Prayer diary march 2014

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21 Pray for the unemployed youth of our

land who feel frustrated and fear they may never find a job. Ask God’s blessing, encouragement and opportunities on our young people as they persist in their search for employment.

22 Pray for those in our Church family who

are ill, housebound or in Care Homes. Pray too for those suffering from stress and depression.

23 We give thanks and praise for the

continuing success of Messy Church which meets today at 4 –6pm. We pray that as relationships are developed faith would grow and lives be transformed.

24 Give thanks for the leaders of the BB

and the GB for their encouragement and faithfulness, to the young people in their care.

25 Lord we give thanks for the many Blessings that you bestow on the food bank and ask for the continued hand of blessing over it as it is a vital link with many people also be with Liz and all the volunteers as they go and deliver.

26 Pray for world peace and especially peace in Jerusalem.

27 Thank you for our emergency services. Thank you for their skills and dedication in helping others.

28 Pray for the leaders and teachers in

our Young Church that God would richly bless them as they continue to sow seeds for Him.

29 Pray for God’s Church worldwide.

Pray for strength and protection for our brothers and sisters in Christ facing persecution, hardship and death for the sake of Jesus.

30 Sometimes Lord, we just need to stop

for a moment and look around at all the wondrous things that you have Blessed us with so today we simply come to say thank you Father.

31 Pray today for Church family members who live alone, are in hospital or nursing homes.

Reading John 1: 14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.


Charity Number: SC004271

1 Father, we thank you for all your love

and protection that you have given us and our families. We ask that you would go before us in March and direct along our chosen paths.

2 Give thanks and ask God’s blessing on

those who arrange, deliver and receive the Church flowers.

8 Lord be with all the members of “Action

Arizona” as their Ceilidh takes place. Fill them with encouragement as they set about to go and spread your Holy Word in Arizona.

9 Pray for David as he seeks God’s will for our Church and ask for His blessing on the Manse family.

3 Remember the Pastoral Care team as they look at ways of bringing God’s love and comfort to those in our Church Family.

10 Pray for the Outreach Committee


Lord, you call us each by name, you love us, teach us to respect and value each person who comes into our lives each day.

7 Lord, we lift your children up, who are

being sold for less than £25 into slavery. Please move in power to free them, surround them Lord with your love. Be with their families who feel powerless in the grip of poverty.

15 We pray for all those affected by the

adverse weather. We lift each and every one Lord and ask that all the aid and help will be given.

heart full of worship for God.

meeting tonight that they have wisdom in their decision making to impact the wider community of God.

17 Remember today, the senior members 11 Lord, we ask that you walk among the sick, touching them as whispering “Believe” Amen.



5 Give thanks for the Pioneer Café. Ask

God’s blessing upon those who serve and those who receive.

those who hold office. Give thanks for their faithfulness.

16 May we come to Church today with a

4 Remember the Discipleship group meeting tonight. Pray that they would be open to the guiding of the Holy Spirit in decisions that have to be made.

14 Ask Gods blessing on the Guild and

of our congregation and give thanks for all they have done and given to our Church over the years.

18 Give thanks for the Fabric and Finance 12 Pray for those known to you who have

drifted away from God that the Holy Spirit would lead them back into fellowship with Him.

13 Pray for those in our Church family who are ill or housebound that they would know God’s healing and peace.

team who deal with all the financial matters of our Church.

19 Pray for all the young carers who give every day support to their parents.

20 Lord we pray for grandparents all over the world, especially those who are bringing up grandchildren, grant them patience and peace.

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