Dec 2013 prayer calendar

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19 Give thanks for the Christ in Action

Project which has been truly blessed. Give thanks for the people both in and out with the church family who have faithfully supported the Project and seen it grow to meet the needs of the people He has directed to it.

20 Please pray for all servicemen/women

who will be serving overseas this Christmas and will be away from their family and loved ones. Keep them safe Lord as like many before them they are fighting for Queen and country to help protect the lives of many innocent people caught in the middle of conflict. We ask that you will send down the Holy Spirit and to flood everywhere there is conflict so that peace would once again reign and people could live in harmony.

21 Lord we come with heavy hearts as we

approach the season of goodwill to all men/women. We pray that this month Lord you will fill somebody with enough courage, strength and wisdom, to walk away from an abusive partner. Let him/her reach out to you Lord. Take their hand and guide them to a place of safety.

22 Reflect on the Nativity Service today. May the Holy Spirit release in us a fresh sense of joy and wonder.

25 Give thanks today for the gift of family

and friends both old and young. Pray for all who cannot share this day with everyone. Ask God’s precious blessing on them.

26 Pray for Jerusalem. 27 Give thanks for the Emergency Services who continue to work routinely over the Christmas period for our safety.

28 Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful. Let us consider how we may spur one another on towards love and good deeds. Hebrews 10:23-24

29 As we meet for praise in Church today,

let there be true lightness of spirit in the congregation. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. Corinthians 5:17.

31 Aim for perfection, listen to my appeal,

be of one mind and live in Peace and the God of love and peace will be with you. 2 Corinthians 13:11.May the Lord bless you and protect you. May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord show you His favour and give you His peace. Numbers 6:24-26.

23 We bring before you ourselves Lord. We bow down before you and give thanks. We raise our arms in praise and shout Abba Father.

24 Away in a Manger; no crib for a bed.

The little Lord Jesus lay down his sweet head. The stars in the bright sky looked down where he lay. The little Lord Jesus asleep on the hay. `Remember the family event at 6pm and Watchnight Service at 23.15pm.

John 1:14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.


Charity Number: SC004271

1 As the first candle of Advent is lit today in

Church, pray God’s Will be done in our hearts and in our lives, as we await His coming.

7 Pray especially for the child born to Mama G in Arua Prison in Uganda and given the name Anguyo - which means “No Place”. Pray God’s richest blessing on this child and mother who has given her life to Christ through the Alpha Course run by the Church Mission Society.

2 Pray for the families who have lost loved ones in the Latvian Shopping Centre roof collapse and in the Typhoon disaster which recently claimed many lives in the Philippines. May God’s presence and comfort be felt by His people as they struggle to come to terms with these incidents.

8 Give thanks for the Messy Church leaders

who provide the opportunity for all to explore and experience faith in an informal setting at Monkton Community Church. May God continue to bless this successful outreach project. Remember Messy Church today 4.00 - 6.00pm.

3 Remember in our prayers today the

unemployed and homeless people. Pray especially for homeless parents who are struggling to provide the basic necessities for their children.

4 Pray today for the men, women and children

who are imprisoned through injustice and intolerance for their beliefs. Jesus said “I will not forget you. I have your names engraved on the psalms of my hands”. Isaiah 49:15-16. Pray encouragement and strength in Christ for all of them.

9 Give thanks for Mary Yuille and the team

who manage the Pioneer Café. Pray God’s richest blessing on their continued work and faithfulness.

6 Dear God, you have blessed Monkton and

Prestwick North with the most amazing youth. They are a joy to be around. They have no qualms of saying that you are their Heavenly Father and will talk to anybody who asks about you Lord. As they organise events so that they can go to Arizona to spread the good news, we ask that you will be with “Action Arizona” when they go carol singing and that maybe during that time of singing people will find comfort.

Motion”. We give thanks and praise for all the volunteers and ask a special blessing on those who visit the bus and that when they leave they have felt your loving touch.

15 As David leads us in worship today, give

thanks for the Manse family and all the work they do in His name. Remind us all of who we are and whose we are.

16 Lord we are so blessed we have a roof,

warm clothing, loving family and friends, yet some people want more. Lord touch their hearts so that they might open their eyes and see how truly blessed they are and let them see the child who has no food, the man with no roof, the women with no clothes, the elderly with no family and friends and let them ask themselves “what can I do to help oh Lord for I am truly blessed”.

17 Lord we pray for our doctors, nurses and 10 As we are bound by the words we speak,

ask the Holy Spirit to ensure that our thoughts and words to others will be kind and positive in line with the will of God.

5 Pray and give thanks for the Church Mission

Society and the Mission Partners taking God’s Holy Word into the Arua Women's Prison in Uganda. Pray God’s blessing and protection on them as they run the Alpha Course for women sentenced to hard labour - pregnant or not.

14 Lord we ask your blessing on “Wheels in

all those who work in the health care. They face constant abuse and the threat of violence in their workplace. Place a hedge of protection round them. We give thanks to the angels that you have sent to do your work.

18 Ask for God’s divine intervention in the 11

Pray today for Church family members who live alone, are in hospital or nursing homes.

12 Pray today for all who suffer from addictions. May they know that His strength and power can free them if they will just come to Him.

13 Pray for the leaders in our Church, that they

would seek God’s face in decisions they have to make on behalf of the congregation.

trade of human trafficking throughout our land. Fill them with all your joy and peace in believing that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound and be overflowing with hope.

19 Lord we ask your blessing on “Wheels in Motion”. We give thanks and praise for all the volunteers and ask a special blessing on those who visit the bus and that when they leave they have felt your loving touch.

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