June 2018 Prayer Calendar

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22 Thank you Lord for the gift of years: for

wisdom and experience, for the ability to look back on our lives and discern how you have been working out your loving purpose in us.

23 Praise God for the way he renews us daily,

and for the way that God uses us for the glory of his Kingdom. Ask him to show you how he’d like to use you more today.

29 As the schools close for the summer

break, pray that teachers will have a refreshing break and return with renewed enthusiasm.

30 Pray for children and families starting the summer break, that they would have a safe and happy break.

Connecting with God, each other and the world

24 Pray for the young people in our congregation as we come together for the end of year celebration. Give thanks for the families who come and the leaders who give so freely of their time.

25 As Jesus entrusted his disciples with his

misson to the world, we pray that we, who have felt the transforming power of your love, will bear witness to that love far and wide.

26 God of all, thank you for all those who choose to freely and generously share the treasure of their gifts to build your kingdom across the world.



Pray that the Vietnamese government’s new religion law will lead to reduced harassment and persecution of Christians, and that it will be the first of many steps towards greater religious freedom in Vietnam. Pray that those imprisoned who face brutal treatment and abuse under trumped up charges of “subversion” - often for supporting the freedom of others- will be acquitted and released. As committees and the Kirk Session meet this evening, pray for wisdom and discernment as we try to follow God’s plans for our church.

“Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” Isaiah 40: 31


Charity Number: SC004271

1 “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and

with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and love your neighbour as yourself.” Luke 10:27 Help us Lord to fulfil your commandment every day of our lives.

2 Pray for all those struggling with addiction that

they may find love and compassion. Help those who know You as their Saviour and who work with addicts to tell them of the hope found in You.

3 Thank you Lord for being our Saviour; for all

that You have done for us even though we have turned from You many times and gone our own way. Forgive us Lord.

8 Pray that God will help you to recognise your

15 Thank you Lord for the wonderful

9 Lord today we remember those who are

16 Thank you Lord for healing. You are an

unique gifts and talents to glorify Him and to bring honour to God in all you do.

unable to attend church through illness or frailty. Give thanks for their faithfulness.


“I will sing of thy Lord's great love for ever; with my mouth, I will make your faithfulness known through all generations. I will declare that your love stands firm for ever, that you established your faithfulness in heaven itself” Psalm 89: 1-2

6 Pray for the Growing with God groups, that they may grow in fellowship as they learn and pray together.


“God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them” Genesis 1:27 God remind us today that You don’t make mistakes and that we are all fearfully and wonderfully made.

awesome God.

17 Pray for our Invitational Service this 10 “Fear not, I am with you, be not dismayed,

for I am your God” Isaiah 41:10 because God is with you all the time, no place is any closer to God than the place where you are right now. Give thanks today for God’s presence.

morning, that anyone visiting today would find a warm welcome and feel Your Love for them, Lord.

18 Lord we pray for wisdom and patience for world leaders especially the leaders of North Korea and the USA.

19 Lord we pray for all those who have

4 “Teach me your way ,O Lord, and I will walk in your truth.” Psalm 86: 11

sunshine which brings a smile to so many faces

11 As we celebrate communion today give

thanks for the sacrifice that Jesus made for each one of us when He went willingly to the cross.

12 Pray for the continued work of the Christ in Action Foodbank. Give thanks for the volunteers and for the people who generously donate food & money.

13 Pray today for people in our community who

cannot find employment and find it difficult to support themselves and their families.

suffered personal tragedies through the violence of others.

20 Pray that Afghan Christians will know God as their refuge and strength (Psalm 9:9), for God’s protection from persecution and that they will be encouraged by Christian radio and internet ministries. Ask the Lord to provide for Christians who have fled the country and live as refugees.

21 Thank God for the blessing of friendship and pray for those close to you.

14 Pray that, as we approach the Weekend of

Invitation people would be brave, and invite their friends and neighbours to church.

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