Autumn magazine 2015

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Autumn 2015 Edition I hesitate to use the "S" word. It seems a bit a Kirk Session has been ordained to their

odd. I mean it hasn't actually happened yet and this is the September magazine. Well it hasn't happened here yet - Summer, that is. I saw this picture on Facebook recently which sums it up—

ministry, and as a result, accepts the privileges and responsibilities of office. Elders are expected to be active in the life of the congregation and have a key responsibility in regular attendance at Kirk Session meetings. (emphasis mine)

It is particularly important that all Elders take responsibility by setting a positive example in attending services, visiting, praying, welcoming people to church and, as much as possible, getting involved in the life of the congregation. Other members have a responsibility to support and encourage the Elders in their work. One of the things that If you managed to get away somewhere for makes a congregation attractive is how faith a bit of sun please don't go on about it, you'll is lived out, and if the message that comes across is that the leaders are active in service just annoy everyone else. and backed by a supportive membership people are more likely to come and get Seriously though, in most of our churches involved themselves. To that end we have a things stop for the summer because the committee structure with five leaders, planners and helpers need a rest. We need to recharge our batteries for committees covering the life and work of the church: Pastoral Care, Fabric and Finance, a new session of activities. We are very Outreach, Discipleship and Worship. Each fortunate to have lots of people who one has a different area of responsibility and volunteer and I want to take this we are looking for members to get involved opportunity to say thank you. We really in these committees to help share the load need people to run the CIA, Young Church, and also bring new ideas. BB and GB and other organisations, as well as door and count duty, making tea and Each committee is responsible for ensuring coffee and doing all the small jobs that so there are people in place to do the work— often go unnoticed. not necessarily to do it themselves and a brief summary of their different areas of AS Interim Moderator at Fisherton and responsibility follows: Kirkoswald I am trying to encourage the Board and Session to think through how they Pastroal care: Organise and m anage could engage in mission in their parishes, congregational visitation; Prepare and and how they might take things forward in implement annual Stewardship Campaign; the absence of a minister. Arrange quarterly church events; Oversee I want to quote from the Church of Scotland Lunch Clubs, after church tea/coffee. Chair: book 'Eldership' (pg 40): Jim Riach Congregation leadership is a collegiate Fabric and Finance: Bank ing; R ecord responsibility given to the Kirk Session, NOT Safe-keeping; Monitor investments;

SIMPLY TO THE MINISTER. Everyone in Monkton & Prestwick North Parish Church of Scotland

Scottish Charity Number: SC004271

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