Winter 2014

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It’s rapidly approaching Christmas with all the usual hustle and bustle. We decided that we would have an ‘angel’ theme for this year so angels will be appearing in different activities and services around the church for the next few weeks. The angels play an important role in the Christmas story because they were the ones that announced the good news to the different people involved. On the 30th November the Christmas lights will be switched on in Prestwick and there are lots of things planned around the town for that day. Shops will be open and there will be music and hot chocolate, sweets and mince pies. As part of that celebration we at MPN got together with Prestwick Business Association to hold a competition. There are ten angels who have managed to get lost in a shop in Prestwick and each one has a piece of a Christmas Monkton and Prestwick North Parish Church of Scotland

message. If you can find them and make the words into a Christmas message then you have a chance of winning a large Christmas hamper to share with your family and friends. Some people will come to church this year because they ‘always go at Christmas and Easter’ and it’s good that they make the effort but this competition allows us to engage in a different way with people who might never even think about coming to church. We need to find new ways to engage with our community and this is one way of getting people talking about the true meaning of Christmas. It’s not that the story is boring: angels announce to a young girl that she is going to have God’s baby; her fiancé is told the same, and that he should still marry her; shepherds were told when it happened; and, travellers from the East Scottish Charity Number SC004271

followed a strange star in the sky until they found the baby. Then a king got wind of it and a chase ensued; lots of babies were slaughtered to try and get rid of this one baby but he and his parents escaped. It is the story of how God moved into the neighbourhood. Never again could he be thought of as ‘far off’ or remote. Christmas is when the infinite, eternal God, who made everything that exists became part of his own creation. And not an important part either. He didn't become King of the Universe at Christmas, though even that would have been a big step down. He became an illegitimate baby born to a poor couple from a conquered race, born in a grotty cave-stable in an insignificant backwater of a town in the unfashionable end of the Roman Empire. And that is the same God who spoke and the universe was created.

when he said “I have come that they may have life to the full,” and that the best life to live is one with Jesus at the centre. I am so glad that so many people at MPN are actually doing this. The warmth and sense of community is something visitors often comment on. I want to take this chance to thank everyone who volunteers at church and in the Cafe: door and count teams; tea and coffee makers; those who buy supplies; the cooks and cleaners; the servers; the knitters; the magazine editor, writers, folders and deliverers; the visitors and encouragers; the musicians; the readers, prayers and preachers; the AV team; the leaders in organisations; the flower arrangers and deliverers; the elders; those who put the tables and chairs out and away; office helpers; gardeners; drivers and walkers; shoe box fillers;

You all make the church and café work and And God did this not just to blow our we are indebted to you. What you do is so minds, but to enter into our experience. The important because the story of Jesus is not God of the Universe became one of us and just for Christmas—it is for every day. You lived as one of us so that we could know help to show that it matters and that Jesus him and be with him. God himself bridged makes a difference in your lives. Thank the gap between people and God, and at you. immense cost to himself. May this Christmas be a time when you Do we praise and worship God for experience the ‘Good News’ for yourself. Christmas? Do we let the facts of Enjoy time with family of friends, Christmas bring us to our knees? I want to remember the past and give thanks for the recommend that you take some time on future because you’re part of this amazing your own or with another Christian to just story that is waiting for its climax when think about what God did at Christmas until Jesus will be revealed in all his glory. you are left with no choice but to worship him for it. Have a happy and peace filled Christmas, Christmas is also a time to celebrate what we have in this life. Telling people to put Jesus at the centre of Christmas often doesn't work because they don't see how he will help them enjoy Christmas more. We need to show them that Jesus was right


CELEBRATION BIRTHDAY. I am sure many of our Church Family members will remember Mrs Jessie Hunter who lived at the bottom of Alexandra Avenue. Jessie was a very faithful member attending every Sunday morning with her friend Ruby Niven—Jessie was a stalwart member of the Guild—she was always smiling and you never heard her complain. A good few years ago due to oncoming frailty Jessie moved to sheltered housing in Morris Court, Dalry where she recently celebrated her 100th birthday. Linda Welsh gave me a cutting out of the local paper with Jessie surrounded by her family, friends, carers and also with our Queen’s representative presenting Jessie with her telegram from the Queen. I have given the cutting to the Guild for anyone who would like to see how well, happy and contented this dear lady is. Best wishes and many blessings to this special lady from all our Church Family. Valerie.

Max Lucado wrote this and I just had to share it with you all. ‘None of us pray as much as we should, but all of us pray more than we think, because the Holy Spirit turns our sighs into petitions and tears into entreaties. He speaks for you and protects you. He makes sure you get heard’. Valerie.

2015 2016 NEWS FROM PASTORAL CARE COMMITTEE. The committee agreed that the Church Fete for 2015 will take place again on a date in June and that the possibility of a concert in the spring is being investigated.

Finance update Our commitment to Edinburgh 2014


As I reported in the December Magazine last year, we were £25,000, in arrears with these payments These arrears have been paid and our payments for 2014 have been paid by standing order and are up to date. All of this has been achieved by the grace of God, hard work by the finance team and the continuing support of YOU the Congregation. Again, I must take this opportunity to thank all of the volunteers who work tirelessly week after week in our Pioneer Café at Monkton. The financial support this gives our Church cannot be over emphasised. It is a major contributor to the finances of our Church. Your Brother in Christ Robert Gibson Treasurer

Blythswood Care Christmas Shoebox Appeal A huge thank you to all those who very kindly filled a box for Blythswood Care we sent away the magnificent total of 75 boxes. Grateful thanks also to those who knitted garments or who donated cash. These gifts will make an enormous difference to those who would otherwise receive little or nothing this Christmas and who are so grateful to know that people who have never met them want to make a difference.

Jeanette Munro.

IT IS TIME TO SAY GOODBYE. Thanks to all who have shared my Christian Life over the last 24 years. When Donald came as Associate Minister and did a lot of Pastoral Care Work, we learned very quickly the names and concerns of people in the congregation. We were with you for only 4 months when our eldest daughter was killed in a road accident on the A77 and we were shown such love and care in those days. Some 4 years later dear Donald died suddenly and again I received such love and support from many in this congregation. Our minister at this time advised me not to leave the congregation but to stay with the friends I had made—very wise. When I was in hospital some time later and came home to recuperate a team of ladies looked after me and my home wonderfully. When my daughter was doing some work in Tanzania it was wonderful to raise thousands of pounds with the help of many of you in this congregation. She and her students at Robert Gordon University were involved in a World Health programme setting up a Pharmacy in a remote area of Tanzania. I have taken part in many aspects of our Church and witness throughout the years and the latest one is Christ in Action and I will be leaving that outreach but dear Liz does need more help to deliver food to those in need I do hope some of you will respond. When Tom and I married 5 years ago it was the most wonderful experience to see the Church family share in this joyous occasion. One of the ministers taking part was The Rev Dr Abi Ngunga who had adopted me as his Mum some 9 years previously. He has come to minister at Newton Wallacetown Church and we have decided to join him and his family. It will save us driving from Ayr and we will be in his Parish. My sincere thanks to all who have shared in this walk with me and Tom and I wish you all God’s Richest Blessing. Tom and Elizabeth Mitchell.

P I O N E E R C A F E. The Pioneer Cafe will be closed for 3 weeks over Christmas from Friday 12th December until Monday 5th January. Thank you for your support during the year and we wish you and all our volunteers a very Happy Christmas.

FAIRTRADE Traidcraft’s Special Christmas Appeal is for children in India who have to work at home to supplement the family income and so miss out on going to school or ‘playing’ like children should. Akash a 7 year old and his brother 10 year old Yogesh help their parents heat plastic bangles over a Bunsen burner and join the ends together. This is laborious, repetitive work and exposes them all to dangerous fumes. Akash has been doing this since he was 4 or 5. His family can only afford to eat 2 sparse meals of vegetables per day and if there are no orders they don’t eat. Even though child labour in factories has been legally abolished, millions of children work long hours in their own homes, doing unskilled tasks. Traidcraft is so against this exploitation of children that they are supporting local Learning Centres, which provide an education for children who have missed out on schooling and also offer vocational courses for adults. Akash and Yogesh now attend one of these Learning Centres and are making good progress in Maths, reading and writing. The family income went down when the children were not working such long hours but the family have managed and their mother plans to attend the Centre to learn to stitch and sew. She then hopes to increase the family’s earnings and break the cycle of poverty. Traidcraft also helps families to form community groups, giving them a stronger voice to negotiate fair prices for their work. Traidcraft encourages parents to diversify their income making activities so that their families can eat every day. Traidcraft promotes the fair and equal treatment of women and the protection of children. Traidcraft also helps families access government benefits such as health insurance, which provide vital security for home workers. Please give £10, or whatever you choose, to help children like Akash learn to read and write and have a better life. Traidcraft, Kingsway, Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, NE11 0NE, UK. Tel 01914976445. Margaret Goodlad.

Lunch Clubs at Prestwick and Monkton Once again Christmas is almost upon us - where has the last year gone? We have enjoyed lunch clubs at both Prestwick and Monkton and while sometimes numbers have been down there has been no lack of fellowship and fun. If you would like to come along for a chat and have lunch you will be made very welcome. Here are the dates for the first half of 2015. Prestwick February March April May June


4th 4th 1st 6th 3rd

19th 19th 16th 21st 18th

The Lunch Club Teams. THE GUILD We have had an interesting session so far with a variety of speakers and activities starting with ‘Arizona Highlights’, followed by Irene Smith’s brother the Rev Jack Graham, from the East End of Glasgow. He formed amazing ideas and challenges from a few games of ‘Countdown’ and finished with an excellent rendition of ‘I’ll walk with God’. Zumba expert Fiona Young got everyone moving and gave us a very happy afternoon. We have a speaker on the 4th December from the ‘Good Morning Service’ who will tells us how we can get a daily phone call to check our well being. Everyone is welcome every second Thursday at 2pm. The syllabus for 2015 is below. 8th Jan. 22nd Jan 5th Feb 19th Feb 5th March 12th March 19th March 26th March 14th May 7pm 4th June 7.30pm Margaret Goodlad

New Year, New Start Scottish Day Another Adventure ‘Literate’ DVD from Dundee Rally Spring Rally Salvation Army AGM and Daffodil Tea. Annual Business Meeting Summer Rally

Rev Kenneth Yorke Jim Goodlad Greta Yorke and friends Troon Portland Church Cheryl Stone Ayr Auld Kirk Halls Girvan South Church

ASHGROVE HOME IMPROVEMENTS. Kitchens, Bathrooms, Bedrooms and Marble Fireplaces, Stockists of Wall Panels and floor. We also cater for the less abled. Our specialist staff will tailor a design to meet your needs, and help inspire you to create the home of your dreams. New showroom at 21 Mackintosh Place, South Newmoor Ind. Estate, Irvine KA11 4JT. Tel. 01294 211888. Open 7 days.


Hello we are ALAN and HUGH and we started our own business over two years ago when our boss retired. We are a qualified brickie and a joiner. We are honest and hardworking and use only time-served tradesmen. We can and have done all sorts of jobs large and small. For a free estimate ‘phone ALAN 07852918099 or HUGH 07708949835 or Free phone 08002118503 or See Margaret Thomson who will take your details.

CERTIFICATES ISSUED. Mr & Mrs William McConnell of Fernbank to Kingcase Church Mrs Elizabeth Mitchell of Craigie Way, Ayr to Newton and Wallacetown Church. Robert Gibson—Roll Keeper. Once again Margaret Cranston has submitted an amusing story from her daily paper for us all to enjoy. Thank you—Margaret. The Rev. Richard Coles, broadcaster, vicar and 1980’s pop star, has had another run-in with the law. At a reading of his new book, Fathomless Riches, Coles confessed that he has just had to take a speed-awareness course for the second time. It was not wholly his fault, though. Coles blames a woman ‘with flaming locks of auburn hair, with ivory skin and eyes of emerald green’, Don’t they all. I’d arranged a parish outing to see Dolly Parton in concert, he explained. “As I drove my parishioners back, we had a singalong and as we rose in our condemnation of Jolene (the eponymous subject of Parton’s 1973 hit) I pressed on the accelerator”. Alas, he was clocked doing 50 in a 40mph zone and nicked thanks to that minx’ Jolene’. Perhaps something more pedestrian from Hymns Ancient and Modern would

be better next time.

Elaine’s Childminding Services Registered Childminder 23 years experience in Early Year Education Open Days available on request Contact:Elaine Wardrop 155 Adamton Road South Prestwick 01292 670513 Mobile 07526128194

My name is Lesley Keenan and I have recently returned to live in Scotland after being in London and the Isle of Man for the past 14 years. I took the opportunity to retire early from the Department of Health, Isle of Man Government at the end of March 2014 and my husband and I both decided that Prestwick had everything we were looking for in our retirement. We had previously lived in Prestwick in the early 1990s for just over 3 years so we were coming back to familiar ground. I was brought up in the Church of Scotland, however when I moved to the Isle of Man I attended a lively Baptist Church and stayed there for 11 years. I was not sure if I would attend the Baptist Church in Ayr or return to the Church of Scotland; however after seeking advice and prayer from my Pastor he encouraged me to try the local Church as he said it was important to feel part of the community. When the decision was made to ‘come home’ to Prestwick I looked at all the Church of Scotland websites to see what each had to offer. I was impressed with the website and the work that MPN Church was doing, especially its involvement in the community and it was great to be able to hear David preach. So the first Sunday I returned to Prestwick I went to MPN and immediately felt that this was the Church I would like to belong to. I have been made most welcome at Church and the weekly Bible Study and hope that I can start to get more involved in the life of the Church once we’ve sold our house on the Isle of Man. At the moment I’ve had to keep going back and there have been a number of other commitments which has kept me from getting involved. I look forward to seeing what God has planned for me at MPN.

Congratulations to Tracy, Elizabeth, Martin, Matt, Andy, Caty, Richard and Jamie, our friends from Sutherland House, who recently completed their Healthy Eating Course. Certificates were issued during morning worship. We had lots of fun and fellowship as we all learned new cooking skills from each other. Thank you to our wonderful team of ladies who gave up their time to come to the classes and share their skills, and a special thank you to Morag for all your hard work and organization. We are hoping to run another beginners class alongside an advanced class in the new year, watch this space! We recently started our new Walking Group, 24 people attended, the sun was shining and we enjoyed a soup lunch and fellowship as we took some gentle exercise together. Our next walk is scheduled for Sunday 7th December, we will have a light lunch after morning worship and aim to start walking for 1.15pm. This is a short walk to suit all ages and abilities, we will definitely be back at MPN no later than 2.45pm, we would like to strongly encourage you to come along. Everybody welcome. Thank you to Sam & Jeanette for leading us. We hope to start a knitting group in the near future, this is in the very early planning stages but we will let you know as soon as we have any information. Our volunteers continue to go along to Sutherland House in the evenings to help. Sutherland House is a wonderful facility, run by a wonderful team and serving a community of wonderful people. We would strongly recommend you find out a bit more if you think this is something you would like to be involved in or if you think you would like to help with any of our joint activities, sharing your skills or just simply enjoying fellowship, it truly is for everyone! We would like to say a huge thank you for your continued prayers and encouragement and we would ask that you continue to pray for our friends at Sutherland House and that God would continue to guide us as we work together. For more information, please contact Elaine 01292 857153

Remember, together with our awesome God, we really can make a difference!


– for the Arts’

A number of 'Equip' days have been held in various parts of the country over the past three years, featuring a variety of speakers and workshops on mission, discipleship and worship, and these have been very well received. Our next Equip event taking place in Motherwell on Saturday 28 March 2015 will be slightly different, focussing as it will on inspiring and resourcing congregations specifically through the arts. Please see the poster on the noticeboard in the Crush Hall and in this edition of the magazine. For full details and to register, you should visit events/equip-arts

Church Flowers I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who kindly made donations towards the Church flowers over the past year. The flower list for 2015 will be on the Chancel from Sunday 30th November, you will find it on the small table just in front of the font. If you would like to mark an occasion or anniversary with flowers in Church please add your name against the date/dates you require. I want especially to thank all the ladies and gentlemen of the flower team who cheerfully deliver the flowers after the service each Sunday, they do a tremendous job on our behalf and their kindness means a great deal to everyone they visit. If you should hear of anyone who is ill, bereaved, housebound or just needs cheering up, I would be very grateful if you could please let me know and I will be very happy to deliver flowers on behalf of the Church family. If you don't manage to catch me in Church please just give me a call at the following number. 01292 479472. Margaret Ferguson—Flower Convenor. Margaret Ferguson Flower Convenor

We came to Prestwick in February after deciding it was time to downsize from the family home in the south side of Glasgow. Our move had many twists and turns and at times we wondered what God was planning for us. It certainly didn’t seem to fit with what we had in mind! Cathcart Trinity Church had been our spiritual home for several years and it was a big wrench to leave the church family there. Some folks who knew MPN said we would find a warm welcome here and so it has proved. Bible based teaching and lively praise have made us feel at home and we didn’t feel the need to visit any other churches in the area. There is so much happening in the church and we hope to become involved as God leads us. It is great to be a part of a very special fellowship and we look forward to exciting times ahead. Malcolm and Carol Yates.

MOST OF US WERE TAUGHT THE “Three Rs” at primary school—reading, writing and arithmetic. The Dalai Lama’s Three Rs, however are: Respect for yourself Respect for others Responsibility for all your actions. That seems like a good Route through life. (Taken from the 2009 The Friendship Book—a thought for each day of 2009.

The Girls Brigade started back on the 8th September with a games night with a total of 11 girls.

An exciting programme of events and a recruitment campaign in local schools has now resulted in a total of 30 girls attending each week. The theme this year is the rainforests and endangered species and so far we have enjoyed a themed drama workshop, a speaker from the RSPB and a very well attended soup and sandwich fund raiser which helped to pay our annual fees. The Youth Parade on Remembrance Sunday at the Cenotaph was also well attended by our girls. We look forward to welcoming our Guest Kirsty who is a local reptile and animal shop owner later on this month and also to our annual Carol Singing in Prestwick and Christmas Party in December. Because of the number of girls attending now we need some adult volunteers to help keep the Brigade going and make it a safe and fun place for all our girls. Susan Christie Lt

Divisional Competition winners—October 2014. CONGRATULATIONS GIRLS

Musical Notes Whit wey’s the bairns a’ gether’d roond The Kirk-yaird gate at sic’ an hour Dae ye no ken whit’s on the nicht?The practice o’ oor Junior Choir! Sae in we gang, and cast oor claes Up on the pegs (they’re faur too highMaybe pit there for grown folk Wha sang his praise in days gone by !) A body scarce can hear his thochts, Wi’ forty weans a’ clatterin But noo the maister’s stick comes oot, Twa taps suffice to quell the din. The music’s there! By direct threats The muckle pains laborious Tis gradually drawn frae lusty throats Tae tak’ a shape harmonious A dinna fancy “second” pairts Sae awfu’ low and unco douce Ye need tae ken the doh-re-me To keep thon pairt agin the tune Frae Handel’s michty chorus doon Tae Britten’s brent-new melody, The sangs we ken are a’ weel writ An’ aye enrich the memory And sae, guid-folk, on Christmas E’en, Jist tak’ yersels richt up the brae, Tae God’s Ain Hoose For as was told ‘A little child shall lead the way’ Written by Arthur J Maxwell.

MINISTER Rev. David Clarkson Telephone : 01292 471379 Email :

BIBLE STUDY Wednesday 10.30 am Margaret Thomson Telephone : 01292 477045

SESSION CLERK James U Riach Telephone : 01292 476458 Email :

BOYS’ BRIGADE Friday pm (Various) Pat Simpson Telephone : 01292 477289

TREASURER/HALL BOOKINGS Robert Gibson Telephone : 01292 479248 Email :

GIRLS’ BRIGADE Monday 6.00 pm Sue Christie Telephone : 07751219601

ORGANIST David Watson Telephone : 01292 314867

GUILD Thursday 2.00 pm Margaret Goodlad Telephone : 01292 470903

CHURCH OFFICE Telephone : 01292 678810 Email : KIRK SESSION COMMITTEE REPRESENTATIVES Discipleship Sam Gilmour Telephone : 01292 470614 Fabric & Finance Ed Sutherland Telephone : 01292 849554 Outreach Anne Ferguson Telephone: 01292 470975 Pastoral Care Jim Riach Telephone : 01292 476458 Worship Scott Wardrop Telephone : 01292 670513

MONKTON BROWNIES Thursday 6.30 pm Monkton Community Church Irene Boyle Telephone : 01292 478376 KIDDIEWINKLES Monday 10.00 am Elaine Gilbert Telephone : 07734806812 TOTS-TOWN Wednesday 10.00 a.m Monkton Community Church Toni Burns Telephone : 07886449563 THE YOUNG CHURCH Sunday 11.00 am Lesley McCarrell Telephone : 01292 477779 Duncan Campbell Telephone : 01292 435020

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