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pun je raznih događanja i, po mnogima, najljepši upravo u mjesecima koji nam dolaze. Ljeto u Zagrebu doista je posebno doba godine, stoga − dobrodošli!

Vrhunska glazba u središtu grada Kad se približi kraj lipnja, da i ne pogledate na kalendar, znali biste − ljeto je započelo! Za Zagrepčane i njihove goste taj suptilni znak promjene godišnjeg doba poseban je open air festival klasične glazbe Zagreb Classic, koji organizira Turistička zajednica grada Zagreba. Na romantičnome Trgu kralja Tomislava na travnjaku uz fontanu i cvjetne lijehe Zagrepčani i njihovi gosti u samome središtu grada uživaju u prekrasnim koncertima ozbiljne glazbe koje za njih izvode poznati hrvatski i inozemni solisti i orkestri. Doista, poseban ugođaj! Već tradicionalno, i to čak 57 godina, u centru Zagreba u drugoj se polovici srpnja održava petodnevna Međunarodna smotra folklora, koja na gradske ulice vraća narodne pjesme, plesove i običaje, ove godine uz gostovanje čak devet europskih folklornih skupina, zatim skupina iz Gruzije, Senegala, Irana i Indije te više od 30 domaćih skupina.


Predodređeno za romantiku

Neizostavni dio zagrebačke atmosfere prostor je Gornjega grada. Romantičan tijekom svih godišnjih doba, ljeti će svakoj priredbi i svakom susretu dati i još nešto više…

Manifestacija Dvorišta/The Courtyards događaj je koji se svake godine očekuje s osobitim nestrpljenjem. Za posjetitelje se u srpnju otvaraju vrata pojedinih, inače javnosti nedostupnih, a time i nevidljivih gornjogradskih dvorišta. Događaj je to koji od 2014. godine ima posebno mjesto u srcima Zagrepčana i turista, što su potvrdile i dvije nagrade za najkreativniji i najinovativniji projekt u turizmu.

Posjetiteljima će dvostruko zanimljiv biti obilazak jedinstvenoga Muzeja prekinutih veza. Uz svevremenske životne priče, ljubitelji dobre glazbe jednom će tjedno uživati u također vječnoj glazbi Jazza u muzeju.

A mi idemo dalje…

Caffe de Matoš, nazvan po pjesniku Antunu Gustavu Matošu, Trgu Mažuranića u Donjem gradu daje novi ljetni sadržaj. Pregled kroz ljetna događanja u Zagrebu vodi nas do park-jezera Bundek na kojem se u prirodnom okruženju održavaju festivali Pop Up Summer Garden te Baš naš. Na obali rijeke Save, kraj Hendrixova mosta, cijeloga ljeta traje Green River Fest. Grad se tim ljetnim festivalom, i više nego inače, vraća na obale svoje rijeke i životu u skladu s prirodom.

Bogata rock scena

Zagrebačka rock i klupska scena intenzivno živi pa mnogi glazbenici u itinerarima svojih turneja planiraju i ovaj grad. Tako će se i u ljetnim mjesecima održati brojni koncerti. Spomenimo tako da će na zagrebačkoj open air pozornici Šalata koncerte održati poznati bendovi kao što su The Cult, Foals, Amon Amarth i drugi… Kultni Depeche Mode održat će koncert u dvorani Arena. U Koncertnoj dvorani Vatroslav Lisinski koncert će održati Suzanne Vega, a u klupskom prostoru Tvornice kulture Stereo MC's.

Svoju trajnu opredijeljenost za suvremene ritmove Zagreb dokazuje i LMF festivalom elektronske glazbe čiji poklonici iz cijelog svijeta tim povodom u lipnju dolaze na zagrebački Jarun.

Ne, nije to isti grad

U ljetnoj šetnji Zagrebom iznenadit će vas zanimljive prostorne instalacije koje grad koji poznajete čini drugačijim i, svakako, bogatijim. Projekt OKOLO // around na jedinstven način spaja uličnu umjetnost s domaćom i međunarodnom kreativnom scenom. Kreativnošću i umijećem umjetnika do tada nevidljive zagrebačke ulice, dvorišta i parkovi mijenjaju izgled te postaju galerija na otvorenome.

Za savršeno ispunjen dan

I dok je većina ljetnih događanja rezervirana za večernje sate, mnogo je drugih sadržaja kojima ćete kreirati savršene zagrebačke dane ispunjene inspirativnim susretima te, zahvaljujući bogatoj gastronomskoj ponudi, i odličnim okusima. Predlažemo obilazak muzeja i galerija od kojih je većina u pješačkoj gradskoj zoni. U njima ćete saznati mnogo o zagrebačkoj povijesti, kulturi, načinu života i umjetnosti, ali i vidjeti vrijedne izloške koji su doprinos svjetskoj civilizaciji.

Iz popisa izložbi izdvajamo u Muzeju suvremene umjetnosti veliku retrospektivu Works of Heart (1970−2023) umjetnice i aktivistice Sanje Iveković, s posebno izdvojenim arhivskim segmentom Meeting Points: Documents in the Making, 1968−1982. koja će biti otvorena do studenog. Izložba jedne od u svijetu najistaknutijih hrvatskih umjetnica u Zagreb je stigla nakon uspjeha postignutog u Beču.

U prostoru te kulturne institucije održava se multimedijsko Ljeto u Muzeju suvremene umjetnosti, gdje se priređuju koncerti, izložbe, kazališne predstave, performansi i filmske projekcije.

U Domu Hrvatskog društva likovnih umjetnika, u Galeriji Bačva, do 27. kolovoza traje izložba Dance De Lux umjetnika Olafa Nicolaija i Mariane Pende. Oni izlažu zajedničku site-specific instalaciju. Dvoje je umjetnika za ovaj rad inspirirala dubrovačka plaža Danče, koja je uspjela sačuvati svoj izvorni prostor. Recimo i to da se Dom HDLU-a nalazi u Meštrovićevom paviljonu, zdanju koje posjetitelji obilaze zbog brojnih izložaba, ali i zbog njegove umjetničke vrijednosti. Više informacija možete pronaći na www.infozagreb.hr 

You’ll never be bored in Zagreb in the summer. Zagreb’s cultural scene is a mosaic of experiences that cater to all guests, all tastes and preferences, and all generations. Extending an invitation to all visitors and welcoming them, the CEO of the Zagreb Tourist Board, Martina Bienenfeld, confirms this:

− Thanks to its urban heritage, its cultural and historical complexes, cultural institutions and events, and public spaces used for artistic and urban projects, Zagreb is, from the perspective of tourism, a destination for contemporary artistic creativity, and a destination for the promotion of urban culture. I’m extending an invitation to all to visit us, because in the summer Zagreb moves to its streets and squares, and lives outdoors.

It’s packed with events, and is, according to many, the most beautiful in the coming months. Summer in Zagreb is a truly special time of the year, so − welcome!

Fabulous music played in the city centre

As June draws to a close, even if you don’t check on the calendar, you would know that summer has arrived. For the people of Zagreb and their guests, this subtle sign of the change of seasons coincides with Zagreb Classic, a special open-air classical music festival, organised by the

01 Crkva sv. Marka Saint Mark’s Church

02 Open air festival klasične glazbe Zagreb Classic Zagreb Classic, an open-air classical music festival

Zagreb Tourist Board. In the city centre, on the romantic King Tomislav Square, on the lawn beside the park’s fountain and flower beds, the people of Zagreb and their guests enjoy wonderful concerts of classical music performed for them by famous Croatian and foreign soloists and orchestras. What an event!

Zagreb’s city centre has been hosting, for 57 years, the International Folklore Festival. Traditionally held in the second half of July, it presents, during the course of five days, folk songs, dances, and customs. This year’s edition is showcasing as many as nine folklore dance groups from Europe, as well as from Georgia, Senegal, Iran, and India, and more than 30 groups from Croatia.

Destined for romance

To experience Zagreb’s summer atmosphere fully, its Upper Town must find its way to your itinerary. Although it’s romantic in all the seasons, in the summer it is truly special... Dvorišta/The Courtyards is one of the most eagerly awaited events of the year. In July, a number of private courtyards in Zagreb’s Upper Town, normally inaccessible to the general public, open their doors and portals. This event has had a special place in the hearts of Zagreb’s residents and their guests since 2014, as confirmed by two awards it received for most creative and innovative project in the tourism and travel industry. Visitors will find Zagreb’s one-of-a-kind Museum of Broken Relationships doubly interesting. Besides timeless life stories, lovers of good music will have the opportunity to also enjoy timeless Jazz At The Museum once a week.

Named after poet Antun Gustav Matoš, Caffe de Matoš is a new summer hotspot on Antun, Ivan and Vladimir Mažuranić Square in Zagreb’s Lower Town.

Let’s now head south and across the Sava River to Bundek Park where The Pop Up Summer Garden and the Baš Naš festival are being held.

In the immediate vicinity of Hendrix’s Bridge, the banks of the Sava River will be hosting the Green River Fest.

Thanks to this summer festival, Zagreb’s residents have re-discovered Sava’s riverbanks and living life in harmony with nature.

An awesome rock music scene

Zagreb’s got a lively rock music and club scene, so many musicians have Zagreb on their tour calendars. In other words, Zagreb will be hosting a number of concerts in the summer months. More specifically, famous music bands, such as The Cult, Foals, Amon Amarth, and others will be holding concerts on Zagreb’s Šalata open-air stage. Similarly, the iconic Depeche Mode is holding a concert in Zagreb’s Arena, Suzanne Vega at the Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall, and Stereo MC’s at the Culture Factory (Tvornica Kulture).

Zagreb has been eternally devoted to contemporary sounds. Held in June at Zagreb’s Jarun Lake, the Let the Music be Free (LMF) electronic music festival has been drawing electronic music fans and devotees from all over the world.

No, it’s not the same city

When you go for a summer stroll in Zagreb, you may be surprised by interesting spatial installations that make the city you’re already familiar with different and richer. The OKOLO // around project combines street art with the local and international creative scene in a unique way. Thanks to artistic creativity and skill, Zagreb’s previously invisible streets, courtyards, and parks are transformed into open-air galleries.

A perfectly fulfilling day

While most summer events take place in the evening, there are many that will make for a perfectly fulfilling day in Zagreb packed with inspiring encounters and, thanks to Zagreb’s fabulous offer of foods and drinks, brilliant flavours.

Be sure to tour Zagreb’s museums and galleries, most of which are in the pedestrian zone of the city. In them, you will not only learn a lot about Zagreb’s history, culture, lifestyle, and art, but will also see valuable exhibits that are a great contribution to world civilisation.

From the many exhibitions held in Zagreb, one is worth singling out. Following the success it achieved in Vienna, the Works of Heart (1970-2023) retrospective of one of Croatia’s most prominent and world-famous artists and activists, Sanja Iveković,

The ambiance of Zagreb’s Upper Town has finally arrived in Zagreb’s Museum of Contemporary Art. The exhibition features a specially selected archival section called Meeting Points: Documents in the Making, 1968-1982, and closes in November.

Zagreb’s Museum of Contemporary Art is also hosting the Summer at the Museum of Contemporary Art, a multimedia event during which concerts, exhibitions, theatre plays, performances, and film screenings are held.

The Bačva Gallery of the Home of Croatian Fine Artists is hosting a collaborative site-specific installation called Dance De Lux. It’s an exhibition by artists Olaf Nicolai and Mariana Pende that closes on 27th August. The two artists draw inspiration for this work from Dubrovnik’s Danče beach, which managed to preserve its original space.

It’s worth pointing out that the Home of Croatian Fine Artists is housed in the Meštrović Pavilion, an edifice visited by many because numerous exhibitions are mounted in it, and because of its intrinsic aesthetic value. For more information, visit www.infozagreb.hr 

Did you know that Zagreb has...

A Grounded Solar System

In the early 1970s, Croatian sculptor Ivan Kožarić created his Grounded Sun and the artist Davor Preis decided to create the installation Nine Views, which consisted of setting up bright metal spheres of various sizes and shapes to symbolize the planets of the Solar System. Each of the nine spheres is created on the same scale as Kožarić’s Sun and their position, i.e. distance is also the same as in space.

Grič mysterious tunnel

The historical tunnel is located in the very center of the city and was built during World War II as a shelter for citizens of Zagreb during air strikes. Numerous legends were associated with the Tunnel throughout history and literature. Today, it serves as a stage for events including exhibitions, concerts, plays and other cultural events.

Popov toranj (Priest’s Tower) / Zagreb Observatory

The old Upper Town fortress was built in the middle of the 13th century and you can almost “reach for the stars” from the Priest’s Tower. There is a dome at the top, which has been the home of the Zagreb Observatory for more than a hundred years.

The oldest pharmacy

The Upper Town pharmacy “K crnom orlu,” located on Kamenita Street, is the oldest known pharmacy in Zagreb. Its tradition dates back to 1355 and today this is a pharmacy with a tradition of selling its own products.

In addition, there is something that tickles the fancy of everyone who is familiar with the history of this pharmacy: Nicolo Alighieri, a pharmacist and the great-grandson of the renowned author Dante Alighieri, is frequently mentioned as one of the employees of this distinguished pharmacy.

Part of the Berlin Wall

Parts of the Berlin Wall can be found in various cities throughout the world, including in front of the German Embassy in Zagreb. The wall is 3.2 x 1.2 meters in size and weighs more than 2.5 tons and was donated to Zagreb by German entrepreneur Axel Brauer.

Medieval Medvedgrad fortress

The fortress was built in the 13th century, serving as a defensive structure that protected the city from invasions and attacks. Today the fortress houses the contemporary Medvedgrad Visitor Center and welcomes its visitors with three multimedia permanent museum exhibitions. The fortress offers a breathtaking view of the city and the concerts at Medvedgrad enrich the summer cultural offer of the city.

A masterpiece of modern architecture

The French Pavilion, a protected cultural asset, is located in the Student Center of the University of Zagreb, Savska 25. It was built in 1937 as the exhibition pavilion of the French Republic as part of what was then called the Zagreb Assembly. Due to its beauty and uniqueness, the Pavilion itself is an “independent exhibition facility,” but also a place for various events such as exhibitions, shows, concerts, etc.

Fisherman’s cottage

Fisherman’s cottage or Birch cottage was built between 1853 and 1862 on the east coast of the Fourth Lake in Maksimir Park. The cottage is a small semi-open pavilion shaped in Gothic style with a high roof made of wood shingles. Its distinctive feature are the black and white patterns of birch bark. This unique pavilion is the perfect blend of the harmony of nature and architecture.

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