Summer 2016 full

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Scottish Charity Number SC004271


Scottish Charity Number SC004271


On looking toward the wider horizon. The first time we took my younger son to a beach, the walk from the car park took a very long time. The trouble was that he was terribly excited about using his new bucket and spade and every patch of sand we came to on the path seemed to him like journey’s end. We told him there was more to come, but he was pretty happy where he was and didn’t see any need to move on. Left to himself he’d have spent a happy afternoon digging on a grubby path, never seeing the real beach, and not have minded in the least. Many of us who have embarked on the journey of faith have very similar experiences. I’m sure I’m not the only person who has been reluctant to accept that the experience of God that I’ve been comfortable with for years may not be the whole story. We may experience a particular form of faith and we settle down to enjoy it, oblivious of the fact that there is much more, further on—and sometimes deeply suspicious and resentful of those who try to tell us about it. It can feel as if they’re questioning the reality of our faith. So we don’t listen. And that’s a pity, because God does not call us to a life spent sitting comfortably where we first met Him. He constantly calls us on to bigger and better things. He always has more for us to discover about Him, more for us to do for Him, but, above all, more for us to enjoy in Him. My son’s face when he eventually saw the real beach was a picture: delight but also sheer awe that anything so good could be so vast. And that same sense of delight and awe can be ours if we’re just willing to trust God’s promise that, however good we may think it is where we are, it’s a lot better up ahead.

Lord, it must grieve You that so many of us settle for so small a part of what you have in store for us. We pray for the gift of faith that will draw us on, trusting in Your promise that the best is yet to come. AMEN. (Many thanks to the contributor of this gentle article which I am sure everyone will have a very vivid picture of that little boy and take on board the simplicity and meaning of it)

Alexander Dumas the Younger was a successful playwright who had a view on friendship his father’s Three Musketeers might have given a hearty cheer for. “Friendship,” he wrote, “consists of forgetting what one gives—and remembering what one receives.” (from the 2016 Friendship Book).

Scottish Charity Number SC004271


S T A M P S.

The box in the crush hall is very well used for the collection of used postage stamps. It’s a large box but no rubbish please! Any used postage stamps are useful as some recent stamps may have value due to some tiny variations in printing. The box has recently been emptied by our local organiser, Mr Ian Macpherson from Newton Wallacetown Church. He has reported that the Church of Scotland last year raise £3,511 in support of the HIV Aids programme on which Ayrshire raised £961. The project for this year is the Church of South India which recently opened an Eco-spirituality centre where people can learn about change and biogas plants. Mr Macpherson has already sent £90 from stamps collected in this area in 2016. Jim Riach.

G U I L D. The Guild have had another successful session which concluded with the AGM and Daffodil Tea. The hall was ablaze of daffodils and the bright yellow flowers every where made everyone feel Spring had finally arrived. It was a lovely time for everyone especially as some members who have been unwell recently were able to join us. As usual our wonderful tea committee did a splendid job as did our resident flower arranger. We were entertained by some of our own members (talented lot!!) and it was just a lovely finish to our session. The theme for next session is “Go in JOY” what a wonderful theme and we certainly will be doing our best to put JOY—JESUS first OTHERS second and YOU (ourselves) last. We are busy putting our syllabus together and would encourage and welcome you all to join us when we resume in the autumn. We meet every 2nd Thursday afternoon at 2 pm in the small hall. At the Guild we have an opportunity to praise and worship God, an opportunity to help raise money and awareness for the Guild’s very worthwhile projects and a wonderful opportunity to offer fellowship and encouragement to each other. On behalf of Margaret Goodlad, our convenor, and the rest of the committee we wish everyone a lovely Summer break. “The joy of the Lord is your strength” (Neh 8:10) Irene Smith.

Scottish Charity Number SC004271

A Ingredients:




SUCCESS ........

Six Christian ladies (assorted ages and sizes). Three meals over the course of three months. Three welcoming hosts. Seat them round a table set for dinner. Mix well.

* * * * If you find yourself invited to join the ‘Meal for Six’ then please, take my advice and accept.

This is a wonderful way to engage with and get to know other members of our Church family. Over the course of the last three months I have visited the homes of three MPN members and I know the other five ladies in the group would agree that we have had a marvellous time. Our conversations ranged from the price of Eleanor’s Gold Dust (yes she really did put gold dust over her profiteroles) to Kenny Rodgers being sexy!!! The latter set off a loud chorus of ‘You picked a fine time to leave me Lucille’. We also talked of Church life and the Path of Renewal, we shared experiences and at times we laughed till the tears rolled down our cheeks. One of our group has the most infectious giggle (you know who you are). Beware though, we did become a little competitive with our food, but only in a fun way. Perhaps we all got carried away due to watching The Great British Bake Off, Masterchef and the Creme de la Creme.

The keys on our phones were red hot with all the texts zinging backwards and forwards whilst organising our masterpieces. Over the last couple of months we have eaten a wonderful mixture of culinary delights, prepared by the members of the group, from home made Puff Candy ice cream to Treacle Bread. This made me wonder if we should start a recipe page in the magazine. The ‘Meal for Six’ has been so successful that, although it has officially ended, our group have become firm friends and intend to meet up for a ladies’ night out. Many thanks to Linda Clarkson whose thoughtful planning brought us all together. Helen Jeffrey.

Scottish Charity Number SC004271

PHOTO OF THE DINNER FOR SIX. Jacqui Gilllespie, Helen Jeffrey, Margaret Thomson, Eleanor Johnston, Irene Smith and Lesley Keenan behind the camera.

I read this on 14th May in the 2016 Friendship Book and it gave me a warm smiling glow and felt I should share it. Our friend Mary has occasional aches in her shoulders, elbows and fingers. Well, she’s not the youngest person I know and I am all too aware that old age doesn’t come itself. But, even so, I should have known better than to suggest it was arthritis. “It’s an R.S.I.,” she insisted. “A repetitive strain injury.” I was confused. “What could you possibly to so often that would cause a strain in all those different joints?” I asked. By way of an answer she reached out and hugged me. Having completely proven her point, she smiled sweetly and went about her day. —————————————————————— Friends this will be my final magazine as editor (which I have been since September 2011.) My heart is telling me it is time for new and fresh ideas, different layouts and moving on as we in our Church Family do so very well. I have thoroughly enjoyed this challenge in my life but having recently achieved my three quarters century I feel it is time to pass this wonderful blessing on to the person God has chosen to take over. I want to thank you all for your encouraging hugs, your loving hugs, your friendship hugs and particularly over the past year your prayerful hugs. Your friend— Valerie.

Scottish Charity Number SC004271

CHRIST IN ACTION FOODBANK [C.I.A] ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING COORDINATOR/CHAIR REPORT 26 APRIL 2016 It is my pleasure to deliver the Chair’s Report to the first A.G.M. of Christ In Action. This report is in respect of the period ending 31 December 2015.

BACKGROUND The Christ In Action Foodbank was set up in 2012 to a rising tide of people and families finding themselves in food crisis. The impact of continuing Welfare Reform and changes in financial support to low income people/families, has exacerbated a situation where choosing to eat, heat or pay the rent was and is already a daily living crisis for many in our community. Christ In Action accepts foodbank referrals from statutory and voluntary agencies and seeks to alleviate food poverty by providing a three-day supply of food. This in turn gives crisis relief to the person/family while professional intervention is enabled. Full charitable status was accorded to the Christ In Action Project on 6thJanuary 2015 and this Report looks at the first full year of financial operation. It would be fair to say that as a new Charity, the learning curve has been pretty steep and there is still much to learn. However, the C.I.A. volunteers have risen to meet many of the challenges presented. Their commitment to the Foodbank Ministry has been tireless and exceptional. This report also recognizes and gives special thanks to the congregations of Monkton & Prestwick North Parish Church, St Quivox R.C. Parish Church, Kingcase Parish Church and St. James Parish Church who have unfailingly supported the foodbank with donations of food and money. We place on record our thanks to the Businesses, Stores, Schools, Youth Groups, Guilds and individuals who chose to address hunger in the community by supporting local people in crisis through the Christ In Action Project. We truly appreciate all you have given. Your donations have been a lifeline for many people and families caught up in cycles of debt, poverty and homelessness. Their gratitude to you all is immeasurable. SOME HIGHLIGHTS OF THE YEAR NEWTON PRIMARY SCHOOL One of the main highlights of the year was the launch of a Community Outreach Project at Newton Primary School, where a C.I.A Foodbank hub was opened to support parents and children. The hub also provides a children’s clothing exchange which mums are able to browse. Help with displaying this resource is given by at least one of the Parent Counsel mums each week. We also have a Household Recycling list on which we post any useful household items that the foodbank has been given. This list is available to browse on the Parent Counsel Noticeboard.

Scottish Charity Number SC004271

Liz Ewing, Lily Dougan and Moyra Smith have all been involved in various presentations at the Friday Assembly. The children at Newton Primary School were involved in creating the 2016 tee shirt logo for Christ In Action. As a Community Partner, we were invited to speak to Schools Inspectorate along with the Campus Cop and the Barnardo’s school support worker, when the School underwent formal inspection. We were both surprised and delighted to be involved. We know that the service Christ in Action provides is much valued in the School and the local community, even though to it took quite a while to gain the trust of the families. The volunteers who work at the foodbank hub on a Monday morning, consider it a privilege to do so. ST. NINIANS R.C. PRIMARY SCHOOL. Liz Ewing and Lily Dougan gave a Power point presentation on the work of Christ In Action to the children at their Assembly. As part of the Pope Francis Initiative, the children had supported the foodbank by collecting food each month, for distribution in their community. GREGGS BAKERS A Charity Partnership with Greggs Bakers enables end of day produce to be picked up by C.I.A. volunteers and distributed to referred people and Homeless Hostels. We know that the residents in the homeless hostels look forward to seeing the C.I.A. Volunteer arrive with the Greggs trays. RE-ORGANISATION OF FOODBANK AREA A major re-organisation of the food distribution area by Peter and Anne Wilson has made the food pick up by volunteers so much easier. Peter bought a new Refrigerator to store cold produce in and collected and installed two donated freezers to enable us to freeze bread. We express our thanks and gratitude in this report for all the work that Peter and Anne quietly do to make things safer and easier for others. NEW ENTRY AND ACCESS TO FOODBANK Access to and from the Foodbank, without entering the main hall at M.P.N. has been enabled by a new keypad entry system. Teething problems have been swiftly dealt with by Robert Gibson and the keypads are very easy to use. This report records our thanks and gratitude for all the support and help the C.I.A. volunteers receive from Robert SEPTEMBER 2015 FUNDRAISER The first official Charity Fundraiser held in September 2015, raised the fantastic sum of £1209. CHRISTMAS Thanks to an abundance of donated Christmas presents in December 2015, the volunteers were able to pack and distribute packages to 150 needy children.

Scottish Charity Number SC004271

This report recognises and gives thanks to Slimming World members and Gillian Milne for their generous contributions of gifts to the foodbank Christmas project. We also express gratitude to the Management and staff at Sainsbury’s in Prestwick who donated gifts in a collection organised by store merchandiser – Terry Lister SOME FIGURES TO LOOK AT I would like to bring the following figures to the attention of the volunteers. Referrals for assistance from January to December 2015 totalled 702. These referrals equated to 1318 people. 424 of them were children. [Note of interest.] In the first three months of 2015 we received 126 referrals equating to 198 people. By comparison, in the first three months of 2016 we received 254 referrals equating to 491 people. THIS IS AN INCREASE OF 128 REFERRALS OVER THE FIRST QUARTER OF 2016. A PERCENTAGE RISE OF 101. 59%. THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE ACTUALLY ASSISTED SHOWS AN INCREASE OF 293 OVER THE FIRST QUARTER. A PERCENTAGE RISE OF 147.98% REASONS FOR INCREASE Further Welfare changes regarding the New Universal Credit payment system was due to be rolled out in South Ayrshire between January and April 2016. This system combines all Benefits into one monthly payment. It has to be claimed on-line which may impact negatively on claimants with poor literacy or I.T. skills. It was reported to the Meeting in December 2015 that the C.I.A. may well see a surge in crisis food referrals during this period. School referrals have also increased which may be a consequence of this significant benefit change VOLUNTEER NUMBERS Not good news. Volunteer numbers have dropped considerably over the year. We do not have the teams available to complete a full monthly rota which places a greater burden on fewer people. The existing position is unsustainable in its present form and requires urgent discussion on the way forward. There is a proposed Motion for discussion on this matter during the course of the A.G.M. REPORT SUMMARY Undoubtedly a year of expansion and increase. This has been possible through the deep commitment and service of the existing volunteer base. Donations from within and out with the four Churches has vitally sustained the foodbank. An outreach hub has been set up and a community partnership established. Changes in the re-organisation of the foodbank and a new keypad entry system offers a way of restructuring the foodbank to meet changing needs. There is further opportunity to bring in new volunteers to a restructured system that is less demanding of them. Moving forward will bring many challenges and opportunities but I believe THE greatest challenge facing the foodbank is in the recruiting and retaining of volunteers. Elizabeth Ewing.

Scottish Charity Number SC004271

On a personal note. As is required, all C.I.A. members holding office must stand down at the A.G.M. and present themselves for re-election. I am standing down as the C.I.A. Co-ordinator, a post which I have held for the past 4 years and have chosen not to stand for re-election. I have absolutely loved the tasks, challenges and opportunities the Lord has given me through the foodbank and I am so grateful for the people who I have been privileged to meet and work with. I thank everyone in the church family who has supported and encouraged me personally. Lily Dougan is also standing down. Lily has been an absolute rock of support to me during my time as Co-ordinator and I cannot thank her enough. Sandi Munro is also standing down as Treasurer. Sandi will be replaced by Shiona Mowbray. A new phase of the food-bank will begin and a new team will take Christ In Action forward on the next leg of its journey. I wish them well and pray God’s richest blessings on all involved. Kindest Regards Elizabeth Ewing

LUNCH CLUBS Another successful year for lunch clubs in Prestwick and Monkton. Numbers have dropped a little however and it would be nice to see a few more friends joining us for food and fellowship. Final dates for this session are 1st June for Prestwick and 16th for Monkton. If transport is a problem for you please contact Jeanette Munro on 470470 and someone will collect you and deliver you back home. At the beginning of the 2015/16 session I put out an appeal for some new helpers as some valuable friends had decided to retire. I would like to thank all those who so kindly came to my rescue and who make for such a happy atmosphere in the kitchen. The autumn session will begin on 7th September for Prestwick and 15th September for Monkton. Looking forward to seeing you all on those dates and do bring a friend! Wishing you all a lovely summer. Jeanette Munro

Scottish Charity Number SC004271

IST MONKTON AND PRESTWICK GIRLS BRIGADE The 1st Monkton and Prestwick Girls Brigade Display and Prize giving took place on Monday 9th May . We had over 100 people who attended and this was a wonderful turnout in support of our girls by the parents, friends, leaders, and our church family. Rev David Clarkson, our chaplain opened the proceedings and our thanks go to him and also to our guest of honour, Jacqueline Fraser from Ayrshire Cancer Support who kindly presented our prizes. During the first half of the evening the girls took part in marching, singing and dancing showing us some of the routines which earned them 1st 2nd and 3rd place in the Divisional Competition: all of which they performed with great enthusiasm. The trophies were then presented as follows: Best Junior Squad Best Explorer Squad Best Explorer Best Junior Best Brigader Captain’s Award

Happy Strawberries Pumpkins Rachael Hamilton Georgia Milton Ellen Priestnall Star Barbour

Jacqueline Fraser was then presented with a cheque for ÂŁ300 which was raised by the girls at their coffee evening and our Best Explorer, Rachael Hamilton handed over to her a lovely basket of flowers. Sadly, our Junior Leader Gayle Reid, a former Girls Brigade girl herself, has resigned due to work related reasons and Gayle was thanked for her help and presented with a gift token. Two new leaders Irene Smith and Helen Jeffries have very kindly stepped forward to help in the Explorer Section and we thank them for this, however we still need more leaders for the other sections in Girls Brigade. I will be leading the Juniors next year along with our part time helper Rhona Robinson and Lesley Keenan will lead the Brigader Section. Three of our Explorers were presented with a Bible Story Book as they moved up to Junior Section. Our Junior Roll now stands at 16. Our Explorers roll stands at 11. Our Brigaders roll was 4 but now stands at 2. In August I have planned a recruitment drive for both girls and leaders. We start back on Monday 5th September with some new times: Explorers Primary 1 to Primary 3 Juniors Primary 4 to Primary 7 Brigaders Secondary 1 to Secondary 6

6.30pm to 7.45pm 6.30pm to 8.15pm 6.30pm to 8.15pm

Thank you for your continued support Susan Christie


Scottish Charity Number SC004271

Elaine’s Childminding Services Registered Childminder 26 years experience in Early Year Education Open Days available on request Contact:Elaine Wardrop 155 Adamton Road South Prestwick 01292 857153 Mobile 07526128194 Our MP held a surgery at Monkton recently and Robert managed to get her details if anyone needs to contact her.

Home Group Our home group has been using the book Essential 100 – a journey through the bible in 100 readings (50 from the Old Testament and 50 from the New Testament). Each reading consists of only one, or at most two chapters at a time. So far we have studied the stories of the creation and Adam and Eve, of Noah and of the Tower of Babel; we then moved on to the lives of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and have just finished the story of Joseph. We have all been amazed by how much we have learned by studying the lives of these characters whom we have been familiar with since childhood, and how often David mentioned these people and their journeys in his preaching in relation to our journey on the Path of Renewal! We all look forward to our fortnightly meetings on Tuesday evenings. We have shared so much in the short time we have been together and have formed strong bonds of friendship and fellowship. It is good to know that you can come to the meetings where there is love and support and just be yourself. We laugh a lot and enjoy a wee cuppa as we discuss various issues raised in the studies. I would encourage anyone to join a home group or even start a new one. It is a great way to study the bible in a relaxed and informal setting. Carol Yates

When we have done what we can, God will do what we can’t. Christianity is a verb.

Scottish Charity Number SC004271


Our annual Summer Fete will take place on Saturday 11th June from 10am to 1pm. “Early Bird” Tickets for tea/coffee and scones at a cost of £2 will be available at the church office until Friday 10th June and will qualify for a prize draw if ticket holders put their names and phone number on the back of the ticket and hand them in at the fete. Tickets will also be available on the day. It is intended that we will have all the usual stalls and already have the support of our youth organisations. The Boys Brigade will have their excellent basketball game and the Girls Brigade will be holding a competition for a very lovely teddy bear. We expect that, among others, there will be stalls selling home baking, plants and produce, toys, books, jewellery and bric a brac. For the hungry there will be the BBQ. This is our church’s major fund raising event of the year and it will only succeed with the willing support of all our members to supply goods for sale and to help set up and run the various stalls. Goods will be welcomed on the Friday evening from 6.30pm. Jim Riach.

Genuine faith is assuring, insuring and enduring. The most essential element in any home is God.

Scottish Charity Number SC004271

Young Church Summer Outing 18th June 2016

Dumfries House

Something for everyone lovely gardens and pathways, walled garden, magical maze, play park, Water Park, shop and most importantly coffee shop! Bring a picnic lunch and let’s explore 2,000 acres of beautiful Ayrshire. *Please

be advised if transport is needed there will be a cost to pay towards the bus. Depending on numbers we could arrange cars. Tour of Dumfries house at own expense.

Young Church News I can’t believe that another session is almost over! We have had a great session 2015/2016 which kicked off in September with a weekend trip to Whithaugh for the teenagers. I am sure I speak for all who attended it was a fun packed weekend with plenty of laughter, prayers, praise and some very soggy trousers! We headed back to New Milns in December for some fun on the slopes and are looking forward to our summer outing to Dumfries House. We all answered our parents wish in May 2016 by holding a sponsored silence to raise money for our charity pot which will be distributed later in the year watch this space for who we decided to donate money too. Next session will see us host another charity event to bulk the pot again.

Scottish Charity Number SC004271

We have focused on a lot of important people from the bible this session and look forward to sharing some of our learning with you during our summer celebration on Sunday 19th June. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our volunteers that give up their time week in week out all for the benefit of our younger members. Also the parents and children/teens who make our young church so special. Finally our Minister David and all of our church family for your prayers and support in everything we do. We are always looking for an extra pair of hands so if you have been inspired by the fun that we have in young church why not join our team. The more people we have on the rota the less days you will need to cover ;-) Lesley McCarrell on behalf of MPN Young Church

CAR POOL One of the objectives set by the Kirk Session as part of our Local Church Review process is to establish a Car Pool to bring people to Sunday services and church activities. It is certainly the case that some informal arrangements already work well but there are probably people who could benefit who are unknown to us. We would welcome an indication of interest from any prospective drivers and any of our congregation who are in need of this service. Names should be given in person or by phone to Jim Riach, Pastoral Care Committee. (476458)

A big thank you for the beautiful flowers delivered to our home by Anne Leckie for my husband Jack being very ill. They were very much appreciated and he is now recovering well.

Thank you.

Norma and Jack Quinn.

Scottish Charity Number SC004271

Monkton Pioneer Café

Do you want a relaxed place to meet up with friends for coffee or lunch? Do you want to be served by friendly, helpful staff? Do you want a bit of company or someone to chat to? THEN LOOK NO FURTHER! ! ! The church café offers all this and food! Homebaking, Homemade Soups and a range of lunchtime meals

We’ll be there Mon-Fri 10am – 3pm – so when will you be there? (Cafe closed for festive season 16th December to 11th January)

Scottish Charity Number SC004271

1st PRESTWICK BOYS’ BRIGADE - ANNUAL DISPLAY 2016 Our Annual Display was held on Friday 6 May with Major Sir Richard Henderson KCVO TD as our Inspecting Officer. It was well attended by parents, friends and members of our Church family. Lieutenant David Moore assisted by playing for our opening hymn. During the first half of the evening, the Inspection took place with Sir Richard taking time to speak to the boys and officers. The boys then took part in Marching, Games and various other activities, all of which they performed with great enthusiasm. The second half of the evening was dedicated to the presentation of Awards, Badges, Prizes and Certificates that the boys had worked for throughout the session. Lady Henderson presented the prizes to the boys and the main prize winners were: Anchor Boys Green Achievements

Blair McCarrell, Harry Kilbride, Kyle Harryman, Lewis McNair, Ollie Winfield.

Red Achievements

Aiden McCormick, Connor Black, Kyle Flannigan, Luca Cybulski, Luke Main, Matthew Campbell, Michael Gemmell, Rory Allan, Scott Goetz

Blue Achievements & Promotion Best Team

Edan Munro, Zack Mowles Cheetahs :

Battalion Competition Colouring-in

Luke Main, Scott Goetz, Aiden McCormack, Luca Cybulski, Kyle Harryman, Ollie Winfield Highly Commended—Michael Gemmel Commended—Kyle Flannigan & Luke Main

Best Attendance (incl. Sunday Parades)

Michael Gemmell

Good Behaviour Trophy

Luke Main & Blair McCarrell

Junior Section Competitions :


Drama Mime Bible Quiz Physical

Best Crew (Games)

UNICORNS (Nathan Percy, Matthew Abernethy, Ewan Robinson, Lewis McCarrell, Tyler Bews)

Best Crew (Inspection)

MINOTAURS (Matthew Gemmell, Jack Robson, Nathan Mowles, Jonathan Gibson, Jay Barbour)

Scottish Charity Number SC004271

Junior Section Best Recruit

Jonathan Gibson

Best Boy

Jack Robson

Company Section Best Recruit

Ross D’Agostino

Best Boy

Lawson McVie

Best NCO

Matthew McClure

Best Squad

Squad Three (Gordon Campbell, Ross D’Agostino, Lawson McVie)

Valerie Greig Trophy

Lawson McVie

The Valerie Greig Trophy is presented each year to a Company Section boy who gets enjoyment from something he has done and passes that enjoyment on to others. In his closing remarks Major Sir Richard Henderson praised the boys for their hard work and enthusiasm which he said had showed in all the events throughout the evening and he hoped it would continue into next session. He also paid a fitting tribute to the officers. Tea, coffee, juice and biscuits were served to all those who managed to stay a little while longer. Our thanks to all who helped make our evening such a success. We meet in the Church Halls on a Friday evening and our new session commences on Friday 2 September 2016 at the follow ing tim es: Anchor Boys (5 – 7 years old/Primary 1 - 3) 6.00 p.m. – 7.00 p.m. Junior Section (8 – 11 years old/Primary 4 - 7) 6.30 p.m. – 8.30 p.m.

Company Section (12 – 18 years old/ S1 – S6) 7.15 p.m. – 9.45 p.m. Please note that boys aged 5 years and upwards can enrol and we would invite any boy who thinks he might be interested to come along and join us for a night of fun, games and fellowship. Sgd. Sam Gilmour, Captain

Scottish Charity Number SC004271

CAR OUTING Monday 13th June 2016 The Car Outing completes a busy June weekend at the church with the Church Fete on the 11th, Communion on the 12th and then we can all come together and relax on the evening of the 13th. The car outing with the Supper and Entertainment is to be enjoyed by all the church family. We usually have a lovely sunny evening when we can enjoy the countryside looking at its best. You are very welcome just to come to the hall at 8pm for the supper, entertainment and the chat. As usual we need volunteers – car drivers and caterers. If you can help by making sandwiches, baking or serving please contact Pat Riach Tel 476458. Your Elder will be issuing you with an invitation to be a passenger or a driver. They will pass the names to me and I will match drivers to passengers. Drivers will contact their passengers to arrange a pick up time (7pm or earlier) go for a run anywhere the passengers wish (within reason!) and back to the hall for 8pm. Passengers will be taken home at the end of the evening. If you have not received an invitation by the 4th of June and wish to come please contact me Tel 470903 or 07747864064. We look forward to a happy evening together. Margaret Goodlad

FAIRTRADE. Prestwick’s Fairtrade Town status has been renewed for two years. We had a very successful ‘Big Breakfast’ during Fairtrade Fortnight. It was well supported by John Scott, local Councillors and the Provost Helen Moonie who presented the prizes to the winners of the schools competition. The importance of our buying goods from Traidcraft is shown in the vital help the organisation gives to the poorest people of Odisha in eastern India. 70% of the people live in dire poverty.

Traidcraft started a project to help local people grow high quality organic cotton. The project is transforming their lives –teaching improved growing and cultivation techniques, help in accessing local markets and setting up small businesses and learning to save money for the future. One lady, Suvidha, spoke of how she used to forage in the forest for anything she could sell such as firewood, leaves and berries earning the equivalent of 5p per day. Her husband was an alcoholic and her self esteem was at rock bottom. Since she joined the project, she is making a reasonable living from growing cotton and has gained enough confidence to become a mentor to neighbouring farmers encouraging them to improve the way they grow their crops. What’s more her husband has given up drinking and now works closely with her in the fields growing high quality cotton. Her life is now amazingly positive, a real inspiration to others. Her life would not have changed without Traidcraft’s help so keep buying Fairtrade! Margaret Goodlad

Scottish Charity Number SC004271


L I S T.

Flowers Donated by

Delivered By

1st May

Alice Crombie

Jeanette Munro

8th May

Valerie Greig

Katrina Carswell

15th May

Anne Wilson

Ann Leckie

22nd May

Evelyn McHarg/Mrs I Shields

Lorna Fraser

29th May

Linda Clarkson

Margaret Goodlad

5th June

Elspeth Manson

Linda Welsh

12th June

May Cumming

Margaret Thomson

19th June

Nan Dagostino

Leslie McCarrell

26th June

Molly & John Paterson

Elaine Wardrop

3rd July

Ann Shelton

Jim McLauchlan

10th July

Miss A Brown

Jan Armour

17th July

Peter Wilson

Carrie Lamont

24th July

Margaret & Colin Cranston

Pat Riach

31st July

Mrs H Megraw

Eleanor Johnston

7th August

Morag Hamil

Tom & Lily Dougan

14th August

Jeanette Munro

Margaret Ferguson

21st August

Jennifer Bond

Nan Dagostino

28th August

Pat Riach

Susan Campbell

The Church flowers are delivered every Sunday after the morning service to members of the congregation who are ill, housebound or bereaved. If your hear of any situation where flowers would be appropriate please get in touch and I will arrange for flowers to be delivered. Please give me a call on .... 01292 479472. Margaret Ferguson Flower Convener.

Scottish Charity Number SC004271

The Pioneer Cafe

The Pioneer cafe was honoured to have been included as part of the Moderator of the General Assembly, the Right Reverend Dr Angus Morrison's visit to Ayr Presbytery. After a busy morning visiting NATS Air Traffic Control Centre, and The Christ in Action Foodbank the Moderator was accompanied by his wife Marion and members of Ayr Presbytery for lunch at the cafe. The Morrison's were very down to earth and genuinely interested in the work of the Cafe and the volunteers. As always this is also an appeal for more volunteers, both in the cafe itself and for soup making and baking. There is a small group of faithful regular contributors, on whom we rely, many of whom are not members of our church but this group has declined recently so that if one of these people are away, ill or have other commitments that week it leaves a huge hole. Even if you cannot make time every week anything you could do would make a big difference. Could you volunteer to cover a shift once a month or be available to help cover holidays? Could you bake a fruit loaf once a month? Could you visit the cafe for lunch once in a while? Please consider prayerfully if there is anything you could do to help keep this important part of our church reaching out in Monkton. With love, blessings and thanks, Sandi Munro and the Cafe Committee.

A happy man or woman is a radiant focus of good will, and their entrance into a room is as though another candle has been lighted. Robert Louis Stevenson.

Scottish Charity Number SC004271

I recently read this very touching article in a magazine and I thought it would be nice to share it with you. Hope you enjoy reading it, Elaine. Dementia is a frightening condition. When we found out our mother had dementia we knew she had to be with us. My brother and I moved her to where we both lived. We found the perfect place for her, a senior retirement community, where a full range of assisted living, long-term healthcare and other senior services were available.

Mum’s biggest dementia problem, at that time, was dealing with the unfamiliar. When she was in a room or a place for the first time she would often get frightened, she felt she was lost and not where she should be. These feelings could erupt quickly into panic attacks, when this happened, it took a long time to calm her down, it was very distressing to see. When Mum fell and broke her hip we were all very concerned, she needed surgery urgently, of course she wasn’t happy about the surgery but she was most concerned about the unfamiliarity of the hospital. I knew I had to do something that would make her hospital room familiar – seem more like home. Mum had a favourite picture of Jesus she had loved all her life, it was the familiar painting, Christ at 33 by Heinrich Hofmann. For years she had this print above her bed, “I love having Jesus watching over me every night” she said, “I always feel so safe.” When we had moved her to be near us, the Jesus picture, of course, came along. Once again we hung it over her bed. She was all smiles when she saw it, “I know I am in the right place – because I see my friend, Jesus,” she said. This gave me an idea, when I arrived home I did an internet search and found the exact photo of Jesus that Mum so loved, I printed it, cut it out and then put it into a 5x7” frame. “Jesus” I said, “you are going on a little trip to hospital with Mum.” I chuckled as I imagined Jesus saying to me “sounds good to me Kate, I love that old lady, just like you do!” The day before her surgery, we took Mum to the hospital, when she was finally settled and comfortable, I took out the picture from my handbag and said to her, “Mum, look what I brought and I am sitting on top of your table.” “Oh my!, she said, “it’s my Jesus, Jesus is here with me in the hospital. How absolutely wonderful!” Her face broke into the biggest smile I had ever seen, “I know I will be fine now,” she said “my Jesus is with me”

Scottish Charity Number SC004271

After chatting a bit, we left her settled at the hospital, we told her we’d be back in the morning. On the morning of her surgery we all arrived early. The nurse came in to prep her for surgery, suddenly I realised she wouldn’t wake from her surgery in this room, she would wake up in recovery. I talked to the head nurse and she helped me make all the necessary arrangements, I was assured when Mum woke she would see her favourite Jesus picture, I was not to worry. Later in the day, the head nurse told us this story, “when your Mum finally woke up from surgery, she was woozy and confused. I was standing right beside her bed. She looked up at me not knowing who I was – or where she was. Her eyes widened and perused the entire room. I could literally feel the confusion she was beginning to experience. Suddenly, your Mum’s eyes caught sight of the Jesus picture – and a look of wonder and joy covered her face, I said to her “Nadine, are you alright? Do you know where you are?” She looked directly at me and said “well, I am not exactly sure of where I am, but I know I am in the right place because I see my friend Jesus here on the table beside me, and since I see him, I am fine – yes, absolutely fine!”

Christian Aid week 2016 As the Church magazine goes to print we have just finished this year's Christian Aid week. The week started of with our Fun Day this year it was held at St Quivox Church where a fantastic total of £1810.76 was raised on the Saturday on the Sunday it was the collection of the Penny Jars and the total for that so far is £200.21, I have to thank everyone who help count the pennies as you can imagine counting that amount in pennies and 2 pence pieces is no easy task, the total for the pennies will be a bit higher as there is still a few more jars have come in since the pennies have been counted. Unfortunately I cannot give you a total at this point for the door to door collection as the magazine is going to press before the money has still to be counted, but can I take this chance to thank everyone in advance for taking a street and taking the time to go out and collect for this great charity. The Christian Aid team would like to thank all that have helped in any way and I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the rest of the committee for all there help with this year's Christian Aid. As soon as we have a total for the door to door collection I will let you know. Thank you Scott Wardrop

Scottish Charity Number SC004271

The Friendsheep Knitting Group recently knitted crosses. This started off as a request and became a project that many ladies from our church family became involved in. It was mentioned at knitting on the Wednesday and immediately our lovely knitting ladies started to experiment and work out how it would work as we had no pattern! The following Sunday after worship the knitted crosses were mentioned at the coffee table after worship, I came back into the hall and witnessed a ripple effect right along the coffee table and on to the next table, as the information passed along and everyone chatted about how they should do it, this is sharing skills and fellowship at it’s best! …and the end result, so many people were blessed by the lovely knitted crosses, everyone who visited the Prayer Room during Holy Week took a cross with them, everyone who attended either of our Easter morning worship services took a cross with them and all our guests who attended Olly’s baptism at Messy Church (many of whom had travelled to Scotland for the baptism) also received a cross as a reminder of Olly’s special day. Thank you so much to everyone who knitted crosses, they became a gift and a blessing to many people. I would also like to say a special thank you to Elsie who recently knitted and stuffed hearts, the hearts travelled to Pitlochry to join Scottish Association for Children with Heart Disorders Family Weekend, the hearts were used for a special Treasure Hunt for the children, the hearts provided hours of fun and laughter and encouraged great teamwork from the children! We continue to knit squares for blankets, baby hats for Ayrshire Maternity Unit and a variety of other knitted items. All our items are stored in the Session Room in the wooden units, if anyone knows of anyone in particular need, please feel free to take any items required. Our knitting is also available to buy at a very reasonable price, please see Catherine McCormick or Elaine Wardrop or call 01292857153 for more details. Alternatively, we will have a stall at the Church Fete on Saturday 11th June, please come and see our stall. We continue to encourage the CIA Foodbank volunteers and Street Pastors to take our knitted blankets and distribute them where needed. Our Friendsheep Knitting Group meets each Wednesday in the Session Room, 2.304pm, we enjoy a cuppa and friendship as we share our skills and learn new skills. Why not pop along and join us, you will be made most welcome. We have several ladies who are unable to meet with us on a Wednesday but still knit and help us with our various projects, you can still be involved even if you can’t manage on a Wednesday for more information speak to Catherine or Elaine.

Scottish Charity Number SC004271

DISCOVERY We are delighted to work together with our very dear friends at Sutherland House. Sutherland House is a wonderful facility run by a team of dedicated volunteers providing support, activities and so much more for adults with learning difficulties. Through Discovery we have the privilege of working in partnership with Sutherland House. Here is a wee update on some of the projects we are working on together: Coffee Buddies Coffee Buddies continues meet every 2nd Thursday from 1.30-2.30pm in Sainsbury’s Café. We enjoy coffee and a chat whilst building relationships. Please come along and join us if you are able, we can guarantee you a very warm welcome. We Can Help Project We are delighted to be working alongside the wonderful volunteers from GE, and we are excited about our next project with GE and their apprentices. Watch this space!!! Food Hygiene We are hoping, with the help of Suzie from East Ayrshire Council, to run a food hygiene course for our friends from Sutherland House who achieved their Healthy Eating Certificate. This will be held in Sutherland House. Walking Group We are starting our Walking Group up again during the Summer months. We will be walking on the first Sunday of each month until further notice. We will meet after morning worship for a bowl of soup before heading off for a short walk. We aim to be finished at the church for 2pm. If you are able, please come and join us, this is a special time of fellowship and building relationships with our dear friends from Sutherland House. It is a leisurely walk suitable for all ages and abilities. We’d love to see you there! If anyone would like to help us by making soup for our walking group please see Jeanette Munro, Sam Gilmour or Elaine Wardrop.

Elaine and all the Discovery Team.

Scottish Charity Number SC004271

At our last Messy Church we had our first Messy Baptism. We were honoured and blessed to be able to share this special day with Olly’s family.

Our next Messy Church will be on Sunday 26th June at 4-6pm at Monkton Community Church. We start with a light meal, followed by crafts and games on a Bible theme and ending with a story and songs. Everyone welcome.

Scottish Charity Number SC004271

MINISTER Rev. David Clarkson Telephone : 01292 471379 Email : SESSION CLERK James U Riach Telephone : 01292 476458 Email : TREASURER/HALL BOOKINGS Robert Gibson Telephone : 01292 479248 Email : ORGANIST David Watson Telephone : 01292 314867 CHURCH OFFICE Telephone : 01292 678810 Email : KIRK SESSION COMMITTEE REPRESENTATIVES Discipleship Sam Gilmour Telephone : 01292 470614 Fabric & Finance Allan McBain Telephone : 01292 479092 Outreach Margaret McBain Telephone : 01292 479092 Pastoral Care Jim Riach Telephone : 01292 476458

BIBLE STUDY Wednesday 10.30 am Margaret Thomson Telephone : 01292 477045 BOYS’ BRIGADE Friday pm (Various) Pat Simpson Telephone : 01292 477289 GIRLS’ BRIGADE Monday 6.00 pm Sue Christie Telephone : 07751219601 GUILD Thursday 2.00 pm Margaret Goodlad Telephone : 01292 470903

KIDDIEWINKLES Monday 10.00 am Elaine Gilbert Telephone : 07734806812 TOTS-TOWN Wednesday 10.00 am Monkton Community Church Leigh Flanagan Telephone : 07545050190 THE YOUNG CHURCH Sunday 11.00 am Lesley McCarrell Telephone : 01292 477779 Duncan Campbell Telephone : 01292 435020

Worship Scott Wardrop Telephone : 01292 857153

Scottish Charity Number SC004271

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