e-knjiga e-book
BOLJ ZAVZETI, BOLJ USPEŠNI MORE ENGAGED, MORE SUCCESSFUL Gradivo z vozlišč, Managerski kongres, 25. in 26. september 2014
Avtorji: Udeleženci in moderatorji vozlišč Managerskega kongresa 2014 www.zdruzenje-manager.si Uredništvo: mag. Edita Krajnović Tanja Malovrh Darija Stankovič Partner vozlišč: Mediade d.o.o. Ljubljana, september 2014
VOZLIŠČA SO MISLEČA SREDIŠČA Odkljukajte, če se strinjate, da managerji na konferencah: ne sodelujejo v delovnih skupinah, ne govorijo o svojih neuspehih, ne ostajajo do konca, ne poslušajo drugih. Pred uvedbo vozlišč na Managerskem kongresu so bili mnogi mnenja, da delovne skupine niso za vodilne managerje. To je tista oblika timskega konferenčnega dela, ki je za vse druge, samo za najvišje ne. In vendar lahko jasno odgovorimo: NE DRŽI. Kongres že štiri leta zaključimo z zavihanimi rokavi in konkretnim delom v skupinah od pet do 15 ljudi, med katerimi zaokroži morje praks in idej. Za mnoge je to najboljši del kongresa, ker imajo priložnost teme, o katerih se je razpravljalo dve dni, strniti v uporabne ukrepe, prijeme, zamisli. Nekaj, s čimer se oborožijo za ponedeljkov delovni začetek. Hkrati spoznajo in se povežejo z zanimivimi ljudmi, ki jih kljub pregovorno majhni Sloveniji, prej niso poznali. Mnogi ostanejo v stiku kot skupina in nadaljujejo skupna strokovna ali družabna druženja tudi po kongresu. Vse to je čar vozlišč – druženje z razlogom, ki mu rečemo: biti boljši vodja. Ker je to ekstencialna potreba vsakega dobrega managerja.
Sonja Šmuc izvršna direktorica Združenja Manager
NIKOLAJ MEJAŠ O.K. Consulting Zavzetost je neločljivo povezana z odnosom, ki ga ima posameznik do izdelka (ali storitve), ki nastaja v njegovem delovnem okolju (podjetju, organizaciji). Izdelek, ki ima v tvojem vrednostnem sistemu dobro pozicijo, ti daje zagon, da aktivno sodeluješ v procesu ali procesih njegovega nastajanja, kjerkoli na poti od produkcije do kupca. Zaposleni želijo, da imajo njihovi proizvodi ali storitve smisel, smisel, ki lahko tudi presega sam pomen izdelka. Osmišljenost pa vpliva na produktivnost večine zaposlenih.
From: Nikolaj Mejas [mailto:nikolaj.mejas@gmail.com] Sent: Wednesday, October 1, 2014 12:27 PM Subject: A follow up thought Here are our thoughts: We noticed at our table that employee engagement was an important value for the whole group. We came up with three important questions that need to be answered before the employee even enters the organization and then checked periodically to evaluate whether the engagement is sufficient to continue a productive working relationship. 1) “Are we a good fit?” – fit of values, beliefs, vision and mission between the individual and the organization 2)
“Where is my place?” – fit of employee’s abilities and interests with needs of the organization
3) “How do we build trust?” – fit of clearly expressed expectations and delivered results, keeping mutual promises, and accountability Thinking about enhancing productivity in this context of engagement shed some light on the complexity of the issue. Engagement cannot be imposed or ordered – it can only thrive when we create suitable conditions for it to emerge, grow and develop. These conditions are very much connected to underlying values and beliefs, which often need to be changed before any engagement enhancing activities can be undertaken and expected to work. One possible way to get there is to try and change how both the employees and the managers experience themselves, each other and their job in general. Respect as the emotion Mr. Marciano established as the drive of engagement might be seen more as the necessary, but not sufficient condition for engagement. I respect people and their actions, which for me have value. The more our values overlap, the easier it is to establish mutual respect and vice-versa. The other emotion necessary to increase employee engagement is trust. Only when both sides trust each other and develop a relationship of trust, a partnership, engagement can grow. This is how the transition from a traditional organizational culture to the modern one begins – if in traditional view the employees are not to be trusted, coworkers are competitors and management is the “enemy, the modern organizational culture is built upon mutual trust. Increased trust and respect between coworkers (management included) lead to developing a partnership in which common goals can be established (and valued over individual goals). Only when everybody working in the organization becomes partners in following a common vision can engagement and thus productivity be increased. In an environment of trust the employees can be freer in choosing their own way to deliver the desired results and be more autonomous. When they can choose what, how, when, where and with whom they work as much as possible, they will enjoy their work more, be more motivated,
and get more done, which in combination with the elements discussed earlier will contribute to higher productivity. Therefore we suggest engagement to be evaluated regularly through the three questions we came up with and periodically check the fit of values and beliefs (enhancing respect), fit of interests/abilities and needs (enhancing autonomy) and fit of expectations and results (enhancing trust). I hope our thinking triggers valuable insights and that the book we are creating sheds light on the complexity of the issue of engagement and at the same time offers practical and directly applicable tools managers can use to start a movement of engagement in their organizations. Kind regards, Nikolaj Mejaš & Katarina Veselko
PAUL MARCIANO The Respect Guy Employee engagement depends on respect and on creating a culture of respect within the organization. Organizations with the most highly engaged employees exist where employees respect their organization, respect the leadership of the organization – especially their direct supervisor, respect the work that they do, respect their fellow team members, and feel respected.
From: Paul Marciano [mailto:paulmarciano@gmail.com] Sent: Saturday, September 27, 2014 12:38 PM Subject: A follow up thought In terms of launching a campaign for engagement in one's organization I think the following makes sense: 1. Leaders must go back and educate their managers and supervisors -- give them the data to make them understand how important it is 2. Communicate that it is the responsibility of every manager to increase engagement in his/her department 3. Have a workshop where managers define what engagement "looks like" for them. What are the behaviors they want to promote? Can really good concrete examples such as the one that I gave about my bookkeeper on Sunday morning. 4. And provide training and education to managers in how to promote engagement -- don't let them say that it is all about pay because it is not. Primarily focus on building pride in people, and, of course, RESPECT! 5. Measure the impact - you should see outcomes such as increased productivity, quality and retention. Respectfully, Paul
V psihologiji vodenja igra osrednjo vlogo transfer. Kaj to je transfer, na vzročni liniji uspeh, produktivnost, zavzetost, motivacija, najlažje pojasnim s starim vojaškim pregovorom, velikokrat preizkušenem v tisti praksi, kjer je bilanca rezultata dobesedno rdeča. Pregovor gre takole: »Krdelo jelenov, ki jih vodi lev, bo vedno premagalo krdelo levov, ki jih vodi jelen.«
From: Majhen [mailto:anton.majhen@paideia.si] Sent: Monday, September 29, 2014 10:28 AM Subject: Re: A follow up thought »Krdelo jelenov, ki jih vodi lev, bo vedno premagalo krdelo levov, ki jih vodi jelen.« Zavzetost je kot etičnost. Lahko ju definiramo kot ključni dinamični razvojni kritični točki voditeljstva. Sam akt pa psihodimamsko postavimo kot individualno ustvarjalno dejanje. Takrat seveda, ko nam je težko. Zavzetost in etičnost sta po naravi sami sebi nagrada. Torej je rezultat vsakokratnih tako ustvarjalnih dejanj viden, ko se iskreno pogledamo v ogledalu. Ogledalo voditeljstva pa je tudi aritmetična sredina teh istih psiho-dinamik v podjetju. Zato voditelj ni nekdo, ki zgolj je in obstaja, temveč nekdo, ki se iz-bor-no soustvarja skozi prizmo zavzetosti in etičnosti. Lep dan, Anton
ZVEZDANA LUBEJ Profiles International
Karkoli počnete ali ne počnete, prispeva ali ne prispeva k temu, kako karizmatičen vodja ste in kako zavzeti so vaši sodelavci. Začnite delati spremembe (pa čeprav majhne) že danes! Bodite svetilnik pozitivne energije, prepoznavajte veličino v drugih in uporabljajte karizmatično moč zaupanja v ljudi.
From: Zvezdana Lubej│PROFILES INT. SLOVENIA [mailto:Zvezdana.Lubej@profilesslovenia.si] Sent: Saturday, September 27, 2014 3:53 PM Subject: A follow up thought
Vesela sem, da je vedno bolj pogosta tema med managerji, kako zelo pomembni so zavzeti sodelavci. Fokus v (KISS – keep simple & smart) enostavnost procesov in zavzetost ljudi se bo zagotovo rezultiral tudi v dobičku. Na vozlišču, ki sem ga vodila smo prepoznali, kako zelo pomembna je voditeljska karizma. Brez nje je nemogoče voditi z zgledom. In prav to deli dobre vodje od slabih. Slovenija in slovenska podjetja pa potrebujejo prav to – liderje, ki gradijo energičen in pozitiven odnos v drugih, liderje, ki ustvarjajo takšno delovno okolje, kjer so zaposleni čustveno in intelektualno predani ciljem organizacije. Vsaka pozitivna in entuziastična oseba še ni nujno karizmatična, definitivno pa je vsak karizmatični lider, pozitiven in navdušujoč. In ko vodja goji pozitivna in visoka pričakovanja do sebe in drugih in ob tem zna še poslušati, lahko z veliko zagotovostjo rečemo, da imamo pred sabo karizmatičega liderja. Karizma ni nekaj, kar nam je položeno v zibko, čeprav imajo nekateri večji ali manjši potencial, da postanejo karizmatični liderji. Vsak se lahko odloči postati karizmatičen. Poleg odločitve, samozavesti in ustvarjenega zaupanja so za karizmo izjemno pomembna vedenja, ki jih vsak dan izkazujemo pri svojem delu.Karizmatični liderji se vedejo tako, da so njihovi sodelavci pripravljeni vložiti v svoje delo več energije in tudi svoj prosti čas. Ne pozabite! Vedno vplivamo. Tudi če nič ne delamo, vplivamo. Enako je s karizmo. Karkoli počnemo ali ne počnemo vpliva na to, kako karizmatično nas dojemajo drugi. Ko bodo naši sodelavci med nami prepoznali dovolj karizmatičnih liderjev, se bo tudi zavzetost zaposlenih dvignila, s tem pa tudi produktivnost. Vesela novica! Vse je odvisno od nas. Zares čudovita priložnost. Zvezdana Lubej
From: Zvezdana Lubej│PROFILES INT. SLOVENIA [mailto:Zvezdana.Lubej@profilesslovenia.si] Sent: Monday, September 29, 2014 8:23 PM Subject: A follow up thought
Dear all, I totally agree, employee engagement has never been more important than today. I would like to share with you some topics of our study (Profiles International) that included 400,000 assessors. The evaluators assessed the 70 key leadership behaviors, but we also obtained their leadership charisma ratings – so we were able to identify which out of the 70 leadership behaviors were the ones that specifically drove a charismatic impact upon the direct reports of these leaders. In our research we looked very closely at people like Steve Jobs of Apple, Mary Kay Ash of Mary Kay Cosmetics, Jack Welch of GE, Oprah Winfrey, Pierre Omidyar of eBay – and dozens more. We wanted to know if charisma drives productivity. During the survey we came to the conclusion that charisma and engagement are actually just two sides of the same coin. Leaders who possess charisma will inspire their people with the allegiance and devotion necessary for convincing them to invest greater discretionary efforts in their work. Leadership Charisma drives engagement. What did we do? 1.
First, we wanted to know what impact charismatic leaders have on their co-workers
2. Then we collected information about whether people who have been as highly charismatic actually achieve good results in their working environment.
3. And in the end we were interested in what these people are doing to have such an impact on their colleagues. Our research showed that a leader’s charisma, the extent to which one fully engages his/her people, depends on nothing but a very specific set of behaviors. Those leaders who practice these behaviors daily through their interactions are perceived as charismatic; those who do not practice them are not. Also, we wanted to know why certain behaviors have such an impact on Charisma. I’d like to share with you two key principles that we uncovered as we undertook the huge amount of research: 1. WIIFM - what’s.in.it.for.me. Leaders who are able to clearly answer this question are definitely charismatic. The key message is: to be charismatic and to engage your people fully you must know each of them deeply enough for being able to tailor your vision so that its realization can be seen as leading to - realization of every person’s vision at the same time. 2. The Charismatic Equation. It is a really very sensible and straightforward principle that explains what gives a person charismatic appeal. In simple terms: if I feel better or do better as a result of spending time with you, then you are charismatic for me.
Behaviors like “Listen carefully without interrupting”, “Gives recognition”, “Keeps a positive outlook” and so on… are very important for charisma and for engagement. Charismatic leaders always let their people know that they KNOW that each one of them is capable of great things – they let each of them know that they can see the greatness in them. A leader’s expectations about their people have an enormous impact upon their performance. Energy and enthusiasm are fundamental elements of charisma. Vision is always of the key importance – but never more so than in challenging times. No one is 100% optimistic all of the time – but there is an enormous amount of research outlining a very direct connection between achieving success and positive, solution-oriented attitude in any (even the worst) situation. We have a complete online leadership development system, called the Checkpoint 360, so we could measure leadership charisma and we could give leaders the information which behaviors each of them needed to improve to increase engagement among co-workers :) Bottom line: REAL engagement begins and ends with the leader. If you are an engaging leader then your people will be engaged – if not, then it matters little what else you do - you won’t engage your people to the maximum extent and you’ll miss the significant additional productivity and profitability that can result from high engagement levels. I sincerely look forward to meet you again at the Conference on commitment, on 30th September. For me it is a pleasure and a privilege to be a part of this visionary group, I can sense big things coming out of this. S prisrčnimi pozdravi! Zvezdana Lubej
BOJAN BRANK Abena Zakaj bo potrebno naš odnos do tematike zavzetosti korenito spremeniti, brutalno odkrito in brez olepševanja pove Jim Clifton, Gallupov CEO , v uvodu k predstavitvi rezultatov njihove zelo odmevne svetovne raziskave o zavzetosti zaposlenih. Če njegovemu mnenju – navkljub morda komercialno pogojeni »cum grano salis« skepsi – pritrdimo, si moramo predstavljati številko 140, kateri sledi 12 ničel. To da tehničnemu terminu »odgovor za milijon dolarjev« povsem nov pomen. Raziskava predstavlja obvezno branje za vse vodje in odločevalce.
From: Bojan Brank [mailto:bojan.brank@abena.si] Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2014 1:07 AM Subject: RE: A follow up thought Dear all, Group I had a privilege to work with came to the conclusion Engagement topic needs to be fully recognized and addressed on different levels within the society. Macro (Country) level is one of the three. Perhaps Managrs Association just made first step to be followed by Engagement Conference scheduled to take place on Tuesday 30st Sep at Faculty for Economisc (and organized by Meta and SKZ). Other two leves: Enterprise level (group mentioned »Rethinking CEO role and his/hers impact) and indivitual level of each and every leader. From discussions within the group (Nevenka Pergar, Sarah Jezernik, Tomaž Bole and myself) one could draw a conclusion we believe engagement within any organisation depends on and rests with top leader (and transactions he/she generates ) however divisional / team leaders role is not to be neglected. The group did not dive too much into details and specific behaviours contributing to the engagement levels (we however mentioned few of them - trust Paul s thoughts on Respect were well received by the audience) but opted for »forest over trees« aproach instead. Trust presenters of our poster Nevenka and Sarah made that quite clear. I would like to extend my thanks to organizers for being selected to assist with this project as well as to the group members. In a way it seems we all threw downhill small snow ball at the end of the summer. Now it needs to roll and grow big (and if we want it to be big by Texas standards it will take a lot of effort and work). Kind regards & have a nice Sunday, Bojan
KSENIJA ŠPILER BOŽIČ BB Svetovanje Če želite zavzete sodelavce, ki bodo ustvarjalni v razmišljanju in proaktivni v delovanju, potem kot vodja pozabite na govorjenje. Prava pot je aktivno poslušanje in vključevanje sodelavcev. Dovolite, da besede, rešitve, ideje sogovornika prodrejo do vas, naredite jim prostor, da razširijo svoja krila in nove rešitve se bodo rojevale, vaši uspehi, predvsem pa uspehi vaših sodelavcev bodo dosegali višave.
From: Ksenija Božič [mailto:ksenija.bozic@bbsvetovanje.si] Sent: Monday, September 29, 2014 8:53 PM Subject: povzetek vozlišča
Zaključki oziroma povzetek dela na vozlišču Zavzetost kot smo jo videli na našem omizju izhaja iz dejstva, da imajo vsi naši sodelavci potencial, ki ga je potrebno izkoristi. V nasprotnem primeru ne uporabimo vseh resursov, ki so nam na voljo in se odrekamo določenemu kapitalu. Spoštovanje naših sodelavcev kot osebnosti je začetek. Verjamemo, da lahko prispevajo svoje zamisli, rešitve, prakse, zato jih vključujemo. Preverjamo in se trudimo razumeti zakaj delajo tako kot delajo, saj šele tako >ulovimo< njihovo koncept razmišljanja. Aktivno poslušanje se nadaljuje tudi v smeri preverjanja pogledov na naša sporočila, še posebno vizije, strategije. Pomaga, če smo aktivno prisotni v sredinah, kjer delujejo. Opazujemo, raziskujemo, poslušamo in pohvalimo. Zbirajmo dobre ideje, predloge, rešitve in jih nagradimo z besedo, finančno nagrado. Ljudje radi govorijo o svojih uspehih in povabimo jih, da jih predstavijo - PONOS DNEVA. Bodimo in ostanimo zgled. Naj naša dejanja sledijo našim besedam = poštenost v vodenju.
Vsaka ideja ima pred sabo mnogo izzivov. Na nas je, da te izzive premagamo in jo pripeljemo v Ĺživljenje. Ljudje, ki dajejo ideje in jih razvijejo do konca, so bolj zavzeti in produktivni.
From: Primož Zupan [mailto:Primoz.Zupan@halcom.si] Sent: Saturday, September 27, 2014 8:38 PM Subject: RE: A follow up thought Zdravo! Vesel sem, da se je v naši skupini potrdilo razmišljanje, ki ga v Halcomu že uspešno izvajamo, in sicer po pogovoru z vsemi člani skupine ugotavljam, da se drugje ideje še vedno premalo poslušajo. Zato smo predlagali 1. točko – začnimo zbirati ideje. Pri tem posebej poudarjamo, da to počnemo na enostaven in transparenten način, hkrati pa osebno si vsak od vodilnih vzame čas, da jih pogleda in premisli. Člani naše skupine so se zavezali, da bodo po našem vozlišču naredili sledeče: v podjetju Neuroth bo Robert pričel osebno zbirati ideje na naslednjem kolektivnem srečanju zaposlenih v oktobru, pri Lin & Nil bo Andreja namenila več časa svojim zaposlenim ter redno prakticirala skupna kosila, kjer se bodo pogovarjali o različnih idejah. Matej iz Trgotura je povedal, da bodo vsakodnevno jutranjo kavico z vsemi zaposlenimi, ki je pri njih ritual, da se sprostijo in pripravijo za delovnik, 1x na teden posvetili presojanju idej. Marin iz Elektronabave pa bo sodelavce peljal na nevtralno lokacijo, da se bodo sproščeno pogovorili o novih idejah. Sam pa sem ponudil možnost, da se oglasijo pri nas v Halcomovem studiu in da skupaj pogledamo, kaj se je od dogovorjenega naredilo ter kako je to spremenilo/ izboljšalo obstoječe stanje v vsakem od podjetij. Pri omenjeni aktivnosti bomo vsi gledali na to, da vključimo čim več zaposlenih tudi v samo izvedbo ideje ter jih tako na mehek način vpeljujemo v spremembe. Ves čas pa bomo končnega uporabnika imeli na prvem mestu, saj le tako lahko ideje potem, ko zaživijo v obliki produkta ali procesa, imajo prihodnost, da se bodo dejansko uporabljale. Lp, Primož
TAMARA VALENÄ&#x152;IÄ&#x152; Simobil
Tudi najbolj pristna zavzetost, tista, ki je organsko zrasla iz dobre klime in spodbudnega delovnega okolja, ne podpira nujno ciljev organizacije. Ne sme postati samorastnik, usmerjati jo moramo in spodbujati.
From: "Tamara Valencic" <Tamara.Valencic@simobil.si> Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2014 8:09 AM Subject: Re: A follow up thought Dear all, I support all the thoughts mentioned in this correspondence. I think that already discussing engagement at Managersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; congress is half way getting there. The top management is at the end of the day the main driver of engagement. Even though it might come from bottom up (perfect!), it has to be welcomed and appreciated, plus it has to be steered properly. Our group came to some important conclusions. One of them is: not all of us are capable of Âťbig thinkingÂŤ. So we need to know our employees and engage them where they feel they can contribute. So we are back to getting to know our teams and have empathy. One of the most important thing great leaders should have. Thank you for opening the topic at the congress and to give me the chance to be a part of it. Tamara
Ne gre za izbiro: ali spodbujamo poslovno uspešnost ali zavzetost zaposlenih. Ta dva cilja namreč nista izključujoča, temveč vzajemno povezana. Visoko učinkoviti vodje počnejo oboje hkrati: razvijajo osebne odnose s sodelavci in se hkrati fokusirajo na učinkovitost.
From: Marjeta Tič Vesel [mailto:Meta.Vesel@pristop.si] Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2014 7:48 AM Subject: A follow up thought Dear all, I would like to believe that that Friday 26 Sept and Tuesday 30 Sept (organized by PR society of Slovenija and HR society of Slovenia) will be remembered as a start of a wonderful journey to inside of ourselves. As I have already written in a few of my articles I strongly believe that inside there is a potential waiting to be awakened. And that goes on all levels (macro - nation, micro – company and indvididual). In my professional life as a consultant I am daily confronted with situations in which organizations (ie. managers) seek for solutions only and too much from outside instead of inside (eg. searching for ambassadors among customers only and not also among employees, customers engagement not accompanied by employee engagement, external communication of organizational changes not complemented strongly enough by internal communication). Because really what happens outside is a consequence (not a cause). I believe what we do is really already a start of a wonderful awareness campaign among the cricital profiles that can help grow this awareness further to the measurable impact: managers, HRmanagers and communication managers. The PR&HR working group that I am a part of (connecting PR profession and HR professionals) sees these three as the key ambassadors of employee engagement and has started this journey one year ago. On our Tuesday event we will also discuss a psychological insight of engagement. I believe this profession should also be engaged in this journey to help unlock the trust and positive attitude for life and work on individual level. Maybe the next step should be to join forces: representatives of Managers association to meet representatives of PR&HR working group. I look forward to this next stepJ Let us break this obstacle of »15 % engaged« in Slovenia (by Gallup). I thank the organizers of the congress to have included the topic of engagement in their programme. And of course to Mr. Marciano to provide a helpful RESPECT mentality to help us on our journey. I wish us all to remember and be guided by a beautiful saying: “A bird sitting on a tree is never afraid of the branch breaking, because her trust is not on the branch but on it’s own wings. Always believe in yourself” – Unknown Best regards, Meta
Zavzetost zaposlenih ima neposreden vpliv na produktivnost. Zato je pomembno, da vodje razumejo dejavnike ki prispevajo k zavzetosti in ovire, ki jo dušijo.
From: Tadej Petek [mailto:tadej.petek@develor.si] Sent: Friday, September 26, 2014 9:53 PM Subject: Poročilo 10. vozlišča Tadej Petek, Develor Vtisi skozi oči moderatorja – fasilitatorja: V mali skupini 4 gospa; Kristina, Irena, Uršula in Štefanija smo se pred pričetkom 'uradnega' začetka dela v vozlišču že spoznali med sabo. Po predstavitvi norm in pravil sodelovanja smo izkoristili kratko predstavitev tudi za izmenjavo izkušenj na področju zavzetosti. V prvem krogu smo na listke 5€ bankovce zbirali ideje na vprašanje: 'Kako naj s ciljem dviga učinkovitosti povečamo zavzetost naših zaposlenih?' Udeleženke vozlišča so imele veliko idej, tako da jim je kmalu zmanjkalo 'bankovcev' za zapis 'vrednih' idej. Zato smo po 10 minutah dodali še vsaki po 5 bankovcev; Zbiranje več idej je bilo zelo učinkovito. V naslednjem krogu smo glasovali na bankovce in izbrali 5 zmagovalnih idej, po posvetu pa smo prepisali 'rafinirane' ideje in te so: 1. Vodenje z zgledom: a. vodje morajo najprej narediti 'domačo' nalogo in s seboj razčistiiti lastno zavzetost, da bomo lahko vodili z zgledom 2. Strategija delovanja se redno oblikuje in preverja z vključitvijo vseh nivojev a. Notranjo motivacijo iščemo na izvoru; ko so ljudje vključeni v (so) oblikovanje zgodbe o uspehu, jo bodo hoteli pripeljati do uspešnega konca 3. Dosledno nematerialno (pa tudi materialno) nagrajevanje uspehov, idej in truda za dobrobit podjetja in zaposlenih v njem Srečno izvedbo idej v praksi! Tadej petek, Develor
JOSE ANTONIO MORALES Fear and Fail Conference
When was the last time you have been thinking about your deepest fears? Do you believe your fears are blocking your personal growth? In your office, do you believe your team's performance can be affected by collective unresolved fears?
From: Jose Antonio Morales [mailto:jose@lincolnisland.com] Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2014 9:42 AM Subject: Re: A follow up thought Good morning, Based on my experience Engagement is a consequence, as it is ownership and innovation. Which are the conditions for teams or entire organizations to thrive? I specially agree with Tamara, Empathy is essential. Let me share with you a slide I showed to my group:
Together with my team, we are pretty amazed with the interest of global corporations on 'finding a path to transformation'. I believe this is the time where a new system is required for businesses to operate at top performance. I would like to add something else, I believe engaging is not the same than motivating, probably is much closer to inspiring. Jose Antonio Morales
Čar vozlišč je DRUŽENJE Z RAZLOGOM, ki mu rečemo: biti boljši vodja!
Združenje Manager www.zdruzenje-manager.si info@zdruzenje-manager.si