Project report

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Contents 2-7 | YNC Col laborative with Kirsty Shaw - BEAR

9-1 1 | DNAD Invidual - Purdey's

1 2-17 | Live Individual - The Al ice Hawthorn

18-21 | 99Designs Individual - Spicy Man Jam

22-25 | Live Individual - My Cheddar

26-29 | 99Designs Individual - Popkoff's

30-33 | Live Individual - LUXX

34-37 | Live Individual - Furr Records

39-4 1 | Live Individual - Yoke Dialogue Exhibition

42-43 | Summative Evaluation

Co l l a b o r a t i v e w i t h K i r s t y S h aw | YC N | B E A R



Co l l a b o r a t i v e w i t h K i r s t y S h aw | YC N | B E A R




YCN Creative Chal lenge

BEAR is a chi ldrens cereal and heal th

As they were getting ready for a packaging

snack company. Al ternative to the garishly

refresh, the brand was reaching out to

designed sugar and sal t fi l led products that

creatives to develop a new concept for the

are commonly on the shelves, BEAR prides

back of the box which refletcs a clearer,

itsel f on its natural ingredients, as wel l as

stronger idea that uses the al phabet or

it's fun yet educational concepts. Their

letters as a focal point.

product, Al phabites - Cereal letters, along with themed packaging, al lows chi ldren

The new concept needed to look good,

to learn without real ising they are doing

inspire and engage kids, bui ld exitement

so, ticking the box for parents but it also

and anticipation for future boxes as wel l as

tickingvthe box for kids.

persuading the parents to continue buying the product.


Evaluation I chose to work with Kirsty for this brief due

my approach towards this has become more

to the fact I found her real ly hel pful during

professional. Through the development of

other projects, as wel l as the fact she is

design boards and feedback which has

not someone I would normal ly consider

driven design decisions, my approach

working with so would bring me out of

towards these have also become so

my com fort zone. The reasons I wanted to

much more thorough and professional.

partake in the chosen brief was because al l

On the contrary, I found working in

of it's focuses are areas I enjoy or would

a partenership a lot harder than I had

l ike to work within and develop my ski l ls


and understanding of; i l lustration, the food

management became very poor after

and drink industry, packaging, branding &

the initial few weeks, meaning there was

Identity and design for a young audience.

a lack of motivation and enthusiasm

I also thought it would be interesting to

from both of us. Towards the end of the

design for an exsisting brand and identity,

project, it became very one-sided and I

and to try and create work that worked in

fel t as though it was going to have to be

harmony with this.

me who would be the one to take over





and final ise our concept and designs, I real ly enjoyed developing and creating

which was basical ly what happened.

work (especial ly the i l lustration) that was targeted towards a young audience. I feel I

If I were to approach this project again,

have quite a good understanding of what

I think I would definately make sure

appeals to them, therefore applying this

the roles of each person was clear and

to my design was quite pleasing. In terms

determined before we had even begun.

of ski l ls I developed during the project,

I would make sure these roles would

working with packaging has hel ped me gain

actual ly be undertaken, as apposed to

a much better understanding of what can

each of us not real ly sure what the other

be achieved and created, whi lst considering

was doing and dri fting apart. I would

practical and functional values as wel l as

also make sure we had a plan that kept

the production. Through mocking up our

the project in order in terms of our time

ideas, my crafting ski l ls have to a smal l

l imit and what needed doing for when.

degree developed, but much more so my

Sti l l, considering this, I couldn't real ly

digital rendering ski l ls. I haven't real ly spent

think of how else the project could

much time doing this before but through

have been approached, as I was actual ly

pure experimentation and onl ine tutorials,

real ly happy with our final outcome. 7.

I nd i v i d ual Com pe t i t i on Su bm i ss i on | D N A D | Pu rdey ' s




DNAD Creative Chal lenge

Purdey's is proud to be the original wel l-

The creative chal lenge was to repackage

being drink, created in the early 1990s.

Purdeys Rejuvenate, and extend its range

Purchased by Britvic Soft Drinks in 2000,

to include one new - product Purdeys

it's remained a smal l but perfect ly formed

Natural Energy, 'sharing the secret' with

part of the company's portfol io of much

more people without loosing the curiosity

larger brands. Part of Purdey's appeal l ies in

of the brand.

its idiosyncratic nature; from its packaging, which




From my analysis and breakdown of the

preserve the del ivery of the drink, through

brief, I decided to develop the del iverables

to the 'taste l ike no other', sl ight ly brewed

further. Real istical ly, the real problem with

flavour of the drink itsel f. Purdeys is less

the product was not the packaging, but the



fact it is not marketed. Therefore, I decided

loyal fol lowers in urban corner shops and

to fol low up the re-design with a marketing


campaign to accompany.




speci fical ly



Evaluation I decided to persue this brief due to the

fact I couldnt physical ly make the product

fact I have an interest in packaging design

so it was hard to know to what extent the

and the drinks market, but also because

practical ity of it would be. I also found

it seemed quite chal lenging and I wanted

creating the design boards a chal lenge in

to break out of my com fort zone. I real ly

terms of what I needed to be presenting

enjoyed developing my ski l ls in packaging

and how.

concepts, taking an idea and extending it

again, I think I would experiment much

further, working with exisiting branding

more as apposed to going for the first idea

as wel l as digital ly rendering and mocking

I warm to - just because I l ike it doesn't

up my ideas to a much more professional

mean I can't do better. I think I would also


develop my design boards further as I was

If I were to approach the brief

not overly please with my final designs and The main problem I was faced with was the

fel t they could have been more impactful.


Th e A l i c e H aw t h o r n | Lo g o , I l l u s t ra t i o n a n d Pr i n t e d m e d i a



The Al ice Hawthorn

Creative Chal lenge

The Al ice Hawthorn is a resturant/pub in

The creative chal lenge was to primari ly

the heart of the North Yorkshire vi l lage Nun

develop and design a new logo for the

Monkton. The resturant has recent ly been

resturant, which would then be the main

taken over by someone I have in the past

driving point to develop the rest of the

worked for, and boasts it's ethos of great

identity. This identity evolved into a series

dishes with local ly sourced ingredients such

of i l lustrations to be used within digital and

as meat reared & vegetables grown on the

printed media, as wel l as a series of menu

premises. The new management also own

designs, signs and stationary. The intended

the UK's biggest reclaimed ti le company, as

aesthetic was something to reflect the

wel l a 5 star Hotel and Spa in rural Spain,

rustic, rural and homely feel of the place,

which has hel ped influence the concept of

and I met and worked alongside the cl ients

the new rustic eatery.

on regular basis during the project to make the designs were exact ly the desired outcomes.


To Conclude STAPLES MENU To Commence Cauliflower Velou Pumpkin Seeds, A Ag Butternut Squash h, Mixed Seeds, End di Garlic Wild Mussh Toasted Briochee, T

Rhubarb & Elderflower Crumb ble Stem Ginger Ice Cream, elderflo ow Palo Cotardo, Peninsula, Solera R


Coconut & Dark Chocolate & Saalt Sweet Basil & Strawberry Sorbet t( Muscat de Beaumes de Venise 20 2

Alice Hawthorn Full English Breakfast Sausages, Bacon, Black Pudding, Fried Bread, Baked Beans, Tomato, Mushroom & Fried Egg .........................................................................................9.95

Vanilla Crème Brulee Tia Maria Chocolate, Baileys Ice C Chateau Septy 2010, Monbazilla ac

Scrambled Eggs, Spinach & Parmesan Using Our Own wn Hens Eggs ..................................................................................7.50

Lemon Tart Textures Of Raspberries ............... ..... Muscat de Beaumes de Venise 20 00

Eggs Royale, Benedict orr Florentine On Toasted Muffins, Hollandaise Sauce cee ... .........................................................7.50 ... ............

Local Beee

Pak Choi, Lemon ng

To Follow

3 Cheeses ............................................. ..... 5 Cheeses............................................. .......


100% Prime Beee Crispy Smoked dB

h Little Fish

Alice Hawthorrn Pork Sausage, B Mushrooms & F


Luxury ry Fish ish PPi Smoked T Smoke Trou ut Slow Roasted d Parsley & Villla

Baked Beetroot Crisps Avocado & Goats Cheese Dip ..............................................................................4,95 .. ..........................4,95 Smoked Salmon On n Toasted Dill & Cracked Blac B Black k Pepper B Bread eaad Chive Crème Fraiche...............................................................................................7.95 .......................... .7. Ripe Tomato Olive Oil Toast.................................................................................4.95 .....................................................................4.95 ... 5


Proper oper Whitby W by Tartare rtare Saucee, M Yorkshire oorrkkshir hire Ste Stteeak ea Chips C hips & Frenc French

Eggy Bread Cinnamon French Toast, Red Fruits & Dr Dredged dged ed d Sugar ..............................6.50 .... ....

cream taste. Runny at the edges,


firm me

Add A Glass Of Port (50ml Glass)

Mini S C

Tea & Coffee

Brunch c D ch Drinks rinks nks LList Li Bloooody Mar Bloody Mary aryy Glass O Of Champa Champagne ampagne mpa ne Bucks Fizz Selection Of Teas as & Coffees Coffee & Hott Chocolate ocolate olate Al A Also s A Available va

Special dietary r

Evaluation Al though it may not look l ike it, this became

Apart from the time consumption, other

a real ly big project, and took over a lot of

problems I ran into were the fact I had

my time causing me to fal l behind with a

ideas I fel t would work better than the

majority of my other work. As much as

cl ients yet it was them who had the final

I enjoyed working on it it did lead me to

decision on the designs. Communication

become very frustrated at times. I real ly

became a problem during the project but I

enjoyed the 'arty' experimental approach

resolved this be organising meettings with

the cl ient wanted to to take as it was a

the cl ient. Al though this WAS resolved, the

change from my normal way of working

same can not be said at this moment in

and al lowed me to expand on my i l lustration

time - a lot of things have gone on at the

and type ski l ls. it was real ly good for me to

resturant meaning the people I was working

work for and alongside cl ients. This is not

alongside are no longer there and I haven't

something I have done before so meeting

real ly any idea as to wether the designs are

them on a regular basis real ly hel ped my

being used or not. Sti l l, I got payed and I

confidence in terms of professional ism.

real ly enjoyed working with the people. 15.



S p i c y M a n J a m | Lo g o De s i g n



Spicy Man Jam

99Designs Creative Chal lenge

Spicy Man Jam make and sel l Habanero

The chal lenge was to develop and

jam; spicy jel ly to spread on crackers,

design a new logo for the company.

cheese, meat, nachos. They encourage

The required logo was to represent

our customers to share their 'jam

mascul inity and maturity in a modern,

session' - di fferent ways they enjoy

playful, loud and obvious way. The logo

their spicy man jam. Their ethos is to

would be used within the products,

'spread love and good times'.







Evaluation I decided to take on this brief primari ly as

was the lack of communication between

it seemed quite fun and simple, it focused

me and the cl ient. Due to the nature of

upon the food and drink industry, and was

99Designs; it is a competition based site

quite broad meaning I could approach it in

with cl ients who seem to have very

any desired way. The additional reason was

l itt le knowledge of design, it is basical ly

the payment of ÂŁ200 for the winning entry...

a guessing game to determine exact ly

I enjoyed the initial stages of this project,


as it al lowed me to develop my i l lustration

disheartening when designs that I had spent

ski l ls but at the same time how i l lustrations

a good week on were critisised by the cl ient

can work in terms of a logo. I was quite

in quite a rude and un-enthusiastic way,

pleased with my final outcome, al though

whi lst other designs that had clearly taken

throwing the design back and forth through

no ski l l were praised. In future I think I wi l l

di fferent softwares meant that the designs

use briefs l ike this to my advantage and to

qual ity was not as sharp as I had hoped it

develop my ski l ls, as apposed to pleasing

to be. The main problem I had with the brief

people who clearly don't have a clue.

they are wanting. I found it quite


M y Ch e d d a r | Lo g o De s i g n 22.



My Cheddar

Creative Chal lenge

My Stepdad is starting up a new business

The creative chal lenge was to develop and

in which he and a partner hel p and advise

design a logo/identity for the company. The

people on how to manage their debts.

concept my Stepdad wanting me to work

The idea is that people can learn to hel p

around was the idea of 'cheese'/'cheddar'

themselves without the need of having to

representing the money aspect, and/or a

go through big companies that wi l l charge

mouse character that would narrate and

them a substancial amount of money.

lead the cl ient through the website. In my



opinion, I fel t this was a sl ight ly chi ldish

approachable, down to earth, whi lst sti l l

concept and did not consider the target

aquainting professional ism and competent

audience, so I decided i f this was what

services to fit and work around the cl ients

he wanted I would need to approach it in

circumstances. The company wi l l also be

a much more mature way to represent the

primari ly website based.

professional ism of the company.





Evaluation This brief had a very quick turn-around, as

media and develop this into more of a

what I was asked to do wasn't the most

visual identity for the company. During

demanding thing I have been presented

the project, I was faced with a very smal l

with. I enjoyed the project as I haven't

problem, but in hindsight quite a large and

real ly attempted something based around

embarrassing problem - I had been spel l ing

a professional service or company before,

the company name wrong the whole time.

and it was quite chal lenging for me to try

This could have been avoided a lot sooner

and take an idea that seemed quite chi ldish

i f I had approached a peer to look over my

and approach it in a way that took the tone

work, or my step dad for that matter. This

of voice of the company and the intended

is definately something I wi l l be doing in

target audience into consideration. It was

future as I am aware now that spel l ing

also good for me to consider how the logo

is not my forte and is one of the most

could be used within printed and digital

important aspects of design. 25.

Po p k o f f ' s | C h a r a c t e r R e - d e s i g n




99Designs Creative Chal lenge

Popkoff's is a company who sel l Russian


food products to the U.S. market. The


company were seeking a re-design of a

characteristics to the existing image.

their mascot.

The i l lustration was to focus on the face

brief i l lustrate

required a


competitors with

simi lar

and top area of the body, and could be Popkoff's has been in business since

created using any chosen approach or

1965, and for the past several years they

production method.The final resolution

have uti l ized a friendly, Russian man

was to be a high resolution image which

i l lustration. He was now ready for a

would be printed as large as 3 feet by 3

makeover (evolution not revolution)..

feet for tradeshow panels and posters.

Evaluation I approached this brief purely down

on the brief as the del iverables were

to the fact it was i l lustratively driven,

very smal l. Looking back now, I real ly

fun, simple and focused around the

wish I had extended the project further

food and drink industry. I real ly enjoyed

and developed a lot more than just an

developing my i l lustration ski l ls and

i l lustration. If I were to approach a brief



l ike this again, i definately would take

i l lustrators,

it upon mysel f to rebrand the company,

however I real ly did not enjoy rendering

as I do not think it is acceptable to have

these digital ly. I found it real ly di fficul t

design that disgusting presented to us

to get something I was happy with

in this day and age. I wasn't very happy

concerning colour and the aesthetic

with my final outcome, and I think this

of the image as a whole. Trying to

was down to the fact I had not considered

incorporate the original company logo

what the company actual ly was.




di fferent

di fferent

led me to question mysel f as to why I chose the brief. The company image as a whole was very garish and off-putting, and thinking about it real istical ly this is not the sort of company I would real ly want to work with. I only spent one day



Lu x x | Lo g o a n d A l b u m A r t wo r k




Creative Chal lenge

My good friend George is an up and

The brief required me to develop and


design a logo/identity for LUXX, which

music producer who goes music

then developed further into an additional

production is primari ly electronic and

series of song artworks based around

focuses mainly around the genre of

the same style.



al ias



contemporary house. Quite a few of


his releases have recent ly become quite

The purpose of these designs were



primari ly to be used digital ly within

picked up by various wordlwide record

websites such as soundcloud, beatport

labels. This new fol lowing meant it was

and facebook, and needed to represent

time to create a more professional and

George as an artist as wel l as the songs

appeal ing identity.

he was making.

onl ine



Evaluation I real ly enjoyed this project as it was





nice just to experiment

any way I

hel ped me to develop my software

wanted with no speci fications for a final

and layout ski l ls. It also opened up

outcome. It was also interesting to work

a new approach to design for me and

along side a non-designer, intwining his

developed my confidence in it - the use

his ideas, suggestions and input, with

of photography. Up unti l now this is

my idea, design ski l ls and knowledge.

something I have strayed away from, so

I also real ly l iked the fact that the

was quite interesting to work with this.

focus of this project was music, as it

If I were to approach the brief again, I

is another large passion of mine; It was

think I would look into exsisting and

quite exiting l istening to the music and

simi lar work, as my design desisions

trying the create a visual representation

were completely improvised.

of this. 33.

Fu r r | A l b u m A r t wo r k



Furr Records


Furr Records is a record label owned by

The main ski l ls I gained from this brief

a friend of mine, Wi l l. Again, the label

was purely experimentation of patterns

primari ly focuses on electronic production

and layouts. Again, i real ly enjoyed working

and house music, but takes on sl ight ly more

for something focusing on music and

underground artists and genres. The label is

communicating visual representations of

reasonably new so has not released a huge

genres and sounds. It was also good to

amount of songs yet, but is hoping to gain

work alongside someone elses branding

more of a reputation as it progresses.

and incorporate this into the design. The main problem I was faced within during

Wi l l presented me with a brief to design him

this brief was the colour looking di fferent

some artwork for 2 of his releases. There

on di fferent screens. I find this problem

was no speci fication for what he wanted,

seems to occur on a regular basis with a

apart from the designs should represent

lot of my projects. To work around this in

the style of music and the sounds he was

future I think i need to start using pantone


swatches. If i were to do this project again I think I would research more into exsiting work to hel p drive my design decisions.



Yo k e | D i a l o g u e E x h i b i t i o n S u b m i s s i o n s



Yoke Dialogue Exhibition

My Submissions

Yoke is a duo based in Leeds with an aim

I executed my submissions i l lustratively

to create an exhibition space that spurs

and then rendered them digital ly. The

dialogue between creatives. The project

concept behind each focused on (at least

required designers to

submit designs

in my own view) humorous situations in

that wi l l be used in a bl ind col laboration.

which dialogue is used. There wasn't a

The theme of the designs was dialogue,

huge amount of logic put into any of these,

and submissions could take any form of

they were real ly just me mocking certain

the theme- reflecting direct ly on past

things that happen in the world such as



the development of technology effecting

spreading further afield to a representation

verbal communication, at the same time as

of what communication is today.

developing my i l lustration ski l ls.




Evaluation The initial reason I took part in the brief was down to the fact that it was so broad and I could approach it any way I wanted. I real ly enjoy i l lustrating the things that go on in my head, but due to the work load of the course it is not often I get to do this. I thought this would be an acceptable excuse, so spent an evening creating these. The main problem I was faced with was the fact that I had not read the submission guidel ines properly - the designs were to be purely black and white. If I had acknowledged this before designing I would have definately approached it di fferent ly, as the i l lustrations did not work as wel l when converted to pure black and white. This meant that the final prints looked pretty poor which was dissapointing. 40.



Summative Evaluation I real ly enjoyed this module; it has most definitely been my favourite so far. I can now see design more as a job as apposed to just something I do at col lege. During this module, I think the main ski l l I have developed is professional approaches towards work and cl ients. This time last year I couldn't imagine producing work to the standard I have with some of the outcomes from briefs in this module, nor could I imagine meeting, working with and being payed substantial amounts by cl ients. Working to strict deadl ines during the competition briefs has real ly hel ped me to not let mysel f fal l behind, and it just goes to show that a lot can be achieved in a smal l space of time. Through these briefs, I have become more confident in pushing the boundaries and extending the outcomes to what I think should be done, as apposed to just what is asked. My concept development ski l ls have definitely been improved through the work for BEAR cereal, and I feel I real ly appl ied these to the best of my abi l ity. Final ly, I feel I have real ly excel led in digital rendering and mockups, as this is not something I have done a lot of before, and lack of time on projects has led me to frequent ly experiment with this to present my ideas when it has not been possible to create physical ly. Through creating hand made mockups, my crafting ski l ls have to an extent developed, al lowing me to understand the possibi l ities of what can be done with a product which has then led my design decisions. Approaching projects by hand and then to digital has hel ped me develop not only my i l lustration but my understanding of what can be achieved using software. As wel l as this, col lecting primary research from cl ients and target audience has al lowed me to get more out of my work and determine my design decisions. I think concept development is one of my strengths as I am able to think outside the box, yet real ise when something is achievable enough to be used within the market in terms of practical ity and function. I wi l l continue to capital ise on this by always pushing mysel f and being aware of what is al ready out there and what people want. Il lustration has always been my main focal point on strength so I know I wi l l always continue to try and develop this, as I sti l l feel as though the standard to which I approach this is. Final ly, my abi l ity to take the audience into account when designing is something I feel I am good at and real ly directs my design in terms of aesthetic and tone of voice. I wi l l make sure this is always a main focus when developing my ideas. In terms of weaknesses, time and project management is definitely something I need to work on. It is very common for me to loose track of where I am with projects and fal l behind due to the fact I am not working to any sort of plan. In the future, I wi l l address this by developing a time plan and making sure I know what needs to be done for when. I feel I also need to experiment more and develop my ideas as much as I can, as apposed to just going for the first idea that appeals to me. This is something that happens quite regularly and I feel I need to keep pushing mysel f as the first idea isn't always the best. The col laborative project has made me real ise that working in a partnership is real ly hard. In the future I need to make sure roles are clear and that enthusiasm and motivation is kept to a high level, otherwise problems occur. If I were to undergo this module again, the 5 things I would do di fferent ly would be to plan my time wel l and create a project plan, to develop my ideas and experiment as much as I can, to not choose the first brief I find interesting; make sure I ful ly understand what and who I am working for and that I am actual ly going to gain something from it, take charge during group projects i f I feel that things are going downhi l l, and final ly extend the briefs further as apposed to doing the bare minimum. Attendance - 4 Punctual ity - 4 Motivation - 3 Commitment - 5 Quantity of work produced - 3 Qual ity of work produced - 3 Contribution to the group - 4


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