November prayer calendar

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22 Prestwick Christmas Lights go on

today. Pray for our outreach event as we introduce people to Jesus.

29 Pray for the church in Scotland as we enter Advent—that we will be able to help people see that Christmas is about Jesus

30 Pray that God’s name will be 23 Give thanks and praise to God for His faithfulness.

worshipped and glorified in all that we as a Church Family say or do.

Connecting with God, each other, and the world

24 Please pray for the farming community

that God would meet their needs at this difficult time.

25 Pray that the Church would be open to the Holy Spirit guiding us to those who are most vulnerable in our community.

26 Give thanks for the Pioneer Café. Ask God’s blessing upon those who serve and those who receive.

27 Pray for the work of the Bible Society

as they seek to send bibles out all over the world.

28 Pray for those who lead and attend

house groups within our Church that they would grow in their faith as they study God’s Word.

Reading: Jeremiah 29:11-13 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.


This month is important for our congregation. On the 17th we have meetings with members of the Path of Renewal Team to discern whether we should be part of this pilot process. It is a long process and will require some changes in the way we do things but it is expected that those congregations which are involved will see spiritual and numerical growth. The process involves discerning where God is calling to work and also who is to be involved in that work. To that end our prayers are focussed on asking God to reveal his plans and to ask him what part he wants us to play. You might not have done this before but simply ask God what he wants our congregation to do and what part you are to play. Listen for God speaking— sometimes you’ll have a thought, or a feeling, or the same thing might come up in conversation with different people. When that happens, write it down and add it to your prayers, asking God to make it clear. Please let us know what you feel God is saying—he doesn’t just speak to Ministers and elders, so please give it a try. 1



4 16 5 6 17 Pray for our meetings today regarding 7 8

the Path of Renewal process—that the Session and the Committee would have discernment and know if we should be on that process.

18 Please pray for the homeless and the 9 10 11

organisations who seek to help them. e.g. Shelter.

19 Pray for the Elders of our Church that God would set their hearts on fire for Him.

20 Pray for our Christian brothers and 12

sisters caught up in the Syrian conflict that God would keep them strong in their faith.

13 21 Please pray that God would give us a



real hearts desire to give back to Him through our giving's, talents and time.

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