CROATIA Putni časopis _ Inflight Magazine
Zima _ Winter 2017 / 2018
Putni časopis _ Inflight Magazine
Vaš vlastiti primjerak _ Your personal copy
Zima _ Winter 2017 / 2018
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Š. Lugarov
Poštovani putnici!
Dear passengers!
Dobro došli na naš let. Istinski me raduje što ste za svoje putovanje odabrali upravo naš zrakoplov. Na tome vam najsrdačnije zahvaljujem. Od 4. studenoga preuzeo sam dužnost predsjednika Uprave Croatia Airlinesa, što je velika čast, ali istodobno i velika odgovornost. Moj me profesionalni put usmjerio prema zrakoplovstvu prije više od 20 godina. Budući da sam već dugo u toj zanimljivoj i dinamičnoj, ali i vrlo zahtjevnoj struci, potpuno sam svjestan svih okolnosti i izazova kroz koje neprekidno prolazi naša industrija. Mnogo se toga promijenilo, ali ono što se ne mijenja, i što osobno smatram najbitnijim, jest činjenica da ste u svemu najvažniji upravo vi, naši putnici. Zbog toga ću se neprekidno zalagati da vam svi mi zaposleni u Croatia Airlinesu pružimo najvišu moguću kvalitetu usluge. U svojoj povijesti od početka prometovanja 1991. godine do kraja studenoga 2017., Croatia Airlines obavio je više od 556.000 letova i prevezao gotovo trideset i šest milijuna putnika. Osobito me raduju pozitivni trendovi koji pokazuju da sve više vas prepoznaje našu tvrtku kao pouzdanog partnera. U 2017. godini prvi smo put u povijesti tvrtke prevezli dva milijuna putnika tijekom jedne godine. Ovih dana mnoge od vas upravo naši zrakoplovi vode ususret vašima najmilijima. Nadam se da vam trenuci s nama protječu ugodno i opušteno, a vjerujem da će tome također pridonijeti zanimljivi sadržaji iz našega putnog časopisa. Iskreno vam zahvaljujem na povjerenju, a također svima vama i vašima najmilijima, u ime svih zaposlenih, želim radosne blagdane i obilje lijepih trenutaka u 2018. godini. Sretan vam Božić i uspješna nova godina!
I warmly welcome you aboard our aircraft. I am truly happy that you have chosen to fly with us, and I thank you for it. I assumed the office of President & CEO of Croatia Airlines on 4th November. This is a great honour, but also a great responsibility. My professional career path steered me towards aviation over 20 years ago. Since I have been involved in this interesting and dynamic, but also highly demanding profession for a long time, I am fully aware of all the circumstances and challenges that our industry has been continually facing. Much has changed, but the one thing that has not — and I personally think that it matters most — is the fact that, in all this, what is most important is you, our passengers. This is why I will continually look to making sure that all our employees provide a service of the highest possible quality. Throughout the company’s history — from when it began flying in 1991 to the end of November 2017 — Croatia Airlines operated over 556,000 flights, aboard which it transported nearly 36 million passengers. I am particularly happy about the positive trends that show that more and more of you recognise Croatia Airlines as a trusted partner. In 2017, we flew two million passengers over the course of a single calendar year for the first time in the company’s history. These days, our aircraft are taking many of you to reunite with your loved ones. I hope that the moments you spend with us fly by comfortably and relaxedly. I believe that this will also be contributed to by the engaging content that our inflight magazine is bringing in this issue. I thank you for your trust and, on behalf of all our employees, I wish you all and your loved ones a happy holiday season and an abundance of wonderful moments in 2018. Merry Christmas, and a happy and successful New Year!
Jasmin Bajić Predsjednik Uprave / President & CEO
Razgovor Idis Turato U arhitekturi živim tuđe živote U timu je umjetnika koji su osmislili projekt Luka različitosti, zbog kojega je Rijeka izabrana za Europsku prijestolnicu kulture 2020.g. Autor je prestižnih i nagrađivanih projekata i piše blog. Interview Idis Turato Through architecture, I live other people’s lives Idis Turato is a member of a team of artists who designed the Port of Diversity project, based on which Rijeka was selected as the European Capital of Culture in 2020. He is the author of prestigious and awardwinning projects, and a blogger.
Zima/Winter 2017
Ovo je vaπ vlastiti primjerak This is your personal copy 2 _ CROATIA AIRLINES 4/2017
Baština Tiha oaza prve hrvatske skladateljice Prva hrvatska skladateljica Dora Pejačević uvijek se vraćala u obiteljski dvorac svojega djetinjstva, gdje bi skladala u miru našičkog kraja.
Prirodne ljepote Dabarski kukovi, kamena kralježnica mitskog Velebita Dabarski kukovi jedan su od najljepših predjela Velebita, a brojnim utabanim stazama naraštaji planinara iznova otkrivaju draži te planine.
Heritage The quiet oasis of the first Croatian woman composer Dora Pejačević would always return to the family mansion of her childhood, where she would compose in the peace and quiet of the region of Našice.
Natural beauties Dabarski Kukovi, the stone spine of mythic Velebit Dabarski Kukovi are one of the most beautiful areas of Velebit. Treading the numerous beaten tracks, generations of mountaineers keep on rediscovering the magnetism of this mountain.
48 Meridijani Šri Lanka, biser Indijskog oceana Bogatom i burnom poviješću, predivnom i raznovrsnom florom i faunom te skromnim i susretljivim ljudima, ta zemlja ne prestaje iznenađivati posjetitelje. Meridians Sri Lanka, the pearl of the Indian Ocean With its rich and stormy history, amazing and diverse flora and fauna, and its humble and friendly people, this country has much in store for its visitors.
Fashion Matija Čop, fashion inwrought with art His creations feature in the music videos of Lady Gaga and Solange, as well as in the last sequel to The Hunger Games blockbuster movie.
Z. Ferina - Design M. Čop
Moda Matija Čop, moda protkana umjetnošću Njegove kreacije mogli smo vidjeti u spotovima Lady Gage i Solange te u posljednjem nastavku filmskog hita Igre gladi.
Nakladnik/Publisher Croatia Airlines Hrvatska zrakoplovna tvrtka Bani 75b, Buzin 10 010 Zagreb, Croatia tel. +385-1-616-00-66
80 Izložbe Božansko svjetlo, u potrazi za središtem svega Miriam Ferstl obišla je crkvice dalmatinskih otoka kako bi snimila fascinantne fotografije njihovih lustera iz žablje perspektive. Exhibitions Divine Light, searching for the centre of things Miriam Ferstl travelled the churches of Dalmatian islands to take fascinating photographs of their chandeliers from a worm’s-eye view.
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Predsjednik Uprave/President & CEO Jasmin Bajić
Glavna urednica/Editor-in-chief Ksenija Ælof
Suradnici glavne urednice/ Editor-in-chief assistants Ana Ćulumović Šoštarić, Davor Janušić, Anamarija Jurinjak, Natalija Osvald, Zlata Prpić
Dizajn/Design Ivana IvankoviÊ, Nenad VujoπeviÊ
93 Tradicija Jaslice Hrvatski Božić Odavno su postale više od vjerskoga simbola. Čuvaju se u posebnoj škrinji i iznose u božićno vrijeme da bi svima pokazale oporu ljepotu hrvatske narodne tradicije i običaja. Tradition Croatian Christmas Nativity Scene It has long become more than a religious symbol. It is kept in a case and taken out at Christmas time so that the austere beauty of Croatian folk traditions and customs could be enjoyed by everyone.
Prijelom/Layout Nenad VujoπeviÊ Direktor prodaje i marketinga/ Director of Sales and Marketing Boris Kolka
Lektorica/Proofreader Mirjana Miholek Prijevod na engleski/ English translation Ana Janković Čikos
Oglaπavanje/Advertising Croatia Airlines
Gabrijela Lochert
Poznati u zrakoplovu Srđan Bulat, vjeran svojoj viziji Već je puno desetljeće cijenjeno glazbeničko ime na svjetskoj gitarističkoj sceni. Njegovo je muziciranje očaralo koncertnu publiku diljem svijeta.
tel. +385-1-616-00-17
Famous people aboard Srđan Bulat, true to his vision He has been a highly acclaimed musician for over a decade on the world guitar scene. Besides the Croatian, his music has been enchanting concert audiences all over the world.
E-mail: Promocija/Promotion Croatia Airlines tel. +385-1-616-01-02 Priprema/Prepress Zrinski d.d., »akovec Tisak/Press Zrinski d.d., »akovec
ISSN 1330-6278
CHECK POINT Burgundija u Istri Burgundy in Istria Domaine Koquelicot izvanredna su vina koja, iz sorti chardonnay, teran i malvazija, u srcu Istre sa strašću proizvodi francusko-hrvatski bračni par, poznavatelji francuskih vina... Potražite ih u vinoteci Vivat fina vina u središtu Zagreba, Martićeva 12. Domaine Koquelicot are outstanding wines produced in the heart of Istria with passion by a FrenchCroatian couple of wine connoisseurs from the varieties of chardonnay, teran and malvazija... They are available in Vivat Fina Vina, a fine wine shop in the centre of Zagreb at No. 12 Martićeva Street.
Paprenjaci BITE ART BITE ART pepper cookies Tradicionalni hrvatski paprenjaci obogaćeni jestivim reprodukcijama umjetničkih djela poznatih hrvatskih umjetnika. Nakon konzumacije kutija se pretvara u okvir i tako taj originalan suvenir i poslovni dar ostaje kao trajna uspomena. Traditional Croatian handmade pepper cookies frame reproductions of works of art by renowned Croatian artists. After the treat has been consumed, the gift box transforms into a picture frame, making this unique souvenir and corporate gift a lasting memory.
Zlatarna Dodić Dodić Jewellers Za najljepše uspomene s putovanja, ponesite prekrasan zlatni i dijamantni nakit, s ljubavlju proizveden u Hrvatskoj. Ručno oblikovan nakit bezvremenske elegancije pronađite u Zlatarni Dodić, u centru Zagreba, na adresi Ilica 46. If you are looking to take home a lasting and precious memory from your trip, then stunning gold and diamond jewellery produced with love in Croatia is it! Timelessly elegant handmade jewellery is available at Zlatarna Dodić in the city centre of Zagreb at No. 46 Ilica Street.
Jubilarna kava Jubilarna Coffee Jubilarna kava već desetljećima utjelovljuje tradiciju kvalitete po kojoj je Franck prepoznat. Zbog čokoladnog okusa i neodoljivog mirisa, generacijama je omiljena kava u Hrvatskoj. Vakuumirano pakiranje, koje čuva aromu i okus kave, potrošači od milja nazivaju Ciglica. Jubilarna Coffee is the embodiment of the tradition of quality and has been Franck’s trademark for decades. Thanks to its chocolaty flavour and irresistible aroma, it has been the favourite coffee of generations in Croatia. The vacuum sealed package, which keeps the aroma and flavour of coffee well, is lovingly called the Brick.
Iskusite vrhunska vina Savouring top quality wines Faros, Pošip i Merlot Barique, vrhunska, karakteristična i prepoznatljiva vina dalmatinskog podneblja kruna su vinske ponude Dalmacijavina. Izrazite sortne arome i razvijeni buke udovoljit će i najzahtjevnijim nepcima uz jamstvo vrhunskog iskustva ispijanja. Faros, Pošip and Merlot Barique are typical and recognisable top quality wines of the Dalmatian region, and are the best of what Dalmacijavino offers. Featuring a distinct aroma and a specific bouquet, they will delight even the most demanding of wine connoisseurs.
Kreativni dnevnik Creative Diary Uz elemente dnevnika, spomenara i leksikona, Kreativni dnevnik na zabavan način nudi sadržaje iz područja kulture i umjetnosti, poziva na druženje, promišljanje okoline i kreativno izražavanje. U prodaji su izdanja na hrvatskom i engleskom jeziku. In addition to elements of a diary and a scrapbook, the Creative Diary brings content in the fields of visual arts and culture in a fun way, encourages socialising, thinking about the environment and creative expression. The Creative Diary is available in the Croatian and English languages.
CHECK POINT Adria ∑ more okusa Adria ∑ A sea of flavours U širokoj paleti Adria proizvoda naći ćete jedinstvene ručno rađene, čokolade, praline, kekse i kolače, istarske tartufe, vrhunske ajvare i druge delikatese karakteristične za ovo podneblje. Vrhunska kvaliteta nadahnuta tradicijom. The wide range of products by Adria includes unique handmade chocolates, pralines, biscuits and cakes, Istrian truffles, top quality traditional sweet pepper chutneys (Cro., ajvar) and other delicacies typical of this climate and region. Top quality inspired by tradition.
Kolekcija Trifidae Trifidae collection Nazvan je Trifidae po biljci žderačici ljudi iz SF filmova, ali to je zapravo vrlo ekspresivan naslonjač koji pomalo podsjeća na stolac za Dartha Vadera i Mr. Spocka... Djeluje kao skulptura, jednako dobro iz svih kuteva. The collection was named Trifidae after the men-eating plant from SF movies. In reality, it is an expressive armchair that Darth Vader or Mr. Spock would sit in... It looks like a sculpture and equally brilliant from all angles.
Tepih Happy Festivus Happy Festivus carpet Tepih Happy Festivus prvotno je nastao kao plakat u sitotisku. Dizajnera Nikolu Đureka kao tipografa zanimala je njegova izvedba u drugom mediju. Tepih je izrađen od sto posto čiste novozelandske vune. The Happy Festivus carpet was initially a screen print poster. As a typographer, the designer Nikola Đurek was interested in its production in a different medium. The carpet is made from 100% pure New Zealand wool.
Fotografije/Photos _ Domaine Koquelicot, Stela Kovačić, Zlatarne Dodić, Dalmacijavino Split, Franck, Miranda Herceg, Vladan Vuković, Doris Fatur, Regeneracija Zabok,
M. Bosnić
Arhitektura doista može biti neka vrsta duhovne terapije, mjesto zajedništva, kaže arhitekt Idis Turato Architecture can indeed be spiritual therapy of sorts, a place of communion, says architect Idis Turato
Arhitekt Idis Turato u timu je umjetnika koji su osmislili projekt Luka različitosti zbog kojega je Rijeka izabrana za Europsku prijestolnicu kulture 2020. g. Potječe iz obitelji arhitekata, autor je prestižnih i nagrađivanih projekata, ali bio je i avangardni sudionik riječkog rocka osamdesetih godina prošlog stoljeća. Danas piše blog i vjeruje u snagu društvenih mreža...
Fotografije/Photos: Bosnić+Dorotić
Idis Turato is a member of a team of artists who designed the Port of Diversity project, based on which Rijeka was selected as the European Capital of Culture in 2020. He comes from a family of architects, is the author of prestigious and award-winning projects, and was also an avant-garde participant in Rijeka’s rock scene in the eighties of the last century. Today, he is a blogger and believes in the power of social networks...
Piše/By _ Mirjana Brabec
Muzej Apoksiomena, Mali Lošinj, Idis Turato i Saša Randić The Museum of Apoxyomenos in Mali Lošinj by Idis Turato and Saša Randić
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01 Arhitektura radikalne normalnosti: Drvena kuća za odmor (2016.) The architecture of radical normality: Wooden House (2016) 02 PlusPlusPlus House (2017.) tri su kuće u nizu, koje balansiraju između hermetične privatnosti i otvorene umreženosti PlusPlusPlus House (2017) are three semidetached houses that balance between hermetic privacy and open networking
03 Dvorana i trg u gradu Krku (2013.), projekt koji je osvojio nagradu Viktor Kovačić Udruženja hrvatskih arhitekata za najuspješnije ostvarenje u svim područjima arhitektonskog stvaralaštva The Sports Hall and Public Square in the City of Krk (2013), a project that won the Viktor Kovačić Award by the Croatian Architects’ Association for most successful achievement in all fields of architectural creativity
iječki arhitekt Idis Turato, redoviti profesor na Arhitektonskom fakultetu u Zagrebu te gostujući na fakultetima u Splitu, Beogradu i Ljubljani, autor je mnogih projekata te dobitnik važnih domaćih i međunarodnih priznanja. Bio je hrvatski predstavnik na Venecijanskom bijenalu 2006. i 2010. godine, devet puta nominiran za prestižnu nagradu Mies van der Rohe, a o svojima najznačajnijim radovima, izazovima moderne arhitekture, te o tome što ga je inspiriralo za impresivni Muzej Apoksiomena u Malom Lošinju i svojim vizijama Rijeke kao Europske kulturne metropole 2020. godine govori i za naš časopis.
Počnimo od budućnosti, novih vizija...U timu ste umjetnika i kulturnih radnika koji su osmislili projekt Luka različitosti zbog kojega je Rijeka izabrana za Europsku prijestolnicu kulture 2020. godine. Kakvim biste Vi voljeli vidjeti svoj rodni grad za tri godine? Što je Vaša vizija? - Silno želim da taj projekt uspije, jer mislim da je to velika prilika za Rijeku, ali i cijelu Hrvatsku. Te godine Hrvatska predsjeda Vijećem Europske unije i to se divno poklopilo, da kultura bude okidač za transformaciju na svim planovima: društvenom, političkom, ekonomskom... Kada je riječ o transformaciji na području kulture, tim s kojim sam radio na projektu
Europska prijestolnica kulture pune dvije godine, čiju realizaciju nastavljamo, transformaciju grada vidi u događanjima, prenamjeni industrijske baštine, aktivnostima umjetnika, stanovnika i gostiju, a ne u zavodljivim oblicima novoizgrađene arhitekture. Rijeka više nije ono što je bila — najveća luka, niti ima jaku industriju, a ni riječki rock, avangardan osamdesetih, više nije ono što je bio. Stoga je naša polazišna točka pronalaženje novih narativa, okupljanje kreativaca svih profila čija različitost može iznjedriti nove ideje i kvalitetu života grada. Rijeka zapravo nije razglednički lijepa, odnosno nije tipičan obalni grad i turističko odrediše, no upravo je u tome njezina velika prednost, jer
da se uživi u tuđi život, poput glumca. No njegova uloga završi s predstavom, a naša emocija ostaje materijalizirana u kamenu, drvu, betonu, i to je divno. Zato mislim da je arhitektura super struka, jer živiš različite živote i različite teme. Nažalost, iskrenu komunikaciju nemoguće je ostvariti sa svim klijentima. Što će suvremeni naraštaji ostaviti za budućnost, kad su posrijedi arhitektura i umjetnost? Povijest nam je ostavila monumentalna zdanja, grčke hramove, egipatske piramide, rimski Kolosej... Danas je sve potrošno, nema kapitalnih djela... - Grci su znali u što vjeruju, stari Rimljani, renesansa... Ostaje samo ono u što vjeruje veoma mnogo ljudi. Danas je ključno
04 Kuća Gumno dobila je ime po okruglome zaravnatom terenu okruženom kamenom, gdje se nekoć vršilo žito, a taj dio parcele pretvoren je u mjesto druženja The Gumno House was named after a rounded, levelled space encircled by stones where wheat was once threshed, which was found on the plot and turned into a place intended for socialising
pitanje u što ljudi vjeruju, a na to nemamo odgovor. Što je grčki hram nego superiorna ideja kolektiva, svi su tada vjerovali u isto. Rim je bio savršeno ustrojena država na elementima grčke kulture, postavljena na čvrstim društvenim konsenzusima. Znalo se što je rimski grad, kao što se znalo što je renesansni grad. Čak je i mračno doba srednjeg vijeka ostavilo vrlo dojmljive gradove, na brežuljcima, kako bi se obranili od neprijatelja... Ostaju gradovi u kojima kolektivi vjeruju u nešto. Potvrđuju to i Pariz i gradovi AustroUgarske. Problem sadašnjosti u kojoj živimo, ali ujedno i izazov, jest pitanje u što mi vjerujemo. Mi, naime, vjerujemo u shopping...
I. Crnković
To mi se čini ključnim za formiranje moje osobnosti. Rijeka je formirala ljude koji na grad gledaju na potpuno drugi način. Arhitekti su bili i Vaš djed i tata i stric, Vi ste treći naraštaj u istoj profesiji. Je li to prednost ili nedostatak? - Mislim da je to moja velika prednost, jer nisam imao iluzija o poslu, a istodobno sam vidio kako je to zanimanje zanimljivo. Ono što je meni najljepše u arhitekturi jest to što živim tuđe živote, kao neki avatar. Kad mi dođe klijent, iskreno se otvori i opiše kakvu bi kuću htio, sa strašću ću se posvetiti tome da to ostvarim. Mislim da su moje uspješne obiteljske kuće Nest and Cave, Gumno i Drvena kuća nastale baš zbog otvorene komunikacije s klijentima. Za arhitekta je veoma bitno
S. Lendler
nitko ne misli da se pače može pretvoriti u labuda. Ali ja vjerujem da je to moguće. To nitko ne očekuje i zato to mene uvelike intrigira, veliki je izazov. Spomenuli ste avangardni riječki rock 80-ih. Vi ste ta generacija, bili ste njezin aktivni sudionik, roker... - Da, ja sam zapravo dijete riječkog rocka. Godinama sam bio dio te scene, blizak s dečkima iz Leta 3, Mrlom i Prljom i bivšim članom Ivanom Šararom, koji je već duže vrijeme riječki pročelnik za kulturu. Mislim da je upravo duh Rijeke, pun kontradiktornosti, odlučujuće utjecao na mene u formativnim godinama. Nije bilo ljepote grada koja nas je držala u koheziji, kao što je to u Zagrebu, koji ima Špicu, ili Splitu, gdje se mladi okupljaju na Rivi.
I. Dorotić
05 PlusPlusPlus House održiva je, sigurna, pametna i udobna kuća koja može biti kuća za najam, turistički apartman i poslovni prostor PlusPlusPlus House is a sustainable, safe, smart and cosy house which can be used as a house for rent, a tourist apartment and business premises
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konflikti ne povećaju. Bit će vrlo izazovno vidjeti kamo će nas odvesti digitalizacija i nove tehnologije. Autor ste vrlo uspješnih i nagrađivanih javnih projekata: trga i škole u Krku te dječjeg vrtića, nominiranih za nagradu Mies van der Rohe, Pastoralnog centra na Trsatu, novoga, impresivnog bazena u Borovu Naselju... Urbane intervencije očito smatrate velikim izazovom, a svoj posao svojevrsnom misijom u kojoj nastojite poboljšati kvalitetu života građana... - Kod tih projekata meni je veoma važno što oni nisu samo objekti nego transformiraju lokalnu zajednicu. Oni promiču društvene standarde, mjesta su komunikacije i druženja koja nam svima nedosta-
Muzej suvremene umjetnosti u Bilbau, koji on voli isticati kao takav primjer, biti zauvijek. Ne govorim sada o kvaliteti arhitekture, jer Frank Gehry je dobar arhitekt, nego o pitanju treba li još i danas vjerovati u Bilbao efekt, jer uz to se neminovno veže i neka vrsta gentrifikacije. Realnost je da se neki gradovi pretvaraju u kvartove samo za neke. Ako se vratimo na moj kontekst, ono što je za mene najljepše u Rijeci jest upravo to što sam živio u vremenu gdje su zajedno, u istom kvartu, živjeli i išli u isti razred sin direktora banke, sin tokara i sin ortodoksnog vjernika. Ljudi danas gradove gentrificiraju, u negativnom smislu, svodeći ih na monofunkciju. Ostaje pitanje kako zadržati različitost, a da se društveni
ju. Bilo mi je osobito drago što je za školu u Krku odabrana top lokacija u središtu, što je Pastoralni centar u Rijeci želio otvoriti vrata svima, ne samo vjernicima, što se pokazalo da je novoizgrađeni bazen u Borovu Naselju na mjestu gdje je nekoć postojao stari, za koji su mnogi mislili da neće zaživjeti u tome traumatiziranome i porušenom gradu, ovoga ljeta bio pun i funkcionirao poput duhovne terapije. Arhitektura doista može biti neka vrsta duhovne terapije, mjesto zajedništva. Dobru od loše (javne) arhitekture ne razdvaja oblik, nego mogućnost zajedništva, da omogućuje da se na istome mjestu ponovno nađu tokar, bankar i ortodoksni vjernik, da prevladaju i zaborave
I. Dorotić
Da, centri života u gradovima postali su shopping centri... - No upravo to može biti izazov! Možda imamo predivnu slobodu da to što gradimo ne mora živjeti ni sto godina. Možda će ti shopping centri jednog dana postati hubovi za život. Možda ne treba biti nestrpljiv, no pouzdano će ostati ono u što ljudi vjeruju, ali te se vrijednosti još nisu iskristalizirale... Nisu li danas upravo muzeji, veličanstvena zdanja velikih arhitekata, poput Franka Gehryja i Zahe Hadid, najreprezentativnija djela arhitekture za vječnost? - Nizozemski arhitekt i teoretičar Rem Koolhaas to ponavlja u svakome svome uvodnom predavanju. Pitanje je može li
01 Kuća Gumno na otoku Krku (2014.) The Gumno House on the Island of Krk (2014) 02 Drvena kuća otvorena je struktura s više ulaza i izlaza, poput matrice različitih ambijenata, unutarnjega, vanjskoga i prijelaznog prostora između kuće i parka koji ju okružuje The Wooden House is an open structure with multiple entries and exits, resembling a matrix of different ambiences, the interior, the exterior and the transitional space between the house and the park surrounding it
because I think that it’s a great opportunity not only for Rijeka, but also for the whole of Croatia. In 2020, Croatia will be presiding over the Council of the European Union and it’s an amazing coincidence that culture is going to be a trigger for transformation in all aspects: social, political, economic... As far as transformation in the field of culture is concerned, the team that I worked with on the European Capital of Culture project for two full years, which we’re continuing to work on, sees the transformation of the city in the offer of events, the conversion of the use of our industrial heritage, the activities of artists, residents and guests, and not at all in seductive forms of newly built architecture. Rijeka is no longer what it was, the biggest port, nor does it have a strong
todom, nije građen kao kuća, nego kao kuća za lutke, kao film, izvrnut je u tom smislu... Volim to komunicirati, da ljudi o tome razmisle... Kako sve to stižete: fakultet, ured, brojni projekti, blog, društveni angažman, projekt Europska prijestolnica kulture... - Timski sam igrač. Uvijek rado radim s drugim ljudima, jer oni me nadopunjuju, ali i korigiraju. Naučio sam to od Davida Bowieja. On mi je bio enigma. Kako je mogao raspustiti bend The Spiders from Mars kad su bili u najvećem uzletu sa Ziggyjem Stardustom? Njegov gitarist nije mogao vjerovati kad je rekao: gotovo je. Bowie je otišao u Berlin i upoznao Iggyja Popa, Briana Ena, Talking Headse, a kad pogledate sve te pjesme koje su zajedno snimili, one su ipak David Bowie. To sam od njega naučio, i to mi je osobito važno, da projekte radim s drugim ljudima, jer to mi omogućuje da stvari u konačnici ne izgledaju isto. To je prilično teško, jer morate vjerovati u ljude, no ako vidim da se netko bavi temom kojom se i ja bavim, pomislim kako bismo trebali ujediniti snage i vrlo se često ta suradnja i ostvari. Ne treba se ponavljati, treba pružiti otpor koliko je god to moguće... S tuluma treba otići kad je najbolje.
he Rijeka-based architect Idis Turato, a full professor at the Faculty of Architecture in Zagreb and a visiting professor at the faculties in Split, Belgrade and Ljubljana, is the author of many projects and the winner of prestigious both domestic and international awards. He represented Croatia at the Venice Biennale in 2006 and 2010, and was nominated for the prestigious Mies van der Rohe Award nine times. For our magazine, we have spoken to him about his most significant works, the challenges of modern architecture, his inspiration for the impressive Museum of Apoxyomenos in Mali Lošinj, and his vision of Rijeka as the European Capital of Culture in 2020. Let’s start from the future, from new visions... You’re a member of a team of artists and cultural workers who designed the Port of Diversity project, based on which Rijeka was selected as the European Capital of Culture in 2020. What would you like your hometown to look like in three years? What is your vision like? - I want this project to succeed immensely,
M. Bosnić
na međusobne razlike i druže se, da budu povezani kao neki stvarni facebook. Kad arhitektura to postigne, onda ste uspjeli, onda ona traje kroz vrijeme. Među rijetkima ste u svojoj struci koji vodi vrlo zanimljiv blog, u kojemu komentirate knjige, projekte, ideje s pozicije kozmopolita otvorenoga za raspravu, u oporbi prema mainstreamu... Kad ste počeli voditi blog? - Ima tome šest, sedam godina. Vjerujem da internet i društvene mreže, kakve god bile, imaju nevjerojatnu snagu, daleko dopiru, ali od autora traže i odgovornost, oprez. Meni je blog mentalna teretana, svaki tjedan živim neku temu koja me inspirira, ponekad čak i ne razumijem zašto, no istražujem i to podijelim s javnosti. Tako na određeni način pokazujem i svoju fragilnost, jer to nisu uvijek definirani stavovi, ali veseli me ta mentalna vježba, kao i mogućnost da kažem nešto više o projektima. Primjerice, imao sam potrebu napisati da me za Muzej Apoksiomena nadahnuo Kubrickov film Isijavanje (Shining). Ispripovijedajte nam to o Apoksiomenu i Isijavanju... - Isijavanje nije bio jedina inspiracija! Nikad ga ne bih osmislio bez talijanske umjetničke scene 50-ih i 60-ih, bez Yvesa Kleina, nekih suvremenih kipara, ali ni bez utjecaja iz djetinjstva. Kada bih kao dječak ušao u riječku slastičarnicu čiji je interijer uredio arhitekt Igor Emili, koji je cijeli prostor obložio tepihom, to mi je bilo fantastično. Dolazio sam tamo s mamom i tatom na marelice sa šlagom. Kada bi ondje govorio, svi su zvukovi zbog tog tepiha bili prigušeni. Odmah sam znao da jedna soba u Apoksiomenovu muzeju mora biti u tepihu, jer kad uđete u takav prostor, osjećate se kao dijete u placenti. Iz kojih se sve detalja u Muzeju Apoksiomena mogu iščitati moje reminiscencije na Isijavanje, možda je preduga priča za ovaj intervju. No nadam se da i ljudi koji ništa ne znaju o tom filmu, dok prolaze crvenim hodnikom ili tepih sobom na putu do prostorije u kojoj se nalazi Apoksiomen — koja je sva bijela, kao poznati prizor u Odiseji u svemiru — mogu osjetiti dramsku napetost poput one u Isijavanju. Mislim da je problem arhitekata u tome što uglavnom prihvaćaju samo utjecaje iz arhitekture, kloniraju arhitekturu. Muzej Apoksiomena upravo je zato drugačiji, jer nije rađen klasičnom arhitektonskom me-
industry; not even Rijeka’s rock scene is what it once was during the avant-garde eighties. Which is why our starting point was finding new narratives, the gathering together of creative people of all profiles whose diversity can birth new ideas and introduce a new quality to the life of the city. The beauty of Rijeka is not that of a picture postcard. More specifically, it’s not a typical coastal town and a tourist destination, but that’s exactly wherein lies its great advantage, because nobody thinks that a duckling can actually turn into a swan. But I believe it’s indeed possible. This is something that nobody expects, which is why I’m so enwrapped in the whole idea. It’s a great challenge.
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Kuća Nest and Cave u Voloskom potpuno je zadovoljila želju vlasnika da se istodobno osjeća zaštićenim u toplini svoje pećine u prizemlju te uživa u udobnosti gnijezda s pogledom na more The Nest and Cave House in Volosko fulfilled completely the owner’s wishes to feel protected in the warmth of his cave on the ground floor and to, at the same time, enjoy the comfort of his nest overlooking the sea
young people hang out on the Riva. That seems to me to be crucial to the formation of my personality. Rijeka has been shaping people who look at the city in a completely different way. Your grandfather, your father and your uncle were all architects. You’re the third generation in the same profession. Is this an advantage or a disadvantage? - I think it’s my great advantage, because I had no illusions about architecture, yet at the same time, I got to see just how interesting the profession is. What’s most beautiful in architecture for me is that I get to live other people’s lives, like an avatar of sorts. When a client comes to see me, they open up to me and describe exactly what kind of house they’d want, and I always dedicate
there’re no major works... - The Greeks knew what they believed in, and so did the ancient Romans, the Renaissance man too... The only thing that remains is what the majority of people believe in. The key question of today is what people believe in, and we have no answer to this question. What is a Greek temple if not a superior idea of a collective? They all believed in the same thing at the time. Rome was a perfectly organised state, founded on elements of Greek culture, set on solid social consensuses. Everybody
You’ve mentioned Rijeka’s avant-garde rock scene of the 1980s. You’re that generation, you actively participated in it and were a rocker... - Yes, I’m actually a child of Rijeka’s rock. I was part of that scene for years, very close to the guys from the band Let 3, Mrle and Prlja, and their former member Ivan Šarar, who’s been head of the Department of Culture of the City of Rijeka for quite some time now. I think that it was exactly the spirit of Rijeka, which is full of contradictions, that had influenced me in a decisive way during my formative years. There was no attractive site in the city that kept us together, as it is the case in Zagreb with its Špica, its high street, or in Split where
myself to fulfilling their wishes with passion. I think that my successful Nest and Cave House, the Gumno House and the Wooden House projects were that successful because communication with my clients was open. For an architect, it’s very important to see somebody else’s life through their very eyes, like an actor. But, an actor’s playing of a role is done when the play ends, while our emotion remains materialised in stone, wood, concrete, and that’s wonderful. That’s why I think architecture is a brilliant profession, because you get to live different lives and different themes. Sadly, achieving open communication with all clients is impossible. Talking about architecture and art,
knew what a Roman city was, just like everybody knew what a Renaissance city was. Even the dark Middle Ages left very impressive towns built on the top of hills to defend their people against the enemy... What is left are cities in which their collective believe in something. This is evidenced by both Paris and the cities of Austro-Hungary. The problem of the present that we live in, but also a challenge, is the question of what we believe in. We, to be precise, believe in shopping... Yes, shopping centres have become centres of life in cities... - But that precisely can be a challenge! Perhaps we can look at it this way. We have the wonderful freedom to build build-
what will today’s generations leave for the future? History has left us monumental buildings, the Greek temples, the Egyptian pyramids, the Roman Coliseum... Today, it all seems to be consumable,
ings that don’t have to live for a hundred years. Perhaps these shopping centres will, one day, become hubs of life. Perhaps we shouldn’t be impatient. What will most certainly be left is what people believe in, but these values have not yet been crystallised... Aren’t some of today’s museums, majestic buildings by such great architects as Frank Gehry and Zaha Hadid, the most representative works of architecture of eternity? - The Dutch architect and theoretician Rem Koolhaas has been repeating this idea in all his introductory lectures. The question is, however, whether the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, which he likes to single out as one such example, is going to last forever.
this without increasing social conflicts. It’ll be a challenge to see where digitalisation and new technologies will take us. You’re the author of very successful and award-winning public projects: the Public Square and the elementary school in Krk, as well as a kindergarten, nominated for the prestigious Mies van der Rohe Award, the Pastoral Centre on Trsat, the new and impressive swimming pool in Borovo Naselje... You obviously consider urban interventions to be a great challenge, and your work to be a mission of sorts in which you try to improve the quality of life of people... - In these projects, what was very important to me was that they aren’t just buildings, but have transformed their local
Here, I’m not talking about the quality of architecture, because Frank Gehry is a good architect, but about whether the Bilbao effect is still to be believed in, because a gentrification of sorts is inevitably associated with it. It’s a reality that some cities have been turning into neighbourhoods for only a select few. If we return to my context, what’s best in Rijeka for me is exactly that I lived in times when the son of a bank manager, the son of a turner and the son of an Orthodox Christian lived in the same neighbourhood and went to the same school together. People today gentrify cities, in a negative sense, by reducing them to a mono-function. The question that remains is how to maintain diversity, and
communities. They promote social stand- Hotel Navis u uvali Preluk pokraj Opatije (2016.), s prekrasnim ards and are places of communication and pogledom na Kvarnerski zaljev, socialising which we all miss. I was parkonstrukcijom prati strmu, stjenovitu obalu ticularly pleased that a top location in the centre of town was chosen for the school The construction of Navis Hotel in Preluk Cove near Opatija (2016), with in Krk, that the Pastoral Centre in Rijeka a stunning view of the Kvarner Bay, follows the steep, rocky shoreline wants to open its doors to all and not just believers, that the new swimming pool in Borovo Naselje, built on the very same spot where the old pool once was, proved all those in that traumatised and ruined town wrong by being full this summer functioning like spiritual therapy. Architecture can indeed be spiritual therapy of sorts, a place of communion. What sets apart good from bad (public) architecture is not form, but the possibility of communion, the possibil-
S Lendler
ity that it may facilitate the communion of a turner, a banker and an Orthodox Christian, the possibility that they may overcome and forget about their differences and socialise, that they may connect as some real-life Facebook. When architecture achieves this, then you’ve succeeded, then it lasts through time. You’re amongst the very few in your profession who writes a very interesting blog commenting on books, projects, ideas from the perspective of a cosmopolitan open to debate and in opposition to the mainstream... When did you start writing a blog? - It’s been six, seven years. I believe that the Internet and social networks, regardless of what they’re like, have incredible,
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far-reaching power, but also require that their authors be responsible, cautious. For me, writing a blog is doing mental gymnastics, every week I live a topic that inspires me, sometimes I don’t even understand why, but I do research it and then share my opinions with the public. In some way, this also exposes my fragility, because these opinions of mine aren’t always defined, but I always look forward to this mental exercise, as well as to the ability to say more about different projects. For example, I had the need to write that my inspiration for the Museum of Apoxyomenos came from Kubrick’s The Shining. Tell us more about Apoxyomenos and The Shining... - The Shining wasn’t my only source of
inspiration for the Museum! I would never have designed it without the Italian art scene of the 50s and the 60s, without Yves Klein, a number of contemporary sculptors, and without influences from my childhood. When I, as a boy, entered a pastry shop in Rijeka whose interior was decorated by the architect Igor Emili, who covered the entire space of the pastry shop with carpets, now that was fantastic! I used to go there with my mom and dad for apricots with whipped cream. If you spoke there, all the sounds were muted because the shop was fully carpeted. I immediately knew that one of the rooms in the Museum of Apoxyomenos had to be covered in carpets, because when you enter such a space, you feel like a child in a womb. Listing all the details in
isn’t built as a house, but as a dolls’ house, as a movie, it’s twisted in that sense... I like communicating this, for people to think about it... How do you get it all done: working at the faculty, in the office, on numerous projects, writing your blog, being socially engaged, finalising the European Capital of Culture project... - I’m a team player. I’m always happy to work with other people, because we complement each other, but they also correct me. I learnt this from David Bowie. He was something of an enigma. How could he break up The Spiders from Mars band when they were at their peak with Ziggy Stardust? His guitarist didn’t believe him when he said it was over. Bowie went to
Bazen u Borovu Naselju (2017.) izgledom i funkcionalnošću privukao je brojne stanovnike Vukovara The appealing design and functionality of the swimming pool in Borovo Naselje (2017) has attracted countless residents of Vukovar
the Museum that my reminiscences of The Shining can be recognised in may be too long for this interview. Nevertheless, I do hope that, while walking along the red corridor or through the carpeted room on their way to the room in which Apoxyomenos is displayed — which is all white as a famous scene from 2001: A Space Odyssey — even those who don’t know anything about The Shining can feel a dramatic tension like the one in the movie. I think that the problem of architects is that they mostly take on board only architectural influences, what they do is clone architecture. This is exactly why the Museum of Apoxyomenos is so different, given that it’s not designed by using classical architectural methods, it
Berlin and met Iggy Pop, Brian Eno, Talking Heads, and yet when you look at all those songs that they recorded together, they are all David Bowie. That’s what I learnt from him and this is particularly important for me, working on projects with other people, because it allows me to do things that don’t look the same in the end. This is quite difficult because you have to trust people. But when I see that somebody has been tackling an issue that I’ve also been dealing with, then I think we should join forces, and what most often results from this is actual collaboration. We shouldn’t repeat ourselves, we should put up as much resistance as possible. You should leave the party when it’s peaking...
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ilo je to dvijetisućite i neke u Beču. U rezidenciji brazilskog veleposlanika, prekrasnoj palači Rotschild u Ulici Princa Eugena, te su večeri, uz elegantnu večeru i probrane goste, brazilski gudački kvartet Amazonia i pijanistica Anika Vavić izvodili djela Dore Pejačević. Dora i momci iz Brazila — kako je nazvan koncert — bio je neformalni uvod u ABC projekt (Austria, Brasil, Croatia), niz glazbenih događanja kojima su se glazbenici i institucije iz tri zemlje, među njima i Veleposlanstvo Republike Hrvatske, združili u ponovnom otkrivanju, istraživanju i potvrdi djela prve hrvatske skladateljice, u izdanju globalne kulturne suradnje koja preskače kontinentalne granice. Svojedobno Dora je bila poznatija u europskim metropolama nego kod kuće, te nije slučajno što je i ovaj projekt počeo u Beču. Bio je to grad u kojemu je skladateljica doživjela jedan od svojih najvećih uspjeha, kada su dijelovi njezine simfonije izvedeni zajedno s djelima Beethovena, Liszta i Mozarta. Rodom iz slavonske plemićke obitelji, kozmopolitkinja Dora tako je stoljeće poslije na jedinstven način spojila tri zemlje. Rođena je u Budimpešti, školovala se u Zagrebu, Dresdenu i Münchenu, boravila u Pragu i Beču, upoznala Egipat, posljednje godine života boravila u Münchenu
gdje je i umrla, ali uvijek je dolazila u obiteljski dvorac Pejačević u Našicama, gdje je provela djetinjstvo i kamo bi se rado vraćala da sklada u miru našičkog kraja. Sagrađen 1812., dvorac je jedna od najljepših građevina u Slavoniji, smješten zajedno s manjim dvorcem i gospodarskim zgradama u srcu mirnih Našica, gradića sa šesnaestak tisuća stanovnika, a okružen je golemim perivojem, danas gradskim parkom. U njemu je sada smješten Zavičajni muzej, knjižnica, prostorije Hrvatskoga kulturno-umjetničkog društva Lisinski i Gradske glazbe, ali nekako sve još odiše Dorom. Možda je to zbog romantične priče o plemkinji koja je u patrijarhalnom svijetu preskakala društvene konvencije, skladala u vrijeme kada to nije bio ženski posao, ali njezina se glazba nije mogla svrstati u ženski rukopis. U vremenima kada se od njezinih vrsnica očekivalo da nabadaju glasovir i vezu goblene, Dora je gutala Ibsena, Manna, Schopenhauera, Nietzschea i Kierkegaarda, divila se Wagneru i Mahleru, prijateljevala s austrijskim piscem i pjesnikom Karlom Krausom, pisala stihove i govorila nekoliko jezika, a u 38. godini života, u naponu stvaralačke snage, tragično je skončala pri porođaju prvog djeteta. Dorin je djed bio hrvatski ban Ladislav Pejačević. Dorin otac, grof Teodor Pejače-
Piše/By _ Davorka Vukov Colić Fotografije/Photos _ Alan Grubelić
Rođena je u Budimpešti, školovala se u Zagrebu, Dresdenu i Münchenu, boravila u Pragu i Beču, posljednje godine života boravila u Münchenu, ali prva hrvatska skladateljica Dora Pejačević uvijek se vraćala u obiteljski dvorac svoga djetinjstva, gdje bi skladala u miru našičkog kraja.
Obiteljski dvorac grofova Pejačević u Našicama, zajedno s malim dvorcem, gospodarskim zgradama i golemim perivojem The family Mansion of Counts Pejačević in Našice, together with a smaller mansion, outbuildings and a huge garden, is one of the most beautiful estates in Slavonia
She was born in Budapest, received an education in Zagreb, Dresden and Munich, stayed in Prague and Vienna, and spent the last years of her life in Munich. But the first Croatian woman composer, Dora Pejačević, would always return to the family mansion of her childhood, where she would compose in the peace and quiet of the region of Našice. CROATIA AIRLINES 4/2017
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Nekadašnja oaza mira skladateljice Dore danas je Zavičajni muzej The former quiet oasis of composer Dora is today the Local History Museum
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Dio Zavičajnog muzeja posvećen lovu The part of the Local History Museum dedicated to hunting
vić, također je obnašao tu časnu dužnost. Njezini su preci našičke posjede naslijedili u 18. stoljeću, stigavši mnogo prije s istoka u ovaj ravničarski kraj bježeći pred Turcima. Ali iz kojeg dijela istočnih krajeva? Odgovor se može naći u knjizi Hrvatsko-bugarski uzajamni odnosi kroz stoljeća, bugarskog povjesničara Koste Crnušanova, u dijelu koji se odnosi na tzv. Čiprovski ustanak. Čiprovo je gradić u sjeverozapadnom dijelu Bugarske, nedaleko od srpske granice, u kojemu se 1688. spremao ustanak protiv Turaka, organizaciju kojega su potpomagali dubrovački trgovci. Ustanak je ugušen, Čiprovo sravnjeno sa zemljom, a jedan od organizatora, Georgij Pejačević, zajedno s trojicom braće, pobjegao u današnju Slavoniju. Njihovi su potomci bili priznati društveni i kulturni djelatnici, pisci, vojnici, znanstvenici, povjesničari i svećenici, od Ladislava Pejačevića do skladateljice Dore, piše Crnušanov. A stoljećima poslije, u Sofiji se, stjecajem prilika, prije nekoliko godina našla vrsna japanska pijanistica Fumie Fukui, supruga japanskog veleposlanika, održavajući niz
koncerata u Bugarskoj i okolnim zemljama. Pozvana da održi jedan u Zagrebu, bila je oduševljena idejom hrvatskog veleposlanika da na repertoar uvrsti nepoznatu Doru. Tkanje našičkog kraja Weaving of the Našice region Koncert u Zagrebu izvrsno je prošao, a Fumie je pri povratku u Sofiju odmah održala sljedeći s Dorinim skladbama, predstavivši jedinstvenu hrvatsku skladateljicu. Dora je od tada bila na njezinu stalnom repertoaru. Jedna je Japanka tako upoznala bugarske slušatelje s hrvatskom skladateljicom davnih bugarskih korijena. Ljepotu treba naći, istinu otkriti, nužno učiniti, a slobodu proživjeti, jednom je napisala kasnoromantičarska umjetnica, kakvom su Doru često opisivali glazbeni teoretičari. Živjela je, kažu, za glazbu i u glazbi, ostavivši iza sebe 58 djela. Njezin klavirski koncert iz 1913. prvi je u hrvatskoj glazbi, a muzikolozi ističu da je postavila temelje novijoj hrvatskoj komornoj i koncertantnoj glazbi. Uređujući okoliš dvorca, Dorin djed, grof Ladislav Pejačević, dao je na 34.5 hektara prostranom perivoju zasaditi više od osamdeset različitih vrsta drveća, urediti prekrasne cvjetnjake i umjetno jezero s otočićem u obliku labuda, što je danas
Dorina soba s pogledom na salon Dora’s room with a view of the drawing room
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jedan od pet sačuvanih parkova engleskog tipa u Europi. Ta jedinstvena našička oaza jednako je impresivna ljeti, kao što je zimi začudno lijepa u snježnoj bjelini. Skladateljica je u tom plemenitom okolišu tražila i nalazila glazbu, tu je i pokopana. Na njezinu grobu tek su tri riječi: Dora, mir sada.
Spomen-soba Dorina djeda grofa Ladislava Pejačevića The Memorial Room of Dora’s grandfather, Count Ladislav Pejačević
Našička snježna idila Našice’s snowy idyll
his took place in two thousand and something in Vienna. At the residence of the Brazilian Ambassador, the magnificent Rothschild Palace on Prince Eugene Street, one evening, after an elegant dinner was served to carefully selected guests, the Brazilian Amazonia String Quartet and the pianist Anika Vavić performed works composed by Dora Pejačević. Dora and the Boys from Brazil — which is what the concert was called — was an informal introduction to the ABC project (Austria, Brazil, Croatia), a series of music events, through which the musicians and institutions of the three countries, including the Embassy of the Republic of Croatia, joined in rediscovering, researching and reaffirming the works of the first Croatian woman composer, in a moment of global cultural collaboration which does not know of continental barriers. Most of the time, Dora was more famous in European capitals than at home, and it is not by accident that this project started in Vienna, given that it was in Vienna that Dora lived to see one of her greatest successes — parts of her symphony performed along with works by Beethoven, Liszt and Mozart. Born into a Slavonian noble family and being a cosmopolitan, Dora brought together, an entire century later, three countries in a most unique way. She was born in Budapest, received an education in Zagreb, Dresden and Munich, stayed in Prague and Vienna, got to know Egypt, and spent the last years of her life in Munich, where she died, but would always return to the Pejačević Mansion in Našice, where she spent her childhood and where she would gladly return to compose in the peace and quiet of the region of Našice. Built in 1812, the Mansion is one of the most beautiful estates in Slavonia, located together with a smaller mansion and outbuildings in the very heart of quiet Našice, a small town of sixteen thousand residents, surrounded by vast gardens, which are today a city park. Today, the Mansion houses the Našice Local History Museum, the City Library, the premises of
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Prva hrvatska skladteljica Dora Pejačević (10. rujna 1885. - 5. svibnja 1923.) The first Croatian woman composer Dora Pejačević (10 September 1885-5 May 1923)
the Lisinski Folklore Society and of the Town Band, but it somehow still exudes Dora. Perhaps this is because of the romantic story of a noble woman who, in a patriarchal world, defied the social conventions of her time, because she composed at a time when composing was not considered to be a woman’s job, even though her music could not at all be classified as a woman’s writing. At a time when social expectations of then women amounted to playing the piano and needlework, Dora was devouring Ibsen, Mann, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche and Kierkegaard, admired Wagner and Mahler, befriended the Austrian writer and poet Karl Kraus, wrote poetry and spoke several languages. Tragically, at the age of 38, in the
prime of her creativity, she died while giving birth to her firstborn child. Dora’s grandfather was Croatian Governor Ladislav Pejačević. Dora’s father, count Teodor Pejačević, also served as Governor. Her ancestors inherited estates in Našice in the 18th century, having arrived much earlier from the East to the plains of Slavonia fleeing before the Turks. But which parts of the East? It is in the Bulgarian historian Kosta Crnushanov’s book Croatian-Bulgarian Relations through the Centuries that an answer is found. More specifically, in the part referring to the so-called Chiprovtsi Uprising. Chiprovtsi is a small town in the north-western part of Bulgaria near the Serbian border, where in 1688 an uprising against the Turks
was staged, the staging of which was supported by merchants from Dubrovnik. The uprising was crushed, Chiprovtsi razed to the ground, and one of the stagers, Georgij Pejačević, fled to today’s Slavonia with his three brothers. Their descendants were highly acclaimed social and cultural workers, writers, soldiers, scientists, historians and priests, from Ladislav Pejačević to Dora, the composer, writes Crnushanov. Then, centuries later, by a strange concatenation of circumstances, a master Japanese pianist and wife of the Japanese Ambassador, Fumie Fukui, was staying in Sofia a few years ago, having held a series of concerts in Bulgaria and the neighbouring countries. Having been invited to hold one in Zagreb as well, she was thrilled by the idea of the Croatian Ambassador to include the unknown Dora in her repertoire. The concert in Zagreb was well received and, upon her return to Sofia, Fumie immediately held another concert playing Dora’s compositions, having thus introduced the unique Croatian woman composer to Bulgarian audiences. Dora’s pieces have since been on her permanent repertoire. And so it was a Japanese woman who introduced Bulgarian audiences to a Croatian woman composer of ancient Bulgarian origin. Beauty is to be discovered, the truth revealed, what is necessary done, and freedom lived, once wrote Dora, a late Romantic artist, which is how she has often been portrayed by music theoreticians. She lived music and for music, they say, having left behind 58 compositions. Her 1913 Piano Concerto is the first in Croatian music history, and musicologists point out that she laid the foundations for modern Croatian chamber and concert music. Designing the surroundings of the Mansion, Dora’s grandfather, count Ladislav Pejačević, had over eighty different species of trees planted in the 34.5 hectare-large garden park, beautiful flower beds arranged and an artificial lake with an islet in the shape of a swan constructed, which is today one of the five surviving Englishstyle parks in Europe. This unique oasis of Našice is impressive and amazingly beautiful both in summer when bathed in sunshine and in winter when covered in snow. It was in these stately surroundings that the composer sought and found music, and it is here that she was also buried, with only the following words having been engraved on her gravestone: Dora, rest in peace.
December 4-5 2018 ZAGREB, CROATIA
Platinum Sponsor
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U Poliklinici Kustec anti-age koncept s potpisom dr. Milenovića An anti-age concept signed by Dr. Milenović at the Kustec Polyclinic
agrebačka Poliklinika KUSTEC, osim usluga dentalne medicine, nudi i mnogo provjerenih metoda s područja estetske kirurgije koje se primjenjuju u različitim kombinacijama, individualno, s naglaskom na prirodnom izgledu pacijenta. - U Poliklinici KUSTEC nastojimo postići to da nakon svakoga estetskog zahvata izgled pacijenta bude prirodan, mlađi i svježiji, a da pritom okolina nema dojam da je pacijent operiran - kaže doc. dr. sc. Aleksandar Milenović, voditelj Odjela za estetsku kirurgiju u Poliklinici KUSTEC. Dr. Milenović razvio je uspješnu antiage koncepciju pomlađivanja, o čemu svjedoče mnoge njegovi pacijenti. - Pomlađivanje pacijenata ono je što se uvijek traži i očekuje, ali mi takvim zahvatima ne pristupamo bezuvjetno. Svaki uspješan estetski kirurg mora za svog pacijenta znati pažljivo odabrati pravi omjer u kombiniranju operativnih i konzervativnih metoda. Inzistiramo na prirodnom izgledu, ali jednako tako i na znanstvenom pristupu svakom pacijentu. Svakom se pacijentu mora pristupiti vrlo individualno i osmisliti strategija primjerena samo njemu, te odrediti kombinacija različitih metoda kojima će njegovo lice i tijelo dobiti mladenačku svježinu. U razgovoru s pacijentom sugeriramo metode i zahvate koji možda i nisi bili njegov prvi izbor, ali preporučujemo one koje će osigurati ljepotu i formu te zadržati prirodan izgled - kaže dr. Milenović. U Poliklinici KUSTEC možete dobiti savjet za bilo koji estetski problem: od aplikacija filera i botoksa, preko liposukcije, do najkompleksnijih kirurških zahvata. Stručan i znanstveni pristup s estetskim ciljem plastičnu kirurgiju podiže na višu razinu. Stručnjaci Poliklinike KUSTEC tako svojim klijentima pružaju vrhunsku
uslugu u skladu s europskim standardima i postignućima. Dr. Aleksandar Milenović sudjelovao je kao predavač na više od 100 domaćih i svjetskih kongresa. Uza specijalizaciju iz maksilofacijalne kirurgije dr. Milenović završava i supspecijalizaciju iz plastične i rekonstruktivne kirurgije glave i vrata. Teorijski i praktično educirao se u vrhunskim centrima plastične kirurgije u New Yorku, Glasgowu, Londonu i Beču. Član je Hrvatskog društva za maksilofacijalnu, plastičnu i rekonstruktivnu kirurgiju glave i vrata i Europskog društva za kraniomaksilofacijalnu kirurgiju. Iskustvom u oblikovanju zdravog, svježeg i vedrog izgleda dr. Milenoviću razvio je prepoznatljiv kirurški rukopis, a njegov je potpis jamstvo vrhunskog estetskog zahvata. Poliklinika KUSTEC tako je svojoj vrhunskoj dentalnoj usluzi pridodala još jednu, s područja estetske kirurgije, čime se svrstava među klinike koje nude vrhunska svjetska postignuća u toj grani medicine.
xcept dental services, the Zagrebbased Kustec Polyclinic offers a number of proven methods in the field of cosmetic surgery that are applied in various combinations, individually, with an emphasis on the natural look of patients. - What we have been trying to achieve at the Kustec Polyclinic is that our cosmetic surgery results in our patients looking natural, younger and fresher without others noticing that they were ever operated on — says Doc. dr. sc. Aleksandar Milenović, Head of the Department of Cosmetic Surgery at the Kustec Polyclinic, who has developed a successful anti-age concept of rejuvenation attested to by many of his patients. - Rejuvenation is what patients desire and are looking for, but we do not approach such procedures unconditionally. Deciding on the right combination of surgical procedures and conservative methods is what every successful cosmetic surgeon must be able to do for his patients. A natural appearance, as well as a scientific approach to every patient, is what we insist on. Each patient must be approached individually. Strategies must be tailored to each patient individually, and the right combination of methods and procedures devised, a combination that will give the patient’s
body and face a youthfully fresh look. While consulting our patients, we recommend methods and procedures which may not have been their first choice, but the methods that we recommend are always those that result in the desired beauty and shape while maintaining a natural look — adds Dr. Milenović. At the Kustec Polyclinic, we give advice on all cosmetic problems, from filler and Botox treatments, through liposuction to the most complex surgical procedures. A professional and scientific approach raises plastic surgery for aesthetic purposes to a higher level, with the specialists of Kustec Polyclinic providing their patients with top quality services following European standards and achieving results. Dr. Aleksandar Milenović participated in over 100 national and world conferences as a lecturer. Having specialised in maxillofacial surgery, Dr. Milenović is now subspecialising in reconstructive plastic surgery of the head and neck. He received an education in theory and practice at top plastic surgery centres in New York, Glasgow, London and Vienna. He is a member of the Croatian Society for Maxillofacial, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery of the Head and Neck, and the European Society of Craniofacial Surgery. With experience in shaping a healthy, fresh and joyful look, Dr. Milenović has developed a recognisable surgical handwriting and his signature is a guarantee that aesthetic procedures will be superior.
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Tekst i fotografije/Text and photos _ Goran Šafarek
Pogled s Velebita na predivnu Mjesečevu površinu Paga A view from Velebit of the breath-taking moonlike surface of the Island of Pag
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Dabarski kukovi jedan su od najljepših predjela Velebita, mitske hrvatske planine čijim gudurama, livadama te gustim šumama krstare medvjedi i čopori vukova, a suri orao iz visine nadgleda svoj teritorij. Brojnim utabanim stazama naraštaji planinara iznova otkrivaju draži te planine koje se, čini se, ni cijeli životni vijek ne mogu zasititi. Dabarski Kukovi are one of the most beautiful areas of Velebit, a mythic Croatian mountain in whose ravines, meadows and dense forests bears and packs of wolves prowl, and golden eagles overlook their territory from high altitudes. Treading the numerous beaten tracks, generations of mountaineers keep on rediscovering the magnetism of this mountain, which, it seems, cannot be resisted.
01 Zimsko planinarenje do Karlobaga Winter hiking to Karlobag
blage rudine, travnjaci, tek s kamenom
02 Dabarski kukovi u zimski suton Dabarski kukovi at dusk in winter
samo Hajdučki i Rožanski kukovi konkuri-
o Dabarskih kukova ne treba neki osobit trud. Iz Gospića penje se cestom na Velebit prema Karlobagu i, dakako, obrnuto. U mjestu Baške Oštarije zatim počinju planinarske staze na nekoliko strana, a za kukove treba odabrati one na sjever. I dok su većina velebitskih vrhova
kapom na vrhu, ili obrasli šumom, Dabarski kukovi carstvo su gole stijene. Možda im raju krševitošću, ali ne i monolitnošću i tolikom dominacijom nad okolnim okolišem. Pogled s istaknute stijene na rubu provalije, iznad vrhova krošanja bukvi i jela, zapanjujući je. Kamena kralježnica izdigla se iznad zelenožutog krajolika travnjaka i šuma, kao ostatak nekoga davno preminuloga, golema dinosaura, godzile ili sličnog čudovišta. Samo što je ova kralježnica dugačka
kilometrima, a visoka stotinama metara. Geolozi se ne bi složili s takvim opisom, a njihov je sljedeći: vapnenačke, gledano u dugom razdoblju, stijene sklone eroziji elemenata prirode. Tektonika je pak poredala stijene u pravilan niz poput zida koji se izdiže iznad divovskih zelenih dolina, a one najviše monolitne stijene nazivaju se kukovi. Neprestano se izmjenjuje šuma stamene bukve, koja odolijeva velikoj strmini, s već požutjelim travnjacima. Izbliza, monolitnost stijena ustupa mjesto tipičnoj krškoj razlomljenosti. Prema vrhovima, sve je manje suhe trave, a sve više golih stijena. Čas sije sunce na otvorenome, čas dolazi sjena uskih prolaza, kao u podnožju nebodera neke metropole, samo što su umjesto visokih zgrada stijene i ni jedan umjetni zvuk ovdje ne remeti mir, čuje se samo šuštanje trave na povjetarcu i povremen pjev ptica. Svaki čas izbija se na strmoglavu provaliju, podno stijena koje izgledaju poput golemih tornjeva ili čak zgrada, ravne i glatke kao da ih je rezbarilo divovsko dlijeto. Nekoliko je dana do Nove godine. Snijeg i hladni vjetrovi davno su stresli većinu suhog lišća, a ono malo što se ostalo grčevito držati, sada je zarobljeno u ledu. Stabla su sada bijeli kosturi, skulpture od leda i inja. Dolinu i kukove ogrnuo je snijeg, jedino gole okomite litice još odolijevaju bijelom ogrtaču. Stabla su svinuta pri dnu od teškog bremena snijega koji je ovdje zimi vrlo obilan. Snježna bjelina bode oči. Plavo nebo stvara bajkovit ugođaj, zrak je kristalno jasan pa se udaljeni kukovi savršeno vide, ali pogled puca i mnogo dalje. Snijeg škripi pod gojzericama i pravi je užitak hodati kroz njega u ovakvom okružju. No, već drugi dan sivi su oblaci zastrli nebo, grane mlataraju do iznemoglosti, a vjetar divlja na otvorenome noseći zapuhe snijega. To je Velebit — nepredvidljiv i divlji. Dolaskom do tunela i prijevoja Oštarijskih, nestalo je i snijega pred naletima bure, ali i više temperature zbog smanjene nadmorske visine. Iako gdjegdje samo hrpa kamenja, cesta se mjestimice jasno raspoznaje kao ravan, poslagan kamen u okolni krš. Gotovo u svakom trenutku pruža se pogled na plavi Jadran, kroz rijetko grmlje i kržljavo drveće. U jednom trenutku staza prerasta u pravu cestu, nekoliko metara široku i s rubnim zidićem. Ovdje su davno prolazila kola, zaprege, ljudi i roba na putu iz Like prema moru.
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Prijevoji i pogodne poprečne udoline zacementirale su područje Baških Oštarija kao cestovni pravac od davnina, ali i postali razlog za naseljavanje. Samo selo Baške Oštarije sada ima tek tridesetak stanovnika, više od deset puta manje nego u početku prošlog stoljeća. Ipak, položaj uz glavnu cestu očuvao je i to malo ljudi, za razliku od naselja u dabrovima i dulibama. Već naziv govori o ulozi sela u povijesti — ostaria na talijanskome znači gostionica — vjerojatno u mletačko doba kad su tu noćile i okrepljivale se karavane. Poticaj naseljavanju dao je stalan potok Ljubica, što je prilično rijetka slika
u inače bezvodnom Velebitu. Napokon, Oštarije leže u prostranom polju, zaravni dugačkoj četiri kilometra, gdje kao na dabrima i dulibama ne vlada ljuti krš i velika strmina. Danas na planinu dolaze rekreativci, planinari, ljubitelji zimskih radosti. Ali, ona je privlačna u sva godišnja doba. Zbog blizine mora primamljiva je i u žarkim ljetnim danima, kada turisti požele potražiti svježi povjetarac i neokaljani miris prirode s pogledom na veličanstvene Dabarske kukove. Jedan je od vršnih kukova Kiza, a čovjek na vrhu izgleda kao mrav. I najotpornije biljke ljeti potpuno ustuknu pred ispranim 02
01 Planinari kreću u planine u osvit dana Mountaineers heading for the mountain at daybreak 02 Zimsko planinarenje po snijegu Winter hiking in the snow 03 Dabarski kukovi ogrnuti snijegom, injem i maglom Dabarski kukovi covered in snow, frost and mist 04 Jedan od rijetkih potoka na Velebitu One of the few streams on Velebit 05 Divlji konj na Velebitu A wild horse on Velebit
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01 Snježna idila u planinama A snowy idyll in the mountains 02 Velebit u jesen Velebit in autumn 03 Vršni dio kukova Summit cliffs
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01 Jarebica kamenjarka A rock partridge 02 Jutarnja magla Morning mist 03 Leptir na cvijetu A butterfly on a flower
bijelim kamenom koji bliješti na žarkom suncu. Trpe oči, ali i koža, jer isijava i toplinu. Ipak, uz malo penjanja, dijelom i uz pomoć sajle, dolazi se do vrha. Pogled je odavde veličanstven, ali pokazuje da nije i jedini — tu je cijeli niz vrhova, kukova. Neke od njih obilaze planinarske staze, a ostali ostaju u tišini Velebita. Bačića kuk, gledano od sjevera, prvi je u nizu i najviši, a s njega se po mnogima pruža najljepši pogled na cijeli niz: Kukaline, Butinovaća, Kiza, Grabar, Ljubičko brdo, da se spomenu samo najmarkantniji u nizu od gotovo deset kilometara. Nekoliko mjeseci poslije, kad se jesen ugnijezdi u Srednji Velebit, a žuti i crveni listovi ukrase drveće i grmlje, hladniji dani postaju ugodniji za hodanje danju, ali zahtijevaju debelu odjeću ujutro i navečer. Jutarnja rosa svjetluca po žutim travkama, a inače nevidljiva paučina sada bliješti kao ogrlice bisera. Svjež zrak puni pluća, a osim mirisa vegetacije, donosi i neku aromu divljine. Zreli plodovi šipka crvene se u travi, na radost životinja, ali i ljudi. Stijene su u ovom okružju romantične, ali iz podnožja. Ovdje počinje (ili završava, ovisno o tome kamo se kreće) poznata Premužićeva staza. Ovaj put nema ni penjanja, ni provlačenja i preskakanja, jer put je gotovo ravan i ugažen. Takvom ju je i zamislio inženjer Ante Premužić kako bi i oni nevješti planinarenju bez problema mogli hodati jednim od najdivljijih dijelova Hrvatske. U početku većim dijelom prolazi šumom, sve dok ne izađe na primorsku padinu i počne nuditi nevjerojatne poglede prema Jadranskome moru i otocima. Dabarska je kosa uzak prijevoj s kojega se vide i goli kukovi i more. Sa staze skreće put oštro nizbrdo i vodi na dno doline zvane Ravni dabar. Naziv ove doline nema veze sa životinjom dabrom, nego su ljudi od davnina tako prozvali plodne doline koritasta oblika. One su nekad uvelike bile i obrađene i nastanjene. Ali, težak život otjerao je ljude da potraže sreću u gostoljubivijem kraju pa sad njive i livade košanice ponovno osvaja bukva, a kroz ruševine kuća izbijaju kupina i ostale biljke. Uz dabre slične su doline dulibe. Jedna za drugom, osobito sa sjeverne strane, opasuju Bačić duliba, Došen dabar, Ravni dabar, Crni dabar, Crna duliba. Ipak, ovdje u Ravnom dabru ima života. Odloženi planinarski štapovi pokraj ljudi u gojzericama nad otvorenim planinarskim kartama ili usred užine od sendviča odaju nove stanovnike dabra - planinare. Ovdje im je baza, u velikom planinarskom domu ispod kukova Čeline. Velike prostorije
svjedoče o prvobitnoj funkciji toga zidanog zdanja - škola. I dok je žamor učenika davno prestao odzvanjati, veće skupine ljubitelja planina vraćaju mu negdašnju živost, makar na samo koji dan. A njih ovdje ne nedostaje. Jer, tko je god jedanput obišao ovaj kraj, kad-tad poželjet će se i vratiti.
o special effort is needed to reach Dabarski Kukovi. You take the road leading up to Velebit from Gospić in the direction of Karlobag or vice versa. Hiking trails and tracks start in a village called Baške Oštarije heading in different directions. Dabarski Kukovi are northbound. And while most of the peaks of Velebit are covered with mild grasslands, meadows, with only a stone cap on top, or are overgrown with forests, Dabarski Kukovi are a realm of bare rock. The ruggedness of Dabarski Kukovi is perhaps rivalled by that of Hajdučki and Rožanski Kukovi, but nothing matches either their monolithicity or the extent of their dominance over the surrounding environment. The view from the protruding rock on the edge of a precipice, above beech and silver fir treetops, is absolutely stunning. The stone spine rises above the greens and the yellows of a landscape of meadows and forests, as though it is the fossilised remains of a longgone, immensely huge dinosaur, Godzilla or some similar monster. The only difference is that this spine goes on for kilometres and is hundreds of meters high. Geologists would not agree with this description, and so theirs is the following: limestone rock prone to erosion by the elements. Moreover, tectonics had arranged the cliffs in a regular sequence resembling a wall that rises above giant green valleys, with the highest monolithic cliffs called kukovi in Croatian. Resilient beech tree forests resisting the steepness of the slopes and meadows turned yellow interchange endlessly. If you take a closer look, you will notice that monolithic cliffs give way to typical karst fragmentation. Towards the peaks, there is less and less dry grass and more and more bare rock. One moment the sun is shining out there in the open, the next the shadow of a narrow pass looms, as at the foot of a skyscraper in a metropolis, with the only difference being that these are cliffs and not tall buildings, and there is no artificial, man-produced sound here that would disturb the peace and quiet. The only sounds you hear are the rustle of leaves in the breeze and the occasional bird singing. At every corner, you reach a precipitous
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chasm underneath rocks that look like huge towers or even buildings, flat and smooth as if sculpted by a giant chisel. New Year’s Eve is only several days away. Snow and cold winds have long shaken off most of the dry leaves, and the few that did remain now hold on to their branches frantically, now trapped in ice. The trees are now white skeletons, sculptures of ice and frost. The valley and the cliffs are now covered in snow, only the bare vertical cliffs have not surrendered to the white cape. The snow is heavy here during winter, making the snowladen trees bend near the ground. The snowy whiteness is piercing to the eyes. The blue skies lend the entire environment a fairy-talelike quality, the air is crystal clear, making the distant cliffs perfectly visible, but the view reaches much further. The snow crunches under your hiking boots, and this makes your walking on snow in such surroundings a true delight. On the next day already, grey clouds veil the sky, branches sway to the point of breaking, and gusts of wild wind carry swirling snowstorms. This is Velebit — unpredictable and wild. Upon arrival to the tunnel and the mountain pass of Oštarije, the snow vanishes before gusts of a violent cold northerly wind called the bora, but also before higher temperatures at lower altitudes. Although it may seem that these are only piles of rock lying around, they are, in fact, flat slabs of stone laid in the surrounding karst for a road, which is now clearly discernible in places. Almost at all times, breath-taking panoramas of the blue Adriatic stretch over sparse shrubs
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and stunted trees. At one point, the track becomes a proper road, a few meters wide and bordered by a stone wall. Carts, wagons, people and goods used to pass here once on their way from Lika to the coast. Mountain passes and convenient transverse vales have cemented the region of Baške Oštarije as a roadway since ancient times, having become a reason for building a settlement. The village of Baške Oštarije is now home to some thirty residents, over ten times less than at the beginning of the last century. It is its position along the main roadway which is to be thanked for people deciding not to leave, unlike in the valley settlements. The very name of the village says much about what the village once was — ostaria, a tavern in Italian, probably from the time of the Venetians when caravans would, having found refreshment, spend a few nights here. The steady stream of Ljubica must have accelerated the building of a settlement, which is a rather rare sight on the otherwise waterless Velebit. After all, Baške Oštarije lies in a vast valley, a four-kilometre-long plateau, not ruled over by rugged karst and steep slopes. Today, recreationists, hikers and mountaineers, and lovers of winter activities frequent the mountain. Nevertheless, it is attractive in all seasons. Because of the proximity of the sea, it is alluring even in hot summer days, when what tourists seek is a fresh breeze and the untainted scent of nature with a view of the awe-inspiring Dabarski Kukovi. One of the summit cliffs is called Kiza, on top of which man is the size of an ant. During summer, even the sturdiest of plants
01 Toplina planinarskog doma The warmth of a mountain lodge
02 Zlatna mara na cvijetu A rose chafer on a flower
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completely shrink before the washed white stone glaring in the scorching sun. Because it radiates high heat, both your eyes and skin suffer. Still, after just a short climb, partly with the help of a cable, you reach the summit. The view from here is breath-taking, but it is not the only one — there is a whole series of peaks. Some are reachable by hiking trails, while others remain in the silence of Velebit. Bačića Kuk, seen from the north, is the first in a row of cliffs and the highest, with, according to many, the most beautiful view of the entire string of peaks: Kukaline, Butinovaća, Kiza, Grabar, Ljubičko Brdo, to mention but a few of the most striking ones in a nearly ten-kilometre-long chain. A few months later, when autumn nests in Central Velebit, and yellow and red leaves start adorning trees and shrubs,
colder days become much more pleasant to hike during the day, but require warn clothes both in the morning and the evening. Morning drops of dew sparkle on yellow grass, and the otherwise invisible cobwebs now glitter like pearl necklaces. Fresh air fills the lungs, carrying, besides the smell of vegetation, a scent of wilderness. To the great joy of animals, as well as people, ripe red rosehip fruits are scattered across the grass. The cliffs are now romantic, but from the foot of the mountain. Here, the famous Premužić Trail starts (or ends, depending on where you are). This time, there is no climbing, no wriggling though narrow passes and no jumping from rock to rock, because the trail is almost flat and fully beaten. After all, this is how it was conceived by engineer Ante Premužić, so that even newcomers to
mountaineering could hike through one of the wildest regions of Croatia without difficulty. At the start, the trail passes mostly through forests until it reaches the seaside slope offering stunning panoramas of the Adriatic Sea and its islands. Dabarska Kosa is a narrow pass, from which both the barren cliffs and the sea come into view. The trail now takes a sharp downhill turn leading to the very bottom of the valley called Ravni Dabar. The name of this valley has nothing to do with the beaver, as its name in Croatian may suggest, given that dabar in Croatian is beaver in English; this is actually what people used to call basin-shaped fertile valleys in ancient times. These were once both populated and farmed. But the harsh realities of life have driven people to search for happiness in more hospitable regions, so that now beech trees have reconquered farm fields and hay meadows, and blackberry bushes and other wild plants have taken over the houses that have fallen into ruin. Lying one after the other, particularly from the north, Bačić Duliba, Došen Dabar, Ravni Dabar, Crni Dabar and Crna Duliba have encircled Dabarski Kukovi. Yet, here, in Ravni Dabar, there is life. Mountaineering sticks set aside by people in hiking boots bending over mountain maps or in the midst of enjoying a sandwich snack are the new inhabitants of Ravni Dabar — mountaineers. This is where their base is, in a large mountain lodge underneath Čelina. The large rooms of this lodge testify to the original function of this masonry building — a school. And while the chatter of pupils has long stopped resounding, larger groups of lovers of the mountain are restoring its former liveliness bustling with life, even if only for a few days at a time. And, here, there is no shortage of hikers. For, even if you have visited this place only once, you will want to return — at some point in your life. 01 Monolitne litice Dabarskih kukova The monolithic cliffs of Dabarski kukovi 02 Planinarenje Premužićevom stazom Mountaineering along the Premužić Trail
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meridijani mERidians
Tekst i fotografije/Text and photos _ Å ime Lugarov
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Plaže, planine, plantaže čaja, širom otvorene zelene ravnice, tropske džungle... Šri Lanka ima sve! S obzirom na to da je otok malen, nevjerojatno je raznolik, a raznolikošću podsjeća i na raznolikost Hrvatske. Bogatom i burnom poviješću, predivnom i raznovrsnom florom i faunom te skromnim i susretljivim ljudima, ta zemlja ne prestaje iznenađivati posjetitelje. Beaches, mountains, tea plantations, vast green plains, rainforests... Sri Lanka has got it all! For such a small island, it is incredibly diverse, and due to its diversity, it resembles the diversity of Croatia. With its rich and stormy history, amazing and diverse flora and fauna, and its humble and friendly people, this country has much in store for its visitors.
ri Lanka otočna je država u južnoj Aziji, zauzima otok Šri Lanku (do 1972. g. Cejlon) te nekoliko manjih otočića u Indijskom oceanu, jugoistočno od Indijskog poluotoka. Dokumentirana povijest Šri Lanke obuhvaća 3000 godina, s dokazima o pretpovijesnim ljudskim naseljima otprije najmanje 125.000 godina. Ima bogatu kulturnu baštinu, a zbog zemljopisnog položaja i luke ima veliku stratešku važnost od pradavnoga svilenog puta do suvremenoga svilenoga pomorskog puta. Prvi europski kolonizatori, Portugalci, došli su u početku 16. st. i osnovali grad Colombo. Nizozemci dolaze u 17. stoljeću i ograničili su se na zauzimanje obalnih područja, a unutrašnjost je ostala uglavnom neovisna s glavnim gradom Kandyjem. Britanci osvajaju nizozemske kolonije potkraj 18. st., čime je otok postao dio Britanskog Carstva. U srednjem vijeku opisali su je Marko Polo i Ibn Battuta. Šri Lanka uglavnom je budistička zemlja - 70 posto stanovništva budisti su. Budizam je došao u Šri Lanku u 3. stoljeću prije Krista. Druge religije koje prevladavaju u Šri Lanki, ali u znatno manjoj mjeri, jesu hinduizam, islam i kršćanstvo. Zemlja je podijeljena u dvije glavne etničke skupine: singalski budisti (74 posto) i tamilski hinduisti (18 posto), a preostalih 8 posto tvore manje etničke skupine. Uvijek je bilo napetosti između Tamila i Singalaca, no znatno su se pojačale nakon neovisnosti, kad je singalska većina ukinula engleski jezik kao službeni, te proglasila singalski jedinim službenim jezikom. Njime ne govori trećina stanovništva otoka, što je uzrokovalo nezadovoljstvo Tamila i njihove otvorene pobune 1983. godine pod vodstvom gerilske skupine Tamilskih tigrova. Naposljetku te napetosti rezultirale su građanskim ratom, koji je trajao od 1983. do 2009. godine te se zemlja još oporavlja od posljedica dugotrajnog rata. Šri Lanka je jedna od zemalja najteže pogođenih tsunamijem u prosincu 2004. godine. Poginulo je više od 30.000 osoba Većinu zemlje zauzimaju nizine i
01 Plaža Mirissa Mirissa Beach 02 Hotelska soba, Negombo A hotel room, Negombo 03 Ulaz u Spa Ceylon, Galle The entrance to Spa Ceylon, Galle
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01 Drevna tvrđava Sigiriya The Ancient Rock Fortress of Sigiriya 02 Kraljevski botanički vrtovi, Peradeniya Royal Botanical Gardens, Peradeniya 03 Nacionalni park Horton Plains Horton Plains National Park
04 U vlaku iz Kandyja prema Nanu Oye A train journey from Kandy to Nanu Oya 05 Zlatni hram, Dambulla The Golden Cave Temple of Dambulla 06 Tržnica, Dambulla Dambulla Produce Market
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01 Hinduistički hram, Dambulla A Hindu temple in Dambulla 02 Slapovi, Nacionalni park Horton Plains Waterfalls in Horton Plains National Park 03 Kolonijalna arhitektura hotela Queens, Kandy The colonial architecture of Queens Hotel, Kandy
04 Prodavač cvijeća ispred Hrama zuba, Kandy Flowers sold outside the Temple of the Tooth Relic, Kandy 05 Kraljevski botanički vrtovi, Peradeniya Royal Botanical Gardens, Peradeniya 06 Noćni pogled na grad Kandy A night view of Kandy
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01 Vrh malog Adama Little Adam’s Peak 02 Kip sv. Sebastijana, Negombo The Statue of St. Sebastian, Negombo 03 Željeznička stanica, Galle The Galle Railway Station
04 Mrijestilište morskih kornjača, Mahamodara Sea Turtle Hatchery Centre, Mahamodara 05 Suvenirnica, Galle A gift shop, Galle 06 Tuk-tuk i bengalski varan, Galle A tuk-tuk and a Bengal monitor lizard, Galle
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01 Glavna trŞnica, Kandy The Main Kandy Market 02 Starac izrađuje suvenir, Galle An old man making a souvenir, Galle 03 Majmuni blizu Zlatnog hrama, Dambulla Monkeys near the Golden Cave Temple of Dambulla 04 Pogled s ceste od Elle prema Nacionalnom parku Udawalawe A view from the road from Ella to the Udawalawe National Park 05 Nacionalni park Horton Plains Horton Plains National Park
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brežuljkasta područja. Planine se nalaze samo u unutrašnjosti otoka, s najvišim vrhom Pidurutalagalom (2524 m). Tropska je vegetacija veoma bujna, a pješčane obale obrasle su mangrovama. Šri Lanka najveći je svjetski proizvođač cimeta i njegov najveći izvoznik te jedan od četiri najveća proizvođača čaja, koji je uvezen 1867. godine. Vožnja vlakom kroz plantaže čajeva te posjet tvornici čaja nezaobilazni su kada ste u Šri Lanki. Spoj starih vlakova i željezničkih kolodvora iz sredine prošlog stoljeća, vijugava i spora željeznička pruga, lokalni prodavači voća i grickalica te jedinstveni pogledi na plantaže pružaju osobit doživljaj. Šri Lanka raj je za ljubitelje Unescove svjetske baštine: u cijeloj zemlji postoji osam takvih mjesta. S obzirom na to kako je zemlja malena, moguće ih je obići 01 Slonovi u Nacionalnom parku Udawalawe Elephants in the Udawalawe National Park 02 Ribari u Ahangami, Galle Stilt fishermen at Ahangama, Galle 01
sve u jednom posjetu Šri Lanki. To su: Sveti grad Anuradhapura, stjenoviti grad Sigiriya, stari grad Polonnaruwa, Hram zuba u svetom gradu Kandyju, Zlatni špiljski hram Dambulla, utvrda staroga grada Galle, Središnja visoravan i šumski rezervat Sinharaja. Postoji 14 nacionalnih parkova osobito zanimljivih jer nude vožnju kroz parkove gdje je, uz malo sreće, moguće vidjeti životinje u njihovu prirodnom staništu. Šri Lanka dom je 91 vrste sisavaca, uključujući slonove, leoparde, nekoliko vrsta majmuna, divlje svinje, goleme vjeverice, jelene, lisice, kitove i još mnogo drugih. Također, tu su 233 vrste ptica i više od 190 vrsta ptica selica. Od gmazova nalazi se više od 90 vrsta zmija, od čega pet otrovnica, među kojima je najpoznatija kobra. Tu je i mnogo raznih guštera, pauka iz roda crne udovice, stonoga, krokodila i kornjača. Hrana u Šri Lanki uvijek je svježa i vegetarijanska te uvelike slična hrani u Indiji. Od svježih kraljevskih kokosa i slatkih manga, nacionalno su jelo riža, curry i kotu - nasjeckani roti, povrće, jaja i meso. Hrana se najčešće jede rukama. Osim čaja, tu je i najpopularniji lokalni alkohol 02
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koji se naziva Arrack, tekućina od fermentiranog soka neotvorenih kokosovih cvjetova. Uz Indiju, Veliku Britaniju, Australiju, Novi Zeland i Pakistan, Šri Lanka jedna je od najvećih svjetskih kriketskih nacija. Odlazak na utakmicu kriketa jednako je važan za stanovnika Šri Lanke kao nogometna utakmica za Hrvata. Ali, iako je kriket popularan, nacionalni sport Šri Lanke zapravo je odbojka. Zemlja ima više od 1300 kilometara obale i prepuna je veoma lijepih plaža pogodnih za sve vodene sportove. Slikoviti gradovi, pješčane plaže, veliki valovi i daskaši, plažni barovi što navečer postaju riblji restorani s ponudom svježe ribe koju su lokalni ribari ulovili taj dan, idealno su okružje za odmor tijela i duše. Unatoč skromnoj veličini, svojom bogatom i burnom poviješću, predivnom i raznovrsnom florom i faunom, skromnim i susretljivim ljudima, Šri Lanka s pravom nosi nadimak biser Indijskog oceana i ne prestaje iznenađivati posjetitelje. Sri Lanka is an island country in southern Asia, the territory of which includes the Island of Sri Lanka (formerly also known as Ceylon) and several smaller islets in the Indian Ocean southeast of the Indian Subcontinent. The documented history of Sri Lanka envelops 3000 years, with evidence of prehistoric human settlements which are at least 125,000 years old. It has a rich cultural heritage, and because of its geographic position and harbour it has always had a great strategic importance ever since the time of the ancient Silk Route to today’s Maritime Silk Route.The first European colonisers, the Portuguese, arrived at the beginning of the 16th century and established the city of Colombo. The Dutch arrived in the 17th century having limited themselves to colonising coastal areas alone, while the inland remained largely independent including Sri Lanka’s capital city of Kandy. The British invaded the Dutch colonies at the end of the 18th century, making the island of Sri Lanka part of the British Empire. In the Middle Ages, it was described by Marco Polo and Ibn Battuta. Sri 01 Hram zuba, Kandy The Temple of the Tooth Relic, Kandy 02 Tržnica, Kandy Kandy market 03 Ulični prizor, Kandy A street scene, Kandy
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Lanka is mostly a Buddhist country — 70 percent of the population is Buddhist. Buddhism was introduced to Sri Lanka in the 3rd century BC. The other religions professed in Sri Lanka, although to a much lesser extent, are Hinduism, Islam and Christianity. The country is divided into two main ethnic groups: Sinhalese Buddhists (74 percent) and Tamil Hindus (18 percent), while the remaining 8 percent are made up of smaller ethnic groups. There has always been tension between the Tamils and the Sinhalese, and this tension has increased considerably once Sri Lanka gained its independence, when the Sinhalese majority abolished English as an official language and proclaimed Sinhala as the only official language. A third of the population of Sri Lanka does not speak Sinhala, which caused the dissatisfaction of the Tamils and their open rebellion in 1983 under the leadership of the Tamil Tiger guerrilla. Ultimately, this tension resulted in a civil war, which lasted from 1983 to 2009, with the country still recovering from the consequences of this long-lasting war. Sri Lanka was also one of the worst-hit countries by the tsunami in December 2004 with more than 30,000 people having died. Most of the country consists of lowlands and hilly areas. Sri Lanka’s mountains are to be found only in the inland of the island, with Pidurutalagala as the tallest mountain (2524 m). Its tropical vegetation is very lush, and its sandy beaches are covered with mangrove trees. Sri Lanka is the world’s largest producer and largest exporter of cinnamon, as well as one of the four largest tea producers, which was imported into Sri Lanka in 1867. Taking a ride on a train through a tea plantation and a tour around a tea factory are a must when in Sri Lanka. A fusion of old trains and railway stations from the middle of the last century, the winding and snail-paced railroads, local fruit and snack vendors, and magnificent views of plantations are bound to provide an unforgettable experience. Sri Lanka is a paradise for lovers of UNESCO world heritage sites: there are eight such sites throughout the country. Considering how small the country is, sightseeing them all on a single visit to Sri Lanka is indeed possible. These are the Sacred City of Anuradhapura, the Ancient City of Sigiriya, the Ancient City of Polonnaruwa, the Temple of the Tooth Relic in the Sacred City of Kandy, the Golden Cave Temple of Dambulla, the Old Town of Galle and its Fortifications, the Central Highlands of Sri Lanka and the Sinharaja Forest Reserve. There are 14 national parks, all of which are particularly fascinating because rides through these parks are offered, during which, with a bit of luck, wild animals can be observed in their natural habitats. Sri Lanka is home to 91 species of mammals including elephants, leopards, several species of monkeys, wild boar, giant squirrels, deer, foxes, whales and
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many more. Also, there are 233 bird species and over 190 migrant bird species. As for reptiles, there are more than 90 species of snakes, of which five are venomous, amongst which the most famous is the cobra. There are also many different lizards, widow spiders, centipedes, crocodiles and tortoises. Sri Lankan cuisine is always fresh and vegetarian, and closely resembles Indian cuisine. From fresh royal coconuts and sweet mangos, the national dishes of Sri Lanka are rice, curry and kottu — chopped roti, vegetables, eggs and meat. Sri Lankans usually eat their food with their hands. Apart from tea, there is also Arrack, the most popular local alcoholic drink made from the fermented sap of unopened coconut flowers. Besides India, Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand and Pakistan, Sri Lanka is one of the world’s greatest cricket nations. Watching a cricket match is as important for Sri Lankans as watching a football match is for Croats. However, although cricket is popular, the national sport of Sri Lanka is actually volleyball. The shoreline of Sri Lanka stretches across more than 1300 kilometres abounding in breath-taking beaches suitable for all water sports. Picturesque towns, sandy beaches, big wave surfing, beach bars turning into fish restaurants in the evening offering fresh fish bought from local fishermen on the day — are ideal surroundings for the relaxation of both body and soul. Despite its modest size, its rich and stormy history, amazing and diverse flora and fauna, and its humble and friendly people, Sri Lanka is rightly nicknamed the pearl of the Indian Ocean and never ceases to surprise its visitors. 01
01 Drevna tvrđava Sigiriya The Ancient Rock Fortress of Sigiriya 02 Riblja tržnica Negombo Fish market, Negombo
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Z. Ferina
01 Jedna od četiriju Matijinih kreacija koje je Lady Gaga uvrstila u svoj glazbeni spot za pjesmu G.U.Y. s albuma Artpop One of Matija’s four creations that Lady Gaga included in her music video for G.U.Y. from her Artpop album
Piše/By _ Mirjana Brabec
02 Za raskošne konstrukcije kolekcije Object 12-1 dizajnera je nadahnula šibenska katedrala The lavish constructions of the Object 12-1 collection were inspired by the Šibenik Cathedral
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V. Å olin
Z. Ferina
U realizaciji impresivnih skulpturalnih formi Matija se koristi sofisticiranim tehnoloĹĄkim postupcima In the production of impressive sculptural designs, Matija uses sophisticated technological methods
N. Fitzpatrick
Iz Matijine kolekcije za proljeće 2018. prikazane na Royal College of Art u sklopu London Fashion Week Men’s From Matija’s 2018 spring collection shown at the Royal College of Art within the London Fashion Week Men’s
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Mladi hrvatski modni dizajner Matija Čop, čije smo imaginativne kreacije mogli vidjeti u spotovima Lady Gage i Solange, ali i u posljednjem nastavku filmskog hita Igre gladi, nakon završenog magisterija na jednoj od najboljih modnih škola u svijetu, Royal College of Art, i pohvalnih kritika za novu kolekciju, svoj put u modni vrh nastavlja u Londonu.
V. Šolin
The young Croatian fashion designer, Matija Čop — whose imaginative creations were featured in the music videos of Lady Gaga and Solange, as well as in the last sequel to The Hunger Games blockbuster movie — after having graduated from one of the best fashion schools in the world, the Royal College of Art, and after having won great critical acclaim for his latest collection, is continuing to conquer the fashion industry in London.
01 Kreacija iz glazbenog spota Solange Knowles Cranes in the Sky, 2016. A creation featured in Solange Knowles’s music videos for Cranes in the Sky, 2016 02 Igre gladi: Šojka rugalica — 2. dio, 2015. The Hunger Games: Mockingjay — Part 2, 2015
a Matijom Čopom već je impresivan svjetski uspjeh. Njegove originalne artističke kreacije oduševile su i glazbene zvijezde Lady Gagu i Solange Knowles, koje su ih odabrale za svoje spotove, a mogli smo ih vidjeti i u posljednjem nastavku filmskog hita Igre gladi. Unatoč tomu, kao i mnogim priznanjima koja je dobio već za svoje prve radove, Matija je ostao samozatajan, kakvim ga pamte i njegovi zagrebački profesori koji prate njegovu karijeru nakon što je kao jedan od najdarovitijih studenata
diplomirao na zagrebačkom Tekstilno-tehnološkom fakultetu. Njegova tadašnja mentorica, profesorica Jasminka Končić, kaže: - Matijino poimanje oblikovanja odjeće kreće se u dva jasno različita smjera. U prvu grupu ubrajamo njegove najpoznatije radove iz serije Object 12-1, u kojima se bavi oblikovanjem skulpturalnih odjevnih formi, u čijoj se produkciji koristi sofisticiranim tehnološkim postupcima. Krajnji je modni rezultat odjevni predmet nastao laserskim rezanjem više od 300 modularnih jedinica, od kojih će biti sastavljen pojedinačni odjevni predmet. Tako je odjevni predmet Object 12-1 sastavljen od jedinstvenih etilen vinil acetat segmenata koji na modularan način ulaze jedan u drugi te bez šivanja ili lijepljenja oblikuju modni predmet. Kao suprotnost tome, Matijini su radovi koji problematiziraju socijalna, rodno/ spolna i duboko intimna pitanja. Kolekcije Homeless in Heaven i Monster Mum in Funny Farm akceptiraju šivanje, krojenje i upotrebu klasičnih tekstilnih materijala, što ističe intimistički pristup problemu odijevanja. Tako su dekonstrukcijski postupci oblikovanja odjeće bili osnova Matijine diplomske kolekcije Monster Mum in Funny Farm na Tekstilno-tehnološkom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Kolekcija Monster Mum in Funny Farm metafora je majke u ludnici vremena, a dizajner ju je istaknuo primjenjujući mušku krojnu sliku na ženski odjevni predmet. Ulogu majke dizajner je dodatno razvio u formi konceptualnog performansa, u kojemu se razodijevanje i maskiranje tumači intimnim činom propitivanja identiteta. Bez obzira na to o kakvome je obilježju oblikovanja odjeće riječ, kao što pokazuje i njegova najnovija, londonska kolekcija, modni jezik kojim progovara Matija Čop s pravom možemo smatrati velikim doprinosom domaćoj i međunarodnoj modnoj sceni. Matija ostaje u Londonu, gdje je pokrenuo i vlastiti modni brend. - Ne namjeravam odustati od artističkog pristupa modi. Nastavljam istraživati mogućnosti implementiranja novih tehnologija, poput scanninga i 3D printinga, u uobičajeni modni jezik, čime sam se bavio sve vrijeme studija na Royal Colleage of Art. To pokazuje i moja posljednja kolekcija, koja je ujedno i moj magistarski rad - rekao nam je u telefonskom razgovoru mladi kreator iz Cerne, skromno prešutjevši odlične ocjene koje je njegova posljednja kolekcija dobila ne samo od profesora RCA, čiji modni studij već treću godinu zaredom drži prvo mjesto na
Z. Ferina
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N. Fitzpatrick
rang-listi najboljih na svijetu, nego i pohvale brojnih modnih kritičara, među kojima je i britanski časopis Vogue, koji su Matiju uvrstili među najveće talente nove generacije. S tako dobrim vjetrom u leđima, vjerujemo da će Matija, s jednakim uspjehom, nastaviti uzbudljivu plovidbu na valovima svjetske mode u kojoj njegovo ime iz dana u dan postaje sve poznatije.
atija Čop has already been enjoying huge success internationally. His original artistic creations delighted the music stars Lady Gaga and Solange Knowles, who chose them for their music videos, and were also featured in the last sequel to The Hunger Games blockbuster movie. Regardless
of it all, as well as the many awards he received for his first works already, Matija has remained modest, which is how he is remembered by his Zagreb professors, who have followed his career after he graduated from Zagreb’s Faculty of Textile Technology as one of the most talented students. His then mentor, Professor Jasminka Končić, says: - Matija’s understanding of fashion design has been unfolding in two distinct directions. The first group includes his most famous pieces from the Object 12-1 collection, in which he deals with the design of sculptural garments, using sophisticated technological methods in their production. The end fashion product is an item of clothing created by assembling into a single garment over 300 laser-cut modular
pieces. More specifically, the Object 12-1 garment is made up of unique ethylene vinyl acetate segments which modularly enter into each other, thus forming a fashion item without being sewed or glued together. By contrast, Matija’s other group of garments tackle social, gender/sexual and deeply intimate questions. His Homeless in Heaven and Monster Mum in Funny Farm collections have taken on board sewing, tailoring and use of classic textile materials, which emphasises his intimist approach to fashion design. In other words, deconstruction processes of fashion design were the basis of Matija’s graduate collection Monster Mum in Funny Farm at the Faculty of Textile Technology of the University of Zagreb. The Monster Mum in Funny Farm collection is a metaphor for a mother in the rat race of today’s world, and Matija highlighted this by applying male sewing patterns to women’s clothing items. He has further developed the role of mothers into a form of a conceptual performance, in which undressing and masking are interpreted as intimate acts of questioning identity. Regardless of what feature of fashion design is talked about, as his latest London collection also shows, the fashion language spoken by Matija Čop can rightly be considered to be a major contribution to both the Croatian and the international fashion scene. Matija is staying in London and has established his own fashion brand. - I’ve no intention of giving up my artistic approach to fashion. I’ll continue to explore the potentials of implementing new technologies, such as scanning and 3D printing, in the standard language of fashion, which is what I’ve been doing during my entire studies at the Royal College of Art. This is what my latest collection’s about, which was also my master’s thesis — the young designer told us in a telephone conversation from Cerna, modestly neglecting to mention the excellent reviews that his latest collection received not only from professors teaching at the Royal College of Art — whose fashion study programme has been ranked the best in world study programme rankings for the third consecutive year — but also from many fashion critics, including the British Vogue magazine, who have listed Matija amongst the greatest talents of the new generation. With such favourable winds blowing in his direction, we believe that Matija will continue to ride the crest of a wave of success in the world fashion industry, with his name becom ing famous by the day.
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2017. Više od
3.000.000 zadovoljnih putnika More than
3.000.000 satisfied passengers
Hvala vam
Zračna luka Franjo Tuđman 78 _ Franjo Tuđman Airport CROATIA AIRLINES 4/2017
Thank you
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Čara, otok Korčula Čara, the Island of Korčula
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Brusje, otok Hvar Brusje, the Island of Hvar
Za potrebe svoga neobičnoga umjetničkog projekta Božansko svjetlo, umjetnica iz Münchena Miriam Ferstl obišla je crkvice dalmatinskih otoka kako bi, ležeći na tvrdim kamenim podovima crkava, snimila fascinantne fotografije njihovih lustera iz žablje perspektive. For her unusual Divine Light art project, the Munich-based artist Miriam Ferstl travelled the churches of Dalmatian islands to lie down on their hard stone floors and take fascinating photographs of their chandeliers from a worm’s-eye view.
M. Bachmann
ve je počelo koncertnom turnejom na koju je Njemica Miriam Ferstl pošla kao pjevačica s hrvatskim glazbenim bendom Bolje ne može na otok Brač. A turneja je rezultirala njezinim nadahnućem umjetnički oblikovanih crkvenih lustera na otoku. Točnije, nadahnuo ju je način na koji se crkveni lusteri gotovo kaleidoskopski podudaraju sa simetričnom arhitekturom crkvenih zdanja kada se promatraju iz žablje perspektive. Bila je to značajna promjena perspektive i otkriće, zbog kojih se vratila na terensko istraživanje posjetivši više od 60 crkava na otocima Braču, Hvaru, Korčuli i Visu. Svećenici, redovnice i redovnici, koji su često isprva bili iznenađeni prizorom mlade žene kako leži na tvrdom kamenu njihovih crkava, oduševili su se onog trenutka kad su vidjeli njezine fotografije. Nitko od njih nije do tada promotrio te čudesne lustere iz te perspektive. Lusteri viđeni očima autorice mnogo su više od bogato ukrašenih i raskošno obojenih predmeta. Njezine fotografije otkrivaju temeljnu strukturu predmeta, usredotočujući se na apsolutno središte koje ujedno označuje središte tih sela, odnosno otočnih zajednica. Ono zbog čega su njezine fotografije još dojmljivije jest to što se fotografirani predmeti mogu promatrati i kao nositelji davnih vibracija molitava, pjesama i otočnih melodija. One odražavaju sklad duhovnog središta svega, potičući motritelja da otkrije nove perspektive i ljepotu ispod površnosti današnjega svijeta i pronađe svjetlost unutar i izvan sebe. Autoričin uspjeh pokazuje da je u pravom trenutku imala pravu ideju. Nakon izložbi postavljenih u Münchenu, na Braču i Hvaru, njezin je rad predstavljen i u splitskoj Galeriji
Piše/By _ Ksenija Žlof
Fotografije/Photos _ Miriam Ferstl
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Sutivan, otok Bra훾 Sutivan, the Island of Bra훾
Donji Humac, otok Bra훾 Donji Humac, the Island of Bra훾
Stari Grad, otok Hvar Stari Grad, the Island of Hvar
Supetar, otok Brač Supetar, the Island of Brač
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umjetnina, kao i u poznatome Meštrovićevom paviljonu u Zagrebu. Daljnje izložbe vode je u Rim i Bruxelles, a veliki njemački nakladnik najavio je tiskanje monografije njezinih djela za 2018. godinu.
t all started with a concert tour on which the German Miriam Ferstl went as a singer with the Croatian music band Bolje ne može (It Doesn’t Get Any Better Than This) on the Island of Brač. As a result, she got inspired by the artfully designed chandeliers in the churches of the island. More precisely, by how they correspond, in a nearly kaleidoscopic way, with the symmetric architecture of the buildings when looked at from a worm’s-eye view. It was a momentous change of perspective and a discovery that made her return on a field trip and visit over 60 churches on the islands of Brač, Hvar, Korčula and Vis. The priests, nuns and monks, who were often surprised to see the young woman lying on the hard stone floor of their churches, instantly gave in when they saw her photographs. None of them had ever experienced this eye view of their
fabulous light fixtures before. Chandeliers seen through Ferstl’s lens are much more than richly decorated and lavishly painted objects. The photographs reveal the underlying structure of the objects, focusing on the absolute centre that also marks the centre of these villages and, in turn, of island communities. This is even more impressive considering that the objects can also be seen as carriers of ancient vibrations of prayers, songs and island melodies. The photographs reflect a harmony of the spiritual centre of all things, encouraging viewers to discover new perspectives and beauty under the shallowness of the world of today, and find light within and without them. Her success shows that she had the right idea at the right time. After exhibitions having been mounted in Munich, on Brač and on Hvar, her work was also showcased in the Museum of Fine Arts in Split and in the renowned Meštrović Pavilion in Zagreb. Further exhibitions are taking her to Rome and Brussels, and a major German publisher is publishing an art book of her works in 2018.
01 Svirče, otok Hvar Svirče, the Island of Hvar 02 Vrboska, otok Hvar Vrboska, the Island of Hvar
Check in za luksuz s pogledom Check in for a luxury with a view
a jednoj od najatraktivnijih lokacija na Mediteranu u Rovinju, samo pesesetak metara od mora, s pogledom na stoljetna zdanja rovinjske starogradske jezgre te zeleni otok Katarinu, 2018. godine niknut će novi Maistrin petozvjezdani hotel. Iz tvrtke najavljuju da je riječ o luksuznom full service hotelu koji će biti otvoren tijekom cijele godine te će svojom ponudom i uslugom biti idealan za odmor, ali i poslovna događanja. Pogled iz hotela bit će prava razglednica, no i pogled na hotelsko zdanje bit će jednako dojmljiv. Kaskadnim tipom gradnje novi hotel vizualno je vrlo atraktivan i gotovo stopljen sa zelenilom. Na svakoj od šest etaža bit će raspoređeno 193 soba i 16 suiteva s pogledom na more, od kojih će neki biti veličine i do 175 četvornih metara s privatnom saunom, terasom sa sunčalištem i takozvanim plunge-poolom, garažom. Wellness&Spa, koji je svojom veličinom od 3800 četvornih metara ujedno i najveći takav centar u Istri, prostire se na čak dvije etaže hotela. Osim unutarnjih bazena, hotel će imati i tri vanjska na najvišem katu. Pogled s tih bazena bit će spektakularan. Multifunkcionalna kongresna dvorana također je orijentirana prema crkvi sv. Eufemije, dajući tako fantastičnu scenografiju za sve vrste događanja. Iako je veći dio sadržaja namijenjen isključivo gostima hotela, vlasnici su ovaj put išli korak dalje te su ponudu prizemlja hotela potpuno namijenili svim građanima i gostima Rovinja. Niz barova i restorana, od najluksuznijih signature restorana s pogledom pa do posebnih trgovina i barova. Sve sadržaje povezivat će lungo mare šetnica, podno koje se nalazi ACI marina Rovinj, koja će također doživjeti potpunu rekonstrukciju. Uz suradnju s domaćim arhitektonskim studijom 3LHD, projekt je oplemenjen angažmanom milanskog studija Pierra Lissonija Lissoni Architecture, jednim od najcjenjenijih i svjetski najpoznatijih talijanskih dizajnera, čiji su radovi danas izloženi u mnogim europskim i svjetskim muzejima. Za više informacija na
n one of the most desirable locations in the Mediterranean Maistra 5* landmark hotel in Rovinj, only 50 metres from the sea, with a view of the centuries-old town centre and the Katarina Island, in 2018 will arise a new Maistra’s five-star hotel. The company announced this to be a luxury full service hotel open all year round, offering services ideal for both holidays and business events. The view from the hotel will be breathtaking, but the view of the hotel will be no less remarkable. The cascading structure makes the hotel visually attractive and almost blended with the landscape. The six floors of the hotel will contain 193 rooms and 16 suites with a sea view, some of which will be up to 175 square metres in size with private sauna, sunbathing area and plunge pool, garage. The Wellness & Spa centre spanning 3,800 square metres extends over two floors and is the biggest centre of its kind in Istria. Besides the indoor pools, three outdoor pools will be located on the top floor of the hotel.
The view from these pools will be spectacular. The hotel’s multipurpose conference room is oriented towards the Church of St. Euphemia, providing an amazing backdrop to all events. Even though most of the facilities are intended to be used by hotel guests only, the owners went one step further and made the ground floor services available to all Rovinj citizens and guests. This includes some of the most luxurious signature restaurants, and special stores and bars. All of the hotel’s facilities will be connected by the Lungomare coastal promenade located near the ACI Marina Rovinj, which is also scheduled for a complete reconstruction. In collaboration with the local architectural study of 3LHD, the project has been boosted with the involvement of Milan’s studio of Pierro Lissoni - Lissoni Architecture, one of the most respected and world-famous Italian designers, whose works are today exposed in many European and world museums. For more information visit
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VAU Univerzalni simboli pretočeni u svakodnevne predmete Universal symbols crafted into everyday objects
Piše/By _ Katarina Ružić Baraba Fotografije/Photos _ VAU, Marija Gašparović
ako bi bilo kada bismo uživali u malim stvarima i svakodnevnim ritualima? To pitanje postavljala si je Marija Ružić Vukmanić, kreativna direktorica brenda VAU, inače nagrađivana dizajnerica. S majstorima i dizajnerima iz ostatka VAU tima razvila je cijelu kolekciju svakodnevnih predmeta od masivnog metala. Nedavno su tri proizvoda iz prve kolekcije VAU dobila i međunarodno priznanje u obliku tri prestižne nagrade German Design Award 2018. - Ideja je bila razviti komade koji prelaze kratkotrajne trendove kako bismo potaknuli življenje usmjereno na vrijednost trenutka. Vjerujemo da energija prostora i predmeta u njemu utječe na nas, stoga smo se inspirirali univerzalnom simbolikom. Pretočena u dizajn predmeta, osim inicijalne funkcionalnosti, ona dodatno u prostor i među ljude prenosi sklad i svoju bezvremensku ljepotu - kaže Marija. Većinu tih simbola i vi ćete prepoznati, jer oni su način na koji kreira priroda i pojavljuju se u raznim oblicima, npr. zlatni rez, koncentrični krugovi i dualnost. Primjeri-
ce, otvarač za boce Triangle baziran je na trokutu, prvoj minimalnoj formi koja ima stabilnost. U otvaraču je stabilnost trokuta iskorištena tako da se otvarač uspravi. Tako korisni alat, kada je odložen, postaje također i skulptura. Svijećnjak Circular inspiriran je koncentričnim krugovima, što je način širenja prirode, kao što možemo vidjeti kod godova na drvetu ili širenja vibracija zvuka. U centar širenja smješten je plamen, kao prva iskra od koje sve kreće. Svi proizvodi nastaju u njihovoj tvornici u Zagrebu. Suradnja majstora zanata, inženjera i dizajnera rezultirala je proizvodima dorađenima do posljednjeg detalja. Više na
hat would it be like to enjoy the little things in life and your daily rituals? The award-winning designer and art director of the VAU brand, Marija Ružić Vukmanić, asked herself this question. Together with the master craftsmen and designers from the rest of the VAU brand team, she has developed an entire collec-
tion of everyday items made of solid metal. Three products from their first VAU collection have recently received international recognition in the form of three prestigious German Design Awards for 2018. - The idea was to develop everyday items that transcend short-lived trends with a view to encouraging a living which centres on the value of a moment. We believe that the energy of a space and the objects in it affect us. So we have drawn our inspiration from universal symbols, which, once transformed into the design of objects, besides the initial functionality, emanate harmony and timeless beauty into space and the people living in it — says Marija. Most of these are familiar symbols, because they are the way in which nature creates and they appear in various forms,
01 Nagrađeni proizvodi Otvarač za pisma Curve baziran na dualnosti, kontrastu oštroga i mekoga Otvarač za boce Triangle, za one koji vole uživati u ritualu ispijanja pića Svijećnjak Circular radi se u dvije veličine, za lučicu i klasičnu svijeću Award-winning products The Curve letter opener based on duality, a contrast between sharp and blunt The Triangle bottle opener, for those who enjoy the ritual of drinking The Circular candle holder is made in two sizes, for tealight and classic candles 02 Majstorsko ručno poliranje otvarača Triangle za završni dojam Finishing touches put to the Triangle bottle opener by hand polishing them 03 Tim brenda VAU The VAU brand team
Proizvodi VAU pozivaju nas da usporimo, uživamo u svakodnevnim ritualima, prepoznamo ljepotu malih stvari koje nas okružuju te da ulažemo u odnose koji su nam važni. VAU products call us to slow down, to enjoy our daily rituals, to appreciate the beauty of the little things in life, and to invest in relationships that matter. such as the golden ratio principle, concentric circles, and duality. For example, the Triangle bottle opener is based on a triangle, the first minimal form with stability. In designing the opener, the stability of the triangle was used to make the opener stand upright. This way, a useful utensil, when not in use, becomes a sculpture. The Circular candle holder, on the other hand, is inspired by concentric circles, which is the way in which nature expands. Examples of this are tree
rings or the way in which sound waves spread. It is in the centre of the spreading of concentric circles that the flame is positioned, as the very first spark that sets everything in motion. All VAU products are manufactured in their Zagreb-based factory. Collaboration between master craftsmen, engineers and designers has resulted in meticulously executed products. For more information, please visit
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Piše/By _ Dubravka Belas
Fotografije/Photos _ Vanja Šolin
Vrijeme došašća sa svojim blještavim uresima, živim jaslicama pred katedralom, glazbom koja pršti sa svih strana, hrskavim fritulama i vrućim vinom zamirisanim cimetom, osobito je lijepo u Zagrebu, sad već serijskom pobjedniku natječaja za najbolji europski advent. Jedna su od osobitosti zagrebačkog adventa i stogodišnje jaslice koje od Božića pa sve do veljače ukrašavaju crkvu sv. Blaža. The season of Advent with its glittering decorations, a live Nativity Scene just outside the Zagreb Cathedral, music played everywhere, crunchy fritula fritters and cinnamon-infused mulled wine is a particularly joyful time in Zagreb, already a successive winner of the best European Advent competition. One of the peculiarities of the Zagreb Advent is the century-old Nativity Scene adorning the Church of St. Blaise from the beginning of the Christmas season to February.
Voštane figurice vjernika presjek su hrvatskoga društva u početku prošlog stoljeća Wax figurines of believers, a cross-section of Croatian society from the beginning of the last century
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Figurice su izr e od okapina i ostataka zavjetnih sv z crkvice sv. Roka The figurines are made from candle wax drippings and the remnants of votive candles burnt out in the old Church of St. Rocco
ožićna bajka na glavnome trgu, događanja na Gornjemu gradu, sajam na središnjim gradskim ulicama, Ledeni park s klizalištem na Tomislavovu trgu i, nadasve, snježna zimska čarolija Zrinjevca, uljepšava i zagrijava zagrebačke zimske večeri u kojima, dok se polako probijate kroz nasmijanu gomilu, nikada nećete biti usamljeni. Jedna su od osobitosti zagrebačkog adventa i stogodišnje jaslice koje od Božića pa sve do veljače ukrašavaju crkvu sv. Blaža. Vjera u radosnu vijest, koju anđeli prenose pastirima, o djetetu rođenome u skromnoj betlehemskoj štalici, nadahnuće je koje je stoljećima zaokupljalo maštu umjetnika i običnoga puka. Modernistička crkva sv. Blaža, krunsko djelo arhitekta Viktora Kovačića, najvažnije je ostvarenje hrvatske sakralne arhitekture 20. stoljeća. Njezina važnost nadilazi nacionalne okvire zbog kupole smjelih dimenzija, projektirane nad križištem crkve, jedne od prvih armiranobetonskih kupola na svijetu. A kako su crkve nezamislive bez mistične božićne scenografije, od hrvatskoga je kipara Vojte Braniša, za tek dovršenu crkvu, naručen projekt i izrada božićnih jaslica. Proučivši brojne jaslice u europskim crkvama i prisjetivši se djetinjstva provedenoga na selu, osmislio je Braniš kompoziciju od 150 obojenih figurica od prepariranog voska. U glavnoj ulozi Braniš je zamislio lik hrvatskog seljaka, kumeka, kumice, njihove djece, baš onako kako ih je zapamtio da pobožno prilaze seoskim oltarima u svečanim narodnim nošnjama, štujući vjeru svojih predaka i narodne običaje, veseleći se Božiću. Na zadanu plohu od tri i pol četvorna metra smjestio je kipar drvenu štalicu sa Svetom obitelji, sveta tri kralja, pse i ovčice. Štalici u povorkama prilaze pastiri, seljaci, mljekari, trgovci, građani u finim odijelima ili ogrnuti pelerinama, tamburaši, časne sestre, žene i djeca, kola s volovima i darovima, šarolik panoptikum, voštani presjek onodobnoga hrvatskog društva. Individualizirana lica likova od kojih se neki raduju pjevajući ili svirajući tamburicu, dok drugi hodaju zamišljeno i smireno, pomno su i realistično izrađena, a cijela je kompozicija skladan prikaz njihove dinamične interakcije. Treba znati da je u vrijeme izrade jaslica bjesnio Veliki rat i da se vosak u boji, a često ni običan vosak nije mogao lako nabaviti. Stoga
su ove prve hrvatske jaslice izrađene od okapina voska i ostataka zavjetnih svijeća dogorjelih u staroj crkvici sv. Roka u istoimenom perivoju. Kipar bi prikupljeni vosak topio pa ga miješao s firnisom i terpentinom, a od dobivene smjese ručno izrađivao figurice i zatim ih bojio. Jaslice su, unatoč svojih stotinu ljeta i osjetljivome mekanome materijalu od kojega su izrađene, unatoč brojnim putovanjima na izložbe, poput, primjerice, svjetske izložbe jaslica u Veroni, potpuno očuvane, zbog brige svih dobrih župnika koji su se izmjenjivali na čelu župe sv. Blaža. Jaslice Hrvatski Božić odavno su postale više od vjerskoga simbola. Danas se čuvaju u posebnoj škrinji i iznose samo u božićno vrijeme da bi svima, vjernicima, slučajnim namjernicima ili ljubiteljima umjetnosti, pokazale svoju povijesnu vrijednost i oporu ljepotu hrvatske narodne tradicije i običaja.
Christmas fairy tale at the main square, different events in Zagreb’s Upper Town, a Christmas market on city centre streets, the Ice Park with its ice skating rink on King Tomislav Square and, above all, the snowy winter magic of Zrinjevac will all be brightening and warming up Zagreb’s winter evenings, during which, as you are slowly making your way through the joyous crowds, you can never be lonely. One of the peculiarities of the Zagreb Advent is the century-old Nativity Scene adorning the Church of St. Blaise from the beginning of the Christmas season to February. Faith in the joyful news on a child born in a humble Bethlehem stable conveyed to the shepherds by angels has been an inspiration that has, for centuries, captured the imagination of both artists and ordinary people. The modernist Church of St. Blaise, the flagship work of the architect Viktor Kovačić, is the most impressive example of Croatian sacral architecture of the 20th century. Its importance transcends national borders because of its dome of daring dimensions, designed atop the crossing of the Church, one of the first reinforced concrete domes in the world. Given that churches are unimaginable without mystical Christmas scenery, the Croatian sculptor Vojta Braniš was commissioned to design and produce a Nativity scene for the newly built church. Having first studied numerous Nativity scenes in various
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European churches and having recalled his childhood years spent in the country, Braniš designed a composition of 150 painted figurines made from wax. In his Nativity Scene, the main roles are played by Croatian peasants and their children, exactly the way he remembered them piously approaching village church altars in folk costumes, their Sunday best, worshiping the faith of their ancestors and folk customs, and rejoicing in the arrival of Christmas. The three-and-ahalf-square-metre area of the Nativity Scene would not be a proper Nativity scene without a wooden stable showcasing the Holy Family, the Three Kings, dogs and sheep. The stable is approached in procession by shepherds, villagers, milkmen, merchants, townspeople in their Sunday best or cloaked in capes, tambourine players, nuns, women and children, oxcarts bearing gifts, a colourful panoptic, a waxy cross-section of Croatian society of the time. The individualised faces of the figurines, some of whom rejoice while singing or playing the tambourine, while others approach the stable pensively and quietly, are all made realistically with much attention having been given to detail, and the entire composition is a harmonious display of their dynamic interaction. It should be noted that, at the time of the making of the Nativity Scene, the Great War was raging, which means that coloured modelling wax, even common wax, could not be easily obtained. Which is why this first Croatian Nativity Scene was made from candle wax drippings and the remnants of votive candles burnt out in the old Church of St. Rocco located in a park bearing the same name. The sculptor would melt the collected wax and would then mix it with varnish and turpentine. He would then make the figurines manually from the resulting mixture, and would only then paint them. In spite of being a century old and the delicate soft material from which it was made, despite its many travels to exhibitions, such as the International Exhibition of Nativity Scenes in Verona, Braniš’s Nativity Scene has been completely preserved, owing to the care invested in its preservation by all the good priests leading the parish of St. Blaise. The Croatian Christmas Nativity Scene has long become more than a religious symbol. It is today kept in a special case and taken out only at Christmas time so that its historical value and the austere beauty of Croatian folk traditions and customs could be enjoyed by everyone — believers, random passers-by or art lovers.
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Tridesetogodišnji klasični gitarist Srđan Bulat već je puno desetljeće dobro znano i cijenjeno glazbeničko ime na svjetskoj gitarističkoj sceni. Osim hrvatske, njegovo je muziciranje očaralo koncertnu publiku u New Yorku i Chicagu, Rimu i Kairu, Madridu i Kopenhagenu, Torontu i Helsinkiju… Redovito leti od dvanaeste godine.
M. Grgić/Cantus
The thirty-year-old classical guitarist Srđan Bulat has been a widely known and highly acclaimed musician for over a decade on the world guitar scene. Besides the Croatian, his music has been enchanting concert audiences in New York and Chicago, Rome and Cairo, Madrid and Copenhagen, Toronto and Helsinki... He has been flying regularly since the age of twelve.
Piše/By _ Zlatko Madžar
rđan Bulat završio je studij gitare s najvišim pohvalama na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu i zatim na Royal Academy of Music u Londonu, a uz to je svoje velike glazbeničke kvalitete potvrdio blistavim pobjedama na prestižnim međunarodnim gitarističkim natjecanjima održanima u Benicassimu, Alessandriji, Rimu, Almeriji, Valenciji, Madridu i Bologni. Izvanredno sviračko umijeće nadasve sugestivnoga hrvatskoga gitarista zabilježeno je na kompaktnim pločama koje su objavile diskografske kuće RTVE Música i Naxos. Uvijek nasmijan i u svakodnevici
na svakovrsnu šalu spreman Srđan, na koncertnome se podiju u trenutku preobražava u krajnje usredotočenoga glazbenoga gospodina Bulata, čija je glazba istkana kao lirska paučina između srca i mozga, kako je to davnih dana formulirao veliki hrvatski pisac Miroslav Krleža. U Vaš koncertni kalendar upisano je više inozemnih nego hrvatskih gostovanja, zbog čega najčešće putujete zrakoplovom. Volite li letjeti i imate li katkad problema zbog unošenja gitare u putničku kabinu? - Redovito letim, pa bi se moglo reći da
sam veteran na tom području. Putovanje s instrumentom poput klasične gitare sa sobom donosi određene komplikacije, osobito na prekooceanskim letovima, ali s osobljem Croatia Airlinesa imam samo pozitivna iskustva i ovim bih im putem htio još jedanput zahvaliti na uslužnosti, ljubaznosti i visokoj razini profesionalnosti. Vaša gitara zacijelo potječe iz majstorske radionice nekoga cijenjenoga graditelja. Na kojem instrumentu sada svirate? - Sada sviram na gitari majstora Želimira
Severa, koji je jedan od najznačajnijih hrvatskih graditelja klasičnih gitara, ujedno i veoma cijenjen na međunarodnoj gitarističkoj sceni. Gitara je posve rađena po mojoj mjeri te mi omogućava zaista optimalnu izvedbu koncertnog repertoara. Osobita mi je čast i zadovoljstvo predstavljati se publici na tako sjajnom instrumentu. Kao međunarodno ugledan gitarist upoznali ste vrlo različite kulturne sredine i koncertne posjetitelje. Koja Vam je publika osobito poticajna i zašto? - Hrvatska publika svakako pripada vrhu
Srđan Bulat: Mnogi su slušatelji usporedili moje nastupe s dijalogom između dvoje bliskih bića, misleći pritom na gitaru i mene. S vremenom sam shvatio da na određeni način i gitara poprima ljudske kvalitete i živi vlastiti život. Srđan Bulat: Many listeners have compared my performances with a dialogue between two very intimate beings, and this in reference to me and my guitar. Over time, I realised that the guitar does take on a set of human qualities and lives a life of its own.
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D. Kalogjera
kada je riječ o srdačnosti prijma glazbe koju predstavljam na koncertnim pozornicama, ali istaknuo bih i španjolsku publiku koja me uvijek primi s posebnom toplinom i oduševljenjem. U Španjolskoj sam održao zaista mnogo solističkih recitala, uz nju me vežu brojne lijepe uspomene i poznanstva, pa se veoma veselim budućim nastupima i susretima s tom publikom. Gitara je gracilno, nježno glazbalo, ali za nju je napisano i mnogo burnih, vrlo temperamentnih skladbi, u izvedbi kojih nije tako jednostavno sačuvati ljepotu tona, kojom se Vi i u takvim slučajevima odlikujete. Kako to postižete? - U takvom je slučaju vrlo važno dugogodišnje bavljenje koncertnom djelatnošću, ali i vrlo blizak odnos s instrumentom. Mnogi su slušatelji usporedili moje nastupe s dijalogom između dvoje bliskih bića, misleći pritom na mene i gitaru. Moram priznati da mi u početku nije bilo potpuno jasno što pritom misle, jer gitara ipak nije živo biće, ali s vremenom sam shvatio da u pravim rukama gitara zaista poprima neke ljudske kvalitete i na određeni način živi vlastiti život. Ovladali ste golemim repertoarom u rasponu od Bacha do recentnih gitarističkih skladbi. Postoje li stilska razdoblja ili skladatelji koji su Vam više prirasli srcu od ostalih? - Moji su favoriti oduvijek bili veliki majstori romantizma, od kojih mi je Giulio Regondi svakako najomiljeniji. Riječ je
o umjetniku zaista posebnog senzibiliteta za čiju se glazbu nadam da će s vremenom postati nezaobilazan dio svih gitarističkih koncertnih repertoara. Glazba hrvatskih skladatelja također se nalazi na vrhu mog omiljenog programa - na svim recitalima u Hrvatskoj i inozemstvu izvodim najmanje dvije ili više skladbi hrvatskih skladatelja, a održao sam i brojne cjelovečernje recitale takvog programa. Nadam se da će moje koncertno djelovanje pridonijeti popularnosti toga veoma vrijednog repertoara. Međunarodna gitaristička scena, baš kao i pijanistička, obilježena je golemom konkurencijom. U čemu je tajna Vašeg uspjeha? - Smatram da je najvažnije, ujedno i najteže, ostati vjeran vlastitoj umjetničkoj viziji, te strpljivo i predano raditi na njezinoj realizaciji. Takva je vrsta iskrenosti današnjem svijetu potrebnija više nego ikada i veliko mi je zadovoljstvo biti dijelom te misije. Sve informacije o nastupima, kao i audio i videosnimke dostupne su na mojoj web stranici
rđan Bulat graduated summa cum laude in guitar studies from the Academy of Music of the University of Zagreb, and then from the Royal Academy of Music in London. His outstanding musical qualities have been confirmed by his winning first place at prestigious international guitar competitions held in Benicàssim, Alessan-
dria, Rome, Almeria, Valencia, Madrid and Bologna. The exceptional musical skill of this most suggestive Croatian guitarist was recorded on compact discs published by the RTVE Música and Naxos record labels. When on stage, Srđan, who always smiles and is ever-ready for a joke in his everyday life, instantaneously transforms into a highly focused musician, Mr. Bulat, whose music is woven as a lyrical cobweb between the heart and the brain, as was once put by the great Croatian writer Miroslav Krleža. Your concert calendar has seen more performances abroad than in Croatia, which is why you most often travel by plane. Do you like flying, and do you sometimes have problems wanting to board a plane with your guitar as cabin luggage? - I fly regularly, so I could say that I’m an experienced veteran in the field. Travelling with an instrument, such as a classical guitar, brings certain complications, especially on overseas flights. But, as far as the staff of Croatia Airlines is concerned, I’ve had only positive experiences and would like to take this opportunity to thank them once again for their service, kindness and high level of professionalism. Your guitar must surely come from the workshop of a respected guitar master builder. Which do you play now? - At present, I play a guitar built by master builder Želimir Sever, one of the leading Croatian classical guitar builders and a highly regarded one on the international guitar scene. My guitar is fully custombuilt, and this allows me to truly optimise my performance of concert repertoires. It’s a great honour and pleasure to present my music to audiences on such a brilliant instrument. As an internationally acclaimed guitarist, you have had the chance to get acquainted with very different cultural environments and meet different concert audiences. Which audience is particularly inspirational and why? - The Croatian audience most certainly belongs to the very top when it comes to the warmth of reception of the music I play on concert stages, but I’d like to also single out the Spanish audience whose reception of my music playing is particularly warm and enthused. I’ve held a very large number of solo recitals in Spain, and I associate Spain with many beautiful memories and acquaintances, and so I always look
your heart than others? - My favourites have always been the great masters of Romanticism, with Giulio Regondi being my absolute favourite. He’s an artist with a highly refined sensibility, and I hope that, with time, his music will become an absolute must in all guitar concert repertoires. The music of Croatian composers is also at the very top of my favourite programme — during all my recitals in both Croatia and abroad, I’ve performed at least two or more pieces written by Croatian composers, and have also held many recitals of Croatian scores only. I do hope that my concerts will contribute to the popularisation of this very valuable repertoire. The international guitar scene is, much like the piano one, marked by fierce competition. What is the secret of your success? - I think that the most important and, at the same time, the hardest thing to do is to remain true to your own artistic vision, and then to work on breathing life into it patiently and devotedly. This type of genuineness is a much needed quality in
D. Kalogjera
music or composers that are dearer to
today’s world, and I take great pleasure in being part of this mission. All the information on my performances, and both audio and video footage are available on my website at
D. Kalogjera
forward to my future performances and to meeting Spanish audiences. The guitar is a graceful, delicate instrument, but many fiery and rather temperamental scores have been composed for the guitar. While performing such compositions, it’s not easy to preserve the beauty of the tone that you have distinguished yourself with in such instances. How do you achieve this? - In such cases, what’s most important is long experience in holding concerts, but also a very close relationship with the instrument. Many listeners have compared my performances with a dialogue between two very intimate beings, and this in reference to me and my guitar. I have to admit that, at first, I didn’t really know what they meant by this, because the guitar is not a living being, but over time, I realised that, in the right hands, the guitar does take on a set of human qualities and, in some ways, lives a life of its own. You have mastered a wide repertoire ranging from Bach to latest guitar pieces. Are there any periods of style of
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Kako maleni korak može postati veliki Making a small step be big
repoznajući stvarne potrebe društva u kojemu djeluje, radi podizanja svijesti te senzibiliziranja javnosti za stvarne potrebe djece u Hrvatskoj, Zaklada Hrvatska za djecu predstavila je hrvatskoj javnosti jedinstvenu slikovnicu kako bi zajedno s hrvatskim građanima učinila maleni korak velikim i vratila osmijehe na lica djece
Hrvatska za djecu podijelila i posljednji, tisućiti primjerak slikovnice, kako bi zajedničkim snagama s građanima u Hrvatskoj ispunila tisuću želja djece u potrebi te široj javnosti približila svoju misiju, rad i buduće ciljeve, održala se u Zagrebu, na Međunarodni dan djece, 20. studenoga 2017. godine. Odaziv građana bio je velik,
koja nisu tako sretna. Slikovnica je jedinstvena po tome što u prvih tisuću primjeraka sadržava po jednu konkretnu želju djeteta bez primjerene roditeljske skrbi ili djeteta s teškoćama u razvoju, koju može ispuniti svatko od nas, a vijest o tome, kao i o radu Zaklade, pronijeta je Hrvatskom neposrednim druženjima s građanima u najvećim hrvatskim gradovima — Zadru, Splitu, Osijeku, Rijeci, Varaždinu, Slavonskom Brodu, Puli i Vukovaru. Velika završnica, tijekom koje je zaklada
a kvalitetu inicijative prepoznali su i visoki politički dužnosnici, gospodarstvenici te brojne profitne i humanitarne udruge i ustanove s kojima je Zaklada surađivala kako bi unaprijedila živote djece u potrebi diljem Hrvatske. Zaklada Hrvatska za djecu odabrala je pravi put, jer dobrobit sve djece u Hrvatskoj na prvome joj je mjestu. Slikovnica Učini mali korak velikim, sa snažnom i važnom porukom koju prenosi, od prosinca 2017. godine dostupna je i u slobodnoj prodaji, a sve potrebne
Piše/By _ Agencija IMC / IMC Agency
Može li se maleni korak učiniti velikim? Može, a da je to uistinu tako, zorno nam pokazuje Zaklada Hrvatska za djecu, neprofitna organizacija koju je osnovala Republika Hrvatska radi dobrobiti te zaštite osobnih i imovinskih prava djece, osnaživanje obitelji u situacijama različitih zdravstvenih, odgojnih, obrazovnih i drugih potreba djece u Hrvatskoj. Can a small step be made to be big? Yes, it can. That this is truly so is evidenced by the Croatia for Children Foundation, a non-profit organisation founded by the Republic of Croatia for the purpose of protecting the welfare, and the personal and property rights of children, and for the purpose of empowering families in dealing with different health-, upbringingand education-related and other needs of children in Croatia. 102 _ CROATIA AIRLINES 4/2017
informacije možete saznati na službenim internetskim stranicama Zaklade Hrvatska za djecu — Stoga pozivamo i vas da učinite maleni korak velikim te da podržite rad Zaklade Hrvatska za djecu na dobrobit djece, koja će vam biti zahvalna za svaku vašu pomoć.
ecognising the real needs of the society in which it operates, and with a view to raising public awareness and sensitising the public to the real needs of children in Croatia, the Croatia for Children Foundation has presented to the Croatian public a unique picture book so as to, together with Croatian citizens, make a small step be big and have smiles return to the faces of less fortunate children. What makes the picture book unique is that the first one thousand
copies contain a specific wish made by either a child without adequate parental care or a disabled child. Their wishes can be fulfilled by each and every one of us. The Croatian public has learnt about the picture book, as well as about the work of the Foundation, through the Foundation having made direct contact with the public in Croatia’s largest cities — Zadar, Split, Osijek, Rijeka, Varaždin, Slavonski Brod, Pula and Vukovar. The grand finale, during which the Croatia for Children Foundation distributed the last, thousandth copy of the picture book — to, by joining forces with the public of Croatia, fulfil the wishes of one thousand children in need and get the general public acquainted with their mission, work and future goals — was held in Zagreb on the Universal Children’s Day on 20th November 2017. Public response was
good, and the quality of the initiative was also recognised by high-ranking political officials, businesspeople, and numerous profit and non-profit organisations and institutions with which the Foundation has collaborated with a view to improving the lives of children in need throughout Croatia. The Croatia for Children Foundation has chosen the right path, because the welfare of all children in Croatia must come first. The Make a Small Step Be Big picture book, conveying a powerful and important message, is available for purchase from December 2017. All relevant information can be found on the official website of the Croatia for Children Foundation at You are invited to make a small step be big by lending your support to the work of the Croatia for Children Foundation to the benefit of children, who will greatly appreciate all your help.
01 Naslovnica slikovnice Učini mali korak velikim, ilustratorica BooBoo Tannenbaum The cover of the Make a Small Step Be Big picture book, illustrator: BooBoo Tannenbaum 02 Ilustracija iz slikovnice Učini mali korak velikim, ilustratorica BooBoo Tannenbaum An illustration from the Make a Small Step Be Big picture book, illustrator: BooBoo Tannenbaum 03 Crteži djece iz udruga, domova i institucija diljem Republike Hrvatske, s kojima je Zaklada Hrvatska za djecu surađivala prilikom provedbe inicijative Učini mali korak velikim Drawings of children from the associations, children’s homes and institutions throughout the Republic of Croatia with which the Croatia for Children Foundation collaborated during the implementation of the Make a Small Step Be Big initiative 04 Baloni Zaklade Hrvatska za djecu Croatia for Children Foundation balloons 04
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Spartathlon, hrvatska mala senzacija Spartathlon, Croatia’s little sensation
Besides being the longest and one of the most gruelling races in the world, Spartathlon is also the world’s most famous ultra-distance race. This year, a team of three Croatian women ultra-race runners also took part in it.
Š. Lugarov
Piše/By _ Dragan Janković
Spartathlon je vjerojatno najpoznatija svjetska ultra utrka, najduža te jedna od najtežih. Ove su godine nastupile i tri članice hrvatskoga ultraškog tima.
taza ide putovima od Atene do Sparte, kojima je pola stoljeća pr. Kr. trčao grčki glasnik Filipides u namjeri da privoli Spartance da se pridruže Atenjanima u borbi protiv Perzijanaca. Skupina dobro utreniranih britanskih vojnika krenula je 1982. godine u ekspediciju, kako bi provjerili je li danas moguće gotovo 250 kilometara brdovitog terena svladati u 36 sati. Sljedeće je godine održana i prva službena utrka pod nazivom Open International Spartathlon Race. Utrka počinje uvijek u petak u zoru s podnožja Akropole, nakon 80 kilometara trkači prelaze korintski tjesnac, a ostatak se trči na najvećem grčkom poluotoku Peleponezu. Ove godine sudjelovao je i tim od tri Hrvatice: Veronika Jurišić, Antonija Orlić i Paula Vrdoljak, koje su u početku srpnja nastupile na svjetskom prvenstvu u ultramaratonskom trčanju na 24 sata u irskom Belfastu. Svaka je pretrčala više od 200 km te su u konkurenciji od 30-ak zemalja osvojile ekipno peto mjesto. Novi nacionalni rekord postavila je Antonija Orlić s rezultatom od 232 km. U posljednjih nekoliko godina
naše su djevojke postale prava mala senzacija u ultraškom svijetu i hrvatskom sportu općenito, osvojivši medalje na svjetskim prvenstvima u klasičnim ultraškim disciplinama, drugo mjesto na 100 km i prvo na 50 km. U Grčkoj su pokazale da su izvrsne i na ekstremnim udaljenostima od više od 200 kilometara, kada utrke traju dulje od jednog dana i u kojima nema spavanja. Ekipno su djevojke osvojile drugu poziciju, odmah iza svjetskih prvakinja iz Poljske. Lijepa sportska priča o uspjesima hrvatskih ultrašica nastavlja se 2018. godine. Naša će zemlja prvi put biti domaćin ultraškome svjetskom prvenstvu. U utrci na 100 km u početku rujna u međimurskom mjestu Sveti Martin na Muri, naše će djevojke pokušati obraniti titulu svjetskih viceprvakinja u toj disciplini, a možda se i popeti na vrh postolja.
he race route follows the road from Athens to Sparta, which was first run in 490 BC by the Greek messenger Pheidippides who was sent to secure help from the Spartans by
getting them to join the Athenians in a battle against Persians. A group of well-trained British soldiers set off on an expedition in 1982, wishing to verify whether modern man could cover the distance of 250 kilometres of a hilly terrain within 36 hours. The following year saw the first official race called the Open International Spartathlon Race. The race always starts at dawn on Friday at the foot of the Acropolis. 80 kilometres down the line, runners cross the Isthmus of Corinth and set foot on Greece’s largest peninsula, the Peloponnese, across which the rest of the race takes place. This year, a team of three Croatian women runners, namely Veronika Jurišić, Antonija Orlić and Paula Vrdoljak, also took part in it. At the beginning of July, they also took part in the International Association of Ultrarunners’ (IAU) 24 Hour World Championship held in Belfast, Ireland. Each ran over 200 km and, having competed against ultrarunner teams from some 30 countries, won fifth place as a team. A new national record was set by Antonija Orlić who covered the distance of 232 km. In recent years, our women runners have become a true little sensation in the world of ultra-distance running and in Croatian sports in general, having won second place in IAU’s 100 km and first place in IAU’s 50 km World Championships. In Greece they proved themselves to be remarkable even at such extreme, over 200-kilometrelong distances, when the race takes longer than a day to finish without any sleep. As a team, they came in second, outrun only by the world women champions from Poland. The sensational sports story about the successes of Croatian ultra-distance runners is continuing in 2018, given that, for the first time in its history, Croatia is hosting IAU’s 100 km World Championship. At the beginning of September 2018 in Sveti Martin na Muri in the region of Međimurje, Croatian women runners will be defending the title of world vice champions in the 100 km race, or may even defeat the defending world champions.
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Život grada CITY life Zagreb
Glas umjetnika I Am The Mouth
Piše/By _ Ivan Salečić
do današnjih migracija. Umjetnici pričaju priče, govore o svojim brigama, nadama i vizijama, ali, najčešće ne doslovce riječima. Mnoga djela imaju gotovo senzualne osobitosti i u našoj se percepciji pretvaraju u pripovijedanje. Njihove priče odnose se na privatna i individualna životna iskustva, ali istodobno dodiruju i goruća politička pitanja. Usredotočeni na složene teme, umjetnici ih komprimiraju u neposredna svjedočenja djelima koja provociraju, izazivaju empatiju i potiču solidarnost, pozivajući nas na pažljivo osluškivanje glasova i prevođenje vizualnoga, umjetničkog jezika u osobne stavove. Na izložbi koja uključuje i intervencije izvan muzeja, poput billboarda na gradskim ulicama, ekskluzivno će biti prikazana i nova djela triju pozvanih hrvatskih autorica - Hrvoslave Brkušić, Vlatke Horvat i kolektiva ISTE, koji je inicirala i vodi Andreja Kulunčić. Djela iz kolekcije promiču društveno osviještenu umjetnost suvremenog doba, ohrabruju nas na vlastite refleksije te pomažu da svijet oko sebe gledamo na drugačiji način. Posjetite Muzej suvremene umjetnosti u Zagrebu!
From 19th January to 18th March, Zagreb’s Museum of Contemporary Art is presenting a selection of works from the Art Collection Telekom. The title of the exhibition I Am The Mouth, inspired by the title of a video work by the Polish artist Agnieszka Polska, is a powerful statement demonstrating the importance of artists and art in transition countries seeking their own identity within a global context. In the approximately 50 works selected from 15 countries of Central and Eastern Europe, the artists, taking responsibility for what the future will look like, present in their very own creative way the image of a changing Europe — from
Fotografije/Photos _ Muzej suvremene umjetnosti
Muzej suvremene umjetnosti u Zagrebu od 19. siječnja do 18. ožujka predstavlja djela iz umjetničke zbirke Art Collection Telekom. Naziv izložbe I Am The Mouth, nadahnut naslovom videorada poljske umjetnice Agnieszke Polske, snažna je izjava što svjedoči o važnosti umjetnika i umjetnosti u zemljama tranzicije, koje traže vlastiti identitet u globalnom kontekstu. U odabiru od pedesetak djela iz 15 zemalja srednje i istočne Europe, umjetnici, preuzimajući odgovornost za sliku budućnosti, na vlastiti kreativan način prikazuju sliku Europe koja se mijenja - od pada Berlinskog zida
the Fall of the Berlin Wall to today’s migrations. Artists tell stories, talk about their concerns, hopes and visions without the use of words as such. Many works possess almost sensual traits and, in our perception, transform into narratives. The narratives of artists relate to their private and individual life experiences, but, at the same time, also touch on burning political issues. Focusing on complex themes, artists compress them into immediate testimonies through works that provoke, induce empathy and promote solidarity, inviting us to listen carefully to the voices and to translate their visual, artistic language into personal attitudes. The exhibition — which also includes interventions outside the space of the museum,
01 Marko Tadić, Kožariću 02 Eva Kotatkova, GroupTherapy
such as billboards across the streets of the city — is also featuring new works by three invited Croatian authors; namely, Hrvoslava Brkušić, Vlatka Horvat and EQUALS Collective (initiated and led by Andreja Kulunčić). The works from the collection promote socially aware art of the modern age, encourage us to reflect and help us to see the world around us in a different way. Make sure you visit the Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb!
03 Anatoly Belov, Sex Medicated Rock ‘n’ Roll II 04 Agnieszka Polska, I Am The Mouth 05 Stepan Ryabchenko, Melissa 06 Paulina Ołowska, Screen 07 Iza Tarasewicz, Turba Turbo
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Život grada CITY life Zagreb
Bar Mr. Fogg Mr. Fogg Bar
Piše/By_ Andrea Andričević Fotografije/Photos _ Šime Lugarov
Volite li sanjariti? Volite li maštati kako ste se zatekli na nekome divnome mjestu koje vas opušta, odmiče od problema i stresnog življenja, dotiče vam dušu...? Jeste li katkad poželjeli vratiti se u vrijeme kad ste mogli odmah uroniti u paralelni svijet bajke, priče, čarolije...? Ako jeste, ovo je mjesto kao stvoreno za vas! Jer, onog trenutka kad odškrinete magična vrata, zakoračit ćete u prostor koji će vas opčiniti bezvremenskom lakoćom postojanja, privući vašu pozornost neobičnim detaljima i čudesnom glazbom koja pokreće sve dobro u vama, briše brige, umor, godine... A, kao što priliči zimskim danima, poslužit ćemo vam kuhano vino ili whisky na saonicama, ponuditi vam ukusnu kavu, čaj ili neko drugo piće koje poželite... Ne, ne trebate nikome zahvaljivati što vas je uputio na ovo mjesto gdje ste ponovno oživjeli. Jednostavno uživajte. I budite sretni. A vaš osmijeh usrećit će i nas. Do you enjoy daydreaming? Have you ever dreamt of finding yourself in a wondrous place that relaxes you, that removes you from the problems of a stressful life, that touches your soul...? Have you ever wanted to go back to a time when you could instantly immerse yourself in a parallel world of fairy tales, stories, magic...? If you have, then you have come to the right place! Because, at the very moment that you open the magic door, you will find yourself in a place that will enchant you with a timeless lightness of being, draw your attention to quirky details and marvellous music driving all the good in you, cast away all your worries, weariness, years... And, as befits the days of winter, you will be savouring mulled wine
or whisky on a sleigh, delicious coffee, fabulous tea or some other drink you may have a craving for... There is no need to thank anybody for recommending this place where you get to come alive. Just enjoy it! And be happy! Because your smile makes us happy.
01 Čaroban kutak A magic corner 02 Mr. Fogg stalak za vino Mr. Fogg wine stand 03 Zimske, tople i hladne čarolije za nepce Hot and cold winter magic potions 04 Zimski laboratorij za džinove Winter gin laboratory
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Život grada CITY life Zagreb
NOEL kreativnost vrhunskog restorana top restaurant creativity Tekst i fotografije/ Text and photos _ Šimun Šitum
Jedna od gastronomski najpoželjnijih lokacija u Zagrebu svakako je restoran Noel. Razlog je njegova uspjeha u cjelovitom konceptu ponude, u kojemu se velika pažnja posvećuje svim aspektima gastronomije. Kreativni kulinarski tim, pod vodstvom chefa Gorana Kočiša i sous chefa Brune Vokala, neprestano ubire lovorike, kako kod domaće kritike i publike, tako i kod inozemne. Vinska lista, koju su kreirala dva diplomirana sommeliera, Ivan Jug i Goran Petrić, smatra se jednom od najkvalitetnijih u državi. Ako, pak, umjesto vina poželite čaj, možete odabrati neki od najboljih čajeva, koji dolaze iz svih krajeva svijeta i sljubljuju se s odabirom jela u degustacijskim jelovnicima. Aspekt restorana koji rasplamsava posebnu maštu nevjerojatno su kreativni kokteli mixology majstora. Mladi Karlo Ferenčak pripravlja uistinu sjajne varijacije poznatih i manje znanih koktela. U zimskom razdoblju ponuda u Noelu, kao i uvijek, temelji se na lokalnim sezonskim namirnicama i farm-to-table filozofiji, uz poseban naglasak na divljač, patku te postupke fermentacije. Osim toga, poželite li doći u restoran Noel, uživat ćete u osobitim večerama poput šampanjerije Krug, Olfaktivne večere, proslave nove godine i još mnogima. Više informacija na: Noel Restaurant is most certainly one of the gastronomic hotspots of Zagreb. The reason for their success lies in their inte-
gral concept, in which great attention is paid to all aspects of gastronomy. The creative culinary team, led by chef Goran Kočiš and sous chef Bruno Vokal, has been receiving high praise from both domestic and foreign critics and diners. Their wine list, created by two certified sommeliers Ivan Jug and Goran Petrić, is considered to be one of the best in the country. If, instead of wine, tea is your first choice, they offer some of the best teas from around the world paired perfectly with carefully selected dishes in tasting menus. Another offer by Noel that fires diners’ imagination are the incredibly creative cocktails made by a mixology master. The young Karlo Ferenčak has been mixing truly sensational variations of both well-known and lesserknown cocktails.
In winter, Noel’s offer is, as always, based on local seasonal foods and a farm-to-table philosophy, with particular emphasis given to game, duck and fermentation processes. In addition, your dining experience in Noel Restaurant can be taken to a higher level by your savouring of such special dishes and drinks as those offered on the Krug Champagne menu, the Olfactory Dinner menu, the New Year’s Eve menu and many more. For more information, please visit
Za ugodnu atmosferu zaslužan je srdačan tim na čelu sa sommelierom Ivanom Jugom A pleasant atmosphere is to be credited to a friendly team led by sommelier Ivan Jug
3000 ljubitelja whiskyja
Piše/By _ Ozren Kanceljak Fotografije/Photos _ Dario Dunaj
Četvrti zagrebački Whisky sajam održat će se 9. i 10. veljače 2018. u Plaza Event Centru. Sajam je stalno rastao. Godine 2016. bilo je oko tisuću posjetitelja, a 2017. godine taj se broj udvostručio. Neprekidno je sve više i više brandova whiskyja: od 30 brandova 2015. pa do više od sto 2017. godine. Whisky sajam nudi i sudjelovanje
na masterclass radionicama, na kojima se može naučiti više o kulturi whiskyja te kušati raritetne proizvode. Posljednje dvije godine najtraženiji su bili single malt whiskyji, a 2017. jedna je od najzapaženijih sajamskih atrakcija bio Glenfiddich 50 koji stoji više od 230.000 kuna. Svi koji žele uživati u kušanju whiskyja u kombinaciji s odgovarajućim jelovnicima mogu odabrati VIP Experience. Očekuje se i dalje sve više izlagača u 2018. godini, ponuđenih proizvoda te posjetitelja koji će moći uživati u još bogatijim sadržajima.
two years of the fair, single malt whiskies were the most sought-after, and in 2017 the fair’s star attraction was Glenfiddich 50, a bottle of which costs over HRK 230,000. The VIP Experience entry ticket is intended for all those wanting to enjoy whisky paired with matching menus. In 2018, the number of exhibitors is expected to continue increasing, as well as the number of both products offered and visitors, who will be enjoying a richer programme. For more information, please visit
The fourth Zagreb Whisky Fair will be held on 9th and 10th February 2018 at the Plaza Event Centre. The fair has grown steadily. In 2016, some one thousand visitors visited the fair, and in 2017 this number doubled. The number of whisky brands on offer has also been growing steadily: from 30 brands in 2015 to over one hundred in 2017. The Whisky Fair is also offering masterclass workshops, where more can be learnt about the whisky culture and rare whiskies tasted. In the last
01 Na sajmu whiskyja 2017. godine sve je izgledalo kao u saloonu The 2017 Whisky Fair setup looked like a saloon 02 Vesela radna sajamska ekipa The happy-go-lucky fair team 03 Ljubitelji whiskyja iz cijeloga svijeta uživaju u sajmu Whisky connoisseurs from around the world enjoying the fair
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Život grada CITY life Zagreb
Tekst i fotografije/ Text and photos _ Zoran Kulušić Neral
Pogledajte ljude oko sebe dok hodate, dok se vozite tramvajem, dok pijete omiljenu jutarnju kavu i tek ćete onda shvatiti koliko se priča nalazi oko vas. Nakon toga počet ćete drugačije gledati i drugačije vidjeti svijet oko sebe. Tako počinje jedinstvena radionica ulične fotografije Frame the street, na kojoj voditelji najprije prenesu svoju ljubav prema fotografiji svim polaznicima i nauče ih osnovama fotografiranja. Taj prvi, od ukupno tri dana koliko traje radionica ulične fotografije Frame the street, polaznici usvajaju teoretski dio o fotografiji i fotografiranju. Nakon usvojenoga teoretskog dijela polaznici dobiju popis praktičnih zadataka koje moraju realizirati tijekom dvodnevne šetnje Zagrebom. Na radionici je i model koji polaznicima služi za vježbe portretiranja. Na svakoj radionici gostuju i poznati fotografi. Više informacija: Pay close attention to the people around you while you are walking, travelling by tram, while you are drinking your favourite morning cup of coffee, and only then will you realise just how many different stories there are around you. In turn, you will start observing things differently and seeing the world around you in a different way. This is how the unique street photography workshop Frame the Street starts. The
workshop leaders first transfer their love for photography to the participants and teach them the basics of photography. During the first of the three days of the Frame the Street photography workshop, participants are taught the theory. Once the theory of photography has been learnt, participants are given a list of practical tasks to be completed during a two-day photo walk across Zagreb. To practice the shooting of portraits, a model is made available in each workshop. Also, each workshop hosts famous photographers. For more information, please visit
01 Harmonija nepoznatoga Harmony of the Unknown 02 Pet sekundi slave Five Seconds of Glory 03 Čekajući gospodara Waiting for the Master 04 Sjećanja na djetinjstvo Memories of Childhood 05 Udvaranje The courting
Život grada CITY life Dubrovnik
Tišina, molim! Quiet, please! Piše/By _ Ana Richter Foto/Photo _ Press
Filmska povijest Dubrovnika nije počela hit serijama Igre prijestolja, Borgie i Missing ili filmskim megauspješnicama poput Star Warsa ili bolivudskog Fan. Ona traje već stotinu godina. Tri dubrovačka filmofila, Tomislav Tepšić, Krešimir Glavinić i Miran Dilberović, uz pomoć Grada i TZ Dubrovnik 2016. g. pokrenuli su višednevnu filmsku feštu Tišina, molim!, koja ne uključuje samo igrane filmove, serije i dokumentarce snimane u tom biseru Jadrana, nego i druge zanimljive popratne programe, poput izložbi, obilaska filmskih lokacija, filmskih tribina, koncerata filmske glazbe, druženja... Svake godine filmski program koncipiran je oko druge teme, a sam Dubrovnik nerijetko je izvrstan glumac. Njegove renesansne ulice, palače, trgovi i zidine često su poslužili kao filmska kulisa Rima, Venecije, Nottinghama, Madrida, Vatikana, pa čak i nekih južnoameričkih gradova. Očarao je i Hitchcocka, kao i mnoge druge filmaše i filmske zvijezde poput Toma Cruisea, Richarda Gerea, Kevina Spaceyja, Michaela Douglasa, Catharine Zeta Jones, Nicka Noltea, Johna Malkovicha, Penelope Cruz, Javiera Bardema, koji, kad ih posao i ne dovede u dubrovačke zidine, ovamo dolaze na odmor. Neka nova manifestacija Tišine, molim! bude dodatni razlog da od 3. do 11. ožujka posjetite Dubrovnik. The film history of Dubrovnik did not start with the shooting of either the hit series of Game of Thrones, The Borgias and Missing, or blockbuster movies such as Star Wars and the Bollywood film Fan. It has lasted for a hundred years already. In 2016, with help from the City
of Dubrovnik and the City of Dubrovnik Tourist Board, three Dubrovnik-based cinephiles, namely Tomislav Tepšić, Krešimir Glavinić and Miran Dilberović, set up a multiday film festival party called Quiet, please!, bringing not only feature films, series and documentaries filmed in this pearl of the Adriatic, but also other interesting accompanying events, such as exhibitions, filming location tours, film-related roundtable discussions, film music concerts, socialising... 01 Ekipa TV serije Borgie na dubrovačkom Stradunu The crew of the TV series The Borgias on Stradun in Dubrovnik
Every year, the film programme centres around another theme, with Dubrovnik itself often being a great actor in its own right. Its Renaissance streets, palaces, squares and walls have often acted as those of Rome, Venice, Nottingham, Madrid, the Vatican, and even some South American cities. It also enchanted Hitchcock, as well as many other filmmakers and film stars, such as Tom Cruise, Richard Gere, Kevin Spacey, Michael Douglas, Catharine Zeta Jones, Nick Nolte, John Malkovich, Penelope Cruz, Javier Bardem, who, if not taken to Dubrovnik for work, come for their holidays. Make sure you visit and explore Dubrovnik during the next Quiet, please! film festival taking place between 4th and 11th March.
02 Sa snimanja HBO-ove hit serije Igre prijestolja On the set of HBO’s hit series Game of Thrones 03 Dubrovnik kao filmska kulisa Ratova zvijezda: Posljednji Jedi Dubrovnik, on the set of Star Wars: The Last Jedi 03
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Život grada CITY life Rijeka
Piše/By _ Mirjana Brabec Foto/Photo _ Petar Fabijan
Ako se nađete u Rijeci, ne propustite posjetiti BuRa DesignStore, nedavno otvoreni modni butik koji ponudom i uređenjem potvrđuje visoke domete hrvatskog dizajna. Jer, ovdje baš sve nosi potpis hrvatskih dizajnera, od modnih kreacija u ponudi do najmanjeg detalja u uređenju prostora. K tome, BuRa nije samo modni butik. Ovaj mali, moderno uređen, funkcionalan i vrlo ugodan prostor zamišljen je i kao mjesto okupljanja i druženja, koje će obogatiti kulturnu ponudu grada. Bila je to ideja vodilja Giuliane i Paule Knapić, majke i kćeri zaljubljenih u modu i riječku punk-rock scenu koje su na realizaciji svog projekta okupile žensku ekipu istančanih estetskih kriterija. Projektantica Tatjana Baković-Kukoč, dizajnerica unutarnjeg uređenja Svjetlana Despot te mlade arhitektice Enia Kukoč i Martina Babić 40 četvornih metara u Ulici Matije Gupca kompletno su transformirale i pretvorile u riječki dom hrvatske mode i dizajna, u koji su Giuliana i Paula uselile kreacije renomiranih domaćih brendove Charlie Design, XD Xenia Design, Maks X Design i DNK by Nada Došen, kao i radove nakitarki Mirne Sišul, Eve Lumezi i accessories. Should your travels take you to Rijeka, do look up the BuRa DesignStore, a recently opened fashion boutique store, which is, owing to its offer and interior design, yet another example of the high reaches of Croatian design. Because, here, everything
is signed by Croatian designers — from the garments on offer down to the smallest detail in interior design. But, BuRa is not just a fashion boutique store. Their small, modernly designed, functional and very pleasant premises have also been conceived as a place for gathering and socialising, looking to enrich the cultural offer of the city. This was what guided Giuliana and Paula Knapić, a mother and daughter duo in love with fashion and Rijeka’s punk-rock scene, having gathered a team of women nurturing highly refined aesthetic criteria for the purpose of bringing their project to life. The planner Tatjana Baković-Kukoč, the interior designer Svjetlana Despot, and the young
architects Enia Kukoč and Martina Babić have completely transformed the 40 square metres in Matija Gubec Street, turning the space into Rijeka’s house of Croatian fashion and design, which Giuliana and Paula Knapić have packed with the creations of renowned domestic brands Charlie Design, XD Xenia Design, Maks X Design and DNK by Nada Došen, as well as with pieces by jewellery makers Mirna Sišul, Eva Lumezi and accessories.
01 Atraktivno uređenje interijera potpisuje dizajnerica Svjetlana Despot The fabulous interior designed by Svjetlana Despot 02 U ponudi BuRe isključivo su kreacije hrvatskih dizajnera Only creations by Croatian designers are on offer at the BuRa DesignStore 03 BuRa DesignStore tim/team: Tatjana BakovićKukoč, Svjetlana Despot, Giuliana Knapić, Paula Knapić, Enia Kukoč, Martina Babić
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Život grada CITY life Zagreb
Nikola Tesla Mind from the Future Piše/By _ Dijana Karabašić
ultimedijski izložbeni projekt Nikola Tesla - Mind from the Future, nadahnut jednim od najvećih svjetskih izumitelja, bit će postavljen do 20. ožujka 2018. godine u Meštrovićevu paviljonu. Nakon 11 godina putovanja oko svijeta, krosmedijalni dokumentarni film Mechanical Figures-Inspired by Tesla (Mehaničke figure-Inspirirani Teslom), koji je osmislila i režirala umjetnica Helena Bulaja Madunić, autorica i kustosica izložbe, postao je iskustvo šetnje kroz film, prostorna galerijska instalacija Nikola Tesla - Mind from the Future, čija je namjena provesti posjetitelje kroz Teslin um. Kako bi se to ostvarilo, kružni prostor prekrasne prstenaste galerije - koju je 1933. godine dizajnirao Ivan Meštrović, jedan od najprominentnijih hrvatskih kipara i Teslin dobar prijatelj - transformiran je u futuristički hotel po uzoru na Gaudijev nedovršen projekt Hotel Attraction, čija je gradnja bila predviđena u New Yorku prije više od 100 godina, pukom slučajnošću upravo na lokaciji prvoga Teslina laboratorija. U ovoj kompleksnoj narativnoj instalaciji posjetitelji će putovati od Smiljana do Novog Zelanda te na putovanju, koje gotovo nalikuje na pripovijest o Alisi u zemlji čudesa, tražiti i slijediti promišljanja o mogućnostima i privlačnosti koje pruža zaigranost ljudskog stvaralačkog uma. Ovim bogatim, zaokupljujućim pripovijedanjem, umjetničkim putovanjem nadahnutim Teslom, posjetitelji će nesumnjivo uživati u ljepoti Teslina kreativnog duha, a hrvatskoj kulturnoj i umjetničkoj sceni bit će podareno još jedno novo, pionirsko djelo na polju narativnog žanra i produkciji projekata suvremene umjetnosti. U cijenu ulaznice uključen je audio guide, a za sva pitanja posjetiteljima su na raspolaganju vodiči kroz izložbu. Produkcijska je kuća projekta Real grupa u partnerstvu s Hrvatskim društvom likovnih umjetnika.
he Nikola Tesla - Mind from the Future multimedia exhibition, inspired by one of the world’s greatest inventors, is set up at the Meštrović Pavilion in Zagreb until 20th March 2018. After having travelled the world for 11 years, the cross-media Mechanical Figures_Inspired by Tesla documentary film envisioned and directed by Helena Bulaja Madunić, the author and curator of the exhibition, has turned into an experience of walking through film and has finally become a spatial gallery installation, Nikola Tesla - Mind from the Future, whose aim is to guide visitors through Tesla’s mind. To achieve this, the circular space of the stunning ring-shaped gallery - which was designed in 1933 by Ivan Meštrović, one of the most prominent Croatian sculptors and Tesla’s good friend - is transformed into a futuristic hotel modelled on Gaudí’s unfinished Hotel Attraction project, which was supposed to be built in New York over 100 years ago, by mere chance at the very location of Tesla’s first laboratory. In this complex narrative installation, visitors are travelling from Smiljan to New Zealand, and on this journey - which is, to some extent, similar to Alice’s journey through Wonderland - they will be seeking and following the thoughts on the possibilities and attractions provided by the playfulness of the creative human mind. Through this rich and intriguing narrative artistic journey inspired by Tesla, visitors will undoubtedly get to enjoy the beauty of Tesla’s creative spirit, and the Croatian culture and
art scene will be given yet another new, pioneering work in the field of the narrative genre and contemporary art project production. An audio guide is included in the price of the ticket, and exhibition guides are made available for all visitor questions. The project was produced by the Real Group agency in partnership with the Croatian As sociation of Artists (HDLU).
Fotografije/Photos _ Real grupa
Meštrović pavilion, Trg žrtava fašizma 16, Zagreb
25.11.2017. — 20.3.2018. Author and curator: HELENA BULAJA MADUNIĆ
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S. Budek
Prosinac December
Dubrovnik i okolica Dubrovnik and surroundings
Osijek i okolica Osijek and surroundings
Split i okolica Split and surroundings
Dubrovački zimski festival Dubrovnik Winter Festival
Božić u Đakovu Christmas in Đakovo
Advent u Splitu Advent in Split
2. 12. - 6. 1., Dubrovnik
1. - 31. 12., Đakovo
1. 12. - 16. 1., Split Posjetite Split u blagdanske dane i uživajte u zabavnom programu. Očekuje vas veliki Božićni sajam na kojemu možete pronaći prigodne darove i bogatu gastronomsku ponudu. Prigodom otvorenja upaljena je prva svijeća na adventskom vijencu ispred crkve sv. Frane./Visiting Split during the holiday season to enjoy a packed entertainment programme is a must! A large Christmas fair is mounted with Christmas gifts and seasonal street foods on offer. During the opening, the first candle on the Advent wreath outside the Church of St. Francis is lit. * Za promjene u rasporedu poslije zakljuËenja Ëasopisa redakcija ne odgovara * Allow for possible changes after this issue has gone to press.
Doživite nezaboravni Advent u srcu Dubrovnika Experience the unforgettable Advent in the heart of Dubrovnik
Četvrti Dubrovački zimski festival održava se na više lokacija u staroj gradskoj jezgri i drugim dijelovima grada. Program i otvorenje festivala počinje paljenjem adventske svijeće, blagdanskih lampica te koncertom ispred crkve sv.Vlaha. Na dubrovačkim trgovima i ulicama postavljene su kućice s raznovrsnom gastronomskom ponudom./ The fourth Dubrovnik Winter Festival is held at several locations in the old city centre and other parts of the city. The programme and the opening of the festival begin with the lighting of the first Advent candle, festive lights and a concert outside the Church of St. Blaise. The squares and streets of Dubrovnik are packed with food stands offering a variety of seasonal street foods.
Doživite čarobni Božić u Đakovu. Grad odzvanja prigodnom pjesmom, posjetitelje prevoze graciozni lipicanci, osjeća se miris tradicionalnih jela i pića koja vas neće ostaviti ravnodušnima./ Christmas in Đakovo is bound to be magical! Christmas carols resounding across the town, visitors taking rides in carriages driven by gracious Lipizzaner horses, and the appetising smell of traditional foods and drinks filling the streets will only make you want more.
Siječanj January Rijeka i okolica Rijeka and surroundings
Riječki karneval Rijeka Carnival
17. 1. - 14. 2., Rijeka Zagreb i okolica Zagreb and surroundings Balet i strast — donacija Jelka Yureshe, MUO Ballet and Passion — The Jelko Yuresha donation, Museum of Arts and Crafts
5. 12. - 18. 2., Zagreb
D. Lenert
Uz najljepšu baletnu glazbu, izložba uvodi posjetitelje u čarobni vrtlog baleta i ljubavi preko raskošnih baletnih kostima koje su na najvećim svjetskim pozornicama nosili Jelko Yuresha,
njegova supruga Belinda Wright te baletne zvijezde poput Rudolfa Nurejeva, Margot Fonteyn, Maje Pliseckaje, Anne Pavlove, Mihaila Barišnjikova i drugih. Izložbu upotpunjuje bogati popratni program: stručna vodstva, koncerti, kreativne radionice, projekcije filmova./Against a backdrop of the most beautiful ballet music, the exhibition introduces the magical whirlwind of ballet and love through lavishly gorgeous ballet costumes worn by Jelko Yuresha, his wife Belinda Wright and such ballet stars as Rudolf Nureyev, Margot Fonteyn, Maja Plisetskaya, Anna Pavlova, Mikhail Baryshnikov and others. The exhibition is accompanied by a rich programme: guided tours, concerts, creative workshops and film screenings.
Izbor kraljice Riječkog karnevala uvodna je manifestacija u sva događanja koja slijede nakon svečane primopredaje ključa grada u ruke maškara. Nakon toga slijede najšareniji i najveseliji dani u godini ovoga kraja koji završavaju Međunarodnom karnevalskom povorkom./The Rijeka Carnival Queen Pageant is the opening event that introduces all the other carnival festivities once the city key is officially handed over to the Master of the Carnival. This is followed by the most colourful
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Love Me itd. Ovaj spektakl donosi dašak glamura, vrhunske produkcije, plesa i pjesme./Evita is Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber’s legendary musical, which has won many awards for the songs Don’t Cry for Me Argentina, You Must Love Me, etc. This is a top-production spectacle bringing a touch of glamour through dance and song. Samoborski fašnik Samobor Carnival
2. - 13. 2., Samobor
and most joyful days of the year in the region, closing with the jewel in the crown of carnival festivities — the International Carnival Parade.
Veljača February Zagreb i okolica Zagreb and surroundings Koncert Roda Stewarta Rod Stewart concert
2. 2., Zagreb Jedno od najvećih svjetskih glazbenih imena, Sir Rod Stewart, kojega prepoznajemo po hitovima kao što su Sailing, The First Cut Is the Deepest, Rhythm of My Heart i Maggie May, prvi put stiže u Zagreb. Dvaput je uvršten u Kuću slavnih rock and rolla i jedan je od najprodavanijih umjetnika svih vremena./One of the greatest names in the world of music, Sir Rod Stewart — whose hits, such as Sailing, The First Cut Is the
Deepest, Rhythm of My Heart and Maggie May, we all know — is holding a concert in Zagreb. He was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame twice, and is one of the best-selling music artists of all time. ZagrebDox
25. 2. - 4. 3., Zagreb Međunarodni festival dokumentarnog filma koji prikazuje najbolje dokumentarne filmove, a osobito ističe regionalni program. Osim natjecateljskih, festival nudi i popratne programe./ZagrebDox is an international documentary film festival screening the best documentary films, with great emphasis laid on the regional programme. In addition to films screened in competition, the festival also brings a rich accompanying programme. Mjuzikl Evita Evita musical
28. 2., Zagreb Legendarna je predstava autora Tima Ricea i Andrewa Lloyda Webbera. Mjuzikl je osvojio mnoge nagrade za pjesme Don’t Cry for Me Argentina, You Must
Grad Samobor postaje Fašničkom republikom i čuva tradiciju jedne od najstarijih pokladnih svečanosti u Hrvatskoj. Za vrijeme fašnika ulicama toga lijepoga grada vladaju maštovite maske i veselje./The City of Samobor transforms into a Carnival Republic preserving the tradition of one of the oldest carnival festivities in Croatia. During the carnival, the streets of this beautiful city are overflowing with imaginative masks and tons of joy. Dubrovnik i okolica Dubrovnik and surroundings Festa sv. Vlaha — Dan Grada Dubrovnika The Feast of St. Blaise — The Day of the City of Dubrovnik
1. - 9. 2., Dubrovnik Dubrovčani već više od tisuću godina slave blagdan svoga zaštitnika sv. Vlaha i na taj dan otvaraju vrata svoga jedinstvenoga grada u kojemu vas očekuju mnoga kulturna i zabavna događanja./The people of Dubrovnik have celebrated the feast of their patron saint for more than a thousand years. On the Feast of St. Blaise, the doors to its unique city open to countless cultural and entertainment events.
Ožujak March Zagreb i okolica Zagreb and surroundings Andrea Bocelli u Zagrebu Andrea Bocelli in Zagreb
10. 3., Zagreb Nakon nešto više od tri godine, slavni talijanski tenor Andrea Bocelli vraća se pred hrvatsku publiku, koja će u veličanstvenoj izvedbi moći uživati u zagrebačkoj Areni. Našu publiku očekuju najljepše ljubavne pjesme u vrhunskoj izvedbi./Three years after his last performance in Zagreb, the famous Italian tenor Andrea Bocelli is returning to Croatia to perform at the Zagreb Arena. His repertoire includes the most beautiful love songs in his brilliant performance. Festival svjetla Zagreb 2018. Festival of Lights Zagreb 2018
15. - 18. 3., Zagreb Ovaj će se festival održati prvi put u Zagrebu. U povijesnoj jezgri prikazat će se najsuvremenija svjetlosna rješenja i tehnologije. Atraktivne audiovizualne instalacije i projekcije mogu se pogledati na više gradskih lokacija. / This is the first time that this festival is being held in Zagreb. The most modern light art solutions and technologies will be displayed, illuminating Zagreb’s historic city centre with audio-visual installations and projections at multiple city locations.
smartworking je pametniji izbor
poslujte još pametnije uz smartworking rješenja hrvatskog telekoma Otkrijte smartworking rješenja koja će vama i vašim zaposlenicima olakšati i ubrzati svakodnevni rad. Uz mobilni internet na svim uređajima, pametne uredske programe i aplikacije prilagođene vašim potrebama omogućujemo vam pametnije poslovanje.
Za više informacija o uslugama i posebnoj ponudi posjetite najbliže T prodajno mjesto, ili nazovite 0800 9100.
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To je Hrvatska Republika Hrvatska smjeπtena je uz istoË nu obalu Jadranskog mora i u njegovu zaleu. Proteæe se od obronaka Alpa na sjeverozapadu do panonske ravnice na istoku. Povrπina je njezina kopna 56.542 Ëetvorna kilometra, a povrπina terito rijalnog mora 31.067 Ëetvornih kilometara. U Hrvatskoj æivi, prema popisu iz 2011. godine, 4,284.889 stanovnika. Duæina je morske obale 5835 km zajedno s otocima, otoËiÊima i grebenima. Otoka, otoËiÊa i grebena ima 1185, a naseljeno je 47 otoka. Sluæbeni jezik jest hrvatski, a pismo latiniË no. NovËana jedinica − kuna. Glavni je grad Zagreb (790.017 stanov nika), koji je ujedno administrativno, kulturno, akademsko i trgovaËko srediπte zemlje. Hrvatska je međunarodno priznata 15. siječnja 1992. godine, a od 1. srpnja 2013. g. Ëlanica je Europske unije. This is Croatia The Republic of Croatia lies along the east coast of the Adriatic Sea and its hinterland. It stretches from the slopes of the Alps in the north-west to the Pannonian Plain in the east. Its land area is 56,542 km2 and the area of its territorial sea is 31,067 km2. According to the 2011 census, Croatia’s population was 4,284,889. The length of its sea coast is 5835 km, including islands, islets and reefs. There are 1185 islands, islets and reefs, of which 47 islands are inhabited. The official language is Croatian, and the offi cial script is Latin. The currency is the Kuna. The capital is Zagreb (790,017 inhabitants), which is also the country’s administ rative, cultural, academic and economic center. The Constitution of the Republic of Croat ia was adopted on 22 December 1990, and al recogniti the country receiv ed internation on on 15 January 1992. Croatia became an EU member state on 1st July 2013. Nacionalni parkovi Hrvatska ima osam nacionalnih parkova, od kojih su Ëetiri u planinskom podruËju (Paklenica, PlitviËka jezera, Risnjak i Sje verni Velebit), a Ëetiri na obalnom podruËju (Brijuni, Kornati, Krka i Mljet). Njima, kao
prostor osobito vrijedne prirodne baπtine, treba pridodati i podruËja pod strogom zaπtitom prirode, rezervate, spomenike prirode, parkove prirode. Zbog svih njih Hrvatsku mnogi smatraju jednim od naj ljepπih europskih vrtova. National parks Croatia has eight national parks, four of which are located in the mountain region (Paklenica, Plitvice Lakes, Risnjak and Nor thern Velebit), and four in the coastal region (Brijuni, Kornati, Krka and Mljet). Besides these, certain areas under strict nature pro tection ∑ reserves, natural monuments and natural parks ∑ should be mentioned as a natural heritage of special value. They have all contributed to Croatia’s being considered one of the most beautiful gardens of Europe. Proπlost za sadaπnjost Hrvatska obiluje kulturno-povijesnim spo menicima iz svih razdoblja, zbog burnih povijesnih zbivanja i prepletanja utjecaja razliËitih kultura. Njezinu obalu karakteri ziraju utjecaji mediteranske kulture, mnogi antiËki spomenici, spomenici iz rimskog razdoblja i ranoga srednjeg vijeka, roma niËko-sakralna baπtina te niz oËuvanih karakteristiËnih mediteranskih urbanih cjelina. Kontinentalna Hrvatska dio je sred njoeuropskoga kulturnog kruga i istiËe se mnogim prapovijesnim nalazima svjet ske vaænosti, starim gradovima, utvrda ma i dvorcima kasnoga srednjeg vijeka, kulturnim spomenicima i arhitekturom iz razdoblja baroka. Tri hrvatske urbane cjeline i dva spome niËka kompleksa imaju status spomenika svjetske kulturne baπtine, koji dodjeljuje Unesco. To su kasnoantiËka Dioklecijano va palaËa, pregraena tijekom stoljeÊa u srednjovjekovni Split, gradovi Dubrovnik i Trogir te Eufrazijeva bazilika u PoreËu i katedrala sv. Jakova u ©ibeniku. Nacionalni park PlitviËka jezera, najljepπi i najpoznatiji hrvatski nacionalni park, tako er je dio Unescove Svjetske baπtine. A past for the present Croatia is rich in cultural and historical monuments from all eras, due to the turbu
lent events of history and the interlacing of influences of different cultures. Its coast is characterized by the influences of Mediter ranean culture, numerous ancient remains, monuments of the Roman era and early Middle Ages, a Romanesque church herita ge and a number of distinctive Mediterrane an urban entities that have been preser ved. Inland Croatia is a part of the Central European cultural circle and is distinguished by numerous prehistoric findings of world significance, by old towns, fortresses and castles dating from the late Middle Ages, and cultural monuments and architecture from the Baroque era. Three Croatian cities and two monumental com-plexes have the status of monuments of world cultural heritage accorded by UNE SCO. These are the Late Antique Palace of Diocletian, remodeled through the centuries into the mediev al city of Split, the cities of Dubrovnik and Trogir, the Basilica of Euphra sius in PoreË and the Cathedral of St. Jacob in ©ibenik. The nation al park of the Plitvice Lakes, Cro atia’s most beautiful and celebrated national park, is also a part of UNESCO’s world heritage. Hrvatska - turistiËki hit na Sredozemlju Hrvatska je posljednjih godina − ocjenjuju meunarodni turistiËki znalci i statistiËari − hit-odrediπte na Sredozemlju. Hrvatska je blizu ne samo zbog svoga geografskog smještaja, nego i zbog mreæe zraËnih luka i kvalitetnih usluga nacional nog avioprijevoznika Croatia Airlinesa te drugih zraËnih prijevoznika. I zbog svoje mreæe autocesta i poluautocesta Hrvatska je bliæa nego ikad. Ako ste pak odabrali odmor na jednome od mnogih hrvatskih otoka, prijevoz trajektom ili hidrogliserom s kopna trajat Êe − i kad su posrijedi oni najudaljeniji − kraÊe od 2 sata. Croatia - a Mediterranean tourism success Croatia has been a hit destination in the Me diterranean in the past few years, say stati sticians and international experts in tourism. Croatia is close not only because of its geographic position, but also because of
its network of airports and the top quality services provided by Croatia Airlines, its national carrier, as well as other airliners. Also, due to its network of highways and semi-motorways, Croatia is closer than ever. If you have decided to spend your vacation on any one of the numerous islands in Croatia, even the most distant ones, it will take less than 2 hours by ferry or hydrofoil from the mainland. Novac i naËin plaÊanja Kuna je naziv novËane jedinice Republi ke Hrvatske. U optjecaju su novËanice
kuna (kn) i kovani novac kuna i lipa (lp), (100 lipa = 1 kuna). MoguÊe je plaÊanje kreditnim kar ticama (Diners, Visa, Ame rican Express, Eurocard i Mastercard) i euroËekovima. Novac se moæe podizati i na bankomatima.
card), as well as euro-checks. Cash can be withdrawn from ATMs.
Currency and payment methods The currency of the Republic of Croat ia is called the Kuna (kn). In circulation are banknotes in Kuna and coins in Kuna and Lipa (lp) ∑ one hundredth. Payments can be made by credit card (Diners, Visa, American Express, Eurocard and Master
ZEMLJOVID HRVATSKE MAP OF CROATIA Odrediπta Croatia Airlinesa Croatia Airlines destinations stalna / regular sezonska ljetna / seasonal in summer
motorway, fast roads toll station tunnel, bridge other main roads national parks nature parks international border crossing petrol stations (0-24) airports ferry routes UNESCO World Heritage
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Miles & More
Osnove programa Miles & More
Introducing Miles & More
Miles & More vodeÊi je europski program nagraivanja čestih putnika i nudi Ëlanovima razliËite moguÊnosti prikupljanja milja i koriπtenja nagrada, kao i mnoge privlaËne pogodnosti. »lanovi prikupljaju milje koristeÊi se uslugama brojnih partnera u programu. Milje se biljeæe za letove svih Ëlanica Star Alliancea i drugih kompanija partnera, ali i za unajmljivanje vozila, odsjedanje u hotelima ili potroπnju preko cobrand kre ditnih kartica Miles & More.
Miles & More is the leading european frequent flyer programme, offering its members numerous possibilites for collecting and redeeming miles, as well as many attractive privileges. Members collect miles by using the services of many par tners in the programme. Miles are credited for flights of all Star Alliance members and other airline partners, but also for renting vehicles from rent-a-car partners or staying in participating hotels.
Razredi Ëlanst va i pogodnosti Koriπtenjem usluga partnera u programu Miles & More prikupljate nagradne milje koje se mogu iskoristiti za nagrade. Statusne milje koje odreuju vaπ Ëlanski status, na temelju kojega ostvarujete pogodnosti, prikupljaju se na redovitim letovima prijevoznika Croatia Airlines, Adria Airways, Air Dolomiti, Austrian Airlines, Brussels Airlines, Germanwings, LOT Polish Airlines, Lufthansa, Lufthansa Regional, Luxair, SWISS, i svim Star Alliance partnerima. Uz 35.000 statusnih milja prikupljenih u jednoj kalendarskoj godini, steÊi Êete sta tus Frequent Traveller, a za 100.000 statusnih milja u kalendarskoj godini oËekuje vas status Senator.
Tiers and benefits By using the Miles & More partners’ services members collect awards. Status miles which determine a member’s membership status and privileges can be accrued on scheduled flights operated by Croatia Airlines, Adria Airways, Air Dolomiti, Austrian Airlines, Brussels Airlines, Germanwings, LOT Polish Airlines, Lufthansa, Lufthansa Regional, Luxair, SWISS, and all Star Alliance partners. Every mile accrued is recorded as both a status and an award mile. With 35,000 status miles collected in one calendar year members acquire the Frequent Traveller status, with 100,000 status miles the Senator status, and members who collect at least 600,000 HON CROATIA AIRLINES 4/2017
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»lanovi koji prikupe najmanje 600.000 HON Circle milja u razdoblju od dvije uzastopne kalendarske godine, stjeËu status HON Circle.
Circle miles within two consecutive calendar years, acquire the HON Circle status.
Osnovne pogodnosti Miles & More statusa
Miles & More benefits in brief
Frequent Traveller - Executive Bonus − 25 posto više nagradnih, statusnih i HON Circle milja raniËena valjanost nagradnih milja za trajanja - neog statusa - prednost na listi Ëekanja - prijava za let (check in) na πalteru poslovnog razreda i veÊi iznos prtljage bez naplate, ovisno o odrediπtu i zrakoplovnoj kompaniji.
Freque nt Traveller - Executive Bonus of 25 % for award, status and HON Circle miles - Accrue d award miles have no expiry date
Senator - Executive Bonus − 25 posto više nagradnih i statusnih HON Circle milja - neograniËena valjanost nagradnih milja za trajanja statusa - predujam od 50.000 nagradnih milja - uporaba airport lounge - viπi prior itet na listi Ëekanja - prijava za let (check in) na πalteru prvog razreda - prednost pri ukrcaju i iskrcaju prtljage - dodatni komad prtljage bez naplate, ovisno o odrediπtu i zrakoplovnoj kompaniji - 2 e-vouchera za premještaj u viši razred putovanja (upgrade), prilikom postizanja statusa Senator te prilikom svake obnove statusa
Senator - Executive Bonus of 25% for award, status and HON Circle miles - Accrue d award miles have no expiry date - Miles advance of up to 50,000 award miles - Airport lounge access - High waiting list prior ity - First Clas s check-in - priority baggage handling - An additional bag depending on destinations and airline. - 2 e- Upgrade Vouchers on achieving Senator status and for every Senator status renewal.
HON Circle - sve pogodnosti statusa Senator, najviša prednost na listi Ëekanja - predujam od 100.000 nagradnih milja - Status Senator za supruænika ili partnera, ovisno o zrakoplovnoj kompaniji - 6 e-vouchera za premještaj u viši razred putovanja (upgrade) prilikom postizanja statusa HON Circle te prilikom svake obnove statusa - dodatni komad prtljage bez naplate, ovisno o odrediπtu i zrakoplovnoj kompaniji
HON Circle - All existing Senator priv ileges, highest waiting list priority - 100,000 miles in advance - Senator status for your spouse or par tner depending on the airline
- Waiting list prior ity - Check-in at the Busines s Clas s counter and increased free baggage allowance depending on destinations, airline.
- 6 e- Upgrade Vouchers when becoming an HON Circle Member and every time the status is extended - An additional bag depending on destinations and airline.
Troπite milje Prikupljene nagradne milje zamjenjujete za mnoge nagrade: nagradne zrakoplovne karte, premjeπtaj u viπi razred putovanja (upgrade), razliËite nagrade kojima se moæete koristiti pri putovanju (Miles & More hotelski partneri, Miles & More rent-a-car partneri), kupnju te u Lufthansa WorldShopu.
Spend miles You can exchange collected award miles for awards prepared for you: flight awards, upgrades, various travel awards (Miles & More hotel partners, Miles & More car rental partners), shopping and lifestyle awards, and Lufthansa WorldShop.
Zat raæite svoju Diners Club Croat ia Airlines kreditnu kart icu! n 5 kuna = 1 nagradna milja − za svakih 5 kuna potroπenih preko ove kartice, biljeæi vam se 1 na gradna milja. n Prikupljajte nagradne milje svuda − jednostav no plaÊajte svojom Diners Club karticom na bilo kojemu od 12,000.000 DC prodajnih mjesta u zemlji i inozemstvu. n 2 kartice − 1 raËun Miles & More − koristite li se istodobno privatnom i poslovnom karticom Diners Cluba i Croatia Airlinesa, prikupljene nagradne milje zbrajaju se na vaπemu raËunu Miles & More.
Apply for your Diners Club Croat ia Airlines credit card! n 5 HRK = 1 award mile − for every 5 HRK spent via this card, you collect 1 mile
Zatražite svoju VISA Croatia Airlines kreditnu karticu! Croatia Airlines i Erste Card Club nude i VISA Croatia Airlines samostalnu karticu, poslovnu i privatnu. Potroπnja od 14 kuna u Hrvatskoj na samostalnim karticama donosi 1 nagradnu Miles & More milju, a za potroπenih 7 kuna u inozemstvu dobiva se preko kartica u paketu 1 nagradna milja Miles & More.
Zatražite svoju Croatia Airlines American Express karticu! n 4 kn = 1 nagradna milja − za svake 4 kune potrošene preko ove kartice bilježi se 1 nagradna milja 2000 milja dobrodošlice na Miles & More računu za nove korisnike, 1000 milja dobrodošlice za dodatnog člana
n Collect award miles every where − simply pay with your Diners Club Card in any of 12 million DC offices in Croatia or abroad
2 credit cards − 1 Miles & More membership account − use your private and business card to collect award miles on the same membership account. n
Apply for your VISA Croatia Airlines credit card! Croatia Airlines and Erste Card Club offer a VISA Croatia Airlines stand-alone credit card, both business and private. You will get 1 Miles & More award mile for every 14 kuna spent via stand-alone credit cards whereas for every 7 kuna spent abroad via companion credit cards 1 Miles & More award mile will be credited to your account. Apply for your Croatia Airlines American Express card! n 4 HRK = 1 award mile − for every 4 HRK spend via this card, you collect 1 mile 2000 welcome miles on Miles & More account for new basic and 1000 welcome miles for new additional card users
Putno osiguranje
Travel insurance
Milje ne zastarijevaju
Miles do not expire
Dvostruke nagradne milje − za plaćanje u poslovnicama Croatia Airlinesa i PBZ Card Travela
Earn double award miles − using the card to pay at Croaita Airlines and PBZ Card Travel
Zat raæite svoju Croat ia Airlines American Express kreditnu kart icu! n 6 kuna = 1 nagradna milja − za svakih 6 kuna potro πenih preko Premium kartice biljeæi se 1 nagradna milja, odnosno za svakih 7 kuna potroπenih preko Standard kar tice
Apply for your Croatia Airlines American Express credit card! n 6 HRK = 1 award mile − for every 6 HRK spent via Pre mium card, you collect 1 award mile, and for every 7 HRK spent via Standard card you collect 1 mile.
2000 milja dobrodoπlice − za nove osnovne Premi um korisnike i 1000 milja dobrodoπlice za nove dodatne Premium korisnike n
1000 milja dobrodoπlice za nove osnovne Standard korisnike i 500 milja dobrodoπlice za nove dodatne Standard korisnike
n 2.000 welcome miles − for new basic Premium card users and 1.000 welcome miles for new additional Premi um card users. n 1.000 welcome miles − for new basic Standard card users and 500 welcome miles for new additional Stan dard card users.
Dvostruke nagradne milje − za potroπnju u poslov nicama Croat ia Airlinesa i PBZ Card Travel American Expressa
Earn double award miles − using the card to pay for travels at Croatia Airlines sales offic es and PBZ Card Travel American Expressa.
Više informacija možete pronaÊi na:
Please find detailed info at:
_ 127
Dvomilijunta putnica u 2017. g. Nensi Kranjčević i direktor prodaje i marketinga Croatia Airlinesa Boris Kolka Croatia Airlines’ two millionth passenger in 2017 Nensi Kranjčević and Director of Sales and Marketing in Croatia Airlines Boris Kolka
cessible on Star Alliance’s website at www.
N. Reberešak
U prvih devet mjeseci ove godine ostvarili smo operativnu dobit od 109,400.000 kuna, a neto dobit u tom razdoblju iznosila je 100,400.000 kuna. Ostvareni neto rezultat bolji je za 96,500.000 kuna u odnosu na poslovanje u istom razdoblju lani, te u odnosu na plan za prvih devet mjeseci ove godine. Operativni prihodi bili su 18 posto veći u odnosu na prvih devet mjeseci 2016. godine. Od početka siječnja do kraja rujna naši su zrakoplovi obavili 3 posto više letova u usporedbi s istim razdobljem 2016. godine, a prevezeno je ukupno 1,656.396 putnika, što je za više od 9 posto bolje nego lani i 2 posto više u odnosu na plan. Pritom je broj međunarodnih putnika porastao za 11 posto, a broj putnika u domaćem prometu za 6 posto. Istodobno je za čak 3,9 postotnih bodova poboljšana proječna popunjenost putničke kabine (PLF), koja je iznosila 74,2 posto.
POSITIVE BUSINESS TRENDS CONTINUE In the first nine months of this year, we generated HRK 109.4 million in operating profit, and HRK 100.4 million in net profit. The net result achieved is HRK 96.5 million higher than in the same period last year, and is also better than the net result planned for the first nine months of this year. Operating revenues were 18 percent higher than in the first nine months of 2016. From the beginning of January to the end of September, the number of flights operated by our aircraft increased by 3 percent compared
to the same period in 2016, and a total of 1,656,396 passengers were carried, which is 9 percent more than last year and 2 percent more than planned. At the same time, the number of international passengers increased by 11 percent, and the number of domestic passengers by 6 percent. During the same period, the average passenger load factor (PLF) also improved by as much as 3.9 percentage points, having reached 74.2 percent.
TWO MILLIONTH PASSENGER IN 2017 In 2017 we have flown two million passengers within a single calendar year, and this for the first time in the company’s history. It was with great joy that we welcomed our two millionth passenger on 5th December at the Franjo Tuđman International Airport in Zagreb. This year’s two millionth passenger was Nensi Kranjčević from Pula aboard flight OU 481 from Copenhagen to Zagreb. At a ceremony at the Zagreb Airport, which was held immediately after the plane landed, we presented our two millionth passenger with two return business class tickets to one of our international destinations of her choice.
STAR ALLIANCE OBJAVIO POBJEDNIKE NATJEČAJA MILEAGE MILLIONAIRE U povodu 20. obljetnice Star Alliance proveo je online natječaj u kojemu su pobjednici, njih ukupno 21, po jedan iz svakog Frequent Flyer programa za česte putnike članica udruge, osvojili milijun milja ili njihov ekvivalent. Neovisna komisija odabrala je pobjedničke uratke, između velikog broja primljenih radova. Karta na kojoj možete vidjeti pobjedničke radove nalazi se na internetskoj stranici Star Alliancea www.
STAR ALLIANCE ANNOUNCED MILEAGE MILLIONAIRE COMPETITION WINNERS Marking the occasion of its 20th anniversary, Star Alliance conducted an online competition whose 21 winners — one in each of Star Alliance’s Frequent Flyer programmes — each won a million miles or their equivalent. An independent panel selected the winning entries from a large number of submissions. The winning entries can be looked at on a special map ac-
Š. Lugarov
Prvi smo put u povijesti tvrtke u 2017. godini prevezli dva milijuna putnika tijekom jedne godine. Dvomilijuntog smo putnika s radošću dočekali 5. prosinca u MZL Zagreb. Ovogodišnja je jubilarna putnica Nensi Kranjčević iz Pule, a zabilježena je na letu OU 481 iz Kopenhagena u Zagreb. Na prigodnoj svečanosti u zagrebačkoj zračnoj luci, koja je održana nakon slijetanja zrakoplova, darovali smo našoj dvomilijuntoj putnici dvije povratne zrakoplovne karte u poslovnom razredu za jedno od naših međunarodnih odredišta po izboru.
Volim putovati! I love to travel!
Prikupljajte nagradne milje, iskoristite besplatnu uslugu hrane i pića na letu kao i pogodnost web check-ina. Posjetite našu web stranicu, provjerite naše ponude i kupite kartu. Earn miles, get free drinks and snacks on board and take advantage of web check-in at no additional cost. Visit our website, check our offers and buy your ticket.
072 500 505, +385 1 6676 555
Moja aviokompanija. My airline. CROATIA AIRLINES 4/2017
_ 129
R. Gropuzzo
and on the ground. We study your wishes by means of questionnaries, letters and spoken suggestions, which, believe us are always given every consideration. The mentioned improvements are an answer to your requests. With every new timetable we try to adapt ourselves increasingly to your needs, as well as to improve the existing services. Each one of your suggestions is most welcome, and every comment carefully read and very important to us. So please do not hesitate to write to us to the following address: Croatia Airlines, Inflight Magazine, Bani 75b, Buzin, 10010 Zagreb, E-mail:
PO©TOVANI PUTNICI! Vaπe zadovoljstvo naπa je prva i najvaænija zadaÊa. Stoga stalno nastojimo poboljπati naπe usluge u zrakoplovu i na zemlji. Osluπkujemo vaπe æelje preko anketa, pisama te vaπih pismenih i usmenih prijedloga i, vjerujte, uvijek ih smatramo dragocjenima. Znajte da nam je svaki vaπ prijedlog dobrodoπao, a svaka napomena vrlo vaæna. Piπite nam stoga na adresu uredniπtva: Croatia Airlines, Ëasopis Croatia, Bani 75b, Buzin, 10010 Zagreb, e-mail: Molimo, proËitajte nekoliko uputa vaænih za vaπu sigurnost i udobnost tijekom putovanja. Raduje nas πto ste za let izabrali upravo zrakoplov naπe kompanije. Potrudit Êemo se da vam let protekne πto ugodnije. UvaæavajuÊi svjetske zdravstvene i ekoloπke trendove, 1996. godine Croatia Airlines uveo je nepuπaËke letove na svim linijama. Zahvaljujemo vam πto se pridruæujete naπim nastojanjima da svijet bude zdraviji, ËiπÊi i ljepπi.
DEAR PASSENGERS! Your satisfaction is our first and foremost concern. That is why we are always striving to improve our services on board our aircraft
Please read the instructions below, important for your safety and comfort during the flight. We are happy that you have chosen Croatia Airlines for your flight and shall do our best to make it as pleasant as possible. In accordance with health and environmental trends accepted throughout the world, Croatia Airlines introduced nonsmoking flights to all destinations in 1996. Thank you for joining our efforts in making the world a better, cleaner and healthier place to live in.
RED SJEDENJA Vaπe je sjedalo rezervirano samo za vas. Napuπtate li sjedalo tijekom leta, molimo da se prije svakog slijetanja vratite na sjedalo.
SEAT ASSIGNMENT Your seat has been especially reserved for you. Should you leave your seat during the flight, please return to it before each landing.
RU»NA PRTLJAGA Dopuπtena ruËna prtljaga za putnike ekonomskog razreda: 1 komad n maksimalna teæina 8 kg
zbroj dimenzija do 115 cm (55x40x20) Dopuπtena ruËna prtljaga za putnike poslovnog razreda: 2 komada n maksimalna teæina 8 kg po komadu n zbroj dimenzija maksimalno 115 cm (55x40x20) ili 57x54x15cm (etui za odijela) Radi ograniËenog spremiπnog prostora u putniËkoj kabini te kada je veÊa popunjenost zrakoplova, i dopuπtena ruËna prtljaga bit Êe Ëekirana i spremljena u prtljaæni prostor. n
HAND BAGGAGE ALLOWANCE Economy Class passengers: 1 piece n max. weight 8 kg n total sum of dimensions up to 115 cm (55x40x20) Business Class passengers: 2 pieces n max. weight per piece 8 kg n total sum of dimensions up to 115 cm (55x40x20) or 57x54x15cm if it is a foldable garment bag Due to a limited storage space and when a flight is fully booked even approved carry-on baggage will be checked-in and stowed in cargo compartments. UPUTE ZA SIGURNOST Prije uzlijetanja zrakoplova osoblje Êe vam dati nekoliko uputa πto valja Ëiniti u sluËaju opasnosti. One se odnose na tip zrakoplova pa ih paæljivo prouËite. Prigodom uzlijetanja i slijetanja svi putnici, ukljuËujuÊi i djecu, moraju se vezati sigurnosnim pojasima. PreporuËujemo da zbog vaπe sigurnosti i udobnosti ostanete privezani tijekom cijelog leta. Pri slijetanju molimo da ostanete na svojim sjedalima sve dok se ne iskljuËi znak obvezatnog vezivanja. Prilikom ulaska u neke zemlje valja popuniti odreene obrasce. Oni su vam dostupni u aerodromskoj zgradi pri ulasku u zemlju. Kako bismo vam olakπali i ubrzali taj postupak, naπe Êe vam ih kabinsko osoblje rado podijeliti tijekom leta.
Faze leta u kojima je dopuštena upotreba elektroniËkih ureaja Faze leta Mobilni/ Smart telefoni, Tablet
Prijenosno raËunalo
Sluπalice za suzbijanje buke
Funkcija teksta/razgovora
Ukrcavanje DA DA DA DA Kaπnjenje u polasku DA DA DA DA Taksiranje za polijetanje DA
Polijetanje DA
D. Fabijanić
Tijekom leta DA DA DA
Spuπtanje DA
Slijetanje DA
Taksiranje DA
*U navedenim fazama nije dopuπteno rabiti sluπalice prikljuËene na audio/MP3 ureaje
SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Prior to take-off the cabin crew will give you instructions regarding your safety and how to act in case of an emergency. The instrucions vary according to the type of the aircraft, so please pay attention to the flight attendant’s predeparture announcements and safety demonstrations. During take-off and landing all passengers, including children, are required to fasten their seat belts. For your safety and comfort, we recommend that you keep the safety belt fastened during the whole flight. Some countries require that passengers complete a form on arrival. These forms are available at arrival terminals on entering the country. In order to facilitate this procedure, our cabin crew will be pleased to distribute such forms during the flight.
U takve se ubrajaju eksplozivi, lako zapaljive tekuÊine, radioaktivni materijali i otrovi, oruæje, stlaËeni plinovi, korozivna i oksidirajuÊa sredstva.
RESTRICTED ITEMS The law prohibits the transport of hazardous items in either checked-in or hand luggage. Such items are: explosives, flammable liquids and solids, radioactive materials and poisons, firearms, compressed gases, corrosive products and oxidizers.
PERSONAL ELECTRONIC DEVICES Electronic devices may only be used if they are in flight mode. Bulky personal electronic devices must be securely stowed whenever the seat belt sign is turned on. List of approved personal electronic devices: n Mobile/Smart phones n Tablet computers n Noise-cancelling headphones n Digital audio/MP3 player n Electronic games n e-Readers n Laptop/Notebook computers n Portable DVD/CD player n Bluetooth devices n Personal cameras n Assistive medical devices n Electric shaver
S. Jungić
ELEKTRONIČKI URE�AJI U RUČNOJ PRTLJAZI Upotreba elektroniËkih ureaja dopuπtena je iskljuËivo u zrakoplovnom radu, teæe i veÊe ureaje treba spremiti dok je upaljen znak obveznog vezivanja. Popis dopuπtenih elektroniËkih naprava: n Mobilni/Smart telefoni nTablet raËunala n Sluπalice za suzbijanje buke n Digitalni audio/MP3 ureaji n ElektroniËke igre n e-ËitaË n Prijenosna/Notebook raËunala n Prijenosni DVD/CD ureaj n Bluetooth ureaji n Kamere n Medicinski ureaji n ElektriËni brijaÊi aparati
U naπim zrakoplovima posluæujemo hranu i napitke bez naplate. U poslovnom razredu na svim letovima usluga ukljuËuje birana hrvatska jela, alkoholna i bezalkoholna piÊa te izbor domaÊega i stranog tiska. U ekonomskom razredu usluga ovisi o vrsti i duljini leta. Na domaÊim letovima posluæuje se samo voda, a na meunarodnim letovima usluga
We serve food and beverages free of charge in our aircraft. In business class on all flights the services include a choice of Croatian foods, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, as well as a choice of domestic and foreign print media. Our services in economy class depend on the type and length of the flight. On domestic flights we serve only water, and on international flights our services include snacks and an offer of beverages. On very short flights our passengers are offered only water, and on longer flights they are offered alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages as well as hot drinks. In business class only you can order a special meal when purchasing your tickets, however, this must be done at least 24 hours ahead (vegetarian, Muslim, diet, but kosher meals must be ordered 48 hours ahead). Passengers are not allowed to consume their own alcoholic beverages. Passengers that are considered under the influence of alcohol are not served alcoholic beverages. smoking is forbidden in the aircraft. The toilets are equipped with smoke detectors.
Use of electronic devices during different flight phases Flight phase
ZABRANJENI PREDMETI Zakonom je zabranjeno noπenje opasnog materijala i u predanoj i u ruËnoj prtljazi.
se sastoji od snacka i ponude piÊa. Na veoma kratkim letovima putnicima nudimo samo vodu, a na duljim letovima u ponudi su alkoholna i bezalkoholna piÊa te topli napitci. IskljuËivo u poslovnom razredu moæete naruËiti specijalnu vrstu obroka prigodom kupnje karte, ali svakako 24 sata unaprijed (vegetarijanski, muslimanski, dijetalni, a kosher 48 sati unaprijed). Putnicima nije dopuπteno konzumiranje vlastitih alkoholnih piÊa. Alkoholiziranim putnicima ne posluæuju se alkoholna piÊa. Puπenje je zabranjeno tijekom boravka u zrakoplovu. Toaleti su opremljeni detektorima dima.
Hand Held PEDs (i.e. smart phones and tablets)
Larger PEDs (i.e. Laptops and notebooks)
Noise- cancelling Headphones
Text and phone functions
Extended Ground Delay
Taxi-out for Take-off
Taxi to Stand
*During critical phases of flight headphones must not be plugged to audio/MP3 players. CROATIA AIRLINES 4/2017
_ 131
Fly to Dubrovnik
t +385 20 773 100 f +385 20 773 322 e w 132 _ CROATIA AIRLINES 4/2017
Zrakoplovi Airbus A320-200, Airbus A319-100 i Dash8 - Q400 tvore naπu flotu. Our fleet consists of Airbus A320-200, Airbus A319-100 and Dash8 - Q400 aircraft.
Specifikacije / Specifications
Airbus A320-200
Airbus A319-100
Dash8 - Q400
Raspon krila / Wing span (m/ft)
34,1 / 111
34,1 / 111
28,42 / 93,24
Duljina trupa / Fuselage length (m/ft)
37,6 / 123
33,84 / 111
32,83 / 107,71
NajveÊa dopuπtena teæina u polijetanju / Maximum take off weight (kg)
73 500
70 000
29 257
NajveÊa visina leta / Maximum cruising altitude (m/ft)
11 920 / 39 100
11 900 / 39 000
7620 / 25 000
Povrπina krila / Wing area (m²/ft²)
122,40 / 1318
122,40 / 1318
63,08 / 679
NajveÊa letna brzina / Maximum cruising speed (km/h)
834 (450 KTS)
834 (450 KTS)
667 (360 KTS)
Pogonska grupa / Power-plants
motori / engines x 2 CFM 56
motori / engines x 2 CFM 56
motori / engines x 2 PW 150A
Broj zrakoplova u floti / Number of aircraft in fleet
Broj sjedala / Number of seats
Airbus 320-200
Jedan od najsuvremenijih putniËkih zrakoplova srednjeg doleta u svijetu. Raspored poslovnoga i ekonomskog razreda razlikuju se od jednoga do drugog leta. One of the most modern midrange aircraft in the world. Flexible cabin layout, the ratio of business to economy class seating depends on actual booking.
Airbus 319-100
Jedan od najsuvremenijih putniËkih zrakoplova srednjeg doleta u svijetu. Raspored poslovnoga i ekonomskog razreda razlikuju se od jednoga do drugog leta. One of the most modern midrange aircraft in the world. Flexible cabin layout, the ratio of business to economy class seating depends on actual booking.
Dash 8-Q400
Jedan od najsuvremenijih turbopropelerskih zrakoplova kratkog doleta kanadske proizvodnje. Raspored poslovnoga i ekonomskog razreda razlikuje se od jednoga do drugog leta. One of the most modern turbo-prop short range aircraft, manufactured by Canadian manufacturer. Flexible cabin layout, the ratio of business to economy class seating depends on actual booking.
St. Petersburg
Edinburg Belfast Dublin
Berlin Kassel Dusseldorf
Chisinau Lyon
Genoa Bologna Nice
Sofia Prishtina
Podgorica Bari Tirana
Palermo Catania
Partneri / Partners:
■ linije Croatia Airlinesa / Croatia Airlines’ services
Beirut Damascus Tel Aviv Jerusalem Amman
■ u suradnji sa stranim zrakoplovnim kompanijama
in cooperation with partner airline
Air France
Air India
Austrian Airlines
Brussels Airlines
LOT Polish Airlines
Singapore Airlines
Swiss International Air Lines
Turkish Airlines
CROATIA AIRLINES 4/2017 _ 135 United Airlines
TAP Portugal
Air Canada
WE MOVE UNDER ONE ROOF, SO YOU MOVE LESS. Discover how our member airlines work together. Delivering smoother connections in our hubs. To make your journey better. connectingyou
Volim putovati!
S. Jungić
I love to I love to travel! travel!
Dolazni terminali / Arrival terminals ODREDIŠTE / DESTINATION
FlyEasy - putujte povoljnije bez predane prtljage! Prikupljajte nagradne milje, Kupite kartu u FlyEasy tarifnom iskoristite besplatnu uslugu hrane razredu koji uključuje 1 komad i pića na letu kao i pogodnost ručne prtljage do 8 kg. web check-ina. FlyEasy - travel light at more Earn miles, get free drinks and affordable prices! snacks on board and take Buy a FlyEasy ticket and fly with advantage of web check-in at one piece of cabin baggage no additional cost. max 8 kg.
072 500 500 505, 505, +385 +385 11 6676 6676 555 555 072
Moja aviokompanija. aviokompanija. Moja
ZRAČNA LUKA / AIRPORT ZRAČNA LUKA / AIRPORT Schiphol Amsterdam Airport Schiphol Amsterdam Airport Stockholm Arlanda Airport AthensInternational International Airport Athens Airport Barcelona Prat Airport Barcelona ElElPrat Airport Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport Brussels Airport Zaventem Brussels Airport Zaventem Paris Charles Gaulle Airport Paris Charlesdede Gaulle Airport Copenhagen Airport Copenhagen Airport Düsseldorf Airport Düsseldorf Airport Leonardo da Vinci - Fiumicino Airport Leonardo da Vinci - Fiumicino Airport Frankfurt Airport Frankfurt Airport Helsinki Airport St Petersburg Petersburg Pulkovo Airport St Pulkovo Airport Gatwick Airport Gatwick Airport Heathrow Airport Heathrow Airport Lisbon Airport LisbonInternational International Airport Lyon Saint-Exupery International Airport Lyon Saint-Exupery International Airport Malpensa Airport Malpensa Airport Munich Airport Munich Airport Nice Côte d’Azur International Airport Nice Côte d'Azur International Airport Oslo Airport Vaclav Havel Bucharest HenriAirport CoandaPrague International Airport Pristina International Airport Vaclav Havel Airport Prague Sarajevo International Airport Pristina International Airport SarajevoAlexander Internationalthe Airport Skopje Great Airport Skopje Alexander the Great Airport Ben Gurion International Airport Ben Gurion Berlin TegelInternational Airport Airport Berlin Tegel Airport Venice Marco Polo Airport Venice Marco Polo Airport Vienna Airport Vienna Airport Zurich Airport Zurich Airport
TERMINAL terminal 3 terminal 3 2 terminal mainmain terminal terminal terminal 1 1 terminal terminal 2 2 terminal terminal terminal B B terminal terminal 2D 2D terminal terminal 2 2 terminal A terminal A terminal 3 terminal 3 terminal 1 terminal 1 1 terminal terminal 1 1 terminal terminal S S terminal terminal terminal 2 2 terminal terminal 1 1 terminal terminal 1 1 terminal 1 terminal 1 terminal 2 terminal 2 terminal 2 terminal 2 F terminal terminal main1terminal mainterminal terminal 1 terminal mainBterminal B mainterminal terminal main3terminal terminal terminal terminal A, C3 terminal A, C main terminal main terminal terminal 3 terminal 3 terminal 2 2 terminal
Informacije o polascima autobusa / Bus departure information
Polasci svakog dana s gradskog terminala (Autobusni kolodvor, Držićeva bb) prema Zračnoj luci Zagreb Departures daily from the Town Terminal (Main Bus Station, Držićeva bb) to the Zagreb International Airport: 5.00 - 5.30 - 6.00 - 6.30 - 7.00 - 7.30 - 8.00 - 8.30 - 9.00 - 10.00 - 10.30 - 11.00 - 11.30 - 12.00 - 12.30 - 13.00 13.30- 14.00 - 14.30 - 15.00 - 15.30 - 16.00 - 16.30 - 17.00 - 17.30 - 18.00 - 18.30 - 19.00 - 19.30 - 20.00 Polasci svakog dana iz Zračne luke Zagreb prema gradskom terminalu (Autobusni kolodvor, Držićeva bb) Departures daily from the Zagreb International Airport to the Town Terminal (Main Bus Station, Držićeva bb): 7.00 - 8.00 - 8.30 - 9.00 - 9.30 - 10.30 - 11.30 -12.00 - 12.30 - 13.00 - 13.30 - 14.00 - 14.30 - 15.00 - 15.30 16.00 - 16.30 - 17.00 - 17.30 - 18.00 - 18.30 - 19.00 - 19.30 - 20.00 Za više informacija, molimo nazovite / For more information, please call: ZAGREB (01) 6331-982, 6331-999 SPLIT (021) 203-508 DUBROVNIK (020) 773-377 ZADAR (020) 250-094
RIJEKA (051) 330-207, 336-757 CROATIA AIRLINES CROATIA 4/2017AIRLINES _ 137169
Volim putovati jer nove kulture i nova iskustva oplemenjuju um, i on se više nikada ne može vratiti u rutinu u kojoj je nekoć obitavao.
I like travelling because new cultures and new experiences enrich the mind, and after travelling it can never fall back into the routine that it once lived in.
Za djecu su putovanja bitna kako bi uvidjela da je cijeli svijet jedna velika učionica, a svako putovanje neprocjenjivo iskustvo.
Travelling is crucial for children for them to see that the entire world is an immensely great classroom, and every trip an invaluable experience.
Mirja Sekulović
Volim putovanja jer mi je to jedina prilika da budem prazne glave, sretnog uma i slobodnog duha.
I love travelling because it is my only chance to free my mind of thoughts, to have my mind be happy and my spirit be free.
Dragi putnici! Hvala vam na poslanim fotografijama na kojima nam pokazujete svoje doživljaje, emocije i ljepote svijeta. Vjerujemo da će vas zima očarati svojim ljepotama, koje ćete podijeliti s nama. Pozivamo vas da i dalje sudjelujete u našem nagradnom natječaju. Vjerujemo da će vam Croatia Airlines i dalje biti vjerna pratnja kamo god krenuli. Uz jednu rečenicu u kojoj objašnjavate zašto volite putovati, pošaljite nam fotografiju i sudjelujte u našemu nagradnom natječaju. Pobjednika ćemo nagraditi s dvije povratne aviokarte po izboru za neko od odredišta Croatia Airlinesa, a dva će dobitnika primiti poklon-pakete. U ovom broju putnoga časopisa dvjema povratnim kartama Croatia Airlinesa za najbolju fotografiju nagrađujemo Damira Varata. Promidžbenim poklon-paketom nagradit ćemo Mirju Sekulović i Doroteju Zaller. Pozivamo vas da nam nastavite slati svoje fotografije jer vas i u idućem broju očekuju vrijedne nagrade. Posjetite našu web stranicu (Ponude/Nagradne igre i natječaji), pogledajte uvjete nagradnog natječaja i sudjelujte! Dear passengers! Thank you for submitting photographs showing your experiences, emotions and beauties of the world. We believe that the winter season will enchant you with its beauty which you will later share with us. So we invite you to continue participating in our competition. We believe that Croatia Airlines will continue to be your faithful companion wherever you go. Explain to us why you like travelling in a single sentence, send us a photograph and participate in our competition. The first prize winner will be rewarded with two return air tickets to one of Croatia Airlines’ destinations of her/his choice, and two consolation prize winners will each receive a gift package. In this issue of our inflight travel magazine, we are rewarding Dorotea Zaller for best photograph with two Croatia Airlines return air tickets. Mirja Sekulović and Damir Varat have each won a promotional gift package. We invite you to continue sending us your photographs because the next issue of our magazine also has valuable prizes in store for you. Visit our website at (Offers/Prize contest), check the terms and conditions of the competition and participate!
Dorotea Zaller
Damir Varat
Volim putovati! I love to travel!
Karte u jednom smjeru unutar Hrvatske već od 220 kn! Poletite iz Zagreba u Split, Dubrovnik, Pulu ili Zadar, kao i obratno, po cijeni karte u jednom smjeru već od 220 kn. TZGZ/J.Duval
One way tickets within Croatia starting from 220 kn! Fly one way between Zagreb and Split, Dubrovnik, Pula or Zadar, at prices starting from 220 kn.
072 500 505, +385 1 6676 555
Moja aviokompanija. My airline. CROATIA AIRLINES 4/2017
_ 139
Direkcija / Head office Bani 75b, 10 010 Buzin, Zagreb, Tel. (+385-1) 616-00-66 Fax (+385-1) 6160 153 E-mail adrese / E-mail addresses President’s Office/ Public Relations/ Marketing/ Sales/ Cargo/ Kontakt centar / Contact Center 072-500 505 samo za pozive iz Hrvatske / only for calls from Croatia Tel. (+385-1) 66 76 555 pon - pet/Mon - Fri 08:00 - 20:00 sub, ned, praznik / Sat, Sun, Holiday 09:00 - 15:00 Odnosi s korisnicima / Customer Relations Dept. Fax (+385-1) 616-01-52 Miles & More kontakt centar / Miles & More Service Team 072 220 220 samo za pozive iz Hrvatske / only for calls from Croatia Informacije o prijevozu robe / Cargo information office Tel. (+385-1) 61-64-573
Rim / Rome 00054 Fiumicino Aeroporto/Airport Leonardo da Vinci Torre Uffici 2, room 518 Tel. (+39-06) 5421-0021 Sarajevo 71 000 Sarajevo ZraËna luka/Airport Tel. (+387-33) 789-600 Skopje 1000 Skopje ZraËna luka/Airport Tel. (+389-2) 3148-390, 3296-967, 3296-969
Bruxelles 1930 Zaventem/Brussels Airport Box 31 Tel. (+32-2) 753-5132 Dubrovnik 20 213 »ilipi, Dubrovnik ZraËna luka/Airport Dubrovnik Tel. (+385-20) 773-232 Frankfurt Frankfurt Airport Center 1 Gebäude 234, HBK 49 Hugo-Eckener-Ring 60549 Frankfurt Tel. (+49-69) 92-00-520 Paris
23 000 Zadar ZraËna luka/Airport Tel. (+385-23) 250-101 Zagreb 10 000 Zagreb Trg Nikole Š, Zrinskog 17 Tel. (+385-1) 481--96-33 Meunarodna zraËna luka Zagreb/ Zagreb International Airport Tel. (+385-1) 61-64-581 Fax (+385-1) 62-65-930 Zürich Letzigraben 154, 8047 Zürich Tel. (+41-44) 2610-840
Rajska 15, 811 08 Bratislava Tel. +421 2 5262 2375 Srbija / Serbia INTERTRAVEL GSA Topličin Venac 19-21 11000 Beograd Tel. +381 11 310 89 69 Španjolska / Spain Global Representacion Turistica / GRT Rambla de Catalunya, 61 5º 3ª, 08007 Barcelona Tel. +34 934 875 775 Bliski istok / Middle East Izrael / Israel Biaf Aviation Services Ltd 1 Ben Yehuda Street, Migdalor blgd. 12th floor, Tel Aviv 63802 Tel. +972 3 516 7181, 516 7140 Australija / Australia Sky Air Services 7/24 Albert Road, Sth. Melbourne Vic. 3205, Tel. +61 3 9699-9355
Europa / Europe
Novi Zeland / New Zealand
»eπka / the Czech Republic CK Blue Sky Travel Opletalova 57, 11 000 Praha 1 Tel. +420 222 222 235
CTtravel Limited NZ
GrËka / Greece Intermodal Air 25, Filellinon Str., 105 57 Athens Tel. +30 210 32 17 679, 32 17 750 Kosovo Airtour Prishtina International Airport Tel. +381 38 594 111
Rumunjska/Romania Specialised Aviation Services srl. 17d Emil Garleanu Str, Voluntari, Ilfov County Tel. +40 21 599 0108
CK Blue Sky Travel
Prodajni zastupnici / Sales agents
ZraËna luka/Airport Pula Valtursko polje 210, 52 100 Ližnjan Tel. (+385-52) 218-909, 218-943 51 000 Rijeka JelaËiÊev trg br. 5 Tel. (+385-51) 330-207, 336-757
SlovaËka / Slovakia
Portugal APG - Portugal Rua Tenente Espanca, nº3 − 3º A, 1050 - 220 Lisboa Tel. +351 219 100 054
Rijeka 21 000 Split ZraËna luka/Airport Tel. (+385-21) 203-305, 895-298
95731 ROISSY CDG CEDEX Roissypôle Le Dôme, Rue de la Haye BP 18913 Tremblay en France Tel. (+33-1) 48-16-40-00
Tel. +7 495 981 14 00
Obzor putovanja / Obzor Holidays Ltd Tel. (+385-1) 487 31 68, 616 02 46 Poslovnice / Town and airport offices Identifikacijski kod poslovnica u Hrvatskoj je/ Identification code for offices in Croatia is: HR-B-01-080037012
123001 Moscow, Russia
Rusija/Russia GRM (Global Russia Marketing) Bolshaya Sadovaya street 10, office 20,
PO Box 104-056, Lincoln North, Suite, 1/182 Lincoln Rd. Henderson, Auckland, NZ Tel. +64 9 837 9897 Japan Air System Inc. Shimbashi Frontier Building, 7F 3-4-5 Shimbashi Minato-ku Tokyo, 105-0004 Japan Tel. +81 3 3593 6740 Koreja / Korea Bohram Air Services 7F, Donghwa Bldg, 58-7 Seosomun-dong, Jung-gu, Seoul, Korea Tel: +82 2 754 6336 Tajvan, Kina, Hong Kong / Taiwan, China, Hong Kong Pacific Express Company Limited 8F, No 137, Nanking E. Road Sec. 2, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. Tel: +886 2 2515 2371
Photo: Davor Rostuhar
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