Ljeto _ Summer 2020
Putni Ä?asopis _ Inflight magazine
A. Grubelić
Poštovani putnici!
Dear passengers,
Uistinu me raduje što smo ponovno zajedno na našim letovima. Nadam se da je najzahtjevnije vrijeme epidemiološke krize izazvane virusom COVID-19 iza nas te nastavljamo normalizaciju prometa s kojom smo započeli tijekom svibnja i lipnja. Naša kompanija dijeli sudbinu cijele zrakoplovne industrije u Europi i svijetu, ali mi nismo prekidali prometovanje čak ni u najtežim trenucima krize. Osim redovitih letova za Frankfurt, obavljali smo i letove kojima smo prevozili medicinske potrepštine i humanitarnu pomoć te repatrijacijske charter letove za hrvatske državljane koji se nisu mogli vratiti kući. Nažalost, učinci krize nisu se mogli izbjeći pa je tako do kraja svibnja broj letova smanjen za 53 posto, a u zrakoplovima je prevezeno 60 posto manje putnika u odnosu na isto razdoblje lani. Putnici su za nas uvijek na prvome mjestu, a osobito u vrijeme koronavirusa, kad im nastojimo pružiti dodatnu brigu i pažnju. Croatia Airlines poštuje sve mjere zaštite nadležnih javnozdravstvenih tijela te zrakoplovnih vlasti, a jedna je od njih objava našega putnog časopisa online. Ne sumnjam da ćete i u ovome online izdanju pronaći teme koje vas zanimaju. Predstavljamo vam našega istaknutog pijanista Mateja Meštrovića, vodimo vas na Viški arhipelag, koji je UNESCO lani proglasio geoparkom, pozivamo vas i u naš Zagreb koji nudi brojna ljetna događanja na otvorenome, otkrivamo savršena mjesta za aktivni turizam − letenje, ronjenje, bicikliranje, planinarenje − pogodna upravo za ovo vrijeme u kojemu više nego inače pazimo jedni na druge i održavamo fizičku udaljenost. Svima koji dolaze u našu lijepu zemlju želim ugodan odmor i zahvaljujem što letite Croatia Airlinesom.
I’m really happy to have you on our flights again. I hope that the most challenging period of the COVID-19 pandemic is behind us and that we’ll continue to normalise our traffic, which we started during May and June. Our company shares the fate of the entire aviation industry in Europe and the world, although we didn’t bring traffic to a complete halt, not even in the most difficult moments of the crisis. Besides regular flights to Frankfurt, we also operated flights that carried medical supplies and humanitarian aid, and chartered repatriation flights for Croatian citizens. Unfortunately, the effects of the crisis couldn’t be avoided, so by the end of May the number of flights was reduced by 53%, and the number of passengers by 60% compared to the same period last year. Passengers always come first with us, particularly during this coronavirus pandemic, when we look to provide them with extra care and attention. Croatia Airlines respects all protective measures introduced by the competent public health and aviation authorities, one of which is publishing our magazine online. I’ve no doubt that you’ll find topics of interest even in this online edition. We’re presenting our prominent pianist Matej Meštrović, we’re taking you to the Vis archipelago which was declared a geopark by UNESCO last year, we’re inviting you to Zagreb which is organising many outdoor events during summer, we’re discovering places perfect for active holidaying − flying, diving, cycling, hiking − and ideally suited for the present time in which we’ve taken care of each other more than normally whilst maintaining social distancing. I wish everyone coming to our beautiful country a great holiday and thank you for flying with Croatia Airlines.
Jasmin Bajić Predsjednik Uprave / President & CEO
Razgovor MATEJ MEŠTROVIĆ, OSEBUJNI GLAZBENIK SA STILOM Matej Meštrović, osebujan glazbenik, klavirist, skladatelj i specifičan interpretator, istodobno je i svjetski putnik. Često ga možete sresti u avionima Croatia Airlinesa. Interview MATEJ MEŠTROVIĆ, AN EXCEPTIONAL MUSICIAN WITH STYLE Matej Meštrović is not just an exceptional musician, piano player, composer and extraordinary interpreter, but also a world traveller. You’ll often see him on board Croatia Airlines flights.
18 Otoci VIŠKI ARHIPELAG, PRVI HRVATSKI GEOPARK NA JADRANU UNESCO je proglasio predivni Viški arhipelag geoparkom. Islands THE VIS ARCHIPELAGO, CROATIA’S FIRST GEOPARK IN THE ADRIATIC UNESCO declared the beautiful Vis archipelago a geopark.
Ljeto/Summer 2020 www.croatiaairlines.com
Uredništvo ne odgovara za promjene u rasporedu događanja, za otkazivanje ili promjene datuma održavanja događanja nastale nakon objavljivanja časopisa. The editorial board cannot be held responsible for any changes that may occur in the scheduling of events or their cancellation after the magazine is finished.
40 Prirodne ljepote ZANOSNI MIRISI HRVATSKE Hrvatska jadranska obala miriši oporo, ali zanosno, nezaboravno... Natural attractions THE SWEET SCENTS OF CROATIA Croatia’s Adriatic coast is perfumed with a pungent yet seductive, unforgettable scent.
We know where to find the best real estate! Discover Luxury properties, a new category on njuskalo.hr CROATIA AIRLINES 1/2020
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Tourism CROATIA, A PARADISE FOR ACTIVE HOLIDAY LOVERS Regardless of whether you’re a fan of flying, cycling or diving, Croatia’s a paradise for active holiday lovers.
I. Pervan - Vis
Turizam HRVATSKA, RAJ ZA LJUBITELJE AKTIVNOG TURIZMA Neovisno o tome jeste li ljubitelj letenja, bicikliranja ili morskih dubina, Hrvatska je raj za ljubitelje aktivnog turizma.
Nakladnik/Publisher Croatia Airlines Hrvatska zrakoplovna tvrtka Bani 75b, Buzin 10 010 Zagreb, Croatia tel.: +385-1-616-00-66 e-mail: pr@croatiaairlines.hr
URL: www.croatiaairlines.com
Moda ARTISTIČKI ODJEVNI DIZAJN Marija Kulušić prisutna je na strani artističkoga, promišljenog odjevnog dizaj na koji ignorira brzo izmjenjivanje trendova te je dio takozvane slow fashion scene.
Predsjednik Uprave/President & CEO Jasmin Bajić
Glavna urednica/Editor-in-chief Ksenija Ælof
Fashion ARTISTIC FASHION DESIGN Giving it a lot of thought, Marija Kulušić approaches fashion design artistically. This makes her design ignore the rapid change of trends and is part of what is called the slow fashion scene.
Suradnici glavne urednice/ Editor-in-chief assistants Ana Ćulumović Šoštarić, Davor Janušić, Anamarija Jurinjak
Dizajn/Design Ivana IvankoviÊ, Miranda Herceg
74 Život grada ZAGREB I NJEGOV ZELENI PRSTEN Zagrebačkoj županiji tepamo da je zeleni prsten grada jer ga okružuje obiljem prirodnih ljepota i malim mjestima idealnima za bijeg od vreve.
Miranda Herceg
City life ZAGREB’S GREEN RING Zagreb County is referred to by the locals as Zagreb’s green ring because it’s surrounded by the county’s many natural attractions and small places where you can escape the hustle and bustle of the city.
Nevena Erak Camaj
Direktor Komercijalnih poslova/ Commercial Division Director Slaven Žabo
Prijevod na engleski/ English translation Ana Janković Oglaπavanje/Advertising Croatia Airlines Gabrijela Lochert
tel.: +385-1-616-00-17
Naši zaposlenici Putnici su za nas uvijek na prvome mjestu, a osobito u ovo zahtjevno vrijeme koronavirusa, kad im nastojimo pružiti i dodatnu brigu i pažnju.
e-mail: advertising@croatiaarlines.hr
Our employees Passengers always come first with us, particularly in today’s challenging times caused by the coronavirus pandemic, when we look to provide our passengers with extra care and attention.
Promocija/Promotion Croatia Airlines tel.: +385-1-616-01-02
AKD d.o.o., Savska cesta 31, Zagreb Tisak/Press AKD d.o.o., Savska cesta 31, Zagreb
ISSN 1330-6278
Prilaz braće Kaliterna 10/1, 21000 Split, Croatia tel/fax: +385 (0)21 490 032, 490 033, 490 036
www.dalmatia.hr • info@dalmatia.hr
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CHECKPOINT MAMMII Riječ je o brendu ručno izrađenog nakita koji u sebi spaja stare tehnike izrade i modernog, pročišćenog dizajna, a inspiraciju često pronalazi u prirodi. Nakit se izrađuje od srebra i mjedi s pozlatom, u kombinaciji s poludragim kamenjem i kristalima koji svaki komad čine jedinstvenim. MAMMII nakit nalazi se u ponudi GARDEROBA CONCEPT STOREA u Zagrebu (Martićeva 17) i Rovinju (Lungomare Plaza Grand Park Hotela). Often finding inspiration in nature, MAMMII is a brand of handmade jewellery that features a modern and refined design produced by using old manufacturing techniques. Each piece is made of gilded silver and brass accentuated by semi-precious stones and crystals that make each piece unique. MAMMII jewellery is available at GARDEROBA CONCEPT STORE in Zagreb (17 Martićeva Street) and in Rovinj (Lungomare Plaza Grand Park Hotel). www.garderobastore.hr
TriSq TriSq je sustav urbane opreme namijenjen opremanju eksterijera poput parkova, trgova, šetnica, vrtova, stajališta, kolodvora te privatnih vrtova i okućnica. Može se primijeniti i u interijerima javnih ustanova i objekata. Dizajnerica Ada Kezić koristi cjelovito drvo. TriSq is an urban outdoor furniture system designed for exteriors, such as parks, squares, promenades, gardens, stops and stations (bus, tram, railway), and private gardens and yards. TriSq pieces can also be used to furnish the interiors of public institutions and facilities. Designer Ada Kezić uses solid wood. www.adakezic.com
Vina Šoškić Šoškić wines U slikovitom i bogatom vinogorju Plešivica nalazi se izvrstan vinski podrum obitelji Šoškić. Vrijedi probati njihova nova vina: Pinot gris, Rizling, Sauvignon i Pinot noir, a posebni su i po obiteljskom, vrlo uspjelom vinjaku Dvor od starih vinskih sorti. Proizvode vinarije Šoškić potražite u vinoteci Vivat fina vina u Zagrebu. The exceptional wine cellar of the Šoškić family is located in Plešivica, a picturesque and rich wine region. Although they’re famous for their very successful Dvor brandy made from old grape varieties, their new Pinot Gris, Riesling, Sauvignon and Pinot Noir wines are also worth trying. Šoškić winery products are available at the Vivat fine wine store in Zagreb. www.soskic.hr www.vivat-finavina.hr
www.erstecardclub.hr Info telefon: 01 4929 555
Preuzmite na
Skupljajte nagradne milje uz pametniji način plaćanja Zatražite paket kartica Diners Club Croatia Airlines i Visa Croatia Airlines i budite sigurni da će opet doći vrijeme za putoholičare. Sudjelujte u nagradnom programu Miles & More i koristite pogodnosti Diners Cluba jer: - plaćate samo jednu članarinu za obje kartice u paketu - milje skupljate na isti Miles & More račun uz neograničenu valjanost* Više na www.erstecardclub.hr *U skladu s Pravilima nagradnog programa za korisnike Diners Club Croatia Airlines i Visa Croatia Airlines kartice.
D. Å kreblin
Matej Meštrović, osebujan glazbenik, klavirist, skladatelj i specifičan interpretator, istodobno je i svjetski putnik. Često ga možete sresti u avionima Croatia Airlinesa i na letovima drugih svjetskih aviokompanija. Matej Meštrović is not just an exceptional musician, piano player, composer and extraordinary interpreter, but also a world traveller. You’ll often see him on board Croatia Airlines flights and those operated by other international airline companies.
Piše/By _ Slobodan Bukvić
01 Carnegie Hall, svjetska praizvedba Dunavske rapsodije Carnegie Hall, at the world premiere of the Danube Rhapsody 02 Velika turneja po Kini, nastup u Pekingu Meštrović’s big tour of China, a performance given in Beijing
rezonantnoj kutiji, koja je dugo odzvanjala. Također, uz klavir sam od malih nogu učio svirati i blok flautu. Na jednom od svojih prvih nastupa na blok flauti, kad mi je bilo pet ili šest godina, improvizirao sam na vlastitu temu − vještica. Mama je na magnetofonsku vrpcu snimila jednu moju klavirsku improvizaciju 1975. godine. Pitala me što ću svirati, a ja sam odgovorio: U moru šum. Odsvirao sam improvizaciju koja je trajala 22 minute. I danas imam tu snimku. Koji je događaj bio presudan u vašem opredjeljenju za glazbu, koja će postati vaš život i smisao života? − Kad mi je bilo 14 godina, prošao sam kroz neku vrstu krize. Vježbao sam klavir nekoliko sati na dan, a nakon vježbanja
M. Meštrović, privatna arhiva/private photo
03 Svjetska praizvedba Kineske rapsodije At the world premiere of the Chinese Rhapsody
jednako toliko godina otkako ste se počeli baviti glazbom. Naime, pokazali ste sklonost prema klaviru i glazbi već u dobi od četiri godine, kad ste spontano zasvirali. No možda je ta ljubav kod vas začeta još i ranije. Naime, vaša majka, poznata i ugledna pijanistica i klavirska pedagoginja Sretna Meštrović, bila je u drugom stanju dok je pripremala i izvodila Mozartov koncert u Hrvatskome glazbenom zavodu. Moglo bi se reći da ste već tada intuitivno osjetili ljepotu glazbe, što je možda odredilo i vaš životni put. Koliko se sjećate svojeg početka života s glazbom i svojevrsne spontane posvećenosti glazbi? − Uvijek govorim da sam bio na pozornici prije nego što sam se rodio. Važno
lavirist i skladatelj Matej Meštrović zaista s lakoćom obilazi svjetske destinacije, kao što i s jednakom neobjašnjivom lakoćom nastupa i osvaja publiku na svim meridijanima svijeta. Održavao je koncerte u SAD-u, Kanadi, Kini, Australiji, Europi... No na prvi pogled jednostavan i ležeran nastup ovoga poznatog i priznatog umjetnika rezultat je dugogodišnjeg rada, talenta, upornosti, entuzijazma i ljubavi. U ugodnoj atmosferi doma Mateja Meštrovića u blizini Zagreba, u pitoresknom i mirnom ambijentu u kojem živi, razgovarali smo iskreno i otvoreno o svemu što je utkao u svoj glazbeni put. Nevjerojatno zvuči podatak da ste navršili 50 godina života, ali i gotovo
je pritom naglasiti da nije samo koncert koji je moja majka 1969. godine održala u HGZ-u utjecao na moj razvoj nego i činjenica da je tijekom cijele trudnoće vježbala za taj koncert svaki dan. Kada sam imao otprilike jednu godinu, moja se majka vratila s nekog koncerta s velikim buketom cvijeća koji je dobila. Ugledavši to cvijeće, moja prva riječ bila je cvijeće. S četiri godine počeo sam se s mamom igrati na klaviru. Počeo sam istraživati taj čarobni instrument i čar glazbe... Nisam najprije učio note nego sam uz igru zapravo svladavao improvizaciju. Proučavao sam klavir, ne samo tipke klavira nego cijeli instrument. Uvlačio sam se pod klavir i kucao rukom odozdo po njegovoj
pijanističkog repertoara improvizirao sam na vlastite teme. Tad sam rekao mami da ne želim biti pijanist, da me ispiše iz muzičke škole. Ona mi je odgovorila da može, ali da više nikada neću smjeti dodirnuti klavir, što je značilo da neću više smjeti svirati ni vlastite improvizacije. Taj trenutak pamtim kao sudbinski preokret u kojem sam shvatio da ne mogu živjeti bez glazbe. Albert Einstein jednom je rekao da bi vjerojatno bio glazbenik da nije fizičar, da svoje dnevne maštarije proživljava kroz glazbu te da svoj život vidi kroz smisao glazbe. Jeste li kad razmišljali o tome čime biste se bavili da niste pijanist?
to biti glazba koju ljudi žele slušati i u njoj uživati, kupiti CD. Zato je veoma važna priča, jednostavna i razumljiva, te da ljudi već na prvi pogled s naslovnice CD-a naslute kakvu glazbu mogu očekivati. Upravo o tome svjedoči naslovnica vašeg novog CD-a Tri rapsodije za klavir i orkestar i primjer je posvećenosti glazbenom djelu kao sveobuhvatnom projektu. Naslovnica je toliko kreativna i uočljiva da neizostavno privlači pozornost. Na naslovnici svirate na koncertnom klaviru na vrhu našeg planeta, a iza vas je veliki orkestar uronjen u svemirsko bespuće. Već takav omot pobuđuje znatiželju, istodobno stvarajući osjećaj tajnovitosti, pa se pitamo
sodije. U takvim produkcijskim uvjetima moj dugogodišnji san mogao se početi ostvarivati. Motiv je uvijek isti − stvarati, stvarati, stvarati novu glazbu... Izraziti sve što osjećam upravo kroz glazbu jer glazba je jezik koji najbolje govorim. Posebno je zanimljivo kako ste u svojoj uspješnoj glazbenoj putanji na vrijeme shvatili da danas nije dovoljno samo kvalitetno prezentirati glazbu nego jednako uspješno i kreativno prezentirati zanimljivu priču... − Živimo u dobu kad je sve oko nas proizvod. Glazba nije proizvod i iznimno je važno znati komunicirati s publikom o tome o kakvoj je glazbi riječ. Moramo znati kome se glazbom obraćamo. Treba
što možemo očekivati od glazbe koja se krije iza njega. − Da, upravo tako. Morate znati da osim produkcije CD-a PARMA Recordings potpisuje i naslovnicu. Proces kroz koji se stvara naslovnica jest fantastičan. PARMA pošalje veliki upitnik s puno pitanja i grafičkih rješenja dosadašnjih njihovih izdanja, a od mene kao autora traže odgovore na ta pitanja. Na temelju mojih odgovora, ovisno o tome što ja želim komunicirati u javnosti, oni dizajniraju naslovnicu. To je zajednički proces u kojem je najvažnije imati viziju. Jednako je bilo i s naslovnicom za Vivaldija. Obje su naslovnice uistinu sjajne jer odmah daju naslutiti o čemu je riječ na tim albumima.
M. Meštrović, privatna arhiva/private photo
Music Awards. Što vas je motiviralo za ovaj pothvat koji je već u kratkom roku doživio uspjeh? − Nakon Vivaldija shvatio sam da je vrijeme za još mnogo veći izazov. Za kompletan autorski album s orkestrom. Već duže vrijeme želio sam napisati nešto veliko, grandiozno, za klavir i orkestar. To je nešto najljepše što sam si mogao priuštiti kao pijanist, ali i kompozitor. Budući da sam ekskluzivni umjetnik PARMA Recordingsa iz SAD-a, svaki moj korak zajedno pomno analiziramo i dogovaramo unaprijed. Nakon prvog albuma Vivaldija upravo za PARMU, logičan je slijed bio da napišem posve autorski album. PARMA Recordings me u tome maksimalno podržao i uložio sredstva u Tri rap-
M. Meštrović, privatna arhiva/private photo
− Da nisam pijanist i kompozitor, bio bih dirigent. Da se ponovo rodim i mogu birati čime bih se bavio u životu, to bi bila samo glazba. Postali ste osobito poznati u glazbenom svijetu po svojoj specifičnoj interpretaciji Četiri godišnja doba za klavir Antonija Vivaldija. Zašto baš Vivaldi? − Jedini sam kompozitor na svijetu koji je napisao autorsku obradu Vivaldijeva Četiri godišnja doba za tri klavira. Važan je naglasak na autorskoj obradi jer postoji mnogo transkripcija izvornog Vivaldijeva materijala napisanih za druge instrumente, ali malo se kompozitora usudilo dirnuti u Vivaldija tako da autorski intervenira u njegovo možda i najpoznatije djelo. Vivaldi je za mene bio ogroman
izazov. Kad sam bio mali, Vivaldi kao da mi je prišao i rekao: Kad narasteš, poigraj se sa mnom kao da si dijete... i tako sam se poigrao sa sva četiri godišnja doba. Poštujući njegovu strukturu kao i kompletan poredak svih 12 stavaka, dao sam si autorsku slobodu intervenirati na svim dijelovima koje sam želio autorski obraditi. Ništa manju pozornost domaće i svjetske glazbene javnosti nisu izazvale i vaše Tri rapsodije za klavir i orkestar. Riječ je o vrlo zanimljivu projektu s tri različite cjeline i glazbene specifičnosti, za koji ste lani dobili uglednu nagradu Gold Medal Winner − Best of Show koju dodjeljuje Global
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Nazivi koje ste dali rapsodijama u vašem projektu Tri rapsodije za klavir i orkestar također su zanimljivi. Zašto Dunavska, Kineska i New England rapsodija? − Sve je počelo prije nekoliko godina. Počeo sam pisati veliko djelo za klavir i orkestar i ideja je bila da se Dunavskom rapsodijom i njezinom praizvedbom otvori prvi DunavArt Festival u Vukovaru. Ali ispalo je drukčije. Dobio sam poziv za
Kineska rapsodija. I na kraju, kako su moji izdavači PARMA Recordings smješteni u američkoj regiji New England, upravo sam njima posvetio zadnju rapsodiju i tako je i nazvao. Kako je započela suradnja s tom izdavačkom kućom koja je prepoznala vašu nadarenost? − Veoma jednostavno. Pronašao sam ih na internetu i poslao im e−mail u kojem sam se predstavio, poslao linkove na svoju glazbu,
− U trenutku kada je Bobo Lord, CEO izdavačke kuće PARMA, čuo kompjutorsku simulaciju Dunavske rapsodije i dobio partituru, rekao mi je: Moram te odvesti u Ameriku. Prošlo je dva mjeseca i dobio sam poziv iz Carnegie Halla. Ono na što sam posebno ponosan jest činjenica da sam nastupio u najprestižnijoj velikoj dvorani, Isaac Stern Auditorium, u kojoj je od naših pijanista svirao samo Ivo Pogorelić. No također mogu napomenuti da sam jedi01 Most Hendrix u Zagrebu, nagrada Illuminating Engineering Society 2018. Hendrix Bridge in Zagreb awarded by the Illuminating Engineering Society in 2018 02 Skirina svjetlosna instalacija na Festivalu svjetla u Zagrebu Skira’s lighting installation02 at the Festival of Lights in Zagreb
T. Marić
03 Kružni tok u Puli A roundabout in Pula
svjetsku praizvedbu Dunavske rapsodije u Carnegie Hallu. Čim sam napisao Dunavsku, koja traje 30 minuta, u meni je počeo kuhati novi projekt i shvatio sam da moram napisati još jednu ili dvije rapsodije kako bi se projekt zaokružio. Želio sam jednu rapsodiju posvetiti Dunavu, veličanstvenoj europskoj rijeci, a onda sam pomislio kako bi bilo lijepo ići još dalje i obuhvatiti čitav svijet. Tako je nastala i
a nakon što sam na Dubrovačkim ljetnim igrama imao svjetsku praizvedbu Vivaldija za tri klavira s Matijom Dedićem i Hakanom Ali Tokerom, poslao sam im videozapis s tog koncerta. Za 15 dana ponudili su mi ugovor. Jedan je od vaših velikih svjetskih uspjeha svakako i nastup u prestižnom Carnegie Hallu u New Yorku. Kako je do toga došlo?
ni hrvatski kompozitor koji je u toj dvorani imao svjetsku praizvedbu vlastite kompozicije za klavir i orkestar. No uspjeh nikada ne dolazi preko noći. Iza mene je gotovo 50 godina svakodnevnog rada. Radim svaki dan i po desetak sati. Sviram, komponiram i vježbam. Poziv iz Carnegie Halla stigao je nakon što sam neumorno radio čitav život, a takva dvorana itekako gleda na prvorazrednu kvalitetu svega što se u
e travels the world with the same inexplicable ease with which he performs and captivates audiences across the globe. He’s performed in the USA, Canada, China, Australia and Europe. But, what may at first glance seem like a simple and laid-back performance of his is, in fact, the result of years of work, talent, persistence, enthusiasm and love. We talked frankly and openly to Matej Meštrović about everything he’s woven into his musical journey in the comfort of his home near Zagreb, a picturesque and peaceful environment. The fact that you recently turned 50 and that you’ve been making music for almost just as long sounds incredible. You had a penchant for the piano and
music already at the age of four, when you started playing music spontaneously. This love of yours for music may have been conceived even earlier. Your mother, Sretna Meštrović, a well-known and distinguished pianist and piano teacher, was pregnant with you while preparing for and performing a Mozart concert at the Croatian Music Institute. You may have intuitively felt the beauty of music already back then, which may
practising for that particular concert every single day of her pregnancy. When I was about a year old, my mother came home from a concert she gave with a big bouquet of flowers she was given. Having seen the flowers, I uttered my very first word which was flower. At the age of four, I started playing with the piano together with my mom. I started exploring that magical instrument and the charm of music... Learning the notes wasn’t the first thing I did. By playing
M. Meštrović, privatna arhiva/private photo
njoj svira. Bilo je to sjajno iskustvo koje me istovremeno obvezuje da nastavim dalje i da želim više. Poznati ste po vrlo široku spektru žanrova kojima se bavite. Klasična glazba, suvremena, filmska, a pojavljujete se i kao scenarist i redatelj za promidžbene filmove o hrvatskom turizmu. Kako uspijevate između brojnih putovanja i koncerata razvijati i uspješno obavljati tako različite glazbene i umjetničke aktivnosti? − Radim neprestano. Kad sam bio mlad i spremao se za klavirska natjecanja, sam sam sebi ponavljao rečenicu: Želiš li vježbati klavir 24 sata na dan, trebaš ustajati sat ranije. Možda je manje poznato da ste kao klavirski aranžer pridonijeli i planetarnom uspjehu našeg popularnog pijanista Maksima Mrvice. Kako je započela ta obostrano uspješna i korisna suradnja? − S Maksimom surađujem petnaestak godina. Jednog dana nazvao me Tonči Huljić i rekao mi da je čuo kako sam ja jedini koji može pisati klavirske aranžmane za Maksima u Hrvatskoj. I tako je počela jedna lijepa suradnja koja traje i danas... Dobili ste bezbroj domaćih i svjetskih priznanja i nagrada. Možete li neku nagradu izdvojiti kao vama osobito važnu? − Svaka nagrada u trenutku kada je dobijemo znači veliku potvrdu kvalitete projekta za koju smo je dobili. Mene osobno svaka nagrada obvezuje da idem naprijed. Ne radim radi nagrada, ali one su definitivno velik poticaj i potvrda da ste na pravom putu.
have later determined your path of life. How much of your early life involving music and your instinctive commitment of sorts to music do you remember? − I always say I had been on stage even before I was born. It’s important to highlight that what had an influence on my development was not only the concert that my mother held at the Croatian Music Institute in 1969, but also the fact that she had been
01 Fotografska seansa u tradicionalnim kineskim nošnjama A photo shoot in traditional Chinese costumes 02 Nastup u Hrvatskome glazbenom zavodu Performing at the Croatian Music Institute
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with the piano, I actually learned how to improvise. I explored the piano, not just its keys, but the whole instrument. I used to crawl under the piano and tap my fingers against its resonance box from underneath and the box would then resonate for a long time. Besides the piano, I also learned to play the recorder, also at a young age. During one of my first recorder performances, when I was about five or six, I played an improvisation around my own theme, which was − the witch. My mother recorded one of my piano improvisations on tape back in 1975. She asked me what I was going to play, and I said: Murmur of the sea. I played a 22-minute long improvisation. I still have that recording.
01-02 Kreativne naslovnice albuma Tri rapsodije i Četiri godišnja doba za tri klavira, PARMA Recordings The creative album covers of Meštrović’s 3 Rhapsodies, and 4 Seasons for 3 Pianos albums, PARMA Recordings 03 Hrvatsko narodno kazalište u Zagrebu, promocija CD-a Četiri godišnja doba za tri klavira The 4 Seasons for 3 Pianos album promotion at the Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb
What event was decisive in your commitment to music, which was to become your life and which was to give meaning to your life? − When I was 14, I went through a crisis of sorts. I’d practise for a few hours a day, and after practising a piano repertoire, I used to play my own improvisations and themes. It was then that I told my mother that I didn’t want to be a pianist and that I wanted to drop out of music school. She said ok, adding that that implied that I would never be allowed to touch the piano again, which meant that I’d no longer be allowed to play my own improvisations. I remember that fateful moment, a turningpoint in my life, when I realised I couldn’t live without music. Albert Einstein once said that he’d probably be a musician if he weren’t a physicist, that he lived his daydreams in music and that he saw his life in terms of music. Have you ever thought about what you would do in life if you weren’t a pianist? − If I weren’t a pianist and a composer, I’d be a conductor. If I were born again and could choose what to do in life, it would again be music. You’ve become particularly famous in the world of music for your specific interpretation of Antonio Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons for piano. Why Vivaldi? − I’m the only composer in the world who authored an adaptation of Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons for three pianos. The emphasis here is on the fact that the adaptation is authored because there are many transcriptions of Vivaldi’s original material written for other instruments, and only very few composers have dared to touch Vivaldi by authoring an intervention in what is his perhaps most famous work. Vivaldi was an enormous challenge for me. When I was a little boy, I felt as if Vivaldi had approached me and said: When you grow up, play with me the way a child would. That’s how I ended up playing with all four of his seasons. Respecting their structure and the order of all the 12 concertos, I indulged in artistic licence and intervened in all the parts that I wanted to interpret as an author. Your 3 Rhapsodies for piano and orchestra received just as much attention in the world as they did in Croatia. They’re a very interesting project involving three different pieces featuring different musical specificiti-
es, for which you received the prestigious Gold Medal Winner − Best of Show award given by the Global Music Awards last year. What motivated you to embark on this project which has met with success within a very short period of time? − After Vivaldi, I realised that it was time for an even bigger challenge, that the time was ripe for me to write an original album involving an orchestra. I had wanted to compose something big and grand for piano and orchestra for a long time. It’s the most beautiful thing I could do as both a pianist and a composer. Given that I have the status of exclusive artist with the US-based PARMA Recordings record company, we analyse with great care and curate each of my steps together and in advance. After my first Vivaldi album for PARMA, composing an original album was the next logical thing to do. PARMA Recordings gave me their full support and invested in the 3 Rhapsodies. Given such production conditions, I could finally fulfil my lifelong dream. There’s only one thing that drives me and it’s always the same − create new music, and then create some more new music; express everything I feel through music because music’s the language I speak best. What’s particularly interesting in your successful career as a musician is that you realised in time that today presenting music brilliantly isn’t enough, and that presenting an interesting story successfully and creatively is just as important... − We live in an age when everything around us is a product. Music isn’t a product and knowing how to communicate the type of music you’re making to the audience is extremely important. We need to know whom our music is addressing. It should be music that people want to listen to and enjoy, and buy a CD of. That’s why the story behind it is very important. It’s got to be simple and understandable. By taking a quick look at the cover of the CD, people should be able to tell what kind of music they can expect to hear. This is exactly what the cover of your new album 3 Rhapsodies for piano and orchestra testifies to. It’s an example of your commitment to music as an all-embracing project. The cover is so creative and captivating that it draws your attention instantly. On the cover, you play the grand piano at the
Seasons for 3 Pianos with Matija Dedić and Hakan Ali Toker at the Dubrovnik Summer Festival, I sent them a video recording of the concert. They offered me a contract in as little as 15 days. Giving a performance at the prestigious Carnegie Hall in New York is certainly one of your greatest international successes. How did that come about? − When Bobo Lord, the CEO of PARMA Recordings, heard the computer simulation of the Danube Rhapsody and got its score, he said: I have to bring you to America. Two months later, I received a call from Carnegie Hall. What I’m immensely proud of is the fact that I performed in the Isaac Stern Auditorium, Carnegie Hall’s inesti-
S. Ćetković
top of our planet, and behind you a philharmonic orchestra is immersed in infinite universe. The cover arouses curiosity and creates a sense of mystery, making us wonder what we can expect from the music hiding behind it. − Exactly. You need to know that PARMA Recordings not only produced the CD, but also designed its cover. The process through which the cover’s created is fantastic. PARMA Recordings send you a detailed questionnaire with lots of questions and the graphic solutions for their previous recordings and albums. Being the author, I was asked to fill it in. They then design the cover based on my responses and it all depends on what I want to communicate to the public. It’s the result of joint work and effort, in which the most important thing is having a vision. The cover for my Vivaldi album was created in the exact same way. Both covers are really great because they immediately give you a clue as to what these two albums are about. The titles you’ve given to your 3 Rhapsodies for piano and orchestra are also fascinating. Tell us why they’re called the Danube, the Chinese and the New England Rhapsody? − It all started a few years ago. I started composing a big piece for the piano and an orchestra, and the idea was to open the first DunavArt Festival in Vukovar with the premiere of my Danube Rhapsody. But things turned out differently. I received an invitation to have the world premiere of the Danube Rhapsody at Carnegie Hall. As soon as I composed my 30-minute long Danube Rhapsody, a new project started stirring in me, and I realised that I had to write one or two more rhapsodies to complete the project. I wanted to dedicate one rhapsody to the Danube, Europe’s greatest river, and then I thought that it would be nice to go even further and embrace the whole world. That’s how I composed the Chinese Rhapsody. And finally, given that my record company, PARMA Recordings, is headquartered in New England, I decided to dedicate the last rhapsody to them, which is why it’s called the New England Rhapsody. How did your collaboration with PARMA Recordings, a record company that recognised your talent, begin? − It was very simple. I found them on the Internet, sent them an email introducing myself and sent links to my music. After I performed the world premiere of Vivaldi’s 4
ence in scriptwriting and directing promotional films about Croatia’s tourism. How do you manage to be involved and successful in such different musical and creative activities on top of your travels and performances? − I work all the time. When I was young and preparing for piano competitions, I kept saying to myself: If you want to practise the piano 24 hours a day, you must get up an hour earlier. It’s a lesser-known fact that, as an arranger, you’ve contributed to the global success of Croatia’s popular pianist Maksim Mrvica. How did this successful and mutually beneficial collaboration begin?
mable concert hall, and that the only other Croatian pianist to have performed in it is Ivo Pogorelić. Another fact worth singling out is that I’m the only Croatian composer who had the world premiere of his own composition for the piano and an orchestra in that hall. But success doesn’t happen overnight. I’ve invested almost 50 years of daily work in achieving what I’ve achieved. I work about ten hours every day. I play the piano, I compose and I practise. The call from Carnegie Hall came after I had been working tirelessly my entire life. What such a hall prides itself on is that, in it, only first-class music is played. It was a great experience obliging me to continue and to aim for more. You’re known for your interest in a very wide range of music genres. Besides playing classical, contemporary and film music, you also have experi-
− I’ve been working with Maksim for fifteen years. One day, Tonči Huljić, a widely known Croatian music producer and manager, called me and said that he had heard that I was the only one in Croatia who could write piano arrangements for Maksim. This is how our beautiful collaboration started and we’ve been working together ever since. You’ve received countless national and international accolades and awards. Can you single out an award as being particularly important to you? − Each award is confirmation of the quality of the project which the award is received for. Personally, every award I’ve received obliges me to go forward. I don’t work to receive awards, but they’re definitely a great incentive and confirmation that I’m on the right track.
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Prije nešto više od jedne godine, Izvršni odbor UNESCO-a proglasio je Viški arhipelag geoparkom. Ovom povijesnom odlukom ostvaren je velik cilj − svjetska valorizacija nekad izoliranog i strancima nepristupačnog pučinskog otočja s najgušćom koncentracijom spomenika prirode u Europi. Just over a year ago, the UNESCO Executive Board declared the Vis archipelago a geopark. This historic decision achieved a great goal − the global validation of what was once an isolated outlying archipelago which was inaccessible to foreigners and which boasts the densest concentration of natural heritage sites in Europe.
01 Otočić Budikovac pokraj Visa The islet of Budikovac near Vis 02 Uvala Pritišćina, južna obala Visa Pritišćina Bay, the southern coast of Vis
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01 Poluotočić Prirovo u luci grada Visa Prirovo Peninsula in the port of Vis 02 Kampanel crkve svetoga Nikole u Komiži The belfry of the Church of St. Nicholas in Komiža 02 Luka grada Visa The port of Vis
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Prizor noćnog ribolova plivaricom na srdele Night fishing for sardines using a purse seine
Vinograd na padini iznad KomiĹže, primjer ruralne arhitekture suhozida A vineyard on a slope above KomiĹža, an example of rural dry stone wall architecture
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01 Povijesni ribarski brod gajeta falkuša ispred vulkanskog otočića Jabuka The historic falkuša gajeta fishing boat with the volcanic islet of Jabuka in the backgroun 02 Geomorfološki lokalitet Gaće na južnoj obali Visa The Gaće Cave on the southern coast of Vis
Geološka povijest Dvije godine nakon pokretanja inicijative s otoka Visa u suradnji s Hrvatskim geološkim institutom iz Zagreba, te uz potporu lokalne zajednice Grada Visa, Grada Komiže, Gradine Vis d.o.o. i osobito Nautičkog centra iz Komiže, ostvaren je velik cilj − svjetska valorizacija nekad izoliranog i strancima nepristupačnog pučinskog otočja s najgušćom koncentracijom spomenika prirode u Europi. Hrvatska je dobila prvi geopark na Jadranu. Viški arhipelag jadranski je prostor u čijem je središtu otok Vis kojemu pripada niz otoka: Ravnik, Budikovac, Jabuka, Brusnik, Sveti Andrija, Biševo i Palagruža. Ovo je jedini prostor Jadrana unutar kojega je u geološkoj prošlosti (prije 220 milijuna godina) došlo do velikih geoloških promjena prodorom dijapira − mase dubinske prasoli koja je provalila prema površini uzdižući sedimentne ploče formirane petrifikacijom pijeska i ljuštura organizama (školjki). Jadranski otoci zapravo su nekadašnji vrhovi planina koje su se uzdigle nad ravnicom po kojoj su tekle rijeke Krka, Cetina i Neretva do dalekih planina koje će se zbog porasta razine mora na kraju mlađeg glacijala, prije dvanaest tisuća godina, pretvoriti u jadranske otoke. Rajska oaza Mediterana Svjetski fond za zaštitu prirode WWF proglasio je 2003. Viški arhipelag jednom od deset posljednjih rajskih oaza
Mediterana vrednujući njegove prirodne posebnosti (spomenici prirode, ekološko očuvanje okoliša, bioraznolikost) te kulturni identitet (nasljeđe prethodnih generacija u materijalnoj i nematerijalnoj baštini, povijesne reference otoka kao raskrižja morskih putova koji je od antike do novijeg vremena bio u središtu velikih povijesnih događaja na Jadranu). Modra špilja Godine 1884. bečki slikar i istraživač barun Eugen von Ransonnet-Villez otkrio je Modru špilju na malom otoku Biševu blizu otoka Visa. Ovaj je prirodni svjetlosni fenomen viškog arhipelaga, zahvaljujući bečkome slikaru Ransonnetu, postao poznat u svijetu, a mnogi posjetitelji koje je privukla senzacionalna vijest o otkriću čudesne Modre špilje na malom otočiću Biševu uspoređuju je s čuvenom špiljom Grotta azzurra na talijanskom otoku Capri blizu Napulja, koja je otkrivena prije Modre špilje. Vulkanski otok Jabuka Poput crne piramide diže se iz mora otok Jabuka udaljen 30 milja od Komiže u pravcu zapada. Godine 1958. proglašen je geološkim spomenikom prirode. Otok je visok 97 metara, a opseg mu je oko 700 metara. Građa mu je dubinski eruptiv diorit. Magnetit u njegovim stijenama remeti moreplovcima kompase te je za slabe vidljivosti otežana navigacija u njegovoj blizini.
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Vulkanski otok Brusnik Na 11 milja zapadno od Komiže nalazi se otočić Brusnik. Godine 1951. zaštićen je kao geološki spomenik prirode. Otok se uzdiže visoko iznad razine mora. U sredini otoka nalazi se klanac s depresijom koju popunjava more, što su komiški ribari iskoristili te napravili od priručnih većih oblutaka bazene s morskom vodom za čuvanje ulovljenih jastoga. Zelena špilja Na otočiću Ravniku, nepun kilometar
udaljenu od obale, nalazi se Zelena špilja koja ima dva velika otvora tako da u njoj nije moguć svjetlosni efekt plavetnila kao u Modroj špilji. Njezinu atraktivnost omogućuje otvor u središtu visoke kupole kroz koji prodire sunčana svjetlost i u mraku špilje poput snopa reflektora obasjava morsko dno. Uvala Stiniva Uvala Stiniva na južnoj obali Visa proglašena je najljepšom europskom plažom 2016. Ova čudesna uvala završava
nevelikim morskim prostorom obgrljenim polukružnim visokim liticama s uskim vratima prema pučini i prostranim žalom. Slojevi sedimentnih ploča nižu se jedan nad drugim s obiju strana plaže, kao da prate oblik moguće goleme špilje koja se urušila. Grad Vis Grad Vis baštinik je antičkog polisa Isse − grada države koji su podigli grčki kolonisti Dorani iz Sirakuze. Taj grad bio je ishodište urbane civilizacije na istočnoj 01 Modra špilja na otoku Biševu The Blue Cave on the Island of Biševo 02 Medvjeđa spilja na otoku Biševu Medvjeđa spilja (Bear Cave in translation) on the Island of Biševo 03 Žalo na vulkanskom otočiću Brusnik, otok Svetac u pozadini A beach on the volcanic islet of Brusnik with the Island of Svetac in the background
obali Jadrana. Podignut je na padini južne obale prostrane sjeveroistočne uvale otoka Visa. Brojni arheološki nalazi, danas izloženi u arheološkom muzeju Visa i Splita, svjedoče o visokom civilizacijskom i kulturnom razvoju ovoga jadranskog polisa, koji je svoje bogatstvo temeljio ponajprije na proizvodnji i trgovini vinom. Grad Komiža Komiža se nalazi u središtu vulkanske tektonske aktivnosti, a njezine plaže s tamnozelenim stijenama i vulkanskim bombama nude jedinstven doživljaj i izazov za geološku interpretaciju komiškoga krajolika. Osim svoje geološke posebnosti, Komiža je povijesno najznačajniji ribarski grad u Hrvatskoj. Povijesna urbana jezgra Komiže jedinstven je primjer ribarske arhitekture. Sve kuće uz more bile su male obiteljske tvornice za soljenje ribe. Komiški ribari koji su se iselili u SAD (točnije u Kaliforniju) pridonijeli su razvoju grada San Pedra kao svjetske metropole ribarstva. Diomedov put Viški arhipelag nalazi se na Diomedovu putu, nazvanome po trojanskom junaku Diomedu, koji poslije pada Troje traži novu domovinu i nalazi je na talijanskom poluotoku Garganu. Njegovim imenom nazvan je najstariji transjadranski put koji vodi od poluotoka Gargana u Italji preko Palagruže, Biševa, Komiže do Hiličkog poluotoka (Punta planka ili Diomedov rt) kod Rogoznice u Hrvatskoj. Benediktinski put Ovaj je put poznat i kao Benediktinski put, na kojemu sljedbenici sv. Benedikta iz Nursije, monasi benediktinci, osnivaju svoje samostane (Vieste u Italiji te Palagruža, Biševo, Svetac, Komiža, Split u Hrvatskoj). Tim putem prelazi kršćanstvo sa zapadne na istočnu obalu Jadrana. Usmena predaja Komiže sačuvala je do danas uspomenu na susret pape Aleksandra III. s komiškim ribarima na Palagruži.
Falkuša, najstariji tip ribarskog broda na Mediteranu Godine 1997. obnovljena je u Komiži gajeta falkuša Comeza-Lisboa radi sudjelovanja na svjetskoj izložbi u Lisabonu EXPO 98. Kulturno-antropološka interpretacija ovoga maritimnog prostora nezamisliva je bez interpretacije povijesnog broda koji je omogućio život na ovom pučinskom frontu Jadrana. Ministarstvo kulture Republike Hrvatske zaštitilo je iskustvo gajete falkuše kao nematerijalno nacionalno kulturno dobro, ocjenjujući pritom umijeće gradnje ovog jedinstvenog tipa ribarskoga brod kao i ribarsku tradiciju povezanu s najstarijom regatom na svijetu, od Komiže do Palagruže, o čemu svjedoči dokument iz 1593. godine. Svjetska valorizacija prirodne i kulturne baštine Viškog arhipelaga Trebalo bi prepoznati proglašenje Geoparka Viški arhipelag kao jedan od najvećih povijesnih događaja u novijoj povijesti otoka Visa, kao priliku za svjetsku valorizaciju kulturne i prirodne baštine ovoga pučinskog jadranskog prostora. Takva valorizacija Visa i njegova prirodnog i kulturnog nasljeđa mogla bi pomoći u uspostavljanju modela održivog razvoja i obnovi vitaliteta te zaustavljanju demografskog propadanja otoka, a mladima dati nadu u budućnost.
Geological history Two years after the initiative was launched by the Island of Vis itself in collaboration with the Croatian Geological Survey based
in Zagreb, and with the support of the local communities of the town of Vis, the town of Komiža, Gradina Vis Ltd. and the Komižabased Sailing Centre, a great goal was achieved − the global validation of what was once an isolated outlying archipelago which was inaccessible to foreigners and which boasts the densest concentration of natural heritage sites in Europe. Croatia got its first geopark in the Adriatic. The Vis archipelago is a group of small islands in the Adriatic scattered around the Island of Vis. These are the islands of Ravnik, Budikovac, Jabuka, Brusnik, Sveti Andrija, Biševo and Palagruža. This is the only region of the Adriatic where major geological changes had taken place in geological history (i.e., 220 million years ago) thanks to the penetration of diapir − a mass of deep pre-salt that burst towards the surface raising sedimentary rock plates that had been formed by sand and the shells of different organisms petrifying. These Adriatic islands are, in reality, mountain peaks that once rose above a plain across which the rivers of Krka, Cetina and Neretva were flowing towards distant mountains that − as a result of rising sea levels at the end of the Younger Dryas some twelve thousand years ago − became islands in the Adriatic Sea. A patch of paradise in the Mediterranean In 2003, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) declared the Vis archipelago one of the last ten patches of paradise in the Mediterranean region, rating highly its natural features (natural heritage sites, environmental
Koridor ptica Ovaj je put i koridor ptica selica koje ga koriste za velike sezonske migracije. To je i razlog postojanju kolonije Eleonorina sokola (Falco eleonorae), vrlo rijetke endemske vrste koja ima najgušće stanište na svijetu na otoku Svecu kao i na otoku Biševu. 03
Svjetionik na rtu uvale Stončica na istočnoj obali Visa A lighthouse on the cape of Stončica Bay on the eastern coast of Vis
protection, biodiversity) and cultural identity (the island’s lasting legacy left by previous generations, a legacy that today comprises the island’s tangible and intangible heritage; historical references to the island at the crossroads of sea routes, an island that has been at the centre of major historical events on the Adriatic since antiquity). The Blue Cave In 1884, the Vienna-born painter and explorer Baron Eugen von RansonnetVillez discovered the Blue Cave on the small Island of Biševo near the Island of Vis. Thanks to his discovery, this natural blue light phenomenon of the Vis archipelago became world-famous, with many visitors attracted by the sensational news of the discovery of the amazing Blue Cave on the islet of Biševo having immediately compared it to the famous Blue Grotto, a similar cave on the island of Capri near Naples in Italy, which was discovered before the Blue Cave. The volcanic Island of Jabuka Like a black pyramid, the Island of Jabuka rises from the sea 30 miles west of Komiža. It was declared a geological monument of nature in 1958. The island’s 97 metres high and only about 700 metres in circumference. It’s built of deep eruptive diorite. The magnetite in its rocks causes compass malfunctions, making navigation in its vicinity difficult when visibility is poor. The volcanic Island of Brusnik The islet of Brusnik lies 11 miles west of Komiža. In 1951, it was protected as a geological monument of nature. Brusnik’s an island that rises high above sea level. The middle of the island boasts a gorge with a sea-filled depression, which Komiža’s fishermen have turned to their advantage − by using larger pebbles, they’ve made smaller sea-filled pools for the lobsters they catch. The Green Cave Less than a kilometre away from the coast, the islet of Ravnik boasts the Green Cave. Because it has two large openings, it can display no blue light effect like the Blue Cave does. What makes the Green Cave attractive is the opening in the centre of its high dome through which sunlight penetrates illuminating the seabed like a beam of light in the darkness of the cave.
Stiniva Cove Stiniva Cove on the southern side of Vis was voted the most beautiful beach in Europe in 2016. This wondrous cove ends in a small area embraced by semi-circular high cliffs with a narrow door to the open sea and a spacious beach. Layers of sedimentary slabs line one above the other on all sides of the beach, as if following the shape of what was possibly a huge cave that had collapsed. The town of Vis The town of Vis is the successor of the ancient polis of Issa, a city-state built by the Dorians, Greek colonists from Syracuse. It was from Issa that urban civilisation spread on the east coast of the Adriatic. Issa was erected on the slopes of the southern coast of the spacious north-eastern bay of the Island of Vis. The many archaeological finds, exhibited today in the archaeological museums of Vis and Split, testify to the high level of development of civilisation and culture in this Adriatic polis, whose wealth came primarily from wine production and wine trade. The town of Komiža Komiža’s located in the midst of volcanic tectonic activity. Its beaches with their dark green rocks and volcanic bombs offer a unique experience and are a challenge for the geological interpretation of Komiža’s landscape. Besides its geological peculiarity, Komiža is, historically speaking, Croatia’s most important fishing town. Komiža’s historic town centre is a unique example of fishing village architecture. All the houses by the sea were small family-run fish salting manufactories. Curiously, Komiža’s fishermen that migrated to the USA − to California to be precise − contributed to the city of San Pedro developing into the world’s capital of fishing. Diomedes’s Route The Vis archipelago lies on what is called Diomedes’s Route, named after the Trojan hero Diomedes who, after the fall of Troy, sought and found a new home on the Italian peninsula of Gargano. Diomedes’s Route is the oldest trans-Adriatic route connecting the Gargano Peninsula in Italy with the Hyllus Peninsula (also called Punta Planka or Diomedes’s Cape) near Rogoznica in Croatia via Palagruža, Biševo and Komiža.
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The Benedictine Route Known as the Benedictine Route, this was a route travelled by Benedictine monks, followers of St. Benedict of Nursia. It was along this route that they founded their monasteries (Vieste in Italy, and Palagruža, Biševo, the Island of Svetac, Komiža and Split in Croatia), thanks to which Christianity spread from the west to the east coast of the Adriatic. According to local lore, Pope Alexander III met with Komiža’s fishermen on the Island of Palagruža. A bird route This is also a bird route travelled by migratory birds during their seasonal migrations. This is why there exists a colony of Eleonora’s falcons (Falco eleonorae), a very rare species native to the Mediterranean whose habitat with the highest population density in the world is on the islands of Svetac and Biševo. Falkuša, the oldest type of fishing boat in the Mediterranean In 1997, the Comeza-Lisboa falkuša gajeta fishing boat was restored in Komiža to be presented at EXPO ’98, the 1998 world’s fair in Lisbon. Interpreting and understanding culturally and anthropologically this maritime region is inconceivable without first interpreting and understanding this historic ship that facilitated life on this outlying front of the Adriatic Sea. Rating highly the art of building this unique type of fishing boat, including the fishing tradition associated with the world’s oldest regatta − i.e., the one from Komiža to Palagruža − as evidenced by a document from 1593, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia put the falkuša gajeta fishing boat on the list of Croatia’s intangible cultural heritage. The natural and cultural heritage of the Vis archipelago globally validated That the Vis archipelago was declared a geopark should be taken as one of the most important milestones in the recent history of the Island of Vis, and as a chance to globally validate the cultural and natural heritage of this outlying archipelago of the Adriatic Sea. Such a validation of Vis and its natural and cultural heritage could help establish a model of sustainable development, restore vitality, stop the island’s population decline and give young people hope for the future.
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ZANOSNI MIRISI HRVATSKE THE SWEET SCENTS OF CROATIA Piše/By _ Nada Mirković Fotografije/Photos _ Ivo Pervan
U Hrvatskoj raste čak 5500 različitih biljaka, a s obzirom na malu površinu države, naša je flora iznimno bogata. Hrvatska jadranska obala − među stijenjem gdje raste divlje autohtono bilje i nije pošumljena crnogoricom − miriši oporo ali zanosno, nezaboravno... As many as 5500 different plants grow in Croatia. Given the size of the country, which is small, Croatia’s plant world is extremely rich. Croatia’s Adriatic coast − that is, its parts without a coniferous forest cover where native wild plants grow amidst rocks − is perfumed with a pungent yet seductive, unforgettable scent.
01 Nasadi smilja na Pelješcu Immortelle plantations on Pelješac Peninsula 02 Berba lavande, Brusje na Hvaru Lavender harvest, Brusje on the Island of Hvar
anosni miris makije hrvatske jadranske obale najviše potječe od smilja i toliko je intenzivan da ga uspoređuju s jakim začinom curryjem. Osjetit će ga svatko tko krene u šetnju kršem po našim otocima, ali i u zaleđu, po neutabanim stazama, gdje nema turista, gdje se čuju samo cvrčci. Smilje je sveprisutno u priobalju − kantautor i pjesnik Arsen Dedić, porijeklom Šibenčanin, posvetio mu je pjesmu jer je u njem moja mladost sadržana. Arsen smilje osjeća kao sukus našeg jadranskog zaleđa, jer ono je i cvit i nije.
Pjeva mu zaneseno: Nema tužnih dana, sve se ružno briše kada mi u sobi smilje zamiriše. Sve je više snova, a sve manje zbilje kada mi u sobi zamiriše smilje... Iako se ta toliko naša biljka na latinskome i francuskome naziva talijanskom (Helichrysum italicum, l’immortelle d’Italie), od mnogih vrsta smilja upravo se dalmatinsko i korzikansko smatra najkvalitetnijim za najrazličitije kozmetičke i fitomedicinske pripravke. Hrvatska i talijanska flora u velikoj se mjeri preklapaju. U Hrvatskoj raste čak
5500 različitih biljaka, a s obzirom na malu površinu države, naša je flora iznimno bogata. Usporedimo li je s puno većim zemljama shvatit ćemo koliko je veliko biljno bogatstvo naših prostora: u Francuskoj raste 4630, a u Njemačkoj 3203 različite biljke. Naročito su vrijedne mnoge hrvatske samonikle, endemične i zaštićene biljke kao što su lijepa jadranska perunika (Iris pseudopallida), velebitska degenija (Degenia velebitica), dalmatinska iglica (Geranium dalmaticum), nekoliko vrsta istarskih zvončića
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Polja lavande na Hvaru Lavender fields on the Island of Hvar
Polje smilja obitelji Babac u Poljicima kod Nina The Babac family’s immortelle fields in the village of Poljica near Nin
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01 Grm lavande u Vrsima kod Nina A lavender bush in the village of Vrsi near Nin 02 Lavanda i oleandar Lavender and oleander 03 Lavanda s okolnom vegetacijom u Pitvama, otok Hvar Lavender surrounded by other vegetation in Pitve, the Island of Hvar
(Campanula istriaca) i mnoge druge. No endemičnog je bilja malo, a u svibnju čitav naš krš oživi s milijunima žutih cvjetova brnistre (Spartium junceum), malim suncima, samozatajnim, ali mirisnim cvjetovima smilja. Treba ih brati u zoru, dok su puni rose i nude kvalitetno eterično ulje sve popularnije u anti-age kozmetici. Upravo je zato i u Hrvatskoj, po uzoru na Francusku, sve više ekološkog uzgoja smilja u Istri, Dalmaciji i Dalmatinskoj zagori. No sustavni uzgoj aromatičnog bilja
započeo je kod nas davno s ružmarinom (Rosmarinus officinalis), začinskom i ljekovitom autohtonom mediteranskom biljkom. U Dalmaciji se tradicija branja ružmarina kao ljekovite biljke spominje u jednom zapisu ljekarnika iz 1462. godine. Ružmarin se uzgajao na Hvaru, Visu i Šolti, a danas se uzgaja i prerađuje i u Istri i Primorju. Ljepota ljubičastih cvjetova lavande, koji su upravo oživjeli hvarska polja, ipak je nenadmašna. Lavandu osjećamo kao dio hrvatskog identiteta, po njoj mirišu naši primorski hoteli i domovi, iako su je još Rimljani cijenili kao sukus cijelog Mediterana zbog njezinih aromatičnih, terapijskih svojstava i nosili je sa sobom i sadili čak do Britanije. Kod nas lavanda raste i kao samonikla biljka u priobalju, no krajem dvadesetih godina prošlog stoljeća kultivirana polja lavande pretvorila su je − u hvarski izvozni proizvod. Šezdesetih godina Hvar je bio osmi u svijetu po uzgoju lavande. Čitav Hvar još i danas, kad se proizvodnja uvelike smanjila, osobito nakon što su polja opustošili veliki požari krajem devedesetih, miriše na hvarsku levandu. Zapravo je riječ o lavandinu (Lavandula x hybrida), križancu širokolisne lavande Lavandula latifolia) i prave lavande
(Lavandula angustifolia) kojoj je stanište u južnoj Francuskoj, u brdima Provanse. Lavandin je jačeg antibakterijskog i protugljivičnog učinka od blaže, opuštajuće lavande. No ostavimo po strani snagu eteričnog ulja toga ljubičastog cvijeta koju je najbolje iskušati na Festivalu lavande početkom ljeta na Hvaru. Usredotočimo se na njegovu čistu ljepotu. Polja levande, kako je zovu Hvarani, koja izgledaju gotovo kao samonikla, a ne zasađena prije gotovo stotinu godina, onako sljubljena s krajolikom krša i drevnim suhozidom oko Velog i Malog Grablja, toliko su lijepa da je berba postala turistička atrakcija koja privlači čak i turiste koji dolaze iz dalekih zemalja te drugih kultura poput japanske koja bilju pripisuje dublja značenja od zapadnjačkih.
he aromatic scent of the undergrowth sprouting along Croatia’s Adriatic coastline is mostly given off by immortelle. It’s also commonly referred to as the curry plant because it has a strong smell reminiscent of the smell of curry. You’ll notice it when you go for a walk in the karst landscape of Croatia’s islands and hinterland, down untrodden paths without any tourists around, where only crickets sing. Immortelle’s found along
the entire coastline − the Šibenik-born poet and singer-songwriter, Arsen Dedić, dedicated a poem to immortelle because, in it, my youth is held. Arsen perceives immortelle as the very essence of Croatia’s Adriatic hinterland because it’s both a flower and not one. Captivated by it, Arsen writes: No sad days, all ugliness is erased when the scent of immortelle fills my room. Dreams multiply, reality’s reduced when the scent of immortelle fills my room... Although this so very Croatian plant is referred to as Italian in Latin (Helichrysum italicum) and French (l’immortelle d’Italie), of the many varieties of immortelle, the ones growing in Dalmatia and Corsica are considered to be of the highest quality by the beauty and herbal product industries. The plants growing in Croatia overlap to a great extent with the ones growing in Italy. As many as 5500 different plants grow in Croatia. Given the size of the country, which is small, Croatia’s plant world is extremely rich. This richness becomes all the more evident when compared with much bigger countries. France, for example, boasts 4630 different types of plants, and Germany 3203. Particularly valuable are Croatia’s many native, wild and protected plants, such as the beautiful Adriatic iris
(Iris pseudopallida), Velebit’s degenia (Degenia velebitica), the Dalmatian cranesbill (Geranium dalmaticum), several species of Istrian bellflowers (Campanula istriaca) and many others. Although native plants don’t grow in abundance, in May the whole of Croatia’s karst landscape springs to life with millions of yellow Spanish broom (Spartium junceum) flowers and tiny, sun-like and fragrant yet shy immortelle flowers. Packed with quality essential oil increasingly popular in antiaging cosmetics, immortelle flowers should be picked at dawn while they’re full of dew. This is why − following in the footsteps of France − the organic farming of immortelle has been growing in Istria, Dalmatia and the Dalmatian hinterland. Aromatic herbs have been cultivated in Croatia systematically for ages. It started with rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), an aromatic and medicinal herb native to the Mediterranean basin. In Dalmatia, the tradition of picking rosemary as a medicinal plant dates back to at least 1462 when, records show, it was first mentioned by an herbalist. Rosemary used to be grown only on the islands of Hvar, Vis and Šolta, although today it’s also cultivated and processed in Istria and the northern Adriatic region.
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The beauty of lavender’s purple flowers, which have revived the fields of Hvar, is matchless. Lavender was revered already by the Romans as the very essence of the entire Mediterranean because of its aromatic and therapeutic properties, and they took and planted it as far as Britain. Regardless of the Romans, lavender has become part of Croatian identity, with Croatia’s coastal hotels and homes perfumed with it. Lavender’s also a wild plant growing along Croatia’s coastal regions. But in the late
1920s, lavender cultivated in the fields of Hvar became Hvar’s export product, and by the 1960s Hvar became the eighth biggest lavender producer in the world. Although production has declined significantly, especially after the fields were devastated by huge wildfires in the late 1990s, the whole of the Island of Hvar still smells of lavender. It’s actually a variety of lavender commonly called lavandin (Lavandula x hybrida), a crossbreed of broad-leaved lavender (Lavandula latifolia) and true
lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) native to southern France, the hills of Provence to be exact. Lavandin oil has stronger antibacterial and antifungal properties than its milder and more calming lavender oil relative. But let’s set aside the powerful properties of their essential oils, which the Island of Hvar dedicates a festival to at the beginning of each summer. Let’s focus on the pure beauty of this purple flower. Blended in perfectly with the surrounding karst landscape and ancient dry stone walls embracing the villages of Velo Grablje and Malo Grablje, Hvar’s fields of lavender − which look as though they’ve been growing wildly, as though they weren’t planted nearly a hundred years ago − are so stunning that picking them has become a tourist attraction that draws tourists even from afar, such as the Japanese whose culture attributes a far deeper meaning to plants than the western cultures do.
01 Nasadi smilja u Poljicima kod Nina Immortelle plantations in the village of Poljica near Nin 02 Smilje Immortelle 02
Konavoski Dvori National Restaurant is situated in the grounds of an ancient mill right next to the Ljuta River. Konavoski Dvori offers a unique experience for the senses, with its picturesque setting and national specialities prepared in the style of Croatian grandmothers.
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Energy restoration project - Konavoski Dvori National Restaurant. This project is co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
Neovisno o tome jeste li ljubitelj letenja, morskih dubina ili tražite neki drugi oblik uzbuđenja, Hrvatska je raj za ljubitelje aktivnog turizma, prirode i adrenalina. Zaronite i otkrijte skrivena potopljena čuda uz obalu nenadmašne ljepote. Istražite svaki kutak divlje prirode pješice, jahanjem ili biciklom. Oslobodite energiju u riječnim kanjonima i krškim krajolicima na raftingu i kajakarenju, plovite zrakom uz pomoć padobrana i paraglidea i proširite svoje vidike na Biokovu ili Vidovoj gori. Doživite iskustva, upijte svaki osjećaj, dođite i okusite Hrvatsku! Regardless of whether you’re a fan of flying or diving, or whether you’re looking for some other form of excitement, Croatia’s a paradise for active holiday, nature and adrenaline lovers. You can go diving to discover the hidden treasures from ships sunken along Croatia’s amazingly beautiful coastline. Or traverse through untamed natural surroundings on foot, on horseback or by bike. You can channel your energy into whitewater rafting and kayaking along karst landscapes, go skydiving or paragliding, or expand your horizons on Mount Biokovo or Mount Vidova Gora. Come and discover Croatia, create memorable experiences and − absorb it all!
01 Rijeka Cetina, posebno privlačna zaljubljenicima u rafting i kanuing The Cetina River is particularly appealing to rafting and canoeing enthusiasts
I. Biočina/HTZ
I. Biočina/HTZ
02 Brač, najveći dalmatinski otok idealan za ljubitelje windsurfinga The largest Dalmatian island, Brač, is ideal for lovers of windsurfing
Piše/By _ Hrvatska turistička zajednica /Croatian National Tourist Board
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01-02 Pakleničke stijene u Nacionalnom parku Paklenica osobito su popularne kao jedno od najboljih europskih penjališta Paklenica cliffs in Paklenica National Park are amongst the most popular rock-climbing spots in Europe
I. Biočina/HTZ
03 Makadamski putovi savršeni za brdski biciklizam Gravel roads, perfect for mountain biking
D. Peroš/HTZ
I. Biočina/HTZ
d makadamskih putova savršenih za brdski biciklizam do asfaltiranih cesta za obiteljske izlete, u Hrvatskoj ćete pronaći raznolike savršene staze za svačiji ukus, neovisno o tome jeste li rekreativac ili profesionalni sportaš. Opcije su beskrajne, a toliko primamljive: od biciklistički najpopularnijeg poluotoka Hrvatske − Istre, preko šumovitih, miomirisnih otoka Kvarnera i gorskih prostora Gorskog kotara, povijesnih cesta regije Lika − Karlovac, preko najviših prijevoja i atraktivnih planina dinarskoga krša do dramatično lijepe dalmatinske obale s otocima ili od žitne ravnice Slavonije kroz
zelene riječne doline, preko kultiviranih brežuljaka i uz mnoštvo dvoraca, kurija i crkava središnje Hrvatske do urbane biciklističke oaze Zagreba. Pođite stazama koje vas vode od Jadranskoga mora do planinskih vrhova. Više od 400 različitih staza, poput onih u Zagrebu, Ogulinu, Splitu i Omišu, oduševit će početnike, a iskusni planinari užitak će pronaći na Velebitu, Učki, Dinari ili Mosoru. Ako ste strastveni penjač, u Nacionalnom parku Paklenica čeka vas Anića kuk, masivna stijena visoka 350 metara koja će vam pružiti nezaboravni doživljaj. Pet najboljih mjesta za planinarenje u
Hrvatskoj nalazi se na Učki, u nacionalnim parkovima Risnjak, Sjeverni Velebit i Paklenica te na planini Biokovo. Neka od njih zimi su prekrivena snijegom, ali se mogu u cijelosti obići između kasnog proljeća i rane jeseni. Dođite i osjetite duh hrvatskih planina. Hrvatske planine nigdje ne premašuju visinu od 2000 metara, ali su po raznolikosti pejzaža iznimno zanimljive. Zbog male visine većina je vrhova planinarski razmjerno lako dostupna, što hrvatske planine čini vrlo pogodnim, praktički idealnim za planinarenje. Ljepoti hrvatskih planina dodatno pridonosi činjenica da su vrhovi po svojim obilježjima
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M. Radović/HTZ
vrlo različiti. Dok je glavnina vrhova u panonskom dijelu Hrvatske prekrivena šumom, gotovo su svi veći vrhovi u dinarskom dijelu Hrvatske goli i dobri su vidikovci. Privlačnost Hrvatske vodećim svjetskim nautičkim odredištima nije upitna, a koji će element široke lepeze ponude za nautičare pristajati vašem životnom stilu, ovisi o vama. Tajna popularnosti hrvatske obale upravo je u tome što na njoj, osim u prirodnim ljepotama, možete uživati u velikoj raznovrsnosti sadržaja kojima je zajednički nazivnik vaše zadovoljstvo. Ne čudi što je za čarteriranje jedrili-
ca Hrvatska godinama najpopularnija svjetska destinacija, a istovremeno je vrlo popularna i za sve ostale vrste najrazličitijih plovila za razonodu u koje možemo ubrojiti obiteljske brodice, motorna plovila i jahte, katamarane, gumenjake, pa i morske kajake. Od srca vam želimo da iz osobnog iskustva razotkrijete nautičku Hrvatsku i odaberete djelić koji je najbliži vašem srcu. Prvi i najvidljiviji razlog dolaska u Hrvatsku njezine su prirodne ljepote. Hrvatska obala dom je za točno 1244 otoka, otočića i hridi, ali ono što ih čini posebnima nije njihov broj, nego činjenica da formiraju mnogobrojne uvale
i uvalice, plaže, špilje i klifove, a mjesta nedirnute prirodne ljepote preklapaju se sa šarmantnim primorskim gradićima. Taj jedinstveni arhipelag, koji se proteže na manje od 250 nautičkih milja, uživa i blagu mediteransku klimu, plovidbu čini zabavnom i ugodnom. Na hrvatskoj se obali smjestilo čak pet hrvatskih nacionalnih parkova, od čega su tri tipično morska (Brijuni, Kornati i Mljet), jedan poglavito planinski (Paklenica), a jedan morsko-riječni (Krka). Ako želite dodirnuti njihovu ljepotu, dovoljno je usmjeriti pramac u željenu smjeru. Ovdje su nabrojeni samo najvažniji as-
Indux Media d.o.o.
pekti života današnjih nautičara u Hrvatskoj. Ono što je u Hrvatskoj sasvim lako, i po čemu ona zaista jest posebna, jest mogućnost trenutačnog odabira načina na koji želite provoditi vrijeme na moru. Odabira ima gotovo bezbroj, od skrovitih uvala do živih gradova često vas dijeli samo nekoliko nautičkih milja, a različiti aspekti uživanja stalno su vam nadohvat ruke. Ono što im je zajedničko njihova je kvaliteta, koja se zrcali u kvaliteti vašeg boravka u Hrvatskoj.
01-02 Zaronite i otkrijte skrivenu ljepotu hrvatskog podmorja Dive and discover the hidden treasures of Croatia’s underwater world
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I. Biočina/HTZ
Kornatsko otočje, raj jedriličarima, roniocima, nautičarima i svima koji žele uživati u osami Kornati Islands, a paradise for sailors, divers, boaters and anyone wanting some peace and quiet
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I. Biočina/HTZ
egardless of whether you’re a recreational enthusiast or a professional athlete, Croatia boasts a variety of perfect trails catering for all preferences − from dirt roads perfect for mountain biking to paved roads ideal for family trips. The options are endless and so tempting: from Istria, Croatia’s most popular peninsula amongst cyclists, through the wooded and fragrant islands of the Kvarner Gulf and mountainous landscapes of Gorski Kotar, the historic roads of the Lika-Karlovac region, through the high mountain passes and stunning mountain landscapes of the Dinaric Alps to the astonishingly beautiful
Dalmatian coast spotted with islands. Or across Slavonia’s golden plains of wheat through central Croatia’s green river valleys or farmed hills spotted with castles, manors and churches to Zagreb’s urban cycling paradise. Follow the paths and roads that lead you from the Adriatic Sea to mountain peaks. If you’re a novice at mountaineering, you’ll be delighted by more than 400 different trails, such as those in Zagreb, Ogulin, Split and Omiš, and if you’re an experienced mountaineer, you’ll be excited about the mountains of Velebit, Učka, Dinara or Mosor. If you’re a passionate climber, try Anića Kuk − a massive 350-metre
high rock wall in Paklenica National Park − which is sure to provide an unforgettable experience. Učka Mountain, Risnjak, Northern Velebit and Paklenica national parks, and Biokovo Mountain boast the five best places for hiking and mountaineering in Croatia. Some are covered in snow in winter, but all can be hiked between late spring and early autumn. Come and feel the spirit of Croatia’s mountains. Croatia’s mountains do not exceed altitudes of 2000 metres, but are extremely fascinating in terms of landscape diversity. Because they aren’t that high, most mountain peaks are relatively easily accessible, which makes
A. Gospić/HTZ I. Biočina/HTZ
them ideal for hiking and mountaineering. What makes Croatia’s mountain peaks additionally beautiful is the fact that they differ in their characteristics. While most peaks in the Pannonian part of Croatia are covered in forest, almost all major peaks in the Dinaric part of Croatia are bare and make good lookouts. Croatia’s lure lies in the fact that it’s one of the world’s leading sailing and nautical tourism destinations, there’s no question about it. There’s a whole range of sailing and boating offers to choose from catering for all lifestyles, it only depends on what you’re into. The secret of the popularity of
01 Uživanje u jedrenju oko Kornata Enjoying sailing around Kornati Islands 02 Otok Murter, plaža Kosirina Island of Murter, Kosirina Beach 03 Otok Vis, plaža Stiniva Island of Vis, Stiniva Beach
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01 Otočić Visovac s franjevačkim samostanom i crkvom jedna je od najvažnijih kulturnih vrijednosti Hrvatske Boasting a Franciscan monastery and a church, the Island of Visovac is amongst the greatest cultural heritage sites of Croatia 02 Nacionalni park Krka obuhvaća najveći dio toka ove čudesne rijeke sa sedam vodopada Krka National Park encompasses most of the course of this amazing river including its seven waterfalls
I. Biočina/HTZ
03 Planina Velebit Velebit Mountain
I. Biočina/HTZ
is home to exactly 1244 islands, islets and reefs. However, what makes them special is not their number, but the fact that they form numerous bays and coves, beaches, caves and cliffs, with areas of pristine nature interwoven with charming coastal towns. Stretched along less than 250 nautical miles, Croatia’s unique archipelago enjoys a mild Mediterranean climate, which makes sailing fun and enjoyable. There’re as many as five national parks on Croatia’s coast, three of which feature the sea (Brijuni, Kornati and Mljet national parks), one features mountains (Paklenica National Park), and one the sea and a river
(Krka National Park). To experience their beauty, it’s enough to steer your boat in the desired direction. These are only some of the most important aspects of sailing in Croatia. Being able to choose the way you’d like to spend your time at sea on the spot is not only easy in Croatia; that’s what makes it unique. The options are almost endless, only a few nautical miles stretch between secret coves and vibrant cities, with a variety of options always at your fingertips. What they have in common is their quality, which will be reflected in the quality of your stay in Croatia.
I. Biočina/HTZ
Croatia’s coast lies not only in its natural attractions, but also in a great variety of activities, themes and amenities, whose common denominator is your enjoyment. It’s hardly surprising that Croatia has been the world’s most popular sailboat and yacht charter destination for years, including all other types of sea vessels, such as family boats, motorboats, catamarans, dinghies and sea kayaks. We invite you to discover nautical Croatia, gain first-hand experience and find your very own Croatian patch of paradise. The first and most obvious reason why you should choose to come to Croatia are its natural attractions. Croatia’s coast
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© A. Miletić
kvarner region tourist board, 51410 opatija, nikole tesle 2 t +385 (0)51 272 988, f +385 (0)51 272 909, e kvarner@kvarner.hr “kvarner info - adriatic gate”, t +385 (0)51 623 333, 628 888 f +385 (0)51 623 334, e info@kvarner.hr www.kvarner.hr
Visit KVARNER Croatia’s best kept secret
© F. Heuer
© F. Heuer
© J. Mastrović
Diversity is beautiful
© F. Heuer
© A. Miletić
© F. Heuer
ARTISTIC FASHION DESIGN Piše/By _ Dubravka Prpić Znaor Fotografije/Photos _ Franjo Matković
Marija Kulušić prisutna je na strani artističkoga, promišljenog odjevnog dizajna koji ignorira brzo izmjenjivanje trendova te je dio takozvane slow fashion scene. Giving it a lot of thought, Marija Kulušić approaches fashion design artistically. This makes her design ignore the rapid change of trends and is part of what is called the slow fashion scene. 62 _ CROATIA AIRLINES 2/2020
− Moj je dizajn namijenjen svakome tko se pronalazi u njemu te tko ne slijedi slijepo trendove i cijeni odjevne predmete koji će jednako dobro funkcionirati i za pet godina − ističe Marija, koja je 2018. godine osvojila hrvatsku prestižnu nagradu modnog magazina Elle za najboljeg mladog dizajnera. Razvoj dizajna u njezinu ateljeu odvija se sporo, analitički, ovisno o ideji koja je okupira i oko koje želi izgraditi kolekciju. Tijekom procesa proučava, informira se te istovremeno uči i spoznaje što konkretno želi prikazati kolekcijom. − Puno vremena posvećujem razradi te filtriranju skica, a na koncu je moguća i promjena tijekom izrade odjevnih predmeta. Do samog kraja izrade kolekcije ništa nije definitivno − tumači Marija. Ovo, takozvano sporo područje mode i odijevanja podrazumijeva i materijale koje krase tihi luksuz, kvaliteta i prirodan karakter. − Preferiram prirodne materijale u kojima se i sama najbolje osjećam, a to su svila,
vuna i pamuk. Tekstil mi je od velike važnosti i puno vremena posvećujem odabiru tekstila kod izrade kolekcije − otkriva autorica. Nerijetko nakon modeliranja, krojenja i oblikovanja kolekcije svaku od kreacija završava ručno. − Često se posvećujem ručnom dovršavanju i izradi uzoraka na tekstilu, također prirodnim bojilima, što rezultira nepredvidivim rezultatima. Odjevne predmete uvijek dovršavam ručno te pritom koristim ručne metode nabiranja, bojenja i plisiranja koji iziskuju više vremena jer je riječ o tehnikama koje su karakteristične za visoku modu − objašnjava dizajnerica. Svaku kolekciju, naime, gleda kao novu cjelinu i novi početak. Kolorit je iznimno prirodan, nenametljiv, što je posljedica prirodnog bojenja tkanina biljnim pigmentima. U fokusu su decentne bež varijante, a onda i topla čokolada te sve one između i okolo, poput tona šampanjca i vanilije. S obzirom na to da su tekstili mekani i prirodni, ove nijanse donose sklad između teksture i boje.
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Njezin je talent postao očit ubrzo nakon završetka studija modnog dizajna u Zagrebu. − Krenula sam ozbiljnije pri kraju svog obrazovanja na Tekstilno-tehnološkom fakultetu, pobijedivši na natječaju za mlade dizajnere te sam dobila priliku predstaviti se na tjednu mode nekoliko sezona, a svojom odlukom trenutno radim sama i ne izlažem na tjednima mode − otkriva Marija. Do sada je imala niz uspješnih predstavljanja, u Maastrichtu na festivalu Fashionclash, u Skopju kroz projekt United Fashion, a uskoro je očekuje boravak u Francuskoj povodom osvojene nagrade OpenMyMed, koja pomaže dizajnerima u razvijanju brenda, a nastala je pod pokroviteljstvom Chanela i zaklade LVMH − Maison Mode Méditerranée. − Ova posljednja nagrada temelji se na cjelokupnom radu dizajnera koji sam morala poslati u prijavi, a da sam jedan od pobjednika, saznala sam u veljači ove godine − otkrila je dizajnerica. Njezin specifičan pristup odijevanju svrstava je među autore koji uspješno podržavaju sferu umjetničkog oblikovanja prêt-à-porter odjeće.
− My creations are intended for all those who find themselves in the designs, who don’t follow trends blindly and who appreciate pieces of clothing that’ll be wearable in five years as well − says Marija, who won the 2018 Elle Style Award for best young designer in Croatia. She works on her designs in her fashion studio slowly and analytically, depending on the idea which she’s preoccupied with and which she wants to build a collection around. During the process, she does research, gets informed about, studies and immerses herself in what she would specifically like to present in a collection. − I dedicate a lot of time to the development and filtering of sketches, although in the end, changes are possible during the production process. Until the collection is finalised, nothing’s definite − Marija explains. What is called slow fashion implies using materials featuring discreet luxury, quality and a natural character. − I prefer natural materials that I myself feel best in, and these are silk, wool and cotton. The choice of textiles is of great
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importance to me, and I dedicate a lot of time to choosing them when creating a collection − Marija reveals. After she’s tailored and modelled her designs, and after she’s shaped her collection, she often finishes her creations by hand. − I often finish my designs by hand and pattern textiles using natural fabric dyes, so the results I get are often unpredictable. I do the folds and pleats by hand, and I dye the fabrics manually. This takes more time considering that these are techniques typical of high fashion − the designer explains. In other words, she sees each collection as a new entity and a new beginning. The colours she uses are very natural and unobtrusive, which is the result of her dyeing fabrics with plant pigments. She seems to centre on discreet beiges, then warm chocolate browns and similar colours, such as champagne and vanilla. Since the fabrics she uses are soft and natural, harmony’s created between texture and colour. She showed a talent for design soon after graduating in fashion design in Zagreb. − I got more serious about designing near the end of my studies at the Faculty of Textile Technology. I won a competition for young designers, so I was given the opportunity to present my work at fashion week shows during the course of a few seasons. It was my decision to work alone and not to present my designs at fashion weeks − reveals Marija. She’s had a number of successful presentations so far, such as at the Fashionclash festival in Maastricht and at the United Fashion project in Skopje. She’s about to travel to and stay in France given that she’s won the OpenMyMed Prize, which helps designers develop their brand through the Maison Mode Méditerranée association based in Marseille and partnered by Chanel and LMVH. − I won this last prize based on all of my work so far as a designer which I had to send in with the application. I found out that I was one of the winners in February this year − the designer reveals. Her specific approach to design ranks her amongst designers who’ve been successful at designing prêt-à-porter fashion artistically.
Popis događanja koja će se u Zagrebu održavati sljedećih mjeseci dokazuju da je Zagreb grad koji uistinu živi na svojim ulicama, trgovima i parkovima. Osim prirodnih i kulturnih vrijednosti koje smo naslijedili, neprekidno se dodaju i novi sadržaji. Mnoge kulturne i sportske priredbe, tradicija koja se isprepleće sa suvremenim životom, koncerti i druge priredbe, sve bogatija gastronomska i trgovačka
ponuda... grad koji ste i do sada voljeli iz dana u dan dobiva sve ljepše i privlačnije lice te vas srdačno dočekuje. Slijede samo neka od događanja koja vas u ljetnim mjesecima očekuju u Zagrebu:
01 Park Zrinjevac Zrinjevac Park 02 Pogled na katedralu A view of the cathedral 03 Ulični festival Cest is d’Best Cest is d’Best street festival
Zagrebački vremeplov, lipanj − rujan Čim se lipanjsko sunce probije na ulice grada, započinje niz događaja koji nas sve do ponovnoga jesenskog zahladnjenja vraćaju u prošlost grada. Po uliči-
M. Vrdoljak/Arhiva TZGZ/ZTB Archives
M. Gašparović/Arhiva TZGZ/ZTB Archives
cama Gornjega grada susretat ćete se s likovima po kojima je Zagreb poznat − pjevačima starogradskih pjesama, boemima, šestinskim kumicama... Baš kao u starim filmovima i na sentimentalnim fotografijama!
Od lipnja do rujna Art park na Ribnjaku ugošćuje brojne umjetnike koji, ostavljajući svoj trag, čine ovo mjesto umjetničkom galerijom na otvorenome.
Art park Zagreb, lipanj − rujan Prekrasan park u centru Zagreba pretvoren je u mjesto svih vrsta umjetnosti, ležernih ljetnih druženja i dobre atmosfere.
Cest is d’Best, kolovoz Živahan, zabavan i energičan − Cest is d’Best najpopularniji je međunarodni ulični festival u Hrvatskoj za čijeg trajanja ulice Zagreba ožive i budu preplavljene stotinama izvođača, glumaca, komičara, žonglera, klaunova, glazbenika, plesača i još puno toga. Svatko je dobrodošao i svatko može sudjelovati u programu, bilo da ste mladi ili stari! OKOLO // around, kolovoz Projekt posvećen umjetničkom istraživanju Zagreba, OKOLO, malim intervencijama u tkivo grada oživjet će niz javnih gradskih prostora i pretvoriti ih u mjesta gdje se umjetnost spontano dotiče svakodnevice grada (i svakoga od nas). Neke će vas intervencije pozivati na interakciju i korištenje, neke upućivati na novu, ljepšu stvarnost, dok će neke donijeti i dobru dozu humora, ponekad zaboravljenog u užurbanoj svakodnevici.
S. Cerić Kovačević/Arhiva TZGZ/ZTB Archives
Ljeto na Štrosu, lipanj − rujan Strossmayerovo šetalište jamči neke od
najromantičnijih šetnji po Gornjem gradu, a u ljetnim mjesecima pretvara se u pozornicu za umjetničke instalacije i nostalgičnu glazbu uživo iz prošlog stoljeća.
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01 Ispred Hrvatskog narodnog kazališta Outside the Croatian National Theatre 02 Mali piknik Little Picnic 03 OKOLO // around
The events taking place in Zagreb over the next several months prove that Zagreb’s a city that truly lives in its streets, squares and parks. Apart from the natural and cultural heritage that we’ve inherited, new hallmarks are continuously added. Many cultural and sports events, tradition intertwined with contemporary life, concerts and festivities, superb cuisine and a wealth of opportunity for a shopping treat… The city you’ve come to love is revealing a lovelier face day in, day out and welcomes you with open arms. What follows are just some of the events that Zagreb’s hosting over the summer:
S. Kaštelan/Arhiva TZGZ/ZTB Archives
04 Caffe de Matoš
Mali piknik, kolovoz Jedna od najljepših gradskih lokacija, dekice s pogledom na grad, opuštena i intimna atmosfera, paleta domaćih okusa s Malog placa, sretni i bosonogi ljudi... Sve to i ovoga ljeta na Gornji grad donosi popularni Mali piknik, jedno od najšarmantnijih gradskih događanja. Bogati program ljetnih događanja pratite na web stranicama Turističke zajednice grada Zagreba: www.infozagreb.hr Dođite. Jer Zagreb je tu i čeka vas!
Zagreb Time Machine, June− September As soon as sunshine starts beating down Zagreb’s streets in June, a variety of events kicks off, taking you back to the city’s past until early autumn kicks in. Along the streets of Zagreb’s Upper Town, you’ll happen upon characters that have made Zagreb famous − traditional singers, bohemians, market women (kumice) from Šestine… Just like in the old films and sentimental photos! Summer on Stross, June−September The Strossmayer Promenade promises
M. Vrdoljak/Arhiva TZGZ/ZTB Archives
Art Park Zagreb, June−September This beautiful park in the city centre is transformed into an art hotspot, offering you laid-back summer hangouts and a brilliant atmosphere. From June to September, Art Park in Ribnjak is hosting numerous artists whose mark makes this place an outdoor art gallery. Cest is d’Best, August Vivacious, entertaining and energetic − Cest is d’Best is Croatia’s most popular international street festival, during which the streets of Zagreb become enlivened and inundated with hundreds of perform-
ers, actors, comedians, jugglers, clowns, musicians, dancers and many others. Everyone’s welcome and can take part in the programme regardless of age! OKOLO // around, August OKOLO − a project dedicated to exploring Zagreb artistically through minor interventions in the very tissue of the city − is rejuvenating a range of public spaces and turning them into places where art spontaneously meets the everyday life of the city (and each of us). Some of the interventions will invite you to use and interact with them, some will point to a new, enhanced reality, while others will provide a healthy dose of humour, which we sometimes miss in our hasty lives. Little Picnic, August One of the most beautiful city locations,
J. Duval/Arhiva TZGZ/ZTB Archives
some of the most romantic walks around the Upper Town, and during the summer, it turns into a stage featuring art installations and nostalgic 20th-century music performed live.
M. Mihaljević/Arhiva TZGZ/ZTB Archives
sitting on blankets overlooking the city in a relaxed, intimate atmosphere, a variety of home-made flavours from the Little Market, happy and barefoot people… The popular Little Picnic, one of the most charming city events, is bringing all of this back to the Upper Town again this summer.
For more information on Zagreb’s busy summer schedule, visit the Zagreb Tourist Board’s website at www.infozagreb.hr. Come and enjoy. Because Zagreb is here and waiting!
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D. Rostuhar/Arhiva TZGZ/ZTB Archives
okolice, putovi se samo otvaraju. Na prvi pogled jasno je da Zagrebu ne manjka zelenila. Već u najužem centru ulični život presijecaju elegantni parkovi i trgovi, stvoreni za opuštanje. Gotovo iza ugla tu su hladovita park-šuma Tuškanac i veličanstveni park Maksimir. Smješten između gore Medvednice i rijeke Save,
It’s easy to fall for Zagreb’s old part of town while enjoying a walk through its charming Upper Town or its lively Lower Town. But to get to know the diversity of its character, you need to go further, over the edges of what is close and familiar. And when Zagreb spreads its green carpet − from its very centre all the way to the hidden cor01 Utvrda Medvedgrad Medvedgrad Fortress 02 Slap u Parku prirode Žumberak A waterfall in Žumberak Nature Park
TZZŽ/Zagreb County Tourist Board
Lako je oduševiti se starom jezgrom Zagreba, uživati u šetnjama šarmantnim Gornjim gradom ili živahnim Donjim gradom. No da bi se upoznala sva lica grada, treba se zaputiti dalje, preko rubova bliskoga i poznatoga. A kad Zagreb rasprostre svoj zeleni tepih, od samog središta pa sve do skrivenih kutaka šire
Zagreb nudi mnoštvo mogućnosti za pasivno ili aktivno uživanje na svježem zraku. Zapravo, uopće i ne morate napustiti područje grada da biste se prepustili sportovima i aktivnostima na otvorenome kao što su planinarenje, ribolov, golf ili biciklizam. Ipak, pogreška je ne zaviriti u okolicu Zagreba, njegovo najljepše dvorište. Zagrebačkoj županiji tepamo da je zeleni prsten grada jer ga okružuje obiljem prirodnih ljepota i malim mjestima idealnima za brz i siguran bijeg od vreve. Boravak u čistoj prirodi s prekrasnim vidicima i impresivnom florom i faunom izletnicima vraća energiju i širi vidike. Krajolik u rasponu od šumovitoga gorja do riječnih dolina i močvara premrežen je biciklističkim, pješačkim i planinarskim stazama. Idilični zaseoci i kuće za odmor tu su da pokažu pravo značenje pojma ladanje. Zagreb doista ima sreće živjeti u okruženju kakvo samo poželjeti može, u sigurnoj i mirnoj zelenoj oazi koja mu puni baterije.
D. Rostuhar/Arhiva TZGZ/ZTB Archives
Park Maksimir, Zagrebački vremeplov Maksimir Park, the Zagreb Time Machine Samobor Town of Samobor
D. Đopar, Arhiva TZZŽ/ZCTB Archives
ners of its wider surroundings − its roads just keep on opening up. It’s obvious at first glance that there’s no shortage of greenery in Zagreb. Already in the very heart of the city, street life is interlaced with elegant parks and squares, ideal for relaxation. Just around the corner, there’s Tuškanac Forest Park providing plenty of shade and the magnificent Maksimir Park. Located between Mount Medvednica and the Sava River, Zagreb offers a range of options for your passive or active enjoyment of the outdoors. In fact, you don’t even have to leave the city area to indulge in outdoor activities and sports, such as hiking, fishing, golf or cycling. However, it would be wrong not to peek into the surroundings of Zagreb, its most beautiful courtyard. Zagreb County is referred to by the locals as the city’s green ring because Zagreb’s surrounded by the county’s many natural attractions, and small places and townlets ideal for short getaways and breaks where you can escape the hustle and bustle of the city. Boasting stunning views, and an impressive animal and plant life, the great outdoors renews your energy and expands your horizons. The surrounding landscape − ranging from wooded mountains to river valleys and swamps − is interspersed with bike and hiking trails, and mountain tracks. Idyllic hamlets and holiday homes are sure to show you the true meaning of staying in the countryside. Zagreb’s truly lucky − it couldn’t wish for a nicer landscape to ring it, for a safer and more peaceful green patch of paradise to recharge its batteries.
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Ljeto u MSU Summer at the MSU 27. 6. − 18. 7. Jedinstveni multimedijski program već sedmo ljeto zaredom tradicionalno subotom donosi spoj vrhunskih umjetničkih sadržaja glazbe, filma, izložbi i performansa. Očekuju vas koncerti na atraktivnim muzejskim lokacijama. Također do 31. listopada možete posjetiti i izložbu Od imaginacije do animacije: šest desetljeća Zagreb filma. For the seventh summer in a row, this unique multimedia event is bringing a brilliant music, film, exhibition and performance blend on Saturdays. Concerts are also staged at the Museum of Contemporary Art (MSU). You can also visit the From Imagination to Animation: Six Decades of Zagreb Film exhibition closing on 31 October. www.msu.hr Međunarodna smotra folklora International Folklore Festival 15. − 19. 7., Zagreb I ove godine na Trgu bana Josipa Jelačića i Gradecu nastupit će folklorne skupine koje dočaravaju raznolikost hrvatske baštine, etničkih manjina kao i baštinu drugih naroda i kultura. Performing at Ban Josip Jelačić Square and Gradec, folklore groups are presenting the diversity of Croatia’s heritage and ethnic minorities, as well as the heritage of other peoples and cultures. msf.hr
10. − 12. 7., Desinić U dvorcu Veliki Tabor bit će prikazano više od 200 kratkih filmova iz više od 50 zemalja svijeta. Osim bogatog filmskog programa, TFF ima i impresivan popis glazbenih izvođača na šest pozornica. Moći ćete uživati i u kampu koji se nalazi u neposrednoj blizini dvorca, u radionicama, predavanjima i promocijama knjiga, kao i domaćoj hrani i piću. Over 200 short films from more than 50 countries are screened at the Veliki Tabor (Great Camp in translation) Castle. Besides a rich film programme, the festival’s also featuring an impressive line-up of music performers who’ll be performing on six different stages, as well as workshops, lectures and book promotions. Camping accommodation is also available near the castle. taborfilmfestival.com
Arhiva Liburnia Jazz
Zagreb i okolica Zagreb and surroundings
Forestland Festival is about to turn Međimurje into the capital of electronic music for the eight year in a row. Some 60 musicians will be performing on five different stages set in a forest. https://forestland.hr/
Tabor Film Festival
Osijek i okolica Osijek and surroundings Osječko ljeto kulture Osijek’s Summer of Culture 29. 6. − 8. 7., Osijek Na blagdan zaštitnika grada Osijeka, sv. Petra i Pavla, u staroj baroknoj Tvrđi održava se ovaj kazališno-umjetnički festival. Jedno od glavnih obilježja OLJKa raznoliki je program. Tako na više lokacija možete pogledati kazališne i kino predstave, izložbe, performanse i druga zanimljiva događanja. This theatre and art festival is taking place in Osijek’s old Baroque Fort during festivities surrounding the feast day of the patron saints of the city of Osijek, St. Peter and Paul. The festival’s bringing a rich programme, so at many different locations theatrical performances are staged, films are screened, and exhibitions, performances and other interesting events held. ljetokulture.osijek.hr
Čakovec i okolica Čakovec and surroundings Forestland festival 17. − 19. 7., Brezje Forestland festival osmi će put postati središtem elektroničke glazbe u Međimurju. Nastupit će oko 60 glazbenika na pet pozornica koje se nalaze na šumskom području.
Rijeka i okolica Rijeka and surroundings Liburnia Jazz Festival
Arhiva Forestland
Srpanj July
3. − 5. 7., Opatija Ovaj je festival već 20 godina referentna točka hrvatskog i europskog jazza. Program je pažljivo biran i može zadovoljiti i najzahtjevnije ljubitelje jazza. S godinama je postao najveći jazz
festival u Hrvatskoj i regiji zbog broja koncerata i posjetitelja koji mu se svake godine rado vraćaju. This festival has been a reference point for both Croatian and European jazz for 20 years already. The programme has been carefully selected to satisfy even the most demanding of jazz lovers. Over the years, it’s become the biggest jazz festival in Croatia and the region, and this because of the number of concerts held and the number of visitors eager to return every year. www.liburniajazz.hr Pula i okolica Pula and surroundings Croatia Open Umag 17. − 26. 7., Umag Ljetni ATP turnir koji se u Umagu održava 31. put vrhunac je turističke sezone u sjeverozapadnoj Istri i jedan od najvažnijih sportskih i društvenih događaja u Hrvatskoj. I ove godine u Umag dolaze mnogi tenisači svjetskog ranga kao i ljubitelji bijelog sporta. Held in Umag, this year’s (31st) ATP World Tour summer tournament is the highlight of the tourist season in north-western Istria, and one of the most important sporting and social events in Croatia in general. This year, Umag’s again hosting many world-class tennis players and countless tennis fans. www.croatiaopen.hr
The imperial city
www.visitsplit.com CROATIA AIRLINES 3/2019
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Festival, this is a festival with the second longest tradition of staging performances from the classical spectrum of the performing arts − opera, drama and ballet. www.splitsko-ljeto.hr
Motovun Film Festival
Dubrovnik i okolica Dubrovnik and surroundings
30. 7. − 1. 8., Motovun I ove godine ovaj festival donosi različite filmske naslove iz cijelog svijeta uz popratna događanja, a
J. Duval
18. − 26. 7., Pula Ovaj atraktivni festival ove će godine biti održan 67. put, a prijavljeno je preko 130 filmova. Stoga ako ste ljubitelj sedme umjetnosti, ovo ljeto u pulskoj Areni pogledajte film pod zvjezdanim nebom. Over 130 films have been entered into this year’s (67th) edition of this engaging film festival. If you’re
− the town’s Renaissance square, the Morosini-Grimani Castle, the town’s Renaissance loggia and the hall of the Mediterranean Dance Centre. www.svetvincenatfestival.com
a big fan of the art of film, make sure you visit the Pula Arena this summer and watch a film under the starry sky. www.pulafilmfestival.hr 21. Festival plesa i neverbalnog kazališta 21st Dance and Nonverbal Theatre Festival 24. − 26. 7., Svetvinčenat Ovogodišnji festival obilježit će vrsni plesači, koreografi i umjetnici iz različitih europskih zemalja i njihove zanimljive plesne izvedbe i radionice. Program će se odvijati na atraktivnim lokacijama − na renesansnom trgu, u kaštelu Morosini-Grimani, u renesansnoj loži te u dvorani Mediteranskog plesnog centra. This year’s Dance and Nonverbal Theatre Festival is hosting brilliant dancers, choreographers and artists from different European countries. Many interesting dance performances and workshops are held at various stunning locations
u ponudi je više od 100 filmova i 65 projekcija. This year’s edition of the festival is bringing different film productions from around the world accompanied by an excellent programme. The festival is screening over 100 films and 65 projections. motovunfilmfestival.com
71. Dubrovačke ljetne igre 71st Dubrovnik Summer Festival 10. 7. − 25. 8. I ove godine igre će okupiti ponajbolje dramske, glazbene, baletne, folklorne, likovne i filmske umjetnike iz cijelog svijeta. Festivalsku publiku svih generacija očekuje pedesetak dramskih, glazbenih, plesnih, folklornih i drugih izvedbi na više lokacija. This year’s edition of the festival is again featuring the best drama, music, ballet, folklore, visual and film artists from around the world. Festival-goers of all generations can enjoy some fifty drama, music, dance, folklore and other performances at several different locations. www.dubrovnik-festival.hr
14. 7. − 14. 8., Split Riječ je o umjetničkom festivalu koji od 1954. gradi nacionalnu i međunarodnu reputaciju. Uz Dubrovačke ljetne igre, to je festival s najdužom i najljepšom tradicijom klasičnog spektra scenske umjetnosti − opere, drame i baleta. This is an art festival which has been building both a national and international reputation since 1954. After the Dubrovnik Summer
Split i okolica Split and surroundings Brač Film Festival 6. − 8. 8., Supetar, Brač Ovaj međunarodni festival igranoga filma donosi vam najbolje naslove europske kinematografije. Osim filmskog programa, festivalska ponuda uključuje i radionice za djecu i mlade. This international film festival is bringing the best productions of European cinematography. In addition to a film programme, workshops for children and young people are also held. bracfilmfestival.hr 305. Sinjska alka 305th Alka Tournament of Sinj
Split i okolica Split and surroundings Splitsko ljeto Split Summer Festival
svijeta, a varaždinsku povijesnu jezgru pretvara u umjetničku radionicu u kojoj mogu sudjelovati i posjetitelji. This good vibes festival started telling its story as the first street festival in Croatia, and has grown into one of the most popular festivals in Croatia. The festival regularly brings together professional and amateur artists from around the world, transforming Varaždin’s historical city centre into an art workshop equally participated in by both visitors and artists. www.spancirfest.com
Arhiva DLJI
Pula Film Festival
Kolovoz August Varaždin i okolica Varaždin and surroundings Špancirfest 21. − 30. 8., Varaždin Svoju priču ovaj festival dobrih emocija počeo je pričati kao prvi ulični festival u Hrvatskoj, a danas je jedno od najposjećenijih događanja. Okuplja profesionalne i amaterske umjetnike iz cijelog
9. 8., Sinj Alka se održava u čast svoje nebeske zaštitnice, Gospe Sinjske, koja je prema predaji otjerala Osmanlije iz cetinskoga kraja. Ova viteška igra uvrštena je 2010. na UNESCO-ov popis nematerijalne svjetske baštine. The tournament’s held each year in honour of Sinj’s patron saint, the Madonna of Sinj, who, according to legend, chased off the Ottoman Army. This chivalry game was included in UNESCO’s List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2010. www.croatia.hr
To je Hrvatska Republika Hrvatska smjeπtena je uz istoË nu obalu Jadranskog mora i u njegovu zaleu. Proteæe se od obronaka Alpa na sjeverozapadu do panonske ravnice na istoku. Povrπina je njezina kopna 56.542 Ëetvorna kilometra, a povrπina teritorijalnog mora 31.067 Ëetvornih kilometara. U Hrvatskoj æivi, prema popisu iz 2011. godine, 4,284.889 stanovnika. Duæina je morske obale 5835 km zajedno s otocima, otoËiÊi ma i grebenima. Otoka, otoËiÊa i grebena ima 1185, a naseljeno je 47 otoka. Sluæbeni jezik jest hrvatski, a pismo latiniË no. NovËana jedinica − kuna. Glavni je grad Zagreb (790.017 stanovni ka), koji je ujedno administrativno, kulturno, akademsko i trgovaËko srediπte zemlje. Hrvatska je međunarodno priznata 15. siječnja 1992. godine, a od 1. srpnja 2013. g. Ëlanica je Europske unije. This is Croatia The Republic of Croatia lies along the east coast of the Adriatic Sea and its hinterland. It stretches from the slopes of the Alps in the north-west to the Pannonian Plain in the ea st. Its land area is 56,542 km2 and the area of its territorial sea is 31,067 km2. According to the 2011 census, Croatia’s population was 4,284,889. The length of its sea coast is 5835 km, including islands, islets and reefs. There are 1185 islands, islets and reefs, of which 47 islands are inhabited. The official language is Croatian, and the offi cial script is Latin. The currency is the Kuna. The capital is Zagreb (790,017 inhabitants), which is also the country’s administrative, cultural, academic and economic center. The Constitution of the Republic of Croatia was adopted on 22 December 1990, and the country received international recogniti on on 15 January 1992. Croatia became an EU member state on 1st July 2013. Nacionalni parkovi Hrvatska ima osam nacionalnih parkova, od kojih su Ëetiri u planinskom podruËju (Paklenica, PlitviËka jezera, Risnjak i Sje verni Velebit), a Ëetiri na obalnom podruËju (Brijuni, Kornati, Krka i Mljet). Njima, kao prostor osobito vrijedne prirodne baπtine,
treba pridodati i podruËja pod strogom zaπtitom prirode, rezervate, spomenike prirode, parkove prirode. Zbog svih njih Hrvatsku mnogi smatraju jednim od naj ljepπih europskih vrtova. National parks Croatia has eight national parks, four of which are located in the mountain region (Paklenica, Plitvice Lakes, Risnjak and Nor thern Velebit), and four in the coastal region (Brijuni, Kornati, Krka and Mljet). Besides these, certain areas under strict nature pro tection ∑ reserves, natural monuments and natural parks ∑ should be mentioned as a natural heritage of special value. They have all contributed to Croatia’s being considered one of the most beautiful gardens of Europe. Proπlost za sadaπnjost Hrvatska obiluje kulturno-povijesnim spo menicima iz svih razdoblja zbog burnih po vijesnih zbivanja i prepletanja utjecaja ra zliËitih kultura. Njezinu obalu karakteriziraju utjecaji mediteranske kulture, mnogi antiËki spomenici, spomenici iz rimskog razdoblja i ranoga srednjeg vijeka, romaniËko-sakral na baπtina te niz oËuvanih karakteristiËnih mediteranskih urbanih cjelina. Kontinen talna Hrvatska dio je srednjoeuropskoga kulturnog kruga i istiËe se mnogim prapo vijesnim nalazima svjetske vaænosti, starim gradovima, utvrdama i dvorcima kasnoga srednjeg vijeka, kulturnim spomenicima i arhitekturom iz razdoblja baroka. Tri hrvatske urbane cjeline i dva spome niËka kompleksa imaju status spomenika svjetske kulturne baπtine, koji dodjeljuje Unesco. To su kasnoantiËka Dioklecijanova palaËa, pregraena tijekom stoljeÊa u sred njovjekovni Split, gradovi Dubrovnik i Trogir te Eufrazijeva bazilika u PoreËu i katedrala sv. Jakova u ©ibeniku. Nacionalni park PlitviËka jezera, najljepπi i najpoznatiji hrvatski nacionalni park, tako er je dio Unescove Svjetske baπtine. A past for the present Croatia is rich in cultural and historical monuments from all eras, due to the turbulent events of history and the interlacing of in fluences of different cultures. Its coast is cha
racterized by the influences of Mediterranean culture, numerous ancient remains, monu ments of the Roman era and early Middle Ages, a Romanesque church heritage and a number of distinctive Mediterranean urban entities that have been preserved. Inland Croatia is a part of the Central European cul tural circle and is distinguished by numerous prehistoric findings of world significance, by old towns, fortresses and castles dating from the late Middle Ages, and cultural monuments and architecture from the Baroque era. Three Croatian cities and two monumental com-plexes have the status of monuments of world cultural heritage accorded by UNE SCO. These are the Late Antique Palace of Diocletian, remodeled through the centuries into the mediev al city of Split, the cities of Dubrovnik and Trogir, the Basilica of Euphra sius in PoreË and the Cathedral of St. Jacob in ©ibenik. The nation al park of the Plitvice Lakes, Cro atia’s most beautiful and celebrated national park, is also a part of UNESCO’s world heritage. Hrvatska - turistiËki hit na Sredozemlju Hrvatska je posljednjih godina − ocjenjuju meunarodni turistiËki znalci i statistiËari − hit-odrediπte na Sredozemlju. Hrvatska je blizu ne samo zbog svoga geografskog smještaja nego i zbog mreæe zraËnih luka i kvalitetnih usluga nacional nog avioprijevoznika Croatia Airlinesa te drugih zraËnih prijevoznika. I zbog svoje mreæe autocesta i poluautocesta Hrvatska je bliæa nego ikad. Ako ste pak odabrali odmor na jednome od mnogih hrvatskih otoka, prijevoz trajektom ili hidrogliserom s kopna trajat Êe − i kad su posrijedi oni najudaljeniji − kraÊe od 2 sata. Croatia - a Mediterranean tourism success Croatia has been a hit destination in the Mediterranean in the past few years, say statisticians and international experts in tourism. Croatia is close not only because of its geographic position, but also because of its network of airports and the top quality services provided by Croatia Airlines, its
national carrier, as well as other airliners. Also, due to its network of highways and semi-motorways, Croatia is closer than ever. If you have decided to spend your vacation on any one of the numerous islands in Croatia, even the most distant ones, it will take less than 2 hours by ferry or hydrofoil from the mainland. Novac i naËin plaÊanja Kuna je na ziv novËane jedinice Republi ke Hrvatske. U optjecaju su novËanice kuna (kn) i kovani novac kuna i lipa (lp), (100 lipa = 1 kuna). MoguÊe je plaÊanje
kreditnim kar ticama (Diners, Visa, Ame rican Expres s, Eurocard i Mastercard) i euroËekovima. Novac se moæe podizati i na bankomatima. Currency and payment methods The currency of the Republic of Croatia is called the Kuna (kn). In circulation are bank notes in Kuna and coins in Kuna and Lipa (lp) ∑ one hundredth. Payments can be made by credit card (Diners, Visa, American Express, Eurocard and Master card), as well as euro-checks. Cash can be withdrawn from ATMs.
ZEMLJOVID HRVATSKE MAP OF CROATIA Odrediπta Croatia Airlinesa Croatia Airlines destinations stalna / regular sezonska ljetna / seasonal in summer
motorway, fast roads toll station tunnel, bridge other main roads national parks nature parks international border crossing petrol stations (0-24) airports ferry routes UNESCO World Heritage
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PROMET SE VRAĆA TRAFFIC’S BACK Zračna luka Split cijelo je vrijeme, pa i tijekom vrhunca pandemije, bila u kontaktu s ključnim korisnicima usluga. Split Airport has been in contact with key service users throughout the epidemic, including its peak. 86 _ CROATIA AIRLINES 1/2020
akon stabilizacije epidemiološke situacije u Republici Hrvatskoj sredinom svibnja u Zračnoj luci Split ponovno je uspostavljen redoviti domaći promet linijama Croatia Airlinesa za Zagreb, dok je redoviti međunarodni promet obnovljen koncem svibnja linijama za Frankfurt. Daljnjim poboljšanjem epidemiološke situacije i postupnim smanjenjem ograničenja kretanja putnika između država Europske unije tijekom lipnja bilježi se rast međunarodnog zračnog prometa koji ostvaruje desetak avioprijevoznika na dvadesetak destinacija. Najznačajnije je tržište Njemačka (sedam destinacija), a slijede Skandinavija, Švicarska, Poljska, Češka,
A. Grubelić
nce the epidemiological situation in the Republic of Croatia stabilised in mid-May, Split Airport started handling scheduled domestic air traffic operated by Croatia Airlines from and to Zagreb, while scheduled international air traffic was resumed at the end of May from and to Frankfurt. The further improvement of the epidemiological situation and the gradual lifting of restrictions imposed on the movement of passengers between the countries of the European Union during June resulted in an increase in international air traffic operated by some ten airlines flying to some twenty destinations. As far as markets are concerned, the most important one is Germany (seven destinations), which is followed by Scandinavia,
Switzerland, Poland, the Czech Republic, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and Italy. Given the current situation and the dynamics of the market, the amount of air traffic expected can be predicted with certainty only two weeks in advance. Split Airport has been in contact with key service users throughout the epidemic, including its peak. Sharing information on the very favourable epidemiological situation in the Republic of Croatia, implementing all epidemiological measures introduced by both national and European regulators, and introducing stimulating commercial measures to encourage the operation of flights has led to a very positive reaction which has already given visible results.
Luksemburg, Nizozemska, Velika Britanija i Italija. S obzirom na poznate okolnosti i vrlo dinamičnu situaciju na tržištu, očekivani promet moguće je sa sigurnošću predvidjeti samo za dva tjedna unaprijed. Zračna luka Split cijelo je vrijeme, pa i tijekom vrhunca pandemije, bila u kontaktu s ključnim korisnicima usluga. Dijeljenje informacija o jako povoljnoj epidemiološkoj situaciji u Republici Hrvatskoj, provođenju svih epidemioloških mjera koje propisuju nacionalni i europski regulatori i uvođenju stimulativnih komercijalnih mjera u svrhu poticanja nastavka letenja dovelo je do vrlo pozitivne reakcije s već vidljivim rezultatima.
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Make a wish!
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Visa Gold Croatia Airlines kartica - 4 kune = 1 nagradna milja − za svake 4 kune potrošene preko ove kartice, bilježi se 1 nagradna milja - 2000 milja dobrodošlice na Miles & More računu za nove korisnike - 1000 milja dobrodošlice za dodatnog člana - Putno osiguranje - Milje ne zastarijevaju - Dvostruke nagradne milje − za plaćanje u poslovnicama Croatia Airlinesa i PBZ Card Travela
EN >
Visa Gold Croatia Airlines card - 4 HRK = 1 award mile − for every 4 HRK spent via this card, you collect 1 mile - 2000 welcome miles on Miles & More account for new basic and 1000 welcome miles for new additional card users - Travel insurance - Miles do not expire - Earn double award miles − using the card to pay at Croatia Airlines and PBZ Card Travel
Diners Club Croatia Airlines kreditna kartica - 5 kuna = 1 nagradna milja − za svakih 5 kuna potrošenih preko ove kartice, bilježi se 1 nagradna milja. - Prikupljajte nagradne milje svuda − jednostavno plaćajte svojom Diners Club karticom na bilo kojemu od 12,000.000 DC prodajnih mjesta u zemlji i inozemstvu. - 2 kartice − 1 račun Miles & More − koristite li se istodobno privatnom i poslovnom karticom Diners Cluba i Croatia Airlinesa, prikupljene nagradne milje zbrajaju se na istom računu Miles & More.
Diners Club Croatia Airlines credit card - 5 HRK = 1 award mile − for every 5 HRK spent via this card, you collect 1 mile
VISA Croatia Airlines kreditna kartica Croatia Airlines i Erste Card Club nude i VISA Croatia Airlines samostalnu karticu, poslovnu i privatnu. Potrošnja od 14 kuna u Hrvatskoj na samostalnim karticama donosi 1 nagradnu Miles & More milju, a za potrošenih 7 kuna u inozemstvu dobiva se preko kartica u paketu 1 nagradna Miles & More milja.
VISA Croatia Airlines credit card Croatia Airlines and Erste Card Club offer a VISA Croatia Airlines standalone credit card, both business and private. You will get 1 Miles & More award mile for every 14 HRK spent via standalone credit card whereas for every 7 HRK spent abroad via companion credit cards 1 Miles & More award mile will be credited to your account.
Više informacija možete pronaći na:
Please find detailed info at:
- Collect award miles everywhere − simply pay with your Diners Club Card in any of 12 million DC offices in Croatia or abroad - 2 credit cards − 1 Miles & More membership account − use your private and business card to collect award miles on the same membership account
Naši putnici za nas su uvijek bili i ostat će prioritet! Our passengers have always been and remain a priority for us! Fotografije/Photos _ Šime Lugarov
Putnici su za nas uvijek na prvome mjestu, a osobito u ovo zahtjevno vrijeme koronavirusa, kad im nastojimo pružiti i dodatnu brigu i pažnju. Pomoć koju im pružamo odnosi se na različite oblike naših poslova i različite dijelove naše kompanije. Pritom poštujemo sve procedure kako bismo ih maksimalno zaštitili, o čemu svjedoče naši zaposlenici. Passengers always come first with us, particularly in today’s challenging times caused by the coronavirus pandemic, when we look to provide our passengers with extra care and attention. The help we provide to our passengers relates to different aspects of our business operations and different parts of our company. In doing so, we respect all procedures, and this with a view to protecting our passengers as much as possible, as witnessed below by our employees.
ROBERT KRULJAC Voditelj zemaljskih usluga i voditelj Kriznog stožera Ground Handling Manager and Crisis Manager U avioindustriji, u svakom trenutku, trebamo biti spremni na krize. No ipak, o situaciji poput ove s koronavirusom, nismo mogli ni sanjati. Ova kriza za sve nas predstavlja veliki ispit znanja, a mi se doista trudimo sve naše zadatke obaviti s najvišim ocjenama. S jednakom brigom prema našim putnicima, zaposlenicima i ostalim ciljnim skupinama donosimo potrebne odluke, spremno dočekujući svaki novi dan. Sretni smo što smo od 11. svibnja, u sklopu ublažavanja zaštitnih mjera u Republici Hrvatskoj, počeli s djelomičnom obnovom prometa unutar Hrvatske i uveli dva dnevna leta na liniji Zagreb − Dubrovnik i Zagreb − Split. Također od 25. svibnja nastavili smo i s redovitim međunarodnim letovima na liniji Zagreb − Amsterdam te smo uveli drugi let na liniji Zagreb − Frankfurt. Tijekom lipnja povećali smo broj međunarodnih letova iz Zagreba u europska odredišta, sukladno epidemiološkoj situaciji i uvjetima putovanja unutar Europe. U srpnju također planiramo dodatno proširiti mrežu naših letova prema Europi te početi povezivati Zagreb i Brač te Osijek sa Splitom i Dubrovnikom. Svim snagama nastojimo pridonijeti stabilizaciji turističkih potencijala naše zemlje. In the aviation industry, we must be prepared for crises at all times. Yet, never in our wildest dreams could we have come up with a situation such as this one. This crisis has put our knowledge to the test, and we always give all our tasks our best shot. Ready for everything every single day, we make the necessary decisions with equal care for our passengers, employees and other target groups. We’re happy that, as part of the mitigation of public health measures adopted in the Republic of Croatia, on 11th May we started reintroducing flights within Croatia and operating two daily flights on the Zagreb−Dubrovnik and Zagreb−Split routes. On 25th May,
we also reintroduced our flights to Amsterdam and introduced a second daily flight on the Zagreb−Frankfurt route. During June, we increased the number of international flights from Zagreb to European destinations in line with the current epidemiological situation and travel restrictions within Europe. In July, we’re also planning to further expand the network of our flights to Europe, and start connecting Zagreb with Brač, and Osijek with Split and Dubrovnik. We’re doing our best to contribute to the stabilisation of Croatia’s potential for tourism.
PETRA NUELATI Djelatnica Kontakt centra A Contact Centre employee Naše telefonske linije ovih su dana doslovno preopterećene. Ipak, svim našim putnicima nastojimo izaći ususret i ponuditi im odgovore na njihova pitanja vezana uz letove te im osigurati sve potrebne informacije. Otvorili smo i dodatne telefonske linije i angažirali dodatno osoblje, kako bismo na vrijeme odgovorili našim dragim putnicima u ovom vrlo zahtjevnom razdoblju. Our telephones literally haven’t stopped ringing. Nevertheless, we strive to meet the needs of all our passengers, offer them answers to their questions concerning their flights and provide them with all the necessary information. We’ve also had additional phone lines installed and hired additional staff to be able to respond in time to our dear passengers in these challenging times.
TOMISLAV DOLOVSKI Kapetan / A captain Letenje doista stvara osjećaj slobode. Otvara nove prostore i horizonte. No danas smo toga svjesni na jedan potpuno drugačiji način. Danas s još više entuzijazma letimo i povezujemo Hrvatsku s ostatkom svijeta. Poseban izazov bili su nam humanitarni letovi u kojima smo kao nacionalni avioprijevoznik rado sudjelovali. Bila je to najvažnija utakmica 21. stoljeća, utakmica koju svi zajedno moramo dobiti! Podsjetio bih kako je u ovom izuzetno zahtjevnom razdoblju epidemiološke krize naša kompanija u smanjenom opsegu nastavila s radom kako bi hrvatskim državljanima omogućila povratak u domovinu, a stranim državljanima vezu s njihovim zemljama. Tako smo na našim letovima, u doba najveće krize, prevezli više od 23.000 putnika. Nadam se da dijelimo zajednički ponos i zadovoljstvo što smo i na taj način opravdali svoju ulogu nacionalnog avioprijevoznika i pridonijeli ublažavanju teških posljedica uzrokovanih pandemijom koronavirusa. Flying really does give you a sense of freedom. It opens up new expanses and horizons. Yet, today, we’re aware of this in a completely different way. Today, we fly and connect Croatia with the rest of the world with even greater enthusiasm. Crisis-related flights have been a special challenge, which we, as Croatia’s flag carrier airline, have gladly participated in. It was the most important game of the 21st century, a game we all must win together! I’d like to remind you all that, in these extremely challenging times of the epidemic, our company has continued to operate a reduced number of flights to provide Croatian citizens with a way to come home, and foreign citizens with a way to go home. As a result, during the peak of the crisis, we flew more than 23,000 passengers. I hope that we share in the pride and satisfaction with us having justified our role as Croatia’s flag carrier airline and with us having contributed to mitigating the severe consequences caused by the coronavirus pandemic.
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JELENA PECIKOZIĆ Domaćica zrakoplova A flight attendant Naša kompanija prati i implementira sve preporuke Europske agencije za sigurnost zračnog prometa (EASA), koje uključuju primjenu zaštitne opreme za djelatnike, putnike, dezinfekciju zrakoplova i socijalnu distancu u kabini zrakoplova. Također od svibnja ove godine na svim našim letovima obavezno je korištenje zaštitnih maski ili pokrivala za lice. Nama je neobično imati manje letova i putnika, no odgovornim ponašanjem svih nas, vjerujemo da ćemo vrlo brzo opet raširiti krila Croatia Airlinesa. Our company’s been monitoring and implementing all the recommendations made by the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), including the use of protective face masks or face covers by both our employees and passengers − which is mandatory on all our flights as of May this year − aircraft disinfection and social distancing measures in the cabin. Having fewer flights and passengers is very unusual for us, but if we all behave responsibly, we believe that we’ll soon spread the wings of Croatia Airlines again.
VJEKOSLAV PINJUŠIĆ Aviomehaničar An aeromechanic U Croatia Airlinesu na prvom je mjestu sigurnost u svim dijelovima poslovanja i sa sigurnošću nema kompromisa. Dezinfekcija, provjera filtera, dodatne mjere zaštite za naše putnike i zaposlenike danas su aktivnosti koje s mnogo odgovornosti svakodnevno obavljamo. Štitimo tako naše i zdravlje naših putnika, stavljajući javnozdravstveni interes na prvo mjesto. At Croatia Airlines, safety comes first in all parts of our business operations. There’s no compromise with safety. Disinfection, filter checks, implementing additional protective measures for our passengers and employees are tasks that we’ve been performing very responsibly every day. This is how we’ve protected our health and that of our passengers, and this is how public health interest has come first.
S nama putujete sigurno You travel safely with us Piše/By _ Ana Ćulumović Šoštarić
Zahvaćeni globalnom krizom prouzročenom virusom COVID-19 proteklih smo mjeseci uveli brojne mjere kako bismo zaštitili svoje putnike i osoblje jer naš je prioritet sigurnost putnika. Affected by the global crisis caused by the COVID-19 virus, we’ve introduced a number of measures in recent months to protect our passengers and employees because safety is our priority.
zaposlenika tvrtke zadržala na najvišoj razini. I u ovim izvanrednim okolnostima prioritet su nam putnici, a posebno oni koji su već kupili karte za domaće i međunarodne letove. Zbog velikog broja telefonskih poziva u našem Kontakt centru otvorili smo dodatnu liniju kako bismo svim putnicima u najkraćem roku izašli u susret te kako bi se regulirala njihova prava. Podsjećamo, od 4. svibnja ove godine na svim našim letovima obvezno je korištenje zaštitnih maski ili pokrivala za lice. Slijedeći odluke i upute
Š. Lugarov
skladu s novonastalom situacijom vezanom uz pandemiju koronavirusa, Croatia Airlines kao nacionalni avioprijevoznik kontinuirano prilagođuje poslovne aktivnosti aktualnom epidemiološkom stanju u Hrvatskoj i inozemstvu te preporukama hrvatskih i svjetskih javnozdravstvenih vlasti. Važno je naglasiti kako naš Ured za upravljanje kriznim situacijama i izvanrednim događajima također aktivno prati razvoj situacije te kontinuirano planira i poduzima sve potrebne mjere kako bi se zdravstvena sigurnost putnika, članova posade zrakoplova i svih drugih
javnozdravstvenih i civilnih zrakoplovnih vlasti, ovu zaštitnu mjeru kompanija je preventivno donijela kako bi se smanjio potencijalni rizik prenošenja koronavirusa tijekom leta. U skladu s novom mjerom, putnici na let trebaju doći sa zaštitnim maskama ili pokrivalima za lice te ih koristiti tijekom cijelog boravka u putničkoj kabini zrakoplova. U cilju zaštite zdravlja putnika i osoblja kompanija nastavlja i s provođenjem mnogih drugih već implementiranih mjera. Članovi kabinske posade koji dolaze u izravan kontakt s putnicima i zemaljskim osobljem opremljeni su odgovarajućim zaštitnim sredstvima, zrakoplovi se svakodnevno dezinficiraju, prilikom redovitog čišćenja putničke kabine provode se pojačane higijenske mjere, a osoblju su na raspolaganju različita dezinfekcijska sredstva. Naši su zrakoplovi opremljeni visokokvalitetnim filterima za pročišćavanje zraka u putničkoj kabini, koji se uz konstantan protok dovodi iz atmosfere, a zrak u putničkom prostoru cirkulira vertikalno tako da je kvaliteta zraka sukladno provedenim istraživanjima i analizama međunarodnih zdravstvenih tijela jednaka kvaliteti zraka u operacijskim salama u bolnicama. Ovisno o popunjenosti zrakoplova kabinsko osoblje razmjestit će putnike na način da među njima postoji najveći mogući razmak, osim za članove obitelji kod kojih se neće inzistirati na održavanju razmaka. Zadnji red u zrakoplovu ostaje prazan kako bi se na taj način osiguralo mjesto za slučaj da se kod nekog od putnika za vrijeme trajanja leta pojave simptomi koji bi mogli upućivati na COVID-19.
U svim segmentima našeg poslovanja naglasak je stavljen na sigurnost.
A. Grubelić
Emphasis is placed on safety in all segments of our business operations.
Putnicima preporučujemo da zbog trenutnih ograničenja u zračnim lukama i u zrakoplovu kad god je to moguće putuju bez dodatne ručne prtljage te da prtljagu predaju na šalterima za registraciju putnika. Croatia Airlines kao društveno odgovorna kompanija u ovim izvanrednim okolnostima uzrokovanim višom silom putnicima nudi fleksibilne uvjete putovanja, a sve se informacije transparentno i ažurno objavljuju na našim internetskim stranicama www.croatiaairlines.hr. Dragi putnici, pridržavajući se svih navedenih mjera, zajedno možemo raširiti krila i osigurati da naša putovanja ostanu sigurna i ugodna čak i u vrijeme krize.
roatia Airlines, Croatia’s flag carrier airline, has continuously been adapting its business activities to the current epidemiological situation in Croatia and abroad, and implementing the recommendations made by the competent Croatian public health and world health authorities. It’s important to highlight that our Crisis and Emergency Management Office has also actively been monitoring the development of the situation, and has continuously been planning and taking all necessary measures to ensure the health and safety
of passengers, cabin crew members and all other company employees. Even in these extraordinary circumstances, our passengers are our priority, especially those who’ve already bought air tickets for domestic and international flights. Due to an increase in the number of telephone calls and inquiries that our Contact Centre has to handle, we’ve had an additional phone line installed to be able to deal with passenger inquiries as quickly as possible, and to help them regulate and exercise their rights. We remind you that, as of 4th May this year, the use of protective masks or face covers is mandatory on all our flights. Following the decisions and recommendations made by public health and civil aviation authorities, this protective and preventive measure was taken by the company to minimise the potential risk of in-flight coronavirus transmission. This new measure requires that passengers board their flight wearing a protective mask or face cover, and that they have them on throughout their entire stay in the cabin of the aircraft. Aiming to protect the health of our passengers and employees, the company continues to implement measures already implemented at an earlier date. Cabin crew
members who come into direct contact with passengers and ground crew are outfitted with appropriate protection, our aircraft are disinfected daily, enhanced hygiene measures are taken during the routine cleaning of cabins, with various disinfectants available to cabin crew members. Our aircraft are equipped with high-quality cabin air purifier filters ∑ fresh air is continuously introduced from the atmosphere, with the air in the passenger cabin circulating vertically. This means that the air quality in our passenger cabins equals the air quality in hospital operating theatres, which is the conclusion of research and analysis conducted by international health authorities. Depending on aircraft occupancy, our cabin crew makes sure that as great a distance as possible is maintained between passengers during seating allocation, except for family members who aren’t required to maintain a distance between themselves. The back row of our aircraft remains empty ∑ back-row seats are kept empty for passengers who may develop COVID-19 symptoms during flights. Due to current restrictions at airports and on board aircraft, passengers are advised to travel without additional hand luggage whenever possible and to check in their luggage at check-in counters. Even in these extraordinary circumstances that we couldn’t have any influence over, as a socially responsible company, Croatia Airlines is offering its passengers flexible travel arrangements, with all relevant information available at and regularly updated on our website www.croatiaairlines.com. Dear passengers, by adhering to all of the above measures, together we can spread our wings and ensure that our flights remain safe and comfortable even in times of crises such as this one. Elegantni kontrast bež i crne u colour-block formuli An elegant contrast between Latest info: beige and black in colour www.croatiaairlines.com block formula
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Dopuštena ručna prtljaga za putnike ekonomskog razreda je 1 komad, a za putnike poslovnog razreda 2 komada (težine do 8 kg i zbroja dimenzija do 115 cm) Veće komade ručne prtljage spremite u pretince, a manje torbe označene privjeskom Prtljaga za avion stavite ispod sjedala ispred vas, osim u redovima kod izlaza za slučaj opasnosti. Dodatno, svaki putnik može ponijeti u kabinu: - 1 komad osobne prtljage najveće dopuštene veličine 40x30x10 cm - putuje li s djetetom do 2 g. - 1 dječja kolica ili autosjedalicu ili nosiljku te hranu za bebe - bolesne i invalidne osobe mogu ponijeti ortopedska pomagala ili protetske naprave
The hand baggage allowance for economy class passengers is 1 piece and for business class passengers 2 pieces (weighing up to 8 kg, whose total sum of dimensions does not exceed 115 cm). Your hand baggage must be stowed in overhead compartments. All smaller bags with a Carry-on Baggage tag must be placed under the seat in front of you, except in emergency exit rows. Each passenger may additionally take into the passenger cabin the following: - 1 personal item whose maximum size does not exceed 40x30x10 cm (16x12x4 in); - each passenger travelling with a child under 2 years of age is also allowed to take aboard 1 infant's carrying basket or a fully collapsible stroller/pushchair or a car seat and baby food; - disabled passengers may also take 1 pair of crutches and/or braces or any other prosthetic device.
20 cm 100ml
30 cm
20 cm TEKUĆINE U RUČNOJ PRTLJAZI U zrakoplov se smiju unositi: - tekućine kupljene u duty free prodavaonicama ili u zrakoplovu, pod uvjetom da su spremljene u prozirne plastične vrećice, zapečaćene prilikom kupnje (STEB) i ne smiju se otvarati do krajnjeg odredišta - tekućine pakirane u pojedinačnim pakiranjima do 100 ml ili 100 g u prozirnoj plastičnoj vrećici sa zatvaračem do 1 litre - tekućine koje se tijekom leta koriste u medicinske svrhe ili zbog posebnih prehrambenih potreba (dječja hrana). Ostale tekućine mogu se prevoziti u predanoj prtljazi. LIQUIDS IN YOUR HAND BAGGAGE
Carry-on baggage
10 cm
Please place this bag under the seat in front of you.
The following can be taken aboard our aircraft:
Not for exit rows.
40 cm
55 cm
20 cm
40 cm
- liquids purchased in airside duty free shops past the airport security check, provided they are stored in transparent plastic bags, sealed when purchased (STEB) and remain unopened until your final destination; - liquids packed in individual packaging up to 100 ml or 100 gr and stored in a transparent plastic bag with a zipper (up to maximally 1 litre); - liquids that are to be used during flights for medical purposes or for special nutritional needs (baby food). Other liquids can be transported in your checked baggage.
o ŽIVOTINJE U PUTNIČKOJ KABINI U kabini se istodobno mogu prevoziti samo dvije životinje - dva psa ili dvije mačke. Prijevoz psa i mačke na istome letu nije dozvoljen. Životinje mogu putovati isključivo u torbi za nošenje i prijevoz kućnih ljubimaca, a tijekom cijeloga leta moraju biti u torbi ispod prednjeg sjedala. Životinje koje se zbog veličine ne mogu prevoziti u putničkoj kabini prevoze se u prtljažniku zrakoplova. Putnik je dužan pribaviti potrebnu dokumentaciju. Prijevoz životinja treba unaprijed rezervirati i dodatno se plaća u poslovnicama. ANIMALS IN THE PASSENGER CABIN On the same flight, only two animals can be transported at the same time either two dogs or two cats. The transportation of dogs and cats on the same flight is not permitted. A passenger can carry only one pet bag to be held under the seat in front of the passenger throughout the entire flight. Animals that cannot be transported in the passenger cabin due to their size are transported in the aircraft hold if they meet certain conditions. Passengers are required to obtain all the necessary documentation. Animal transportation must be booked in advance at an additional charge to be paid in any branch office.
ELEKTRONIČKI UREĐAJI U RUČNOJ PRTLJAZI Upotreba elektroničkih uređaja dopuštena je isključivo u zrakoplovnom radu, a teže i veće uređaje potrebno je pospremiti dok je upaljen znak obaveznoga vezanja.
Dopuštene elektroničke naprave: - mobilni / pametni telefoni - tablet računala - slušalice za suzbijanje buke - digitalni audio / MP3 uređaji - elektroničke igre - e-čitači - prijenosna / notebook računala - prijenosni DVD / CD uređaji - Bluetooth uređaji - kamere - medicinski uređaji - električni brijaći aparati Zabranjene elektroničke naprave: - elektronički uređaji za simuliranje pušenja - samobalansirajući uređaji koji sadrže litijeve baterije nisu dozvoljeni u ručnoj i predanoj prtljazi
The use of electronic devices is allowed only in airplane mode. Heavy and large devices must be stored away while the seat belt sign is on. Electronic devices allowed aboard our aircraft: - mobile/smart telephones - tablet computers - noise-cancelling headphones - digital audio/MP3 players - electronic games - e-book readers - laptop/notebook computers - portable DVD/CD players - Bluetooth devices - cameras - medical devices - electric shavers Electronic devices not allowed aboard our aircraft: - electric smoking simulation devices - self-balancing devices that run on lithium batteries are not allowed in either your hand baggage or checked baggage
Zakonom je zabranjeno nošenje opasnoga materijala u ručnoj i predanoj prtljazi. To su eksplozivi, lako zapaljive tekućine i čvrste tvari, radioaktivni materijali, infektivne tvari i otrovi, oružje, stlačeni plinovi, korozivna i oksidirajuća sredstva itd. ITEMS NOT ALLOWED The carrying of hazardous items and materials in either your hand baggage or checked baggage is prohibited by law. These are explosives, flammable liquids and solids, radioactive materials, infectious substances and poisons, weapons, compressed gases, corrosive and oxidising agents, etc.
USLUGA TIJEKOM LETA Svi su obroci i pića u našim zrakoplovima besplatni, a usluga ovisi o razredu prijevoza, duljini leta i dobu dana. Nudimo vam mogućnost kupnje na letu u našem Sky shopu. Za posebne prigode postoji mogućnost kupnje torte i pjenušca koje poslužujemo na letu. Dopuštena je konzumacija samo onih alkoholnih pića koja su poslužena u zrakoplovu. SERVICE DURING FLIGHTS All meals and drinks aboard our aircraft are free of charge, and the service offered depends on the travel class, the length of flight and the part of day of the flight. During your flight, you can shop in our Sky Shop. For special occasions, a cake and sparkling wine can be purchased to be served during the flight. The consumption of only those alcoholic beverages that are served aboard our aircraft is allowed.
www.croatiaairlines.com CROATIA AIRLINES 1/2020 _ 159
WEâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;RE INVESTING IN TECHNOLOGY TO MAKE TRAVEL MORE REWARDING. At Star Alliance, we are working with our member airlines to make earning and spending miles/points more exciting. You may not see it but you will feel it. Watch the full story here:
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Napomena: Sve navedene informacije podloĹžne su promjenama ovisno o trenutnoj situaciji s pandemijom izazvanom virusom COVID-19. Note: All the information provided is subject to change based on the current situation related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
United Airlines
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Zrakoplovi Airbus A320-200, Airbus A319-100 i Dash8 - Q400 tvore naπu flotu. Our fleet consists of A320-200, Airbus A319-100 and Dash8 - Q400 aircraft. Specifikacije / Specifications
Airbus A320-200
Airbus A319-100
Dash8 - Q400
Raspon krila / Wing span (m/ft)
35,8 / 117
35,8 / 117
28,42 / 93,24
Duljina trupa / Fuselage length (m/ft)
37,6 / 123
33,84 / 111
32,83 / 107,71
NajveÊa dopuπtena teæina u polijetanju / Maximum take off weight (kg) 73 500
64 000
29 257
NajveÊa visina leta / Maximum cruising altitude (m/ft)
11 920 / 39 100
11 900 / 39 000
7620 / 25 000
Povrπina krila / Wing area (m²/ft²)
122,40 / 1318
122,40 / 1318
63,08 / 679
NajveÊa letna brzina / Maximum cruising speed (km/h)
834 (450 KTS)
834 (450 KTS)
667 (360 KTS)
Pogonska grupa / Power-plants
motori / engines x 2 CFM 56
motori / engines x 2 CFM 56
motori / engines x 2 PW 150A
Broj zrakoplova u floti / Number of aircraft in fleet
Broj sjedala / Number of seats
Airbus A320-200
Airbus A319-100
Dash8 - Q400
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Mobilna aplikacija Croatia Airlinesa vaš najbolji suputnik!
S. Jungić
Croatia Airlines mobile app your best travel companion!
Dolazni terminali / Arrival terminals
Preuzmite našu mobilnu aplikaciju i imat ćete sve što vam je potrebno prije i za vrijeme leta nadohvat ruke: kupnja aviokarata, red letenja, status leta, check-in, ponude i još mnogo toga... Aplikacija je dostupna na hrvatskom, engleskom, njemačkom i francuskom jeziku. Download it and have everything you need before and during your flight with us in the palm of your hand: flight booking, timetable, flight status, check-in, offers and more... Our app is available in Croatian, English, German and French.
Schiphol Amsterdam Airport Athens International Airport Barcelona El Prat Airport Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport Brussels Airport Zaventem Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport Copenhagen Airport Düsseldorf Airport Leonardo da Vinci - Fiumicino Airport Frankfurt Airport St Petersburg Pulkovo Airport Gatwick Airport Heathrow Airport Lisbon International Airport Lyon Saint-Exupery International Airport Malpensa Airport Munich Airport Nice Côte d'Azur International Airport Vaclav Havel Airport Prague Sarajevo International Airport Skopje Alexander the Great Airport Ben Gurion International Airport Berlin Tegel Airport Venice Marco Polo Airport Vienna Airport Zurich Airport
terminal 3 main terminal terminal 1 terminal 2 terminal B terminal 2D terminal 2 terminal A terminal 3 terminal 1 terminal 1 terminal S terminal 2 terminal 1 terminal 1 terminal 1 terminal 2 terminal 2 terminal 1 terminal B main terminal terminal 3 terminal A, C main terminal terminal 3 terminal 2
Informacije o polascima autobusa / Bus departure information
Polasci svakog dana s gradskog terminala (Autobusni kolodvor, Držićeva bb) prema Zračnoj luci Zagreb Departures daily from the Town Terminal (Main Bus Station, Držićeva bb) to the Zagreb International Airport: 5.00 - 5.30 - 6.00 - 6.30 - 7.00 - 7.30 - 8.00 - 8.30 - 9.00 - 10.00 - 10.30 - 11.00 - 11.30 - 12.00 - 12.30 - 13.00 13.30- 14.00 - 14.30 - 15.00 - 15.30 - 16.00 - 16.30 - 17.00 - 17.30 - 18.00 - 18.30 - 19.00 - 19.30 - 20.00 Polasci svakog dana iz Zračne luke Zagreb prema gradskom terminalu (Autobusni kolodvor, Držićeva bb) Departures daily from the Zagreb International Airport to the Town Terminal (Main Bus Station, Držićeva bb): 7.00 - 8.00 - 8.30 - 9.00 - 9.30 - 10.30 - 11.30 -12.00 - 12.30 - 13.00 - 13.30 - 14.00 - 14.30 - 15.00 - 15.30 16.00 - 16.30 - 17.00 - 17.30 - 18.00 - 18.30 - 19.00 - 19.30 - 20.00 Za više informacija, molimo nazovite / For more information, please call: ZAGREB (01) 6331-982, 6331-999 SPLIT (021) 203-508 DUBROVNIK (020) 773-377 ZADAR (020) 250-094
RIJEKA (051) 330-207, 336-757
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Direkcija / Head office Bani 75b, 10 010 Buzin, Zagreb, Tel. (+385-1) 616-00-66 Fax (+385-1) 6160 153 E-mail adrese / E-mail addresses President’s Office/uprava@croatiaairlines.hr Public Relations/pr@croatiaairlines.hr Marketing/advertising@croatiaairlines.hr Sales/sales@croatiaairlines.hr Cargo/cargo@croatiaairlines.hr Kontakt centar / Contact Center 072-500 505 samo za pozive iz Hrvatske / only for calls from Croatia Tel. (+385-1) 66 76 555 pon - pet/Mon - Fri 08:00 - 20:00 sub, ned, praznik / Sat, Sun, Holiday 09:00 - 15:00 contact@croatiaairlines.hr Odnosi s korisnicima / Customer Relations Dept. Fax (+385-1) 616-01-52 http://www.croatiaairlines.com/hr/Zahtjev http://www.croatiaairlines.com/Claim Miles & More kontakt centar / Miles & More Service Team 072 220 220 samo za pozive iz Hrvatske / only for calls from Croatia Informacije o prijevozu robe / Cargo information office Tel. (+385-1) 61-64-573
Sofija Split
Dubrovnik 20 213 »ilipi, Dubrovnik ZraËna luka/Airport Dubrovnik Tel. (+385-20) 773-232 dbvap@croatiaairlines.hr Frankfurt Kaiserstrasse 7 60311 Frankfurt Tel. (+49-69) 92-00-520 frato@croatiaairlines.hr Paris
95731 ROISSY CDG CEDEX Roissypôle Le Dôme, Rue de la Haye BP 18913 Tremblay en France Tel. (+33-1) 48-16-40-00 parto@croatiaairlines.hr Podgorica Oki Air Montenegro d.o.o. Ivana Vujoševića 46 81000 Podgorica tel: + 382 20 201201 montenegro@croatiaairlines.hr Pula ZraËna luka/Airport Pula Valtursko polje 210, 52 100 Ližnjan Tel. (+385-52) 218-909, 218-943 puyap@croatiaairlines.hr Rijeka 51 000 Rijeka JelaËiÊev trg br. 5 Tel. (+385-51) 330-207, 336-757 rjkto@croatiaairlines.hr Rim / Rome 00054 Fiumicino Aeroporto/Airport Leonardo da Vinci Torre Uffici 2, room 518 Tel. (+39-06) 5421-0021 romto@croatiaairlines.hr
1000 Skopje ZraËna luka/Airport Tel. (+389-2) 3148-390, 3296-967, 3296-969 skpap@croatiaairlines.hr
Srbija / Serbia Travel Centar d.o.o. Topličin Venac 19-21 11000 Beograd Tel. +381 11 202 80 46 gsa.srbija@croatiaairlines.hr
APG Bulgaria Ltd. 3 William Gladstone str. 1000 Sofia tel: +35924940096 bulgaria@croatiaairlines.hr
Španjolska / Spain Global Representacion Turistica / GRT Rambla de Catalunya, 61 5º 3ª, 08007 Barcelona Tel. +34 934 875 775 spain@croatiaairlines.hr
21 000 Split ZraËna luka/Airport Tel. (+385-21) 203-305, 895-298 spuap@croatiaairlines.hr Zadar 23 000 Zadar ZraËna luka/Airport Tel. (+385-23) 250-101 zadap@croatiaairlines.hr Zagreb 10 000 Zagreb Trg Nikole Š, Zrinskog 17 Tel. (+385-1) 61-60-215 posl.zrinjevac@croatiaairlines.hr
Poslovnice / Town and airport offices Identifikacijski kod poslovnica u Hrvatskoj je/ Identification code for offices in Croatia is: HR-B-01-080037012 1930 Zaventem/Brussels Airport Box 31 Tel. (+32-2) 753-5132 bruap@croatiaairlines.hr
SlovaËka / Slovakia CK Blue Sky Travel Poštová 1, 811 06 Bratislava Tel. +421 2 5262 2375 slovakia@croatiaairlines.hr
Obzor putovanja / Obzor Holidays Ltd Tel. (+385-1) 487 31 68, 616 02 46
71 000 Sarajevo ZraËna luka/Airport Tel. (+387-33) 789-600 sjjto@croatiaairlines.hr
Meunarodna zraËna luka Zagreb/ Zagreb International Airport Tel. (+385-1) 61-64-581 Fax (+385-1) 62-65-930 Zürich Letzigraben 154, 8047 Zürich Tel. (+41-44) 2610-840 zrhto@croatiaairlines.hr Prodajni zastupnici / Sales agents Europa / Europe »eπka / the Czech Republic CK Blue Sky Travel Opletalova 57, 11 000 Praha 1 Tel. +420 222 222 235 czech@croatiaairlines.hr GrËka / Greece Intermodal Air 25, Filellinon Str., 105 57 Athens Tel. +30 210 32 17 679, 32 17 750 greece@croatiaairlines.hr Portugal APG - Portugal Rua Tenente Espanca, nº3 − 3º A, 1050 - 220 Lisboa Tel. +351 219 100 054 portugal@croatiaairlines.hr info@apg-portugal.com Rumunjska/Romania Specialised Aviation Services srl. 17d Emil Garleanu Str, Voluntari, Ilfov County Tel. +40 21 599 0108 romania@croatiaairlines.hr Rusija/Russia GRM (Global Russia Marketing) Bolshaya Sadovaya street 10, office 20, 123001 Moscow, Russia Tel. +7 495 981 14 00 ou.mow@grm-russia.com
Zhukovskogo str. 63, office 101 Business center Senator 191036 ST.-Petersburg, Russia Tel.: +7 (812) 332-20-27 ou.led@grm-russia.com
Bliski istok / Middle East Izrael / Israel Biaf Aviation Services Ltd 1 Ben Yehuda Street, Migdalor blgd. 12th floor, Tel Aviv 63802 Tel. +972 3 516 7181, 516 7140 israel@croatiaairlines.hr Indija / India STIC Travel Group 2nd Floor, Tower C, Cyber Greens, DLF Phase - III Gurgaon - 122002, New Delhi Ph: +91 (124) 4595300 croatia@sticgroup.com Contact person: Gurpreet Sangar Australija / Australia Sky Air Services 7/24 Albert Road, Sth. Melbourne Vic. 3205, Tel. +61 3 9699-9355 lidia@skyair.biz Novi Zeland / New Zealand CTtravel Limited NZ PO Box 104-056, Lincoln North, Suite, 1/182 Lincoln Rd. Henderson, Auckland, NZ Tel. +64 9 837 9897 croatiaairlines@cttravel.co.nz Japan Air System Inc. Shimbashi Frontier Building, 7F 3-4-5 Shimbashi Minato-ku Tokyo, 105-0004 Japan Tel. +81 3 3593 6740 asipaxtyo@airsystem.jp Koreja / Korea Bohram Air Services 7F, Donghwa Bldg, 58-7 Seosomun-dong, Jung-gu, Seoul, Korea Tel: +82 2 754 6336 croatiaairlines@bohramair.co.kr Tajvan / Taiwan Pacific Express Company Limited 8F, No 137, Nanking E. Road Sec. 2, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. Tel: +886 2 2515 2371 sales-service@pacificexpress.com.tw Kina / China Pacific Aviation Marketing 12H, Zaofong Universe Building 1800 West Zhong Shan Road Xuhui District, Shanghai Tel. +862164400032 Jenniferhuo@pam.com.hk Hong Kong Pacific Aviation Marketing Ltd. Unit 2503, Island Place Tower, 510 Kingís Road, North Point, Hong Kong. Tel. +852 2926 2030 pamoperation@pam.com.hk
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Photo: Esplanade Zagreb Hotel
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