October prayer

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22 Please pray for those who are

unemployed and seeking jobs.

29 Please pray for those in our community who are destitute - those homeless or hungry.

30 23 Give thanks and praise to God for His faithfulness.

Pray that God’s name will be worshipped and glorified in all that we as a Church Family say or do.

Connecting with God, each other, and the world

31 Remind us Lord that we are called to 24 Take time today to thank God for the many blessing you have received.

be your Disciples. Help us to witness to you by the way in which we care for others.

25 We give thanks and praise for the

continuing success of Messy Church which meets today at 4 –6pm. We pray that as relationships are developed faith would grow and lives be transformed.

26 Give thanks for the Pioneer Café. Ask God’s blessing upon those who serve and those who receive.

27 Give thanks and ask God’s blessing on those who arrange, deliver and receive the Church flowers.

28 Pray God’s protection on the innocent

babies and children who suffer abuse and death at the hands of adults. That intervention by authorities would be timely and young lives would be saved.

Reading: 2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.


1 Give thanks to God for His amazing Love, Grace and Mercy.

8 Pray for family and friends who do not know Jesus as Saviour and Lord.

2 Remember those in our congregation

who are going through bereavement or suffering depression at this time.

9 Pray for all teachers and staff 3 Pray for the Elders in our Church, that

they would be open to the guiding and prompting of the Holy Spirit as they seek the way forward for our Church.

4 Please pray for the Leaders and

Teachers in our organisations e.g. Young Church, Boys’ Brigade & Girls’ Brigade.

5 Please pray for those who lead our

who are involved in teaching our children. Give them wisdom, patience and compassion.

10 Pray for those known to you from our Church Family who are ill at home, hospital or in a nursing home.

11 Give thanks to God for David (our

Minister). Ask for a special anointing of the Holy Spirit to be upon him as he brings us God’s word.

Guild and it’s members.

12 Give thanks to Margaret for the

wonderful floral work she creates to beautify the church and honour God.

6 Please pray for our Christian Brothers and Sisters around the world who are being oppressed at this time.

7 Give thanks for Janette and all the

people who willingly prepare and serve the food at the lunch club. Give thanks to Him for the company and fellowship enjoyed by the folks who attend.

15 Pray for the street children of the world. Ask God to raise up Godly men and women who would look after, show and tell them of His great Love for them.

16 Pray for those in our community who are addicted to drugs and alcohol.

17 Give thanks and praise for all who are working in the community - reaching out to help those in need and those who are lost.

18 Pray for those attending the Alpha

Course tonight. May they come to know who Jesus truly is. Give thanks to all who lead Alpha.

19 Praise the name of the Lord, for His

name is exalted. His majesty is above earth and heaven. Psalm: 148. 13.

20 Thank God for the love and 13 May the God of peace equip you with

everything good that you may do His will, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Hebrews 13: 20-21.

14 Pray for a real Spirit of Unity within our Church Family.

compassion He shows to each one of us. Let us show that same love to others today in a way that will glorify His name. 1 Corinthians 13: 7-8.

21 Pray for all our committee’s and groups who are seeking God’s will for our Church and the Community.

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