May prayer calendar

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20 May the God of peace equip you with everything good that you may do His will, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Hebrews 13: 20

ceasing. Give thanks in all circumstances. For this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

29 Loving Father, we pray that there would


Connecting with God, each other, and the world

be an end to the wall that has been built

21 Give thanks for the families and individuals who attend Messy Church and thank God for the leaders and the helpers.

around the church. Lord we want to see the walls come down and people come in and flood this nation with the Holy Spirit. LET FAITH ARISE

22 Give thanks and praise for the many

blessings in our lives that we receive through Jesus. May His name be glorified in what we say and by what we do.

23 Be

with David and the manse family Lord as they need continual blessings and protection.

24 Please pray for those who are

28 Rejoice always. Pray without

30 Be with those suffering with illness.

Touch them with your healing hands. Comfort them when the pain is too much.

31 Lord we just come into your

presence and simply say thank you.


employed and seeking jobs.

25 Rejoice always. Pray without

ceasing. Give thanks in all circumstances. For this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

26 We ask for wisdom and courage to go out and spread your Holy Word..

27 Pray for our young people facing the

anxiety and pressure of forthcoming exams. That they would take everything to Him in prayer knowing that their strength comes from Him and that there is nothing to fear.

Reading Psalm 113: 1-3 Praise the LORD, you his servants; praise the name of the LORD. Let the name of the LORD be praised, both now and forevermore. From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the LORD is to be praised.

MAY 2015

Charity Number: SC004271

1 Father we ask that you be with all those who were caught up in the earthquake in Nepal. Comfort the bereaved, heal the sick and just surround them with your love.

2 Lord, we lift up all the emergency crews who

have travelled to Nepal to help all the families who have lost loved on and to keep trying to locate those who are still missing. Bless each one with courage and wisdom.


Lord there is so much pain, anger and hurt in Baltimore and we come to you to pray that calm would sweep this city and no more angry words would be spoken.

4 Remember the Pastoral Care team as they look at ways of Bringing God’s love and comfort to those in our Church Family.

5 We lift up all the emergency services who each

night risk their lives to save ours. Father we pray that a hedge of protection would be placed round each one as they go about their work.

6 Give thanks for Janette and all the people who

willingly prepare and serve the food at the lunch club. Give thanks to Him for the company and fellowship enjoyed by the folks who attend.

8 Father we ask that you will be with all our

14 Thank God for David as he faithfully sets

9 Lord we lift up all those who are

15 Lord we bring before you the

members who are housebound or in nursing homes. Let them know your presence and your love.

ing to go into hospital for


be elected. We just pray that people will turn to you in prayer for

guidance and that

the politicians would turn to you for wisdom on how to lead your people.


less, the starving, the people who really

tions. Surround them with your love and lay

see that there is no

your healing hands on them.

them peace and give each one that

10 Lord, Bless “The Gathering” and all the peo-

ple who gather in the café for this special time to praise your Holy name.

11 Father lit us never forget that we are the

luckiest people here. We have homes, clothes, heat and food but more that that we are free to worship in safety . No fear of arrest, murdered or the church being set on fire. We lift all those who are persecuted but still worship you.

12 Remember the Discipleship group meeting

tonight. Pray that they would be open to the guiding of the Holy Spirit in decisions that have to be made.

13 Loving Heavenly Father, as we lay our trou7 Lord we lift up all the Parties who are seeking to

up and clears the tables and chairs in the Church Halls for the comfort of the Church Family.

bles at the foot of the cross, we offer ourselves for you to do as you will.

future. Grant

strength to go on and wisdom to know that with you they can get through it with a new strength.

16 As the General Assembly starts

today, pray that any decisions made on Church Policy and Governance would glorify God in all matters.

17 Lord we pray that we stop the urge of the runaway tongue and what damage it can do. Help us to use it wisely by spreading your word and hope to others.

18 Father you are like a watchmaker and our hearts are ticking along, lovingly put together so grant us wisdom to go out to your people and let them hear the ticking of their hearts again.

19 Lord we lift up all the families who were

affected by the terrible events in the Mediterranean Sea. Surround them with your love and give them courage.

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