April prayer calander

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21 Have we spent enough time with God

28 Please pray for those who are

to hear His voice, understand His power and accept His guidance. Pray that we as a Church, comprising elders, leaders and each one of the congregation will make time to sit at the feet of Jesus. (Job 26:14)

unemployed and seeking jobs.

29 Pray for those in our Church family who can no longer attend Church. Pray that they will always feel God’s nearness.

22 Pray today for the children acting as

carers for siblings or parents in their families, that they will find support, respite and encouragement they desperately need in their young lives.

30 Faith is assurance of things hoped for

and confiding in Grace. Thank God today for His wonderful grace, love and mercy.

23 For all people who are hurt and troubled by past issues in their lives, that they will find the Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble.

24 A prayer for the Church family. May


the Lord bless you and protect you. May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord show you His favour and give you His peace.

25 Pray today for the people we know who feel far from God, that they may be reconciled to Him and that their faith will be restored.

26 Pray today for those in the Church

family who have been recently bereaved, that they will find strength and comfort in His healing words. I am with you always, even to the end of the age.

27 Give thanks for the families and individuals who attend Messy Church and thank God for the leaders and the helpers.

Luke 24: 45-49 45

Then he opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures. 46 He told them, “This is what is written: The Messiah will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day, 47 and repentance for the forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. 48 You are witnesses of these things. 49 I am going to send you what my Father has promised; but stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high.”


Charity Number: SC004271

1 Lord we give thanks and praise for all

the wondrous blessings that you have bestowed upon us. We ask for continual guidance and protection during the month ahead.

2 Ask for God’s blessing on the Worship Committee and C.I.A Committee as they meet tonight.

8 Lord, be with the families who are struggling at the moment with debt, the uncertainty of what the next day will bring.

14 Oh Lord, during this Holy Week, let us

never forget the pain and suffering that your son Jesus had to endure to save us.

15 Lord, thank you for the names on the 9 Lord, your children in the C.I.A. need

continual prayer of protection and wisdom. Be with them and also the people that they visit.

prayer tree, we don’t always know their needs but you do. So we bring these matters to you and leave them at the foot of the Cross.

16 We ask a special blessing on all the 3 Be with all the relatives of the

passengers on Flight MH370 as they come to terms with the loss of loved ones.

4 Lord, give us eyes to see beyond the

clothes and to see the person whom you have created and the courage to reach out to that person.

5 Lord, be with your people who are

stuck on the stormy seas of anxieties and fear. Calm the sea with your presence Lord and take their hand so they have the courage to walk to you.

6 Be with David and the manse family

10 Lord we give thanks and praise for the

members of the prayer group and bible study. Be with them as they gather to offer up prayer and learn your Holy Word.

11 Lord you are Holy above all others,

people who are struggling with health issues need to know that they can come to you to give them strength today as you will worry about tomorrow.

17 The Lord is my light and my salvation. Ask God’s blessing on all Christians as they come together to the Lords table to share in Communion.

18 Give thanks and praise for the many blessings in our lives that we receive through Jesus. May His name be glorified in what we say and by what we do.

12 Lord, Bless “The Gathering” and all the

people who gather in the café for this special time to praise your Holy name.

19 Oh how we weep at the state of your

13 Pray that the 24-7 Prayer Room would

20 Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty.

Lord as they need continual blessings and protection.

7 We lift up all the persecuted churches

al around the world. Be with your children as they risk their lives to worship your Holy name.

new members of our Church and ask that you fill them with the Holy Spirit

be greatly used by those who want to have a quiet time with God.

world Lord. How war has turned your creation away from peace. Lord, lay your hand on Croatia and whisper peace and wisdom over Russia. He is Risen. We give thanks and praise for Jesus’ death and resurrection - he died for us so that we may live. Amen

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