February prayer calendar

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20 Father we ask that you walk beside all

your children who are stuck in the stormy seas of anxieties. Calm the seas with your presence and take their hand so they have the courage to walk with you.

21 Lord there is so much poverty in this

country with no sign of getting better so we come to you and raise all the families young and old who are caught up in the poverty trap. Speak to the hearts of the politicians in government and say your people are suffering.

22 Father God, you are a name above all

names. You are the one who we raise our arms in praise and shout you name on high. Forgive us when we go wrong and stray off the path. Take our hand and lead us back.

23 God of healing, be with those who are

in charge of the N.H.S and all that happens in it. Be with those who make decisions. Touch their heart’s sp they make the right choice and for all the doctors and nurses let them feel your love and not to give up hope as you will be walking beside them always.

24 Pray God’s rich blessings on Open

Doors this month as they stand in Christian solidarity with the Religious Liberties Commission. Speaking with one voice in defence of article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which enshrines our right to freedom of religion.

25 Blessed are they who mourn for they will be comforted. Matthew 5:4. We bring the families and friends of the recently bereaved before Him today as they come to terms with their individual losses.

Connecting with God, each other and the world

26 Pray today for people affected by mental

health issues. Lord, touch wounded lives with your healing hand and bring they your comfort and peace.

27 Give thanks and praise for the work of the RNLI crews who risk their lives to save others in distress at sea.

28 Pray for the long term unemployed in our community as their self esteem diminishes more each day. Lord strengthen their resolve and direct them to employment opportunities within their reach.


February 2015 PRAYER CALENDAR Charity Number: SC004271

This month we will take some time To focus on the future of the congregation 1 Pray for a special outpouring of the Holy Spirit

on the church family today as we meet to glorify Jesus with one heart and one voice. Strengthen, restore and inspire us with your love.

2 Pray and give thanks for all the blessings,

mercies, forgiveness and unconditional love each has received during the last month, and for more in the future.

3 We pray and give thanks for the growth in new people being welcomed into our church family and pray for continued growth.

4 Pray and give thanks for the Bible Study Group today as they meet to seek the face of God through discussion and reflection of His word.

5 Give thanks and praise for Valerie as she

faithfully and patiently puts together the church magazine items for our information and enjoyment, may this be an instrument of

6 Pray and give thanks for the church family

members who take the time and patience to build up and encourage others in their walk with the Lord.

7 We ask for your blessing on all food-banks

across the country but we ask for a special blessing on our own CIA and for all the volunteers and people who donate the food. Help them to keep listening to you.

8 Pray for David as he leads us in worship

today. Take the preparation he has done and make it alive to us as he preaches your word. Speak to us and help us to listen.

9 Pray for our elders—that they would lead by

example in prayer and service and give then strength and grace to fulfil the role you have called them to.

10 Pray for the new ways we interact with our

community—the website, Facebook and Twitter. We may not all understand it but other people find it helpful so we ask that they would be encouraged to seek Jesus, perhaps by visiting church, because of what they see online.

11 Pray for our church committees as they meet this month. Give them vision and enable them to be proactive in leading us forward.

12 Pray for funding to come through for our new community worker.

13 Father we ask that you comfort those who

have a loved one in prison. The person on the outside is doing the sentence along with the person inside and sometimes it is harder for the families. Be with them, touch them and let them know that they are not alone.

14 Pray today for the children in Ayrshire

who are living with the stigma of poverty in their young lives. May they come to know that they are loved and valued irrespective of what name they bear or where they live or what they have.

15 Lord, we lift your name up high and as we come together to worship you in safety. We ask that you bless all those who have to worship you in secrecy.

16 We lift up all war torn countries to you Lord. Breath you peace across these nations and lay your hand of calm on them.

17 Lord, be with all families who are

struggling with debt at the moment and don’t see a way out of this situation. Give them comfort that they will feel your comforting presence.

18 Lord you are Holy above all others. We come before you to be with all your children struggling with health issues. Lay you healing hand on them to take pain and stress away.

19 We lift up before you all those who are

caught up in the slave trade and have been brought over illegally to work and forced to do things that are wrong. Touch them and fill them with peace.

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