Spring magazine 2015

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Spring 2015 Edition I assume by now that you’ll have had your fill of Easter eggs and may have moved on to Summer holiday mode. It seems that the world is always a few months ahead of the calendar Easter Eggs were in the shops on Boxing Day and I saw my first advert for Christmas lunches in February. I assumed it was an old poster, but no it really was for Christmas 2015!

So, in reality, we’re approaching Easter and there are a few weeks of Lent left. Rather than give up something this year we have added a prayer course. Praying is something that many people find difficult - or at least they expect it to be difficult. Some people feel awkward talking to God in front of other peple. Some think they don't know the proper words, so they couldn't pray. Others think they're brilliant at praying - and some of them are actually ok at it! The Prayer Course will answer some of the queswww.mpnchurch.org.uk

tions you might have about prayer and helps us all to learn to pray better. It is based on what is possibly the best known prayer, the one Jesus taught his disciples and which is known as The Lord's Prayer. There is a mix of teaching and practical exercises (you will not be 'made' to speak or do something you don't want to do) everyone can benefit. There is a short video, discussion and practise. Don’t worry if you haven’t made it yet as we’ll run it again later in the year.

As well as trying something new for Lent we felt that having some teaching on prayer would be helpful because we are running our 24-7 prayer room again. The room will be open from after the service on Sunday 29th March through to Sunday 5th April (Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday). The week is divided up into 1 hour slots and Scottish Charity Number SC004271

Each hour can be booked by individuals, couples or groups. There are bibles, books and activities to use to help focus thinking and prayer, and it is a great opportunity to spend time with God in peace and quiet. The room has proved increasingly popular each year so I recommend booking early. If you don’t have access to a computer at home the AV team at church are available after services to help. At every point of his earthly ministry Jesus spent time in prayer and it was particularly important to him before significant events. If it was so important for Jesus to pray how much more should it be for us. Yet I still find myself making decisions, planning and preparing without spending time with God first. We still need to learn to pray - everything depends on it.

wiches for a light lunch at Kingcase around 1pm. On Easter Sunday we have an early service in the old church in Monkton at 9am, followed by breakfast in the Pioneer Café. We then join together in Prestwick for our Easter cel-

ebration and it would be great to see as many of you as possible that morning.

The Holy Week services will be held at St Ninian’s Episcopal Church at 8pm each evening during Wishing you a blessed Easter the week of 30th March to 3rd April. There will be a walk of witness on Friday 3rd April. It will start at 11am at New Life church and walk to Kingcase Parish Church, stopping off at each church along the way for a hymn and prayer. There will be soup and sand-


A thought from our friend Max Lucado. A TINY SEED, A TINY DEED.

Do not despise ......small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin. Zechariah 4:10 NIV. Against a towering giant, a brook pebble seems futile. But God used it to topple Goliath. Compared to the tithes of the wealthy, the widow’s coins seem puny. But Jesus used them to inspire us ........ Moses had a staff. David had a sling. Samson had a jawbone. Rahab had a string. Mary had some ointment. Dorcas had a needle. All were used by God. What do you have? God inhabits the tiny seed, empowers the tiny deed .......... Don’t discount the smallness of your deeds. Max Lucado.

Once again we will be arranging for the Session House to be used as the Prayer Room commencing at 12 noon on Sunday 29 March 2015 (Palm Sunday) and closing at 11.00 a.m. on Sunday 5 April (Easter Sunday). If you would like to book a slot, please speak to a member of the AV team who will be on the Chancel or in the Large Hall after the service each Sunday from now until 29 March. Alternatively you can phone the Church Office on 01292 678810 Tuesday – Thursday 1.00 – 4.00 p.m. and book a slot.

THE MAYONNAISE JAR AND COFFEE. When things in your life seem almost too much to handle, when 24 hours in a day are not enough, remember the mayonnaise jar .... and the coffee .... A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, wordlessly, he picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was. The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was. The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with a “yes.” The professor then produced two cups of coffee from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar, effectively filling the empty space between the sand. The students laughed. “Now,” said the professor, as the laughter subsided. “I want you to recognise that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the important things. Your family, your children, your faith, your health, your friends, and your favourite passions. Things that if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full. The pebbles are the other things that matter. Your job, your house, and your car. The sand is everything else. The small stuff. “If you put the sand into the jar fist,” he continued, “there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls. The same goes for life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for the things that are important to you. Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Play with your children. Take time to get medical checkups. Take your partner out to dinner. Play another 18. There will always be time to clean the house. Take care of the golf balls first, the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand.” One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the coffee represented. The professor smiled. “I’m glad you asked. It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem, there is always room for a couple of cups of coffee with a friend.” Thank you to the contributor for this very thought provoking article. Valerie.

W E L C O M E. Welcome to Peter and Anne Wilson of 2 Culzean Avenue in Prestwick. Peter and Anne have taken an active part in our Church family for sometime now and we hope they will be greatly blessed in MPN.


COFFEE MORNING to be held in

Church Halls, Monkton Road, Prestwick on

Saturday 7 March 2015

from 10.00 am - 12 noon

STALLS: Home Baking; Toys/Games; Books; Hand Made Cards; DVDs/CDs

TICKETS: On Sale from B.B. Officers and Boys or Pay at the Door


Adults - £2

Children - £1


Y O U.

To all the Church Family who sent cards, letters, flowers, home baking and home made soup—I would like to say a BIG Thank You. It is lovely to have good friends at this sad time. Margaret had a long illness and five months in hospital but she had a good spirit always a smile on her face for everyone. I will miss her so much but she is at peace now. Thanks again everyone, you never let the Church down—you always show such kindness at sad and difficult times. Evelyn Reid.


Y O U.

I would like to say a sincere thank you to all the people who kindly sent me cards, flowers and kep me in their prayers. All these very kind gestures really to help at this saddest of times. We donated the amazing sum of £635 to the Troon Scout Group. As you can imagine, they were delighted. Again, many thanks. Cathie McHattie.


P R A Y E R.

Help me to remember, Lord, When I feel lost and small That I am held within your arms, And you won’t let me fall. Help me not forget, dear Lord When hope seems far away That I am always in Your care And you won’t let me stray. Help me hold within my heart The knowledge of Your care, Each venture starts and ends with You And always You are there. I discovered this prayer by Margaret Ingall in a Friendship Book and felt it helps us all to remember that GOD IS ALWAYS WITH US. Valerie.

1st Monkton and Prestwick Girls Brigade The Company has enjoyed varied activities since their Carol Singing event at South Ayrshire Council’s Rozelle House, the latter was a great success. The girl’s singing and playing entertained local councillors, provost and invited guests, and we recently received from the council a donation for our funds. In January we held a well attended Jewellery Workshop, a ‘Jean Armour’ night, and we are all looking forward to our ten pin bowling at the Garage in Kilmarnock. Our Company sleepover in the church hall takes place on Friday 3rd April, and our Brigaders Abby and Sophie are arranging a talent show this night in order to raise funds for their chosen charity which is Children In Need. On Sunday 15th March after church we will be selling home baking and the proceeds of this are going to the Foodbank. I am hoping to have a bag packing day at a local supermarket in order to add to our own funds, as this is necessary due to the large increase in our numbers. In addition to our three disclosed leaders and myself, another two parents have stepped forward to help as leaders and I am very happy to welcome Paula Keegans and Tracey Colquhoun to our Company. Lesley Yuill is undergoing officer training and I am very happy to announce that she will be the new leader of the Explorers, Gayle Reid leading Juniors, and Kathryn Anslow the Brigaders. At the time of writing this I have just had yet another offer of help this time from Lesley Keenan which is most welcome, and she will be helping out alongside Kathryn with the Brigader section. We are looking forward to our Annual Junior Camp, Explorers outing to Rozelle Park, BBQ and Camp Fire on Prestwick Beach, Brigaders outing to Xscape, and of course our Annual Display which takes place on the 11th May. A very busy few months ahead! Our roll of girls now stands at 36 with 7 leaders. Susan Christie Captain 1st Monkton and Prestwick Girls Brigade.


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—————————————————————————— TRUST in HIS Timing RELY on His Promises BELEIVE in His Miracles REJOICE in His Goodness RELAX in His Presence. Thank you to Ann Ferguson for these two thoughts.

WHOSE CROSS IS IT ANYWAY? We are delighted to present, on Easter Sunday—Sunday 5th April at 7.00pm in the Church, a production entitled Whose Cross is it Anyway? This will be an evening of short sketches, music and praise which tell the Easter story in a unique and thought-provoking way. Please put the date in your diary and join us in this celebration. David Watson.

Elaine’s Childminding Services Registered Childminder 23 years experience in Early Year Education Open Days available on request Contact:Elaine Wardrop 155 Adamton Road South Prestwick 01292 670513 Mobile 07526128194 wardrop.elaine@gmail.com


A NNUAL DISPLAY – FRIDAY 8 MAY 2015 Our annual display will be held in the Church Halls on Friday 8 May 2015 and we invite all parents, friends and members of our Church family to come along and support the boys. The Company fall-in at 7.00 p.m. then a short programme of events follows which allows the boys to show everyone a little of what they have been doing during the session. The evening closes with the presentation of certificates and awards that have been gained by each crew or individual boy. We look forward to seeing you and would like to take this opportunity of thanking everyone who supports us throughout the year. Sgd. Sam Gilmour

Monkton & Prestwick North Parish Church, 10 Monkton Road, Prestwick, Ayrshire, KA9 1AR Captain: Sam Gilmour, 22 Angus Avenue, Prestwick, Ayrshire,KA9 2HZ. Tel:01292 470614 Chaplain: Rev. David Clarkson, Craigard, 40 Monkton Road, Prestwick, KA9 1AR Tel:01292 471379 Object: The advancement of Christ’s Kingdom among boys and the promotion of habits of Obedience, Reverence, Discipline, Self-Respect and all that tends towards a true Christian manliness. Registered Charity No. SC033197

CHRIST IN ACTION – FOODBANK UPDATE In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. John 1:4-5 Another year has passed and the C.I.A. Food-bank continues to grow and expand services to support and help people and families at various points of crisis in their lives. New challenges have been presented and of course so too have the opportunities to resource and meet those challenges. I just love it when David reminds us that God will not give us the job without the resources to see it through. I have seen and experienced many things this year but above all, His hand of direction at work within the Food-bank has been uppermost in my mind. How could it not be! From the selfless people He brings forward to fulfil the many tasks of service, to the people moved to provide donations of food, money, clothes and items that others in our community are needful of. The generosity of people and children both in and out-with the church family has been nothing short of overwhelming

Increased Demand - Reasons New figures from the C.A.P.C. (Child Action Poverty Group Oct 2014) show South Ayrshire child poverty running at 24%, East Ayrshire at 26% and North Ayrshire at 27%. Families are struggling. Much of the increased demand for help comes from continuing welfare reform. Benefit delays and Benefit reductions, increasing sanctions, zero hours contracts which do not give families a reliable basic income every week, static minimum incomes if you are in low paid work all help to further demoralize and stigmatize a family. The combined costs of food, fuel and housing costs can easily tip families into the poverty trap. The risk of homelessness if you are in rented accommodation, living on minimum wage, is extremely high. This circumstance places families under additional stress as most of their income must go towards rent. Imagine not being able to make the small savings necessary to buy the next size in school shoes or clothes for your children, or pay for an educational visits or school trips. Imagine not being able to keep your heating on or run baths for your children because you have to decide how best to use the small amount left on your fuel card. These are decisions that many in our community make day in and day out. In 2014, the C.I.A. Food-bank was able to assist 754 people/families in need of basic food and hygiene items. Providing three meals a day for a minimum of 3 days, equates to provision of approximately 6,786 meals. Specially requested food is included where necessary e.g. children/ vegetarians/religious beliefs/street homeless persons. When requested, we were also able to provide a top up for fuel cards with only a few pence remaining on their value, thus enabling food to be heated. Similarly, when asked for clothing, or hygiene packs, we were able to meet these requests as well. Very often additional needs are only revealed when the CIA team is in conversation with the referred person/s. Through the grace of God, the Project has been able to meet every request for help, whether it was food, fuel, clothing or hygiene items.

Volunteers Volunteers are of course the backbone of any project. The CIA Volunteers all bring their own unique individual strengths and attributes to the variety of tasks they perform. Although differing in some respects, they all share one thing in common – compassion for others. It is vitally important that our C.I.A. volunteers are compassionate and can treat everyone with respect, no matter what situation they find themselves in. It can be very stressful for the people who find themselves in crisis and in need of the emergency services we provide. A volunteer’s words and actions can go a long way in helping a person keep their dignity. We are truly blessed by so many fantastic volunteers that give selflessly of themselves to assist in the work of the C.I.A. We give gracious thanks and praise for all of them and all they do.

Community Involvement Monkton Primary School Being able to make a direct difference in someone’s life by a small act of kindness is a great privilege. Children very often show us the way in this because they expect nothing in return. We recently witnessed this by an out-pouring of Christmas presents for other children from the children at the Monkton Primary Nursery. Each gift bore the name of the person giving and the age and sex for whom it was intended. This was a wonderful initiative and we have invited Rachel Reid and the nursery class to pay us a visit and see what goes on in a community Food-bank.

St Ninians R.C. Primary School As part of the Pope Francis Award Initiative, the pupils at St Ninians Primary School here in Prestwick, are acting out their faith by showing their love for others in their daily life and community. We are blessed and honoured that one of the ways they have chosen to do this is by supporting the C.I.A. Food-bank. Once a month, one class takes responsibility for collecting food for the Food-bank. The next month, another class does the same. The youngsters have taken the Project to their hearts and as a result, the response has been extremely generous. The CIA team have been invited to speak about the work of the CIA Food-bank at the School Assemblies.

Sainsbury’s Prestwick The C.I.A. Team have also enjoyed the most amazing support through the past year from Sainsbury’s in Prestwick. Support for local community objectives and the generosity of Management and staff has enabled us to move forward in areas we never anticipated. Whether that has enabled us to fund raise by way of a bag pack, or floor space given for a ‘hygiene kit’ collection or clothing and household collections from Sainsbury’s staff, we are extremely grateful to those who gave so willingly and to those who organised these events. Most recently, we received four trolley loads of Christmas presents for children of varying ages. They were beautifully wrapped. We give thanks and ask Gods richest blessings on all the people who gave and all the people who received

Reciprocal Blessings. Thank you to the Elba gardens Hostel team who forewent their Secret Santa gift to each other in favour of giving the funds directly to the C.I.A. Thank you to the Blue Triangle Hostel team who collected and brought food to the MPN Church Halls. Always appreciative of what is received by the hostel residents – they simply wanted to do the same for others. Thank you to the Arrol Park Disability Team who paid £1 to children in Need and used the opportunity to ask staff to bring a tin of food for the C.I.A. at the same time We have been truly humbled by the support which has been offered to the C.I.A. from the church family, partner churches, local businesses, schools and personal individuals. We graciously accept your gifts and say a huge “thank you” on behalf of the people/families that will be referred in crisis to the CIA emergency Food-bank in the coming weeks and months.

Looking Forward On the 6th January 2015, The Christ In Action Food bank became a Registered Charity. We do not yet know how the year will unfold for the C.I.A. The one thing that we truly are sure about is that through the grace of God and our earnest prayers for guidance, we will be able to meet any and all challenges that come our way. Much of this script has been about giving thanks for the people involved in and out-with with the Food-bank. It seems therefore appropriate that the last words should reflect a C.I.A. Volunteers perspective. “Eric and I joined the team to help with the food-bank delivery. We believed it would help those in need, but were not altogether prepared for the great need of those whose names were put forward for help with food.” “It has been a privilege to help on a rota basis, thankful for the bounty in the store cupboard due to the generosity of all the churches that help in giving to others”. “We are only the messengers”. “We have been blessed and hope and pray that this is passed on to those in need”. Eric and Patricia Lindsey – Kingcase Parish Church.

Christ In Action SC045322 C/O Church Office, 10 Monkton Road, Prestwick, KA9 1AR

THE GUILD We have had great variety in our meetings this year and welcome some new members. We enjoyed and were challenged by Kenneth Yorke in his talk “New Year, New Start”. This was followed by our ‘Scottish Day’ when members of the Guild entertained and we sang lots of hymns by John Bell. Jim Goodlad gave an illustrated talk on sailing round the Orkney Islands and Greta Yorke and friends from ‘Ayr Writers’ Club’ - ‘Litereight’ entertained us on the 19th February. Everyone is welcome to join us on the following dates at 2pm. 5th March 12th March 19th March 26th March 14th May 7pm 4th June 7.30 pm

DVD from Annual Rally in Dundee Spring Rally 2pm Salvation Army Speaker AGM and Daffodil Tea Annual Business Meeting Summer Rally

5th September Annual Rally How quickly a year passes!

Troon Portland Church Cheryl Stone Ayr Auld Kirk Halls Girvan South Church Caird Hall Dundee

PIONEER CAFÉ Business at the café varies greatly from day to day – Monday’s and Friday’s tend to be the busiest. We are delighted to welcome a group from Cumnock for lunch on a Monday. We do not seem to be too badly affected by competition from the new “Pollys” tearoom across the road. Our congratulations go to Ann Leckie (one of our faithful volunteers) who has been in the USA for 4 weeks welcoming her new Grandson. Our Tips this year were donated to the following local organisations:£200 to Strathyre House (Ayr Action for Mental Health) £100 to each of the following: Ayrshire Young Carers, Ayrshire Cancer Support, Malcolm Sargent House, Crossroads, Turning Point (Supports people to live independently), Seascape (Help with housing), Sutherland House and Christ in Action. If anyone can help with Baking, Soup making or working in the café even just filling in when one of our regulars is on holiday, please contact the café 471153 or Mgt Goodlad 470903

Feed your faith and doubt will starve to death. When God measures a man, he puts the tape around the heart. A clean conscience makes a soft pillow.

FAIRTRADE FORTNIGHT This year Traidcraft has launched the “Fair Necessities Appeal”. What do we think is necessary in our lives? A warm comfortable home, a daily shower, plenty food, warm clothes, health care, education for our children, TV, a car, holidays - - - the list goes on. Many Smallholder farmers can not even feed their children. Smallholders grow 70% of the world’s food but make up half the world’s hungriest people. Despite all their hard work they struggle to feed their families or meet their most basic needs for food, healthcare and education. With the right support they can grow more, earn more and eat more and gain skills which will benefit their whole community for years to come. Traidcraft wants to give them that support – a hand up not a hand out – simply to give them a fair chance a chance to work their way out of poverty. Right now we have the chance to help twice as many people and communities. UK Aid Match is a government scheme which will match, pound for pound, the money we can raise for this appeal. The money has to be raised before April. Ramisa is a farmer in Tanzania whose land is poor and who struggled to feed her family and could not afford to send her children to school. Traidcraft started a Tea farmers group in her village helping farmers to improve their land and teaching them the skills necessary to grow and harvest tea and sell it at a fair price. The village has changed, with fewer hungry people, more children going to school and women working and earning money. The community is benefiting from the Fairtrade Premium and are using it to bring clean water to the village and improve the school. Ramisa says “Tea plants give leaves for hundred of years so if we work hard our children and grandchildren will benefit”. If you wish to help please put money in the collection boxes on the Traidcraft stall on Sundays 1st and 8th March and at BB Coffee morning on Sat 7th March during Fairtrade Fortnight or give to me at anytime before April so that the smallholders can benefit from our Government’s largesse! Thank you to those who have already donated to this worthwhile cause. Margaret Goodlad.

I discovered this thought from Fritz Reuter many years ago and wrote it down in my Jesus Book. Valerie. “No ones life flows on such an even course that it does not sometimes come up against a dam and whirl round and round, or somebody throws a stone into clear water. Something happens to everyone— and we must take care that the water stays clear and that heaven and earth are reflected in it”


L I S T.

Flowers donated by :

Delivered by :


Christmas Flowers


Pat Simpson/Evelyn Reid

Margaret Goodlad


Margaret Anderson

Linda Welsh


Ina Donald

Margaret Thomson

01/02/2015 08/02/2015

Mary Black Elsie Ferguson

Leslie McCarrell Elaine Wardrop


Sadie MacKay

Jim McLauchlan


Jennifer & Jim Bond

Jan Armour


Muriel Anderson

Carrie Lamont


Margaret Paton

Tom & Lily Dougan


Jan Armour

Morag Hamil


Mrs. C. Hannah

Nan Dagostino

29/03/2015 05/04/2015

Patricia Casey Margaret Goodlad

Susan Campbell Marion Balish


Pat Simpson/ Mr & Mrs. J. McKay

Elizabeth Ewing


Linda Welsh

Jeanette Munro


Sandy & Margaret Ferguson

Katrina Carswell


Alice Crombie

Margaret Goodlad


Valerie Greig/Evelyn McHarg/Mrs. I. Shields


Linda Welsh


Susan & Duncan Campbell

Margaret Thomson

24/05/2015 31/05/2015

Mrs. H. McGraw Annabel Wilson

Leslie McCarrell Elaine Wardrop


Nan Dagostino/ Elspeth Manson

Jim McLauchlan


May Cumming

Jan Armour


Pat Riach

Carrie Lamont


Molly & John Paterson

Tom & Lily Dougan

——————————————————————————————————————— A few dates are still available in the five months up to the end of November. The list is on the Chancel for anyone wishing to add their name. Alternatively just ‘phone Margaret Ferguson on 01292 479472.

Discovery News We have been partnering with our friends at Sutherland House now for several months. What a pleasure and privilege it is to build friendships and get to know everyone there. Discovery Walking Group Our Walking Group continues to meet each month (usually on the first Sunday) after morning worship. We enjoy a nice warm bowl of soup together, then head off for fellowship and a gentle walk together. We are always finished before 2.30pm. This really is for everyone and we would strongly encourage you to join us if you are able, you really would be made most welcome. A lovely way of keeping fit whilst enjoying fellowship together.

Looking good on our recent 3 mile walk!

Indoor fun on a rainy day!

Healthy Eating By request, following the success of our first Healthy Eating Course, we are planning to run an advanced course and another beginners course. Details to follow, watch this space! Exciting News!

We are in the planning stages of our long awaited Knitting Group. This has so much potential but we are relying on your support in order to help us make it a successful venture. We have so many people of all ages with the skills and just a love of knitting, but it could be so much more than that! This has the potential to be a community project where people can share and learn skills whilst building friendships and just enjoying each other’s company. We could be taking on projects where we are knitting for others, home and abroad, it could be a mobile group, almost like a befriending project, reaching people that may not be able to get out and about easily but have a love of knitting and a desire to spend time with others. The possibilities really are endless, but we really do need your help to make this project successful. We will be holding a short meeting on Monday 23rd March at 7.30pm in the Session Room, if you are interested in this venture at all, I would strongly urge you to come along or to have a chat with me. If you can knit or would like to learn to knit or just join us for the fellowship, please, please come along or let us know. Thank you for your continued support. Elaine Wardrop, tel 857153 Remember, together with our awesome God, we really can make a difference!

Christian Aid Week 2015 Well here we are again Christian Aid week is coming round fast again for this year, I hope that you have started collecting your coppers for the Penny jars. This will be my third year as your Christian Aid representative for MPN Church and I feel very blessed to be doing this as it is such a great charity and carries out so much fantastic work all over the world, I have to thank the other people on the committee within the Church, Margaret Ferguson and Mary Yuillie for keeping me right, I really could not do it without their help. Christian Aid Week this year runs from the 10th May to the 17th May. The Fun Day is on Saturday 9th May in St. Nicholas Church from 10am to 1pm, on 10th of May we will collect the Penny jars and then through the week we have the door to door collection with the envelopes being collected on the 17th. I know that everybody is busy in their own day to day lives, but if you could find the time to take one street, it really doesn’t take long to do and you really will be helping people in need. So I will finish by thanking you for all your support in the last 2 years and hope that again you will support us with Christian Aid week this year. Thank you Scott Wardrop

Message from the AV Team The AV Team are responsible for the computer, screens and sound within the church and halls. We use Easy Worship, an easy to use program suitable for churches. If you have any skills in this area or feel it may be something you’d like to learn, please speak to Rev Clarkson or any member of the AV Team. We’d love to hear from you! Thank you from the AV Team

MINISTER Rev. David Clarkson Telephone : 01292 471379 Email : minister@mpnchurch.org.uk

BIBLE STUDY Wednesday 10.30 am Margaret Thomson Telephone : 01292 477045

SESSION CLERK James U Riach Telephone : 01292 476458 Email : james@jriach2.fsnet.co.uk

BOYS’ BRIGADE Friday pm (Various) Pat Simpson Telephone : 01292 477289

TREASURER/HALL BOOKINGS Robert Gibson Telephone : 01292 479248 Email : property@mpnchurch.org.uk

GIRLS’ BRIGADE Monday 6.00 pm Sue Christie Telephone : 07751219601

ORGANIST David Watson Telephone : 01292 314867

GUILD Thursday 2.00 pm Margaret Goodlad Telephone : 01292 470903

CHURCH OFFICE Telephone : 01292 678810 Email : office@mpnchurch.org.uk KIRK SESSION COMMITTEE REPRESENTATIVES Discipleship Sam Gilmour Telephone : 01292 470614 Fabric & Finance Ed Sutherland Telephone : 01292 849554 Outreach Anne Ferguson Telephone: 01292 470975 Pastoral Care Jim Riach Telephone : 01292 476458 Worship Scott Wardrop Telephone : 01292 670513

MONKTON BROWNIES Thursday 6.30 pm Monkton Community Church Irene Boyle Telephone : 01292 478376 KIDDIEWINKLES Monday 10.00 am Elaine Gilbert Telephone : 07734806812 TOTS-TOWN Wednesday 10.00 am Monkton Community Church Leigh Flanagan Telephone : 07545050190 THE YOUNG CHURCH Sunday 11.00 am Lesley McCarrell Telephone : 01292 477779 Duncan Campbell Telephone : 01292 435020

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