Autumn 2014
ou may have heard that there is a vote of some sort coming up in September. You may also be relieved to know that, apart from saying that you should take the chance to vote if you can, there will be no political comment here.
Harvest (28 Sep); Remembrance (9 Nov); Advent (30 Nov) and Nativity (21 Dec).
If you don’t come to church often then please take this as your invitation on any of these dates, or any Sunday, at 11am. Our services are quite informal and you will be made very welcome. If you’d like to try something even less formal then we have our Messy Church or Gathering events each month at our café in Monkton. If you are a member of our congregation then please think about who you could invite along to a service. It is possible that the person you invite might not come and, in fact, that’s ok. The If you come into our church buildings over important thing is that they’re invited. the next few weeks you’ll see these Some people need to be asked more than pictures around the place. You see, we once and that’s why we have a whole want the church to grow and we realise variety of services you can choose from. that very few people will simply walk In addition to the Sunday morning services through our doors unless they have a we have an Alpha Course starting on 28th reason to be there, or they have been September and it is a really great way to invited. During the next few months our introduce people to what Christians aim is to encourage people to come believe. along and see what they’re missing by not being in church. To help with this we are The Alpha course is an opportunity to having a ‘Season of Invitation’ where we’re explore the big questions of life in a asking our members to invite their family, relaxed, friendly setting. When a course is friends and neighbours to church. running, we meet once a week for great (free) food, learning, and discussion in a There are some special dates coming up: fun and friendly atmosphere where no Back to Church Sunday (7 Sep); question about life or God is seen as too