanja nekoga pomorskog objekta koji se nakon gradnje prihvaćao kao živo biće i novi član obitelji o kojemu se trebalo jednakopravno skrbiti. Za pučinske plovidbe od kopna do Kornatskog arhipelaga, tijekom osamnaestog, devetnaestog i dvadesetog stoljeća, bile su potrebne brodice, obiteljske barke kao što su: kurnatska gajeta, leuti, gucevi, kalči. Ovdje su one nastajale, plovile, usijecale se u živote i ljudska sjećanja. Riječ i pojam broda povezana je s korijenom glagola brestibredo, što upućuje na pojam pregaziti, prijeći preko vode. Naši su slavenski preci iznjedrili riječi lađa, brod, veslo, jedro. Na definiciju kornatske gajete utječe i posada. Veličina tog plovila prosječno je sedam metara, a bila je adekvatna za obiteljsku posadu od dva do tri člana. Zato je kornatska gajeta obiteljska brodica s višenamjenskom funkcijom: ribarskom, teretnom, mornarskom, prijevozničkom. Umijeće gradnje toga drvenog broda zaštićeno je i kao nematerijalno kulturno dobro te upisano u Registar kulturnih dobara Republike Hrvatske. U čast toga za otočane svetog broda svake se godine ovdje održava Regata za dušu i tilo, natjecanje u jedrenju drvenim brodovima. Od postanka, more i vjetar poučavaju da se sili najbolje oduprijeti čekanjem, kako bi sila samu sebe svladala. Iz te spoznaje rođeno je i jedrenje uz vjetar, tako da se posebnim manevrom


dopusti vjetru da jedrom svlada samoga sebe i da brod, koji se logikom trebao udaljiti od cilja, njemu približi. Betina je sačuvala dušu, svoj nadahnut prostor ispunjen rivama, kamenim kućama i ulicama, lijepim balkonima, povijesnim i kulturnim vrijednostima. Osobito se ističu tri betinska simbola: barokna crkva sv. Franje Asiškog iz 1601. godine sa zvonikom iz 1752. godine, koji dominira mjestom; Na moru, prisni mjesni trg s lučicom tradicijskih brodica, koji u središtu svih turističkih i kulturnih zbivanja redovito okuplja mnoge betinske domaćine i došljake. Treći su - škverovi, ta mala obiteljska tradicijska brodogradilišta koja i danas renesansno djeluju neovisno o velikome mjesnome i modernom brodogradilištu. Ovdje i dalje djeluju umjetničke ruke kalafata Ante Fržopa, Mile Jadrešića, Nevena Kukina i Milana Burtine, čija majstorska umijeća i dalje grade, popravljaju i obnavljaju tradicijska plovila s područja cijeloga hrvatskog Jadrana. U Betini je nedavno otvoren i novi Muzej betinske brodogradnje, koji bogatim i interaktivnim postavom, smještenim u zaštićenoj kulturno-povijesnoj cjelini, sjedinjuje elemente suvremenoga i tradicijskoga. U njemu su prezentirana veoma vrijedna brodograditeljska znanja, alati i etnografski predmeti što pokazuju kontekst nekadašnjeg života u kojemu su nastajale brodice i brodovi betinske brodogradnje. Ovdje se često organiziraju i radionice za djecu i mlade, jer bez motivirajućeg prijenosa priča, znanja i umijeća na mlade, tradicija bi pala u zaborav. Programi male drvene brodogradnje, koje za mlade organizira taj muzej, značajno pridonose tome da vrijednosti drvenih priča ostaju trajno upisane u betinski zvjezdani kôd.


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Osim što su poznati brodograditelji, Betinjani su bili i poznati školjkari. Školjke su se lovile s pomoću brganje, posebno izrađene naprave za njihovo vađenje. Osim za prehranu, školjke su bile korisne i za dobivanje boja za odjeću od sukna. Danas, u čast te tradicije, više od četrdeset godina, prve nedjelje u mjesecu, održava se i Dan brganje, cjelodnevna svečana i zabavna manifestacija. Iznad svega, Betini treba prići dobronamjerno, otvorena srca i iskrene otvorenosti. Tako je najlakše doživjeti čudesnost betinske arhitekture i kraja koji ovdje čvrsto ostvaruje život s morem. Tada će i to malo mjesto srdačno prihvatiti vaše društvo, s tihim razumijevanjem i susretljivošću. 


etina is regarded as one of the most beautiful places on the Adriatic. Shipbuilders, here, still build wooden ships, touch the sea and construct worlds of new visions, living a tradition of the heart that has transfused into construction and spiritual heritage. Visitors also flock here for the harmonious streets, authentic heritage and kind people. Every island is attributed a human characteristic, such as loneliness, poverty, abundance, togetherness and liveliness, calmness or composure. The beauty of these places, isolated by the sea, is reflected in the depths of yet undiscovered secrets, which are not immediately or fully revealed to the eye of the beholder. Island landscapes, inserted into the vast expanses of the sea, preserve their peace and strength, and look at the future as


the past repeated. These lands, scattered across the sea, have always been a magnificent world where newcomers are often revealed by a single, uttered word. The sea and the distance from land persistently force the islanders to rely on themselves; isolated from the rest of the world, they live in the present, which does not allow for an escape to other times or spaces. This is why one cannot become close with the locals immediately; on the contrary, this takes time and an earned trust. The central Dalmatian part of the Croatian Adriatic boasts the amazing Kornati - the densest archipelago in the Mediterranean, with 150 rocky worlds immersed into the rhapsody of open sea horizons. Their northern Dalmatian representative is the Island of Murter, connected by a bridge to the mainland. Its rocky vistas still reflect the history of Tisno, Jezera, Betina and the town of Murter, small urban centres which, like the sea, have their depth and memories in the ringing of old bells and the echoes of an ancient Mediterranean soul. The ancient Liburnians noticed the beauty and allure of this island, deciding to drop anchor at its shores. Later on, the Roman civilization couldn’t resist its beauty either, so they founded the harbour town of Colentum here; its many Roman ruins, frescos and mosaics reflect the lifestyle of one-time

emperors Nero (37-68) and Vespasian (9-79); their money was discovered at the site during the first archaeological dig. Murter is, nowadays, strewn about with hundred-year-old olive and fig trees, traditional crops diligently cultivated by the locals for ages. Apart from agriculture, the islanders have long been renowned shipbuilders, fishermen and livestock farmers. Here, like on many other islands, one still feels the defiance of the eternal conflict of the elements: the stone, wind and water. Dialectical thought must have been born near water. We still rack our brains trying to come up with a logical answer to the questions: why does stone always lose the battle to water, and how does this seemingly insubstantial, flowing element gather enough strength to conquer the mighty rock in their mutual clash? On the north-eastern side of Murter, there is the centuries-old, industrious and friendly village of Betina, an urban pearl, where the intangible heritage of the skill of traditional shipbuilding descended onto it like an angel. With almost nine hundred inhabitants, this small town still lights up the darkness like a picturesque, well preserved beauty, recognizable for its traditional, Dalmatian, shipbuilding and spiritual heritage. The name comes from the Celtic word bet mouth, and it refers to the natural

formation of the local harbour, which resembles a mouth and protects ships from gusts of wind. Betina is the renowned headquarters of top-class, traditional shipbuilders. Two centuries ago, as many as twenty-seven, family-owned ship-building docks, wood shipyards and five blacksmith shops existed on the island. In the mid-18th century, the ancient shipbuilding tradition of Korčula Island moved to Betina on Murter. In 1745, Paško Filipi and his sons arrived from Korčula in order to establish a new shipbuilding dock in Betina. Soon thereafter, he was followed by the renowned shipbuilder


Uroda, as well as other traditional masters, such as Žurić, Šandrić and Burtina. Soon, the town saw a renaissance in wooden shipbuilding, becoming famous all along the Adriatic coast and its many islands. Working with wood and building wooden ships has always been a skill filled with the particular emotion of a seafaring object, and accepted as a living being, a new family member, requiring just as much care after its construction. Family boats, such as the gajeta, leut, guc and kalči, were used for sailing across the waters between the shore and the Kornati archipelago throughout the 18th, 19th and the 20th centuries.

This is where they were constructed, sailed and became part of people’s lives and memories. The Croatian word for ship (brod) originates from the root of the verb bresti-bredo, which means to tread across water. Our Slavic ancestors coined the words lađa and brod (ship or vessel), veslo (oar, paddle), jedro (sail). The crew also has influenced the definition of the gajeta of Kornati. This vessel is approximately seven meters long, and adequate for a family crew of up to two or three members. That is why the gajeta of Kornati is a family boat with many functions, and it was used for fishing, hauling freight, sailing… The skill of construction of this wooden boat is protected as an intangible cultural asset and is included in the Register of cultural goods of the Republic of Croatia. In honour of this boat, which is sacred to the islanders, each year they organize a wooden boat sailing regatta. Since the beginning, the sea and the wind have taught us that their force is best resisted by waiting and letting the force conquer itself. This is how sailing with the wind was born; a special manoeuvre allows the wind to surmount itself and the boat, which should logically distance itself from its goal, but instead, comes nearer to it. Betina has preserved its soul; it’s an inspired space filled with piers, stone houses and streets, aesthetic balconies, and historic and cultural values. Three local symbols stand out in particular: the Baroque Church of St. Francis of Assisi, dating from 1601, with a bell tower from 1752, which dominates the town; the local square with a harbour laden with traditional boats, which is always at the centre of tourism and cultural events, and regularly brings together numerous locals and newcomers; and thirdly, the docks small, traditional, family-owned shipyards, which still operate independently from the large, modern shipyard in town. Active shipbuilders are Ante Fržop, Mile Jadrešić, Neven Kukin and Milan Burtina, who still use their master skills to build, fix and


renovate traditional vessels for the entire Croatian Adriatic coast. A new Museum of Shipbuilding in Betina has recently opened in town. Its diverse and interactive exhibits, housed in a protected, cultural-historic complex, brings together elements of the contemporary and traditional. It presents extremely valuable shipbuilding knowledge, tools and ethnographic items, which reflect the context of life as it once was, when ships of the Betina shipbuilding tradition were constructed. Workshops for children and youth are often organized here, because without a motivating transfer of tales, knowledge and skill onto the youth, this tradition would forever be forgotten. Programs of small wood shipbuilding, organized for the youth by the museum, significantly contribute to the values of wood stories remaining in Betina. Apart from being renowned shipbuilders, locals of Betina were also famous for being shellfish gatherers, which they did with the help of brganja, a special device designed for their extraction from the sea. Apart from food, shellfish were also used for extracting colouring for clothes made from cloth. In commemorating this tradition, for over forty

years, every first Sunday of the month has been the Day of Brganja. Above all, Betina must be approached with good intentions, an open heart and honesty. This is the best way to experience the magnificence of the architecture of Betina, and the landscape, which coexists closely with the sea. This is when this small town welcomes your company with quiet understanding and friendliness. 

01 Na moru, glavni trg u Betini The main square in Betina 02 Tradicijska brodograđevna radionica (škver) Ante Fržopa Ante Fržopa’s traditional ship-building dock



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arko Šabarić i Tomislav Kliškinić tvore dvojac KLISAB, koji na hrvatskoj modnoj sceni postoji relativno kratko vrijeme, tek nekoliko godina. No dečki su se već profilirali kao pripadnici one new-age modne minimalističke scene u kojoj je važan tekstil kao i voluminozna, ponegdje eksperimentalna forma koja dopušta kretanje i otkriva neku svježu dinamiku. Ljubitelji takozvane avangardne umjetnosti napravili su iskorak i u modnoj suradnji, angažmanom Petre Mrše, jedne od naših fotografskih umjetnica novije generacije. Njihova fotopriča kreirana na Šolti predstavlja unikatnu suradnju modnih dizajnera i fotografa, koja nudi neku novu sinergiju i stilsku energiju, dovodeći u korelaciju kroj, formu tekstila i eksterijer, more, okolinu, građevine našeg autentičnog otoka. Korištene su pritom u radu Klisaba nježne pastelne nijanse, kojima se na dan snimanja ogrnulo i nebo. Dobitnici naše modne nagrade Elle Style Awards pripremaju ovih dana novu kolekciju:

- Ovog proljeća predstavit ćemo lagani odmak od dosadašnje siluete razmišljajući još više o ženinim potrebama u odijevanju. Fokus nam je na različitim teksturama materijala, bojama i krojevima. Plan nam je proširiti dosadašnju ponudu i uz dvije kolekcije godišnje publici predstavljati dodatne kapsule kolekcije, kako odjeće, tako i modnih dodataka koji će biti dostupni u našem showroomu i State of Style concept storeu. Od početka vjerni su minimalizmu koji ponegdje razbijaju inovativnim naborima, siluetu shvaćaju kao formu podložnu promjenama i stilskoj manipulaciji. Ležeran i nosiv medij kod njih prihvaća samo izabrane tonove, nema mjesta šarenilu. Svake sezone trude se, kažu, pomicati granice dizajniranja te kreirati novu slobodu pokreta, teksture i njihove suradnje. Naime, kod njih nećete naći odjeću koja sputava ili je preuska. Pobornicima nježne fluidnosti piše se na našemu modnom nebu velika karijera. 

Piše/By _ Dubravka Prpić Znaor


arko Šabarić and Tomislav Kliškinić make up the KLISAB duo, a group that has been present on the Croatian fashion scene for a relatively short time, only a few years, but these lads have already positioned themselves as members of the new-age, minimalist fashion scene. Minimalist fashion puts emphasis on textiles and voluminous, sometimes even experimental shapes, which allow for movement and show off a fresh dynamic in design. These lovers of so-called avant-garde art have taken a giant step forward by working together with Petra Mrša, a photographer and artist of the new generation. Their photo-story, created on Šolta, represents a unique collaboration between fashion designers and photographers, and succeeds in bringing


forth a new synergy and stylistic energy, which was created from a blend of correlating factors: the cut of the garments, the choice of textiles and the exterior environment - the sea, the surrounding area and the buildings of the Island of Šolta. For the photo session, Klisab used a soft pastel palette, which matched the colours of the sky on that day. The winners of our Elle Style Fashion Awards are preparing a new collection: - This spring, we are paying more attention to women’s needs in terms of clothing, which will be a slight departure from the previous silhouette. Our focus is on the different textures of materials, colours and cuts. Our plan is to expand the current product line. In addition to two collections a year, we will be launching capsule collections of

Fotografije/Photos _ Petra Mrša

clothes and accessories, which will be made available to audiences in our showroom and in the State of Style Concept Store. From the very beginning, the duo have been devoted to minimalism, which is sometimes enriched with innovative folds, and the silhouette is understood as a shape subject to changes and stylistic manipulation. Their easygoing and wearable products are exclusively offered in a selected range of tones; there is no room for vivid colours. They say that every season they try to push the boundaries of design and create a new freedom of movement and texture, and an interaction of both. Indeed, none of their designs will restrict your movements or feel tight. These lovers of gentle fluidity are headed for a great career on the Croatian fashion scene. 

Sklad arhitektonskih elemenata i modnog stila The harmony of architecture and fashion


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Efektna plava boja kao kontrast njeĹžnom pastelu Vibrant blue set off by soft pastels


Zbog srebrnih detalja podloga je fantastiÄ?na Silver touches on a grey background look fantastic


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Nijanse sive vole efektne forme Shades of grey marry well with effective forms



Dje훾ja ru탑i훾asta uplovila je u minimalisti훾ke vode Pale pink sails into minimalist waters


ZA AVANTURU SA STILOM V90 CROSS COUNTRY Novi V90 Cross Country spreman je da Vas odvede gdje god poželite. Sa svestranim karakterom, elegancijom i vrhunskim performansama na cesti, u svim vremenskim uvjetima, stvoren je kako bi Vam omogućio da živite punim plućima. REZERVIRA JTE PROBNU VOŽNJU S V90 CROSS COUNTRY NA VOLVOCARS.HR

Kombinirana potrošnja goriva: 5,2 – 7,7 l/100, emisije CO2: 121 – 147 g/km. Slike su simbolične. Više na ili kod ovlaštenog Volvo zastupnika.


Iako sjevernjaci, Šveđani su temperamentan narod, brzo i lako sklapaju prijateljstva, vole glazbu i ples i veoma su ponosni na svoju tradiciju. Žive u ritmu prirodnog kalendara i uživaju u sezonskoj hrani, a svako godišnje doba donosi svoj doživljaj. Although they are northerners, the Swedish are a temperamental people who form friendships quickly and easily. They love music and dance, and are very proud of their traditions. They live in the rhythm of the natural calendar and enjoy seasonal foods, and each season has its own charm.

Fotografije/Photos _

Piše/By _ Tanja Božić

Croatia Airlines svojim zrakoplovima povezuje Hrvatsku sa Stockholmom u razdoblju od 19.5. do 13.10. 2017. Izravni letovi iz Zagreba svaki su ponedjeljak, srijedu i petak. Svi putnici na novim linijama ostvaruju dvostruke milje u Miles & More programu ako se registriraju na: Croatia Airlines aircraft connect Croatia with Stockholm from 19.5. to 13.10.2017. Direct flights from Zagreb are on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. All passengers on the new routes will collect double miles in the Miles & More program by registering on


arl, kako u Švedskog nazivaju grofove, imenom Birger Magnusson, čovjek je uz čije se ime veže prvi pisani trag o osnutku utvrde, a zatim i grada 1252. godine, na mjestu današnje švedske prijestolnice i metropole koja ima oko 800.000 stanovnika, a s okolicom 1,200.000 - Stockholma. Jarl Birger Magnusson, predvodnik sjevernjaka u Drugome križarskom pohodu, bio je na čelu moćne loze Birger. Svojom je odlukom o utemeljenju grada zadužio današnjicu za jednu od najlješih sjevernih metropola, mjesto na kojemu jezero Mälaren ljubi hladno Baltičko more. Pogledate li na Stockholm prilazeći mu iz zraka, počastit će vas pogledom na zaljev uvučen u jug Skandinavskog poluotoka, pred kojim je arhipelag od stotinu otoka i hridi. Šireći se tijekom devet stoljeća, stanovnici Stockolma, od prvobitnih pet otoka, oteli su moru još 14, što većih, što manjih otoka, povezali ih sa čak 57 mostova i uredili grad po mjeri čovjeka. Metropola sjevera na 14 otoka i 57 mostova Prvih pet naseljenih otoka i danas tvori starogradsku jezgru glavnoga švedskoga


grada. Tragovi grada kakav je osnovao Birger još se vide, no povijesne mijene i veliki požar učinili su svoje. Sve do polovice 15. stoljeća Stock-holm, u prijevodu otok na balvanima, grad-utvrda, kako su ga prvobitno zvali, bio je trgovište koje je okupljalo oko pet tisuća stanovnika orijentiranih na trgovinu, ribarstvo, iskrcaj robe u zaljevu koji je bio dobro štićen, iako vrlo opasan za plovidbu zbog otoka i hridi, osobito u sezoni vjetrova. Švedska je tada bila dijelom Kalmarske unije s Danskom i Norveškom, a iz nje su izašli tek raspadom 1523. godine. Teško, mučno i krvavo razdoblje bilo je iza Švedske, a njezinom najvećem gradu Stockholmu - kralj Gustav Ericsson I. Vasa daje povlastice i stanovnike oslobađa plaćanja poreza. Bila je to otvorena pozivnica svima koji su željeli trgovati, raditi i živjeti na tom dijelu Švedske, u gradu koji je počeo rasti. Sve do 1625. godine koja je upisana u povijest grada kao godina u kojoj je veliki požar gotovo posve uništio nekadašnji grad utvrdu. U idućih pedesetak godina niknuo je novi Stockholm, grad koji su planski gradili te je 1670. godine, prema podacima iz gradskih arhiva, imao čak 50.000 stanovnika.

U idućih stotinu godina pod budnim okom arhitekta i urbanista Alberta Lindhagena Stockholm se okitio trgovima, palačama, perivojima, dvoranama, operama, galerijama, sveučilištem... Postaje znanstveno središte pošto je sagrađen Karolinski institut, i danas najprestižnija zdravstvena institucija na svijetu. Kažu da upravo iz tog razdoblja sjajne sinergije mora, jezera i stotine otoka potječe naziv kojim se Stockholm i danas kiti - Skönhet på vatten (Ljepotica na vodi). Šveđani misle i žive zeleno u svojoj zelenoj prijestolnici premreženoj urbanim oazama, parkovima u kojima se odmaraju i rekreiraju nastavljajući sportsku tradiciju svoga grada koji je 1912. godine bio domaćin Olimpijskim igrama. Popularni su izleti na otoke u arhipelagu u zaljevu, a među mladima najpopularniji je otok Djurgården, mjesto na kojemu se održala industrijska i umjetnička izložba jednaka Svjetskoj izložbi. Danas je ondje zabavni park. Temperamentni ljudi koji slave svjetlost Stockholm zovu i Venecijom sjevera upravo zbog mnogo otoka i kanala kojima je premrežen. Možda Stockholm nema temperament, boje i mirise koje nosi Venecija u svojoj zelenoj laguni, no ovdje su vizure šire, modro je modrije, boje su intenzivnije, more miriše drugačije, švedski je manje pjevan od talijanskoga, no nebo je blistavije, a gužvu kroz kanale nadomješta plovidba divnih skandinavskih drvenih brodica, stalnoprisutno strujanje vjetra podsjeća da ste na sjeveru...


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U dane kada je dnevna svjetlost nešto čemu se Skandinavci najviše raduju, starogradsku jezgru Gamla Stanu svakako vrijedi posjetiti, a nalazi se na tri otoka - Stadsholmen, Riddarholmen i Helgeandsholmen. Ondje ćete pronaći ostatke starog Stockholma. Obiđite zgradu Narodne skupštine, kraljevsku palaču i katedralu, Kraljevsku švedsku operu... Trg Stortorget mjesto je najmračnijeg trenutka u švedskoj povijesti. Ondje je danski kralj Kristijan II., zauzevši grad, dao odrubiti glave 82 vodećih švedskih plemića, uključujući i dva biskupa. Na trgu je danas Nobelov muzej, a nešto dalje sjedište Švedske akademije, u kojoj se biraju dobitnici Nobelove nagrade za književnost. Razgledajte prvi muzej na otvorenome na svijetu, Skansen. Utemeljio ga je 1891. godine Artur Hazelius kako bi prikazao način života Šveđana. Prošećite kroz vremeplov između 150 tradicijskih kuća i upoznajte Švedsku u malome, od sela do industrije. Izvrstan način za upoznavanje grada jest Hop-On Hop-Off Boat Tour i Hop-On Hop-Off Bus s kartom za 72 sata. Ljubitelji muzeja uživat će u Nordiska Museetu, najvećem švedskom kulturno-povijesnom muzeju utemeljenom 1907. u dvorcu koji je projektirao Isaka Gustav Clason. Ondje ćete vidjeti sve što nosi oznaku made in Sweeden. Od Saamija do tehnologije i, dakako, švedskog dizajna. Više od 1500 izložaka - od praklizaljki iz željeznog doba do vikinških brodova i srednjovjekovnog tekstila - priča priču o Švedskoj staru 10.000 godina pa posjetite Historiska Museet. Dvorac Kungliga Slottet sagrađen je nakon velikog požara 1697. godine, a graditelju Nikodemu Tessinu mlađem trebalo je čak 57 godina da ga završi te posjetitelji danas ondje mogu zaviriti u galeriju Karl XI., napravljenu prema Dvorani zrcala u Versaillesu i srebrni tron kraljice Kristine. ABBA, Pipi i Larsson Šećući Stockholmom, zacijelo ćete pjevušiti neki od hitova kultne pop-grupe ABBA kojoj je posvećen i muzej - švedska inačica Music Hall of Fame. Do posljednjeg milimetra muzej je ispunjen uspomenama na glazbenike - od blještavih gitara, fotografija Bennyja, Björna, Fride i Agnethe, kostima, novinskih isječaka do čak helikoptera u kojemu su popularni glazbenici snimljeni na omotu ploče 1976. godine. Želite li iz prve ruke istražiti, hm, pa recimo to, kompliciran odnos Šveđana prema alkoholu, posjetite - Spritmuseum. Priča je to koja datira od vremena državnog monopola na alkohol, a obuhvaća povijest, proizvodnju i potrošnju svih vrsta pića, blagdanske tradicije, pijenje alkohola uz pjesmu, hranu, uparivanja uz namirnice... Ako niste iskusili mamurnost, eto prilike da na trijezno zavirite u sobu mamurnosti, koja svjetlosnim efektima dočarava - jutro poslije. Biti u Švedskoj prijestolnici, a ne krenuti stopama Stiega Larssona? Nedopustivo. S više od 60,000.000 prodanih primjeraka bestselera trilogije Millennium diljem svijeta, švedski književnik predstavio je drugu stranu Stockholma. Pođite na organizirani obilazak grada kroz mjesta

spomenuta u trilogiji. Preko lika Lisbeth Salandre autor podjeća na još jedno svima poznato i drago švedsko književno djelo autorice Astrid Lindgren i popularnu crvenokosu Šveđanku, kćer kapetana toplih mora - Pippi Dugu Čarapu. A imate li sreće pa se zateknete ondje u vrijeme Midsommara, tradicionalnog festivala utemljenog na sagi o borbi svjetla i mraka, naplesat ćete se i zabaviti. Midsommar slavi dane bez mraka i veže se uz vikend koji je najbliži 24. lipnju najdužem danu u godini - kada sviće već oko 3.30 te dan traje sve do 22 sata. Dovoljno da mnogo toga vidite i uživate u švedskoj kuhinji koja je mnogo, mnogo više od svježeg lososa i husmanskost, poznatih mesnih okruglica. Da, sjajne su, ali ima još mnogo toga što vrijedi kušati gravad lax (tanke kriške sušenog lososa), ukiseljene haringe, filmjölk (fermentirano mlijeko), sušeni i svježi bakalar, meso soba na roštilju ili na gulaš, šumske borovnice i jagode, gljive lisičarke i svježe rakove... Nedvojbeno, vratit ćete se u Stockholm... Još zanimljivosti Stockholm je ponosan na najveću ikad sagrađenu okruglu zgradu na svijetu. Riječ je o Ericsson Globe Areni, popularnome mjestu na kojemu se okupljaju ljubitelji sporta, mjesto je to za priredbe, koncerte, velika okupljanja. Švedska ima svoju valutu, švedsku krunu, SEK. Šveđani su dugovječan narod, a statistike pokazuju da prosječni Šveđanin doživi 80, a Šveđanke 83 godine. Švedska je zemlja koja nakon napoleonskih ratova nije bila u ratu, dakle, uživaju 200 godina mira. Šveđani su prvi priznali pravo žena na nasljeđivanje imovine i prvi im dali pravo glasa. Švedska je zemlja s najvećim temperaturnim razlikama - od -53 u veljači na sjeveru do + 38 Celzijevih stupnjeva, koliko je bilo izmjereno ljeti na jugu. No, to su ekstremi. Temperaturne razlike inače su od -8 do +10˚C. Na sjeveru polarna noć traje 32 dana na godinu. Želite li pozdraviti domaćine na njihovu jeziku, jednostavno im recite - Hej! (hay), odnosno nešto je neformalniji pozdrav Tjena! (sheh-nah). Na odlasku pokušajte reći - hejdaå! (hajdaw). 


The imperial city


arl (the Swedish term for count) Birger Magnusson, is the man whose name is stated on the first written document about the foundation of a fort and city in 1252, at the location of modern day Stockholm - the Swedish capital numbering around 800,000 citizens, or 1.2 million inhabitants, which includes the wider urban area. Jarl Birger Magnusson, the leader of the northerners in the Second Crusade, was the head of the powerful Birger Clan. His decision to establish a city resulted in one of the most beautiful cities of the north, the place where Mälaren Lake kisses the cold Baltic Sea. If you look at Stockholm from the air, you will be treated to a view of the bay on the southern tip of the Scandinavian Peninsula, featuring an archipelago of a hundred islands and rocks. Originally, there were only five islands, but over nine centuries of expansion, the citizens of Stockholm have claimed a further 14 larger and smaller islands, connected them with 57 bridges and built a city perfectly suited for modern living. The capital of the north, on 14 islands and 57 bridges The first five inhabited islands still form the city centre of the Swedish capital. Traces of the city, as founded by Birger, are still visible, but historic changes and a large fire have taken their toll. Until the mid-15th century, Stock-holm (translation: built on balks), a fort city as it was first referred to, was a market town with some 5,000 citizens focused on trade, fishing and merchandise unloading in the bay, which was well-protected, but still very dangerous to navigate, especially during the windy season given all the islands and rocks. Sweden was, then, part of the Kalmar Union along with Denmark and Norway, which was dissolved in 1523. A difficult and bloody period was behind Sweden, and King Gustav Eriksson I Vasa relieved the citizens of Stockholm from paying taxes. This was an open invitation to all who wanted to trade, work and live in a growing city in this part of Sweden. This continued until 1625, when a large fire almost completely destroyed the city-fort. Planned construction of a new Stockholm took place over the following 50 years, and according to information from the city archives, in 1670, the city had 50,000 inhabitants. Over the next 100 years, Stockholm gained new squares, palaces, parks, halls, operas, galleries and


a university, mostly under the supervision of Architect and Urbanist Albert Lindhagen. With the construction of the Caroline Institute, still one of the most prestigious medical institutions in the world, Stockholm also became a prominent scientific centre. They say the nickname, which Stockholm still goes by today - Skönhet på vatten (A Beauty on Water), originates from that period of fantastic synergy with the sea, lakes and hundreds of islands. The Swedes think and live green in their green capital laden with urban oases and parks, in which they relax and engage in recreational activities, continuing the sporting tradition of their city, which hosted the 1912 Olympics. Excursions to the islands in the bay archipelago are popular activities. Djurgården Island, the location where industrial and art exhibitions similar to the World Fair once took place, is most popular among the youth. Nowadays, it is the site of an amusement park. Temperamental people who celebrate light Stockholm is also referred to as the Venice of the north due to its numerous islands and canals. Stockholm may not have the temperament, colours and scents of the green lagoons of Venice, but local vistas are wider, the sea bluer, the colours more intense, and the sea smells differently… The Swedish language is less poetic than Italian, but the sky is shinier and traffic jams on the canals are replaced by old Scandinavian wooden boats, and the permanent breeze is a constant reminder that you are in the north. The daylight period is something Scandinavians look forward to the most, which is the perfect time to visit the old city centre of Gamla Stanu; it is located on three islands: Stadsholmen, Riddarholmen and Helgeandsholmen. This is where one can find the remains of old Stockholm. Visit the building of the National Assembly, the Royal Palace, the Cathedral or the Royal Swedish Opera… Stortorget Square is the location of the darkest moment in Swedish history. This is where King Christian II of Denmark beheaded 82 Swedish noblemen and two bishops after he conquered the city. The square is, nowadays, the location of the Nobel Museum, and nearby are the headquarters of the Swedish Academy, which selects Nobel Prize nominees for literature. Visit Skansen - the first open-air museum in

Hall of Mirrors in Versailles, and the silver throne of Queen Christina.

the world, founded in 1891 by Artur Hazelius whose aim in establishing the museum was to show the Swedish way of life. Take a trip in a time-machine among 150 traditional houses and get to know Sweden, from its countryside to its industrial areas. Excellent ways to get to know the city are the Hop-On Hop-Off Boat Tour and the 72hour Hop-On Hop-Off Bus ticket. Fans of museums will enjoy Nordiska Museet, the largest Swedish museum of cultural history, founded in 1907 in a castle constructed by Isaka Gustav Clason. It features everything that has ever been made in Sweden - from the Saami to technology, and, of course, includes Swedish design. More than 1,500 exhibits, such as ancient ice skates dating back to the Iron Age to Viking ships and medieval textiles, all tell the 10,000-yearold story of Sweden, so make sure to also visit the Historiska Museet. The Kungliga Slottet Palace was built after the Great Fire of 1697, and Nicodemus Tessin The Younger took 57 years to build it. Nowadays, it houses the Karl XI Gallery, similar to the


ABBA, Pippi and Larsson Whilst strolling through Stockholm, one often hums one of the many hits by the cult pop group ABBA, which has a museum dedicated to it - the Swedish version of the Music Hall of Fame. The museum is filled to the brim with memorabilia: shiny guitars, photos of Benny, Björn, Frida and Agnetha, costumes, newspaper clippings and even a helicopter the band was photographed on for their 1976 album cover. If you wish to explore the complicated relationship Swedes have with alcohol first hand, make sure to go to the Spritmuseum, which dates back to the times when the state monopolized alcohol. It includes the history, production and consumption of all sorts of drinks, holiday traditions, such as drinking and singing at the table while eating, matching drinks with food… If you have not experienced a hangover, this is your chance to have a sober peek into the hangover room, which simulates the morning after with a series of lighting effects. Visiting the Swedish capital and not taking the trail of Stieg Larsson is inconceivable! With more than 60,000,000 copies of his Millennium trilogy sold worldwide, the Swedish writer presents a different side of Stockholm. Embark on an organized tour of the city, featuring all of the places mentioned in his books. Through his character of Lisbeth Salander, the author reminds us of yet another widely-known Swedish novel by Astrid Lindgren, and her popular, red-haired Swedish female character, the daughter of a South Seas captain - Pippi Longstocking. If you are lucky enough to find yourself here during Midsommar, a traditional festival based on the saga of the battle between light and darkness, you are guaranteed plenty of dance and entertainment. Mid-

sommar celebrates days without darkness and falls on the weekend closest to June 24th - the longest day of the year, when the sun comes out around 3.30 a.m. and does not set until 10 p.m. This is long enough to see plenty of sights as well as enjoy some Swedish cuisine, which is much more than just fresh salmon and husmanskost, the city’s famous meat balls. They are indeed fantastic, but there is so much more worth tasting: gravad lax (thin slices of dried salmon), pickled herring, filmjölk (fermented milk), dried and fresh cod, grilled or stewed reindeer meat, blueberries and strawberries, chanterelle mushrooms and fresh crab… There is no doubt, you will keep coming back to Stockholm… Other interesting facts Stockholm boasts the largest hemispherical building in the world - the Ericsson Globe Arena, a gathering spot for sports fans and a popular venue for concerts and other major public events. Sweden has its own currency, the krona SEK. Swedes live long lives and statistics show that the average male lives to the age of 80, while the average woman to 83. Sweden has not been at war since the Napoleonic Wars, and has enjoyed 200 years of peace. The Swedes were first to recognize female rights to inheritance, and the first to grant women suffrage. Sweden is a country with some of the greatest temperature differences in the world, from -53 degrees Celsius in the north in February to +38 degrees Celsius in the south in summer. These, however, are the extremes. Differences in temperature are usually between -8 and +10 degrees. Polar nights in the northern part of the country last for 32 days a year. If you wish to greet the locals in their language, simply say hej, or more informally tjena. When leaving, try saying hejdaå. 

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Croatia Airlines svojim zrakoplovima povezuje Hrvatsku s Bukureštom u razdoblju od 19.5. do 13.10. 2017. Izravni letovi iz Zagreba svaki su ponedjeljak, srijedu i petak. Svi putnici na novim linijama ostvaruju dvostruke milje u programu Miles & More ako se registriraju na: Croatia Airlines aircraft connect Croatia with Bucharest from 19.5. to 13.10.2017. Direct flights from Zagreb are on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. All passengers on the new routes will collect double miles in the Miles & More program by registering on

OTPUTUJTE CROATIA AIRLINESOM U BUKUREŠT Bukurešt je prijestolnica Rumunjske s oko dva milijuna stanovnika, a nazivaju ga i Parizom Istoka. Rijeka Dâmbovița dijeli taj nedovoljno turistički istražen grad na dva dijela. Grad je utemeljio vlaški knez Vlad III. Drakula u 15. st.

Okusite poznata lokalna pića poput Temišvarskog ili Ursus piva, nezaobilaznu tuicu, nama poznatiju kao šljivovica, ili pak bezalkoholno piće socata i sok od bazge. TURISTIČKE INFORMACIJE Adresa: Piata Universitatii; Bukurešt

TURISTIČKE ZANIMLJIVOSTI Bukurešt je grad parkova i lijepe arhitekture. Veći dio zgrada projektirali su strani arhitekti, najčešće Francuzi i Talijani, a zatim su rumunjski arhitekti razvili stil sličan francuskome. Kroz grad prolaze dva velika bulevara. Najpoznatije su građevine Palača parlamenta (nakon Pentagona druga najveća zgrada na svijetu), Palača pravde, Pantheon, Athenaum, Narodna banka, Predsjednička palača, Glavna sveučilišna knjižnica, Kraljevski dvorac i mnogi muzeji. Vrijedi posjetiti osebujan Muzej sela na otvorenome, u kojemu ćete vidjeti originalne seoske kuće dopremljene iz različitih krajeva Rumunjske. GDJE KUPOVATI Očekuju vas mnogi shopping centri i prodavaonice u gradu, u kojima možete povoljnije kupovati. Izdvajamo: Romanian Boutique, AFI Palace Cotroceni, Cărturești Carusel, Baneasa Shopping City, Promenada Mall, My romanian store... ŠTO JESTI I PITI Stara rumunjska poslovica kaže da je najbolja riba svinjetina. Stoga uživajte u ukusnim specijalitetima poput punjenih paprika i sarmi, u tipičnoj palenti i salati od patlidžana... i to po vrlo povoljnim cijenama.


WHERE TO BUY In Bucharest, there are many shopping centres and stores in the city centre offering affordable prices, such as: Romanian Boutique, AFI Palace Cotroceni, C rturești Carusel, Baneasa Shopping City, Promenada Mall, My Romanian name just a few.

Web stranica: 

TAKE A TRIP TO BUCHAREST ON CROATIA AIRLINES Bucharest, with its almost 2 million inhabitants, is the capital of Romania. It is often called Paris of the East. The Dâmbovița River divides the city, which has not yet been sufficiently explored by tourists, into two parts. The city was established in the 15th century by Wallachian Duke Vlad III. TOURIST ATTRACTIONS Bucharest is the city of parks and beautiful architecture. The majority of buildings have been designed by foreign architects, mostly French and Italian; later on, Romanian architects developed their own style similar to the French’s. There are two large boulevards in the city. The most renowned buildings are the Palace of the Parliament (the second largest building in the world after the Pentagon), the Palace of Justice, the Pantheon, the Athenaum, the National Bank of Romania, the President’s Palace, the Main University Library, the Bucharest Royal Palace and numerous museums. It is worth visiting the very distinct, openair Museum of the Romanian Peasant where you can see original country houses from various parts of Romania.

WHAT TO EAT AND DRINK According to an old Romanian saying, pork is the best fish of all. Thus, enjoy delicious specialties, such as stuffed peppers or sauerkraut rolls, polenta, eggplant salad, etc... at very affordable prices. We also recommend popular local drinks such as the Temišvar or Ursus beer, Romanian plum brandy called tuica or non-alchocolic drinks, such as socata and elder juice. TOURIST INFORMATION Address: Piata Universitatii; Bucharest Website:

Croatia Airlines svojim zrakoplovima povezuje Hrvatsku s Helsinkijem u razdoblju od 21.5. do 15.10. 2017. Izravni letovi iz Zagreba svaki su utorak, četvrtak i nedjelju. Svi putnici na novim linijama ostvaruju dvostruke milje u programu Miles & More ako se registriraju na: Croatia Airlines aircraft connect Croatia with Helsinki from 21.5. to 15.10.2017. Direct flights from Zagreb are on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. All passengers on the new routes will collect double miles in the Miles & More program by registering on

OTPUTUJTE CROATIA AIRLINESOM U HELSINKI Helsinki, glavni i najveći grad Finske, nalazi se na južnom dijelu zemlje na obali Finskog zaljeva. Taj zeleni grad smješten je na razvedenoj obali Baltičkog mora s više poluotoka i zaljeva koji ulaze u grad, a ispred grada nalazi se mnogo manjih otoka. Grad Helsinki, zajedno s još tri grada - Espoo, Vantaa i Kauniainen, tvori područje glavnoga grada s oko milijun stanovnika. Osnovao ga je u 16. st. švedski kralj Gustav Vasa. TURISTIČKE ZANIMLJIVOSTI Velik dio grada tvore parkovi i druge zelene površine, stoga posjetite Flower Of Life artpark, park sa skulpturama. Helsinki ima svoj kotač s kojega možete uživati u panorami cijeloga grada, upravo kao i London. Vrijedi posjetiti Kapelu tišine, osobit primjer inovativne arhitekture, koja se nalazi na prometnom trgu Narinkka. Nezaobilazan je i Ateneum Art Museum koji posjeduje najveću zbirku umjetnina u Finskoj. GDJE KUPOVATI Helsinki je pravi raj za šopingholičare i modna je prijestolnica. Posjetite Design District, dio grada s više od dvjesto dizajnerskih prodavaonica i uživajte. Preporučujemo male trgovine u Kiseleffovoj kući, koje nude dizajnerske predmete, neobične umjetnine i lijepe suvenire, ili Stockmann, tradicionalnu robnu kuću koja nudi finske suvenire i proizvode finskog obrta. ŠTO JESTI I PITI Finska tradicionalna jela jednostavna su (okruglice od mljevenog mesa, kobasice, štruca crnoga kruha punjena haringama i slaninom, jela od lososa).

Uz dobar obrok većina će se odlučiti za najpoznatije domaće pivo Lapin Kulta, iako sve više Finaca i posjetitelja uživa i u probranim svjetskim vinima. TURISTIČKE INFORMACIJE Adresa: Pohjoisesplanadi 19, 00130 Helsinki Telefon: +358 9 31013300 E-mail: Web stranica:

TAKE A TRIP TO HELSINKI ON CROATIA AIRLINES Helsinki, the capital of Finland and its biggest city, is situated in the southern part of the country on the shore of the Gulf of Finland. This green city, located on an inlet facing the Baltic Sea, covers many peninsulas and bays which flow into the city and is surrounded by numerous smaller, offshore islands. Founded in the 16th century by Swedish King Gustav Vasa, the city of Helsinki, together with three other municipalities, Espoo, Vantaa, and Kauniainen, make up the urban core of the capital and contain a population of about a million inhabitants. TOURIST ATTRACTIONS Most of the city is covered by parks and other green areas, so there are many places worth visiting, such as the Flower Of Life Artpark with numerous sculptures on display. Other attractions include the Helsinki observation wheel on which you may enjoy panoramic views of the city, similar in structure to the London Eye, or the Chapel of Silence, a prime example of innovative architecture and design, located in the midst of the busy

Narinkka Square. A must-see is the National Museum of Art (the Ateneum), which houses the biggest collection of fine art in Finland.

WHAT TO BUY Helsinki is a haven for shopaholics and the country’s fashion capital. Visit the Design District and enjoy yourself while exploring the part of town that boasts over two hundred designer shops and boutiques. We recommend the small, specialized shops in the Kiselef House, where you can buy designer items, unique articles not usually found elsewhere, and other souvenirs and trinkets, or stop by the Stockmann department store, which sells tradicional wares, such as clothes, souvenirs, and other Finnish-made products.

WHAT TO EAT AND DRINK Finnish traditional dishes are simple: meatballs, sausages, fish pie (whole-grain or rye bread stuffed with herring and bacon), and various salmon dishes...You can be sure that at every hearty meal, most Finns prefer the country’s most popular accompaniment - Lapin Kulta, the national beer of choice. In recent times, however, other beverages have been gaining foothold, which means more and more nationals and visitors to Finland are opting for the vast array of premium, international wine available on the market. TOURIST INFORMATION Address: 19 Pohjoisesplanadi, 00130 Helsinki Telephone: +358 9 31013300 E-mail: Website:


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Croatia Airlines svojim zrakoplovima povezuje Hrvatsku s Oslom u razdoblju od 21.5. do 15.10. 2017. Izravni letovi iz Zagreba svaki su utorak i nedjelju. Svi putnici na novim linijama ostvaruju dvostruke milje u programu Miles & More ako se registriraju na: Croatia Airlines aircraft connect Croatia with Oslo from 21.5. to 15.10.2017. Direct flights from Zagreb are on Tuesdays and Sundays. All passengers on the new routes will collect double miles in the Miles & More program by registering on

OTPUTUJTE CROATIA AIRLINESOM U OSLO Oslo, norveška prijestolnica, smjestio se na rubu istoimenog fjorda na zapadnom dijelu Skandinavskog poluotoka. Na području grada postoji 40 otoka, od kojih je najveći Malmøya, i 343 jezera. Grad je proslavio 1000. obljetnicu 2000. godine, a postao je glavnim gradom za vrijeme kralja Håkona V. u 14. st. TURISTIČKE ZANIMLJIVOSTI Oslo će vas očarati jer krase ga široke ulice, zeleni trgovi s fontanama i parkovi. Vrijedi posjetiti Vigeland park, jedan od najljepših parkova kipara Gustava Vigelanda. U glavnoj ulici Karl Johans vidjet ćete Nacionalno kazalište, Nacionalnu galeriju, Parlament i Kraljevsku palaču. U ulici Aker Brygge, koja je dobila ime po rijeci Aker, nalazi se muzej Nobelove nagrade za mir i zgrada u kojoj se svečano dodjeljuje Nobelova nagrada. Aker Brygge će vam se svidjeti zbog moderne arhitekture. Tijekom 19. st. i procvata Norveške mnogi poznati pisci ostavili su traga u Oslu - Knut Hamsun i Sigrid Undset, koji su dobili Nobelovu nagradu za književnost, te Henrik Ibsen i Edvard Munch - preporučujemo posjet muzeju toga slikara ekspresionizma. U Norveškoj možete doživjeti tri prirodna fenomena - polarnu noć, polarni dan i polarnu svjetlost (aurora borealis), karakterističnu za područje arktičkog kruga. GDJE KUPOVATI Zanimljivo je da početni dio glavne shopping ulice Karl Johans Gate počinje skupim trgovinama, a što se više udaljavate, cijene su niže.


ŠTO JESTI I PITI Oslo vrvi restoranima, barovima i klubovima, koji su prepuni od petka do nedjelje jer tih se dana izlazi. U ulici Aler Brygge pronaći ćete mnogo različitih ugostiteljskih objekata. Vrijedi kušati Aquavit, aromatiziranu rakiju od krumpira, ili Solo, osvježavajuće bezalkoholno piće s ukusom naranče. Riba je ponos i omiljena hrana ove nacije. Jede se sirova, soljena ili sušena, a omiljene su vrste haringa, dimljeni losos, usoljeni ili sušeni losos (gravlaks), pastrva, srdela, bakalar, list…

which is named after the Aker River, there is the Nobel Peace Prize Museum and the building where the Nobel Prize-giving ceremonies are held. You will like Aker Brygge because of its modern architecture. During the 19th century, and the flourishing of Norway, many famous writers left their mark on Oslo - Knut Hamsun and Sigrid Undset, who won the Nobel Prize for Literature, Henrik Ibsen and Edvard Munch (we recommend a visit to the museum of this Expressionist painter). In Norway, you can experience three natural phenomena: the polar night, polar day and polar lights (aurora borealis), which are characteristic of the Arctic Circle area.

TURISTIČKE INFORMACIJE Adresa: Jernbanetorget 1, 0154 Oslo Telefon: +47 815 30 555 Web stranica:

TAKE A TRIP TO OSLO ON CROATIA AIRLINES Oslo, the Norwegian capital, is situated on the edge of the namesake fjord in the western part of the Scandinavian Peninsula. In the city, there are 40 islands, the largest one of which is Malmøya, and 343 lakes. The city, which became the capital during the reign of King Håkon V in the 14th century, celebrated its 1000th anniversary in 2000. TOURIST ATTRACTIONS Oslo will enchant you because it boasts wide streets, green squares with fountains and many parks. It is worth visiting Vigeland Park, one of the most beautiful parks of Sculptor Gustav Vigeland. In Karl Johans Street, there is the National Theatre, the National Gallery, the Parliament and the Royal Palace. In Aker Brygge Street,

WHERE TO BUY Interestingly, the top part of the main shopping street, Karl Johans Gate, begins with expensive stores, but the further down you go, the prices get lower. WHAT TO EAT AND DRINK Oslo is abundant with restaurants, bars, and clubs, which are full from Friday to Sunday because these are the days to go out. In Aler Brygge Street, you will find many different catering facilities. It is worth tasting Aquavit, a flavored brandy made from potatoes, or Solo, a refreshing, orange-flavored, nonalcoholic drink. Fish is the pride and favorite food of this nation. It is eaten raw, salted or cured, and the most popular varieties are herring, smoked salmon, salted or cured salmon (gravlaks), trout, sardine, cod, flounder... TOURIST INFORMATION Address: 1 Jernbanetorget, 0154 Oslo Phone: +47 (0)815 30 555 Website:



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Poliklinika Kustec vašem licu vraća osmijeh


oliklinika Kustec, vodeći implantološki centar u Hrvatskoj, obilježava 35. obljetnicu postojanja. Tradicija i iskustvo snažno su pridonijeli ugledu poliklinike koji se od osnutka temelji na dalekosežnim vizijama i jasnoj poslovnoj strategiji osnivačice dr. Mirjane KustecPribilović, liječnice stomatologinje koja je svoj posao razvijala u skladu s najvišim europskim i svjetskim strukovnim standardima, ali i s čvrstim osloncem na obiteljsku posvećenost dentalnoj medicini.

Sinovi dr. Mirjane Kustec-Pribilović, liječnik stomatolog Ivan i menadžer poliklinike Filip, čvrsta su obiteljska jezgra koja jamči najvišu kvalitetu usluge. A ta usluga obuhvaća sve ono što nudi najsuvremenija stomatološka znanost, od liječnika specijalista do inženjera radiologije i vrhunski educiranih viših zubnih tehničara. Zaposlenici poliklinike, obrazovani i usavršavani na najboljim europskim klinikama i na mnogim strukovnim kongresima, seminarima i tečajevima, klijentima pružaju premium uslugu, koja je postala zaštitni znak Poliklinike Kustec u Hrvatskoj i u međunarodnim okvirima. U vlasništvu je obitelji Kustec i stomatološka ordinacija u gradu Forlí u Italiji, koja uživa veliki ugled u pokrajini Emilia-Romagna i na širemu talijanskom području. U devet ordinacija zagrebačke Poliklinike Kustec, u sklopu koje su i tri dvorane za sterilizaciju, zubotehnički laboratorij i CT RTG, timskim i sinkroniziranim radom liječnika stomatologa, oralnih kirurga, protetičara, inženjera radiologije, zubnih tehničara i pomoćnog osoblja, klijentima se na jednome mjestu pruža brza i kvalitetna usluga, u skladu s njihovim željama

i potrebama, ali i s jamstvom za obavljeni posao. Svi uređaji kojima se koristi u ordinacijama najviši su domet suvremene stomatološke tehnologije. Nakon završenog tretmana pacijent dobiva certifikat s podacima o vrsti i kvaliteti materijala korištenih u različitim stomatološkim zahvatima i postupcima. Primjerice, nakon ugradnje najkvalitetnijih implantata, uvezenih iz Švedske, Švicarske, Italije i SAD-a, pacijentima se uručuje tzv. implantološka putovnica, s dijametrom i položajem ugrađenih implantata. To je veoma važno jer pacijentu omogućuje da stomatološki postupak, uz pomoć putovnice, nastavi bilo gdje u svijetu. Poliklinika Kustec ima i dnevnu bolnicu koja omogućuje da nakon složenijih kirurških zahvata pacijent bude hospitaliziran i pod 24-satnim nadzorom liječnika stomatologa (One Day Clinic). To pacijentima iz susjednih zemalja pruža veliku sigurnost do njihova potpunog oporavka. Kako je Poliklinika Kustec na glasu i izvan hrvatskih granica, u njoj termine rezerviraju i mnogi klijenti iz susjednih zemalja. To samo pokazuje kako vrhunska medicinska ustanova može biti snažan promotor i


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promicatelj zdravstvenog turizma, za koji Hrvatska ima velike mogućnosti, ali se njima, nažalost, premalo koristi. Osim neupitne stručne edukacije i kontinuiranog usavršavanja, dr. Mirjana Kustec-Pribilović zagovornica je interne edukacije svog tima. Tom se prigodom ističe kako je zadovoljstvo klijenata na prvome mjestu i temeljno načelo funkcioniranja poliklinike. Pacijentu se mora osigurati i više nego što očekuje i mnogo više od onoga što sâm zna o svojim dentalnim problemima. Prije 35 godina, kad je ordinacija osnovana, nije bilo interneta ni drugih oblika današnje suvremene komunikacije, pa je zadovoljstvo pacijenata i njihova usmena preporuka bila temelj na kojemu se desetljećima gradio ugled stomatološke ordinacije Kustec-Pribilović. Poliklinika Kustec svojim vanjskim i unutarnjim izgledom, uljuđenim ponašanjem osoblja i mnogim rafiniranim detaljima potiče otklanjanje nelagode ili straha s kojim većina pacijenata - nenaviknuta na uslugu koja razumijeva najmanju moguću bolnost tretmana - još i danas ulazi u stomatološku ustanovu. U temeljito restauriranoj zgradi, zaštićenom spomeniku kulture, pacijente dočekuju recepcionarke koje govore strane jezike i pružaju osnovne informacije o dentalnim postupcima, a tretiranim pacijentima na usluzi su u svemu što im je potrebno. Vanjski i unutarnji izgled Poliklinike Kustec potpisuje ugledni arhitekt Andrija Rusan, što se ogleda u rafiniranim detaljima unutarnjeg uređenja. Ugodi pacijenata pridonosi i osjećaj da su u rukama strukovno vrhunski osposobljene obitelji u kojoj je svatko od članova posvećen svojoj specijalnosti. U tu se


proširenu obitelj - osim Mirjane, Ivana i Filipa - svrstavaju i svi članovi stomatološkog tima Kustec. Dr. Mirjana Kustec-Pribilović svojom stručnošću, marljivošću i neiscrpnom energijom trajno je nadahnuće svom timu, ali i neupitni autoritet u uspostavi savršene organizacije posla u kojem ni najmanja pojedinost nije prepuštena slučaju, od održavanja zelenila do biranja televizijskog programa ili glazbe kao zvučne kulise tijekom dentalnih zahvata. - Naš se posao temelji na strasti, ljubavi i odgovornosti. Zadovoljstvo klijenta najvažnije je načelo našeg djelovanja, a njegov pogled u zrcalo nakon obavljena zahvata mjerilo je našeg rada. Neovisno o problemu s kojim su došli, naši pacijenti iz klinike moraju otići zadovoljni i lišeni tegoba koje su ih ometale i utjecale na kvalitetu njihova života. Moraju otići s radosnim osmijehom koji će otkriti zdrave i njegovane zube. To je naš posao, to je smisao našeg djelovanja. A da bismo to postigli, moramo pratiti najnovija svjetska dostignuća na području dentalne medicine, neprekidno se educirati i djelovati kao homogeni tim koji predvodi moja obitelj, u kojoj svatko ima jasnu zadaću i čvrsto određeni cilj - kaže dr. Mirjana KustecPribilović. Poliklinika Kustec primjer je istinske hrvatske pripadnosti standardima Europske unije. Ujedno je i potvrda da Hrvatska te europske kriterije i standarde može zadovoljiti samo predanim, stručnim i strastvenim radom koji jamči vrhunski proizvod ili vrhunsku uslugu. Dr. Mirjana KustecPribilović zalaže se da liječnici zaposleni u poliklinici imaju priznate diplome u Europskoj uniji, što im omogućuje rad u bilo kojoj od zemalja EU. Osim u Komo-

ru dentalne medicine Hrvatske, upisani su - kao i dr. Mirjana Kustec - i u Komoru dentalne medicine u Italiji. Već 35 godina poliklinika kroči tim putem, a njezin ugled, od Hrvatske do Italije, potvrđuje da je uspjeh jednako stvarna kategorija kao i dobro ugrađen implantat. Poliklinika stipendira mlade koji nisu u financijskoj mogućnosti samostalnog školovanja. Primjerice, stipendistica Nikolina Borovickić uspješno je upisala Stomatološki fakultet i nakon diplome bit će zaposlena u Poliklinici Kustec. Dr. Mirjana Kustec-Pribilović uspješno je implantirala svoje znanje i iskustvo u svoje sinove Ivana i Filipa i svoj tim i - umori li se ikad - u očuvanju ugleda svoje poliklinike može računati na svoje nasljednike. 


he Kustec Polyclinic, the leading implantology centre in Croatia, is celebrating its 35th year of existence. Tradition and experience have greatly contributed to the polyclinic’s reputation, based, from day one, on the far-reaching ideas and the clear business strategy of its founder - Dr. Mirjana Kustec-Pribilović, a doctor of stomatology, who has developed her work in accordance with the highest European and global standards of the profession, but firmly relying upon her family’s dedication to dental medicine. Dr. Mirjana Kustec-Pribilović’s sons, Doctor of Stomatology Ivan and Polyclinic Director Filip, form the steady family nucleus, which guarantees service of the highest quality. The service includes everything that contemporary science of stomatology has to offer, from specialized doctors to radiology engineers and highly-trained senior dental technicians. The polyclinic employees, trained at the best clinics across Europe and numerous specialized congresses, seminars and courses, offer clients a premium service, which has become synonymous with the Kustec Polyclinic name, well-known across Croatia as well as abroad. The Kustec family also owns a dental practice in the town of Forlí, Italy, which is famous across the Emilia-Romagna region as well as the rest of Italy. Nine treatment rooms of the Kustec Polyclinic in Zagreb include three sterilization rooms, a dental technician’s lab and a CT RTG, while synchronized teamwork by dental doctors, oral surgeons, prosthetists, radiology engineers, dental technicians and

other staff offers clients speedy quality service in one location, in line with their desires and needs, as well as a guarantee for a job well done. All devices used at the clinic are top of the line, contemporary dental technology. After completion of treatment, the patient receives a certificate with information about the type and quality of materials used in his or her various dental procedures. For example, after placement of the highest quality implants, imported from Sweden, Switzerland, Italy and the USA, patients are given a so-called implant passport, which records the diameter and position of the implants. This is very important because it enables patients to continue their treatment anywhere in the world. The Kustec Polyclinic also has a one-day clinic, which enables patients to remain under 24-hour doctor supervision after complicated surgical procedures. Thus, patients from neighbouring countries are ensured maximum safety until they have completely recovered. Since the Kustec Polyclinic is also known outside of Croatia, it is frequented by many clients from neighbouring countries. This proves that a top-class medical facility can be a major promotor of health tourism, for which Croatia has major potential; however, this is not developed enough. Apart from the irrefutable specialist qualifications and on-going training of her staff, Dr. Mirjana Kustec-Pribilović supports the internal education of her team. Because client satisfaction is of the utmost importance, and this is the clinic’s guiding principle, their reason for existence, patients receive more than what they expect, including more insight into their own personal dental problems. When the clinic was founded 35 years ago, there was no internet or other forms of modern communication, so patient satisfaction and word-of-mouth recommendations were the foundations on which the reputation of the Kustec-Pribilović dental practice was built. With its exterior and interior design, polite staff and many other refined details, the Kustec Polyclinic reduces discomfort and fear, which most patients, unaccustomed to service that offers the least painful treatments possible, still experience before entering a dental clinic. In the fully-renovated building, a protected cultural monument, patients are welcomed by receptionists who speak foreign lan-

guages and offer basic information about dental procedures, while patients who have already undergone treatment receive whatever is necessary. The interior and exterior design of the Kustec Polyclinic is the work of renowned Architect Andrija Rusan, whose style is reflected in the refined interior design details. Patient comfort is contributed to the fact clients are in the hands of a family of top professionals, in which each member is dedicated to his or her area of expertise. Apart from Mirjana, Ivan and Filip, the extended family includes every single member of the Kustec team. With her expertise, diligence and limitless energy, Dr. Mirjana Kustec-Pribilović is an ongoing inspiration to her team, but is also, unquestionably, an authority in perfectly setting up a business, in which no detail is accidental, from the upkeep of green surfaces to television programs or background music that plays during dental procedures. Our business is based on passion, love and responsibility. Client satisfaction is the most important principle of our work; the faces of our patients in the mirror after a procedure is a reflection of what we do. Regardless of the problem they had when they came to us, our patients must leave our clinic satisfied, with an improved quality of life, without the difficulties which had previously hindered them. They must leave with happy smiles that reveal healthy and well-kept teeth. That is our work and the entire point of our existence. In order to achieve this, we must keep up with the latest global achievements in the field of dental medicine, continue our education and work as a homogenous team headed by my family, in which everyone has a clear task and goal, says Dr. Mirjana Kustec-Pribilović.

The Kustec Polyclinic is an example of Croatia finding its place within the standards of the EU. It is also a confirmation that these European criteria and standards can be met only through dedicated, specialized and passionate work that guarantees a top notch product or service. Dr. Mirjana Kustec-Pribilović strives to make sure that all of the doctors employed at the polyclinic have diplomas that are recognized in the European Union, which enables them to work in any EU country. Apart from the Croatian Chamber of Dental Medicine, Dr. Mirjana Kustec-Pribilović is also a member of the Italian Chamber of Dental Medicine. The clinic has been treading along this path for 35 years now, and its reputation - from Croatia to Italy, is a confirmation that success is tangible just as real as a well-placed implant. The polyclinic offers scholarships to students who cannot finance their own education. For example, Nikolina Borovickić has successfully enrolled in the Faculty of Stomatology, and after graduation, she will be given full-time employment at the Kustec Polyclinic. Dr. Mirjana Kustec-Pribilović has successfully passed her knowledge and experience onto her sons, Ivan and Filip, and the rest of her team, so should she ever grow tired, she can count on these successors to maintain the reputation of her polyclinic.  Poliklinika Kustec Bukovačka cesta 7 10000 Zagreb - Hrvatska +385 (1) 2306 980


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Brzo, sigurno i bezbolno do savršenog vida Fast, safe and painless path to perfect vision Riješite probleme s vidom u Klinici Svjetlost, najvećoj oftalmološkoj klinici u ovom dijelu Europe Solve your eyesight problems in Klinika Svjetlost, the largest ophthalmology clinic in this part of Europe 01


este li sigurni da vaše oči ništa ne propuštaju? Suvremeni tempo života i izlaganje očiju različitim podražajima koji nemaju blagonaklon utjecaj na vid, kao što je to primjerice dugotrajno gledanje u ekran računala, uzrokovali su to da gotovo svaki drugi stanovnik razvijenih zemalja ima određene probleme s vidom. Imate li probleme s vidom, koje biste rado brzo i sigurno riješili, trebate znati kako je rješenje nadohvat ruke - u Klinici Svjetlost. Riječ je o najvećoj i najopremljenijoj oftalmološkoj klinici u ovom dijelu Europe, koja već 19 godina pruža potpunu oftalmološku uslugu, od najosnovnijih pregleda očiju do kompleksnih operativnih zahvata. Klinika Svjetlost svoje centre ima u Zagrebu i Splitu, ali i u Sarajevu te Banja Luci. U Klinici Svjetlost do sada se liječilo više od 300.000 pacijenata, a najveće jamstvo iznimne kvalitete jest 40 vrhunskih oftalmologa koji rade s najmodernijom dostupnom tehnologijom. S više od 100.000 operativnih zahvata iza sebe, ti vrhunski stručnjaci svakom pacijentu pristupaju individualno i pronalaze najbolje moguće rješenje za sve očne probleme. Promijenite pogled na svijet uz najmoderniju tehnologiju Najpouzdanije i najpraktičnije rješenje predstavlja lasersko skidanje dioptrije. Ako nosite naočale ili leće, onda znate kako ta pomagala osobitu smetnju predstavljaju


tijekom ljetnih mjeseci, na ljetovanju, jer na plaži i u moru uvijek su višak bez kojega bi rado htjeli živjeti. Premda odluku o laserskom skidanju dioptrije neki uporno odgađaju, taj je zahvat jednostavniji nego što mislite i može mu se podvrgnuti 95% osoba starijih od 18 godina s dioptrijom od -10.0 do +6 i do ±6 cilindara astigmatizma. Prostora za strah nema, jer lasersko je skidanje dioptrije potpuno bezbolan i siguran zahvat, a traje samo desetak minuta. Riješite se mrene i starosne dioptrije u tren oka! U Klinici Svjetlost možete se brzo i bezbolno riješiti i sive mrene, očnog oboljenja koje se počinje pojavljivati već u srednjoj životnoj dobi. Klinika Svjetlost poznata je i po kompleksnim zahvatima




transplantacije rožnice i vitrektomije (operacija očne pozadine), operacijama glaukoma, operacijama strabizma, plastičnim operacijama vjeđa i drugim zahvatima na oku. Ova ustanova također je među vodećim europskim klinikama po iskustvu ugradnje suvremenih Symfony intraokularnih leća s proširenim rasponom vida, kojima je moguće riješiti se i mrene i dioptrije istodobno. Međunarodna postignuća - potvrda stručnosti i kvalitete Nakon što je 2015. osvojila oftalmološkog Oscara na najvećem i najprestižnijem svjetskom videokirurškom kongresu Videocatarattarefrattiva, Klinika je Svjetlost 2016. godine u Cannesu osvojila nagradu Best Regional Hospital, a u Berlinu Quality Choice Prize, što je još jedna potvrda



visokih standarda poslovanja i usluga koje ova klinika pruža. Stoga, boravite li u Hrvatskoj ili dolazite u posjet, a imate probleme s vidom, sjetite se da je Klinika Svjetlost najbolji izbor za vaše oči. 

laser eye surgery. If you have to use eye-

Klinika Svjetlost won Best Regional Hospital

glasses or contact lenses, then you know

in Cannes and Quality Choice Prize in Berlin,

how annoying these aids can be during

further confirmation of the high standards of

the summer months. While relaxing on the

business and service that the clinic provides.

beach or in the sea they are something that

Therefore, if you reside in Croatia or are

you would gladly like to get rid of.

visiting and have eyesight issues, remember


Even though some keep postponing laser

that Klinika Svjetlost is the best choice for

eye surgery, this surgery is far simpler than

your eyes.

re you sure your eyes are not missing something? The modern pace of life and your eyes being exposed to

different stimuli that do not have a beneficial effect on your eyesight, like for instance countless hours in front of a computer screen, have led to the fact that almost every second citizen in the Western world has some type of eyesight problem. If you have problems with eyesight and would like to take care of it quickly and safely, you should know that the solution is at hand - in Kilinika Svjetlost, the largest and most sophisticated ophthalmology clinic in this part of Europe, providing complete ophthalmology services for the past 19 years, from basic eye examinations to complex surgical procedures. Klinika Svjetlost has centers in Zagreb and Split, but also in Sarajevo and Banja Luka. Klinika Svjetlost has treated over 300,000 patients and the greatest possible guarantee of its exceptional quality is the 40 top ophthalmologists working there with the most modern technology available. With over 100,000 surgical procedures behind them, these top experts approach each patient with individual care and find the best possible solution for all eyesight problems.

you might think, and 95% of adults can undergo it with indications from -10.0 to +6 and up to ±6 cylinders of astigmatism. There is no reason to be afraid, since laser eye surgery is a completely painless and safe procedure, and lasts only ten minutes. Get rid of cataract and age diopter in no time! In Klinika Svjetlost you can painlessly take care of cataract, an eye disease often already advanced in middle aged people. Klinika Svjetlost is renowned for complex procedures of corneal transplants and vitrectomies (operations at the back of the eye), glaucoma surgery, strabismus surgery, eyelid plastic surgery and other procedures. This clinic is also among the leading European establishments with experience in implementing modern Symfony intraocular lenses with a wide aperture range, whereby cataract and diopter can be taken care of at the same time. International achievements - confirmation of expertise and quality

01 Klinika Svjetlost Klinika Svjetlost 02 Lasersko skidanje dioptrije Laser vision correction 03 Lasersko skidanje dioptrije - Femtosecond laser Laser vision correction - Femtosecond laser 04 Doc. Ratimir Lazić, voditelj Odsjeka za retinu Ratimir Lazic, Head of the Retinal Department 05 Ines Bojanić - poznata hrvatska glumica nakon laserskog skidanja dioptrije Ines Bojanić, a renowned Croatian actress after a laser vision correction 06 Opći oftalmološki pregled u Klinici Svjetlost General Eye Examination in Svjetlost Eye Clinic Za više informacija posjetite ili kontaktirajte jedan od centara u Hrvatskoj. For more information visit or contact one of our local centers in Croatia. Zagreb, Heinzelova 39 e-mail: tel: +385 1 777 5656 Split, Borisa Papandopula 8b e-mail: tel: +385 21 783 050

After winning the 2015 “Ophthalmology

Change your view of the world with the

Oscar” at the largest and most

most modern technology

prestigious world eye surgery congress

The most reliable and practical solution is

Videocatarattarefrattiva in Milan, in 2016,


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Sanjajte svoje snove, u pokretu Envision your dreams, set them in motion

Piše/By_ Berislav Sokač


Kad letimo, približimo se našim snovima, kad letimo, odmaknemo se od svakodnevnih izazova, gledamo kroz prozor, na pola smo puta od Zemlje i granice svemira, nitko nas ne može nazvati telefonski, poslati eporuku, prekinuti u sanjarenju. Kad smo u pokretu, stvaramo nova iskustva, iz novih iskustava učimo. Zbog tih je impulsa i nastala Run Croatia. When we fly, we come closer to our dreams and step back from the daily challenges of life; looking through the window, we’re halfway between the Earth and the border of the Universe, and no one can call us on the phone, send an e-mail, or interrupt our daydreams. When we are on the move, we create new experiences; we learn from your new experiences. Run Croatia was created based on such an impulse!

01 Iva Hafner i Berislav Sokač na treningu u Makarskoj. Iva Hafner and Berislav Sokač during a training session in Makarska. 02 Jutarnji trening od Times Squarea do Central Parka A morning training session from the Times Square to the Central Park.


oja je priča zapravo počela u zraku. Dok letim iz New Yorka u Zagreb, pišem ove riječi. Zacijelo i vi sad sjedite u avionu i čekate uzlet ili ste već u zraku. Dugi niz godina radio sam za međunarodnu korporaciju kao regionalni direktor. Obavljajući tu funkciju, bio sam zadužen za 17 zemalja. Ili sam bio u zraku, ili na sastanku, ili sam u tenisicima trčao pripremajući se za World Marathon Major ligu. Sve to vrijeme stjecanja dragocjenih životnih iskustava preko intenzivnih putovanja nisam prestajao sanjati san - jednog dana moći ću dati pokretački impuls Hrvatskoj i pretočiti to što me obilježilo u pozitivnu energiju stvaranja. Trkači su ljudi koji se kreću. Gotovo svi trkači imaju pozitivnu energiju; na treningu, dok se znojite, dok pomičete svoje granice, čistite energiju od negativnih stvari te se vraćate napunjenih baterija natrag u svakodnevicu. Često se tijekom trčanja postiže meditativno stanje u kojemu se rađaju najbolje ideje i rješenja. Trkači su idealni kao pojedinci i kao zajednica da pomognu društvenom razvoju, da inspiriraju druge, da puste najpozitivniji virus današnjice među svoju okolinu. I tako sam letio iz tjedna u tjedan nekoliko godina i negdje sreo školskog prijatelja Svena, koji mi kaže:


- Idemo pokrenuti sportski event i kreirati pozitivu! I tada sam rekao zašto ne. Kako sam stalno u pokretu i kako moja neposredna okolina pozitivno reagira na moj aktivni stil života, pomislio sam da ćemo pokušati pokrenuti još veću zajednicu. Bude li se što više ljudi kretalo, počet će i kvalitetniji tok misli koje će se preko pozitivne energije trčanja prenositi na svakodnevne obveze, a i jedni na druge u međuljudskim odnosima. Tako ćemo kao Run Croatia utjecati na aktivnost i opće zdrav-

lje društva. Kretanje je evolucija. Ako smo statični, napretka nema ni u kojem smislu. Kad smo u pokretu, stvaramo nova iskustva, iz novih iskustava učimo i tako stječemo jače samopouzdanje za nova djelovanja. Zbog tih je impulsa i nastala Run Croatia. Našim projektom želimo unijeti novi polet, obogatiti i produžiti turističku sezonu aktivnim sadržajima. Analize trendova govore da sve više turista želi godišnji odmor sa što više aktivnosti.



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Primjerice, one povezane uz biciklizam, jogu, planinarenje i trčanje. Run Croatia je identificirala taj trend. Hrvatska obalna regija sa svojim blagim zimama nudi savršene uvjete za trčanje i vježbanje tijekom cijele godine. Suradnjom s drugim tvrtkama uspijevamo pružiti zaista jedinstvene evente i podići ih na još višu održivu samostalnu razinu. Naši partneri profitiraju od povećane vidljivosti na međunarodnoj razini, uz veće korištenje postojeće infrastrukture i povećanih prihoda u sporednoj sezoni. Ako smo uspjeli napraviti uspješnu karijeru u globalnoj korporaciji, zašto ne bismo mogli napraviti i nacionalni projekt? Zašto ne bismo svojim znanjem i iskustvom barem pokušali pokrenuti kotačić koji će pokrenuti neki drugi kotačić. Run Croatia je pretrčala svojih prvih godinu dana postojanja. Članovi tima Iva, Sven i ja počeli smo organizirati evente kao brucoši. U 2016.g. priredili smo 14 utrka, privukli ljude iz više od dvadesetak zemalja u Hrvatsku i naučili mnogo toga iz interakcije s trkačima, sponzorima i partnerima. Mladi smo, entuzijastični, s vizijom i snom da, pokrećući sebe, stvaramo i bolje društvo oko sebe. Naše dosadašnje profesionalno i sportsko iskustvo želimo upravo pretočiti u pokret pozitive. Dok letite avionom, sanjajte svoje snove, ali i iskoristite vrijeme u kojemu ste izolirani od telefonskih poziva da biste razmislili kako ćete ih i realizirati. Vjerujem da ćete i vi uskoro letjeti po asfaltu ili trailu pod sloganom: Fly to Run Croatia with Croatia Airlines. 


y story actually began in the air. I’m writing these words while flying from New York to Zagreb. Surely, you are now also sitting on the plane and waiting for take-off, or you are already in the air. For many years, I worked for an international corporation as the Regional Director. While performing this job, I was responsible for 17 countries. I was either in the air or at a meeting, or I would put on my sneakers and go running to prepare for the World Marathon Major League. All that time of gaining valuable life experience through intense travelling, I never stopped dreaming that one day, I would be able to create momentum in Croatia and transform my experiences into a positive energy of creation. Runners are people who are always on the move. Almost all runners exude positive energy; while training, when you sweat and push your limits, you rid yourself of negative energy and return to your everyday life recharged. During a run, one often achieves a meditative state, which leads to the best ideas and solutions. Runners are ideally-suited as individuals and as members of a community where they can help social development, inspire others and infect the day and the environment around them with positivity. So I flew one week after the other for several years; once during a flight, I met a former friend from school named Sven who told me: Let’s launch a sports event and create positive thinking! I said, why not. Since I’m constantly on the move and my immediate environment is a positive reflection of my active lifestyle, I thought we should try to influence the community at large. More people on the move creates a higher vibration of thought, which could be transferred to our everyday duties and to human relationships through the positive energy of running. Thus, via Run Croatia, we can affect the activity and general health of society. Movement is an evolution - if we are static, there is no progress in any sense. When you’re on the move, you create new experiences; you learn from your new experiences and, thus, have more confidence for new actions. Run Croatia was created based on such an impulse! Our project seeks to create a new impetus, and enrich and extend the tourist season with more activity at the heart of it. Trend analyses show that an increasingly large number of tourists seeks for a holiday with numerous activies. For example, those associated with cycling, yoga, hiking and running. Run Croatia has identified this trend. Due to its mild winters, Croatia’s coastal region offers up

perfect conditions for running and exercising throughout the year. In cooperation with other companies, we are able to organize truly unique events and raise them to an even higher, more sustainable level. Our partners benefit from increased visibility at the international level, with greater use of the existing infrastructure and increased income in the secondary season. If we were able to succeed career-wise within a global corporation, why wouldn’t we be able to launch a national project? Why wouldn’t we use our knowledge and experience and at least try to get the wheels moving. Run Croatia has completed its first year of existence. Team members Iva, Sven and I started to organize events while we were still freshmen. In 2016, we organized 14 races and attracted people from over twenty countries to Croatia. We learned a lot from interactions with the runners, sponsors and partners. We are young, enthusiastic and have a vision and a dream that if we keep active ourselves, we will create a better society. We seek to transfer our previous professional and sports experience into a positive movement. While flying on a plane, you can dream your dreams, but also make the most of your time in isolation, away from telephone calls, to consider how to realize them. I believe that you will soon be flying on asphalt or on a trail under the slogan: Fly to Run Croatia with Croatia Airlines. 

It's joy! It's Split! It's the most prestigious hotel!

Be a Part of the Story

Hotel Park, 5 –star luxury hotel

Restaurant Split – fine dining since 1921

Hotel Park is a story that you want to experience. At least once in a lifetime. The flagship hotel in the city and region, completely renovated, offers a superb standard and very unique atmosphere. Upon entering the hotel, accompanied by notes of the piano with the warm reception of our staff and champagne, every guest is overcome by a feeling that this is the moment moving towards a new and personal story.

Restaurant Split since its establishment in 1921 a synonym superb cuisine, not only among foreign guests, but especially among the citizens of Split. Special eno-gastronomic delight with following global trends will surely satisfy and delight the taste and appearance and surpass all expectations. From the list of selected wines, domestic and foreign vintners, our sommeliers recommend the appropriate wine with every dish and every occasion.

It offers hospitality in its 65 luxurious rooms and 7 unique suites.Park is also one of the most popular MICE/EVENTS hotel, in the wider region, especially in pre and post season.

A culinary „tailor made „experience its unique Chef 's table just for your senses - just for your eyes!

This project is co-financed by the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund

Ulaganje u budućnost

Europska Unija

GASTRO Piše/By _ Željko Žutelija


Fotografije/Photos _ Maja Brekalo

Kad se s Dubrovkinjom Majom Brekalo, od 1994. godine stjuardesom nacionalne zrakoplovne tvrtke Croatia Airlines, sa statusom voditeljice kabinskog osoblja, razgovara o hrani i kuhanju, sugovornik bi najradije odmah kuĹĄao to o Ä?emu govori ta vrlo osobita gastronomska blogerica, sve popularnija na Instagramu. When conversing about food and cooking with Maja Brekalo from Dubrovnik, who has worked for Croatia Airlines as a flight attendant since 1994, and currently holds the position of purser, one immediately wishes to taste what this very special food blogger, who is becoming increasingly popular on Instagram, is talking about. CROATIA AIRLINES 1/2017

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dmah se, naime, osjeti kako je Maja Brekalo zaljubljenica u kuhanje i hranu, pritom i veliki gurman, koja svoju strast sugestivno prenosi i na onoga s kim razgovara. Nesebično je dijeli i sa svima zainteresiranima na Instagramu, na kojemu ima više od 100.000 sljedbenika ili pratitelja, a svojim blogom pobuđuje sve više zanimanja i stječe sve više poklonika. Riječ je, zapravo, o dvjema raznorodnim profesijama, od kojih obje zahtijevaju potpunu posvećenost poslu, maksimalnu koncentraciju i - pozitivnost i emocionalnu privrženost.


- Volim svoj posao stjuardese, jer zanimljiv je i dinamičan i omogućuje raznovrsnu komunikaciju s putnicima, ali u neprestanim izmjenama posada zrakoplova i s kolegama - stjuardesama, stjuardima i pilotima. Suprug Hrvoje, grafički dizajner, i šesnaestogodišnja kći Klara naviknuti su na moj radni ritam, za obitelj katkad ugodniji nego standardno radno vrijeme - kaže Maja. Stjuardesa voli kuhati Kad je s godinu i pol starijom sestrom Ninom srednjoškolsko školovanje nastavila u Zagrebu, a roditelji su ostali živjeti u tek

oslobođenom Dubrovniku, Maja je stjecajem životnih okolnosti usavršavala svoja kuharska umijeća, stečena još u ranom djetinjstvu. Nakon završene jezične gimnazije sestre su se upisale na Prehrambeno-biotehnološki fakultet u Zagrebu, ali ambiciozna i financijskoj samostalnosti sklona Maja zaposlila se u Croatia Airlinesu, što nije bilo lako uskladivo sa specifičnim obvezama na tom fakultetu, pa se poslije prebacila na VERN. Već u dobi od devetnaest godina Maja je odredila svoj zrakoplovni put, oslobođena bilo kakve pomisli na strah od letenja.

Povrće kao nadahnuće - Često sam odlazila rođacima u Konavle, koji su se hranili vrlo konvencionalno, premalo se koristeći prvorazrednim povrćem koje su uzgajali i zatim ga prodavali u Dubrovniku. Vraćala sam se u Dubrovnik s tim finim i zdravim povrtnim kulturama i od njih počela pripremati jela koja sam sama osmišljavala, obogaćujući tako obiteljski jelovnik. Kad smo se sestra i ja preselile u Zagreb, kuhanje je postalo moj svakodnevni ritual, a recepti su mi, uglavnom, služili kao nadahnuće za vlastite improvizacije i kulinarske maštarije. Moja majka Jele, od koje sam mnogo naučila o kuhanju, izvrsna je kuharica, ali uvijek se drži svojih standardnih i uvriježenih recepata, nikad nije improvizirala. Moje su preferencije ukusna i zdrava hrana, volim iskušavati nove okuse i istraživati potencijale različitih namirnica. Riječ je o ljubavi prema hrani i pokušajima kreativne priprave namirnica, a usporedno se razvila i strast prema fotografiji, pa sve što skuham, snimim profesionalnim fotoaparatom i stavljam na svoj blog i Instagram. Ne svrstavam se ni u kakvu kulinarsku isključivost, osim što ne jedem meso i jaja, koje nikad nisam voljela. Prehranjujem se slično onome kako su ljudi jeli u doba Dubrovačke Republike: konzumirali su sezonsko voće i povrće, žitarice u integralnom obliku, mahunarke, orašaste plodove i ribu, a meso najčešće samo nedjeljom i za blagdane. Uvjerena sam da jedemo mali postotak onoga što nam priroda nudi od namirnica, osobito kad je riječ o žitaricama, mahunarkama i sjemenkama. Prošla sam makrobiotičke edukacije i mnogo naučila o utjecaju hra-

ne na ljudsko tijelo, ali i kako prehranom regulirati neuravnoteženosti u ljudskom organizmu. Prije dvije godine odlučila sam svoja kulinarska iskustva podijeliti s ljudima na Instagramu, a prije godinu dana otvorila sam i svoj blog, uvjerena kako to pridonosi boljitku življenja šire zajednice. Kad nešto skuham, to i snimim, napišem popratni tekst na engleskom jeziku, na kojemu se osjećam opuštenijom i bolje se izražavam, a ima i širi domet, pa sve to stavim na Instagram. Pratitelji mi javljaju da osjećaju emociju, strast i priču, a ne samo puki recept. U tome je tajna uspješne komunikacije na društvenoj mreži: jelo, fotografija i popratni tekst moraju biti jedinstvena, dobro odmjerena i usklađena cjelina - kaže Maja. Fino i zdravo za svakoga Od svjetskih gradova najviše je lajkova, ali i komentara na Instagramu iz Londona, Zagreba, New Yorka i Melbournea, a Bangkok je na petome mjestu. Od država najviše je lajkova iz Sjedinjenih Država, Velike Britanije, Australije, Hrvatske i Njemačke. - Željela bih opovrgnuti predrasude o tome kako je zdrava prehrana skupa, dostupna samo malobrojnima, većini nedostižna. Tvrdim upravo suprotno: svatko može kuhati fino i zdravo, neovisno čak o materijalnim mogućnostima. Ali treba učiti, biti motiviran i marljiv u prikupljanju znanja i iskustva, nastojati biti najbolji u onome čime se baviš. Razmjena mišljenja i iskustava na društvenim mrežama u tome uvelike pomaže. U početku su ulaganja veoma velika, radi se isključivo za svoj gušt, ali ako si uspješan u onome što radiš, s vremenom se taj posao može

M. Laća

Zrakoplov je najsigurniji - Letenje zrakoplovom najsigurniji je prijevoz, a piloti su najosposobljeniji i najpouzdaniji vozači nekoga prijevoznog sredstva. U njih imam apsolutno povjerenje jer znam kako su školovani, pripremani na simulatorima i uvježbavani za svoj odgovoran posao. Sve što je vezano za letenje ima neki back up plan, neku pozadinsku rezervnu opciju, tako da se u zrakoplovu osjećam apsolutno sigurnom, kao malo gdje drugdje. Katkad se putnici, za jačih turbulencija zrakoplova u lošijim vremenskim uvjetima, kratkotrajno osjećaju malo nelagodno, ali u cockpitu, gdje je sve pod nadzorom, piloti su posve mirni i opušteni. U zrakoplovima nema pilota pod utjecajem alkohola ni neodgovornih vozača kakvi divljaju na našim cestama, a u zraku nema ni bliskih i rizičnih susreta. Nikad se nisam bojala letenja, ali - paradoksalno - strahujem od visina, nikad se ne bih usudila penjati na planinske visove! - kaže Maja. Profesionalno letjeti Maja je počela u dobi od devetnaest godina, a amaterski kuhati kad joj je bilo deset godina. I jedno i drugo, dakle, u ranoj dobi, i možda je upravo u tome odgovor na pitanje kako je u sebi spojila i pomirila dvije tako različite strasti i pretvorila ih u egzistencijalno-hobistički projekt kojim usrećuje sebe, ali i mnoštvo ljudi s kojima kao blogerica dijeli kulinarska iskustva, umijeća i kreativnost. Za razliku od većine djece, Maja je u najranijoj dobi u svome domu s užitkom jela sve što joj je bilo ponuđeno, čak i ono što se smatralo prehranom za odrasle, primjerice žablje krakove, zelenu manestru, crni rižoto itd. Roditelji su odmah shvatili da je riječ o pravoj bonkulovićki.


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i komercijalizirati - ističe Maja. Iako joj je otac Pero Gjurić poznati vinar u Konavlima, Maja nikad ne pije alkohol - jer ne paše joj. Živi zdravim životom, zdravo i fino se prehranjuje, redovito vježba i u 42. godini života doima se vrlo mladoliko i - sretno. Želimo li otkriti tajne njezina dobrog izgleda, zadovoljstva onime čime se bavi i strasti koje ulaže u svoj gastronomski projekt kulturu prehrane, dovoljno je pratiti njezin blog i Delicious and Healthy by Maya na Instagramu. Uvjerit ćemo se da i gastronomija može visoko letjeti, čak i kad je prizemljena u obiteljskoj kuhinji neke strastvene kuharice. 



t is immediately obvious that Maja Brekalo is in love with cooking and food, and is a true gourmet, who suggestively transfers her passion to the person she is talking to. She generously shares it with anyone interested on Instagram, where she has more than 100,000 followers. However, her blog is attracting increasing attention and has more and more fans every day. These two professions are completely different, but both require complete dedication to the job, maximum concentration and - positivity and emotional devotion. - I love my job as a flight attendant because it is interesting and dynamic, and it enables me to communicate with passengers in

different ways, but also with numerous colleagues - flight attendants and pilots, who constantly rotate their working schedules. My husband, Hrvoje, a graphic designer, and daughter Klara, are used to my professional rhythm, which is sometimes better for the family than standard working hours are, says Maja. Flight attendant loves to cook She and her older sister continued with high-school in Zagreb, while their parents remained in post-war Dubrovnik. It was these life’s circumstances that made Maja work on her culinary skills, which she gained in early childhood. After finishing high-


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school, the sisters enrolled in the Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology in Zagreb, but being ambitious and tending towards financial independence, Maja also secured a job at Croatia Airlines, which was difficult to combine with the specific obligations at that university, so she transferred to VERN. At the age of nineteen, Maja had determined her path in the airlines, freed from any fear of flying. Flying is the safest from of transport - Flying is the safest form of transport, and pilots are the most well-trained and most reliable operators of any vehicle in the world. I have complete faith in them because I know how they were instructed, prepared on simulators and trained for the responsibility of their jobs. When it comes to flying, everything has a back-up plan, a reserve option, so I feel absolutely safe while in a plane. Sometimes, during strong turbulence, as in bad weather, passengers feel unpleasant for a short period of time, but in the cockpit, everything is under control and the pilots are completely calm and relaxed. There are no drunk pilots flying planes, or irresponsible drivers like on our roads, and there are no close calls or risky manoeuvres in the sky. I have never been afraid of flying, but - ironically, I do have a fear of heights, and I would never dare climb a high mountain, says Maja. Maja started flying professionally at the age of nineteen, while her interest in amateur cooking started at age ten. Both interests came at an early age, and maybe therein lies the answer as to how she managed to bring two such different things together, turning them both into an existentialist/ hobbyist project, which not only makes her happy, but the numerous people she shares her culinary experience, skill and creativity with as a blogger as well. Unlike most children, from an early age, Maja ate whatever was offered at home with great pleasure, even things considered to be adult food, such as frog legs, green manestra, black risotto etc. Her parents immediately realised she was a true gourmet. Vegetables as inspiration - I often visited my relatives in Konavle, who ate very conventionally; they never used enough of the wonderful vegetables they cultivated and sold in Dubrovnik. I would return to Dubrovnik with these tasty and healthy vegetables, and use them to


prepare dishes I came up with myself, thereby diversifying the family menu. When my sister and I moved to Zagreb, cooking became my everyday ritual, and I usually took various recipes as inspiration for my own improvisations and culinary fantasies. My mother, Jele, who has taught me a lot about cooking, is a great cook, but she always sticks to her standard recipes and never improvises. My preferences are for tasty and healthy food. I like to try new flavours and explore the potential of various ingredients. It is all about the love of food and putting ingredients together in a creative way. Along the way, I have developed a passion for photography, so whatever I cook I also photograph with a professional camera and publish on my blog and to Instagram. I do not consider myself a follower of any particular diet, but I do not eat meat and eggs, which I have never liked. I eat much like the people did during the Republic of Ragusa, who consumed seasonal fruit and vegetables, integral cereals, legumes, nuts and fish, and usually only ate meat on Sundays and holidays. I am convinced we eat only a small percentage of what ingredients nature has to offer, especially when it comes to cereals, legumes and seeds. I have attended some macrobiotics classes and learned a lot about the effect of food on the human body, but also how to regulate any imbalances in the human body with food. Two years ago, I decided to share my culinary experience with people on Instagram, and a year ago, I started my own blog, convinced it would contribute to the better living of an entire community. Whenever I cook something, I photograph it and write a description in English before posting it to Instagram. In English, I can express myself better and gain a wider audience. Friends tell me they feel the emotion of my pictures,

the passion and story; it’s not merely a recipe. This, I believe, is the secret of successful communication on social networking sites: the dish, the photo and the text must be a unique and well-balanced combination, says Maja. Tasty and healthy for everyone As far as world cities go, most of her likes and comments on Instagram come from London, Zagreb, New York and Melbourne, while Bangkok comes fifth. In terms of countries, most likes come from the United States, Great Britain, Australia, Germany and Canada. I want to dispel the belief that healthy food is expensive, available only to the few, unattainable to most. I claim the exact opposite: anyone can prepare tasty and healthy food, regardless of financial status, but one must be willing to learn, be motivated and diligent in gathering knowledge and experience, and strive at being the best at what they do. The exchange of opinions and experience on social networking sites is a very helpful tool. At first, the investment is high and one does it only for personal satisfaction, but if you are successful at what you do, the work can be commercialized over time, Maja points out. Although her father, Pero Gjurić, is a wellknown wine maker in Konavle, Maja never drinks alcohol because she does not like it. She lives a healthy lifestyle, eats well, exercises regularly and seems very youthful and happy at 42 years of age. If we wish to learn the secret of her good looks, find pleasure in what she does, and feel the passion she invests in her culinary projects and culture of eating, it is enough to follow her blog, Delicious and Healthy, by Maya on Instagram. It might just succeed in convincing us that gastronomy can also fly high, even when it is grounded in the family kitchen of a passionate cook. î ?


Muzički biennale Music Biennale

Piše/By _ Ivana Hauser Fotografije/Photos _ MBZ arhiva/MBZ archive

Prolazite li Zagrebom svake neparne godine u proljeće, mogli biste naići na neobične zvukovne instalacije po gradskim trgovima, na entuzijastične mlade glazbenike koji na ulicama u interakciji s prolaznicima stvaraju umjetnost. Programi Muzičkog biennalea Zagreb sadržavaju najraznovrsnije projekte, od simfonijskih orkestara i komornih ansambala, eksperimentalnoga glazbenog teatra, suvremenog plesa, jazza, elektroničke pa sve do alternativne glazbene scene. A 29. muzički biennale Zagreb nastavlja istim produkcijskim tempom, donoseći bogati program od tridesetak koncerata tijekom osam dana trajanja. Umjetnici koji pristižu iz najrazličitijih europskih zemalja, te programi visokokvalitetne umjetničke vrijednosti čine Zagreb važnim središtem suvremene glazbe. Kako zvuče bajke iz glave mlade poljske operne skladateljice, što se dogodi kada se šest francuskih udaraljkaša posveti proučavanju japanske glazbe, zanimaju li vas glazbala za koje nikad niste čuli, kako zvuči klavirski koncert od samo 5 minuta i jeste li ikad imali priliku pogledati videooperu? Sve vas to čeka u travnju u Zagrebu. Više o programu 29. muzičkog biennalea Zagreb možete pročitati na If you happen to be in Zagreb in the spring of every odd year, you might encounter unusual sound installations at town squares, enthusiastic young musicians interacting with passers-by in the streets of Zagreb where they create their works of art. The Music Biennale Zagreb programme comprises diverse projects from symphony





orchestras and chamber ensembles, experimental music theater performances, contemporary dance, jazz, and electronic music to the alternative music scene. The 29th Music Biennale Zagreb continues this pace of production, bringing about an extensive programme of about thirty concerts during the eight days of the festival. The highly-artistic value of the programme, which includes artists from different European countries, once again put Zagreb on the map of important centers of contemporary music. How do fairy-tales sound when interpreted by a young Polish opera composer? What happens when six French percussionists devote themselves to the exploration of Japanese music? Would you like to find out what the instruments you’ve never heard of sound like, or listen to a piano concert the duration of which is only 5 minutes? Have you ever had a chance to

watch a video opera? All this awaits you in April in Zagreb! To learn more about the 29th Music Biennale Zagreb, visit 01 Soap Opera na MBZ-u 2015. Soap Opera, Music Biennale Zagreb, 2015 02 Ansambl biNg baNg BiNg Bang ensamble 03 Balet Kraljevi bogova, skladatelj: Tomislav Oliver koreograf: Pascal Touzeau, HNK, 2015. Ballet Kings of Gods, Composer: Tomislav Oliver Choreographer: Pascal Touzeau, HNK, 2015


KIC KLUB - kava, ploča, knjiga KIC CLUB - coffee, records, books Piše/By _ Ozren Kanceljak Fotografije/Photos _ Luka Smuk

Pripadate li nostalgičarima koji se sa sjetom sjećaju preslušavanja vinilnih ploča, ili ste jedan od hipstera zbog kojih je prodaja vinila jedini rastući segment svjetske diskografije, Zagreb odnedavno ima mjesto kamo možete doći, probrati među stotinama jazz, rock i soul-vinila onaj koji vama odgovara i pustiti ga da svira dok pijete kavu, čitate novine ili ćaskate s društvom. KIC Klub u Preradovićevoj ulici spaja doživljaj caféa s iskustvom knjižare, glazbene slušaonice i galerije. Uz kavu možete izabrati i pročitati knjigu iz velike knjižare, poslušati kultni jazz, soul ili rock-album iz pripadajuće fonoteke ili pogledati izložbu. Klub se nalazi u izlogu zagrebačkog Kluba Kulturno-informativnog centra i namijenjen je upravo druženju u vintage atmosferi koja na svaki mogući način podsjeća na intelektualne salone šezdesetih godina prošlog stoljeća. Osobito je zanimljiva gomila izloženih vinilnih ploča, jer riječ je o donaciji Kulturnom centru. Prostor je uredio kipar i scenograf Nedjeljko Mikac-Cak. If you are one of those nostalgic people who wistfully remember listening to vinyl records, or you are a hipster for whom the sales of vinyl records is still a growing segment of the world’s discography, then the recentlyopened KIC Club in Zagreb is the place for you to go to choose a record that you like among hundreds of jazz, rock and soul vinyls, and play it while sipping coffee, reading the newspaper or chatting with friends. KIC Club, on Preradovićeva Street, combines the experience of a café with that of a bookstore, music shop and gallery. While having coffee, you can choose and read a book from the large bookstore, listen to an iconic jazz,


soul or rock album from the associated music library or see an exhibition. The club is located in the shop window of the Zagreb Centre for Culture and Information and is designed precisely for socializing; its vintage style and ambience is in every possible way reminiscent of the intellectual salons of the sixties. Interestingly, the collection of exhibited vinyl records were a donation to KIC. The space was designed by Sculptor and Scenographer Nedjeljko Mikac-Cak.

01 Scenograf Nedjeljko Mikac - Cak uredio je prostor odajući počast velikanima zagrebačkog modernizma poput Richtera, Bernardija ili Srneca Scenographer Nedjeljko Mikac - Cak furbished the club as an homage to the greats of Croatian Modernism, such as Richter, Bernardi and Srnec


02 Posjetiteljima je omogućeno listati ili čitati knjigu s polica pripadajuće knjižare Visitors can flip through or read books from the associated library 03 U prostoru se preslušava isključivo jazz ili soul s nekoliko tisuća vinilnih ploča koje su izložene na zidnim policama In the club, only jazz or soul vinyl records, displayed on the wall shelves, are played 03




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Graffiti na Gradele Graffiti and Street Art Festival Piše/By _ Marko Boko Fotografije/Photos _ Arhiva/Archive Graffiti na Gradele



Graffiti na Gradele najveći je graffiti i street art festival u regiji. Iza ovog festivala, koji je proglašen najboljim boutique festivalom u Hrvatskoj u 2016. godini, stoji kolektiv mladih kreativaca, koji predvodi osnivač i organizator festivala Marko Boko. Kao i svakog ljeta Bol, malo dalmatinsko mjesto s jednom od najljepših plaža na svijetu, i ove će godine (od 27. do 29. srpnja) ugostiti danas najbolje i najaktivnije graffiti i street art umjetnike iz Hrvatske i Europe te mlade kreativce i glazbenike. Prije selidbe aktivnosti u južnije krajeve, kolektiv Graffiti na Gradele organizirat će i veliki koncert regionalnih rap-glazbenika 31. ožujka u zagrebačkom klubu Tvornica, a 28. travnja, u suradnji s orahovačkim festivalom Ferragosto JAM, u klubu Vintage Industrial Bar bit će organizirano cjelodnevno oslikavanje grafita, skateboard natjecanje te veliki koncert i DJ program. Kako bi put do Bola bio jednostavniji, pobrinuo se Croatia Airlines, koji izravnim letovima povezuje Brač i Zagreb. Više informacija o festivalu saznajte na Graffiti na Gradele Facebook i Instagram profilu.


Entering its sixth edition, Graffiti na Gradele is the largest graffiti and street art festival in the region. Behind the scenes of this festival, which was declared the best boutique festival in Croatia in 2016, there is a group of young creative people, led by founder and organizer Marko Boko. This year, as it does every summer, Bol, a small Dalmatian village which enjoys one of the most beautiful beaches in the world, will be, once again, hosting the best and most current graffiti and street art artists from around Croatia and Europe, and young creative people and musicians (July 27-29th). Before moving their activities to the south on March 31, the Graffiti na Gradele Group will be organising a big concert of regional rap musicians in Zagreb’s Club Tvornica (Factory), and on April 28, in collaboration with the Orahovica-based festival Ferragosto JAM, many events, which include all-day graffiti painting, a skateboard competition and a big concert and DJ program, will be taking place at the Vintage Industrial Bar. In order to make your journey to Bol as easy as possible, let us remind you that Croatia Airlines has direct flights connecting Brač and Zagreb on Tuesdays and Thursdays. More information about the festival can be

found on the Graffiti na Gradele Facebook page and Instagram profile.


01 Lunar, Chez i/and Sarme Autor/Author: Frane Balta 02 Lunar Autor/Author: Frane Balta 03 Festival lounge Autor/Author: Segor Garber


Tjedan dizajna Design Week

Fotografije/Photos _ Arhiva Tjedna dizajna / Design Week Archive 01

Tjedan dizajna Zagreb najveće je događanje za dizajn u Hrvatskoj. Tijekom šest dana, na više od pedeset lokacija diljem Zagreba, predstavlja se najbolji hrvatski i svjetski dizajn na izložbama, predavanjima i radionicama, u programu namijenjenome najširoj javnosti, a ujedno je jedini tjedan dizajna na svijetu, koji predstavlja i dizajn automobila. U čemu je problem? ovogodišnja je tema koja želi upozoriti na probleme dizajna u Hrvatskoj. Ove godine Austrija, kao zemlja partner, predstavit će suvremeni austrijski dizajn u sklopu Godine kulture Austrija - Hrvatska 2017. Središnja je lokacija Lauba, preuređena u muzej suvremene umjetnosti, gdje će biti organiziran pop - up market s nizom zanimljivosti - od prodajne izložbe na kojoj posjetitelji mogu kupiti najbolje dizajnirane hrvatske proizvode, pogledati projekcije dokumentarnih filmova o dizajnu i uživati u nastupima raznih DJ-a. Ne propustite u petak, 12. svibnja, i Noć dizajna, koja će se održati na više od pedeset partnerskih lokacija po središtu Zagrebu.

Zagreb Design Week is Croatia’s largest design event. For six days, at over fifty locations across the city, the event showcases the best in design through exhibitions, lectures, and workshops. The

01 Modna revija studenata Tekstilno tehnološkog fakulteta The fashion show of the students of the Faculty of Textile Technology 02 Izložba namještaja u Laubi Exhibition of furniture at Lauba 03 Konferencija Auto(R); Damir Antolović iz Rimac Automobila The Auto(R) conference; Damir Antolović from Rimac Automobili 02

program is open to the general public, it’s the only design-week event of its kind to include automotive design. What’s the problem? is this year’s theme which aims to highlight the problematic aspects of design in Croatia. This edition, Austria will be staging an exhibition on contemporary Austrian design as part of their year of culture with Croatia. The Lauba Gallery of Contemporary Art, is organizing a pop-up market with a wealth of interesting activities from product exhibits where visitors can buy the best products in Croatian design to documentary film viewings on design. Visitors will also be able to enjoy the performances of various DJs. Don’t miss out on Design Night set to take place on Friday, May 12th at 50 partner locations throughout the city. 03



Zagrebački mjehurići Zagreb Bubbles Piše/By _ Ozren Kanceljak Fotografije/Photos _ Arhiva/Archive Zagreb Bubbles

ZG Wine & Food novi je festival vina i gastronomije na kojem se očekuje sudjelovanje svih prominentnih hrvatskih vinara i restoratera. Održat će se od 26. svibnja do 11. lipnja na gonjogradskim lokacijama galerije Klovićevi dvori i platoa Gradec, poznatima i po najupečatljivijim pogledima na zagrebačku katedralu i Donji grad. U sklopu festivala, u subotu 3. lipnja premijerno se organizira i Zagreb Bubbles, posebna specijalizirana međunarodna smotra pjenušaca. Na hrvatskom je tržištu momentalno prisutno više od čak 500 pjenušavih vina; uz originalne francuske šampanjce (iz istoimene pokrajine) i talijanskih prosecca sve je veći broj i hrvatskih vinara koji su se odvažili primjeniti klasičnu metodu kojom se dobiva senzualno vino s mjehurićima. Tako se očekuje dolazak mnogobrojne radoznale publike željne kušanja i dobivanja informacija iz prve ruke o stanju i trendovima na domaćoj i međunarodnoj sceni pjenušaca. Na platou Gradec gostima će se u toku dva tjedna predstaviti 10-ak vodećih hrvatskih restorana i ugostitelja. Posebne su želje i cilj promocija hrvatskih vinskih regija pa je planirano svaku restoransku poziciju nadopuniti ponudom vina iz jedne od njih. Isto tako, ciljano će se promicati neki od hrvatskih autohtonih proizvoda kao što su npr. meso crne slavonske svinje, stonske kamenice, istarski pršut i maslinovo ulje i sl. Organizirat će se i bogat prateći zabavni program te koncerti poznatih izvođača, koji će u večernjim satima biti besplatni i otvoreni za javnost. ZG Wine & Food is a new festival of wine and gastronomy, with expected participation of renowned Croatian winemakers and caterers. It will be held from the 26th of May until the 11th of June 2017 at the Zagreb’s Upper Town




locations of the Klovićevi Dvori Gallery and the Gradec Plateau, known for having the most impressive view of the Zagreb Cathedral and the Lower Town. As part of the festival, on Saturday, the 3rd of June, Zagreb Bubbles, a special festival of sparkling wines will be organised for the first time. On the Croatian market, there are currently more than 500 sparkling wines; in addition to original French champagne (from the Champaign region) and Italian prosecco varieties, there are an increasing number of Croatian winemakers who have dared to apply the classical method in order to produce sensual bubbly wines. Numerous visitors wishing to taste and obtain first-hand information on the status and trends of the domestic and international sparkling wine scene are expected to attend. In the course of two weeks, about 10 leading Croatian restaurants and caterers will present their products to visitors of the Gradec Plateau.

01 Na terasi s najljepšim pogledom na katedralu, organizirat će se posebna gastro i vinska ponuda svih hrvatskih regija Gastronomic specialties and wines from all Croatian regions will be offered on the terrace, which boasts the most beautiful view of the Cathedral 02 Nekoliko stotina svjetskih i domaćih pjenušaca moći će se kušati u dvoranama Klovićevih dvora The tasting of hundreds of sparkling wines, both local and from around the world, will be organised at Klovićevi Dvori

It especially hopes to promote the Croatian wine regions, and thus, the exhibit area of each restaurant will be accompanied by wine offerings characteristic of one region. Also, certain original Croatian products will be promoted, such as Black Slavonian pig meat, oysters from Ston, smoked ham and olive oil from Istria, strawberries from Vrgorac and the like. There will also be a varied entertainment program that should appeal to a large number of visitors, which includes free concerts of famous performers open to the public in the evening hours.

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* Pogodnost vrijedi ako dobijete barem jednu milju za kupnju Croatia Airlines American Express karticom te ako karticu koristite barem tri mjeseca. CROATIA AIRLINES 4/2016 _ 115 ** Pogodnost vrijedi za prvu godinu korištenja, za pristupnice primljene od 20.1. do 15.4.2017. American Express ® je zaštićeni znak American Express Company. PBZ Card je ovlašteni izdavatelj American Express kartica u Hrvatskoj.




Dođite na Vinistru, kušajte istarska vina Come out to Vinistra, Enjoy Istrian Wine Piše/By _ Saša Špiranec Fotografije/Photos _ Arhiva/Archive Vinistra


Najdugovječnija izložba istarskih vina, Vinistra, a ujedno i najstarija specijalizirana aktivna vinska manifestacija u zemlji, i ove se godine održava u sportskoj dvorani Žatika u turističkom gradiću Poreču od 12. do 14. svibnja. Tijekom izložbe posjetiteljima na kušanje svoja vina nudi više od stotinu različitih istarskih vinara i desetak gostiju iz drugih vinskih regija. Osim vinara, predstavljaju se i proizvođači vinarske opreme te proizvođači raznih gastronomskih delicija. U sklopu trodnevne manifestacije održavaju se i brojne degustacije vina, a njihov sadržaj, i mogućnost prijave na pojedinu, možete pregledati preko službene web stranice Kao uvod u festivalski dio 24. Vinistre održava se i manifestacija Svijet malvazija, koja okuplja malvazije iz nekoliko europskih zemalja. Vrijeme u kojemu se događa taj vinski festival idealno je za posjet Istri, jer u to je doba u brojnim restoranima, konobama i seoskim turizmima sezona divljih šparoga, autentične gastronomske istarske delicije. The longest-running showcase of Istrian wines, Vinistra, which is also Croatia’s oldest, specialised wine event takes place at the Žatika Sports Arena in the tourist resort of Poreč, in the period from May 12-14, 2017. During the event, visitors are able to taste a variety of wines offered by over a hundred Istrian wine producers, as well as a dozen guests from other wine regions. During the three-day event equipment



manufacturers and producers of various gastronomic delicacies display their products and numerous wine tastings are held. You can check out the festival programme and apply for participation on the official website: Opening the festival part of Vinistra is the World of Malvasia event which attracts Malvasia producers from several European countries. The timing of the wine festival is ideal for a visit to Istria, because at this time of the year, in many restaurants, taverns and rural tourism facilities, you can enjoy wild asparagus, an authentic culinary delight of Istria.

01 Prizor iz dvorane Žatika u Poreču tijekom festivala Vinistra The Žatika Hall in Poreč during the Vinistra Festival 02 Brojne vinske radionice sastavni su dio programa Vinistre Numerous wine-making workshops are part of the Vinistra programme


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Zagreb i okolica / Zagreb and surroundings

društva likovnih umjetnika postavljena je ova izložba koja je rezultat suradnje američkog fotografa Sandra Millera te publici i struci omiljenoga glumca Johna Malkovicha. Izložba je fotografski projekt koji iznova kreira legendarne fotografije nastale tijekom povijesti tako da imitira tehnike i koristi se fotografskom opremom kojom je izvorna fotografija nastala. Dodatna vrijednost serije jest uloga Johna Malkovicha koji oponaša sve subjekte s izvornih fotografija. / The Bačva Gallery of the Croatian Association of Artists is featuring an exhibition which is the result of a collaboration between American Photographer Sandro Miller and Actor John Malkovich. The exhibition is a photography project in which legendary historic photos are recreated by imitating techniques and using the same photography equipment as the original photos. What’s appealing about this series is John Malkovich’s role, as he imitates all subjects from the original photos. 9.3. - 23. 4. IZLOŽBA SVE NAŠE ŽIVOTINJE/ ALL OUR ANIMALS EXHIBITION Ova izložba predstavlja uglavnom antologijske radove iz bogatog fundusa Moderne galerije kao i odabrana djela iz drugih muzejsko-galerijskih institucija u Hrvatskoj. Izbor djela prikazuje odnos čovjeka i umjetnika prema životinji, odnosno njihovu dublju povezanost. / The Exhibition



presents mostly anthological work from the Modern Gallery’s holdings as well as selected works from other museums and galleries throughout Croatia. The selection of works shows the relationship between man as artist and animals, as well as their deeper bond.

pojavljuje potkraj devedesetih. Neobičnim kombiniranjem različitih glazbenih stilova kreirao je potpuno novi glazbeni žanr electro-swing, koji ga pretvara u zvijezdu nove scene. / Parov Stelar - Austrian musician, producer and DJ, who has been on the music scene since the late 90’s, will be performing at Zagreb’s Dom Sportova as part of his The Burning Spider Tour. With an unusual mix of various music styles, he has created an entirely new genre of electro-swing, which has transformed him into a major star of the new scene.

Osijek i okolica / Osijek and surroundings

Rijeka i okolica / Rijeka and surroundings

23.3. Osijek KONCERT ANE RUCNER / A CONCERT BY ANA RUCNER U Hrvatskom narodnom kazalištu u Osijeku Ana Rucner održat će humanitarni koncert pod nazivom 15 godina ljubavi za radost djece u Baranji. Odsvirat će svoje najizvođenije skladbe koje su obilježile njezinih petnaest godina na sceni. / The Croatian National Theatre in Osijek will be the venue for a humanitarian concert titled 15 Years of Love for the Joy of Children in Baranja. Ana Rucner performs her greatest hits, which have marked her fifteen years on the scene.

8. - 9.4., Opatija FESTIVAL KAVE / A COFFEE FESTIVAL Festival predstavlja jedan od najomiljenijih aromatičnih napitaka spravljen na najmaštovitije načine. Uz pijenje najkvalitetnije kave i kušanje slastica na bazi kave, festival nudi i popratna događanja. / This festival presents one of the world’s most favourite aromatic beverages prepared in the most imaginative ways. Apart from the best coffee and coffeebased sweet treats, the festival also boasts other interesting, concurrent events.


Zagreb i okolica / Zagreb and surroundings 7.4. PAROV STELAR PONOVNO U HRAVATSKOJ / PAROV STELAR ONCE AGAIN IN CROATIA U zagrebačkom Domu sportova, u sklopu turneje The Burning Spider, nastupit će Parov Stelar, austrijski glazbenik, producent i DJ, koji se na glazbenoj sceni

Split i okolica / Split and surroundings 13.- 14. 4., otok Hvar PROCESIJA ZA KRIŽEN / FOLLOWING THE CROSS PROCESSION Punih pet stoljeća Hvarani na poseban način slave Uskrs - procesijom Za Križen. Jedinstven je to obred pobožnosti te izraz vjerskoga i kulturnog identiteta stanovnika središnjeg dijela otoka Hvara. U noći s Velikog četvrtka na Veliki petak procesija povezuje šest mjesta otoka: Jelsu, Pitve, Vrisnik, Svirče, Vrbanj i Vrbosku.

Okosnica je procesije Gospin plač, tekst iz 15. stoljeća, koji u formi glazbenog dijaloga pjevaju izabrani pjevači, kantaduri. / For five centuries, the locals of Hvar have celebrated Easter in a special way - in a following the cross procession. It is a unique religious ritual and an expression of religious and cultural identity of citizens in the central part of the Island of Hvar. On the night between Maundy Thursday and Good Friday, the procession connects six towns on the island: Jelsa, Pitve, Vrisnik, Svirče, Vrbanj and Vrboska. The framework of the procession is Gospin Plač, a 15th century text sung in a form of musical dialogue by selected singers - the kantaduri. Dubrovnik i okolica / Dubrovnik and surroundings

Split i okolica / Split and surroundings

pjesme. Predstavit će se ponajbolje hrvatske muške, ženske i mješovite klape, koje njeguju izvorno klapsko pjevanje bez instrumentalne pratnje. This festival is not to be missed by fans of klapa singing. It will feature performances by the best Croatian male, female and mixed klapa ensembles, which nurture indigenous music without any instrumental backup.


Zagreb i okolica / Zagreb and surroundings

17.-23. 4., Dubrovnik 4. DUBROVNIK FESTWINE Taj regionalni vinski festival Dubrovačko-neretvanske županije promiče autohtone sorte Dubrovačko-neretvanske županije i vinske kulture. Ove godine festival će okupiti vodeće proizvođače i distributere vina iz Hrvatske i okolnih zemalja. / The regional wine festival of the Dubrovnik-Neretva County promotes autochthonous, local sorts and wine culture. This year, the festival will bring together leading wine makers and distributers from Croatia and neighbouring countries. 28. - 30. 4., Dubrovnik 6. AKLAPELA FESTIVAL Taj je festival nezaobilazan događaj za ljubitelje klapske

16.5. DEEP PURPLE U ARENI ZAGREB / DEEP PURPLE AT ARENA ZAGREB U početku travnja Deep Purple objavljuje novi album inFinite, a sredinom svibnja europsku turneju pod nazivom The Long Goodbye Tour započet će u zagrebačkoj Areni i nastupiti pred hrvatskim fanovima. / In early April, Deep Purple are releasing their latest album, inFinite, and starting their European tour, named The Long Goodbye, in front of local audiences at Arena Zagreb in mid-May. Pula i okolica / Pula and surroundings 12.-14.5. VINISTRA Tijekom tri dana ove međunarodne izložbe ljubitelji

vina mogu kušati i istražiti istarski vinski svijet. Izložba se već tradicionalno održava u Poreču i svake godine izaziva veće zanimanje. Osim vina, na Vinistri se ocjenjuju maslinova ulja i rakije. / During the three days of this international exhibition, wine aficionados can taste and explore the wine world of Istria. The exhibition traditionally takes place in Poreč, and attracts increasing interest each year. Apart from wine, Vinistra also features an evaluation of olive oils and rakija. Zadar i okolica / Zadar and surroundings 8.5., Zadar GLOBALNA UTRKA WINGS FOR LIFE / WINGS FOR LIFE GLOBAL RACE Utrka Wings for Life World Run održava se na šest kontinenata i trideset četiri lokacije. Svi sudionici trče istodobno. Ove će godine utrka biti rekordna, a uplaćeni iznos startnine namijenjen je zakladi Wings for Life, koja prikuplja novčana sredstva za provođenje istraživanja radi pronalaska lijeka za leđnu moždinu. / The Wings for Life World Run is taking place at thirty four locations across six continents. All participants run at the same time. This year’s race will be record-breaking, with all starting fees being donated to the Wings for Life Foundation, which raises money for spinal cord research.

1.- 31.5., Hvar HVARSKE LJETNE PRIREDBE / HVAR SUMMER PERFORMANCES Grad Hvar ponosan je na svoje nasljeđe i ljepote cijelog otoka te je tijekom ljetnih mjeseci domaćin mnogim kazališnim skupinama, glazbenicima i folklornim sastavima iz Hrvatske i inozemstva. / The City of Hvar is proud of its heritage and the beauties of the entire island, and throughout the summer months, it hosts numerous theatre groups, musicians and folklore ensembles from all over Croatia and abroad.


Zagreb i okolica / Zagreb and surroundings 2.6. PAT METHENY U LISINSKOM/ PAT METHENY AT LISINSKI Koncertna dvorana Vatroslava Lisinskog u Zagrebu ugostit će u lipnju Pata Methenyja, jednoga od najboljih svjetskih gitarista svih vremena. Metheny je svestrani glazbenik, skladatelj i gitarist vrhunske tehnike, maštovite improvizacije i originalnog zvuka, koji je u svojoj dugogodišnjoj karijeri postigao veliku popularnost te osvojio brojne nagrade i priznanja, uključujući 20 Grammyja u različitim kategorijama. / In June, the Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall in Zagreb will be host to one of the best guitarists of all time, Pat Metheny. A versatile musician, composer and guitarist with top-class technique, imaginative improvisation skills and an original sound, Metheny has gained great popularity throughout his career, and has won numerous awards -including 20 Grammies in different categories.


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Regatta taking place on the route between Rijeka and Omišalj. It is an event not to be missed for all fans of competitive sailing.

5.- 10.6. ANIMAFEST ZAGREB 2017. Svjetski festival animiranog filma nastao na tradiciji poznate Zagrebačke škole crtanog filma. Od osnutka 1972. godine svojim natjecateljskim programima, retrospektivom, prezentacijom, izložbama, predavanjima i ostalim popratnim sadržajima pridonosi likovnom životu svoga grada te promidžbi animacije u cijelom svijetu. / This is a globally-renowned festival of animated film, based on the tradition of the Zagreb School of Animated Film. Established in 1972, its competitive programs, retrospectives, presentations, exhibitions, lectures and other concurrent goings-on have contributed to the artistic life of the city, and the promotion of animation art across the world. 13.-18. 6. 2. DESIGN DISTRICT ZAGREB Taj je festival prošle godine u zagrebačkoj Martićevoj ulici i njezinoj neposrednoj okolici obišlo više od trideset tisuća posjetitelja. Bogati program uključivat će izložbe u eksterijeru i interijeru, instalacije i intervencije u javnom prostoru, stručna vodstva po arhitektonskim znamenitostima četvrti, vrijedne i poticajne natječaje, radionice, rasprave i okrugle stolove, sajam knjiga i literarne večeri, glazbene i zabavne sadržaje te široku gastronomsku ponudu uz nova iznenađenja. / Last year, this festival, which took place on Martićeva Street and its


surrounding area, was visited by more than thirty thousand people. This year, a diverse program will include outdoor and indoor exhibitions, installations and interventions in public places; specialist guidance of architectural landmarks in the neighbourhood; valuable and inspiring contests, workshops, discussions and round tables; book fairs and literary evenings; music and other entertainment events, as well as a diverse gastronomic offering with many new surprises. 19.- 21.6. INMUSIC FESTIVAL INmusic festival najveći je open-air festival u Hrvatskoj. Održava se potkraj lipnja na Jarunskom jezeru. Na više pozornica nastupaju izvođači koji izvode rock, pop, world music, elektroničku glazbu... / The INmusic Festival is the largest open-air festival in Croatia. It takes place in late June at Jarun Lake. Several stages feature concerts by performers of rock, pop, world music, electronic music… Rijeka i okolica / Rijeka and surroundings 8.-11.6., Rijeka 18. FIUMANKA Jedanput godišnje iz svih krajeva svijeta okupljaju se jedriličari na regati Velika Fiumanka, koja se održava na ruti Rijeka - Omišalj. To je nezaobilazan događaj za ljubitelje jedrenja. / Sailors from all over the world gather once a year at the Velika Fiumanka

15. 6., Rijeka PROSLAVA BLAGDANA SV. VIDA / ST. VITUS CELEBRATIONS Svake godine 15. lipnja obilježava se blagdan sv. Vida, zaštitnika Rijeke, kad se u crkvi održava bogoslužje uz hodočašće. Također, u gradu se održavaju različite sportske, kulturne i zabavne manifestacije. / June 15th of every year is the day of St. Vitus, patron saint of Rijeka, when the church holds a service and pilgrimage. On this day, the city plays host to various sporting, cultural and entertainment events. 9.- 11.6.,Ogulin OGULINSKI FESTIVAL BAJKE/ THE OGULIN FAIRY TALE FESTIVAL Ogulinci, svake godine u čast Ivani Brlić Mažuranić, popularnoj spisateljici bajki koje rado čitaju djeca mnogih naraštaja, priređuju ovaj festival što njihov grad pretvara u svijet bajke. / The citizens of Ogulin organize this festival, which turns their city into a fairy tale world in honour of Ivana Brlić Mažuranić, the popular writer of fairy tales - stories which have been read by children over numerous generations. Zadar i okolica / Zadar and surroundings 5.-10.6., Starigrad-Paklenica TRAGOVIMA WINNETOUA / IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF WINNETOU Doživite lokaciju na kojoj se snimao legendarni serijal o hrabrom poglavici Winnetouu i uživajte u prirodnim ljepotama, okušajte se u jahanju, sjednite uz logorsku vatru i kušajte razne delicije. / Experience the

sites where the legendary series about a brave Indian Chief named Winnetou, was filmed, and enjoy the natural beauties of each location, have a go at horseback riding, sit by a campfire and taste various specialties. Split i okolica / Split and surroundings 15.6., Split FESTIVAL ULIČNIH ZABAVLJAČA / THE FESTIVAL OF STREET ENTERTAINERS Na međunarodnom festivalu uličnih zabavljača, umjetnici i performeri neformalnoga umjetničkog izražavanja iz mnogih zemalja zabavit će goste i građane Splita na više lokacija u gradu (Riva, Marmontova, Peristil, Narodni trg). Gradski trgovi oživjet će uz ugodne zvukove glazbala i smijeh zabavljača i posjetitelja./ During this international festival, street entertainers, artists and performers from numerous countries, and their casual form of artistic expression, entertain the citizens and guests of Split at several locations across the city (Riva, Marmontova Street, Peristil, The National Square). The city squares come to life with pleasant sounds of various musical instruments and laughter of performers and visitors. Dubrovnik i okolica / Dubrovnik and surroundings 15. - 18. 6., Dubrovnik LE PETIT FESTIVAL DU THEATRE Tijekom ovog festivala predstavljaju se umjetnici iz cijeloga svijeta. Svake godine podiže se zastor otkrivajući kreacije talentiranih pjesnika, glumaca i plesača. / This is an event which brings together artists from the whole world. Each year a curtain is lifted to reveal creations by talented poets, actors and dancers.



To je Hrvatska Re­pu­bli­ka Hrvat­ska smjeπte­na je uz istoË­ nu oba­lu Ja­dran­skog mo­ra i u nje­go­vu za­le­u. Pro­teæe se od obro­na­ka Al­pa na sje­ve­ro­za­pa­du do pa­non­ske rav­ni­ce na isto­ku. Povrπina je nje­zi­na kop­na 56.542 Ëe­tvor­na ki­lo­me­tra, a povrπina te­ri­to­ rijalnog mo­ra 31.067 Ëe­tvor­nih ki­lo­me­ta­ra. U Hrvatskoj æivi, pre­ma po­pi­su iz 2011. go­di­ne, 4,284.889 stanovnika. Duæina je mor­ske oba­le 5835 km za­jed­no s oto­ci­ma, oto­Ëi­Êi­ma i gre­be­ni­ma. Oto­ka, oto­Ëi­Êa i gre­be­na ima 1185, a na­se­lje­no je 47 oto­ka. Sluæbe­ni je­zik je­st hrvat­ski, a pi­smo la­ti­niË­ no. Nov­Ëa­na je­di­ni­ca − ku­na. Glav­ni je grad Za­greb (790.017 sta­nov­ ni­ka), ko­ji je ujed­no ad­mi­ni­s­tra­tiv­no, kul­tur­no, aka­dem­sko i trgo­vaË­ko sre­diπte zem­lje. Hrvat­ska je međunarodno priznata 15. siječnja 1992. godine, a od 1. srpnja 2013. g. Ëlanica je Europske unije. This is Croatia The Re­pu­blic of Cro­a­tia li­es along the ea­st co­a­st of the Adri­a­tic Sea and its hin­ter­land. It stret­ches from the slo­pes of the Al­ps in the nor­th-we­st to the Pan­no­ni­an Pla­in in the ea­st. Its land area is 56,542 km2 and the area of its ter­ri­to­ri­al sea is 31,067 km2. According to the 2011 cen­sus, Cro­at­ia’s popu­la­ti­on was 4,284,889. The len­gth of its sea co­a­st is 5835 km, in­clu­ding islan­ds, islets and re­efs. The­re are 1185 islan­ds, islets and re­efs, of which 47 islan­ds are in­ha­bi­ted. The of­fi­ci­al lan­gu­a­ge is Cro­a­ti­an, and the of­fi­ ci­al script is La­tin. The cur­ren­cy is the Ku­na. The ca­pi­tal is Za­greb (790,017 in­ha­bi­tan­ts), which is al­so the co­un­try’s ad­mi­ni­s­tra­ti­ve, cul­tu­ral, aca­de­mic and eco­no­mic cen­ter. The Con­sti­tu­ti­on of the Re­pu­blic of Cro­a­tia was adop­ted on 22 De­cem­ber 1990, and the co­untry re­ce­i­ved in­ter­na­ti­o­nal re­cog­ni­ti­ on on 15 Ja­nu­ary 1992. Croatia became an EU member state on 1st July 2013. Nacionalni parkovi ­­Hrvat­ska ima osam na­ci­o­nal­nih par­ko­va, od kojih su Ëe­ti­ri u pla­nin­skom po­dru­Ëju (Pa­kle­ni­ca, Pli­tviËka je­ze­ra, Ri­snjak i Sje­ ver­ni Ve­le­bit), a Ëe­ti­ri na obal­nom po­dru­Ëju (Bri­ju­ni, Kor­na­ti, Krka i Mljet). Nji­ma, kao


pro­stor oso­bi­to vri­jed­ne pri­rod­ne baπti­ne, tre­ba pri­do­da­ti i po­dru­Ëja pod stro­gom zaπti­tom pri­ro­de, re­zer­va­te, spo­me­ni­ke pri­ro­de, par­ko­ve pri­ro­de. Zbog svih njih Hrvat­sku mno­gi sma­tra­ju jed­nim od naj­ ljepπih eu­rop­skih vrto­va. National parks Cro­a­tia has eig­ht na­ti­o­nal par­ks, fo­ur of which are lo­ca­ted in the mo­un­ta­in re­gi­on (Pa­kle­ni­ca, Pli­tvi­ce La­kes, Ri­snjak and Nor­ thern Ve­le­bit), and fo­ur in the co­a­stal re­gi­on (Bri­ju­ni, Kor­na­ti, Krka and Mljet). Be­si­des the­se, cer­ta­in are­as un­der strict na­tu­re pro­ tec­ti­on ∑ re­ser­ves, na­tu­ral mo­nu­men­ts and na­tu­ral par­ks ∑ sho­uld be men­ti­o­ned as a na­tu­ral he­ri­ta­ge of spe­ci­al va­lue. They ha­ve all con­tri­bu­ted to Cro­a­tia’s be­ing con­si­de­red one of the mo­st be­a­u­ti­ful gar­dens of Eu­ro­pe. Proπlost za sadaπnjost Hrvat­ska obi­lu­je kul­tur­no-po­vi­je­snim spo­ me­ni­ci­ma iz svih ra­zdob­lja, zbog bur­nih po­vi­je­snih zbi­va­nja i pre­ple­ta­nja utje­ca­ja ra­zli­Ëi­tih kul­tu­ra. Nje­zi­nu oba­lu ka­rak­te­ri­ zi­ra­ju utje­ca­ji me­di­te­ran­ske kul­tu­re, mno­gi an­tiË­ki spo­me­ni­ci, spo­me­ni­ci iz rim­skog ra­zdob­lja i ra­no­ga sred­njeg vi­je­ka, ro­ma­ niË­ko-sa­kral­na baπti­na te niz oËu­va­nih ka­rak­te­ri­stiË­nih me­di­te­ran­skih ur­ba­nih cje­li­na. Kon­ti­nen­tal­na Hrvat­ska dio je sred­ njo­e­u­rop­sko­ga kul­tur­nog kru­ga i isti­Ëe se mno­gim pra­po­vi­je­snim na­la­zi­ma sv­jet­ ske vaæno­sti, sta­rim gra­do­vi­ma, utvrda­ ma i dvor­ci­ma ka­sno­ga sred­njeg vi­je­ka, kul­tur­nim spo­me­ni­ci­ma i ar­hi­tek­tu­rom iz ra­zdob­lja ba­ro­ka. Tri hrvat­ske ur­ba­ne cje­li­ne i dva spo­me­ niË­ka kom­plek­sa ima­ju sta­tus spo­me­ni­ka sv­jet­ske kul­tur­ne baπti­ne, ko­ji do­dje­lju­je Une­sco. To su ka­sno­an­tiË­ka Di­o­kle­ci­ja­no­ va pa­la­Ëa, pre­gra­e­na ti­je­kom sto­lje­Êa u sred­njov­je­kov­ni Split, gra­do­vi Du­brov­nik i Tro­gir te Eu­fra­zi­je­va ba­zi­li­ka u Po­re­Ëu i ka­te­dra­la sv. Ja­ko­va u ©ibe­ni­ku. Na­ci­o­nal­ni park Pli­tviË­ka je­ze­ra, naj­ljepπi i najpozna­ti­ji hrvat­ski na­ci­o­nal­ni park, ta­ko­ er je dio Une­sco­ve Sv­jet­ske baπti­ne. A past for the present Cro­a­tia is rich in cul­tu­ral and hi­sto­ri­cal monuments from all eras, due to the tur­bu­

lent even­ts of hi­story and the in­ter­la­cing of in­flu­en­ces of dif­fe­rent cul­tu­res. Its co­a­st is cha­rac­te­ri­zed by the in­flu­ences of Me­di­ter­ ra­ne­an cul­tu­re, nu­me­ro­us an­ci­ent re­ma­ins, mo­nu­men­ts of the Ro­man era and ear­ly Mid­dle Ages, a Ro­ma­ne­sque chur­ch he­ri­ta­ ge and a num­ber of di­stin­cti­ve Me­di­ter­ra­ne­ an ur­ban en­ti­ti­es that ha­ve be­en pre­ser­ ved. Inland Cro­a­tia is a part of the Cen­tral Eu­ro­pe­an cul­tu­ral circle and is di­stin­gu­i­shed by nu­me­ro­us pre­hi­sto­ric fin­din­gs of wor­ld sig­ni­fi­cance, by old tow­ns, for­tre­sses and ca­s­tles da­ting from the la­te Mid­dle Ages, and cul­tu­ral mo­nu­men­ts and ar­chi­tec­tu­re from the Ba­ro­que era. Three Cro­a­ti­an ci­ti­es and two mo­nu­men­tal com­-ple­xes ha­ve the sta­tus of mo­nu­men­ts of wor­ld cul­tu­ral he­ri­ta­ge ac­cor­ded by UNE­ SCO. The­se are the La­te An­ti­que Pa­la­ce of Di­o­cle­ti­an, re­mo­de­led thro­ugh the cen­tu­ri­es in­to the me­di­e­val city of Split, the ci­ti­es of Du­brov­nik and Tro­gir, the Ba­si­li­ca of Eup­hra­ si­us in Po­reË and the Cat­he­dral of St. Jacob in ©ibe­nik. The na­ti­o­nal park of the Pli­tvi­ce La­kes, Cro­ a­tia’s mo­st be­a­u­ti­ful and ce­le­bra­ted na­ti­o­nal park, is al­so a part of UNE­SCO’s wor­ld he­ri­ta­ge. Hrvatska - turistiËki hit na Sredozemlju Hrvat­ska je po­sljed­njih go­di­na − ocje­nju­ju meu­na­rod­ni tu­ri­stiË­ki znal­ci i sta­ti­sti­Ëa­ri − hit-odre­di­πte na Sre­do­zem­lju. Hrvat­ska je bli­zu ne sa­mo zbog svoga geograf­skog smještaja, ne­go i zbog mreæe zraË­nih lu­ka i kva­li­tet­nih uslu­ga na­ci­o­nal­ nog avi­o­pri­je­vo­zni­ka Croatia Air­li­ne­sa te dru­gih zraË­nih pri­je­vo­zni­ka. I zbog svoje mreæe au­to­ce­sta i po­lu­a­u­to­ce­sta Hrvat­ska je bliæa ne­go ikad. Ako ste pak oda­bra­li od­mor na jed­no­me od mno­gih hrvat­skih oto­ka, pri­je­voz tra­jek­tom ili hi­dro­gli­se­rom s kop­na tra­jat Êe − i kad su po­sri­je­di oni na­ju­da­lje­ni­ji − kraÊe od 2 sa­ta. Croatia - a Mediterranean tourism success Cro­a­tia has be­en a hit de­sti­na­ti­on in the Me­ di­ter­ra­ne­an in the pa­st few ye­ars, say sta­ti­ sti­ci­ans and in­ter­na­ti­o­nal ex­per­ts in to­u­ri­sm. Croatia is close not only because of its geographic position, but also because of

its network of airports and the top quality services provided by Croatia Airlines, its national carrier, as well as other airliners. Also, due to its network of highways and semi-motorways, Croatia is closer than ever. If you have decided to spend your vacation on any one of the numerous islands in Croatia, even the most distant ones, it will take less than 2 hours by ferry or hydrofoil from the mainland. Novac i naËin plaÊanja Ku­na je na­ziv nov­Ëa­ne je­di­ni­ce Re­pu­bli­ ke Hrvat­ske. U op­tje­ca­ju su nov­Ëa­ni­ce

ku­na (kn) i ko­va­ni no­vac ku­na i li­pa (lp), (100 li­pa = 1 ku­na). Mo­gu­Êe je pla­Êa­nje kre­dit­nim kar ­ti­ca­ma (Di­ners, Vi­sa, Ame­ ri­can Ex­pre­ss, Eu­ro­card i Ma­ster­card) i eu­ro­Ëe­ko­vi­ma. No­vac se moæe po­di­za­ti i na ban­ko­ma­ti­ma.

card), as well as eu­ro-chec­ks. Ca­sh can be wit­hdrawn from AT­Ms.

Currency and payment methods The cur­ren­cy of the Re­pu­blic of Cro­a­tia is cal­led the Ku­na (kn). In cir­cu­la­ti­on are ban­kno­tes in Ku­na and co­ins in Ku­na and Li­pa (lp) ∑ one hun­dred­th. Pay­men­ts can be ma­de by cre­dit card (Di­ners, Vi­sa, Ame­ri­can Ex­pre­ss, Eu­ro­card and Ma­ster­

ZEMLJOVID HRVATSKE MAP OF CROATIA Odrediπta Croatia Airlinesa Croatia Airlines destinations stalna / regular sezonska ljetna / seasonal in summer

motorway, fast roads toll station tunnel, bridge other main roads national parks nature parks international border crossing petrol stations (0-24) airports ferry routes UNESCO World Heritage


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Piše/By _ Dubravka Belas

Fotografije/Photos _ Alan Grubelić


AVIONI SA SRCEM I DU©OM AIRPLANES WITH HEART AND SOUL Zračnih luka ne bi bilo bez zračnih brodova. S tih mjesta sastanaka i opraštanja, s njihovih stajanki i platformi, s njihovih dokova i pristaništa otiskuju se veliki zračni brodovi. Zrakoplovi. There would be no airports without airships. From these places of welcomes and farewells, their aprons and platforms, docks and piers, giant aircraft get off the ground.


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Tu negdje, zacijelo ćete prepoznati i trobojne kvadratiće na repu punačkog Airbusa i vitkoga Dasha Croatia Airlinesa, tih komadića hrvatskoga tla na mnogim europskim aerodromima. Somewhere there, you will surely recognize the tri-coloured squares on the tails of Croatia Airlines’ aircraft: the fuller Airbus model and the lank Dash model - little pieces of Croatia found in many airports across Europe.


ao i svi drugi brodovi, i oni zračni imaju svoju dušu, svoja vlastita imena, svoju neobičnu abecedu, koja zvuči tako tajnovito, tako kodirano: alpha, bravo, charlie, zulu, whiskey. Ponekad im posade tepaju, prema prvom slovu njihova koda, zovu ih Julka umjesto Juliette, Urša umjesto Uniform… Imaju svoj jezik, svoj žargon, svoju frazeologiju koja nešto govori samo poznavateljima tih brodova, koji plove zrakom. A kad pristanu, okruže ih sa svih strana, opslužuju ih, hrane, napajaju strujom, kerozinom, čiste ih, peru, oporavljaju, njeguju, ponekad i liječe. A mi, kad za lijepa dana na nebu ugledamo nestalan, pjenušav trag zrakoplova i uhvatimo njegov metalni odbljesak, poželimo da smo u njemu... Nadlijećete pamučne grude oblaka, za koje ste nekad vjerovali da su meki jastuci na kojima se možete odmoriti, uz koje se može pristati i igrati kao na snijegu. Sve dok letjelice nisu razotkrile tu lijepu, dječju iluziju, onako kako su razotkrile i čaroliju nestalnog mjeseca. Pradavni čovjekov san - vinuti se uvis poput ptice - ostvaren je danas tako uspješno, tako doslovno, tako potpuno. Još od legende o suncem otopljenim krilima nesretnog Ikara koji je prerano stremio višem, preko Homo volansa Fausta Vrančića do Leonardovih letećih strojeva koji se nikada neće odvojiti od tla. Tajna se na kraju pokazala začudno jednostavnom: potisak, uzgon, krilo, napadni kut. I to je sve. Hvala Vam, gospodine Lilienthale. Vama, koji ste mislili da izumjeti avion nije ništa osobito, da je sagraditi ga već nešto, ali da je letjeti njime jednostavno sve. To je sva čarolija koja danas uvis podiže divove teške više stotina tona, strogo kontrolirano, lakše i učinkovitije nego leteće zmajeve ili modele koje ste kao djeca radili od balze. Čekaju na vas na stajankama, na platformama, obasjani suncem ili izranjajući iz magle, otvorenih vrata, mokri od kiše ili posljednjih pahulja snijega, uglačani brzinom. Lijepi, sjajni, metalni kondori uvijek raširenih krila, spremni da vas ponesu u čarobnu avanturu leta. Ono slatko iščekivanje na početku piste, ona silovita grmljavina snažnih motora koja se pojačava u mjestu da bi vas zatim zaletom utisnula u sjedalo, podigla u uspon kojemu se trebate samo prepustiti. Dok s visine razabirete predjele koje nadlijećete, pratite duboko dolje, ispod

punog avionskog trbuha, sjenu svoje letjelice, neuhvatljivu dječju igračku. Između krpica oblaka, nad širokom rijekom, srebrnom zmijom koja se ljeska u sutonu, nad snijegom zaprašenim planinskim vrhom nalik na kolač posut šećerom u prahu, nad zelenim i modrim oceanom, suhim okerom pustinja, jednostavno znate da će sve biti u redu, da je sve baš kako treba biti. Jer, ondje gore, među oblacima, munjama, među snažnim vjetrovima, vašu sjajnu nebesku kočiju često vuče više od 100.000 vatrenih, mišićavih konja, zaduženih da vas sigurno spuste na odredište. 


ike all other ships, these ships of the air have their own soul, their own name, their own unusual alphabet, a form of coded communication that sounds so secretive to the untrained ear: alpha, bravo, charlie, zulu, whiskey. Sometimes the crew fondly mispronounce the first letters of the coded words, delivering utterances like Julka instead of Juliette, Urša instead of Uniform…


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They have their own language, their own jargon, their own phrasing which only those well-versed in airships can decipher. Upon landing, these ships are surrounded from all sides, serviced, fed, supplied with power and kerosene, cleaned, washed, recovered, nurtured and sometimes repaired. When we, as spectators, look up into the sky on a beautiful day, and see the fleeting cloud-like trails of an aircraft and its metallic underbelly agleam, we can’t help but wish we were inside one. Flying over the cotton-ball clouds, which you once believed were soft pillows to rest on, to embark on and play in like in snow, is a ship of the air, which soon dispells your beautiful childhood illusion, the same way the magic of the changing moon was dispelled. Today, the man’s ancient dream of being able to soar in the air like a bird has been achieved, successfully, literally, completely. From the legend of Icarus flying too close to the sun and melting his wings, to the flying man of Faust Vrančić to Leonardo da Vinci’s flying machines which never left the ground. In the end, the secret to airships has proven to be

Desetak tisuća metara dijeli nas od pustolovine, od bijega iz poznatoga, iz rutine, iz svakodnevice. Ondje gore, iznad magle, kiše i oblaka, odvija se posve zaseban život... Ten thousand metres separate us from an adventure, an escape from the familiar, the routine, the daily grind. Up there, above the fog, rain, and clouds, there is another world, separate and distinct...


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surprisingly simple: thrust, lift, wing, angle of attack. And that’s all! Thank you, Mr. Lilienthal. You, who said that inventing an aircraft was nothing special, that building one was something, flying one was everything. This is all the magic required to lift these

giant crafts weighing more than a hundred tons; they are more controlled, easier and more efficient than kites or model flying contraptions that you made from balsa wood as children. They wait for you on the aprons, the platforms, basking in the sun

or emerging from the fog, doors open, wet from the rain or the last snowflakes beaten to a pulp by high rates of speed. Beautiful, brilliant metal condors with out-stretched wings, ready to whisk you away on some amazing adventure. The sweet anticipation on the runway, the violent thunder of the powerful engines which accelerates on the spot, the momentum of which sweeps you into the air pressed to your seat, then floats overhead as you let yourself go. High in the sky hovering above the ground, while watching the panorama deep below the full underbelly of the aircraft, you can see the airship’s own shadow, like an elusive children’s toy. Between the thin wisps of cloud, over a wide river, a silver snake that shimmers in twilight, above the mountain peaks dusted with snow, like a cake covered in icing sugar, above the green and blue ocean, the dry, ochre desert, you just know that everything will be all right, that everything is as it should be. For, up there, amid the clouds, the lightning, the strong winds, you know your brilliant celestial chariot, delivering more than a 100,000 horsepower, is charged with getting you safely to your destination. 

Srednja Dalmacija Vam nudi odmor iz snova! Prilaz braće Kaliterna 10/I, 21000 Split, Croatia tel/fax: +385 (0) 21

490 032; 490 033; 490 036

Umorni ste? Sanjate o opuštanju, najljepšem zalazu sunca i smiraju dana na prekrasnoj plaži, toplim noćima punim zabave i doživljaja, srdačnim ljudima i odmoru kakav ste zaslužili? Sve to i puno više pružit će Vam, tek na korak od Vas, Srednja Dalmacija, srce hrvatskog Jadrana. Za samo nekoliko sati vožnje iz svih djelova Hrvatske, izvrsnom auto-cestom ili brojnim avio-vezama s otokom Bračem i Splitom, stići ćete u prekrasne mediteranske krajolike očuvane prirode i kristalno čistog mora, uživati u zdanjima svjetske kulturne baštine, otkriti jedinstvene plaže, zeleno zaleđe, živopisne gradove s bogatom povijesti, atraktivne manifestacije i odličnu gastronomiju. Mi čuvamo mjesto za svakog putnika, dođite i otkrijte svoj odmor iz snova.

Central Dalmatia offers you a dream vacation! Are you tired and weary? Do you dream about relaxing at a beautiful beach while watching the most beautiful sunsets? Would you like to spend your warm evenings, enjoying friendly people and fun experiences? All of this and more is only a step away. This is the vacation you deserve and it is waiting for you in Central Dalmatia - The heart of Adriatic. Flying from ninety European cities, you can be in the City of Split, which is the centre of this region.

You can then enjoy the beautiful Mediterranean landscapes of preserved nature, the buildings of the world’s cultural heritage, and discover unique beaches and the crystal clear sea. Green hinterland, picturesque towns with rich history, invite you to participate in events and festivals and the exquisite gastronomy of this region. Come and discover your dream vacation.

Miles & More

Osnove programa Mi­les & Mo­re

Introducing Mi­les & Mo­re

Mi­les & Mo­re vode­Êi je pro­gram na­gra­i­va­nja put­ni­ka u Eu­ro­pi i nu­di Ëla­no­vi­ma ra­zli­Ëi­te mo­guÊ­no­sti pri­kup­ lja­nja mi­lja i ko­ri­πte­nja na­gra­da, kao i mno­ge priv­laË­ne po­god­no­sti. »la­no­vi pri­kup­lja­ju mi­lje ko­ri­ste­Êi se uslu­ga­ma broj­nih par­tne­ra u pro­gra­mu. Mi­lje se bi­lje­æe za le­to­ve svih Ëla­ni­ca Star Al­li­an­cea i dru­gih kom­pa­ni­ja par­tne­ra, ali i za unaj­mlji­va­nje vo­zi­la, od­sje­da­nje u ho­te­li­ma ili po­tro­πnju pre­ko kre­dit­nih kar­ ti­ca Mi­les & Mo­re.

Miles & More is the leading frequent flyer programme in Europe, offering its members numerous possibilites for collecting and redeeming miles, as well as many at­trac­ti­ve pri­vi­le­ges. Mem­bers col­lect mi­les by using the ser­vi­ces of many par­ tners in the pro­gram­me. Mi­les are cre­di­ted for flig­hts of all Star Al­li­an­ce mem­bers and ot­her air­li­ne par­tners, but al­so for ren­ting ve­hi­cles from rent-a-car par­tners or sta­ying in par­ti­ci­pa­ting ho­tels.

Ra­zre­di Ëlan­s­t va i po­god­no­sti Koriπtenjem usluga partnera u programu Miles & More prikupljate nagradne milje koje se mogu iskoristiti za nagrade. Statusne milje koje odreuju vaπ Ëlanski status, na temelju kojega ostvarujete pogodnosti, prikupljaju se na redovitim letovima prijevoznika Croatia Airlines, Adria Airways, Air Dolomiti, Austrian Airlines, Brussels Airlines, Germanwings, LOT Polish Airlines, Lufthansa, Lufthansa Regional, Luxair, SWISS, i svim Star Alliance partnerima. Uz 35.000 sta­tu­snih mi­lja pri­kup­lje­nih u jed­noj ka­len­dar­skoj go­di­ni, ste­Êi Êe­te sta­ tus Fre­qu­ent Tra­vel­ler, a za 100.000 sta­tu­snih mi­lja u ka­len­dar­skoj go­di­ni oËe­ku­je vas sta­tus Se­na­tor.

Ti­ers and be­ne­fits By using the Mi­les & Mo­re par­tners’ ser­vi­ces mem­bers col­lect awards. Status miles which determine a member’s membership status and privileges can be accrued on scheduled flights operated by Croatia Airlines, Adria Airways, Air Dolomiti, Austrian Airlines, Brussels Airlines, Germanwings, LOT Polish Airlines, Lufthansa, Lufthansa Regional, Luxair, SWISS, and all Star Alliance partners. Every mi­le ac­cru­ed is re­cor­ded as both a sta­tus and an award mi­le. With 35,000 sta­tus mi­les col­lec­ted in one ca­len­dar ye­ar mem­bers acquire the Fre­qu­ent Tra­vel­ler sta­tus, with 100,000 sta­tus mi­les the Se­na­tor sta­tus, and mem­bers who col­lect at le­a­st 600,000 HON CROATIA AIRLINES 1/2017

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»la­no­vi ko­ji pri­ku­pe naj­ma­nje 600.000 HON Cir­cle mi­lja u ra­zdob­lju od dvi­je uza­stop­ne ka­len­dar­ske go­di­ne, stje­Ëu sta­tus HON Cir­cle.

Cir­cle mi­les wit­hin two con­se­cu­ti­ve ca­len­dar ye­ars, acquire the HON Cir­cle sta­tus.

Po­god­no­sti sta­tu­sa Fre­qu­ent Tra­vel­ler - Exe­cu­ti­ve Bo­nus − 25 posto više nagradnih, statusnih i HON Circle mi­lja - ne­o­gra­ni­Ëe­na va­lja­no­st na­grad­nih mi­lja za tra­ja­nja sta­tu­sa - pred­no­st na li­sti Ëe­ka­nja - pri­ja­va za let (check in) na πal­te­ru po­slov­nog ra­zre­da - veÊi iznos prtljage bez naplate, ovisno o odrediπtu i zrakoplovnoj kompaniji te razredu prijevoza. Na letovima Croatia Airlinesa dva komada prtljage u ekonomskom ili poslovnom razredu.

Fre­qu­e nt Tra­vel­ler pri­v i­le­g es - Exe­cu­ti­ve Bo­nus of 25 % for award, status and HON Circle miles - Ac­cru­e d award mi­les ha­ve no ex­piry da­te

Po­god­no­sti sta­tu­sa Se­na­tor - Exe­cu­ti­ve Bo­nus − 25 posto više nagradnih i statusnih HON Circle mi­lja - ne­o­gra­ni­Ëe­na va­lja­no­st na­grad­nih mi­lja za tra­ja­nja sta­tu­sa - pre­du­jam od 50.000 nagradnih mi­lja - upo­ra­ba Luf­than­sa Se­na­tor Lo­un­ge te Star Gold Lo­ un­ge par­tne­ra u Star Al­li­an­ceu - vi­πi pri­o­ri­tet na li­sti Ëe­ka­nja - pri­ja­va za let (check in) na πal­te­ru prvog ra­zre­da - osi­gu­ra­no mje­sto na le­tu za re­zer­va­ci­je do 48 sa­ti u najvišoj klasi knjiženja u ekonomskome i poslovnom razredu - prednost pri ukrcaju i iskrcaju prtljage - dodatni komad prtljage bez naplate, ovisno o odrediπtu i zrakoplovnoj kompaniji. Na letovima Croatia Airlinesa dva komada prtljage u ekonomskom, tri komada prtljage u poslovnom razredu - 2 e-vouchera za premještaj u viši razred putovanja (upgrade), prilikom postizanja statusa Senator te prilikom svake obnove statusa. - Senator Premium Award - Companion Award

Se­na­tor pri­v i­le­g es - Exe­cu­ti­ve Bo­nus of 25% for award, status and HON Circle miles - Ac­cru­e d award mi­les ha­ve no ex­piry da­te - Miles advance of up to 50,000 award miles

Po­god­no­sti sta­tu­sa HON Cir­cle - sve po­god­no­sti sta­tu­sa Se­na­tor, najviša prednost na listi Ëekanja - pre­du­jam od 100.000 nagradnih mi­lja - Sta­tus Se­na­tor za su­pru­æni­ka ili par­tne­ra, ovisno o zrakoplovnoj kompaniji - 6 e-vouchera za premještaj u viši razred putovanja (upgrade) prilikom postizanja statusa HON Circle te prilikom svake obnove statusa - dodatni komad prtljage bez naplate, ovisno o odrediπtu i zrakoplovnoj kompaniji. Na letovima Croatia Airlinesa dva komada prtljage u ekonomskom, tri komada prtljage u poslovnom razredu

HON Cir­cle pri­vi­le­g es - All exi­sting Se­na­tor pri­v i­le­ges, highest waiting list priority - 100,000 mi­les in advan­ce - Se­na­tor sta­tus for yo­ur spo­u­se or par ­tner depending on the airline - 6 e- Upgrade Vouchers when becoming an HON Circle Member and every time the status is extended



- Wa­i­ting li­st pri­o­r ity - Check-in at the Bu­si­ne­s s Cla­s s co­un­ter - Increased free baggage allowance depending on destinations, airline and booking class. On flights operated by Croatia Airlines 2 bags in total (Economy or Business).

- Ac­ce­s s to the Luf ­than­s a Se­na­tor Lo­un­ge as well as to the Star Gold Lo­un­ges of Star Al­li­a n­ce par­tners - High wa­i­ting li­st pri­o­r ity - Fir­st Cla­s s check-in - Bo­o­k ing gu­a­ran­tee up to 48 ho­urs before departure in the highest booking class in Business and Economy class - priority baggage handling - An additional bag depending on destinations, airline and booking class. On flights operated by Croatia Airlines 2 bags in Economy, 3 bags in Business - 2 e- Upgrade Vouchers on achieving Senator status and for every Senator status renewal. - Senator Premium Award - Companion award

- An additional bag depending on destinations, airline and booking class. On flights operated by Croatia Airlines 2 bags in Economy, 3 bags Business

Tro­πi­te mi­lje Pri­kup­lje­ne na­gradne milje za­mje­nju­je­te za mnoge na­gra­de: nagradne zrakoplovne kar­te, pre­mje­πtaj u vi­πi ra­zred pu­to­va­nja (up­gra­de), ra­zli­Ëite nagrade ko­ji­ma se mo­æe­te ko­ri­stiti pri pu­to­va­nju (Miles & More hotelski partneri, Miles & More rent-a-car partneri), kupnju te u Lufthansa WorldShopu.

Spend mi­les You can ex­chan­ge col­lec­ted award mi­les for awar­ds pre­pa­red for you: flight awards, upgrades, various travel awards (Miles & More hotel partners, Miles & More car rental partners), shopping and lifestyle awards, and Lufthansa WorldShop.

Za­t ra­æi­te svo­ju Di­ners Club Cro­a­t ia Air­li­nes kre­dit­nu kar­t i­cu! n 5 ku­na = 1 nagradna mi­lja − za sva­kih 5 ku­na po­tro­πe­nih pre­ko ove kar­ti­ce, bi­lje­æi vam se 1 na­ grad­na mi­lja n Pri­kup­ljaj­te na­grad­ne mi­lje svuda − jed­no­stav­ no pla­Êaj­te svo­jom Di­ners Club kar­ti­com na bi­lo ko­jemu od 12,000.000 DC pro­daj­nih mje­sta u zem­lji i ino­zem­s­tvu. n 2 kar­ti­ce − 1 ra­Ëun Mi­les & More − ko­ri­stite li se isto­dob­no pri­vat­nom i po­slov­nom kar­ti­com Di­ners Clu­ba i Cro­a­tia Air­li­ne­sa, pri­kup­lje­ne na­grad­ne mi­lje zbra­ja­ju se na va­πemu ra­Ëu­nu Mi­les & Mo­re.

Ap­ply for yo­ur Di­ners Club Cro­a­tia Air­li­nes cre­dit card! n 5 HRK = 1 award mi­le − for every 5 HRK spent via this card, you col­lect 1 mi­le

Zatražite svoju VISA Croatia Airlines kreditnu karticu! Croatia Airlines i Erste Card Club nude i VISA Croatia Airlines samostalnu karticu, poslovnu i privatnu. Potroπnja od 14 kuna u Hrvatskoj na samostalnim karticama donosi 1 nagradnu Miles & More milju, a za potroπenih 7 kuna u inozemstvu dobiva se preko kartica u paketu 1 nagradna milja Miles & More.

Apply for your VISA Croatia Airlines credit card!

Zatražite svoju Croatia Airlines American Express karticu! n 4 kn = 1 nagradna milja − za svake 4 kune potrošene preko ove kartice bilježi vam se 1 nagradna milja

Apply for your Croatia Airlines American Express card! n 4 HRK = 1 award mile − for every 4 HRK spend via this card, you collect 1 mile

2000 milja dobrodošlice na Miles & More računu za nove korisnike, 1000 milja dobrodošlice za dodatnog člana n

Bez plaćanja upisnine i članarine za prvu godinu korištenja (do 1.5.2017.) n

Col­lect award mi­les ever­ywhe­re − sim­ply pay with yo­ur Di­ners Club Card in any of 12 mil­li­on DC of­fi­ces in Cro­a­tia or abro­ad n

2 cre­dit car­ds − 1 Mi­les & Mo­re mem­ber­ship ac­co­unt − use yo­ur pri­va­te and bu­si­ne­ss card to col­lect award mi­les on the sa­me mem­ber­ship ac­co­unt. n

Croatia Airlines and Erste Card Club offer a VISA Croatia Airlines stand-alone credit card, both business and private. You will get 1 Miles & More award mile for every 14 kuna spent via stand-alone credit cards whereas for every 7 kuna spent abroad via companion credit cards 1 Miles & More award mile will be credited to your account.

2000 welcome miles on Miles & More account for new basic and 1000 welcome miles for new additional card users n

Free enrolment and annual membership fee for first year (until 1.5.2017) n


Putno osiguranje


Travel insurance


Milje ne zastarijevaju


Miles do not expire

Dvostruke nagradne milje − za plaćanje u poslovnicama Croatia Airlinesa i PBZ Card Travela

Earn double award miles − using the card to pay at Croaita Airlines and PBZ Card Travel



Za­t ra­æi­te svo­ju Cro­a­t ia Air­li­nes American Express kre­dit­nu kar­t i­cu! n 6 ku­na = 1 nagradna mi­lja − za sva­kih 6 ku­na po­tro­ πe­nih pre­ko Pre­mi­um kar­ti­ce bi­lje­æi se 1 na­grad­na mi­lja, od­no­sno za sva­kih 7 ku­na po­tro­πe­nih pre­ko Stan­dard kar ­ti­ce

Ap­ply for yo­ur Cro­a­tia Air­li­nes American Express cre­dit card! n 6 HRK = 1 award mi­le − for every 6 HRK spent via Pre­ mi­um card, you col­lect 1 award mi­le, and for every 7 HRK spent via Stan­dard card you col­lect 1 mi­le.

2000 mi­lja do­bro­do­πli­ce − za no­ve osnov­ne Pre­mi­ um ko­ri­sni­ke i 1000 mi­lja do­bro­do­πli­ce za no­ve do­dat­ne Pre­mi­um ko­ri­sni­ke n

1000 mi­lja do­bro­do­πli­ce za no­ve osnov­ne Stan­dard ko­ri­sni­ke i 500 mi­lja do­bro­do­πli­ce za no­ve do­dat­ne Stan­dard ko­ri­sni­ke n

Dvo­s­tru­ke na­grad­ne mi­lje − za po­tro­πnju u po­slov­ ni­ca­ma Cro­a­tia Air­li­ne­sa i PBZ Card Travel American Expressa (uz naknadu za pristup).

2.000 wel­co­me mi­les − for new ba­sic Pre­mi­um card users and 1.000 wel­co­me mi­les for new ad­di­ti­o­nal Premi­ um card users. n

1.000 wel­co­me mi­les − for new ba­sic Stan­dard card users and 500 wel­co­me mi­les for new ad­di­ti­o­nal Stan­ dard card users. n

Earn do­u­ble award mi­les − using the card to pay for tra­vels at Cro­a­tia Air­li­nes sa­les of­fi­ces and PBZ Card Travel American Expressa. (visit charge applicable).



Više informacija možete pronaÊi na:

Please find detailed info at:


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LJETNI RED LETENJA Croatia Airlines tijekom ljetnog reda letenja (26. ožujka - 28. listopada 2017.) nudi vam nove mogućnosti putovanja unutar Hrvatske te iz domaćih u inozemna odredišta. Naša mreža letova bit će prilagođena vašoj povećanoj potražnji tijekom ljetne turističke sezone. U početku turističke sezone u Hrvatskoj počet ćemo prometovati na sezonskim linijama prema mnogim europskim tržištima. Osim novih linija iz Zagreba u Stockholm, Helsinki, Oslo i Bukurešt, naši će zrakoplovi ponovno izravno povezivati Zagreb i Prag - utorkom, četvrtkom, subotom i nedjeljom, od 2.svibnja. Također će povezivati Zagreb i Milano, utorkom, petkom i nedjeljom, od 2. svibnja; Zagreb i Lisabon, ponedjeljkom, srijedom i petkom, od 1.svibnja; te Zagreb i Sankt-Peterburg, četvrtkom i nedjeljom, od 4.svibnja. Croatia Airlines i ovog će ljeta povezivati hrvatske gradove s Atenom (ponedjeljkom, utorkom, srijedom, četvrtkom, subotom i nedjeljom, od 13.4.) i Barcelonom (utorkom, četvrtkom i nedjeljom, od 9.4.). S našim atraktivnim Dubrovnikom povezivat ćemo mnoge europske gradove - Frankfurt, Pariz, Nicu, Rim, Veneciju, Amsterdam, Atenu, Düsseldorf i Zürich, a u domaćem prometu Dubrovnik ćemo povezati sa Zagrebom, Osijekom, Pulom i Splitom. Povoljnije zrakoplovne karte za sve naše letove i sve informacije možete pronaći na, u Kontakt centru (tel. 072 500 505 i 01 6676 555), te u svim poslovnicama Croatia Airlinesa.

routes to numerous destinations throughout Europe. In addition to new routes from Zagreb to Stockholm, Helsinki, Oslo and Bucharest, we will continue our Zagreb - Prague route on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays, and our Zagreb - Milan route on Tuesdays, Fridays, and Sundays, starting May 2nd. Passengers can enjoy Zagreb - Lisbon flights on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, beginning May 1st, and Zagreb - Saint Petersburg flights on Thursdays and Sundays, starting May 4th. This summer again, Croatia Airlines will have routes to Athens on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays, starting April 13th, and routes to Barcelona on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays, starting April 9th. The attractive city of Dubrovnik provides international flights to numerous European destinations - Frankfurt, Paris, Nice, Rome, Venice, Amsterdam, Athens, Düsseldorf and Zürich; and domestic flights to Zagreb, Osijek, Pula and Split. Special deals on airfare throughout our network, as well as other information can be found on our webiste at:, at our Call Centre (tel. +385 1 6676 555), or at any Croatia Airlines service counters.

25 GODINA PRVOGA MEĐUNARODNOG LETA Naš prvi međunarodni let bio je 5. travnja 1992. godine na liniji Zagreb - Frankfurt. Prvi međunarodni putnici prevezeni su u Frankfurt zrakoplovom Boeing 737- 200, a Croatia Airlines od tada neprekidno povezuje Hrvatsku s najvećom njemačkom zračnom lukom. Linija Zagreb - Frankfurt naša je najfrekventnija međunarodna linija, a u proteklih dvadesetpet godina na letovima Croatia Airlinesa između Zagreba i Frankfurta prevezeno je oko 3,5 milijuna putnika.



During the summer season (26 March - 28 October, 2017), Croatia Airlines will once again be introducing additional flights within Croatia and abroad to accommodate higher demand during peak season travel. This upcoming tourist season will see additional

Our first international flight, Zagreb to Frankfurt, took place on April 5, 1992. International passengers flew to Frankfurt on a Boeing 737- 200 model aircraft. Since then, Croatia Airlines has had non-stop, regular flights connecting Croatia with the


largest German airport. In the last twentyfive years, the most frequently-flown Zagreb - Frankfurt air route has served about 3.5 million passengers.

25 GODINA SURADNJE S LUFTHANSOM Ove godine obilježavamo i 25. obljetnicu suradnje sa zrakoplovnom tvrtkom Lufthansom. U travnju 1992. godine Croatia Airlines kupio je od Lufthanse prva tri Boeinga 737-200 te potpisao sporazum o tehničkoj podršci održavanja zrakoplova s Lufthansom Technik. Tako je počela dugogodišnja kvalitetna suradnja, koja se u tih 25 godina uvelike proširila u oba smjera. Danas i stručnjaci tehničkog centra Croatia Airlinesa održavaju Lufthansine zrakoplove, pa je tako nedavno obavljen i 200. jubilarni veliki pregled Lufthansinog Airbusa. Zahvaljujemo kolegama iz Lufthanse na tako uspješnoj suradnji.

25 YEARS OF GREAT PARTNERSHIP WITH LUFTHANSA This year Croatia Airlines marks the 25th anniversary of close partnership with Lufthansa. In April of 1992, Croatia Airlines bought its first three Boeing 737-200 aircraft from the German airline, and signed a maintenance services agreement with Lufthansa Technik. This was the start of a great, long-standing partnership, which in the last 25 years, has been mutually-beneficial in terms of growth. Today, experts of Croatia Airlines’ technical centre are also responsible for maintaining Lufthansa aircraft and have recently carried out their 200th overhaul maintenance check of the Lufthansa Airbus. We would like to thank our associates at Lufthansa on such a successful partnership arrangement.

STAR ALLIANCE Star Alliance vodeća je globalna zrakoplovna udruga, s najvećim brojem članica, dnevnih letova i odredišta, osnovana 1997. godine. Pet zrakoplovnih kompanija udružilo se u prvu zrakoplovnu udrugu 1997. godine, a danas, poslije 20 godina, Star Alliance tvori 28 zrakoplovnih kompanija, svaka sa svojim posebnim identitetom.

Croatia Airlines postao je regionalni član udruge 15. prosinca 2004. godine, a od 1. siječnja 2010. godine i punopravni član. Kako bi zračni prijevoz putnicima bio lakši ugodniji, aviokompanije koje su članice Udruge koordiniraju svoje redove letenja, što često skraćuje ukupno vrijeme putovanja putnicima koji tijekom putovanja kombiniraju letove više zrakoplovnih kompanija. Osim toga, putnici dobivaju karte (boarding pass) za ukrcaj u zrakoplov za sve vezane letove. Putnici koji sudjeluju u frequent flyer programima članica Star Alliance prikupljaju milje za letove svih prijevoznika iz Udruge, te tako dosežu viši status mnogo prije, nego što bi to bilo moguće na temelju letova samo jednog prijevoznika. Putnici sa statusom Gold ili Silver koriste se pogodnostima na cijeloj mreži avioprijevoznika koji su u udruzi. Star Alliance konstantno je posvećen pronalaženju rješenja kako bi putovanje zrakoplovom bilo što jednostavnije i udobnije.

STAR ALLIANCE Founded in 1997, Star Alliance is the leading global airline association, with the greatest number of members airlines, daily flights and destinations. Five airline companies formed the first alliance network in 1997, but twenty years later, Star Alliance boasts 28 airline members, each with its own special identity. Croatia Airlines became a regional member of the association on December 15, 2004, and a full-fledged member on January 1, 2010. To make travel even easier and more convenient for passengers, the member airlines have coordinated their schedules, which often shortens the overall journey time for passengers switching from one Star Alliance airline to another on connecting flights. Moreover, customers receive a boarding pass for onwards flights, even if they fly on with a different Star Alliance member. Passengers can join the frequent flyer program and collect miles on flights with any Star Alliance member airline, reaching a higher status faster than they would in any individual frequent flyer programme. Frequent flyers with Gold or Silver status can enjoy special privileges offered within the whole Star Alliance network.

Committed to finding solutions that enhance the travel experience, Star Alliance works to make each customer’s journey simpler and more comfortable.

nje usluga partnera u programu Miles & More bit će nagrađeni miljama na vašem računu Miles & More. Više o pogodnostima kartice saznajte na:

ODABERITE KARTICU CROATIA AIRLINES AMERICAN EXPRESS Odaberite karticu Croatia Airlines American Express do 15. travnja bez upisnine i članarine za prvu godinu korištenja. Potrošene 4 kune donose vam jednu Miles & More milju, što je najbrži način skupljanja milja. Ova kartica omogućuje potrošnju bez unaprijed određenog limita kao i izbor razdoblja u kojemu želite plaćati svoje račune. Možete kupovati na više od 55.000 prodajnih mjesta u Hrvatskoj te na prodajnim mjestima u više od

dvjesto zemalja. Također, s ovom ste karticom osigurani od posljedica nesretnog slučaja 24 sata na dan. Novi korisnici kartice automatski postaju članovi programa Miles & More i dobivaju povlastice koje članstvo donosi. Svakodnevna potrošnja, svaki vaš let te korište-

CHOOSE THE CROATIA AIRLINES AMERICAN EXPRESS CARD Choose the Croatia Airlines American Express Card by April 15th and you won’t be charged any sign up or membership fees for the first year of use. In addition, for every four kunas spent on your card, you will be credited with one Miles & More award mile; it’s the fastest way to collect miles. The credit card not only enables you to limitless spending, but also allows you to decide for yourself how much you want to repay on your account each month. Members can use the card at more than 55,000 points-of-sale across Croatia and in over two hundred countries worldwide, as well as receive 24-hour security in case of theft or loss. New cardholders automatically qualify for the Miles & More reward program and receive the benefits of membership. Everyday purchases, flights and other services of Miles & More program partners will be rewarded with miles on your Miles & More account. To learn more about how the Croatia Airlines American Express Card can benefit you, please visit our website at:


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A. Grubelić

and on the ground. We study your wishes by means of questionnaries, letters and spoken suggestions, which, believe us are always given every consideration. The mentioned improvements are an answer to your requests. With every new timetable we try to adapt ourselves increasingly to your needs, as well as to improve the existing services. Each one of your suggestions is most welcome, and every comment carefully read and very important to us. So please do not hesitate to write to us to the following address: Croatia Airlines, Inflight Magazine, Bani 75b, Buzin, 10010 Zagreb, E-mail:

PO©TOVANI PUTNICI! Vaπe zadovoljstvo naπa je prva i najvaænija zadaÊa. Stoga stalno nastojimo poboljπati naπe usluge u zrakoplovu i na zemlji. Osluπkujemo vaπe æelje preko anketa, pisama te vaπih pismenih i usmenih prijedloga i, vjerujte, uvijek ih smatramo dragocjenima. Znajte da nam je svaki vaπ prijedlog dobrodoπao, a svaka napomena vrlo vaæna. Piπite nam stoga na adresu uredniπtva: Croatia Airlines, Ëasopis Croatia, Bani 75b, Buzin, 10010 Zagreb, e-mail: Molimo, proËitajte nekoliko uputa vaænih za vaπu sigurnost i udobnost tijekom putovanja. Raduje nas πto ste za let izabrali upravo zrakoplov naπe kompanije. Potrudit Êemo se da vam let protekne πto ugodnije. UvaæavajuÊi svjetske zdravstvene i ekoloπke trendove, 1996. godine Croatia Airlines uveo je nepuπaËke letove na svim linijama. Zahvaljujemo vam πto se pridruæujete naπim nastojanjima da svijet bude zdraviji, ËiπÊi i ljepπi.


D. Fabijanić

Your satisfaction is our first and foremost concern. That is why we are always striving to improve our services on board our aircraft

Please read the instructions below, important for your safety and comfort during the flight. We are happy that you have chosen Croatia Airlines for your flight and shall do our best to make it as pleasant as possible. In accordance with health and environmental trends accepted throughout the world, Croatia Airlines introduced nonsmoking flights to all destinations in 1996. Thank you for joining our efforts in making the world a better, cleaner and healthier place to live in.

RED SJEDENJA Vaπe je sjedalo rezervirano samo za vas. Napuπtate li sjedalo tijekom leta, molimo da se prije svakog slijetanja vratite na sjedalo.

SEAT ASSIGNMENT Your seat has been especially reserved for you. Should you leave your seat during the flight, please return to it before each landing.

RU»NA PRTLJAGA Dopuπtena ruËna prtljaga za putnike ekonomskog razreda: 1 komad n maksimalna teæina 8 kg

zbroj dimenzija do 115 cm (55x40x20) Dopuπtena ruËna prtljaga za putnike poslovnog razreda: 2 komada n maksimalna teæina 8 kg po komadu n zbroj dimenzija maksimalno 115 cm (55x40x20) ili 57x54x15cm (etui za odijela) Radi ograniËenog spremiπnog prostora u putniËkoj kabini te kada je veÊa popunjenost zrakoplova, i dopuπtena ruËna prtljaga bit Êe Ëekirana i spremljena u prtljaæni prostor. n

HAND BAGGAGE ALLOWANCE Economy Class passengers: 1 piece n max. weight 8 kg n total sum of dimensions up to 115 cm (55x40x20) Business Class passengers: 2 pieces n max. weight per piece 8 kg n total sum of dimensions up to 115 cm (55x40x20) or 57x54x15cm if it is a foldable garment bag Due to a limited storage space and when a flight is fully booked even approved carry-on baggage will be checked-in and stowed in cargo compartments. UPUTE ZA SIGURNOST Prije uzlijetanja zrakoplova osoblje Êe vam dati nekoliko uputa πto valja Ëiniti u sluËaju opasnosti. One se odnose na tip zrakoplova pa ih paæljivo prouËite. Prigodom uzlijetanja i slijetanja svi putnici, ukljuËujuÊi i djecu, moraju se vezati sigurnosnim pojasima. PreporuËujemo da zbog vaπe sigurnosti i udobnosti ostanete privezani tijekom cijelog leta. Pri slijetanju molimo da ostanete na svojim sjedalima sve dok se ne iskljuËi znak obvezatnog vezivanja. Prilikom ulaska u neke zemlje valja popuniti odreene obrasce. Oni su vam dostupni u aerodromskoj zgradi pri ulasku u zemlju. Kako bismo vam olakπali i ubrzali taj postupak, naπe Êe vam ih kabinsko osoblje rado podijeliti tijekom leta.

Faze leta u kojima je dopuštena upotreba elektroniËkih ureaja Faze leta Mobilni/ Smart telefoni, Tablet

Prijenosno raËunalo

Sluπalice za suzbijanje buke

Funkcija teksta/razgovora






Kaπnjenje u polasku





Taksiranje za polijetanje





Polijetanje DA



Tijekom leta



















*U navedenim fazama nije dopuπteno rabiti sluπalice prikljuËene na audio/MP3 ureaje


SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Prior to take-off the cabin crew will give you instructions regarding your safety and how to act in case of an emergency. The instrucions vary according to the type of the aircraft, so please pay attention to the flight attendant’s predeparture announcements and safety demonstrations. During take-off and landing all passengers, including children, are required to fasten their seat belts. For your safety and comfort, we recommend that you keep the safety belt fastened during the whole flight. Some countries require that passengers complete a form on arrival. These forms are available at arrival terminals on entering the country. In order to facilitate this procedure, our cabin crew will be pleased to distribute such forms during the flight.

U takve se ubrajaju eksplozivi, lako zapaljive tekuÊine, radioaktivni materijali i otrovi, oruæje, stlaËeni plinovi, korozivna i oksidirajuÊa sredstva.

RESTRICTED ITEMS The law prohibits the transport of hazardous items in either checked-in or hand luggage. Such items are: explosives, flammable liquids and solids, radioactive materials and poisons, firearms, compressed gases, corrosive products and oxidizers.



PERSONAL ELECTRONIC DEVICES Electronic devices may only be used if they are in flight mode. Bulky personal electronic devices must be securely stowed whenever the seat belt sign is turned on. List of approved personal electronic devices: n Mobile/Smart phones n Tablet computers n Noise-cancelling headphones n Digital audio/MP3 player n Electronic games n e-Readers n Laptop/Notebook computers n Portable DVD/CD player n Bluetooth devices n Personal cameras n Assistive medical devices n Electric shaver

S. Jungić

ELEKTRONIČKI URE�AJI U RUČNOJ PRTLJAZI Upotreba elektroniËkih ureaja dopuπtena je iskljuËivo u zrakoplovnom radu, teæe i veÊe ureaje treba spremiti dok je upaljen znak obveznog vezivanja. Popis dopuπtenih elektroniËkih naprava: n Mobilni/Smart telefoni nTablet raËunala n Sluπalice za suzbijanje buke n Digitalni audio/MP3 ureaji n ElektroniËke igre n e-ËitaË n Prijenosna/Notebook raËunala n Prijenosni DVD/CD ureaj n Bluetooth ureaji n Kamere n Medicinski ureaji n ElektriËni brijaÊi aparati

U naπim zrakoplovima posluæujemo hranu i napitke bez naplate. U poslovnom razredu na svim letovima usluga ukljuËuje birana hrvatska jela, alkoholna i bezalkoholna piÊa te izbor domaÊega i stranog tiska. U ekonomskom razredu usluga ovisi o vrsti i duljini leta. Na domaÊim letovima posluæuje se samo voda, a na meunarodnim letovima usluga

We serve food and beverages free of charge in our aircraft. In business class on all flights the services include a choice of Croatian foods, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, as well as a choice of domestic and foreign print media. Our services in economy class depend on the type and length of the flight. On domestic flights we serve only water, and on international flights our services include snacks and an offer of beverages. On very short flights our passengers are offered only water, and on longer flights they are offered alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages as well as hot drinks. In business class only you can order a special meal when purchasing your tickets, however, this must be done at least 24 hours ahead (vegetarian, Muslim, diet, but kosher meals must be ordered 48 hours ahead). Passengers are not allowed to consume their own alcoholic beverages. Passengers that are considered under the influence of alcohol are not served alcoholic beverages. smoking is forbidden in the aircraft. The toilets are equipped with smoke detectors.

Use of electronic devices during different flight phases Flight phase

ZABRANJENI PREDMETI Zakonom je zabranjeno noπenje opasnog materijala i u predanoj i u ruËnoj prtljazi.

se sastoji od snacka i ponude piÊa. Na veoma kratkim letovima putnicima nudimo samo vodu, a na duljim letovima u ponudi su alkoholna i bezalkoholna piÊa te topli napitci. IskljuËivo u poslovnom razredu moæete naruËiti specijalnu vrstu obroka prigodom kupnje karte, ali svakako 24 sata unaprijed (vegetarijanski, muslimanski, dijetalni, a kosher 48 sati unaprijed). Putnicima nije dopuπteno konzumiranje vlastitih alkoholnih piÊa. Alkoholiziranim putnicima ne posluæuju se alkoholna piÊa. Puπenje je zabranjeno tijekom boravka u zrakoplovu. Toaleti su opremljeni detektorima dima.

Hand Held PEDs (i.e. smart phones and tablets)

Larger PEDs (i.e. Laptops and notebooks)

Noise- cancelling Headphones

Text and phone functions






Extended Ground Delay





Taxi-out for Take-off






















Taxi to Stand






*During critical phases of flight headphones must not be plugged to audio/MP3 players. CROATIA AIRLINES 1/2017

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Zrakoplovi Airbus A320-200, Airbus A319-100 i Dash8 - Q400 tvore naπu flotu. Our fleet consists of Airbus A320-200, Airbus A319-100 and Dash8 - Q400 aircraft.

Specifikacije / Specifications

Airbus A320-200

Airbus A319-100

Dash8 - Q400

Raspon krila / Wing span (m/ft)

34,1 / 111

34,1 / 111

28,42 / 93,24

Duljina trupa / Fuselage length (m/ft)

37,6 / 123

33,84 / 111

32,83 / 107,71

NajveÊa dopuπtena teæina u polijetanju / Maximum take off weight (kg)

73 500

70 000

29 257

NajveÊa visina leta / Maximum cruising altitude (m/ft)

11 920 / 39 100

11 900 / 39 000

7620 / 25 000

Povrπina krila / Wing area (m²/ft²)

122,40 / 1318

122,40 / 1318

63,08 / 679

NajveÊa letna brzina / Maximum cruising speed (km/h)

834 (450 KTS)

834 (450 KTS)

667 (360 KTS)

Pogonska grupa / Power-plants

motori / engines x 2 CFM 56

motori / engines x 2 CFM 56

motori / engines x 2 PW 150A

Broj zrakoplova u floti / Number of aircraft in fleet




Broj sjedala / Number of seats




Airbus 320-200

Jedan od najsuvremenijih putniËkih zrakoplova srednjeg doleta u svijetu. Raspored poslovnoga i ekonomskog razreda razlikuju se od jednoga do drugog leta. One of the most modern midrange aircraft in the world. Flexible cabin layout, the ratio of business to economy class seating depends on actual booking.

Airbus 319-100

Jedan od najsuvremenijih putniËkih zrakoplova srednjeg doleta u svijetu. Raspored poslovnoga i ekonomskog razreda razlikuju se od jednoga do drugog leta. One of the most modern midrange aircraft in the world. Flexible cabin layout, the ratio of business to economy class seating depends on actual booking.

Dash 8-Q400

Jedan od najsuvremenijih turbopropelerskih zrakoplova kratkog doleta kanadske proizvodnje. Raspored poslovnoga i ekonomskog razreda razlikuje se od jednoga do drugog leta. One of the most modern turbo-prop short range aircraft, manufactured by Canadian manufacturer. Flexible cabin layout, the ratio of business to economy class seating depends on actual booking. CROATIA AIRLINES 1/2017

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Edinburgh Belfast Dublin





Chisinau LYON





Genoa Bologna NICE





Podgorica Bari Tirana

Palermo Catania

■ linije Croatia Airlinesa / Croatia Airlines’ services


■ u suradnji sa stranim zrakoplovnim kompanijama

in cooperation with partner airline

Partneri / Partners: Air France


Austrian Airlines

Brussels Airlines


LOT Polish Airlines



Singapore Airlines

Swiss International Air Lines

Turkish Airlines

United Airlines

TAP Portugal


Air Canada

Beirut Damascus TEL AVIV Jerusalem Amman

Fly to Dubrovnik

t +385 20 773 100 f +385 20 773 322 e w


Volim putovati!

S. Jungić

I love to travel!

Dolazni terminali / Arrival terminals

Prikupljajte nagradne milje, iskoristite besplatnu uslugu hrane i pića na letu kao i pogodnost web check-ina. Earn miles, get free drinks and snacks on board and take advantage of web check-in at no additional cost.

072 500 505, +385 1 6676 555

Moja aviokompanija.


ZRAČNA LUKA / AIRPORT Schiphol Amsterdam Airport Athens International Airport Barcelona El Prat Airport Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport Brussels Airport Zaventem Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport Copenhagen Airport Düsseldorf Airport Leonardo da Vinci - Fiumicino Airport Frankfurt Airport St Petersburg Pulkovo Airport Gatwick Airport Heathrow Airport Lisbon International Airport Lyon Saint-Exupery International Airport Malpensa Airport Munich Airport Nice Côte d'Azur International Airport Vaclav Havel Airport Prague Pristina International Airport Sarajevo International Airport Skopje Alexander the Great Airport Ben Gurion International Airport Berlin Tegel Airport Venice Marco Polo Airport Vienna Airport Zurich Airport

TERMINAL terminal 3 main terminal terminal 1 terminal 2 terminal B terminal 2D terminal 2 terminal A terminal 3 terminal 1 terminal 1 terminal S terminal 2 terminal 1 terminal 1 terminal 1 terminal 2 terminal 2 terminal 1 main terminal terminal B main terminal terminal 3 terminal A, C main terminal terminal 3 terminal 2

Informacije o polascima autobusa / Bus departure information


Polasci svakog dana s gradskog terminala (Autobusni kolodvor, Držićeva bb) prema Zračnoj luci Zagreb Departures daily from the Town Terminal (Main Bus Station, Držićeva bb) to the Zagreb International Airport: 5.00 - 5.30 - 6.00 - 6.30 - 7.00 - 7.30 - 8.00 - 8.30 - 9.00 - 10.00 - 10.30 - 11.00 - 11.30 - 12.00 - 12.30 - 13.00 13.30- 14.00 - 14.30 - 15.00 - 15.30 - 16.00 - 16.30 - 17.00 - 17.30 - 18.00 - 18.30 - 19.00 - 19.30 - 20.00 Polasci svakog dana iz Zračne luke Zagreb prema gradskom terminalu (Autobusni kolodvor, Držićeva bb) Departures daily from the Zagreb International Airport to the Town Terminal (Main Bus Station, Držićeva bb): 7.00 - 8.00 - 8.30 - 9.00 - 9.30 - 10.30 - 11.30 -12.00 - 12.30 - 13.00 - 13.30 - 14.00 - 14.30 - 15.00 - 15.30 16.00 - 16.30 - 17.00 - 17.30 - 18.00 - 18.30 - 19.00 - 19.30 - 20.00 Za više informacija, molimo nazovite / For more information, please call: ZAGREB (01) 6331-982, 6331-999 SPLIT (021) 203-508 DUBROVNIK (020) 773-377 ZADAR (020) 250-094

RIJEKA (051) 330-207, 336-757 CROATIA AIRLINES


Ana Hižar

Dragi putnici!

Volim putovanja zato jer su ona moj život. I like travelling because it’s my whole life.

Zahvaljujemo svima vama koji nam šaljete svoje fotografije i upoznajete nas s novim kulturama i dalekim odredištima. Pred nama je ljeto koje nas poziva na putovanja, a mi vas pozivamo da fotografirate sve što vas nadahnjuje i da sudjelujete u našem nagradnom natječaju. Kao i uvijek Croatia Airlines bit će vam vjerna pratnja kamo god krenuli. Uz jednu rečenicu u kojoj objašnjavate zašto volite putovati, pošaljite nam fotografiju i sudjelujte u našem nagradnom natječaju. Pobjednika ćemo nagraditi dvjema povratnim aviokartama po izboru za neko od odredišta Croatia Airlinesa, a dva će dobitnika primiti poklon-pakete. U ovom broju putnoga časopisa dvjema povratnim kartama Croatia Airlinesa za najbolju fotografiju nagrađujemo Anu Hižar. Promidžbenim poklon-paketom nagradit ćemo Dinu Lijić i Vedata Senturka. Pozivamo vas da nam nastavite slati svoje fotografije jer vas i u idućem broju očekuju vrijedne nagrade. Posjetite našu web stranicu (Ponude/Nagradne igre i natječaji), pogledajte uvjete nagradnog natječaja i sudjelujte!

Dear passengers!

Dina Lijić

We thank all of you who have sent us your photos and introduced us to new cultures and faraway destinations. Summer is ahead of us; it invites us to travel and we invite you to take pictures of everything that inspires you and to participate in our contest. As always, Croatia Airlines will be your faithful companion wherever you go. Send us your photos accompanied by a sentence which explains why you like travelling and take part in the photo contest. We will award the first prize winner with two return tickets on Croatia Airlines to a destination of your choice, while the second and third place winners will receive promotional packages. We have selected Ana Hižar for best photo in this issue of our travel magazine; she is the winner of two Croatia Airlines return tickets. Dina Lijić and Vedato Senturka have won promotional gift packages. We invite you to continue sending us your photographs because in the next issue, valuable prizes await you again. Visit our web page at: (Offers/Contests and competitions), see the conditions and take part in the contest!

Putovati za mene znači živjeti punim plućima! Vedat Senturk

For me, travelling means living life to the fullest!


Volim putovati! I love to travel!

Karte u jednom smjeru unutar Hrvatske već od 280 kn! Poletite iz Zagreba u Split, Dubrovnik, Pulu ili Zadar, kao i obratno, po cijeni karte u jednom smjeru već od 280 kn.

One way tickets inside Croatia starting from 280 kn! Fly one way between Zagreb and Split, Dubrovnik, Pula or Zadar, at the price starting from 280 kn.

072 500 505, +385 1 6676 555

Moja aviokompanija. My airline.

Direkcija / Head office Bani 75b, 10 010 Buzin, Zagreb, Tel. (+385-1) 616-00-66 Fax (+385-1) 6160 153 E-mail adrese / E-mail addresses President’s Office/ Public Relations/ Marketing/ Sales/ Cargo/ Kontakt centar / Contact Center 072-500 505 samo za pozive iz Hrvatske / only for calls from Croatia Tel. (+385-1) 66 76 555 pon - pet/Mon - Fri 08:00 - 20:00 sub, ned, praznik / Sat, Sun, Holiday 09:00 - 15:00

Pula ZraËna luka/Airport Pula Valtursko polje 210, 52 100 Ližnjan Tel. (+385-52) 218-909, 218-943 Rijeka 51 000 Rijeka JelaËiÊev trg br. 5 Tel. (+385-51) 330-207, 336-757 Rim / Rome 00054 Fiumicino Aeroporto/Airport Leonardo da Vinci Torre Uffici 2, room 518 Tel. (+39-06) 5421-0021 Sarajevo 71 000 Sarajevo ZraËna luka/Airport Tel. (+387-33) 789-600

Odnosi s korisnicima / Customer Relations Dept. Fax (+385-1) 616-01-52 Miles & More kontakt centar / Miles & More Service Team 072 220 220 samo za pozive iz Hrvatske / only for calls from Croatia Informacije o prijevozu robe / Cargo information office Tel. (+385-1) 61-64-573

Skopje 1000 Skopje ZraËna luka/Airport Tel. (+389-2) 3148-390, 3296-967, 3296-969 Split

Obzor putovanja / Obzor Holidays Ltd Tel. (+385-1) 487 31 68, 616 02 46 Poslovnice / Town and airport offices Identifikacijski kod poslovnica u Hrvatskoj je/ Identification code for offices in Croatia is: HR-B-01-080037012

21 000 Split ZraËna luka/Airport Tel. (+385-21) 203-305, 895-298 Zadar 23 000 Zadar ZraËna luka/Airport Tel. (+385-23) 250-101

Bruxelles 1930 Zaventem/Brussels Airport Box 31 Tel. (+32-2) 753-5132

Zagreb 10 000 Zagreb Trg Nikole Š, Zrinskog 17 Tel. (+385-1) 481--96-33

Dubrovnik 20 213 »ilipi, Dubrovnik ZraËna luka/Airport Dubrovnik Tel. (+385-20) 773-232

Meunarodna zraËna luka Zagreb/ Zagreb International Airport Tel. (+385-1) 61-64-581 Fax (+385-1) 62-65-930

Frankfurt Frankfurt Airport Center 1 Gebäude 234, HBK 49 Hugo-Eckener-Ring 60549 Frankfurt Tel. (+49-69) 92-00-520 London Concorde North Wing, Gatwick Airport Room 332, West Sussex RH6 0DW Tel. (+44-20) 8563-0022, London Heathrow Airport, Terminal 2A, Departures, Zone B, Hounslow, Middlesex, TW6 1JZ Tel. (+44-20) 8745-4683 Paris

95731 ROISSY CDG CEDEX Roissypôle Le Dôme, Rue de la Haye BP 18913 Tremblay en France Tel. (+33-1) 48-16-40-00


Zürich Letzigraben 154, 8047 Zürich Tel. (+41-44) 2610-840 Prodajni zastupnici / Sales agents Europa / Europe »eπka / the Czech Republic CK Blue Sky Travel Opletalova 57, 11 000 Praha 1 Tel. +420 222 222 235 GrËka / Greece Intermodal Air 25, Filellinon Str., 105 57 Athens Tel. +30 210 32 17 679, 32 17 750 Kosovo Airtour Prishtina International Airport Tel. +381 38 594 111

Portugal APG - Portugal Rua Tenente Espanca, nº3 − 3º A, 1050 - 220 Lisboa Tel. +351 219 100 054 Rusija/Russia GRM (Global Russia Marketing) Bolshaya Sadovaya street 10, office 20, 123001 Moscow, Russia Tel. +7 495 981 14 00 SlovaËka / Slovakia CK Blue Sky Travel Rajska 15, 811 08 Bratislava Tel. +421 2 5262 2375 Srbija / Serbia INTERTRAVEL GSA Topličin Venac 19-21 11000 Beograd Tel. +381 11 310 89 69 Španjolska / Spain Global Representacion Turistica / GRT Rambla de Catalunya, 61 5º 3ª, 08007 Barcelona Tel. +34 934 875 775 Bliski istok / Middle East Izrael / Israel Biaf Aviation Services Ltd 1 Ben Yehuda Street, Migdalor blgd. 12th floor, Tel Aviv 63802 Tel. +972 3 516 7181, 516 7140 Australija / Australia Sky Air Services 7/24 Albert Road, Sth. Melbourne Vic. 3205, Tel. +61 3 9699-9355 Novi Zeland / New Zealand CTtravel Limited NZ PO Box 104-056, Lincoln North, Suite, 1/182 Lincoln Rd. Henderson, Auckland, NZ Tel. +64 9 837 9897 Japan Air System Inc. Shimbashi Frontier Building, 7F 3-4-5 Shimbashi Minato-ku Tokyo, 105-0004 Japan Tel. +81 3 3593 6740 Koreja / Korea Bohram Air Services 7F, Donghwa Bldg, 58-7 Seosomun-dong, Jung-gu, Seoul, Korea Tel: +82 2 754 6336 Tajvan, Kina, Hong Kong / Taiwan, China, Hong Kong Pacific Express Company Limited 8F, No 137, Nanking E. Road Sec. 2, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. Tel: +886 2 2515 2371


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