March prayer calendar

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22 Father we give thanks for leading David and family down here to be among us. You have ignited the flame of preaching within David, so when David talks to us on a Sunday morning, he is on fire for you Lord. Place a hedge of protection around this loving family.

23 Prayer is putting tomorrows

burdens in God’s hands today.



Father as we look around us, all we see is disharmony, despair and people turning away from the church. Lord give us the courage, wisdom and strength to stand united with our brothers and sisters across the land to stand up with the Bible in our hands and shout aloud “ put your trust in God and he will help you”. Lord we lift up the homeless who sometimes find themselves sleeping on a concrete floor in doorways. We ask that they find peace and courage to go on and take back their lives.

26 Abba Father we lift up the C.I.A. food-

bank and ask that you be with all those who give up their time to deliver parcels and also the people who need them. Touch each one of them and let them feel your love.

27 Take time today to thank God for the many blessings you have ceived.


28 Pray that the 24-7 Prayer Room would be

greatly used by those who want to have a quiet time with God.

29 Father as we worship on this Palm Sun-

day, we bow our heads as we take a moment to reflect the great sacrifice Jesus made for us, so when we enter Holy Week may we never forget that He died for our sins.

Connecting with God, each other, and the world

30 Faith is assurance of things hoped for

and confiding in Grace. Thank God today for His wonderful grace, love and mercy.

31 All of us who make up the Church can be very different in many ways. However, one of the things that brings us together is our love for Christ and each other. Pray for one another.

Reading Luke 24: 45-49 Then he opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures. He told them, “This is what is written: The Messiah will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day, and repentance for the forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. You are witnesses of these things. I am going to send you what my Father has promised; but stay in the city until

March 2015

Charity Number: SC004271

1 May the God of peace equip you with every-

8 Pray for those in our church family who have

thing good that you may do His will, through

recently had surgery. Give thanks to God for

Jesus Christ, to whom be the glory for ever and

their healing.


Hebrews 13: 20-


9 Give thanks for the Pastoral Care Team who meet tonight. May their continuing work with the people who are unable to attend church be richly blessed,

2 Pray for the Outreach Committee

meeting tonight and ask God’s presence would be with them in any decisions they may make.

10 Father we simply come before you to declare

4 Pray for the men and women serving in our

H.M. Forces. Remember their families who wait for them at home.

5 Pray for all hostel support workers that they

would be given patience, understanding and compassion for those placed in their care.

6 Pray for those who have lost loved ones that they would know God’s compassion and strength.

7 Reading: John 12: 3. Then Mary took about a pint of pure nard - an expensive perfume. She poured it on Jesus feet and wiped his feet with her hair. Lord Jesus, please accept the love we have in our heart for you.

with family and share the love that you have moulded and we also ask that you wrap your loving arms around those whose Mum you have called Home.

16 Lord we raise the leader of Iran and his

Clerics and pray that their hearts would be opened so that Jesus would enter and change their lives.

that we love you and we want to know more.

3 Remember the Discipleship group meeting

tonight. Pray that they would be open to the guiding of the Holy Spirit in decisions that have to be made.

15 Loving Father, Mother’s Day is a day to be

17 Pray for the Leaders of our church that they would continue to seek God’s face


Pray for all the Bible Study Groups taking place this week that the Holy Spirits presence will be with them as they study God’s Word together.

for the way forward.

18 Father we pray that you would give us a servants heart and show us how we can serve you and others better.

12 Ask God’s forgiveness for anything we have said or done which has not been acceptable to Him as a church family.

13 Loving Heavenly Father, we raise our arms in adoration for all the wondrous miracles that we witness daily.

14 Lord we raise up all those who are struggling

with addiction. They see their life as impossible. Lord we pray that you lift that weight off their shoulders. With You all things are possible.

19 Lord when the storms of life are nearly

drowning, your children who suffer from depression, we pray that you would heal them as your power is greater than anything.

20 Father we pray for all those who are in

prison at the moment, but we especially lift up their families as they are also doing the sentence as well.

21 Abba Father you are the healing God, so

we come before you to pray that you touch each member of our church family who is suffering illness.

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