December prayer calendar 2014

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23 Lord place your loving arms around

those who face a lonely Christmas where there is no joy or happiness. Wipe their tears and fill them with the joy of knowing You.

29 Pray and give thanks today for the love

and companionship we enjoy in our life. The gift of family and friends. Pray blessings on every person who has touched and encouraged us in our faith journey.

24 Lord we pray that at this time of the

30 Pray for members of our church family

25 Christmas Day Prayer

31 Hogmanay Prayer

month the true meaning of Christmas is not forgotten and that it is not all about presents and Santa but about a birth of a child who came to save us.

Today we give thanks “for our Lord and Saviour is born”. All around the world praise is rising to give thanks for a baby who was born in a manger.

26 Pray God’s presence and intervention

in the increasing global refugee crisis, that the millions of displaced people would find shelter, security and hope in His name.

27 Father we pray for all those who are

addicts. We simply ask Lord that you take them out of bondage and set them free. Give them the strength and courage to take the first step.

28 Pray today for a special anointing of

David and the Manse family that the gifts and anointing on their lives will be obvious whether they plant or water.

Connecting with God, each other and the world

who are battling pain and physical illness, that He would hold each one of them in the palm of His hand and minister to them at their deepest need.

May your troubles be less, your blessings be more and nothing but happiness come through your door.

Isaiah 9:6 For to us a child is born to us a son is given and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counsellor Mighty God Everlasting Father Prince of Peace.


Charity Number: SC004271

1 Give thanks and praise for the joyous sense of anticipation, expectation and hope the season of Advent brings.

2 Father we lift up all those people who are

persecuted just for loving you Place a hand of protection and peace around your persecuted people.

3 Give thanks and ask God’s blessing on Jeanette and the volunteers who graciously food and fellowship to the folks attending the lunch club today.

9 Father we lift up all those who work in social services, carers, social workers. Lord they do a wonderful job so bless them and let them know your presence.

10 As the Girls’ Brigade membership increases, pray that He will bring forward godly women to support the existing leadership.


4 Loving God we ask that you would put your

hand of healing on all people who are suffering from illnesses like MS, ME, lupus and Cancer.

5 Lord we ask that you place your arms around

the families who are dealing with the death of a loved one. Lord let them know that you are there with them and that their loved one is with You.

6 Lord we ask a blessing on all those who are in the armed forces and will be away from loved ones this Christmas.

7 Remember the Discovery Group in your prayers today as they continue in partnership with our friends of Sutherland House. Pray for God’s blessing on all the participants of the Walking Group.

8 Pray for the elders and leaders in our church,

that they would through speech and deed, reflect His uncompromising truth in any and all decisions thay have to make.

11 Lord we ask a blessing on all those who

don’t believe in you. We pray that you will touch their hearts and open their eyes to see the wonders of your world.

12 Pray God’s blessing on all new church

initiatives. Give thanks and praise for the people in the church family who build up confidence in others by their constant encouragement.

16 We live in a world where life expectancy

which is often defined in terms of Bigger, Better, Faster, Richer. Let us pray and not forget that “We should not despise the day of small things”. God does some of His best work through small things and inadequate people.

17 Give thanks and ask a blessing on the

work of the Fellowship Break teams who serve the welcoming refreshments after church each Sunday.

18 Give thanks for the work of the Prison

Chaplaincy teams who work to bring encouragement and hope through Christ to prisoners and their families. We pray that their efforts will be rewarded and as a result lives will be changed.

19 Create in us today a longing to follow Jesus and faithfully serve Him.

13 Pray for Jerusalem. 14 As we meet in church today, remember the

circumstances of Christs’ birth, so marked by poverty. Let us remember and pray for the poor of the world today struggling to feed and take care of their families in the most harrowing of circumstances.

15 Father we lift up all those who will need to

use the food bank this month. We also ask that you bless each member of the C.I.A. especially Liz who gives up her time to make sure that your people get parcels. Bless all who donate each week.

20 Pray for those in our church family who

are sick and unable to go to church. Ask that hearts be moved to visit and share fellowship with them.

21 Pray for our Young Church as they help us celebrate the nativity story.

22 Pray God’s richest blessings and

protection on the selfless NHS staff that volunteered and answered the cry for help in response to the Ebola crisis in West Africa. God, may they use their skills, training and compassion to bring this disease under control.

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