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18 Today we pray for all those who are

refugees, taking tremendous risks just to survive. We pray that you might be with them and all those who works with refugees.

19 Pray for all those who are homeless

that you might provide help and care for them and that they may receive the resources they need. Lord, show us what we can do practically to help and encourage those who are struggling.

20 We gather together with the children

and young people for the Nativity Service. We give thanks for them and the leaders.


Lord we thank you that you never leave us, that you don’t move on and abandon us

22 Lord, your word tells us that when one

part suffers we all suffer. We pray now for our brothers and sisters across the world who are being persecuted for their faith and we pray for that your love would be with them.

23 Thank you God that you see all that

your children go through. Thank you that no tear is shed that you don’t see and thank you that you are a just God. Let them know that Immanuel is with them. Lord have mercy, in Jesus’ name.

24 Lord, your presence changes

everything. Every situation is different when you are near. Today we choose to focus on good news for all people. We praise you.

25 Lord of beauty and majesty, you

revealed to simple shepherds the very joy of heaven in Jesus, but you were proclaiming to the whole of creation that things had changed forever. The Messiah, the anointed one, had come. Lord, we thank you that that same Jesus is the one we meet by faith today. The Jesus of new life, forgiveness and hope is with us. Hallelujah, we praise your name and join with all creation in celebration.

Connecting with God, each other, and the world

26 Lord, I receive your love with joy. I

welcome you here, God. Thank you Jesus for being my Saviour, my hope and my friend.

27 As we meet for praise in Church today, let there be true lightness of spirit in the congregation. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. Corinthians 5:17.

28 Captivate our hearts, O God. Let joy flood into our lives. Turn our eyes again to you and our Saviour.

29 Pray today for Church family members who live alone, are in hospital or nursing homes.

30 We bring before you ourselves Lord. We bow down before you and give thanks. We raise our arms in praise and shout Abba Father.


31 Hogmanay Prayer

May your troubles be less, your blessings be more and nothing but happiness come through your door.

Charity Number: SC004271

1 Lord, we name before you those we

7 Lord, help me to just follow you.

13 Thank you God for every opportunity

2 Lord, have mercy on all those who are

8 Please pray for the committee who

14 Lord, make me a person of goodness.

9 Lord God, give me confidence to move

15 Lord, help me to stand for truth today.

10 Lord Jesus, be my everything. In trial

16 Lord, I thank you that you don’t leave

know who are going through times of darkness. We think of them and ask, gracious God, that you may bring them light, hope, love and direction in Jesus’ name. living in the place of shadow and death. Those in that valley coping with terminal illness or those who have lost loved ones. God, who is light, bring strength, hope and comfort today.

3 Wonderful Counsellor, we ask for your

guidance at this time. Help us to take the right paths and the correct decisions and even when we take a wrong turning, help us to trust that you are with us, healing, restoring and forgiving. In Jesus’s name,

4 Lord, have mercy, bring order out of

chaos, protect the vulnerable, strengthen the weak and give voice to the voiceless. Let your peace come to us, God, and let righteousness and justice flow like a river.

5 Where I have become hardened to the

plight of others or where I have lost the will to do good, Lord help me. Bring your light and your forgiveness and help me today to walk in your light. Allow me to see that in the darkest places it is possible for the light to shine brightest. Amen

6 Lord we pray for those with fears in the present and those fearing the future. Draw near and bring your love. Make your presence known to all those who are fearful.

Sometimes I want to know every possible turn in the road, measure every risk. Give me courage God to answer your call and follow you anywhere at any time. meet today to decide which of the congregations will be included in the “Path of Renewal” pilot scheme. Whether we are accepted or not, we continue to pray for God’s wisdom and a willingness on your behalf to do his will. forward. Let me stride into the future you have for me with boldness. Let your word direct my steps. And Lord, if ever I fall I thank you that your are there to pick me up. and success, in tears, in laughter, be my everything, and remind me always Of the joy that is mine through your amazing sacrificial love. Amen.

11 Draw me closer to you God. Help me to reflect your light in places of darkness. If I am not bright, help me, through your Holy Spirit, to wait upon you and know your presence. Amen.

12 Save me from apathy and the

blandness that so easy envelopes us. Let me use your energy in ways that bless others and demonstrate your love. May the peoples praise you. O God . Amen.

that you give me to live for you. Help me to see the opportunities and grant me the boldness to take them. Now in the silence will you reveal one thing I should do today that will please you. Slow to anger and abounding in love. God, in the power of your Spirit, change me and make me more like Jesus. Are there areas of my life that need to be changed by you. I name them before you now. Come, Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ name. Amen. Make me a person of honesty and integrity. Lord, when my courage fails, as it does, grant me your close presence to remind me that healing, forgiveness and love flow from you to me. Thank you. Amen. me in confusion. I don’t need to be paralysed with fear, unable to move my feet forward. Thank you that you have given your word as a lamp at my feet so that I can see what is around me. Help me to pay attention to the light. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

17 Lord, I thank you for your love. Forgive

me for the times when I wander away from you. Rather than basking in the warmth and brightness of you I see you dimly at a distance. Lord, help me to draw closer today, to seek you and to worship you and know again your affection for me. Amen

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