May 2014

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21 As the Bible Study Group meet this

morning, give thanks and pray that they find contentment as they seek a deeper understanding of His word.

22 Pray for the Monkton and Prestwick

Girls’ Brigade. That He would bring godly women of His choosing forward to support the Company.

23 Pray for all who suffer addictions. May

they find the strength through Him to ask for the help they need so their lives may be transformed.

24 As the General Assembly meet this

month, pray that any decisions made on Church Policy and Governance would glorify God in all matters.

25 Pray for the elderly members of the

church family who have been faithfully supportive and encouraging of new initiatives. Pray God’s richest blessings on them.

26 Pray for those that we know who worry about the circumstances of their lives. Do not be anxious about anything, but by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.

27 Give thanks for all the Emergency

Service workers who give help on land, sea and air in times of crisis without a thought for themselves.

28 Pray for our brothers and sisters who

are homeless and hungry in our land of plenty. May they come to know the healing hand of Christ.

29 Pray God’s direct intervention to stop the evil trade in human trafficking. Give thanks for the people that God has touched to draft the Modern AntiSlavery Bill currently going through Parliament.

30 Offer prayer today for the doctors and nurses in our hospitals. Give grateful thanks for their compassion and healing skills.

31 Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing.

Give thanks in all circumstances. For this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

Reading Psalm 113: 1-3 Praise the LORD, you his servants; praise the name of the LORD. Let the name of the LORD be praised, both now and forevermore. From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the LORD is to be praised.


Charity Number: SC004271

1 Lord we just come into your presence and simply say thank you.

2 Draw near to those who still wait to

hear news about a loved one on the plane that is still missing.

3 We give thanks for The Scottish Bible

Society who for many years Lord have touched people, saved children as young as 8 going into the sex slave trade. We just ask that you bless all who do your work and all who receive it.

4 Lord as we praise your Holy name

today in safety, we come before you to pray for our brothers and sisters who have to go about in secret to praise your name. Lord place your loving arms of protection around them.

5 Lord, be with all those gripped with

depression. Take their hand and lead them through the tunnel which makes them feel enclosed and down so that they come out the other end full of hope of what is to come with you.

6 We ask for wisdom and courage to go out and spread your Holy Word..

8 We lift up all those who are in hospital,

14 We pray for those in power. When

9 Lord be with families who have missing

15 Pray for the families of the 339 school-

nursing homes and the housebound. Be with them and their families.

children. Draw near to both parents and child so that both know that you are there.

10 Bless all the food banks up and down

the country who help your people to get through daily living. We ask a special blessing our own CIA food bank and all it’s helpers. Be with them all as they go out on deliveries.

11 We lift up the people who have to use

the food banks. Whatever situation they find themselves in and we ask Lord that you will be there with them helping them through the tough times.

12 Lord we ask that a special hedge of

protection is put around David, Linda, Alasdair and John. Keep them safe from harm.

they are discussing issues, we want them to turn to you. Lord be with them all throughout the up and coming election. children who were on board the Sewol Ferry when it sank in South Korea, that they would be comforted in their grief by His abiding love and presence.

16 Give thanks for the success of the 24-7 Prayer room. Enabling people to draw close to our Lord in so many different ways. Pray God’s blessings on the team who organised and set it up so we could kneel, read, write, draw or reflect the silence of that special place.

17 Pray for our young people facing the

anxiety and pressure of forthcoming exams. That they would take everything to Him in prayer knowing that their strength comes from Him and that there is nothing to fear.

18 Let there be a spirit of true unity and

caring in Church today as David leads us in worship and brings your word to our ears.

19 Pray for Jerusalem. 7

We give thanks and praise for the young church and the youth. Protect them from temptation that will be put in their path. Help them chose the right path.

13 Be with those suffering with illness.

Touch them with your healing hands. Comfort them when the pain is too much.

20 Give thanks for the Discovery Team

Ministry reaching out in God’s service to the vulnerable groups in our local community.

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